#like how I feel NERVOUS ABOUT TAKING BREAKS FROM SOCIAL MEDIA?? Like I live in my own head boo don't mind me-
aka-thesheepgirl · 2 months
Hi, how have you been?
So I stopped using Tumblr because I was feeling very overwhelmed by personal life and my own dumb brain making all sort of chemicals (none of which were beneficial!), but here I am! WHY?! BECAUSE I'VE BEEN
With an variety of different interests and hyperfixations that I NEED TO EXPRESS WITHOUT FILTER-
Like seriously, I've been using Instagram ever since because I wanted to make cute art and maybe get a nice portfolio going on but I want to draw CRINGE!! I want to BE CRINGE!!
But that's about it, because I don't want to talk about the time I was out. I mean it was a nice reset from Tumblr but from life?? I NEED REST FROM LIFE RIGHT NOW-
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astroismypassion · 9 months
What does it mean when we repetitively attract into our life a certain Moon sign? 🌙 🌗🌘
Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
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The lovely and kind @bthechangeuwant2cintheworld asked me about if I could do a post on when we attract certain moon signs and what does it mean? Let's dive deep into the topic.
So what does it mean FOR YOU when you attract the following Moon sign in your life?
You are likely not courageous enough, need to learn how to be more bold, stand out from the crowd. You might also be a bit too selfish or self-focused. You need to work out more and steam off your feelings through work outs, physical activity and chores or cleaning, being more active and present in your home. Also, you might likely not do enough. You might be just working on one single particular thing, such as just your studies, your job, but completely neglect other fields, aspects of your life. Could have a hard time juggling many things at once or struggle with multitasking.
You might be too passive, lazy or indulgent in your habits or even on a daily basis or in your own home. You might be a bit too love obsessed, wanting a partnership at any cost or even pressuring someone to like you back or enter a partnership with you. You might idealize the idea of a partner, being a part of the team. You might need to transform your values or understand what those are. You likely lack self-love and need more self-care too. You are either too materialistic or not enough. Also, maybe dress up more often.
You are likely not social enough, you spend too much time on your own alone or you are too much in your head, but not grounded enough. Could have difficulties with control, like trying to control your surroundings, immediate family members, close friends, even people you talk to online/social media/instant messaging. You might be too anxious or nervous when talking. You might either need to take a social media break or talk to people online more.
Check in with how you treat your mother. Do more chores in your home, help out with laundry, doing dishes, organize your home more, clean it more often. Learn how to cook, bake more. You are likely bottling up your emotions or suppressing your innermost feelings, even needs. Learn what your needs are, especially what you require from your loved ones, family members, your partner. Vent, cry out your tears, embrace the flow of the good and the bad sides of emotion. Try to provide for your family more.
You might too dramatic or not dramatic enough and too nonchalant. You might need to share more of your emotions. You might be self-centered emotionally, so selfish with your feelings. But at the same time, you might make too rash decisions or jump to conclusions in the early stages of dating. You need to become more jovial, happy and bright. You need to focus more on hanging with your close friends since you are likely neglecting them a bit or spending too much time on your own. You need to figure out more on what your hobbies are and if you can pick a new one as well. You might need to welcome more romance in your life, maybe by accepting an invitation to go out on a date, listening to romantic songs, watching romantic movies.
You might need to take better care of your personal hygene, live more in the present moment and establish better daily routine and habits. You need to be more present and focused during conversation. You need to go out more and do your own grocery shopping, run errands and focus more on paying your phone, electricity bill etc. You need to declutter your home and organize your space. Try to find time for little self-care rituals in the day.
If you end up attracting a Libra Moon again and again you are likely taking care of too many other people and not enough taking care of yourself. You need to learn how to share but with boundaries. You learn how to balance giving and taking. You need to learn how to accept help and how to delegate tasks off your shoulder more. You also need to socialize more, meaning that learn how to be okay with chit chat and even more superficial conversations, they still teach you how to connect and relate to those around you more.
Scorpio Moon is tricky, because it's one of those either or type of Moons, it can go either way. So you might have an escapistic issue, I'm not saying downright addictive behaviours, but you might overuse something. Such as you feel a bit too lonely and use food as a buffer or coffee, alcohol, sweets, sugar etc. You might not have only one cup of coffee, but 2, 3 too many per day. I'm not saying this is your case in particular, I'm trying to illustrate the case. You might also be too materialistic or not enough. Like too power hungry, money driven or not enough. You could have certain subconscious thoughts, triggers that you don't want to address. You might jump to final conclusions too quickly, without knowing the full story or context or information. You might need to let go of certain old habits, coping mechanisms that don't serve you anymore or sometimes this means even people, old friends or partners. You might not live fully authentic in your present life. You might also be scared of being truly raw, vulnerable and you could have a fear of being exposed, exposed as in having any trait that you don't like to admit you have or don't want many other people to know. Or you can also act a bit too fanatic in your behaviour, again it can go either or, you might perhaps need your jealousy, envy, possessivness in check.
You are too uptight, need to let loose. Attend a party or two with your group of trusted friends, go to that club and dance, even if you don't completely like the idea of it initially. Also, you might be too hedonistic in one department of your life. Either you indulge in too many desserts after a meal, eat too much in one setting. Stop saying yes to everything and everyone just so you please others and that they stay happy. You need to get more organized, buy a planner, plan your days more and prioritize, you might be all over the place. Again, certain eating habits might represent a bit of a problem for you. Try expanding your mindset about food, by trying out alternative regimes, introducing more whole foods, leafy greens and such. Don't be a picky eater, give certain foreign foods/those you are not used to at least a one time try.
Now, this is one of those major, life changing, big life decision ones. If you attract Capricorn Moon in your life again and again, you need to make a turning point in your life. You need to make a big life change. Likely, your job, career is not where it should be at this point. Or it's not fulfilling you and a change is to be made. Either going back to school, finding another job, career field etc. You need to revisit this part of your life: your career, long-term goals, aspirations, social status, reputation and your relationship with parents. The last one might be big as well, ask yourself if this is the best way to treat your parents? Likely, you could do a bit better. Also, you are likely spending too much time at home or isolating yourself.
You are afraid to embrace your own unique self and being original, mostly out of fear of not being accepted or judged. You might also need to dream more, set your dreams big and start going after them. You might also replicate other people's ideas, try coming up with original thought and your own creative ideas more, even if they are weird, unique, eccentric or odd at a first glance or even if you feel uncomfortable expressing them. Go out more and socialize more.
You are too giving, humanitarian, charitable, selfless or not enough. You might take care or help out every close friend, acquintances or stranger, but NOT your own family members, loved ones or your partner. So try to put that in check. You might be undereating or eat foods that don't nourish your body. Again, substance overuse can be present in subtle ways, such as drinking too much coffee in the day.
Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
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upon-a-starry-night · 2 months
Number Neighbors Pt.29
Natasha Romanoff x Fem! Reader
Natasha Masterlist Series Masterlist
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary:  When you catch sight of the newest trend going around you know you’re all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway. What could possibly stem from something so little?
There’s nothing like the warmth of a home-cooked meal. Especially in comparison to the mediocre meals you were cooking for yourself. You like to think it heals a little part of your soul with each bite you take. 
Your mother doesn't question why you suddenly accepted her offer home after months of refusing but you have a feeling she might know. She’s always had weird physic mom abilities. At first, you thought you could get away with acting normal but the look she gave you when you got in her car at the airport told you you’d been caught.
Since that moment your mother has been doing an exceptional job at distracting you and you’ll never be able to express just how grateful you are for her. 
The few days that you’ve been home your mother’s been parading you around town, showing you what’s new and telling you stories of all the crazy things you’d do in every building, playground, and park. When you're home, your mother finds excuses to give you small brushes of physical affection and you don’t realize just how lonely living by yourself has gotten until you woke up to waffles and a kiss on the forehead.
You have a small inkling that she’s behind the occasional disappearance of your phone as well but you don’t comment on it. It’s a welcome break from the chaos of social media but you know you can’t avoid your problems forever and reality hits one afternoon when your mom is out grocery shopping and your phone dings with a notification.
You pick it up to see multiple news outlets blowing up about the upcoming press conference the government will be holding to explain what happened to the Avengers and you all but rush to turn the news on the TV.
There are a few unfriendly-looking government officials in suits and balding hair standing in front of a podium full of microphones and before any of them have even spoken there’s a flash of cameras from somewhere behind the camera.
One of the taller white men steps forward and the room goes silent. You’re on the edge of your seat with anticipation and you’re sure everyone else watching is as well. The man in the suit looks less than excited to be there and you can already tell by the look on his face that you’re not going to like what he has to say. Your stomach sinks in.
“I know this has been greatly anticipated by the public and I’m sure you all have a lot of questions so I'll get straight to the point.” Another camera shutter clicks. “ Around a month ago we approached the Avengers group about the amount of destruction they left behind after their battles. We felt the damage was too significant to let it continue happening, so we came up with the proposal that the Avengers agree to government supervision and limitations to minimize the damages.” 
You let out a low hiss through your teeth as murmurs fill the conference room. You’re sure most of the Avengers wouldn’t have taken kindly to that situation. If you’re honest you’re surprised a full-out fight hadn’t started. It only makes you more nervous for what’s to come.
“Unfortunately, a few members of the group didn’t agree with our terms and have since fled to avoid responsibility” Your blood boils at the way he’s talking about the world's greatest heroes, like they’re teenagers who broke the neighbors' window. You’re sure they’re purposely leaving out details of their contract to make the Avengers look bad. “Due to this circumstance,” A woman steps from behind him and hands him a file and he opens it and begins lifting picture after picture “The following Avengers are now considered wanted felons. If you see any of them please contact your local authorities-”
He doesn’t get the chance to finish his sentence as the room erupts into chaos. Reporters are shouting, cameras are flashing left and right and questions are being flung at the uncomfortable-looking officials. 
You practically shoot up from your seat in outrage. The Avengers are wanted felons? What was the government thinking? Just because they wanted control over the world's strongest and smartest? You hated to think what the world would descend into now that criminals not only didn’t have to fear the Avengers, but could call to get them arrested as well.
Security steps in and the room calms a little but reporters refuse to let the subject go, raising their hands to question such an idiotic decision.
“With the Avengers gone, what are you going to do about the influx in crime?” One asks, and another white man steps up to the podium to answer.
“We will be doubling the police force in every state to ensure the crime rates go back down” The reporters don’t seem satisfied, another raising a counter-question
“What about supernatural criminals and weapons?” The man swallows nervously and you’re sure a cartoonish bead of sweat is about to trail down his forehead when he speaks up with less confidence than before.
“Rest assured our officers are being trained to handle any possible situations, and we will be arming them with state-of-the-art weapons” You practically groan at his words, and your phone dings with notifications from various sites. Your friends from the Stark party are texting you about their outrage, news outlets are blowing up, and your mother wants to know if you want any cereal. 
You text her yes and respond to your other texts, tuning out the bullshit coming from the TV until pictures of the ‘wanted felons’ appear on the TV. Over half of the Avengers pictures are on the screen with the words “Wanted” under them and your eyes unconsciously drift toward Nat as a woman speaks
“We haven’t been able to get a hold of any of the aforementioned Avengers so if you have any information about their whereabouts please call-” you practically scoff at the TV. Of course, they couldn’t get a hold of Natasha Romanoff, if she wanted to disappear you’d never see or hear from her again-
Your head spins. A dangerous thought sneaks into your mind and despite your best efforts you can’t block it out. The government official had said they tried to make this deal around a month ago- around the same time Nat stopped responding to you.
With your heart leaping to your throat, you immediately rush to grab your computer. It wasn’t like you hadn’t considered Nat’s name being Natasha but you hadn’t wanted to plaster Natasha’s face onto this total stranger, and you definitely didn't want to project your feelings for your celebrity crush onto a real person who had nothing to do with her.
You never let yourself go down that hole, especially because the more you talked to Nat the less she seemed like the stoic Natasha Romanoff you knew of. 
You still refuse to believe it until you can prove it though, so the only thing you can think to do is pull up every single publicized mission the Avengers have gone on and open your phone to Nat’s contact. You ignore the painful jerk your heart gives as you scroll past your pleading and Nat’s last “I’m sorry” text until you find the last time she said she had to go away for ‘work’.
She’d been gone for two weeks but still managed to send you a quick ‘goodnight’ text on one of those days. It made your whole week that she’d been thinking of you even while she was working and still chose to text you even though she could get in trouble for using her phone. 
You scroll through the missions until you find one with a similar date. A mission in Eastern Europe that took the three of the Avengers two weeks to complete. It doesn’t state which Avengers so you brush it off as a coincidence and scroll up further, searching for another ‘work’ message.
Half an hour later you have at least fifteen ‘coincidences’ that line up almost perfectly with when Nat would leave you on delivered. You want to believe it but you’re at war with yourself.
Something joyful tugs at your heart and you shake your head to try and get rid of the images of Nat smiling on the other side of the phone. 
The other part of you is astonished you’d even believe such a thing. Why would Natasha continue texting you? There was no way she’d trust something as childish as ‘number neighbors’. And if she did believe that… why wouldn’t she just block your number?
Although you suppose she did try and get you to stop texting her, you just wouldn’t take no for an answer. Suddenly all of her threats feel a little more serious. 
For a split second, there’s relief. The weight of the fear that she’d ghosted you because she was tired of you lifted from your shoulders. The fear of never knowing her face or what she sounded like was gone. Instead, it was replaced by anxiety. The woman you loved was a wanted criminal AND an Avenger. You don’t know if it’s better or worse that you can read all of the texts in her voice now.
Your brain is screaming at you while your heart is frolicking in a field full of flowers.
The woman you’ve had a fictional crush on for years is actually the woman you fell in love with online, surprise!
Still, you’re worried you’re getting a little ahead of yourself so you try to calm down and scour the internet for more proof. You find an old video from when the Avengers did a live slumber party for charity and zoom in on Nat’s pajamas. Yep, the same gray as the photo of her pants she’d sent you from way back when you first met. 
The first photo she ever sent you and it was truly a gift to receive but big deal- lots of people wore gray to bed! 
The thought of gifts reminds you of the surveillance footage the restaurant promised to send you months ago when Nat bought you dessert. God, you really should read your emails. After scrolling through work emails and companies advertising their sales you find a very old email from the restaurant with the footage from their back alley. 
You can’t believe you forgot to look at this.
Sure enough, as the waiter had said, you can only see a hoodie from that angle but you’ll take anything you can get. You pause and play the video at every millisecond until a sliver of a design is visible and you reverse image search until a picture of that exact hoodie pops up.
You pull up every single member of the Avengers’ Instagram's until you see a picture of Clint Barton wearing what seems to be the same hoodie only two months ago. It’s a stretch, you’re sure anyone could own that hoodie but at this point, you’ve already fully convinced yourself it’s her. You feel like an FBI agent with how deep you’re digging for evidence and the thought reminds you of one of the first things you ever said to her
“What, are you an FBI agent or something?”
“Something like that”
You were truly the world’s biggest idiot at this point. Natasha had been trying to tell you at the Stark party, hadn’t she? You knew the joke sounded familiar. 
A sort of mirth sparkled in her eyes as she spoke her next sentence “Well I’m no FBI agent” It feels like an inside joke and you're trying to pinpoint where you remember it from but after a few seconds you shake it off and blame it on the alcohol. 
Not to mention how hesitant she’d been to talk to you in the beginning. She was a super spy! Of course, she wouldn’t believe you got her number by coincidence. Did that mean that she knew who you were from the beginning? She probably knew everything about you from your apartment number to your first pet. 
But…if she knew everything about you and still chose to stay and talk to you then maybe there was the smallest, tiniest chance she liked you back the way you liked her.
Why else would someone like her spend every day putting up with your antics?
