#like i know they got close quick but i dont think phil was giving this 18 year old who is obsessed w him his password
yonpote · 2 months
Gaming channel suggestion: Dan and Phil react to the Phan Timeline. The revenue from that video alone would pay off their whole mortgage
💀💀 god no
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
Gender neutral pls they/them
Of course! I've been having a bit of shortages on ideas. So this is so fucking welcomed.
Father CC!Philza x Emo! Reader
Summary:your old parents gave you up as a teen, overflowing you with emotions, causing depression, mood swings, and quite a bit of anxiety. When you got adopted by a man and a lady,both seemingly very kind and understanding. You felt happy. They didnt expect the sleepy bois to come and visit so soon.
Tw:anxiety attacks, mention of depression, loving clothes (not a tw but damn I sometimes miss my old fashion sense.), mention of trauma, swearing!
A huge new family
They dont blame their biological family. They knew that they were being overwhelming. Slowly shifting into a state of mind where fluffy black and colored hair was their favorite. Their outfits became more extravagant and their makeup took a turn for the darker. But they didnt have to put them up for adoption.
About a year in and out of foster families, a few months in an orphanage, then one more foster family. It was official. They were the new child of philza.
Your life got better. Both of them accepted your choice of clothes and makeup, even supported it!
They helped with everything in the first few weeks. Giving you space, letting you know that they were there. But you nor phil knew that three boys were heading down to visit.
So when you answered the door to see three faces demanding philza minecraft and one just looking awkward. They were also changing about him coming and join them you felt panic flood through you. Slamming the door on their face you held near your chest.
Your uneven breathing was heard by your father and he was quick to scoop you away from the door and have kristin answer the door.
He was sitting next to you hand lightly rubbing your shoulder and he guided you through the panic attack. "That's it. In through the nose. Hold it for a few second. Breathe out." His voice was calm.
It took less time to calm you down then you've ever had. "There ya go mate. Just keep breathing." He kept coaching you through you panic attack.
Kristen let the four in with their promise of keeping calm. Your shaking form brought major concern to the two older ones and confusion to the two younger ones. "(Y/n) I want to introduce you to the four behind us. Technoblade, wilbur, tommy, and tubbo. They are really good friends of mine." Nodding lightly you sat there, not wanting to turn because if you did the panic would strike harder. Remembering what happened before you parents left you.
A huge group of people basically shunned your for your choices and didnt want to take you in because 'trash like you' wasnt accepted in the family. But these two were different. Supporting you with your choices. How different were their friends? "Hey I think you shirt is cool! Who's on it?" A slightly hyper voice broke through the silence. " black veil brides." It was quite but a start. "Cool! So their a band right? What kind of songs?" The brown haired teen was trying to communicate with you. "Uhm. Rock." It had started small but you opened up to the teens. They were about you age and they didnt bash what you decided to like. The two older ones hung out with phil and Kristen. You three hung out in your room which was kind of softer then your appearance. It was to reflect a bit deeper into you. Bookshelves, a desk, reading corner, and a bed. Not fully knowing what to put in there.
But you, tommy, and tubbo were almost the best of friends when they had to leave. Techno and Wilbur it took a bit. After the two teens left you had came out of your room, no makeup, hair had all products removed, and your clothes changed from Jean's and a black veiled brides shirt to a black tee shirt, grey sweat pants, with a book in hand.
Before sleeping you just chilled in the living room, reading while basking in the presence of your adoptive parents. You did not expect wilbur and techno to still be there.
Plopping down on the couch next to phil you opened your book and tried to zone out, to get engulfed into the book. Nope. Two sets of eyes just watching you.
"So you like poems?" The book you were reading was a massive collection of poems. Looking up to the two on the couch you nodded lightly.
Looking back down you felt nervous. "Small talk is awkward." Looking up to the brown haired guy with an American accent you nodded. "Same." Once more you looked down at your book. You already had issues focusing but you tried to work though it. "What kind of poems are you favorite?" You sat there for a second. Trying to think of something that catches your attention.
"Mainly ones about trauma. It reminds me I'm not the only one in the word that went through something I have. It just makes it more interesting when I can relate." It was true. Sometimes the poems you liked ring a little to close to home.
"Good choice. It does really intrigue the audience when they can relate." Nodding you closed your book. "Especially when you relate. It's a must for me. Other wise I get turned away from it and just cant focus. But if I like it then I am just dead set on that poem."
You and techno bonded over poems and wilbur brought up some songs. "So what is you song preference?" "Hollywood undead, black veil brides, other then that its random. If I like the song it's in my playlist." With no other preferences with music other then it had to sound good to you there was honestly no judgement for other people's taste in music. There were little treasures from almost all genres.
For a while you talked about poems and songs. It honestly helped you feel safer with them. They didnt care about what you found intriguing. Or why. You even went on a rant and there was no care. They just listened.
But sadly they had to leave. Bit they promised that they would visit more. They were like the brothers you never had.
"So I see that you were able to talk to all of them." Nodding to your father figure you smiled "they were nice. Honestly. I cant wait to see them again."
He found joy in you wanting to hang out with his friends/technically children too.
Now meet the rest of the dream smp. It was very fast. Meeting almost all of them at the same time.
Phil was streaming and no one except for the sleepy bois knew about you. So you walked into his stream, book in hand and sat on the couch behind his set up. You liked having another person on the room. You just hated being alone. It gave you really bad thoughts. "Who's that behind you phil?" A random donation read out. Phil looking behind himself saw you in the corner reading and you normally did. "Ah that's my child. They like to have company. So sometimes they come in here to read." "Wait you have a child?! Since when?" The voice made you jump. Your book fell out of your hands and you looked at your father's screen. A green man with a weird white blob for a skin on minecraft. "Yeah. I took a break to pick them up from the orphanage." All hell broke loose. You ran while phil answered questions. You were not dealing with that. No way. Nuh uh. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Not today satan. It took phil bribing you with a trip to hot topic to get you to come back in. I mean hey you get to score a few shirts and hats. Might as well.
Meeting the server wasbt too bad. But the questions were weird. You didnt answer the ones you were uncomfortable about and they didnt care. Your boundries were up. And when tommy, tubbo, willbur, and techno revealed they knew of you they were yelled at. It was funny. Watching people say they should of said something. But it resulted in alot of compliments and Phil's chat loving you.
You were now the older sibling of the chat. Why? Cause chat said so.
When you come in from now on the chat is chanting for you. Just "(y/n)!" Over and over.
Your life? Crazy. But it became a bit better after you were living with your new parents. It was heaven.
I'm sorry if its awkward I'm not good at introductions. And I am tis but a sleep deprived human. I need sleep and so do you have a nice day and once more I'm sorry if this isnt up to what you wanted.
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fernlessbastard · 2 years
I was intrigued by your top/bottom discussion and wrote this kind of ridiculous analysis. I tried to keep true to canon and not let personal bias interfere but it may have crept in. Now before you read, disclaimer: This all about the characters I just dont want to write c! Before everything.
Wilbur is a character who feels the need to have control all the time. This stems from his paranoia and trust issues. Since being vulnerable usually hurt. He also has a desperate need for love and attention. I feel like he would be uncomfy with or scared of the idea of bottoming and submitting because it takes away all his control. I think he's more inclined to it though, especially because how quick he is to devote his whole self to one person or thing [ie. "Dream I want to be your vassal" or lmanburg]
Quackity also appears to need control all the time but he knows what is like to compromise and not have full power. He feels abandoned by everyone he loves and uses dirty tricks to get people on his side. He probably was a bottom in his previous relationships, schlatt being the dominant guy he was, and sapnap wouldn't like receiving as much as giving. So I feel like he could bottom but wouldn't want to. It'd remind him too much of others who once loved him. Also he is more dominant, as shown by his leadership skills [he likes having people depend on him and he tries to be a good leader all the time]
Now in order for their relationship to work, Wilbur needs to trust quackity and give up some control to quackity and quackity needs to let Wilbur get close and depend on wilbur. This will be a very awkward and tense road for the both of them, since it requires them unlearning everything they've been "taught". It would probably take a big reality check for either to even start.
Theyre both lonely for different reasons, and their needs for control are a big roadblock in their relationship developing any farther than rivals. However, I believe if they learn they can love each other. In fact, if they were to be in a relationship they would probably help each other heal. They've both been hurt by very different things and their problems mirror each other. Similar enough to sympathize but different enough to be complimentary.
Anyways this is a long way of saying that Wilbur is a submissive bottom he's just scared of it and quackity is a dominant top that shows him he has no reason to be.
-asexual anon who got way to analytical about fictional block men's sex lives
Yes yes yes!! Exactly!!
That's precisely how I see it (also, obviously, this is purely about the characters) (tw: brief discussion of abuse and SA in a relationship)
I view Quackity as a switch, and more so enjoying being dominant, though he could also sub
(tw applies to this paragraph specifically) Then his relationship with Schlatt, which has been hinted to be, uh, not quite the most consensual at times, and pleasure of both parties not really being the focus of their sex life, so I'd imagine he has some trauma regarding both bottoming and subbing, and just giving up power like that
With Wilbur you captured how I feel about it exactly. He's the type of person who'd have some internalised toxic masculinity, especially considering how he'd view Techno and Phil - warriors - in contrast to himself. I'm not saying that Phil would belittle him in any way, but there's definitely something to say about a child growing up in the environment where being traditionally masculine is a relatively big part of daily life (fighting and all), no matter how loving and supportive they'd be. As he'd grow older, he'd probably feel like his preferences aren't really valid, and that he should want to be in control at all times, leading to him viewing that aspect of himself as something he should change, fight against, ect
I believe Wilbur would try to be generally dominant throughout his life, though, as we've seen time and time again, he always ends up destroying himself in the process. Despite what he tells himself, he just isn't that type of person. He can do all of it - be a top/dom, run a country, ect, - because he learnt to. But that's not really what he wants in the end.
Aside that I'd say Wilbur is a brat. He doesn't want to just submit, he wants to push the limits, playfully disobey, ect. In the end, yes, he's a sub, but he likes more to be (consensually, of course) forced into that side of the power dynamic. That type of behaviour would probably be frequently read as just wanting to be dominant, and without Wilbur himself explicitly stating what he wants, his partner(s) likely wouldn't push to discover that side of him
Quackity and Wilbur could absolutely help eachother heal, and create a safe environment in which they both feel loved and appreciated, and the stress of their daily lives disappears, and is replaced with support and affection, and they can truly be themselves, and feel good with it. Additionally, Quackity has been shown to be honestly the only person who can keep up with Wilbur's bullshit. He calls him out on it, fights with him, but doesn't condemn him, and does have the patience, and is willing to play the petty game, ultimately ending up on top (figuratively and literally lmao)... My point is that Quackity is a brat tamer and none of you can change my mind /lh but gen
As their relationship progresses and develops, and they build more trust and feel more comfortable and safe with eachother, I can absolutely see Quackity bottoming occasionally, but i don't really think he'd ever sub - as I've stated previously, I don't think he'd be particularly fond of it I'm the first place, and considering Wilbur, I just don't think they'd really end up doing it
Tldr: anon, you're based, now get off anon so that I can know who has such great takes (I fucking swear if you're the author of this thing that we're becoming--/lh/hj)
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spideymarvelws · 3 years
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 had so much fun writing the first scene dude... i feel like as a fanfic writer its a sin i haven’t written anything like it yet lmfaoo (to be fair i probably have but I just dont rem💀) anyways i hope you enjoy!
Main Masterlist / Add Yourself To My Taglist / Prompt List
Prompt : 9. “Then what are you waiting for?”
Warnings : just some cute floof, some cursing here and there
Word Count : 2.2k
Technoblade x GN!Reader
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It was always peaceful in the tundra right before the sun set. Not only did the orange and red colours that reflected off the shiny snow send a wave of tranquility through the lands. It was a specific time where all the animals would go back into their homes before the mobs spawned at night fall, leaving the lands in complete silence.
Phil loved working at this time, getting small tasks done around the house that he wasn’t able to do throughout the day. Whether it was washing the dishes or dusting out the book shelves. Maybe even lounged around near the fireplace, planning out what he had to do the next day. It was always quiet, void of distractions to keep him from doing them.
But of course, with peace always came chaos.
The door cracked open, slamming against the wall behind it making the blonde jump from the sudden noise. He was ready to pick up his sword by his side until he recognised the voices of his house mates, shouting like little children.
Phil sighed, continuing to wash the dishes in front of him. While the bickering tended to amuse him at times, right then he just wanted to stay in the silence. He was quick to grab a pear of earplugs from his chest, pushing them snugly into his ear, blocking out the noise you both brought into the house while humming a small tune.
“There’s no way that your horse is faster that Carl! That’s just not possible!” Techno shook his head, his entire body still except for his left foot tapping consistently on the floor, “It’s just not possible.”
“Okay-” you pointed your finger in his face, “First off, her name is Raven and secondly, you just can’t admit that she’s better than Carl.” you crossed your arms on your chest, looking up at the piglin with teasing eyes.
Tech threw his head back with a groan, turning around gruffly and taking off his cape along with the skull mask covering his face.
“I won’t admit it because it isn't true!” he turned back to face you, mimicking your stance and tilting his head slightly to the side.
You raised your eyebrows at his response, nodding slowly, “Alright, alright,” you slowly took of your cloak, bunching it up and throwing it at him, his reflexes catching it before the fabric hit his chest, “Maybe it’s just the ridder and not the horse.”
Techno gasped, “You take that back.” he threw your cloak to the side.
You hummed, looking up and faking a thinking face, “Nah... I don’t think I will, I said what I said.” you stepped closer to the hybrid, sizing up his figure, “And what are you going to do about it?”
Techno squinted his eyes, a small smirk making its way to his face before he grabbed you by the waist, throwing you over his shoulder and walking away from the entrance into the living room.
“Hey!” You pounded at his back, wiggling in his tight grip, “Put me down you loaf!”
He laughed at your words but obliged, throwing you on the couch near the fireplace. Before you could sit up, he crawled over your form, knee besides one side of your waist with his other foot planted on the floor, keeping him steady hovering over you.
“Techno-” you chuckled nervously, trying your best not to stray away from his intense gaze, fighting the heat starting to rise to your face. Your hands pushed at his chest, weakening when he brought his face closer to yours, making you feel smaller than you already were.
He didn’t say anything, instead his fingers dug into your stomach, wiggling them across the fabric of your shirt. Your laugher filled the air, high pitched and bouncing off the walls of the cottage. You tried your best to control them, not wanting to give in to the blood god’s actions so quickly. But your hands on your stomach did nothing to stop his.
“Oh. My. God! Techno! Stop you fucking- oh god!”
“Take it back Y/n!” he laughed along with you, continuing his assault on your stomach, “Take it back or I swear to god you’re going to loose a canon life from being too ticklish.”
“NEVER!” you shouted between laugher, screaming when his hands began to move faster, knocking the breath out of your lungs. In the heat of the moment, he took your wrists into his fist, pinning them above your head, keeping your hands from interfering with his plans.
“Say. It.” even with one hand we was doing enough to keep you squirming underneath him, desperate for an escape.
“Okay! Okay! You- You’re a good rider Techno! You’re a good rider!” you finally admitted, your body falling limp against the cushions when he finally raised his fingers from your stomach.
