#like i get that we don't need to take o levels like the other schools but like??
chuu-huahua · 1 year
hi guys have some RANDOM SOUKOKU HEADCANNONS because i’m procrastinating my holiday homework lol (like i genuinely can’t bring myself to do it so i’ll just uh, cram it all before school actually starts)
contrary to popular belief, dazai is actually the good cook between the two of them :) chuuya burned down the entire kitchen once when he tried to make rice, so dazai removed his kitchen-entering privileges. dazai can actually cook well, he just enjoys seeing the shocked/scared faces of the people he serves his food to when he makes it nasty
dazai replaced their couch with a foldable couch bed because whenever he makes chuuya mad, he gets sent to sleep on the couch, and their old one was uncomfortable and not big enough for his lanky ass legs
chuuya once thought dazai was a burglar when he was drunk and smacked him in the face with a frying pan, which broke dazai’s nose. he (chuuya) cried while apologising when he sobered up
they have movie marathon nights, except they speedrun movies separately and fight to see how many more movies they can watch than the other before the clock strikes 7:00am and dazai has to go to work
when dazai did the “that’s what i love about you!” thing to chuuya when they were younger, chuuya actually wanted to punch dazai because he was so flustered. he actually went back to his room to punch his pillow and scream into it about how much he liked dazai back and how he messed up his response
chuuya likes it when dazai drives, because it’s so adrenaline inducing and it’s funny to see the looks on civilian’s faces when they speed pass them and almost crash into the lamp post
dazai’s home wallpaper is a picture of chuuya drooling in his sleep, and chuuya’s one is of dazai screaming and running away from a dog
i feel like they would both be really good at styling hair and doing makeup from kouyou’s lessons and all the infiltration missions they have to go on... although, i can picture chuuya trying to pry a bite of lipstick out of dazai’s mouth because he read the contents and tried to commit suicide by eating it lol
they have a built in wine cellar in their house (inspo from my aunt’s house lol. she has a fucking wine cellar in there stock full of expensive alcohol and there’s even a catalogue) and it’s super super cold. they have two silly fuzzy pairs of slippers, one is crab designed and the other is slug designed lol
yes ig that’s all for now :D
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7ndipity · 9 months
Hello🤗 Hope you're doing well ❤️
Can I pls request headcanons for BTS members where reader thinks of them as just friends but they have a huge crush on us, then they get jealous when we ignored them for our guy best friend so they forced us to leave but don't confess because they are insecure? And can you please make it fluffy?
I know it's very specific 😅 but I would really appreciate it if you would accept my request ❤️ thank you ❤️
They Get Jealous of Your Guy Friend
Ot7 x Reader
Warnings: swearing, teeny bit of angst, not proofread
A/N: Thank you so much for this request! Oof this concept tho, I love these kinds of concepts! I haven't written an ot7 piece in a hot minute, so it was fun to get back to these! I hope you like it!
Requests are open
Jin: He would get soo sulky if you weren’t paying attention to him. He’s you best friend, how could you ignore him?!(Although, he’d deny it up and down if you ever accused him of being jealous) He would try and play it off
though, pointing out how late it was getting and ‘hey, didn’t you have some work/school thing you needed to work on?’ maybe with his help?? He’d end up taking you for ice cream or smth on the way home because he feels a lil guilty for spoiling your evening and thinks about explaining, but he’d end up chickening out at the last second and keeping his thoughts to himself, for now at least…
Yoongi: Yoongi would be point blank about it, just like his approach to everything else. He’d stick himself right in the middle of whatever you and your other friend were doing and say that it was time for y’all go, since you’d so conveniently come together(well played, Min), not even letting your friend get out an offer to drop you home themselves before he was saying your goodbyes for you and all but pulling you with him out the door. When he spots you giving him a “wtf?” look, he would just shrug it off, preferring not to explain, all the earlier bravado disappearing with you. “Idk, I just wanted to leave…”
Hobi: ‘It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine’ is all that’d been repeating in his head for a solid five minutes as he tried to be cool and let you have a good time, but he couldn’t help feeling more than a bit miffed by the fact that he was being pretty much ignored by his partner. Except you weren’t his partner. Fuck, why did he always seem to forget that when he saw you with them? The last straw tho is when said friend puts a hand on your arm, and he’s up and beside you saying something about a minor emergency and you two have to go. He wasn’t even thinking and just said the first thing he could think of, having to now come up with a ‘whoops, false alarm!’ story so you don’t get mad at him.
Namjoon: Joon wouldn’t even hide the fact that he was irritated when you and your other friend were getting a little too cozy at the club you had gone to, coming over and grumpily telling you that y’all had to go, pulling some k-drama level shit trying to pull you along through the crowd with him. Naturally, you yank your hand away once you’re clear of the people and demand to know what the fuck was his problem, not understanding his sudden attitude. He would very nearly spill it then and there, frustration making him reckless, but he would catch himself at the last second and make up some lame excuse.
Jimin: Sulky No.2, ooh boy. He’d be trying his best(ish) not to be bothered, biting his lip every time he heard you laugh at one of their jokes or smth, but his jealousy would quickly get the better of him. He’d wind his way into the conversation before winding his way back out of it, with you in tow. How he always managed to get you away from the group was beyond you, he’s the smoothest smooth talker. You’d end up going to get dinner or coffee together on the way home,talking about whatever until you catch him staring at you for the third time and tell him to quit looking at you like that. “Like what?” “Like you’re in love with me or something.” “Would that be such a bad thing?” “What?!” “Nevermind, you were saying?”
Taehyung: Tae would come up with a bold faced lie, coming over and saying that he was feeling sick or smth and could you please take him home, knowing you would instantly go into caregiver mode, worrying about him and forgetting all about your other friend. It’s kinda a shitty move, and he knows it, but honestly if he had to sit and watch you smile at him for much longer, he might’ve actually gotten sick. He’d end up half confessing to you, talking about how much you mean to him and how he didn’t know what he’d do without you, might even actually say I love you, wincing a bit when you say that you love him too, and that he’s the best friend you could ever ask for. So close…
Jungkook: Sulky No.3. This boy is about as subtle as a neon sign, if I’m being honest. He hates when you’re not right next to him and you know that perfectly well, which is why you were ignoring him in the first place. His hypocritical attitude was really starting to irritate you, as it was apparently more than fine for him to go and mingle and flirt with whoever he wanted, but not you. By the time he got fed up and said it was time to leave, you were ready for a fight, demanding to know why he was always on your case on nights like this. “Because!” He’d catch the words just before they slipped out, biting his lip. “Because I worry about you.” “It’s not your job to worry about me.” “I know, but I want it to be…”
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cantsomeoneelsedoit · 2 months
Ch 59: Tetsuzanko
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Little Shen negotiating his demands with his teacher is just so wholesome and pure. Here's this kid who is wearing rags and robbing adults for money all while telling his sister that he's the strongest in the world, and he enters a tournament and gets beat, thus proving he's not the strongest, but it doesn't affect his self-confidence at all.
He's still so confident that he proposes conditions for allowing someone to teach him, and it's not that he's being egotistical or delusional, because he admits he got beat at the tournament.
His leverage in this negotiation is offering the opportunity to train the boy who will become the world's strongest. That's how sure he is that he'll achieve his dream!
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Shen: "Do it for the exposure! It'll look great in your portfolio!"
It's still not clear what kind of person Shen's teacher is at this point. We know he's interested in strong students and that he's smiling at Shen, but he seems eager to push Shen to his limits.
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FENG?! That Feng?! It all makes sense now!
Feng is waiting on his student to surpass him and needs him to get as strong as possible so that he can have a fitting opponent someday. You know, like a certain other "Best in the World" from another series:
Each of them promises to wait as long as it takes for their student to reach their level, too! Feng has an even more Mihawk-ish quote later in the story, one that almost matches word for word.
But unlike my beloved Mihawk, Feng specifically promised not to age, which is a bit of an odd thing to say unless it's related to his negation ability.
Back to the battle, Shen immediately uses Untruth as he and Feng charge at each other with the sun shining over both of them as in the panels from the previous chapter.
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Feng is surprised, but Untruth doesn't seem to throw him off his game too badly. Narration boxes explain how Shen's ability isn't foolproof. He has to keep in mind everything he knows about his opponent's skills, tendencies, mood, and the chances of his ability backfiring--all in real time during a fight. He basically has to think for two people during a battle.
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That last panel is so pretty!
Shen realizes that this guy is going to be more trouble than he'd thought! He begins to put the puzzle together:
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Andy and Fuuko hadn't had a chance to tell Shen about Life Is Strange and its anti-aging abilities because the battle started almost as soon as they arrived.
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Feng's style name is written on his outfit. It has the Under symbol and then 八极 "baji" in simplified Mandarin.
Baji is short for Bajiquan, a Chinese martial arts style. Feng has his own variant style of baji, but we haven't yet learned its name. When Feng uses the Zhen Jiao step-in, Shen recognizes it as one of the fundamental moves of baji and it adds to his suspicions that this mystery opponent has the same fighting style as his old master.
It's a quick, explosive, close-quarters kind of combat that's honestly terrifying:
After escaping with the step-in, Feng soars high above and shields himself with one of the jiangshi. Shen remarks that using a "human" shield to block attacks is something his old master would do--we're slowly learning more and more that Feng might not have been a very caring teacher...
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Feng, wearing a hooded robe the entire time and concealing his identity from almost everyone in the series: "Heh, I suppose it's no wonder you don't know who I am!" Yeah, no shit. That's how disguises work!
