#like i guess he could still be kicked out of soul society for wanting to help them? idk
i am also remembering my aizen au where that og persona of his was legit and he doesnt betray soul society
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utilitycaster · 5 months
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Campaign 2 episode 92/Campaign 3 episode 92 parallels (with some assistance from 3x89)
Transcription of the text in the above images (screenshots from the Critical Role Transcript Search) below the cut:
The following is excerpts from Campaign 2, Episode 92, and Campaign 3 Episode 92 (except one from 89, noted below), interspersed. Travis is playing Fjord, Marisha is playing Beau, Laura is playing Imogen, Liam is playing Orym, and Matt plays Thoreau Lionett in the Campaign 2 excerpt and Liliana Temult in the Campaign 3 excerpt:
First image:
TRAVIS: Your histamine reactions are going again.
MARISHA: Yeah. I've been away from Zadash for a little bit, so the pollen, it's kicking a little, you know?
TRAVIS: I take it you don't fully, fully hate your dad. It's got to be hard to hear this.
Second image:
LAURA: I'm going to heard toward Orym who's at a distance and approach slowly.
LIAM: Hey.
LAURA: Hi. I'm going to put my hand on your shoulder.
LIAM: Sorry, I know how hard all that is for you.
Third image:
MARISHA: Everyone wants to make their dad proud, you know? Just hoping he could, he could show some of that.
TRAVIS: You don't know that he can't. It's been years. You've grown, you've changed. I'm sure you were even more of an unbearable shit before. I'm not saying he deserves a second chance, but he is your father, and you do have a mother, and a brother that you've never met.
MARISHA: (sniffs) I guess it's hard when... the word inevitable has been brought up several times in the past 24 hours amongst us. I feel like I've found my family with The Mighty Nein. I don't like looking at my past, because it doesn't have The Mighty Nein in it, and I think I put off the inevitable, because I'm going to-- I'm afraid it's going to be like my past.
Fourth image:
LAURA: Don't apologize. I can't begin to understand how hard it is for you.
LIAM: You know, every one of us makes our decisions with the lenses or prisms we see life through.
LAURA: Mm-hmm.
LIAM: I can't take mine down. (sobs softly) It's not even about revenge for me. (sniffles) I just try and honor what they sign up to do. (sniffles) I just try and honor what they sign up to do.
LAURA: I didn't know them, but I can't imagine they wouldn't look at you and not be proud.
LIAM: (sighs sadly)
LAURA: I think you've gone farther than anyone could ever expect you to, and you're still going.
Fifth image:
TRAVIS: I don't think one contaminates the other. You've got good, solid footing here. I mean, shit, if we want to run, we run. If we want to kick his ass, we'll kick his ass.
MARISHA: Yeah. (sniffing) I kind of want to kick his ass, and I don't want to run.
TRAVIS: Could I ask you, in your wildest dreams, and feel free to say you don't want to tell me, what would you have happen when we go there?
MARISHA: I think I've worked so hard because I scripted this day, in my inevitable future that I would go back to him, successful woman, respectable member of society, Cobalt Soul, an Expositor, the thing he threw me away to, and I embraced. And then, I would get mad at myself, because I felt like I was doing exactly what he was doing to me my entire life, scripting me to be something else. And I'm still doing it. I haven't seen him in three years, and I'm still trying to be... something. And I think what's scary is that I like this, and what I've found, and I don't think it was until Nott started talking about having to go home and go away that it truly started terrifying me. Because for the first time, I'm happy. And what if that goes away?
Sixth image:
LIAM: (sighs softly) (sniffles) So far. I'm going to miss him.
LAURA: Yeah. Yeah.
LIAM: I'm going to miss Letters.
LAURA: They were-- They were alive.
LIAM: Out of any of us, he just wanted to help.
Seventh image:
TRAVIS: It could always go away. It could go away tonight. The Gentleman's debtors could come calling.
MARISHA: (chuckling) And I think I know that, and I think I say things to Nott like, "You don't have to put those stipulations on yourself" because I've convinced myself that destiny or the inevitability won't come knocking. If you ignore it, it won't exist, and that's not true.
TRAVIS: (sighs) It'll be interesting either way. Your face is leaking.
MARISHA: I hate it.
TRAVIS: I won't tell anyone.
MARISHA: Don't tell anybody.
TRAVIS: Yep. You're a good friend. You're a good trainer.
Eighth image:
LAURA: I want you to know that that for a while it may have felt that you and I were not seeing eye to eye or maybe you felt that I, I didn't have the same goal in mind that you did. But don't worry about that anymore, all right?
LIAM: I understand family.
LAURA: Yeah. Yeah.
LIAM: I want for all the world for you to have your family.
LAURA: I wanted that, too, and (chuckles) god, that back and forth is a pretty funny thing, but choices were made. If nothing else, then at least we've got a little bit of knowledge on the inside now.
LIAM: Yeah. As much we'd like to, you can't turn back the clock.
LAURA: That's right. But you've got us.
Bonus image 1:
MARISHA: Mom already fucking mentioned that life gets difficult and it's hard. So you're right. Maybe it's easy to justify the easy way out, just get rid of the problem.
MATT: "That's not what this was about. You were on the self-destructive path. We didn't know what to do. I've never been a-- no one teaches you how to be a good father. I regret choices I've made, and you don't think I don't hold myself responsible for-- I thought I was doing what was best for you, truly."
MARISHA: You did. It was probably the best thing you could've done for me. So thank you. Tell me the story again, and then I'll go.
Bonus image 2 (from 3x89):
MATT: "History is filled with evil men. But few have the courage to stand up and try and stop them. Where I'm standing, I don't think we're on the opposing sides like you think we are. We just have a different myth, that's all. That's all. Please see it in yourself to understand why I've done and given up all of this."
LAURA: Maybe it's your turn to run. And I wake up.
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maxwell-grant · 15 days
Heroify: The Four Kings (you can just pick one if you want)
I think the only way we're going to flip Shadaloo and the Four Kings as heroes is if everything else in the world of Street Fighter goes catastrophically wrong to the point Shadaloo has to switch tactics and "play nice" to start catching up instead, so I'd say that's where we are going to start here:
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That fateful match between Ryu and Sagat was widely televised the world over, and it was the beginning of a snowballing catastrophe. Nobody had ever seen fireballs in a martial arts match before, nobody had any idea of just how much power the King of Muay Thai had been holding back this entire time, but more shocking still was how the newcomer achieved victory. Nobody could put a name to what sort of strange power allowed this rookie nobody to defeat the greatest fighter in the world and gut him like a trout with a single uppercut, but everyone knew that the future was already decided by it, this thing that was going to be to martial arts what nuclear bombs were to warfare.
Martial artists the world over, pros and newcomers alike, embarked on mad quests to learn more and attain this power, to learn whatever form of karate this Ryu guy was using and what kind of power he had. But Ryu could not be found, and his friend, the scion of the Masters Family, offered no comment, dropping out of the American tournament to search the world for his lost friend. Perhaps their master, Gouken, could have dealt with the new influx of media questions and students responsibly, if only he hadn’t been found murdered in his dojo. Maybe the devotees of Soul Power could have reached out to these warriors, but guess what happened to them also. Still, warriors the world over did eventually find their own methods of catching up, and hey, some of them even found a Ryu to learn from. Someone who knew the basics of Ansatsuken, someone who could even fire his own fireballs, and someone whose mad quest for vengeance was driving him ever so closer to that dark power. Dan Hibiki had no time for students, but vengeance did not pay the bills, and so the Saikyo Dojo opened to unforeseen success. Hey, what are you gonna do, NOT learn more about how Hadokens work?
By the time we get to Street Fighter 2, the world is besieged by powerful forces gone out of control. Maybe Adon succeded in mastering the Dark Hadou on his own, maybe it's some Saikyo students who, far more talented and meaner than their master, eventually made breakthroughs on their Ansatsuken studies that pushed them down this horrible path (I don't think Dan actually achieves that, but he has a big mouth, an understanding of the basics, and a knack for getting surpassed quickly by people who he "mentors", so we're taking that to a darker outcome). Maybe the Secret Society has been manipulating events from the shadows so that global catastrophes sheperd the flock of humanity right into their messiah's arms, and in his impatience to seize control before that, Urien kicks off the creation of Twelves ahead of schedule. Maybe G or Necalli arrive years earlier unimpeded and kick off whatever disasters they had up in the works. Maybe Ryu simply lost the battle against the darkness and could not be pulled back from it, maybe Ken went along with him in the process and burned his life to shit long ahead of schedule.
Everything that could already go wrong without Bison's involvement in the world of Street Fighter very rapidly does, and there simply isn't anyone on the planet who can do enough to contain it, and thus, the Special Forces and Interpol and etc have no choice but to let Shadaloo take the lead. After all, their leader has a cunning plan to ensure warriors the world over will be lining up to make themselves known, a way for them to either recruit new heroes to their cause, or stop these new threats before they cause further damage.
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Thus, Shadaloo remains the only force on the planet able to deal with the Satsui no Hadou and G and Necalli and the Secret Society and whatnot, thanks to their unparalleled scientific acumen, their legions of extremely well-provided footsoldiers (their food court is, of course, still amazing, just as it is in canon - and let's say this time they allowed Birdie to keep his haircut / didn’t make a guinea pig out of him so he's still working for them), and the powers of their leader and his elite warriors. Crucially, Shadaloo here is still very much a drug syndicate led by a dictator and this is how they fund their activities, I think we can actually keep most of their crimes intact as is (except for the Dolls though, the Dolls as a concept are gross and they make Shadaloo too gross, I'd get rid of them for nothing - Decapre can stay though), I think it’s hard to meaningfully separate the Kings from their deeds and stories so what I'm doing here is just flipping the script so they are, by default, in a more heroic position, possibly except for Sagat.
Sagat, I think is stuck in his Alpha state. Without Ryu in the picture, I don't think he quite finds the strength to meaningfully improve and overcome his self-loathing from that loss, or has that moral line in the sand moment to quit Shadaloo over, at least not soon. I think the shame over his loss and what it led to in the world, his own susceptability to the Dark Hadou, the lack of a guiding star in his life, being disconnected from his people and with only mounting regrets and a legacy of ashes to keep him company, would drive him to stay with Shadaloo. I think he would be the only one of the Four Kings who sincerely cares about stopping people from being hurt by these dark forces at play, and if nothing else, what little pride and decency he clings to won't let him lie down and die. A king cannot fail, even a disgraced king.
Balrog and Vega, I think remain more or less completely identical to their canon selves, with just less reasons to try and break off Shadaloo. Balrog follows the money and he's already said as much recently that he'll be a good guy if there's money in it, and Vega is a scumbag but driven by a sense of justice that can lead him to be occasionally decent if it tickles his fancy. Balrog maybe depends on if or when Ed comes along, because it depends also if Ed is gonna have a reason to break off from Shadaloo.
And as for Bison I think is more or less the same, maybe from the start closer to how he is in 6 than the other games, a bit less over-the-top cruel and more focused on power and mastery over himself. Bison very much still killed his teacher and is pursuing Psycho Power, still craves full mastery of his power and will burn through bodies like cheap cigarettes to attain it, is still very much on bad terms with Chun-Li and Guile and the Hawk tribe. He is a hero in that Doctor Doom in Secret Wars way, in the sense that he is undisputably a villain mainly saving the world so he can rule over it, but he is saving the world and doing a better job at it than everyone else. Nobody else seems to have much of a chance against these beings of mass destruction. M.Bison's quest for power has given him tools to combat and contain the darkness consuming martial artists the world over, and so nobody's really in a position to complain about him, not when nobody else has a fighting chance.
