#like honestly I just want to be 100% me unapologetically
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So I picked up my earrings to put them away and I noticed that my pendulum earring is the perfect size to fit behind my bird skull/pentacle earring I wear for Nyx. Now I want to dig out the obsidian pendulum necklace I got at anime boston and see how that looks behind the skull. And think about how frequently I get lucky enough to create more unique body decorations just to be as different as I can be.
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voidedaurora · 2 months
Apologies for the ask about the 🍉 thing.
If you have a story to say you should say it, the group who made the document thought it was important to make it public. Maybe you can reach out to them if you need help. It’s never too late to share your story if you believe the person deserves to be called out.
She’s already known for lying. And she never addressed a lot of the things in the document. Like those multiple false grooming allegations. Just remember that there’s no backing out once you have it out to the public. Once on the internet always on the internet.
Hope you’re ok. Don’t be intimidated because of fans. They don’t know what you’ve gone through. You have a support group who already set the ground for you. Good luck with what you choose.
Not specifically replying to this ask but Im going to use this to say a bit of what I need to say. Follow up to my last post, Mel has made it clear that she is not going to talk to me, one of her friends dmed me (one of the two I mentioned prior) trying to get me to vc with all 3 of them to get "closure" and talk about things, this was only prompted by the fact I am now speaking out about this (clearly just trying to save face), I stayed silent for nearly 3 months giving her time to come and talk to me and it was honestly the last nail in the coffin for her to clearly only give a shit now that I'm speaking about it. So I'm done, I'm not going to keep any of her shit to myself anymore, I know I shouldn't have been keeping them to myself to begin with and I completely accept anyone who is upset at me for not speaking up sooner. Quickly, I will say that some of this I cannot provide solid proof for, you will all have to take some of this with a side of salt / use context to come to your own conclusions, but I still think its important to mention because I know what I saw and experienced, It is up to you whether you believe what I have to say or not Aswell, Some of this obviously could be wrong as she has refused to clear things up privately but I believe them to be true since I experienced what I experienced :/. I do not condone Harassment, witch-hunting, threats, attack anyone involved, or anything else of the sort You obviously may be honest about your feelings on the matter but have your morals about you when doing so. People that did not consent to being mentioned here will be censored when possible I will be reffering to Quartelz as Mel in this, just felt I'd clarify TW: S/A, Coercion, Grooming(?), General Toxicity, etc.
Firstly, To everyone who supports Mel after the google doc she "made" I've got some unfortunate news to share, She did not write that doc. Mel had quite a few of her friends at the time essentially write the entire document for her, I was one of those people. To clarify, we were not forced but since we all wanted the best for her and for her to be able to move on from it all so we all helped her. The apologies ESPECIALLY she did not write nor mean, She has stated many times to me personally that everyone did not deserve an apology, I will provide some screenshots backing up these claims below Others writing the doc/Proof I can edit the original doc (the public document was moved into a fresh file because I suggested it)
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Proof of Mel being an unapologetic asshole about the whole thing (sorry for the rudeness) Her saying "how to write an apology I don't mean" which Is pretty self explanatory, Included more context of the convo so she cant scream at me for not, AS you can see I was very insistent on her writing the apology because I did think they all deserved one, aswell me saying "I'd write it for her but that'd "I would literally write the apology for u but that'd be bad" Which is bad on my end 100% especially because I went through with that, I accept full responsibility for that and I am sorry, you all deserved better
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More apology stuff bruhh
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(so sorry archi I know you are mentioned here alot but I need you for proof, If anyone attacks you I am so so sorry) Admitting the apology wasn't written by her directly + re-stating she didn't mean the apology a million times and not taking any accountability
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Bonus SS of talking with one of her friends at the time about our frustrations of helping her with the doc only for her not to work on it I think that's enough proof she didn't mean a lick of that doc and didn't even write it herself, I do NOT have proof that I specifically wrote the apologies but before the doc was sent out to the public I practically rewrote entire areas to make her sound more genuine aswell fixed the entire thing up, then I had her go over it and edit it to "sound like her" Time for the next part which is one of the more serious topics within this whole thing, I initially was NOT going to bring this to the public or mention it at all since its fairly private but after thinking on it really hard ,and the fact this will never have any closure Clover and I have decided to let you all know about it, I am sure she's going to be quite upset this is public now but she shouldn't have done any of it in the first place. TW:// S/A and Coercion I don't really know how to approach talking about this but around the 30th of march 2023 (before and after) Clover, Mel, And I had all gotten pretty close as friends, This eventually evolved into us having sexual interactions with each other as a group twice. At the time we had all had lengthy conversations making sure everyone was ok with it, the whole consent protocol and such. Edit: for the record, our age differences at the time were me: 16 (10/16/2006) Clover: 17 (3/03/2006) Mel: 17 (8/30/2005) This is relevant because a while back (I am not sure when) Mel had admitted to me one day that she had only slept with Clover to do things with me. I know for a fact she will deny this. This obviously horrified me and clover both because we were under the impression it was a mutual thing between all of us, I'm sure Clover feels violated, used, and a sleuth of other things, I feel absolutely terrible about the entire thing because I was the one who had helped her feel comfortable with the whole thing in the first place and convinced her it was something mutual, and to have Mel later on admit it was not and she just wanted an excuse to do shit with me is absolutely disgusting. Clover and I are both extremely damaged from this and neither of us ever got an apology for this and probably never will, not one that she means at least, shes already proven she doesn't feel remorse for anything she does. You'd think the person that allegedly got assaulted herself and had dealt with homewrecking related things herself wouldn't do something like this but here we are. (Just clarification this was a 3 way, sorry to have to blatantly state it but I didn't want any confusion. Aswell I'd like to state for the record that the interactions happened twice total) I will not be sharing proof of any of this as it would include sharing sensitive information/conversations I don't think any of us would be comfortable being public, You may take this as you will but Clover and I both are living proof of this happening and I just hope you'll take our word for this one as it was already obvious Mel had a thing for me to literally everyone around us, I genuinely do not think I need proof to prove that part alone. There was another section I was going to add explaining another situation but I do not have enough proof gathered to speak on it at the moment so I'll keep it at these two for now. I initially wasn't going to make a big post like this but I wanted to get the stuff I know 100% out there (aswell wanted to get some of the worst out of the way :/) There is absolutely MORE I could/want to talk about but I simply do not have the context/proof to make a proper statement on it at the moment, maybe in the future I will.
