#like girl (gender neutral)... you shouldn't have had to.
nbstevonnie · 1 year
well-meaning but ultimately misguided colleague when i mention i haven't done any work for my exam next week: but don't you want to be able to tell your supervisor that you did at least some studying? :/
me, unable to explain that i am so close to burn-out that using my free-time to spend 2-3 hours with a past paper will actually make me more likely to fail the actual exam: well, there's still this weekend and i've taken the day off before the exam so
colleague: oh, okay :)
[3 days later]
me: hold the fucking phone. my supervisor literally didn't even know what paper he was turning up for when he took the exam. he couldn't say a fucking thing to me even if he wanted to
0 notes
prettyboykatsuki · 5 months
cw for ; cheating like really bad cheating dskfsk, mind games, bisexual reader (its relevant!!!), emotional sadism, yandere in the most uncomfortable flavor, and sexuality fuckery.
readers gender is intentionally left neutral!!. @p00pdev1l tag for my beloved.
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You can feel yourself starting to cry again.
You have a headache. The noise of the izakaya is flooding out into the streets. Even with alcohol and cigarettes and other distractions, you can't help but feel like you're about to throw up. The dry-heave works itself up to your throat, and you smoke a little to shove it back down.
You were careful this time.
When you hear footsteps walk themselves next to you, and see nice black dress shoes from your gaze is downcast - you already know it's Suguru.
You feel yourself getting sick again. Your voice is hoarse, scratchy with pain and tears. You're unimaginably angry at him, and you're sure if you were a little drunker, you'd take your pocket knife to his throat.
But the words don't come. You're so frustrated you just ended up crying again, hiccuping. Something falls onto your shoulders, a jacket that smells like cologne.
That wakes you up, makes you turn your head to one side. Your heartbeat is hard and loud, and your anger is the only thing in your body. Your seething, all hard lines and rage.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
He shrugs. "It's cold. You'll get sick."
"Don't act like you give a single fuck about me, you psychopath."
His reaction to that is cold. Makes your blood run cold. "Call me whatever you want but don't say I don't care about you."
"Fuck off, Suguru," The feeling of his name is intimate in the same way knives are. Sharp against the roof of your mouth because of the smooth way the syllables slice. The familiarity of a cut. "Go inside and fuck off. Go be with..." Your words trail off.
"I'd rather be out here," He assures, then shrugs. He joins you in smoking, but you turn your gaze back to the pavement so you don't have to look. "She'll be fine without me."
There's a lot of things you don't understand about him. What you understand least though is this. How long has it gone on? How long did he plan on doing this?
The first time Getou stole the girl you loved from you, you're nearly too heartbroken to stay friends with him. It was your first real crush. A girl in the same year as you. You loved her. She smelled soft like roses and put her head in your lap. You managed to confess to her despite yourself at the end of your second-year.
She was your friend, still - even as she let you down gently. Told you that she had a boyfriend now. He was your friend, actually.
The first time it happened, you thought about cutting your ties with Getou. He didn't pretend to be apologetic to you, said she was cute and he liked her. He didn't say he was sorry.
Instead he said: "You shouldn't be with a girl who could get over you so easily." And leaves it at that.
You almost got physical with him, you remember. Gojo stopped you.
Over the years, the incident becomes pattern enough to recognize. The first is a mistake, the second a frustrating coincidence. The third time it happens you do get into an altercation. Each time Getou confronts you he says the same thing. That if a girl really loved you, she wouldn't been with him so easily. If a girl really loved you, she shouldn't have been so easy for him to persuade.
You think abut killing him. It's so frustrating, so humiliating, so painful it nearly puts you in therapy. The fourth time in happens, you try to cut him off but you can't. Your lives are so tied together you can't avoid seeing him and for whatever reason he can't leave you alone.
When there's no one you're interested in, he's your friend after all. That's the strangest part. The part that makes the least sense, that he acts like your fucking friend when he does that to you but he does it again and again and again. It hurt less when it was just puppy crushes. Eventually you grew numb to it. Gave up on love for a while.
When you meet Mikoto, you don't make the mistake of showing your interest. You especially don't show it around Getou. On the job, a sorcerer from a branch in the Nara prefecture who's recently moved. A nice woman with black hair and soft eyes, you seek her friendship first and don't let yourself indulge in anything more.
You don't dote on her more than friends. You don't show your feelings off. You don't tell anyone, not even Gojo whom you tell everything, or Shoko - who you tell when you don't want Getou finding out. You bury the feeling of love in yourself and hope they die there. You hope she ends up with anyone but you, or you in some miracle.
You fall in love with her because it's who you are. Getou shows up with her at your gathering the minute you begin to accept it.
If he doesn't hate you, it must be something much stronger. Disgust or pure disdain. Something stronger than hate must drive him to do this so perpetually.
It's not even something you can tell anyone. What do you tell girls before you go out with them? What do you say to people when they ask why you and him act so odd?
There's nothing to say. Nothing to explain. It's so fucked up that you wouldn't even know where to begin.
Your voice is trembling as you take another drag of your cigarette. "How did you know?"
He laughs a little. "You make it obvious."
"Why do you keep doing this to me...?" You ask, defeated. Broken, maybe. "....I really loved her."
Getou shrugs again. You can tell even if you don't see it. "She was the same as the rest of them. I'm doing you a favor."
"Do you even like her?"
He takes a drag of his cigarette and looks at you a little longer than you expct. "So-so."
"I hate you," You give up on everything else, letting your cigarette fall to the ground. Your voice is shot. "You're fucking horrible. Just leave me alone. Please, please just leave me alone."
There's a minute of silence there. He stamps his own cigarette out and sighs. "You should come in. You'll catch a cold." You don't reply. He sighs again. "I'll buy you a drink."
You break down in tears all over again.
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When you're in highschool, you date Satoru for a week.
Suguru remembers this. It's one of the only things about his highschool experience that feel standout. A defining moment of his youth, where the two of you try it just because everyone says you should and neither of you really like it. You end up being friends again, laughing it off after it happens.
But he hated it.
There was a pit in his stomach the entire week. Even though you barely dated, and only really held hands as a joke - Suguru hated it. You kissed Satoru too, you confessed. He was a decent kisser, but you didn't feel much.
It was a joke of a relationship. Still.
He remembers too, the first time you had your first real crush. Up until then, you'd really never thought of anyone else. There was no one for Suguru to care about. But he remembers exactly when it happened, and where - how the four of you were slacking off in the storage room, passing around Shoko's cigarette. He remembers the way you got embarrassed telling them about her. How you could barely keep the smile off of your face.
The first time Suguru steals someone from you, it's during highschool. It wasn't because he had really wanted her. He hated her. Hated how she smiled at you and hated how innocently she spoke. But when he stepped closer to her, she blushed.
It was to get her to fall for him. And that wouldn't do, he didn't think. How could you like someone with so little resolve? When she couldn't be even a little loyal to you?
He asked her out on a whim that time. But he saw how angry it made you. How your eyes were wet with tears and how much you hated him in that moment.
How much you thought of him. Have you ever before then? Considered him so much? Suguru didn't think so.
It becomes an obsession, Suguru can admit. It didn't really matter who it was, though it'd been mostly girls. Anyone you showed interest in. Anyone who caught your eye. Suguru got their first and you always, always looked so miserable about it. Like a puppy who can't get on a couch, he thinks.
He prefers when you've already been with them. He prefers knowing that your skin has touched theirs. The parts of you that linger in their life become Suguru's so wholly. When he can smell your scent and taste your cigarette smoke. It'd be better if it was you, but there was something gratifying in this.
In the roundabout ways of finding you. Of seeing pictures of you in their phone, or of tasting you. It's like being with you, even though it's never enough. Always wants to make him break you more.
He likes when they cheat on you with him. He likes when it's just after. They get some cheap thrill out of it. Suguru can entertain it even if it disgusts him.
It's the only way your shirts end up in his closet. The only way he can smell your new shampoo so deeply because you share it. They think that he must hate you. He's sure you think that too.
But that's not it. He couldn't hate you. All the people he's ever fucked, he's tried to find evidence of your intimacy with them. Kiss marks he didn't leave on their skin, clothes they don't own, music they wouldn't normally listen to. You would. They're all yours.
He'd ask about you to them. Often. Listen to the parts of yourself that you'd been trying to keep secret from him.
He'd take it all by force and discard them all afterwards. That was all he wanted. You were all he wanted.
He liked seeing you angry with him. Liked seeing you cry and weep. Liked that you couldn't go anywhere or love anyone without thoughts of him following you and haunting you.
Satoru thinks he should just ask you out already. Suguru doesn't think he's broken you down enough. You need it to hurt a little more. You need to think of him a little more until you can't love anyone else.
Suguru wants to see you hurt a little more. Until you're so broken you're really begging. When he brings her with him today, you react even worse than he could have hoped for it. He shivers a little thinking about it.
He's getting closer to really breaking you, he thinks.
He looks at you now as he puts out his cigarette, broken from his thoughts.
"You should come in. You'll catch a cold." You don't reply. He sighs again. "I'll buy you a drink."
Suguru turns around to leave after he says it. Goes back inside. Before the door of the izakaya closes again, he can hear the way you sob so desperately.
He smiles at that. Just a little.
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husbandohunter · 1 year
Two Shades of the Same Color
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Synopsis: Protecting the law and protecting his family. The line seperating them were like two shades of the same color. Wriothesley just didn't know it yet.
Genre: Wriothesley x Reader, gender neutral pronouns, Reader and Wriothesley have a daughter
(A/n): this is my offering to the gacha gods praying for an early Wrio to come home 😔===============================
The Duke of Meropide often finds himself conflicted in the different roles he has to play.
In the daytime he carried his duty as the Warden. Having served his sentence through the years he was in prison, Wriothesley was appointed to be a suitable candidate now managing Fontaine's most notorious Fortress, guarding wanted criminals, convicts, and what justice deems guilty. Both feared and respected by them, it was quite an intresting story how he got into this rank. But he also didn't dislike his occupation. Perhaps due to this self-proclaimed 'rough around the edge' personality, he believed the prison wasn't so far disconnected from his nature.
"Wolf-ears, wolf-ears, daddy has wolf ears!" A sweet voice sang before imitating a growl sound.
Aaand there were those who really  disconnected him from his 'nature'. Wriothesley sighs as he rub his forehead, clutching a stack of unsigned papers while the girl pulled the little tuffs in his hair.
Your five year old daughter came home one day, announcing that the class had been given an assignment.
Two things arise in his head. First off, why are they already giving assignments to children? Shouldn't they be learning their alphabets and make crafts or something? Second, why does it have to involve taking your kid to work?!!
You failed to stifle a laughter at the sight, the poor man silently hoping that you would do something, "Come down little one. You wouldn't want to accidentally fall over now, would you?"
The girl shook her head, avoiding your attempt to hold her and squeezed her small legs around his shoulders, "Don't stop me! Mari wants to stay up here."
"But he's going to get tired if you keep shaking like that," you suggested, placing both hands on your hips.
Mari huffs, "That's up for daddy to decide. Right, daddy?"
You quirked an eyebrow and glanced at your husband who seemed to be under a lot of pressure. What can he do? When his daughter stares at him with her toothy grin and gleaming eyes that looks just like his own?
Helpless at her whims, he pleads silently, urging for your aid once again.
"Sorry honey," you shrugged and tilted to the side, "I tried."
"Oh really?," the man doubts, "Then why are you smiling like that?"
Wriothesley wasn't sure how he got into this mess in the beginning. Actually, wait. He did. He just...didn't want to admit it.
The initial answer to Mari's request was a no brainer. Allowing his little babydoll Marigold through the walls of Meropide was something he stricly forbade until she reached thirty years old. A reasonable negotiation, he thought. Not even the gossips plastered all over the Steambird newspaper would be discussed at the dinner table. The man vowed to keep his work life and family life seperate the day she was born.
"Why don't you go find them to help you with your homework?"
"I work at the Fortress too, silly."
Well-- maybe not you since the two of you met here, but that's different. Rules are laws and laws shouldn't be broken. There's a reason why order is meant to be taken seriously in Fontaine. And of course, in his house too.
Then you proceed to say-- it's because you keep spoiling her! Which he retorts, "I'm not spoiling her, I'm just making sure she has a fun childhood, that's all."
"Uh huh, you sure do a great job at it officer, maybe a little too well," you tease, wrapping your arms around your burly husband and nuzzled against his cheek.
Fits of giggles came from above, Mari starts rocking back and forth, "Now give him a biiiiig kiss!"
"Alright alright, that's enough you two," Wriothesley caught hold of his wiggling daughter and settled her down on the floor. Seriously, he could hardly focus. Wriothesley had planned to make his routine as boring as possible so she would leave and he could go about his day. It seems the man terribly underestimated the fact Mari had a penchant of finding entertainment. Should've been obvious that he would be the center of it.
"Can we go downstairs now? I want to see where the machines are working," Mari declares and throws her hands up in excitement.
Wriothesley clears his throat, "What did I say earlier about going downstairs?"
"It's not safe for ages under thirteen and only for members who are given permission because they're criminals," Mari sheepishly repeats.
"You're not allowed to abuse your authority or give me special treatment because the Warden must be fair and respect the rules from the Fortress of Marinetide, treating everyone equally."
"That's my girl," he nods with a grin. Though the pronounciation can use a little tweaking. Eh, he'll let it slide.
"Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit too much? The working grounds aren't that bad, even Sigewinne takes her strolls there during her breaktime," you chime in.
"Who's Sigewinne?"
The man expresses what seems like his version of a pout. Though you can never miss the small upturn slivering the corner of his mouth, "I'm starting to get the feeling that you enjoy seeing me like this."
"Nonsense," you lean on his shoulder, "I'm just admiring how much of a loving father my daughter has."
They're coaxing me into something, "No means no."
Wriothesley glances at Mari who had still been persisting him with pleads and questions. The reason why he wanted to keep his work life and family life sperate was because prison, in general, can shape a person entirely. Whether for good or worse  depends on the individual, she was far too young to be exposed at the kind of stories and complex reasonings people would have. Wriothesley knew very well that nothing is black and white. Perhaps from growing up in this kind of world, he wanted to know, to see, to let an innocent child experience life far differently than he did. Because now, he had a choice.
"I already know what you're thinking, it's written all over your face," breaking him out of his thoughts, you gently spoke to his ear, "Not everyday our little Mari gets to spend time with her father like this. She was so happy when the teacher said it was going to be a 'take your kid to work day' assignment,  you know?"
"I'd rather keep the details behind closed doors. There's not much that can be said outside the reputation everyone knows of," he reasons, "Besides, Sigewinne is the only exception because she's the head nurse. This little fellow here can hardly prounouce Meropide."
"Hey! That's not true. If I practice long and hard I can speak as perfectly as the papers on your desk!"
"Oh? You know what that's a great idea. How about we spend the day practicing your alphabets? We could also read the Boar Princess while we're at it," the Duke happily suggested.
"Wriothesley," you chide lightly, "As long as you're with her I'm sure there will be nothing to worry about," then you crouched down to Mari's height, "Right sweetie?"
