#like dream dragging them into a halloween store
llitchilitchi · 2 years
I said I was going to spam you questions about the vampire menace au and here I am :))))))))))
gosh i dont know where to start i want to know everything.
How do they meet? Did Dream know they where vampires right away? How did they figure out their uhhh (snack? supernatural??) dynamic? What's day to day life like for them?
You said this was a mostly soft au (:eyes: for now possibly, oh?), do you already have some ideas for those moments? Do you plan on writing anything for it or just art?
I am just :hearteyes: I love them so much your honour. They look so cute in your art style as well. I'm really out here giggling and twirling my hair.
- Uzumakifanfics
(I'll leave it at this for now........................ but I'll be back..........)
oh gosh hi!! hello!
thank you for all the questions :D I would love to answer all of them with full proper comics explaining some of the things, but there is only so many hours in the day
gonna give a little warning for some innuendos in the text :)
to start it all of, sapnap and george met dream in a nightclub. this is entirely for the purpose of the pun of sapnap asking dream if he could "suck him in the back".
in the universe of this au, supernatural beings kinda just live normally among regular humans, though there is not too many of them (to the point that some people doubt the existence of the supernatural), so sapnap and george came clear pretty early on. they took it slow, made extra sure that dream knows what he is getting into before properly going ahead and having a taste. and since the three of them got along quite well, it soon became a "friendship with benefits", so to speak. or as the vampire boys would say, "fresh blood tastes better than the packaged stuff they can get at the hospital."
by the current point in the au, their arrangement has been going on for quite a while, and sapnap and george offered that dream move in with them. george is pushing 200 years of age and sapnap is only about 20-30 years younger than him, and the two have been living together since around the 1890s, making them Practically Married. in short, they had a lot to offer to Dream, who definitely appreciates a proper house over a dorm room that doesn't have working heating half of the time.
Dream has certain obligations in the usual waking hours for humans and he has to be awake through the day, like classes and work, while sapnap and george tend to sleep. (they can still run errands. sunscreens and long sleeves, along with sunglasses and hats, do wonders for the vampires.) they like to participate in some ordinary human activities, especially when dream drags them along. the only thing they get mildly annoyed about is dream refusing to let them feed before he heads off to school or to work. but they are quite accomodating! and they enjoy the day to day life of the 21st century.
there is not too much of a routune to speak of, outside of dream's mortal life. I am still debating what to make of George and Sapnap, though I think twitch streamer Sapnap, a vampire born in the 19th century who now screams at Minecraft challenges, is too good to pass up.
I don't really have plans to write for this au and most of it will be limited to one off sketches and short comics of little snippets of their life (vast majority of which consists of Dream being far too easy to fluster and the vampire boys taking advantage of that). there might be further progress with a story once I introduce other characters, like Quackity, Karl and the rest of dtqk+, or Bad and Velvetfrost. for now though it will really just be them being cutesy together, unless a comment or asks gives me ideas to actually work on a plot.
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tortillamastersblog · 3 months
♕ No Matter What - Part 12 | Lena Luthor ♕
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Pairing: Lena Luthor x reader
Warnings: violence
Summary: The dinner with Lena doesn’t exactly go as planned. . .
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A permanent smile is etched on my face as I hurry to the convenience store. Not even the rain, or the cold can dampen my mood right now.
A gust of wind whips some rain in my face, so I pull my hood even further over my head and look down, focusing on not stepping into puddles.
I’ve always liked the rain, especially the sound of it against the pavement or a window, but I don’t like the cold that is starting to set in.
It’s the beginning of October and as I keep walking I think of everything that’s going to happen from now on.
Will Lena and I spend Halloween together? Is she one for dressing up?
What about Thanksgiving? Would she be up to celebrate with me, Sam, and Ruby, or does she want to keep what we have between just the two of us for a while?
And what about Christmas? And New Year’s?
What about my contract? When do I sign my resignation letter? When will I officially no longer be Lena’s bodyguard?
All those questions fill my head as I keep walking with my head down.
When I get to the store, I make quick work of getting everything we need before heading back out with a spring in my step.
I can’t wait to get back and see where the rest of the night goes. We’ll probably cook together, listening to music, then eat on the couch, watching a movie.
I’m not so sure about our sleeping arrangements from now on, but I’ll just wait and see how the night goes.
I grin like an idiot and think of Lena and how her lips tasted on mine. They were warm and soft and the kiss was more than I could have ever dreamed of.
She is incredible and I can’t believe she actually likes me even after I told her about Noah.
I’m so lost in thought that I don’t notice a figure stepping out of a dark alley to my left until it’s already too late.
With a sickening thud, a baseball bat makes contact with my back and I yelp, dropping to the ground. The groceries I just bought spill out of the paper bag and the bottle of Lena’s favorite wine I had enough afterthought to buy breaks on the curb. My whole back stings and my arms and legs tingle as a numb feeling spreads through them.
I writhe in pain and gasp for air like a fish out of water as the rain pelts down on me.
The guy that attacked me, bends down beside me. He has his hood pulled over his head and I can’t make out his face, but I do see the sickening smile that pulls at his lips.
“Tell Ms. Luthor her brother sends his regards.”
That’s all the he says before stalking off, his long coat billowing behind him as he vanishes around a corner.
I continue to try and catch my breath, whimpering every time I move because a blinding pain shoots up my spine and into my head.
I close my eyes and focus on breathing, partly aware of my now wet sweatpants sticking to my skin.
In and out.
In and out.
In and out.
Who was that guy? And what does Lex want from Lena? Have they been in contact? If so, why hasn’t she told me about it?
Minutes go by and I continue to stay on the ground, shaking. I haven’t been in this much pain since being shot in the shoulder.
A tear trickles down my cheek, mixing with the rain on my skin and I let out an involuntary sob.
Just a few minutes ago everything was perfect and the prospect of cooking dinner with Lena made me feel warm all over.
Now, I’m just cold.
After what feels like forever the sharp pain in my back finally subsides, leaving behind a dull ache.
It hurts when I breathe and I assume it’s because my spine and ribs are injured, but I have to get home somehow and because there’s not a single soul around to help me, I drag myself to my feet with a groan after gathering all the groceries off the ground.
The paper bag they were in is wet and falling apart, so I leave it along with the broken bottle of wine and carry everything else scooped up against my stomach.
I stumble back home, my back throbbing painfully in time with my racing heart and my uneven breaths and open the door to the apartment with trembling hands.
The warmth from inside does little to comfort me in my soaked clothes and I shudder, putting the groceries down by the door before slipping off my shoes.
Just then, Lena comes walking out of the bedroom, running a brush through her damp hair. She looks cozy in my shirt and sweatpants and for a split second I forget about what just happened.
“You sure did take your time,” she jokes, not really looking at me as she heads to her phone on the kitchen island.
I chuckle softly and slump back against the door. My eyes flutter shut and I lift a shaky hand to unzip my drenched jacket.
“You know, I was thinking we could watch that movie you told me about last week. What was it again? The Imitation Game?”
“Yeah,” I mumble, wincing when I peel my jacket off my body. It lands on the ground with a wet thud and I slump back against the door to catch my breath.
“Great. Now, did you get everything we need or— Oh my God ?!” I feel hands on my face within the next few seconds and I revel in the way the simple touch makes my skin tingle.
My eyes open slowly to find Lena watching me with wide and worry-filled eyes. Her hands rund down my neck and over my shoulders and I wince when the light pressure makes my back sting.
She immediately moves her hands back up and cups my cheeks again. “What happened? Where does it hurt?”
“M-my back. . .” Is all I manage to get out and Lena is quick to grab the hem of my hoodie.
Her eyes meet mine in silent question and I just nod, letting her guide the fabric up and over my head. I choke back a whimper when my arms drop back down to my side and don’t object when Lena’s hands land on my hips to turn me around.
Under different circumstances I’d be swooning, feeling her hands on me like this, but right now I just feel miserable.
“Oh my God, Y/N. . . Who did this to you?” she asks quietly, her voice breaking. Her warm hands travel up the side of my waist, but stop below where the bat struck.
She doesn’t dare to touch what I’m assuming is an already angry looking bruise and I’m thankful for it.
“We have to get you to a hospital,” she says. “Your spleen could have ruptured, or your lungs could be bruised. I’ll call Alfred to come and pick us up. Just wait here.”
“No, Lena we can’t. It’s too public,” I object, turning back around to face her.
Her eyebrows are pulled together in disbelief and she takes my hand, squeezing it. “It doesn’t matter. You’re hurt and—“
“No,” I say sternly. “We can’t.”
She pulls her hand back and clenches her jaw. “Why are you being so stubborn about this?! This isn’t about me! This is about you. You’re hurt and I’m not just going to stand here and do nothing about it. You need to see a doctor, Y/N!”
“It is about you!” I snap. “The guy who did this told me to tell you that Lex sends his regards!”
Lena’s whole face drops and she pales visibly. “What?”
I nod and hang my head shamefully, feeling bad for having snapped at her. I made it sound like she’s the reason this happened, so I step forward and take her hand, lacing our fingers together.
“I’m sorry. That came out wrong,” I say softly. “It’s not your fault this happened.”
Lena shakes her head with watery eyes and her chin begins to wobble. “No, no it is. I can’t believe this. I’m so sorry.”
“Stop, this is not your fault,” I say, closing the distance between us to wrap my arms around her in a hug. My back protests when she reciprocates the embrace, but I do my best to ignore it and focus on her. “Your brother is a grade A asshole and you have nothing to apologize for. Got it?”
Lena stays silent and I lean back to meet her eyes with raised eyebrows. “Got it?”
She sighs and blinks back her tears before nodding. I hum, satisfied, and press a lingering kiss to her forehead.
“You should still get your back looked at,” she argues weakly, one of her hands moving to lay flat against the small of my back.
“Lena, I can’t—“
“Yes you can,” she interrupts, her eyes widening when an idea comes to her. She pulls away completely and grabs her phone from the kitchen island. “Kara’s sister, Alex, is a doctor at a nearby government research facility. I’m sure she’ll be able help.”
I want to object but Lena’s already on the phone with Alex, explaining the situation and nodding along to whatever the woman on the other end is saying.
I shiver, still soaking wet, and head to the bedroom to change into a new set of comfortable clothes.
It’s a bit of a struggle to get a sweatshirt over my head, so I opt for a zip-up hoodie, sighing when the soft fabric makes contact with my tender back.
I sit on the edge of my bed and rub my eyes with a tired sigh.
“You ready?” Lena asks a few minutes later, appearing in the doorway with her phone in her hand.
“I guess,” I say quietly. “But what about dinner?”
Her eyes soften. “Let’s postpone it until you’re feeling better.”
I pout and hang my head. I was really looking forward to cooking with her but she’s right. I really need to get checked out to make sure I don’t have any internal bleeding.
“Okay, let’s go,” I say, getting up and following Lena out of the apartment after we both put on some shoes and a jacket.
Alfred’s already waiting for us and ushers us into the car before driving off.
The radio is turned off and the only sound I can focus on is the rain against the windshield and Lena’s soft breathing next to me.
I can feel her watching me, especially when we drive over a bump in the road and I wince, but I don’t acknowledge it. I’m still trying to process what happened and I’m not in the mood to talk right now.
So, instead, I move my hand to the space between us and turn it so my palm is facing up.
Lena’s eyes drop down and she gets what I want immediately, sliding her hand into mine and intertwining our fingers with a soft squeeze.
I lean my head against the window and close my eyes.
I must have drifted off for a few minutes because when Lena squeezes my hand and I open my eyes, I notice that we’re parked outside a huge glass skyscraper with two towers.
Lena gives me an encouraging nod and disconnects our hands so we can get out after Alfred opens the door from outside.
It’s still raining, so we hurry toward the dimly-lit lobby where I noticed a dark figure already waiting for us.
As we come closer I recognize her as Kara’s sister and she wordlessly leads us inside, past two security guards who eye us with some curiosity.
We take a glass elevator up a couple of floors and when we step out, I’m blinded by fluorescent lights.
The lobby was mostly dark and deserted, but up here the place is bustling with people. We get a few weird looks here and there, but no one actually seems to mind our presence.
Alex leads us down a hallway before turning right and entering a spacious room. Theres an examination table right in the middle of it and it’s surrounded by a heart rate monitor and other medical equipment I can’t put a name to.
“So, Lena told me what happened and I think it’s best if we do an ultrasound first,” Alex says, gesturing for me to get on the examination table.
I nod wordlessly and get on the table, looking up to find Lena standing by the door, anxiously chewing on her thumb. She hasn’t said a word since we left the apartment and I have the feeling it’s because she feels guilty for what happened.
“Could you maybe take off your hoodie?” Alex asks, pulling my attention away from the young CEO and I nod, taking it off with a wince.
I don’t know her all that well, but I have met her a couple of times because she sometimes joins Kara and Lena’s lunch get-togethers.
“Alright, now just lie back and try to relax,” she says, smiling softly when she senses my ever growing anxiety.
What if I’m actually seriously injured? Will I need surgery? Where will I stay? More importantly, where will Lena stay?
I swallow thickly and do as I’m told, lying down with a poorly suppressed whimper. It seems to snap Lena out of her trance and she wordlessly joins my side, tentatively placing her hand on my shoulder.
Alex glances between the two of us with an unreadable expression before squirting some ultrasound gel onto the transducer.
She turns off the light and takes a seat next to the examination table before getting to work.
The gel is cold on my skin and I suck in a breath, feeling Lena tense beside me.
Alex raises an eyebrow. “You okay?”
I nod sheepishly and ball my hands into fists. “Yeah. Sorry. It’s just a little cold.”
She smiles softly and gets back to doing whatever it is she’s doing, running the transducer all over my abdomen.
I look at the screen of the ultrasound machine even though I don’t know what I’m supposed to be looking for. Everything looks blurry, a mix of grays, blacks and whites, but it must mean something to Alex because after a while she stops and hands me some paper towels to wipe off the excess gel.
“Well, you don’t have any internal bleeding as far as I can tell. You’re kidneys and your spleen are both in tact,” she says, getting up to turn the lights back on.
Lena lets out a barely audible breath of relief and helps me sit up.
“Thank you, Alex.” I say. “For doing this, I mean.”
“Of course,” she says softly, gesturing for me to stand up and turn around so she can examine my back and ribs.
Her hands carefully run down the length of my spine and I gasp, biting my tongue to stop myself from crying out in pain. Then, she moves her hands to press on either side of my ribcage and again I squeeze my eyes shut to will away the tears pooling in the corner of my eyes.
When she finally stops touching me, I start shaking and I stumble sideways. Lena is quick to put her hands on my shoulders and guides me to lean against the examination table.
Her eyes are filled with worry, raking up and down my body before they meet mine. Her eyebrows are furrowed and the look she’s giving me is heartbreaking, so I try to reassure her with a small smile.
It has the exact opposite effect though because it’s more of a grimace than a smile, and Lena bites the inside of her cheek and averts her eyes.
“Alright, as far as I can tell nothing is broken, but we should get an x-Ray of your back just to make sure,” Alex says, scribbling something down on a notepad.
I nod and let her lead me into a small, adjacent room, leaving Lena behind.
The room is equipped with an x-ray machine and Alex makes quick work of getting all the shots she needs before taking me back to the other room.
“You can put your clothes back on,” she says, taking a seat by one of the computers.
Lena grabs my hoodie and holds it up so I can slip it on without straining my back too much. I thank her quietly and go to stand next to Alex who while I got dressed, pulled up the images of my x-rays on the computer.
She zooms in on my spine and ribs, looking for fractures while explaining what exactly she’s looking for.
Lena joins my side, her shoulder brushing against my arms as she leans forward to get a better look herself.
Her eyebrows are furrowed in concentration and her eyes shine with interest as Alex goes on talking and I can’t help but watch her rather than listen to what Alex is saying.
Only when she sighs in relief do I direct my attention back to Alex who’s smiling softly, having obviously noticed my distraction.
“So?” I asks, feeling slightly embarrassed that I didn’t hear what she ultimately said.
“You’re going to be okay,” she says. “Just take it easy for a couple of days and put ice on your back if necessary.”
I smile, relieved, and thank her with a heartfelt handshake.
“No problem,” she says, turning off all the lights and leading us back to the elevator.
When we get to the lobby, Lena hugs her tightly, something I didn’t dare to do because I don’t know her that well.
They exchange a few hushed pleasantries and after Alex assures her she’ll say hi to Kara from her, we part ways.
Alfred, who hasn’t moved the car, gets out of it and opens the door for us with a polite nod.
The drive home is silent just like the way over and I close my eyes, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over me.
I noticed Lena keeping somewhat of a distance between the two of us while Alex was around, probably because this thing between us, whatever it is, is still brand new, but now she’s basically glued to my side.
She’s sitting in the middle seat, one of her hands in mine while the other is curled around my arm.
She looks at our intertwined hands, lost in thought, but I don’t ask her about it until we’re back at the apartment.
“Are you alright?” I ask when we settle down on the couch after ordering some takeout. “You’re awfully quiet. . .”
Lena cuddles into my side, mindful of my back, and takes my hand to run her fingers over my knuckles. “I just. . . I’m scared, Y/N. I knew Lex wanted to get back at me for testifying against him during his trial, but I never thought he’d target you.”
“I get it,” I say, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “You have a right to be scared, but you need to know that it’s not your fault. This scares me, too, I’m not going to lie, but my number one priority— no matter what happens between us— is to keep you safe.”
Lena hums and rests her head against my chest, her eyes focused on the black screen of the turned-off TV.
I know I’m not getting through to her, but I don’t want to push her, so I close my eyes and rest my cheek against the top of her head.
Tomorrow’s a new day and we can talk more then. For now I just want to eat dinner and go to bed.
Hi! Sorry for the delay, but like I said I’m super busy at the moment, so updates will be a little slow.
Tag list: @nerethos @orange15quote @nuianced-tck-enby @autorasexy @unexpected-character @nothisismax @wandatasha
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soubi122 · 11 months
Sweet Dreams - PT 3 End
It took me forever to finish this and I apologize, I had to scrap and redo this story line so many times because I wasn't happy with it. Finally, I'm happy with it.
Happy Halloween my loves! I hope you enjoy.
Mini series featuring our OG Tenjiku men. All characters are aged up. Our Tenjiku men are...INCUBI!
Warnings: smut, m!oral, fingering, unprotected sex, thigh riding, monster fucking (kind of....maybe...), slight angst at the end, death. Sorry if I missed anything!
PT 1, PT 2
Dinner Is Served
You were scrambling around the grocery store trying to look for something to put together for dinner tonight. Izana asked you to surprise him, so there really wasn’t any indication of what he wanted to eat. While standing in the aisle, you were scrolling down a list of recipes. A large hand was placed over your shoulder and you squeaked in surprise almost dropping your phone. Spinning around to face a tall figure, you see Mucho behind you. His large frame and threatening presence would have anyone else quivering but you relaxed and smiled at him. “Ready for tonight?” His smirk was poking fun at you, you looked flustered - he saw a distracted female figure when he was passing by the aisle. He knew it was you by your scent - it was imprinted on him. 
“I um-no.” You sigh in defeat as your shoulders hung low. It was hard, you wanted to make something delicious, you wanted him to like your cooking, you wanted him to be satisfied and not force himself to eat something he doesn’t like. “Help me.” You say in almost a plea, you clung on to his arm - he was thrown off by your sudden actions. He had to make sure that he didn’t accidently lure you. Nope, it was all you. “What the hell are you doing?” Another voice questioned you two from down the aisle. It was Mochizuki - he was concerned that Izana might pop out of nowhere and see this little private moment. You turned to look at him and ran to cling on to his arm as well while dragging Mucho behind you. “Help me Mochi, please!” It was the funniest thing to see a tiny little thing haul two of the tallest Tenjiku members around like they were ragdolls. “I don’t know what to make for him tonight, what does he like? What does he eat? IS there something I need to steer clear from?” You were going on and on with questions that you hardly notice Shion now in the mix. Well, that is until you felt a hand on your lower back. Now you had three men being dragged around with you at the grocery store. They ended up carrying your groceries and accompanying you back home. 
You thanked them and promised them a dinner or favor in return for their help today. The coy smirks on their faces hinted at taking you up on that favor. 
You began prepping and decided to take a risk - it was something foreign and yet it was a comfort food that reminded you of a trip abroad. By 18:30, Izana was already at your doorstep and proceeded to ring the doorbell. “Coming!” He could hear you yell from the other side of the door. When you opened the door, you were taken back by the small bouquet of flowers that he held in his hands. “Couldn’t come empty handed…” He said with a playful tone on his tongue. They were beautiful, red azaleas (rhododendrons) - their color stood out against the black button up he was wearing and oldly matched his earrings. “Thank you, they are gorgeous.” You said and smiled, he could almost see the hearts in your eyes when you took them. It made him chuckle, some women really do like the simpler things in life - all his past playthings usually looked disappointed to receive flowers, they wanted extravagant gifts. After stepping inside, you set the flowers in a glass vase with water and guided him to the kitchen. 