All this time you’ve been wondering who she was and why she left you and now you have an answer you have no idea what to do with. It’s not like she’d be at Avengers Tower right now, nobody knew where she was. And she hadn’t responded to any of your messages. How could you tell her you knew? How could you tell her that you weren’t mad anymore? Will you ever be able to confess how you feel to her in person?
You don’t even realize you're crying until a drop of water lands on your computer. You were overwhelmed with so many different emotions; joy, worry, love. The idea of loving Natasha Romanoff was scary but loving Nat? Loving Nat was easy. And you have to keep reminding yourself that they’re the same person. That The Black Widow was a persona while Nat was her real self. 
The sound of the front door doesn’t register in your mind until you hear your mother calling your name. You turn to look at her with your tear-stricken face and her expression softens as she takes you in.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?” she drops her groceries and makes her way over to you, wrapping you in her arms immediately. The way she says your name with so much love reminds you of the last time you heard Natasha’s voice-
“Take care of yourself, Y/n.”
The sentence only makes you cry harder and your mom soothingly rubs up and down your back. She doesn’t know you’ve just had the discovery of a lifetime or that you accidentally fell in love with a superhero. She just comforts you as you cry in her arms.
“Oh honey, it'll be okay”
You hope she’s right.
A/n: This chapter took a lot longer to write because I wanted to really get Y/n's reaction right- sorry it's late! ~ Starry
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saiyanprincessswanie · 3 months
Made For Me - Epilogue
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2077
Summary: Six months later we find our reader pregnant and happy to be where she is. Or is she?
Warnings for Series: NONCON/DUBCON, Drugged NONCON, Somnophilia, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Forced Orgasms, Light Bondage, Stockholm Syndrome, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Light Physical Abuse, Breeding Kink, Cussing, Angst, Sex Toys.
A/N: Thank you to my beta reader @music-culture-mythology for helping me like usual.
Page break is by @whimsicalrogers
Moodboard by @fictional-affairs
Reblogs & Comments on Tumblr are welcomed and encouraged. 😊💜
I do NOT give my consent to have my work translated or reposted on any social media platform, apps, or third-party sites. If you see my work anywhere besides my personal Tumblr & AO3 accounts, it has been stolen. I will NEVER give written or verbal permission to repost or translate any of my fanfics as they’re MY intellectual property. 🚫🚫
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Six Months Later…
Things with Bucky have finally settled into a peaceful life after that scary moment when he protected you from an unknown man in the woods. That day changed everything. You no longer see Bucky as your sadistic captor. No, he’s now your husband, your lover, and your everything. You are excited and nervous that you’re now six months pregnant with Bucky’s baby. A part of you looks back on how you got here. The memories still bother you at times but then you remember the happiness you now feel. You have a husband and a baby that’s almost here. 
As you sit outside on the porch soaking in the sun you hum to yourself, you think of the day you married your husband. It was a small ceremony with his six friends; Tony, Steve, Nat, Thor, Clint, and Bruce. It was at that moment you knew there was no going back to your former life. 
When surrounded by everyone that day you could have sworn you recognized Thor from somewhere but you couldn’t put your finger on it. He sort of looked like that man from the woods. Maybe you were imagining it. There is no way Bucky would lie about that to you, right? Of course not, he promised you the truth going forward and a better life together. 
Now your life consists of being a wife and soon-to-be mom living in the beautiful mountain area that is both your refuge and cage. You shake the word cage away instantly as you think of everything Bucky has done for you. He has kept you safe, loved you unconditionally, and has given you the freedom to explore the area with him. Bucky is so gentle and caring as long as you listen to him, which has now become easier to do over time. There have been no punishments from him in many months and life just seems simple now. Who would have thought a simple life awaited you in your future? Your hand caresses your belly softly and a light kick is felt under your hand.
“You're going to be a strong one Jamie, just like your papa.” You can’t help the smile that appears on your face. You know he is going to be Bucky’s mini-me. The thought of a blue-eyed boy warms your heart.
“Who is going to be strong like me?” Bucky's deep, gentle voice shakes you out of your daydreaming. Bucky climbs the stairs and takes a seat next to you. You look up to see him smiling at you with his eyebrow raised in curiosity.
“I was talking to Jamie about how strong he will be. I know he’s gonna be just like you with your blue eyes.” You grin back at him admiring how handsome he looks in his plaid long-sleeve shirt. He could almost pass as a lumberjack with his shirt and beard on display. 
“Our son will be healthy, and strong and hopefully have his mama’s looks cause you are so beautiful to me.” He leans into you and kisses you softly on the lips. You can’t help but hum in content. “Keep making those noises and I may have to take you right here.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself when you kissed me so sweetly. Maybe when you’re done doing chores I can reward you later.” Bucky groans at your suggestion. 
Bucky smirks at you. “Just so happens I’m all done with chores.” 
His vibranium hand cups your cheek gently as he leans in for another kiss. This time the kiss grows into a passionate one and his tongue deepens the kiss. The moan that leaves your throat is a needy one and has Bucky sliding you into his lap. You instantly start grinding down on his hard cock beneath his jeans and it pulls a groan from Bucky. He draws back from kissing you for a moment and before you know what is happening Bucky stands up with you in his arms. 
He carries you bridal style into the bedroom where you both start pulling your clothes off in a frenzy until you’re both naked. Bucky and you crawl onto the bed, careful not to hit the baby bump on anything. Bucky lays you back on the bed as he makes his way between your legs. 
This is what Bucky loves about you. You're now obedient and submissive to him. What’s even better is your addiction to sex with him is natural and not drug-induced. You have an appetite now that you are this far along in your pregnancy and Bucky is enjoying every bit of it. His eyes look you over like you’re a fine dessert ready to be devoured. He lays between your thighs and drapes both your legs over his shoulders. Bucky softly kisses from your inner thigh to your pussy and back. A whine leaves your throat as his beard lightly teases you. 
“Patience doll, you know I will take care of you,” Bucky whispers against your thigh. This time he kisses his way back up your inner thigh but this time he licks along your clit. Bucky does it again and this time you’re moaning his name. He takes his time between your legs making sure to give you the pleasure you are craving. By the time he has you cumming, Bucky is ready to take you apart all over again. 
Bucky moves from between your legs and helps you roll over to your hands and knees. This position always brings pride to him as he gets to hold your baby bump. 
Bucky coats his erection in your arousal as he rubs it between your lips. Slowly he pushes into your sweet pussy until he bottoms out inside you. His hands settle on your hips and you both groan from the pleasure as Bucky starts up a slow, steady pace. The sensation of being so full of his cock almost overwhelms your senses as he picks his pace up and starts taking you harder. 
The sound of his hips smacking against you echoes within the bedroom. Your low whines increase with every thrust. It’s almost like he was teasing you as you are close to cumming again. Bucky’s flesh hand leaves your hip and lightly cups your belly. The thought of him being the one who got you pregnant always fills him with pride. He’s the reason for the family you’re about to start. 
His pace now quickens as he wants to feel your pussy grip him tight. “I can feel you clenching me tight, doll. God, I need you to cum for me like a good girl.” His breath is faltering as you grip the bed tighter with your fingers and groan out his name. Bucky’s fingers move from your belly to your clit and starts rubbing it in tight circles. The pressure keeps building up inside you until you’re hurdling off the cliff in pleasure, moaning his name to the heavens above. As soon as you tighten around his cock Bucky is groaning out his release and spilling his seed into you.
You both breathe in and out, trying to catch your breaths. Bucky’s lips kiss up your back and to your shoulder. Gently he pulls out of you and you both collapse on your sides. 
Following your lovemaking, you both shower and change into some comfy clothes. 
Deciding it was still a beautiful day out you both decide to sit outside on the porch and relax for the rest of the day. Bucky has his arm wrapped around you and his vibranium hand rubbing your belly. Now and then he would feel his son kick. This is one of Bucky’s many favorite things to do with you and lord knows he would do anything to keep you this happy. 
Snuggling in close to Bucky you realize this future is not bad after all. This is where you belong and where you will raise a family with Bucky. Nothing will get in the way of your happy ending. 
That is until you are both startled by a female screaming for help. Bucky jumps off the porch and looks around for where the voice is coming from. A woman appears out of the woods and is running towards the cabin. The woman runs up to Bucky begging for help. You are about to get up when Bucky tells you to go inside. You do as he says and walk into the cabin looking out at them.
The woman seems to be distressed and crying. She keeps saying she was kidnapped and needed help. Something feels familiar to you about this situation. Suddenly, the skies start to darken and a crack of thunder echoes across the forest. You suddenly feel a chill up your spine as a long blonde-haired man steps out from the tree line. It’s Bucky’s friend Thor that you met at the wedding. 
Thor walks up to Bucky who is holding the hysterical woman as she pleads for safety. Bucky easily hands her over to Thor, who is now throwing her over his shoulder. You watch as this screaming, terrified woman is being taken in the same direction that they came from. Your anxiety starts to kick up as memories swirl in your head about the day you were taken. Not taken, you think again, but rescued by Bucky. 
Once they are out of sight Bucky comes in to comfort you. He looks at your frightened face and pulls you close to him. “Are you okay?” He asks as he holds you in his arms.
You nod your head. “I think seeing her and the way she was acting stirred up some anxiety in me. I-is she going to be okay? She seemed scared.”
Bucky lets out a sigh. “She is Thor’s new girlfriend. She’s just a little confused is all. He takes care of her like I take care of you. She is safe and loved by him. I’m sure they will work everything out together. Don’t worry too much about it.”
“Okay, I won’t.” You can’t stop the bad feelings from kicking up and you know this will stay with you for a while. Bucky lets you go and kisses your forehead. He smiles back at you and heads to the couch to read. 
Inside your mind is screaming again that this has to be wrong. This woman seemed to be just like you were months ago. Is this the first time she’s gotten away from Thor? Maybe you could have comforted her or found out where she is staying, if it’s nearby. It would be nice to have a female friend especially if you want to run again. 
No, you don’t have a say in anything. Bucky is your life now and so is this baby you carry. You can’t let this unknown woman make you confused. Life will be better here with Bucky and once the baby arrives your life will finally have purpose again. You will never leave Bucky, you decide. This is your home now. You were made for him.
The End
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f0point5 · 5 months
And I feel perfectly fine
Companion piece to the Max Verstappen x bestfriend!reader social media au
✨Set after Y/N’s first date with Elliot✨
A/N: I’m ALIVE! I took a long break because I had my dad’s wedding and then Christmas and also because I have BIG anxiety about posting these writing pieces lol so every time I thought about posting I was like no these suck. But I really miss this blog and the smau so…we move. I hope you guys enjoy these. If you don’t…mind ya business and pretend they never happened haha, I really hope they don’t ruin the smau for anyone! Anyway…enjoy…I hope
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You take your shoes off in the taxi and step straight out onto the granite paving outside the building, your Mach&Mach heels in hand. It’s a nice evening, you think to yourself as you enjoy the warm breeze and the faint scent of sea air. I had a nice evening, you think as an afterthought.
The concierge greets you with a smile, asking how your night was, and you stumble over the answer. He doesn’t notice and doesn’t care, bidding you a perfunctory goodnight as you pad through the lobby to the lifts. You miss the lifts from the old building, with the scratched and worn wood panelling. These are all sleek and cold and the mirrors are some treated glass that makes everything look glum. It’s the mirror, you tell yourself when you catch sight of your own reflection as the lift lurches up towards the penthouse.
You fidget on your way up, thinking what you’ll tell him about your evening when he asks, because you know he will. Just like you know you’ll have to avoid his running shoes right by the door. Just like you know he’ll be awake, on the sim or doing some last minute packing. You know either way he’ll be looking for his old blue and white fleece. You know you’ll lie and say you don’t know where it is and you know he’ll believe you.
It’s the first time all night you’ve felt even a little nervous, and it’s a strangely addicting nausea.
The first thing that happens when you set foot inside the dimly lit hallway is that you step on a running shoe. You stumble forward and the shoe slips out from under you, flying into a cat, you suppose, judging by the cartoonish meow that emirates from somewhere behind you.
“Enfant désordonné,” you mutter as you lad down the hallway towards the living room, dropping your own shoes as you go. “C'est comme vivre avec un enfant en bas âge.”
“Hello,” he calls to you, and you don’t mind that he doesn’t even look up from the sim. You prefer it, even. It makes the fact that you were out without him seem more normal, though it isn’t. You can’t remember the last time you were out without him when he was home.
You wander over to the hulking set up, trying to figure out what track he’s driving. Nordschleife, you realise when he flies through the banked corner. You glance down at him, lit up in blue by the light of the screen, his normally soft features contorted into the hard lines of concentration, eyes shuttered and focused. Putting a hand on his head, you gently carding your fingers through his hair just once, and he loses the rear for a second, correcting himself with a click of his tongue. He says something rude in Dutch under his breath and you laugh at him, reaching down to grab a drink from his mini fridge before heading over to the couch and turning on the TV.
For a while it’s like any other evening.
Eventually you see the screens go black in the corner of your eye and he frog leaps out of his sim rig before heaving over to sit beside you.
“What are we watching?” Max asks, cracking his knuckles as he kicks his feet up.
“The decay of humanity,” you answer with a snort. “Love Island Australia,”
He laughs, his UV glasses sliding down his nose a little. Your eyes linger on him as he fixes them. You’ve teased him about them relentlessly, and you’d never admit it, but you like them.
Wordlessly, you both shift so that he’s lying on the corner of the couch and you’re curled up next to him, his cheek resting against the crown of your head so that you can feel when he finally speaks.
“How was dinner?” He asks during the advert break, the words mumbled into your hair.
“Good. I had lobster Thermidor,” you tell him, getting only a hum in response. “I saw a girl from school at the restaurant, too. I hated her at school, she was so…she used a crocodile birkin to carry her PE clothes,”
This means nothing to him, but you feel his cheek lift in a smile as he hums just to prove he’s listening.
You stay quiet for a while, muscles unwinding to the best of Max’s steady breathing. He wants to ask, the question is lingering unsaid in the small space between your bodies. You know because last time it was you that had questions. You wonder if he feels now like you did then - unsettled and selfish, scared to ask the question because you didn’t know what you wanted the answer to be.
There’s a part of you that wants to tell him how nice it was to discuss Proust and Dostoyevsky, and how nice it was to be able to go to a fish restaurant, how no one filmed you or asked for your picture. There’s a part of you that wants to tell him all the painful truths to make up for the fact that you hated that he wasn’t there, and that somehow that feels like his fault. But you don’t. Because even though you know a petty vindictive nature all but colours your blood, you try to be kinder with Max.
“He’s nice,” you say, telling yourself you’re too tired to say more even though deep down you’re not sure there’s more to say.
“He knows about wine pairings, and art,” you say with soft smile that he can’t see, “and he can actually share a dessert with me all year round without worrying about the calories,”
“Ah, well, you have to marry him then,” Max says sardonically, his shoulder shifting underneath you like a nudge. “Where’s the ring? It better be big,”
He reaches for your left hand, thumb sliding along your ringer as he pretends to inspect it. You jostle him with a scoff, trying to pull away but he squeezes gently, his fingers tangling with yours for a few seconds before he lets go.
The adverts end and the show comes back on. Within seconds, you feel your body begin to fall into a sleepy oblivion. Yeah, you think to yourself, this is a nice evening.
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therapycat21 · 8 months
All Right Now Part 6
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Travis Kelce x Famous!Reader Description: The reader catches the eye of famous footballer Travis.
Warnings: None
Social Media AU
“What do you mean it’s not a big deal!? it's a huge deal” Travis says with wide exaggerated eyes I sigh rubbing my forehead “Baby It’s really not” I reply to him he gives a dramatic and loud sigh making a smile break out on my face “You having your own documentary isn’t a big deal?” he questions. I shake my head “I don’t know, that means they’re in my home they’ll try to video everyone even your family. I don’t know if I want that.” I tell him my fear, He sighs rubbing his forehead “How about this, I’ll ask them how they feel about it okay?” he suggests.
