#like if someone just doesn't like my sense of humor or whatever then honestly good for them
jusiri · 8 months
ill never get over the hilarity of finding out some guy youve never interacted with has you blocked, especially if theyre like a mutuals mutual
Its like imagine there's some guy you just cant stand that you go out of your way to avoid, only to turn around and your buddys started hanging out with em, so now you have to hear about them whether you like it or not
They also don't know you even exist so theres that as well
10/10 exceptionally funny
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 2 months
opinions on erivris? (canon + potential)
Friendship! This one's a bit weird to answer because I personally feel like canon pretty much shows us what's up with their relationship, but I can still talk about it!
So we know that Vriska initially got Mindfang's journal from following a meteor she saw shortly after leaving the caverns. This journal eventually led her to a ghost ship, where she found the Flourite Octet during a roleplaying campaign. Eridan mentions getting his crosshairs from a ghost ship too, implying that the two found it together while FLARPing. Since Vriska was explicitly led there by the writings of her ancestor, and she always wished to be like Mindfang, and Eridan also believes that his inheritance of the gun was a sign that he was meant to follow in his ancestor's footsteps/finish their unfinished business, it's heavily implied that the two's kismesistude was largely the result of both of them feeling obligated to pick things up where their ancestors left off.
Now, Karkat's speculated before about Vriska's fucked-up psyche from all the murders. I'll probably just post that, because, to be honest, I trust Karkat's opinion:
So basically, what Karkat is saying is that Vriska's a sloppy mess. Because of her personal suite of issues, caused by a demanding and "intense" "sym8iotic" relationship with her lusis and all the child murders she's had to do (many thousands), she functionally doesn't have enough emotional effort to muster up for pretty much anybody.
And this all makes sense, because Vriska's entire suite of problems stems from having to be tough as nails and justifying her actions. No weakness, no kindness, no mercy, no pity. And since she's closing herself off from the rest of her emotions, all she has left is a "dull" hate, insufficient for a proper kismesistude. Frankly, according to Karkat, she just can't hate anybody hard enough.
Now, Vriska and Eridan have a lot of parallels, between their ancestors' shared history and the similar demands made by the lusii in their lives. However, Vriska is far more successful at fitting into the highblood mold; since she's better at closing herself off from feelings of guilt or pity, and - Team Charge debacle nonwithstanding - capable of forming and maintaining friendly relations, if not friendship, with other trolls (Equius, Kanaya).
In contrast, because the two kind of serve as foils for each other, Eridan is really bad at managing his feelings. Between expressing guilt about the kid he just orphaned:
That should keep her happy for a while. And make a freshly orphaned troll somewhere pretty sad.
And the fact that he's generally known for his "exaggerated emotional theatrics," which generally stem from genuine deep-seated anxieties he holds towards his position in society and the weight of a seemingly inescapable future (check out my Eridan essay for more), I think it's safe to say that he kind of represents the opposite of Vriska's personal suite of issues: where she closes herself off from her feelings too much, and is thus constantly projecting an air of being tough and mean and scary, Eridan expresses his emotions too much, and is thus seen as cringe and overbearing and attention-seeking.
And this equal-but-opposites kind of thing crops up in other facets of their life - Vriska's murders are motivated primarily by self-preservation, as her lusus dying means she dies, too; meanwhile, Eridan's murders carry with them the survival of the entire species, as well as his friends specifically. Vriska's lusus is described as intensely demanding, and their relationship symbiotic (read: codependent); Eridan's is described (by proxy, via Cronus's lusus) as "stern and fatherly," with an implication that he's provides pretty much no emotional support whatsoever (which I expand upon here).
So, if Vriska's relationship problems are caused by the fact that she's so removed from her own feelings that she has no emotional effort to spare, then it stands to reason - and indeed seems to be the case - that Eridan's emotional problems are that he's far too emotional, and thus, going in too hard, and in too messy a direction, no matter who he's attempting to pursue. (Nepeta calls his flushed advances "cr33py and insincere," Kanaya finds his ashen advances "indecent," and Equius expresses feeling uncomfortable with his flirting.)
Indeed, Eridan strikes up flirting astonishingly quickly, as seen when he shares only a few words with Rose before asking if she wants to go pitch with him. There's several factors involved here.
The first is that his emotions run fever-hot at all times, to the point that he has difficulty parsing both their origins and their aims; if you asked him point-blank if he was really in love/hate with whomever he was flirting with, he would answer you with a firm "yes," even if it's obvious to everyone around him that he probably isn't.
The second is that he's desperately lonely, and likely sees a relationship as a form of alleviation from that loneliness, so he's over-eager to get into one. A romantic partner isn't supposed to leave you alone, after all, and we can see from Vriska accidentally ghosting him to mercy kill her lusus that he tends to assume people ignore him on purpose. Because he has anxiety. The boy just craves attention.
And finally, establishing a relationship, especially a pitch one, is tied up in his general problems regarding duty and obligation. Not only is there pressure from the empire to fill both concupiscent quadrants by adulthood, but Dualscar had a kismesis, so Eridan ought to have one, too. We see from the way he treats killing angels as a duty he has to undertake, the same as killing lusii, that he has great difficulty divorcing his current situation from the anxiety that motivates him to complete his work, so it's likely that he's still moving according to this feeling that he "has to" fill these quadrants or else Something Bad Will Happen.
And, with Vriska specifically, here's the thing - there's never a point where he genuinely describes hatred for her. The most we get is him using some colorful slurs to describe her to Kanaya, but he never goes into specifics, like "I hate her for X". So the question that all of this begs is, did Eridan ever hate Vriska at all?
And the answer is probably no. Personally, I don't think their kismesistude was ever really serious, nor did they ever actually hate each other. Both of them, feeling obligated by their bloodlines, entered into the kismesistude on the grounds that it was their duty, an obligation, and at some point, Vriska realized she wasn't really into it, and Eridan got the rejection through his thick, woeful skull. Their interaction in [S] Past Karkat: Wake up. pretty much says it all.
