#like hes in his early 20s hes a grown up and is allowed to experiment in his sex life prior to settling down
rainybraindays · 9 months
No but the obsession with Colin's theoretical sex life is crazy to me.
Like people are genuinely upset that he could have potentially had sex?? Shaming him for doing something we know hes been mocked about for not doing? Like we see Anthony accuse him of only trying to marry because hes a virgin, you all remember that right? His older brother sees him pursuing a relationship, something he would have noticed earlier if he hadn't been so single minded the entire time, and instead of offering any like useful advice immediately goes and throws that in his face.
If he wanted to have sex just so it couldn't be used against him ever again I wouldn't be surprised. If he did that's fine, and if he doesn't thats literally also fine.
Like maybe its the fact that I also see a lot of people who talk about him needing to be a virgin talk about him being nerodivergent, so it seems kinda infantlizing to me, especially mixed in with the need to portray him like hes stupid but this rubs me so wrong.
Its literally a non-issue why are some of you so hard up on this.
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hanarchy · 1 month
Hi, I just wanted to see if you would elaborate on why you think Chans parents are kinda weird? I cant lie, I've thought this too... Sooo many times... so I wanna hear your thoughts if possible! <3
hmm it’s not so much me that said it, the anon was the one to call them weird but i didn’t disagree. personally i dont find his parents that weird per se (or well. not weirder than all our parents like lets be real there is not a normal parent alive in the world) but i do find his relationship to them a little weird for his age.
huge disclaimer here that there may be cultural context and experiences i am just flat out missing because i am not korean and dont know what its like to be a second generation immigrant or east asian or both.
and secondly he talks about his parents VERY LITTLE so what i am basing this on is LESS than crumbs, like this is the equivalent to me making up a song after hearing 1 note of it.
but what strikes me as odd abt chan’s relationship to his parents is what i mentioned in the original post too, he still kind of speaks about them like a shining beacon that he has to live up to.
especially when he talks about his dad and how athletic and strong and amazing he is it seems like he is comparing himself to him. and chan being smaller and less muscular and generally seeing himself as less ‘manly’ seems to be a source of some unhappiness in his self image.
and i think seeing your parents as superheroes and wanting to be like them when you grow up is super normal at a certain age but chan is already grown up.
and i know from many many many different experiences especially with young men, that it may still be common to want to be like your parents in your 20s but it’s bound to lead to a lot of pain and anger. like you have to realise eventually that you are your own person and have to have your own standards and chan seems as of yet unaware of this necessity so he has that development still ahead of him and i think the older you are when this happens, the more it has the potential to really derail your life.
like you gotta realize your parents are human and the earlier you do it, the better for you!
because the problem isnt so much wanting to be like someone you love but rather that putting them on a pedestal like that keeps you from seeing your own relationship with them clearly. like it keeps you from realizing the damage they did to your psyche (and yes, even the best parents damage you in some ways, this is in the nature of being a flawed human raising a child that relies on you to survive) and it also just severely restricts your imagination of who you could be and how you could express yourself.
and i think chan’s parents were quite young when they had him and then waited quite a bit to have more kids, which always leads to a weird dynamic where the eldest child takes on a parental role.
i think thats also kind of the main weirdness i notice… like chans parents seem to like. encourage the competition he has with his dad and sort of act more like his peers than his parents sometimes. at least that would explain to me how they would allow a 13 year old to live in a different continent by himself. they just saw him as grown up very early on.
would also explain a lot about how he tries to recapture his childhood with skz, the way his room at home is only swim trophies and nothing else (or like if it got cleaned out in the meantime its kind of telling that of all his childhood things the only thing he kept are the swim trophies??? idk maybe its just the only thing he chose to share with us)
but yeah like i think he himself does also realise a weirdness to some extent like he goes home so incredibly rarely, once every 2 or 3 years is so little, even felix (who has the same or a busier fixed appearance schedule) makes it to Australia more often.
so in conclusion he was parentified too early and that left him at that stage of development so he has a hard time letting go if his idealized image of his parents but at the same time thinks he has to be like them. but yeah i do think he realizes theres sth he doesnt like about it and keeps a bit of distance on purpose. we all develop differently, sometimes the best way to deal with your parents is to put some distance between you and them.
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likesunsetorange · 7 months
I’m a e2l fan so I want anything you could give us about it like characters likes /dislikes ? Small snippet (sorry Im so excited for this fic I’m asking for alot :,(no pressure though <3)
love you hope you’re doing good
hiii! you're so sweet, ily2! i'm mostly good! a little stressed bc school but i'm keeping it pushing haha
and you're not asking for a lot!! i've actually been talking a lot about this au with a few of my moots lately so i've been itching to share about it so honestly go crazy with asking about it!!! since i haven't gotten as many asks about this au i guess i'll make this ask kind of long and just kind of dump some of the stuff from my notes into it? and i have a tiny snippet i can share too!
so i'll just go on a long ass tangent below lol
okay, so first thing about this au, the one thing i really want to emphasize (without spoiling) is the whole thing about this au is that their breakup reason is important, but also that nobody in particular is at fault. sometimes life just happens, and things happen, and sometimes you just need to take a step back and re-evaluate yourself, your goals, and what you really want! it's about coming back together and choosing that person in the end because you realize not being with them is worse than whatever drove y'all apart!
tbh a lot of this au is partially inspired by my own breakup & how the experience of me getting over it! i was in my early 20s for the first time being single after being in a relationship since i was a teenager and i was like woah wtf idk how to be single/without a partner. so that's a big focus of that! learning how to find yourself and realign your goals and all that!
but we can get into the characters now!
definitely is a bit more obvious about missing mikasa, but tries to act like he doesnt (he has her highlight still up lol, not doing a good job at it)
mostly just works a lot while they're not together
after they breakup, mikasa moves out of their apartment, so he's stuck seeing all their stuff all the time
the first time they see each other its messy, they get into a big fight lol, they aren't allowed to hang out together lol
but he realizes pretty fast that he regrets the breakup, but he sees that mikasa seems to be doing okay, so he wouldn't wanna intrude on that
he gets armin in the breakup basically (mostly bc he sees armin more, but armin still talks to mikasa, just not as much as he does to eren obvi)
he picks up some of mikasa's hobbies bc he misses her so much lol he's down horrendous
at the very least does miss mikasa at least as a friend
after their breakup, because she's kind of trying to spite eren, she starts going out a lot to cope—her "hot girl era" essentially lol
she definitely starts prioritizing herself a lot more, and spends more time with her friends and figuring out what she wants outside of eren
but she definitely misses eren, she's just better at hiding it lol
she partially thinks he just doesn't want anything to do with her anymore (a lot of this is just them being fucking idiots lol), and she basically doesn't try to stalk him or see what he's up to bc she doesn't wanna know out of her own peace of mind
she has very bad flight anxiety so when they fly to italy, she lowkey kind of hopes that eren doesn't change his flight (he does bc he has to do something not even to be petty), and she has a very terrible flight experience and all she wishes is that eren were there
and here's a little snippet! this takes place the day after they break up!! sorry for rambling LOl but hope you enjoyed my little tangent! :)
“Damn, Mikasa,” Gabi called out from behind her, only causing Mikasa to turn around. “We didn’t know you went out on weeknights.” 
Gabi, one of the college freshmen who worked at the gallery, had a tendency to say whatever was on her mind, never bothering to filter herself. Even if Mikasa had grown rather close to her since she started working at the gallery in August, sometimes she wished Gabi would just shut up.
Mikasa scoffed, confused as to what even prompted her to say that. “What are you talking about, Gabi? And don’t cuss so loud, especially where guests can hear you.”
“Your eyes, they’re all red. Not to mention how bad your bags are,” she said, pointing to her eyes. “Seems like someone was a victim of Sunday Funday.”
Mikasa lifted a finger to touch her eye—still puffy, but from tears, rather than drinking.
“Gabi, you’re not supposed to say stuff like that—it’s rude,” Falco chimed in.
“Hey, it’s not my fault she can’t handle her alcohol,” she shrugged, turning back toward Mikasa. “It’s okay, Mikasa, the prettiest girls are always the biggest lightweights. But anyway, are you feeling okay? Does our favorite party girl need some Tylenol? A Liquid IV, maybe? Even a Gatorade?”
Was she supposed to answer honestly? Tell them that she had spent the entirety of her night crying because she and her boyfriend had broken up. That she was sure that the cops almost got called by their neighbors from how loud they were yelling at one another? That Sasha couldn’t even understand her when she called, telling her she needed somewhere to stay because she stormed out of their apartment, not even giving Eren the chance to finish his sentence, somewhere after one of them had uttered the words, “We shouldn’t be together anymore?”
She had been doing so well, pushing the thoughts to the back of her head, trying to get through the entirety of her shift without thinking about everything—about him. She only had an hour left in her shift, but all of her efforts had been to no avail.
It was as if the wind had been knocked out of her, she suddenly lost the ability to breathe, and she felt all the blood drain from her face.
We aren’t together. We aren’t together. We aren’t together. The words playing in her mind on loop.
“Hey, Mikasa. Are you okay?” Falco asked, his eyes flooding with concern as he looked over Mikasa’s current state.
“I think I’m gonna be sick,” she said quickly, before running off to the bathroom.
But maybe just this once, Mikasa was lucky for Gabi’s inability to shut her mouth—at least being hungover was a good enough cover for sobbing her eyes out in the bathroom.
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blackjackkent · 4 months
This is super self-indulgent but I'm honestly really enjoying reading back through the very early posts in my first liveblog as I redo Hector's playthrough; very amusing reading my reaction to some of the things when I really had no clue what to expect or what was going on.
Some bits of my own writing that I don't remember writing that have made me laugh in the re-read so far:
Inside of this ruined chapel area, we find a couple of scoundrels looking for loot (unlike us sophisticated adventurers also looking for loot.)"
We left off having just completed the arduous task of convincing a grown woman not to torture a little girl with a snake.
(from a post before acquiring Karlach) Hector is feeling sadly ill at ease with his accumulated companions right now, as all of them seem to be hiding something with the POSSIBLE exception of Wyll.
Also Gale had his first attack of Mage Munchies so I gave him the locket we got from the kid we saved back in the Grove.
Hector sighs. What does one use to convince a goblin? Money? Do they even care about money? Like so many things, this isn’t a situation the monastery prepped him for.
Also implies that the correct direction is downwards, which doesn’t clear up as much as you might think. This place is a real maze; perhaps Selune is also the goddess of not being able to find your way anywhere.
Volo had a busy night as well, apparently, and while we were all busy having nightmares, he took a Learning Annex course on ocular surgery.
Poor Lae'zel just wants to release some tension and she’s surrounded by wall to wall nerds.
Hector completely biffed his attempt at an animal handling check, but did roll a Nat 20 on survival which allowed him to back the fuck up and not engage in combat (which his companions all approved of, presumably because it means they did not become owlbear food).
[Owlbear to Karlach] “What’s this? Something weak…something tender… Won’t even have to chew you before I feed you to my son, softmeat.” (A/N: And she comes precooked too!)
#lol hector is having a very very weird time of it emotionally and physically :P #karlach your future boyfriend is coming to you with no actual romantic experience #but at this rate he's sure acquiring a lot of whatever this is #erotic undertones just flying around the camp like fucking ping pong balls
Because nothing in this group can remain normal for two seconds, Lae'zel and Shadowheart are fighting the next time we go back to camp.
Hector tried to channel the calming wisdom and authority of the abbot at the monastery and suggested everyone chill the hell out and that maybe sniping at each other wasn’t the best use of their abilities. But, because everyone here is a paragon of restraint and common sense, Lae'zel’s solution was that they should have pistols at dawn, and Shadowheart responded by putting a knife to her throat in the middle of the night. I’m no conflict resolution expert but this feels unproductive.
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we-staybhaalin · 7 months
Love Day Questions Part 2!!
More lorebuilding (couple building? relationship building??) between Niralei and Halsin!
❤️‍🔥 Which one is more adventurous in the bedroom? Which one has more experience?
Both of them are pretty much up for just about any experience. She’s had plenty of lovers in her life and Halsin has had way more on account of a having a much longer lifespan, but both of them are up for introducing new experiences to each other. They’ll usually try it a few times to see how they feel about it and communicate frequently to make sure one another are feeling comfortable with the direction of things.
The person with the most experience between the two of them is Halsin given him having a couple of centuries of living on him versus Niralei who is in her late 20s. I think experience is a good thing to have between them because it helps them both in knowing where their boundaries are, how to communicate what they want from the sex they have with each other, and helps them know how to approach introducing new things to each other in their sex life, but I don’t think it’s something that automatically marks them as the better lover just because one has more experience than the other.