It makes me feel a little better with Travis checking if they are okay with it, I don’t want them to feel like I’m invading their privacy especially because I’ve been in with their family for a few months now. I nod from where I lay on his chest. “Okay, thank you” I whisper before we both fall into a nap.
A few hours later 
Me and Travis are both sitting at the kitchen counter after our Facetime call with the producers from Apple TV telling them our decision.
 “I’m proud of you, you know that right?” Trav says breaking the silence, I look up from where my head is resting on my hands and give him a small smile as a response “Thank you, I really am excited, just super nervous ” I move from the counter towards him, settling into his warmth “I know, but you’re gonna kill it, I know you are” he says. We talk a bit more before deciding to get ready to head out for dinner. 
We’ve been at dinner now for about thirty minutes before Travis slightly nudges to get my attention “paps on your left outside” he tells me, I look over seeing them, instead of trying to ignore them, I decided to give them a small wave and smile in acknowledgement. I turn back my attention to Trav to see him hiding a grin “what?” I question he shakes his head sporting a slightly larger smile “nothing It’s just I love that instead of ignoring them and being rude you push that aside to be nice to them when they’re the ones invading the privacy” he responds.
“It’s easier to be nice and kind to someone then going through the trouble to be rude to them, its their jobs and I cant be ignorant to the fact people have their own issues and don’t have the same lifestyle as us.” I slightly ramble. I’ve seen my parents go through the struggle of living paycheck to paycheck (barely) so after I got big in this world, it has been my mission to make sure it doesnt happen to them again. I look up after remaining silent for a few seconds. I see a look on his face I’ve never seen before I tilt my head in question “Travis? Are you okay?” he remains staring at me before nodding his head slowly. He takes a deep tense breath rubbing his chin.
“I’m in love with you” is all he says staring at me. All I know is my eyes are humongous and my breath falters from his confession. In all my life and the boyfriends I’ve had sometimes you hear an “I love you” but not ever do you really hear “I’m In love with you”.
After the shock I realize I’ve been silent for about a minute a now and can see the tense silence has affected his confession “I’m sorry, you don’t have to say anything yet, I’ll wait until your ready and we can act like I didn’t say it yet an–” I sigh hearing his doubts “I’m in love with you too” my mouth rushes out the confession stopping him in the middle of his response. I see the shock on his face before a giant smile is replacing it. 
He bends to reach over the table cupping my face in his hands pulling my face in crashing his lips onto mine. He let’s go after a few seconds putting himself back into his chair, he wipes his mouth with the napkin and reaches into his wallet and putting money in the middle of the table before reaching for my hand pulling me up and out the restaurant “where are we going?” I ask dumbfounded. I couldnt finish my mac n cheese. He doesn't respond, instead, he shuts the door for me after I settle in the car.
He still hasn't responded after we got home, I tried one more time but he continues to walk into the house. 
He guides us both to the bedroom before reaching into his drawer that I told him to use since he has been staying here for a few weeks on end. He turns around with a light blue box and extends his hand with the box in it towards me, I eye the box sceptically before reaching to open and see the contents. 
In the box lays a dainty silver chained necklace with the letter T on it. I grab the chain, pulling it out of the box before Travis takes it gesturing me to turn around. I turn and pull my hair off of my neck as he clasps the necklace on, I can see it in the mirror from where we stand. “It’s beautiful, thank you really” I turn back around embracing him and giving him a chaste kiss. He keeps me tight against his solid frame before toying with the back of my outfit trying to untie it. I smirk before pulling away and pulling his hand guiding us both to the bed.
The Next Day
Getting ready for the day, Travis heads over to practice while I’m having my morning iced coffee waiting for the documentary production crew to come over and set up their equipment for us to start filming soon. 
As the crew comes In I greet all of them and gesturing to the kitchen counter where drinks and snacks lay for them to take “hello! Help yourselves to something to eat and drink, and I want to thank you guys for coming and doing all of this.” I talk to them for a but longer before the producer and director walk over “y/n hey we just wanted to see which room you would feel comfortable having the private interviews in?” after showing them the room all of the crew leave for the day to get rest for filming tomorrow.
Travis comes back around six and decide to cook dinner together I decided to go live while also trying to teach him how to make tamales. “Okay, Travis here is making a giant mess, but that’s okay, he’s learning” I joke to audience getting a mock shocked look from him “Hey! For someone who has never even had a tamale nor ever make one, I’m doing amazing!” he jokes at me, I give him a laugh before leaning forward to read some comments.
 “Chiefsqueen21 asks when will I perform live next? I will be performing soon in the next week, but I cannot tell you where at or what I will be performing but It will be out this week I promise” I cross my fingers to them “Okay, y/n’sleftsock, I love that username!” I belly laugh “They ask, will y/n ever been on an episode of new heights? I personally do not know I’d be a little nervous too because I’ve seen Jason does not hold back”  I laugh, turning to Travis who is off camera now “would I ever be a guest?” I question him smirking.
 He laughs before walking back into frame smirking “yall would have to see soon, but Jason would definitely not hold back the invasive questions” he says. I huff a laugh before we continue to read out fan questions.
We finish eating dinner before I remember “hey come on I wanna do something real quick” I tell him pulling his hand to the bedroom where the mirror is, I take out my phone and open Instagram and open the camera, I gesture for him to come closer. 
He has a look of confusion before it sets in on what I’m silently asking him. He pulls me to him in a hug, I snap the picture we don’t let go yet. 
He’s the first to let go but his hands still resting on my hip “what’s that for?” he questions I push my hair behind my ear “I realized that you made it official but now its my turn to show you off to the world” he smiles, pulling my back into an embrace, kissing me softly.
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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
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of-many-aus · 1 year
Less Than Ideal Living Situations
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Summary: you and jake are put into a situation that is less than ideal
Warning: slight mention of violence
A/N: I’m kinda worried that this sucks; but also, feel free to send in requests for one shots for this series if you feel like it!!
Take Me Out to the Ball Game Masterlist
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
You would like to reiterate the fact that this was completely Natasha Trace’s fault. Nothing about this did you do on your own free will.
She was the one who began the school year by commuting to classes after she got an apartment off campus with her boyfriend of two years, leaving you roommate-less.
True, she had apologized over and over again and even offered to keep being your roommate and give up the chance of staying with her boyfriend, but you wouldn’t let her. You were her best friend after all, and what kind of friend would you be if you kept her from happiness on your own selfish accords?
So, you reassured her that it was fine and you would find new living arrangements. She didn’t have to worry about you.
Turns out, she probably should have been worried. Because after posting up flyers all over the campus and social media- offering a room in your apartment for anyone who would like to accept your offer- not a single reply came your way.
That was when you really began to stress out.
It was one day until roommates had to be finalized, and you didn’t have one.
You had even begun to contemplate how you could trick the college staff into thinking that you were still with Nat, but not a single idea that could actually be done without breaking a couple of laws came to mind.
Then, a notification came through on your phone halfway through history class. Someone had accepted your offer.
The relief and joy that spread through you was almost too overpowering to even read the name of the person that would be your new roommate.
Jake Seresin.
Star player of your college's baseball team with an ego larger than the campus and a reputation to back it up.
The two of you had literature together. That is, when he actually bothered to show up. And when he did, he would mostly sleep through it. The only reason he wasn’t failing any of his classes was because your school couldn’t afford losing the best baseball player they had seen in over fifteen years. According to the gossiping group of girls you overheard in the dining hall, that is.
It was clearly too close to the final date to change it and desperately try to search everywhere for somebody else- anybody else- so now, you would just have to suffer through it.
“-and then, I went to go check on Jake, only to find him face down on the lawn.” Bradley Bradshaw, first baseman for the baseball team, laughed, shifting the box in his arms, “So naturally, we all just decided roommates without him. I mean, he should have seen it coming. There’s an odd number of us, including our manager, so of course one of us is going to have to find a different living arrangement- he just shouldn’t have missed it. It’s a good thing he saw your ad though, or else he might be living in the alley behind the campus kitchen-“
The man had been happily chatting your ear off for the last hour now, as he helped his friend unload all of his stuff into your apartment. And while he seemed nice enough, you just wished he would stop talking. You were exhausted and, quite frankly, nervous about the whole situation, so you weren’t exactly in a chatty mood.
Both of you walked through the door of your apartment after trudging up the stairs for the tenth time
“Rooster, leave the girl alone. You’re gonna scare my new roommate away.” Jake's voice floated smoothly through his lips and reached your ears in a way that made you shiver. You now had to live with this man.
Bradley grinned, “You don’t need me for that, Hangman, I trust that you’re gonna do that all by yourself.”
It was an annual tradition at your school that every athlete as a freshman in your sports centered college would get a nickname that would follow along with them for the rest of their years.
You gave the blond a tight lipped smile, “Not yet scared away.”
The man beside you dropped the box onto the ground beside all the other ones, “Welp, that’s the last of them, Bagman.”
Your smile morphed into a small, genuine one as you turned to face him, “Thank you for the help.”
He threw a playful wink at you, “Anytime. Just give me a call if Seresin is giving you any trouble. I’ll rough him up for you.”
A laugh left your lips as Bradley gave you a two finger salute before turning on his heel and exiting your apartment, ignoring the warning look his teammate was giving him.
There was a silence that followed Bradshaw's absence, as if any form of conversation had been taken by the hand and led out by the man.
Jake cleared his throat, drawing your eyes to lock with his devastatingly green ones, “Thank you again for letting me live here.”
There was a sort of sincerity in his voice that would have made you do a double take if you weren’t already looking at him. It was a tone that you never in a million years would have expected to hear out of him.
You coughed lightly, forcing yourself to roll your eyes, “Yeah, well, didn’t have much choice.”
His look didn’t falter like you had expected it to, “No, I suppose not.”
“Well, I’ll be in my room. Let me know if you need any help unpacking.” You desperately needed to get out of this situation.
He waved his hand dismissively, “I think I can manage.”
With that, you practically scurried off to your room, tightly closing the door behind you before sliding your back down it until your legs were curled up to your chest.
Your hand flailed to the side, gripping onto a pillow from your bed and bringing it into your lap before shoving your face into it and screaming, letting it muffle the sound.
So yes, this was completely Natasha Trace's fault. You were stuck in a small apartment with the last person you would ever had thought, and you would never let her hear the end of it.
Taglist: @djs8891 @pono-pura-vida @shanimallina87 @melllinaa @callsignbirdy @fogle97 @randomfandomgirl97
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zwedexx · 8 days
Day 1 - Evelyne Viens x Italian Roma Reader
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Summary: After Ev signs for Roma, she wants to discover the city so you offer to take her around.
WC: 1,574
A/N: The Italian is all from my brain so if there are any mistakes let me know. And all the locations actually exist and I've been to them
“Qualcuno ha qualcosa stasera? (Anyone have anything tonight)” Lucia asked the group.
“Non stasera, (Not tonight)” Giada shrugged, shaking her head.
“Stasera faccio i gamberetti con aglio e olio. Venite? (“Tonight I'm making shrimp with garlic and oil pasta. Are you coming?)” Lucia offered, a teasing smile playing on her lips.
“Va be (OK)” You reply with a grin.
“Manu. Vieni? (Manu, you coming)”
“Si, Si (Yes, Yes)”
“Perché sei così distratto? (Why you so distracted?)” Giada teased, nudging Manuela with her elbow.
“Ma quella laggiù chi è? (But that one there, who is she?)” Manuela asked, her eyes fixed on a group of people across the gym.
Everyone turned to look. There stood a few staff members, your captain, and an unfamiliar face. You’d seen rumors on social media about Roma signing a new player, but nothing had been confirmed yet. A wave of curiosity washed over you as you took in the new face.
“Here are some of your new teammates,” Elisa announced, motioning to your group. “That’s Lucia, Manuela, Giada, Elena, Moeka, Valentina, Camelia, Emilie, and y/n.”
“Ciao,” you all greeted.
“Hi, I’m Evelyne,” the new player introduced herself.
You couldn't help but notice the way her eyes sparkled with excitement. She seemed both nervous and eager, and you found her energy contagious. There was something about her that piqued your interest. During training, you found yourself stealing glances at Evelyne. She was clearly talented, her footwork precise and her passes sharp. Her speed and agility on the field were impressive, but it was her smile that really caught your attention. Lucia noticed your distraction and smirked.
“But you like uh Pasta and uh. Come si dice gamberetti in inglese?(How do you say shrimp in English)." Lucia asked Evelyne during a break.
"Shrimp." Emilie interjected.
“Yes, shrimp. Do you like?” Lucia repeated.
“Yes, I do,” Evelyne replied, laughing lightly.
“Okay, then you should come over for supper,” Lucia invited.
At dinner, the group gathered around Lucia’s cozy dining table, the smell of pasta and shrimp filling the air. Evelyne sat between you and Camelia, looking more relaxed than she had earlier.
“So, Evelyne, where are you from?” Emilie asked, curiosity evident in her voice.
“I’m from Canada,” Evelyne answered. “Québec, to be exact.”
“How do you like Roma so far?” Elisa inquired, passing the bread dish around.
“It’s beautiful, and everyone’s been really welcoming,” Evelyne replied, smiling gratefully at each of you.
“What do you miss most about home?” Valentina asked. "Probably my family and friends"
As the conversation flowed, you learned more about Evelyne’s journey to Roma, her love for the game, and her excitement about this new chapter. There was a warmth in her presence that made you feel at ease. The way she spoke, with such passion and enthusiasm, drew you in.
“Ok, ciao, ciao,” everyone called out as the evening wound down.
Evelyne turned to you as you walked her to your car. “Thank you for driving me back.”
“Oh, no problem. Where are you staying?” you asked.
“The club got me a room at the Cardo Roma,” she replied.
The drive was filled with a comfortable silence, broken occasionally by soft conversations about the city. It felt natural, as if you had known her longer than just a day.
“Have you lived in Rome your whole life?” Evelyne asked, turning to you.
“Well, not in the city center. I grew up in Fiano Romano but I’ve lived here in the city since I started my professional career,” you explained. “Have you ever been to Rome before?”
“No, I’ve always wanted to come but never got the chance,” Evelyne admitted.
“We have a day off tomorrow. I could take you around. I’ll be your own personal tour guide,” you offered, excitement bubbling in your voice.
“I would love that,” she responded, her eyes lighting up.
The next day, you took Evelyne to all your favorite spots in Rome. You started at the Colosseum, marveling at its grandeur.
From there, you made your way to the Trevi Fountain, one of Rome's most iconic landmarks. The sound of cascading water and the sight of the grand fountain took Evelyne's breath away. You walked closer, weaving through the crowd until you found a perfect spot.
“You have to throw a coin in,” you said, guiding her to the edge of the fountain. Gently, you placed your hands on her shoulders, turning her so her back was to the fountain.
“Close your eyes and make a wish,” you instructed softly, your hands lingering a moment longer than necessary.
Evelyne's eyes fluttered shut, and for a brief second, you found yourself mesmerized by her serene expression. She took a deep breath, her lips curling into a small, hopeful smile before she tossed the coin over her shoulder. The coin arced gracefully through the air before splashing into the water.
You quickly snapped a photo, capturing the moment. Her laughter, bright and infectious, filled the air as she opened her eyes.
“What did you wish for?” you asked playfully, a teasing grin spreading across your face.
“Can’t tell you,” she replied with a wink, her smile mysterious. “Or it won’t come true.”
You chuckled, "Fair enough"
The two of you stood there for a moment longer, basking in the magical atmosphere of the Trevi Fountain. The bustling energy of the crowd seemed to fade into the background, leaving just the two of you in a world of your own.
“This restaurant here,” you said as you pointed out a charming little eatery nearby, “has the best gelato, cannoli, and arancini in the city.”
