#theyd never force him to do anything hes uncomfortable with
llitchilitchi · 2 years
I said I was going to spam you questions about the vampire menace au and here I am :))))))))))
gosh i dont know where to start i want to know everything.
How do they meet? Did Dream know they where vampires right away? How did they figure out their uhhh (snack? supernatural??) dynamic? What's day to day life like for them?
You said this was a mostly soft au (:eyes: for now possibly, oh?), do you already have some ideas for those moments? Do you plan on writing anything for it or just art?
I am just :hearteyes: I love them so much your honour. They look so cute in your art style as well. I'm really out here giggling and twirling my hair.
- Uzumakifanfics
(I'll leave it at this for now........................ but I'll be back..........)
oh gosh hi!! hello!
thank you for all the questions :D I would love to answer all of them with full proper comics explaining some of the things, but there is only so many hours in the day
gonna give a little warning for some innuendos in the text :)
to start it all of, sapnap and george met dream in a nightclub. this is entirely for the purpose of the pun of sapnap asking dream if he could "suck him in the back".
in the universe of this au, supernatural beings kinda just live normally among regular humans, though there is not too many of them (to the point that some people doubt the existence of the supernatural), so sapnap and george came clear pretty early on. they took it slow, made extra sure that dream knows what he is getting into before properly going ahead and having a taste. and since the three of them got along quite well, it soon became a "friendship with benefits", so to speak. or as the vampire boys would say, "fresh blood tastes better than the packaged stuff they can get at the hospital."
by the current point in the au, their arrangement has been going on for quite a while, and sapnap and george offered that dream move in with them. george is pushing 200 years of age and sapnap is only about 20-30 years younger than him, and the two have been living together since around the 1890s, making them Practically Married. in short, they had a lot to offer to Dream, who definitely appreciates a proper house over a dorm room that doesn't have working heating half of the time.
Dream has certain obligations in the usual waking hours for humans and he has to be awake through the day, like classes and work, while sapnap and george tend to sleep. (they can still run errands. sunscreens and long sleeves, along with sunglasses and hats, do wonders for the vampires.) they like to participate in some ordinary human activities, especially when dream drags them along. the only thing they get mildly annoyed about is dream refusing to let them feed before he heads off to school or to work. but they are quite accomodating! and they enjoy the day to day life of the 21st century.
there is not too much of a routune to speak of, outside of dream's mortal life. I am still debating what to make of George and Sapnap, though I think twitch streamer Sapnap, a vampire born in the 19th century who now screams at Minecraft challenges, is too good to pass up.
I don't really have plans to write for this au and most of it will be limited to one off sketches and short comics of little snippets of their life (vast majority of which consists of Dream being far too easy to fluster and the vampire boys taking advantage of that). there might be further progress with a story once I introduce other characters, like Quackity, Karl and the rest of dtqk+, or Bad and Velvetfrost. for now though it will really just be them being cutesy together, unless a comment or asks gives me ideas to actually work on a plot.
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m0ch1nut · 1 year
After Sukuna spills the beans, YN says that theyd been looking at a Heian artists painting of his curse form to associate Sukuna with that visual rather than Yujis looks, and even piles up blankets/pillows around themselves so its like his 4 arms are hugging them. Sukuna kinda just goes 🥺 (or as close to it as he can lol) at how accepting they are before kissing YN for the first time. Sorry this is so long and detailed, I just thought it was precious! No pressure tho <3 (no part 3, it all fit!)
Okay I don't know if I can put both parts of the ask in one post so I'll summarize,
Sukuna struggles to be physical with his s/o because he's uncomfortable doing so while still being in Yuji's body. While he's not insecure about his true form, he's still unsure if his s/o will still find him attractive since his true form is more monstrous and "creepy". Eventually, they discuss it (and the rest is continued in this ask).
Now I'm kind of stuck on how to write for this. I know you might be expecting the full story but I, just like Sukuna in this situation, am uncomfortable with the idea of Sukuna still being in the body of a teenager. This is why I write strictly for his true form or an AU. However, I still think this idea is really adorable so I want to add to this in a way I'm comfortable with.
Communication has never been Sukuna's strong suit. He believes any problem that can't be solved with power and strength isn't worth his time. This "actions speak louder than words" attitude has never failed him, (mainly because he's shit with words) but then again he's never been in a situation as difficult as this. At some point, you became very important to him. Ever since you accidentally stumbled upon his domain within a dream, Sukuna was intrigued by how you continuously managed to return. For some reason, your humanness piqued his interest; the fact that you were physically attractive was just the icing on the cake.
Being stuck in Yuji's body had its pros and cons, but mostly cons. The damn brat was able to maintain control over his body, forcing Sukuna to spend the majority of the time stuck within his domain, all whilst remaining the spitting image of Yuji. As Yuji goes about his daily life as a high school student, Sukuna is constantly reminded that although he is hundreds of years old, his physical form is still similar to that of a child.
At first, he's able to keep his frustrations hidden. Anytime you arrived in his domain, he told you stories of his prime, his views on the world, and anything else he was willing to share; all while you sat politely, listening in awe and wonder. For a while, this was enough to hide his inability to act on his attraction to you. However, your impatience began to show, with each visit you sat closer and closer until your chin rested on his knee; looking up at him with love and admiration.
As the King of Curses, Sukuna's not used to difficult situations where things can't go his way. He knows he should talk to you, but doing so requires being vulnerable and weak. So unfortunately for you, Sukuna dragged you into one of his long-time habits: taking his frustrations out on others. He became short-tempered, quick to snap and force you out of his domain the minute you got too close.
You weren't stupid, you knew something was wrong but couldn't put your finger on it. Sukuna wasn't the easiest to read either. You knew from his stories that he's had no issue being physically affectionate with humans in the past, and his words showed no indication that he was upset with you in particular. It takes night after night of pestering to get Sukuna to talk about his feelings, and its... adorable? Seeing him stumble over his words and avoid your gaze makes him seem almost human; that is until you see the paintings of his past form.
Fearsome, ravenous, and powerful; every painting depicted Sukuna in ways you should've feared, but all you saw was beauty. His familiar tattoos wrapped around his larger form, except now the black bands circled twice as many arms. A rough mask stretched over half his face, the name Ryomen now making more sense. One image, in particular, caught your eye, depicting Sukuna towering over the remnants of a village. The image was still, motionless, and yet the flames seemed to dance around him; bathing his muscular body in shades of red and orange. Compared to his true form, it made sense now why Sukuna would feel uncomfortable in Yuji's body.
Some time had passed since he last saw you, and embarrassingly, Sukuna was starting to worry he'd scared you away. He decided to pay you a visit. This was rare since you had never actually told Sukuna where you lived, he found you on his own. He concluded that regularly visiting you outside of his domain could make you a target for local sorcerers. Yet here he was, seated on the roof of your home, gazing into your bedroom window. The room was dark, it was late and you'd already fallen asleep. Sukuna didn't notice at first, but after his eyes adjusted he noticed the mountain of blankets and pillows wrapped around your resting form. Were those... arms? Was that supposed to be him? The realization hit Sukuna like a truck, for once he was actually caught off guard. Waves of different emotions coursed through his mind, relief? Sadness? He was glad you weren't frightened by his true form and actually embraced it. You looked comfortable and really fucking cute. Unfortunately, he's stuck in this body for now. A reality where he could hold you like that, if at all possible, was not promised. As he made his way off your roof and back towards the school Sukuna thought about how disgusted he should've been, the mere sight of you like this was so cheesy. To feel like this for a human was almost nauseating. He ultimately pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind, deciding he could work through those feelings later. For now, he was allowed to be happy.
The next time he saw you, things would be different.
Again, I'm sorry this took longer to write than I had originally promised, but I hope you like it! This idea was so sweet and I had a lot of fun writing it.
I'm glad to be back :)
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meat-pvppet · 10 months
just gonna talk about my vessel guy, archive vessel, real quick cuz i never talked about him that much and i dont wanna bother my friends with my oc chatter
these are mostly disconnected thoughts vaguely strewn together that steered up cuz i listened to the man on the internet broken vessel theme with lyrics
ALOT under the cut be warned
anyway archive vessel's a really mild-mannered little guy, a little socially anxious and awkward cuz obviously, and kinda just hangs out despite everything, fucking around in the archives and keeping themselves occupied by reading whatever was left behind and trying to maintain the place once they found it
it kinda started to idealize the idea of family and friends through what they could read and they started to wish they could have that
be a big ol normal family with their siblings and parents
maybe they could have made friends too
be a kid
but they realize that, obviously, due to the nature of their conception and just
what they are
its not really possible
but that doesnt stop them from wanting that
i can imagine they hold a lot of resentment towards their father for abandoning so very many of its siblings to die in the abyss
theyd probably understand why
he had a kingdom to protect and he believed this was the only way
but that doesnt mean they would forgive what was done
they hate how they cant help but feel
cheated at life, yaknow
done in by something they couldnt change
and after its cursed conception, to simply be cast aside to rot among the corpses of its siblings...
their anger is painful to them, like something lashing out violently in a cage barely holding it in
it wants to lash out at those that hurt them, but obviously thats not possible
so it just
festers like that
mind you, they wouldn't take that out on their siblings
they were put into the same situation as it, so it isn't fair to them or itself
at most, they treat their siblings like the most precious scrolls in the archives
theyd also just
put in alot of their time to gather the bodies of their siblings that were able to escape the abyss but died anyway
make proper "graves" for it to just
even though they never knew them
they just wish they couldve found and helped them earlier, but at the least it finds peace in giving them proper resting places
i feel like their shade wouldn't have the same restrain they usually have with their anger and would probably violently attack anything that comes too close so uh
itd be a really big hassle to try n get them back in their shell if ever it got cracked open like an egg
theyd also act like this if they were ever able to meet pk after everything like in those aus
theyd still have some restraint cuz
but they just
are not handling it well™
theyd meet him once and never want to see him again until they can find it in themselves not to wish to hurt him
shell would crack (moreso than it already is) under the pure stress
they wish to yell, to hurt, to let out all these pent up emotion
but it wont
despite everything, when meeting pk again, it'll find it unfair
i mean
everything pk did to them and their siblings was unfair but
archive vessel cant bring himself to make it "fair" by letting all that resentment out like that
doesnt feel right
if ever they were forced to continuously interact with pk theyd keep it as brief as possible and treat him like a stranger-it-has-to-be-around most of the time
if pk were to try to like
be a dad to the archive vessel itd just be
very uncomfortable and awkward, cringing away from touch and, again, keeping things as brief as possible
which may hurt pk (if he cares cuz note my characterization of pk isnt fully done cooking so im not sure if he'd even be interested in doing any of this it might be more likely he never interacts with archive tbh) cuz with other people showing affection to archive, they eat that shit up but with pk itd just
generally, they dont wanna be around him for too long cuz then it'll need to actually feel the things they feel at full force and feeling things is kinda cringe to them
they hate how intensely they feel sometimes cuz of just how painful it is for them (projecting /hj)
equally so, they also hate bothering people with shit like that cuz "i survived until now, everyone else has their own problems and issues and struggles, i dont need to add on to what theyve got" (projecting /hj)
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threepointseven · 2 years
heya! just saw that your requests are open ?
i've read your rules, but if you feel uncomfortable or anything, no need to do my request! don't force yourself please <'3
can i ask for kaeya/diluc/childe (separate + you can pick if you don't want to do all of them) adopting a child!gn!reader, or at least taking care of them ? BUT the reader is very sensitive and scared of everything due to,,, "past trauma", and they're very shy and need a lot of comfort and hugs. i hope that makes sense omg, i just want to know how they would take care of a child like this nrjkqo-
anyway, its fine if you delete this ask. and if you decide to write it, take your time! also your blog's theme is very very pretty and cute!
have a good day 🌸
When you have trauma (platonic child reader)
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Type- scenario 🍄+HC’s 🌷
Flowers included!🌼= childe x gn!child!reader, diluc x gn!child!reader
🥀 Flower toxins!🥀: mentions of abuse, kidnapping, violence, trauma
Genshin masterlist
💐Your bouquet has been delivered <3💐
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- childe adores you, despite your contrasting looks and the fact you two arent blood related he considers you his family.
- He met you in rather unfortunate circumstances, your previous parents were to shorten it, evil people. Theyd lash out on you and verbally abuse you basically anytime they had the chance.
- You came from a loud, abusive home and no one understood how you felt in that household nor did anyone believe you. When he met you he witnessed a horrible scene, your blank, crying face of horror as your parent kicked you out of their house. You had bruises all over and you silently sobbed before he came to your rescue.
- He only recently officially took you in as a guardian but you had no clue of that. You thought he was temporary,
- He took you in as your guardian, nothing else, but he treats you like his own child. And he has such, such a soft spot for you. Your his everything! He knows how fragile you are after having to experience so much at such a terribly young age. He’d rather die than see you become like him, diving into the depths of the abyss at the ripe age of like 12..
- he treated you with extra care as if you were a glass doll with fragile stickers in big bold text wrapped around your frame. He kisses your forehead everynight lovingly as you drifted to sleep and made sure you hadn’t a millisecond of feeling like your in danger.
- He’d take you to shnezhnaya to introduce his parents to a kid he would accidentally call his child and made sure you were never involved with the fatui.
- He wouldnt budge even if the tsaritsa asked to see you, as much as he knows how kind the tsaritsa is because of your past trauma he’s too horrified to have you know hes apart of some murder organization just yet.
- He knows your quite shy and antisocial so most of the time he talks for you, but he does still try to teach you how to talk. Sometimes asking zhongli for help. (He makes zhongli talk with you for hours and hours till your comfortable enough to have a conversation with him)
- He’d protect you till forever falls apart and he made sure to dispose of your parents once you were safe and sound but that couldnt help the unimaginable nightmares about that period of time.
- He was just sleeping in his room soundly before waking up at his reflex, from the soft yet desperate knocks, immediately assuming it was you he raced groggily to the door ready to assist you with whatever you may have needed, be it food or maybe you had some energy left.
- He worried it was one of those nights again, he worried about you greatly. Your trauma and relationship with your past household left a huge scar on you and you were vulnerable and scared of practically everyone besides childe. He looked down to see your sobbing figure, violently sobbing. Fat tears kept flowing out of your doe eyes and in a flash childe scooped you up with his arms and cradled your small figure,
“Hey hey..! Hey kiddo whats wrong hm?”
- he let you cry on his shoulder while you tried to babble out words through your cries
- He rubbed your back and pat your head, whispering loving reassurance into your ear while you sobbed into his shoulder, slowly calming down while the man you saw as your father cooed into your ear, softly comforting you tiny figure
“Im sorry…”
“Hm? Sorry for what y/n?”
“For waking you up again. Its probably getting annoying..” your lips crinkled as you tried to hold back a few unwanted tears
“Hey its alright, i dont mind. I’ll do anything to make you feel better. You were crying more than usual tonight.. whats up?”
“Y-your… your gonna give me back to them arent you..” your lips couldnt help the quiver as more tears fell, your voice box stinging from how much you already cried.
It took childe a moment before realizing what you meant. Gods he was shocked, he assumed he made it clear he looked at you as his own child but the fact you still had the thought lingering in your head that you were gonna get sent back to those monsters? He thought he did a good job taking care of you but i guess not..! That household was hell to you and he feels the pain too each time you have those terrible nightmares snd those horrifying flashbacks. He wants you to know that your no longer connected to them, hes trying his best.
“Whoah whoah no, no,no,no,no, im not sending you back there i wouldnt dare. You’re with me now.. forever and always alright? Forget about them,,,” he tried to calm you down, patting your head and whispering ‘shh’s into your ear.
He knew you were a softie, someone who always needed the warm feeling of hugs and love and without a doubt childe, your father, was there to give them. He was there to fall asleep with you in the same room as you while he settled the nightmares down and rubbed your back letting the tranquility in the air flow.
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- diluc didnt meet you in the most fortunate circumstances either. You were kicked out by your parents from a young age and you were kidnapped, to be used and abused by your captors however they wanted.
- You were being manhandled by a group of people when he overheard your held back sobs, the group of people pushing you around and calling you profanity while his eyes focused on the unimaginable amount of cuts and bruises on your body.
- He rescued you a millisecond before your kidnapper was about to harm you with their vision and ever since then youve been glued to diluc’s side.
- Hes an overprotective father, he signed adoption papers in front of you and got teased for actually having a kid but some people swore they saw kaeya tear up at the sight of your jumping up and down because you were officially Diluc’s child.
- Despite how much diluc smothered you in love privately you were a kid, a kid still stuck in what happened in the past and he wouldnt blame you. It was traumatizing and even he had to collect his thoughts and calm down when you told him stories about the horrors you experienced.
- You were reserved and timid, only opening up to people youve spent a fair amount of time with. He didnt mind, you were just a child scared of the world and he wanted to erase each memory of that period from your mind.
- Your relationship grew steadily but he’ll never forget that night that made the atmosphere between you two skyrocket with familial love. You two have never looked like that much of a father and his child since that night.
- It was maybe a month after he took you in, diluc was still a bit scared to touch you, hug you and etc but he still tried his best, after all you still had those flashbacks. You still had the image of those people manhandling you from the past.
- It was 12 Am, diluc fast asleep but you werent. You were in your room softly sobbing, trying your best not to wake anyone up through the thin walls of Diluc’s mansion, nightmares kept you up about the abuse you experienced back then, you wanted to run into dilucs room, even for the slightest amount of comfort but your fears stopped you as you tried to drag your feet to dilucs door.
- 1 knocks, to 2 knocks to 3 and he didnt answer. You assumed he was asleep but you couldnt ignore the flowing tears blocking your vision as you pushed your way in to see him, fast asleep on the bed. It comforted you enough to even see him alive and healthy.
- It took a bit of courage but your heart forced you to crawl onto his gigantic bed, the nightmares still waddling around in your head while you tried your best not to wake him up. Alas, he of course woke up, and to your worried figure, the red eyes and your lips quivering as soon as it sunk in you were trying to sleep on his bed
- was all he could really squeeze out at the moment before you buried yourself into the warmth of the bed sheets, trying to ignore the guilt building up in your chest while you pretended to sleep.
“I— uh. Is there a reason your sleeping here..?”
- trying his best not to make it awkward while he panicked soo much inside. He was practically shaking at the thing while you tried to babble your explanation. “Nightmares about back then” was all he heard before it all went black and fuzzy. All noise besides his heartbeat and your anxious sobs being cancelled out.
“‘M sorry… i know im being annoying and too forward but….”
“I-its okay. I dont mind at all, just get your sleep please…”
While he softly laid you down comfortably on the bed he swore he heard you mumble ‘thank you.. dad’. (He was about to cry i swear). That night you slept soundly on his bed, his arm softly patting your head while he tried to comfort you out of that period of time.
- That night was something that showed him he truly did want to take you in, not as a guardian, not as someone who was taking care of a child who was highly traumatized, just as a father. He has no idea how to be one but he promises to take care of you as if you were a snowflake, even though their labeled as one of the most fragile things in the world, if its someones desire to they could easily preserve it with the care they deserve.
- Even thought he was just as reserved as you he wanted you to grow up bright and comfortable with other people so he tried his best to introduce you to other people, he also never trusted random babysitters. You do have major trust issues after what happened back then so you never became happy with them. He’d usually ask his friends that are free or heck maybe venti even.
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wildshub · 3 years
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WHO: The Twilight of Adam Boys WHAT: The boys come across Warren’s dead body and bury him. WHEN: Day 3 NOTE: For future reference.
Blue blue had been replaying the entire night over in his head. he had been against leaving sawyer and warren alone on the cliff, they were all a team in this but theyd always be combative until they got that. maybe the guys saw how much carrying another guy around + a lack of good sleep had done to blue, he himself felt like his energy was cut in half. maybe that's why he relented and followed the rest back, in what felt like a half sleep daze. But there they all stood, having seen far too much of what remained of warren on earth. it was the first dead body blue had ever seen, and the image seemed to puncture through any other thought. "what um, what did you guys last say to him?" his eyes housed some extra moisture, but he would be unashamed of this. a brother died, even if he wasnt blue's favorite. and sawyer, soy dog, being given this huge task, and having this be the outcome, it was heartbreaking. "i last told him he needed to translate the message..." he wished he had said anything more comforting, personable, leas tinged with annoyance. but that was the truth
Kian Kian had never been good at dealing with death. When the great aunt he barely ever spoke to on his mother's side passed away, he hid in the coat closet at her wake and refused to come out until the body was gone. That was eight years ago. It wasn't any easier now, standing here in front of a lifeless, mangled corpse...especially not that of who, just hours earlier, was joking and laughing and lazing around like they weren't in dire need of rescue. He had to tear his eyes away from Warren, focusing his gaze on a rip in the hem of his t-shirt. "Dunno. Probably something about how much of a twat he was being," Kian mumbled, none of his usual bite to his words. "But we were all kind of being twats yesterday."
Sawyer Warren was a fuck up. And, selfishly, Sawyer felt drawn to him for that very reason—because he took comfort in knowing he wasn’t the only person on the isle whose smart mouth and poor rationale got him into trouble more often than it got him any good. When Warren chose to stay with the fire, Sawyer hung back with him. He could read people like he read books, knew there wasn’t something right with the guy after he’d been choked out, beaten up, and hung off the ledge of a cliff within an inch of his life. If he indulged in a little alcohol he’d been keeping from the rest of the boys—and if Sawyer shared some with him—nobody needed to know. He’d needed that liquid courage to face camp in the morning...fuck. It felt like a given, only seven hours ago, that he’d even wake up to see the next morning. “S’my fault,” he said suddenly, drawing fourteen sets of eyes away from Warren’s body and to where he stood, feet away from the group. His voice shook as he spoke. “We were drinkin’, a-and I knew he was upset about the radio and shit, and I should’ve…looked after ‘im.”
Joe Instead of properly processing the events of yesterday Joe had pushed them to the back of his mind. He shoved the memories into a filing cabinet where they became an unorganised jumble of shouting, pulling and dashed hope. He trudged back to the camp with the hope that a good night's sleep would fix everything. He prayed that a new dawn would make for a bright new start or maybe he would wake up to find out that the last forty-eight hours had been a nightmare based on some disaster movie he watched years ago. But turns out the exact opposite happened and the new dawn brought more fucking anguish. Eyes still transfixed on Warren's lifeless body he was about to tell the Adams that the last thing he probably said to Warren was be careful, Joe wished he meant be careful in general instead of specifically with the radio. Maybe things would have ended differently if his past life prioritised Warren's life instead of a stupid old radio. That train of thought was interrupted by Sawyer. "Don't you fucking dare." It was supposed to be a command but it was more of a whimper. The words blame yourself remained stuck at the back of Joe's thought. "It wasn't your fault,ok. You couldn't have seen it coming." Yeah, Sawyer stayed behind to babysit Warren but making sure somebody didn't get yelled at wasn't the same as making sure they didn't die.
Dash Dash had seen a dead body once before but Warren’s looked mad different, mangled and limp and scraped up from the rocks. He loitered away from the group huddled together in lieu of getting any closer to the body after the panicky, failed revival. Touching his cold, lifeless skin to drag him ashore had been enough macabre bullshit for one day. Dash flexed his hand as he looked at Warren’s lax face. Well, third time’s the charm, he thought wryly, then felt a little sick. Any of them could die here apparently, and it started to feel a whole lot less like Total Drama Island as the Lost vibes violently rocketed up. The neckbeards who worked at Google were gonna have to hurry up and tap into their space stations to find them before someone else met their untimely demise. His eyes cut toward Sawyer when the other guy spoke and then to Joe when he replied. Dash shrugged uncomfortably. “Yeah, I mean, I guess there’s not much you could’ve done about it if you were asleep, man. Alcohol plus dangerous heights equals...” he trailed off. He rubbed the back of his head, eyes narrowed when he noticed something missing. Warren’s belt bag was gone; it had been one of the first things Dash noticed about his fit on the place, not entirely without envy. “Looks like Mother Ocean wanted his fanny pack.” He paused. “Uh... should we let her take him too? Yunno, ol’ Viking funeral style. Those were basically his people, and we gotta figure out what to do with the body.” Dash was all for suggesting some kind of action if that meant he didn’t have to stare at a bloated corpse anymore. Besides, he was going to start stanking the beach up in the hot sun sooner or later.
Lukas Put him in front of the grossest, goriest movie or game and Lukas had a stomach of steel. The second he laid eyes on Warren, he lost the airplane nuts and seltzer that had filled his stomach the night before. Though he did have the decency to at least step away from the group to do it. Wiping his mouth as he returned taking up the spot beside Dash towards the back of the group to avoid his stomach being unsettled again. He shook his head when Sawyer spoke up, wasn’t his fault he wanted to say but he was worried he’d say it with a side of puke. Thankfully Joe had them covered on that front, even if he did say it with a wobble of his lower lip. “ Isn’t that usually with a boat and fire and shit? “ Like that even mattered right now but it was a lot easier than thinking about having to bury Warren.
Liam for the first time in his life, liam was glad he was shorter than most. surrounded by so many taller than him, liam couldn't get a good look at the body in the water, not that he wanted to. while he may have found warren annoying and after the whole ordeal with the radio, everyone was pretty pissed; but that didn't mean he wanted the boy to die. it didn't take long before liam's eyes stung with tears a the thought of one of them dying. he looked to sawyer as he explained what happened, liam reached out and placed a hand on his bicep. "yeah, it's not your fault," he repeated joe's words, but as he did, the tears started to spill. liam quickly rubbed his hands over his cheeks to try and hide the evidence before some of the meaner members of the group (cough sebastian cough) noticed. dash and lukas started talking about what to do with the body and liam had nothing to add, worried if he did have anything, his voice was shake and crack if he spoke.
Kian "He's got family, though," said Kian, shifting his weight from foot to foot. As much as he desperately wanted to go all out of sight, out of mind with Warren's corpse, the thought of lighting him up and sending him off to sea settled in his stomach like a handful of rocks. He couldn't imagine being Warren's parents in that situation, forever haunted by the fact that they'd never get to see their son laid to rest. Fuck, this was all so fucking fucked. "Maybe we should keep him buried somewhere cool. So he doesn't...get too bad before rescue comes."
Joe "Kian's right." Joe said bluntly, breaking the silence that hung over them. He buried his hands deeply into his shorts pocket. Fuck he wished he had his jacket. It didn't matter that he was already being smothered by the humidity of the island."Just throwing him into the sea would be dead disrespectful." Warren was a disrespectful twat when he was alive but that didn't mean he deserved to be dumped into the ocean. He was a person with a family that loved him. Plus, a decomposing body would probably fuck up the ocean floor's ecosystem or whatever it was called and the poor crabs didn't deserve that. Joe took Liam quickly rubbing his cheek as a sign he needed to go into full distraction mode (something he learned to do from awkward family dinners)."And there's so much shit wrong with the viking funeral idea, no offence Dash. We don't have a boat and the Vikings were from that bit of Europe that looks like a tongs grabbing a bit of lettuce. That's not where Switzerland is." He was hardly a viking expert but being forced to go on a two hour coach trip to go to some museum on the other side of the Pennines when he was in year 3 counted for something. It didn't stop him from being complicit in the death of some rich bastard but it counted for something." Not that any of that matters."
