#like he kinda glows and then the injuries magically disappear
son1c · 1 year
What would happen if Halcyon’s jelly arm got injured (severely or otherwise) ?
Would he just grow it back?
the jelly one? yeah. it's made out of shard energy so even if it got completely destroyed, eventually he'd build up enough energy to just regrow it in its entirety.
i was also thinking that his healing factor is kinda cracked, since he's supposed to be plantlike. so injuries mean even less to him than they do to regular shadow. not sure if it's possible to kill him at all. maybe if you vaporized him. but if there was even a little bit of him left, eventually he'd come back with enough time and sunlight
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Halloween prompts no. 12
Danny kills Darkseid au but not only does he freak out, he is essentially kidnapped by Clockwork and dragged back into the DC universe for a "vacation". When Danny tried to argue the old stopwatch confessed that Dannys core was essentially eating the dark gods energy and he would need to stay in his Phantom form 24/7 to be able to "digest" him. Which gave him a few new things to freak out about. Yay.
Danny was given some new clothes-all glowing black and white of course- and money (where did clockwork get this much cash??) and told to find so.ewhere safe to live in.
Danny went ghost and got changed and started to fly off when clockwork stopped him and told him to behave like a normal human. There are a lot of people in this world with superpowers and while they might look at him strange they would likely ignore him for the most part. But if he started showing off all these cool powers its going to gain unwanted attention. Like another Vlad. Danny shuddered.
As a last parting of wisdom, he tells him not to give out his real name and if anyone asks questions just repeat, "I'm on vacation." then time unfreezed.
So Danny walks out of the alleyway he was in and into the city where he immediately looked for a place to make a underground ice cave to live in. Despite having a crapton of money now (wth clockwork???) He still couldn't get an official apartment due to being fifteen.
Within a few days of just casually going about in Central city he had been approached by "talent agencies" and headhunters offering him jobs as an actor or model and he flusteredly turned them down but was always somehow railroaded into taking a business card. (He wasn't that pretty, surely. All of his fame back home was due to him being a hero...right?)
One particularly insistent guy just wouldn't give up and cornered Danny. It was when he thought he was going to have to break this guys nose to get away that the local hero Flash stepped in and the guy finally backed off.
Danny thanked him and the Flash (who felt clockwork freeze time before and nearly had a panic attack along with Zatanna and Captain Marvel) asked about the weird quantum energy around him and in his panic Danny stupidly confessed to having a magical artifact that makes him immune to time freezes fused into his chest by one of his bad guys.
Which led to him stupidly telling him his name was Phantom, he was a superhero who was on (forced) vacation due to injury-kinda, he wasn't allowed to help out sorry, and he was from another dimension and oh crap he had been truth serum-ed!!! How dare?!
Flash apologized, but after the global time freeze (it was global??) The Justice League was on high alert and the Batman was super paranoid and liked having answers. Unfortunately for this bat guy he was miffed at being drugged and refused to answer anymore questions.
Still, with the disappearance of Darkseid and Apokolips, the global time freeze and now this glowing kid from another dimension? They had to be connected somehow. The league was sure of it. The new gods were freaking out and searching for answers themselves and the speedsters were trying thier best to get this kid to open up to them. After a while with little success they start sending in the Teen Titans and the Young Justice teams in hopes that he'd be more social with people around his own age.
It did not go as planned.
People: *telling Phantom that he's beautiful*
Phantom: Is this a trap?
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signanothername · 1 year
Been thinking about Mikey’s powers nonstop and I gotta actually talk about it or I’ll explode
Ok so one headcanon that most the fandom agrees on is that Mikey’s hands and arms gotten hurt after the events of the movie, which is a very logical conclusion to have
Here’s the thing tho
I don’t headcanon it myself, I’m more “Mikey’s hands are actually pretty ok after opening the portal to save Leo”
Why do I think that tho?
We see F!Mikey literally dying after opening a portal, and he’s a lot more powerful than his teen counterpart, so it’d be illogical to think that teen Mikey (who’s still a novice and a lot less powerful) to just be ok after opening a portal himself, and you’re absolutely right for thinking that
Just cause I think Mikey’s hands/arms were ok doesn’t mean I think Mikey was ok after the events of the movie, I just think that his powers affected him in a bit of a different light
Kay so one thing I wholeheartedly believe is that the turtles’ Ninpō is connected to one another, and in a way it protects them whenever they share a certain power beyond what they could handle
and that’s why it takes F!Mikey’s life but not teen Mikey, F!Mikey didn’t have the rest of his brothers to take a load of his powers and it’s obvious from how he looks a lot older than he should be that using his powers takes away from his life force
Junior asks Mikey to “help” Leo at the beginning of the movie, making me believe Mikey works as a healer for the resistance, and it makes sense considering medical supplies are hard to come by in the apocalypse, and the fact Mikey looks pretty old, I believe Mikey used his powers to heal people’s injuries and that in turn takes away from his own life
Back to my og point, teen Mikey’s hands start cracking exactly like F!Mikey’s hands, signaling he might meet the same fate, except in teen Mikey’s case, Don and Raph stand beside him, put their hands on each of his shoulders and let him know they’re with him
And we can see the cracks of his magic breaking away, after Raph and Don shared the load with him, what’s curious to me tho, is how Raph and Don’s arms start cracking like Mikey’s, but once they reach their shoulders (specifically the shot of Don’s shoulder mark that glows for a second) the cracks disappear
It’s like Don’s and Raph’s powers fought against Mikey’s powers in a way? Or maybe quite the opposite and simply worked with Mikey’s powers? Idk how to describe it so I’m leaving the screenshots man
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Another thing I find really interesting, is that Mikey doesn’t seem to be struggling with keeping the portal open, he only struggled with opening it, so that means certain actions are easier than others, which makes a lot of sense
Opening a portal? Could kill him
Holding the portal open? Piece of cake
Closing the portal? Bitch please
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F!Mikey didn’t have his older brothers to take a load of the damage that could come from his powers, hence why they take his life, and with the apocalypse, I wholeheartedly believe F!Mikey had to take some reckless decisions many times that affected his health and in turn made him weaker and weaker as time went on (physically speaking not mentally or magic wise)
Anyway, that’s why to me at least, the headcanon that teen Mikey’s hands end up damaged after the movie kinda misses the point of the entire scene with Raph and Don holding his shoulders
Then again to assume Mikey’s absolutely alright physically is just illogical, so to me I like to believe Mikey did suffer from physical consequences, but not his hands/arms
Considering that Mikey’s powers might be connected to his life force, I believe he could’ve suffered from really bad fatigue, maybe even fell ill for a few days or even weeks, it might’ve even affected his appetite and physical strength, making it a bit harder to be as energetic as he usually is and making it harder to Razzamatazz
And yes it might age him a lot faster than his brothers if he uses his powers relentlessly and recklessly
Anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk
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going-dead · 3 years
Danny was very sick of tourists coming to explore Amity park. Like very sick of them, especially the ‘ghost hunter’ ones. In the end they just caused more problems than the actual ghosts, getting in the way of the fights causing Danny more stress and injuries than normal. Not to mention they sucked at their so called jobs. He was pretty sure even a single elementary schooler of Amity was a better ghost fighter than all of the tourists combined.
But at the moment it was the dead of winter and probably one of the coldest weeks of the year. So only the stupidest of self proclaimed ghost hunters would venture out to hunt ghosts in weather like this. While it was nice not having to worry about danger prone tourists Danny still was miserable, he could deal with the cold just fine in fact he preferred the cold. The problem was that It was the holiday season, the worst time of the year. At least the ghost attacks were less frequent as they all prepared for the Christmas truce party.
Still he supposed it could be worse. His parents weren’t fighting as much this year, though that was probably due to the fact they were still treating him like he was made of glass half of the time after he told them about the whole half dead thing. Danny figured that was due to the fact they blamed themselves for the portal incident, causing them to coddle him to an almost tortuous degree. It was as if they expected him to disappear if he was so much as bumped in the wrong way. It had gotten a bit better at this point at least, if things continued as it did at the beginning Danny was pretty sure he’d rather have them still be shooting at him. Now they only tensed up when he left the house instead of not so subtly stalking him all day.
At the moment Danny was sitting on the counter in the kitchen with his mom while she was cooking dinner. “Danny dear get off the counter that’s where the food goes not you.” Maddie said shooing him off the counter with a spatula.
Danny floated off in a huff, “This is ghostphobic mom. The counter is a perfect seat.”
Maddie rolled her eyes, “The term would be phasmophobic, and no it’s not it’s; I don’t want your butt all over where I’m making our dinner-phobic.”
“Fine transphobic then.”
“How about asking you to set the table? What would that be?”
Danny mulled it over for a few seconds. “A reasonable request I suppose.” He phased his hands though the cabinets grabbing the plates. Honestly he could have just as easily grabbed them normally but he was still trying to get his parents used to him having powers. “Oh by the way Sam, Tucker, and I are hanging out tomorrow to celebrate winter break starting and school being out for two whole weeks.” “Alright sweetie, but be safe okay?”
“Of course I will be mom.”
“I mean it Danny, please.”
Danny sighed “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to text you regularly to let you know I’m safe. I’ll be fine and stay out of trouble, I promise” Maddie nodded seemingly plated at least for the time being.
The next day Danny was really regretting making that promise. The day started out so well too. Danny, Sam, and Tucker were walking along the park trail. Danny was walking a few steps in front of the other two, subtly making the path easier with his powers. The only people out insane enough to bear the cold were people who had to go to work and teens who were bored out of their minds.
“All I’m saying Danny is that if you want to choose that class you should choose a race other than human for once. Hellspawn would be the best option in your case.” Tucker argued.
“Says the dude playing the race for furries.” Danny shot back turning his head to look back at his friend.
“Hey! The beastmen race is a perfect fit for my class, they have an exp boost for trickery and magic skills  it’s the best for playing a character who mains in ambushing with traps.
“Boys boys stop arguing. Danny will be fine playing as a human he’s just gonna have to spend more time grinding. Also he’s right, beastmen are so the furry option.” Sam cut in.
“Whatever, I just don’t understand why he always plays the most boring race in every game he plays. I mean why would you want to play as a human when you could be a fantasy race like an elf or something.”
“Well that’s easy for you and Sam to say you both are still hum-,” Danny was cut off mid sentence by his ghost sense and a glowing red circle surrounding the group. He hardly had a chance to go ghost before being fully enveloped by the light.
When Danny was finally oriented enough to open his eyes he vowed to never complain about getting motion sick while his dad was driving again if it meant he would never have to go through that awful experience again. It felt like getting sucked into the Fenton Thermos if it was the size of a straw and being spun in a blender all at the same time. He looked around seeing if his friends were brought along with him. And just his luck, of course they got pulled through whatever the hell that was too.
“Ugh, you guys okay?” He closed his eyes again and focused on stabilizing his core and getting the last of the nausea to leave.
“Bleh I think I’m gonna hurl.” Sam groaned from beside him.
Danny heard Tucker shift beside him. “Yeah I’m good, I guess all that time staying up late playing VR games kinda helped against motion sickness. Landed on my arm though so definitely going to bruise later. Where are we anyway?”
That actually was a good question, Danny lifted himself off the ground literally, using legs to stand was lame anyway. The sight he was met with was both confusing and surprising. Looking down he saw that the three of them were in some sort of red magic circle or something, with candles lit around it. Looking past that was the part that was surprising. He was expecting this to be the work of a ghost but standing in a circle around the three of them were six  humans in different colored robes. He couldn’t recognize any of them though, they must have been from out of town or just total shut ins. He was pretty sure he recognized where they were though, it was the basement of an abandoned building next to the mall, Sam was super into urban exploring the year before and it was one of the first places she dragged the two boys to.
“Haha uhh hey didn’t know there was a costume party going on, I would have dressed up, looks like you got all the colored robe thing going on though. Would my hazmat suit work instead of a robe?” Danny looked at the group around him and cracked an uneasy smile. Maybe it was some sort of accidental ghost summoning or something, it wouldn’t be the first time. Though the fact it brought his friends along pointed to it either being on purpose or something much more powerful, or both.
The man in the black robe turned to a woman in a white one. “Why did the spell bring two kids along with it .”
Danny tried to ignore being called an ‘it’ not like his parents didn’t do it before they knew about his identity. “I’m not the murder clown and I do have a name you know.” But his words seemed to fall onto deaf ears.
“I did the calculations right if that’s what you’re trying to imply, as you can see the subject did appear in the circle as planned. We probably just underestimated how much power the sacrifice would provide with the addition of the solstice.” White robe snapped. Great, this was totally just what Danny needed at the start of his winter break. Not only did they seem like ghost hunters they were the crazy obsessed culty ones.
“Either way the goal was achieved in the end, we have the ghost boy.” Black robe pointed to two men, one in yellow and one in blue robes. “Take care of the two bystanders, but don’t kill them. After all we shouldn’t kill our soon to be followers.” Yeah that wasn’t concerning at all Danny thought.
The one in the yellow grabbed Sam and the one in the blue grabbed Tucker at the black robed man's command. Danny assumed that probably meant the black robed one was the one in charge here. “Hey! Get your hands off me you freaks!” Sam yelled, struggling against the man’s grip.
But Danny’s friends didn’t have a chance against people twice their size. Before either of them could struggle more the two men slammed their heads to the ground in almost unison, knocking them out almost instantly. It happened so fast all Danny would do is watch on in horror. He felt like he watched their now limp bodies for ages, their chests shallowly rising at least giving him the relief of knowing they were still alive. But the sight of small puddles of blood forming around their heads snapped him out of his horror and into a rage.
Danny placed his feet to the ground turning to look at the two in the black and white robes. “Why?” He seethed, “You said they were accidentally brought along when you were trying to get me here. Technically in a way this falls onto me. So tell me, why?”
The man in the black robe seemed taken aback from being confronted so suddenly. The woman in white didn’t seem to have the same problem, maybe they both were in charge? Honestly though Danny didn’t care at this point. “We will take over the little town you haunt. After we do that we will find out where all the ghosts are originating from and then make them into our soldiers so we can take over the country and then the world. To do that we obviously needed you out of the way since you seem to be the only one capable of combating the other ghosts that come into this world. Or you would just defeat our pawns before they could take true action. So we found a way to summon and trap ghosts, then brought you here so we could get you out of our way.”
Honestly Danny was disappointed hearing that more than anything, his rage almost completely disappeared after hearing the plan. “Hold up that is the stupidest plan I have ever heard.” And that was saying something seeing as he dealt with Vlad's plans on a weekly basis. “First off you do realize it would be very hard to get or even force ghosts into your service if you don’t offer them, anything in return. Not to mention how some ghosts have almost godlike powers and you expect to overpower them? Also I am not even close to the only one who can fight ghosts. Everyone in Amity Park has at least some know how when it comes to ghost fighting. They sell basic ghost protection equipment at the supermarket. I just happen to be better suited than everyone else because I y’know can like fly and go intangible when chasing them. Using ghosts to take over the world is so stupid do you even know how to properly catch a ghost? Seriously this is like next level dumb, not to mention how did you even know the summoning would work if it didn't you’d just all be standing in a darkly lit room looking dumber than you already do.”
That seemed to anger the white one a lot. Apparently she didn’t like her intelligence questioned. “Why you little-.” She stomped her foot. “This plan was thought through down to the smallest detail. You want to know how it worked huh? How about asking your friend over there. I wonder what happens when the dead are killed? You will find out soon enough.”
Danny looked over to where we gestured and his refound taunting attitude vanished. Laying over in the corner inside a smaller less complex looking circle was a ghost or the ectoplasmic remains of one at least, the core was completely destroyed. Judging by the fact that the ectoplasm was red it probably had a fire core before it was destroyed. From the lingering ecto signature Danny doubted the ghost was even sapient. It was most likely the remains of something like a blob ghost or the ghost of an animal or even a weaker ectopus. Still all he could do was stare at the remains in horror.
“Of course summoning you was harder so we used that thing for its ghost energy to help power the circle. Instead of chalk we used it’s ectoplasm to ensure the strength and longevity of the seal to hold you in the circle.” The woman smiled as if she achieved something great. Achieve something she did indeed, but it certainly was not what she intended.
The rage Danny felt before came back in full force. Before with his friends he at least knew they would recover, all three of them got injured fighting ghosts more often than they should. But to injure a ghost to the point where not even their core remained was something so taboo that only the most despicable ghosts would do. Even Skulker kept the cores of his prey stable enough not to fade away completely. A ghost's form could be completely destroyed but as long as their core remained they would reform back where they first formed in the Ghost Zone. The only ghosts Danny could think of who would go out of their way to destroy a core were some of the ancients like Pariah Dark or Nocturne.
Danny finally managed to tear his eyes away from the ghost's remains to lock eyes with the woman. She and the black robed man took a step back out of instinct. Looking into his eyes they felt the feeling every animal of prey felt when it knew it was being watched, being hunted. The temperature in the room dropped and frost started to crawl across the walls. Danny took a step towards the two leaders before pausing to reconsider and turning and starting towards the two men standing above his friends.
Then men in yellow and blue robes looked to the man in black for guidance, unsure of what action to take. He looked uncertain as well but shook his head. “There’s no way it can pass through the seal, we tested it.”
Danny's eyes flicked over to the man then back to the two who hurt his friends and gave them a predatory grin, his teeth now looking slightly sharper than usual. He made no sound as he stepped over the circle with ease closer and closer to the two men. They both reached for their weapons, small bats, apparently they were the muscle of the group, and swung at the approaching ghost. Danny simply went intangible causing the two to overswing and hit each other instead, knocking the wind out of them both and causing them to drop their bats. While they were catching their breath Danny grabbed them by their hair and knocked their heads together. Their bodies crumbled to the floor just a few inches from the teens they did the same to just minutes before.
The one who had yet to say or do anything, dressed in red, made her way towards Danny while his back was towards her. Just as she got within arms reach of him she slipped and fell. The temperature had dropped even more at this point causing the ground surrounding Danny to ice over. Danny hardly acknowledged the large thud behind him simply trapping the fallen woman up to her neck in ice as he walked past and headed towards his final two targets.
When first summoned by the group Danny could, within reason, probably be passed off as a weirdish looking human excluding the glow around him. But now as he stalked towards his prey that was no longer the case. His chest no longer moved like it was breathing. His feet made no sound as they made contact with the ground. His eyes, non-blinking, no longer had pupils or even whites to them just a void of endless ectoplasmic green. His ears were pointed almost bat like. The tips of which, along with his lips, were tinted blue. His hair, normally white like snow, now was just the white that came from complete absence of any color. The hair was defying gravity almost as if it was underwater while smoke like wisps trailed off from his hair as he moved. His mouth was twisted into an emotionless smile splitting through his cheeks showing needle like teeth all the way back to where his molars would have been, there was no tongue or throat behind them, just another endless green void. The skin of his neck that was showing past the hazmat suit was marked with lightning like scars. The glow around him seemed to absorb all the light in the room.
The man in the black robe looked between the approaching horror and his partner before running towards the exit. Danny moved so fast it was almost as if he materialized right in front of the man. The man stumbled back falling down in shock but still tried to scramble away from him crossing his chest as he did so. Just as Danny started to raise his arm towards the man he paused and lurched back.
