#like fuck it up flip it and reverse it
ickypuppi3 · 1 year
i love billy and i want him to be happy and human but at the same time i also think he deserves to come back as some sort of eldritch horror and just fuck shit up
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sealrock · 3 months
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the major arcana, shuffled: 4/??
THE HIGH PRIESTESS; ⤉ spirituality, higher power, mystery, subconscious ⤈ hidden motives, secrets, repressed intuition, cognitive dissonance THE EMPRESS; ⤉ motherhood, femininity, nurturing, harmony ⤈ smothering, negligence, lack of growth, insecurity THE EMPEROR; ⤉ fatherhood, structure, authority, control ⤈ tyranny, domination, recklessness, rigidity
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ziracona · 2 years
TLDR at the bottom, as I know this became very long. My apologies.
I would really like to clarify first that I am not arguing with you or attempting to make you like her and am just attempting to explain my stance since you seemed confused about specifically this: as someone who is very solidly for mage rights in the Dragon Age games and also really likes Vivienne, I do think you overestimate how many fans she has? Which is completely understandable as fandom has cooled a little bit in the last few years, which means there’s less discourse posts floating around, but it used to be that if I found Vivienne content it was vitriolic towards her—she has a canonical Ao3 tag labeled “Vivienne (Dragon Age) Is A Bitch” for example.
We’re not prone to criticizing her character on the regular because she already gets a lot of it, on about the same level as Anders (whom I also am very fond of) and most of it has already been said before.
For examples though, her arguments about mages are genuinely infuriating and make little sense.
She is fantastically racist in the game, which is also very frustrating, though to be fair to her, I’m having trouble thinking of a companion who isn’t at some point or another without ability to correct them (Dorian supporting slavery and his “elven harpy” comment towards, Cole’s “Never trust half an elf” comment which is bad regardless of if they were intending it to be about Michel, Solas and Sera’s everything unfortunately, etc. all come to mind.) Maybe Bull, Leliana, or Josie? I can’t remember them being so off the top of my head.
These things do suck and most Vivienne fans (except for a few, but typically fans who support the fantasy Catholic Church aren’t going to be the type of fans who will bother caring about a Black woman—they’ll usually go for Cullen, the white straight man who is anti-mage and who the narrative actually cares about) are very aware of her flaws, but generally we think it was a very stupid idea to have the first Black companion (that they will actually admit to being Black anyway, unlike Isabela who got whitewashed and Morrigan and Cole, who never really have the fact that they are mixed Black acknowledged or shown in the games) support the oppressive system and use her as a mouthpiece for a conservative agenda.
(Using characters as a mouthpiece for whatever agenda the devs are trying to push with little regard to their actual characters is a very common thing in Inqusition—ex. at one point they have Cole say Cullen was a “good Templar who remembered the mages are people” when Cullen literally has a line in 2 saying “Mages aren’t people like you and me.” which is a direct quote from him, and even though Cole should by all rights be terrified by Cullen. Also, all of Varric’s Inquisition characterization.)
I mean, her companion quest is just there to have you distrust her briefly (the quest is named after a classic villain line and the youth potion paper) before “surprising” the player with the the fact that she… has layers? Cares about someone? Which is so… incredibly stupid on the Dev’s parts for a variety of reasons that if I talk about now I will start getting genuinely angry over.
I also think she has some very redeeming qualities. I personally found that she was very compassionate towards an Inquisitor she was friends with. It doesn’t stop her from being opportunistic, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing necessarily. I think this bit specifically is probably something we won’t agree on however, since we have very different readings on these moments, so I’m going keep it at that.
None of this is meant to convince you to like her at all, but I wanted to explain my perspective in doing so since you seemed confused about it.
TLDR: I, and many other pro-mage Vivienne fans, are aware of her flaws, but we think that was a terrible writing decision and do see several redeemable qualities in her character. None of this is meant to sway you in your dislike of her, but I wanted to explain my perspective since you said you didn’t understand how someone could like Vivienne and be pro-mage.
(P.S. I am very sorry if any of this comes off as condescending or if this was completely unwelcome. I’m autistic and have a hard time with tone, both reading it and delivering it. I’m working on it, but I’m still not good at tone over text.)
I. I understand all of this. I’ve criticized the fact they made the first black companion a huge bitch and a bigot against her own kind from the second it became clear that was her personality? But her being the first black companion also doesn’t innately make her a good character. Being a minority doesn’t make what a character does automatically ok or less bad, and idealization is dehumanization as much as villainizing is. It makes BioWare’s writers and their decisions gross, and their agenda gross, any anyone who uses her sucking as an excuse to be racist or disproportionately hateful to only the black companion horrible, but it at the same time doesn’t just…make her good, or ok.
She’s written stupidly, but the character they made is a bigot given no real character growth who tries to ruin the advances for mage rights even if you put forth the best possible outcomes (Lelianna Divine, allied Mages) and befriended Vivienne. She straight sucks. She does. She is a bad, selfish, emotionally manipulative person with no empathy for those of her kind less privileged than her, and a species traitor. (Or whatever? Can’t think of a better thing to categorize Mages as. Class??) It’s not like I only complain about her. I’ve been just as liberal complaining about Doriana and Sera and every other fucked up choice the Devs made. If you’ve seen anything I posted the past week, you’ve probably seen me having a meltdown over how utterly unsalvagable Inquisition is as a game. As for Viv herself, she’s not devoid of good qualities. She’ll be nice if she’s your friend, you’re right, but you have to be kind of terrible to befriend her at all, and so? So is everyone on the planet. That’s what fair weather friends /are/. But beyond that, yeah. She’s not all evil. She cared about the guy she was mistress to. She’s not a monster. But she high key is a terrible person and sucks. You’re right, the devs making her quest a quote from the Queen from Snow White of all things, to encourage a player to lie to her, is fucked up. So is literally everything they did to her. So is how they treated Bull, and Dorian, and Sera, and all kinds of things. But that doesn’t make the character good.
From your own description, you don’t actually like canon Vivienne. You like the HC version you rewrote in your head. And that’s fair, and it’s a fair way to say fuck you to the devs—I do the same with Solas. But you’ll never see me not absolutely accusing the shit out of canon end game Trespasser Solas—he’s a racial supremacist genocide intellectual dude bro, which is a horrific choice for the devs to make esp considering his preTrespasser characterization, but that’s still what he was. I can ignore that and make my HCs, but I’m not going to pretend canon wasn’t what it is. It was. And I wasn’t complaining I see alternate takes on Vivienne, but that I see people talk about Canon Viv like she’s a girlboss while claiming to be pro mage, and those things just concretely do not and cannot go together. And that complaint absolutely stands. It’s cool and even good to hc and rewrite her as a different person. But that’s not canon Viv anymore then, it’s an OC that should have been in the game.
#ask#anonymous#I’m sick of people wanting to argue with me about dragon age so I’m not tagging this sorry people who filter my blog I usually put you first#but I can’t take it anymore#I am also sick of people arbitrarily liking charcaters who suck because they’re hot or because they’re X and then ignoring or excusing every#terrible thing they do or ignoring it compeltely and it happens all the time in everything and I’m allowed to be annoyed by things that#annoy me. it annoys me I don’t see people complain about Dorian being pro slavery or even hesitate to romance him over it. it annoys me Sera#is a bigot to elves and will try to forcibly convert a lover to Fantasy Catholicism or break up. it annoys me Varric is a massive bitch in#Inquisition in many ways but everyone loves him. it annoys me he refused to speak to my husband ONCE even in the event of my death to tell#him I died. it annoys me he will Stan Iza after the end of Act2 but flips on Anders like a griddle cake. it annoys me he’s a centrist and no#one criticizes that. it annoys me Aveline is a bastard cop in DA2 and I don’t see people criticize that. it annoys me Cassandra won’t tell#Mages how to reverse tranquility and no one I see talks about it. it annoys me they Tommy Gun’d Solas’ charcater from the entire game in#Trespasser and I see people stan him or hate him but no one talk about how fucked up the message the devs flipped on a dime to push with#Trespasser was. and it annoys me Vivienne is a huge bitch and a bigot but i either see people complain only that she’s mean or Stan her as a#girlboss and ignore the fact she’s specist and horribly anti mage and a class/species traitor who doesn’t get better#and it annoys me MUCH MORE than ALL of these things that the fault Leo’s with BioWare eroding it’s ethics to a point of toxicity utterly#*Lies With#unlivable and as little as I see complaints about any of the above I still see them more than people calling to break down doors if that#dumbass white Canadians’ game company and wring their necks for every horrific racist anti-minority-action centrist#fascist religious oligarchy supremacist bullshit take they shoved down every player’s throat in Inquisitiom
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foxgirltail · 1 year
You'd assume that the LDS church and Mr Smith's whole dealio would have been exposed as a sham when the alleged "alternative doctrine of Abraham and Joshua" from the Egypt papyri (+4 mummies, allegedly a Pharaoh and his house) he acquired and "translated" into the Mormon scripture titled the pearl of great price were looked at by egyptologists who determined that most of them were, in fact, just books of the dead [as well as the fact that the names Smith claimed those mummies had don't match any records in the area they were stolen from]
Despite this evidence to the contrary, the LDS church still considers the pearl of great price translations to be divinely inspired and part of their standard literature. I can't even begin to imagine what the party line to cover that whole thing up is
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
Tell me which yakuza game you get to use a beer bottle shank in. Is it yk2 because i need to feel the delight of picking some random shit off the ground and breaking it over someones head and then still being able to use it just as a knife now
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rae-writes · 5 months
angelic alteration
om brothers x reader
wc : 1.k
warnings: nsfw, corruption kink based
synopsis : when Solomon and Diavolo can't fix the problem, it's up to Mc
a/n : thought the angel event (og) could use some more spice so I poured my entire spice rack on it
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“Mc…I’m afraid we have bad news.”
