#like i'll be mean and call him pathetic when i'm trying to not let myself be overly emotional about the fictional man
bhaalsdeepbat · 7 months
sometimes when people describe astarion as pathetic, they'll list all his more feminine characteristics rather than like
it's fucking pathetic of him to be mad if you save the gnomes, even if you understand why he disapproves it. It's still fucking pathetic. he's also extremely pathetic when he ascends and starts becoming more like Caz, but it's bc it's pathetic that the power goes to his head like that simply bc he would rather insulate himself with power than allow himself to face his past and overcome it.
not because he deserves nice things and finery.
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elliespassagerprincess · 11 months
house wife reader x mean ellie 👀 ellie works long hours on the weekdays and takes out all of her anger on her docile wife who cooks all her meals, does all of her laundry, cleans the entire house, and make sure ellie’s satisfied 24/7.
Satisfied - (ellie williams x housewife reader)
hi anon! mean ellie? hell yeah. I hope you don't mind, but I added my own twist. I hope you enjoy <3
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Pairing: mean ellie x housewife fem!reader
requests are open, feel free to leave one!
HUGE warnings: toxic relationships, murder, gore, violence
Summary: in which you were the perfect housewife
authors note: I'm literally trying to empty out my request inbox, so be ready because there's a bunch of fics coming your way!
"so when last have you seen her?" The police officer asked as he sat across you.
"well she went out yesterday and she never came back"
you saw him look at you and Ellie's house as he was taking notes.
"Any arguments?"
once again you saw the pen write something on some paper. You wanted to know what exactly he was writing about.
What was talking him so long? You wanted him to fucking leave.
"Thank you for answering these questions, we'll call if we need anything else" the officer said as he stood up.
"Thank you for your hard work! Do I need to walk you out?" You asked with smile
"no, I'll show myself out" was all he said as he walked towards the front door.
As soon as he was out of sight you got up and ran to window to check if he was gone. You watched his car pull out the driveway, and you let out a sigh of relief.
fucking finally.
You ran to you and Ellie's shared room, and between heavy breathes you said "she almost caught us baby".
You walked towards the bed, where Ellie's decomposing body lay. Flies circled her body, her skin was pale and cold to the touch.
You put some of her hair behind her ear "it's ok now, they'll never catch us" you whispered
You loved Ellie. And you would anything for you. Anything including quitting your job and becoming her housewife.
In the beginning you hated it, staying home, cooking, cleaning. But when Ellie praised you, you fucking loved it.
And soon after you became the stereotypical housewife. Cute outfits, aprons that matched whatever you wore. You always woke up before her, to prepare her favorite breakfast. You cooked her dinner.
You fucking did everything.
The two of you were happy. Until Ellie got a promotion. She got more work, the pressure was getting worse for the poor girl.
Ellie came home late and most nights she barley even slept. You tried supporting your wife as best you could. You tried cleaning the house before she came come. You did all her laundry, you even chose her outfits most days.
But it was never enough for her.
One night you cooked Ellie's favorite meal. A prideful smile was on your lips as you put the plate in front of her.
This would cheer her up. You knew it would.
Ellie glanced down at the plate, and she looked back at you. The dark circles under her eyes looked even darker than they did yesterday.
"You are so fucking pathetic" she started.
"I work all fucking day to come to this shit? And look, this table is dusty" she added.
Ellie got up from where she was sitting and she threw the plate filled with food onto the floor. "You have cleaning to do, and don't fucking serve this shit again" she walked out of the dining room and you sat there mouth agape.
This was the first time she's ever said anything like that to you. You sobbed in the kitchen that night. You felt sick to your stomach.
Everything you did was for Ellie and for the first time she wasn't satisfied with you.
Your main mission in life became to serve. To serve her. But what do you do when the one you did everything for, wasn't satisfied?
The next morning you woke up bright and early, and you cooked Ellie a widespread of breakfast. Fruit salad, bacon, eggs pancakes and so much more decorated the table.
You heard the bedroom door open and you saw her walk out, she glanced at the table
"I'm not hungry" was all she said and she walked out the front door.
You were shattered.
Since that day everything you did was wrong.
You couldn't clean right.
Her fingers ran along the cupboard, and she looked at you with a frown.
"Can you not clean right? Should i get a maid? Because you cant do shit"
you couldn't do the laundry right.
you stood in the doorway watching Ellie fit on her suit. She looked herself in the mirror before she made eye contact with you.
"It's still wrinkled and there's a stain" she pointed out.
"fix it" was all she said before she threw the clothes on the floor.
You couldn't even cook right.
Ellie only had one spoon of her food before she pushed her plate to the side
"what's wrong?" you asked
"this is disgusting"
it hurts. Every insult Ellie hurled at you hurt.
You knew she was stressed but it didn't give her the right to take her stress out on you.
One night you tried talking to Ellie. But she didn't want to. She didn't have energy for this.
"Don't you have a house to clean? Oh wait you can't even do that right" she said through a chuckle.
You snapped.
You let out a scream as you grabbed the lamp on your side of the bed. You jumped onto the bed, and you shit her over and over again.
"the perfect"
"housewife" you yelled.
Blood littered the walls, and your hands. Heavy breathes left your mouth as you looked at the scene.
"Oh Ellie I'm sorry! This room is filthy! I'll clean it"
you scrubbed the walls, you changed the bedding and you gave her a bath.
Everything was back to normal. It was all clean.
You looked at her decomposing body. She looked peaceful and she wasn't being mean anymore.
This was the girl you fell in love with.
You gave her a kiss on the forehead before you muttered "its time for breakfast" and you left the room to start making your girl breakfast.
You weren't sure how long you were going to get away with this, but for the time being you were happy.
She was better dead anyway.
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hyuuukais · 11 months
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.・゜-: ✧ :- FICTIONAL REALITY .・゜-: ✧ :-
pairing • bang chan x fem reader
synopsis • fiction or reality? y/n preferred the former, escaping into another world, escaping her problems. so what happens when reality takes that away from her; wiping her own story-in-progress off both her laptop and beloved usb? and what happens when she opens the door in the middle of a crisis to none other then the love interest of her novel... and he's holding her usb?
warnings • general, food mentions, minho implies he wants to kill someone lol, y/ns ex is possessive, y/n is called a freak and pathetic
"Yeah, no."
Minho blinks at you, confused. "Why not?"
"Why not? Why- Min-" you slump down into your office chair, laptop light highlighting your frustrated features. "I've moved on! I'm over it!" Chan's words echo in your head. "The past is the past and should stay that way."
"Clearly something thinks you're a liar," he crosses his arms. "Other than me."
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"You're clearly not over it! Why would you be?" He throws his arms up, looking at you directly. You avoid eye contact. "I wouldn't blame you if you weren't. That guy was seriously messed up."
"You don't know the half of it."
"So tell me."
Growing more irritated by the second, you push yourself up, looking up at Minho. Eyes meeting, he crosses his arms again, holding your glare just as intensely. There's something there- between you. Old tension, feelings of hurt and betrayal. No one knew you like he did, once upon a time, but could you ever get back to that?
Lightly, he brings a hand to your face, the other making its way up your arm, onto your shoulder. You sigh, leaning into the touch. Human connection never felt so good, so needed. He knew exactly how to make you give in.
"I'll tell you the basics," you say quietly, removing yourself from him. You choose to sit back in your chair, Minho getting comfortable on the couch.
"I always imagined myself getting married, having the best night of my life with the one I loved more than anything. I never thought it would be so scary," you begin, closing your eyes.
Images flood your mind; you in front of a floor-length mirror dressed in white, him behind you, pulling your hair back and breathing in your ear. He didn't have to say anything, just gave you that look. Clueless to your plan, he kisses your neck, whispering about how happy he was to finally have you forever. That if you broke this promise, something bad was sure to happen.
"You're mine," a shiver runs down your spine. "Only mine. Understand?"
Blinking back tears, you nod.
"Words, darling."
"Only yours," you whisper, and he smiles. "Always yours."
Pressing a final kiss to your temple, he leaves you alone in the dressing room. Finally, you let yourself break, falling onto your knees with a hand over your mouth to attempt to stifle your sobs. Makeup runs down your cheeks, and you can't breathe.
Someone steps into your room, lets out a gasp; they're by your side in an instant. Through your tears you can barely process Yeji trying to talk to you, trying to calm you down. Eventually your sobs lessen, her hand rubbing soothing circles on your back.
"Hyun's outside in the car when you're ready," she gives you a firm look. "Are you sure you want this?"
Her eyes are sad, knowing there may be a chance she'll never see you again. She was the only one who knew everything. Of course, you told Minho some stuff, mostly when he pressed you for an answer, but there were things you couldn't share. If you told him, he'd probably end up in jail.
"...then I left with Hyunjin."
Silence. Minho doesn't speak when you finish, just looks at you unblinking. You can't tell what he's thinking, but his fists are clenched at his sides. Shaking his head, he lets out a sharp breath.
"What?" You question. "What are you thinking?"
"I'm thinking that if I ever see that guy again, he's dead."
"...this is exactly why I never told you any of this." You can't help but laugh, and he stares at you harder. "As long as I'm here, neither of us should be seeing Yeonjun for a very long time."
Minho looks at you. "You said his name."
"Yeah..." You didn't even realize. "I guess I did."
Quiet settles between you two, less suffocating this time around. Sunlight peeks over the horizon, lighting up the room ever so slightly, and you realize just how tired you are. Yawning, you move over to the couch, draping your legs over Minho's lap. He makes a noise, pretending to shove you off, but you know he doesn't mind if it's you.
A few hours pass before you wake again, and the warmth of Minho is gone. Before you can wonder where he is, the smell of food wafts up the stairs- he's making breakfast. You stretch, wrap the blanket Minho must have put on your during the night around your shoulder, and head down.
"Morning sunshine," you yawn again as he scrapes the eggs onto a plate. "You literally have no food, so you better be happy with eggs again."
Waving him off, you sit, and he brings the plate over. This time, there's toast too, with the slightest bit of jam over it. He brings a matching plate over, sitting across from you this time. You think of last night, the heavy feeling in your chest seeing him again.
"You couldn't have used more jam?"
"No, actually, because like I said before you literally have no food," he rolls his eyes. "I used the rest up."
"We can go out today. Assess the damage of the storm." The eggs are hot, and you burn your tongue on an eager bite. Minho laughs at you. "Shut up." You make sure to blow on your next bite. "People usually are out helping others clear debris after a storm like that, but powerlines might be down more in town, so we have to be careful."
The roads are covered in bits of sticks and leaves, but the damage is surprisingly small. A branch fell onto a local shop, so most attention was focused there, allowing you and Minho to pass through nearly unnoticed.
"Oh, Y/n darling, who's your friend?" Mrs. Yang walks over to you slowly, her grandson close behind. "I've never seen him before. Are you new to town?"
"Ah-" Minho glances between you and the little old lady. "Just visiting."
"Well, you should come by sometime," she looks him up and down, a sly smile on her face. "Are you single?"
A blush spreads over Minho's cheeks. You stifle a laugh, he clears his throat, thoroughly embarrassed. Mrs. Yang spots his arm linked through yours.
"Oh! Y/n, you're not as lonely as I thought," she chuckles. Jeongin looks uncomfortable. "Although I thought you were with that boy over at the café... ah, I suppose I can be wrong sometimes." Your eyes grow wide when she winks at you. "I'll see you around, dear. My husband is over at the shop today doing small repairs, the stubborn old fool, so don't worry about coming in later. He really should call someone to do it for him..."
She mumbles the rest of her sentence, holding onto Jeongin for support as she walks away. You and Minho look at each other. This was definitely a great start to showing him around town. There were a lot of places closed up after the storm, so you couldn't show him much, but you stopped outside the little store you worked at.
"There's Mr. Yang," you say, pointing inside. "I don't know him very well, but he's a good boss I guess."
The one place you avoid is the café, but it looms ahead. Although you're sure Chan has probably forgotten about your little, ah, moment, it lingers in your mind. There was no reasonable explanation for his behaviour, or for the letter, or for your laptop becoming sentient, or-
"Helloooo, Earth to Y/n?" Minho grabs your hand, giving you a weird look. "There you are. I'm hungry."
"Hi hungry I'm-"
"Shut up." Letting go of your hand, he smacks your arm playfully. "The only place I can see nearby that seems to sell food is that guys café."
"That guy has a name," you roll your eyes. "I don't really want to go there..."
"Aren't you like.. a thing? Why wouldn't you want to go?
"We're not- we are not a thing!" You blush, looking away with a huff. "Whatever, fine, let's go."
Walking in, you order quickly and take a seat by the window looking out to the road. There's an unusual amount of people in here, but Chan is nowhere to be seen. Part of you wants to ask the young cashier where he is, but she's too busy. Your order takes a while to arrive, giving you and Minho lots of time to stew in awkward silence. It shouldn't be so weird still, him being here, but you could barely look at him right now.
"Here you go." The waiter brings your plates and drinks, then faces you directly. "Um, the manager- er- Chan, wanted to let you know he might not be able to see you for a while."
"Oh," you're surprised by the sudden comment. "Did he say why?"
"Something about being 'not all there'? I didn't push," they rub their arm anxiously. "Anyway, enjoy your food. It's on the house!"
"Hey wait- aaaand they're gone."
"Smells delicious." Minho takes a forkful, waving it in front of his nose.
"You're just not gonna even acknowledge what that kid said?" He shrugs. "Unbelievable."
"Y/n I can barely wrap my head around anything that's happened in the past 24 hours, forgive me if I let the waiter's weird message for you slide." He takes another bite. "Besides, is it really that weird? Maybe he's just freaked out by you. Chan, not the kid."
You freeze. Maybe he's just freaked out by you.
"Babe, you're a fucking freak," his words ring in your ears. "Seriously. You should be happy I choose to stay with you, 'cause otherwise, you'd be all on your own. Really a pathetic way to live, huh?"
And you can't breathe, fingers turning white by how hard you're gripping the cushion of your seat. But Minho doesn't notice, continuing to eat like he didn't just remind you of everything wrong with you.
notes • it is 6am and now that this is done, i'm going back to sleep
taglist • @yongbbokkie @chaeryred @tenebrisirae @toplinelix @chansdoll @amaranth-writing @3rachachoo @linosjureumi @thebrownemo @tfshouldidohere @channie-143
TAGLIST CLOSED ^^^blue means i can't tag you
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lovely-peace · 3 months
Ugly lies
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Summary: Now that you are over, you wouldn't catch him hung up on somebody that he used to know.
Pairing: Sirius black x slytherin!reader
Warnings: toxic friendship, toxic relationship, insecurities, reader and sirius are ex lovers, not me writing another fic to this song, after just writing the other one-
Wanna know the whole story? This is only a parallelism of another story. It's called Loving Lies, of which the prologue is here reimagined from a different point of view. Wc: 2.4k
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Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
"You're looking at him again."
I quickly lowered my gaze to my food. I poked at my food until I realized that I wasn't hungry at all. Phina sighed.
"This is getting pathetic. He wasn't even a good boyfriend, was he?" her voice sounded so distant.
"Why didn't you invite me go your game?" I asked him.
He looked away. "You wouldn't have liked it anyway."
I looked up again. There he was sitting. He was laughing with his friends, who were probably telling the best jokes in the universe. Unlike mine.
"Didn't he often just leave you alone? Didn't take care of you at parties?" Cassie quietly joined phina.
"Do you want to leave?" My voice was shaking as I stared up at him.
He sighned. "Told you you wouldn't like it. At least let me enjoy it."
My heart stopped for a moment when I thought of him. All the things he had done. But weren't we such a good match?
If only he had cared about me.
"He forgot my birthday." My voice didn't sound like me at all.
"Why are you that mad at me? What did I even do?" His voice was so so loud.
"Forget it." I hissed at him.
"So you know it's pathetic. Eat instead of looking at Sirius' lips."
But had me believing it was always something that I'd done
"Are you that indifferent to me, Sirius? At least look at me!" Why was I even talking to him? What was my goal?
Here I was, sitting in a party, throwing my self-esteem out the window again. A beggar woman. That was me.
"Please leave me alone." Sirius turned away from me, his drink almost spilling over.
"Why are you acting like this? I know I may have hurt you, but that doesn't mean I can't make it up to you!" my voice sounded pathetic.
Why was I like this? I was usually better than this, why was I begging like this?
"We're over. Let it go." His voice was getting harder and harder. "Go back to Whisky and tell her how much I sucked."
He looked at me with hardened eyes.
"But it's your fault we're apart."
My body shuddered. Something was breaking me from the inside and I wanted to cry.
"Are you serious?"
He snorted and looked away again. "You cheated on me." he reminded me, as he had so many times in the last few days.
"After you treated me like a decoration for weeks." I whispered and looked at the floor.
"What did you say?" his eyebrows drew together and I couldn't bear to look at him.
"Forget it." I hissed and disappeared to my friends.
After being bumped into by several people, I made it to Cassie and Phina who gave me disappointed looks.
"What?" I was irritated.
"You've got something there." Phina said, pointing to her cheek.
As I wiped my cheek, it was wet.
And I don't wanna live that way
"I'll let it go."
Cassie gave me a worried look. "That's what you said last time."
I shook my head. "I'll stick to it this time."
Phina yawned. "Heard it all before." She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Get a grip."
I wanted to punch her, but I refrained from doing so. Just lean back and enjoy the music. But I found it so hard to lose myself in the crowd.