Sebastian  Sebastian looked at Warren's lifeless corpse and saw the shape of his own hands reflected in the discolored bruising around the other boy's neck. Would it ever go away or would he be buried with the reminder that his last hours had involved Sebastian trying to kill him? He swallowed hard, disturbed by the thought but the lump in his throat refused to shift in even the slightest way. He decided not to answer Blue's question, everybody knew what Sebastian's last words to the other boy had been and he didn't want to repeat them, not now. "It's not your fault," he insisted, his voice low and gravely as he responded to Sawyer, "You're not his keeper," none of them were. They were looking out for each other to an extent but they weren't obliged to one another beyond that, not really. He looked over at Kian and nodded his head, "Yeah," he concurred when Joe spoke up, assuring the group that Kian was indeed right. He cleared his throat softly and contemplated their options, "We gotta bury him," he announced, though the prospect was unbearably grim. "The animals will get him if we don't," that was worse, much worse.
Sawyer Sawyer appreciated the words of comfort—really, he did—but nice as they were, they did little to lighten the guilt sitting heavy atop his chest. He was the last person Warren ever spoke to. The last person Warren ever saw. If any of them had the ability to prevent his death, it was Sawyer, and he just…drifted off to sleep after a measly half-canteen of cognac. Did he ever ask if Warren was okay? Did he notice if he was drunk enough to make any dumb, rash choices? And if he did, did he even care? With a hard sniff, Sawyer tightened his jaw and focused his attention on an upturned shell poking out of the sand. Having a pity party for himself, he decided, wasn’t gonna bring Warren back from the dead. “Yeah. We can use that emergency blanket to wrap him up, keep the bugs an’ shit out.”
Dash Yeesh, it was just a suggestion, Dash thought, and it was easier to focus on that small smidge of annoyance than the word 'family'. Things were less complicated when Dash could look into Warren's empty eyes and imagine that he spontaneously generated on the plane like one of those meat flies. Okay, so now other cultures’ funerary rites are disrespectful? Awright, cheers, Sir Moseley, he wanted to say, half-jokey in tone and a painful mimicry of Joe's accent, but the quivery feeling that rattled his insides made him swallow the words almost immediately. Maybe it was his Catholic upbringing, and sure he just suggested they log roll Warren into the sea, but cracking jokes in front of a dead body actually seemed kinda uncouth. Kept him from pretending to snore in response to Joe’s list of Viking-related facts, too. Before he could say anything though, his mouth snapped shut when Sebastian spoke. If there was anyone he’d believe actually went on a Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde midnight ride and yeeted Warren from the cliff, it was that guy. The bruises on Warren’s neck seemed evidence enough for a case of premeditated murder in his books. He pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek and his gut twisted again at Sawyer’s next words, the prospective task nauseating. “Sure, yeah. Makes sense.” He cleared his throat and nodded, then promptly expelled the thought of bugs burrowing into Warren’s carcass from his mind or else he’d follow in Lukas’ footsteps in the retching department. He gave his buddy a commiserating pat on the back as he looked over his shoulder at the stretch of beach, totally lost as to where they’d have to put him. “When my mom’s dog died, we had to bury that thing pretty deep so the bobcats wouldn’t dig him up. So, uh... guess we should get started on that, too. Might take awhile.”
Kian If he wasn't in the presence of a decomposing corpse, Kian would've rolled his eyes. The flippant way Dash was acting about the whole "Warren is dead" situation unnerved him more than he would've liked to admit; as if this was just another fucking Saturday for him. "There's no bobcats in Hawaii," he said.
Lukas " Polar bears then, " Lukas retorted dryly. Even if he had made it to day 3 of the island before making a LOST reference, he wasn't gonna start outright joking about things this soon after Warren's death. He'd give it, like, five more minutes. " Point is, I don't wanna meet whatever the fuck lives on this island because it decided to make Warren a midnight snack. " And he also didn't want to deal with the body, clearly he did not have the stomach for it so he was definitely aiming to be part of the dig crew. " It shouldn't be near camp either. Just in case. "
Dash Dash exhaled sharply. The words ‘what did I do wrong!!!!’ broadcasted themselves in bright, obnoxious colors in his head. Did it start when he wouldn’t say some bullshit things over Warren’s dead body about him and what Dash might or might not have said to him in their final moments together? Because that felt insincere and shitty. He wasn’t going to pretend that he meant anything to Warren, or make the guy’s death about himself. The best thing they could do was save him from the indignity of lying around like a washed up CPR doll while they all stood around crying. He snapped then pointed at Lukas. “Exactly." Kian and Joe wanted Warren to get back to his family? Well, hey, Dash was sure there was a fair chance they wouldn’t wanna see him with chunks missing. But fuck him for trying to be helpful, apparently. “Hence: deep hole.” He lifted his hands in faux surrender. “Can we move on from bitching at me? Yeah? I’ll help dig.” Anything to put some distance between himself and Warren’s body. He hadn’t looked at him once since he said the Viking thing, and he was happy to put that off for awhile longer. He nudged Lukas with his elbow. "Let's find a spot. Who's gonna help?"
Sawyer So that was that. Warren was dead and he wasn’t coming back and they were going to bury his body deep in the ground so wild animals couldn’t eat away at his rot before help arrived. Sawyer felt like shouting, or hitting something, or running off into the ocean until the saltwater swallowed him whole. He felt everything at once and nothing at all. “I’m gonna...go grab the blanket.” If he had to spend any longer staring at Warren’s emotionless face and twisted limbs, he wasn’t sure he’d make it to the burial.
Callum “I’ll help.” They were the first words to leave Callum’s mouth since they found Warren’s body. Unlike most of the group, he couldn’t tear his gaze away from the boy’s mangled corpse. He fucking hated Warren when the bastard was alive and breathing, but looking at him now, unmoving and silent for the longest period of time since he’s met him, Callum actually felt something other than irritation and rage for the boy. Was it regret? Guilt perhaps? And possibly some weird variation of yearning where he just wanted the idiot to get up and start doing something stupid like he always did. Yes, he was an annoying son of bitch who fucked up drastically, but he was also the first person Callum saw on this island. The first person to make him feel less alone. Whatever was going on in Callum the longer he stared at Warren’s body wasn’t great. It was a strange mix of things he didn’t quite understand and he wanted so badly for the feelings to go away and be replaced with something familiar. Something he knew how to react appropriately for. Something like... anger. That’s what he preferred to feel when he couldn’t understand what was going on within him. He turned his head when Sawyer spoke, grinding his teeth together and squaring his jaw. “Sure you can do that? You're not gonna let your fingers get all slippery and have it be blown away by the wind? Maybe we should have someone go with you, you know, since you clearly can’t be held responsible for a simple. fucking. task.”
Blue blue froze, bewildered by callum's reaction. while he knew in their time together that callum couldnt be....intense, how could someone so clever not hear the pain in sawyers voice. dash, a guy he admired for his unabashed self and how he expressed it with ease, was ready to point fingers. "it wasn't an easy task. was it an easy task for us to keep warren away from the radio? we don't know what the hell happened up there last night, for fucks sake, if you think something shady happened, share with your brothers." his voice broke a little on the last word. and his eyes darted from callum to sebastian. he expected it from seb, but he thought cal ran cooler than that. "Ill go with sawyer...." his eyes darted more quickly than usual to each boy, wondering on their thoughts. though he always gave a helping hand, he knew it usually came with a smack from a more callous present, but he already put his faith out there, and he did it for sawyer, and the truth.
Sawyer When Callum spoke, Sawyer found himself wishing he’d just punched him across the face—would’ve hurt a whole lot less than taking some salt and throwing it to the fucking sea to pour acid on the wound, instead. He recoiled as though Callum had shot him in the chest, mouth working and gaze darting from boy to boy as he fumbled for something to say. Where were you when Warren decided to hang back? When he needed someone to help carry him down the hill? When he was hovering over the ledge of a cliff and having his windpipe crushed by someone twice his size, where were you? Where the fuck were you? His arm swung uselessly at his side. The ugly truth of it all was that Callum was at the camp, and Sawyer was sleeping right beside Warren, and neither of them were able to stop him from taking a tumble into the ocean. And nothing he could say was going to change that. So, Sawyer did what he knew to do best, and choked out something that might’ve sounded like an “I’m sorry” before he turned and started walking briskly in the other direction.
Kian "Fantastic," Kian said, all-too-ready to participate in the blame game when it suited him but not to stand up for the other members of the group when they were under fire, "you pissed off the guy with the criminal record. Great going." Maybe that meant Callum's body would be next to mysteriously wind up wedged between two rocks tomorrow morning. Maybe Kian would've preferred that to hearing him flex his macho bullshit over a group of grieving 18-year-olds. His arms found themselves wound tight around his middle as he moved away from the body—the last thing he wanted to do was go searching in the jungle with two of the most annoying people on the isle, but like fuck he was going to sit here and stare at a rotting corpse for the next hour. "Guess I'll go, too, then.”
Lukas Lukas was team dig even before Dash nudged him with his arm, starting to move when he did. But he'd barely taken a step when some other bullshit started. Callum spoke up, and was mad at Sawyer. As if he wasn't suspect number two in Lukas' mind. He'd spent all of Warren's two days on the island threatening the dude, was no homo best buds with Sebastian, and had already taken a swipe at Dash. Speaking of, as Callum was having a go at Sawyer, he cast a glance to Dash, making a quick face as if to say What the fuck, are you seeing this shit? And then just as he's trying to start moving again Blue said, share with your brothers and Lukas had to try really fucking hard not to laugh, especially because his voice cracked. These mother fuckers weren't his brothers, especially not Warren. He rubbed the back of his hand against his nose, trying to conceal the small exhale that had escaped, as he started moving again, the task of digging a fucking grave on his mind. " For auto theft– not assault and battery. " Lukas pointed out as he walked, meaning it in Sawyer's defence. The perfect proof that having a criminal charge didn't make you inherently dangerous was Liam, but since the guy was crying he wasn't gonna throw his name down the gauntlet. And he also wasn't gonna offer up his own name and felony seeing as Kian had been so quick to judge Sawyer's record. For what he was going to say next he leaned into the small group going to dig a grave, lowering his voice to avoid getting some bruises to match Warren's, " 'sides, think we all fuckin' know who's got the quick temper 'round here. " He said, raising his brows. Lukas was ready to accept that Warren was just a moron that slipped off the cliff in the middle of the night, but if they were gonna point fingers he didn't get how anyone was pointing them anywhere but Gigantor.
Blue blue rose his hands up, palms to his brothers as he listened to his peers, his fellow castaways though it was easier to think of them as as more in his nature. "seb lost his shit more than anyone." The image of his hands on Warrens neck burned hard but that's wasn't the whole story. "but his strength helped pull warren up when he hung by the ledge.." blue looked each castaway in the eye,unfazed by the personal distance. "If any of you know more than dumb guy blue....say it!"
JJ He understood the tensions raising and the unpredictability of reactions to ensue. However, he knew couple of things for certain, Warren was dead. The radio was gone. The help is not here. There was no need, in his opinion, to pass around blame or mope for too long or make a bad situation even worse. Then again, if his opinion mattered they wouldn’t have left Sawyer and Warren alone over night in the first place. He will look over at Callum then Sawyer than back on Warren and laugh. “Sorry, it’s really not funny...” he will say and nod at Luke and Blue who seemed to have been the most clear minded at the moment. Aside from palpable tension in the air that is. “Sawyer man, don’t beat yourself up. It’s was reckless as fuck leaving yall alone up there in the first place.” He said in his best attempt to provide some comfort to the other before focusing on what to do with the issue at hand. “Burying him in the woods is the best option. We wrap him, dig deep so animals can’t dig him out and mark the place so we can find him when the rescue gets here. But first...” he will kneel down and start digging through Warrens pockets. If there was anything there, they could use it more than the dead guy.
Dash Without a backwards glance, he started toward the jungle, lowering his voice like Lukas did just in case: “Did I or did I not call this shit Day One, dude? Roasted. Fuckin’. Pigs.” He shook his head. “The whole Macho Man rescue thing? Red herring moves. Zigging when we expect him to zag. Classic misdirection.” He looked at Callum out of the corner of his eye. He didn’t know if him and Sebastian had any kind of bro bonding moments so far, but Dash at least knew he was on Team Sawyer’s Fault which put them at odds once again. Perfect. His shoulders hunched and he fought back a shiver; the moment they flipped Warren over onto his back replaying in his mind like the most twisted boomerang. The word family haunted him almost as much as those few seconds. “This blows,” he said with feeling. Once they past the treeline, he picked up the first fallen stick he saw. It looked like it broke off at an angle, leaving a slanted end. “I once watched one of those 3 AM History Channel specials about how aliens helped ancient people build pyramids and shit. Alien Theory Guy goes, ‘You want me to believe these Incans could dig thousands of holes totally randomly? Nah, that’s a Martian move.’” He looked over the stick in hand. It seemed pretty sturdy, about an inch and a half in diameter. “Then some corduroy jacket-wearing Ivy Leaguer crops up and says, 'Ever heard of sticks, bitch?’” He cleared his throat again and rubbed at his jaw. Weirdly the further they got from Warren’s body, the more it preoccupied him. Like now that they weren’t looking, he’d pull a grisly Toy Story move and get to his feet. Except he’d be making daddy jokes in his Dr. Doofenshmirtz accent. Dash held up the stick for inspection. “What do you think? Could try and make it work a little bit. Just so we don’t all end up with bloody hands by the end of this.”
Kian “What in the actual fuck are you talking about,” was the only response Kian could muster when Dash started going off on a tangent about Aliens and pyramids. Warren didn’t need a tomb, he needed to be lowered into the earth and kept cool long enough to be recognizable when someone—anyone—could come and exhume him. Chopping him up and stuffing his body parts into little holes in the ground seemed like JJ’s gig, and like, they didn’t need even more of a reason to be suspected of group murder. “We’re burying him, not cutting him open and harvesting his organs. Only reason there’d be any blood is if Godzilla here and his buddy King Kong decide to swing on one of us again.”
Sebastian Sebastian was admittedly surprised by Callum's response. He'd seen flickers of the other male's disdain toward the group but at the time, it had seem warranted. Now, however, he seemed more irritable about Sawyer's failure than perturbed by the fact that the course of the evening, regardless of whether it had to do with Sawyer at all, had resulted in the death of somebody they knew. As he digested it, he considered that maybe Callum was in shock, maybe he'd never experienced death and couldn't process it. When Sebastian's grandfather had died, his Dad had been angry for no reason at all but it was a part of the grieving process, his mother had assured him. "We're not arguing about who is in the right and who is in the wrong right now, we're not arguing at all- we're getting this done," he instructed, leaving little room for protest. Then Jorts piped up, "Who the fuck are you pointing fingers at, Jorts?" Sebastian shot at the other male and he would have had more, far less civil words for the other boy if Blue hadn't chimed in.
Lukas God, Sebastian was so back and forth wasn’t he? Yesterday he was barely tolerable and now he was back to giving off future military recruitment vibes, like pick a lane already. Perhaps stupidly, Lukas rolled his eyes as Sebastian pulled his attention from what Dash was saying. “ It was just a fucking joke, “ well, sort of. It was a joke he had meant. “ Obviously, he took a drunken swan dive off the cliff, right? “ he looked around the group, confirming that was the consensus. “ But you’re not gonna go far trying to convince anyone that those are my hand prints on his neck, that’s all I’m saying. “ He held up his hands as he said it, continuing to take a couple steps backwards before he turned back around, hands returning to his sides. Back to the project of digging a grave for the less than dearly departed. He grinned along with what Dash was saying about Martians  building the pyramids. An easy chuckle leaving his lips too. Then head turns to Kian and Lukas finds himself unable to stop another stupid snort escaping him. “ Who the fuck is talking about cutting him up? “ He asked, amused Kian had even gotten to that point. “ Like maybe old grave robber over there, but not me that’s for sure, “ he said, feeling a little too bold about the distance between them and most of the group as he nodded back at JJ literally looting a corpse. Though the comment of King Kong and Godzilla was a good one and again he laughed. Reaching for a stick like Dash had he held it up, inspecting it as if he knew what would make a good grave digging stick. “ What is it about big dudes that think they gotta fucking rough everyone up to prove something? Like we get it, you’re fucking boring, quit making it our problem.”
JJ He looks over at Lukas "He's dead, he won't need any of his shit. We might."
Callum Seeing JJ drop down to his knees and not hesitate in the slightest to search Warren’s pockets for something valuable was fucked up beyond belief but Callum couldn’t argue that he did have a fair point. And if they couldn’t find anything useful, maybe they could find something to give back to his family. It was then that Callum took notice of the watch on Warren’s left wrist. Fuck, was he really about to do this? With an irritated sigh (because even in death, Warren was making him do things he didn’t want to do), he walked over to the other side of Warren and knelt down to undo his watch. He figured they could give it back to his family along with Warren’s body when they were rescued. Rising to his feet once he was done, he brushed some dirt off of Warren’s watch with the pad on his thumb. The watch face was cracked and after giving it a closer look, he noticed that the hands weren’t moving, stopped at 1:49AM. “Did everyone manage to sleep through the night last night?” He then asked, his gaze still fixated on the watch.
Kian “Something something toxic masculinity, something something animals.” Kian knew he could be a dickhead sometimes, but at least he was a dickhead to everyone. Boys like Sebastian and Callum were wolves in a pack, sniffing out other people’s weaknesses and arranging them accordingly on the ever-arbitrary pecking order. In their eyes, all you needed to be was tall and muscular to be deemed worthy of respect, and that was pretty fucking gay if you asked him. But god forbid anyone point that out to them. “They’ve never had to develop personalities beyond being human jockstraps and it shows.”
Sebastian Sebastian kept his arms folded tight to his chest, perhaps to stop himself from choking anybody else out that afternoon. Everybody knew that the bruising around Warren's throat matched Sebastian's prints perfectly but they also knew that it was as a result of the argument yesterday and not anything that had happened over night- right? His gaze shifted between a few of the other boys, trying to read their thoughts to no avail. He shrugged his shoulders, "I woke up a few times but it was too dark to tell the time," he explained, looking at his own watch briefly, "I don't think I even bothered to check," he confessed a moment later, he'd been exhausted, maybe even a little delirious the few times he'd woken up, irritated by the sand, the cold wind chill, the sound of other boys snoring and talking in their sleep.
Dash Dash distracted himself from Kian’s bonkers, nauseating interpretation of his suggestion with what Lukas had to say. “He's pretty batshit for doing that but can’t imagine they’ll find anything useful on him, unless they plan on hocking the fancy watch when we get out of here. Other than that, he’s probably just got a busted Juul, a nipple piercing, and a few kroner he planned on slipping to the flight attendant for a splash of Stoli in his OJ. None of which are super beneficial to our survival.” As the conversation continued on the topic of Chud and Chuddier, he scoffed lightly when Kian said ‘human jockstrap’. Dash used a similar phrase the other day too and he wasn’t stoked about their thoughts running parallel right about then. He wasn’t stoked about some dude hating him on sight either, but whatever. He poked at the ground with the flat edge of the stick. “My bet’s Mayor of Poutineville’s concussed to hell. Goddamned walking, talking potatohead. Dude operates on nothing but pure, scrambled egg-brain aggression. Rabid dog ass — no fuckin’ hope for the guy.” He stopped when they soon hit a relatively clear area, not too dense with trees and not so far from the beach that they couldn’t hear the sound of the ocean waves or catch the odd glimpse of sand. There was enough shade that the air felt cooler too, and he was sure that it’d be easy to find again. In a pure asinine move, Dash thought hopefully 'hey, maybe Warren'll like it here.' He leaned on his stick and surveyed the dirt like he had any real idea of what he was doing. When he dug a hole for the little rat dog back home, the soil had been pretty sandy. He hoped they had a similar experience here, because he didn’t wanna lug rocks around on top of burying a body. It had to be immoral for a day to be physically and emotionally exhausting. “How’s here?”
Lukas Lukas couldn't help but feel a little elated when Kian joined in on the trash talking, his choice of words especially tickling him. " That's fuckin' true, ay, " he agreed, more than happy to accept that Sebastian and Callum were so easily annoyed by him because they were jealous of his sparkling personality. Even if that was not what Kian had meant in the slightest. " For sure, dude, " he concord with Dash on the topic of Callum without missing a beat. " Yo, you know who they remind me of? " Enthusiasm quickly filling his tone, looking to Kian and Dash, " You ever play Outlast? " He did not stop and wait for an answer to that question, though he probably should have, " The fucking twin meatheads from that. The ones that just like walk around the map, like, " He severely hunched his shoulders, arms dangling comically at his sides as he pulled his face into an over exaggerated expression for the next few goofy steps before he straightened up again. " Dicks out and just saying weird as fuck shit to creep you out. " Lukas was misremembering a lot of details but he could not forget the fact that those characters had been naked the entire fucking game, seemingly for no reason. That image had been seared into his brain in 2013 like a curse and he had not been able to forget it. By the time he's finished his comparison, Dash had stopped in a clearing. When he asked how's here, Lukas actually looked around the place. It seemed as good a place as they could get without putting in, like, actual effort so it seemed perfect. " Yeah, here's probably good. " He dug at the ground with the heel of his shoe, noting how it moved easily out of his way. " Ground's not too hard. " he assessed before moving again. Drawing out an approximately Warren-sized rectangle with the stick he'd picked up, before kneeling to the ground, ready to dig. " How deep d'you think? Like two, three feet? "
Kian Kian could only blink at Lukas's comparison, nose wrinkling in disgust as he tried not to imagine Callum and Sebastian running around camp with their dicks out. Unlike Dash, he couldn't seem to decide who was the worst offender of the two; in his book, a cunt was a cunt was a cunt. He followed the other boys to the clearing and stomped around a bit in the dirt, testing the soil's softness with the soles of his trainers. "Yeah, I'd say a meter at the least. We want it to be deep enough for the animals to keep away, but not so deep we can't get him back out." If they'd have to dig him back out. Personally, Kian was hoping that the rescue team came armed with shovels. "Anyone have objections to using their hands?" He asked with a pointed glance at Dash.
Callum "Hm," was all Callum could think of to say in response to Sebastian. Out of all them, the other boy was clearly one of the most upset with Warren yesterday. But seeing as Sebastian was also one of the first to dive in to save Warren, Callum didn't feel the need to prod for further information. "We need to ask Sawyer what the hell the two of them were doing last night after we left when he gets back here. And what time they fell asleep. All that." He tucked Warren's watch into the pocket of his pants, looking around for sign of Sawyer. "Why the hell is he taking so long? It's a blanket, not a pile of rocks." He shook his head, irritated. Then he shifted his gaze to JJ. "Did you find anything?"
Dash Dash shook his head but still watched Lukas act out the so-called Dick Out Twins with sincere fascination. “Sheee-it. Uncanny resemblance, dude. You even got that bowlegged caveman shtick down pat.” The internet told his mom that they had to bury the dog at least three feet to keep any predators from digging him up, so Dash nodded when Lukas suggested that depth. His eyes still went skyward when Kian agreed, because wasn’t that motherfucker just giving him shit about the very same topic because ‘there are no bobcats in Hawaii’ like five minutes ago? If Dash said it, it was bullshit. But if Kian said it, it was apparently obvious fact. Good to know! he thought sarcastically. At Kian’s question, Dash hummed contemplatively. “Huh. Okay. Here’s the plan,” he started, walking closer to where Lukas drew a rectangle in the dirt. “When the Russians spot us on their satellites and decide to hit up their Navy—yunno, headed up by Nikita Khrushchev's chemically preserved ballsack—and then a rusty little battlecruiser rolls up to haul us to the Gulag, I’m gonna ask Count Admiral Baba Yaga to take out his busted Samsung and google the Ancient fuckin’ Mesoamericans for you.” Dash lifted the stick for emphasis. “Digging stick. It’s a thing, and I’m gonna use it.” He suddenly felt very sure of his expertise as a man who had dug literally one (1) hole in the woods in his lifetime, and ignored the fact that he only doubled down once Kian gave him such a hard time. He stuck the flat end of the stick into the ground and pressed downward. There was some resistance, possibly a shallow root snapping under the pressure, then he bent it to upend a large chunk of dirt. “Hooty-fuckin’-hoo, it works," he announced, voice dripping with performative surprise. "Now let's just get this shit over with. This morning sucks enough already."
Sawyer Sawyer took a few minutes to gather himself before he returned with the space blanket, eyes rimmed red and torso covered with the sweatshirt he'd been wearing on the plane. Didn't make much sense for him to hold onto a dirty wife-beater covered in another person's blood...a dead person's blood, at that. This way, he figured, he could at least be comfortable and respectful. "S'got a couple holes in it," he sniffed, unfolding the blanket as he approached, "y'know, from the fire and all, but I figure we can stuff 'em with grass if we really wanna..." His voice trailed off when he spotted JJ, knelt at Warren's side with his hands down his pockets. Even beneath the warm inner lining of his sweatshirt, Sawyer's blood ran cold. "...Seriously? We're fuckin' lootin' him, now?"
Kian Dash, Kian was convinced by now, was just inventing names and facts for the sole purpose of making himself sound smarter, although it was obvious to anyone with ears that the guy was a complete and total prat. And Kian would've pointed this out to him had he not proceeded to shove his stick in the ground and flick dirt everywhere, onto Kian's shoes, his shins, his clothes. Dickhead. "Are you taking the piss right now? You're getting shit everywhere, we'll go a lot faster if we just use our fucking hands."
Liam in all honesty, liam wasn’t paying attention, he was off to the side and trying to keep what very little control he had over his emotions. his eyes kept wandering to group of boys standing over warren but every time he glanced at the boy laying there, he could feel his chest tighten and anxiety bubble up inside him. that’s going to be all of us. we’re all going to die here, he thought to himself as he sat on the ground, hands gripping his hair against his scalp. he tried to think back to the last thing he said to his siblings, probably something dumb like don’t touch my things or don’t go in my room. now he wished he had told them he loved them one last time. just as he was getting sucked into these thoughts, he heard sawyer come back to the group. his head shot up and he wiped his eyes quickly as if it wasn’t already obvious that he had been crying. “they think he might have something useful on him,” he chimed in, as if sawyer couldn’t figure that out on his own, but liam didn’t know what else to say without breaking down completely.
