#like dude that cannot have been almost 2 years ago but it Was
arolesbianism · 8 months
Oh btw the 3rd most due is Layer. Because they hate me.
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 1 year
Woven Home
Pairing : Platonic! Miguel O' Hara X Teen! Symbiote! Reader
Genre : fluff, lowkey crack
Summary : Miguel's soft for you. (Parenting is hard.)
Warnings: Mentions of blood, abuse, nothing too deep
Wordcount: 1.4k
Miguel O'Hara masterlist
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" Oh no." Miguel breathes out. He glances around the room. It looks horrible, it was too late. 
The room was covered in blood. The chipped wallpaper had always been disgusting, but now it had a reek of death over it. He can only imagine how it went down here. 
" Uhm, actually. She's still alive." Layla suddenly glitches into existence. 
Miguel's eyes widen under his mask as he turns to her.
" What?"
" Yeah, she made it out alive. " She tells him, showcasing a security video taken out on the street.
And indeed, you were alive. Barely, but still. The cameras follow you until you eventually pass out into an alleyway. But something is wrong. The date on that tape dates back 2 years ago. That cannot be possible- Or can it?
" Who are you?" 
Miguel turns around, claws jumping out as he turns to face the voice.
He's surprised as he comes face to face with you. You're in terrible shape. Skinny, bags under your eyes and dirty. 
You glance at his claws before shaking your head. 
" Trust me, you don't want to do that." 
He cocks his head. Anyone with the injuries you had when you escaped your abusive household would be dead. He doesn't want to take his chances with whatever saved you.
" I'm Spiderman-"
" No you're not. I know that dude. He lives a few streets from here." You scowl.
You don't seem intimidated in the slightest. Still seated with one knee up to your chest in the window sill, your posture slacking.
" I'm from a different dimension. I want to give you a chance." He tells you.
You cock your head.
" A different dimension? And a chance at what?" 
" Yes. A chance at living. You wouldn't have to be alone anymore."
" I'm never alone."
To this day, he doesn't know how he managed to convince you to join the spider society. You're one of the very few non spider people around.
So far, years have passed. He's gotten to know you a lot better. Your name is Y/N L/N. And you're the host of Toxin. The strongest symbiote he's ever come across, and he's come across Carnage. ( Which is also apparently it's 'parent' symbiote.) It also led to him bringing you on the team. 
You're a complicated person, having been through a lot at a young age. You had been severely abused by your own parents for a reason he doesn't know (or would ever understand.) Your healing journey was scary, but you had hardened from your experiences, putting up a barricade around people. Thankfully, it crumbled since Miguel now had your back. It made Miguel soft towards you. The society he was building was small when he found you, making you one of the first members. Determined to not give you the fate of a future villain (like almost all the other symbiotes), he's kept you closely tucked in his side. Over time, he found a new chance in being a dad through you. Your own parents never guided you, and he finds himself all too eager to give you that guidance. And so you've been with him, watching as the society grew. And growing it did. Miguel watched proudly as you managed to make friends, and eventually helped guide other younglings just like he guides you.
You're also the only one who doesn't take his shit. And who's able to handle it. (The object he threw the one time he wasn't looking at whoever entered his lab, you had thrown it back at him. It had silenced him. He'd never admit it, but he was proud of that. Glad you'll never cower for people like your biological dad ever again.)
The only downside? Your choice of friends. Hobie caused trouble, and was all too eager in teaching you how to aswell. Gwen was okay. But she was also friends with Hobie, and Miles. And Miles was originally an anomaly. Sure, the boy was now part of the team, but still. The only one he approved of was Pavitr. And the random Peters you hang with often.
Truth to be told, he saw you as his daughter.
Currently, he was stood in his lab, glancing around at the screens. He truly had no idea what you were doing, but as long as you weren't putting shit on fire (you wouldn't, Toxin hates fire,) he's fine with it.
" Aye Miguel!"
Speak of the devil. With a symbiote web, you launch yourself onto his platform, two styrofoam boxes in your hands. You wordlessly set his down on his desk, as you often do.
" Thanks. What have you been upto today?" He asks, barely taking his eyes of the screen as he opens the styrofoam box and takes out an empanada.
You open yours, and immediately the scent of chocolate fills the rooms. It's overly sweet, and it lowkey stings his nose.
" Not much. Mostly training actually. You did anything fun today?" You ask him in return, leaning back against his desk.
Apparently you've managed to find pancakes. And hazelnut chocolate spread. 
" Been watching the multiverse, nothing special. Where'd you get that? " he asks you.
" Made it. We were craving something sweet." 
" Empanadas are sweet."
" Right, well, not pancake, chocolate, strawberry sweet-"
" There's strawberries in there?" He asks, glancing at it.
You hum. Picking up a piece and showcasing it to him. He admittedly can see a bit of a lump in the chocolate, but that doesn't really convince him.
" Yeah, want a bite?"
" No thanks, I'll pass."
" Kay' your loss. So I've been thinking-"
" That's worrisome."
You roll your eyes at his comment.
" Sure, whatever. Anyway. We should get a pet. I was thinking a cat, or a spider-"
" No. We already have spider cat. Also, basically everyone here is a spider. Why would you even think of a spider?" He grumbles.
Nothing he ever has read in the parenting books could ever prepare for whenever you open your mouth.
As he speaks, he finally turns to look at you.
You shrug.
" It'd be funny. A tarantula maybe. We could call her Webs." You tell him.
You're not even grinning. You're serious about this.
" I'm still lost. Why a spider?"
" I just told you. It'd be funny. A spider as Spiderpeople HQ's lil mascot. There's also these adorable jumping spiders. They're cute. And small. And a spider." 
He sighs, rubbing his face in his free hand before deciding to give up and continue to eat.
" No. No spider pet at Spider HQ. You can pet Spider-Cat whenever he's here. That's more than enough." 
As if to save him from this hard parenting moment, ( He kinda wants to give into you, give you the world, but this was just a blatantly bad idea. Even by your standard.) A new anomaly pops up on his radar. And coincidentally,  you just finished your food. ( You're always scarfing it down instead of eating it at a normal pace. Something that has to do with Toxin he believes.)
" What about a frog? Nah jumping spider's more fun-"
" No. No frog, no spider. Also, an anomaly just popped onto the radar. A Sandman variant. Earth-632. Have fun. Bring one of your buddies if you want, I'm here if you need back up." He tells you.
You hum, licking your fingers clean before wiping them on your pants.
" Can we eat them?" You ask as you start messing with your watch.
" No. No eating people." 
" Was worth a try." He hears you mumble.
" No it really wasn't. " He tells you in return.
You roll your eyes.
" Whatever. Don't miss us too much!" You call before Toxin's form envelops you completely right as a gateway forms.
Soon enough you've jumped through, and Miguel finds himself opening up yet another screen to monitor your mission, seeing as you've gone alone. 
A rare smile makes it once his face though. Yeah he's soft for you. And maybe he should look intk those jumping spiders. Just for the heck of it....
[ A/N: Am currently on Vacay so all my usual stuff is on hold for a bit. Also I've seen the requests and am working on them : ).]
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brawltogethernow · 9 months
Who is your least favorite spider-man writer and artist and your most favorite artist and writer of spider-man?
