#but if I had been trying to lock down a relationship and it blew up in my face
myzticbean · 2 days
Cat!Dad Series: You're My "Maine" Squeeze
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Pairing: Qin Che | Sylus / MC (fem! reader) Tags: Super fluff, established relationship, cute cats, domestic bliss Can also read at A03
Previous posts in the Cat!Dad series:
Zayne: Quit kitten around - let's celebrate
Title: You’re My “Maine” Squeeze
Wrapping my arms around Sylus, I rest my hands against the motorcycle’s tank as it rockets down the dark street. I slip a hand under his leather jacket as we both lean into the tight corner, disappearing into the condo’s underground private entrance. The motorcycles that had been following us blew past, unaware we had already made our getaway. 
I laugh, a little giddy from the rush of adrenaline at the chase and successful escape (ahem, joyride), hugging his broad back and resting my helmet between his shoulder blades as he slows and parks the bike. 
“I told you it would be fun,” Sylus says calmly after he pulls off his helmet. I tug mine off as well, my bun squished to my head and tangled flyaway hairs sticking to my face, but I know I’m still grinning from ear to ear. 
“Another successful mission with my criminal mastermind partner,” I chuckle, shaking my hair out of the hair tie before throwing it back up into a ponytail. I swing my leg over and hop off the bike, and he stands as well, wrapping me in his arms in a quick hug. 
We wear matching black leather jackets, my curb stomping boots laced up over black jeans, and a custom thigh holster holding my (not-quite-legal) gun. I lean into his embrace, lifting my face to smile smugly at him.
“Admit it, I definitely helped you a lot this time.”
“You literally started a fight and got us thrown out -- of my own club,” he answers sardonically, tightening his grip around my shoulders and waist. But he can’t hide the lip twitch of amusement and the softness in his gaze as he stares down at me. 
“You needed to hire better help anyways,” I say airily, stepping out of his embrace and flicking a strand of my ponytail back over my shoulder saucily. “That they didn’t even recognize their boss…tut.”
“You do realize most people shouldn’t recognize me, otherwise it defeats the purpose of being the mysterious leader of an underground organization,” he responds dryly, locking the steering on his bike and grabbing the straps of our helmets in one hand. 
“That they didn’t even recognize your dark, dangerous, and sensual aura and let you do whatever you wanted is just a crime against nature,” I answer cheekily. I open my mouth to continue my teasing despite his grimace, when the hissing and howling of cats interrupts me.
As we neared the elevators, I saw a couple of cats brawling, two smaller dark colored tomcats wrestling a dirty, fluffy, absolute monster of a cat. Even while clearly outnumbered, it was holding its own and about to turn the tide of the fight when another cat appeared, intent on jumping into the fray. 
“Oh no,” I say, taking an unconscious step forward. I wasn’t sure how to intervene without getting scratched to holy hell when an empty can was suddenly thrown from behind, clattering as it pelted one of the dark cats on top. 
It screamed, not that it was actually hurt, but more in surprise as it backed off of the giant cat on the bottom. Without waiting, the big cat sprang to its feet, roaring like a tiny lion and racing forward aggressively. 
The tomcat didn’t bother waiting around to see if it could take the big cat on - it scrambled to its feet and raced away, the other cats following close behind. The bigger cat stopped, sitting on the ground in exhaustion, bloody scratch marks on its face, back and ears. 
“You poor thing,” I murmur, squatting down to try to get a closer look. It would probably be pretty skittish, especially if it has been a feral, unneutered male used to roaming the streets of the N109 zone and surviving. 
It turns to look at me at the sound of my voice, its tail flicking back and forth as it surveys me from where it sits on the cold concrete. “I wonder if he’ll let us take care of his wounds,” I say to Sylus who stands behind me, his hand propped casually on one hip as he looks between me and the cat.
“It’s a tom, probably not,” he answers.
“I tamed you,” I say a little tongue-and-cheek as I glance at him slyly over my shoulder. 
“Hmm,” he hums thoughtfully. “I might argue it was the other way around, kitten.”
“Here kitty, kitty,” I whisper, flicking my fingers at him. I moved to kneel down on one knee, not moving closer, but holding my hand out in case he wants to come over for a sniff.
The cat didn’t deign to move closer, but also doesn’t seem afraid or inclined to scamper away from us. He just peers at me with intent yellow eyes, his fluffy tail flipping back and forth as if to lure me in with the promise of touching it.
I can’t help myself -- I shuffle forward a little bit, my hand still outreached, wanting to see if he’ll let me get close enough to at least take a better look at his scrapes. He’s certainly not afraid - his watchful eyes are flickering all around. 
“Look at this handsome boy,” I croon, voice pitched a little lower, trying to entice him to take a step towards me. I wish I had some food for him. 
Sylus just sighs behind me. 
“Ignore him, kitty,” I suggest, trying to stifle a giggle when I see the cat’s yellow eyes briefly dart behind me before locking back onto mine. “You are definitely the biggest, most handsome cat on the block. If you come juuuust a little closer, I want to make sure you haven’t been hurt.”
The cat yawns, his sharp teeth on full display before he licks his nose and gives me a blink. 
“That’s right, big guy. You know I won’t hurt you.” 
Sylus suddenly chuckles behind me. “Let’s do this a little faster, shall we?” Without pausing, he activates his Evol, wrapping the cat in red and black swirls of color and lifting it into the air. It yowls in immediate displeasure, thrashing and kicking.
“Oh, don’t-” I try to say, before Sylus deposits it in my arms, though still wrapped up and held immobile by his power.
It freezes, looking up into my face, while I peer down at him. “It’s okay, kitty, I won’t hurt you,” I say soothingly. I resist the urge to pet it - it’s trapped and can’t escape, and my touch could do more harm than good. Instead I hold him close against me, cradling him gently in my arms as Sylus guides me towards our private elevator. 
We ascend to the penthouse as I’m trying to look over his wounds - with his thick hair, it doesn’t seem like he sustained too much damage, but I wouldn’t be sure until I could investigate more thoroughly. He is, however, extremely dirty and covered in fleas, which I can see crawling through the dirty fuzz. 
“He needs a bath,” I say, looking him over. “Do you think we should take him to a vet instead?”
Sylus scoffs quietly behind me as we enter our private floor. “I’ll make a call.” 
“My rich boyfriend is so strong and powerful,” I laugh, walking further into the condo and heading towards the bathroom. 
“Do we have any of that blue dish soap?” I call out as I settle the cat down in the shower. I need to grab a towel, and with Sylus’ Evol still activated, he won’t be able to move too much. I kick off my shoes and socks and grab a few fluffy dark towels from underneath the sink, whispering to the cat as I reach for one of the handheld shower heads. Since the shower is big enough for 10 people, the cat is safely outside of the spray as I test out the water and let it warm up.
“What a good boy you are,” I croon, kneeling down by the cat once the temperature has been adjusted, gently allowing the warm water to soak into his fur. The cat gives a grimace and gnashes his teeth, but otherwise doesn’t fight it. 
“Yes, you’re so smart, what a sweet kitty you are. You were definitely going to win. It was three-on-one, and look how strong and brave you were…” I ramble on and on as I soak him from the neck down, gently carding my fingers through his fur to try to get him completely wetted. 
Sylus walks in with a bottle of the dish soap, rolling his eyes a little at my running commentary. “I’m worried about you, sweetie,” he says lightly, squatting by the shower entrance and setting down the soap bottle. 
“Hush,” I say, fighting back a smile as I throw a mock-glare over my shoulder. “Squeeze me,” I say, holding out one palm.
“I wish,” he mutters before he obliges, squirting a heaping handful of soap.
I soap my palms together and get to work, thoroughly (but gently) cleaning up the poor, battered cat. His cuts and scrapes aren’t bad, but I’m careful to avoid getting too much soap in those areas to avoid any stinging. I keep speaking to the cat, voice low and calm, and he doesn’t otherwise flinch at being doused in water and soap.
“I wonder if he was someone’s pet?” I question thoughtfully. “He’s too well behaved for a feral cat.”
Sylus just hums but doesn’t say anything, his Evol still containing the cat though it’s obvious the animal isn’t fighting it. I make sure to wash off as much of the dirt and fleas as I can, rinsing and repeating one more time, and the amount of dirt pooling beneath the two of us turned the pale gray tile completely black. 
But as the cat emerges, clean and victorious, I’m astounded to see a pure white beauty in its majestic display. “He’s so handsome,” I gasp, gently drying him off with a soft towel. 
“I know, you’ve already mentioned it many times,” Sylus says dryly, but the humor glinting in his ruby-colored eyes is obvious. “I always knew you’d be a cat person.”
“You call me kitten often enough, I thought it was obvious,” I say, smiling playfully. 
It’s quiet again for a moment as I finish drying the cat off, before noting, “I don’t think he’s seriously hurt, but he had fleas and could use a check up.” 
As if waiting for my remark, the doorbell chimes, announcing a visitor. I look over at Sylus, who has climbed to his feet and casually strolls out of the bathroom. 
I reach out, cradling the cat in a new clean towel and exit the bathroom and into the living room where a man with a black kit is waiting for us. Without much expression and with almost no conversation, he takes the cat from my arms and begins his check up, and the cat -- who is still held by the black strands -- immediately begins to meow and scream non-stop.
“Oh, poor baby,” I whisper, clenching my hands but unable to help. I look on in concern, trying not to react as the impersonal vet quickly doctors the cat’s wounds and gives him a few shots. 
“He’ll be fine in a few days. I’ve given him his vaccinations, and a pill that will help kill off the remaining fleas.” 
“What kind of cat is he?” I ask, the cat looking even larger as the fur dries.
“I’d guess Maine Coon based on his size and features,” the vet says. “You can do a DNA test if you want to know for sure.”
“Will he get bigger or is he fully grown?”
The man lifted the cat’s lips, checking his teeth. “He’s a young cat, maybe still under a year old, so I would guess he’s still growing. Maine Coons can keep growing until they are around two years old.”
He gives me a few instructions on how to continue caring for the animal, and without much fanfare, leaves. 
“Let’s let him free now,” I murmur to Sylus after setting him down on the floor. Sylus releases his Evol, and the cat slowly stands, taking a few steps and sniffing the air. 
“He’s so cute,” I sigh, watching him tentatively explore his new surroundings. 
“He better not pee on anything until we can get him neutered,” Sylus mutters. “We’ll never get the smell out.”
I reach out, wrapping my arms around his waist and nuzzling into his chest. “You’re so wonderful,” I say, content and a little tired. The doorbell rings again, and I lift my head off his chest to look up at his face, puzzled. 
He motions for me to go, saying, “Get in the shower, I’ll get him settled. The twins brought some supplies.”
I smile in relief, giving him another squeeze, and silently beg for a kiss as I stand on my toes and lift my face. He cups my chin, brushing warm lips over mine in a chaste kiss. He gives me a second kiss on my forehead.
“Go on,” he murmurs. “I’ll join you soon.”
More than a week has passed since we rescued the cat. I’ve had to travel to and from Linkon for work, but Sylus never asks if I am going to take the cat with me or drop it off at the shelter. Instead, the cat seems to settle into the plush penthouse as if he had never lived a life on the outside, his kingly attitude right at home in the dark, romantic surroundings. 
After arriving a little later than I expected, I put my overnight bag away in the bedroom before I grab one of the new cat toys lying about. It’s a stick with a feather dangling from a string, and I flick it around on the floor and up in the air, laughing aloud as the cat makes a daring leap trying to catch it. 
“You can do it, Junior,” I cheer as he stretches out his paws, dagger-like nails exposed. Mephisto caws angrily in the corner, pacing back and forth on his stand as he watches the playful cat. They’ve been sassing each other all week, with the kitty missing chunks of hair and Mephisto decidedly more ruffled looking with mechanical feathers lying twisted on the ground. 
The door opens and Sylus walks in just in time to hear me, raising his eyebrows as he comes towards me carrying a couple of shopping and garment bags. 
“Please don’t tell me that name means what I think it means?” he sighs.
I start giggling and the cat takes a flying leap, tackling me to the ground. I ooph out a rush of air, his heavy body colliding with mine as I clutch him to my belly and roll backwards. Sylus drops the bags into the couch and strides over, grabbing the cat by the scruff of the neck and tossing him (somewhat gently) onto the coffee table. He reaches down, helping me to my feet as I fight off a giddy laugh. 
“It’s exactly what you think,” I answer, a sly smile twisting my lips as I reach down to pat Junior on the top of his head, his large, fuzzy ears twisting to catch our voices. “He looks just like his daddy, after all…”
“I did not, in fact, sire a cat. But if my little kitten is so inclined to have her own litter, I could be persuaded.”
I burst out laughing, pushing at his shoulder (he didn’t budge). “I’m not ready for a baby right now. Baby making, however…”
His eyes glint in the light, strangely dark as he locks his gaze onto mine, tugging me closer and into a tight embrace. He leans down, nuzzling his face into my neck, arms wrapped around my waist. “Let’s go practice now,” he suggests, teeth nipping gently at my skin in blatant invitation. 
I sigh, languid from the pleasure that courses up my spine as he trails long fingers down my back in a slow caress. He kisses me tenderly, tongue tracing the seam of my mouth before I open to let him in, our tongues pressing against each other in unhurried exploration. We’ve kissed hundreds of times, but each press of his lips to mine brings a fresh wash of affection and excitement.
I lift my arms to wrap around his neck, falling deeper into his kiss, but a demanding howl from the coffee table shatters the moment. I look down, meeting the irritated eyes of the cat staring back at me. “Sorry, Junior. You shouldn’t be watching mommy and daddy like this.”
Sylus stifles a long exhale before he reaches down, adjusting himself, and steps away back towards the bags. I follow along with interest, trying to peek into the bags, but he covers it up. 
“You can open this one now,” he says, holding out a shopping bag. “I’ll show you the others later.”
I look with interest at the other handful of bags and garment bags, but don’t press. I’ve learned that any surprise from Sylus is well worth the wait. Instead, I tear open the bag and read the brand name on the box. “Evol CommuniCollar?” I question, looking up at him in surprise. “Aren’t these ridiculously expensive?”
He scoffs, waving a hand dismissively. “Maybe if you’re not me.”
I roll my eyes. “You are such a snob sometimes.” I eagerly read the description. “It says here that it can translate everything your pet says into human language. This is so cool!”
I sit down and start fumbling to open the box, tearing off the flap corners in my haste to get it open. “Oops, I hope we don’t need to return this,” I say. He looks completely unconcerned as he settles on the couch next to me, as Junior perches politely on the coffee table near my knee, tail swishing back and forth. 
Reading the instructions, I open my phone and download the app as Sylus checks the battery charge on the collar. I fill in Junior’s information, noting his suggested breed and age in the settings. While Sylus isn’t watching, I set the AI voice to one of my favorite male celebrities that is (surprisingly) available in the list. 
Sylus gently adjusts it around the cat’s neck, making sure his fur isn’t being pulled or tangled, and gives him a single pat on the head.
Junior is still watching Sylus and gives a tiny meow, and the collar suddenly beeps, a deep, masculine AI-voice is clearly projecting from the collar. “Father.”
I gasp, practically swooning on the couch. “He knows you’re his dad,” I squeal, covering my mouth to hide the huge grin. Sylus looks taken aback, one eyebrow raised as he stares down at the cat that is still looking up at him. He obviously recognizes the voice when I see his sidelong glance at me. 
I hurriedly continue reading the instructions. “While animals may not experience the same family bonds, environmental stimulus, language or emotional capacity that humans do, they’ve been able to map the closest electrical triggers to feelings that we can understand.”
I laugh a little. “So I guess he knows you aren’t his birth father. Maybe you’re his step-dad.”
The kitty looks at me chuckling on the couch, attention flicking back and forth, and as he looks at me directly, he gives a single, long blink. “Wife.” The masculine voice is low and rumbly as he purrs a little.
My mouth drops open, and I don’t dare to look at Sylus. I’m trying desperately to stifle a cackle of mischievous delight, and I reach out to stroke my hand along his back. 
“No,” Sylus says, reaching out to catch my hand. “Don’t reward him for bad behavior.”
“How is he being bad?” I ask, choking on my laughter. I’m trying not to cry, eyes welling up as I gasp for breath.
“This collar is defective. Let’s throw it away,” he says resolutely, reaching out a hand to unclasp the collar from the cat before I bat his hand away.
“Don’t you dare. This is priceless.” I try to be stern, but my quivering lips and definitely giving it away.
He looks slightly irritated but does take his hands away and folds his arms across his chest. I turn back to the cat, giving him a little scritch behind one fluffy ear, and he closes his eyes, rumbling in pleasure. 
“Feels good. It’s itchy,” the cat collar says in its low, dulcet tones. “Wife. Wife.” The purrs get a little louder when I switch to the other ear.
“No, I’m your mom,” I correct, and the collar gives another little beep with tiny rumbling noises as if to translate what I said.
“No, not mother. Wife,” the cat collar responds, and the cat blinks up at me again, holding eye contact. 
I cover my mouth to hide my laughter when I see Sylus stiffen up beside me. “No, I’m your mother. And this is your dad,” I say, pointing to Sylus. “I’m his wife.”
I pretend I don’t see Sylus whip his head around to look at me. I’m trying to make a point to a cat, and this is the easiest way to get it across. How would a cat understand human dating behavior? 
The cat looks obviously disgruntled as the collar makes more translation noises. His tail lashes angrily back and forth, and he turns his head away from me, obviously not agreeing to my words. 
I lean forward, giving him a little kiss on his forehead, ignoring his mew of unhappiness. “I love you so much, my handsome little guy. You’re the bestest boy, aren’t you?” 
“Yes, I’m the best cat. Better than the bird,” the collar agrees, and the cat turns to nuzzle his head into my chin.
I pepper little kisses all over his cute little cat face. “Are you hungry?”
“Yes, I’m hungry. I’d like dinner, please. I want the fish one. The wet food, not the crunch food.” 
“Oh, you like the tuna more than the chicken? You should really eat the kibble too, it’s better for your teeth if you can eat some crunchy food,” I say, and we walk into the kitchen, chatting together. 
Sylus leans back against the couch cushions, sighing as scrubs one hand over his face before climbing to his feet and going to store away the bags.
Junior and I chatter back and forth, his sentences slowly becoming longer and more in-depth the more the collar was used. 
He finally finishes his food and I ask to gently wipe his face and whiskers with a clean towel, and he happily obliges, purring loudly as I clean him up. We walk together back into the living room, where Sylus has once more taken a seat on the couch, the fireplace crackling and the low throb of classical music coming from the record player. 
“Father,” Junior murmurs, leaping onto the couch and then clambering into Sylus’ lap (uninvited, but also undeterred). I smile, nestling into his side as he raises an arm and pulls me in closer. 
“Father, play with me. Play with me,” the cat begs, raising one paw and tapping it against Sylus’ chest. 
I try to bite back a smile, shifting away slightly so I can quickly snap a photo. Sylus resigns himself, reaching down to flick one furry ear before he tugs gently at a whisker. The cat grows ever more exasperated as he tries to bat away Sylus’ hand, who snaps his fingers and conjures up a handful of black feathers dusting along Junior’s head and back. 
“You wanted to play, and now you’re mad?” Sylus asks, listening to the cat muttering profanities (with the help of the collar) and hiding a small smile. 
Finally the cat huffs and flops down, and the feathers immediately disappear. We both look down at the large cat stretching himself along the length of Sylus’ thighs, Junior’s head resting closer to his stomach. I reach out, giving him a scritch as I nuzzle into Sylus’ broad shoulder.
Sylus presses a tender kiss to my forehead as he sweeps one long-fingered hand down the back of the cat in a soothing, absent-minded stroke. He drops his head, feathering kisses across the bridge of my nose and cheeks, before pressing a deeper, sweeter kiss to my lips. 
“So about that litter of kittens you mentioned…” I pull away to whisper into his ear as Junior finally settles and little snores start to emerge. 
Activating his Evol, he carries that cat over to his bed, settling him into the cushions lightly while he stands and hefts me over his shoulder. “Practice makes perfect, sweetie,” he purrs, striding into the bedroom and shutting the door while I try to muffle my giggles.
Junior licks his lips, snuggling deeper into his bed and drifting off into an even deeper, satisfied sleep.
Cat image source
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rainybraindays · 9 months
No but the obsession with Colin's theoretical sex life is crazy to me.
Like people are genuinely upset that he could have potentially had sex?? Shaming him for doing something we know hes been mocked about for not doing? Like we see Anthony accuse him of only trying to marry because hes a virgin, you all remember that right? His older brother sees him pursuing a relationship, something he would have noticed earlier if he hadn't been so single minded the entire time, and instead of offering any like useful advice immediately goes and throws that in his face.
If he wanted to have sex just so it couldn't be used against him ever again I wouldn't be surprised. If he did that's fine, and if he doesn't thats literally also fine.
Like maybe its the fact that I also see a lot of people who talk about him needing to be a virgin talk about him being nerodivergent, so it seems kinda infantlizing to me, especially mixed in with the need to portray him like hes stupid but this rubs me so wrong.
Its literally a non-issue why are some of you so hard up on this.
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kezzanza · 1 month
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Pairing: Jude x Girlfriend ! Reader Tags: Celebratory Sex, Established Relationship Word Count: 3.6k Content Warning: Smut, 18+ Jude celebrates winning his fifth trophy, the Super Cup, by fucking you.
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Sex with Jude is amazing.
His strong body moves in harmony with yours, knowing exactly how to touch you to make you shiver with pleasure. His possessive gaze leaves no room for doubt or inhibition, piercing into yours, as if he could read your every desire and need. Each touch, each caress, each time he enters you, it’s as if he is claiming you all over again.
But after Jude wins a trophy, the sex is heavenly.
Jude strides to the edge of the pitch, a victorious beast of a man, his muscles rippling and damp with the sweat of triumph. He pulls you into an embrace, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he holds your body. 
His eyes lock onto yours, you know what’s coming, you can see it in his gait, the way he moves like a predator—the rough post-win sex is as much a part of the win as the trophy itself.
You wouldn’t want it any other way—submitting to Jude after watching him dominating the game.
The ride home crackles with electric tension as Jude drives you back to his place. Every glance and fleeting touch hint at something known but unspoken between you. The air is thick with charged silence, each second drawing you closer to the inevitable passion you will share.
You step through the door of Jude’s luxurious penthouse, feeling as if the energy from the stadium still pulses through your veins. Jude, your boyfriend, the star of the game, is behind you, his presence a palpable force.
The door slams shut, and without a word, he spins you around in the entryway. The yellow light from the pendant above casts sharp shadows across his face. The warm glow highlights the contours of his cheekbones and the square jaw that had been clenched in determination just moments ago.
His strong arms, wrapping around your waist, feel grounding. Your heart races as his gaze roams over you. His eyes burn with a fiery intensity that surpasses the passion that you saw in him on the pitch.
“You've been my lucky charm tonight,” he says, his voice a low rumble that sends a shiver down your spine. 
You had been there through every moment—caring for him after training and encouraging him before the game. Your heart had raced in rhythm with the roaring crowd as he helped his team to victory. Pride surged through you when he was named ‘Man of the Match,’ especially as you wore his jersey—one he had personally given you—with his name written on your back.
Now, here you were, alone with him as the city lights twinkle below like a sea of stars. You step closer, your hands reaching up to cup his face, feeling the rough stubble against your palms. 
“You were amazing.” you say, your voice soft yet filled with emotion.
Jude’s gaze turns intense, his eyes locked on yours with a dominant, smoldering heat. 
“I dedicated that performance to you,” he whispers, his voice low and deep. “You deserve a prize for all your support.” 
His hands pull you flush against him, his body warm and solid against yours. His gaze is like a predator's stare, and you feel yourself being pulled into his world—a world of raw, unfiltered desire. He leans in, capturing your lips in a short, hungry kiss that leaves you breathless and wanting more.
“When the whistle blew, all I could think about was you,” he confesses. “How I wanted to celebrate with you.”
Your heart races, overwhelmed by his words and the intensity in his eyes. 
“I need you, Jude,” you breathe out. “I need to feel you.”
His hand is warm and firm as it wraps around yours, leading you through the entryway. You follow closely behind him, trying to keep up with his brisk pace, anticipation building with every step. 
The kitchen is a stark contrast to the bright entryway you've just left behind. It’s bathed in only the dim glow of under-cabinet lighting. 
Upon reaching, he presses you against the hard surface of the island, his body looming over you. The coolness of the marble island seeps through your jeans, a stark contrast to the heat emanating from his body. 
Jude's hand rests gently on the small of your back, drawing you closer as he leans in for another kiss. You wrap your arms around his shoulders. His other hand lingers at your hips, tracing the curve of it before sliding up under your jersey.
His warm fingers brush against your skin, making you gasp softly. The kiss deepens, and you can't help but melt into him, his heat seeping into your very soul. The sound of your breaths mingling fills the space between you, the only noise in the otherwise quiet kitchen. 
His hands roam further, exploring the contours of your body, as if he's trying to memorize every inch of you. You're lost in the moment, in the feeling of his fingertips all over you. 
Jude's hands trail down your torso. His fingers undo the button of your jeans. He lowers the zipper, the sound echoing in the room.
With surprising gentleness, he hooks his fingers into the waistband of your jeans and begins to tug them down. You feel the roughness of the denim give way as gravity takes over, pulling the fabric down to your ankles. 
You lift one leg and then the other, helping him as he guides your jeans over your ankles, clinging to him as he drops the garment on the floor behind him.
Now, you are left in just your soft pink underwear and the jersey with his name on the back. His eyes darken as he took in the sight of you, his hands gently caressing your bare thighs. You look up into his eyes and feel yourself melting under his gaze. 
“Kneel for me baby,” he commands, his voice a low sound that sends shivers down your spine.
Slowly, you obey, lowering yourself to your knees, hitting the cold black tiles with a soft thud. Looking up at him, you see the mix of triumph and hunger in his eyes, a look that both terrifies and excites you. 
His hands reach into his shorts. The air is thick with tension, the kind that makes it hard to breathe. He pulls out his long and thick erection with practiced motions. His eyes never leave yours as he strokes himself, watching the play of emotions across your face—lust and need. 
His cock, thick and hard, is a testament to his desire for you. You reach out to touch the warm length of him, feeling his pulse throb against your fingertips. You lick your lips, the hunger in his gaze making your heart race and your breath catch in your throat. 
“Open your mouth,” he orders, his tone offering no refusal.
His hand slides into your hair, gripping gently but firmly, guiding your head forward. Jude groans, his head falling back as you stroke him, your fingers feeling the texture and the shape of him. You lean in, your lips brushing the tip, tasting him—the salty flavor ignites a fire within you.
His grip on your hair tightens just a fraction, a silent demand that sends a thrill of excitement down your spine. 
Finally, you do as he says, letting your mouth fall open. He presses the head of his erection on your tongue. You close your mouth around him, your tongue exploring the familiar contours of his length. His hands guide your movements as his breath comes out in rough groans. 