He looked down at his chest where an ornate knife was now lodged. Holding onto the hilt was the woman, she gave the knife a final twist before letting go and herding her partner into the corner farthest away from Danny. Danny showed no pain as he grabbed the knife and pulled it out, the blade was dripping with ectoplasm, and dropped it on the ground. The wound in his chest already healing, filling with more ectoplasm to replace what was lost.
The smile that was marring Danny’s face was replaced with a scowl as he made his way towards the corner where the two were cowering. Placing a hand on their necks he lifted them both up against the wall and started slowly burning their skin with an ectoblast. He let them go, letting them fall to the ground only when their screams of pain turned silent as crushed vocal cords and burnt throat muscles took their toll. Both cult leaders looked up at him in horror faces pale. "What's wrong?" Danny smiled, "It looks like you've seen a ghost."
The woman looked at him in fear as she grasped at the raw skin of her throat, which now was covered in blisters and charred in some of the worst places. “Wha-, what, what are you?” She managed to rasp out before coughing up some blood.
Danny let out a dark chuckle, his voice echoed over itself. “I-,” he snarled, “am a Phantom .”
After Danny sent an anonymous tip to the police about the cult, he brought his friends back to his house. Of course his mom freaked out after he stopped responding to her texts and even more when he phased into the living room with an unconscious Sam and Tucker. He was pretty sure she was about to break out the BOOmerang if she didn’t hear from him for much longer. She was more than willing to take the two of them to the hospital to get them checked out.
Danny made a quick stop into the ghost zone to tell Clockwork to spread the word to other ghosts to be on alert and that there were humans that were trying to summon and capture ghosts. After telling Clockwork what happened, in much more detail than the briefest summary he gave his mom, including how he probably went a bit overboard with dealing with the cultists. He also admitted he didn't regret it even if he did go overboard. They hurt his friends and caused a ghost to completely fade, and in Danny’s opinion they deserve whatever came to them. The whole story caused Clockwork to also start fretting over him making sure to let Danny know that his reaction was a completely normal response to someone threatening something that falls within his obsession especially since it happened in his haunt of all places. Danny swore that his ghostly mentor could be worse than his own parents sometimes especially when it came to reassuring him about his more ghostly tendencies.  
Luckily after being released from the hospital it turned out the worst Sam and Tucker suffered were concussions that would heal in a decently short amount of time. That didn’t mean they weren’t complaining about it though.
“Stop laughing about my suffering Danny! I won’t be able to start playing Fantasy War Online VII until my two week tech restriction is lifted by my doctor. It was bad enough I had to go to a hospital but to be taken away from my lovely devices as well is just too much.” Tucker lamented.  
“Quit complaining and suck it up. I’m on the restriction too Tucker.” Sam pointed out.
Tucker huffed. “Yeah well you’ll probably manage to catch up to all the people who are getting it on release day easily, since you’re scarily good at MMO’s.” He flopped back onto Danny’s bed. “Hey at least this gives us more time to convince Danny to play something other than a human for once in his life. Like I said before the hellspawn is the perfect race for the build you’re going for.”
Danny just rolled his eyes. “And like I said before, I like being a human.” “Whatever dude just don’t complain when I utterly beat you if we end up fighting because you wanted to be the lamest most boring race ever.”
Danny shrugged. “Somehow I’ll cope, I just think it’s nice to be seen as normal and not scary.”
Sam laughed. “Danny you are the least scary person like to ever exist. The only things scary about you are your grades and your wacky parents. I doubt you could be scary if you tried.”
Danny looked out the window watching the stars as they started to appear in the sky. “...Yeah I guess you’re right.”
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mythicandco · 3 years
I have 1% Battery Left And I’m Wasting it on This
A.K.A. Philip B. Wittebane (in which the “B” stands for “Belos”)
Warning: More than 90% of this is pure headcanoning and theorizing, based on the evidence that’s arisen and the ideas of many other members of the fandom. This theory has been circling the Owl House fandom for months, I DID NOT ORIGINALLY CREATE IT. Brooke and North are from this and so is some of the story, but the majority of the details are the work of my own convoluted brain. This was kinda disproved by Yesterday’s Lie but I want to post it before my computer dies. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this summarized monstrosity… 
Everything is once again below the cut
Philip stumbles into the Boiling Isles by complete accident while on a hike through the woods, tripping into a rift in the fabric of space-time created by Titan’s blood interacting with other various magical substances. He doesn’t realize he’s in another realm until he actually stops to look around, and is startled to come face-to-face with a trio of witches. 
The first witch, Brooke, is taller than their companions, with a big ol’ witchy hat and a pair of grey, tasseled earrings. North, only slightly shorter than Brooke, has a similar hat along with a matching cloak and blonde, curled hair. Her face is covered in scars. The last witch is Kirani, who ends up being a minor character but eh.
The trio is here to collect Titan’s blood for Brooke’s experiments with magic. They believe that by using their knowledge of potions, they can create an elixir of some form to allow witches to perform magic without the use of glyphs. The exact recipe is a work in progress, but they know that Titan’s blood will be a key ingredient. 
When the group first encounters Philip, they are startled by his small, round ears. The bemused human assures them he means no harm and eventually they decide that even if he does want to hurt them, he doesn’t have access to the magical knowledge to do so. This is further proven when a dragon nearly eats Philip (more on that later). They take him to their village to help him find a way home and survive until then. 
Over the next five or so years the group spends a lot of time together, Philip begins writing a journal, and North, Brooke and Philip form a friendship, often going on adventures together with the help of their palismans. North even trusts Philip enough to let him use her staff for transportation until he eventually gets the chance to carve his own. During this time Philip also learns a lot about glyph magic and the creatures of the Boiling Isles, and is surprised at how naturally it comes for him to draw the glyphs from memory and get them right. 
At one point Philip and the others travel to the Knee to retrieve some Titan’s blood from Eclipse Lake. Brooke stays behind to start collecting the other, more local ingredients to their spell, and North is forced to stay behind due to injuries sustained after fighting off a swarm of small, dragon-like creatures.
The expedition is a disaster, and after mistaking fool’s blood for Titan’s blood, Philip is the only one who makes it out alive following the cave-in. Philip is horrified at this turn of events but simultaneously relieved that Brooke and North didn’t accompany him on this particular mission. He comes back with the Titan’s blood, but not the rest of the group, and has to explain what happened. 
The village begins spreading rumors that he killed them to take the blood for himself, or that he is too incompetent to continue leading these expeditions. Brooke and North also get a share of the blame, being the ones who brought the human to their village in the first place. Brooke retreats to their study for a few weeks, taking the Titan’s blood with them. 
Things get even worse after the Titan’s blood excursion and the neighboring witch tribes hear about the dangerous human who supposedly kills witches and other creatures in cold blood for his own gain. (Rumors are nasty things, slightly more terrifying the longer they’re out there.) Philip finds it almost ironic that in this world of freaks and monsters, he’s the target of the torches and pitchforks. 
While out trading at a small market shared by a couple of the tribes, North is confronted by the leader of another clan and accused of betraying her kind. Things escalate quickly and she barely gets out without things coming to blows. 
Philip starts worrying that he is becoming a burden and a danger to the others, not because he actually wants to hurt them, but because they will get in trouble for sheltering him. He offers to help out Brooke with the portal, which is nearly finished. While they are distracted, he pockets some of the Titan’s blood and some other magical supplies from when Brooke was experimenting with improving a witch’s ability to perform magic. 
Philip uses the potion on himself, but because he is human, not a witch or demon, and isn’t connected to the Titan, he can only use magic by taking it from another source. He starts off using various plants and the horns and tusks of the creatures the village usually uses for jewelry or tosses aside after, I dunno, making a pie with it or something, and practices using spell circles in secret, making sure he can defend himself and the others should the need arise. 
Soon he discovers that he needs more and more magic to stay powerful - to stay stable - and slips up in front of Brooke, losing control for less than a moment before using a spare flower he’d been keeping in his back pocket as a gift for North.
Brooke, understandably, is freaked out by what the fuck just happened and Philip begs for them to keep it a secret. He admits that he stole some of Brooke’s concoctions so that he could protect himself from the witches of the other tribes, and that he needs a reliable source of energy to continue using magic. Brooke argues that what he’s doing is dangerous and unnatural, and that a human shouldn’t be able to use magic the way he does. 
Philip is furious, yelling at Brooke for hogging all of the magic for themselves. He says that where he comes from, witches were supposed to be burned at the stake or drowned. Brooke, horrified, backs away. Philip realizes he’s gone too far and flees back to the home he and the witches constructed when he first arrived in the Boiling Isles. 
His state continues to worsen, and eventually he is driven to snap his own palisman in order to consume its essence. With horrified awe, Philip discovers palismen hold far more magical energy than the little table scraps he’d been collecting before. He is able to briefly rejoin the rest of the tribe, but Brooke doesn’t speak to him and he keeps thinking about his broken palisman.
A few days later Brooke finally finishes the portal and gives Philip the key. The human doesn’t get the chance to test out the door before one of the rival tribes attacks the village out of nowhere and Philip joins in defending the people he’s spent years with. North is stunned that he can weave magic without the use of glyphs, but she doesn’t have the time to consult Brooke on where the human gained this new ability. 
At some point Philip corners the leader of the rival clan and nearly kills her, running out of magic just before the final blow is dealt. He reaches for the nearest source of power - North’s palisman - and snaps it in half. 
For a few moments, North and Brooke process what just happened amidst the chaos. Then the fighting stops and everyone watches as Philip finishes consuming the palisman’s essence. 
Philip looks up with glowing eyes and pauses, confused at everyone’s expressions. The fighting picks back up, this time directed at him, and someone throws a spear straight through his chest. It goes in one side and comes out the other, but the human(?) remains unharmed. The witches and demons start freaking the fuck out, because wouldn’t you in this situation? 
Finally registering what he’s done, a horrified Philip backs away and makes a break for the trees. He never sees Brooke or North again. 
In a clearing in the woods, Philip summons the door to the Human Realm but doesn’t have the courage to step through. He realizes that he is no better than the other monsters of the Demon Realm. He’d probably be shunned if he went home. Would anyone even recognize what he’d become? He once again briefly loses control of himself before giving up and throwing the key to the portal into the trees as hard as he can, before disappearing into the foliage himself.
North burns everything Philip touched, his books, home, everything in her fit of anger over the loss of her palisman and one of her best friends (or maybe something more). She is furious with Brooke for not telling her about him sooner and the two witches engage in an argument. Afterwards, Brooke discovers the journal Philip was going to donate to the market library, the one with all of his recorded notes and diagrams about the fantastical horror of the Demon Realm, and instead of burning it, donates it in their lost friend’s name.
A few centuries go by and Philip Wittebane’s name is practically lost to time, save for the journal that still resides in the almost-constantly growing library in what is now Bonesborough. 
A powerful, controlling figure arises, claiming he alone can communicate with the Titan, and that the wild magic used by witches is wrong. Emperor Belos unites the witches of the Boiling Isles under the Coven system, ascending the throne and becoming the most powerful being (both physically and politically) on the Boiling Isles. 
The rest, as they say, is history.
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arcadianstuff · 3 years
School Rivals p.t5
Finally getting round to writing the next instalment in the series ! Hope you like it ! Tell me if you want part 6 !!
"I need your help."
You eyed the man curiously who was standing not to far away from where you were laying down. Unlike the first time you’d blacked out and awoken, the ground below you was soft and plush. It appeared you were lying on a sofa of sorts, and as you pushed yourself up you were surprised to find that there was no pain. The blood that had littered your hands had vanished, and with a hesitant hand you traced the edges of your face. The scar was also gone.
"Am I dead ?" You whispered, voice hoarse as you felt the sudden horrible sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach at the thought of death.
A serious look crossed the man’s face as he turned away from the bookshelf he’d been persuing, to stare at you. He didn’t look older than seventy but his eyes gave away the eons he’d been alive. There was knowledge and wisdom in them far beyond what you could hope to understand.
"No, not yet at least. You’ve reached the line between life and death, which is what let me call you here. You ((Y/n) Lake, are the last descendant of Arthur Pendragon." His words had you looking at him incrediously, a laugh leaving your lips as you stared at him in disbelief.
"You’re cracked old man. Aruthur Pendragon and the knights of the round table ? That’s from a storybook. Next thing you’re gonna tell me Merlin is a real person." You chuckled a little, rolling your eyes at the old man who was clearly crazy. Your words had the old man rolling his eyes.
"He is a real person. Or was rather. We don’t have time for this (Y/n)" Merlin was becoming quickly aware of the time limit on your meeting. He didn’t have much time left to keep you in this realm unless you truly wished to die. He couldnt let that happen.
"Arthur’s sword, Escalkibur is yours to wield. A new foe is coming, a truly evil being and you’ll need it if you’re too fight this war and win." Your eyes widened in confusion as you tried to stand up and reach the man, but as you tried you felt yourself fall, nausea rolling over you.
With a grunt, you collapsed to the floor but couldn’t feel a thing. It felt like reality had turned to sand and you were struggling to grasp on to it. Though you struggled to open your eyes, you managed a few blinks and saw the room, in which you were in, was fading like an old photograph. A white glow fillled the room and you managed one last look at the old man’s face.
"Protect your brother and his troll hunter friends. Protect magic and mortal alike. And please girl, Protect Hisirdoux for me...." Merlin's last words barely registered in your mind as he finally weakened, the magic that he’d needed to hold your spirit there having taken a toll on him.
With a bright flash, your form disappeared the white light fading out of the room.
"She reminds me a lot of you." Merlin spoke, his words echoing around the room that wasn’t actually empty. Though you’d never noticed another person, or spirit rather, had been lurking in a corner.
Stepping out from the shadows, Morgana Le Fay glanced at her senile mentor with a grim expression.
"Perhaps. I can only hope she doesn’t repeat our mistakes."
For the third time that week you yet again awoke from a blackout.
"Let’s try and not make this into a habit." Your sour words were clipped as a cough racked your body. This time you felt pain as you tried to push yourself up of the grassy floor you’d found yourself on. Curses fell from your mouth as a sharp pain tore through your side in retaliation for you trying to stand up.
It was a struggle, but you managed to stagger up to your feet, though walking was considerably harder. The red suit of armour you wore was heavier than you realised, and it slowed your sluggish steps even more. Though the scar om your face had permanently disappeared, there was still blood covering your hands and coating locks of your (h/c) hair. You were a gruesome sight to behold.
Thankfully, it appeared to be the very early morning, the sun not yet peaking its head up from over the horizon. Only the birds were awake with you, as you hobbled through the forest, having to grasp onto nearby branches for support. A couple of your ribs were definitely broken, and you’d sprained your right ankle. Guess that meant no soccer for you. How the fuck would you explain this to Coach Lawrence ? And oh my god it’s a Monday today. You had school !
"Dude you literally just died and went to heaven calm down..." You grumbled to yourself, still in complete disbelief that you’d just died, kinda.
You could remember taking down Bellroc, the feeling of stalactites stabbing your body and a weight so crushing that it had cracked your body. Had you gone to the afterlife ? And now you were here, somehow having survived all of that. But they were all safe. Your friends, your family, they were safe.
But oh boy were you going to give them the worst tellinng off of their entitle lives when you found them. Jim and Toby wouldn’t know what hit them. Claire, you might go easy on because you felt considerable guilt for having flung her into a wall. God you hoped she was okay. And douxie....or rather Hisirdouxx ? What a weird name...
And the trolls. For fucks sake there are trolls now.
Luckily, the streets of Acrcadia were empty, minus the stray cat and occasional morning bird who’s sweets song made the journey back to your home a bit more bearable. Somehow you’d managed to stumble out of the forest, and found yourself on the familiar 3rd street where Mr. Benoit'ss cafe was.
The walk home should’ve taken ten minutes, but with your injuries it had taken considerably longer. There were tears running down your cheeks as you spied the familiar sight of your home. All your life you’d dreamed of escaping Arcadia, of leaving this house and never coming back. But now you couldn’t have felt happier to see it again, to be able to come back. You’d always wanted adventure, maybe you were getting it now.
As you walked up the porch steps you noticed the faint light coming from the living room mixed with hushed whispers and words that were too muffled for you to hear. But it had gone silent the moment you’d knocked on the door.
"I’m so sorry Jim.." Claire whispered, rubbing her boyfriend back as they sat together on the sofa. She’d forced him to change out of his armour and back into his ordinary clothes once they’d come inside. Their friends were scattered around them, Toby was huddled up on the floor next to them, stroking Archie's fur as he glared at the floor. Brooding in the corner of the room, Douxie's face as shrouded with hatred and anger as his grasp on his wizards staff tightened every time he recalled the last moment he’d seen you.
"I love you too." He could hear you saying that, the words like a song stuck in his head. They went round and round like a merry-go-round.
What was worse though, were the audible sobs and gasps of pain that were coming from your mother, Barbara, as she broke down in Strickler's arms. The changeling had taught you for years and was disheartened to hear of one of his favourite students deaths, especially considering that you were Barbara's daughter. This would be a wound that the doctor couldn’t treat.
"I can’t believe she’s gone.." Jim barely recognised the sound of his own voice as he spoke, lips quivering as he tried to hold back another round of tears. His throat was dry and eyes sore, tinged red around the edges. The home was now a house full of broken people.
A rap at the door caught the rooms attention, everyone collectively sucking in a breath.
"Could be more trouble. Stay on guard." Douxie spoke, almost hoping for a fight. He meeeded someone to take his anger out on.
With a quiet whisper, Jim summoned his armour and sword, the familiar feeling of the cool metal setting him a little at ease. With Strickler and his mother at the back of the group, they proceeded to the front door, all armed and ready for a fight.
But their hostility dissipated at the sight of someone they were sure they’d never see again. There, drenched in blood and littered with cuts, stood the girl they’d all been mourning, her eyes widening at the sight of weapons being pointed towards her.
"Woah I die and come back to life and this is the greeting I get." You half heartedly joked, not quite sure how to greet them considering what had happened. Awkward and poorly timed humour was what you resorted to.
A stifled sob left your mothers lips as she stumbled forwards out of Stricklers grasp, and barrelled into you, not caring about the blood that now coated her white lab coat. A small smile lifted the corner of your lips as you hugged her back, more tears falling down your face as you clung to your mum. The two of you sobbed into each other.
As you peeked over her shoulder, you saw the stunned expressions of your friends and family, especially the tears that were flowing down Jim's face. Pulling back from your mum a little, you opened your arms up and Jim rushed into them. Though he was catching up to you in height, you were a tiny bit taller. The three of you hugged, crying and laughing at the impossibility of the situation.
"I cant believe it." Jim repeated again and again, unable to fathom that you were standing there with them. You were alive. Somehow you were still here with them.
A broken laugh left your lips at his words. You couldn’t believe it either, it seemed like a miracle but you knew better. This was thanks to one man, and you were sure he’d saved your life. Merlin.
"Y-you idiot ! How could you do something like that to me ? To Jim ? You are in so much trouble !" With amazing speed your mother did a whole 360, going from sobbing and incredibly happy, to sobbing and incredibly mad. She looked absolutely furious as she pulled away from you and took a step back.
Before you could protest she was pointing at your motorcycle, that was laying innocently in front of your house.
"No bike f-for at least a month ! And soccer ! no soccer a-and a-a.." she trailed off, her anger dying as quickly as it came before she snatched you up into another hug. "Don’t ever do that again." She whispered into your hair.
"I promise I won’t." You whispered back, grateful to just be able to hug your mum again.