"I'm going to whisky." I stood up. "She'll get lost otherwise."
"Yeah, yeah." Phina waved her hand at me. "Just don't get lost yourself."
I swayed around in the crowd while my eyes searched for the Hufflepuff girl. Did she miss me?
Probably not.
I walked slowly near the bar where I had left her last time. She never wanted to dance and at some point I had stopped trying to get her to.
But then I saw him. He was standing far too close to her. So close that she leaned back a little, as if she didn't like it.
Was this his way of getting revenge? Maybe.
In any case, I wouldn't put up with it.
"Sirius!!!" I shouted sounding like I saw him for the first time this evening. Good.
I ran towards them, trying to hug him, but he dodged me. But if he wanted to play this game, I could too.
"Could you please let go of me?" Sirius' eyes were narrowed as he looked at me and I did the face he always liked.
"You're so cold, Siri!" I said the horrible nickname before letting him go.
Sirius rolled his eyes in like he hated me. "I wonder where that comes from."
I tried to shake his look of. "Come on, Sirius, you can stop pretending to hate me. You know it was nothing serious with him!"
He snorted and wrinkled his nose. "I know it wasn't serious. You were making out with three other guys that week, and those are just the ones I know of."
What? How could he say this in front of her!
I glanced briefly at whisky, only to get a horrified look, then focused back on Sirius. "You broke my heart! You can't blame me for wanting to have some fun!" The words sounded pathetic.
"I don't know how much 'fun' you've had during our relationship, and honestly, I don't want to know." Sirius hisssd, turning away from me. To her.
"Where were we? Oh yes, preparing for the party! Yes, we had a lot of fun, and I'm glad you're enjoying it. Have you danced yet?"
I snorted. "Oh, please, Whisky and dancing?" I felt the alcohol in my system. "Come on, stop pretending you're actually interested in her; it won't make me jealous!"
He didn't even turn around; he didn't find it necessary to look into my eyes. "Did I talk to you? No, I didn't. And unlike you, I don't talk to people just to use them, so shut up!"
I felt like vomiting as he spouted this lies. Lies, lies, lies. And to make it even worse he asked her again. "Have you danced yet?" She shook her head slowly and I couldn't stand looking at the scene before me. How she let him toy with her and me.
I could hear his devilish smile as he spoke, even though I was right behind him. "Would you like to dance with me?"
As he extended his hand towards her I sharply inhaled. "Sirius, you're acting ridiculous, don't you realize? I mean, why are you asking her when I'm right here-"
"CAN'T YOU SEE THAT I REALLY WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU??" his yelling breaking my mind, my thoughts and my voice.
And as I looked at my friend I couldn't keep the words inside of me.
"I hate you!" I screamed. Turning away and running from this sad, pathetic scene. From her lovingly gaze at him.
Reading into every word you say
I tried to pull myself together in the restroom like phina had told me. Crying about him? That really wasn't necessary! Wasn't it?
My hands were shaking as I tried to reapply my mascara.
And then she came in.
I cleared my throat and looked away from her in the mirror. "There you are. I thought I had lost my best friend to that wannabe Casanova."
I saw her looking at my face and starting to look unsure, almost a little angry. "I thought you were -" She started, but I tried laughing her voice away.
"Those crocodile tears I pulled out? They were just for show." I went for my make-up again to cover up my lies. I sighed playfully as I had done so many times before.
"But now I have to redo my eyeliner! Well, hopefully, he feels guilty now and comes begging for my forgiveness!" He won't.
"I thought you weren't feeling well. I thought you needed my help!" Her voice trembled almost as much as mine. But she really had no reason to. No, she had to like what was happening, didn't she?
"Come on, Whisky, it's not a big deal. I'm just trying to get back together with my ex-boyfriend; after all, he broke my heart!"
The words were so easy to say. Like I was following a script.
"And he's just as terrible. I mean, asking you to dance in front of me? He's trying to use you against me, that bastard! You should be much more upset about it!"
"I don't think-" She looked at the floor.
And I laughed.
Not because what she said wasn't true. No, rather because it was true.
"Please, Whisky, as if he ever really wants to have anything to do with you! He was a jerk to you from the moment we first met; you just don't interest him!"
I could see her slowly falling apart. I suppressed my pity and my gloating.
"Whisky, please don't cry again. I don't mean it in a mean way; I'm just being realistic." I wasn't being realistic at all. I was probably the bad girlfriend in the script.
When I heard her tears, I hugged her. "I just want to protect you. He will only take advantage of you. I don't want to see you hurt, especially not because of him. Isn't one broken heart because of Sirius enough?"
Something inside me turned as she nodded and cried in my arms. I hated comforting her now. To help her when she had nothing to cry about.
"Come on, that's enough crying now; you'll ruin my dress." I finally tried to push her weak little arms away.
After an infinitely long time, she let go of me and washed her face.
I took her arm as if to prove something. I didn't know what. "Come on, we can leave. By now, he should feel guilty enough."
And I went ahead. As I always did.
I just wanted to put the thoughts in my head to sleep. Switch off and live. But that was so hard.
"I really need a drink," I whispered to the girl who was clinging to me. She nodded like a doll.
James was sitting at the bar with Peter, discussing something. James smiled like he did before every 'prank'.
"Bartender!" I shouted, ready to play along.
"What can I get for our snake?" James asked with a sugary voice and a fake smile.
I didn't let his remark show. "Your humor is still in the basement, Potter."
"I think it's yours that's in the basement, considering you took that as a joke. I was quite serious." he retorted.
I placed my order and made my way to my friends. They were both sitting in the same place.
"It took you a long time." Cassie gave me that worried look again.
Phina gave me a little look and shook her head again. "You're lost again."
I was silent this time.
"She has your order." Cassie said and laughed when she saw Whisky standing there. I laughed along contrivedly and made my way back to her.
She smiled as she held out my lemonade. "Here."
The drink was a little darker than normal. And in this poor lighting in a party, that shouldn't have meant anything, but I knew James. And Sirius, too.
Their drink was a normal color. And it upset me. That disgustingly normal color.
And then I did it.
You said that you could let it go
"Omg, I just don't understand you! Your best friend is in there and you're out here laughing like nothing happened!" Suddenly he acted like he cared what I did. I would have loved to hit him.
"And here I thought you were following me to apologize." A lie. I never believed that.
Sirius took a sharp breath. "Are you even listening to me? Your friend was just humiliated in front of everyone, why don't you go in and see her?"
I took a deep breath and tried to sound strong.
"Just because something stupid happened to her, and she's hiding in the restroom, doesn't mean I should let it ruin my fun too. Fuck, if we hadn't swapped drinks on a whim, I'd have the green hair, right? I can be thankful for that; that would've been the worst!"
"What do you even like about me?" I asked him as a joke, but there was so much more to the question.
He laughed. "I loooove your hair."
His voice got louder. So unbearably loud. "Is it always just about you? Wait, I know it is, I've been with you long enough. You're one of the most selfish and narcissistic people I know! There's your reason why I don't want anything to do with you!"
I laughed like a psychopath.
"Now I'm the bad one? Oh please, Sirius, don't make a fool of yourself! I think we both know why her hair is now this disgusting green. You and your friends wanted to dye my hair because you know how much I care about it!"
I knew that would hurt him. Because it was about her. "Your actions have consequences, Sirius. You know you're to blame for her crying her eyes out in there."
But he didn't say anything in response. No, he just looked down and confirmed what I had known for so long.
My thoughts and feelings were all over the place and I wanted to puke.
The sharp bang afterwards woke me up. I slapped him. "Are you going to check on her now?" he said, so unbearably calm and composed.
"You know what, Sirius? Fuck you, seriously!" I spat out the words.
"Instead of apologizing to me for this prank, I'm now supposed to clean up your mess!"
"She has the green hair, not you. She's your friend; I don't think she wants to see me. Besides, it's the girls' restroom." Sirius said, almost accusingly.
"That's your problem. I don't have to cling to my friends all the time like a parasite; I'm allowed to have some fun too!"
I ran away from him. Away from her. From these so unfair people.
And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know
"Stop staring at them." Phina's voice was so annoyed.
I poked at my food until I realized that I wasn't hungry at all. Phina sighed but didn't say anything.
My fork pierced a piece of chicken that I used to love to eat and now loathed. How did it come to this?
How did I let it come to this?
I looked up again. Looked at my former best friend, who was now sitting by his side.
And when I saw the sparkle in his eyes, I remembered.
"I don't love you." he had told me.
He never said anymore.
So it was no surprise that he didn't mourn me.
Yes, it wasn't even a surprise that he was now dating my former best friend.
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guroperv · 26 days
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hi there! :] i'm lilith, but most just call me lil or lily.
i'm 25, nonbinary and use any pronouns. i'm autistic, aspd, and the head of a system. only 2 or 3 alters use this blog to post (please feel free to ask questions about them if you are curious). 1 of them has his own blog
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i am probably on your dni. i empathise with various serial killers and shooters. i post a lot of gore (including animal death) and nsfw, and am into some very fucked up shit (necrophilia, hybristophilia, mechanophilia, noncon, tortureporn, highly detailed guro, kidnapping to name a few). if that isn't what you like, then just block and move on. or feel free to leave a pathetic hate anon for me to laugh at. <3
i do have homicidal thoughts, and i will vent about them on here. this does not mean i will act on them, im simply just an unstable girl thing unable to seek the treatment i need so i cope by spilling my thoughts to random strangers on the web.
i do have a serial killer/cannibalistic alter. no i do not let him front frequently (but if he does he is one of those whom posts on the blog), esp if i am dealing with said homicidal ideation.
my alters are mostly "their own people" so to speak, some are fictive, others simply identify with fictional characters. @reapershi for example, is his own person, but heavily identifies with death the kid from soul eater so often uses his depiction to represent himself. i do have a stein alter, yes he's a fucking lunatic, yes he sometimes posts on the blog as well if i myself am not doing well. he is not harmful, however. lastly, i have a wolf boy alter, who heavily identifies with razor from genshin. he is the last alter who i allow to sometimes post on my blog. he's also his own person, but has the mentality of a feral child. he will usually only reblog photos of wolves when he is active. again, it is not common for these alters to be fronting, it does not happen all the time, only if im severely struggling with something. i have various other alters who have no interest in using tumblr too, but usually it's me at the front. just putting this here as clarification that i am not constantly switching like most did fakers tend to do. these alters are very real, i struggle very much with past trauma and my sense of identity, and i also wish the quirky "trend" of did would stop.
i do not tolerate racism, homophobia, nazism or bigotry. i do not condone these actions from any killers i may reblog or post about.
i do, however, condone the idea of natural selection. :]
likes (things i may reblog/post about frequently);; soul eater (stein my beloved), tcc (mainly serial killers (esp jeff <3), though sometimes i may reblog things about shooters), surrealism, psychology, cats, bunnies, nature, gothic style, halloween, music, gore, guro, nsfw topics, computers & older electronics
please feel free to send me dms or asks. i'm not great at talking, but i'll try to reciprocate regardless. :]
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roadkillremi · 1 year
SEQUEL to - Please, Don't kill me, Mr.Ghostface
Randy Meeks x Fem!Reader
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Masterlist Part 2 on Masterlist
Warnings : mentions Sex, language, mentions dying, mentions Killing, Reader has hallucinations (If I miss anything let me know)
I do NOT support killing
Summary : After the 1996 Woods borrow murders, will you move on? Attending college with some old friends and making new ones. Your past stalking you at times making everything difficult.
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"Can you tell me what you were thinking when he was going to kill your friends?"
The clocked ticked loudly on the wall, you fidgeted picking your nails.
"Disgusted, trapped, with myself to be exact. If I didn't say anything I'd get hurt. If I did if get hurt. There's nothing I could do about it."
She nodded scrabbling on the notebook paper.
"And it's said you stabbed Billy Loomis 17 times. Is that correct?"
"I didn't count. I just... Did it. It was either that or die."
"I know."
"I don't wanna talk about Billy." You looked out the window not being able to face her.
"Let's talk about your visions then.".
You nodded still looking out the window with a soft gaze.
"I got a call from your Aunt. She said according to the teacher you started yelling in class. Cause you saw... Them.".
You nodded, "Yes."
"They're dead they can't hurt you."
"I know. But nightmares can't die."
She sighed, "You're suffering from PTSD, it's not strange to suffer after a traumatic event. Sydney, Randy, and Gale are doing fine. Sydneys getting through it maybe you can talk to her-"
"Sydney's rich and popular. She has the ability... To be loved easily."
"You don't know Sydney's life-"
"But I know mine!" You turned to her.
"Tell me about school."
"People look at me like I'm a zombie or something. I mean since someone died the exams aren't a big deal... People think I'm a killer... Ever since Gale... Did a short read of her upcoming book..."
"Self defense is not murder."
"Yes, I know! Still hurts. The only reason I got into college is because of being a victim. I don't even know what to major in."
"Don't you like movies? Major in directing."
"that's Randy's thing. I love movies, but I don't wanna make them."
"just come up with a list and think it through. How's your sleeping been?"
You looked down at your lap, "It's hard to sleep. I have bad dreams and wake up.".
"have you tried a-"
"Routine. Yes. Sometimes Randy spends the night."
She raised her eyebrow, "Not like that!".
"Mhm." She wrote something down.
"Do you think im a killer?" You looked at her deeply. She looked up at you and didn't speak for a moment.
"I think you're an angry child with a rough past seeking the love you didn't have."
"That wasn't my question."
"No, you're not a killer."
"You hesitated."
"This isn't about me. Its about you."
Silence filled the room back up again.
"I'm scared I'll kill again."
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You folded your graphic tees into a box. Music played in the background as you packed up. The last week you've been packing for college. Surprisingly Sydney asked to be roommates, you said yes.
Your room was almost empty now, you sat on your bed.
"Finally running away from here?"
Billy appeared next to you, he leaned down to see your face.
"You're not real."
"I'm real to you."
You didn't look towards him, you closed your eyes trying to focus on breathing.
"You can't shut me out!" He yelled.
"Go away, Billy!" You yelled back. Your Aunt rushed in at the sound of you yelling.
"Everything alright?"
"Yeah, just a nightmare." You stood up.
"Okay. Well Randy called, he's on his way. So get ready to pack up his car." She gave a pathetic smile and walked away. You sighed putting shoes on before taking boxes near the front door. Randy pulled up walking in the house, ever since the killing he seemed to peak. He had more muscle and wore shirts that showed it, he even grew out a small beard. He wasn't the only thing that change in the summer though.
People around you took note about how you seemed more free than usual. You got to dress in clothes without Billy saying you looked whorish. Not only that but you randy had sex, a lot. In his car, in your room, even at his work. There was of course close calls but nothing to serious. He got better at sex the more you two did it. Sometimes it was passionate and loving, others were more rough and animalistic.
"God, I'm not gonna have room for all this!" Randy exclaimed mentioning the boxes. You rolled your eyes, "It's everything, clothes, bedding, school supplies, all of it.".
Randy grabbed a box letting out a small huff. You patted his back, "you got this.".
"You better help that boy!" Your Aunt yelled out.
"Yeah!" Randy mocked smiling. You grabbed a box following him to the car. The trunk had all of Randy's bags stuffed into there. He placed the boxes in the back seat. You huffed back and forth between the car and the house.
"That's all of them!" You yelled out to Randy. He slammed the car door shut, "Thank God!" He cried over dramatically.
Your Aunt hugged you tightly sniffling, "Call when you can. Stay safe.".
"I will, I love you." You hugged her back tightly.
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Months later
You banged on Randy's door, "Randy Meeks! Get your ass up!". He got drunk with his roommate, Paul last night. He called you slurring his words telling you how much he loves you. He opened the door, "Sorry, I was getting dress!".
"You look like shit." You laughed. His hair a bit messy and bags under his eyes.
"You look amazing too, darling" he said in a British accent.
You walked to class with him holding his hand. Some girls snickered at you as you passed them. Randy glanced at them, "What's their problem?".
"Don't worry about it. You know how some women are, don't grow out of the popularity in high school." You sighed.
"Pfft, yeah tell me about it." He said leaning close to your ear. His hot breath tickling the side of your face.
A frisbee passed by in front of you two, "Couldn't have caught it?! Dick.." some guy said running after it.
"See?" Randy gestured. You rolled your eyes, "Come on Mr.Meeks we have a film class to get to!".
"You know how I get when you call me that." He joked. You jokingly gave him a look, "You'll just have to rub it out in the bathroom.". He smiled hugging you from behind picking you up a bit.
"Or I could fuck you when Paul's gone"
You laughed tapping his arm to let you go. "Poor Paul needs a break from us pounding like dogs in there." You said walking into the building. Randy caught up with you, "Well this dogs ready to pounce.". He sprayed mouth spray in his mouth winking at you.
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resi4skz · 5 months
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CODE 0325
Pairing: nonidol!Chan x fem!Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is on a tinder date but needs to be rescued.
Warnings: close proximity, fluff?, what even is this
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"Uh huh, that's nice," I say, nodding with a fake smile as I make quick work with my hands, unzipping my bag from under the table.
"Yeah? You want to see my work? I'd love to take you," says the man, Tim, my tinder date. "Heck, I'd even sculpt you. You'd make a great subject."
Fuck me. Someone save me from this lunatic. "Would you excuse me for one second?" I quickly press my best friend, Lisa's number on the screen ans hold it to my ear.