The taste of him fills your mouth and you find yourself lost in the sensation of sucking him. Your own need rises with each passing second, the fabric of your panties becoming damp with desire. 
“Fuck, yes,” he growls, one of his hands gripping the counter as you take him into your mouth.
He’s huge, filling your mouth, stretching you, but you revel in it. His hips moved with a slow, steady rhythm that built with each passing moment. Your tongue swirls around him. Your lips are tight as you move up and down his length. 
His hips thrust forward quicker, pushing deeper into your throat. You suck harder, taking him deeper, eager to submit to all of him, to be the source of his pleasure and release. Jude’s groans fill the room, and you know he's close, his body taut with the tension of release.
Suddenly, he pulls out, his eyes dark with lust. “Not yet baby,” he says, when he sees your confusion. “I need you cumming on my fingers first.”
The intensity of his gaze is overwhelming, igniting a fire that burns through you. You stand up, your lips finding his lips in a deep kiss. His tongue slides against yours. It’s a gentle yet demanding exploration that makes your knees weak.
Your hands reach for the hem of his jersey, slowly lifting it over his head. His skin was taut with muscle, evidence of the hours he spent on the field. You traced the lines of his chest, your fingers trailing the waistband of his briefs. You push them down and let them pool on the floor, leaving his muscular body bare.
His abs ripple with every breath he takes. The contours of his muscles tell tales of countless practices and games won. The light dusting of hair on his body travels from his chest to the V that points to his hips. 
As the heat between you escalates, Jude's hand slides down your body, tracing the contour of your waist before dropping lower. His fingertips graze the waistband of your pink panties.
His eyes never leave yours as he says, "I love how you look in these," His voice is low and gruff with desire, sending shivers down your spine. “So innocent, yet so fucking tempting.”
You can feel your wetness seeping through the fabric, a silent declaration of your arousal. His fingers cup you through your underwear, his possessiveness making you ache for more, leaving you moaning breathlessly.
"Do you know how long I've been waiting to touch you?" he whispers, the question hanging in the air like a promise.
With a slow, deliberate movement, he hooks his thumb under the waistband, sliding it down and letting the fabric pool at your feet. Your gasp softly, unable to form words as his fingers finally make contact with your slick folds. 
He groans at the wetness he finds. You can see his cock straining against his stomach, eager to join the intimate dance his fingers have started. 
With the lightest of strokes, Jude's thumb grazes over your clit, sending a bolt of pleasure shooting through you. You moan, your knees buckling slightly, and he steadies you with his other hand on your waist, holding you in place as his thumb starts to circle with increasing pressure. 
"You're so beautiful," he whispered, his voice hoarse with desire. “So wet just for me.”
Each pass over your clit sends waves of desire crashing through your core. You can't help but arch into his touch. He watches your reaction with hungry eyes and you know he's just getting started.
“I love seeing my name on you.” Jude admits, removing his fingers from your wet core. “But right now, I need to see you naked.”
Jude gently tugs at the hem of your jersey. You lift your arms as the fabric glides over your head, revealing the contours of your body. 
Then, his lips are on you, making you gasp as he finds that sensitive spot on your neck. His hands move to your back, his fingers deftly finding the clasp of your bra, which yields to his touch with a soft click. 
The cool air hits your bare skin. It is quickly replaced by the heat of his mouth as he bends down and his tongue flicks over your nipple, making you arch into him. His hands cup your other breast, thumbs teasing your sensitive nipples into peaks. You arch into him, a soft moan escaping your lips as he continues his exploration.
“Jude,” you gasp, your hands threading through his hair, holding him closer.
He moves his mouth to your other breast, his actions deliberate, each kiss, each nibble building the tension inside you. You could feel the ache low in your belly, a throbbing need that demanded release.
Jude seemed to sense it, his hand sliding down your body, his fingers finding where you  are already wet and ready. He doesn't ask for permission; he simply knows. You moan, your head falling back as two of his fingers worked into you. 
He moves slowly, deliberately. His fingers slide in deeper, filling you in a way that makes you feel vulnerable. Your breathing quickens, your pulse races, and you know that tonight will be one of those nights you never want to end. 
His hands move expertly, finding your g-spot, his fingers building the pressure inside you. He seems to know exactly how to touch you, how much pressure to apply, and when to slow down or speed up. You gasp, your body arching towards his touch, your mind consumed by the pleasure he's giving.
"You like that?" he whispers, his voice a seductive growl in your ear.
You can only moan, your words lost in the whirlwind of sensation. His fingers delve deeper, hitting that sweet spot, and you feel the orgasm building, a wave threatening to crash over you. 
"Look at me," he commands, his voice thick with desire.
You obey, your eyes locking with him. He watches you, his expression a mix of tenderness and raw passion. The sight of him, so focused, so intent on your pleasure, pushes you over the edge. 
You cry out, your body trembling as your orgasm sweeps through you, leaving you breathless and weak. Your mouth forming a perfect 'O' of pleasure. Your breasts heaving with each panting breath you take.
But Jude isn't done. 
He spins you around you, bending you over the counter, his body pressing against yours. You feel his hot breath on the back of your neck, his hands firmly gripping your hips as he pulls you closer.
He whispers in your ear, "You're mine," his voice a seductive growl that sends a thrill through your body.
Your heart races with anticipation, the room filled with the sweet scent of desire. He whispers your name, the sound sending shivers down your spine. You lean into his touch, as his mouth trails kisses along your neck, sending waves of pleasure that mingle with the lingering tremors of your climax. 
You can feel his arousal pressing against your backside, insistent and demanding. His hands roam over your body, caressing every inch of your exposed skin, leaving a trail of fire wherever he touches. You arch your back, pushing yourself closer to him, silently begging for more. 
The head of his cock nudges against your wetness, seeking entry, and you gasp as he slides into you with one smooth, powerful thrust. 
The sensation is overwhelming, and you bite your lip to keep from screaming out his name. Your hands clutch the counter for support as he begins to move, his rhythm slow and deliberate, savoring every moment. 
Each stroke fills you completely, stretching you to the brink of pleasure and pain. You know that he's holding back, keeping you poised on the edge, and the thought of what's to come makes your stomach flutter with excitement. 
His grip tightens, and he pulls you back into him, increasing his pace, driving you towards another peak. You're lost in the sensation, the world around you fading away until there's only the two of you and the passion that fuels your every move. 
Your breath hitches, and you moan, unable to hold back the sounds of pleasure that spill from your lips. Jude's breathing is ragged in your ear, his own passion evident in every pant and groan. You feel him swell inside of you, and you know that he's close. 
You want to feel him let go, to be the one to push him over the edge. So, you push back into him, matching his rhythm, your bodies moving in perfect harmony. The tension builds, coiling tighter and tighter, until you hear him groan, filling you with his release. 
You feel the intense, almost painful pleasure of your second orgasm wash over you, as if the first one wasn't enough to satisfy the ravenous beast that Jude has awoken within you. 
Your muscles clench around him, milking every drop, leaving you both panting and trembling. You rest against the countertop, your body feeling like a deliciously stretched canvas of sensation, pulses of pleasure still rippling through you from your last two orgasms. 
Your eyes are heavy, and the room is a warm, soft blur. You're about to drift into a peaceful post-coital slumber when Jude's voice, thick with desire, brings you back to reality. 
“Come on baby,” he whispers, his voice edged with a hunger that hasn't yet been satiated. “Just one more round.”
The way he says it, the promise in his voice, makes you want to give in. He kisses you then, a kiss that starts out as a gentle request and quickly escalates into a passionate demand, his tongue coaxing yours into a dance that leaves you breathless. 
His hand finds your waist, his touch rekindling the embers of desire that you thought had faded. You feel yourself respond, your body arching into him despite your earlier exhaustion. He notices, his grin growing as he kisses you harder, deeper. 
“You're still with me, aren't you?” he murmurs, his voice a seductive purr.
You nod, your breath still ragged, your body humming with the remnants of pleasure. He smiles, a genuine smile, and you feel a surge of love for this man— passionate and who wears his heart on his sleeve, especially after a win.
And with that, he lifts you up, placing you on the counter, his body fitting between your open legs.
“Wrap your legs around me,” he commands, his voice back to its rough, dominant tone.
You do as he says, your legs locking around his waist. Your hands reach for his shoulders, guiding him to you as he positioned himself at your entrance. 
He pushes inside you again, filling you inch by inch until you are stretched around him, full and tight, his hands firmly gripping your thighs. 
“You feel so good,” he whispered, his forehead resting against yours as he paused, letting you adjust to him.
You moan in pleasure, wincing at the soreness. “Fuck me,” you urge, your voice a husky command.
He does, his hips pulling back before thrusting forward, a steady rhythm that builds with each passing moment. Your body arches into each thrust, your hands gripping his shoulders, nails digging into his skin.
Your muscles quiver with each of his powerful thrusts, a delicious reminder of the two orgasms that have already claimed you. He's relentless, his eyes dark with need, as he drives into you, his rhythm unyielding despite your protests of exhaustion. 
Each stroke feels like a battle between pain and pleasure, your body a canvas for his hunger.
He whispers, “Come on, baby, just one last time,” his voice thick with lust, and you know he won't be satisfied until he feels you come apart beneath him again. 
Your heart races, your breath hitches, and you clutch his shoulders, bracing for the inevitable. The third orgasm begins to build, a crescendo of sensation that fills every inch of you, threatening to shatter you into a million pieces. 
His movements grow more forceful, each thrust hitting deeper, harder, sending shockwaves of pleasure through you. You could feel the coil inside you tightening, the pressure building, the need for release overwhelming.
“Jude,” you cried out, your body trembling.
“Come for me,” he whispers. “Show me how much you love this.”
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes as the intensity becomes too much, evidence to the depth of pleasure he's coaxing from your weary body. 
You feel the familiar rush of an impending climax, and you know this time, it'll be even more intense, a fitting end to tonight's victories.
Your eyes roll back in your head as your nails dig into his shoulders, desperately seeking purchase amidst the tumultuous sea of sensation. You orgasm as your body convulses uncontrollably, muscles tightening and releasing in rapid succession. Each stroke feels like a bolt of lightning, sending electric shocks through your core, making it impossible to distinguish where one climax ends and the next begins. 
The room is a blur of sensation, the only thing in focus is the feeling of him inside you, the sound of your moans, and the wet slapping of skin on skin. The wave of euphoria is so intense that you can't help but scream out his name, the sound echoing off the walls.
Jude's grip on your hips tightens, his movements becoming more urgent, his breath hot and ragged in your ear as he whispers sweet nothings and dirty promises. He follows you soon after, his own release coming swiftly. His body tensing, his hips stuttering as he spilled inside you, his breath coming in harsh gasps.
For a moment, there was nothing but the sound of your mingled breaths, the pounding of your hearts, the sense of completion, of fulfillment. As the waves of pleasure subside, he kisses away your tears, his eyes filled with awe and adoration.
“I love you,”  he says, his voice soft, tender. 
“I love you too, Jude.” you say, smiling.
Your body is spent yet satisfied. And you know that in this moment, in this intense, intimate moment, you are exactly where you're meant to be.
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yeonzzzn · 7 months
You getting on alpha Jungwon nerves, making him trigger his rut and bend you over every surface of your house
broooooo😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 I can imagine just being a complete brat and annoying the absolute shit outta won to his breaking point 😵‍💫
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push my buttons: yang jungwon
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pairing: jungwon x afab!reader word count: 2.2k
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Acting like a brat to your boyfriend to purposely annoy him wasn’t anything new to your relationship. 
Pushing his buttons was in your nature and your favorite pastime. Seeing the way he would scrunch his nose and furrow his brows at you got you going every single time, only furthering your need to piss him off to see that annoyed look turn into a stern one. Jaw locked and fists clenching at his sides as he eyes you with a look of warning. You knew what your punishments would be if you kept pushing him anymore, but your brat behavior would always continue until his hands were on your body and you were bent over whatever surface was near you at that moment as he pounded into your cunt, “Going to fuck that pretty little brat behavior outta ya baby girl.” 
And tonight wasn’t any different than normal. Except for the fact Jungwon already came home pissed off to all hell, yelling into his phone on call with one of his best friends about the bullshit that happened at work earlier. 
It was the perfect time to press his buttons. You were feeling needy all day and wanted to get railed as soon as he got home and with the fact Jungwon was already mad, it would make your job easier. 
Jungwon stood in the kitchen, slamming the cabinet doors closed, aggressively opening the fridge to grab a water bottle and then kicking it closed, chuckling over whatever it was his friend said over the phone before sitting down at the table and opening the bottle, tossing the cap into the trash can. 
You pressed your body against the wall by the table, folding your hands behind you as you stared down at him, waiting for your moment to strike. 
Jungwon took a few sips of the water, glancing up to finally notice you against the wall, his face brows furrowing and shaking his head and muting himself on the call, “I see those gears turning YN, don’t you fucking dare.” 
You held your hands up in defense, trying to plead your innocence. But Jungwon wasn’t stupid, he’s been dating you for years. He knows your games and how you play them. He loves you dearly, but today WASN’T a day to fuck with him. 
Did you care? Absolutely not. You did respect his warning for the time being while he was on the call, but once he removed the phone from his ear and ended the call you slipped into the chair beside him, pulling it as close as you could to him, getting all in his personal space. 
Jungwon ignored you at first, dropping his head into his hands and rolling his eyes, clenching his jaw to keep from snapping. 
You poked his cheek, pulled at his ear, tugged on his shirt, and even blew on his face yet got no reaction. Meaning you just had to try harder. 
You repeated the same actions, except now teasing him with words, “Awe, poor Wonnie, had a shitty day at work? That fucking sucks, just get over it.”
Jungwon clenched his jaw tighter, “I love her I love her I love her I love her,” he kept repeating in his head, using it as a reminder that you were just being bratty like normal. He just needed to ignore it until you gave up. 
“Just stop being a baby, Won. Grow up.” 
Well, now he couldn’t ignore it. 
He whipped his head up so fast, yelling, “Can you just shut the fuck up, YN? Jesus Christ I am NOT in the fucking mood to deal with you right now,” he gave you one last warning look, staring you down. 
But now you were pissed. Jungwon has never yelled at you like that before, yes he’s yelled when you’ve pushed his buttons too far before fucking your brains out, but it was never like this. 
You matched his glare, deciding it wasn’t worth it right now, that you would just come back and try again later after whatever pissed in his lunch earlier that got him so mad was gone. 
You stood, snapping out a “What the fuck ever Jungwon.” 
And now Jungwon is done. 
Right when your back was turned to him, he jumped from the chair, gripping the back of your neck and pulling you back, slamming your back to his chest before whipping you around and bending you over the kitchen table. The water bottle was now tipped over, the liquid spilling on the table and dripping down to the floor. 
You released a gasped moan, feeling his hard length against your ass, him pressing his crotch hard onto you. 
“Jungwon?” he chuckled, his voice dropping an octave, “What happened to Won? Or Wonnie or even babe?” 
Hearing you call him by his full name sent him over the edge. You never call him Jungwon. And hearing that name fall from your lips was his last straw with you. 
But you didn’t care, you were finally getting what you wanted. You slipped your lip between your teeth, backing your ass even harder onto his cock, rocking your hips slowly. 
Jungwon held your hips tightly, forcing you to stop moving, “Ahh now that you’re getting what you want after being such a fucking brat you think I’ll just give it to you?” 
You nodded, trying to move again, but he gripped you tighter, not letting you move. 
“You’ll get this dick when I say you can,” he growls, looping his fingers into your shorts and dropping them down to your ankles, “Understand?” 
You nod again, the cool air of the apartment tingling your throbbing heat from the pool of your slick that soaked your panties, sending chills up your back. 
Jungwon squeezed your ass cheeks, pulling them apart and hissing at how your panties pressed against your pussy, your panties being so wet he could see your fuck hole perfectly clear through the white fabric. 
“Does pissing me off turn you on, baby?” he slowly slides your panties down, gently tracing his nails against your skin, watching the goosebumps rise on your skin as he drops your panties with your shorts, “So fucking horny just from pressing my nerves.” 
You gasp when you feel his cold fingers cup your folds, his index and ring fingers slowly spreading your lips, the pad of his middle finger slowly rubbing circles on your clit. 
“Wonnie, please,” you begged, your cunt clenching around nothing, rolling your hips forward in a chance of getting his fingers to move right where you needed them the most, but he held his grip firm. 
“Oh, I am back to being Wonnie?” he cooed, sliding his middle finger down to your hole, tracing the outline of it, teasing you more, “Think it’s kinda too late to be obedient, ain’t it?” 
Your body tensed as his finger continued to tease you, shivering spreading across your body and knees buckling. 
“Please, Wonnie,” you begged again, tears threatening to form. 
“Awe,” he cooed again, “Fixing to cry? Stop being a baby, grow up,” he threw your words back at you, and oh god did it turn you on more, you cunt getting more wet, your slick now sliding down his hand. 
“Fuckkkk,” Jungwon groaned, seeing how your juices pooled into his palm, his free hand unbuttoning his pants, pushing his boxers down with his pants, his hard, red, and angry cock being set free. 
Using his other fingers to scoop your wet from his palm and sent it over to his cock, sliding his hand from his tip and down the shaft, “So fucking wet for me I can use your wet to cover my cock without even so much sliding into you.” 
You backed your ass into him again, once again begging, “Wonnie, do something please.” 
He smirked, sliding his middle finger into your soaking cunt. You moaned out with a smile on your face, finally feeling part of what you were craving. 
Jungwon fingered your pussy in the same motion of him fucking into his fist, small moans and gasping leaving both your lips. Your moans grow louder when he slips another finger inside you, pumping them in and out faster. 
“That's it, baby,” he gasps, “Being a good girl now that you’ve gotten what you wanted, you still don’t deserve this cock though.” 
You whimpered, the craving for his cock inside you growing more and more, “Please Wonnie, need you inside. I’ll be good, I promise.” 
He chuckled, pushing his fingers in faster, “No you won’t.” 
You smirked, lifting your head to look at him, clenching your cunt around his fingers at his fucked out face. His pupils are blown out, his mouth gaped open as his hand pumps himself and his eyes stare back at you. 
You bit your lip, keeping that eye contact with him as you now rocked your hips in sync with his fingers. 
The corners of his mouth curled, “Looking at me like that still won’t get you what you want, you’ll get this cock when I say so.” 
But you plead with him anyways, going back to being a brat, “Oh, come on Wonnie,” you bat your eyes at him, “You know you want to fuck this tight, wet cunt. Want to feel me wrapped around you.” 
He snarled at you, fingers now curling inside you, hitting at all the right spots, “Talking like that won’t get this dick inside you faster, princess.” 
You dropped your head back to the table, unable to keep it lifted as the knot in your stomach tightened, nearing the edge of your orgasm, you clenched tighter to his fingers. 
Jungwon quickly slid his fingers out, denying you the pleasure of the feeling of orgasm. Jungwon was also getting closer to his climax. And if he was going to cum it was going to be in that sopping wet cunt of yours. 
Before you could protest the missing of his fingers, his tip pushed into you, shutting you up real quick. Jungwon loved how fucking wet you were to allow him to slide in with such ease, his hips connecting to the fat of your ass, completely bottomed out. 
Your knees buckled as he slowly pulled out and then quickly pushed back in, fucking you hard against the table. He leaned over, laying on top of you, stretching his arms out above your head, pressing his palms hard against the wood to use as leverage to fuck into you harder, to help push him further into you, wanting to break any barrier that stopped him from actually prodding into your cervix. 
“Fuck, Wonnie,” you moaned, “F-feels so good.” 
“Yeah?” he bites the shell of your ear hard, a yelp gasping your mouth that sends your cunt clenching around him.
He released your ear, one hand coming to your head and turning it to face him more, his lips attaching to your mouth. Tongue pushing past your lips and down your throat, moaning into your mouth and you moaning into his. 
He finally pulled away to get a gasp of air, a string of spit connecting between your tongues before it broke and slapped onto each other's chins. 
You clenched tighter around him at the feeling of his dick twitching, his thrust now becoming sloppy, but never wavering. 
“Fuck, gonna cum soon,” he hisses, his hands now snaking underneath you, hands cupping your clothed tits as he lifts up, bringing you with him, spreading your legs further apart with his knees and fucking into you faster again, wanting to feel you cum around him as he releases inside you. 
With your orgasm fast approaching, you dropped your jaw, letting out loud wet moans.
“Yeah, baby, keep those moans loud, let the neighbors hear how much of a fucking slut you are for me, for my cock.” 
“Keep screaming my name, baby,” 
You let out another moan, your climax hitting its peak, your body going limp against your boyfriend as he fucked you through the high. 
He squeezed your tits tightly as he reached his own high, his hot white cum painting the walls of your cunt until it was leaking from your hole and slipping down your leg. 
Jungwon kissed your neck, his hot breath sending chills down your spine. 
He pulled out of you, turning you around, picking you up by your thighs, and dropping you onto the table, his fingers gripping your chin and pulling your face closer to his. 
“Want to keep acting like a fucking brat? Want to keep pissing me off?” he whispered in a look of warning, his face clearly showing he was still very mad. 
You smirked at him, “You’re still being a baby over whatever happened at work, dontcha think it’s actually time to get over it?” 
Jungwon clicked his tongue, smiling back at you. He only fucked out half of the anger he felt, still plenty more to rage out. 
He slid his fingers to the hem of your shirt, sliding it off your body and biting his lip at your now naked body as he took his shirt off and dropped it to the floor next to the rest of your clothes. 
He pushed you down aggressively against the table, his cock more red and angry than before, “Guess you still haven’t fucking learned to not fuck with me when I’m pissed.” 
You and him both knew you’d never learn.
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
Walking on Sunshine
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A/N: Hello✨ I realize that my post about Miguel’s height kinda blew up and I kinda wanna try writing a quick little blurb to see if you guys will like it. I been wanting to dove into fanfics, but I’ve been too scared to do so. Please leave some critics for me as I literally just typed this little thing on my phone last night.
Warnings: Grumpy x Sunshine, established relationship? (It’s kinda up to interpretation how deep you want it to be), no use of Y/n (‘Sunny’ is there nickname’).
I haven’t seen the movie so this maybe inaccurate.
TDLR: Miles is meeting all sorts of new Spider-Men as he adventures the Lobby, but who is ‘Sunny’?
As Gwen led Miles around the Lobby with Hobie and Jessica, they reached the main area where they were set to meet the leader.
In the distance, the group can hear arguing, which causes the others to sigh as Miles looks to them in confusion.
“Um, what’s all that about?” Miles questions as he listens more closely as they head towards the noise. As they draw closer, he realizes that the argument sounded more like a deep masculine voice fuming while a softer voice attempts to calm them down.
Jessica chuckles and rolls her eyes. “It’s nothing, most likely Sunny trying to calm down our fearless leader.”
“Sunny?” Miles quirks an eyebrow as Hobie groans.
“I swear, if Sunny wasn’t here, I would have thrashed that prick by now.”
“Now, Hobie, you know Sunny wouldn’t let that happen.” Jessica chuckles as she rubs her aching back. “Besides, you know he can’t stay mad at her for long.”
“Um Excuse me,” Miles interjects, clearly annoyed that they ignored him. “Who is this Sunny? Is she another Spider-Woman or?”
Gwen giggles at Miles’ frustration and nudges him. “Sunny is one of us and Miguel’s favorite, so if you plan to piss off Miguel, make sure Sunny is there to calm him down.”
“Why would I plan to-“
His sentence gets interrupted as the door opens and someone peeks their head out. The woman was about the same height as Gwen and had on a black spider suit. The suit had sections of white on her chest and inner sides of her arms and thighs. The lines of her costume appear to be black with a faint green iridescent in the light. Her eyes shined with a silent apology as her cheeks glowed red. Despite her obvious embarrassment, she smiles at the group brightly.
“Hey, guys.” She greets them in a sweet tone before her eyes lock on Miles. “I see you brought in the legendary Miles Morales, Gwen.”
“You know who I am?” Miles questioned the woman as she opened the door for the group. His eyes glare at Gwen as she responds with a giggle.
“Of course, Gwen told me all about your inter dimensional adventure. You certainly handled yourself well. Even Miggy was impressed.”
Hobie and Jessica laugh at the mention of the nickname while Gwen at least attempts to try not to snort. Sunny tilts her head as she looks quizzically at the laughing trio while Miles looks dumbfounded.
“Whose Miggy?” He ask before a tall man appears on the platform above them.
His burgundy eyes glared down at the group with annoyance as he sighs. “Cariño…”
Sunny looks up at Miguel with an innocent smile as she looks at Miguel with eager anticipation. Miles’ watches as the intimating Spider-Man’s eyes soften as he places his hands on his hips.
“Why don’t you go meet Peter and babysit Mayday for him? I’m sure this meeting won’t take too long.” Miguel’s voice sounded stoic as Sunny’s energy bounced at the thought of playing with a baby.
“Okay!” She agrees as she quickly gives everyone either a hug or a pat. “And Miggy?” She calls as she shoots a web out of the open door, ready for her quick escape.
“Yes?” He answers with a lifted brow as he chooses to ignore Gwen, finally snorting out a laugh.
“Don’t.” She warns with pleading eyes with an unspoken request.
A silent argument playing between them as they both know what’s about to happen. An unfair choice about to be given to a kid. A choice that everyone else had to make in order to become the protectors of their worlds. A judgement that they both wish didn’t have to happen as they weren’t even given the option for their own loved ones.
She looks at Miles briefly as she knows he can’t help to make this life changing decision. She knows how this is probably gonna go and she doesn’t blame him. She would probably fight her hardest if she had known what would have happened to her-.
“I won’t.” Miguel answers, drawing her attention back on him. His eyes stern with a glimmer of guilt, knowing he can’t exactly promise that he will stay in control of his rage if Miles decides to run.
“Alrighty.” Sunny replied before smiling. “You guys have fun.”
With that she left, Miguel softly returning her smile as he watch her leave before becoming stern again as Miles asks,
“So how do I join this team?”
A/N: That’s all I got for now.😅. I would appreciate some critique and if you wanna see more of ‘Sunny’ and Miggy, let me know.
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waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
Kept Me Like a Secret When I Kept You Like An Oath
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Synopsis: Tony has a strict rule against you dating, so when he finds out you and Peter have been dating behind his back, he comes up with a lie to keep you apart
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“Hey love bug, do you know the Hulu password?” Tony asked you once you opened your door for him.
“Oh, yeah. It’s flower power boo boo foot. No spaces.” You quickly answered and tried to shut the door on your dad.
“I thought so too. But I tried that and it didn’t work.” Tony sighed and pushed your door right back open.
“Did you capitalize every first letter?”
“Yep. No dice.”
“Try “smithereens”. I think that’s the new one.” You told him and tried to shut the door again.
“I tried that too. That’s the Netflix password.” Tony shook his head, oblivious to the fact you were trying to get rid of him.
“Oh darn. I guess I don’t know it then.” You faked a laugh and tried to close your door.
“Didn’t we change it at some point to America’s ass? No spaces?” Tony asked and pushed your door back open.