Picking favorites feels surprisingly tricky, not because I can't but because Buscema edges out Romita on art but Conway edges out DeMatteis on writing (by dint of spending thirty straight years + 20 more off and on kicking my ass and how when he falls on his ass it remains fun for me), and these names next to each other are nothing. This is a stupid combination. Really highlights how superhero comics are made by teams and a single dude cannot guarantee quality if they're not vibing with the rest of the carpool. But if I'm picking a team the seventies beats the nineties, and it's sooo disingenuous to try to narrow down one pair of names when that era was Lee/Romita bleeding into Lee/Conway/Romita into Conway/Romita/Kane, also every few issues Mooney dips in to push the Peter having pretty eyelashes agenda and then leaves. Like some of the best art in this era had Kane doing pencils and Romita inking, and I like their combined style more than Romita penciling his own work if we're talking the period where he was still a full time illustrator, but I midkey dislike Kane's pencils inked by everybody else. I looked up who was illustrating 90's Web with Conway on scripts and it turns out the art I like best is a penciler and inker team and the quality takes a dive whenever either of them takes a month off and leaves the other one in a substitute's hands. You know! Team efforts! Anyway here are some iconic combinations in no order cherry picked to cut out overlap and sneak more people in.
Yes Please:
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SSM #180
There's a rhythm to this team's work I've full stop never seen anywhere else.
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ASM #83
The Vibe.
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ASM #145
The number of times Gerry Conway has kicked my ass. u_u With Romita Sr. and Andru the most distinctive art trait is the faces - Andru's were never as doll-perfect as Romita's, and that's kind of the best thing about them?
Now guys I hate on the other hand. Way less complex. Debated whether to answer this because I try not to go on about who in the industry sucks at their job but this is not because I couldn't.
Please No:
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ASM (2018) #30
It should have been difficult to outdo the preceding run, but writing that was simultaneously nonsensical and insulting, deflated pacing where each issue achieved about as much as a single newspaper strip, a teeth-first art style where every face sports a pained grimace and the meandering composition always scores a D-, and the finishing touch of colors that I can only describe as Averaging Out to Oatmeal...combined to create some of the worst comics I've ever seen. Spencer and I appreciate so many of the same comics and his understanding of what makes them good is so poor that it's almost like receiving a personalized hate letter.
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ASM #546
He can write well which just makes it worse. I don't even know where to start enumerating his crimes. Like do I just pick one anecdote? When there are so many?
Land (the porn trace guy)
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Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #2 but I could have opened anything and found a bad traced yelling face
You know. The guy. Who traces from porn. That guy. He remains gainfully employed despite being known for this. Does he have dirt on an important executive?
Campbell (yes he watermarked the one on the left two separate times AFTER signing it)
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ASM (2018) #2 variant, Renew Your Vows #11 variant
If you're distant from the recent comics scene it's hard to convey how omnipresent this guy is. He's like the comic sans of artists. After having the way he draws women ripped to shreds by social media over a decade ago, Campbell doubled down and has since then drawn hundreds of pinups of identical women in invisible high heels making the exact same face. Singlehandedly a huge factor in how people visualize MJ becoming "skinny carrot top with a pointy chin and freckles". He's proud of this.
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minthara · 3 months
really long personal answer to an anon i got. trigger warnings in the tags.
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First of all i wanna apologise to everyone who follows me for the last few days lmao, but i feel like if i dont post about it im literally gonna kill myself. I need somewhere to write down my thoughts because i feel bad always going to the same 2 friends i still have and complain about the same situation again and again about a dude they dont even know that well.
Thank you so much for ur message really, and sorry if im gonna take it as another excuse to write down all my thoughts, but i think it will really help me.
So the pathetic thing. I didnt ever post about this and in real life i think only like. 3 people knew. But after we broke up i begged him for months to take me back. It really was pathetic. And when he called me pathetic i think he was just very very hurt, because that was the second time i broke up with him (just a few weeks ago). It was in the sense of me begging him for so long just to break up again a few months later. I feel fucking stupid even writing this. I spent about 10k euros trying to get away from him, it fucked up my life so massively that i lost a job i really loved over it.
And now my new job is about 5 minutes away from our old apartment and i think thats a huge reason why i cant get over it. Every day i walk past restaurants, the supermarkets, anything we went to together. I had to buy snacks for work today and just burst into tears in the fucking supermarket because we used to go there together. The people at work are always so appreciative bc i know the area so well but they dont know how much it fucking hurts me and its so stupid like. Should i just avoid that part of town forever??? No fucking get over it bitch like wtf its a fucking supermarket.
And it also hurts because i know i wasnt always perfect and there were many times i was super mean to him. But at a point i couldnt deal with his ADHD anymore and that sounds so shitty but im a super organised person to the point where sometimes i wonder if thers anything ocd related but i dont think so. In my head i swap between i have ocd, i have adhd, i have borderline, i have autism  - i have no idea whats wrong with me, but the way i feel cant be normal. I know this because the way i behave isnt normal, i know i can come across as really strange, i cant judge social situations well and often dont know how to behave. But i constantly criticised him for symptoms of his mental illnesss.
But i never physically hurt him, and that was the last straw for me, why i left. I dont know how u can do that to a person you love.
And im just mourning the life i thought i was going to have so, so, so much. I know on tumblr ppl somehow think youre brainwashed when you want a traditional marriage and kids and stuff, but i really thought that was going to happen in the next 2 / 3 years, thats how i planned my life since i was fucking 21 and i met him. And now im almost 27, and i cant even go on dates because i cannot bear talking to new people because all i want is a clone of him but better.
I know i will look back at this and think “u cried about THAT guy???” in a few years, because thats how its always been in my life lol (except for one relationship, but were still really really best friends). I always think afterwards i will never love someone that much again. But it hits so much harder because it was such a serious relationship lol i really wanted to marry him. Sobs lol.
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katethevampire · 5 months
All right so the new episodes just came out like 20 minutes ago for me (oh yeah me from the future here it ended up taking me about 3 hours to finish watching the episodes cuz I kept pausing to write stuff in between so uh yeah lol) so everything under the cut will be my live reaction to everything. I'll add time stamps so you know where I'm at in the episodes. I can guarantee you that I will be sticking to my promise about potentially eating paper if I'm wrong about Sir Pentious not dying. Which honestly now I'm not sure if anyone will die, it was pretty much confirmed in a live stream that angel dust isn't going to be the one to die so my money is on one of the Angels. Also I'm using voice to text and while I'll try and fix any misspellings or wrong words I might miss them.
LOTS OF SWEARING PROBABLY also I very much abuse capslock
00:51- I love Sir Pentious looking at Keke I just thought I should mention that
01:10 aw Alastor was sleepy you guys woke him up!
01:29- he did the gay little hand thing
01:50- okay so I've already seen this part because of the small leak but I cannot get over the fact that Alastor has his shoes on the bed!! Like man take those off you're getting it dirty!!!!
01:59- mfs kicking his feet on the bed acting like a high school girl about to ask out her crush on the phone at a sleepover like dude you're a serial killer you can't do this to me 😭 also I should probably slow down cuz I'm making an update literally every 2 seconds
2:33- Alasto be like "it's called masking deary. Ever heard of it?"
2:44- if he wasn't saying this in such an evil manner right now I'd be saying he's so me frfr
3:07- what do I even say to that line. He popped off but also like respectfully I think I've heard a third grader say the exact same thing
3:53- OKAY SO I WAS GOING TO SAY SOMETHING BUT I'VE COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN LOOK AT THIS FRAME, this could easily be the profile picture for someone's film review channel and I'm not 100% sure that people will understand what I mean by that unless you know a very specific person
04:38- Alastor is in his hat man era
4:33- okay so a few things, thank you subtitles for telling me that the music is edgy I feel like just the word tense would have worked on its own but I appreciate it nonetheless. Number two, I don't like seeing the girlies be mad at each other :(
05:34 I will support my boy Sir Pentious through and through he did nothing wrong!!