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Shen proves once again that he has no sentimental reservations about punching the zombified corpse of his former rival, but Feng spins away from the punch and lines up for his next wicked sick move.
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Bajiquan's most famous move is the tetsuzanko 鉄山靠, "iron mountain lean," a kind of shoulder check/throw/battering ram. Feng's version is called hakkaizanko 捌廻山靠 "eight cycle mountain strike/lean."
It's a well-known baji move with Feng's own spin on it. He hits Shen so hard that he has a flashback!
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"Aren't schools supposed to be free of dummies" is hilarious, but in just a few pages, Shen says that he can't go to school because he's a dummy. Poor kid! He doesn't even think he belongs in school! He has a lot of confidence in his strength, but not in his smarts. It's especially sad because we know that Shen's actually not dumb at all! T.T
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Was Feng really joking though? He's so hard to read!
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The siblings go outside to train under the full moon. Mei learns the tetsuzanko and appears to master it in a short time-- but the sfx covers up her joyful moment in the last panel, and it continues across each panel of the flashback as Feng's true nature is revealed.
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"Rather than having three disciples, what if I just have one extremely traumatized disciple?"
Feng was never interested in training Shen for Shen's sake. He wasn't trying to get all the glory for himself, either. I mean, he could've won that tournament hands-down if he wanted to, but he didn't even try (and we see here that he could easily beat the current champion). All that Feng wanted was to train someone who could get strong enough to give him a good fight, and he was willing to hurt that person as much as he could in order to make them into a meaner, stronger version of themselves.
The story cuts back to the present and we FINALLY see Feng's face! Noooooo, he's handsome! How can I hate him now?!?!
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I don't think we've ever seen Shen look like this before. He has the same wild look in his eyes as he did when Feng first recruited him! Now Feng is hoping to use that wild side of Shen to create his ideal opponent. Is Shen just taking the bait?
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agroupiewhore · 4 months
Hi everyone,
Here is my newest imagine with Matías Recalt, can't really think of any warnings besides making out etc (PG-13). I love the LSDLN fandom so much.
I apologise for any mistakes in my writing or grammar (I left school at 16 to go and work in a coffee shop where I didn't really need to do much penmanship and I was never good at English) I really want this to be perfect as I love writing and haven't in ages. Please leave me comments/ questions/ concerns and ofcourse constructive criticism. If people do like this alot and maybe want a part 2 I'd consider it, I am not sure but I do know I am enjoying writing again.
Sorry for the long introduction.
The Beach Run
"It's getting kind of late don't you think?" You rolled over onto your front and sat up onto your knees. "We should probably get back". Matías propped himself up onto his elbows and admired you.
"Sorry, what were you saying? There's a goddess in front of me, so it's a little hard to pay attention right now" he said, smirking.
"O my god." You laughed and blushed hard. Thank god it was getting dark. "You are another level you know?"
"Oh I know." He smirked again, sitting up and kissing you gently. "So what's it like being down here with us mere mortals?"
"Matías, please mi amor." You said kissing his soft cheeks. "It's getting dark, come on".
"Are you scared of the dark?" He asked, staring up at you with his dark eyes.
"Ofcourse not!" You replied, brushing some sand off yourself. You leaned forward to grab a few of the empty beer bottles around your towel. Matías admired you and fiddled with his ring.
"Babe, I have an idea." He said, smiling. "Please, it's a good one this time."
You laughed.
"I hope so." You replied, stroking his cheek. His last great date idea was to play sandwich roulette. It essentially involved choosing any random ingredients and food you two could find in the kitchen and throwing it into a sandwich. You didn't think you'd ever be able to get the taste of lettuce, mustard and onion out of your mouth. Even his cat didn't want any of the leftovers.
"No it really is this time, I promise." He smiled and kissed your neck. How could you resist? His smile was infectious.
"Okay, okay, tell me what we're gonna do." You said.
"Well ,first, we can tidy and all, so we're ready to head back as soon as we can." He said, putting some of the leftover food back into the picnic basket. You assisted in tidying and soon were all packed up.
"Now what?" You asked as you looked over at him. Matías said nothing as he got up to his feet and began undressing.
"No way! No, someone might see us." You said, admiring your perfect boyfriend. "Babe?!"
"No one is going to see us ,and it's pitch black anyway, so come on." He answered leaning down to kiss you tenderly. "I'll keep you safe, I promise." You pondered his request for a moment before smiling and taking off your bikini. Thank god it was pitch black so no one could see how hard you were blushing. You giggled as his long eyelashes tickled your face. He pulled away, took your hand and kissed it.
"Let's go swimming!" He said, and he took off in the direction of the sea.
"Matías! Matías!" You cried, holding onto his hand for dear life. "We can't do this, oh my god!" You laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. The two of you naked in the sea splashing each other. This was the level of joy you wanted to feel for the rest of your life. You could just about make out his silhouette in the darkness. The sea wasn't particularly cold, thankfully, and the two of you continued your water fight and swam a little bit of the way out. You embraced one another and began making out in the middle of the ocean.
"You are so perfect." Matías said, as he pushed some strands of wet hair out of your face. He touched your silver pendant, which he had given you as a gift before going off to film. He had a matching one also, and both of you had made a promise to never take it off. Whilst he was filming, it was hard to not miss him or feel alone at times despite the video calls and how often he messaged you. You had both agreed that when you both couldn't take the loneliness, all you had to do was hold onto the pendemant, squeeze it tightly, and think of being together.
"I love you so much." You said as you stroked his cheek with your thumb. "Te amo mucho."
"Que hermosa." He whispered back as he pressed tiny kisses on your neck. You remained enveloped in one another's pure adoration in the ocean for sometime.
"Well... we should probably get back... maybe." You giggled. "You're going to be all salty!" Matías kissed the tip of your nose.
"Race you!" He cried out before starting to front crawl back to the shore "Loser does the dishes!"
"O my god, you asshole!" You cried out before swimming after him. Naturally, he won thanks to his headstart.
"Going to make sure we cook the absolute messiest dinner tomorrow, babe." He said, smiling as he took your hand in his.
"Yeah, yeah." You replied shaking your head and rolling your eyes. It was impossible not to adore his shit eating grin. You lightly nudged him.
"Erm... babe." Matías said, looking out at the sand "Where's our stuff?" You looked up across the beach, when you had run into the ocean it obviously hadn't been in a straight line, and then swimming out and being pushed by the tide had led you back to a different spot.
"A good idea, huh?" You said, looking at him then promptly bursting out laughing. He blushed slightly and began laughing as well.
"I promise you can pick every date activity from now on." He said, laughing harder.
"This is still better than sandwich roulette." You answered as the two of you began walking in what you hoped was the right direction.
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xjulixred45x · 8 months
Kaigaku Inadama/Nobara Kusigaki x Reader from out time
Request: Nobara (JJK) y Kaigaku (KNY) with a Reader of our times please? Good luck with your Exams!
Thanks sweetie!
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: Neutral
Warnings: none really, fluff
Nobara Kusigaki
Nobara is a quirky girl, we all know that.
Now, with a reader who comes from a world without curses? That's a new level of extravagant.
Nobara, regardless of gender, would like to go on shopping dates, or even go to cute cafes (even cat cafes) to have a quiet environment to be with her partner (God knows she needs it with her job).
She is very interested in what her S/o has to say about her world, especially because it ties her to reality in some way.
Let me explain to you.
Her S/o IS the little normal thing she have in her life.
Since she entered the world of Sorcery at least.
So I think she really appreciates this new, more "ordinary" perspective on life that her s/o has even though it may seem "more boring" at first glance.
For Nobara you will never be boring.
And partly she wishes she could enjoy the same things as you that she can't afford now (or perhaps never allowed herself due to her context).
I think that thanks to this Nobara would be one of the few people in the entire series who would be very good with a non-Sorcerer s/o. She trusts her abilities to protect you, and honestly, you're the closest thing to a "home" she's had in a long time.
Someone to act her age around and not have to worry about cursing or work is very welcome.
she will protect you no matter what, since you are not from that world, you are obviously not used to dealing with curses, so she will happily take care of them for you.
(she doesn't recognize it, but he loves to show off his skills for you.....whoever she deceives, she shows it off shamelessly).
You are one of the few people who lets you into her heart easily, so he won't let anything happen to you.
If you want to learn to be a Sorcerer, she will be conflicted, on the one hand she wants both of you to be a ✨power couple✨ but on the other hand the VERY likely possibility that you will die terrifies her.
But it's your decision. If you decide to do so, you will have ✨Scary Dog Privilge ✨ because Nobara will make sure NO ONE messes with you, be it curse or humans.
If you decide not to do it, she's fine with that, according to her "I can be brutal for both of us."
In general she protects you more than most because she cares a lot :3
Kaigaku Inadama
He definitely thought you were joking at first.
More so when you told him about the things of our time that OBVIOUSLY had not been invented for the Taisho Era. But more than bothering Kaigaku, he found it fun. At first.
Now, if you had some proof that what you say is THE TRUTH (like a phone or even a flashlight, some small but technological thing), Kaigaku.Exe stops working.
And he spends a LONG TIME questioning everything.
But then he realizes that if man-eating demons exist, then what you say may be possible.
I think he would also be impressed (even if he doesn't admit it) with his S/o's level of education (in the Taisho era people barely knew how to read and write, so if you have finished high school, you look like a GENIUS in comparison to Kaigaku).
But he also realize that your S/o is used to a much more peaceful type of life. Which means he has to constantly protect you.