After 3 rings, she picks up. "So how's tinder date going?"
"There's supposed to be a package coming at 3:25pm today for me."
"Oh, shit. Okay. Uh, okay." I hear her curse on the other line. "Fuck, Y/N, I can't come to you. I'll ask Channie for help. He's much closer to where you are."
I close my eyes, mentally cursing at myself. "Fine. Just be on the lookout, alright?"
I hang up and smile towards Tim. "Sorry about that."
"You know it's rude to use your phone on a date."
Who made him the police?
"I'm sorry but I run a bakery and there was this very important package that's supposed to come today."
"Uh huh," he sips on his drink. "You'd have no problem if I ask you to come back to my place. To see my projects."
"I'm sorry but I'm going to have to decline." Time to get the fuck out of here.
"Excuse me?"
"What is it with you women? Is it because a man calls you pretty, you think you're high and mighty?"
I grab my cardigan and sling over my bag over my shoulder. "It's when guys like you think you own a woman on the first date? You're the least in my league." I turn on my heels to leave when a harsh grip on my arm stops me. "Ow! What the fuck? Let go!"
"You slut. Wearing that dress in front of me, you're asking for it," Tim snarls as I try to wriggle my arm free.
"Let. Her. Go."
We both freeze and turn towards the voice.
"Channie." I watch him walk over to me, his eyes on Tim. Those eyes that make a upside down crescent when he laughs. The same eyes that made me fall for him. He was wearing a white tanktop with a red flannel on top and jeans with white sneakers.
"This is none of your business," Tim snaps back.
"I'm about to be your business if you don't let go of my girl's arm," Channie snarls back. My cheeks grows warm at the sound of him calling me his girl.
"Your girl? She didn't mention she had a boyfriend," Tim replies, letting go of my arm.
"She does now," Channie answers back, taking my hand and turning to leave.
But the asshole had to open his mouth right as we got close to the exit. "Yeah. That's right. She's a slut anyway! How do you expect men to react when she dresses like that?"
"Fuck this," Channie mutters as he turns back, walks staright to the guy and punches him. Right in the nose, sending him on the floor. Out cold.
My jaw hangs open. Since when does Chan know how to box? He takes my hands again and we're out the restaurant. It isn't until we're near his studio when I let go of his hand, which makes him turn around. "I should go home."
"What? Why?"
"So I can crawl in my bed. And sleep."
"Y/N, it's 2 in the afternoon on a Friday."
He lets out a sigh. "You're-"
"I'm what, Channie? Pathetic? A big loser? Because I already know that."
"Y/N, that's not what I-"
"I don't need anyone telling me what I already know, especially you."
"Would you for one second listen to me?!"
I flinch at his raised voice. "But it's true. I have the worst taste in men."
"Maybe you haven't found the right guy yet."
"Huh?" I blink. "What do you mean?"
"Have you ever felt that thrill or felt goosebumps with any of the men you've went on a date with?"
He takes a step closer and I can almost get a whiff of his perfume. "You ever feel the need to grab him by the neck," his hand rests against the right side of my neck, his long and gentle fingers splayed, "and get the urge to kiss him?"
I shake my head. "Not even when he's this close," he gets a bit closer till I can feel his breath on my nose, "to you?"
I visbly gulp but shake my head. There are tons of goosebumps going through my body. "Not even when he does this?" He dips his head, tilting slightly as he leans in and places a gentle kiss on the corner of my mouth. But he lets go way too soon.
More. I need more. Fisting his shirt, I reel him back in. His hands immediately slide around my waist as our mouth play tango. He taste like mint and vanilla. My heart pounds in my chest as he lets out a soft moan, igniting our kiss into a passionate embrace. It was like time stood still, the world fading away around me. I slide my hands around his neck, our lips never leaving each other.
Each brush of his lips sent intoxicating waves through my veins. "Why haven't we done this before?" Chan pants when we finally come up for air.
I let out a breathy laugh. "I don't know. You're the one that kissed me."
"That's because I like you."
"Y-you do?" Am I dreaming?
"Yeah, ever since Lisa introduced us."
"What?" Shocked was an understatement but that's what I was feeling right now. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"You seem to forget I'm shy when it comes to these things."
"Channie, if you would've said something sooner, we wouldn't be in this situation. If you had told me, I wouldn't have gone on those dates."
His shoulders sag, and he groans closing his eyes. "You mean to tell me that all this time I would've had you?"
I giggle, booping his nose with my finger. "Yes."
He then takes my hand and starts walking the opposite direction.
"Wait, your studio is the other way!" I exclaim.
"I know."
"Where are we going?"
"To the only place where I can do something I've always wanted to do with you."
"Which is?"
His grip on my hand tightens, intertwining his fingers with mine. "My place."
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A/N: heh. i need to be placed in a cell because i wanted to make this into a much more.... more...well yaknow 🙃
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dreadsuitsamus · 2 years
Hi! Can I request a human!reader teaching Goku how to cook so he can impress Chi-Chi? I love to cook myself, so I thought it'd be a cute idea!
Bone App the Teeth | Goku & Reader |
author's note: i was actually in the process of writing a goku fic when i got this request! i also happen to think it's a cute idea and absolutely love the idea of goku and the reader being old pals spending an afternoon together to get goku out of the doghouse :p i hope you don't mind i added a slight bit of vegeta x reader as a background pairing to add more to the story!
pairing: goku &fem!reader (it's platonic!) vegeta x fem!reader, goku x chi-chi
warnings: goku being a terribly cute student, vegeta being a little jealous, small mention of trying for pregnancy, in general just some fluff between two old friends!
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You're reading on the couch when you get Goku's phone call. He's speaking incredibly fast and fumbling his words, which sounds alarm bells in your head. It can't be something super serious, after all, since you would definitely not be the first person he'd call for help. You set aside your book and take a deep breath.
"GOKU!" You yell, succeeding in getting him to stop talking for a moment.
"Why'd you yell at me?" He whines pathetically.
"So I could tell you to slow down and start over!"
"Oh, sorry about that!" Goku laughs and then sighs. "I really need your help."
"Tell me what's up."
From there Goku launches into a tale of what essentially boils down to him needing a way back into Chi-Chi's good graces after an incident the night before. He didn't go super in detail, but to you it sounded like he'd gone and ruined dinner last night with his ravenous Saiyan appetite, and he wanted to make it up to his dear wife.
Only problem was, he had no idea how to cook.
"So that's where you come in!" Goku says, and you can literally hear that big smile on his face. "So whaddya say? Can you help me?"
"Of course I will!" You smile. "Come on over and-"
"I'm here!" Goku now stands in front of you, hands on his hips and his eyes smiling, no doubt excited to make up his mistake to Chi-Chi.
You scream, holding your hand to your chest. "Goku! You can't just-"
There's the sound of shouting from outside, and then Vegeta is suddenly in the living room. "Who the hell dares attack my w- Oh, it's Kakarot." He scowls, arms crossed over his chest.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya!" Goku rubs the back of his neck. "Hey best buddy!" He waves at Vegeta.
"No." Vegeta glares at Goku. "Why are you in my house?"
You stand up, your heart back to a normal beat. "I'm teaching him how to cook, sweetie. Would you like to join us?"
"Tch. I'll pass." Vegeta turns and heads out to resume his training. You shake your head and pat Goku's arm and lead him to the kitchen.
"So, when do you think you'd wanna make this meal for Chi-Chi?"
"As soon as possible!" Goku says. "I wanna make something she'll love."
"Hmm..." You put a curled finger to your lip, thumb pressed to your chin as you consider something that you know your longtime friend loves. "Last time she and I went out with Bulma, we went to this really nice restaurant and she tried something called 'chicken cordon bleu' and she said she really, really liked it."
"Chicken what?"
"Cordon bleu." You repeat. "It's a simple dish that I think you'll be able to make just fine! It's chicken wrapped around ham and cheese, which is then breaded and fried or baked. I've had it a several times before myself and it really is a tasty dish."
"Then let's get to it!"
You smile softly. "Alright, let me make sure I've got everything we'll need first."
You hum softly and start looking through your refrigerator and cupboards, Goku scratching his head as you pull more and more out onto the kitchen island. "I thought you said this was simple."
"It is, I promise. Most of this is just seasoning that's gonna make it taste better."
Goku grins. "In that case, the more the merrier!"
"That's the spirit." You chuckle and fish out everything else, happy that you didn't have to lug Goku to the grocery store. (Or worse, be instant transmissioned there with him.)
"First, we wash our hands." You remove your wedding ring and set it aside, and Goku washes his hands right after you. "And now we'll prep our chicken."
As you show Goku how to properly clean and prep the chicken thighs you had tucked in the fridge, Vegeta peeks inside through the window above the sink, a frown on his face. He sees your wedding ring off to the side and scoffs. He knew he should've gotten you one with a larger diamond...
He swears to himself and flies away, angrily punching a tree before going into the training room Bulma had built for him in your backyard. (In actuality she'd built it for you, knowing full well how irritating her ex could be at times so you could shoo him away to train when he was on your nerves.)
Back into the kitchen, you've just laid a piece of plastic wrap over one of the pieces of chicken. "Okay, you'll probably like this part. The chicken is too thick to roll up, so we need to take this little meat mallet and flatten it out."
"Oh, I can do that easily!" Goku picks up the mallet and smacks it against the poor piece of chicken, splitting it in half. "Uh... Oops?"
You rub your forehead. "Not so hard, Goku."
You set him up to try again, and this time he tones down his strength and flattens the chicken with the mallet until you stop him. He smiles, proud of his handiwork, and repeats the process until there's no more chicken to flatten.
"You've always been a quick study." You comment fondly and clean up the island to move to the next step, encouraging him to add some more seasoning to the kitchen while you set up the ham and swiss cheese.
"This part here is probably the hardest thing about the recipe, and it's still super easy."
Goku nods and his eyes are trained on your hands after he's washed and dried his again. You lay out two layers of ham and cheese and then carefully pinch in the sides of the chicken and roll it up, leaving the seam side down against the plate. "After we roll them up we'll bread them and get them in the oven."
"Okay!" Goku smiles and attempts rolling one up himself, but some of the filling ends up sticking out. You unroll it and put your hands over his, helping him to keep it all together like the one you had previously rolled. "Keep it neat, Goku. Presentation matters!"
"I guess that's true." He concedes. "Chi-Chi makes the most delicious looking food! And it smells good... But most of all, it tastes good!"
"And that's why we're gonna give all three of those qualities right back!" Goku's smile makes you laugh, your chest light and mind at ease. You always loved having one-on-one time with your friend.
You wash your hands again while Goku very carefully rolls all the chicken up, setting up the breadcrumbs and mixing them with paprika, and then adding some water to beaten eggs. Goku's just finished with his latest step and instinctively washes his hands, rushing back to the island and bouncing with eagerness.
"How much left?"
"Almost there, buddy. Now we're gonna dip them into this egg mixture and roll it in the breadcrumbs after, and after that they go into the baking dish!"
"Chi-Chi's gonna love this." Goku smiles and takes initiative this time, picking up a piece of the chicken and dipping it in the eggs. You instruct him to let some of the excess drip off and then switch hands to roll in the breadcrumbs.
"A wet hand and a dry hand is the best way to bread something. It keeps things as clean as possible." You explain, greasing a casserole dish. "Maybe next time we make this I'll teach you how to pan-fry, but today we'll stick with baking the chicken."
"Oooh, getting stronger in the kitchen? I like the sound of that."
You laugh and the two of you finish prepping the meal in a companionable silence. You think back to when you met Goku all those years ago. You'd reunited with Chi-Chi, an old friend you hadn't seen since childhood, and learned that she was married to none other than the boy she was adamant was going to marry her even back in the day. Goku was looking around, undoubtedly bored, and complaining about being hungry. That's when you'd invited them over for dinner, and ever since then Goku would come over for a meal anytime he was hungry after Chi-Chi had closed down the kitchen for the night.
"Thank you for doing this." Goku says softly after he's washed his hands for the last time. "You're really helping me out here. You're always here when I need you. You're really the best."
You smile at your old friend. "You've saved the world countless times, Goku. I'll help you with anything, cooking or not, anytime. Hell, you're the reason Vegeta and I got together. I basically owe you the whole world for that alone."
Vegeta, who has come back to listen at the window after being unable to focus on his training, crosses his arms and smirks proudly. For all the times you roll your eyes, mutter things under your breath and ignore him as he rants about his Saiyan pride... You still find him worth more than the world. With that, he stands and strides into the kitchen and grabs your waist, pulling you in and pressing a firm kiss to your temple before striding right back to train, this time his mind clear.
You raise a brow, and Goku can't help but laugh. "I don't wanna throw him under the bus, but..."
"He was listening at the window." You conclude, shaking your head fondly.
Goku helps you wash dishes and the two of you trade stories you've both heard hundreds of times before, laughing so much that Goku has to catch you from falling onto the floor at one point. You wipe your eyes, body still shaking from laughter, and then dry your hands, clearing your throat.
"Alright, now we'll make the sauce for the chicken and make some rice, and then you should be good to go."
You set Goku up to grate the parmesan and you fix the rice up in the rice cooker, and with some dijon mustard, butter, flour and milk, you help Goku make a lovely sauce. You get some on a spoon and hold it out to Goku, whose eyes light up at the flavor. "Man, you never stop amazing me with your skills!"
"I'd hope not, since I used to be a chef." You laugh.
"I've been meaning to ask why you stopped." Goku sits on one of the island stools while you start fixing up a quick pot of green beans.
You chop up a bit of bacon and onions, adding them to the pot with some garlic. "Well, for starters, I was just so stressed and tired all the time, which was fine when I was single. But then when I got married and became a step-mother it just wasn't working well anymore. When I'd get home, I'd start arguing with Vegeta and it wasn't healthy for our marriage, not to mention I wasn't getting much quality time with Trunks. Plus, I wasn't getting to go to birthday parties or holiday gatherings anymore since I started working at my last restaurant. And when Vegeta said he was wanting to have kids..."
Goku's eyes widen. "Wait, really? Vegeta wants another kid?"
You smile softly. "He does. I'm sure Trunks would love a sibling."
"That's really great!" Goku grins. "I'm happy for you guys."
"Thanks, Goku. Not pregnant yet, but we're working on it." You add some tomatoes and then the green beans to the pot, stirring and then leaving it to simmer. You turn and sit on another stool, opening a drawer on the island and pulling out a game of cards.
"It'll be some time before everything is ready, so why don't we play your favorite card game?"
Goku gasps. "Yes, I love Go Fish!"
You laugh and deal the cards out, and after a few games (poor Goku never stands a chance against you) you pack up his meal to take home to Chi-Chi and Goten. "You're all set, bub."
Before he teleports home, Goku gives you one last hug, and you smile and hug your friend back tightly. He presses a quick kiss to your head and pulls back, picking up the containers and within a flash, he's back home to set up for Chi-Chi.
You're in bed with Vegeta that night when you get Goku's next phone call.
"She loved it!"
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i've seen some other people do this, so let me share some songs that remind me of catradora.
Adora's POV:
“Her eyes and words are so icy
Oh but she burns
Like rum on the fire
Hot and fast and angry as she can be
I walk my days on a wire.”
The way she shows me I'm hers and she is mine
Open hand or closed fist would be fine
Blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.”
— Cherry Wine, Hozier
“L-O-V-E damn 4 letters
You sugar-coat it with L-O-V-E every time
Selfish, I will never be enough
Even when I pour out all of myself for you.
As long as you love me
The good or the ugly
Everything is alright
It’s like you control me
Without you I’m lonely
But you don't feel the same.”
— Gunshot, KARD
“You said it was true love, but wouldn't that be hard?
You can't love anyone cause that would mean you had a heart
I tried you help you out, now I know that I can't
Cause how you think's the kind of thing I'll never understand.
I used to think I was smart
But you've made me look so naive
The way you sold me for parts
As you sunk your teeth into me.”
— Vampire, Olivia Rodrigo
“You only think of yourself
As if that’s natural
I’ve been foolish enough to try to please you
It tortures me, keeping me lonely till the end.
I have to adjust to you
Every time, that’s okay
It repeats like this every day
If you're taking advantage of my kindness
There's something wrong with that.”
— Egotistic, MAMAMOO
“The stars, the moon
They have all been blown out
You've left me in the dark
No dawn, no day
I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart
I took the stars from my eyes and then I made a map
And knew that somehow I could find my way back
Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too
So I stayed in the darkness with you.”
— Cosmic Love, Florence + The Machine
“Hey girl, wake up
There are better people out there
But even though he acts like that
There's still some good in him.
So foolish, I'm being manipulated
So stupid, should I break up or…?
This is the end, yes, bye bye
I want to say it but I can't
I'm frustrated but I'm stuck on you
I'm still into you.”
— TRAP, AAA (Misako & Chiaki)
(just replace “he” with “she”)
“I can’t stop, I found you
But feels like I’m the only one who feels this way, it makes me mad
I don’t understand
But hurting this much? I’m used to it
Don’t pity me, no, do as you always did
Because that’s you
Even if you break my heart
And spit out careless words
It’s only you for me.
I don’t want to be obvious
What if you think I’m weak?
I’m so pathetic, pathetic.”
— Love & Hate / Worthless, Moon Byul
“If it was for you I could
Pretend to be happy even when I was sad
If it was for you I could
Pretend to be strong even when I was hurting
Love you so bad
I molded a pretty lie for you
Love it's so mad
Try to erase myself and make me your doll.”