The two of them still had to learn what it is that they both liked. During the first time, Halsin asks her if it’s okay for him to go down on her and he doesn’t move until Niralei gives her consent. I know for sure Niralei would give him the same courtesy during those initial times they slept with each other. They know enough to know how to make it enjoyable for each other but where to touch, what to touch, and constant check ins is what got them to the level where they generally enjoy most of the sex they have with each other. And of course, on the nights where one or both aren’t really feeling it, they are comfortable enough in vocalizing their feelings during the act that they can put a stop to things and opt for some late night cuddles instead if that’s what one or the other would prefer.
💋 What is their favorite place to kiss their partner? Do either enjoy 'leaving a mark'?
Niralei prefers lavishing kisses along Halsin’s neck and chest and, by virtue of being a creature that possesses sharp teeth, leaving visible marks is a particular quirk she happily indulges in if Halsin allows it. She frequently leaves marks on the column of his throat and across his chest. She loves it and he loves it, and of course, he wears the marks with pride.
In turn, Halsin loves kissing Niralei in a lot of places—lips, thighs, breasts, neck, all down her back. It’d be easier to ask him what parts of Niralei he doesn’t kiss. And as far as leaving marks, Niralei doesn’t mind them but she has a limit to how many and how visible the marks can be. If he wants to leave marks on her chest and breasts (which tend to be visible because she’s a big fan of letting her tits out), she puts a limit on that. But if it’s her thighs or other parts of her she loves being kissed on? She usually lets him do what he wants.
🍬 Who is their biggest supporter (friend, family, etc)?
I think in both of their cases they would be pretty open about the fact that they are both grown and don’t have any desire to open the floor of their relationship to any outside opinions. They do still have people that support them and that are important to them because of their support, but I don’t think they’d hinge the entire relationship on what others think about them being together.
Even still, Niralei’s biggest supporters are going to be her mother and sister. Her mother very much wants the best for her eldest, especially after everything that Niralei has done to make sure all three of them have been able to lead comfortable and warm lives. Yahiri idolizes her sister and, given her interest in magic being mostly funded by Niralei’s adventures, she wants her sister to live a life she cherishes and gets to enjoy for herself. I think Matari (Niralei’s mom) would have been a slight hurdle in the early aughts of the relationship between Niralei and Halsin. Matari is not a tough mother by any sense of the means but she can be quite the mama bear about her children if she has concerns. I think she does like Halsin a lot but she’s curious as to what the future holds for the two of them given his lifespan being so much longer than herself and her daughters.
Of course, the Hell’s Bells being close to Niralei means quite a few supporters exist in that group. I think out of all of them, Richter and Nettie would be the two’s biggest supporters. Nettie is very close to everyone in the group and she very much makes it a point to be as supportive to her friends as possible. She would have clocked the interest the two of them showed to each other and never relented on dropping not very subtle hints to Niralei to “scale the Oakfather’s blessing, with claws and teeth if need be.” Nettie very much lives to see all her friends in love and thriving on all the warmth and comfort that love brings. She would’ve done everything in her power to push the two of them to be near each other. She would’ve teased them and made lighthearted jokes about the ways they clearly were signaling that they were interested in each other. Nettie is usually the first to get updates from the both of them and always seems so enthusiastic whenever she gets those much anticipated updates from them.
Richter held a torch for Niralei for a long while but those feelings were pretty much one-sided. Either way, he greatly respects her and has a closer bond with her than the rest of the Bells. The two ran the group as joint leaders and, so long as Niralei held top spot as queen bee of the group, Richter was right there smacking their head against hers to come up with a plan and the best ways to keep the group moving as a unit. I think Richter would genuinely and completely want the best for her, even if it doesn’t make complete sense to him. The rest of the group may feel one way or the other about Halsin but he was the one to pretty much shut done anyone who asked them to really interrogate how Niralei felt about Halsin. He did talk with her but that was more the two of them sharing a heart-to-heart. From that, Richter was able to figure out that Niralei’s feelings on Halsin went well beyond lust, that part of her was falling for him and he wasn’t going to let her or anyone else dissuade her from giving it a shot if that’s what she really wanted.
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
What is people’s obsession with infantilisation ? Seriously asking. A 23 year old grown ass woman who was fully aware of every decision that she made, including carrying 2 children and marrying someone 7years her senior. It’s not like a 50 years old teacher/boss having a relationship with his 20 years old employee. Acting like Joe forced her into marriage and having children as if Sophie is not her own person with her own wants and needs like this is a completely unheard of set up.
When we consider specific modern age gaps, the best way to look at them, in my opinion, is to:
remember when the couple met/what age they were when they met
the dating histories of the respective person in the current relationship: how old were their partners and is there a pattern or a few suspicious stories?
People have very different "base" abilities to self advocate or self sufficient/defense levels at 19 vs 26 in the U.S. or England.
remember that 18-20 yr olds are not always that mentally that far from under 16/17 yr olds. (Put aside the "brain is not totally formed until 25" thing, it's useful but not a damning piece of information on how to judge relationships bc what if there was a 25 yr old and a 23 yr old? And we, as a society in the U.S., allow 18 yr olds to go to war [there aren't any age limits to actual combat] but not to drink). And no, I still wouldn't like/recommend a 20 yr old meeting and then having a relationship with a 16-17 yr old to be on the safe side. A 20 yr old still has more experiences they could use against that 16 minor--the potential is larger. There's a line (the legal age of 18) for a necessary reason: to lower the likelihood/make punitive abusive behaviors made easier from a power imbalance. even if that line/"arbitrary" age of majority the law notes is itself needing of review (again, that war vs drinking alcohol deal)
So we look askance at age differences when one of the partners is in their teens, even legal teens. Joe made the decision to pursue her almost right after she GoT ended, and she worked most of her teens in that show, not really exploring the world and having kids pretty early in her life. Now there are many people who begin parenthood in the late teens and early 20s who love and care for their kids and still also have a strong sense of self, but some of those people also have the added stress of knwoignhow to develop that balance in their lives that they wouldn't have had to do if they hadn't had kids that early. Some people are just beginning or trying to maintain having a job to self sustain, and having a child at this moment is going to be another stressor and pressure. And some are living poor or under the poverty line. They all have to "answer"/find out how they can parent while still learning things about themselves and their own emotional limits.
Therefore, it's case by case basis when we're looking at age gaps when both are over 18, but one is a bit too close to 18 for comfort. Even with the other not hitting 30 yet.
Now that I pointed out why it's a case by case thing WHILE ALSO it merits the suspicion it invites, let's look at the case of Joe and Sophie. Joe, as an individual with a history of having pursued a 13 yr old while he himself was 19 (Gigi Hadid), has already shown himself not "weird" (the ages make this word an understatement) but actually predatory. Again, he made the conscious choice to pursue a girl who would be in her 1st yr of high school or final year of middle school. Could still be playing with dolls. He did some work for it. No one arranged them together as if this were a noble marriage of alliance between two families out of the married persons' control. We (some Westerners, those with governments having laws against such things, and societies where women and girls are allowed some sort of room to pursue education and careers and make an independent living) are not in a society(ied) where a 16 yr old being paired with 30 yr olds for property is considered practically necessary or morally correct. Because we come from critics and activists that came into the mind that said girl/child should not be so exposed to sex, parenthood, etc. AND again, our economic infrastructure/the stakes are less...female autonomy-denying. Or at least want to be, and has placed the focus on women and children's desires and needs when "before", these were subordinate.
You might counterargue, "Sophie was over 18 when they married, she was a legal adult, not 13 (or under 18) like Gigi". First this shows you did not listen to me when I already talked about teens above 17 yrs of age. Second, the second an adult (18+) consciously pursues any person below 18, they reveal that they prefer younger partners over those their own age or around that. As to why, it could be that they feel "younger" themselves, bc they find it thrilling in a "other coin side" of way of thrilling that the "desirable" partner finds then attractive in a economy and society that places such desirability on youth/undesirablity on age already...or it could be that they like idea that they could have more economic power over the younger partner. Which is why it invites suspicion and concern; onlookers simply do not know for sure until other details and a pattern come to light.
Now since Joe decided to have a 13 yr old was anyone's idea of a proper sexual/romantic partner, the suspicion should not/is not suspicion anymore, it is a certainty. A certainty that this guy wants a younger partner bc he feels he has more actual, substantive control over them and what they do in terms of very personal decisions they should be making with as little selfish "guidance" as possible. After all, wtf and htf is a 19 yr old supposed to have a true relationship with a 13 yr old? What life are they supposed to have together that any 13 yr old would be ready for? Joe wasn't and isn't such an idiot to not be aware of this being a problem for a 13 yr old, so why pursue at all?
That was his history, and it is important bc it reveals his character and the material to know he has a lot of misogyny for reasons I already stated. It provides context for how he and his PR team is spinning their narrative against Sophie. What reason he has used to say that she is the bad person/parent. Like I said about the maesters and Rhaenys/Visenya/Rhaenyra HERE and HERE, it's about public perception using already-debated and misogynist ideas of womanhood, and parenthood, esp motherhood. His history shows that his pursuing Sophie when she was a "new adult" and himself already well into adulthood shows he's not into younger girls for innocuous reasons.
Again, it's the dating history of Joe, Sophie's ability to live on her own by her own determination as an adult before she met Joe, and the ages Sophie/Joe met before marrying and having kids.
Now 24 yr olds with 30-40s, I don't particularly care unless the older person is like from a prominent family or exponentially wealthier. And by country, of course. Which further drives the "case by case" deal.
From Tiktok, I found out that joe would be making a smear campaign against Sophie no matter what he did or did not do, no matter custody battles, etc. because he and his entire family are evangelical Christians who do not believe in no-fault divorce. Apparently, the idea is that "they made a promise to God, they broke, there's a bad guy", so someone has to be blamed for the separation.
And so if there is no obvious villain, as in infidelity, abuse, things like that, there has to be someone who gave up earlier. There has to be someone less involved. And so all of these rumors about Sophie Turner partying and being in the UK and way from the kids, all of this slant that's happening against towards her is to make it look like she gave up and she quit on the marriage so that when he gives up and quits on the marriage it's not because he wanted to it's because she had no choice.
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spaceageloveblog · 2 years
My immediate reaction seeing to this thumbnail was these are my top 3:
“Whole Lotta Love”
“Black Dog”
And when he does his intro, he says these are what he thinks are Led Zeppelin’s 10 greatest riffs based on how iconic they are, if they’re in famous songs, and how fun they are to play by yourself. I can’t comment how fun they are to play, but based on the first 2 criteria, my perspective on the top 3 riffs holds.
Right off the bat, 10-9-8 on this list goes, “Moby Dick”, “Good Times Bad Time”, and “The Ocean”, none of which popped into my head like my top 3 but are all awesome and all deserve to be on here.
OK, “Heartbreaker” was 7, “Whole Lotta Love” was 5, and “Black Dog” was 4. So it’s good to see my choices on the list despite being out of order. But his 6 and his 3 being ahead of anything my top 3 is horse shit. I’d probably round out my top 5 with “The Ocean” and “Moby Dick.”
And his 2 was “Stairway to Heaven”, 1 was “Kashmir”, so I guess I should have thought of those. But I think of those as the most iconic songs, not greatest riffs. So this video hasn’t shifted my initial reaction
I read something recently online--I can’t remember where--advising people to pick seasons of interest. Go deep on something, read books, watch movies and do whatever else on a topic. And when it’s runs its course, and you’ve grown no longer interested, let it go and move on to something else. You always have your memory of that season and your knowledge of that topic for yourself and to pass onto others.
Led Zeppelin has been that for me for a little under 2 months as I’ve slowly read this autobiography for 15 minutes a day. I’ve listened to their 8 albums, not sure their post-Bonham 9th is considered canon, so maybe I’ll get to that. I’ve watched countless YouTube clips and am even watching the The Song Remains the Same doc as I type this, thought the book didn’t give it the most persuasive sales pitch.
I’m struck by how path dependent one’s taste in something can be, at least for me with Led Zeppelin. I was born around the time Led Zeppelin was ending. I grew up with their music all around me, they were one of the staples of classic rock radio. (They probably still are.) I heard their songs in the order of their popularity, not chronologically. There were songs I thought were OK, songs I didn’t like, songs that annoyed me.