“I hope you don’t mind eating something rather light for tonight.” You say while setting the table. Izana’s eyes trailed up and down your figure as you walked back and forth between the kitchen and the table. The midi skirt and button up blouse made you look so innocent, a stark difference to how you are in your dreams. “Need help?” His voice was almost in your ear and made you gasp. He was leaning over you to take a look inside the pan and smiled when you looked up at him. Those cute little doe eyes of yours were making it hard for him to keep his composure. How could you stay so calm around them? Was it that you were already used to their presence? “Sure, wanna get the drinks? I have wine, water and soft drinks.” Oh you just sealed your fate, he opted for wine and he knew just which bottle to grab when he opened your cabinet. The bottle of Barrel X Riesling paired well with tonight’s dinner. 
Finally, it was time to eat. Izana had already poured the wine and took a seat at the table, he smirked at you when you set his plate down - you were in for it. There was a slight nervousness that bubbled up, you were confident of your cooking skills but cooking for someone else was rare. “I hope you’re ok with it, please let me know if you don’t and I can try making something else or we can go out for dinner instead-” He cut you off with a chuckle, “This is fine, I’m sure it will taste great.” You were waiting for him to take the first bite, you wanted to see his facial expression - would he like it? It was as if everything was going in slow motion, your eyes were focused on his lips. The moment his mouth wrapped around the utensil you braced yourself for impact. There was almost a glow in his eyes, he took a second bite and then a third. Izana was eating your food.
“Where did you learn to cook like this? It tastes amazing.” He says with a cheeky smile. The stress melted away, you were glad he liked it. “I watched a lot of cooking shows as a kid and fell in love with food - please try it with the wine.” You suggested and began to eat. Small conversations about work and life made their way to the table. Things were going smoothly, well that is until you felt the warmth of the wine creeping up your cheeks. After dinner, you began to set the plates in the sink and Izana offered to wash the dishes for you but you refused - that’s why you have a dishwasher. Leaving them in the sink was just to avoid spending time arranging the dishes, you wanted to spend time with him. 
Throughout the night there were subtle hints, you both took a seat on the couch while sipping on the rest of the wine. For some background noise, you turned on the TV and just let it run on a random channel. Curiosity began to gnaw at you, his scent was intoxicating and made you feel rather lightheaded. “So, how do you like living in this cozy little neighborhood?” You ask while taking a sip. Izana smiled and leaned back into the couch. “I like it, it's nice, not too far from public transportation, I have a really amazing neighbor…” Wait, what? Was he referring to the woman who was all over their place when they first moved in? There is a woman on the opposite side of Izana's place that loves to…well, be more than just a neighbor. You don't blame her, the men next door are handsome, it's not like they are yours. “Ah, are you referring to the lady in 311?” You ask, there was a tinge of disappointment on your tongue. He chuckled. “Yeah, she's nice.” Oof, did that sound rather sarcastic? 
“You idiot, I’m talking about you.” Izana said and leaned in close to you. The sudden action made your heart pound. “(Y/N), I don’t know what you are but you…draw us in.” He said and cupped your cheek. There was a glow in his eyes that made warmth pool between your legs. His breath fanned your lips and the light scent of alcohol made you slowly lean in. Both of you had shaky breathing, the anticipation was killing you both - as your lashes fluttered and your eyes closed…
“Breaking news this evening! Two women’s bodies were found in an abandoned building. Police say that this is a growing problem in the area of Yokohama.” The sound of the TV caught your attention, making you pull away from Izana. Fuck, he was so close! “(Y/N)...” He said and tried to catch your attention. “Did you hear that? I think this is the fourth body this week.” You say and raise the volume. Damn, did you just…ignore his lure? “The women have been identified as (x female) and (y female).” The announcement made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. However, Izana looked just as concerned as you did. Something wasn’t right. “Oh my god.” You say and clasp your hands over your face. Izana turned to look at you, the look of pure shock and fear plagued your beautiful features. 
They were women that worked in the same office building as you. “(Y/N)...did you know them?” Izana asks carefully. Turning to look at him, the look in his eyes was sincere with a glint of concern. You shook your head, they were only people you would say good morning to when you caught the elevator together. “No, but they worked in the same building as me. I would see them every day...how awful.” As the news broadcast continued, they revealed that they were last seen with two men. The description was vague but something didn’t sit right. Something…something just sounded a little too familiar. Trying to ease your mind Izana lowered the volume and cupped your hands in his. Bringing them up to his lips, he kissed them and spoke softly. “If you want, one of us can meet you at the station or even at work.” He was being genuine, the increasing amount of violence in the downtown areas were concerning, not even Tenjiku could control the outer borders despite their size and strength. New gangs were beginning to pop up to try and take over Yokohama and the Shibuya areas. Though he could give two shits about Shibuya or Shinjuku - it would eventually become an issue for Yokohama if those gangs bleed on Tenjiku turf. 
For a moment you felt your heart skip, Izana just made you realize that he kissed your hands and was oh so close. Blush dusted your face and heat began to spread through your body. Looking up to meet his eyes, you felt it… That uncontrollable desire to lean in and close the distance. His lips curved into a smile, his eyes seemed to drown you in anticipation and his touch felt like fire. “I won’t let anyone hurt you…” He whispered and slowly closed the distance between your faces. The closer he got, the more warmth pooled in places that yearned to be touched. Izana’s orbs seemed to glow the more you looked into his eyes. You hardly noticed his hands caressing your cheek, it only became apparent when he pulled you in to place a kiss on your plush lips. He tasted like sweet wine and sin. 
His kiss felt like electricity, the single spark lured you like a moth to a flame. Izana nibbled on your bottom lip, he wanted for you to give him permission to taste you. With a soft moan, you parted your lips and granted him access. Even though he’s kissed you in your dreams, it didn’t feel the same as it did now - this was truly heaven. Soft moans bled through the passionate kisses, you could barely breathe. His arms were snaking their way around your body and left trails of fire. 
Trying to speak between kisses you end up moaning for him. “Izana… Mhn…” His tongue kept overwhelming yours - he was giving you goosebumps. Your hands made haste and quickly undid the buttons of his shirt. He was just too hard to resist right now. What am I doing? I can't stop myself. You think to yourself as you run your hands along his chest. He was toned and the moment you lowered yourself to place kisses on his chest you were hit with his scent. It was like a neurotoxin that kept altering your train of thought. That rich grapefruit, tuberose and cedarwood had you under a spell. “(y/n), if we go any further… you might not live to see tomorrow.” Izana's tone was heavy as he pants and cups your face, tilting your head upwards to meet his eyes. The only things reflected in your orbs were lust, hunger and just a tinge of fear. The fear stemmed not from what he said but from what you're feeling. You’ve never felt like this before, you wanted him… Bad. 
“Izana… I want you.” You manage to say while dipping your hands south to his zipper. The glow in his eyes seemed to get brighter as you unzipped his pants and reached for his member. His breath hitches at the warmth of your hands, his member was twitching and throbbing as you gaze upon it. Hungry eyes were devouring every vein, every inch and every drop of precum that leaked from his tip. It's as if you were hypnotized, the hearts in your eyes only grew bigger as your hand stroked him and his essence dripped down his slit. It was heavy in your hands, everything that a girl could ask for - length, girth, a red flushed tip. Without even asking him, your tongue took one long and slow swipe from the base of his cock to the very tip. Tasting him and basking at the sweetness that coated your tongue you moaned softly, Izana didn't want you to stop. “Oh fuck, (y/n)...” He moaned out your name and lightly bucked his hips. Who would have known that the sweet and shy girl next door was a minx? 
The moment you took his length in your mouth he threw his head back in pleasure. You could feel your panties sticking to your folds. Without warning you took him deeper into your mouth, his tip was hitting the back of your throat and he let out the sweetest moan. You had no control of yourself, the intoxication was beyond your understating - desire kept burning the threads of self-control. To be honest, if someone were to walk in on you two now - it would look like you were holding him hostage. 
Izana’s hand ran through your hair, stopping at the base of your neck and gripped it. His moans were getting louder as you bobbed your head, tasting him nice and slow. “Ngh…such a good girl…” He barely manages to say when you swirl your tongue over his tip. His chest heaved and his heart was pounding nonstop, the love and attention you were giving his cock was making him fall in love. Who would have known that you were hiding such…talents. As you gazed up at him, you could see his eyes were at half mast, glossy and filled with lust. 
Stroking his member as you sucked had his thighs quivering. He’s always been the one to break the other person but here he was on the verge of making you swallow his seed. Locking eyes with him only made you go faster, his gorgeous expressions and reactions made you almost melt. Silver strands were sticking to his face and his hips were beginning to thrust into you. There was just no way to stop yourself, Izana just tasted so good and you had no intention of stopping just here. “Ahn…fuck.” Izana moans out loud as he feels your tongue massaging his length. His stomach would flex each time you hit a sensitive spot and you wanted to see him finish. You needed him to finish in your mouth, to feed you everything he’s got. 
Each time his tip hit the back of your throat, you’d moan and clench instinctively. Izana’s lewd whimpers were making fire in your belly. To see him in this state was priceless. Those beautiful long white lashes were fluttering, his eyes were glossy, his lips parted - he looked so gorgeous that you thought it was all a dream. “Just like that (Y/N), just like that…oh fuck” He moans, you could feel the rumbling in his chest when your hand kept him pinned down on the couch. Picking up the pace, you hollow your cheeks and stroke him - adding more pleasure to his already sensitive cock. The vibrations from your moans had Izana lightly bucking his hips, he wanted you to devour him whole. For once a human was making him see stars. 
“(Y/N)...I’m gonna cum…” Izana says while pulling you impossibly close to him. He threw his head back and his vision went white as his coil snapped and feral moans were escaping his pretty lips while his essence was going down your throat. Never have you tasted anyone so sweet. There was so much that his cum was dripping down the corners of your mouth. Thick white ropes dripped down your chin to the floor. After draining him, he released you and his member came out of your mouth with a ‘pop’. Licking your lips, you indulged in his taste - he was addicting. 
His chest was heaving as he was coming down from his high. You remained on your knees waiting for him like a good girl to be given praise or instructions on what to do next. Izana slowly opened his eyes, he was in a daze. Without a second thought, he pulled up off the floor and sat you on his lap. “I warned you…” He said in a low and heavy tone. He was making you puddy in his hands. His hands slipped under your skirt and in between your thighs. Izana could feel lace and oh how the slick dripped down his knuckles when he thrusted two fingers inside you. All this excitement from just giving him head? He loved it, you were different from other women, you were burning with desire. Your hands wrapped themselves around his neck and your lips crashed into his. The kiss was hungry and rough, biting his lip only made him thrust quicker and deeper. Beads of sweat were rolling down the sides of your faces, the heat created in this space fogged up the windows and the room was thick with sin. 
A jolt of pleasure was felt when he pressed his palm against your clit. The sweetest moan escaped your throat. “You wanna cum, my little dove?” Izana’s tone was low and coy, he was sending shivers down your spine and making your thighs quiver. With a shameless nod you proceeded to grind your hips into his palm. His left arm pulled you closer and held you in place so that you couldn’t move your hips. You tried to move your hips but he did not budge, making you whimper and pout. “Answer me, (Y/N).” His menacing tone and piercing eyes made a knot in your stomach, you were about to cum just from hearing him talk to you like this. “Y-Yes! I want to cum!” You answer him pathetically and whine. Desperation was clawing at you, you needed release, you needed to satisfy the urge…you needed him. 
Izana withdrew his fingers from your dripping cunt and popped them into your mouth. “Suck…” He demands and tears begin to line your waterline, you looked upset - you wanted his fingers inside you. When you proceeded to clean his digits, he forced your hips down onto his thigh. That glow in his eyes returned and he began to move your hips, grinding your heat against his thigh. “What’s wrong, love? You wanted my fingers to make you cum?” He says teasingly and smirks at you. Izana’s demeanor changed, he was being cruel but you couldn’t help but savor it. You hum in response, a subtle yes. “Or maybe… you wanted something more?” He teases you. Quickening the pace of your hips, your eyes gloss over and drool begins to drip down your chin. He chuckles coyly and drinks in your expressions, you were caught between no - out of shame and yes out of desire. 
Riding his thigh, you could feel your coil tighten and knots in your stomach - you were desperate. The hand that was on your hips moved north to your chest and popped the buttons of your blouse. To see the lacey bra you had on gave him an idea that you were looking forward to this more than he was. “Aww, for me? You shouldn’t have.” His brazen tone had stars forming in your vision. When he pulled the cup down, he toyed with the pebbled nub and licked his lips. Barely being able to keep it together, your hips couldn’t stop - he felt the slick seep through the cloth. Just a little more and you’d make a mess all over him. “Tell me… are these the types of dreams you’ve been having with them? Hmm?” Oh he hit the nail on the head. These were in fact the types of dreams you’ve been having with each Tenjiku member. Whether it was the Haitani Brothers, Shion, Mucho, Mochi or Kakucho - your body craved their touch. Some dreams were innocent with kisses and light groping - others were a little more illicit. However, the thing was that to you they were innocent wet dreams. For them, it was as real as the sun and moon. 
Your blush deepened. The moment you were to shake your head no, Izana stuck his fingers further down your throat, making you gag around them. “No? You haven’t been having wet dreams about us?” He was humiliating you and putting you on the spot. The tears streaming down your face only further lit the fire inside him. The arm that pulled the lace cup down, returned to its original position and wrapped itself around your waist. Pushing you down harder against his thigh, he shifted a little on the couch - raising his knee. It’s at that moment that you felt a jolt of electricity. He leaned in to kiss your chest and traced his tongue around your nipple, the cool air gave you goosebumps. When he began to suck and lightly bite down, your vision went white and your moans got louder and louder, they were almost screams of pure bliss and pleasure. Izana had you cumming like never before, your body felt ecstasy for the first time. 
His whole thigh was soaked in your juices. Your body slowed it pace and then stopped, Izana had to help steady you - you were so close to collapsing. The pounding in your chest was so loud that you couldn’t hear him, his muffled voice slowly got louder and louder. “(Y/N)?” You could barely respond to him, he noticed how dazed you were and nuzzled his face into your chest to listen to the sound of your heart beating. “We should stop…” He pouted and held you close. Knowing that he could end your life if he keeps going, Izana decided it was best not to go any further. As much as he wanted to feel your tight cunt clench around his length, he didn’t wanna hurt you and wanted to keep seeing you. 
Weakly pouting, you beg him to fuck you. You beg him to put his length inside you. "N-no! Please, Izana…." You almost cry pathetically for him. What was wrong with you? You've never felt so needy for someone before, you were desperate for him and hearing him say those words made your chest hurt. The fire in your eyes only made it harder to resist the urge, Izana had to fight himself just to stand his ground. "We can't…" His whisper ended up pushing you to the edge. You cupped his chin and leaned in to place an ardent kiss on his lips. It was slow, sensual and full of desire. "Take me…" You say between kisses and move hips over him - you were no longer straddling his thigh. Feeling his member harden between your folds sent a shiver down your spine. The slow grind of your hips had his member  throbbing, it needed attention now too. 
Izana couldn't fight it anymore. He picked you up and took you to your bedroom, through the darkness he navigated your home as if he’s been here before. The moment he laid you down, he backed away into the darkness to close the door while removing his clothes. He looked like an angel, the moonlight from outside made his white hair stand out. When he was out of the light, you began to remove your clothing, excitement clinged on your every fiber. "I will miss you, (Y/N)... You're the one I didn't want to kill…" Being spellbound was no joke, you were too dazed to even comprehend what he said. As he emerges from the dark and into the moonlight, curved horns, fangs and wings now adorned his body. This was a first, showing his true form to you, even in dreams they remained in human form so that you wouldn’t fear them. However it only made you crave him even more. Izana crawls on top of you and hovers over you, he leans in, letting you gaze upon him, he was indeed still as beautiful as ever. "Are you afraid?" He asked and nuzzled his nose into your cheek. There was a small sense of dread inside him, he didn't want you to fear him, he wanted you to love him in his true form. 
Caressing his face, your hands slowly make their way up to touch his horns, Izana flinches and closes his eyes in fear. Their texture was a little rough, you’ve never in your wildest dreams thought that fairytales and folklore like this would be true. Then it hit you. Your internet search for an explanation of the bruise like spots on your body came up with Incubi as one of the reasons. Your giggle made him open his eyes, the look on your face wasn’t of fear it was euphoric. The smile on your face confused him, did he break you or was this a moment before tragedy? “This explains the bruises on my skin when you first moved in.” Relief washed over him, this wasn’t the reaction he was expecting but he welcomed it. “Izana…you're beautiful.” Your confession made his heart skip a beat - for the first time in his life, he was called beautiful in his true form. “Are the others also…” You ask shyly. He hums a yes and begins to kiss your neck, his length would twitch and throb between your legs with each open mouthed kiss. There was no hesitation, no fear - only love and desire.
The moment his tip prodded your entrance, you felt the air snatched from your lungs, he was a lot to take in. “Ah…too big…” You whimper and clench the sheets. His hands searched for yours and he laced his fingers with yours, pinning them above you. Instinctively, your legs wrapped themselves around his waist and you braced yourself. “You can take me, right (Y/N)?” He says and hovers his face just above yours, those violet eyes were eating up your vulnerable expression. He knew he was going to put you in a word of pain with his next move. Izana reeled his hips back and thrusted his entire length inside your velvet walls. The immense pressure had tears welling in your eyes and you let out a loud moan. Trying to adjust to him was hard, he filled up your pretty cunt to the brim, you could feel the vein on his length and how it pulsed. Your walls clenched around him, wanting to spit him out but oh how it loved his cock bullying its way in. 
His right hand brought your wrists together and kept them pinned down while his left hand snaked its way down your waist and hips. He was going to keep your hips in place as he thrusted slow and hard. “Come on my little dove, you can handle it - it’s what you wanted, yeah?” Izana’s sultry tone had your mind muddled with sweet sin and pain. A string of curses escapes your lips as you moan and bite your lip, trying to hold in the scream that was building up - fuck he was making your legs shake already. Nothing could have prepared you for the wave of pleasure that was setting in. When you pouted and lifted your head to ask for a kiss, he smirked and pulled away, “Answer me, (Y/N).” Your needy whimper and shaky ‘yes’ made him smirk and he crashed his lips on yours. Your spine was tingling and your chest was filled with warmth, his affectionate kiss and movements were an express ticket to heaven. 
While distracted by the taste of his lips, you didn’t notice how his palm was now touching your lower abdomen. Well, that is until he pressed on it and you felt it, his cock was so deep that it was making belly bulge - you could hear him chuckle. When he pulled away so that you could catch your breath, he released your wrists and sat up on his knees. Izana looked like a prince - no, a king - who were you kidding? He looked like a fucking god. Being in such a heavy daze, you barely managed to hear him tell you to look down. Leaning up on your elbows, you take in the view and moonlight cascaded perfectly on your bodies. You could see his cock move in and out and how it created a belly bulge worthy of envy. 
Your eyes widened and he could tell it excited you, your cunt clenched around him the moment your eyes landed on your lower belly. Drool started to slip from the corner of your mouth, he was fucking you stupid and your body couldn’t handle it. Seeing you all fucked out, he couldn’t help but pick up his pace. He wanted to see you break. Izana’s rough pace, had you throwing your head back in ecstasy and bliss - you were no longer able to control it. Your moans grew louder and your chest was heaving, you were struggling to breathe. It felt as if the energy was being drained from you. “I-Izana! I’m gonna cum…oh god.” You moan and pant. The next thing you knew his lips were on yours, he was devouring you - he too became a moaning mess. You caressed his face and brought him in closer. “I’m gonna miss you my little dove…” He says between kisses and ferally grunts, his release as close. 
The unmistakable sensation ran down your spine and your vision went white. Your hands released him and gripped the bedsheets, you needed something, anything to hold on to. His hips stuttered as he painted your walls white. Both of you were left breathless and in a daze, your breathing slowed and he felt tears prick his eyes when he came down from his high. Your body stopped moving and felt limp. “...fuck.” Izana said as he pulled out and struggled to look up at you. “I’m sorry, (Y/N).” He said and rested his head into your chest and listened to the last beats of your heart. Izana realized that he had tears streaming down his face, this was a first - he’s never heard of any other incubi shedding tears after a meal. Slowly, he raised his head and looked at your lifeless body. It just looked like you were peacefully sleeping but he knew full well that you were gone. Even in death you remained beautiful. He brushed the hair away from your face and placed a kiss on your forehead. “Goodnight my love…” Izana says and leaves - he had to prepare his alibi and get the rest of Tenjiku to help him wash away all evidence that he was here. Nothing could prepare them for the aftermath of your death. 
Tags: @reiners-milkbiddies @anxious-chick
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jokeringcutio · 11 months
Halloween scary movie Arthur Fleck x Reader
I had the idea of Arthur Fleck getting really into classic horror movies around Halloween and impersonating Dracula because he thinks it'll help him seduce a woman. I think he'd have a crush on a pretty neighbor and stalk her imagining he's being romantic like Dracula, then maybe on Halloween she's dressed up like a vampire too and he calls her his bride. Up to you how they get together ❤️
Yes to reciprocated romance, yes to smut. (I hope he's not a complete virgin in this fic) thanks so much if you decide to do this one!