“We did. But then Steve got mad so we made it “Steve’s a Virgin” for a couple weeks. Then he got more mad so we made it “smithereens”. If it’s not that anymore, then I don’t know it.”
“Huh. Then I’ll just change it to “buckysucks” and write it down.” Tony decided.
“Good plan.” You nodded quickly and prayed he’d leave.
“All right. Thanks, kiddo.”
“Bye, daddy.” You smiled sweetly and shut your door with your free hand.
Your other hand, which had been out of sight that whole conversation, was covering Peters mouth as he hid from Tony. His back was pressed against the wall beside your door and he was holding his breath to be as quiet as possible. He placed his hand over yours to keep quiet, his hand that was still covered by his Spiderman suit.
“That was a close one.” You said as you took your hand off his mouth.
“I know. But how exciting was it?” Peter grinned as he scooped you up. You shrieked in excitement before pulling Peter into a kiss. He never broke the kiss as he walked you over to your bed and laid you down on it. Just when you were getting into a groove, you heard a knock at the door. Peter flew to the ceiling and stuck to it as you sat up and smoothed your hair.
“Honey, one more thing.” Tony said as he opened your door.
“Yes daddy?” You smiled sweetly and tried to discreetly catch your breath.
“Can you send me that chicken recipe again? I want to make it for dinner tonight.”
“You mean you want our chef to make it for dinner tonight?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I’ll send it to you.” You told him and immediately sent it to get rid of him quicker.
“Are you feeling okay, pumpkin? You look a little sweaty.” Tony asked, making you gulp. Your eyes flicked to your ceiling, where Peter was hanging upside down and holding his breath.
“I’m good. Probably just coming down with something.” You laughed nervously and wiped your forehead.
“Oh no. I’ll make you some tea.”
“Thanks daddy.” You blew him a kiss as he shut the door. Once he was gone, Peter dropped down from the ceiling and landed on your bed.
“You really need to get a lock on your door.” Peter chuckled and leaned in again.
“Where’s the fun in that?” You scoffed and cupped his face to kiss him. As much as you hated hiding your relationship from your dad, the thrill of having a secret made it all that much more exciting. It had been three months of you and Peter sneaking around now and you were starting to get less careful.
A couple days later, Tony went into Peters room to talk to him about upgrading his suit. He wandered around and looked at the various things on Peters desk as he spoke until something caught his eye.
“Now this is interesting.” Tony said as he leaned over Peters desk.
“Tell me about it. That’s not even the first flock of birds to drop out of the sky this year.” Peter answered, thinking Tony was looking at the science magazine he had open on his desk.
“Actually, I meant these.” Tony said and held up a lavender pair of your underwear.
“Oh my God.” Peter gasped as all the color drained from his face.
“You know, Parker, I had you pegged for more of a boxer briefs kinda guy.” Tony chuckled and dropped the underwear back onto the desk.
“Those aren’t mine.” Peter quickly explained.
“Really? I thought Victoria Secret No Show panties would be perfect for you in your skin tight suit.” Tony teased.
“Sorry about that. It won’t happen again.”
“Well don’t stop doing what you’re doing on account of me. I am many things but I am not one to blicken anyones chicken.”
“Blicken - oh. Cock block. I get it.” Peter sighed in disappointment.
“So who’s the lucky lady?” Tony asked and took a seat on Peters bed.
“Oh, uh, we don’t have to talk about this. Don’t worry. May already had “the talk” with me.” Peter laughed nervously and hoped Tony would get the hint to drop it.
“I don’t mind it. You’re the closest thing I have to a son and I always thought I’d be really good at giving the sex talk.”
“You’ve always thought that?” Peter scrunched his nose.
“Let’s just talk basics so I can get out of your hair. Are you guys being safe?”
“Yes. Totally safe.” Peter assured him.
“Good. Because we don’t know how radioactive your web fluid is, if you catch my drift.”
“I wish I didn’t but I do.” Peter grimaced.
“So is it just one girl or are you running some kind of brothel in here?” Tony questioned.
“Just one girl. My girlfriend.” Peter said with a shy smile.
“Well I’ll be. You’ve taken a lover.” Tony smiled proudly and patted Peters knee.
“Yeah, I guess I have.” Peter laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Oh, I get it. I recognize the blush of a smitten man. I get the same blush every time I catch my reflection in a building when I pass by it. How long have you been seeing this girl?”
“Three months. But the…other stuff only started recently.”
“Good for you for waiting. I’ll have you know that Pepper and I waited. I’ll also have you know that Pepper couldn’t stand me for the first few years she knew me.”
“Yeah. She’s mentioned that.” Peter chuckled.
“Do you love her? And follow up, have you told her if you have?”
“I haven’t told her yet. But I do. I love her with all my heart.”
“Then why haven’t you told her?”
“I’m scared too. I’m scared she doesn’t love me back yet.” Peter admitted for the first time out loud.
“Peter, she’s been dating you for three months and is willing to sneak into the highly secluded Avengers tower just to bust it open for you. I think it’s safe to assume she loves you.”
“Maybe.” Peter laughed shyly and started to feel a twinge of guilt for lying to Tony about who he was dating.
“How does she get in here anyway? I’ve never seen a girl around here.” Tony realized, making Peter gulp.
“I swing her up to my window.” Peter quickly lied.
“Aw. Like Rapunzel.”
“Yeah. Exactly like Rapunzel.” Peter nodded in agreement.
“Well I’m happy for you, kid. I really am. Any girl would be lucky to be dating a man like you. And I know if my daughter ever brought home a guy like you, I’d be damn proud of her for picking a good one.” Tony said and patted Peters shoulder. Peter looked at Tony’s hand on his shoulder and felt like he could cry. It was one of the most sincere and heartfelt things Tony had ever said to Peter and it killed Peter that it happened because of a lie.
“Do you really mean that?” Peter asked quietly.
“I do. I saw greatness in you the day I met you, kiddo. And I’ve seen in everyday since.” Tony said with a fond smile.
“Thanks, Mr. Stark. That means a lot to me.” Peter answered and put his hand over Tony’s. Inside, it was absolutely killing Peter to lie to Tony’s face in that moment. His guilt doubled and he knew he had to come clean as soon as possible.
“Well now I’ve made myself uncomfortable by expressing my feelings. I’m gonna leave now before an awkward silence settles in. See you at dinner?” Tony cleared his throat awkwardly and stood up from Peter’s bed.
“See you at dinner.” Peter nodded and felt relived that Tony was leaving.
“K. Love you.” Tony said as he walked towards the door.
“I love you too.” Peter said sincerely.
“Gross.” Tony grimaced. He then winked at Peter before leaving his room. Once he was gone, Peter felt himself get emotional as tears slipped down his face. He couldn’t believe he just lied to a man who had given him so much. Peter quickly wiped his face and went to your room to settle this before it went any further.
“Hey.” You smiled when you opened your door and saw him.
“Hey. Can we talk?” Peter asked as he came in and shut the door behind him.
“Oh. Yeah, sure. Is everything okay?”
“No, it’s not okay. I just talked to your dad.”
“Did you tell him about us?” You worried and sat on your bed.
“No. But he found your underwear in my room.” Peter sighed as sat beside you.
“Oh no. What did you tell him?” You laughed, still not understanding the gravity of the situation.
“That I have a girlfriend.”
“Okay. Maybe this will work in our favor. It’ll be easier to sneak around if he knows you’re dating someone.” You shrugged. Peter kept his eyes on his lap and you noticed that his leg was bouncing nervously.
“What’s wrong?” You asked and placed your hand on his knee to calm him down. Peter sucked in a sharp breath before getting emotional again.
“I don’t want to sneak around anymore. I can’t keep lying to your dad like this. I can’t do it.” Peter said with watery eyes.
“Peter, we talked about this. He can’t know about us. He made it very clear that I’m not allowed to date until I’m 21.” You sighed and withdrew your hand.
“I know we talked about it. But he and I had a great conversation and I really think things will be different. He just told me he’d be proud of you if you brought home a guy like me.”
“Peter, he says that now as a hypothetical but if he knew we were actually dating, he would feel differently.”
“I cannot keep breaking his trust like this. It’s killing me to lie to him. And I don’t know what’s gonna be worse. When he finds out I’m dating you or when he finds out I lied to his face about it.” Peter got off your bed and started to pace your room in a panic.
“If he finds out about us, he’s just gonna flip out and tell us we’re too young and too dumb to date. He’ll never be okay with this.” You reminded Peter as you got off your bed. You put your hands on his shoulders to calm him down and he stopped pacing.
“I know. But what’s he gonna do? It’s not like he can force us to break up.”
“Maybe not. But he can take your suit away and kick you out of the tower. Or make FRIDAY lock you out of my room permanently. Or make sure we are never alone together. He’s Tony Stark. He had infinite resources and time on his hands. If he wants us to break up, he will find a way.”
“Then we will just find a way to be together. No matter what he does.” Peter promised as he took your hands.
“But it will never be the same. Isn’t it better to lie to him so we can be together like this for as long as possible?”
“I’m not a liar. And he knows that.” Peter shook his head decidedly and let go of your hands. You folded your arms and stared at Peter for a minute, knowing he had already made up his mind. You hated lying to your dad just as much as Peter did, but you knew it was the only way for you to remain together.
“Can you just give me a little more time? Just in case he forces us apart?” You asked quietly and took Peter’s hands again. He looked at your hands and sighed before nodding his head.
“Okay. We’ll keep it a secret for a little longer.”
“Thank you.” You smiled and cupped his face to kiss him. When you pulled away, Peter got a look on his face that you didn’t recognize.
“Was there something else?” You asked him.
“Yeah. I…” Peter began but trailed off when he lost his nerve. He wanted to tell you he loved you, but his fear stopped him once again.
“Never mind. I’ll tell you later.” Peter faked a smile.
“Okay. Tell me later.”
The next day, you left to go on a recon mission with some of the other Avengers. Peter stayed back at the tower since his powers wouldn’t be useful and spent the week listlessly lounging around as he waited for you to come back. Finally, he got an alert that the quintet had landed on the rooftop. Peter excitedly jumped off his bed and ran into the foyer to see you. When he got there, he saw Tony and some other Avengers, but no you.
“Hey. Did the mission go okay?” Peter asked as he scanned the room for you.
“For the most part. Until Y/n got hit with a missile.” Tony said causally.
“What?!” Peter shrieked. “How did that happen?”
“She stood right in front of a middle launch pad.” Steve answered like it was the most simple thing in the world.
“Yeah. It was 100% her fault.” Tony chuckled. “She’ll be okay though. She’s recovering in the medical wing.”
“I have to see her.” Peter said and tried to push past Tony.
“Slow your roll there, Parker.” Tony stopped him. “She’s got open wounds so the doctor doesn’t want any outside germs in the room with her. You can see her when she’s out in a couple days.”
“No, no, no. I need to be in there with her.” Peter started to panic and tried to go towards your room again.
“No, you do not. You can see her after.” Tony pushed Peter back again with an annoyed laugh.
“You don’t understand. I need to see her now.” Peters eyes teared up as he tried one last time to get around Tony. By this point, Tony was more than suspicious and had a sinking feeling in his stomach.
“What don’t I understand? Why exactly do you need to see her so badly?” Tony questioned as he folded his arms. From the desperation in Peters voice, Tony had figured out what was going on. And from the tone in Tony’s voice, Peter figured he knew exactly what Peter was about to say. Peter stared at Tony for a minute as he went over his options in his head. He knew you didn’t want your dad to know about your relationship yet, but it might be his only chance of getting to see you while you were hurt. With the knowledge of you being hurt clouding his judgment, he made a snap decision.
“Because I love her.” Peter said quietly. Tony’s jaw locked as his suspicions were confirmed.
“Excuse me?” Tony asked in a low voice.
“Mr. Stark, I am in love with your daughter. And I need be with her. Please.” Peter pleaded in a shaking voice.
“I thought you had a girlfriend?” Tony asked as he folded his arms.
“I do. It’s her.”
“You’ve been dating my daughter behind my back for three months?”
“Yes. I have. And I know you’re going to yell and scream and throw things at me but before you do, please understand that I never wanted to lie to you. She asked me to keep our relationship a secret so I did. Because I would do anything for her. Absolutely anything.”
Tony stared at him for a long time but said nothing. Peter didn’t know this, but Tony was tallying up in his head all the times you and Peter had lied to him to keep your relationship a secret.
“Okay. You can yell at me now.” Peter said and braced himself.
“I’m not going to yell at you.”
“You’re not?”
“You didn’t tell me for three months?” Tony asked again, sadness in his voice this time.
“No. I didn’t.” Peter admitted, making Tony nod his head.
“I expected more from you.” Tony said without looking into Peters eyes.
“I know, and I’m sorry, but-“
“You will move all your stuff out by tonight.” Tony cut him off. “You will go back to living with May. Happy will call you if -and that’s a big if- I need you for a mission. Other than that, you are not affiliated with the Avengers. You are not welcome in this tower. And you are never, ever, to speak to my daughter again. Do you understand?”
“Mr. Stark, I know you’re mad but-“
“Do you understand?” Tony cut him off again by yelling. Peter felt tears come to his eyes but he nodded his head.
“Yes sir.” Peter said quietly.
“Good. Now go.” Tony said and pointed to the door. Peter noticed Tony’s finger was shaking but said nothing. He reluctantly walked towards the door and before he could open it, he heard Tony’s voice again.
“I am so disappointed in you.” Tony said, delivering the final blow. Peter quickly left the room before Tony could see him cry.
By the time you woke up, Peter was long gone. You struggled to sit up and winced when you felt the wound on your side.
“Daddy? What happened?” You asked as you rubbed your eyes.
“Hey sweetheart. Welcome back. You got absolutely wasted by a missile.” Tony said in a soft voice.
“Typical.” You sighed. “Are there any major injuries?”
“Your ear is shot but the doctor said it’s only temporary.”
“Good thing Clint taught us all ASL.” You signed to Tony.
“Yeah. Good thing.” Tony signed back. You smiled and squeezed his hand before looking around the room.
“Has anyone come by to see me?” You asked, but meant someone in particular.
“Everybody has. This is the first time your room has been empty since you got here.”
“Aw. I can’t wait to see them all.” You smiled softly when you noticed the cards and flowers in your room that the team had left.
“They can’t wait to see you.��
“Did Peter come by?” You asked, making Tony’s smile drop.
“No. He hasn’t.” Tony said quietly.
“He hasn’t?” You frowned. “Does he know what happened?”
“Well he’s been a little busy so I’m not sure he heard the news.” Tony lied to you without even thinking about it.
“Busy? With what?” You laughed skeptically and looked around for your phone to text Peter.
“Well you know how he has a girlfriend?”
“Yeah. I heard about that.” You replied without looking your dad in his eyes.
“Well the security cameras caught Peter sneaking her into the tower while we were gone. I found that a little disrespectful so I told him that if he wanted overnight guests, he’d have to bring them to his own home. He agreed and said he’d be sleeping back at his apartment with May from now on.” Tony lied to you as he said the first thing that popped into his head.
“Wait, what? You saw Peter with a girl?”
“With his girlfriend, yes.” Tony continued to lie. He knew you were Peters girlfriend, but you didn’t know he knew, so he was taking advantage.
“That isn’t possible.” You laughed uncomfortably.
“Why not?” Tony played dumb.
“Because…” You began then trailed off. You didn’t know Tony already knew about you and Peter so you were still determined to keep the secret. So as much as you wanted to tell your dad that what he was saying meant Peter was cheating on you, you had to keep quiet.
“Nothing. No reason. I’m just surprised he brought a girl here. And now he’s moving out?”
“Yep. He moved all his stuff out already. He was being weird about the whole thing. He seemed super freaked out when I told him that I knew about the girl. He even begged me not to tell you. Isn’t that strange? I don’t know why he thought you would care.” Tony shrugged as he fed you more of the lie. He watched your face crumple and knew he was hurting you but decided it was for the best.
“Yeah. Me either.” You said quietly as you fought back tears.
“Well I’ll let you get some rest, kiddo. See you in the morning.” Tony kissed your forehead before leaving your room. As soon as he was gone, you pulled your comforter over your head and cried yourself to sleep.
Tony’s plan worked and you ended up blocking Peters number before he had a chance to reach out to you. And while kicking Peter out kept the two of you apart while you recovered from your injury, Tony didn’t account for the fact that you and Peter went to the same college. Peter finally saw you again on your first day back at school and pushed people out of the way to get to you.
“There you are. I’ve been texting and calling you like crazy for the past two weeks. Why haven’t you answered me?”
You ignored Peter and continued putting your books away in your locker. Peter blinked a few times in confusion before trying again.
“Are you okay? I never even got to see you after your accident. Is everything all right with you? I was so worried.” Peter asked and rubbed your arm. You pushed his hand away and slammed your locker before walking away. Peter shook his head in confusion before running after you.
“Hello? Can you hear me?” He asked and stepped in front of you.
“What do you want Peter?” You sighed.
“What do I want? To talk to my girlfriend, maybe. I’d like to start there.” He said sarcastically.
“Oh, your girlfriend? Which one?” You asked and folded your arms.
“My dad told me about the other girl. I know that’s why you moved out. Did you really think you could cheat on me in my own house and I wouldn’t find out?” You asked before walking away again. Peter looked up at the ceiling to ask the sky what the hell you were talking about before running after you. He caught up to you and placed his hands on your shoulders to stop you.
“What the hell are you even talking about? Cheat on you? With who?” Peter exclaimed.
“I don’t know her name.” You rolled your eyes. “All I know is my dad said he saw you with another girl when I was gone on the mission.”
“What?!” Peter shrieked. “That never happened. All I did when you were gone was wait for you to come back.”
“Then why did you move out?”
“Because your dad kicked me out!” Peter exclaimed before looking around for who might be listening.
“Because your dad kicked me out.” He whispered, making you roll your eyes again.
“Why would he do that?”
“Because found out about us. Or, I told him about us. But only because you were hurt and I was scared so I panicked and blurted that I…”
“That you…” You urged him to finish his sentence once he trailed off. Peter looked at you for a minute and decided that the only way to get you to understand what happened was to tell you the whole truth.
“That I love you. I told him that I loved you. That’s how he found out.” Peter admitted. Your angry expression immediately melted to one of confusion as you dropped your guard.
“You told my dad you loved me before you told me?”
“It wasn’t exactly planned.” Peter said quietly. Your face lit up in a fond smile as peters face burned bright red.
“You love me?” You asked and took peters hands.
“A whole lot, unfortunately.”
“Peter.” You gushed and wrapped your arms around his neck. He immediately hugged your back and melted into your touch after weeks of silence from you.
“Wait, I’m mad at you.” You remembered and let go of him.
“Baby girl, do you think it’s possible that your dad lied about me cheating to get you to hate me?” Peter asked slowly.
“Why would he want me to hate you?”
“Because if you hate me, you’re not gonna beg him to let us be together. It was kind of a genius move if you think about it. You didn’t know that he knew about us so he made up a story to get you to hate me. That way, he didn’t have to break us up or hear about why we should be together.”
“Damn it. He is a genius.” You whispered when you realized Peter was probably right. Peter stepped forward and cupped your face in his hands so you’d look at him.
“I didn’t cheat on you, honey. I swear. I think we both know I’m not organized or coordinated enough to pull that off.”
“You’re right. I don’t know why I believed him so easily. Maybe because he told me while I was still high on morphine.” You sighed and wrapped your arms around Peter again.
“So we’re okay?” He asked hopefully. You broke into a smile and kissed him before pulling away.
“I love you too.” You told him before kissing him again.
“Now let’s go kill my dad.” You said sweetly once you pulled away.
“Aw.” Peter smiled. “Wait, what?”
“I don’t think this is a good idea. He’s gonna kill me.” Peter whispered to you as you walked hand in hand to the main room of the tower.
“Probably.” You whispered back, making Peter stop in his tracks.
“What?! So why are we doing this?”
“Because it’s what’s right. He can’t get mad at us for lying to him and then turn around and do the same thing to me by lying to my face. We are in love and there is no reason we shouldn’t be together. And that’s exactly what I’m gonna tell him.” You said as you grabbed his hand to continue pulling him. When you got to the main room, you saw most of the team sitting around.
“Oh good. Everybody’s here.” You said, getting everyone’s attention. Tony’s eyes went from Peters face to your intertwined hands before he stood up.
“What’s he doing here?” Tony asked angrily and pointed to Peter. Peter looked at you in fear but you squeezed his hand to let him know it was going to be okay.
“Everyone, Peter and I have something to tell you. We are in love and in a relationship.” You announced and waited for reactions. Everyone looked at each other but no one seemed particularly interested.
“Um, congrats? Is that really something that needed to be announced?” Natasha laughed awkwardly.
“Yeah, no offense guys, but I don’t think anyone cares that you two are together.” Steve said and everyone nodded in agreement.
“Oh. Damn. Anticlimactic.” You mumbled under your breath. Tony, on the other hand, was not as nonchalant.
“Like hell you are.” Tony scoffed. “This is not happening. Not under my roof or anywhere else that I own. Which is a lot of property, by the way.”
“Dad, you can’t keep Peter and I apart. Especially not by lying to me and saying he cheated on me.”
“Yeah, I kinda can’t believe you bought that. I came up with it on the spot.” Tony dropped his anger for a second to snort.
“Oh my God.” You face palmed.
“It wasn’t fair to me. I’ve been nothing but loyal, helpful, and respectful towards you. You had no reason to kick me out and lie about me.” Peter spoke up, getting everyone’s attention.
“Uh, here’s a reason.” Tony scoffed and held up a finger. “You had sexual intercourse with my off spring. I freaking found her panties in your room next to your Lego police station!”
“Your “off spring” is my girlfriend, okay? It’s not like Y/n and I are just hooking up. We are dating and in love and it is none of your business. So I’m sorry if you don’t like that we’re together, but I’m also not sorry. Because you need to get over it. She’s an adult and she can date whoever she wants. So you can kick me out of the tower and try to keep us apart, but you’ll never be able to break us up. We love each other and we don’t care how that makes you feel.”
“Yeah.” You chimed in. “If you kick him out, I’ll just go with him. And I don’t care if you emancipate me because of it. I’d rather be poor with him than rich without him.”
“Did you just stand up to me?” Tony asked with tight eyes.
“Did you just call me poor?” Peter asked you.
“Yes?” You answered both their questions with a question.
“Wow. Things are becoming clearer. Words are being processed. Previously held opinions are being changed. Gasp! I realizing that I was…wrong?” Tony gasped and sat back down on the couch with a dumbfounded expression.
“He is unbearable sometimes.” Steve groaned and rubbed his eyes.
“Yeah, wait a minute. Tony, did you really do that? Did you really kick Peter out and lie to your kid?” Natasha asked.
“I will admit that I lied to my beloved daughter about the loyalty of her boyfriend to split them up. And that I may have slightly overreacted when I heard Peter and Y/n were an item.” Tony confessed, making everyone groan.
“Is that it? You’re just admitting to something we already know you did?” You asked and folded your arms. Peter put an arm around you to show that he supported you and judging by the looks of everyone else’s faces, they supported you too. Tony looked around the room before letting out a sigh.
“I ran so hot when I was young. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to settle down and start a family. Not because I didn’t want to, but because I didn’t think anyone would want to with me. So when your mother got pregnant, I swore I would be the most devoted and loving father I possible could be. And once your mom and I split up, I worried that I’d be your father but I wouldn’t be your dad, you know? I was so excited that you chose to live with me. I thought it would always be the two of us. Plus the 10 adults who also live with us.”
“I think we’re up to 12 now.” Sam mumbled.
“I wasn’t expecting a boyfriend.” Tony continued. “You’re still 6 in my head. You’re still my little girl. And I just didn’t know how to handle finding my little girls drawers in Peters bedroom.”
“Little girls grow up eventually.” You told him.
“I know.” Tony sighed. “But eventually is a lot different from actually.”
“Well just because you didn’t want me to grow up doesn’t excuse what you did.” You stood your ground.
“I see that now. I’m sorry that I lied to you. I did it without thinking it through and it was wrong of me.” Tony apologized and you nodded in satisfaction.
“Okay. Now Peter.” You said and pushed Peter forward.
“Excuse me?” Tony raised an eyebrow.
“What’s that now?” Peter turned to you to ask.
“Apologize to Peter.” You told him. “I wasn’t the only one you wronged.”
“She’s right. How could you kick Peter out? He’s the only one who knows the HBO Max password.” Natasha pointed out.
“It’s “fuckyfarnes”.” Peter said quietly.
“Yeah. That wasn’t cool Tony. You better apologize to him.” Steve agreed. Tony rolled his eyes to the ceiling and swung his arms like a little kid before looking at Peter.
“I’m sorry, kid. I shouldn’t have kicked you out like that. It didn’t bother me as much that Y/n lied. Daughters lie to their dads. It’s human nature. But when I realized you’d been lying to me…I don’t know. I felt betrayed. You weren’t my kid lying to me. You were my friend.”
“Well I’m sorry I lied. But we wouldn’t have had to lie to you if you didn’t have a crazy rule have against Y/n dating anybody until she’s 21.” Peter defended.
“Wait, you seriously made that a rule? Did you lock her in a tower too and tell her not to let her hair down for anybody?” Sam snorted.
“It seemed like a good idea at the time, okay?” Tony defended. “I didn’t want her to end up like Taylor Swift. Taylor’s heart was broken way too many times as a teenager and then again on her 21st birthday. I didn’t want the same fate for my daughter.”
“How do you know how many times Taylor Swift’s heart was broken?” Steve asked in confusion.
“Clearly you’ve never listened to her discography because she is very specific about the ages to weary of.” Tony said with a roll of his eyes.
“It’s true. She is. 7, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19.” You listed off.
“22.” Tony added.
“I thought 22 is the good age?” Steve asked.
“Not according to “Nothing New” it’s not.” Tony scoffed and you nodded in agreement.
“Can we circle back to the topic anytime soon?” Peter asked but everyone ignored him.
“Why are the years from 17 to 21 so perilous?” Bucky raised his hand to ask.
“Because at 17 you don’t know anyhting and nobody understands. 18 is actually good because you know everything but 19 is bad because you dance with the devil while you’re too young to be messed with. 20 is a year of neutral good but 21 is when Jake Gyllenhaal takes your virginity and your scarf and then doesn’t show up to your birthday party.” Tony explained.
“I gotta start listening to this girls music because what the actual fuck?” Steve blew out a breath of exhaustion.
“Who is Jake Gyllenhaal and does he take everyone’s virginity at 21 or does he pick and choose?” Bucky raised his hand to ask. Tony started to answer but Peter cut him off.
“SHUT UP ABOUT TAYLOR SWIFT.” Peter shouted and everyone went silent.
“Never.” Tony whispered after a beat of silence and then looked around as if to find who said that.
“Sorry Peter.” You said. “Daddy, you may proceed with your apology.”
“Look Peter, I’ll admit that what I did was wrong and an overreaction. But I’m also not totally comfortable with you living here knowing you and my daughter are fadoodling.”
“But dad.” You whined and stamped your foot a little.