After that you’d been tackled into a hug by Toby and Claire, who clutched to you with a lot of strength for two sixteen year olds. Though you were beyond grateful to be here with them and were flattered by their fear and worry for you, you were starting to get antsy. You had questions for them.
Firstly, how on earth did your mum know about this ? And everything that was going on ? You’d had a furious screaming match when your brother revealed to you that he and your mum had known the truth about your worlds for the last year, and had decided to hide it from you to keep you safe. The argument you’d had had shook the living room, and the other people there had sat awkwardly on the sofas and watched quietly.
Secondly, what was Strickler doing here ? You were very surprised to see your favourite history teacher at your home. You knew he and your mum were dating and were totally cool with that. Or well you were until they revealed that he was a changeling ? What the hell even was that ? You’d gone from furious, to threatening to kill Strcikler to calm and collected. Your emotions were taking a toll. Not to mention the exhaustion of surviving death,. Yet you weren’t sleepy. There wasn’t time for sleep now.
Somewhere between your fourth argument with Strickler, Douxie had decided to sneak out of your home. He was too conflicted at the moment To stay there any longer. Of course you’d noticed the wizard try and slink away, and so as you all started to calm down you deiced to follow him yourself.
You were yet to reunite with the man, and though he might be your enemy in some ways, the state of your relationship and been changed permanently forever. And you also had a message to give him from an old friend.
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eisukevint · 4 years
The Secret
Summary: Kissed by the baddest bidder X Harry Potter
Pairing: Eisuke/Mc
a/n: I had this sudden idea so I wrote it down. It’s kinda good, kinda bad. I skipped on my maths test for this so please show it some love👉👈
. . .
The drumming of her heart escalated even more than the times his slender fingers unconsciously stroked her.
If you ever feel like you’re in danger, run
She could’ve fished her wand but she couldn’t hurt him. She daren’t, that’s what she thought as she stood transfixed chilled to the bone.
Even if it’s me
She didn’t understand what he meant at that time, but now she did.
and she ran.
He was never open with his emotions. From the day his muggle parents abandoned him after finding out about the ‘freak’ he was. Finding refuge in an elderly wizard’s humble home, kind enough to look after him, he was eager to learn all aspects of magic. His sole reason? Not to be looked down upon by anyone.
The feeling of revulsion he got from the people who birthed him confirmed that he would never be accepted as one’s own. To them he was abnormal. And he was aware of that. To rid of the desolation, drowning in books was his only option. Until he met her, or rather, them.
Mc and Soryu too had their own demons but together, they were a team. One everyone looked up to. Some even called them ‘The Golden Trio’ and they couldn’t be more accurate. To say the three of them knew literally everything about each other was not wrong. Except Eisuke. Well he had a secret concealed to all. Not even his best friends knew what he had hidden from them.
Nearly Halloween the days got even colder and the already thick fog amongst the forbidden forest seemed even more dense than normal. The sun was almost setting. Soryu had gone home to spend days with his family while the other two stayed at school with no such plans. They didn’t even have a family of their own to begin with so they decided to indulge in each other’s company for which they were more than just exhilarated. They’d known each other for almost five years now and they couldn’t help but feel attracted to the little spark between them.
They tip toed out of the castle, careful not to get caught by Mrs. Norris.
They decided to get Buckbeak and spend some time in the pitch of the forest forbidden to all. Poor Buckbeak, Hagrid’s most adored Hippogriff became a part of their silly escapades. They seemed overjoyed. Little did Eisuke know that tonight, the moon was to gleam a little too much against the black of the night sky.
The duo grabbed his harness and led him into the dark forest oblivious to the nargles luring in the depth of the area. They kept on walking until they reached the area around the whomping willow leaving the hippogriff near the forbidden forest. The two bickered back and forth until the topic of the conversation shifted.
“Soryu was such a dork!” She let out a laugh thinking about to the time on the train when he got all shy the first time they met. Sulking how he got a booger flavoured one in bertie bott’s every flavoured beans. She was still in the midst of hysteric memories when all of a sudden Eisuke stopped. Not feeling his presence beside her, she looked behind to see Eisuke intensely staring at her. A certain glow in his eyes like he was curious about something unusual.
“And what about me?” He asked taking measured steps towards her.
“What...?” She tipped her head to the right dumbfounded.
“What did you think about me the very first time we met?” He asked again once he was within her reach.
“Oh! Well you know you uh,”
Eisuke’s mesmerising gaze robbed her of all her words. Bitterly slowly he raised his hand and cupped her cheek rubbing his thumb across it as if testing something fragile.
“I’m tired of having to share you with Soryu when I want to keep you all to myself” He uttered under his breath but just as he was about to bob his head down, his sight caught the moon. In his state of excitement to be alone with her, he forgot to take his potion. The fully round moon at its very peak glowered brightly as if to mock him of the curse he was bound with.
She sensed the change. The changing colour of his eyes. His limbs taking a more inhuman form. The uncharacteristic change in his body that she roughly had to pull away from. She watched helplessly as he writhed in pain. She almost didn’t want to believe her eyes, that he had turned into a monstrous werewolf. She wanted to think this was a dream but she knew it wasn’t because anything and literally everything could happen in the wizarding world.
“Eisuke?” No reply as the werewolf rubbed his left eye with his hand like paw.
“Eisuke, are you-
That was, until he howled.
Eisuke or to be more clear the werewolf inched towards her perilously. She knew she was in danger.
Just one flick of her wand and she’d be safe. She even knew the spell. But she didn’t. She couldn’t. Because after all, the man under the skin of the werewolf was the one she adored more than anyone. The one she didn’t have the heart to inflict the slightest of injury to. To the one she loved wholeheartedly but had to keep it to herself. She knew this wasn’t Eisuke but it was still him. The werewolf closed onto her.
So she ran.
She ran as fast as her legs could take her. Luckily she was near the forest now. She made a mad dash for the trees so she could hide herself.
Standing behind a wide tree trunk she got some time to catch her breath but the werewolf had caught up to her. Hearing a gruff sound, she twisted her head around to catch a glimpse of the creature.
Avoiding it, she circled the tree but she accidentally came across the beast. A growl from behind caused her to whip backwards only to be met with the glinting eyes of the werewolf. She wanted to scream, but it was of no use. No one could help her.
The monster lurched at her swiftly. She braced herself for the impact but it never came. Instead she watched as buckbeak came to her rescuse chasing the creature away. She needed to get out of the place now. She worried for Eisuke. She had so many questions racing through her mind that only one person could answer.
She tossed and turned in bed as sleep completely left her. Last night’s events ruling her brain.
She climbed down the stairs to the common room, completely empty as it was only six in the morning. As soon as she heard an all too familiar groan, she rushed towards the source of the voice. There, Eisuke was sprawled across one of the couches in the room, his face covered in small cuts and minor bruises , probably from when the hippogriff drove him away.
“OH MY GOSH. ARE YOU OKAY?” She half asked half shrieked, tears instantly pooling in her eyes. She touched his arms which had slightly bigger cuts.
“I- I’m fine. Just a bit.. sore.” He replied with his trademark smirk.
“Shut up! Do you know how scared I was? Why didn’t you tell me?! You twat!” The tears started flowing from here eyes and dropped on his hands as he silently wiped them away. She hugged him tight but not with force that would hurt him.
“Hey, just let me clean up and i’ll tell everything to you, sounds good?” He suggested,tempted to not let go of her but he didn’t want her seeing him in this miserable state.
Half an hour later, they met up at the entrance of the clock tower where, thank god, not a single person was in sight. The second she laid her eyes on him, she jumped into his arms hugging the living daylight out of him. Eisuke, not bothering to resist, wrapped his arms around her too.
“I was worried out of my mind! Do you have any idea what agony I felt when I saw you like that?! You-“
He held a finger to her mouth to shush her and the tears were once again threatening to fall.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry but i’ll explain everything. I guess there’s no use hiding it anymore.” He said in a collected voice to calm her down. But there was a hint of caution in his voice. Almost as if he didn’t want anyone to know his dirty secret.
“You know how I live with Cadmus. Cadmus once took me to his friend’s house where I got lost in the Ottery forest. It was almost midnight and it was a full moon that night. I don’t remember what really happened. I just know that the werewolf got close to me. I was attacked.”
Mc listened with bated breath as Eisuke casted his eyes downwards.
“All of it was a blur. I fainted and they found me somewhere in the middle of the forest. Do you know what happens when a werewolf bites you?” He asked her.
“You turn into a werewolf.”
“I see you’re not that dumb”
“Shut up” He chuckled and continued.
“Yes, that was when it all started. On full moon nights, there was only minor pain. It was bearable. But three years ago, its effects replenished. It got worse. I don’t know if you remember but do you recall me leaving you and soryu to go off somewhere and you’d ask me where I went off to?”
“No..” A quite sob left her body.
“Yeah. I didn’t want to seem pathetic so I just disappeared. I hate it. It’s a curse honestly. The pain is unbearable. But I can’t do anything. Sometimes the wolfsbane potion helps. There was never really anyone I could talk to about it so I never really brought it up. Also i’m so sorry I hurt you last night. For scaring you. For worrying you. I completely forgot about it last night. I really-“
His words were cut off as Mc grabbed the back of his head and softly touched her lips with his. His eyes widened at her subtle boldness but kissed her back. He was at peace. That was exactly what he felt. Maybe she did return his feelings after all.
She pulled away after some time with a tinge of pink on her cheeks. Eisuke too was blushing and that was one exclusive sight.
“I guess i’ve wanted to do that for some time now.” She muttered shyly but he heard her clearly.
“Really? Because same.” He was about to go for another one but she stopped him with a hand to his mouth.
“Hold. Up. How DARE you say you’re pathetic? You’re the most smartest wizard of your age, you know that? Literally every other envies you. And you’ve been enduring this pain for that long? You don’t have to keep everything bottled up! Just talk to me. Talk to Soryu. He’s your best friend! You’re not alone you daft selfish little twat. You’ve got me! And Soryu too! We’ll always help you no matter what! So don’t you ever say that you don’t have anyone!” She burst out with a single tear flowing from her left eye.
“Okay okay, I’ll talk to you about everything. I’m not alone. I get it. Happy now?” He spoke innocently but she crossed her arms with a huff.
He hooked a finger under her chin and gently lifted it.
“Please?” There was the face she failed to say no to.
“Fine” She unfolded her locked arms and turned to him only to see Eisuke gazing at her with the same intensity as last night.
“May I?”
A short nod and he thrashed his soft lips, despite certain cuts, on her silky ones. All words were laden in that one kiss and feelings were being conveyed when,
“Bloody hell”
. . .
hmu if yall want a part 2! This took a big chunk of time. So please don’t let this one flop flop. I kind of screwed at the end.
@miss-alien-pixel @huntertheblackwolf @leoamber66 @kbtbbposts please rate this🥺
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riotwritesthings · 4 years
The Curious Witch and the Cursed Wolf
Chapter 4: A Choice and A Chance | AO3
And this is the end! Art as always by the fantabulous @gayspacesprinkles​. ILYBRO.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Next week, my other specialty. Filth.
Title: The Curious Witch and the Cursed Wolf (Chapter 4) Collaborator(s): Riot @buckybarnesbingo​ Square Filled: C1, “kiss me” @starkbucksbingo​ Square Filled: B2, Chosen family Ship/Main Pairing: WinterIron Rating: T Major Tags/Warnings: fantasy AU, witch!Tony, wolf!Bucky, fairytale vibes, Non-graphic injury Summary: Once upon a time there was a man, and a wolf. They both went into the forest looking for different things, and instead they found each other. Word Count: 2,181
Once upon a time there was a wolf.
He never would have thought he’d find himself traveling with a witch, but it was the happiest he could ever remember being.
He still didn’t know who he used to be, where he came from, but with every day he cared less.
The wolf no longer longed for a home he couldn’t remember, content to follow the witch through the forest, wherever he led.
He watched the witch study plants and strange stones, watched him interact with the people and other strange things they met among the trees.
Always so eager to learn, to help.
The wolf had never met anyone like him.
“Have we passed that tree before?” Tony asks, adorable wrinkle between his eyebrows. “I thought you said you have a good sense of direction.”
I do, Bucky thinks and huffs as he nudges Tony in the thigh with his shoulder, grinning when Tony squawks and pretends to trip over him. The forest is circular.
“That’s awful,” Tony says gleefully. “I love it. How does that even work?”
He spends the next half a day trying to guess and Bucky doesn’t even understand half the words he uses. He could happily listen to Tony talk all day, could listen to it forever.
“What do you think, magic vortex or temporal wormhole?” Tony asks eventually, grinning at him, wide and bright.
Changed my mind, I think you jus’ got us lost, Bucky thinks and then barks out a laugh when Tony tries to shove at him, dodging easily out the way.
“I’m going to turn you into a rug,” Tony grumbles.
Bucky snaps his teeth and Tony just laughs, and Bucky can’t stop his tail from wagging even as he growls louder.
“You haven’t died yet?” Comes a voice from up above them, hidden among the thick leaves, and Bucky rolls his eyes as Tony’s face lights up.
“It’s you again!” Tony says happily, head craned way back to stare up into the trees. “Why don’t you come down here?”
“Not until he stops making that sound,” the voice says, and Bucky catches a glimpse of soft blue light between the shifting branches.
He growls louder.
“That’s his happy noise!” Tony calls helpfully and Bucky loses his growl in another huff of laughter.
Pepper is grumbling to herself as she slowly floats down towards them, pointedly much closer to Tony. Bucky gives her a toothy grin.
“So, what, he just likes being cursed?” Pepper as she bobs around Tony’s head, making a thoughtful sound when Tony swats at her. “I can actually see that, probably useful to be a wolf in a forest.”
Pretty useful, Bucky admits, because it is, more than once he’s had to get between Tony and the things they meet. Things with fangs and claws.
Tony is too curious for his own good, but Bucky has sharper claws, bigger fangs. He will do anything for Tony, and by now everything in the forest should know it.
"Wait, is it— do you know how to break the curse?" Tony asks, face lighting up the way it always does at the prospect of learning something new
"I'm not the one who's a witch," Pepper, as if the answer should be obvious.
“Can I break it?” Tony asks, and Bucky’s heart jumps in his chest.
He hadn’t even thought—
Pepper sighs, impressively loud for such a tiny thing.
“Probably,” she says and her wings flutter, as if shrugging. “You won’t know unless you try, that’s been your method so far, right?”
“Aw, you’ve been watching,” Tony says, fluttering his long eyelashes, and Bucky laughs again.
“Maybe,” Pepepr says with another tiny shrug but floats a little closer, glows a little brighter. “You’re more interesting can carrying gossip for lazy old witches.”
“A ringing endorsement,” Tony says, nodding, then grins when the glowing light lets out a delicate laugh and swoops down to bounce off the top of his head.
“So you’ve almost made it out of the forest now,” Pepper says and she’s addressing them both now. “Did you find what you were looking for?”
“No,” Tony says, but he’s smiling widely and Bucky can hear the warm, happy thump of his heart. “And also very much yes.”
Better, Bucky thinks smugly.
He hadn’t come into the forest looking for anything except to survive, never could have expected Tony.
“I’m glad,” Pepper says, like she really means it. “Maybe I’ll see you around.”
“You should take a vacation sometime,” Tony says with a teasing grin. “I really do have a million more questions.”
An’ I could use a good snack, Bucky adds, flashing his teeth.
Pepper huffs again, bounces off Bucky’s head too before disappearing into the thick trees.
“I like her,” Tony says decisively.
You like anyone who gives you shit, Bucky thinks fondly.
Tony gasps, clutches his hands over the glow in his chest, and Bucky barks out another laugh.
“I’ll show you,” Tony grumbles, chases him through the trees when Bucky turns and bounds away, breathless and laughing.
They stop for the night when the trees start to thin, starlight peaking between the shifting leaves.
Bucky has barely stretched himself out and lain down before Tony is curling in against his side, so small when Bucky is at his largest and still so unafraid.
He flicks his tail up over Tony’s lap and chest even though the nights are warmer now. It’s habit, and he likes to feel the steady rise and fall of Tony’s chest.
Tony runs his fingers through Bucky’s fur, smoothing tangles and pulling loose twigs and leaves.
“Would you want to be human, if- if I even can break the curse?” Tony asks, his voice so soft and his eyes fixed on his hands. “You could... find a new home. Make a new life. If you want.”
Bucky whines, presses his nose to the curve of Tony’s neck. He can hear the rapid thump of Tony’s heart, the catch of his breathing.
Want to stay with you, Bucky thinks, with all the feeling he can possibly put into it. Any size, any shape.
Tony’s heartbeat jumps and his chest glows warm and bright.
“Okay, okay that’s- good,” Tony says and Bucky can hear his smile.
He falls asleep quickly, head tipped back against Bucky’s ribs and snoring softly. Bucky curls around him a little tighter, thinks about being human.
Bucky falls asleep more slowly, dreams of being able to hold Tony’s hands in his own.
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Once upon a time there was a man.
He left home looking for somewhere to belong. Instead, he found someone to belong with.
It was so much better than he could have imagined.
He went looking for a way to help, a way to make life better, and he found magic.
The people of his village had told him he wouldn’t find anything, insisted it as he’d packed up to leave, and he proved them wrong.
He couldn’t wait to show them what he could do, how much he could help. So many of his wonderful ideas he could finally bring to life without worrying about materials.
So many more places he could see.
And someone to see them with.
Where will you go, after the forest? Bucky asks as morning sunlight pours through the leaves, emerald bright. Back to your village?
Tony continues scratching behind Bucky’s ears as he thinks about the question, still sprawled across Bucky’s back, warm and half asleep.
“To start,” he says. “Are you- you’re coming with me, right?”
Bucky hesitates, and Tony’s heart sinks a little in his chest.
The hunters, the other witches, they’ll still be lookin’ for me, Bucky says slowly, ears drooping. They won’t follow me into th’ forest, but if I leave...
Tony wiggles his way down off Bucky’s back, slides around to sit in front of him. Takes Bucky’s giant head between his palms.
“I won’t let them get to you,” Tony says and he’s never meant anything more, looks Bucky right in his sad, stormy eyes so he’ll know it. “You protected me in the forest, and I’ll protect you out of the forest.”
Still gonna protect you, Bucky says with a huff but his eyes are lighter, like sunlight beginning to break through storm clouds.
“Yeah yeah,” Tony says with a wide smile and leans in to press his forehead to Bucky’s. “So we’ll just have to protect each other, how does that sound?”
He can feel it when Bucky drags in a deep breath, lets it out slowly. The forest is alive around them, loud with the rustle of wind and creatures through the trees and bushes.
Tony’s world stands still.
I want to break the curse, Bucky finally says, low and sure. An’ I want to stay with you.
Tony sits upright again, chewing on his lip.
“I, I can try, I just...“ Tony trails off for a moment, ducking his chin. “I don’t want to mess it up, if I hurt you—“
You won’t, Bucky says, like he knows it, like he doesn’t have a doubt. I trust you.
Tony can’t breathe for a second, can only nod. No one has ever said that to him before, no one else has ever wanted his help.
Just try, Bucky says, bumping his head against Tony’s chest and giving him a toothy smile.
“Okay,” Tony says, smiling back helplessly. “Okay.”
So he scoots back in the dirt, closes his eyes and holds up his hands, and tries.
The forest falls still and silent, even the wind dying away.