Inside the quaint restaurant, the aroma of freshly baked pastries and rich coffee beans greeted you. You ordered a variety of treats, and the two of you found a cozy corner to sit in. You handed Evelyne a cannoli, and as she took a bite, her eyes widened in delight.
“This is amazing!” she exclaimed, a bit of powdered sugar dusting her lips.
You laughed, reaching out to gently wipe the sugar away with your thumb. “Told you. This place is a hidden gem.”
As you shared bites of arancini and sips of espresso, your fingers brushed occasionally, each touch sending a thrill through you. Evelyne's laughter and the way she savored each bite made the moment feel intimate and special.
Later, you took her to the Aventine Keyhole. “Look through here,” you said, guiding her gently. “You’re actually looking at three countries at once: Italy, Malta, and Vatican City.”
“That’s incredible,” Evelyne murmured, her breath catching at the sight. You stood close behind her, your hand resting on her back as she looked through the keyhole. The warmth of her body against yours was intoxicating.
Afterward, you headed to the Vatican City. You climbed to the top of the dome together, the breathtaking view of the city below making the effort worthwhile. Standing there, shoulder to shoulder, you felt a connection that went beyond words. Evelyne leaned into you slightly, her arm brushing against yours. The closeness made your heart race.
“You know,” you began, your voice soft and intimate, “I never get tired of this view.”
Evelyne turned to look at you, her eyes searching yours. “It’s incredible. Thank you for showing me the city.”
“I have one more surprise for you,” you said softly, your lips close to her ear. “Can I take you somewhere special?”
“Absolutely,” she replied, curiosity sparkling in her eyes.
The car ride was filled with anticipation. Evelyne looked out the window, taking in the sights as the city disappeared. You drove out to a secluded forest area where a hidden river flowed. The forest wasn't too dense, and the sound of the river grew louder as you approached.
“This is my secret spot,” you confessed. “Whenever I need to clear my head, I come here.”
“It’s beautiful,” Evelyne said softly, her eyes reflecting the tranquil water.
You both sat down on the rocky bank, the closeness of your bodies sending a thrill through you. The air was filled with the scent of pine and the gentle rush of the river. “I’m really glad you came to Roma,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Me too,” she replied, her gaze locking onto yours.
As you sat there, the conversation became more personal, more intimate. The chemistry between you was undeniable, and you found yourself leaning in closer. The evening was filled with laughter, shared secrets, and the promise of something more. The air was charged with electricity, every touch sending shivers down your spine.
Finally, you couldn’t resist any longer. You leaned in, your heart pounding in your chest. Evelyne’s eyes closed as you softly pressed your lips to hers. The kiss was gentle, tender, and filled with unspoken promises. When you finally pulled away, Evelyne's eyes fluttered open, a soft smile playing on her lips.
“I’ve wanted to do that all day,” you admitted, your voice barely more than a whisper.
“Me too,” she replied, her cheeks flushed.
You sat there by the river, hands intertwined, the world around you fading away. It felt like the beginning of something beautiful, something special, and you couldn’t wait to see where this journey would take you both.
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httpknjoon · 1 year
what a week! | the a-listers finale
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plot | Get ready. This is the busiest, craziest, and most intriguing week ever in your fandom with you coming back to the Hollywood scene with a bang, causing more tweets, more memes, and maybe drama about you and Jin.
words | 4.8k (oh my god)
genres | humor/crack, fluff, angst, actors!au
pairing | actor!jin x famous!reader
note | usernames used in the fic are all fictional. (more note at the end) have fun reading!
main masterlist | drabble series
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Hollywood Superstar YN to Make Comeback on Her Saturday Night Live Hosting Debut This December 2
‘From The Other Side’ actress and producer, YN will host NBC’s Emmy-winning live comedy show, Saturday Night Live for the first time this Saturday after her hiatus last year.
It was announced through social media today that the Oscar-nominated actress will make her hosting debut on the show this coming Saturday.
Along with YN, Indonesian singer-songwriter NIKI will also be having her SNL debut as the musical guest of the night.
It is worth mentioning that this will be YN's comeback in front of the cameras after taking an unexpected break in April 2022. She pulled out from projects with other big personalities from Hollywood such as Chris Evans and director, Wes Anderson. 
Fans were instantly delighted by the news and expressed their joy over Twitter, with YN’s name being listed on worldwide trends almost immediately after the announcement. 
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@/YNUpdates: YN is set to make an appearance on The Tonight Show this coming Wednesday.
Not even an hour after the announcement of your appearance on the live television show, your appearance on Jimmy Fallon’s show was also reported. You also acknowledge your SNL gig by sharing the post on your Instagram Stories. To say your fans were excited was an understatement.
@/l0verynjin: and this is a live show!! We’ll be seeing her on skits again!
@/ynflowerkid: with NIKI as the musical guest???? my two worlds are coming together
Everyone– the fans and the press– truly hyped up the upcoming show, prompting even the general audience to be aware. Some critics shared that you might be able to bring high ratings for the show because of your large and active fanbase. Success was already expected for you and the show.
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“Everyone, please welcome, YN!”
You enter through the big blue curtains, wearing a classy Gianni Versace Couture black long bell-sleeve dress from the 90s. You were looking like complete royalty with the matching diamond necklace and earrings you wore as you had your hair in a sleek low bun. The audience welcomed you with cheers and you cannot help but be surprised by everyone’s reaction.
“Oh, wow…” you mumbled, Turning your eyes from the audience to the host.
“Wow, right? That’s a lot of love.” Jimmy said, which you nodded at.
“Yeah, this is a little overwhelming… in a good way,” you said which made everyone laugh. Before you turned and waved to the viewers again, “Hi, everyone!”
They began cheering in response. You giggled with their enthusiasm. 
“This is what you get for suddenly taking a break last year!” Jimmy said, using a stern, sarcastic tone.
You chuckled with that, “This is actually great! Maybe I should take unexpected hiatus every once in a while–”
“No, no, no.” Jimmy cut you off, more worried, holding your hand that rests on his table. You two instantly laughed. “We missed you a lot!”
“So… you’ll be hosting Saturday Night Live for this week…” he began.
“Yes. Yes, I am.” you nod as you shifted in your seat.
“How was it? How does it feel?”
“Oh, it feels really awesome! I’ve been wanting to host for a long time now since I loved the show ever since I was little. And I was really nervous at first when I showed up there. But everyone has been pretty nice and so talented. Everyone works so fast.” you shared, making the viewers laugh. “I’m not kidding! I was with the cast and Lorne Michaels in his office. Then, they asked me if I have any sketch ideas. After I shared mine, everyone just started to pitch like a hundred sketches and I was just sitting there, watching everyone collaborate. It’s amazing to see.”
“Yeah, that’s how it goes in the show.” Jimmy agreed. “It’s the best crew up there. The writers, the cast, the makeup and hair crew.”
“They are all wonderful,” you added.
“Yes. And you are going to be fantastic this weekend. Knock ‘em dead in Studio 8H. We’ll be watching.” he clapped and the audience cheered. Your lips form into a smile as you felt relief growing in your chest. 
Jimmy continued as the applause lies low, “The last time you were here, we were talking about your then-upcoming film, From The Other Side. And now, you got nominations for it and even won a BAFTA’s Best Actress last February! Congratulation on that. You deserve it.”
Everyone clapped while you smiled, “Thank you.”
“And your director, Emerald Fennell, read your speech for you. In which you state that she made you make that speech hours before the ceremony?!”
“Ah, yes.” you chortled. “I wasn’t expecting to win that night. I mean, the lineup of other nominees for that category that night was really incredible. So I didn’t bother to write anything. But Em really pushed me to send something. She always believed in me and knew that I have a chance in winning that award. So I just texted her anything I could think of and said I love Brandon Fraser.”
The conclusion at the end made Jimmy and the audience laugh.
“I mean, who doesn’t?” the host backed you up. “Then, Academy Awards came by March and everyone was expecting you’ll show up. But during the red carpet event, you posted this…”
Jimmy showed a snapshot of you playing the piano. You grinned, “I did. I’ve been learning to play the piano since last year and I know my supporters are waiting for me. So I just showed them I’m at home so they won’t wait up.”
“That’s nice and you were really good with the piano.” Jimmy compliments. “But can we talk about your hiatus?”
You pause and nod. Now, this is the part Hailey gave you a heads-up on. You were aware that your unanticipated break will be talked about tonight. Your manager gave you a guide on how the show and host will discuss everything in order. 
Jimmy, on the flip side, was told earlier by his producers that he can ask about it. Admittedly, he was confused and worried if you knew that you were going to be interviewed about your break since everyone knows you have been private for the past couple of years. He doesn’t want to cause any discomfort to his guests. When he confirmed that you agreed with the topic of tonight’s interview, he agreed to discuss it with guide questions from his writers.
“Yeah, sure.”
The tension was rising in the room at the moment you replied. It was dead silent. But what made it lighter was when the production crew chose to play things off by setting the spotlight just on you two, making it seem like an interrogation scene. It made everyone laugh, even you and Jimmy.
“So… people were saying you took a break last year because of a lot of things.” the host spoke, emphasizing the word.
“Oh, yeah. I heard about it.” you raised an eyebrow. “How about let’s play a game of true or false with those headline rumors?”
The audience cheered with excitement. This is a rare time a big celebrity would debunk or confirm news about them personally.
“Okay, okay. Let's start with this one…” Jimmy reads, “True or false. YN, are you planning to retire from acting really soon?”
“False, Jimmy! I’m hosting SNL this week for goodness’ sake,” you answered dramatically. The host laughed.
“She’s hosting SNL this week, people!” he repeated, looking at the camera. “How about this one? YN, true or false, did you move away from the country and lived in South Korea for a year?”
You grinned, “Partially true.”
“Explain yourself, YN.”
“Okay, the only thing that was right in that rumor is that I did move.” you teased everyone. “And no, I am not telling where.”
“Understood. Okay, let’s move to another one… oooh, this is the most controversial yet.” Jimmy laughed as he looked at you. “True or false, you took an unexpected hiatus because you got into a bad heartbreak.”
The audience’s reaction was all ‘ooh’ in a curious and a little worried way. Like they just saw someone sprinkling salt on someone’s wound. You took your time before answering,
“False,” you replied, shaking your head. “Definitely untrue. I think everyone just knows it when I’m in a relationship.”
“No, I don’t think we do, YN.” Jimmy rebutted, making the viewers laugh as they relate too. With years of everyone romantically connecting you and Jin, they just cannot tell if you two are romantically together or not. The host continued, “But are you not really dating anyone right now?”
“Oh, I’m not. I’m not dating anyone right now…” your voice trailed off as you make a side eye at the audience. They showed their disapproval with that by playfully booing, and you giggled.
He copied your tone and action as he asked, “But is there anyone you’ve been seeing currently or…”
“I don’t know, Jimmy…” you sighed, shaking your head. You acted disappointed in a very obvious way.  “It’s really hard to find someone to date when you’re married. I mean, I think it’s a crime to go out with someone while–”
Big gasps. Everyone in the room– excluding you– gasped at the same time that it was audible. Their eyes were wide, a few have their hands on their chests, and someone screeched in surprise at what you said.
“Wait, what?” Jimmy asked as soon as he picked up what you just said.
“What?” you looked around the room, acting like you didn’t just say something of a big deal. “Oh, yeah. I’m married, you guys!”
Breaking the silence, the band played the drums as you showed off the wedding ring on your finger, hiding below the bell sleeve of your dress. Not just a wedding band, but a blinding engagement ring also sat on top of it. 
“Oh my god! Congratulations!” Jimmy stood up from his swivel chair and walked up to you. You stood up and you shared a hug. He whispered, “Congratulations!”
“This is wonderful!” he added, as he holds both of your arms.
You laughed as you nodded, “I know!”
Everyone laughed while applauding at the fact you are now married. Jimmy hugged you again before walking back to his spot. You can feel your cheeks hurt from how long you have been smiling throughout the interview. But you love it. You love that you finally shared the news with the public.
“When did you get married?” the host asked.
“Two years ago! It was in 2021, Jimmy!” you replied happily and you heard another series of reactions in surprise.
“What?!” Jimmy’s lips gaped. “You were already married when you went here last time?”
You nodded with chuckles, “Yes. My husband and I chose to be pretty private about the whole process. We value enjoying the first couple of years of our marriage without the whole attention of everyone. But now, we decided to share it with you, guys finally!”
“This is really great, YN. Thank you so much for coming to the show.” Jimmy smiled and you can feel that he was genuine. Jimmy turned to the camera again, “YN. Ladies and gentlemen! We’ll be right back.”
The camera still caught you waving to everyone before it cuts to the commercial. With this kind of news, it was expected how everyone will react. Showbiz websites and accounts began writing their articles. Your fans were expressing their emotions and surprise.
@/ynisthatgirl: the fuck you’re telling me yn been married since 2021
@/YNUpdates: Congratulations to our main girl and the lucky guy! 🥰🥰🥰
@/YNJINUpdates: 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️
Replying to @/YNJINUpdates
- @/versaceisyn: what’s with the candles
– @/walkingonsunshine: i think we all know what’re the candles for
@/frannycatfood: but who is the husband though 👀
@/ynilysm: i just woke up…
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Linked with you revealing your marital status is the identity of your husband. Everyone began taking their bets on who is your mystery spouse. Of course, topping the list is your three-time co-star and always rumored lover, JIN. One of the most memorable stories in the YNJIN fandom is when you two flew to South Korea with friends back in 2021.
@/outtahere: ur telling me ynjin prolly got married in seoul two years ago?
Then, the theory about you having a secret partner was brought up. Ever since the lockdowns, some people have believed that you are possibly dating someone who is not in Hollywood. They claimed that someone is a successful, private, and young entrepreneur.
It’s no secret that there are people and solo fans who think that you and Jin are only doing the whole ‘dating or not dating’ bit for attention and to keep your names floating on social media and articles. It helped you two become household names in Hollywood, other than your works. You two were everywhere online with your fans making edits, sharing their thoughts, and posting every picture of you. Although accidentally, the general public was always aware of what was going on with you.
And what’s going on with your always rumored lover, you might be wondering. 
Jin is still inactive on social media. His last online update was promoting the final episode of his limited series on HBO, which was a couple of months ago. But he had public appearances since the premiere. Two appearances to be specific.
Friday, almost two days after you announced your marriage and fans made their theories about your husband’s identity. Of course, the number of people who believed that Jin is your spouse was high. They were hoping to see Jin around New York since you will be doing SNL there for the weekend and they will take it as confirmation. But in lieu, he was seen walking out of a coffee shop in LA, where he was kinda hoarded by the press during the morning. He was alone as he tried to make his way to his car.
One of the camera guys cannot help but ask, “Did you know YN is married?”
“I did. She is one of my friends in the industry. Of course, I knew.” he answered simply, not bothering to look at the cameras. He just focused his eyes on the pathway to make sure he won’t stumble because of the press crowding around him.
“Any thoughts about it?” another one asked.
“I’m happy for her. She deserves happiness above all.”
His lips can be seen forming into a small smile as he replied. He finally got to the driver’s seat of his car. Before he hopped in, he answered one last question.
“Any hints about her husband?”
“Nice guy. A little childish sometimes but he makes good jokes.” he chuckled before driving away.
The video was uploaded by the paparazzi on the same day. Jin trended worldwide as fans expressed their thoughts about it.
@/1800JIN: i cannot believe how fast things are going rn this is crazy
@/YNJINUpdates: the first stage of grief is denial. so no, i don’t believe anything that is happening.
@/puhleaseynjin: idk what to feel rn but great to know that jin knows about her marriage after all
Replying to @/puhleaseynjin
- @/livelaughyn: yeah it means they really do trust each other 🙁
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And Saturday came. Since you were all over the news the whole week, your name was mentioned during the cold open. Hearing the people’s excitement as you prepare backstage made you breathe a little better. The intro began and the band began playing.
