#like he loves stuffed animals and treats them like they have hearts and souls
niishi · 7 months
I'm so shook my lil nort/n aib fic has so many kudos and comments even tho I wrote it like 3yrs ago and didn't edit or spell check it at all and it's full of wrong information/headcanons bc when I wrote it they didn't have certain things confirmed in canon yet. Edited or not it's still better written than most stuff I see these days... I wish I still had the same motivation to write. I'd edited it and update it with current lore and write a second chapter.
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inkykeiji · 1 year
tomura’s the type to buy his princess a squishmellow but still get jealous over a stuffed animal lmao i love him
LITERALLYYYYY LMAO no he so is tho like 100%. he’d be like, begrudgingly excited about it at first; your favourite holiday is coming up, which means that the company just released their newest line of limited edition squishes, and you’re practically vibrating with desperation to own one.
the department store is busy, and you’re unbelievably indecisive, humming and hushing as you bounce from one stuffie, to the next, to the next, then back again, dragging him along with you.
with a furrowed brow and a steady stream of breathy grumbles, he’s trying to act so annoyed and so exasperated and so grumpy but you are just so fucking cute—eyes glittering and smile dazzling with one of your hands wrapped tightly around his wrist as the other reaches, fingers curling and vying in a little grabby hand that grasps at all of the different plushies, each procuring a sweet little gasp or giggle—that he just can’t quell the love tugging at the corners of his mouth or the adoration melting his glare or the fondness smoothing out his crunched forehead.
it‘s a treat to see you like this, innocent and authentic with buzzing excitement that thrums through your veins and radiates off your skin in delicate little droves, infectious as it seeps into his own and snuggles into his soul, warming his core. teeth sunk into your bottom lip, hesitancies are gnawed out in a self-conscious murmur, and tomura frowns, giving a little yank on your arm and scanning the toys warily. 
“i don’t understand what the problem is.”
“i just—i can’t decide! i want to get the best one, my favourite one, but i just—” turning towards him, your eyes are wide with worry, forehead creasing under the concern of making the wrong choice. “i want them all!” 
tomura sighs, rolls his eyes like you’re so silly, so stupid, but that fondness is back again, tender and warm and doting as it spreads unruly across his cheeks, ruby gaze syrupy with affection. 
“then i will get them all for you,” he says, simple and final.
and so, he does.
you’re still cute afterward, of course, when you’re cuddling one of the stupid things to your chest, palm rhythmically petting it’s tummy, or when you’re giggling and whispering to yourself as you hug it tighter to your sweet lil heart, lips spilling secrets and hopes and dreams into silky plush. but no matter how cute you are, tomura is unable to soothe the twinge in his chest as envy drags it’s claws slowly, steadily, almost gently down the inside of his ribcage. it’s never long before the sting becomes unbearable, before the sting has him ripping the dumb squishmallow from your hands and replacing it with himself, arms wrapped firmly around your form, your body pressed hard against his chest, lips grumbling low and rough into your hair about how he feels left out and he missed you and isn’t he a much better cuddle buddy than that foolish little stuffed animal?
of course, you’re telling him as soft palms stroke his forearms and sweet lips scatter precious kisses across his collarbone. of course he is; he always is, he always will be. 
and yet, despite all of it, he repeats this process every single time a new limited edition line-up is released that he’s sure you just have to own. because even though he dreads the bitter jealousy he knows will inevitably begin corroding his lungs the moment the two of you arrive home, it is nothing compared to the sunshine that pours from your smile when you gaze upon these silly little puffs of plush, or the bubbles of warmth that froth in your throat and out your mouth when you coddle one in your arms, or the look you give him when he gifts you another one, eyes overflowing with pure, unadulterated love, so much so it scalds his skin and singes his envy, snuffs out all of those acrid feelings and replaces them with a tender heat that glows pleasantly in your presence. 
and that, well, that will always be worth it. 
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howaboutcastiel · 2 years
The Teddy Bear (Jake Lockley x GN!Reader)
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Request (paraphrased): The reader has a stuffed animal that they can’t sleep without. Embarrassed, they hide it away whenever their boyfriend, Jake, comes over. One day, despite the reader’s best efforts, Jake finds the plush toy. Fluff ensues.
Genre: tooth-rotting fluff. A bit of angst. PG-13 I’d say. Vague description of sex.
Word Count: 2.1k
Author’s note: I took the liberty of making the reader gender-neutral. I hope that’s okay but I can’t really ask because it was an anonymous request. Also:
It had only been a month since you’d started dating Jake Lockley. Already, you felt like he was the best thing to ever happen to you. He showered you with affection every chance he got, acting as if the two of you had been together for your entire lives. Jake brought out the best in you. He treated you with love and respect and he drew out all the weirdness and vulnerability that you normally hid away behind thick protective walls.
That being said, there was one secret you couldn’t bring yourself to reveal to him. One pesky thing you felt the need to keep hidden away. It was a part of yourself that you would perhaps never let go. Hell, it was ingrained into your very being. But you were ashamed. And shame was one thing you couldn’t face from him. Not from your Jake.
Tucked in between the boring, adult-looking pillows that sat atop your full-sized bed was the source of all that turmoil. His name was Jefferson. A small, old, worn, patchy teddy bear that you had slept with nearly every night since adolescence. From the day you received little Jefferson, Christmas morning the year after you turned four years old, he occupied a permanent spot front and center on your bed. He was light brown, save for the plum-colored thread that made up his nose, with a checkered green bowtie and half-shank buttons for eyes.
Jefferson shared the bed with you every single night. He came with a baby blanket that matched the pattern of his tie, which you kept folded underneath him during the day and tucked beneath your pillow at night for good luck. It was more than just a ritual for you. You couldn’t sleep without those little shaggy arms tucked into your chest. Any night in your teens that you’d had to go without him, when you’d sleep away at a friend’s house or even in a hotel, you tossed and turned endlessly until the sun came up. Even now, well into your adult life, Jefferson never left your bed.
That is, except for when Jake Lockley came over. He’d only been to your apartment twice. Three times, if you would count only standing in the doorway to give you a cheeky kiss goodnight. You had never spent the night with Jake before; after all, a month wasn’t that long and you weren’t going to completely disregard the social norms of pacing a romantic relationship. That being said, you were getting to the point where it didn’t make sense for you to leave after a late night with Jake. It didn’t make sense for you to force him out, either.
When a make-out session on your couch had gotten particularly heated, you’d been struck in the chest by the realization that Jake would be making his way to your bedroom soon. Not that the thought of him shot any pain through your heart; it was that you knew Jefferson would be right there, staring at him as soon as he opened the door to your room.
It was silly. An adult who still slept with a stuffed animal with a blanket to match. A fully-grown person who still made the bed with their teddy bear propped up against the headboard each day. You had certainly heard the teasing before; your siblings had given you more than your fair share of grief. Even your mom had threatened to throw Jefferson out during the summer before you started high school. She insisted you were too old for toys—certainly too old to have names for them. Your childhood best friend was also averse to the idea, laughing right in your face when you brought the little bear to a sleepover sophomore year.
So when Jake was forced to pause for breath after abusing your mouth until his face turned blue, you took the opportunity to excuse yourself into your bedroom. He furrowed his brow at you, not used to seeing you flustered by him. He was a hard man to fool. A hard man to hide things from.
“I’ll just be a second, I promise.” You sang in his ear, tossing in a wink to hopefully disorient him as you swiftly dove into your room. There was no perfect hiding place; your apartment wasn’t exactly high-end. There was no ideal spot to tuck Jefferson away for the evening to come. Not wanting to take long enough to make your lovely boyfriend concerned, you settled for shoving the teddy and his little quilt to the farthest point underneath your bed. The duvet didn’t quite reach the floor, but it would have to be enough to conceal your little bedmate for as long as Jake decided to stay. Not quite satisfied, but distracted by the other cuddly man in your life, you positioned Jefferson as far from view as you could before creeping back out of your room and toward the sitting room where your boyfriend remained.
“Mi Amor,” Jake breathed a sigh as you returned to his line of sight. He drank you in like a man stranded in the desert, desperate for your touch and ravenous at the mere image of you in front of him. Still, he was a gentleman. “I’m not making you uncomfortable, am I? We don’t have to do anything that you don’t want, Mi Tesoro.”
My love. My treasure.
“No. It’s nothing like that, baby.” You cooed as you sat down on his lap, raking your fingers through his thick black curls. A ginger kiss found its way to his forehead, followed by a more lingering peck on his nose. “We can go as far as you want. I’m more than comfortable right now.”
And so you did go exactly as far as Jake Lockley wanted. You ended up exactly where you thought the two of you would be—atop your bed with nothing left but a few rogue articles of clothing strewn about the room. Both of you were drunken in love, feeling complete as your partner held you close and moaned and whimpered praises and sweet nothings. When you finally settled down, out of breath and more than satisfied with how the evening had unfolded, you figured that Jake Lockley would be as good a replacement as any to hold in your arms while your little teddy spent the night under your bed.
After about an hour, you stirred underneath Jake’s grip. Though he was the little spoon, he held you firmly in his grasp, hands wrapped around your forearms and legs folded neatly between yours. You tried to disturb him as little as possible as you wriggled yourself free from his hold. As much as you would have loved to just stay where you were, your bladder, unfortunately, had other plans. A lazy, disgruntled whine came from beside you as you sat up on the end of the bed, finding the balance to stand up.
“¿a dónde vas, cariño?” Jake rasped as you stood up from the bed. There was hardly any light in the room; you’d have to fumble your way to the bathroom door. “Is something wrong?”
“I’m just going to the bathroom.” A soft laugh broke apart your whisper. He could be so caring, it manifested itself in silly ways, including sleepy worrying. “I’ll be right back, baby. It’s okay. Just go back to sleep.”
You finally stumbled your way over to the entrance to your small en-suite bathroom. It only took you a minute or two to relieve yourself, though the lingering pull of sleep did make you move slower than normal. You blushed as you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, half-dressed and disheveled from head to toe at the hands of your darling Jake. You smiled at the thought, the imagery still fresh and vivid in your mind.
That smile quickly disappeared as you opened the bathroom door. Your bedside lamp was on, revealing that Jake was sitting up, legs on the floor as he faced the wall opposite you. In his hands was an unmistakable piece of green checkered fabric, twisted delicately around his fingers. Your heart sank as he turned to the noise of the door opening.
He was holding Jefferson in his arms.
“Who’s this little guy, cariño?” His mouth was upturned into a dazed half-smile. You were sure that your face was bright red. You swallowed thickly as you approached the bed where he sat.
“He’s, umm—it’s nothing! Just a toy.” You grabbed him out of Jake’s hands, nervously tucking him underneath your arm as Jake scrunched his nose at you. Even in the dim light, there was no hiding the pink of your cheeks and the shame in your eyes.
“I think he’s cute.” He unwrapped the blanket from his fingers, re-folding it the way he had found it underneath your bed. “Why was he hidden under there? Did he fall off your bed?”
“What? No…” You couldn’t find your thoughts in your half-asleep brain. Jake seemed like he wouldn’t judge you for telling the truth; he’d just assumed that the teddy belonged on your bed anyway. You searched his face for any trace of ridicule, but all you saw were worried, soft brown eyes.
“I didn’t mean for you to find him. I was embarrassed for you to see him on my bed.”
“But why, Mi Vida?” He pulled you down into his embrace, tucking your knees around his torso as he braced your back with his open, calloused hand. “You think I would… what? Make fun of you? Think less of you?”
“It wouldn’t be the first time.” You avoided his gaze, staring down at his chest as it rose and fell with his tempered breathing. “Most people think it’s kinda weird for someone my age to sleep with a teddy bear.”
Jake sighed as he dropped the blanket onto the duvet beside him. He used his now-free hand to cup your face, tipping your chin so you were looking into his eyes.
“I think it’s wonderful. It’s adorable.” He smiled sweetly, eyes crinkled in a surprisingly unpatronizing grin. “We all have things that help us get through the droll pain of adult life. I don’t think a teddy is all that weird, Mi Carazón.”
He planted a lazy kiss on your nose, snaking his hand to the side of your head. Your embarrassment was melting away by the second.
“And you act like being weird is enough to push me away.” A playful scoff left his lips. “Really? As if a stuffed bear could scare away this mess of a man.”
He pulled you forward as he let himself fall to the bed. You were careful not to put all your weight on him, turning over so that you could rest your head on his chest. He breathed a deep sigh of contentment and you could practically hear his smile. You pulled the bear out from under your arm, setting him adorably on top of Jake’s stomach.
“Now. You want to introduce me to this little guy?” He hummed into your ear as you balanced the stuffed animal on Jake’s warm, smooth skin.
“His name is Jefferson.” You pressed sheepishly into his chest. An unimaginable relief coursed through your body as Jake chuckled against you and took the bear in his hand, stroking your back soothingly with the other.
“Pleased to meet you, Jefferson. I hope you don’t mind sharing your bed with one more tonight.” He took his hand off your back for just a moment, reaching to turn the lamp off as you pulled the cover back over the both of you.
“I’d say he’s happy to share.”
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Batter, Zacharie and The Queen with a Reader who does Handcrafts
Some fluff because I got back into knitting and decided to make this everyone's problem! These sorts of things are just so relaxing, I wanted to write something for them!
Mesmerised by your hand movements and how it all turns out to be something beautiful and complete by the end of it. It doesn’t matter to him whether you’re knitting a scarf or crocheting a small stuffed animal, it’s all beautiful to him. Watching you pour your heart and soul into these crafts does make him wish you would make him something along the lines of it as well, but he would never say this out-loud.
However, if you do give him, say, a sweater or an aforementioned scarf, then you’ll have to pry it from his cold, dead hands in order to get him to stop wearing it. You made it, thus it’s imbued with divine essence and he must wear it. He wants to, rather. He would wear those pieces of clothing even in the worst heat because you made them. They make him happy, they give him comfort, and that’s really all he wants from them. You could literally make him the ugliest, most unfitting sweater the world has ever seen and he’ll treat it as though it’s an artefact.
If you give him a small, hand-made plushie, then expect him to put it in his pocket. Baseball players have pockets on the back of their pants, which means you will get a glimpse of a small friend every time you battle an enemy. As he is a very careful guy, he will make sure to always take the little plush out of the pocket and put it in his lap whenever he sits down to rest for a bit. While you and Zacharie are haggling over prices, Batter will take it into his hands and examine it further. It doesn’t matter how many times he’s seen all the details, he cherishes each and every single one of them, rubbing over the plushie with his thumb.
As he is well known as a merchant throughout the entire world of OFF, he will make you the suggestion of selling your crafts to the locals, if you want. He recognizes quality when he sees it, so naturally he’ll put out the offer. If you agree, then he’s more than happy to sell your wares at a price no one can resist, especially with him hyping up your articles. If you say no, however, he will be just as ecstatic, because that means that he gets more for himself. It’s a win-win situation for him either way.
Absolutely adores watching you knit, crochet, do embroidery and so on. The movements seem so simple, yet they can make something so big and complex. If he ever needs to calm down, he simply sits down beside you, wraps his arms around you and watches you go about your craft. Nothing is more fulfilling than the inherent domesticity of such a moment. Might also steal a kiss or two from you as he relaxes, he has a reputation among you to uphold, after all.
When you present him with a vest perfectly fitting him, he can hardly keep his suave and cool persona. Even while he’s wearing his mask, you can tell he’s smiling like a goof through his voice. Expect him to give you the biggest hug he can muster, going off about his business afterwards, subtly showing off his vest to his customers, almost hoping they’ll get envious because he has such a great piece of clothing.