Techno laughed at your state, leaning back with a cocky smirk on his face, “Glad to know we could come to an agreement,”
“I hate you,” you mumbled, your head rolling to the side on your shoulder as you caught your breath. You closed eyes in relief that the past few minutes were over, nearly falling asleep with the amount of energy you spent laughing.
Techno chuckled, taking your chin into his fingers, turning your head to look back at him, “Is that so?”
You nodded, fluttering your eyes open to look up at the pink haired man. Your breath hitched when you noticed how close his face was to yours. His entire presence felt suddenly close, his chest puffed out with long breaths, his legs practically tangled with yours, his face hovering over you, radiating heat you didn’t notice while he was tickling you. You watched as his face lit up red, his piglin ears straightening out of the side of his head, probably taking in the proximity as well.
Techno wasn’t one to get flustered often, but when he did it was always with the people he cared about. He trusted them enough to let that blood god persona he put on fade away leaving behind his shy, nerdy side you always adored. The side of techno who would read by the fireplace with Steve sat snuggly in his lap, the Techno who would spend hours trying to fix his glasses that broke constantly in his strong grip only having to craft a new one. The Techno who would grumble about compliments from you and Phil but the subtle spread of pink across his face told everyone otherwise. The Techno you grew to love the more and more he let you it.
He began to get a lot more playful with you as you friendship grew. When you moved in with him out in the snow it only increased drastically. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for the both of you to end up in this position or something similar to it (like the time he pinned you down during training), but he would always stop before things got too intimate and while it hurt, you’ve grown to accept it. You were glad to be his friend, his companion. You would take his friendship over not knowing him at all any time of the day.
You waited for him to pull back. To stand up and dust off his clothes, offering you his hand to pull you up with him and continue that night like normal. But he stayed, his dark, dull eyes staying down at you with a shine you’ve never seen up close before.
Techno didn’t know what to do either. He didn’t know what was prompted him to stay in this position, the sudden confidence that pushed him to keep his hand on your face, his lips so close to yours.  Maybe it was the voices in his head, annoyed with the constant stares and thoughts of adoration when you rode Raven around in the snow, your cape flowing beautifully behind you, face showing nothing but pure joy. They were relentless, calling him out on every emotion he was feeling because of you.
He wanted to move for your sake, he was the one on top of you in the first place, pinning you down. You were probably being polite not shoving him off of you, even if you’ve never done it before, he just always pulled away before you could. But he couldn’t, his muscles stiff and unable to move.
A small part of his brain told him you wanted this too, but he ignored it for his own sanity.
“Techno-” you whispered but before you could continue, the hybrid immediately took the single word as a protest, finally letting go of your hands but keeping his body close.
“Shit I’m sorry that- that was probably a bit much.”
You giggled softly, “No- uh, it was fine tech, no worries,”
He looked down at your bright smile glowing in his face.
“You’re really beautiful Y/n,” he whispered, letting the rough pads of his fingers trail down the side of your face, blushing when you nudged them with your cheek, accepting the comfort.
“You think so?” you whispered back, looking up at him with doe eyes.
“I-” he started, his breath hot against the tip of your nose as he glanced down to your lips, quickly looking back into your eyes. Why weren’t you moving? Why weren’t you cringing, laughing at the thought of ever kissing him?
“You- Do you want this.” you whispered, letting his thumb pull down at your bottom lip, watching as the plush skin softly bounced back.
He nodded, shivering when you tangled your fingers into his pick curls, pulling his face down and nudging your nose against his. He closed his eyes, a small, cute snort coming from the back of his throat at the affection.
“Then what are you waiting for?”
You jumped at the sudden curse, Techno falling off of you and on to the floor besides the couch. Before you could process what just happened, the curse sounded again followed by a crash, both of your senses on high alert when you realised it was Phil’s voice coming from the kitchen. You rushed to grab your weapons from nearby, quickly pulling yourself together on the fact that your friend was in trouble.
You both ran as fast as you could, Techno in front of you with his sword drawn while you were behind loading your cross bow with an arrow. He barged into the kitchen, holding his blade in the air, ready to attack but all he was met with was a pair of wings slapping him in the face.
You dove under the large feathers, bumping the winged man to alert him of your presence.
“Oh... hey guys!” He smiled, taking out something from his ears and resting them on the kitchen counter. He sent a pointed look to the weapons in your hands, crossing his arms over his chest in confusion, “Why the weapons?”
“Are you alright?” Techno said, rubbing his nose from the hit.
“We heard you scream, thought you were in trouble.”
Phil chuckled nervously, “Sorry, my bad,” he turned around to face the both of you, “I just dropped a plate.”
You and Techno let out an audible sigh, dropping your weapons to the floor with a clank. You didn’t know how many times your heart could deal with the sudden bursts of adrenaline. Walking up to Techno, you took his hand away from his face, inspecting the soft red mark across his face from the whip of feathers. No matter how small the attack, you always made sure to check up on him, even when he didn’t need it.
But with your delicate touch came memories of the events that just happened
“Were- were you here the entire time?” Techno said hesitantly, looking up at his father with worried eyes. You took in his words, immediately pulling away from the hybrid, ignoring his small noise of protest.
“Yes, but i put in some ear plugs,” he pointed to them on the counter.
“Oh!” you piped in, “That’s- That’s good.”
“Was there something I missed?” he crossed his arms over his chest, looking at the both of you curiously.
“Nothing!” You both shouted at the same time, chuckling nervously.
“Okay?” Phil dragged out, pointing back to the sink, “Well, I’ll just-”
“Yeah! You- uh, get to that phil,” you began walking backwards, bounced into the edge of the counter. You played off the pain with a quick thumbs up and walking quickly out of the kitchen, mumbling curses under your breath.
“Are they alright mate?” Phil asked his son who seemed to be lost in his own world, staring at the spot you were once in, “Techno?”
“I- what?” He shook his head, “Uh, yeah- they’re,” he let out a small sigh, letting  his hand pass over his face, “Yeah, they’re fine.”
“Are you alright?”
Techno didn’t respond for a while, stuck in his own thought. Phil turned to his son, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, “Tech?”
“I think-” He let out a shaky breath, “I think I love them.”
it was just getting to long and i didn’t want to loose motivation writing more😭
Permanent Taglist (Dream SMP) : @ossinsworld @lunarinnit @starstruckllamapuppy @shio-yuki @lovelychasbug @alice-blue-skies @chaosofsmarty @imamybubbles
Technoblade Taglist : @hyumiid @whenpugzfly @sammyxn @jackalopedoodles @notmesimpingfortechno @immadatmostthings
Crossed out mean couldn't tag :(
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Dream SMP Recap (April 5/2021) - The Case of the Disappearing Sheep
Ponk and Karl both make plans to speak to Niki about her haven city.
Tubbo does a lap around the server to check out what’s going on, but some mysterious messages crop up on screen. 
Tommy and Ranboo attempt to move Friend to a safer location and in the process, Friend goes missing. How do you lose a bright blue sheep? No one knows, but it sure happened anyway.
Karl Jacobs
Captain Puffy
- Ponk has something he needs to do.
- The Egg has enemies. Everyone hates the Egg. But you know who people don’t hate? Niki.
- Things don’t last forever, so Ponk needs a backup plan for when things go south with the Egg. He goes to Niki’s secret city to leave a message.
(Ponk is going to try and get Purpled in on this, Sam too. He’ll have lore that has to do with before Tommy joined, so he wants to get Sam, Bad, Punz, maybe even Alyssa and George involved too, as well as having some cameos. He mentions Boomer and Snifferish, Redvelvet, 5up, etc., as possibilities)
- He leaves a sign for Niki asking to chat sometime and heads back.
- Ponk retcons his fake kneecaps
- He continues to work on his flower hill for Sam
- Ponk talks to Delta.
- Tubbo aims to get the most powerful sword in the game possible so that he can interrogate people.
- Tubbo goes down into the spider spawner and thinks of sword names.
- He considers names like “the Hornet,” “Soul-stinger,” among others.
- He then chooses between “Final Hope” and “Checkmate” and settles on naming the sword Checkmate.
- Tubbo visits the mansion
- Tommy logs on and Tubbo spots Tommy walking up Drista’s god staircase. Tubbo is confused and tries it out for himself.
- Tubbo goes to explore Kinoko. He remarks that a lot of the big places on the server are south of Snowchester.
- He sees Kinoko and also goes down into Niki’s underground city.
- Next, he decides to check up on the Egg.
- As he heads over, he sees Fundy’s honeymoon suite for Dream and reminisces about Dream’s iron door MCC nightmare. 
- He checks up on the prison first and notices the god McDonald’s.
- Then, he goes to the Egg.
- Tubbo enters the Egg Room.
- Tubbo also visits Ranboo’s house in the Arctic.
- He goes all the way out to his jungle base and finds a pufferfish in a bucket in a chest. He decides to take it.
- Then the guardian farm
- He returns to Snowchester and sees Michael.
- Tommy logs on. He’s gotten a barrier block from Drista and plays around with the invisible staircase.
- They noticed a mysterious nether brick block with a single sign on it. All it says is “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.”
- Jack comes over to them.
- They go back down and Tommy speaks to Ranboo one-on-one. Ranboo suggests they might need Jack as a sacrifice, and Tommy mentions that now that he’s finished with the tower, he might be taking back his hotel.
- They recount the events of last time, where they attempted to rescue Henry.
- Tommy says that until they can give Friend back to Ghostbur, he doesn’t want anybody knowing where he is. They should put him in a vault. Specifically, a place that everyone walks by every day, but no one goes to.
- They visit the Oogway Shrine and Ponk’s green room.
- Tommy points out King’s Court to Ranboo. Everyone sees it, but no one goes up there. It would be the perfect spot to put Friend. They leave Friend tied to a post near the highway elevator.
- They go up to King’s Court.
- Jack comes up and Tommy speaks with him. Jack says he might have a court case coming up due to Puffy suing him for the hotel. Tommy and Jack argue about who owns the hotel. Tommy tells him to give it back, and Jack refuses.
- They see that Friend has gone missing and are confused. They ask Jack if he took their blue shieep.
- They start looking around for Friend.
- Tommy and Ranboo speak away from Jack, trying to figure out who took him.
- Ranboo says he has some of Ghostbur’s blue and suggests they just make a new one.
- Tommy explains to Ranboo that Jack stole his hotel, and as he’s been gathering up resources, working towards Netherite so that he can go to the prison again, he’s decided that he might as well get his hotel back.
- They go back up to King’s Court to work on the vault some more.
- They go back down and discover Friend tied up to the post by the elevator again. They’re extremely confused and speak to Jack again.
- Tommy and Jack fight about the hotel. Jack tells Tommy that since he’s come back, he’s basically a different person and has to buy it back with leverage. Jack says he’s got business deals going on.
- They notice that Friend has disappeared again.
- Tommy asks Jack why he shouldn’t just kill him right now. Jack claims that Friend’s life depends on him.
- Tommy and Ranboo demand Jack to prove that he can summon Friend again.
- Jack leaves and comes back in a detective outfit. He admits that he doesn’t actually know how to summon Friend, but if they need a detective...
- Foolish comes over and they question him.
- They start digging up the hillside.
- They call Dream to try and figure out what happened.
- Jack wonders if maybe Friend pulled a Jack Manifold and went to Hell.
- Phil sends a clip of him singing about Friend dying in autotune. 
- Tommy leaves and Ranboo finds Friend with Jack and Foolish.
- They discuss whether Friend’s name is spelled with a capital F in various incarnations.
- Ranboo realizes that Friend is tied to a different fencepost and takes Friend away. 
- Karl and Sapnap run around Kinoko on Karl’s account. They decide Jack Manifold’s shoreline restaurant has to go.
- Karl explains that he wants to merge with Niki’s country, and he can’t sell her the deal with this building here. Hannah is there, and says that it’s her favorite burger restaurant. 
- Karl starts tearing it down. Foolish hands him TNT. Punz shows up. They light TNT inside and mines down the walls. Hannah says he’ll pay with his life.
- They see a fish in the pond and decide to name him Lasagna. If anything happens to Lasagna, Sapnap would take a canon life.
- They also retrieve Hutt the fish, Rutabaga, the Party Island llamas
- Karl writes a book to Niki saying he’d love to show her around his beautiful country, and that he’s noticed their countries are close together. He remembers creating Rutabagville together, and suggests they might do something similar and combine territories. He puts the book and George’s wall shield in his Ender Chest.
- Puffy pranks Bad and Skeppy by replacing the quartz in their mansion with white concrete.
- Puffy sacrifices Antfrost for Karlnap.
Upcoming events remain the same.
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
My melody (pt 2)
a ghostbur x reader in which you get injured and a friendly ghost is there to help
part 1 part 2 part 3
longer than the last one lmao also unedited
The ghost whent over and handed me some blue dye. All i could do was stare at the familier face, the face that resembled the old, dead, president. Yet it didnt at the same time. It was so much softer, kinder in a way. Yet it held some sort of emotion behind those white eyes that couldnt be seen.
It wasnt insanity like old wilbur.
"Please take the blue, you seem sad." I looked down at this grey-ish hands. The blue dye sat, turning his hands blue the longer he held it.
I took it, slightly confused at the whole situation.
"Um, who are you?" I asked, he smiled brightly. "Im ghostbur!! Your (y/n) right?? I remember you, alivebur liked you a lot. Tho I cant remember much, which is weird sense you dont seem to bring sad memorus." I looked at the blue instead of the ghost.
I didnt have many happy memorys of Wilbur.
The ghost kept smiling. "Say, why are you in bed? Its daytime you know." I looked back at him. "Oh, i got injured, so im in bed healing." The ghost grabbed more blue from his pockets. "Here have some blue!" He put it in my hands. "Um, ghostbur i have no where to put this..." He shoke his head. "You dont keep it, you throw it away! You hold the blue, it sucks up all your sadness, and then you threw it away, taking the sadness with it!" I nodded. "Cool cool, one problem, I cant get out of bed." He nodded, understanding the problem. He looked around, looking for something to help.
He ran over to an empty box in the corner,  grabbing it and pulling out a pen out of his endless pocket. Scribbling on it, he runs back, showing me the box.
It says 'sadness'. "Here, you can throw the blue in here, and when your better, you can throw it out!" I nodded, putting the blue in the box. The ghost closed it, putting it on the floor next to the bed. "There! Now you can feel better!" I smiled. "Yeah."
"Anyways, i better get going! Im running out of invis pots and need to make more. It was nice seeing you (y/n)!!!" I smiled. "It was nice meeting you ghostbur." I waved, watching the ghost leave, closing the door behind him.
He came over everyday after that. Giving me blue at random, and telling me about what someone did that day.
It was cute really. He got excited over the most mudain things.
"Then Tommy punched him, it wasnt very nice of him, but he said he was a wrongen so its okay." I chuckled, knowing Tommy just said that to not get in trouble. "What else did he do?"
Ghostbur loved telling me storys. Most of them where just about him makimg invis potions, or trying to hang out with fundy, but i loved Them all. He had an enthusiasm that i missed. Something that was missing after lmanburg gained independance.
"(Y/n), whos been taking care of you? Making sure you get all healthy and stuff?" Ghostbur asks, siting beside me in my big ass bed. "Oh, Phil and niki. They usually come by early in the morning." He nodds. "I havnt seen niki, is she doing okay?" I nodded. "Shes like everyone else I guess. They seem to just be focusing on building lmanburg again."