“Thirty seconds left, hon.” one of the staff members, who waits with you behind the door, whispered. “Good luck.”
You smiled at her, “Thank you. Donna.”
And as soon as you send that, you heard the announcer saying:
“Ladies and gentlemen, tonight’s host, YN!”
That’s your cue. Someone opened the door for you, you walked out and everyone sees you in a black blazer mini dress and strappy pumps. Standing in the middle of the stage, you cannot really see the audience properly because of the light pointed at you. Still, you put on a smile and tried to shake off the twisting feeling in your stomach. You jived to the melody and paused when it stopped. The audience was clapping the whole time.
“Thank you! Thank you very much. I am so happy to be finally here on the SNL stage for the very first time!” you began and they cheered once again. “And it’s great to be here, in front of everyone again, after ghosting y’all for almost two years!” waves of laughter erupt. “ Now, some of you may be heard of me from my first movie when I was 9, Little Miss Sunshine–” people cheered.  “Or my most recent film, From The Other Side. Or maybe you just heard a piece of certain news about me…” you winked.
“So in case you’re living under a rock, three days ago, I surprised everyone by announcing that I got married–” the audience erupted with claps and cheers. “–last 2021 to an actual person that nobody knows about.” you rolled your eyes, making everyone laugh.
“And every cast member here has been asking me this past few days: how did you got married? Where did you get married? Who’s the lucky guy? And you know what, let me just go give him a call–”
The audience screamed in excitement. You tapped on your dress’s pockets, searching for your phone. SNL cast member Kenan Thompson got on stage, handing you your phone.
“Hey, YN. You left your phone in the makeup chair.”
“Oh, thanks, Kenan.”
“And since I was the one who found it… can you please tell me who is your husband?” he said it in an excited kid way that made everyone cackle.
You tsked before shaking your head, “Oh, Keenan–”
A series of knocks were heard. A familiar tune from your past suspense movie played in the background. The audience laughed as you and Keenan looked at each other with wide eyes. You slipped your phone into your pocket and began acting alert like a spy.
“Does someone really knocks on that door?” you asked in the serious tone of your old character.
He shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know. You were the last one who went from there.” 
The audience laughed and another knock was heard.
“Lemme go check on that.” Kenan was about to walk to the door but you stopped him.
“What if it’s The Creator?” you asked, referencing the antagonist.
“Who the hell is that? The only creator here is Lorne Michaels.” Kenan quipped, receiving laughs from everyone, before walking to the door.
You waited on the stage and the camera focused on Kenan, who peeked through the door instead of opening it directly. He was teasing. Then, he looked back to you, to the camera, and back to whoever was on the other side of the door. He was grinning. Everyone was wondering what was going on. It was just pure silence. And as he walked down the small set of steps, he spoke:
“Oh, YN! Someone is looking for you!”
You raised an eyebrow, “Who is it–”
Then suddenly the door just opens, showing a man in a dark casual suit and a bouquet of white tulips in his hands. He uttered,
“Hi, I’m actually looking for my wife–” 
Jin was cut off by screams from the audience. He bit his inner cheek to stop himself from smiling. But everyone can notice the corner of his lips forming into a smile. In live shows like this, the actor would usually wait for the intense audience response to die down for a few seconds. But the reactions are not getting smaller, so Jin resumed.
“She told me she’s going here tonight.”
“Oh, I’m here! I’m here! I’m the wife!”
You raised your hand with a proud grin on your face and Jin had to walk down with a bouquet in his hand. The audience laughed as the band plays a wedding march. Your husband laughs too. When you two stood next to each other in the middle of the stage, Keenan introduced you two:
“Everyone, please welcome, for the first time ever as a married couple, YN and Jin!”
The audience clapped, cheered, and somebody even whistled. He softly placed his hand on the small of your back before you turned to him. Your hand caresses his cheek as you two lean closer to each other. For the first time ever, you and Jin shared a kiss in front of the public. Everyone cheered louder. Pulling away, you two smiled slowly as you gazed into each other’s eyes. You noticed the slight tint of red growing on his cheeks and ears. It reminded you of so many moments in your relationship. It was like you got lost in the moment for a second before you turn to the camera.
“We got a great show tonight! Stick around. NIKI is here! We’ll be right back!”
The camera pans away as you wrapped your arms around Jin’s neck, pulling him in for a kiss again, while he holds your waist. 
You did a total of eight skits, two of which were pretaped. Your husband made another appearance during the show. He played a character with Michael Che, Colin Jost, and Mikey Day during the Weekend Update segment, playing as paparazzi who never did their job right. Jin had a line that was so ironic, it made the audience laugh and react from their seats.
“Yeah, last week, I heard that very beautiful actress got married…”
Michael asked, in character, amidst the giggles, “Who? What’s her name?”
“I think he’s talking about Scarlett Johansson.” Mikey chimed in, making Colin Jost smile, who replies, “No, I don’t think he’s not.”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot she already married that comedy guy three years ago.” Mikey replied, making Jost shake his head as he blush.
Jin finally answered, “It’s YN! You know, the one who posts cat pics all over the internet, won the BAFTA Best Actress this year, has been doing movies since she was nine, wrote songs with–”
“Okay, okay, Frank. I think everyone already knows who YN is.” Mikey cuts him off, making everyone laugh. “Why are you bringing her up by the way? Do you got any snaps from her wedding?”
“Ah, yes. I do!” Jin replied almost immediately as he acts clicking on his camera. The audience squealed, elated to catch a glimpse of whatever he was going to share. The TV screens in the studio glitched, causing confusion to the viewers. “Oh, I think my camera’s broken.”
“Let me see.” Mikey, in character, acted desperate as he reached for the camera. He checked and clicked on it before turning to Jin, “The memory card is not here, man!”
The bit ended with them arguing. NIKI performed two songs for the night. For the closing of the show, you had a graphic shirt on with pants. 
“Thank you so much to NIKI!” you began, turning to the singer beside you. You clapped along with the audience.  “To Lorne, to the amazing cast and studio crew…. And to my lovely husband,” everyone, including the cast members, cooed. You looked back at him who was standing in line with the cast members. He smiled as he saw your eyes sparkling with joy. You looked back to the front.
“Thank you so much, everyone!”
After the show, you and Jin were photographed together, walking hand in hand, as you enter the afterparty venue. As usual, you were wearing something Versace. You stun everyone with a light-reflecting metallic sparkly mini dress. It literally reflects with the flashes of the cameras pointed at you and your husband. You matched it with silver strappy heels and a small metallic Prada tote bag.
“Congrats, YN!”
You stopped in your tracks and turned your head when you heard that voice. Turning around, you spotted Greg in line with other paparazzi.
“Thanks, Greg!” you winked and Jin also waves at him.
You also posted a photo a day after.
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YN and JIN are married *Apparently For Almost Two Years Now*
It’s been a busy week for the whole YNJIN fandom this week! 
Just last week’s Saturday, it was announced that YN will be hosting the second show for SNL’s season 49. More than a year after her last public appearance and hiatus.  It was later followed by the actress-songwriter appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, in which she talked about her BAFTA win and cleverly announced her marriage. Although she didn’t disclose who’s the lucky guy, happiness was evident on her face as she replied to Jimmy’s questions. The fans were taken in surprise by the news, showering her with lovely congratulatory messages.
And just tonight, during her monologue as the show’s host, YN finally revealed who it was. Surprise, surprise! Joining her on the SNL stage is her longtime rumored lover, JIN. The ‘Still Alive’ actor showed up on stage unexpectedly, causing a loud reaction from the live viewers. SNL cast member Kenan Thompson, who was also in the bit for YN’s monologue, officially introduced the two as husband and wife. The couple shared a liplock to seal the news.
According to the shared statement of the A-lister couple’s publicists, YN and JIN were wed in an intimate ceremony two years ago, last November 2021, in their shared residence in Massachusetts. 
It was unclear where or when YN and JIN got engaged or began dating. But all we know was the two initially met for the production of their first movie, Cornelia Street, back in 2016. It was a hit, mainly due to the lead actors’ powerful chemistry, and birthed many supporters for the duo. But the rumors about their relationship began in 2018 when the two were seen hanging out often. 
The two never confirmed anything and trolled everyone about it. Even reaching the point where they became Instagram official. YNJIN even made a joke about buzzes about them breaking up when they posted a clip about it before. The two got crazier rumors over the years: living together, cheating (and breaking up again), and the actress writing love songs based on her relationship with JIN.
YN, 28, has previously dated other known names in the industry such as Jordan Fisher, Kim Taehyung, and Niall Horan. Meanwhile, JIN, 31,  was more private with his past relationships. But he was formerly linked to model Lee Sung Kyung and briefly to Selena Gomez. The wedded A-listers have worked together in a total of three films: Cornelia Street, Maybe Yes Maybe No, and Lonely People.
We are probably late but… Best wishes to Hollywood’s favorite couple!
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It was a big event in both social media and celebrity newsrooms. People shared their reactions online and even talked about you two in their real-life conversations. A lot of people made memes about the whole thing. The reveal of your husband was called iconic in one of the articles written. The number of edits, pictures, and just any type of content flooding all commonly used social media sites is crazy.
@/YNJINUpdates: YNJIN officially confirms marriage during SNL appearance 💚
@/IMMANEEDSP4CE: ynjin hard launching their relationship on snl is not in my 2023 bingo card
@/KellyDelaCruz: I just lost fifty dollars to my sister because of this whole thing!
@/bellisimayn: the whole fandom right now:
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@/tanginuhynjin4ever: we never got any dating confirmation but it’s all worth it!! 💗💗
Replying to @/tanginuhynjin4ever
- @/0283ynjinfan: TOTALLY WORTH IT
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Two days, after you publicized your marriage, it was Jin’s birthday. As to keep up with the tradition, you posted a simple greeting on Instagram. You literally just greeted them but you added some photos.
The first pic was taken during your trip together months before the reveal.
The second image is your hand, showing off the engagement ring, while Jin can be seen in the background grinning.
Then, on the third slide, a polaroid picture of you and Jin. It was taken through a selfie. You were grinning as Jin plants a smooch on your cheek. Unbeknownst to everyone, it was taken during your first wedding back in November 2021, in your then-newly bought home in Massachusetts.
And for the fourth one, Jin was seen carrying two babies, both heads turned away from the camera, on each arm. He was sat on a familiar couch with Francheskat resting beside him.
In the last slide, a screenshot of your conversation from a year ago. You did not put any context so the fans are left to think about it.
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author's note | that's it, folks! that's the end. oh my god, I didn't expect the love this series got. writing this series always brought me joy and it honestly brought me back here in tumblr. thank you so much for all the love you sent out for the a-listers. i truly appreciate everything. as always, my asks are open for questions about the whole series. also, if you have questions for the a-listers, feel free to send 'em. I'll be responding in a few days. also, just want to let y'all know, i'm planning for a spinoff. thank you so much, loves. 💕✨
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radiant-reid · 1 year
Santa Tell Me (Explicit)
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Summary: Spencer’s a really good gift giver, but you have some surprises up your sleeve too. a/n: any ideas on what my winter collection is ?
have you seen the wrapping paper outfits that are going across social media platforms right now? What would Spencer’s reaction be to seeing his s/o like this? cate i absolutely NEED a fic of reader wearing said anklet and spence glancing at it or wtv during sex.. idk how to word this but mainly what you described in the christmas blurb!!!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (fluffy smut)
Content Warning: NSFM daddy kink, fingering, unprotected sex
Word Count: 2.6k
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Spencer's almost too good to be true. It was something you figured out on your first date. Everything about him was so endearing. Nothing has changed three months in. You wonder if it will, but as time goes on you're more and more reassured.
You're saying goodbye on the 22nd, both spending Christmas apart with your own families with the promise to spend New Year's with his friends. Part of you worries he will break up with you in the time between, and the more you overthink, the more certain you are that a breakup is coming.
So you're nervous when he texts to say he's coming over, touching up your makeup and hair pointlessly. He's there before you can weigh the pros and cons of telling him you're sick.
You swing the door open with an uneasy smile, letting him in, and he smiles happily at you while hanging up his coat and scarf and taking off his shoes.
"How are you?" He asks, stopping in front of you with his hands on your hips. Surely he can feel how right it is when you're together, like you do.
"Good." You nod, breathing out shallowly. "How are you?"
He leans down to kiss you softly before answering your question. "Good, now." He smiles. "I missed you."
That's reassuring for you to hear. After 36 hours, if he could still miss you, things were okay. "I missed you, too."
"How am I going to survive one week without you?" Spencer whines adorably while you pull him further into your apartment, closer to the gorgeous fireplace that everyone loves when they come over to your apartment.
There's hot chocolate on the coffee table in the living room, waiting for him, and it gives him the warm feeling inside of being home, even though it's not his apartment and it's not decorated for Christmas more than a few fairy lights.
"Thank you." He says gratefully, taking a seat on the couch when you do.
You relax into his arms, sipping your hot chocolate. "I'll call you every day." You promise. "I mean, that's how you'll survive a week without me."
"I hope that's a promise." He says, raising his eyebrows.
"A pinky promise." You assure him, holding out your pinky finger and locking it with his to affirm your promise.
You sit there for a while, chatting about your days and how much you're going to miss each other while you finish your hot chocolate. You're used to him being busy all the time, but you love getting his full attention during his limited time.
"Can I give you my gift now?" He asks shyly. "I'm excited to see if you like it."
"I will." You assure him because you're also scared he won't like what you've brought him. "Let me go get yours." You say, getting out of his lap even though you don't want to and retrieving the wrapped gift from your bedroom.
When you get back, he's waiting on the couch with a neatly wrapped box with a bow around it. You sit next to him, handing his one over. He waits for you to unwrap yours, and you do so with vigor. Whatever he picked, you know it's going to be perfect.
It's a bracelet... no, too big for a bracelet, it's an anklet. It's an anklet with the letter SWR hanging off it in gold. "Is it too conceited?" He asks. "Like, does it make me too vain or make you feel like a possession?"
"No." You shake your head, looking back at him. "No, Spencer. I love it. Thank you so much."
"You're welcome." He says, much more relieved.
You tuck your foot up from the floor, placing the new jewelry around your anklet carefully. It's beautiful, and you love it already. You don’t feel like his possession. It makes you feel important to him, that he wants to give you his initials to wear permanently.
"Thank you." You say again, moving closer to kiss him again. His lips taste like hot chocolate, and it's addicting. You pull away, though, to hand him his gift. "Here."
He opens it, looking at the leather wallet with his initials monogrammed on it. "You remembered my old one was broken." He says in awe, like it's a revolutionary feat for someone to pay attention to him. You've grasped that people don't pay him enough attention, and you're making it your mission to always listen to him.
"Of course." You tell him. “And I also went for the monogrammed option.”
He laughs at the two of you thinking similarly. “I love it. Thank you so much." He says gratefully. You also guessed he doesn't get many gifts.
"There's a surprise in it, too." You tell him, smirking cheekily.
Spencer frowns at you, but he's smirking, too, as he opens it. There's a series of pictures inside of both of you. Some are sweet; photos of you two on dates, smiling and kissing, and some are a little more risque; you on your knees, some nice lingerie, and your tits.
"Wow." He hums, paying attention to all of them. "You're gorgeous, baby."
"Thanks." You reply, adding his sexual address. "Daddy." That gets his eyes widened, but before he can say something else, you speak again. "I have one more thing."
Shamelessly, he watches your ass as you leave. He waits impatiently for you to get back, only getting harder with each second passing. Wrapping yourself in wrapping paper is harder than you thought it would be, but you get it done with two narrow strips, one as a crop top and one as a short skirt.
You lean against the door frame once you walk in. "Me."
"Fuck." He groans, throwing his head back against the couch. "I'm officially the luckiest person ever."