“She makes a good point there.” Sam said and pointed to you.
“Nope. Absolutely not. You are way too young to be living with your boyfriend.”
“But Mr. Stark.” Peter whined. “May already turned my room into her crafting center.”
“I don’t care. That’s my compromise. You can date my daughter but you cannot live under my roof.”
“What if I don’t date your daughter and continue living under your roof?” Peter asked, making everyone go silent.
“Okay. That was a hilarious joke but fine. Don’t laugh. I don’t even care.” Peter mumbled under his breath.
“Final offer. Take it or leave it, kid.” Tony said and held out his hand.
“What if Peter moves back in but we set a curfew for when we can be in each others room until?” You suggested.
“What if I move out because living here is constant drama and I find you all unbearable?” Sam asked with a smile.
“Fine.” Tony reluctantly agreed. “Peter can move back in but there will be a strict curfew enforced. And I better never find my daughters underwear in your Legos ever again.”
“I can promise you that.” Peter said and eagerly shook Tonys hand.
“So we’re good? Everybody forgives everybody?” You asked hopefully.
“I think so.” Tony said and patted Peters shoulder.
“Me too. And hey, maybe this curfew will prevent us from having another pregnancy scare. Remember how scary that was?” Peter joked to lighten the mood. Tony’s smile immediately crumbled as his grip on Peters shoulder tightened. The rest of the team cringed and braced themselves for Tony’s reaction.
“What did you just say?” Tony asked through clenched teeth.
“Oh my God.” You whispered. “Peter, run. Run fast before he kills you.”
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On The Verge of a Usual Mistake ║ ⓞⓝⓔ๏ⓞⓕⓕⓢ
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On the Verge of a Usual Mistake | main masterlist | PAIRING(s): ex!Lucien x actress!reader x ex!Dieter
| RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT:  2.3k | CONTENT: this is truly just porn with minimal plot (I'm so proud of myself lol), Dieter and Lucien are messy exes, threesome activities, Twister but with genitalia, Daddy and Papi kinks
| SYNOPSIS: You've been avoiding your exes Dieter Bravo and Lucien Flores all night at this event, but you're forced to come to terms with how things ended in both relationships when they seek to right their wrongs.
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“My publicist is gonna kill me!” you hiss into the dampened light of the small room Lucien unceremoniously ushered you into.
“Baby, come on. The tabloids loved us together, remember?” he coos.
“The two of you can’t just be pulling this shit! Not when I’m trying to talk to Wayne from A24 about—”
“The fuck’re you two doing in here?” Dieter whispers loudly as he closes and locks the door behind him. “You seriously going back to him after turning me down?”
“Dee, this is not the time,” you snap. “And I’m not doing a fucking thing with this asshole. He practically herded me in here.” You’re grateful neither of them are aware of the pooling slick between your legs you’ve been dutifully ignoring all night with them both chasing you around and begging for a moment alone.
“Well, three makes a party then,” Dieter decides.
“We’re not interested in that sort of partying,” Lucien cuts in.
“Oh, cut the sober lifestyle bullshit. I’m not the one you’re gonna fool with those bogus rehab claims,” Dieter scoffs.
“Well I guess if anybody knows about stints in rehab, it’s you,” Lucien snipes back.
“Okay, I’m leaving,” you huff. You push past Lucien who grabs for you, but it’s ultimately Dieter’s gentle but firm hold that keeps you from exiting. “Dee, let go of me. The two of you can have at each other all you want. Besides, you don’t need me here when neither one of you is gonna listen to me anyway.”
“Don’t be like that,” Lucien pleads. “I’ve been trying to get you to talk to me all night.”
“Yeah, exactly,” you laugh without a hint of amusement. “You want me to listen to you. Never the other way around. It’s the same with both of you. Always has been. Neither of you know how to put anybody else first. Why do you think I ended things? You’re just two peas in a fucking pod.”
“You really feel that way?” Dieter’s hold on you has slackened to a weak grip. Your head whirls back around to look him in the eye. He looks hurt. Dammit. “You think I don’t want to put you first?”
“I never knew that,” Lucien admits quietly. He edges in closer until you’re practically sandwiched between your exes.
“It’s not like I didn’t tell you,” you grumble, aggrieved at their past mistakes and kicking yourself for not just bolting out the door before they mess with your head like they always do.
Some quiet exchange happens between Dieter and Lucien, and you recognize the silent conversation just as it appears to end. Lucien’s hand creeps along your lower back while Dieter’s hands crawl back up your sides and arms.
“You’re right, baby. I never did things how I should’ve when it came to you. I blew it. Messed up the best thing I ever had. S’why I’ve been on your heels all night just trying to get a word with you,” Lucien says softly into your hair. You shiver at his warm breath fanning across your skin.
“I miss you so much,” Dieter confesses in a hush. “Let me show you how much I miss you. Please.”
“Let us both show you,” Lucien adds. “Let us show you we can listen. Let us show you we can put you first.”
You’re going to give yourself a stern talking to in the mirror tomorrow morning, but right now all the reasons why this is a terrible idea are like wisps of smoke catching to the wind. When Dieter nuzzles against the crook of your neck and Lucien is already down on the ground and underneath your dress, your resolve shatters into a million pieces. “Okay. Yeah, I–oh fuck, Lucien–”
The fat wet line of his tongue between your folds jolts you forward into Dieter who busies himself with lifting and tucking your dress aside so he doesn’t miss the show. He’s already got the top of your dress shoved down so he can suckle on your tightening nipples. “Dee,” you gasp.
“I got you,” he groans, nipping and teasing your nubs. “God you look so good. Missed this so fucking much. Missed these tits so fucking much.” He gropes them in appreciation, and his eyes go wide in that wondrous sort of way that they always seemed to whenever the two of you fucked. Every time was like he’d never seen a woman before, not with the way he’d shower you with compliments and superlatives.
Your legs are already shaky with Lucien working between them, and you don’t even bother feeling ashamed at the orgasm that’s already building. It’s been a long time since you’d been with an attentive partner, and nothing quite compared to the likes of Dieter or Lucien. They’d ruined other sexual partners for you forever, but you wouldn’t be caught dead telling them as much. Their egos were inflated enough as it was. Besides, they’d just hear that and not the other side of the coin which was how they were stingy, selfish companions when it came to the emotional aspect of a relationship.
“You want to be Mommy tonight? Or do you want me to be Daddy?” Dieter asks a little breathlessly.
Throwing all dignity out the window, you reply, “I want Daddy tonight.”
He almost sounds pained as his eyes clamp shut at your answer. “Fuck yeah, I can do that. I can be Daddy. You need your Daddy?”
You nod so loose and frantic it feels like your head isn’t attached to your neck. Lucien never stops but inches forward until he’s looking up at you from between the cradle of your thighs. “Tell Papi what you want,” he husks.
“I-I want you to make me come, Papi,” you whine with a roll of your hips. 
He suctions onto your clit, and you’re gone. Dieter seems absolutely giddy to watch another man make you come, but something about it is comforting and endearing. You hate how familiar and heady this all feels, knowing full well that come tomorrow morning it’ll be another fading memory to lump in with all the others. You push away the painful acknowledgement before it ruins your orgasm entirely.
Dieter’s fingers slip inside you with no resistance, and you both moan in unison at the way you part for him. Lucien’s wet mouth and chin leave a sloppy trail across your neck where he lays even sloppier kisses. “Can I take this off?” he asks. You nod, and he unzips and unfastens your dress before tossing it onto a nearby table. “I fuckin knew you wouldn’t be wearing panties,” he says low and needy into your ear.
The rhythmic plunge of Dieter’s fingers has you hurtling towards another climax. “Been a while since somebody gave you what you needed, baby?”
You bite your lip and dip your head. You hate how easily they could both read you. It made you feel laid bare, and not in the fun sort of way.
“Let Papi and Daddy make you feel good, okay? Don’t think about anything except letting us make you feel good,” Lucien whispers against your temple from behind. You feel the hard curve of his clothed cock pressing against your ass. You push back against it and stifle a grin when he moans. The grin slips away the moment Lucien’s fingers slide down your body to rub your clit in time with Dieter’s fingering. You aren’t sure whose hand comes to cover your mouth while you come, but you’re glad somebody has enough sense right now to think about other partygoers overhearing.
“You were always so pretty when you fell apart,” Dieter reminisces with a goofy, tender smile. He slips his fingers from you and licks them clean. “Better than I remembered.”
The sound of Lucien’s belt and zipper draw your attention backward. “You gonna let me fuck you wide open, baby? Think you can take all of me? It’s been a long time.”
“I can take it,” you breathe, arching your back for him to enter you from behind.
“Good girl for Papi,” he praises. He jerks himself a few times with a slip of spit and lines his cock up to your entrance. “Always such a good girl for your Papi, aren’t you?”
“Y-Yes, Papi. I’ll be good,” you choke out.
He inches inside you with an agonizing, languid pace. Your breath catches when he finally bottoms out. He’s so much bigger than you remember, but you still want more. Dieter captures your mouth in a heated kiss just as Lucien starts thrusting, and your high pitched cries of pleasure are caught between his lips. “Daddy,” you whine as you latch onto his shoulders for support. Lucien’s pace picks up quickly, and for a few minutes the small room is only filled with panting and the squelching sounds of him splitting you open.
“You’re taking his cock so good, baby,” Dieter says against your teeth. “You like taking raw cock, don’t you? You always begged Daddy to fuck you raw.”
“Fuck! Yes, I like it when Papi and Daddy fuck me raw,” you cry. “I want Daddy to fuck me raw, too.”
“Yeah?” he goads with a smile. “You want Daddy’s cock after Papi fills you up?”
Lucien grunts and whimpers as he struggles to keep his pace with all the back and forth filth.
“N-No, Daddy. Want you and Papi to fuck me raw together,” you beg. “Please, Daddy. Please Papi?”
Dieter rushes to free his cock and wet it with spit as Lucien starts chanting yes yes yes. He stills for Dieter to push against his own length and fight for the tight space of your cunt. They work together to hoist you higher until Dieter is notched at your entrance and finally pushing inside. The stretch burns and makes you feel present in your own body in such an overwhelming way for the first time in a long time. The first few thrusts are experimental and slow, but it doesn’t matter. You’re already crying and coming and losing yourself in the intoxicating sting of both their cocks wedged inside the fist of your cunt.
“Christ,” Dieter hisses. “Fuck, this is gonna make me come too fast.”
“Tell us what you want,” Lucien urges, sounding close to the edge himself.
Your pussy throbs and clenches around them both as you try to make your brain and mouth cooperate. “I want you to come in me, Papi,” you whine. “Want you and Daddy to fuck me and make me come again. Make me come and then fuck me ‘til you come inside me.”
“Anything for my girl – Papi’s good girl,” he assents.
“Daddy’ll give you whatever you want, baby,” Dieter adds in a hoarse sounding wheeze. “Gonna milk my cock in this tight little pussy. Gonna give you whatever you want.”
Despite never really caring much for one another, Dieter and Lucien seem to sync up with the common goal of giving you another mind numbing orgasm. The feel of their thick cocks crowding your insides, sliding against each other so that each push and pull is a constant punch of a cockhead against your cervix. “Fuck I’m gonna come again,” you blurt out as your climax surges and swells without warning.
You’re sandwiched between two sweaty and breathy men who now seek their own release. Dieter comes first with a pitiful little stuttering whine. His mouth rounds out in a messy kiss as he pulses inside you. Lucien is just behind him with a gravelly moan as he fucks you nonstop. There’s so much of them spilling inside you and being pushed out, and the warmth of it makes you feel sated and soothed.
You’re a boneless bag of flesh when they both catch their breath and ease you off the spear of their cocks. You sigh at the feeling of them drooling out of your pussy. With their concentrated, streamlined focus, your dress is put back on and properly closed back up. Lucien turns you to face him for the first time since you tried to leave earlier. “Can I kiss you?”
You want to laugh at his request given the fact that he’s currently leaking out of you alongside the efforts of your other ex, but you know why he’s asking. He knows certain types of intimacy are something that mean more to you and have to be earned back in trust. “Yeah, Lucien. You can kiss me.”
His body nudges yours against Dieter’s, hands coming up to cradle your face as he tenderly presses his lips to yours. It’s slow and soft and damn near perfect, especially considering Dieter is dotting the curve of your neck with his own kisses. You aren’t sure how long you and Lucien are lost in each other, but it’s blowing your mind to see Dieter be patient for once. Maybe they both really meant it when they said they wanted to do better by you.
You pull back with red, puffy lips and heavy eyes. Lucien looks down at you with a soft smile. “I miss you.”
Your eyes flutter shut at the unspoken words laced within: I love you.
“I miss you every day,” Dieter agrees quietly.
“Look, I–I miss you both, too, but I can’t promise anything,” you warn them. “You both really hurt me before. But, tonight was… nice. It felt nice.” You wonder why it never occurred to you to do this before. The two best lovers you ever had, at the same time. It was a no brainer, really. Probably all that pesky broken heart stuff clouding your mind that kept you from realizing what a good time it could be.
“You don’t have to make promises anymore. That’s not your job anymore.”
“No, baby. We’re the one who need to make promises so we can show you that we can keep them,” Dieter adds.
It might be the dumbest mistake of your life, but you can’t fight it anymore. You can’t fight how good it feels to be with them both. Despite all the pain and heartache they’ve caused you over the years, they both always felt like home in a way. “I think I might be willing to let you try.”
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Okay the Lucien Flores brainrot got to me. As far as exes go in the celebrity world, you could do a lot worse than Lucien and Dieter. Also, reader clearly has a type haha.
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reidspharb · 1 year
The Moment I Knew
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*Part two
Summary: Spencer misses your 25th birthday and that’s when you realize your relationship can’t be fixed.
Word count: 800 or something idk ICBA shes a short one
Warnings: angst, Reid is a shitty boyfriend in this one
Note: hi this was written at 3 am and I’m new to writing so if this sucks sorry anyways but I got this idea from Taylor Swifts song by the Same name and I thought I would write it so yeah enjoy
Sure, you were so happy all your friends were there and everyone was having a good time… but you couldn’t help but think about Spence.
It was 10 pm, the party started at 8 and he still wasn’t there like he promised. You couldn’t help but think about him coming through the door right now, gifts in hand as he did on your last birthday with that baby I’m right here smile.
You knew he couldn’t be here, and you knew how much he valued his work, but, he wasn’t even on a case far away… he was here, in Virginia, and he couldn’t even call to wish you a happy birthday.
Your eyes were locked on the door most of the time as you socialized. People asked about him, about your relationship, and the most you could give them was a sad smile and a dishonest word about how great everything was going.
“So how have you been,” your friend Sarah said as she laughed and took a sip of her drink “I mean I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever!”
you plastered on the brightest fake smile you could and mustered up an answer just normal enough to get you by.
“I've been okay, you know, with work and everything.”
All you could think about was him, how he said he would be there. He told you- no he promised you weeks in advance that he would be here. But he’s not.
You felt stupid, standing there all dolled up in your tight black dress and red lipstick. You thought maybe if you dressed up nice he would make sure to be there, but then again, there you were with no one to impress.
You knew it was hopeless, there you were on your birthday staring at the door and watching the clock tick as everyone around you danced and laughed. You looked around the room, trying to spot him in the crowd but who were you fooling, you knew he wasn’t there.
As you listened to your loved ones sing happy birthday around you, you could only hear his voice in your memory. When you blew out those candles your only wish was for him to be there with you. You should’ve been so happy, but he was the one thing missing.
Then it was 1 am, and you were barely tipsy. you already had a nervous stomach, you knew drinking would only make it worse. By now you were sick of everyone being around you, you just wanted to be alone. You stumbled to the bathroom over some discarded red cups and locked yourself in there, tears burning at your eyes when you saw yourself in the mirror.
You did your makeup the way he liked it too so that if you sent pictures he really wouldn’t miss it, such a naive thing to think you told yourself. You heard a knock on your door and there were your two best friends, Tegan and Oliver, mixed with the emotions of seeing them staring at you with so much pity in their eyes and Spencer being away made you break down.
Tegan held you as you sobbed, mascara dripping down your cheeks with every tear.
“He said- he said he would be here…”
“I'm so sorry, love bug, I wish I could grab him and rip him into pieces. You deserve so much better.” Said Oliver, holding your cold hands.
You felt so embarrassed, sitting there in front of your friends crying about some stupid boy. But he was the one who meant the most to you and he wasn’t there.
The next morning you woke up on your couch, head pounding. Your apartment was trashed, there were plastic cups scattered all over the room. As you stepped over them to get ready for the day, you felt a sharp pain in your chest as you heard Spencer’s familiar ringtone playing from your phone.
“Hey doll, it’s me” he sighed on the other line of the phone.
“Hi, Spencer.” You mumbled. You knew it would hurt to say his whole name instead of the nickname you’d been calling him since the day you met him.
“I'm so sorry I didn’t make it babe I was caught up in paperwork and I lost tra-“ you interrupted his rambling, you didn’t care anymore.
“It’s fine. I’ll talk to you later Spencer.” You hissed into the phone before hitting the red button on the screen and setting your phone back down on the counter.
That was the moment you knew.
That was the moment you knew that this would never work out.
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yngtort · 9 months
— Hate to love you
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chan | lino | changbin | hyunjin | jisung | felix | seungmin | jeongin
Xfem!reader • mdni • established relationship • cheating • choking • hate sex in which hyunjin finds out about your affair and decides to put you in your place
Anonymous : Oof I loooved your jealous fwb Felix fic ♥️ When you have time could you please make a jealous Hyunjin fic? It’s one of my favorite tropes 🥵
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It had been two years since you got married. Two years of hyunjin having to deal with your complete and utter disrespect, and he’s just about had it.
You were a spoiled fucking brat. Spending all his money on obscene things, stuff that you didn’t even need. Designer clothes that you never wore filled up both yours and his closet.
and let’s not even get to that mouth of yours. Your tongue was always sharp with blonde, not holding back a single insult. You both argued like hell over small shit like breathing the same air. but y’all blew it so far out of proportion to the point where it becomes a full on war between you too.
And when you weren’t arguing, you weren’t talking at all.
But Hyunjin didn’t blame you for your attitude towards him. you were ripped out of your life in a matter of days Just to satisfy your parents expectations. trust him, he didn’t take lightly to the thought either. He ransacked the house when he found out, flipping out on his parents and tossing old relic vases into the walls. He was just as pissed as you were.
That is, until the day he met you.
Love at first sight, that’s what it was. You were a lot younger back then — your hair was shorter, face was warmer, and your voice was like silk as you begged him to call off the wedding.
“We both don’t want this.” You said with tearful and dejected eyes, hands trembling as you latched onto the hem of his dress shirt.
You looked at him the same way when you walked down the aisle of the church.
and during your honeymoon,
and at the birth of your kids,
You hated him with every fiber of your being and he knew it.
So he allowed you to be the snobby bitch that you are to him. It’s the price he’d have to pay for locking you away with a ring.
But there was one thing he could not stand the thought of, You deceiving him and going behind his back to be with another man. so he’s absolutely fuming as he stares at the photos on his phone. You’re seen walking hand in hand into a brothel with some long haired blondie. Had it not been for the fact that he’d just cut and dyed his hair, hyunjin would’ve thought it was him that you were with in these photos.
it was sickening, seeing articles alluding that you had been spending money —his money— on a male escort. Writers degrade the integrity of his character and your relationship— ridiculing his fathers company.
And it’s all your fault.
So you’re gonna pay for it.
It’s eerily quiet when you walk into the house. Not that it was ever loud or anything, but usually you could hear the faint sound of your kids playing in their room— tv running and soft giggles ringing in your ears.
But today, you were met by complete and utter silence. “I’m home,” you say to no one in particular, shrugging your jacket off your shoulders and hanging it on the coat rack.
You step deeper into the house, peeking in each room until you’ve reached hyunjin’s office. The door was ajar which threw you off completely. It was always kept locked unless he was here.
But he was supposed to be at the company today.
“Hyunjin.” You peeked your head in, immediately meeting with the man you wedded. He was leant on his desk, cigarette between his lips as his dark eyes stared back at you.
“What are you doing here? Where’s my children?"Hyunjin chuckled at the question, head shaking at you as you looked at him— trying to figure out what’s so funny.
He took a long, long drag from the cig, blowing the smoke out into the air right after. “I decided they needed a night away from their cheating mother,"
You sighed hearing his words, “I wanted to take them out to dinner.”
“You’re not even gonna deny it?” Hyunjin said with a scoff, clear disgust written across his face.
"There’s articles out about it now. There’s no point in lying” your shrug, “just buy off the writer or something. Your reputation won’t be tarnished for long.”
Hyunjin laughed in complete disbelief. You really didn’t care about any of this. It was all just a game to you, he was a game to you.
He put the cigarette before pushing off the desk and walking over to you, a tall figure towering down. “I can’t believe you.”
“I let you do what you want, walk over me and spend every dime…and this is what I get in return?” He snaps, voice laced with fire. “Had I known that you’d turn out to be a whore, I wouldn’t have married you.”
“I never asked for this, I never asked to be your wife.”
"And yet, here we are," Hyunjin countered, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You're married to me, y/n. You're the mother of my children. So, I expect you to act with some semblance of decency and respect.”
“And if I don’t?” You tested, taking a step forward as you pressed a finger to his chest. “just what are you gonna do about-“
It only took a few seconds, so swift and fast that you couldn’t even register the stinging pain of your back slamming into the wall and a hand wrapping around your neck.
“I’ll teach you how to respect me,” he growled as he held you there. your hands instinctively grip his wrist, nails digging into his skin. “You’ll learn your place in this house and you will never disobey me again.”
“I’ll never respect you, I hate you.” You bite, trying to fight your way out of his hold but hyunjins grip his firm— just barely enough to let you breathe.
"you hate me so much, yet you had to go find a man that looks exactly like me?" Hyunjin said, a smirk brewing on his face. “doesn’t seem like hatred to me.”
He watches in amusement as you visibly tense. Maybe the guy did resemble your husband, but so what? You didn’t pick him specifically for that reason….you think. All that sass your little body had, flew right out of the window as he closed the distance between the two of you.
“Tell me, was he even half as good as me? Or are you just a slut that enjoys sloppy dick?” He taunts as his free hand slides its way into your leggings and over your cunt.
“F-fuck you” you stuttered, feeling his fingers rub against your clothed folds— wetness seeping through the fabric.
“That's right. Fuck me, and only me.” Hyunjin whispers into your ear as his slinder fingers pass your panties into your sopping hole. He pumps them with ease, making sure to press against your cervix to draw out those loud moans of yours.
“Ngh, stop it..”you slur out, trying so hard not to submit but his fingers were working you good, your knees are just four more pumps from giving out. “hate you s’much..”
“That’s okay, baby.” He said, nose brushing against yours— “just gotta fuck you until you love me.”
With that, hyunjin latched his lips onto yours, eating up every moan you let out as he fingers you against the wall, thumb circling your clit in tight circles. N you’re like that for while, melting away with every thrust until your back arched— sending your chest against his.
Hyunjin smirks feeling you gush all over him, walls clenching and sucking on his digits for more, “such an easy little girl. Horny for anyone who bats an eye at you.” He teases as he frees his pulls back.
You’re so weak, almost sliding the wall— but your husband doesn’t let you.“S-stop it! Put me down!” You protest as He hoists you up, forcibly wrapping your legs around himself as he leads you to his desk.
He ignores your cries and places you there, pushing down on your back. Paper’s scrunching under you, pens dropping to the floor as you’re spread out for him to take.
Hyun hisses as he yanks your bottoms down, astonished at how your cunt glistened under his desk light. “so wet and yet you cry for me to stop.”
“t-that’s because-“
“Because you’re a whore? I know that already.” He said before kneeling down, coming face to face with your need. Gently he pushes his head forward, and in one swift motion, his tongue plunges into your slick heat, groaning as your taste coats his tongue.
Your head falls back, mewls leaving your lips as he devours your sensitive cunt. Tongue lapping over the bud, making you completely dizzy.
“Hyun, fuck, just like that, mm gonna cum” you cried, high just a few steps away.
“Don’t you dare.” Hyun grunts before pulling back, denying you release before two fingers plunging into you instead. “you don’t deserve it.”
“No, no, please.” You sob, legs closed around his wrist as he finger Fucks for the second time today. “‘Mm sorry,”
Hyun chuckles darkly, “you’re not sorry, but you will be soon.” He groans, replacing his fingers with his cock, slowly pushing in. Inch by inch he fills you up, nestling deep inside, his hands holding your thighs open.
He slams his hips forward, heavy girth railing you with no remorse, claiming your tightness as his own.
“Dumb girl.” Thrust, “Can’t keep your legs closed” Thrust, “needa wash your filthy cunt out with my cum” Thrust.
He growls lowly as he feels himself getting closer to the edge, his cock throbbing inside of you. "You’re gonna be a good loyal wife now, aren't you? Let me use you when I want?"
“Y-yes, I’ll be s’good.” you answer, barely even there— mind lost in a headspace you’ve never even explored before. “Yours, y/ns yours.”
“Say it, “ Hyun bites out, his fingers digging into your hips as he pulls back before slamming forward again, the force of his movements causing your body to jerk forward each time. “Tell me you love me.”
“Fuck, I-I love you..love you s’much hyunie.”
With a final thrust, Hyunjin hips slam against yours, pushing his dick as deep inside you as it can go before releasing his seed. His hands grip your hips tighter as he holds himself there, panting heavily as he fills you to the brim.
"That's it...that's it...gotta make more pretty babies” he rubs your tummy, slowly pumping his load deeper into you and making you whine.
Hyunjin slowly reels back, dick leaving your hole with a wet pop. “I love you so much, beautiful.”
“Love you more.”
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Nni : finally did my first request !! Whoop!! I hope you liked it <3 wanna do more, so start sending people !!
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Tinytags (comment to be added) : @sydnerss @sunnyyangie @panjakes @foxinnie8 @inniescandy-01
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nininikki · 8 months
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𝓢𝓤𝓜𝓜𝓐𝓡𝓨 ・✶ 。゚ nanami gives you what you’ve both been wanting.
𝓦𝓐𝓡𝓝𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓢! ・✶ 。゚ black fem!reader, established relationship (husband and wife), nsfw, smut! role play (partially, nanami is santa claus), cunnilingus, handjob, praise & pet names (baby, honey, daddy, mama) pussyjob, breeding and breeding kink, creampie
𝓝𝓞𝓣𝓔 𝓕𝓡𝓞𝓜 𝓣𝓗𝓔 𝓐𝓤𝓣𝓗𝓞𝓡 ・✶ 。゚ this is what happens when i try to write a christmas fic but end up procrastinating so now it’s january yay just pretend it’s christmas guys ���💘🫶���
“oh, look at you, in your cute little get-up!” you giggled, standing up from your seat on the couch at the sight of your husband strutting into the living room in the santa suit you had bought him.
nanami only rolled his eyes, dismissively chuckling all while adjusting the matching hat. “yeah, yeah. happy wife, happy life.”
you joined him where he stood by the tree, where a array of presents lay underneath. slyly, you’d attempted to peek into one of the bags, but your husband—like he had done every other day for the past week—caught you in your tracks. “mm-mm. what do you think you’re doing, young lady?”
