#like idk i just set up my accounts online and put money in them why on gods green earth would i need to speak to someone about that
sodrippy · 2 years
looking up banks and is it common to go into a bank branch or need to speak to people at your bank up here? or is it common everywhere and im just not doing that ?? theres five million people complaining about the customer service at a particular bank and im like. why are you in there often enough for that to influence whether youll open an account w them though
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viiridiangreen · 2 years
i've had. A WEEK.
we ran out of gas which we get in those portable tanks taquerías use and like. haven't been able to get more for a ?? week-ish?
i could finally afford to buy a second tank a few months back, so we could set up the dual flippable system so that ideally when we run out of gas all we gotta do is flip a switch and then have like 2-3 months to replace the empty tank
BUT WHILE THAT HAPPENS we r still out of shit to cook & heat water with. except bf's dad uber'd us his electric grill so we r at least not letting all the food (which i bought on Thee Exact Day we ran out of gas. because of course i did) rot like last time this happened (when i ALSO bought groceries directly before running out of gas). but i still can't take hot showers which is Destroying My Brain.
also now the washing machine is Being Fucky & i think needs a filter change?? bc of the super hard water around here probably. i'm hoping it's just that & not also some nefarious effect of the place we had to install it in which is a uh.... cave. of sorts. a non-indoors-not-completely-outdoors VERY annoyingly low ceiling'd space under the building stairs which I gotta stoop dramatically to get into & doesn't let the lid open all the way and is VERY dusty and somewhat humid. and there's a huge warning label stuck on the machine saying like 'pls avoid fire risk by like. not stashing ur machine outside lol'.
and uhh also now i'm being?? i guess blackmailed by a guy who taped one of the Questionable Videocalls i've been doing so i can expand our food budget a little and maybe get prepared stuff from an Economic Kitchen™ (aka Fonda) on weekdays so i can like. have time to breathe & Not have 2 semi-abandon projects like my stream channel or the idea of launching art commissions. cause rn I can't afford to order or prepare or buy enough food to like... eat enough calories to the point where i can exercise without passing out lol (or do basic house chores without feeling like i'm gonna pass out).
he's contacting me thru discord, two different accounts so far. also joined the server I set up for my twitch channel viewers + general destiny friends (Spanish speaking edition) to post ?? screenshots? clips? idk a friend who helps me mod got rid of it + banned the guy Immediately so I didn't even see what he posted. but he could be back on a different acc at a time neither I nor my mod friend are online & Make Problems
i don't really have any sort of official resources I could call on to back me up either bc all the services involved look down on SWers even as they profit off them so....
that's been fun
i just wanna be able to put the skills i know i have to good use. and make enough money to eat decently + be able to go to the doctor lol. these aren't Insane standards. idk why i haven't been able to figure it out (hint: i do know it's The Systemic Bullshit weighing down on me but like. idk anything like........... actionable, changeable on an individual level, can't wait for therapy tomorrow where we'll continue discussing Futile Individual Strategies against the Inexorable March of The Species Towards Oblivion. lol. also it's my second to last session of free therapy! yipee).
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Mental health and illness is already hard enough, but adding school pressure on top is hard. High school was easier for me since there is a lot more structure and a lot less choice, which is why I'm targeting this towards college and university students.
Firstly is attending class. Getting to class is a major hurdle, especially with a commute like me (1 hour+) broke people problems lmao. Driving that long to go to a class just to drive back home is already exhausting and unpleasant, especially knowing professors will post slides or something after class anyways. But you have to drag yourself there. One thing I do to help is dress up. I'll do my makeup and put on nicer clothes. Why does this work for me? I hate wasting stuff, especially money and to me, putting on makeup is spending money essentially (same logic as using rare items in a video game idk). I can't just sit around the house and waste the money I just put on my face so I gotta go to class. Small things like this to trick your brain works so well. Before this, there was a restaurant I absolutely loved next to campus so if I went to every class for two weeks I would reward myself by going there. Another thing that helps is making plans with people ahead of time. They'll hold you accountable on days that you can't.
Take rest days. Schedule one whole day a week where you don't do school or go to work. It's a day completely off for anything. I use this day to do chores in the morning and then just lay around and do absolutely nothing all afternoon and night. This helps recharge and reduce stimulation and socialization. It gives your brain that little rest it cries for every day. I used to panic so much about this one day because I could be working and making money or studying or doing anything to be productive until I had a week where I couldn't do anything because I broke down completely, mentally and physically. Now I see it as a preservation day. I use this day to recover from everything.
Make your notes pretty. I hate going back and looking at my messy class notes. Everything is scattered and messy and I get frustrated. What I do instead is make a virtual, concise copy that is pretty to me. I'll add little sketches, color, pictures, etc. This helps draw my attention and allows me to study while doing it! Making the second copy forces you to go through the material after a class is over and review the material to decide what is truly important and then organize it all and then rewrite it all. This has been a huge help.
Use class breaks to snack or grab coffee. One thing I have found in many people with high anxiety is that food and drinks really help calm you down. I've found some research suggesting it's because food is a signal that things are safe and therefore makes you more relaxed, though I don't know much about anthropology and psychology fields. I find this really helps to calm me down after I had a very stressful test so that I can be more present for the next class. Gum helps a lot on high anxiety/panic days as well.
Download the notes or slides, especially if posted ahead of time. This way you have access even if you don't have wifi. You can even pull them up in lectures so you don't have to focus on the board the whole time. For my people with autism, this has helped me so much. There are times where you can't focus on the professor and the slides and the sounds and writing, so doing this cuts out having to watch the teacher and the board. Bonus points if you can record during lecture as well so you can revisit parts that you zoned out in or couldn't focus on.
Keep a journal or diary and list your activities, food, weather, etc in it as well as your mood. This can help you find correlations to hack shit. My favorite way of doing this is through the Daylio app (I wrote a post about it here). Like I notice that days when it's rainy, I study and read more and days where I walk more and eat breakfast, I focus better and am happier overall. This information helps so much. If I know it's going to rain tomorrow, I won't try to force myself to study a bunch today and instead save that energy for later. Instead, I'll take care of myself and go for a walk or something. Knowing how you work and why really makes a HUGE difference.
This might just be my autism brain, but finding cool things related to the topic at hand has helped me keep interest in at least a little of the subject, helping me study more. Like I don't like chimaeras (a fish group) BUT for some reason I love fish teeth and these fishes have a very unique tooth set. This at least let's me know something instead of just ignoring and forgetting everything. 20% is better than nothing.
Find a reason to study what you do, even if it's just that you need this class to graduate. Just taking classes for no reason seems like something neurotypical people are able to do. I can't do it. I need a reason and if I can't find one, I just give up. I used to always say it was useless and pointless and didn't understand why it was required. But I realized the reason to take it is because I want a piece of paper that says I traded lots of money and sanity for it. And that reason has to be good enough.
Make study games. Games are more fun than lifeless paper. Matching games, crosswords, coloring pages, whatever you like!
Feel free to add your tips to this post as well!! I always have room for improvement and experimentation, especially for really hard days. I still find myself skipping even online classes some days. No one had all the answers or has everything figured out. This is just an incomplete list of things that have helped me out a bit and made college life a bit easier.
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suganovakawa · 4 years
do you happen to take requests? if so, may i- hcs abt playing and simping on genshin impact with kenma, kuroo, oikawa and bokuto-? you can lessen the cast if you want^^ thank you for the time! i love your blog 💖
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genshin impact frenzy!
— kenma, kuroo, oikawa, and bokuto play genshin impact with you!
gen masterlist
taglist ( open! ) —
a/n — this game has taken literally so much of my time, it was only meant to be that i fulfill this request—also bokuto’s has minor spoilers to venti’s story quest! it’s pretty vague but it’s still there
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kenma kozume.
✧。 this guy can take on literally everyone with just the standard team
✧。 and he does—he sees no point in wishing for people when he’s already got a decent team given to him for free
✧。 you’ve literally fought with him so many times because he forgets that wishing is a thing and finds it strange that you are willing to spend your life savings on a single five star character
✧。 he will only wish on the standard banner, since that’s where you can get constellations for the standard team
✧。 somehow he’s collected so many constellations for kaeya and amber, it’s unreal
✧。 you’ve debated on sending a complaint to mihoyo because kenma can’t send any of his primogems to you
✧。 he’s currently AR 50 and still has the beginner’s banner untouched aside from noelle
✧。 “kenma, would it kill you to wish on a banner once? just one ten wish summon. one time.”
✧。 “but i already have my team up to level 90, why should i put in the effort to grind for anything else?”
✧。 “because the other characters look nice?”
✧。 “okay, and?”
✧。 there’s no winning against him
✧。 you ain’t ever catching him simp
✧。 you almost caught him eyeing kaeya’s new idle animation but to no avail </3
✧。 timeskip kenma streams on twitch, where even some of his viewers are completely distraught that he never wishes on the banners
✧。 on multiple occasions he’s held events where he gives you money for primogems, and just streams you wishing for the characters instead of him
✧。 he’d never admit it out loud, but his heart flutters when he sees the excited look on your face as you pull a five star character
tetsurou kuroo.
✧。 for shits and giggles he probably decided to choose lumine instead of aether
✧。 when he realized that he liked aether’s design more than hers, he just stopped using her entirely
✧。 if he hadn’t gotten all the way to AR 30 before this realization, he probably would’ve started over with a new account just to choose aether instead
✧。 he doesn’t play this game religiously, but he is far from a f2p guy
✧。 will shamelessly simp with you if he deems the character simp worthy—if not he’ll just watch you simp and then simp over his own characters
✧。 he almost lost his mind over albedo and had a heart attack when he ended up pulling a weapon instead
✧。 don’t even get me started when he laid eyes on ganyu
✧。 if you can’t get a five star character you want, he’ll purposely spend money so that he gets them before you and rub it in your face
✧。 that’s what he did for zhongli
✧。 “i mean, he’s right here. look! isn’t he so sexy? he would be a great addition to my team. you enjoy having jean though! i’ve heard she’s a great healer.”
✧。 “tetsurou, i am going to murder you.”
✧。 “no you won’t.”
✧。 “i won’t. i just won’t help you with domains anymore.”
✧。 “okay okay wait this can be discussed—”
✧。 he hates grinding and will continuously hold if off until he physically can’t defeat any of the ascension material bosses
✧。 however, he completes ascension quests the moment he can—it’s just his luck that he has to deal with the consequences when he has to deal with mobs with his severely under leveled team
✧。 both of you raced to get to AR 40 first, and you won since you were actually smart enough to level up your characters long before he did
✧。 you two like completing domains together rather than doing it online or alone
✧。 genshin is more of a leisure pastime for kuroo, but he finds himself playing it more and more with each passing day
tooru oikawa.
✧。 surprisingly? he’s much better at genshin than what you were originally expecting
✧。 it’s probably because he has enough patience to grind for all of the materials SDJKFJKSDF
✧。 but because he prioritizes volleyball a lot more, he’s only at AR 36 while you’re on your way to AR 47
✧。 he takes it upon himself to compare himself to childe, and you just have to go with it because tooru will not take no for an answer
✧。 just to spite you he goes around saying “hey girlie” every now and then
✧。 he’ll come up behind you quietly and whisper in your ear, causing you to jump at the sound of his voice
✧。 “hey girlie, hold still.”
✧。 “c’mon, you know you you like it.”
✧。 “maybe if you dressed up into childe’s foul legacy transformation, i would be persuaded.”
✧。 simps for both mona and diluc lowk
✧。 i just know he purposely chooses the suggestive and flirty choices every chance he gets
✧。 he had a field day with ying’er (that perfume lady idk)
✧。 he hates spiral abyss with every fiber of his being and refuses to do anything more after he got xiangling
✧。 he likes flaunting his five stars to random people he plays with in domains just for the fun of it
✧。 his favorites to flaunt are childe and xiao (he was originally wanting ganyu but her banner expired before he could pull her so he just wasted the rest of his pity and got xiao instead)
✧。 idk why but i get the sense that he’s eagerly waiting for an announcement that scaramouche will be a playable character
✧。 he will give you money for genshin if you ask nicely
✧。 if you ask nicely and you give him something in return
✧。 but all in all, he does genuinely enjoy the game
koutarou bokuto.
✧。 kou will either forget to play it for months or you’ll have to pry it from his hands after being locked away in his room for at least a week
✧。 his favorite five star to use would probably be klee, just because of all the explosions she sets off
✧。 definitely simps for ningguang and albedo, but will see to it that he proves himself better than any of the guys you simp for
✧。 he loves using fischl so that he can use oz
✧。 he doesn’t take the game very seriously but still manages to reach AR 40, even though he has no idea how builds work
✧。 he has no desire to learn either, he’s just enjoying himself and exploring the world
✧。 he gets carried away with exploring the world that he found both all of the anemoculus and the geoculus before AR 40
✧。 goes into emo mode when he doesn’t pull the character he wants
✧。 the story quests make him sad when he does them, especially venti’s
✧。 he regretted not having venti after he finished that story quest and just watched the story with venti and his old friend over and over again to mourn
✧。 and he checks up on stanley every time he sees him anywhere, usually in front of mondstadt at night
✧。 “i promise you that i will never leave you or let any harm come to you, y/n”
✧。 “kou, that’s sweet of you—”
✧。 “i mean it! i would rather die than put you in harm’s way”
✧。 you have to comfort him repeatedly and eventually gets over it
✧。 but now he’s saving up for venti’s rerun and has not been deterred or tempted for anyone else, mans is almost at 10k primogems for this guy
✧。 mihoyo pls give bokuto a venti rerun
✧。 it’s safe to say that venti slowly becomes bokuto’s favorite character
✧。 you should watch out before kou becomes too emotionally attached to every character
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crownin-thestars · 4 years
There's a Reason Why
You know who Mega is, right? Everyone knows him as that one mute kid, but they don't know why he's mute and they don't seem to care.
But Mega wasn't always like this
Mega was usually a quiet kid around children his age and older, being quite shy and was always teased for his birthmark location. When he was around those younger, he would usually come off as a bit of a bully because of what he says to them. The only reason he did that was to get rid of stress from both school AND home.
His household was even more stressful, having a single mother and being her only child. His father had filed a divorce agreement but was unable to gain custody over Mega due to his mother presenting false cases. This resulted in, of course, Mega living under his mother's roof.
False cases? His mother sounds like the scummiest scumbag in the world, and I can assure you that that may or may not be true. The reason she wanted custody over Mega was because she was never able to reach her own goals, and with a child, she wanted him to achieve them for her. She never cared about what he wanted to do, all she cares about was that her son absolutely needed to become what she expected him to be.
This woman forced her son to be a perfect child. All A stars in school, always obedient at home and always helped her with housework. (For the record, I don't exactly know how grades work in America, an A star is the highest grade you can get on an exam in my country and a U as the lowest, standing for ungraded so I might go by that)
When Mega had told her he wanted to create content, this set her off. His mother yelled at him, so much that it brought him to tears. He was never yelled at like that for so long, the words that came out her mouth sounded like they were came from another. Mega heard things like 'You were a mistake after all' and 'why can't you let me make you great'. He didn't want to hear anymore of it, running off to his room and locking the door.
Mega's mother thought he had changed his mind, yeah that's how entitled she is, but she soon found out that she was very wrong.
Mega had come home one day on his phone. He wasn't even in the house for a minute when his phone was snatched out of his hands. He was slammed into the wall, causing a few things on the shelf next to him to fall. His mother asked him what he had been doing when he hid in his room.
Nervous, he stuttered out a 'nothing', flinching as his mother raised her arm. She screamed at him for being a lier, and told him that she had been keeping track of who and what he was texting. Mega could feel his blood go cold. Knowing who he was texting would mean her knowing what he was planning, and considering what had happened just a few days ago, he already knew she would not react well.
Mega managed to break free from his mother's vice like grip, snatching his phone back before bolting to his room. The slammed the door shut, locking it. Loud banging and screaming coul be heard behind the door. No matter how much she screamed, he wouldn't break the only barrier he had between him and his mother.
He leaned back on the wall opposite the door, his body sliding down as tears fell from his eyes. He grasped his arms around his head, trying to keep the bad noises out. Mega whispered to himself through the sobs as the banging continued. Why did love feel this painful?