"Yeah! Daddy is the strongest and smartest man in all of Fontaine!" She jumps up and down, "He can even lift me even when I'm wearing a backpack!"
Wriothesley eyes you both suspiciously, "I see how it is. Sounds like you two are teaming up."
"I like to call it a coincidential agreement," you tugged him at the arm and lead towards the stairwell, "Come on. Take the day off and let me handle the paperwork. Wouldn't want to keep the fun waiting, would you?"
Your husband folds his arms and scoffs, "A day off?"
"By the courtesy of Chief Justice Neuvillette himself," you responded.
Ah, they had it all planned out, "Astounding effort on your part, I suppose."
"Please, daddy? I swear I'll behave and not do anything to make you mad," Mari twiddles her thumbs, "Pleeease?"
Wriothesley closes his eyes, a habit he acquired during situations such as this. Well, looks like he was fighting a losing battle anyways. Maybe you were right. He was spoiling her.
"Fine. Only under one condition. You have to-"
"Call me 'Your Grace'!" She salutes immediately, " Oh, I mean...you, Your Grace."
Wriothesley glances at your way again and you merely returned a shrug. He smiles amusedly.
They really had it all planned out. 
When Wriothesley stepped out of his office, he was slowly starting to regret his decision.
Mari, being far too excited for her own good, already bounced a few metres ahead. He sometimes wondered where she gets her energy from. For newcomers, they easily wear out before they become used to things. Ah, that's right, I have to make sure she doesn't disturb the inmates. If this keeps going then who knows where she might end up. Archons forbid it'd be the Pankration Ring.
"Up you go," for now, Wriothesley scoops her into his hold, having the girl seated on one forearm and the other supporting her weight. Until she calms down, at least.
"Mari is reporting for duty," she salutes again.
Wriothesley lets out a chuckle, "Since when did I ever act like a Marechaussee Hunter? Wait, let me guess, you snuck to see Clorinde."
Guilty as charged. The little girl slaps a hand over her mouth, "Whoopsies."
"I'm joking. I actually didn't think you snuck out to see Clorinde," he smugly states, "Well well looks like my little culprit reveals herself."
She huffs, "Heyyy, that's cheating."
"Sorry babydoll, but I think I win this one," Wriothesley boops her nose in a playful manner and allowed Mari to stand on her own two feet, "So, are you ready for a tour around the Fortress of Meropide?"
"Where are we headed first, Your Grace?" She chirped, eyes blown wide like she was on a sugar rush from last time.
Wriothesley raised a scarred brow, "Oh you're letting me decide? In that case you'll just have to wait and see for yourself."
"Yay, I love surprises!"
Even better. This way, he can guarantee that she won't wander off to places she shouldn't be in, no one should be in.
Lunch hour was approaching and the inmates were already finishing up their shifts. He could feel the frequent looks being thrown from the cafeteria, already knowing it will be the hot topic for the next few days or weeks.
Right, then there's this part I have to deal with.
It didn't help that the man's presence alone had the same affect under normal circumstances. Seeing their Warden with a babbling little girl was rather jarring. Mari was...how should he put it, good at stealing the spotlight. So much she easily attracted all the attention from the locals. Wriothesley had never knew someone could be so pestering that it became endearing. Other than you of course. Heh, I guess that's one of many things they have in common.
He doesn't try to hide the smile softening at his features.
"C-Could that be His Grace and..."
Welp, looks like the hot topic is already cooking. Wriothesley pays no mind. There's nothing wrong with being open about his family in front of other people at least. Just because he had a reputation as the Warden to keep doesn't rob him the identity of being a father.
His mind suddenly drifts back to you. Is that why you were so insistent about this earlier?
"Daddy, everyone is looking at us funny."
The word 'daddy' does not escape those around him, percise as a radar and pointed sharply at his direction. Wriothesley expected as much. Actually, he was more surpised she even managed to remember the honorifics for this long, "Ah who cares. Let them do their thing. Anyways, didn't you say you wanted to see how the machines worked?"
A pause before she breaks out into a wide, beaming grin, "Yeah!"
"Then hold on tight," without a warning, Wriothesley lifts her until she was settled on his shoulders and ran as fast as he could, away from the crowd.
"Was that...the Duke just now?"
A confused inmate, still processing at what he just saw, allowed the bitten meal in his hand fall to the plate.
"Who knew His Grace had a soft spot," Another one snickers.
Wolsey who had been tending to the dishes behind the counter exhales exasperatedly, "His Grace ought to be more careful with his actions around others next time."
The shaft doors open to reveal the upper level of the production zone. Wriothesley exits first before gently taking the girl's hand as she shuffled down the two stairs. Thankfully the area had been emptied, except for a few supervisors, it was much more peaceful compared to the cafeteria.
"Wooooahh looks at all those meks!" She ogled. Meks was her way of saying gardemeks. Spending time with a five year old made him more keen to the language innuendos they create, "It's like one gigantic gear working together."
"Not just gears sweetheart, the people here are responsible for making sure ever part of the machine is functioning. Without them, there would be no clockworks you see in the surface," Wriothesley opens a palm while he explains, "I know most of your classmates only think of them as criminals, but criminals have been working for honest income."
"Does that mean the same criminals are now helping to make meks that catches more criminals and keep Fontaine safe?"
The man pauses, thinking for a moment, "You could say that."
"Hmmm," Mari looks down pensively, trying to put two and two together, "So if criminals are honest people, how did they end up in here?"
"Well uhhh... " Wriothesley breathes out quietly. It's complicated. Sometimes he doubts if the word criminal is even a proper label. Becoming a criminal isn't always by choice, some are just born into it, eventually going down a path because there was no where else to go. And the few who escape are the lucky ones, "Ah very tricky, sweetheart. Don't tell me you're here trying to get ideas."
The mischeivious expression he gave her made Mari gasp in disbelief, "I would never break the law daddy!"
"Are you sure?" He insists with jest.
"Yes, and I promised a hundred thousand times already," she emphasized.
Wriothesley pats her lightly on the head. Although his hands were calloused and scared, they carried the weight of a loving father, "Good. I know you'd do the right thing."
From the corner of his eye, he spotted a familiar silouette dressed in pastel colors. Sigewinne had been speaking with Grainville at the Operation and Widget equipment. As you mentioned earlier, the head nurse pays frequent visits to check upon the health conditions of inmates. For the Duke, it was natural that he'd want to know if there was anything he should be concerned about. But now is not the time. He didn't want to drag his daughter when this was meant to be a fun activity of theirs.
"What's that over there?!" She scurries off without a warning, specifically at the direction he was glancing earlier.
Or we can just check it out anyways. Wriothesley thought to himself, using his hands to prop against his knee, standing upright so he could catch up with Mari.
The Melusine was the first to notice, "Your Grace? I'm seeing you everywhere these days. I hope you haven't been swarmed with too much to do."
It's true that Wriothesley had been more present in his timing. The Primordial Sea issue was something he wanted to be resolved as soon as possible, "I'm actually doing just fine, thank you Sigewinne."
"Y-Your Grace. I'm surprised to see you here. Are there any newcomers I must train?" Now it was Grainville's turn to intervene, "Oh, and who's this?"
"Sigewinne?? That's the nurse, daddy?" Mari exclaims, baffled as she compares her height with the other, "Why is she so small like me? Did she get hit by the short disease?"
Jeez. Children can really run around without a filter these days.
"She may be small but a lot more older than she looks," Wriothesley reasons, gentle and firm, "Aren't you forgetting something? In front of you, these people have greeted us the moment we came by. What's the right thing to do, Mari?"
It took some time for her to realize but she perks up as soon as she did. Flustered, the young lass dips herself into a low curtsy, head following suit that her hat fell to the floor, "Good afternoon. My name is Mari. I'm five years old. Nice to meet you all."
Wriothesley maintains a straight face and picks up her hat. On the inside, he could feel his heart squeezing. No matter how many tries you practiced with her, she still doesn't get it quite right. Totally his fault. He never scolds her for it.
"Hello Mari, my name's Sigewinne and I'm the head nurse," the melusine beams, "Though I'm a bit surprised, Your Grace. I thought [Name] said you didn't want to bring your daughter here."
Quick, he had to make an excuse before, "Ah, that's--"
"That's because daddy is awesome and he cares about us so much!"
Sigewinne's countenance suggested she caught on that the Warden had a weak spot for his overly coddled daughter, "I see. You're fortunate to have such good parents, Mari. His Grace had put in great effort to ensure the safety and well-being of the Fortress. It's probably why everyone is quite satisfied with living here."
"I know," Mari nods with agreement, "Since daddy does the same thing at home."
Warmth spreads inside his chest and the glaciers of the man's gaze thaws enough for one to notice. Did she truly feel that way? Somehow, for a long time, he didn't think it was enough.
"It's true. His Grace doesn't ostracize anyone and gives them an equal chance of a better life," Grainville added.
Wriothesley crosses his arms and returns a quipped stare, "Indeed. Though I'm afraid flattery will get you as far as none. Best get to work."
Grainville salutes, "Yes, Your Grace!"
"Wait daddy, can I stay and watch?" Mari tugs the hem of his fur coat, "When I go to school tomorrow, I can tell all my friends all the cool things we did today."
He straightens his posture, "No."
"But daddyyyyyyy."
Here we go again. Except this time, the man will avoid all eye contact. Maybe he can try getting earplugs next time, which of course, must be slipped on discreetly so she wouldn't notice. If you were here, he'd be getting an earful of the same conversation he had in the office. Equipment processors can be dangerous to use if something suddenly screws loose. Who knows what might happen?
Though a father can only resist so much and he couldn't ignore her forever. Wriothesley relaxes his shoulders, the crease in his forehead fading, "Are you sure you can be careful?"
"Careful is my middlename!"
"Grainville," Wriothesley commands. Authority drips from his voice that the supervisor nearly flinched from his place, "Check if there's any malfunction in Operations and Widget equipment. I expect a thorough search once I get return from lunch."
Without a moment hesitation, Grainville executes his task as if his life depends on it.
"Daddy, can we go buy some food?" Mari looks up, "I want Fonta!"
"No junk food until you eat properly," though now she mentions it, he is craving a cup of tea by now.
Walking out of the shaft once more, Wriothesley takes another look at the environment surrounding the cafeteria, through a different lens than the last. He recalls his first day. Young, brash, and full of poor judgement. They were not the best memories, but they were certainly memories.
How things have changed. For the better, as it should. To Wriothesley, that was probably the most important aspect of all. He likes seeing signs of strength and hope, reassuring him that tomorrow will be a better day. Though he made peace with the present constantly filling him with doubt. Can the same progress be as steady as he wanted?
He thought about what you said. Then the words he heard from others. The Fortress of Meropide had improved to the point it could function autonomously. On top of that, he received high praise from both surface dwellers and those who lived in the underworld. What drives him to maintain this environment stems from his past. The good and the bad. The mistakes and lessons. The two shades of the same color blurred into one.
"Daddy, I just want to tell you, I had so much fun today. Thank you for bringing me here!"
And if those experiences of his could ensure that his daughter could live a safe and peaceful childhood, then that's everything he can ask for.
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ihrtsevyn · 8 months
Can you please write something about Johnnie getting jealous🫶🏼
— JEALOUSY, JEALOUSY . . . 𖤐 | j.g x reader
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synopsis small scenario + headcanons of johnnie being jealous !
warnings slightly aggressive behavior?, cursing, lowercase intended, no specific race/gender/age specified. use of gender neutral terms. reader is intoxicated in the scenario. talks of insecurity.
wc 1.3k
masterlist | main page <3
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. . .
johnnie would like to think that he isn't a jealous person, but undeniably he is. there's not a worse feeling than seeing the person you love fawn over another.
the feeling that grows in his stomach is unsettling, it makes him want to throw up. do you always scrunch your nose up when you laugh? is this guys jokes really that funny? the way you throw your head back and let out a loud cackle makes it seem so, but johnnie fully believes you're putting on a show. johnnie's funny too. you would know if you weren't so busy cuddled up under...brian? brad? whatever his name is, it doesn't matter. that should be him.
jake had been talking johnnie's ear off for the past 15 minutes about a small brawl that happened between two girls, or was it two guys? johnnie couldn't remember, his eyes had been laser focused on you the entire evening, his ears only picking up bits and pieces of jake's story. the sight hurt him, truthfully. it really shouldn't have because you two weren't dating but he did believe there was something going on between you two. an unspoken mutual attraction.
"dude, you haven't blinked once in the past twenty minutes i've been talking to you." jake worriedly mentioned with raised eyebrows.
jake's small comment easily caught johnnie off-guard. he rubbed his eyes with his free hand before rapidly blinking. his taller friend was joking but it was comical to see the emo get red in the face from embarrassment.
"just go talk to them." jake muttered, following his friends gaze. "they're busy, can't you tell?" johnnie mumbled bitterly before finally tearing his eyes away from your form for the first time that night.
he looked down at the solo cup that he maintained a loose grip on, woefully swirling the alcohol in choppy motions. he couldn't even remember what he was drinking at that point. ever since he laid eyes on that familiar face it's all he's been thinking about. you. you. you.
as well as the fact that all of your attention was on some other guy when it should be him.
jake scoffed before taking a quick sip of his drink, head shaking in disappointment. "just go talk to her, i can't stand to see you looking like a kicked puppy all night."
he tapped johnnie's shoulder a few times before escaping off into another conversation.
johnnie's gaze followed jake's form until he was fully out of sight, turning his full attention back to you. what he didn't expect was for your eyes to already be settled on him, making him freeze in the spot.
you offered him a kind smile before waving him over. he hesitated in his steps before taking quick strides over to you. what happened to that guy you were talking to?
"hey." he quietly muttered with a tight lipped smile. "hey, are you enjoying the party?" you asked. from that sentence alone, johnnie quickly came to the conclusion that you were fucked up. your smile was wide and blissful, eyes glossy and spaced out, not to mention the drunken drawl in your voice.
"sure, are..are you okay?" johnnie asked, a worried tilt in his voice. you nodded your head with closed eyes. the way your head lolled to the side and the cheshire grin on your face made johnnie think that you weren't fully aware of how drunk you had gotten.
"have you met my new friend brandon? he just went to go make us some more drinks. but he's so funny, i swear you'll love him." your pronunciation of words was all over the place and you could barely keep your eyes from closing.
oh, right. brandon was his name. johnnie rolled his eyes at the simple mention of the man before sighing and taking the seat next to you. even with your dazed state you could see the clear annoyance on his face. "i think it's time we get you home, hm?" johnnie muttered, eyes softening at your doe eyed stare.
"you don't like him, do you?" you asked quietly, completely ignoring johnnie's last statement. his eyebrows furrowed at your comment, slightly caught off guard by your question. "what? what do you mean? who don't i like?"
"brandon. you've been staring knives at us the whole time we've been talking."
shit. you saw him? "i-i dont even know the guy enough to hate him." johnnie nervously croaked out, his smile fell weak as he avoided your gaze.
"if i didn't know any better id say...you're jealous." you muttered, a sly smile growing on your lips. "what? no! come on, let's get you home, you're talking nonsense."