Bright light fills the small clearing, bright enough that Tony can see it through his eyelids, and then vanishes. Tony opens his eyes to a giant puff of smoke where Bucky should be, and his heart is in his throat.
The wind picks up again, motion returning to the trees, and the cloud of smoke slowly clears away.
“You did it!” Bucky cries, then smirks with lots of teeth. “Was kinda hopin’ you’d have to kiss me, though.”
His voice is still low and warm and now real, eyes still stormy blue and so familiar.
He’s also very naked, all pale skin and thick muscle, not a hint of shame.
“Clothes!!” Tony squeaks, slapping his hands over his face. Even if he can’t help peeking between his fingers, just a little. “I didn’t know I needed to include clothes!”
“Clothes,” Bucky repeats with a scoff and he doesn’t seem concerned, too busy dropping to his knees and laughing, tugging gently at Tony’s elbow.
“Humans wear clothes, that’s the deal,” Tony says and keeps his hands planted firmly over his eyes, face burning with the force of his blush.
“‘M gonna kiss you now,” Bucky says, very politely. “Please move your hands.”
“You need pants!!” Tony insists as he peeks between his fingers again.
“Can’t believe you think that’s more important right now,” Bucky says with a pout, crossing his arm over his chest. The fluffy ears still on top of his head droop a little.
Tony isn’t sure if he’s just bad at breaking curses, or if Bucky had been under the curse too long. He supposes it doesn’t matter, Bucky certainly doesn’t seem bothered.
“I’m putting pants on you!” Tony declares, because that is what’s important right now. He’s a little lightheaded with all the heat gathering in his cheeks.
Bucky yelps a little in surprise when the pants appear on him, then quickly returns to tugging Tony’s hands away from his face.
Tony lets his arms fall but Bucky catches one of them by the wrist, gently and carefully winds their fingers together, clutches him tightly.
When he looks up Bucky’s eyes are lighter than Tony has ever seen them, practically glowing. His smile is wide, a little awed, and full of sharp teeth.
Tony smiles back, gives his hand a little tug.
“Now kiss me, what are you waiting for?” Tony demands petulantly.
Bucky laughs, and then he does.
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They walk out of the forest, hand in hand, and the world opens up huge around them.
Tony barely recognizes the inn, with its fresh coat of paint and flowering shrubs. The windows stream light and music onto the grass, a dozen raucous voices floating in the dusk.
It feels like forever since Tony was last here, since he walked into the trees alone.
The old man waves from the back door, doesn’t look surprised to see him at all.
Tony waves back with a wide grin, and the old man laughs loud and booming, turns to return to the kitchen.
“So, back to my village?” Tony asks as he turns to Bucky, that tiny pit of fear still in his stomach. Still a tiny bit unsure.
“Wherever you want,” Bucky says, like a promise, giving Tony’s hand a squeeze.
“And then wherever you want,” Tony insists. “Anywhere you want, that’s only fair.”
Bucky blinks at him, and then smiles.
“That’s fair,” Bucky repeats and pulls him in.
Once upon a time there was a wolf, and a man.
And they lived happily ever after.
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diazevan · 4 years
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No. 15. Into The Unknown “Magical Healing”
A 15-year-old Morgan saves Peter's life, and in doing so, Tony learns her secret.
AO3 Link
Tony remembered the moment that Peter’s life was claimed by Thanos’ lottery. Holding his terrified kid, in his arms, utterly speechless, was something he couldn’t shake.
Even, in the eleven years since Peter returned, alongside the rest of the fallen, the memory still nagged Tony’s mind and tugged on his heart. He struggled to look at Pete, for the first couple of months without his stomach leaping into his throat.
Losing someone and getting them back was a strange process.
Tony forgot, that despite having Peter back, the kid wasn’t invincible.
Looking back, Tony knew he should have tried harder.
Perhaps, he should have convinced Peter that the superhero life was not a path to be taken. Instructed him, or pushed him, to throw away the suit, and move on with his life.
It would have been rich, Iron Man telling Spider-Man to step down, after the biggest battle the universe had ever seen.
Tony didn’t care, he should have taken the chance, and claimed the title of a hypocrite, with pride.
If he’d done that, he wouldn’t have found himself, sitting on the floor on a balcony at the Headquarters, under the moonlight of New York City, cradling Peter, as he died.
It was slower than the first.
Peter was aware, of what was happening, and he seemed to be okay with it.
He didn’t scream plea after plea, to be saved.
He was quiet.
Tony couldn’t believe it, but the silence, was worse, than the pleading; Peter had accepted the fact that he was going to die, and the knot in Tony’s stomach tightened, at the thought.
Peter’s head was tucked up, against Tony’s chest, and his legs were sprawled across his lap.
Tony was holding onto him, as tight as he could without causing him any more harm.
Peter’s eyes were filled with tears, but his pupils were unfocused, staring up at the night sky, “Tony—”
Tony flinched, reaching up to comb a trembling hand through Peter’s curls, “Hey…” He scraped his teeth over his lower lip, “It’s okay, I’m here.”
There was nothing Tony could do.
It was too late to rush Peter over to the Infirmary, he wouldn’t make the trip.
Instead, all Tony could do, was hold him, comfort him, love him, knowing that after he drew his final breath, life would never be the same again.
Peter sunk against his side, “I—” He broke into a violent cough, tugging weakly on Tony’s jacket with his balled fists, he flickered his eyes up, “I’m sorry.”
Tony gently shushed him, “I’ve got you, kiddo, nothing bad is gonna happen,” He bent down, pressing a kiss, in the kid’s curls, “Not when I'm here.”
“I—” Peter stammered, “I-I got the flowers, MJ and I wanted—”
For the wedding.
Tony ducked his head, “I know, I know.”
The balcony doors were thrown open, by heavy hands.
Tony jumped out of his skin, instinctively pulling Peter closer to his chest.
Morgan’s scream followed, “Peter!”
Tony’s heart dropped, “M—”
“Oh—” Morgan collapsed beside them, her cheeks devoid of color, “Shit—” She cried, “Peter?”
Tony reached out, with a single hand, resting it on her arm, “Baby—"
Morgan’s sob tore through her, “Peter?”
“Morgan?” Peter blinked slowly, holding his hand up, “Hey—"
“What—” She locked her hand, around his, “What happened—”
Peter managed a weak smile, trying to soften the blow, “It’s too late.”
“No,” Morgan barked sternly, “No, we can fix this.” She snapped her head up, looking to Tony, “Dad’s here, we’re gonna fix this.”
Tony once carried all six infinity stones, he felt the power of the universe, rage through him, tearing him apart, atom by atom.
It made open-heart surgery in a cave, seem like a papercut.
Looking at his daughter, as his son died in his arms, was worse than both.
He shook his head.
Morgan’s face twisted as she sucked in a sharp breath, “What?”
Tony’s throat ran dry, “I can’t—"
“No,” She doubled over, “You can’t—” She cradled Peter’s bloodied hand to her chest, “You can’t go.”
Tony rubbed his hand, up and down her arm.
Morgan swung her head back, sitting straight, “Okay,” She wiped tears out of her eyes, with the back of her hand, “I—I can fix this.”
Tony frowned, “Honey?”
She rolled back her shoulders, knocking off his hand, “I can do this.”
Tony studied her, “Do what?”
She raised Peter’s hand, and clasped her other hand around it, “Come on..."
Tony had no idea what was going on, which was new for him, “What are you—”
Morgan closed her eyes, drew a shaken breathe, and started murmuring under her breath.
Tony stopped, not understand what he was seeing.
A bright yellow light wrapped around Peter’s hand, and whatever it was, was radiating from Morgan.
The light swarmed, surrounding them, in long stripes.
It was like a scene straight out of a Disney movie.
It slowly disappeared, leaving them under the moonlight once more.
Morgan jerked forward, letting go of a pained breath as she opened her eyes.
Tony’s jaw dropped.
Her eyes were glowing an unfamiliar white, she blinked a few times, and they faded back to their usual brown.
Tony stalled his shock, turning to look at Peter.
His eyes were closed, but the gaps between each breath were frequent, and his pulse was stronger.
Friday spoke up, “Boss, my scan indicates that Peter has a 98.7% chance of surviving surgery. I have called for a medical team.”
Morgan dropped down, sitting on her heels, as a look of relief crossed her face.
Tony stared at her, unsure of what to say.
The medical team charged, onto the scene, with a gurney, at the ready.
Cho rushed over, kneeling beside them, “We can take it from here, Tony.”
Tony turned to her, with teary eyes, “Okay,” He nodded, “Be careful.”
The team lifted Peter, out of Tony’s arms, onto a gurney.
Morgan stood, letting her hand fall from her brother’s as they rolled him away, she seemed unsteady on her feet.
Tony cautiously reached out, locking an arm around her, making sure she didn’t take a nosedive.
She looked up, blurry-eyed, “I’m okay, Dad.”
“Sure,” He squeezed her close, “Let’s go and grab something to drink, he’s gonna be in surgery for a while.”
Tony wasn’t sure what happened, but it seemed his daughter could do with a glucose boost.
Morgan stepped away, walking in front of him as they headed down to one of the living areas.
Tony bought two cans of full-sugar cola from the vending machine, “Here,” He handed it over to her.
“Thanks,” She opened it, and downed it, without taking a second to breathe.
“You know what,” Tony leaned over, handing her the other, “Take this one.”
She nodded her gratitude, turning away to drink the other, a little slower than the first.
Tony perched, on the edge of an armchair.
Everybody else were on their way up, and it wouldn’t be long until he was met with a wall of questions about Peter.
Morgan saved him, and he wasn’t even sure how.
They were only at the Headquarters, to collect a few boxes from a Laboratory. Tony got the alert about Peter, while Morgan was getting coffee, and he hadn’t had the time to leave a note, Friday must have told her.
They were seriously in the right place, at the right time.
“Um...” Morgan rubbed the nape of her neck, “Is he gonna be okay?”
Tony nodded, putting his phone away, “It looks like it.”
She paced, back and forth, “Are you—” She pointed, “Are you gonna—"
“Gonna ask about the light show?” He scrunched his nose, “I’m processing it.”
Morgan wiped her clammy hands together, she hovered by the window, looking out, “Same.”
“Honey, I’ve seen everything,” He began, “Aliens, Gods - Your brother and I have been to space.” He held up his hand, “You know all this, and Pete having mutated gene still surprises me, but this—”
She turned, arms crossed, “Me having powers?”
He breathed, “It’s different.”
Terrifying was also another word.
Two superpowered kids were not something Tony had anticipated.
He slouched his shoulders, “What is this?”
“I’m inhuman…” She told him, “I think.”
He raised an eyebrow, “You think?”
“You know how there’s been an influx of mutated cases, since…” She stammered, “Thanos, Uncle Bruce, and you…used the stones?”
Tony nodded, “Yeah.”
“I think…one of those…changed me—”
“Of course,” He stood up, “How long—have you known—”
She answered, fast, “Two years.”
“Two years?” Tony squealed, “You've known since you were thirteen?”
“Yeah,” She confirmed, “I-I—I found an injured bird, and it kinda just happened, it was terrifying—”
Tony softened his tone, “You should have come to us, baby.”
“I didn’t wanna worry you,” She smiled, “I’ve done a few times, you know? With Peter mostly, whenever he’s sleeping off injuries.” She lifted her shoulder, in a half shrug, “Nobody noticed.”
Tony grinned, “Oh, we kinda did.”
He walked over, pulling her into a side hug, “We were wondering why Peter’s healing gene was working faster than usual,” He pressed a kiss against her cheek, “Seems like he has a guardian angel.”
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zi-i-think · 4 years
16 | Restless
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Pairing: Zuko x Ama (OC)
Word Count: 5500+
Rating: SFW
Masterlist link
(A/N) Okay so usually I wouldn't post about this because it's so mild, but there's light lemon(?) I don't what it's called but it's kinda racy. This is the only time I'll be addressing something so light because I've only recently added in the book description that this book is rated M.
Happy reading!
~Zuko ☼ ~
         “I love you.” Her raspy voice trembled to tell me. She looked up at me with a blank expression. I yelled her name for her to hold on. But the light in her eyes disappeared and then her body went completely limp in my arms. Her head which was previously looking up at me weakly felt heavier on my chest. Every muscle in my body froze. It felt like I couldn't even breath for a split second.
         “Ama?” My voice was questioning and quiet. I was in disbelief. She couldn’t be gone. Not like that. Ama was too strong, too stubborn to let herself die like that. But each passing moment where she didn’t move or where I didn’t hear her breathing, it just confirmed my fear more and more.
         I trembled while I moved her body from its upright position to just barely tilt her backward. Her face. It was too pale, too lifeless. Her blue eyes didn’t sparkle and her cheeks didn't have their rosy color. But I still didn’t, I couldn’t, believe she was gone. “Ama!” I shouted this time in desperation.
         Tears started to stream down my face. There was no fight to hold them back. “You- you can’t go yet.” I sobbed. I turned my head towards the fight my friends were still engaged in. “Katara!” I screamed. She was the only one who could heal her. Bring her back to me.
         Moments later the sound of snow crunched under someone’s feet was heard until Katara slid up on the other side of her sister. She gasped loudly and covered her mouth with her palm, seeing Ama so limp in her bloodied dress. The dark red clashed with the purple in a horrific way. Katara reached for Ama’s wrist, using two fingers to find a pulse. And when she wasn’t satisfied with the lack of movement, she checked in the spot just under her jaw.
         With tears already dropping from her eyes, Katara shook her head. Bowing her head to avoid seeing her dead sister. “No!” I refused. “Katara there has to be something you can do. Just try, please.” My voice was very clearly cracking while I sobbed.
         “There’s nothing I can do, Zuko. She’s dead.” Katara cried. Her sentenced came out in a breathy whimper.
         My chest tightened even more and another sob ripped out of me. “Please. She can’t be gone. We have to try!” I begged. I refused to let it sink in fully. Even if there were a slim chance she was still alive, we couldn’t just give up on her. I’d never do that.
         Katara looked up from the snow, seeing my broken expression. Without a word, she whipped the tears from her face and shifted to sit on her knees. Katara first ripped the hole in Ama’s dress even larger, exposing the ugly stab wound. Bending some water she brought it to Ama’s injury, letting it sink through to heal her. The liquid glowed a bright blue as it worked it's magic. Slowly but surely, the wound was healed. Leaving behind a pink scar.
         Letting her hands momentarily hover over Ama, Katara held her breath. We both stared at her, waiting for a sign, anything to let us know that she was still alive. But her entire being was still… dead. Katara’s hand shook as she reached towards her sister’s face, closing her departed eyes which were staring up at the starry sky. She heavily sat onto the ground, burying her face in her hands to bawl.
          I just sat there in despair. Breathing heavily while I stared at her. I didn’t want to believe it, but she was gone. I’d never get the chance to heat her tea after she’s neglected it for too long. I’d never get to kiss her lips or tell her how lovely she looks in purple, or in any color for that matter. All those moments just slipped through my fingers.
         I let my head fall, shutting my eyes as the tears dripped down.
         “I-” A third person spoke with hesitation, not being able to get a word in. My eyes snapped open and with a sullen look, I turned my head to Azula. I’d completely forgotten that my sister had been laying in the snow this entire time with her awestricken expression. She quickly changed to an impassive one, masking her feelings. “Maybe there’s something I can do.” She muttered to herself with a contemplative look.
         Azula began to drag herself towards us. But Katara jumped protectively between Azula and her sister. “Don’t you dare touch her.” She hissed. I’ve never seen Katara say something so darkly, so venomously, and mean it.
         “She can’t get more dead.” Azula deadpanned with a light scoff. But Katara wasn’t moving. She continued to glare daggers at my sister. “She spared my life, now let me try to save her,” Azula said quietly like she was ashamed to show any sympathy or emotions. Katara turned her head to look at me, asking without speaking whether we should let Azula try whatever it was she had in mind. I didn’t see many options. Even the Avatar couldn’t bring back the dead. If Azula could really save her… “Well, we don’t have all night,” Azula grumbled quickly.
         “Alright,” I responded with a snap. Katara scurried to the side, letting Azula sit on her knees over Ama. Not one ounce of her trusted Azula, but she trusted me enough to even give in to my sister's ideas
         “Lay her down,” Azula ordered me. Typically, I wouldn’t let someone tell me, the Fire Lord, what to do, especially with a tone like that. But that didn’t matter. Azula positioned her hands over Ama’s chest, generating electricity while Katara and I looked curiously. Suddenly, the electricity she generated zapped Ama’s chest.
         Katara and I flinched back. “What the hell was that?!” Katara shouted in disgust, ready to engage in another fight.
         “I’m restarting her heart, give me a minute,” Azula grumbled her answer, generating more lightning in her hand.
         Katara turned to me with a grimace. “Zuko, are we just going to let her shoot electricity at my sister?”
         I wasn’t sure how to answer. Katara was only looking out for Ama, she’d do anything for the people she cared about. But this could work. “Do it again,” I told Azula, ignoring the betrayed look Katara sent me. Azula didn’t waste another second to zap the waterbender again. Her body lightly jolted up at the sudden shock. Still, there was no sign that she was alive. “Again.” Azula generated more lighting and shocked her.
         The moment the electricity hit her, Ama sucked in a thin, quick breath through her nose, followed by multiple other deep inhales to steady her breathing. Katara gasped and placed her hand over her chest in relief. I let out the breath I’ve been holding and lifted her unconscious, but alive, body off the ground, cradling her in my arms. I looked at Azula and her relieved look. “Thank you,” I whispered genuinely.
         Who knew what happened between Ama and Azula. Whatever it was, it brought out a side to Azula that I hadn’t seen since we were kids, before all of the manipulation and the hate was instilled into us. Believe it or not, Azula and I didn’t always have a bad relationship. We would chase each other playfully in the gardens and mom would read to us. I missed it, in a sense.
         Still, I didn’t trust her. She may have something else up her sleeve. But she saved Ama. That was enough to give me some hope that maybe one day I’d have my sister back.
         Azula sucking in a short breath at my thanks and grimaced at the sentiment. “Well don't get all mushy about it,” she rolled her eyes. “Honestly Zuzu, hanging around these people has made you far too soft.”
         Okay, maybe it’ll take some time.
         The atmosphere was a mixture of somber, relieved, angry, and plenty of other things. Katara only let a few people in Ama’s room at a time in case she woke up. No one wants to wake up after almost dying to have 10 pairs of eyes staring right at you. It’d probably overwhelm her. Katara said she didn’t know when she’d wake up, but it’d happen eventually.
         There were only two seats against the wall facing the bed. Sokka preferred to stay on his feet, leaning on the wall by the bed as he carved something into a piece of wood. Something both he and Ama would do if they had the tools and were anxious. I kept to one of the seats. Lighting and extinguishing a small flame in the palm of my hand in a continuous loop. “Patiently” waking for the unconscious girl to awake.
         There were thousands of other things I should be doing. Preparing to head back to the Fire Nation, signing important documents, making sure that Azula wasn’t causing any problems. But I wanted to be here next to her when she wakes up.
         Sokka nor I talked, keeping the quiet of the room. Just a few short words when we both came in. Now the only noise came from the flame and the scrapes of Sokka’s knife on the wood. They were both like ticking clocks. But as annoying as they were, the on and off of the flame kept me from losing my mind. And I’m sure it went the same for Sokka.