Vader Eloha can knit herself, because of Hugo. It’s one of her favourite pastimes since she can make something with all the love in her heart and surprise someone else. Usually, she only knits for her son, but there have been instances where she gave an Elsen and one of the guardians hats, gloves, et cetera. So having an S/O who can also do something like this makes her really happy since you’ll have something to bond over.
There’ll be lots of times when the two of you will simply be sitting next to each other, doing your respective crafts, maybe even getting advice from each other on how to improve or what to make next. Those times are very relaxing and cherishable. The Queen wouldn’t change a single thing from them. Sometimes, while she knits, she will invite you to join her and simply lie down next to her or on her lap. That way you can get a feel for how filled with love her little project truly is.
Much like Batter, she will cherish anything you give her forever. While she might be a bit more conscious about fashion and the likes, nothing can prevent her from wearing anything and everything while it’s just you and her. As she loves her son dearly, she will show him anything you gave her, maybe even wrapping him in a scarf you made her. Any plushies will go straight to either the couch or a glass vitrine where she can see them immediately and never lose them. As a thank you she will always reward you with a kiss on the cheek.
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supernovaodessa · 9 months
I'll send this as an Ask rather than an unsolicited DM, but the sadness in that Brittney Spears GIF caught my eye. Are you ok? Feel free to ignore/delete this, I just thought I'd check in.
I know the Brittney Spears gif was from the other day, but I only just discovered this ask so I apologize 🖤
There's times when you read something that touches you and before you even have the time think about it, you're crying. This was one of them. Thank you so much for checking in. For caring. Usually if someone besides my partner asks me that, I know all the only answer they want or expect to hear is "I'm fine." But because your concern was so genuine I want to be able to be honest about it. Especially because you were able to hone in on it all from a gif.
I'm not doing well right now. The anniversary of my mom being diagnosed with lung cancer last year came around the middle of September. I've been thinking about it a lot. How much life changed when it was already hard to begin with. Her chemo and radiation is done now, but she still has immunotherapy every fortnight. Throughout her entire treatment, I was her sole caregiver. I've no problem with it and would not have wanted it any other way. She's my best friend, has been my entire life and I live for her. However, both her and I realized how alone we are when she was fighting for her life. And it was an indescribably hard lesson to learn during the most terrifying time. We learned how conditional the love was from everyone in our lives. From friends, to the closest family members we loved and trusted. My mom was always the one who took care of things for people. Took care of everyone before she took care of herself. We realized that the people who kept taking and taking and taking just couldn't be bothered when she had nothing left to give anymore.
I'll be honest when I say that I'm a pretty cynical and pessimistic person. But any little bit of hope I had in people died when all of this happened. It broke me because I saw how much it broke her. To see a woman wasting away to nothing, crying because she can't understand what she's done to these people to deserve to be treated in such a way. Why they don't love her anymore. To see her feel such fear to live the rest of her life feeling as though she has no one to rely on. It breaks my fucking heart. I find myself thinking about it during the last couple weeks and it makes me uncontrollably sob. For what she went through, and for my own fear. Of realizing that if something happens, I have no one. No family or friends to rely on. (I don't include my partner in this statement, by the way. He's done everything he can and has gone above and beyond anything I could have asked of him. I know he knows this, but I wouldn't have survived the last year of life if it weren't for him.)
Part of the fear I feel is because I'm quite sick myself. I've been battling a plethora of chronic illnesses and pain for the last 15 years. I worry that I can't take care of my mom, especially if I can't take care of myself. Pain doesn't care if I really need to work a 15 hour day 6 days a week. Or if I have to stay up the entire night taking care of my mom. It doesn't discriminate. And because of the trauma of the last year, I've really broken down physically, mentally and emotionally. I've only just turned 30, but I feel like I'm 80. I'm just...so fucking tired. My soul is so tired.
So when I saw that post that said "do you wanna come to my house and do absolutely nothing with me?" It was just like....yes. I want that so desperately. I want to be little again. I want to watch The Land Before Time VHS tapes whilst coloring in my favorite Little Mermaid coloring book with a brand new box of crayons. I want to be carried to bed and kissed goodnight, cuddling my stuffed animals and waking up with no pain. I want to be a teenager again and ride around at night with my best friend listening to music. I want to be the young adult I once was. Being a makeup artist for Chanel during the day and a classical musician at night doing Broadway shows or symphonies. And I wish I could be the woman I always dreamt of being at this age. I'm mourning the life I wanted to live, as well as the one I wanted to provide for my mom. There's so much I want. Or wish was different. But most of all, I just want to feel safe.
I apologize profusely for how long this response was. It was a way of answering you honestly, as well as getting everything off my chest that I've kept buried inside me for over a year. I know we've only spoke briefly before, but I want you to know how much it means to have someone care. To ask after me, especially when you didn't have to. I hope with all of my heart that you always keep the kind and loving nature that comes from your heart. Please don't let anything in life ever take that away. For the sake of anybody that comes your way, but especially for yourself. Most importantly, I hope you always have someone that checks in on you, too. In life. Online. Where ever you may be. You so deserve a hug right now and I'm sending you the biggest ones I can find. xx
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star--joy · 1 year
Owlbears and Griffins
A stuffed owlbear being sold at Whitestone's market catches Vex's attention.
She can't help but remember the toys her mother made for her and Vax, an owlbear and griffin, respectively.
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Light angst
Words: 1029
Originally posted: 2/3/23
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44757073
The shiny black orbs stare directly into Vex’s soul. She finds this rather insulting, as they are not living eyes, but simply glass beads woven into the face of an owlbear plushie sitting on a merchant’s shelf. Inanimate objects should not be allowed to make Lady Vex’ahlia of Whitestone, Grandmistress of the Grey Hunt, feel like a kid again.
And yet… She remembers, in scattered pieces, the very similar toy she’d had as a small child. Elaina, her sweet, hardworking, endlessly loving mother, had stitched and mended and woven until her fingers bled to afford the fabrics needed to craft the little owlbear. She’d even scrounged up some wrapping paper to present Vex with her gift.
Vax had gotten a griffin. He’d named his toy ‘Ruff’. Vex can’t remember what she named hers, but she can remember how much she loved it.
They hadn’t many toys growing up, hadn’t needed them even if they could afford them, but something was special about the owlbear. Maybe the hard work their mother put into creating it, or the bright fabrics that stood out against the dusty setting of Byroden. Whatever the cause, Vex clung to the stuffed animal, until the day her father took her to Syngorn.
That day, she left it behind. The thought of her mother being all alone in the small house, no children to keep her company, had torn Vex’s little heart to shreds. She’d put the owlbear on her mother’s bed, ordering it to keep Elaina company, promising that she’d be back, eventually.
A promise that was broken in the most tragic way. Her owlbear had burned with the rest of Byroden.
Vex blinks, and the memories fizzle away. She’s not in Byroden, or Syngorn, but is standing in the middle of Whitestone’s market, staring at a toy with tears budding in her eyes.
Composing herself, approaches the owlbear. Her fingers move achingly slow as she cautiously brushes them against the fuzzy fabric.
“Something caught your eye?” The shopkeeper asks, peering her way. His eyes widen when he realizes who he’s speaking to. “Oh! Lady de Rolo, it’s an honor.”
“How much for this?” Vex asks, cringing as soon as says it. She never wants to become the kind of nobility that doesn’t treat her citizens with kindness, who doesn’t ask for their names and smile at them. As thrown off as she is, though, it’s hard to focus on anything but the little owlbear.
“For you? Please, have it. No cost.”
Vex may be distracted, but she’s not so distracted to accept the deal. “No, I want to pay you. Did you make it?”
He flounders for a moment. “I, yes I did, but please, I couldn’t charge you.”
Finally, she manages to break her gaze from the toy, turning to look at him. She wonders if he can see the tears brimming in her eyes. “Please. Let me pay.”
A war battles across his features. Refusing to take her money would be disobeying her wishes, but taking her money would likely go against his morals. The people of Whitestone aren’t fond of charging the woman who helped saved the city, and who now helps run it. “I… suppose I could take a few silver. It’s not worth much. Honestly, knowing that it’s found a good home is all I need.”
Vex pulls out her coin purse and dumps a handful of gold in her palm. “Here.”
He’s pulling away before the word even left her mouth, shaking his head. “That’s too much, my lady, truly.”
“My mother was a seamstress,” Vex whispers, momentarily surprising herself. She doesn’t speak of Elaina often, the pain still a gaping wound after all these years. “I can’t fathom underpaying someone for a craft like this.”
The moment of vulnerability softens the shopkeeper’s defenses. Hesitantly, he reaches out to take the gold. “Thank you. I’ll put this to good use. If you ever need another, I can do that.”
Vex thinks of Vax’s griffin and the games they would play for hours with the toys. She thinks of how Syldor had thrown his plushie away on that first night. “I might take you up on that.”
One week later, Vax laughs as she presents him with the gift, wrapped in black paper during their monthly picnic in Whitestone’s garden. He grins. “For me? You shouldn’t have.”
Vex just smiles softly. “Open it.”
He cocks an eyebrow. “Why are you being all soft? Is this a prank?”
“Seriously. Open it,” she insists, not rising to the bait. That piques his curiosity even more, and he gently begins to peel back the wrapping.
The smile drops off his face when he reveals the stuffed griffin in all it’s glory, but Vex doesn’t worry about his reaction, even when she can see the moisture beading in his eyes. “Vex,” Vax whispers, all teasing gone. He sits up straighter on their picnic blanket, thumbs stroking along the griffin’s fluffy fabric. “Is this…?”
“It’s as best I could remember it. Not exactly the same, of course, but I thought you might appreciate it.”
Vax doesn’t say anything for a long, long time, until enough tears have formed in his eyes that one slips down his cheek. He wipes at it with the sleeve of his cloak. “Gods, Vex. I… Thank you.”
Vex sniffles, too, revealing her own plushie from beneath her coat, making Vax suck in a breath. “Do you remember playing with them, hunting the creatures in the woods?”
He laughs wetly, pulling her into his side so he can bury his face in her hair. “Of course I do, Stubby. Those frogs didn’t know what was coming. I think this is the best gift I’ve ever gotten.”
Settling into his side, Vex smiles a bit. Together, the twins gently hold their toys, recounting memories of their time in Byroden with a bittersweet fondness. Even after the sun dips below the treeline and darkness surrounds them, broken only by fireflies buzzing in the air, they stay.
In the morning, Percy and Keyleth will find them deeply asleep on their picnic blanket, plushies clutched in their grasps and soft smiles on their sleeping faces.
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So imagine time you and you AEW love have gotten engaged and moved into a dream house, but something’s missing. A furbaby! What pet are you picking out, their name, are they treated like an animal or a baby? Tell me everything.
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I let out a content sigh as Trent and I sit in our backyard, steaks on the grill, a cool beer in front of both of us. He looks over at me and grins. "What got you all smiley?"
"Nothing...everything. We're getting married, we now have this wonderful house, you're sitting here with me. Just life. Life got me all smiley."
He reaches across the table and takes my hand in his. "Good to hear you are pleasantly surprised with the outcome of our relationship."
I chuckle a bit at his comment. "Yep, I am. There's only one thing missing really."
"What's that?" I can tell by the way his eyebrows shoot up that he thinks I'll make a nasty sexual reference.
"A little someone to run around in this backyard..." I let my voice trail off and watch in amusement as his playful expression leaves his features, sheer panic now in his eyes. We have never talked about having kids, and I don't think we will. It's just never been important to either of us.
I laugh out loud at him. "Don't worry, Dorkie. I was talking about a dog." I laugh again as his whole body hits the back of his chair, a sigh of relief leaving his mouth.
"You are one mean bitch. If you ever do that again, I'm getting a divorce." He states which makes me laugh even more.
"We're not even married yet."
"Well then, marriage is off the table!" He stresses every single syllable as he gets up to check on our steaks. He puts them on a plate and walks back over to me.
"Seriously, Trent, what do you think about it?" I say before I thank him for the steak, it smells delicious.
"I don't know, Sweetcheeks, I feel like we shouldn't. At least not right now. Maybe when I quit wrestling, we could work on it." I can tell he is painfully uncomfortable with the conversation, trying to beat around the bush.
"About getting a dog, Trent!"
"Ooohhh...yeah, sounds like a good idea. We could go check the local shelter tomorrow?" He tries to play it cool now, but I know he is just as excited as I am.
I mockingly shake my head at him while taking a bite. "Sounds like a plan, Dorkie."
When we enter the shelter, and see seemingly endless rows of animals stuffed in small cages, both our hearts sink. We share a look, our silent agreement to safe one of these poor souls. He grabs my hand and we start looking at the dogs. Surprisingly, we both stop at the same cage and kneel down in front of it. There are two dogs inside, a small black one with long, fluffy ears, and a big, chocolate brown one, who has the facial expression of a calm giant.
Trent and I share a look and nod to each other before we go to the nice lady working there and ask her more about the dog.....s. Apparently, we did not fall in love with the same one. While the black one stole my heart, Trent got all heart eyes for the big one.
The lady smiles at us and explains that these two have been together for years, and should not be separated. Then she tells us their previous owner had passed away and the family did not want to keep the dogs, that is how they ended here.
I pull Trent to the side, taking his hands in mine and try to find a good way to start, but I just can't find the right words.
"Yes, Sweetcheeks, we're getting both." He matter-of-factly states before lightly pecking my lips. I smile up at him, amazed at how he can always tell what I am thinking, and nod.
We go back to the dogs, and say we'd gladly take the two home. After we get the paperwork done and pay, we put both of them on a leash and walk over to our car. On our way there, we decide we will not change their names, as they've had them for years now. So we stick with Piri, the small black lady, and Merlin, the brown male.
We stop to buy some essential supplies such as food, toys, blankets and dog pillows on our way home. Both dogs are actually very well behaved and seem to be rather calm, which is probably because of the fact that they have each other.
When we arrive at home, Trent pets both of them and shows them around the house as if they were human, explaining to them where the guestroom is, how the fridge holds all the good stuff and so on. I laugh at the whole situation, and can't help but admire Trent. He is so enthusiastic about it, it is endearing.
A few weeks later, Trent returns from a long week away in Chicago, where he wrestled at the Forbidden Door PPV. As soon as he walks through the door, he shouts. "Now where's my beautiful girl?!" He looks around and smiles brightly when he sees her running towards him, standing up against his leg. "There you are! I've missed you so much!" He lifts Piri up and swirls around with her before putting her back on the floors, gently rubbing her head.
I scoff a little and look over to Merlin sprawled out on his blanket. He had raised his head, but now puts it down again, not even thinking about greeting Trent. I smile at his reaction, and still find it funny how we both fell in love with one of the dogs, but they decided they wanted it to be the other way around.
"I remember a time when I was 'your beautiful girl'." I say as I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist to pull him as close as possible.
"Awwww, Sweetcheeks, jealousy is not a good look on you." He teases before running a hand through my hair and pulling me in for a passionate kiss. I smile against his lips and run my hands up his back. When we pull apart, I brush our noses together. "I've missed you, Trent. And I'm really proud of you, you were fantastic at Forbidden Door."
He seems flattered by my compliment. "Thanks, my other beautiful girl."