I thought I knew everything I needed to know about them simply by what I heard on the periphery. And by periphery I mean sitting in the backseat, listening to whatever my parents had on the radio. I reckon as a 10 year-old boy in 1989, I’d heard “All of My Love”, “Fool in the Rain”, and Robert Plant’s “Sea of Love”, as much or more than “Whole Lotta Love”, “Stairway to Heaven”, or “Kashmir”. It’d probably take another 10 years--after I had control of the radio plus college parties--for the real classics took over.
So that’s how my Led Zeppelin came into my life.
Everything changed when I started from the beginning, allowing myself to experience it as a season. Bob Spitz appeared on Ryen Russillo’s podcast on July 22 to discuss the book. So I probably listened shortly thereafter. Starting reading the book on August 4. Listened to Led Zeppelin I on Aug 6, II on Aug 12, III on Aug 15, IV on Aug 22, Houses of the Holy on Aug 27, Physical Graffiti on Aug 30, Presence on Sep 20, In Through the Out Door on Sep 26.
In between I also listened to albums of some of their blues influences, including Buddy Guy, B.B. King and Muddy Waters. And some albums of adjacent rock band, including Jeff Beck, Jimi Hendrix, Stone the Crows, and The Pretty Things. I liked all of this music. But pretty much over these last few months, I mostly listened to Led Zeppelin over and over.
Apple Music tells me “Dazed and Confused” is my 16th most listened-to song this year, and I only been listened to it since early August. I love this song. I think it’s my favorite Led Zeppelin song.
But I think I’m ready for this season to be over. I only have 10 pages left in the book, but I’ve been on cruise control the last 100 pages or so. These guys might be terrible people. I am getting tired of enduring the hijinks of bunch of drug addicts.
I don’t know what my next season will be exactly. Maybe it just just be getting my shit together with my diet, kick this half-marathon training into high gear (race is first weekend of December), then perhaps getting back with the personal trainer and picking back up the weights. Not sure that would works as a season.
This Led Zeppelin biography did inspire the next book I’m going to read. There was this tidbit about the band recording their Presence album in 1975 in just 18-days in the basement studio of a hotel owned by Giorgio Moroder. I want to read an entire book about that studio. When I Google if such a book exists, I didn’t find that exactly. But I did find a short book called I Feel Love, a biography of Giorgio Moroder and Donna Summer. “I Feel Love” is my favorite song. Maybe a deep dive in this will be my next season.
And I do feel love. But my family and I need joy in our lives. I need more joy in my life. It’s been all work lately. For all of us. Even the things we like, like soccer, involves a lot of work--driving to and from practices, scheduling of hotel reservations, coordinating calendars.
And I’m not talking about needing to do something fun like go on vacation or something. I’m talking about day-to-day joy. I was already feeling the need for my joy before a hurricane came. We have friends with their houses flooded. Finding joy in the simple things seems more important than ever.
A few days ago my oldest son was tinkering around on his iPad art software and asked for ideas to draw. I told him Jimmy Page. And he came back with this. Joy (:
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100-yardstare · 1 year
Self Insert & F/O Master List
Main Romantic F/O
Dr. Eggman/Ivo Robotnik - Sonic the Hedgehog
Other F/O's (meaning I am not currently crushing/fixating on them, but they are still my faves)
Blinky/Blinkous Galadrigal - Trollhunters
All Might - My Hero Academia
Dave the Octopus - Penguins of Madagascar
King Candy/Turbo/King Candybug - Wreck-It Ralph
Astarion - BG3
Shin - Dragon Ball
Piccolo - Dragon Ball
Stanford Pines - Gravity Falls
General Grievous - Star Wars
Ingo - Pokemon
Other Fave Faves (Platonic)
Shank - Wreck-It Ralph
Aerith - Final Fantasy
Launch - Dragon Ball
Tracer - Overwatch
Tron Bonne - Megaman Legends
Wheatley - Portal 2
Samus Aran - Metroid
Ridley - Metroid
Ahsoka Tano - Star Wars
Steven Wheatfield - Started off as a parody version of Human!Wheatley but has grown into his own over the years. I use him in almost all my AUs and give him cameos frequently in my works. He is a British programmer and fills in for my "Smart Guy" roles.
Self Inserts
Atomic Ace (My Hero Academia) - Quirk "Adrenaline". Adrenaline gives her super strength, speed, and overall massive power. After many years she finally reached America's Number 1 Hero in her late 20's, only to lose it months later due to her quirk taking a toll on her body. In her youth, she hung out with All Might and David Shield during Toshi's American tour. All Might and AA both were in love with each other but were to focused on becoming hero's to admit it to one another. That is until AA comes to Japan years later during the show's events.
Kailey "Kat" Terranova (Metroid) - Kat is the Director of Development for Galactic Federation Space Research Station Number 2. In charge of keeping tabs with both the research team and Federation investors, Kat has been working with head scientist Steven Wheatfield to bring to light the transcendence of human minds into Artificial Intelligence. Unfortunately, things go wrong when the base is attacked by Ridley and the Space Pirates, and over the course of the Metroid franchise she becomes their unwilling genetically modified test subject.
Kat (Dragon Ball) - After her dad is killed by King Piccolo during the Piccolo arc in Dragon Ball, Kat sets off on her own with her newfound freedom. Little does she know that she will soon be making company with Piccolo Jr. Set between the end of Dragon Ball and DBZ. Later expands into DBZ as an AU where Kat and Piccolo know the events of the "canon" timeline, which causes Shin to get involved way early on to try and stop Buu and prior threats.
Kailey aka The First User (Wreck-It Ralph) - Is part of a test that sends people to digital space and is lowkey a Tron crossover insert and AU. She is the first person to have physical contact with Programs/game characters, triggering a series of events that lead the world to allow Programs to travel to and fro between digital space and the real world.
Kailey (Pokemon) - Owns a farm in west Unova. During her back and forth to the city after establishing her farm, news of one of the Submas brothers going missing is hard to miss. Little does she know that Arceus is about to use her, too, and soon she will cross fates with Ingo, the missing twin.
The Vulture (Spiderverse) - With her father abandoning her and her sickly mother, a new variant of the Vulture is soon to be added to the Spiderverse. Oscorp, having been experimenting on the poor population of the city, the Vulture is born with large brown wings as a result of her parents exposure to genetic mutagens. While her mother regards her as beautiful, society rejects her, burying her more into poverty. Ultimately, the illness takes her mother, and she seeks revenge on Oscorp and its hedge-funders.
Sarai Daan (Star Wars) - Sarai is a Togruta Jedi Knight and a survivor of the Clone Wars.
Kelda the Wild aka The Skrill Princess (How to Train Your Dragon) - A former hunter-trapper, Kelda once looked up to bounty hunters like Grimmel the Grisly during their youth and sought to appease her starving guild. However, her heart soon pulled her away from that life, and she would abandon all she knew to fight for the dragons, specifically a mother Skrill who left two children behind after she was killed by Grimmel.
Kat/Kailey/Kaleen/etc. (WoW, BG3, DnD, General Fantasy, etc.) - Always a Cleric with light or fire affinities, and always an Elf. Knowledgeable in Apologetics and religious texts of their god/gods and even other gods of their universe, and has a chaotic good alignment.
Kailey (Penguins of Madagascar) - is the human assistant to Dr. Octavius Brine aka Dave the Octopus. She is virtually the only human in the world to know his secret.
Guardian of Comfort (Rise of the Guardians/Guardians of Childhood) - Is the guardian of comfort and spirit of warmth and acceptance. Based on "comfort and joy" in the Christmas tune, she has fire abilities and is associated with candlelight. As a human, she died in a fire protecting the ones she loved, and was chosen by Man in Moon, to continue to provide her comforting presence to lost and despairing children all over the world.
Kailey (Sonic verse) - A human. Boom!Kailey is actually an isekai that gets sucked into the shenanigans of the universe taking place in the cartoon Sonic Boom and serves as the focal point for my other inserts in the many Sonic universes. Main!Kailey is a test pilot, with aspirations to have a "lazy girl job" and has goals to have what Boom!Kailey has. Both versions are in love or married to Eggman and the trend is that in every universe they always get together with him in some form, good or bad.
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sharkneto · 2 years
do you think five is sometimes childish? like in the comics when he sometimes acts like a child. mayb some headcanons about it?
I think in the show, not directly - Aidan does an insane job acting as a mature, 58 year old man.
As a headcanon? Yeah. I've talked around it a bit in some of my fics, but I do think Five has a lot of growing up to do. I think there's a not-insignificant part of him that's sort of stuck at 13. How could there not be, when he had no one around him to help him actually grow up and mature for 40 years?
This is not to be confused with him being a child or fully acting like a child. He is first and foremost a fully grown, middle-aged man. He has adult interests, he is capable and can take care of himself, he should be treated as and respected as an adult. He is Old and he is Tired. But I think it's more along the lines of that he's horrendously ignorant in how the world works, how to socialize, how to be an actually functional person. All those little lessons he missed out on because he was tragically trapped in the apocalypse. It's in those little nothing trips you go on with parents or friends or whatnot where you learn how a car wash works or how to make an appointment. It's all those cringe lessons we learn in middle and high school, figuring out how to fit in and find and make friends as we get older. It's those first few years in college, moved out from home and having to manage money and feeding ourselves and being fully responsible for ourselves.
The only real practice he's had with any of that was at the end of the world, where he's scavenging and literally everything was his because everyone else was dead, and with Delores, who is just him and doesn't exist. His only conversation partner was someone who already knew what was going on in his head so he didn't have to learn to really articulate his thoughts. If something didn't come out right, he could just handwave "ah, you get it" and Delores would get it because she is him.
I think everyday conversations, small talk, is so outside of Five's wheelhouse. His communication skills are Not Good. Big things? Big things that deal with consequences and time and his experience with all the fucked up shit he's had to do? He can do that. A nothing conversation with a sibling that winds for half an hour and no one is really saying anything? Absolutely not, what the fuck are they even talking about? Anything that has to deal with emotions and talking through them and identifying them is also so beyond him. The guy hasn't done any self reflection to figure out what he's feeling for decades (what's the point? He feels bad? Well, he's in the apocalypse and his family is dead, of course he feels bad. What more could there possibly be to it.) This is all stuff, for a lot of people, we learn and figure out how to do and communicate as we grow up, get to be adults, and go to therapy. For sure Reggie wasn't teaching them how to communicate well and to be in touch with their emotions, and Five absolutely did not get anything on that front when he was alone at the end of the world or getting used and abused at the Commission.
As to acting like a child, it has been a minute since I read the comics so I can't off the top of my head think of specifics (except for his Child Disguise during his corporate espionage phase which I Adore). But headcanons for show!Five, I think it comes down to more allowing himself to have random shit for no reason, have comfort items. As a 26-year-old adult, I have plushies and impulse buy little odds and ends regularly because I Like Them. I think allowing himself to have things that might come across as childish is a big hurdle for Five, because he's desperate for people to not see him as a child when he looks like one. Relaxing and letting himself Be is his first step, which is a thing a lot of us all learn, too. I, at least, had a phase in my early 20s, after I graduated college, where I cleaned house on explicitly fandom things and any plushies or whatnot I had were For Decoration. I was an adult and I thought my surroundings should reflect that. Now I have a cow ottoman in my living room that I think is technically for children because I'm embracing my accidentally cowboy-themed living room and also I wanted the cow ottoman.
I got sidetracked, there, but what I'm trying to get at is that part of growing up is figuring out what you like, don't like, and vibing with that and letting yourself just do that. Five has no fucking clue what he likes and doesn't like. He's never had a chance to really explore that or had resources to spare to do so. Any kindness he did for himself that wasn't Directly Survival Related, he pawned off reasoning as "being for Delores". Things can just be for him, now.
The growing up Five has to do is all hinged on learning how the modern world works and figuring out who he is as a person, outside of being an Academy member, an apocalypse survivor, and a Commission assassin - none of which are things he had a choice about. Who is Number Five when he gets a say in it? It's less of a "he's like a kid!" and more "these are the things he's fifty years behind in, developmentally, and he has some catching up to do".