Mega had come home from a long day at school. He entered his home, expecting a greeting from his mother. Nothing was said. He quickly checked the kitchen and her room, no one was in there. Mega smiled to himself. He had the home to himself till she came back! It was still noon, so he had just hoped that his mother would only come back in the evening.
Mega enjoyed the hours he was alone, not having his mother there to tell him off. He had played a few games on his phone and watched many, many videos on YouTube. In the middle of watching another video, he looked up to check his clock. It was already late at night and she hasn't come home yet.
He was confused, getting up from his bed. His mind was interrupted by a wave of pain in his stomach. I haven't had dinner. He thought, making his way to the kitchen. Mega looked in the fridge, no leftovers from the night before. That's fine, leftovers aren't the best of foods to eat. He opened up the shelves, only finding a few cans of soup and some instant cup noodles. Guess the noodles would have to do.
It was the next day, had to be a school day of course. Mega did his usual morning routine, the only thing different was that. . . His mom still wasn't home?
He sighed, going around the house to find some cash to bring along with him. He opened drawers and looked under beds. There wasn't a single penny in the whole place. He looked over at his piggy bank, a sort of last resort. He went to pick it up and shook it, sighing with relief when he heard the sound of coined crashing against the metal casing. This money he saved was meant to be a little bank account for the things that he might have wanted. Removing the little cork at the bottom, he shook the money out, it was just enough for the bus rides to school and back for about two to three days.
He grabbed the money, shoving it in his pocket. Time to get to school.
~Smol timeskip cuz again idk how America schooling systems work~
On the bus ride home, he had attempted to contact his mother, ending with it hanging up immediately. Staying on his own was an intimidating thought, and he wanted to know when she would be coming home.
He entered his home. Mother isn't home again. This time, he wasn't happy. He has never been isolated by himself like this before. That's fine. . . I'm fine. . . He assured himself. His mother was gonna come home at some point. Right?
It had been a few days since Mega had seen his mother, or had an actual interaction with someone. How many days? He had lost track. He wasn't able to go to school anymore because he didn't have money to take the bus. Mega could feel himself losing a bit of his sanity, but it was kept intact with the texting of his online friend. The house was in a bit of a mess, and at this point he didn't bother to take care of it. He couldn't tell if he missed his mother or not, the only feeling inside him being. . . Almost nothing. He kept on reassuring himself, making sure he doesn't do anything stupid.
That's fine. . . Uh oh- A noise was heard from outside the house. He couldn't tell if it was a wild animal, a burglar or his mother. Not taking any chances, he went to hide away. Mega bit his lip, afraid to make any noise whatsoever. Hearing footsteps entering the apartment made his heart beat rapidly. He peaked out of his hiding place to have a look at what was happening. He saw two adults, one woman and one man, possibly a couple, looking at the small mess of a home.
Mega must have peaked out for too long, the woman feeling something watching. She turned to where he was looking out from and saw Mega. Scared, he quickly hid away. He heard soft whispers as the sound of the trespassers footsteps was getting closer. Tears had started to drip down as the footsteps got louder and louder. Mega bit on his lip harder, trying his best to not let the crying overpower him. He knew they've found him, he knew he couldn't do anything. So he just sat there in fear.
They'll hurt you. He thought. That's all people do to you.
Mega looked up, taking in the new faces in front of him. His fear immediately caught up to him as tears burst out. He quickly tried to hide his face, trying not to show weakness. (I mean like he's 7 cut him some slack-)
He heard some sort of packaging open as a small scent of cookies filled the area. He peaked up and saw that the woman was offering him the delicacies. He accepted them with gratitude as he started munching on them. They reminded him of how his father made them when they were still together. . .
The man came to sit down next to the young, scrappy and hungry child, ruffling his hair a little bit as the woman knelt down in front of him with a smile. Mega cherished the company he had around him, softly chewing on the chocolate chip cookies given.
This was the most loved he has felt in so long. . .
Word Count: 1621 words
HAHA I'M FINALLY DONE WITH THIS!! Bro I ran out of words to write at the part where the couple came into the house, so the ending might have sucked a bit, but I still quite like that ending.
Also watched Hamilfilm recently, currently obsessing over the songs, hence that Hamilton reference I put in there.
Also yes I made a 7 year old smart as heck because why not? Dream was able to connect his computer to his neighbor's electricity when he was 15 so it's possible to be overly smart at a young age.
Side note that these are the very same people that decided to take care of him and help him grow up.
Side note #2 if you haven't guessed it yet the issue I was wanting to raise awareness about is child abandonment. I don't know how well I did with writing this because I consider myself to be a privelaged child.
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thestraggletag · 4 years
Starbucks Prompt - (idk if you want pandemic prompts) Nick and Belle decide it's time to see each other now that they've self quarantined long enough to be considered safe, which means they decide to have lunch together, and talk about potentially quarantine together for longer. Mal is against it considering she'd have to potentially hear/see Nick during meetings
This fic is sort of an AU because it sets the first few years of their relationship in 2020. Enjoy!
The lockdown caught them both by surprise, even though they both knew things were getting bad in the city. Both had started working from home weeks before it, and Nick reluctantly praised Mal for being one of the first CEOs to arrange for all workers who could switch to home-working to do so, as well as arranging for an increase in pay to account for the use of people’s home wifi. He did so as well, and he liked to think they set an example for other more conservative businessmen that equated home-working with slacking and “not getting their money’s worth”, whatever outdated bullshit that meant.
When lockdown was announced she went to the penthouse for a teary goodbye, where they mostly held each other, promised to abuse Facetime and be glued to their tablets and had goodbye sex in the shower. And on the sofa.
And a little bit against the kitchen isle.
He worried, of course, that distance would put a damper in their relationship. That it would make it awkward and stilted and, perhaps worst of all, that would make Belle pause and contemplate why the fuck she was dating him in the first place. And, to a certain extent, it was awkward, at first. Belle shared a small flat with two very obnoxious roommates who clearly were not used to seeing her a lot and seemed bothered by the fact that Belle was staying home in the place where she paid the rent. Her room was also teeny-tiny, with a small window that overlooked the fabulous brick exterior of the way-too-close-to-be-code-compliant next-door building, so she did not like to spend a lot of time there.
They made it work, somehow. They set a schedule, which she fought her roommates for, and would cook together, twin tablets set atop two very different countertops, both following the same steps of a recipe. It was a nice, domestic activity, and though it wasn’t ideal- Belle’s roommates would be obnoxious in the background more often than not, it was… cosy. Intimate.
They also played online games. Mostly Catan, when they didn’t mind the game involving complete strangers, and other times card games, or even a round of chess or two. They would have breakfast together every weekend and some weekdays, when their work allowed it. It wasn’t great, but it was better than he thought it would.
Nevertheless, something irked at him, which he did not dare voice. It was all so… needless. They shouldn’t be bending over backwards to try and make a “long-distance” relationship work. They should’ve simply sat down and discussed the much better option of Belle spending quarantine with him. He’d tried approaching the topic right before it started but Belle had very obviously changed the subject. And he tried to understand that it was because she was independent and wanted to prove herself and not rely on him. Tried not to take it personally when she acted as though the penthouse wasn’t at least a second home to her. When all the loneliness and the frustration added up and he remembered there was no cuddling with Belle to soothe the ache.
It slipped out one night, after too much wine and some good pasta. He told her he wished she was here. For the lockdown and beyond. He recalled little of it in the morning, only that he had overshared and likely scared Belle to death with his talk about practically moving together. He needed to respect her times- and keep up with the slow, subtle plot to get her to spend more time at his apartment. The pandemic was… a pebble on the road. A hiccup. It would pass soon.
He had almost calmed himself when his doorbell rang. Dove with the groceries, even though it was a bit late for him. He opened the door, only able to process the fact that it wasn’t Dove before someone threw themselves at him. He first registered the petit frame, then the wet hair and still damp skin. Beneath the smell of clean soap and now familiar lavender-scented hand sanitiser the doorman offered to everyone coming and going from the building he detected the very familiar scent of Belle.
“You’re here.”
He sounded stupidly-awed, like she was some sort of apparition.
“I called Dove and he offered to pick me up. It was weird not hugging him but he understood. Marco let me in when he saw me. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I just… decided it, then had to pack whatever was clean and hop into the shower. I think I flipped my roommates the finger on my way out. They’re terrible people and I don’t wanna go back. I wanna stay here with you.”
When he finally got over his shock he clutched her close, warmed by the fact that she had thought to shower before seeing him. So protective of him, his Belle.
“Thank fucking God, Belle.”
It was a frenzy of a reunion, teary and silly at first, both a bit embarrassed to be feeling so emotional, and passionate and fierce after, interrupted only by a pause to raid the fridge before tumbling into bed together. He woke up sore and oddly satisfied, alone in bed but awake enough to distinguish Belle’s muffled voice coming from outside the bedroom. It was 10 AM, which was an unusual wake-up time for him, but he did not have anything important scheduled till the afternoon. He sat up, pulling on his pyjama pants but leaving the top off. Belle had left some rather tender-looking scratches across his chest he would rather not come into contact with anything yet. 
He padded as quietly as he could- people always thought that because he used a cane he couldn’t be stealthy, and they were wrong- and surprised Belle as she sat on a barstool in front of the kitchen isle, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling her neck.
“Did someone work up an appetite last night?” he purred, thinking that they could have breakfast in bed if she hadn’t eaten already.
“Well, I just lost mine.”
Mal’s too-British accent felt like someone threw a bucket of ice-water right on top of his libido. She sounded tart but also faintly sick and he looked around before spotting her unamused face staring at him from Belle’s laptop screen.
“For fuck’s sake, Nick, stop looking at me like you lack basic cognitive abilities and go put something on before I use the alcohol spray on my eyes and end my misery.”
He narrowed his eyes, trying to regain some footing. Mal looked less like her usual glamazonian self, her make-up minimal, her hair in a ponytail and wearing bona-fide yoga pants and a loose shirt. No doubt the most expensive yoga pants and loose shirt in existence, but still far from her polished usual image. 
“Ah, Mal, the only downside to having Belle here. Can’t say I missed you, though I did miss that vein in your forehead that throbs so beautifully when we meet.” He turned to look at Belle, placing a slightly-possessive kiss on her temple before straightening up. “I’ll leave you to it, ladies, sorry for the interruption. I’ve got to see to these scratches anyway. Occupational hazard.”
He winked at Mal’s disgusted face, smirking all the way to the bathroom. Quarantine was certainly looking up.
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onisiondrama · 4 years
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(Video summaries)
Onision Sets The Record Straight - Speaks July 4, 2020
I want to note that he’s been saying his new videos aren’t monetized, but he played two of his songs in this video, so the video was claimed by his music publisher on behalf of him. So, he is making money off he the video. I don’t think this was an accident. He knows the copyright claiming system on Youtube very well. I’m very sure this overrides his “ads go to charity.”
- Starts the live upset he was talking for a while and he wasn’t live the whole time. - He reads a tweet about someone saying Shiloh accusing Nicholas Deorio. Says Shiloh is crazy. Says he made a song about how she wouldn’t stop lying. (He plays the song and sings along at some parts.) - He thanks someone for donating to Feed America. - He says one of Shiloh’s ex made a video about how he ended up in jail because of her bullshit, but he got out because he showed a text where she said he was going to put a knife in his chest. Says that’s scary violent shit. Says he calls the cops frequently on her. - He made the music video after his own fans told him she was cheating. She was bragging about fucking a guy on Facebook. - (Sings more of his song.) Says she would threaten to kill herself every time he broke up with her and she introduced him to her split personality Aliana. - Says he thought he could ignore mental illness and people with mental illness deserve a chance just like everyone else, but you’re not a doctor and love can’t overcome all. - He said he tried to tell a story about Shiloh to Nicholas DeOrio and he kicked him. He pretends to be a hero but he’s not. Says you have to watch out for people who pretend to be the hero because they wind up being villains. They do things for them self and not because they care about people. Like Hansen, Shiloh, Sarah, Edwin, etc. Says this is why you see go fund me’s and DeOrio collecting donations and adsense. They all pretend to be heroes but they’re all getting paid. - Says this stream is for charity and he’s not collecting a paycheck from this shit. He says it’s set up for ads and donations go to charity. That’s how you know you can trust him and know he’s not full of shit.
( I want stop right here and point out he played two of his songs during this stream. Because of this, the video was claimed by his music publisher on behalf of him. Usually when someone or an entity claims a video, they get full control over the monetization of the video. I’m sure this overrides his “ads go to charity” and he knew this when he played his songs during the stream.
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While he was streaming, I would guess that the donations and any ads that played probably went to the charity, but after the video was processed and claimed, I believe any ads from that point on will go to the music publisher and Onision will get his 80% cut of the ad revenue.
He also played the other version of the Banana Song in his previous charity livestream as an intro song, but I don’t think he played it long enough for it to get claimed. On this stream, he played it longer so it worked. I don’t remember him ever playing intro songs on a stream before this. In this video, he complained he didn’t know he wasn’t streaming and interrupted a conversation he was having with his discord to play the intro song. After the song, the continued their conversation. I believe he purposefully got the streams claimed. )
- Tells viewers to tells Hansen and DeOrio to donate all the money they made off the drama to charity and says they won’t because they’re greedy motherfuckers. He says he’s trying to manipulate them into donating to charity by putting them between a rock and a hard place. Either they prove he’s right by not donating, or they donate. - He laughs about the confused man in the background of his music video. - Says keemstar doesn’t pretend to give a shit, unlike the “bitch-ass motherfuckers” repzion, edwin, hansen who pretend to give a shit. He calls them dochey-ass white bitch-boys, white knights and asks why they are all white. Keemstar is honest and brags about how much money he makes off this drama. - James says he chose the charity Feeding America because he was a poor kid. Says his mom was single, his dad was a child molester, he temporarily had a stepdad but his mom apparently caught him making them pray “I love you Satan” to a TV because he had a problem with TV. Says his stepdad was also a hardcore pot head and it was illegal at the time. Says you can’t debate hunger, that’s why he chose the charity. Says he could donate to RAINN, but that would look like he’s trying to compensate for something.  - Says he’ll collect ads on Social Repose. (I’m guessing he claimed SR’s recent Onision’s Patreon video?) - Says DeOrio was demonizing Hansen, but DeOrio was making money off it. Says DeOrio said they can’t talk about Shiloh or Sarah because he didn’t want to make profit off of them or he didn’t want to bring attention to them, he doesn’t remember which one. Says they aren’t even real victims and they are collecting money. Calls DeOrio dumb ass, white knight, dumb shit. - Says John Swan recorded the pierce county police, but he won’t play it because he doesn’t know if John Swan legally recorded them. Says it’s the county saying there is no investigation on him, says Hansen backpedaled and said there’s a process. Says he’s not a real journalist because he just went in a room and talked to predators. Says there’s articles about Hansen getting involved with an intern who was 13 years younger than him. - He plays a clip from his debate with the Newsweek guy. Says this guy sided with his father. Says his sisters were subjected to his father’s disgusting behavior, according to other people. Says the Newsweek guy was fired. All your heroes are dying right in front of you. He told you guys these guys were phonies. - Says Repzion raised $20,000 for legal fees, but he kept the money and bought a Gucci bag. Says that’s fraud. [definition of fraud on screen] Says the wetlands aren’t destroyed, they look awesome. Repzion made money saying James went to court for the wetlands. but he never went to court. Repzion bragged about how he payed off his welding class with the wetlands video money. Says Repzion also tweeted a photo with his girlfriend. They went to Victoria’s Secret and his girlfriend said “thanks for the panties Onision.” Says if he made a hate video about Andy Biersack, then bought a dildo with it, then tweeted about it, that means he’s going to be thinking about Andy whenever he uses it. Says that means whenever Repzion’s girlfriend wears these panties she’s going to think about Onision. He says he thinks Repzion wanted to be cucked. Says allegedly they broke up and she says she was 12 when they first talked and he told her to come back when you’re 18. - Says you die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Says that’s because if you pretend to be a white knight and act like you’re better than everyone else, you wind up like Repzion, Hansen, and himself. Says you know he’s honest because he was honest about where the money is going (lol) and because he’s also willing to be critical of himself. - James says when he rejects people he’s also mean about it. He does it in a mean way. Says when someone is rejected in real life, they tell people that person was a piece of shit because that’s how they deal with it. Says if Shane rejected you, you would go online and say you were traumatized and call him a predator because you can’t handle rejection. - (He spends the resp of the stream chatting with his Discord. He mostly repeats himself. I’ll only write new info.) - He says the pretend victims said they aren’t going to be on the investigation show. Says this is because they don’t want to be found out to be fake victims. - Says if the video is monetized after the stream, the adsense money will go to charity. - Someone asks what “Techno Pornstar” mean. He says that means he makes electronic music and he makes porn.
deleted my account - Jul 8, 2020, Speaks 
Re-upload of his twitter video announcing his free Only Fans account had to be removed. He never announced his free account to Youtube so idk why he uploaded the update video there.