VRISKA: Hey. ERIDAN: hey VRISKA: So........ ERIDAN: wwhats up VRISKA: Nothing. VRISKA: Standing by the old horn pile I see. ERIDAN: yup VRISKA: Yeah........ VRISKA: Ok then. Carry on I guess. ERIDAN: god damn vvris wwhys it still got to be so flippin awwkwward like this come on ERIDAN: wwe used to havve a good thing goin remember our campaigns ERIDAN: that shit wwas epic wwhere are you evven goin to find a rivvalry like that VRISKA: It was fun, Eridan. While it lasted. VRISKA: 8ut it ran its course! I don't know what else to tell you. ERIDAN: oh as if im not so ovver it please spare me your disdain mindfang ERIDAN: im wworkin on findin a neww rivvalry wwhichll make ours look like a kiddie game ERIDAN: wwhich oh by the wway IT WWAS VRISKA: If you say so, Dualscar! 8est of luck with that. VRISKA: Too 8ad the luck's all mine now! Hahahaha.
To paraphrase:
-Awkward foot shuffling- ERIDAN: I really enjoyed what we had, when you paid attention to me. Are you sure you don't want to go back to that? VRISKA: I guess it was fun, but I'm not interested, like I've told you a bajillion times already. ERIDAN: Yeah, I know, I just figured I'd ask. ALSO I'M TOTALLY EMOTIONALLY FINE AND NOT SAD AT ALL BECAUSE SADNESS IS WEAKNESS AND I'M NOT WEAK, SEE? I CAN BANTER. I'M NORMAL ABOUT THIS. I'M TOTALLY OVER YOU. VRISKA: Hahaha. Yikes. Good luck, dude. Genuinely no hard feelings on my end.
And there really aren't hard feelings. Before the retcon, Vriska mentions on the ghost pirate ship that she wishes Eridan was there; post-retcon, she's the one who's willing to go to bat for him a little when she and Terezi are discussing who to bring back with their extra kernelsprites. Eridan is doing his usual thing of "well, I've accepted their rejection... but am open to them changing their minds, crazier things have happened" thing with her, but that DOES mean that he has accepted the rejection. (More about the way he handles rejection and flirting here.)
So pitch is toast for them; they've been there, done that, and probably never even hated each other in the first place. On the other quadrants:
The thing with pale is that it's about keeping each other calm. Given that Eridan seems to puff up whenever Vriska is involved - because, even if he never hated her, the fact that she could do the Highblood Thing more naturally than he could probably fuels his general insecurities about his inability to meet that ideal - I don't think it would be successful on that count alone. Even without that, I highly doubt Eridan would be capable of reining Vriska in, nor would he even particularly care to (and vice versa) - the two of them both struggle with empathy for other people.
Flushed is, hmmm... well, the thing is, both of them have been shown having flushed tastes of "nice" - Vriska's weird vascillatory thing with Tavros, and then her fond feelings for John, and Eridan's interest in an idealized version of Feferi. In fact, Karkat outright says he thinks Tavros is broken in such a way that he doesn't feel hatred for anybody, and Eridan says to Feferi that he thinks she's too nice to hate anybody; whether or not that's true, we can extrapolate that the two of them tend to be interested in people who are just really really nice. And unfortunately, the two of them are not particularly nice at all.
So personally, I think the best possible ending for these two is friendship. The incompatible aspects of their personalities - Eridan's desperate need for attention and emotional support, and Vriska's difficulty with providing it - wouldn't be a problem in a casual friendship, and they clearly hold each other in fairly positive regard. For their own sakes, I don't think they should be in too much contact - Eridan is painfully sincere and emotional even at his best, and Vriska is tough and badass even at her best, and I think she'd wind up hurting him, and he'd wind up exhausting her - but as, like, casual buddies that see a movie with each other or do extreme sports or something every so often? Not bad!
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eemcintyre · 2 months
"Seawolf: The Pirate's Curse" (2005) review
Surprisingly, honestly... why did I enjoy this? I guess after a couple of major misses for me in the form of "The Kidnapping" and "Beyond Forgiveness", my expectations were appropriately low, but this one actually had some likable characters and humor, and that always manages to rope me in. I have a soft spot for fun, silly action fare like this bc of childhood shows like "The Greatest American Hero", I think.
So, the title never makes any sense... what was it supposed to mean? what curse?
First and foremost, I must say TIG is looking oh-so-very pretty and rugged here- the necklaces, the bandanas, the curly-q hair, the tank tops, the sweaty, the ARMMMSSSS 😩
Initially had absolutely no clue what was going on in the beginning; a bunch of people with weird ass outfits in the dark and I was just like please no don't let that be him in the damn fucking cape and eyepatch and o n e l e g; I was like he can't possibly have one leg the whole time, right?? 🤨
But yeah I was definitely experiencing the "dear God what did I get myself into, cheers to another awful mess" 🫡🥂
Why does half the audio sound dubbed (particularly everything that comes out of Rachel's mouth)? Also props to Rachel for being the most emotionally unaffected person ever bc her reactions were so disproportionately calm to what would happen if my bf was constantly disappearing overseas and totaled my gorgeous pink car
We're getting some very Max Parrish-type hooting and hollering up in here; a concise summary of Thorpe is that he's basically if Max had a boat and was an alcoholic instead of a drug addict
We get another hallmark of TIG's movies with a slew of incredibly cringe one-liners that elicit a physical reaction of pain from me, but for every few there was actually a genuinely funny one here and there, so I'll allow it this time...
The whole "I'm a pirate, my father was a pirate, etc." speech had me ROLLING and NOT IN THE WAY THE WRITERS INTENDED I THINK BC HUH??
When he met Helene in that random room full of paintings I was sure we were supposed to take it that the mission was smth art theft-related. but no she just has a passion for maximalist design ig.
Why does the camera get randomly shaky for no reason? Very avant-garde of them
Am I the only one who thinks that Carlos looks like a Walmart George Clooney? Someone else pls tell me I'm not insane
Always throws me off-guard but it's such fun to see TIG in an uncharacteristically light scene like the one where he's dancing in the parade and surrounded by the circle of dancers in the bar. At least he seemed like he was having a good time in this movie 🎉
Ramon and his lil book and the bar scene of Thorpe and Helene drunkenly arguing w each other and sitting on the side of the road was what really started to sell me
Plus I cannot go without mentioning my appreciation for the way he was holding her knee 👀💕
Love how he spends the majority of this movie just dressed like someone's hot dad who works out, in his cargo shorts, tank top and goatee- oH WAIT IT'S BC HE IS A HOT DAD WHO WORKS OUT IN REAL LIFE
Love how Carlos and all the other villains are devoid of personality or motive except for ~money~, like "the Colonel" doesn't even have a name!!!