(If this ramble got incoherent, because whups yeah, you can find these headcanons poking out in my fics like The Zoo Is Better When It's Not All Dead, Simple, and A Rusty Cog)
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jitterbugjive · 3 years
Something I wish more people would understand is how unhealthy and misguided I was in my early 20s. I came out of a life of mental and sexual abuse, for a bit I had a much older boyfriend than me that I didn’t realize until fairly recently was grooming me since I was 14. I was a hyper sexual teenager due to the exposure I had in childhood and I sought people out constantly to ERP with, even adults, without really thinking anything was wrong with that. I had an old friend who started running away from home to look for random adult men to sleep with so my understanding and feelings towards that kind of situation got all twisted and confused and I didn’t know how to help my friend. I had another friend who was pulled in to a 3 way by another minor and an adult, and the other minor was also the sort who actively looked for adult men who would be sick enough to sleep with her. And my best friend had a sister who was also exhibiting this behavior despite my friends’ many protests, because their mom didn’t give a single fuck about anything. I had an older babysitter, by older I mean in his 60s, who would bring up conversations about sex with me and show me porn on TV from when  I was 10-13. I was dealing with unchecked PTSD which made me overly reactive, prone to fits of anger and anxiety.
My point is, back then I didn’t have any kind of professional help or anywhere I could go for answers on things I didn’t understand or had a limited understanding of. When I ask the question ‘what do you do if a kid is seeking out adult sexual attention’ it’s not because I’m trying to blame kids for this, it’s because it scares me when kids are unknowingly, maybe even knowingly, exposing themselves to danger for whatever screwed up reason they may have. And no one wants to talk about that kind of situation, so I couldn’t find any answers. I couldn’t find an appropriate way to process my feelings on the matter, my understanding of it, the way I viewed it, I couldn’t find what the correct way to feel or deal with it was. Again, because no one wants to talk about it. With my naivety and personal experience, I at first held resentment towards kids like that, because I remember being put in danger because of them or they put my friends in danger, and those kids seemed very sure of their choices even when they were perfectly aware it was wrong. One of them I knew, even as an adult, didn’t ever think anything was wrong with what they did, they didn’t come with that regret you hear most people talking about. I regret the way I’ve reacted to these situations and I regret the way I phrased things when I was trying to come to terms with this issue that I’d been honestly traumatized by.
Another thing I didn’t understand in my early 20s was appropriate boundaries, because I wasn’t given appropriate boundaries as a kid I only knew one big basic thing: Don’t do anything sexually explicit with minors.
And when it came to RP, I thought that meant PG13 content was okay. I thought if there was a fade to black, or a time skip, or an implication, it wouldn’t be a bad thing. Now, there are literally only 2 instances I can think of where there was any sort of implication of sexual acts between characters with a minor, I still made sure nothing explicit was shown or explored and I was of the impression that I was just letting the other person have fun because that’s what they were in to. And that was a mistake. Not as big of a mistake as it could have been, mind you, but I’d never cross that line. I thought I had a good line drawn in the sand but I didn’t really understand where it was supposed to be. Because if we’re gonna be honest here, looking back I know now even romantic fluff RP between an adult and a minor isn’t okay, even if it’s through characters and not as ourselves.
I know now how much of an emotional impact RP can have on a person, considering most of my romantic relationships started with RP. When you have a character you deeply connect to interacting with someone else’s character, it’s really easy to start mistaking your character’s feelings for your own. You could believe because your characters get along so well that maybe the two of you can get along romantically too. I’m not saying that RP shouldn’t lead to romance, but that it can easily blind a person from how their RP partner really is. So it’s dangerous to RP with kids like this. I should know, my abusive ex that groomed me until I turned 18 in order to date me certainly had me convinced we were meant for each other just because our characters clicked and my character happened to be a representation of myself.
Something I’m really ashamed to admit as well is a serious misjudgement on my part, where for some reason I assumed bodily fluids weren’t NSFW. Probably because I’ve seen people get away with censoring out naughty bits but leaving the spunk in an image, or just drawing the character with spunk on them or something. Point is, people were getting away with it not being flagged as porn, and my dumb brain was like ‘okay so it’s not that bad’. I need to make something clear here, I don’t entirely remember what happened or why it happened, but it’s true that Bedeviled Derpy had a post that showed spunk in 2 of the images and it was drawn from some sketches of mine by a teenager. I don’t believe I would have requested such a thing, I certainly didn’t script it to say ‘draw spunk here’, in fact the sketches don’t show any indication of a mess anywhere. I just remember being given the finished images with the spunk being added, and I was dumb enough to think “oh yeah this is totally okay for a SFW blog” and my brain didn’t even register like ‘hello yes a child drew this maybe ask them to remove the spunk also spunk isn’t sfw or child friendly in any way shape or form’
Some people, maybe only a handful, or more, I don’t know, but some people have this assumption that my mindset in all of this was like “Hahaha I’m taking advantage of a minor” and that’s just... not it?
I’m a colossal dumbass, I admit that, and I was really irresponsible, but it was NOT because I had any intentions on preying on a child. I just don’t do that.
The things I said and did, I did out of ignorance, and most of the bad stuff people talk about me saying was from 5+ years ago, before I got any help, before I had anyone to walk me through these incredibly complex emotions and opinions that were ingrained in my head since childhood.
I just wish that people could see I had no malice or ill intent, I wish people could realize they’re way overthinking my actions and taking things a lot more personally than they were ever meant to be. Maybe if they could see this for what it is rather than assuming I’m a villain who purposefully did everything wrong, they could learn to move on in a healthy way.
I understand I did a lot of harm and there’s no undoing that.
But I do NOT deserve to be accused of pedophilia. Pedophilia has literally ruined my life and my perception of the world. I’m a victim too, and just because I became an adult doesn’t mean I suddenly know right from wrong. That’s not how becoming an adult works. You’re allowed to make mistakes as an adult, being an adult doesn’t mean you won’t make mistakes any more. Yes it’s easier to say to someone ‘you were just a kid, it was a mistake, you didn’t know any better’, but adults have a hard time knowing ‘any better’ too. We’re always growing and learning and I’d like to think people are smart enough to see that I have grown in to a better person.
I hope people can find it in their hearts to forgive me, but I fear some people are too far gone down the rabbit hole of being convinced that everything was on purpose and from malice, that I’m some evil mastermind who thrives on manipulation and taking advantage of kids. I’ve only ever associated with 2 minors since becoming an adult and I have no intention of associating with any more that aren’t directly connected to my family or my friends.
Anyone who actually knows me would know I have a 0 tolerance for IRL pedophilia, when I found out a member of one of my groups was showing nudes to minors he was immediately kicked out and I kept tabs on the situation to make sure he’d be caught by police. When a member in my server was exposed for ERP and orbiting with a minor, I kicked him out too.
I worry about kids to a point that it’s part of my PTSD, I have anxiety attacks just worrying about how a kid might be getting harmed, the last thing I want to do is bring harm to them.
And I did cause harm, I didn’t know that was what I was doing, but I did, because I wasn’t mature enough to understand how to interact with kids as an adult. And again, I’m just incredibly sorry things had to even come to this. I’m not lying when I say I think about this every single day, and sometimes spiral in to really bad anxiety because of it. It affects me heavily.
I want to move on.
And I want the people affected to move on too.
Because dwelling on this isn’t going to do anyone any good.
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skyfire85 · 3 years
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-The de Lackner HZ-1 Aerocycle, one of a pair of flying platforms commissioned by the US Army in the 1950s.
During the 1950s, a number of single-soldier platforms were built for the US Army, but none proved successful enough for production
HILLER VZ-1 PAWNEE Originally conceived of by Charles Zimmerman and built by Hiller Aircraft Company's Advanced Research Division (A.R.D.) under a 1953 Office of Naval Research contract (the ONR was acting as a technical agent for the Army), the HO-1 (later redesignated the VZ-1) was essentially a platform over a ducted fan (a fan or series of fans inside an enclosure or "duct" which improves the efficiency of the blades) on which a soldier stood. Zimmerman intended for the platform to be maneuvered "kinesthetically", leaning his body in the desired direction of travel, which it was hoped would be not only effective but easy to learn. Construction of the first prototype, officially the Model 1031 Flying Platform, began in January 1954, and was delivered for testing in September under the designation YHO-1E. Flight testing began soon after, with the first untethered flight taking place in January or February 1955.
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-Diagram for the Model 1031 from the original patent filing. | Illustration: Hiller Aircraft Company
The first prototype was almost 7 1/2 feet tall, with a diameter of 5 feet and a weight of approximately 440lbs. Two Nelon H-59 piston engines, rated at 44hp each, drove a pair of contra-rotating two-bladed aluminum propellers. On the ground the platform rested on four legs. The controller's platform provided a railing and attachment points for safety belts, as well as twist controls for the throttle and propeller torque, used to adjust the 1031's altitude.
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-A test pilot flying the first Model 1031 prototype. | Photo: Hiller Aircraft Company
ONR and the Army were impressed enough with the results of the test program to order two more prototypes as the VZ-1 and VZ-1E Pawnee. The second prototype (s/n 56-6944), which first flew in 1958, was larger (8 feet in diameter, 7 3/4 feet tall) and heavier (460lbs empty, 660lbs max). This increased mass required larger propellers as well as a third H-56 engine to match the first model's performance. Like the early Model 1031, the VZ-1 could achieve a maximum speed of 16mph. The pegs of the 1st unit were replaced by casters to ease moving the platform while not under power. As the test program proceeded, Hiller engineers uncovered a limitation of the ducted fan design in that the vehicle could not climb out of its ground effect, limiting the Pawnee to an altitude roughly equal to twice its diameter. The first two platforms also proved to be stable and self-righting, but this was a double-edged sword, as the pilot was fighting to employ the kinesthetic maneuvering.
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-A soldier aims his rifle from atop the second VZ-1 Pawnee. | Photo: Hiller Aircraft Company
Hiller attempted to address these issues with the third prototype, designated the VZ-1E (s/n 56-6945), which first flew in 1959. While maintaining the eight foot diameter of the second model, the -1E had a duct of greatly increased height, with the vehicle standing nearly nine and a half feet tall. The caster wheels of the earlier VZ-1 were gone, replaced by a single circular skid, and the pilot's pedestal was replaced by a seat with helicopter-style controls, the Pawnee having grown so large as to make the kinesthetic controls useless. The VZ-1E had the best performance of the series, achieving a maximum altitude of 33 feet, but it was still as slow as the others.
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-The VZ-1E, last model of the Hiller Pawnee flying platform. | Photo: Hiller Aircraft Company
Six total examples of the Pawnee were built by Hiller, but by the end of the test program in 1963 the US Army decided that they were too slow, fragile and ultimately limited battlefield use.
Hiller continued to use the various Pawnees for research on ducted fan technologies, but the Army abandoned the VZ-1. Of the six completed, only two original VZ-1s remain. One is at the Hiller Aviation Museum in California and the other is at the Udvar-Hazy Center of the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum. A replica of the first Model 1031 was built for the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum in Oregon.
DE LACKNER HZ-1 AEROCYCLE Development of the Aerocycle, originally called the Heli-Vector, began at approximately the same time as the Pawnee, and also incorporated Charles Zimmerman's kinesthetic control concept, but instead of a ducted fan the Aerocycle the platform, given the company designation DH-4, used a somewhat more simple arrangement of a central pod, supported by outriggers, supported the engine and two counter-rotating, two bladed rotors, over which a platform for the pilot was placed. As with the ZV-1, the pilot simply leaned in the direction he wanted to go, while motorcycle style grips controlled the engine.
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-An Aerocycle being flown by a soldier during the test phase. | Photo: US Army
Power for the DH-4 was provided by a Mercury Marine 20H outboard motor, which produced 40hp. The motor was connected to a chain reduction unit, and drove the two 15' diameter rotor blades via a belt drive. The first Aerocycles rested on one central airbag supported by four smaller outrigger bags which allowed landing on soft ground or water, but this was replaced later by helicopter-style skids. The DH-4 stood seven feet tall from the ground to the handlebars, which in addition to giving the pilot something to lean against to guide the Aerocycle also supported several basic flight instruments. The vehicle weighed 172lbs empty, while at max load that climbed to 454lbs, including the pilot and one gallon of gasoline, whith allowances for 120lbs of slung load cargo or a five gallon auxiliary tank, which increased the range to 50 miles. The pilot and engine were secured to this column by safety straps. The DH-4, which made its first tethered flight on 22 November 1954, followed by a free flight in January of 1955, attracted enough interest from the Army to result in a contract for a dozen production models, initially designated YHO-2, subsequently changed to HZ-1.
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-Several revisions to the pedestal and airbags were made during the course of the program. | Photo: US Army
Extensive testing proved that the Aerocycle was as easy to learn (Zimmerman claimed 20 minutes of instruction were sufficient) as promised, and was quite stable despite appearances, but it was also a higher performance vehicle than the ZV-1, with a top speed of 75mph and a ceiling of 5,000 feet. Additionally, the low-mounted rotors kicked up enough dust, rocks and other debris to be a hazard. Two serious by non-fatal accidents occurred during testing, both involved the rotors inadvertently intermeshing and shattering, resulting in an immediate loss of altitude as well as control.