"don't you wanna wait for brandon?" you asked looking up at him as he grabbed your arm, pulling you up. "no." he immediately answered with slightly widened eyes.
you couldn't help the giggle that escaped your mouth as you leaned into him for support. "you're definitely jealous." you quietly stated another muted laugh following after.
. . .
he gets quieter. johnnie himself isn't the loudest most out-spoken person but when shuffles to the side and stops inserting himself in certain conversations, you'll know something's wrong.
becomes passive aggressive. he doesn't really mean to, it just comes naturally. the person that you seem to take a liking to makes a joke at someones expense and johnnie will find a way to turn it back on them. adding in snippy comments whenever they talk open their mouth and scoffing in disbelief when you laugh at one of their corny jokes.
tries to act unbothered. he'll force a smile and shrug his shoulders if someone asks him if he's okay. his responses are curt and have a monotonous tone, his voice straining sometimes as he forces out an "i'm good." he thinks he looks cool and unbothered when in his jealous state but instead he looks spaced out and miserable. it's very noticeable how frigid his posture becomes, his jaw clenching in annoyance as he stares daggers at whoever is taking up too much of your time.
overthinks. johnnie has been hurt before and he doesn't want it to happen again. his mind starts to go to a dark place and insecurities start to rise to the surface. he hates feeling this way so once he realizes these harmful thoughts are starting to come back he won't hesitate to voice his thoughts to you. you mean a lot to him and he'd hate for your relationship to go off of the rails because of a lack of trust or because of an insecurity that's been uprooted.
will isolate himself. if he's feeling jealous to the point of anger then he'll outwardly avoid you until he cools down. he goes to the quietest place available and is just alone with his thoughts, which isn't the best idea when he's starting to lose confidence in the role of being your boyfriend.
seeks comfort. in all honesty johnnie doesn't get jealous that easily, it's a rare thing. but when it does happen it's kind of hard to pull him out of that self-deprecating headspace. he won't outright ask for your comfort but as you build your relationship and notice his habits, it's easy to realize when he's in need of some reassurance.
he'll become a fidgety and nervous mess. his thoughts becoming more clouded and loud as time went on. half of his thoughts are telling him to grow a pair and the other half are worriedly expressing their concerns about the state of your relationship. he really just needs to hear you say that he's all you want/need.
once he gets that reassurance that he's the love of your life accompanied with an unwavering confidence from you, he starts to feel all better. even a bit cocky when he hears how you fawn over him. his once congested thoughts become clear of any and all doubt and he's suddenly smiling from ear to ear. he realizes how stupid it was to feel any type of jealousy when it's clear that the love you share for each other is equal.
. . .
thank you sm for the request! i really enjoy writing for johnnie lol. hope you guys like it <3 :)
requests are still open if you guys have any ideas :)
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sytoran · 1 year
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part iii of pretty in pink
you've been getting a little too caught up in your work, and wanda's clinginess is highly affected. you make it up to your bunny girl with kisses, strawberries, and something a little more.
──── 🎀 pairing. sub!bunny!wanda x dom!owner!reader
──── 🎀 chapter warnings. smut (18+), hybrid!au, clingy!wanda, possessiveness, reader is gender-neutral, food play, strawberries go in places they shouldn't, cunnilingus (mentioned), overstimulation, bunny!wanda is so adorable, fingering, squirting, kind of master/pet but not explicitly stated, power imbalance, power play
──── 🎀 note. bunny!wanda brainrot- yes, i am not okay. proofreading? for the weak.
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"hi, bunny," you whisper gently, feeling a lithe body lodge itself between you and the kitchen counter. 
it was in the midst of making breakfast that wanda, your pretty hybrid, had so adorably interrupted you. "wassa matter?" you ask slowly, giving her a reassuring smile, stroking at her long, flowy hair.
wanda was one of the most beautiful hybrids you had ever laid your eyes upon, a precious bunny you wouldn't wish to ever lose. with creamy skin for long legs, perky long ears and a button nose, she was a birthday present gift-wrapped in silk garments.
when you first got wanda, it hadn't been like the handbooks at all, with unexpected mood swings and odd cravings for food. through ups and downs, you treated your pretty bunny well, letting her grow to trust you.
wanda's independence grew thinner the longer she spent her days with you. an utter reliance stemmed within her malleable heart, her long ears drooping each second you were gone.
and that's where wanda's insatiable libido started.
after an especially long work day, you came home, looking forward to see your little bunny again. 
what you didn't expect, however, was to find her on your bed, in your t-shirt, dry-humping what seemed to be your pillow. her adorable ears were almost upright, shaking as she rocked her cunt against the pillow, looking at you with wide and glassy eyes.
your name fell from her honeyed lips like a mantra, coming out in choked cries and high-pitched whines. 
you can guess what happened afterwards.
going back to the present, this seemed to be one of those times where wanda was extremely clingy. the bunny was wrapping her arms around your torso, then her legs around your waist. 
now, she was clinging on to you like a koala bear, nuzzling her head into your clothed chest.
"bunny," you cooed, ever so softly, knowing how much wanda loved to hear that. breakfast would have to wait.
"missed you," she whined, burying her face in the crook of your neck. she inhaled your scent, tongue peeking out of pink lips to lick at your bare skin. "was back late yesterday. missed you."
you held wanda steady, hands moving to cup her plush thighs. ever patient with her needy nature, the bunny found herself falling for you more and more with each passing day.
"sorry, bunny. i did some overtime at work, you know." picking up one of the strawberries you were previously cutting, you fed it to wanda, grinning at her pleased expression.
"yummy," she said, muffled with her lips wrapped around the slice of strawberry. wanda was adorable. 
"mhm. good girl. want another?" you asked, wanda still glued to your torso. she eagerly nodded.
what you weren't anticipating, however, was for wanda to deliberately suck at your fingers when you pressed the pink strawberry against her lips. she sank her teeth into the fruit with zeal, letting the sweet juice run down her mouth and to her neck.
it didn't take two seconds for your mouth to find that trail of juice, sucking at her porcelain skin. "messy bunny," you mumble heatedly, moving your hands from her waist to her ass, gripping harder.
wanda lets out a whimper when your fingers brush the soft, fluffy tail at her back. you knew she was especially sensitive there. giving in to your divine urges, you wrap your hands around her tail and pull, and wanda lets out a cry, arching in your hands.
"need you," wanda whines, grabbing at the fabric of your shirt, sharp nails scratching at your chest. you wrap a hand around her pretty throat with slender fingers, and jerk her back to look at your bunny properly. at the sight of her pink, swollen lips, still damp with the strawberry juice, a devious idea pops into your head.
you lift wanda up and set her on the kitchen counter. your bunny whines instantaneously at the loss of contact, but you shush her with a quick peck on the lips. "i'll make it up to you, sweet girl.”
when you slowly spread her legs, maintaining eye contact (something that wanda craved), her pouty frown morphed into an exhilarated grin.
"are you gonna make me feel good?" wanda asks innocently, habitually moving to rub at her left ear. she's a pretty sight, all dolled up on your kitchen counter.
"only the best," you whisper back while leaning down to align your mouth with wanda's core. with one last wink, your head disappears under her litttle skirt.
when you resurface, your chin is damp but wanda's cunt is soaking. "want more," wanda gasps breathlessly. "please," she adds, spreading her legs a little more.
her tight and wet cunt is on display. smirking, you swiftly grab one of the fresh strawberries from previously. wanda tilts her head questioningly.
that expression quickly fades away when you begin to rub the strawberry on her glistening folds. wanda gasps at the cold sensation, her ears pricking up. 
"you can't put it th- oh," wanda's cry ends in a moan when you slip the tip of the strawberry into her tight cunt. it goes in easily, considering how wet she was from previously.
your eyes burn as you watch the strawberry go in inch by inch. fuck, she's so perfect. “you like that, pet?” you ask, voice a touch rougher than usual. your bunny nods, cunt clenching hard.
what better way is there to reenact your little fantasies than to carry it out on your pretty bunny?
at the sight of the glistening fruit, you can’t resist it anymore, and pull the strawberry out. wanda cries at the loss of contact, hands weaving themselves into your hair. you, on the other hand, take a big bite out of the strawberry, moaning at the taste.
“fuck, pet. you taste so good. so sweet, too. mhm.” 
wanda pulls you into a searing kiss, all clashing tongues and open mouths. she craves to taste herself on your tongue, craves to feel you in her once again. you instinctively wrap a hand around her throat, squeezing lightly to remind her you were in charge.
she whines in brief pleasure, liking the idea of being claimed. you think you might like it more.
when you fingers find her cunt once again, wanda comes apart almost immediately, a high-pitched moan of your name falling from her pink lips. you pinch her cute, stiff, clitoris between long fingers, and her gushes of white cream become spurts.
humming in satisfaction, you don’t bother to give your bunny a break, only continuing to pleasure her till all your desires and fantasies were fulfilled.
perks of owning a bunny, you supposed.
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yes, my wip list is piling up. yes, i have school stuff to do. yes, i need sleep. just...... accept this. reblog to boost my sanity.
series masterlist || main masterlist
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arthenaa · 1 year
Can't think right, too tongue-tied, It must be love | GOJO SATORU
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5+1. 5 times Gojo Satoru's confessed to you through his cryptic love language and one time you've had enough.
note: fluff. crack. idiots in love. not proofread cuz im bz w commz. it's gender-neutral. based on experience cuz i like projecting myself into my writing. (if my clients r seeing this, im so sorry i just have to get this off my head or else i will explode) listen to the playlist for immersive reading (its actually part of the story! but its optional if yall prefer silent environments and prefer to listen later hehe)
story playlist:
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01: Gee by Girls Generation
"Hey, check your dms."
He nudges you with his elbow—quite rudely if one might add but you've learned to deal with Satoru's little quirks after years of torment. Who wouldn't if you were subjected to concealed torture under the guise of tumultuous hiiiiiiii's, heyyyyyyyy's, and the occasional heavy ass arm around your neck that he keeps leaning on with his fucking weight because he claims, and you quote, "we're besties."
He's annoying and yes, you've since learned to desensitize yourself with his entire existence completely.
However, there are still times when he's managed to surprise you despite all the years of experience you've worked hard and traumatized (exaggeration, yes, but it's Gojo?) yourself for.
"Did you just send me Gee by Girls Generation?"
He looks up from his phone, the circular sunglasses drooping down with the raise of his eyebrows. He glances at you before looking back down again to his phone.
"Yeah?" He replies as if you shouldn't be asking him in the first place. You blink at him in confusion. "Reminds me of you."
"What?" You furrow your eyebrows. "Gee .... Reminds you of me?"
"Yeah," He responds with no hesitance. Somehow, this makes you squint your eyes at him.
"Are you trying to get something out of this?"
"No?" He raises his eyebrow before chuckling, raising his hand to gently bump his knuckles against your forehead. You flinch back at the sudden gesture.
He tilts his head with a smile. "Listen to it on the way home."
There's a pause of silence as you look at him with wide eyes, the phone screen dimming down with every second you leave it untouched. He then purses his lips, shrugs, and slips his airpods in before waving and wandering off to Geto who had just come out with Shoko from the convenience store with a bag of ice cream.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion as the two erupt into laughter—Gojo swinging his arm around Geto in the process. You see Shoko turn towards you, an unlit cigarette stick hanging from her lips.
"Y/N!" She calls before nudging her head over. You sigh as the two walk on ahead, too immersed in their conversation to wait for the two of you. You walk over to Shoko as she waits for you with her hands tucked within the pockets of her sweatpants.
Shoko gives you a once-over as you take another peek at your phone. This is just him fucking with me probably. Surely.
"What's with you?" She asks with a drawl of her voice. She adjusts the cigarette with a roll of her lips.
You pocket your phone with a quiet sigh, eyes boring into the back of Satoru's head. "Nothing. Let's go."
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02: Super Shy by New Jeans
The next time it happens is when your phone is connected to the Bluetooth speaker in the common area. It was a peaceful morning really, lounging in the kitchen bar, and drinking your coffee while listening to Laufey surely was one way to pass the time.
There weren't any missions for the second years and so you had the place all to the four of you.
You take another sip, eyes drowsily blinking as Bewitched by Laufey plays beautifully in the surround sound speakers that the school funded at the awful behest of Gojo Satoru. (Of course, he gets his way around the administration because they have no choice) It has its use despite how it was taken but past is past and you just want to snuggle yourself deeper in your oversized hoodie, the feeling of a fresh shower, a cup of coffee, and music.
Just as you took another sip of your drink, you heard padding of footsteps descending the stairs from the boys' side of the dormitory.
You turn your head to see the new addition to your peaceful morning only to let out a sigh at the sight of Gojo Satoru yawning, scratching his stomach, then finally turning towards you with a slight surprise—all in that order.
"Y/N," He greets, voice riddled with sleep as he waddles over to you, encasing you with his arms around your shoulders and head against your neck. "'m so sleepy."
"Satoru," You take a sip of your coffee, unbothered by the weight on your back as he almost completely nestles his weight on your body. "You're early."
He has half a mind to take notice of the soft tunes coming out of the speakers as he digs his face into your neck. You stay unbothered to his sudden need for physical intimacy as you place down your coffee to grab your phone.
He raises his head from your neck, chin on your shoulder as he notices your prolonged silence—presumably, distracted by something else. Turns out, he was right as he watched you rack through your playlist for a song to change to.
Taking the opportunity, he snatches your phone swiftly and pressing the search button to play something else entirely.
"Hey!" You complain as you grab his wrist when he tries to dodge your attempts to get your phone back. You force it down to your range of vision as he begins to search for whatever song he wants to play for the morning. "Please don't—"
"Too late," He grins, pressing Super Shy by New Jeans. Soon enough the playful beats of the song surround the area and he's back to his usual giggly and energetic self. He hugs you close and tight, shifting your body back and forth to the beat.
It's too early in the morning and you don't have the energy in you to stop this assault.
"Can you stop?" You whine as he gathers you tightly in his arms, cheeks mushed together, your arms pressed against your chest, and his face buried against your hair.
"Why?" He drawls out the last syllable with an annoyingly cute tilt of his voice. You want to body slam him to the floor. "This song reminds me of you though!"
There he is again.
You're not too sure if you should question it when he's holding this much energy in the morning. He tries to sway your body back and forth to the song and you could almost feel your stomach empty its contents when Geto finally comes to your rescue.
"Satoru!" Geto's voice reaches the kitchen with ease as he stops by the entrance and shakes his head. "Get off Y/N before they die, would you?"
"Fine," Satoru lets go of you reluctantly before trudging over to Geto who comforts him with the promise of making him breakfast. You send a thankful glance to Geto who gives you a sympathetic nod.
You let out a sigh. Your coffee has gone cold and another song from New Jeans' album plays on the speakers
You suppose interrogating Gojo can wait.
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03: Love Lee by AKMU
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Your eyes glance up from your phone to glare at the winter wonderland-haired boy sitting on one of the chairs to the far right of the classroom. He balances himself on its hind legs with his feet perched up on the table as he continues to type on his phone.
Few seconds later another ding alerts you of a notification.