Was genuinely stressed that my boy was going to clock himself in the head when he was swinging that rope trying to scale that building
When Helene straight-up PUNCHED HER SISTER IN THE FACE like these ladies have some beef and I need to know where it stems from
This film is another great example of TIG's grossly underutilized comedic potential- a là the map reading scene
Hilarious how Carlos just shrugs like "I don't care, whatever I guess" when who he believes to be Marlena says she wants to say a dramatic goodbye to Thorpe
Ok but how did he not die?? Thank goodness but how??
Even more hilarious how the Colonel, who has had nothing but hatred and murderous intent for Thorpe throughout, is just so touched by Thorpe's being a ✨ big softie with morals ✨ that his vengeful compulsions are soothed and he's content with taking the gold like "hey bro, we're square now <3" and just fuckin walks away
Good on them for giving the treasure back to Mexico
Was legit concerned for too long there that they weren't actually going to end up together and I was screeching
Honestly, I think they could have leaned even more into the humorous aspect and the treasure hunt part of the film; made it a bit more of a National Treasure/Indiana Jones sort of thing, and I definitely would have liked some more character development, esp. for the sidekicks and villains, but overall, I award this film an unexpected 6/10. I had a good time 🙃🩷
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rainbowsky · 10 months
Ok I am the turtle who asked about the breakup cpn, with the kadien and things. I have been told that is rude and hurtful and im sorry Mr Rbs, I do not want to cause you stress. I follow cuz I am autistic and I like that you are too but autistics still rub each others fur the wrong way sometimes just like anybody so im sorry if I did that. Have a great day and stay healthy and may YiZhan stay happily married and one day get to safely come out if they want!
I don't even know what to say to this.
Who told you that it was 'rude' and 'hurtful'? It certainly wasn't me. I don't have a problem with people asking me honest questions that are in good faith. I answer all kinds of asks, regardless of my reaction to them.
I'm sure whoever said that to you meant well, but I don't want anyone putting words in my mouth. Whatever they said to you, that was their own perspective.
As for your ask, it actually did annoy me a bit, but not because there was anything rude or hurtful about it. I was annoyed because it contained things that are long-standing sources of annoyance for me (which isn't your fault).
First of all, you said "I know you don't believe kadian" which - honestly I've heard people say this before and I find it frustrating. I literally have a whole post that is prominently placed on my masterlist post, where I state pretty clearly that kadian is real. So when people say things like this it feels like they aren't paying any attention and are just making assumptions about me, or else they have poor reading comprehension.
I'm going to be really clear about this:
Being skeptical is not the same thing as being dismissive.
I am skeptical about a lot of candy and CPN, but that doesn't mean I don't buy candy and CPN. It just means that the candy and CPN I do buy is stuff I genuinely believe in - not because it's cute or makes me feel good (nothing wrong with that, but it's not what gets me excited), but rather because I've evaluated it and I feel (based on my own criteria) that it's well substantiated and real.
Contrary to another popular myth about me that also frustrates me (the ridiculous idea that I don't buy CPN and candy) - a huge percentage of my blog is devoted to CPN and candy, and in fact I think CPN and candy are pretty critical to turtledom.
I say this all the time and I hope it will sink in: it's never wise to paint with too broad a brush. Nuance, people. Not everything is black and white. Most things are grey. Just because I seem like a doubter on a lot of things, doesn't mean I don't have my own CPN, and doesn't mean I don't hold a lot of candy close to my heart, much of which I think is important and unwashable.
It seems like some people see a personality trait in someone and then try to extrapolate it across everything about them. Not only is it inaccurate, frankly it betrays a certain level of intellectual laziness. "Oh, here's the funny guy, everything's a joke to him." "Oh, here's the serious guy, he has no sense of humor." "Oh, here's the cutesy girl, she won't like this scary movie."
People are complex and often contradictory creatures. We shouldn't assume we have a read on someone just because we've picked up on a few of their character traits.
As for kadian - in my post about kadian I went to some pains to show that kadian is real, so I don't get why there's anyone out there who would think I don't 'believe' in it. In reality I think people who don't 'believe' in kadian as a concept are uninformed and out of touch. 'Not believing' in kadian would be like 'not believing' in slang acronyms like LOL and OMG.
Back to that 'broad brush' thing I just said - just because kadian is real, that doesn't mean a particular perceived kadian is real and intentionally placed. These things have to be examined in context in order to be properly evaluated.
You can refer back to my kadian post for all that.
On to the other, bigger reason your ask frustrated me.
Just Say No To The Turtle Binary
Your ask was about a 'kadian' you thought you saw in DD's post about being sick, and you felt it was evidence of a breakup.
Without realizing it, you stepped into something that bugs me about the fandom.
If you've been following me for any amount of time at all, you will know that one of my absolute pet peeves in this fandom is when turtles take everything GG and DD say or do as being deeply significant to their relationship. As I've said before -
👉🏻 almost nothing from or about GG or DD will actually be a candy. 👈🏻
I think the key to respecting and honoring their humanity is to love them as individuals first and foremost, and as a couple second. When we fixate entirely on their relationship we end up accidentally dehumanizing them and failing to recognize, respect and celebrate their individual achievements.
There are a lot of turtles in this fandom who take every single thing GG and DD do as either proof they are together, or else proof they are not together. And frankly, that doesn't make any rational sense.
If you've ever been in a long term relationship - or a relationship of any kind, whether family or friends - you should already know that almost nothing in our daily lives is about that relationship. Our day-to-day lives tend to revolve around work, school, hobbies and interests, other social interests and obligations. Almost nothing we do in our day to day lives is about any one particular relationship.
Just look at my own blog here. How often do I mention my partner? Almost never. But we've been married for years, and he's the most important person in my life. Why don't I mention him more? Because my life doesn't revolve around him.
GG and DD are no different. They are real, non-fictional human beings with busy lives and successful careers, and they have a ton of obligations and focuses and pursuits in their daily lives. Almost none of it is about each other. Why, then, would people be so ready to think that every post, every gesture, every clothing option, every decision, every goal is about each other?