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-The shattered remains of one of the HZ-1s after the rotors collided. | Photo: US Army
Flight tests were halted while the cause of the accidents was investigated, over the course of which several HZ-1s were tested in the full-scale wind tunnels at Langley Research Center. Although an uncontrollable pitching was observed at high speed, this was determined to not be the cause of the two crashes. With the cause undetermined, and with Army interest in the program waning, the Aerocycle was withdrawn by 1960. Out of the 12 HZ-1s produced, only one survives, on display at the US Army Transportation Museum at Fort Eustis, Newport News, Virginia. The DH-4 prototype has also been preserved, and is on display at the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum.
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-The last HZ-1 on display at the Army Transportation Museum. | Photo: Miles Lumbard 
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-The DH-4 AeroCycle at the Evergreen Museum. | Photo: Daderot
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avisxe · 2 years
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This is what I will usually default on if we have not had any other interactions or interests in a verse. (but even then. not really guaranteed. )
He is 13/14 in this verse, having been a vigilante for around 3 years.
Legally adopted by Damian Wayne, eldest of the Wayne family.
Reluctant middle school student by day. / Extracurriculars include the Mathletes team and Soccer.
Robin, crime fighter by night! First of his kind, Batman has no more shadow: He has his bird! Bruce Wayne serves as his mentor, and completely reluctant grandfather (sorry dude you’re old now... thems’ the breaks!). It’s a dynamic duo kind of thing.
v. shadow 
written during the first year of Dick Grayson’s introduction to the Wayne Family.
He is 10/11 in this verse. Depending on where the timeline of the thread falls, he may be either training to become the next shadow, or has debuted as Robin.
The majority of his shadow training was conducted by Nightwing, Signal, and Black Bat. (His favorite was Duke, by a landslide).
Bruce was alive publicly the entire time, which was the only thing that allowed Dick to keep his status of Ward.
v. teen titans
Written during his early years of joining the Teen Titans and establishing himself as a Solo Vigilante outside of Gotham and Bludhaven!
He is 15-17 in this verse! Teen drama, heartbreak, and bigger adventures on the horizon!
I imagine his team is that of the original titans, with Wally and Donna being closest to his age. Dick’s still the baby of the team, it seems like! The other members would have come from his predecessor, Jason’s team. 
Current agreed team lineup is: Arsenal, Starfire, Raven, Supergirl, Aqualad, Wondergirl, Kid Flash, Overshadow, and Robin.
Working with Batman and the rest of the family was beginning to feel like babysitting. It was time to explore the world! Expand your horizons........ but only on the weekends. That’s right! Teen fun had curfews.
v. jump city
At age 18, Victor Stone (Cyborg) contacts Dick Grayson, and informs him that he wants to create a Teen Titans team over in Jump City: And wants him to lead it. The team would be smaller, they would be older, but Robin was up for the challenge. Putting together Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, and Cyborg... Surely, nothing would be too stressful for this team!
Graduating early, Dick moves to Jump City to focus on vigilantism. He’s grown up, ladies and gentlemen! 
He is usually 18/19 in this verse, but I am also down to write him a little earlier in his jump titans career.
This verse is great for my Teen Titans (2003) show friends, as I have adopted certain canon from the show and melted it nicely in this particular au.
v. batman and (red) robin
This verse is still actively being created, and showcases a few very shitty years as a young adult Dick Grayson is confronted with the mantle of the Bat. ‘Has x,y, or z’ happened here? Probably! Maybe not! If I haven’t established it in a thread, we can discuss and make it work.
At age 20, his mentor and legal grandfather - Bruce Wayne, fends off gang members for a young teenager, 16-year-old Terry McGinnis - at the cost of him using firearms as self-defense. At Dick Grayson’s return from Jump City - he finds himself suddenly in the midst of both Bruce’s retirement from the suit, and Terry’s subsequential training from the sudden reveal of their family secret.
Terry wasn’t the only one being trained for a new position. Within months: A new Dynamic Duo was formed within Gotham.
Rumors on the street say that the Joker is back. But that can’t be possible, right? 
Mun will be writing both characters, Dick and Terry in appropriate replies - but if someone would like to take up the role and do it with me, I am welcome for that idea!
Ages will vary from 20-24 depending on how ‘freshly debuted’ my partners will want their dynamic duo.
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v. a multiverse of experiences are out there
Dick has accidentally stumbled into an unstable cross dimensional warping sequence and is trying to find his way back home.
v. the clown duke of crime! the tainted gray-son!
rogue!sidekick au but it’s me super tired of the talon storyline for him
chaos violence and insanity ensue! 
more detailed information here.as always- everything is tweakable for interactions.
v. data
I actually have an entire sideblog dedicated to this canon-divergent au. Check it out over at @dataxe​​
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zotlel · 4 years
Fall Into You (M) - 01
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pairing: jaebeom x you 
genre: romance, angst, series, eventual smut
synopsis: Your love life has been filled with nothing but bad experiences. Determined to give up on the idea of finding the one you meet a man who is desperate to change your mind and have you see him as more.
word count: 5.0k
This was it, you thought. It was something you had feared for months, something you wanted so desperately to not be true. You felt empty, dead, barren, all the things you told yourself you would never be, yet here you were.
The thought had finally occurred to you as you felt your recent Tinder meetup thrust inside of you. His name was Xavier, a Spanish entrepreneur in his mid-20’s who just so happened to be in town testing a study group on his latest business venture. Yet the only thing this man had come close to doing all night was testing your patience. From his sleaze-ball attitude to the way he aggressively attempted to fuck you. Let’s just say you were grateful he couldn’t see your distasteful facial expression as he took you from behind. 
You were depleted of all emotions in this moment as the man attempted to make love to your empty womb. You didn’t even feel anger or sadness at this point, your body felt like some sort of abandoned amusement park. The rides and attractions were there for everyone to see, they were just void of life. You feared that eventually, a dead body would feel warm compared to yours. The fear for you was so real, so scary, to think that you were just some damaged goods.
You started to feel suffocated from the motel’s disgustingly tacky red satin bed sheets that your head was currently being shoved deeper and deeper into. So you decided to end this God-awful encounter early. Sitting your body up causes the poor Xavier to lose his rhythm effectively allowing you to overtake power and position his dumbfounded body beneath you. Luckily the man lasted about as long as you had the capacity for, he gripped your hips tightly, possibly leaving a bruise, causing you to at least enjoy one sensation that night. 
Once the man had finished he attempted to grab your naked form in one could only assume to be a cuddle, you had absolutely no capacity to even humor the idea. Feigning an early morning you quickly gathered your things and headed directly for the door, not so much as even pretending to want to see him ever again. 
The walk of shame. 3 AM, unknown neighborhoods, brisk weather, and a clearer state of mind all accompanied you on your walk home. You officially felt at a total loss with yourself. You had tried the relationship thing, the casual dating, and now here you were attempting one-night-stands, and yet nothing helped you feel complete.
“If only he could see me now,” you say quietly to no one in particular.
Morning light hits you like a bucket of cold water. Apparently in your self-loathing state last night you completely neglected to change out of your cocktail dress and close your blinds. You groan audibly pulling your plush pillow to cover your head from the obscene light. The damage had already been done, you were now officially awake and forced to begin your day.
Dragging yourself to your bathroom you start by turning the shower to the hottest temperature possible and begin to strip from your attire. The woman staring back at you in the mirror is one that you had unfortunately been well acquainted with recently. With the smudged raccoon eyes and red nose that had broken through last night’s foundation, she was an absolute mess.
You scrub and scrub your body under the hot water as if it were some kind of remedy for the way you felt inside. No matter how raw you made your skin you still couldn’t erase the emptiness you felt throughout your core.
That is enough, you think to yourself. Enough of this vile attitude that you had towards yourself. Did you really need to remind yourself daily about what an amazing life you had? A great job, amazing friends, and a beautiful apartment in which you shared rent with a great roommate. Had you really stooped low enough in your womanhood that you would consider yourself empty just because you lacked the place of a man? Your mother would be so disappointed if she could see you now.
You had grown so tired of these men. Hanging in doorways, standing too close to you, their breaths thick with alcohol. Men who didn't come to the emergency room with you, men who left you alone on Christmas. Men who slammed their bedroom doors, who made you love them then changed their minds. You decided you would no longer let this gender be oppressive, you were a warrior.
“Well someone got in late last night,” your roommate, Sofie, called to you over her morning coffee. You had just made your way down to the kitchen in need of caffeine to help break through your early morning fog.
“Please don’t remind me,” you say to her as you begin searching for a clean mug.
“What? Did you not like this guy? Was he not good in be-”
You cut her off promptly by slamming the cabinet door, yourself being surprised by your own actions you turn to face her. 
“I’m sorry I just really don’t feel like talking about it.”
Sofie nods her head in understanding instantly making a pool of guilt form in your stomach from the way you acted. This aggression was a new thing of yours that you had yet to get used to. Rage had begun to take a grip on your life, and on your friendships. You never wanted to be this way. It sickened you to imagine you would have ever become a person to hurt a close friend of yours because you couldn’t contain the fire that you felt inside.
“I’m really sorry Sofie I didn’t mean to snap it’s just-” your words stop as Sofie patiently waits. 
“Last night was hard because it made me realize,” you take a big breath, “I am broken.”
“Sweetie you are not broken! You have just been burned, badly might I add, and you are having a hard time coming to terms with it that’s all.”
Is that all? Could Sofie finally have cracked the code that all of this just so happened to stem from one incident? There was no way you could allow this to be true. You were not just a victim who gets to bear her scar for the rest of the world to see. Your story would not end like that.
“No Sofie, you don’t get it, when I say that I am broken I am really not looking for sympathy,” her back straightens at your serious expression. “I just mean that I am giving up on relationships, all kinds of relationships with men, for now.”
“So no more dating?” You shake your head to confirm. “No more hookups?”
“When I say no more. I mean it,” you say with an icy tone.
“I don’t think that is such a bad idea,” Sofie begins. “I think you may just need to take some time before you go out again, learn about yourself, love yourself. Y’know all that shit that Teen Vogue used to tell us.”
You laugh at this, your roommate was a sweet girl, older than you but innocent enough. You envied her star glazed eyes when she talked about love and romance. Her heart was so pure and untainted, you hoped that she would never change, you prayed that she would never know. 
“I think you may be right Sof.”
“Right about what?” 
In the most perfect of moments Sofie’s boyfriend, Jake, comes down the stairs to join in on your impromptu counseling session. Jake and Sofie were long-time boyfriend and girlfriend since your guys’ days in college. They were each other’s first everything's, love, relationship, they had even lost their virginities to one another. The first day the two of them had met during your study session you could see it happen, the sparks. And throughout the years you were able to watch their love bloom and unfold.
“Oh you know the usual, my life is fucked,” you joke responding to Jake’s question.
“What fucking men with no feelings is finally getting old?” Jake says.
“Ouch, you don’t have to be so harsh,” you respond back to him in which he just shrugs you off. 
Sometimes you wondered how a person as blunt as Jake managed to win over the tender-hearted Sofie. Jake reaches above Sofie’s head to grab his own mug for coffee while pressing a kiss to her forehead causing her face to flush with joy. Some couples just couldn’t be scrutinized, Jake and Sofie just worked.
“Hey, you’re still gonna come with us to Dominic’s New Year’s party on Friday, right?” Sofie asks you.
“That depends, will Dom stay far away from me for the entirety of the night?” you respond back.
“Oh come on, he’s really not all that bad!” Sofie says making your eyebrows go up in disbelief. “And if I recall correctly you hooked up with him a couple of months ago so you obviously don’t hate him that much.”
“First off, I was drunk,” you begin to feel yourself getting worked up. “Secondly, my heart was just broken, if you haven’t forgotten, so let’s just say my judgment was a little fucked.”
Sofie takes a long sip of her coffee and avoids eye-contact. You turn your body from her and breathe deeply from your nose in order to regain your composure.
“Okay, ladies let’s take it down a notch,” Jake effectively breaks the tension. “Y/N, I would love it if you came to celebrate with all of us. And I promise I will be keeping Dom busy so you don’t have to worry about him.”
“Fine, I’ve never been one to say no to free drinks anyways,” Sofie perks up at your response and excitedly hugs you causing you to smile.