You walk over slowly, standing between his legs. "Going to unwrap me then?"
"I'm going to do a lot more than that." He assures you, getting up. You stand slightly confused while he takes the couch cushions off and tosses them on the floor. He notices your expression and explains. "I'm going to fuck you in front of the fire."
You're not going to complain about that. "Please, daddy." You say softly.
He stands tall in front of you, hands holding your waist firmly. It's like he's torturing himself, waiting as long as he can until he needs to rip it off you.
You're completely naked in front of him, and it fills you with nothing but confidence. His hands roam over your curves, and you're desperate for more.
"I know, needy girl." He teases, leaning down until his lips as next to yours. The eye contact is so intense that it gets you wet. "Lay down and Daddy will give you what you want."
You quickly scramble onto the makeshift bed of pillows, cupping your tits to draw his attention to them, not that it could ever be anywhere else.
He kneels down between your legs, pressing his lips to yours. Unlike before, he deepens the kiss, tongue tangling with yours. When you roll your hips against his, he smirks before starting a trail of kisses down your neck. His hands drift to your tits, squeezing them softly while he sucks marks into your neck. They're going to be awkward to cover up, but the warm feeling in you is worth it.
"Daddy, feels so good." You moan, arching your back.
His fingertips descend down your stomach slowly to your pussy when his lips drop to your tits. It's two overwhelming sensations, even more so when he presses a finger through your slit, collecting the wetness.
His lips have your skin heating up as they attach your nipples, nipping at the skin in a painful but pleasure-filled way. You're breathless when he pushes the tip of his index winder into your wet hole, and he rejoices in the sounds coming from your mouth and your pussy.
"Want daddy to eat you out?" He offers, like how drenched you are isn't a telling sign.
"Please." You beg. "I've been so good."
He hums, smirking against your skin while he kisses you lower and makes you moan. You squirm when his lips touch your clit, and even though he drank hot chocolate, his mouth is cooler than your hot pussy.
"Tastes so perfect." He reports back to you.
"I need more, daddy." You request, unsure of if it's going to land you in trouble or not.
Spencer squeezes your thigh in warning, but he's a push-over, and he'll give you whatever you want, so he licks a fat strip across your clit, tasting all of your juice.
Your stomach tenses when his tongue slips into you, tracing around your heat. His finger joins in after that, slipping into you slightly more than the last time, and pressing at your walls.
"Always so tight." He tells you. "It's a miracle that I can fit inside you."
Spencer's usually 0 to 100 once he's been teasing you enough, and he plunges two fingers deep inside you with no warning. The stretch prepares you for his cock. His speed starts slow but deep, touching the right spot inside you each time.
You writhe closer to him, tightening your legs around him in your ongoing desperate search for more. He gives you what you want, fingers pumping in and out of you at an increasing speed.
It has your breath unstable and your pulse jumping erratically as you moan out his name and get closer to the edge. "Please, daddy, can I cum?" You beg, the build-up inside you getting overwhelming.
The hand not touching your pussy squeezing down your leg until he reaches the jewelry around your ankle, touching the anklet with his initials. He said it wasn't possessive, but he's eating you out with so much hunger that it's dominating.
"Go ahead, baby." He encourages you, making it impossible for you to avoid coming.
Your fingers flex on the blanket and your eyes roll back in your head while you tense at the peak of your climax. "Daddy, daddy, daddy." You babble as squeeze around his fingers tightly.
He keeps going, almost until you're overstimulated, lapping up all of your juice before finally pulling off. "So delicious."
You're still catching your breath as he rocks back up on his knees, forearms caging you in. "That was amazing." You compliment, dazed.
"Going to let me fuck you, princess?" He asks, pulling his sweatshirt off and taking his pants off.
"Can I ride you, daddy?" You offer as an alternative.
It's not something he's ever going to decline, and he leans in to kiss you. "Sure, baby."
Effortlessly, Spencer holds your hips as he flips you over, so you're on top of him. You glide your wet pussy over his cock, determined to tease him like he had been teasing you.
It gets his cock wet quickly, and his hands tighten on your hips. "Be good for me, baby." He says. His raised eyebrows are a warning for you not to continue.
You pump his cock up and down a few times, thumbing over the pre cum spilling out. He's not the only one getting antsy, and you sink down on top of him with moans coming from both of you.
"Fuck, it feels incredible being inside you." He compliments. His cock stretches you out, molding your walls around his length while the tip hits your g-spot and leaves you breathless.
You can't get out the words to tell him how good it feels, but he knows from your blissful expression. You keep your hands resting on his stomach, so you can stabilize yourself as you start bouncing on his dick slowly.
He lets you take your time as you adjust, but you're an overachiever and determined to reach another orgasm as quickly as you can. You move up and down on him, lifting your hips high enough to almost entirely get his cock out before slamming back down onto it.
It's the best you've ever had, and you're determined to make it as good for him. Spencer watches in awe as you moan on top of him. "Taking my cock so good, aren't you, baby?" He coos, hands traveling up your sides so he can squeeze your tits.
"Mhm." You whine out. "So big."
He nods, one of his hands snatching yours. "Feel it." He places your hands against your lower stomach where you can feel the tip of his cock against your skin. You pause for a moment and he grinds his hips up to accentuate the bulge.
"Fuck, that's hot." You agree, pulsing around him on reflex.
While you're off guard, he starts thumbing over your clit, pushing you closer to the edge. It makes your legs shaky as you quiver on top of him.
"Keep going." He tells you firmly. You follow his instructions, picking the pace back up as you fuck yourself on his cock.
"Daddy, so close." You moan, leaning forward to hold his shoulder. The change in position has his cock hitting a new angle in you.
He doubles his efforts in your clit, the pressure getting you at the edge in seconds. "Cum for me, baby." He tells you.
You finish a second before he spills inside you, both of you moaning simultaneously. You're so fucked out that you can't do anything but flop down onto his sweaty chest.
Spencer kisses the top of your head, pulling his cock out of you while he holds you close to him. You love having sex with him, but the time you spend with him afterward might be more special.
You lay there in silence for a moment, your arm slung around him, and his hand glides over your back soothingly.
"Are you going to be here next year?" You wonder, laying against his warm, slightly sticky chest, and not looking at him in case the answer isn't what you want it to be.
Spencer takes it too literally. "I hoped maybe we would be... living together, but that could be here, or my apartment, or somewhere else."
It's not what you were asking, but it's more than what you wanted to hear. "Really?" You ask.
He can see the smile on your face, so he answers honestly. "Yeah."
"I was actually asking if we were going to be together." You explain.
His hand pauses where it's running up and down your back. "Unless you want to be roommates." He jokes. You laugh until he places a hand under your chin, guides your eyes to look at him, and your breath stops. He always makes you breathless. "I really like you, Y/n." He tells you. "I want to be with you."
The glass is 95% full. He likes you, and it's the best feeling in the world, but there's something missing. You don't blame him for it: it takes different people different amounts of time to fall in love, but you're there.
Still, Spencer surprises you like he does every time that he has a chance. "I love you, Y/n."
You beam at him before rolling over so you're on top of his chest and can look at him as closely as you can get. "I love you too, Spencer."
"We'll be together next year." He reassures you. "And for as long afterward as you want us to be."
Now you're sure he's not too good to be true, and you're not going to get your heart broken.
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ageofbajabule · 1 year
Roommates | Part One
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Danny x F! Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Alcohol, Angst
Roommates Masterlist
Author’s Note: Hey everyone!! This first part of the series is on the shorter side. But I wanted to get it started for you all to get a feel on what it’s about. I really am excited for this series, and I hope you all are as well. Without further ado, enjoy!!🩵
Moving to Nashville was a big step for you. Considering you were leaving everything you knew in such a small town in Michigan. Your family was persistent in trying to make you stay, you had just graduated college and wanted a fresh start. You landed a job in social media management, giving you the option to work remotely. But you opted in working in the office and from home. You liked the idea of being able to sit at home while working, but figured you could use some social engagement during your work day.
However finding a place in Nashville was hard to come by. Considering the apartments in the area were ridiculously priced for rent, and you didn’t have enough money to buy a house. Luckily for you, your friend Josie had a solution to your problem. You and Josie had met in your freshman year of college. You didn’t grow up in the same town as her, you lived in the next school district over.
Her brother Daniel, drummer of Greta Van Fleet, luckily had just bought a home in Nashville. Josie had asked him if you could rent from him until prices went down for you to get a place of your own, he agreed considering Josie would be staying down for the summer. And he also was letting you pay a decent price for renting out a room. In the beginning of June is when you decided to pack up everything you knew and move to Tennessee. Your family wasn’t all that supportive about it, but then again your family wasn’t the greatest…
Josie decided to join you on the drive down, offering to take turns on driving. But you insisted on driving the two of you the whole trip down.
“So, are you excited?” Josie smiled, “I’m excited to start this job, yes, but nervous about living with your brother…” You gave her a half smile. “You’ll be fine, he can just be… Danny.” She giggled softly, you weren’t exactly sure what she meant by that. Considering you only got to meet their parents and never Danny since he was always on the road or in the studio recording. But you’ve heard stories about him.
“I’m just gonna miss you when you head back home after the summer…” Josie looked over at you, “I’ll be sure to visit as often as I can. It is my brother’s place after all.” She smiled, and you nodded. The next couple hours of driving consisted of stopping for gas, getting food and a bathroom break.
You had arrived at Danny's house at around 5 o’clock. Pulling into the driveway, you parked beside his vehicle. Well at least you assumed it was his. Both you and Josie got out of your vehicle grabbing your bags and belongings to bring inside. Josie had knocked on the door, waiting patiently then Danny had opened the door. He smiled big, a beautiful smile to say the least he immediately pulled his sister in for a hug. “There’s my little sis.” He chuckled softly, hugging her tightly. “If you hug me any tighter I’m gonna die from suffocating.” Josie patted him on the back playfully.
He then released her, “Sorry. I’ve just missed you. How was the drive down here?” He looked at her not really paying mind to you. “The drive was fine, but let’s not forget. This is Y/N. Y/N, Danny, Danny, Y/N.” She smiled softly introducing you both. “Hi, it's nice to meet you. I really do appreciate you letting me stay here until I get my own place.” You put your hand out to shake his. He made a half smile, shaking your hand loosely. “Anything for my sister’s friends.” His lip curled.
You smiled softly, but felt awkward. As if you were being a bother to him, was he really okay with you staying? Maybe he is just having an off day you thought to yourself.
“Let me show you to your room.” Danny picked up some of your belongings to help carry them. You smiled and followed behind him as Josie was right behind you. “You have a lovely home…” You commented to Danny. “Thanks, it's been a long time coming… I’m grateful for all of it.” You could tell there was a smile on his face by the tone of his voice. After following him upstairs and down the hall you were greeted to your bedroom. It was larger than the one you had back in Michigan. “Well, here you are. There is a walk-in closet. And the bathroom is down the hall to the right. And if I’m ever in there before you, there is another full bathroom off from the kitchen.” He smiled at you, “I’ll let you get to it and unpack.” He then nodded at Josie and left the room.
You smile at Josie. “Thank you for talking to him… I honestly wouldn’t know what to do without you.” You giggled softly starting to unpack your clothes placing them in the closet. “Please, I knew he would agree. I’m sure it gets lonely for him here when the guys aren’t around…” She started to help you unpack. “Well he seems a little off about me staying here. Are you sure he is really okay with it?” Josie walked up beside you, “Danny might be a little thrown off or even closed off. But he’ll warm up, I know he will. Just give it time.” She hugged you sideways and continued to help.
You nodded and just continued to focus on unpacking. After about a good hour and a half you finally finished unpacking your belongings and made your bedroom look like it was yours. Between hanging up some photos, and setting plants up. It was nice to have everything all put together. That’s when you heard a knock on the door, “Hey, the guys are going out tonight for bowling and drinks. You both want to tag along?” Josie responded rather quickly to Danny, “We would love to go. It’s about time I get some redemption.” She laughed, “Yeah, we’ll see about that.” He chuckled, “We’ll leave around 8.” He then left the room.
“What if I wanted to stay in?” You looked over at Josie with your arms crossed in a joking manner. “Oh loosen up! Besides, you have to meet the guys. They are hilarious when all together, especially when they’re drinking.” She smiled, you nodded. “Alright, let me just freshen up before we head out.” Josie nodded and left your room heading to her room that she’d be in for the summer.
It's not that you didn’t want to go, you were just nervous to meet everyone. They’ve never heard about you, and you surely didn’t know a thing about them…
You decided to take a quickened shower doing the basics then getting out to dry yourself. You blew dried your hair then did some light makeup pulling together a comfy casual fit. You didn’t want to overdress but you also didn’t want to look like a bum. “Y/N! We’re leaving in 15.” Josie yelled down the hall to you, “Okay! I’m almost ready.” You yelled back to her, after changing you realized you almost forgot to brush your teeth and went to go to the bathroom. As you left the room you bumped into Danny, “Oh, shit. I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” You apologized to him, “Maybe if you were, we wouldn’t have had this happen.” He snapped at you, then stormed off.
You sighed to yourself, ‘Great now I’m just going to be known as the girl who annoys him.’ You went on to brush your teeth, and by the time you were done you had grabbed your small crossbody bag and headed out the house with Josie and Danny. Danny still looked annoyed from earlier, but you just continued on with it.
After about a 10 minute drive you arrived at the bowling alley, stepping out of his car to meet the rest of the guys. “Holy shit! Hey Josie!” A tall long haired man walked up to Josie giving her a tight hug. “S’good to see you!” “It’s good to see you Sam.” She smiled and departed from the hug going to the next guy, he was shorter and had glasses on and his shirt was slightly unbuttoned. “Jake…” She said before pulling him in for a hug. “So sorry we missed your graduation.” He said to her patting her back before pulling back from the hug. “It’s okay, y’all had a show.” She smiled then lastly was the curly haired man who you assumed was Jake’s twin. They were similar but still had indifferences. “Josh!” She smiled brightly just as he did the same, his smile could light up a room. “Congratulations on graduating!” He said excitedly, “Thank you! I’m so glad it’s over with.” She laughed softly.
“But everyone I’d like you to meet Y/N! She is one of my very good friends I made at college. She will be renting from Danny until she is able to get her own place down here in Nashville.” She beamed about you, and you smiled to all the new faces. “It’s nice to meet you all.” You gave a small little wave. “Oh, I’m a hugger.” Josh chuckled and walked up to you pulling you into a hug. You laughed softly and hugged him back. “It’s nice to meet you as well.” He pulled back, “I will warn you, we are pretty competitive when it comes to bowling.” When you entered the building, you followed behind him while engaging in a conversation with Sam, you learned that Sam and Danny have been best friends since first grade. And that Josh and Jake were Sam’s older brothers and in fact were twins.
“So what’s your drink of choice?” Josh had asked you as he walked up to the bar. “Tequila Soda.” You smiled at him, he nodded and ordered everyone’s drinks. Handing you your drink. “Thanks.” You smiled softly, “Of course. Besides, you'll be needing some friends around here!” You all headed to get your shoes from the counter going to your lane you would be playing at for the evening. You took your shoes off putting on the bowling sneakers, making sure they fit right. After that you grabbed a bowling ball and placed it on the pinsetter.
The first couple games had been fun, the guys were getting tipsy as well as you were. The drinks were settling in, as you were starting to get tipsy too. You were talking to Jake for a good portion of the night, talking about what there is to do here and how his girlfriend would be more than happy to spend time with you. Which you liked the idea of having another female friend once Josie went back home.
You decided to grab another drink, and Danny had already been up at the bar ordering one as well. “Hey! Good games so far!” You smiled at him, he looked over at you nodding, not saying a word. “Oh… Okay.” You looked away then back at him. “I’m taking it you’re not too thrilled I will be staying at your place?” The alcohol was really giving you the courage to speak, hence the nickname ‘Liquid Courage’. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” He said coldly, “You didn’t have to say yes. I could’ve figured something else out.” You got your drink from the bartender.