         After lightly blowing some of the wood shavings off the unfinished carving, Sokka gave up and stuck the knife into its small sheath before setting it and the carving on the bedside table. “So what do you think happened out there?” He wondered while he stared at his sister. “What did she say that got Azula to suddenly want to save her life?”
         My hand closed into a fist, completely having the flame snuffed out. “Not sure. Even if I did talk to Azula about it, I doubt she’d confide in me.” I looked over at Ama’s peaceful figure. “We’ll just have to wait till she’s awake and ready to talk about it.”
         “She’s taking too long.” Sokka huffed. He rested his hands on his knees and leaned over her. “Hey, sis. Wakey Wakey. It’s been over twenty-four hours.” His coaxing with a singsong voice was unsurprisingly met with no response, making Sokka frown. “If you wake up I’ll bake you some cookies.”
         “Sokka, that’s not going to work,” I grumbled in annoyance and crossed my arms.
         “Says who?” He countered and then turned around with a hopeful grin. “I know! Zuko kiss her!”
         “What?” I responded with wide, surprised eyes and flinched back. “Why would you suggest that?” Did he know something about that Ama and I were planning to get back together? Maybe she told him something about it and didn’t mention it to me? Or maybe he was just taunting me for a reaction?
         Sokka chuckled at my immediate response and casually sat down into the chair next to me. “When we were little my mom used to tell this fairytale story about a princess who falls unconscious from some spell. The only way to wake up was from true love’s kiss and one day her prince came and woke her up. It used to be Ama’s favorite story.”
         I smiled softly at that. It was always a joy to hear about what Ama enjoyed as a kid. She loved to tell me tons of stories, and boy were there hundreds of them. In her own words “growing up in a small, boring village just called for me to get into some trouble.” But she never mentioned anything about this story. I made a mental note to ask for a more in-depth version of it later.
         “She’s going to be traumatized after this,” Sokka said softly, a dismal look in his eye. “Dying and then coming back to life, it’s… a scary thought. And she actually lived it.” Sokka turned to give me an asking look. “She’s going to need you, Zuko.”
         My jaw dropped slightly at what he said. Okay, he definately knows something. “How…?”
         Sokka shook his head in amusement. “I saw it the first day you got here. That look you gave her. It was a short glance, but it was the same look I give Suki after the weeks or even months we’re apart. And it just got more obvious as time went on. Most of the others started to take notice while you guys continuously glanced at each other at dinner. Plus there was that one time you two were cuddling on the couch.”
         “We weren’t cuddling....” I flushed just remembering the morning I woke up on the large couch with Ama. How she snuggled closer to me in her slumber. It was probably the best sleep I’ve had in a long time. But the embarrassing part came the morning after when we both woke up by loud whispers and giggles.
         Sokka laughed loudly, slapping my shoulder firmly and keeping his hand there. “Zuko, blushing? That’s not something you see every day.” I lightly clenched my jaw and rolled my eyes as Sokka teased me. “In all seriousness though,” He started while his laughter died down to just a mild smile. “You two care about each other deeply. And while I will never forget that you broke her heart six years ago, I approve of your relationship.”
         “Thanks, Sokka.” I gave him an appreciative smile. Reciprocating his action, I placed a firm hand on his shoulder. “That means a lot.”
         “Just promise me you won’t hurt her again. Especially not now.” Both our heads turned to the bed, the mood of the room got a lot bleaker. I couldn’t help but admire her. She looked stunning with the midday sunlight shining on her through the window, outlining her soft facial features. And her brown hair laid beside her head like silk. I could admire her all day. If only the circumstances were different.
         I sighed heavily, a thin smile appearing on my lips. “You have my word, Sokka,” I promised him.
         Suddenly the room door opened, grabbing Sokka’s and I’s attention. Katara stepped in with Aang and closed the door once they entered. “Any change?” She asked, anxiously walking to the bed.
         “No,” Sokka responded with a frown. But he kept his voice light and tried to have a cheerful tone so that Katara wouldn’t worry more than she already was.
         The room was silent again while Katara checked her sister’s pulse in her neck, then touching her forehead with the back of her hand. Making sure that everything was normal. “All good.” She sighed in relief to herself. Katara took a seat on the bed while she kept an eye on Ama.
         “Any signs that she might wake up soon?” I wondered, furrowing my eyebrows in a way that was curious and uneasy.
         Katara shook her head “no” as she brushed through her sister’s hair. “Just give her time. She’ll come around.” Even though Katara answered the question, I could tell that it was said absentmindedly. Her full attention was on her sister in concern. Not that I could blame her her. A part of me wondered if she accused herself for getting there too late and was now wondering what may have happened if Azula didn’t offer to help. It wasn’t my place to ask. Besides. Her husband was always better at talking to her and calming her down.
         Aang stepped beside Katara, rubbing her back in a slow circle. “Zuko, maybe we should leave the siblings alone for a bit.” He suggested quietly. I nodded in understanding and stood from my seat, following Aang out of the room. Neither of us said a word until Aang shut the door behind him and let out a tense sigh.
         “Are you doing alright?” I wondered. The two of us started to walk down the blue-accented hall slowly and heavily.
         Aang nodded but kept his eyes ahead of him. “Katara’s just been really worried. We agreed to push back the honeymoon until Ama’s better.”
         “I’m sorry. This never should have happened.” I responded disappointedly in myself. I couldn’t help but feel guilty for everything that happened. I didn’t know that all along, I was playing into Azula’s trap to get to Ama. I thought I was being smart for keeping an eye on Suh, but I was so obviously wrong.
         Aang turned her head to raise his brow at me. “It’s not your fault Zuko. No one knew what to expect. If anything, it’s Azula’s fault.” Couldn’t argue with him there. “Have you figured out what to do with her yet?”
         And there was the question everyone repetitively asked. Everyone else had already stated firmly that they thought she should serve life in prison. But ultimately it was up to me. And I wasn’t sure what to do. I wanted so badly to believe that she could change. And I had hope that she had that potential. After saving Ama’s life, she didn’t fight against being restrained and put in a jail cell. Not one snarky comment was made while we were questioning her.
         There was only one more opinion that I needed when it came to Azula’s fate. Ama’s. I needed to know what happened before Suh stabbed her. But Ama was also incredibly effected by Azula’s actions. She needed justice for it all. In my mind, she should have the greatest say.
         “Not yet,” I told Aang straight-faced.
         Aang blandly rolled his eyes at my simple answer but knew better than to push it. “Anyways,” He dragged the word. “How are you holding up?”
         I almost stumbled at the question. That was something no one has asked me yet. And quite frankly, I haven’t even asked myself that question. It wasn’t exactly easy to answer. I didn’t like to dwell on my feelings. And I definitely didn’t want to dwell on these. Because every time I started to think about it, my mind would take me back to the other night. Seeing her eyes dull and feeling her soul leave her body. I didn’t want to think about it.
         Usually, I’d focus my time and energy on something else. But I knew I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything. My thoughts kept drifting to her and wondering when I’d be able to actually see her again. And when I was in the room next to her, it grounded me. I didn’t want to think about how I felt.
         I didn’t answer Aang. But he must have noticed my hand clench into a fist and my face harden. “Zuko, if you aren’t going to talk to me about it, please talk to someone. Anyone. It’s not healthy to keep everything to yourself.”
         “Yeah, okay,” I mumbled. But I didn’t mean it. I didn't need to talk. I needed to redirect my focus for the time being. “I have things to do. I’ll see you at dinner.” My pace quickened leaving Aang to walk by himself. I heard his frustrated sigh, but he made no efforts to follow me or persuade me to talk.
         Thick, hot flames erupted from my fists. I violently punched the air before stepping forward with my other foot, bursting flames from my other fist. Despite the freezing temperatures, the fire and my rapid movements made me sweat. My shoulders ached and my hips started to feel tightened. I’d lost track of the hours I’ve been out here.
         I tried doing official Fire Lord business. But I was so distracted with other thoughts I wouldn’t even process the words I was reading. I eventually just gave up and tried to sleep, but that only made things worse. I’d close my eyes, and my dreams took me back to the other night. Holding her in my arms then losing her. That brought me out here. Vehemently spewing fire in every direction in the dead of night.
         A strong, cold wind blew through the air, hitting my back. I could feel it through the two layers of clothing. As a firebender, I don’t usually get cold. But the freezing air sent a shiver up my spine. My fire extinguished quickly and my arms fell to my side. My body was too tired, but my mind was restless. There was only one thing that could possibly calm me.
         I rushed back into the palace, eager to get out of the cold. And soon enough, I found myself in Ama’s dimly lit room. The windows were closed, hiding the moon. But there were only two candles placed on her bedside, being the only lighting in the room. She was still asleep. Her arms rested outside of the blanket, laying on her stomach. She still looked so unnatural laying like that.
         I grabbed one of the chairs by the top, moving it to sit directly next to the bed before I took a seat in it. Letting out a deep sigh, I intertwined my hands together. “I don’t know if you can hear me or not. But I just wanted to talk for a minute.” I started with my gaze was fixed on my hands. “I know Uncle Iroh would probably hear me out and give his ever so wise advice, but I don’t need advice, I just need… I need to talk it out. I guess.”
         “I miss you, Ama. A lot. These past 6 years have been so dreadful without you.” I scoffed at myself and pinched the bridge of my nose as I shut my eyes. “That probably sounds super dramatic.” Damn it, Zuko. Just get it off your chest. Who cares if it’s dramatic? “It felt like I’d just gotten you back and then you were gone. I watched you die and it tore my heart apart. I felt so empty.”
         I cleared my throat just as the quiet tears pooling at my eyes fell down my cheek. “I would have given anything to take your place. I don’t know what I would’ve done if Azula didn’t do what she did. But I still keep seeing you. Dead. Every time I close my eyes. I can’t even sleep.” I looked over at her, seeing her still sleeping figure. I felt more peaceful just seeing her there. Safe. “I need to remind myself that you're okay. Hence why I’m here.”
         “I can't help but blame myself for what happened. Aang and Katara say that it’s not my fault for their wedding being interrupted like that. And Uncle Iroh has told me that none of this is my fault. But I feel the most guilt just thinking about what I could have done to stop Suh. I should’ve kept a closer eye on her.”
         I brought my hand up to her face, just barely stroking her cheek with my thumb. “I’m just glad you’re okay. And I'm going to be here for you. No matter what you need.” I stood up from the seat and gently leaned over her. “Because I love you, too,” I whispered, pressing a delicate kiss on her forehead.
         I was still hovering over her when I pulled away. My hand softly cupping her face. My eyes trailed to her lips as I thought back to what Sokka said. About the story. I doubted that true love’s kiss was a real thing. Just a fairy tale. But what if it was? Would she wake up? Or what if I wasn’t her true love? None of it was real anyway, what did it matter? Still. My greed took over. And I found myself leaning down and placing a chaste kiss on her soft lips.
        Disconnecting my lips from hers, I pulled away just slightly and opened my eyes. I marveled at her for another moment. Wishing that she’d wake up soon. And while I was gazing at her, I could’ve sworn I saw her lips twitch into a smile. I thought it was just my imagination. Until her eyes fluttered open. Her blue eyes immediately met mine and she smiled instantly. All while I probably looked like an awestricken fool; leaning over her with my jaw dropped and my eyes wide.
         "Well, that's one way to wake up." She giggled. Her hand went up to stroke the side of my face.
         It took a moment for me to react with a wide smile. “You’re awake.” I sighed gratefully. She’s here. She’s smiling. She's healthy.
         “And you’re sweaty.” She huffed a laugh as she noticed the thin layer of sweat that still stuck to my forehead.
         I shook my head at how that was completely unimportance, yet she still took notice in the small details. “I was just training outside for a bit.”
         Her brows furrowed together and her head turned to look out the window but found them closed. “Sprits, what time is it?” She wondered as she tried to sit up on the bed, breathing in sharply in pain at the sudden movement.
         “Hey, hey. Careful.” I scolded her softly. Immediately moving the pillows behind her and helping her lean back into them comfortably. “It’s like midnight. Something like that.” I answered her question.
         “Spirits, Zuko. What are you doing up training? It’s freezing out.” She worried as she leaned into the pillows slowly.
         I didn’t respond. I could come to the conclusion that she didn’t hear my little rant while she was unconscious. I didn’t know whether I should feel relieved or not. But I pushed it all aside and shook my head at her question. “That doesn’t matter. What does is that you’re awake and you’re okay.” I continued to smile, cupping both of her cheeks again and grinning happily. But then that smile faded at a realization. “Ama, do you know that you-”
         “Died?” She finished flatly. “Yeah, Zuko.” Her expression was generally unreadable. She gave me a flat smile and her eyes were indifferent.
         I didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable with the subject, but if she was hurting and didn’t want to tell me I’d want to let her know that she could talk to me. “And how are you feeling?” I wondered, sitting next to her on the bed and leaning into the pillows.
         Ama shrugged her shoulders quickly and lightly. Her left hand slid into my right one, intertwining her fingers in mine. “I feel fine. My whole body feels sore, though.” She grumbled, leaning her head back into the pillows.
         “Other than that?” I pressed. The last thing I wanted was for Ama to feel pain. She’d already been through so much. And in a few hours or so, the others would immediately start to throw all these arguments and questions in her face about Azula. She shouldn’t have to carry all those burdens by herself.
         Ama turned her head to look at me, giving me a content smile. “Feeling great.” She smiled. But it felt like it was a lie. She died and came back to life. However, knowing Ama, she’d probably bury her feelings in order to keep herself from inconveniencing anyone. Even though she wouldn’t be inconveniencing anyone.
         “Ama, you know you can tell me anything-”
         “Zuko, I’m fine.” She laughed, shaking her head like I was the one exaggerating. I raised an unbelieving brow at her. Her smile fell a bit, but she quickly looked away from me. Instead, she rested her head on my shoulder. “I do have a million questions, though.”
         I sighed, unsatisfied with the fact that she wasn’t confiding in me. She was a strong person, mentally and physically, so maybe she really was fine. I wouldn’t know. Maybe she just hadn't processed it all, yet. I had to give her time. “And I will happily answer them all,” I responded quietly. A yawn leaving my mouth as sleepiness started to overtake me.
         A gorgeous giggle left Ama’s lips. I felt her hand delicately find my jaw turning my head to look at her. Her sparkling eyes met my tired ones. “You should get some sleep.” She whispered.
         “I’d much rather stay here,” I responded just as quietly. Ama opened her mouth to say something but no words came out as a slight blush crept up her face. A low chuckled left my lips at it. Seeing her get flustered always made me feel a bit prideful. With most others, she’d find a quip or answer back confidently. But with me, she’d cower back bashfully. Even if she didn’t like to admit it.
         “Fine.” She huffed with a shrug. She removed her hand from mine to move her body to the other side of the bed. A low grunt sounded from her nose while she did so.
         “Should I get Katara?” I wondered. I knew it was most likely normal to feel sore after that fight and then sleeping in the same position for over a day. Still, I didn’t want her to be in pain. And Katara wouldn’t mind in the slightest to check on her.
         Ama shook her head. “Let her rest.” She told me, rearranging the pillows behind her. “Knowing her, she hasn’t had a lot of sleep.” Her hand pat the spot next to her, telling me to get in bed.
         Now it was my turn to feel a bit flushed. I rubbed the back of my neck nervously and awkwardly. “I’m still kind of sweaty.” I said, not wanting to dirty her sheets. She opened her mouth to comment, but stopped herself. Instead, an amused giggle fell from her lips and she leaned her head into her hand. “What?” I asked, confused as to what she found funny.
         “Nothing, I was about to say something, but I really shouldn’t.” She continued to giggle. I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head. Ama saw the pondering look I had on my face before giving in to my question. “When has being sweaty stopped anyone from sleeping in bed.” She softly remarked, throwing using her head back in laughter and running her hand through her hair.
         I was still confused. Wondering what she meant but that. Was she referring to my firebending? No. It didn’t make sense. Sex, Zuko. She’s talking about sweaty people and sex. My mouth immediately went into an “o” shape once I understood. Quickly transforming my expression, I gave her a smirk while climbing into bed. “Well I thought you’d want me to be sweaty for different reasons before sleeping together.” I played into her reference roguishly.
         Despite another blush creeping up, Ama snorted a laugh. “You wish.” She countered, holding her head high. I didn’t quite get into the covers yet, still making my way in to the bed. Ama’s body stiffened a bit, seeing me get close to her on my knees. Her smug smile turned into a desiring one; her lips slightly parted. My hand went under her chin, guiding her a bit closer to me.
         Our lips were inches away until I stopped. Taking the moment to admire how close we were. “I missed you so much.” I whispered.
         Ama placed her hand on the side of my neck, rubbing the spot beside my jaw. “I missed you too.” She reciprocated. Leaning up to get rid of the inch between us, Ama connected our lips again. It started chaste and gentle, but quickly turned more eager and thirstful. The burning sensation in my chest only grew every second that her lips were on mine. Suddenly, I wasn’t tired anymore.
         Greedily, my tough swiped her bottom lip, asking for more permission. Ama quickly granted it. Her hand slid behind my head, tangling her fingers in my hair pulling me closer. My hands found their way to her waist, trailing down to her hips slowly and carefully. Once feeling the curve of her wide hips, I gripped them ever so slightly. But it was enough to get a low, quiet moan from her.
         My lips curved up into a smile in the kiss. Ama’s hands pulled me down into the bed. A light thud sounded when she hit the pillows. Leaving her lips, I started to create a trail of worshiping kisses on her jaw. A content sigh left Ama’s lips and she tilted her head up, allowing me to go further.
         But just as things were getting interesting, there was a knock on the door. I jumped off Ama as she scrambled to sit up. We shared the same surprised and sort of embarrassed look. “Who’s up?” She whispered first, eyeing the door.
         “Not sure.” I responded lowly as I slowly and carefully got off the bed while Ama remained where she was. But we were both preparing mentally for a fight. No one else should be up at this time. Other than the guards of course, but they never had reasons to go into anyone's rooms. And who’d knock if it was known among everyone in the palace that Ama was unconscious? Well, until just now.
         My hand curved around the cold, metal door knob and turned it slowly. When I opened it, I was met with the last person I thought I’d see. “What are you doing here?” They immediately asked.
*DISCLAIMER* None of this is medically correct. I know that electricity doesn't bring a person back to life. I wrote this for the purpose of the fic. I'm an environmental science major, not pre-med or any of that. I don't watch Grey’s Anatomy (What am I? Straight?). I don't know medical stuff. This is a fanfic, please don't take it too seriously. I try to make things as realistic as possible, but then again, bending the elements isn't exactly realistic is it?
I met my own due date! Honestly I didn't know if I'd be able to update on time, but I did! I thought this chapter would only be like 4000 words, and then more happened. I might be writing a short blurb soon and posting it on here soon. So stay tuned!
If you liked the chapter, please consider liking the post or reblogging. I love seeing notifications for my story. Lights my heart up with joy!
Love you all! Hang loose, amigos 🤙🏼
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meltsyoutodeath · 4 years
I actually did this
Enjoy... I think?
"F@ck you, mom!" - a voice screamed, followed by a strong, shiny black flash of light, apparently concentrated around something. The void was completely blank, so not noticing something so attractive was almost impossible. They ran in it's direction, sure that would find a strong opponent to fight and raise their abilities as a strong, undefeatable anime-like fighter. Each fight was an opportunity of having their own anime plot!