Your workweek drags on leaving you anxious to get absolutely trashed at the upcoming party. You’ve had enough corporate bullshit to make certain that when Friday came no one would even be able to recognize that you played as a stock manager by day. One last sweep of your ruby red lipstick against your lips and your look is complete. Despite the bitter winter air you opted to show skin tonight in your tight black body-con dress. You knew that this look would attract lots of attention, but you didn’t care. You would relish in the way men would stare at you, and then doing something you have become unfamiliar with, you would deny each and every one of them. 
You, Jake, and Sofie all share the same Uber from your apartment to Dominic’s swanky new penthouse. The four of you had all met in college, each of you finding different paths in life yet always keeping in touch. Back then Dominic was a promising young student swiftly on his way to becoming an engineer. Until suddenly he decided to leave school and follow his true passion for cuisine. Now he was one of the most successful restaurant moguls in the city. 
His hard work truly paid off, you thought to yourself as the three of you entered his pristine penthouse suite already packed with people ready to celebrate the new year. The ceilings were high and the interior design was entirely bachelor-esque, true to his lavish lifestyle. Waiters attended to people throughout the room holding silver platters of champagne and the occasional finger-food. The scent in the air was lofty with alcohol and the various types of cologne worn by desperate men looking for a lay. 
“You guys made it!” 
Speak of the devil. Dominic makes his way through the crowd to greet his old friends. The four of you exchange hugs and hello’s but you were more than ready to end the interaction with him as quickly as possible. You look around the room until your eyes land on the small minibar across the living room.
“I need to be drunk,” you yell in Sofie’s ear causing her to giggle and excusing the two of you to the bar being worked by a dashing young bartender. It was a bit of a challenge to remember why exactly you weren’t going to be hooking up with anyone tonight. Until the young Colgate smirk shot you a knowing look. It all came rushing back, you fucking hated men.
Quickly you order a shot for both you and Sofie which she reluctantly agrees to, what a great friend, you think. The burn of tequila crawls its way to your stomach lighting a pleasant fire. You settle on champagne to sip on the rest of the night after taking the beverage from the bartender to promptly end his suffocating stare on you. 
“I’m gonna go find Jake, are you okay here?” Sofie asks you.
“Yes of course I’ll be fine as long as the bartender can keep it in his pants.”
Sofie laughs and hits your arm for speaking so loudly, but you truly didn’t care. You begin to move away from the bar towards the floor-to-ceiling windows exposing the city life below. Upon approaching you can’t help but ogle at the beautiful scenery. The life of the city could be seen even from fifty floors up. The hustle and bustle of people eager to celebrate the new year had mesmerized you along with the mass of skyscrapers glittering against the deep purple horizon.
Once you and Sofie had left to find the bar, Jake and Dominic were across the room talking of old times while Dominic showcased his new apartment. Jake could tell that Dominic was proud in the development of his empire, it was obvious in the way he had to mention price tags on every item in his home. Just when Dominic was about to go on and on about a particular piece of art a man whom Jake had not met before interrupts their conversation by placing a hand on Dominic’s shoulder.
“Jaebeom you made it!” Dominic says to the man while pulling him in for a hug. Dominic, as anyone could tell, had a bit too much to drink tonight, hence the sudden affection.
Jaebeom didn’t seem to mind Dominic, perhaps already familiar with this behavior, he pulls back from the brief embrace and gives Dominic a tight smile. Jaebeom had dark hair that was tucked neatly behind each ear. His ears were littered with silver jewelry while his nose also adorned a single stud. His eyes were set deep giving him a mysterious aura.
“Jaebeom this is my good buddy from college Jake,” Dominic introduces the two while both the men shake their hands in a greeting. “Jaebeom is a photographer, he did all the shots for my new restaurant.”
“No kidding, that’s really awesome man,” Jake says trying to make conversation with the stranger.
“Thanks for saying so, I really appreciate it,” Jaebeom says.
A silence fills the space before Dominic asks, “So did Claire come with you tonight?”
Claire, from what Jake had heard, was Dominic’s newest conquest. She was a hostess at one of Dominic’s restaurants and apparently good friends with Jaebeom. Jake found it odd that Dominic could not work up the courage himself to ask out a girl instead of having someone he hired to be his wingman.
“Unfortunately she wasn’t able to swing her shift,” Jaebeom tells Dominic to which he shrugs in an attempt to seem unaffected. Jaebeom then suddenly turns to Jake.
“I’m sorry if this comes off as too forward, but I couldn’t help but notice the girl you came in with earlier.”
Jake laughs, this wouldn’t be the first time that he had to break it to some poor bastard that Sofie was his girlfriend. She was absolutely gorgeous and he knows that his girlfriend Sofie does garner lots of attention. Not that he feels jealous, he just hates having to break it to these dudes that they stand no chance.
“That would be my girlfriend actually,” Jake says.
“Both of them?” Jaebeom raises his eyebrow quizzically causing Jake to facepalm at the way he is handling this interaction.
“Oh no sorry,” Jake searches the room to see Sofie and you leaning against the bar on the other side of the room. “My girlfriend is the one in the white dress over there by the bar.”
Jake points out the two of you and watches Jaebeom’s eyes follow.
“Oh I see, I was actually going to ask you about her friend.”
Jake sputters the champagne he is sipping feeling caught off guard at the question. If Jake remembers correctly you had completely sworn off men not too long ago. Then again, Jaebeom does look like a nice guy and seems genuinely interested in you. As your friend, Jake feels at a standstill with what to do. Although Jake was harsh in words when it came to you, he always had a soft spot for you. And he knows when you put your mind to something, you do not tolerate when people disregard you. But before Jake can say anything, Dominic beats him to the punch.
“Are you kidding? Y/N is practically fucking anyone that even looks her way these days.”
Now Jake remembers just why Dominic and you never got along. He was a complete asshole to you.
“Hey dude come on, don’t say that shit about her,” Jake comes to your defense.
Dominic raises his hands in surrender while wearing that typical shit-eating grin, “I just call it as I see it.”
Jake begins to become increasingly frustrated with the way that his best friend was being talked about, but he is even more afraid of your image being potentially slandered in front of a total stranger. And perhaps a potential match.
“You know better than anyone that she is going through a lot right now. Besides just the other day she said she had absolutely no interest in dating anymore,” Jake internally cringes at himself for potentially scaring Jaebeom away with that last point, but he really couldn’t let Dominic continue to trash you.
“Oh, Jesus don’t give me that. Ever since she got dumped she has been acting like a complete who-”
“Alright I think that’s enough,” surprisingly Jaebeom beats Jake in coming to your defense by putting an end to Dominic’s drunken rant. 
While listening to Dominic trash you and Jake attempting to defend you, Jaebeom was continually getting more and more upset. It was bad enough that Dominic has just shown himself to be a terrible friend, but now he was going to stoop as low as calling his friend such a derogatory term? 
He thought again about the girl that caught his attention. His eyes were on you the moment you walked through the door. Even with the masses of people in the penthouse, he felt like he was on another world with you, floating distantly away in a turquoise sea. To your beautiful skin, gorgeous locks of hair, and even just the way you carried yourself. Jaebeom had found himself completely enraptured with this complete stranger. And he was not going to let one of your supposed “friends” go on ruining your image.
“It’s not very cool to talk about someone like that when they’re not here to defend themselves. Especially to someone whom they have never even met,” Jaebeom told Dominic with a stern tone.
If Jake was impressed before by this man, his respect for Jaebeom increased even more. If only you were willing to put yourself out there again, he thinks Jaebeom might be a really good change for you. He clearly was a person who stood for what they believed in, and Jake knows how much a person like that could have such a great impact on you.
“Now if you’ll excuse me,” Jake waves to Jaebeom too stunned to even say anything as he walks off.
“What the hell is his problem?” Dominic starts as Jaebeom leaves, “Does he think that Y/N will blow him with that bullshit Mr. Nice Guy act?”
“You are such a prick, you know that?” Dominic just shrugs off Jake taking a large gulp of his beer.
While roaming throughout the penthouse you would stop occasionally to scope out the room around you. The people, the music, even the drinks were just so mind numbingly dull to you. You thought to yourself either you were truly broken like you thought so earlier that week or you were perhaps just a narcissist. Neither of those options made you feel particularly good about yourself, but if you weren’t going to be the one to say it, who would?
“Are you enjoying yourself so far?”
Over the loud bass of the music somehow you were able to hear the question coming from the man who had just approached you. You turn towards him slightly startled. Only once you turned to the voice you felt your breath leave your lungs. He was handsome, no beyond that, you had seen handsome men before, fucked handsome men, he was something else. There was no word in the English language to describe his looks.
His cheeks were set high on his face along with his straight nose. The dark locks of hair that framed his face rested softly on his moonlit skin. The way he held your eyes with his stare had you almost in a panic until you remembered, you had lost all your patience for men. 
Still, there was no harm in just conversing, your drunken state thought.
“I’m going to have to say no to that one,” you reply back honestly while setting your empty champagne glass on a waiter’s tray. Had it not been for the few drinks you had already you would not have even spared this man a second glance, right?
“Can’t say I blame you,” the man says. “I am Jaebeom by the way.”
He flashes you a tender smile with his perfectly straightened teeth, you quickly tell him your own name hoping to God this conversation could die. Your resolve while standing next to Jaebeom was slowly dwindling. You need to leave his side. Continuing this conversation leads to dangerous territory that not you nor your heart was ready for.
“I’m sorry, will you excuse me? I need to find my friends, I haven’t seen them all night,” you inwardly cringe at your lame excuse. Yet Jaebeom seems completely unaffected, holding his arm out to his side to allow your departure. A man that doesn’t get angry when you deprive him of attention, that was new.
Somewhere amongst the sea of people Sofie appears at Jake’s side effectively easing the growing anger Jake felt towards Dominic’s drunken antics. 
“What were you two boys talking about,” Sofie says sweetly while looping her arm around Jake. Jake knows that if Sofie were to hear the things Dominic had been saying about her best friend, she would have an absolute fit. So he thought it best she didn’t know.
“Oh you know just guy talk,” Jake says smiling.
“My photographer has the hots for Y/N,” Dominic slurs while it takes everything in Jake not to strangle his friend.
“Your photographer? Who is that? I want to see what he looks like,” Sofie replies sounding interested, to which Dominic scans the room before landing his finger on Jaebeom talking with some other guests.
“What really? He is so perfect I have to go tell her,” Sofie tries to walk away until Jake pulls her back.
“Okay first of all, ouch, I am your boyfriend. How can you say a guy is perfect while I’m right here?” Sofie rolls her eyes but let’s Jake continue. “Secondly, wasn’t it just a couple days ago that she mentioned never wanting to date again?”
“Oh come on you know she doesn’t mean that, and besides that guy is so her type. The second she sees him she will forget her hatred of men altogether,” Sofie says.
Jake sighs but lets Sofie go over and tell you about your secret admirer. He didn't appreciate the way people took your words so lightly. Was he the only one listening to you for the past couple months to know that you needed time to heal? Then again Sofie was your closest friend and perhaps she knew what was best for you.
“Okay you are never going to believe this,” Sofie approaches you from behind as you finish off your third glass of champagne.
“Tell me quickly I can feel the alcohol beginning to fog my brain.”
“Literally the hottest guy here asked Jake and Dom about you, they say he is interested in you!”
Through your slightly buzzed state you can still feel the burst of annoyance come over you. You have to breathe deeply through your nose in order to not completely go off on your sweet enthusiastic friend. Did your words a couple days ago mean nothing to her?
“Sofie, like I told you, I am not at all interested,” you tell her causing her excitement to dwindle. “So you can pass along that message to this mystery man too.”
“Oh come on! At least let me show you who it is, you will just die,” Sofie says causing your eyes to roll.
You decide to play along, “Fine show me.”
Sofie excitedly turns both your bodies to the crowd of people, she scans for a minute until she finds the said man, excitedly pointing him out to you. Jaebeom was in the middle of a conversation. The man who was interested in you was him? The guy you completely blew off just moments ago? 
You could feel yourself start to become overwhelmed. First when you started to talk to Jaebeom you began to have these feelings that you had never felt before. The fact that you couldn’t identify them frustrated you and made you want to leave this party. Now come to find out the whole reason he approached you was because he was interested? For reasons unexplained you began to feel the anger turn in your stomach again.
Who did this guy think he was? Was he just someone who felt he was so charming that just a simple greeting would have you spreading your legs for him? You felt so angry with yourself for even faltering for a moment on the resolution you made with yourself. This just proved your theory that all men want the same things from you. How could you be so stupid to think differently? Your head was turning into a swirl of red, clouding your judgement, perhaps the cheap booze was stronger than you anticipated.