AN: Follow me for more Halloween Reader Inserts. More stories will follow this month.
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Dracula – Arthur Fleck x Reader Fandom: Joker (2019) Pairing: Arthur Fleck x Reader Rating: Explicit Summary: Arthur thinks dressing up as Dracula will help him seduce his neighbor: you.
Warnings: Explicit Sexual content, smoking (Arthur), laughing during sex.
Your apartment was small, but it was home. A dream of a bigger place tugged at your heart, but for now, this would have to do. The wallpaper curled at the edges, peeling back to reveal the white plaster beneath. Your furniture was mismatched and worn, but comfortable and familiar. You were content. And besides, your neighbors were nice. They weren’t giving you too much trouble, unlike the apartment where you’d lived before.
Sounds from next door filtered through the thin walls, distracting you from your thoughts. Somewhere, the television blared, unmistakable screams and creaking doors echoing in your ears. Old horror movies, you recognized them immediately. Arthur Fleck must be watching them again. Your neighbor on that side. It was either him or his mom, but you’d talked a few times to the kind old lady and she had told you about her son’s love for the old classics.
As you moved into the kitchen, your thoughts lingered on Arthur. He was an enigma, a quiet man with a haunted look in his eyes. Though you'd seldom spoken, something about him drew you in, like a moth to a flame. You wondered what secrets lay behind those green eyes.
Reaching for the cupboard, your hand grasped at nothing but air. Shit. You were out of sugar. Closing the cupboard with a sigh, you grabbed your coat and wallet, resigned to making a store run. You hadn’t even noticed the noises from next door had stopped a little while ago.
Stepping into the hallway, you froze.
There stood Arthur in his doorway, dressed as a vampire, a cigarette dangling from his lips. His lean frame was draped in a black cloak, the collar upturned, obscuring part of his face. The flickering light of the hallway cast eerie shadows across his pale skin.
You’d caught him smoking in the hall before and knew that he did it to spare his mom’s asthma. But never had you caught him like this before. Dressed in such a way. It actually looked good on him.
"Evening," he croaked, smoke curling from his mouth as he spoke.
"Arthur," you replied, unable to tear your gaze away from his costume. "You're... really getting into the Halloween spirit, huh?"
He smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "What can I say? I've always been attracted to the darkness."
You could tell by the tone in his voice that he was deliberately trying to sound mysterious and alluring, and you thought it was working.
"Speaking of darkness," you said, leaning against the wall opposite of him, eyes locked with his, "I heard you were watching some old horror movies. What's on tonight's menu?"
"Ah, yes," Arthur replied, taking a drag from his cigarette, exhaling smoke like a mythical creature. "Tonight, it's all about Dracula."
"Dracula? The ladies' man of vampires," you teased, your eyes dancing with amusement.
"Exactly," he chuckled, the smoke curling around him as he spoke. "He always manages to seduce the most beautiful women. Can’t help a man being a bit jealous…Maybe there's something to learn from him, don't you think?"
"Are you suggesting that becoming a vampire would improve your love life?" you asked, a playful smile tugging at your lips.
"Who knows?" Arthur mused, a hint of flirtation in his voice. "It seems to work for the undead."
You studied him for a moment, from the way his chest moved as he took another deep drag of his cigarette, to the way his fingertips were locked around the little stick. He was a fine man, you thought - you could not help it. The way his lips curled around his cigarette… how you wished that was you. To be held in his hands, to be caressed by his lips.
Wait, what were you thinking? Blushing heavily, you quickly pushed yourself away from the wall.
"Maybe it's not the fangs or the immortality," you said, the warmth of attraction blooming within you. "Maybe it's just the confidence and mystery that come with being a vampire."
"Confidence and mystery, huh?" Arthur echoed, raising an eyebrow. "Well, I'll have to keep that in mind."
With that, he flicked the remnants of his cigarette away and disappeared back into his apartment, leaving you standing in the dim hallway with a thousand questions on your mind and your heart pounding in your chest.
For a moment you wondered who he was trying to impress. What woman had he set his eyes upon? But just thinking these thoughts made a detestable feeling of jealousy rise in your chest. Why were you getting so worked up about who he wanted to date? Arthur was a free man. He deserved a little bit of fun.
Just not with any other woman but you.
The realization hit you, but at the same time, you knew there wasn’t much you could do with it. Arthur was just your neighbor, nothing more.
Determinedly, you turned away from the door, hands curled into fists, and left for the shops. But Arthur stayed on your mind for the remainder of the day.
In the following days, you couldn't help but notice Arthur’s presence more and more. It was as though he was always nearby, whether you were coming home from work or running errands. The smell of smoke would still linger in the hall, and sometimes the door to Arthur and Penny’s apartment would be ajar. You could swear you’d seen a pair of green eyes glinting, staring at you from the apartment. But whenever you thought of turning around to confront him, the eyes were gone and the door was closed again.
Yet, his appearances did not stay limited to your home. You would suddenly see him on the bus on your ride home. They were the only times you could sit down next to each other and have a short talk. But his ride never took long and your talks were awkward and short.
You felt his eyes upon you, though, as you sat next to him. You even once asked him how come you’d never seen him on the bus before, to which he had answered that his work schedule had changed. A blatant lie, you could tell. But at the same time as his answer, a hand had been placed on your knee, applying soft pressure. You’d stared at it, but Arthur had not removed it.
His touch had felt warm.
You’d masturbated twice that evening, thinking of how his hand could have wandered a little higher.
Arthur was stalking you. In the days that followed you became convinced of it. You'd catch glimpses of him out of the corner of your eye, see his reflection in store windows, or feel his presence behind you as you walked down the street.
At first, it was unnerving, but soon, you found yourself secretly enjoying the attention. Something was thrilling about knowing you were being watched, desired even. The danger of it all only fueled your attraction to him, and you couldn't deny that you were falling into the intoxicating world of Arthur Fleck.
Time slipped by, as it often does, and Halloween evening arrived with a chill in the air. You felt giddy with anticipation, having spent the day preparing your costume. Your heart raced as you rang Arthur's doorbell, dressed head to toe as a vampire.
A seductive one.
“Will you answer the door, Happy?” You heard a woman’s voice shout. Penny, you thought. Arthur’s mom.
“Yes, yes!” Arthur sounded agitated, but not much later, the bolts from the door were removed and the lock was turned.
"Trick or treat," you purred when Arthur opened the door, his eyes widening in surprise as he took in your appearance. Your fangs gleamed beneath black lipstick, and your tight crimson dress clung to your curves, making you feel powerful and irresistible.
"Wow," he murmured, grinning as his eyes roved over you. It was clear he liked what he saw. "I wasn't expecting this...but I'm certainly not complaining." His words became a low murmur, voice lowering with approval.
"Good," you replied, stepping closer and letting your fingers trace the edge of his collar. "Because tonight, there’s only one man’s fluids I want inside me. And I’m not talking about… blood.”
Arthur's breath hitched, and you could see the desire burning in his eyes. "In that case," he whispered huskily, "I would be happy to be your prey, my temptress."
"Prey?" You smirked, playfully biting your lower lip. "I prefer to think of you as my willing accomplice. Wasn’t it you who said Dracula could get any woman he desired?"
His lips parted while his eyes darted to your mouth, as if he wanted to kiss you there, as if he hungered for more. "True,” he agreed, his voice low and sultry. "Then I suppose that makes you...my Bride."
"Your Bride, hm?" You considered the idea, feeling a thrill run up your spine. Arthur claiming you in each and every way as his? It was a fantasy that stirred a desire in the depths of your core. "Well, you know what brides and grooms do on their wedding night, don’t you?"
You’d hardly spoken the words or Arthur had already pulled you into an embrace, your chest pressed against his while his lips hungrily sought yours. The taste of cigarette mingled with something that was purely him drove you crazy and you arched into him, rubbing your hand past his legs until you felt the heat of his arousal and couldn't help but grin. He was excited. Good. It was exactly as you had wanted it all to go.
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him in as the both of you explored each other’s mouth hungrily; tongues brushing past each other. In the distance, you thought you could hear his mother’s voice coming from the apartment, reminding you that you were still in the hallway.
This would not do.
You were eager, but not so eager as to jump his bones right here and right now – where everyone could see. And so you carefully broke the kiss, nibbling on Arthur’s bottom lip as you gently pulled away, before your eyes carefully met his, a promise of desire and passion smoldering held within them.
Carefully, you took Arthur’s hand, marveling at the fact that he let you guide him with you, and tugged him along to your apartment where you gently opened your door.
"Come inside," you invited, your voice a sultry whisper. "Let's see how this Dracula can pleasure his bride."
Upon those words, Arthur’s eyes lit up, and a cheeky grin spread on his lips. He was no longer the dark vampire you’d seen him as before, but more like the clown you’d seen him as. The one he was when he came home from work. A cat who got the cream. His smile was wide and toothy.
Oh, he wanted you. There was no doubt about it. and the pulsing between your legs indicated how much you wanted him to.
The moment the door clicked shut, you found yourself pressed against Arthur, your lips locked together in a passionate kiss. Your hands roamed over each other's bodies, exploring each other with a hunger that was raw and needy. As you backed into your living room, you felt the heat of his touch on your skin, sending shivers down your spine.
"Let me show you something," you whispered, pulling away just enough to look into his eyes. You began to undress, peeling off your vampire costume slowly and deliberately, making sure he was watching every movement. Arthur couldn't tear his gaze away from you, his eyes wide and hungry.
With a grin, you encouraged him to join in the fun. "Your turn."
Arthur hesitated for only a moment before starting his own seductive striptease. He fumbled with his clothes at first – which was incredibly cute - but soon got the hang of it. You both laughed as he imitated your sultry moves, shedding his layers one by one until he stood before you in nothing but his underwear.
"Looks like we're even now," he teased while running a hand through his hair.
“Even?” You said, smirking as you looked down at the obvious bulge in his pants. You felt your cheeks heat, and when you looked up, you saw how Arthur’s eyes had darkened with desire.
Pulling him close, you pressed your lips against his once more. The feel of his bare skin against yours ignited a fire within you, and you knew you couldn't wait any longer.
Gently, you guided him towards your bed, sitting down and pulling him on top of you. His weight felt comforting and exciting all at once, and you reveled in the closeness.
"Is this okay?" you asked, concern lacing your voice. "I mean… do you want…”
But Arthur shushed you by bringing his hand up to your lips. His fingertips brushed past them, making your heart flutter as you looked up to see the intense look in his eyes.
“I want this,” he breathed, words but a whisper. “Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.”
“It's been a while for me," you ashamedly admitted, knowing that it would probably be a tight fit and worrying that you might have lost your touch a little. Your arms were still around his neck, holding him in an embrace above you. “Might be a bit rusty…”
"Rusty is not the word I would be thinking of," Arthur replied with a chuckle while he dipped a hand beneath your panties, slipping a finger into your wet core. You couldn’t suppress the moan that escaped your lips as he dipped in and blushed fiercely when he laughed at your response.
“Doesn’t feel rusty at all,” Arthur said, grinning cheekily while he nudged his finger inside of you, making you squirm because -  oh! -  that felt good. Another nudge, his fingertip feeling around inside of you, accompanied by an audible wet squelch.
You instantly let go of him to bring your hands up to your face in embarrassment and watched his triumphant grin as he moved not only his finger inside of you, but also started to rub his thumb past your clit at the same time.
The bastard was teasing you purposely. He was experienced at it, that was for sure. You bit your lip while you glowered evilly at him, as he chuckled softly above you.
But then he surprised you by adding a second digit to your core and, with a low moan, you threw your head back and arched into his touch.
You’d expected a witty comment from your neighbor, but all you felt were the sure but gentle ministrations of his fingers inside of your pussy, making something hot and warm build up inside of your core. When you finally managed to open your eyes it was to the sight of Arthur’s darkened gaze. His lips were pressed into a thin line in deep concentration. All of his focus was upon you, as if he was taking in anything of how you lay beneath him, and how you reacted to his touch.
“Arthur,” you murmured, eager to have more than just his fingers please you.
It seemed he got the silent plea behind his name, because he gently retracted his hand before carefully peeling your panties down your legs and pushing them away.
For a moment, all you saw were green eyes, darkened with arousal, as Arthur peered over your stomach. You expected him to dip forth, to use his tongue or his mouth to bring you to your peak. And for another moment it seemed like that was going to happen. For Arthur did indeed bend forth and pressed his head between your legs, nuzzling his nose past your folds and licking a stripe past your wet entrance, adding his juices to your own.
But then he was up again, leaning above you on his elbows, looking down at you while he positioned his cock between your legs. You hadn’t even noticed when he’d pulled his own underpants off. Not that it mattered. You wanted him, in there. So badly.
"Ready?” Arthur’s question was considerate, probably well-meant. But his dark eyes told you he wasn’t able to hold back any longer – and you loved it. This was how you had wanted to see your neighbor all along. Aroused, craving you, ready to please you.  
“Yes,” you said, pulling him close again. “More than ready, Arthur. Put it in already!”
At your demand, Arthur’s concentrated look broke and a low chuckle escaped his lips. “Put it in, she says…” he nasally lamented. And indeed, he made it sound so funny, you could not help but let out a chuckle yourself.
“A bit more reverently about my cock, will you?” Arthur then said, teasingly. He brought his lips closer to yours, as if he wanted to kiss you again.
“If you’re going to be smart with me I shall just go back to my hand.”
It took you a moment before you discerned the meaning of his words, and then you let out another laugh. Luckily, Arthur was laughing along, holding you close and chuckling in your ear.
“I-I’ll be good,” you gasped between your laughter. “I won’t be smart with you.”
As you both caught your breath again, Arthur smiled down at you. His hand caressing your head.
“In that case,” he murmured, “I shall put ‘it’ in you, darling.”
He dipped his head forth and captured your lips with his own while you shifted beneath him, positioning yourself just right. As he guided himself inside you, the sensation of being filled by him sent a moan spilling from your lips. Arthur's own moan echoed yours, his eyes full of longing and affection.
"God, you feel amazing," he whispered, the words barely escaping his lips as he began to move with you in perfect rhythm.
As Arthur's hips moved in sync with yours, his expert touch sent shivers down your spine. His hand trailed up your side, caressing the curve of your breast before finding its way to your neck, gently squeezing as you gasped for breath.
"Arthur," you moaned, eyes locked onto his intense green gaze, "you're so good at this."
His lips curled into a wicked grin as he leaned down, whispering against your ear, "I aim to please, my dear."
He continued to thrust, each stroke hitting just the right spot, causing waves of pleasure to crash through your body. Your nails dug into his back, urging him on, and your legs wrapped tightly around his lean waist.
"Harder," you panted, desperate for more. Arthur obliged, his movements growing more forceful, while still remaining tender and attentive to your needs.
"Are you close?" he asked, concern lacing his voice despite the lust that clouded his eyes.
"Yes," you whispered, feeling the pressure building within you. "Together?"
"Of course," Arthur replied, and together you climbed the final peak of ecstasy.
As you both reached your climax, you clung to each other, riding out the waves of pleasure until you collapsed into a tangled mess on the bed, panting and slick with sweat.
"Wow," you breathed, unable to think of anything else to say.
"Indeed," Arthur agreed, chuckling softly as he rolled onto his side and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close. "You know, you just made yourself the Bride of a Vampire."
"Really?" you laughed, snuggling into his embrace. "Does the famous Dracula still want me then?" “Well, I suppose he does,” Arthur murmured against your head, placing a gentle kiss on your temple.
You smiled, feeling a sense of happiness that seemed almost out of place in the chaos of your lives. But at that moment, wrapped in Arthur's arms and bathed in the afterglow of your passion, nothing else mattered.
"Arthur," you murmured, "I'm so happy."
"Me too," he replied, his voice soft and sincere as he held you close. And you realized that this was exactly where you always had wanted to be. In his arms.  
~ Fin ~
AN: Liked my work? :) ♡ Support me on Ko-Fi ♡ Love you all
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mochiroreo · 1 year
Welcome to: Mochiro’s Halloween fiesta!
Dropping in (redacted), A mix of dark, kinky, and tooth-rotting smut one-shots + a halloween special for my fic “Oh Goodie!” will be posted throughout October (edit: due to personal reasons, this got pushed back throughout November onwards. Please don’t be shy to send in requests just to let me make up for it💖)
Curious to see what I have in store for you and your beloved darling? Prompts under the cut~ ⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙
P.S. all of these would be Dark/Dead dove: do not eat. Halloween themed request would be open for the characters that did not won the poll (refer to my character sheet to look at the other characters that I can write💖) might open requests for these 4 when everything is posted.
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Steddie - Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson (Stranger Things)
⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙ Just when you thought you were the one luring them in, you were the one caught in their trap. Don’t you look pretty, all tied up? (Siren!reader x Pirate Captains! Steddie)
⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙ “Quick! Whoever and whatever must have hurt you might still be here!” You said,grabbing their hands before dragging along two strangers towards your house in panic. (Non-human, urban legend beings!Steddie x human!reader)
Rafe Cameron & JJ Maybank (OBX)
⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙ You can’t run. You cannot hide either. After all, you belong to them. (Werewolves Alpha!Rafe Cameron & Alpha!JJ Maybank x Omega!reader)
⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙ Rapunzel, rapunzel, let down your hair. Let the prince come and pay a visit, let him hear you sing your captor’s name. (Dame Gothel!Rafe Cameron & Prince!JJ Maybank x Princess!Reader)
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Eddie Munson
⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙ You just want to have a taste. Its been centuries since you had something delicious and sickeningly sweet. He is soft, luscious, and everything you’ve craved. (Modern!Eddie Munson x Vampire!reader)
⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙ “You were mine before. What makes you think you are not going to be mine again?” He breathed out against your skin, wearing his signature smirk that you loathe but also used to love. (Mean demon!Eddie Munson x Crybaby Angel!reader
⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙ They said he was the definition of danger. That their is something odd about him, that you should’ve quit and not even take a step towards him nor his house. But of course, you didn’t listen. After all, you’re his favourite. And he never showed you any “bad” sides of him. Till now. (Vampire!Eddie Munson x Maid!reader)
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Steve Harrington
⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙ ”Look— I—“ you stuttered, eyes bulging out of its sockets when your eyes went downward through the dark curls where a humongous appendage rests,making you cover your eyes with a shriek, making the handsome and very much naked “incubus” (what he said when he appeared in your room) chuckle. “No, you look at me.” He stated. “My name is Steve, and you followed that tutorial and here am I, at your service. Now, what fun things do you have in mind?” (Incubus!Steve Harrington x curious human!reader)
⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙ “Steve. Steve. Steven.” You tried to shook him out of it, mouth agape while his eyes slowly blink. “Nope— nope! Halloween is like— in a week! Why— why do you have wings?! Wings?! Where— what shop did you even get them?! A-and and why are they moving?! Oh god. Yeah I must’ve been dreaming— dreaming!” (Bestfriend!Steve Harrington x Angel!reader)
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Rafe Cameron
⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙ ”Now, Rafe, what’s your favourite horror movie?” “If I find out whoever the fuck you are, I’m gonna kill you.” “Aww, wrong answer. Try again before I come in and make you.” (Rafe Cameron x Ghostface!Reader)
⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙ “There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin.” Finding his hands wrapped around your neck, you closed your eyes and accepted that this is where his hands belong. (Priest!Rafe Cameron x Nun!reader)
⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙ You don’t know what you were thinking to even tell your friends that you’ll distract the killer on the loose while they escape. You always peg yourself as the “final girl.” I guess not. You just hope that the psychopath hesitates to kill you. (Serial killer!Rafe Cameron x reader)
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JJ Maybank
⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙ ”You— you!” JJ pointed his finger at you, making everyone look at you confused while you giggle. With a sultry smile, you sat down on his lap. You tilt your head in mock confusion with a dramatic gasp, your hands gripping his shoulder blades. “Me? What about me?” (JJ Maybank x Succubus!reader)
⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙ When you told JJ that you’re a witch, he didn’t believe you. Mocking you for having a wild imagination. So you drank one of your potions and a set of cat ears popped up on top of your head. Standing there in shock and awe, he suddenly grabbed a bottle and drank all of its contents thinking that he’ll have the same thing, not knowing its a VERY potent potion meant for something else. (JJ Maybank x Witch!reader)
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eskawrites · 2 years
ALSO speaking of AUs it’s halloween weekend so i’m contractually obligated to think about night in the woods idek how niche this is but i’m writing it out anyway bc i’m suddenly obsessed okay
NitW au where Nancy is Mae and Robin is Bea
Nancy finally gets out of Hawkins and goes to college, where she quickly finds out that she can’t for the life of her move on from her trauma
Nancy, who is haunted by what happened to Barb. everyone knows she was there the night Barb died. there are whispers that she did it. the only reason no one says anything is because her family is nice, and it’s a small town. people don’t say those kinds of things to your face
Nancy who is angry, and hurt, and lonely, and scared, and so, so, so lost. And she can’t keep it together anymore. She has a breakdown at school. She drops out and drives all the way back to Hawkins, alone
Meanwhile, Robin has always wanted to get the hell out of Hawkins. She did everything right: good grades, extracurriculars, worked as much as possible to save up money. But then her mom died, and her dad is no help at all, and she gets stuck working a dead end job in a dead end town for the rest of her dead end life
Robin who tries to be polite when she sees Nancy again, but mostly she’s just tired. She looks at Nancy and all she sees is the girl who had everything she ever dreamed of, then just threw it all away
Nancy trying to adjust to life back home. What has changed and what never will. the guy who owned the diner died. there’s a new grocery store out by the highway. a few people have moved. most of them have stayed.