They approached the light, that got slightly less strong as with each step. They stopped when they saw the source of the light. A... girl? What? What the heck is that? They couldn't understand if it was a human or a skeleton. They saw a portal closing behind her, with angry human noises coming from it. They ignored the fact that they've never seen her before, and shouted:
She stared at them, confused. The weird light disappeared as she started laughing, becoming a weak, yellow light. Turns out the light came from a ring on her finger.
- You- you wanna- f-fight me?! - she almost srceamed while saying that, laughing more harder each past second. Ignoring this, they continued:
- Yeah! I will show you the power of a true hero!
-Hahahaha! Gosh, you're funny! You almost act like a shounen protagonist! You know that, right?
They yelled, summoning two fount/ain pens and creating shurikens with their ink. They throw three of them at her, who easily dodged the attack. The weapons lost strenght, hitting the ground and stantly becoming ink again.
- I expected nothing else of such an opponent. OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY!!!
They created more 10 shurikens, holding 8 of them between his fingers, and quickly throwing the other 2 at the girl. She jumped, and once more the shurikens hit the ground and became ink. With her eyes closed, she said, poiting a finger at them: 
- Ok, so you really do want to fight me, uh? Very well, I will only dodge, if you are able to hit me, I will start taking this more seriously, k?
They nodded, mad at the fact that she wouldn’t take’em seriously.
- Hehe. This isn’t even a bit of my true power! I wil prove my worth to you, and in the end, the power of friendship shall prevail!!
They throw the remaining shurikens at her, who dodged again, with eyes closed. Even if they were getting irritated, they were really pumped, and determined to win.
They kept attacking, drawing more and more shurikens, kunais, anime-like swords, if you doubt he summoned a Kahehameha of pure ink. But it didn't matter, she would always keep dodging, until the moment she summoned a book. Yes, a book. And started reading, trying to make a reference to Kakashi in classic Naruto. Always saying their attacks were doing nothing, and he had to try harder or theh would never be taken seriuosly by anyone.
- Hehe. You underestimate me! I've been revising Naruto lately, and I'm becoming a genius!
They made a random hand sign, along with their best effort to make it look like a super cool thing, and it seemed to get them really excited. 
- Go on, buddy. Give me your best shot then. - She winked with the... human eye? What... is she again? Anyway. Suddenly, she felt something moving behind her. Unsummoning her book, the girl sighed, right before jumping high up, to see that their hand movements (at least the ones they were doing NOW) weren’t useless, he was actually controling the ink from all the previously failed attacks againt the enemy.
Suprised with the fact that they could think, the girl carefully dodged his attacks, that finally, in a ‘last effort’, almost wrapped around her leg. Quickly, she teleported out of there, appearing behind the skeleton (the one that really is a skeleton). 
-Hi. Are you with the idea of giving up already? This is getting kinda boring, ya know?
The ring on that thing’s finger stopped with the solid, normal moss green coloration it had the hole battle, becoming a pale, boring blue. Sadly, the skeleton couldn’t see colors, and even if they could, they wouldn’t notice something like a rings color.
They turned around, surprised by her sudden appearence behind them. By instinct, they summoned one of their fountain pens again, and slashed the enemy’s right side of the face. She laid the her bone hand over the new born scratch. The ring on her finger became fully blank, and suddenly it was a lively green. 
- Did... did I hurt you? OH MY GOD, I’M SORRY, I DIDN’T MEAN TO-
- Hey, that’s fine! I know healing magic, don’t worry.
The hand over the scratch started to glow in the same color of the ring. Suddenly, her skull was clear as new, no scratches, no injuries, nothing. 
- Hey, this last attack... I told ya to hit me so I would fight you seriously, right?
- Yes! And as I said, the power of friendship (and protagonism) always wins! With my friends by my side, I will achieve all my goals, and reach my dream!
- Okay then, congrats. But... - in the middle of the sentence, the opponent made a creepy, scary smile. Her ring turned reddish grey, and a kind of black, gross fluid started falling from her eyes and mouth, the right side of the head turned only bones too. Three red knives appeared between her left hand fingers, in an attempt to make it scarier . - DOES THAT MEANS YOU STILL WANNA PLAY, BUDDY? 
She did a strong, mean voice, that scared the skeleton a little, but their shounen protagonist personality wouldn’t let them show it. Pulling theirself togheter, they shouted:
-No, I am not fighting you again today! I could hurt you!
The girl’s head went back to normal, just like her face. The ring turned into a lively orange.
- Aw, worried with the enemy? You should be fighting me, not giving me free mercy. - she replied, attempting to make them mad.
- Only because I’m sparing you this time, doesn’t mean our battle is over! My name is Domino, and you better remember it, beacause that’s the name of the one who will defeat you!
She left a grin out, that made Domino kinda mad. Truth be said, she was also a real weeb, and wanted her own anime cool story. That was the chance of a lifetime, who would waste that? She never had a rule about being the hero, has she. Even if she’s the kind of person who makes justice in a Death Note like way. Joining the show, she smartly replied.
- But- you were way too strong... during your battle, I was finally able to notice, I can’t reach my full potentail all alone! I don’t want to be your enemy anymore... instead, could we be... friends? We have more chances against the forces of evil if we are working togheter, right?
Actually... she will never admit it, but she really, really did a good choice by playing along. Proud that they had finally turned an enemy into an ally, like in almost all animes, Domino proudly accepted the request, using the opportunity to make another speech about the power of friendship. 
Both talked for a while. They asked which kind of monster she was, so it was explained that she was the result of the love of a random Sans and a random Chara. And so she had the magic of both of them. After a good, long talk, the girl said she had to go, and got up from the ink chair she asked the new friend to make... poor soul, unaware that the ink still left stains...
The mid-mid oppened a portal, with a really unorganized room on the other side. With one foot already on the other side, Domino couldn’t help but intervein.
-Hey, before you go, I still don’t know your name, and that’s against all anime rules I know.
She turned around, staring at him. 
- Oh, yeah, that. Actually... I forgot my name.. 
-What... wait, HOW? Are one of these guys who had a really traumatizing experience and doesn’t remember anything? Or maybe you fell from somewhere, and- NO, NO, it’s probably the crack on your skull that-
-Nah. - she stopped them, before the situation got out of control. - You wish it was something like this. Actually, no one ever called my name, only mom, but one day she just started calling me “daughter”, or “little demon”, things like that. My friends don’t know my name neither.
- So, how do your friends call you?
- As I have no name, I just gave me one. They call me Knia.
- UUU... weird name. IS IT JAPANESE?
- Sorry bud, but no. Well, gtg now.
She fully entered the portal, and Domino was leaving when a head appeared from it.
- By the way, it was really KNIfe to meet yA.
Domino smiled, He said bye again, and then the portal closed. 
GEEZ! I’m so happy right now!
Domino belongs to - @lollzida
Knia bleongs to - me
(post about Knia without her name because yes)
“It was a big day” - they tought, sitting on the voids ground. - But at least I made a friend! And had an amazing battle! 
Suddenly, they heard a weird sound, followed by a strong, shiny dark blue colored light.
- Hey, Domi?
They turned around, surprised by the unexpected visit.
- Did you come for another round?!
- Not really...- she replied, with a sad look on her eyes.
- Are you okay?
Silence made it’s presence in the room. Finally, Knia managed to speak.
- Can I stay the night? Mom and dad are fighting with some weird guys of the government...
- Of course! - he replied, without hesitating - we are friends after all, right?
- Thanks, Domi...
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Uhhhh, we don't know about the others but Error was having a bit of difficulty with his target. The person watching you kinda kept blasting him with magic while someone else shot him, by all account he should be dead but he's not! He was a bit worried that you disappeared tho -A
He focuses in on the most shocking part of the message. “Wait, magic? Other people have magic?” He exhales, and rolls his eyes. “Well yes, of course there are other people out there with magic, it would be weird if M—if Cat was the only one. We just...never met anyone.” He turns to look at Raven. “You can do magic?”
Raven takes a step back, clearly wary. But after a moment, they hum a wordless tune, and their eyes start glowing. They purse their lips and blow. A ring of blue light drifts away from their mouth before fading. They say nothing else.
“Well alright. Showing off.” Sleepless looks away. “Weird that he—uh, she? They? Weird that they didn’t have to move their arms like Cat does. I guess it’s different for different magicians.” He thinks about this for a moment, then shakes his head. “Anyway, yeah, Error is very tough. Tougher than anyone else, I think, maybe even Anti. Though it’s hard to judge how tough Anti is when he’s insubstantial most of the time.”
Raven steps back again, looking around as if wondering if anyone else is paying any attention to Sleepless. Most are not. It’s been a busy night, and the ones who know are informing their new rescues, taking care of injuries, and more.
“I knew he would be worried,” Sleepless continues. “I was actually expecting more worry, but I guess whatever fight he got in distracted him. And you talked to anyone else? I guess maybe not.”
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365daysoftododeku · 4 years
26th December 2019
Author: Karma
Under a sea of lanterns and firework jellies (I see your dragonfly heart take flight, ignite)
“Have fun! Be safe! LINE me when you get home.” Izuku sighs as his friends disappear into the crowds.
Ochako had promised Tsuyu some goldfish, and Kaminari and Iida had a whole date itinerary planned out. The Kendo-Pony-Momo-and-Kyouka quartet were already off on their own double date.
Leaving Izuku as the lonely, singular wheel wobbling down the road. It’s a better existence than the unnecessary third or fifth or even ninth wheel, but being extra always stings at gatherings like this.
Izuku would go home, but there are fireworks to be had, and a surplus of sparklers to light and watch die out.
Heaving the bucket with him, Izuku walks for a long while, until he reaches the old Hachiman shrine that’s leagues away from all the festivities. The worn, faded white torii is settle atop one of the scarce hills in the middle of town, and as such it is always Izuku’s preferred firework viewing spot. He climbs up the grassy incline, clutching his yukata and sparklers close, and slips only once on the wet grass as he goes; he thanks the god of the shrine for the green color of his festival-wear. Finally, Izuku settles well above the line of most buildings, and the world with its busy routines and individual stories passes him by makes him feel small and invisible in the best of ways. His spot, being as far away as it is from the festivities, is completely unoccupied except for himself, and he relishes in, at least, the solitude that the area grants him.
If Izuku weren’t feeling so damn lonely and miserable, he might even feel giddy over the fact that he gets this view to himself.
As it stands, he’s just counting down the minutes until the light show starts.
Start it does, with a few test shots to draw Izuku out of his own head.
The light show is fantastic, as it is every year. Fireworks launch to musical numbers and themes, and two shows even do the same song, a Halloween classic if his American friends are to be believed.
The one that steals his breath, however, is the one set to delicate piano music. Fireworks pop in place, then another, and the effect almost looks like a dragon chasing something in between and around the stars. Firework shells hover and float gently across the night sky, and at one point there are so many of these shells in the air that it seems like a group of fireflies have been unleashed, or like the stars are being brought unto the earth itself. It’s magnificent, it’s mesmerizing, the way the wind blows and curls the smoke around him makes his world feel small and foreign, exotic and the flickers of colored smoke that drift down from the fireworks only add to the mystique of the show’s magic.
Eventually, however, that show ends, and Izuku is left half-listening to the introduction of sponsors and themes for the next group.
Something soft tickles his nose; it seems like one of the parachutes that held the fireworks aloft had come to say hi.
It’s kinda cute, Izuku thinks, it almost looks like a jellyfish. A few bob on the wind in front of him, and he tells them, “A firework jellyfish! That’s what you are!”
As the wind picks up, more of these so-called firework jellies drift downwards toward him, and soon it feels like he’s ended up in some sort of jellyfish field. Some of them still carrying glowing embers and ashes, and the way the small lights from the mirage echo throughout the thin paper makes Izuku feel like he’s opened his eyes to a world underwater in the middle of the day. Lights dance and flicker like candlelight or sunbeams over the thin caps of the firework jellies, and each jelly picks up the light from the next, so that light is everywhere with no definitive source.
It’s only when the sounds of the festival change that he starts trying to escape from the sudden swarm. There’s a snarling nearby that makes Izuku think of the frequent warnings that have been coming about bear sightings, and for one second he’s terrified that one of the beasts has made it into the heart of town.
But as his sight clears and the swarm of jellyfish depart, he sees that the snarling thing is no bear at all. It looks like a flying worm, with a mane of furious red and white hair down its body and teal scales sprinkled in amongst the silver.
It looks almost like one of the dragons of legend.
Izuku hadn’t been aware that a dragon kite had been part of the parade. Or that they had been made so flexible and mobile in the past year.
Something splatters on his cheek, and pieces of paper whap him in the face as the dragon passes over head.
The liquid turns out to be blood, when he drags his fingers through the wetness to examine it, and the papers? Little people cut out of rice paper that take off into the air when he peels them off of him. One of them flutters angrily at him when he pinches its tail to take a closer look. He lets it go in fright, and it immediately soars off after its fellows.
“Ah! Sorry!” He calls after it, but it is impossible to see against the shroud of night.
Izuku peers once more at the blood, and frowns. Was the dragon real? Was it hurt?
Izuku decides, in the small part of his brain not currently occupied with screaming about the existence of dragons, that yes, it must be real, and yes, it must be hurt. That small piece of brain also concludes that it might be the fault of those paper men, and so Izuku hurries to grab his sparklers and lighter.
He sets a handful of them in a fan pattern, and yells for the dragon. “Mr. Dragon! Down here!”
By some miracle or breath of wind, his words are carried up to the dragon, and it arcs into the sky before nosediving at him. Izuku ignites his sparklers and holds them in the sea of papers that trail the dragons, and soon enough, the whole flock is aflame. The dragon hovers behind him and admires his handiwork.
When the sparklers have run their course and the little monsters not but soot and ash in the breeze, Izuku drops the spent impromptu weapons into the water bucket. He stiffens when he realizes that the dragon’s snout is now right behind him, and he can feel breath both searing and freezing through the back of his thin, sweaty summer yukata. His hair stands on end, but after a moment’s stillness, during which the dragon chooses kindly not to eat him, Izuku slowly turns to look into its eyes.
“Wow, even your eyes are two-toned…” Izuku mutters in awe. Because it’s true. Where the dragon’s mane is red and white, where its scales are silver and teal, the dragon’s eyes are brown and blue and striking. All fear is forgotten, even though teeth as big as Izuku’s forearm are hovering near his heart, and instead Izuku chooses to gawk awkwardly at the magnificent creature before him. Even when it opens its maw, the fear does not return, though Izuku isn’t sure if he’s been bewitched or is simply shocked stupid.
“Human.” Comes a soothing voice.
“Uh, ah, yes?”
“You have saved me.”
Izuku scrubs his head, and his hand comes away sooty. “Not really? I just, felt kind of bad that you were being attacked?” A huff of that hot-cold breath has him opening his mouth before he can think his words through. “You’re a dragon, and you can breathe fire, right? Why didn’t you use that to defend yourself?”
The mismatched eyes blink at him. “Because that is exactly what those infernal things were designed to do. I refuse to breathe the fire I inherited from my sire.”
Izuku quickly translates that into normal human speak. “But, but, your father isn’t the one breathing fire for protection here, you are?”
The dragon snorts, and gradually raises its massive head into the night sky, graceful and slow as any swan. “I wouldn’t expect a human like you to understand.” He coils like he’s preparing to launch into the dark shroud around them.
“Wait!” Izuku calls. The teal eye peers down on him. “You’re still hurt. Can I see? I may not know how to treat dragon wounds, but I’m still first aid certified, and I wouldn’t feel right letting you leave without having at least checked out your injuries, and I may not be able to help, but at least you’d know-“
The dragon cuts him off. “Very well.”
Izuku blinks. “Really? I mean, okay. Can you come back down here so I can get a closer look?”
The dragon swoops down once more, obligingly. “You’re a funny little thing, aren’t you?”
“I don’t know, I mean, uh, maybe?” Izuku busies himself with looking at the scrapes and paper burs on the dragon’s snout and behind his head. Some of the redness in his mane is from blood, and with a careful hand, Izuku scoops a small handful of water from his bucket and pours it carefully over the non-wounded but bloody parts. Eventually, the ruff of fur runs clean, and Izuku steps back. “All good, sir.”
“…Shouto.” His voice resonates deep like thunder, and comes out of nowhere.
Izuku jumps a little; they’d been silent for so long he hadn’t been expecting a response. He’d figured the dragon would just leave once he gave the all clear. “Shouto, sir.”
The dragon’s form… gurgles? It bubbles and rolls, and soon the dragon explodes into a thousand paper petals. What’s left is a man about Izuku’s age, with striking red and white hair, and eyes that are equally as mismatched. He stands primly in a kagirinu, and he stares in Izuku in way that can only be described as mystified. His voice, when Shouto speaks, is far less thunderous, but no less soothing and mellow. “How did you come to the spirit layer, Izuku?”
Izuku can’t recall having ever given the dragon his name. “I… don’t know? There were firework jellies and then…”
“Firework jellies?” Izuku sees Shouto’s lips and nose twitch.
‘Yeah? The little caplet things that float down after a firework has gone off.” Izuku feels kind of silly for naming them, now.
“No, no, I understand.” Shouto sighs, looks around, and holds out his arm to Izuku. “Would you… like to be shown around? I can give you a tour before you return to the human realm.”
Izuku looks around for the first time, and takes in the world. It is night here too, and a blood red, full moon hovers overhead, low and heavy and dripping into the shimmering black waters below it. The world is aglow in flickers of candlelight and red festival lanterns, and Izuku can feel the beat of drums and whistles of the flute inside his chest just as much as he can hear them. “Yes, please!”
Shouto holds out an arm. “Then, allow me.”
Izuku takes it delicately, and is immediately swept down into the heart of the town. The crowds milling here feel the same in energy, but appearance-wise differ so much that Izuku would have to be blind and dumb to miss it. If the dragon-human standing beside him wasn’t proof enough that he was in a different world, then the sight of these bird-headed, many armed, and multicolored peoples would certainly be proof. Several greet Shouto, and gaze curiously at Izuku, but they hardly stop to talk.
“You mustn’t stay longer than the dawn, but there’s much to be seen at this time of year.” Shouto whispers into his ear. They’re moving towards the water, Izuku can tell by the way the moon looms closer in all its red glory.
“That’s okay! I have to go back at some anyways, my friends will worry!” They settle onto some pavement with a view of the lake, or maybe it’s an ocean?
More of the strange people flutter around, in the stalls and streets behind them, on the shore below, across the water. “Shouto, do you know why I’m here?”
The dragon huffs, and doesn’t look him in the eye. “No.”
“Are you sure?” Izuku leans forward to catch his gaze, to no avail.
“No.” The dragon nods to a feathered man who approaches them, who immediately backs away. “Maybe.”
“The show is starting.” Drums start pounding in unison rhythm, and they steal the breath from Izuku’s chest before he can continue with his line of questioning. It’s difficult to talk and even think, when the world trembles so under the weight of the percussion. Screaming whistles accompany shrieking burst of wind, and light filters slowly onto the water. Izuku is so mesmerized by the way the warm firelight interacts with the red light of the moon that it’s only when Shouto places a clawed hand under his chin and guides his gaze upwards that he notices where the secondary lights are coming from.