also, if any of ya'll need more proof of stuff I CAN dig but I think I got it all covered? That's it for now, She's either going to deny everything, have her friends to defend her, flee the internet, or retaliate. Have a good day ya'll, I am done staying quiet for her also I'm so so sorry if this isn't written well in certain parts, I don't really know how to make stuff like this
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Asmo is the personification of "I'm a delicate beautiful flower uvu" and then throws hands when someone disagrees, MC is just there to hold his stuff when he beats the stuffing out of some poor demon. Afterwards he pretends like he didn't lose his shit and threw hands because someone said that x wasn't his colour
I see this as him starting to watch wrestling because of all the hot muscular people in it (remember that chat when Beel gets tickets to either a body building competition or a wrestling match and asks MC to come along but when MC suggests Asmo, because he'd like it, Beel says that's precisely why he can't take Asmo) but then he really got into it because of the actual wrestling & violence (whether or not it's fake isn't the point)
Okay but, I love Asmo so much???? He gives off this ditzy yet sweet air most of the time which contrasts greatly with how vicious he actually is? ;
He's the most vicious, out of the lot, to Mammon when he's pissed off - with his lines being brutally cutting
His entire Desire speech to MC in S1 which sounded like a villain monologue
When he finds out MC was lying about Belphie and why they wanted to make a pact with Asmo in the first place and he threatens to rip their heart out if they lie to him again and this is after they're technically friends!
How condescending he sounds during his solo in the group song with Levi & Beel
Princess Asmo going evil in that one anime episode was hilarious but honestly what did you expect would happen
The whole thing with Helene and how not only was he unapologetic he didn't even seem to realise he did anything wrong
Or the hints at the Sarah storyline which if they follow the irl story is very dark
The fact that (assuming that Levi's animal is a giant sea serpent rather than a snake) he's the only one with a venomous animal and I'm 100% convinced his demon form is venomous
His demon form consists of a bleeding heart as his marking, plus a scorpion which is obviously venomous and roses which would definitely have thorns
The fact that like I said in this post Asmo equates his place in the family to his beauty and then suddenly he fell and changed (and didn't the devs say that in the version where they have more demonic forms that Asmo hated his?) and that would have seriously messed him up
Like I really wanna know what it was like for him right after the fall becaue look at this and tell me he wasn't absolutely deranged
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I haven't given Asmo any long scenes in my fics but I love writing him;
Asmo side eyes him, gaze sharp and calculating before his mouth thins into a parody of a smile. "Don't worry about it, Belphie," he says with an almost condescending pat to his cheek before he practically saunters away. 
Belphie watches him feeling mildly irritated but as equally amused and fond. He has always respected Asmo, found familiarity in the wicked sharpness he hid under bubbly giggles and hypersexual ditziness. 
There's a reason why it's called blood lust
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dontbesoweirdkira · 2 months
Can we get some more dark Raiden 👉👈
(ignore this if it makes u uncomfy at all)
Like what is like with a darling who needs a wheelchair regularly, maybe the darling has a genetic malfunction with their legs idk
(based off of my legs but it's up to u)
A/N: Hii thank you so much for requesting! I absolutely do not mind writing this. We need that representation in the writing department. 😫🫶I’ve had this in my drafts for a while because I’m very cautious to hopefully not offend or make anyone uncomfortable with this. Please *respectfully* correct me if I got something wrong or may have accidentally used offensive language. I mean no harm to anyone and I want to be able to respectfully give representation for everyone!
That being said this focuses specifically on being disabled and the changes it makes in the relationship.
Warnings: Toxic and abusive behaviors, stalking, slight patronizing/ infantilization, over protectiveness, ect.
Requests: open 24/7
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I don’t really think that the relationship would change too much other than that I think sometimes Raiden would unintentionally be a bit patronizing. (But then again when is !dark¡ Raiden not???)
Raiden loves you a lot and he knows that you’re just as capable as the others despite your disability. Your resilience and intellect alone was enough to win his evil little heart buuuttt…that doesn’t change the fact that he’s still a bit flawed in his ways
We all know this dark side of him is extremely authoritarian so he can’t help but be a little too overbearing when it comes to you.
I want to start off with some of the good things first though.
!dark¡ Raiden is sweet in the ways that matter I think. If you’re having a flare up or in pain. He doesn’t mind dropping everything to come to your aide. Even if the medication isn’t working. He’d hold and massage you until you’re feeling better.
The other nice thing about Raiden is his thick skin. You don’t phase him even on your worst days, not even when you’re a bit snippy do to your pain and frustration. He won’t take it personally. Staying up with you all night also isn’t a hassle for him in the slightest. He actually appreciates that his darling yearns for him when they aren’t feeling too well.
If physical therapy is something that you partake in, he’s eager to learn and help you the best ways he can.
Secretly searching for ways to alleviate some aches you may face with your disability, even if that means going against the elders and seeking help from darker powers.
He’s also unapologetically obsessed with you, he feels no shame when you’re beside him. He wouldn’t wish for you to be any different from how you are now.
Raiden would be just as jealous and possessive over you as he would be with an abled body S/O.
Speaking of this, he has no issues with disposing of anyone who has anything disparaging to say about you.
Oh and he especially hates when someone touches you or your wheelchair. He knows how uncomfortable it makes you when people try to wheel you or lean/sit on it without your permission. This easily sets him off.
It doesn’t matter who it is that touches it, how dare they disrespect you like that? Have they have no manners?
“I fear that I did not hear y/n speak up and give you any kind of consent to touch their chair. Release your hands from it or I will do it for you..”
He’s 100% willing to be your advocate anytime you may need. I mean honestly you don’t even have to ask, he’s tussling the second he sniffs an ounce of disrespect towards you. Lol
Okay here is some of the more unfavorable headcanons. This touches on a bit of patronizing behavior and infantilization. I feel like Raiden would struggle with doing this a bit in the relationship.
Raiden doesn’t like when you go off or do things without telling him first. Yes, you are capable of protecting and providing for yourself. Even though he’s seen this capability first hand, he just can’t help thinking about if something were to go wrong. What if that day you’re too fatigued and you end up hurting yourself?…or worse…what if someone severely injures you? what then??