06:54- not the voice I was expecting for Rosie but pop up Queen she speaks the truth
07:24- ROSIE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE ALASTOR. Also his confusion, I love him so much
11:04- she's kind of like that one Pokemon
11:13- catabettes! Cannibals and catabettes!!! This is going into my vocabulary from now on. Also this frame that I paused at I love her face.
11:57- ugh, susan. All my homies hate Susan
12:54- I have a dream, I'm here to cause a scandal in the cannibal square
13:37- :( well it wasn't obvious to me I just thought the x over the eye was to look cool :(
15:26 If this song came out years ago I know for a fact there would have been an undertale parody version of it. Also I just got a cosmic brownie and some chocolate milk let's go guys we're eating good tonight
16:30- therapist Rosie is not something I thought I'd be seeing today but honestly I love it. Also I don't think I'm going to be able to finish these episodes today because I'm only a little over 15 minutes through and I've been watching for like almost over half an hour and also I just realized that what if Lucifer is the one that dies?
19:38 I'm going crazy I'm going insane right now bro literally what how I don't know what to say I love this act I don't know, it's just really good I don't know what to say like this is cool I don't I DON'T KNOW! IT'S I I LIKE IT everybody in cannibal town is cool and I like them and it's like 10 seconds later now and they're literally So based like free food like so me I don't know I'm just rambling at this point
21:06- alastor, you know it's not right to make someone your political puppet. Your little dances are cute though so I'll allow it for now.
I don't know why it thought I was speaking Spanish for a second but anyways that episode was really cute and good and I liked it but I'm also scared for the next episode cuz like now I'm wondering is someone actually going to die or were people just lying. I feel like either Adam is going to be the one to die or it's going to be Lucifer cuz they mentioned a lot in the previous episode about how Charlie needs to take up the throne and get ready to take her place on the throne like why does she need to take her place on the throne? Isn't that her dad's job??? Please don't kill Lucifer off please please please 🙏 also I'm still not on board and probably will never will be on the whole political puppet thing. Like I just know I just have a feeling in my bones that alastor's favor is going to be something like "Let me be the ruler of hell lololol" or something anyways
01:01-Why are you watching other men get fucked?🤨 (/j)
01:19 🥺 I love 🥺 I oove him so 🥺 so much 🥺🥺🥺 does he have a spatula like spongebob
02:02- wait so how is Vox watching them like does he have bug cameras in the air like those little guys in v3 (woah now I have to put a Danganronpa spoiler on this)
04:18- I'm not even the biggest huskerdust shipper but awwwww also I don't ship him with anyone but I just want to see Sir Pentious happy pleaseeee also the little Melody of loser baby in the background
04:48- ugh I am clutching my heart right now Sir Pentious is my SON and I LOVE HIM
04:58- what the fuck that ao3 tag was canon this WHOLE TIME???? WHEN DID YOU GUYS HEAR ABOUT THIS?????
05:05- I told you angel dust wasn't going to die
05:38- it's like the song but different! Reprise it's called a reprise also is Mimzy gonna come back
07:15- Vox, you know that you guys are going to die if they lose too right?
Okay I can't timestamp this cuz I'll just be pausing every 2 seconds but just know that everything I'm saying after this is from 07:52 to whatever number I put after later right here->09:47
Okay, so this might be a weird comparison but you know like My Little pony Battle scenes? This feels like that in the very best way possible where they have the scenes with all the different characters fighting with the different music.
Oh my God yes Cherry bomb and angel dust I love them also that was a fire transition also I JUST NOTICED THAT SIR PENTIOUS HAT ALSO HAS THE EYE DOES HE JUST HAVE I HATS FOR EVERY OCCASION
Uh oh Adams angry he's going to do a my hero academia
Oh shit it actually worked that's not good.
Oh my God that is such a cool shot guys someone should make that frame of Alastor their computer background
Guys I think Adam's going to die
😨 okay so Alastor's microphone just broke and I paused it to add that emoji but as I did the people I live with got home so I'm going to have to pause it for there? I'll update if I get prime working on my phone. Also isn't alastor's microphone alive? Maybe that's the character that died.
Update: all right I got it set up on my phone about 30 minutes later now we're resuming
09:47- okay so I think it's interesting that Alastor pretty much lost all his powers as soon as his microphone broke, my guess is probably that whoever has his soul (lilith, eve, or anyone else) gave the mic to him.
09:53- I like the detail that Alastor is still smiling even though he literally just got slammed against the wall, also Vox has the biggest hate boner for Alastor like
10:02- Alastor: "Have to disagree with you there, radio's not dead." Hun you are bleeding out I'm sorry but I don't think you can gaslight girlboss your way out of this one, also I'm sorry to tell you but the only thing they play on my local radio station now besides music is like, a show that's only on at like 7 in the morning where people call to complain about how their husband wraps Christmas presents
10:38- haha silly also EGGS!!
11:12- no no no Sir Pentious you better not I don't want to eat paper
11:21- good for him
12:03- okay this is really cool but is he actually dead cuz I'll legitimately be really sad if so
12:50- *that one vine* "*gasp* Adam."
14:12 yes Vaggie, queen shit
14:44- gasp! His face!
15:00- he is, so stupid. I love him.
15:51-okay I went quiet for a minute cuz there were so much happening but oh my God what do I even say this is just so cool also I don't know if this is intentional or not but the blood stain on Charlie's hair is shaped like an apple
17:08- wait okay I had a brief thought that maybe lute was actually Eve but I think I'm wrong on that
17:13- Sir Pentious would've liked pancakes :((((((
Ad Time! I don't care about hard Rock Cafe I just want to know whether or not Sir Pentious is actually dead please I'm going through all the stages of grief right now and Brandan Rogers just came on my screen as Katie killjoy please
18:04- Keke :(
Oh my God they're going to find him in the rubble right? ... Right?? Right guys right???????
18:10- fat nuggets survived that's good I see a rock that looks suspiciously shaped like Sir Pentious military hat whoa guys I wonder if that means anything and it looks like it's up like someone is standing? Whoa I wonder if they'll check behind that rock please
18:16- wait is he actually dead I'm genuinely about to cry
19:16- I am not crying about his death until the episode ends I am not crying until it is 100% CONFIRMED that he died
20:50- omg alastor's alive, he's in his Jack's skeleton era that means that maybe Sir Pentious is also-
21:08- friends :) he said friends just saying
22:34- you're telling me Lilith was just doing hot girl shit on the beach for 7 years.
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thenamessparkplug · 3 months
The Bad, The Worse, and The Downright Idiotic
A Wiatt Nicholson Analysis
DISCLAIMERS!! : One, I have absolutely nothing against any of the writers on this show! You all are doing a fantastic job for how small this series is and I do genuinely adore the work you guys do < 3. Second, I want to make it clear that I do not condone anything Sara has done on her own terms. And she has done bad things on her own terms. She has done horrible things and I do not think that should be brushed under the rug. I do, however, believe her to be redeemable. 
(side note I did get a lil sidetracked when talking about sara, whom I also have strong feelings towards and'll prolly get her own rant in the future)
What has Wiatt done?
Now Wiatt seems to have his heart in the right place, however good intentions hardly amount to much when your actions directly cause death, suffering, and irreversible damage.  
He can’t tell that so much of what’s going on is because Litho knows he’s going to lead people directly into his own plans. This especially became evident in the last episode. Did he not remember the risks of anything relating to Litho?? Why on earth would he think it was safe for Pen, Lisa, or even Hayden whom narrowly survived? 