Not only is that absurd just on the face of it, it's also absurd when you consider that the vast majority of things that ARE related to their relationship will never be made public for you and I to see.
Their lives are almost entirely focused on their careers. They work hard, they have packed schedules. They no doubt spend a lot of time connected to each other behind the scenes, via texts, video chat, etc. but most of their time will be taken up with their work, and with meetings and discussions with various handlers and brands and management and other career-related contacts.
It's going to be rare for us to catch a glimpse of something related to each other, because such things are going to be rare in their daily lives and in most cases shared privately.
So I am deeply dismayed when DD can't even call in sick without people assuming a break-up. It's not right. My god, let the man be sick for a day.
When it comes to kadian we need to remember that the context is actually more important than the numbers. What is the likelihood that any particular message is about something to do with their relationship? What is the likelihood that something important is going to be discussed or disclosed in that particular venue or format? What is the likelihood that GG and DD are going to send out key messages about their personal and private relationship in the timing of a Head and Shoulders ad?
DD is in the middle of promoting his new film, which - at the time - was just days away from being released. Can you honestly believe for one hot second that he's going to pick that time - of all the times in the world - to dicker around with cryptic, deeply consequential messages about his relationship? Consider his priorities, here. Consider the context and venue.
And have some empathy for the sick guy who was just trying to quell rumors that were flying about him.
When we evaluate anything they are saying or doing, we should be kind and empathetic about it, and on their side.
There were a lot of anti messages going around when he called in sick that day. People had all sorts of nasty theories about why he called in sick, including a theory that he was trying to generate sympathy to boost ticket sales.
Imagine that. Imagine if calling in sick to work made that big of an impact on your life and reputation? NO PRESSURE.
Like, woah. No wonder the guy never takes any time off anymore. No wonder he pushes through when he's got a sprained ankle or is practically falling over from exhaustion. The man can't take a day off without all hell breaking loose.
I expect that kind of thing from antis, but not from turtles. It's very disappointing.
A final note:
Another important thing I want people to fully understand and accept:
My failure to answer an ask is no commentary whatsoever on what I thought about that ask or about that person.
Anyone who has been following me for any amount of time at all should know that. I answer as many asks that annoy me as I do ones that make me laugh, smile or reflect.
In reality, if I don't answer your ask it's 99.9% of the time for one of these reasons:
I don't have time - I've been incredibly busy lately and have had very little time on Tumblr. Most of that time is spent scrambling to keep up with the content GG and DD and turtles have been releasing/discussing. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that this is pretty much always the reason I haven't answered an ask.
It's something I have already thoroughly covered, which can be found easily by doing even the barest search of my blog or browsing through my masterlist post. Given how little time I have for Tumblr, I'm not likely to spend much of it repeating myself.
It's a complicated question that will take a lot of time to answer, so the question ended up in my drafts folder as I pick away at it over weeks and months. My drafts folder is almost as backlogged as my inbox.
IT WAS NOT A QUESTION. I get quite a few of these. I've said this many times - my inbox is for questions.
Of course, anti BS, hate asks, etc. don't see the light of day, either, but that goes without saying.
If you've asked a question in good faith and it's not been answered, it's for one of the top 3 reasons on the list.
So, Anon, I found your ask frustrating, but I didn't find it 'rude' or 'hurtful'. And even though I found it frustrating, I didn't hold it against you because I know that approach is common among turtles. It's just a fairly standard part of the fandom that - while frustrating - I've more or less accepted as 'the way things are'.
So, no hard feelings. You didn't do anything wrong AFAIAC. I think you might want to do a bit more critical thinking than seems evident based on what you sent me, but you weren't rude or hurtful.
And to be clear, Anon: most of what I'm saying in this post isn't aimed at you. Like I said, I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder about a couple of things, and you were unfortunate enough to accidentally stumble across it. I definitely don't hold anything against you.
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desertfangs · 5 months
💋 we all know your OTP, but if you had to pick someone else for both of those characters to be with instead of each other, who would be your first choice + why?
Hot damn, going for the gold, anon!
I kind of ship around so it's not hard to imagine Armand and Daniel with other people, even if I think they are always going to have a little piece missing if the other one is not part of their lives anymore. 😭
I think for Armand, the second best match is probably Lestat. Armand and Louis are sweet together but in the modern era, it's just a little too peaceful and quiet, and while I think they both desperately needed that for a while in the TG era, I think both of them crave a little chaos and want to be challenged more, and I don't think they do a ton of that for each other. (Although let's face it, living with Armand is always going to be a challenge. You wake up one morning and the entire house is filled with 3D printers because he's realized he can make his own wind chimes or board game pieces or something, and that is his new passion for the next 7-10 days. I relate to that a lot, actually.)
Lestat has a lot of things in common with Daniel: sarcastic sense of humor, an existential terror of mortality/death, a desire to learn things and find truth and meaning in the world. He and Armand could have a lot of fun together if they'd stop worrying about whatever petty thing they're currently arguing about, and honestly, I think they do. Their petty fights are similar to Armand and Daniel fighting - they know each other so well that they know which buttons to press and they enjoy pressing them maybe a little too much. But that doesn't mean there's not a lot of love and passion there, too.
For Daniel... I guess if Lestat is with Armand, he can't also be with Daniel. Unless... 🥺 (Look, they are my wild card threesome and I love them.)
Honestly though, I think Daniel is great with Marius. It's the same problem, where it's a little too amicable and peaceful sometimes. I often say Marius is Daniel's Louis - the person he can be with where it's just easy-going and soft and domestic and there's not a lot of chaos. And I do believe Daniel also craves and wants that chaos, just like Armand does. But also think Marius can challenge him, and Daniel is very good at challenging Marius back and pulling him out his comfort zone and making him accountable.
So I guess I would put Armand with Lestat and Daniel with Marius. But let's be honest, if I had my way, it would just a be a constant polyamorous party with these fools.
Thanks for the ask, anon!
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xiv-wolfram · 10 months
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Wolfram's Character Inspiration Chart
This took me a while because I've answered variations of this one before but forgot who I said. Honestly I consume a lot of media so… Wolf is basically 80% me with character traits thrown in from shows I like. I'm focusing more on personality/aesthetic/narrative than physical inspiration here... Ok maybe if Ravi and Eliot had a kid with Geralt's muscles and green eyes from somewhere?