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There's a huff of laughter from his side of the room, presumably from your conversation. You let out a sigh, tucking your left hand in your pocket to cup around for your poor tangled earphones.
"Did he send you another song?" Shoko peers from your shoulder at the open conversation tab of you and Satoru's messages. You grumble in response as you pull the offensive knotted wires from your pocket.
The brunette heaves a sigh as she plops down to the seat next to yours. There's about an hour left before Professor Yaga bursts through those doors and disrupts your moment of reprieve. It's better to just make most of your time now.
You press on the link, leading you to your Spotify app as the song pops up on the player.
"Love Lee?" You say loudly enough for Satoru to hear amidst his conversation with Geto. "Really?"
"You say that as if AKMU isn't godly," Satoru retorts with a raise of his eyebrow. Suguru chuckles beside him, coughing into his hand as if to hide his laughter.
"This is the last time, Satoru." You comment as you slip one earphone to your ear. The blue eyed boy rolls his eyes.
"Is it so bad to send you songs that remind me of you?"
"I said, last time."
He raises his left hand and mimics talking in a mocking demeanor with a close and open of his fingers and thumb. You glare at him shortly.
You press play and the song hums a soft melody with its lowered volume within the speakers of your earphones. Shoko glances at you and then Gojo before shifting her body towards your armrest and resting her arms on it with her chin perched on top.
"He's not gonna stop is he?" Shoko asks with a soft smile on her lips. You glance down at her, hand coming up to brush a stray hair away from her face.
"He's just being Gojo," You retort with a sigh. You twirl a strand of her hair within your fingers. "He'll get bored soon enough."
Shoko stifles a giggle from her lips causing you to raise an eyebrow.
"Sure," She says with a roll of her eyes. You don't like her tone.
"Why'd you say it like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like you don't believe me." You frown deeply. Shoko glances down at your phone and then at you.
"You said he sent you D.O the other day."
"And?" You raise your eyebrow at her in confusion. You're not sure what to make of what she's saying but the steady gaze of Shoko's eyes on you somewhat makes you nervous.
"Rose," She adds as if she's trying to prove something already obvious. "Rose by D.O. Then he sent you Love Lee today."
"Yeah, I know?" You sound out the last syllable with a careful tone. Shoko eyes you once more before shaking her head.
"You're hopeless." She grumbles, opening the window to her side and lighting a cigarette. You furrow your eyebrows at her sudden frustration.
"What the hell does that mean?"
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04: Only by Lee Hi
"It's good, I promise you!" Gojo flashes you with his cerulean blue eyes that seem to get shinier by the second. You feel uneasy under his stare as he tilts his umbrella to shield you further from the rain.
The two of you are walking to the Samgyupsal place that Shoko suggested eating out at. It had been a while since the four of you gathered in one place— You and Ieri often paired out in reconnaissance missions while the other two were sent to more physical curse-related operations. It wasn't exactly easy to find the right time to catch up but with luck on your side, the four of you coincidentally ended missions on the same week. Currently, You and Gojo have woken up late from an afternoon nap and decided to go there together. The other two had already left a few minutes earlier.
Bad news, it had rained on the way there. Good news, your umbrella was with you.
Since the walking Burj Khalifa had a taller physique and a longer arm, you gave him the role of keeping the both of you dry from the rain.
Your only problem right now though is that Satoru's doing his thing again.
"I thought I told you that last time is the last time?" You shoot him a stern look as he tries his best to give you his mimic of puppy eyes. Well, as much as he can with that sunglasses of his.
"But this one's really good though?" He pouts. "If you like Laufey, you'll like this one. C'mon, please?"
He pulls out one of his AirPods from his right ear before holding out to you. You give him a defeated look as he grins at you cheerfully.
You put it on with reluctance as he pulls out his phone to scroll through his long-ass playlist. You could only get a glimpse of it with how he used the scroll bar you couldn't even see with the amount of songs he's jam-packed in that collection of his. You ought to teach him the importance of sectioning his music, you suppose.
He then finally lets out a noise of victory when he's found the song he's looking for. Soon enough, piano instrumentals begin to play and the mood suddenly shifts to a mellow vibe.
Your chest huffs with recognition as Lee Hi's voice fills your ear with carefully woven melodies and detailed harmonies.
"Only?" You turn to him with a soft smile playing on your lips. He glances down at you with a smile as you both walk to the beat of the song.
"See?" He says. You look up at him with the subtle sway of your head to the addictive flow of the tune. "You like it."
"Of course, I do," You retort with a scoff. "It's Lee Hi."
"Yeah, yeah," He rolls his eyes before licking his lips as he turns to face the street once more. "I meant this. You're starting to like it, I can see it on your face."
You halt your footsteps, causing him to stumble as he tries to shield your body causing a few of the droplets to splash the side of his arm. He stares at you with wide eyes, awaiting your response.
"No I don't."
"You do."
"I don't."
"You do, though?"
"Okay, you don't." He peers at you with raised eyebrows as if he's waiting for you to say something else entirely. You furrow your eyebrows at him.
"You don't get to reverse psychology me, Satoru."
"Not even once?" He raises his pointer finger with a pout of his lip causing you to slap his hand away.
"No!" You put your foot down on this conversation because you know if you don't, Satoru's just going to start to defy until he's going to get what he wants. "Point is, I don't and you can't keep sending me songs for whatever reason."
"I literally sent you them because it reminds me of you."
"You sent me Sour Grapes in the midst of shitting."
"Okay?" He shrugs his shoulders high as if that shouldn't be enough to convict him of murder or something. "That was one time! I told you after that it reminded me of you though?"
"Yeah, like I would want someone to tell me that when they werejust having explosive diarrhea in the dormitory toilets."
"You're kinda mean sometimes you know that?" He huffs as his shoulders droop. In this lighting, he looks like a puppy ripped off its precious treats. You prevent a smile from blooming on your lips.
"It's my charm," You wink at him. He flushes under your watch. At the embarrassed flush on his face, you let out a few chuckles—admiring the way the redness of his cheeks spread to his ears.
"And, cut!"
Your moment gets cut off by a loud clap mimicking a clapperboard. You both turn toward the culprit as Shoko stands with her hands outstretched in front of her and clasped against one another.
"That was a wonderful shot. I'm sure you'll get Couple of the Year at the KBS Drama Awards." Shoko smiles as she tucks her hands in her coat. Your face flushes and soon enough you duck out of the safety of the umbrella with hands outstretched to grab at Shoko. The girl squeals as you chase her inside.
Satoru on the other hand doesn't come in for a minute and a half.
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05: Signal by TWICE
"You're keeping a playlist?"
Geto chimes in as he rests his chin on your shoulder. It's the weekend, the day is free, and there's nothing to worry about so you and Geto are in the comforts of the common room in your shared dormitory, playing about 5 rounds of Valorant since 12 in the afternoon.
You glance at Geto who peers into the list of songs. They're mostly Korean pop (He's that obsessed okay) ranging from Girls' Generation to AKMU to TWICE then a couple of NCT, SEVENTEEN, and even Mamamoo. He reprimands you to not lose them buried and laid to waste in your messages because he says, 'I sent them so that means they're carefully thought of and that also means you have to remember them because I said so!'
You responded with a smack under the head and an array of curses you jumbled together in an attempt to scare him off.
It didn't work.
"He just sent me Signal by Twice." You groan as you add yet another song to the lengthy playlist that you only just curated a few days ago. Your eyes take a short glance up at the computer screen with the waiting time on standby as your match queued up in competitive.
Geto pulls away from your shoulder and gives you a raise of an eyebrow.
"Okay, I'm just going to be real with you because all of this is physically making my bones hurt and I'm not even in my twenties," Suguru heaves a sigh. "You've got to be that fucking dense if you don't get that at all."
Suguru looks at you as if you've just murdered his precious 2-year-old Chinchilla named Tiana. You stare back at him with the same intensity.
"You and Shoko have been saying the most cryptic shit—Should I have assumed something?" You retort with a furrow of your eyebrows.
"Should you not have?" Geto doesn't want to be the one to relay whatever Satoru's thought process is but this just has to be one of the most blatant shit he could come up of. He thinks the problem is the fact that it's you.
(To be fair, Gojo's never serious about anything unless it's curses, sweets, or the photocard album collection he has of Huh Yunjin piling on his shelves.)
You throw your hands up in the air and make a series of wild gestures that Geto would’ve laughed at if it weren't for that vein almost popping out of your head.
"Damn, my bad if I didn't get the memo?" You claim with sarcasm, your shoulders are raised and your hands are too busy making circular motions and random movements just to make a point. Damn, Suguru's really trying not to laugh. "Should I have broken down every single writing process, thought, idea and symbolical allusions that these songs went through or something?"
"That's too much of an exaggeration but not technically," Suguru responds with a smile. "It's really just common sense."
A ding from your phone cuts off your conversation causing both of you to peer down at the screen of your phone perched on your knee.
You conversation with Gojo opens and a realization comes next.
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You press on the link and immediately takes you to your Spotify. Your breath hitches.
"He sent me Must be Love," You blink slowly before glancing up at Suguru. "He sent me Laufey."
The two of you look at each other before your hand pulls up the live lyrics from below. Soon enough, you confirm your thoughts. Suguru purses his lips as he peers down at the song playing. He scrunches his nose. Oh my Lord, he's cringe.
Suguru repeats your words with a sigh. "He sent you Laufey."
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+1 : Must be Love by Laufey
Finding Gojo was a piece of cake (No it's not).
The boy's always wandering about and Principal Yaga's complaints about his absences always left the three of you grappling at whatever possible evidence that might lead you to grabbing the collar of his shirt and dragging him back home.
It was a problem, sure, but it didn't take long with careful observation that Gojo always visits one or two sweet shops regularly when he's craving a cavity or his frequent quiet spots around campus that no one seems to even consider because everyone just assumes that the almighty six eyes user will not subject himself to the cramped and dusty space just to stream and vote on Mnet.
This time, it was easy—too easy that he's actually just in his room because it only took him one glance from Shoko staring into his soul as he tried to sneak out again for him to go back into his room with his tail tucked between his legs.
So yes, you think it's a piece of cake (It's not).
"Do you like me?"
You barged into his room, and marched up to the foot of his bed as he screamed like a little girl with you glaring down at him. He pulls his covers up to cover him even though he's fully clothed. It would be funny if you weren't fuming right now.
"What the fuck?! Privacy?!"
"Yeah, whatever," You roll your eyes before shoving him your phone with the playlist on screen. "Do you like me? Answer the question."
Satoru looks at you with wide eyes and disheveled hair as he peers down at your phone then back at you.
"Can this wait? I still have to watch another episode of Leniverse—"
"Wait, my ass," You snarl as you push him back flat on his bed causing him to squeak before climbing in and encasing him with your leg on each side of his hip and your arms beside his head. You peer down at his terrified eyes but flushed cheeks with a determined look on your face. "Did you hear me complain about you playing me Super Shy the other day? Or fucking Signal?"
"What's wrong with New Jeans?"
"Nothing's wrong with them, it's you who's fucking weird," Your fingers grip the sheets as your breath falters. "Sending me songs as if I'd get that shit."
"... I did say it reminded me of you ..."
"No shit, Sherlock? you think I'd waste the time to assume things?" You deadpanned. Your cheeks flush as you look down at him with pursed lips. "Say it."
His eyes glance at the expanse of your face, admiring your soft little imperfections before raising his hand to move the hair blocking the light from your face. There's a moment of silence before he smiles at you.
"Hey," He starts off light and cups your cheek. "Look, I'm just gonna make this simple for you. You've got two choices—"
There's a certain familiarity with the way he's trying to normally recite the words. You furrow your eyebrows at him. "Are you ... Are you reciting Mina's intro?"
Gojo flashes you an uneasy grin before closing his eyes as he hits his head back against the pillow in frustration. "I didn't expect to confess today. Give me a break."
"So you resorted to that?"
"You didn't exactly give me a chance did you?!" He complains, tone raising defensively. "Acting like you own the fucking room— Which you don't by the way! I'd have you know that my family funded this dormitory so technically I own it. You can't barge in like that! What if I was naked? Or masturbating? Or worse, looking at my Mark Lee pc collection?!"
"I'm not sure as to what the basis is when it comes to ranking those things from least to worst but—"
"Ah Ah Ah!" He sticks his palm against your mouth causing you to be cut off from your response. He continues off on a tangent. "I'm not done! You also so blatantly mounted me at my most vulnerable moment and didn't even let me speak when you tried to interrogate me about my feelings. What if I suddenly just kissed you if I succumbed to my raging hormones!?"
You stare, deadpan as he continues to ramble off.
"After all the work I did," He whines. "The songs! The careful deliberation—"
You tug off his hand with a harsh pull. "There was no careful deliberation with sending those songs because you just fucking sent them for no reason at all!"
"What do you mean?! They all have one thing in common! I told you it reminded me of you!" He argues back. You're both shouting and arguing at each other whilst still in that damned position and you both could care less with it when this is happening.
"You weren't exactly specific, were you?! How the hell am I to even perceive that when I don't know what I'm looking for?!"
"It's right in your face, Y/N!" Gojo exclaims. "All of them are about love. All of them are about liking someone. I can't stress it enough that I basically just sent them to you in different fucking fonts."
You gape at him from your position above as his face completely submerges in a sea of red.
"My bad for being so fucking cheesy! Don't give me that look because Suguru told me he cringed to oblivion when he heard Love Lee. My mental capacity is at an all-time low right now so my shitty ass K-POP playlist will have to do." He delivers one last chance to defend his dignity before letting out a defeated sigh. "So yes, I do like you. Happy?"
There's a pause of silence as you look down at him with a steady gaze. You were already aware of it the moment this idiot delved into your side of music. Sure, you had half a mind to at least understand why he was doing it in the first place but Gojo was skilled in being Gojo. In being himself.
Serious in certain things but not all. Arrogant, selfishly unselfish, and just outright an asshole in a good way. You're not really sure how to assume things when there weren't any reassurance that you could in the first place.
He was too good in being a friend and now as he peers up at you through his beautiful white lashes with the nervous flush on his cheeks, you're suddenly sure about something else.
"If you're not going to say something, can I please just watch Leniverse and wallow in miser—"
"Shut up, Satoru," You whisper as you lean down on your elbows and press your lips into his. He lets out a shaky gasp at the feeling of your lips against his. He responds with ease, encasing you in his arms as he pulls you down to completely rest your weight on top of him. Your hands make way to cup his cheeks as you kiss him deeper with a tilt of your head. He follows your lead quietly before softly pulling away at the slight loss of breath.
You two look at each other with a certain daze in your eyes from the kiss, gaze darting back and forth from your eyes to your lips. He licks his lips (your eyes carefully following the motion).
"You're an idiot, y'know that?" You cut the silence off with a tender smile on your lips as you rest your chin on his chest. "You could've just told me you liked me like y'know, a normal human being?"
Satoru rolls his eyes with a grin. "I'm not exactly normal, am I?"
You nod with careful consideration. "You have a point."
There's a pause of comfortable silence as the two of you gaze at each others eyes before Satoru feels for his phone under the covers. You watch him as you lay your head on his chest, watching as he pulls up his playlist and begins to play the last song he sent you.