You sighed into the receiver, “Yeah? You guys can’t reverse the magic, can you?”
“Nope!” Solomon chirped cheerfully, “Diavolo and Michael’s magic mixed together too strongly for us to reverse ourselves. You’ll just have to wait for them to go back to normal, or…”
“Well, this is just a theory, but what if you just corrupted the angelic magic and forced their demonic sides back out?”
“Corrupted, huh..? I like the sound of that.”
“I can feel the magic trying to stop me…how. stupidly. annoying.” Lucifer accentuated each word of his complaint with a sharp thrust, face pinched in concentration as sweat beaded at his temple. 
He’d be damned if something as trivial as a hexed bracelet from the celestial realm kept him from indulging in you, the one temptation he would never dare ignore. 
Your nails dug crescent moons into his shoulders, thighs squeezing at his hips tightly as you moaned and panted beneath him. “Lu-ci-fer! S-slow d-own!” 
He growled and sped up in response, snapping his hips into you harshly, “How dare they try to turn me back? I am the Avatar. Of. Pride!” Once again, each word was accentuated with a thrust, making his cock hit deeper and deeper each time. 
And he was so fucking proud each time he had you a moaning mess underneath him, crying out his name, begging him not to stop— you made his sin flood his entire body every time. 
An electric charge cracked through the air for a brief second before the bangle broke in half, magic forcibly shattering under Lucifer’s sheer prowess. 
He grinned sharply, capturing your legs against your chest in a mating press as he went even harder. His wings shedded to black, spanning out proudly behind him as the halo melted down into his horns. 
“I’m going to ruin you, do you hear me? You’re not leaving this bed- not tonight, or in the morning, or maybe even until tomorrow afternoon…I’m keeping you until I’ve had my fill.”
The sight of Mammon’s blue eyes peering up while his mouth was busy pleasuring you had always been a pretty sight— the shimmering halo was only a little bonus this time. 
But you wanted his horns to hold onto. “Just like that, Mams…doing so well, pretty boy.” Your hips rocked over his mouth, grinning down at him with gold flickering in your eyes. 
He was all about giving now that the bangle had taken hold, which even before, Mammon always keened when you sat on his face and just used him. 
The second born was moaning and whining and whimpering against your skin as his tongue lapped up everything he could, “Mmph- like this? ‘M I doing good, Mc?” 
“Y-yeah, baby, fuck— so good…” you carded your fingers through Mammon’s hair, feeling him get more and more excited before you lifted up off his face. 
And he was absolutely distraught with the lack of your taste, desperate cry leaving him as he tried to chase after you. “No, no, no! Mc, please, come back— wasn’t done, wanna taste you still, wanna make you feel good, please!” 
The laugh you let out made him whine even louder, fingers gripping frantically at your thighs. It was like a switch flipped, magic being overtaken by his greed. 
His eyes flickered gold like yours, a whiny growl escaping him. He forced you on your back within a second, mouth working at you even more desperately now as he held you down and took what he wanted— and he wanted to make you cum. 
“Jus’ let me, please let me make you cum— you taste so good, Mc, I don’t wanna stop. Want you to scream my name and yank my hair, grip my horns, just give me more- more, more, more!” 
A small shriek left Levi when you rammed against his prostate, hiccuped cries of your name following. His back arched, wings flaring out behind him, making you hit even deeper spots inside of him. 
With his new attitude, he’d been letting everyone else spend time with you and he was finally feeling the built up envy creep along his spine, right beside the spikes of pleasure. 
“Aww…look at you. So sweet for me, huh? Why so shy, Levi? Wasn’t this what you meant about strengthening connections?” 
Garbled sounds left him, courtesy of your fingers stuffed in his mouth. His eyes rolled back, hands gripping at your hips desperately, though it wasn’t clear if he was pushing you away or pulling you closer.
“How am I gonna know I’m doing good if you don’t tell me, ‘vi? C’mon, sweet thing, tell me. Or do you not want me?” 
It was like you asked the unthinkable. A loud whine left him and his tail returned, knocking the halo right off his head before it coiled around your abdomen. 
“No! I want you, I want you so badly, please keep fucking me— don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop!” Diamond shaped scales scattered across his body as the magic wore out. 
You cooed, thrusting into him sharply, making his body lurch, “Good boy, Leviathan..” 
“Fuck!” Satan cries out, fingers digging into his white wings to try and keep them from fluttering. His back arched almost painfully, loudly begging you to keep going. 
“Oh, look at you…” the coos that left you made him flush red, giving you a great sense of satisfaction. This was the most he’d been riled up since putting that ridiculous bangle on.
Your thighs were burning at the unforgiving pace you were riding him at, beads of sweat splashing onto his skin, so you decided to change the game a little. 
“Come on, Tannie, if you want it, work for it.” You settled your weight on top of him, ceasing your movements as you cockwarmed him instead. 
A displeased growl comes from the back of his throat, eyes snapping open with a glowing green. “Mc, move! Please!” 
Slowly, the halo above his head began to flicker and dim before it shattered, dissipating in the air. Another growl escaped him as his wings followed suit, tail lashing out like a whip. 
“That’s it— c’mon-!” You gasped when he yanked you forwards, chest pressing against his as his tail locked you in place. The only sounds that could leave you now were broken moans as he fucked you almost viciously. 
“You know how I feel about you fucking. teasing. me. Feels good doesn’t it? Yeah? Cause I’m not stopping. ‘M not stopping until I physically can’t fuck you anymore— fuck, I needed you.” 
Unabashed moans echo off the walls of Asmo’s bathroom as the fifth born writhes under your touch. The sound of water sloshing makes his cheeks burn fiery red and the sound of you moaning back at him makes it even worse. 
“W-wait! You d-don’t have to— oh!” 
“Shh, Azzy…’m just taking care of you. You were so hard and aching…could see it even though you tried to hide under the water.” 
The white feathers ruffled with pleasure (slowly shedded away and turning back), hips jerking frantically to chase the pleasure. The bangle’s magic was completely buried under how hot you made him feel and the feeling of you licking along the edges of his leathery wings increased it ten fold. 
“Yes, Mc, like that— don’t stop, just like that, just like that!” Amso curled over on you, horns knocking against your shoulder as he cried out even louder. 
You fisted his cock harder and swiped your thumb over the tip relentlessly, “Yeah? Made you feel so good, you corrupted yourself, huh? Pretty little Azzy…come on, cum.” 
The squeal he let out cracked halfway through, broken cries of your name following like a mantra. His hand encased yours, making sure you didn’t stop jerking him off. 
“K-keep going, don’t stop! Wanna cum for you again ‘n again, gotta make up for when I was giving you away to the others, please, please, let me cum again for you!”
“H-haaah…ah! M-Mc…what’re you..o-oh..doing?” 
“You said it made you happier seeing others get to eat, so…” you hummed, licking your lips before digging your tongue back into the slit of his cock, “I’m just..enjoying my meal…” 
Beel had always lost his cool when you went down on him, finding your mouth to be too good at pleasuring him. The growl he let out was something only a demon could make. 
The glowing of the bangle did nothing to deter you— in fact, you only laughed and peered up at him with the red sin of gluttony swirling through your irises. With another hum, you enveloped his cock in your mouth and forced your head as far down as you could, swallowing around him. 
He tried so hard to not buck into your mouth or grip at your head as the magic worked to keep his ravenous nature at bay, but…that’s just not who he was anymore. 
“C’mon, Beelie…want you to cum in my mouth, I wanna taste you..pretty please? Let me have it…” 
A low groan fell past his lips, hips finally jerking up and accidentally making you choke. A rushed apology was given as his fingers tangled in your hair and gently guided your head at a faster pace. 