It doesn't bother him, he likes to show off his strength with you (although he WILL DIE before saying it), so he constantly shows off when there is danger nearby.
In a way that his S/o comes from a future without demons gives him some hope, because it means that 1-or the demons FINALLY become extinct or 2-the Pillars will defeat Muzan at some point. Either one is good.
Of course, I don't know if it's a good idea to talk to him about Hiroshima or Nagasaki ☠️
Besides, he doesn't understand at all the historical or cultural references that his S/o throws at him, but he dismisses it rather than getting angry.
While Kaigaku is confident in his abilities to protect his s/o, I can see him being somewhat paranoid, so he would give them Wisteria fixes in case he had to go on a mission and they couldn't come.
If his S/o wants to be a Demon slayer, I think he would be very against it, more than anything he doesn't want to lose the little positive that has come into his life (he doesn't say it, but he lets it be seen), although if his S/o insists A LOT, he'll probably let you see Jigoro, and if they manages to pass the training, he would have his S/o go on all his missions with him (except when it is MANDATORY that he go alone).
If S/o remains a civilian, perhaps Kaigaku would recommend going to work in one of the Wisteria houses that the guild has, it doesn't require much training (from what I understand) and it would be much more practical to see each other more often.
In general, he is less of an idiot and more protective of a reader in our world, believing that you could not defend yourself as well as him.
But he loves you just the same.
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irafuwas · 9 months
random unprompted ask that you do not have to answer if you don't want to, but: i see that silkali is your favorite ship and i was wondering if you had any headcanons or just general thoughts about them that you'd like to share :o
Hi hi!! Yes, I’d love to share some of my thoughts on silkali, thank you so much for the ask!! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Some headcanons:
adhd x autism power couple
I really don’t think they’d get together while at NRC. Silver is so laser focused on training to become a knight, and Kalim is so preoccupied with learning to be the next head of his family’s business, that I don’t think the stars would align for them to start dating while at school. When Silver realizes he’s fallen in love, he’d hesitate to confess since he knows he wants to stay in Briar Valley and serve the royal family the rest of his life. (I really don’t think anything is going to get Silver out of BV unless he’d be accompanying his father to go live with him elsewhere.) So for that reason (and also because they’re both shy and silly), Silver wouldn’t tell Kalim how he feels before they graduate from NRC. In my mind, they don’t get together until like a good decade post-graduation.
Silver likes that Kalim does most of the talking, and he never feels pressured to speak at length if he doesn’t want to. Kalim in turn likes that Silver is level headed, a good listener, and that he’s one of the few people he can enjoy silence with.
Kalim never gets mad when Silver falls asleep on him mid-conversation and he’ll be happy to sit and wait for however long it’ll take for Silver to wake up.
I think Kalim would be the first of the two to start crushing on the other. He’d get like shoujo manga heroine vision and start seeing sparklies and rainbows and stuff whenever Silver is around dfkgjdf
If they did go out during their time at NRC, Jami would for sure get really worried and trail them on their dates. He’d stake out on top of a nearby building, and he’d watch them from the scope of a sniper rifle. Atop another nearby building, Lilia would also be watching them, but from the scope of one of those really long paparazzi cameras instead.
After they get married, they have a lot of kids (all adopted and of all different species). I’m not sure how many, but at least five. (Kalim wanted a large family because he grew up with one and he adores all his siblings, and Silver feels it’s his duty to provide a loving home to any children in need.) Kalim has tons more experience with kids than Silver does, so Silver would lean on him a lot in the beginning with their first baby, but I think Silver would get the hang of things pretty quickly and he’d be a great dad.
No matter whom you ship Silver with romantically, I think we can all agree Lilia would be his number one wingman and he’d be really annoying lol. He’d def pester Silver a lot for any updates on his courting endeavors and give him the most Awful advice ever. He’d be like, “Silver, I’ll do anything to make sure this ship sails!” and Silver would be like, “Father, what vessel are you referring to…?”
I ship them for a couple different reasons, but I guess the main one is that I love that Silver genuinely appreciates and respects Kalim for who he is, and that Kalim in turn sees past Silver’s stone faced exterior and he can see all the good he has in his heart. A lot of the other characters more or less just put up with Kalim, and they’ll be kind to him just so they can get something from him. And with Silver, most people don’t take the time to understand that just because he’s quiet and doesn’t outwardly express his emotions a lot, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care or that he’s literally emotionless. So I guess I just like that they understand each other beyond the superficial impressions the other students have of them.
They honestly remind me a lot of Soriku – with Kalim mirroring Sora's bright and sunshine-y nature and Silver being more serious and solemn like Riku. Silver said in his dorm uniform vignette that he wishes he could be more open like Kalim, and if we ever get Kalim wishing he could be more like Silver in some way I will melt into a puddle on the spot lol (‘cause it’d mirror sora and riku’s convo on the dark margin at the end of KH2).
I have a couple different songs for them in my silkali playlist, but the one I think encompasses their ship the best is mona lisa by Sam Cooke! (it’s from Kalim’s pov)
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Wait, wait, WAIT, now I need to do headcanons on how other Naruto characters would react to their S/O threatening another child for bullying their kid.
This is based on this fic I wrote for Kakashi: Wage War
Characters: Yamato/Tenzo, Iruka, and Orochimaru
He is in pure shock at the anger in your eyes; he gets chills just looking at you. How can something so pretty look so evil?
Oh… He thinks as he looks at where you are staring - Your son… Makes sense.
He’s quick to grab you, though, knowing that you would wage war against anyone who hurt your kid if allowed. He would, too, don't get him wrong, but kids were kids. They were mean!!
You didn't care. All you saw was red. “Hey, we can't go hurting kids now, can we? What message would that send to our child?” 
His words would have been calming at another time, but all they did was fire you up more. “That no one is allowed to mess with him!!!”
He has to pull you away and profusely apologize to the mother who is now pulling her kid away from you. 
“You should keep her on a leash if she’s going to be so rabid-”
Tenzo’s jaw dropped at that statement, and he cringed at the shocked gasp that came from you. He told you you couldn't pick a fight with a kid, but their parent?
The adults were different. You could beat them up as much as you wanted. Tenzo let you go, hands shooting up as he watched you storm towards the mom in pure rage.
Sure, you could beat up the parents, and he would cheer you on as you did.
Not happy at all. 
This ball of sunshine would be QUICK to scold you, warning you that teaching your little girl that "violence was the answer" was not a good idea…
Even though she's literally in a school to become a ninja? Violence isn't good?? Ya. Okay, whatever you say, Ruka.
He would take a more sensible route with it and would be able to calm you down with logical thinking - Violence is a nono but detention? Detention he can do.
Iruka being the school's headmaster is a perk, and part of him is thankful for being in charge. Otherwise, he wasn't sure how many kids would end up missing.
He would also scold you if you looked at the other child wrong; he will have none of that happening in his school. 
But don't worry; he will make sure the kid doesn't mess with your kid again.
She's his kid, too, you know! And no one fucks with his daughter.
Mitsuki looked different than everyone else; that was painfully obvious.
He was aware of this and never took offense to jabs and laughs, but you?
Lord, help everyone around you.
Orochimaru would snicker at your anger, finding it adorable as you threatened child after child for making fun of your baby.
He would stop you if you moved towards the children though. While the old him would have allowed the violence to happen, the new him wanted peace. And you fighting a kid would not fare well for the three of you.
Still, he’d let you rant and rave about how cruel the kids are in Konoha. The thing is, though, Mitsuki is just like him in that sense. Orochimaru, too, experienced the same level of bullying, so he understood firsthand how cruel kids could be, but he always ignored them.
It doesn't matter. Their words don't matter.
And while you know that the words don't hurt your baby, you still can't help but feel overprotective every time you catch wind of a jab being thrown his way.
So while Orochimaru isn't worried about Mitsuki’s well-being and knows you won't seriously harm a child, he still makes sure that you know violence is not the answer here.
His new mindset was seriously frustrating, and you couldn't help but agree with him.
But if they called Mistuki a white-haired freak one more time….
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frostiifae · 6 months
Could you elaborate on the Dragon Maiden thing? :o
the basic premise of dragon maid, as a story about allegorically exploring "alternative" relationships, is very cute, and i like it very much in theory.
you may be wondering why i use the term "alternative" as opposed to, you know, gay relationships. the show's very good when it's about gay adults. kobayashi, tohru, fafnir and takiya are all cute and fun and their relationships are very sweet. it could have also shown some other, even more socially-unusual relationships, like, idk, polyamory. that would've been neat, but no need to do that. it's fine as a show about gay adults.
the problem is that it chose to veer instead into a couple of different sorts of "alternative" relationships.
kanna is fine. she's great, even! i really like her stand-in role as a "child" that tohru and kobayashi have to take care of as "parents", further binding them as a family unit. and, as a child character, she's adorable and very engaging.
the idea of saikawa, a girl who is experiencing adolescent attraction to kanna, is fine in theory. the execution kinda sucks, because she doesn't really come across like a primary-school age kid experiencing feelings she doesn't know how to handle, she comes across more like an upper teenager in a porn doujin that just doesn't know the porn words to describe her feelings, so it's definitely family friendly and that's definitely how it works 👌. would have much preferred, y'know, a version of her that is normal and innocent and immature and confused about her crush? it would've been funny to see her pass kanna the "get out of my school" note.
i don't feel the need to really get into the other, much BIGGER problem with dragonmaid, which is the extremely dubious decision to make an obscenely sexualized mature dragon-woman *obsessively* horny over like, a seven year old boy, that is kind of clearly uncomfortable with what's going on? like, we can all agree that that sucked on its face, no matter your feelings on age gap relationships (which this isn't), even besides the implication that gay relationships are somehow on a similar level to really transparent and unapologetic pedophilia, which i would argue is the actual problem that ruins the show moreso than the relationship merely existing? OK, I got into it a little bit, sorry.
the point of my side post was more that like. identifying kanna specifically ("the episode kanna was introduced") as the problem gives me the impression that the commenter had a very different idea of the problems with dragon maid than i did, which is a troubling observation on a post about how tragic it is that dragonmaid could be so good and somehow still be almost totally ruined by one specific element of the story. you know?
admittedly, the comment's wording wasn't very specific about it, but i'm still very confused that the commenter chose that wording, as opposed to like. any other wording.