Sure, you may hate him, he is not even pretending to have anything in mind but global domination when he's through, but when Secret Society agents kidnap families and turn them into shapeshifting assassins against their will, when ancient warrior gods devour Yoga masters and the students they protected, when drooling berserkers fueled by the Satsui no Hadou wipe out entire villages (is, is that the rookie who beat Sagat among them?), who is going to protect you from those? Mayor Haggar, who lets Mad Gear criminals run the street? Colonel Guile, who couldn't even save his best friend from the Secret Society? That Interpol girl, Chun-Li or something, who torpedoed her career in fruitless attempts to accuse Bison of murdering her father? As if. Unfortunately for everyone, he was completely right to pursue power and mastery so obsessively, and the world owes him a debt of gratitude he intends to collect soon.
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I prefer to keep these as close to their canon alignments and stations as possible but with ONE exception, and that's FANG, because I think you can actually get something pretty fun out of kind of morally flipping this guy. A FANG who, whether by circumstance or dumb luck, actually is something of a hero here. A FANG who never crossed paths with Bison, who took the reigns of the Nguuhao and reformed it into more of an assassin's guild, even ended the child kidnapping and rescued A.K.I still. He is still conniving and cruel and petty and pathetic, he is still shaped by his upbringing, he's just simply never been handed a lab and a budget and carte blanche to live out his mad scientist dreams, and so he's still in a survivalist street criminal mindset first and foremost, he's more preoccupied with the potential of his students and of course, by comparison to the world around him he's still pretty much a hero, if an unusually toxic one.
In these circumstances, one thing has not changed: He still MASSIVELY worships M.Bison, all the more so because he's never actually met the man. He's heard all the wonderful stories about this great and powerful ruler from the shadows who can defeat the mightiest and most dangerous fighters, and more than anything else, he wants to be by his side. All of the crimes people have accused M.Bison of? Ridiculous allegations, Street Fighter propaganda. He may help people in the streets as a healer and an assassin for now, but make no mistake, he would drop literally everything just to be allowed to enforce Pax Bisonica, which is why, of course, he will never get to do it, because FANG can never get what he wants. Born to be a world-class bootlicker for evil, forced to be a productive force of good instead.
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for not telling my best friend I remembered my past lives?
I (23 M/NB) have been close friends with this girl (?? F, immortal being with amnesia, she's been stuck under a river for at least a century) for about two years now. We've traveled the world together and been through a LOT and I felt like she really gets me. We were like, kind of maybe talking about being in a QPR because we realized that even though there's no romantic interest we wanted to be by each others sides for the rest of our lives, or at least the rest of my life since it seems that she can't die.
Well, I was feeling like this was pretty great up until a few weeks ago. We were exploring this tomb and I put the crown of an ancient god-emperor on my head as a joke. I immediately realized that this crown was the key to unlocking my own memories of my past lives.
Here's the problem: I have extremely clear memories of being decapitated by my best friend. She doesn't remember it, and has been hoping to regain her memories for years with no luck. Now I'm absolutely terrified that she will. We've figured out that she was artificially created, and now I'm realizing that her soul was crafted specifically to be a weapon to kill me. We've literally been on a quest to find a weapon to kill the "reincarnation of the god-emperor", and I'm now realizing that guy is lying about it because I'm the ancient god-emperor, not him. And the weapon is referred to in the prophecy has been translated as a sword, but I'm starting to realize it's her soul.
I'm still down to help her kill this corrupt king who claims to be me btw, he's a fascist warmonger and now I have extra personal beef because he's stealing my identity. But I'm terrified that in killing him she'll realize that it doesn't fulfill the prophecy, and that I'm the god-emperor and she'll try to kill me too. She'd totally kick my ass btw, no way I could win that fight.
So WIBTA if I fake my own death and run away to rebuild the world anew without her? I'm terrified of losing my best friend but I've got shit to do and she stopped me from doing that in my past life. Even in previous lives I kept getting decapitated by a woman that was MAYBE her? Still a bit unclear. But if that's the case, the cycle's been going on for at least three thousand years. This world is a fucking mess of war and oppression and I've rebuilt it once before, but I'm sure I could do it right this time.
I just feel like such an asshole for not telling her any of this. The one thing she's always wanted is to remember who she is and why she was made, and now that I know I can't tell her for fear of her cutting my head off again. But I'm the only one who can go to the center of the world and FIX things. Completely reworking the shape of the world we live on (I made it into a cube last time but I think a tetrahedron would be better) and how magic works would be disruptive to society, I guess, so I can see why she'd want to stop me, but how else could the world reach towards perfection? AITA?
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I'd love to get a match if you're still doing them!!
I'm currently listening to American Teenagers by Ethel Cain. There's something about the lyrics that remind me of my angsty teen years. I'm really stuck on the lyrics "crying in the bleachers and I said it was fun", super relatable lol. I'm also stuck in Hummingbird by The Haunting. My favorite lyrics are "I wish you'd walk in and I miss you pillow talk"
My ennagram type is INFP
I love video essays, the longer the better, but I especially like the ones about videogames I'll never play. I just finished one about no more heroes that was fun.
My go to way to fall asleep is my fan on full blast, covered in a large blanket, and kicking my foot back and forth until I fall asleep, which is pretty fast since the motion soothes me for whatever reason.
I love the Guy confession audio. I love Guy's energy and how he goes from light hearted to fairly serious. He seems so chill and funny and his confession was so sweet.
I'm not a big fan of David. He's cool, but I like guys who are more gentle and emotionally open I guess?
I'd love to be best friends with Gavin because he's so supportive and fun. I think he'd be tons of fun to hangout with. Or Huxley, he's so sweet.
I've researched criminal minds more times than I can count. I love crime shows and such, but I'm not a fan of the personal character drama. I just want to see people solve crime. I know the endings to them all but still like them.
When I'm tired I love to ramble about human behavior. I'm really shy and bad at social interactions so it's usually me hyper analyzing an interaction and pointing out all the ways society's social standards are weird, at least to me lol.
Other stuff- I'm a fairly artistic person, I love paint and drawing, I also enjoy cooking. I'm shy and soft spoken in public but loud when I'm around people I like. I also love sleeping and naps. I'm a bit of a pushover and need people to like me but do like helping people. I also love listening to music, picking just 1 song to write about was hard so I picked two because I like so many, sorry!
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Okay, so hear me out. He gets a little bit of a bad rap because of the whole Sadism’s Hold thing, but you and Ivan, specifically FlyBoi!Ivan, would be so cute together, give him a CHANCE-
I get the irony of pairing you with someone who could have once been on Criminal Minds, I swear, but I feel like Ivan is a wonderfully gentle soul when not being otherwise manipulated. His normal voicemails are proof of that, that he’s thoughtful and communicative and not afraid of being vulnerable and putting his heart out there, you know? This would wonderfully complement the sensitivity that INFPs are known for.
Overall, I think you’d have a lovely, sweet, domestic sort of life together. Ivan also strikes me as a people pleaser which is great because when you pair people pleasers together, you get a couple who consistently looks out for one another’s needs. He travels for work and never forgets to call home or ask what new creative project you’re working on, never lets you forget he’s thinking about and missing you.
You could be dancing on tabletops/ Wearing high-heels/ Drinking until the world/ Spins like a wheel/ But tonight your apartment/ Had so much appeal/ Who needs stars?/ We've got a roof/ But there's nothing/ Like doing nothing/ With you
I don’t have a firm grasp of what genre Ivan would like, but I do like the slower, swaying vibes of this song for you. It’s sweet, relaxing, the soundtrack to when he finally comes home from a work trip and is grateful to see you napping on the couch in the dimming, sunsetting light of your living room.
Morgan is a runner-up because he has a lot of similar vibes to Flyboi!Ivan, though I don’t know him well enough to match him confidently and he doesn’t strike me as forthcoming with his love and emotions. Cam was a closer candidate if I had not really liked the domestic vibes of you with a human or unempowered person.
note: if you don’t like Ivan and I took too big of a risk I am SO SORRY but he’s a darling and I love him he’s so lovable
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Episode 5 Review
-Let’s get into the most important character this episode: Elan. He’s a genetically engineered clone created specifically to handle the strain of using Gundam technology. I always had a suspicion that he wasn’t fully organic due to the gloves he wears, but he’s a full test tube baby, not just part robot. I feel bad for him, all he wants is companionship and sought that in Suletta, but when he saw that she doesn’t struggle like him, he realized he’s truly alone. Of course, that doesn’t excuse making Suletta cry, but his feelings are understandable. I’m going to guess he’ll be a part one antagonist before either switching sides or dying.
-Now for the MVP, Guel! Immediately sliding into the rescue and defending his lady’s honor. But then he got his ass kicked lol. This might be a hot take, but personally, I think Guel is the best pilot we’ve seen so far. He piloted a mecha he wasn’t used to that was stuck in the ground and he still did a great job against Elan. Especially that scene of him dodging the lasers. Once he gets his Darilblade back and learns to control his anger, I expect him to be the Badass Normal of the group. Taking names while not piloting a Gundam.
-Another great thing about Guel is his attitude. It’s clear he’s still struggling with the misogynistic ideals planted in him, but he’s gone from looking down on Suletta to genuinely liking her. You can see his attitude change when he realizes she’s crying. He also went directly against his father once again, but since he lost, I don’t see him getting out unscathed. He’ll probably be disowned and kicked out of the Jeturk House. But then, maybe Suletta will take him into Earth House. It’d do wonders on his personality if he started working and living with more humble people and those willing to call him out. I see Mio and Guel being real frosty towards each other but after a deep talk they both work together to protect Suletta
-This episode really seems to be pushing the Eri=Aerial theory. Suletta apparently has a sibling, and she doesn’t remember her father which is weird since she was four years old when he died, not a baby. Elan also mentions that she might have somebody else’s face, and who else could it be but Eri. Finally, I think the reason Aerial doesn’t put a strain on the user is because it’s the one taking the strain, or more accurately, Eri is taking on all the pain so Suletta can pilot normally. Now of course there are problems with this theory, but I think this is the most probable explanation so far.
-Peil Technology seems to get pass the Gundam argument by making clones that can handle the mecha’s strain. Therefore you can’t say it’s damaging to the pilot and human rights if the pilot isn’t human. Of course I doubt Delling “I say it’s a Gundam” Rembraun would let this slide, but since they’re a big money maker, an under the table deal will get them out of hot water. Ah, the beauties of capitalism
-Finally, I want to talk about the male-centered dueling that this episode pushes. While Guel is trying to help Suletta, he undermines her own agency by creating a duel for her. The story seems to be pushing the same theme Utena did, that chauvinistic males take away a woman’s agency to her own body or soul. I expect Guel to grow out of these themes as the story goes on, but the society as a whole still remains locked in this male-centered combat. Hell, the only female in the dueling committee just sits around and paints her nails. I hope the series takes the route of allowing Suletta to make her own decisions without being pressured, just like what her mother is doing to her.
-I expect the next episode to be Elan and Suletta’s duel. With the title “A gloomy song” I’m going to guess it’ll reference back to the prologue when Eri’s dad sung Happy Birthday. Maybe Suletta will hear that song while she’s fighting and either she or Aerial will go berserk. As to whether she wins or loses, I think there’s a 50/50 chance of both options. If she does lose, I can see her only getting Aerial back on the part 1 finale, with the down time being used to strengthen her piloting skills with other mechas and to bolden her personality.
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mizumiii · 2 years
VII - An old tale
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Fem!Reader x Kenpachi Zaraki
This is the last part for now. I wanted to write a smut part but ran out of envy before doing it. Maybe it'll come back when the second part of the last season will be airing \o/.
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You woke up in an almost familiar place. Since all the Gotei 13’s divisions were built on the same model, you easily understood that you had made it alive and back. Which was hard to believe. A lot of conflicted emotions overwhelmed you for a long time, making you unable to do anything else than stare at the ceiling while holding back your tears.
— Such incredible will, I now understand Zaraki’s interest towards you… 
— Who are…you? You  asked in vivid emotion because at the exact moment, your eyes saw her, you realised that you knew her.
— It has been a long time my gentle fox…
Soft but mendacious, tender but deadly, feminine and strong; that was the voice of your one and only. No, not yours, the fox's. 
— You must be lost, allow me to introduce myself to you,  the vessel of my lovely pet. Since there is no reason to hide it from you, for I am Yachiru Unohana, the first Kenpachi. 
