#like idk just imagine being in class and the teachers like 'what did you think about to kill a mockingbird' and some kids like
juniperskye · 5 days
That’ll Show Them.
Based on the following ask: 🥰 yay!! Okay. (Deep breath), so the idea was basically either preschool or elementary school setting. Hotch being a sexy single dad has most of the single (and not!) Moms drooling over him. Y/N or Reader is a single mom, not one of those drooling but definitely sees that he's attractive. But her kid (girl or boy) happens to quickly become Jack's BFF and this causes natural interactions and conversations between her and Hotch over the next few weeks which makes the other moms salty and jealous, and she overhears them at one point speculating that she probably told her kid to befriend Jack just so she could get closer to Hotch. I didn't really think of an ending for it but just had an idea of a scene where she's trying to remain calm and unaffected while overhearing them talking about her and giving side eye. Maybe Hotch hears it too and comes to her defense? Or makes them even saltier by asking her out in front of them? 😈 @nyxwolph thank you for requesting this! I did adjust a little bit, so I hope you like it!!
Aaron Hotchner x Single Mom! Reader
Word count: 3569
REQUESTS ARE OPEN - not edited - please be kind. Requests are open and feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
Warnings: My blog is 18+, minors DNI, some explicit language, reader is a single mom, mention of divorce, school moms being shitty, mention of Hotch’s ex father-in-law being ill, no use of y/n, Fem reader, reader has no physical description other than being shorter than hotch, reader is mentioned/implied to own a shop (no details), gay best friend, Hotch starts work at 8am (idk what the BAU hours are lmao) let me know if I missed any!
I do not consent to having my work translated or reposted to any other site. That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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The moms were ruthless. You were barely three months into the school year and already you had been completely ostracized from the “mom group.” Part of you had assumed it was because the majority of these moms had all caught wind of your very public, messy divorce. The other part of you, however, knew that the main reason you’d been exiled was him.
Aaron HOTTIE Hotchner, as the other moms called him, had taken Ms. Jenson’s third grade class by storm. Meet the teacher night had been a frenzy of horny moms all praying their child ended up in the same class as Aaron’s son. There were hushed conversations and giggles, and hair flips all night long, you had felt bad for the teachers since their presentations had fallen second to the gossip travelling through the halls about the hot single dad.
“I heard he works for the FBI!”
“I heard he’s a widower. Could you even imagine?”
“Wow. He must be pretty amazing, a single dad and working for the FBI!”
“Can we be real for a moment and just admire how hot he is?”
“Did you see his hands?”
“Yes! Did you see his suit? I love a well-dressed man.”
They were vultures, every single one of them, and Aaron was their newest victim. He, of course, had been completely oblivious to the blatant flirting – he returned every advance they made with a kind smile or polite nod. And listen, you weren’t going to deny that Aaron was hot…you just weren’t trying to be like those other moms and gush about it at meet the teacher night.
Your being excluded by the class moms had only gotten worse since Jack and Millie had become friends. Millie had told you on the first day of school, that a boy had pushed her down on the playground, and before you could panic, she told you that a different boy…one named Jack…had helped her up. She said after that, they sat together at lunch and read aloud.
You could barely contain you excitement. Since the divorce, Millie had been having a tough time making friends – mainly because the moms told their kids to stay away. Your ex had been quite cozy with some of the moms at Millie’s last school and you had eventually found out he was sleeping with one of them. Once the divorce was finalized and you had full custody, you’d moved and that meant a new school for Millie.
Realistically that should’ve been the end of the drama, but it just so happens that the girl who your husband slept with…well her sister’s child was in the same class as Millie. He of course was the kid that pushed Millie down on the first day of school.
It shouldn’t have bothered you, their constant whispers…but it had you seething. This was an everyday occurrence now that you drove Jack home. The moms all waiting for dismissal engaging in hushed conversations about how desperate you must be.
“I bet she told her daughter to befriend his son.”
“What a sad way to get his attention.”
“Well, I mean, her ex did cheat���so she’s probably desperate.”
“She’s ridiculous if you ask me.”
This new development has begun exactly two weeks ago. Jack and Millie had been on their sixth playdate – this had been the first one Aaron had been able to host (due to work obvi) which had led to you staying and the two of you talking about how demanding his work schedule must be. He had told you it kept him pretty busy and that his sister-in-law had been extremely helpful, but with her father falling ill, she was growing increasingly busy.
“You know, I could drive Jack. If you’re comfortable with it.” You offered.
“I couldn’t possibly ask that of you!” Aaron panicked.
“It’s a good thing you didn’t ask…I’m offering. I already have to drive to the school to get Millie, I could grab Jack and the two of them could hang out until you are off work. And if your sister-in-law ever can’t watch him while you’re away, know that I am more than willing.” You punctuated with a kind smile.
“What if I take them to school, I don’t need to be at work until eight, and then you could pick them up? That way it is even. Obviously when I’m out of town, which wouldn’t necessarily be possible, but I could coordinate with Jess and…” Aaron was spiraling.
“Aaron. If you want to take them to school when you’re in town, that would be great. That would allow me the time I need in the shop before opening. When you are out of town, if Jack is staying with me, I will take them to and from school – if he’s with Jess, she doesn’t have to worry about Millie okay?” You suggested.
“You’re a godsend. You know that?” Aaron said, a smile growing on his face.
“Yeah well, Jack has been an incredible friend to Millie, and I would love for them to spend more time together. Plus, the house has been so quiet and, I don’t know. It would be nice to have the kids there.” There was a slight cringe that was brought with the insinuation of your divorce.
“I appreciate it either way.” Aaron gently nudged your shoulder.
So, for the last two weeks, Aaron had been driving the kids to school and you had been picking them up. He shockingly had yet to be called on a case…but you knew it was only a matter of time.
Aaron was called away a few days later, he had let you know that Jess would be watching Jack. That had sent a tinge of pain right to your heart. In truth, you were attracted to Aaron, and the more time you spent with him, you were starting to fall for him. You tried not to focus too much on the fact that he’d sent Jack to stay with Jess…chalking up to the fact that Aaron probably didn’t want to burden you – even though he could never.
You didn’t hear from Aaron until nearly two weeks later.
A: Hey, we just got back from this case. I’ll pick Millie up in the morning for school. Are you good to pick up Jack after?
Y: Hey! Yeah I can pick them up tomorrow. I have to take Millie to get her cleats and shin guards for soccer, is it okay if Jack tags along?
A: I totally forgot soccer starts next weekend. If I sent some money in Jack’s backpack could you pick up his stuff too?
Y: Of course! Will you be late tomorrow?
A: Probably, after a case like this, there’s a lot of paperwork to be done. I will try to be there by 7pm if that’s okay.
Y: 7 is fine, we will get homework done and I will feed them and have Jack all ready for you!
A: Thank you. Seriously I don’t know what I’d do without you.
The next day you arrived at the school at 2:45 pm to pick up the kids. You parked your car like always and stood in wait with the other parents. You were checking your phone to see where the nearest sporting goods store was when one of the dads approached you.
“Hey, is Millie ready for soccer to start?”
“Oh, hey Scott! Yeah she is so excited! What about Macy?” You questioned.
“She’s nervous, but she told me she was glad Millie and Jack were playing too. Michael was really bummed that the girls weren’t in a class together this year.” Scott explained.
“I was too! How is Michael? We should all have dinner some time!” You suggested.
“He’s good, and I am sure he would love to have you and your new beau over for a meal – I will talk to him when we get home!” Scott beamed.
“New beau…what are you talking about? Do you mean Aaron? He and I, we’re not…” You stuttered.
“Don’t worry, it’s okay! You should be bragging to all those bitches that you bagged the hot DILF! Don’t let them spoil something good for you hon.” Scott gently squeezed your arm.
Just as you opened your mouth to reply, the kids came running out. Macy ran to hug her dad while Jack and Millie made their way to you. Both kids hugged you and then said their goodbyes to Macy. You moved to grab their hands and guide them to the car, but not without catching the glares from all the moms. They must’ve heard Scott and you talking…and while you and Aaron weren’t dating, it didn’t hurt to let them believe it for a bit.
After getting the kids soccer gear, you took them home and got them started on their homework and gave them some apple slices. You checked a few emails, changed the washer and dryer, and wrote up your grocery list in the meantime.
When they were done with their homework, you checked their work and then quizzed them on their spelling words. By then it was nearly 5:30 pm, you set the two of them up in the living room with a coloring book and some Legos while you got dinner started. You made some grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans – for the kids, you added some cheese to the potatoes and cut up the chicken – setting that on the table for them alongside a glass of chocolate milk.
“Kids, time for dinner!” You hollered.
“Coming mom!” Millie called.
You were about 10 minutes into dinner when a knock sounded from the front door. You excused yourself and walked over to let Aaron in.
“Hey, we were just having dinner, can I get you a plate?” You offered.
“Oh, as long as it’s not an imposition!” Aaron replied.
“Aaron, how many times do I have to tell you that it’s not an imposition. I like having you around.” You stopped abruptly, embarrassed that you’d let that slip. “I mean, you know, it’s nice that Millie and Jack are friends…I uh. I…”
“I know what you mean. And I like having you around too.” He said, finally stepping fully into the house.
Aaron placed a gentle hand on the small of your back to guide you toward the kitchen. You plated him up some food and he joined you at the table, sitting right beside you. You couldn’t help the growing heat that bloomed on your cheeks as his arm brushed against your own. The room was filled with the playful chatter of the eight-year-olds that sat across from you, giggles escaping them as they recounted the events of their day at school.
Glancing over, you noticed the joy radiating from Aaron’s expression. You hadn’t seen him this genuinely happy in all the time you’ve known him, and you wonder if it is because he doesn’t get to relax like this often. The thought allows your mind to drift even further – splaying images of cooking for the four of you all the time, of late nights cuddled with Aaron and even further into the future, welcoming a new child to the family you’ve curated…only it's all in your head.
“You alright?” Aaron whispers. His warm breath against your ear causes a chill to cascade across your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
“Yeah, I’m good. Sorry, just lost in thought.”
“Hey mom, is Jack’s dad going to be my new dad?” Millie posed, causing you to choke on the bite of chicken you’d just taken.
“Woah, sweetheart you’re okay, just breathe!” Aaron patted your back gently. “Here, take a sip of water.”
Taking a swig, the chicken makes its way down. “Mills…baby where did you get that idea?”
“Well Rain said that his mom said that you were moving in on Jack’s dad, and I thought that if we were moving in, then that would make him my new dad!” Millie smiled.
It was Aaron who choked this time, only it was on his water, causing some of it to certainly escape through his nose. He pulled his napkin to his face as he coughed in an attempt to clear his airway.
“Aar…breathe.” You returned the favor of patting him gently on the back. “Are you okay?”
He answered with a nod and allowed a chuckle to escape his mouth before looking up to meet your gaze. Aaron wasn’t ignorant of the fact that the other moms had been eyeing him since the beginning of the year, he just hadn’t realized that they’d gone after you due to your budding closeness.
“Millie, Rain’s mom is just kidding. Jack’s dad and I are becoming good friends, like you and Jack, and they don’t like that, so they’re saying some not so nice things.” You explained.
“Oh…okay.” Millie said, a small pout gracing her features.
A pout that pulled on not only yours, but also Aaron’s heartstrings. He allowed himself a glance in your direction and took careful note of the hurt and disappointment that flashed across your own features briefly. Was it possible you felt more than you were letting on?
Six days later you received a call at four in the morning. It hadn’t been the thing to wake you up, but it came as a surprise, nonetheless.
“Hey, I just got a call about a time sensitive case and Jess is dealing with her dad. Would you mind taking Jack while I am away?”
“Aaron, of course! Do you need me to come and get him?”
“No, I will get a bag together for him and drop him off on my way to the office. I am going to leave you with a key to my place just in case Jack needs anything. Thank you for doing this, seriously it means a lot.”
“It’s really not a problem, I will have a bed made up for him by the time you get here.”
“Thanks sweetheart, see you soon.”
With that, Aaron hung up, and for the second time you were taken by surprise at the pet name he so casually referred to you by. You had to remind yourself not to swoon. It wouldn’t do you any good to get into your thoughts about the meaning behind his slip of the tongue.
Jack Hotchner was the most wonderful child you have the privilege of knowing – aside from Millie of course. He was polite and he listened with no pushback. He helped Millie with her chores (cleaning up her toys and putting her clothes in the laundry basket), he didn’t complain, and he just exuded this kindness and joy that brought an extra bit of warmth to your home.
You could see Millie becoming attached and you feared her heart would break once Jack had to go back home. You only hoped that she’d understand that although Jack’s presence isn’t currently permanent, they’d still get to see each other all the time.
Jack stayed with you for five nights, Aaron surprised you all by showing up with a pizza on Saturday evening.
The three of you had been cuddled up on the couch watching Inside Out 2 when the doorbell rang. You shuffled over to the door in your sweats and fuzzy socks to see Aaron standing there in a quarter zip and jeans. Good God, he’s never looked so good.
“Aaron!” You couldn’t hide your excitement.
“Surprise! I brought pizza, I hope cheese is okay.” He inquired.
“Cheese is perfect.” You confirmed. “Kids, dinner is here!”
Jack ran to embrace his father. Millie, however, stormed off to her room. You were quick to throw Aaron an apologetic glance, before following her down the hall.
“Mills…what’s wrong honey?”
Millie replied with a grumble in her pillow and a shake of her head.
“Baby, I can’t help if you don’t tell me.”
“It’s not fair. Jack doesn’t have a mom, and I don’t have a dad. But when you and Mr. Aaron are together it feels like a normal family. How come you guys can’t just be together?” Millie cried.
“Oh, honey. It’s not that simple bug. Mr. Aaron, well he’s a busy man and I just…” You trailed off.
“Don’t you like him?”
“Mills, yeah I like him, but like I said, it’s not that simple. Even if he liked me back, that wouldn’t just make us a family, it would take some time for us to get serious and then we’d have to decide if that was the right step for us.”
“It is the right step! You guys like each other, and Jack and I get along…mommy it’s perfect! You could be Jack’s mom and Mr. Aaron could be my new dad.” Millie said matter-of-factly.
“Oh honey, is this about your dad?” You pulled Millie into a hug.
“No! He wasn’t nice to me like Mr. Aaron is. Mom I want Mr. Aaron to be my dad.” She whispered as tears stained her cheeks.
“I know honey, me too…me too.” You pressed a kiss to her head. “Baby lets go have some pizza and enjoy our time with Jack and Mr. Aaron, yeah?”
That night, something shifted. Aaron and you had begun spending more time together, going to soccer practices and games together, taking the kids to the park, the movies, pottery painting places, dinner at your house, game night at his. Aaron had also exclusively been asking you to take Jack while he was away on cases – claiming Jess’ father was getting worse.