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daswarschonkaputt · 2 years
Oooooh so many choices. And I'm torn between asking about mpreg kinnporsche and teenage Porsche! I mean, we don't want you tire yourself out but if you're up to a little titbit... Either?
okay well i have some good news, there is already mpreg kinnporsche content floating around on my blog. the not!fic is here, and i posted a snippet here a bit ago.
teenage porsche... okay so i started this not!fic when i was working on sheets chapter... probably six? i think. and then i got sick, and had to pivot to focus on finishing the fic, so the not!fic just sort of fell to the wayside. i do want to finish it, eventually.
essentially, there was a line in between the sheets about porsche at seventeen -- which was something like this:
Porsche isn’t without sympathy. In the grand scheme of things, Porsche generally wouldn’t pit a seventeen year-old orphan armed with cookware against an experienced bodyguard carrying a top-of-the-line fire arm—with the exception of himself, at seventeen. As a teenager, he’d been – as Yok once said – feral. Porsche maybe wouldn’t have been able to take down Pete, back then, but he’d have probably left the man with one less eye, and maybe a few missing fingers.
and this prompted my readers to tell me they'd pay good money to read feral 17 y/o porsche and 20 y/o kinn ruining each other. and i was like. damn. that's a good idea.
so: feral, angry-at-the-world teenage porsche thrown headfirst at deeply unhappy just-post-tawan kinn. that's the fic's idea.
i'll give you a snippet of the not!fic, but exercise caution. content warning for implied/referenced underage prostitution (no underage sex takes place). let me put it this way: reading this, the group chat complimented me on the knives. so. take that as you will.
the premise:
Porsche is 17 and angry at the world. It’s been about five and a half years since his parents died in a car accident, and the grief has had just enough time to stew into a futile kind of adolescent rage. The world is cruel and unfair, and Porsche is furious at it.
Porsche works two jobs – three, if you count competitive taekwondo, which you probably should – and attends school full-time, when he bothers to show up. His attendance is shit, his grades are barely acceptable, and he’s literally always broke. On top of that, about 80% of his spare energy on any given day has to go to persuading his little brother (Chay, 11) that absolutely nothing is wrong. His stress levels are through the fucking atmosphere.
Porsche attends a fancy private school on an athletics scholarship – which he really wouldn’t bother with, if not for the fact that his scholarship means that Chay also gets to go to school for free, in the attached junior school to his high school. Porsche has a quiet side hustle where he steals shit off his wealthy classmates and gives it to Uncle Thee to sell.
He has no friends, no support system, and the only person he talks with semi-regularly is his taekwondo coach, who thinks he’s cocky and lacking drive.
Recently, Porsche has taken to sneaking out of the house to take part in underground fighting matches. If he’s honest with himself, it has less to do with the money – which is… not bad, but honestly, not the best – than it does with giving Porsche an excuse to hit something until it just—stops. Porsche is scrappy – the kind of fighter who always gets back up, when you knock them down.
It’s the aftermath of one of these matches, when Porsche is staggering through the streets of Bangkok. He’s beat to shit, frankly – his ribs are definitely bruised, if not broken. His kidneys are aching in the way that means he’s going to be pissing blood for a week, or so. He’s just having an altogether bad time.
Porsche is heading for Yok’s bar – well aware that he can’t show up in need of medical help at home. Porsche doesn’t know Yok all that well, at this point, but she has an open door policy for him after she found him passed out on a bench outside her bar, once, and brought him in and patched him up. Yok’s the closest thing Porsche has to an adult he can count on, and he doesn’t even know her that well.
He takes a break on his trek to smoke a cigarette on a street corner – and that’s when he meets Kinn.
This is Kinn. 20 years old, university student, mafia heir. He’s fresh off the Tawan betrayal – cynical about love, cynical about people, and even a little cynical about his family. He’s floundering, and he’s in pain – he’s looking for whatever he can to erase it. Alcohol, sex, oblivion. He’s reckless with his security, because he doesn’t know if he wants them to keep him alive. Miserable and self-destructive. He’s wearing a silk shirt, unbuttoned to the navel, and he stumbles out of a nightclub door, to the sight of Porsche. Porsche is—well, he’s pretty. He wears seventeen with none of the awkwardness his peers do – Kinn looks at him, and he wants.
the meet not-at-all-cute:
Kinn: How much?
Porsche turns and looks at this rich asshole who’s just stumbled dead-drunk out of a nearby nightclub, who’s mistaken him for a whore and his immediate thought is, “Fuck this guy in particular.”
Kinn: Ten thousand?
Porsche gives him a withering look. Kinn misreads this.
Kinn: Fifty thousand?
Porsche puts out his cigarette, ready to fuck off.
Kinn: A hundred thousand?
Porsche pauses. And it’s—it’s awful, but here’s the thing: a hundred thousand baht is… That’s a years’ wages for Porsche and then some. With that much money, Porsche could probably even quit one of his jobs, maybe spend a bit more time with Chay.
It’s kind of shitty, to realise that you have a price. Porsche turns around at Kinn – this rich asshole, blind drunk, throwing around a hundred thousand baht on what he thinks is a street whore – and he thinks, Well.
Porsche: 150.
Kinn agrees. Porsche makes a little beckoning gesture, like, Hand over the cash, and Kinn’s like, “I’m going to have to go to an ATM first.”
You know what’s awkward? Standing next to the guy who’s bought you, as he withdraws the cash to pay you. Porsche rocks on his heels, asking himself, Am I really doing this?
Kinn has the money, and hands it over to Porsche. Porsche takes it, counts it, and does his best to pretend like this isn’t the most money he’s ever handled in his entire life. He puts it into his back pocket. Kinn looks at him like, Well? And Porsche is like, Yeah I’m going to pretend like I do this all the time.
He leads Kinn into an alleyway, and then Kinn kisses him. Porsche lets him, and then he drives his knee straight up into Kinn’s groin. Kinn makes a noise like he’s been shot, curling over in agony, taken completely off-guard. Porsche goes to run, with the cash, not expecting Kinn to get his feet under him and fight back.
It’s—brutal. Kinn is drunk, but also incredibly well-trained. By comparison, Porsche is sober, injured, and fucking feral. He comes out on top, but barely. He manages to knock Kinn out, and just stands there, breathing.
He looks down at Kinn on the ground and thinks, You know what? This fucker deserves this. And then he steals his watch, too.
He manages to make it to Yok’s before the adrenaline wears off, but the weight of the 150,000 baht in his pocket is heavy, and he doesn’t go inside to ask for medical attention. Instead, he calls a taxi, and goes home to Chay and his uncle. Porsche gives his uncle the watch to sell, but doesn’t tell him about the cash, which he hides under a floorboard in his room.
Getting up the next morning is—weird. He feels like shit, but when he goes to check his hidey-hole, the money’s still there. His happiness is ruined when his brother comes into his room without knocking, and sees the awful bruising on his torso. Chay makes Porsche promise to go to the school nurse about it, and is generally just very fussy and worried about it all. Porsche capitulates easily.
Porsche spends the entire time at school waiting for the other shoe to drop. But it just—doesn’t. He gets home, the money’s still there. For the first time in nearly two years, he feels like he can breathe.
A week passes. Porsche begins to spend the money. He’s not profligate with it, or anything – but he buys a few things he might have put off. New shoes for Chay. Take-out for dinner one night. He gets on top of their bills and debts. Quits one of his jobs.
And then at school he’s called in to the headmaster’s office.
Headmaster is meeting with a fancy-pants donor who’s supposedly going to pay for a new scholarship at the school – and wants to meet the school’s most famous scholar, the national taekwondo champion. Mr Headmaster is basically tripping over himself to be nice to the donor – who turns around and smiles at Porsche.
It’s Kinn.
let the ruining commence:
This is so patently a power play that Porsche is almost pissed off about it – and the worst thing is that it still works, because Porsche is fucked. If Kinn tells the headmaster that Porsche scammed him out of a hundred grand, beat him up, and stole his watch – Porsche will lose his scholarship. Kinn is smug – he knows this.
Kinn executes a light bit of conversational manipulation to get the headmaster to leave him and Porsche alone. With the witness gone, the gloves come off.
Kinn: I have to say, I admire your bravery, if nothing else. It takes a particular kind of nerve to steal from me.
Porsche: I didn’t steal shit.
Kinn: [straightens his cuffs, just enough to draw attention to his watch, the one Porsche lifted off his unconscious body] What would you call the 150,000 baht of my money you ran off with, then?
Porsche: You gave that money to me.
Kinn: I gave you that money in exchange for a service to be rendered. That service did not include beating me unconscious and leaving me in an alleyway. I think we could make a case for breach of contract, at the very least.