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I notice you post quite a bit about your family being extremely poor but also are an adult and seem to write a lot. Do you work to help out your family, or are you unable to? There are jobs out there that involve writing if that’s the extent you're capable of, like if disabilities get in the way of normal jobs. The level of poverty you describe your family dealing with is really depressing.
I spent 11/14 years in one Christian School. There was a hiatus of 3 years of me trying out public school but I got shoved back into RBCS in 8th grade and stayed. I did not not want to go but Sperm Donor said it was a punishment for my behavior, so I’d be forced to be around Bible Thumpers every damn day.
Private Schools in America cost money. Tuition for this place was $1500 a year for kids over 10. I found out my mom’s brother John paid all my former years of education there to try and keep me close to the family(since my Nana was my school teacher) and make sure my mom didn’t go full broke.
Sperm Donor was in a pickle himself at the time. He was in the processes of being arrested for stealing nearly a million dollars from his clients(he was a financial adviser). He only took from the very desperate, disabled clients too. One died because her parents couldn’t afford her medication, because he was stealing their money. We were in a tight spot as a result, though I didn’t know enough until later. He didn’t pay my tuition or book fees($100+).
So he’s carted off to prison a month before 8th grade ends and I’m sent back to my mom’s custody. And my principal(also pastor) calls my mom to inform her that she has a $1600+ bill to pay for my schooling. She definitely does not have that and I certainly don’t either.
Next day at school I get cornered about how stealing is a sin and dishonesty is a sin(instead of blaming Sperm Donor because God forbid the man in prison for STEALING be in the wrong here). I’m offered a chance to lower the bill if I go candy-selling with the rest of the students every Friday. I will get half the profits made and it’ll be taken off my debt. So I told my mom I’d help her out and I went and did it. I ended up having to stay in the school another year where the money added on and I went candy-selling on Tuesdays too to try and make up for it. I’d earn about $50 each time so $100 a week was put toward the debt, meaning $400 a month. 
The chick who was the school/church secretary however, was a bitch who had it out for us. Monthly we’d get notices about how much debt we were in with the school, and one month a student would have $457 and the next month on the first day they apparently had $890. If tuition monthly is about $150 for teen, how did the number shoot up so much? Mine kept getting abnormally higher and reaching into the $3,000s. And I told my mom who then bitched at the school. 
The secretary barely finished high school and the only reason she was in that position that she was not capable of handling alone or at all, was because she was kissing the church’s ass. She had sex outside of marriage on school property and got pregnant and was forced to marry him to save her dignity the moment she turned 18. They kept her very close with guilt ever since. Instead of just leaving, she chose to stay and be a bitch to everyone.
My tuition issue plagued me the entire time no matter how much I did. I was so stressed constantly and letters from Sperm Donor who got to write to me in prison, said the school wouldn’t accept his tuition payments when he re-enrolled me. He said he even got his new fiance to monitor a fund he set up before leaving, and sent the money in monthly for the year he signed on. IDK who to believe because he’s a pathological liar, but the church has also been trying for 4 years to get me back into their fold, popping up at my mom’s house uninvited, trying to guilt trip me with Godly reasons, accusing me of being a ‘whore’ who needs to get right with God all because I wore pants, and using my terminally ill Nana as an excuse. They very much would and have actually taken payments without recording them in the logbooks.
I spent my HS years in debt, working hard to get out of it. My HS teacher actually helped me by letting me clean her house once a month and I’d earn $150 in two days because the house was pretty big. I ended up candy-selling more and more days a week and bringing candy boxes home to sell in the neighborhood.
And it seemed to never let up. The numbers did not match. Somehow my debt was always in the $2000s+ but I was making at least $300 a month? My mom finally snapped and said she’d call the cops on the school if something didn’t change. A month later we get the updates to our accounts and the numbers dropped drastically. My Senior Year and I only had a couple hundred dollars left. And the Secretary was suspiciously quiet from then on and kept to herself and left us alone.
Still, I spent the whole time doing candy-selling for them so much, and having to attend church activities for them, that I never got a job. Candy-selling actually brought in more money than what a teen would be allowed to earn anyway. At the time I was so up the church’s ass and scared to make my own decisions that they said I wasn’t capable of making because I was so young, I had already agreed to continue being the church pianist past graduation and they’d agreed to help me fund college so long as I went to the one of their choice with my friends. They had set up my future vocation(teacher in the their school, pianist in their church) and my future husband(Sam most likely) and I wouldn’t have to do anything but follow rules. And as I was scared, I planned to go along with it.
But then they fucked me over a week before Senior Year ended and when June 5th passed and I got my diploma, I peaced out. We changed our phone number, stopped coming to the door when they came by, and ignored their chances at re-connection. And it was months after I got fucked over when they found out they were the ones in the wrong and tried to half ass an apology to me. Didn’t work.
After graduating, my step-dad demanded I get a job finally. Mind you, his failure of a son dropped out of HS & moved to PA with us and proceeded to rely on daddy to do all his work for him. Daddy got him a job at Weis, he faked being sick so much he was fired. Daddy got him another job at Walmart, he took too many days off and he got fired. He moved out of our house and in with his new girlfriend(after milking 3 of their cash already). This one was a trust fund baby(Bree) who was adopted. Her parents paid for her apartment, her nursing education, and gave her a card with $1,000 on it a month for anything she needed. Step-bro moved in and they wasted that whole card name-brand candy in a week. 
She started skipping classes to go out to eat with him. Her parents stopped by to see if she was doing well because the school became concerned over abnormal behavior. They wanted step-bro out of the apartment and the relationship to end because they said he was using her for her money(he was and admitted it to mine and my mom’s faces) and would get in the way of her goals in life. She refused. They said they’d take away her card if she didn’t. Well, they did. And another month went by with no changes and they withdrew the full payments for the schooling too. She dropped out. And finally the apartment a month after that.
So now she’s homeless and step-bro manages to swindle both of them back into our apartment. They have to sleep on the floor in the living room. Daddy got them both jobs at Amazon with him. The pay was pretty fucking good at the time. There was a year in between there where we had money and were contemplating getting our own house for the first time. Things were going well.
Step-dad didn’t try to help me get a job though. I asked for help because my search went nowhere. Those 3 got transportation every day and I was stuck with walking. We lived on a mountain and all businesses were at the bottom 2 miles away, so I applied to all available businesses within 2 miles, either in person or online. Never got any responses. As it was a bust, my mom just said, ‘help clean the house since they’re gone all day and help be my legs to watch your sister and I’ll consider that your rent’. So I did. Every day. And I hated it. And there are a lot of posts on here from then of me complaining about it.
So I asked him for help and he never did. But he would demand to know why I didn’t have a job yet or why the house wasn’t perfectly clean? And I’m like, “Dude, you leave your dirty clothes everywhere. You don’t take your dishes into the kitchen. I clean in the day, you get back in the evening and trash the place and by the morning when you’re gone, it’s all a mess. You only see mess because it’s all you 3 make all day with candy wrappers and soda cans!”
After year he had a seizure on the floor and had to be rushed to the hospital from Amazon. Epileptic issues meant no more work at Amazon because his job was operating heavy machinery and he kept having small seizures weeks later! Without him there every day to keep step-bro and gf on their toes, they started calling in sick together or skipping work with dumb reasons. They got fired soon after. The job hunt was a failure, but daddy was still getting jobs for all of them! Instead of over the table jobs, they now worked under the table, fixing up houses(sheetrock, spackle, insulation, etc...). Still didn’t try and help me get a job. I didn’t know how to do any of that, but gf didn’t either but they taught her how to do it.
Frankly, it got to a point of me being a live-in maid in exchange for me staying under their roof, while step-bro and gf made up excuses to not have to help step-dad. Sick, business, too tired, whatever they came up with. I remained home, handling my sister’s online education with my mom, cleaning the house, handling my sister’s bullies, handling our shitty inspector, and all that crap.
Step-dad takes in a friend of his who was evicted and homeless so he’s sleeping on our other couch at this time. Kind of easy to forget but we felt bad for his situation as it was his girlfriend who fucked him over.
And then step-dad and step-bro opened their mouths on something they should have avoided. In that place we kept to ourselves. There was shady shit going on. Murder, drug deals, drive-bys, etc. Mom and I left them all alone and turned the other way and they left us alone. 19 years in that place. If a cop came by asking questions of the only white person in the joint, she’d go, ‘we know nothing, we saw nothing, sorry’. But step-dad and Junior opened their mouths and one of the newer guys reported the son and gf because they weren’t on our lease. We got evicted after 19 years of good relations with management because someone inserted an opinion in something he should have stayed out of.
So 30 days to gtfo, no one in the house has a real job with consistent pay, we move in with my mom’s uncle for the time being. The house is huge with many bedrooms but to conserve space, I, mom, and my sister bunk in the same room. Mom and Bethy got the bed and I slept on the floor for 2 years. Step-dad don’t know what the eff he’s doing for months. We’re up in buttfuck Egypt. He and the Tweedle dimwits are still doing what they were doing before but now have to drive 3 hours to and 3 hours back just to make it. Mom is doing surveys online to make extra money. She’s trying to do her best while disabled. I’m helping clean the house as my form of payment. The car fails, money that was being saved up to move out, has to go to that. The next one fails too so that has to be handled and we’re in debt now! Christmases and Birthdays are nonexistent. Her Uncle’s new wife isn’t quite so open to us being there and complains a lot.
Step-dad manages to make a deal with a guy he’s working with. He fixes up a house the guy owns, and works for him on more houses after that, and he’ll get a considerably low payment for the rent monthly. He didn’t do much work and lied to mom about what was done and when all was said and done, we moved in and it was a wreck. Worse than it is now but it’s still pretty effin terrible. No kitchen, the bathroom is half-finished still, no insulation, power problems, you name it. It’s bad. But cheap because the lease shows we owe $20 a month instead of $200 because the guy forgot to add a zero when he was drawing up the contract.
Then step-bro and gf manage to convince step-bro’s grammy to move down to PA and rent a house for them to use. They still don’t have jobs, disabled grammy pays for everything. Step-dad’s couch-dwelling friend gets a new gf and moves in with her. Step-dad is driving 3 hours to work and by the time he gets back, he sleeps for 4 hours and then has to leave again. Finally he starts staying at his son’s place because it’s closer and less gas to spend, but that also means he’s taken the car. We’re stranded here with only a mini mart across the street as the only shop for miles! He makes excuses for why he can’t come up. Mom has so many health problems but hasn’t seen a doctor in 5 years because of this. I haven’t seen one in 6. My sister is the only one with regular appointments because they’re necessary for school. If anything, at least she remains unaffected by this crap.
I too have taken to doing surveys now. If I get 500 pts a day that’s a $5 gift card to target which delivers here. One of the few places that do.
I can’t even work at the mini mart because the man has 6 employees for each day of the day. 1 works with him each day but Monday where he works alone because there’s less rush on Mondays.
No matter how I complain it’s not like I can go anywhere. There’s still a roof over my head and I have access to the internet. Even if I’m cold every day, borderline ill, and miserable, it’s better than being on the streets.
Some poor people are very unlucky. We are those people. The ones where everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Step-dad’s been through 4 cars since coming here cuz they keep breaking down and needing to be fixed. My sister’s been sick every other month. Power goes out a lot.
I cope by whining online.
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derryhawkins · 5 years
I Love Him, Your Honor
summary: During college, Richie works part time at a law office for the sole reason it pays well, and he honestly thinks it’s utter hell. But then he meets another part time employee who works down in the file room and, well, maybe the law office isn’t completely hellish. words: 4.5k a/n: i honestly don’t even know why i’m posting this but hey i made an ao3 account finally and you can read this on there if you want! richie’s part time job is purely based off of mine; i got this idea yesterday when leaving and just ran with it, and thus this chapter was born. idk when the next chapter will be up but pls give this love 
chapter one: you need a job
“Look, Rich,” Ben Hanscom starts as they exit their shared physics course, sidestepping a few other college students who were being slow. He calls back a genuine sorry after accidentally shoving one of them before turning back to his friend, the curly haired boy just barely passing him in height. “You need a job. You’re nearly twenty! Bev says they need help over there, like, so bad. They had to fire someone, and two others quit and they’re leaving in a week.”
Richie Tozier looks at Ben incredulously. The dark haired college student knew full and well of Beverly Marsh; the short little redhead is one of his best friends and Ben’s fiancée. Richie likes to give himself credit for their relationship, because according to him, he set them up back in freshman year of high school. Six years later and they’re engaged, and Bev has a full time job after finishing college within two years, and Ben’s on his way to (hopefully) be an architect. Of course, that’s not how it went. Richie and Beverly met Ben in a crappy, run down elevator that worked from time to time at their school. Ben had been running late, the other two were ditching. They got stuck for five hours in that crappy elevator. Richie just likes to say he planned it. But, of course, that’s not what this current situation is about. (And the school banned anyone from using the elevator there on out).
“Bev works at a law office, Ben!” Richie yells, throwing his hands in the air as if to make a point. “All they do is sit at desks in front of computers.”
Ben rolls his eyes. “Like sitting at home on your phone or in front of the TV aren’t the same thing as sitting in front of a computer.”
Richie ignores the sarcasm. “I don’t need a job.”
“You quit your other one last month. We’re in college, man! It’s like, I dunno, death not having a job. You need to eat food!”
“I can get breakfast, lunch, and dinner here because I’m in a dorm, and on the weekends when I’m home the ‘rents cook. I’m fine!”
It’s silent as Ben gives Richie a look while they continue to walk down the steps of the building, mixing in with other students who are either leaving or heading to class. Thankfully for Richie, he only has physics today; the only down side is that it’s an 8am course, and it had been the only one available when he signed up for classes. He has Ben, though, so it isn’t all too terrible. And it’s his only 8am. Half of the others are hybrids – he only has to show up for the midterm and final, and turn in work online – and the others are either afternoon or night classes. He has it pretty easy this semester.
So, yes, he can easily get a job, and he has been thinking of getting one, but now both Ben and Beverly are pestering him about it and suddenly he doesn’t want to get one. Richie scratched at his jaw as he thought of his previous job – the stereotypical college job at McDonald’s. He’s worked there since junior year of high school, and it wasn’t that it was bad. It had been decent, at most. He liked the money, liked the food he got to bring home and to his friends, and liked the cute girls and guys who walked in. He just quit because it got too ‘going through the motions’. Richie knows a law office isn’t going to be much better.
If he gets a job, he wants to at least like it.
The January wind nips at them as they step outside, both guys’ faces scrunching up in various forms of oh shit it’s cold. Ben fixes the scarf around his neck to cover his nose and wraps his arms around himself. Meanwhile, Richie just hunches his shoulders, clenching his teeth together. In just a t-shirt, a thin zip-up jacket that’s not zipped up, and ripped skinny jeans, he wasn’t dressed properly for the winter months; Ben, on the other hand, who’s decked out in a scarf, a thick winter jacket, comfortable jeans and gloves, is dressed properly.
Richie can hear his parents’ voices now reprimanding him for not wearing the proper clothes, and soon enough her could hear his other best friend, Stan Uris, with them.
“Just… At least think about the job, okay?” Ben speaks as they get to the sidewalk by the road, lowering the scarf so his friend can hear him better. They both stop walking and face one another. “And wear decent winter clothes, man, you’re gonna catch another cold.”
He waved a hand dismissively. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever,” he says. “You’re starting to sound like Stan the Man, Mistah Handsome.”
The corners of Ben’s lips turn up. “You’re genuinely getting better at those voices, Rich.”