The beating of his insectual wings was rapid as he got closer, magic completely dissipating when he let out a sound akin to a small roar, grabbing at his own horns when he came. 
Watching you pull away with visibly stuffed cheeks, slowly working on swallowing it all (though drops still ran down your chin) made a sharp pang shoot through him. 
“Thank you…you always make me feel so good, Mc…but..now ‘m hungry. Let me return the favor..wanna taste you too.” 
“A-are you sure…this is o-okay?” Belphie chokes out quietly, hands pressing down on your hips to keep you pinned to the bed with your knees bent to your sides. 
Your fingers curl in the sheets, body lurching forward at each thrust, “yeah, ‘s okay— feels good, doesn’t it? You’re doing so good, Bel…” 
The clipped whines and gasps that Belphie was making made his cheeks flair with an embarrassed flush; but you were right. It felt so. fucking. good. And he didn’t think he ever wanted to stop. 
Through the pleasure, it was easy to ignore the glowing bangle on his wrist and the voice in the back of his head telling him that he should have more reservations- that he shouldn’t be doing this— that voice wasn’t even his. Belphie wanted this, he did! 
As your hands stretched back to claw at his lower stomach, you moaned out his name and wiggled your hips, begging him to go faster. 
“Please, Bel…know you can go f-faster than this, want you to fuck me— please, please, please! Don’t wan’ you to be an angel, want you to be my demon again-!” 
Magic cracked in the air, sending the hair on the back of your neck rising before a familiar tail curled around your stomach and yanked your lower half higher up, forcing your chest further into the mattress. 
The attic bed creaked with the force he slammed into you at, whines mixing with growls now; his horns pressed against your skin as he rested his forehead against your back, making it arch even more. 
“Yeah? You want me to fuck you senseless again? Couldn’t even go a couple days without having me play with you, fuck, you’re such a slut for me.”
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jumbojazzcats93 · 5 months
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How Embarrassing... - Ghost
Summary - Ghost's pride is at risk for a little satisfaction.
Tags/Mentions - Banner by @/saradika-graphics, MDNI 18+, smut, gn!reader, sub/dom dynamics, maybe a little forceful? But not really, surprise, embarrassment @glossysoap @divine--serenity @lordlydragon @violet-phantoms @quietlyignoringyou
(I've apparently violated community guidelines with this, so I changed the gif in hopes that that's what was the issue)
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Ghost never wanted to face you during sex. Never wanted you to see his face or eyes because it was too telling. It would be a blow to his pride for you to see the dazed and desperate look in his eyes when he only wanted you to know the large and in charge side of him in bed. Doggy style was standard. When you were on top he always made you reverse it, any position like missionary or lotus and he would hold your body so close that you couldn't see his face. When fucking you from behind he would throw his head back with furrowed brows and tightly shut eyes. Biting his lip and opening his eyes, he would loll his head to the side to look down at you and whimper so softly you couldn't hear it over your own noises. If he let's you on top, it has to be reverse cowgirl. He'll have one hand gripping your hip and the other arm slung over his face while tears sting his eyes from how good it feels when you ride him.
Ghost would have to hold his breathe when initially sliding his cock into you so as not to whimper at the feeling. He would choke down most moans and try so hard to be quiet. On the rare occasion he does let a loud enough sound slip out, he would lightly chuckle " -fuuck", as a way to cover it up. If you ever tried to look back at him fucking you, he would gently grab the back if your neck and press his thumb or finger against your jaw to keep your face forward. If you tried to pull away to look at him, he would tighten the arm wrapped around your waist while the other hand would fly up, tangling into the hair on the nape of your neck and gently but firmly holding your head where it is.
It would be so embarrassing for you to see him so needy, but he knows you're becoming recklessly desperate to see his face when he fucks you. You try to be sly and initiate things randomly or hold your place instead of letting him force you to hide your face in his shoulder or neck, but it's like you know when he's about to move. You shift or adjust to counteract his grip or his reach. One day of indulging you just a little bit and it almost changes the whole dynamic in Ghosts mind. He finally agreed to kiss you during sex as long as your eyes stay closed, but he didn't know you had a whole plan.
He has you sat on his lap with your legs circling his waist, one hand on the back of his neck and the other cupping his jaw while you kiss him. He has no idea you can tell when he's about to cum, but he's panting in your mouth as you ride him and you can feel the muscles of his stomach tightening the closer he gets. His intention is to do what he always does; bury your face into his neck as he cums, but you're not feeling so compliant today. You unsuspectingly slide your hands to his shoulders and without warning push him down onto his back. He let's out a surprised grunt as his back hits the mattress and you tuck your knees against his sides, pressing your palms against the front of his shoulders to hold him down. You know he could flip you over, but you're hoping he's too stunned by your sudden defiance to react in time. "Love, what-", you quickly start bouncing on his cock again feeling his heart pounding through his whole body and for the first time ever, he let's out a barely contained moan. "Hnnnmm, Y/N-", his hands wrap around your forearms, but you suddenly lean forward and give him a sloppy open mouthed kiss. He moans again and his cock twitches inside you, "Y/N, please-" he whines desperately between your feverish kisses. "I'm-", you kiss him again and he whimpers. You pull back and see the prettiest expression on his face as you feel his cock start twitching. His eyebrows are drawn tight above hazy, fluttering doe eyes that are staring right into yours. His swollen, wet lips are slightly open as he pants and whines. You sit up and readjust your hands to rest on his chest for more support and his hips buck up involuntarily as he let's out a long, deep moan. "Please keep going.", he begs. "Please, please, please, please don't stop." He let's out a loud moan as he cums inside you, cock pulsing as you ride him through his orgasm. He looks so good like this; flushed skin sweating as he bucks involuntarily. Eyes glassy as you overstimulate him just a little, just to see more of that desperate expression. His hot cum feels so good that you almost want to force another load out of him, but you slide off of his cock and lean forward again to give him one last sloppy kiss. You run your fingers through the hair on the sides of his head and silently comfort him through his burning embarrassment. You kiss the corner of his mouth, across his cheek, under his ear and down his neck before gently kissing his lips.
He could see the new glint in your eyes, just under the look of adoration painted on your face, that told him he was going to have to fight off these little tricks a lot more now.
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silken-moonlight · 1 month
Part 4 of your werwolf best friend (Final Part)
A/N: This will be the last part of this short story! I am so glad for everyone who has loved it so far. I hope you enjoy the ending as well! (I am not used to writing happy endings, so I hope this is good.)
Also, a quick question for my next WIP... Do you guys enjoy the "You" in a story more, or would you prefer both characters to be named?
But now, back to the story!
The two of you stayed connected because of the knot for a while. From time to time he moved his hips as you tried to catch your breath. Your heart was racing. Suddenly realizing that your best friend just had cum inside of you. While the panic began to settle inside of you, he wrapped his arms around you from behind. Holding you as close as he could anbd placing lazy but tender kisses on your shoulder.
Your mind was racing, what if you'd become pregnant? What if you caught feelings…? Well too late for that, you already felt something much different than friendship for him. Damn that wolf… The fear of him leaving you, he told you werewolves do this casually…does that mean he will ‘just’ continue to be your friend after fucking you out of your own mind?
Suddenly his hand began wandering again and you could feel his cock getting harder again. You moaned, unable to form a sentence as he lazliy contionued to fuck you from behind. You both laid on your side, spooning with cock and knot buried as deep into your hot cunt as it could go. Your breathing got harder when he pinched your nipples while nibbling on your neck.
“You're so silent…” He rasped into your ear. “Do I need to fuck my pretty girl out of her mind?” He asked while licking along your neck. “My mate…” You whimpered when he bit down on your neck, his hips picked up on the pace and he began to fuck his knot deeper into you. You were unable to answer, you felt like on the verge of bursting. There was such pressure on your cervix, but it felt weirdly good and you wanted to feel more. You wanted him to go deeper and to be rougher. When his teeth set your neck free he whispered softly: “I love you, I always did, and now you're all mine…” He was in a haze, your pussy drove him mad, your scent drove him mad….and he just came so deep inside you. He bred you, surely you know must have realized how perfect he is for you..
“You love me?” You asked and a tear escaped your eye. “Always, my knot does not swell for everybody…” He whispered and fucked you faster. “I…i thought you'd leave me after your rut is over…” His laugh was raspy: “I never let you go. I bred you, my mate. I want you, more than physical. I love you "I always did.” It was such a strange situation, you cried of happyness and out of pleasure while he fucked you to your next high. “I love you too..” You answered softly. He cursed and flipped you both over so that you sat on him in reverse cowboy. “Ride me then baby, make us cum.” You whined, leaning forward and arching your back, holding onto his thighs before carefully beginning to ride his cock. You never were on top before, but by all that was holy did it feel good…
“I'm going to breed you baby, you're all mine…” He moaned as he held onto your hips, helping you fuck him better. It took only a few more moments of your hips and both of you trembled under the immense pleasure. Once again the two of you collapsed and this time you were done for. Properly fucked out of your mind and so tired. Your bestfriend, no, lover, held you close and calmed. Both of you fell asleep right then and there….