Lukas " Thank you, " Lukas gave a facetious bow when at least Dash seemed impressed with his impression. Arms extended out to the side then straightening up with a grin. If it wasn't for the fact that they then very soon afterwards stopped to dig a literal grave, Lukas could have almost forgotten the body that had been found less than an hour ago. When Kian brought it up, he crinkled his nose a little at the idea of using his hands, or honestly digging the hole at all. But it seemed the suggestion was not for him, but for Dash, who was still holding onto that stick and quickly started making a case for it. A case with a lot of words that kinda just went right over Lukas' head to be honest. However, when the stick launched a collection of dirt into the air (mostly onto Kian), he couldn't help the laugh that escaped him. And it was only made funnier when Kian responded in anger with that fucking accent. Hand on his stomach as he tried to subdue it. " Okay, okay– as fuckin' funny as that was, ol' Alfred Pennyworth's got a point, hands will probably be quicker. " That's what she said. But before he gave in to covering himself in dirt completely, he took off his sweater, about to toss it behind him before he paused to offer it out to Dash. " You want it? So you don't fuck with your nice Neil Bar-whatever? " He asked, brows raised. He could not remember that fashion name for the life of him, but he assumed Dash still cared far more about his clothes than Lukas did his own. Then glance to Kian, holding up the front of the remaining two layers he'd slept in. " Got one more layer up for grabs if you want it. " Because even with two of the least threatening of the group, Lukas was still not gonna show his chest. And he'd feel like sort of a dick offering Dash something and not Kian, even if the dude was already covered in dirt.
Sawyer “Useful,” Sawyer echoed after Liam, huffing a dry laugh as he traded his sorrow for anger. As if the dead kid was hiding a secret cellphone or something from them - he barely knew how to use a radio when he was alive. “Why don’t we just strip his clothes while we’re at it? Can even use his fuckin’ sneakers as tinder for the fire. Fuck ‘im. Fuck his folks who might want somethin’ to remember him by.”
Callum Fucking finally. Callum thought it'd take ages for Sawyer to get back. "We got a keepsake to give his parents." Well, he did but Callum didn't care to get into the specifics. What he did care about was what the hell Sawyer and Warren were doing up there last night. "What the hell were you and Warren doing up there last night?" He asked, brows slanted downwards in a frown.
Sawyer His gaze flickered to Callum's shoes before they found his face, jaw working like not going off on the guy who just rubbed Sawyer's nose in shit over someone else's death caused him physical pain. "I told you, we were..." Didn't he tell them? They were drinking. Talking, about what fuck-ups they were and how they ended up at the retreat. At least, that's how he remembered it - brandy always made his memory a little hazy at the edges. "Drinkin'. Some of that fancy cognac he smuggled with him on the plane."
Callum "Drinking?" Callum repeated. "That's it? You were drinking one moment and Warren was taking a swan dive off the cliff the next?" Was that insensitive? Probably. But Callum needed Sawyer to hear how fucking vague that sounded. "I'm trying to get some context for why this fucker would off himself, and all you're gonna tell me is that you two were drinking." He scoffed and shook his head. "What else? Were you talking about anything?"
Sawyer "Nah, we drank in fuckin' silence." Callum's edge, no doubt, was starting to rub off on Sawyer, sharpening his tongue like the blade of a knife. Fuck was he supposed to say? That Warren told him he was gonna jump off a cliff and Sawyer said 'sounds good, man, I'll just leave you to it'? It wasn't that simple. Nothing in life was that fucking simple. "Y'know, I don't know if...it were an accident, or if he did it on purpose, but if I was askin' myself what might'a pushed someone to make a decision like that, I think I'd start with the ones threatenin' to off 'im the night before," he said, tapping his temple.
Liam liam's eyes went between the two boys as things started to heat up, blame being thrown around. as someone who preferred to avoid conflict all together, liam chimed in. "maybe we shouldn't be pointing fingers, yesterday was super fucking stressful but whether this was an accident or if he did it... on purpose," liam had to pause to swallow down the lump in his throat, "we can't be putting that on sawyer."
Callum Callum squared his jaw. He thought back to the last thing he'd said to Warren. You fucking idiot! That was our only chance! The last thing he could remember anyway. He walked off to cool his temper before he did something stupid, like break Warren's jaw in three places. Callum just wanted someone to blame, to direct whatever was going on inside of him at someone, and he couldn't very well do that with a dead boy. "Oh, fuck you," Callum shot back. "We may have been pissed with Warren yesterday, but we went back to camp, tired as hell. You think one of us had it in us to hike all the way back up there and throw him off in our state? And you fucking heard Sebastian, it was too dark to fucking seeing anything even if any of us did wake up so there's no way it could have been one of us, and all the more reason it could have been you." That was a little out of left field but Callum was angry and it was all he had. "You're telling me you weren't pissed off with Warren? Who's to say you didn't get drunk, start spouting horrible shit to fuck with him, and that sent him over? Or maybe you just pushed him off yourself, fuckin' criminal," he spat venomously.
Sawyer So, admittedly, the laugh that escaped Sawyer the second ol' fuckin' Dudley Do-Right accused him of second-degree murder didn't exactly help his defense, but sue him. He couldn't help it. Back in Conrad, he'd been called all sorts of nasty things to his face - from felon to fairy - so he wasn't too miffed by having his criminal record thrown back in his face like a handful of sand. What did unnerve Sawyer was the implication that he was a violent drunk, the kind of person who yelled and raged and hurt people after a few drinks. After a fucking nightcap, at that. "Pushed 'im?" He said, each word dripping with disbelief-tinged mania. "Pushed 'im? You think this is a fuckin' Tarantino movie? Is that it? Are y'all so goddamned sheltered in Moose Nut, Canada that everyone with a parkin' ticket looks like cold-blooded killer?"
Callum "Yeah, pushed him," Callum echoed derisively, stepping forward. He wanted to rile Sawyer up to see what he was capable of. A hand of his balled into a fist at his side. He couldn't tell what part of the Hick's comeback irritated him more but the dig at his home country definitely didn't sit right with him. All Callum knew was that he had to get his hands on Sawyer so that's what he did. Crossing over, he held his hands out and shoved the boy. "Yeah, pushed him. Like that."
Liam tension between callum and sawyer escalated, and liam felt like his protests were futile as they got into each other's faces. fuck, where the hell is lukas and the others? he thought to himself. he watched as callum pushed sawyer and liam shot up, trying to push his way in between the two of them but considering they both towered over him, they could easily push him aside. "guys, seriously, this isn't helping anything, just stop," he said, raising his voice at them.
Sawyer They hardly needed Liam’s intervention to put any distance between them; Callum was strong enough to send Sawyer stumbling backward with a shove. Like that, Sawyer was in the mess hall at juvie again, getting pulled into fights with the rougher guys because they were bored and he was an easy target, big bark and little bite. And when Callum pushed him, he wanted to push him back. Worse, even��he wanted to punch him in the fucking throat. “Yeah, Pretty Boy,” said Sawyer, grinning ear-to-ear over Liam’s head, “would be a shame for you break a nail fightin’ the criminal.”
Sebastian Sebastian was getting tired of people pointing fingers in his direction when he had just as much reason to suspect any of them of foul play. He'd been asleep on the beach for most of the night, he'd already said as much so why did it still keep coming back to the argument he'd had with Warren a whole day ago? "Unless you're saying you were so blacked, you wouldn't have noticed one of us coming up on the cliff, you wouldn't have heard a struggle and you wouldn't have heard him screaming as he fell- and if you're happy to go ahead with that summation, you'll also have to accept that you were too blacked to remember what the fuck you said to him or what he said to you or what happened after that. You could have been messing around, accidentally tripped him over- or you coulda been mad about the radio, pushed him," he insisted, "Alcohol changes people- I don't know what kind of drunk you are, do you? I'd make sure your name is clear before you start throwing anybody else's on the table, huh?"
Sawyer Sawyer did not have “get gaslit into thinking you might’ve committed a murder while drunk” on his vacation bingo card, but neither did he have “become stranded on a desert island,” so he supposed he still had a thing or two to learn from the local senior living home. The spark in his stomach fizzled out with the last of Sebastian’s cold analysis, a flame touched, expression falling from a manic grin to a hollow, tight-jawed stare. People could say what they wanted about him: that he was a hick, a petty criminal, a burnout with no fucking future. But Sawyer had never laid his hands on another person—not on anyone who hadn’t laid theirs on him, first—and he’d never used his buzz to put out someone else’s. “Fuck you,” he said, voice wavering. “You don’t know jack shit about me.”
Joe Joe couldn't believe they were having the most stressful game of Cludeo ever over Warren's fresh corpse. Where the fuck were Pinky and The Brain and Kian ? Maybe the others would see sense and realise that accusing an innocent guy of murder wasn't going to fix anything once their focus was on burying Warren's body. "Everybody simmer down.",Joe moved to Callum's side. Somebody had to be there in case the situation escalated beyond shoving and Thumbelina wasn't going to be much use. Bless Liam for trying but with his mild manner and short stature compared to the other boys he could easily be ignored."Baseless murder accusations aren't going to fix anything. We don't have any reason to believe Sawyer murdered Warren, there's only circumstantial evidence. Couldn't Warren have just fallen because he was hammered?"
Blue he wasnt proud of it, but blue could not see the boys without picturing their fates the same as Warren's, and he slipped out to go yell at the water, and write dirty words in the sand just to watch the water take them back, it might have been an odd grieving process but it was his, and as he returned to the group, the air was so tense he, he instinctly reaching his pocket for his phone to see 204 unread messages and feel the dread. but there wasn't anything there, the dread wasn't contained to the tiny electric box, it pumped through the mob's veins and they breathed it back into the air. he looked to each one, lingering a but before speaking it. "hey boys, the fucks all this?" his tone sounded fatherly, concerned but orderly, and he got the chilly feeling that warrens blood wasn't the only time theyd see the red stuff tonight.
Kian Alfred Whomst? Kian opened his mouth to make a quick retort, but was beat to the chase when Lukas offered him his...shirt? It read you're too close in bold, angry red letters, which just about summed up how Kian felt about the two boys he'd made the terrible decision to come grave-digging with. "Fuck's sake," he muttered, looking off into the jungle for a few silent moments as he contemplated his life choices. "Just...give it here, then."
Lukas Stupid grin spread on Lukas' features when Kian, albeit begrudgingly, accepted offer of a protective t-shirt. Pulling it off, he made sure to grab the white long sleeve underneath so it didn't lift up as he removed the top layer. Removal successful he held it out across the drawn rectangle for him. Pushing his own sleeves up to his elbows once hands were empty and announcing " Let's get to it then, " kneeling down on the ground and starting to dig. " Before the Dick Twins get over here and try and find something else to be assholes about. "
Dash The only thing that truly kept Dash from laughing aloud at the way Kian’s voice went high and warbly in his Peppa Pig accent was the fact that the hole they were all bitching about would soon occupy an actual human body. But even that just kept it at bay. When Lukas agreed with Kian, he snorted—the proffered sweater going a long way in quickly smoothing down any ruffled feathers. Dash pressed his lips together, but felt the fight slowly leave him when he suddenly just felt tired. He couldn’t sworn he slept the whole night, but he definitely didn’t feel it. He sighed heavily, stretching his arms out and letting the stick fall by his side. Dash had every intention of bringing it back to camp, regardless of whether or not it had any other use than as a makeshift shovel. “This is not a concession,” he started, and gently pulled his own sweater over his head and folded it neatly to place on the ground. He only had a white t-shirt on underneath but even that was Tom Ford, so he didn’t hesitate to take Lukas’ offer a moment longer. “This? It’s an act of benevolence.” His voice went slightly muffled for a moment as Lukas’ Thrasher sweatshirt went over his head. “We’ve spent more time arguing than getting this shit done, so I’ll throw you a bone here.” With a grimace, and a silent miserable thought about his pants, he got down next to Lukas and dug.
Kian Lukas's shirt was smaller and tighter than the baggy one Kian had on underneath, causing the sleeves to pillow out at his elbows like some kind of weird pirate tunic. He exhaled sharply through his nose. Fuck. This. Properly incensed, Kian knelt across from the Americans and began to claw his way through the dirt. Unlike Dash, however, he at least made sure not to kick it up everywhere. "Would you stop calling them that?" He huffed. "The last thing I want to think about is Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dipshit stomping around camp with their pricks out."
Lukas Lukas wondered if Kian saw the irony in him grumbling out some complaint about his hilarious joke the second after Dash had said they'd spent too much time arguing already. " You knew exactly who I was talkin' about though, and it only took two seconds to say, " he defended as he dug. Defending the phrase for no reason other than he didn't want to talk about the fact that a dead body would be heading towards them any minute now. And god forbid they fall into silence and he just had to think about the dead body again. He's stomach churned just a fraction, so he quickly continued. " Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dipshit is good, but could be anyone, " for example, it could have very easily been used to identify Lukas and Dash.
Kian "Bert and Ernie, then. Literally anyone else." Kian had hardly even made a dent in the ground before his nails were caked with dirt, and if he hadn't spent the better half of his childhood digging through the mud for bugs to show Clarke, he would have been disgusted at the state of them. God, let there be a freshwater lake in the wilderness for him to wash off in. "Besides," he said, wiping hair out of his face with the back of his sleeve, "I think they're the sort to be flattered that you think about them naked so often."
Dash Dash let a low whistle as he tossed a pebble over his shoulder. He didn’t think flattered would actually be the appropriate word for how those two would feel if they knew Lukas had mentioned their names in relation to dicks. “I think the word you’re looking for is disgusted, actually. Or, uh. Vein-throbbingly violent? Like, on the edge of going full-on berserk.” He scooped out another handful of dirt and already felt exhausted by the whole endeavor. Dash reminded himself that they were doing this for what was a good cause and it’d be fucked up if he sat back now. “Gay bash-y, definitely, but whatever.” He gritted his teeth as he came across another root. Fuckin’ weak ass trees and their weak ass roots. Some of the ones back home were similar, always getting blown to shit by every passing hurricane. He stood enough just to bring his heel down hard enough to snap it. “Wait, just to confirm, we’re in agreement that Lord Humungus took the kill shot, right?” he asked Lukas.
Lukas Lukas didn't know where the fuck Kian had got the idea that Gigantor and his Mini Me would be flattered that Lukas was talking about them in such a fashion, but he definitely disagreed. Thankfully, Dash quickly put his thoughts into words. " Yeah, that's more the vibe I'm getting, for sure. " Lukas agreed, eyes staying down on his hands as he dug for a moment. Just get this fucking over with, get Warren in the ground and then they could move on. Eyes lifted when Dash spoke again, meeting his and for the second time today having to disagree with him. " I think he totally could have. You know, definitely had motive and means down, " Start with agreement, wasn't that a debate thing? He didn't fucking know, he wasn't a debate weeb. " But opportunity? " He sucked his teeth, eyes back to the ground as he continued making work on the grave. " Unless he turns into a fucking werewolf at night, there's no way he would've been able to make his way up there in the middle of the night. It was dark as fuck. " Okay maybe there were a couple of ways, but Lukas wasn't sold. " So, like, maybe he did it, I dunno. But what are we supposed to do about it? "
Kian Lord Humungus? Did he mean Sebastian? "Think he's just upset he didn't push him off himself when he had the chance," said Kian. Because Lukas had a point (as much as it pained him to admit), it was way too fucking dark for Sebastian to be able to get up, hike all the way up that cliff to murder Warren, and slink back before sunrise without anyone noticing. All signs pointed to Warren's death being an accident - a shit, unfortunate fucking accident. Kian picked a worm out of the shallow hole he'd created and flung it into the grass. "I'm not taking my chances with him, though. You saw the way he choked Switzerland out - he's definitely out for blood."
Dash "Involuntary manslaughter, then." If that's what it even was called. "Lack of oxygen gave him a big brain booboo which lead to the guy seizing like a motherfucker. Bumble balled it right over the ledge.” Dash raised his eyebrows like, huh? How about that? But what could they even do about that? He didn’t know fuck-all about like, obtaining quote-unquote justice. The whole system was wanky back home, so pulling from real life examples didn't really vibe with him. Plus, there was the whole... they were stuck on an island thing. The best he could come up with was: "Uh. Banish him to the other side of this tropical limbo to go think about what he's done?" He kept digging, and digging, and digging. It couldn't have been a more boring activity, and he wished the other guys would hurry with the body if only so they'd have more hands on deck. Dash tilted his head to the side in lackluster agreement with Kian. Lackluster because he kinda hated to agree with him right then. "For suuuure. I can really respect Warren's kinky side, but that shit's not in my wheelhouse."
Liam clearly, no one was paying attention to anything liam was saying since the giants of the group wanted to keep going back and forth at each other, blue and joe chiming in with a more level headed approach, but liam was already over it. he understood that everything was stressful and the past few days have been a roller coaster, but he couldn't deal with the fact that the others would rather fight with each other than take care of warren's body. he pushed his way out from in between the other boys, "fuck this," he muttered to himself as he walked away from the group. if they weren't going to be helpful, the least he could do was go find the others and see where they are at with digging. he took one last glance at warren, which was probably a mistake because the second he did, he felt the familiar tightening in his chest again. looking away quickly, liam started the walk to the others and hoped he wouldn't get lost in the process. though, being lost in the jungle was starting to seem like a better option than being stuck with all the toxic masculinity of the other group. alone and walking, he finally let himself feel everything and didn't stop his tears until he started to hear the three boys talking. he ran his hands over his face and took a deep breath to compos himself before stepping out to make himself known. "uh, how's it going here? do you guys need help?"
Lukas Lukas made a small chyeah sound with an accompanying chuckle when Dash suggested involuntary manslaughter. Even though it appeared he had more experience with the justice system than these two, specifically in a case of involuntary manslaughter, he didn't think they could prove such a thing. Even with the, what? 14 witnesses? 13 now he supposed. They couldn't even convince one another, how could they convince a court of people who hadn't even been there. He kept digging. " What, like Survivor? " He asked when Dash suggested banishing Sebastian. " Even if he didn't kill Warren I wouldn't be against sending him the fuck away just so I didn't have to see him stand around and brood all fucking day. " Though part of him wanted Sebastian to stay close, so they could see when the eventual murderous rampage was coming on. He's about to tack on some crude joke about Warren getting choked out to what Kian and Dash were saying but that's when he hears a voice behind him. Head turning to look and stupid smile widening on his features. " Yo! " Same shirt! Lukas thought again, even though Dash was currently wearing his Thrasher sweater. " Yeah, for sure, get in here. " He tilted his head back to the grave, resuming his digging while Liam pulled up a spot. " So, the fuck were the others up to that you decided digging a grave was the better option? " He asked, chuckle falling from his lips at the very circumstances. Even if this was definitely the better group of people, by Lukas' definition, Liam had stayed with the others a while before joining them, Lukas figured something must have been happening.
Liam liam tried to muster up as much of genuine smile as he could despite the fact that his had just spent a better part of his walk over crying. he looked between the three boys, noting the progress they achieved in the amount of time it took the other group to do literally nothing but fight and point fingers. with a nod, he walked over to them, getting on his knees at the edge of where they were digging and started to help. he let out a broken laugh when lukas asked what was going on, he couldn't even hold it in because the whole situation seemed ridiculous. "they're fucking not doing shit. jj's, like, looting his shit because he's not going to need it. which fair, but he just went straight to it. everyone's pointing fingers. and sawyer got the emergency blanket but as soon he came back, him and the one tall roid head started going at each other because apparently sawyer and warren were drinking last night and they think it's his fault. then fucking gigantor came in and amped everything up." liam realized he was probably talking pretty fast and agitated and he rambled, so he paused and took a second to catch his breath. "i just- i needed to get out of there. none of them would listen to me."
Kian "Fuck's sake," Kian said for the second time in the span of ten minutes, pushing his momentary annoyance at yet another member joining their group aside to express his utter exasperation at the sheer dickheadness of the dickheads on this island. JJ being a weirdo didn't shock him; nor did Thing 1 and Thing 2 using someone's death to be complete pricks to everyone around them. "What did I tell you? Out for blood."
Dash Dash looked over his shoulder when he heard a new voice, and his brow furrowed. Liam looked a helluva lot like a guy who had just been crying, and Dash could vaguely recall him getting a little choked up when he had still been loitering around Warren’s body. Clearly he was taking this hard. The threat of a big-d Death was annoying and years-long over the course of his life, so he could forget that someone's shit could get really rocked by the whole thing if they had never lived like that. “You good, dude?” he asked, only a little awkward in execution. Being on the receiving end of a barrage of friendly check-ins didn't really make him any better at extending them. As Liam recounted what was up on the beach, Dash rolled his eyes. Day Three of hanging around these reprobates and he already wasn't shocked by some of their behaviors. JJ looting a body? Bit fucked, but not totally out of left field. He was sure the guy still had multitudes of weirdness to expose though. "Okay, cringe. But, uh, did they find anything?" he had to ask, still a little curious if he was right about the nipple piercing thing. Kian’s out for blood comment spurred him to continue: “And is anyone bleeding yet? Someone should probably them it’s kinda tacky to duke it out in front of a dead body.” Warren’s body. Dash grimaced, and went back to digging.
Callum Callum huffed grumpily when Joe came by his side and diffused the situation. "All the stories Warren tells about taking champagne up his ass and having to swim in whiskey before he feels anything, you think a fucking flask got him hammered? That's a joke." He stayed glaring at Sawyer. Then Blue came into the picture. "Something is up and this criminal's just too good at hiding it." Callum couldn't help but take another dig at Sawyer.
Sawyer Sawyer should’ve taken comfort in the fact that the other boys, some of whom he’d barely even spoken to, were willing to stick their necks out for him. He should’ve heeded Liam’s advice, walked away when he had the opportunity to do so with his hands clean. There were a lot of things in life he should’ve, could’ve, would’ve done if he were a better man. But there was something in Callum’s tone—an undercurrent, heat simmering beneath the surface of his icy demeanor—that made him see red. Who gave him the right to speak about somebody like that? He didn’t know Sawyer. None of these assholes knew any more about him than he did of them. His limbs moved of their own accord before his head even had time to process what was happening, tackling Callum to the floor of the impacted sand, arm reeling back and fist connecting with his smug fucking face—once, twice, until his knuckles began to split. “Fuck you,” he spat. “Fuck you—”
Sebastian Sebastian couldn't deny that Callum had made a good point about Warren's alcohol tolerance. The kid seemed to actually be more efficient with a little booze in his system than he was without- so how were they supposed to believed he'd managed to get so plastered the night before that he'd toppled off of a cliff all by himself? Something wasn't adding up and Sawyer's increasing irritation was only adding to fuel to the conspiracy fire. "Whoa- hey!" Sebastian called out impulsively as Sawyer leapt at Callum, tackling him into the ground and taking one manic swipe at him after the other. On instinct, he crashed into Sawyer's back, throwing his arms under Sawyer's and pinning them back as he dragged the other boy, rather clumsily, to a standing (ish) position, away from Callum. "Come on, come on, come on," he insisted, for a lack of anything more profound or meaningful to say to either boy. "Bro, somebody fuckin' check on him," he instructed anybody that was listening to aid Callum after the spontaneous beating. "You gonna cool off man?" he asked sawyer, using all his strength to keep his arms in a submissive position with his arms locked between Sebastian's. "-Or we can go for a walk, you gotta choice here," he insisted, giving Sawyer at least some sense of control in an otherwise out of control situation.
Callum "Umpf—!" One second, Callum was throwing Sawyer a dirty look that could piss off a pacifist monk and the next, he was on the ground getting his face rearranged. He should have probably seen this coming with the way he was running his mouth. For a moment, the embarrassment of being put down was worse than the pain of actually getting his face pummeled. Callum was just barely catching up, getting his hands on Sawyer's arms when he felt the boy's weight be pulled off of him entirely. Then he heard Sebastian's voice. Thank fuck, he thought. Relief washing over him for only a moment before the pain set in. "Fucking prison rat..." He muttered, turning his head and spitting out some of the blood in his mouth. "I'm fine," he insisted, swatting a hand before any of the other boys could do something like rush to his aid. He wasn't some pussy, he could get up just fine. Or so he thought when he attempted to sit up and a sharp pain shooting up his back reminded him he was still very much recovering from an unfair bar fight. "Fuck," he grunted, sucking in a sharp breath in an attempt to contain his reaction to the pain.
Sawyer Sawyer could do little more than let out a pained yelp as his arms were wrenched behind his back—Sebastian had all the strength of a corrections officer and less than half of the patience, pulling Sawyer to his feet before he could get a final blow in. “Don’t—fuckin’—touch me!” He tried, in vain, to weasel his way out of the other boy’s firm grip. Fuck him. Fuck Callum. Fuck Warren for dying, fuck the pilot for crashing, fuck his parole officer for sending him on this retreat and fuck him, fuck Sawyer for thinking he could better himself, that you could add bells and whistles to a broken-down car and expect it to get anywhere good. “You wanna talk about me?!” He yelled, eyes stinging hot with tears again. But this time, he wasn’t crying out of guilt or sorrow—rather, the frustration at his inability to control his situation, or anything, had nowhere left to go but out of him. “Huh?! You wanna talk about what kinda drunk I am?! You’re not even good fuckin’ people sober!”
Callum "And what makes you think you are?!" Callum shot back from where he was twisted uncomfortably on his side. "Fuckin', Mr. Criminal Record!" With his back fucked, Callum was all bark and no bite right now. "Take a fucking hike, convict," he spat from where he was on the ground. "We'll carry Warren ourselves. Don't you need you hijacking his ring and that stupid fucking chain around his neck for some spare change and a place to live."
Sawyer The next thing Sawyer did, he wasn’t too proud of (he wasn’t very proud of pummeling Callum to the ground, either, but in the heat of the moment it felt more than deserved). If these guys wanted to assume the worst of him, though, he’d give ‘em a better fucking reason to. He mustered up the last of his resolution to spit at Callum’s immobile form, hoping, childishly, that he felt the touch of cold saliva on his skin, that he felt every bit as tainted by Sawyer’s indecency as Sawyer did. What little dredges of fuck he had left to give died on his fists the moment they made impact with Callum’s face. With a full-bodily jerk, he managed to free himself from Sebastian’s grasp at last, holding his middle fingers up at Callum as he took a few steps backward before he turned his back to the group. He wasn’t hiking back to the camp or the jungle, but to the furthest corners of the beach, where he could melt into the shoreline and imagine himself turning into sea-foam—swept away, all at once, by the tide.
Callum Spitting on him? Really? Callum scoffed and shook his head. Then he watched Sawyer's retreating figure. "Yeah, walk away, convict. We don't need you," he called out. A final nail in the coffin if Sawyer didn't hate him enough already. He brushed his hand against his pants where Sawyer's spit landed, making a face at the wetness that now covered his palm. Gross, he thought. When he figured the boy was far enough, Callum decided it was high time for him to get up and move too. "Can someone give me a hand?" He asked grumpily, after having attempted to get up himself; though he couldn't quite do it without assistance. "And let's get Warren out of here already."