Richie feigned offense. One hand moves to his chest as if his heart were hurt. “You say that as if I haven’t always been amazin’,” he says, voicing sounding like it could be southern but neither of them were too sure.
A gasp. “Ben!”
They both start to laugh then but it dies down soon after. Ben unwraps his scarf and tosses it to Richie, who catches it with ease, and then starts to leave. “Gotta blast, Rich.”
Richie smiles. “Ah, yes, get home to the Missus!” He puts the scarf on. It’s not much at all, but it still helps.
“No, I got another class and then I’m taking the almost Missus lunch.”
“Tell Bev she sucks for me!”
“She ate my last bag of hot Cheetos when she stopped by yesterday.”
Ben laughs. “Alright, yeah. Will do!”
And just like that, Richie is alone. It honestly isn’t often he and Ben get to spend time together. Hell, even his time with his two best friends isn’t much. They all have school or work or both, and it’s just hard not spending as much time together as they used to. Which was where Wednesday night game nights came in. Weekends, they all went their separate ways to their parents. So, they did the next best thing: Wednesdays. At the thought of their game nights, Richie pulls out his phone as he hurriedly walks to his dorm and opens the group chat, sending a quick game suggestion.
Music plays softly from the laptop at the foot of the bed, a generous amount of papers and a text book between Richie and it. He doesn’t particularly like studying – who does? – mostly because he’s never had to properly study before, but physics isn’t exactly on the easy side of things, and he doesn’t want to fail; his mom claims he probably doesn’t even need to study too much given as he understands math easily, and Richie thinks that’s the exact opposite of what a parent should be saying to their child who’s trying to successfully get through college. But, hey, they’re relationship isn’t on the rocks anymore – a shit load of teen angst on his part, a small drinking problem on her part, too engrossed into his job on Wentworth’s part, and being batshit annoying on his little sister’s part – so the legal adult doesn’t mind not being told to study, either.
The Tozier family is back to being good and mostly healthy, and as happy as they were when Richie had been a little kid. Only now, Tori is the one with teen angst and Richie’s doing his best to be a decent big brother by helping out with it.
A shrill ring cuts off the music and pulls him away from his thoughts, flinching at the sudden change in sound before reaching over and muting his laptop. He pauses the music and answers the call on his phone before pressing speaker. A smile forms at looking at the caller I.D.
“I was just thinking about you, T-Rex!” Richie exclaims and he goes back to copying down a problem from a work sheet the professor handed out in class.
“Oh, the amazing Richard thought about me,” she sarcastically says. “What ever will my fangirl heart do?”
“I predict that you will sob once the call is over and scream at your equally fangirly friends about how I graced your ears with my wonderful voice.”
“More like made them bleed.”
“You wound me!”
“First Ben, now you – my poor old heart can’t take it!”
“Then perish.”
He snorts out a laugh.
“But, hey, I’m calling for a reason, dickhead. Stop whatever you’re doing and listen to the best little sister in the world,” Tori tells him.
Richie sighs and drops the pencil dramatically. It hit the notebook with a soft thud but it’s loud enough for Tori to hear over the phone. “Why, do tell, young maiden,” he says, using a Voice.
“Mom’s sick with a bad cold.”
He blinks. “…Okay?”
“Dad’s gonna still be at work until five-.”
“Whoa, hold on, wait a damn minute!” Richie sits up and pulls his computer close to look at the time as he realizes what’s happening. More accurately, what the girl was getting at. “Victoria!” Richie had been so caught up in doing the math problems and messing with the sixteen year old demon he calls a sister to even take notice of the time until then. It’s not even time for her to be out of school – hell, it was barely 11:30. “T-Rex, how scandalous of you! Skipping school.” He pauses. “Fuck, you’re me.”
“I mean…we are related.” A beat of silence. “But I’m not skipping. I got suspended. Mom’s too sick to answer the phone, and Dad’s too busy at work. I convinced them to let me call you.”
Richie sighs. “It’s two weeks into the semester, T-Rex.” He leans an elbow on his knee and put his forehead in the palm of his hand.
Getting suspended isn’t exactly a new thing for either Tozier children. Richie got detention countless of times for various reasons, earning him a few times of suspension, and Tori just has a habit of mouthing off adults – similar to her big brother – but also has one of fighting – not so similar to her big brother.
“I don’t know what you want me to do, kid.”
“Pick me up,” she replies with a duh tone.
“My truck’s still in the shop, dingbat.”
“Well, I don’t exactly have a car, either, douchebag.”
Richie is quiet for a split second. “Okay. Look. I’ll try to get one of my friends to drive me over there. Stay in the office, and just walk home if I’m not there by twelve-thirty.”
Tori grumbles. “Fine.”
Richie makes a face at her sour attitude, about to say something – “Ah, teen angst, what a marvelous thing it is” – when she hangs up before he can ever utter another word. He gasped at the device and sent her a bunch of middle finger emojis before dialing his three friends one by one. Ben didn’t answer. It stopped ringing halfway through the third ring and not a minute later, Ben’s text of “still in class” lit up his phone once again. He then calls Beverly, who he knows won’t answer but did it anyway for the sake of annoying her. To his surprise, she answers; only to greet him with a short, “No,” before hanging up on him.
“Stanny Boy, you better pick up,” Richie mutters as he crawled off of the dorm bed, finding his shoes.
“This better be good, Trashmouth,” is Stan’s form of greeting not even two seconds later.
Richie grins, pleased at least one of his friends is letting him explain. “Not good in the long run but it’s for a good enough reason, Bird Brain,” he says. “Where are you?”
“…What did you do?”
He rolls his eyes. “Not me. Our ferocious T-Rex.”
“She’s your sister.”
“She’s adopted you as her ‘better big brother’. This is what you get for befriending me when we were four and she was one, and staying best friends with me our entire lives. If you need to feel better, know that I did call Mister and Missus first because I know you enjoy your lazy Mondays.”
Stan hums. “It doesn’t.” Then Richie hears shuffling on the other end, and his hopes rise high. “But I’m on my way to pick you up. You can explain everything then.”
“You’re the best, Stanley, might as well marry you right now! Let’s go elope – take a road trip to Vegas!”
“I’ll castrate you.”
“Oh, my god.”
“See ya when you get her, my love.”
“Yuck, don’t ever call me that again. Bye.”
A year and a half later, Richie never once thought he would be entering his old high school ever again – excluding the reunions he knows Beverly will drag them all to, none of the boys exactly having a choice in the matter – let alone the office of said school. Yet here he stands, all of the memories flooding back to him; both good and bad ones. He wasn’t exactly popular in school. More of the annoying class clown everyone hates but secretly finds funny. At least, at first. Everything eventually changed in sophomore year.
Richie makes a face and turns to Stan. No one was at the front desk, so they were being forced to wait to collect the youngest Tozier from the principal’s office.
“I should’ve let her rot here.”
Stan rolls his eyes. “You’re too good of a brother for that,” he says. “The principal hated you and she’s most likely getting secondhand hate from the douchebag himself.”
Richie’s eyes widen behind his glasses at the realization. He hadn’t exactly left the high school on good terms with anyone, minus his three good friends and the math teacher for the freshman, and maybe the woman who usually sits at the desk in the front office. “Fuck,” he whispers. Then louder, “What if she’s getting bullied?”
Stan gives a look that said he was crazy. “She just got suspended for fighting. I’m sure she can take care of herself, man.” He pauses, worries his bottom lip, and sighs. “But now I’m worrying about that too. So, thanks for that.”
Only a few seconds of silence goes by before Richie speaks again. “You think people still talk?”
“Nah. Everyone who was here then has graduated. Unless, one or two got held back.”
“The teachers are gossip royalty here.”
“I doubt they gossip about former students to current students, especially when one of them is your baby sister.”
“Our baby sister.”
“Just because I helped you babysit all throughout middle school doesn’t mean I’m her brother, too. We’ve been over this!”
“Try telling her that; the kid adores you! Always has.”
“Which is weird. Besides, back to the point, it's twenty-nineteen now. People who shit on someone for liking the same gender should just become extinct cavemen.” The words cause Richie to let out a laugh.
“Well, look who it is,” the lady who sits at the front desk finally appeared. Both young adults smile at seeing her, genuinely pleased. Miss Mims was one of the few adults at the school Richie and his friends liked; Hell, they still like her. In a year and a half, the woman hadn’t changed much. Long dirty blonde hair had been cut to her shoulder, and her dark eyes seem happier. Her usual blouse and nice pants are the same, and she’s still just under five feet. “Uris and Tozier, what a pleasant surprise.” Miss Mims smiles at them.
“Hi, Sara!”
“Hey, Miss Mims.”
She chuckles and holds up her left hand. “It’s Mrs. Delaney now, kids.”
Stan grins and leans forward to check out the rings on her finger. “Congratulations! When did it happen?”
Richie leans forward too, and nearly knocks Stan over, mouth in a big toothy grin. “Give us the deets, Sara! Who’s the lucky fella? Or gal, y’know. Bet they’re good in bed, huh, Staniel?”
“Rich,” Stan warns, almost in a reminding tone.
He blinked. Then, “Oh! Right, forget those questions Sar- Uh, Mrs. Delaney! My kid sister is stuck in the principal’s office, I’m sure you’ve heard why. Suspension. Fighting. The shticks.”
Mrs. Delaney snorts. “You Toziers are something else. But yeah, I’ll go get her. Where are you parents?”
“Sick and working. I’ve got the rest of the day free, so I volunteered myself to do the dirty so Went wouldn’t have to leave.” He purposefully didn’t say anything about not telling their parents, or even planning on it. At least, he knows Tori isn’t going to tell. And he’s not going to throw her under the bus no matter how funny it’ll be.
Stan rolls his eyes. “His truck isn’t working so I got dragged along.”
“You love me, Staniel.”
“I’ll go get her. Shouldn’t be long at all.”
And it isn't.
Within five minutes, the baby of the family is stepping out while Mrs. Delaney goes to her chair behind her desk, marking the girl as being picked up by a family member. The sight of Victoria, to put it simply, surprises both college students greatly. There's a cut on her bottom lip, and the intricate fishtail braid she had done that morning after straightening her usually wild curls is gone. All her knuckles are scabbed over and bruised, and there's a tear at the knee of her jeans, showing a pale bandaid instead of her pale skin. Richie quickly stuffs his hands into his jacket pockets as his brows lower in concern but mostly anger, lips pulling into a thin line. She's gotten in fights before but never has she gotten so beat up. Stan, still beside Richie, is barely hiding his shock. The stares from the two quickly make Tori uncomfortable and she shifts on her feet, tennis shoes squeaking against the polished tile. It's clear she's in a worse mood Richie originally thought. He just believed she punched someone, yelled a few choice words, and then got sent to the office. Rather, it had been a full fledged fight with two fists and blood, and he can tell Tori isn't happy. Not even angry right now. Just...sad, almost.
"You should see the other guy," she tries to joke, but it falls flat quickly.
"It was a boy?!" Richie shrieks, finally blowing his top. He can handle, for the time being, his sister fighting another girl; he can't handle a boy hitting her physically. He turns to Mrs. Delaney accusingly, the newly married woman jumping at the sudden movement. "You let a boy hit my baby sister?"
"Rich, whoa, calm down," Stan quickly moves and sends an apologetic look to the woman. "It's not her fault, man."
Tori messes with the ends of her brown hair. "I... I'll explain later. Can we just please leave?"
He shakes his best friend off of him, and Richie huffs. "Fine, okay. Whatever." He pauses. "Uh, sorry, Mrs. Delaney."
The woman just gave a smile that tells them that she forgave the outburts. Then, the three of them walk out of the school and to Stanley's car. The ride is silent almost the entire time. Stan got a phone call from his boss at a café he works at, which shifts their ending destination to Stan's work place rather than the university seeing as he needs to get to work pronto, and a spare uniform is in his trunk. Twenty minutes later, the Uris is ushering the Toziers out of his car. Richie doesn't make a move to talk about the fight. Tori doesn't make a move to explain. It's clear she doesn't want to, not yet, and even though Richie desperately wants to know what happened, he can't just force it out of her. She shuts down completely; he's learned that the hard way.
"Hey," Stan speaks up as he gets the uniform out of the trunk. "Sorry I can't take you the rest of the way."
Richie shrugs, looking around. His eyes then land on a familiar beige and dark brown building, and in the front parking lot he takes notice of a familiar black car. He checks the time on his phone, and then starts off, telling his little sister to stay by Stan's car, ignoring their calls of questions as he races across the busy street. He nearly get hit a few times and flips off anyone who honks at him, but he eventually made it to the other side. He jogs to the building and walks in, smiling widely at the receptionist up front.
"Hey, has a blond guy about my height come in by any chance?" He asks the woman who can't be much older than thirty, leaning on the counter, slightly out of breath.
She looks at him as she hangs up a call she just ended. "Yeah." Her brows pull together. "He went back that way, why?"
He doesn't answer. Instead, he spins on his heel and goes in the direction the lady pointed in. It's not long at all until he hears the familiar laughter of Ben mixed with Beverly's. "My, if it isn't two my favorite people in the whole world!" Richie exclaims as he enters the office.
Ben yelps in surprise but quickly relaxes. "Jesus, Richie..."
Beverly grins and lunges at Richie, pulling him into a tight hug. "Hi! Have you made up your mind already?" She pulls back a split second later to look at him, hopeful.
"Uh." Richie holds up a finger. "No."
"I need Mr. Handsome here to drive me and Tori back to the university," he interrupts her, and clasps a hand on Ben's shoulder. "And then I need to borrow his car to take her home so our parents don't find out she got suspended."
"She what?!" The two shout in unison. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that they were heard throughout the building.
"Long story," he mumbled, trying not to show how upset he was.
Beverly's blue eyes narrow the slightest bit. She knows something's up; she always does, somehow. Like a sixth-sense for when her friends are upset. Maybe it's because she's a year older than them all. "Ben's not driving you unless you agree to work here," Beverly says quickly. "Period."
"Oh, c'mon, Bev-," Richie tries. He looks to Ben for help, but the guy looks away as if he's admiring the awful pale green color on the wall.
The twenty year old shook her head, strands of red hair falling in her. She brushes them away with ease. "No. You need a job, Rich, you know that. And Maggie and Went would be agreeing with us." She motions between herself and Ben.
Richie makes a face.
"The pay's good," Beverly says quietly after a few seconds.
The look goes away. "...How good?" Not a minute later, Beverly grabs a check she has yet to put in her account and handed it to him. Brown eyes widen from behind the frames of his glasses. He let out a low whistle. "Damn..."
"They're lawyers, Richie, it's not exactly gonna be a bad pay. It's not McDonald's. And you'll most likely work part time, meaning you'll get to pick your hours. They're lenient. Just show up, do your job, respect them and everyone else, and they'll be happy."
Richie stares, thinking it over, and hands the check back to Beverly. She takes it quickly and puts it back in her purse, both her and Ben waiting for Richie's answer. He crosses his arms and looks between his two friends. Good pay. Lenient. Pick your own hours. A sigh leaves his lips and he lets his head fall backwards. He does need a job. He can't live on ramen forever, and he certainly can't live off of the box of Cosmic Brownies hidden in his closet away from his dorm mate. "Alright," he finally says, sounding defeated.
Beverly grins like a madman and squeals. "Perfect! Kim!" She dashes out of the office and grabs Richie to make him tag along. They pass by the lobby in a flash, and Richie barely has time to smile at the receptionist cheekily. They continue down the hall, passing cubicles that are mostly empty and a few offices that have people in them, and don't stop until the very end. She's then dragging him into a slightly bigger, nice office with shelves for books and a bigger desk with two chairs. A woman in her forties at at the desk, typing on her phone. She has brown hair that went to her shoulders and blue eyes peer up at them both as they stand behind the chairs. She looks nice, Richie has to admit, but there was also something about her that demanded respect and oozed authority. "Kim, this is Richie Tozier, my friend I told you about."
Richie smiles, and decides to be a decent human. "Hi, it's nice to meet you," he says, sticking a hand out for her to shake. If he could stay the way he is with his friends, he most definitely would. But Kim actually scares him a bit, and he doesn't want to get on her bad side just yet.