Ships sail across the water, shallow boats with large masts, but instead of being buffeted across the water by sheet sails, lanterns fill the spaces instead. An unmanned fleet of these pour into view, and they swirl once within the waters before heading to shore. As the boats reach the shallows and the ‘sails’ loom overhead, the wood flats morph into animated stick-like men, who pass the masts to waiting people before shambling back into the water.
The men carry their new acquisitions through barely-there paths in the crowds, and as Izuku watches them bounce along the road, embers spark and fly into the night sky.
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“Come on.” Shouto tugs him to his feet, and they join the ensemble of people who follow the impromptu parade down the road. As they move, music joins the layers of drums and flutes, and soon the lantern sails start swaying in time. The crowd’s moving gains a cadence, and soon the dancing begins. Izuku is dazzled by the swirling colors, but a hand on his elbow draws his focus back to his companion.
“May I?” Shouto murmurs, chin tucked into his chest.
Izuku feels the swaying at his back, and wants nothing more than to join the dance. “Please.”
Shouto takes Izuku’s hand in his, puts the other on his waist, and twirls them into the flow of parade, and Izuku decides to rely on the dragon to guide him and his steps.
Fireworks, small and intimate, launch into the air just overhead of the crowd, and when the cinders float down they don’t burn at all. The contrast of the dark ash and the glowing flickers in Shouto’s hair, with his multitude of colors, only heightens the brightness of his appearance, and the entrancing vision has him stumbling over his feet.
Shouto, thankfully, has quick reflexes, because he pulls the two of them immediately from the crowd and into a side alley, allowing the milling dancers to move past them seamlessly. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, you’re fine. I mean, I’m pretty. Wait, no, you’re pretty fine- Gah!” Izuku’s tongue trips, and he sinks to the ground in mortification.
Thankfully, the dragon doesn’t appear to be offended, because he joins Izuku on the ground, his lips twitching.
“You’re laughing at me.” Izuku moans.
“Perhaps a bit.” The dragon’s eyes crinkle. “You think I’m pretty, huh?”
Izuku groans, and curls into himself further. “You’re a bully.”
“I’m not hearing a no.” He rises to his feet. “Come on, there’s still a bit of time before you have to head back.”
Izuku peeks out of the shelter of his arms, to see a hand stretched out to him; his face lights up even as a grin splits his face. “Ugh, fine.” He remains hidden until he can school the grin off of his face, but the redness won’t go away.
The hand tugs him to his feet when he grasps it, and then the two of them move back into the crowd. The sails have long since moved on, but their light bounces back across every surface, so that the world remains aglow in fire. The dance has shifted, to something light of foot, and now there’s a layer of people dance through the sky above the ground. It makes for quite a sight, and also for a less crowded street.
Shouto must follow his gaze, or at least see the way Izuku can’t look away from the partiers above them, because he asks, “Do you want to go up there?”
Izuku feels his breath catch. “Could we?”
Shouto nods. “Give me a moment.”
Wind tugs at Izuku’s curls, gentle at first, then fiercer and fiercer, until the two of them stand in the midst of a gale. It steals the gravity from them, and weightless Izuku is carried into the sky. Some of the revelers around them shout in outrage, but others seem to enjoy the sudden onslaught of wind. The music swirls in the air around them, just as audible as ever, and Izuku wonders if there’s magic even in the sound here.
“Once more?” Shouto says. Izuku turns back to him, and his silly, hopeful eyes. Like Izuku can answer any other way.
“Of course.”
They dance their way across the night sky, above everyone else, the music and the sparks and the lights chasing their footsteps through the stars. But all too soon, the wind is letting them down towards the earth, and Izuku realizes that they’ve returned to the spot where Izuku first met Shouto.
Looking around, he can see that the eastern sky is indeed gaining some pink light, so distinct from the festive glow of the earth below them.
They delicately alight on the hill, Shouto still supporting him from their dance. They separate, and Shouto slowly, physically turns him, so that Izuku’s back is facing him. “Turn around, face the sun. Put your back to this world.”
Izuku does as he’s bidden, but he can’t just let the night end like this. “Will I ever get to see you again?”
A heavy breath whooshes over his hair, though it’s not enough to hint at a fully sized dragon. Which means that Shouto really is just that close. “I wished that someone would come. That they’d look at this droll, boring world of mine with new eyes and see as something other than my prison. Thank you, Izuku.” Something soft presses into his hair, and Izuku can hardly dare to hope. “Stand on this hill, the night of the full moon, face the west, and we may meet again. Now, close your eyes.”
Izuku does so, thankful that this isn’t a goodbye. That there’s more to come.
The sound of rustling paper returns, and when next Izuku opens his eyes, he’s back in his own world, facing the quiet of sunrise.
The kiss in his head burns and freezes, and Izuku knows it will follow him around until he next sees Shouto.
He can hardly wait.
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roseamongroses · 4 years
W.A.L: “Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing,” (12)
Summary: Eden was the lowest of the low, a monster, hardly human, and was set to be executed. Roman was on trial, perpetually stuck in time until it was time to atone for his families sins.
Neither cared much for staying trapped.
So when a Stranger offered freedom, offered peace, offered power, it was hard to say no.
Even if it put them on the wrong side of history.
Vibes/ Tags:time is irrelevent, homophobia who?, magic and beasts, demigods
Warnings: Imprisonment, Mentions of execution, Blood/ injuries,  Mentions of past Death, minor character death/suicide,  repression, cursing,
Characters: Deceit(Eden) Sanders, Remy Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders, Roman Sanders, Emile Picani
Ship: Roceit
1) (2)   (3)  (4) (5)
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Emile wasn’t overly fond of the Chambers. 
Some might even describe him as immensely uncomfortable by it’s endless, blinding whiteness. One might even make the presumption that he even disapproved of its almost deafening solitude and how it could silence even the loudest and unruliest prisoners with the flash of a key. But those are assumptions, ones that relied on the opinion that Emile sought the best for his prisoners, which he did under certain circumstances. 
He strolled across that emptiness, the only indicator that he was moving being the distinct clacking of his leather oxford shoes and the jingle of his thirteen keys in hand. He passed the occasional Council member, but they didn’t talk or linger. Not even the passing nod. It wasn’t like Emile wasn’t on friendly terms with other Council members it was simply the Chambers. It was not a place for passing nods or chit-chat, it was oppressive with the crimes of the prisoners and the ones who turn the keys.
Emile took his keys, feeling their weight even as he flipped through them effortlessly. Their weathered metal warm as he raised one key to the blank expanse and turned a lock clicking. A door opening. 
Inside was more blankness, but of a different kind. A bright face now materialized in front of him, the Guard’s shadow’s sinking into reality. 
“Dr. Picani!” The Guard greeted him, his words muffled. 
Emile regarded the Guard, uneasy, noting the stubble patching across their blank face and the slightly asymmetrical tilt of their head. Almost like they had a personality. 
 They must be new here. 
“Oh, hello, “ Emile answered politely, gesturing to the white door beside the Guard, “He hasn’t been giving you any more trouble, has he? He’s rash from what I’ve heard from the nurses.” 
The guard shook his head, face still an unreadable mask,  but movements lively, “No, no--well I mean,” He scratched his head, “Deceit’s a tricky one, kinda rude too--Do I sound like a middle-aged Divorcee who ignores their kids' concerns in favor of idealizing the adoration I received from them when they were younger? Do you think that’s what my past life was?” 
Emile ignored the question, “Deceit?” he frowned, “I’m afraid I don’t know them?”
The guard caught on, “Oh that’s what we call him!” he explained, scratching his jaw, “He doesn’t respond to any names and he changes faces often, both girl’s n’ guys--Though he doesn’t like changing his pronouns all that much--- ”
“Interesting,” Emile sighed, “Anyways... I’m here to do the interview, so if you may…” he nodded stiffly towards the door.
The Guard’s eyes widened as he nodded quickly in agreement, knocking on the door.
The White Door swung open, the Guard was now gone. Emile stepped inside, the door disappearing soon after leaving him in silence.  
Deceit sat in the corner of the room, perfectly silent as well, and almost blending seamlessly into the room if not for the soft glow of his slitted, yellow eyes.
Emile did not let this unnerve him. He did not falter, striding the room in front of where he presumed them to be and waving a hand, a chair appearing.
Emile sat down, throwing on his brightest smile, “Do you how do, I’m Dr. Emile Picani and I’ll be conducting your interview for today,” His fingers twitched and a second chair appeared right across from him, “It’s nice to finally meet you son.” 
Deceit watched from the floor. 
“Now, I know we’re strangers, but I doubt that's comfortable,” Emile raised a playful eyebrow and Deceit stared impassive, “Now, son… I understand, this,” He gestured to the Nothing, “ Is a lot to take in, but I’m here to discuss your options not to interrogate you.” 
“Then why won’t y’all tell me where Roman is?” Deceit said, squinting unimpressed.
“Roman’s situation is different from yours,” Emile explained softly, “His family’s activity is concerning and requires an investigation. An investigation that needs the Heir’s full cooperation, but as you might have seen… Roman has remained uncooperative.” 
“Yeah,” Deceit snorted, “No shit, “ his eyes floated from the corner of the room, not yet sitting down, but at least he was standing. He was...pacing?
Emile clicked his pen, “Would it make you comfortable if I answered any other Roman related questions first? While I can’t promise I can answer all of them I--”
All at once, Deceit appeared in the chair, “Where. Is. He.” He growled, all teeth. 
Though Emile was certain they weren’t his, the form he’d taken flawless at first glance--almost identical to the head nurse Mrs. Tae. Yet anyone who’s seen her on the daily would recognize the foreignness of the dimples in her cherub cheeks and how Deceit’s anger seemed to bleed and sharpen her soft shoulders and intensify her doe, brown eyes. 
“He’s safe,” Emile said immediately, Deceit’s relief hesitant, but visible, “Normally he’s kept at the estate, but his latest… escape has put a strain on his already pre-existing health conditions. He needs supervision and he needs to recover.” 
Deceit slumped in the chair, “He’s… sick?” Deceit’s face soured, but mostly he looked...confused, “Was he always…?” he swallowed thick. 
“He’s been sick for a very long time,” Emile said, “Though it isn’t my place to tell you any more than that,” Emile pulled out a small notebook and began writing. 
“So what can you tell me?” Deceit said, disgusted with how small his voice sounded, with how he felt everything draining away from him all at once. 
“That he’s being cared for,” Emile offered, “And that we’ll take care of you too, as long as you cooperate,” 
“And why would you do that?” Deceit scowled. 
He didn’t trust it one bit.
“You could say I feel personally responsible,” Emile admitted, “I’ve known the Stranger and his...habits for a long time. Longer than most. I should’ve stepped in earlier…” Emile sighed, “He has put you through a lot hasn’t he?” he said, “And… you’re young, Deceit. You still have a chance, while he threw him away a long time ago. He’s paying for that now. You’re safe and I want to make a deal with you.”
“Cause that worked out so well the first time around.” Deceit drawled, rolling his eyes. 
“And that,” Emile gestured with his pen, “Is precisely why we must try again.” 
Dr. Picani’s training hall was simple compared to most other Council Members. Most preferred to… borrow the aesthetics of a significant, war centric historical period, but Dr. Picani’s was relatively modern if that word had any real standing. 
Meaning that there was electricity, but it didn’t work the way that you thought it should. There were weights and showers, but none of the fancy computers you could normally find in “Younger” council members. Dr. Picani did have a preference for pastels and an obscene amount of windows, but at least it wasn’t a fucking collesium. 
Virgil ignored his throbbing headache, strapping on his leg braces. He ignored Logan and Patton as they came in---Logan because fuck him and his stupid note.  Patton because Virgil was still terrible and couldn’t muster the courage to apologize like before. They all went through their warm-up routines. 
 It was suffocating. Virgil’s skin crawled thinking about how dinner was going to be, but he didn't linger on that thought for long as the doors opened with a flourish, the distinct tap of Dr. Picani’s shoes following as he strode into the room looking all too bright for this early in the morning. 
“Good Morning lovelies!” He cheered, “Did you all get a good night’s rest?” Various groans responded, “Fantastic. Well, today we’re doing something special,” Patton excused himself to get water, “Think of it... like a bit of challenge…” Virgi’s face fell flat, scowling, “Some friendly competition.” Logan cursed. 
“Oh don’t be like that, “ Dr. Picani scolded, smoothing his collar, “My surprise guests aren’t that bad...And,” He looked between Logan and Virgil critically, “You are in the need for a bit of bonding. It’ll be great!” 
Virgil’s eyes turned predatory, spotting his face rapidly as small beady orbs, “The sonofabitch Kai set me on fire, Picani. Fire!” he hissed from his corner. 
“No name-calling, Virgil,” Emile frowned, “And Kai...he apologized.”
“I don’t even know why they keep him around, it’s obvious he hates this place--”
“Virgil, that’s none of your business, be nice,” Emile said, ignoring Virgil’s hushed mocking, he turned his attention to Logan, “Any opinions you want to express before our guest is ready?’ 
Logan sucked in sharp,  “Kai also set me on fire,” he said, finishing up his stretches,  “It was unpleasant. I’d prefer to avoid a repeat,” 
Emile deflated, “Yes of course…” he muttered, “Deceit, come in.” 
“You called?” A voice said.
It took a few seconds for them to register the fact that space next to Emile was no longer empty. A short, black-haired…. Girl…? Glinted into existence all at once, her frayed black dress seemed to swallow her. 
Virgil was the first to recover, “Who the fuck is she?” he bit out, peeling himself from the wall
Deceit flipped him off. 
“Not she,” Emile corrected, pushing Deceit’s hand down, “This is Deceit. He will be staying with us for a few...days.” 
Logan and Virgil exchanged exasperated looks before Virgil caught himself. Virgil crossed his arms, “Is this the same Deceit you picked up from the Stranger?” he raised an eyebrow, “Y’know, the same one we--” He scoffed, “they found canoodling with Roman Sanders, y’ know the criminal.” 
“Canoodling?” Deceit echoed, confused. 
They ignored him, “He’s technically not a criminal,” Logan corrected, “He’s never gone to trial, so it’s an odd classifica--”
“What? Now you're defending him because his little boyfriend’s here,” Virgil sucked his teeth, not amused, “Grow a pair.”
“Virgil,” Emile warned. 
“That’s...highly uncalled for,” Logan looked defeated.
“So was leaving me behind,” Virgil snapped, “You didn’t even bother telling me to my face--you just left,” 
“I left you a note,” 
“I left you a note,” Virgil mocked, unimpressed, “I’m getting water,” he said stiffly, leaving before Emile could protest. 
Logan looked over to Emile to ask him if he should go get them, but Emile was already gone with a flash of light. Leaving Deceit and Logan alone.
I guess that’s their cue to spar. 
“Do you know the rules?” Logan said, settling into a stance on the mat.
Deceit stretched his arms, an audible crack echoing, “Rules?”  
Logan pursed his lips, “Yes, rules,” he said, “What? Did the Stranger not train you?” 
“He trained me, “Deceit said, words clipped “Not with humans though.” 
“I’m not human,” Logan snapped.
Deceit took the time to look at him. 
 Exceedingly practical in every meaning of the word with the same generic gym clothes Emile attempted to give Deceit. His eyes were silver in the same way Roman’s were, but his hair wasn’t as bright. The dull, red locs the faintest of grey at the ends--odd considering he was younger than Roman. Even more odd was the fact that Deceit could see scars. 
He may not be human, but he was certainly more human than Roman. 
“Sure. “ Deceit said, falling into a stance easily mimicking Logan’s own, and Logan tensed, “Easy now, darling I don’t bite. “ he rolled his shoulders carelessly, “What are these rules?”
Logan relaxed a bit, “Yes, well, first of all, there is no biting,” he recited, the familiarity of the words comforting, “You can use any limb at your disposal, but try to refrain from drawing blood or being unnecessarily cruel. Whoever pins the other for 30 seconds is the winner.”
“Oh, vague. Perfect. Magic?” Deceit asked, glancing to the side a bit surprised.
Logan followed his gaze, “It’s allowed, though it isn't the purpose of these--” 
Deceit had already disappeared. 
 Logan focused, ignoring everything and listening to everything. Watching. Waiting. Going over what he did know about Deceit. 
Logan knew Deceit’s shifts were imperfect. If only Logan had a stronger connection to the Goddess then he’d know exactly what that imperfection was with a glance. Not even a glance, he would just know. The ability to Know was something he wasn’t naturally gifted in, but he trained. He mimicked with books, with knowledge, and anal attention to detail, but you couldn’t fake a bond that strong, he couldn’t be Ro--No, focus. 
He watched the long, creeping shadows in the training room. 
Then he struck. 
Logan caught the raised fist of Deceit. The air sparked, Deceit’s scales glinting angrily as Logan twisted their arm behind them. Deceit struggled. He was relentless and Logan grunted, digging his heels in, trying to shift his weight enough to pin him. 
Deceit twisted unnaturally, their head reeling back and slamming into Logan’s. Pain shot hot across his forehead and Logan gasped, sprawling back as Deceit stumbled out of his grip. Logan staggered to his feet, eyes dotting with black and glasses askew. 
Deceit caught himself fast, but his shift still suffered, the dainty shoulders now broader and all-around less human. His pinched face now a fuzzy mess of splotches of scales and skin. 
 Someone that size shouldn’t be able to knock Logan off his feet without finessing, but Deceit did not finesse. He smashed into Logan without hesitating like he could afford to take the hit. Deceit was stronger than Logan thought, even without magic. 
That was fucking concerning. 
Logan assessed, then reassessed as Deceit’s form settled. Still short, even though he easily could gain an advantage with both height and his natural strength. Logan made a quick and likely bullshit assumption that Deceit probably didn’t have much experience being tall and that he didn’t want to throw off his center of balance too much. Which meant that Deceit had to get used to these bodies. Which means Logan had a chance.
Logan didn’t let Deceit have any more time to think. He got in close and swung, Deceit nearly catching his fist with his teeth. Deceit dodged, just barely, hooking his fingers into Logan’s shoulder and pulling the other to the ground. The two hit the mat, the fight dissolving into something rather juvenile if Logan were, to be honest. 
In the End, Logan was on top. 
Sure he was slick with sweat, aching all over, and was certain that if his lungs didn’t collapse surely his heart would do its due diligence, but he fucking won. Deceit, having returned to the first form, was pinned.  Logan normally wouldn’t use this specific pin on someone this small seeing as in most circumstances it would surely be overkill, but for Deceit it was infuriatingly necessary.
 Logan gripped them tighter as if to emphasize this, leaning down, “Do you--” he needed to catch his breath, “ yield,” he asked.
Deceit snarled, “Fuck you,” Though his face was equally red, chest heaving. 
“You’ve been pinned. It’s been 31 seconds. I win.” Logan decided, peeling himself from Deceit, feeling all sorts of bones crack, “Now scurry along, wash up and go back to the Chambers.” he mumbled. He had a hot shower waiting for him
Deceit didn’t seem to move he seemed rather amused, somehow managing a sharp grin as he sat up rubbing his red, raw wrists. 
Logan felt an unmistakable sense of dread, “What?” he asked, “Do you enjoy losing?” 
“Oh, it’s--” Deceit snickered, eyes wide and innocent, “It’s funny. You think that’s a good thing.” he cocked his head, voice snide, “He didn’t tell you, did he? That seems to be a trend with these mentors, but Me,” he pointed to himself dramatically, "And Dr. Picani made a deal.”
Logan closed his eyes and inhaled, “And what was that deal?” 