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
Hi hope you’re having a wonderful day! Could I please get a bnha coraline au story. So like y/n has had a pretty bad life like a whole bunch of stuff and now they have to basically parents their own parents at the age of 15 cause they’re lazy alcoholics who just go to work come back and drink. One day after they move in y/n gets curious and finds explores around the house while they’re alone and discovers the door to the other world and meets their dream parents. The parents are aizawa and present mic who just genuinely love the reader, they don’t want to take readers soul that just want to help them. They have a sister eri and a brother shinso and when reader tries to leave they all beg and threaten reader not to leave cause “your parents never cared for you anyways” and “we’ll love you more then they ever would” and force reader to be the new baby of the family gender neutral reader if possible, please and thank you ( 03^)~💚
-I do apologize if you wanted a shorter work, because this ended up being kinda long, sorry!
-there are a few grammar and spelling mistakes here and there, this is unedited, I will fix them :)
(I don’t know if you actually wanted the reader to be treated like a baby, literally like an infant, or just like the youngest in the family, I needed up doing the second option, tell me if wrong.)
You hummed a tune as you wandered the hallways, your footsteps dragging, you had tried to tell your mother to drink some water and put the strong bottle of vodka down before she ended up killing herself. She yelled at you, told you to “shut the hell up ya damn brat”, god knows where your father even is. It had only been a day or two in this house, and they had already made it feel like a prison for you, oh my, A SINGLE DAY.
In all honesty the house was nice, old, yes, but still nice. It seemed as if the last owners hadn’t been here for hundreds of years, let alone clean the place, as all embellishments on the walls were antique styled, and everything, I repeat, everything, was covered in dust. There were a few different pieces of furniture that looked as ancient as the neighbors, including a dresser filled with a different articles of clothing, a few dusty chairs here and there, curtains clawed away by... something, and little tables with droors filled with little trinkets.
One room in particular was exceptionally creepy in your eyes, it seemed like a child once slept there, probably long dead by now, the walls were covered in a striped floral wallpaper, chipping at the edges, various stuffed animals that hadn’t been touched in ages, what looked to be a changing table, and a smaller sized bed placed in the middle, fitted with dusty purple bedsheets, probably that color because of the gathering dust, you sat down on the mattress, inhaling the scent of the room. It smelled oddly of lavender, not a musty mildew smell you were expecting. You spent a moment just finding comfort in the warm smell, before noticing a small dent in the wall behind what you thought could be a changing table. Almost looked like... a tiny door?
“What the heck is that?” You questioned or yourself, narrowing your eyes at the wooden frame that looked like a small threshold, cautiously standing up form the bed, and making your way over to the door, you struggled to move the large piece of furniture, pushing back gains the groun and shoving it out of the way. It was indeed a door, and it was indeed tiny. There was a small cobweb strung across the mass of it, which you batted away with your little hands, pulling at the doorknob a few times to reveal the fact that it was locked, you let out an exasperated sigh. Well... it’s not like you have much to do, might as well find the key.
Surprisingly, it hadn’t taken long for you to find the small, heart shaped key that fit the locked door, it was tucked into one of the white droors of the small table in the corner. It was the first place you looked, almost as if it’d been calling out for you. It only took a few moments for you to push the key into the lock and turn, you let out a sigh of relief when you heard the satisfying click of the lock opening. Wondering what was going to be on the other side, you pushed open the mini door, to reveal a tunnel of sorts... today’s just full of surprises isn’t it.
“Man this tunnel is lo... whoah.” You stood, still balled up in a crawli mg position, shocked at your own surroundings. Everything looked so... new, and polished, you stared Jan absolute awe at everything, literally everything. Where are you?
“Oh, honey you’re finally here!” A male voice rang out from behind you, immediately large hands were lifting you off the floor from under your arms, holding you like a baby, this guy cradled your head in his chest, no matter how much you squirmed, the iron grip he had on you did not loosen. You snapped your head up to meet his eyes, only to be met with buttons of such a piercing yellow it almost hurt your own eyes. A shrill scream left your lips, as you flung your feet back and forth in attempts to free yourself.
“Oh, oh right. I’m sorry , I should’ve been a little slower, it’s scary I know, you’ll get used to it I promise. I’m hizashi, your other father, re you alright?” He questioned, backing up a little to give you space, bringing his hands up to tell you he wasn’t going to hurt you, ever. You were usually a calm person, but given the situation, like some random person living in your house with buttons for eyes, the reaction was warranted. You breathed for a small moment, inhaling the even stronger scent of lavender that was oh so comforting, before standing back up, giving whatever this was at a chance of explanation.
“Who- who are you?” The question left your lips faster than tryouts could hold it in, he gave you a smile and walked closer again, booping your nose and once again pulling you off the ground. He was tall, slightly lanky, and his hair was a bright yellow to match his eyes, little dangle earring wee attached to his ears, you just stared in awe at the inhuman man who was holding you.
“Silly little thing! I just said it! I’m your other father, like your real father, just perfect for you! Dinners almost ready, so let’s go meet the rest of the fmIly okay bubs?” He questioned m, speaking down to you like one would a child, even though you are a fully capable human. He grabbed your hand, and gently rigged you off into some hallway, you slightly dig your feet in, staring back at the little door that got you here in the first place.
“Honey, this is your reality, if it was perfectly fit for you! We love you, unlinke those scum who call your your parents, don’t your bat to be loved for once y/n?” He spoke, the two of you arrived at what was probably the kitchen, him explaining what was happening pretty thoroughly considering he had to do it in a few minutes, barging through the doors, a few other pairs of button eyes were scattered thievhiur the kitchen.
“Daddy! I helped bubba make dinner tonight!” A little girl, probably not even over the age of five, came running towards the two of you, smiling fully. She was sporting a pair of red buttons, which matched her little jumper, you had your face buried in this ma- hizashis chest, his arms wrapped around the entirety of you. He sent an exited stare towards the little girl, who jsut gasped and smiled even harder. She made little grabby hands towards you, so hizashi set you down on the ground, whispering a “time to get down” in your ear. Instantly, the little girl attached herself to your torso.
“Bubba/sissy!” She squealed, patting your stomach, as much as you would love to knock her off of you, she’s a kid, you don’t do that to kids. This young girl claimed to be your other sister, which at this point you were led to believe because apparently anything is possible at this point, she was pretty adorable.
“I-uh, yeah?” You spluttered, visibly flustered, you tried to get a grip of yourself, it was kindof odd, although the girl seemed much younger than you, the way she carried herself presented that she was much older than she came off, from the maternal glint in her eyes, to the planned movements, it just seemed... mature.
—————small time skip—————
It had been maybe an hour, you had been seated at a dinner table, quite the large one actually, in between a black haired man that you could tell was staring at you, and a purple haired teenager who looked to be a similar age to you. You sat there just kindof awkwardly trying to not touch any of them. At one pint. The purple haired guy tried to feed you, which was an unfortunate suprise because you were off in dreamland, and were ckmoemteky confused as to why he was even trying something like that.
“You’ll probably hurt yourself trying, just let me do it” he spoke, it is safe to say that this button eyed family is an odd bunch. First the woerd door, then a creepy guy tryna pick you up, then some little girl who probably wasn’t so little claiming you to be her “younger sibling”; then the offpdutirng glances front his beanbag guy, than this? What is happening.
Sooner or later, after the really odd display that was dinner had finished, and you had help washing your hands, because for some reason they thought you needed it, it was announced bettime, and with a snap of the man him you learned name was Aizawa, food was gone, along with all the dishes. If you were to be completely honest with yourself, you almost lied this, of course not the babying thing, but the fact that you weren’t cooking or cleaning or trying to snatch a bottle from your parents, it almost made you wnat to cry how perfect this family was. God how much you wished this was your own.
It’s sounds selfish, and unreasonable, but you never had a childhood, the day you were born your life was already sighted off as “servant of my own parents”, you lived them, you did, these people were so nice thiugh, they were odd, maybe a little quirky, but still jsut a perfect little family. Apparently one that includes you.
“ALRIGHT! time for bed!” The yellow haired man exclaimed, seeeping you and eri right off of your feet, holding you in his arms as eri giggled at the sudden swish sound. The two men on the other side of the large room cracked small smiles at the sheer adorable ness of the position, the two little ones of the family and their father! What a sight to see!
“Shhhhh, I think y/n is gonna sleep with us to Tonight okay eri?” Hizashi whispered to the young girl, loud enough for you to hear, she nodded and smiled one of her sickeningly sweet smiles, hr eyebrows raising before her button eyes. She motioned to be put down ‘, waving goodbye and latching her own hand onto shinsos, who also waved his hand.
“Goodnight daddy! And y/n!” From there, you walked alongside them to their room, or what you supposed it was. This was the first time you’d really talked to Aizawa, and it was pretty embarrassing because he asked if he was aloud to change you out of your day clothes. You were a little too scared to say no, so you let him, it was probably one of the hardest things you’ve ever had to sit through, and that’s saying quite A lot.
When all was done, you had brushed your teeth, and wrrrnchanged into a set of lilac pajamas, silken and slippery, you were pulled on top of the yellow haired man, who then wrapped his arms around your waist and started “shh-ing” you, patting your head while rocking back and forth slightly, the other man slipped in next splaying his arms over you, rubbing circles into your beck
Mans with that, the lights went out, and you fell asleep.
From there, everything in your life changes, you wake up the next day in the dusty lilac bed, wondering if it all was a dream, so the next night, you go back, and the next, and the next, until you started to spend your days there. Playing with eri, or cuddling with either of the three men, or just having fun without any worries or cares int the world. By that’s when it all starts, they kindof... changed.
They became overprotective, it showed in some more than others, but it was present either way. Al you wanted to do was check up on your dad to see if he was still alive or not, and eri had a whole crying fit, begging you to stay, and telling you she’d die if you left.
“No no! You can’t leave me! I-I I’m gonna die if you leave! I’ll die, please don’t keVe I promise il be good!”
It took a little shushing from you, but eventually you convinced her you weren’t going to leave, and so she went back to her normal self. You were with shinso once, and walked near the little door, he had immediately blocked it as if you were going to do something, then scolded you for going near such a “dangerous object”.
“You shouldn’t. Go close to that evil little thing, it might hurt you m, I don’t want you to get hurt, so stay away from it”
And then your other parents, they didn’t let you do anything by yourself, scared you would run off and get lost in the maze of nothing outside. You can’t even mention your real parents, you’ve been down here for at least a week now and haven’t been able to check on them, so when you did ask to go back for a day, hizashi slicks dying up and told you to cut out the nonsense, while Aizawa bubbles in anger, telling you that they lived you ten times better than your parents Eve could.
“They don’t deserve you, they don’t love you, we do, they’ll never live you half as much as we do, we can protect you here, why would you wnat to leave?”
Ans so one day, when your “other papa” or Aizawa, tried to take the key from you and lick you in here, you had enough. These people were supposed to be perfect, instead they turned obsessive, little button eyes showing up everywhere, watching your every move, you had thought your old life was a prison, now look at this.
You turned back, checking to see if anyone was watching, waiting to stop you, before pulling the key out of your pocket, ripping the boarding off of the door, pulling the panels of wood off one by one, shoving the key into the black door knob, you were just about to turn it, when a voice rang out behind you, no longer was the sweet girl who you played trains with, in the stead was something else just In ther body, you could hear it in her voice.
“Where are you going? You aren’t trying to leave are you?” She spoke, you froze on the spot, hands moving faster, ymtrying to get the stupid door to unlock, before you could even blink, the key snapped in half, not in your hold, in another sudden figure, your other brother. You didn’t even get the chance to speak before be t down and ripped the whole door knob off of it, giving you a knowing glance.
“I told you to stay away from it, I told you didn’t I? Now look, it’s broken” he hissed, throwing the iron knob somewhere else, you knew that I’d both of the siblings were here, the two parents were sure to be here along with them, you were proven right, as a pair of black and yellow buttons popped up behind the Eric girl, carrryijg... what is that?
“Oh my god... OH MY GOD” you screamed, the heads of your parents were in these men’s holds buttons sewn over the eyes, blood seeping out of their decapiated necks, you reMiedn screaming as the heads were discarded, jsut thrown off somewhere else. You were lifted up off the ground in your crying state, hizashi a hands stroked your hair, while his other hand went and wrapped around your butt to support you up.
“We told you baby, we tried to tel you at least. Now there’s nothing up there for you, there was never anything anyways, your safe now... they’ll never hurt you again. You’re ours...
Tell me if you liked it, I can change things if you want:)
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asimpforarmin · 3 years
What Dog the AoT Characters Would Have 💛
Character(s): Armin Arlert, Sasha Braus, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Bertholdt Hoover, & Annie Leonhardt
Genre: Light-hearted, modern!au
Warnings: Mentions of animal neglect/abuse, some dog breeds commonly perceived as scary, cursing
A/n: I usually include Mikasa in my headcanons, but I just forgot until last minute that she existed ;-; so, sorry for not including her. If someone requests it, I’ll add her to the list.
💛 Armin
His parents got him a beagle puppy for one of his birthdays and he got so attached to it. He was so grateful that he had a dog and absolutely treasures him.
Named him Buddy because he’s his little sidekick and is always fun to play with and snuggle up to.
Buddy almost never shuts up though. A bird flies past the window? He starts barking. A truck goes by? Goes bonkers. He sees himself in the mirror? Shooketh.
Whenever Buddy starts going crazy, Armin picks him up, takes him away from whatever’s bothering him and scratches behind his ears. That makes Buddy practically melt into Armin’s arms and it’s so adorable. 💕
Buddy is very protective over Armin, or as protective as a dog his size could be. He always barks at the doorbell and is very wary of strangers.
If you walk into Armin’s house and Buddy has never seen you before, Armin will be sitting in a chair holding a dog who’s glaring into your soul.
You and Armin will try to have a normal conversation while Buddy is snarling and growling at you with Armin just patting his head and making an expression that says he deals with this all the time.
After a couple visits, Buddy is still tense around you but unwinds once you start playing with him.
Whenever Armin’s studying or working, Buddy will jump up into his lap and snuggle with him.
Sometimes when Armin falls asleep at his desk, he’ll have his arms on the table and Buddy in his lap.
When he’s in the car, Buddy tries to bite cars through the window. He just growls and bangs the glass with his teeth before Armin stops him from chipping a tooth.
Just how Buddy is protective of Armin, Armin’s protective of Buddy.
If someone talks shit about his dog, he’ll get sad about it. Buddy doesn’t deserve to be treated like that, he never hurt anyone.
Buddy can’t be taken to the park because he just agitates other dogs. He never gets along with them and never lets his guard down.
Buddy’s also one of those dogs who gets really dramatic. One time he was laying on the couch with his ball and it rolled off so he just started howling.
It’s also really hard to trim his nails without him growling, even though he’d never bite anyone.
Once Buddy has calmed down around someone, he’s fun to just hang around.
Armin likes to sit on the couch reading with Buddy on his lap or beside him. He’s great to study with or have around.
💛 Sasha
Adopts a 5-year-old blue greyhound from her local shelter.
She’d been volunteering there for a while when the greyhound came in and just couldn’t resist.
With greyhounds being bred to hunt and Sasha coming from a family who has a hunting background, it seemed like a match made in heaven.
She bought her and gave her a bright pink collar with a little dog bone tag with her name etched in it.
Since greyhounds’ necks are so long, she gives her a big knitted scarf to wear in the winter to keep her all nice and cozy.
Was torn between naming her Snickerdoodle or Candy because they’re both cute names and are both foods, but ended up naming her Pumpkin because she couldn’t decide and Pumpkin’s a really cute name as well.