At the exact moment, you heard that name, you knew that you had fucked up. Widely fucked up. 
— But that means… You? But Zaraki? Your mind was an utter mess while the fox in your mind was melting in sweetness as you had never felt any. 
A secretive smile from that woman was enough to calm you down instantly. The fox in you was yearning so hard for her recognition that you had a hard time not bowing your head to earn some caresses. 
— You are not the first one to inherit the will of my fox, however, you are the first one to be able to remain sane with it. For that, I thank you and will explain everything to you.
For the next hour, you heard the tale of the first Kenpachi, how they had been alone for a very long time until she met a terrible kitsune rampaging in the Soul Society. She had succeeded in mating it, but not after a gruesome fight that had made their soul unable to part. Until the day she had been defeated by Zaraki Kenpachi. Not long after, the kitsune died too and fell into the cycle of reincarnation. However, none of those who had received its soul had  been able to withstand his crazy bloodthirst and call for revenge, falling into insanity before being shut down by the shinigami. Until you.
At the end of the story, you came to a realisation. Your cheeks flushed as you hid in your hands. Had you been taking out your anger on an innocent man (as much as Kenpachi could be called innocent)? At least now you knew what had happened and why the fox was feeling like this. But you had fallen for the story your mother had told you and you had even held the captain responsible for everything… 
After that incident, it took you a whole week before getting the confidence to confront Kenpachi about what you had learned. You finally went to the usual place to find him napping without a care in the world. The situation was unexpected, and you decided to sit down not too far since you had earned a bit more time before your execution. 
It was very odd to see him after learning the truth. You still had that burning sensation, however, the fox was no longer bloodthirsty about him, it was more like it was unhappy at his sight. So why did you feel so warm? 
— Fuck, I’m so stupid, you groaned with your face in your hands. 
— I did not bring you back to hear you lamenting, Kenpachi yawned without care. 
— What? Did you come looking for me? 
That story was getting even worse. You already felt guilty about your unjustified anger, and now you had to thank him for still being alive(dead)?!
— I could sense you getting your ass kicked even from here, he laughed hard, but I’m the only one who gets that privilege.
He had suddenly reverted to a serious tone and face at the end of his sentence. Your cheeks started to heat so hard…
— I guess I owe you thanks… And an apology…
You were choleric, aggressive and hard to befriend, however, you were honest to the core. Even if it cost you a great deal to say those few words. Nonetheless, it looked like it was even harder to hear for the captain.
— What stupid, useless nonsense are you spouting? Did you not hear me? I haven’t done it for you, but for myself!
Your mouth half-opened in front of such hypocrisy, before briefly laughing. That man was unbelievable… It was now obvious to you, now that you were no longer blinded by your anger and regrets. You were burning for him. Only you knew that it would never reach him the conventional way. You will need to do it your way, the fighting way. 
— Don’t you think I’ll go easy on you because you saved my ass once! You claimed while jumping on your feet.
— I would kill you if you tried! He smirked.
You smiled at him, before realising all the both of you would ever understand were battle and blood. He did the same, returning your smile. 
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pico-digital-studios · 9 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Cast: Sunky and Tlels
Replaces: Plush Spider-Man Origin(s): Sunky.MPEG/Sunky the Game
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They occasionally Sunk. What else do you want me to say?
(Mini Note: Their sprite sizes in the mockups are not to scale. They are canonically smaller than what is presented, but I still wanted them to stand out regardless, so my apologies.)
Sunky the Hedgehawg and Micheal "Tlels" Powder (or Tlels the Fix) are two titular protagonists from the dimension they originate from, which is quite lighter and softer compared to other universes.
One running thing you'll find in their dimension is that no monsters and true villains (save for the relatively-normal Dr. Robotnik) roam the land, as it's a pretty happy place, all in all. Though Sunky has had his fair share of scrapes with characters like Shidow (his version of Shadow), he's always remained bright and optimistic.
At one point, he donned a ".exe" persona of his own, dubbed Sunky.MPEG, to go around spooking people with. That said, compared to many other EXEs, he hasn't killed a single soul. Instead, he led his friends and rivals into parties of his own making, and was more than welcome to share his milk and cereal with them as a treat.
At one point, Sunky, Tlels and a great number of their friends went and built a big schoolhouse of sorts, where fun and learning were the prime focus. However, Robotnik was led there via his tracker for the Chaos Emeralds (dubbed the "Emerdoods" in the Sunkiverse), and after managing to trick Tlels into thinking he was the doctor's cousin, he went through the various floors to find the Emerdoods.
Of course, because he was considered a member of the crew, he still had to put up with activities like dancing in Tlels' class or running around gathering purple donuts (the equivalent of rings) for a fussy Mitee. With luck, however, he made it to the generator, where, daftly enough, all seven Emerdoods were being used to power a single building. "Well, that's dumb."
However, Tlels caught up and realised what was going on, seeing as Robotnik had gone and smashed the generator's glass. Though seemingly fooled by the excuse of polishing the gems, he realised quite quickly that Robotnik was actually trying to steal the Emerdoods. Unfortunately for Tlels, he was easily kicked back down the hallway.
Once at safety, and knowing the place was going to explode with the generator tampered with, Tlels ordered a full-out evacuation of the schoolhouse, and when the timer hit 0, it exploded with Tlels inside, catapulting the guy out to where the others were. Robotnik managed to get away with the Emerdoods, and Tlels was feeling beat that the doctor actually outwitted them.
However, they got their payback, and went and messed up the doctor's home as retaliation, the fat scientist not happy with them STILL being able to outsmart his plans despite this setback. As you can probably guess from what I described, Sunky and Tlels may be small, likely smaller than other versions of Sonic and Tails, but they both really pack a punch when the chips are down. You know, one might even say that they could secretly be memetic badasses that even an EXE fears (discounting Lord X and Majin Sonic, at least).
One day, EV!Sonic and Tekno ended up arriving in their dimension, helping stop Robotnik when he was after the Emerdoods again. The introduction between them and the Sunk duo was... kind of awkward. In IAB! (like his appearance in Sunky's Schoolhouse), Sunky doesn't say a word, so instead, Tlels is more than happy to talk on both of their behalf, understanding well what his best friend is trying to convey.
Due to the two having the right determination for protecting their home, EV!Sonic was more than welcome to include them in the Quill Society as members, allowing them to meet fellow heroes just like them. They even got to meet some of the worst rogues from throughout the SEGAVerse, some of them (like the Game Gear Spinball Robotnik) not even being taken seriously due to being SMALLER than Sunky.
During the race to apprehend Lost Memory Sonic, Sunky and Tlels are a couple of those more disadvantaged, due to not being able to move very fast on their own. However, Nicky was happy to help give them the horizontal boost they needed to catch up with him. Tlels is also quick to scold the rogue blue blur for his actions, quicker than anyone else can get it out, in fact.
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oh-hush-its-perfect · 3 years
Alex Fierro's Introduction Full Breakdown
Okokok so. This is going to go full English-professor mode, where I'm drawing conclusions that are gonna seem a little far-fetched. That's what's fun about media analysis! I can say something is a symbol, and even if I don't have enough faith in RR's competency to know if he meant for it to be a symbol, it's still true! That being said, a lot of these choices I'm sure are intentional, either at a literal or subliminal level. Page numbers are going to be used not to assert a kind of authority or whatever— this is a Tumblr post, not an essay— but to help readers find the pages I'm referencing in case they'd like to do some digging of their own. Also, this is going to be really long. Really sorry to anyone with ADHD; I might make an audiofile of this so you can get the information without having to read the whole thing. With all that, let's get into it!
To kick off, let's talk about Alex being in the form of a cheetah when she first meets Magnus. Of course, there's the obvious impact of him seeing her but only so breifly, as well as introducing the conflict between her and the rest of Hall 19. But that could have easily been accomplished by almost any animal. The choice of a cheetah being implicated implies two qualities of Alex that will be recurrent throughout the two books she's in: 1. She has a tendency to run away, as we'll later learn when she describes how she became homeless, and 2. To Magnus, she's elusive. She can't be caught or held down. The event that shows this so transparently is how Alex refuses to define their relationship at the end of the series, despite it clearly surpassing the normal bounds of friendship.
But the cheetah isn't the animal Alex is in the form of when Magnus first gets a good look at her; she's a weasel. Weasel's bring up all kinds of connotations: ferocity, slickness, a lack of charm. When we want to describe someone as an untrustworthy person, we call them a weasel. RR had Alex take this form to play up her comrades' feeling of distrust towards her. She could be a double-crosser. But paradoxically, the up-front and vicious mannerisms of a weasel also have a transperency. She does not try appealing to her Hallmate's sense of goodwill because she doesn't have anything to gain from it. So even though there is the implication that she might be an antagonist, there's also evidence from her actions and mannerisms that she isn't. The weasel's long and skinny frame also allow for a smooth transition into Alex's actual body, which is convenient.
As Alex transforms into her usual human form, Magnus describes her as "a regular human teen, long and lanky, with a swirl of dyed green hair, black at the roots, like a plug of weeds pulled out of a lawn" (pg. 50). That simile at the end is of particular interest. Let's compare it to another time Magnus describes Alex's hair, in Ship of the Dead: "Her hair had started to grow out, the black roots making her look even more imposing, like a lion with a healthy mane" (pg. 136). By contrasting these two different examples, we can see the development of Magnus and Alex's relationship. The first time he sees her, he thinks of her hair as something nasty— note the word choice "weeds." Later on, though, he becomes more affectionate towards her, more complentary. The immedient negative reaction is less his actual impression, though, and more the reaction he expected to have based on everyone else's reaction to Alex.
Her clothes are equally as interesting; as Magnus describes it, Alex wears "battered rose high-tops, skinny lime green corduroy pants, a pink-and-green argyle sweater-vest over a white tee, and another pink cashmere sweather wrapped around the waist like a kilt" (pg. 50). Aside from the obvious fact that this outfit is a) bizzare, b) fire, and c) Alex's signature colors, which add a layer of style to what can otherwise be a somewhat boring series fashion-wise (excuse me, Blitz), the outfit reveals a crucial facet of Alex's backstory in a kind of subtle way. These are expensive clothes, like the Stella McCartney dress in Alex's room. Note the mention of fabrics (corduroy, cashmere) and patterns (argyle). These indicate wealth and status. Even the high-tops; shoes like that don't come cheap. But I'd like to return to the very first word of the section: "battered." Alex's wardrobe show-cases a proximity to wealth, but also shows that that proximity has been strained and lengthened, maybe for an extended period of time. Alex dresses like a rich person, but she isn't one. Least, not anymore.
The last word of that outfit-introduction is also of interest: "kilt." At the current moment, Magnus thinks that Alex is male. No one has indicated otherwise to him. Everyone has been referring to Alex with he/him pronouns. Samirah called Alex her "brother" (pg. 29). His first thought in seeing what he at first perceives as a guy with a jacket wrapped around the waist is That looks like a kilt. This thought tells us about Magnus: despite being open and accepting, he still has some lingering notions of gender conformity from his years in wider American society.
Magnus also indicates that the outfit "reminded me of a jester's motley, or the coloration of a venomous animal warning the whole world" (pg. 50). This is rather self-explanatory, but it's still worth noting that Magnus sees the outfit as something bizzare, strange, and even perhaps comical. This places Alex at odds with the other people Magnus has met. It also reveals that Magnus has zero fashion sense. But we already knew that.
After finishing up staring at the ensemble, Magnus finally gets around to actually looking Alex in the face. First Magnus says that he "forgot how to breathe" (pg. 50), which, yeah, relatable. This is justifed by saying that Alex has the same face as Loki, but the very same sentence that asserts that that's the case also suggests an alternative reason: Alex has "the same unearthly beauty" as her father. Here we can see the beginnings of Magnus's attraction to Alex, though at this point, he still has a lot of internalized homophobia. Though there's certainly some truth in that Magnus was unnerved by Alex's resemblance to Loki, the idea that Magnus pointed out that Alex was pretty without elaborating on that thought until about a chapter later— after he was informed that Alex was presently a girl— can tell us a lot about how Magnus perceives sex and beauty.