— Fake Love, BTS
“I’m falling endlessly
And you’re playing with me
You got me losing my mind, you intruder
It’s so dangerous I want it
Even if it costs all the pain.
Oh god, why are you leading me into temptation? Is it a call from hell?
Can’t stop, how am I going to escape from her?
The self-control you gave me has torn in pieces in the dark black hole
Can’t control myself, it’s like sugarcoated poison.”
— Oh My God, (G)I-DLE
“My sensitivity making me tense
Your honesty stabbing my heart
Why does this only apply to me? It’s too unfair
I’m not easy I hate that
I adjusted to you
I loved you more than me.”
— Easy, Wheein
Catra's POV:
“I'm breaking every rule
I want to keep tormenting you
Hate me as you want, I don't care
The more you break, the more you'll want me.
I swear I need you, my desires are growing
I’m playing with you like a kid
Hovering like your shadow and whispering to you
I’m your light and your darkness.”
— 28 Reasons, Kang Seulgi
“I don't want none, I just want you
If I can't have you, no one should
I might kill my ex, I still love him though
Rather be in hell than alone.
Now I'm in the basement, planning home invasion
Now you laying face-down, got me singing over a beat.”
— Kill Bill, SZA
“I’m creepin’ in your heart, babe
I’ll flip you over, break you down and swallow you up
I’ll steal you and indulge in you
I’m gonna mess you up
I’m a bit impatient
I’m not that gentle (I hated you)
But I want you
That’s right, my type
My heart doesn’t lie.”
— Monster, EXO
“You fuel my jealousy
Growing everyday
Following your shadow
I’m with you, in every breath you take.
Call me evil
I'll show you more
I get what I want,
but I can't get enough.”
— Propose, Dreamcatcher
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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When The Levee Breaks
Masterlist pt 1
Masterlist pt 2
"Okay. Let me out. This is not funny." Sam yells as we talk to him through the little barred window in the door. "Damn straight." Dean growls. "Dean, come on. This is crazy." Sam exclaims. "No. Not until you dry out." Dean said. "Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lied to you and to (y/n). Just open the door." Sam said and I wrap my arms around myself. "You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault. It's not your fault that you lied to us over and over again. I get it now. You couldn't help it." Dean said. 
"I'm not some junkie." Sam yells. "Really? I guess I've just imagined how strung out you've been lately." Dean accused. "You're actually trying to twist this into some kind of ridiculous drug intervention?" Sam asked, angrily. "If it smells like a duck." Dean said, shrugging.  "Dean, I'm not drinking the demon blood for kicks. I'm getting strong enough to kill Lilith." Sam said and I raise an intrigued eyebrow at this.
"Strong?" Dean asked.
"Yeah." Sam said.
"This is about as far away from strong as you can get. Try weak. Try desperate. Pathetic." Dean spat. "Killing Lilith is what matters. Or are you so busy being self-righteous you forgot about her?" Sam growls. "Oh, Lilith's gonna die. Bobby, (y/n) and I will kill her. But not with you." Dean informs. "You're not serious." Sam said, disbelieving. "Congrats, Sammy. You just bought yourself a benchwarmer seat to the apocalypse." Dean said.
"Dean, look—no, wait—" Sam said, quickly, but Dean shuts the window cover. "Come back here. Dean! Let me out of here! Dean! Let me out of here! Let me out! Dean!" Sam shouts as Dean walks away. I sigh and look over at the door for a few moments before I turn away from it while Sam continues to shout.
Bobby pours three glasses of whiskey and hands one to Dean then the other to me. "Stop! Stop!" We hear Sam shout and I frown and look down at the glass of whiskey. "How long is this gonna go on?" Dean asked Bobby  "Here, let me look it up in my demon-detox manual. Oh wait. No one ever wrote one. No telling how long it'll take. Hell, or if Sam will even live through it." Bobby said then the phone rings.
Bobby sighs and answers. "Hello." he answers then his face turns to annoyance and anger. "...Suck dirt and die, Rufus. You call me again, I'll kill you." he yells and hangs up. "What's up with Rufus?" I asked Bobby, curiously. "He knows." Bobby said then the phone rings again and he answers it. "I'm busy, you son of a bitch. This better be important." he said then his face turns to shock and fear.
"The news. The news ain't good." Bobby said as I had my laptop open and looking through some news stories. "This is what Rufus called about? Key West sees ten species go extinct." I said, pointing at the article on screen. "Yep. Plus Alaska. Fifteen-man fishing crew all stricken blind, cause unknown. New York, teacher goes postal, locks the door, kills exactly sixty-six kids. All this in a single day. I looked them up. There's no doubt about it. They're all seals. Breaking. Fast." Bobby said.
"How many are left?" Dean asked. "Who knows? Can't be many. Where the hell are your angel pals?" Bobby asked. "You tell me." Dean said, shrugging. "I'm just wondering." Bobby said, thinking. "What?" Dean asked.
"The apocalypse being nigh and all...is now really the right time to be having this little domestic drama of ours?" Bobby said. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Well, I don't like this any more than you two do, but Sam can kill demons. He's got a shot at stopping Armageddon." Bobby said. "So what? Sacrifice Sam's life, his soul, for the greater good? Is that what you're saying? Times are bad, so let's use Sam as a nuclear warhead?" Dean asked him, angrily.
"Look, I know you hate me for suggesting it. I hate me for suggesting it. I love that boy like a son. All I'm saying is maybe he's here right now instead of on the battlefield because we love him too much." Bobby said and Dean sighs.
*3rd Person POV*
Dean stands in Bobby's salvage yard and looks around, frustrated, until Castiel appears. "Well, it's about time. I've been screaming myself hoarse out here for about two and a half hours now." Dean said, annoyed. "What do you want?" Castiel asked him. "You can start with what the hell happened in Illinois." Dean said.
"What do you mean?" Castiel asked. "Cut the crap. You were gonna tell me something." Dean growls as he walks up to him. "Well, nothing of import." Castiel said, shrugging. "You got ass-reamed in heaven but it was not of import?" Dean asked him, suspiciously. "Dean, I can't. I'm sorry. Get to the reason you really called me. It's about Sam, right?" Castiel asked.
"Can he do it? Kill Lilith, stop the apocalypse?" Dean asked Castiel. "Possibly, yes. But as you know, he'd have to take certain steps." Castiel said. "Crank up the hell-blood regimen." Dean said and Castiel nods. "Consuming the amount of blood it would take to kill Lilith would change your brother forever. Most likely, he would become the next creature that you would feel compelled to kill. And if you are wondering, since she has similar powers, it would mostly likely happen to (y/n) if she were to consume the blood as well." Castiel explains and Dean sighs.
"There's no reason this would have to come to pass, Dean. We believe it's you, Dean, not your brother nor your girlfriend. The only question for us is whether you're willing to accept it. Stand up and accept your role. You are the one who will stop it." Castiel said and Dean gives him a curious look.
"If I do this, Sammy doesn't have to?" Dean asked him. "If it gives you comfort to see it that way." Castiel said and Dean rolls his eyes. "God, you're a dick these days." He grumbles and he walks a few steps away and sighs.
"Fine, I'm in." he said. "You give yourself over wholly to the service of God and his angels?" Castiel asked. "Yeah, exactly." said Dean. "Say it." Castiel demands. "I give myself over wholly to serve God and you guys." Dean said, firmly. 
"You swear to follow his will and his word as swiftly and obediently as you did your own father's?" Castiel asked. "Yes, I swear." Dean said and Castiel nods a bit. "Now what?" Dean asked him. "Now you wait, and we call on you when it's time." Castiel said.
*(y/n)'s POV*
"Bobby! Dean! (Y/n)! Help! Hey! Hey! Guys! Guys! Help! Dean! (Y/n)!" Sam's voice screams while Bobby and I stare at Dean, shocked at what he just told us. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but you willingly signed up to be the angels' bitch?" Bobby asked Dean, who gives him a look. "I'm sorry. You prefer sucker?" Bobby asked, sarcastically.
"After everything you said about them, now you trust them?" I asked Dean, suspiciously. "Come on, give me a little credit, (y/n). I've never trusted them less. I mean, they come on like shady politicians from planet Vulcan." Dean said.
"Then why in the hell did you—" Bobby started to ask but Dean talks over him. "Because what other option do I have? It's either trust the angels or let Sammy trust a demon?" Dean said and Bobby nods. "I see your point." I said and then we realized that it was strangely quite.
"You hear that?" Dean asked us. "Yeah, that's a little too much nothing." Bobby said and we hurry to the basement and open the window in the door. Sam is on the floor of the panic room, having a seizure.
"What if he's faking?" Dean asked and I turn to him. "You really think he would?" I asked him. "I think he'd do anything." Dean said but then Sam slams against the wall by an invisible force. "That ain't faking." Bobby said and we throw open the door and charge in to get Sam down and pin him to the cot.
"We're gonna have to tie him down for his own safety." Bobby said as he and I hold Sam down. I look over send see Dean standing, looking at his brother in horror. "Dean? You with us?" I asked him but he stands there, frozen. "Dean! Before he has another fit." Bobby said and Dean shakes his head. "Yeah, yeah. Let's just get it over with." He said and he comes over to us and helps us tie Sam down to the bed.
And I start to wonder if what we are doing is the right thing to do. If anything...I think we are making it worse on Sam.
Dean and I were standing in one of the spare bedrooms while Bobby was in the living room, I was pacing around the room. "I'm gonna ask one more time. Are we absolutely sure we're doing the right thing?" I asked Dean. "(Y/n), you saw what was happening to him down there. The demon blood is killing him." He said and I shake my head at this.
"No, it isn't. We are." I said. "What?" Dean asked me, disbelief, and I stop my pacing and stand before him. "I'm sorry. I can't bite my tongue any longer. We're killing him. Keeping him locked up down there. This cold-turkey thing isn't working. If—if he doesn't get what he needs, soon, Sam's not gonna last much longer." I said. "No. I'm not giving him demon blood. I won't do it." Dean said, firmly.
"And if he dies?" I asked him. "Then at least he dies human!" Dean shouts at me and I jump back a bit at this. "Dean, you don't mean that." I said. "I'm sorry, (y/n). It's just...I would die for him in a second, but I won't let him do this to himself. I can't. I guess I found my line. I won't let my brother turn into a monster." He said.
“What if he doesn’t?” I asked. “What?” Dean asked, confused. “What if he doesn’t become a monster? Sure, he’s been acting different lately but it’s still Sam in there.” I said. “He’s got demon blood in him!” Dean exclaimed. “So do I! Did you forget that?! Hell, what if…” I began to say. “Don’t say it!” Dean growled, shaking his head slightly in irritation. “What if I take some demon blood too?” I suggested.
“Shut up, (y/n)!” Dean yelled at me. “No! Listen to me! I can control it.” I yelled back. “Stop.” Dean commanded. “You’ll see nothing happens to me and…” I started to say, but was interrupted by Dean lunging forward and grabbing me by my upper arms.
“I can’t lose you too!” He shouted in my face and I stared back at him, speechless. The rage on Dean’s face loses it’s strength and he now looks broken. “I…I can’t.” He said, his voice breaking. He lowers his head, loosening his grip on my arms. “I’m not strong enough.” He admitted, tearfully. My heart shattered hearing the heartache in his voice and seeing the look of defeat in his eyes. “Dean.” I whispered, my eyes welling up with tears. 
“Please…just stop.” Dean pleaded, keeping his head lowered. I gently slip my arms free from his hands to pull him into a hug. Dean readily returns the hug, squeezing me tight and burying his face into my hair, like he was afraid to let me go. 
"Okay...I'm-I'm sorry...I-I-I just...I just wanted to help." I stammered to him, in a whisper, as we continue to hold each other, I run my hand up and down his back. Then I feel him holding me tighter to him. "You're not gonna lose me. I promise." I whispered as I bury my face into his chest then raised my left hand to his chest and fiddled with the amulet that always hung around his neck.
*3rd Person POV*
After arguing with his hallucinations, the cuffs on Sam's arms and legs snap open then the door opens. Sam sits up, staring; he knows he didn't do this. "Hello?" He calls out but no answer. He gets up and slips out the door.
"Someone here?" He calls out and, again, no answer. Sam hurries quietly out of the basement without noticing Castiel behind the stairs. From a distance, the angel closes and locks the panic room door.
Later, Castiel stands at a railing of the riverfront, looking over the water. The streetlights flicker and he turns to see Anna standing there. "What did you do?" She asked him, a bit of fear in her voice. "You shouldn't have come, Anna." Castiel said, flatly.
"Why would you let out Sam Winchester?" Anna asked him. "Those were my orders." Castiel said. "Orders? Cas, you saw him. He's drinking demon blood. It's so much worse than we thought. Dean was trying to stop him." Anna said. "You really shouldn't have come." Castiel said just as two angels appear on either side of Anna. White light illuminates Castiel; when it is gone, so are the other three angels.
Castiel turns back to the river, staring out at the water. "What did you do, Cas?" A voice demanded and he turns to see Ariel standing near him, her face full of anger. "Ariel." He greets, plainly. "What did you do?" She asked again, emphasizing each word with anger. "Like I told Anna, my orders." Castiel said and Ariel looks at him, concerned.
“You can’t fool me, Castiel.” She said, Castiel tilts his head slightly, in confusion. “I see it on your face, you regret following those orders.” She said, Castiel turns away so she can no longer see his face.
“I am an angel of the Lord.” Castiel said, as if that would change anything. “Do not talk as if you don’t have a mind of your own.” Ariel sneered, crossing her arms. “I serve heaven, I do not serve man.” Castiel growled, turning slightly to glare at her.
“If that was true, you would not have taken Jimmy Novak back as your vessel after he pleaded for you to let his daughter go.” Ariel pointed out, Castiel averts his gaze. “You regret letting Sam Winchester out. Regret breaking Dean Winchester’s trust. Regret turning Anna over.” Ariel listed off and Castiel’s closes his eyes, trying to shut her words out.
“I do not feel any regret. I am simply following my orders.” He said. “And you’re only doing that because you’re scared.” Ariel replied, Castiel goes quite unable to rebut such a statement.
"They really did a number on ya, didn't they?" Ariel said as she looks him as Castiel stands there in silence. "You shouldn't be here." Castiel said and Ariel sighs and shakes her head. "I'm very disappointed in you, Castiel." She said before she disappears, leaving Castiel alone as he starts to feel a twinge of guilt.
Sam begins to work on stealing a car when a gun cocks behind him. "Uh-uh, Sam. The only place you're going is back inside with me." Bobby said, gun aimed at him, as Sam turns to him. "No." Sam said, firmly. "Damn it, boy." Bobby growls.
"You won't shoot me, Bobby." Sam said. "Don't test me." Bobby said, his voice slightly shaking. "You won't do it. You can't do it." said Sam. "We're trying to help you, Sam." Bobby said then Sam takes hold of Bobbh's shotgun so that he can't aim anywhere but point-blank at Sam.
"Then shoot." Sam challenges and there was a long pause before Sam takes the gun and knocks Bobby down, then throws the gun on the ground and returns to hotwiring the car.
Once he does that, he drives off.
*(y/n)'s POV*
Bobby, Dean and I unlock and open the panic room door after Bobby told us that Sam got out and knocked him out. "How the hell did he get out?" I asked, confused. "Maybe he had help. Room full of busted devil's traps." Bobby said. "Demons? Ruby." Dean said, questioning. "That'd be my guess." Bobby said.
"How did she even touch the door?" I asked them. "You two think she's got the mojo?" Bobby asked us "I didn't think so. I don't know, man." Dean said as I shrug. "What difference does it make? How he got gone ain't as important as where he got gone to." Bobby said.
"Well, I'll tell you one thing. At this point I hope he's with Ruby." Dean said. "Why?" I asked him. "'Cause killing her's the next big item on my to-do list." He replied. "I thought you were on call for angel duty." Bobby questions. "I am on call. In my car, on my way to murder the bitch." Dean growls as he leaves the room and Bobby and I follow him.
"One thing." Bobby said and Dean stops and turns to him. "What?" He asked. "Sam don't wanna be found, which means he's gonna be damn near impossible to find." Bobby said. "Yeah, we'll see." Dean mutters.
"Police found my car. Abandoned in an alley in Jamestown, North Dakota." Bobby tells us after about a few hours of research. "He's switching up." Dean said, a bit impressed. "Any other cars stolen in Jamestown?" I asked Bobby. "Two. 1999 Honda Civic, blue. Nice and anonymous, like Sam likes." Bobby said.
"What was the other one?" Dean asked him. "White oh-five Escalade with custom rims. It's a neon sign." Bobby replied. "You're right. He'd never take that. Which is exactly what he did." Dean said. "You think?" Bobby asked. "I know that kid. All right, (y/n) and I'll head in that direction. You stay here, ride the police databases. We gotta find him quick." Dean said and he and I walk out of Bobby's house and get into the Impala.
We had been on the road for awhile when Dean's phone rings. He pulls it out of his pocket then hands it to me to answer as he focuses on driving. I look to see it was Bobby calling and I push the answer call and put the phone on speaker
"Cops found the Escalade in a ditch outside Elk River." Bobby said. "How far away are we?" I asked him. "A couple of hours. I pulled up a weather map, made some calls. There's a town not far from there, Cold Spring. Lighting up with demon sign." Bobby replied. "A good place to look." Dean said, determined.