"Theyve been doing a really good job, it looks beautiful." I nodded. "Wish i could see it." Ghostbur looked at me. "Have some blue have some blue. Wait, didnt you say you might get to walk soon?" I nodded, putting the blue in the sad box. "Yeah, but honestly my burns still hurt like hell. Idk if im up for it." Ghostbur shook his head, getting up swiftly.
I looked at him curiously as he walked over twords me. "Come on." He says softly, grabbing my good hand. His hands where cold as ice. Didnt know ghosts actually where cold.
I followed him, slowly getting up from my bed, wobbling in the process. "Hey ive got you." Nodded, I fully stood up. "We're gonna walk now. Hold onto me okay?" Ive never seen ghostbur like this. Naive yes, cheery yes, but never...serious? I dont know, normally he doesnt know whats going on.
I took a step forward, my legs having fallen asleep slightly. They still hurt, the burns still hot even after a few months.
We did this for awhile, getting used to walking again.
"Hey you did it! Do you think your up for going to lmanburg?" Ghostbur says, still holding me up. "Yeah, Lemme change real quick tho."
"Yeah but...you might fall." I chuckled slightly. "Im glad your worried, but i need to change. Ive been in the same cloths for weeks." He nodded, slowly letting me go. I wobble slightly at the loss of stability. "Ive got this."
I take one step twords my dresser,
Falling imidietly.
"Are you okay??" Ghostbur says, running twords my side quickly. "Yeah im good, just an idiot hehe." He shook his head. "No, your not an idiot. Can you stand?" I nodded. Ghosbur helped me to my feet.
"Help me to the dresser." I ask, chuckling nervously. He nodded, helping me walk to get cloths. "Didnt think it would be this hard to walk." I say, grabbing out something to wear. "I mean, you did hurt both your legs..." Ghostbur says, grabbing some blue and floating around the room.
"Yeah, and i havnt been using them for a month or two. Its just gonna be hard to reagust i guess..." I put the cloths I picked on the bed and looked at ghostbur. "Hey bur, can you leave the room so i can change real quick?" Ghostbur nodded, happily exsiting the room so i can change.
Putting on some old cloths i used to wear before the wars, i finish up and look at the box of sadness that was on the floor next to my bed. Ghostbur said he wanted to do something with it when I got better.
Knock kncok. "May I come in?" Ghostbur asks, standing on the other side of the door. The ghost walks in, immediatly gushing about my outfit. "Aww you look so cute!! The overalls and sweater combo really works for you!" I smile at the ghostly man. "Thanks. Say, didnt you want to do something with this when i got better?" I say, holding up the box. Ghostbur nodded. "We're gonna throw all your sadness away! Come on, lets go see lmanburg and throw out the sadness." The ghost grabs the box, and helps me out the door.
Exiting that old home felt like bliss. Something i never new i missed in these last months. To lmanburg then.
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zmayadw · 3 years
Here is the next part, as i said :)
Have a nice evening :)
The three of us stayed at Aurora  just chatting, laughing, and having few more beers. And whiskeys, even if we said we wont. At some point Jessy took out her phone, taking some pictures, and i did the same. We wer just goofing arround, Phil joining us every now and then, when work let him. Since it was my first day out of the hospital, i got tired fast, so we agreed to leave. And i had to walk back to the motel with all this alchohol in me, wich will take forever. Luckily, they would walk at least half a way with me before we go separate way.  We wer saying goodby to Phil, when he leaned towards me, that devilish spark back in his eyes „It was nice seeing you, Maya, you're welcome here anytime. Im here most of the day, feel free to stop by whenever.“ He gave me a soft kiss on my cheek, winking and waveing us goodby. My cheeks flushed again, and i turned to start to leave. Jessy and Dan wer looking at me with goffy grins on their faces. „Oh, shush it, you two!“ i scolded at them, shooeing them towards the exit, barely managing to hide a smile on my face.
We left the Aurora, and i appriciated the cool night air washing over me. The night was calm, with stars filling the sky, a bit chilly, wich got me cursing under my breath for not taking a jacket, but i'll survive. We walked mostly in silence, Jessy leaning on Dans shoulder, yawning every little. When we got to the point where we had to go separate ways, Jessy turned to me, giving me a sleepy hug „Are you sure you'll be alright on your own?“ „Dont worry, Jessy, i'll be fine.“ I told her, smiling sleepily myself. „Allrigh. But we're grabbing lunch tomorrow, just the two of us. Good night, Maya.“ „Night, you two.“ I waved at them, as we parted ways. The motel wasnt that far from here, but i was tired and my steps slowed. Everything was so quiet around me, and i wrapped my hands tighter around myself, feeling more chilly now, sleep taking its tol over me. I was lost in my toughts, when a hadn tapped my shoulder. I yelped and turned akwardly around loosing my footing. He caught my arm, balancing me back. „Jesus, Jake, you scared the shit out of me!“ I yelled at him,my heart beeting frantically. He still held me by my arm, his warm touch making me shiver. He looked at me appologetically noticing me shivering. „Sorry.“ He unzipped his hoodie, taking it off and moving closer to me. My breathing stoped as he came so close, wraping it arround me. I could feel the warmth of his breath on the side of my neck. It sent goosebumps all over my body. Our eyes met, him still standing close to me. His lips parted a bit, and i got woozy, thinking how soft kissing them might feel. He had me holding with both hands now by my elboves, still not moving away. „You allright?“ he asked, a bit of worry in his voice. My breath returned, and with him so close to me I felt the heat starting to wash over me. „Imfinethansk.“ I blured out in one breath, wich made him smile, slowely lowering his hands, moving a bit away frome me. I barely forced my hands not to grab him back to me. „Thanks.“ I said finaly „For the hoodie, i mean.“ „No worries.“ He replied, smiling. Ohh, that beautifull smile, i tought, looking sheepelesly at him. He got a bit uncomfortable by my staring.  I started walking slowely, with him following next to me. „So, what are you doing here, anyway?“ He shot me a quick side look, putting his hands in his pockets „I couldnt sleep. Decidet to take a walk.“ „You could have come back to Auroar, join us for some drinks. The more the merrier.“ I looked at him with a grin. „Mhh, doubt i would be a good company.“ He said. „Well, you never know if you dont try. Who knows, you might surprise yourself.“ He looked at me making a bit skeptical face „Not so sure about it.“ „Oh, you should try it, everyone needs some fun every now and then.“ I said, and nudged him with my shoulder. He gave me a small smile „Maybe next time.“ „Its a date, then!“ I tensed. I blurred it out so quickly, i havent even realized the words coming out. I shot him a quick look. „Sorry, bad choice of words.“ „It's fine.“ He said, giving me a smile. Relax, Maya, i tought to myself, just breath. But being close to him was making me hard to concentrate. And lets face it, all this alchohol i had wasnt helping at all. „So, is Lily ok?“ i asked „She will be.“ He started „She's still pretty emotional about it all.“ „I can understand that.“ I said. „But i wish she would stop bashing me for all that happened. I wasnt the only one that made some bad decisions.“ „True“ he started „But, her actions cant compare with yours. What you did could have had way serious consequences.“ I could feel some of the anger gathering again in me. „Really, Jake“ i started „what you say might be true, but can you honestly tell me, that what she did wasnt almost equaly bad?“ He was silent for a moment, finaly saying „Not equaly, differently.“ I stopped walking now, wich made him stop too, turning around towards me. I felt more anger now. „Differently“ i said „Ok, then answer me this: can you be absolutely sure, 100% sure, that what she did, couldnt have had a bad consequences for Hannah?“ He just looked at me, and i noticed him becoming tense. Like i actualy asked a right question, one he hasnt really tought about, not knowing what to say. The anger took over me completly now. I was screaming inside 'why the heck cant he admit im right'. I sighed, tired of everything  „You know what, nevermind. We both know your oppinion on the matter, and im really tiered of apologizing and being bashed about it.“ I paused for a few seconds , saying tiredly „And i really dont want to fight with you again, Jake, i just dont have the strenght for it anymore.“ I noticed we wer basicly few feet from the motel. „Thanks  for keeping me company.“ I started towards the motel. As i passed him, he took a step towards me „Maya, wait.“ I just continued, throwing my hand over my head, making a waveing gesture „Good night, Jake.“ I could feel his eyes on me, but i had no intention to turn around. I was still angry at him, not admitting i had a point. Was that really so hard to do, admitting someones right? Heck, i've done it a few times in the last few days, and im still standing. Putting the key inside the lock, i dared to glance back. He was still standing there, as if to make sure i would get inside safely. Once inside,i threw myself on the bed, screaming in my pillow. I hoped it muffeled the sound enough, it was, afterall, the middle of the night. I kicked my shooes off, realizing i still had Jake's hoodie on me. I burried my face in it, taking a deep breath. I turned on the side hugging my pillow, letting the scent of Jake's hoodie lulling me to sleep.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon and other anon it makes me really happy that you like my au! I only planned for Foolish Jr. To be the name of a special totem Foolish had that he gave to Ran (its special cause while it can be used as a normal totem, if broken it can summon Foolish as a small part of Foolish is in the totem. It can also be used multiple times and repaired as many times as needed, which basically made it Foolish's personal totem). Though for Finley, I have it so the group stumbles upon a desert village that manages to point them in the general direction of Foolish's home. But I realize they wouldn't actually be able to find it, so I'll have Finley find Jackie who manages to convince her to take them to her father's temple/home. 
1: Yep. While Ranbob did tell Ran that his memory has been getting better, Ran still is a bit hesitant and treats everything as if Ranbob will forget it. Ranbob did tell him Dream caused it but Ran didnt believe him.
8: Cletus, Grievous, and Jackie I would all consider anarchists. Although Grievous may be less of one than the other 2. A bored group means finding stuff their not supposed too and screaming. 
11: Shocked, relieved, happy, a bit sad, and impressed. Even when Ran booted him off the top of the King of The Hill, he was still relieved and happy his brother was alive. 
14: No one in this au, in the sub Brothers + Others. Ranboo, Phil, and even Techno get to throw Jackie. Though Jackie only got willingly thrown by Ranboo and Phil. For Techno he just kinda got in the way so Techno picked him up and threw him into nearby bushes. Also, I HAVE NEWS! I decided Raq will kidnap Ranbob, as this could be the perfect push to make Ran go "Oh fuck. I really do still care for him." And have Ran run out into the middle of the night to find him. With the others following behind by a hour or two. 
Duel wield :). Just imagine you have to fight Techno just to see him wielding two duplicate strong ass swords and he's like an extention of them cause he's so good at using them. 
More emotional pain than you think, but somehow also less than you think. Don't ask me to explain cause I'm not sure how I just get that vibe from the group to be honest. I'm sorry.
All of the above, Tubbo tells Jackie the long running joke of Ranboo being the main character due to his incredible luck with finding rare things or getting out of situations. And Jackie gives Tubbo blackmail by saying how Ran once willingly stepped into water because he never had a big fear of it growing up (cause Mizu) and he actually forgot that water hurts him. 
If one does spark a city will fall. 
Yeah, they all kind of make group sessions where they all sit down, exchange known information and look at it while trying to piece it together. They also exchange suspicions and conspiracies they have. 
He succeeds in convincing Ran that people aren't always as they seem and that some actions have a much deeper meaning. Like he uses how he lives with Techno and Phil and how they where feared anarchists that once ruled a world wide monarchy and where known as basically immortal because no one could even get close enough to hurt one of them. So he was scared of them when he first moved in, and how while it was rough at first, he learned their reasons for destroying L'Manburg, see how Techno wasnt the monsters others said he was, was given training and praise by Techno, and a father figure and someone who made it clear how much they cared for him by Phil. And he never expected any of that, so he tells Ran to attempt to get close again to his brother, cause his brother hasn't changed that much, but he needs to get closer to see. But he fails in stopping agurements because whenever he gets involved he gets yelled at and he doesnt have enough prior knowledge to completely and truly help. 
Sapnap and Karl say they dont really mind, cause they where never really close at all with anyone in any haunting group (for now). But they also feel a weird separation from everyone else, not a massive one but like there's a small wall between them and everyone else.
Anger, mostly from Techno. Cause Techno is pissed Dream is still around and its when this information gets out Techno basically states that their all staying until Dream is laying dead at his feet. To which Phil, Ranboo, and Sapnap all happily agree. Ranboo is surprised and feels awful. He feels like its his fault that Dream has tortured his descendants. Phil is just as angry and eager to kill Dream as Techno. Sapnap is also pissed and eager to be face to face to Dream so he can say exactly how disappointed he is in him (cause he knows Dream still cares about him, even if slightly). Tubbo and Karl are hesitant to kill Dream. Mostly because their scared of how killing Dream will affect the timeline and are still worried about how they'll get home. 
It doesn't get worse but it also doesnt get better, it mostly stays the same until Ranboo snaps and says something that really affects them. In which the fighting does get a bit better. 
Other anon, here is your reply!
1: Oh no, that's not good.
8: Sounds like a recipe for sweet chaos.
11: Aww, that's sweet. Also makes the following events more painful.
14: They should toss Tubbo and Jackie at the same time, just one immediately after the other. Also, very fun! How does Ranbob get kidnapped? How does the whole rang react to it? How quick do they get him back, how do they do that, and what happens in the aftermath?
Terrifying image, I'd flee immediately. Bad enough that he had one, people must be absolutely horrified that he's gotten ahold of an exact replica of his powerful blade.
Honestly, I think they just radiate that feeling in general, anon.
Pfft. Oh that's hilarious. How many times does Ranboo's Main Character energy come into play? Does Ranbob forget he can't go in water too? How many times have one of the ender siblings just went to step into a puddle or something while their groups panicked?
What kind of pranks do they have in mind to be so destructive??
Interesting. What kind of theories do they have so far?
On one hand, that sounds like very good advice, and potentially offers Ran wanting to get to know the other two more. On the other, all I can imagine is Ranboo being really cryptic and ominous while his descendants are just like '???'.
For now? Do they get closer to them? Does anything spark this?
I'm curious, what exactly invokes those feelings for Techno and Phil? Ranboo and Sapnap I can understand, with Sapnap feeling some responsibility for Dream, and Ranboo for his descendants, but as far as I know, weren't Dream and Techno somewhat allies? Did Dream do something back in the past to gain the two's ire? Or were they angry for a different reason? How do the others react to Tubbo and Karl's hesitation, both before and after knowing their concerns?
What does Ranboo say that does it?
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stories-mostly · 5 years
Stark's bug
Tony Stark x Son!reader
A day late it is here! Chapter 8 has arrived. For anyone wanting to read from the start I tag all the chapters #starks bug chapter 1;2;etc or just #chapter 1;2;3; etc. Since I solely post from mobile. Maybe one day I will link them but until now it's done this way. Have a nice read.
Words: 2067
Chapter 8
Easter was this weekend. You never celebrated in a religious sense but liked the preparation for it in school, like the crafting of egg baskets or drawing on eggshells. Still, you didn't like the thought of it passing without your dad by your side. The thought of him not hiding a few sweets around the house was saddening.