Porsche: I didn’t sign shit, and I don’t owe you anything.
Porsche goes to leave, but Kinn catches his arm. Porsche throws off his touch.
Kinn: My money, Porsche.
Porsche: What about it?
Kinn: I’d like it back.
Porsche: I don’t have it anymore. [He goes to leave. Once again, Kinn stops him.]
Kinn: Then we have a problem.
Porsche: The only problem we’ll have is if you keep putting your hands where they don’t belong.
Kinn: The implicit contract was as follows: the money, in exchange for sex. As you have failed to uphold your end of the bargain, I’m going to have to ask for the return of the payment.
Porsche: I already told you, I don’t have the money anymore.
Kinn: Even gutter trash like you would struggle to spend 150,000 baht in one week. Return what you have.
Porsche: [Yeah, you know what? Fuck him.] I know your type – rich assholes who’ve never had to work a day in their life. Does your daddy know you spend his money on teenage rent boys?
Kinn: Is this a blackmail attempt?
The bastard sounds amused.
Porsche: Sure.
Kinn: Go ahead. Tell my father all about my twisted little proclivities. I think he’d be more appalled that I spent 150,000 baht on a mouthy little shit like you than the nature of my deviancy. [He steps aside from blocking the door.] My money, Porsche. You have 24 hours.
Porsche: Don’t call me, I’ll call you?
Kinn: Don’t get cute. [Hands Porsche a business card.] Call this number when you have the money. Someone will be by to pick it up.
Well, that’s Porsche’s day ruined.
Porsche thinks it over, and realises it’s probably just easiest to give Kinn back the 120,000 baht he still has from the affair. He goes back home and checks his hiding place, only to find it empty.
At first, he’s furious – he thinks that Kinn set all this up as some sort of twisted mind game. And then Uncle Thee comes shuffling in, surprised to see Porsche back from school so early. Porsche has this moment of hope.
Kinn had his watch back – which means that Arthee doesn’t have it. Did he manage to sell it? And Uncle Thee—hesitates. At which point, Porsche realises that Thee did manage to sell the watch, but something happened to the money. Which is that Thee gambled it away. He’d been trying to get a return on investment – but had lost big. He’d taken Porsche’s little money stash to the casino today to try and win back the money, but had lost that, as well.
Porsche stares at his uncle, and despairs. He’s—so completely devastated, and not even fucking surprised, that it wraps right back around to anger. He goes for Thee’s throat, throttling him, demanding to know what the fuck he was thinking—
At which point Chay gets home from school and pulls Porsche off their uncle. Chay’s mad at Porsche, without any of the context for why all this is happening, which makes Porsche even more upset. He storms out of the house, without thinking about where he’s going.
His feet take him to Yok’s bar, where Yok is accepting a delivery of alcohol. She sees him stood there, in his school uniform, after having trekked across Bangkok, and wordlessly takes him inside.
The entire story is too humiliating to tell Yok, so he lets out bits and pieces – that he owes someone a lot of money, that he had the money to pay them, and his uncle spent it all. He hands over the business card, which Yok inspects.
Bank, one of Yok’s bartenders, peeks at the card, and is like, “This is his card? This is really his card. Porsche, you’re fucked.” Cue a bit of background information about Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakul – and the extent of his family’s power. Bank is highkey amazed – how on earth did Porsche get tangled up with the mafia?
Yok’s immediate thought is that she can lend him the money. She asks how much it is, tells him he can work off the debt to her by washing glasses in her bar. But Porsche knows that 150,000 baht is too much for Yok – she doesn’t have that kind of money just lying around. He turns her down, tells her he can figure something out. Yok is hesitant, but Porsche is insistent.
the knives get worse:
Porsche leaves Yok’s bar, and calls the number on the card. He says he wants to talk about the debt in person.
Kinn sends a fancy car to pick him up. It’s driven by men in dark suits, who all look at Porsche like he’s gum they scraped off their shoe. Porsche gets in the car, and lets them take him to Kinn.
He’s taken to a fancy skyscraper in the centre of Bangkok. It’s all very grand, and Porsche feels like the worst kind of fraud, in his school uniform and ratty converse. He tries to pretend like the décor doesn’t get to him. He mostly succeeds.
Kinn is waiting for him in a fancy office. It has floor to ceiling windows and a light fitting that could be described as a chandelier. He looks up and down at Porsche.
Kinn: So, do you have something for me?
Porsche: [looks at the security detail] I’m not talking about this with them in the room.
Kinn: [pauses, considers] Big, leave.
Big: Khun Kinn—
Kinn: If he disables me, I’m sure you’ll catch him on the way out. Leave.
[They leave.]
Porsche: [clenches fists] You gave me the money for services to be rendered, right?
Kinn: I did.
Porsche: So if I rendered those services, I wouldn’t have to return it to you?
Kinn: [Eyebrows rise.] 150,000 baht in less than a week – quite the spending habit. What’s your poison? Drugs? Sex? Gambling?
Porsche flinches.
Kinn: Gambling. I see. But not you. The only risks you take are with your safety. A relative, then – probably not the baby brother. Your uncle?
Porsche: Do you want to fuck me or not?
Kinn: [Looks at Porsche.] I like my partners to enjoy themselves. I’m not convinced you would.
Porsche: [Clenches fists.] I can make nice. I can even moan your name, if you want me to.
Kinn: The last time I tried to fuck you, I ended up unconscious in an alleyway, missing my watch. I rarely make the same mistake twice. We’ll come up with an alternate repayment plan. [Calls out.] Big!
Big enters the room again.
Kinn: Take Porsche to Chan. Tell him to make him useful.
Porsche: I’m not going anywhere unless you tell me what’s going on.
Kinn: You sold me your body. Don’t get mad because I have other uses for it.
This statement makes Porsche think that Kinn is—pimping him out to whoever this Chan guy is, which is an awful realisation to have. Porsche considers running, before he spots the gun holster on every bodyguard around him. He’s fucked. He’s so very fucked.
Only—Chan doesn’t want to fuck him. In fact, Chan looks kind of pissed off about Porsche’s entire existence. Chan’s an older guy – middle-aged, but handsome – and he’s wearing the same suits and firearms routine as all the other bodyguards. He has Porsche fight against someone, and Porsche demonstrates that he’s scrappy, skilled, and absolutely impossible to keep down. Once Porsche has knocked the other guy down, Chan just sort of stands there, pinching his nose, like, Fantastic. Wonderful. Just what I want.
Chan then takes him to some sort of office? And has Porsche read and sign a contract – which is, to Porsche’s immediate relief, for a position as a part-time bodyguard. Then Chan drives him home.
Porsche started off the evening thinking he was going to lose his virginity to some rich asshole he scammed out of 150k baht. He’s ended it as a bodyguard working for the mafia. If he weren’t so fucking exhausted, he’d probably be more upset.
i have more, but i have to hold something back, you guys :P
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madfantasy · 2 years
I cried my eyes out on and before my birth date, i thinking, reaching a new level of sudden burts of tears and dehydration – my throat felt like i had cold after. Its because I'm now a newer digit & nothing major have changed my whole life and only seems my resilience and power have declined to a point even drawing, which is my sanity,  my sanctuary,  my solace and fuel to live- the only thing I did consistingly for 8 hours a day or more, I can't do more than a few & in between days..
I prayed to God to take me, I'm still here clearly
One guardians also had the gall to ask me, while saying that they don't wanna anger me, now I'm 30 will I "inroll" for it now? For a split second I thought they ment I take a loan or something but no ofc its the same degeneracy of thinking that will never change. To marry and poop children. To restart the servant cycle that I have already endured with raising my 5 siblings that they completely checked out on the majority of the time and reached me a hazardous retching level of despising children and never really had a childhood because of it.
I was always the caretaker even with the people who I'm supposed to be friends with and I refuse to do so any more I REFUSE TO O REFUSE I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE
I screamed at them obviously, told them you already know my stance and how it hurt me every time this brought up, cuz already if u don't have family connections or you're poor, theres no chance. Just no chance. I know this society runs on the idea of pooping out family and supports no independence specially if u don't have the right peeing tools, even if its "advancing"..
Again they bring up its religiously required but they will not force it on me, I can't even bring up to them how the concept of sex makes me want to die rather then even consider it, but I stop myself and walked away, them still talking about how they only wanted to know
They at least know I want to live, I fucking did not have a proper underwear untill I started getting commissions, literally had nothing and still nothing, as I see my efforts fail horrendously to my fault lacking in my own surroundings or online social cues, school almost driven me mad so there's no hope for work or anyone to consider me.. I'm not even on square one of recovery, rather on -100
My other guardian unprompted told me that's not realistic, when later I told them I found something to hope for and it made me feel better.. I told them I need to have hope why u say this while our fucking life IS ALREADY UNREALISTIC YET IT STILL HAPPENING!! In a community u can't even walk 2 steps without everyone's in your business and social with u, weather u like it or not, yet we lived almost our entire lives completely isolated. Completely cut off the world to a point my latest baby sib having troubles speaking Arabic and understanding the concept of people. Poverty and having horrible extended family were the main excuses to this but they have not taken any chance to change anything, either.
Literally I couldn't tell my story to anyone cuz of how unbelievably exaggerated the issues are. And I can't do anything unless I want to ruin not only my life, but all of my sibs too. The previous  tries proved so..