“well, santa, i’ve been such a good girl this year. i thought you wouldn’t mind giving me my present early.” all it had taken was a smile, some subtle batting of your doe-like eyes, and a hand running over nanami’s defined abs. he was toast from there. you could see something short circuiting in the honey brown of his eyes as he lifted you off the ground, and you saw it again when you locked your legs around his waist. “does that sound good to you, santa?” you teased, pressing your nose up against his. in turn, a sharp smack came down over your ass, eliciting a welp of pain and delight.
nanami sat you gently on the couch, and you were face to face with the discernible bulge beneath his cheery red pants. you ran a manicured finger over the seam, inducing a gulp from him. then one finger turned into five, then your whole hand, and then you were palming him without shame. “y’know what, honey?” like always, the smooth, deep timbre of his voice managed to melt all your inhibitions. “there’s somethin’ santa’s been wanting you to give him for a long time.”
knowingly, your eyes glided over to your christmas tree and then quickly back to him. still, you feigned obliviousness. “really? like what?”
at that, he sank to his knees before you. “i think you know.” then, he gave your knee a nudge. “lift this for me.”
by this, he meant the pale white nightgown that fluttered over your ankles. almost timidly, you took the soft fabric in your hands and pulled it over your hips where it lay bunched up over your abdomen. without waiting, he pushed your legs up and back, so that your knees weren’t far from your ears. a holler of excitement slipped past your lips.
“are you gonna give santa what he wants this year?” your husband asked as his hands found purchase on the backs of your knees. from this angle, he could see the desire leaking out of your chubby cunt almost on full display. the only thing in his way was a lacy pair of panties you had worn to match your nightgown.
without warning, he licked a thin, warm stripe up the expanse of you, outlining where your clit stood beneath your panties. slowly, almost dazedly, he planted another kiss on the erect bud. how could he expect you to answer any questions when he was doing this?
you tried to speak over your labored breaths. “uh, i…oh,” your words drifted off as he licked another stripe over your pussy, a broader and wetter one this time.
“c’mon,” nanami spoke, “i’ve been good this year, too.” your hands found themselves resting over the back of his neck, holding him in place, but he only blew a thin stream of cool air between his lips over your most sensitive parts. you tried not to gasp too loudly, or show in any way how much this teasing was getting to you, but he made it oh so difficult. “have i not?” he asked before softly kissing your inner thigh, and then over your clothed hole. slow, sensual kisses as if he were kissing the lips on your face.
“ugh—you have, i p…romise!” your lips felt like lead as they moved. your body had become weak with desire. nanami maintained intense eye contact as he put his mouth to work, his tongue occasionally dipping past your hole to tease the heaven between your ass cheeks.
seemingly done with playing around, he slid his fingers delicately under the elastic of your thong and began pulling it off your legs. “so, that means you’ll give me what i want?”
you knew what he wanted, and you knew he would never stop wanting it. you knew that if you’d let him, he’d have gotten you pregnant long before. if it were up to him, the two of you would have a handful of kids by now. but it wasn’t up to him, it was up to you. and you just weren’t ready. not until recently, at least.
not until you and nanami were shopping for a present for your friends’ toddler and you thought about how much fun it would be to do this for a child of your own. not until you’d notice nanami looking longingly at a family out in public only after realizing you had been looking too. not until you had looked at the presents under your tree and wondered how much more there could be if you had a little one to splurge on.
gazing at your husband through lidded eyes, you managed a small nod, pulling him into a crouching position so you could press your lips to his. he tasted faintly of the slick between your legs and the chocolate chip cookies you had baked earlier. “are you sure?” nanami asked through strained breaths. you answered him with a wanton tug to his belt as your legs found their familiar place around his waist.
it seemed nanami was more than happy to oblige, and before you could take another breath, you heard the thick strip of leather fall to the floor with a satisfactory clink.
“gonna let me put a baby in you tonight?” he had gotten somewhat steadily to his feet and all but yanked his pants down, and you’d barely gotten a chance to admire the sight of him in his underwear before he yanked those down too. “‘s that what i’m hearin’?”
as you helplessly racked your brain for an answer, you couldn’t help or hide the way your eyes clung to every exposed inch of your husband’s figure. his face, usually cool, collected, and strikingly handsome was now mussed with a thin layer of sweat and slick. despite his domineering stance, you could see his honey brown eyes thinning out around steadily dilating pupils in a way that conveyed nothing short of ravenous hunger. you saw it too in the tiny pout etched into his full lips. your husband was voracious, and you weren’t sure how you’d been able to deny him for so long.
the belt of his robe had been loosened completely, putting the entirety of his torso on display for your viewing pleasure. your eyes followed a lone bead of sweat as it progressed down his body. over the fullness of his chest, then down through the chiseled grooves of his abdomen, before finally dispersing into the fine dusting of light brown hair that trailed into a neatly shaven mound of pubic hair.
the sight of his dick invoked a pooling of saliva under your tongue. the slit of his cock dripped a fine sheath of precum over the bulbous, eager head.
“yes,” you said almost without thinking. then, after giving yourself a real moment to ponder, you answered him again, “yes!”
“yeah?” he asked, the sneer in his tone almost challenging. “get it wet f’me,” nanami was a completely different man now, as he tended to be whenever you pushed the right buttons—touched him the right way, batted your eyes just enough, kissed him with the right amount of desperation.
you peered above him through your lashes, watching his eyes darken as you soaked the center of your palm in a thick rivulet of saliva. slowly, you took his cock in your hand, and began pumping it just the way he liked; firm but careful strokes at first, then a tiny bit slower as circled your thumb over the leaking tip, and finally, tightening your hand around his length and really focusing on the head. slick, shallow pumps that were only concerned with his swollen tip.
“‘s this wet enough?” you asked, stroking his dick with all the salaciousness of a pornstar, but it was even sweeter because you were his wife.
his toned hips bucked up against the movements of your hand, head thrown back as fucked up into your palm. “think i need more,” kento managed through pleasured grunts. “can you give me somethin’ wetter?”
your hand halted its strokes as his eyes met yours again, and you gave him a look that could only mean, you know i can.
hardly a second had passed before your husband was on his knees once more, his palm finding secure purchase at the back of your knee while the other firmly gripped the base of his cock. he tapped it over your cunt a couple times, soaking in the plat, plat, plat sounds it made with each contact. then, he slotted himself between your puffy lips, his frenulum flesh to flesh against your engorged clit.
your mouths were so close that you were almost sharing the same ragged breaths. “fuck, this pussy feels so good,” he murmured into your mouth, rocking himself back and forth between your lips. each movement of his length against you sent shivers up your spine and invoked fresh drips of arousal from your already leaking hole. “and i’m not even inside you yet.”
“pretty little clit,” kento dreamily sighed, and brought his hand up to cup your jaw, urging you to have a look as well. “c’mon, baby, look at it. aren’t you just perfect?” you nodded with libidinous haste as you continued to watch him maintain his rhythm. “that’s what the fuck i’m talkin’ about, beautiful.” the hand that directed your jaw returned to the base of his dick, and he used it to slap his tip over the head of your clit. one, two, three, four, five times.
“ken’,” you braved his name. “i want it inside.” it was the only sentence you could manage with him sandwiched within your cunt like this.
you felt him twitch, but it only made your poor cunt squeeze around nothing. “use your manners, baby,” he demanded weakly, teasingly kissing your soaked entrance with the head of his dick. “say, please.”
meagerly, you squeaked, “plea…” but with every passing nanosecond that the sound left your lips, he was splitting you open on a new inch of his cock. the word, please had barely made it out of your mouth before half of his length sank into your needy heat.
“c’mon, honey,” your husband urged, “say it so i can get you nice and full.”
with the last bit of air left in your lungs, you gasped a desperate, “please, daddy,” into the air, and that was all it took. he buried the rest of himself within you at once, to the very hilt. twitching at the sheer snugness of your sticky walls.
“holdin’ me so tight, baby. c’mere.” he cupped your cheeks in his hands and let your lips meet in a slow, spit-swapping kiss as he built a rhythm with each stroke. first, slowly. shallow strokes as his cock got adjusted to the tightness of your heat, but your cunt was so fucking greedy. tugging him in with each thrust, hungry for more and unwilling to turn him loose. you felt yourself leaking around him when one of his hands found your clit. fingering your little button in soft circles as he dug you out with the tip of his cock.
“hmph,” you moaned into his mouth as he alternated the rhythm of his hips, seemingly realizing that he was the one in control. he was going faster and deeper now, relentlessly tickling that tender, gummy-like bundle of nerves that lay at an angle only he could reach. “fuckin’ me so good, ken’.” you broke away from the kiss to murmur.
“don’t have a choice,” your husband rasped, “gotta get this baby in you somehow.” at that, you were almost ashamed of the way your cunt clenched around him. at the very idea of him fucking and filling you with a baby.
kento brought his pace down to a slower, steadier rhythm as he steadied his hands on the backs of your knees. with your cunt as readily exposed to him as it was, he pulled out until only his throbbing head lay submersed within your dripping heat. then, in one graceful motion of his hips pistoning forward, he was cleaving you open even wider on his dick. “ken’, it’s—” your words were choked in a gasp when the head of his cock kissed up against that sweet spot inside you. “‘s too much, toomuch, toomuch!”
nanami stamped a haste, wet kiss to the corner of your parted lips. “i know, baby, i know. but you take it so well.” he said over the sounds of your whimpers, the soft smacks of his hips pounding into your fleshy ass cheeks, and the lewd squelches that sounded throughout the room with every thrust of his cock.
“c’mere, give daddy another kiss.” the timbre of his voice always changed just the slightest bit whenever you got him like this. the tiniest hint of need and yearning was always evident, as though it had came deep down from the very pits of his soul. just hearing it made you weak with longing, and you were clenching around his length once more. his lips connected with yours in a kiss so sloppy, you could hardly even call it one. it was more of a messy gnashing of teeth and lips if anything.
when nanami broke away from the kiss, lips bruised from the mutual impact of your mouths and ragged exhales rattling through his body, he whined, “gonna make you the prettiest mommy.” the tips of his middle and ring fingers found your clit, drawing tiny figure-eights over the aching bud and eliciting hungry mewls from the back of your throat. “isn’t that right?” your husband taunted you further.
your head bobbed shakily in what was meant to be a nod. “mhm, mhm,” you babbled, but dissatisfaction was prominent in your husband’s eyes.
“say it,” maintaining fierce eye contact and unrelenting in his strokes over your clit.
“gonna make me—” the muscles in your abdomen tensed as you edged closer into climax. “the prettiest mommy!” you spat the words out, partly ashamed from having said something so perverted, and partly eager for the release you currently chased. it only took a couple more savory thrusts before your body began to spasm on the brink of its high. “i’m cummin, daddy, i’m—oh!”
nanami buried his face within your neck, an animalistic growl rumbling from his chest as your pussy convulsed helplessly around his cock. “yeah, that’s it, mama.” he encouraged as streams of your release began to gush from you with every push of his hips. “wet my dick up.”
your husband’s release followed soon after, mixed in with desperately weak grunts of, “i’m cummin’, baby. you sure you want it?” and, “gonna fill you up so good, promise.” before he was pumping a load deep within you and painting your insides in his viscous release.
you both lay there for a couple of moments, chests heaving and foreheads sticking together with perspiration. “just so you know,” kento rasped against your skin while weakly kissing the corner of your mouth. “i’m not done.”
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nininikki. 2023.
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sc0tters · 1 year
Flights and Fights | Matthew Tkachuk
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summary: after a week of radio silence Matthew wants to show you how much he missed you.
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, oral (fem receiving), p in v, swearing.
word count: 1.94k
author note: okay so soft couple sex is officially not my thing. But this was actually sort of cute. Let’s keep Matty requests to a minimum though until he learns how to use his mouthguard 🫶
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This week was rough on the both of you.
It was stupid but after the fight you two had just before his week long road trip started. Usually you two would have communicated during his time away but you were both stubborn and swore that the other was wrong. You had a business trip to Kenya coming up in July and wanted your boyfriend to come with you. But Matthew wanted to stay home and spend that week at his families lake house, when neither one of you backed down it caused the biggest fight of your three year relationship to come out with Matthew walking out of the front door and he hasn’t been home since.
You were both far too stubborn to call once during the week so you were stuck in radio silence until he got home.
The apartment was quiet was the soft sounds of Taylor Swift came from the kitchen. Matthew dropped his bags by the door as his feet took him to noise where he was met with the sight of you swaying your hips along to the music.
A total sight for sore eyes as your back continued to face him as you wore his old shirt that looked like it should have been a dress.
He leaned against the doorframe taking in the view before he made his way in smiling to himself “hey baby.” Matthew mumbled wrapping his hands around your waist.
You kept quiet as you continued to focus on your lunch that you were cooking “please acknowledge me.” He whined leaning down to kiss your neck but you stopped him as you picked your shoulder up pressing it against your neck.
It began to frustrate the boy as he furrowed his eyebrows “I’m cooking Matty.” You reminded him in an irritated tone.
You were trying to put up a strong suit and that worked until Matthew placed his hand on your chin forcing it up as you stared at him. The hockey player leaned down to kiss your lips quickly forcing you to forget about why you were still irritated with him “Matty.” This time it came out airy like a needy moan.
The hockey player didn’t waste any time bringing you onto the empty space on the kitchen counter as you now faced him “missed you baby.” Matthew mumbled as he kissed your lips again with his hand on the back of your neck.
He smiled seeing your shirt as it was his old USA camp shirt from years ago “you look so fucking pretty.” The boy blurted out as he dropped to his knees lifting the shirt up to see your bare pussy staring back at him “no panties?” Matthew smirked as your face turned red.
You nodded watching with anticipation as the boy blew his warm breath against your core “you know I don’t like sleeping with them.” Your voice was shaky as he nodded wrapping his lips around your clit “shit Matty!” You groaned locking your fingers in his hair.
If there was one thing Matthew was good at it was using his tongue to get you off “please M,” you began bringing your hips up to meet his tongue “you liking this baby?” He asked smiling as your eyes locked with his “s-so much.” You nodded trying to force your thighs shut but the boy took it as a challenge wrapping his arms around your legs as he forced you closer to him.
His tongue trailed down to your core sliding in as you cried out in pleasure “don’t stop.” The smell of your burning food didn’t seem to phase either of you as you two sat there with his main objective being to get you off.
Matthew’s noise hit your clit making you jump “is my pretty baby gonna come?” The hockey player smirked replacing his tongue with his fingers as you nodded “please Matty,” you forced his head back down.
The boy focused his attempt on your clit as his fingers formed a come here motion thrusting into you “I’m going come fuck.” You announced legs shaking as they wrapped around his head almost squeezing the life out of his head.
His free hand tapped your thigh motioning to you that he wanted you to let go. Your orgasm came thick and fast as your eyes screwed shut painting your eyelids with white stars as your body shook when Matthew didn’t let his tongue slow down on your clit “Matty no,” you shook your head trying to force his face up to meet yours.
Deciding to go easy on you Matthew listener bringing himself onto his feet “so sweet.” He groaned shoving his fingers into your mouth so that you could taste what he was talking about “see?” Matthew asked as you wrapped your lips around his fingers sucking them like it could have been his cock in your mouth instead.
The hockey player felt his pants grow tight as his cock hardened “think we should move this to the bedroom?” Matthew proposed as he slipped his fingers out of your mouth.
Before you could nod the smell of burning food invaded your nostrils “the food!” You gasped pushed the boy away as you got off of the counter quickly pushing your attention to your pan of food that was now fully burnt.
It made Matthew groan “you can’t save it now baby.” He pointed out moving the pot away from the live hob before he turned the stove off.
For some reason your lips formed a frown as you looked up to your boyfriend “but I made it for you.” You mumbled breaking his heart in the process “we can make something new?” He proposed before he realised that you had made his favourite dish for lunch “c’mere.” Matthews voice was soft as he wrapped his arms around you pulling you into a hug.
You looked up to see his face full of concern as you smiled “I love you,” you blurted out leaning up to peck his lips.
The action was repeated two more times before he gave you a deeper kiss “I love you too,” as your feet went flat on the ground you realised that his bulge was against your stomach “let’s move this to the bedroom.” You nodded watching him cock his head “you sure?” He asked thinking that your sadden state sort of ruined the vibe.
You leaned up again as you placed your hands on either side of his bed “take me to bed and fuck me like you missed me Matty.” You ordered kissing his lips.
Matthew took less than a second as he picked you up hooking his hands under your legs “fuck baby.” He groaned as you moved your lips to his neck as you began nipping at the area of skin.
The boy smiled as you looked back up at him as you formed your lips into a kissy motion as he walked you two back into your room “miss me baby?” Matthew smirked as you nodded making him listen to your request before he placed you onto the bed “I think you missed me more.” You motioned to his bulge that was now eye level with you.
He took his jacket off throwing it somewhere in the room as the boy began undoing the buttons of his white shirt “can’t blame me for that.” Matthew smiled as he hooked his fingers under your jaw “looking so pretty like that,” he added as your eyes took in the sight of his abs “you like what you see?” The boy asked as you nodded.
Your fingers ran over his belt undoing it in the process “I’m not gonna last long baby and I wanna come inside of you.” Matthew confessed as your fingers hooked into his boxers pulling both down as he kicked his shoes off with both pieces of clothing “now it’s not fair that you are still in clothes is it?” The hockey player asked leaning down in between your legs as his nose hovered over yours.
A smile formed on your lips “what are you going to do about it then?” Shivers were sent up your body as his cold fingers drove up your stomach bringing your shirt off of your head in one movement.
It didn’t take long for Matthew to bring your body further up your bed so that he could properly have his way with you “can I put it on?” You asked motioning to the condom wrapper that was in his hand.
Matthew always loved watching you do that “sure thing baby,” he nodded ripping the wrapped open as he held out the condom for you to grab.
Watching you innocently smile as you rolled the latex material over his cock was something Matthew didn’t think he would ever get tired of “fuck y/n.” The boy groaned as you brought his cock over your clit “want you Matty.” You mumbled onto his lips letting him kiss you as he let your cunt swallow his cock.
It was hot watching your mouth form an o as you adjusted to his sheer size “move please.” You ordered as he nodded pulling his hips away before he brought them back to meet yours “missed this god.” Matthew reached out to lock his fingers into yours “just me in this room baby.” Your giggle was quickly cut off as his hands brought your legs up around his waist allowing his cock to slide deeper into you.
Matthew couldn’t help but smirk “not so strong now are we?” He cooed as you picked your hips up to meet his “let make you feel so good.” It almost sounded like he was asking you as he slipped his hand between your bodies so that he could rub your clit.
The room was hot as your breaths were panting “want to be good for you.” You cried at the new level of pleasure that shot through your body.
His lips were down on your neck as you dug your head into the mattress “you always are.” Matthew mumbled making sure to suck on the skin to the point where he knew that you would be having large hickies on display within the next few days.
Sounds of skin slapping and moans bounced off of the walls of the room as you both edged closer to your highs “I’m gonna-” you cried clenching around his cock.
The boy nodded “let the whole floor know about it.” Matthew ordered as he moved his head to kiss your jaw.
Your second orgasm of the afternoon hit you harder as your whole body shuddered under Matthew’s “shit shit right there oh!” You moaned face scrunching up over the sheer pleasure that you felt as your cunt sucked the life out of his cock bringing his orgasm out “so good baby.” The hockey players words were short as he kissed you.
As you both recovered from your orgasms he smiled letting his cock slide out of your cunt “I’m gonna go get a wash cloth.” Matthew got out of bed drawing your attention to the white piece of paper that was sticking out of his suit jacket.
You let your curiosity get the best of you as you leaned down and grabbed it reading the information over as you quickly realised that it was a flight ticket “you’re coming with me?” You asked with a smile forming on your face as you looked up to see your boyfriend nod.
Matthew sat next to you as his grin matched yours “can’t let you see those elephants without me now can I?”
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cute-sucker · 6 months
sweet endearments
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note: this is where i got inspo from for the nicknames xxx summary: sily!pogue!reader meets rafe's parents, but not without some shenanigans. warning: this is so goofy oml (but so long omg, and i'm 99.9% sure it sucks but whatever) words; 1,900
"baby, why are you taking so long?" rafe whined from downstairs. you peeked from your stairs seeing your tough boyfriend pouting. you bit your lip from laughing, and then quickly refrained from making fun of him.
lately, he'd gotten more clingy, but you liked it. you would never tell him, but you liked it when he rested his head on your stomach and innocently told you he wanted to hear your heartbeat. you liked that he held your hand in public, your pinkies locked.
but most of all you liked the secret smiles that he gave you. his eyes would shine, and you swore he had dimples when he smiled at you.
he was a heartache to look at.
but you liked his endearments the most.
how he would call you 'cupcake', sometimes 'sweets', and the other times 'baby.' at the beginning of your relationship you had been so confused about who he was talking to, but now you had grown accustomed to the different endearments he had given you. you had gotten so used to the nicknames when he said your name, you were surprised.
"hey! you comin'?" he yelled, as he looked at his watch before tucking his wallet into the pocket in his pants. finally perfecting your red lipstick, you skipped down. you were meeting his parents today, a day that you were extremely nervous about.
rafe looked up from his phone, eyes full of warmth and a teasing smile on his face before he reached for you.
you twirled away from him, a smile on your face before you gave him a spin, and then blew a kiss in his direction.
"do you like it?" you asked him, your voice loud and bubbly. he smirked, and then reached for your face before you could run away from his reach.
"i love it,"
you laughed at the proclamation, and he seemed to soften at your expression, but you watched him fiddle with his golden rings nervously.
this was as new for him as it was for you. you were the last pogue that would be seen around rafe cameron. you were the jokester, the one that skipped school 'cause it was too boring, and sold your short stories in your free time.
you were usually so unserious half of the time he was frowning and the other time he was laughing at the next thing you had said. when he had asked you to meet his parents, you had snorted with laughter before he told you he was serious.
after that you were scared. you didn't know that what you had with rafe was that serious. you had been joking around half the time, and yet now...now what you felt for him was not a joke. you had talked to your girlfriends for assurance and they had told you to pull a small prank on him. that it would lighten the mood. so that's what you were going to do.
he hummed in response. his hand rested on your thigh in true rafe fashion, and you found yourself laughing in a true passenger princess manner. finally, he rolled his eyes, though his expression was tinged with suspicion. obviously, he knew you wouldn't be so well-behaved for so long.
you loved how well he knew you.
"what is it?"
"i was thinking, as one does-"
and you were cut off by his groan, as he pulled the car car muttering something incoherent . his eyes looked at you tired and then raised an eyebrow when the car had finally parked.
"what is it now?"
you giggled, and then bit your lip, "y'know how much i love your endearments right?," you rambled quickly trying to keep a serious face, "-but you know how unoriginal they are right... and like i was thinking of you calling me 'big dwag,' from now on,"
"what the hell do you mean by 'big dwag?'" rafe cut you off, his jaw clenched, his voice so gruff that you wanted to burst into laughing. he looked so shocked, and confused at the same time that you were glad he had stopped the car to talk to you.
"okay, okay! so like when you introduce me to your parents... i want you to call me 'big dwag," instead of your girlfriend."
"oh my god- you're so fucking weird."
"listen bro-"
"did you just call me bro? it's the ultimate betrayal. my heart can't take this sweets."
you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. rafe did the same, his eyebrows scrunched, and then tilted his head, as he pinched the pinched the bridge of his nose.
"sweets. i really love you, but i really don't want to call you that," he said slowly, compassionately as if he trying to get you to understand. you pouted, as he frowned at you.
"no, i get it you won't call me big dwag. it means a lot to me you know?"
"i can't deal with this," and he puts his head in his hands, while leaning back in his seat sounding absolutely exasperated "i'm not taking you to meet my dad and introduce you as big dwag. i can't do that."
"it's two words."
"i thought you loved my endearments," he said frowning at you.
now you felt bad, as he looked at you. you groaned and then gave him your best puppy eyes.
finally, he let out a gruff sigh. "okay. okay, from now on i will be calling you big dwag."
"really? i love you so much!"
"if my dad ask me to break up with you, it will be this obscene nickname's fault."
then he gave you a final glare and started the car. you hummed happily to all of your favorite songs trying not to notice the way he wasn't trying to smile at your expression. he was so in love with you.
then you leaned back satisfied. obviously, he wasn't going to use the nickname, he was just playing with you. that was until the both of you made it to his house. it was beautiful and gigantic, and at other times you would have paid more attention to it as a whole until you saw the smirk on rafe's face.
"c'mon let's go."
all of you ate comfortably on the porch of the cameron's house. all night you had sat well-behaved, laughing at ward's jokes and asking if you could help rose. the whole time rafe hid his laughter by coughing. wheezie had loved you so much that she had told rafe that you were her favourite girlfriend by far.
"you are a wonderful girl," rose murmured to you after the dinner finished and as you helped her fix the plates. "but i wonder if you could do better."
"warning her off already? man, you really can't let me have anything good, can you? " rafe muttered, his voice full of scorn as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. his eyes were full of possesiveness, his body language showed he was ready to start a fight.
you rested your palm on his chest, as if to calm him. but he ignored your soft touch and instead stared rose down. you could see some unease in rose's eyes as she opened her mouth again before closing it, as if she decided that it wasn't worth it. then she muttered something about helping wheezie leaving the two of you together.
it was clear that rafe didn't like her. you had already felt rafe hovering over you like a hawk, anxiously, and attentively, almost as if you were going to flee at a single warning. he had to remember many people had warned you about him.
you looked up at him, worried what you would find in his eyes. "are you okay?"
rafe shook his head, and then gently nudged you to the pool. "i'm alright. just let me fix something up. i'll be back."
you nodded uncertain, anxious thoughts floating in your head. he didn't trust you. he didn't trust you.
finally, you found yourself resting near the pool, your feet dipped inside.
"how's my big dwag?"
you turned around a hand on your forehead as you squinted to see rafe smiling down. he looked calmer now, almost as if that minute alone had done him well. his well-fitted shirt made you want to kiss him, but the hurt feelings still left a stinging sense on your heart. the sun shone so bright you could barely see a single thing. but this time instead of saying something funny, you found yourself feeling stupidly insecure your knees tucked against your chest.
"i'm okay."
rafe frowned at your expression before he sat down next to you.
"my girl can't be feelin' sad. not with me around."
you squirmed as he reached for you with his strong arms but his gentle touch and peppered kisses all over your face, and protested that he was ruining your dress. finally, when you looked into his eyes and you let out a loud laugh.
it was settled.
today wasn't the day to open old wounds.