Laufey's vocals soon echo in his room and the soft sounds of the guitar accompaniment creates a mellow vibe between the two of you.
"Thank you," You whisper, reaching up to place a chast kiss on his lips. He smiles at the peck of your lips. "I did love it. If it's not obvious enough, I do like you too."
Gojo chuckles with glee as he pulls you to rest beside him in his arms.
"Okay, enough of that. Let's make out now." He pulls you close with a pucker of his lips. You angle your head back away from his assault with a laugh pouring from your lips.
"Stop it!"
"Fuck wait, gotta set the mood—"
"What are you— Why the fuck are you playing White Tee—?! Get off Satoru or I will body slam you into wet concrete. I swear to God—"
"What if?"
"You're sick in the head."
"Thanks, I call it love."
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a/n: I was gojo in this and i often sent my ex random ass songs with no context at all and she'd always be like ? HAHA we're just friends now and I still send her stuff and now she knows to put it in a playlist whenever I do it <3 neways hope yall enjoyed this. first time writing Gojo! so mb if it was a lil ooc, had to just get it off my chest and project through his character. teehee. also the playlist serves as actual part of the story! yall can imagine its gojo who curated it for u hehe. have a great week ahead yall!
update: someone sent me who i'd think gojo's ult group is,,, if it isnt obvious from the fic its lesserafim 🫶🫶 he's an avid huh yunjin pc collector but he also listens to other groups like girls' generation, IU, and a sprinkle of nct bc noise core is somehow so like him 😁☝️‼️
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Platonic May castellan x Gender neutral friend reader
Platonic yandere show version Luke castellan x parental figure reader
Platonic yandere camp half blood x Gender neutral reader
Y/n/n= you're nickname
Idk if I like this one...but spent way to much time writing it
TRIGGER WARNINGS swearing, implied kidnapping, accidental injuries, dark themes
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The Castellan's had always been close with your family. You and May had been close from a young age. Although May claimed she sometimes saw things..... " I don't know of you should trust someone who claims to be a God sounds delusional and uptight. " You told your friend to which May just rolled her eyes. One day you found May muttering nonsense to herself in the corner of her house. " Hey hey May what's wrong? I'm here. I'm here. " You said gently helping your friend up. " Y/n??! Oh thank the God's it's you! It's really you!" May said squeezing you tightly honestly it was surprising how tightly she was hugging you. " I've got you May. I've got you." You said hugging her back but not as tight. " Y/n?" May asked. " Yeah?" You replied. " I'm pregnant." May stated.... You're mouth dropped.
You moved in with May to help her with the pregnancy and ended up using the couch as a bed since you both agreed to use the spare bedroom as a nursery for the baby although May did argue about it because you shouldn't have to sleep on the couch. You also made sure May was always comfortable and also worked a few extra hours to make sure there was enough to buy stuff for the baby. " Y/n I can't thank you enough for all you've done for me." May said. " Of course you're my best friend. " You replied. " So if it's a girl I was thinking Lily if it's a boy Lucas." May said. " How about just Luke if it's a boy?" You asked. " Luke...." May smiled softly. " I like that. " May said.
" Luke it is then." You replied. " If it's a boy. " May replied. " If it's a boy. " You repeated back.
" Y/n? Are you awake?" May asked shaking your shoulder. " I am now." You replied sleepily. " Good because I think........ my water just broke. " May said and you sat up alarmed. Somehow the two of you managed to make it to the hospital in one piece. " Excuse me but you'll have to step out of the room." One of the nurses told you. " No wait I want them to stay.....please. " May said. After hours May finally gave birth to Luke. You gently cradled the little baby in your arms as May slept. " Y/n?" May asked a few hours later when she woke up you handed her the sleeping Luke. " My Luke....my perfect boy." May muttered and you smiled softly. " You did amazing May." You said.
Well so you're plan was just to stay a month or so until May got back on her feet however what was not part of the plan was May going insane. Surprisingly Hermes tried to be a happy family with Luke and May so you moved out for like a year but would often come visit and help in anyway possible well that was until Luke turned 1, Hermes was nowhere to be found and May had now gone insane so you moved back in with May and Luke because you didn't want them to see May as an unfit mother and take Luke away from her knowing Luke was one of the only things keeping May from complete insanity. " My baby....." May muttered as you cradled Luke her arms shaking. " Would you like to hold him?" You asked and she nodded as she stopped shaking enough to hold Luke you gently put him in her outstretched arms.
You sighed softly. " I have to go to work tomorrow are you going to be alright with Luke alone for a few hours?" You asked quiet and gently. May nodded softly.
A five year old with curly black hair and brown eyes came up to you with tears in his eyes. " Y/n/n my mom is doing it again. " Luke said. You sighed softly knowing what he was talking about May was muttering something about a prophecy again while some of it made sense most of it was nonsense. " Come here sweet boy. " You said opening your arms for him. " I've got you sweet boy I've got you." You said hugging him. " We'll let May rest for a bit she's had a ....... stressful day. I'll take you to the park and get ice cream. " You said that put a smile on Luke's face. Someone a little kid made the mistake of calling you pretty/cute/handsome not in a creepy kinda way but little kids tend to be overly friendly yeah Luke didn't like that so he bashed his ice cream cone into the kids face. " LUKE!" You scolded the five year old and turned to apologize for Luke's actions however Luke didn't like that either as he ended up kicking said kids parents although he was only five so it probably didn't hurt.......that much.
" I'm so sorry . He's a little boy little kids need attention......anyway again I am really sorry about his behavior. " You rambled and the kids parents are just like it's fine we understand.
One day when you came home you found May sobbing in a corner of the house clutching a picture of her and Luke. " May what's wrong?" You asked gently kneeling in front of her. " Lu....Luke ran aw....aw....away. " May manged to stutter out. " Oh May....." You said hugging her.
There was a knock on your door to the house as you were getting ready for bed. You no longer lived with May but lived a few houses down it had been a couple years since Luke ran away and you'd constantly go to check on May to make sure she didn't spiral any worse. The knocking noise again but this time it sounded more impatient. " Yeah Yeah I'm coming hold you're fucking horses. " You replied walking towards the door. " Who the fu...." You stared but got cut off when you saw three teens and a 7 year old at your door however one teen caught your eye. " Luke....." You muttered.
" Hi Y/n."... Honestly as mad as you were at Luke you started to bond with his friends and him again.
" Hey Annabeth want me to read a story to you?" You to Annabeth. " Bed time stories are for babies. " Annabeth replied. " It can be anything. " You replied. " Anything?" Annabeth questions. You ended up reading her a few chapters of Frankenstein honestly you don't remember buying it but you found it on your bookshelf so.....( Athena cough cough).
" Hey Y/n can I borrow your keys?" Thalia asked. " Urmmmm how old are you?" You asked. " SHE'S TWELVE!" Grover shouted from the other side of the room. " Ehhh that's old enough in my opinion. " You replied and let her drive on the back roads where almost none drives.
" So you like my little forestry area?" You asked Grover. " Yeah nature's beautiful." Grover said. " Yes it is.....sometimes I think we don't deserve nature." You replied
You placed a plate of sandwiches and cookies infront of Luke as the other three munched away at their own sandwiches and cookies. " You know you really should go visit her she's your mother after all." You said but Luke didn't reply. " Luke?" You asked. " Fine if it'll make you happy. " Luke replied.
1 week later. " Y/n come with us." Luke said. " I can't Luke." You replied. Luke's expression turned into one of rage. " Why the fuck not?" Luke asked angry. " Luke calm down please..." You stared as he slammed his hands down. " You're the only parental figure I have you can't turn your back on me. I'm your son! I WON'T LET YOU!" Luke exclaimed, angry he still definitely had anger issues. Luke stormed out of the room leaving you, Thalia, Grover and Annabeth stunned slightly.
You woke up in a bed however it wasn't your bed. " They look so......fragile and weak. " You heard a voice say. " Why would they bring a mere moral to camp with them?" You heard a voice question . " Huh? It has a name." You replied waking up groggy. " Oh great it's awake like we need a mortal to take care of when we already have these half blood brats. Chiron take care of it." The voice said and walked of an older looking gentleman with gray hair and brown skin who ended up being very kind to you. Chiron was honestly started to become platonic obsessed with you when he saw the way you tended to Luke, Grover , Annabeth and some of the younger children.
Chiron smiled to himself. " Maybe just maybe having a mortal here wouldn't be so bad..." Chiron thought to himself. " Why don't you stay a day or two? It's dark and wouldn't be safe for you to travel. " Chiron said. " I really should be getting back home....." You replied. " Please I insist. " Chiron said putting a gentle hand on your shoulder. Well those days turned into weeks and weeks into months until you found out the truth about the children being demigods , Chiron being a centaur and Mr.D being a God. Mr.D pretends to hate you but like Chiron he adores you. Honestly you had become a parental figure to all the halfbloods but while you tended to all the children the two cabins that took up most of your time were the Ares and Hermes cabins. Luke came back with the scar and you fussed over him like a worried parent he definitely liked the parental affection.
One time you decided to decorate Thalia's tree for Christmas Chiron nor surprisingly Mr.D had the heart to tell you no. You got some of the younger campers to help you decorate Thalia's tree as well.
" Clairsse put Chris down!" You shouted looking at the boy being held by his ankle. " But he hurt you......" Clairsse muttered that was true Chris and Luke had gotten into an argument about God's knows what you had stepped betten them and accidentally got stabbed in the arm in the process. That set all the camp off especially Luke as Luke stabbed Chris back in the arm and probably would have continued if you didn't pull Luke off Chris. The other campers watched with jealousy and rage in their eyes as you tended to Chris's injuries like a worried parent because they wanted your attention all for themselves most of the time when your reading to the younger campers the older ones will come in and listen as well. Especially Annabeth.
when Percy eventually arrives a few years later Percy shows up it gets worse because how dare this unclaimed himbo steal you and your attention away.....
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mintsbubbletea · 5 months
𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 - 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬
Word Count: 1,252
Contains: Gender Neutral Reader, No pronouns used. Blood, kissing, cursing not sure if I missed anything
Proof read and Edited
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Sitting at your desk in your dorm room, you immersed yourself in the soft melodies playing in the background while diligently jotting down notes on how to enhance your quirk. Each page was filled with valuable information shared by your mentor, and you found that writing them down helped etch them into your memory. Suddenly, a loud and abrupt knock shattered your concentration, causing you to snap out of your bubble. You turned your head towards the door and called out, "Come in."
The door burst open, revealing a flustered Denki who seemed to be rambling incoherently. Amidst his jumbled words, you could only make out something about a fight and blood, but it was clear that the teachers couldn't find out. Concerned, you stood up and walked towards him, only to be joined by Tsu entering the room. "Hold on, Denki. Who's hurt? What happened?" you asked, trying to piece together the situation.
"It's Midoriya and Bakugo. They got into another fight, kero," Tsu explained, her voice filled with worry. Denki chimed in, his rambling now replaced with a more composed tone. "It's pretty bad. There's blood all over the floor, fists flying, and explosions everywhere. It all happened so fast, and we barely managed to pull them apart," he revealed.
Confused, you questioned, "What does this have to do with me? Shouldn't we be getting Recovery Girl?" As you reached for your phone to text your grandma, Tsu hesitated before responding, "Well… we can't. We wanted to ask if you could use your quirk to heal them. This is their third fight, and Mr. Aizawa warned that if he catches them in another one, they'll be in serious trouble, kero."
Everyone in UA knew one thing for certain: you were the granddaughter of Recovery Girl. It was common knowledge that you couldn't heal major injuries like she could, considering her years of experience, but you had the ability to mend cuts, bruises, and other minor injuries to some extent. Your father, who was also a healer, had been teaching you alongside your grandmother since you were little.
You had used your quirk to assist your classmates before, but never to conceal something significant from the adults. "So you want me to keep this a secret from Mr. Aizawa and my grandma?" you questioned, releasing a sigh. Deep down, you knew you would eventually give in and help. Both of them looked at you with hopeful eyes, pleading for your assistance. "Alright, let's do it."
"Thank you, Y/n! You're amazing," Denki exclaimed, patting your shoulder. The three of you then headed towards the lounging area, where Deku and Katsuki sat in separate seats, each holding ice on their hand or nose. Several of your classmates surrounded them. "Thank goodness you're here, Y/n. We didn't know what else to do," Momo said, stepping away from helping Deku. Curious, you glanced at Deku, who had a bruised fist and cheekbone, and asked, "How did this even happen?"
"None of your damn business, first aid!" Katsuki's sharp retort echoed through the room, his frustration evident as he winced in pain and held the ice against his throbbing nose. Rolling your eyes, you leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on Deku's cheek, causing him to blush softly and smile in return.
With a soft blush, Deku looked at you and spoke, "Oh, you know, we were just caught up in a brawl." He expressed his gratitude as he flexed his hand, relieved to see the pain and bruising subside.
A smile played on your lips as you nodded, acknowledging the intensity of the fight. Walking over to Katsuki, you noticed him pushing Eijiro away, who was attempting to clean up the blood on his face and clothes.
"Don't touch me, hair-for-brains!" Katsuki grumbled, shoving Eijiro's head away with frustration. "You're bleeding all over the place! Just hold the cloth to your nose," he pleaded with the blond. Reluctantly, Katsuki snatched the cloth and placed it under his nose, watching as it quickly turned crimson. His gaze then shifted towards you, standing before him. Anticipating your next move, he immediately shook his head. "No way, I'm not letting your perverted ass anywhere near me," he declared, his tone defiant.
Confused, you questioned, "Then how am I supposed to heal you?" Taking a seat beside him, you observed the swelling on his nose. "I don't care, just keep your weird lips away from me," Katsuki huffed, averting his gaze.
Deku chimed in, attempting to persuade Katsuki, "Come on, Kacchan. We can't get in trouble. Y/n was kind enough to help us."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at Katsuki's snarky comment. "I didn't ask for your opinion, nerd," he retorted, as you started pinching his swollen nose lightly. He let out a yelp of pain, causing you to smirk. "Does that hurt?" you asked, increasing the pressure on his nose. "Let me fix it for you real quick," you offered, ignoring his protests. "Come on, we don't want Mr. Aizawa catching us," Kirishima chimed in.
Katsuki grumbled, reluctantly agreeing. "Just hurry up, you perv, and keep your hands off me," he grumbled. You smiled softly, releasing his nose and leaning in closer to his cheek, feeling the warmth radiating from his face. You hesitated for a moment, biting your lip. This wasn't the first time you had done something like this, but it felt different this time. Taking a deep breath, you pressed your lips against his cheek, pulling away after a few seconds. A blush crept onto your cheeks.
"Alright, now get lost," Katsuki muttered, looking away, his nose already looking better. "Thanks again, Y/n. We really appreciate it," Deku said with a grateful smile. "No problem at all," you replied, standing up and quickly making your way back to your dorm. The music you had left playing filled your ears as you closed the door and leaned against it. Your eyes widened slightly as a whirlwind of thoughts flooded your mind. Did you actually like him? Or was it just his attractiveness that caught your attention? Lost in your thoughts, you stood there for what felt like an eternity until a knock on your door snapped you back to reality. Blinking a few times, you opened the door.