Of course, Alex's eyes are given special attention. She has cool eyes; what can I say? But I'd like to focus in on how Magnus here depicts Alex's heterochromia as "completely unnerving" (pg. 50). Again, let's contrast this with how he describes them after getting to know Alex a little better in Ship of the Dead. In Chapter 3, Magnus describes "[Alex's] dark brown eye and his amber eye like mismatched moons cresting the horizon" (pg. 25). Once again, this shows the development of their relationship— but this time, it's in a much more personal way. Eyes are the windows to the soul; they are culturally important and biologically important in inter-personal connections. In you look into someone's eyes, you're giving them your full attention, and you're implying a kind of closeness. The way that Magnus describes Alex's eyes in the second passage is downright intimate. At this point, he is in love with Alex, and it is clear when contrasting the two descriptions.
As my last point, I'd like to discuss Alex's first words on page: "'Point that rifle somewhere else, or I will wrap it around your neck like a bow tie'" (pg. 51). First of all, Alex saying this with a "perfect white smile" (pg. 51) on his face implies that she is used to being threatened. She is not afraid of being shot; she counters the promise of an attack with a promise of her own. This pleads the question: why is Alex accustomed to violence? What events of her past or qualities of her life have brought her to this point? The threat itself reveals Alex's trauma from being genderfluid in a society with rigid gender norms, as well as her antagonistic relationship with her father. Magnus makes a comment that Alex "might actually know how to tie a bow tie, which was kind scary arcane knowledge" (pg. 51). Like Alex's wardrobe, the idea that she may have experience in high-class fashion also implies her former status as a rich kid.
I could go on. I could break apart Alex saying "'Pleased to meet you all, I guess'" (pg. 51). There is a wealth of information in this short page span that tells us things about Alex Fierro in the present moment, quietly demonstrates things about her past, and characterizes the narrator Magnus Chase. This passage is also effective in hindsight in marking the progress of Magnus and Alex's relationship.
But I'd like to take a step back and look at not the pieces, but the whole picture. Alex Fierro gets a full page of pure description— her outfit, her face— and about a chapter of introduction. This comes after several chapters of build-up. Alex Fierro is an important character you need to keep your eyes on. Alex Fierro is emotionally significant to the main character, Magnus Chase. Alex Fierro is one of the most developed and well-rounded characters that Rick Riordan has ever written— heck, she's one of the best characters in middle-grade books period. The extended emphasis on her and her alone tells us exactly what role she's going to play in this story: she's the star.
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Azie killed it!!!
me praising a supergirl episode? i know, shocking. but 6x12 just came for me where i live! i knew it was going to be great but it surpassed my expectations. sister are really doing it for themselves! so many things to point out that were phenomenal but here’s what comes to mind rn:
- the camera work while kelly’s all distressed at the hospital, lil joey struggling to breathe, orlando looking so helpless > i was already stressed within 5 mins
- rankin literally saying “i’ll do everything i can to help these people” while rolling away to her private hospital room with access to trial medication when the residents of the heights probably don’t even have insurance or money to pay the bills. also rankin literally sucking the life out of this disadvantaged community, building wealth and pushing her political agenda on the backs of black people is the most realistic portrayal of true villainy that this show has ever given us
- kelly’s phone call to james in the stairwell, talking about how exhausting it is was so personal to me. i work in these types of communities all the time and it’s a hard fight. i get emotionally tired too. it does feel like screaming into the void, like one step forward and ten steps back. and i felt this for kelly.
- alex’s solution is to send respirators and nothing else? just makes me realize that while the super friends were protecting mxy and trying to capture nxyly, they were pretty much neglecting the heights. people who were literally dying and it’s horrifying to think of where their priorities lie. especially considering the fact that they could have handled the nxyly issue without alex so she can support her gf
- writer 1: how do we make the audience hate rankin some more?
  writer 2: have her kill a guy for a sandwich on white bread. it’ll make her look like even more of an asshole
but seriously, what kind of psychopathic shit was that?
- andrea has always been portrayed a shameless capitalist who only cares about grabbing eyeballs but it has never been highlighted as negatively as it was in this episode in that phone call with kelly 
- i think kelly reaching out to lena who isn’t even in national city really speaks to her desperation to have someone see her. someone hear her. someone fucking help and i’m glad she had at least diggle’s support
- that slim stack of bills is all it took for that woman to sell her soul to rankin? bruh...
- the super friends showing up to the heights, only concerned with tracking nxyly, not giving any amount of fucks about what kelly is trying to say enraged me. i know that was the point of the episode but STILL
- kara telling kelly that mxy can fix all this once they get him out of the crystal. what are you five? give me a goddamn break with this foolishness kara! so lil joey’s lungs are just supposed to hang on til whenever the fuck y’all save mxy? lena, please come and collect your wife
- kelly looking directly at kara when she mentions the word hope while dragging the super friends for their nonchalant behaviour > oof, a slap to the face
- i see nia had the one brain cell this week. she’s the only one who attempted to help kelly in whatever way she could. 
- brainy really said racism is still a problem in the 31st century and it did not surprise me. 
- seems like having tunnel vision is a danvers sisters trait. i get alex not being able to relate to kelly’s struggle but come on she’s your girlfriend. can’t you tell when she’s upset?
- i’m glad that they addressed j’onn choosing the appearance of a black man and how even though he may have been a target because of it, he still can’t relate fully to the experiences like kelly, james and diggle can. it’s optional for him. they don’t have that luxury to check out whenever it suits them
- kara talking about the anti-alien hate with the col and i would like to remind kara that she genuinely thought things were improving and that the division didn’t exist despite j’onn and brainy repeatedly telling her otherwise. because, once again, her physical appearance affords her privilege that no black person or visible alien will ever receive
- every kelly scene was so emotional i was bawling wtf. her talking about pushing her pain and anger down and trying to be positive and all smiles > 100% accurate 
- i can’t believe i’m saying this but i did not need the lena scenes. they should’ve just kept those out. on the other note, magical amazon package delivery
- guardian’s suit is so fucking badass!!! i’m glad little black girls will feel SEEN and INSPIRED in this episode. thank you azie
- kara was really out there getting her ass kicked by a human who just got powers for a few hours? stop nerfing her abilities!
- the way we got an actual scene of kelly carefully wrapping her hair, the say her name t shirt, the books on the coffee table > well done azie
- alex and kelly in the final scene was a good portrayal of an interracial relationship where one partner wants to but just will never understand the issue fully. alex just needs to be there for kelly and i’m glad that they didn’t make it a moment to educate her white gf about racial discrimination. they kept the focus where it needed to be. i’m also  glad that unlike the other soical justice topics we’ve had,  they didn’t try to make it seem like something that is so engrained into the fabric of society can be wrapped up with a neat little bow and be done with. there’s more fighting to do but at least it seems like kelly will have the support going forward
- the promo after such a powerful episode gave me whiplash. back to our regularly scheduled nonsense i guess
This episode holy shit. man it was amazing. azie is a talented writer and it’s easy to tell that she was drawing inspiration from real and personal experiences. it was very easy for me to relate to these scenes, especially the hospital ones. also makes me annoyed because they’ve been wasting all this potential and this episode is proof that the show and it’s storylines can be nuanced and still include superhero aspects. too bad this episode will likely become one of few in this show’s entire run that actually accomplishes that.
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moonyswriting · 3 years
Heart and Soul
@peggyrose19 and @wonder-womans-ex had their birthdays over a month back and I didnt manage to make them a gift. but I still wanted to make you something because I wont just drop it after I missed the day. so this is for you two. you are incredible and talented people and I'm honoured I get to call myself your friend. I hope you'll like it.
characters by @lumosinlove
thank you for beta reading @moonofthenight
Chapter 1
“Final seconds of the second period on the clock, Frank. The Saint’s going for the goal again, passing Tremblay and going straight in Nutty’s direction-”
“And that was a hit on Leo Knut, by the Hollow’s Saint’s winger Andrew Kline. And now, the expected punches follow. Marly, they could have really seen Logan and Finn coming, right?” “Definitely, Frank. No team likes it when someone fights with their goalie but these two seem to be particularly protective of our sunshine boy. Tremzy is already throwing punches at Ethan Bart and I can see O’Hara skating over to them.”
“Oh and here comes Luke. Throwing off his gloves and joining his teammates. Maybe with all those uncovered wrists we could actually get a chance to see some soulmate tattoos again. Last one spotted was Kasey Winter’s almost two years ago now, spelling out Natalie, the name of his girlfriend. They still seem to be going strong; I’m happy for them. That incident did however get most of the players to cover their wrists up,” Frank waited for a second before continuing, “How’s the fight? Looks like we got a big one tonight, eh?”
“It is! We’ve got three people from each team fighting at the moment, but the Refs are pulling them apart now. Coach Weasley doesn’t look too happy that his players are risking injuries for fights again. He’s calling a few over now and I do not want to be on the receiving end of Arthur’s wrath, believe me.”
“Same here, Marlene. Huh, that was weird. Did you see that?”
“It was. Loops just had to shake DV so he’d move. He had stared a hole into the ice and didn’t react to the Coach or his teammate. Haven’t seen him do that before. Hopefully, he’ll be fully focused again after the break.”
“I’m hoping it wasn’t a bad hit. The Lions really don’t need another injury right now.”
“Especially after only just getting Finn back from his small wrist injury that didn’t allow him to play the last two games.”
“Yeah. We’ll keep everyone updated of course. I’m sure he’s being checked right now.”
“In the meantime, there were some fantastic plays in there. It would be quite nice for the players to have a good game before some of them get to have a break.”
“Yes, All Star week is next week and we’ll be seeing a few of the Lions there, such as the newly wedded Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, but also last year's MVP Logan Tremblay, of course.”
“I’m excited Frank! We’ll be right back after a quick break for the second period.”
Luke was still feeling off after the fight, going through the questions Layla asked him on autopilot. No, he wasn’t hurt, there was neither pain there nor there, yes, he could still remember his address and full name.
Their new PT seemed at a loss. She could see that he was acting very strange and, honestly, she was getting worried about forgetting some usually obvious injuries for his behaviour. There was only so much a human could guess, so she simply asked.
“What happened out there, Deveaux?”
It took a moment for Luke to register he was being addressed, mumbling a “nothing” before continuing to stare at the wall. How stupid did this boy think she was? 
Letting out a sigh, she clarified, “I just need to know if you’re injured or not,” after a second of hesitation Kayla added, “but if there’s something bothering you or just occupying your thoughts, you can always go talk to Heather. She’s helped a few of your teammates too.”
She watched his expression while telling Luke. Some guys were embarrassed of going to therapy. There was no reason to be, of course. No one got shy about having the PT check on them but when it came to mental struggles, they somehow believed they have to handle it all alone. Society and the messed up way of thinking that they teach children, honestly. She was glad they at least had some people on the team who encouraged visiting Heather any time they saw someone struggling. She knew Sirius really did help them a lot by being so open about going to her office at least once a week.
There really was no way to tell how Luke thought about her proposal, he certainly seemed to be thinking, but there was no way to determine what about. Suddenly Luke broke the silence.
“Can I go?”
Since Layla hadn’t found any injuries and she couldn’t really do more than encourage him to visit Heather, she let him leave.
The brunette was out of the room the second after the words had left her mouth.
They had won. The locker room was already buzzing, the mandatory playlist echoing into the hallway. After their last game against the Saint’s, which they had lost, the whole team was even more excited about having won. There was even some kind of dance match between Logan and Sirius going on, not that Luke noticed. He had been a bit off for the rest of the game, much to the dismay of Coach Weasley. That got him to spend most of his time on the bench in the last period, but he didn’t mind. For once, hockey was not his main concern, not even during this game.
He had seen it. When number 7 had thrown off his gloves for the fight, there it had been in black cursive. A soulmate tattoo, spelling out “Luke”. Of course "Luke" didn’t necessarily mean Luke as in himself, but there was still a possibility.