.. so hopeless my chest hurt.. I can't get up from bed less my sib see my swollen face.. I still have to laugh nd play with them, nd only share my sorrow here
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kiseiakhun · 10 months
You have plants! Do you have a favorite kind of houseplant? (Multiple kinds of plants are acceptable) (I have a small jungle in my house)
Okay SO I'm still a succulent person at heart. I love Echeveria, they're so pretty. They're like little flowers except the flowers are leaves so the flowers never die. I didn't really branch out into other plants until last year because... turns out I'm actually really bad at keeping non succulent plants alive LMAO. Or at least I thought that was the case until I moved to a place that's not bone dry and I'm like o: wait you actually CAN water your plants every two weeks and not have them die, they weren't lying omg
I also think haworthias look funky. Yes the ones with white bumps, I love them too, also I read a good omens fic where crowley got fucked by one of those haworthia and it was a lot, but the one with little windows that look like glass pebbles are SO cute. I can never seem to get the light levels right for them though, they always end up etoliated or they turn brown ):
Also orchids. They're easy to take care of if you care for them correctly etc etc you know the rant.
I'm contractually obligated to say jade plants because we share a name. Don't tell them but I actually prefer the way they look when they're a little etoliated
Oh! Also I have a soft spot for amaryllis. I think the flowers look sooooo pretty, also I remembered I brought the seeds once to a show and tell in grade school and gave them to everyone in my class and the principle lmao. Good times.
Dragonfruit is an unusual houseplant that I keep that I don't think most people keep but... I don't actually like them that much as plants LMAO they're so prickly and they shed hairs and the hairs dig into your skin and it hurts ): no one expects dragonfruit to be a cactus though and it's always a fun surprise when I tell people what they are. I love seeing the look on their faces
Also not to be basic but I'm like. Lusting over monsteras right now. I need one so bad. I should keep an eye out on Kijiji for more free house plants. So far I only have three golden pothos as plants. They're very pretty! But I'm like oh god. I'm going to have to start giving away cuttings. These things are pretty much unkillable. Good for people who like easy house plants! Bad for people with an addiction to propagation, like me,
OH ALSO ALSO I want to get... a carnivorous plant... Idk what though. I'm a little nervous because they seem like they have such specific care requirements but I sort of think it might be like orchids, where if you figure out how to mimic their natural environment then they should be easy? Hrm. Most of them are bog plants and Toronto was actually originally a wetland so theoretically if I get the substrate right then the environment should be perfect for them...
OH ALSO. One day I'll try growing lithops again. I'll probably kill it again LOL but they're like. Notoriously impossible to grow so I'm not too torn up about it. Like if you water them outside of the 3 months they can be watered they'll just die. Honestly the air here might have enough ambient water I won't need to water them at all. But like. I want the butt plants. I want to have a plant that's a butt that splits open to reveal another butt. Please. It's all I want. I need them.
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claire-starsword · 9 months
The Guardiana Magic School Run - Part 6
Manarina time. As you might have heard, this is a weird place.
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The weirdness includes having a hidden Demibuster on its walls. I'm fairly sure there are no more dark dwarves to fight, and this sword is already outclassed by the Middle Sword. Why is it here.
It can be sold for money I guess, but even that has a catch. Special items like this go to the deals section when sold, to make sure you don't lose them forever. I'm unsure if filling the deals section this way messes with the generation of random new deals. So I'm a bit afraid to do it, but on the other hand the deals section hasn't done much for us lately. We shall see. Right now we have more important things to do.
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New party member.
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Our beloved ice queen sadly starts out as like, a lesser Tao, and not just because of the level difference. She has less HP overall, the squishiest of defenses, and will take longer to learn AoE spells, because she gets Freeze before Blaze level 2. Freeze will be a great spell to have later on due to greater damage and range, but this and the next chapter are like, chock full of undead enemies immune to it, so yeah, not great!
The Steel Rings have always had her name on it, so Tao gives two to her, and now they both share a 7 in defense. Anri then swaps weapons with Khris, ensuring I won't have to spend money on a Power Staff, because Anri does not need one, I do NOT want this woman in the front lines ever.
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We then get a very important egg, say hi to Arthur in the laundromat, and briefly return to Rindo to buy Medical Herbs for Anri, as Manarina has no shop. Hilariously I'm exactly 1 coin short of buying more than two herbs. Anri also gets the Antidote I've found last chapter, even though I generally feel healing is more useful.
I'm not very worried for this battle anyway, so I'd say preparations are complete. We head to the Cavern of Darkness.
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The clear bonus is just money and I'm not too concerned about it.
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We start greeted by two zombies, and compared to the four zombies of last time I don't care. Poison can be an annoyance but thankfully this time Lowe can reach people to heal them. And the zombies are so slow basically everyone can get into position before they move. And by position I mean Gong and Max will be tanking everything as usual.
Except they won't, the zombies don't even get the chance to act as the mages finish them off. Very nice for Anri to get the exp, and Tao also levels up, both her and Gong are a level above Max actually, I didn't notice that. She learns the Sleep spell, which I don't think I've ever used in any game in the series, but this is the magic school run so maybe we'll show it o- haha i'm kidding who cares use fireball and only fireball
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Turn 3 opens up to a little more excitement, I though enemies would stick to blocking the bridge but one Sniper got spicy, Max remains irresistible I guess. Beyond the bridge there's like, five bats and you know that can get annoying, especially since they can cross through the water. My main concern as usual is the mage with its big damage, but Snipers also have a chance of picking my squishy people from afar so I want them gone as well.
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Gong continues to massacre.
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The Power Staff debuts amazingly, I even regret sending Tao after this guy first because this would have been a one hit kill.
Max counter kills the first bat that goes for him, because I guess he's still pissed off at the last battle. Sadly he doesn't do that for the second one, so we're still stuck on the bridge in annoying ways. The zombie also poisons him, because this man can't take a break.
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Yeah he's not happy.
Turn 5. I was too afraid to send anyone ahead after Gong and Max killed the zombie blocking the bridge but Max countered the bat in front of him so we can move on now. He's also no longer poisoned thanks to Lowe, though he does need some healing.
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Khris gets to him and earns a great level up for her troubles. Lowe is the only healer missing Heal 2 at this point. It's worth mentioning that Heal 2 is even more useful here than in the mega drive, as it heals 20 HP as opposed to 15, and has the same range as Heal 3. Kind of an exaggerated buff, honestly.
Anyway, the bats get wiped out without much problem, mostly by Tao, with Anri getting a kill in which is nice. Their spells cannot be dodged so they're the best to deal with these pests. We now head to the worst part of the battle.
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These three mages can kill any force member at this point if they all focus on the same target. Even just two Blazes can be deadly. Of course, they're still easy to kill and hardly move, so it's matter of timing the approach to kill at least two before they act.
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Gong and Max manage it just fine in the next turn. Since we're nearing the end, I'm start spamming heal spells for exp, though some real healing will need to be done too as one mage survived. Lowe in particular has tons of MP and the Skeleton doesn't move, so I'm still confident.
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...never mind the Skeleton does move. And it's beefy enough to finally do more than one damage to Max, even if still not concerning.
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Max also takes less than half of its HP, something that hasn't happened in a while. See the game is not a complete cakewalk to the magic school, we're just still pretty good. Also, Max has leveled up twice in this battle but got only one or two stats raised up, so it really seems like his godly level ups are a thing for the beginning only.
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Also, the Skeleton stats claim it has no magic resistance, but Blaze 1 did only 6 damage which I find a bit weird. Still, we have two mages so it was enough to end this, and luckily Anri is the one to reap the exp and her first level up.
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No HP, no defense, lots of magic, it's a very squishy wizard level up for sure.
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Fairly sure I had turns to spare, at least this time I did expect the battle to be easy.
Besides the plot mandated Orb of Light, this cavern has lots of other loot. There's a spare Power Staff, which I can give to Tao in case of emergency I guess, a Voodoo Staff which is not as good and has the issue of being special enough to go to deals when sold, guess for now Anri can have for emergencies too, a Medical Herb, nicely filling Anri's final item slot, and more importantly, the Power Ring. This thing has someone's name written all over it.
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Arthur has finished his job and can join us now! He's uh, not off to a great start. His HP is on par with Anri's (derogatory), his defense is around the ring wearing spell casters here, not ideal for a melee fighter, and his attack is lower than the priests, though that might say more about the priests than anything. Anyway, the next battle is full of new stronger enemies and a boss with an overpowered spell, and I have seen this man die as his very first action multiple times, so while it's fun to still get to play a knight in this kind of run, I'm not thrilled for this beginning.
We can try to make it better though. Let's head back to Rindo. And get immediately side tracked by the deals section.
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The Zombie Charmer is an even stronger staff than our current ones, with extra damage to undead enemies. It was likely made for the Shade Abbey battle but still useful to deal with the plentiful of skeletons in Chapter 3. However, I'm fairly sure it is the clear bonus of the next battle, so we don't necessarily have to spend this much money to have it. Even if it would be very rad to have two.
It's a tough decision between it and the Charm Rings, but given that I'm worried for the next battle, and the rings can be useful for the whole rest of the run and are limited to this chapter, I'm think I'm going for them. The deal will still remain here for Chapter 3 if I need it.
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Back to Arthur, I buy him a Spear to give him range, and hope the Power Ring compensates for the drop in attack. It actually does leave him with 18 attack which is 1 more than he started, so it should be fine. Now I just need this man to never be touched by an enemy in his whole life.
I then buy a couple Medical Herbs for him as usual, and a Charm Ring for Max. Max now has 23 HP and 32% magic res, which I hope means something against the Marionette. I considered giving it to Lowe since he has the Doll Hater, but he has little defense and that thing packs a punch physically as well, so do the minor Mishaela minions as well. The circus battle sucks. I hate relying only on Max for everything, but he feels like the only guy with enough HP for the magic resistance to matter.