Kim smiles back and shakes his hand after standing. "You too, Richie. Beverly's told us a lot about you," she tells him, chuckling. "I guess she's told you about how we're low on employees?"
He chuckles. "Yea- yes, ma'am."
"He's decided to work here, as long as you and Thomas and Peter are okay with it," Beverly explains.
She scoffs and then lets out a loud laugh. "Of course we're fine with it! Work has been piling up for everyone already, and its only going to get worse when those two officially leave. We need all the hands we can get."
"I'd have to work part time," Richie tells the woman. "I'm in college."
"Completely okay," Kim says pairing her words with a smile.
"And I don't have my truck right now, its in the shop, so I don't know when I can start."
"Oh! Tomorrow! We can carpool, it'll be your sophomore year all over again - minus, y'know, the thing," Beverly says. Her hand waves in the air and she half rolls her eyes, and Richie snorts. The thing... It certainly was a 'thing', alright.
"Fine, I'll make Ben drive you."
"Dude, he has barely any free time, don't do that to him... Okay, we can carpool until I get my truck back."
Kim chuckles at the two, softly shaking her head. She looks at Richie then. "Welcome aboard, Richie. Come in when you can tomorrow, and then we'll figure out set hours. Sounds good?"
Richie nods. "Yes, ma'am. I'll probably be here around ten."
Finally, after that and after stealing Bev's hot Cheetos Ben had brought her - he wasn't a total ass, he left the sandwich and drink - he left with Ben, the blond taking him over to where Stan works; where Tori is still patiently waiting. The girl climbs in without a second thought and thankfully Ben doesn't mention her disheveled appearance. As they leave, they wave bye to Stan. Well, they wave by to the café and grill, hoping in some weird way Stan might be able to see them.
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flyingcookierambles · 5 years
plans for 2020???
graduate college
get a part time job and take a gap year for academia/save up money while job hunting for my first Real Adult Job?????
figure out my gender??????????????? probably switch to like they/she pronouns or something bc i realized that every time i post something on twitter/snapchat/tumblr/whatever i always refer to myself as a “a foolish child who makes bad financial decisions” or “a person who makes their wallet cry” or like “guess who just spent like $40 on a steam sale???? this kidddddddddd” like ive always just been unconsciously referring to myself in like third person or they/them/gender neutral pronouns?????? like. i dont think that in any tweet/toot/snap ive ever written i’ve called myself something like “a foolish girl” or “a girl who makes her wallet cry” or anything so like theres that. and honestly ive made/been making some posts about this gender thing for like the past year. ive asked the cool mods at feminism and media about it (ill post the screenshot later). ive changed my main tumblr about page which i dont think anyone’s ever visited since it’s listed under “hi” and like maybe i should change it to “about”? anyways ive like changed most of my stuff online to be something like “gender questioning, but she/her pronouns are fine for now” or like “gender questioning/probably nonbinary” and then just straight up changed my facebook pronouns to they/them (but im p sure my family hasnt noticed thank goodness cuz thats not a can of worms i wanna explain to a bunch of religious baby boomers rn), changed my myanimelist gender to non-bianary (again why is this a thing? a rando blue anime hellsite is not the place i expected to have this option but like im not complaining so lol), and also put “gender questioning, probably non-binary” in the write in gender option on goodreads so like. uhhh. i guess im probably non-binary????? but also im a terrible and indecisive person so like every time i say im probably non-binary my stupid brain goes back to bein like. wait is this some internalized misogyny that makes me not want to be a girl/cis girl? but also i find the dysphoria memes/jokes on the egg_irl subreddit really relatable and its just a bad cycle in which i go “oh these gender dysphoria memes on a trans subreddit are really relatable” -> “huh maybe. im not a girl???” -> brain awakened to being not a girl -> self doubt of brain might have internalized misogyny -> haha im a cis girl even tho i always refer to myself with they/them pronouns in writing -> haha wait that doesnt sound right a cis person wouldnt refer to themself with gender neutral pronouns right -> i know, ill go to a sub that i know makes gender dysphoria jokes and caused this self doubt/gender questioning in the first place with dumb jokes like “would you push a button?” and this meme but replace the “im bi” with “im ace” -> haha these gender dysphoria jokes are really relatable -> oh no (repeat this hell cycle of self doubt for 2 years and its me haha) 
regarding the above example sentences of steam sales and my finances, uhhhh, i wanna play more video games this year. and actually finish them. because i think according to steamdb or whatever account rating site it is, my account’s games net worth is something ridiculous like $600. and like. ive only played like 30% of the stuff i own. so uh. i should get my moneys worth and play stuff
the above resolution does not apply to games that are technically endless with no real goal/end, such as the sims, cities skyline, prison architect, etc. this resolution applies only to games that do have an end, such as nameless, pesterquest, steins;gate, etc.
the above resolution also may have some exceptions due to technical issues or time since some games, mostly japanese visual novels like steins;gate, are not compatible with macbooks i guess maybe they’re not popular with gamers (not surprising the macbooks has terrible venting lol) and also maybe not popular in japan so japanese companies just dont think to port things to mac os??? idk what the issue is here exactly but like since im in a college dorm and not at home ill only have access to my macbook for a majority of the time.
also similar to the “finish the games” thing, i should read, or at least attempt to read, all the books i’ve brought. i have so so many ebooks. that are unread. yet i also keep buying more books. i should stop buying books and finish the ones i do have and also use the library more.
also i should probably figure out how to save money lol. im 22. but im constantly broke. 
also i should uhhh probably find more diverse books lol. like i love my shitty indie fantasy books and stuff but the protag is usu a white dude so like eh. but also. sometimes when i read books w female protags im like haha cant relate. and then the gender questioning sets in once again. is it because im probably non-binary? or am i actually trans or something???????? i mean i hang out on egg_irl, a mostly mtf trans sub, but also an occasional non-binary or ftm trans post comes up which is also nice to see. idk mannnnnnn lollll
also there was this whole like haha cant relate brain reaction to my school’s vagina monologues event when i went in to listen to my nursing major friend have some monologue. like she talked about some thing about like delivering a baby and it was kinda near the end of the event bc i got there late and the ones that i did hear at the end were just like haha cant relate but also ive been told that the monologues that year were particularly terf-y, probs in response to my college turning co-ed (it was up until i think 2 years before i entered a womens college and the older students, alumni and current students that were there at the time, were apparently super pissed about it, so the school i guess doubled down on “(cis) girl power!” but also kinda excluded trans/gender queer ppl that weren’t cis girls in the process)
gender is stupid i feel like id much rather not have to deal with it/pick a label to be and move on with life lol but my brain wont let me
push this internal gender crisis out of my mind by playing a ton of video games/reading a ton of books/do school work ig hahahahahaha
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trans-advice · 5 years
Sorry if this violates and rules or anything, but I really don’t know what to do. My parents won’t let me go on T, and my depression and suicidal thoughts are getting really bad really fast because of it. I don’t have any more ideas on how to convince them, and I’m scared they’ll think I’m lying if I explain what’s happening (my sister thought I came out for attention and my dad thinks I’m faking my ADHD). Any ideas? -🌙
as someone with mental illnesses such as adhd, bipolar disorder etc, in addition to my transgender condition (”not because of it, but in spite of it”) i definitely needed help from my parents & my school. also to be fair, my sister thought that i was faking stuff too. (ugh, i don’t talk to her anymore, but yeah.)
Anywho i suggest 2 things:
look up informed consent hrt clinics (especially sliding-scale ones)
find support groups & support services like at school, doctor’s offices & such, for your adhd & mental illness. (especially get documentation before you’re 18).
look up informed consent hrt clinics (especially sliding-scale ones)
the reason i say look up informed consent clinics is because generally once you reach the age of 18 you can make your own medical decisions including signing off on informed consent to get hormones. granted, that might be a really long ways off & it also unluckily happens to be when your first puberty would be ending. BUT you should look into it, because the point is your parents do not have control over your body forever. it can give you hope. it can give you a sense of if i survive this long i can start to thrive afterwards. 
sliding scales mean they either base the amount they charge you based on income or they have a minimum amount but you can give them more money so they can stay afloat better. this will be important because if you get kicked out for being responsible with your health, then budgeting is super important.
as someone who lives in illinois, the clinics i know of are planned parenthood, howard brown health clinic in the boystown neighborhood of chicago, and chicago women’s health center (cwhc doesn’t have). beware that sometimes they charge separately for the appointment & for the hormones. i know with planned parenthood at least like a year or so ago it was like $250/appointment. 
the good news is that transgender hormones are basically all generics & that’s why clinics we might think are more for afab people are actually very well versed in our hrt needs (as well as both the transgender community & the reproductive health communities both having a shared concern about bodily autonomy). the bad news about the generics is that there’s a lack of research with hrt. 
find support groups & support services like at school, doctor’s offices & such, for your adhd & mental illness. (especially get documentation before you’re 18).
if you attend (public) school (in USA), try to meet up with a social worker or a school nurse to get referals to find like someone who has the power to diagnose you with adhd &or find like general support for like special needs. (adhd can be a learning disability). if there’s a guidance counselor, then perhaps meet up with them to get your foot in the door/referral.
granted, i am personally not familiar with how to do this as the student because i was checked out for special needs when i was like 2. point being, explore these means for social support. also if you have a family doctor talk about the adhd with them & how to get support when your dad is being irresponsible in following up.)
also that website meetup.com might be a good idea as well. there’s also NAMI (national alliance on mental illness) https://www.nami.org/ there’s a program called “the living room” which basically allows you to talk with a volunteer who can help you similar to a social worker does & it’s usually less money than an ER if it’s any money at all.
the reason you need to get documentation before you turn 18 is because some social services require documentation of “disability” or “diagnosis” while you were a minor AKA in USA that’s before the age of 18. (actually, a lot of this advice is USA centric. sorry about that.) there are sometimes other social services that can give help to people who have pertinent records only after the age of 18 years old.
for long term purposes, also try to get any records of like disability, diagnosis, doctor records, school records, individualized education plans, evaluations, etc. try to get either these records or a copy of them & keep them safe. sometimes, it can cost a lot of money (like $50+ per record holder per copy). however, it can be free of cost to get them transferred over to a new doctor etc. just know that are time limits on how long somewhere can keep your records depending on where you live. in illinois it’s 7 years after you last met up with the record holder (whether doctors, schools, banks etc.) however, if you think your household will try to destroy these documents, then you need to look for another place either a friend, or a storage locker or something. granted, this can cost money & such.
personally, i use zipper bags of insulated reusable grocery bags because it basically acts like a box with straps & the insulation liner gives some protection from the elements. however, i do suspect that there are improvements to be made with that situation perhaps wrapping them with plastic bags etc. 
other things to take care of
to use public transit sometimes you need to get a public transportation payment card. sometimes they also use an app. you might need either a debit card or a currency exchange. however public transit varies from region to region.
regarding burner/smartphones, idk honestly, because that requires knowing your budget & such.
https://www.vanillagift.com/ there are also vanilla visas which only allow you to put money on once & there’s a fee. you can also be a minor when you buy these cards. you can then use them to buy anything within USA. however, when you get to your last $2 you can put that onto an amazon.com account to put towards a gift card balance there. the reason why is overall you cannot put money back on the card. therefore it’d actually end up being more liquid to put that last bit of money onto an amazon account since using multiple gift cards to pay is not something enough places are set up to do.
while green dot cards have a ton of fees that i wouldn’t want to use them, they are reloadable debit cards you can get without a bank. https://www.greendot.com/our-products/new-everyday it can then be used to order stuff online or by phone or in person etc. personally, i’d look around at other banks, because fees, but it can be a way to do it maybe more secretly if needed. that way you can use it to like pay for public transit if it requires an app, or pay for products for your transition if you can’t do cash etc. 
here are some hotlines just in case
https://www.translifeline.org/  it is also the only service in the country with a policy against non-consensual active rescue. this is because of the history/commonness of police brutality against transgender people. however, their services have had a lot of controversy about wait times & quality of training.
https://www.thetrevorproject.org/ (if you mention suicide they do call emergency services on you because mandated reporting. to be fair, suicide survivors mainly say they did wish they wouldn’t die once they started so it does have the intent of preserving your bodily autonomy in that sense. however, because sometimes it can out you & the hospitals are sometimes unable to understand/handle trans people & the cops often have policies not based in reality AKA are brutal & unaffirming of trans people, mandated informers can be bad.)  therefore do not talk about suicide with them. if anything maybe talk about things that are stressing you out in the short-term. like the people around you are jerks, how to deal with ignorant people, etc. their website is generally awesome too though, so maybe give their site a look at least.
general resources
https://transequality.org/ (this gives information about  anti/discrimination laws, the legal processes of changing your gender marker & name on official documents, etc.)
basically if you survive long enough, your luck will change since the world changes (sometimes you have to help out, but other times, work with what you got).
good luck, peace & love,
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choric · 6 years
Tumblr media
( park jimin - demimale, he/they ) — did you see noeul han walking down the street? the twenty-three year old has lived here for three weeks. i heard they’re an aspiring painter & a part-time barista now, time sure flies. gooey by glass animals always did remind of them, maybe it’s because they’re so audacious & charitable. though i did hear they can also be commanding & capricious if you catch them on a bad day.
hey babes drum-roll it’s admin fany here to welcome yall~ with some random info about me I guess uh so I’m 26, living in northern europe, most of the time dying bc I’m not made for these hot ass summers, other times just being distracted twelve times outta ten jsyk I’m not ignoring anyone my attention span is just in the negatives. or I’m playing overwatch. or subnautica when I’m feeling particularly masochistic.  would drop dead without tea. ye. that’s all for today folks
anyway here’s Noeul’s profile if you wanna peep also a very messy plot page aaaand I’m gonna ramble about him now uwu
tw: emotional abuse, tw: assault ( kinda brief mentions, esp the assault, I tried keeping it safe )
born in Seoul but his family moved to USA when he was barely 6. they moved around a l o t since then but stayed within the borders. save for one weird year in France back in 2010
he haTED it. all the constant moving around and starting at new schools with new people trying to get new friends and find new hobbies and leaving pretty much everything behind so often just stressed the hell out of his young self and he was in a perpetual state of over-emotional about the whole ordeal and angry and bitter and yeah. not having a good time
over the years he managed to find ways to cope with it, drawing and painting being a major thing as it was one of very few things he could just continue without any special arrangements made or it feeling different. putting all that bent up negativity on paper was helpful in itself so he stuck with it without much thought then, clinging into a lifeline of one constant in a sea of variables
later on it morphed from being less of a therapeutic activity and more one of him being able just flow with creativity, paint with a less personal agenda and enjoy it way more too ( not to say he doesn't still use it as a form of escapism too )
reading was another thing he found enjoyment in, especially during his early teenage years. that is something he doesn't engage that often in anymore however
his parents didn’t really care about what hobbies he took on ( even with painting carrying throughout the years he ended up trying a whole slew of other things too ) until it became apparent he was actually considering art as a legit career path. neither agreed it being a good idea but they didn’t flat out deny him either.. just were very patronising about it for months and by that time he had come to actual decision of going through with it out of pettiness alone lmao. which of course served nothing but to legit piss them off and led to a number of arguments they still have to this day yikes
his parents entire view on life seemed to be there was no point getting attached to anything, sentimentality was a flaw and you could just buy everything you needed again without much care for what was left behind. especially his mom had a lot of emotionally abusive ways to steer his life in the direction she wanted, but giving just enough freedom for him to think he had a say in anything. not to say she wasn’t supportive and encouraging too but he honest to god can’t tell now how much of it was genuine. she was especially fond of using subtle blackmail in form of referring to her own feelings and how his actions will upset her, occasionally bursting into a loud tirade which was then quickly pushed to the side without any apologies for making him in turn upset so boy was always just on edge. this still happens but he pretty much only communicates with her through calls anymore so, Noeul just hangs up when she starts acting up. his dad was more the type to not involve himself into his hobbies and likes or anything at all he only cared about academic plans.