A possibility that his soulmate was a Saint. A Saint. He would have been happy with almost anyone, but no, it had to be an ice hockey player. He didn't care about the gender. Luckily he wouldn't even have to hide a relationship between him and a potential boyfriend because of Remus and Sirius. But a Saint? Even in his thoughts, he knew he was whining. The real problem was that they would not only live miles apart and would have practically no time for each other half of the year, but they would be opponents. In ice hockey, the other team is the enemy. He couldn't befriend the enemy and he definitely couldn't date the enemy. Even if he wanted, he'd be blamed for not playing as hard as he could or making exceptions when it came to his hypothetical boyfriend.
So really, dating a Saint was not an option.
Still, his curiosity got the better of him. If this was really his soulmate, no matter how much he didn't want him to be, he had to know.
Standing up, he made his excuses and slipped into the hallway, running along until he got to the other team's locker room.
Great plan, idiot, what will you do now?! You can’t just go in and ask in front of everyone.
Then a group of people stepped out, each looking at Luke as if he had a kick-me sign on his forehead and as if they were considering it. Quite a few had walked past him and when one held open the door for his teammate, Luke could see that there were only three people left in the room. No time better than now, he told himself, gathering some of his Lion courage and walked straight inside.
“The fuck, Lion?!”, one of the players mumbled while he left the room too, shortly followed by the other player that wasn’t the one Luke had been looking for.
He took a deep breath. The tattoo wouldn't refer to him. Of course it wouldn't. Why would it be a Saint, really. Stepping closer to the boy lacing up his shoes, Luke's eyes met a pair of brown ones, looking up through gold curls.
“Why are you here?”, the other asked, narrowing his eyes and standing up to be on eye level with the Lion.
Oh, the charm of rivalry, always straight to the point, no need for formalities.
“Do you want to brag about catching up? Hate to break it to you, but you’re not in the lead and we’ll win the next one anyway.”
Even though his words sounded confident, he leaned back and knocked on the wood of the benches.
“No,” the brunette stated, looking him dead in the eyes. This boy had activated Luke's competitiveness so there was no turning back, “to both. We’ll just win as we did today. Last time was luck and you know it.”
The other raised an eyebrow at him. “The only thing that was luck last time was that you got a goal.”
The nerve this person had. Here he was, coming to actually try to talk to him and possibly get to know him to find out about the tattoo and just got insults in return. Luke was about to shoot something back when the door opened again.
“Babe, you coming?”
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blackbat05 · 3 years
I just watched Shang-Chi so here’s my review! It may be on the spoiler-y side so don’t read if you don’t want to get spoiled! If you want to talk about the movie feel free to slide in and chat! :)
1) Visuals
It was so breathtaking watching this masterpiece on the big screen. If you can, watch it in the cinema, I promise you won’t be disappointed.
2) Cast
Like so many of the MCU castings, Simu Liu as Shang-Chi is a bulls-eye. Being Asian and Chinese, my parents grew up watching Hong Kong films and although I respected what it bought to the table, I never really understood it. But seeing Tony Leung as Wenwu, it was such a balanced and nuanced character, considering he’s supposed to be the “villain” of the film. I would really love to say more but all I would say is that a villain doesn’t have to be outrageous to be fearful and Mr Tony Leung showed that perfectly. The father-son relationship was also beautifully crafted where there seemed to be some fear from Shang-Chi against his father but at the end there’s no trace of it. I’ll just say that with the experiences that I went through, I could really relate to that dynamic. Nevertheless, Wenwu’s method of upbringing was toxic, I will not deny that.
The girls also took the film to a different level in my opinion and I’m so grateful that Katy and Xialing are so different but so powerful in their own ways. In the beginning, Katy seems to be portrayed as someone who didn’t know what she wanted in life. But as we find out that she has a degree from a prestigious and respected university, it allows us to think there’s more that meets the eye. I can safely say, in the Asian context, I have seen so many close friends of mine doing what their doing now because their parents wanted them to and you can kind of predict the outcome. It’s still an existing problem in our society today and there will never be a quick solution to it. All I can say is that I’m grateful that my parents are supportive of whatever I’m doing.
On the other hand, Xialing grew up in an environment where girls weren’t allowed to do things that boys do but she didn’t let that define her. I for one have heard too many times in the classroom or just during my daily life: “can I have a few strong guys to carry so and so”. You have no idea how annoyed I was. I still hear that until today. To give you reference, I’ve been playing tennis competitively for 10 years, I grew up in an athletic family where I was trained by my father and my mother did athletics when she was younger. Anyways, like thank god my father isn’t Wenwu or remotely anything like him. He told me this one phrase and it describes Xialing perfectly. ‘STRONG IS BEAUTIFUL.’ Thank you Xu Xialing for being a role model for young Chinese girls. It’s been a long time coming.
Also, note to all directors. This is how you do a platonic friendship. God if the two friends continue into the MCU please please remember Director Daniel’s vision!
3) Action sequences
The fight scenes were so smooth, fluid and graceful. I’m not kidding you when I meant I could see every hit, every punch, every kick. Maybe skeptics would say that some were in slo-mo so I’ll leave it there but I’ve never felt so mesmerized and so calm by watching a fight scene. I would say that it is up there with Cap TWS as they are both equally action packed but in their own way.
4) Impactful part
Ying Nan with Shang-Chi! Where she simply just grabbed his hand and basically told him to relax as that’s the key to doing better. I think that spoke so much to me as I always had a problem relaxing when I was still active as a tennis player. I wish I realized sooner so that I didn’t have to go through so much confusion and emotional turmoil. Even now, I still find myself reminding that whatever I do, I have to be relaxed to give my best performance. So I’m glad this film reminded me again.
5) A bit dodgy
Haha ok well my friend pointed this out to me but I guess it’s film right so it’s all for the plot. But wow Katy really following her friend to stop his dad from potentially releasing soul sucking monsters into the world and then picking up some Katniss-level archery skills within a day(?) and practically saving Shang-Chi and Xialing (help I had serious Natasha-Vormir flashbacks during the film and this point)? But I guess I’ll close a blind eye to it hehe.
Overall stars: 4.5/5 ⭐️
If you’ve read till the end, I thank you sincerely with all my heart because this was hella long to type but I enjoyed doing so! Shang-Chi, you were such a pleasant ride and I hope to see more Asian (and POC) superheroes in the future of Marvel!
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hibiscusangel15 · 3 years
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Day 22 Prompt: there’s been talk about us
Summary: Rumors chased after Ichigo and Rukia their entire lives. People liked to gossip about their appearances. About their statuses. It was always the trivial matters that rubbed others the wrong way.
And then came the rumors about the nature of their relationship. For Day 22 of @ichirukimonth​ 2021.
Rating: Gen/K
*Also crossposted to AO3 and FFN!
If you like my fic, please consider buying me a coffee!
                                       We fear that which we cannot see.
“Hey, have you heard?”
“That Kurosaki kid—”
“Yes, that Kuchiki girl—”
“No way! A delinquent joining our class?”
“Of course that untalented recruit is a noble. It’s the Kuchiki influence. I thought so, too!”
Rumors chased after Ichigo and Rukia their entire lives. People liked to gossip about their appearances. About their statuses. It was always the trivial matters that rubbed others the wrong way.
And then came the rumors about the nature of their relationship. A bit surprising, to be sure, but not altogether unexpected, given how petty gossip hounds could be. Just another bored rumor passed along the mill that would eventually be forgotten and replaced with something new.
They both denied it as firmly as they could. It never satiated others’ nosy appetites for long.
All those rumors fell away when she was whisked back to Soul Society. They were the last thing on his mind when he and the others fought to rescue her. He’d forgotten about them completely until she and the other Shinigami showed up during the next semester, unannounced, and the rumors started up again.
It didn’t help that she was living with him now, either.
“What’s the deal with you and Rukia-chan anyway?” Isshin asked while helping his son with the dishes. The girls were having fun getting to know each other upstairs, so he figured he’d step in.
Ichigo threw him a peeved side-glance. “What do you mean? She already told you she has no money or relatives here to help her.”
“So you volunteered to take her in without a second thought, huh?”
“You expect me to let her fend for herself?” The defensive edge in his voice made Isshin pause.
He smiled as he took a dish from the rack to dry. “No, of course not. You’ve always been the type to stick your neck out for someone in need. Why do you think your mom and I named you Ichigo?”
Ichigo said nothing, just continued washing dishes. If one good thing could be said about his punk of a son, it was the fact that he never flaunted his inner strength.
“You’ve never really had many friends growing up. For the longest time, the only friend you had was Tatsuki-chan and then Chad. Everyone else was too scared to try and talk to you. So I’m glad you’re putting yourself out there this year and making a bunch of new friends, Ichigo.”
His son’s face softened.
“That being said, you never answered my question, my son.” Isshin’s eyes sparkled with a single-minded pursuit. “Could it be you don’t trust me enough to tell me the truth? Or is it that you're too shy?”
That all-too-familiar scowl returned to Ichigo’s face. “What the hell’re you talking about, Dad?”
“There you go, dodging the question again! I’m talking about Rukia-chan! Is she, y’know, your girlfriend?”
“My...girlfriend?” A dish slipped from Ichigo's grasp and shattered into pieces.
“Aw crap!” he swore, stooping to the floor. “Sorry, Dad!”
Before he could reach for the largest piece, Isshin gently pushed his son's hands away. “Let me handle this, Ichigo. I don’t want you hurting yourself. Go get the trash can.”
“Dad, it’s no trouble. I can get it.”
Isshin paused. “To be honest with you, son, my joints ain’t as spry as they used to be. I probably can’t get up right now even if I wanted to.”
“Oh, what? You’re such an old man,” Ichigo said as he pushed himself up.
At that moment, Isshin slipped a small pill into his mouth. Urahara’s gigai tech might have been impressive when he was first gifted the thing, but damn was it getting more and more unresponsive as he got older.
After Ichigo cleared the shards away, Isshin let his son finish washing the dishes. It was the easiest way to trap him there, at any rate.
“Anyway,” he began again, “what is Rukia-chan to you?”
His son hesitated, brown eyes darting around as if he could pull some bullshit excuse from the murky dishwater.
He covered it up with yet another scowl. “We’re just friends. Sorry to disappoint you and Yuzu.”
“Aw, c’mon, Ichigo! Your sister and I are just curious!”
“You guys are way too keen about my nonexistent love life. Why don’t you two get lives of your own?”
“You kids might not understand this since you’re so young, but when you become a parent, your life revolves around your kids! That means your life is my life, too!” Isshin clenched his fist. “So c’mon, Ichigo! Tell me everything! Don’t be shy!”
“I’m not being shy. Quit bugging me.”
“Oh?” Isshin’s eyes gleamed. “Only a truly shy man would be so cold! Come now, my son! Confess your deepest, darkest secrets to your father!”
As soon as he tried to embrace his son, all turned black as his face rammed right into Ichigo’s elbow.
                                                           * * *
The girls upstairs heard a loud crash and Ichigo’s infuriated cursing.
Karin frowned at the floor. “There they go again. God, it’s so exhausting living with them. Sorry, you’re just going to have to deal with them for the time being.”
Rukia slapped on an innocent smile. “Oh, I don’t mind! I think a lively household is kind of fun!”
Another crash thundered through the house as the two men continued brawling away. Karin sighed. “Fun, huh?”
“I just hope they remember to clean up after themselves! I’d hate to clean the kitchen again when I already did it last weekend!” Yuzu said.
Rukia had heard their muffled fighting before when she hid in Ichigo’s closet. To actually bear witness to the Kurosaki family’s antics was another matter entirely. Compared to the piercing silence of the Kuchiki household, this was a much more comforting change of pace.
“Now don’t take this the wrong way, Rukia-chan.” Yuzu fidgeted on her bed . “But…um….”
Karin tilted her head back with a loud sigh. “She wants to know if you and our stupid brother are dating.”