Xena - Xena: Warrior Princess A person with a dark past seeks redemption by traveling around and doing good deeds. Wears lots of leather. Their primary weapon is a sword. Consistently flirting with their best friend. After writing the synopsis of his character story I realized Wolf is basically Xena… ok he looks more like Ares. Whatever, it's my bi-awakening show I can do what I want! After realizing this, I had to give Wolf some chakram lore too for the comparison to be complete! (which was easy with the Thavnairian dad)
Geralt - The Witcher Excellent fashion sense plus Wolf is also a person who tries to be neutral but will do anything to protect their loved ones. Mostly, Geralt is on here for his fighting style. Wolf uses more magic but he also has a very active/fluid way of combat. This is due to his dancer training and why he's so evasive, but I imagine it looks similar to how Geralt fights in the Blaviken scene from the first episode of season 1, just with the occasional VerFlare.
Ravi Chakrabarti - iZombie Did ya'll know Wolf is a bit of a nerd? I try and show it sometimes but due to the subject matter of many of the comics, it may not be obvious. He's really smart. Figures things out before others (like how did other people not realize Liv is a zombie?!) Unlike Ravi, he didn't have a formal education. He only knows the common language but reads a lot and even asks Y'Shtola to translate tomes for him. When he's around friends he's extremely talkative, usually about his interests (Mhachi history, cuisine, non-traditional uses for magic, etc). Also, Ravi's relationship with Peyton is (usually) really great power couple stuff. Plus they're good friends who joke around but are very sweet and flirty with each other. (Rahul Kohli is also Wolfram's voice claim btw!)
M.M. (Marvin Milk) - The Boys For some reason, I'm the only person I know who watches The Boys?! Anyway MM is great. He's got stuff from his past that really weighs on him but he fights through it for his friends and family. He's usually kind of the moral center of The Boys with a strong sense of right and wrong even if it doesn't align with those around him. He's also the paternal/fraternal figure trying to look out for everyone.
Jessica Jones - Jessica Jones She's got kind of a dark and snarky sense of humor. Leather. Alcoholic with PTSD but she doesn't let it stop her from doing what needs to be done and being a hero. Honestly I just really love characters who save people while not really knowing how to save themselves but hanging on anyway. Wolf's also got a pretty strong vigilante side…
Eliot Waugh - The Magicians Absolutely the most relatable depiction of depression I've seen on TV. He's usually really friendly and charismatic. Always joking around. It's all a mask for his major chronic depression. Drinks a lot. Also, very smart and talented mage without having to put in as much effort as Alice (read the books) which can be a double-edged sword. His biggest enemy is himself.
tagged by: @talion-graves (Thanks! This was funnnnn!!!)
tagging: This part always makes me nervous I'll forget someone. So just - anyone else who wants to do it - I wanna see it! The original template is here! I just tweaked it a bit for me.
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tempenensis · 2 years
So i just wanna add to what previous anon suggested about Gojo's popularity and fans headcanons that he sleeps around with randoms.
Well first, the whole ordeal started when Gege-san said he doesn't see Gojo being sincere or faithful to anyone. It blew up basically, but the second part is because Gojo is stated to be attractive. This however, doesn't necessarily mean what people think it means, and given that Gege-san enjoys trolling and poking fun, and especially dunking on Gojo, i would really suggest some of his comments are taken with a grain of salt, especially if what is written in canon contradicts with his little remarks on his characters.
The important part of Gojo's character is that he is someone who is without a doubt deeply traumatized, went through alot of shit and probably had a problematic upbringing too. Let's take his powers into consideration here aswell, it's an ability to keep everything and everyone away from him and it is only taken down on occasions where he is around those he trusts but keep in mind that it doesn't happen often either. He had a bounty on his head since his birth. I think it is logical to think that Gojo is not the type of person that would find satisfaction out of sleeping with random civilians just to feel physical contact. Being a jujutsu sorcerer is a demanding and a dangerous job, and Gojo being the strongest has the biggest burden on his back, he's practically carrying the weight of an entire world atp. And Gojo being Gojo and him having a very selective small circle of people he hangs around trusts? It just doesn't seem in character for him to be the type to have those kinds of flings, it takes attention, time and not to mention that he is working best when alone. Civilians will become colletaral as shown in Shibuya.
Everybody is ofc welcome to different interpretation but this is just me here being critical on the reading of a character and analyzing possible aspects. Teacher giving a 16-17 yr old Gojo her numbers means nothing as it is a typical anime/manga humor that can be found in other stories aswell. I think that shouldn't be read too much into again, Gege-san enjoys poking fun at Gojo at any chance he gets. His comment didn't even sound that serious but alas... Anyways, i think if we even do consider it, it probably means that Gojo just has too many PTSD and problems to deal with, plus being the strongest to even consider a relationship. He is literally misunderstood and not viewed as Satoru but mostly as the Strongest. Big difference. He also needs to set an example for his students, didn't Gege-san also say he doesn't get much sleep? Too many things to look up on honestly. Also about Nanami being a jujutsu sorcerer and not being married.\
This got long, so sorry Lele-san but i hope my ask makes sense. Have a great day!
This, anon. Totally agree.