That's all preparation I can do. Next update we find out who lives or dies.
Losses: 0 Deaths: 1 The expected deaths on Narsha interludes: 0/3
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kym2020 · 2 years
Seishun Emergency
[translation not official one]
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(Wo-o-oh Get a chance, Wo-o-oh Make a chance)
(Don’t give up, Don’t give up, Be my girl,)
This non negotiable battle
(Uh, Let’s Fight!!)
This unspoken world border
The world line does not meet there
I don't want to get mixed up in this school life
There's a separate place of life
I was startled out of blue
It's too sudden
The horoscopes out of control
They saw the look in your eye
You don't need to ask
That's the look of a fallen in love person!!!!!
It looks like you
It's like a real thing
My unconcealed innocence
I already aquire an extra
The attention I need
(Keep my guard up)
It's too surprising
It was a bug
The youth emergency
It's been a long time
I was aiming for it
The place next to her
(I won't give her to you)
It will only be mine
(Wo-o-oh Get a chance, Wo-o-oh Make a chance,)
(Don’t give up, Be my girl, surely)
A shining schoolyard superhero
The Prince charming of the classroom
Both of them are the exact opposite
I'm surprised you can see them clearly
There's no gentleman who agree to a bargain
A man should be a man of his own word
it can't be help, it doesn't matter which path you'll choose
I just want to let you know I'm serious
Even if we're both in love with her
I will gladly stand up and receive it
I can't do anything I haven't done yet
To the other side of my line of sight
Without saying a word
I felt a strange sense of solidarity
I'm no longer myself
This messed up
Our friendship that is blooming, is it to be acknowledged?
Is the best friend level depending on things?
It's impossible
(Keep my guard up)
I'm judging too much
This is a bug
The emergency inside my heart
That guy
Thinking about it again
It got cancelled again
(I won't give her to you)
(Wo-o-oh Get a chance, Wo-o-oh Make a chance,)
(This love of mine, Take a chance, Don’t give up, Don’t give up,)
Be my girl, Wo-o-oh
(Wo-o-oh Get a chance, Wo-o-oh Make a chance,)
(This love of mine, Take a chance, Don’t give up, Don’t give up,)
Where's our place between victory and defeat
Only God knows about that
In the near distant future
We'll settle this
This sudden surprise
This bug
In the emergency love battle
No way my rival
He was-
It's a drama anymore
This seems impossible
But our friendship that is beginning to be recognised
Depending on what we do, we can reach the best friend level
It seems our relationship increased
(Keep my guard up)
I'm judging too much
This is a bug
The emergency inside my heart
That guy
As much as we can think
Even this encounter we had
It's a grateful encounter
We both agree with her charm
(Wo-o-oh Get a chance, Wo-o-oh Make a chance)
(Don’t give up, Be my girl, surely)
(Wo-o-oh Get a chance, Wo-o-oh Make a chance)
(Don’t give up, Be my girl, surely)
You can't have her
(Wo-o-oh Get a chance, Wo-o-oh Make a chance)
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
Do you got any friendship headcanons 🥺🥺 Or OR OR REONSEMISHIRA (sorry i love them) LIKE FIRST DATE. When Shirabu first joined and how did their first date went with him for the first time unless they took him to “hangouts” already without letting him know or the other two its a date.
Ps. I accidentally made this a chat at first but deleted it and repaste it here 😃😃😃
It's okayyyy 💀 I had the most embarrassing experience last weekend and I still haven't recovered 😭
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- Let's start off with the fact that Shirabu is FREAKING OUT
- He's never done this before, someone help this child 💀
- He's flipping his shit
- He spends his first half of high school pining over these dudes that are literally in a relationship (with each other!) and they just asked him out and now he's going on a date with them 😱
- Taichi's watching this go down with utter enjoyment
- Reon and Semi aren't too much better 💀
- "Do I look okay?" "Do you think he'll like what we have planned?" "Should we get him flowers? Or chocolate? A card?" "Why would we get him a card? It's not his birthday." "Cards aren't just for birthdays, Eita, you himbo."
- They're trying their best
- All three need to collectively get their shit together 💀
- They pick him up at his dorm 😩
- How romantic 🤧
- At least it would have been if Taichi hadn't been the one who answered the door 😭
- Shirabu comes to the door looking like an angel
- "Heyyyyyy...You guys look like you're gonna pee yourselves." "Wow, thanks Kawanishi, we really appreciate it." "Where's Shirabu at?" "He's getting his life together, here I'll get him. KENJIRŌ YOUR BOYFRIENDS ARE HERE-"
- Semi and Reon are already blushing like "Omg boyfriends 😳🥴😩"
- Reon and Semi are already mapping out their wedding
- Shirabu happily greets them and Taichi (not so peacefully) waves them off
- Taichi can basically hear the church bells from where he's standing 💀
- Shirabu's foaming at the mouth cuz omg they are h o t
- After the very embarrassing send off, Shirabu finally feels the nerves calm a slight bit due to the others' presence
- They walk to their date because yeah, it's just better that way
- They take him to a cute little diner that Reon really likes <3
- It's retro and cute cuz I said so 🙄
- They all sit down and the waiters all know Semi and Reon by name???
- That's kinda funky
- "Do you guys know these people..?" "Oh! We just come here often. It's kind of like our special place where we get away from the team, heh."
- They all agreed not to tell the team immediately (with the exception of Taichi, he would find out one way or another anyway) so that being a fact made Shirabu even more nervous.
- He better not blow this chance that he has or he might just jump off a cliff 🤡😍
- Semi and Reon are freaking out too tho ngl
- They never even considered adding onto their relationship EVER until Shirabu came along. I mean the level of shock when they both confessed to each other that they liked Shirabu too was through the roofs.
- And now they're on a date with him, they better do this right 😩
- During a stare down between Semi and Shirabu Reon just quietly pays the bill, not wanting them to argue over it anymore
- "Lord, what am I going to do with the both of you? 😮‍💨😪"
- They've been on only one date that included all of them and they already sound like they've been married for 10 years
- On the way back home they hold hands <3
- They even notice that it's getting late and that curfew for STZW was soon so they all had to sprint back to the school 💀
- That was a fun experience
- The closer they get to Shirabu's dorm the more they dread the end of the date. They had so much fun (plus they wanna hang out with their new boo 😪)
- But they've only had one date, and they agreed to take things the proper way for Shirabu's heart's sake
- "Well..here we are..."
- Shirabu looks down the halls before hugging them both 😭
- "I had a lot of fun. Thank you for taking me out."
- They quickly return the thanks for a good time and also for coming
- They even give Shirabu two kisses on his head 😪
- Once Shirabu goes inside he gets in comfy clothes before immediately rushing to Taichi to spill EVERYTHING
- Semi and Reon spend the night kissing and giggling like high school girls about their date with Shirabu. It was like they were in their first year again I swear 😭
- They're so cute, I swear ReonSemiShira is what keeps my heart beating
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A random out of place "analysis" of the prequel game which is just commentary :D
This is random along with some commentary from yours truly along with some spoilers from the trailer and my odd sense of humor. I advise you to watch it first as I will share as many pictures as I can.
Trigger warning for: Scary imagery, gore, blood, implications, of k/idnaping, and horror
I thank @sarilolla for sharing the launch trailer, you're awesome!
If you see this TW this will signify a trigger warning. I'll try to give some space to avoid individuals who do not which to see it time to skip it. SAFE means that you can read this part ^^
Majority of pictures are from the trailer, others will be credited to the sources along with a link)
So Mortimer is introducing himself and the show. Maybe that was how the show was introduced? Who knows. Either way, although the animation looks weird
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Mortimer looks pretty darn cute in this. Looks so huggable and squishable! Still, his voice doesn't really match his character and kind of reminds me of Nick. Sad that Anthony Ingruber (Mort's OG voice actor) was not in this, but at least the new VA is trying their best to give it some charm
Or puberty hasn't reached Mortimer yet/j
Anyways, I found this!
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Awful quality due to the VHS effect from the bit of the trailer, but is this a new episode poster? Quite odd. I originally thought it was the Hope Givens poster, but there is no furious fastball in this
Fun fact: If you look at the Hope Givens Poster.... (took it from Sewingsilly's gameplay: Hello Puppets Midnight show playtest #1.)
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Riley is actually the tiniest out of them *wheezes* cannocially she's the angry bean of the gang sjjsjsjs
Anyways, here's a Mortimer's cartboard
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I don't remember if this is new, but he looks charming!
As the trailer goes on, we get a glimpse of the collectable machine! I's cost one gold coin. Also, I'll never grow tired of the figurines there! THERE. JUST. SO. EFFING. CUTE.
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And we get a Riley!
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Now I wish that was merchandise :( Anyways, new stuff :0
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So we get a whack the puppet game! I just I'm not going to make a joke here, I'm just going to point out that
Why does it have to be the hand puppets like Scout?
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Sadly we don't get to see the heads of the Handeemen, but my best guess they would look like the Gatcha prize from the early picture. We also got new character icons to know in what behavior the puppet is at :D
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They're pretty darn cute!
This poster is interesting
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Mr. Game and watch?/j
Well, I found another episode poster, and it looks like Owen might be in it! I cut it like this because the full picture is not very clear and a figure didn't look very friendly. I think it's a rocket or something
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Maybe it's a special or something.