I know by this point to take everything character’s say with a grain of salt (and I know this isn’t directly Wiatt’s fault either), but I really wanna get into what Hayden said while yelling at Wiatt. He states that since he arrived at dreamworld, someone has gone missing every week. Wiatt has worked here for at least a year. Even considering taking a month off for the collapse fiasco, that is 47 weeks. 47 people. THAT IS INSANE. Even cutting that number in half for hyperbole’s sake that’s still 23 missing people since Wiatt started. Jesus christ man. 
What else has he done? He broke Starlight after recklessly jumping into a hole, got wtdw!rainbott seemingly mindwiped, recorded entirely private and frankly unrelated moments and UPLOADED them, been responsible for the deaths of his coworkers (to name a few anyways), and what does he have to show for it? A police station that thinks he’s insane. He couldn’t possibly have been more tactless trying to convince them to begin an investigation. 
It seems he thinks that because the people he’s against are bad, that automatically makes him good - in the right - but he is so blinded by his sense of a binary wrong and right he fails to see the horrible things he himself has caused. 
Against the Antagonist
I wanna talk about Sara for a second. From what we’ve learned thus far, and I know we haven’t gotten all that many Sara scenes, almost all of what Sara does seems to be attempting to clean up a mess she made many years ago, in comparison to Wiatt who does absolutely nothing but stir the pot.
Sara is stuck here; she is bound to Litho and cannot escape no matter how hard she wants to. She had friends. She’s doing what Litho wants because she has to. We saw what happened when she tried to defy him. Wiatt is only here because of one connection, but could literally leave whenever he wants no harm no foul.
Now the Norman thing I am curious about, because so far, I can’t figure out why 1. she killed him in the first place and certainly 2. why she kept the footage of it. She never seemed to hate Norman, if anything she would be against him for clearly being infatuated with Andrew, and I can’t really blame her for that? I mean nothing is enough to justify murder, but it wouldn’t be in cold blood. I’m also assuming this is before Dreamworld Entertainment due to the fact that Norman seemingly had no involvement. Another odd thing not only was he rebuilt to look exactly like he did when he was alive, but he retained all of his memories as well, and was given a higher power among the staff of Watchful Eye Toys, with memory control himself.
Whatever happened during his death must have been important.
But back to Wiatt. All of Sara actions, albeit terrible, were calculated and she did what she believed was necessary. Wiatt has no concept that his actions have consequences, so all he does is messy things up, making everything far worse than it needed to be.
Why should I care? (Comparison to Eric)
At the very beginning when Eric is first introduced, we are given no reason to care at all about him. I mean, we know he was friends with Lewis but that’s not enough to really grow any attachment to him. We start learning little facts about him, but when it really clicks is during the secret tapes.
Seeing Eric outside of the main plot, his real personality, his hopes, his dreams, his struggles starting from a young age up until how he is today. We’re given the chance to build connections with him and see him as a real person, a character with depth. Knowing his motivations and what built him makes it so easy to grow extremely attached, making any horrific things hit much harder.
Now moving back to Wiatt, we really don’t get to see the real him. We see him once interacting with Lewis, but even that was simply for plot relevance. We really know nothing about him. Even his transition, which would be so easy to capitalize on seeing as the viewership of Dreamworld is highly LGBTQ+, and many people would relate. But we get more about Mike’s transition than Wiatt, and he’s only ever had one real scene as himself.
That’s not even dipping into who Wiatt is as a person. What are his passions? Who are his loved ones outside of just Lewis? What was school like for him? What got him into the mechanic business? Who took care of him after his parents died? I understand this can be hard to smoothly integrate into a story but look how well it worked with Eric’s tapes.
Now this is getting much more into the writing side of the show, but I think something that's kind of lacking is character building filler. As much as having a concise plot is nice, without scenes or even full episodes dedicated to fleshing out our cast, it makes it really difficult to connect.
There’s so so much of his character to explore that we just never get into, and it kinda makes it hard to root for him when there’s nothing backing his character. Just like, a few more tapes of Wiatt would be plenty, something outside of Lewis. I would love to see his relationships with other characters (you cannot build a sense of character off one single relationship), how he views himself, just anything.
Its incredibly difficult to analyze a character when they seemingly have no depth.
In Conclusion
I am not a fan of Wiatt as it currently is (understatement of the year), but good god am I persuadable. I just want Dreamworld to give me a reason to root for him. Something to sympathize with, relate to. Have him improve. Allow him to realize his mistakes, and become a better person for that.
I don’t think he’s a lost cause.
But give me a reason to believe that.
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sydalelys01 · 10 months
Impopular opnion of spanish Daemyra Fandom
As I told you, my native language is Spanish, so a while ago I started looking for daemyra fics in that language, I'll tell you, I've been reading fics from different fandoms since I was approximately 12 years old… hahaha it's not something to be proud , but hey… so I've been reading on various platforms for years, especially one of the famous orange icon, wattpad, well hahahahaha it was one of the worst decisions I've made in my life, so if you plan to look for daemyra fics in Spanish especially on said platform, do not do it , So..like I don't want you to make the same decision as me, I will tell you about the bestialities that I have come across and I will try to explain how the brain of these great brilliant minds of our century works…..
I clarify this is not I hate no one specifically and as the saying goes in my country "A quien le caiga el saco que se lo ponga"...and it is not with the purpose of detracting their work, after all, a lot of time is invested in writing a story… what I will "criticize" is how the fandom in Spanish has visualized the daemyra that I am not saying that in the fandom in English it does not have it that way and I have been to both and I can 100% assure you that it is not the same.. .There is a very large range between the two, well I will list what the fandom is like in Spanish and what their fics reflect (I emphasize that not only is the fandom Spanish, but also English, but in Spanish most of the stories are like this):
the vast majority of fics are based on the shittyshow and you already know how that looks, right?
they have in their mind that blacks are a perfect and united family, that they all love each other and that they lack malice and ambitions (yes, this includes corlys and daemon)
They faithfully believe that Daemon loves Rhaenyra's bastards (it doesn't matter whose children they are) more than his own biological children (the twins and our perfect princes) and that if the dance had not taken place, Daemon would give darksister, to the bastard 2.
It is a fact that the bastards have to exist YES or YES, although they claim that it is a 100% daemyra story if they do not include them as children of the Strong or they include them as children of daemon… or children of cole… That almost never happens but it does…
Daemyra can NEVER BUT NEVER be together from the beginning, they always find a way to separate them even in fics where the universe is not asoif's (AU fics)
THEY LOVE TO PUT RHAENYRA CHEATING DAEMON (either with alicent, criston, harwin, aegon II, aemond, etc), and the worst thing do you know what it is?, that Daemon always forgives her… hey but don't be that Daemon who deceived her….well you know
THEY HATE THE CHILDREN BORN BETWEEN DAEMON AND RHAENYRA (with the exception of Visenya… who always pairs her with the one-eyed dude)…. and the worst thing is that they lie to you saying that they adore them… when in their fics a living room furniture is more relevant than those children… but they are small children… they cannot have a leading role… they are a kind of Peter Pan for them… I don't know.
The fic claims to have Daemyra as the protagonist but focuses more on the story of the bastards with their uncles ahhh and obviously the twins are their accessories, they are like Ken (the twins) and Barbie (the bastards) ….BARBIE IS EVERYTHING HE IS JUST KEN.