She learns that Jonathan and his little brother disappeared one night, finally running away like they always said they would. Neither of them have been in contact with anyone since.
cue weird shit starting to happen in Hawkins. kids go missing. Nancy sees something she’s not supposed to on Halloween. 
she starts investigating, and she drags her friends into it, too--Steve volunteering, Eddie going where Steve goes, and Robin tagging along because she has nothing else to do in this shitty town
the kids are there too! Max as Lori, just a lost, lonely, vaguely angry teenager who clings to Nancy the instant Nancy turns out to be nice to her
Dustin as Germ, just a weird, lovable guy who’s been hanging out around Steve and Eddie lately. somehow the only vaguely well-adjusted person in town
something-something the Upside Down instead of a weird cult, and no one in town is listening to them as they keep investigating
Nancy having horrible nightmares and gradually deteriorating as she gets closer and closer to uncovering the truth
Reconnecting with Steve, the only one who seems genuinely excited to see her. Building a friendship with Eddie.
Slowly breaking through Robin’s walls after Robin seems to effortlessly knock down hers. Between getting trashed at a party in the woods and sitting quietly together in a graveyard, they’re reminded of all the reasons why they fell apart, and all the reasons why it’s so easy to come back together again
(idk man, the ‘is this just proximity?’ conversation lives rent free in my mind. and give me messed up Nancy, traumatized Nancy, sometimes completely unhinged Nancy next to a world-weary Robin who eventually learns to bask in all the love and care and passion--good and bad--that Nancy puts into the world)
Robin running away from a party in the city. Nancy sprinting through the rain, panicked, trying to find her again.
Robin losing her mind when Nancy gets hurt; Robin becoming clingy and tender and not letting Nancy out of her sight after that
i’m gonna go replay nitw and think about this now, byeee
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seashellsoldier · 1 year
“Gone To The Wolves” by John Wray (2023)
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I really, truly wanted to love this novel. Ilana Masad gave a glowing review for NPR (https://www.npr.org/2023/05/04/1173613977/john-wray-novel-gone-to-the-wolves-heavy-metal-book-review), which only heightened my interest and led me to purchase the e-book through Barnes & Noble.  
As a traumatized and misfit kid of the ‘80s who embraced heavy metal in ’85, then thrash in ’87, then speed in ’88, then crust and grindcore and death metal after my very first concert—the Milwaukee Metal Fest of ’89, then . . . just a couple of years later as the “Grunge Gold Rush” took off . . . all subgenera of what is now a vast spectrum of metal musicianship, I felt this story might resonate deeply within my grey matter of memories. Back then, metalheads were truly outcasts just about everywhere, the geeks and freaks and broken things that slithered into our own cloistered cliques who haunted the back of the cafeteria and found solace in empty parking lots far away from the football and basketball games, wanting to disappear and be left alone with our music and comic books and hollowed-out dreams. Finding kinship in any form was something akin to fate; the dark gods smiling on their chosen bastard children for some blissful moment. Tape-trading was the ONLY way to discover new music that wasn’t on garbage FM rock stations, until Columbia House started having a metal insert in their monthly mailings. There were the magazines, but we never read any of them. Nobody had the money to piss away, or the monomaniacal fascination to toss money at them. I didn’t even know about MTV’s Headbangers Ball until about ’90 and only then because my girlfriend was babysitting at a house who could afford cable. 
I remember that hallowed night in a cavernous building in the dead of winter watching some 30 bands blast us to shreds in Milwaukee, most of whom I had never heard of before then. We were kids amongst a horde of leather-clad giants handing us beers and drags from joints and pushing pills in our hands (“just say no!”). Nuclear Assault nuked the place. I remember being deafened by a wall of speakers as Judas Priest opened up with a long drum solo for their Painkiller tour in Chicago, while Rob Halford languidly rolled out on his Harley as another curtain opened to reveal a second wall of speakers. I remember climbing a plastic construction fence to get to the sound booth in the rafters as Rage Against the Machine whipped the crowd into a frenzied mob on the outskirts of Honolulu. They tore the place apart. I remember seeing Metallica in Bangkok in an open-air arena with what felt like a million others who spoke a different language. I remember seeing Type O Negative, Danzig, and Ronnie James Dio-fronted Black Sabbath play on Halloween 1994, and the hurried drive back for the graveyard shift with some kindred spirits with ears ringing and the afterglow lasting long past dawn. I remember seeing Project 86 at what seemed like a 1950s cocktail lounge in Chevy Chase, Maryland, as they thunderously evoked their Songs to Burn Your Bridges By, and as I prepared to go to Iraq to save hallowed democracy from the evils of Islam (and cash in on their oil fields). I remember seeing Slipknot at a filthy toilet-bowl bar in downtown Des Moines looking like lunatics who just escaped from the asylum and raided a cheap costume store (by this time I was wearing earplugs to concerts big and small). I remember seeing the almighty GWAR, alien overlords that they are, in Minneapolis, drenching the crowd in fountains of fake bile and blood and semen. I remember thousands of us screaming “God hates us all!” over and over at a Slayer show to the silent, impotent, starry and frigid firmament in Sacramento. I remember seeing Obituary on Leap Day 2020, as the world soon succumbed to the worst pandemic in a hundred years, and the millions of obituaries which followed in its wake. I remember, quite recently, Body Count turning their mosh pit into a furious meat grinder with energy I’ve not witnessed ever before, nor probably will ever again. The hate is real, America. It is so tangibly real. So many other venues, tours, and bands with less-permanent memories are held within my mind, for as long as that lasts. Metal music is infused within my apostate, heathen, godless life-blood. It will accompany me beyond, to whatever end awaits us all. Most likely boring, open-mawed Oblivion. 
The chord that rang out was familiar enough—an overdriven minor triad—but what stood [Kip’s] hair on end was how it felt. Distorted guitar had always had a certain temperature to him: it had always, no matter how vicious the music, been a sound he understood in terms of heat. Embedded with that warmth—hidden inside it—lived a cryptic form of life-affirming power. Deicide and Morbid Angel played their riffs to raise the dead, not to inter them. That was the nature of the exchange, the secret truth of the transaction, however bleak the songs might sound to virgin ears. Rage and violence and pain instead of nothingness (pp. 226-227, Nook). 
Wray captures this environment—this “subculture”—incredibly well, even if his chosen trio is nothing like anyone I ever knew, wedged as we were between the steel mills and iron works of East Chicago and Gary, Indiana, and the endless cornfields of everywhere beyond. Florida backwater it was not, but neither did anyone have the depth of knowledge in guitars, amplifiers, band members, and vocabulary like Leslie does at such a similar age. Doesn’t matter. I was the quiet, awkward, rage-filled wallflower . . . and metal music filled the void in my damaged soul. 
Masad has understandable issues with the lone female character, Kira, but at the same time the “beautiful but broken girl from a white-trash home” was a familiar trope from my high-school hellscape. No circus-freak father required. Normal blue-collar fathers were awful enough. My white-collar Vietnam Vet father was simply a haunted monster no bottle of bourbon could quell. Connie and Angie and Kim and Shannon and Crystal fit the bill all-too perfectly with Kira, if tragically. Masad may want to do some research on childhood trauma and its effects on developing brains. I have no idea if any of them are alive today, but I have no recollection of any of them speaking to the depth of personality that Kira does either. We didn’t grow up online though. We had, at best, five or six television stations to gawk at. Some regrets can never be resolved. Some mistakes never forgiven. 
Gone To The Wolves is theatrically broken into three parts for our wayward trio: the Florida Death Metal scene, the dying LA Glam and rising LA Thrash scene, then—oddly—the Norwegian Black Metal scene. It’s the Scooby-Doo third part that collapsed my nostalgic high, but I understand Wray’s supposed Dan-Brown desire to make a “thrilling finale”. For me, it falls flat by stepping way outside plausible reality (but I’m primarily a nonfiction reader so grant me some leeway if this is the norm these days). Too many people need endorphin bumps every two minutes or so thanks to tech addiction. I do not. I would have liked to see our troubled trio mature in the early 90s, like most of us did to one degree or another. Some died early of course, others weren’t true metalheads to begin with. We die-hards are devoted to the bitter end. 
While I can’t definitively identity with any character in this book, Wray opens to door to so many vibrant arteries of our subculture’s primordial existence that we can—at the very least—sympathize with them. We knew people who resembled them. The lost souls, the drug addicts, the lovelorn, the bipolar-depressive violent. I have to assume early heavy metal coming-of-age stories are rare. Nobody truly cared about us, and they still don’t. So maybe we can call this The Perks of Being a Wallflower meets Lords of Chaos? 
Nevertheless, completely enjoyable, to a fault. 
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jinxthejubilee · 2 years
Halloween Binge: Day 28 🍔🦇
Ah yes. Three days until the big day arrives. We're in the home stretch, people!
For today's watches, I saw the newest episode of Obey Me!, and honestly...
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I feel like this picture speaks for itself. (I'm so making a review of this episode).
But anyway, I watched a few episodes of Hunter X Hunter: Season 5. We have at least 3 or 4 episodes left of this until Season 6.
I also watched a few episodes of Inuyasha, too. I'm nearly done with Season 2, I still have about 12 or 10 episodes left.
And finally, inspired by one of the drag queens that performed at my school that dressed up as Daphne, I watched a few episodes of Scooby-Doo Incorporated.
I know that technically most of these aren't horror related but 2 out of 4 have demons in it, one of them is gorey and psychologically disturbing at times, and the last one is the embodiment of Halloween each episode. So I count today as a win for me.
Anyway, my family and I are going to a Halloween store for inspiration on costumes and just general decor. I'm really excited since it's been nearly 4 years now since we've gone to a Halloween-based store. Hope we find something good.
Well folks, that's all from me! I hope you all have a great night or day, stay safe out there, and I'll see you guys later!
Bad dreams, darlings! 🖤
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howlingday · 3 years
Jaune can’t help but find it a bit odd that his girlfriend Winter will only allow him into her panties if he’s cosplaying as Captain America.
The Winter Hero
Jaune Arc was a man of principle. He was raised to be a gentleman; kind, generous, and sensitive to a woman's needs. His mother and sisters groomed him to be the perfect boyfriend for anyone lucky enough to have him.
Chocolate ice cream at 3 AM, even though all the stores are closed? Done before dawn.
Need some guy to stop stalking you? Jaune wasn't a man of violence, but he had his ways to deter creeps.
Need another girl for your sleepover? Not a problem, even though he got a few awkward glances from his sister's friends.
However, almost as soon as he left the nest, his first girlfriend was completely independent. Any offer to help was completely shut down. But this was to be expected from an officer of the Atlas military. Yes, Winter Schnee never made any requests to her boyfriend.
That is, until one Halloween night...
Jaune looked himself over in the mirror at his costume. His blue spandex bodysuit was slim, if not constricting. It featured a white letter "A" on his forehead with a pair of wings just behind his temples, a star in the center of his chest, and a design of red and white stripes over his abdominals and circling around the back. He looked down to the flat, metal disk shield that weighed about thirty pounds. Not all too heavy for him, but it still weighs down over time. Yes, he was the hero of life and liberty, Captain America!
He sighed and shook his head as he looked over his ridiculous outfit. When he asked about their plans for Halloween, Winter explained she already ordered his and that she intended to go to a costume party with him. He knew better than to question it, but did it have to be this superhero?
Jaune has read his fair share of comics, and when asked who his was, he would answer Batman. Unfortunately for him, though, Winter was a Marvel fan, so his favorite superhero would have to stick to the sshadows tonight.
A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. Picking up the shield, he walked over to the door and opened it. The sight in front of him almost made him drop his shield.
On the other side of his apartment door stood a beautiful woman with snow white hair, cascading down over her shoulders like an avalanche. She wore a silver body-suit, reminiscent of the ones worn by special forces, that hugged all of her curves perfectly. Around her waist was a gray belt designed to look like it had multiple compartments.
"Is there something wrong, Jaune?" He blinked and gave a nervous chuckle. She looked him up and down and smiled. "I see your costume matches the measurements I provided."
"Uh, actually, it feels a little tight." Jaune replied, tugging at his collar. "I can breathe just fine, but-"
"Good." Winter turned around and began walking towards the stairs. "Let's go. It's time for the party."
"Uh, yeah, sure!" Jaune shut the door behind him and followed her. "I like your costume. Who are you supposed to be?" Being a gentleman, Jaune asked, since he was certain it would tie to her interests.
"Silver Sable." Winter replied without looking back. "Russian mercenary. Leader of the Wild Pack. First appearance in 'The Amazing Spider-Man Issue #265'."
"Oh, she sounds... intense." Being a man, Jaune's eyes wandered to her hips, where her ass lightly swayed with every step, leaving nothing to the imagination. His costume felt tighter.
At the party, Jaune struggled to keep his shield up. He had shifted between his arms twice since he started carrying it. He could set it down, but every time he did, Winter would find out. The first time, she lightly chastised him, saying, "I thought you were supposed to be a hero." The second, and last time, she hit harder, telling him, "You're supposed to be a hero. So be one." She knew one of Jaune's dreams was to be a hero, someone who helps others and can be looked up to with pride. He sighed as he looked over the crowd.
The costumes varied, but he recognized everyone as someone from Winter's command. Elm Ederne, a specialist of Atlas' Ace Operatives, was dressed as some kind of monk, she explained, and carried a set of drums on her waist. He thought she was a hippie at first, but was swiftly corrected. Their commanding officer, General James Ironwood, was luckier than Jaune and dressed up as Batman. Jaune was green with envy. Or he was when Councilman candidate Robyn Hill showed up, dressed as Orchid from Killer Instinct. He never played the game, but he recognized the costume from... research.
"Jaune," he looked to his left and saw Winter standing with her arms crossed, "do you want to leave?" Jaune blinked, but before he could say anything, she spoke first. "I know that look on your face. You're bored. If you wish to leave, I won't force you to stay."
"I'm fine," Jaune replied, "I'm just... reading the room." Winter sighed, leaning against the wall next to him. She had an annoyed look on her face. "Are you okay, Winter?"
"I'm fine." She replied without looking at him. Instead, she was looking at the attention Robyn was getting. With a scowl, she huffed under her breath. "Pigs."
"Svin'ya." Winter looked to Jaune, who was wearing a smile on his face. "Svin'ya is pig in Russian."
She chuckled at that, gracing her lips with a smile. Jaune liked making people smile. Well, maybe not make, but help smile. She leaned closer, forcing Jaune to shift his shield to his other arm. She held his arms and sighed. Jaune felt his suit grow even tighter.
"Do you want to leave?" Winter looked up to Jaune. With a smile, she replied.
Winter and Jaune arrived at her apartment door. The walk home was certainly brisk, but made warmer with their body heat combined as they held close on their trip, as well as Jaune holding the shield against the wind. She reached into her belt and clipped open one of the compartments and pulled out her keys. Jaune held the shield behind her, pretending to protect her from some evil or another.
As she opened the door, Jaune stepped away. "Good night, Winter."
Winter turned to face Jaune. "Won't you come in? After all, it's cold outside tonight."
"I'm sure I'll be fine." He replied with a red-cheek and -nose smile.
"At least warm before you go." Winter gestured for him to enter. "I couldn't bear to think of you becoming hypothermic because of me."
"Just another part of being a hero!" Jaune chuckled.
"Actually," Winter said, placing her chin between her index and thumb, "I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but your costume has an interesting feature."
"Feature?" A stray wind blew in, chilling Jaune where he stood. "On second thought, maybe staying a second to warm up wouldn't hurt." He stepped inside, setting his shield down by the coat rack inside. She shut the door behind him.
"I'm glad to see you've come to your senses." She stepped further into the apartment, Jaune following close behind.
He had been here twice, but the size always amazed him. It was at least three times the size of his, and included it's own washer and dryer set. It was only a balcony away from being considered a penthouse. With the click of a button, Winter summoned a fireplace from the darkness.
Following her to the couch, Jaune sat down next to Winter. She leaned closer to him then nuzzled against his chest. She leaned up, kissing him as he leaned down. She prodded tongue past his lips, and upon receiving invitation, grabbed him by the back of his head and pulled him into her. Their breathing became heavy as the two pulled themselves closer to the other, their make-out growing more intense by the second.
Pulling away, Jaune groaned. "Damn."
"Something wrong?"
"This costume's in the way." Jaune tugged at his collar,causing Winter to chuckle.
"No, it isn't." Before he could ask, Winter slipped to her knees, kneeling in front of Jaune's crotch. "I custom-ordered this, you know." She traced her middle finger from the couch up to his groin. "I needed to get," she dug into a flap he never noticed, "your exact," and she pulled down the zipper he never knew, "measurem- Ack!" Winter recoiled as she was slapped by Jaune's dick.
"You okay?" Jaune asked.
"I'm fine," Winter waved him off, "I just... got my measurements wrong." She eyed his penis with a critic's glare. It was larger than the average she suspected, possibly six-and-a-half, if not seven inches in length, with a girth that made making her index and thumb have difficulty meeting. "But I'll adapt."
Before Jaune could say anything, Winter wrapped her lips around Jaune's head, tracing over it with her tongue. He lightly gasped as she pumped his shaft and she moved her head in a rhythm up and down his cock.
"F-Fuck!" Jaune grunted. "I'm gonna-!"
Winter pulled away and pumped with more vigor. With a moan, Jaune came a thin rope onto Winter's costume, a stream of white oozing onto her hands. She turned around, looking back to Jaune.
He squinted for a moment, then took notice of the zipper at the top of her back. He reached forward and pulled down. The costume came splitting in half as he dragged the tab closer to it's destination. As he reached the end, Winter stood up.
"Jaune," he couldn't see, but she looked at him with a sort of predatory gaze, as if he were a breathing meal for her to devour, "do you want to keep going?" With a gulp, he answered.
"Uh, I don't have any condoms."
"No?" She chuckled. "Check your shield." Jaune stood up and walked over to the hat rack where he placed his shield, his now flaccid cock swaying in the air with every step. Felling around, he noticed a hatch near the center, behind the handle. With a click, it opened and he found box of condoms. He couldn't see the brand, but the box felt small. That was fine, though, since he wasn't expecting to burn through ten or so condoms tonight. "Did you find them?" Winter called out.
"Yeah, they were behind the han-duuuuuh..." Jaune's jaw dropped at the sight in front of him. Bathed in firelight, Winter removed her soiled costume and laid back against the couch, her legs spread, her hair wild, and her eyes hungry. She became instantly erect.
"Then come here, my hero."
Winter moaned loudly as Jaune thrusted himself into her from behind. Every movement forward by him drove her further over the edge. This may have been their first time, but Jaune was clearly experienced. Some way, somehow, this man had a lover before her, and they perfected him into the breeding bull slamming into her.
With a grunt, Jaune came into the condom and pulled out. He huffed as he removed the rubber from his semi-stiff staff. Winter whirled around and slurped on his phallus until he was nice and hard again. Once he put the next condom on, she pushed him onto his back, then slipped him inside.
She bounced up and down his rod as she moaned and gasped. Jaune tried to match her pace with his thrusts, but she was moving too fast for him. He panted as she rode him like it was a rodeo. He settled his hand on her hips and took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, she was above him, her hair acting as a white veil to hide themselves from the world. Her mouth split to a predatory grin.
"You like it?" She growled.
"Y-Yeah!" He grunted.
"You like it?" She repeated.
"Yeah!" He whined.
"You want me?" She leaned closer, slowing her pace.
"Y-Yes!" He panted. She leaned next to his ear.
"Then take me."
Jaune flipped Winter onto her back and held her legs above her in a mating press. She screamed as Jaune pounded with greater vigor into her, grunting as he did so.
"Fuck me!" She shrieked as she held her ankles. "Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck meeeeeee!"
With a grunt, Jaune came again, panting hard. He pulled out, pulling the condom out with him. He removed the prophylactic the his cock, setting it down next to it's seven siblings.
Eight condoms. The couple's box held eight condoms. With eight used condoms, Jaune sighed as the night's activities drew to a close.
Jaune looked down to see Winter bobbing her head up and down his shaft again. He groaned and pulled her off. With a sigh, he told the truth. "I can't anymore."
"No?" She tilted her head to the side.
"No." He stepped away and gestured to the condoms. "We went through a whole box, it's only a few hours until dawn, and I... I don't think I can do it again."