“Yeah, but then I’d be labeled the bad guy by my sister. So let’s just put it into terms, you stay out of my way, and pay your share. And once you have enough savings to move, just move. Don’t overstay your welcome.” He picked his beer up and walked off. You felt a fire burning in your chest. He really just said that. Not only did that piss you off, but now you feel even more uncomfortable at the fact of living under the same roof as him for the next couple months.
It looks like you really will be on your own down here in Nashville…
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natlacentral · 4 months
Forget The Haters, Avatar Live-Action Star Elizabeth Yu Is Our Princess Azula
When Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbenderannounced that newcomer Elizabeth Yu was cast as Princess Azula, some fans of the original Nickelodeon cartoon immediately took to social media to complain. Some thought she looked too innocent to play the Fire Nation princess, an antagonist in the Nickelodeon series that takes place in an imagined world with people who can master and manipulate the different elemental energies of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Others lamented that her face wasn’t angular like Azula’s is in the cartoon, or that she looked too young for the part. (An especially odd critique considering, though never specified, Azula’s age is believed to be 14. Yu herself is now 21; she was 19 during filming.) But when it comes to the fan reaction, the young actor is completely unphased. “I’m a hit with the kids,” she jokes to Refinery29, adding that she doesn’t take it personally. “I think anybody playing this part would’ve gotten some kind of backlash.”
Yu is confident that when the show premieres February 22, fans will see the live-action show is doing more than recreating the cartoon. In the original, Princess Azula, the ambitious daughter of the Fire Lord Ozai (Daniel Dae Kim), doesn’t appear until Season 2 when she emerges as a new threat to the Avatar, the boy with the power to control all four elements and unite the nations against Ozai’s dictatorial rule. In this iteration, Azula is a recurring character, allowing fans to see her in a brand new light. “It’s an origin story for her,” Yu says. “It’s this foundation being laid out for a lot of things to make sense when we eventually pick up where we first met her in the original series.” So if you were worried Yu’s Azula had lost her villainous edge, don’t be. Yu describes her as “a girl boss,” but “evil.” Still, she says, “Azula is my baby girl, she’s my boo thing. I love her.”
Not only is she unbothered by the early reactions, she’s not at all nervous when thinking about how the show might be received by hardcore fans. Instead, the actor is more concerned with what her two younger sisters will think. The actor has seen Asian American representation grow from Disney Channel’s The Suite Life of Zack and Cody — “All I had growing up was London Tipton,” she says, giving a shoutout to star Brenda Song — to recent Oscar-nominated films, like her 2023 favorite Past Lives starring Greta Lee. As half-Korean, Yu is proud to be a part of this current shift. “The idea that my little sisters are going to be able to watch TV and movies, and the likelihood of them getting to see someone that looks like them is so much higher, is such a win. It’s so healing to know that we’re creating an industry where little girls — little anyones — can feel like that.” 
The fact that Avatar: The Last Airbender stars Asian actors is arguably the new show’s biggest break from the original series. When the cartoon first premiered in 2005, it only featured a few Asian and Asian American voice actors, despite the fact that it took place in a world inhabited by mostly Asian and Indigenous peoples. When the beloved series was adapted into a widely panned live-action film, The Last Airbender (2010), the cast also remained mostly whitewashed, save for members of the Fire Nation, who were depicted as South Asian. Now, two decades after the original’s debut, Asians are finally getting a seat at the table. “It’s monumental,” Yu says.. “It’s so important to be able to see yourself in stories. That’s what storytelling is about.” 
Yu’s confidence is impressive, especially considering Avatar: The Last Airbender is only her third credit on IMDB. She gives off the air of an old pro. And in some ways, she is. Born and raised in New Jersey, she��s been auditioning for acting roles since she was 16. She’s also been dating Stranger Things star Gaten Matarazzo since they were 15. They currently live together in New York City with their three cats, and she’s had a front row seat to his rise to global celebrity. Though she insists she has always tried to keep their careers separate from their relationship, she admits, “Getting to see someone with such a huge heart navigate this industry is the best advice that I could be given.” She adds, “We’re both still trying to figure it out, and it’s really cool to be able to do it together.” 
She continued to audition throughout her last years of high school, though “it was a struggle,” she says. During her senior year, she debated whether or not to go to college or commit to acting full time. In the end, she stuck with her passion. Then, in December 2021, just months after her high school graduation, she booked Avatar. “‘Oh, thank God,’” she recalls thinking. “I’m doing what I should be doing.” She has since gone on to appear in the Oscar-nominated May December, opposite Julianne Moore, Natalie Portman, and Charles Melton.
It wasn’t until her fourth and final audition came around that Yu finally learned what role she was fighting for. “It was insane. I cried on the phone with my mom.” Months later, she was standing on the Fire Nation set next to the legendary Daniel Dae Kim in full armor and regalia, acting between bursts of flames. (“Before they’d call action, they’d be like, ‘Pyro!’ and the flames would ignite from these sconces on the walls. It was insane.”) And though she admits acting opposite Kim was intimidating at first, it was also pretty damn cool. “Who wouldn’t feel like the baddest bitch in the room sitting next to Daniel Dae Kim as Ozai?” 
It sounds lucky, but her road to Azula had more than a few bumps. First, there was the fact that she didn’t know what project she was actually auditioning for. “They sent this completely fake, made-up storyline for this fake TV show. I was auditioning for a character named April,” she explains. After getting a callback, she hit the internet to do some sleuthing. “I became an FBI agent trying to figure out what I was actually auditioning for, because I was like, ‘Something about this does not feel real,’” she says. When she realized that it might be an adaptation of Avatar, a show she watched growing up, she couldn’t believe it. (“I was like, ‘No way. That is definitely not what I’m auditioning for.’”) Then there was the “minor car accident” that she got into right before her first callback. (She made it safe and sound and “did the damn thing!”). 
As for what big names she hopes to work with next, Yu is open for whatever comes her way. For now, she’s got her eyes set on a not-yet-confirmed Season 2 of Avatar, which she hopes will include Azula’s time on Ember Island with her brother Prince Zuko (Dallas Liu) as well as some of her character’s famous lines. “I’m really excited to go into a second season and finally do these iconic line reads that Azula has,” she teases, adding, “I quote them all the time to myself. There’s this one scene in the original where she says, ‘Do the tides command this ship?’ And she’s basically threatening this soldier that she’ll throw him overboard if he doesn’t do what she says. It’s just so badass.”
Live action or not, Princess Azula will always be badass.
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strongermonster · 2 months
this is a really weird thing to complain about perhaps + has a really simple fix of "why don't you just switch banks then bc no one cares??"
but last year (maybe the year before?) my bank switched from a very conservative navy blue, berry red, and steel grey colour scheme that had a sort of feel of professional detachment to it that i've come to associate with dry corporate things like banking, to this "fun" new thing that's lime green and hot pink, with (mostly) light grey text on dark grey backgrounds, and uses exclusively black and white pictures of Attractive Diverse Youths of an Indeterminate Age Doing Fun Millennial-Appealing Non-Banking Activities to try and jazz it up, and i... i don't... hate it, but it feels... wrong?
it feels too very specifically engineered. calculated. like, you're a bank. you're a financial institution owned by a larger one that has all the money in the world and does not care to help a single soul with it, but you know it doesn't matter because we're stuck with you anyways.
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"free spirited photography" "old-fashioned competition" "energetic black-and-white imagery" why does it feel like they're trying to convince me of something?? this is like a new wave social media app that hasn't figured out how manipulative phrasing has worked yet.
the whole thing feels disingenuous and tacky. they're an online only bank, so they're trying to appeal to millennials and younger by being Hip and Cool with the Youths, but it just feels sour. reminds me a bit of 'they live (1988)'-ish, or when you get a new job and they're like "we're a family here! 🥰" and everything is really sleek and buzzfeed/tech startup-esq and counter-productively techy in a really inhuman way and you end up getting fired over zoom by a bohemian chic hr woman wearing fashion glasses she doesn't need with bangles that jingle the entire time she gesticulates while telling you she's really-really sorry your mom has cancer, but you did break company policy by taking 10 days off this year 😢
also when i say "i don't hate it" i mean uhm. if this was the kind of colours and imagery that someone was using to promote a community-based event that involved interacting with other people, i would find it enjoyable and engaging. but there's something about it being used to encourage engagement with an app designed to take my money that makes me feel uhh well all of the above i guess.
i don't know. corporations have more access to us on a deeply personal level than ever before, so when i see things like this it makes me nervous to think about how many greedy corporate execs sat in a room workshopping the best way to seem like Your Cool Friend like some sort of shapeshifting social parasite. but maybe i'm just paranoid.
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jane-gunson123 · 5 months
Shout out to my ex.
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You and your band, Little Mix, perform your new debut song ‘Shout out to my ex’ at the Brits after seeing your ex boyfriend there. 
Main Masterlist 
Sam fender master list
2019 had been an absolute roller coaster to say the least, there had been many ups and downs in 12 months. Your band, Little mix had went on a world tour after releasing your most critically acclaimed album to date, performing in some of the most prestigious venues available before ending it in the utilita area in your beloved hometown of Newcastle. The success of your album had resulted in not only being nominated for 2 Brit awrds but also being asked to perform at the awards as well. This was definitely the better parts of your year. 
The less favourable moments of your year had been the very public and humiliating break up with your ex, Sam. You had been together since you were 19 and after a very rocky few months and a cheating scandal, on his part, published by The Sun you had decided to call it quits with your lover. 
At first you weren't sure how to live your adult life without him, after all it was something you had never had to do before but with your girls you began to put the pieces of your heart that Sam had broke back together. 
The first step and arguably the hardest had been moving from you shared flat in Whitley Bay that the pair of you had bought at 21 after Little Mix had won the X-Factor and Sam had signed his first record deal and into a brand new apartment with your best friend and fellow band member, Jade, in Manchester. 
 Next, was you deleting all off pictures of him you had. Weather they were on one of your social medias or just our camera roll. After that, you blocked him and cut off all contact with him and his family. You knew deep down that you would have ran back to him in a heartbeat if he ask and you couldn’t do that. You need to heal and you can’t heal while touching the same flame that has already burnt you. 
As luck would have it, however, your tactics of avoidance might not be able to continue for much longer and in a few short hours you and your band would be performing at the brits with yours and Perrie’s exs in the crowd.  The most fitting part would be the song you would be performing, A shout out to my ex. 
You had written the song when Perrie had went through her break up about a year earlier than you but as your own relationship fell apart you found your self relating to the lyrics more than ever.
You thought that you would be more nervous about the potential of bumping into your ex and having to perform in front of him but you weren't really fazed by it all. Cameras flashed and interviewers pulled you and the girls over to answer questions but you had yet to bump into Sam. 
The feeling of getting ready to go out and perform in front of a large crowd was one no matter how many time you had done it you hated. It always wore off as soon as the music started to blast out of the speakers and that was still the case now. the opening melody made its way into your ears as you scanned the crowd, catching that blue pair of eyes you had spent many nights staring into discussing your future. Never did you quite imagine it ending like this though.   
Jade and Perrie had sung their parts now it was your turn. At this point all five off you had disappeared into crowd, dancing around the tables filled with familiar faces in the music industry.  For some reason the table with your ex and his band had been alluring and you ended up directly in front off Sam’s seat as your verse began. 
“Oh, I deleted all your pics,” You sang staring Sam in his eyes, reaching out to put your hand under his chin to force him to keep looking at you. It didnt take long for you to have his full attention, “Then blocked your number from my phone, mm.” 
Putting your hand back down by your side as you leaned closer into Sam's face as if you were going in to kiss him, “ Yeah, yeah, you took all you could get But you ain't gettin' this love no more.” Sam’s face was an absolute picture as you swerved your head around his after finishing your lyric, leaving him high and dry. He had fully expected you to kiss him at some point but had been left disappointed. 
His band mate and best friend Drew, however, had found a lot of amusement in your tormenting of Sam. As you walked away you heard him shout, “Go on lass.”  
The song had finished faster than you would have like and so did the rest off the awards. The band had won the two they were nominated for and Sam had also won the one he was up for before performing Dead boys, a song about male suicide in remembrance of your late friend who had lost his battle with depression some years back in your early twenties.   
Little did you know at the time that your little stunt to wind up your ex would not only become viral overnight but also be responsible for elevating yours and Sam’s careers. It would first result in an appearances on Loose Women and The Jonathan Ross Show where you would admit to having consumed a bit of liquid courage before stepping on stage. 
So in all it wasn't a bad end to to a roller coaster of year but nothing could have prepared you or anyone for that matter for the absolute train wreck that 2020 would be.  
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thefaithfulwriter1 · 6 months
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𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐏𝐏 | ❝ Not really sure how to feel about it. Something in the way you move. Makes me feel like I can't live without you. It takes me all the way. I want you to stay. ❞ - Rihanna & Mikky Ekko
Summary - When love is true, distances doesn't matter. That was something she read somewhere from the internet. It proves to be true though when she meets two handsome men on a dating app called Cupid Matchmaker App. Two men she never thought would notice her even on a simple dating app. The three soon embark on a journey together finding love in each other, through texting, video calls, calls, and then finally meeting.
Pairing - Taehyung x Fem!Reader x Jungkook
Alternative Universe - Normal Life, Social Media (Sort Of), Tattoo Artist
Warnings - Fluff, Angst, Semi Smut, Language, Mention of Past Sexual Abuse, Poly. Relationship, MxM, MxMxF, FxM, May Add If Needed
Main Characters - 𝐘/𝐧 𝐋/𝐧 - The Shy Painter / Artist, 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠 -Tattoo Artist, 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 - Tattoo Artist, 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭 & 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧 - The Owner of Tattoo shop, 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐤𝐣𝐢𝐧 - The Chef, 𝐘𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢 - The Musician, 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 - The Dance Instructor / Piercer, 𝐉𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧 - Dance Instructor / Tattoo Artist, 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬 - (Nina Dobrev -Y/n's Best friend) - Florist, 𝐓𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 (Kat Graham - Elena's Girlfriend/ Y/n's Friend) - Photographer
A Week Later...
You were now in Elena's flower shop trying to take a break from your work... and your phone. Or more specifically the app Cupid Matchmaker App. As you sat at the register while watching Elena water and feed the flowers. While Tiana took pictures of flowers and Elena. While they were in their own little words, consumed in each other as they spoke. You were lost in your thoughts thinking about a lot of things. Sighing, you rest your head on your hand. As you thought of the past few days.
You have been mostly working on your paintings. Getting some projects done and sending them out to their buyers or new owners. But in between breaks and at night you were also speaking to people on the app Elena had sent you. It was hectic to begin with and you were so nervous. But now you are going with the flow of everything now. It was all you can do.
There were many people on the app. Some were just disgusting with wanting nothing more than nudes and sexting. Which you blocked quickly. But then there were people who were dull or didn't know what you were talking about. Then there were ones who didn't have the same interests as you and or stopped talking mid sentence. Which was nerve wracking but you got over it. You didn't know what to do... besides wait.
You didn't know why you thought it would happen so quickly. Finding your person or the love of your life. But you could say you were learning to be patient with the whole ordeal. But it didn't make it any less hard. You were learning to cope with your nervousness. You also were learning to talk to new people and be excited over it. Which had you smile. You were against the whole thing in the first place with joining the app. But you were learning a whole lot from it.
"What are you smiling about, Y/n," Tiana asked. Which grabbed Elena's attention as she walked over to you leaning over the counter. Tiana and herself were talking when they saw a smile wash over your lips. Which Tiana took a picture of you with her own smile. Before letting the camera fall against her chest being that it was attached to a strap around her neck. As she walked over to stand next to Elena. Hearing and seeing the two you lift your head from your hand and smile widely. You were about to speak but was cut off by Elena.