Lukas Lukas couldn't help but grimace as Liam told the three of them what had happened in their absence. Yeah, no, definitely the superior group right here, he thought. Looting, yelling, and pointing fingers at each other. He was only a tiny bit upset to be missing it all. He nodded in agreement at Kian's point. " Dude, they're so fucked, " he commented, pulling more dirt out of the hole. However, he did also kinda want the answers to Dash's questions so he looked to Liam expectantly, waiting an answer. Then Lukas thinks he hears something. Not sure what he looked over his shoulder again with furrowed brow. " Y'all hear that? " he asked the group, his gaze remaining behind him for a second longer. Sounded like yelling, but it was just too far away for Lukas to put any more effort into finding out what it was. As he looked back to the hole, soon to be grave, he was pretty fucking impressed with their efforts. Someone had to be. " That's probably deep enough, right? Looks about two foot, bit over. "
Joe This had to be some kind of divine punishment. There was no way he would be stuck on a desert island with wankers that couldn't go a full day without getting into a punch up if he wasn't tainted in some way. As tempting as it was to leave Callum on the floor Joe knew had to be a bigger person and make some kind of contribution ,he didn't get Sawyer off of Callum and he did a shit job at including Liam. He would have to apologise to Liam later but in that moment his main focus was grabbing Callum's hand and dragging him off the ground. "Oh yeah, yous are going to have to stop being pricks for a second because we need to move Warren. Is there a technique to moving bodies?"
Callum Callum let himself be pulled up by Joe, offering a short grunt of 'thanks' in appreciation once he was back on his feet. He dusted himself off, scoffed a little at being referred to as a prick, and answered Joe's query. "Not that I know of. But we got the blanket–" Thanks to Sawyer, who he did not care to credit or mention even if there was a gun to his head. "–we'll lay Warren on there, and there's..." He counted whoever remained. Him, Sebastian, Joe, and Blue. Perfect. "Four of us. So each take a corner and just carry him like that I guess." He shrugged. Heavy lifting wasn't a great idea with his back all knotted up and achy like it was right now but Callum figured with three other guys helping carry the load, it shouldn't be too bad. He walked over to the lower half of Warren's body and grabbed his ankles. "Someone get the top half of this kid please. And the rest just like, hold the blanket down flat, hands on the corners."
Blue blue told himself that it was like carrying an injured teammate,  you'll pull your brother up, move him off the ice, the nurses patch him up, or that one time when he had to visit beau at the hospital...but he needed that visualization to make it through this strange night. as he placed the blanket down with the others, and then took a step back, all of that went away and the darkness all around enveloped him. "does anyone know the song from sound of music? the sad one?"
Kian It was easy to block out the events of that morning when you had nothing to do but dig and dig until your arms ached. Moving meant you had less time to think, and the less time you had to think, the less time you had to feel. Mostly, Kian just felt numb...and like, he couldn't figure out whether that made him a shit person or not. That he could look at a dead body and feel nothing but a sense of disgust and dread, like if he stared for too long, the clutches of death would reach out and grab him by the wrist. Scary shit. He scoffed at Lukas's remarks, blowing a piece of hair out of his eyes. "Two feet's not deep enough. It has to be a meter, so, like...three." God. Fuck the Yanks and their stupid measurement system. "You can go tell the others to hurry the fuck up if you want, though."
Lukas Personally, if Lukas was wearing someone else's shirt to prevent dirt getting on him, he probably wouldn't be such a dick to them. Well– he probably would but that didn't stop him from being offended when Kian had a go at him. " I said two and a bit, didn't I? " he rebutted, begrudgingly returning to digging. " And you've gotta give the metres thing up, you're clearly fuckin' outnumbered here. " He cast a glance to Dash and Liam as if to say, right guys? As for going back to the others, however, he shook his head adamantly " No fucking way, I'll fuckin' puke, " again. You would fucking puke again, Lukas. " You can go tell them if you want though, " he offered back to Kian, being completely facetious. He didn't think there was any way any of them were volunteering to go back and tell the others what to do. " Tell them all about how we've got a metre " he poorly mimicked the other's accent for that word and that word alone, " deep hole here and they need to hurry up, you and Warren would look good with matching hickeys. "
Liam liam looked to dash when he asked if he was okay, and again he tried to put on a brave face and pretend like everything was okay. "yeah, i'm good," he said despite being the opposite. liam has never experienced death before, not even a pet. even if they hadn't known warren long and he was pretty annoying, it still made reality hit him hard. "i don't know if they found anything good, i wasn't really paying attention," i was trying to not cry in front of everyone he finished in his head. but then kian seemed annoyed by how deep they should go and lukas teasing him about meters. liam just looked up at the others and shrugged. he didn't see what the big deal was. "they probably wont even listen to you," he mumbled. "they didn't listen to me. they're too busy seeing who's dick is bigger by ganging up on sawyer." he just hoped they were done being dicks long enough to actually get to moving warren over here.
Kian If Lukas's hastiness didn't tick him off, that piss-poor imitation of his accent certainly did. He did not sound like that - Kian could pronounce his r's just fine, thank you very much. With a saccharine-sweet smile, he took the next fistful of damp soil from the ground and flicked it in Lukas's direction. "There. Now it's two and some more." Prick. Liam was much more tolerable than the other two prats, if only for the fact that he seldom talked and always looked like he was on the verge of tears. No wonder he couldn't stick it out with the meatheads, Kian thought. "The one from jail? Why're they ganging up on him?"
Liam he grimaced at the comment. the one from jail. everyone was so focused on the fact that sawyer had been to jail, he wondered what all of the others would think if they knew he had a record too. sure, his was probably much less than sawyers, but they really didn't know anything about each other. "yeah, him. because he was the last to see warren alive and i guess they were drinking last night. they think he got drunk and killed him or something." saying it out loud sounded so ridiculous. even if they didn't know each other well, he couldn't see sawyer doing it. after all, sebastian was the one who choked the dude out.
Lukas He's late to see the handful of dirt flying at him but still he tries to bat it away, leaning back as he did. As if that would help. Looking down at the mess, he couldn't help but snort another chuckle again. How fucking stupid was this whole situation. He thought as he returned to digging. He glanced to Liam as he spoke, but then he laughed again when he revealed the others had been pointing at Sawyer as the cause of Warren's death. " You're joking, Sawyer? Seriously? " He chuckled, giving it a moment to gage that Liam was in fact serious. While Kian was pretty keen to keep bringing up Sawyer's record, Lukas wondered if he was the only one who remembered the cowboy had admitted it was for auto theft. Plus, if a criminal record was all you needed to be a murderer then well shit, guess him and Liam were on their way to the janky island electric chair too. " That's fucked. " He shook his head, still amused but at least a fraction more somber about it now. " There's no way they actually think that, they're just tryna shift the blame 'cause they know they're the most fucking suspect. "
Kian For the first time, Kian and Lukas were on the same wavelength; he couldn't help but let out an ugly guffaw when Liam revealed that some of them were now accusing others of murder. Yeah, no. Sawyer was way too friendly to kill someone - and not in a, like, American Psycho way, but in a weird uncle who drinks too much and mistakes you for your sister way. Believe him, Kian sat across from the guy on the plane. He knew a person who spiked their drinks in secret when he saw one. "And besides, Warren was dumb enough to nearly fall off a cliff without alcohol. What makes them think he didn't just take a long walk off a short ledge when he was trying to piss or something?"
Liam "that's what i thought too," liam chimed in. warren didn't seem like the brightest person sober, nearly walking off the cliff just hours before. "i think they're all so focused on making sure they don't look guilty that they're trying to put the blame on someone else. but i think we all know that if anyone did anything, there are far more convincing people than sawyer."
Kian "Like that JJ fucker," said Kian, eyes going wide. "Swear, I haven't seen him so much as smile since we got here. I think he's a proper psychopath."
Dash Dash didn’t really believe Liam’s ‘I’m good’ and made a mental note to check in on the little dude later. He might not be a total help to him, of course, but it made Dash at least feel like he had something to fill his day after this hellish morning instead of staring vacantly at the ocean. Drops of sweat gathered on his brow from exertion as he listened the other guys contemplate who to point fingers at. "You know where I stand on this whole thing, man,” he said. “Chokey time, brain damage, mouth frothing and a one-way ticket cliffside — ipso facto: Gigantor’s fault.” Dash wiped the moisture away with the back of his hand, and tiredly thought that maybe he should’ve taken his aunt up on the repeated offer to join her at her godforsaken, soul-sucking cycling class. He stood to inspect their work—the boundary of the hole came up to his thigh-ish, edging toward his hip—and stamped down a boot to flatten the earth beneath his foot. “Jesus...” he spoke under his breath, then continued aloud, “Is this finally a fuckin' meter or what?"
Kian Kian sat back on his haunches, heaving a sigh. Grave-digging was no easy task on its own, but having a sweaty mop on your head and a boa constrictor wrapped around your chest put it on equal footing with, like, running laps. Or building pyramids with tree branches. "Proper fuckin' meter," he said, ricocheting right off of Pink Floyd, "where the fuck are the pallbearers?"
Callum Callum made a face at Blue. "The fuck. No?" He shook his head. "Can we just focus on getting Warren out of here?" He asked, his patience thinning quickly with his back pain. Once everyone was in position and Warren was safely wrapped in the emergency blanket, the boys hauled him off, proceeding across the beach until they came across the boys responsible for digging Warren's grave. "Yo, you guys done?" Callum asked when he was close enough to be heard by the other boys. They looked like they've been busy digging so Callum hoped they were, and didn't just spend all this time fucking around.
Dash It was like Kian’s pure pissiness summoned the ‘pallbearers’. Dash looked up from where he watched a shiny beetle scuttle around his boot and was met with a real one-two of shitty and honestly fairly gratifying images. One being Warren’s body, wrapped up like a shoddy mummy—that was horseshit—and the second the pretty black eye developing on Callum’s face. Dash was a pacifist by nature but it was still a refreshing look, if you asked him. He let out a low whistle and leaned back against the edge of the hole, letting his hands rest palms down against the grass. “Wow. Sweet shiner.” He shook his head as he turned to hoist himself out of the grave. “Gotta say, babe. You’ve never looked better,” he wisecracked, a grin started to itch at the corner of his mouth until he looked back from where he came. An empty hole. For Warren. What a way to spend a vacation. He cleared his throat and shrugged both shoulders. “So, uh. Guess you guys just lower him in then,” he continued, gesturing toward their work.
Kian Yo yOu gUys DoNe? As if Moose Knuckle and the park rangers hadn't just taken ages to wrap a body in a blanket and carry it not half a kilometre into the jungle. Kian had a quip ready to go, a right hearty fuck off, but the second he turned around to open his mouth, he lost his shit. Seeing one of the Winklevoss Twins with a bruised eye nearly made up for the corpse within arm's length of his face. "Has he risen from the dead to punch you in the face?" He asked, scuttling out of the way so they could lower Warren's body into the hole. "I miss the fucker, already."
Liam liam’s whole body tensed up when he heard the unmistakable sound of callum’s voice. but at least that meant they were finally done and they could put this whole awful day behind them. getting up from his spot by the hole, liam turned around just as the other boys started commenting on his black eye. clearly the arguing turned physical after liam left, which really didn’t surprise him. but rather than bring attention to himself, he just moved out of the way so the others could move warren’s body into the hole.
Callum Callum swore if he wasn't helping carry a dead body right now, these fuckers — Dash and Kian — would be in the grave along with Warren too. Ignoring the heat he felt in his cheeks when he was cheekily referred to as 'babe', Callum merely scoffed and shot a measly "fuck off" at the two boys with comments. "Let's go," he urged the boys helping him with Warren's body, shuffling forward to position the corpse directly above the hole so it could be a smooth descent. "Ready? Bring him down slowly." It was easier to pretend this was his summer job doing construction work, and not burying some guy they survived a plane crash with. Nice and steady, Warren was lowered and just like that, the boy was laid down in his temporary resting place. Callum blew out a breath once he was standing at full height again. "Fuck..." He didn't expect it to be difficult to look at the grave with the blanket-wrapped body in there. "Guess we just... cover him up?" It felt strange to discuss. He wondered then how Dash, Kian and Lukas felt digging up this hole knowing what it was for.
Dash Dash watched the way Callum’s face heated with fascination, as his tongue poked at the inside of his cheek—one part confused to two parts jazzed about the power he must’ve had to elicit a reaction like that. He badly wanted to say something, to make a joke about how there must’ve been a heart beating there in his chest all long ‘cause his pink cheeks proved it. But he swallowed it down, the words like bile at the back of his throat. It seemed his body would only allow one joke in the presence of an actual burial, which kind of sucked really because without that there was nothing much to do but look at the lump that was once Warren get lowered into the ground. Dash thought about the last time he was at a funeral—and the shower of roses that were placed on the casket before it too was buried beneath pounds of dirt—and glanced around until he saw a flower. “Wait a sec.” It had five large pink petals, and looked like it’d work well enough. He plucked it, then looked over at the other guys. “I dunno, like a fuckin’ — show of respect or something,” he defended himself. “To make up for that Viking burial thing.” He tossed the flower down the hatch. It fluttered, then fell near Warren’s feet. Close enough. “Alright, dirt time,” he said, but still waited for someone else to make the first move.
Kian Kian watched the flower fall to Warren’s feet with little fanfare. That was shit, he wanted to say, but for once, he held his tongue. This was an actual, real thing they were doing; no going back now. Dash’s words hung in silence for eons before Kian began to shove dirt into the hole with his foot, covering up what he assumed—and hoped—was Warren’s face, first. “Where’s Sawyer gone? Thought he’d wanna...pay his respects or whatever.”
Callum "He's off being a pissy little bitch," Callum muttered as he pushed some sand into Warren's grave with the side of his foot. He knew it would be far more useful to go on his knees and shovel dirt in with his hands but he couldn't be fucked to hurt his back even more.
Dash Dash bent to pick up his abandoned stick. He used the flat end to knock dirt onto Warren’s body — it gave him something to do and saved his boots from more damage: two birds, one stone. “Lemme guess,” he started, angling the stick only enough to point in Callum’s general direction. He placed a fingertip under his right eye and tugged down for emphasis. “He responsible for that?”
Callum "Oh fuck off, Troll Doll." Though with his tiredness (and slight guilt), the insult didn't quite have the bite Callum wanted it to have. "It's not my fault the Prison Rat can't take the heat. If he wasn't guilty of anything in the first place, he wouldn't have had trouble sticking around." Callum moved some more sand over the grave with his foot and brought his hands up in a 'it wasn't me' gesture. "S'all I'm saying."
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floatingpetals · 5 years
Peace and Quiet?
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Angst-ish, language, the reader makes a poor decision, fluff as well  
Word Count: 5900+ 
Request: “I seriously love your longer one shots! Could you please do a Cap (or Bucky) + reader, where the reader is kinda loud/outgoing because of not wanting to be forgotten or something? And the reader figures they make him uncomfortable and shuts everyone out, leading to him confessing he likes the reader? Fluff please?” @homeybadger
A/N:  Wow so uhh, this has been a request that’s been sitting in my inbox for sooooo looonnng. No seriously, like super long. I feel so bad that it’s taken me just now to get to it. I wanted to do something nice with it, but I just couldn’t get it right, then I forgot it was there and then I remember and scrapped the whole thing. I hope you enjoy this story and I hope the length makes up for it! I did not mean to take so long on this! I hope you all enjoy!! 
**I’m also debating on doing a second part, but it all depends on the feedback I get. So please let me know what you think! ❤
Gifs not mine, credit to the creator!
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“Oh, bad luck. You landed on Boardwalk,” Sam smirked, a giggle beginning to bubble in his chest as the rage that was settling on Y/N’s face across the table. She glared at the double dice, a freaking snake eye, that had been against her the entire game. “And if my math is correct, with my three houses you owe me $1400. And from the looks of your very sad pile, you’ll have to sell everything on top of declaring bankruptcy.”
“I hate this game!” Y/N screamed, throwing down the $300 hundred she had left.
“Hey, don’t hate the game!” Natasha shot back, grinning behind her beer bottle. Y/N shot her glare.
“Oh, shut up! You and Clint have been cheating the entire time and you know it!” she growled. Clint gasped but was cut off by a sharp jab in the ribs by Bucky. He grumbled and pulled out the chance cards he had stashed away, and nudge Natasha to pull out the money she had hidden away. “See! This game sucks!”
“Now, now. No need to go all green on us.” Tony grinned. Bruce made a noise before letting out a puff of air. Irritated with both the game and how smug everyone was acting, Y/N exploded with a primal battle cry.
“Fuck this game! You people are all cheaters!”
Everyone had enough time to grab their drinks off before Y/N flipped the table, the pieces flying everywhere. Bucky and Wanda both doubled over in their seats, howling when Y/N began to scream at Tony, who jumped up and was yelling back at the same volume. Clint and Natasha were grinning like idiots as the mayhem grew. Bruce rolled his eyes when Sam jumped in, normally the tone the room shifted would set him on edge, but this wasn’t unusual. The only person that wasn’t reacting, save for Vision who had no idea why tensions were so high over a silly game, was Steve.
He had decided to sit this game night out. After the Mario Party debacle, he wasn’t ready to jump back in the ring. Thor spun a wheel and tossed a dart to cut someone’s stars in half. He landed on Y/N’s. While she was once in the lead, that cut her stars in half and she was suddenly in last place. That was fine. It was when she was hit by Bowser, who Tony was playing as when they managed to let him loose of his little prison that she flipped her lid. The team got a kick out of her raging at the games, and all banded together to see how quickly she could snap. Steve, however, didn’t see the charm in it.
To put it lightly, Y/N was a lot to handle. She was everywhere all at once to begin with, her voice carrying through walls. There wasn’t a single mean bone in her body, aside from her intense competitive streak. She seemed to win over anybody. Steve still wasn’t sure. He’d admit, she was sweet and everyone else seemed to love her. Steve thought she was cute too, sometimes she would fall asleep on the couch and he’d find himself taking advantage of her stillness to stare. But she never stopped to breathe once it seemed. He couldn’t recall a time where she wasn’t talking loudly about something or practically bouncing off the walls from excitement. She was a lot more than he was used to. Y/N made his head spin. It wasn’t terrible, but it was a bit exhausting after a while around her. It also didn’t help that sometimes her power manifested with her growing emotions. Which is what was happening right now.
“You’re the one who wanted us to play this stupid game!” Tony accused, rolling his eyes.
“Did not! I specifically said that I thought it was a stupid idea because I always end up flipping a table! You’re the one who then said we had to play it since learning that bit of information.” She countered pointing a finger at him. Tony stopped, a sly grin spreading across his face.
“Oh yeah.”
“Ugh!” She grumbled. “You people are so frustrating! Why do you do this to me?!”
“Because it’s fun.” Tony grinned, his eyes flashing with glee. That was the wrong thing to say. Now Y/N really was angry. She grits her teeth and balled her fists at her side. If this was a cartoon, she’d have steam coming out of her ears she was so angry. Unbeknownst to her, her powers started to manifest with her mounting fury, afflicting the others in the room.
Y/N’s power was special and even a bit strange considering how specific it was. Since she could remember, Y/N always had the gift to control the aura around her to suppressed others authority and leadership skills. It was a power that had come handy in her life, but also hindered her more than it helped. She had a rather strong grip on it at all times, but sometimes that control slipped. Tony’s face paled, and everyone else around her started to shift uncomfortably.
“Uh-Y/N.” Wanda reached out, her fingers gently brushing against the back of Y/N’s arm. Wanda flinched, the contact enough to send her the full force of Y/N’s strange power, but she fought to stay strong. Y/N blinked, quickly realizing the shift in the room was because of her. Her shoulder’s dropped and the suffocating aura surrounding her disappeared. The room sighed collectively in relief.
“See. This is why you shouldn’t poke the bear.” Y/N huffed, crossing her arms against her chest. Tony chuckled and shook his head.
“It’s nice to know you’re aware.” Sam let out a laugh as well, grinning widely at her. She grumbled under her breath and turned to sit back in her seat. As she did, she scanned the room and noticed a spot empty. Standing straighter she glanced around the room.
“Hey, where did Steve go?”
The group collectively turned around, just now noticing the empty seat their Captain once took up as well. Bucky frowned and shot a look to Natasha, who seemed on the same page. Slowly, he turned to back to Y/N.
“Uh... Maybe he decided to turn in early.” He tried. The team seemed to take it, albeit skeptically. He had been doing this a lot lately, getting up at disappearing without a word. No one wanted to say it aloud, but they all noticed it happened around the time Y/N came to the team four months ago.
Y/N stilled, her eyes hardening for a split second before they seemed to glaze over. Shaking her head, she heaved a sigh.
“I’m gonna turn in early too. Sorry, this little outburst just took a lot out of me.” She said, stepping over the discarded pieces and was out of the room before anyone could argue. The room had shifted into a subdued atmosphere, everyone thinking the same thing.
“Someone needs to talk to him.” Wanda murmured. Bucky nodded, letting out a sigh.
“I’ll talk to him.” He said. The rest all murmured in agreement, slowly trickling out the room since game night clearly was done for the evening. They could only hope tomorrow would end on a better note.
Y/N sat on her bed, clinging to her favorite stuffed animal wondering just where she went wrong. Since she joined the team a few short months ago, she had been trying her best to get close to the rest of her teammates. Naturally, she was a bubbly person. But her gift made it harder for her to get close to anyone. Her parents thought it was odd, the power came from nowhere when she hit the age of three. It took them time to figure out that it wasn’t because she was incredibly intimidating and that she was unintentionally suppressing their confidence level.
They spent years taking her to doctors and specialists that might be able to help her control her powers. It wasn’t without consequences. Because she struggled for so long to control her powers, she spent a lot of her life unintentionally hurting those around her.
Her classmates didn’t know what exactly, but they knew something was wrong with her. She spent the majority of her school years alone in the corner, shunned from taking part of anything in her classes. If anyone tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, something always went wrong. They were terrified of her. The fear turned to indifference and eventually, they paid her no mind. No one wanted her in their lives. But for Y/N, she wanted nothing more than to be accepted and included.
Which might explain why she was the way she was today. It took years to master her control, but she did it. And now that she was an Avenger, she was surrounded by people who were like her. Special and unique. Nowhere else could she be herself as she could here. This was her last chance of being free and she never wanted to be forgotten.
It didn’t take her long to win over the others. They were more than aware of what she could do. Not a one batted an eyelash, no one shrank away in fear they’d be subjected to the smothering fear she could plague them with. If anything, it fascinated them. She was the one who they’d send in to interrogate. Whether on location or in a holding cell, it didn’t matter. Her power was a gift to get the tightest of lips to talk. For the first time in her life, Y/N felt as though she had finally found her calling.  
Y/N was proud of how far she had come. It was years of uphill battles and year left in the shadows. But now, she had it all, friends, her family and a job she loved. All except the acceptance of Steve. He was polite, but he always had an air of discomfort around her. Not with anyone else, just her. Y/N hated to admit it, but it hurt.
Since the day she met him, Y/N fell hard. Who couldn’t though? He was charming, cared for his friends and protective of his family. But for some reason, he just didn’t seem like he enjoyed being around her. Perhaps, she thought, it was something she said to him. She couldn’t recall anything that might set his teeth on edge, but she was at a loss.
Letting out a heavy sigh, Y/N set her stuffed animal down on the bed and swung her legs over the side. She knew she shouldn’t dwell too much on it. He could very well be in a bad mood, and it could confidently only be when she’s in the same room. She snorted. Yeah, that was it.
No, she thought, there was something more about it. Thinking back all the times she noticed he’d got running, realization hit her like a freight train. Every time he ran, it was because of something she did. It was her. A broken sob crept it’s way up her throat. She was the reason, that was the only thing it could be. Steve Rogers, the man who unknowingly held her heart in his hands, was uncomfortable with her. She clenched the sheets of the bed and held back her tears.
Y/N had to change. Her behavior had always been a problem, she knew that. She was so terrified of being left alone and forgotten again, she let her eagerness go too far. Falling back on the bed, she stared at the ceiling and came to a life-altering decision.
“Hey! There you are!” Natasha grinned motioning Y/N over to her mat. “I was wondering if you’d ever show up or if I’d have to go up to pull you out of bed.”
Y/N didn’t respond with her usual quip, just sent her a tight-lipped smile and a soft apology. Natasha blinked her lack of typical response slightly off-putting. Where was her boisterous hello and never-ending pouts of energy? It was one of the fun things about working out with Y/N first thing in the morning. This wasn’t usual of her at all.
“Okay.” Natasha drawled, looking over Y/N to try and decipher her new attitude. “Well, let’s get started on stretching you at, then we’ll get on the mat to spar.”
Y/N wordlessly nodded, moving over to where the yoga mats were laid out waiting for her. Natasha took up the spot next to her, keeping her eyes especially close on Y/N. Aside from her uncharacteristically quiet demeanor, it didn’t seem like there was a hair out of place on her. Although, her movement seemed a bit on the robotic side. Y/N was just going through the motions, getting done with her stretches before wordlessly making her way over to the mats without a glance to Natasha.
Natasha sat up and watched Y/N leave without a word, flabbergasted. Things seemed fine last night, aside from Steve’s abrupt disappearance. As far as Natasha knew, Y/N had gone straight to her room to sleep. And everyone was either here in the gym or Tony and Bruce in the lap. So, what happened to Y/N?
“Hey, you okay?” Natasha asked, catching Y/N’s elbow.
“What do you mean?” Y/N tilted her head to the side, brows furrowed.
“I don’t know,” Natasha said slowly, her gaze narrowing the longer she stared at Y/N. “You just seem… off today.”
“Oh.” She uttered simply. “Yeah. I’m good.”
Pulling her arm away from Natasha, Y/N wandered over to where Sam was now standing with Bucky. Their smile grew at the sight of her, both unaware of Y/N’s new behavior.
“Good morning sunshine!” Sam beamed at her, wrapping her up in a hug. Y/N let out a faint giggle as she hugged him back. Bucky grinned and tilted his head in greeting.
“Morning doll. You sleep okay last night? I didn’t hear your snores through the paper-thin walls last night.”  He teased, nudging her with his shoulder. Y/N huffed but surprisingly bit her tongue.
“Morning Bucky. Yeah, I slept fine.” Y/N shrugged, her face showing little to no emotions. “We ready to get started.”
Both men were stunned, completely thrown off by her sudden change. They shot Natasha a startled look, who could only shrug. She hadn’t the faintest idea either what happened. Y/N wasn’t supplying them with anything either, so all they could do was continue as if nothing was wrong. It didn’t mean they weren’t going to question her later of course.