"I see." She said looking down. She almost looked sad.
"It's nothing against you, but I don't think I can do a round nine like this, condom or no condom."
"Like this?" She tugged on his bodysuit, now soaked in sweat and, in the lower region, genital fluids. "With the suit?"
"Well, in that case," she reached behind Jaune and pulled down his back zipper, "here." She tugged on his sleeves and helped him out, peeling the it free from his skin. He shivered as the cold air rolled over his bare skin for the first time all night. She stepped free of the suit and sat down.
"That's much better." Winter was about to walk away, but felt him grab her hand. "We're not gonna cuddle?"
She smiled and sat down next to him. They embraced for a moment, then felt him pull her down, so they were laying on the couch. His body felt hot; clearly from the body heat trapped by his suit.
Winter closed her eyes, momentarily thinking about fucking her favorite superhero, Captain America, until she slipped into her dream where she was held in the loving embrace of her hero, Jaune Arc.
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Hi hon! Can I get a Sammy x Reader x Ethan headcannon? Their dues has got me thinking 👀🥵
Hi baby 💕 Uhh fuck! Yes, you can 😈
@theworldofotps , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @aerynscrichton , @new-zealand-chic , @writtingrose , @sassymox , @ava-valerie , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch
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AEW Halloween party
Sounded like a dream and an opportunity to finally relax
But when you got to the store and the only two fantasies they had were sexy nurse and angel
You rolled your eyes at the options and took the angel one (that seemed to be the best one)
Until you put it on
The damn thing was tight and...revealing (to say the least)
So getting there, you tried to find the darkest corner to hide, but before you could get there, two pairs of hands grabbed you from behind
“Oh look what we have here“ Sammy cooed
“A beautiful and innocent angel“ Ethan’s nose trailed your neck, inhaling your perfume
You looked over your shoulder and saw the both of them wearing devil costumes
“Tell us, what such a pure little thing like you is doing in a place like this?” Sammy grinned
You smirked “What are you guys doing?”
Ethan’s hand pulled you closer to him by your hair “Get your ass over here” He growled and Sammy placed himself behind you
“We’ve been watching you ever since you got in here” He rubbed his thick bulge against your ass
“And been thinking about turning this good little angel into a bad, filthy slut” Ethan licked a stripe from your chin to your lips, making you gasp
“Please, let me go” You pretended to not want them and decided to play along in their roleplay
“Why would we do that?” Sammy chuckled in your ear
“We have you just where we wanted” Ethan nibbled your lip
“Please, don’t” You whispered as they opened the door to the storage room and dragged you inside
Ethan and Sammy trapped you between the wall and their bodies
And instantly their hands caressed your body and quickly ripped your clothes off
“Guys, what the fuck?!” You gasped
“Shut up!” Ethan growled as his mouth closed around your nipple
Sammy’s fingers circled your clit while he sucked on your neck
“Oh my god” You gasped at their touches and kisses
“So wet for us” Sammy praised
“We want to fuck you until you pass out on our cocks” Ethan scrapped your teeth against your nipple
“Oh please do! Fuck me until I’m sore!” You moaned loudly when one of Sammy and Ethan’s fingers began to fuck you
“Oh we will, my angel” Sammy whispered
“We’ll fuck you until all you can moan is ‘yes sir’ “ Ethan smirked
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Tag Yourself - Marauders and Halloween Pt. 1
Which Reader are you? 
a/n: In celebration of October/Halloween, I will be posting a Marauder x Reader Halloween blurb for each Marauder. I had originally planned for it to be one post, but the blurbs became a little long, so I am going to break them up into four different posts. Anyways, enjoy the first Marauder: James Potter. 
James Potter 
James Potter was a sucker for the holidays - all the holidays. But he especially loved Halloween, because it was the only day where he could “go the Muggle grocery store in his ‘normal’ clothes and not be made fun of.”
“James,” you told him patiently, for the the thousandth time, “it’s still weird for a grown man to wear a wizard’s robe to the grocery store, even on Halloween.”
But James didn’t care. He spent a solid ten minutes parading down the cereal aisle, wearing his robe, before you dragged him out.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     * 
On the actual morning of Halloween, you tiredly got out of bed, slipped into your bunny slippers and fluffy robe, and went into the living room, only to see what seemed like a cloud of live bats flurrying about on the ceiling. 
Screaming at the top of your lungs, you raced back into your and James’ bedroom. You flung yourself back into the bed.  
“What? What?” James’ head popped out from the pillows. Ironically, he himself was as blind as a bat without his glasses on, and he was confused to all hell as to why you were screaming first thing in the morning, especially because he couldn’t see anything.
“Get down!”  You tackled him back down, hurriedly drawing the covers over both of you.
“Baby, what’s – what’s going on?” James asked you, his voice all raspy from just having woken up. He blinked confusedly, as he failed to realize that his vision was completely obscured by your fluffy robe. Fumbling around, he reached out and made to tug whatever it was in front of his face out of the way, but you said, “James! That’s my robe! Unless you want me butt naked, stop pulling on it!”
“Oh.” James paused. “Well, I don’t find myself necessarily resisting the idea of having you naked in my bed. In fact, I’d say it would be quite the dream come tr - ” 
You groaned. “James, this is truly not the moment.” 
“Why not?”
“Because there’s an entire swarm of bats in the living room!”
“Ah…” A guilty expression appeared on James’ face. But still, his eyes sparkled rather merrily as he pleaded with you, “Er, don’t be mad now, but I invited them in.”
“What?” you screeched.
  *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Twenty minutes later, when you and James had both calmed down, you said to him grumpily, “Some warning might have been nice.”
James had magicked away the illusion bats with a simple flick of his wand. Now, as an apology, he was cooking you breakfast.
“Sorry,” James apologized ruefully. “I thought they livened up the living room a bit. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You sighed, and you went to go fetch some plates and silverware. But when you opened the cupboard, a sizeable mummy tottered out and fell onto your face.
Panicking, as you certainly had not been expecting something living to come walking out of your cupboard, you screamed and ducked beneath the counter.
“What - ?” James began. Then, realizing exactly what it was that had scared you, he said sheepishly, “Ah, yeah, a little mummy guy. I thought the kids might like it. They might want to say hi to him.”
“And – And what is the mummy going to do to them?” you sputtered out worriedly. It was a rhetorical question, of course, alerting James to the fact that mummies, in the true magical world, were extremely Dark and dangerous creatures, classified as XXXXX, which was the highest level of danger.
But James merely shrugged. “He’s going to say hi back. I’ve trained him.”
“You trained him?” you repeated, not believing your ears.
“Yeah. Watch. Like this.” James bent down to the mummy and said plainly, “Hi.”
The mummy lifted its hand and waved back cutely. Now that it was standing on the countertop, you could see that it was a few feet tall, and that its bandages were all white, very clean, and tucked away expertly.
“James, wherever did you find this?”
“I didn’t. I made it. From a few of our new bath towels.”
You facepalmed yourself, as you suddenly realized why those nice, new bath towels were gone.
But James beamed at his creation, as he praised himself, saying, “Nice piece of Transfiguration work, eh? I think Minnie would be proud of me for this one.”
You stared at the mummy for a bit longer. He stared back, even though he had no eyes.
“James,” you croaked out hoarsely, throat sore from so much screaming in the morning, when you had yet to drink a single drop of water, “what other surprises have you planned for today?”
As it turned out, tons. There was the “Mona Lisa” gnome, whose eyes seemed to creepily follow you around wherever you went (because it really did, as James explained that he had magicked it that way). There was the grinning carved pumpkin who spat out pumpkin seeds with ferocious force at ungrateful trick-or-treaters. You removed this one, to James’ disappointment, as made evident by his sad “aww” when you took it away. There was also the little stuffed animal wolf sitting on the chair out on the front porch, and it growled whenever someone got too close to it. It also grew in size as the moon rose higher in the sky. “In honor of Remus,” James explained, beaming proudly at it. You let him keep that one.
As it was, the unwary trick-or-treater experienced many a surprise at your and James’ house that night. To James’ credit, the kids were absolutely delighted. Whereas the parents were old enough that they found it all a little too good not to be creepy, the little kids, whose minds were more open and imaginative, loved everything that James had done. The mummy, in particular, whenever he tottered out and had his ten seconds of fame, proved to be a big hit.
Word spread around the neighborhood that the Potter house was “a sight to see.” Even the cranky old grandmother who lived down the street came tottering by on her walking stick. She was nearly frightened to death by the growling wolf, who was quite large by now, as the half-moon shone brightly in the night sky. She made to whack the wolf in the head with her stick, and you barely managed to stop her and coax her to leave it alone. James ran and got the spitting-seed pumpkin (“to avenge Moony,” he said angrily), and you had a hell of a time wrestling it out of his hands to save cranky granny.
“James!” you shouted. “She’s old! A pumpkin seed to the back could kill her!”
“No way!” James argued back. “Did you see the way she lifted that walking stick of hers to hit Moony? She can take it! She’ll be fine!”
“No, James!”
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Finally, around three in the morning, the neighborhood was silent once more. You sank down onto the carpet, absolutely exhausted. The mummy came over and patted you gently on the head.
You gazed up at it. “I thought you could only wave,” you murmured.
The mummy slowly shook his head.
What you didn’t realize was that James was crouching behind the sofa, out of your sight, and he was magicking the mummy to respond to you.
The mummy leaned down and gave you a little kiss on your forehead. You blinked in surprise.
Then, with one last salute and timid wave, the mummy vanished.
“Oh…” you said, sitting up, as glittering dust rained down all around you. You stared up at the empty spot, where the mummy had last been, and you found yourself feeling a bit sad.
“It’s all right.”  
You turned to see James, who was walking into the living room. (He had snuck around the couch to make it appear like he’d come from the kitchen.)
“What do you mean?” you asked James.
James sat down beside you, and he pulled you into his arms. “He’ll be back next year,” James told you. “I made sure to invite him back.”
You snuggled up against James’ broad, steady chest, yawning a little. “Well,” you replied, mumbling a little as sleep began to overtake you after your very busy day, “tell him I’ll be waiting.”
“I will,” James promised you. He stroked your hair gently, and he murmured soothingly to you, “Sleep now, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”
“Okay…” You nodded. But you remembered to say, just before you fell asleep, “Happy… Happy Halloween, James. That was loads of fun, wasn’t it?”
James watched you fall asleep in his arms, your mouth falling open just a little as your breathing slowed and your cheek turned pink from resting your face against James’ chest. James smiled down at you, and he whispered back lovingly to you, “Thanks, love. Happy Halloween to you, too.”
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
Hi I feel really bad for sending in an emergency request but bakugou, deku, or kaminari comforting and helping a reader who is going through a major depressive episode with suicidal thoughts. I’m so sorry I feel really bad for asking
A/N: I could not have gotten this at a more convenient time. I just want to say thank you for requesting this, and please don’t be sorry for asking about this. If you want to talk my dms are open, but I hope this helps! This was extremely cathartic for me to write. I only did Bakugou for the moment, but I fully plan on coming back at some point to at least add Denki (and also Deku eventually). Bakugou as a secret comfort character for me? It’s more likely than you think.
TW: Suicidal ideation, suicidal thoughts, suicidal reader, depression. PLEASE DO NOT READ if these things trigger you. It’s extremely descriptive and emotional!
Bakugou Katsuki
“Hey...are you okay?” 
You barely snapped out of your foggy trance as you slowly blinked, your coworker’s face coming into focus eventually as you gathered your surroundings you had long since forgotten about. Your response was immediate, familiar words strung together with little effort after saying them over and over again. No longer did they drag you down and taste like lies in your mouth; now they were just the ghost of a feeling you struggled to remember, an empty shell with hollowed out meaning. 
“Oh, yeah...just tired,” you drawled. And you were.
There weren’t too many days anymore that you didn’t feel drained, didn’t feel like the weight of the world was sitting on your shoulders. You felt heavy- both mentally and physically, like there were weights tethered to your arms and legs. It made you feel utterly exhausted at the end of every day and stole your motivation to get up in the morning. Your bed never seemed more comfortable, and your sheets never seemed so warm. If you had the choice, you would allow yourself to lie there forever, to skip work in favor of sleeping through the whole day, because what good was there in being awake, anyway? Lately it just seemed like everything was a waste.
“Are you sure? You just seem...down.” Your coworker gave you a concerned look, and you thought it ironic that the day you felt you might snap was the day everyone chose to finally ask if you were alright. Maybe she could see it on your face, or maybe you finally looked how you felt inside. Whatever the case, you didn’t care. In fact, you hardly cared about anything; it was hard to care about your life when you felt there was no value to it.
“I’m fine! Just really tired,” you repeated without hesitation.
“Okay, if you’re sure.” She seemed to take the explanation without any further question, shrugging and turning around to get back to what she had been doing before. “Just make sure management doesn’t catch you staring off like that; I think they’re in a bad mood today.”
Logically, you knew you were dealing with depression. Depression was not something new to you; this had happened before, and you had managed to dig yourself out of your own hole each time, but this time was...different. Logic didn’t stop the thoughts rampaging through your mind, didn’t quiet the voices that told you others would be better off without you. You felt like a burden to everyone, a walking problem that caused trouble everywhere you went. Just this morning at work you had dropped something accidentally, and it had spilled all over the floor and under the tables, the mess reaching into the cracks and crevices of the tiles where it would be harder to get to. You had done the best you could to clean it up, but in the end, the janitor had to step in and clean up the mess that you made. Maybe it was just an accident, and maybe you didn’t mean to spill your food, but you couldn’t see past the fact that you were always like this. Always spilling things, always causing problems for others, always inconveniencing everyone you came into contact with. Maybe...it would be better if you had stayed in bed all day instead of coming to work.
Maybe it would be better if you had never woke up in the first place.
You shook the thought from your head, doing your best to ignore it and focus on something else. Come on, you told yourself, focus on your job. But your mind remained hazy as you continued on with work, and it only served to cause more problems for you. By the end of the day, you had accidentally dropped a couple more items, slipped on some water and fell face first to the ground, and towards the end of your shift, just as you were clocking out, you bumped into an unruly customer who was clearly having none of it today. Hands reached out to shove you away and you stumbled, tripping over your own feet as you tried to get a grip and regain your balance.
“Watch where you’re going, god! Are you blind or something!? Jesus!”
For any other person, it might have just made them upset or angry, but it would have been passed off as a bad day, a bad moment in the grand scheme of things that would go away with time. But for you? For you it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Whatever motivation and will to live you had left, it was gone within the instant, replaced with a numb, empty feeling. What was the point in all of this? If this was life, if you were constantly going to cause problems and get in people’s way, what was your purpose here?
If nothing was enjoyable anymore...you just wanted it to end. It was too late for you anyways; you felt too far gone to be saved. And honestly...what was even left to save? You felt like a shell of your former self.
And that was how you left the store, feet dragging against the ground as you numbly walked to your car to go home. It took you a while to collect yourself, so you sat there for a few minutes in the parking lot, keys stuck in the ignition and hands resting loosely on the steering wheel. Finally, you worked up the will to actually start the car, and then you were on your way home. Home...where you would probably just lie through your teeth again and go lay in bed for the rest of the night.
Bakugou was in the kitchen making dinner when you padded through the foyer and announced your arrival, the smell of spices overwhelming rather than inviting or enticing. But then again, you didn’t have much of an appetite lately, and you found the thought of sleep to be more appealing than the thought of food anyways.
“I’m home.” Your voice was quieter than usual, your tone flat and monotonous. Bakugou didn’t respond for a minute, and you wondered if he had even heard you over the sound of something sizzling in a pan.
“Y/N, that you?” A head poked out from around the corner, red eyes meeting E/C. “How was work?”
“It was work.” You blinked and kicked your shoes off haphazardly, your body already caving in on itself as you made your way to the bedroom. If Bakugou noticed the change from your usual demeanor, he said nothing about it, only going back to what he was doing in the kitchen when you retreated to your sanctuary for the night.
Finally alone with your thoughts, you crawled under the soft sheets with your work clothes still on and curled up, eyes already shutting even before your head hit the pillow. At some point you must have managed to fall asleep, because the next thing you knew you were being shaken awake by Katsuki, a sweet and savory smell drifting through the air. Your stomach rumbled, and though it felt empty, you still didn’t feel like eating emotionally. The only thing you seemed to feel now was a heaviness settling on your soul.
“Y/N, come eat.” Either you were imagining things or Bakugou’s normally gruff voice was more gentle and relaxed as he woke you from your slumber.
You protested with a whine, your face scrunching up in annoyance from being woken up. “Tired...” you mumbled.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. But you haven’t had anything since you came home from work, babe.”
“That was only an hour ago...” you started, your voice still thick from sleep. But as you looked towards your alarm clock on the nightstand next to the bed, you were surprised to find that the little digital numbers read 11:58 pm. You’d slept for a little over five hours since you had arrived home. “Shit-!”
That seemed to do the trick, and you were scrambling up and out of bed in no time, panic and confusion washing over you from your prolonged nap. Had you really slept so long? You hadn’t meant to, but it did feel nice to have a small break from everything you felt when you were awake. And again, you caught yourself wondering if maybe the world would be better off if you never woke up. Eventually the haziness of your dream state faded, leaving you with the same reality you had been facing earlier in the day. You wanted nothing more than to go back to bed and curl up in your state of melancholy, but you were up now, and Katsuki would worry if you didn’t eat anything.
The two of you made your way to the dinning room table where a plate of reheated leftovers sat along with some silver cutlery, a cute little holiday napkin leftover from Halloween resting next to it. You stared at the pumpkin covered paper for a while before picking up your fork and stabbing at whatever dish Bakugou had decided on for dinner. Lately he seemed to be on a vegetable kick, though a healthy dose of fruits and meats were also thrown into the mix for balance. You mindlessly chewed, not really paying attention to the flavor if there was any at all. In fact, it felt like you were chewing cardboard. You didn’t enjoy the taste or feel; you only ate purely out of habit and need to.
“Do you not like it?” Bakugou pulled you from your reverie of thoughts, your head snapping up in his direction when he spoke.
“The food. You’ve barely touched it in the last ten minutes.”
Ten minutes? Since when had that much time passed? Looking down at your plate, you realized he was correct. Over half of your food remained untouched, bits and pieces of it spread around from your fork and pushed to the side as if it was your least favorite meal. You hadn’t even noticed you were playing with it, and you wondered how long you had been just sitting there scooting food around with a blank look on your face.
“No, it was good.” Liar. You’d hardly been able to taste it. But it wasn’t just food that had lost it’s merit to you, if you really thought about it. The world just didn’t seem as lively; colors seemed washed out and faded, food held no taste, and music just didn’t sound the same. Nothing was enjoyable for you anymore.
“Y/N. You know you can tell me if there’s something going on, right?” Bakugou’s eyes bored into you while you just stared at the brightly colored napkin.
“Yeah, I know!” you chirped back, eyes briefly flickering up to meet his gaze before returning to orange pumpkins.
“Is there anything you want to talk about?” It sounded like a question, but really it was an invite. He knew there was something going on with you. Asking you was his way of giving you room to explain yourself before he decided to pry. Usually he was mindful of any boundaries you might have had, but Katsuki was never a fool, and you tended not to open up easily. Sometimes a little pushing and prodding on his part was necessary.
“Not really? Just work, but it was the usual. I’m just tired.” Even as you tried to pass your unusual behaviors off as a bad day at work and exhaustion, you couldn’t hide the sour note that slipped into your voice along with the visible scowl you made. But the emotions were short lived, and you were back to feeling defeated and down within mere seconds.
“Hey...” You felt compelled to look up at him when he softened his voice even more, but everything in you told you to hold back and keep staring at those damn balls of orange on the napkin. Why, you weren’t sure- maybe it was to keep from crying, or maybe it was to suppress the feelings that were slowly surfacing within you, or maybe it was just because you no longer cared. “Are you alright?”
You visibly winced when he asked. Suddenly everything hurt; everything was a mess, it was all wrong, all of it, and you just wanted it to stop. The pain, the numbness, the thoughts- everything. It felt like you hadn’t been able to catch a break since the day you were born. Day in and day out you lived like that, and no one would ever ask if you were okay. No one took the time to check on you properly; no one seemed to notice when you felt like you were at your worst. Well...no one except Bakugou. He’d been your rock for a long time now, but lately everything had gotten much worse, and you had kept certain things from him so as not to burden him with your troubles. In your eyes, he had enough of his own problems; hero work was already rough on him as it was, so you kept things to yourself so he wouldn’t feel overwhelmed. 
“Why does everyone always ask that when it’s already too late?”
The words tumbled uncontrollably from your mouth as your brows furrowed, a pained look clouding your dull eyes. Bakugou took a moment to process what you said before responding, eyes still locked onto you.
“What does that mean?” He already knew. You could hear it through the apprehensiveness in his voice, see it in the way he gritted his teeth anxiously. “Y/N, what does that mean?”