Two months passed like this, and things had started to feel very domestic. Millie was asking more and more about Jack being her brother and Aaron her father and you had to explain that even though they weren’t related, even by marriage, that friends could be considered family too.
Once again you were taking care of Jack while Aaron was out of town on a case, only this time it was a little different. Your car was in the shop, so Aaron had let you borrow his car, and today was the last day of school before winter break. The schoolyard was buzzing with anticipation of the final bell, parents were discussing their vacation plans with one another while waiting.
You has been talking to Scott and Michael when Becca approached you.
“You know, I think it’s a sick thing you’ve done, using your daughter to help you prey on a vulnerable man.” She hissed.
“Excuse me? What the hell are you talking about?” You shot back.
“Aaron. You had Millie befriend Jack and for what so you could trick Aaron into going out with you? It’s truly despicable behavior. He’s a good man and he deserves someone who is genuine.” Becca spewed.
“I don’t know where you get off, talking to me like that, but I can assure you – ”
“Becca, I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t speak to my girlfriend that way. She is the kindest most genuine person I have ever met, and every day she shows me how much she cares for and loves Jack and me. So back off, and maybe don’t speak on things you don’t know anything about.” Aaron bit as his arm snuck its way around your waist, pulling you flush against him.
“I KNEW IT!” Scott shouted.
Becca stormed off with a huff and you turned around to see Aaron wearing a shit eating grin. You couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with disbelief at the fact that Aaron was here right now, he’d stuck up for you, and he’d called you his girlfriend. Yeah, you were fairly sure your brain had short circuited.
“Girlfriend?” Your gaze lifted to meet his.
“You know, I’d been meaning to ask.” He grinned down at you. “What do you say?”
“Yes! Of course!”
Aaron closed the gap between you and captured your lips in a kiss. All the while the moms scoffed and huffed in disbelief that you truly had taken Aaron HOTTIE Hotchner off the market. And before you had a chance to pull away, Jack and Millie came bounding over just in time to catch the last bit of your kiss.
“Does this mean Mr. Aaron can finally be my dad?” Millie asked.
Aaron leaned down to Millie’s level “Mills, I would love nothing more than to be your dad, but we have to take things slow okay? Your mom and I have a lot of grown-up decisions to make before that can happen, so I need you to be patient. Can you do that for me?”
“I can do that!”
You leaned down in front of Jack, wanting to ensure he’s included in all this. “What do you think Jack? Would you be okay with me and your dad being together? It means you and Millie will be together a lot more often.”
“Will you eventually be my mom then?”
“If your dad and I choose to get married eventually, then yeah, I’d be your stepmom.” You explained.
“I think you’d be a really good mom.” Jack wrapped his arms around you.
Aaron and you may have only just made things official, but in the last five or so months, you’d both fallen for each other. Sometimes, things are just right, and all the pieces fall into place naturally. And for the first time in a long time, you couldn’t wait to see where this leads.
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midnight-black2 · 4 months
Ahh this is my first time requesting anything but I need prompt 5 for Farleigh 🙈
Imagine him being cocky for getting a higher score than reader and reader basically putting him in his place. 🫣🫣 (also i’m absolutely obsessed with your writing!!)
pairing : farleigh start x reader
synopsis : pretty much what the req says
disclaimers : sub!farleigh, dom!reader, public sexual intercourse (idk what this is called), handjob (m!recieving), slightly mean reader, degradation, ruined orgasm, probably more lol
note : thanks for the compliment ! hope you enjoy this '
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it was by five points, five fucking points, and all farleigh did was torture you about it.
typically, you scored higher than him, mostly because you just straight up put in more effort. he couldn't care less about studying, he was just a naturally good tester. for this reason, he normally knew his place. but the one time he studied and you didn't, the one goddamn time. he wouldn't let you live it out, all he would ever do was talk about it, teasing you and making fun of you.
"wow Y/N, i think you're falling off," he stated, with a sarcastic, disapproving look. he was leaning over, hovering over your shoulder to get a proper look at your score. you were flabbergasted, you actually got a 95%. farleigh had gotten an 100%. if was quite literally embarrassing. that was when it first happened, but he didn't leave it there, oh no.
"ah-ah, don't you think i should skip ahead of you?" farleigh asked, his annoying voice startling you from your thoughts.
"well i got a higher score, those have always been our rules." the thing you hated most was that he was right. it was also stupid because he made the damn rule, and you didn't care about being ahead in the lunch line one way or another. you figured the only reason he had done it was to make victory that much sweeter when he actually did score higher than you. so you stayed silent, letting him sit ahead of you.
and another incident...
"so if anyone here needs tutoring, don't hesitate to ask. our programs are specifically designed to connect students while effectively getting them to learn," mrs. abram spoke, as she handed out tutoring flyers.
farleigh shot you a glance, before mumbling your name, and covering it up with a fake cough. you groaned, with a sigh before frustratedly stuffing the flyer in your bag. he was being insufferable, and there was only so much you could take.
the final (notable) time he teased you, you two were partnered on a history project, the exact class he had excelled on the exam in. of course, just your fucking luck.
as he sat down, he had this complacent smirk on his face that you wanted to slap right off. he set the assignment papers down on the desk, and turned over to face you.
"well, i'm glad we got partnered, yeah? you probably need my help," he said, mockingly.
"jesus christ farleigh it was five fucking points! get over yourself!" there it was, you snapped. it was only a matter of time, though it just so happened to be in the middle of class. farleigh's smirk only grew, as if this was what he had wanted the entire time. the teacher had scolded you for cursing, and almost dismissed you from class. fortunately, you managed to stay, and the whole time you felt the urgent need to snap farleigh in half.
finally, after what felt like days, the class ended. however, instead of heading to the next class, you followed farleigh down the hall, before pushing him inside of some random storage closet. he was about to ask you what you were doing, he was about to leave...until you said something.
"what the fuck, farleigh," you uttered, coldly. he faltered, something in the way you sounded made him feel some sort of way. it was dark, and farleigh couldn't make out much, but if he had to guess, your expression would have been that of a deadpan, glaring into his soul.
"i don't get why you're so mad. i scored higher, and that's final."
"i'm mad because you don't know your fucking place." you spat back, inching closer to him.
"yeah? and what's my place, hm?" he questioned. his voice had an edge to it, but more than that he was genuinely curious.
"beneath me," you answered, no hesitation whatsoever. did you say it because that's what you actually thought? no. were you angry? yes. did you think farleigh would get off to it? also yes--and, he did. he did so much that he was developing a hard-on.
"you sure about that?" he asked, voice wavering.
"your dick is," you replied, gripping his cock in his pants. his knees buckled, and he let out the smallest whimper, that was nearly inaudible. "you're so pathetic, farleigh."
"yeah? well you're still gonna give me a handjob. so pathetic or not at least-" he cut himself off with a moan as you squeezed roughly once again.
"just shut the fuck up for once," you instructed, as you unzipped his fly. you, not-so-gently, took his cock from his boxers. his tip was an angry flushed red, and leaking pre. you chuckled at the sight, and he turned to face away, embarrassed.
you thumbed at his tip, and he whined softly. your fingers formed a circle shape, before sliding up and down at mid-pace. if you didn't want to miss too much of your next class, you'd have to make this quick.
"f-fuck, Y/N," he moaned, bucking his hips up slightly. you placed a hand on his hips to keep them pinned. you sped up your pace just a bit.
"is this what you've been wanting, farleigh? i really don't know how you got an 100% because all you seem to do is think with this stupid cock of yours," you said, as it was your turn to smirk this time. his head tipped back with a strained moan.
"shit, oh my god," he cursed, feeling himself grow close to an orgasm already.
"guess i should've done this a lot sooner, hm? really would've shut you up." your hand became brutal, but god did he like it.
"please," he said, not even sure what he was begging for. it was too much for him.
"please? are you serious? you take what i give you, farleigh." he whined at that, cursing under his breath.
"fuck Y/N, i can't-i...i think im gonna cum," he stammered, as his legs felt light, like they would give out any second. and just like that, you stopped. he whined, as you shoved his cock back in his underwear, and zipped back up his pants. you had left him with a raging boner, and he felt he could cry at that. as you exited the closet, he couldn't help but fear what he had gotten himself into.
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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mayhemories · 2 years
Neteyam x reader where Neteyam watches reader interact with his siblings and maybe other members of the clan, maybe she's like a teacher?? (idk you can work it out lol) but Neteyam just gets baby fever and wants to put a baby in you asap. just one problem - he's never spoken to reader before and this is just a massive crush he's fantasised about for years and nothing can get it out of his head but boy is nervous af fr
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Teacher's Pet
I really, really, really want to make this a multi-chapter fic. Could you imagine? Ughhhhhh so cute goddamn it. Like Neytiri picking up on it? So she invites you to family dinner. Tuk being wingwoman? C’mon now…maybe eventual smut? Which inevitably leads to eventual pregnancy? Which leads to babies? Cycle continues? I think so. 
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Reader (James Cameron’s Avatar) 
Requested: Yes | No
Warnings: none? idk you tell me
Words: 2.1k
Author’s Notes: They live in the forest, not high camp bc it's convenient for the plot - sue me. 
Taglist: @lilprettypetite @nyotamalfoy @weasleytwinwheezes @aonungs-tsahik @rainbowsocks @glitterandgoldfinds @bluealiensimp @melsunshine @ussoppl @wondxrgurll @luvlykrispy @myheartfollower @gloryavila @itssiaaax @mashiromochi @punkrockrogersogers @simpforboys
Read under the cut
“Okay kids, stay close please!” 
Neteyam chuckled as he watched you try to corral Tuk’s class outside. His baby sister mentioned you were taking her class to watch the Pa’li today, and Neteyam decided he would just happen to be there at the same time. 
He leaned against a tree, trying to make himself look busy, whittling a Pa’li toy for Tuk. Seemingly, Neteyam was an attentive older brother waiting for his youngest sister to finish class so he could walk her home, nothing more, nothing less. But he knew in the back of his mind that he was here for you, Tuk’s teacher.
You were so different to the hunters and the healers of the clan, so inherently motherly and extremely intelligent. Neteyam enjoyed watching you giggle at the kids while they looked around in amazement, how your eyes sparkled when your students repeated something correctly. And though you were Omaticaya through and through, Neteyam enjoyed how you dressed differently; with long skirts that covered your front and back, with slits that travelled up both sides, Neteyam felt like a perv whenever he looked at your hipbones for too long. You favoured beaded anklets, and backless, beaded tops. Neteyam could not help but blush at the thought of wrapping your long legs around his neck, wearing you as his own necklace, and running his hands through your soft wavy hair that was always undone, flowing down your back. 
“And what do the Pa’li eat?” You asked your kids, sweetly. The majority of them were shy, afraid to get it wrong, were afraid to try. But little Tuktirey Sully’s hand shot right up, she waved it around like she was going to bust if she did not get picked to say the answer. You knew it wasn’t right for a teacher to have favourites, you loved all the kids for different reasons. 
But Tuk was your favourite. 
“Tuk.” You said, easing the little girl of her fervour, nodding you allowed her to speak. 
“Nectar!” She said with a beaming smile, you laughed, sharing your own smile with the youngest daughter of Toruk Macto. 
“Yes! That’s right Tuk, the Pa’li eat nectar.” 
Neteyam couldn’t help but laugh at Tuk’s antics, and couldn’t help but fall further into his crush when you supported his little sister. He felt like a fool, like a freak. Every time he saw you he felt like he was in heat. Like you were made for him, and him alone. He saw how you loved the kids, how you taught them, you knew every one of them inside and out. Neteyam wanted nothing more than to put a baby in you of his own. He wanted to see your stomach swell and raise his family with you, he wanted you to mother your children with him. He would always get to this point in his head, reasoning with himself. These feelings were normal for him, he was twenty-two years old, and he was definitely a man, in manhood, crushes for men turned into wanting a family and that was normal. 
It was just a crush and he definitely wasn’t in love with you and he most certainly did not want to breed you. That would be weird. 
Especially since Neteyam has never plucked up the courage to speak with you. 
As you taught your class about the Pa’li and how they work with the ecosystem and the Na’vi, your eyes could not help but trail to the mighty warrior leaning against the tree. 
Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk’itan. 
Tuk’s older brother, the firstborn son of the Olo’eyktan, the heir to the Omaticaya leadership, and the fiercest hunter of the clan. Your crush that bloomed for the boy when you were fifteen had still never left you. How could it? He was stunning. And manhood suited him well, his broad shoulders and veined arms and hands. You blushed aggressively, tucking loose strands of hair behind your ears as his eyes caught your own. He had never caught you checking him out before, all the times he had picked up Tuk from lessons, all the times at dinner and during ceremonies. Never. The one time was when you had twenty Na’vi children at your feet and you were trying to teach. 
“Okay my little loves, I think we can all go home early today!” You said dismissing the kids. You chuckled to yourself, as they all ran off immediately. You supposed some ran to play, others to head home.
They all ran but one. 
“Tuk honey, time to go!” You said ruffling the girl’s hair as she clung to your leg, cuddling you. She did this every day, at the end of every class, without fail. “Tuk-Tuk, your brother is here.” You said to the young girl and giggled as her eyes lit up, turning around, scanning the area for Neteyam. 
As Neteyam strode confidently towards the two of you, you noticed the wooden toy he carried in his hand. 
“Neteyam!” Tuk ran to him, jumping. The warrior picked her up like she was nothing, spinning her around before placing her back on the stable ground. Her giggles sounded like music to your ears. 
“This is for you Tuk.” The older brother said, handing the lovingly-made Pa’li toy to the young girl. 
“Thank you.” She said, hugging his leg, as she had done to you only moments before. The whole scene made your chest bloom. Not only was he going to be a great clan leader one day, but you knew Neteyam would be the perfect father. “(y/n)!” Tuk yelled for you, grabbing her brother by the wrist, and marching him closer and closer to where you stood. 
“(y/n) look at this! My brother Neteyam made me a Pa’li!” You leant over as Tuk showed you the wooden toy. Her smile looked like it was going to cleave her little face in half. And you couldn’t help but giggle, hiding it behind your hand. 
“Wow!” You said, straightening up. It was now or never and you knew that you could either take control of the situation, being so close to Neteyam, or you could let your heart hurt for the rest of your life. “What a talented brother you have, Tuk!” You smiled at Neteyam, while Tuk stood in between the both of you, you felt the young girl lean against your leg while holding Neteyam’s hand still. 
Neteyam felt like Tuk had betrayed him somehow, by bringing the two of you this close. What a talented brother you have.
Neteyam wanted to jump out of his skin. Nervously his free hand found the back of his neck, scratching a foreign itch. He knew he was blushing. Some warrior he was. 