THEY HAVE A FALSE MORALITY that rivals those of the septons, that if you say something against what they say, you are misogynist… when in their works they are an ode to misogyny… but well, they are disguised as "sexual freedom".
hahahaha well, there will be others that escape me, but as I tell you, I am aware that it is fiction and everyone is free to write what they want, but do not lie to your readers about a great love story, Daemyra, when the true love story is with others, I come here to read a Daemyra love story, not to see how they fuck everyone except them as a couple, for that I read a fic about those specific couples.
But hey if everyone want to read that and it's what they're looking for, its perfect… and before they come and tell me "if you don't like it, write your own story, don't bother others" in the first place I don't bother them I just say… WTF!… when I look at it and I pass from afar… but I still have the right to give an opinion on how the fandom visualizes the couple (which is valid I am NOT invalidating it at any time), which is far from mine and As your way of thinking is valid, mine is too.
If you agree with what I'm saying, tell me if you've read these kinds of stories, tell me the DISTURBING one you've ever read…
Kisses… if you want to fight let me know later, right now I'm not in the mood😘
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prnanxiety · 1 month
So, this morning we had a patient on our unit who's whole personality is more or less being a handful. Outside the hospital he held some kind of kitchen knife to his son, threatening him with his life. He was also going on about how he was going to kill the son's cat, cut him up into little pieces. The guy's grandma called the cops on him and brought him to us.
Patients who enter this kind of crisis state normally show up at the hospital, get sedatives in the ED, transfer up to us, get more sedatives, sleep, eat, sleep, eat, they're fine. They've calmed down, they're out of whatever was going on and happening to them outside the hospital, they're pissed off that they're in the hospital and can't leave, but they've, for the most part, chilled out.
This patient's got lots of anger over being committed. Not uncommon. Patient's in the hall, glaring staff, clearly getting agitated. So we go get my coworker, who's the guy's nurse. My coworker, big beefy guy who's been doing this for decades, went to see this patient to try to talk things out. I didn't hear what was happening in the room, but suddenly I hear my coworker raising his voice. Like really raised, not quite shouting, but the patient got a wicked response out of my guy. We had to pull my coworker out of the room and swap him out for a different nurse.
I talked with him a bit in the nurse's station about what happened. The patient, apparently, started describing in detail how he was gonna kill the cat. Cutting him up, etc. I've seen the patient and the way he talks to people, he's clearly trying to scare, shock, and intimidate people. He may also be serious about killing the cat, but he's also serious about publicly being the kind of guy who would do that.
It really got a reaction out of my coworker, and as he was talking about it, I came to understand why. My coworker, mid 50's with a lifelong panic disorder, has gotten into some truly life or death fights in his career. So have a lot of the older nurses and techs. One of the techs I know apparently was hospitalized and was out on leave for more than 2 months because of a beating she took from a patient I never met here, and my coworker was the one who had to tackle the patient in that moment. That was maybe a year ago, I think.
Lots of the older nurses I meet have issues like that. They just do not like people standing behind them. And that's something I have to reconcile with, because that's not me yet. Yeah, I've been here getting some excellent reviews, yeah I'm proud of myself. I like to think I'm good at spotting patients who are going to escalate into violence and investing time in them to make sure they can be talked down when it comes to that. But I also have been around when nurses are attacked by patients out of the blue.
I can never allow myself to accept that it's skill alone that's kept me from ever getting jumped. If I spend my career here, it's not a possibility, its a guarantee. Yeah, okay, technically this nurse was slipping by letting the patient get to him, but I cannot now nor ever criticize the guy. He was stressed out for the same reason patients get stressed out.
As for the patient, later found out he's normally on a long acting injection that he hasn't been taking. He's a clear example of what people mean when they say people suffering from psychosis aren't inherently violent. Doesn't mean they're never violent; last paper I saw on the subject showed they were, I think, as prone to episodes of violence as the general public, which is, what, 6% of the public? Give or take 1%? This guy in particular is just so god damned focus on killing his son's cat and threatening his son with his life, and it seems like its independent of psychosis. I don't know his history, and I've seen what horrible things institutionalization does to people... But I almost think we should discharge him to policy custody. Because damn, if it's not psychotic paranoia, then what the fuck do you have against his cat, dude?
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stripedwolf88 · 1 month
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Yay! More tag games! Thank you for tagging me @bettysgarden12.
1.Are you named after anyone? I am not! But I am named after a bird. The quetzal to be specific.
2. When was the last time I cried? Um. I honestly don't remember. Maybe a few weeks ago?
3. Do you have kids? Nope. I am way too young. I would like to be a parent one day though.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yeah I think so. Mostly when I am really comfortable with who I am speaking to or when someone is pissing me off.
5. What sports do you play/have you played? It has been YEARS but I used to play soccer. Nothing now.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people? Uuuuum. I guess their voice and energy? I can kind of tell whether someone is annoying or not by their voice and their energy and for some reason those things are intertwined for me.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Oh happy endings all the way, my dudes. I cannot handle scary movies unless they have a good ending amd even then I sometimes can't do it. I'm a sucker for happy ending and they never bore me. ☺
8. Any special talents? I can touch my tongue to my nose? And I can snap my fingers pretty loudly without hurting them? I don't really have any other than that.
9. Where were you born? Phoenix, Arizona. Born and raised. I've also never lived anywhere else.
10. What are your hobbies? I like to read, write, draw, watch youtube, and occasionally dabble with my instruments. I can play the viola and piano. I currently have a ukulele and a guitar I'm trying to learn how to play on my own.
11. Do you have any pets? Yes. They are the family pets which makes them just as much mine as they are to the other people in my house. I have a cat and a dog. My cats is striped with a brownish grayish sandy and black color pallet. He also has slightly longer fur. My dog is some kind of blue heeler/German shepard mix. She's very vocal. Their names are Piccolo and Gigi respectively.
12. All time favorite pieces of media? I absolutely love Definitely, Maybe as I have mentioned before. I also love Pride and Prejudice the movie from 2005. My favorite books are (once again) Ask The Passengers by A.S. King and The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School by Sonora Reyes.
13. Fave subject in school? Science for middle school and my first year of high school but then English for the rest of the time.
14. Dream job? I'm not sure I have one. I think I'd like to be a therapist maybe one day or a social worker. But I'm kind of open in this deoartment.
15. Eye color? Brown. Dark brown that many people tell me they look almost black. Haha.
No pressure tags: @thearcher1003 @detective-jane-rizzoli @lyricstoojesus @dirtyrobber70 @downy-roses @missy832001 @antitheticaldreamgirl-13 @wonderrwoman00 @lovesazutara @r1ghtwhereyouleftme @speaknowmaybe @verdantsecretgardens @obliviouskara @monscrow @furby-customs
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
this is like the start to some very good mutual pining fics. why cant you date him???