Getting done with their training was odd, uncomfortable even. Y/N didn’t speak unless spoken to, and even then they were short simple answers. There was none of her usual spunkiness that fought back with each quip Sam sent her way. He even tried to rile her up, he almost pulled out all the stops in a hope to gain a reaction from her. But she didn’t move an inch. Bucky tried to get her to react when he threw a punch harder than necessary her way. They thought they had her, there was a spark of fury in her eyes after she picked herself up, but she quickly wiped the expression on her face.
In the end, Y/N went through the motions, doing what needed to be done without her usual flare. At one point, Wanda had even commented on how unusually quiet she had been. When Y/N left to head to the locker room, she cornered Bucky and Sam.
“What did you two do?” she hissed, jabbing a finger in Sam’s chest. He made a noise in the back of his throat offended at the accusation.
“What the hell makes you think we did anything?” Bucky crossed his arms across his chest. Wanda turned her narrow gaze to Bucky.
“Well. Something happened to her. And I know Natasha wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.”
“Oh and we would?” Sam snapped, shaking his head. “We didn’t do anything to her Wanda, she was like this when she came in.”
“He’s right.” Natasha interrupted, siding with the two men. “She’s been like this all morning. I have no clue why.”
The door the locker room opened, Y/N walking freshly out of the shower and a new change of clothes. She stopped short when she saw all four eyes locked on her across the room. Awkwardly, she waved to them before heading to the exit. Right as she reached it, Steve swung open the door, towel in hand. His steps faltered and a tight-lipped smile passed on her face.
The group couldn’t see her face from where they stood. All they could see was her nod her head once before stepping around Steve with a wide berth to head out the exit. Steve was left stunned. It wasn’t normal to not have his ear talked off when it came to Y/N. Blinking rapidly, he wandered over to Bucky, brows furrowed in confusion.
“What she say?” Wanda asked. Steve’s mouth fell open to answer but couldn’t find the right words.
“Uh… Nothing.” He shrugged.
“And you don’t find that strange?” Wanda asked the group, pinning each of them with her stare. Bucky bristled at the insinuation, his hands balling into fists.
“We never said it wasn’t. We just have no idea what’s wrong with her.” He snapped, stepping up with his back straighter and shoulders set. Wanda glared right back, red seeping into her eyes. Natasha wiggled her way between them, grumbling under her breath.
“Alright. Alright, enough.” She held her hands out to both, pushing them back. ��Wanda, we have no clue what happened. Y/N walked in like this. It’s probably nothing and she’s just having an off day. Why don’t we just let whatever happened run its course and see how she is through the rest of the day. No point on biting each other’s heads off when we all did nothing wrong.”
The group grumbled their agreement, still not at ease with how the morning had turned. Steve was just as concerned as the rest. It was odd that she didn’t greet him with her megawatt smile when he walked in the gym, and it was odd how her face seemed to tighten at the sight of him. All he got this morning was a tight-lipped smiled before she ran out the door. What was even odder was the fact that she seemed to give him as much space as possible. As if she didn’t want to get too close.
Steve turned to the door, his brows creased and mouth in a tight line. Something was going on with Y/N, but who was he to worry about her?
Things hadn’t gotten much better with Y/N over the next few days. She had stopped taking part in the loud discussions that always managed to start up in the kitchen or the living room. Her words were short and few in between, but she didn’t seem upset. Just much more subdued than usual. When someone would speak to her, so would she. But it was never the same volume as before.
Sam and Clint both made it their mission to get her to snap. They did everything from switching her sugar to salt in her coffee to going into her room and putting baby powder in her hair dryer. Nothing worked. She would just sigh and turn her back to them, shoulders tense. They thought she’d give up and go back to her old ways, but nothing worked. Not even Natasha could get her to admit what was wrong.
Steve, however, was taking her attitude change harder than the rest. Don’t ask him why he didn’t even know. He thought he’d prefer her at a lower decibel, he assumed she would be more manageable and easier to get along with. But this, this wasn’t what he thought it would be like. To him, it almost seemed creepy. This wasn’t the Y/N he had come to know. The wasn’t the same woman in the slightest. It was as if someone else swapped personalities with her.
Y/N hadn’t shown any improvement in her attitude in the field either. Actually, she seemed to be less productive now. One of the ways she managed to get people to confess was using her power and then releasing it. There she’d act like a good cop, bargaining with them for information and if they didn’t give her what she wanted, she’d switch her powers back on again. Now, she just threw herself into it. There was no build up, no false sense of security.
Just last week they needed information about the next hit Hydra ordered. They apprehended one of the agents and sent in Y/N to get out the information when he wouldn’t fess up. The team assumed the old Y/N would come out now that she was in the field. Instead, she walked in and used the full force of her powers on the man. She was already so powerful, but she had a strong grip on her control. When her power flared to life, even with the thick walls it suffocated everyone.
The agent instantly started sobbing, blubbering like a small child before it grew to mindless screaming for mercy. As it turns out, her power can actually break the human spirit and shatter their sanity into a thousand pieces. It only affected the man in front of her, but it still rattled the rest of the group. Steve was furious.
“What the hell was that?!” He snarled, dragging Y/N into a conference room. She blinked, her face unmoving despite the rage rolling off him in waves. Tony, Fury, and Maria both sat around the meeting table, their mouths pulled into thin lines. She tore her gaze away, refusing to look at anyone in particular as Steve raged on. “You ruined any chances of getting information out of him!”
“Actually Cap, she ruined any chance of him being a normal human being again,” Tony interjected, pulling up a hologram of the doctor's report. The mental status report had been sent in a few moments before Steve dragged her in. The poor man couldn’t remember his name let alone the information they needed.
Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose between her fingers and let out a heavy breath. When she opened them, their faces hadn’t changed a bit. Settling on a point at the table, the brief glimpse she caught of their expressions was burned in her mind. Steve was livid, Tony seemed borderline irritated with a hint of amusement, while Fury and Maria both had a hard expression that told her she was in for it for the next few weeks.
“Look. I’m sorry. I let a few personal matters get to me and clearly, I didn’t handle it well.” She said calmly. Steve flinched at how lifeless she sounded when she mentioned her personal matter and shot Tony a concerned look. Tony tilted his head in acknowledgment, he too aware of the pain she seemed to be suppressing. “I can’t promise it won’t happen again by accident, but I’ll make sure to put more training in to ensure it doesn’t.”
Fury shifted in his seat, folding his hands on his crossed knee. His single eye narrowed as he looked her over and gave her a curt nod.
“See that it doesn’t agent. Dismissed.” He said curtly. Y/N’s eyes fluttered shut for a spilt-second before she jerked her chin and spun at heel to leave the room. After the door shut behind her, Fury grunted.
“What did you people do to her?” He accused, leveling Steve and Tony with a stare. Both men frowned and glanced at the other.
“We didn’t do anything.” Tony snapped, narrowing his eyes. Steve set his hand on the back of a chair and sighed.
“She’s been like this for almost a week now. This is the first time she’s actually admitted something wrong.” Steve replied, his brows furrowing at the tightness in his chest at the idea. It wasn’t like Y/N to keep everything bottle up inside her like this.
“Well, whatever’s wrong with her, fix it,” Fury ordered. “She needs to be in complete control and that can’t happen when her minds on other things.”
Pushing back the chair he stood, Maria right behind him. Not waiting for a reply, he grabbed the folder off the desk and briskly left the room with Maria following. Steve flinched when the door snapped shut behind them. Tony scoffed.
“You can get rid of that sad puppy dog look, Captain.”
Steve frowned, his head snapping up to Tony.
“What’s with the tone, Tony?” He asked. Tony rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat.
“We all know you don’t like Y/N, you put up a good front though.” He waved a hand absently. “But when you dart out of a room anytime she comes in, or you won’t sit to talk with her when she comes to find you, it gets pretty noticeable.”
Steve stood taller, his mouth drawing into a tight line. He opened his mouth to argue, but it dawned on him. He hadn’t been the most welcoming person to Y/N in the few months she’s been here. Was that really how everyone perceives him? Tony smirked and shook his head.
“To put it simply; you’ve been an ass to our Y/N, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was something you did.” Groaning softly under his breath, Tony stood and grabbed his tablet. Steve’s face fell, the notion her change might have been because of him made his stomach turn. Tony clapped a hand on his shoulder, his mouth pulled into a tight line. “Like Fury said, we’re going to fix this. But don’t worry. We won’t waste your precious time.”
At that, Tony left Steve alone in the conference room, the sting of his words lingering behind. Steve’s shoulder slumped. Maybe this had been his fault. But when? How? He really didn’t think it would have been that big of a deal to leave early after the game. Maybe he thought wrong and she did take it wrong. That wouldn’t mean this complete 180 though, would it? It wasn’t the first time he escaped a game night gone wrong, and she didn’t seem upset them. Perhaps it was something else. That had to be it. He really hadn’t done anything wrong, at least he didn’t think he did.
“Hey FRIDAY,” Steve called. Immediately, the AI system responded.
“Yes, Captain?”
“Go back to the last game night, the one with monopoly, did anything happen to Y/N between the time I left, and she went to bed?” He asked. Silence met him as the computer searched the data.
“No, it doesn’t seem like anything happened. She never left her room once she entered either.” FRIDAY replied. Steve frowned, even more, confused than before. So if there wasn’t anything that happened to her then what was with change?
Clenching his jaw, Steve knew he needed to get to the bottom of this. Not just as a Captain to his team, but as a way to make up for being such a shitty housemate. And maybe even as a way to start an actual friendship with him. Now that he’s seen this side of her, he realized how judgment and close-minded he was. He needed to find her and talk with her.
Y/N had just stripped out of her suit and into her PJs when there was a hesitant knock on the door. She frowned. She wasn’t expecting anyone tonight, especially not after she just got her ass handed to her. Reluctantly she went to open the door and was surprised at the person on the other side.
Steve stood there awkwardly, his hands in his pockets. She blinked and took a step back.
“Uh… hi?” she greeted cautiously.  Steve smiled hesitantly and shifted from foot to foot.
“Hey. Can we talk?”
“W-Why?” She clutched on the handle and shifted behind the door in an attempt to hide behind it. Steve noticed and his smile fell. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.
“I know I’m the last person you want to talk to. I’ve not been the most welcoming and I want to apologize. Can I please come in?” He asked earnestly. Y/N was caught off guard at his sincerity. Nodding numbly, she pulled the door open and let him in her room.
Steve glanced around the room, noticing the number of pictures she had hanging up on her wall, pretty fairy lights cascading down the walls illuminating each photo. Her comforter was a light lilac with stuffed animals on the bed. He eyed the little knickknacks matched the rest of her décor on her desks and shelves adding to the warmth and homey feel her room had. Realization hit him that he really hadn’t taken the time to get the real her.
“Go ahead and have a seat.” Y/N waved to the bed before sitting on the other end. Steve sank into the plush mattress, taking a moment to look over Y/N. She refused to make eye contact, to busy wringing her fingers together to notice him staring. Once again, he was struck by how beautiful she was, and how poorly he handled everything.
“Look Y/N, I don’t know what happened the past few days and why you’re acting different, but somethings changed. We all can see it.” He said. Y/N opened her mouth to argue but thought better of it. Steve continued on. “I don’t know what happened, but it hurts all of us to see you like this. It’s like you’ve lost a huge part of yourself and we’re seeing this empty shell. I mean, Sam and Clint both are losing their minds because what ordinarily would work on getting you riled up is doing nothing. And Bucky’s beside himself, Natasha and Wanda are worried sick, and Tony is pissed because-.” Steve stopped short, his face twisting into a pained expression. “He thinks I’m the reason.”
Y/N tensed, her breath catching in her throat. It was minuscule, but Steve caught it. He sat taller and his stomach sank.
“It is because of me.” He whispered sadly. He tore his eyes away from her to stare blankly at his hands. Y/N closed her eyes but didn’t deny it. “I’m sorry. I know I’ve not been accepting. I didn’t mean to hurt you though.”
Y/N nodded slowly, biting her lower lip as he kept talking.
“Truth is, you intimidate the hell out of me. I’ve never met someone who was so sure of themselves and so incredibly proud about it. You held nothing back and you’re so willing to put your heart on your sleeve, I kind of envy you a little. People loved you right of the bat and your just so sweet inside and out. I mean, you didn’t let anyone tell you to chill out before. Which leaves me to ask, why now? Why did I affect you so much that you changed everything about you?”
That caused Y/N’s face to heat up. No way was she going to admit it aloud! It was already embarrassing enough Steve knew he was a reason why she changed, but for him to know what the full reason was mortified her.
“Y/N.” He gently took her hand in his, the corners of his lips turned up. “You don’t have to tell me. I just want you to know that no matter what you think, I don’t hate you. I never did. Matter of fact, I really like you. More than I thought. It didn’t hit me how much I’d come to admire and appreciate your take on life until now. I miss hearing you bicker with Tony about the best brew coffee first thing in the morning or when you and Bucky gang up on Sam. I know Natasha and Wanda miss having their best friend. And game nights will never be the same without you threatening and then following through with flipping a table.”
Y/N giggled and ducked her chin. His grin grew, finally seeing a glimmer of her former self.
“I’m not asking you to forgive me for how I’ve behaved. I can only ask you’ll give me a chance to make up for being such a shitty person.” He grinned.
“Language, Captain.” Y/N teased.
“Is that ever going to die?” Steve groaned and rolled his eyes. “Wait you weren’t even there!”
“I know but hate to break it to you, it’s here for the long haul.” Y/N giggled and shook her head. Steve’s laughter joined hers, his smile stretching from ear to ear. He titled his head to the side after a beat before letting out a sigh.
“So, are you going to be okay?” He asked hopefully. Y/N let out a deep breath, for the first time all week feeling lighter. She was so drained from keeping her emotions in check, it took every ounce of her strength not to react to the attempts at making her snap. She knew it was ridiculous trying to change, but she really thought it was for the better. Turns out, it not only damaged her but everyone she loved.
“Yeah. I think I’ll be okay.” She spoke confidently. Steve patted her thigh and quickly stood.
“Good, because Tony discovered some new game called The Jackbox Party Pack or something along those lines.” He extended a hand and waited for her to take it.
“Wait, right now?” She asked surprised. He nodded and took her hand.
“Yup. Come on. Team bonding time.”
Y/N laughed, letting him pull her up and drag her out of the room. He looked at her over his shoulder, his breath catching in her throat at the way her face lit up from her grin. Turning back quickly, he hoped she didn’t notice the way his ears turned pink. He was an idiot for not taking the time to get to know her. He wasn’t going to ruin his chance with her a second time. Maybe it wasn’t going to easy, but for Y/N he knew it would be worth it.
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1K notes · View notes
WHAT A FUN IDEA! I would like to request Oikawa for 7 minutes in heaven and/or Kuroo for spin the bottle! If either of these boys have already been suggested just ignore. I just wanted to add them as a request for this fun prompt. I Look forward to seeing any and all characters requested that you write! As well as any other request because darling you are a phenomenal writer and I adore your writings 💕keep up the great work!
Lol well I did get Kuroo taken care of - I’ll link him below Oikawa’s BUT!!! I haven’t done an Oikawa one yet! You are an absolute delight, love - when I read your request I pretty much smiled all day - I’m so thankful you enjoy my writing
Oikawa Tooru: 7 Minutes in Heaven
Were you lucky? Not in the least.
Were you great at making it seem like lucky chance? Hell yes.
You’d called all your friends over to your place for a party. A friend of yours being Matsukawa, who knew the young man you’d had your eye set on for a while now… Oikawa Tooru. And of course Mattsun knew this, and Makki, and Iwaizumi. Though the latter didn’t really seem to care all that much in who you were interested in as much as the first two, he still helped play wingman when he could.
It was plainly obvious to everyone looking in that you had the biggest, cutest, awkward crush on the one guy that every girl in university had a crush on.
Did you care? Not in the least.
Though your plan had a specific start time you wanted - not until halfway through the game. Not yet. The bottle had already been spun by everyone in the group at least twice. You’d ended up in the closet with Kuroo, who only seemed to throw pun after pun at you, with Tendou, who kept hinting that he’d spill the beans on your crush if you didn’t give him half your lunch after your shared class, and lastly with Suga, who made pleasant conversation with you about the future and what you had planned for it.
Oikawa hadn’t really seemed to notice your being taken away, didn’t really seem to notice anything beyond his teasing Iwaizumi for going into the closet with Kiyoko, a girl who’s WAY out of his league. To say you felt disheartened at the fact would be an understatement. You’d completely deflated by the time the third round had started.
He hadn’t even looked at you. Not once. Were you wrong to find interest in him? Were you really so beneath him that he wouldn’t even acknowledge you?
Mattsun bumped his shoulder against yours, “Stop frowning, your face will get stuck that way.” You pouted up at him, silently showing your cracking heart, but he simply bumped you again. “I think everyone’s getting bored of the game… Plan ‘Trap the King’ is a go.” He winked over at Hanamaki, who, without so much as a warning, grabbed Oikawa’s drink and immediately dumped its contents onto Oikawa’s lap.
An outcry of surprise, Oikawa jumped to his feet, trying to brush off what liquid hadn’t seeped into his pants already, “What the hell, Makki?”
Violently blushing as the group laughed at his misfortune, Oikawa huffed angrily, “Now I’ve gotta go clean up, you dick! It’s gonna be all sticky.” Embarrassed, humiliated, his pout quivered in his rapidly draining strength to not let his flustered tears slip past his control.
Guilt immediately overtook your heart. You didn’t want him to cry. You hadn’t meant to completely humiliate him in front of his closest friends…. Was it possible to deflate a second time? You curled into yourself, bringing your knees to your chest and staring at the bottle with a blank expression. You’d done this. All because you were too scared to just tell him to his face how you felt.
While he’d quickly escaped to the bathroom to clean himself up, Hanamaki smirked as he went to work. Flipping the cup over, he taped a flat magnet to its center - so it didn’t tilt when set on his base. Then he grabbed the bottle, hooking a paperclip into the lip of the bottle and spinning it. The magnet wasn’t strong enough for the paperclip to immediately be drawn to the cup, but the spin of the bottle was a bit slower, and where it would have continued it’s path would stop and point directly at Oikawa’s cup.
“Plan ‘Trap the King’, phase ‘Plant the Attraction’ completed.” Hanamaki responded around what you could only understand as his attempt at a walkie talkie’s feedback static.
“I don’t feel good about you do-“
Mattsukawa nudged you a bit harder than you expected, making you cut off mid admonishment and slightly lose hold of your legs. “Shush, this is gonna help. Give it to him.”
You frowned as you held the liter of Oikawa’s favorite soda in your hands…”You guys are really pushing for this, huh?” Now was your turn to blush at how quick they were to help set the stage for you. You’d simply told them you’d wanted to get into the closet with Oikawa… and they’d taken it from there without any further direction from you.
Iwaizumi shrugged noncommittally, though the desperation in his eyes plainly showed what a blessing your interest in his best friend was doing for him. “You dating him is literally giving us all the break we need from babysitting him.”
“As much as he is entertaining, and easy to prank… It’s just too easy sometimes, there’s no chase there anymore.” Kuroo admitted with a rolled lip scowl, Makki nodding in agreement silently as he tried the bottle once more, seeing the same results.
“He’s really annoying.” Was Kiyoko’s deadpan admission, having Suga almost choke on his drink as he went to swallow. Harsh… But true, he’d have to agree.
The bathroom door closed, making you let out a sigh filled with anxiety and fear, everyone who’d been so invested in convincing you further now breaking off into smaller conversations and pretending they hadn’t just been planning or helping. Oikawa entered the living room, a sour scowl on his face as he took his seat, pushing against Hanamaki’s shoulder roughly, “Dick.” He muttered, making the pinket smirk with pride. “Who’s turn is it?” His voice was a bit more… frustrated than you were used to, but you simply raised your hand, “Then go?”
Was this really a good idea? He was obviously in a bad mood now… Did you really want to trick him while he wasn’t… himself? That in itself, you knew, was wrong thinking - since Oikawa now is the same as Oikawa 20 minutes earlier. The changing of his attitude didn’t make him a completely different person, it’s just who he is.
Steeling your nerves, you reached forward and spun the bottle, feeling everyone’s eyes turn to watch the glass clicking against the hardwood floor. You’d tried to spin it with the same force as Hanamaki had for his testing of the trick.
Too late, you remembered the soda Matsun had given you - reaching it out towards Oikawa silently. His light brown eyes easily showed his surprise as he took it from you, but didn’t open it. “What? You going to dump this on me, too?”
Hanamaki smirked still, glancing at the bottle of soda before looking back t Oikawa, “Is that an invitation?”
“Oh…. Oh… OH!” Bokuto called from behind Kuroo, leaning on the tall cats head as he watched the bottle point directly at Oikawa; Who had missed the weird way it’d wavered away from landing on Iwaizumi. “Looks like you’re saved from a soda shower, Tooru.” Oikawa looked at the bottle… Was that a blush you saw? Blinking, the color was gone, and you figured you’d just imagined it.
You didn’t wait, standing from your place and pointing at Matsukawa, “7 Minutes.”
He nodded, “Right, an hour. Gotcha.” You rolled your eyes, deciding not to put up a fight, knowing he would keep the right time regardless of his teasing. Oikawa practically stomped to the closet, walking in before you and leaning against the back wall with crossed arms.
Was he angry he got picked by you? Or just embarrassed about the soda spill still? You closed the closet door behind you… finding this closet was much much smaller than you remembered it being. The silence followed almost immediately, and for a split second you forgot how long you’d been in the closet… The weight of the quiet room had you feeling like you’d been in there with him for hours.
“Are you angry wi-“
“I bet you wanted to be in here with someo-“
Both of you stopped, not wanting to interrupt the other, or talk over each other… But both stopping, neither continued. Not until you finished his accusation in your head. “You.. You think I wanted to be in here with someone else?” You couldn’t see his expression, but you could feel his dejection rolling off him in waves. “What gave you that idea?”
He huffed, like a tantrum throwing child, “You didn’t tell Mattsun to keep the time any other time you came in here. Didn’t want to spend too much time with someone who looks like they peed their pants, huh?” Was he serious? Your look of disbelief was having a hard time remaining on your face, a smile wanted to break out - you wanted to laugh just a bit.
“That… That was more for your benefit..” You whispered, piquing his curiosity.
“My benefit?”
You shrugged this time, “I didn’t want you to be uncomfortable in your soiled pants.” He could hear the smirk in your voice, making him whine out in distaste, “Tooru….” You reached forward and found his hand in his crossed arms, pulling it free so you could hold it in both of yours, “I’m sorry… About earlier…”
Oikawa, again, huffed.. though this time it was to brush off your apology, “You didn’t do any-“
“Yes, I did.” Now or never, right? You’d wanted to be in a close space with him, but now it was all ruined because how you’d gone about it. Or rather, how Makki had gone about it. “I… I wanted to….” You sighed tiredly, trying to find the words that just would not come out. He waited. Patiently, it surprised you he hadn’t interrupted with a tease. “I wanted to rig the game so I’d choose you or you’d choose me….”
None of the dots connected in his head, yet. “So what does that have to do with my soda bath?”
A snort came out, unintentionally, and you quickly apologized for its escape. “I… Well… I kind of told Makki and Mattsun… About my wanting to rig the game.” The pieces came together in his head, and he went to take his hand away, but you held it tight, “BUT I didn’t tell them to do that! I would never tell them to embarrass you.” He stopped struggling, “The truth is… I’m too scared to confess anywhere else than a rigged closet game with you.”
“Wait….” Oikawa couldn’t help but smirk, “Makki spilled the soda on me, so you could confess? How does that even work?” Had he just… ignored the fact that you’d confessed?
You nodded, holding his hand still in both of yours, “I’m sorry… Really sorry… So instead of this closet being remembered for your rejecting my confession, it’s going to be remembered for my apologizing for a rigged game gone wrong..”
Oikawa smirked as he leaned down and kissed your forehead. No warning. No telltale of his proximity. Nope. Just a quick peck to your forehead before he was pinching your cheek like an old grandmother would, “You’re cute, ______, but you really need to work on your plans more…” Heart hammering in your chest, you leaned your head forward to rest on his chest, embarrassed now in his reaction. “Good thing your amazing boyfriend is going to help you out.”
Reeling back, you stammered in confusion, in shock, “B-bo-boyfriend? I- We- Wait-“ He leaned down and kissed your lips tenderly, but too quick for you to really enjoy the feel, pulling back again.
“I’ll reject your confession, but now you can remember my accepting your heart.”
Simple. Easy. Clean, cut, dry. Done deal.
The doors opened, “Times u- Hey!” You had reached out and pushed Mattsun back, pulling the doors closed once more before wrapping your arms around Oikawa’s neck and bringing your lips to his. He didn’t hesitate, didn’t pause or poke fun at your wanting more time with him. “Alright… Hour it is, then.” You could hear Matsukawa chuckle.
Kuroo Tetsurou:
7 Minutes in Heaven Here
Spin the Bottle Here
Additionally, if you felt either of the above didn’t hit his character - I am 100% open to hearing what you think and if you’d like a request redone! No problemo!
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More Than I Say I Do
It was never exactly night on the Milano, just as it was never really day—when you’re not orbiting a sun, the view out the window remains more or less the same, starlight and darkness and the occasional planet whirling by, glowing bright like some phosphorescent sea creature. That said, the Guardians had agreed on a schedule of ten-hour “days” and ten-hour “nights”, just to keep things consistent. Sleep deprivation, as Quill pointed out, was a bitch.
It was, therefore, as much night as it ever was, which meant that Rocket was the only one awake, curled up next to the window of the observation deck. The Ravagers’ fireworks had long been left behind, but he could still see them in his mind’s eye, blooming pink and gold and blue against the vastness of space.
Some funeral, he thought. Then, wistfully, Don’t think anybody’d do that for me.
Yondu had somehow understood how he felt. Yondu had given up his life to save Quill. Yondu had been given a Ravager funeral. But—but—
Quill never even knew Yondu cared about him. The way he told it, that whole crew was one step away from—from eatin’ him, or tossin’ him overboard, or whatever.
It bothered him, gnawed at him for some reason he couldn’t quite define—the idea that Yondu had cared, and never shown it. That Quill had grown up thinking himself unloved, unwanted—that he’d only gotten the affirmation he craved when it was already too late.
He himself had never known a parent—had known nothing but cold steel and cruelty before he met Groot. But still, somehow, he’d gotten this notion…
A kid should always know he’s loved. Always.
Gamora had had parents—real parents, not that Thanos dickwad—way back when, and Quill had had his mom, and Drax had had his own daughter, whom he’d loved and been proud of. And Groot—the first Groot, the old Groot—had once lived with others of his kind, a whole grove who had taught him to be patient and kind and loving, in ways that Rocket had never learned. Had never seen the point of learning.