“It was nothing really, you’re the one actually teaching the kids about them.” Neteyam said, shocked he found any words at all. He could’ve sworn he melted when you smiled softly at him, your round eyes glittering in the afternoon light. 
“It’s nothing really,” You said mirroring the boy- no, the man. “Teaching is just practice for having kids of my own.” 
Neteyam felt like he was going to throw up. How did you know? Did you know? You must know how he dreams of impregnating you. He felt the burn run across his cheeks and ears. 
“You would like children of your own one day?” Neteyam felt his mouth run before his head could catch up. He was stumbling through a dream he’s sworn he’s had before, as the two of you walked shoulder to shoulder towards home. Tuk ran a little way in front, playing an imaginary game with her new toy. 
Your chuckle was like nothing he had ever heard before and he felt absolutely drunk off the sound. 
“Yes! A whole litter, preferably.” You exclaimed excitedly. If this was a dream Neteyam would have already gotten you under him. 
But this was not a dream. 
It was the two of you standing rather awkwardly next to one another at the entrance to his family home. Tuk waiting at the threshold for her brother.
“So, are you courted then?” Neteyam wanted to bash his own skull open at the brazen question. He’s fucked it, the whole situation. 
He watched how your blush grew, but you kept your intelligent eyes trained on his own.
“No, not yet-”
“Neteyam.” His mother, Neytiri, interrupted you, she sent you an apologetic look, as she stood on the threshold, arms crossed over her chest. 
Neteyam felt like his whole body was on fire, he was so utterly embarrassed. For asking you that question in the first place, for his mother hearing him do so, and the overwhelming relief he felt when you had said no. 
“Neteyam, aren’t you going to invite (y/n) in for dinner?” Neytiri said. 
Neytiri wasn’t stupid, she wasn’t an ignorant child. She saw how her eldest son pined for Tuk’s teacher, and in turn how the young woman would watch her son. 
She would be a good Tsahik. She would be good for Neteyam. And so, Neytiri prodded into her son’s personal life with no remorse as she ushered herself and Tuk back inside the home, closing the tent flap as she did so, providing the young couple with some rare privacy. 
Neteyam chuckled, shaking his head, braids swinging as he did so. Embarrassed, Neteyam continued. 
“Would you like to join us for dinner?” 
“I would love to, only if it’s not too much hassle.” You felt alight. Like everything was falling into place. And you promised that you would pray to Eywa for this blessing that she presented to you. 
“Never a hassle.” Neteyam smiled as he opened the tent flap, ushering you into his home. He could not help but imagine the home that you would make together. 
You were so nervous. You sat in between Tuk and Neteyam. Tuk playing with her new toy, and some of her old ones, using your right thigh as a table. Neteyam’s tail was subconsciously running along the small of your back. And, it may be selfish but you did not have the heart to tell him to stop. Nor did you want to. 
Jake and Neytiri sat across from you, Kiri next to Tuk, and Lo’ak nestled himself between Jake and Neteyam. You watched as Jake’s eyes went between you and his eldest son. Like something wasn’t adding up in his calculative mind. You felt like you were being perceived, being viewed, rather than being seen. 
“So, (y/n).” Toruk Macto started, and you felt like falling through the floor. You were unaware that he knew what your name was. “Is there something wrong with Tuk’s learning?” At the mention of her name, Tuk stopped playing, her round eyes and pouting lips turned towards you in anticipation. Placing your hand on the young girl’s head, smoothing down her braids to reassure her, you answered your Olo'eyktan.
“No, no not at all. Tuk is my brightest student, actually.” You felt the young girl return back to her game, snuggling closer to your form. Jake was beaming, happy to hear about the success of his youngest.
“With all due respect, my dear, why are you here then?” Jake asked, Neytiri hissed at him, smacking him in the chest. Grabbing her hand, his strong fingers rubbed circles into her flesh. 
You felt your heart swell at the site of the two mates. Simultaneously you felt Neteyam’s hand rest on your right thigh. You leaned into his touch, craving so much more. 
“I invited (y/n) for dinner, Sir.” Neteyam spoke, though calm, you saw the flickering of the muscle in his neck. He was nervous, too. 
Jake did not miss this action, smiling slightly. Finally, his suspicions regarding his oldest son were confirmed. Jake always knew Neteyam harboured a crush on the girl- everyone in their family knew that. But since she became Tuk’s teacher, Neteyam would always offer to drop his youngest at her lessons, and would always be the first to collect her when they were done. 
“Well, you’re welcome anytime here, (y/n), don’t be a stranger.” Jake said, continuing his meal. 
Toruk Macto watched his eldest son steal glances from the teacher, and watched Neteyam’s tail curl around her hips like a second protective nature. He watched as his youngest tried to pry her way into the young woman’s lap. He noticed how patient she was with his other boy, how supportive, how kind. It did not escape him that she did not care or moreover, notice Kiri’s extra fingers or toes, or more humane features. Instead, the two girls spoke of Eywa and everything Pandora’s delicate ecosystem had to offer. Jake felt his heart start to bloom when the young teacher showed respectful practice to his mate, as she cleared their plates and assisted in washing up. 
And, Jake decided, he was excited for the day that his son plucked the courage to court you. Ready to welcome another daughter into his family.
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hoshinasblade · 1 month
Professor!Hoshina thoughts.
Like I instinctually think he’d be an English teacher who does higher level courses specializing in Japanese literature and poetry. The kind where the class size is like 20 people or less.
On the other hand, I can also see him teaching gen ed literature for entering freshmen and just being a super chill guy. He’d be all “I get that the majority of you don’t want to be here, but you gotta so let’s get through this together.”
Regardless of type of course, I think Hoshina would know exactly how to motivate (oo la la~ lol) his students. He understands people have lives outside of his classroom. He’s attentive during one-on-one conferences, and has great office hours. General student consensus is that he’s strict, but fair.
Also glasses. Like reading glasses. He doesn’t wear them while teaching, but he does in his office for grading and doing computer work. Idk if this is what you’re looking for l, but yeah
if i could make out with this ask, i would have 🥹 this is a bit long so buckle up.
quick trivia that i am an english major; that's why i mentioned in my post before that i am biased on making vice-captain hoshina an english professor if i am going to write a fic where he is a teacher. it just fits his character, i would agree. it's also canon that he reads poetry so there's that too. personally i agree that he would be someone who teaches something esoteric as this parallels his role in the manga/anime. might be slightly off-tangent but this assumption of mine relates to how hoshina is portrayed as someone who is stubborn and proud. it was clear in the beginning that his own father thought that use of blades is already obsolete, but what did hoshina do? he persevered, earning a spot beside the highest ranking official in the third division. i would say something similar would happen when hoshina decided to go down his own path of being a professor - he comes from a well-off clan, i suppose he can choose any other profession if he wants to, but he stands by his decision to be a part of the academe anyway.
now off to the good stuff. NSFW AFTER THE CUT, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
hoshina is strict within the four corners of the classroom because he values his principles and his reputation. he can be friends with a few of his students outside school but during class hours, he carries himself as serious and businesslike. which is why i arrived at two scenarios if we are going to discuss anything nsfw involving professor!hoshina:
professor!hoshina x student!reader has a very slim chance of happening but you will be able to make it happen because hoshina sees himself at you. of course you being hot and attractive also helps out your case, but what takes the cake is that you aren't scared to speak your thoughts and fight for them. i can imagine a classroom setup, a heated argument about a required reading, and you find yourself on the opposite side of the discussion from hoshina. usually a student would be afraid to disagree with a professor's opinion, but not you and that gets his attention. having learned that you are in his class not because you ran out of elective program to enrol to but because you actually like the specialised course, i see hoshina getting impressed at how much you respect his field of expertise. the thing is i don't believe he would proactively initiate a sexual relationship with one of his students, but one after-class consultation leads to another, and the farthest he is willing to go with you is... sexting. he is already gambling with his life here, but he thinks this is the safest the both of you can go where losses will not be much. you don't send him nudes right away because you know him better than that - the pictures you send him are just enough to provoke something inside him: a shot of you wearing a black lace bra that barely covered your nipples, or a skimpy skirt that showcases your ass. his response would be him telling you in explicit detail what he would like to do to you once you are not his student anymore. when you got your clearance to graduate, he celebrated by asking you to sit on his desk, commanding you to show him your pussy and finger yourself for him as he jerks off his cock in front of you, watching. he will most definitely fuck you on top of the desk after, and to hell with the papers and documents atop his table, he won't stop his thrusts until he gets to cum inside you for the first time.
professor!hoshina x colleague!reader where hoshina is rightfully hesitant on starting anything at all because he thinks workplace affairs are tacky and impractical. but you make him laugh, and you are not bad at your job too (he's interested at the fact your students are fond of you despite the fact that your program has such a high rate of failing students). he commiserates with you on the struggle of being an effective class facilitator and he is surprised at how you and him have so much in common - you are both into poetry but hates superficial verbiage, you and him believe that a professor's role is not only to teach, but to make sure that students are learning - sometimes those two can be different things - and that although you prefer less sugar, you and hoshina are into coffee. when the literature department spent a friday night drinking at the local bar, you were stuck in the streets during the late hour, and hoshina being a gentleman, offered to take you home. which he did - take you home, just with the worst intentions. maybe it's the alcohol that made him cockier than usual, or maybe it was him catching a glimpse of you undressing so you can change into a more comfortable blouse, but he took the leap of kissing you first, shoving his tongue in your throat, his palm roaming on your chest. let's just say that you were lucky it was the weekend the morning after, because it would have been embarrassing to be walking funny in campus.
... i feel like i yapped too much, so im gonna stop now lol. if you have more thoughts, my inbox is always open. :)
EDIT: just an addition because i think i missed the last part of your ask - YES, GLASSES ON PROFESSOR!HOSHINA. i already came up with a scene where you took his eyeglasses off because you already wanna eat his face and he's like "you know i can't see you that well without my glasses right", and your response will be "that's fine, i can take the lead". my brain is melting with all the ideas, someone help me 😩😩😩
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desb3ar · 9 months
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Dance Partner! Miguel O'Hara Imagine | Babble
Imagine you attend dance class and Miguel was the dance teacher there. You and him sharing moments of being close together, the relationship growing into a more intimate one as you exchange longing glances between one another.
His hand wrapped around yours as the other is placed on the small of your back, promising guidance to make sure you're in complete sync with him. Your heads are inches apart from touching as you'd feel the music move within the both of you and influence you to get closer if it was even possible. Warm bodies touching and speaking a silent oath that guarantees security and reliance to never make the other become lost and follow the footsteps to a path of dance and art. His strong arms speaks to you in ways that make you feel safe and how it swore to never let you plummet to the ground. His broad shoulders blocking what lies past them, making you keep your focus on him and him only. His hand placement sends shivers down your spine, yet your mind is never to far gone.
When the music fades away to unveil the sweet reality, you see each other no longer lost in the music, but in each other souls as the feeling you two shared did go away like the music did.
You two remained, faces adorned with the expression of realization. Shocked at the discovery of the connection you shared and how in love you were. --- I really just like the feeling of getting lost in THIS sort of intimacy. intimacy dont mean raw dawging eachother all the time lmfao. this sort of thing makes it sm more richer and allows some connection with the person reading instead of the fruitless sexual acts (to each their own but damn) i get too deep with this man and idk if i should like what i can think and create with him or be concerned that this obsession hasnt left 7 months later.
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solarwoniii · 1 year
how they keep you quiet during sex ! zb1 legal line
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smut, crack, some fluff ! includes jiwoong, zhanghao, hanbin, matthew, taerae and ricky
imagine ; you and [boyfriend ! member] are doing the deed in the dormitory and have to stay quiet if you don't want to get caught. what do they do in order to keep you quiet?
contains ; punishments, gagging (?), spanking + scratching,
a/n ; uhmm ricky smut is EXTREMELY angsty and i feel vv bad sooo heres this silly funny little gift before i drop . . . THAT
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jiwoong - shoves your panties into your mouth ;
sir woong is nasty wbk 😶😶
would he be aggressive about it ? yes.
but would you enjoy it ? also yes
its a win-win babes
this prolly goes without saying but he definitely gets extremely turned on watching you get ur insides rearranged with your panties in your mouth 🤭🤭🤭 ok shutting up ab jiwoong now im sorry this man makes me go feral sometimes i cant help it
zhanghao - stops every time you make noise ;
yea hes a bitch
TO BE FAIR he did try telling you to stfu but you couldn't help but make noise so it was his only choice
so annoying fr 🙄🙄 wld prolly laugh at u if u get frustrated
at least now you know better than to be loud when his members are around
hanbin - spanks you / scratches you ;
i think we've already established that our hanbin is a WHORE.
he likes the little red marks on your thighs and ass after he's done with you.
don't mind him babes he's just creating his art and marking his territory
matthew - covers your mouth with his hand ;
our bbyg matthew is already vv touchy with you so i feel like this fits him very well
i feel like sex like this with him wld be so fun and giggly tho so even if the other members heard u they wld prolly think you guys are just watching a stupid movie or playing fashion famous together (HELPPP i want to play fashion famous with matthew so bad now)
taerae - hushes you / kisses you ;
idk i just have this idea in my mind where i feel like taerae is TERRIFIED of punishing u bc hes so sweet and nice and ure his little baby and hes so in love with you and jsjsjsjsjsjsjsjs
hes like that one teacher whos too kind to yell at the class when theyre being too loud so he's just like 'guys guys guys pls guys wait pls guys be quiet pls' but instead hes like 'shh baby they're going to hear us'
kisses come next if that doesnt work 😭 pls be nice and stfu now this man is going to freak out if that doesnt work he has no option 3
ricky - shoves his fingers into your mouth ;
yeaaaaaa sure sure he could use your panties as a little mouth plug 😶 but wheres the fun in that ??????
gets off to watching you suck on his fingers like the little whore he is
sucks on his fingers after and watches you combust into flames while he does it
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
Idk if you’re requests are still open, but if they are I’d love an professor!Fem reader X Eddie. Maybe she’s his college professor in her late 20s/early 30s and he has a crush on her. I was listening to the song Let me love you down by Ready for the world and maybe something inspired by that, where he’s trying to prove that he can make her feel good and do what guys her age can do. I feel like all fics with age gaps are always Eddie being older and not the other way around!
warnings: smut (semi-public, rough, drunken sex lol), age gap (reader is older, doesn't say how much, and eddie is 20), hair pulling, spanking, degradation (but like, friendly playful degradation), alcohol consumption, reader is iconic ngl and eddie is a total beast in the best way
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He was down so bad. Embarrassingly bad. Like, Hot for Teacher on repeat, imagining you every night, can’t focus in class, dreams of pencil skirts and button downs bad.