Katsuki stood there, hands buried in his pockets, his gaze fixed on you. "Hey," you greeted softly, feeling a bit uneasy as you awaited his response. "Is everything okay? How's your nose?" you inquired, concerned. "Just shut up," he snapped, his tone harsh. "I'm not sure what I'm feeling," he started, his expression conflicted. "I don't like it because I'm supposed to hate you, but I can't. And that kiss… even if it was just on the cheek. I couldn't get it out of my head," he admitted. "Although you're a total pervert, I didn't hate being kissed by you."
You were taken aback by his words. "What?" you began, only to be interrupted. "So, don't go kissing anyone else, got it?" he warned sternly. You nodded quickly. "Okay," you replied with a soft smile. Katsuki's eyes softened as he moved closer, his hand reaching towards your face. "Stop picking at your lips, you're going to mess them up," he scolded gently, wiping away a trace of blood from where you had been picking at them earlier.
"Thank you," you said gratefully, smiling at him as he withdrew his hand. "See you tomorrow, first aid," he muttered before turning to walk away.
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tags: @slayfics Lmk if you wanna be added
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goddessofwaifus · 8 months
Honestly, how shinichiro managed to worm his way into my heart still surprises me...
He deserves love too! Nobody is "normal" by any standard so how does such a cute weirdo like him get rejected 20 times?! Whatever if none of the girls who rejected him want him, I guess that means no competition for being his one and only 😏 This one is for my shinichiro lovers!!! He may be a loser but he can get a w while being a lovable dork. If takemichi can get bitches, then it shouldn't be out of the question that the same can apply for Shin!
Premise- You're walking in the usual crowded halls and there you bump into the boy who every girl gossips about at school. He's weird, he doesn't know how to talk to women, he's been rejected 20 times... Wait what? How does that happen?!
The only real thing I should note for this little fic is that you and Wakasa are familiar with one another. The relationship can be familial or platonic. Might give some background in a follow up part if anyone is interested in exploring that aspect in detail. Reader,as usual,is gender neutral for inclusion of all who read.
Lose to win
Shinichiro Sano x Reader
How many dates would you go on with this guy? Honest answer for the shinichiro simps out there, I know you're out there!
Personally, I'd go on however many dates he wants. If none of those girls want him, I'll take him myself 🙄 their loss
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Honestly school is shit. Especially when you're the subject of gossip and your friends have better luck with pulling than you. That was the case for Shinichiro Sano. Poor guy had been rejected 20 times, he was about ready to give up and just fully dedicate himself to the gang life with his love for bikes. Walking down the hall with him were his friends Wakasa Imaushi, Takeomi Akashi, and Keizo Arashi (Benkei).
"Honestly Shin, I'm starting to worry about ya bud. You are just woman repellant, I feel so sorry for you."
"Maybe his charisma just doesn't work on girls? You really need to stop letting your intrusive thoughts win, man... Girls avoid you like the plague and I don't need you scarin' off the bad bitch I snagged this week..."
"You'll find someone eventually. Girls are picky. If it doesn't work out, who knows? Maybe datin' ain't it for you. If not, you got us! We can go out and kick some ass! Cheer up man!"
Shinichiro gave a small smile to Benkei 's attempt to lighten the mood. He gave a frown to Waka and Takeomi, feeling the white-haired boy give him a light punch to his arm with a chuckle. Some friends they are, he joked until he felt an impact with his chest that prompted him to stop with his friends pausing as well. You had bumped into him on your way to class and bowed your head, embarrassed for getting in his way.
"Sorry... I wasn't watching where I was going. I didn't mean to bump into you! I'll get out of your way... Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll-"
"No no you're fine! This hallway is pretty crowded so it was inevitable for this to happen."
Shinichiro laughed, rubbing the back of his neck while his friends looked down at you. You were going to move aside and continue your trip to your classroom when Wakasa spoke to you.
"Yo y/n, before we let you go off to class, I got a question for ya. You got a type?"
The question was completely out of left field so it flustered you a bit. What kind of question was that? Wakasa is prone to asking odd questions, sometimes to perform his own personal social experiments among other students or simply for his own personal reasons. Maybe to try and see what kind of person they are? You'll never know, Waka has always been aloof and a bit mysterious in your time of knowing him. You shrug and figure maybe this was a test of his, so you'll bite.
"In partners? I guess it doesn't really matter as long as they're not an absolute dickhead or douchebag just looking for some ass. I can't stand people like that..."
You trailed off as you had glanced up at Shinichiro who looked like he wanted to be swallowed up by the floor beneath him. You slowly put the pieces together as you remembered overhearing girls giggling and laughing or gagging in over exaggerated disgust about some boy named Shinichiro who had supposedly asked them out, but they either blew him off or he somehow screwed up his chance by saying something weird that creeped them out/ turned them off from pursuing anything with semblance to a date. You then glanced over to Wakasa as you were now curious to see where he was going with the question now answered.
"You've probably heard around the hallways, but this guy has had an unlucky streak with the ladies. Unlike everyone else, you're one of the nice ones here on campus. You can probably see where I'm going with this."
You nodded, looking back at the embarrassed delinquent busying his gaze with the floor to avoid looking at his friend who was smirking slightly at the response. A gentle tilt of the chin upwards was almost enough to put the boy into cardiac arrest as he instinctively swallowed against your hold. His charcoal eyes meet your (e/c) ones in hesitation,you can see the anxiety building behind them. He watched your lips as you spoke your next words, his ears at attention.
"Shinichiro Sano. 20 rejections? What did you do to scare them off?"
"Too honest and open."
"Speaks before he thinks."
"Being himself is apparently the worst advice to give him..."
You weren't expecting the three boys to list every fuck up the guy made for every girl he potentially had interest in. You almost felt bad for his string of bad luck, but you figured Waka chose you for the most obvious reason.
You didn't have the best track record with dating either. Although you don't like to admit it, you can sympathize with the guy. Girls, as a joke or genuinely, have warned/told you not to get involved with Shinichiro. Social suicide they said, you'll never be able to eat with the little friends or acquaintances you have due to associating with the weirdo, he's not worth it, and so many other disheartening things they spewed from their mouths.
Who were they to tell you not to give the guy a chance? Half of the girls spouting that crap are either dating his friends, fucking with them, or haven't gone out with the guy and are simply regurgitating what everyone else is saying so they don't get the side-eyed by the ones who started spreading the information around. Some say he's bad in bed, others say he's not loyal, one girl said she couldn't stand the smell of smoke from his cigarettes, another said he's impulsive, and so on. They all had something to say about him, never positive things. You would decide, not them. You had a mind of your own and you could tell a person's intentions based on their behavior.
So what if he's bad in bed? Sex ain't everything in a relationship after all.
Most of the girls couldn't say anything about being unfaithful to their lovers when the hypocrisy in their words couldn't have been any louder.
You honestly couldn't say anything about the cigarette smell, but he should quit while his lungs are still healthy and taking in oxygen as they should. The smell is an easy fix, just spritz cologne lightly and it should overpower the nicotine. Some girls don't mind the smell or taste.
As for the impulsive part, that comes with being a teenager. Hormones play a part as well as other factors. You were a bit impulsive yourself so maybe every now and then you say something wild or out of turn that would have the class eyeing you like hawks and wishing you could vanish right then and there in the moment. Perfectly natural for both men, women, and those in between. Nothing new, nothing bad.
Half of the things they listed weren't heinous or anything worth slandering his name for. If not to put these stupid rumors to rest, then just to satisfy your buzzing questions and learn more about the boy who supposedly repels girls away instead of attracting. You don't know what the fuss is about, he's a good looking guy and from the times you've passed by him and his friends, he's a pretty chill and easygoing person. He's never caused trouble, his grades are decent, has no problem with making friends, and you wouldn't assume he's the type of guy who goes around beating up other students to assert his dominance and show off his strength. Shinichiro Sano seems like your average guy who might,one day, work as a mechanic.
"You're L/n-san, right? Y/N? Y-you don't have to if you don't want to... I wouldn't want to waste your time or bring down your reputation by asking you out. I'd only cause problems for you and the guilt would eat at me..."
"What are you talking about? What reputation? I'm not losing anything from going out with you. If anything, I think I wanna be the first girl to ask you out for a date~ If that's alright with you."
You stopped his train of thought right then and there, a smile he swore took the breath from his lungs and made his heart thump hard enough to nearly trigger a panic in him. You asking him ,out of all the guys at school, on a date? He swears up and down his face has never been so hot and red like a cherry tomato before. The smugness of his best friends couldn't have been so loud and visible to the raven-haired delinquent.
It's a big deal because, while you aren't picky about who you date and go out with, you still have standards and on top of that, major trust issues as a result of relationships that have crashed and burned for many reasons you don't want to think about or remember right now.
"Is it cool if I join you guys for lunch period? For once, I don't wanna eat by myself like I usually do. Maybe I can also get to know the gossip topic himself better so I have a better read of him. I have a fairly good idea of who he is,but I wanna hear it from his mouth for myself."
"Y-yeah! It's perfectly fine for you to hang with us! T-the more the merrier right?"
He can't get any cuter or be more of a dork, you thought to yourself with a soft smile. The boys walked you to class and you breezed through most of the lectures with ease. Before you can even squeeze in a little nap, it's lunchtime and unlucky for you, you completely forgot to make yourself lunch this morning before you took off towards the school grounds. You sighed in disappointment,trudging to the roof as you also didn't have enough money for even a little snack to suffice. All you brought with you on the way up was your sketchbook for doodling while you ate, but maybe today was looking up for you.
"Hey. You made it...Did you forget to make yourself lunch before you went to bed again last night?"
The look on your face gave Wakasa his answer, he chuckled as Shinichiro had been telling Benkei that he was saving the extra bento he made to hopefully give to someone (preferably someone who was a good cook) as a taste tester for his cooking. Ever since his little brother and sister started teasing him about being a bad cook, he had become determined to improve his culinary skills in the kitchen to get his rotten little siblings off his back and prove he was a good cook. The lunch he made tasted fine to him, however a second opinion was needed due to his taste being an "unreliable source" to his siblings and grandfather. No more takeout, he would learn to cook for them. Plus, it makes good practice.
"Alright, what idea kept you up this time? I'm assumin' ya jotted it down in your handy sketchbook so let me have a look and see."
While Benkei was distracted by whatever you had stayed up late to work on instead of getting your precious sleep, Takeomi saw the extra lunch Shinichiro made as a perfect opening for the two of you. He nudged their leader and nodded his head over to you to signal him into seizing the golden opportunity to learn more about you. The messy haired bundle of nerves that was Shinichiro gave a subtle nod to his friend's encouragement, sighing deeply as Wakasa sat on one side of you and Benkei sat by Takeomi. You and Shinichiro were sat in the middle as the five of you sat against the fence walls along the school rooftop, Waka seeming to get the same idea that Takeomi had when he remembered the extra bento his friend was holding onto.
"Uh hey Y/n? So I've gotten into cooking recently on account of wanting to get better at it for my lil siblings and grandpa. S-since you forgot to make lunch for today, I figured maybe you could try the extra one I made and have that if you like it. If it's cool with you, I wanna see what you were working on last night too in exchange. If you're not cool with that, I'll still give you the lunch either way!"
You nodded, a bit nervous about showing him the doodles and pieces you scribbled away in the confines of your sketchbook, but you figured it wouldn't hurt for him to see. You didn't think you were the best artist and admittedly didn't think you were good at cooking to really be a good judge of taste testing. Wakasa would shut down any and all belittling of your skills, be your number one cheerleader, and encourage you to pursue your hobby. If you didn't think you were the best cook, shut up. How dare you call his friend a bad cook? He should have you cook something for him and he'll judge it for himself.
Shinichiro traded you the lunch for your sketchbook under the single condition that he didn't laugh and make fun of what you worked on until 2 in the morning before finally falling asleep upon satisfaction of your finished product. Let it be known that you rarely show anyone your work on account of being laughed at and/or bullied for the subject matter of your pieces. You were an anime fan, you liked to watch anime at night and often imagined scenarios between you and your favorite characters from the media, if inspiration struck (more often than not as you're getting ready to go to bed) you would draw said idea in your sketchbook, erasing and redrawing line after line until it looked exactly like your daydream or was close enough to it.
Watching with held breath as the charcoal eyes of Shin glided across the page where your latest piece from the night before sat. He admired each line you drew, the expressions, poses, no space on the filled canvas was left untouched by the observant eyesight of the gang leader. You were so worried about what he thought about your artwork that you hadn't touched the lunch he gave to you. What did he think of the doodles you made? Was he gonna laugh at you too? So many questions flow into your mind, filling your stomach with dread and slowly regretting handing over your sketches.
"I recognize this character! I've seen the anime before, but I can't remember the name. God... What's it called? Oh! A/n (Anime/name)! It was really good!"
"You've seen that anime? Y-you watch anime? I didn't think you were the type to be into that."
"Well, I remember reading the manga for it and thinking 'what's the anime like?' so I watched it and I got invested! This art is really cool! I like the way you drew them, is this your character in the anime? They look really nice."
You smiled, nodding as Shinichiro didn't need you to tell him what was what. He did notice you hadn't touched the lunch he made yet, he looked through the other pages before he was satisfied with taking in your work and committing it to his memory.
Eventually, you opened the bento and found delicious food inside,wafting to your nostrils and making you salivate from the aroma. Shinichiro watched you drool over what he cooked this morning,pride blooming in his chest at the sense of accomplishment but he needed to know if you would eat it. He needed you to take a bite and give him your thoughts on how it came out. Now you were the one being observed closely with bated breath by Shinichiro as you thanked him for the food, bringing a portion up to your lips taking a bite of what you grabbed. The flavor made you tear up with a smile, chewing thoughtfully to savor the taste in your mouth.
You won't forget the looks on their faces as Wakasa cackled from the range of emotion in his friends in response to what you said about Shinichiro and his food. Shinichiro was redder than a strawberry and trying to cover his face, Benkei nearly spit out his food from how wild your response to the food was, and Takeomi was just as flabbergasted if not in utter disbelief at what came out of your mouth. Once Wakasa could breathe somewhat and finally wipe the laugh tears from his lavender eyes, all the snow haired boy had to say was:
"I told you you weren't the only one who blurts out weird shit on impulse! I tooold you!!!"
You hadn't even realized what you said until you saw Shin turn into a tomato with his coal eyes wide open in shock and other things in the mix. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't flattered by the comment on his cooking. It meant he was improving and his practice was starting to pay off. Did you really love what he cooked that much? If so, he'd make a personal note to try and cook more for you in the future. Maybe he could even taste your cooking one day if the date was still gonna happen and it went well. The date was still on and you'd make sure it was fun for the both of you. This date would be the best one that you and Shinichiro had ever been on.
"Ready to go?"