This is why he prefers to keep you couped up in his temple, right by his side. He even had things around there altered to perfectly suit you.
No more stress about the outside world and how frustrating it can be for a wheelchair user. Plus Raiden made arrangements so you can have 24/7 access to outworlds best doctors and remedies to help with any issues you may run into.
How could you even think of leaving when you got everything you need right here?!
Best of all, he knows exactly where you are at all times in the temple and it keeps his mind at ease that you’re okay.
He has a bad habit of immediately rushing to assist you with very mundane tasks and sometimes wheeling you even when you don’t need it. (Ironic because he hates when other people do it to you but because you’re his darling he thinks it’s automatically okay for him to.😭)
This has to do him worrying about your safety and trying to make your life easier but it instead makes things worse.
Raiden can also quite bossy with what he allows you to do and what he doesn’t. Sometimes this means speaking to you very sternly and even down to you. This often ending up in a back and forth with each other.
To him he’s just doing what’s best to help keep you safe and according to him these rules will ensure that. Raiden couldn’t live with himself if you got hurt, especially when he could easily prevent those things. This is his way of loving you, he genuinely doesn’t mean any harm to his darling by doing this.
You protest this behavior and tell him how hurtful this can be for you but I fear it might take a little while for him to fully realize what it is that he’s doing wrong. Just like a lot people in everyday life, he’s convinced he knows what’s best for you.
“I’m afraid I do not understand, Y/N. How is keeping you safe, hurtful? I can assure you I am only simply doing the duties as your lover.”
he’ll slowly give in by letting you go out and do things “without” him. Just know that he is always lurking behind each and every corner making sure that you’re safe.
And if he can’t, he’ll send a servant to hang around you and report back to him.
Yeahhhhh. I know. He’s so damn-
Just bear with him, he doesn’t process others feelings the same way as you and I. Empathy isn’t his strong suit but he will try his best to correct any errors, simply because he does truly love you.
Notice I said ‘try’. He’ll try but there are just some things he just won’t budge on. !dark¡ Raiden can be stubborn and rather selfish at times if he seriously believes in what he is doing is right.
For example you are absolutely not allowed to be anywhere near the tournament or Kombat in general. He doesn’t care that you may fight well. It’s far too dangerous for you. He will immediately shut down any conversation that has to do with it.
But I will say that I don’t think that this really has to do with the fact you’re in a wheelchair. I think he’d be against any of his darlings doing anything that could potentially harm them. He’s already lost so much, he refuses to let you go too.
I can also see him occasionally brushing you off when you offer to do certain tasks. He’ll immediately order someone else to do it even if you are the better fit.
(There he goes babying you again)
“I appreciate your willingness to help but your efforts will not be needed. Stay here and rest, Y/N. Liu Kang will handle this task instead.”
I guess one other change is that maybe he’s a bit more physically gentle with you?
I could see him being a bit more restrained when it comes to punishment? I think they’d be more among the lines of mental harm or emotional deprivation. (Locking you up, social isolation, food deprivation, avoiding affection ect.)
He’s cautious of man handling and weary of using his electricity too close to you because he’s afraid that it might conduct through the metal on your chair. No matter how angry he is with you, you’re the one person who Raiden would never turn against like that.
I think the only times he’ll get physical is when you’re being extremely defiant towards him when he’s trying to “protect”you.. He wouldn’t hit you but he’d pull you, carry and throw you down roughly. Worse he’d do is bruise you from his grip on you.
Ultimately though I feel like Raiden is just a bit more ignorant with some things. He really hadn’t spent time around humans on a deep emotional level so I think he’ll do unacceptable stuff sometimes. I don’t feel like Raiden would mind that you’re in a wheelchair or try to ever put you down because of it. He’s just so stuck in his ways at times he comes across a bit…::
Like I said I think He would be just as overprotective with any-other darling, only some thing’s slightly change.
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cherrygirlystuff · 1 month
Let’s Talk About the New Indie It-Girl – Meet Gabriette!
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Hey, babe! 🌸 So, if you haven’t heard of Gabriette yet, where have you been? Because she is everywhere right now, and honestly, we’re all obsessed. Whether you’re scrolling through TikTok, browsing Instagram, or diving into your favorite indie playlists, Gabriette is the name on everyone’s lips. She’s the new indie It-girl, and let me tell you – she’s about to take over your world. Let’s get into all the reasons why Gabriette is the ultimate girl crush we never knew we needed but absolutely can’t get enough of. 🎧✨
Who Is Gabriette? 🌟
Okay, so first things first – who exactly is Gabriette? She’s this effortlessly cool singer-songwriter who’s got the indie scene buzzing right now. Her vibe? Think dreamy vocals, relatable lyrics, and an aesthetic that’s a perfect mix of grunge and glam. Gabriette’s music has this raw, emotional quality that just hits different, and she’s quickly becoming the voice of a generation that’s all about being real, vulnerable, and unapologetically themselves.
But it’s not just her music that’s making waves – Gabriette is also a total style icon. Her looks are a blend of vintage thrift finds and modern chic, giving off that effortlessly put-together vibe that we all wish we could master. From her signature tousled hair to her bold fashion choices, she’s serving lewk after lewk, and we’re here for all of it.
Why We’re All Obsessed with Gabriette 🎤
So, what is it about Gabriette that’s got everyone talking? Here’s the lowdown:
1. Her Music is a Whole Mood 🎶
Gabriette’s music is like a soundtrack to our lives. Her lyrics are poetic but relatable, touching on everything from love and heartbreak to the highs and lows of just trying to figure things out. Whether you’re in your feels or just need something chill to vibe to, Gabriette’s got a song for that. Tracks like “So I” and “Everything is Romantic” have already become instant faves, and we can’t wait to see what she drops next.
2. Her Style is Next-Level 🔥
Fashion-wise, Gabriette is killing it. She’s got that indie It-girl style down to a tee – think vintage tees, layered necklaces, oversized blazers, and those perfectly worn-in boots. She mixes and matches pieces like a pro, creating outfits that are both casual and cool, with just the right amount of edge. Plus, her makeup is always on point, whether she’s rocking a bold lip or keeping it natural with a dewy glow.