Seriously, Eddie was already struggling enough to keep his grades up; how a super-super senior ever got into college was beyond him, but it’s not like this was the finest establishment of higher education or anything… but you, you were the finest thing he’d ever seen.
Those tight skirts, the heels, the reading glasses, the slight sternness to your lecturing— it was all really doing it for him for some reason. Maybe it was some desire to reclaim all his issues with authority, take some of the power back, you know. Or, alternatively, give up all the power and let you do whatever you wanted to him… he wasn’t particularly picky in that regard.
Either way, he never learned anything in class; he was too busy staring, drooling, dreaming. You dropped the chalkboard eraser and bent over to pick it up, thank god this room had desks or someone might’ve seen him getting hard.
He wondered if you noticed him at all. Unfortunately, you probably did, but for all the wrong reasons: he was totally flunking. And whenever you asked him what part of the material was challenging for him, he couldn’t even answer— because blaming your hotness for his failure wasn’t exactly going to cut it.
Actually, he was thinking of you— of his total ineptitude in your class, of his massive crush on you, all of it— when he saw you that night. Maybe it was an amazing coincidence, or maybe it was sort of bound to happen when he spent as much time thinking about you as he did. Either way, he never expected to see you here, dressed like that.
This bar was the only metalhead spot in town, and the local talent wasn’t quite as good as Eddie remembered Corroded Coffin to be, but they were alright. Tonight was a band he’d never seen before called Gore Whore. With a name like that, they had to be pretty good.
So, yeah, he was expecting some decent music and a few drinks, not to see his professor rocking a very new vibe— black leather, messy eyeliner, but thankfully still with the same sexy glasses. Honestly, he had to fight off a semi just seeing you dressed like that…
Now he had to figure out if he should talk to you or not. He had to, right? But also, like, how?
Well, his first step was to chug down his current drink and then throw back another as quickly as he could: liquid courage, right?
His second step was to rub his clammy palms on his jeans until he decided it was the right time to approach you. He didn't want to wait until the band was playing because, if they were any good, they'd be way too loud to hold a conversation during their set. He kept putting it off out of nervousness until he saw musicians starting to plug instruments in and tune, and realized he would probably be too late if he waited any longer.
He finally convinced himself to saunter over to where you were standing, linger behind you creepily when you didn't see him, and clear his throat before breaking the silence.
“Hey, teach,” he greeted, hoping it wasn’t a terribly stupid opening line. You turned over your shoulder and took a second to recognize him before you smiled.
“Hey, Edward M…un—" you hesitated.
“Munson, yeah,” he grinned, “or just Eddie.”
“Munson!” you repeated. “For some reason I kept thinking ‘Munster’, I guess I’m showing my age a bit with that one…”
You don’t look your age at all, he wanted to say, but then he wasn’t sure if that was actually a compliment or just some backwards way of calling you old— which you weren’t! But you were just a bit too old for him, from a societal acceptance standpoint, which was exactly what made it so tempting. “I, uh, didn’t expect to see you here,” he pointed out, motioning to the club.
“Well, I don’t come here a lot,” you admitted, “but I used to. You know, when I was a bit more young and rebellious like you.”
“You act like you’re a grandma or something,” he laughed, “you’re young, you know.”
“Whatever,” you rolled your eyes. “I don’t come here a lot, is the point.”
“Why’d you come out tonight?” He wondered. “Is your, uh, boyfriend in the band or something?”
The way you raised your eyebrow at him made it clear his subtle probe wasn’t so subtle after all. “Gore Whore? It’s an all-female band…”
“O-oh, right…” he trailed off. “I mean, maybe your girlfriend’s in the band, I dunno, that’s cool too.”
You snorted a laugh and shook your head. “I don’t have time for any of that, Munson. Boyfriends or girlfriends.”
“What do you have time for?” he asked.
“I mean, I’ve got nowhere to be tonight,” you shrugged. “What did you have in mind?”
His heart raced. “I— I dunno, maybe you can’t do, like, dating or whatever, but maybe you’re into, perhaps… some ill-advised fooling around with your charming, boyish, young and rebellious student?”
You laughed again, but the look in your eye was promising. “Really swinging for the fences, huh?” you noticed.
“I’m, uh, pretty drunk, actually,” he admitted.
“Yeah? Me too,” you grinned. “My place or yours?”
He choked on his own throat. Did that actually just work? Or was he hallucinating somehow? "Uh, I mean, if you wanna be really ill-advised, my van's parked out back..."
The smile you gave him then was enough to make him weak in the knees. It was the same smile you were giving him as he laid back in the van and you kept going down, down, to the bulge under his belt.
"Fuck," he gasped as you got his jeans open, yanking them down his thighs enough to free his throbbing cock; your fingers were so soft on his silky, sensitive skin, and he admired the way you licked your lips as you stroked him. "You're so fuckin' hot. Fuck."
You looked at his face again, looking quite proud of yourself. "You thought about this, didn't you?" you noticed.
"This? No," he denied. "Fucking you in the classroom, or your office, in my dorm? I thought about that a lot."
You giggled slightly as you spit down onto his dick, slicking the movements of your hand which made him flex against it.
"But I never thought we'd end up in the back of my van behind the ba— oh, fuck!"
Your lips were around the head of his cock, and you'd already started bobbing your head and stroking the rest in rhythm. No teasing, no build-up, just getting right to it: it was so sexy to him, he could've melted right there. He nearly did; he tilted his head back with a groan, reaching up to hold the back of your head though he didn't push you down 'cause, you know, he's respectful and all that.
"Damn," he laughed thinly, though he knitted his eyebrows together and bit his lip a second later. "You— fuck, that's good, you're so— god, babydoll..."
You smiled slightly around him, pulling off with a gasp and stroking his spit-soaked cock in the meantime. "Better than the girls your age do it, huh?"
He nodded quickly, swallowing even though his mouth was suddenly dry. You bent back down and licked a long stripe up his cock, even lathing his balls with your tongue for a moment, before speaking again.
"What about you? Do you know how to fuck like a grown-up?" you taunted. "Or are you just an overgrown teenager like most twenty-year-old guys?"
He smiled a little, finally feeling like he knew how to handle you. "Oh, sweetheart— I can rock you better than anything you would've heard in there tonight. Promise."
"Promise?" you repeated teasingly. "Talk is cheap, big boy."
That it is; and he had a plan to shut you up. Shoving your head back down, he groaned as he slid his cock all the way to the back of your throat. "Fuck," he said again, louder, "there you go— I'll fuck you right, babydoll, but you gotta earn it first. Maybe it's my turn to teach you a few things, hm?"
When he gave you another break, you were still playing cocky with him. "Considering your grade in my class, Munson, I'm not sure I've been teaching you anything."
"Why don't you teach me what that shirt of yours looks like inside out?" he encouraged. Smiling proudly as you stripped yourself of the leather jacket and t-shirt, he palmed his own cock— slowly, careful not to get himself too worked up yet— and admired you. "Wanna show me that pussy, too? Been imagining it for a little too long, I think..."
You peeled your jeans off and he bared his teeth at the sight of your panties— black, lacy, everything he'd dreamt of since he first saw you.
"What are you wearing those for, babydoll?" he cooed, reaching out to run his fingers over the lace on your hip. "What did you come out here for tonight?"
"You know what I came here for," you challenged, "so are you gonna gimme it or not?"
Well, he was gonna do his best.
Only a little while later, he had you bent over the console with those panties around your knees, a fistful of your hair in his fingers, your ass bouncing on him with every thrust; he was fucking you hard and fast and mean, doing his best to make you regret questioning if he was old enough to do this right.
"S'that how you like it?" he taunted. "You just need to get treated like a dirty whore, don't you? Tired of all the authority, just wanna keep your legs open for somebody, be their little slut for the night?"
"Yes," you sobbed, clinging tighter onto the console with a whimper. "Yes, Eddie, fuck... fuck me like that, just like that."
He gave your ass a hard spank with his free hand, loving the way you tightened up on him and moaned so loud from the pain. "Beg me to hit you more," he instructed.
"Spank me again, please, Eddie," you whined, getting another few hits on your stinging ass as your reward. "Fuck! Fuck, so good..."
He gripped your hips to keep you still and drive himself deeper than he thought possible, and you yelped as your toes curled and your legs kicked. One of your hands reached back instinctively and tried to grab at his hip, keep him from going too far into you, but you were a little too weak to have any real impact on him. "No no," he scolded, "I'm just giving you what you wanted, babydoll. Giving you all this dick— fuck, take all this dick, whore."
Whining and hiding your face under your arms, you tried to arch your back up before he shoved it back down with his hand to keep your ass nice and on display for him, groaning with pride. "Fuck, Eddie!"
"Isn't this what you came here for?" he smirked, grinding his cock deep inside you as you squirmed. "Got all dressed up in your little black panties, took yourself out to the club so some stranger could treat you like this?"
Though your face was still hidden, you nodded.
"Guess I really do need to teach you a few things, sweetheart," he announced proudly. "Like what happens when you tell a guy to fuck you like a grown-up. Now hold on tight, babydoll, m'gonna make sure you don't forget me too quick— you're gonna feel this tomorrow when you're teaching my class."
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tiyoin · 5 months
Taking a step back from twisted singer reader (I'll be back). I really want to expand/give origins ideas to the group chat(s?). Like how reader got the phone, how they got added and other things. Btw love who added that
With that said I'm starting a new agenda: ✨Grandfather Mozus Trein :D✨ Everyone knows that Crowley is *cough* neglectful & irresponsible *cough* always there for his students and never once put himself first 🤠. I feel like reader low-key reminds Trein of Anastasia (red hair) ya know? Maybe it's how reader plays with their hair when they start getting bored or the doodles on the written exams. All these little habits they share. Just an old man missing his family.
Someone has to be a responsible adult for reader and who else is better then a father with so much wisdom. He knows Yuu has a way of communicating and protecting himself so he isn't as concerned ,but poor reader can't do that to save their life :(
So I can see Trein giving them(mostly reader) a phone (B4 book 4). It's nothing new or special; it has an old blue case with a fading pattern and skuffs. The best part about it is Trein paying the bill. The wallpaper is changed to Grimm napping tho
It's kinda an unspoken rule that reader keeps it for the most part. With Yuu and all the things he tends to get into it would last a week if he was lucky.
More then likely the only numbers in the phone are Aduce/ maybe the other first years and Trein ,but I don't really see any of them be texters tbh. So not much coming in. Maybe a few homework questions??
As for apps a see maybe 2-ish games 👁️👄➖
Over all, it's just a classic antisocial person's phone. Until Cater finds out. Next time Yuu has the phone Carter tells him what should be added and how to #sign up for them. And Yuu being the person he is asks "Cater how do I help my introvert make friends?" Cater being the #helpful upperclassmen is he downloads the app and sends the invite.
The app they use is probably the twst discord. I think that's the only social idia has/honestly uses Some of them has like a cover for the icon. Like no one can know they use that app for whatever reason.
Everyone besides reader kinda knows what account belongs to which person. To add a bit of anonymous(ness?). Cuz no way would reader give her honest opinion about Rook or someone else if she knew that they themselves/close friends are in the chat.
Imagine if one of the guys that reader doesn't get along with ends up being one of reader's close/safe online friend. Like idk if you know who Aphmau is but she has a Minecraft roleplay PDH (don't judge me plss) where Aph and Aaron don't like each other irl but are really close online friends.
I'm sorry if my asks tend to be all over the place. I get sided tracked a lot and end up spacing out every 10 works. This was written between 3-5ish am. Also 👉👈 I think the reason we're on the same brain wave is cuz we're air signs.
Also thank you for liking/replying to my ask/yapping ☺️ it's means a lot to me
I've been waiting to get a Mac charger just to answer this ask🤭
because we always see crewel v crowley for custody over yuu.
but I defiantly agree with you that trein would see one of his daughters; especially anastasia in reader. whether it's by a few habits they both share, or how they're sometimes second fiddle to their more out going companion. but trein can see reader's life falling into shambles the more they're in twisted wonderland, the more they're isolated, and it kills him as both a father and educator.
and believe it or not, he cares about his students. they may not think so and curse him in the hallways, but they'll be thanking him in years to come, they always do (he prides himself in that, and the line of students he has at reunions telling him they're the best teacher they ever had.)
so maybe he pulls reader aside after class, ofc he can tell how tense they are, how nervous they are... especially by how intense their eye contact is, a little creepy but trein understands. he tells them to sit down in a chair he magically spawned as he flicks his head at lucien. who is all too glad to use you as a chair. he can see reader visibly relax as they're testing the water's with the temperamental feline, but trein starts talking.
he wants to help them, as he wouldn't be doing his job as an educator if he just stood by and watched you struggle. how he would have failed the pledge he made to crowley and himself if he let one os his students fall under the radar in favor for his smarter ones.
yes that should sting but it's the truth, and to no fault of your own. you obviously had... less than stupor teaching before this, and you have to catch up on a decades worth of stuff due to your... situation. and he is willing to help you during both lunch hours and free period. he also recommends student tutors for this and is willing to work out some kind of deal between you and the tutors. he wants to see you succeed. not just to prove he can turn a pumpkin into a carriage, but because you deserve it.
maybe you're not so much like his biological daughter, but like his step daughter. the one with a soul of diamond but a heart of glass. and if reader ever needs someone trustworthy (and he emphasizes this) that isn't actively split-dying their hair in their thirties or prances around with a bird mask then he is always open.
no matter how burdenous they feel relying on him, or if they think the matters are silly. he will tell it to them straight. he also suggests talking to cater diamond of heartslabyul, that if anyone can help you make friends, its that chatterbox.
dont even try to refute it cause trein AND lucien will be sporting you an unimpressed look.
but I swear to everything cater has a fucking NOSE- a sniffer if you would for introverts. or he has mastered chenya's invisibility spell and over heard your conversation because- I AGREE WITH YOU- yuu would 100% ask cater to help his little ol' introvert make friends.
so he seeks them out, grabs their phone while chatting away, and downloads 'magi cord' dw yuu is there too. cater even goes a step further and adds his contact to their phone because 'tehe he has the elusive reader's number and no body else does! #1inamillion #hewon! #he'sgonnaextrovertsohardit'llmakeyourheadspin 😼
but later that night you're fighting to go on the app when cater sends you a link, the second message he sends you (with 'hey hey! it's your fav upper classmen cay-cay here!' with an obnoxious amount of emojis, being the first)
it's a link to a magi cord group chat called; raven of secrets. (or smthn idk, I pulled that out of my ass) and he explains that the whole point of that group chat is to remain anonymous. there's a handful of members from different dorms and that's all you're supposed to know.
they talk about gossip, homework, assignments etc. the more he talks about it the more it sounds like a secret society. but nonetheless, you join.
and all hell breaks loose 🤭
personally I think that only a few people know who is who in the chat group. like the organizer because they gotta make sure everyone who has the link is an nrc student. and obviously there's a few friends who gave other people the link or joined together. but there's also active polls where people debate who is who.
just so it gives them the extra comfort of anonymity.