“Karin!” Yuzu shouted, scandalized.
“It’s what you wanted to ask her since she arrived, right?”
“Dating?” Rukia repeated. “No, we’re just friends!”
“Just friends, huh?” Karin muttered.
“Yes, of course.”
“So you say.”
“I’m just saying it’d be way more interesting if all this was some elaborate ruse for Ichigo to introduce his girlfriend to the family is all.” She flopped back onto her bed, letting her legs swing freely over the edge.
“That certainly would be more interesting, I suppose,” Rukia conceded. “Unfortunately, that’s not true. No offense to your brother, but he’s too honest to think of doing something like that.”
The three paused when Ichigo’s booming sneeze echoed up to them from downstairs.
Karin smirked. “Friend, girlfriend. It’s all the same to me, I guess.” She pointed a finger at Rukia. “You and I might get along swimmingly once you drop that nice-girl act and be yourself, though.”
Rukia blinked. And here she thought her human girl schtick would work here, too.
The smile that crossed her lips was softer, more natural this time. “You and your brother have the same instincts, I see.”
“I’d say I’m better at reading people than he is. He’s a big dope.” Karin waved dismissively.
Yuzu’s warm smile grew. “Whether you’re just friends with Ichi-nii or something more, I’m still glad to have you in our home, Rukia-chan! It’s nice to have more girls in the house for once!”
Rukia dipped her head. “I’m grateful that you’re letting me stay here without questioning my motives. I hope I won’t be a burden to any of you.”
“If you can keep my brother and my dad in line, you’d be more of a help than a hindrance,” Karin said. “Anyway, Yuzu tends to snore and fuss in her sleep, so I hope you can deal with that, too.”
Yuzu flushed and threw a pillow at her sister’s bed. “Karin! I don’t snore!”
Siblings showed the oddest resemblances to one another from time to time. Karin's teasing grin was so much like her brother's that it made Rukia smile in return. Ichigo then barged into the room and plunked himself on the edge of her bed to hang out with them. They all talked about their day and mocked each other in that special way only siblings could. It was warm and exasperatedly caring.
All those silly rumors that once passed around Karakura High about her and Ichigo dating would definitely escalate if anyone saw her living with him. It didn’t matter to her either way.
For once, she'd found a place where she didn’t have to worry about being judged. Rukia could dare to be happy. She dared to relax and laugh along with them. The Kurosaki family treated her like she belonged, and that was enough.
                                                               * * *
“Wait, they live together? Are you sure?”
“Of course! Kojima-san went to their house the other day to bring Kurosaki all the homework he missed, and he told me that Kuchiki-san was the one who answered the door! And she took it from him on his behalf! Like she was his girlfriend or something!”
“No way someone as pretty as her would be shacking up with a guy like that, right?”
“I don’t know. You remember how she climbed in through the third-story window and kicked him in the face and smacked him around? If anything, I feel sorry for Kurosaki.”
Now those rumors couldn’t be helped either. Rukia needed somewhere to stay, and like a little pest, she wormed her way into Ichigo's home and his everyday life. And with his month-long Vizard training going on, he wasn’t exactly around to put a stop to them.
The rumors really started to get out of hand once Ichigo, his friends, and all those weird kids who joined in the middle of the semester disappeared at the same time. No one knew where they went, or if they were even alive.
Some theorized that they had all dropped out to form a street gang. Others proposed the idea that Kurosaki and Kuchiki-san had eloped and invited all their friends to the wedding. All of which were extremely ridiculous, but who was to prove them wrong? Certainly not the subjects of the rumors themselves.
Oddly enough, both Asano and Kojima were the first to dismiss any rumors they heard. They seemed less enthusiastic about it, like their friend’s love life was no longer a fun puzzle to work out. They hung a lot more around Arisawa, who was equally morose and exhausted with it all.
Of course, this only fueled the wild rumors further. Perhaps they were bummed out that they weren’t included in whatever escapades Kurosaki and his other friends got involved with.
Then Kurosaki returned. Without any of those weird friends of his. Without that odd Kuchiki girl by his side. 
Kurosaki Ichigo became a recluse, even among those he once called friends.
Perhaps they’d broken up. Maybe she had to move away.
The mystique of their relationship died down pretty quickly after that.
It was not until May of their final year of high school did rumors about Kuchiki Rukia returning circulate around the school. Someone claimed to have seen her hanging around Karakura again. With how eagerly Kurosaki cancelled the rest of his sports team contracts to leave school earlier, it seemed more and more plausible.
Inoue Orihime’s own confirmation that the Kuchiki girl was indeed back only fueled the flames. Apparently, Kuchiki Rukia and all the new kids had to move far away all of a sudden. No, they weren’t all a weird family. No, she would not return to Karakura High.
As for the rumor covering Kuchiki Rukia and Kurosaki Ichigo’s relationship status, Inoue, Arisawa, and Kojima were all tight-lipped on the matter. Despite their best efforts, Asano Keigo was not all that great at keeping secrets, and it only took a bit of pressure for him to crack.
“No, they’re not dating! Can you believe that?” he’d screech at anyone who would listen. “I swear, I’ve tried so hard to hook them up, but nothing I do works! Tell me, what’s a guy gotta do to help his dumbass friend score, huh?”
                                                           * * *
Rukia was in the middle of writing up a report when Ichigo decided to show up for an impromptu visit. Admittedly, it was nice catching up with him, but it did wreck her entire work schedule for the day.
Well, perhaps wreck wasn’t the right word for it. She didn’t mind his company. She just normally finished up faster than this.
The odd look her brother threw her when she requested that they be left alone put her off. It did not help that she had flushed when Renji raised a tattooed eyebrow at her before he left, nor the fact that the servants hushed their giggles when Ichigo looked over his shoulder at them.
“Hey, is something going on around here?” he asked after catching the latest servant stifling a smile as she passed. “The servants have been whispering to each other all day.”
That’s because you decided to barge in so blatantly like you live here, you fool, she wanted to say.
Rukia shrugged affectedly. “People like to talk.”
About us, to be precise.
Ichigo scoffed. “People are always talking about me like I’m some kind of freak because of my hair. I’ve never cared all that much about gossip. It’s all bullshit anyway.”
She set her brush down on the inkstone. “I see. You too, huh?”
“Too?” he repeated, finally looking over at her.
“You heard Nii-sama explain why I was adopted into the Kuchiki clan, correct?” She took his silence as a yes. “The Kuchiki name is a prestigious one, but that notoriety does not come without its costs. The moment I was adopted, I was immediately placed in Squad Thirteen despite never having graduated from the Shinigami Academy. I was deemed a product of nepotism, and the other squad members hated me for it.”
Rukia shut her eyes. The memory of Kaien’s warmth flickered in the back of her mind. That would be a story for another day.
“It may seem ridiculous to you, how such a thing could hurt me.” Her smile did not reach her eyes.
He shook his head. “It’s not ridiculous, Rukia. What’s ridiculous is all the stuff people assumed about you. They don’t even know you.”
“No,” she said. “But even worthless rumors can start to take their toll once enough of them build up.”
“Oh yeah? Well, I’m gonna change that.”
Her smile fell. “How so?”
“We’re friends,” Ichigo said without any hesitation whatsoever. “So anyone who talks shit about you gets the business end of my sword.”
“A little extreme, don’t you think?”
Ichigo snorted but said nothing else.
To alleviate the tension brewing around him, she teased, “And what rumors about yourself have you heard lately? I’ve heard quite a lot. I’ve even been asked to confirm a few, on occasion.”
“Yeah? Like what?”
Rukia turned the various rumors over in her mind, struggling to find the best way to spin it. A joke perhaps? Could he laugh off something like this?
No, Ichigo would probably get embarrassed and storm off to find the cretin who started these unsavory rumors in the first place. She would assume such talk was unbefitting of those who served in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, but apparently she was mistaken.
“Nothing much. Petty gossip.” She continued writing her report as if such matters didn’t concern her at all. “About you and I, mostly. What we are to each other.”
Ichigo scowled. “Not this again.”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
“It’s like people don’t have anything else to do with their lives. Stop trying to live vicariously through us already.”
Rukia paused. “Live vicariously?”
“Yeah, it’s like when people try to experience stuff through—”
“No, I know what it means. But what did you mean by that?”
The moment he met her eyes, she understood. There was a frantic, helpless gleam to them, but even so, he did not dare look away.
It was not a challenge, but more a question. It was a plea. His confession.
“Oh. I see.”
“Look, I wasn’t trying to…. I mean, it’s not…. This wasn’t the way that I wanted to….”
Ichigo put his head in his hands and took a deep breath. When he finally sat up straight again, he looked her right in the eye. “Rukia, do you want to go out with me?”
“Oh?” She leaned her head in a hand, the corner of her mouth tugging up. “Are you sure you want to prove those rumormongers right?”
He scowled. “This isn't about them! I told you, I don’t give a shit about what other people think. It wasn’t the rumors that made me like you.”
“What a bold thing to admit.” She covered her mouth in mock surprise.
“Ugh, shut up! It’s hard enough to say as it is.”
Rukia began to laugh. “You’re so strange, Ichigo. I like that about you, though.”
He tried and failed to hide how red his face had become. “Don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m not.” Her smile became more genuine then as she reached her hand out to his. “I am happy you asked. Although, I hope you know that it is uncouth of you to drop in on a woman unannounced. According to what I read about courting in the World of the Living, it is also customary to have a chaperone along with us on our dates.”
“Yeah, that’s been outdated for centuries now. What the hell kind of books are you even reading?” he scoffed.
“How rude! And here I was, excited to ask Nii-sama to accompany us for our first date!”
“What? Don’t bring Byakuya into this!”
Their silly bickering echoed all throughout the courtyard. Even still, they did not let go of the other's hand.
                                                             * * *
"Hey, have you heard?"
"That Substitute Shinigami and Lieutenant Kuchiki are dating?"
"Why is this news? Weren't they already a couple?"
"Ah, I see! So I was right all along."
Years and years of speculation, only to have the confession be far more mundane than they hoped.
The funny thing about rumors was, once they were confirmed, they lost their appeal extremely quickly.
Another rumor soon came to take its place.
"Kurosaki Ichigo is a noble? No way!"
"Sure, he looks a lot like Lieutenant Shiba, but isn't he just a human?"
"You sure he didn't just marry into the Kuchiki family?"
And so it goes. And so the rumors circled back once again.
                            If you can say that your heart doesn't change
                                               Then that is strength.
                                       No, nothing can change my world.
The only time a petty rumor is actually one hundred percent true lol. But I mean, it's not hard to disprove with the way they're always looking at each other.
I suppose this fic can kind of fit in the same AU as Home and Clearing Away the Rain. Maybe consider it a prequel of sorts, if you like!
Thanks for reading! Until next time!
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songofwizardry · 4 years
In honour of this week’s Critical Role episode, here are some Beau Moments, mostly about Thoreau and institutions and abuse of power, that have stuck with me really hard. Mostly because I wanted to go back through and compile these moments, because I just really fucking love Beau. 
C2E004 2:15:39
Dairon: “Your dislike for authority is not a bad thing. It can keep you alive. Authority should always be questioned. Those with more power than you should be held to a higher standard.”
[Training montage]
Beau: “Why are you doing this? Why me?”
Dairon: “Because a long time ago, I was a wayward girl with no direction, was angry, and fighting at the world. And someone did this for me.”
Beau: “I don't really believe in systems or being a part of them, let alone a system that takes down other systems. Seems almost hypocritical.”
Dairon: “Perhaps. Who knows. Maybe one day you'll find the corruption inside our own.”
C2E024 1:14:31
Beau: “I don't know, I just grew to hate the town that I was in and the system that my father was a part of and so everything--”
Nott: “Is he a bad person?”
Beau: “He wasn't a bad person. I think he just had bad direction. I don't know, he could've been a good dad. He was a shitty dad and a good businessman.”
Nott: “Wait, this was not by choice? You were abducted by monks?! ... Are you okay?”
Beau: “Sure. Great.”