“So, what you’re saying is…” Deceit clasped his hands, “That if I beat your little prodigy the council won’t fuck with me,” he laughed, “As if I’m going to believe that.”
“So you won’t do it?” Emile asked.
“W…” Deceit paused, taking a look at the bare walls that weren’t even walls. And there was no point in staying here if Picani was telling the truth and Roman wasn’t being kept here.  
Emile’s a bastard at he knows it, 
“Fine, fuck it,” Deceit relented, “But it’s only going to embarrass you.”
Emile twirled that little pen of his, “And it’s only going to show you that you still have a lot you can learn. If you don’t win, you’ll become my apprentice, a proper apprentice. And you’ll be Logan’s partner in this year's Offerings.” 
This had to be a joke. Logan always missed the punchline of those, this was a joke that this-this, criminal was pulling and Dr. Picani would clear it up. 
He just had to talk to Dr. Picani. 
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nom-the-skel · 5 years
[vore] Bunny Does Not Want
Fox Red being a jerk to Bluebunny
2k words
[read on AO3]
Chapter 1
The skeleton rabbit shrieked as Red pounced on him. Careful not to let him get away, the fox flipped him over to get a better look at him. He had to make sure he’d got the right one. The bunny was on the small side, wearing a blue bandanna. He was trembling, his ears pressed flat against his skull, but his cheekbones were glowing cyan. “Hi there,” Red said, and gave him a good solid lick up the side of his skull. The bunny squeaked and tried to shield himself with his arms, but Red kept them pinned to his sides. “P-please don’t eat me,” he said, looking up at the fox with wide, quivering eyelights. “Why not? That’s what bunnies are for, you know.” “No it’s not!” The bunny’s protest was breathless with outrage. “Yeah it is. That’s what happened to your brother, right?” “No! He’s just—napping somewhere.” The bunny glared at him, full of hurt, tears gathering in his sockets. “That’s what happens to little bunnies out here. But it’s okay. Look, you like it.” Red licked him again, pulling his ears up and dragging his tongue along their length. The bunny yelped, but he felt warm under Red’s phalanges and he was blushing harder, even as the tears ran down his skull. “See? It’s just natural.” Red nuzzled him, the bunny’s ears soft against his bone. “Nooo,” the little monster whimpered, trying to push Red’s skull away. “Are you seriously telling me you don’t wanna get eaten?” Red asked, not budging. The bunny shivered helplessly for a second, then managed a nod. He kept his skull turned away and his eye sockets squeezed shut. “Look me in the eye and say it, and I’ll let you go.” Red made sure the bunny had a good view of his sharp teeth. The bunny lay there shivering for a long moment, then forced himself to look Red in the eye but immediately flinched away. Red waited patiently as he tried several more times, and eventually succeeded at maintaining eye contact, although it made him tremble even harder. Red parted his teeth and let his tongue loll out, but the bunny withstood the intimidation. “D-d-don’t eat me,” he stammered out. “I don’t want it!” Red stared at him, sporting his most unnerving grin, then relaxed his expression. “Wow, bunny, you did it. I guess I gotta let ya go then.” He removed his hands from the bunny, but stayed crouched over him, and let his grin turn predatory again. “Hurry up now. Five, four, three, two, one.” The fox counted down quickly, and at first the bunny could only stare up at him, frozen. As Red finished his countdown, the bunny got his feet under him and just managed to launch himself away. But the fox was ready, snatching him mid-jump; he hadn’t intended to let the bunny actually escape. “Aw, too slow,” he said with an air of faux sympathy. “No! That’s not fair! You promised!” The bunny’s objections broke into sobs as Red gave him a couple more firm licks. Red would have answered but he’d pressed the bunny against his tongue and his skull had slid between the fox’s teeth. The bandanna wasn’t anything to write home about, but the bones and fur tasted delightfully of rabbit and fear. He closed his teeth gently on the bunny’s waist, catching some of his cotton-candy tail fur, letting him squirm futilely against his tongue. Red could hear the bunny’s wordless cries of despair echoing within his own skull, but once he started swallowing, they were muffled by the magic of his throat. The bunny squirmed the whole way down. Red found a comfortable patch of grass to lie in and wait it out until he stopped.
Chapter 2
“I got ‘im.” It was good news, but Honey didn’t like the way Red was smiling, as if he’d gotten away with some kind of mischief. “Excellent!” Edge appeared from the kitchen, where he’d been working on one or another of his many projects rather than join Honey in dozing in front of the TV. “I knew you could do it if you just applied yourself. You are a fox, after all.” He paused, one ear flicking. “Where is he?” Red only grinned wider, and both of Edge’s ears started to fold back. “You didn’t.” “Sure I did. What’s wrong with that?” Red pulled his sweater up far enough to reveal a miserable clump of fur and bones curled up inside the translucent flesh of his belly. “Blue!” Honey jumped up in alarm, but there was nothing he could do; he couldn’t even reach Red’s belly properly when the fox was standing. Edge stalked over and grabbed Red unceremoniously by one notched ear. “Look at that, you’ve terrified him! Let him out right now.” “Ow, ow, Boss, I can’t do anythin’ until you let go of my ear.” “Fine.” Edge let go and held out one gloved hand expectantly. Red took a moment, ears back in concentration, and then spat something directly into his brother’s hand. Edge quickly set the miserable scrap of blue and white next to Honey on the couch and stepped back. Honey heard him scolding Red, but was too focused on Blueberry to decipher the words. “Blue! Blue, are you okay?” Honey tried to gently prod Blueberry into uncurling so he could check him over for injuries, but the smaller bunny wouldn’t move. “Blue, listen, you’re all right! Please wake up, Blue!” Honey shook him a little harder than he’d meant to, and at last Blueberry cracked open one eye socket. “No I’m not,” he groaned. “Yes you are,” Honey insisted. “Does it hurt anywhere?” He looked over at Edge, intending to ask for a monster candy. “No—not really. I guess dying doesn’t hurt too much. Or maybe it did and I’ve just forgotten—Honey? Why are you here?” Blueberry relaxed as he was speaking, but didn’t make any attempt to sit up. Honey laughed guiltily. “Ah, that’s a long story, Blue. I’m sorry I worried ya. But more importantly—it’s good to see you again.” Blueberry’s brow knit. “I’m not glad to see you here, Honey. That means the fox was right—you’re dead too.” “What? No, no—who told you that?” Honey shot a glare at Red. “I’m not dead. And neither are you.” “But I remember that I—I remember what happened. And the fox said—he said you were—he said the same thing happened to you. Maybe—maybe it was the same fox.” Blueberry blinked back tears, but a few escaped, carving trails in the residual red magic coating his skull. Honey was a little impressed and alarmed that neither Blueberry nor Edge seemed to care that the translucent slime was all over the bunny and getting on the couch cushion as well. “You told him what?” Edge’s fur bristled with anger as he folded his arms over his chest. “I didn’t—I mean—you know I like the taste of fear,” Red whined, which just made it worse. “Oh, come on, Boss, you did the same thing to Honey when you caught him.” “An oversight on my part,” Edge admitted, “but you should know better than to deliberately terrify him!” “Hey, bunny—what’s his name again?” Red approached the couch. “It’s Blueberry,” Honey snapped, leaning protectively over his brother. “Hey, Blueberry. Sorry I scared ya. Yer not dead though.” Blueberry had tensed up at the sound of the fox’s voice, and now peered at him from behind Honey’s arm. “What—What are you doing here?” “I live here. I just brought ya ta see yer bro.” “This is all my fault.” Honey’s ears sagged. “I shoulda told them not to bring you.” “Wha—? What’s going on?” Blueberry looked from his brother to the fox. “How can he be here too? What happened to him?” “Nothin’ happened to me.” Red grinned, done with contrition. “I told ya, yer not dead.” Blueberry looked to Honey for confirmation, frowning with confusion. “He’s right, you’re not. And neither am I.” “He said you were!” “No I didn’t,” Red corrected him. “I said he got eaten. There’s a difference.” “That doesn’t make sense.” Blueberry glared at the fox. “How could he survive being eaten? And I definitely got—you—you ate me!” “Yeah,” the fox admitted, ears dipping briefly in apology, “but you’re fine, ain’t ya?” Blueberry looked down at himself, noticing the red slime still clinging to him with distaste. “I guess I’m fine aside from being dead, but why do I hafta see YOU even after you killed me?” “Blue, you’re really not dead,” Honey repeated. “You wanna see how a bunny can survive getting eaten?” Red turned to his brother, grinning. Edge hesitantly caught Honey’s eye. “I think that’ll just upset him more,” Honey said firmly. “What if I just explain it all from the beginning?” “Maybe that’s best,” Edge agreed. Red slumped, disappointed. “Blueberry.” Honey moved to block his brother’s view of the foxes, and took one of his hands. “I know I kinda just disappeared on you. It was because I got caught by a fox—Edge, not Red—and, er, I just kinda kept hanging around with him after.” He paused under the weight of the guilt of abandoning his brother like that. Blueberry was still struggling with another aspect of the story. “He ate you?” “Well—yeah, but not in, like, a harmful way. They’re skeletons, so they might drain your magic a bit but they won’t actually hurt you—by eating you.” He supposed the foxes could easily dust the bunnies by other means, if they wanted to, but it didn’t seem like swallowing them whole was an effective way to do it. Blueberry sat up to glare past Honey at Red. “You could have told me that!” Red shrugged. At least he had the decency to appear remorseful. Blueberry turned his attention to Honey again. “But then why didn’t you come back?” Honey tried to sink into his hoodie like a turtle. “I was gonna, but—it’s nice here. The foxes aren’t so bad once you get over the initial shock, there’s plenty of food, and—well, it’s safer. There are a lot worse things to get eaten by out in the forest.” “Blueberry.” Edge approached cautiously, but Blueberry didn’t seem overly afraid. “I must apologize. I should never have entrusted my brother with the task of fetching you.” “Yeah,” Honey grimaced, imagining how much better Edge could have handled the situation himself. “Maybe pouncing is a necessary step for a fox to talk to a rabbit without it running away, but eating you was completely unnecessary, and deliberately scaring and tormenting you was—a serious breach of conduct.” Red grumbled. “It wasn’t as bad as all that.” Blueberry shuddered, but he quickly recovered. “Well—I guess if he’s sorry I can forgive him. He did reunite me with my brother, in the end.” He got to his feet, started to brush off some of the red magic on his clothes, but stopped when he realized that would just make the mess on the couch worse. “Honey? How did you get rid of this slime?” “I’ll help you get cleaned up,” Red said, and Edge’s ears perked up, impressed by the unprompted offer. Blueberry hesitated. “I’ll come too.” Honey could understand why he might not want to be alone with Red, or in fact anywhere near him, but if the fox could make amends, Blueberry might consent to staying, and Honey wouldn’t have to choose between him and Edge. “All right,” Blueberry agreed. Red picked them both up, which made Blueberry flinch and cling to his brother. He watched the fox mistrustfully as Red carried them across the room. “Come on, Blue, I said I was sorry.” Red’s apology hadn’t been sufficient at all, but he did seem to be trying. “It wasn’t THAT bad, was it?” Honey grimaced, expecting the remark to destroy any goodwill the fox had earned from Blueberry. The smaller bunny pressed his face against Honey’s chest, and Honey started to put a comforting arm around him, but froze when Blueberry spoke in a small voice. “I guess—it wasn’t ALL bad.” Honey stroked his brother’s ears. Maybe Blueberry would understand his reasons for staying with Edge after all.
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borntobelime · 5 years
Shidge Galra/Altean AU
This is another AU I talked with @nicht-vobla but honestly i have something else also in mind to give her as a tribute from our chats .... This one is for  @besh-drawing-stuff  HAPPY BIRTHDAY (so its kinda like a late birthday gift ) (because the idea i had kinda reminded me of your rose Goddess Au (you’ll see why )  I Call It  : Warrior’s Lullaby 
During the destruction of Altea a couple of Altean Alchemists launch a Cryopod into space inside the Cryopod is there baby girl Katie for many many years the pod traveled through the universe until it entered the atmosphere of planet Olkarion the pod crushed into the forest close to the great tree the olkari found the pod and soon discovered what was inside the olkari named Reiner took in the baby under her care and raised her as her own.
Inside the pod she found information that confirmed that the baby was an altean  there was a small video projector on a recorded message  it was too damaged to project the images and the full video  but some of the audio  was not as damaged she made out the important parts of it ….My name is Samuel  my wife Coleen…and……...……………. whoever finds this pod please look after our child Katelyn protect her from what we can not…………….. the galra are taking over we don’t have much time  ………..  .she could only make out those parts she knew very well from history of the destruction of Altea and the race itself fearing for the child’s and her planets safety she gave her a new name …..Your name is Katelyn this your Altean name  it will only be known between us  (reiner would never have kept her in the dark) ….from now on you are one of us dear on  i will give you a second name an olkari name …. Pidge …..Pidge grew up with the Olkari even though she knew only knew very few about where she came from her only clues was her old name stories about a planet  she never seen she wasn’t always feeling alone her powers grew stronger as she grew older been an Altean growing up in the forest her magic adapted differently not only she learned the Olkari  magic  her connection in nature grew so it was able to use nature magic she could make plants grow and move and heal Reiner was very proud of her daughter’s gifts she always tried to find anything she could based on altean alchemy to help her in to learning but  unfortunately there resources were very low to all this lost knowledge , Pidge didn’t had any trouble fitting in but always been aware of she is not olkari   she would use he chameleon like abilities to try and fit in even wear her hood  as to also wear her at first with other kids  but Reiner told her to be herself but if she felt more secure that way she will not stop her from doing so and so she was her passion in tech and knowledge her love for nature 
Commander Takashi Shirogane also known as Commander Shiro or Champion  from the Galra Empire proud of his race he was born raised in in a environment of constant violence
conquered planets in the name of the emperor Zarkon defeated all his enemies or more like executing them wherever in the arena or on a war  learned to live with the words Victory or Death a true Galran warrior
He was sent off on a scout mission quite a boring one for his taste  to planet Olkarion to gather data on the quintencesse there the quintencensse signals were indeed very unique so he hopes he gets the opportunity to invade the planet when he returns with good resorts  but  there was a glitch on the system of his ship and he lost control of it and crushed on olkarion during the night …the crush was hard his wounds were too deep  he was  impaled by parts of  the ship .the last thing he remembers is a figure tearing a hole on his ship’s  ceiling from the outside ……….
He wakes up in a small room his vision a bit blurry and he hurts everywhere and he feels like his is burning with fever the only thing he can tell is  the  figure is trying to treat hi  …and a warm light over his injuries …...a few days he is recovered enough not to sleep out of consciousness and then he meets her or more like grabs her shawl and removes it revealing a beautiful creature …and the last thing he sees is a vine grabbing him and hitting him hard against the wall . Later waking up tied up on a bed and the woman’s glowing  hand on his head after a lot of negotiations of he will not try anything funny she untied him and as his recovery progresses enough for him to stand he gets to know his savior  ..Pidge offers him to show him around the forest …..she understands what his motives are knowing been a galra and what he wants from her planet so she tries to show him the importance of every existence (yes think of it like the avatar(2009 film)  or pocahontas )  …… she gets him a cloak  so he can stay low and for the next days  she shows him around the city how a civilization can grow without wars she shows him the forest and even go on a boat ride and last but not least the great tree (that is a weeping willow like  ) that glows in the night ………..they look at the night sky for once shiro feels something he never felt or knew if he could feel …..Peace is that what it is ?………... she is like i wish i could go around the universe and travel on different places…...for one moment he thinks maybe he could  do that show her the universe but no he is still  royal to the empire and yet why does he feel so confused about it …and so he asks her why you are not an olkari so why do you love this place ….its my home , just because i am not a olkari doesn’t mean this is not my home ...home can be anywhere you want to ..they stay here in silent …they fall asleep under the stars …shiro wakes up finding pidge a few feet away seeing listening to a small audio the recorded message from her lost family she says i know they are not here anymore i never met the never seen them   but what  i know is  they really cared about me and that is all that matters Mama told me this tree is a symbol of everything is connected i come here to think often and sometimes its like i  feel there presence .....she  wanted me to have this to know no matter what i will they watch over me ..do you have someone like that ………….no ...i was raised by the military as long as i remember  ...do you ever wonder about it ? no the galra don’t wonder about things like that she says i asked you not the galra ...then the answer is the same no i don’t or had someone to make me even wonder if i am watched over ….she takes of her necklace  …….now you do she smiles ….......pidge with her abilities tries to rebuild his ship totally nerding out on it and his arm because how different galra technology is ..but  when she finished  shiro offers her to come with him to save her and not her planet she refuses to do so ..he says i  don’t know when they will come if they come but the least i can do is to find a way to open negotiations i can try that when he takes off  a galra armada are starting invading by Sendak they get a message Shiro ordering to  stop the invasion claiming he found on this planet very valuable resources that could be lost during the attack   ….Sendak says denied saying  he has  orders from the hire ups  who ? …. Haggar comes out  she  came to research the data she gathered from shiro’s  last update  they we couldn’t get in contact with so she arranged commander’s sendak’s armada  to invade …..Shiro blames himself  over the fact it was his fault after all  he speed up the invasion .....before he makes a decision to turn back or join sendak he gets a message of the emperor himself to report his absence he has no choice but to follow the order ….meanwhile as the galra attack and destroy the city and the forest …..Pidge tries to fight protect her home but the galra win and so everyone is under their  rule . she tried to make a one last stand but she loses due to the witch Haggar’s powers been far great ...Haggar see her potential and takes her as her prisoner planing to turn her into a druid just like her .
Shiro comes back to the galra everyone welcoming him back after the sudden disappearance it feels like he never left and yet he feels different he feels she changed him …..he soon gets news about olkarion before sendak suggests to drain the planet shiro stops him saying the olkari are more useful alive…fearing for what happened to pidge …...3 months later after trying to research every possible way Pidge could survive maybe she evacuated or maybe she is with the rebels of the olkari...or maybe she is ...dead ? no he can’t think of that ….. he visits Haggar receive a report for a  mission  but Haggar is not there yet he hears a sound coming out he would usually ignore that that but he got curious so he enters the door and so he finally sees her on Haggar’s lab strapped and starting to change … her marks growing her hair turning a bit white and a blue tone starting to slowly spread on her body …...she begs shiro to help her shiro can’t move from the shock haggar comes in and sees shiro …..Beautiful isn’t she …She will make a fine druid to serve the empire…….I tried to see  her memories ….but  she is still strong i can’t read her yet  very well  but it will not matter she will not need them here is the report commander  you may go…..she turns and shiro is about to leave but hears a faint…. Please help me ..Shi..ro….haggar turns did you hear something ? no ma’m ...i must have been imagining things….she turns only to face shiro’s attack it knocks her out  shiro tears the straps off and picks pidge bridal style the alarms start he fights his way through the sentries into a ship for escape   her condition getting worse  but they reach the planet Olkarion and he takes her to the great tree there she  starts to transform back into her old self …..you saved me ….i am never letting you go again …and they kiss ..they know they can’t stay for long on the planet  but they have enough time for pidge to reunite with Reiner
On the day of there departure Reiner asks Shiro to look after her Shiro simply says Always….You have my word .
And so the couple travels around the universe seeing new worlds together and they join the rebellion and the blades in hope of saving Olkarion and  for a better future  
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