"you're stupid, rafe cameron."
instead of making fun of you, he wrapped his hands around your waist, and you found yourself smiling as he kissed you. he was so soft, so attentive, and you practically melted in his warm hands. when you pulled away, you had forgotten the stupid feelings that you were overwhelmed with. when you pulled away you wanted to rest your head on rafe's shoulder, but he had other plans. rafe had gotten up and said he had yelled something at ward.
ward looked away looking shocked, and then furrowed his expression, holding the barbecue skewer awkwardly in his hands.
"dad, did you know that this girl here is my big-" he mocked, jerking a hand to your direction before you squealed, and covered his mouth with your hands.
"shut up, shut up!"
you giggled, and then ran away from him, as he followed you a grin on his face.
he was used to your stupid threats, and finally, when you stopped and looked back at rafe, he gave you a silly proud smile. you swatted him away when he tried to hug you, but before you knew it he had gathered you in his arms and jumped into the pool with you tightly squeezed against his chest.
when you finally submerged, sputtering while you glared at rafe. "don't ever call me that again, you jerk!"
he was soaked with water, a stupid smile on his face before he hummed and pulled you into his arms. you didn't resist and only splashed him with water. his face turned into a scowl before he pinched your cheeks and kissed your forehead.
"you're lucky i'm crazy about you dumbass."
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The attractive voice part 3 please! When Donnie and reader decide to meet in real life together! :D
The Attractive Voice: part 3 (Angst?/Fluff)
2007!Donatello x reader
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Part 1 (Fluff) Part 2 (18+)
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A/N: This one is not 18+, as it didn’t seem to fit quite right with what I had in mind💜
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All characters are aged up
Warning: None, other than spelling💜
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When do you call a relation between you and another person a relationship? After you called each other even day, just to hear the voice that made your hearts skip a beat, and put bright smiles on your faces? Or was it fitting to do so after you started to do everything together, with each other over the phone? Or could you do it after you and Donnie would stay on the phone together late at night, pleasuring yourselves to the sounds of the other? Well, maybe.
You and Donnie had not yet gotten to a point, where either of you had felt brave enough, to bring up the topic of relationship status or titles. You feared that a conversation like that would scare Donnie away, while Donnie feared a talk about relationship status would bring up another topic - meeting up in real life.
During all your conversations, Donnie feared the day you would ask to see or meet him. He had no idea how to react the day you would ask to meet him. He really wanted to meet you, and the face of the person he had been talking to for so long. But how was he going to explain his appearance? Was he just going to tell you that he in fact was a mutant turtle, and just hope that you would go with it? Or let alone believe him. And that was making Donnie nervous.
But while Donnie was nervous, fearful the moment you would ask to see him, you had gotten curious. You were trying to create an image in your head, based on the few things you knew about Donatello. He had brown eyes, part Italian and part Japanese and very muscular. However, that was a pretty vague picture, so you had been starting to ask small questions. His height, his nose, his hair, his ears and so on. And with every question, you could hear the nervousness in Donnie’s voice when he vaguely answered. You chuckled it up to Donnie not being confident in his own appearance, and therefore you decided to not push him too far, too fast. You had plenty of time, so there was no need for rushing anything. But both of you knew, without telling each other, that it wouldn’t take long before that conversation would make its way up.
But life continued, slowly inching closer to the day that you and Donnie finally would meet. Even if it wasn’t in the way that you had expected.
You were walking home from work one evening, after your closing shift that weekend, dialing Donnie on your phone. Nothing about your sometimes late shifts, Donnie had asked you to call him when you walked home, so he could make sure that you were okay, all the way home to your apartment, with your door locked safely behind you. And even then you would stay on the phone together, talking late in the night, almost falling asleep on the phone together.
You started walking down the street with your phone to your ear, listening to the ringing as you waited for Donnie to pick up. The wind blew cold air around you, making you pull your jacket closer around you, sending looks down the street behind you. The ringing turned to beeping, and you looked at your phone in confusion, calling Donnie’s number once more. Why wasn’t he picking up? This wasn’t like Donnie. He always picked up, even if he was in the middle of something.
You looked at your phone, getting ready to text Donnie and ask him what was going on, when suddenly something large fell from above, slamming into the pavement from above, sending dust flying into the air, breaking the sidewalk in the process. You were horrified to see a large creature, with fur, horns, large yellow eyes and long sharp teeth, along with what looked like big hands and feet, with claws like nails at the end of each finger.
You staggered backwards, unable to take your eyes off the creature in front of you, hearing the low grunts as it heaved for air. Then suddenly, as the dust slowly started to settle, the creature turned its gaze towards you. You almost stumbled, feeling fear rush over you, causing you to freeze in its line of sight. It roared, the sound sending waves through you, yet you did not move. All you could do was scream. Scream and stare as it came rushing towards you, its claws ready to lash out at you.
But before any claws could get you, or any pain could befall your body, you were pushed out of the way - no, you were carried. In a pair of strong arms, carrying you off to a safer part of the street in a hurry. You looked up at your carrier, only to be met by a green face. A green face, a shell on their back, with a bow staff strapped on to said shell, and a purple bandana wrapped around your face, with a pair of eye holes, allowing you to see a pair of brown eyes.
You almost screamed, panic flashing across your face once more. First a monster falling from the top of a building, and now this. But your carrier was quick to hush you, placing you on your feet, maintaining eye contact as they held onto your shoulders. They were trying to comfort you.
“Don’t worry”, they said, in a familiar voice. A voice you could recognize anywhere. “I got you. Me and my brothers got this. You’re safe-”.
“Donnie?”, you asked, staring at him in shock.
They mutant turtles stared at you with wide eyes, feeling as if all air had been knocked out of him, forgetting all about the monster behind him, and his brothers that were currently trying to fight it.
“(Y/N)?”, he asked, his voice shivering. His hands shook on your shoulders, your eyes never leaving one another. Damn, he had some deep brown eyes.
Donnie felt his mouth go dry, several emotions rushing through him. Fear and happiness, along with pleasant surprise. You were there before him. You in your beautiful form - much more beautiful than he could ever had imagined you to be. But you were looking at him. His green turtle form, standing before you with his hands on your shoulders, unsure of what you thought of him. The mixture of emotions made his stomach hurt and his heart pound like crazy. He almost felt sick, fearing you would scream or yell. But before you could ever do such a thing, there was shouting from Donnie’s brothers, followed by the monster storming towards the two of you.
Donnie acted quick, pushing you behind him and pulled his bow staff from his shell, taking a stance before the creature. You watched as Donnie swung his staff at the creature, hitting it over the head, causing it to whimper and back up a bit, giving Donnie’s brothers enough time to come and help him out. However, during the ensuing struggle, the monster managed to get away. With a loud roar, it jumped to the top of the nearby building, before running into the night, causing the four brothers to groan in annoyance. But Donnie did not.
Donnie turned to you, fearful of what he would see. He expected you to be scared of him, tell him to never talk to you again, and run away. He feared that you were horrified by not just his looks, but this sudden introduction to not only his appearance, but the life he was living. But to his surprise, you still stood there, your expression shocked, but with a glint of admiration. If there had been any disgust, it was impossible for Donnie to detect, even as he tried to look for it in your beautiful face.
“Listen, (Y/N)”, he started, hoping that he could save what might have been ruined. “I know what this looks like, and I can explain everything, but-”.
Donnie did not get to finish that sentence, before you had wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling the shocked mutant close to you, so that you could plant your lips firmly on his. Donnie froze, not daring to fully believe what was happening. You were kissing him, even after seeing who he truly was. But after a moment he allowed himself to relax against you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer against his plastron, ignoring the sound of his brothers’ jaws hitting the pavement, staring in shock at the scene in front of them.
Pulling from the kiss, you smiled at Donnie, joy appearing big and bright on your face, and your eyes shining just as much. This confused Donnie. This was not how he had expected you to react.
“Aren’t you mad at me?”, Donnie asked, his eyes wide and an unbreakable smile on his face as he fought for his breath.
You chuckled and shook your head. “There’s no way I could be mad at you”, you said. “All though this wasn’t was I expected”. You gestured to his body. “But I could not never be mad at it”.
For a moment Donnie just stared at you, your words echoing through his head. He didn’t know what to say, nor what to do. But with the growing happiness bubbling up inside of him, he could only do one thing, and that was to pull you in for another kiss. And you kissed back with a smile. You now knew that Donnie did not only have an attractive voice, but an interesting yet handsome face to go with it. And suddenly the thought of having an official relationship, didn’t seem so far off anymore.
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gunnerfc · 8 months
Hot and Heavy | Aitana Bonmatí x Barça!Reader
Summary: You and Aitana have a very flirty relationship even though you aren’t dating. Feelings peak after Barcelona wins the CL and the team goes out to celebrate 
Warnings: implied smut at the end!
WC: 1K, a bit short tbh </3
Ever since the final whistle blew, your mind has been solely focused on celebrating Barcelona’s win. Loud celebrations began the moment you received your medals and lifted the trophy. This is how you found yourself cramped between Mapi and Ona taking shots at a booth in a loud Barcelona club. 
You weren’t sure what number you were on, not that you particularly cared at the moment. While you were determined to celebrate to the fullest extent, there was a small thought in the back of your head that was about Aitana. You and the midfielder had a very flirtatious relationship off the field, so much so that some of your teammates genuinely don't believe you when you tell them you aren’t dating.
You weren’t sure when the relationship with Aitana took a turn but for the most part, you weren't complaining. However, there was a small part of you that wanted to take the relationship further and actually make it official. But you were unsure where Aitana stood. The Catalan would play into your teasing comments, even making them herself. Yet, every time you attempted to ask if she wanted more, she would shut you down.
Since being at the club, you’ve avoided Aitana because you didn’t want to get your feelings hurt when you were meant to be having a fun time. That didn't stop her from trying to talk to you though. Each time she was in your presence, you made sure to have your attention fully on a teammate, most likely taking shots.
Aitana spent most of her time with Keira and Frido talking in a different booth, until Frido forced her to accompany her to the crowded dance floor. Aitana normally would have said no, but with the alcohol in her system and the chance to get your attention, she didnt need much convincing. The booth the trio were in was right in front of yours and Aitana made sure she paused for a moment when she stood up for your eyes to land on her. 
There was a small smirk on the midfielder’s face as she felt your eyes follow her to the dance floor. Aitana was determined to get you to talk to her, one way or another. You watched on as Aitana and Frido danced to the loud music blasting from the speakers, the current song more of a traditional club song. 
Then it switched to something more slow and sensual, and Aitana quickly came up with a plan to get you to join her. She knew you could be quite jealous when people would talk to her or touch her, even your own teammates and now she was given a chance to exploit that. 
As you watched her on the dance floor, you could see her practically yelling over the loud music to your Swedish teammates. You couldn’t make out what she said but you could piece things together when the players were pressed against each other, leaving no room in between them. 
You felt your jaw clench at the sight, knowing Aitana was only doing it on purpose. You kept your eyes locked on the pair, not wanting to miss anything. Over the loud music, you could hear Mapi laughing as she watched you glare. 
“Jealous much, Y/L/N,” the defender joked, earning a glare of her own from you. You chose to ignore her for your own sake but she was right. 
You had no plan to actually break the dancing up. Until Aitana pulled Frido lower to her level in what looked like a kiss. You knew it was all an act, but that didn’t stop you from rushing out of your seat, towards the pair. 
“You can leave now, Frido,” you all but growled as you pulled the blonde away from Aitana.
Frido didn’t say anything, offering you both a teasing smirk as she left the two of you on the dance floor. 
“I know what you're doing, Aitana,” you husked in the midfielder’s ear as you pulled her back flush with your front. 
Aitana’s hand wrapped around your neck, pulling your head forward until her mouth was level with your ear. “It’s working, no?” she smirked, knowing she had you right where she wanted. 
You didn’t give her the satisfaction of an answer, instead, your grip on her waist tightened as your lips began placing hot kisses on her neck. Despite the loud music playing, all you could hear was the soft moans escaping Aitana’s lips. You knew this wasn’t the place for you two to be doing this, but right now, you didn’t care.
You left deep marks alongside her neck, the two of you grinding each other to the sensual beat of the song. You would have switched sides, wanting to keep claiming Aitana as yours, but the midfielder had other plans. 
Aitana pulled away from you before turning to face you, though she remained as close as she could on the crowded dance floor. You could see how dilated her eyes had become in the dim light of the club and you were sure yours were just as dark. 
“Ven Conmigo, (come with me)” Aitana husked, lacing her hand with yours to pull you off the dance floor. 
You didn’t question where she was taking you, your mind was still reeling from the feeling of her skin on your mouth. But you would have followed her anywhere if she had asked. The Catalan pulled you towards the bathrooms at the back of the club and you could sense your relationship was about to cross into physical. 
Aitana didn’t bother to check if the bathroom was completely empty before pushing you into one of the stalls. This might not have been the best place to have sex for the first time, but both of you weren’t going to last much longer if you didn't go further. 
You knew you would have to actually talk about everything in the morning but right now, you were solely focused on Aitana and showing her exactly how you felt about her. While you two were too focused on each other, your teammates were cashing in on the secret bets they had made about how long it would take you two to confess to each other.
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petertingle-yipyip · 1 year
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Pairing: Platonic Miguel x Young Reader (father/daughter dynamic)
Word Count: 2,651
Summary: (Request) hi!! i have a platonic req for miguel x chaotic teen reader who has a bad relationship with her dad, just a man who lost his daughter and a girl who never had a proper father.. what could go wrong..(im a slut for found family)
Getting bit by a spider is less than ideal to begin with. But when you were bitten by a highly experimental spider that came from the labs your dad worked at, it was arguably worse. And then, when said spider bite results in you sticking to walls and being able to shoot webs from your wrists, it all becomes terrifying.
“Dad… Something’s not right.” You try to tell him while your notebook is stuck to your open hand. You shake it, only to hear the crumple and flap of papers hitting together. “Please.”
“Mhmm, mhmm.” He nods with his back to you, refusing to turn in his desk chair. “Yes, go ahead, kiddo.”
“It’s fine, Y/N. Go wherever.”
“I’m not… I’m scared! Please!”
“Enough.” He says firmly, a hand hits the desk and you hear the slosh of liquid in a glass bottle. “Go.”
“You’re drinking?” 
“It’s not your business. Go.”
A few years later and nothing changed. He hadn’t even noticed that you were never home at night. Your bruises and bloody lips never got acknowledged. Winces and groans as you walked around were unheard. He had constantly drank himself into stupors, rivaling the depth of a coma at one point.
Your heart constantly ached for the relationship you two had when you were younger, before your mother left. Her treatment stopped helping and she died in the hospital, a place you and your father could never go back to. After that, he told you he’d rather drive to Jersey for a hospital than ever walk back into Metro General.
As your relationship crumbled, so did your faith in people. If your father, the man who you owed half your genetics to and the man who raised you, couldn’t put his own child’s needs ahead of his own despair, how could anyone truly love one unconditionally?
“Hey!” A familiar voice called behind you as you were sitting on your rooftop. “It’s my favorite spider kid!”
It was your father’s birthday and - of course, he was passed out in a puddle of whiskey in the kitchen. You had turned him on his side and propped him against the cabinet to ensure he didn’t choke on his own vomit before you suited up and just… sat. Chin resting on knees pulled up to your chest, arms wrapped around and fingers locked together. Mask pushed up to your hairline as the cold night breeze blew through. You were too absorbed in your thoughts to realize your spider sense had been going off.
“Peter B.” You smiled quickly as you turned and saw the bright orange of the portal. “Shit. Did I miss an assignment?” You turned your wrist and saw nothing on your watch screen.
“No… Just knew what day it was.”
“C’mon. Let’s get out of here.”
You hummed slightly and let him pull you to your feet. Mayday offered you a grabby hand gesture that made you smile and she took that as approval so she shot a web to your chest and pulled herself into your arms. You laughed as you followed Peter, his daughter in your arms and babbling nonsense.
You two walked into the familiar HQ building, greeting various spider people on the way before Hobie and Pav replaced him. You huffed a sigh when you realized that it wasn’t just a coincidence that the entirety of your gang was taking turns walking with you.
They were keeping an eye on you.
You slipped away during Pav’s dramatic retelling of his latest date with Gayatri. He was gesturing wildly with his arms when you sidestepped and dropped down a few levels, catching yourself on the ledge and pulling yourself to sit underneath. After a few moments of sitting alone, you headed to the training center.
It didn’t take long for Hobie to find you there.
“I don’t need a babysitter.” You snapped.
“Right..” He nodded carefully, moving behind the heavy bag you were lightly punching. He held it in place and leaned around it to offer you a questioning expression. “That’s why you bailed on Pav, eh? Y’know he was crushed.”
“I’ll apologize later. Just leave it alone, Hob.”
“Squashed.” He shrugged and leaned away. He gave the bag a small shake and tapped it, telling you to keep hitting it. “But I gotta say, Y/N/N, it’s not hard to see you’re angry.”
“Oh I wonder why.” You said sarcastically as your fists began to make contact again.”
“If it’s about your pops, maybe you should-“
“I should what? Talk to him? You can’t talk to a man two thirds in on a bottle of whiskey. Help him? Like he helped me when my mom died, right? Because that’s what we do, right?”
Every sentence led to your fists hitting harder and harder, more direct contact that stung the skin.
“He doesn’t care about me. He abandoned me when I needed him… He’s probably a canon event for me anyway so the sooner he’s gone the better.”
“You don’t wanna be alone, Y/N.” Hobie offered gently.
Though the gentle tone only scraped your nerves and your fist went through the leather of the punching bag with enough force to push Hobie back.
“Says a lot about the person I’m becoming.” You shrugged and pulled your hand out.
The sand inside began spilling out and you sighed when the faint glow of the familiar AI appeared in front of you.
“Hello, Lyla.” You grumbled and kicked at the growing sand pile.
“Heart rate elevated. Adrenaline and cortisol are spiking and you busted a punching bag… I’m getting Miguel.” She said simply.
“Don’t get Miguel.” You groaned.
“I’m getting Miguel.”
“He’s expecting you.”
“Why would you-“
“Because you need to-“
“Why is everyone telling me what I need?” You shouted, throwing an arm to the side which swatted through the projection. 
She appeared again at your shoulder with glasses disheveled.
“Case and point.” She nodded. “Go and talk to him. Now.”
“I hate it here sometimes.” You muttered and dropped to the floor, back to the door while you drew with a finger in the still growing sand pile.
As annoying as it could be at HQ, anything was better than home.
You were in the process of drawing your spider logo when you saw his looming shadow. You ignored him up until he sat next to you and you pulled your knees to your chest.
“She’s gonna come back.” Peter said gently and you felt Mayday’s hand patting your arm to a beat only she understood. “C’mon, kid. Say something.”
“Nothing to say.” You grumbled and shot webs at the ceiling so you could get away from the conversation attempt.
You slowly made your way to Miguel’s workspace. Your watch beeped as you went, probably messages from Lyla telling you to move your ass or one of your friends trying to check on you. You ignored the sounds and kept walking along the ceiling, hardly registering the directional change when you started walking on his wall.
“Siéntete.” He said simply as he pointed to the chair beside him without facing you.
“How’d you know it was me?” You asked simply.
“I’ve been tracking your watch. Sit.”
“I’m fine here, thanks.”
“I wasn’t asking, Y/N.”
“I don’t want to-“
Your complaint was cut short by the bright red webbing that looped around your torso. You cursed quietly as he yanked you to the platform and pushed you into the seat.
“Wasn’t so hard.” He smirked before he crossed his arms and leaned against the table behind him. “What’s going on with you?”
“Nothing.” You huffed.
“You put a hole in the heaviest bag today and you swatted through Lyla.”
“It’s not a big deal.”
“Mhmm, right.” He nodded absently before sliding a video clip to present between you two. “So what’s this?”
…so the sooner he’s gone, the better.
“I’m just angry.” You shrugged. “What does it matter?”
“Hmm. And this?” He slid a secondary video underneath.
It was you, rolling your dad over and placing two bottles of water by his head. You picked up the tipped cup and cleaned up the spilled liquor. You tucked a small folded note under the bottles, stating a quick and simple happy birthday with a quick heart.
“You’ve been watching me?”
“Someone was worried about you. I had a quick survey done of you in your universe.”
“Who was worried? Peter B? Is that why he showed up for me earlier?”
“Pavitr.” He corrected. “And you walked away from his date night story.”
“I didn’t-“ You groaned and threw your head back. “It had nothing to do with him!”
“It felt very personal to him.”
“Look, whatever kind of intervention this is, I don’t need it or want it. Forgive me for having my mother’s kind heart.”
The webbing around your torso disappeared and he cleared the video clips away. You frowned slightly when he gestured for you to go.
“That’s it?” Your brows furrowed and you kept the disappointment out of your voice.
“That’s it.” He shrugged. “You won’t listen to anyone trying to help and I can see exactly what’s going on and what you need. But what do I know, hmm?”
“Right… I’m just gonna..” You stood slowly and moved to the edge of the platform, freezing at his next sentence.
“When I was with Gabriella…” He said softly, so kindly you almost didn’t hear it.
But the mention of her name froze you in your tracks. He hardly ever talked about his daughter. Why would he tell you anything about such a sensitive subject? You figured you should listen.
“I made sure to know everything I could about her.. That’s what dads do, right? I knew what she liked and what she didn’t. I learned her friends’ names and faces. I even learned how to make these silly little paper origami animals…”
“Why are you telling me this?” You asked weakly. You almost felt awkward hearing such a sweet sentiment coming from your usually angry boss.
“Because it’s part of what you’re missing..”
That sentence made you turn to face him.
“You want a male authority figure that can tell you he knows that you like cheerios for breakfast, but if you don’t have any, you’ll toast half a bagel and put peanut butter.. Sometimes you’ll get a green apple with it.. You want to hear someone acknowledge that you get caffeine headaches but can’t drink more than a Cola in a day. The one time you tried an energy drink, your senses kicked up to a forty and you could hear colors for four hours.
“You used to play sports before you got bit but after, the contact from the ball irritated your skin so bad you had to quit. You told your team that you had developed a health condition and overworking your kidneys could kill you.
“The logo of your suit is the vague shape of the spider that bit you, which was a common California house spider. Usually they’re not a problem but thanks to Oscorp, it was a lot more aggressive than it should’ve been…. You use clips in your hair because a hair tie makes it too tight. And you sharpie’d those words on the inside of your sleeve because you couldn’t stop thinking of them when you made your suit.”
“I don’t like cheerios.” You said quietly.
“I’m sorry.” He rolled his eyes with a small smile. “Honey nut cheerios.”
“And I didn’t just quit because of that..”
“Cause you got a job.” Miguel continued. “Under the table, cash only, for a graveyard shift at an all night diner.”
“Did you know my brother and sister moved out? My younger brother moved in with either his girlfriend or his friends because he couldn’t be around my dad. And my older sister, I don’t even know where she is… They might not even be in New York anymore. But I still make sure they don’t have to get the call to ID my father’s body.”
“But you want him dead to pass your canon?”
“Well yeah, I…” You sighed and threw your hands to the side. “No.. I don’t know. It’s not easy to live in that apartment anymore.”
“I know… But you’re still here. You still have your suit and your abilities and you help people.”
“Couldn’t help my mom.” You shrugged. “Couldn’t help my siblings. Can’t help my dad… What kind of a spider person am I if I can’t even help the people I care about most?”
“Makes you human.”
“Why do you know all that anyway?” You asked instead, allowing his gentle tone soften some of the sharpness in your chest. “What does my story matter in the whole arachno-whatever?”
“Every spider’s story matters here.”
You hummed in acknowledgment and swallowed the taste of disappointment on your tongue.
“Aren’t people like.. predisposed to addiction based on genetics?” You changed the subject.
“Sometimes, why?”
“So I'll end up like him, most likely.”
“Can you fix it?”
“What?” His eyes went wide.
“You’re a geneticist, right? You can run my genes and figure out where the problem is. You can fix it.”
“It doesn’t work like that.”
“Or.. him. You can fix my dad!”
“No, I can’t.”
“Why not?” You groaned. 
“Because he’ll be dead by the end of the night!” He snapped and you felt your body run cold while regret crossed his features.
“What?” You spoke, barely above a whisper. “What do you- How- How do you know?”
He sighed to himself and rubbed his temple before he spoke slowly, putting extra caution into his word selection.
“When you told Hobie about it tonight, I had Lyla run the algorithm for your canon… His liver has been on the brink for a couple days and it looks like tonight’s the night it finally gives out.”
“Can I save him?” You asked tightly, eyes locked to the floor as the tears burned behind your eyes. “If I go home now and call the ambulance, can I?”
“You tell me how great the ambulance response in your neighborhood is.” He deadpanned and you sighed heavily, knowing he was right.
“I still wanna go home.”
“You shouldn’t be alone.”
“He shouldn’t die alone.”
“You can’t change it… I’m sorry.”
“Why are you so invested?” You looked up at him with a newfound anger burning behind your eyes, ignoring the tears falling down your cheeks. “What the hell does my life matter to you?”
“Because..” He sighed before he knelt in front of you. “I see so much of Gabriella in you, arañita.. And I can see you’re hurting.”
Your bottom lip quivered and the tears welled in your eyes. You hadn’t even realized that you wanted someone to notice things like your pain. You just wanted someone to pay attention to you and not feel like you were a background character in your own home, to feel like you were alone in the one place you were supposed to be safest.
“I’m just-“ You began, though your voice broke. “I’m so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.”
“I know, mija.” He nodded. “But remember this.”
He turned your forearm so you’d see the words in your own sloppy, tiny handwriting.
“Keep your head up and don’t lose twice.” He read the words before he put hands on your shoulders. “You’re so strong, Y/N.”
“I’ll end up like him.” You said bitterly but your immediate sniffle iced any venom in your tone. “I’ll end up a pathetic loser that passes out in the kitchen… I’ll abandon the people that need me when they need me the most. I-“
He shook his head and pulled you in for a tight hug, cutting off what would’ve been the most self-degrading sentence you could’ve mustered.
“I won’t let that happen, mija.”
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im-sleepdeprived · 4 months
Seasonal • Pt. 2
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pairing: peter parker x reader
summary: inspired by the taylor swift song ‘peter’ where you and peter discover just how hard it is to hold on to something from your past, no mater how much you love each other
a/n: things are progressing :)) right now im picturing this series as 5 parts, also i’ve been getting tons of requests and TRUSTTTT that as soon as this series is over I’ll be working on those🫡
warnings: none really, some (lots) angst, some pining, there are some time skips both forward and backwards and I don’t have them marked (sorry !) but theyre pretty easy to spot imo, healthy family relationships :(
masterlist, read part 1 here
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You blew out a breath as you set down the last box. “Ok, I think we’re done sweetie,” said your dad from his spot across the room. 
You collapsed on the bed, exhausted from hauling boxes into your new dorm. The place you’ll be living for the next school year. “Your mom’s already in the car, said she couldn’t handle this part.”
You sat up and smiled. “Yeah, I don’t know if I can either.”
Your dad chuckled. “Come here kiddo.” You stood up and walked over, your dad pulling you into a warm embrace. “If you need anything, just let us know, we’ll be here faster than you can blink.”
“I’ll be okay,” you whispered. 