Nott: “Was it hard?”
Beau: “Yeah. I mean, there were elements that were hard, but everyone has had hardships, right? What's it matter? Besides, he sent me off to the monks. I think he was hoping that they were going to beat my indiscretions out of me. Instead, I think all of the things that my father saw in me that he hated, the monks saw as a potential advantage. So, in a weird way, I think it might've been the nicest thing he ever did for me. ... I mean, I still never really want to see him again, and I don't think he wants to see me again, either. In fact, he told that he didn't want to see me again. So it's good. Yeah.”
C2E092 1:35:50
Beau: “I feel like I've found my family with The Mighty Nein. I don't like looking at my past, because it doesn't have The Mighty Nein in it, and I think I put off the inevitable, because I'm going to-- I'm afraid it's going to be like my past.”
Fjord: “I don't think one contaminates the other. You've got good, solid footing here. I mean, shit, if we want to run, we run. If we want to kick his ass, we'll kick his ass.”
Beau: “Yeah... I kind of want to kick his ass, and I don't want to run.”
Fjord: “Could I ask you, in your wildest dreams, and feel free to say you don't want to tell me, what would you have happen when we go there?”
Beau: “I think I've worked so hard because I scripted this day, in my inevitable future that I would go back to him, successful woman, respectable member of society, Cobalt Soul, an Expositor, the thing he threw me away to, and I embraced. And then, I would get mad at myself, because I felt like I was doing exactly what he was doing to me my entire life, scripting me to be something else. And I'm still doing it. I haven't seen him in three years, and I'm still trying to be... something. And I think what's scary is that I like this, and what I've found, and I don't think it was until Nott started talking about having to go home and go away that it truly started terrifying me. Because for the first time, I'm happy. And what if that goes away?”
C2E092 3:41:30
Thoreau: “Look, I know you-- I know we've had our  differences. And I've not-- I've not been the pinnacle of a father, in the same way that you've not been a pinnacle of a daughter. I accept my responsibilities in the things that I've, maybe been a bit harsh on. But look what you've become.”
Beau: “It feels like a weird justification of your behaviours, but I'd like to hope that what I became had nothing to fucking do with you, but maybe I'd be lying to myself.”
Beau: “Yeah, I was difficult... but I thought a Dad was supposed to stay by their kid when they're having a fucking hard time.”
C2E125 02:54:15
Yudala Fon: “First, let me say, thank you for being honest about your experience with the Expositor, and aiding us in finding this link and exposing a very serious seed of corruption within our very... sorry... group. Let me please extend my sincerest apologies.”
Beau: “Um... thank you. Sorry, I’m really taken aback by all of this. ... It’s odd, looking at one of the most traumatic moments of my life and on another side, feeling a sense of thanks and gratitude that it happened. Because it did set me on this path.”
Yudala: “We would like to think that you would have found your way here regardless. And it should always have been your choice. And I know we cannot make that up to you, but I want to extend my – our – deepest apologies. 
Beau: “Um. Thank you. Thank you for taking these matters so seriously. Didn’t expect it. I guess you get... used to cruelty being handed down as the norm.”
Yudala: “We are not a body of government, we are not a religious group, we are a people who want to protect people who cannot protect themselves from abuses of power. And you’ve been abused by someone in power. We will see that they are properly punished.”
[A little later]
Caleb: “Are you... all right?”
Beau: “Do you know that feeling where... you didn’t realise something was wrong until someone told you, and you just lived with it this whole time, and... I’m relieved, but I’m also, kind of reckoning with it at the same time? I don’t know. Yeah, I’m good. I’m okay.”
Bonus: C2E110 03:35:31
Beau: “I... am so fucking tired of manipulative assholes... I don't know why so many people have gone through such great lengths to try and convince us all that they're responsible for our success. ... If I hear one more person try and claim that pain is the only way to make a resilient person—what a shitty excuse.”
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nonbinaryeye · 3 years
Forsaken Scholar and Beholding Sailor
Written for @lonelyeyesweek
Day 6 - Entity Swap
One of them spends most of the year travelling all around the world seeing all its wonders. The other one stays locked in the Institute. It is not that hard to guess which one of them serves to the Eye and which one serves the Lonely…
Read on AO3
Peter Lukas loves traveling around the world with his ship. What could be better and more fitting for a servant of the Eye than to sail through the seas as he pleases,  discovering all the hidden secrets of the most forgotten places on the Earth, gaining forgotten Knowledge and Seeing all the wonders the world has to offer with his own Eyes. And the most importantly of course – also feeding his patron with different flavours of the worries, fears and traumas people are experiencing in the different countries.
As amazing as it is to cross over the ocean all the way there and back, one of his favourite places is still the city of London. It is not because the sight of the city would be that amazing or wonderful – far from it. However it is one of the most monitored cities in the world and how could the soul of a Beholder not appreciate that? Knowledge that he cannot even cross a street without dozens of cameras – from ATM, from nearby stores, the traffic ones– turning its Eye on him, it's truly delightful!
It is strange though how he chose from all the places to build his Institute here as well. True, in two hundred years London certainly changed a lot but it was hardly quiet, peaceful or abandoned back then. As always Peter is curious about his intention and as always he sees it as one more reason to not to tell him anything.
Whistling he approaches the Magnus Institute – quite a big building in the middle of the city – which you could somehow still easily miss if you did not know exactly where to look for it. He opens the door with an elbow as both his hands are preoccupied carrying a big box containing few things he picked up on his travels.
Peter never felt the particular need to hoard the artefacts. He is the servant of the Eye. The point is therefore to See to witness everything with his own Eyes. There is no need for that. Though lately he always makes sure to grab a few interesting or possibly cursed objects. It would be rude to show up after such a long time without appropriate gifts.
“Hello, I am here to see my husband!” he announces loudly to the receptionist. She winces and looks around in fear that someone will blame her for such a loud visitor. As always there is still no one around.
“I… uhm… who?” she hesitantly turns back at Peter who is cheerfully smiling.
“You know, James-… no, I think it is Elias now… Elias Butcher? Boucher? Budget? I don’t know why he always has to pick the worst names.”
“Uh… do you mean… Elias Bouchard?”
“Yes! That sounds about right… even though… are you sure it is not Butcher?” Peter grins while the woman on the reception desk continues staring at him in disbelief.
“I didn’t know Mr Bouchard is married.”
“Oh, you didn’t? That is very unfortunate for you then. He hates when people know too much about him.”
“What you mean by it… uh… I- I will announce to you…”
“It is alright! I will find my way. See you around.”
Peter winks at her since his hands are still full and whistling again he turns around leaving a mildly confused, mildly terrified woman behind.
The Institute is a maze. Full of corridors leading in the same direction and full of others leading to dead ends. Full of offices which seemed way too big for just one person but too small to fit there two. Full of empty rooms or doors with no room behind them. One could easily get lost there. Even a basic task might take hours considering how far away all seems all the basic utilities form each other.
What luck that Peter Knows the way very well and in a couple of minutes through a few shortcuts he stands in front of the door leading to the office of the Head of the institute. Or at least he thinks these are the doors… They all look exactly the same and of course that there is no sign, no plate with name trying to give any guest any sense of space.
He kicks in the door a few times and when he hears nothing he tries to open it again with his elbows. To his surprise the door is not even locked!
“Hello Jonah!” Peter cheerfully greets the man who is frowning at some documents on his desk. On the first look he seemed to be the least remarkable person that ever lived – he is of rather small posture, dressed in a boring grey suit matching the colour of his eyes and hair that lost the bright ginger colour quite some time ago. But one cannot always trust the first impression as he also appears to be in his forties and claims to be named Elias Bouchard.
From all the people Peter ever met, Jonah Magnus is the most fascinating and charming one. It has taken Peter a while to get through his dull and cold demeanour but once he has he could no longer unsee his sharp wits and occasionally even a bit nicer and sweeter side.
“You are here already? Haven’t you left like yesterday?” Jonah does not even look up and Peter cannot help himself but smile over the familiarity of his act.
“It has been three whole months! Have you not missed me, oh fog around my lighthouse, cliffs around my port, barnacle-”
“No for a fact I was very happy without you and your ridiculous names of endorsement,” he sighs dramatically but corners of his mouth twitch a bit upwards.
“I did miss you. I was writing you that on the postcards.”
“Yes I know. I could not miss the overflowing mailbox. Once again I beg you not to send me anymore of them. I don’t even know where to put them…”
“Have you not say the last time you are throwing them all away?” It is always cute to see Jonah’s pale skin to colour with blush.
“Yes! Yes I am. That is what I meant. My bin is overflowing with them.”
“Feel free to throw them away, I will send you new ones!”
“That is exactly what I beg you not to do!”
Peter decides not to tease Jonah any longer; he is starting to look a bit exasperated and he knows better than to push his buttons too much. One time when Peter crossed the limit of Jonah’s tolerance, the servant of the Lonely filled the office with fog. It took the servant of the Eye a few minutes to get out and when he did he found himself in front of the Institute with doors locked. He would rather not repeat that. And so to offer peace Peter finally puts the box down on the desk. By the sound it makes it is clear that it is much heavier that one might guess by the ease with which the sailor has carried it.
“I am bringing you gifts!”
Jonah looks unimpressed. “I am not interested. Please could you find some other place to throw all your useless crap in than my institute?”
“I thought your institute is supposed to research the supernatural? I am bringing you cursed and priceless artefacts to study and all I ask in return is your love. Should you not be more grateful?”
“First of all your price is too high. Plus I have plenty of things to study for decades since you must bring me something every time…”
Saying that the institute’s approach to supernatural research is specific or interesting would be an understatement. As far as Peter knows Jonah Magnus started the Institute way back in 1818 shortly after learning about the Fears. Jonah pretended he was only interested in studying the supernatural even though he already had a scheme in mind regarding how to serve his chosen patron. He decided to lure in scholars with the promise of achieving great discoveries. Then he made sure to make their life just a lonely misery with them sacrificing their life in pointless study isolated from society.
Peter also knows Jonah was somehow acquainted with his ancestor Mordechai Lukas, who decided to sponsor his project in exchange of sharing all the knowledge and discoveries the institute will create as a byproduct of making scholars lonely. The deal lasts till now and that is how he and Jonah met at first… But that is all Peter knows about his past as Jonah is not usually very talkative concerning his past.
Forsaken has granted him a long and lonely life to serve its cause. Though lately Peter is doing his best to sometimes interrupt the lonely part of it… He changes name from time to time for legal reasons. Not that it is even necessary as no one ever looks into the institute and its matters way too closely. And if someone really even notices its existence and starts asking way too many questions it usually only leads to their mysterious disappearance.
“You can always hire more people to sort it out? I sometimes doubt you really have any employees at all. I rarely run into anyone…”
“That is exactly the point. I do not really want to risk they could meet. Now regarding your gift…”
“Ah well as much as it pains me if you do not truly want it…” Peter put on a theatrical look of tragedy and grabs the box again. Jonah raises his hand to stop him. Their fingers brush and he is as cold as ever.
“It is fine… since you have already brought it here. Just put it in the artefact storage on your way out. Someone will get to it eventually.”
Peter lets go of the box again rather grabbing Jonah’s hands into his leaning closer over the desk. Jonah is still doing his best to look unbothered but when Peter kisses his hands he cannot help himself but smile over the silly behaviour of his partner.
“We can always get a divorce if you despise my affection so much, my beloved husband.” Peter gently strokes the golden ring on Jonah’s finger.
“No need. Time spent together with you is so short when you live as long as I do that it hardly matters anyway.”
“It hardly matters to you. It still matters to me, my dear Jonah.”
“I could not care less, Peter,” Jonah grabs his collar and finally pulls him into a kiss.
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
Bouncing Knees
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Word Count: 2.8K
A/N: I am just sorry for the amount of time it took. So sorryヾ(_ _*)
As a child, you've always been rather timid, too nervous to greet family members, too scared to make friends at school in fear of rejection or humiliation, even into adulthood, you keep your head down and follow what's put in front of you despite knowing that it could be improved, despite seeing the flaws in it scribbled with black ink. You’ve been too nervous, too awkward and shy, keeping your tongue bit and wishing that you would be picked on to share your ideas and pleading to any listening god that no one would call on you.