The world had always seemed such a cruel place, everything and everyone in it struggling to survive at the expense of everyone else. With his size, he looked like an easy target. The best way to survive was not to give anyone the benefit of the doubt—to hurt them before they could hurt him.
Get the first punch in, go down swingin’.
For a long time, Groot was the only person he could let past that barrier of fear and insecurity. Now…
They hadn’t turned him away. Even after his harsh words and the stunt with the batteries, the other Guardians had stuck with him when it mattered, had his back, trusted him to have theirs. And if he wanted to keep this, keep them…
I’ve gotta do better. I can’t keep on the way I was.
The stars glimmered before him, cold and implacable, and he rested his head against the cool plastic.
Kids oughta know they’re loved.
He thought of Groot, tucked into his little nest of earth and moss for the night. He’d come so close to losing him, the past few days. Groot seemed alright now, but he must’ve been scared out of his mind when they got captured—and Rocket had had to force him into even greater danger. There hadn’t been a choice, but even Rocket knew that was no job for a child. And that was what Groot was—a child.
Poor little twig. He deserves better than me.
Soft footsteps sounded behind him, and he turned his head to see Gamora, warrior-quiet as she made her way up to the observation deck.
“I thought you might be here,” she said, settling down next to Rocket.
“Perks of being an insomniac.”
“Yeah.” She was silent for a long moment, watching the stars swirl by. “You okay?”
Rocket shrugged. “Been better.”
“Yeah, me too.”
He hesitated, fidgeting with the knee-patch on his jumpsuit, before finally saying, “I’m, uh. I’m glad you didn’t… die.”
It was an apology, of sorts—as much of one as he could make just now. From the expression on her face, he thought she understood what he meant.
“I’m glad you didn’t, either.” She drew her knees up to her chin, tilting her head a little so she could still look at him. “We all care about you, you know. I know it’s hard for you to believe, but we do.”
Rocket shifted uncomfortably; her tone was far too understanding for his liking. “How do you do it?” he asked, rather than responding. “How do you—all the shit that happened to you, but you’re still kind.”
“You think I’m kind?” Her tone betrayed both surprise and pleasure.
“I mean… yeah.”
“Well—thank you.” She paused, then said slowly, “For a long time, I was just trying to stay alive. And that meant being—violent. Angry. Ruthless. I couldn’t afford to show any weakness. But now—Thanos tried to destroy me, own me from the inside out. He tried to turn me into something as hateful as him. So—every time I let myself be vulnerable, every time I let myself love—it’s a victory, it’s proving I’m free from him. And it’s—it’s scary, but… I don’t know. I think it’s worth it.”
You play like the meanest, but actually you’re the most scared of all.
“I don’t want to be like Yondu,” Rocket whispered. “I don’t want Groot to end up like Quill. I don’t want him to be so desperate for a father he takes up with the first abusive asshole that pays a lick of attention to him. I don’t—I want to be better, but I don’t know how.”
Gamora nodded. “I don’t know how to do any of this, either,” she said quietly. “I’m scared if I get to close to anyone, I’ll get hurt. I’m scared of being used again. I’m scared I’ll never make things right with Nebula.”
“You’re good with Groot, though,” Rocket offered. “He really—you’re good with him.”
“So are you.”
“Nah. Not really. But I’m gonna,” he said, with sudden determination. “I’m gonna be the best frickin’ dad in the whole damn galaxy.”
Gamora smiled, and patted his shoulder. “I know you will.”
They sat together for a long time, Gamora absently petting Rocket’s thick fur. It was a liberty he rarely allowed any of the Guardians, and he’d deny it with his last breath if Quill ever said anything, but there was something terribly comforting about that soft touch. It grounded him, and he thought maybe it was something Gamora needed, too; confirmation that they’d survived, that they were finally safe.
When, eventually, Gamora returned to her own sleeping quarters, Rocket headed back to the little room he shared with Groot. As he slipped inside, Groot moved, big eyes opening and reflecting the dim light from the hall.
“I am Groot?” he asked, voice hazy with sleep.
“Yeah, it’s okay, buddy, I’m here.” Rocket knelt down beside his nest of moss and leaves, brushing a paw over the little wooden head. “I’ve got you.”
“I am Groot.”
“No, it’s nighttime now, buddy. Go back to sleep.” He hesitated, found his throat constricting with the old familiar fear—fear of saying too much, of letting any weakness show. Fear of being rejected. He swallowed it down.
“I love you, Groot.”
“I am Groot.”
“Y-you do?”
“I am Groot!”
Rocket smiled, warmth blooming in his chest like a sun exploding into existence. “Thanks, buddy. Go to sleep now, okay? I’ll be here.”
Groot made a little grumbling sound and settled down, eyes already drooping closed. Rocket curled up beside him, pulling his blankets up to his chin.
Maybe, he thought. Maybe I can do this after all.
 *Title from “More Than I Say I Do” by Chris and Jocelyn Arndt
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calucadu · 6 years
Love Bites - Chapter 1
Love Bites, a Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia Fanfic. Chapter 1 - Desire to bite.
Summary: In which Bakugou “does Midoriya a favour” and bites his neck, claiming him to be his mate for life. But this is still a Kiribaku/Bakushima fic. Omegaverse.
Pairings: Bakugou/Kirishima, Bakugou/Midoriya
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Izuku, Sero Hanta, Mina Ashido, Kaminari Denki
Rating: Explicit
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It had been two years since Katsuki had claimed Deku. The omega had gotten better. So much better that Bakugou was almost regretting having ever bitten him. The little shit had not only been accepted into UA, but he was also in his class. He wore a collar, specially designed to make sure no alpha claimed him, even if he’d already been claimed by the best alpha there was.
Izuku was strangely screwed up for life. He’d have to live with the fact that no other alpha could touch him if it wasn’t Bakugou, but if Katsuki hadn’t done what he’d done when he’d done it, Midoriya wouldn’t have been able to get into UA, to follow his dream. So, even if he couldn’t mate with another alpha, and even if his love life was now totally ruined for everyone else, Deku owed everything to Bakugou. And Katuski loved it.
Luckily, Midoriya took his medicine diligently and Bakugou never felt the pull of his heat call him in. He was sure he’d make himself physically sick if he were to ever touch that omega in any type of sexual context.
He’d always been a strange alpha when it came to omegas. All his life, Katsuki had felt that omegas wouldn’t do anything to him. He’d never been interested in them, and rarely felt the attraction caused by their pheromones. That’s until he met a certain redheaded someone. Bakugou didn’t want to admit it but he felt things when Kirishima was around.
And it seemed like it was mutual for the omega. Which made everything very easy. Katsuki started slow. He scented the other and was even bold enough to mark him with his own scent in front of his friends. Eijirou had almost lost it and had reacted extremely well to the touches, his excitement showing in his trousers as he gasped, moaning about how Bakugou was really manly.
And Kirishima wasn’t even a normal omega, which definitely pleased Bakugou. He was strong and determined, like he’d been made for him. He respected Katsuki but took no shit from him, which was incredibly admirable.
It was more complicated than a simple crush, the blond noted. It was more of needing him around to feel safe, to feel well. The scent Kirishima radiated made him feel better, soothed his troubled soul and his wrinkled brow. And he was sure he had a similar effect on the omega.
It turned out it wasn’t as easy as Bakugou had anticipated. Mainly because he was prideful and didn’t know how to deal with his feelings or use words to express things he thought were obvious. But Kirishima was still always by his side, even when they didn’t go past slight teasing and rubbing their scent over the other. It was still a good way to claim him, Katsuki tried to reason with himself.
And then he’d gone and got himself kidnapped, and when he was close to losing hope, Eijirou’s hand was in the sky, waiting only for the perfect grip that would match his. Bakugou didn’t want to admit he’d been saved, but he had. And thanks to that incident, things got a little weird. They held hands now, and it wasn’t strange at all for them to go places together, their hands intertwined.
Sero, a measly beta, was the first one to get tired of it out of the Bakusquad, which come as a surprise to Katsuki. He was sure the first one to voice his awkwardness would have been Pikachu, given the amount of glares he sent their way every day.
“Well, are you official or not?” Plain Face whined after watching them go hand in hand to the cafeteria.
Baugou just answered with a low growl, which was a warning to stay away from the subject.
“I wanna know too!” Mina shrieked, shoving herself in between Katsuki and Kirishima, breaking their hands apart. She was an alpha, too, which obviously didn’t sit well with the explosive blond. She was far too close to something that wasn’t technically his but had been made to be, sooner or later.
Eijirou blushed, almost the colour of his hair. Bakugou didn’t fail to notice how his lips quivered as he tried to come up with an answer. His stupid heart was pounding with emotions he was better off without, thank you very much.
“I don’t know, Bakugou, are we?” Kirishima almost whispered, his voice low. The blond frowned, his eyes narrowing. Was this some sort of game? A test? Was he supposed to just say they were? Maybe it was an alpha thirst that the omega had and he had to prove it. But he honestly didn’t know what to do.
“Whatever.” He growled, as if that was answer enough, and he left, hoping no one had noticed the panic in his voice.
A few steps ahead he was met with Eijirou’s hand in his and they shared a warm look that could only mean one thing.
It had happened by accident. They were studying in Bakugou’s room and Kirishima was squirming around in his chair, looking uncomfortable. His smell was stronger than usual and Katsuki couldn’t help himself, having caught himself leaning in towards the omega, getting closer to his neck than he should be.
But good.
So good.
Eijirou moved suddenly. Like a twitch. And with the sudden spasm of his body, he let out a moan. One that resonated inside of the alpha, snapping him away from reality. His senses sharpened immediately and he could tell the other boy was hard and leaking.
Was this the effect Bakugou had on Kirishima? Or was the omega simply close to his heat? It didn’t matter, Katsuki had to do something, anything, to get him out of those clothes and into his bed.
A closer look at the redhead disclosed that he was panting, his breathing troubled, his mouth open to facilitate the intake of air. His face was nearly the colour of his hair and he was emanating such a sweet smell and a lot of warmth.
The image alone was enough to push the blonde over the edge, and, resting his hands on either side of the other’s cheeks, he dove into a kiss.
As their lips crashed together, he felt something he’d never felt before. Sure, he hadn’t kissed anyone before, but he was sure this wasn’t just a regular kiss. He was sure this went beyond, that this topped everything. The omega’s mouth fitted so perfectly into his he was sure he’d been created surely to make him happy. His sharp teeth prodded at his lips and Bakugou let out a moan before opening his entrance and letting Kirishima’s tongue inside of him.
It hadn’t crossed Katsuki’s mind that not only was Eijirou going along with it, but he was also very keen, initiating the movements himself.
Fuck, he’d found the perfect omega.
He didn’t need one of those wishy-washy, submissive little shits. He didn’t want that. He wanted a strong partner, strong in mind and in will, capable of doing things for themselves, not afraid of going against Bakugou if they had to.
And Kirishima was the one.
He’d gone as far as to save him, what more proof did he need to know this omega was his soul mate.
His fated pair.
Katsuki just had to sink his teeth in and make sure the rest of the world knew that this one was his.
The redhead was not afraid of him, unlike everyone else. He wasn’t afraid of telling Bakugou what he was doing wrong or telling him what he wanted. And Katsuki really admired that. He pretended he hated it, but it sat well with him on a level he couldn’t understand.
The fact that he’d found an omega to match him made him feel different.
And they were sharing such an intimate kiss that he was melting into his cute omega. He couldn’t let him go, not now, not ever.
The tongue in his mouth grew bolder and Bakugou felt hands on his shoulders, wrapping around his neck and pulling him closer.
He had initiative and was willing to do things to get what he wanted. And right now it seemed that what Kirishima wanted was Katuski. And the blond would kill to give him everything he desired.
He led him to his bed and gently pulled him onto it, not wasting time on pressing himself against him.
Finally they’d gotten somewhere, and it was Heaven. The omega beneath him was panting and moaning, his little touches were like fire, but in a good kind of way. In a way he now knew he couldn’t live without.
His kisses were dangerous but good. His sharp teeth posed a threat he was all too glad to assume and he let Kirishima nibble on his sensitive lips, maybe even let him draw blood. In all honesty it felt too good to stop, the heat increasing between them.
Bakugou felt the omega rut against him, his clothed cock hungrily searching for pleasure, blindly following instincts. Oh god. The blond almost felt his brain melt. It was all nearly too much. The smell the other was emanating, which he was rubbing all over the alpha, to make sure other omegas knew who this one belonged to, plus his sharp teeth marking his skin, leaving bite marks and blood as his lips travelled Katsuki’s neck were all making the blond feel elated, like never before.
It was time the alpha took over and he pressed his mouth against the redhead’s neck, forcing the other to throw his head back, gasps and moans spilling out of his cute lips, his whole body thrashing with the urge to keep Bakugou’s head pressed against him. He acted on the impulse, burying his hands in blond hair, hardening them slightly as he pressed on the locks, forcing them down. The male hissed at the feeling, but was secretly loving it.
And all the while they’d been playing this pseudo dominating game, their cocks had been rubbing tightly against each other, their trousers interfering with their pleasure, the smell leaking from Kirishima’s tip enough to make Katsuki’s head spin. He smelt so good, so edible, so fuckable. Which was exactly what the blond was planning. He wanted to dig his fingers up the other’s arse and leave them there, make sure everyone knew he was not available to mate anyone else. Because he was Bakugou Katsuki’s precious omega and fuck anyone else who decided to lay eyes on him.
Maybe he should do something about it.
Maybe he should claim what was rightfully his.
He licked the neck, covering as much skin in saliva as he could, trying to assess where the bite mark would look better. He wanted somewhere visible, and maybe he’d bite more than once, make sure the message was well received by everyone who glanced at Kirishima’s neck. Bakugou Katsuki’s. Don’t touch. Don’t look. Leaving a lot of angry red marks would definitely make everyone know who the alpha behind the damage was.
And Kirishima could leave one on his skin as well. Those scary shark teeth of his would definitely be good at marking, at showing the world that he had his mate and his choice had been made.
More licking, followed by slowly inhaling the deep, rich scent that was so obviously Kirishima. It was making him roll his eyes back in pleasure, goose bumps appearing all over his body, and small shivers nearly making him loose his concentration.
A new scent filled his nose as he realised that being this close to being mated was making Eijirou wet. The image in his brain made his heart skip a beat. He had such an influence over the omega he could hardly believe it.
Bakugou needed to make sure his realizations were true and he quickly stuffed his hand into the other’s underwear, pulling them down slightly. His fingers started tracing soft, warm skin as they searched for his entrance. Finding the slick hole nearly made Katsuki cum in his pants. With the boxers down he could now properly smell the divine liquid oozing out of the omega and it was making him want to knot him very, very badly.
The boy underneath him was obviously enjoying himself as the blond toyed with his entrance. He was slowly rubbing a finger over the ring of muscle and that was enough to make Kirishima groan and moan.
It made Bakugou want to bite him.
Claim him.
Take him.
Make him his.
No one else could hear him like this.
No one could see him like this.
No one should smell him.
He had to be his.
Katsuki’s mouth was back on his neck and his teeth pressed lightly against the skin, applying mock bites as he stuck a finger into Kirishima.
A long whine came from the redhead, which made the alpha want to claim him with more force. He’d never felt this before, never understood all the things he’d been told about normal alpha behaviour, but it all suddenly made sense.
This omega had to be his. He had to make him his or he would regret it eternally. He opened his mouth wider, preparing himself for the claiming bite as he stuffed his finger in to the second knuckle.
“Uh… I don’t know if you should bite me, Bakugou.” Kirishima panted underneath him. The blond had been so engrossed in his fantasy that the voice of the other shook him slightly, but wasn’t enough to ease him out of his dream-like state.
“Hmmmmnn, why not?” He hummed, barely noticing what was said between them.
“I mean, I really like you, but I think it’s kinda early and it’s a big deal and…”
“S’not a big deal, though.” Katsuki was pressing his tongue against the redhead’s jawline, moving his finger in deeper into the omega’s arse, which forced a loud moan from the other.
“What do you mean, it’s not a big deal, it’s forever, you know!?” The blond could feel Kirishima’s discomfort in between his pants and groans. He could tell he was uneasy and something inside of him warned him to calm him down. His mind seemed to be somewhere else, however, and he was finding it hard to think. Whatever could he say to make it better?
“I’ve done it before, it’s easy.” He managed to say, opening his mouth wide and pressing his teeth against soft skin, gleaming thanks to the amount of saliva he’d added. He couldn’t continue what he was about to do since he noticed Eijirou tense underneath him and he registered what he’d said. He pulled out of him, noticing the change in the omega.
“You’ve done it before!?”
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Bakugou’s mind raced, hoping there was something he could do to save the moment. He felt hardened hands push him away from the neck he’d been trying to dig his teeth into, and suddenly the situation was more real than before. He’d been brought back down abruptly, and he knew he was in a very delicate situation.
“You’ve bitten an omega, Bakugou? You’ve claimed someone? You are someone’s mate?”
All the things he was saying were true but Katsuki didn’t want to admit them. It wasn’t what it seemed and he had to make it right somehow.
“Yes, but…”
“So you’re someone else’s alpha?”
“Yeah but no, look…”
“There’s another omega? There’s someone fucking else? I knew this couldn’t be true! I knew this was too good for me! I knew something would happen!”
“Can you listen to me?” Bakugou was close to loosing his cool, to boiling over.
“You’ve got a pair!?”
“It was just a bite, Kirishima. It meant nothing!”
“No! It’s not what you think!”
“Kirishima, It’s-”
“WHAT? IT’S WHAT? What are you going to say exactly? You bit Midoriya when you were small when you were playing alphas and omegas and you think it meant nothing!? Because news flash for you, Bakugou, that still fucking counts!”
Katsuki stayed quiet, dumbfounded. He’d heard of cases like that, were kids screwed each other over by playing adult and biting other’s necks. It fucked kids over completely. Some entered premature heats, others ended up, strangely enough, infertile for life. They all paired, except if they’d been bitten or had bitten betas, and had had to live with the consequences of their actions.
Kirishima understood what the silence meant completely.
“You…bit… Midoriya. That’s why he’s so… different. You… claimed him… He’s your omega!”
Well, they weren’t lies, but they weren’t truths either, but Bakugou could feel the pain in the redhead’s voice as he spoke.
The blond sighed, getting ready to start telling the story which he was so ashamed about. Yeah, he’d been smug about it up until now, but now, now he just felt bad. He felt like he’d screwed over more than just Midoriya.
He’d screwed himself up.
He’d fucked up whatever he had with Kirishima. And if he wasn’t careful, he’d fuck Kirishima up too.
“I can’t believe you!” Eijirou spat at him, his face contorting in disgust. His eyes were oozing hatred and betrayal and he was shacking as he was trying to get the alpha off of him. Bakugou tried to stop him from doing so but he eventually decided that struggling with him would make matters worse.
So he let the omega push him away and watched as the redhead left his room without even trying to dress himself properly.
How was Katsuki going to get himself out of this one?
It didn’t help that the Bakusquad prevented Bakugou from actually interacting with Kirishima. At least they didn’t seem to know what was going on, but they knew the omega was upset with him.
He’d tried to talk to him in class, but Sero got in his way and smirked at him while pointing at his elbows. Bakugou got the message.
He tried to get close to him at the canteen but Kaminari threatened to electrify his water and while the threat in itself wasn’t a big deal and the beta didn’t frighten him in the slightest, he could see Kirishima watching, and he was not in a position to scare the omega away further. So instead of getting angry he just walked away.
He tried to get into his dorm but Mina opened the door to Eijirou’s room and just shook her head before closing it in his face.
But Bakugou was prepared to fight acid, tape and electricity if it got Kirishima to listen to him.
Kirishima was trembling in his bed. He’d managed to stop the tears from flowing for a day now and his friends had been extremely supportive. None of them knew what was going on, and even if they did, they wouldn’t understand. Betas had it easy, they didn’t have to deal with mated pairs and shit like that. And Mina was an alpha, but the omega couldn’t be sure she wouldn’t immediately back Bakugou up, taking his side.
He wasn’t exactly alone but he felt very lonely. Like no one could understand him. The idea that maybe Midoriya did crossed his mind, but he didn’t want to think about him. Whenever he did he just imagined Katsuki balls deep into another omega, one who was more of an omega than him. One who was soft and warm, and nice and brave, and confident, and smart and everything any alpha would ever want.
It wasn’t just jealousy. It wasn’t just that Bakugou had chosen what nature intended him to choose. There was hurt, since he’d been interested in him. He’d been stringing him along, making him believe he was wanted by alphas. And not just any alpha, but the best in class. But no, he’d been lied to, used. He was mated to an actual, real omega. Not one that was just a miserable mess, not strong enough to even get over his own past.
Fuck, it hurt. Kirishima hadn’t expected rejection to hurt so much. But then again, it wasn’t just rejection. It was self-doubt and jealousy, and a little bit of heart break.
He’d had a crush on Bakugou for so long and now all he could do about it was cry! And he still had so many things he wasn’t sure about. When had Midoriya been claimed? Was it before Katsuki met him?
A small ray of hope opened up for Kirishima. Maybe the blond hadn’t been lying. Maybe he’d regretted pairing up with Izuku. He didn’t seem to like him at all and didn’t even interact with him aside from snarling and looking down at him.
But maybe it was an act.
Maybe they had agreed to keep it like that, to pretend. Or maybe it went beyond that, maybe it was some kind of roleplay that got Bakugou off. Or maybe he was just into hate-sex so he had to claim someone he really despised?
And maybe they’d been fucking for months, every time Midoriya got his heat. None of them were absent during his heats, and Kirishima hated how he hadn’t noticed before. Of course there was a reason Izuku the omega wasn’t suffering during his heat week. Because he’d been claimed. Nature knew he had a partner, and only his alpha would be affected by his pheromones.
Eijirou, instead, along with all the unmated omegas, had to stay in his room every time his heat came. That or it could end up disastrously for them.
Kirishima cursed himself. Cursed his luck. Cursed how oblivious he’d been. Cursed how he still felt that Bakugou was the one for him.
Of course they’d been going too fast. Maybe that was Katsuki’s intention from the beginning. Maybe he was one of those omega hoarders. He needed to claim as many omegas as he could to feel superior. Kirishima was a lot of things, but he wasn’t just an omega that would be used to be claimed uselessly. Maybe Midoriya might have let him do whatever he wanted with him, but he wasn’t about to let Bakugou do as he pleased.
The redhead bit hard, his sharp teeth clenching tightly as new tears fell down his face. A new determination swept him away from his misery and forced him to look ahead, unashamed.
Bakugou could be the biggest shit he wanted to be, but he would never fuck with Kirishima.
The omega hardened his body as he let out a frustrated whine, throwing his head back. These pathetic feelings he had for the disgusting alpha could not last. Would not last.
Eijirou raised his head and decided he loathed Bakugou Katsuki.
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vegafiction · 6 years
Hey there! Thanks for the Voltron Bad Things Happen bingo ficlets. Would you be able to do an Isolation for Lance? It seems like the thing that would suck the most for him. Maybe he's lost in the wilderness on a dangerous world and has to wait for the rest of the team to find him. Doesn't have to be shippy, but I'm cool with klance if that's you're preference (that was the only ship I noticed was in the tags).
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Count: ~1.2kPairing: N/AChara(s): LanceFandom: VoltronPrompt: IsolationWarning(s): None
So, I didn’t add a ship in this. It’s mostly Lance-centric, none of the other Paladins show up because I was interested in exploring his mental deterioration as a result of prolonged isolation. I made a note on Ao3 about it so I’ll include it here: Lance’s perception of Red in this is skewed by prolonged isolation and constant stress from having to survive on an alien planet. It’s up to you to believe whether or not Red’s decision here was the right one.
I feel like this could have been way better but I’m not going to force my brain to push out anything else this late at night. >_
Get your own card @badthingshappenbingo
Ko-Fi | Ao3 | Masterlist | Request
He tore through the forest as fast as his legs could carry him. He was mindful of the upturned roots or the low hanging branches that whipped past his face or just barely grazed his cheek, but he couldn’t afford to slow down. He clutched his damaged gun close to his chest, his breathing harsh as he forced his legs to pump faster. The loud roar of the creatures behind him carried through the sky. They didn’t sound close, but they weren’t far enough for him to rest.
Lance jumped off a small ledge and slid down the muddy wall until the momentum bounced him off the wall. He stumbled into a small creek, splashing and spraying water all along the length of his sore legs. He continued running.
He didn’t stop until the planet’s three moons drifted into the sky. He slid down another hill then, finally, collapsed safely inside a cave opening.
He gasped for air, feeling his lungs and body burn from the strenuous effort of trying to survive in a world that desperately wanted to kill him. 
There were dragons on this planet – large, impressive, dangerous beasts who took one sent of Lance and decided he was something they would have for dinner. In other circumstances, Lance would have been in awe. They were gorgeous creatures, ancient and mystical, but terribly temperamental and vicious. He’d encounter a few who had been friendly to him; a very small herd he wished he had stayed close to. Their alpha had been the one to save him from the ravenous wolves Lance had accidentally stumbled upon, but most of the dragons on this planet were quite unfriendly.
Some of them had even managed to break his bayard.
Lance rolled onto his back with a pained groan. His muscles screamed in protest with every movement he made, but lying there, so close to the entrance of the cave, would give him away. He forced himself to his knees and crawled further into the cave.
Deep inside, Lance allowed himself to collapse onto the makeshift bed he had fastened from the leaves of the trees and other fibers. He dropped his damaged bayard beside him and turned to the wall.
Lines were etched into the solid rock. There were four lined together as neatly as possible with another slashing diagonally across. Lance picked up a sharpened rock from the ground and scratched a new line beside the others. There were six lines now.
He sighed.
“It’s been thirteen quintants since I’ve been on this planet,” he said to the silence, eyeing the tally marks. His eyes trailed upward toward the ceiling. A sense of dread washed over him. “I really hope I don’t have to fill up this whole wall.”
He tossed the rock aside and, with much discomfort, rose to his feet. He gathered wood and tinder from the far corner and tossed them into the fire pit. He lit a fire through the sparking of rocks then shuffled around the cave for his supply of food.
His first few days surviving alone on this planet had been… unpleasant. He’d gone hungry for three days before he finally managed to kill a few of the smaller beasts. He learned the hard way what berries were edible and which ones were poisonous. (He’d been lucky the poisonous berries were not potent.)
Finding the cave alone had been a blessing. Everything else was pure survival instinct.
“You know, I bet if the others were here, they’d be really impressed.” He grinned to the fire. It flickered and crackled in response. “I know right? I bet they never would expect me to survive out here on my own, but hah! I managed to survive thirteen quintants with just my bayard!”
At the mention of the broken weapon, Lance felt his good mood grow somber.
The flames sizzled.
“It’s my fault. I should’ve been more aware of where the dragons were.” Just like it’s my fault I’m here in the first place.
He propped a berry into his mouth and chewed.