IMAGINE SOME ADMITS TO STALKING POOR READER AND IT TURNS INTO A THRILLER AHHHH (everyone knows who rook is. not because of his French, but because of his detailed posts)
NO CAUSE I WAS ALSO AN APHMAU FAN HAHAHAH I used to eat her role plays up. but watching them now... they're super cringe and I can barely watch an episode of phoenix drop high 😭
and dont even worry about it 'being all over the place because I am literally like that and it's so fun being able to bounce all over the place hehe
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dazyskiie-luv · 1 year
Overblot mc/yuu but...????
TW — mention of vomiting, fighting Crowley and winning (sorry Crowley lovers), past death. I like thinking a lot tbh
not necessarily angst but it is in here! Same with fluff...this was really just me rambling.
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I think about MC overbloting a lot and I also think about adding it into my own books because of how??? good??? the idea???? is???????
I genuinely imagine that even from the start MC was in danger of overbloting themself, with the stress and despair of finding out they aren't in THEIR world, away from their (family and/or friends) with possibly NO WAY BACK EVER because of some egocentric crow refusing to do more than he wants to???????
They would obviously be hella upset, stressed, depressed, anxious, etc because they know NOTHING of this world and is practically a BABY among people who lived here THEIR WHOLE LIFE.
So as more overblots happen, the more their OWN overblot is brewing. Bubbling, waiting to enter the game. Especially with the magic always getting slashed onto them. I think the only reason why they HAVEN'T overbloted just yet is because of grim
a more personal headcanon; Grim's fire, when you have a close bond with him, sorta starts erasing your blot and fueling HIS flames, making it more powerful. Essentially, think of when you're close friends with someone... you'll find it easier to fight for them right?? like you have more power to do that??? that's what its like
Now think of when MC is just TOO deep in their mind, TOO deep into their emotions and its the ONE TIME grim isn't there to help. They go to throw up blot and after panicking for a bit they just accept it. They accept that "I'm gonna overblot and probably die" because they're just too tired to worry abt themself
They don't tell anyone and since the overblot is already taking over the entire inside of their body, grims flames can't really???? get it all???? It'll always be there and it'll continue to grow and slowly grim notices that when he's feeling more powerful than ever while MC is showing obvious signs of getting ready to overblot
Grim choosing not to say anything to other people would be like... i guess out of character but at the same time i think In character????? He knows how tired MC is with dealing with everyone and honestly he's tired of it too so YASSS SLAY HENCH-BESTIEEE!!!!!
Sooner or later the others would notice too and it would be a little late to help MC since the overblot is already seeping out of their skin like they're crying. and honestly? their body IS crying. it's crying blot. And even as everyone is screaming and panicking about MC, they're just... sitting there.
Like they're annoyed everyone is making a big deal out of it considering no one cared before, and they're just like "stfu we're in class" and then focus on the teacher going "u can continue im sorry abt that."
And everyone is just??? confused?? because why aren't they going haywire or like.....???? idk..... crying in pain....????? what...........
MC just chilling the entire day while overbloting, even their overblot monster just floating behind them in peace and waving at times when people look for too long while everyone else is wary and giving them (+ grim who's always in MC's hold) a bunch of space while the teachers and dormleaders have their pens/wands/wtvr thr fuck at command just incase
but then everyone just realizes that??? MC isn't gonna???? do anything?????? and it kinda irritates them because why aren't you doing shit its freaking them out.
And lets say,,, ortho... as discreetly as he can... scans you. And it shows that you're perfectly fine??? like you aren't dying or in pain. It even shows the Blot monster being alright too like its just a guy standing there.
And now the confusion is up to 100 because WHAT????
MC and the Blot [+ Grim] just doing their everyday assignments and eating in the cafeteria with their friends being visibly tense and MC just raises an eyebrow like "whats wrong with yall tf" before continuing to absolutely DEMOLISH a burger they got for free. FREE!!! best day ever fr they'll tell you that much
I feel like the Blot would get sorta aggressive/protective when it comes to people who has like hurt MC to the point they had to take a nurse visit (half of the school but its alr we gang fr) but when it comes to crowley....??? They'll see the FULL POWER of a magicless blot monster which is actually more terrifying than the others.
The blot going hulk on crowley is so funny to imagine for me cause he'd just be running away and suddenly gets smashed into a pillar from a literal stomp. just one. and it was relatively weak compared to the Blot AND MC picking up and swinging that SAME PILLAR to smash it into crowley.
All that anger and other negative emotion finally coming out the SECOND they even so as HEAR that crows heartbeat nearby. It gave everyone whiplash but then again they also all collectively thought that he deserved it considering he hasn't truly done anything to HELP the students but just to HELP the schools reputation.
I'm half certain a student died there and he just covered it up and they turned into a ghost that haunts places. (i mean... look at the three ghosts in Ramshackle. they used to be students there I'm pretty sure????? i forgot.)
As MC is beating the DOG SHIT out of crowley the Blot is just cleaning everything up slowly because they realized that they dirted up the place :( and when MC is done they help too as the teachers all circle around a throughly beaten and bruised Crowley who has blood seeping out of his mouth while being half awake.
Of course they help him don't die because they honestly don't want the one helpful person to go to the equivalent of jail in twisted wonderland for committing murder and ykw thats so real.
I feel like as Mc stays in this overblot form everyone thats close-ish to them gets memories of things that's happened to them in the past like how MC did. But it's worse. I want an mc thats traumatized im sorry and i want it to be worse than what half of these guys went through.
I need them to feel guilty even more. Like. "Oh my god I really said that when— holy shit" FEEL BAD!!!!! Grim would already know their past because I know I would be cuddling into Grim's stomach and crying about everything.
When Mc finally stops "Overbloting", the Blot would still be there but as its own person :D How does this work????? it works bc I said it does.
The Blot™ would help MC a lot and vice versa, basically acting like parents now with how worried they get over everyone and the other. Grim is eating the attention up though as both Mc and The Blot cuddle as therapy (and bc they wanna)
Everyone (especially idia) would need time to like... get used to that because there's "NO FUCKING RECORD OF AN OVERBLOT BECOMING ITS OWN PERSON AND BEING....NICE?????"(shrouds words not mine ong) and when they do get used to it its like everyone is genuinely happier because! gasp! they are!!!
kick the crow out the seat. Both the Blot and Mc are the new headmaster contrary to the students voting them when Crowley got demoted from it.
I also feel like....??? Instead of MC goinf back home cause they realize just how BAD it was back home, they choose to have a bridge between both realities so that its their (friends and/or families) choice on if they want to be with them in twisted wonderland or not.
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MC & Blot beating the shit outta Crowley as everyone watches (and cheers)
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neuroprincess · 1 year
Happy Birthday, mia Principessa! - Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Summary: Apparently your girlfriend forgot your birthday... Or maybe there is something waiting for you.
Classification: +18, Light angst, Fluff, Smut
Warnings: Swearing, rough sex, fingering, oral, mild overstimulation, dirty talk, sucking fingers (? idk I'm suck in tags)
Word count: +4300
@scarr0713 (late) happy birthday darling!!! hope you like it <3
Part One | Part Two
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You practically throw the tupperware with your lunch on the table with a snort, the teachers around you just stare in confusion and Barbara chokes in fright, your long-term girlfriend doesn't even take her eyes off the phone where she reads some random sports news article, not even a little affected by the gesture as if she were in another world. She doesn't even notice when you throw yourself against the chair and stare at her angrily, your eyes meeting for a few seconds before she just gives a confused smile and goes back to reading the news article, as though she doesn't know what is wrong and doesn't care. It annoys you to death. How can Melissa Schemmenti, the biggest fan of commemorative dates and who has a fucking calendar in head, forget her own girlfriend's birthday? Coming from a large and lively family she has always proved to be an enthusiast for special dates and no holiday has been missed, even minor ones, even Jacob and Janine received warm hugs and a souvenir on their respective birthdays. All you wanted was at least a passionate kiss when you woke up and sweet words, but was strange to wake up without the redhead in bed wrapped around you under the blankets, for a moment, when you smelled the delicious smell coming from the kitchen, you thought getting a breakfast in bed like the year before, but the smile full of expectations soon disappeared when you realized that it wasn't coming, when you got to the kitchen found her quietly enjoying a cup of tea and sponge cake with jam. She just offered a plate and pancakes which she made in case you didn't want what she was eating. Breakfast was quick and awkward, it didn't help that you spent so much time in bed waiting for something that didn't happen, which led to a slight delay to work. But that didn't stop you from filling yourself with anticipation again, waiting for those words that would make your day happy.
- Mel, aren't you forgetting something? - the two of you are standing in front of the entrance as the woman locks the door, the day is particularly hot, hotter than it usually is, and even though wearing something lighter she feels the irritation of being exposed to the sun, fighting the sweat on the palms of the hands as she tries to make the key fit properly. Her cheeks flushed, you would think it cute and sexy if she wasn't irritating you by ignoring the question.
- What did you say, amore mio? - she asks, taking the key from the keyhole and between gasps smiles.
- Nothing, Melissa. - her name is emphasized by your lips, to let her know she is doing something wrong, but the hint is completely missed.
The woman just shrugged and you followed your normal routine, a drive to work together, it is much more economical and practical since you work at the same school, the schedules fit perfectly allowing you the luxury of being able to go and come back together almost every day. The short drive seemed to take hours, she drove this time, giving you plenty of time and concentration to imagine possibilities and expect something from her, maybe there was a bouquet of flowers waiting in the classroom, a card in some material in class, a different lunch prepared for you to enjoy with her. For months you talked about new recipes you should try together, new places you could visit. Trying to leave some hints of ways to celebrate for Melissa, but she seemed to ignore or simply forget, can't tell which is worse. Any expectation and hope you had left slowly faded as the morning passed, the table was full of small gifts like handwritten cards in their childish calligraphy, necklaces, friendship bracelets and even a pair of sunflowers in a colorful handmade vase but none of those had been given by Melissa. No hidden notes, no cute messages or stickers. Much less an apology. You take an extra minute waiting for her to show up at the door with a smile and shouting " Happy Birthday", the only people you found there were Janine, Jacob and Gregory congratulating you and giving you gifts. She gave you a book by a favorite author, respectively, one of the men gave you a personalized mug with a stamped picture of the two of you, and a plant to decorate the table. It was something very sweet and meaningful, because no matter how simple it could be each gift is special and important as they remembered things you like or mentioned at some point. And that is why you are very angry with the redhead.
- Melissa... - you call in a firm tone, finally getting her attention - Are you absolutely sure you haven't forgotten something? - and asks slowly, pausing between words.
- Hmm, no. - she puts her hand on the chin and seems to think, trying to rescue in the back of mind something she might have forgotten - My branzino!
And then she rushes off to check the refrigerator. You just snort in defeat and get the rare look of pity from Barb, she makes a mention to say something, but your expression stops her from continuing understanding that you want Melissa to remember by herself, without help from anyone else.
- Grazie, principessa! - she gives you a kiss on the cheek in thanks - I would have lost the branzino if it wasn't for you. - and strokes your hair, then goes back to eating the meal calmly, you give up trying to give hints, finally accepting that somehow your girlfriend forgot your birthday, all that's left is for you to deal with it.
The day passes slowly like a sharp torture instrument against your heart, every minute it hurts more and more as if a hole is opening in your chest, in it a huge pressure crushing you deeper and deeper. There is a mix of emotions, at the same time that you are sad and upset, to the point of having to dry some tears that came out of nowhere during the last class, you are equally angry, irritation bubbling up in the pit of the stomach, a cauldron of bad feelings ready to explode. In the late afternoon, as you watch the city pass by through the car window on your way home, all that is left is disappointment. You can't even look her in the eye, otherwise if faced with those two olive spheres you would burst into tears right then and there.
The houses and buildings you pass by are different from the usual, making you wonder when she changed the path or if she just turned the wrong street, which is almost impossible to happen, considering Melissa has the city in the palm of a hand, she knows every place, from the fanciest to where the guys she knows live. Soon you are passing through the suburb, the houses disappearing faster than they appeared, the green has taken over, trees, grass, lakes, this is certainly not the way home and you turn to her with a confused expression on face, the redhead just glances at you and opens an amused and mischievous smile, the same one she always gives when something is up.
- What? - you whisper, straightening yourself on the seat and looking around, trying to figure out where the hell you are - Where are we going?
- You'll see, amore mio. - she just blinks and keeps driving, paying attention to the road.
- You haven't forgotten, have you? - the only answer is a muffled laugh - Melissa Ann Schemmenti, I'm going to slap you! - you threaten in a thin scream, disbelieving that she has kept up this farce all day, Mel just lets out a mocking giggle as she deflects your hand.
Hearing the laughter dissipates all bad feelings and you don't even notice when you start laughing with her. Relief wash over your body dissipating the bad thoughts that were eating you up inside, the thin layer of tension created during the day fades quickly, completely taking away that painful pressure in your chest as you both laugh together. Knowing that she had indeed not forgotten was like a breath of fresh air that lifted your spirits, each laugh taking the anger, sadness and disappointment away. Joy and curiosity building, mostly curiosity, you should still talk about how doing what she did wasn't cool and how it made you feel, but the unknown path is really in your mind that is now filled with new expectations. And she doesn't seem to be willing to give you any answers until you reach the destination.
- No, silly girl, of course I'm not going to murder you. - Melissa laughs even louder when you question her trying to find out - Everyone saw me leaving with you in my car, I would be the first suspect.
- Hey!
- I'm just kidding, you know I would never hurt you, well, only when you ask me to. - the blushing runs down your cheeks and the tips of your ears, a normal reaction to your girlfriend's sexual provocations. - I'm just saying truths.
- So tell me one, where are we going? - you reply, it has been half an hour since you left Abbott Elementary and still in the car, driving further and further into the green, probably out of Philadelphia considering the weather and the countryside in sight.
- I'm kidnapping you, it would be unprofessional to let you know. - her hand reaches up to your thigh and squeezes gently, that delicate spot where she knows it's sensitive and your body immediately trembles under the touch, letting out an involuntary sigh - But I think you'll enjoy your weekend captivity.
She keeps her hand on your skin the rest of the ride, slowly creeping upward, it's warm and soft, at the same time firm, it makes your nerves tingle with desire. Melissa doesn't take her eyes off the wheel, attentive to the road, but you can notice a small smile on her fleshy lips every time your body reacts to a new inch conquered as she gradually approaches your intimacy. Not even air conditioning, turned on by the unbearably hot day, stops the heat rising, her teasing creating an exciting bubble, provocative torture.