The following six months were very wholesome but incredibly stressful. You lost your job after you both forgot to call in your work. Since the two of you stayed his whole rut together fucking, which was over a week, and you didn't showed up your boss was livid. So you had to get a new job. You moved in with your best friend, quickly falling more in love with him than you thought you could. He was even sweeter now that you were his, endless evenings cuddling, hiking together…,the two of you were inseparable. You talked about the possibility of you getting pregnant…both of you wanted children…so you continued like that, taking the chances. And while he was a werewolf and maybe could smell his period, you told him you were late and that it was normal, it had not been. He had impregnated you.
So one evening you had just put the pregnancy test on his desk, unceremoniously. Just giving it to him while shifting around nervously. He stared at you, then at the test, back at you. Then he began to cry out of happyness, you cried as well. It had been a wonderful moment for the both of you.
And since then your boyfriend has treated you like royalty. Especially since you started showing. You loved being pregnant, despite all the issues coming with it. Often holding your belly.
When his next rut came around he firstly refused to sleep with you, afraid to hurt you. But when the need got too great, he built a nest. A proper nest out of pillows and blankets on your bed and basically worshiped you. He made love to you, placing his hand on your belly, being proud about having bred you. He was obsessed with it, the thought that he did that. That he made you look all this cute. He loved that he had made you glow like that.
Not even speaking about his family and pack who were more than happy. For the last part of your pregnancy you lived with him on pack territory, his pack was loveley.
Honestly you would have never thought this would happen, but you could never have been happier than with your loving -now- husband.
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shonen-brainrot · 6 months
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Dom boyfriend!Bakugo, who, after a booze-fueled bash with the boys from Bakusquad, gets a wild idea to try something fresh with you — his precious, little girlfriend.
Dom boyfriend!Bakugo, who engages in a slow make-out session with you, skillfully massaging your breasts, squeezing them from time to time through your t-shirt. He smirks and asks, "How about we let these extras have a taste of you?"
Dom boyfriend!Bakugo, who grins widely as you, super tipsy and turned on by his ministrations, enthusiastically agree with his idea, nodding your head. You're already rubbing your thighs together, feeling the warmth building between your legs.
Dom boyfriend!Bakugo, who leaves you spread on the bed and leisurely takes a seat in a nearby chair. He watches as you play with yourself, ordering Kaminari with a commanding tone to be the first to make you feel good. The other boys are already aroused, observing your slow movements on the bed, hand slipped into your shorts, head lolling back as you pleasure yourself, all while envisioning being fucked by another guy as your boyfriend watches.
Dom boyfriend!Bakugo, who sports a twisted grin as he watches Denki pull down your shorts and panties, tossing them aside before diving between your legs to eat your pretty little pussy out. Lapping at your folds and skillfully fingering you, Denki grinds his crotch against the bed, moaning pathetically as his cock grows hard within seconds. Your hand slips into his yellow hair, guiding him closer to your slick pussy , suffocating him with your folds.
Dom boyfriend!Bakugo, who growls loudly at Denki, "Oi, Pikachu, fuck her already. I wanna see your cock stuffed in her."
Dom boyfriend!Bakugo, who grunts with anticipation as he watches Denki fucking you missionary, his movements sloppy and erratic. The yellow-haired guy is clearly intoxicated by the way your pussy clenches around his cock. Begging you to let him cum inside, you glance at Bakugo, who nods with a poker face while palming his growing erection through his pants. Kaminari grunts and comes inside you, trembling all over his body, showering you with all the praises.
Dom boyfriend!Bakugo, who nods at Sero, and the black-haired guy doesn't need a second invitation. In the blink of an eye, he's on top of you, unbuckling his pants and engaging in a deep french kiss. Flipping you onto your stomach, you obediently follow, raising your ass up as he enters your pussy from behind, immediately setting a rough pace.
Dom boyfriend!Bakugo, who licks his lips as he opens his fly to fish his cock from his pants. He strokes his shaft slowly, enjoying the sight of you gripping the sheets, whining loudly while Sero pounds you vigorously in a doggy style. Sero occasionally spanks your ass, rolling his head and panting like a dog in heat when your abused pussy clamps around his cock. Bakugo revels in the overwhelming sense of control and pride, feeling his chest swell with a mix of intoxicating, twisted emotions.
Dom boyfriend!Bakugo, who grunts as Sero pulls out to finish on your ass after giving himself a few jerks. Then, Bakugo gives Kirishima a demanding glance, saying, "Come on, Eijiro, make my girl squirm on your fat cock."
Dom boyfriend!Bakugo, who licks his lips as he watches Kirishima join you on the bed. Kirishima touches your hips and waist gently, pecking your jawline and lips as he removes his pants. Red Riot lies flat on the bed and guides you on top of him in a reversed cowgirl position. Once his cock is stuffed into your slick, drenched pussy, he nudges you to lie flat against his chest. You oblige, stealing a brief glance at Bakugo, who is now fist-pumping his cock faster.
Dom boyfriend!Bakugo, who can't stop growling through clenched teeth as he feels his balls tighten while he watches his best friend's cock slowly moving in and out of your pussy. The twisted position allows Kirishima to penetrate your cunny as deeply as possible. Kirishima kisses the column of your neck, fondling one of your breasts, while his balls slap hard against the curve of your ass. You also buck your hips, meeting his rhythm provocatively, whining and rubbing your clitoris viciously.
Dom boyfriend!Bakugo, who cums hard at the same moment Kirishima does. Bakugo's cum covers his fist in a few spurts as he growls at Kaminari and Sero, commanding them to leave the room immediately. Once they comply, Bakugo gets up and walks to the bed, removing his pants. He dives between your legs, licking your clitoris and moving to your entrance where Kirishima's cock is still stuffed. Bakugo grasps Red Riot's cock and pulls it out of you, watching your juices and all the cum ooze out of your abused hole.
Dom boyfriend!Bakugo, who gives his best friend a head, moaning around Kirishima's cock. Once you roll off Kirishima and start making out with him, Bakugo finishes and moves up to kiss Kirishima slowly. The red-haired guy reciprocates the kiss, moaning passionately. After the kiss, Bakugo looks down at Red Riot and grunts, "You did so well, Eijiro. I guess you earned yourself another round. Let's make my... our girl cum again."
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klipkillakai · 2 months
omg that last post was everything you are so good at bringing an ask to life! what about *insert your fav* with a gf whose super sweet and kind to people, animals pretty much anything but in the bedroom her “reward” for being so good is that rough shit like choking spanking spit alllll that. honorable mention to her still having a sick ass praise kink 🫠🥴
rafe has always thought you were a sweet girl.
from the moment he met you he’s seen your kindness flow out of you like a stream of bright light, always kind. always considerate and well mannered.
you were his sweet girl, his.. good girl.
and you deserve a reward for that every now and then. :)
‘plap! plap! plap!’ rafe pounds into you ruthlessly, fucking you as if he hates you, as if you’ve done something wrong, it’s nearly brings you to tears, your in reverse cowboy position, rafe sitting up behind you, kissing your shoulder with a tight grip around your neck and fingers rubbing slow circles on your clit.
with every thrust you and rafe moan, god it feels sooo good, you know rafe isn’t punishing you. you haven’t done anything wrong. this is your reward, heavy passionate rough sex, nasty sex, shit you blush at when mentioned.
“that feels good huh baby? you love sitting on daddy’s dick huh?, this your reward for being such a good girl for me aint it?” you moan in reply, you feel yourself tighten around him, you love praise, you revel in it, you thrive in it. especially his, oh! you love him so much it makes you dizzy.
“lay on your belly” you hear him rasp, and your quick to do it, quickly leaning forward and pulling a pillow for your head as you lay down and arch your ass up, your getting so good at that, rafe thinks, he has to teach you when you first met, the memories of him pushing your lower back down the first time you had sex flashes through his mind and he smiles a bit.
“ass so pretty baby” he whispers, he lazily spits and it lands on his dick and a bit on your sore gaping hole, he slides himself back in with a long relieving sigh and slowly pounds into and gradually picks up his pace.
‘haa~ haa~ haa~’ each noise you make matches his pace, he’s so big, long and heavy compared to his skinny body, it surprised you at the beginning, not gonna lie, but it was such a good one.