Tbh I don't like when people only focused on the comment about his popularity, because then his personality seems to be reduced to fit into that stereotype. But anyway, as I explained before, he is a multidimensional character, and whatever gege's comment poking fun at him, Gojou indeed is a hardworking sorcerer and a good teacher who is pretty protective of his students
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wifiwuxians · 5 months
just a random guy who really loves your art. i noticed you made the cute doodle asking peeps to reblog your art and i just wanted to share why i dont? i really love your art and i absolutely wanna reblog it but im a songxue shipper and lowkey you seem kinda grossed out by that ship. which is totally oki, i know its not everyones cup of tea, but sometimes it seems like you'd be offended if a shipper reblogged your art i guess? and i dont rlly wanna bug you, i love your art and i adore your content. i think your likes and dislikes are valid as hell and you're totally allowed to have them. i just wanted to say that i do want to rb your stuff and i do love your stuff and im sorry im not supporting your art in that way, i just really didnt want to cross your boundaries. thank you for sharing your art and drawing so much of the guys (they're my blorbos, thats why i ship them and you're basically the only person who draws them ic imo). you're a wonderful artist and your art regularly impresses the hell out of me. your sense of humor, expressiveness, color pallet, creativity, and just plain Skill are all so freaking amazing and you deserve accolades. im sorry for being a weirdo who likes one of your squick ships but your art is fabulous. maybe i'll make a sideblog where i hide my ship tendencies and just rb you a lot there, you deserve the support :)
hey now,,, this is very sweet lkdhlkh and i really appreciate it + am glad you enjoy my art so much and think it's in character LOL i know i make things that are completely silly and absurd so it fascinates me (in a good way) that it's still seen as in character
also thank you so much for reaching out, i've been having a really rough time (depression! YAY) and honestly didn't expect anyone to say anything ;; (which is totally fine, people don't need to say anything! but it feels really good to be acknowledged)
i guess i'll take this as an opportunity to address this in general! i don't mind if people ship something i don't like/a notp as long as they're not making me engage with it, i don't track people down at gunpoint like HEY SHIPPER SAW YOU TOUCHED MY ART! no! all i ask is people don't /tag/ my art as whatever if i don't want it tagged as such (and don't ramble on about ship ideas in there either lol please), but i'm making an effort to make that obvious in the body of the post itself :) lots of my friends/followers ship things i don't and we coexist just fine!
but as for your ship, i've made mention to it a few times i think that it doesn't really bother me that much! in fact, the more i draw them together, the more chill i am with people taking away whichever kind of interactions they want from my art of them! they're my blorbos too and i love drawing them together, and although sometimes i am explicit about not wanting them tagged as a ship (so like, if they're drawn as family, xy is a child and sl is not for instance, lol), and sometimes i wish not everything were seen as shippy, it's very unreasonable i think for me to expect people not to see it that way. does that make sense? that's why someone requested i tag it a certain way so they wouldn't have to see it anyway OTL
anyway, you're totally fine! if you want to reblog it go right ahead, and if you wanna slap that tag on it, go ahead too (WITHIN REASON, see above). it's the other ostensibly more popular xue yang ship that i'd rather not get wrapped up in, haha
don't hide who you are! don't try and bottle things up for the sake of making someone else feel better. i've been doing that for too long and regret it immensely. maybe this year i'll finally put that to rest too
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7ban-sama · 8 months
Funniest moment?
sorry this is actually asking so much of me. to pick a singular moment... the manga is sooo funny to me, there's too many to pick from. somehow it really perfectly juggles being artful, romantic... but silly, funny, incredulously unserious. i suppose whatever sense of humor aidairo have, i grock it. i feel like i'm really watching their OCs be idiots together ww and i'm enjoying the ride.
there are entire scenes that really feel like everyone has 0 braincells, too dumb to live (endearing) & then just singular drawings, panels, I really love, little things someone said, i really think about. a lot of the time, me and my wife are just tabbing through the manga and recounting scenes we find amusing...
early manga nene is dumb in such a special way.
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i think about her. ahh. impulsive and reckless and desperate lolll... it's both amusing and makes me horny. </3
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this moment when she's like. ??? maybe tsuchigomori is... gay-!? SOOO funny what is this emotion. eyes swirl, shakes... she's really thinking about the possibility. scandalous... sensei...
oh yes, i should note, i vastly prefer the broadcast club's dynamic over toilet trio, it can't be beat... what i like about it is you have a kind of split between the more childish members (tsukasa, mitsuba) vs the older ones (natsuhiko, sakura) ; overall natsuhiko and sakura are more chill and can de-escalate things. sakura is well meaning and polite, natsuhiko is chill and friendly and will intervene between squabbles w/o concern (just like, sees tsukasa as misbehaving lol, not scary...) BUT natsuhiko is also, a bit of an idiot and, can be caught up in chicanery, so he can also fluidly slide to being a dummy along with mits and tsu.
i'd say my fav after school boy chaps are featuring broadcast club lol, they're just sooo funny... though, to try and focus on the main series (i'll be here forever if i count after school boy skits...) ; tea party is one of my fav scenes. adding nene to the broadcast club is so good, she plays off of everyone well ww, so it's just one thing after the other. the abducting of nene. the? dressing up of nene, into this crazy outfit. the girlfriend mixup. the fact that we are going to have a sillay little tea party.
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"they get along surprisingly well" INDEED... i think they have a better group dynamic than toilet trio (since. kou and hanako are kinda contentious by nature...) you don't have anyone like, competing w/ one another in broadcast club so, i think that's why they're better at working together and accomplish more kfjfhjg...
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tsukasa fail at eating, drop muffin. offer muffin to sakura. she decline. yes.
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this line. incredibly important.
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nene-chan quickly submitting to the comradery of the tea party, venting her woes about hanako, dragging him a bunch here. sakura patiently listening, tsukasa hovering about and pawing at things like a toddler.
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honestly as i go through this, it's killing me, maybe this is the funniest moment, IDK, this is the funniest panel ever, i wish i could write an essay about everything being said. HANAKO SAYS WEIRD CRYPTIC THINGS AND HE SEXUALLY HARASSES HER, AND HE IS INCONSIDERATE. UNDERLINED & HIGHLIGHTED... it's so bluntly said by nene-chan i want to cry. and then this image of him standing there like a blithe idiot, like he doesn't know he is on trial rn. IT'S TOO FUNNY ACTUALLY...
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tsukasa's precious soul, conveyed.
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of ALLLL the ways tsukasa could introduce himself to nene-chan, i love that he'd be like XD teehee! about it *cutesy pose*
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and this
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~just little enslaved girlie things~
the. natsuhiko being revealed to be chained beside nene drop, is always funny to me, and it really does appropriately take the 'edge' off the situation. you can't feel TOO worried about her, in the ensuing events... with this, guy, here, it's kind of hard to be alarmed when natsuhiko's demeanor is that way.
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i wonder if nene-chan is feeling the dissonance between how upset she got / how absurd hearing natsuhiko beside her is. what is happening... why isn't this as serious as i think it should be...