3. She’s Real and Relatable 💖
What really sets Gabriette apart is how genuine she is. In a world where so much seems curated and filtered, Gabriette is refreshingly real. She’s not afraid to get deep and personal in her lyrics, and she’s super open about her journey – the good, the bad, and everything in between. Whether she’s sharing behind-the-scenes snippets of her life or just chatting with fans online, Gabriette always keeps it 100, and we love her for that.
4. She’s All About Empowerment 💪
Gabriette is not just an indie queen – she’s also all about empowering her fans. Her music often touches on themes of self-love, independence, and standing up for yourself. She’s like that cool older sister who’s been through it all and is here to remind you that you’re strong, you’re worthy, and you’ve got this. And honestly, we could all use a little more of that energy in our lives.
The Buzz Around Gabriette – What’s Next? 🕶️
With all this hype, you might be wondering – what’s next for Gabriette? Well, she’s just getting started. Word on the street is that she’s working on some new music, and if her recent releases are anything to go by, we’re in for a real treat. Plus, she’s been popping up at all the coolest events and on everyone’s must-follow lists, so you know she’s about to blow up in a big way.
If you haven’t already, do yourself a favor and dive into Gabriette’s world. Start with her latest singles, binge-watch her music videos, and definitely hit that follow button on social media. Trust me, babe – you don’t want to miss out on what’s coming next from this indie It-girl. She’s got the talent, the style, and the vibe that’s going to make her a household name in no time.
Final Thoughts, Gorgeous: Gabriette is the It-Girl We’ve Been Waiting For 🌟
So there you have it – the scoop on Gabriette, the new indie It-girl who’s about to be your next obsession. Whether you’re here for her music, her style, or just her overall vibe, Gabriette is serving up everything we love about the indie scene with a fresh, modern twist. She’s real, she’s relatable, and she’s totally killing it right now.
Keep an eye on her, babe – Gabriette is one to watch, and I have a feeling she’s just getting started. 💋✨
Are you as obsessed with Gabriette as I am? Let’s chat in the comments about your favorite songs, her iconic style, and what you think she’ll do next! 💕
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beloved-brynn · 5 months
*pokes you*
Brynryn, hi hello, how are youuu?
Anyway, since you asked me abt who i ship my mutuals with, i wanna ask you something as well! >:D
What (two or more) characteristics do you personally like about yourself and your mutuals? You can either just say it, explain it, or anything really lol
About myself: I have a love-hate relationship with my grit. Mostly because I know I was born talentless in all aspects (no exaggeration), so every creative endeavor I have is 99% hardwork. And no, my parents don't have writing or drawing skills. I don't need to explain how my mom only knows how to draw "v" birds or how my dad isn't great at English. Absolute shame on them. (jk I love my family, I wish I could just pass my lifespan to hem HAHAHA). So when all hardwork fails, I feel like absolute shit. Second thing probably is my faith. I think I wouldn't be here if I didn't have some level of trust with the universe overall. The rest of me is garbage tho lmao. If I'm an otome game character, I'm 100% the beloved and beloathed trash husbando /srs.
About @leftdestiny-posts: I'm not sure I'd ever encounter an internet mutual like them ever again, and I think their appreciation for life and bluntness/straightforwardness is something to be admired. They're traits I don't have. Shiro and I are very very different people, and I'm not sure why there was a miracle that made us meet lol.
About @a-dose-of-phitre and @estellxli: longest friends I have. I really admire their creativity and skill, and if you want me to be honest, I know full well I'm left behind in those departments. If you know me irl, I'm not exactly the most affectionate person so I'd rather keep this part brief haha. Though, a small addition, I admire estella's communication skills and assertiveness a ton and I wish I had a bit more of Phitre's endearing charm and mannerisms (and height-). I'm super stiff lol.
About @navxry: Probably communication skills as well? When we met, they talked continuously. As much as I know I'm an extrovert and thrive off social energy, I think something in me is holding me back to being as vocal as they are. They also seem to have an abundance of energy. Ahh. Youth. /j
About @mixed-kester: i wish i am surviving engineering as much as she has i wanna quit can i quit also how does she pick colors sht is unfair i always have to open up google chrome to— //hjjjj
About @jessamine-rose: she already knows about my fashion sense or lack thereof, so let's talk about something else. I greatly enjoy her writing style because I know it's not something I'd pull off. Her sentence structures doesn't become verbose, they're incredibly succinct— enough to lead you along. Other than that, probably the way she bounces ideas spontaneously. I wish she sleeps right tho HAHAHA /silly
About @vennnnn-diagram: I probably pestered them too much about how normal people work honestly. I lack social skills so learning about stuff from them makes me feel a bit more knowledgeable without any visible judgement from them. So yeah, add that as one out of two. The second one? Their music skills. I hate learning instruments. I don't know why. I tried plenty. I suck plenty. Everyone in my family are great at playing except me. They're the Bruno Mars to my gambling addiction. WAIT WHY DOES SOUND LIKE THE WORST PICKUP LINE KN EXISTENCE HAHAHAHAHA
About @stardust-for-your-soul: i wish i can write fluff i wish i can write romantic things why can't i think of romantic genshin men headcanons why'd it always have to end in murder— oh and also, I love her prose. Chryseis can turn the mundane to something that oozes with beauty, and I think that romanticism is wonderful.
About @lucienbarkbark: i absolutely do not agree with your love for dazai /silly but I do admire estorea's unapologetic nature. Hell yeah bestie fricking read thag 300000+ chaptered story 😭😭😭 /gen. I find it a challenge to sit down and read nowadays huhu. Also, I like how warm she is to talk to, we haven't DMed much but it feels so hospitable (?) whenever she send fic links. Wish I was more like that. Also, thank you for the oda fics, soldier.
About @meimeimeirin: when mei put the kamisato siblings in a kin tier once (unless memory fails me), i remember silently agreeing so much. She has that "I got most my life together" vibe and I do wish I have that. She's also very open to talking about what she loves, she doesn't hide her affections and it's something I very much look up to if you've seen the things I've written so far lol. I love how vocal she is with appreciating what she has, including some new drinks she tasted, her parents' loving relationship, it's just sweet. The teashop aesthetic definitely suites her vibe. She just seems so... Elegant? Can't be me, I need to cause a mess /silly
About y o u: well first off if I get to have your hands for a day, you'd find weird ass drawings of blonde men on your drawing software. Second, I like your vibes a ton. It hits different. It fluctuates from absolutely chill to saying lowkey out of pocket things and I might be getting gaslit to thinking you're not at all the latter /j
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stars-tonight · 1 month
It has been a while since I’ve asked for a matchup and Im so excited to find someone still doing them! So I’d love to ask for one if that is okay! 