"Hey, listen." Bobby said, quickly. "What?" Dean and I asked. "Us finding Sam? It's gotta be about getting him back, not pushing him away." Bobby said and it seemed more that this was for Dean than for me, even though I am pissed at Sam as well. "Right." Dean mutters. "I know you're mad, Dean. I understand. You got a right to be, but I'm just saying. Be good to him anyway. You gotta get through to him." Bobby said but Dean doesn't respond.
"(Y/n)..." Bobby said. "Yeah?" I said. "Please, keep the peace between these boys." Bobby pleads and I look over at Dean, who rolls his eyes, slightly, as he keeps them on the road. "I'll try, Bobby." I sighed then I hang up. 
We finally make it to the motel Sam was staying at and hide in the hallway. We looked around the corner and see Sam leaving a room. We watch him go then both of us enter the room, only to find Ruby inside.
She turns to us, surprised, then she begins to attack us and we do our best to fight her off until Sam comes in as I have ahold of Ruby and Dean starts to pull out the knife.
"No. Let her go. Just take it easy." Sam tells us as he pulls Dean away, grabs the knife out of his hand, then pulls me off of Ruby seconds later. "Well, it must've been some party you two had going, considering how hard you tried to keep us from crashing it. Well, solid try, but here we are." Dean said to him, angrily, as I go and stand next to him.
"Dean, I'm glad you two are here. Look. Let's just talk about this." Sam said. "Soon as she's dead, we can talk all you want." Dean growls then Sam turns to Ruby. "Ruby, get out of here." He tells her. "No, she's not going anywhere." Dean said but Ruby runs out and Sam watches her go.
"She's poison, Sam." Dean yells. "It's not what you think, Dean." Sam said. "Look what she did to you, Sam. I mean, she up and vanishes weeks at a time, leaves you cracking out for another hit—" I said to him, concerned. "She was looking for Lilith." Sam defends. "That is French for manipulating your ass ten ways from Sunday." Dean yells. "You're wrong, Dean." Sam said, firmly.
"Sam, you're lying to yourself. I just want you to be okay. You would do the same for me and for (y/n). You know you would." Dean yells. "Just listen." Sam said and he raises his hand then he realized he's still holding Ruby's knife that he took from Dean, and tosses the knife on the bed. "Just listen for a second. We got a lead on a demon close to Lilith. Come with us, guys. We'll do this together." Sam said.
"That sounds great. As long as it's you, me and (y/n). Demon bitch is a dealbreaker. You kiss her goodbye, we can go right now." Dean said but Sam shakes his head. "I can't." Sam said and Dean turns away, nodding. "Sam...you know this is crazy...." I said, trying to talk some sense into him. "(Y/n), I need her to help me kill Lilith. I know you and Dean can't wrap your heads around it, but maybe one day you guys will understand. I'm the only one who can do this, guys." Sam said and Dean turns back around.
"No, you're not the one who's gonna do this." Dean said and Sam scoffs. "Right, that's right, I forgot. The angels think it's you." He grumbles. "You don't think I can?" Dean asked him. "No. You can't. You're not strong enough. And neither is (y/n)." Sam growls and Dean glares at him.
"And who the hell are you?" He asked, angrily. "I'm being practical here. I'm doing what needs to be done." Sam yells. "Yeah? You're not gonna do a single damn thing." Dean said. "Stop bossing me around, Dean. Look. My whole life, you take the wheel, you call the shots, and I trust you because you are my brother. Now I'm asking you, for once, trust me." Sam pleads.
"No. You don't know what you're doing, Sam." Dean said. "Yes, I do." Sam said. "Then that's worse." Dean said, in a soft growl. "Why? Look, I'm telling you—" Sam started to say but Dean talks over him. "Because it's not something that you're doing, it's what you are! It means—" Dean said then he cuts himself off. "What?" Sam asked but Dean doesn't respond.
"No. Say it." Sam said as he has tears in his eyes. "It means you're a monster." Dean said and Sam nods. I bite my lips and tears roll down my cheeks when Sam punches Dean, making him go down hard. "SAM!" I shouted, shocked, as Dean gets back up, stares at Sam then Dean punches him.
"STOP!" I screamed and I go to stand in between them, holding my hands out to them. "Guys, stop, please!" I exclaimed. “Stay out of this.” Dean growled, grabbing me by my shoulders and pushing me out of the way. I lose my balance and fell onto the hardwood floor. I groaned at the now throbbing pain in my head, hearing things in the room break as boys fight. 
I forced myself up, in time to see Dean crash through the divider and land on the glass coffee table that breaks on impact. He hits the floor and doesn’t get up.  Sam pins him down, choking him. "You don't know me. You never did. And you never will." He growled as he continued to choking him.
I raise my hand up and Sam goes flying back then lands on the floor. I keep my hand out as I use my powers to hold Sam down, glaring at him, while walking towards him. He slowly starts to get up but I do my best to hold him back, but he looked like he was fighting against the wind. Then he holds his hand out and I felt a force push me back and I plant my feet firmly against the floor.
“Look at what you're doing! You’re hurting your own family! This isn’t you Sam, it’s the demon blood! C'mon, you're smarter than this!” I shouted at him. “How would you know? You’re too weak to take any. This is me. This is me taking control of my own life for once!” Sam growls then he thrusts his hand forward and I felt a powerful force throw me back and I hit the wall then slide down.
I groan as I land on my front and hear Sam walking. "You walk out that door, don't you ever come back." Dean yells and I raise my head and look at Sam, who stops at the door and turns back, then leaves.
@rach5ive @kitsun369 @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester @ellie-andthemachine
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Just because I'm spending whole day singing 'I wanna die wanna die' here's a little fluff from the top of my head
Still have no Idea of current rating system so pg? Like nothing cruel only fluff and mi-mi-mi
'You love Buck!'
Eddie knew. Like for a long time. And he means long time as years now. So that wasn't a surprise or anything. He just doesn't understand why it could possibly matter.
'Well, yes. So what's your point?'
Peppa stares at him with her special 'mi sobrino is an idiot' look.
'I spent so much time to find you a perfect date. What for?'
'Still have no idea what are you talking about, you was bored maybe?'
'Edmundo! You're in love with this nice boy. I'm fine with it, i just don't understand why did you keep it a secret? You know i love you and I'm always on your side'.
Eddie nodded. Well, he is in love... kinda. But still, what could anything about it possibly do with his dating life
'I haven't kept it a secret, i just don't understand why could it matter'
Peppa scoffed
'Fine. At least you tried to face the reality. Not in a right way but still. Let me find you a fine boy then, i have a friend, her nephew is really nice young man... And he's also pretty. Not as pretty as you of course.'
'Peppa, just stop. You really think i can't find somebody by myself? I just don't need anyone'
'Mijo, you need someone so bad it looks pathetic! So no arguing, I'll update you when you have a date!
Eddie exhaled. Arguing with her anyway was senseless, if she decided something nobody can stop her.
'And that's how i have a date tonight. With some random guy named Alberto, who in their right mind would name their child Alberto?!'
'My brother's name is Albert, so i can give you a list'
'It's not Alberto, this 'o' in the end is just...'
'Well, Edmundo... You just don't wanna go on this date. With the guy. Actually, congratulations, you came out so smoothly i didn't even get it on the first time. I'm so proud of you'
'That's not the point, but thanks, Hen. I just... I mean I'm grown up man, can i decide something in my private life alone?'
'From your previous experiences - no.'
'Thanks, Bobby. Really helpful. By the way, Buck, you're surprisingly quiet. Is everything alright?'
Everyone just turn to him
'Yes, I'm fine. I hope your date would be great. I'd really love to see you happy.'
'But i am happy?!'
Buck just nodded with so much of visible attitude that Eddie was ready to start defending his imaginary happiness. Bobby saved the day, of course.
'If you say so. Okay, team. Work is calling'
'Still don't wanna go?'
'Try to guess. Buck, do you need a lift?'
'Nah, I'm good, thanks, i have a ton of plans with one of my favourite persons today'
Everybody seem intrigued. Eddie exhaled loudly
'My son. He's taking Chris to the natural history museum. And i should go to some bar. Maybe i also want to go to the museum'
'You hate museums!'
'But i.. ok, fine. I hate museums so i should drink myself to the oblivion, nice'
'Well, actually no. You can just have a good time.'
'Yeah. When i come up with some sweet excuses why I'm not interested in this guy'
'You've never met him before!'
This discussion is going nowhere
'Listen, i know you're getting ready for your big date...'
'Shut up and get to the point already'
Eddie puts him on speaker and threw away another shirt. He hates everything about this date but somehow he wants to look impressive. Why? What's wrong with him? Okay, this shirt is good. Buck loves it. But he's not dating Buck...
'I mean, did you know, the stairs in the museum are also... Historical?.. and slippery...'
Eddie dropped the tie he started to knot. Maybe it's for the best, who wears a tie to the bar, even if it's a fancy bar.
'O my god, no, of course not. Sorry if i scared you!'
'Buck. Back to business. Slippery stairs?'
'I sprained my ankle. It's not that bad but i was asking if you're fine i stay with Chris at your place instead? I'm not sure i can go further with museum walking. And Chris's pace'
'You shouldn't ask. Ever. Okay, I'll be there in...'
He opens uber app
'Thirty minutes or so. Are you sure you don't need ambulance?'
'I sprained my ankle, it's not that I'm dying! And what do you mean you'll be here? I can drive!'
'Yeah, sure. I'll be there anyway, so wait for me'
'But your date..'
'See you'
Eddie hung up, types quick message 'Sorry, i have an emergency' and called uber
'Well, it's not broken from the first glance but we're heading to the ER anyway. Give me the keys'
'I know it's not broken, i told you. So...'
'Buck, i can't recall asking you. Chris, go to the car. Did you have fun?'
'It was awesome, do you know T-rex and brachiosaurus have never met?!'
'Interesting. Give me my first aid kit please'
'What are you doing?!'
'Try to guess. Put on a tight bandage on your ankle. You're taking back seat to have your leg steady. Can you go or... nevermind'
Looking to the limping Buck was so unpleasant... And he moves so slowly! That Eddie has no choice other than carries him to the Jeep.
'I told you it's not broken!'
'And yet i wanna be sure. Okay, take your papers and let's go. Do you want to get some food on the way?'
'I can cook!'
'No you're not. You should keep your ankle in peace and comfort, so no kitchen work for you. I was thinking tacos. And a big bucket of ice cream'
'Sounds... Great, actually. But your date?'
'Forget it. Okay, you're so slow...'
'Don't you dare to carry me again! Edds, cut it! Put me down!'
Buck's laughs so lightly Eddie feels his heart melting. And even if he would never recover from that - he would never change this moment for anything.
'Why have we never watched Jurassic park before?'
'Well, i just thought as your museum experience wasn't so great... You can at least watch a movie about somebody with more problems? And now, Chris, it's time for bed!'
Chris yawned and headed to the bathroom with no arguing what was actually new for him. Or he was just really tired.
'It's your bed time also, Buck. But firstly you need to take another painkiller.'
Buck makes his special puppy eyes and smiles
'And then you get me another pillow here? For, you know, my ankle?'
'Why would i bring here pillows if you'd not be here?'
Buck freezes and his smile is literally vanished
'What do you mean?'
'I said. Bed time. Not couch time. We should have also checked your head cause you definitely lost your cognitive ability'
'Do you think you can manage the big journey to the bedroom or..'
'I can! It's not so bad, really, you saw that, doctor said tomorrow I'll be fine! Edds, please, don't carry me around anymore!'
Fuck Eddie loves his laugh. He loves everything about him.
And he forgot to call Peppa. Tomorrow, he'll do it tomorrow, anyway she already knew that he skipped the date, it doesn't matter when they could have an argue on that. Cause of course, Buck's ankle wasn't that bad. It wasn't a real emergency.
But to be fair... He has no regrets at all.
'Hey, Eddie! So, what's about your date night? Judging by your smile i can suspect it wasn't that bad?'
He smiles to Hen, taking the cup from her hands
'Actually...It was surprisingly good'
'Really? Which bar were you at?'
'No bars. We were at home, watching movie and eating ice cream. It was nice ice cream and actually i like Jurassic park.'
'Sounds.. cosy. But what's about this guy, do you like him?'
He paused for a second.
'I love him'
Chim whistled
'That's big! Maybe a little bit fast but...'
And here's Buck. It took him surprisingly long time to park that time. His ankle is fine - he still has a bandage but at least he is not limping anymore. And he even went to the loft to get his sketchers.
'Hey, guys! Oh, Eddie, you're already here. Sorry that I've ruined your date but I was thinking maybe we can watch second Jurassic park movie after shift? If you're not planning to give your date another chance, of course. Erhm. Guys? Why are you staring at me?'
Hen coughs
'Eddie was just telling us about his perfect date. With movie and ice cream....'
Chim nodded with enthusiasm till Eddie tries to drown himself in his cup
'Yap. Eddie said he loves the guy!'
'But..but he wasn't on date... I mean... Eddie?!'
'Why did you say that?'
'Cause, Evan, I'm not a liar?'
Buck's face became red as the engine behind him
'We can talk after shift, if you'll be in a mood but really, Buck, there's nothing to discuss'
It's so obvious for him that there's a lot to discuss but Eddie looks at him in a strange way... And yes, this is not that kind of discussion he would like to share with the team.
They were in the changing room after the shift when Buck starts again
'Why didn't you tell that to me first?'
'Didn't tell you what? That i love you and i can't imagine my life without you? Maybe it's non of your business?!'
Buck chokes on air. How can he forget Eddie's main line of defence usually is attack?
'Why so?'
'Cause I don't want to ruin our friendship.'
'Than i ruin it myself!'
'How do you think, if they even remember we're still here?'
'I think you need to give them space.'
'Bobby?! When did you get here?'
'Five minutes ago. Hen, what are you filming?!'
'Family archive'
'No, you don't! Get yourself out of here now, that's an order!'
'I beg you not to. I'm sorry, Evan. I really don't want to lose you. Ever. So I'm fine with the friendship if you're capable of doing so, knowing... That'
'I don't want to be your friend'
Buck see how Eddie's face goes grey. Like small light in him just burnt out in a second.
'I understand. I'm really sorry'
'Shut up. I don't want to be your friend and i don't want you to be my friend. Only because i want you to be my life. I want you to be happy, i want to make you happy, i want watching movies with you, hell, i want to live my life with you. And see Chris growing up. I want all of this. With you. I just have no idea i even have a chance!'
Eddie smiles a little
'Why didn't you ask then?!'
'...I didn't want to ruin our friendship...'
Eddie starts laughing
'Ruin it for fuck sake!'
Actually Buck has been thinking of this for several hours straight. He thought of doing this for several years now but constantly thinks from the second Eddie carried him to the car. So it is surprisingly easy for him to push Eddie to the locker and kiss. And kiss. And again. Like he was trying to catch up on something. Based on Eddie's reaction - he was for it.
Buck opened his eyes when kiss is abruptly stopped and he heard applause. He turns his head just to see three smiley faces in a small door window.
And then door opens.
'So, mi niño, how was your date?'
'Great, Peppa. It was great.'
'And Alberto told me you've never shown up'
Peppa smiled.
'I'm so glad for you. And i really like Evan, you know?'
'I know.'
'And now i love him even more. Cause he makes you happy'
'He does'
Eddie smiles.
'He really does'
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Code Words: Bacon?
Hi, I absolutely loved your CodeWords fic! It had a good conclusion, but if you were to continue that verse I would definitely read it. Like if it was something like Roman and Janus go on a new mission/adventure or just some fluffy bonding with the agents we love in this fic. – creativia10
Read on Ao3 Masterlist
Warnings: nightmare, sleep paralysis, aliens/monsters
Pairings: none
Word Count: 5008
In an epilogue of sorts to the main story, Janus and Remus show Roman one of the training simulations.
    The worst part about waking up from a nightmare is how truly exhausted his body is.
Roman winces, still staring at the ceiling as he struggles to convince the dead weight that should be his limbs to at least move a little bit. But no matter what he tries, they refuse to do so much as twitch, thrumming with the same bone-weary ache that comes from being put through the Blender; when he first started training at the higher agents' level, they introduced him to the obstacle course that would serve as his qualifier. He almost ended up permanently paralyzed the first time something came at him too fast, and spent the next six months in various stages of pain and suffering until he was finally able to put the fucking thing in the rearview mirror.
Come on, you assholes, he bargains with his limbs as he just manages to roll from his side to his back, just let me fucking move!
But they don't, and so he doesn't.
Closing his eyes to muster up the courage to shift again only serves to reinvigorate the horrors living on the insides of his eyelids. He wrenches them open again, trying doggedly to stay awake until he can convince his body to move. The dark of his room presses closer as he tries to move just enough to where he's not actively restrained by his own stupid limbs.
The ball of fear in his chest doesn't deflate.
His fingers wiggle on one hand, then the other. Bit by bit, he reclaims the use of his arms, but that doesn't mean shit if his lower body won't get with the fucking program. He wriggles around for a bit like a truly pathetic worm until he can flop himself over to the bedside table and grope for his phone.
Logan picks up on the third ring.
"Roman? Little one, is everything alright?"
"How the fuck do you sound this 'wake right now?" he slurs against the wave of relief that threatens to send him back to the bed.
"It's a skill, I'm afraid, but what's the matter?"
The obvious concern lacing his words strikes Roman's chest. "I…it's stupid."