It's been almost three months without him, and while you weren't losing hope, clinging to the thought of him being alive, you really wanted him to be home for Easter so you could give him the egg you had colored in art class. It had the easter bunny on it. Or rather your best impression of it. You really didn't know what a humanoid rabbit had to do with jesus coming back from the dead, but you liked to think it had some connection. And now you had no smart ass dad who would answer your question with an outrageous and funny story exactly why the Easter-bunny and Jesus were connected before telling you the real truth an hour or so later. It bummed you out. And researching it yourself didn't have the same feeling to it.
Tuesday evening you were unaware what was just happening on a continent miles and miles from home. While you were falling asleep in his bed that was barely holding his scent anymore, a certain someone had just escaped his captors. Miles and miles away from home. And was now lost in a seemingly endless desert.
So you fell asleep feeling secure surrounded by the faint smell of your father still lingering deep within his unchanged sheets.
The dream you were having was hectic. It had slides, fireworks, a gameshow with ghosts and much more seemingly senseless themes that made complete sense within the dream.
Around 3am, maybe later, you were woken up by your uncle. He was shaking you a bit. Gently whispering for you to wake up, that he had good news and such.
You, half asleep, sat up yawning and were handed a phone by an ecstatic looking uncle Happy.
"Hello?" You mumbled as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. Still exhausted from the early wake up.
"Hey, Stark Jr. Good morning. I have someone here who desperately wants to talk to you. He said it can't wait. Should I let him?" Rhodey's voice came through the speaker sounding as if he was speaking through a smile.
In your tired confusion you just said "Yeah?" not really thinking about anything but how tired you were.
"Hey Bug. How are you?" The tired familiar voice sounded through the phone and awoke you suddenly.
You paused for a second, your still half sleeping brain processing the voice that was ringing through the phones speaker. Your stomach had reacted before you and was giving you a ton of happy little kicks.
"Daddy?" You asked in a shushed tone almost afraid it wasn't true. That your mind was just playing a cruel trick on you. But smiling nonetheless.
"Yeah Bug, how've you been?" A voice that clearly belonged to your father said softly with a smile you wouldn't be able to see.
"Daddy!" you said as your grin grew.
"Yeah I think we went over that."
"I'm great! Are you okay? When are you coming home?" you said basically bouncing up and down in his bed.
"I'm fine now. We're boarding the plane in a few minutes so about, a handful of hours? I'll be home soon don't worry. What's the time over there? Did Happy wake you up?"
"I don't know, yes. Come home soon daddy. Can I pick you up at the airport?"
"Of course, you and Pepper and Happy will all come to the airport later okay?"
There was a short pause.
"I have to hang up now sweetie, see you soon. I love you."
"I love you too daddy. See you later."
And with that the call ended and your cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so brightly, happy tears were rolling down your cheeks. You sniffles as you said the next words.
"Uncle Happy, Daddy's coming home!" You jumped around the bed full of energy you didn't know what to do with before engulfing you uncle in a hug. Happy smiled and returned the bear hug.
"I have to show daddy what I've done while he was gone! Where is my diary? I need to check it." Happy handed you your diary together with your pen knowing full well you wouldn't go back to sleep now. You began flipping through it perfecting everything so your dad would know in full detail what you did the last three months. Happy left you to it and began making breakfast. Really early breakfast.
You ate and went to school like normal but today you were telling everyone about why you were so happy. The fatigue from being woken up so early hadn't set in at all.
Back home you prepared your diary some more and put the timeline you had crafted in school with your pictures in the back.
"Daddy will like this." you said to yourself and put it in your backpack ready to go pick him up. Though you were gonna have to wait one more hour for that.
You just bounced around the mansion making sure all your craftsmanship was still intact so your dad would be able to see them and be proud. Knowing that if you sit down for too long you'll fall asleep.
You also couldn't wait to show him the egg you had painted in school. You couldn't wait for all the things you had planned with him to happen.
When Happy had called you to get going you basically sprinted into the car. Your legs where bouncing up and down so fast that your didn't see them clearly.
On your way to pick up your dad you picked up Pepper too. She seemed like she had been crying so you gave her a hug, hers always made you feel better. So you returned the favour basically.
You talked the whole drive there about all the things you were going to do together. The amusement park being highest on your list, followed by going camping, and the zoo and playing together. And not to forget showing him all the progress you had made with the force.
As soon as the car was parked you jumped out and looked around yourself only to see nobody. That was a bit of a downer but you could live through a few more minutes of wait. You passed your time by talking to the strangers present at the site. Some paramedics gave you a lollipop. So you stuck with them for almost 20 minutes just talking about everything and nothing.
A plane soon landed and rolled up to you all. When the ramp opened you were basically vibrating with excitement. As soon as it touched the ground you said screw waiting and ran up to your dad. The impact of your hug almost sending him backwards if Rhodes hadn't been there to grab onto his arm.
"Good to see you again Bug. I hope you didn't miss me too much." You just held onto him for a few minutes until you were certain that this was your father and that he was actually back. When you looked up at him you were crying.
"Come here buddy." Rhodey said and stretched out his arms. As you went to him he picked you up and carried you down the ramp.
"I missed you too, you know? It's not like I have seen you either in the past months." Rhodey commented and tickled you.
"Where's my hug huh? Where's my hug?" He said grinning as you squirmed and laughed from being tickled.
Rhodey sat you down while your dad was talking to Pepper. You gave him a quick hug and ran away, not wanting to get tickled again.
Once you all were in the car Pepper was in the front seat first making phone calls, after bickering with your dad, while you were ranting to your dad about all the things you had done and learned while he was away.
"I can crush a spoon now!"
"Oh really? Show me ."
"But I dont have one."
"You can show me once we're home alright?"
You nodded and continued your rambling and how you had some gifts for him so he would know what you did while he was away.
When you stopped at Burger king you got some chicken nuggets from them, then it was off to the press conference Pepper had organized short term. She seemed really stressed.
You walked into the building walking next to your father, still eating your nuggets while the press people took pictures. You smiled and waved at some of them but didn't answer them as your mouth was full. It was bad to talk with your mouth full, you could choke and it was rude.
Inside a man named AGENT Coulson grabbed your attention and you decided to stick with Pepper and him instead of your dad and Obie. You still had a clear view of your father so all was fine.
"Is your name really Agent?" You asked him before he could even say hello.
"...No, uh my name is Phil Coulson, agent is like a title. Cool shirt by the way." he answered pointing at your Captain Magic shirt.
"That's sad, agent would be a cool name. And thank you Daddy bought it." You said, Phil just nodded.
You were about to ask another question when your father started talking. You listened a bit but decided to just look at the agent instead trying to figure him out. That seemed much more interesting.
You stayed standing since you weren't paying attention and a few people chuckled when your father was telling you directly to sit down. Embarrassed you did as told.
Once your dad was done with his announcement all hell broke lose, people were taking pictures and asking questions but your dad just went off the stage and out of the room with Obie.
You were confused about the ruckus so you stayed with Phil, he seemed nice and Pepper and Rhodes were close by so you felt safe. Also it looked like they were going to argue and you really didn't like it when they did.
"So, are you like a spy?" You asked him picking the crumbs out of you chicken nuggets box.
"No, I mean kind of? I'm an Agent, I'm working with the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division."
"Thats a long name. What are you doing here? Spying?"
"No," he chuckled "We need to ask your father about the circumstances of his escape. I already made out a date with miss Potts. So I think I will see you again soon," Escape? So he was kidnapped? You shrugged off the thought.
"Cool... So do you have a gun then, like in the movies?"
"I do have a gun from time to time but not currently."
"What do you do with it? Kill people?"
"I try not to."
You were stunned, there was a person who claimed that he was an agent for a Division you had never heard of and he was telling you how he had probably killed a few people. Your mouth was hanging open.
Before you could ask any other questions he was gone and so was everybody else besides Pepper who was waiting for you.
At home, once you two were alone, you told Tony all about what you've been up to while he read your diary. You talked and talked and talked until you were finally tired. You fell asleep on the couch with a piece of Pizza still in your hand.
Tony smiled down fondly at you, despite you being torn away from him for almost three months you didn't treat him much differently than before.
You were still the rambling mess of a little boy he remembered. And very inquisitive about the arc reactor in his chest.
He put down your diary, took the pizza piece, and covered your body with a blanket.
Well you might have become a bit more clingy. He thought while stroking your hair softly. He had been so afraid of what might happen to you if he doesn't come back. He didn't want you to end up like him. He wants you to grow up knowing that you can rely on him, that you always have his support. And he cant do that when he's dead.
He shuddered out a sigh and put you to bed.
Tags: @shannonr2003 @art-estrange @nicholasbich @tater-thottie @tonystanktheirondad @gaylemonshark @emilaa2001
172 notes · View notes
The Evening Glow
Words: 5k
Genre: Fluff, (very) light angst
Rating: G
Summary: Dan hasn’t had the best luck when it comes to blind dates, so when Louise recommends he date her friend Phil, he’s skeptical. But even when he begins to fall for Phil, he can’t shake his crush for the attractive cashier at ASDA who he knows only as Lester.
Author’s Notes: This fic was written for @dont-tell-them-i-write-phan for phandomsecretvalentines 2018! I tried to incorporate everything you said from my ask, friend! I hope you love it!
Dan snapped the lens cap back on the large camera in a huff. He began the process of packing up, a familiar routine.  The delicate balance of the weight on his shoulder so he didn’t drop thousands of dollars of equipment that didn’t belong to him, and the meticulous packing in the padded bags.
“I swear this panda will never be born,” he complained. “What is this, the third time we’ve been out here? And nothing.”
Louise rolled her eyes at him, running her fingers through her hair for the first time all night. It was absolutely forbidden while she was in front of the camera, after all the work the crew puts into hair and makeup.
“Come on, Dan. You know that the first time we were out here it was at the beginning of the story to announce the pregnancy, and last time they really thought the cub was coming!”
“And today?” Dan said, a hollow laugh following quickly as he knew the answer was ridiculous. He also knew that Louise knew.
Dan was just sick of it. His first anniversary at the local news channel had been a couple months ago, and he was still being put on the fluffy stories. It had been six months at least since they promised him better gigs, and they had yet to deliver. He was craving something, more.
“Well, today we had to cover how inexplicably long this panda cub is staying in the mum,” she trailed off, defeated but trying her best to keep in light spirits. “Anyway, you can’t be so pessimistic all the time! So many people would love to be here at the zoo before opening.”
“Name one!” Dan said as the pair shuffled out of the vet center.
“My friend Phil,” she snapped her fingers and pointed at Dan as she realized. “He loves animals, pandas in particular.”
“Oh, not this again!” Dan laughed. The conversation was nearly as familiar as the camera he carries at work every day.
“You’d like him, I swear to you!” Louise quipped. She batted him playfully on the arm, and wrapped a hand around it, shaking him back and forth.
“Louise, the last time you set me up on a blind date, the jerk bailed on me halfway through it!”
“He hadn’t told me his daughter was due to be born any day! What could you expect from the poor man? He had to be there.” They went through their practiced dance. “Besides, that was two months ago, and Phil isn’t expecting a child so no need to worry.”
Truthfully, Dan had been considering getting out in the dating world again. While Louise’s suggestions weren’t always perfect, it would be, well, convenient. He sighed.
“How did you meet this guy again?”
“He was in my uni program! Trust me, you’re just his type. He loves the gloomy, self-loathing thing,” he teased.
“Hey!” Dan nudged her shoulder to shoulder and sent her balance off-kilter. She stumbled around the pavement looking drunk with giddiness and late nights.
“I’m joking with you, of course!” She said. “Listen, just take his number. It doesn’t mean you have to marry him, jeez.”
Dan considered this for a moment. He could refuse Louise again, but though she was sweet, she was also stubborn. He’d never hear the end of it. Or he could take the number and give it a shot. His shoulders slumped with resignation as he pulled his phone from his pocket and handed it over.
Louise gleefully took out her own and copied the number into his, under the name “Phil 🖤”
Dan rolled his eyes as he examined his new contact. Louise pulled him into a soft hug before they parted ways.
“Remember to answer my calls Dan! We need you when this cub finally does make an appearance,” she said over her shoulder as she walked away.
Above the contact screen, Dan could see the time shining 6:15am. The news team called him out earlier than ever before. He reminded himself that this was what paying dues is all about, but somehow that didn’t help his eyes stay open or his brain to work properly. Too late to get back to sleep, he thought.
The dreaded sun was already peeking out from behind the historic buildings of London, spreading oranges and purples across the horizon. Disgusting. He’d need coffee if he was going to make it to the evening broadcast. Lots of coffee.
Dan turned into the nearest ASDA, the desperation overtaking the laziness. The artificial lights were all too bright and unwelcome for six in the morning. He squinted as he walked through the store between aisles of cereal until he finally found a refrigerator full of drinks, a single shelf dedicated to sickly sweet iced coffee in plastic bottles. He stared blankly, deciding between French Vanilla and Mocha.
He wondered which this Phil guy would pick. He had no idea what this man was like. Dan already had his fair share of bad blind dates to look back on. The last time, when he was ditched because his date’s ex-wife went into labor with his child, was not actually the worst of them.
Dan grabbed a bottle without really looking. Mocha it is.
He wanted to date, sure. It’s just that he was over being set up. Dan could get someone on his own; he was sure of it.
As he meandered to the check out line, he glanced up for the first time. The cashier stood quietly, his hand crooked awkwardly in his pocket, his uniform top bunching up behind his wrist.
The man was tall, and slender built. His black hair cut into a fringe that tapered down to just above the edge of his eye. It framed his face well. The color accented just how blue his eyes really were, and Dan took a moment to catch his breath.
He set his drink on the conveyor and watched as it scooted away slowly. Dan followed his gaze up to the cashier’s nametag. It read Lester.
“Is that your real name?” Dan asked. Lester’s face contorted, his eyebrows pulling together in offense. “Not that it’s bad or anything,” he saved himself. As the man’s face relaxed, Dan let a cool smile grace his lips.
“It’s my last name,” he said. “Big mix up. Lives were lost,” Lester said with a grin as he flipped the coffee across the laser scanner.
Dan giggled at that. He was cute, the way he bit his lip gently after such a sarcastic quip. A blush creeped up Dan’s neck. He could do this. He had plenty of experience flirting with attractive men.
“Well then, Mr. Lester,” he said with a wink, “that sounds like quite the disaster. I’m glad you made it.”
Dan watched a blush spread from his new friend’s cheekbones all the way to his nose as he averted his eyes.
“Would you like this in a bag?” Lester asked, reverting to a very professional customer service voice.
“No, thanks,” Dan said, accepting that it was time to leave the poor guy alone.
“Pound fifty,” Lester responded kindly. Dan gave him the cash and a friendly nod before leaving.
“So did you text Phil?” Louise said as she fluffed her hair, to the dismay of the director standing just behind Dan. Dan adjusted the eyepiece and hoisted the camera to his shoulder, checking the angle of the shot.
“No,” he said flatly. He kept his eye focused into the lens.
“Are you going to explain that at all or will I be left hanging?” Louise replied.
“Look,” Dan started, “I just don’t want to text a total stranger, okay? I can do this on my own.”
“Sweetie,” Louise answered, “I know you can do it on your own, but Phil is a great guy! And it’s not like you’re seeing anyone else.” Louise checked her teeth for lipstick in her compact.
“I might be,” he said, scuffing his foot against the pavement. Louise’s eyes magnified.
“It’s nothing,” Dan brushed it off. “It’s just this really cute guy. He works at an ASDA close by me.”