It wasn’t until Jaebeom turned his body towards you, locking his eyes on yours. You expected to see the smirk, the smirk that all the men wear on their faces when they just want their dick wet. Instead, he smiled. Not a forced smile, it was genuine, you could feel the warmth of it from across the room. His smile had you faltering. You’ve been with so many men these past few months that you thought you had them all figured out. So why was he so unpredictable? 
For this, the rage overcame you.
With all your might you are able to look away from him and down at the floor. Your chest felt tight, all the air around you had been sucked away as you struggled to get a grip on where you were. Breathing exercises were not going to help you at this point.
“Hey, are you okay?” Sofie looks down at your shaken figure.
“No, I’m not, I think I’m going to leave. I really don’t feel well,” you say as you begin to make your way through people not wanting to let anyone submit to your anger.
Sofie grabs your arm, “It’s almost midnight you can’t leave now!”
“Sofie please, I am being very serious right now. Let me go,” your tone is icy as Sofie draws her hand back in fear.
Taking the opportunity you start your journey towards the exit needing so desperately to get out of the sea of people. Your chest began to heave as you felt the world closing in on you. Tears prodded in your eyes as you clenched your fists. The crowd was suffocating, you felt like you were about to burst, until finally you made your way to the door. You hurried down the hallway to the elevator practically throwing a punch at the call button.
Jaebeom was across the room when he had seen the entire exchange. He noticed your change in expression and then proceeded to watch you suddenly turn to leave the party. Jaebeom had a hard time understanding why, but he felt worried for you. Suddenly he begins to weave in and out of the drunken mass as the countdown from ten begins to be shouted out. He sees only a glimpse of you as you finally slip your way out the front door.
He reaches the door, opening it to find there is no one in the hall, he looks down and sees the elevator doors slowly closing with you inside. He tries to make a run for it, what will he even say when he reaches you? He doesn’t care at this moment, all Jaebeom knows is that he doesn't want you to be alone. 
Running fast towards the titanium doors you look up and catch his eye. Tears can be seen falling down your flushed cheeks. Your eyes were wild and bright as you stared through Jaebeom, making his steps come to a halt. He was shaken by the look in your eyes, so much so that he lets the elevator doors stop him from reaching you.
He hears the party happening behind him. The cheering and laughing as people celebrate with their friends and loved ones. Yet the noise is completely drawn out as Jaebeom thinks of you.
This girl he had only just met, yet he longed for so desperately so.
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longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
Another Weird Flash/Rogues AU
Awhile ago on AAO3, I read a story with a basic premise of “What if the Kryptonians had left Krypton before it was destroyed, traveled to Earth, fallen under the leadership of Zod (or another group of evil Kryptonians) and enslaved the human race”? The story mainly focused on Bruce Wayne and Kal-El (the latter of whom quickly came to realize the wrongs that the Kryptonians were perpetrating), but, being a huge Flash nerd, I thought: What if I used that same basic idea, but focused on the Flash characters instead? This is the result. 
This AU is comparatively very early in the timeline; Barry Allen is 20 years old, Wally is about five, etc. 
-Barry Allen was about seven years old when the Central/Keystone area was taken over and its population enslaved. His mother, Nora, was sold away from him shortly thereafter. He and his father (and most of the familiar Flash characters) are owned by some unpleasant Kryptonian, as are most of the characters detailed below. (Superman fans who know the names of evil Kryptonians other than Zod, feel free to make suggestions.) In this universe, Barry’s rather timid and submissive overall. He’s very kind and wants to help people, but unlike Iris (whom he has a massive crush on), he’s not brave enough to stand up to the overseers. 
-Nora Allen passed away a few years after the Kryptonian takeover, far away from her husband and son. After mourning for a few months, Henry Allen remarried to a widow named Martha Scudder, and adopted her son, Samuel Joseph Scudder, as a second son. Martha and Henry are devoted to both Barry and Sam. 
-Sam Scudder-Allen is 16 years old, four years younger than his older brother. He was three years old when the Kryptonians arrived and was crippled at the age of seven when a heavy piece of farm machinery fell on his leg. He uses a crutch to walk and works as a tailor, since he’s not able to work in the fields. He is rather self-conscious about his “bum leg”, since it means that escaping slavery would be almost impossible for him. He’s also much more willing to stand up to the Kryptonians than his older brother currently is, mainly because he figures that, as a crippled slave, he really can’t get much worse off.
-Iris West, age 19, lives with her father, Ira (her mother died before the Kryptonians arrived), and her nephew, the five-year-old Wally West (both of his parents were sold away shortly after he was born). Fiery and rebellious; she’s been pushing boundaries ever since the Kryptonians arrived and is determined to learn how to read. She thinks Barry is very cute, but refuses to date him until he grows a spine. She won’t allow her children to grow up enslaved to a bunch of aliens. 
-George “Digger” Harkness, age 17, was sold to the Central City area from Australia when he was 14 years old. His stepfather, Ian Harkness, hated him so much that he actually volunteered to have him sold away, and Digger found himself living and working alongside total strangers. He’s mouthy and stubborn, but is afraid enough of the Kryptonians that he’s not openly rebelllious.
-Evan McCulloch, age 6, was sold to the Central City area from Scotland only a few months ago. He’s terrified and misses Miss McCulloch badly. He’s also been semi-adopted by Henry and Martha Allen. 
-Claudio and Marco Mardon, aged 18 and 17, respectively, and their parents, Paloma and Mattias, immigrated to the United States from Guatemala a few years before the Kryptonians conquered Central City. Surprisingly, the family was not separated and has remained together ever since. Marco, the younger of the two, is clumsy and awkward, but generally keeps his head down and doesn’t cause trouble. As a result, he, ironically enough, is actually the golden child in this reality. Claudio, with his passionate love of learning, rocks the boat too frequently and gets into trouble too often-he’s even taught himself how to read, something that humans aren’t allowed to do under Kryptonian rule. Paloma and Mattias have tried to dissuade him, but to no avail. Marco, on the other hand, greatly admires his older brother and wishes he had his courage, and the two are very close. The family speaks as much Spanish as it does English. 
-Roscoe Dillon, age 16, lives and works in his Kryptonian owner’s estate alongside his mother, Rosa. (His father, Reginald, was sold off when Roscoe was nine.) He and Rosa are isolated from most of the other humans; as result, Roscoe has few friends. He’s also more than a little odd (thanks to being on the autism spectrum), but, fortunately for him, his love of routine and organization mean that no one can find fault with his work. He still loves tops and has created dozens of them to play with when he’s not required to work. 
-Mick Rory, aged 22, is a soft-spoken gentle giant. His family was killed in the Kryptonian invasion, and he still mourns their loss, but otherwise his life hasn’t changed as much as most of the other humans’. Having grown up on a farm, he’s used to working in the fields and adjusted to the farm labor the Kryptonians required much more easily than did most others. He is friendly and helpful to everyone and has taken in a 7-year-old girl named Linda Park, whose parents were sold off.
-Giovanni Giuseppi, aged 10, lives with his mother, Helen. He and his family, used to a migrant lifestyle from their time in the circus, managed to evade the Kryptonians for quite some time, but, when the Kryptonians finally captured them, his father, Alessandro, was killed; being dropped from a high height. The six-year-old Giovanni, already terrified of heights, was traumatized by this event. He and his mother were then sold to the Central City area. Giovanni is terrified of Kryptonians; as a result, he never disobeys orders. Once lively and energetic, Giovanni is now rather timid and reserved-but he’s still incredibly intelligent. 
-Joan Garrick is the widow of Jay Garrick, the Flash, who was murdered by Zod in order to prevent his speed from becoming a threat. She is determined to carry on his work by educating as many people as she can; in the hopes that this will enable them to escape and eventually overthrow the Kryptonians. She is very close to Iris and Claudio, and hopes to teach them everything she knows.
-Hartley Rathaway, age 9, lives with his parents, Rachel and Osgood Rathaway. When the Kryptonians first arrived in Central City, Mr. and Mrs. Rathaway struck a bargain with them; giving them all the knowledge they would need in order to take over the city with ease in exchange for being able to maintain their own wealth, freedom, and power. The Kryptonians used the information provided by the Rathaways to take over the Central/Keystone area...and then enslaved the wealthy couple along with the rest of the city’s populace anyway. Needless to say, Mr. and Mrs. Rathaway are not particularly well-liked by their fellow humans. Not at all accustomed to physical labor or powerlessness, they often get into trouble with the Kryptonian overseers, and aren’t likely to receive much help from any other humans. As a cruel joke, Rachel was allowed to keep her jewelery, and, when the Kryptonians hand out the yearly supply of clothing, they always receive the finest clothes...which are, of course, of no use at all for hard physical labor. Hartley is better-liked than his parents, but he’s deaf and mute, and, since no one had the time to teach him sign language, he struggles to communicate with anyone other than his parents. It also means that the Kryptonians use him for their own amusement, rather than having him work in the fields or in a trade; mocking the obvious inferiority of the human race that he represents. That being said, he has grown suprisingly close to Giovanni Giuseppi. 
-Leonard and Lisa Snart, age 18 and 13, respectively, are unusual. Of all the humans of the Keystone/Central area, and perhaps the planet, they are the only ones who are not enslaved. When the Kryptonians arrived in the area, Leonard was 5 years old, and his sister was a newborn. His biological father, Larry Snart, was an abusive father and husband, and regularly beat both his wife and Leonard. One night, in a drunken rage, Larry accidentally killed his wife and was preparing to brutalize his son when several Kryptonians broke into the house. Larry attacked them and was promptly killed, but, fortuitously for Len and Lisa, Zor-El and Alura arrived on the scene and adopted the children as their own, in the hopes of saving them from the slavery they knew Zod and his allies had planned for humanity. To avoid raising suspicion, they claimed that they had adopted the children because of both children’s icy blue eyes, which strongly resembled the eyes of most Kryptonians. The children had the eyes of Rao; they said. They had been blessed with civility and intelligence that was unlike that of other humans; they deserved the chance to be raised as Kryptonians. The argument was broadly accepted, and so Lenonard and Lisa Snart became Len-El and Lisa (pronounced LYE-za) of the house of Jor-El. They were raised as Kryptonians, and, although Zor-El and Alura refused to own slaves and secretly helped many humans escape to freedom, they could not allow the children to spend time with members of their own species, lest it raise suspicion about their work. As a result, both Len-El and Lisa think of themselves as Kryptonian, and, since they are surrounded by Kryptonian children and taught by Kryptonian teachers at school, both of them firmly believe that humans need to be controlled by Kryptonians. Lisa thinks of other humans almost as cute pets, having never met another member of her species, but she is curious to learn more about them. Len-El despises the fact that he’s human. Thanks to his horrific experiences with his human father, Len-El believes that humans are cruel and barbaric, and he wants nothing to do with them. He wants to be Kryptonian, just like his loving parents. He and Lisa also have a little sister, Kara Zor-El, who is 7 years old. They adore Kara, and she adores them. They’re also both quite fond of their cousin, Kal-El (age 19). 
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fedonciadale · 3 years
Oh for fuck’s sake! Again with those ageist, misogynistic anons? They make me so angry. What do they think will happen when they grow “old”? Stop reading, stop watching what they love? Stop writing if they are writers? How old do they think writers and directors are, anyway? Aren’t they gross and immature for actually writing their ships?
Look, I’m in my early 20s, I’m young. Even so, I noticed that the way I read, see, and interpret characters, dynamics and stories changes as I grow older and gain life experience. I still like my childhood fandoms, and why not? I love going back there, I adore that childhood feeling (I don’t know how to explain it, but I think you get what I’m saying), and I love realizing how differently I see them now that I’m older. For example, Harry Potter: the way I read it now is vastly different from when I first read it at 11. My approach changed, my understanding of the characters and their motivations deepened, I analyze the story and its meaning with another point of view than that of a child. I actually can’t wait to read Harry Potter again as an older, more mature woman, and as a mother! I bet my perspectives will deepen further, or maybe even change. The more experienced I get, the more insight I’ll gain in regards to the author’s choices. That’s what maturity means in this context!
By their logic, only teenagers should be allowed to write and enjoy fiction about teenagers, people in their 20s should write only for their peers, and so on and so forth. I want them to tell me how that could possibly make any sense.
Or perhaps they expect “old” people to watch and read passively, enjoying only to a certain extent, without caring too much and without shipping characters? Enthusiasm doesn’t vanish with age. Liking characters and dynamics is not inherent to adolescence. What on earth are we talking about?