Are they even looking for you? It’s been thirteen days.
“I’m sure they’re looking. They probably… they probably can’t find Red’s coordinates. Once they find him, they’ll find me.”
But you’re nowhere near the Red Lion. Even if they find it, they won’t find you.
Lance shifted uncomfortably in his place, suddenly burdened by the harsh reality that was the Red Lion.
Why hadn’t the Red Lion activated on its own? Whenever Keith was in danger, the lion would act on its own volition and yet, when Lance had been faced with a life or death situation, the giant, mechanical lion had just… remained frozen. It was as though he were unfazed by the fact that Lance’s life was on the line. Like Lance’s life held no importance in the lion’s eyes because he simply was not Keith.
Lance’s brows furrowed as realization dawned on him.
That had to be it. That had to be the reason why. He was not Keith. He wasn’t the skilled fighter pilot Red had chosen at the beginning of their unwanted adventure. Lance was just… Lance, a bottom of the barrel cargo pilot who barely scraped by in the Garrison.
He wasn’t some cool, edgy half-human, half-galra fighter. He wasn’t Keith. He could never be Keith, and maybe… that was why Red had chosen to remain frozen. They were just complete opposites.
Where Lance failed, Keith excelled. He’d been chosen by Red, deemed the only one who could control the lion’s unruly nature. Then, he’d been chosen by the Black Lion as their new leader in Shiro’s absence. And even when he’d willingly gave away the position back to Shiro upon his return, the Black Lion still chose him as their leader. It still obeyed his every command, just like Red, just like the others do.
Maybe Red saw something in him that it doesn’t see in you. Said the voice in his head. Or maybe it sees exactly who you really are: a rotten kid from Cuba and unworthy of being a Paladin.
Lance stared blankly into the flickering flames. He felt the heat of the fire caress his skin, warming his cold, exhausted body. He hadn’t realized he’d been shivering until then.
He tossed another piece of wood into the flames.
“Sometimes I wonder if Blue only chose me to get to Allura.” Suddenly, he chuckled. “Imagine that? A lion using me to get to a girl. I guess that can still happen out in space.” He laid back onto his hands, eyes unseeing. “Maybe I’m exactly where I need to be? Blue doesn’t need me anymore. I’m not worthy to pilot the Black Lion and Red just doesn’t seem to like me. Maybe this was my destiny the whole time, getting stuck on an alien planet, far away from home.”
Tears welled in his eyes, but he refused to shed them.
At least you won’t be a burden to them anymore.
“Yeah, I guess that’s true.”
He rubbed his weary eyes with the heel of his palms as a yawned ripped itself from his throat. He crawled back to his pile of leaves and curled onto his side, facing the flames. A part of him wondered if he should snuff it out, it seemed dangerous to fall asleep with an open flame. Yet, he chose not to move. He remained where he laid, watching the fire dance among the shadows until his vision blurred into darkness and the only thing left in his mind was the fuzzy visage of the Red Lion.
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harryseyebrows · 6 years
More parenting questions because we need specifics! Attachment parenting or cry it out? Baby wearing? Homemade baby food? Are any picky eaters? Do they introduce them to any religion? (I imagine Harry showing them all if anyone starts to ask questions) What stance will Jeff and Harry take on underage drinking or age of first cell phones? Who gives the birds and bees talk? Are they the cool house to hang out at for the teenagers? (Harry always has baked goods, Jeff has a killer vinyl collection)
i love you for this.
okay. so in terms of parenting style, it evolves from baby to baby. they had such a hard time getting pregnant with the twins that it makes them super protective once theyre born. harry is a bit more overbearing and neurotic, and not to say that jeff isnt just as scared and nervous, he’s just a bit more rational. they read the same books and know almost all of the same information, but when it comes down to it, harry often foregoes what most people and experts will tell you in favor of rushing down the hall if either twin so much as hiccups. jeff tries to reason with him and urge him to let them self soothe sometimes but its with very limited success. and jeff is kinda constantly battling with himself because he knows that harry is still spooked after the miscarriages (he is too) and when he forces harry to stay in the room and not run to them as soon as they cry, he sees how uncomfortable it makes harry, so he usually relents. however, harry relaxes over time. by the time the twins are around 6 months, he has other things to worry about, namely being pregnant again so soon, so he’s tired and cranky and swollen so letting the twins cry it out is sometimes the better option. he knows that he has a secure attachment with both twins and that they’re not lacking for anything, and that they’re both healthy and happy. with river, harry is significantly more relaxed, and by the time willow comes along, he and jeff are both old pros. 
BABY WEARING. if you think for one second that harry would not be ecstatic over the possibility of having his baby/babies strapped to him so he can walk around and show them off, even if its only at home and his only audience is the house plants, youre a CRAZY PERSON. harry loves a baby sling. jeff is less enthusiastic than harry but he’s still pretty psyched about it. even though when they take the twins out together, one baby per chest, they do look ridiculous. harry never gets tired of it, even after 4 kids. especially when theyre newborns. catch him doing laundry and dishes with his paisley printed baby scarf-sling on. DELIGHTFUL. 
homemade baby food. they try it just for shits when the twins are able to start solids but its a very short-lived project. too much mess. too expensive. store bought it just fine for them lol 
eli will eat whatever you put in front of him, but jude, harrys sweet, otherwise amicable little boy, is the one who goes through a phase where he proclaims ‘i dont like it’ to anything and everything. oddly enough, though, the things he will still eat are mostly healthy, like cubed fruit and baby carrots. however, he’s still a big fan of mac and cheese, but staunchly refuses to eat dino-shaped nuggets, to which eli usually looks at harry and jeff as if he’s saying ‘more for me, right?’ river is easy, too. a little human garbage disposal. harry has had to stop him from trying to eat a banana peel more than he’d like to admit. willow isnt quite as easy as river but she’s pretty close. all of the azoff children have very broad palates, thanks to harry and his adventurous cooking. jeff and harry also like to very very hands-on with the kids eating experiences -- they dedicate one night a week to having the kids help them with dinner. harry also likes to bake with them quite a bit. how many 4 years old do you know that have baked a lemon tart?
as far as religion goes, the kids are raised with ~blended religions ie jewish and christian (i did some research on it, and much like any other polarizing topic, there are a lot of people who claim that it has to be a hard left of right, one or the other, but if you dig a bit past the more sensationalized articles, you can find some info on people who were raised with two faiths and turned out just fine -- its finding a balance and respecting the holidays and traditions of both -- as well as explaining things just as you would if you were raising them with one faith. if given the room to explore both and come to their own decisions, it can actually be very valuable and healthy **also worth noting that i myself am not a religious person but i know its important to a lot of people). jeff and harry do their best to keep things clear and distinct but also make sure that the kids dont feel alienated or distant from either side. they dont force anything on them -- the kids are free to say no to certain things, and they both do their best to answer questions and such, so its not super strict, but more of a ‘its there if you want it’ type of situation. the kids also think its very special that they get to celebrate Hanukkah and christmas 
as neurotic as harry was when they were little, once the kids are older, he’s the more lax one when it comes to certain things ie drinking, pot, tattoos, etc. he’s pro ‘if youre gonna drink id rather you do it in the house than at a party’ so when the boys are 18/19, they’re allowed to have a beer or a glass of wine if they want it, as long as harry takes their keys. he knows that if you make something super off limits, its gonna make it that much more tempting when he’s not around to say no. thats why when river is 6 and asks what beer tastes like, harry lets him have a super tiny sip and is amused when river spits it out immediately, but less amused when he spits it out back into the bottle. jeff is a bit more strict and would prefer that they dont do it at all, but he respects harrys policies and kinda grins and bears it. 
jeff does the birds and the bees because harry is banned from talking about anything sex-related around the kids per their own request, simply because he’s super embarrassing and they hate it lmao sometimes he sits down and watches those shitty daytime talk shows, the one with the doctors as a panel, and he learns some random ass info about penile health and the next thing you know he’s bringing it up at breakfast only to be met with a chorus of ‘shut upppp dad, oh my GOD’ jeff is way more chill and easy to talk to, and the kids dont mind when he tells them because they can see that he’s just as uncomfortable as they are, eager to have it done and over with, as opposed to the theatrics they know theyd get with harry (probably some pseudo guidance counselor nonsense where he’d act placid and calm and stare at them with his laser beam focus, radiating ‘you can tell me anything’ vibes that would make them want to wither away. there’d be hand gestures and a condom demonstration with a banana, a lecture on embracing your sexuality but being careful and safe. NO THANKS, says all 4 kids)
and you are absolutely correct, other kids and teenagers seem to love going to the hazoff household, even though the actual hazoff kids dont know why. one of their dads is a complete goof (and totally embraces it) and the other is significantly more chill but also prone to being nerdy and embarrassing (harry tries to impress under the guise of being casual, whereas jeff is always ready to bust out naked baby pictures while simultaneously be the ~cool one). there are always cookies or some type of loaf cake on the counter and ready to be eaten, and jeff is always working on some new sound or projection system for movies. its just a really nice, open environment where anyone who steps into their house is accepted with open arms. unless they’re rude or mean. then harry is mildly passive aggressive but otherwise still civil. only once that person leaves does he mutter something about ‘well they weren’t very nice’ 
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pjo-hoo-nextgen · 6 years
The First Quest X
Andy attempted to gain some knowledge as to why Maria and Jaxon were no longer on speaking terms, but not many people knew what had happened.
“I don’t get it,” Andy huffed, resting his chin on his hand. “They always fight but this is different.”
“Wrench,” Sol held out her hand expectantly and Andy placed the tool in her grip.
“If anything they’d have fixed it by now.” He paused in thought for a moment, tapping his fingers against his chin.
“Maybe they just need time apart.” Sol suggested making an unusual attempt at conversation.
“They hardly touch one another with an eight foot pole. They have plenty of time apart.” Andy laughed. Sol hummed in reply and settled her goggles back on her face. “I mean the bickering gets old but the silence is just...uncomfortable.”
“Some people have odd ways of doing things.” The motor Sol was working on gave a small attempt to start before fizzling out. “Crap. I swore I fixed it.”
“Try jiggling the knobby thing.” Andy pointed at a protrusion on the machine.
“That’s not what it’s called,” Andy noticed the small smile on her face and couldn’t help but sit up a bit taller. She took his advice anyways and sure enough the engine gave a mighty sputter before maintaining a low hum. “Yes! Finally!”
“Great! Now you can put it on the motorized dummy track for the training arena!” Andy hopped up from the stool he’d been sitting on.
“That’s the plan.” Sol nodded, moving to turn off the device. With a satisfied nod she tugged off her goggles and gloves.
“You got a little something.” Andy gestured to his own nose indicating the spot where Sol had a fair amount of grease plastered on her face.
“Again?” With a grunt of frustration Sol used the hem of her shirt to scrub at her face. The grease only smeared further over her nose and cheeks.
“Don’t do that!” Andy laughed. “You got it everywhere!”
“Ugh! I hate my life!” Sol huffed.
“Sit down. I got this.” Andy offered her the stool. Sitting, Sol watched him curiously until he came back with a squirt bottle, a surprisingly clean rag, and a mirror. “I will be your stylist today. I was trained in the art of beauty!”
With an impish grin Andy did a clumsy spin and struck a pose, spinning the bottle on his finger as if it were a ring of car keys.
“I hate you.”
“I know.” Andy winked. “Now let the master work.”
Sol sat perfectly still as Andy worked at cleaning away the stubborn residue. She’d had experiences like this before and her skin was often left red and raw from the rough material. This time, however, it was different. Andy managed to perform the task with ease being surprisingly gentle.
“Aaaaaaand, done.” He declared. “Take a look babe.”
Andy held up the mirror for Sol to check her reflection. “Not bad Grace.”
“Clean as a whistle.” Andy nodded. “Like I said...I’m the master.”
“Of dorkiness.” Sol scoffed tossing the dirtied rag at him.
“My feelings.” Andy feigned offense. “Anyways, we have a game of capture the flag to prepare for.”
“Indeed.” Sol nodded. “I have a feeling this will be very interesting.”
— — —
Indeed it was. Maria and Jaxon were inevitably on the same team once more. Only this time, Grey was left trying to manage the forces.
Maria and Jaxon had both adopted personal agendas and didn’t bother to acknowledge the rest of their team.
“Okay, so...I’m on defense. This is cool.” Andy talked to himself as he paced beside the flag.
“What’d you expect? We got our moment of glory last time. The other kids were destined to have a shot.” Sol frowned sitting on a rock and sharpening her blade. “But the schedule goes Wednesday-Friday for Capture the Flag games. We get another shot soon enough.”
“Yeah, but I expected more entertainment.” Andy paused in his pacing to kick a rock into the trees. At first neither of them noticed it but then it became quiet clear.
There was a commotion going on at the center of the battlefield. From the sound of it nearly everyone had stopped to watch. “Okay, I know we have to guard this but-“
“Come on.” Sol was already running in the direction of the noise with Andy following hot on her heels. The two stumbled from the woods to find a very alarming sight.
“Oh my Gods they’re trying to kill each other.” Andy breathed.
Despite being on the same team Jaxon and Maria were locked in a heated duel. Maria had a score to settle and she intended on restoring some of her pride.
Sol was the first to do anything. Being small she managed to worm her way through the gathered crowd. Andy squeezed his way through with a bit more effort.
“I said go to the right.” Jaxon growled.
“What I do is not up to you.” Maria replied slashing at him with her sword. Jaxon stepped to the side and lashed out in return. Maria arched her blade behind her back ending the strike. “You made it quite clear.”
Spinning Maria slashed angrily at Jaxon’s ankles. Leaping he twisted in the air sending a blast of air far more violent than he should have. Maria was knocked to the side, she tumbled a bit, before coming to a rest.
“Jaxon what are you doing?!” Andy demanded latching onto his brother’s arm.
Maria crawled to her feet, rolledher shoulders, and gave a twirl of her sword; a challenge.
“Enough. Both of you.” Grey stepped between the two raging demigods. “Knock it off.”
“Step aside Grey.” Maria’s voice was full of authority, dripping with the power only a true leader could muster.
“Make me.” The eldest boy raised his chin in defiance.
“Sorry.” Maria gave him an apologetic look before charging at Jaxon and using her elbow to nudge Grey aside. Jaxon shoved Andy away, who stumbled back into the crowd of people.
Sol’s anger flared up and despite herself her arms ignited in bright orange fire. Jaxon made another strike but Sol deflected the blade and caught hold of the weapon. The blade sizzled before the gold began to melt.
Jaxon looked down in surprise before it dawned on him that Sol was ruining his father’s blade. He’d just gotten it back from Thia via Hermes’ messenger friends: wind nymphs. Now, Sol was melting the gold into a bubbling puddle. On instinct he reacted.
Sol was blasted back into Maria causing both girls to collapse on the ground. There was the sound of a painful snap and a cry of pain.
“What is the meaning of this?” The demand came from Chiron who had finally made his way to the commotion.
Jaxon looked with teary eyes at the ruined heirloom in his hand. He had grown up using the blade, dreamed of smiting enemies as dangerous as his father had. It was gone now. Ruined.
Grey knelt beside Sol and Maria. “Are you two alright?”
“Ugh, yeah.” Maria mumbled rubbing her head. She glanced over at Sol only to find the young girl crying and nursing her very broken wrist. “Oh Gods.”
She wasn’t the only one to notice the injury. Grey’s eyes widened and he moved to help her. Andy flew into a rage. He tackled his brother to the ground despite his smaller stature and let his fists fly.
“What is wrong with you? Huh?” His fists stung painfully. “You can’t hurt people like that!”
“Stop!” Jaxon held his arms up to protect his face. “Andy, stop!”
The younger boy was thrown off with a buck of Jaxon’s hips. Jaxon wrapped his arms around Andy holding him still.
“Get off of me!” Andy yelled, squirming violently.
The commotion ended only when each of the demigods was dragged to the infirmary.
— — —
“I have no idea what’s gotten into all of you but you need to figure it out.” Jason stood with his arms crossed looking at each of the kids who sat nursing injuries. Grey was the only one completely unscathed.
“You cannot go around trying to kill each other! That’s not okay!” Annabeth who had also been selected to give the lecture pinched the bridge of her nose.
“I didn’t do anything.” Andy protested.
“You pummeled your brother.” Jason glowered. Andy opened his mouth to reply but Jason held up a hand. “Andy Clay Grace, do not argue.”
“So what’s the punishment?” Grey asked glumly.
“You’re all staying here until you sort it out. No leaving or going home.” Jason determined.
“That’s not fair!” Maria cried.
“Some of you can go home, Grey, Sol. You are both allowed to leave.” Neither of them made a move. “Or you can stay here if you wish.”
“Figure it out.” Annabeth shrugged. “It’s that simple. There’s no unity in anything if infighting this bad exists.”
— — —
And so they were left there to solve their problems. Maria selected her own little corner of the infirmary and claimed it her own. Jaxon did the same.
“Let me see it.” Grey knelt in front of the bed Sol sat on and gently took her bandaged wrist. “It should heal relatively well, maybe a bit of physical therapy will be needed, and no forge for some time.”
“Your dad said all of that already.” Sol mumbled. Sniffling she wiped her nose on her sleeve.
“Well, I learned from the best.” Grey stood and ruffled her hair. “I’ll be back. I’m going to get cleaned up.”
“Was it wrong to punch him?” Sol startled at Andy’s remark. He’d been so quiet she had hardly noticed him there.
“Yeah.” Sol nodded. Andy’s head was bowed and his bottom lip began to tremble.
“I just got mad. I didn’t mean to hurt him that bad but-I don’t like him when he’s like this.” Andy hardly cried and so Sol was left with a brief moment of surprise. She wasn’t sure what to do. She’d never been the best at comforting someone.
“Hey, don’t cry.” Sol gave a light punch to his arm with her good hand. “People mess up.”
“Yeah, but a good brother doesn’t punch his sibling.” Andy sniffled.
“A good brother also doesn’t push his sibling.” Sol slung her arm around Andy’s shoulders. He didn’t say anything else after resting his head on her shoulder. She let him cry and pretended not to notice for his sake.
— — —
Jaxon sat staring at the deformed blade. He couldn’t believe it. He wanted to cry. With an angered grunt he chucked it across the room where it clattered to the floor. “Stupid.”
Maria glanced in his direction and felt a tiny amount of sympathy for him. She did know how much the weapon meant to him. “Your dad won’t be mad you know.”
“Yeah right.” Jaxon huffed.
“He’s not that big of an ass.” Maria noted dryly. The conversation ended quickly and the infirmary was bathed in a permanent silence. Slowly the demigods began to drift off to sleep and the silence would remain until the morning.
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sanders-specs · 7 years
Camp Swan Chapter 3
A/N: Yay we’ve survived another week! Hope everything is going okay for ya. If not then I’m confident it will! Stay strong :) For now let’s delve back into our summer camp adventures. 
Warnings: Swearing, homophobic slurs, bullying, intentionally not eating, social anxiety (at least how I understand it. Again, if I get anything wrong feel free to let me know) 
Parings: None. Just a flirty Roman
part 1| Previous
tag list: @princeyssash
“Well,” Roman says as the new kid blocked them all out, “he’s going to be a joy to room with, isn’t he?”
Logan sighs. “It seems that we have a troublemaker as a roommate, yes.”
“Now, now, I think he just doesn’t understand how great camp is just yet,” Patton says, speaking for the first time since Virgil ridiculed his favorite place on earth. “Give him some time and he’ll come around.”
“I don’t know,” Roman says doubtfully. “People like him never seem like the type to just ‘come around.’”
“Nevertheless,” Logan says, turning back to his thing to continue unpacking. “We shan’t let Virgil’s negative attitude damper our camp experience. Roman, I understand that this is your third year here, yes?”
“Yep!” Roman says proudly. “Though this is my first time meeting you.”
“Oh you’ll love Lo!” Patton exclaims. “He’s so smart, he knows just about everything.”
“If I knew everything then I would have at least a dozen Nobel Peace Prizes at this point in my life,” Logan says, “as well as a cure for all illnesses. As great as that would be, it is, in fact, false.”
“But you are smart,” Patton says.
“Yes, that is a correct statement.” Logan puts the last of his clothes into his closet and turns to Roman. “I suppose we should get the annoying, frivolous questions out of the way. Why do you enjoy coming to Camp Swan?”
Roman blinked at him, glancing at Patton for help but Patton was just sitting and staring at Roman curiously, like he was wondering the same thing. “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”
“Well for instance,” Logan says, “I come because the particular forest that the camp is located is home to many species of plants that I would not have a chance to study through the rest of the year. I’ve been studying them every year since my first year and have been documenting their changes as our planet’s climate has changed. The camp provides the necessary resources for studying them as well, which is handy.”
“And I’m here because I love it!” Patton exclaims.
“Yes it seems that Patton enjoys the togetherness that Camp Swan brings,” Logan says with a slightly exasperated sigh. “I can’t say I understand, however I don’t judge him for it.”
“So what about you Roman? What does Camp Swan mean to you?” Patton asks.
“Ah,” Roman says, looking as if he understood better. “I come because it gives me a chance to work on all of my talents. Singing, acting, dancing…well okay I’m still working on the dancing part. Plus their equestrian training is fantastic!”
Logan had to admit that he was slightly impressed that Roman knew the word equestrian, though if anyone would be apt at horseback riding, it looked to be Roman. The other boy looked to be in fair shape, with big biceps that strained against his shirt showing that he worked out. Logan could also see through the tight t-shirt that Roman probably had what was known as a toned stomach as well. It distantly occurred to him to wonder just why Roman insisted on wearing clothing that was just a bit too tight. It did not seem comfortable.
“Look I know I’m handsome but you don’t have to stare,” Roman says.
Logan blinks. Had he been staring? He supposed that he must have, if Roman seemed to have thought so. “My apologies,” Logan says. “I was simply wondering why you would not wear better fitting clothes. We are at a camp after all, wouldn’t you want to be as comfortable as possible?”
Roman stared at him for a moment, then burst out laughing. Frowning, Logan looks at Patton who seemed to be trying to hide a smile. “What? What did I say?”
Roman just kept laughing. He clapped a hand on Logan’s shoulder. “Man, Patton said you were smart, he didn’t tell me you were funny too.”
“I was not trying to be,” Logan says, shrugging off Roman’s hand. The other boy didn’t look offended, he just grinned at Logan.
“To me, this is comfortable,” Roman says, showing off his muscles that strained against his clothing. “It’s snug but not too snug, you know?”
Logan sighs and shakes his head. “I do not, but I suppose I will have to take your word for it.”
“Logan likes his facts,” Patton informs Roman. “He likes things to be straightforward.”
“Then I will respect that!” Roman declares, sounding for all the world like a royal. “or try to,” he adds in a calmer voice.
Patton sat on the floor, grabbing one of his nearby plushies and hugging it to his chest. He looks at Virgil, who still had his back to the rest of them, seeming to either not care about the conversation or not hearing it. “Do you think he meant what he said?” Patton wonders aloud. “That his parents hate him?”
“Oh please,” Roman says with a laugh. “Teenagers like him think that world is against them. honestly they’re a pain to deal with.”
Patton frowns. “Well something must make them feel that way.”
“Perhaps,” Logan says, knowing that it was futile to convince Patton of anything less. “However, we cannot force him to tell us anything he does not want to. Nor can we force him to enjoy camp. It will have to be up to him.”
Patton sighs a defeated sigh, but he nods. “You’re right as always Lo.” Patton turns his attention back to the ceiling. “Hey Roman, we haven’t finished the stars!”
“Right,” Roman jumps to his feet, gathering the stars they still had left to stick to the ceiling and walls.
Sighing, Logan turns towards the door. “I’ll get a chair.”
After a few hours, Thomas came back by the room to find Patton, Logan, and Roman all sitting on the ground in the middle of a game of Uno and Virgil lying on his bed, eyes closed and headphones on.
“Hey guys,” Thomas says. He points to Virgil, eyebrows creased. “Why didn’t you invite Virgil to play with you?”
“We did but Dr. Gloom and Doom seems to be too good for us,” Roman says, rolling his eyes dramatically.
Not really knowing what to say to that, Thomas just changes the subject. “O-Okay then. Anyway, the assembly is starting soon so we should all head over.”
The boys all nodded and stopped the game, even though Roman was complaining that he was just about to win (Thomas had seen that he had the most cards out of everyone, but even Roman’s roommates didn’t seem to want to correct him) and the three of them walked past Thomas and into the lounge. Thomas frowns, looking into the room where Virgil was still lying. It didn’t even look like he’d unpacked.
“Aren’t you guys going to get Virgil?” Thomas asks.
“He made it very clear that he wants nothing to do with us and to leave him alone,” Logan says matter-of-factly. “We are simply answering his request.”
Thomas frowns disapprovingly at them and looks at Patton. The more kind-hearted boy shifted uncomfortably on his feet, avoiding Thomas’s gaze. It was clear that he felt guilty, but the fact that he wasn’t countering Logan’s statement meant that he agreed.
Thomas sighs, putting his hands on his hips. “Look guys, we’re not going to get anywhere this summer if you exclude your roommate. It’s just going to make things miserable for everyone.”
The boys all slump, but Patton sighs and walks back into the room to retrieve Virgil.
Virgil stood in the back of the crowd, playing with his fidget cube as he watched the head of the camp, Joan they told the campers to call them, talking about all the different activities at the camp and how they would all rotate throughout the summer. Virgil wasn’t really listening. He was too focused on not focusing on how close he was being forced to stand to complete strangers. Thomas stood behind him, his arms crossed like some kind of officer making sure that the prisoners didn’t try to run for it. Virgil had to admit that he thought about it, but where would he go?
He couldn’t see his other roommates anywhere, as they had run off as soon as they’d gotten there, but that was probably for the better. He’d snapped at them enough earlier. Every time Patton tried to get him to play a game with them or talk with them, he’d snap. Every time Roman was being obnoxiously loud—so loud that he penetrated the bliss Virgil’s music provided—he snapped. He didn’t know how he was going to be able to get through the summer with those two. At least Logan seemed to understand when someone wanted to be left alone.
“Alright, I think that about does it!” Joan says. “Now is time to get some grub! Head on to the mess hall.”
The crowd dispersed, and Virgil turned. Thomas was still standing there, looking down at him. “Care to go get something to eat?” he asks.
Virgil rolls his eyes. “You don’t have to lead me around like a lost puppy. I’ll just follow the crowd.”
Thomas gives Virgil a smile he knew all too well. It was a smile that said he was close to losing his patience with Virgil but he had to be nice so he was going to smile through the pain. “Alright, be sure to be back at the cabin by sundown.”
Virgil just nodded and started following the flow of the crowd. Usually finding the source of food was easy, because that’s where everyone always gathered. It was the same for any animal in the animal kingdom, humans no exception.