"Have you met someone on the app? Please tell me. Spill the tea. I wanna know," Elena beamed. As she grabbed your hands that were laying on the counter, and began jumping up and down with a wide smile. She was hoping that you had found someone to talk to. All she wanted was for you to be happy and experience love like she has with Tiana. She wanted you to be happy so badly. That she wanted to help you in any way that she can. You were always there for her through everything that she had gone through. She wanted to be there for you as well. But she never told you how much she wanted you to be happy because she didn't want to overwhelm you. So she kept it to herself and Tiana. A giggle escaped your lips at her antics. As you shook your head at her. That was when Tiana spoke.
"Calm down sweetheart," Tiana chuckled softly, ordering Elena. As she placed a hand on her girlfriend's back. Trying to calm her down. Elena soon stopped and sent the two of you a pout. Before smiling when Tiana kissed her cheek. Seeing the two of them had you smiling with another giggle. You loved them both like sisters and also admired their relationship. You shipped them together. They were like polar opposites but balanced each other out quite well. What the other had that the other didn't. But they made it work out with each other. Shaking your head again you looked down bashfully at your's and Elena's hands. Before nodding and speaking.
"I can't with you Elena. But no, I haven't met anyone on the app. Though there are a lot of people who are diverse that I have talked to I haven't clicked with anyone yet. But being on the app has taught me a few things though," you informed the two girls with a smile. Patting her hands you got up from your seat and stood up straight. As you walked around the counter. Smiling at the two you bit your lip and held out your arms for a hug. Elena was quick to pull you into a hug along with Tiana.
"Thank you for introducing me to the app, and convincing me to go on it. I may not like the app all the time. But it really helps me somewhat with my fears and whatnot," you explained to them. Which had the two of them nod understanding what you said. Elena was happy that she was helping you in any way she could, and was proud of you. While Tiana was extremely proud of you for getting over some of your fears.
"Well I'm happy that it's helping you Honey. Still be careful and let us know if you ever need help on it okay," Elena smiled with a nod. Pulling away you sent her another smile and nod. Understanding her and taking in what she had to say. Looking up you looked at the time and went to gather your things.
"I will, I promise. But I have to get back home and do a few things alright," you said. As you picked up your coat, throwing it on and placing your purse over your shoulders. You sighed looking outside the glass window at the growing crowd walking by. You were never good with crowds. But you knew you wanted to get home. You were preparing and pep talking yourself to go outside when you heard Tiana speak.
"You want one of us to take you home Y/n," Tiana questioned. As she looked at the scared expression on your face as you looked outside the shop window. She has learned over time some of your troubles with the help of Elena, and she wanted to help as much as she could. Elena was quick to agree with her partner. If Elena had to she would close her shop for a little bit if need be. So, that she could walk you home.
"No! I'm okay. I need to do this on my own. I will text you when I get home though it's not that far away anyways," you uttered with a sigh. You were starting to want to do things on your own. You started to want to get over your fears, you had determination. Seeing this caused Elena and Tiana to nod and give you encouraging smiles witnessing your determination. As you walked to the door of the shop. You looked back and you sent them a wave before opening the door.
Taking a deep breath you walked out the flower shop. As you shut the door you heard 'goodbyes' from Elena and Tiana. Which had you smile. Soon you were walking the sidewalks of the vast city. Walking through the streets you sighed not liking the crowded streets as you looked around. You began to think as you walked home.
You never did like crowded places nor loud noises. It was just one of the things that made you, you. After everything you've been through. Moving to a vast city wasn't really what you wanted to do. But it's what Elena wanted to do and after everything she had been through you wanted to be there for her. And she convinced you it would be better for your dream to be in a city. But you decided to go wanting to keep your promise when you were teens over the internet. But you two found yourselves moving there anyway after meeting each other. You two having met on the internet when you were teens. When you both graduated highschool you both met for the first time with your own parents' help. It was a very emotional meeting and you both cherished it with all your hearts.
But after graduating and meeting you two didn't want to leave each other's side. Especially with Elena's home life. She had a hard life with her parents after coming out about her liking women instead of men. They treated her terribly. Which caused you to beg for your parents to let her stay with you. Having witnessed their actions over video and hearing them over the phone. Which after explaining your parents soon took the proper actions and took her in. After that you and Elena worked hard to earn money. So, you could start with making your dreams a reality. After some time you both finally made enough to go to the city. Well more so on the side of the city in a little cabin of both your own. Seeing that at the time you two needed to start the exploration of the beginning of your adult life.
Even though at first you had Elena at your side. You were scared but happy you took such big steps in your life. Even your parents were happy. You and Elena had found a little cabin on the side of the city that you made your own. After finding your home you both started on making your dreams come true. Elena wanted to be a florist and you wanted to be an artist. It was hard at first trying to pursue your dreams. But you both made due and had each other every step of the way. It made you smile remembering both of your past together. And it made you happy that you still have her in your life after so long. She was the only constant thing in your life besides your mother.
Right now though you were walking through the crowded streets. Your hands tremble as they hold tightly onto your purse strip. As you tried to avoid bumping into people. After some time you soon reached the side of the city.. A chuckle left your lips as you saw your cabin come into view. With a skip in your step you soon reach the front yard of your cabin. It was decorated with flowers from Elena and small wildlife were around. It always brought a smile upon your face when seeing your little home. Skipping to the front door you reach into your bag to grab your keys to open the door. Once it was open you yell out, "Shadow I'm home."
It didn't take much time for the all black Maine Coone to rush over to you. A giggle left you as he brushed himself against your legs. Reaching down you petted him as he purred. As you took off your shoes and coat. After giving him some affection you walked over to the kitchen and got him some food and more water. When done taking care of him you walked over to the couch. Looking around you smiled at your little home.
It was recently that Elena had moved out to be with Tiana in the city. You were sad at first and scared that you would lose her. But with her reassurance you realized she wasn't leaving you. She was just wanting to be closer to Tiana and wanted to give you some space. Which you appreciated. Because now you had become a bit more independent, not relying on Elena. A sigh left you as you turned on the TV. Putting on a show as you pulled a blanket over you to get comfortable. You soon reach into your pocket for your phone.
Remembering your need to text Elena that you were home safe. After letting her know, you soon checked your other messages from potential customers and your mother. When you were done you soon turned off your texting, having it turned to your home screen. A picture of you and Shadow took up the screen.
When you looked over the apps thinking of what you should do your eyes fell on the Cupid Matchmaker App. There was a blue dot on the corner of the purple icon. Showing there were notifications. Shrugging you tapped on the app looking through the notifications you had. Seeing all the upgrades they had on the app. You flicked through them with a sigh. When done seeing them all, you soon see that you had new people who liked your profile. You were looking at all the new people when one profile caught your eyes.
Your eyes widen seeing it. It was a picture of not one but two handsome men. With the name of Tae&Kook as their username. Who were both tattooed with beautiful art and were absolutely down right gorgeous. Clicking on the profile your mouth drops as you look through their pictures. There were pictures of them both together and then selfies of them alone. Many showing off their tattoos or just of them smiling. Rubbing your eyes you couldn't believe it. It was hard to believe that such a profile liked you. But you were confused why there were two men not one.
Sighing you looked down at the 'about me' section and you read hesitantly. It seemed that their names were Taehyung and Jungkook. Both of them were tattoo artists and were partners. What grabbed your attention was that they were looking for another partner. Saying they had more love to give to another. Which had you cough choking on your own saliva. But you continued to read a little more facts about them. Which were miniscule things about them like their favorite music and some of their hobbies.
It was so hard to believe that someone like them liked your profile. For a moment you were worried they were or are a person who was maybe catfishing people with the pictures. Because it was so hard to believe two men like that could exist on this app. But you soon remembered you shouldn't judge people.
Thinking you looked at the like button having your thumb hover over the screen. Knowing you had to like their profile in order for you to start talking to one another. You were soon thinking did you really want to take a chance with them. Were you willing to try and have a relationship with two men? If it came to that. Were you willing to take a chance?
You were thinking when suddenly Tiana's and Elena's words came to your mind. Take a chance. Make mistakes. You never know what will happen. YOLO, you only live once. Life's too short. Shaking your head of their words you looked down at your phone at their main profile picture. A picture of them in all black. With the man you think was Taehyung leaning over with his inked arms wrapped around the other named Jungkook as he sat taking the picture of the two. What drew you in even more was their genuine smiles.
So, with a sigh leaving your lips as you ran your fingers through your long hair. As you thought about it. Biting your lower lip nervously you shrug and said heck with it and pushed the like button. You watched as purple hearts lit up the screen as they floated around. A nervous sigh left your lips as you took your phone and put it on the coffee table in front of you. Standing up and folding your blanket you turn off the TV and pick up your phone heading to your room. Hearing movement behind you, you turned, seeing Shadow following you. Giggling, you open the door to your room. Throwing your phone on the bed you walked into the bathroom and got yourself ready for a shower.
After some time relaxing and cleaning up you then went back to your room. You found Shadow laying on the end of the bed sound asleep. Which had you smile as you walked over. Getting into the bed you pulled the covers over you and reached for your phone. Hoping to read a little bit before bed.
But as you clicked on your phone you were met with your lock screen, a picture of yourself. But what got your attention was the notification telling you had a message on the Cupid Matchmaker App. Putting in your passcode you clicked the app opening it up. Going to your messages on the app you took a deep breath seeing it was from Tae&Kook. Biting your lower lip nervously you take another deep breath trying to calm your nerves. Before clicking their message. Opening it you were met with two simple messages.
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
Hello - Tae
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
hey! - Kook
You chuckled at yourself for thinking the worst would happen. Before typing down your greeting to them.
- 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 -
It didn't take long before you saw the three little dots appear. Showing that one of them were typing.
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
How are you? - Tae
- 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 -
I'm doing well how are you two doing
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
we're doing great as well - Kook
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
Can I just say I love the pictures of your art on your profile. - Tae
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
well he said it before I could your art really is amazing. but I also want to point out that that huge cat looks awesome. - Kook
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
Haha I did say it first. Oh and that cat is cool. What kind is it? - Tae
Reading their messages had you chuckle and blush at their compliments. Before looking over at Shadow. Who had gravitated towards you, now lying beside you curled up into a ball. Smiling you look back at your phone and went through your pictures. Hesitantly you clicked a full picture of Shadow showing his full size and sent it to them. You soon bit your fingernail nervously wait for another reply.
- 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 -
[ sent image ]
- 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 -
He is a black Maine Coone cat
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
WOW! hes that big dang I would hate to be on his bad side - Kook
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
I agree with Jungkook I would hate to be attack by him - Tae
- 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 -
Yup! his name is Shadow. He's my little fur baby.
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
that is no baby. that is some thing else. its a cat the size of a minture dog - Kook
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
Calm down Kook! before you scare her away. - Tae
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
why would you text that. we're sitting right next to each other. NOW you're going to scare her away - Kook
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
I'M NOT YELLING! I'M SIMPLY EMPHASIZING THROUGH TEXT WITH ALL CAPS. Side note why'd you write your name in all caps. - Tae
You laughed seeing their banter through the messages. It made you laugh so much you were holding your stomach as you held your phone. It was funny and made you less nervous seeing their banter and humor.
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
lets just forget tht and talk to yourusername - Kook
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
True. It seems we forgot to introduce ourselves. I am Taehyung Kim or Tae or also known as V. But to keep it simple you just call me Tae. Its why I am signing off as Tae because of our username - Tae
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
and I am Jungkook Jeon, JK, or Kook. whats your name? - Kook
- 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 -
Thats the most I have laughed in a long time. And my name is Y/n L/n
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
We're happy we could make you lol. But why don't we get to know each other now. Now that all of that is out of the way - Tae
That was how the rest of your night was spent. You texting back and forth with Taehyung and Jungkook. You learnt little things about the two men and them learning about you. You found that the three of you took a liking for art. It was a big part of your lives and it was all three of your passions.
After that the three of you soon started telling jokes to each other. Which led to them coming up with the nickname Kitten for you. Then you three began telling each other about your friends. Them having five friends that were in their life. Which led you to tell them a little bit about Elena and Tiana. But soon your messages became slower. Soon when messaging them you found yourself falling asleep in the middle of waiting for them to message you back. The last thing you saw before going fully asleep and clicking off your phone was the last message of Taehyung and Jungkook.
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
Well it seems that your falling asleep on us. so I would like to say goodnight and speak to you tomorrow kitten - Tae
- 𝐓𝐚𝐞&𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 -
yes have sweet dreams tonight kitten. - Kook
You sighed as you fell into a deep sleep with a smile upon your lips. You weren't expecting to talk all night with the two of them. But you were happy that you did. It was the most you've ever laughed. Though you knew you forgot to ask them for something. But you soon figured you needed to ask them for a picture of them for proof they are who they say they are. 
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
[I’m flipping furiously through my manga volume of Our Dining Table, making sure that I’m correct: I believe Our Dining Table, episode 3, is not canon to the manga (which is FINE, I’m not a canon fascist!) -- but if this zoo/bento episode appeared in any web/Twitter specials, I very much stand corrected!]
Another lovely one from Our Dining Table/Bokura No Shokutaku. Such a quiet, well-paced, lovely show. 
Inukai as Yutaka does almost-cringe really well, as the comments of this post discussed last week, and this week, Yutaka really almost took it to the edge. His approach to his colleague to ask for help to learn how to make bento.... oof. I was this close squirming to the edge of my seat. So well done.
I think this framing of Yutaka 1) needing to learn how to make a bento, 2) needing to learn how to ask for help, 3) getting that help, and 4) receiving the warmest gambatte ever from his colleague -- I think, for the dorama’s sake, it was a necessary vignette to help build up Yutaka.
Because next week, when Yutaka runs into his brother in the grocery store -- it takes him out in the manga, and I have no doubt that Inukai is going to nail it in real time in the dorama. 
So: in this episode, we see Yutaka going through a process of gaining confidence. He’s already feeling validated as a human through his developing relationship with Minoru and Tane-kun.
But I like that, in the dorama, this spreads to Yutaka’s social life/workplace, and that his colleagues are also seeing this change in him.
I didn’t quite put it this way when I was reading the manga for the first time, but we see blips of what happened in Yutaka’s childhood -- he was pushed away while groups of people, his family, ate. I didn’t call it this back then, but it was dehumanizing. 
So what we’re seeing in Yutaka NOW, through Minoru and his family, is Yutaka’s REHUMANIZING. And a lot of that process, I realize, will totally be awkward! And Inukai is toooootally nailing how awkward it is for Yutaka to be going through this growth/regrowth process.
Ugh -- and it’s SO BEAUTIFUL TO SEE. HOW QUIET HIS CONVERSATIONS WITH MINORU ARE. How quiet that confession was to Minoru about not knowing how to make bentos, how nervous Yutaka was -- and, clearly, how moved Minoru was to be one of the recipients of those bentos.
Man, it gives me the shivers that this show is taking the time to fill in the emotional craters that Yutaka has from his upbringing. And I continue to love the portrayal of Minoru’s parenting towards Tane-kun -- and slowly, slowly, how Yutaka brings energy and skills to that shared parenting as well, because that’s what we’re seeing develop.
I knew I loved this manga because of how directly sweet it was. But what I didn’t realize, watching it in dorama form, is that it is SERIOUSLY breaking a HUGE Japanese paradigm of queer couples not being able to be married on paper and have official families. (In TsukuTabe/She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat, a Japanese lesbian is shown on social media as living overseas with her partner and a child.)
As a mama, I’m seriously getting chills watching Yutaka and Minoru grow in their very unofficial (as of now) partnership in sharing care for Tane-kun, and it is BLASSSSTTINNNGG my mom heart to wonderful little bits. ALKJSDKLJFSDF I LOVE THIS SHOW! This show is SUCH A MUST-WATCH, PEOPLE!
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