‘slap!’ you feel his heavy hand slap your ass and you cry out, the painful sting burns in your skin, melding together perfectly like yin and yang, like sweet and sour, like the sun and moon, how different you both are, you so sweet and kind, you bright as sunshine, him so rough and mean, him dark as the moon.
he pushes you down so you lay flat on your belly, and he’s on top of you, arms beside your head and he’s looking at you, his mouth slightly agape and just staring at your pretty face, he captures your lips in a kiss and pulls away “open” he says with a grunt and you open your mouth, he spits in it and swallow and show him after “good girl” he coos and press his forehead to yours while pounding into you.
your connection is so deep, as deep as he is inside you, like his ocean blue eyes when he’s deep in thought, he feels this more than you, he’s crazy about you, he’ll never let you go, and he shows that when he fucks you, he marks you, your his territory, your his kryptonite, someone he keeps closes because he loves but also because he fears.
you start to feel that pressure build up right below your belly button, your eyes close and you bite your lip, you mewl. his hitting that perfect spot and he sees it in your face, a ping of satisfaction shoots through his spine and makes his dick throb.
“gonna cum for daddy?” you quickly nod with unshed tears in your eyes “yea?” he hums with condescension, “i know baby, jus hold it in f’me”
you softly whine and rafe sits up and flips you over, he needs to see all of you when he cums, he pushes your legs back against your head and pounds into you, the sounds of your skin slapping together ringing through the room once again, “ugh!” he moans, a chill running through his body like electricity, he’s so sensitive now and your so tight around him he wants to whine, and sometimes he does and you love it so much.
he kisses your neck, leaving marks that are soon to fully form, nipping and biting at your skin, he loves your smell, your sweat mixing in with the perfume you recently sprayed smells heavenly, he literally licks your neck, slowly dragging his tongue down it and giving you deep slow strokes to match, your toes curl, your eyes roll and you feel yourself start to cum.
tears roll down your cheeks and you hiccup and whimper, he grunts and thrusts harder and harder until you feel his nails grip into your thighs and his hips snap into you, it looks like a bullet hit him, he winces like a puppy and looks at you with so much love it makes more tears escape from your eyes.
“fuck i love you” he grunts and you feel the ropes of hot cum hit your cervix, one.. two.. three.. no four times.
he looks down his mouth forming an ‘o’ at the mess you both made together, and he slowly pulls out, watching your cream and his cum flow out of you like sweet nectar, it’s so enticing to him, like the leftover frosting in a bowl, he dips his finger in it and sucks it, salty and sweet, he leans down and kisses you, sloppily and disgustingly.. you both are soo nasty and you both couldn’t give less of a fuck.
besides in his eyes you’ll always be his good girl, no matter what.
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this miiiight be some of my best work, i told y’all i would be back, this is a little starter and i just needed to express my ongoing obsession with rafe mf cameronnnn 😭
also shoutout to who gave me this idea! thank you so much and i wish i did this inbox sooner! also i take requests guys! so request away! i’m making a master list soon so look out for that!!
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chxrryhansen · 4 months
౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊ Cherry’s concepts 9/50
Character; Steve Rogers
Kink; Breeding
Dialogue; “You look so pretty like this.”
Requested by; Anon🙊
As always, this blog contains 18+ content only, your media consumption is your own responsibility, all dark content will be labled as such. Please read at your own risk.
₊♡₊˚ 🍒・₊✧
your hands gripped the cotton bedsheets in tight fists as steve's thick hand slammed down against your ass from behind, instantly flustering your hot skin as you cried out in pleasure.
your pussy stretched around his thick cock, riding him reverse cowgirl as he thrusted his hips up into your dripping heat, the sound of clapping skin filling the room.
"fuck... thats it, you take this dick so fucking good, my sweet fuckin' whore." steve grunted, his hands moved to grip your hips, slamming you up and down on his cock, your pussy clenching around his length as your clit slapped against his balls with each bounce, his pretty blonde locks began sticking to his forehead as sweat dripped down his cheeks from the rapid pace he was fucking you at.
"your s-so big, daddy, feels s' good." you whimpered as your juices leaked out of you, creating a cream coloured ring around the base of his shaft.
"i know baby, i know. shit, look at that, creamin' all over daddys fat dick, huh? what a messy girl you are, sweetheart." he growled as his release neared, wanting nothing more than to fill you up with his hot n sticky cum.
"gonna' cum inside this cunt til its dripping down your fuckin' thighs, you fuckin' whore..yeah? you want daddys cum? such a good little slut f' me."
"p-please daddy, need it so bad, miss the way your cum fills me up daddy." you babbled as he planted his feet against the bed, beginning to relentlessly pound into your pussy, desperate to get you pregnant with his kids.
he was quick to flip you over, staring down at you as he fucked you sensually in missionary, one hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing tight as he forced you to stare into his eyes.
"you look so pretty like this, baby, all fucked out, god, i'm gonna' cum, your gonna' make me cum, oh fuck, ohhh f-fuckkk." he groaned, his hips stuttering as his warm seed began to fill you making you quiver around his length, ropes of hot cum spurting into your pussy. you whined at the feeling of his warmth stuffing you.
Steve shushed you as he leant down to catch your lips in a sloppy kiss, your tongues battled for dominance until he squeezed your throat tighter, making you gasp for breath, his tongue beginning to explore your mouth. He pulled away slowly, a trail of spit connecting your lips, the sight leaving you breathless.
"i can't wait to make you a mommy, baby, gonna' look so hot, all full and round with my kids." he rasped, his soft cock growing hard inside of you once more, growling as he began thrusting gently.
you whimpered, mentally preparing your sore cunt for round two, or three… or four.
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hannieehaee · 8 months
18+ / mdi
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content: perv!wonwoo (not super pervy but i tried my best 🫡), smut, f reader, penetrative sex, established relationship (situatuonship is mentioned but idk lets assume they're exclusive just bc i can), he's kinda a dick, etc.
wc: 905
streamer!wonwoo perv!wonwoo whose audience believes him to be a golden boy. simply a polite yet charming guy whos into video games, who just so happens to be insanely handsome. his thick rimmed glasses and wavy hair almost covering his eyes, accompanied by those wide shoulders, was able to catch the attention of all of those looking for a pretty face to look at while consuming content from their favorite video games (although many keep their eyes glued to the tiny view of wonwoo on the corner of the screen rather than the game itself).
the people watching him through the screen dont even see the half of it, though, not knowing how much of a perv he is when in real life. not so much a respectful and charming guy, but a degenerate who keeps up the act for appearances. after all, that is how he first got to you a few years back, when you, one of the few who had been a loyal viewer since before his channel blew up, decided that you just HAD to have the pretty nerd rambling about league of legends on stream.
after a few (okay, maybe more than a few) attempts at catching his attention through leaving various suggestive comments, wonwoo finally decided to take a look at your account, noting an instagram linked on your bio. after seeing that the desperate commentator he had taken a liking to seeing always punctual in his streams was a pretty girl in his area, his mind went straight to the gutter, finding his hands moving on their own to send you a message detailing his interest.
a few months later and you found yourself in a months-long situationship with the streamer, having him hit you up almost every other day when he needed 'something warm warm to stick his dick in', as he so nicely put it as he had you sitting on top of him, cockwarming him while he gamed (off-stream, of course).
having a such a well paying stay at home job had many perks, including the ability to take any day off he wanted to fuck you into his bed, somehow managing to never scare you away with his very obvious obsession with your body, drawing orgasm after orgasm out of you with little to no regard for the exhaustion you'd feel after a few hours with him. somehow the roles had reversed, with him now being the one to continuously pursue you under the vice of getting under your pants every second he could.
"n-nonu fuck. slow down, i-" you whined as he senselessly bounced you up and down on his dick, rhythm completely lost a few rounds ago.
he practically growled at your complaint, "you asked for this when you showed up wearing that tiny excuse for a skirt while i was on stream."
"you asked me over-"
"for moral support, baby. not for you to parade yourself around me knowing i wouldnt be able to hold back from taking this pussy," he breathed out, angling you slightly differently, now causing you to whine even louder at your clit being stimulated by the friction.
"does your audience know how m- agh fuck. how much of a perv you are? leaving mid stream to get your dick wet?"
your brattiness causes him to disconnect your bodies, flipping yours over to put you on your hands and elbows and ramming himself into you with no warning.
"be thankful i'm fucking you of all people baby. be thankful this pussy has such a grip on me to get you on my bed every night," he sped up as he spoke filth into your ears.
wonwoo had a special way of making you feel like an object, something which you only enjoyed when it came to him. despite being such a fucking perv, you enjoyed the dynamic you had built, allowing him to play with your body however he saw fit as long as he made you cum. and jesus christ, did he.
"fuck," you felt the end coming near and began to push yourself back against him, grinding into him as much as you could despite his clammy hands having such a tight hold on your hips.