1- Could it be the long one with the headcanons? Thanks!
2-Romantic please!
3- Any character is fine! Surprise me!
4- I go by she/her and I would preferably like to be matched with a boy BUT if you see I’d be better with one of the girls then go ahead! 
5- My ideal partner is someone I can be myself with, someone that can match my energy or at least enjoy having it around. Someone that can be my partner but also my best friend. It would need to be someone that understands that we can have our alone time, BUT without being cold or uncaring! I like smart people, not necessarily book-smart, but someone I can have slightly deeper conversations with, even if it is about our likes or something silly, as long as it is not only superficial. 
6- Im an introvert that acts extroverted around the people they love, I can be silly/goofy, but definitely get more serious if the situation requires it. I am very passionate and emotional, I am working on my emotional intelligence but I feel everything a little too strongly, and have generalized anxiety. I am a hopeless romantic, and while my day-to-day life is very busy I can be very clingy. I'm a big nerd, regarding my academic life and my likes, I am naturally curious and it is not a personality trait but I am a STEM girl, so I am a science nerd BUT I am also an artistic nerd. Another thing is that I used to be a kind of doormat but I have grown to be myself unapologetically, not caring much about what people think of me, so, while I always try to be kind and polite I will, under no circumstances, let anyone make fun of or be rude to me or my friends.
6- I ice skate, read, play videogames and draw; I am not the best but I highly enjoy it! I also love musical theater but have only been in 1 or 2 productions, I do love to watch it tho. 
7- Give: Quality time and acts of service. Receive: Quality time and physical affection
8- My ideal date is a picnic followed by going to a museum/zoo/aquarium! 
9- I am Mexican! I am an INFP and an aries that leans to pisces! AND I have a cat that is my baby, BUT I do like all animals. 
Thank you so much for your time! 
🐝 anon!
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🥛 hinata definitely brings a lot of energy to the table
🥛 ultimate golden retriever boyfriend
🥛 definitely would be your best friend
🥛 in fact, he'd find it weird that there are some people who aren't best friends with their partners, like the roles are just synonymous to him
🥛 while hinata would definitely be super clingy and a loving partner, i feel like he'd understand you want to do your own thing sometimes too
🥛 he understands you have your own dreams and wholeheartedly supports you, just like he'd hope you can support his dreams
🥛 such as when he goes off to brazil after graduation
🥛 okay hinata is definitely street smart, NOT book smart ☠️
🥛 he at least has a sort of adorable charm that makes people like him anyway
🥛 hinata's also really passionate! i think he'd appreciate a partner with big dreams and who works toward their goals
🥛 and ofc he'd be right by their side for whatever they may need
🥛 he is also definitely a cheesy romantic, and 100% very clingy
🥛 so when you're together he'd definitely be clinging onto you like a koala
🥛 and he'd definitely want to spend a lot of time with his partner, whether it's in silence doing your own thing together or on a high energy date
🥛 if you have to end up doing long distance when he goes to brazil, he'd definitely text you good morning / good night every day and facetime whenever possible
🥛 will proudly show off all the new things he learned that day and will always always ask you how your day was
🥛 have you heard his inner monologues??? honestly he doesn't seem like the type of person to have these deep thoughts ('the lights are on but nobody's home' aah type of guy) but he secretly has lowkey philosophical conversations in his head
🥛 hinata definitely does not know how to ice skate
🥛 he just doesn't seem coordinated enough to stay balanced on those thin blades lol
🥛 but he'd be so entranced by musicals and would definitely beg you to take him to see one
🥛 ohh and hinata on a picnic date would be so cute!
runner up for you was yamaguchi tadashi!
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A/N: oh my goodness hello my lovely 🐝anon! i'm so sorry for the long wait but i hope it was worth it for you 🫶
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melonteee · 7 months
i just wanted to say that i love your videos, more specifically your analysis ones. (one piece and the especially the yugioh ones) you’re so well-spoken and every video essay is so articulated, i feel like i just attended a lecture class for the one piece 1101 course taught by dr. melonteee. i love hearing your interpretations of the characters and what you make of different arcs or topics. (i also love how you say “wano” i literally only say it in the way you do now it’s so satisfying and scratches an itch in my brain) i make jewelry and i always put them on in the background to listen to while i work. honestly, if you had a podcast i would 100% listen to it <3
i found you through your boa hancock video. when i watched it, i teared up, because the way you talked about her story was so understanding and emphasized all the parts of her i love. it felt like you fully understood her character. i really connect with boa and she’s my favorite out of all the one piece girls. as a survivor of sexual assault, boa’s internalized guilt over something she couldn’t control and the way she overcompensates in her actions is something i relate to. you described her so well in your video and it was refreshing to see someone else with a different opinion of her. i’ve seen so many times people reducing her character into only the bad parts. that she’s only there to support luffy or that she’s annoying and it hurts. she deserves to experience romance, whether it’s reciprocated or not, and she deserves to be a bit excessive. that’s what i love about her!! she’s dramatic and unapologetic. it’s the best!!!!! it’s important to talk about characters like her and to see survivors as more than just that, but as people, who do or say ridiculous things. i’m sorry to turn this into a boa hancock rant i just love her a lot and your video on her was amazing.
thank you so much for talking about her and handling her story so well. you’ve really inspired me to look deeper into these characters and made me want to understand them a bit more. i love listening to whatever you make and i get so excited when you post. i’m glad that you’re enjoying making these videos. thank you thank you thank you!!!! have a good day/night!! <3
!!! Thank you so much!! This all means a lot to me truly, and I’m so happy I reached so many people with that Boa video. She really touched my heart the way she touched yours, and one of the reasons I made it is because I couldn’t stand how people saw her as this detestable, annoying being for her surface level actions.