You’ve tried to share your ideas, eager and clutching a pen until your knuckles pale. It has happened multiple times, but when you opened your mouth, you were talked over, ignored and not even spared a glance with the room growing hotter and your face burning with embarrassment. You were too new and fresh to input your own ideas, too scared that you'd be murdered for treason if they thought you let them go on these dangerous missions beforehand if and when you finally decided to open your mouth. But each time you did, you’d stutter out the beginning of your sentence with a halfway raised hand, voice low but then someone else always talks above you, rising above and speaking clear without so much of a stutter or shortness of breath. You’d shrink in your seat and avoid eye contact, deciding that perhaps the original plan was the best and you were just not seeing it correctly.
Why bother to try to input your own ideas- it never worked out when you tried- you just accepted what you were given and nod with a strained smile on your face. There was no need to call further attention to yourself, to make the inside of your mouth bleed and lips peeled and marked by your own teeth. All you had to do was stay quiet and know that the plans that were made were good plans- no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
You've been with the League for a while now. Since it was still called the League of Villains but now that it's the Paranormal Liberation Front you feel smaller than usual. Granted, it’s not like you were close to any of the members before, always managing to remain undetected, something you both cherished and hated all at once. You’ve never had a soul listen to you, never had the courage to make someone listen to you, to call out the plan and scream about the flaws. You’ve seen how angry they can get, how the sadistic gleam in their eyes would snuff out any other type of emotion. You shiver and feel queasy at the thought of being on the receiving end of those eyes.
You read the papers in front of you, the detailed plan printed in a neat font and at glance, it looks proper, well thought out but it's showboaty, trying to make a big impression. But that's the issue. It's all too much, too big and brash. It's doable but it doesn't fit what the Lea- The Paranormal Liberation Front stands for and needs to do. Worry lines crease your face and you glance down at the papers in front of you.
No, you’ll keep your mouth quiet even if the plan is obviously flawed and why does the rookie have more courage than you? You’ve been here for years! You’ve done so much and yet this rookie wants to implement their own ideas that are preposterous! It would never work, you can’t just aim for something so big without having such hundred percent accuracy that it would work. It’s dumb and if you aimed a little lower, scared just the right people to hate the system more and then move it upwards to people who hold status and see just how long it takes to get to them when the resources are strained then, there’s a possibility at hitting society and chipping away a bigger piece! But no! Go for a fucking-! You suck in a deep breath and roll your tongue in your mouth, indents popping up on the sides of your cheeks, the clip of the pen digging into your skin and you’re furious. Your leg is bouncing and the water held in glasses is sloshing around. You ignore the glances given to you, too annoyed at what this absolute nitwit had the audacity to show and parade it around as if it were an original concept and not something taken out of a cheesy old action movie.
“You keep shaking,” the rookie’s voice is clear and laced with irritation. “Is there something bothering you?” His eyes are narrowed at you and he looks at you with absolute disgust, sneering and raising his upper lip as if it were hooked, his face twisting into something horrible.
This is your chance. All you have to do is open your mouth and speak, speak in front of people, in front of unblinking eyes that are scrutinizing your every movement. Eyes that seem to multiply until there’s hundreds, until they fill the room and- you can’t breathe. Your bottom lip wobbles and you shake your head, bowing it and mumbling an apology, digging your hands into your thighs and ignoring the hushed snickering. Acid fills your mouth and you try to focus on the blood pumping rapidly inside of you, heating you up until you’re fearful that you have sweat stains on your underarms. You try to focus on anything else, trying to drown out the agreements and claps on the back and praises sung to the rookie. Ignoring the stares given to you and the not-so-accidental kicks to the leg of your chair, you hold your breath and wait for people to leave, hearing the door close with a loud slam, making you jump in your seat. 
You’re alone. You let out a sigh and bury your face in your hands. Tears sting your eyes and you have to shake your head and dig the heel of your palm deeper into your eyes, forcing yourself to suck it up. Your vision is spotted and you have to blink away the colors and loosely formed shapes. There's a dull ache in your temple, and you blindly reach for the room temperature room, taking it all in a big gulp that makes your chest hurt. The cup makes a sharp sound in the room when slammed back onto the table. You double over, forearms resting on your thighs and fingers interlocked with each other.
“You know glasses aren’t cheap right?” His voice cuts through the air, sharper than any glass. 
You look up, eyes wide and fearful, mouth dry even after drinking half a glass of water. “I- uh.” You clear your throat and stand straighter. He isn’t one to be treated lightly. You’ve known about him, you've even held a few conversations where you would end up coming out shakier than when you entered them. “My apologies,” you speak quietly. His hair is stark white and eyes that are red like the blood that pumps in your veins, red like the fear and rage. His jaw gives a slight flex, just a slight movement that you caught and you stand from your seat. “I apologize. I didn’t know you wanted to be alone. I’ll leave now.” You really can't handle another humiliation today.
You’re scurrying across the room, mouth pulled into a thin line and cringing when the chair won’t go in properly and stick outwards. You can’t stay here for much longer. You take long strides and keep your arms clamped to your sides, pushing with all your might on the door, wincing when it swings wide open and startles the people on the other end. You walk away, keeping your head lowered and head shaking with a body that runs too hot and makes your clothes stick to your back.
It's a few hours until you realize that you didn't take the papers with you. You drag your hand across your face and let out a muffled groan between closed lips. 
“I can’t ask for a copy, that’s just poor etiquette,” you whisper to yourself. “Plus I’d never hear the end of it,” you say that part under your breath. You have a pained expression on your face, and there’s a soft twisting in your stomach, ready to form into something tougher and much more painful than what it currently is.
It’s dark out, few people are walking around, talking in  hushed voices and not sparing you a glance as you make haste towards the conference room used earlier. There was a slim chance that your copy would still be there, but it was better than nothing. You keep your eyes fixated on the path in front of you, not daring to look at anyone in fear that they would begin to question where you were headed off to in such a hurry.
Your hand holds onto the door handle and it clicks open without resistance. The room is dark and your hands are splayed across the walls, fumbling for the light switch. Half of the room is cast in a soft glow, while the other half is still in shadows, only visible thanks to the fluorescent lighting. You walk in quietly, stepping softly as if that would conceal your whereabouts, as if the lighting is invisible to everyone’s eyes but your own.
You let out a sigh of relief when you spot the papers still laid on top of the wooden table. You’re filled with unease when your eyes skim over the neatly printed words. You roll your eyes. “All of it such bullshit,” you mutter out loud. You take a peek at the door and grab the papers, folding them into neat squares and you walk to the front of the table where that damned rookie was spewing his nonsense. “More copies, I should have guessed.”
You sit down and grab a forgotten pen. You run your finger over the smooth surface and take another tentative glance at the door. You take in a deep breath and grab a loose copy and begin to jot down your own invisions for the plan, correcting and scratching out words with black inked loops. This is your forte. You may not be good at speaking out loud, to voice your own thoughts and opinions but you can certainly fix plans. You can spot their flaws and weak points, you know how to fix this. You’re enthralled with your work, your neat and pristine penmanship covers the paper, little symbols mark the paper, juvenile depictions of weapons cover the paper, little descriptions of what can be improved and what might work are written above or next to the text. You don’t notice the shadow that looms over you, too busy with eyes trained and flipping between pages, clicking your tongue and blowing out a raspberry in vexation.
“You know, that’s not a bad idea,” a raspy voice cuts through your thoughts.
“Oh my god!” You yelp and and jump out of the chair, landing on the floor with a loud thump. You hiss and scrunch your face, your hands coming to rub at the sides of your body, trying to soothe over the pain that has begun to bloom.
His eyes are shaded over with his bangs. He runs a hand over his face, parting his hair and revealing his wide eyes that stare at you. “Are you okay?”
You make a flustered noise and your body tenses, muscles going rigid and hands curling into each other. Heat is building up in the shell of your ears and there’s a tightness in your throat. “Ah! Shigaraki-sama-” You pause when he holds up a hand. 
“Shigaraki is fine. You’ve been on the team long enough, right? Since we were the League?”
You nod slowly, surprised that he recognized you or even noticed you for that matter. “Yes,” you give him a hesitant smile.
Your eyes dart across the room and land on him and with a start you realize that you’re still firmly planted on the floor. He clears his throat and offers his hand to you, keeping the one with the brace stuck to his side. You rise to take it, only pulling back at the last second in shock and you rise by yourself, pushing yourself off of the floor and dusting your hands off on your thighs.
“I have control of my quirk now,” he states, bringing his hand to rub at his jaw. “I’m not going to dust you.”
You give a curt nod and clamp your legs together. You stand up straight and wet your lips. “I heard. I uh, congrats?” It comes off more as a question than a statement. 
The room is still as you stare at each other, shoulders jolting when he shuffles over to the table, picking up the paper you’ve scribbled on.
“Oh! Tha-That’s just nonsense! Really!” Your body moves before your mind can register what’s happening. Your hands reach over and grab at the paper, yanking it out of his hands that spread open and you take it into your palms and press it against your chest. “Oh my god,” you mutter. “I’m so sorry!” Your fingers dig into the paper, pressing it deeper against your body.
He gives you a side glance and shrugs his shoulders and picks another paper with your notes on it. He’s silent as he reads the paper, eyes scanning and flipping around, humming in thought. You wait for him to finish, swallowing nervously and keeping your eyes on him. Red eyes glance at you and he holds his hand out, beckoning his fingers for you to hand him the other page. You do so with a shaky hand and burning face.
“Why didn’t you say anything at the meeting?” He puts the paper down and turns his body to face yours. “You had an opportunity.”
“Oh I uh, don’t usually talk. I uh- No one really listens when I have something to say,” you chuckle nervously. “Plus, with everyone’s eyes on me, it just felt so… wrong. I mean, you must have noticed how smug they looked when they asked if something was wrong.”
“Okay, but these are pretty solid plans. Much more than the original shit that was given.”
“You don’t like the original plans?” You ask, furrowing your brows.
“No. Not really. But,” he scratches the back of his neck, “I was waiting until after the meeting to tell him something.”
“After? That’s not like you.” You edge closer to him, scratching your leg with the other. “In the League you never had a problem with calling out people.” You have a vague thought that perhaps Toga or Twice is pulling a prank on you; you wouldn’t put it past them.
“Eugh.” He scoffs and turns his head sharply. “I was told to make myself more approachable. Better leadership or something,” he mumbles under his breath. “Don’t change the subject,” he snaps. Some things never change. 
“I was-”
“These are good plans.” He looks up at you and his red eyes peirce yours with intensity. 
“Thanks,” you mumble. You grab the papers and put them in order, fixing them in a neat stack. You take a deep breath and hold them out to him, smiling politely at him. “Here. You can take them if you’d like.”
He bites his nail and his jaw clenches. He takes in a deep breath and lets his chest fall. “You’re coming with me.”
“I’m sorry?”
“You can’t speak up. Right?”
You nod and slowly lower the papers. “Yes. I- Shigaraki you can just take the papers. Really, just it’s okay.”
“Okay,” he walks past you and he turns back to look at you, tossing his head to the side towards the door. “Let’s go. You’re sticking with me.” He walks without waiting for to catch up, his strides long and powerful, a hand wrapping around the doorknob and he looks back at where you stand with a dumbstruck look.
“Come on, let’s go. We’re going to go talk to the smug asshole and tell him his plans suck.”
You take in a sharp breath. “Right, of course!” You hurry to step next to him, clutching the papers in your hand. 
You both step out of the room, with him by your side and making small chat while he leads you to go find the rookie, a giddy smile on your face as you think about the look he’ll have on his face. 
“Thanks for the opportunity. I won’t disappoint you Shigaraki.” You give him a confident grin and roll your shoulders.
You pause in your steps when he gives a tentative pat on your head. “I know you won’t.”
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