- We arrived, my birthday girl.
She announces a few minutes after making a turn in the woods, after a trail embellished by tall and bountiful trees on both sides, you can feel the fresh air in your lungs and a light breeze against the face, the faint lights of the late afternoon sun still manage to penetrate between the leaves creating a mesmerizing image. Slowly a cabin appears in this landscape, located at the end of the road and surrounded by nature. The wooden structure is visually beautiful, the roof forms a triangle and reaches the ground on both sides, it has a beautiful veranda where there are chairs and padded benches positioned so that you can enjoy the view of the woods, the windows are large and there is a second floor that, as far as you can see, is lit up. It's beautiful, cozy, peaceful compared to your life in the city. A true private paradise.
- So, what's up? Did you like the view? - Melissa asks getting out of the car, with a satisfied smile at your dazzled look - It belongs to my mother's family, my cousins come here to enjoy the weekend once in a while.
- It's amazing! - you answer, looking around and trying to assimilate everything - I have never seen such a beautiful place! So we're going to spend the weekend here?! But I didn't bring any clothes.
- I asked Annette to take care of it, everything is inside. - she blinks and takes your hand, leading inside, your fingers intertwining while Melissa uses her thumb to caress your skin, trying to pass on some security - Are you still mad at me?
- Just a little bit. - with your free hand you signal, putting your thumb and forefinger together trying to show how much, this makes the woman smile, a glint in her eye staring at you, she can only think how cute you are - What? - the two of you stop in front of the door.
- I'm just contemplating how beautiful and amazing you are, and how lucky I am that you are my woman. - Melissa brings your hand to her lips and lovingly kisses it, without taking her eyes from yours. - Now, let's go inside before we miss the sunset.
On the inside the cabin looks even more comfortable, it is considerably spacious, not richly furnished but there are several decorations that give the place a personal touch, on the walls pictures of family trips, the nonnas, parents, cousins, Kristin Marie and even a copy of the iconic picture of her being slapped by your girlfriend. There is a staircase on the side that leads up to the second floor which is basically only 1/2 the length of the cabin, a wooden fence enclosing and on it a banner with perfectly painted letters in your favorite color, written "Happy Birthday, Y/N!"
- You really haven't forgotten. - you whisper, smiling broadly.
- Of course I haven't. - she wraps her hands around your waist and her head rests on the curve of the neck, where she deposits a soft kiss, breathing against the skin. There's that feeling again, you gasp when her lips rise and leave another kiss behind your ear - Come, later I'll introduce you to the cabin and show you each of the pictures.
- Okay, baby. - you turn and press your lips together in a quick kiss, Melissa's hands still gripping you tightly around the waist, pulling you to her in an attempt to deepen the contact - No, no, Miss Schemmenti. You don't deserve... yet.
- Hmm revengeful, I like that. But I kind of deserve it, I was a real bastard today.
You just nod in agreement and let go of her warm arms running towards the stairs, she follows you up those and doesn't miss the opportunity, as she reaches you near the last steps, to slap your ass, which hurts a little since she has a heavy hand, so she strokes the spot and squeezes it. She laughs and walks up the stairs behind you, and, when you reach the top, she stares at you trying to analyze your reaction. The idyllic setting is perfect for a romantic sunset, the room is lit by candles and a line of small lamps hanging on the wall like a tent, a large mattress is on the floor with an outstretched blanket decorated with pillows in warm tones. A small table beside it is decorated with heart-shaped candles and a small cake in the center. It is cozy and romantic.
- It's incredible! - you exclaim, amazed at such attention to detail and the beautiful sight, smiling from ear to ear, your eyes shining brighter than the candles that illuminate the room.
She comes closer and hugs you around the waist, with emotion in her voice because you liked it, she whispers: - I wanted to surprise you.
- And you succeeded, even too much.
She leads you to the large window, sitting you carefully on the rug, pillows behind you, and pulls the little table with the cake between you. A sparkling candle is placed in the middle of the frosting, you stare at each other for a few seconds before she lights it.
- Make a wish, amore mio. - the redhead hums.
When you close the eyes can feel the sun beating against the face, hear clearly the sound of the trees shaking and the birds gathering. You take a deep breath, feeling the pure air entering and leaving your body, the scent of the candles, Melissa's usual perfume fills your nostrils and makes you smile. Then open your eyes, it's so beautiful, so perfect, everything seems right at this moment, the sun is setting in a sky tinged with orange, pink and gold, small rays of sunlight disappearing behind the trees. Melissa by your side. At this moment your heart fills with joy, along with the feeling of being loved and appreciated enveloping you. It's as if everything around you is a work of art, and Melissa is your greatest gift, the best you could ever get for your birthday. You feel fulfilled, at peace, at home with her. Concentrating, you close the eyes again, take a deep breath before blowing out the candle, mentalizing your wish while the disappearing sparks take you with it. When you finish, open your eyes and turn to Melissa, smiling with the feeling of duty done. She watches you with a gentle gaze, a sweet smile, and she leans over, setting the table aside, kissing your forehead.
- Happy birthday, principessa! - her voice is so sexy speaking Italian, it accentuates all the things that turn you on about her, and you pull her by the neck to come closer - So now I deserve a decent kiss? - Melissa teases in a whisper, moving even closer so that she is close to your ear, grazing teeth on the lobe and nibbling.
She pulls you around the waist and hugs you tightly, their bodies very close together, feeling each other's heavy breathing. Your lips meet and she responds with a low moan, opening and exploring your mouth with her tongue in precise movements, the kiss deep and slow. Her hands move up, one caresses your face and the other moves down to below your boobs, caressing the skin covered by the blouse. Her fingertips make a ghost trail on your skin, lips open and you sigh loudly when you feel her hand squeeze the breast. Fingers creep up to the neckline, unbuttoning the first button, it becomes somewhat difficult when she doesn't want to separate from you, so in one quick and strong motion she pulls the fabric down, the buttons falling to your knees opening the blouse, leaving you exposed. Boobs showing, perfectly accessible to the teacher's greedy hands, she squeezes both of them hard and lets her nails scrape across the sensitive skin.
- Well, this is much more fun. - she murmurs as you separate to slip her blouse over the head, while you unbutton your jeans the woman throws her own clothes away and pushes you against the pillows, practically ripping the pants off your body in a hurry, thirsty - You really were hoping for something, weren't you?! - Melissa refers to the matching lingerie you wear.
- I've been waiting for a certain redhead to destroy this. - you whisper provocatively and stretch your legs out so that you're exposed to her, taking a deep breath trying to maintain some self-control as you watch her bite the lips and stare at your pussy with pure lust in the eyes - And this. - and slowly runs a finger between legs, staring up at her.
Melissa just smiles mischievously and places one of the legs between yours, feeling the dripping arousal and lowers the face down to be close to yours, giving a slow kiss that ends with your upper lip caught between her teeth. This draws a sigh and, even with all the self-confidence of a minute earlier, makes you blush too. She leans in leaving a trail of kisses from neck to navel, lifting her gaze to stare at you, those light eyes are seductive and full of desire that make you shiver in anticipation. The teacher laughs before sucking on the soft skin, continuing on the trail, this time marking the skin with hickeys and small bites. When she reaches the mound of Venus scrape the lips near the panty mark where you can feel the hot breath, her hands push your legs open even further and find themselves squeezing the back of your thighs, then Melissa clips the fabric between the teeth. You gasp as you feel it being pulled away.
- You're so wet that you're making my job difficult, principessa. - she murmurs and carelessly pulls the fabric over the side, really destroying the panties with the force she uses, leaving it in shreds. You stare at her in disbelief - Remember, you're the one who caused it.
- Fuck...
She smiles and leans back where she was before, standing over your now naked and fully exposed pussy, Melissa admires how aroused you are, feeling the heat and wetness dripping between the legs, there is a satisfaction in seeing the mess she has made in your intimacy, just enjoying this sight of the gods. Your body trembles as her tongue touches you without warning, she sucks vigorously and nibbles lightly on the bundle of nerves, she is skillful and provocative as she intersperses sharp movements slowly penetrating you. Soon you are lost in delirium, the intense sensations and the heat taking over make your body completely surrendered to pleasure. Her hot and rough tongue explores your intimacy while the hands move up to your hips, digging her nails in to keep you in place, submissive to her touches. She squeezes hard and you moan, whimpering her name. Suddenly she inserts three fingers inside you, testing limits, it's not like you haven't done this before but there has always been preparation first, this way it's something new, a pleasurable sensation mixed with a little pain. Melissa barely lets you adjust to the stretching, starting to move steadily inside and smiles as she hears the whimpers as you try to deal with all the sensations running through your body.
- You're enjoying this, aren't you, principessa?! - she asks rhetorically as she increases the speed of the movements, hitting all the right spots inside you - Am I making you feel good? I know I am.
A scream escapes down your throat as she sucks you again, working fingers and tongue in a fast and strong rhythm, she continues to increase encouraged by your desperate moans for release. Soon the anxiety becomes unbearable, your pussy clenches on her fingers, a sign that you are close to cumming, normally this would stop the redhead and she would carefully work to bring you to climax, but now she uses all her strength to penetrate you harder and deeper, building to an orgasm unlike any you have had together before. The air is taken from your lungs for a second as a rough push makes your body shudder completely, an orgasm runs through every nerve and extremity, pure pleasure taking over to the point where it almost hurts with such intensity.
And God, it's worth when you're cumming in Melissa Schemmenti's mouth. Your body twitches with a wave of inexplicable pleasure as her lips and tongue continue to work without waiting for you to get over your first orgasm, fingers sliding out with difficulty as your walls tighten around her. Your hands grip the pillows above the head as you feel a twinge in your belly, knowing what is coming, another orgasm, a little painful yet much more pleasurable. The mind becomes cloudy, there is no coherent thought and everything seems too much your mind and it fades for a few seconds, losing consciousness. The world slowly fades away as you pass out, colors blur and golden lights slowly fade. Your body sweetens, heart speeds up, and mind disappears into a fog. You feel light, in a state of ecstasy, floating on an ocean of satisfaction. Your body relaxes before slowly coming back to consciousness to find Melissa staring at you with a proud smile on those sinful lips. All you want is kiss her again.
- Damn, I fucked you into unconsciousness. - Mel purrs, staring maliciously as she lies between your legs, bare skin against bare skin, eye to eye - Well, that was just the beginning, amore mio.
- Oh?
- As soon as you recover I'm going to fuck you so hard we'll find out if you're a secret squirt or not. It would be fucking sexy to see you wet the sheets. I'll make you moan and scream with pleasure to the point where you lose your voice. - she says with her voice low and husky, making your body tremble in a new wave of desire, lips close to yours, just when you think the teacher is about to start another kiss her wet fingers slide into your mouth, so you can taste your own cum - Suck it, principessa. - you obey and she gasps in delight watching the scene - And I may or may not have a bag full of toys in the trunk... That strapon we saw on a site last month.
Her fingers come out of your mouth gently and she sucks on them, tasting the fluids there with pleasure. It's a sinful scene to watch, a pornographic torture to see her like this, with messy hair, flushed face and chest, sweat dripping down her forehead and lips reddened and moist.
- No way.
- All for my woman. - Melissa whispers, giving a quick kiss, then strokes your face - This is gonna be the best birthday you've ever had, at least in a sexual way. I'm going to fuck you like never before and give all the pleasure you deserve, make up for today. I promise you.
And by the look on her face you are sure that she means it and believes every word the redhead says, also being aware that you probably won't be able to walk straight Monday after a weekend with this version of Melissa.
- Happy birthday, mia principessa!
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bluesidez · 5 months
AcademicRival!Miguel x AcademicRival!reader
where they will do quite literally ANYTHING (legally) POSSIBLE to one up each other.
whether their petty rivalry began in high school or first year of uni/college, IDC- but they absolutely despise each other.
and!!! at some point down the track, they forgot why they were beefing in the first place, only for it to start stemming from a place of 'jealousy' (yk how sometimes jealousy is actually feelings of romantic interest in disguise,, yeah, that) and it gets to the point where they are quite literally making it all their friends' problem bc of it.
like i can imagine reader drinking something that Miguel sees and Miguel going 'i need to have this all the time and sell it out so reader can never have any' and Peter is like '???', or reader finding out Miguel got a certain mark and goes 'nobody speak to me for a month i have to understand everything about quantum physics before that smug asshole opens his mouth' and Jess is like '??? just kiss, fym??'
and then they finally have a moment where they have no choice but to rely on each other- whether Miguel's car breaks down on the side of the road reader happens to drive by and she takes him to his, or if reader desperately needs help in a situation and immediately calls him bc she knows he'll pick up bc she needs scary dog privileges and thats HIM so then they end up having a moment of reflection together with either super fluffy smut or absolute debauchery and fluffy aftercare i totally dont mind either way.
IDK do you know what i mean??? 🫣🫢🤭
anyway LY BLUE-BLUE, thank yew for letting me ramble on 🤍🩵
Are you asking me to write this? 🧐 (I shall add it to the pending ideas list just for you 🐰🩵)
I wrote that as a reply as soon as you sent it, but now I have more ideas that I wanna yap about to go along with this.
SO!! You already have a rivals, enemies to lovers trope going on. What better way to make it even more fun than to add the stoic x chatty dynamic???
Like I’m imagining the reader and Miguel first meeting in middle or high school. He’s a transfer student that’s immediately making the top grades and people are like where tf did he come from?? Reader doesn’t really think anything of it, she just carries on with her school life, chatting away (and getting in on the gossip about Miguel).
It’s not until he ends up in the same class with reader one semester (probably in high school) that reader is finally able to be in close contact with him. He’s so quiet and a little boring, but there’s always random girls coming in and out of the classroom to attempt to chat to him.
They’re always bringing snacks or sweets for him. He always turns them down with a “No thank you. I don’t like chocolate.” type of response. (What he thinks to be polite and cordial)
The guys in the class think he’s a huge jerk. The girls in the class still fond over him. You think he’s an oddball, a weirdo. But you really have no solid information to justify it.
It’s not until one day that the teacher asks this obscure question that he pisses you off. (I havent thought of a weird question yet tho). Everyone else has given crude or stupid answers, riling each other up and joking. You raise your head to give the most out-of-the-box, yet plausible answer that leaves the teacher impressed and the class laughing in shock. Miguel scoffs and debunks it so fast, that you start to feel like one of his rejected groupies. If you thought the laughter for your answer was loud, the laughter for his sounds like the crowd in a football stadium.
You’re embarrassed but you don’t really show it. You just brush it off and joke with everyone else like usual.