Sasha loves playing fetch with her and it’s so fun because Pumpkin can run really fast, really far.
Pumpkin almost never barks unless she’s having fun or there’s someone at the door.
Sasha’s bed is lofted by a couple feet for storage and Pumpkin has no problem getting on and off her bed.
The first time Pumpkin saw Sasha’s bed, she didn’t know what to do so just sat there looking up at Sasha. It took a couple minutes for her to realize Sasha patting the bed meant she could jump onto it.
Sasha allows her dog on any of the furniture so there’s short hairs all over the couch no matter what.
Pumpkin’s really kind and gentle around kids so Sasha can basically take her anywhere. She’s super well behaved but sometimes scares people because she jumps in excitement.
Sasha also shares her food with her dog all the time. Always packs extra whenever she goes somewhere so she can give some to Pumpkin.
If you moved in with Sasha, Pumpkin would take to you right away.
She would literally be so sweet and always make you happy all the time. 😭💕
Plays tug of war and fetch a lot with you.
If you’re working/eating at a desk, she’ll lean her head on your leg until you pet her or give her food, or both.
Overall, Pumpkin is so sweet and adorable. She will always cheer you up when you need it and always has enough energy to play.
💛 Jean
Adopted a pitbull who is now 6, but was brought into a fighting ring when he was 4.
He knew it would be a challenge to help an abused dog but wanted to give him a good home.
When he first saw him, he was covered in scars and missing part of his ear.
He named him Kane. He’s a beautiful deep reddish-brown color with a white belly.
From the first moment they met, there was a connection. Kane warmed up to Jean quite quickly for a dog who’s been through so much.
Jean took him home and slowly introduced him to lifestyle changes, like going for walks or taking baths.
He introduces him to other dogs too. Kane showed a little hostility in the beginning, but once he realized they weren’t threats he was fine being around them.
Jean pays top dollar for him. Any issue he has, he takes him to the vet and gets it fixed up. He also gets the best food for him because that’s what he deserves.
Kane loves going for car rides. Sometimes Jean will get in the car with him, no destination in mind, and just drive.
Jean rolls the window down and Kane pokes his head outside. His mouth opens and because of the wind going into it, he showers the window behind him in slobber.
Kane absolutely loves swimming. He’s quite good at it, but Jean still takes a lot of safety precautions, such as a life jacket or shallow water because pitbulls are known to be somewhat bad swimmers.
Every summer, Jean takes out a kiddie pool and lets Kane splash around in it.
He also really likes to turn on the hose or sprinkler and aim it at Kane. He jumps up to bite the water and they both have a great time.
It can be a problem though because when Jean’s trying to fill the pool up, Kane keeps batting the hose with his paw or trying to eat the water and Jean has to get him to relax.
Other than his little quirks, Kane’s a relatively chill dog. He’s alright with being dressed up in costumes or having to wear a cone.
Every halloween, Jean gets both of them a matching costume and they sit on the porch to give kids candy.
Jean also lets the kids pet Kane because over time, he gets very welcoming of people and other dogs he doesn’t know.
Long story short, Kane’s not the dog you want to protect your house, if someone broke in, he’d just start wagging his tail and not be able to tell what’s going on.
💛 Connie
Saw how cool Jean’s dog is and also wanted a badass and cool breed.
He ended up adopting a doberman pinscher.
Like Jean’s dog, she looks strong and intimidating.
Unlike Jean’s dog, she acts the complete opposite of how she looks.
She’s often quite jittery or seems scared. Whenever someone even remotely raises their voice, her ears go down and she lowers her head.
You and Connie often have to give her tons of pets and appreciation after shouting, whether it’s good or bad shouting.
She’s also a total cuddlebug. She loves to be on Connie’s lap 24/7 and sleeps right next to him, watching over him.
Because of her timid personality, Connie named her Lily. It’s a sweet and innocent sounding name. Even though he sought her out to be a “cool” dog, she’s super sweet and didn’t want to name her something that conflicted with who she really was.
One thing about Lily is she loves running. Connie likes to skateboard alongside her as she pulls him along. It’s not much effort for her because Connie’s lightweight and uses his feet a lot. Plus, the area they live is pretty flat, so they often do.
Lily has a hard time understanding what is and isn’t a toy. One time she nearly chewed off one of the sofa legs. Next time Connie sat on it, it snapped and then he figured out Lily was behind it.
After that, he trained her to know everything he puts in her basket is a toy, but everything else isn’t. Then, she used the basket as a toy.
She goes through toys lightning quick.
Every time you or Connie give her a new stuffed animal, it takes approximately .2 seconds for it to be torn to shreds.
Connie loves to take her to PetSmart and let her pick out toys in-store.
If she chooses a toy that means Connie won’t need to guess what she likes and what she doesn’t.
One time she chose one of those scented rope toys, but once Connie took the packaging off, she started acting weirdly.
Once he gave it to her, she started barking at it and whacking it with her paw.
Connie was super confused so he threw it and she chased after it like normal, but once she got close to it she started acting scared of it and barking.
It’s been like that ever since now so they just don’t play with that toy.
Lily doesn’t bark that often. She usually only barks from excitement or when she meets someone new.
She also doesn’t have the zoomies that much so she’s a really relaxed dog to hang with.
💛 Bertholdt
Bertholdt saw his neighbors packing their stuff in a van one day and leaving but saw they left their samoyed leashed up outside.
He wanted to hold out hope that they were just going out somewhere for a bit so waited the rest of the night but found the dog still chained up the next morning in the rain.
He was never close to his neighbors and didn’t want any confrontation so he went up and knocked on the door, checking if anyone was home.
No surprise, they weren’t so he cautiously made his way over to the dog.
It was so happy to see someone and started licking his hand right away.
He unchained the dog and led it into his house where he gave it a nice warm bath and some food.
While bathing her, he took off her collar, with the neighbor’s number and address engraved in it along with her name, Mavis.
While Mavis was eating he called the number he found on her tag. He explained that the dog looked like it was left there on purpose so he took it in until they got home. They just said they didn’t want her anymore and hung up, which broke Bertholdt’s heart.
So he took her to the vet, got some pet things because he hasn’t owned a pet previously and she became a big part of his life.
She clings to him everywhere and won’t ever leave his side. Almost never barks and is super good on a leash.
Bertholdt takes her to the dog park a lot, Mavis is very social and has made a lot of friends there.
Mavis has quite the habit of rolling around in the mud or dirt though so Bertholdt has to give her a bath quite often.
Bertholdt absolutely cannot contain the dog hair. There is so much of it and it’s everywhere, went through like 3 lint rollers in the first week.
He spoils her rotten. Whenever he goes shopping he gets her new treats and toys because he swore to do right by her when her old owners didn’t.
If you were brought into the equation, Mavis would love you unconditionally. She’ll be there to give you high-fives and cuddle with you.
She is the softest thing on the planet so the cuddles are amazing. If you and Bertholdt sleep together, she’ll plop herself right in between the both of you so she could get attention until you fall asleep.
Whenever she needs something but isn’t up, she licks your face until you give her what she wants.
Even though she can get quite hot in the summer, she always wants to cuddle and loves to do it, whether it’s with you or Bertholdt.
💛 Annie (normally I don’t write for her but I couldn’t get this scenario out of my head)
Hitch gave her a chihuahua for her birthday even though she never remotely hinted at wanting a dog.
She didn’t want to return it though and oddly liked it, even though she never asked for him.
Just calls him “Dog” for a bit since she doesn’t know what to name him.
He’s a tan deer head dog so Annie gives him the name “Biscuit” after a couple weeks.
It’s super generic but she doesn’t think he needs any fancy name and he looks like a biscuit so 🤷🏻‍♀️
She has one of the backpacks with a compartment to fit a dog.
She likes to put Biscuit in there and take him out when she goes out.
When Annie takes him out, Biscuit is usually pretty chill, aside from giving a couple glares to random people.
Sometimes he even falls asleep in her backpack.
Whenever someone pisses Annie off, Biscuit senses it. Annie isn’t usually one to get into a full-blow fight and be loud, so Biscuit is her volume. Whenever she starts going off, he starts growling and barking.
And when she does get loud, both of them are yelling and screaming so that often deters the other person.
When she first got Biscuit, Annie didn’t really pay that much attention to him. She’d be on the couch and whenever he came up to her with a ball or toy, she’d throw it.
Then as she started to get used to him, she started to like him more.
Nowadays, she sometimes chases him around the house with a smile on her face and it’s so adorable, especially because she doesn’t smile all too often.
Biscuit is relatively calm, even for a chihuahua. He can often be seen on the couch on his back with his tongue out laying in the sun.
Speaking of being on the couch, originally Annie wanted to keep him off all furniture but soon realized he simply wouldn’t stay off and she didn’t want to bother to train him not to.
Now, they share almost everything. She sleeps with him next to her, they relax on the couch together, and sometimes she even brings him up on one of the kitchen chairs and they share food together.
Biscuit hates her alarm clock with a passion. If Annie doesn’t wake up from the alarm, she wakes up from the high pitched barks of her dog wanting her to turn it off.
Once the two are close, they are bonded for life and can be seen everywhere together.
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weebswrites · 3 years
Hello! You probably have a lot of requests right now so I apologize for adding on to it.
Would it be possible to request the brothers (+Solomon) comforting an MC that’s just super stressed with school and just life?
Recently, school for me has been..to say the least, mentally exhausting and there are just countless nights of crying or pulling all nighters cause I’m so behind (2nd quarter cause I started school rather late, it’s complicated). I’m so sorry for ranting about this. But yeah could I just request it to be super fluffy? If you end up writing this, thank you so much! Stay safe <3
The Demon Bros & Undatables: Comforting a Stressed MC
• He wasn’t sure how to comfort you when you first arrived in the devildom, but after a few weeks spending time together he picked up your comfort activities and items
• So when he heard you crying in your room late one night, a night he knew was the night before a big exam you’d been studying like crazy for, he knew what to do
• He went to the kitchen and grabbed a comfort snack and your favorite drink, stopping by his room to get a blanket that smelled like him before gently opening the door to your room
• You sniffled and wiped your face, turning to see who it was
• “Lucifer, hey. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up”
• “You didn’t, my love. Here” he wrapped the blanket over your shoulders and placed the kitchen Items on your desk, close enough for you to reach them but far enough if you couldn’t eat then you wouldn’t feel forced. He then walked to your bed and grabbed your favorite stuffed animal, placing it in your lap and kissing the top of your head
• “What can I do to help” his voice was soft, and the two of you spent the night cuddled in bed, sitting against the wall as he quizzed you on facts until you both fell asleep (he set an alarm so you wouldn’t miss your exam, don’t worry)
• Gift-giving love language, despite his constant urge to sell your things
• So whenever you’re stressed over schoolwork, he picks up an extra shift at Hell’s Kitchen (secretly) and brings you a coffee / your energy drink of choice and a little trinket he saw that made him think of you
• Your desk has accumulated quite a pile of these little gifts, and when you look up at them it fills you with a familiar warmth that only his affection can give you
•  He has the best timing with these too, whenever you feel yourself getting overly frustrated you hear a knock at your door or see your D.D.D. screen light up with a text from him
• He also gives incredible shoulder massages? You had no idea, but when you’re hunched over one night and feel his hands straighten your back and start kneading the sore muscles in your neck you swear your soul left your body
• He’s a great listener and will let you vent to him any time, anywhere
• He doesn't sleep much anyway, so when you text one night that you’re coming over because you need to blow off steam he likes the message and prepares a blanket and stuffed animal for you to squeeze
• Bonus: he got a stuffed animal just for you to take your anger out on, a little bit so you wouldn’t squeeze one of his Ruri-chans, but also because he loves you
• He greets you with a hug, every time. Nights that you were especially fed up you’d collapse in his arms, crying or yelling or anything to just get the frustration out
• He holds you close and once you get it all out he whispers words of affirmation in your ear, always knowing exactly what to say to comfort you
• If anyone knows how to relax, it’s Satan
• So whenever you need to cool down you head to your favorite brother’s room (or the library. usually the library.) to seek refuge from your work
• The two of you are like soulmates, so whenever he sees you he can instantly tell how you’re feeling and what you need
• And no matter what it was, a hug or space to just be alone or literally anything, this man will get it for you
• He helps you study a lot too, the two of you worked well together so having him quiz you or help you come up with ways to remember things always made you feel more confident about what you were learning
• Will draw you a warm bath whenever you’re too overworked, filling it with soap of your favorite scent and lighting a few candles for around the tub
• He gives you space if you need it, but if you want to keep studying from the comfort of the bath he’ll help you
• Unless he notices that you’re too overwhelmed and working yourself past exhaustion. Then, he bans you from studying while you’re together (which he promises won’t be long, but he always makes sure it’s long enough for you to rest)
• Pulls out all the stops to make you feel the comfort you need and deserve, even giving you a gentle scalp massage as you fight off falling asleep in the tub
• Food is the way to his heart, but he understands that isn’t the same for everyone
• So he takes time to learn about what things make you happy, what things to avoid, and more
• When you drag yourself to his room late at night, exhausted from studying late and crawl under the covers with him, he knows what will help you
• He kisses the back of your head while pulling your body softly against his, and hums one of your favorite songs from the human world until you’re asleep
• You wake up the next day together, and he treats you to whatever you want for breakfast, making sure you eat enough to fuel your body for the day
• Knows the power of a nap better than anyone
• So when your head is falling over your textbook, he doesn’t hesitate to pick you up and carry you to bed
• “Belphie! No, I need to study. I’m good I promise” you reassure him, but the yawn that follows instantly negates everything you’d said
• “Sure, MC. Then for me, let’s nap together. It’ll be so nice” he lays you in bed and cuddles you, “all warm and comfy in bed, how can you not love this” but you can’t even respond because you’re already asleep
• mfer would just excuse you from the class /hj
• But if he couldn’t, he’d take you to his office and pamper you with anything you wanted
• Or if you just wanted to collapse in his bed and sleep for more hours than he thought was possible for a human to sleep, he’d absolutely let you
• Anything at all for his favorite human
• Knows how to comfort Diavolo, but when it comes to humans at first he doesn’t know what to do
• So you tell him what you need when you’re drained, and he remembers
• You knock on his door late one night, mid-yawn as he opens the door
• He wraps your tired body in a warm blanket, fresh from the dryer, and pulls up your comfort show. He turns on your favorite episode and snuggles next to you on the couch
• “Let me know if you need anything, MC. I’m here”
• “Thank you, Barbatos”
• Like Levi, he’s an amazing listener. So whenever you need him to be there, he’s listening actively and making sure you know your frustrations are heard
• But he’s also good with distracting you from your studies, so sometimes you take a break to watch a movie the two of you had been meaning to watch for a while, or get lunch somewhere
• You get to pick, unless you want him to, and no matter what you do he makes sure you completely forget about the books waiting for you back home
• Lets you sleep in his room whenever you want, and most exam weeks you basically move into his room. It’s a win win situation, he gets to spend time with you and make sure you’re giving your body what it needs, and you get a home away from home to study in (and the company of your favorite human)
• When you need a break from your studies, Simeon will read you a bit from whatever writing he’s working on
• His voice is possibly the most comforting thing in the world to you, and hearing him tell stories he’s written just for you gives you a sense of comfort that could cure anything
• If not that, then the two of you hop in bed and turn on whatever you want to watch to take your mind off your studies
• But your favorite thing to do was to tackle him into bed and cuddle, tangled together and just talking about anything and everything that wasn’t school
• You bake something together or go to the park, or anything really
• As long as it’s fun and lighthearted, and with Luke, you know he’ll bring a smile to your face and help you forget about your stress for a bit
A/N: Thank you for sending this in anon, and dw abt ranting <3 If you ever need to get it all out feel free to send me a message or anon ask and I’ll just delete it or whatever you’d prefer. I’ve been super drained recently as well so writing this was really therapeutic :’) I hope you’re having a good day so far and that this helps you feel better
Also sorry if some of these were shorter than others, I too am struggling with burnout
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Lil Chaca headcanons and aesthetics;
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Summary; headcanons and aesthetics for the couple Li Shang jr and Chaca. Requested by @eahravinqueen .