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Owen, get a damn haircut
All these were taking from the same shot, this is when we see the puppets doors. Also
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Jokes aside, I find this quite curious
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So, it looks like we have to pass the levels in the first trial to get the true ending? If you noticed Daisy's door, you can see that there is two red dots. What I'm getting from this is that the player lost those two rounds with Daisy.
So does this mean that we actually don't get another chance?
Maybe a game over, who knows.
This is the portion of Riley's introduction of the trailer, but first a fun story.
When Mortimer introduces Riley, he says Riley can help you with your school project. I...I heard it as school budget and I was all like "Why would a kid need a school budget?" then it hit me. Let's get back to the analysis :D
I was actually going to make a joke about why Riley's eyes are not different, but it turns out it is a lightning error. She looks pretty adorable and I love her teeth.
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Anyways, Riles likes puns
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Two can pun the game, Riles!
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So, we get a glimpse of Riley and her wheel. I actually wonder what is she doing with a wheel. Is she going to give us some random science fact?
Also, it looks like he get a new puzzle using SCIENCE for Riley's levels. If you look closely, you noticed that the blue box is actually a mirror. This is also a science experiment. I think it was about the properties of light, you had to make a laser light be pointing at a certain place using mirrors. The fact that they actually added science experiments to this game, makes it so much better!
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Here's an example of what I mean!
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You are using the mirrors and place them in a certain angle to move the light. This is pretty cool!
Also, breadeeman
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Also, the icons do change which is quite cool
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Anyways, Riley's main puzzle looks amazing. Love that it's a calculator
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I am curious how that works. Still, Riley may be the most evil out of the puppets because she makes you do homework /j
I just noticed that when it's a performance time thingy, they have curtains behind them
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Also, I'm glad they fix Riley's lighting error in the beta. She looks cute and evil >:3
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Also, I just found this
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We either may create a puppet or it's for a puzzle. I look like the Royal Violet Scout's head. Maybe we build all the other Scouts? Very odd tho
So, at this point of the trailer. We get the there is something clearly wrong with the puppets. I love that we start with Riley, but knowing her, this may just be a normal Monday/j
During the chase scene with Riley, I catch this
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Seems like Daisy and Mortimer and playing a game. Sadly the quality is not too good read it or see what is going on.
TW: Hanging bodies/implied k/idnapping, slightly scary imagery, and hints of blood
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Ok, this is one of the biggiest things that the BETA confused me over.How long have this guys had the studio and why there are people hanging there? Was Owen unconcious? Or was Owen a fricking Coward?!
Also, I noticed this poster of Riley slightly during the part when her poster moves
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She looks so evil! I love her hair as well; but this also gives me the vibes of "Lilo and Stitch" when Lilo is praying for an Angel and we get a cut of Stitch maniacally laughing. If y'all cannon unsee it
Then my deed was done :Burning Elmo: .
"YoU CaNnOt ScApE sCiEnCe!"
This got a chuckle out of me
@dreamland-creations and @sarilolla did bring a hilarious fact that Riley is probably pissed with Owen because her existence defines science.
Hating Owen is one of Riley's favorite hobbies :D
Well, it looks like this is going to be parts episode because Tumblr is restricting my images
Here are the other's parts:
Part 2
Part 3 (Final part)
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 6 months
The Alpha's Addiction - Chapter 11a
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*Warning Adult Content*
Fun - Part 1 - Kao
It's a week later and all I've caught are glimpses of Cyrus on and off.
It's quite uncomfortable, especially because my wolf is whining and fussing more than usual.
My guess is he's longing for our 'mate'.
But those are my primal instincts. Not me.
I'm level-headed and don't let my wolf control me, unlike Alphas.
That's the power I have as an Omega, as unimportant as it may be.
I'm walking over to the the Pack School with Oliver now, listening as he goes on and on about how excited for some game they're playing today.
I smile, ruffling his curls with my hand, the strands now having returned to their golden hue after I got to stop dyeing them to hide who his father was.
It's strange sometimes, looking at my little boy and seeing Zacan's features on him.
The green eyes, the blonde hair, the lighter skin tone.
When I was pregnant, I feared the baby bearing resemblance to it's father would make me loathe it.
Now know I was wrong.
I could never punish my innocent pup for the wrongs his father did.
His eyes or his hair are his own, not that horrible man's.
And when he looks up at me with that face of his so full of love I know he'll never be anything like Zacan.
He did resort to violence when he killed that Alpha, yes.
I'm sure it will haunt him.
But right now I'm just glad that he has the opportunity to be the pup he is.
When we get to the school, I meet up with Morgan who's waiting outside and greeting parents dropping their pups off.
"Flora," Oliver exclaims, running off towards the girl the second he spots her.
Morgan laughs, shaking his head.
"Someone's got a little crush."
I let myself smile too as I watch him bound up to her, presenting a flower he picked on the way.
She takes it and puts it in her hair, practically beaming.
"Young love," I say with a sigh.
"I still feel like I'm in my time of young love," Morgan has a wistful look on his face, eyes appearing unfocused as he watches the two.
"How so?" I ask.
"It's just... it's always been this one person for me. Since we were pups."
Curious, I raise an eyebrow.
Morgan waves, face lighting up as said alpha comes up to us, face as serious as ever.
'Oh. I see now.'
"W-what brings you here?" Morgan's voice goes up with nervous pitch.
I have to restrain the laugh bubbling up in my chest.
"Here to confirm if you and the other teachers are still bringing the pups to training tomorrow? Just so Cyrus can tone down whatever we do."
"Ah, yes. We're definitely still coming."
"Alright, thanks," Xavier nods once before turning away.
How curt...
Morgan's smile drops but he says nothing.
I can practically see the disappointment oozing from him.
Clearly he needs my help.
"Wait, Xavier," I stop him. "Why don't you come in for tea? Morgan has some inside and school doesn't officially start for another twenty minutes."
Morgan looks at me in alarm, grey eyes flaring wide at my offer.
"Would that be okay?" Xavier asks, clearing his throat awkwardly and Morgan stutters, cheeks flushing.
"Oh, o-of course," Morgan says, glaring at me but I just brush past him.
"You're welcome," I say under my breath.
I walk off, leaving the two in the situation I created, finding myself grinning all the way down the road.
Moon Goddess, what is up with me?
I'm usually never so social.
And for the first time in a long, long time... I'm having fun.
Not the happy front I put on with Oliver back in the Blood Pack to reassure him that everything was going to be okay.
Real, genuine joy floods through my chest when I think about Oliver going to school and becoming better friends with Morgan.
It's not bad here, not at all.
Which brings up the topic of Cyrus.
Are things just going to stay like this?
In this odd, awkward limbo where we pretend the other doesn't exist.
Which I would be perfectly fine with, obviously.
But will he? Will his family?
If I'm not here as his mate and Luna, will I even be allowed to stay?
My stream of thoughts are interrupted by a group of men and women dressed in what looks like fighting garbs making their way through the woods.
Could they be heading to the training that Xavier was talking about earlier?
Curious, I stray from the road and follow after them, keeping a distance so they don't notice me.
They make their way to a wide grassy field where others wait, warming up and chatting.
Looks like it hasn't started yet.
I scan my eyes over the crowd from my spot on the tree line, shock overtaking me when I spot Omegas.
Not here to provide refreshments or clean up after the warriors.
Dressed in the same clothes, weapons strapped to them, with a fierce glint in their eyes.
"I assume you are not here to speak to me," a deep voice comes from my left and I flinch, the hair on the back of my neck raising from the surprise.
"C-Cyrus," I mumble stupidly, regaining my footing in embarrassment.
He always catches me off guard.
"Am I wrong?"
"No... I just wondered what was going on here."
"We train six days a week."
"You allow the Omegas? Even though we're weaker?"
I cross my arms, waiting for him to reveal the catch to this seemingly equal set-up.
"I do not believe your gender is weak. Rather, your strengths lie in different areas than Alphas or Betas."
What? Is he serious?
I've been told all my life that the only things Omegas are good for are pleasure or giving birth to Alpha pups.
Can he really not think the same?
"And what would those strengths be?" I ask.
"Agility, endurance. Precision. Stealth. Plenty more."
I give him a look of disbelief.
"But Alphas are bigger. You guys are faster and stronger. Do you really think the qualities you just listed are enough?"
Cyrus shrugs his shoulders.
"I admit that Alphas have a physical advantage but having only strength will get you nowhere."
I guess he does have a point.
But also... why are we acting like the last time we spoke didn't end... well, like how it did.
"I could... train you, if you would like," he suddenly suggests.
I stare at him like he's grown a second head.
"If you want to learn to fight, I would not mind giving you lessons."
'Oh no.'
That doesn't sound like a good idea.
The two of us?
One on one, definitely because he couldn't just stick a beginner like me in with the rest of this experienced training group.
Us alone together would mean possibly getting closer and he'd get the wrong idea.
The idea that I'll accept the bond.
That I'll give in to the pull between us.
But I won't.
"No, thank you," I refuse, knowing I'm being stubborn.
His face falls in disappointment and my wolf whimpers, sad that I've hurt our mate yet again.
But no one gets what it's like.
They think it's so easy for me to just let him in.
It's not.
Not when you've been used and abused all your life by Alphas that had complete control over you.
That took away your autonomy, your freedom, your happiness.
That stole your innocence away when you were still a pup.
I can't afford to let my heart falter, even if things are different now.
Even if Cyrus could be different than the ones that have hurt me.
I have to focus solely on the only thing that matters anymore, which is building a life for Oliver and I.
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