that all messed him up big time in his younger years bc he was inherently just very attached to everything and everyone but now.. it’s almost the complete opposite, enough repetition and shit will stick I guess cause he has next to no sentimental feelings towards anything, in turn actually loves travelling and meeting new people now. partially also cause he doesn’t feel obligated to uphold anything or allow himself being chained down, he treats everything like it’s fleeting, but not without care– don’t assume he doesn’t care when that’s something he does in abundance actually. he just.. accepts nothing lasts forever. ironic enough he’s adopted far too many of his parent’s habits to count now but has grown more tender with the experiences rather than cold. probably a miracle in itself. hella guarded about his feelings tho
so yeah he moved to LA ( parents were at the time both living in NYC ) for art school and got that bachelor of fine arts degree, graduating just spring last year and has no desire to further those studies cause screw school he’s done with institutions for a decade
also his parents filed for divorce while he was at it. before he was even done with freshman year. wasn’t all too surprising nor did he have anything to really say about it, except the times mom called him whilst drunk and essentially blamed it on him being a bad son :/// his dad’s fucked off somewhere he hasn’t heard whole lot from him in last three years beside birthday texts and money transfers to his bank account. and subtle messages through mom about how he expects him to clean up one of these days. meanwhile mom mostly contacts just to check he’s alive & doing well financially while slipping in vague ‘if you would have just listened to me‘s and ‘when will you come to your senses’s >_>
forgot to mention his dad’s a CEO of a small airline company. don’t ask me what his mom does idk prob some manager of a huge ass successful online shop?? something along those lines
will not speak about them if asked tbh don't expect anything other than "they're alive."
does not like announcing his ( their ) wealth to the world either and tries not to make decisions that could reflect that but something always has to give in the end. like he’s just way too happy to blow money on other people no matter how subtle he tries to be about it and often like his parents buys new stuff instead of finding ways to bring his old along, some of his clothes are also a dead giveaway it’s not so much that he specifically purchases anything cause it’s designer but if it looks nice he doesn’t see it as any different buying from any other store around. smells awfully lot like privilege but he’s unapologetic in getting exactly what he wants, it’s not his problem if someone takes offence to that
kind of also hates that he’s so dependant on parent’s money still but has made peace with it by giving away and works twice as hard for his own stuff, regardless if it yields anything cause he’s not doing this whole painting thing as a means to gain money ( would like to, but alas, it’s a tricky career path ) more from pure passion for the art
and noeul def is not gonna tell them to stop sending him cash he'll just have fun spending it in all the shit they'd hate-- even if they've basically set conditions but weird enough haven't cut him off yet.  guess that really is the only thing they can give him and they know it too :)) 
so. doesn’t actually like sitting idle even tho he all but could, yet cannot happily place himself in an establishment with very strict 9 to 5 shifts and such, so if and when he takes on extra work occasionally it’s always part-time, and for own personal gratification
in the case of him recently taking on a spot as a part-time barista here in acarike ( started like, two days ago or something ) was also bc of keeping up appearances ( surely he would run out of money eventually? no, but no one needs to know that ) and getting to know some of the people around since his group of road-tripping friends have seriously decided to settle in
if anyone was wondering yes he has experience working in cafes, among other places. his parents abhorred him taking on such jobs at all cause “what was the point? are we not providing enough?” first of all did he ask?
I guess he is currently residing in the stardust motel?? but is looking for a place
for him travelling in the past few years has been sorta cathartic, inspiring if I dare say both in personal growth and in his work since he can decide on everything by himself, where he wants to go, for how long, for why etc
sometimes likes when he has company for that, other times he just needs to make a trip in solitary. altogether prefers meeting random people along the way
is a kind of odd friend, loyal, compassionate and all that but puts himself before anyone else. or rather puts his emotional and other needs before everything else. if he feels you’re the one getting more out of it than he is it’s not worth it sorry. very generous tho and sees it as his duty to help others in any way if it doesn’t inconvenience him. not unreliable but available only when it suits him. so unless it’s life threatening or emotional distress he will not drop everything for even a friend’s sake you can wait an hour or two. can make friends as quick as he drops them
might get a little inappropriately affectionate with friends. especially so when intoxicated
is an even weirder lover. he loves the idea and feeling of being in love and the emotional thrill of it. relationships are fun yeah but commitment?? not in his. vocabulary. to elaborate he lives for the push and pull and the suspense of it all and needs things to stay stimulating on all levels across the board when deepening relationships further while also being able to maintain a sense of own freedom. he craves the sort of emotional security and gratification it all brings but refuses to become dependant on it ( he knows how that will go ), furthermore does not like all the limitations it brings nor everything being perfect to the point of feeling fake??
tries to make it clear that he’s NOT looking for anything long term but even then people haven’t taken it well when he out of the blue announces they should stop whatever it is they’re doing. he always feels bad about it and tries to part in good terms but yeah :// many hearts have been broken. it’s probably even worse for the other person cause Noeul himself seems to have absolutely no problem continuing his life like nothing happened. all this has made him into a bit of a serial dater??
in whole he takes everything as they are, nothing is everlasting and he doesn’t try to make it so, doesn’t necessarily want to. values experiences but doesn’t get too hung up on letting go of them. including relationships. this is something a lot of people in his life wont understand and it’s frustrating for everyone involved sometimes but you gotta do what you gotta do. might be scared of opening up to people. of that attachment. maybe he’s actually just picky and is waiting for something out of the world magical who knows
repels all negativity as if his life depended on it like. add begone thot meme here
but can also be very confrontational so???
is actually in constant war with himself over positive and negative emotions but filters that out pretty handily. most of the time. cause uh absolutely will turn vicious and loud when angry. sensitive to criticism and personal attacks but gets over it quick enough. does hold grudges but mainly towards people whose opinion he cares about. strangers rarely phase him. has random emotion™ bursts but tbh only cries when being shouted at and/or being target of someone’s wrath-- OR when noeul's angry himself?? also lowkey dramatic but most of the time he’s just sorta chill and cheery, occasionally sarcastic but in a good-natured way he doesn’t mean ill with it. has very strong opinions on some things but doesn’t care if someone else sees it differently. as long as they’re not saying their way is the only right way. or if their reasoning is utter bullshit which he will call out then :))
negative people just make him laugh. will not take your ass seriously at all if you’re being a douche. used to take offence to these kinds of people all the time but he’s grown out of it and learned to simply ignore people who don’t deserve the time of his day. at least outwardly.
similarly used to be very.. well. lets say prone to letting people control and push him around cause that’s what he had learned to accept but whoo boy when he finally figured it out and took the reigns into own hands no one could stop him try it bitch
likes doing things in own terms in general, need for control has kinda taken off so will not take kindly to being ordered around in any manner. tries not to impose on other people or be pushy himself but cannot stand indecisiveness so. it happens. for better or for worse
in tune with his surroundings and current community of people if something’s off he can sense it and it will bug him to no end before it’s fixed. this could be anything from his room being in disarray to something going on in the city in whole
I ain’t saying he’s a psychic but actually stupid intuitive most cases WILL see through your bullshit don’t even try
…ok but lowkey into supernatural stuff and spirituality all that jazz he’s gone through it all while trying to find himself– which is a whole another can of worms we ain’t opening here
did I forget to mention noeul and co ( minho & jae ) rolled into town in this shiny big rv. he's def looking to buy a smaller car to drive around
not too keen on giving rides to strangers since this one time two summers ago that went south real fast when a guy pulled a knife on him. has a pretty big scar to show for it on his right side? tummy?? there’s a pic in the profile page if you’re curious. he jokes about it now "it adds character" but is actually terrified of that happening again so perpetually jumpy minho blames himself for it cause he's dumb
you can prob hear him coming 5 miles away with the amount of jewellery he adorns
don’t get me started on his wardrobe it’s a mixed bag and then some. gender norms belong into the fiery pits of a volcano
is equal parts a tea & coffee enthusiast basically lives off that stuff. i'm probably not even exaggerating here boy forgets to eat when he gets focused on something and just wolfs down a pot of coffee.
obsessed with watermelon flavoured lollipops probably has one on him at all times somehow magically pulls them outta thin air??
you can prob find him painting outside in the randomest places when the weather's nice
likes painting on people probably as much as painting them
it’s not an intimacy thing I swear. but. can be?? probably accidentally turns that way that’s just how he is
prefers either to focus on faces ( eyes specifically ) or nude models in general fcking @ him
this. is so long already I’m sorry omg
and that’s all I got my brains’ fried over this all but yo come plot with me pls also check my plots maybe orrr if you want me to check your plots ( I’d love to!! ) come poke me ay ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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the story of Meagan, possibly the most confused and frustrating seller ever...
8/10/18, 10:02 AM
Get Started
Hey Meagan! We are a seasonal children's "pop-up" consignment event. We have sales in XX and XX every spring & fall. We usually answer messages personally a few times a day. In the meantime, what can our autoresponder help you with?
Shopping the Event
Selling at the Event
It's something else
 Hey is to late to sign up for vip shopping and selling at the XX event
Are you interested in selling items or just shopping?
The XX sale has reached the max of 750 regular sellers and we are now registering RESTOCK sellers who will bring their items after the sale has started so we can restock our sales floor.
Can I still purchase a vip ticket
Yes, there are a limited number still available.
8/10/18, 2:17 PM
What’s a phone number I can call so someone can explain to me how to register to sale and buy
Hi Meagan, there is only me, just the one person behind this whole business. Feel free to call me at XXX-XXX-XXXX and I can explain what I wrote above about being a restock seller. You do not HAVE to buy a ticket to shop the sale, but you do have to buy one if you are not a seller and you want to SHOP EARLY at our PRE-sale event. 
Is there someone I can call for assistance with registering for seller and buyer vip
Hey Meagan! We are a seasonal children's "pop-up" consignment event. We have sales in XX and XX every spring & fall. We usually answer messages personally a few times a day. In the meantime, what can our autoresponder help you with?
Shopping the Event
Selling at the Event
It's something else
Hi Meagan, It's the same phone number as last fall. I'll be available for calls after 1 PM Central time today as I'm not in the office yet and I'm the sole person behind this business. Or you can click the buttons here now and our auto-responder will likely answer most of your questions. If you are planning to sell, you do not need to also purchase a VIP Presale shopping ticket. Which is it that you'd like to do. --Very Patient Sale Owner XXX-XXX-XXXX
I want to sell and buy. So what do I need to do?
You need to register as a seller. You do not need to also purchase a ticket for the VIP presale. If you will hit the button above for "selling at the event", instructions will magically appear courtesy of the autoresponder.
You may also visit our website to learn more: www.XXXXXXXX
Do I have to pay anything? Asking cause I lost my debit card this week
Yes, we have a seller's fee of $10 that you'll need to pay to get started setting up your account.
How much is it ? And how would I get u cash?
How would I get you cash!
we cannot accept cash for your seller's fee. we do accept it for payment at the sale.
I’ll probably won’t get my debit card until the week after next when is the deadline to sign up for this?
Sellers will use PayPal as a part of the registration process and you may use funds form a debit/credit card or PayPal account.
How Do I get a PayPal? What is that?
There is no deadline. We will continue to register sellers until we reach our max of 775 sellers, We are more than half way there in just 24 hours.
You can learn more at www.PayPal.com
Dont I have to have my debit or credit card for that also?
Yes, you will need to have a debit or credit card in order to sign up to be a seller
Neither of those will work I already said I’ve lost my card. Can my mom put hers on here for me?
yes, you could use anyone's card during the checkout process of paying your seller's fee.
Can I buy a prepaid debit card
Is there a way to do that
Yes, I suppose that would work. I really can't support you through the PayPal side of paying the seller's fee during the registration process as it is not under our control. We do not have access to what you do in PayPal, we do not access your account or your funding.
Does it have to be in pay pal?I was just going to go to Walmart and buy one of those prepaid debit cards
The checkout process is done THROUGH PayPal. It is literally the system we are using to collect your fee. You can put the money in by using any debit or credit card from any source. But the PayPal system is what processes the fee and sends the money to us. Does that make sense?
Yes thanks
1:01 PM
Can it be mastercard or visa?
I see it now
Would this work?
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I don't see why it would not as all you need is to put in a credit or debit card number to pay the seller's fee.
 3:41 PM
I was just successful at registering and making the payment. When is the dates that I’m able to sell and buy
Meagan, Have you had a chance to take a look at our website to learn about how it works?
Here's a quick summary: 
Selling with us is EASY! 
Step 1: REGISTER online to secure your seller account and item check-in time
Step 2: Gather your Items 
Step 3: Prep your items - clothing on wire hangers, box & bag other items as needed 
Step 4: Create price tags using our easy online system (this also allows you to track your sales each night of the sale!) 
Step 5: Bring your items to check-in 
Step 6: SHOP EARLY at our PRESALE!!! 
Step 7: Return to pickup unsold items or choose to donate them 
Step 8: GET PAID via PayPal within a week of the end of the sale $$$
and there are loads of details here on our website: www.XXXXXXX
there will also be a great deal of information heading your way via email shortly.
Can you at least tell me the dates?
well... there are multiple dates involved, but sure, I'll detail them for you here.
Inventory Locks for Sellers: 
Friday, March 15 at NOON 
Item Check-In: Sunday, March 17 from 3 PM to 7 PM 
Item Check-In: Monday, March 18 from 8:30 AM to 7:30 PM Item 
Check-In: Tuesday, March 19 from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM 
Presales for Sellers: Wednesday, March 20 (times vary) 
Item Pick-up for All Sellers: Saturday, March 23 from 1 PM to 4 PM
10:45 AM
What does inventory locks for sellers mean
Hi Meagan, The "lock" day & time is the deadline for you to enter your items into the online inventory system.
When is the soonest we can do this
You can log in RIGHT NOW and begin entering your items. It appears that you also need to select an item check-in time from the schedule. You should already have started receving detailed emails from us. And we also have our very detailed "how to" page right here: www.XXXXXXXX
Where and how can I select the check in time
You just need to log in to your Seller Home Page using your Username & Password you created when registering. This is where you will DO everything. You need to select a check-in time. You need to enter your items online and then you will print barcoded tags on cardstock paper. Please take a look at the How to Sell page where I've linked you, I do believe it will help answer many of your questions.
Please send me the link to do this
Please go to our website at www.XXXXXXXX
You can use the LOG IN link to access your account and DO all these things.
And we also have our very detailed "how to" page right here: www.XXXXXXXX
10:31 AM
When is the due date to enter our items into the online inventory
Meagan, I'm a little concerned that you don't have that info... are you getting our emails?
Idk I don’t see anything , but wouldn’t it be much simpler to just reply with the date?
What is the date please
Never mind just found the email! Thank you anyways
You must have all items entered by noon on Friday.
FEB 21, 2019, 11:33 AM
You guys aren’t taking any winter clothes for This sale in March in XX right?
Hey I have a question about some of these newborn and 0 to 3 month baby items that I have. Will y’all except the longsleeved onesies and long sleeve clothes? Asking because my daughter was born in May and we dressed her and long sleeve clothes and long sleeve and long pants onesies because they are used to being in the wombAnd babies like to stay bundled up at that age.
Lightweight cotton long sleeved items will be accepted. If they are fleece, velvet, or velour, they need to wait for the fall sale.
You may find our How to Sell page helpful as you prep your items: www.XXXXXXXX Spring Sales: Bring swimsuits, shorts, sleeveless outfits, and sandals to this sale. Long sleeved items that might be worn on Easter such as button-up dress shirts or light sweaters will be accepted, but heavy, wintry fabrics will not. Fall Sales: Bring snow boots, jackets & coats, sweaters, fleece, velour & velvet clothing, and warm fuzzy Halloween costumes to this sale. Cap-sleeved shirts and light, summery fabrics will not be accepted. Both spring & fall sales: Jeans, polo shirts, capri pants, and light cotton long sleeve sleepers & onesies for infants, and dress-up clothing are all appropriate for both spring and fall sales.
4:45 PM
How do I enter my items on the online inventory from this page?
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Have you clicked the arrow beside "enter/print/manage items"?
3:58 PM
All I have is a few items to sell am I still able to shop vip
Meagan, you must bring at least 15 items or $50 of inventory to item check-in in order to earn your pass to the seller's presale which is actually earlier than the VIP Presale.
5:26 PM
Ok I have a babybassinet how much should I price that at ?
I also have a couple of rugs, and foam mattress toppers , one of the rugs has a run in it tho .
Meagan, we suggest pricing items at 1/3 to 1/4 of the cost it was new. You can read our website to learn all about how to be a successful seller at our events: www.XXXXXXXX
What about the rug with the run in it? It is not a big run only a few inches long
Can I bring my mother with me to shop?