Chaca's like a lil sister to Kuzco.
This means that when Chaca and Li'l Shang get together, Kuzco is all like 'Li'l Shang ya better treat my sis right fams'.
Mulan loves Chaca.
Lonnie does too.
Who am I kidding, everyone is Li'l Shang's family adores Chaca.
Chaca is 3 years older than Li'l Shang.
She use to help him babysit his sister and cousin.
He helped her baby sit her youngest brother.
They are friends with eachother's siblings.
Pacha is understanding when they get together and likes LS.
Though he is obviously sometimes a strict dad but not much.
Chica spoils him and makes his fave food for him lols.
She legit is like 'perfect son in law material'.
They met through Chaca's brother, Tipo, who is one of Li Shang jr/Li'l Shang/Ls's bestfriends.
Tipo was not happy with their relationship at first but slowly got over it.
He is still a bit jealous when they hang out though.
He is a protective middle sibling lol.
Yupi on the other hand has adored Ls from the very beginning and supported their relationship with no hesitation.
All 4 of them (and Lonnie and Yi-min) were apart of the Junior Chipmunks as kids. All of them were in Kronk's troops.
Kronk is a huge fan of Li Shang Jr.
He makes him spinach puffs often.
Li Shang Jr loves his cooking. More so than Chica's. Not that he'd ever tell either of them that.
They like playing games and jump-roping.
They also like hiking, going on picnics, bumper cars, go-karting, and laser tag.
They are a very competitive and athletic but sweet couple.
Animals and kids adore them.
Which is why they are go to babysitters when Chip, Zephyr, Sofia, and Melody are busy.
They both love trying and doing new things together.
Chaca gets along with Li Shang Jr's friends and vice versa, even if they don't always agree with one another.
When one of them is sick, the other will read to them or set up a movie date inside.
They are both cheesey romantics and awkward at the same time.
Once a month they have video game competitions. They usually end up tied.
Chaca usually brings Li Shang Jr lunch while he's at work.
Chaca is a camp counselor during the summer.
LS calls her Cha and other things like; '心肝 (XĪNGĀN). “心肝” literally means “heart and liver.” While that might sound a bit too bloody for Westerners, the term is used to recognize the most important person, without whom you cannot live without (just like how you can’t live without your heart or liver. The English term “my heart and soul” might come close to the intense meaning of “心肝.” Overall, recognize that “心肝” is a very strong term of endearment, to be reserved only for those who are extremely precious to you.'
Chaca gets along most with great grandma Fa and Mushu much to everyone's horror.
Chaca is one of the few people who is allowed to call Li Shang Jr by his birth name because he likes the way she says it.
She also calls him by his nicknames but it is rare for her to do so.
Once at a carnival, they both won eachother prizes. Chaca won Li Shang Jr a stuffed Mushu and he won her a stuffed Llama.
They both still have the stuffed animals.
Kuzco and Mushu were not amused at all and still aren't to this day. Everyone else, on the other hand....
During the school year, Chaca is a kindergarten teaching assistant.
Chaca was in a lot of clubs when they were in highschool. Some sports, some baking, some activists ones.
Li Shang Jr wad the same but mainly with sports and science ones.
They both went to eachother's competitions as much as humanly possible.
They are both straight A students who try to stay out of trouble.
Chaca succeeds more than Li Shang Jr when it comes to that though.
Chaca is a smooth talker and can out talk anyone while Li Shang Jr is less so good at that do to how easily embarrassed he can be.
They both make eachother's favorites and plan fun dates whenever they can.
They have an apartment together and share ownership of eachother's pets; so a Llama, a horse, and 3 crickets all in one house. Imagine that.
Chaca owns all of Li Shang Jr's albums.
Chaca also helps with Auardon Elementary's finances.
Also Li Shang Jr is not going to rule anything. That was a joke he and Lonnie played on the others. Because, you know, he's not royalty. Even if Mulan is considered a Disney princess.
Chaca is the one who set the kids straight on that one. Which is why it's never mentioned again.
Li Shang Jr got in a lot of trouble for that one.
No kisses for a week!
They have few secrets that the other does not know.
They have a pretty healthy relationship.
Healthier than most people their age have.
They both want to travel the world a bit when they get older.
They have both exchanged jewelry and other kinds of gifts with one another alot over the years.
Li Shang Jr got her a pretty chinese bracelet with matching earrings.
And She got him a pretty rad Peruvian necklace.
They love sharing their cultures with one another.
They also don't mind sitting with one another silence. It's very comforting to them. At least when they are with eachother.
It took Chaca 2 years to learn how to cook his favorite dishes and Ls 3 to learn how to make hers. They were both too stubborn to give up.
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houndsofcerberus · 3 years
Lament of a Father
Technoblade was a lot of things. In whispers passed along as he walked through the market he was a monster. In quiet reverence after turning the tides of a war he was a hero. In loud jeering after the tides of war had been changed he was a villain. In stories passed between families of a man on trade routes at midnight he was a benevolent spirit, a god even. He held many titles but the one he cherished, the one he would wear like a badge of honour until the day he died? Well he had only worn that one for a year, maybe less. He would never speak of it to anyone, never share that vulnerability to anyone. Except of course for the one who had tenderly taken the title from him. He was eternally grateful and indebted to Philza for what he had done, but chat occasionally disdained him for stopping them.
Tommy, despite looking so much like his dad, despite sharing his blond hair, his sapphire blue eyes full of life and curiosity, was well aware of the fact he was not his biological child. The only biological child his dad had ever had was his older brother Wilbur. Though it was easy to assume the opposite. Wilbur had taken after his mother, who had long since passed, her presence only existing by the picture pinned up on the fridge. She had been gone long before Tommy’s arrival, though his dad often spoke of how it was because of her invisible influence on him that made him take Tommy in. The story Tommy had only ever known was that his parents had left him behind. His brother, jealous of the time and the care his dad seemed to pour into Tommy but give him sparingly, had once told Tommy his parents didn’t want him. Had left him to die in the woods. He had never asked his dad because as far as Tommy was concerned they had. It didn’t matter to him how they had left him, it mattered that they left him at all. It mattered every time he heard the other kids whisper about how Tommy was a bastard child. Unloved. Unwanted. Out of place.
Tommy had been content never meeting his biological parents. That would be fine by him. Philza had been adequate. He had a roof, a home, a bed, food. Despite his brother’s occasional jealousy or the common squabbles between the two he was happy to have his brother. He wouldn’t have it any other way. Besides, his parents must have been terrible people to leave him behind like they did.
Tommy stared from behind Wilbur at the stranger in their door whom their dad had been welcoming warmly. Tommy frowned, trying to look past the improvised mask made out of a hoglin skull, wondering if the slight tusks coming from the mans mouth were also not his own. He noted the long pink hair, the way he smelled strongly of blood despite the fact that there was none to be seen on this stranger. Tommy could see a crossbow on his back, a weapon his own dad didn’t wield but he’d seen occasionally used, shown off in weapon shows in town. People around here didn’t use crossbows. He also took note of both the axe and the sword on the man as well. The axe was not the woodcutter’s axe outside, but a battle axe. A mean looking thing, but the soft glow of it was mesmerizing and what little of the blade he could see was sharp, definitely for fighting. The sword was sheathed at the man’s hip, but the hilt he could see under the man’s red cape was ornate, a beautiful gold glinting in the light along with the rest of the man’s jewelry. There was a ruby at the bottom, looking like fire in the candlelight. Tommy froze as he looked back up at the man’s face, making eye contact. He frowned and stuck his tongue out indignantly.
“What’re you lookin at?” He snapped.
Technoblade had to suppress a soft chuckle at that. He was so small, hidden behind his brother, but he said it with such fire in his belly that Techno was half convinced that had he heard it on the battlefield he might have looked away. He looked back at Phil, who smiled fondly.
“Long time no see mate, we should talk,” he said softly.
“We should,” Techno replied, eyes flicking back to Tommy. In that moment though he wasn’t a young man, nor a child. He was an infant, held so tenderly in Techno’s arms.
He remembered the day as if it were yesterday. He had remembered it since it happened, he relived it over and over. Tommy’s mother had died. He wished he had known her longer. They hadn’t been married when Tommy came along, and she had been the opposite of Techno. She hadn’t lived long after Tommy was born. As was Techno’s luck seemed to be. She had known it and she had held the tiny golden haired baby who had her eyes and his father’s smile. So rarely given but a treat to be savoured. The tiny child had squealed and grinned at her once his crying had stopped, his eyes fixed on her until his father gently lifted him from her arms after they had gone limp. Techno had promised many things. But above all he promised that no matter the price their child would live the best life he could live. 
Technoblade had spent a little under a year with the title of father. He had cherished every second. He hadn’t believed he wanted to be a father, not until he was. He didn’t believe attachments were a good idea, but he would never regret this. Never. He had named the small child Theseus, he wanted his child bearing the name of a warrior. Of a man who had carried hardship and walked tall yet still. He wanted Theseus to be strong, he wanted the name to fit the man he knew his son would one day be.
He had spent the entire year carefully taking care of the child, despite the voices in his head screaming to rid himself of the danger. The danger someone would use this tiny bundle of giggles and straw blond hair and watery blue eyes against him. They insisted this helpless baby would be his demise. They chanted for blood but Technoblade would not concede. At least for that year. He would hold the child, speak softly of great heroes, of gods and of monsters. He would fall asleep, arms around this tiny life that had been left for him to care for, protecting him. He still believed wholeheartedly it was the best year of his life. The year he had replaced his old titles, the title of monster, of god, of hero, of villain. He would maintain for the rest of his life that father was the only title he would ever want.
“Please Philza,” came the strangled sob as Techno held out the bundled up child. “Please.”The rain had soaked through Techno’s clothing long ago, his hair soaking, though when Philza took the child into his arms he noted that there wasn’t a drop on the sleeping baby.
“Techno, are you sure? This is the greatest gift you could receive, are you positive you want to give it up?” Phil said sadly, looking up at Technoblade, soaked in rain. His crimson eyes were bloodshot and Phil knew his old companion well enough to know he had grown fond of the child he held. Fond enough to weather the storm.
“No. I’m not sure. I don’t want to give him up, if we lived in a perfect world I would never. I would hold him until the world burned around us. But you know damn well why I can’t.” Techno said, looking away, eyes landing on a framed image of Philza, his long gone wife, and his child. Theseus would be safe here. Theseus would be loved. It didn’t matter that Technoblade felt his heart was being ripped from his chest. He had come so close. He wouldn’t risk it again.
“Mate...” Philza said, face falling. “You can’t help it, you know you wouldn’t dare,” he said softly.
“I wouldn’t. They would. They tried. I am not putting him in danger by simply being alive in my presence. Please, please I am begging you. Take him. Take care of him like I can’t. He deserves better than to grow up to fear his own father.” Techno begged, holding back the tears that were stinging his eyes. 
“...okay...” Phil agreed, relenting. He offered the bundle back to Techno, offering a moment to say goodbye. Techno took the chance eagerly, holding the child close.
“I love you, more than you could ever understand. You are my heart and soul Theseus. Be a good man,” Techno whispered, the tears he’d been choking back betraying him and falling down his face. “I will always love you.” He added solemnly, taking another look at his sleeping son. So peaceful, so blissfully unaware. He handed Theseus back to Phil. “He gets nightmares, often. He doesn’t sleep well still, but this-“ Techno pulled out a stuffed animal, a simple plush toy his son adored, a stuffed cow, floppy and well loved, handing it to the other. “Warm milk and Henry help him sleep, he prefers to be held though, it makes him feel safe. He doesn’t like to be alone,” Techno rambled. Phil nodded, taking note of everything said until Techno reluctantly took his departure.
Tommy and Wilbur sat outside, pretending to play as they kept an eye on the window, watching the strange man inside talk to their dad. They were sat at the table, their expressions confusing for Tommy. Smiling but...not happy. Their dad had made the two of them tea after shooing the kids outside to play. The grass rippled around Tommy in the breeze as he ripped some of it up and let it fly away in the wind.
“What do you think they’re talking about?” Tommy asked, staring at the back of the stranger’s head.
“Dunno. Maybe they’re finally taking you somewhere they’ll teach you to have manners,” Wilbur joked, tossing a dandelion he’d picked at Tommy.
“Shut up, if anything you’re the one who doesn’t behave,” Tommy replied easily, rolling his eyes and tossing the flower right back at Wilbur. Things hadn’t always been so easy between them. Tommy had been treated like he was precious cargo by their dad. Neither knew why, Wilbur didn’t care why. His dad was paying attention to Tommy not him. He didn’t like it. As they got older it got easier but there had once been a time where their ‘fights’ hadn’t been in jest. Where they actually meant it when they said they hated one another. Tommy could still tell Wilbur didn’t like that their dad clearly had a favourite but he no longer blamed Tommy. His relationship with his dad had soured mildly though their dad hadn’t seemed to notice.
“Phil I can’t tell him.”
“He deserves to know. I never told him anything, he’ll start looking one day and if he finds out that I never told him who you were when you were right here? When he could’ve asked questions? He’ll not only never forgive me, he’ll never forgive you.” Phil said. “He’s a stubborn little shit, he got that from you.”
“Phil he’s better off with whatever story he’s come up with in his head. He may not want the answers to the questions he has.” Techno said softly. “No child deserves to know their own father tried to kill them.” 
“Techno that wasn’t you and you know it. You’ve gotten a handle on chat now, you’re not the stupid kid who runs headfirst into battle without thought anymore. If what I’ve heard is right he’d be proud. You’ve won multiple tournaments, that’s something he’d find interesting.” Phil said.
“Phil please. You and I both know this won’t last. I’m not a person who stays out of trouble for long.”
“You’re going to regret this.”
“Don’t I always?”
Technoblade’s name had become well known by the siblings after that conversation. Phil hadn’t yet introduced them until years later when Techno showed up for one of Tommy’s birthdays, giving Phil a book and telling him to wait to give it to Tommy. Then came the Pogtopia vs Manberg war. Techno had played a major part in the war though his efforts were wasted once the president of Manberg dropped dead in front of them. Since that day Lmanberg had rebuilt the damage caused by both Wilbur and Techno. Phil had come back. But Techno’s reputation for being ruthless and dangerous hadnt faded. Nor had the knowledge he was a private person. Which is why when he found a certain young man in his house he had been shocked.
“What are you doing in my house?”
Tommy froze, looking up at Techno from where he was still climbing the ladder, head poking out from the hole he thought he’d hidden decently. Tommy tried to scurry back down but Techno caught him by the back of his shirt and easily lifted him off the ladder and set him on the ground.
“Why are you in my house?” He asked again.