You glared at the blurry orange shape below you (were you crying...?), refusing to look Katsuki in the eyes. You were afraid of what might happen if you did. “I’m just...a waste of space.” There was a strange conviction to your voice, as if you’d made up your mind about something. Bakugou did not miss this. You, however, did miss the flash of fear in his ruby eyes as you spoke. “I cause problems for everyone I meet. I’m just a giant inconvenience to the world, and everyone would be better off without me. I don’t matter.”
“Would anybody even care if I was gone? I mean really, what difference am I making here?”
“Y/N, look at me.”
“It would be better that way. People wouldn’t have to deal with me anymore, and I don’t have to deal with all of...this.” You made some sort of gesture with your hands, your voice cracking as you held back hot tears. “Life. It’s just...it’s so exhausting. I’m so, so tired of having to wake up every day and drag myself out of bed and live. Nothing is fun anymore, and it’s hard just to breathe. I mean, seriously!? Come on, ya know? I didn’t ask for this, I don’t want to live like thi-!” You choked up, silent sobs wracking your shoulders as you buried your faced in your hands. 
Across the table, Bakugou slid from his chair and made his way to you, feet thudding against the floor as he quickly closed the distance and kneeled down to your level. “I knew something was wrong, but...” He gently cupped your face in his hands, palms warm against your tear stained cheeks. “How long have you been feeling like this?”
You struggled to remember when this all started. Minutes turned to hours, hours to days, and days to weeks that blurred into months eventually. Time blended together, and you couldn’t recall the last time you felt able to get up in the morning without feeling like it was a chore. “I don’t know...” you answered honestly.
Bakugou rubbed his thumbs against your face carefully, a soft sigh leaving his lips as he brought you into an embrace against his chest. You didn’t fight it, instead leaning into his touch while crying, and the two of you stayed there for quite some time before Katsuki spoke up about how he was feeling.
“You may think that you don’t make much of a difference here on this earth, but that’s just utter bullshit, Y/N. You make a hell of a big difference to me and everyone else around you, and you would be sorely missed and grieved over. Don’t you dare for one second think that you’re not important or loved, because you are; you are so, so loved.”
“It doesn’t feel that way,” you cried.
“I know, babe. It’s hard to see it right now, I know. Your mind is telling you the opposite. But believe me when I say you are the most loving and caring person I know. You’re always reaching out to others, maybe even a little too much, and you’re always checking on them. You’ve made a world of difference to everyone. Your friends need you, your family needs you, and I need you here. And I would be devastated if anything were to happen to you.” It was hard to believe anything he said. You wanted to, you wanted to so desperately. But you weren’t sure of anything anymore, and the most you could do was cling to him like a koala and hope that what he said was true. “Let me in. Let me be there for you. Trust me, please.” You’d never heard those words from Katsuki before. They sounded odd coming from his mouth, like they didn’t really belong on his tongue. But you listened because it was Bakugou, and you wanted to trust him. You wanted to be able to feel okay, and he’d always been there no matter how much you’d tried to push him away.
“Okay,” you murmured against his chest, your tired eyes drooping shut in exhaustion. Your shoulders followed suit as they slumped downwards, and you gave in and crumbled into his arms. 
“You’re not a waste of space. You’re extremely important to me, and I don’t tell you that enough. Every day when you leave for work, I miss you. I love when you come home and greet me, and I’m a better person because of you. Y/N, you’ve gotten me through shit I didn’t think I was going to make it out of. And you know what? We can do this. We can do it together, and it’s going to take a lot of work, but we will do it. You’re not getting rid of me that easy.” You couldn’t help but to smile at that. “And I know you feel like a burden, but you’re not. Your problems are never a bother. People are here for you, they want to help support you and listen to you. I want to support you. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. Everything’s gonna be okay. I love you.” 
You couldn’t stop the fresh tears from falling, quiet hiccups taking over you as you cried into his shirt. “I love you too,” you managed somehow.
Bakugou rubbed a hand over your back, his chin coming to rest on your head as he sighed. “I’m not going to let you give up on yourself, no matter what.”
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dat-bruv-person · 3 years
Bakugou Trick-or-treats! - Spooktober Event!
Spooktober Masterlist
Genre: fluff, crack
Pairing: Bakugou x GN!Reader
a/n: This is for you @drawingaddict and all the Bakugou simps out there! Hope you enjoy this piece, and don't be afraid to request, I'll try to write some of my own too.
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(Y/n) signed as they hung the last decoration on the windowsill. A tiny skeleton with a grumpy face, arms crossed. It definitely reminded them of a certain someone... At last the beloved time of year was here, All Hallows Eve, or Halloween. A time for drinking pumpkin spice lattes and warm cappuccinos, a time where stores and supermarkets would go all out on sweets and decor, costumes and makeup galore. It was only logical that dentists would have their work cut out at this time of year.
This year was quite a special one, because they had company. Company in the form of Netflix, tons of sweets, costumes and a boyfriend. A boyfriend in the form of an aspiring hero like themselves, except he had quite the temper. That aspiring hero came in the form of Katsuki Bakugou.
"I'm not dressing up as some crappy demon that came out from the depths of hell!" Katsuki had never been very found of Halloween, or any event that required celebrating with others. He much rather spend the day training, getting that one step closer to his dream of becoming the number one hero. Only then would he celebrate. Unfortunately, (Y/n) stood their ground and wanted to go trick-or-treating with him dressed up as the famous angel and devil duo representing both their realms. It only made sense that they were the angel and Katsuki was the devil. (Obviously!) As said before, our little pomeranian here doesn't like trick-or-treating - likes it even less when there are children involved. Our little angel, (Y/n) huffed in annoyance.
"Honestly [insert petname], if you won't go trick-or-treating with me, fine. I may as well go with Deku-kun instead-"
Bakugou bolted upright from his seat and sprinted across the room to block the door, his eyebrows were furrowed. You see, whenever you mentioned Deku in your relationship, Bakugou saw this as a major threat and tried to do everything in his power to stop you from waffling on about him. He caved in.
Before he knew it, (Y/n) was dragging him and two buckets across the neighbourhood, in search of some doors to knock on. (However, I'll let you in on a little secret, they only got three sweets due to Katsuki yelling at the home owners, telling them to let them have the fucking candy.) It got dark eventually, so (Y/n) and their boyfriend trudged back home. Despite not getting that many sweets, it would be a lie to say that both of them didn't have fun.
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petri808 · 3 years
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Quarantine memories fic hoarding craze for @thenaluarchive
— thank you to @phoenix-before-the-flame for helping jump start this fic 💜
It was Natsu Dragneel’s absolute favorite time of the day. 1 pm for him, and 8 am for Lucy, his… well, right now they were just online friends separated by distance and priorities. But judging by how he talked about her to friends, you’d never know it. They’d met three years ago on Twitch through a random chat stream about an anime series, and he continued following Lucy on her writing streams. Three years ago, she was a sophomore in college while he was in his senior year. Lucy later moved on to a graduate program, but they stayed in touch, growing close. To Natsu, she wasn’t just some girl online but a real friend he cared very much about. His friends called Lucy his online girlfriend. Pfft. He wished he could call her that.
Roughly two thousand miles away, Lucy Heartfilia was hating life. Her curtains were drawn, and a blanket was pulled over her head to drown out the light. The air conditioner was down to 60 degrees Fahrenheit, working against the low-grade fever and pounding migraine born yesterday. Migraines… the bane of her otherwise healthy existence. It was her fault after all, the temptation of a chocolate dessert knowing full well it was one of her triggers brought on said migraine and all she could do was bear it.
“Stupid hoarders!” Lucy groaned to herself.
As if dealing with a pandemic wasn’t bad enough, people’s selfish reactions to it were worse. A government agency had claimed that acetaminophen products could help with the virus’s symptoms, so what did people do? Panic buying anything and everything they could find containing that drug! The problem for people like Lucy, is the one over the counter medication that helped with her migraines was Excedrine… an acetaminophen product! And she’d just. run. out.
Lucy’s phone rang and she knew exactly who it could be based on the time. So, she clicked the answer button without opening her eyes.
“Hey, Natsu,” she groaned out.
“Morning Lucy! Oh geez, you sound like a frog.”
“Thanks,” she retorted sarcastically. “I’ve got a migraine.”
“Ouch.” Natsu genuinely flinched. He rarely got headaches, but this wasn’t the first time he’d talked to Lucy when she was going through one, so he knew what she was going through. “The meds aren’t helping?”
Lucy sighed. “I ran out. And did you see the news about all the hoarding? Every store here is bought out. It… sucks.”
“I could check around here and send you any I find,” he offered.
“Aww, that’s sweet of you Natsu, but I don’t wanna trouble you.”
“Pfft. Nonsense. I’m sure you’d do the same for me.”
“Thanks, Natsu. I appreciate it.” Lucy smiled through the pain. There’s a good reason her feelings for the man had grown over the years. His sweet and caring, yet fun and goofy, positive personality was an easy drug to get hooked to.
“Anyway, I gotta get back to work.” Natsu whined. “Good morning again, stay hydrated, and I’ll check on you again when I’m finished for the day, okay Lucy? Get some rest.”
“Have a good day at work Natsu.”
“Will now, after hearing your voice. Talk to you later Luce.”
She giggled softly. “Bye, Natsu.”
Lucy shifted under her blanket as she clicked off the phone to lie on her back. His sexy voice did wonders for her mood despite the pain still ravaging it. Now all she had to do was drag herself out of bed to eat something and drink water. She never had an appetite when she got these migraines, but it was a necessary fuel to fight it. All Lucy had left were extra strength Tylenol, so she could only hope it would at least take the edge off until the migraine ran its course.
Like so many others, this pandemic had really taken a toll on Lucy’s psyche. It’s not as if she went out a lot before it took hold, but just the fact it made going out dangerous brought different emotions to the situation. School had moved online which sucked all its own, she missed casually hanging out with friends on campus, and simply longed for the freedom of leaving her apartment as she pleased. But she understood the precautions of a quarantine. Frankly, she agreed with the city’s efforts to keep them as safe as possible no matter how many grumbled about it. Did it make it easier? No. But it was a necessary evil.
They weren’t completely trapped, could shop for necessities, visit family or friends, just encouraged to limit such gatherings as a safety precaution. If you went out, wear a mask, and just don’t stand too close to other people. Well, unless Lucy knew the person, why would she want strangers in her personal bubble anyway? And the mask thing? Have you ever been out shopping, and someone just sneezes without covering their mouth? Yeah— seriously, would it kill people to use one?! Why were people so selfish during times like this? Not everyone, but too many. Just like with all the hoarding frenzies that swept through cities, it was frustrating and— “Ugh…” being in a pain-driven bad mood was sure bringing her down today.
But despite all the external frustrations, the feelings of isolation from being in a quarantine for months were probably the most mentally exhausting part. It was lonely being so far away from home during a pandemic. Lucy’s been in college for five years and while she’s made friends in the new city, she was starting to crave comfort instead of an empty apartment. Her life online was one of the few things that made her happy, like Natsu’s daily calls, and kept her sane.
Natsu… her face heated up every time she thought about the man. They didn’t have a lot of hobbies in common, but he was always so supportive and made her laugh like no other could. Where they lacked in commonality, was made up in ease of conversation. It hadn’t taken very long for their online chats to feel more like an old friend and less like a faceless stranger. Over the years they’d talked about meeting in person one day after she finished school. It also helped that he was from a city not too far from where she came from, so if she chose to move back it would be convenient. But she also loved the new city she called home. Oh well, Lucy sighed. It was a decision still a couple of years away to make.
The next morning, Lucy woke up to find her migraine had finally given up. She could still feel the little bastard hiding, simmering somewhere ready to strike, but if it stayed mellow, it was something she could tolerate. Throughout the day, Lucy wasted no time in catching up on the homework she couldn’t finish the day before and making sure to stay hydrated with food in her stomach.
Lucy’s phone rang around 2pm.
“Hi Natsu, how was work?”
“Same ole, same ole,” he chuckled. “And how are you? Still feeling, okay?”
“Yeah, it hasn’t come back.”
“That’s great!”
Lucy could hear a lot of background noise, so she asked about it. “Oh, you’re not home yet?”
“Nah, and the commuters are being extra noisy today,” he responded benignly. “Anyway, tonight I won’t have time to talk cause I got a project due for work I need to finish.”
“Oh, that’s okay. Yeah, I’m still catching up from yesterday too and Levy’s dropping by for dinner.”
They chat for a few minutes about their day as Natsu waited for transportation. Lucy knew he used the subway to and from work, but today it sounded a little different, noisier and she swore there were engines instead of the normal train sounds. Maybe it was static. Finally, Lucy caught the muffled words now boarding.
“Shucks, time for me to go,” Natsu cut through. “Sweet dreams Lucy! I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Good night, Natsu!”
Lucy spent the afternoon relaxing online, chatting with friends and gaming. Her friend Levy McGarden later dropped by with take-out food for dinner and the two women caught up on random topics while movies droned on the television. They were both in grad school, so during the semester there wasn’t a lot of time to hang out, but they made do. Lucy was also doing a paid internship at a local magazine 4 days out of the week as part of her master’s program. She really enjoyed working there under one of the senior editors. He made it a fun learning experience.
Life was almost perfect except for the background isolation of the pandemic. Lucy was glad she wasn’t one of the individuals affected by jobs cuts, but it still got under her skin to feel trapped in a way. It was nice with her friend over... ‘Maybe I should see if Levy wants to become roommates?’ She wondered as she drifted off to sleep. The apartment would sure feel a lot less empty.
A knock at the door roused Lucy from her sleep. She blinked and yawned, looking at the alarm clock and that said 9 am the next morning. ‘Natsu didn’t call,’ she thought how odd. Maybe he slept in after working late.
Lucy dragged herself out of bed, throwing on a robe to answer the front door. “Gimme a sec,” she called out as she neared it.
“UPS delivery, ma’am.” The male voice responded.
‘UPS?’ Lucy grew confused. She didn’t remember ordering anything through them, but maybe she’d forgotten?
She peaked out of the peep hole, but all she could see was the box being held up. Okay a little weird, but some of the delivery people did that to show they were legitimate service people. Lucy slowly opened the door but kept the chain lock on while peering through the gap. But what she saw next brought on instant tears.
“H-How?” Her voice stammered out as her fingers quickly undid the lock and opened the door wide.
There Natsu stood holding a small brown box, dressed in a uniform of sorts, with a mask hanging under his chin, and wearing a goofy grin.
Lucy snorted a laugh as her eyes crinkled in happiness. “Is that a Halloween costume?”
“Yeah,” his smile widened, and hand scratched his head. “Surprise delivery,” Natsu held out the box, “for Lucy Heartfilia.”
“What is it?” She asked as she took it from him.
“Oh, I um found you Excedrine.”
Lucy opened the box to find 4 bottles. “You certainly did,” she laughed. “But why’d you bring it yourself?”
“It was quicker than the mail and… I hoped…” Natsu’s mannerism grew sheepish and tentative, “it was about time we finally met in person?”
Her face softened with a smile. “It truly is.” Lucy gestured into the apartment. “Please, make yourself at home.”
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sleeperswakewriting · 3 years
First time smut? Could be both or one inexperienced with a dose of comedy ^^
Summary: Childhood friends to lovers, Levi finally works up the nerve to ask Petra to go to prom with him. After years of pining, they decide to lose their virginity to each other on prom night.
Rated: M
Word Count: 5.4k
Prom outfits based on this!
now playing inevitable by anberlin and I think we're alone now by tiffany
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If you told Levi Ackerman that the best night of his life would include loud music, drunk teenagers, and a broken air conditioner, then he would have called you crazy and told you to piss off.
Except, of course, unless you mentioned one small detail.
He would be attending prom with his childhood crush, Petra Ral.
Friends since they were babies, neighbors both raised by single parents, they were the best of friends.
Even if they were polar opposites.
Petra was on the cheerleading team, doing cartwheels and somersaults by the time she could walk and was a social butterfly with a heart of gold.
Levi had exactly five friends, not including Petra—Erwin, Hange, Mike, Eld, and Gunther. He met them when they were in elementary school and his friend group had stayed the same ever since.
Throughout the years, their friendship faced trials and tribulations, mostly due to the fact Levi had been in love with her for as long as he could remember, and Petra was absolutely oblivious to the fact.
So much so, that she would dance around the room while they did homework, clad in booty shorts and a loose t-shirt with no bra on. He knew she saw him as a brother, going as far as to kiss him on the cheek in times when she was feeling particularly affectionate, and allowing him to wrap his arms around her with each heartbreak she faced.
"Levi, why don't you ever date? You could get any girl you want!"
He didn't dare tell her why. Even though Petra would never actually leave him, he enjoyed their affable candor, her free touches, and smugly, their Friday night movie nights, a ritual they had since they were children.
Which was also the point of contention between her and her current boyfriend.
He had a bit of a reputation as being a hard ass, also Petra's silent bodyguard even though she didn't need it, and one guy in particular—Oluo, had the nerve to come between their sacred time.
And Petra being Petra, invited him to their movie night, to Levi's chagrin, but miraculously, Oluo had taken a liking to him and the three had a few more movie nights together.
Eventually, they broke up amicably, with Petra teasing Levi that it was because Oluo had a bigger crush on him than her.
It was their senior year, which meant college applications were rolling out, and for the first time in Levi's life, he faced the reality that he might be alone.
Petra had gotten a full scholarship as a cheerleader, Erwin was going to business school, Hange to a STEM school, which left him...
"Directionless!" His mother called him. "I've worked so hard raising an intelligent young man and you can't pick a school?! Application times are ticking, Levi, you need to choose something—-a major, a school, something!"
He asked Petra what she thought about him going to school across the country, and in her infuriating smile, she patted him on the shoulder and said whatever made him happy.
I want to make you happy, he wanted to say.
The summer of their junior year was filled as it always was; late nights talking around the bonfire, camping, and summer jobs.
Petra had gotten him a gig as a camp counselor, a job he wouldn't have gotten if it weren't for her since he had "the personality of a boar," as Hange aptly put it. But, with her sweet persuasion and way with people, she had convinced the manager that Levi would be a fine addition to the team.
And he could lead the children's soccer league!
As luck would have it, he was pretty good with kids, and they latched on to Levi's stoic personality with glee.
It was a sleep-away camp, and while the girls and boys slept in separate cabins, counselors included, Levi knew Petra had a rule-breaking streak (that she got from him) and snuck out after curfew so they could watch the stars.
"The night sky is easier to see than in our hometown!" She exclaimed, leaning against his shoulder.
There was no way she would be able to hear how fast his heart was beating, how his cheeks were heated from how close she was, but all of that seemed to change when she took his hand in hers.
"This is our last summer like this, isn't it?" She whispered, and he dared to wrap an arm around her, even though it was far from the first time.
"Yeah," he agreed gruffly, not wanting the cruel reminder. Would they stay friends? Would she leave him? Did he fuck up all his chances to be with her?
Erwin and Hange kept telling him to tell her how he feels—they weren't getting any younger, and Levi morosely pointed out that she's dated several people, with none of them like him at all.
Well, there's a reason why none of them worked out, they observed.
Petra leaned in closer, burying her face into his shoulder as she sniffed. "I'm not ready for senior year. So many choices to make. I mean, I'm glad to be more independent, but I like living with my dad, you being right next door, and our friends all being in one place. Everything is going to change."
Levi swallowed, her words like bile in his throat, but choosing to placate her.
"Well, not everything."
She looked at him, eyes watering with hope.
"I'm not going anywhere," he said, looking away from her, not being able to tolerate her steady laugh, her playful friendly shove, and an "Oh, you!"
But she did neither of those things, and he looked back cautiously, noticing a different look in her eyes.
Maybe it was the moonlight, but her gaze was tender, her lips puckering in a way that he'd never seen before, and before he knew it, she was leaning in to kiss him.
Levi had his first kiss when he was 13 years old in a game of spin the bottle, with Petra in attendance. She had been making eyes at a boy all night, and in a fit of frustration, he spun the bottle furiously, hoping it would land on her, but instead, on another girl who he was fairly sure had a crush on him.
Petra walloped with the rest of their friends, cheering and loudly goading, and it was over before he could blink twice.
Hange took pity on him later, locking them in a closet for 7 minutes in heaven, but it turned into Petra crying over the boy who wasn't paying attention to her, with him consoling her as best friends do.
She was bliss, her sweet pea body spray engulfing his senses, as he tentatively kissed her back, wondering if this was some delirious dream he was having.
Petra was moaning in a way that he thought was only in fantasy, at night when he dared imagined himself as her boyfriend, and when she pressed her body against his, breasts deliciously folding against his chest, he groaned in return, releasing them from the kiss to catch his breath.
"Petra, what's going on?" He asked, caressing his forehead to hers, begging that this wasn't some mistake.
She kissed his cheek, then his nose, as she giggled, "I love you, Levi. You've always been there for me, I guess what I've been looking for has been here the whole time. You...You feel the same way about me, right?"
Nifa and Nanaba had teased her relentlessly that she was building a harem since, for every guy she dated, Levi was very much a part of her life, even accompanying her on some group dates.
"I don't want him to be lonely!" She argued, putting on her watermelon lipgloss. "You know how he is, all by his lonesome. Everyone knows he's like my brother."