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meanwhile this is really encompassing the manga's romances. really. if you think about it.
ah i feel like i need to limit myself from going through the entire manga chronologically actually, it's fair to say i just like scenes like this ⬆ you get the gist.
honorable mention to this amane,
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who might be karmically as funny as possible, if he ever was seeking to control time — in a more severe context, to alter his relationship with his younger brother. ah, without such memories, you would be irreverent and admit to wanting to do perverted things, eh...? okay........ good luck with that-!!!!!!!!!!! lol
(tangentially related, in the most recent after school boy, he insinuated that being a cat could lead to a bunch of erotic things happening... but hmm, we already know of a world where amane IS a cat, don't we... and whose lap is he in-? hm hmmm...)
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sometimesrosy · 1 year
The 100 Rewatch 2023 Liveblog 1.08
Day Trip
Oh boy! The memories. This is the beginning of Bellarke for me.
We are going to post like men here. No editing. Forgive my typos. I touch type as i go and i may be fast but i'm not that accurate. I will remember to do a read more this time though. Because this is long.
We open with beefcake Lincoln strung up for torture. Honestly. That's rude. It's not sexy just because he's hot.
Miller told the dead kids parents the news that their kids were murdered by grounders. He wants "justice." and Bellamy says they're not killing him. Miller is an ass and puts mud on lLincoln and Lincoln headbutts him. LOL.
Talking to the Ark they want Clarke to find an emergency shelter for supplies. Diana Sydney is like nah. We're about to come down, the baby kids should stay put. Now Jaha is trying to get Clarke back with her mom but she blames him for betraying her dad, too.
Oh Dax is going to talk to "his parents" and it's Shumway to proposition him into murder. Just like he did Bellamy. But this time he wants B dead. Dax already beat a man to death. He's one of the murderers they talked about.
Now B and O are arguing about Lincoln. B is calling him an animal. Knock that off, kid.
Clarke wants to take Bellamy for the supply run at the depot. And he's suspicious. "I don't feel like being around anyone I actually like." Which he gets because hello Octavia.
Jasper and MOnty with grim humor. Don't worry about the grounder revenge. Byt the time they get here we'll be dead of hypothermia.
Ugh Clarke and Finn being all "I'll take care of you." ANd Raven is right there. "She's a big girl she can take care of herself." Then in comes Bellamy. ooh Finn is jealous. Bellamy is taking all the rations and Clarke is suspicious. "A lot can happen in a day." Foreshadowing. Sneaky Dax follows them out of the camp.
Miller goes to talk to Roma's parents and O sneaks up to Lincoln. She gives him water. Neat little canteen made out of what? Parachute? more beefcake as she cleans up his washboard abs and he is like smelling her or whatever. Y'all I don't like kidnapping/torture as a start to a romance. But this is better than most because he originally kidnapped her to keep her safe and she's trying to stop the torture.
He tells her his name because he wants her to remember him after he dies. "This only ends one way." Because he IS the enemy.
Clarke and Bellamy in the woods. I remember this. Bellarke in the wild. Bellamy is really feeling guilt and fear over the Jaha attempted murder.
Raven and Octabia in Camp. O is a mess. WOW they are catty to each other. O says "It must suck to come down here and find out your boyfriend is into someone else." OUCH. True but OUCH. Why is she so mean when she grew up with only two supportive people? Yes she should be messed up but should she be a meangirl?
Raven wants to do Finn and Finn wants to talk. "Something happened." She knows and she doesn't want to talk about it ever. She asks if he loves her "Always." I am puking. Stop kissing him. He's awful. Ew. She has the worst taste in men i swear. She NEVER got a good romantic partner. (Princess Mechanic)
Clarke finds a door Bellamy smacks it with his axe. Down they go into the bowels. Mummified bodies. The place is disgusting. No supplies. Boo. Ooh some orange blankets. Bellamy is mad there's no canteen or medkit or decent fricking tent.
A barrel full of oil. Bellamy temper boy kicks it over and VIOLA OMG GUNS. HUGE BELLAMY SMILE
Monty is tripping. Fermented nuts?Or hallucinogenic. Now Jasper is tripping but it's not as nice as Monty's trip. He sees grounders everywhere. Scary. He runs to O for help. She figures out that he's on something. HE tells her he loves her. She figures it's the nuts. She gives him an anti-grounder stick so the grounders won't be able to see him. "Makes sense."
We could have used more of that O in the bunker in season 5.
She gives Miller the hallucinogenic nuts. Lincoln knows.
:Ready to be a bad ass Clarke?" She doesn't want the guns but she knows they need them. SO he offers her shooting lessons.
Oooh. He reaches around her and touches her shoulder, his voice gets smoky and steps back from her. I forgot about the sexiness of that. Watch and learn. He tries to shoot and his bullets are duds.
"Still watching." smirky flirting. She shoots and BOOM. She likes it. B likes it htat she likes it. She's being responsible. "You left miller in charge of the grounders. You must trust him." He wants her to keep him close and she's like. OMG you're gonna run. He thinks the Ark are gonna kill him when they come down. O hates him, so he's leaving.
Tells her to keep practicing. He needs some air. THat was a SHORT scene. To base our Bellarke fantasies on for seven years.
Now he's tripping Jaha. Nightmare land coming up. "I did what I had to do." But Jaha calls him out for all his sins. Now he sees the 320 culling victims. Bellamy can't defend himself against that. All his guilt. He really feels it. Oooh. Sooky. All the dead people calling him murder and coming through the wilderness at him.
Now Clarke is tripping. She's back her jail cell in the Ark. See her dad.
Everyone in the deinguent camp is tripping and one kid is stripping so O takes his clothes.
Raven and Finn are naked in bed. M0nty pops in."I can't change the tide if the moon won't cooperate. It's basic physics."
Clarke realizes her dad vision is not real. The dad vision wants her to forgive her mom. Poor baby clarke is so young here. Everyone's counting on her and it's so hard. She's feeling guilt about torturing Lincoln. Dad says she did the best she could. This is the beginning of Clarke learning about forgiveness and why she could forgive Bellamy and Lxa and all those people.
NOW dad vision calls her a crazy bitch and turns into Dax.
O frees Lincoln. Gives him delinquent clothes.He thinks this will put her in danger. That's because he's a grounder and they are barbarians and would kill someone for doing what she's doing. Jobi nuts go bad and cause vision. So he can sneak out.
He kisses O.
Yo. You should really find a girl your own age man. She's what? 16? 17 at most.