I’m also truly sorry for what happened to you anon, and that was another reason Boa being perceived the way she did upset me so much. Because I could see exactly what her story was supposed to portray, and more than anything I wanted people to understand she IS a victim and her stone mask is due to that lack of empathy she never received. While Boa is a comical character, how she processes her trauma and what she feels is so painfully realistic, and I felt there must be a pain some real life people who relate to her would feel in seeing how Boa is hated by a fair chunk of fans.
But of course, anyone is free to dislike Boa! I just want everyone to have more of an understanding of her, and I really am so happy my essay on her spoke to you. We can really learn empathy through what we watch sometimes, and Boa’s story made my heart hurt so much that it truly taught me a lot in terms of how trauma can shape a person.
I hope you’ve found healing and love anon! I know you’re on anonymous, but speaking of your own experiences still takes a lot of strength, and I’m glad this space I’ve catered made you feel comfortable enough to do so.
Also, I’d love to make a podcast! I just don’t have many ideas for one HAHA but!! If I ever have a brain blast, I’ll be sure to start one! Thank you again! 🫶
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(Disclaimer: this post was written in two parts, the first half was done the day before but not posted cause I didnt feel it was a complete thought, the second half was added after. I did not edit or touch the first half as I like to keep space for the thoughts of myself as they were; i also have passive chronic amnesia so Im not 100% sure if everything is on the same page; regardless that is just context)
Honestly, I think the thing that is important to keep in mind when interacting with syscourse - or specifically for us cause the only one we really care about is the tulpa discourse - is that you are never going to force or change anyone's mind who is so set that they are sitting on tumblr and pulling the dumbest arguments out of their ass to support their claims and I do think those that spend their time arguing with @/sophieinwonderland and @/cambriancrew - while honestly doing the dirty work no one wants to do by balancing out their bullshit posting so mad respect - are largely wasting their time if they do ever think that a mind will be changed.
The only reason to ever engage or talk about the stuff they (and the clique that actually buys into those arguments) talk about is solely to make an example out of how incredibly deep their interalized racism and just disregard for POC goes and honestly looking at them as anything other than a stubborn white person is putting more emotional energy than its worth.
Because genuinely, in a weird way and me doing what XIV calls "The Riku Thing" of looking at a really negative, annoying, and/or harmful thing and finding the bright side silverlining to it, I do kind of appreciate how astonishingly White TM they are because their unapologetic and loud nature makes a really big spectacle for a lot of people who otherwise would not understand how bad certain issues are look and go "what the fuck" and in its own way, it brings good publicity to the issues AAPI and eastern cultures go through in a western and white predominant area.
AAPI issues often go under the radar and are disregarded due to a number of reasons, but honestly? This is the most I've ever seen people actually talk about how white people take advantage of eastern and Asian cultures (relative to the size of the community in question) save for the brief blip of when Stop Asian Hate got loud during COVID where sinophobia blasted up and a bit surrounding Cyberpunk as a genre when Cyberpunk 2077 came out.
In that regard, I'm kinda glad they are so loudly racist and White TM about AAPI cultures. It makes for good publicity and awareness by being the example of just the Usual Bullshit and it starts better conversations. I'd honestly prefer a loud bigot to a quiet insidious one cause the loud ones at least can serve part of a message and be ignored.
Anyhow, this is all just to say that bigots will be bigots and you can argue with them all you want and call them truthful statements like "bigots" and "racist" but thats about all you can do to really control their behavior. Those balancing out their bullshit arguments, mad props - I could never cause that shit is too toxic and too much of an investment, but it is respectable work. (insert "it aint much but its honest work" meme at yall)
---(cut between original thoughts and the added bit)---
That said, I'll just say it as the fact that it is, those two and those that follow their rhetoric do not care at all about AAPI individuals and are just racist. We don't have to debate it and it's honestly not up for debate and while we could put our energy to trying to tear down their following and make them shut up, in a world where the KKK still exists and thrives, its an unlikely and futile of a goal to try ti achieve.
Instead its best imo to treat them like the public case study of white and western abuses to AAPI culture, particularly since time and time again they redisplay some of the most classic and frequently used techniques white and western individuals do to try to excuse their shit.
If you wouldn't give a person arguing with any other loud and proud bigot, its best to just accept that bigots be bigots and rather than banging your head against a wall, put it up for display on the museum wall as a means of education and awareness.
Theres no point in talking to bigots about how they are bigotted. There is, however, a point to displaying it for those less effected and usually not given the opportunity to sed it in full get a much closer look at some of the shit we deal with
I like to think that while a lot of white and western people suck, that a lot of them genuinely are trying their best with the limited awareness, access, and understanding that they have.
I dont feel as though I would be correct calling them and bigots a "small minority", but I'd like to think they aren't the majority and I honestly appreciate those willing to learn and better understand and so ya know? Whats a better way to explain it than with a live dancing monkey that loudly and proudly displays the behaviors in question for all to see.
Anyhow, I digress. Take this as you will. I am just throwing some insight and personal thoughts about specific users in hopes that some people who might be overly stressed about it might find a little more peace moderating the topic
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deputy-buck · 10 months
hey!!!! when you wish to, could you cast mutuals and hbowar fandom as different characters in bob or tp? like which mutuals remind you of which characters? no pressure btw!!!!!!
I don't have many mutuals (my fault entirely, I should be more personable, sorry for that) but the few I do have, here! Also, I'm adding Gen Kill characters in here too bc even though it's the ugly middle child, it's still part of the family!
@merriell-allesandro-shelton Would be Snafu OF COURSE, not only because he's her favorite, but because they are surprisingly similar??? The chaotic privacy they both embody is honestly so charming, love that for them both! The ideas that come from her head are Spectacular.
@ableedingpen Is very much Ray Person to me. Very creative and Extremely good with words! They could be a published author (idk if they are but to me they should be) if they wanted to, and would have a lot of success in that field. There's an unapologetic air to them as well that I appreciate, like yeah this is me and I'll be fully honest with you about it, take it or leave it.
@military-bluebells Doc Roe. 100% Doc Roe right here. Kind, caring, personable, yet kinda quiet. They're always a welcome figure on my dash and in my notes/askbox! I love their approach of fic writing as well, much like Doc, it's about the outcome of their work and not stressing about it too much, Doc gives me those vibes and so do they.