"It's gotten you to call me in the middle of the night," Logan corrects gently, "that's not nothing."
"It's just—never mind."
"Roman," Logan says, a touch firmer this time, "tell me what's the matter."
And suddenly he's eight years old again, in a room that's too big and too small, and he mumbles: "I had a nightmare."
"Oh, little one, I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like me to come over?"
His heart leaps. "You…you would?"
Logan's quiet for a moment before he sighs. "Roman, perhaps I haven't made myself clear over the past few months, but there is very little that I would not do to ensure your comfort. If having me there with you will help in this moment, then that is what I shall do."
"Okay," Roman mumbles around the lump in his throat, "I…um…can you come, please?"
"I'll be right there."
True to his word, it feels like scarcely any time at all before there's a soft knock on his door and Roman's fumbling to pull up the app on his phone to check that it's Logan and let him in. The door swings open with Logan's soft hello, it's only me, and then he's appearing from around the corner—
Roman blinks at the flannel shirt and pants as Logan comes to sit on the edge of the bed. He notices the look and the corner of his mouth quirks up.
"Never thought you'd see me in pajamas, did you?"
"To be honest, I don't think I really believed you sleep."
"Of course not, this is part of my ruse," Logan says immediately, gesturing to himself, "I'm told that most normal humans wear specific 'bed clothes' when they go unconscious, apparently it's quite the intricate ritual."
Roman manages a weak laugh and Logan chuckles too, before his voice gentles and he shifts a little closer.
"What can I do for you, little one," he asks too softly for Roman to keep the whimper inside his chest, "what do you need?"
"Can I have a hug?"
"Of course you can, come here," he murmurs and leans forward to tuck Roman into his arms. The smell of pine and cedar wafts into his nose as he buries his head in Logan's shoulder, clutching the back of his shirt. "There, is that alright?"
He nods and Logan hums, shifting a little bit so there's less of a strain on Roman's still non-functioning legs. The phantom pain still thuds in the back of his brain like a too-loud stereo system, making him whimper again and try to burrow closer to Logan. One of his hands rests at the small of Roman's back as his head turns.
"Are you hurting, little one?"
"'S just phantom pain."
"That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt."
He shifts a little more. "…yeah, it hurts a little. But I don't want pain meds," he says when Logan goes to pull away, "just—stay?"
Logan stops, to his credit, but he can feel the frown over his shoulder. "Why not, if I may ask?"
"It's more psychological than physical, at least that's what the doctor said. If I try and medicate it away, it makes it…it makes it worse the next time."
"Is there anything that does help?"
"Well, moving them helps, but I'm currently very stuck, so…"
Logan pulls back again, just enough to cup Roman's head so they can look at each other in the half-dark. "Do you want help?"
He opens and closes his mouth a few times. Something works at Logan's forehead before he makes Roman look at him properly.
"I am offering to help you because I care about you," he says, gently yet firmly, "and you are in pain and I wish to help you. This is not a trap, this is not something I will hold against you in the future. You are my charge and I will care for you as best I can."
"I know," Roman nearly whines, "I do, I promise, I just—my brain just fucking sucks."
"Hush, now," Logan soothes when Roman's fists clench, "it's alright, I know it's hard."
"Why is this so hard?"
"Brains are very good at pattern recognition," he explains, stroking his fingers through the hair at the back of Roman's head, "and it is very difficult for them to unlearn them. The brain acts as a muscle with a reflex; if it gets very used to doing something as a reaction to certain stimuli, it will continue to react in the same way until it is unlearned."
"You're too eloquent for this time of night," Roman mumbles, halfheartedly swatting his shoulder, "small-word me."
"I thought those were small words."
"Smaller words. Two syllables only."
Logan sighs in that fondly exasperated way but nods. "The brain is like a muscle."
"Muscles can have a reflex."
"It's very hard to stop a reflex."
"That's stupid."
"Well, I would argue that having reflexes at all is one of the evolutionary advantages that humans—" Roman glares at him and he cuts himself off with a sheepish cough— "the point I'm trying to make is that it's not your fault that you're having a difficult time, little one. You can be a little kinder to yourself over it."
"But that's hard."
"I know, little one, I know." He chucks Roman lightly under the chin. "But a good way to start is by letting others be kind to you."
"I don't have the brain to keep up with you in a debate right now," he says weakly, to which Logan only chuckles, "okay, okay, fine, you can help me."
Logan leans forward to kiss his forehead, which he swears he did on purpose so that Roman's hands would stutter and let him go long enough to slide further down the bed. "Can I take the covers off?"
"Mhm." Only for him to wince at how cold his legs feel, which only worsens the pain. "It's cold."
"I know, little one, I'm here to help. I'm going to walk you through a few physical therapy exercises that Medical had me do in the past, okay?"
"How are you gonna walk me through them when my legs don't work?"
Logan gives him a look and scribbles his fingers across Roman's right foot. Roman yelps, betrayed, and jerks his foot slightly away.
"Well," Logan says, slightly smug, "I think that's a promising start, don't you?"
"If you're just going to tickle me and call it 'helping,' then—"
"I won't," he says, softening immediately when he sees Roman's shoulders hunch, "I'm sorry, little one, that was mean."
"Yes, it was."
"I'm sorry." He takes Roman's ankle gently in hand. "I'll make it up to you, you have my word."
Slowly, Logan starts to bend and straighten Roman's leg, rotating his foot around his ankle, moving up to stretch out his hip too. He does the same with the other leg, working slowly and carefully so as not to strain his muscles. The ache ebbs and flows as Logan moves, still tingling in the very recesses of his brain as his legs slowly start to feel like legs and not useless sacks attached to him. Still, his breath hitches a few times when the pain decides to throb and Logan always stills, lowering his leg back to bed and waiting for Roman to nod that it's okay again.
"You're doing so well," he murmurs as he works, "so well."
"Thank you," Roman mumbles when he can actually move his legs a little bit again, "that's better."
Logan hums, sitting back near Roman's headboard again. When Roman leans closer, he lifts his arm and gathers him back in for a cuddle, kissing his temple and helping to tug the covers back over him. "Are you still cold?"
"Not really."
"That's good." His fingers card through the hair at the nape of his neck. "Do you wish to talk about it?"
"Wait, really?"
"I'm here for you, little one, if something I suggest will not help you, there is absolutely no obligation for you to do it."
"Why are you being like this now," Roman can't help but whisper, "you were so—so—so not this for so long, why are you doing this now?"
His head goes up and down as Logan sighs. "Believe me, little one, you have no idea how much I wish I could go back and change some of the things I've done, or how I chose to train you. I—in my own arrogance, I couldn't, or refused to see past yours, to see how hard you really were trying just to keep your head above water."
There's a pause, then Logan turns his head and his breath warms Roman's forehead.
"I thought I knew what was best for you," he says, a tremble in his voice, "and I helped deliver you to the hands of a monster. And for that, I will never forgive myself."
The words shoot a pang through Roman's chest. "Logan, you…you can't blame yourself for that."
"I can and I do, Roman. It was my job to make sure you were safe here, because that is the responsibility of a mentor, and I did not want—or perhaps I was just unwilling to admit that I didn't feel qualified to help you. I am aware," he says when Roman starts to say something, "that Michael was incredibly good at his job. I am aware that I cannot blame myself for the actions of others. But…look at me, little one."
Roman does and balks at the sight of Logan's tears. "Logan—"
"It was my fault that I was not honest with you that I didn't know how to help you," he says, his voice still remarkably clear, "and that I never made any effort to make sure that you knew that I was here to support you, no matter what."
And fuck it, Roman's crying now.
He throws himself at Logan's chest and Logan catches him, holding him as tightly as he can as he murmurs nonsense into Roman's hair. And maybe this really is better than he ever could have hoped for, because as Logan eventually coaxes him to lie back against the headboard, he clings to the flannel shirt with all his might and Logan comes with him, lying partly over him as though he's another blanket to shield him from the world.
There are far worse fates.
But tears have to run dry eventually because the human body has its limits, and when Roman sags against Logan's hold, he moves just enough to ensure Roman can still snuggle into his side and lies next to him. It's a different sort of exhaustion now, one that seeps far more into his chest and stomach than his limbs. He keeps a loose grip on Logan's sleeve as he nuzzles into the crook of his shoulder.
"I'm glad." His hand cards through his hair again. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"
There's a pause. Then: "Can you see if Janus is awake too?"
He can tell he's surprised him by the way Logan's hand falters, but after a moment he murmurs an affirmative and pulls away. Roman lets his eyes slip closed as the bright light from the screen illuminates the side of the bed. After another moment, he hears the telltale buzz of the phone beginning to ring and frowns. Logan shrugs—with the shoulder he isn't leaning on—and answers the call.
"You're on speaker, Janus, and Roman's here."
"Hey, sweetie," comes Janus's voice, "I heard you had a nightmare, are you okay?"
"Yeah," he mumbles, burying into Logan's side, "just…wanted to see if you were okay too."
"I'm alright, sweetie, I'm fine." They hear a muffled voice and Janus sighs. "Look, I'm going to put you on speaker too so Remus doesn't have to act as a cartoon Greek chorus."
Roman snickers as there's a fumbling from Janus's end of the call and then a clunk as the phone must be set down on the table.
"Can you still hear me?"
"Yeah. Hi, Remus."
"Hey, squirt. Welcome to the cool kid's club of not being able to sleep at night."
"Remus," he hears Janus scold, followed by a soft thwap and a muffled yelp, "ignore him, sweetie, he's a terrible influence."
"Okay, one of us started sneaking out of the dorms way earlier than the other, and I'll have you know that your disciplinary record starts much earlier than mine."
"Yeah, well, one of us had to go figure out how to mop up a bunch of green slime because the other one was laughing too hard to be useful to anyone, so there."
"And you know, I've never once heard you say thank you."
"For dousing me in green slime? No, you haven't, and you won't, because that's not something I would thank you for."
Roman chuckles as the two of them keep bickering, his eyes growing heavier and heavier. Logan sets the phone on the bed so he can still hear them, before coaxing Roman to lie back down properly. He drifts off to sleep with the three voices in his ear, laughing about some prank that had gone hilariously wrong.
    "I think he's asleep," Logan says over the phone and Janus immediately lowers his voice.
"Is he alright?"
"Exhausted, by the looks of it, and probably more than a little affected by some of the phantom pain still, but he's alright."
Remus grunts, taking another swig of his drink. "Has he had his follow-up with Psych yet?"
"It's at the end of the week."
"They really fucked him over with their booking shit, huh." He drums his fingers on the table. "Is he booked the rest of the week too?"
"No, not as far as I know."
"Might do him some good to get out and moving," Remus suggests, glancing at Janus, "just so he's not sitting in it."
"We have a sim mod coming up," Janus agrees, "it would be nice to do with a team."
"Why don't I see if Roman's up to breakfast with you two again tomorrow," Logan suggests, "then you can ask him?"
"Yeah, that works. Are you going to stay with him?"
"Yes. Don't worry, I'll look after him."
"Thanks, Logan." He hangs up and scrubs a hand over his face. "Well, we should probably get some sleep, then, huh?"
Remus huffs and finishes his drink. "Yeah, probably. Poor kid."
"Nope," Remus says, pointing a finger at him, "none of that self-deprecating shit. Get that out of here. We've all been over this, now knock it off or I'll come in there with a crowbar."
Janus chuckles and waves him off, getting up slowly from the table and making his way over to the bed. After a moment, he feels the other side of the mattress sag as Remus joins him.
"You okay?"
"Yeah," he sighs, "just…you know."
"Yeah." The mattress shifts as Remus rolls onto his side. "You should probably change into something more comfortable to sleep in."
"So should you."
And so, neither of them moves, and they wake up the next morning with slightly bizarre marks from sleeping on things that aren't meant to be slept on, but they clean themselves up and go to meet Logan and Roman at the nearby diner. Roman looks a little tired when he sits in the booth, but he visibly brightens when he sees them walk in and scoots over to make room for Remus to sit next to him.
"Hey, squirt," Remus greets, ruffling his hair until Roman squawks, "what're you having?"
"Bacon, hashbrowns, pancakes. You?"
"That sounds great to me, I'll steal your bacon to go with my omelet."
Remus winks as Janus rolls his eyes. "Ignore him, sweetie, he'll steal mine instead."
"Look, it's your own fault if you leave the plate right next to mine."
"Or you could order your own and we wouldn't have to deal with this." Remus swats a hand dismissively. "Fine, you can have my bacon, then—"
"—if you promise to give me the long-range flashlight in the sim later," he finishes smugly and watches Remus glare at him, "do we have a deal?"
"I'll order my own damn bacon, keep your paws off my flashlight."
"What flashlight?" Roman stage-whispers to Logan who shakes his head.
"They're talking about a combat training simulation. It's meant to help you refine your stealth skills, though from the sounds of it…"
"We don't use it the way you're supposed to use it," Janus confesses, "we use it to goof off and have fun."
Roman's eyes widen and Remus cackles. "Oh, yeah, we use it to practice stealth, alright, just not the kind they wanted us to."
"Wait, wait, wait, what kind is that?"
"Well, there's the leave-no-bodies-for-the-guards-to-notice stealth, and there's the leave-no-guards-to-notice-the-bodies stealth," Remus explains with a grin, "there's also the who-cares-fuck-it-we-ball stealth, which is my personal favorite."
"And also the least stealthy, look at that." Remus sticks his tongue out at him. "It's meant to be done in teams of four, but Remus and I normally do it just by ourselves."
"Since everyone else gets on our asses about 'not doing it right,' whatever that means."
"If you wanted," Janus continues, smiling as Roman laughs at Remus's disgusted expression, "you and Logan could do it with us. It doesn't count for anything, it's not something you're going to be tested on, it's just for fun."
Roman glances at Logan, who shrugs, before looking back at him. "Yeah, sure. Can we, um, can we eat first?"
"Sweetie, I'm not letting Remus near any sim until he's got at least three cups of coffee in him."
"Yeah, yeah, it was one time."
"Wait, what happened?"
Janus raises an eyebrow at Remus who groans and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Look, you mistake an old broom handle for a combat shotgun one time…"
They trade ridiculous stories throughout breakfast until Roman's grinning more than he is frowning. They walk back to the base two by two, Janus walking with Roman as Remus and Logan debate the technicalities of one specification that Janus apparently never bothered to look up. About halfway there, Roman shyly asks if he can hold on to Janus's sleeve and Janus simply tucks Roman's hand in his until they're all the way at the sim room.
"Alright," Remus says, snapping into a somewhat professional manner—at least as close as he gets when he's not on mission— "so the way this works is we're going to be dropped into an abandoned complex. There are going to be clickers in there—those are weird alien-looking motherfuckers that react to light and sound. We will be given something to accomplish while we're in there and we have to do and then make it to the extraction point. Very similar to a lot of video games except this one you actually get to fuck around in."
"How do we deal with the clickers?"
"You can bash 'em over the head with a hammer," Remus continues, taking one of the big melee hammers off the wall, "you can stab 'em with a spear or a knife, or you can shoot them. Shooting them will make noise and wake any others up that are in the area, so only do that as a last resort or if a bunch of them are running at you. There will be alarms inside as well, which will wake a bunch of them up, so that is the time to shoot."
"Are those our only choice of weapon?"
Janus catches Logan beaming with pride as Roman asks all the right questions as Remus walks him through gearing up, leaning close when the two of them have a moment.
"He's an incredible agent, Logan."
"I know," Logan murmurs back, "I can't wait for when he gets to run a sim like this solo."
"Oh, those two are going to be insufferable once Roman gets good at this, I know it."
"Oi, you two! Stop gossiping and get over here, we're ready for the drop."
Janus walks over as Remus secures Roman into the first of the drop pods, ruffling his hair again as Roman gives him the okay. He does Janus next, securing him in before making sure Logan's gear is all good to go.
"He's good at this," Roman mumbles and Janus glances over, "is he, like, is this his sim?"
"It might as well be, he runs it a lot even solo, which is meant to be impossible. He has fun with it, but he'll behave since it's your first run." Roman nods and reaches out. Janus squeezes his hand. "And if at any point you decide you're done, we'll end it. I promise."
The corner of Roman's mouth quirks up. "Should we have a code word that means we're done?"
"Sure," Janus chuckles, "what do should it be?"
Roman thinks for a moment, then smiles. "What about 'I want some bacon?'"
Janus laughs so loudly Remus looks over at him with a frown. He waves him off and nods at Roman. "That's perfect, sweetie."
"You have to use it too, if it gets too much."
"I will, don't you worry."
"Alright," Remus calls, clicking himself into a drop pod too, "let's do this shit."
The room's lights turn low and the drop pods begin to lower slowly into the simulation room proper. As soon as they emerge beneath the floor, Janus squints through the musty gloom of an old industrial prison complex, lit with flickering faraway lights and the eerie glow of something not-quite biological growing along some of the walls. The pods land and disengage with a soft hiss and immediately Remus is out, prowling along the floor until he's scanned their immediate area, returning to the group and beckoning them closer.
"Comm check," he says quietly and they all confirm their lines, "alright. On your wrist there's a map that shows how much of the place we've found. It also has the objective in the corner."
"We need to find the…stasis unit?" Roman glances around. "What does it look like?"