“Oh, Dan!” Louise’s shoulders slumped. “Be honest, when have you ever gotten a date with a random cashier?”
“Places!” the director called. “We’re on in five!”
Dan shuffled around to perfect the shot.
“I could definitely get a date with this guy,” Dan promised.
“Darling, what do you even know about him?”
“Well, just his name, and where he works. And that he’s so, so cute. And sexy. And funny.”
“You got all of that, huh?” She asked, a smirk on her face.
“Well, no, I only know his last name.” Dan sighed. He knew Louise was right.
“Listen, Phil is amazing. He would be so great for you. He likes Muse, and anime, and video games. He’s really sweet. Just give him a chance.”
“Okay,” Dan said, gesturing to her to step a bit to the right while he looks into the camera again. “I’ll text him tonight.”
“You will?” Louise confirmed. Dan nodded.
“Five,” the director called with her fingers up. “Four. Three.” She continued counting down on her fingers as Dan hit the button the begin the broadcast.
Dan fidgeted with his phone, clicking the home button twice rapidly and closed the Messages app. He reopened it and typed out a quick “hey” and deleted it.
It was stupid. He didn’t need to be nervous. In fact, he didn’t really need to be doing this at all. But at least it would get Louise off his back. He was going to give it a shot.
Hey I got this number from Louise
She wanted me to text you. My name is Dan
He waited only a moment before he saw an ellipsis appear to tell him that Phil was responding.
Hey! Yeah, this is Phil. Louise told me you’d be messaging me sometime. :)
I heard you like Muse too. Lol.
They both shared their experiences at the Muse shows they went to as teens. Dan could feel the tightening of his chest as his phone lit up with another message from Phil. It was familiar and exciting all the same, a feeling he remembered from high school.
Dan flirted unabashedly.
If you were an anime character who would you be
Phil replied.
Kirito all the way. Not really, but a guy can dream, right?
Dan couln’t help but think Phil would be a great Kirito, despite how little he knew about him.
Can I be your Asuna
But like without the breasts
The response came quickly.
You can be my Asuna even if you’ve got the breasts. I don’t judge.
Dan bit his lower lip. It was an instant connection with Phil. He didn’t want to put his cell down.
So Louise says you were in the same uni program
What do you do
He rubbed the edge of his phone as he waited, eager to learn more about this man.
I’m trying to break into the radio business. Maybe as a DJ.
But it’s tough.
He smiled.
I believe in you… and we all know that a strangers faith is the most reliable right
Hours later, he fell asleep feeling dizzy and light. This Phil guy was something, he’d give Louise that much.
By the time he walked into ASDA the next morning, Phil was still on his mind. They texted for hours, yet somehow he still felt like Dan’s mystery man. Sure, he knew his favorite song, and he knew all of his anime senpais, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was missing out on something important. Something good.
He put the same coffee on the conveyor belt as last time, only in that moment realizing that he’d walked right into Lester’s aisle again.
“Oh, Mr. Lester,” Dan teased. “Fancy seeing you here again.” He enjoyed how the man held a chuckle back from his soft lips, a pale pink just barely off his fair skin tone, but they complimented it well.
“I work here,” he said, and Dan watched his lips form every beautiful word, pull up into a more genuine smile.
If Dan were being honest with himself, he wanted to pursue whatever he could with this Lester. He enjoyed his little mannerisms. The way he caught his tongue between his teeth when he laughed made Dan’s heart flutter.
He scanned the bottle, clicking the keyboard of the computer to his side.
“Pound fifty,” he said. “Those are gross, by the way. It’s like the worst coffee in the world.”
“Well maybe you’ll have to show me better coffee sometime,” Dan said without thinking. Lester froze, his eyes growing wide and Dan hated himself for a split second. He made it weird. “Or maybe not, whatever.” Dan tried to smooth it over. He didn’t even know if Lester liked men.
“Perhaps,” Lester said. His long slim fingers carded through his hair, pulling his fringe up into a slight quiff, but Dan only found it more attractive on him.
He thought it best to leave it at that for the day. After all, Dan knew Louise was right. He didn’t know anything real about Lester. Maybe his quirks were cute, but he wasn’t vetted. Maybe Phil was a safer bet.
He paid graciously and muttered a polite goodbye. As he walked out of the store, Dan cringed at the thought of choosing the safer option for the sake of it. It wasn’t that, not really. He liked Phil, that much was clear. He really liked Phil.
He told Louise as much as they walked to the Underground after their broadcast across the city later that day.
“So, how did it go?” she said with a teasing wiggle in her voice that matched her squirming eyebrows.
“I think it went really well, actually,” Dan said as he slid his hands into his pockets. His pace slowed as he thought of their last conversation.
“I knew it!” she cheered, her hands clapping quickly and she hopped a bit. “When’s the wedding?”
“Oh, shut up,” Dan nudged her with his elbow. “It’s not like that. He’s just, really cool.”
Dan couldn’t help the blush on his cheeks, so he angled his face to the ground.
“I’m kidding with you, you know that.” Louise picked his face up by the chin until she could see the redness spreading further. “I’m so glad you like him, dear.”
“I looked him up on Twitter,” he admit, “but he doesn’t have any pictures of himself.”
The two made their way down the steps into the tunnels below to wait for their respective trains.
“Ah, yeah. Phil is very self conscious,” Louise explained.
“Really?” Dan asked, surprised. “But he was in your program in uni? Wasn’t that broadcasting?”
“Yes, and then he went over to radio,” Louise shot him a look, as if that should explain everything. It didn’t. “He’s not the most confident of guys, with his looks. Used to dream of being a weatherman, but he just couldn’t get comfortable in front of the camera.”
They stopped in front of a platform. Louise double checked the light up sign that read the arrival time of the next train.
“Is he like,” Dan thought of the best way to ask without offending Phil, “not conventionally attractive?”
“Oh, he’s attractive,” Louise answered easily. “He just doesn’t see it himself.”
“I wish I could see him,” Dan said, his voice dropping low.
“Then ask him out on a date!” Louise responded. Her perky voice made it all seem so easy.
“Maybe soon,” Dan said. He hadn’t even gotten him on the phone yet. He wanted to talk with him, hear the tone in his voice as they flirted. He wanted some kind of human experience that wasn’t just text.
Louise kissed Dan on the cheek when the train came flying by them. Dan watched her step over the gap and she called back to him.
“Do what you’ve gotta do,” and she waved.
Dan moved to grab his phone as he walked to his area of the Underground, waiting for the train that would take him home.
Hey I was thinking about you today
How have you been
A few minutes later, Phil’s name lit up his lock screen.
I’ve been well! I saw a cute dog today.
Dan giggled. Phil was the type, it seemed, that got joy from the littlest things. He thought about how nice that would be, to have someone in his life like that.
Can I call you
Dan knew Phil had seen the message. He waited for the ellipsis to appear, but it didn’t. He stepped onto his platform. Dan tried to ignore the tightness in his chest as he waited for his phone to buzz.
A few minutes later the vibrations tickled against his leg.
I would, but I’m just-
I’m really shy.
Dan answered immediately.
I like shy
His hands flew to his hair and he swirled his fingers through the curls. He did like shy guys. He bit his lower lip expectantly. His mind wandered, imagining what Phil looked like with a flush of coyness up his neck.
Yet, when he thought of demure boys, all he could really think about was how Lester sticks his tongue between his teeth to hold back his laugh.
But okay no phone calls yet
When will I get to meet you
Dan arrived at his stop and began his walk to his flat.
Eventually. :p
Despite his eyes being glued to his phone, he could feel them drooping. He held his phone to his chest as he fell asleep.
When he awoke in the morning, all Dan could think about was blue eyes.
It was driving him insane, if Dan were being honest with himself. He liked Phil, so much. When they texted it felt like the whole world melted away. But Dan couldn’t shake this crush on Lester, his mysterious ASDA man.
He swung his legs over the side of the bed at the ungodly hour of seven in the morning. Way too late to not have a reason to be up, but he had a feeling that he had to go buy a coffee. This infatuation wasn’t going away until he truly acted on it.
It’s not like he and Phil were exclusive or anything, he reasoned. In fact, they haven’t even explicitly stated their relationship was a romantic one.
Dan knew that logic wouldn’t hold up. It was a technicality at best. He shook the conflict from his mind as he pulled his black skinny jeans over his legs and a grey color blocked jumper over his head. The door behind him slammed shut as he barrelled out onto the pavement and down the street.
Car sped past him in the road and Dan barely stopped to look both ways before running across it. The morning light was still golden, blinding him as he turned the corner to walk the ten blocks to the grocery store.
Dan could feel his pounding heart. Exercise was never his strong suit, but he couldn’t stop. If he stopped jogging, he may have time to rethink his actions, and he didn’t want to do that.
As the automatic doors parted before him like the Red Sea, Dan felt anything but magical. A tall pale figure with dark hair was stepping into a separate room at the back of the store, seeming to pull his smock over his head.
“Lester!” Dan called from the entrance. “Wait!”
He summoned what little energy he had left and speed-walked to where Lester stood.
“Yeah?” Lester asked, his eyes skimming up and down Dan’s body, assessing the situation. He seemed bewildered, but not unhappy to see him.
“I was wondering if you wanted to show me some better coffee?” Dan asked, less than dignified.
It was out there now, he’d asked for the date, and now he felt unsteady, as if he stood on a tightrope and Lester was at the other end, with the power to reach for his hand or shake the rope.
“Oh, ummm,” Lester said. His hand flew to the back of his neck, rubbing some tension out of it. “It’s just that-”
“Oh no, you’re not,” Dan interrupted. He was falling.
“No!” Lester corrected. “It’s not that. I do like men, and I do think you’re attractive, but,” Lester said as he dropped his hand to his side and lowered his eyes to meet Dan’s, “I’m sort of, speaking to someone right now. I wouldn’t feel right about it.”
Lester’s hands made their way to his pockets and he slid them inside. The guilty look on his face may have been cute if Dan wasn’t felt embarrassed as hell.
“That’s alright,” he said. “It’s fine, it’s good.” Dan stood still, hoping to turn the conversation around somehow, regain some pride.
“I’m really sorry,” Lester said as he pulled at his smock again. There was a tinge of regret in his voice, and sadness. “I was just about to head out, maybe I’ll see you around though.”
“Yeah,” Dan said and Lester entered the employee lounge and shut the door behind him.
Dan left the store, feeling awkward leaving without buying anything. He dialed Louise immediately.
“Hello?” she answered happily. “Dan, you never call!”
“I asked him out,” Dan nearly shouted. He fast-walked down the road without a clear destination.
“Phil? That’s great sweetheart!” Louise cheered.
“Not Phil, the guy from ASDA,” he said. Shame now wracked his own voice.
“Dan, no! I thought you were going to ask Phil out!” Louise prodded.
The day was too bright outside. It was stifling. Dan narrowed his eyes against the sunlight.
“I was going to, he didn’t want me to call him. And today all I could think about was my crush on the grocery man.” He tried to justify his decision, mostly to himself. “I knew that I could never move forward with Phil if this guy was in my head all the time.”
“So what happened then, love?” Her voice was more gentle.
“He turned me down, Louise. And now I just feel so shitty. He’s seeing someone else. Not a big deal, I’ve been rejected before. But how could I have done that to Phil? He’s-” Dan paused to think of the best way to describe Phil. How could he explain all the emotions he was going through, over simple text messages? “He’s amazing.”
“Dan, you haven’t even been on a date with Phil! He’s an understanding guy. Just call him, tell him what happened.”
Dan hailed a taxi, still not sure exactly where he wanted to go, but knowing that he wanted to get away.
“He doesn’t want to talk to me on the phone,” he responded. The driver asked for an address and Dan just asked him to be taken to the London Eye.
“Just call him! He likes you, he won’t refuse your call.”
Louise was making sense. Buildings and cars were flying across Dan’s line of vision and he already regret getting into a car. It just made everything feel like it was going faster. He was panicking.
He politely let Louise off the line and dialed Phil.
“Dan?” he heard on the other line. His voice almost sounded familiar, he liked it.
“Phil! I’m so glad you answered.” He said without giving Phil much time to speak. “Listen, I have to tell you something.”
“Oh, go ahead.” He sounded concerned.
“I sort of asked someone out this morning,” Dan rambled on. “I’m sorry. I’m going to sound so rude right now, I just really feel like I can tell you anything. Anyway, I’ve had this crush on this guy from my ASDA. And I couldn’t help but ask him out this morning. I feel so stupid.”
“Dan,” was all Phil said. There was a catch in his voice. He’s hurt, Dan figured. He smacked himself in the forehead.
“I’m really sorry, Phil. I just… I really like you, and I couldn’t move forward with you without some sort of closer with him. He turned me down, so I got that. But now,” Dan took a moment of pause to check his phone, which buzzed at his ear. Louise was calling. He ignored it. “Now I just want to give this a chance for us, and I couldn’t do that without telling you about it. I couldn’t lie.”
He heard a faint giggle through the line. Dan thought it might sound empty, a facade.
“It’s fine, Dan,” Phil said, before, “Oh! Louise is calling me.”
“No, please, just don’t hang up the phone yet. Can I meet you? I really want to meet you, in person.”
Dan felt strange. He wasn’t used to pleading. The cab stopped on the side of the street near the Ferris Wheel.
“I guess you’ll meet me very soon,” Phil said, a clear smile in his voice which only confused Dan further. “Louise just texted me. The baby panda is being born! I’m going to meet you both there!”
Phil was eager about the panda. Dan could almost see the way he would dance around in excitement. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he must be angry.
“I’m sorry, sir,” Dan said to the driver, “but can you bring me to the London Zoo instead?”
It all happened so quickly. Half an hour later, Dan had finished broadcasting about the birth of a healthy new panda cub.
The mother was licking the cub on the back, cleaning it up while the vets looked over it. They had an exclusive view as press. He wrung his hands together as he anxiously waited for Phil to arrive.
“Don’t be so nervous! He’s going to love you,” Louise reassured him with a gentle hand on his shoulder.
Dan turned to face her, leaning against the railing that protects the panda enclosure. His elbows resting on the bar casually, he could feel the ache of pressure against his bones and the cold metal on his skin.
Across the vet center, the double doors swung open and he saw someone enter. He’d recognize that face anywhere, it was Lester.
“Fuck!” Dan said beneath his breath. “How did he find me?”
“What?” Louise asked, looking around. “Who ‘found’ you?”
“It’s the ASDA guy. How did he know I’d be here?” Dan wondered. He faced into the pandas again, hiding his face. “He can’t be here, not when I’m supposed to be meeting Phil.”
“Sweetie, that is Phil. Who are you talking about?” Louise waved the man over.
Dan stared at Louise’s face in astonishment. She gave him a hug when he reached them.
“Dan, Phil. Phil, Dan,” she said. Phil’s face turned red and he rubbed the back of his head.
“Hey,” was all he said.
Dan’s head was spinning.
“You’re?” Dan said, dumbfounded.
“Phil,” he said, extending his hand forward. Dan met it with his own and their skin finally met. It was warm, and the electricity in his nerves moved in waves from his hands all over his body. “Phil Lester, actually.”
“This whole time,” Dan said, tone flat, not sure if he was asking or stating.
“I only just found out,” Phil . “When we were on the phone.”
Dan brushed his explanation aside, in favor of leaning in the place a wistful kiss to his lips.