@caffeinated-fan Garza. Honestly??? Bill Layden. They give Fuck You vibes in the best way possible. Stupid question? Stupid answer. False accusation? Go ahead and think that way, it just makes you look stupid. They seem like they'd tear you a new one for disrespecting their friends though, which is Bill-Coded.
(I'm not sure about anyone's pronouns other than Mar's, sorry!)
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quinloki · 1 year
Tell us about your self ship! 🥰
xD ha! Sure sure, I will.
Alas, as I am a complicated human, I have a few self-ships kind of mood dependent.
Primarily, and albeit newly, I have to say my front runner is Marco. I affectionately call him my retirement blorbo, but really what I mean by that is that he's the healthiest relationship option out of all the ones I self-ship with. He's stable, even headed, romantic, low key, experienced, and he's not a *bad* guy.
Also he's canonically just fucking ADORABLE with little kids, and that melts my heart pieces even though I have no desire for having kidlets in any situation.
Secondary is easily Eustass Kid - there's just a lot there. Found family vibes are crazy strong with the Kid Pirates, imo, it's like the exiles of the exiles stumbling into one another and finding solace in all their differences. It's dark, it's messy, it's rough, and it reeks of sex - and I like that. There's no apologies in the Kid Pirates for how they live, just that they LIVE, surviving in a world that wanted them dead even before they became pirates.
It's fierce, unapologetic, ugly and beautiful and I love it. I name Eustass, but honestly I see the whole ship a kind of conspiracy theory network of polycules and connections, and I'd be 100% okay with cuddle-piling and playing with pretty much everyone and anyone on the crew. But! It would be nice to be the Captain's "favorite" I'm ngl. (Ship's mascot, with my "height" xD if I'm being honest).
I also have self-ship ideas with Crocodile and Doflamingo... and maybe at the same time ^^;;; But! I mean, similarities between them aside, 1:1 would be very different. Crocodile strikes me as someone who wants to preserve what he adores as it is. Doffy wants to corrupt and manipulate and mold without breaking.
Caught between them Crocodile would be the one helping me preserve my sense of self, and Doffy would be pulling me into all manner of debauchery. I just feel like I could - and this is almost laughable - safely be evil with the two of them. Not even that I could BLAME them for it, so much as I could sink into things without losing who I was at my core.
Granted, me at my core would be horrified to be being mean, but if there's a way to be evil and kind, I'd sort it out xD
I think that's the big three for me - ones that I've given real deep thought to. I even have a self-sona? for the One Piece world, and at some point I want to write alternative isekai style stories where my existence in the world (as one Quill) changes the story - or not - based on what I choose to do.
Imagine a world where someone tells Crocodile the future >.> and he has time to plan around it.
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wannabecatwriter · 1 year
List 3 of your favorite sims from other simmers you enjoy and explain why (Send this to 10 other blogs 💖💖)
Thanks for the ask!
Here are a few more of my faves.
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Indya from @cinamun This woman is an absolute boss and her story had me hooked for over a year now. Unapologetic, always herself, and someone who keeps things 100% real, Indya is easy to like.
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Catalina from @thebrixtons and @wa-royal-tea . Not only is she one of the prettiest sims on simblr (at least in my opinion), she's another one that I just want to give a big hug to. I don't even want to imagine what it's like to navigate the royal life while dealing with anxiety. But this girl does it.
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Karlie from @xldkx Whenever she shows up in the story, you know things are going to be fun. Honestly, any character who gets banned from a coffee shop for throwing muffins at their ex is a good one in my book.
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forwntrx · 1 year
can you describe yn as a person and idol 🙏🏽
oooh,, ok. so particularly i think yn is very to-herself. like she’s very focused on her own craft, improving, etc. she’s very passionate abt what she does and IS GOOD which is why she’s the most popular mem. of aespa. the easiest way i can describe this part of her is that she’s a girl’s girl. she values her friendships/platonic relationships very highly, some even higher than her familial relationships.
i think she’s very artsy, in all ways of the word and can be a little unconventional (?) when it comes to her interests. she 100% has tattoos,, literally EVERYWHERE and some hidden matching ones with friends.
another important thing about this yn is that like, when she wants something she will HAVE IT. like it’s non-negotiable lol
going into her sexuality since that’s a big thing,, she’s just kinda always defaulted to men and never rlly thought abt it?? she’s never rly dated anyone either so lol. she became a trainee at a young age.
she’s definitely super competitive, so trainee days she had aloooot of enemies. like imagine yn?? walks in??? during evaluations?? i would die on the spot. but i think on the low, she’s super humble like she knows she’s good but she’ll never flaunt it fr.
i also see her as super stubborn too. she will NEVER admit she is wrong. i also think she can be a little prideful,, BUUUUT i will say she’s pretty good at handling conflict and values communication,, which will be a problem later (cough WINTER)
i think she’s distant with a lot of ppl, just bcs it’s the way she is tbh. it’s hard to get to know her FULLY. she’s private with her life, so you’ll never see her posting her feelings like yunjin does BUUUTT she confides in some people, one of those people being winter.
a thing about yn which may get exhausting, is her inability to do self care. she is a WORKAHOLIC!! she writes songs for the groups and a lot of the time will be leaving the studio@ 5, 6am. like she’s always go go go,, she can never just SIT DOWN
some other tidbits about her—i think yn was a huge nerd in school, like one of the smartest students fr. this is something i hint at subtly. her intelligence is not just intellectual but emotional as well!! she !! ALSO !! (important) plays several different instruments, guitar & flute being her favorites.
down to the core, i think she just wants to build a life for herself that she believes is worth living. relationships always come second to her future. i think this can cause conflict with someone not understanding of her, bcs it doesnf mean she doesn’t care abt her relationships .
another important thing is the way she expresses herself—to me yn is very south asian/latina/black coded, but obv. that is left up to the reader. i’m trying to include different skin colors to her posts to be more inclusive. bcs personally i don’t have light skin and ik some readers may not either. && i want it to be inclusive if u see urself in her
yn is veeerrry unapologetic when it comes to her style&the way she is. she will NEVER apologize to fans or haters for being herself, or dressing the way she wants to dress. she has a hand in every outfit she wears and honestly i think her style is torch 😮‍💨
i was gonna do a paragraph or two but 💀💀 hopefully u && many other can get a better feel for the personality of yn in my smau
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themarysuep · 7 months
do u like any mcu romances? i wld hv totally been ok w steve and nat but they decided to go w whatever that bruce nat thing was... i think the best one is still tony and pepper
I'm so glad that you asked lol. Kamala x Kamran is the ship I will go down with. I loved how the mcu took a doomed ship from the comics and fixed it. They did such a good job expanding Kamran's role and casting an actual brown boy. And he was always what Kamala wanted so there's just something about my girl getting what she wants. And the mcu did such a great job portraying two modern but unapologetically desi (and Muslim) people who fall for each other without using stupid tropes. Even the promo the actors did just won me over. So underrated, I hope the mcu continues their journey. And I find Kamran so interesting in both universes. Kamala's love life in the comics is trash 😭.