“And…try to make friends honey. It’s a new place, new people. Get out there, okay? Promise me you won’t just lock yourself in here all the time.” 
“I promise,” you pulled away. “I actually have an orientation to get to in about an hour, I’m sure I’ll meet tons of people there.” 
“I love you,” he squeezed your shoulders for emphasis. “I know this was hard for you, breakups-”
“Dad I promise I’m fine.” You didn’t want to talk about this at all, let alone with your father. 
He stared at you for a while before seemingly giving up. Your dad let out a sigh, “Fine. But if you decide this isn’t for you, if you think college completely sucks I’ll come pick you up in a heartbeat.”
You smiled and leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek. “Thanks, Dad. Tell Mom I love her.”
“Will do kid,” he ruffled your hair. “Now let me get outta here before I start sobbing.”
You laughed and gave him one last hug before waving him off. You fell onto your bed again and let out a sigh. Across the room stood another bed, empty. For now. You hadn’t met your roommate, and you didn’t really want to. You weren’t in the mood for introductions and small talk. You weren’t even sure if you were up for going to that orientation you’d told your dad about, it was recommended, not mandatory.
There was only one person you wanted to talk to, whose voice you craved to hear. The problem was, it was the one person you couldn’t call. 
Columbia definitely wasn’t going how you thought it would.
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Your first week flew by, you’d met all of your professors and for the most part, they were all pretty nice. You’d even made some friends; a girl named Marissa and another one named Lola. You’d met them both at the freshman orientation andthey were really sweet. You ended up going after your dad had sent you a little reminder (you wondered if he had known you were lying) and you figured it couldn’t hurt. They were nice enough people and it was good to get to know your peers. Your roommate, Lindsay, had come in on your second day, but apparently, she was dating some dude who owned an apartment right off campus and she spent most of her time there.
Clubs and all different frats and sororities were camping out in little booths all around campus trying to get new members. Seeing the photography club’s booth sent a sharp jab of pain through your heart every time. It was even worse when you realized one of the biggest photography classes was in the building right next to the English building, which is where most of your classes would be taking place. For your whole time there. 
It was one day a couple of weeks into your classes, you were exiting a class where you been debating whether it was better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. Some students were talking privately, but the teacher had overheard them and made it a class discussion, exclaiming that she thought it was 'a trendy enough subject to raise engagement and break the ice’.
Then as you stepped out of the doors to your class, a flyer flew in from beside you and landed right at your feet. When you picked it up you realized it was a flyer for the annual photography competition. It was actually a pretty big thing around here and you’d heard a few students talking about it. 
You didn’t usually believe in signs but these seemed pretty clear. 
Without overthinking it, you pulled out your phone. 
saw something abt photography and thought of you lol. how are you hows school so far ?
You bit your lip in anticipation. You weren’t expecting him to reply right away but…you were nervous he might not have even replied at all.
He was the one who’d said maybe no contact for a while might help, but he’d also said you could call him whenever, and he’d be there for you, no matter what.
i was just thinking about you
The words made your heart skip a beat as you saw them sprawled across your screen. 
school’s great, still trying to get the hang of things but it’s gotten easier
my roommate’s kinda boring, but maybe that’s for the best. he could be a crazy person
You laughed until another message showed up on your screen. 
how’s columbia? is it everything you dreamed it would be?
no of course not. we were supposed to go here together, we were supposed to BE together. i can’t go anywhere without thinking of you and all i want to do is call you and hear your voice and for things to be okay between us again. 
But you couldn’t send that. 
yeah ! it’s great but like you said, lots of adjusting haha
are you happy?
And you weren’t sure what it was exactly, but something about that text made you tear up. Were you happy? The answer should’ve been an automatic yes, you’d gotten into your dream school after stressing all year about it, you had got the classes you wanted, and everything was seemingly fine. Great even. But you couldn’t shake the hollow emptiness you’d been carrying since graduation. 
You’d gotten what you’d wanted, yes. It just wasn’t how you’d imagined it. 
yeah i am :)
glad to hear it ace
look ive got to go i have a class starting. talk to you soon
bye pete
It wasn’t normal. At least, it wasn’t your normal and you hated it. But maybe now, it was.
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Your heart raced when you saw the notification. You were so close to tapping it, reading the whole thing but you held back. Columbia’s acceptance emails went out today and you and Peter were supposed to open yours together. 
You were waiting for him on the fire escape bouncing your leg up and down anxiously. Checking your phone for the time again, you decided you’d just call him. 
“Hey Ace,” you heard his voice through the speaker, along with an array of other noises. 
“You’re out. Are you out? It’s okay, we can talk later.” You replied quickly. 
Peter chuckled on the other end. “No, it’s fine. I’m just swinging.”
You frowned. “I thought we agreed, no swinging and talking. You get too distracted Petey.”
“No you agreed Ace, I just politely listened.” You could hear the smirk in his voice.
“Peter,” you said in a warning tone. 
“Sorry, sorry.” He laughed. “I’m on my way.”
“Duh. I know what today is, I got my notification. I’m almost there.”
“Have you checked?”
“‘Course not Ace,” he chuckled. “Have you?”
“No, no way, of course not.”
“Great, I’ll be there in five.”
“Okay, I’ll see you then,” you pulled the phone away to hang up and you could hear his protesting. Quickly, you yelled into the speaker, “Watch where you’re swinging babe!” And you hit the red button. 
He always said he preferred swinging on call with you, but there’d been too many close calls of him almost swinging into a building or in front of a car for you to be okay with it. 
Sure enough, in almost exactly five minutes Peter landed on your fire escape, feet on the ground, perfectly contact. 
“Good, you're here.” You rushed over and pulled him into a hug, kissing his cheek as he swiped his mask off. 
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, “Thank you for waiting Ace, I’m sure it must’ve driven you crazy.”
“No, I’m good.” You said too quickly to sound true. 
He laughed. “Okay,” he pulled away and gripped your shoulders. He shook you slightly and grinned. “Let’s do this!”
You sit down on the floor cross-legged and unlock your phone. Peter followed suit as you stared at him. You both pulled up your applications, ready to see the change in your status. 
Accepted or denied. 
A new door to your future, either opened or slammed in your face.
“Ready?” He asked you gently. 
“Yeah, are you?”
He nodded. “Okay on the count of three. One. Two. Three.”
You clicked. You almost didn’t want to read and you were sure if Peter weren’t there you would’ve stalled a little more, but the words were in front of you now. 
Dear Y/N Y/L/N,
Congratulations! It is a pleasure for me to inform you that you have been accepted for admission to Columbia College.The faculty and staff would like to commend you on your past accomplishments, which formed the basis of our admission decision in a highly competitive pool of applicants. We look forward to working with you in your future academic endeavors. Please visit the Welcome to Columbia website at:
You stopped reading. Your mouth hung open and you couldn’t believe it. You kept rereading that first sentence over and over as if it would morph before your eyes and call you out for believing it in the first place. 
You looked up. Peter had a similarly awestruck expression on his face as he met your eyes.
“What does yours say?”
“What does yours say?”
He laughed. “Nuh-uh. I asked first Ace.”
Silently, you hand him your phone, letting him see for himself because you can't even form the words. You got in. 
It didn’t take him long, probably only reading the first few words before he put the phone down and pulled you into a tight hug. 
“I’m so proud of you Ace,” he whispered. “See? I told you you’d get in.”
You squeezed him. “I love you so much Petey, but come on you need to show me yours, s’only fair.”
“Don’t wanna,” he mumbled into your hair. 
Your brows furrowed. Why wouldn’t he want to show you? It would only make you happier to read his acceptance letter as well. You pulled away and reached for his phone on the floor. Peter didn’t stop you. 
Dear Peter Parker,
The Committee on Admissions has carefully reviewed your application to Columbia University, and we are sorry to inform you that we cannot offer you a place in—
You couldn’t believe it. You read it over and over and over again. Never once in a million years did you think Peter wouldn’t get in. The boy was a fucking genius and you couldn’t believe they would reject him. 
“Ace it’s not that big of a deal, honestly-”
“What? Of course it is,” you looked up at him, anger coursing through your veins. “They’re fucking idiots. They’re pieces of shit and this,” you held up his phone, “this is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever seen.”
He cracked a small smile. “Actually, that’s my phone. With you on the lock screen mind you.”
You weren’t feeling it. “Peter, they suck.”
“Obviously not if they accepted you.”
“Nuh-uh,” you shook your head quickly. “I don’t wanna go.”
“No,” you shook your head some more. “I don’t trust people with such terrible judgment to lead me into my ‘future academic endeavors’. I don’t trust those little shits at all.”
“Ace come on, you don’t mean that.” He gave you a look. 
“No, I totally do. Actually, I might just-”
He cut you off, leaning in and pressing a kiss to your mouth. But just as soon as it’d begun, it was over. Peter leaned back, “That always works whenever you’re too worked up.”
“Peter,” you said, and your voice sounded defeated. 
“Ace listen to me,” he cupped your face and stared straight into your eyes. “You are going to go to that school, and you’re gonna love it. There is absolutely no way I’m running this for you.”
“You’ll ruin it by not being there,” you mumbled.
“No, I won’t. Because you’re going to be too busy blowing everyone's mind and being the absolute best version of yourself that you can be.”
You laughed softly but it held no humor in it. “But we were supposed to go together.”
“But that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying it without me. So what if I didn’t get in? I applied to other schools, greatschools. And if I really feel like it, I can always transfer, it’s easier that way isn’t it?”
“And what about us?” You bit the inside of your cheek anxiously. 
“Nothing’s gonna happen to us Ace,” he smooshed your face making you laugh. “Just because we aren’t going to the same school doesn’t mean we have to break up.”
It felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. You weren’t aware of just how terrified you’d been for the future of your relationship until he’d said that. You know people had little to no faith in high school relationships but…something was different about you and Peter. You were sure of it. You’d get through this. 
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You made your way through the halls. You were in an old building, one of the campus’ firsts, and you were on your way to the newsroom. Today was your first official day and to say you were nervous was an understatement. You knew how serious this was, they were the second-oldest college daily paper in the country, and they didn’t just let anyone onto their team. You were ready to prove yourself and prove that you’d be a great addition to the news staff. 
Also, you needed something that would get you to stop thinking about Peter. You’d talked a few more times after that first week, and it was always you who initiated your chats. They never went past simple hey’s and how are you’s and then one of you (usually Peter) had to run off. It was so strange for you to think that once you two could’ve talked about nothing and everything for hours and now you could barely get past simple greetings. 
You stopped in front of a door, checked the number beside it to make sure you had the right one and took a deep breath before turning the handle. 
You heard all the commotion before you saw it, confirming your suspicions that this was the newsroom. Before you, the room was filled with desks, each one supporting its own computer and keyboard, most of them filled. Some desks were neat and tidy, their chairs empty, looking as if they hadn’t been touched. Others were the complete opposite, you couldn’t see the surface of them, they were covered in stacks and stacks of papers, loose pencil shavings, and various other items. 
There was a whiteboard on the same side of the wall as the door and it was almost completely covered in lists, locations, and time stops for certain activities. There were copies of different editions of the paper framed and hanging on the wall. You smiled, this was perfect. 
Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and came face to face with a guy who looked to be a couple of years older than you. He had cropped black hair and stubble covering the entire bottom half of his face.
“First day, right?” He asked you. 
You nodded quickly and offered him your hand. “Y/N Y/L/N.”
He accepted it and nodded. “Yeah, I remember you Y/L/N, your try-out piece was good. Really good.”
Pride bloomed in your chest and you gave him a smile. “Thanks. Where do you want me?” You gestured at the room. 
He narrowed his eyes slightly before giving you the smallest of smiles, a little quirk on the sides of his lips. “Straight to business, I like that. Think we’re gonna get along pretty well Y/L/N, come on.” He started walking you through the room and introducing everyone and their roles. “I’m Brandon, the editor, over there we’ve got our photographers, that girl,” he pointed to a redhead working at her desk, “Alyssa, she’s editor-in-chief. Helps with things I can’t get around to and when there’s an overload of articles, like now.
“It’s not usually this crowded in here, usually the only people always in here are the writers but, you know, start of the school year,” he gestured vaguely, “lots of new editions, things to be sorted.” He stopped in front of one of the desks that looked like it hadn’t been touched. “This is your place. Actually, we already have something for you to work on.”
You sat in your chair and got adjusted. “Great! Anything.”
He smirked. “We need someone to cover the new bathrooms opening near Kent Hall. Good luck,” he tapped your desk before heading off to deal with other things.
You stared for a bit, when you’d said anything that wasn’t really what you meant, but you figured you had to start somewhere. 
“Don’t worry,” a voice spoke from beside you and you turned towards him. “They do that to all the newbies, it’s like a right of passage or something. Write the shitty articles for the first few months, prove your worth, or some bullshit like that.” He rolled his eyes and gave you a small. Holding out his hand he said, “James Blake, nice to meet you.”
You returned his smile and shook his hand, “Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you too James.”
He grinned. James was blonde, he had a dazzling smile, and striking green eyes. Honestly, he looked more fit for a magazine cover, not a newsroom. “Well Y/N, I was in your shoes last year. It gets better,” he sent you a wink. 
You laughed, “Actually, I don’t mind. I’m just happy to be here.”
“That’s the kinda attitude that’ll make you editor in a few years if you want it,” he clicked his tongue and leaned back in his chair. 
You tried not to blush, his gaze was intense and you had a feeling he was trying to gauge what kind of reaction you’d have, though you weren’t sure why. “Right now the only thing I’m worried about are those new bathrooms near Kent.”
James laughed. “Fair enough. If you need anything, I’ll be right here. Don’t be shy to ask for help.” He winked at you again and you thanked him before turning on your computer and getting to work. 
Your first day in the newsroom was mostly getting used to everything. The people were cool, you had a great time getting to know them all, and you could definitely see yourself working here for the rest of the year, even longer than you hoped. You’d written down the keynotes for your article and had planned to start working on it later that week after you walked over to Kent Hall and got a look for yourself. It was a lousy topic, sure, but that would stop you from trying your best and proving yourself. 
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It was true what they said, your first semester does fly by. Or at least that’s what you’d heard and now you understood. It was December now, almost winter break, and you almost couldn’t believe it. 
Your first article on the Daily Spectator had gone over pretty well. It was small, practically pointless as it was shoved somewhere in the back where almost no one looks, but Brandon liked that you didn’t just half-ass it and he’d started to (gradually) give you better topics to work on. You were hoping that by the end of the year, you might get your hand on one of the campus hot topics. 
You’d gone out a few times, Marissa and Lola from your first week were always inviting you out to different places andyou envied their easygoingness. You’d accepted a few times but you always went home earlier than them, you never seemed to really fit in those places.
Tonight, you were going out with a few of your friends from the newspaper. Over the past couple of months, you quickly became close with some of them, especially Alyssa. Even James, who was an okay guy, if a little cocky, but overall they were all good people.
One of your favorite things about Columbia was its campus and the fact that it was in the city. Walking around now, the snow glittered under all the lights, reminding you of the stars you and Peter used to watch together. You looked up at the empty sky and wondered if he could see any stars where he was now, if they reminded him of you. 
You walked into the restaurant and took off your coat. You were wearing a simple sweater dress with a high neck and a pair of ankle boots. You spotted Alyssa sitting at a table waving you over and you smiled as you walked towards her. 
“Hey everyone,” you took a seat beside Alyssa. Directly across from you, James shot you a grin.
“Hey Y/N, we’re still waiting on Nikki and Gavin,” Alyssa said. Her phone dinged and she checked it before saying, “That was her, they’ll be here in 5.”
Conversations flowed around the table and soon, Nikki and Gavin arrived. Everyone was laughing and having a great time and when the waiter arrived to take your orders, it took you a second to notice.
“Let me guess your order,” James leaned over the table with a small smile as the waitress started going around the table. 
You grinned. “Go ahead.”
“Hmm…” he opened up the menu in front of him and pointed to a listing of words. “Shrimp?”
Laughing, you shook your head. “No.”
“Okay, okay. Are you vegan? Any food allergies I should know about?” He wondered. 
“I’m getting the Fettucini Alfredo, what about you?” The way he gasped you thought you’d asked him to take his pants off right then and there. 
He shook his head, “I can’t believe you ruined the game. I was supposed to guess Y/N.”
You winced. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright, have you ever tried their steak?” He gave you one of his infamous smiles, “It’s great.”
“No actually, I haven’t been here before.”
“Really? Alright wait,” he held up a hand and turned his head. You hadn’t even realized the waitress had gotten to you. “I’ll have the ribeye, medium rare. And same for her,” he pointed towards you. 
You stared as the waitress turned toward you. “Any sides?”
“Um, the seasoned fries with a cherry coke please.” You weren’t really sure what to order anymore, James had just completely thrown you off. 
When the waitress finished up and walked away to hand your orders in, James turned toward you again. “You’re gonna love it, you’ll see.”
Jokes were shared around the whole table throughout the whole dinner and you were glad you got to have a night like this before finals week. James kept asking what you thought about the steak and while you didn’t hate it, you didn’t love it either. It wasn’t what you had wanted. But you didn’t want to hurt his feelings so you smiled and told him it was great. 
By the end of the night, you were stuffed and ready to go home. “You sure you don’t wanna join? Nikki said she hooked up with one of the security guards once and she thinks she could get us into the VIP section.” You had just finished paying for your food and Alyssa was currently trying to convince you to head over to some club with them. And you might’ve been tempted if your phone hadn’t just buzzed in your hands. When you looked down you saw that it was a message. From Peter. 
Your heart fluttered in your chest. He texted you. 
“Sorry Lyss, I’m not up for it,” you made a face, “I’m pretty sure I’m about to start my period and I’m feeling a little off.” It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the complete truth. 
She nodded in understanding. She pulled you in for a hug, “Alright, well if you need anything, let me know. And if you change your mind, the address was sent in the group chat.”
You smiled at her when you pulled away. Alyssa had the sweetest soul of anyone you’d met and you were glad to call her a friend. “I will thank you, and that goes for you too. If you need a ride or anything, let me know and I’ll come pick you up. And turn on your location.”
“Already done,” she grinned. You returned the grin and said your last goodbyes to everyone before making your way to the door, you were itching to step outside and open your phone. But instead, a hand gripped your shoulder. You turned around to see James smirking as he looked at you.
“Leaving so soon?” He asked. 
You nodded, “Not really up for clubbing tonight, but you guys have fun!” You made to pull away but he held you back.
“You sure,” he furrowed his brows, “it’s not that late. If you come, you don’t even have to stay long.”
Smiling, you nodded again. “Yeah, I’m sure. Thanks for asking though.”
“Anytime,” he shot you another grin but…it wasn’t quite right. He still looked handsome as ever, sure, but if you didn’t know any better you’d think he looked a little disappointed. “Well, have a good night Y/N.”
“You too James, bye.” You waved at him and walked out the door without looking back. As soon as you were out the door, your phone was opened and in your messages app, opening you and Peter’s chat. 
hey ace, how’ve you been?
hey pete <3 i’ve been good, just finished dinner with some friends. what about you ?
that’s nice I hope you had a good time.
i’m good thanks. 
actually i wanted to ask what your plans for winter break are
nothing actually, you ?
i’m coming back home and i was wondering if i could see you
Your heart almost stopped. He wanted to see you.
You tried not to get your hopes up, it probably meant nothing. Obviously, you were still friends, or friendly, and maybe he just wanted to catch up. You could only share so much over text. Or maybe….maybe he’s been missing you just as much as you’ve been missing him and he’s realized all this was a big dumb mistake. 
Maybe you were getting your hopes up. 
i’d love that
when do you get here ?
You two stayed texting back and forth your whole walk home. He sent you a picture of his ticket and told you he and May would love to have you over the next day. You couldn’t fight the giddy smile that took over your face. You were ecstatic he reached out to you and you realized your texts together had probably been off because he was nervous. You knew how anxious he could get sometimes, and you hoped you could resolve that when you saw each other. 
You settled in your dorm that night with your heart full and your face lit up. You hadn’t felt this overjoyed in a long time. You wondered what made him bite the bullet and ask, but you could ask him that when you see him. God, you were gonnasee him. This was all you’d been wanting since the summer and now the opportunity just fell into your lap.
You sat on your bed and fell asleep staring out the window with a smile on your face. 
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Graduation was right around the corner. The last week of school was a blur. Everyone was throwing parties, teachers were cutting you extra slack, and people who’d never hung out once in the four years they went to school together were all over each other now. It was sweet in a way. As much as you’d all complained and whined about everything, there was a sense of familiarity here, with each other, a community that was coming to an end and it was nice seeing people try to savor it while they could.
Peter had gotten into Duke. You were beyond excited and proud of him and you knew he was excited as well. But you couldn’t help the tiniest part of your brain that selfishly wondered what that meant for you. And honestly, you were scared to ask. 
Peter hadn’t brought up anything about your relationship changing or anything else of the sort, so you thought he’d come to the same conclusion you had; you were going to try to do long distance. 
Sure, it might be hard but honestly, it was better for you than the alternative, which was ending things. You would definitely choose long-distance over that. So you tried not to worry too much, he was probably thinking exactly like you. 
You were sat in a booth at an ice cream parlor with MJ and Ned sitting across from you, and Peter beside you, arm slung over your shoulder. He’d been acting a little weird lately and you hoped this would help cheer him up, it was probably all those end-of-the-year jitters. You were all laughing together, going over all your (least) favorite memories from school.
“Who remembers when Flash brought all those stink sprays to school?” Peter said. 
“Oh my god,” Ned started in his seat. “Some kid tripped over his backpack in fifth period and set them all off! The whole class smelled so bad they made us evacuate!”
Everyone cracked up but Ned wasn’t having it. He shook his head quickly, brows furrowed in confusion. “Why are you laughing? It’s not funny! I smelled so bad my mom wouldn’t let me in the house, she made me rinse with the hose in our front yard!”
That just made you all laugh even harder. “Oh my god,” you wheezed out. “I can’t breathe.”
MJ reached across the table and grabbed your hand. Looking you dead in the face with a serious expression she said, “Breathe girl.”
The whole table roared with laughter again. “Why did he have all those bottles of stink spray anyway?” wondered MJ.
“Knowing Flash he probably thought it was cologne,” grumbled Peter, making you laugh again.
 Once you’d quieted down Ned leaned back in his spot and sighed. “I’m really gonna miss this.”
You looked around, trying to fully take in this moment. You had no doubt you would all manage to stay in touch but when was the next time you would all be hanging out like this? MJ was headed to Sarah Lawrence, Ned was going to MIT, you (of course) were going to Columbia, and Peter was going to Duke. Five hundred miles away from where you were going to be. 8 hours 27 minutes and 36 seconds.
Sure in the grand scheme of things, you were all still relatively close to each other but…you’d have separate lives. For so long your lives were so intertwined with each other’s and now, you’d have to fight to keep that connection otherwiseyou’d lose it. You reached under the table and grabbed Peter’s free hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. You would fight.
Peter squeezed your hand and you leaned in closer to him. “I’m gonna miss it too,” he said in a soft voice. 
“Not me, I can’t fucking wait to get out of there. You guys keep talking though.” MJ said straight-faced making you giggle. You were thankful for her brutal honesty cause you were pretty sure if the conversation kept going in the other direction, it would end with you crying, and you didn’t want that. 
The group of you finished your ice cream while talking, got even more ice cream, talked some more, and suddenly you could see the sun setting outside.
“Holy fuck,” you muttered, shoveling a spoon of double chocolate chip into your mouth. “I really thought we’ve only been here for five minutes.”
“Well, now we know what you need to work on before college, Y/N. Your time awareness, we’ve been here for hours.” MJ smirked. 
You all laughed except Peter, who squeezed your shoulder and frowned. “She doesn’t need to work on anything, she’sperfect.”
You smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek, “Thank you, Petey.”
He grinned cheekily at you, “Anytime, Ace.”
Mj rolled her eyes and cut you off with a loud groan. “Oh. My. God. We get it, you are disgustingly in love.” But you didn’t miss the small smile gracing her face. 
“You’ll live,” you deadpanned.
She grumbled something you couldn’t make out but before you could ask her what it was, Ned’s phone started ringing. He picked it up and answered.
“Hey mom…already? But…” his voice quieted down. “Ok, ok I’m sorry. Yes, ma’am. Bye.”
He hung up and you were all quiet for a moment before he said, “I changed my mind, I’m so ready for college.”
He dropped his head into his hands, grumbling about something like it’s not funny! while you all laughed. Finally, he stood up. “I actually really do have to go though.”
You all stood up as well, saying your goodbyes. “Yeah I think we should get going too, what do you think?” Peter asked you.
You nodded as you pulled away from your hug with Ned. “I still need to pick up my cap and gown from the dry cleaners.”
Ned nodded, “I got mine earlier today.” You high-fived him and he walked over to Peter and you watched as they did their complicated handshake. They’d claimed otherwise when you’d said exactly that, stating it was just advanced, which you’d said was just geek for complicated. 
You snorted as they did their little finger guns. “Dorks,” you muttered. But you loved it. 
“You can say that again,” MJ agreed, and you knew she loved it too. Staring at her for a few seconds, you launched at her with your arms open and pulled her into a tight hug. She tensed up right away. “I know of your aversion to physical touch, but right now I don’t care,” you murmured, “you’re my best friend and I love you.”
To your surprise, she relaxed into your hold and even hugged you back. “I know I give you a lot of shit,” she whispered back, “but I love you too. All of you. And I’m gonna miss you like crazy.”
“We’re definitely gonna hang out, like all the time, don’t even worry about it.” You reassured her. It was already a pain that Peter would be so far away, you weren’t going to take your closer friends for granted.
She hugged you tighter, “I’m gonna hold you to that Y/L/N.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Jones,” you pulled away and gave her a wicked grin which she returned. Peter approached the two of you, placing a hand on your shoulder he said, “Ned just left.”
“Bye Parker,” she held out a closed fist for him to bump with his, “you’re pretty decent. She bumps you up to Okay.” She nodded towards you which made you blow her a kiss. 
Peter chuckled as he fist-bumped her. “Thanks, MJ, I actually think you’re pretty great.”
She nodded, “Yeah, whatever. Still pretty decent.” She moved past you guys and waved as she exited through the door. 
Peter sighed and leaned his head over to press a kiss to your hairline. “Hey,” you started, “at least you're ‘pretty decent’ Ifeel like it could’ve been worse.”
“That’s actually exactly what I was thinking,” he said as the two of you walked out of the ice cream shop. You laughed and leaned in closer to him. “I’m not ‘pretty decent’ to you am I?”
You looked up at him seriously, “Do you think I’d be here right now if you were?”
Peter laughed and you could see those crinkles around his eyes that you loved so much. You always measured how good your jokes were by how deep they were and right now, they were pretty deep.
He squeezed your shoulder, “Whatcha staring at Ace?”
You shook your head, “Nothing, you’re just really pretty Peter Parker.”
You could see him blush out of the corner of your eye and it made you smirk. He smiled again, deep and beautiful as ever, and the crinkles were back. “I think you’re prettier Ace.”