“Well...someones clearly woken up on the wrong side of the bed!” Tommy said. “You’ve got to fix that temper big man, or else nobody will want to hang out with you,”
“I don’t want anyone to hang out with me. That’s the entire point. Get out.”
“God this place is ugly. You really should hire a decorator. I know someone who could help y’know, I could call them. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind helping you out. A charity case if you would. She’s great really.” Tommy rambled.
“Theseus.” Techno said firmly. For some reason this was what made Tommy shut up. It sent a chill down his spine and he felt like someone had poured ice water down his back. “Why are you living under my house?” Tommy couldn’t respond. He didn’t know why but the nickname Theseus that Technoblade had given Tommy made him falter every time without fail. Tommy attributed it to the speech Techno had made all that time ago, yelling for him to die like the hero he wished to be. Since then Techno had almost exclusively used that name in their few interactions. Sometimes it would be sternly, fewer times it was affectionate, though the name gained positive meaning the longer Tommy stayed with Technoblade. Techno spent time training Tommy, and soon even just spending time with him. Technoblade taught Tommy how to make his own weapons and how to make them near perfect after realizing how woefully terrible Tommy’s current weapon was, especially for his fighting style. 
Tommy had always been mesmerized by the way Techno fought. It was like he was dancing, every movement was muscle memory, every step rehearsed, measured. The way he locked his eyes onto his target but seemed to be oh so aware when eyes were on him. Watching Techno and Philza fight was a real treat. It was like watching a performance. Technoblade had clearly learned from Tommy’s dad, and Tommy wanted to hear the stories of their old adventures, though neither would give up the goods. Phil’s movements were airy, near effortless. Though he lacked the power Techno threw into every swing, and Techno lacked a lot of the effortless grace that Phil seemed to have a birthright to.
Tommy sat, transfixed as he watched his dad’s wings flare out, though unable to carry him now due to the large chunks burned away he still used them, catching himself as Techno shoved him back. Phil had a grin on his face as they sparred, though Techno’s face was as it always seemed to be, stony and unchanging. Tommy could’ve sworn that he saw the smallest glint of excitement in those wine red eyes. Techno had a tendency for nonstop movement, and redirecting his momentum. Techno had said, quite hypocritically, that it was a stupid move however. It took a lot more energy to redirect and change momentum and still have enough power for your hit. Though it seemed that Techno wasn’t lacking in power as the sparks flew between Phil and Techno’s swords, illuminating their faces briefly before being extinguished in the snow. Phil was considered better by many, but for whatever reason Tommy found Phil all too predictable. He liked the unbridled power and erratic movements that Techno made, the way he seemed to keep his eyes fixed on you as you sparred, attention unwavering and unyielding. It was intimidating and Tommy had never wanted to be on the other side of the sword when Techno really meant it.
He had never wanted it. Never wanted this. Lmanberg was crashing around him, exploding constantly, the crater going deeper as the noise of the explosions mixed in with the screaming of the withers. Tommy couldn’t take a breath without the acrid smoke stinging his lungs, couldn’t move without the raging fire below the platform he stood on warming his skin to a near unbearable extent. But somehow nothing hurt him more than the look of pure sorrow and rage in Techno’s eyes as he stood behind the crossbow, firework loaded, ready to kill Tommy. Ready to end him where he stood. Tommy cowered behind it, his voice ever steady despite the tears cleaning trails of soot off his face betraying him.
“Do it.” He said. “Prove me right.”
Techno took a breath and for a moment Tommy thought he was going to actually pull the trigger. He flinched as he heard the click of the trigger, and then the explosion of the firework. But he was fine. He opened his eyes and saw Technoblade reload his crossbow before putting it away. He pulled out his trident and looked up, holding his free hand out as the first raindrops fell.
“We part as we did the first time. I’ll miss you Theseus.” Techno said softly, pulling his arm back before launching into the air with his trident. Though Tommy swore he heard something he couldn’t decipher it over the loud roar of the withers, the pattering of rain, and the ever insistent booming of the explosives digging ever deeper. Tommy stood, rain soaking his hair and washing his face of the soot and ash of the country he once built with his brother. He once took back with his uncle. The country he had staked everything on from the beginning. It was gone. For good now. There was no rebuilding. Tommy exchanged a look with Tubbo, the two of them locking eyes. Neither said a word but they both knew, they both understood that it was over. Dream had won, and Technoblade and Phil had helped. Tommy was surrounded by people but he had never felt more alone in that moment. Not even in exile. And he couldn’t tell you why. Though maybe it had something to do with the red fur trimmed cape he still had hanging up at home and the axe that had once been a gift and was now stolen property in his enderchest.
Techno had stopped paying attention to any and all news regarding Tommy. He told Phil it didn’t matter. He didn’t care. He didn’t want to know. But they both knew he was lying through his teeth. He cared. A great deal. But that was the problem now wasn’t it? He had his son. He had an optimal time to tell him. And he was going to. Until Tommy charged into the community house. And Techno had watched in that moment as Tommy chose the corrupt government that had just prior ordered his execution and had imprisoned Phil. Tommy chose them over Techno, who had once more thought about retrieving the title of father. The title he missed every day of his life since he handed it to Phil.
“Tommy is dead.”
Techno’s blood ran cold. There was no way. No way. Phil turned and stared at Techno. Phil loved Tommy, he had. But they had grown estranged. Techno however? He had been attached to Tommy since the day he showed up under his house. Techno had grown close and lost Tommy but he still cared. He still loved his son. Techno didn’t love many things or people, but his son was one of those things.
Phil relaxed slightly as Techno joked, but he didn’t miss the way Techno rushed through the meeting, the way he bolted out of the room into the ever winding maze outside. Phil said his goodbyes before darting after Techno, going through the halls. He found him leaning against a wall, looking queasy. Phil didn’t even get to Techno before he heard him retch and a splatter. Phil saw him turn and wipe his mouth, face ashen and colourless, he was shaking violently and Phil could see how distant he was. Chat. Again.
“You good mate? Come back to me Techno. We can figure this out. Just breathe,” Phil said. “You’ll be o-“
“Do not finish that sentence.” Techno snapped, glaring at Phil. “He’s dead. I am not going to be okay.” Phil had seen Techno angry many times. But he’d never seen this look. The look of a man with nothing left to lose. It wasn’t even like he was looking at Technoblade anymore, not in the way he knew his beloved friend. It was more like staring a wild boar in the face. A very angry, very hungry wild boar. Phil stepped back, knowing very well he could find his throat ripped from his neck if he chose to move forward.
Techno took many long hours to calm, and by the time he had he was empty. It was like everything had been drained from him. Every ounce of Techno had been ripped out and all that Phil had left was the shell. His heart broke because he knew exactly how it had felt. He knew what it was like. After he lost Wilbur Phil had disappeared into the woods for days, he remembered killing anything that moved, hitting the trees until his knuckles bruised and bled just to feel something other than the all consuming sorrow and despair. Anything to stave off the feeling of emptiness. And it was like that until Techno set off. He said he was going to go train. Except he didn’t come back for what felt like years. Tommy had come to visit. As had Wilbur, newly revived from the dead. And Phil had nearly lost it, so relieved to see his son even if his son wasn’t thrilled to see him. It didn’t matter. Wilbur could tell him a million times that Phil no longer mattered, that he wasn’t family, and Phil would still just be relieved that he was okay. That he was alive.
He saw the way Tommy looked at them. Saw the jealousy in his eyes. He had tried so hard to stop him from feeling that when he was a kid but things were different. Things had changed. They didn’t talk much, they weren’t family like they had been. And Phil wanted Tommy to know he had family. But it wasn’t his story to tell. Not yet.
Techno had come back oh so very briefly, a week maximum. They celebrated his birthday, and Techno received a letter summoning him to the prison. Phil was apprehensive and when Techno didn’t come home that night, or the next day, or the day after that Phil started to worry. He had read the will. He knew the plan. But he didn’t like it. Too many things could go wrong. The next time Tommy visited Phil was a wreck. Tommy did his best to comfort Phil but honestly Tommy was worried too. He knew Techno could handle himself. He knew what Techno was capable of but he also knew what Dream and Sam were capable of. 
Phil however was worried about several things. He had faith Techno would be fine, he always was, but… there was a nagging in the back of his brain. He needed to tell Tommy. No matter what he needed to tell him. If Techno died in the prison Tommy should know, and if he got out as planned then Tommy should get to be allowed to know his father. He shouldn’t know before it’s too late, especially when it might already be too late. 
“Yeah Phil?” Tommy replied, picking up the two mugs he had, each with tea in them. He set one down in front of Phil at the table and sat nearby, looking at him. Phil looked like a fucking wreck. There were deep circles under his eyes, he looked exhausted and he seemed older in that moment than Tommy could ever remember him looking before.
“I need to tell you something. The truth.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it right now, you can tell me later,”
“No. I have to tell you.” Phil said adamantly. He knew if he didn’t say it now he never would. And Tommy might never get to know Techno as his dad instead of a friend or mentor. He wanted Tommy to have a dad. He owed it to him after he had suddenly stopped being one. “I knew your parents. Your mother and father, they were friends of mine. Your mom is… she’s not around…” Phil said quickly. He kept going before Tommy could react. “Your father. He’s a friend. He’s still alive.”
“…what?” Tommy asked, voice quiet. 
“I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you.”
“Why didn’t you? I spent years wondering what the fuck was wrong with me or my parents that they dropped me in the middle of nowhere, why the fuck didn’t you say anything?” Tommy asked, rage and pain clear in his voice. Years of self loathing, of wondering why he wasn’t good enough, why he was abandoned. Why he didn’t get to have a family. Why he didn’t get to know his father at the very least.
“There’s a lot you don’t understand, I wish I could’ve told you but I couldn’t Tommy,” Phil answered.
“There’s a lot that you don’t understand! I’ve been wondering every day of my life why I wasn’t good enough! Why I couldn’t be happy, why I didn’t deserve to have my own family! You had the answers and you just didn’t give them to me!” Tommy yelled, standing up and banging his fist on the table. “Who? How many times have I met my father and you didn’t say a word? How many interactions did I have where you didn’t tell me I could’ve asked him questions? How many times was he right there?” Phil looked down and sighed, shaking his head. He didn’t wanna say it.
“Tommy….” Phil sighed softly, looking at Tommy. He was right to be pissed. Phil knew that. But he wished he wasn’t. 
“Tell me! For once in your fucking life be honest Phil! You’ve been lying to me for years, you owe me this! You owe me this cause I died and you didn’t bother to care!” Tommy screamed, tears running down his face. “Owe up to it for once in your life.” 
“It’s Technoblade.” Phil choked out. He swore, Tommy almost lunged for his neck to choke him. In that moment he looked so much like his dad. He was so angry. He’d never seen Tommy this angry before, not even on doomsday. Phil would’ve let him strangle him, he’d deserve it. But Tommy didn’t. He slammed his fist into the wall.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He yelled. It was so loud and Phil could hear his voice almost giving out. “He was right here! This whole fucking time! What the fuck is wrong with both of you? You had months, months to tell me!” He screamed, his voice quavering. “You’re both full of shit!” He screamed, turning around and storming out. The door slammed and Phil flinched, hearing the pictures on the wall rattle. He didn’t think it would go this badly. Granted he didn’t know how it would go when he said it. Phil sighed and put his head in his hands. He fucked up. He was gonna regret this.
Techno regretted going into that prison. By the time he got out thanks to the stasis chamber and an ender pearl. He felt himself teleport and stumbled as he found himself in the syndicate’s meeting room. He felt someone grab him and he flinched away.
“Calm down mate, it’s alright, it’s me,” Phil’s voice said softly. Techno looked around confusedly, breathing quickly and seeing it was in fact the syndicate room, not Pandora’s Vault. Phil pulled him along and had him sit down at one of the chairs. “You alright?” Phil asked, stepping back and looking at Techno. He looked like shit. He was thinner, he was pale and shaky. He looked like he didn’t know which way was up. “What the fuck happened in there mate?” 
“It sucked. The syndicate has a responsibility to take it down, it’s as corrupt as anything could be.” Techno sighed.
“I can see that mate.”
“They don’t really feed you in there… Tommy was in there wasn’t he?” Techno asked. Phil paled.
“Yeah… he was.” Phil said, sighing. “Listen I…I have to tell you something Techno. It’s about Tommy.” 
“Is he okay? Did something happen to him?” Technoblade asked immediately, looking terrified.
“No, no he’s fine. I fucked up though mate. I’m sorry, I told him. I didn’t know whether things would go as planned or not, he deserved to know while you were still alive.” Phil said quickly, not looking at Techno. He heard the other sigh.
“….I suppose we owed it to him. Better sooner than later.” Techno sighed, shaking his head. “How’d he take it?” He asked, looking at Phil and leaning back in the chair with a groan.
“Bad. He was….angry. Angry we didn’t say anything earlier. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so pissed.” Phil replied, sitting on the table. He left out just how much like his father he had looked for that moment. Tommy looked like his mother but he certainly had some of his father in him. Techno’s face had fallen more. Phil hadn’t seen Techno cry in ages, but he looked close. Tears in his eyes that he was too proud to let fall. Techno shook his head as if it would shoo them away and stood.
“He’s not wrong to be angry.” Techno said softly. Phil nodded and walked with him up the staircase to the igloo concealing the entrance. “I was going to tell him. Why didn’t I? I should’ve told him. Things were good. He deserved to have my honesty,” Techno muttered under his breath. Phil opened his mouth to respond before closing it. He had a feeling Techno’s words weren’t for him. 
They arrived to their conjoined cabins in silence, and Techno told Phil that they would convene the syndicate later on, and that he was tired. Phil knew it was a lie but he didn’t push, he knew Techno would appreciate him leaving him be more than he would prying. Techno spent a few days in his cabin alone, trying very hard not to be angry with Phil. But who was left if not Phil? He couldn’t be angry at Tommy. Tommy was in the right. Theseus had every right to be pissed, to want nothing to do with him. So the only person left to blame was Technoblade. He spend hours muttering to himself, talking back and forth with chat. Chat seemed to be divided. Half believed it was the better thing to do, to keep it secret, the other said that he should’ve told Tommy ages ago. They weren’t wrong. He had a chance. In Pogtopia he had a chance. Before doomsday, before the community house he had a chance. Tommy had been through hell and back, and Technoblade could’ve prevented it, but he didn’t. His own son died because he had stayed silent. Techno slammed his fist into the wall before letting out a soul shattering scream of frustration. How could he have been so stupid?
Tommy stood outside the houses, staring between the turtle shell helmet in his hands and the cozy inviting cabin he’d once called home. At one point it had been entirely alone, nothing but Carl in his stable outside but now it was busy. The house stood facing Phil’s own cabin, a small pond below the bridges connecting them, beacons shining nearby, Ranboo’s house not so far, a large herd of cows in a pen, polar bears inside and outside the house, a dog kennel and several dogs lounging in and out of it. It was nothing like the desolate and lonely house Tommy had last seen it as. He took a breath and shook his head. Clearly Technoblade was fine. He had Ranboo, Phil, his animals. He wouldn’t be alone. It was a bittersweet thought. On one hand he didn’t want Technoblade to be left entirely alone. He was angry but…Techno had been kind to him. Given him gifts, a home, hidden him. But on the other hand…it felt like Tommy was being abandoned, replaced. Ranboo had taken his spot as Tubbo’s best friend. Hell they were married and raising a child. Now Ranboo was living happily alongside Technoblade and Phil. Tommy wasn’t a fan of the pattern he was seeing. But unfortunately Ranboo was disgustingly pleasant. He considered turning back, maybe even just tossing the shell onto the porch by the door and making a run for it before anybody saw him, but in his moment of hesitation the decision was made for him. Techno closed the door behind him and turned, freezing, bow slung over his shoulder.