Then, one of the class’s first huge tests come. You’re gunning for the number 1 spot although you figure it won’t be too hard with half of the room being class clowns and the other half not giving af. You read over the material once and already have a good grasp on it, so you joke around with everyone else. There’s rap battles and TT routines. You guys even manage to get the teacher in on some of them. From the front of the room, you can see Miguel glancing back at you with such a sour look on his face. Wtf was his deal??
Test day finally comes. You’re the first to turn yours in with a smug smile on your face. You even take a nap until the next bell.
You’re on cloud nine for about a good week. Although, every time you open your mouth in class, Miguel looks like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
Then, the time came for the teacher to hand out the papers. He was pretty theatrical and loved to announce who got the highest score.
You were gearing up for him to say your name. And you don’t know of you’re crazy, but you’re certain your mom didn’t put “Miguel O’Hara” on your school registration form.
You frown as you come back to reality, watching as teacher handed him is paper. From your seat, you can see the bright red 100 in the corner, a smiley face to adorn it.
Then the teacher hands you your paper. A 99.5. Just 0.5 points from a perfect score. And what you got points taken off for is something so ridiculous that you could scream.
You can see him in your peripheral as you chat with the other students about the answers. Just as you discuss your silly mistake you take a small look at him. He has a faint smirk on his face, as if to laugh at your downfall.
From then on, you decide that it’s a war.
[and obviously, the story would travel with them as they grow. Once they’re adults, I can imagine Miguel to still be this same stoic, yet more approachable person who has had a ROSTER of hookups and a reader who’s still so flirty and chatty, yet can’t find a good partner to save their life. The dynamic of him knowing exactly how to make reader feel good verses reader being overwhelmed for once would be sooooo good]
What do you think Lexie-bun?? 🥸
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chaifootsteps · 29 days
this is gonna be rambly, btw
anon who was talking about Brandon's sexism - I think you've got a point but something about Brandon's writing idk, bothers me less than Viv's?
it's hard to explain but something about projects where he did most of the writing like Class Acts feel less mean spirited towards the female characters than HB is? like Brandon's specialty seems to be writing over the top people or broad stereotypes (for everyone, not just the women) and then making them feel tragic and human. and everyone gets this treatment, not just the male characters.
it's been pointed out Viv's female characters tend to fall into a couple of repeating categories: bitch (Loona, GlitznGlam), shrew (Stella), or perfect wholesome angel (Charlie, Millie, kinda Vaggie). but from what I've seen of Brandon's stuff there's a bit more variety - Class Acts has a grandma who is bitter and grouchy all the time but she's attending drama classes for her grandson's sake and cares a lot about him, while Morgana's character is a more realized version of what Loona was probably intended to be - a goth who's abrasive and mean because she's disappointed with how life is turning out.
on top of that the female characters often give as good as they get - there's this sequence in a recent Class Acts that's basically the Apology Tour party but done better where all the female characters are having an actual support group (meetup where they talk in a circle sort of thing) from their experiences with the main character that Brandon plays, who is kind of like if you combined Blitzo's jerk tendencies with an acting teacher with failed dreams.
And the show lets them have this moment. It doesn't do what Viv does and use the female characters' pain as a vehicle for another, suckier male character to look better in a ship that's increasingly DOA.
I guess what I'm getting at here is the overuse of 'bitch' and etc feels a lot less pointed in a show where the male characters get insulted constantly too, but more importantly the show doesn't prioritize its male characters over its female ones, screentime wise. Unlike Viv's writing Brandon's female characters actually feel like people - I haven't seen it but I know he devoted an entire series to the Bryce Tankthurst character, who looks kind of like what Stella could have been if she was fun and well-realized (I think Bryce canonically doesn't have a heart or something?)
Also as you mentioned also Brandon never pretended his writing was high art, unlike Viv who acts like her swearing is sophisticated comedy and keeps jamming in embarassingly handled abuse storylines to make her writing look more mature than it is.
Speaking of Stella, I have a hard time imagining Brandon writing a storyline where a woman is forced to get marry young, get pregnant and then is villainized for being trapped in a life she never wanted in order to make a flawed male character look better.
And if just Brandon had been writing Stolas and Stol1tz, I think it would have turned out less victim blamey than it is now, because from what I can tell he doesn't have a problem with holding his male characters to account and calling them losers.
If it had happened in an episode that wasn't written the way Apology Tour is, Blitzo's 'I don't wanna be this way, not forever' probably would have landed and been impactful. I kinda sensed where things were going with the Stol1tz storyline from the trailer but that line made me sad because I could so easily imagine a scenario where it would have worked. But since Viv's writing of men hamstrings the story's ability to hold them to account - combined with the horror movie levels of gaslighting going on with Stolas - that line is completely wasted in the episode and context it's in.
I don't mean to sound like I love Brandon's work or it means a lot to me - I don't and it doesn't. But I can see a level of craft there not present with Viv's and his female characters are just better handled across the board.
(The Octavia thing was messed up though, idk if he was just playing to the crowd there - and it's not even true since canonically Blitzo has no problem with Via! He calls her sweetie for crying out loud!)
Thank you for putting it into better words than I ever could.
Brandon's an asshole, but he does have a solid understanding of craft. He knows what kind of story he wants to convey and how to do it, and in spite of said assholeism, he has a better understanding of empathy, of how to write human characters. I think that actually really bugs Viv, to be honest.
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sol-consort · 1 month
Regarding the human kink thing when it comes to turians, some people actually do be nesting, omega-verse style. Imagine being a human assigned to a turian ship, and you just over here in your bunk, innocently arranging the pillows and stuffies, while these guys are just standing there, slack-jawed and harmonizing their subvocals lol
[updated post]
A/B/O is not for me, but I dig the concept of aliens being intrigued by plushies. They are weird when you think about it.
The weird part isn't the plushies–it makes sense for warm-blooded mammals who value skinship to enjoy cuddling soft things, hugs are fundamental for your health—No, The weird part is how the most popular plushies aren't human shaped.
You could argue dolls, but dolls aren't used as plushies. They're more hard and sturdy, something that can withstand being played with. they have joints and brushable hair. Dolls are puppets to tell a story with, a psychological form of play through creativity.
I want you for a moment to imagine an advanced civilisation of bears with me.
With metropolises and bustling economy, they haven't mastered space travel yet but they've been eyeing the planet closest to them, bringing back rocks from the moon, etc.
In one apartment complex, there lives a bear family. The furniture is more accommodating to their larger build, clothes are more of an accessory to them considering their luxurious fur coats keeping them warm.
It's nighttime, tomorrow's a Sunday and mom bear has to leave to work early, she's currently washing the dishes leftover from the wonderful dinner the family just had. Her wife, however, is putting their son to bed. it's his second week in elementary bear school! he's unhappy with his seating arrangement in class however, the teacher placed him too far from his best friend.
His mother promises to have a chat with the teacher about it when she drops him off tomorrow, the son bear is very delighted and roars happily. A big yawn escapes him as his eyelids get heavy.
In his arms, there lies a cotton friend. His most beloved treasure, the most precious inanimate object to his heart. His plushie!
He adores it. It makes him so happy. It helped make him feel safe when he first started sleeping alone after his moms got him his own bed.
Now, I need you to tell me what does the plushie look like?
For me, these are the options that instinctively came to my mind when attempting to imagine what sentient bear cubs living in a 21st century would gravitate towards in a plushie.
A) a teddybear, more fluffy, abstract, and cartoonish looking
B) a plushie in the shape of a honeyjar
C) a plushie in the shape of a fish–more specifically, salmon or trout
D) fuck idk man leave me alone
When compressed down to their core, in the most simplfied form, the choices are:
A) Identity
B) Food
C) Food
D) How did you get into my house?
With that long analogy out of the way, when you compare that limited selection to the actual things humans have already turned into plushies, it just doesn't make sense.
Food, yes we have plushies of food but also of animals we do not eat. rabbits, cats, dogs, dolphins, bugs. We have plushies of predetors even, things that once hunted us down, beings that still could very well kill us if we meet face to face, tigers, sharks, bears themselves even.
Animal cartoons are much more popular amongst kids. Fables about talking animals have been a stable genre ever since humans invented writing. Animal plushies are popular amongst adults too.
Plushies of inanimate objects, of plants, of fictional characters and fantasy creatures.
I'm willing to bet that humans already made plushies of verans since the first year they came into space, that they sold out on earth immediately. Hell, I'm sure there are plushies of reapers, of protheons and even of turians and other species.
Not even abstract ideas were spared from being into marketable plushies! isn't there a series designed to raise awareness for mental illness?
The whole meme of "turns your fav into a marketable plushie" spread so much because it is true. If there is one thing humans love, is making plushies of anything not human.
And that's the weird part to aliens, the big boy of human anomalies. "Why do they want to cuddle literally everything in this universe? and how come plushies of other humans is the last thing on that list"
You try to explain it to a salarian once but they just look at you in confusion. What do you mean you sleeping with plushes resembling your species is "weird"?? Don't you humans like hugging each other so much? Yet cuddling the soft imitation of a reaper each night isn't weird to you????
That's not even mentioning how the bear society analogy is flawed because we are biased by nature. We projected the bear society onto our human agriculture and based it upon our own popculture.
When in reality they would hold very different values, a different emotional range. They'd be as diverse as the other alien species in mass effect, sharing more resemblance to them than to humans.
We see someone sad, and we have this need to touch them, pat their shoulder, rub their back, hold their hands, and give a hug. Bears let their children walk on their own while we carry our young more, much like aquatic birds in more ways than we'd think.
A/B/O nesting isn't my cup of tea, but with turians, it's easier to digest. Yeah, they are birds. It would be literal nesting. That's kinda cute.
We like caves, it's also cute. Would turians prefer the top bunkbed? Anyway.
Birds usually throw clutter away from their nests, anything that's not a straw or building material is disposed off to make space for their eggs.
While we like the opposite, clutter fucking rocks! at least for humans.
We have a mattress, then a mattress cover, then a sheet.
Then we have pillows, stuffing, then pillow covers, decorative pillows.
After it, multiple blankets! a soft one, a heavy one, an airy one. Sometimes, blankets come with blanket covers.
Finally, the plushies arrive. Multiple of course, some for decorations, others well worn with cuddles. Sometimes a gaint big one to fully wrap all of our limbs around.
Sometimes our beds have crumbs from food we eat in it, othertimes it has a stray sock we took off while in bed and forgot.
Most of the time it has our phone in it, a pet joins us there, book we're reading, laundry we were supposed to fold but forgot, a bag, or several outfits as we get ready to go out.
That's a cave, much like bears leave the skeletal remains of their prey, we have crumbs from the cookie we suddenly craved at 3am.
Nests are neat and clutter-free, at least the bird ones, always getting cleaned from waste. Eggshells are thrown out as they hatch, baby birds waste are immediately disposed of.
Lizard nests aren't that different.
Because the equivalent to a nest foundation isn't the blankets, plushies, or pillows. it's the house foundation itself!
The concrete walls and the sturdy floorboards. The whole bedroom is already a well-built nest. The bed is just an extra cushion. The fluffy material and loose feathers birds leave at the very top, so the twigs don't scratch the fragile eggs.
So, in conclusion. Turians and Salarians would get VERY overwhelmed in a human bedroom, let alone a human bed with plushies, stuffies, and blankets.
They're like, "Are you expecting a baby???" When they notice what their brain consider is extra protective fluffing for eggs.
Turians even more because of their lack of skin nerves, hard plating, and all. Their outershell makes it hard to appreciate soft things, let alone hugging them, when they can barely feel it.
Salarains? They're softer, more squishy, and they might enjoy the way it feels against their skin. Most reptiles do, and they're the closest thing for reference.
They're warm-blooded, but they do originate from a fully tropical planet + they're amphibians and might have used to be semi-aquatic? Meaning that while they still produce their own bodyheat, it wouldn't be that much to begin with. Space is definitely much colder to them than to a human.
That's why hugging a human is so nice to them! They can leech off of your body heat as their very own sun–or at least a substitute for a heatlamp.
But plushies and blankets are a different story. With blankets, they might make them cold or freeze since they blocked whatever light or heatlamp the salarians must need for sleep when they're not wearing their temperature adjustment suits.
And if you sleep next to them under the blanket, your trapped body heat will cause the temperature to rise above what's comfortable for them and risk overheating them. Same with the fluffy sheets, pillows or plushies.
there's the risk of overheating them with your body as the blanket traps in the heat. it will happen slowly, but that just makes it more dangerous. A slow simmer of rising body temperature as they realise what a death trap a human bed actually is.
Plus, salarians only need one hour of sleep per cycle, it seems very excessive to them that you'd build a whole room and make the biggest piece of furniture in it solely for the purpose of sleep. All of those plushies just to hug to sleep?
Drell, who breathe through their skin, would view blankets as a total nightmare. Their clothes already need a lot of adjustment to accommodate their conditions, only certain material is airy enough to allow them to get a lungfull, and you want to suffocate them with cotton or polyester?
They know you only breathe through your nose, but it still...makes them feel uneasy. Seeing you covered completely in stuffies and thick blankets, only your head poking out. Much like what it would feel for us to see someone go to sleep underwater with a flimsy mask connected to an oxygen tank. Now, this is truly a death trap–the salarians were right.
As long as you forgo the blanket and...allow them to fully strip down, they will give this whole human bed thing a try. Silk or satin sheets and pillow covers feel the best against their skin, smooth surfaces that seamlessly glide, air particles passing through it with little trouble.
Anything fluffy, feathery, or with fur will irritate their skin. It's like something brushing against your nose. They sacrifice a lot of comfort when it comes to indulging the human need to cuddle, but most drell rarely complain as they accommodate to your need, even if it meant you'd be slightly cutting off their air circulation.
Maybe their society is exceptionally polite? Maybe devotion and sacrifice for the ones you love are just ingrained in their biology? It would explain their endless royalty to the hanar despite how staying on that planet is literally killing them.
Oh yeah, owning a humidifier in your room will cause them a lot of pain and discomfort. Turn it off, or if you really want to woo a drell, get a dehumidifier.
Krogans would fucking love our beds tho. Might make fun of it at first, but they secretly also want a soft mattress and plushies to cuddle with.
Get close enough with a Krogan, and they'll start crashing in your room and taking naps on your own bed whenever the chance presents itself.
Don't the asari sleep in pods? I'm thinking of that sex scene in ME, she fucks you in a pod. That's something. At least...Liara gets used to human beds?
Anway! having established all of that definitely vital and necessary world building, I can finally talk smut about the turians! the original context of this request!
One look at a human's bed and their minds are definitely going south. First of all, human, you're in desperate need of a mate because your nest is a mess! Why do you have so many different fabrics? Aren't you worried you'll suffocate yourself with a plushie or too while sleeping?