Nanaba laughed, giving her a look, "Well someone better call the cops because brothers shouldn't be looking at you like that. I can't believe you wear this around him," she said, pinching Petra's thigh that cut off just at her ass by her extra-large PJ shirt.
Rolling her eyes, "Please, we've seen each other in diapers. And in cringey Halloween costumes. I think we're past feeling embarrassed."
"Whatever you say," Nanaba said, noticing the pink hue on Petra's cheeks as she talked about him.
Levi thought he would be caught dead before he said I love you to anyone but his mother, and even then, it was given in brief, stilted tones.
But with Petra, he said it as quickly as he could, pulling her in for another kiss, wanting to hold on to her for as long as she would allow him.
His mother was thrilled, always having a feeling that her son harbored feelings for their ginger neighbor, and her father awkwardly patted him on the back.
"Glad it's you, son. I'm tired of all the jocks she brings around," and with a crane of the neck and a stern look, he said, "By the way, Petra, same rules apply, door stays open at all times!"
Petra groaned, stomping up the stairs. "Daddy, it's Levi! We used to listen to music on my boombox when we were 10, remember? We'd keep the door closed so you couldn't hear the CDs we bought from the thrift store."
Her father gave her a cautionary glance to her, then to Levi, who for the first time in his life, felt scared of the serene man.
"Door. Open." Her dad said with a final word, and Petra huffed, dragging Levi into her bedroom as she bemoaned how much she wanted to kiss him, earning a cough from downstairs.
Their relationship was "going steady" as some would call, with it being Levi's first relationship (he hoped his only), and Petra getting used to the idea that he was now her boyfriend.
He got jealous quite often, to the extent where he would hold her hand in the hallway or would walk with one arm wrapped around her shoulders. If he was feeling particularly whipped, he'd hold her books, but he wasn't sure if the snickers from Erwin and Hange were worth it. Not the one for PDA, Petra was surprised when he asked to hold hands, and she was more so endeared at his exuberant affections.
So far, these were the happiest days of Levi's life.
When springtime came around, with the seniors abuzz with the promise of graduation and more importantly, prom, he came to the dreaded realization that Petra was expecting a "promposal," something he had seen throughout his four years of high school but always wrote it off as annoying.
He supposed he didn't think he'd be lucky enough to go with the girl of his dreams.
It started with Nifa, who received a promposal from Gunther in the most saccharine way possible, a candy gram.
Then Nanaba and Mike, the latter coordinating a flash mob with their friends. (Levi didn't dance, but Petra told him all about it and showed them the final video they recorded).
It was a given that Eld and his long-time girlfriend would be going together.
Hange dropped on Levi that she and Erwin were also going as a pair, but it was nothing serious, and decided to go together just so they wouldn't have to deal with the headache of finding an actual date.
Which left Petra, waiting for Levi, and not being the one for grand gestures, he sat himself down to work on a promposal in the only way he knew how to.
Coding a video game.
Petra may be a cheerleader, but she was also a huge nerd thanks to Levi, where they spent most of their childhood playing every video game between his Gamecube, her PS2, and subsequently, their Nintendo DS's, and trading and exchanging games throughout their adolescence.
Their personal favorite was Zelda, with Petra often handing the controller off to him for the harder dungeons, and he knew just what to do when they had their usual Friday night movie, this time at his house.
Cuddled up on the sofa, they were kissing, barely paying attention to the movie as the white of the TV illuminated their bodies. A half-eaten box of pizza was open and cups of soda were on the table in front of them.
It was getting late, and he knew Petra had to be home soon, and he tried to focus on not losing his nerve. Hands at her waist, her plush body against his, he told himself there was nothing to worry about since this was Petra and she chose him when she could have any guy in the school. Eight months of dating should have said so.
Petra seemed to catch his hesitancy as she broke the kiss, but suckled at his lower lip in a way that he adored before she whispered, "Something wrong?"
She knew him so well.
Pulling her in for one more kiss, he reached for the remote to shut the TV off. "I coded a game," he said seriously, wondering if his face gave away his nervousness. "I was wondering if you could try it."
Eyes sparkling, Petra nodded excitedly. "It's been a while since you've made something!"
He ran to get his laptop, already having the file ready while he opened his computer, sliding it in front of her.
"It's, uh, standard WASD to walk, and you can use the numbers to click on objects," he explained as a black screen opened, showcasing a pixelated version of Petra. She held a magic wand with some fire at the end, and she was smiling, wearing her cheerleading outfit.
"Is this me?" She asked, giggling as she went through the dungeon, shooting fire bolts from her wand.
He nodded, staring at the screen in apprehension.
"Not to be a critic, but it's a little easy. Maybe add some mazes so it's not as linear?" She suggested, blasting through a monster.
"Sure, yeah, I'll keep it in mind," he said absently, chewing at his lip as she made it to the final room.
A dragon with a letterman jacket appeared, and Petra easily dodged his fire while she gave more flicks of her wand. The dragon poofed away in a cloud of smoke, revealing a chest, and as she clicked to open it, the chest opening sound from Zelda played, making Petra squeal.
"Oh boy, what am I gonna get?" She asked with an excited clap, and the screen enlarged, a picture of a blue rose and a question in pixelated letters asking,
Mouth gaping, Petra looked to Levi, who was nearly squirming out of his skin in panic, clasping his hands together firmly.
Petra smiled, moving the cursor over to "YES" and clicked on it, playing the item received sound from Zelda, and confetti popped on the screen.
Crashing into Levi, Petra kissed him, wondering why it took her so long to see that she had been adored her entire life.
"You're so romantic," she sighed, tugging at his hair and running her fingers down his undercut.
Levi wanted to nearly cry from relief but quickly forgot about his distress as Petra flicked her tongue down his earlobe. She whispered she had five minutes until curfew, and it was a good thing they were neighbors so she wouldn't have to hurry home.
It's too damn hot, Levi thought to himself, tugging at his cravat that contrasted with his black button-down and white suit. A chain tied the two ends of the jacket together, also accompanied by a white pocket square, and even though he liked his ensemble when his mother first helped him pick it out, it was starting to feel too tight as sweat clung to his skin, the layers of the fabric suffocating him in the mid-spring weather.
Maybe it wasn't the only reason he was hot, he entertained, seeing Petra dance with their friends, dressed in a spaghetti strap orange dress and matching cream ribbon. Around her wrist was a blue rose corsage, the one he gifted her when he picked her up from her house in his mom's beat-up minivan.
She looked radiant, and perhaps what made her even more attractive was the fact that she was dressed for him. He had seen her in dozens of outfits ranging from sweat pants to middle school formals, but tonight, this was just about the two of them.
Blushing, she accepted his flowers and corsage, posing for pictures by the stairwell he used to climb with her, pretending monsters were chasing them.
Wrapping his arms around her had never felt so right as they slow danced, the dim light and rainbow disco ball illuminating their touch starved bodies. Levi Ackerman didn't dance, but for her, he would do anything as long as she was by his side.
Pressing her cheek to his chest, happy she chose only an inch for her heels so he was still taller, she whispered to him, "Are you nervous about tonight?"
Petra had agreed to go as fast or slow as Levi wanted, especially with it being his first relationship, but there was one request she had after he had asked her to prom.
"I want to have sex with you if you're ready," she said after a heated make-out session.
"Here?!" He asked, looking at his childhood bedroom, the same navy walls he had known for 18 years staring back at him.
"No, not here!" She giggled, flopping down onto his body.
"Prom night," she said quietly. "I've been saving myself for someone special and I want it to be you. I've never gone all the way with a guy...."
"Really?" He asked in wonderment, assuming Petra had sex, a thought he kept firmly shut off at the back of his mind.
"It just never felt right before. Until you." Scooting up to meet his lips, he groaned, evidence of his arousal for her apparent from the first time they kissed and then after. Sometimes she palmed his pants, sometimes he took care of himself right after she left, but he never wanted to push too far, or come across as inexperienced to Petra.
"We're both 18, I was thinking we can rent a hotel room. I can tell my dad I'm sleeping at Nifa's. You can say you're at Erwin's."
A million thoughts and images flashed through Levi's mind, but the only thing he could hear was I'm going to have sex.
"Prom night, then," he agreed.
He had stayed up hours the night before reading up on sex, the technical side of things, the intimate parts, and discussing protection with Petra the weeks leading up to it. They agreed on condoms, so he went to the store in the middle of the night to get a box, and stuffed them in the back of his underwear drawer so his mother wouldn't find them.
Before he left for Petra's, his mother embraced him, giving him the speech that he was growing up so fast, how proud she was of him, and that she was so happy he and Petra were dating.
It was then she pulled out a plastic shopping bag of condoms and started putting them in his pockets, both his jacket and pants, and Levi nearly pushed her to the ground, face flaming.
"What the hell, mom?!"
She gave him a stern look. "I know what kids do on prom night, Levi. I just want you and Petra to be careful—Don't make me a grandmother just yet! Look, I got you different sizes and flavors—"
They were not having this conversation, and Levi haphazardly unlocked the front door, barely sliding his shoes on, "Stop. Just stop. We're, uh, we're fine. We have everything we need."
Kuchel breathed a sigh of relief, placing three more condoms into Levi's hand, accompanied by forty dollars. "Good. Just be safe. Tell me if you need anything, and have fun at the hotel," she winked, and Levi gaped at her.
"What?" She asked innocently. "I know you guys are 18. And I might have heard Petra in the grocery store gossiping with her friends."
He facepalmed, groaning. Of course, Petra would be broadcasting losing her virginity.
To you, he reminded himself.
Levi stepped back into the house, kissing his mom swiftly on the cheek, muttering I love you as he took the car keys and drove down the half a block to Petra's house. Kuchel waved as she closed the door, happy her son was finally with Petra.
"A little," he admitted to Petra, back in the present. He kissed the crown of her head, holding her close. "Are you?"
Nodding, she raised her head to look at him, though they were nearly at eye level.
"But I'm happy it's with you."
A more upbeat song began, causing the numerous couples on the dance floor to break away and spin onto the dance floor. Petra let him go, but grasping his hand as she guided them back to their friends, encouraging them all to hold hands.
"To senior year!" They shouted, and as much Levi wanted to say he hated crowds, the sweat, and the lack of personal space, he found himself not caring, savoring the last tendrils of adolescence.
Petra was talking nonstop as they drove to the hotel, only 15 minutes away from the prom venue, and while she was usually a chatterbox, she found it was more from nerves than actually having anything significant to say.
Levi had one of their mixtapes in the CD player, burned during their middle school years written in sharpie Levi and Petra's mixtape, volume 5. Stolen songs from the internet, coupled with tracks from both of their iTunes libraries, Petra always marveled at how opposite they could be, and yet shared similar interests.
The songs were so familiar to her that she involuntarily sang along, reminiscing how often she played their shared songs and rolling over in excitement on her bed when she found a track she knew Levi would like.
Levi parked, hand still resting at the clutch as he looked to her with a steady breath. "We're here," he said quietly and Petra nodded sweetly in return.
Both brought two small duffles to change out of their prom clothes, and shuffled into the hotel, checking in, trying not to look like two teenagers about to have sex for the first time, but ultimately failing as Levi's hands shook as he slid the key card in.
Booking the cheapest room they could find that wasn't a motel, there was little space to walk other than the perimeter around the king-sized bed, a TV with a dresser, and a door leading to the bathroom where Petra excused herself to.
Levi switched the lights on, checking for anything unsavory, and dropped his duffel bag to the floor, checking himself in the door mirror.
Should he change? He didn't want to look too casual, not having the faintest idea of what "sexy" pajamas looked like for men, and he awkwardly paced, debating to at least take his jacket off, unhooking the chain to let his lapels break free.
He hung the jacket over the nearby loveseat, then fiddled with his cravat, wondering if he should take that off too since Petra may find it to be a nuisance, and before he could debate with himself any longer, he heard the bathroom door open up, revealing Petra in a pink baby doll outfit.
Blinking at him with doe eyes, she blushed furiously, not meeting his wandering eyes.
She was definitely not wearing that before they got in, so she must have changed, and suddenly, Levi felt very overdressed as his mouth went dry.
Licking his lips, he hurriedly got the "sex stuff" from his bag, throwing the box of condoms onto the nightstand, followed by lube, and Petra started giggling as he undid the condoms from his pockets as well.
"How many times do you think we're going to have sex tonight? 50?" She joked, eyes raking at the varieties.
"My mom insisted," he grumbled, heat creeping up his neck and Petra's eyes widened in embarrassment and fear.
"You told her?!"
"No!" He blurted defensively. "She figured it out. You know how perceptive she is."
Petra hummed in agreement, scooping up the condoms and putting them back into his duffel.
"I think it's safe to say we can just use that box," she said, pointing to the Trojan extra-large, then running her hands down his arms.
Levi shuddered, unsure if he wanted to keep staring at her or rip the lingerie off, but found himself unable to speak as Petra kissed him heatedly, tongue diving in, and placed his hands on her breasts.
"You can touch them, you know," she whispered, and Levi could have come alone from the contact, his hands touching the silken mounds he had fantasized about ever since they hit puberty.
He backed them into the bed, with Petra's back falling against the plush sheets, and she moaned as Levi pressed his weight against her, gently rocking against her body. She reached for his cravat, tugging it off so that it hung around his neck, and began unbuttoning his dress shirt.
"Have I told you how handsome you look tonight?" she purred, her pearl earrings catching the light in the room.
"Yes, but I can stand to hear it a bit more," he replied, daring himself to touch her legs, each graze of his fingertips like electricity down her spine.
The babydoll deliciously pushed her breasts together as a cute little ribbon sat in between her breasts. The material was nearly opaque, and his mouth watered, thinking of Petra in a thong, despite the number of times he'd seen her in a bathing suit.
"And you look, uh, amazing," he breathed above her.
"Really?" Petra exclaimed in relief. "Nanaba helped me pick it out, said that you're probably more into cute-sexy than sexy-sexy."
Gently sliding the straps down so he could kiss her bare shoulders where her freckles met, he said, "Anything you wear for me is sexy."
"Mmm," Petra sighed as he continued working at her top, finding the ribbon in the back and letting it fall off her arms until she was left in her bare breasts.
Instinctively, she went to cover then, but at Levi's eager and furtive look, she released them, guiding his hands back onto her chest, encouraging him to knead and caress her.
He was clumsy, but in an endearing way, fascinated that he was able to elicit such sounds from her, and when he realized she was only wearing her underwear, and he was wearing too much, he immediately discarded his shirt, then moved to unbuckle his pants.
"Let me help you with that," Petra said, sliding onto her knees to unzip his fly, then eagerly sliding them down his legs as he kicked it off.
"Wow," she breathed at the tent in his boxers, and he had the urge to cover himself as well until Petra reached for him, stroking his length and he moaned loudly.
"Y-you can't do that, I'm gonna come," he coaxed himself to say despite how magnificent it felt.
Blushing, happy she was able to make him feel so much with so little, Petra removed her hand and embraced him as they fell back onto the mattress.
They kissed again, feeling each other's bodies for the first time in this state, hands needy but asking for permission, Levi skimmed the tips of his fingers over Petra's ass, earning a hiss of pleasure.
"I need you," she whined, and unsure of how to proceed, Levi detached himself and grabbed a condom, hands shaking as he undid the wrapper.
"You know how to put it on?" Petra asked out of concern and fascination.
He nodded, slipping it down while pulling the tip. "I've done a test run just to make sure. I, uh, was thinking of you the entire time—-" Fuck, this was not romantic in the slightest, Levi chastised to himself. Petra didn't want to hear how he tested the physics of it, how to avoid using it incorrectly which led to him snapping it against his fingers.
But practice makes perfect, and he felt confident as he hovered above Petra, kissing her neck softly while feeling awkward from the latex between them. She hooked her thumbs over her panties, taking them off, and spread her legs for him, her expression yearning and hopeful.
"I've heard it might hurt," Levi said, breath heady at the sight of her womanhood, a cute ginger patch of curls.
"It's okay. You can't hurt me, it's you," she said gently, resting her hands against his shoulder blades, egging him forward.
Levi placed the tip at her entrance, holding his breath as Petra wriggled beneath him, gasping from the friction and he slid in very slowly, both moaning from the contact.
Petra was slick with arousal, and as he continued to push in, they gasped in time, and Levi had to keep himself from moving too firmly because she felt absolutely wonderful, all warm and tight.
"You okay?" He asked, noticing her wrinkled expression, and Petra gasped, opening one eye.
"Y-yeah, you're just really big. But I feel okay."
Pride swelled within him, kissing her gently as he throbbed with desire, and asked her permission to move.
Lifting her hips, he groaned, pumping into her once, then twice, then on the third—-
"Argh!" He gasped, already coming, not being to restrain himself because that's how good she felt.
Shame washed over him as Petra realized what was happening, and she held him gently as goosebumps danced across his skin.
He immediately removed himself from her, hobbling to the bathroom, and Petra looked worried as she processed what had just happened, but pleased that nothing unsafe occurred.
She squeezed her legs together, disappointment and frustration throbbing between her legs, but Levi reappeared, looking thoroughly abashed as he tucked his underwear back on.
"Petra, I'm so sorry about that. Let me make it up to you—"
And before Petra could protest, he crawled to her on all fours at the base of the bed, and placed his hands on her knees, opening them slightly.
"I read that most girls like this better away," he began, kissing her inner thigh, and Petra rolled her head back, happy he was tending to her, but squeaking as he immediately dove his head between her legs, then licking her core with an unpracticed tongue.
"Eek!" She screeched, kicking him in the chest out of reflex from the surprising sensation.
"Ow!" Levi exclaimed, falling back and looking like a mixture of pissed off and fear.
"Did I hurt you?" He asked, inching back to her, and Petra plopped her head against the pillow, laughing hard to herself.
"I should be asking you that, I'm sorry I kicked you," she said, giggling into the popcorn ceiling, then turning to face him. "I think for that, we need to warm up a bit. But...I don't want that tonight. Another time," she added with a hopeful look and Levi smiled sadly, hanging his head.
"I'm shit in bed."
Petra weaved a hand through his hair, realizing how much pressure he was under. "No, you're not, Levi. You were just excited. If anything, it's flattering," she said, an adorable pink blush filling her cheeks.
"We'll get better with time and practice. While we wait for you to reset, I brought something for me. I figured something like this would happen."
She padded to her duffel bag, taking out a pink dildo, and clicked it on. It vibrated, and Levi looked at her with a dumbstruck face as she smirked in response.
"Maybe we'll need all those condoms anyway."
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palbabor-writes · 4 years
The Gap in the Door
1: Cold 
Pairing: Shigaraki Tomura x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Adult language, SFW, imma say it’s rated T for Teenz, also F for fluff 
Word Count: 4643
“Watch out. The gap in the door... it's a separate reality. The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?”
- P.T. by Kojima Productions
Notes: This thing is like, tooth-achingly sweet. For me, at least. Most of the other stories that I’ll post this week are gonna be nice and spooky/angsty, for that Halloween spirit, ya’ know? But, I figured let’s start with the treat before the trick 🎃
Not beta edited, so any and all mistakes are mine, and mine alone.
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Cold /kōld/ noun
a common viral infection in which the mucous membrane of the nose and throat becomes inflamed, typically causing running at the nose, sneezing, a sore throat, and other similar symptoms.
You wake, sneezing. 
Your throat protests the sudden spasm and you gulp heavily, a sharp pain echoing across the back of your mouth. Lifting a hand to your neck you sit up, your comforter falling from your shoulders. It’s dark and your apartment is quiet. Leaning back against your headboard you chance another swallow, flexing the muscles of your throat. You wince, as that same pain shoots down your neck. Fuck. 
Groaning, you lift your legs from the sheets, pressing your feet to the floor. Great, just great, you think bitterly, padding out into your hallway. Since moving to Japan you had largely avoided any major allergies or colds. Looks like your time has run out.
Flicking on your bathroom light, you kneel by your sink, fingers tugging a large, plastic caddie toward you. You dig through the various bottles and containers, hunting for something that will ease the burning in your throat. The best you can come up with is an old box of Tylenol. Shit, you think, shaking out the last few pills, it looks like you’ll need to go to the store in the morning. 
Clutching the precious pain relievers into your palm, you stalk into your kitchen, turning on the lights as you step onto the tiles. Snagging a glass, you pour yourself a serving of chilled water and slug the pills into your mouth, easing their passage with a quick swig. They sting as they travel down your throat and you wince again. There’s nothing you hate more than a sore throat. You always found yourself swallowing impulsively and frequently, as if the pain would miraculously dissipate with the next gulp. 
Clinking the glass back on the counter, you open a few cabinets, hunting for your battered teapot and electric kettle. You’re just plugging in the kettle when you hear your front door creak open. You turn your head at the sound, fingers coiling beside you. 
“Hello?” you call into the void, hoping it will answer back with Tomura’s raspy voice. 
He steps into the living room, his eyes already narrowed, searching. “What are you doing up?” he asks, catching sight of your bedraggled form. 