“…you weren’t supposed to see me here.” Tommy said hesitantly when he realized Techno wouldn’t say anything first.
“Your helmet,” Techno said, pointing at the turtle shell clenched in Tommy’s hands. 
“Yeah. I was going to return it to you.” Tommy said, shrugging awkwardly.
“You know why. Don’t act stupid.” Tommy said glaring at Techno. “You can’t expect me to not be upset after finding out you abandoned me and lied to me my whole life. I know you’re not good with people but you can’t be that stupid.”
“I’m sorry, I know, I was just… you should keep the helmet Theseus-“
“Don’t call me that. Don’t use that stupid fucking nickname!” Tommy yelled.
“…I’m sorry. I know it doesn’t make up for it, but I promise you I didn’t want it to go the way it did.” Techno said, sighing.
“You’d take it back? Fat load of good that does now.”
“No. I’d do the same. Not this part. Not keeping it a secret.”
“Thanks. Makes me feel so much better to know you still don’t want me.” Tommy said sarcastically. 
“What? Of course I wanted you.” Techno said, frowning and walking down the steps to stand in front of Tommy.
“Then why did you get rid of me so easily? Why didn’t you want me to know you?” Tommy asked, rage boiling in his chest.
“Giving you to someone else was the hardest thing I ever did. I spent a year as your dad, your first word was papa, you were my heart and soul.” Techno said softly. “I had to give you to someone else. I had to give you a better home Tommy.”
“Why couldn’t you have kept me?” Tommy asked, the venomous tone in his voice dying down slightly.
“Come, I’ll tell you everything. It’s too cold out here and you don’t have a coat,” Techno said, walking back up the stairs. Tommy was going to refuse, but his legs moved automatically, and he followed Techno inside. Techno gestured for him to sit at the table and filled the kettle with water, setting it on the wood stove and pulling out cups. “Usual?” Techno asked, looking over his shoulder. Tommy nodded and watched Techno pull out the sugar and milk. The tea was done quickly and Techno set Tommy’s cup in front of him, sitting across the table from him. “How much do you want to know?” Techno asked after taking a breath. 
“Everything. I want you to be honest with me.” Tommy replied curtly.
“Alright. I suppose I should start with your name. Theseus is your actual name, Tommy was a nickname. Your mom called you Tommy, so it stuck.” Techno admitted.
“It…wasn’t just a stupid nickname?”
“You have terrible taste in names big man.” Tommy said, a hint of a smile on his face.
“Yeah, you may be right on that,” Techno replied, laughing. 
“My mother…what happened?” Tommy asked.
“She died a few hours after you were born. There were some issues, we knew she wasn’t gonna make it weeks before, so she decided that she would just hold you until she went. And she did just that.” Techno sighed. Tommy couldn’t figure out the look on Techno’s face. He seemed to be both sad and happy at the same time. It was odd, he hadn’t seen Techno look like this before. 
“Did you love her?”
“Absolutely. The only person I ever loved more is you.” Techno replied easily. “We didn’t get married, but it didn’t matter much to us.”
“What was she like?” 
“She was…like you actually. Everything I could only hope to become. She was kind, happy, she was always smiling. She saw the good in everything and everyone, and she stood up for what she believed in regardless of the cost. You look just like her, you have her hair and her eyes. You’re more her than me, that’s a good thing.” Techno said, smiling fondly on the memories of her. He saw so much of her in Tommy and he was unbelievably grateful for it.
“So…why did you give me up then? If you were so happy to have me or whatever?” Tommy asked, not looking at Techno. He heard him sigh deeply and almost retracted the question but decided not to. He had a right to know.
“You know about chat? The voices I hear?” Tommy nodded in response. “Well… sometimes chat is too hard for me to handle. Sometimes they take over. Sometimes they win. And one night they almost did.” Techno reached out and held Tommy’s jaw loosely, thumb running over the scar there. “They almost won and I almost lost you. You deserved a dad who didn’t try to kill you. You deserved a stable family, I didn’t want you to grow up not feeling safe cause I couldn’t control myself. So I gave you to Phil.” Techno pulled away and sighed, leaning back in his seat.
“Did you ever wish you hadn’t?” 
“That’s…hard. I wish I didn’t have to. I wish it wasn’t what had been best at that time. I wish I hadn’t needed to do it, but I don’t regret it. I would’ve loved to have been your father for as long as I lived. But I wasn’t about to risk your life for my happiness.” Techno explained.
Tommy had wanted to stay angry. Some pet of him still was, deep down. He still wanted to hit and scream and throw a tantrum, but the other part, the larger, more rational part, the part of him that had been through everything including death and war, felt the anger wash away. He hadn’t been abandoned. He was wanted. He was loved. He was cared for. It had been out of necessity, not because Techno just didn’t want him. Tommy couldn’t remember the scar, or getting it. Some part of him was scared but he remembered doomsday. Techno had a clear chance to kill him. To end it there. But he didn’t. He knew Techno wouldn’t hurt him, even if he was pissed. 
“…I died.” Tommy said quietly. He heard Techno draw in a sharp breath.
“I know.”
“Did…did you care?”
“It destroyed me. I almost killed Philza. There’s a grave site on a mountain a few hours from here. I carved the headstone and planted the flowers. I cared.” Techno said quietly. Tommy let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, and with it came a river of tears. Sixteen years of anger, frustration, misery, loneliness, isolation, all of it, came rushing out as he nearly choked on his sobs. He wiped at his eyes quickly, trying to stop himself but he couldn’t. He kept sobbing and the tears kept coming. He felt arms wrap around him and let them pull him onto the ground. He leaned into someone, sitting on their lap. It took a few moments for him to realize it was Techno.
Tommy turned and buried his face into his shoulder, sobbing freely into it, soaking Techno’s shirt with tears. He felt Techno gently rubbing his back and quietly mumbling as he kept crying, encouraging him to let it out. It felt like forever before he stopped, head pounding, eyes burning and exhausted. He drew in a deep shaky breath, sitting up again and laughing pitifully.
“This is your fault,” he said lightly, not actually angry.
“I’ll try to stop messing up,” Techno replied, laughing and smiling. He gently brushed the hair in Tommy’s eyes behind his ear and smiled at him. “I’m sorry. I should’ve told you. I was going to but I just…didn’t.” Techno added, sighing.
“It’s okay…well it’s not but… I forgive you,” Tommy said. He paused for a moment. “I wouldn’t mind if later you were my dad again,” he added tentatively. Techno’s face lit up.
“You mean it?” He asked.
“Yeah…we can try again.” Tommy said, nodding.
“I’ll do better,” Techno said sincerely. He paused and thought. “Can I call you Theseus?” He added.
“Yeah…I’m okay with that. Only you though. It’s a dumb name,” Tommy replied, smiling. Techno laughed and nodded.
“Fair enough. Thank you for giving me another chance kid,” Techno said softly, holding Tommy close to his chest.
“Thank you for wanting to give it a shot,” Tommy answered, letting himself lean into Techno and relax for what felt like the first time in ages. It felt like home.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
Prelude - I need to stop catching sight of poetry on my explore page lol. This is entirely self-indulgent and very specific cause I’m rotting thru life rn and so if u dislike I understand lol. When I was in the hospital this last time it sucked rlly bad and like the awful horny degenerate I was I kept thinking abt Kirishima and soft sweet Sugawara idk lol
Pairing - Death god Kirishima x Reader
Warnings - Suicide, suicide attempt, no smut. Death. Drunk Drivers. Yandere but only a little bit and cause I can’t voluntarily accept love it has to be forced bc I cannot handle the thot of someone who is sane loving me bc there is no freaking way lol
Music - https://open.spotify.com/track/5Iy1wdO0tMaHwKnfFYtlel?si=-vqod-W6SHia8ui2Hdl_9g 
Adding this one bc it’s like one of my favorites and I wish god I wish and I hope that this year is better than the last amen lol also there’s nothing more sad to me than someone pleading and begging and crying for the year to treat you nicely like bitch u okay? no. the answer is no.
“It hurts.” You had told him, as the entity sat at the end of your hospital bed.
He often sank heavily onto the nearest surface, as if his bones ached with the weight of his body. You saw him often during those first few days in the hospital, days spent puking up pills, every move you made monitored, doctors and nurses scolding you about the severity of your actions.
You didn’t think they could see the hulking figure that comforted you.
“I”ve heard that it’s supposed to.” The red god of death would think aloud.
“I don’t want it then.” Tears upon your cheeks, soft, misty. “Take it.”
“Your life?” A nod would affirm his question, but the red god would shake his head. “I am no thief. Not a hunter, simply a gatherer of souls. I won’t take what doesn’t belong to me.”
“Then it’s yours, have my life. A gift, from me to you. Don’t make me live it any longer…..”
His sadness would show in his eyes.
But the soul-crushing hugs that were provided were admittedly a tiny bit nice.
“You’re far too sweet for your own good. I’ll receive your life when the time is right, not before.”
“But I don’t want it!” You sobbed into his shoulder, the god seeming to be your only friend in the world.
Hands stroked along your back, soft shushing sounds as the god attempted to soothe you in the ways he knew how. Soft touches, kind truths. “Many don’t.  But it happens - life happens anyways. All you can do is find the things that make it less painful.”
“That’s not enough, it still hurts. I can’t stand it.” The sobs wracking your body didn’t stop the entity from holding you.
“I know, and I’m sorry.”
He’s patient and kind.
Surprising for a god who’s work involves collecting souls as if they were taxes. A job that should be bitter and tiresome, but the entity has infinite softness resting inside of him.
He walks with you, as you get “better“.
You watch him stop to marvel at flowers, to study the way dew drips from trees in little drops, eyes wide and wondering as crows startle from their perches and take off with noisy weeping.
This courtyard is drab and brown, a prison. Safe.
Yet the god of death treats the space gently, with respect. He thanks the old walls for standing, the worn stones beneath your feet. Their service is noted and appreciated. He’s so tender it almost makes you sick.
But you come to realize that he’s simply allowing himself to be vulnerable, to experience the earth and the beings in it.
For as soon as one recognizes vulnerability, which is so different from weakness or tragedy, one experiences a sense of tenderness. Without tenderness, pleasure means nothing. You need only look at the animals to see the truth of that. It is gentleness that distinguishes their playing from the actions they constantly take to ensure their survival.
You ask why he walks with you, why he is so focused on seeing you get “better“.
A soft smile, a meeting of eyes. “There is an end to your pain, sometime and somewhere. It’s most likely not here, not in this place at least-“ and he looks around, at the cold walls, the other sick patients, the staff. All human.
“-It will come. But for now, it’s enough to try and seek it out ourselves.”
You must look more sick than you really are, talking to thin air like that.
Once you return home, the red god writes you letters.
He’s an old soul, an old god. You’re sure if you asked, he’d be able to recount the very first souls he reaped, a man and a woman, sinful and sweet but in love.
The letters help you get out of bed. What new stories or little quips the god has written pique your curiosity, even when you don’t want to move, don’t want to be awake or alive.
He tells you stories about certain souls, how each one is infinitely interesting, how they all interconnect.  How some of them struggle against him, however fruitlessly. But he’s not the one who brought about their death, he’s there to comfort and guide.
Other souls, (“souls like yours” he writes) welcome him, run to his arms like a long lost lover. Their death was terrifying by their own hand, and it hurt. He can’t take away that pain, those memories. The red god says he wishes those souls find peace wherever he must take them afterwards, or at least, some form of contentment.
“The meaning of life is to give life meaning, at least, that’s what seems to be the consensus.” You rip off that part of the letter, hang it on your wall by your bed.  The other letters you keep in your nightstand, content with the knowledge that there are souls out there like you
It’s hard work, creating meaning for yourself.
The red god takes to visiting you between each letter, says he misses you, the way your soul cries. He tells you that he wishes he could help you quiet it, quiet that raging, terrible storm that hurls you about.
You make him cookies - it’s the only way you know how to say thank you. It’s what your mother taught you, so it may not be right, but the god eats them nonetheless. He likes it when you eat with him, feeding you bites from his cookie, wiping chocolate off of your nose, making you laugh with stupid jokes and a mouth stuffed full of cookies.
Even if some of them are too crunchy, or others too soft, all of them imperfect.
Imperfection is the essence of humanity, he tells you, and it’s more fun eating each cookie with the thought that you’re devouring your imperfections, making yourself whole again, filling up the empty spaces in your soul.
Eventually, the crawl back to your feet, rise with the unsteadiness of a toddler. You fall frequently, cry often, but you’re able to get up and try again.
Some days you need to bury yourself in sadness, let yourself feel and feel and hurt. Other days are not so bad, but still tinged  with regret and fear and sadness.
The red god is by your side, gives you something to cling to when you waver.
He is always there.
He will be there when you meet your end.
The god is in no hurry.
You question why he wastes his time on you, hours spent reassuring you, talking to you, tucking you in your bed and leaving glasses of water on your nightstand before taking his leave.
Home is a feeling, not a place. Home is with you - that’s what he tells you. You take his breath away, even though he might not even need to breath because he’s the god of death. HIs thoughts muddle and he trips over his feet and can’t help himself from wanting to hold you.
You learn that even gods yearn for home.
He’s capable of feelings and emotions just like any other human. He may be wiser, and older, able to draw from experience and a deep well of wisdom. But he still feels, and feels deeply.
Just as he gives the earth around him such reverence, he extends that same  attitude when he deals with you.
“Everything I see reminds me of you. When I wake and the sun creeps over the mountains, hesitant, it reminds me of the way that you rise - haltingly, yet it happens nonetheless. The flowers in the field that so steadily grow, you’re like ground they take root in, soft and unstable yet still tenable with the potential for growth. I don’t know, I haven’t exactly held such closeness with a human-“
He trails off, but you think you understand.
Maybe you don’t. It’s hard to relate to a god.
A confession occurs, and you’re surprised to learn that the blood-red god of death is in love.
“What did my hands do before they held yours? What did my heart do without all of this love? I can’t hold enough of you, I carry such love for you in my heart.”
With a frail, hopeless human nonetheless.
You don’t know what to tell him, how to explain that you can barely take care of yourself right now, meet your own needs.
But the red god seems to know, seems to understand the way your breath hitches and your eyes widen. One more hug, squeezed tight to his chest while he promises nothing has to change.
Things do change, even if you wish them not to. The world doesn’t bow to your whims, nor the death-god’s.
Innocent touches, his hand on your shoulder, patting your head, offering to rub out the tension in your back after you’ve had a crushing day - they don’t feel so innocent anymore.
The constant survellience still seemed kind, and you knew it was with your best intentions in mind that the god hovered so close, invading every aspect of your life.
But a creeping tendril of unease took hold, and you worried.
Everywhere you turned, he would be there, ready to support you, walk you through anything you wished.
Again, you questioned his commitment. Why? Why you?
“I can’t explain how fond of you I’ve grown. How heat blossomed in my chest as we grew closer. There’s infinite things I wish to say to you, ways for me to express my-my love, but I’ll just let you live.”
He neither killed you nor let you live.
Was it frightening? Maybe. But you had nothing to really live for, lost, searching for your own meaning in a big big world, floundering in an endless sea of sadness and suffering. You weren’t afraid of anything the god could, or would, do to you.