They moved together, with Phil sinking into it despite his nerves. He was shy, after all. But with Dan taking the first step, he felt free enough to lace his fingers through Dan’s curly hair. The short buzzed sides lightly scratching his palm as he ran it up and down to get Dan closer.
When they broke apart, Dan spoke first.
“Can you stay here with me?” the vulnerability peppering his tone.
“You mean like a date?” Phil said, and he bit his bottom lip in the way Dan always adored, back when he was simply Lester. Dan nodded his head furiously.
“Of course!” Phil enthused. “Who says no to a zoo date?”
“I don’t know,” Dan reasoned. “Someone who doesn’t like the person who’s asked them?”
Phil ran his hand down the outside of Dan’s arm, an innocent enough gesture, but meaningful all the same.
“I like you,” he said.
“Wait, Dan said. “It thought you were in radio? But you work at ASDA!”
Phil laughed.
“I’m breaking into it! Give me time.” Dan shook his head, taking in the absurdity of it all.
Dan and Phil spent the rest of the day at the zoo. When they were finally kicked out of the panda enclosure, they spent over an hour with the llamas, two with the lions, and made sure to hit every exhibit in between.
Dan watched every mannerism Phil made, soaking in the way his hand crooked in his pocket when he was idling, and the way he bobbed his head when he was happy. He noticed how he used all fingers to gesture air quotations and Dan had to catch his breath.
How could he be so lucky.
When Dan finally felt the adventure of the day wearing down on him, and his eyes began closing slower and slower, they made their way to the exit.
The sun was setting in front of them, and Dan reached to pull Phil’s hand into his own.
“I’m really sorry that I asked you out. Well, Lester out, when I was already texting you,” he said, the remorse still weighing on his shoulders.
“You don’t have to apologize to me, for asking me out,” Phil replied.
“But you showed some loyalty in turning me down,” Dan said regretfully.
“Okay,” Phil said. “But then can I say I’m sorry for turning you down, just because I was already talking to you?”
“That’s silly,” Dan said. He felt Phil kiss the side of his head as they looked out at the sunset.
“Exactly,” Phil answered, and squeezed his hand tighter.
They both looked out over the horizon, and how the oranges faded to pinks, and purple, and black. The evening glow warmed their bodies. The day had set, but it felt like a beginning.
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mcstarr · 7 years
drunk boyfriend tag
summary: dan and phil get drunk and film the boyfriend tag (similar to what shane dawson did) tags: alcohol, so much sweetness and cuteness your teeth will hurt, extreme fluff by: angelboydjh on tumblr word count: ~1.8k first fic posted!! please, ignore any mistakes and reblog and like!! ilu!! send in requests for fics :-) ゚*。:(人´v`*)☆゚:。*゚ dan and phil got a little drunk. they originally got out some Ribena, which is completely unharmful, until dan spotted vodka on the kitchen counter, which they only keep for parties. its almost gone, with a half a bottle left, so dan thought of an idea. "phil, lets get drunk." phil looked at dan confused; dan never really likes drinking as much as he used to, hes grown, the satisfaction of being drunk doesnt really thrill as much, and its the same with phil. "why?" asked phil, sipping his Ribena. "because why not! we have no meeting tomorrow, we are bored out of our minds, and itll be fun! we'll even be safe, we can control each other well." phil thought about it. he never really likes hangovers, who does? he gets them bad, and he knows dan gets them worse, but dan was right, they were extremely bored and had no meetings tomorrow. phil shrugged, and replied with a sure, causing dan to jump up with joy. dan grabbed the bottle and went to phils room, closing the door, and sitting on his bed. he opens to bottle and pours a lot in his drink, doing the same to phil. there is now many 4 shots full left of the drink and dan was happy he rationed out well. "wanna do a toast?" asked phil. "with our vodka filled ribena?" chuckled dan. phil nodded, giggling a little. "why not?" phil responded, and dan nodded agreeing. they lifted their glass cups up and they look at each other. "to us!" dan laughed at the cliché, but echoed phil, and a clink noise was heard when the touched glasses. dan downed about half of his drink in that one sip, phil only taking a baby sip. phil made a face, hating the taste of vodka. dan hid his disgust, looking at phil. "now we wait." dan took another sip, already feeling slightly dizzy. *:・゚✧ dan was fully drunk. he was giggling, putting his head on phil, slurring his words, all of it. phil was only tipsy. he didnt drink much yet, only about half of his drink. dan, of course, drank all of it, even the rest in the bottle! "phil!" dan slurred out, and phil glanced over slowly, so he doesnt get dizzy, and raised his eyebrow. "we should do a boyfriend tag." phil thought about this. is he that drunk that he doesnt really care if they do one or not? yes. he doesnt really care, its not like itll be posted. phil knows better than that. "sure." phil got up to get his camera from the other side of the room, and dan plopped on the bed laughing at who knows what. it took phil about 2 minutes to set up everything for filming, and an extra 5 minutes to find good goddamn questions. he finally found some question, a total of twenty. he can barely read them because of his blurry vision, and since he didnt have neither his contacts or glasses on. so he grabbed his glasses from the bed side and put them on to see if itll help. nope. he took another sip of his drink and locked his phone. he'll cross that bridge when he gets to it. he gets up and turns on the camera, praying to god its in focus. "dan, its on, we are filming." once those words left phils mouth, dan shot up from phils bed and looked at phil. "okay, okay, okay, okay," he kept repeating that until he finally was next to phil on the bed facing the camera. phil giggled at dan, dan looking at him with his red cheeks. "okay, ready, babe?" asked phil, seeing double of dan. dan nodded, and smiled at phil and then at the camera. "okay," phil breathed in and then 'took in his persona'. "hey guys!" he said cheerfully, but all it did is make him dizzy. dan was like, on top of phil, so hes grateful that he was, or phil wouldve fallen over. "im here with dan." phil pointed at him, and dan waved, his white oversized cat shirt being exposed, and you could even see his naked legs, since hes wearing shorts. "we are doing the boyfriend tag." phil said slowly, and dan nodded jumping up and down on the bed. "phil is my boyfriend! boyfriend phil! philip lester, boyfriend!" he yelled, making phil giggle. "okay, want ask the questions, or do u want me go ask them?" asked phil to dan. "ask me the questions! then we will do it back!" dan suggested, and phil nodded encouragingly. "okay, first question." phil unlocked his phone and read it very carefully. "when is my birthday?" he asked. "bonus points for the zodiac sign!" "january 30th, that makes you a......" he strung out the 'a' to think. "an Aquarius! aquarium." he laughed, and phil chuckled. "correct baby." he leaned in to kiss dan, and dan kissed him, tasting of vodka and ribena. "okay, now," phil was going to go to the next question, but dan protested. "now do mine! do mine!" dan pouted, crossing his arms. "june 11th! youre a gemini." phil stuttered out, making dan laugh. "lucky guess." he muttered jokingly. "next question," phil scrolled down the page. "where did i grow up?" "im too drunk for this phil!!" he moaned out. "the north! thats all youre getting." "well, youre not wrong." said phil. "ill give you the point." "what about me?" asked dan. "the south." "ugh! exact place!" "not fair, you didnt do that for me!" "ugh, whatever." dan pouted again. "wipe that pout off your face princess." phil whispered, grabbing dans chin. "im just kidding philly!" dan kissed phil, getting him off guard. "okay, next," phil asked. "whats my middle name?" "michael! these are too easy! i want harder ones. test me!" dan groaned out, and phil rolled his eyes. "okay, okay," phil said. he scrolled down to another website, which had different questions. "how about this: where was our first date?" "EASY!" he yelled, throwing his hands up. "well, kinda," he muttered. "its hard!" "well, tell me." phil said suggestively, leaning closer to dan. "we first met of course at the train station," he muttered out. "and then we went straight to your house, and, did things. does that count as a first date?" this took him way too long to say, as he was stuttering madly. "yes, it does. great job, cutie." phil said happily and leaned in for a kiss. "okay, let me ask the question!" phil started to give him the phone, but dan refused, saying he wants go make one up. "whats the first thing you notice about me?" he asked a bashful. "your smile." phil said simply. no explanation was needed to make dan feel all warm inside. dan covered his face and leaned on phils shoulder, grinning like mad. once he got up, he looked at phil, seeing his wonderful, eyes. "you know what mine is." he muttered, almost inaudible. it was phils turn to blush. they lean in and kiss once again, but longer than before. when they pulled apart, dan was seeing actual stars, and couldnt even understand what was happening, completely forgot about the video. "oh my god, i love you so much." he said in a shush tone, with phils hand on his cheek. they were only a few inches away from each other, and phil loved it. phil was exploding every inch of dans face, and so was dan. every moment phil made, it made him more dizzy and more dazed, but he didnt care. within a few moments, they both locked eyes, and somehow, both remembered they were recording. "uh, one more question," phil stuttered out, as dan looked around for his almost empty drink. "okay, last question. what is my favorite color?" "easy, blue." dan said, as he drank his final sips of his drink before crushed it and threw it. "hey!" phil protested, looking over at the cup. "ill pick it ip later, babe." dan slurred out almost incoherently. "whats mine?" "easy, pink." phil mocked. dan smiled softly, putting his arms around phils neck, phil put this hands on dans waist. "what kind of pink?" he muttered, with his sloppy grin on his face, his curly hair perfect in tack still. (which surprised phil) "pastel." dan groaned jokingly, letting his head drop down onto phils shoulders. "oh my god, i tried to trick you!" dan yelled. "well, you didnt. 8 years of friendship pays off." phil joked. dan put his head on phils shoulder, his head facing the camera. "can we finish? i wanna cuddle with you watch disney movies." phil chuckled and nodded. "we'll finish, lets do the outro." phil tapped dan, so he can get up from his shoulder, but dan didnt move a muscle, indicating hes not moving. "okay, well, goodbye everyone, please like a subscribe to me and dans channel, and our gaming channel! love you!" he waved and awkwardly looked at dan. "i need to turn off that camera baby." dan groaned and got up from phils shoulder. phil got up and turned off the camera, sitting right on his bed again next to dan. "can we just cuddle?" phil can tell dan was getting tired, and getting all drained. he gets like this when hes drunk, but also after recording videos. "of course, princess." phil laid down, then wrapping his arms around dan who is not next to them. they peacefully fall asleep, with the lights on and phils snoring. *:・゚✧ it was the morning, and phil is posting his premade video on lessamazingphil, just a quick vlog from florida. its taking surprisingly long to process, since its only 2 minutes, but phil didnt question it. its almost done, so phil went to go see dan, who has the worst hangover ever. "how are you baby?" asked phil, laying next to dan. "better, how bad was it?" he asked, and phil laughed. "you were fine, not as bad as a few months ago, but you were not any better." dan groaned, and at that moment his phone dinged. he unlocked his phone to see the notification, YouTube popping up, and it was phils new video. "uh, phil." dan said. "yes?" phil hummed. "you posted the wrong video." "what?" phil yelled a little too loudly for dan, as he backed away and gave phil his phone in just one beat. "i uploaded our drunk boyfriend tag." dans eyes widen. "we filmed a video? no way, i dont remember this. did we kiss?" "i was drunk too!" "well, i would keep it up." "why?" "we already made this mistake once, lets just let them have what they want."