You gave Shinichiro a nod, looking forward to how this date would pan out. Even if the date didn't go well, you would give him the opportunity to take you on another one to make up for it. The two of you had fun riding around together, watching the world pass by as you were behind him on the bike. He'd check on you every few minutes to make sure you were okay, slow down if he felt you were nervous about the speed he was going, he was very accommodating and that alone made the afternoon all the more enjoyable for you.
Shinichiro took you to the movie theater, you had tickets but wouldn't tell him what movie you were seeing. You wanted it to be a surprise,and you had good seats in the back with a perfect view of the screen as long as no one blocked it in the middle row. You two had all kinds of snacks and the best part about this theater was the security doing their job to ensure the watchers had a good time which meant they made sure everyone turned off their phones or put them on silent. If they didn't, well they would "mysteriously lose signal" on their phones and would be forced to go outside to get better reception. If they brought noisy kids, quiet them down or leave. If you stepped out of the viewing room for any other reason besides going to the bathroom or getting more snacks for the movie, you weren't allowed back inside to avoid disrupting the movie for everyone else.
If the adults who were disregarding the viewing room rules of turning off their phones brought kids, the children would have to leave with the parents or whomever the adult in attendance was. They were serious about their jobs and they too respect the rules of the viewing rooms. You had gotten mildly annoyed because as the movie was getting good, that's when the wailing of upset babies, ringing phones, and loud talking began.
Unbeknownst to either of you, Wakasa happened to be in the watch room with the two of you, acting as the discreet wing man once he spotted you both on the way in. Waka did his part and helped jam the signals of any moviegoers who were on the phone when they shouldn't have been. Many complaints followed by irritated teens and adults alike exited the theater to get better reception to their dropped calls or messages they couldn't send, falling into the trap of being kicked out via signal jammers. If they came with kids, the kids would be escorted to their families to avoid the risk of leaving them unsupervised. It's not like they would be allowed to come back inside once they were out anyway.
With the amount of noise now back at acceptable levels, you could hear the movie and enjoy your large shared bucket of popcorn that you got for the two of you to share. Although you both weren't focused on the movie, moreso on one another as you both softly conversed in the back row while munching on your snacks and sipping your respective drinks. Really, you two were using the time to get better acquainted with one another by learning about your common interests and what lives you two lived. By the time you two noticed the movie was nearly over, you felt kinda bad for not watching it because you didn't know what the movie was about.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding when Shinichiro admitted he wasn't really focused either. He'd already seen the movie several times so it didn't really matter, but he still had a great time with you and that's all that really mattered at the end of the day. The movie could have been absolute garbage and he'd much rather talk with you than watch it because he really liked you. You'll admit that,on some level, part of you is happy that other girls aren't attracted to Shinichiro and think they're out of his league. Because you aren't too sure you'd have been able to compete otherwise if there had been anyone else that was interested. If it were up to you, you'd keep this handsome,dorky sweetheart of a boy all to yourself and Shinichiro wouldn't mind it. If this is what being loved feels like, then he's all yours and how can he refuse someone as sweet as you if you ever suggested being his one and only lover? He can't and he won't.
I hope I did Shinichiro justice 👉👈 Same with Wakasa and the other boys too, they haven't been animated yet but with how they act in the manga, I assume they're a couple of bros that fuck around and tease their leader about his failing love life. They might shit on him for it but hey, they aren't your friends if they don't at least try to help set you up with someone they think you have a shot with or try to cheer you up if you've been rejected back to back. Bros roast each other but they've got each other's backs when they need it.
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melissaeilishortega · 4 months
Been thinking bout you
Request: "A story where it’s a person with adhd at a Renee concert, and she sees them stimming or smth and they have a talk and exchange numbers, ect ect. Go crazy with it !!"
A/N: I was soooo excited to write this one!! Also I didn't know if you wanted gender neutral but I only write gxg. It's not my best tho.
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Y/n pov:
It's a Saturday morning, my friend had gotten me Snow Hard Feelings tour tickets as an early birthday gift since the show happened six days before my birthday. I grew up being a huge Broadway nerd so when I had the opportunity to go to New York to go see Mean Girls I made sure to have the best tickets and have a chance to meet some of the actors at the end of the show. Luckily, I met Reneé and I have been following her work ever since.
It was 7 AM and I was now getting ready to go line up to have a chance to get barricade. Léa said that she would pick me up by seven thirty so I had to hurry. I put on a long white skirt with my snow angel crop top. I put my hair up in a half up half down adding a little blue heart shaped hair clip. As I finished my look, I heard the buzz of my apartment ring. Grabbing my coat, I got downstairs then took the bus with Léa down to MTELUS.
After queuing for a few hours, we got to the barricade right in front of where my long time celebrity crush will be standing in a few minutes. I had forgotten to take my pill this morning so my energy was taking over. In such a crowded place it was hard to move which meant that I couldn't let any of it out and it resulted in me playing with my rings, picking my skin or even hitting myself. As the concert finished, my once long nails were short, the buts on my fingers were bleeding and my arms had a few bruises on them. I felt incredibly guilty knowing that it was all my fault but it is what it is. Léa and I were crying in each other's arms before walking to the meet and greet line even though I have met her before, I'm still so nervous.
Léa was filming as I walked up to Reneé. She immediately pulled my into a hug while I sobbed in her shoulder. When I calmed down Reneé asked me if I wanted her to pull away and I shook my head slowly.
"I do gave limited time baby but let me tell you, I've been thinking about you a lot recently and when I saw you in the crowd I was like genuinely so happy." She said in a low tone all while continuing to smile. She has such a warm and welcoming smile.
"Also I dont wanna be indescrete but I saw your hands are you okay?" Reneé continued this time looking right into my eyes.
"Uh yeah...I needed to get energy out and so I stimmed...you know how it is." I answered feeling honestly embarrassed even if I know I shouldn't be.
"I do, do not worry. Alright well I have to go but check your pockets." She whispered in my ear, tapping the left pocket of my coat discreetly.
When I got home, I remembered what Reneé had said and found a note that was scribbled "You're cute and funny, you also seem really fun to hang out with. Here's my number." I feel like if I'm in a fanfiction. Let's just say I went to sleep feeling pretty good that night.
A/N: short oneee made that while rewatching spirited away 🫶🏻
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the-delta-quadrant · 4 months
when did the gender reveal podcast go from just interviews with all kinds of trans people to constantly platforming people who are antitransmasculine and exorsexist? even tuck themself keeps leaning into the antitransmasculine exorsexist bit, despite him being nonbinary and transmasc.
like they had a binary trans woman on who kept going on rants about trans men and nonbinary people on her twitter. i can't remember her name for the life of me. but WHY would you platform someone who openly hates on other trans people? i know for a fact they wouldn't have invited buck angel who does the same shit because when a trans woman does it it's seen as "punching up".
then not that long ago tuck literally said that transmascs shouldn't talk about their oppression in front of trans women because "it might be annoying to them". oh no. how annoying to know that other people in your community are also oppressed.
and today he's platformed the worst person yet: a self-identified transsexual woman (probably binary and white, prove me wrong), who
thinks the word transgender is bad because it includes both men and women, and she doesn't want to be associated with "male privileged" trans men, and then she said "i'm including nonbinary people in that" because somehow we're men now who have binary and cis privilege
thinks "transgender" is a bad term because by being gender neutral it centres trans men (literally WHERE, trans men have historically been invisibilised and erased and actually thrown out of the community, most people who hear the term transgender picture a trans woman, not a trans man, or let alone a nonbinary person who of course is included in "men"
says all these baeddelist things and then in the last 5 minutes trying to denounce radical feminism by denouncing the terms TMA and TME (the only based thing she did, but it's hypocrisy)
thinks the term transgender is bad because it was created by multigender/genderfluid people who didn't medically transition in the 60s whom she sees as "not committing" because they "don't want to give up their privilege, something that's said about nonbinary people and/or trans people who don't medically transition all the time today, and she denounces the term transgender because why would she be associated with dirty nonbinary people who don't follow the same path she does? not to forget that transgender wasn't actually coined by those people, it was coined as a medical term and then adopted by them, but sure, write a history book while actually getting history wrong i guess, she'd also just call these people cis men despite them actually having said that they're both a man and a woman. of course you demonise and erase multigender people even in the past
thinks trans boys have an easier time transitioning than trans girls
as a medically transitioned, probably binary, trans woman talks as if she knows anything about the lives of nonbinary people, afab trans people as a whole & trans people who don't medically transition
thinks that "not transitioning" is becoming a more popular choice for trans people (??????? most trans people literally at least change their pronouns when they come out, unless of course you're talking about medical transition, in which case you're probably a truscum because social transition is transition)
acting like nonbinary transmascs are actually just trans men who don't want the responsibility of male privilege, something that tuck has also basically said before
using the terms transmasc and transfem interchangeably with trans men and women and of course with medical transition
acts like she cares about material realities but probably hasn't listened to more than one trans man, nonbinary person or non medically transitioning trans person because she's too busy speculating on what it's like for us (apparently we have male privilege while also basically being cis women)
just overall framing nonbinary as an inherently privileged identity, which is why there are less amab nonbinary people because all the afab male privileged people identify as nonbinary or whatever flawed logic (binary people shut up challenge, you can't be exorsexist towards amab multigender people by calling them cis men and then wonder why no amab nonbinary person comes out to you)
and the whole transmedicalist undertone of the show for a WHILE now that trans = medical transition, applying the term transsexual to all trans people, acting like being transsexual is a better way of being trans, acting like not wanting medical transition isn't valid; the only reason someone wouldn't medically transition is due to lack of access.
like holy shit what the fuck happened to this podcast.
the blatant exorsexism and antittansmasculinity doesn't become less hurtful and harmful when it's coming from and promoted by a nonbinary transmasc person.
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genderkoolaid · 8 months
re: your post from about an hour ago abt gendered terms, i was literally running here to talk to you about that post i assume you saw (unless it just happened to be a coincidence, in that case it was similar but rlly only focusing on people excusing masc terms by saying they're using it "gender-neutrally" and i agreed with how people need to be better abt that stuff but then i went into the notes and op basically said transmascs should shut up about having a similar experience with feminine terms used "gender-neutrally" because it's a nonissue and therefore shouldn't be compared to this and i was like ?????)
I think we may have seen the same post lol. I try to channel my "why'd you have to say it like that" discourse energy into making the posts I would like to see on a topic.
It's just like... another case of trans person has problem, it's a real and valid problem, but they have decided they are the Only trans person/group of trans people who can have that problem or be hurt by it. like as trans men mascs & others in queer (&sometimes feminist or just woman-oriented) spaces– online and physical– don't get told that they should shut up about being called "girl" because "I call everyone girl! Stop complaining!"
It's literally the same issue. Someone in the notes of that post was talking about an experience they had with not realizing someone called them girl, only for that person to launch into a tirade about how GLAD they were that this trans person wasn't one of those ANNOYING ones who complains about being misgendered. & the post I made about the trans male model who was fired after coming out as a trans man: he was told to not get upset about being called she & girl by a cis gay agency representative in a meeting about them removing him from their website, and using the excuse that he called everyone girl. There's zero reason to act like other trans people don't experience this kind of misgendering! It's just that the main perpetrators tend to be cis women & other queer people, because that's who tends to use "girl" as a general term, and ig that means that any criticisms we have are terminally online & irrelevant.
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hello-nichya-here · 1 year
So I've asked you this in private, but I thought the rest of your followers should see this as your thoughts are quite entertaining.
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What is your opinion on the idea of stuff like this being the only acceptable method of pornography?
*cracks knuckles* Let's get the easiest part out of the way first.
Saying Something Is "Female-Friendly" Is Just Marketing
I'm sorry (not really) to be the one to state the obvious, but at best labeling any kind of pornography as "female friendly" means "most of the people that enjoy this are women" - which is very different from saying "ALL women are into this" or "No guys are ever into this." It's the good old "this cartoon is for boys, that one is for girls."
It's not a radical statement, it's not revolutionary, and it is at best a morally neutral mention of a random statistic that is being used to find the best demography to advertise to and at worst just pointlessly trying to force people into boxes with that they are/are not allowed to enjoy based on their gender.
Don't believe me? Well, too bad because this image you're seeing is literally part of a facebook ad for a porn site. The name of the site and of the artist they were working with can be seen at the top in the uncut version. Like I said, it doesn't matter how "radical" these claims of "this product is made for/by X minority group" pretend to be, at the end of the day it's just marketing.
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"Oh, but people obviously support the message it's sending anyway!" True... but that message is at best filled with poor word choices, and full on terrible at worst.
Consent - Important In Real Life, Meaningless In Fantasy
In the context of this being an ad for a porno site, I think it's safe to say "Consent-based" is just a way of assuring viewers that every actress was fully consenting to every sexual act and was not pressured into anything in any way, which is the bare minimum.
HOWEVER, I've seen plenty of people misunderstand or flat out lie about the "consent-based porn" term means. Like I explained, it is meant to be about the ACTORS consenting - but their "characters" don't need to consent to anything because they are not real. A hardcore CNC fantasy with the actress pretending she doesn't want the sex/is not enjoying it while her co-star pretends to force themselves on her is STILL consent-based if the actress playing the victim role can stop the scene for literally any reason and even walk out completely if that's what she wants.
Unfortunatelly, because kink-shaming is still very much a thing, people act like that is crossing a line and totally counts as legitimate assault - even in videos that the actors before AND after the scene mention how excited they are, how great it was, openly discuss their kinks, etc.
Nobody needs to watch something so extreme if they don't want to, but I have a serious problem with people saying stuff like that shouldn't ever happen. If the people involved in the role-play are doing it WILLINGLY and can back down at any moment, then it isn't in anyway immoral.
Sexual Attraction Is NOT The Same As Respect/Acceptance
Once again, I'm sorry (not really) to be the one who has to tell you guys this, but "representation" in porn is meaningless because:
1 - It doesn't matter how many porn videos there are of any minority group - each individual person picking something to watch will only click on the ones that show people with the body-types and genders they are attracted to, doing stuff they personally find appealing.
2 - "This kind of porn is popular" does not in anyway translate to "this is what society deems morally acceptable". A ton of homophobes LOVE lesbian porn. My country, Brazil, has always had porn with trans people and crossdressers as one of THE most popular trends - yet we are also the country that commits hate crimes against them the most, even when compared to places where being trans or crossdressing is literally a crime that earns you an authomatic death sentence. Incest porn has been obscenely popular everywhere for decades yet most people STILL find the thought of real-life incest absoutely repulsive.
3 - "I am not usually/ever attracted to people of group X" doesn't authomatically mean "I HATE people of group X." Just cause I like red-heads and brunettes, doesn't mean I'll be commiting hate crimes against blondes. If that was how things worked, sex-repulsed asexuals would hate literally all of humanity.
Wanting porn to be inclusive is utterly pointless because sexual attraction is 100% morally neutral. Which brings us to...
What Even Counts As "Objectification"?
Once again, if by "Don't objectify people" we are talking about how "Just because you hired this person to star in a porno, it doesn't mean you can just ignore their consent, comfort and safety for the sake of your fetish" then yeah, that's the bare minimum.