Meagan, if the rug is damaged, it cannot be sold. Normal wear and tear is expected but not damage. 
Your seller presale pass is good for one adult shopper, you may not bring a guest. Are you receiving our seller education emails? We're sending all this info direct to your email for your convenience!
I signed up for a Sunday to bring in my items but not sure if that day is going to work out anymore . Is there anyway I can change my appointment day and time?
Sure! Simply log in to your account, unselect the time you have and choose another one.
It’s saying sorry but u have already selected an appt. how do I unselect it
Having a lot of trouble with this
On mobile, the appointment you have selected is on the top. You must select it and "delete" it before choosing a new time.
How long will check in last I have to be home to get kids off buss by 11 am
All the detailed seller "how-to's" are here on the how to sell page: www.XXXXXXXX
Reread my message please I didn’t ask how to do anything
All of the answers to your questions are on our website that we've worked really hard on. We've worked to make it mobile friendly and put all the details you need right there for you to refer to. We're also emailing most of the same information to you.
I’m not seeing that info
This has been so difficult and you all make it so difficult to even answer questions I probably won’t do this again next year
Where does it say how long check in will last
the answer to your question is on our website. It's in your email too. I will paste is here below as well for your reference. There are 790 sellers signed up for this event. Last week's event had 700 sellers. That's too many people for me to walk through the entire process individually which is why we have the website and send emails.
Allow 30-45 minutes Allow enough time to bring your items into the sale. Park and come in to sign your seller’s agreement and receive your presale pass BEFORE carrying items in. You may use our carts & racks to assist with transport. You may also want to bring your own cart or wagon. 
Look how much time was wAsted on that one question you could’ve just pasted it from the beginning and saved 7 minutes of both our lives . You just want to argue
I won’t do this again next year
I don't want to argue, I want you to spend just a moment looking at the information we've provided for you. I have done my best to be immediately responsive to all your questions - morning & night, weekday and weekend. But there is a ton of info available to you and you are not even looking at it. Please avail yourself of the resources we've created to help you. 789 other sellers are managing to find the information. There is just one of me.
Don’t keep on trying to argue w me hun
Where will the check in be held in XX
Are you asking where the event will be located?
Yea all that and reread my question
I read it. I'm clarifying that you are asking for the location of the sale. It is inside the XX Center, XX Street in XX Town. We use Entrance X. This information is all over our website, our Facebook page, and in the 10-12 emails you’ve received from us by now.  (screenshot of website with name, address, photo of building, and link to google maps)
 MAR 6, 2019, 1:51 PM
What about those?
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From your photo, the toes of those sandals appear to be peeling off, they would not be accepted for the sale.
The lights and music function is not working on the bassinet. I guess u couldn’t accept it either?
if it is supposed to light up & play music, that part needs to work as well if it is not possible to remove it entirely. Shoppers want to buy items in good condition that work.
I can remove the box that plays music . Is that ok?
yes, if you can remove that part completely so that it is just a bassinet that is fully functional and not recalled, it can be sold.
MAR 18, 2019, 4:35 PM
Hey am I supposed be printing out some sort of tags or something to put on my items I’ve already added them to the online inventory hand tomorrow I have an appointment at 9:15 AM to bring my items to XX to the XX Center
Yes, you need to generate & print tags using the "print tags" tab inside your MyConsignment Manager account
I don’t have a printer
The tags generate into a PDF document. You can send it to a friend or take it to an office store for printing. Remember, tags need to be printed on cardstock paper.
I don’t know what that is and we don’t have it can u accept regular paper?
It’s asking for a print code????
It’s says to contact you all for a valid print code????
Need the print code now!!! Just drove 20 min with both my kids to print these!! You should’ve told me the print code earlier when I was asking you if I nee
You actually dont need it. If you will just go to OUR website at www.XXXXXXXX and use the seller login link there, you will never ever need to enter the print code.
 I am in the seller login
No, you are logging in via www.myconsignmentmanager.com which is a site with a green & white background
If you will just go to www.XXXXXXXXX which is a site with blue & orange background, you don’t need a print code.
All categories were “not available” and no sizes were listed.
She did come back with bags, tape, and items. We showed her how to bag the shoes.
We gave her wire hangers for her 6 clothing items, then hung and pinned the tags on for her.  
 WED 3:31 PM
hello, will I be able to use my debit card at the sale this afternoon
We accept CASH and also Visa, Mastercard, & Discover as credit or debit! We do not accept checks. See you at the sale!
THU 10:14 AM
Any outdoor playhouses at the sale or how can I find out for myself , is there a way to check online ?
THU 11:30 AM
Hundreds of people are shopping so we’re not able to update about pricing or availability of items. Come in & shop!
FRI 11:31 AM
Could you please tell me the email I used for my paypal account ? I’m not able to log into any PayPal account. Not sure if I ever even created a pay pal account. I think I just used a prepaid visa that I bought to sign up for seller registration
FRI 3:44 PM
We’re very busy at the sale trying to sell your items! All of your questions about PayPal and pay out or answered on our website on the how to sell page. They will also be answered in the email that goes out today and repeat it again tomorrow. Please look at the website and your email for the answers to your questions
I did look at the website. when is a good time to call you? I can’t remember If I signed up with a PayPal account or not but I know for sure that I used a prepaid Visa card. Will you please help me look into this when you have time? I keep trying to sign in PayPal account but it isn’t accepting any of my emails and I don’t know why.
We have no access to your PayPal account. All we are going to do is tell PayPal your email address and how much money we owe you. That means the email address that you put into the my consignment manager system, the one that all of our messages are coming too. I’m not sure if you’re getting a reading any of them. The funds will be transferred to PayPal at the email address you used when you signed up for your tagging account. If you are struggling with logging into PayPal, there is nothing I can do to help you. That is between you and PayPal. It is your account. We have no access to it.
I am using that email for my paypal account. The same one I used for my consignment website login and it’s not accepting it. I don’t remember creating a paypal account. Is that something was mandatory when I signed up to be a seller? I don’t understand why it’s not taking my email
Please can I just call you is there a good time?
No, I'm not able to talk you through this because I don't have anything at all to do with your PayPal account. I literally cannot help. You need to call PayPal and talk to THEM about your account. I don't know what email address you put on your PayPal. I don't know anything about it. All I know is what email address you put into MyConsignment Manager and I will soon know how much money we owe you. I will tell PayPal those two pieces of info and they will move funds from our account to yours. After that, it's on you to access those funds.
You can’t tell me if I used a paypal to sign up for sellers registration for my kidsignment?
Meagan, The fact that we use PayPal to collect the seller registration fee has nothing to do with the fact that we use PayPal to pay you out. The two have absolutely nothing to do with each other. It does not matter. 
I don’t know what email address you used to sign up for PayPal. That is between you and PayPal
All I am going to do is tell PayPal the email address I know that you used in my consignment manager and how much money we owe you. It is up to you to be sure that the email address you used in my consignment manager is on a PayPal account somehow, somewhere.
And our sale is not named “kidsignment”.
Did I use paypal to sign up for sellers registration? Yes or no please
It does not matter. That is irrelevant.
PayPal is a checkout system. You used it. I do not know if you have an account or what email address you used on your account. It is your account. We have nothing to do with it.
Can I just have a whole bathroom made in a closet that is big enough to be bathroom?
If you can find someone to do the plumbing, I don’t see why not... not my area of expertise...
Wrong person
I figured...
I don’t even have a paypal account out there I’m on the phone with them now are you sure that’s where my payment is going to?
You just need to create a PayPal account with the same email address that you use in my consignment manager. Once again, I know nothing about your account, what email address you use, or if you even have one. If you do not have one, make one.
That’s why I kept asking you if I had to have one to sign up to sell .... I couldn’t remember if I made one or not
FRI 8:54 PM
Everything about the sale has been so confusing for you, I don’t know how to explain any more. You don’t have to have a PayPal account to register. The checkout is done with PayPal but an account is not required to pay the fee. PayPal is simply a checkout system. We went through all this at the time. I have no way to know if you made an account. I don’t know how to explain the sale any better. 750+ other people are able to make sense of our website & emails. I don’t know how to provide more info than we already have.
It’s just confusing when I keep asking the same question but you explain everything else but you don’t answer my question. It’s done and over with nothing else to argue about paypal account has been made with the email that you have [email protected].
Sale was great thanks for the opportunity to be included! Sorry for inconveniencing you so much. My life has been very stressful the last two years . Again I apologize for being hateful to you through messenger I wasn’t sure if I was talking to robot or I just through diff people was messaging me from this account. You take care !
Glad you were pleased with the experience.  It certainly has not seemed that way over the past several weeks.  Email is our preferred communication and the auto-responder is set up to handle quick questions shoppers have. We put all the seller details in email and on the website. I am sorry your life has been stressful. Since the participating has been so confusing for you, it may be best for you to find another way to sell your items in the future. I’m glad you ended up being pleased with this season in the end.
Thankfully, we never heard from Meagan again.
0 notes
actuallyadhd · 7 years
(Tag as Amy plz? Thx!!) I have money to set up autopay for my bills.I get regular pay, i make "ok" money. I have another well paying job starting in a couple months. I can afford a couple hundred each month in bills. I DONT FUCKING SET IT UP. Idk why. I now have bills that have gone to collections because I NEVER SET UP THE PAYMENTS. I don't know why this caused me anxiety so much that i put it off until i forgot. I'm looking for advice/anyone who can relate. Have I ruined my life forever?
This is a difficult situation that often happens to adult ADHDers. Your life is definitely not ruined forever. Even in the worst case scenario, you will just spend some time paying back bills and have lower credit. You have a decent paying job going for you so that will definitely help. If you are having difficulty setting up a task, I would recommend breaking the task down into steps. An example would be “start up computer”, “open browser”, “go to website that I pay the bill on”, “log into website”, etc. There are some previous posts about this in the initiation tag if you’d like to look. Here are a couple of them: https://actuallyadhd.tumblr.com/post/165308956601/i-saw-someone-talking-about-adhd-how-important
As someone who has had many things go to collections, I can say that no, you have definitely NOT ruined your life forever.
The last thing I had to deal with like this was horrible and the collections agents were horrible to me. But I was able to get them to stop phoning me and had them e-mail me regularly with information and everything. Then I was able to sort out a repayment plan and deal with it properly.
Look into the laws where you are. At the time, I was in Alberta and found that legally, they weren’t allowed to call me at certain times of day, and if I sent them a letter telling them to stop and to only communicate in writing, they had to comply. So I did that, and my life became much simpler because it was easier for me to process what I needed to know and figure out if I had it in writing. When it was all on the phone, it moved too fast and I got flustered and overwhelmed, and usually started crying. And yes, I have had collections agents laugh at me.
Do read the posts linked by C, above, and give the tips a try. Once you have your current bills set up, get organized with the collections agencies and set up a payment plan. Then stick to it as best you can. (I put mine on my recurring tasks to-do list so I wouldn’t forget to pay each month.) The information stays on your credit report for a specific amount of time (here it’s six years, I don’t know how long it is where you are) and then it drops off. It will lower your credit rating, but you can rebuild it by having a credit card that you use for specific things and pay off in full every month. I’m going to be doing that starting this year, because my current travel credit card expires in a few months anyway. I’ll just use the card for specific things that I use my travel one for (my cell phone, online purchases, my tuition) and that should be no problem since I budget for these things using our actual money each month already.
When you finish paying off the things that are in collections, ask the agency to send you a letter stating the full amount you paid and that the account is now paid in full. This is really important to have because sometimes they come after you again.
Good luck!
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thyrideneverends · 4 years
Escritos que encontre del año 2017 . Y conversaciones conmigo desde el año 2020 ([]).
____________________________ AAAHGH IM SO FUCKING SAD. I cant help but feel that im rotting. I dont want pity; people helping; people empathizing. FUCK YOU. I can do better than you. I DO. In fact. I havent been blinded, and hate everything around me as an excuse for giving my life away for what it was supposed to be. [this could be missunderstod since i was clearly angry 4 something i dont recall, I was refering to people in general, how they put themselves above the others, how they always wanna get "there" first, how they talk trash about their relationships, the anger, the hate that breeds out of them when they are wronged(even if there`s no purpose or whatsoever to cause them, specifically, any troubles), the screaming, the violence, that kind of hate..]
I dont want to just 'be happy' because I have to; so I reject happiness. But I want to feel it like something real and not made up.. does that makes sense? Thats a paradox i cant escape lately. [thats deep man, fortunately we figured that out. Have we figured that out? Happiness now is closed for manteinance ^-^ ]
I cant find pleasure in anything.. I destroyed everything..[you had to start somewhere, right?] I cant find meaning in anything.
I just need someone, i just need not to be alone. But I am; Even surrounded by everyone. I know I am. I know you are too.. I hope you are strong enough to endure it.
[hablabas de otro tipo de soledad, lo se, pero vos todavia no lo sabias, o si?]
Sometimes I feel like I forgot an important part of being alive. I remember a different version of myself from a few years back. I feel like I'm just existing; nothing pushes my happy button. And when I'm not strong enough to think that it's fine; that I don't need that.. I will just panic questioning myself why, the reason for me not belonging. I know it's fine; I know I can just spend the rest of my..50years left? just doing this; living this eternal circling hell. You might say it's a choice.. That I don't put that much effort into it. That I'm just playing this part. Complaining my ass off. And to that.. I can only say I'm sorry.. I'm doing the best I can. [I know you were.. truly; and u did a great job never letting me down] _________________________________________
Why are we even here right.. What powers you? You wake up, work or study, ingest food, sleep. Repeat. To finish your career and become something.. To earn enough money to become someone.. Be better in what you're doing or you'll be out. You'll be useless. You'll be garbage. We[the system] won't need you.. And then we have to be happy about it.. We have to function collectively happy and there's no room for the outcasts.. And IM to blame for it.. I could be happy like all of them.. But I'm just sitting my ass here thinking what else I can sabotage, in order to understand why it's unnecessary and wish to be also capable of that... Just capable maybe of.. not be weird; not be me.. And sometimes thats all that matters. That Im me.. And I love not being a part of them. I just can never get a hold of that moment and make it last.. I will feel alone just a moment after. [Im so glad we worked our loneliness, I mean, we have such fine moments in silence..]
Aah... I was just given advice by a hot girl on tinder about how should I type, express and resume myself so the person on the other side of the screen won't stop replying thinking I'm an idiot.. She basically said :- "hey, you're an idiot but maybe a cute one. Here's human help. Just stop being you and people will like you" Y'know what? that's bullshit... It makes me so anxious that it happens all the time. There's always someone judgin. Not only online; real life is the worst. I just don't fit in here I guess. I'll keep talking with the tinder girl, maybe and get emptynessly laid, why not? But I think I hate this.. I hate that everything craves for a definition and people just won't LOOK; Im hidden among them... God how I wish to know who's there ravaging their brains with questions while walking in that empty crowd. I wish I could find you and ask just what you were thinking there. At that unique moment. You are not alone... But if you feel like I do; I wonder if you also wonder. I wonder if we're just very far away from each other.. I wonder if it`s true that there can only be one of us by this cosmic rule that goes: only one 'you/me' for every thousand people. Or.. maybe it's just me. Too old to be an idiot... Too idiot to fully be himself around smart well adjusted people. I guess it's a matter of perspective. isn't it pretty much all? Have a good night stranger.. [Not so stranger.. my dude.. U didn't get laid btw, you couldn't pull through with that. And then you promised you wouldn't lie about who you are.. You wouldn't ever play another role other than the one you are. Well, it was more like a statement than a promise, to yourself. I was there.. Best decision you ever made. You mutated loneliness into a condition, a simple symptom of your choice of living; instead of a disease on itself.. Very clever.]