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ella-the-vamp-blog · 7 years
Dan and Phil's boyfriend tag drunk video fanfic
dan and phil got a little drunk. they originally got out some Ribena, which is completely unharmful, until dan spotted vodka on the kitchen counter, which they only keep for parties. its almost gone, with a half a bottle left, so dan thought of an idea. “phil, lets get drunk.” phil looked at dan confused; dan never really likes drinking as much as he used to, hes grown, the satisfaction of being drunk doesnt really thrill as much, and its the same with phil. “why?” asked phil, sipping his Ribena. “because why not! we have no meeting tomorrow, we are bored out of our minds, and itll be fun! we’ll even be safe, we can control each other well.” phil thought about it. he never really likes hangovers, who does? he gets them bad, and he knows dan gets them worse, but dan was right, they were extremely bored and had no meetings tomorrow. phil shrugged, and replied with a sure, causing dan to jump up with joy. dan grabbed the bottle and went to phils room, closing the door, and sitting on his bed. he opens to bottle and pours a lot in his drink, doing the same to phil. there is now many 4 shots full left of the drink and dan was happy he rationed out well. “wanna do a toast?” asked phil. “with our vodka filled ribena?” chuckled dan. phil nodded, giggling a little. “why not?” phil responded, and dan nodded agreeing. they lifted their glass cups up and they look at each other. “to us!” dan laughed at the cliché, but echoed phil, and a clink noise was heard when the touched glasses. dan downed about half of his drink in that one sip, phil only taking a baby sip. phil made a face, hating the taste of vodka. dan hid his disgust, looking at phil. “now we wait.” dan took another sip, already feeling slightly dizzy. *:・゚✧ dan was fully drunk. he was giggling, putting his head on phil, slurring his words, all of it. phil was only tipsy. he didnt drink much yet, only about half of his drink. dan, of course, drank all of it, even the rest in the bottle! “phil!” dan slurred out, and phil glanced over slowly, so he doesnt get dizzy, and raised his eyebrow. “we should do a boyfriend tag.” phil thought about this. is he that drunk that he doesnt really care if they do one or not? yes. he doesnt really care, its not like itll be posted. phil knows better than that. “sure.” phil got up to get his camera from the other side of the room, and dan plopped on the bed laughing at who knows what. it took phil about 2 minutes to set up everything for filming, and an extra 5 minutes to find good goddamn questions. he finally found some question, a total of twenty. he can barely read them because of his blurry vision, and since he didnt have neither his contacts or glasses on. so he grabbed his glasses from the bed side and put them on to see if itll help. nope. he took another sip of his drink and locked his phone. he’ll cross that bridge when he gets to it. he gets up and turns on the camera, praying to god its in focus. “dan, its on, we are filming.” once those words left phils mouth, dan shot up from phils bed and looked at phil. “okay, okay, okay, okay,” he kept repeating that until he finally was next to phil on the bed facing the camera. phil giggled at dan, dan looking at him with his red cheeks. “okay, ready, babe?” asked phil, seeing double of dan. dan nodded, and smiled at phil and then at the camera. “okay,” phil breathed in and then ‘took in his persona’. “hey guys!” he said cheerfully, but all it did is make him dizzy. dan was like, on top of phil, so hes grateful that he was, or phil wouldve fallen over. “im here with dan.” phil pointed at him, and dan waved, his white oversized cat shirt being exposed, and you could even see his naked legs, since hes wearing shorts. “we are doing the boyfriend tag.” phil said slowly, and dan nodded jumping up and down on the bed. “phil is my boyfriend! boyfriend phil! philip lester, boyfriend!” he yelled, making phil giggle. “okay, want ask the questions, or do u want me go ask them?” asked phil to dan. “ask me the questions! then we will do it back!” dan suggested, and phil nodded encouragingly. “okay, first question.” phil unlocked his phone and read it very carefully. “when is my birthday?” he asked. “bonus points for the zodiac sign!” “january 30th, that makes you a……” he strung out the ‘a’ to think. “an Aquarius! aquarium.” he laughed, and phil chuckled. “correct baby.” he leaned in to kiss dan, and dan kissed him, tasting of vodka and ribena. “okay, now,” phil was going to go to the next question, but dan protested. “now do mine! do mine!” dan pouted, crossing his arms. “june 11th! youre a gemini.” phil stuttered out, making dan laugh. “lucky guess.” he muttered jokingly. “next question,” phil scrolled down the page. “where did i grow up?” “im too drunk for this phil!!” he moaned out. “the north! thats all youre getting.” “well, youre not wrong.” said phil. “ill give you the point.” “what about me?” asked dan. “the south.” “ugh! exact place!” “not fair, you didnt do that for me!” “ugh, whatever.” dan pouted again. “wipe that pout off your face princess.” phil whispered, grabbing dans chin. “im just kidding philly!” dan kissed phil, getting him off guard. “okay, next,” phil asked. “whats my middle name?” “michael! these are too easy! i want harder ones. test me!” dan groaned out, and phil rolled his eyes. “okay, okay,” phil said. he scrolled down to another website, which had different questions. “how about this: where was our first date?” “EASY!” he yelled, throwing his hands up. “well, kinda,” he muttered. “its hard!” “well, tell me.” phil said suggestively, leaning closer to dan. “we first met of course at the train station,” he muttered out. “and then we went straight to your house, and, did things. does that count as a first date?” this took him way too long to say, as he was stuttering madly. “yes, it does. great job, cutie.” phil said happily and leaned in for a kiss. “okay, let me ask the question!” phil started to give him the phone, but dan refused, saying he wants go make one up. “whats the first thing you notice about me?” he asked a bashful. “your smile.” phil said simply. no explanation was needed to make dan feel all warm inside. dan covered his face and leaned on phils shoulder, grinning like mad. once he got up, he looked at phil, seeing his wonderful, eyes. “you know what mine is.” he muttered, almost inaudible. it was phils turn to blush. they lean in and kiss once again, but longer than before. when they pulled apart, dan was seeing actual stars, and couldnt even understand what was happening, completely forgot about the video. “oh my god, i love you so much.” he said in a shush tone, with phils hand on his cheek. they were only a few inches away from each other, and phil loved it. phil was exploding every inch of dans face, and so was dan. every moment phil made, it made him more dizzy and more dazed, but he didnt care. within a few moments, they both locked eyes, and somehow, both remembered they were recording. “uh, one more question,” phil stuttered out, as dan looked around for his almost empty drink. “okay, last question. what is my favorite color?” “easy, blue.” dan said, as he drank his final sips of his drink before crushed it and threw it. “hey!” phil protested, looking over at the cup. “ill pick it ip later, babe.” dan slurred out almost incoherently. “whats mine?” “easy, pink.” phil mocked. dan smiled softly, putting his arms around phils neck, phil put this hands on dans waist. “what kind of pink?” he muttered, with his sloppy grin on his face, his curly hair perfect in tack still. (which surprised phil) “pastel.” dan groaned jokingly, letting his head drop down onto phils shoulders. “oh my god, i tried to trick you!” dan yelled. “well, you didnt. 8 years of friendship pays off.” phil joked. dan put his head on phils shoulder, his head facing the camera. “can we finish? i wanna cuddle with you watch disney movies.” phil chuckled and nodded. “we’ll finish, lets do the outro.” phil tapped dan, so he can get up from his shoulder, but dan didnt move a muscle, indicating hes not moving. “okay, well, goodbye everyone, please like a subscribe to me and dans channel, and our gaming channel! love you!” he waved and awkwardly looked at dan. “i need to turn off that camera baby.” dan groaned and got up from phils shoulder. phil got up and turned off the camera, sitting right on his bed again next to dan. “can we just cuddle?” phil can tell dan was getting tired, and getting all drained. he gets like this when hes drunk, but also after recording videos. “of course, princess.” phil laid down, then wrapping his arms around dan who is not next to them. they peacefully fall asleep, with the lights on and phils snoring. *:・゚✧ it was the morning, and phil is posting his premade video on lessamazingphil, just a quick vlog from florida. its taking surprisingly long to process, since its only 2 minutes, but phil didnt question it. its almost done, so phil went to go see dan, who has the worst hangover ever. “how are you baby?” asked phil, laying next to dan. “better, how bad was it?” he asked, and phil laughed. “you were fine, not as bad as a few months ago, but you were not any better.” dan groaned, and at that moment his phone dinged. he unlocked his phone to see the notification, YouTube popping up, and it was phils new video. “uh, phil.” dan said. “yes?” phil hummed. “you posted the wrong video.” “what?” phil yelled a little too loudly for dan, as he backed away and gave phil his phone in just one beat. “i uploaded our drunk boyfriend tag.” dans eyes widen. “we filmed a video? no way, i dont remember this. did we kiss?” “i was drunk too!” “well, i would keep it up.” “why?” “we already made this mistake once, lets just let them have what they want.”
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zmayadw · 3 years
Hello to all :)
Here is the next part, time for another fun at the Aurora :)
Wish you all a nice evening!
I sat at the bed, feeling the knot in my stomach. Thinking about going to Aurora and seeing Phil made me shudder. I hated the tought of having to talk to him about this, but i knew it had to be done. I threw myself backwards on the bed, taking the pillow, putting it on my face. Damn, i tought, can my life get more complicated. The sound of a new message on my phone made me get up. It was from Jake.
Jake: Hey, we're heading to the Aurora now.
Jake: You there already?
Maya: No, still at the motel.
Maya: Just about to leave.
Jake: Alright
Jake: See you soon :)
Maya: See you soon :)
Well, guess i better be going, i tought, taking my stuff and leaving the motel. I drove there as slow as i could, the knot in my stomach intensifying as i turned to the Auroras parking. Turning the car off,I just sat there staring at the entrance. I lowered my head on the wheel, thinking of just heading back, no one saw me coming, i could make some excuse why i didnt show up. A knock on the window made me look back up. It was Jessy. She opened the door „Oh, c'mon, everything will be fine.“ I looked at her, saying protestingly „Do i really have to go in?“ She smiled, ushering me out of the car „Yes, you do. Now, lets go.“ I got out reluctantly, letting Jessy practically drag me inside. We came to the booth where they sat. „Hello everyone!“ Jessy said cheerfuly, sitting herself next to Dan, who gave her a kiss on the cheek. She draged me next to her, and i was just apposite from Jake, giving him a quick smile. I said 'hello' to everyone, when i looked towards the bar. Phil was there, winking and smiling, showing with his hand for me to come. I smiled back, noding and raising my finger, indicating i would in a minute. I looked at Jake, his face darkening a bit. Ah, god, i said to myself, keep it calm Maya, everything will be fine. „We're just waiting for Cleo, she said she will be late for a few minutes.“ It was Hannah, wich made me look at her, smiling. „Its fine“ Jessy said „Soo, what you all been up to lately? She said, looking at each of them, stopping her gaze at Jake, grinning as crazy. Jakes eyes widened at it, and i kicked her under the table with my foot. „Uff“ she protested, as i leaned to her, whispering „ Jessy, behave, please!“ She grinned, sticking her toung just for me to see, before turning to others „I myself got a job interwiev today.“ Everyone cheered at her, when my phone beeped with new message.
Jake: I guess she knows :P
Maya: Ofcourse she knows
Maya: I told you she would see right through me :P
As Cleo didnt show up yet i excused myself, heading for the bar. Phil grinned at me „Well, hey there, gorgeous. It's nice too see you finaly!“ I putted on my best smile, hoping he wont notice my nervousness. „Hello, Phil.“ I said, sitting at the stool. „You look tiered“ he said, and i quickly replied „Working till late, sleeping little, it got to me.“ „Aww, sorry to hear that.“ He looked at me with that devilish grin , winking „But still looking good as always.“ The knot in my stomach tightened, and i had to force myself to smile „Aww thanks, Phil, you always know what a girl wants to hear. Can i get two beers, please, for Jessy and me?“ i asked, to wich he winked, getting two glasses and filling them with beer. „Hey, Phil“ i said, him looking at me. I was about to ask if we could talk later, when Hannah called me from the booth. I turned to see Cleo arrived, so i turned back to Phil. „Never mind, it can wait. Oh, and we'll need another beer for Cleo there.“ I said, taking the beers and heading back to the booth. I could feel Jakes intensifying gaze on me as i sat down, but i dared not to look at him. „So, now that everyone is here, i guess i can tell you why i called you all.“ Hannah said,a bit nervous, but happy nervous. „Yes, please“ Cleo started „All this suspension is killing me!“ Cleo was Hannahs best friend, and you could see the two wer close and cared for each other a lot. Phil came to our booth, bringing the beer for Cleo. He smiled and winked at me as he left. My phone beeped again.
Jake: Does he have to do it all the time?
Maya: Jake, please, just relax.
I shot him a stern look, when i saw he read my message, getting a bit agitated by it. I knew this wont be easy for him, even tho i reasured him i have no feelings for Phil anymore. Wich actualy was true. Seeing Phil now, after all that happened with Jake, i felt nothing. No sparks, no butterflies, nothing. It was like seeing a friend, nothing more. So i had tough time pretending all was as before even without Jakes jelousy. „Well“ Hannah started, and i turned to her now. „We called you all here, because we want to share a happy news with you guys.“ She said it, her whole face glowing as she smiled. I had a hunch where this might lead to, so a smile started creeping to my face. She threw her hand towards the middle of the table, a descreet diamond ring decorating her finger. The ring was simple, yet beautiful at the same time, because of it. She chimed happily „We got engaged!“ Cleo, Lily and Jessy all screamed in unison, Hannah joining them, wich made me chuckle. All got up from their seats, going to congrtulate Hannah and Thomas, and i waited for my turn. As i stod there, a hand took mine, and i saw it was Jakes. All this comotion gave him an opportunity for it, and he took it. I smiled gently at him, making a few strokes with my finger to his hand. Phil showed up then, bringing shot glasses, setteling them on the table „It's on the house!“ he chimed, grining at Hannah and Thomas „Congrats to the happy couple!“ They both smiled, thanking him for the drinks. As he was about to leave, he leaned to me, whispering at my ear „Mmm, thats a nice perfume you have there, gorgeous.“ He winked walking away. I was still holding Jakes hand, feeling him tensing when Phil leaned to me. I squized his hand, looking at him pleadingly, mouthing 'please, relax'. He looked at me,closed his eyes taking a deep breath. He opened them, squizing my hand, and i could see a bit of relaxation in him, wich made me relaxe a bit, too. It got my turn to congratulate Hannah and Thomas, so i squized Jakes hand once more before letting it go. „Im really happy for you two!“ I said to Hannah, hugging her tightly. She smiled at me „Thank you, Maya.“ I hugged Thomas next „Congratulations! You take good care of her.“ I told him, him hugging me back tightly „I will. And, Maya, thank you“ he started, and i looked at him a bit confused. „For everything that you did for us. If it wernt for you...“ he trailed off, and i could see his eyes getting a bit teary. I myself felt tears starting to form in my eyes „Oh, Thomas“ i started, hugging him once more „No need to thank me. Im glad i could help.“ We parted, and i scolded at him, smiling „Now, dont you get me all teary, we are celebrating!“ and we both smiled. We all sat back, taking the shots, toasting for Hannah and Thomas before drinking. Hannah looked so happy, and i was glad, she deserved it. They both did. I got up again, excused myself for going to toilet. As i was coming back, i took the opportunity to try and talk to Phil again. I got to the bar, Phil looking up at me, smiling. „That was kinda...“ he pause. „Expected?“ i finished, grining at him „Exactly!“ he chimed, grining back. „Well, they deserve to be happy.“ I started, adding after a pause „Finally.“ My toughts wondered back to all that happened, and how all could ended up differently, unfavorable for them. „Are you happy, gorgeous?“ I shook my head, clearing it from my toughts, looking at Phil „What?“ He looked at me, with that intensifing look of his „It's a simple question. Are you happy?“ „What made you ask?“ i said to him. Phil squinted his eyes, then raising his eyebrow at me „Dont know.“ He started „Something is different about you. But i cant quite get what.“ Son of a bitch, i tought, what are those Hawkinsis clairvoyant?! First Jessy saw right through me, and now Phil thinks something is up? I better step up my game! I smiled at Phil „What's not to be happy about?“ i said „Im here, alive and kicking, i met some wonderful new friends, they are happy, so i am happy, too.“ „And what about love, Maya?“ he asked, and i tensed a bit. Shit, shit,
shit. What was going on here? Was it really written all over my face, that something was up? I had to turn this conversation arround, and fast. „Awww Phil, are you getting sentimental on me here?“ i tried, grining at him. Phil looked at me, a bit serious for a moment, before a grin started to creep to his mouth. „You cant be serious for a second, can you?“ he told me, shaking his head at me, smiling. „I can, when needed.“ I replied, and he looked at me inquisitional. „Phil, i need to tell...“ i started, and i got interrupted, again, by Dan coming to us. Phil looked a bit annoyed at him showing up, and i was ,too. „Hey you two, i hope im not interrupting, but can we get another round of shots, please.“ Phil took a deep breath, before he put his best smile on, answering „Ofcourse, Dan, coming right up.“ Dan grined „Excelent!“ turning to me „Come on, Maya, lets get back.“ I looked at Phil, mouthing 'sorry' as Dan pulled me with him. He just shook his head, focusing back on getting the shots ready. We sat back at the booth, and Jessy leaned to me, whispering „What are you doing, Maya? With Phil, i mean? Jake looks like he wants to jump out of his skin!“ Oh, wonderful, i tought. I leaned to Jessy, whispering through my teeth, emphasizing my annoyance „I'm trying to talk to him, Jessy. I dont want him finding out about Jake and me from someone else. At least i owe him that much!“ I looked at her, she noticing my frustration. „Oh.“ Was all she could say, giving me a simpatetical smile. Phil brought those shots then. Noticing my frustration, he squized me by my shoulder, winking at me as he left. Jake was so frustrated by now with Phils actions, i knew i had to talk to him ASAP. We drank the shots, and chated for a while. Ok, here we go, third time is the lucky one, right? „Next round is on me!“ i chimed cheerfuly at them, as i got up heading for the bar. „Hello..again.“ i told Phil, annoyance showing in my voice, and he smiled at me. „Another round?“ he grined „Yes, please“. Alright, Maya, i tought to myself, its now or never. He was readying the shots „Phil, can we talk?“ He looked at me, noticing me being a bit serious. „Why so serious, gorgeous?“ he asked. „Well, i have something to tell you.“ „Ok“ he said „Go on.“ Finaly, i tought, but i was lost on words, i had no idea how to start this conversation. I was about to , when Phils phone rang, and i couldnt belive it. „Oh, for the love of it!“ i exclimed frustrated out loud, Phil looking at me in bewilderment. „Sorry, gorgeous, but its work, i gotta take it.“ „Its fine“ i said, frustration boiling in me now. Phil answered the phone, going to the storage room. I hoped he would be back soon, before someone or something interupts us again. All of a sudden, someone was next to me. I turned, eyes opening wide „Jake? What are you doing here?“ He looked at me, a bit of annoyance on his face at me asking. „Why? Am i interrupting something?“ I was still so frustrated with all the interuptions, when all i wanted was to talk to Phil and be done with it. „Yes.“ I said to him, probably a bit too harsh. He looked at me, raising his eyebrow „ I'm sorry, i'll leave you to your flirting then.“ He said, frustration and annoyance showing in his voice, too. He was about to turn and leave. „Oh, dont be so dramatical!“ I snaped at him. „Dramatical?“ he hised back at me. „Oh, im sorry if i dont like to see another guy, a guy that the girl i'm crazy about had feelings for, flirt with her so openly right before my eyes!“ he almost yelled it, wich made our friends notice something was happening, now watching at us intensly. „Arghhh“ i groaned with frustration „We talked about this, and you said you will be fine!“ i raised my voice now, too. „Im doing what i have to do, Jake, and im doing it for us!“ i hissed at him. We wer standing so close now, neither of us realizing it. „Well, i cant stand it anymore!“ he yelled, and before i knew, he pulled me to him and kissed me. All frustration left my body then, and i could feel him relaxing also. My eyes opened wide, as i pushed myself from him „What are you
doing?“ i asked surprised. He moved back to me, putting his arms arround my waist, pulling me back, smiling „Kissing you?“ I shook my head, putting my hands arround his neck „I noticed.“ I said chuckling. „But that wasnt what we had in plan.“ „I dont care anymore, Maya.“ He said, looking softly at me. „Im done hiding. Let them all know i'm crazy about you.“ He kissed me again, and this time i didnt move away. Whistles and cheers sounded from the booth our firends wer at, and Dan yelled „You go, hackerboy!“ We broke the kiss, chuckling at each other. „Now you've done it!“ i told him, grinning. „Sorry?“ he said, grinning through his teeth. My face got all seriouse then. Jake turned to where i was looking, tensing a bit. „Shit. Sorry, Maya.“ I sighed „It's ok, Jake. Can you give me a moment alone with Phil?“ „Ofcourse“ he said, giving me a sympatetic smile. He walked to the booth, and i turned to Phil. „Now i get what was different about you.“ he said to me, a bit of sadness on his face. I felt awful, i dint want for him to find out like this. „Im sorry, Phil.“ I said „Can we talk later? I want to explain everything to you.“ I added pleadingly „Please?“ He looked at me for a moment „Alright. Come tomorrow so we can talk in peace.“ I smiled at him „Thanks, Phil.“ I added after a moment „And i really am sorry.“ „Me too, Maya, me too.“ He said, and i felt even worse. „Come on“ he started, taking the tray with the shots i ordered before, leaving from behind the bar „Lets get your friends those drinks.“ Phil settled the shots at our table, barely sparing me a look as he left. I sat nex to Jake, him taking my hand. „Everything alright?“ he asked me. „It will be.“ I told him. „Well, then“ Hannah started, grinning at us „Now i know where Jake was hiding recently.“ I chuckled, and Jake blushed a bit, getting unconfortable for being the center of attention. „I'll drink to that!“ Dan said cheerfuly, taking his glass, and we all did the same. „To all of us!“ Hannah said cheerfully, and we drank. I was sitting across from Dan now, and as he took another sip of his drink, i kicked him under the table at his shin. He 'uffed', looking at me puzzeled „Heyy, what was that for?“ I squinted my eyes, leaning on the table towards him, looking all serious „Thats for calling him the 'hackerboy'. Again!“ Jessy laughed so hard at it, as Jake threw his hand arround me „That's my girl!“
When we got back to the motel i was exausted. I just wanted to curl with Jake in bed and sleep. I kicked my sneakers off, going for the bathroom. I changed to my sleeping shirt and headed back to the room. He gave me a sleepy smile as he passed me and went in the bathroom, too. I snuck to bed, wraping myself in the covers. Tonight was a good night, considering all. I was happy for Hannah and Thomas. Jake came to bed, hugging me from the back, and i moved as close to him as i could. I smiled as he kissed me softly on the neck. I took his hand in mine. „Dont try aynthing“ i said to him sleepyly „Im too tired“. He giggled „Dont worry, im exausted myself.“ He sighed „Maya, i'm really sorry about tonight. About Phil.“ I turned to him now, my eyes getting heavier. „It's ok.“ I smiled sleepily „But can we not talk about it anymore for tonight? I'll deal with it tomorrow.“ „Alright“ he said „Just wanted you to know.“ I moved my head to his chest, him pulling me closer. I felt he smiled, before he said „Im not sorry i kissed you in front of everyone, tho.“ „Im not sorry you did it, either.“ I said, smiling. I raised my head, giving him a kiss, laying my head back to his chest „Good night, Jake.“ „Good night, Maya.“ He said, and i fell a sleep almost instantly.