"im gonna make you cream all around me and then im gonna fill you up. okay, baby? then im gonna go back on stream while you keep my bed w- ah fuck. warm for me. if you're a good girl for me, i'll fuck you to sleep afterwards," he rasped out, losing his rhythm even further as he neared his own high.
a few more harsh thrusts later and you were creaming around him, tightening up so much that he, too, reached his peak, filling you up and letting go of your hips, causing you to fall flat against the mattress.
"fuck. baby, never show up like that here again. i almost died," he breathed out as he tried to do a decent job at cleaning you up a bit and tucking you under the covers.
despite his perverted treatment of your body, wonwoo was always sweet to you when his mind wasnt filled with sex (which admittedly wasnt often).
"you act as if i forced you to fuck me," you retaliate despite knowing you did wear that skirt with a specific purpose in mind.
"just shut up and go to sleep, baby. you'll need your energy back soon."
n/a: this is ass im rlly bad at writing men who r not obsessed with their s/o im sorry </33
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The Window (Ch. 02)
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Tw: breeding kink, reverse harem gangbang MDNI
This is a repost sorry I’m trying to fix a broken link situation. Just ignore me.
The waiting was the worst part. You tried not to stare at the pregnancy test strip while it was still loading. A watched pot never boils, or whatever that saying was. You scrolled through your phone, you paced back and forth, and you listened to the murmuring voices on the other side of the door, eagerly awaiting the good news.
But, there wouldn’t be any celebrating. Not this month.
You threw the negative strip in the trash and tried to hold it together. You had been flipping through online baby stores, looking at cribs, watching videos about safety, and reading the towering stack of what-to-expect books that Soap’s mom had bought for you (you still hadn’t forgiven him for telling her, but you sent her a sweet thank-you card). And yet… it felt like it was all for nothing.
You imagined what it must be like for those women who got pregnant if a strong wind blew too hard that day, and you tried to fight the pang of jealousy. Then, you thought about your team. The disappointed look on their faces would be so hard to bear. But, you needed to let them know.
The door handle was cold in your hands as you popped it open and left the bathroom. When you looked up at the group, they were all sat, patiently waiting to hear what you’d come to report. It was quiet at first, and then Kyle raised his hands, an eager expression of joy on his face,
By the sudden, pained look in your eyes, he got his answer. In a flash, you were buried in Simon’s chest, wrapped in his huge arms, hearing him whisper,
“It’s alright, love. Next time.”
You felt Price’s palm on the nape of your neck, and Johnny had grabbed your hand. You fought the tears, overwhelmed by their support.
Simon broke his hug and sat down with you. You told them,
“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I just can’t seem to —”
“No, lass. I willnae sit here and listen to you blame yourself,” Johnny protested.
“Agreed,” Simon nodded, pushing a lock of your hair behind your ear.
Price sighed, and his men looked up at him for guidance. So, he said,
“We’ll just have to double our efforts. We’re not giving up, love. Don’t you worry.”
A warm hand circled around your shoulders from the other side of the sofa, and you saw Kyle’s face light up with mischief,
“I like the sound of that plan.”
And that’s how you ended up in Price’s quarters, surrounded by all of your soldiers, getting pumped full of their thick come.
Gaz was pounding his length into your body like a machine. The wet schlicking noise your pussy was making for him filled the room, mixing with the dark, deep moans from the others as they watched you take his long shaft.
You were laying on the bed, propped up a bit with your head resting on Price’s huge thigh, watching him fist his fat, uncut rod inches from your face, waiting his turn. He was petting your forehead, telling you what a pretty little girl you were and how much he was looking forward to filling you up to your limit.
Ghost sat on the edge of the bed, jerking himself off languidly, lolling his soft tongue across your nipple, sucking it when he wanted to, leaving pink marks on your skin. Meanwhile, Johnny had situated his mouth right over your clit, not really minding Gaz and his pounding, eating you like he was going to starve to death.
You’d lost count of your orgasms, but you thought you were still in the single digits. Simon’s come was already frothing, packed deep inside of you from his earlier spend, coating your walls and Gaz’s shaft as he worked. The wetness made his cock gleam like a shining popsicle, and you wanted to lick him clean.
It was so erotic, you couldn’t help but cry out,
“Mmffuck! Kyle… please. Oh, my fucking God!”
“Good girl,” he smiled, panting, “You ready for more?”
You nodded your head, turning your cheek toward John, looking for his comfort. You laid your hand on the back of Simon’s head and encouraged him to suck a little harder.
John’s warm hand pet your cheek as he looked down at you,
“Here, love. Need something to suck on? C’mon. It’ll make you feel so full, won’t it.”
He pointed his swollen head down toward your lips and let you suckle from the drooling tip, comforting yourself with his flesh, enjoying his musky taste.
You felt Johnny’s mouth begin to suck at your clit’s rigid body, using his smooth tongue to push it back and forth, making Gaz’s every thrust feel like pure electricity. Your body arched into it, and even though your grunting and screaming were muffled by the captain’s cockhead, you came with a swirling, all-encompassing bliss, letting the glittering sensation rush through your veins like a drug.
“Pretty girl,” John held your cheek gently, feeling it swell with his hardness, “You look so beautiful when you come for us.”
“Fuck,” Gaz sighed, “She’s so bloody tight. I can’t… I’m gonna fuckin’ come.”
The whole room watched as he unloaded his pleasure into you, seeing his face melt with joy, looking at how his cock had stretched its way into you, pulsing now with each drop of his thick come.
“Tha’s it. Legs up for us, bonnie girl. Cannae have Gaz’s work go to waste, hm?” Soap grinned, helping you bend your hips up into position. Then, the moment Kyle stumbled back from you, Johnny eagerly took his place.
He wasn’t just hard, he was throbbing. His cockhead was rosy and pink, pulsating with his blood flow, ready and hungry for its hole. Johnny smiled down at you, his chin shiny and dripping from his meal, covered in you from cheek to cheek. He used his fingers to gently push Gaz’s stray load back inside of you and followed it with his cock.
Johnny wasn’t nearly as long as Gaz, but he was curved just right, arched and girthy, perfect for your already-sensitive g-spot. His feral thrusting had you crying out as you pulled your mouth away from Price, turning to face him in shock. His hands were busy, too. Johnny spread your legs apart by your knees and held them aloft, trying to keep all of the wet, creamy gifts you’d been given deep inside you.
In almost no time at all, he was ready to burst inside of you. Ever since he’d begun, you’d felt like you were riding the high of one long, never-ending orgasm, and you felt your pussy clenching around him, well-used and pliant.
“Holy fuck, lass. You’re so full of us. Gonna be drippin’ outta you all night, I’ll bet.”
“Are you gonna fill me up, Johnny?” You keened, knowing how much he liked it when you teased him.
“Jesus Christ, Sparrow,” Soap’s eyes furrowed, looking lost and then… he found himself. His orgasm raced through his body, bursting from his shaft in long, hot ropes of come, spending himself into you almost violently.
Barely able to breathe, he removed himself from you as gently as he could, wiping the fluids off of his cock and shoving them back into your well-used hole.
“Si,” Price commanded, “Can you hand me the plug?”
“Aye, Captain. Here,” Simon handed him the clean, girthy vaginal plug that the captain had purchased and passed it to him.
Carefully, Price reached down and wet it at your entrance before stuffing it inside of you, sealing his men’s semen inside.
“Wait,” you breathed, trying to get your brain back online, “What about you? It’s your turn.”
You looked up at him, glassy-eyed, and he grinned,
“I think you’ve got enough in there to last you the week, little bird.”
“But…” You tried not to sound selfish, but you couldn’t figure out how to ask for what you wanted.
Simon knew what you were trying to say, and he said it for you,
“She wants you, too, Cap. Full or not.”
“She’s spent, and she needs water and rest. She doesn’t need any more of —”
“Please?” You asked, watching him get up from the bed and move to get dressed, “Please, John.”
He put his shirt back on the chair and mounted you as if he was going to fuck you, pushing himself onto your body like an animal, pinning you down. His voice was a warning,
“Are you askin’ me ‘cause you think that’s wha’ I wanna hear, Spar?”
You shook your head, whispering, reeling from his display of power,
“No, I just… want you.”
Price sighed, running a wide hand down his face and looked over at his men. It seemed like he was asking for help, or permission. You didn’t fully understand, but Ghost did.
Simon stepped into his gym shorts and motioned for Gaz and Soap to follow him,
“Gonna hop in the shower. Still watchin’ MASH later, yeah?” Ghost put his huge hand on your forehead and brushed your hair out of your face.
“Aye,” Price nodded, watching them file out.
Johnny gave you his usual kisses, one on your lips and one on your forehead,
“Makin’ you popcorn, too, bonnie. Extra butter.”