"We need to find a terminal and query it to figure out exactly what we're looking for. Janus and I have sentry turrets," he says, motioning to Janus, "those'll be helpful when we have to deal with alarms. Their fire isn't live, per se, but it will hurt you, so stay out of their range as much as possible when the clickers come. Logan, you've got the gooey globby stuff that slows 'em down, so we'll gum up the floors and doors if we need to. Roman? You've got the scanner."
Roman immediately checks the thing on his belt, squinting at the screen and turning slowly to get his bearings. "This says there's one about five meters that way."
"Any others?"
"Not that I can see."
"Alright, keep your eyes on that. We're gonna go look for a terminal first, okay?"
"We're following," Logan says, taking out his knife and a flashlight, "lead the way."
Remus glances at Janus and he nods, taking the rear position behind Logan. Roman follows Remus, calling out markers when they appear on the scanner. Remus navigates them through the dark halls until they come across an intersection where Roman says there's one right in front of them.
"You can see it, be quiet now, over there," Remus mutters, gesturing, "there, see?"
"Oh, fuck, that's horrifying. Wait, what are you doing?" he hisses when Remus flashes his light at it and it burbles. "I thought you said they were attracted to light and sound!"
"It's a duration thing more than a disturbance thing. You can flash and get away with seeing what's in the room without waking them up. If you ever think you're in trouble, crouch, don't move, you'll be fine."
"You wanna kill this one?"
"Yeah, it's on its own, the rest of us are right here, go on, squirt, you got this."
Despite Remus's assurances, Janus feels as nervous as he's sure Roman does, watching him reach for the massive hammer on his back and slowly approaching the clicker. His footsteps are near-silent, his breathing over the comms is a little heavy, but even. The clicker burbles as Roman gets right up next to it, then the hammer swings—
"Nice one, squirt," Remus says as the clicker falls to the ground, limp, "good job."
"That's it?"
"Yep. Now it does make some noise, so you gotta be a little careful, but for the most part, yeah, keep doing that and you're golden."
He catches a glimpse of Roman's proud little smile as they keep going. Sure enough, the rest of the sim runs pretty smoothly. Roman keeps up the work with the scanner, Logan can type faster than literally anyone he's ever run this sim with before, and Remus behaves. For the most part. There is one time where he goes to scout alone without them and they hear him muttering over the comms.
"I should not have committed to walking into this room by myself."
"You need some help?"
"Nah, nah, I got this. Ooh," they hear a moment later, "I have even more friends over here, awesome."
"If they react to light and sound," Roman whispers to Janus even though they're all on the same comms, "why is he talking?"
"Because he's Remus, sweetie, he does that."
"Hah, take that, you absolute pile of ballsacks," they hear a moment later before Remus reemerges, "okay, we're all good, we can go in there now."
Roman just gives him a look before looking down at the scanner and frowning. "Wait, what does a moving orange thing mean?"
Remus doesn't stiffen, but Janus can see the way his hands twitch on his flashlight. "Let me see?"
Roman holds it out and he sighs.
"That's a scout."
"What's a scout?"
"It moves around and has these long tentacle things that can detect stuff. Basically it's a huge fucking headache to deal with because it can sound alarms and draw a whole bunch of stuff to us."
"Uh-huh. Uh, so it's probably a bad thing that it's in the room we have to go in, right?"
"Yeah, it's not great, but we'll make it work. Stay close, everyone," Remus says as they head for the next door, "alright, let's do this."
Janus finds himself agreeing entirely with Roman's noise of disgust when he sees the scout for the first time, tentacles and all. Remus shepherds them around the very edge of the room, out of the way of most of the tentacles, until they're almost as the next door. Which, of course, is when the thing decides to turn and move straight for them.
"Can it see us?"
"No," Remus mutters, "only the light like the others."
"Can we kill it?"
"Not while its tentacles are out. Hey, what are you—"
Janus's heart leaps to his throat as Roman moves straight for it. "Roman!"
"I got this," Roman mutters, before he swings the hammer just as the scout starts to—
His eyes widen when the scout falls over, dead, and the complex is silent.
"Well," Remus says faintly, getting up as Roman scans the rest of the room, "you and I are going to have a lot of fun in some of the later levels."
"There are more levels?"
Janus can feel Remus grin as he claps Roman on the shoulder. "Oh, squirt, you ain't seen nothing yet."
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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switchbladedreamz · 2 years
Choosing Me
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LongHair!Frank Castle x Fem!Goth!Reader smut
Requested? Nah
Warnings? ❤️18+!!Hella fuckin smut y'all. Just fiiiiilth.
I need him to kiss me with his beard soaking wet
He cheated. Again..
"You know Ryan, you say you love me but you really don't give a shit about me. Do you?" He face turns bright red. It's his only change of expression from condescending. He straightens his tie. "Oh this again! I love you (Y/n/n). Is it your time of the month or something?" Out of the corner of my eye I see the silhouette, it's been following me all day, get closer. "Look I'm sorry I cheated, it didn't mean anything to me. Lets just forget this ever happened, we'll go to that fancy new Italian place and I'll buy you a new necklace." "Wow. It's like you're married the definition of misogyny, Jesus Christ dude. Get ahold of yourself and get your head out of your ass." I laugh, it almost sounds deranged with how pissed off I am. I turn to walk away but he grabs my wrist. I punch him square in the nose. "I have two hands dumbass, next time try to restrain them both." I mumble 'pathetic' before walking to my car. So too the silhouette moves in time.
It's three hours later and I'm crying into a bottle of wine blasting Halestorm, trying to remind myself I'm a bad bitch. A knock sounds at my door. A very beautiful face is on the other side of the door and I feel the gay panic seep in. "Hello, I'm Yelena, your new neighbor. I believe this is your mail," her ethereal green eyes squint as to read the name in the plastic viewing window of the envelope..''(Y/n)," 'my name rolls off her tongue so elegantly, beautiful.', " it was on my doorstep." She speaks in a Russian accent. I accidentally stare for a moment before finally speaking. "Ahem. Sorry! Thank you, yes. Uhm..how did you know my name?" "It's on the mail." She responds, a light laugh on the end. "Oh! Of course, how silly of me." "Is the music too loud? I'm sorry if it is, and I know a lot of people don't like metal.". Yelena has a beautiful smile, "Crank it girl, Lzzy Hale is an icon. I'll see you around." She waves. I'm stunned silent as I watch her door close. I jump over the couch and yank my phone off the aux, calling my best friend.
"Frank!! The most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life just moved in across from me. And she likes the same music I do, I'm gonna marry her.". "Jesus Christ (Y/n), I thought you was busy cryin over that Bryan prick." "Ryan, and I've been crying because I'm totally happy to be rid of his ass." "Yeah I never did like that douchebag. So. What's the chicks name? I'll see what I can get David to find, see if she's the real deal." I smile, I'm happy he cares. "She said her name was Yelena, I didn't get a last name though. She has this beautiful Russian accent but it's not too thick to were I don't know what she's saying. I don't usually go for blondes but man." "Yeah yeah I get it you're head over heels. Stay safe. Did Ron get all of his shit out of your apartment yet? You need any help with that asshole?" " I would like that, he's not a violent guy but he grabbed my wrist, it left a bruise. He'll be here in a few hours and I haven't been able to stop crying but I was a bad bitch when we last spoke now I'm a sad bitch.". "I'll be there". Before I can thank him he hangs up. He has such a way with words.
Frank arrived shortly after the phone call. He brought me flowers, ice cream, and a black throw blanket. I started to tear up "c'mon, can't have my best girl cryin over a gift. Go sit on the couch, I'll clean up and get you some food and water. Can't have that bastard catch ya slippin. He'll think he's won." I put the new blanket on top of the washer so I don't forget to wash it, I stop in the bathroom and wash my face and change out of my wet shirt.
"Heeey, there she is. Pick out a movie". Frank sets two plates on the coffee table. "Found some hamburger helper in the fridge." I hum as a response before picking Hellraiser, classic.
Halfway through the movie someone knocks on the door. Frank gets up, motioning for me to stay on the couch. I can hear the accusing tone in Ryan's voice as he's greeted with Frank's face. "Guess she hopped on the next dick that was nice to her". Frank's response meets Ryan's nose, that cracks. He screeches and I rush off the couch to stand behind Frank. "You're just going to let this APE TREAT ME LIKE THIS (Y/N/N)!?" Ryan yells. "Keep your voice down! And he can hit you once since you left a bruise on my wrist from early. Eye for an eye, bruise for a bruise shithead. Take your shit and leave." I grab the box, pretending Im going to hand it to Ryan, I let it dump to the floor in the hallway. I hear a gasp then a laugh, Yelena was in her door way. "I'm so sorry. I heard shouting and was going to check on you." That makes me smile a little.
Ryan scoffs and surprisingly he leaves without a word. With asshat out of sight Yelena breaks the silence. "Man that was awkward. But good for you, I like that you dumped the box. I would have just stabbed him." She laughs. I awkwardly laugh. "I'm kidding, you Americans." She points at us and chuckles, shutting her door. Frank and myself go back to watching Hellraiser. I hid my face in his arm as the hooks tore Uncle Frank's flesh off, I hate that part. Frank just laughs then let's me know when it's over.
After the movie ends Frank stretches, his shirt riding up. His happy trail making me happy. I can't help but shoot a quick glance to his lap then away. For some reason my dryer goes off. "Okay now put in the movie I brought." I hear Frank faintly call out. As he walks in he's carrying my new blanket, a bottle of wine, the ice cream, and two spoons. I smile and bend over to put in the movie he brought.
"I've never seen this before. Have you?". I can feel his eyes on me as I bend. "Nah ain't heard of it neither but Sarah said she thinks you'd like it and I told her I was headed over here and she let me borrow hers as long as I bring it back without a scratch." "Well cool, thanks Sarah. I'll definitely have to text her after with my review of it.".
Frank and I go back to cuddling. His presence is so comforting, I'm glad he's here with me. Frank starts to shift around, his face sort of contorted into an uncomfortable expression. "You okay Frankie?" I whisper. "I'm alright." He responds curtly. Well okay then.
Thirty minutes later and he's started shifting again, what the hell. I watch his hands go under the blanket and I catch a glimpse. Oh.
"hey Frankie" I whisper again. "Yeah what?" "Are you alright? You keep squirming around. Are you feelin okay?" I look up at him, doe eyes and all hoping he'll tell me the truth. "Quit worryin bout me and watch the movie, I'm okay." I nod my head and get up to go to the bathroom. It's there I realize why Frank was staring. I'm wearing loose shorts and...I forgot to put underwear on when I was changing into my pajamas. I go to my room and get an old pair of a different ex's jogger sweats (she was very tall) and an oversized HIM cutoff for Frank to sleep in.
Back in the living room I throw the garments at him and he catches them. "What're these (Y/n)?" "Your PJs silly, you really think I'm gonna let you drive yourself home after all the wine we've had". I slur my words the tiniest bit. "I'll get some water for us but you're still staying the night." I insist. I'm met with no retaliation from my guest.
The movie ends and Sarah was right, it was great. I pick up my phone but it's dead. Well I guess I'll text her in the morning.
I'm bent down on the floor, trying to find my charging cord under the mattress when heavy footfalls alert me of Frank's presence. I hear him mumble "fuck me" under his breath. I smile but it's swept away due to my lost cord. "hey princess is this what you're lookin for?" His voice is gruff, broken. Like he's trying to restrain himself. I get up off the ground and plop onto the bed, "yes! Thank you!" I grab it and kiss his cheek as thanks, okay maybe I'm still tipsy. I bend back over, this time on my night stand, to plug in my charger. "Damn iiit. I'm on my tiptoes and I still can't reach it. Frankie can you help me please?" He wordlessly walks over and fixes my problem. "Thank you. Would you like to take a shower before bed?" "Uh, yeah that'd be great, thanks. Towels?" "Hall closet". He nods and leaves.
Laying in my bed, trying my best to fall asleep but I can't when I can hear him. He's not loud by any means but the walls are thin. His little "fuuuuck"s or "yes just like that babygirl"s are driving me insane and insanely wet. The last thing I hear is "fuck yes, just like that (Y/n). Good girl" then the water shuts off. When the door opens, I can see Frank in my doorway. "Frank,....could you come lay with me till I fall asleep?" I ask him innocently. "I don't know if that's a good idea." "It's okay if you don't want to but I've been trying to sleep this whole time and it's weird to fall asleep to an empty bed.. I'm cold" I whine the last bit, rubbing my hands on my arms. Effectively squeezing my arms together to make my breasts pop. Another silent nod he steps in, shuts the door, and makes his way to my bed. It's then I notice he's shirtless and a couple droplets roll down his chest. Fuuuuck mee.
"good night princess" Frank whispers. "Gnight Frankie.".
I'm woken up at 5am, so my clock tells me, to grunts and being shaken. I feel something harsh against my behind when the brain fog clears and I realize what's happening. Frank's face is buried in my neck, and his cock against my ass, humping me in his sleep. "please" he whispers. It's so broken, desperate for release. I bite back a moan and rub my thighs together. It does nothing to alleviate my troubles except when I slip my hand down my shorts. I find im completely soaked when my middle finger splits my folds and runs up and down, spreading my juices. I accidentally gasp out loud as I rubbed my clit by surprise. Frank awoke with a grunt. "You okay pretty girl?" His morning voice is so hot. Then I feel the air shift. He knows. "(Y/n)." I don't answer. I'm too ashamed. "(Y/n)." He says more urgently this time. "Y-ye-ahem, yeah Frankie?". "Don't 'yeah Frankie' me right now. Just, just. Is this happening?" He stammers out. "D-do you want it to? To happen?" I turn onto my right side and face him. I had to at some point. "Yes. Do you?". I just nod. "Can I get something verbal, please?" His deep voice on edge. "I do. Please. Please Frank." Like a predator he growls and inches down bed, kissing and licking down my body as he strips me bare. With his large rough hands, grips my ankles, he pulls my center directly to his face. He doesn't stop making eye contact as his beard burns my thighs. His lips suck my clit into his mouth, the tip of his tongue swirling on my nub over and over and over. Two thick fingers languidly thrusting into me. It's all so beautiful and overstimulating. The tips of his fingers cuuurl and my toes do to, hands twisting needy in his long black locks. The grunts he makes when I tug on his hair send me. His fingers and mouth leave me and a small whiney 'nooo' leaves my mouth. Frank chuckles as he changes our position, I look up and my mind is blown. The big bad...hairy.. Punisher, towering over me and chuckling at me. "Frankie if you know one thing, it's for sure how to turn a girl on." His only response is another chuckle. His big hands pull my knees together and brings them over to one shoulder, slowly inching his member deeper into me. The girth stretching me open, nestled deep in my walls.
Frank's eyes never leave mine as he gently pulls out then pushes back in, inch by fucking inch. One arm stays wrapped around knees, his free hand pressing on my waist. Before I ask what he's doing out of nowhere his thrusts become fast and hard. I can see his cock bulging out of my stomach under Frank's hand, my eyes go wide and squeal when that hand applies pressure. "Okay baby, let me hear you". He leans his body forward, thrusting even deeper. The push and pull of his thick cock fucks my brain over, I can't think of anything. "F-Fra-fuuuck Fra-a-ank!" I cry at the top of my voice, all I get as a response is another chuckle. I roll my eyes. "Hey don't you fuckin roll your eyes at me, especially when I'm inside of you." His thrusts don't stop, it takes a lot to muster my verbal response. "You just...chuckle...it feels rude". I cross my arms to further prove my point. Really I'm just playing with my breasts. "It's." Stop, a harsh thrust. "Because." A stop, Harsh thrust. "You're" stop, harsh thrust. "So. Fucking." Two harsh thrusts back to back. "Cute!" He throws my legs open and around him, wraps his arms under me and pulls me to his chest. Plush lips trace my throat, my pulse, a bite to my jugular, a timid lick behind my ear, a nibble to my lobe. "Baby" I whimper, hushed against the shell of his ear. Gods he smells amazing, like me. It makes me feel primal, he's mine, he smells like me, mine mine mine. His hips move fluidly and slow, loving me. Choosing me. I kiss neck, my lips pressing softly to his Adams apple, my nails scratch lightly down his back. He shivers and it's my turn to chuckle. "Now you get it" Frank says before kissing my shoulder and to my chest. We end the blissful night between the sheets, holding hands. "G'night Frankie." I whisper to the darkness. "G'night baby".
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rigelswrittingsquare · 10 months
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my small human wheatley HC scenario
because I'm down BAD!!!!!!!!! RAH!!!!!!!!
- wheatley having an absolute PUPPY crush on you and finding the stupidest excuses to see you , him being stupidly down bad self just to confess in the end after a (time skip) few weeks
indulgent saansosnaKSNSHAHA, and not written very seriously
for gn readers!!
So you've caught his attention. HOUGH. Let's say you've been working around Aperture as a data logger or some other desk job, most preferably one that doesn't require a lot of talking, but his cubical is like right beside yours. It's basically like a drab monotone setting, classic crammed together offices under that gross florescent lighting
He's talked to you a few times, mostly small office talk, classic conversations by the water cooler, that stuff. GOD he talked a lot in those small moments. saying things like:
"Some brilliant water right here, it just... Quenches the thirst, like water should, you know." He's propped up his elbow on top of the water jug on top while drinking from those pathetic little paper cups, looks like he could just drop that thing with how bad his hand is shaking, and yet he STILL continues.
"Nothing like .. Aperture refreshments, like, seriously, it's some...er..." He drones off, before looking at your confused yet entertained expression, and trying a DIFFERENT approach than the pathetic water convo starter. bravo wheatley!