However, if you're saying "don't objectify people" as a way to say "Don't make the video too graphic/obscene/kinky" then we absolutely have a problem here because, my guy, it's porn. It is all about letting us see hot people looking slutty and fucking in great, explict detail.
"Oh, but these sexual acts are humiliating and gross!" To you, maybe. But not to the actors that are very willing to do it. I've had some of my fetishes be called both deeply disturbing and gross AND the most vanilla shit ever. That kind of stuff is 100% subjective, and the only people who can say "I felt disrespected/unsafe/abused" are the actors themselves. Once again, if THEY consented, there's nothing wrong with it regardless of it appealing to you or not.
"Oh, but we'd be wasting an opportunity to educate people/give X group more representation"
If I ever click on a porno and there's a two minute intro with the actors, both belonging to some minority group, talking about how one of them is also historian and the other is a astronomer, I will STILL only care about seeing them fuck even though I love both history and astronomy - not because I don't think they can't possibly know what they're talking about since they are sex workers or because of some kind of bigotry, but because, surprise surprise, I only check out porn sites for the porn. That's what EVERYONE does.
Hell, bad porn can be used to educate people. 50 Shades is awful and a ton of ignorant people think it is 100% accurate to how BDSM actually works. However, this has led to entire groups of people who are actually kinky to discuss REAL BDSM with vanilla people and educate them on how it can be a great thing. And, of course, there's people that enjoy those shitty novels/movies but KNOW they are not accurate representiation of BDSM because they are aware that PORN IS JUST FANTASY, NOT A GUIDE TO HOW SEX SHOULD WORK!
"But it's so shallow to focus only on these people's looks and know literally nothing else about them!"
Yes, and? Being "shallow" isn't always bad, and feeling attracted to someone solely for their looks is not a crime.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a goddamn fanfic writer and I was once the classic "teenager that totally thinks she'd have a chance with that famous rockstar that is old enough to be her dad", I KNOW that the thought of a real connection (emotional, intelectual, etc) CAN be hot - but there's nothing wrong with "These two people whose names I don't even know look hot, I wanna see them fuck, then I'll go take a nap and never think of them again." These porn stars are not crying themselves to sleep because people whose faces they've never even seen don't know anything about them other than how they look without clothes on.
"Female" Pleasure - Yet ANOTHER Hollow Marketing Term!
Seriously, that last one REALLY irritated me because it's one of those things that tries to sound progressive, but are meaningless at best and downright sexist at worst, because it implies:
1 - There must be a strict separation between "female" pleasure and "male" pleasure. A sexual act cannot possibly be enjoyable for both the guy and the girl, and gender prevents men and women from EVER being into the same thing (as a woman that finds more porn that fits my taste in "male-centered" sites than in most "porn for women" sites, this one gets on my nerves).
2 - Pleasuring one's partner cannot possibly be enjoyable - so, say, a girl cannot possibly enjoying giving her boyfriend head, and vice versa.
3 - Sex is a competition and women NEED to win because "female" pleasure is apparently more moral than "male" pleasure (hence the "ALL porn can and should be 'female' friendly")
4 - ALL women are turned on/turned off by the exact same sexual acts, and the level of pleasure they get is always exactly the same. Preferences are not individual and never change over time. (Seriously, a woman directs a sex scene between two actresses, the editor is a woman, and all the viewers are women - which one will speak for her entire gender and decide what "female" pleasure looks like? You see how silly this sounds?)
Sex and sexuality can never be over-simplified like that, and fantasies are just harmless fun.
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vante1920pm · 2 years
hi! i love reading your hcs and imagine about aonung, soooo i want to ask for another one! you can decide whether it's a fem/male/gender neutral reader. i was listening to beachbunny's song and there's this line that says "if i'm pretty, will u like me?" can you make an aonung imagine based on that line? and i want this to be a fluff but a lil sad scene in the beginning cause the reader is kinda insecure. that's all, hope you'll take this as an idea! ilyyy
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★ 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: sorry for the long wait, i had this in my drafts and totally forgot about it 😭
☆ 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: ao'nung/gn!metkayina!reader
☆ 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: insecurity
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"If I get more pretty, do you think he will like me?".
Tsireya looked at you with sad eyes. She always knew that you were insecure, but she never thought that you would degrade yourself so much. All that for her stupid brother..
'All the girls and boys in the village are so breathtaking and then there is me. I'm an outcast, just because I'm not pretty enough..'
"Y/N, you're already beautiful! Please don't think like that!". You looked down in shame. Tsireya was sad seeing you like that. You were normally really happy and kind, you didn't deserve that.
The day ended with Tsireya consoling you, saying, that you shouldn't need to worry about your looks, since you're good looking and beautiful, but you just couldn't belive her.
It's easy for her to say, she's the most gorgeous girl in the whole village. Not once did she have to worry about her looks, unlike others. Not only is she beautiful, but she's also a great person. She's literally perfect.
This thought made you feel some slight of jealousy, something you just couldn't control. You didn't want to feel like that, but it's hard not to.
You were sitting on a small rock, on which, at most, two people could sit. You didn't mind taking the whole space on it, thinking, you'll be alone tonight anyway.
You were listening to some Na'vi kids playing in the background, despite the darkness. Fidgeting with your bracelet, your thoughts drifted off to Ao'nung. He was someone you admired and were in love with. But your looks stood in your way.
You liked him since years, your crush only growing when you got older. Ao'nung never paid much attention to you tho. He was helping you then and there, but that's all the interactions you got. He never came up to you and you never spoke to him either.
It made you sad but it is what it is.
You didn't even notice when you fell asleep, only waking up 'cause of someone shaking you. You needed a moment to fully wake up, only to see, to your surprise, Ao'nung sitting next to you on the sand. You didn't even notice falling from the rock either. Wow.
"Are you okay? What are you doing here?" Ao'nung asked you, still having one of his hands on your right shoulder. He helped you sit up and lean against the rock.
"Uh, yea, I'm okay, I just fell asleep, I guess..". You didn't hear Ao'nung responding, only feeling his eyes lingering on you. You were confused because it seemed so random. He normally wouldn't even look your way, why is he so worried now?
After you fully came back to your sense, Ao'nung brought you back to your Marui. The walk was mostly silent, only interrupted by said boy, asking if you were okay when you tripped.
"Soo, I heard you talking to my sister today.." Ao'nung started, instantly making you panicking. You two were talking about him, about your crush and that you were insecure, since he needed someone pretty by his side.
You intended to walk away, but he stopped you by taking your arm and pulling you back to him.
"You have a bad habit with running away, you know that?" You didn't reply, only looking down on the ground. Ao'nung made you face him by pulling your chin up with his free hand. This gesture made your heart skip a beat, you never thought that this would ever happen to you.
"Hey, I think you're really beautiful, so stop worrying about something as ridiculous as that." You tried to pull away, denying what he just said but he didn't let go, now caressing your hand.
"No, I'm not, so stop lying to m-". You were interrupted by Ao'nung pulling your face to his own, you could barely feel his lips against yours, so light the kiss was.
He pulled back after a moment that felt like hours, caressing the side of your face now and putting his forehead on yours.
"I wish you could see yourself the way I do.."
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© 2023, VANTE1920PM
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whirlwindimagines · 2 years
The Wolfwood write up you did had me in tears! I love that man so much and you’re giving us more content!
Would you be able to do this small request? The reader is minding her own business and a bunch of guys are hitting on her to where she’s noticeably uncomfortable. Maybe a certain Punisher steps in and tells them to back off to where he pulls the “That’s my girlfriend” card and the reader plays along with it even though she has a massive crush on him?
Hope that makes sense!
Thank you! I’m doing my best! Also, I love this trope, lol. I understand exactly what you're asking for. This is a fem reader but can be read for the most part as gender-neutral expect a couple of gendered terms. But I'm still going to put it down as a Fem!Reader. Also I don’t know why but, titles for Vash come to mind so easily and then I struggle with the Wolfwood titles 😭
'Cat got your tongue?'
Nicholas D. Wolfwood x Fem!reader
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Bored out of your mind, you lean against the sidewall of the saloon. The others wanted a drink and that was fine with you, but you weren't in the mood for drinking tonight. Crossing your arms you sigh, man you should have asked Wolfwood for a cigarette, or just stolen one from him. 
You flush letting your thoughts drift off to the undertaker, it was just a silly little crush you were sure it would go away with time. Besides there was no way, Wolfwood thought about you like that when there were so many other better choices. 
‘Ugh’ you shouldn't be thinking like this, it was depressing, maybe you should just join the others. Pushing yourself off the wall, you're startled when two men join your side. Your hand twitches, but you still it, you don't have a weapon on you. 
“Got a light?” One of the men asks, you relax, it's fine, you don't need to jump the gun every time. “Sorry no.” You say dismissively, waving a hand and ready to walk away. Your yanked back, eyes wide. One of the men had you by the wrist and didn't seem like they were going to let go.  
“Whoa sweetheart, you don't need to be in such a hurry.” You cringe at the nickname, pulling your arm back, but are unable to get out of his grip. “My friends are waiting for me.” You say, voice nervous it's not a lie, but you see the two men share a look not believing you anyway. 
“Sure, they are.” the other man closes in, panic surges through you and you freeze, like a Thomas in headlights. “You’d think your friends would have come looking for you by now.” One of them sneers, his tone snaps you out of your fear and you narrow your eyes. 
“Let me go, now!” You snap, yanking your arm back, hard the movement catches the man off guard, it causes you to stumble your shoulder hitting into the wall of the bar hard. You don't have time to recover, when the man grabs you and shoves you into the wall holding you by the shoulders. “Alright it's not cute anymore, we can either do this the hard way or the easy way.”
You open your mouth to retort, but a familiar lazy drawl cuts through the tense air. “If you still want your hands, I’d let go of her.” Your gaze flickers to Wolfwood, he stands there casually lighting a smoke, you meet his eyes and your heart skips a beat.
To a casual observer, he looks unbothered by the scene in front of him, but you can see it the way he clenched down on the cigarette, the tenseness of his shoulders. He looks furious. 
“Mind your own business man.” You look back at the man holding you and smirk, you can feel the shake in his hands, the nervous look in his eyes. Scared. Good is all you think, as Wolfwood takes a step closer, he reaches for then grabbing you by the arm and yanking hard. 
You yelp as Wolfwood pulls you to him, he places you slightly behind him. Once you find your footing, you grip his sleeve, grounding yourself and making sure he doesn’t do something stupid. “You're messing with my girl, that makes it my business.”  You blush brightly looking up at him, but you can see Wolfwoods face. 
The two men look unsure now, you stick your tongue out at them, “Told you, I had someone waiting for me.” you snap, your grip on Nicholas tightening. One of the men steps forward, but his friend stops him saying it's not worth it and the two leave.
Your shoulders drop, as Wolfwood turns to look at you, placing his hands on your shoulders. You let out an embarrassing ‘Epp!’ noise, covering your mouth with your hands, Wolfwood smirks at you. “Cat got your tongue?”  he asks, removing one of his hands form your shoulder taking a drag of his cigarette making sure to blow the smoke away from you. 
You don't answer, it hits you now. My Girl. It runs through your head like a broken record, you can’t believe he said that, how he said it has your heart racing. You frown, you shouldn't get your hopes up, he only said it to get those guys off your back. “I’m okay.” you mutter, “Then why are you crying?” 
Surprised, your hands fly to your face feeling the wetness on your cheeks, why were you crying? Now that you're actively aware of it you can stop, sobbing into your hands. You're sure it's a combination of the adrenaline running off, and the feelings you have for Wolfwood. It's all too much right now. 
Wolfwood swears dropping his cigarette and stomping it out, he pulls you into a hug letting you cry it out. He runs his hand through your hair, and you really appreciate it, your own arms going around his waist. “Thanks.” You whisper against him, pulling back. 
He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, and you smile as he does. Wolfwood puts an arm around your shoulders, turning you back towards the bar. “I need a drink, let me buy you a drink.” He says, you laugh. You think your next words over carefully, but decide to just go for it. 
“Sure, besides I think you owe me one, with me your girl and all.” You take pleasure in watching his face become flushed, nearly tripping over his feet at your words. You laugh, you don't give him a chance to reply, maybe you're a little scared at the thought of a serious answer. So, you just drag him into the bar by the arm and join the others. 
Maybe when you're a little braver, you’ll tell him how you feel.
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lunatic-pudge · 24 days
Sorry if I already rq’d this, you can ignore if so lol.
Do you think you could do some fluff of a guy s/o with P3 Dude?? I think he should be pampered and kissed and snuggled and cherished, so on and so forth. U v U
Ty 🙏
Postal 3 Dude Getting Pampered and Spoiled
I gotchu. I love P3. There's an artist on here who draws him with a dad bod and it makes me froth at the mouth <3
(Also, I just realized that you wanted a male S/O, but I made it more gender neutral. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you, anon)
-P3 Dude, my beloved. Oh how you were given such an unfair chance when they were making you. But god damn, they made him so fine
-This man DESERVES to be spoiled and pampered. Just look at him. He's your little Rawr XD girl. Your scene queen! He just escaped the apocalypse (that he most definitely didn't start) and is just trying to live his life, with you there by his side of course
-At first, he was a little apprehensive about having you spoil him. He assumed that there were gonna be some sort strings attached deal to it. He'd even think you'd want sex outta him (which he wouldn't mind), but once you clarify that you just wanna pamper him cause you love him, he's quick to give in
-If you separate the Dudes into individual people, P3 is by far one of the most affectionate Dudes (I'd say he and movie Dude are competing for first) The Bitch wouldn't never give him the affection he craved so he was more than happy to finally be rid of her.
-So when you showed up, ready to love all over him, it was like a breath of fresh air for him. It gave him a reason to be excited to go home to his shitty trailer cause he knew you'd be there to love all over him
-One of his favorite ways to spoil him and to let him lay his head in your lap while you play with his hair. Yeah his hair is greasy from not showering often and using hair gel to have it spiked up the way it is, but it's so soft and fluffy when clean, how could you ever keep your hands away? Maybe he'll start showering more so it's more fun to play with
-He'll love you even more if you shower him with kisses. He's such a sucker for any sort of physical affection, but kisses hit different. And he is more than excited to give that affection back to you tenfold. He will make it a competition, and he will make sure he wins even if it means doing a little bit of sabotage (he will distract you with hitting the sensitive spots)
-Now if you were to spoil him financially, he'd get so flustered. He wouldn't really know how to handle it. One minute, he's off to get you two some cheap fast food so you two can have a lazy day, and the next he sees a brand new high def T.V. He doesn't really know what to do. He doesn't really have the funds to do the same to you. You've seen all the odd jobs he does for some money. BUUUUT, that doesn't mean he can't try. And by that I mean he will steal for you. He knows he shouldn't, but this is Dude we're talking about so you know he doesn't care
-He'd probably tell you to save your money and not spend it on him. He'd much rather be spoiled with your love and attention rather than money. But imagine him coming home from a rough day out, and his dear darling (you, Pookie) had prepared a special dinner for him. You two having a nice little dinner together, followed by some fun time in the shower (cause there's no way his trailer has a bath tub so no romantic bubble bath. Sorry). Hell maybe even a nice massage also <3
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