Sorry for my rant, I just think it’s beyond frustrating that so many people think that, as we grow old, we shouldn’t engage in our passions anymore. I can’t imagine how incredibly annoying it must be for you, as the target of their criticism!
Personally, I love reading your metas, thoughts and fanfics. Your age makes you wise (not saying that every grown-up person is wise, though. Unfortunately, in some cases age adds nothing to one’s intelligence and maturity, but that’s off topic), and you’re certainly not immature for being an active part of a fandom and gushing over a ship.
Hi there!
Thanks for the heads up! Glad you like my stuff! 🤗
Ageism must be the most stupid of isms... I mean age comes for us all.
I suspect that anon actually believes that you stop having fun at a certain age. Wonder what they will do when they have reached my age... Hopefully by that time they look back at their younger self and feel some embarrassment.
And isn't it interesting that men are allowed to gush over football, their games, their handicrafts etc. But women are supposed to be 'mature'. 🤔
And yes, our perspective changes when we get older and when we read something more often. And this is a nice experience! Because hopefully we remember why we liked certain books and characters and still empathise with them.
HP is a good example. I read the books so differently now than the first time. I really thought Dumbledore was a kind old mentor on my first read. And now I think he was a manipulating cold bastard. I still think the character is compelling though. So, in a way I still 'like' him if differently. I still like Harry but I see his flaws more clearly and nowadays I think that the only really nice persons in HP are Luna and Neville. Lol.
I read the ASOIAF books now very differently from how I read them on my first read. My opinion on some of the POVs has changed very much. A reassessment of Tyrion, Sansa, Cersei for example. Some characters are my favs consistently though. I loved Jaime from the beginning and I still love my disaster Lannister. I still love Cat! - which does not mean that I do not see their flaws.
There is a certain magic though to reading a book the first time: sometimes I wish I could go back to my twelve year old self and experience the magic of reading LotR for the first time again, but I digress...
I actually think it is harmful to tell people that they can only read or write something written for them - be it their age group, their gender, their ethnicity - whatever...
Because reading and writing is actually the easiest way to empathise. And we should try to slip into other people's skin. Men should absolutely read Jane Austen and should experience some of the frustration of the expectations of society on women. White people should read about poc and their experiences. Abled people should read about the many difficulties of disabled. If I only read and write about my own bubble that is extremely restricting. We should absolutely stretch our imagination and challenge ourselves.
I just finish by sharing a funny story with you about how age changes perspective. When I was a child I watched a movie with my family and my sister and I absolutely fell in love with the main character. And somehow we didn't come across this film again.... And forgot the title etc. Years later my sister had managed to secure a DVD. We watched the movie, with high anticipation. And well. Let's just say the movie had a very old fashioned idea of women.... Afterwards we looked at each other and I said : OMG? This is such misogynistic crap! A childhood dream destroyed. We laughed so hard. 😂
Thanks for the ask!
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echodrops · 4 years
I’m obviously late to the tumble party... but I stumbled across your Notagami Essays posts and they are absolutely Fabulous! Love your writing and the amount of detail you go into :)
So I figured you may be a good person to ask - if you just had to guess (bc as far as I know it’s never been officially confirmed?) but if you had to take a guess or give a rough estimate, how old do you think Yato was when he first met Sakura? We know he’s estimated to be at least a thousand years old, we know he’s - from the start of the series to present - estimated to be somewhere between 18 and his early 20s (physically)... but I can’t find a single thing/discussion/post/stickynote/whatever where it talks about how old he might have been when he first met Sakura - let alone the emotional/psychological effects of Sakura coming into his life and introducing healthy mindset/morals/maternal-influence etc. etc. (obviously no mom and Father’s neglect played a big role in him not knowing how inappropriate it was for him to ‘accidentally touch’ and yell “boobs!” but you can also just say he was so young he didn’t know how inappropriate that was?) My point is: how old do you think Yato was (physically anyway) at the time of their meeting? and Do you know of any discussions or care to share your opinion on how being the no more than the age of blank affected his mental/emotional understanding of Sakura teaching him a new narrative?
Sorry this is a random out of the blue ask 😅😓 if I rambled on and you don’t feel like answering, I get it, just figured it was worth asking :)
I fell down a serious rabbit hole trying to see if I could figure out the answer to this question about Yato’s age but unfortunately I’m mostly coming up empty-handed.
The answer to this question actually depends on two different pieces of information which--as far as I can remember--we’ve never actually been given for certain.
1) We would need to know when Yato was actually born.
The manga has kind of hinted at a total (not physical) age for Yato in the flashbacks which showed him as a young child during the Heian era (putting him somewhere in the vicinity of a little over 1000 years old) and Father not making masks before ~1100 years ago, but the problem is we still don’t know how many years might have passed between this scene (the youngest we’ve ever seen Yato):
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And the next flashback scene, where Yato meets Nora:
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If gods age normally when they are children, these two scenes might be only a handful of years apart. But if gods don’t age normally, then these two scenes could be decades or centuries apart, which leads to the other missing piece of information (under the read more to save people’s dashes):
2) We would need to know the aging process for gods who are just born/reincarnate.
Up to this point in the manga, we’ve only seen two gods reincarnate--Ebisu (who reincarnated too recently to really help answer this question) and Takemikazuchi. The implication of Takemikazuchi’s backstory is that his shinki forced him to reincarnate and then hid his reincarnation from all of Heaven. The only way they could have kept other gods from noticing that Takemikazuchi had reincarnated would have been by not allowing him to go out at all until he had grown enough to match his previous reincarnation in appearance. This seems to suggest that gods probably do age normally when they are children--hiding Takemikazuchi away for ~20 years seems a lot more likely than being able to hide him away for centuries, after all... (I also feel like I have very vague recollection of some scene in the manga where someone comments on Takemikazuchi not having been around for a “few years,” but it’s been so long since I reread I can’t recall if this is a real moment from the manga or just me misremembering.) 
Overall, however, based on what we’ve seen in the manga, my guess would be that when they’re young, after just being born or being reincarnated, gods age pretty normally. This would suggest that, for the first few years at least, the physical and mental ages of reincarnated/newly born gods actually overlap; baby Ebisu acts like a little kid because he is, in fact, both mentally and physically a little kid.
That would mean that, for all intents and purposes, Yato’s physical and mental ages lined up when he was young and meeting Sakura, and he acted like a little kid because he really was just a little kid, god or not.
(Detour for a second though: 
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This line always struck me as interesting in that it might, just might, give us a more specific timeframe for Yato’s “birth”: although the constellations, of course, are visible in the sky every single year, this particular combination of concepts (kanoto-tori, yin metal rooster) is known much more commonly as one of the sixty years on the cyclical Chinese calendar, also used in Japan. Counting back on the calendar, 961 A.D. was a yin metal rooster year and would align just about right for what we know about the timeframe in which Yato later met Sakura (~970ish). Just referencing constellations doesn’t mean Adachitoka was pointing to a specific year, but it might have been another hint as to the timeframe of the flashbacks.
Okay, detour over.)
Anyway, without 100% confirmation on either of those pieces of information--when Yato was born and whether gods age at the same rate as humans after reincarnating--I don’t think it’s really possible to pin down Yato’s “real” age (physically or mentally) at the time he met Sakura. We mostly just have to estimate. 
Personally, based on his size and behavior at the time, I’d put him somewhere between seven and maybe up to ten, but the way Adachitoka draws characters kind of makes it impossible to judge their ages by appearance; Yato is about the same size as Nora when he meets Sakura, implying that he and Nora were around the same physical “age” at that time; meanwhile, Nora is later portrayed as being roughly the same age as Yukine, suggesting she was maybe 12-13ish years old when she died. So, despite being drawn tiny, it’s possible Yato was meant to be anywhere from a little kiddo (6-7) to all the way up to Nora’s age by the time he met Sakura.
But all that said, I think what you were really asking about was more the mental state Yato would have been in when he met Sakura and how his young age would have impacted his ability to change his world views, right? The answer to that is... complicated and could be approached a lot of ways. Coming from a background of working with and educating social work students, there are several common psychological theories of child development that might apply here, for example. 
I’d recommend checking out Erik Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development, though. 
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(Pulled from here.)
I don’t have time to explain the entire theory with the complexity it might deserve, but the basic idea is that, as children develop, they experience a series of crises or challenges that they must overcome. Successfully overcoming each challenge results in successful psychological and social development; failing to overcome a challenge in childhood will result in long-term negative impacts later in the child’s life. (There are plenty critiques of this theory too, so don’t take this as gospel or anything--just a theory worth thinking about!)  
Given Father’s lack of interest in teaching Yato basic concepts of humanity, I would put Yato at approximately the “Initiative vs. Guilt” stage when he met Sakura. At this level of Erikson’s theory, children struggle with asserting themselves and developing a healthy sense of how their personal desires might conflict with the expectations and rules set out by others. In this stage, giving a child positive feedback for their actions teaches the child that those actions are “right,” while giving negative feedback teaching the child that their actions are wrong. In order to overcome this particular challenge, children need to begin taking initiative and aligning their actions with social standards; the child acts, and the parental figure reacts--through this process, children learn “I can do X thing but I cannot do Y thing.” 
When you hear things like “Children are cruel,” most often what people are referring to is that it takes time for children to learn empathy and to experience guilt when they cause harm to others; children do not natively understand the repercussions of their actions. It’s only through a process of testing the boundaries, of receiving praise or punishment, that children define what is “right” versus “wrong,” and begin to feel bad when they do something deemed wrong.
And this is pretty much word-for-word what we see Sakura teaching Yato.
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If they have healthy role models and caretakers during this phase, children develop successfully. Successful children in this phase get their first taste of personal responsibility; unsuccessful children are (supposedly) plagued for years afterward by a sense of guilt and shame when their actions produce disapproval from everyone around them.
Yato... doesn’t exactly make it through this development stage unscathed, because he receives conflicting definitions of right and wrong from his Father an Sakura:
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Which ultimately results in, years later, the Yato we know and love who still does his Father’s bidding to kill humans even though it fills him with a horrific sense of guilt:
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Through his time with Sakura, I think it could also be argued that Yato moves into the next stage of Erikson’s theory as well, getting into the “Industry versus Inferiority” crises. 
Meeting Sakura brings out Yato’s true, deep down desire as a god: to help people. (I think it’s important to note that this isn’t something Sakura teaches him--it’s a quality Yato already possessed; it was explicitly Yato’s desire to please people that led to him murdering in his father’s name.)
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Once he learns what makes people happy, Yato immediately pursues that with intense focus:
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The primary goal of this phase of psychosocial development is to experience a sense of confidence in one’s actions. When children practice their skills, pursue areas where they are praised, and gain new skills and aptitudes through mentoring from healthy role models, they gain confidence in their ability to excel, to fit in with peers their age, and to create meaningful things. By encouraging Yato to pursue positive behaviors--playing peacefully with other children, appreciating natural beauty, and creating useful things like boots for the needy--Sakura moved Yato toward successfully completing this phase and developing a sense of confidence in his actions and his ability to achieve positive things in the world. 
Of course, Father cannot have that (because confident children with a sense of self-worth are much more difficult to abuse), so he puts an immediate end to Sakura’s influence over Yato in the most insidious way possible: although he clearly manipulated the situation to achieve Sakura’s death, out loud, he blames Yato, implying that Sakura’s death was all Yato’s fault, the results of Yato taking unwanted action “industry” and yet failing--creating a sense of “inferiority” instead.
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This, of course, haunts Yato all the way to the present, as he--again and again and again--blames himself for things outside his control or failing to live up to expectations that no one in his situation (still being manipulated) could possibly hope to get “right.” 
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Finally, you could say that Sakura’s presence is Yato’s life is ultimately what sows the seeds of the manga’s main plot up to this point, with Yato’s quest to create an entirely new identity for himself as a god of fortune instead of a god of calamity. Personally, I would say that Yato is currently still in this phase of development, still working out how to define himself and who he will ultimately become once he is finally free to decide on his own path in life. It was Sakura’s gentle influence--his desire to become the kind of god who could make her smile--that eventually sparked his conflict and finally led Yato to the brink of catastrophe. If he wishes to become the god Sakura told him he could be, he can no longer suffer his father to live.
So, long story longer, I think it can be argued that Yato meeting Sakura at such a young age is EXACTLY what made it possible for him to change, and exactly what has led to his crisis in identifying himself and redefining his sense of right and wrong. 
Uhhhh... I hope that answers your question!
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