“Making tea,” you supply, switching the electric kettle on at last, muscles relaxing at his familiar presence. 
“At 3 am?” he queries, shrugging his trench coat off his broad shoulders and heading toward your bathroom. You think about calling an answer after him, but another deep swallow has you rethinking that tactic. It would really suck to have a sore and hoarse throat come the morning.
You hear the shower running and shake your head. At least he’d asked you a few, cursory questions. That was nice. For him. 
Lifting up on your toes, you snag your small collection of tea bags, selecting a light chamomile and replacing the tin. Your kettle is just starting to beep when Tomura returns. He’s shirtless, his new sweatpants hanging low on his hips. His hands are scratching at the back of his head, sending small droplets of water across your mats. 
“So,” he continues, eyes lifting to yours, “what’s with the tea?” 
“Sore throat,” you supply, plopping the tea bag into a mug and pouring the boiling water over the sachet, watching it rise to the lid. You lift the cup to your nose and sniff at the fragrant aroma. 
“You sick or something?” he asks, pulling a stool out and perching against your counter. 
“Looks like it,” you grouse, lifting the tea bag out of the hot water a few times, watching the color shift to a pleasing sun kissed, golden. 
“Since when?” he’s watching you closely, his head cocked. 
“I don’t know, since a few hours ago? Sometimes colds just happen. It’s not really something you can predict.” You look at him appraisingly and arch an eyebrow. “You look, um, a little confused about that. You one of those people who never gets sick or something?”
Tomura shrugs, eyes drifting from you as he props his chin on his palm. “Always had access to a doctor.” 
You laugh and your throat tenses again, making you grimace. Tomura is unamused and rolls his eyes at your response. 
“Ooh, that’s fancy. Not everyone can say that,” you tease, taking a hesitant sip of your tea, the scalding liquid easing some of the lingering pain. A silence stretches between you, but it’s not uncomfortable. The two of you have long since adjusted to the other's presence. 
“He worked with my...Sensei,” Tomura expands, his voice low, almost too hushed to hear. You blink, surprised he’s elaborating on his thoughts. 
While he has opened up to you a little more in the last few weeks, he’s never told you much about his upbringing. You sensed that his childhood wasn’t, well, normal. How could it have been? His quirk was activated by touch. Even if he has a family, there was no way that that manifestation had gone, uh, well. 
“So, a personal doctor, that’s...yeah, I guess you weren’t really given a chance to get sick,” you take another sip of your tea and remove the tea bag, slipping it into your trash. 
Tomura is quiet again. His eyes are staring off into the distance, the red unfocused, as if he’s remembering something. 
Sighing, you blow against your mug and walk past him, stepping onto the mats of your living room. He doesn’t follow, but he does shift his position, twisting so his back is braced against the counter, facing you again. You flop onto your couch and lean against the cushions, clearing your throat after you take another scorching drag of your tea. 
“Did you...eh, do you have medicine?” Tomura asks. His face is stuck in an odd scowl. It’s like he isn’t sure of the words and he’s testing them out. You smile. “Yeah, I took some painkillers. I’ll have to get the stronger stuff tomorrow.” 
His jaw tenses again and he huffs out a sigh. His eyes lift to study your face for a moment. “You should sleep,” he murmurs, a light blush creeping across his nose. You try to hold in your grin and distract yourself with another swig of chamomile.
“Once I finish this, I will,” you assure him, eyes bright with your unspoken appraisal. His stilted behavior is kinda adorable. Not that you would tell him that. God, no, that would be a mistake of enormous proportions. He’d likely ignore you for the rest of the night, if not longer. 
He nods at your response and stands, crimson eyes still fastened onto yours. He opens his mouth, but shuts it quickly, another scowl etching across his lips. Without a word he pads into your hallway, heading toward your bedroom. You cough out a laugh and wash the remains of your mug back, savoring that warming sensation a final time. 
You sit on your couch for a while, your mug cooling between your fingertips. Tomura never ceased to fascinate you. Every time you think you’ve got him figured out, he turns on a dime, his personality shifting, surprising you. Tonight is no exception. He seemed...softer somehow, like he’s unsure how to voice his uneasiness with the foreign predicament you’ve found yourself in. 
You lift yourself slowly, stretching on your tiptoes as you stand. Placing your empty mug on your media cabinet, you walk toward your hallway, switching off the living room light as you pass. 
Your bedroom is cool and dark. 
You can just make out Tomura. He’s splayed across your sheets, his hands balled in that familiar manner, quirk contained by his clenched fists. His eyes open when you shut your door and he watches you step toward him. Your knees dip the mattress as you climb across the surface, stopping when you reach his side. You sink into the sheets, tucking your legs under the covers and pulling your comforter up to your chin. 
Tomura tilts his head to rake his eyes over your exposed face. You smile weakly at him, another sharp stab of pain racing along your throat. 
Your eyes are drifting closed when you feel his arms around you, tugging you toward him. While this isn’t unusual, Tomura has long since established himself as Japan’s number one fugitive and cuddler in your books, you move away from his embrace. He sucks his teeth loudly and you look up at his irritated expression. 
“Stop. I don’t wanna get you sick,” you tell him, shaking your head at his ire. He pulls at you again, lifting you effortlessly against his bare chest. 
“Tomura,” you warn, pushing against his hardened grip. 
“Go to sleep,” he grunts, digging his nose against your hair, his arms still locked around your back, fingers curling back into his palms. You sigh and try your luck again, squirming against his hold. 
“Ugh, really?” you question, letting out a sigh of agitation as your efforts are quelled once more. 
“Really,” he mimics, only loosening his arms when he’s satisfied you won’t try to pull from him again. You shake your head and let your cheek fall against his skin, the reassuring warmth of him seeping into you. His arms lower to the sheets and he locks his chin over your head, his own eyes finally closing. 
In a few minutes, both of you are asleep. 
A strange smell lifts you from your disjointed dreams. Wincing, you sit up. For a moment, you think you might be feeling better, then a well timed sneeze has you second guessing that diagnosis. Nope, still sick. You run your tongue over your teeth and shift your comforter away. 
You’re alone in your bed. Your fingers trace across the side of the sheets that Tomura slept on. They’re still warm, he must have only just gotten up. Standing, you swallow heavily again and sniff back the sinus pressure that rushes to your temples. As you dig in your closet for a jacket, you catch a whiff of that odd smell again. 
Your nostrils flare as you try to deepen your inhales, but the passageways are clogged. It’s no use. You can’t get a read on it. 
As you pass your living room, you give the space a quick glance. The late morning sun is peeking playfully through your screen door and your console is playing the main screen music on the tv. It sounds dull, like a bad recording. Yeah, you think, popping into your bathroom to snatch up the Tylenol bottle, you definitely have a head cold. 
Ick. There’s that smell again. 
You pause as you enter your living room, searching for the source. Tomura isn’t on your couch. While that isn’t odd, on the whole, it’s not exactly normal either. He’s usually in one of two places when he’s in your living room: perched at your counter, or lounging on your couch. You peek into your kitchen and feel your jaw drop.
Tomura is standing beside your stove. There’s a pot resting on one of the burners and he’s poking at the contents doubtfully, wooden spoon stirring intermittently. It takes you a minute to process this image. Blinking, you shake your head and look again. Nope, it’s him alright. 
Tomura Shigaraki is standing in your kitchen and appears to be attempting to, uh, cook? As he stirs the spoon across the pan again that smell wafts up. Ah, cooking had felt a bit strong. Besides, you reason, Tomura burning something at least feels a little more...normal.
“What’s that?” you ask and he turns, his eyes flashing. He doesn’t offer any explanation, he just twists back to the stove, a dark scowl spreading across his face. You walk to him and lean over his side, peering into the pot. 
It looks like he’s found some of your chicken stock. There’s a small assortment of vegetables mixed in, some carrots, badly chopped onions and what appears to be some frozen peas. You tilt your head, checking the level of the gas burner. Yeah, it’s set way too high. 
You glance up at him, “I’m going to adjust the burner. It’s too hot, so it’s catching some of the carrots.” He grunts and steps away, a red blush seeping across his nose and cheeks. 
With a practiced ease, you lower the heat to a simmer and lift the pot up for a moment, shifting the contents. “All in all, it looks pretty good,” you tell him, sniffling as the strong aroma hits your nose. “Mind if I put some more stuff in it?” 
Tomura snorts at that and shrugs, his eyes not meeting yours. “Do what you want.” 
You smile at him and lift a hand to his arm, fingers tracing along his bare skin. He sighs at your touch, his eyelids drifting closed, shuttering his tense embarrassment. 
Stepping past him, you grab your glass from the night before and fill it with some chilled water, popping the final set of Tylenol into your mouth. He watches as you swallow the pills and cocks his head, his pearly hair falling to one side. 
Setting the glass back against your counter, you give him another long look and walk to your fridge. You grab a few ingredients: cold chicken, celery and extra broth. 
Tomura circles to you as you set your selections down, curious. 
Moving to your dry goods cabinet, you snag some spices and seasoning: ginger, thyme, rosemary, turmeric, salt and pepper. You chop the chicken and grab a small skillet, firing up another burner and heating it until it loses its pink center. As the chicken is cooking you chop the celery and start to add the seasonings to Tomura’s original attempt. Once the chicken is cooked through, you toss it in and add a dash of extra broth, sliding a lid over the contents. 
Tomura hovers close by as you work, his eyes shifting from you to your preparations, seemingly fascinated. You let out a shuddering cough and he steps closer. Involuntarily, you lean away from him and turn to scrub your hands clean at your sink. He waits, letting you dry your hands on a nearby cloth, before repeating his movements. He’s close enough for you to feel the heat radiating from him. You shiver at the sensation and look up at him. 
He looks...concerned? You’ve not seen this expression before. His eyes trace your face, the red subdued, tamped down, the irises almost looks garnet. 
“How long does it need?” he asks, jerking his head toward your stove. You tear your eyes from his and sniffle, another cough rising in your throat. “Should- hem- should be ready in thirty minutes, give or take. Don’t turn the heat up,” you warn, lifting your eyes back to his. 
Tomura nods and tilts his chin toward your living room. “Go lay down,” he rasps, his voice low and even. 
“I’m ok-” you begin, but he steps closer, peering down at you critically. 
“Don’t argue with me (Y/N), go lay down.”
Smiling at his insistence, you lift your hands in supplication and he lets you pass him. Before you settle on your couch, you step back into your bedroom, snatching up a spare blanket from your closet. When you return to your living room, you’re surprised to see Tomura sitting on your couch. He gives you a passing glance and lets out a shallow breath, fixing his attention on your tv, using your console controller to select a game. 
“I thought you wanted me to lay down,” you question, one brow arched. He looks back to you and his eyes narrow. 
“I do, come on.” 
You let out a coughing laugh, earning yourself a disgruntled glare. “Stop acting like an idiot,” Tomura grumbles, rolling his shoulders agitatedly. 
Plopping beside him, you tuck your cold feet against the cushions. He grants you a quick peripheral glance and lifts his hands, clearing space for you on his lap. Your eyes widen and you swallow thickly, the pain in your throat momentarily forgotten. Well, that’s a, um, different solution. 
Tomura heaves a heavy sigh at your hesitation and you can feel his frustration rising. Not wanting to provoke him further, you quickly lay down, stretching your feet out and gingerly resting your cheek against his thigh. 
Tomura tenses for a moment, his sudden movement entirely involuntary. You twist your head at the tremor but he stills your motion, leaning over you, his white hair curtaining the two of you. 
“Sleep,” he grumbles, his eyes resting on yours, the red glowing in the bright light. You nod silently and he pulls away, refocusing on his game. Your eyes drift closed and you shrug your blanket higher, savoring the warm, content sensation that is pouring into you.  
You must have passed out pretty quickly. 
The next thing you remember is someone lifting your foggy head and then everything is blissfully blank again. It’s not until you hear a gravelly voice calling your name that you stir, eyes bleary, wincing against the afternoon sun. 
Tomura is sitting, cross legged, in front of you, a bowl of soup resting in his four fingered grip. He’s redressed, his usual black shirt and pants dark against your mats. You sit up, the heels of your palms pressing into your eyes, a sharp pain hammering against your head. 
Tomura’s red gaze fills your vision as you blink back your exhaustion. He lifts the bowl, re-focusing your attention. “Eat,” he orders, shifting the vessel into your cold hands. You nod and lean back into the cushions of your couch. He stands and regards you, his eyes flicking across your pallid face. 
“You said you needed medicine?” 
You pause, lowering your spoon back to the chicken soup before answering. “Yeah, I only have painkillers...nope, actually, I just ran out of those too. I’ll go out after I eat-”
“No,” he replies, his voice sharp. You look up at him, your head already tilted in confusion. 
“What do you mean no? I need something stronger than what I have...ick, had. Plus, this cough is only going to get worse if I ignore it. I can’t-”
“I’ll get it.” 
You gape at him. “What?” you ask, bewildered, thinking your clogged ears have misheard him. 
“I’ll get you the medicine,” he sighs, his eyes meeting yours. 
“Tomura-” you begin, but he cuts you off, standing. “Eat (Y/N), I’ll be back.” 
“You can’t, what if someone sees you. It’s like, 4 in the afternoon, you never go out in the-”
“Fuck, stop arguing with me. I know what I’m doing, I’m not fucking stupid. What do you think I do when you’re not around?”
“I don’t know. I just don’t want you to-”
He ignores your rebuttal. “You think I walk around with some giant sign with my name on it or something? No one is going to notice me.”
“But, you don’t-”
“Goddamn it,” he bites out, red eyes flashing dangerously. “Do you want the medicine or not?”
“I was going to say you don’t even know what I need, Mr. I’ve never been sick before because I had a personal doctor at my beck and call.” You don’t mean to snap at him, but he’s starting to piss you off and your head is pounding. 
Tomura glares at you and he lifts his phone up for your inspection. You blink, eyes squinting at the bright screen. It looks like he’s done a little research while you were sleeping. There are several pictures of various cold medicines and each has a small line of text underneath, listing the uses and side effects. 
“Pick something,” he growls. You can tell that he’s trying to contain his anger and you feel a little guilty for snapping at him. He is trying, you think sullenly. 
“You didn’t need to do all that...I mean, ugh, sorry,” you amend and point to two of the medications. He twists the phone back to his face, tapping on the screen a few times before lifting it back to you. 
“Just these?” He shows you your two selected medications and that the others have been removed from his digital notes. You nod, lowering your head and biting your lip. 
You know that he must have his ways of getting around. But, you can’t help that nagging worry that itches along the back of your mind. No, he’ll be fine (Y/N), you think. Remember how hard it was for you to find him on the fucking internet? Without those creepy hands of his, he’s practically an enigma.  
Tomura stands and looks down at you. “Eat,” he reiterates and you dutifully dip your spoon back into the broth. He gauges you silently, but turns when you lift the spoon to your lips, sliding the hot liquid into your parted mouth. 
He lifts his trench coat from a kitchen stool and threads his arms into the sleeves, sparing you a final glance before pacing down your walkway, toward your front door. You hear it open and shut, the lock turning with a decided click. Sipping another spoonful of soup you decide that your additions to the broth at least took the edge off the burnt carrots.
Tomura returns an hour later, a plastic bag rustling in his grip. A light rain had started soon after he left, so his hair is damp, clinging to his shoulders. He shrugs off his soaked trench, leaving it in your hallway, knowing you dislike wet clothing dripping on your living room mats. 
You must look worse, because he eyes you gravely before stalking into your kitchen. 
You hear your fridge opening and closing and a glass tapping down on your counter. A few moments later, he’s back in front of you, pressing a glass of water into your hands. 
“One is a syrup. The other is a pill,” he informs you, tossing the plastic bag beside you. You clear your throat roughly, “Thanks.” He sits next to you, his shoulders tense. 
“You ok?” you ask, worry creeping into your subconscious. You’ve never seen him like this. It’s like he’s vibrating with some unseen energy. You know it’s likely a mixture of apprehension and concern. Still, they’re not emotions that you’d usually associate with him. 
He seems unsure, and you can tell he’s trying his hardest to hide his discomfort from you. Naturally, in tried and true Tomura fashion, that means he’s going to be sullen. Annoyance and anger are usually his go-to moods when he’s uncertain. 
“Are you going to take them or not?” he questions, his voice clipped, sharp. His eyes lift to meet yours, the red dark and turbulent. 
Yeah, he’s definitely on edge. 
Huffing out a soft exhale of exasperation, you flick your hand into the bag, pulling out the first box your fingers land on. 
It’s the syrup. Twisting the lid off, you portion out the recommended dosage and slug the thick liquid back, shaking your head against the slimy texture and biting flavor. Tomura’s eyes widen at your reaction, the red losing some of that underlying aggression.
“Does it taste bad?” 
Shrugging, you replace the bottle in its original box, slipping it back into the bag. “It’s disgusting, but it works. This stuff always makes me loopy, so, uh, sorry if I pass out on you.” 
You lift the final box from the plastic. This medicine is mostly used for migraines. It should knock out that pounding in your head pretty quickly. Cracking the packaging open, you slip the pill bottle out and pop a single tablet into your mouth, taking a quick swig of water to wash it down. Sighing, you lean back again. Here’s to hoping that this stuff would clear this cold out of your system.
Tomura is still observing you. You turn to him, curling your feet under your legs. “You should eat. You’ve been dealing with me all day, so I know you haven’t,” you press, lifting a hand to his dripping hair, fingers trailing along the strands. He narrows his eyes at your order, but leans into your touch automatically. 
“Fine, go lay down,” he commands, titling his face into your palm. You grin, amused by his duality, and trace your thumb along the scar on his lip. His gaze darkens, tempted, but he leans back and your hand falls to your lap. 
“Go,” he insists, standing, waiting for you to do the same. You gather your blanket around your shoulders and do as he asks, shuffling past him and into your bedroom. The autumn sun is just beginning to slip beneath the horizon and its hazy glow bathes your room in a low light. You sigh, unhooking your blackout curtains and pulling them closed, dousing your room in a comforting darkness. 
As you curl into your cool sheets you can hear Tomura moving around in your kitchen. With a low exhale, you burrow your face into your pillow, the medicine starting to course through your system, lulling you into a dreamless sleep. 
You shift back into consciousness as Tomura turns you to him. He intertwines his long legs with yours, settling heavily against you. His arms are tucked to his chest, palms facing toward him, fingers curled. His head bumps against yours and you have the distant sense to tilt your face away. Tomura dislikes this and unwinds his arms, his fingers urging you back to him. 
“Just because I took medicine doesn’t mean I’m not contagious,” you warn, keeping your chin down, trying to avoid him. He grumbles at that, a low rumbling echoing along his chest. His hand lifts and cups your chin letting his rough lips capture yours, pressing you open. You gasp and pull away, but he follows, his lips urgently seeking yours. 
“Tomura-” you scold, but he silences you with another kiss. You can’t help your moan, trying to ignore the warmth that is coiling in your core and shake your head, slipping him from you. 
“Stop that,” he grouses, voice rasping against your parted lips. He won’t let you shift away, his strong thighs pinning your legs down, instantly tensing and stilling your halfhearted attempts at escape.
“I already told you, I don’t want to get you sick,” you pant, trying to ignore his incessant touch. It’s not an easy task. Part of you doesn’t want him to stop, while the rational, logical side is warning that if he’s like this when you’re sick, just imagine how agitated he’ll be if he catches this cold.  
“I don’t care,” he murmurs, lips gliding against yours again. He’s soft, not seeking anything other than your caresses. He’s not pawing or groping at your curves. Instead, his hands are resting beside your jaw, fingers teasing along your smooth skin. 
“You say that, but how would you know? You told me you’ve never really been sick…mmm...this shit isn’t fun, Tomura…” 
He’s not giving up, his forehead pressing against yours. He cups your face and sucks against your lower lip. You sigh at the rough sensation, exasperated, and, at long last, give in, returning his kiss, your hands drifting to his hair. Tomura hums, finally satisfied, and lifts away, his eyes latching onto yours. You groan at the loss of his lips, but don’t lean toward him. Instead, you distract yourself by running your fingers across his face. Smoothing against his coarse skin, touch delicate and featherlight. 
He closes his eyes, sighing contentedly and rests his forehead against yours, his arms curling back to his chest. “Sleep,” he grunts as you lift your hands away from him.
“Hey,” you call and he opens his eyes again, vermillion scanning your face, waiting. “Thanks, for today, I mean...” 
He exhales and presses closer, his breath ghosting across your skin. “Go to sleep, (Y/N). We’ll see how you feel in the morning.”
Notes: He’s so cute y’all. (.づ◡﹏◡)づ. 
If you wanna see more of their interactions I have two things for you: 
1. Look Upon the Light - This is the main story I’ve written for the two of them. The moments in The Gap in the Door start after Chapter 7: Polaroid. 
2.  Send me some requests or themes, if you want! I’ve got another few chapters written for them, some are SFW and some are NSFW. I’ll add tags and triggers as needed and on a chapter by chapter basis. So, lemme know whatcha think! My ask box is open atm. 
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