ASKAOSKOAKS yk, I was thinking that if my life was a tv show the team slowburn angsty friends to lovers is having a great week because of recent developments. But basically, we met almost exactly 12 years ago, we bonded because I had a crush on his best friend at the time, he had a crush on my best friend at the time and they didn't want to date us lol and then we just stuck around. But we kinda cursed ourselves by bonding over wanting other people because there are always other people involved, he's currently in a very messy on/off relationship and they are taking some space to figure shit out, and he lives in a different city, but I live in the same city as his mom, he came to see her, we ended up spending about 10 hours together, things were said, questions were asked, feelings might've been uncovered, because I never truly thought about the possibility of me having feelings for him before Saturday, like I think he's hot, but I never thought beyond the vague awareness that I think he is attractive lol, like seriously, if you asked me last week I would've confidently said it's not like that between us, someone literally asked me on Saturday if I was his gf and I just laughed, but he went back to his city, we see each other once every 2 years at this point, I don't know how he's feeling, so like, I'm not sabotaging our friendship because I'm confused because we kissed at 5 am after a night out lol but realistically, we both had issues with long-distance relationships in the past and that's not something either one of us would be willing to get into even if without the other complications, so I can't date him logistically even if this was a thing that we multually want, which I'm honestly not sure, because I'm pretty sure he's gonna get back together with his ex, so I'm in pretend it never happened mode, repression at it's finest. But things to add to the fanfic plots: all of his exes are me in different fonts, even he can admit that, every time I break up with someone he says and I quote "you need to find someone who sees you like I do", we can't go anywhere together without someone assuming we are a couple and this has been happening the whole time we've known each other, I'm pretty sure his mom and sisters have a bet going on whether we end up together or not because of the way they react to us hanging out, we will constantly spend so long talking about absolutely nothing it was a real problem when we were teenagers because we lived like, 2 blocks away from each other, so we would walk back towards home, sit in this bench that's in the midway from my house and his and then suddenly both our parents were calling because we missed curfew by an hour but we've been sitting somewhere we can see both our houses for like, 3, like that guy cannot get me to shut up lol, we have a pact to get married in 2029 if we fail to find love until then, but we also promised to be each other best woman/man of honor, he's not big on physical touch, he doesn't like people in his space, but I'm a physical touch person, and he always lets me play with his fingers when I'm stressed and that's legit the nicest thing someone constantly does for me because sometimes I don't even notice and the dude is giving me his hand, I have a tendency to surround myself with things his favorite color when I miss him, if I'm around he constantly just looks at me to fact check whatever story he's telling because he thinks I remember more stuff about his life than he does, and I'm typing this out and thinking about the past 12 years for the past week and I'm sitting here like "for the love of god am I in a fucking 500k words slowburn friends to lover fic" I don't know, it's very complicated but here I am. I don't know if you ever watched Love, Rosie, but I feel like what I imagine Rosie felt finding the letter and calling Alex just to find out he's engaged aoskaokaoskaksasss
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foxydivaxx · 2 months
Gossip Girl AU Prequel Chapter 4
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How messed up is Zoro? The man finally tells us here. Not for the faint-hearted. Warning: Contains mentions of sex, partying, alcohol, drugs and rape.
Hello Upper East Siders. Gossip Girl here. And once again, I am here to give the delicious deets on the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite. Now onto the main course.
The summer holiday is slowly coming to an end and everyone is rushing to go get the school supplies. Now that brings the question; is Z retiring from the entertainment industry for good? Or will he just take a break and focus on being a normal kid?
I ask these questions because of the court drama that has played between his dads and his mother lately. Then there is the rumour about his record label dropping him for a supposed new It boy. From what I gathered, that was who Z hooked up with during his little rendezvous in Paris 2 years ago.
This will definitely cause tension between him and S because the two just started dating. And what’s going on with E and SU? Are those two dating or is this a friends with benefits thing? Those two have been getting real cosy these days.
Only time will tell.
Gossip Girl
"HOLY SHIT!!" The guys were going through Zoro's clothes and found some rather interesting outfits. Very sexy and revealing outfits at that. Zoro smirks. No one really knows about that other side of him besides Perona and his mother who was against it.
"How the hell were you able to bypass your mother to go clubbing?" Sukuna asks. The truth is, the others were not aware as they were busy living their lives in other parts of the globe.
"Simple. I bribed the guards and various staff members who helped me cover up. Perona knows all these club owners and various other people and also she hooked me up."
Zoro chuckles as he sips some wine. "I thought as much because Mihawk has loads of connections." says Eren. "Still, this is pretty sexy." says Sanji as he holds up the grey T-shirt that had ripped hole in front.
"Perona and the maids helped me get those slutty outfits. What I do is that I made sure mum was either not around or that she was asleep. Once the coast was clear, I would then change into my slutty outfits and do my makeup downstairs."
He then shows them a picture of himself at one of those parties. "WHOA!! DUDE YOU LOOK LIKE A FUCKING DIFFERENT PERSON!!"
Zoro chuckles. "That's not all. I had a lot of sex at those parties as well," he said. "Wait a minute. How many people are we talking about here?" His smirk broadens. "Sometimes threesomes, other times foursomes at times fivesomes. Truth be told, I almost always have sexual orgies almost every single week. Thinking about it now is making me horny."
Their eyes widen. "NO FUCKING WAY DUDE?!" Sanji just pouts. "I wish I was there." he whines. "I know right? I would kill to have a front row seat to see the crazy bad boy Zoro Roronoa in action." Zoro raises an eyebrow. "You sure you wanna see that? 'Cause I could show you how wild I can get tonight. If you want."
“Nah let’s not go there. Still it is kinda sad how you got this way.” says Sukuna. The others nodded. Zoro used to be a kind sweet kid. But now, that little boy is long dead.
Zoro smiles sadly. “I am done being nice. I am tired of being used and betrayed. So I became the guy that I am now. I no longer care anymore. So long as I can gain some form of pleasure to escape the shit in my life. Then I am fine. So long as I do not feel that pain anymore then.....it is all good. And so that's what I did to survive. Open my damn legs and let all kind of guys to fuck me senseless until I cannot remember my name that night.”
The others exchanged looks. This was the first time they would hear Zoro speak that way. Truth be told, there are still some things they do not know about him. Hearing this shocked them. Yes, they have done equally horrible things but Zoro’s situation hits different once you remember what she had done to her son.
"That woman ruined him." says Sukuna. He always sued to get into arguments with Terra a lot because he noticed how much that woman hurt her son and had enough decency within him to call her out. Sukuna may be an ass but even he would never cross that line with his own kids.
“They better let you guys win.” says Eren. Zoro nods. “Anyway enough of that. Congrats on your debut Sanji and Eren.” he said with the fakest smile plastered on his face. A couple weeks ago, Eren, Sanji and three other guys announced that they would debut as the boyband Aogiri.
Now don’t get Zoro wrong. He is happy for them, especially Sanji. But he felt this strange emptiness. Nah I can’t be jealous. He worked hard for this.
He remembers how the media often tried to pit them against each other and created a rivalry that was none existent back then. He found out weird especially since it was a well known fact that he was in love with the boy.
What he fears more than anything is the fame getting into Sanji’s head and Sanji suddenly abandoning him. Just like majority of their other friends. Like Sesshomaru. Agh….not those voices again!!
“Honey are you okay?” Sanji’s sweet voice was enough to snap him out of his trance. “Oh nothing. Just picturing you onstage.” Partially true.
Soon, Sanji and Eren get picked up by their manager and Sukuna gets called away by his dad leaving Zoro all alone.
Once the others were gone, his mask gets quickly discarded. “Why is life so hard?” he mutters as he sits on his bed, staring at the pile of clothes that lay all across the room.
He was deeply confused. One minute he was on top of the world. The next, he was a mess. Can death just come and claim me please?
“Is it me or is Zoro hiding something?” Sanji asks. He and Eren had just finished group rehearsals and were taking a break.
“Looks like I ain’t the only one that noticed.” Says Eren. “What did the woman do to him?” Marimo please don’t hurt yourself. I beg you.
Although he and Zoro have been having sex, something still felt off. He was a lot distant and rarely spoke. It seems that it could be connected to sexual trauma. It was then that Sanji remembered his own traumatic past and panicked inwardly. Did that witch sexually abuse her own son?
Meanwhile Mihawk and Arashi were busy chatting in the kitchen whilst having some coffee. “Remember when Buggy accidentally burned down part of the kitchen whilst trying to make some spaghetti for Shanks?