I wouldn't have hated Steve and Nat tbh. I love Steve x Sharon and Buckynat in the comics and I'd have been 100 % on board with them in the mcu bc all the potential was there. I actually love the crumbs we got of them.
I honestly like all the canon ships. I don't hate any of them. Pepper x Tony were cool. And I have a lot of ships from the Marvel TV shows pre Disney+.
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vroomian · 2 years
Hi! I’m practically jumping in my bed because I can’t believe I missed my AO3 alerts about your latest updates on bfiasc!!!! I’m gonna give it a whole re-read before I get to the latest 11-12 chapters!
I’m glad you’re back but it also makes me incredibly happy to see creators just, take breaks and focus on real life shit unapologetically for as long as necessary. Our lives do not revolve about fandom content making 100% of the time!
Ah! But very much deserved fangirling aside, that’s not the main reason why I’m lurking in your inbox rn. I really wanted to ask your permission to draw fanart of our beloved disaster bi YRZ! I already searched for all of the art you made of him as reference to pay this boy the justice he deserves! Let me know what you think!
(from your comments and answers I do get that if you’re not comfortable with me drawing him you’ll let me know but just to be sure: if you’re not ok with me drawing him it’s absolutely fine!💖 your refreshing writing is a gift that I think deserves just as much recognition and love in return, and drawing fanart is just my own way of showing that love ahahah)
omg of course you can draw him!!! this is blanket permission for anyone to draw any of my ocs because honestly, it's not like I ask for permission before I draw anything lol. do whatever! tag me so i can see it!
yeah, taking breaks is key! im not a very subtle person and I'm not gonna suffer for politeness. I'm here on earth to write and draw my silly little projects for fun not to be a "content producer" or whatever. if it stops being fun i will simply quit. i write for me! i draw for me! if you like it, that's just a bonus. i don't owe anyone a goddamn thing and that's how i live my life <3
that said it does make me happy to know other people do enjoy my silly little projects ha ha. i love getting comments, even if i don't always know what to say back.
(also your art is *chef's kiss* i also enjoy sakura haruno a normal amount)
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tojiscumdumpster · 9 months
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐓 𝙗𝙮 𝙇𝙖𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙣 𝘼𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧
𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 1/100 𝗈𝖿 2024
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𝗖𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝘅𝗶𝗺𝗶𝘁𝘆. 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗸𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗥𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 - 𝗕𝗼𝘀𝘀 𝘅 𝗘𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗲.
𝗚𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗽𝘆 𝘅 𝗦𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲. 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻. 𝗔𝗴𝗲 𝗚𝗮𝗽.
I have a tendency on starting series backwards. Don’t judge me lol. Terms and Conditions caught my attention first, but I decided to give The Fine Print a go because I enjoy Lauren’s writing, and I’m glad I did. Just another billionaire romance to add to my roster.
I really enjoyed reading Zahra’s and Rowan’s love unravel. This story wasn’t hard for me to get into at all. It very fluffy, domestic, a bit angsty, and a touch of spice.
One thing I can say I love about Lauren is the representation for black and brown women in her books. All the FMCs in the Dreamland Billionaire series are WOC/Black, and I absolutely love that. I’m starting Final Offer next.
Zahra, I love her. She’s fun, spunky, full of energy, and stands on business. She’s unapologetically her and is truly kind. Zahra is a true Sunshine character because as the story progress, you can see she’s Rowan’s light to his darkness, and even her own darkness she had to overcome. The relationship with her family, especially her sister, Ani—very touching.
Her bitch ass ex, Lance, was mentioned throughout the story, but I’m so glad Lauren didn’t make that her plot or give him too much book time. Again, the author has a way of writing the FMCs and MMCs lives outside of each other, and she did that with The Fine Print.
Now, for Rowan…
The way I have an up and down relationship about this man baffles me. He started off as a complete and utter asshole, and not the ones I’m attracted to in books. Like not even Declan acted the way he did. Rowan was unnecessarily rude, condescending, and he was one of them billionaires that looked down on his employees since he benefits off of capitalism. If I ever decided to DNF this book, it would’ve be SOLELY because of Rowan. He was mean to Zahra and she literally killed with kindness until she couldn’t.
Eventually, he started growing me the more the story progressed. His rude and nasty attitude is truly an act and disguise of a broken little boy that wanted to be accepted and love by his father. Because every time Rowan opened up, my heart warmed for him. Just how Zahra described, he speaks beautifully.
I honestly wish we gotten to see more of his rekindled love with drawing outside of Zahra.
He may or may not be apart of my book boyfriends list now. LOL. Just another asshole brother that softens up for his girl.
Despite this somewhat being insta lust, I think the relationship between Zahra and Rowan was developed well. As I stated above, very domestic like and warming. It’s hard to make me laugh in books, but their relationship had me giggling. Zahra has no filter and Rowan is such a grump, it makes me sick. “I don’t like you, but I want to date you.” Like Rowan shut the hell up omge.
Seems like they were bound to happen as well, so I guess you can say fate mates?
The love and vulnerability portrayed in their relationship was beautiful. I didn’t care for the spice as much because I just love seeing them open up, especially Rowan. The sex just deepened their love. Very raw and emotion filled. I love spice scenes like that for books.
Overall, I really love this book and I’m glad I read it. The only thing I would’ve like more of is like I said Rowan’s drawing more and also the epilogue could’ve been longer. People were saying that this book is unrealistic, but HELLO?! That’s the purpose of romance books.
It’s FICTION and we’re suppose to fantasize about a romance that seems too good to be true in real life. It’s called escapism. Like since when y’all want to think about real life while reading fiction?
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