You kissed him back, smiling at the boys as they left you alone with their leader.
You turned to him, waiting for him to decide, giving him a way out,
“Hey, if you don’t want to —”
“No,” he interrupted you, resting his impossibly fat cock on your folds, the head of him reaching past your belly button, “Tha’s not it, love. I want you so bad I can barely look at you. I just don’t wanna hurt you. Gonna be sore tomorrow, soldier,” he joked, trying to take the sincerity out of his voice, rubbing your outer lips with his thumbs, massaging the stretched muscles with care.
“You won’t hurt me,” you reached down and pet his shaft with your fingertips, pressing it into your belly, caressing it with the lightest touch. Against his will, it jerked up towards your hand in response.
He eyed you for a moment before twisting the plug out of you, not as mindful as Soap, letting the wet body of the toy rest on his sheets, covered in other men’s come.
Price dipped his thumb into your swollen hole, gathering up the mix of fluids onto the pad of his finger. He grabbed you by the nape of your neck and pulled you up, presenting this offering to you. Without breaking eye contact, you sucked his thumb into your mouth, eating the warm cream off of his hand.
Then, he angled himself toward you, still holding you upright, letting you watch as his cock stretched your lips wide and tight. Happy with his position, he tucked both of his hands around the back of your neck and began to rut into you like a wild beast.
You thought he was concerned about hurting you, but he didn’t hold back. If anything, he fucked you harder, as if he was trying to teach you — or himself — some kind of lesson. It was too intense. You could feel every inch of him as if you were being fucked for the first time. Your body trembled, and your mind swam, high from the continual hit of oxytocin, the pleasure making your thoughts dreamlike and surreal.
“Such a good girl for us,” he breathed, “Watchin’ you take their come like that. Bloody gorgeous. So willing. Your body just loves our cocks, don’t it?”
You nodded, trying to gasp for air, tumbling into an orgasm hard and fast.
“Yeah?” He grunted, “Fuckin’ hell. You fit me like a goddamn glove, little bird. I can feel them inside of you. All of their come. Feels so soft. So wet…”
“John… unghhh!” You came on him, but he didn’t let up. He just fucked you right through it, letting you suffer on his muscle, riding you hard and sloppy.
“Can’t wait to see you with that full, round belly. These big, heavy tits. Will you let me taste your milk, hm? Just a taste.”
He sucked your nipple into his mouth and laved at it with his tongue, sending bolts of pleasure right to your core. You weren’t sure what had gotten into your captain, but he was out of his mind with lust. His grunting and moaning were loud and shameless, and he manhandled your body like you belonged to him. Like you were his plaything.
“You are so beautiful…” John’s voice changed its timbre, and you met his eyes. There was something else he had to tell you, but he didn’t get the chance to say it. His face twisted into a mask of blissful agony and he let himself go, pumping his come deep inside of you, screaming in loud, barking shouts, holding you so tightly to him, you could barely breathe.
He fell on you, keeping his cock buried to its hilt, pulsing in you like a second heartbeat, totally spent. With the last bit of his energy, he fumbled with the plug and replaced himself with it, rolling off of you carefully, so as not to harm you.
Hours may have passed; you had no idea. But, since the others hadn’t come looking for you, you figured time was expanding only in your mind. You were pinned to Price’s furry body, covered in his heavy muscles as his little spoon, listening to him breathe. Eventually, when you could speak in full sentences again, you spoke softly.
“John,” you kissed his palm, “Are you alright?”
“I’m fallin’ for you, little bird,” he said with a cold, calculated certainty, “We all are. Don’t know how one baby can have four fathers.”
Your heart was crushed at the disappointment in his voice, and you turned to face him,
“So, what if it has four fathers? Will you love them less?”
“No,” he shook his head, “Of course not. If you… If you asked me to, I’d sign my bloody name no matter whose baby it was. Tha’s not what I’m worried about.”
“What are you worried about?” You put your hand on his cheek, making him look at you.
“I’m worried it’ll be too much for you. That we’ll be too much for you. You should do what makes you happy, little bird.”
He rolled out of bed and put his clothes back on in silence. When he was done, he helped you sit up and gave you some water. Wrapping you in a big fluffy robe, he pulled you to your feet and squeezed your hand,
“C’mon. Let’s go watch your show. The lad’s will be waitin’ for you.”
You followed your captain out to the common room, seeing that Simon and Johnny had saved you a seat between them. You smiled, settling into the middle of the couch, watching as Price sat in his big chair, lighting a cigar and stealing some popcorn from Gaz.
You couldn’t help but think about what he had said, nor could you stop thinking about the way that he had fucked you. Absent-mindedly, out of some form of comfort, you squeezed your tired muscles around the plug, wondering what the future held for you and these men. Could you care for them all? Was that even in the realm of possibility? It was so far from the accepted norm, you couldn’t envision a life like that. But, you were no quitter. If anyone was worth trying for, it was these four soldiers, and you decided you were going to do everything you could to care for them as much as they cared for you. Normalcy be damned.
Ch. 03
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evilminji · 5 months
You know one of the purposes of Lining?
Shock Absorption.
If the Zone is the Inter- and EXTRA-Dimensional Lining, connecting, containing, and generally powering all of Multiversal Creation? The Great Primordial Soup? The Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, from which we came and too which we return?
If the Zone itself is basicly the place between Universe, where your soul goes to get washed down, cleaned up, recharged, and sent out to wherever the next random portal takes it? To BECOME whatever you happen to find? An infinte recycler and Multiversal management?
The great metaphorical Yggdrasil, grown far beyond few branches, into an incomprehensible forest of one?
That kinda changes things! And also nothing! Because it means that those who remain? Are basicly squatting in the DMV's attic. Have built bunkers, under the country's main power generator. They really SHOULD move along. Granted, there is no one to MAKE them... but like...
That's cause no one thought anyone would NEED too?
Lol. Don't they feel silly? Anyway, I'ma put MY house over-! *wander off to go squat in the rafters*
Yeah, the CONCEPTS are native. But those probably just generate naturally. It's all the Souls constantly flowing through. Lots of background Sentience and Memories and such being washed away into the air. But? Then these lil souls were like "yeah, but if THEY get to stay... me too! D:< " "no, you can-" "ME TOO" and then they stopped listening and did what they wanted.
Good thing we have literally infinte amounts of room.
T...there's so MANY, you guys.
But! Not the point here!
*smacks white board* Realities! The Die too sometimes! And get born! A beautiful process, really. You can find Reality Beads if you know When and Where to look, some times. They, OBVIOUSLY, don't last for very long. Since they are basicly just seed universe. The explosive growth takes them almost immediately out of our range of perception, as they Begin.
Foundations of all Life and such.
But good God are they MAGNIFICENT!
However, sometimes? The REVERSE happens. If you find the area of the Zone your in? Is getting... "wavey" is the best way people describe it. Distorted. Fun house mirror. As though your vision has weird wrinkles that are distorting and stretching your view of things? Get Out. FAST.
If it's only SLIGHT? Barely noticeable? You can grab your Lair. IF, and ONLY IF you are NEARBY! If not? Remember. Things can be replaced. YOU? Can not.
Cause that "wavey"-ness? Is the final stage of Realm Entropy. The universe that portion over the Zone is covering and connected too, is all hollowed out. And about to CAVE IN. You DO NOT want to be there when that happens!
Remember! You see "waves"? Fly for three days!
Get to the edge of the affected area then KEEP GOING for a full three days flight. Warn everyone in you path. We stay safe together, guy. Collapses are NO JOKE. People get... well. Let's just say it's NOT a nice way too go.
Knowing this of course? We should all be SAFE right? Respectful if Awed distance from Reality Seeds, run like he'll if "waves"? We Gucci?
*flips Whiteboard to other side, to reveal a cartoonishly drawn Supervillian labeled "Asshole"*
Behold! A Terrorist!
It's a charged word. Not used lightly. But THESE fuckers? Oh ho ho! THESE fuckers?! "Ooooh~! Look at MEEEEE! I'm gonna play with FORCES I DONT UNDERSTAAAAAAAND! Destabilize my whole funckin UNIVERSE! Kill countless TRILLIONS OF TRILLIONS! Cause life was bad to me personally and I'm mad about it! Wah wah wah!!" ASSHOLES!
These fuckers? Cause Collapses. Blow Outs. Weird Fucked Up Cancerous Real Growths. You ever seen the Cleaners? No? You don't WANT TOO. They are basically eldritch, deep sea, angler fish looking mother fuckers THE SIZE OF SOLAR SYSTEMS. They travel in SCHOOLS.
When Realities collapse, they "fall off" as it were. Detach. And have to get recycled. All the countless impurities of Life eaten way to a blank slate. So it too, can start again. Thus the Fish. But! They ALSO eat anything "problematic".