As he was walking, though, he heard someone behind him laugh just a bit too loud for it to be conspicuous. “Who plays with one of those things unless they’re a fucking child?” someone said.
Virgil glanced over and saw a boy about a foot taller than him with long brown hair that reached his shoulders and a mischievous smirk on his lips. He was looking right at Virgil, or rather at the fidget cube in his hand.
Scowling, Virgil turns away from him, shoving the cube into his pocket. The last thing he wanted to do was to deal with morons. He just wanted to get something to eat and disappear into his cabin as soon as possible.
A hand came down on his shoulder, stopping him. “Hey, faggot,” the boy says, “got any more of those sissy cubes? You know they say not to bring anything unless you want to share with the class.”
“Get out of my face,” Virgil growls.
The boy raises his eyebrows. “What did you just say to me?”
“I said get out of my fucking face,” Virgil says, yanking himself out of the boy’s grip. “and get a life. The only childish one here is you.”
No one around them seemed to notice or care about the exchange, not that Virgil was surprised. No one ever care about losers like himself. The boy reached out and grabbed his shirt, pulling him close. “No one talks to me that way,” he growls.
“First time for everything then,” Virgil says, not backing down.
The boy’s eyes narrowed, and he shoved Virgil back so hard that he fell on his ass in the damp mud. The boy stood over him, glaring. Before Virgil knew what was happening, the boy’s good connected with Virgil’s ribs.
“That’ll teach you to talk back to me, you emo fag,” the boy says spitting on Virgil’s arm. He walked off, leaving Virgil on the ground.
Rubbing his sore ribs, Virgil picked himself up, the whole situation coming back to him. He felt his limbs shaking, his breathing becoming sparse. He looked around, but he was alone. Everyone else had disappeared in the mess hall. He looked at the now crowded building and shook his head. He couldn’t go in there, not looking like this. It would just make that boy feel even better, and probably make Virgil the butt of a lot of jokes. No he couldn’t go in there. He’d just eat breakfast in the morning. He didn’t need food tonight.
So Virgil turned and forced himself to walk back to his cabin. He needed to be alone. He needed to change. He needed to be free of this fucking camp.
Chapter 4
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peakyblinders1919 · 7 years
Las Vegas
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She hoped the city only looked grimy and dirty from inside the car. The car sputtering down the road caused people in rags with dirt on their faces out of the way. The houses hung low and were dark, depressing colors, a vast contrast to the colors rising back in Las Vegas, which she called home.  
“Tell me why I was forced to come here again?” She muttered to herself in the back seat, digging out her compact mirror from her bag and reapplying her pink lipstick. She meant for it to me a rhetorical question, or not really a question at all, but her driver thought otherwise.
“Your father was worried about your safety Miss.”
She scoffed, taking one last look at herself and flicking it shut, stuffing it back in her purse. “This city looks anything but safe.” She noted, watching a whore pleasure a man on the side of the road accompanied by barely audible yet distinct gunshots in the distance. Finally the car halted to a stop. Her driver got out and raced to open her door, helping her out of the car.
She stood out like a sore thumb, dressed in clothes that would have paid to feed five families. She spun around, trying to get a look at everything the place had to offer, and she could conclude that that wasn’t much. Just by the looks of it she could probably contract a disease from the populated, hazy air. “And what do they call this place?” She asked with an upturned nose.
“Birmingham Miss.”
“Right, sound’s like it looks, awful.” After a moment her driver laughed, now standing with her luggage on the side of the road uncomfortably. “Chauncey, I’ll give you 100 pounds to take me anywhere but here.” She pleaded with him.
“No can do Miss. Your fathers orders. Come on, you might find you’ll actually like it here.”
“Over my dead body.” She rolled her eyes while lighting a cigarette. She shuffled back as a kids was running down the street and a some kind of shop keeper followed them, sorting profanities. “Which might actually be the case.”
“So, is there anything fun to do around here?” She asked as she sat at the table blowing on her cup of tea to cool. She’d been in Birmingham for almost a week now and she hadn’t done anything. She was thankful for her mystery Aunt who lived there though, and her new discovered cousin. She wasn’t as bad as she thought she’d be. She didn’t give a lot of rules, just one flicker of advice; Don’t get involved with the Shelby’s.
“Why not?” She had inquired.
“They’re just like the same people you left.”
“Well I didn’t want to leave, I was forced.”
“Right, and if you dad finds out you didn’t stay away from danger, the next place he’d send you is the convent probably, so I’m just trying to help.”
So she had taken her Aunt’s advice, but she could only stay away for so long. She was starting to get bored, very bored, of the house and the two same old shops she knew of. She wanted to experience something new.
“We could go out tonight?” Her cousin suggested.
“Oh yes, yes please. I’d go anywhere.”
“There’s a pub-“
“If they have drinks, I’m there.”
“You might not like it, it’s kinda…dirty.”
“I don’t care, just get me out of here.”
A few minutes later and she was standing at the bar with a drink in hand and her cousin next to her. She slammed her freshly finished drink on the counter, calling loudly for another round. The men around her cheered and wouldn’t stop eyeing her, surely they’d never seen such a beautiful women drink like a man. She smiled in their view, finally satisfied to be at a party and the center of attention again, regardless of exactly what kind of attention it was she was receiving.
She giggled into her cousins shoulder drunkenly. “Right, my bladder’s going to explode, I’m going to the bathroom.” She said, unknowingly walking towards the private room of the Garrison. Applying pressure to the door with her shoulder she threw it open, the music from the bar filing into the quiet, smokey room. In it were three boys looking somewhat dumbstruck to see this random, beautiful girl stood in the doorway. They looked at her, waiting to hear her explanation as to why she was interrupting their night. The one of the left with cold eyes brought a cigarette to his lips and smoked it while examining her, flicking his eyes away rather quickly when he decided he didn’t want her. The boy next to him with chocolate skin smiled at her, but she didn’t smile back at him. She was looking at the one on the end with strawberry blonde hair in an interesting cut.
“Oh, uh, sorry, I was just looking for the bathroom.” She managed to finally say, making to close the door and leave but she couldn’t. Just as soon as they were out of her sight she threw the door back open. “Hi, sorry, are you guys playing poker?” She asked, unable to take her eyes off the cards on the table.
“Yeah, you know how to play?” The one in the middle asked as the one still smoking look uninterested and the other was just too shy to say anything.
“I do.”
“You any good?”
“Why don’t you find out yourself?”
He ran his tongue over his lip while looking her. “Alright, take a seat.” She squealed with excitement closing the door.
“Uh, it was Finn’s turn to deal but-“
“Oh, sure, I can.” She said with a grin, taking the cards from him. She tried doing a fancy shuffle at first, the cards going everywhere thanks to her shaky hands. The two boys tried to suppress their laughs but the quiet one watched her intently. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and tried again. This time it was effortless. She shuffled the cards and dealt them so quick the boys could barely keep up with her.
“Right so Texas Holdem, you get two cards now and then three, highest hand is a royal flush, all the same suit. Are we playing with money?” She rambled, flashing them a smile each. Their jaws were basically to the floor, never having seen a girl know so much about poker.
“Eh, we was just playing for fun.”
“So the quiet one finally speaks.” She said with a laugh, finishing dealing her own cards. “It’s not fun without money on the line though. I don’t have much, how about…” she fiddled with her purse, putting some money down, “100 pounds to play.”
“Woah, what’s a girl doing with 100 pounds around here?” The one on the left asked, finally interested.
“I’m new around here.”
“We could tell. I’m Isaiah by the way, and that’s Finn and this here’s Michael.”
“Nice to meet you boys. I’m Y/N, and stop chatting, we got a game let’s go.” She dealt out the round of cards, reading everyone’s expressions. Isaiah folded first followed by Michael when Y/N raised the bet to 200 pounds. They were egging Finn on but he didn’t have a chance.
“This is it. Never lost a game in my life.” She said confidently while flipping over the last card. “Straight flush.” There was an unanimous round of sighs then. “That means you loose if you have anything but a royal flush.”
“Well, around here my family’s kind of royalty.” Finn said, flipping his cards over to reveal he had the best hand possible. Y/N’s mouth fell as she realized she’d finally been beat at her own game. Isaiah and Michael cheered and patted him on the back as he collected the money.
“Nice one.” She finally said, extending a hand.
“You too. That was really good, you know you’re stuff.”
“Yeah well, where I’m from my family’s kinda royal too.”
“Oh yeah? What’s your name?”
“You wouldn’t know it.” She said as she found herself with Finn as the other two went to grab more drinks. “I’m not exactly from around here.”
“Right, and where’d you say you’re from?”
“I didn’t.” He just looked at her then, waiting. “I’m from Las Vegas.”
“What’re you doing all the way over here?” He asked confused.
“My dad’s starting a lot of illegal gambling dens, I guess he thought it was a bad place for me.”
“So he sent you to Birmingham?”
“Stupid, right? He wanted me to get away from violence and gangs so he sent me to the Shelby’s town.” She huffed, blowing smoke from her new cigarette. “I haven’t even seen any of them yet, just heard of them. They can’t be that bad.”
“We’re not.” Finn squeaked, causing her to look at him.
“What’d you say your last name was?”
“I didn’t. But it’s Shelby.”
“Well my dad would hate this.” She chuckled, throwing her head back. “Well, I heard right then, the Shelby’s are good looking.”
“You think I’m good looking?”
“Don’t flatter yourself just because you won one lousy poker game.”
“I bet I could beat you again.”
“Yeah, let’s go.”
“All or nothing?” She asked, collecting the cards from the table and starting to shuffle them again, getting closer to Finn’s face.
“I have a better idea. How about if I win you go on a date with me.”
“And if I win?” She asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Then you could have whatever you want.”
“I want your money.”
The game lasted till the early morning when the Garrison was emptied. Finn closed up quickly, having told Y/N it was his family’s pub. She tried not to look too impressed either when she found out. She waited at the door with her hand extended. Finn counted out the money, handing it over.
“You’re right, you’re very good.”
“I know.” She said laughing. “Tough loss too.” She said, putting the money away.
“Yeah, maybe we could still go out?”
“Maybe…” She said, leaning to give him a playfully kiss on the lips, just enough for him to want more as he watched her walk into the night.
Feedback please!!
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plushievash · 7 years
Number 10 with all of them. I am so curious
sdlkfj i have over 80 ocs… ill answer with all the main ones and then any others who have something significant10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?felix: hes neutral on children;; children like him mostly since he comes off as cool;; he absolutely does not want children ever the idea completely repulses him, he doesnt trust himself with the responsibility and hes afraid of becoming his father BUT, if dasha ever expressed the desire for one then he would try;; hed be a very caring kinda goofy dad hed give the kid a ridiculous nickname (ex. dara dara carbonara)in the good au he and dasha actually have 2 kids dlkjfsd their first born he gives the nickname “vascana banana”leonardo: children make him..uncomfortable..they remind him of his siblings;; hes generally kind but he comes off as distant, itd be divided some children dont trust him some like him a lot;; like felix leo would never want a child but for different reasons but he also feels like eventually he must to keep his familys raremutation alive;; leo would be a very tired parent he overworks himself but even when he cant make a bowl of cereal for himself hell help his child with anything or play with them..he tries his best…hed be a great dad..pietro: he loves children! they are the future after all!;; children love him back! hes very fun to be around and very caring;; hed love to have kids of his own but he wouldnt ever risk it with his status..he doesnt want to force a kid to be raised on the run…;; hed be a great dad tho over protective and caring hed always make time to check in with their life and see how things are going how theyre feeling if they need help or if they just want to play or watch a movie hes a very loving person!pekka: he likes children, he thinks theyre funny and cute;; like leo its divided some think hes weird some think hes funny;; hes neutral on the idea of having a child;; hed probably be an annoying kinda clingy embarrassing dad..hed want to make sure his child got the love and care he never did..hed try his besttalia: she likes children;; children dont usually like her..they think shes creepy at first since she usually doesnt talk or change expressions much;; shes neutral on having kids;; shed be a good but kind of distant parent…
ill put the rest under the cut
ruby: she loves children!;; and children love her!;; she likes the idea of having a child someday;; shed be a great parent shes full of advice and love and shes very caring and understanding shed probably be the perfect parent??miska: he loves kids!;; kids love him!;; hed like to have kids one day;; hed be a great parent hes very understanding and patient hed usually be too tired to play with them tho but hed be able to do things that take more concentration like crafts and help them out with school projects!dara: he loves kids!;; kids like him bc hes weird;; hes neutral on having kids he thinks hed probably be an ok dad but hes very unprepared and he thinks he probably wont ever be;; hes a fantastic babysitter he can properly take care of a kid for a while but not 24/7 he wouldnt be able to handle the responsibilityagostina: she likes children but doesnt much like to be around them, shes paranoid of them plucking her feathers without realizing how much it hurts her;; children are usually afraid of her or fascinated by her mutation;; she wouldnt want a child of her own;; she wouldnt be a very good parent, she wouldnt be abusive but she wouldnt have the energy to give the proper love and care to a childzacharie: he loves kids!;; kids love him!;; hes neutral on the idea of having a kid but also excited about it? if he ever got the chance he would gladly take it;; hed be a goofy kinda dad like felix with silly nicknames hed be embarrassing…but hes very loving and caring and very energeticemilio: he likes kids;; kids generally like him;; hes neutral on having a child;; hed be kind of careless at first itd take him a while to get the hang of things but once he does hed be a great dad just like zacharieantoine: he doesnt like kids but he wont be a dick to them hed just rather avoid having to interact with them;; children would probably be interested in him since hes distant but they dont rly have much to go on for liking or disliking him;; the idea of having a child repulses himdušan: he has a soft spot for kids;; kids like him;; he doesnt like the idea of having a kid of his own;; hed be a great babysitter tho! hed be like the cool older brother figure to them…zinovia: shes neutral on children;; children like her;; she likes the idea of having a child;; shed be a great mom..shed be a sports mom..pta mom……her kids gonna fucken destroy ur kid in football karenalcides: hes neutral on kids;; kids dont rly like him;; he likes the idea of having a kid;; hed be the cool smart dad that if u need help with homework in like any subject he can almost always help and itll be rightvittorio: LOVES!! kids!!!!;; kids loved him!!;; he had 3 kids (leo/stella/giovanni) and he was very excited to have them!;; he was a great dad very loving and caring very patient and understanding he tired to make sure his kids got to choose the life they wanted to live, he wanted to make sure his kids didnt have to recover from their childhood like he did he tried his best….alessio: likes kids;; kids were usually neutral and pretty bored of him;; he liked the idea of having kids, he had 2 daughters;; he was a great dad very caring and loving he was overprotective hes still very shattered over their deaths..ippolito: shes neutral on kids;; kids loved her;; she liked the idea of having a kid eventually, she had 1;; she was a great mother, she worked very hard and loved and cared for her son with the time she had..zaria: hates kids, she will usually be dismissive towards them but she wont be aggressive or violent, she doesnt want to scare them either;; kids dont like her;; she hates the idea of having kids;; she wouldnt be a very good babysitter shed just keep to herself and do her own thing while the kid does something elsecorvi: likes kids, but only bc theyre easy to control;; kids are usually offput by them;; they hate the idea of having a child of their own;; they would be a terrible babysitter theyd trick children into doing things theyre not supposed to or even get them to accidentally hurt themselves, corvi is very detached and only interested in how people react to things but they dont really realize that people are…people so they often go overboard with what they dolodovico: hates kids, he thinks theyre stupid and whiny;; kids hate him too;; he hated the idea of having a kid but he did have 1 (felix);; he was a horrible father he was abusive and disgustingly obsessed with making his son just like him when he was still alive he used to stalk felixfiore: liked kids;; kids liked her!;; she liked the idea of having kids and had 3 (attilio/iacopo/mirabella);; she was a great mother! she was the original sports mom…the original pta mom….her kids are gonna kick ur kids asses…get over it hellen…….theyre just Better……but she was very loving and caring of her children especially of attilio, she tried to make up for the treatment he received from his birthfather(nunzio)attilio: didnt like kids, thought they were too noisy and touchy;; kids didnt like him either;; he was neutral on the idea of having kids of his own, he was originally excited when time came, he had 4 kids (alessio/vittorio/petruccio/elio);; he was a good dad until alessio turned 8 and it was time to begin his training he then realized the power he had over him and he ended up turning into his own fatheriacopo: liked kids!!;; kids liked to make fun of him…..;; had 4 kids (venceslao/vespasiano/ezikiel/erza);; he was a goofy dad…..mirabella: liked kids;; kids loved her;; she had 3 kids (doriano/ippolito/ardito);; she was a loving and caring mother, she was……….pta mom….nikolas: neutral on kids;; kids didnt like him;; neutral on the idea of having kids, had 1(miska);; he wasnt a good father he was loving and caring towards miska but held impossibly high standards that miska couldnt always reach he often expressed disappointment towards him and even got violent occasionally // he completely neglected pekka and most of the times when he did acknowledge pekkas existence it was to tell him that he shouldnt exist and how much of a failure and mistake he isreijo: likes kids for the same reason as corvi, theyre easy to control;; kids like him;; had 1(pekka);; terrible father he walked out then years later when pekka found him he only used pekka to do work for him and get pekka to buy him things hes a deadbeat loservuokko: neutral on kids, leaning towards a negative view;; kids were usually split on her she was either too serious or they liked her bc she was nice;; she had 2(miska/pekka);; she tried to give her love and care to miska and pekka but she also held impossibly high standards for pekka like nikolas did for miska but she didnt press on it much, for pekka she often got bitter and blamed him for fights she and nikolas got intoryker: likes kids!;; kids like them!;; they dont like the idea of having a child of their own;; theyd be a great babysitter! theyre a good caretaker and very fun and energetic theyre just the right balance of playtime and workdimitri: loves kids!;; kids love (to make fun of) him!;; had 1(zacharie);; hes a very loving and caring dad he works his hardest to be someone his son can count on hes incredibly proud of zacharie and his friends hes a father figure to pietro and agostina as well! hes jumbo big daddemetrio: doesnt like kids but is very patient and kind to them;; kids dont really like them, they think theyre boring;; they dont like the thought of ever having kids or having to look after one;; if they had to tho theyd be very overprotective but very emotionally distant they wouldnt be very fun to play with and they wouldnt try to connect with the child much but if the child wanted them to read to them or make some crafts or draw theyd gladly do that
okej…i have way more but….i think thats all ill do for now unless u ask for the rest bc this is……..a Lotbut thank u vv much!! i had fun answering this…
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missjackil · 7 years
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One Year.... One year ago this month, I was introduced to these AMAZING gentlemen, and life has never been the same! I don’t recall the exact day it happened, but I do know it was March, 2016, 
This is how it started... It was a very cold, snowy winter here in NJ last year, so my life long friend Dawn, my daughter Sarah, and I started binge watching different series on Netflix. Dawn first suggested this show Supernatural, which I had only heard of in passing a few times over the years, but she had watched since the beginning. She said I would love it, the brothers  are hot, they hunt monsters and demons, delve a lot into Religion, which is a big interest of mine, I even have a degree in Theology, and am legally ordained. I checked the title on Netflix and saw it had 10 seasons available, and I said  “Nah, that’s a pretty big commitment, I dont think I could stay interested in a show that long” then Dawn informed me, that it was still on the air and in season 11. Not my cup of tea, so I declined. She next suggested Nurse Jackie, which was really good, but so easy to burn through. I got the next pick and picked House MD which had been mine, and my daughter Sarah’s favorite series to date.  This was a longer series than Nurse Jackie, 8 seasons instead of 7, and hour long episodes, as opposed to half hour. This took almost 2 months to get through. While watching this series again, I would keep commenting how much I loved the bromance between House and Wilson, to wish Dawn would always reply “The you will LOVE Sam and Dean!!” So since she had next pick, I agreed to give Supernatural a try.  And this is what happened... *CRASH BOOM BANG  <heavy flop>* “Wooooaaah easy tiger” “Dean?” Yeah, these boys are freakin adorable, and Im gonna love this bromance. I thought Dean was hot, and Sam was cute. Too young for me to think he was hot (me being 49 at the time) but I felt like the monsters and a lot of the horror was pretty lame, and sometimes even cheesy, though I did enjoy the chemistry the boys had with each other, and found Sam’s psychic visions to be an interesting element, I didn’t think I would stay interested for very long.  For a while, we were only watching 2-3 episodes at a time, a couple times a week when Dawn would come over. Near the end of S1 I told her I didn’t think I wanted to continue. She asked me to PLEASE give it to the end of season 2 and if I still didnt like it, we could find something else. As promised, I did become more interested in S2. The humor was funnier, the acting got better, and the bromance was hotter, and the emotional moments were even more heart breaking. The first episode that left a really big impression on me was Born Under a Bad Sign. Until then, I knew Sam had psychic powers, and his father was worried he would turn dark, and left it on Dean’s shoulders to save him or kill him (good idea John, what the hell) and this episode was probably showing Sam go bad. I didnt want that, I liked the boys and I wanted to like both of them and not have to start thinking of Sam as evil, but he was soooooo creepy in that episode! I was so afraid he was going to rape Jo, fortunately he didn’t, but that “My daddy shot your daddy in the heeeaad” thing gave me the willies! I was so uncomfortable with this “Dark Sam” I thought maybe I couldnt continue. Dawn didnt want me to stop just yet, but didnt want to give me spoilers, she told me “Don’t worry, Sam and Dean are the GOOD guys and Sam is a REALLY good guy” so I continued. When it was discovered that Sam was possessed, I found that very interesting, I didn’t think the boys would ever succumb to the evil things, just kick their asses all the time, though I assumed theyd have their own asses kicked sometimes, I never thought the show would allow the heroes to really suffer.... boy was I wrong huh??  I recall my first noticing that Sam was hot and built like a truck, in Heart, and it was also the first time I really cried. I remember telling Dawn, I will watch it when she comes over but Im watching it on my own too, because now Im much more interested, but I also said “it’s kind of a bummer knowing the boys wont die, that will take away from the suspense and emotional moments when it’s feared they might die, and I remember her giving me this look... she said “trust me, you know nothing”. She was right ... All Hell Breaks Loose 1 & 2 had me sobbing! When Sam dies in Dean’s arms and Dean sobs into his neck, I dont think Ive ever seen such intense, realistic  grief on a TV show. And then Dean goes and sells his soul for Sam!! This turned what I thought was a “My brother is my best friend” love into a “Id willingly spend eternity in fire and torment, to have one more year with my brother” love. That was a big turning point for me. I new Id watch it till the end and couldnt wait for those long days off when I could just binge all day long.  Then Season 4 happened... I dont know when exactly it happened, or which episode it was, but somewhere early in S4, I discovered the most amazing thing. I woke up one day and realized I am madly in love with Sam Winchester! And to top it off, I was hopelessly addicted and obsessed with SPN! I wont give a rundown of how each season hit me, but its been a crazy, emotional, tragically painful, beautful roller coaster that I have no intentions to ever get off of. By the time I got to S9 and started seeing the episodes dwindle away, I didnt want to finish too fast, yet I wanted to keep binging, so thats when I decided to start rewatching. ration out the newer episodes so I dont finish too fast, and binge the ones Ive already seen, and Ive done that continiously since then, and that was in May. By the end of June, I had watched everything on Netflix and purchased all of S11 On Demand and just kept finishing and starting over, rinse, repeat.  What I have learned... I mean no disrespect to Dean, I love him... but, if he ever says “As long as Im around, nothing bad is ever gonna happen to you” ... just RUN!! He said this to Sam in S1 and things just unraveled fast for poor Sam. I dont think there are many bad things LEFT that haven't happened to Sam, and we still have at least 2 more seasons to go!!!  To me, Sam is the most beautiful, kind, selfless, brave character ever. Yet, he can be a little selfish on occasion, but if you needed any of the duct tape and safety pins that hold him together, he wouldnt think twice about giivng them to you. He is scared fairly often, but it’s never stopped him from facing any big bad monster life could hand him.Season 10 was definitely not his most attractive season (that hair?? WHAT??) and if you piss him off, he can viciously sting with his words at the very least, or be brutally lethal with his hands when need be. He is a full on nerd, but not the least bit pretentious about it. He doesnt think he is better than anyone, and maybe even not as good as most. He is brilliant, but wont ever make you feel stupid. He is the sweetest, kindest gentleman you’ll ever meet, but 100% badass as well. But most of all. he loves Dean with everything in his life. He will never leave him (again) for anyone. If he ever finds a significant other, they will have to accept him and Dean as One person. Package deal and thats it.  To me, Dean is a rock. He rarely ever changes, This isn’t a bad thing. This compliments Sam, who is ever changing. Dean doesn’t live inside his head. He expresses his feelings more physically than with words, though he isnt one to mince words if you need to hear it. He’s emotional, not afraid to cry, but maybe afraid of who he allows to see it. He’s not perfect, he has made a lot of poor choices for himself and for Sam as well, but never with any ill intent (other than when influenced by a Supernatural force) He is a sweetheart, who unfortunately carries too much baggage. In Regarding Dean I feel like I met the REAL Dean that is lost under decades of pain, lossm and never ending violence. He can piss me off big time, but I forgive him because Sam does, and the most important thing in his world is Sam. There is nothing he wouldnt do, nor lines he wouldnt cross for Sam, and I believe he would give Sam anything in his power if Sam would simply ask.  What I think of the side characters  Cas, Crowley, Rowena, Bobby, etc.. all good characters who bring a lot of interest to the show, but none are strong enough characters to have their own storylines apart from Sam and Dean. Their side stories arent very interesting. I would watch a show that was only Sam and Dean (which is what I prefer) but I wouldnt watch a show that was only Cas or Crowley or whomever. They should support Sam and Dean and thats it, in my opinion.
What I have learned about the Fandom... Supernatural is the Holy Reaches of Heaven to them and they are Religions. Separate groups of individuals, expressing their love for the show and the characters in different ways. Some SPN religions are open and accepting, and some are vicious and hateful. Everyone gets different things from different parts of the series, but some of these religions, think their thoughts are the best and only True Canon even when sometimes, their thoughts are not canon at all. There are some fun, silly, kind loving fans in the SPN Family, and I have met a few, but Ive also seen some unnecessarily hatefull, mean spirited individuals who I cant consider family. SPN belongs to me, and it belongs to you. Take from it what you take from it... blog your blogs, go meta crazy, ship your ships, and write the shit out of fan fic... but please dont belittle and berate those who think differently. It is a ficitonal show, no one is going to go to Hell or be arrested for their views on it. If you don’t like it, dont watch it, but let those who do still love it, like myself, enjoy it while they can. Don’t go trying to hurt our feelings with “It should end!!” because someday it will, we know this, but we want it to live on for as long as J2 are happy to do it, and even then, it’s gonna hurt like the death of a loved one to see it go, so try to be more considerate okay? If you stayed to read ALL of this, You are precious to me :) and thank you!
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