Arashi laughs. “Zeff almost killed him that day.” Mihawk chuckles. Nothing like reminiscing about your younger years with your childhood friend. “I can’t believe Zeff let him into the kitchen.”
Mihawk spots Zoro who had just come down the stairs and was lurking around. “Oi Zoro you okay buddy?”
The boy just stares at the ground. Arashi walks over to the boy and hugs him. “It’s okay kiddo.”
“Dad. I have a confession to make. It is related to mother.”
Both men stare at each other before staring back at the boy.
“Tell us.”
Zoro gulps. He actually wanted to tell his friends but he felt it was best to tell the dads first. “M…Mother raped me when I was 7.”
The poor boy finally breaks down in tears. The two men immediately pull him into a warm hug. “God I failed you Zoro!! Why did I not see that?!” Mihawk exclaims.
“It’s alright Mihawk. All that matters is that we protect him now.” says Arashi. Mihawk nods. “Oh that bitch is gonna pay for what she did to our son!!”
Zoro smiles. The weight has finally been lifted off his shoulders. His siblings overheard the entire conversation and were horrified. “How could mother do this?!” Miku gasps.
“Pure evil I tell you.” says Perona. “We need to protect him at all costs.” says Kuina.
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sturid · 11 months
ok y’all know that spider oc I made a while ago? I edited him a bit (a lot) and decided to post it so here it is (I cannot draw so it’s just a description)
Name: Adler Lee
Nationality: Australian
Hero name: Agent Spider
How long has he been spider-man? 13 years
Dimension: Earth-8121
Friends: Hobie, Spider Noir, Peter B, Jess (kinda), Gwen, Pav and pretty much the rest of the main cast.
Enjoys: Cooking, writing, photography, boxing, watching movies, reading, video production and sewing
Normal job: Film crew and part time bartender
Fun facts he has SPD (sensory processing disorder) and sometimes is out wearing headphones and sunglasses. He also might suddenly shut down due to it. 
He also has dyspraxia but he learned how to do things in a way where he won’t get killed while being spider-man (the spider senses helped him a lot)
Another fun fact he can play the guitar and saxophone 
Uranic (only attracted to men/masc presenting non binary people) and ftm trans.
Normal outfit:
Black loose fitting shorts with big pockets. (tight at waist, loose everywhere else. Looks like a trapezoid)
A thin green-brown checkered button down
maybe a white shirt under if he’s feeling sophisticated
all white baseball cap (backwards always)
dirty old converse
a bandaid on his nose and on his cheek (somehow always getting cuts there)
those 3d glasses from the movie theater (he loves them)
headphones around neck
Spider suit:
White to dark purple fade
white lines all over
purple lines on the hood
triangle patters at the legs
blue gloves
tinted eyeholes for SPD
microphones so he can hear better (helping for dyspraxia)
physical description:
poofy light brown hair
brown skin
prosthetic left arm (i’ll get into it later
green eyes
6 foot 4
thick accent (he also swears a lot and uses a bunch of Australian slang)
prosthetic arm
Good traits:
Charming (ish)
cool older brother energy
neutral qualities
somewhat secretive 
all over the place
bad qualities:
brutally honest
overly sarcastic
VERY blunt
harsh (if he doesn’t like you)
cunning when he wants to be
always rubbing shirt
cracks knuckles when nervous
rocks himself from side to side or back and forth
cannot sit right at all
somehow has everything that everyone needs like you need pads? dude has some of all sizes as well as tampons. Water? BOOM. Cold water bottles. he’s magical
never remembers whatever people say
yet he somehow remembers people’s habits and schedules 
speaking of schedules he never follows one unless he feels like it or it’s his normal job 
other things:
(plot hole) he either lost his right arm due to having Phocomelia syndrome which made his arm completely disappear at birth or he lost his arm while getting slammed into a building by a villain idk which yet
He’s on the olympic team for boxing and he got a few gold medals before 
His canon event was his sweet Italian next door neighbor who was basically a father figure to him.
His parents were kinda trash if we’re being honest and were the reason he swears so much (learnt habit from them)
His dad was always away and hardly came home and his mother was an alcoholic, and when his dad came home (for once) they would always argue
He would usually run away to said neighbor that died because they were very comforting and cared for him.
Goes into big brother mode whenever someone younger than him gets hurt because he also had a younger brother that
Gives everyone the most random nicknames
Bro is still shocked about being bit cause DUDE LIVES IN THE AUSTRALIAN VERSION OF NEW YORK. THERE ARE SPIDERS EVERYWHERE. he wasn’t prepared
he lives in a small apartment building with 2 cats that he loves very dearly. There are plants and candles everywhere almost looks like a wild jungle. 
he gives out keys to his apartment to other spider people if they need a place to stay
somehow a god at cooking
idk what it is but i have a feeling that if he died he would die from trying to protect jayden/cory or another spider person he cares about a lot from the spot
he prepares for everything when it comes to people visiting so he has a bunch of stim toys for people who need them 
he knows how to copy people’s personalities surprisingly well like if he doesn’t like u because you’re cocky or something he’ll act the same way to get on your nerves because he’s petty 
his universes art style is similar to super smash bros and if he was introduced to the movie it would be similar to “Agent Spider joins the party!” 
bro would probably have a crush on someone in the main group like noir or something but  adler would most likely die/get extremely injured before a confession
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sophia-sol · 2 years
things post! I haven't done this in forever!
1. I found a small group of queer birders in my city and we've gone out several times together and it's been so GOOD just chilling in nature with people who have similar values and who love birds as much as I do. And they're all more experienced than me too so can help me to see and to ID birds! Because of this group I've actually seen a number of birds I'd been desperately hoping to see one day! (kinglets!!!! sandhill cranes! a bald eagle! some real good Weird Ducks! AND MORE.)
2. Approximately forever ago I got approved to get a hysterectomy, due to a variety of issues I've been having with that whole system, and it's finally almost surgery day!! Cannot wait to yeet my uterus for good next week. This will be the most invasive surgery I've ever had so I'm also real nervous, but let's DO it. 💪
3. I'm now partway into volume four of tgcf, and this is even less a book review so I'm not going to tag it or make it its own post or anything but. tgcf is so good. SO GOOD!! I want to shove the rest of it in my brain immediately, and also take the time to dig deep and enjoy it and bask in the reading experience, and also skip over to read all the fic. All at once. So, you know, a normal experience of when I love a book too much! Also, I'm loving the structure of the narrative? We opened volume 1 with a quick high-level view of Xie Lian's hundreds of years of life, making it seem like not a big deal, then moved on to him being a chill dude doing his thing in the "current" time of the story, but every time you get more of a look into his backstory the more you're like "what the FUCK my dude!! WHAT did we gloss over!" I love this and I love the kind of person he's chosen to be despite everything that's happened. And I'm quite sure more "what the fuck" is coming, too, because I'm not even halfway done this monster of a book!
4. I got me a mastodon account, since it seemed the thing to do in the wake of all the news about what's been going on at twitter. I'm liking it so far! I haven't abandoned twitter yet but I've been posting some on mastodon of late. You can find me there at @[email protected].
5. I did a thread in the love meme, and absolutely no pressure, but if you want to comment my thread is here
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aaronafgash · 4 months
10 NEW SONGS - 2/23/24
Pretty bad week again for the new tunes, but that’s why I’m here, trying to find the diamonds in the rough. And boy, was this rough. A dishonorable mention to the new corny-ass Justin Timberlake song. Where were you when he lost all rizz? Fascinating what happens when he isn't backed by Pharrell and Timbaland. Anyways, enjoy!