Like tumors. Cancers. Poisoned, Multiversal Threats. Those quote on quote "God Killers".
Yes. Yes this IS part of why you DONT want to be near a Collapsing Reality.
No I WON'T explain how I know.
*smack the board with pointer* pay attention.
Jason Todd. Not! An Asshole. Sexy thighs. Fancy lil hair strip. We all miss him. But! He's off living his "no really, I'm totally alive, guys" hot girl summer or whatever. We are going to respect that! But!!! How did that happen? When he was DEFINITELY Hella dead?
Superboy Prime-y Pants. Who IS an ASSHOLE.
Because THAT fucker? PUNCHED HIS REALITY SO HARD IT NEARLY SHATTERED. Oh, no, I'm sorry! He punched SOMEONE ELSE'S reality! Because he is a tantruming MAN CHILD! And NOW? Now, Your Majesty, that WHOLE ASS Reality is more hair line cracks then border walls! One good shove? It'll cave in. Killing every soul inside.
The Cleaners are ALREADY circling.
It needs to be patched. Immediately. But that's not something normal ghosts can DO. The Zone won't LISTEN to us. Nor allocate the energy for it. The Concepts of Healing? We can't even FIND them.
We need help.
Please help them, King Phantom. You're the only one who CAN.
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @hypewinter @ailithnight @mutable-manifestation @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter
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hxltic · 1 year
imagine having an attitude w miguel o’hara
Even though he’s quick to anger, and very easily irritated, he’s never had that problem with you. You were his treatment in a way. You always dealt with people in a more kind manner, so he just lets you speak until you’ve given him permission, but today it seems as though the roles have reversed.
It’s even more angering with the fact that he just can’t seem to take you seriously, your cheeks bursting red with anger and fists unconsciously clenching, but he just leans against the wall, staring at you. Through you, almost. To be fair, whatever you were mad at you would probably get over later. But that wasn’t the point. You were angry and pissed off.
And you also hadn’t seen him in a relative amount of time; Spiderman work wasn’t easy. This was something you’d come to accept when you got with him, and you don’t mind being alone, but somehow it’s brought itself to matter in this very moment.
So how did you end up bent over as he plowed into you from behind? His brain pieced together that you just needed some dick. Whenever you two were intimate in any way, the next day he’d see you extra happy, beaming even, and the memories would flash in your head every now and then.
Of course, when he kissed you the first time, you pushed him off and said he was deflecting.
He doesn’t really run away from his problems, but this one could wait.
“You’re givin’ me the silent treatment, you can’t still be mad at me amor?”
Truth be told, you were quiet because you couldn’t speak. Your neck was upright, your throat dragging back and forth on the bed sheets, and your arms were forced back into his large, calloused hands. Your eyes fall closed when you grunt in response.
If he was being honest, this wasn’t even his favorite part. It was watching the scowl on your face dissipate into ecstasy and the irritated deep sighs transform into moans each time you came.
He rectifies his position by adjusting his foot placement and dropping his tight hold to your wrists, effectively finding a deeper way into you. It was messy and rough, the stickiness around where the two of you meet and the reddening skin pure evidence. Miguel bent his body over yours so your back was flush with his carved chest.
A muffled sound fell into the bed with every snap of his hips. His hair slightly stuck to his face when he forced his mouth into your right shoulder, digging his sharp canines past your skin. Not enough to draw blood, but it hurt and left a mark nonetheless. He sucked the skin and kissed it as if soothing. The senses were too much combined with your low pain tolerance, compelling tears to swell in buds.
He groans, “Not so upset now are you? If it was dick you wanted, you could’ve just said so.” He adds, “fuck, eres una belleza.”
You couldn’t even snap back. With this he flipped you over and spread your legs wide. Before you had the time to look down, his pink tongue was sliding through your folds eagerly.
“Miguel wait-“ you attempt breathlessly, but it was no good. He ate like he’s never eaten before: pushing his face between your thighs and wrapping the plush of them over his shoulders to press both palms on your abdomen. He shook his head sloppily, continuing regardless of your pleas.
The man wasn’t satisfied until the slick of you was dripping down his chin and coating his nose. Your back arched off the bed as you came, allowing those tears to fall in streams to your ears. Of course, he continued to slurp and suck and moan as you twist your hips in an escape to shake him off, but those muscles weren’t just for show. He only moved with you and gripped harder, almost taunting you, or giving you permission to try and escape from him. You couldn’t.
It wasn’t until you were pleading for him that he considered giving you mercy.
“MiguelMiguelMiguel- fuck! c-come off please,” you’d beg, accompanied by a futile effort to push his arms away. Like he was shaking his head no, he’d shake into you.
i don’t speak spanish spare me
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moonlightndaydreams · 2 months
Yo, regular customer here, how ya doin 🤜🏼🤛🏼
So what do you ot8 would be like into you know position wise to do the deed🤭
Also could you write something any of the skz doing the deed in bathtub and wall s*x. I noticed a scarcity of them!😩
Anyways hope both sides of your pillow are cold n fluffy
Skz’s fave sex positions.
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Changbin: as much as I love thinking about him taking me from behind (cue poppin' from maniac), I honestly think he loves missionary. He want's your legs wrapped around his waist while he stares into your eyes and fucks into you. Slow, deep, rolls of the hips. That's how he fucks you. He makes little whimpers and grunts, and bites into his juicy lower lip because you feel so good around him. He watches you, taking note of all your micro-expressions, ensuring that you are enjoying every second as much as he is. He is so present when he has sex with you, and if he notices your mind is drifting off, he'll bring you back to the moment. Right now you’re the only thing that matters.
Chan: he loves all positions, but lifting you up against the wall with your legs around him is one of his faves. He’s a strong guy, let’s not forget that. He can either slowly fuck you, pulling out almost entirely before pushing back up into you… or, he can hold you under your ass and bounce you on his cock. In fact, sometimes he just likes standing in the middle of the room and bouncing you on his cock. Like a ragdoll.
Minho: Mating press or from behind in front of the mirror. Either way, he loves to watch his cock disappear and reappear out of your dripping pussy. The mating press position allows him to go deep, but he can also use the backs of your thighs to push himself off you enough to look down where you’re connected. When it’s from behind in front of a mirror he gets so caught up in watching himself, he rather likes the way his body looks when he’s body is rolling into you. His mouth hangs loose seeing how robust your sweet little cunt is when he fucks you for hours at a time. He has so much stamina. You’ll be begging him to stop from overstimulation, but he just has so much more to give. He knows no one can give it you as good as him.
Han Jisung: He loves it when you ride him. He’s the type to just let you do all the work. I mean, why wouldn’t he want to just lay there and have you use him for your own pleasure? It feels incredible for him having you squeeze and bounce on his cock, your breasts in his face. The way you pant and run out of breath gets him so hard. But I also think he’d flip you over at any moment and throw your legs over his shoulders and just rail you. He always cums inside you by the way. Always.
Hyunjin: Wall sex in an art gallery, or utilising a piece of furniture or scuplture. He just wants to drape you over things, or slide you up the wall on his cock, and fuck you slowly. He also loves shower sex. He loves spontaneous, sensual encounters. He loves variety. He closes his eyes tight when you flutter around his cock. Sex is an artistic expression for him.
Felix: Bathtub sex. He’s so thoughtful in creating a lovely setting. Candles. Bubbles. And him. He’ll get you to sit in front of him he washes your body, leaning you back to play with your nipples. Next thing you’re hanging over the side of tub while he’s fucking your brains out. Silly girl thinking it was going to sweet sex.
Seungmin: Sitting on him reverse. Just like Jisung likes to let you do all work, so does Seungmin. But I t’s out of meanness (whereas Ji likes to be lazy). He’ll get you to do all the bouncing while he watches your ass jiggle up and down. He might even squeeze a cheek or slap you a little. You don’t mind since he’s not much of a “body roller” and you can fuck yourself on whatever angle feels best… it always make him blow unexpectedly and he loves it.
Jeongin: likes to take you by surprise, by covering your mouth with his hand and pushing you onto your stomach on the couch or bed. He doesn’t want to hear a peep out of you. He’s sick like that. But it’s always consensual. You have a signal if you’re not in the mood. He’ll peel your pants down and squeeze himself into your wet warmth with your legs as close together as possible. Then he’ll just grind against you with his entire body weight on you.
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@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itsseohannbin @chansbabyg @kangnina @weareapackofstrays @xxkissesforchanniexx @enjaken @queen-in-the-shadows @bethanysnow @newhope8 @chuuchuu1224 @vanillacupcakefrosting @3rachasdomesticbanana @fun-fanfics @palindrome969 @wolfennracha @rhonnie23
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