You don't have to read but if you wanna unload please write it down. Everything u hate.. or love; This I wrote on my personal account but it makes me anxious to open myself to judgy people, so I erased it.. We live to judge because we love fixing things that didn't go right with us. Never understanding each perspective is unique. Well Im gonna paste it here because I don't want to lose it.. I don't want something I really meant to be just a deleted thing..(even if it is)
Have u ever felt like you're unique or different?   But then just analyzing, we all just walk towards and objective. We don't do things just because. You don't get up every day to just go to work.. to just have breakfast or go shopping, idk; people set goals. We follow patterns. We repeat the same exact thing to strangers of the streets. The same exact things other strangers reply to us.. We are the same NPCs to others. And then realizing this I just wanna scream PLEASE GET ME OUT OF THIS. Please look at me! I don't want this. I don't want to be aware of this.. I don't want to feel I'm just to you what you guess I am. What's the point of everything? How do I get to know who I am if I'm always this self-centered stupid attempt of somebody? Nobody wants that. Sometimes I am glad to be "awake". To be different from the other people in their bubbles... But most of the time I'd give EVERYTHING to be exactly like that. Because I feel lonely. Because I have so many friends, but we can't communicate. Because I've lost the ideal of love because at a certain point I was scared of being a problem and it hurts so fucking much. I don't think I am special.. or more intelligent or cultural, I just feel I have a different degree of "profoundness" than most other people. It's not something I talk about or show, most of the time i pretend to fit in, but I don't. I can fool myself for periods, I've fooled myself for so many years now, but in the end it always comes back, I can't hide it forever. it hurts so much. I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse and I feel like a fucking show-off that just wants attention..
[I felt that.. dude. You write beautifully..]
Hi person reading this. Be nice, life is full of shitty people. Make a tiny difference; someday we're all gonna die so its cool. Dont hold grudges ^^ . [^^]
We are all just internet jesters shitposting to fill the void Even if you're just taking selfies and being beautiful while loving life, smiling to nothing and eating healthy shit while showing off the new place you just visited to a bunch of strangers that doesn't give a fuck about you .. (actually those are the worsts) yeah.. (Don't get me wrong I'm not saying it's bad. I do that too ! we like showing ourselves to others..) Screaming... I exist. Notice me sempai. We just are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
________________________________________________ *draw of myself* [couldnt find it anywhere, where did u put it D: . i remember the sad expression] I know It has a lot of imperfections but so do I. I guess this is how I see myself.. Maybe I just wanted it to be like that. To express something to myself. I still feel like a little kid sometimes even tho I'm 25; "I just can't play with the other kids because I feel different and they make me feel different." Now I can't play with the adults, they're too adults. They make me feel too adult; i need to act up every move to become like them. And then alone, I can be at peace being who I wanna be; But it gets lonely from time to time; Not being able to understand who are you really; where are you really above the necessity of impersonating this other dude to get laid, get the job, get the money. And for what?.. Just to keep doing it because there is really no other choice.. How sad. But anyway. Ever tried to draw yourself? To see what's the image of you that you hold in your head.. if u truly do it; it doesn't matter if you know or not how to proyect yourself.. Every trace you make on that paper is a creation this world has never seen.. your chance to make a difference; it doesn't have to be trendy or impact in mankind. I suppose that's what I call art. And that's why art is everywhere.. Everything that can never be repeated.. Anything that comes from you; or life itself. A random amount of dirt.. Sunlight getting through the leaves of a tree.. Pieces of a broken cup and the stain of coffee in the carpet.. I'm not an artist myself tho; never considered myself even close to one.. I haven't drawn in years.. This is my first one in a long time; I just felt like it.
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rayadraws · 7 years
Hero FB adventures
This is the result of me, @jenny-opm, @shorthairsonic, @dibujos-de-la-orilla and @criscura talking about the concept of our boys (and their friends) using Facebook and what that might lead to... It led to a really fun discussion, so I’ve collected it as points here for anyone curious. It’s about 2.6k long so I’ll put it behind a Read More. Enjoy XD
Dr. Kuseno, being a technical genius, takes to Facebook like a duck to water, having no trouble navigating the site. However, he still acts like a stereotypical grandpa on there - when Genos posts a status along the lines of “Rainy day, perfect for a movie” Kuseno comments with “Indeed my boy, try not to catch a cold and send Saitama my regards. Kuseno.” He occasionally also teases Genos, such as sending him a photo of an electric whisk with the caption “your next upgrade is ready.” (In a misplaced attempt at being kind he tags Saitama in all ads for hair growth treatment he comes across… but at least he also tags him when he finds an unusually good sale)
It is actually thanks for a birthday post from Kuseno that Saitama learns when Genos’ birthday is the first time! He catches the borg sitting and smiling while looking a his phone, which is unusual - usually if he’s on the phone it's something from the HA, which normally has him frowning.
Neither Saitama nor Genos have a lot of friends on FB (to start with, at least). It’s mostly their closest friends such as King and Mumen. Genos also has Metal Bat added, who gives him (good natured) crap on near everything he posts.
Bang is the hopelessly confused Facebook grandpa, struggling to understand how it works. Poor Charanko does his best to help him… “How do I search here?” “You have to go to the search bar… No, that’s where you write your status” “My what?”
Once he does get the hang of it, Bang comments every time someone posts about themselves doing any sort of sporty activity with “Looking good! Ever think about coming by the dojo?” (It gets to the point that FB warns him for posting the same thing over and over and everyone is starting to suspect that his account has been hacked by a virus that just keeps promoting his dojo - poor Charanko is accused of setting it up)
Metal Bat SPAMS FB with videos of Zenko’s piano shows. Everyone knows about her recitals a week in advance because he keeps hyping it up. He also has a soft spot for posting glamour selfies.
Saitama posts a lot of blurry cat photos with no caption and sometimes food pictures. He posts at all kinds of random hours of the day, almost never answers anyone, his photos are low quality and he posts a lot of odd YouTube links.
Genos likes every photo of Saitama and uploads his own - somehow, Saitama always looks far less derpy in Genos’ photos (he’s studied all his best angles).
Genos has no shame and starts liking all photos of Saitama, going through every tag ever - meaning once in a while someone who went to high school with Saitama suddenly gets a like from Demon Cyborg on a photo taken 12 years ago. Unsurprisingly, people are SHOCKED at this and it takes them a while to figure out why - until they notice how he keeps tagging Saitama on his page. This is the only kind of interaction they get online with Demon Cyborg and people start tagging Saitama in photos in the hope of getting response from him. They slyly get photos of him in public and post and tag him in the hope of a response. As long as he’s awake (he’s a heavy sleeper) Genos likes them instantly, unknowingly rewarding his fans for their behaviour.
Genos never accepts friend requests from any non-heroes but Saitama sometimes does because “maybe that name’s familiar idk whatever” and some of Genos’ fangirls manage to befriend him on Facebook, consequently seeing his photos… causing them to just about spontaneously combust - “Did you SEE that photo of Demon Cyborg in an apron?!”
Genos notices this and tells Saitama that he is NOT to post his 124 bedhead pics of Genos to Facebook. Saitama forgets(?) and posts 53 of them anyway before he remembers he wasn’t supposed to. He tries to cheer Genos up - “But look at how many likes and shares they’re getting! This doesn’t even happen with the cat pictures!” Genos is not impressed to see his groggy-ass self on a million message boards (and tells Saitama that “...to be fair, Sensei, sometimes it’s hard to tell if they’re cat pictures.”)
Saitama is enjoying this game (not quite realizing the scope of this all) - sneaks a pair of cat ears on Genos, takes a photo and uploads, enjoying the storm afterwards.
Facebook suggests that Saitama upload a photo album that is just the same photo of Genos doing the dishes at slightly different angles and he’s like “why not” and posts that as well. This is followed up by a little video of him singing quietly and dancing a little while washing the dishes.
One day they come across a group of Demon Cyborg fans on the street who come up to them and ask if Genos could sign their photo books - they’ve printed a bunch of pictures from their FBs, full of like bedhead and apron pics (“Mr. Demon Cyborg sir I LOVED that video of you dancing with the mop!”). Genos can’t even process what’s happening and signs them with a stunned expression, while Sai takes one of the books, looking through it and pointing out his favourites. “Hey, I remember this one! Aw, dude, where’s this shirt? You look nice in it, I haven’t seen it in a while.” (“Mr Demon Cyborg I didn’t know you had feet slippers!” - a small part of Genos dies)
Saitama starts getting bombarded with requests on Facebook. “Get him sleeping!” “Get him laughing!” “Can you get him to pose in that white shirt, maybe with the ripped jeans?”
Saitama starts uploading little videos, such as himself telling Genos a bunch of puns as they go through a store. Eventually he figures out how to cut videos into clips and bombards Genos for two days to get “material”. It does get a bit overwhelming in the end however, so he tells the fans that he can’t take more pictures because his phone ran out of memory. To his despair, this leads to fans sending them shipments of memory cards, cameras and gift cards for even more stuff and it’s all very unnecessary. He even receives a brand new phone from “a fan”.
(The good side is, with all this training he is getting progressively better at taking pictures)
One day, the daily picture he uploads is very sad - just an empty chair with the caption “He’s at repairs” :(
Another day however, Saitama goes to upload a photo of Genos in his apron, but it’s… the wrong apron picture. He accidentally uploads a naughty pic, oops. It’s not the most obviously naughty one, not enough to get them banned from FB (and Genos has no nipples, anyway…) but it’s pretty obviously not meant for the public.
Genos is at first (rightfully) mad at Saitama… until they get like a million really nice apron lingerie sets in the mail. To get back at the other, he uploads a photo of a bare-chested Saitama - not at all prepared for the onslaught of “HOLY SHIT” responses, growing possessive instead of mad when the fans start screaming for more.
Saitama tries to take a good shot of himself but eventually Genos, even through being annoyed, takes the camera from him and gets a good picture. Fans ask for even more and a bewildered Saitama replies with “Um, sure?” uploading a half-naked bathroom selfie, where he’s still wet with a towel wrapped around himself. People go wild. (Genos can’t decide if he wants to delete the picture or share it so it’s on his wall as well. He is… conflicted.) (A less successful picture shows Saitama absolutely ripped, but unfortunately with a prominent double chin, like that time he played video games at the HA - selfies are hard…) (“Mr Saitama, can I request the ripped jeans again, but this time with you wearing them..?”
Unfortunately their shenanigans do not go unnoticed at they get called in to HA’s Public Relations for the umpteenth time. Their attempts at getting the heroes to take it down a few notches is made more difficult by them referring to Amai’s latest “I’m about to have sex” album cover as proof they aren’t out of line.
Amai Mask, in his defence, maintains that his pictures are “classy” and “done professionally”. Saitama responds with gesturing to a photo of Naked Apron Genos frying eggs - “This is classy!”. They continue with pointing out that more than likely, if they stopped, people would complain to the HA and they’d have to explain it was the HA who stopped them in the first place... (And really, the HA shouldn’t complain, Saitama and Genos are earning them so many donations….) "THEY CURED MY CANCER AND WATERED MY CROPS AND BLESSED MY CAT HERE'S MONEY" - “They did what now?!” - the HA representatives don’t even understand what this means but eventually lets it all slide. (The only one who understands the references is their intern managing the official HA twitter, but no one cares about their opinion…)
With all this material, Genos’ fan club is getting a lot more activity than Amai Mask’s, which doesn’t go unnoticed. Amai tries to upload “accidental photos” too in an attempt to become the centre of attention, but they are all obviously fake, such as “I woke up like this” pictures of him with perfect hair and makeup, nothing like Demon Cyborg’s messy hair and squinting eyes.
Amai tries again - “Oh no guys you won't believe this but, i was doing my make up right and omg my cat walked on top of my phone and took this photo of me lol” - someone digs up an old interview where Amai states that he’s allergic to cats (that someone is Genos). He also uploads a photo of a cup from Starbucks which has “To the prettiest guy I’ll see today” written on it and claims he got it (until someone points out that’s a photo from Google).
Meanwhile on Saitama’s FB page, a new video of an unaware Genos twitching in his sleep has just been uploaded, caption “look he’s dreaming shhh”
Saitama just happens to be awake late that evening and passes the time surfing FB, commenting “y’all never go to bed huh” when he sees the immediate responses - given how big Genos’ fanclub is, there’s always someone who’s awake. In fact, this video is more than likely to wake a number of fans up to scream over it. Saitama makes a little livestream showing off their cups as he brews himself some tea (“this is my cup. That one’s Genos’. We found it in a thrift store after he accidentally dropped the last one.” He finishes with showing Genos sleeping again and saying “see he’s sleeping now you all go to bed too”.
One day he posts a still picture of the sleeping borg, with the caption being just “I love him”.
It takes a while, but once the fans understand that their love is real and not changing, some of them start to (not always so) subtly suggest he should propose, such as tagging Saitama whenever a jewellery store has a good offer (they’ve picked up on his love for sales).
One day everything is quiet, then Saitama posts simply “He said yes” (or perhaps it’s just a picture of their hands wearing the rings) and FB EXPLODES. People ask for photos and Saitama replies with “All I got is him ugly crying oil everywhere” and the fans go “POST IT.”
After they’ve gotten engaged things get a bit more quiet, with Saitama just posting the occasional update like “he’s going to marry me” and “he’s going to be my husband”. “I want the date to be on his birthday but that’s too long of a wait” ,“he loves me”.
Fast-forward a bit. It’s been quiet for a while. Genos has barely posted anything but one day Saitama’s FB friends see that he’s been tagged in a picture that turns out to be a photo where Saitama appears to be passed out on the futon, drooling in his sleep and surrounded by empty pizza cartons. Caption “my husband to be”. (The picture completely blows up on FB)
Fans start speculating on their outfits, causing Saitama to sweat - he hadn’t planned that far ahead. He asks for suggestions and they end up covering the entire colour spectrum. He even enquires a little bit to hear if there’s anyone who’s a real actual wedding planner among their fans, it might work out…
In the end, they decide on a small private wedding, but Saitama does suggest he might be able to livestream it. He gives no date or anything to go by, however. In an attempt to keep it hidden, they end up hosting it at the dojo, hoping the stairs might also deter some potential invaders. (Bang is more than happy to host - maybe he can convince some people to join the dojo. The stairs aren’t a problem for the heroes, mostly - King does text Saitama with “I’m here can you pick me up” once he arrives at the bottom whereas Mumen handles them himself - but makes sure to arrive very early so he’ll have time for a shower before the ceremony. Saitama suddenly starts the livestream out of the blue on FB, writing “k its happenin!” and a bunch of fans tune in. (Hopefully Bang won’t hear about the livestream or he’ll start advertising on it, too…)
They get married!!
(Back to where we started - how does Kuseno react to all this FB shenanigans? Well, more than likely he doesn’t spend too much time on FB, but he does check periodically, probably catching at least a couple of the pictures of Genos sleeping and in his apron and whatnot. As always, he replies good naturedly - “glad you’re getting your rest son”.
Kuseno also has a habit of going full-on Geek and writing very long explanations regarding Genos’ body sometimes - such as explaining why he twitches in his sleep, or an explanation on how his cooling systems work in response to someone writing “WAAAHHH WHY IS HE SO COOOL” on one picture. Unfortunately, Kuseno doesn’t realize that his FB is set to friends only, so only Saitama and Genos see these comments…)
Bonus: Saitama occasionally tags Genos in pictures he takes of cheap bootleg Demon Cyborg merch he comes across, disappointing fans hoping to see a new photo of him, only to be met by his asymmetrical poorly painted face on an action figure. “It’s not even official merch…”
Saitama has a habit of buying the especially poorly made ones because “they’re funny”.
One fan asks one day if Demon Cyborg owns any merch and Sai uploads a photo of all the stuff he keeps in the apartment with the caption “And even more stuff at his docs”.
The fans are stunned - but some are also like “ok but where do I get these things?!”
"says he special ordered them or w/e" "oh this other one was from HA" "oh... he says it's out of stock" "he has the stock" ”Maybe if you ask him real nice. Doubt he’ll let go tho he only has like 278 of them” ”...he informs me he has 289”
The fans try to barter with Genos, such as offering to draw a NEW Caped Baldy posted in return for one of those charms. At this point Saitama is starting to wonder why he has to be the bridge between fans wanting Caped Baldy merch and Genos. Genos doesn’t seem to want to talk directly to his fans, but eventually agrees to use Saitama’s account, basically pretending to be him - the fans do eventually get their merch, but are confused as to why Saitama suddenly seems to turn a lot more serious and formal whenever it comes to merch talk (and is that 10 page terms of service really necessary?!) but at least in the end they get a super rare piece of merch not available anywhere else (because Genos bought them all).
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