Until you woke up, not knowing where you were, in pitch black.
Arms encircling your shoulders, a soft body beneath your own, holding you tightly, a hand caressing your cheek.
A sun rose, on a strange new land, on the blood-red god gazing at you.
“There seemed to be so much more time for you. But accidents happen, Drivers drink and hearts give out. I was expecting you to grow old, for us to live and love like that, see how you grew through life.”
He looked around this new world, and you vaguely remember what had come before.  A walk along the sidewalk, blaring horns, impact, blood.
“But this will be just as nice. You can stay here with me now. Life can’t cause you anymore pain.”
You don’t feel comforted by those words.  There’s no way for you to know whether this new world would be better than the one you left behind.
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boasamishipper · 2 years
Well since the sequel is just out- Maverick of Top Gun for the meme?
Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual is probably the label that fits him the best, though he doesn't mind being referred to as queer or bi.
Gender Headcanon: Cis male.
A ship I have with said character: Icemav has had my heart and soul since 2018, but honestly, Penny/Mav from TG2 is growing on me. (As long as she treats him better than Charlie, I have absolutely no problem for them and may even write some fic for those two.) I'm also digging Mav/Coleman.
A BROTP I have with said character: Mav&Goose, always and forever. I also love Carole&Mav and I sense I'm gonna love Mav&All Of His New Kids in TG2.
A NOTP I have with said character: Mav/Charlie, Mav/Ice/Slider, Mav/Cyclone, Mav/Any Of His New Kids.
A random headcanon: When he first met Carole and baby Bradley, Mav was The Most Nervous because this is Goose's family!!! And Goose is his best friend and if Goose's family Doesn't Like Him then Goose Won't Like Him and he Cannot Mess This Up, Success Is Imperative. Little did he know he had nothing to worry about: Carole adopted him as a younger brother from pretty much the first second she saw that he actually wasn't a typical cocky flyboy, and Bradley let Mav sit next to him on the living room floor and kept handing him stuffed animals. Carole and Goose also got Mav his leather jacket for Christmas and you can't convince me otherwise.
General Opinion over said character: I love Mav and his too-big heart so much, and words cannot even DESCRIBE how excited I am to see him again on the big screen. Five more days!!!!!!
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meimi-haneoka · 3 years
Akiho Shinomoto - a manifesto of love
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Despite becoming one of my favorite characters in the whole Cardcaptor Sakura franchise (and I would’ve never expected to love a new character this much), I realized I’ve never spent a long post for her, like the ones I did for SyaoSaku or for Tomoyo and Syaoran long time ago.
And there’s a lot to say, because Akiho Shinomoto is actually the first character who has introduced the concepts of evil and child abuse in Cardcaptor Sakura.
Something that wasn’t even remotely conceivable until (almost) 5 years ago.
Often considered boring and weak from the CCS fandom, Akiho actually harbors an immense strength inside of her, which goes mostly unnoticed to everyone, in-story friends included. Let’s see why.
Sentenced to death, for lack of magical powers
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Once upon a time, a baby girl was born in a clan of powerful magicians, the most ancient of Europe. Clan members seemed happy and curious about the new entry to the family. They had great expectations about what magic she would develop, as everyone else in that family. At the ripe old age of 1 year and a half / 2 years, the baby girl was expected to show some signs of magic, but she had none. But hey, maybe she would become powerful later, let's pat her head and wait patiently. At that time, the Clan still showed some kind of "attention" for her.
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But by the time the girl was around 6/7 years old, no fragment of magic appeared in her. Unacceptable. She's the daughter of two top rank magicians, in a clan of magic prodigies. Yet, she showed none of those gifts. They kept comparing her with some boy, living in a far away country, part of another famous magical clan. The girl suddenly held no more interest for her Clan. They actually started seeing her as a stain on their Clan's pride. Suddenly, the focus was all on how they could surpass the other rival clan. The girl was left all alone. A magicless member of the family is a member who doesn't even deserve being talked to. An interrogatory, at most. Who cares if the little girl wants to socialize, if she wants to play, if she's the only young person in that Clan, already without her parents who died so early on? The only thing this girl was good at was reading books, so all that's she's allowed to do. Not even playing with stuffed animals. For some reason, she's allowed to keep only ONE plushie, which is basically everything to her. But books and dolls can't fill that sinkhole she's already feeling at such young age.
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Obsessed with this "anomaly", when she was about 2 years old, the Clan had the baby girl examined by a member of a Magic Association in England, known to be the den of shady magicians. A 8/9 year old bored magic genius, named “Yuna D.”, was her examiner. The boy said "She's like a blank book". The girl grew up, and the situation was still the same. The disapproving stares of her relatives cut the little girl’s heart like a sharp knife. They called her “worthless”, “useless”. They even doubted she could really be the daughter of her powerful parents. So what should they have done? Let the little girl live her life like any other regular human being, or taking literally the words of a BORED, EMOTIONALLY UNDEVELOPED CHILD who literally spat out the first thing that came to his mind?
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Although the choice should’ve come easily for any normal human being with a functioning brain, they actually went in the other direction, greedy for power. And so, they decided to treat the girl like a tool, using her to store all kinds of magic for them to use. If she couldn’t be of any help to her clan with her capabilities, they would give her a purpose.
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On some kind of altar, halfway between a lab rat and the sacrificing ritual of a sect, the most ancient Magicians of Europe together with the Magic Association performed a dangerous magic on her, which afterwards would take its toll even on the casters: they turned her into a magical artifact, capable of engraving in herself all the magical books she would encounter, transforming her de facto into a book herself. As if this wasn’t horrifying enough, this spell will progressively try to crush her soul and conscience, until it gets destroyed completely. So when the artifact will reach its limit, it will be the death of her, as a human being. Only a shell of her will remain. And judging by what was said later on in the story, they actually hope for her to lose her consciousness completely, so they can make use of her more easily.
Afterwards, they burned the book they took the ritual from, so the procedure would remain in their knowledge only. Greedy till the very last drop.
Once their perfect magical tool was achieved, turning a little girl into some sort of artifact, both the Clan and their accomplices couldn't stop bragging about it. The only positive words Akiho has ever received in her life by her people were after she was turned into a tool.
With a newly found purpose for that stain on their clan’s pride, they sent her away into the world to collect all the magic books she could find and write their powers into her, even though she was still just a child. For reasons still unknown, Yuna D., the boy who involuntarily caused this horrible ritual to happen and basically condemned her to death, offers himself to accompany her. The very first decision he took in his own life. That decision will change forever the course of their life, for both of them.
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Rising from the ashes, towards a future of hope
Rehashing Akiho’s past is important to understand her personality and behavior fully. CLAMP, in the Clear Card manga, have portrayed the story of her past in a very peculiar way: it starts as any other fairytale, with light tones and cute designs. But as the story progresses, and the horror ensues, the tone of the tale changes, and so the drawing style too. It becomes serious, and “realistic” (ad opposed to the initial cutesy style). What started as a possible generic fairytale, turned into a real nightmare.
On top of being deprived of the love of her parents ever since she was born, because apparently they died right after, Akiho spent her early childhood in complete solitude. Those magicians who were supposed to be her remaining family were too absorbed into their own greed for power, to consider the needs of a baby girl. Not to mention that they had some kind of disgust for her, for being magicless. She was denied attention, cuddles, conversations, play activities, toys. She was denied love and care. All basic things that contribute to shape the personality and psychology of a person. Akiho grew up with the conviction that she wasn’t worth any of that, because no one gave it to her. One of the complaints I have seen the most about her in the fandom, is how she’s always so apologetic, to the point of becoming obnoxious. If you think about it, one of the most prominent characteristics of her personality is how she continuously apologizes to people, thanks them for any smallest thing, and is always, constantly seeking validation. 
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But if you stop for a second to think about her past, you’ll realize with dismay that those are none other than symptoms of the abuse she suffered in the past. She was called “good for nothing” and “useless” by her clan and the Magic Association, and those words carved themselves into her heart, forever scarring it. Akiho grew up believing that she was really worthless and good for nothing just because she couldn’t meet the expectations of her clan, and it’s apparent when we see her considering herself “extremely clumsy”, even though we have afterwards seen that she’s perfectly capable of cooking, sewing, even playing sports. She only needs the dedication of someone who would teach her that.
With a disastrous psychological situation like this, one would naturally wonder how this girl didn’t commit anything extreme yet. Completely alone in the world, deemed useless. Unloved.
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Books, books were her first lifeline. The fictional, magical, wonderful worlds depicted in those stories saved her sanity, making her dream about a better life, about friendship, about love. They taught her everything. They gave her the hope that those things existed out there, and maybe one day she would be blessed with them too. The fantastical characters kept her company when no one was there for her (yet). And she loves them viscerally for that, to the point of seeing herself mending damaged books in the future, as a possible occupation. Just like they mended her lacerated heart.
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The second lifeline was her meeting with Kaito. Uncharacteristically to him, Kaito showed immediately a kind and interested behavior towards her. This was so shocking, so incredible that Akiho’s first reaction to his introduction was to run away. No one ever addressed her with the intention of having a conversation. No one was ever interested in what she was reading. Even just by this you can get a glimpse of how miserable her life had been till then. Full of psychological issues himself, thanks to the human connection Kaito gradually turned his attentions towards Akiho from contrieved mannerism, to genuine and sincere gestures. Akiho can feel that affection, even if her self-criticism always pushes her to believe that she’s nothing more than “job” to him. It’s something small, but what she’s experiencing with Kaito is her everything, and more than she’s ever had.
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The third lifeline is Momo: Akiho doesn’t know, nor remotely imagines she’s actually a living magical creature. But she has been her constant presence ever since she was born. Her connection to her is special, and you can see it in their daily (one-sided, for now) interactions. Akiho talks to Momo, she greets her when she comes back home, she constantly carries her around, she thinks about giving her a little dress as a present. Momo is Akiho’s strength. The love this girl pours into what she believes is just a stuffed animal is incredible. It goes to show Akiho’s immense capacity to love something/someone without expecting anything in return, but actually just enjoying the simple presence and courage they give to her. If you think about it, it’s the very opposite of what she experienced with the only human interactions she’s ever had before Kaito came into the picture. Her aptitude to selfless love is also remarked between the lines in chapter 49, when Akiho is telling Sakura about her relationship with Kaito. Despite all the ugliness she went through, she’s still able to find in herself the strength to overcome all of it, and change her life for the better.
This certainly hasn’t been an easy or quick process, because in the flashbacks of her journey with Kaito we always see her with a pensive/serious look. It must have been extremely hard to start trusting others, when she had no one she could count on in her own home.
Akiho’s capacity to love and rise from the ashes of her terrible past has been so contagious, that it has started to affect Kaito too.  As Momo said in chapter 51, once you’re given the reason to change, no person can ever stay the same. This must have been true for Kaito, but certainly for Akiho too.
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I’m absolutely positive that Akiho (and possibly, Kaito too) will be the symbol for one of the most important, beautiful messages in the whole Clear Card Arc: even if your life isn’t perfect, even if your past scarred you in multiple ways, there’s always hope. Hope to turn over a new leaf and change yourself for the better too, in the process. Overcome everything that had you stuck in pain and grief. Achieve what you always wished for.
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eutxrpe · 3 years
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—spending time doing nothing with shoto is everything to him.—
pairing: shoto todoroki x gender-neutral!reader song: nothing - bruno major word count: 0.8k+ words warning: fluff (just ungodly amounts of fluff with love-struck shoto)
a/n: happy new year! i hope 2021 treats you all kindly and that you are able to give that kindness to yourself and others. on top of that, i will be accepting song recommendations and a character in my inbox. if i like the song, there’s a good chance of a drabble somewhat like the one below. 
track suits and red wine, movies for two…
“have i ever told you how much i like being in your dorm room, (y/n)?” shoto asks this question as if he’s not sprawled on your bed like a cat, savoring the plush of your blankets and looking fondly at your possessions. his fingertip runs over the back of one of your stuffed animals before he looks at you, getting ready for the date you had planned together.
it was just going to be a calm night in, but shoto never thought anything was truly boring when he had your company.
“yes, you have,” you laugh under your breath and shoto thinks it’s pretty as the twinkling of stars. “and even if you hadn’t, it’s pretty obvious, shoto.”
we’ll take off our phones and we’ll turn off our shoes…
“now… we can either watch a movie or we can play mario kart.” walking over to your bed, shoto opens his arms silently and you fall into them. you look up at him from your position with your head on your chest, waiting for him to answer.
“i don’t mind either.” as long as it’s with you, he thinks.
“then i can’t wait to beat you in mario kart.” you grin before tossing him a controller, your tv already set up. the iconic music plays as your shoulder bumps with his. todoroki hadn’t felt this comfortable with someone in a while.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“i can’t believe you lost every round, sho!” you can’t help but giggle at the look of exasperation on your boyfriend’s face. his soft, pink lips were pushed into a pout, and his eyes would not meet yours. you peck his cheek and gladly watch as the color red becomes dusted across his cheeks. “what happened? you get distracted?”
“...it’s because you’ll watch the tv while i’m watching you.” at this confession, you feel your own eyes drift away from his. shoto’s always been brazen with his words, but mixed with the romanticism that comes with your relationship, you find yourself a bit more flustered than you would have normally. “your victory face is pretty cute, my love.”
there’s not many people i’d honestly say i don’t mind losing to… but there’s nothing like doing nothing with you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
(...we lose track of time)
“have i told you lately i’m grateful you’re mine?” you’re sitting in your dorm room once more, thighs pressed each other as your fingers trace shoto’s palm. while there is soulful music playing in the background, you don’t raise your voice to speak. your gentle whisper is carried to his ears and then creates a flutter in his heart. “i’m just really happy about how you make me feel. there’s nothing like doing nothing with you, if that makes sense-”
shoto interrupts you with a kiss to your lips. a calloused hand cups your jaw, and you hope that he can’t feel the heat on your cheeks. his lips tasted of strawberries and cream, and you hated to pull away from his tender touch. 
but you loved the way that, when you opened your eyes, his tips of his ears tinged pink at the affection.
“i feel the same way, (y/n.)” a small smile showed on his face while his eyes —those expressive, beautiful, two-toned eyes— crinkled fondly. “i’m happy to be yours just as you’re mine. i love you.” 
while his tone remained sweet throughout his statements, there was a hint of possessiveness in the last two words that had you melting like a popsicle on a hot summer day.
so shut all the windows and lock all the doors. we’re not looking for no one, don’t need nothing more.
but ever so boldly, you let yourself move forward and brush lips with shoto once more. the sweetness in the kiss before had turned into passion, and he soon had you in his lap, hands resting on the tops of your thighs. shoto bit your bottom lip gently, and you gasped before your hands went to cup his cheeks. 
as you both pulled away to catch your breath, you saw the beginnings of a smirk on shoto’s face. you gasped indignantly at that, and all he did was give you a final peck on the lips. (you’ll bite my lip and i’ll want you more… until we end up in a heap on the floor.)
“and for the record, i love you too, shoto.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
your place had so much appeal, shoto thought as he made the short walk back to his dorm room. with ruffled hair (the tufts now pink where the even split used to be) and a dreamy look in his eyes, he sighed as he opened the door to his much more empty and therefore much more boring place. the curtains were open, displaying the moon and the stars surrounding it. but who needs stars when shoto could find them in the hues of your eyes?
as shoto drifted off to sleep, it was an absolute fact in his mind that there really was nothing like doing nothing with you.
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