"...How's it going!"
Usually he can never get very far to talking to you without being told to go back to his cubical, so he's practically quaking in his own skin right now?
if you give him a nod or any positive affirmation? he lights up says things along the lines of:
"Brilliant! That's great to hear mate! Ah ..I mean. Good, good. That's good. Myself? Not doing too shabby, just small quarrels with Jerry here and there, no problem, no problem whatsoever."
however if you are feeling stressed out of not really your best?:
"Ah..Right, hmm..Right, I'll tell you what, at least you haven't spilled your coffee all over the desk, right?.... Don't look, no, don't look at my shirt, I still haven't gotten the stains out." He nervously chuckles, trying to cheer you up. there is a VERY prominent coffee stain plastered on the mid section of his shirt, it's.........it's something alright.
When the two of you part ways, and go back to your cubicles, he's absolutely anxious. we are talking about nervous leg bouncing, chewing on pencil erasers, tapping his hands against the desk, just absolutely ITCHING (hehe you get it like the chapter in portal called the itc * gets thrown off the stage * anyways) to see you again. His gaze drifts down to the gap that separates you and him, and gets an idea. He scrawls something on a piece of paper, before tearing off on his APERTURE BRANDED stick it note pad, and bending down to the floor to push it under the gap with his pencil, stretching to poke your leg with it to get your attention before sitting up in his chair
the note??? you ask?
"Lunch is in 30, can I buy you something? - Wheatley :]"
If you decide to go, oh he's DELIGHTED. definitely knocks on your door the MINUTE OF. NO LATER. and waits for you to come out
he's absolutely Smitten. with you, watching carefully as you point out what you want, and he gives it to you, maybe even splurges on a stale cafeteria cookie for the two of you, and finds a small break room for the two of you to chat
He doesn't care that you don't talk much, it makes you all the more interesting. What's stewing in that brain of yours? What mysterious oasis lays inside that noggin? He's going to crack that egg and find out, one ramble at a time.
He blabbers on about something, noticing you watching him, and he gets flustered, but continues blabbering nonetheless :
"Just thought of something, and quite honestly, it's bloody unnerving. You ever noticed them birds perched up on the lab equipment? Nasty critters, they are... Conniving....Bet they are plotting something ..something big.. nasty... But! But, but but... If you like birds, that's cool too, in all honesty it makes you seem cooler than you already are.. That is, if you even.. Like them critters."
He runs a hand through his hair, before sinking in his seat with relief of your laughter. So this makes him continue.
"But aside from them nasty.....Corvids, I'll tell you what, mate, these things are uhm..." He gestures towards the stale cookies, before clearing his throat. "Horrible. GOD awful. Quite honestly, I'm ashamed to have even given you that." oh he's pitiful. I love him so much
he would continue to do this for some amount of weeks, before working up the gall to finally ask you on a proper date. It started out as usual, him sliding the note under your cubical and buying your lunches, but this time, he takes you outside the office space, and onto the catwalks. He sits down, patting the spot beside him, before staring out into the abyss, just outside the guard rail.
"So.. Uhm.. Sorry about the change of scene, er, I figured it would be best if we found a little snug spot, hm?" He couldn't even look at you without thoughts of backing down plaguing his mind, so he continued on.
"Listen, I've been thinking for a while and uh.. We're good mates, yeah? We're office buddies, we get along, have a bit of banter, eat lunches together.. you listen to my absolute LUNACY, and.... My banter, which it's honestly maddening how you keep up- which is absolutely amazing! I'm glad I got you mate, really, I do." He glanced over at you, looking for any mutual understanding in your eyes, before continuing, looking away once more. god he's a mess
"Well I guess what I'm trying to get at is... More so propose, I guess in a sense, is that I wanted to know if.. you possibly... Wanted to be more than mates?" His eyes darted to your face, before looking away once more. "You just make my day, and..Even if I talk you up a bloody tree," he chuckled, running his hand through his hair again, before pushing up his glasses, facing you entirely. "I think I genuinely like you. Like. Like, like you, if you know what I mean. You don't gotta nod, you don't even gotta answer! Although that's most... preferable, I figure I should just... Y'know...out with it!"
when you accepted, oh he was happier than a kid who got turned loose in a candy store. had to absolutely PHYSICALLY restrain himself from squeezing you into a hug, if it wasn't for you eating your food, he would be more than happy to swoop you up into his arms. however one thing was for sure, he was definitely already calling you luv instead of mate.
it was you, and he didn't want to keep the two of you a secret.
after all, we are talking about you!! who would keep you a secret?
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snow-143 · 2 years
The Truth Untold | Kim Taehyung
Two- Kim Taehyung (1.7k words) |
'Hey, I didn't know what drink she would want, so I just got her a plain coffee, I hope that's okay.' the lanky boy explained without addressing the group.
'That's fine with you right, y/n?' At this his head shoots up.
'What the fuck is she doing here?' He exclaimed seeming surprised more than mad.
Snapping out of it I swivel my head around to look at Eun with accusing eyes. I can't believe she'd do this to me.
Her face seemed to resemble how I felt inside.
'What is going on?' I calmly ask trying to keep my cool.
'I was going to tell you I was, I promise, I just never found the right time and I thought he wasn't coming back until later tonight.' she rushes out in a panic.
Scoffing I walk past the whole group back into the spare room. I begin to pack all of my shit back into boxes while searching for Yoongi's number. I can't go back to Hobi after I promised everything will be alright that's too embarrassing. After a couple of rings he picks up.
'Hey, I'm sorry to bother you, but things didn't work out here, and I need a place to stay for the night until I can figure something out tomorrow.'
'Of course y/n you know you're always welcome at my place. Do you need me to pick you up?'
'No it's alright ill get there by myself I'm already causing you enough problems as it is.' I sigh hating I have to put him in this situation.
I hear him rustle around a bit before his voice sings out again, 'hey no don't say that. It's not a bother at all, I was actually getting a bit bored anyway it'll be nice to have you here.' he lies.
'You don't have to pretend Yoongi I know you hate having people around.'
'Y/n i-'
'What are you doing?!?!' I hear Eun stress from my door, interrupting Yoongi.
'I'm sorry Yoongi, but I have to go. I'll text you when I'm there.' After apologising to Yoongi I hang up.
'What does it look like I'm doing? I'm fucking leaving and don't you dare try and stop me.' I surprise myself with an authoritative tone.
'Look you don't have to leave on my count.' Freezing up at this I slowly turn around seeing no other than Kim Taehyung. 'Eun told us your situation, and I'll feel guilty if you're homeless because of me.'
The anger inside me almost triples as my void eyes set on my so called best friend.
She seems to be pleading me through her eyes which softens me a little, but I digress. 'What, so now you care if I have a place to stay or not?' I whisper under my breath.
'What was that?' he retorts seeming to have heard.
'Look I have a place to stay and even if I didn't I would be fine... it's nothing I haven't lived through before.' I said the last part myself, like a reminder I can get through it.
Throughout all of this Eun has been observing the two of you watching how the interaction was going.
'Look I know you two left it on bad terms but there's no hard feelings, right? You have both moved on from it, haven't you? I mean it's been 4 years you can't still be hurt.' she states as if it's fact.
I then realize how much of a scene I've made.
'Look... I'm staying at Yoong's tonight but ill be back tomorrow to talk.' continuing to pack my bag I sigh, 'you could've just told me instead of lying.'
'Okay let me get this straight. She's been living with him for 3 weeks now, and she didn't tell you? And even made you move in without letting you know he was living there?' Yoongi stated in disbelief.
Glad to have someone see my side (the right one) I yell out an 'I know right!' in relief someone agrees.
'So what are you going to do?' his tone is more serious now.
Sighing I shrug my shoulders.
'Start busking?'
Chuckling he shakes his head. 'Seriously y/n.'
'I guess ill talk to her about it tomorrow. They didn't seem to mind me being there, and it's obvious Taehyung has left it all in the past. If I continue acting like this I'm going to look like a pathetic little girl still hung up on her ex best friend plus I really have no other option.' I admit ashamed of giving in so easily yet again.
'First of all you have every right to be upset over the situation and how things were left, he treated you really bad y/n, and you didn't deserve any of that. You know that right? And second of all this again, really? How many times do I have to tell you? I like having you here! So just stay will you?'
‘Thank you Yoongi.' I give him a genuine smile, grateful to have him at least. 'But you know I can't do that.' my voice comes out sad.
'You know one of these days I'm going to kidnap you and hold you hostage here. You stubborn idiot.' he adds in a lighter mood.
Smiling at this I reply, 'id like to see you try.' and before I know it I'm being swept off of my feet and lifted into his arms.
'What was that?' he challenges.
'Nothing. Nothing, I promise. Just put me dow-ahhhhhhhhhh.' I'm cut off as he starts to tickle my sides.
'S-STOP IT!' I force out between giggles. Trying to catch my breath.
'Only if you say I'm the bestest friend in the whole wide world and sooooo very handsome.' he offers me an ultimatum, seemingly unaffected by my attempts to make him put me down.
'NEVER!' my voice starts off strong but ends in a squeak as he continues his brutal attack on my torso.
That's when we hear a throat clearing over my begs for mercy.
Finding the source my eyes widen in shock. Yoongis actions halt when he feels me tense in his arms.
'Tae- hyung?!' I say almost forgetting I can't call him that anymore out of shock.
'What the fuck are you doing here?' I feel Yoongi's arms tighten around me as he says this.
'Eun sent me to check on you... I heard screams and got concerned when no one answered.' he explains.
'You think I would hurt her?' seemingly offended by this his arm turned into a vice locking me in.
'It's okay Yoongi.' I whisper to him soothing his arms over with my hands, which makes him loosen his grip a little.
Taehyungs eyes zero in on my gesture before he speaks again.
'That's not what I meant, I just didn't know what to think.' Kim Taehyung reasons. 'It's obvious she was perfectly fine though.' Choosing to ignore the last part I reassure Yoongi again.
Eventually he sets me down, although still keeping me close.
'Can we talk alone?' he asks.
'Can you fuck.' Yoongi answers for me which I do not appreciate. I know he's looking out for me, but I can still make decisions for myself... even if they aren't always the best ones.
‘I'm pretty sure she can talk for herself.' Tae seems to be losing his patience at the situation.
'Yoongi I can handle this. Ill call for you if I need you, okay?' I make sure to look into his eyes to get my point across.
After a couple seconds of eye contact he seems convinced enough. 'I'll be in my room. If you upset her in anyway I swear to god Tata I will kill you.'
We both stiffen at the nickname not expecting to hear it even again.
He gives Kim Taehyung one last glare before he leaves.
'Sorry, he's a little... protective.' I attempt to lighten the mood.
‘A little?' he scoffs at my understatement. 'How does he know that nickname, anyway?'
'No reason.' I change the topic to try and deflect the question. 'You look... different.'
'Four years will do that to you.' I laugh at this, realizing just how much has changed between us.
'Yeah. I suppose it would.' A sad look passed through his eyes, almost longing, but it's gone before I can be sure.
'So... what did you what?' I try and get to the point, so I can get this interaction over and done with.
'Oh. Um yeah, I just came here to say you don't have to leave because of me. I mean we've both moved on right?' his tone is almost sad at his words. As if he wished it wasn't true.
But that's stupid. Of course, he doesn't feel that way. I mean, why would he?
Brushing off my stupidly hopeful thoughts I plaster my signature fake smile on my face, 'of course we have. There was nothing to move in from anyway trust me. I was just shocked that's all.' I lie, hoping he can't see through my fake smiles and pretty non truths anymore.
Although, not seeming very convinced he smiles anyway. 'Yeah sorry about that... Eun is sorry too by the way.'
'She always is.' I scoff. He seems confused by this, but I continue talking before he can question it. 'I'll figure it out tomorrow but for now you should leave before my body guard in there pulls his glock on you.' I laugh at the thought before I see Kim Taes stiff figure through my crinkled eyes.
'That's a joke, right? He doesn't actually have a gun, does he?' his calm tone has now turned into rushed whispers, entertaining me more.
'I mean you can always find out, if you like?' questioning with a smirk I watch how he shakes his head retreating.
'That's okay. I'll just see you whenever I see you. Goodbye y/n.' and just like that I'm brought back to that night.
'Goodbye Tae.' allowing myself to say that again I swallow the lump in my throat.
His anxious actions stop at these words as he looks back, something he didn't do back then, before leaving.
'Yoongi?' my voice comes out as a croak.
He walks out without a word and hugs me, cradling my head in his chest. 'I'm here. You're okay, I've got you. I won't leave you alone.'
'I promise...'
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a/n- i love yoongi so much. when i first started writing this i didn’t even intend on making it a love triangle between them but as i kept writing i just couldn’t help it.
please don’t be scared to interact it really does help with motivation and all together just makes me happy obviously no pressure though <3
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wjforever · 1 year
Destroy me again. Chapter 8
I don't bother to get up. Instead, I put my feet on the bed, making myself comfortable. When Delalieu comes in, he looks at me for a few moments, but says nothing but "Sir."
"Prepare the documents for the "Brutus" project. Order a car to be prepared for me and gather the troops in the Quadrant, I will make a statement."
"Do you have another words in your vocabulary?"
Hearing this question, he gets lost, bulges his eyes, stammers. "Yes… sir. Of course, sir. I'm sorry…"
"Sir," I interrupt, finishing the sentence for him. "I get it. What about my father?"
"He… He hasn't been in touch."
"Good. At least one good news for today. Give me a stronger painkiller and help me get dressed." He freezes, looks at me. 
"Lieutenant, this is an order. Not a request."
"Yes, sir… But sir… the medics…"
"Under my command. And their recommendations don't help to cope with the situation, which means I'll have to take matters into my own hands."
"Yes sir. Should I help you up?"
I hesitate for a couple of seconds. I don't know what would look more pathetic, my attempt to lift on my own, having a punctured lung and a practically useless right arm, or the use of my lieutenant's assistance. I decide that I couldn't avoid humiliation in any case, but the second option, at least, would be faster. So I extend my good arm forward, allowing the other person to help me bring myself to an upright position.
A white flash of light blinds me for a moment and I can barely restrain myself from throwing up immediately. 
"Sir, you're too pale and…" Delalieu's voice is surprisingly confident, almost insistent. 
"My clothes, lieutenant."
It's a humiliating feeling for a young and, a few hours ago, healthy person to feel so helpless. Yesterday you commanded hundreds of soldiers, and now you are not even able to get out of bed on your own and put on your own shirt. 
The dressing process is going fast. I'm sitting most of the time. An extra shot of painkiller does its job, making my body almost numb. I can hardly move myself, but at least I don't interfere with Delalieu doing his job. Like a dead man in a mortuary. Obedient and uncomplaining.
My plan is extremely simple. While Delalieu goes to get the documents, I will finish putting myself in order, and then I will choose the names of those who will be called traitors. Later I will speak to the soldiers and let them know that I'm alive. There will also be an announcement of enemies among our ranks. Their names will be announced immediately. This would be a rash move in my father's opinion, but it would save me from the risk that he would participate in the interrogation and learn too much. If they showed courage and start denying something, it wouldn't save them, given the dirt I have on them, but it would destroy my version of events.
Later I will go to the place where Juliette once again showed her abilities and try to get more information. I think that by this time, if not earlier, my father will already be at the headquarters. I will talk to him, trying to pretend that my injury wasn't as severe as my doctors say. Of course, he won't believe me, but I'll have to not look pathetic if I want him to trust  at least a little in what I'm saying.
What's next? I'll do everything I can in this situation. But a lot will depend on the father. If he gives me the opportunity to act, I will need to devote all my strength to finding Juliette, and also use my army and intelligence in the first place to hold off the rebels for as long as possible. Right now I need to maintain at least a shaky, but peace in the sector.
God willing, I will be able to get rid of my father, and I really hope to find Juliette. If Kent is with her, I'll kill him on the spot. His presence would only complicate the situation. Of course, she won't be happy about it, but she has already past the point when everything could have been settled in a more civilized way. Now we can only act from the position of strength. Although if she starts defending Kent in front of the father… I definitely need to get rid of my parent before I get her back.
"Tell me more about Kent's escape," I say as Delalieu ties my shoes.
"The soldiers arrived at Kent's location, but there was a hole in the wall. They couldn't describe exactly what it was like, but…"
"Doesn't matter. I'll see for myself. Is there anything else? They're all wounded. It can't be that there aren't some traces."
"Cart, sir."
"Yes. A cart was found not far from that place. All stained with fresh blood. It seems that someone wounded was being transported on it."
"Hmm… Was it possible to get this cart through these doors?"
He freezes again, I feel his fear, I see his Adam's apple jerk down, and then back. 
"I... I'm not sure, sir…"
"So they didn't check it? Lord, do I really have to do everything myself? Okay, doesn't matter. Where does the trail lead next?"
"There are no more tracks there, sir."
"It doesn't happen that way. They couldn't have evaporated… if there was a lot of blood, there should be…" I trail off and Delalieu looks at me expectantly. "They had a car, right? They must have used it. Is there a car in Kent's house?"
"Car tracks?"
I want to shoot him.
"Order to find out all this before I go to the place."
"Yes, sir. Will be done." He finally feels joy and relief, because once again he has an assignment that he's able to carry out.
With that Delalieu gives one short nod of his head and leaves me alone.
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