1. Test It - Erika de Casier
There’s something about Erika de Casier’s music that feels mysteriously nostalgic - familiar for reasons I can’t quite pinpoint. It’s almost like I’m discovering an artist from the ‘90s that went under the radar back in the day. That being said - this song rocks. Sultry and lowkey, Erika sings in an almost-whisper, discussing how she and a potential partner need to “test” things out before fully committing. Her album was hit or miss, but this song is a clear hit. (Sidenote - worth listening to "ice" if you want to hear an all-time Andre 3000 impersonation.)
2. I Don’t Love You - Charlotte Day Wilson
Charlotte Day Wilson - who I’ll be referring to as CDW for the remainder of this blurb to avoid writing her long-ass name out again - sings with her soul. “I Don’t Love You” is a classic breakup ballad, but there are some fascinating things happening texturally on the backing production, including synth pads and sped-up samples. “It's more peaceful being heartbroken” is a devastating (but effective) lyric in the first verse. Knowing that shit is going to hurt but accepting that it’s the right thing for yourself? Damn, CDW. Bars.
3. Illusions - Jalen Ngonda
Talk about an old soul. Jalen Ngonda burst onto the R&B scene last year with his debut album Come Around and Love Me, a warm, beautiful soul album that makes you want to dance in the kitchen with your partner. He keeps the vibe going here with “Illusions”, his first release since then. The production is perfect, channeling ‘60s Motown, but his voice is the reason you want to keep listening - this dude would have been a star in any era. Whereas artists like Bruno Mars pick a decade and base an entire album / era on that, what Jalen’s doing here feels much more authentic and grounded - more reminiscent of someone like Leon Bridges.
4. High Value (feat. Ty Dolla $ign) - RJMrLA
I know literally nothing about RJMrLA, but I cannot stress enough how nice it is to hear Ty Dolla $ign collaborate with someone who isn’t a Nazi. Good West-coast beat, solid verses, and a great hook. (We’re only on the fourth song and I’m already starting to struggle. Bear with me.)
5. Britpop - A. G. Cook
A.G. Cook has been one of Charli XCX’s main collaborators for a while now. I tend to have a harder time getting into his solo work, but this is catchy, and you can definitely hear Charli over this kind of beat. We love mindless electronic music!
((Update - after some light reading, I discovered that Charli's voice is the one we hear on this song. Sick!))
6. Karma (feat. Isaiah Rashad) - SiR
TDE-labelmates SiR and Isaiah Rashad link up here for a laid back track. SiR’s recent single “No Evil” hit much harder for me, but I’m not mad at this. 
7. Flowers - Real Estate
Real Estate’s 2014 album Atlas is one of my favorite front to back records of all time, conjuring up nostalgic memories of the spring before graduating high school. Their new album, Daniel, does not live up to that billing! But “Flowers” specifically strikes me as a proper return to form for the indie rock mainstays - a breezy, chill track that just feels like summer.
8. Mine (feat. Shakka) - Ghetts
I mentioned Ghetts’ single with Sampha a few weeks ago - he dropped his full album, On Purpose, With Purpose, today, and this song was a standout. Over an uptempo, soul-sampled beat, Ghetts flows effortlessly while maintaining tactile precision with his words and cadence. Shakka provides a lovely little hook, and we even get a small backing choir supporting him.
9. NO SLACK (feat. Healy) - DLG.
Cool beat / production. Chill. I’m a Healy fan, so that’s why this popped up on my Spotify. I don’t know shit about DLG. so I have little to add here, but it’s worth a listen.
10. Fear - Logic
Cannot emphasize enough how little I want to be associated with Logic fandom, but damn, "Fear" is so good. Released a few weeks ago, I will fully admit that I slept on this. Over a funky guitar riff and a four-on-the-floor house beat, Logic sounds better than expected singing the simple “I can’t let you hold me back” hook. His nimble, brisk raps pair perfectly with the song. My only critique lies in the second half, where we get a full two minutes of a jazzy, slow motion, fully-sung outro. It’s cool! But I would have loved it if they treated it more like a brief interlude, instead of letting it consume what ends up being a majority of the track. Regardless, good job Logic!
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the-bearded-introvert · 6 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ⭐️
Thanks for sending this! 😁
1 - My fiancée
We’ve been together for almost 5 years now, and we’re getting married in 2024. I absolutely cannot imagine my life without her and I’m so lucky that I get to live with her and see her everyday. Without her, I’d have crumbled a long time ago. We also call each other Bean. It’s the little things ❤️
2 - My cats
We’ve only had Marie and Mochi for about a month and a half, but they’re a part of the family now, and we love them more than words can even describe. They’re our little friends and they make our house feel even more like a home 🐈‍⬛
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3 - My family
My family and I have had a very difficult 2023, but the one constant has been that we’re all here for each other. 2024 is shaping up to be a much better year for us, so here’s to making some good memories 🎉
4 - My friends
I have a VERY small social circle IRL, but we’re a tight-knit bunch and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I also need to give a shoutout to @eliasthemindfuck who is just an all-round incredible dude (and a fucking incredible writer) and I’m very lucky to call them my friend ☺️
5 - Sertraline
Holy shit Sertraline has been an absolute game changer for me. I was in a pretty rough spot when I started taking it last year, but the difference between me before and after Sertraline is insane. I still have rough days, but for the most part I have so much more energy and a way more positive outlook on life, and I’m getting better at handling stress aswell. I’m very very very grateful for Sertraline 💊
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saltcherry · 9 months
which is that my partner signed us up for this PTA-adjacent "parents' dinners" which we were under the impression were a few times a year, potluck-esque things designed to let parents at the school be social/make friends or whatever... sure, sounds fine.
we were notified 1 week ago that the dinner would be happening This Saturday Evening, Sorry For The Late Notice, Also This Is The Only One We Are Doing and then the organizer emailed my partner like "I know you said you would prefer to attend rather than host but we might need you to host. sorry about that!"
well I had 5 fucking months ago spent $$ on concert tickets, an event I have not experienced since 2018, and also arranged an equal amount of $$ for babysitting that night to what I spent on the tickets. This is my like, one Nice Thing for the year.
So my spouse wrote back, "we definitely cannot host a dinner since we have a previously planned event that evening. we can come to the first part, or we can host about 10 people in our yard for 'appetizers' if that would be helpful." Even though this would be hugely stressful wrt turn-around time between "hosting appetizers" and "leaving the house on time" and stressed me out greatly.
Anyway we got an email LATE LAST NIGHT requesting that we bring appetizers for 30 fucking people to one of the dinners. Dude. Appetizers for 30 people is not something I can afford to buy, nor was it something that we said we were capable of doing!!!! The amount it would cost to buy cheese and crackers for 30 people is more than the entire cost we spent on food for our fucking wedding. Which had 3 people at it, and was also in our yard. Which is the yard of a run down rental halfplex that is too small for us, which we estimated we could cram 10 people into if needed. Also we received this information again, LATE LAST NIGHT, and unlike in previous years where someone apparently organized shared childcare way ahead of time, this year that has not happened. So if we are even to attend this, we need to get last-minute ADDITIONAL 2 HOURS of childcare.... fucking laughable.
Worst organized thing ever + assumptions that I constantly run into in this community, which is that everyone has a ton of money and also organizes their entire life around like one (1) thing and can surely do lots of hard work and spend a bunch of money at the drop of a hat and never have any conflicts with anything else in their life + I hate living by so many rich people + I hate last minute plans more than almost anything + I hate being rushed and unable to feel relaxed about a thing I've been looking forward to for 5 months. :(
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