Second of all...they didn't know humans were this soft. You mean, most humans sleep like this? In very comfortable beds? Even like...the army tough ones? Oh, that's why they get so excited for shore leave? so they can return to their actual comfortable nests–sorry yes "beds" and have some decent sleep?
And none of you are expecting children, correct? This is just how the average adult human goes to sleep?
Turians don't have the heart to tell you that they associate soft beds–ones like yours—to the human equivalent of a heart-shaped bed with rose petals scattered around, candles illuminating the room and a very deliberate lack of condoms.
They try not to...think about it whenever they come into the room. A bluish hue adorning their cheeks, trying to avoid eye-contact as they explain that uh...fuck, they accidentally glanced towards your bed and forgot what they came here to say.
I talked before how jarring it's to them that humans easily allow others on their bed, be it human or not. You just casually invite your friends to sit on it? The same sheets you sleep on each night? the one so heavy with your delicious scent they can practically smell it the second they stepped foot into this room?
And now you're telling them to take a seat, even handing them one of your plushies to keep in their lap. What's a friendly gesture and a show of trust is being very very badly misinterpreted by their brain chemistry, their biology going haywire at what they consider the declaration of "Get me pregnant" Whether you're actually capable of it or not.
Sidenote, the angara might be the only ones to share our bed preferences, not only that but show enthusiasm at the mention of plushies.
The only difference is that their society values plushies that resemble people more, angara like them. The dolls and plushie lineup are very intertwined.
Cuddling very intimately with someone isn't sexualised either, nor presented under a romantic light necessarily. Their society prides itself on love and affection; they're direct with expressing their emotions.
A single angara family can have many mothers and fathers, tens of sisters and brothers. Cuddling and sharing a bed is very normalised even far into adulthood.
They might be the ones giving humans the wrong idea by immediately inviting them back to cuddle on their bed after only the second meeting. Just because they decided they like you :) It's the equivalent of going out for coffee.
Protheoans, meanwhile, fall on the opposite spectrum. Javik doesn't have a bed, does he? He never asks for one either. They're a society of warriors, they value strength and abhor tenderness. Brutal honesty is their forte.
But...they also read each other's emotions through touch.
While beds are a foreign concept, plushies are not. Javik can sense the history of a room just by directly touching its floorboards. Plushies and other sentimental objects must be valued very greatly in their society, doesn't he hold onto the disk of memories from his time back before being frozen?
He understands why his own species came to value plushies, but why the hell does yours do it? You lack his abilities, all humans do.
You try to explain it to him, but it just sounds like you're describing vague and badly done emotion reading with extra steps.
He concludes that humans must hold traces of these abilities. It just translates into safety and the need to cuddle others. Also, it is clearly inferior to the protheon's advanced ability, so yeah.
Javik dislikes your bed but likes your plushies and actually welcomes cuddling. He remains stoic throughout it but you can feel him poking through your memories.
Same with your plushies, he asks that he may keep one as a relic. A piece of your soul, your history is encased in it like an artifact in amber.
Touching it almost feels exactly like travelling in time to meet your old self, getting to part the curtians of space itself and get a front row view on the person you used to be.
Plushies immortalise you to protheans, who would've thought.
I had so much fun with this an analysis it <333 I know it isn't exactly what you had in mind anon, I'm sorry, A/B/O is listed as a "no" in my requesting list. But the concept was so good I had to approach it in a different direction.
I hope you still enjoyed it!
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guava-enjoyer · 11 months
Inazuma School AU Headcanons!
Tumblr media
Featuring: Itto and Ayato (separately)
Summary: What are Inazuman characters like in school...as your lover!
Genre: fluff, crack
Warnings: implied fem!reader, inconsistent captalization, probably ooc because I haven't played in so long 😭, bad music taste
A/N: HELP this is my first time actually writing (finishing) a fanfic!!! If you happen to be reading this for whatever reason, just know that I take requests! I write for genshin and bsd right now. no smut!!! only fluff!!!
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Arataki Itto
where do i even start 😭
all the teachers HATE him because he never shuts up 💀
we all know that he is just naturally a menace (he's actually sweet i swear)
Itto is definitely playing a sport because he's so competitive. he's SUPER tall, so I'd say he's great at basketball. idk let your imagination run wild 😍
he'd blow a kiss to you every time he scores. its embarrassing, but you love him so it's okay.
i have two words: touchy-feely
he LOVES having an arm over your shoulder.
gives you questionable pet names
"hi my little sugar munchkin pookie bear 😘"
...ANYWAYS, he would definitely beetle fight you and gets salty after you obliterate him
"IMPOSSIBLE" *table flip*
okay enough silly i need to focus
he would listen to chill rock music. he'll give you an earbud and just chill with you, especially after his basketball practice or games
he would be failing all of his classes if it wasn't for you forcing him to study. he also needs decent grades to stay on the sports team so
"so, if you just subtract x here- are you even listening?????"
"huh?" *smack* "OW"
0/10 worst student
if you hang out with the Arataki Gang, even better! when you all eat lunch together, it can be chill
OR it can be pure chaos
y'all would definitely make fun of people. i can just imagine Itto ranting about how "Kujou KFC Sara" was being a bastard
"that stupid chicken thinks she's stronger than me!" (she is)
ok so far i've portrayed him as a menace but deep down he's a kind lil' muffin
he always makes sure you're not upset with his jokes, he would even offer you some of his lunch if you look sad!
he would go to energetic atmospheres for dates. to be honest, any atmosphere is energetic the moment he walks in.
ok but he would absolutely LOVE going to theme parks with you. he'd go on roller coasters with you and scream through the whole thing
if you don't like roller coasters, that's okay! he's still drag you around to do literally everything else in the theme park.
overall 7/10 chaotic but loveable
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Kamisato Ayato
(i have no idea what song suits him 😭)
he's like the rich and talented kid
he shows up to school in this really fancy car with a chauffeur and shit
straight A student, gifted, yk the whole package
Let's assume that he is the President of student government or council or whatever because... its Ayato what do you expect
teachers absolutely ADORE him
he'd definitely tutor you if you needed it but don't expect him to be a ray of sunshine
he loves you, but that only makes him even more insufferable 🥰
but like actually, he'd be so sweet. he's the kind of guy to bask in the little things.
i bet his love language is quality time. just being around you makes him melt internally
expect quiet dates. studying, libraries, cafes, etc. he LOVES THEM
he probably isn't big on PDA but still loves holding your hand. when you're alone, he loves having an arm around you. he just finds so much comfort in you <33
He also shows his love through nonstop teasing. It's a blessing and a curse.
"oh, aren't you cute today~"
right after you tripped and spilled coffee (or whatever else) all over yourself 😐
at least he gets you out of trouble 🤷‍♀️
he would also buy you expensive stuff. he's rich, remember?
like randomly he'll just walk up to you with designer jewelry or something
"...how much did this cost?"
"don't worry about it 😇"
and don't even try turning it down. he will find a way.
aside from all that, he definitely eats lunch in the library with you and/or Thoma and Ayaka
he'll force you to try his terrible food combinations 😭
"c'mon, just one bite. please?"
"...are you trying to poison me?"
he's not much of a sport person. with his upbringing, he might play an instrument. pianist Ayato anyone?? 😍
you'd just find him in the music room playing Chopin (I think he'd love Nocturne in E flat, its SO ROMANTIC. go listen to it, trust me)
compliment his music skills, it'll put him in a good mood for the day.
I give him an 8.5/10. A gentlemanly smartass.
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thanks for reading!! feedback is welcome!
have a good day :D
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storm-angel989 · 9 days
Hi! May I request a part 2 of Val’s daughter being invited to Alastor’s daughter’s birthday party? I have a feeling the other Vees feel it’s unnecessary for reader to change school over this rivalry, and Val might even encourage his daughter to be a genuine friend to Al’s little fawn🥰 (much to Vox annoyance lol) idk I just see Alastor, Val and Vel willing to put aside the rivalry for their children’s happiness. Sorry if this is a lot, I just can’t help but imagine the two girls growing up together and becoming close, no matter how much Vox hates it!😅😂
Hi friend,
Peek the below! I didn’t go as deep into the story as you did, but I did write the next part that made sense! I can go longer if you’d like- just request a part three!
<3 Mandy
Vox sat at the conference table as his sharks swam by. In one hand, he held a drink. In the other, he balanced his niece, snuggled against his chest, sound asleep. 
“Looks like someone had a good time,” Valentino said as he entered the room. He bent over and reached his arms out towards his daughter. “Give me my baby.”
“Fuck you, she’s sleeping. I’m enjoying the first hour of silence I’ve had this weekend,” Vox grumbled as he placed his arm around the child protective. “Don’t touch.”
“Aww,” Valentino teased as he slid into his seat. “You’re so…”
“Fuck off,” Vox interupted. “Where’s Velvette?”
“Calm down V, I’m right here,” Velvette said as she hopped into her chair. “Go ahead. What’s so important that we had to meet up before we unpack?”
“I don’t know if either of you understand the importance of what happened this weekend, but not only is Alastor back, he has a daughter. One who’s in the same class as Reader. Now, I think we should pull her from her school and change…”
“I’m going to stop you right there,” Valentino interrupted. “Killing Alastor is your kink. We support and give you power, but I draw the line at changing schools. Her education is more important than some centuries old feud and she’s been on that waitlist since before she was born.” 
“I agree,” Velvette said slowly. “I don’t think Alastor will go after her anymore than you would his daughter. The battle is between you two, no one else. Now, I’m not suggesting she attend unsupervised playdates. But it could be in our best interest to let this one play out.”
Vox couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  He could feel his circuits start to twitch and it was only the weight of his niece snuggled safely in his arms that kept his temper under control. 
“You can’t be serious. Val?” Vox snarled. “Are both of you…”
Valentino stood up. Without asking, he lifted his daughter from Vox’s arms and turned away. 
“Like I said V, killing Alastor is your kink. Keep my daughter out of it,” Valentino said softly as he rocked his daughter. “It’s the best way to keep her safe. Besides, pulling her from the school sends the message that she’s a target. That we’re overly protective of her. You did the best thing you could have done to keep her safe by attending that party. If I was you, I’d make it a point to be at parent teacher night. Show him you’re not afraid.” 
At that, Vox couldn’t argue. He slumped into his seat as he watched the other V’s leave the conference room. The door slammed shut, leaving him behind in an empty room. Dejected, he stood up and turned towards his shark tanks. As Vark swam past, Vox let out a sigh. 
He hoped Valentino was right.
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mchlgayser · 2 years
( ✮ ) 'ARE YOU JEALOUS?' ft sae itoshi
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author's note 🍄: HELLO! I'm back... To write more of bllk's imagine hehe, Idk why I chose Sae tbh 🥲🤦 I don't even like that guy as much but this kind of topic suits him best, I think that's why lol. Lastly, I think this imagine is pretty much an au, not following the manga plot so it spoiler-free!!
content warning 🗯️: mention a tint of possessiveness
🧺: @iwritesjud3's navigation
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'Please help me hand this to our homeroom teacher, I need to get to class early!' She nods her head at you and then rushed to the teacher's lounge whilst you walk to class.
You slid the door open alerting some of your classmates inside thinking that it was the teacher. You smile at them before waving around to tell them to sit on their assigned seats 'Next week is the festival! You guys make sure you volunteer for the festival committee.' A chorus of 'Yes' echoes through the classroom. You grin and nods before you make your way to your seat.
You reluctantly turn your head to the side to see Sae looking at you with one hand propping under his chin. You smile at him to which he did not return back but instead turn his head against.
You look back in front, empty-headed as you wait for the teacher. Minutes passed and the door slid open again but it wasn't the teacher but instead your girl-friend and the school head prefect.
'Our teacher is assigned to attend an important meeting, she asked for Asahi's help.' Your friend said returning to her seat which is in front of you.
The head prefect wrote something on the board and said 'Your homeroom teacher had asked you all to copy this!' The whole class bring out their books almost in sync and began rewriting what was on the board.
'L/n?' Asahi called 'Your teacher asked you to write today's attendance for her.' You smile and hum at him before continuing to write down.
The class ended, and you put your stuff back inside your bag and bring out your lunchbox 'Y/n? I need to talk to you for a moment.' You glance up at Asahi before momentarily nodding and getting your tumbler along with your lunch before following him outside.
Sae on the other hand witnessed the scene, and he followed you both outside. The two of you are talking at the end of the hall, before eventually separating ways. He saw your friend nearing you and you both disappear downstairs.
He has no idea what you two talks about but it's enough to make him feel sort of way that you both talks solitary.
After recess ceased, you and your friend separated because she had something to do, and you walks to class alone when suddenly a hand grasp your wrist making you wheeze. The person steadily hold a palm to your mouth to prevent you from shouting and you panicked.
The panic subsided once you realized that it was just, Sae.
'You scared me!' You complained, one hand over your chest feeling it throbbing inside you, his face is poker and steady making you feel even more creeped out 'What's wrong with you? Why do you suddenly pulled me like...'
'What did he talk to you about?' For a moment, you were perplexed, who was he talking about '...Oh, you mean Asahi?' An idea ran the course to your mind making you mentally chortle 'Nothing, he said nothing. You don't have to worry.' You untangled his hand from your wrist and were about to leave but he pin you down again 'What do you mean nothing? What. Did. He say.' He punctuated each words making you even more worked up
You push his hand away, far harsher than earlier and sigh 'I told you it's nothing. Why do you want to know anyway?' You cock a brow at him as he mirrored your expression, hard.
'It's because you are my girlfriend.'
You scoff 'That was lukewarm of you to say such a thing like that. It was your argument anyway about not wanting everyone to know about us.' He scowl at you making you laugh slightly 'He... Confessed?'
You hum, being unbothered 'So what if he did? Are you jealous?' He scoff making you irk a bit but his lack of response shows you otherwise 'You said nothing on your defense, so I guess that you are jealous? He huffs, hands folding
The place was a bit dimmed but you still manage to catch a glimpse of his pouty face, it wasn't very visible but it was there 'You are sulky.' You laugh, and he growls pushing you back against the wall 'You should stop teasing me, Y/n.'
'I will Itoshi, I'm sorry, and I'm sorry for lying because Asahi never confessed.' He looks at you, expression almost bewildered before he switches it back to his expressionless sentiment. You snorts 'You are hilarious getting so work up like this when me and him are just, taking...'
He look at you 'Lukewarm'
And then he left as you follow him close behind 'Come on, are you mad? Over small thing?' He stop grabbing you by your wrist and pull you close next to him 'If you're desperately wanted to tell them who you belongs to.' He walks back inside the hall with you hand in hand.
His head held up high making you ever giddier than before, if you know this kind of ideas would triggered him to publish your relationship, you would've done it sooner.
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