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zmayadw · 3 years
Evening all :)
Hope you all had a nice few days :)
Anyway, here is the next part.
Enjoy your evening!
The sun was out already when i woke up the next day. Jake was still asleep next to me. He looked so peacful, no worry showing on his face. I smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek, running my hand through his hair. „'Morning, sleepyhead.“ I said, nibbling softly at his ear. He smiled, his eyes still closed. „Are you trying to kill me? I'm so sore from all the fun we had yesterday, i'm not sure i'll be able to get out of bed.“ I laughed at it „Don't worry, i'll let you rest.“ Adding, kissing him on the neck „At least for the morning.“ Now he laughed, taking the pillow form under his head, throwing it at me. „You're crazy.“ He said turning, giving me a long kiss. „You're welcome to take a shower.“ I told him „it might ease some of the soreness off.“ „That's not a bad idea.“ He gave me one more kiss, getting out of the bed. As he neared the bathroom doors, i asked „Is it ok if i turn my phone now?“ „Oh, i forgot.“ He said, going to the desk, unpluging my phone, handing it to me. „It's fine, you can use it normaly.“ „Thanks.“ I turned it on, checking a few messages i got while it was off. One was from Jessy, asking if i contacted Jake. I chuckled, thinking how Jessy will be thrown out of her shoes when i tell her about all that happened with him. I replied to her, asking if she wants to meet for coffee later. I checked other messages, and tensed a bit when i saw the one from Phil. „Hey gorgeous, hope you ok. Havent heard from you for a while, just checking up on you. Don't be a stranger ;)“ Shit, i tought, i forgot about Phil. I threw my phone on the bed, burrying my face in the pillow. Ah, crap. I will have to talk to Phil soon, and i dreaded it. He was always nice to me, and i was willing to give him a chance if things with Jake didnt turn out like this. I took my phone back, replying to Phil „Hey, hey, all is fine. Been bussy working. But thanks for checking up on me! Will come to Aurora for a drink soon, promise! :) „ Jessy replied in the mean time, telling she is free arround 13h, and i replied confirming our meeting. Phil also replied. „Glad to hear you ok! Dont work yourself out, take a break ;) See you soon, gorgeous.“ Bah, i tought, throwing my phone back to bed. I so didnt want to have another talk with Phil. Even tho he said he would be fine, i knew it wouldnt go easy on him. He really was into me, and i didnt feel good knowing what i had to do. I got lost in my toughts, that i havent noticed Jake was standing at the bathrom door, looking at me curiously. „Everything ok?“ he asked. I sighed, giving him a small smile „It will be.“ „You sure?“ he asked, and i could see he wasnt sattisfied with my answer. „Yes, Jake, im sure. Its nothing that cant wait.“ I said giving him a bit better smile. He looked at me a bit skeptically „Alright, if you say so.“ My phone rang then, and i was grateful for it. I really didnt want to talk to Jake about Phil, at least not right now. Jake got agitated at my phone as i took it, answering it a bit surprised. „Hannah?“ i said, and i saw Jake was being confused as much as me. „Hello, Maya.“ She replied cheerfuly „Hope i'm not disturbing you.“ „Ofcours not.“ I told her „Whats up?“ „Well, i called to ask if you are free tonight? I'm inviting everyone for drinks at the Aurora. I'v got some good news to share with you all.“ „Ofcourse!“ i told her cheerfuly. „Great.“ She chimed from the other side. „You we'r the last one i needed to call. I tried yesterday, but your phone was unreachable.“ „Yeah, i turned it off, wanted some peace while working, sorry.“ I said sounding apologetically, looking at Jake. He just grinned at me. „No need to apologise, i understand. Well, i do have someoe else to contact.“ She said „I dont suppose you heard from or seen my half-brother recently?“ „Jake?“ i asked, trying to sound surprised, and he looked at me rising his eyebrows. „No, sorry, i havent seen him, or talked to him recently.“ „Hmm, i called him few times, but he didnt answer or called me back.“ She said, sounding a bit worried. „Im sure hes fine.“ I told her, grinning at Jake., him shaking his head at
me. „Yeah, you're probably right. Anyway, i have to go now. Cya tonight, arround nine.“ „Cya tonight, Hannah.“ I lovered my phone, Jake asking „What was that about?“ „Well“ i started „Hannah wants for all of us to meet at the Aurora tonight, she has some news she wants to share.“ I looked at him inquiry. „Dont look at me, i have no clue what she wants.“ „Hmm, i guess we'll find out tonight then.“ I said. I looked at him „By the way, was it ok i told her i havent seen you? I mean, we havent really talked ourselves about all of this.“ He smiled, sitting next to me. „Its fine, Maya.“ He took my hand, entwining his fingers with mine. „Maybe we should keep it to ourselfs for a while.“ He said, but looked at me with a grin „Even tho i dont care who knows.“ I grinned „Same here.“ „Hmm, you sure about that?“ he asked, and i looked puzzled at him. „Well, we are meeting Hannah at Aurora tonight, and i know one person there who would care.“ Shit, i tought. „If you mean Phil, im very well aware of it.“ I said, getting up from the bed. I got a bit annoyed by Jakes words, even tho i knew he was right. „Maya“ Jake started, and i looked back at him. His eyes met mine, and my heart skipped a beat. I could see insecurity written all over his face, his eyes gloomy. „Do you still feel the same about Phil?“ he asked. I walked back to him, taking his head in my hands, leveling his eyes with mine. „Do you really have to ask me that, after all that happened?“ i told him witha a smile and kissed him. I moved back, meeting his eyes again. „It was always you that i wanted. Only you, Jake.“ He pulled me to him and kissed me, and this time it felt different. Before, his kisses wer packed with desire and lust. But this time his kiss was deep, tender, i would dare to say full of love. „You're amazing.“ He told me „I'm lucky to have you.“ He kissed me again, with that same depth and tenderness as earlier, sending tingles. This time, every move we made was slow and gentle. This time, we made love.
I was getting my sneakers on, as Jake was zipping his hoodie. „Will you be ok tonight? At the Aurora?“ i asked him. „I mean, seeing Phil acting as he would arround me.“ He groaned a bit „Not really, but i'll survive.“ I walked to him, putting my hands arround his neck, saying teasingly „I'll make it up to you later, if you promise to behave.“ He raised his eyebrow at me „That sounds tempting“ he started „But i cant promise you i wont be tempted to not behave.“ I grined at him, giving him a quick kiss „Well, do your best.“ „That, i can promise.“ He said, grining back. I let go of him, grabing my phone checking the time before throwing it at my purse. I took the car keys „I'm gonna be late! You ready?“ „Yes, lets go.“ I gave him the car keys, and he drowe us to the towns center. „Are you gonna tell Jessy about us?“ he asked. „I dont know.“ I said „She was the one who begged me to contact you about the calls, so she knows abou that.“ I paused for a while, a smile creeping to my face „And Jessy can be quite perceptive, she might figure out on her own that something is up.“ I looked at him „Would it be alright with you if she knew?“ „I wouldnt mind“ he said „If she can keep it to herself, for now at least.“ „If i ask it of her, she will.“ I told him. „You two became really close.“ He said , as we came to the parking in the center. „We did , she means a lot to me.“ He turned to me, taking the keys from the ignition. „But you are on top of my 'special people' list.“ I said leaning in for a kiss. He kissed me back, moving away, giving me the keys. „Good.“ He said, grinning „Now off you go, you're late already. And before anyone sees us.“ We left the car, and i started walking backwards from it, blowing him a kiss „See you tonigh.“ He smiled „See you, Maya.“
Jessy was already at the cafe when i came, sitting myself on the chair accross from her „I'm late, i know, i'm sorry!“ I looked at her appologeticaly. „Its fine“ she said, smiling „I got here few minutes ago myself, to be honest.“ „Good.“ I told her. „So what have you been up lately?“ i asked, her face getting cheerful. „Well, as a matter of fact, i have some good news.“ „Yeah? Well, out with it allready!“ i chimed happily. „Ok, ok. Well you know i had to find a new job, after all that happened.“ Her face got a bit gloomy as she said it, and i understood it. I gave her a small smile, thinking how much her life must have been affected by all that have happened. Jet, she stayed so positive through it all. „Anyway“ she continued „I had a job interwiev today.“ „Oh, Jessy, that's great!“ i exclaimed cheerfuly „Where at?“ She smiled „At the library.“ I clapped my hands at it, i knew how much Jessy liked that place, and books, too. „Thats excellent, not just good news, Jessy! I'm happy for you.“ i told her, smiling sencerely. „Well, i havent gotten the job, jet.“ She started „But i have a very good chance for it.“ „I'm sure you will get it.“ I told her. „Anyway, enough about me. Did you contact Jake already?“ she asked, getting all serious on me. „I did.“ I said, a small smile appearning at the corner of my lips. „Good.“ She said, not noticing „And, what happened?“ A lot, i tought to myself. „Well, he checked my phone, to see if it was hacked or something.“ „Did he find anything?“ I sighed „Unfortunatly, no.“Thats not good.“ Jessy said „Can't he do anything else? I mean, isn't that like his expertise?“ „He is trying one more thing.“ I told her. „He connected' to my incoming calls, again.“ I started, and Jessy looked inquiringly at me. „We're hoping he can figure out the location from where the calls are comming like that.“ „Hmm, that would be usefull.“ „Indeed“ i said „I just wish all would end soon, i'm getting terrified by it all, Jessy.“ „I know, Maya“ she said „I'm sure Jake will be abel to find something.“ „I hope so, Jessy.“ I said. „He will.“ She said, smiling reasuringly at me „We all know how skillful he is.“ Indeed, i tought, and not just with computers. Jessy was looking at me now, like she could read my toughts. She squinted her eyes at me „Something else is up.“ „What do you mean?“ i said, trying to sound as calm as i could. „You look different.“ „Different how?“ i asked. „I dont know“ she started „It's like, you're glowing.“ She continued looking at me, and i got a bit fidgety. She was staring intensly at me. Then, all of a sudden, her eyes opened wide, a grin on her face. „You hooked up!“ she almost screamed. „What?“ i tried to sound confused, but she didnt bought it. „You and Jake, you hooked!“ she chimed again. „Dont denie it!“ she said, grinning at me. I groaned „Fine! Yes, we hooked.“ I looked at her, and we both started squilling like a teenage girls. „Finaly!“ she said laughing „Im happy for you, Maya.“ „Thanks, Jessy. Im happy ,too. But, please, keep it to yourself. At least for now.“ I said pleadingly. „Ohh, i'll try my best, i promise.“ she said. „Give it your best, at least for tonight.“ I pleaded her again. She got serious „Uh, oh, Aurora tonight.“ „Yes, Aurora tonight.“ I said, dreadfully “It can never be simple for me.“ She gave me an akward smile, squizing my hand. We stayed silent for a moment, before a smile started creeping back to Jessys face. „Sooo“ she started „Jake and you? Talk! And i want to hear everything. And i mean, E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.“ I laughed, Jessy looking at me with the biggest grin on her face. „Alright.“ I said, Jessy clapping her hands excitedly.
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