Shaking your head, you smiled, “Not a chance pretty boy, you’ve got me beat.”
Peter’s face turned beet red at the nickname and you knew you won. “Hey,” he said in a voice that let you know he was trying to change the subject, “you what you said to MJ back there? Did you mean it?”
“Mean what?”
“Well, you told her she’s your best friend.”
“Okay…” you trailed off as you weren’t quite sure what he was trying to get at.
“Well, I thought I was your best friend.” That made you smile, but when you looked up at him again he was doing the opposite and you just wanted to kiss it away. 
“Petey,” you said softly. You would’ve laughed if he hadn’t genuinely looked so dejected. “You are my best friend and so is she. It’s like how Ned is your best friend, but that doesn’t mean I’m not your best friend too. I think a person can have more than one best friend.”
He frowned and it was obvious your answer didn’t appease him. “Ned is not my best friend.”
Your mouth fell open. “What?! Of course, he is Peter, what are you talking about?”
He shook his head, “But he doesn’t outrank you. He’s my friend but you’re more.”
Now it was your turn to frown, “Outrank? This isn’t a competition sweetie. Where’s this coming from?”
He sighed and paused his walking. You leaned in and pressed a palm to the side of his face. “Peter,” you pressed in a gentle voice. 
He turned his head and pressed a kiss to your palm before sighing again. “I’m sorry, that was stupid, it didn’t even make sense. It’s just…everything is changing, y’know? And I’m scared. ”
Your heart twisted. “I know Pete, it is scary. But we still have each other, this doesn’t have to change anything. I’ll always be here for you no matter what, no matter how far away you are. Plus, we still have all summer before we have to worry about that.” You gave him a small smile. Peter stared at you for a moment and the silence made you anxious. His eyes looked sad like he was already saying goodbye. Finally, he leaned in and kissed your forehead.
"Promise me no matter what, you'll remember I'll always be your friend."
Your brows furrowed but you agreed. "Of course, I promise."
He blew out a long breath and pulled you into a hug, “I love you, Ace. Always.”
“I love you too Peter.”
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Today was the day.
Today was the day that the past twelve years of your life had led to. All those sleepless nights, insanely late nights, hours upon hours spent hunched over books and worksheets and essays. This is what they were for. 
You had woken up early to get ready, but also because you couldn’t sleep you were too excited. You had already done your hair and makeup and were scrolling on your phone until it was time to get dressed when a message from Peter popped up on your screen. 
morning ace ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
MORNING !!!!!!!
excited huh?
SUPER !!!!!
i love you
cant wait to see you
The plan was for Peter and May to come over and take photos before you all left for the actual ceremony. 
literally, what are you waiting for come over right now 
way ahead of you
Right after you read the text there was a tap on your window, making you jump in surprise. You rushed over and pushed it open, letting him in. 
“Hey Ace,” he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
“That was quick,” you replied. 
He sat on your bed and patted the spot next to him signaling for you to sit as well. Taking up the spot beside him, you grinned at him and leaned in to pinch his cheeks. “What’s wrong Petey? Aren’t you happy you’re graduating?”
He smiled but his eyes didn’t crinkle like they normally do. “Hey,” you pressed with a gentler voice, “sweetie is something wrong? You can tell me.”
He blew out a breath and fell back onto your sheets. “I don’t know how.”
You played on your stomach and propped yourself up on your elbows, “That’s okay, we can figure that out together,” you ran a hand through his hair, admiring the softness of his curls. You always liked it like this, and when he got it cut, he’d started to keep it a little longer than he used to because he knew you liked it. 
He looked up at you and you realized how tired his eyes looked, he must’ve been spending more time on patrol lately. You made a mental note to make sure he spent the rest of the summer sleeping well.
“How did I get so lucky to have you?” He murmured and you felt your face heat up at his words. 
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, “wished upon a star maybe?”
He grinned. “Maybe, because there's no way you’re not magical.”
You matched his expression as you leaned down and pecked his lips softly. When you moved to pull away his lips chased yours, refusing to let you go that simply. 
Somehow, you don’t even remember how, you’d moved and suddenly you were straddling his hips and his hands cupped your ass. You moved one of your hands up to his hair, letting your fingers slightly tug at his curls, making him groan into your mouth. 
You could feel his hands gently pulling you down and you obliged, grinding on him as your lips attacked each other. All of a sudden, those same hands on you were being used to flip you over and the next thing you knew, Peter was towering over you, panting, lips plump and red, face flushed, and eyes hazy.
You pulled him back down but there was a knock at your door, making you both jump. Quickly, you held up a finger to Peter’s lips, making sure he didn’t make a sound.
“Y/N honey, are you up?”
“Yes Mom!”
“Alright, well get dressed and come out for some breakfast, we’re gonna need to leave soon.”
“Okay I’ll be right out.” You waited until you heard her footsteps retreating before you moved your finger. “Sorry about that.” You whispered. 
“It’s fine Ace,” he smiled and leaned down to press kisses all over your face and neck. You giggled but then remembered he came over for a reason. 
Pulling him back by the hair, “Wait, Pete, what was it you wanted to tell me?”
He stared at you in shock, as if he couldn’t believe you remembered. “No um, actually, it can wait. Go eat breakfast,” he kissed right beneath your ear, “I’ll see you in a little bit.”
You grabbed him and pulled him in for one more long kiss. “I love you,” you smiled sweetly at him, “and I’m so proud of you.”
He stared at you for a moment before he grabbed both your hands in his, “I love you so much Ace, and I need you to know that please.” His expression was almost pained, as if the thought of you doubting him for even a second caused physical hurt. 
“Of course I know that Pete,” you frowned slightly. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” He smiled. Or tried to smile, because once again those crinkles beside his eyes that you loved so much weren’t there, and you had a feeling there was something he wasn’t telling you. But you trusted him, if there wassomething that needed to be said, he would’ve said it.
“Okay,” you leaned in and kissed him, “I’ll see you later.”
“Bye Ace,” he said and walked to the window before crawling on the wall. The first time you’d seen him pull out that trick you’d told him he looked like a lizard. 
Finishing getting dressed, you stepped out to have a quick breakfast so you could see Peter faster. Soon, Peter and May were in your apartment and she and your parents were all fawning over the two of you. Peter had given her his camera and she was on picture duty for the day since he would be occupied. 
“Okay enough,” you said, taking off your cap and situating your hair. “It’s graduation you guys, not prom. Enough with the poses.”
“Oh, we all remember that,” Peter rolled his eyes making you smirk. The three of them had driven you guys insane with all the poses, the fussing, your dad’s jokes. And you and Peter had surely antagonized them to no end, rolling your eyes and grumbling. It was almost like being split into teams, sometimes, and you found it disgustingly cute how May got along so well with your parents and you and Peter always had each other’s backs. 
“We should probably get going, we don’t want to be late,” your mom spoke up and you shot her a grateful look. 
Peter looked at you. “You’re riding with me?”
Grinning, you answered, “Duh. I’ve got the playlist completely ready.”
He beamed at you and held out a hand, “Let’s go graduate Ace.” You took his hand and shot a smile over your shoulder towards the rest of your group. “See you!” 
“Be safe!” You heard your Mom yell at the same time May said, “Drive carefully Pete!” But you and Peter were bounding down the stairs, your faces lit up like the 4th of July.
“Do you have the keys?” You asked him once you stepped out the door of the building. He smirked at you, “I thought we get there another way,” he flexed his wrists. 
“Absolutely not, Peter.” You backed away from him, “Possibly the worst time to swing anywhere.”
He laughed and grabbed your hand, pulling you into his hold, “Relax Ace, I was only joking.” He fished out the keys to May’s car from his pocket and waved them in front of you. “I can’t wait to hear your playlist.” He dropped to give you a kiss before leading you to the passenger’s side door and opening it for you. 
“Good,” you smiled as you pulled your seatbelt on and reached for the aux cord. “‘Cause I’ve been working on this for weeks.”
Peter just smiled from beside you and started up the car as you pulled up your playlist. “Okay, I know this probably fits more for after graduation, but I’ve been dying to play it so we’re listening to it now and on the ride home,” you informed him before pressing play on ‘The Spins’ by Mac Miller.
“Whatever you want Ace,” he said as he placed his hand on the head of your seat, turned his head, and turned the wheel as he backed out. Blood rushed to your face as he pulled the car out of its designated parking spot. “But I wanna hear that One Republic song.”
You knew which one he meant. “Already in the playlist and cued up to play next pretty boy.”
He smiled softly and shot you a look from the corner of his eye, “You’re absolutely perfect, y’know that Ace?” Reaching over the center console, he grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers. 
You lifted your enjoined hands and pressed a kiss to his. “I know, and you’re not too bad yourself Peter Parker.”
He squeezed your hand and held it tight for the rest of the ride as you sang your heart out as if he was scared that when he let go, he wouldn’t have the privilege anymore.
When you arrived at the school, Peter rushed out to open your door and the two of walked hand in hand to the auditorium where all the students were to be gathered until they walked out to the football field where the ceremony was being held.
Entering the auditorium, the place was flooding with students and as soon as you saw MJ you were flying out of Peter’s grip and pulling her into another big hug. 
“There’s gonna be a lot of these,” you warned her. 
“You wouldn’t be you if there weren’t,” she remarked but held you just as tight. 
The two of you took a seat over by the chairs while Ned and Peter hung out closer to the doors. As you were talking with MJ you noticed that it looked like they were in a deep, heated conversation and…were you crazy or did Ned keep glancing at you?
“Any idea what they’re up to?” You nudged MJ and jutted your chin in their direction. 
“Probably talking about how their bromance will make it through thick and thin,” she rolled her eyes but when she noticed you still staring confusedly in their direction she placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, “Relax Y/N, really, I’m sure it’s fine.”
You could’ve mentioned how Peter had been acting weird for weeks now, that he always seemed to be in a different placelike something constantly plagued his mind. You were sure if anyone had noticed it would’ve been MJ since there was no one you knew who was quite as observant as her. You could’ve mentioned these things and tried to gauge her opinion on it, but just as you were contemplating whether or not you should, your principal walked in and started guiding you all to the doors. It was time. 
As students began filing out into the hallways, it was hard to keep track of anyone in the wide array of blue caps and gowns. You had a funny thought of how it kind of looked like a tsunami. 
You needed to find Peter and wish him luck one last time, the poor boy had been basically losing his mind for the past few weeks leading up to today and you wanted to make sure he was alright. Standing on your tiptoes looking around while everyone moved ahead, you finally spotted him.
Shoving your way through the bodies you made your way right beside him. “Hey!”
He jumped a little, looking paler than he did before and your heart deflated seeing how affected he was by today. “God, Ace. Scared me.”
“All those super senses and for what? Anyway, listen,” you placed your hand on your shoulder and pushed him so the two of you were to the side of the hallway and the rest of the line moved freely. 
“Peter, are you okay?” You asked in a more serious voice, hoping he would just come out and tell you what had been bothering him.
You had no idea why but his face got even whiter. “What do you mean? I’m fine.” He chuckled nervously. 
You sighed and gave him a big hug. “It’s gonna be fine Pete, pretty soon we’re gonna be high school graduates driving home.” You grinned up at him. 
He tried to reciprocate, he really did, but you could see the strain on his face while he did, which only tugged on your heart more.
“I know Ace,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “come on, we have to take our seats soon, I don’t want you getting in trouble.”
You wanted to make a joke about how you weren’t sure you could even get in trouble anymore, but it felt like the wrong time. As the two of you walked onto the field, you kept looking up at him but he wouldn’t meet your eyes. You couldn’t wait for this to just be over so you could get your Peter back. 
There was a stage set up at the head of the field, with chairs flanking each end and a podium in the middle. The stage faced all the chairs for the graduating students, which is where you would be in a minute, and the bleachers, which werebehind them, were where all the friends and family were sitting. 
Peter walked you to your assigned seat and you pulled him into one last hug, “I’m proud of you Petey.”
He squeezed you so tight you wondered if he knew you’d be seeing each other right after this ceremony. “I’m prouder than you’ll ever know Ace.”
You waved him off with a smile on your face as he made his way through the crowd. You took a deep breath as you sat down, in a few minutes, your principal was up there giving some speech that you zoned out of in favor of finding your friends in the mass of blue all around you. 
You found MJ with no problem and she flipped you off as soon as she caught your eyes, and you gave her heart hands and a cheesy grin in return. Ned wasn’t far from her and you gave a little wave which he returned with a sad half-smile. Weird…but it was Ned so you didn’t take it to heart. 
When you saw Peter he was already gazing at you with an unreadable expression. Hoping to ease him up a little, you sent a storm of air kisses and you watched as he laughed and pretended to catch them all. 
Pretty soon they were calling the names. You clapped for everyone, cheering a little for kids you were closer with, but going all out for your closest friends. 
When MJ was called up you were hollering like a maniac, smashing your hands together as hard as you could. When it was Ned’s turn you whistled as loud as you could and when Peter was called up, you jumped up, lifted your hands over your head, and screamed. 
You watched his knowing smile as he made his way across the stage, he’d heard you, and after he’d trapped his diplomahe caught you staring and mouthed an ‘I love you’. You smiled happily as you blew him more air kisses. 
You didn’t have it in you to be embarrassed at all. Everyone was going the extra mile to cheer on their friends and whileyou might’ve tried to be less obnoxious on any other occasion, it was your graduation and Peter deserved some obnoxious cheering for how much he’d been stressing lately.
When it was your turn the cheering was returned tenfold. Peter, Ned, MJ, and all your other friends were clapping and yelling for you. You spotted your parents sitting with May in the back and you waved to the three of them excitedly. You heard Peter give an extremely loud whistle as you grabbed your diploma and shook hands with your teacher, which made you grin absurdly. By the time you made it back to your seat your face hurt from smiling so much.
You were buzzing with excitement as you waited for it all to be over so you could go and celebrate with everyone. It seemed like a lifetime till you heard the huge “Congratulations!’ on the speakers and everyone was standing up and throwing their caps into the air. 
The atmosphere was amazing, everyone was buzzing with an energy different than you’d ever felt before and you knew right then, you’d always look back fondly at this moment right now. 
MJ was beside you in an instant and you almost burst into tears at the fact that she was the one to hug you this time. “You were taking too long,” she mumbled and you felt a few tears slip out. 
Soon Ned and Peter were on the two of you and you shoved into a big group hug, which had MJ rolling her eyes. “I only wanted her,” she stated, but you knew that wasn’t true. 
You slipped out when you noticed Ned and MJ congratulating each other and took that as your chance to tackle Peter in a huge bear hug. 
“You finally did it!” You laughed, arms hooked around his neck as he lifted you slightly. 
“We did it, Ace,” he said and you almost melted into a puddle right then when you pulled away and noticed he was smiling. The crinkles were back. 
But they didn’t last long. 
The two of you made your way over to where your parents and May were awaiting you and they all pulled you into a fierce hug. Your mom was a mess and you tried to calm her down telling her if she didn’t stop, you’d be crying right beside her. Your dad was a little more composed but you could still see the emotion on his face. “I’m really proud of you kiddo.” He mumbled as he held you tight. 
“Thank you, Dad,” you sniffled a little. You were barely out of that when May was crushing you with her arms, making you laugh. She was always good at that, cheering you up. 
“I can’t believe you just graduated high school!” She said in disbelief. “I know,” you replied equally as confused. 
Laughing, she pulled you in tighter and pulled Peter in as well. When you looked up at him he looked a little green in the face, making worry flood through you completely. What could it possibly be now? You had yourself convinced, and he did too, that it was just nerves about graduation, that the celebration was reminding him of the reality of growing up and your lives truly starting was hitting him a little harder. You thought that once it happened he’d relax a little and give himself a little time to breathe. Apparently not.
You pulled him away once you weren’t out of May’s grasp and she was talking with your parents. “Peter,” you whispered, your voice filled with worry for him, “you have to tell me what’s going on.”
“Yeah,” he croaked, eyes turning slightly red which didn’t help your anxiety at all. You watched as he stared past you andwhen you followed his trail of sight, you saw May staring at the two of you with a solemn expression. 
Oh no.
You knew in your heart what was about to happen, and yet you wished with everything in you that it wouldn’t. 
“Come on,” he mumbled, grabbing your hand and leading you back towards the school. You followed him wordlessly as he opened the door and pulled back into the halls, the same halls you had comforted him just a bit ago, before the two of you had officially graduated you realized. 
“Peter,” you repeated, a little breathless this time because no, there was no way. He couldn’t be doing this right now, not…not after everything. 
“Ace,” he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, looking away. 
“Peter,” you repeated but your voice was harder this time, letting him know that you were done with him beating around the bush. If he was going to do this, he could come right out and say it. 
“I leave in 2 days,” he said quickly. It felt like a slap to the face.
“What do you mean?” Your brain couldn’t comprehend what he was saying. 
He continued as if he hadn’t heard your question, avoiding your eyes as he did so. “Well technically I leave tomorrow, but I arrive the day after so…? I’m not really sure what—”
He sighed and grabbed your hands, looking you in the face. “Ace, I am so sorry, like so, so, sorry. I wanted to tell you sooner I really did, and I tried! But every time it felt like it would just ruin everything and I couldn’t, I couldn’t ruin it, so I waited and—”
“Peter I swear to god if you don’t tell me exactly what the fuck you're talking about I will leave your fucking imprint on one of these lockers.”
You watched him gulp and you felt a strange sort of satisfaction seeing how you scared him. “I’m leaving,” he said in a quieter tone. “I got accepted into one of Duke's scientific summer programs and I leave tomorrow.”
It felt like a fucking punch to the gut.
“What program,” you said in disbelief, your mind reeling with all this information. “You never said anything about a program.” You looked up at him with a hurt expression. 
“Ace, you’ve got to believe me when I tell you I thought I had no fucking shot getting in, I mean,” he squeezed your hands as he spoke, “really. You should see how exclusive these things are. I wasn’t even going to apply but the dude who gave me my tour around campus convinced me, and then I forgot about it until I got the email, and—”
You shook your head quickly, trying to comprehend everything. “Wait but your tour was months ago.” You looked up at him. “When did you find out you got in?”
His eyes widened and your heart fell at the realization that he’d been keeping this from you for so long. When he didn’t answer you pushed “When Peter?”
“Not that long, I promise, probably a few weeks but I just—it’s been driving me crazy how to bring this up. There was no right time, I mean, I didn’t want to do it before graduation—”
“Well how thoughtful of you to wait till right after,” you snapped back. “No, really, didn’t even give me a chance to get out of the cap and gown!” You pulled away from him and scoffed, not wanting to be anywhere near him.
“Come on Ace, please,” he pleaded, and you dropped your head into your hands. You didn’t want to cry, today was supposed to be a happy day, and it had been! Before all this. 
“When do you leave?” You whispered. You were sure he’d mentioned it but you were also sure your head wasn’t working right. 
“Tomorrow. At night,” he spoke in an equally quiet voice, as if the softer the sound waves, the softer the blow they would deliver. That wasn’t true. 
You held back a sob.
“When do you get back?” An equally important question.
“I…I don’t. The program ends as soon as school starts…May’s shipping my things there.”
It felt as if he was physically tearing your heart out of your chest and stomping on it.
One day. All this time you’d been shoving away dealing with the reality of the situation because you wanted to be able to enjoy your summer, because you believed you still had summer left together and now he was taking that from you. It didn’t even feel like he had pulled the rug out from under your feet it felt as if he had shattered the whole ground. 
“Congratulations Peter,” you said sincerely. This was breaking your heart but deny that this was an amazing opportunity. If anyone in the world deserved it, it would be him. 
“Ace wait,” he moved in front of you, grabbing your chin and lifting it so you had to see his sad face. You wished he hadn’t, you didn’t want to watch him cry. “Please don’t be upset, I won't be able to go if you're mad at me.”
“Well I am upset Peter! Not that you got in, I’m so excited for you, but you didn’t tell me, and you leave tomorrow!” Your voice broke and you could stop the tears as they flooded your eyes and streamed down your face. How could this be happening? Everything was perfect and now this?
Peter pulled you into his arms, “Please don’t cry Ace,” he begged, which in turn only made you sob harder. “I’m so sorry, so sorry,” he murmured as he kissed the side of your head.
“But this isn’t forever. I’m going to come back and I’m going to find you,” he pulled away and held you by the shoulders, making sure you were looking at him, “You’re the only person I want Ace, you’re the love of my life. And I don’t want to hold you back from the amazing life you're going to start at Columbia, I can’t have you going to your dream school with one foot out the door,
“We’re going to grow and learn, and I might not be there for all of it, but we’re going to be together eventually because I want you. This is just goodbye for now.”
You closed your eyes and savored his words. You wanted nothing more than to believe every syllable. 
“Of course Ace.”
And maybe if you hadn’t been such a fool in love, maybe if you hadn’t been so desperate to hang on to anything that promised the two of you would find each other again, you would’ve known promises like that were rarely lived up to.
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hey, sorry but i can’t make it back for winter break. weather issues :(
Your heart fell. 
You were so looking forward to this, seeing him again, spending time with him and May, for things to feel like they were, even if it were for a brief moment. 
You took a deep breath and stared at the two presents on your nightstand. No point in them now. You had gotten the message earlier this morning, around when he was supposed to board, but your phone had been dead.
that really sucks pete, im so sorry
maybe next time <3
He didn’t respond, the only indication you had that he’d even seen it was the little read receipt at the bottom of your text, glaring at you mockingly. You remembered sometime last year when he’d confessed you were the only person he turned them on for.
“Wait why me?”
“You can’t seriously be asking that Ace.”
“Well…I am asking.”
“Because I love you, duh.”
He hadn’t turned them off. You wondered what that meant. 
You knew you shouldn’t have gotten your hopes up, knew you shouldn’t have gotten so damn excited, but…god, you really thought things were going to change.
But he had still wanted to see you, he’d still asked you to come over, and it wasn’t his fault his flight got delayed. Talking yourself up a little, you put on your shoes and coat. Grabbing your phone and the presents, you left your dorm. You were going back home, you could drop off the presents at May’s, stop by and see your parents, maybe call Peter if he was feeling up to it, let him know you really had wanted to see him and you were sorry you couldn’t.
It was cold outside and you could see your breath fogging up before you as you walked, but not of it even so much as fazed you. Hope was a beautiful thing, it could change lives, and it was so, so important. Hope was going to be what got you through this time without Peter, and it was going to be the thing that brought you back together. 
Because you believed. You believed him back on graduation. You believed that that hadn’t been the end of your story, itcouldn’t have been. You believed when he said he’d come back for you, that you were the only person he wanted, because you felt the same. And…maybe right now he physically couldn’t but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to. You believed andyou hoped. With your whole heart you—
You stopped in your tracks. It felt like your breath was snatched from your lungs and was being held just above your head, so you couldn’t reach it no matter how hard you jumped. You couldn’t believe your eyes. 
Because when you turned the corner, you saw Peter walking down the street beside his Aunt, laughing like he hadn’t justcompletely shattered your heart. 
You scurried backward, still unable to catch your breath but thankfully aware enough to make sure you got out of the way before either of them could spot you. 
Leaning against the wall of the building behind you, you finally let out a breath, watching silently as it floated and then dissipated before you. He was here…
And he didn’t want to see you. 
You tried to rationalize it as you looked around, it was clearly snowing, and it was getting thicker by the hour. So it wasn’t far-fetched that his flight really was canceled, plus he had sent you that message earlier this morning, so it was equally possible that he might’ve boarded after all, or found another flight altogether. 
And maybe through all that commotion, he had forgotten to update you. Highly unlikely since you’d never known Peter to forget anything, especially when it came to you. But…you’d also never known Peter to lie, not without good reason at least, like about being Spider-Man, or that time Ned got him a birthday gift he didn’t really like, but said he loved it anyway, or any other time he’d lied for the sake of either keeping someone safe, either emotionally, physically, or both. 
He didn’t tell you, and it hurt. But something deep inside you trusted him. Maybe it was naive, maybe it was wishful thinking and nothing more but you knew Peter. You’d know him his whole life and never once would you think he purposefully did something to hurt you, hurt your feelings, or anyone’s actually. 
Looking down at the wrapped-up present you held, your heart tugged a little. You’d gotten him a Lego set, it was a Map of the Constellations Lego set and it was customizable, so you’d made sure it had all of the ones he’s taught you about. The ones you’d stayed staring at for hours on that hill, talking about everything. It even came with customizable Lego people, which you’d made look like you and Peter (or as much like you as you could with Lego bits), and a little telescope.
You felt like a total idiot.
You could’ve gone anyway, could’ve walked right up those stairs, could’ve said you were there to visit your parents andPeter wasn’t the only thing waiting for you here. But while you may have been feeling idiotic, you weren’t a completeidiot. You knew when you were unwanted. Even if he had just forgotten, if he really wanted you there, he would’ve remembered. And he didn’t.
You were tired when you got back to your dorm. Dropping off the presents, (Peter’s going under the bed, you didn’t want to see it at all, and May’s going on your desk. You’d take it with you when you went to exchange gifts with your parents). It was empty and you were thankful that Lindsay wasn’t there. She was a sweet girl, very bubbly, and you could definitelysee the two of you being friends if you ever got to spend more time with her, but for tonight, you just wanted to be alone. 
The end of your bed was against a window and you were grateful for it. Ever since things went south with Peter, you ended most nights sitting at the window. You didn’t know what it was, but you always found yourself looking up at the sky. Maybe it was the fact that anytime you needed him, he would be out your window in minutes, if not seconds. It could be that the sky always reminded you of him. But you figured the simplest answer was probably the right one. You missed him.
 It didn’t matter which window, it didn’t matter where you were, sometimes in certain buildings you could barely see the sky. Most times, you couldn’t see any stars at all. Almost every time. But it didn’t matter. Without fail, every night youwould look out the window.
Maybe you’d see him swinging around, maybe you’d catch a glimpse of those stars you both had loved so much. You weren’t really sure what you were waiting to catch. You silently hoped the silence on both ends meant nothing and he still felt the same. You hoped he meant what he’d said to you all those months ago, that he really would come back and find you. Even more, you hoped that what had happened that night was a dumb mistake, or at the very least had a solid excuse to back it up. You knew teenage romances were almost always doomed, but isn’t that why you’d broken things off? So you both could grow, and earn perspective, learn more about yourselves, and when you met again, you’d share everything you’d learned. Every new experience that had ultimately led to the reunion of the two of you. You could handle this for now, the not being together, if it meant you could have him later. That all this waiting and hoping wasn’t for nothing. You had to hope that even though you were leading different lives, in different galaxies, you both clung to the same dreams, otherwise you’d already lost him. 
You supposed that’s what you sought comfort in every night. You’d look up at the sky and know it was the same one that blanketed him, wherever he was. You shared the moon, the stars, and your hearts. 
You were always a dreamer, a hoper. So without fail, every night, you’d turn on your lamp and sit by the window. 
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read part 3 here!
‘seasonal' taglist: @keira-kaz2y5 @imafangirlofeverything
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