Most beautiful broom in a broom closet of brooms. Raven taking care of the kids. Even Finn is taking care of the kids until he sees Lincoln escaping. He's like get on outta here. Which is, I have to give Finn his due, the best thing he does in a while. He forgives Lincolnd for stabbing him.
Bellamy bad tripping on his 'murder victims' He wants them to kill him. Jaha beats him up. "I can't fight any more." "don't you know? LIfe is a fight." "What am I supposed to do?""Live breathe suffer. if you want the peace of death you're going to have to earn it. You think you dserve to be free of your pain? You think you deserve that gift?"
But actually, the Jaha beating him up is Dax. "You shoulda stayed down there clarke I tried not to kill you. But Shumaway said no witnesses."
Walk away now and I won't kill you. You're choice. His gun misfires as he aims at clarke and Bellamy charges him. Fight. Dax has him on the ground. Clarke charges Dax and he slams her in the gut with the butt. B picks up a bullet and slams it into Dax's jugular. Not coincidentally the place where Clarke stabbed Atom to mercy kill him. A nice little callback.
Dax is gone, B and C are up against the tree. "Are you okay?" Clarke asks?
No I'm not. If my mother she knew what I'd done, who I am? She raised me to be better to be good and all I do is hurt people. I'm a monster."
"Hey you saved my life today. And you may be a total ass half the time, but... I need you."
The look on his face as he looks at her.
"We all need you. None of us would have survived if it weren't for you.
He looks away.
She tells him to come back with him. You have to face it. He says "Like you faced your mom."
You're right. I don't want to face my mom. I don't want to face any of it." She is obsessed with keeping everyone alie.
Why is the music so romantic right now?
Can we figure it out later?
Whenever you're ready.
Bullshit you didn't write this as romantic.
O is pretending that she got high too. She did not. Good cover. Miller says the grounder is gone. Jasper panics.
Bellamy is back. "LEt the grounders come" He's tired of being afraid. Looks at Clarke and they both drop the guns. Finn looks unhappy.
Team Bellarke. Leaders. Friends. Soulmates.
The story has just changed.
O is looking out into the woods. B comes up and gives her an oragne blanket. She takes it. "I don't expec tyou to forgive me but you'll have to find a way to live with me because I'm not going anywhere.
Clarke calls him in to speak to Jaha. B knows O helped the grounder escape. She says it wasnt her and thanks him for the blanket.
CLarke. When you sent us down here, you sent us to die, but miraculaously most of us are still alive and in large part that is because of bellamy." She wants him pardoned like the rest of them.
Bellamy doesn't depend on his better nature. He says "If you wnat to know who wants you dead." Jaha pardons him and asks for who gave him the gun.
Cut to Shumway being arrested. Kane is angry. Shumway thinks he's fighting for what he believes but won't say what that is.
Clarke checks Finn's wound and Finn tries to guilt her about the guns. And he tries to say that Bellamy is the real danger. Clarke TRUSTS him. Finn is horrified. That's because he knows B is his rival. "You and Bellamy are leading us down a dangerous road. I wish you'd talked to me about it first." WHEN was finn the leader? Fucking asswipe. She is like "I wish we talked about a lot of things."
Diana Sydney comes to Shumway and Diana has him killed.
I honestly do sympathize with Diana Sydney's position but she's such a horrible character (dare I say horrible actress I hate her D:) and her plans are so horrible that she, who should have been the good guy, becomes the bad guy. I'm usually for the proletariat, but Diana was vicious and stupid and mean and her plans were bad and unethical and selfish.
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kiss-me-nott · 2 years
HIII can I request romantic matchups for Demon Slayer & AOT? :))
I’m biromantic asexual with a preference for women & my pronouns are they/them 💕
For appearance I have brown eyes & dark brown (kinda black) hair with an olive/almost tan colored skin & im 5’4 (short af out here)
For hobbies I would say I really enjoy drawing & baking, always down to try new recipes but gets pissed when they come out weird.
Likes: sweets, reading, giving gifts, talking to my friends, my alone time, & caffeine
Dislikes: really spicy food, feeling overwhelmed/overstimulated, bugs, & being around people I don’t know
Personality: I would say I’m the kind of person to be shy when first meeting but if I became friends with someone then I’d never shut up. Sometimes I need a break from my friends tho and just need alone time. I have a very dry sense of humor so on multiple occasions I’ve had people tell me I’m mean or they take something I say to heart (which is never my intention to make people feel that way ;v;). I have borderline anger issues like one time I messed up cinnamon rolls and hit my counter so hard my hand bruised. I also have a habit of doing/saying before thinking, which has gotten me hurt/sick many times. Overall I like to think I’m a decent person to be around.
Hope this was enough info and have a good day/evening 🫶
2 matchups for my lovely anon (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡ , also, ty for requesting! for your romantic aot pairing i'm matching you with. . .
𝐘𝐦𝐢𝐫 ´ˎ˗
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i think at first you really capture ymir's attention, [ she thinks it's cute when you get angry and she smiles a lot ] and bc your shy at first, she doesn't mind breaking the ice.
ymir's not actually much taller than you [ 5'7, i thought she was soo much taller ;-; ] but she likes casually leaning on you for comfort and teasing you about it.
lotta quick forehead kisses here
honestly, very protective + possibly jealous [ absolutely denies it ]
she'll usually offer to get you ingredients when you bake [ go out and get whatever your missing ], she doesn't cook much but likes to watch and chat. and help if you ask
and on the off chance she's there when it goes bad. she surprised, to be honest. then, she smiles.
not to make you feel worse or anything, no! she just thinks your adorable, and probably won't let you try to hurt your hands again.
she knows how to bandage your hands though. probably extremely intense, like she might say something harsh.
shambles. she's in shambles on the inside.
also, you mention being kind of straight-forward to people, or 'coming off mean/rude' without meaning to.
i think she'd adore it, your honest opinion or not. ymir isn't one to take things to heart most of the time, and at this point in your relationship, she knows you and when your being sincere.
probably doesn't understand the gift giving when it's directed at her, but it grows on her definitely.
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and for your demon slayer matchup, i'm pairing you with. . .
𝐌𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐢 ´ˎ˗
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she admires you a tonnn, complimenting how pretty you are in her head. blushing and staring like a complete idiot [ it continues in your relationship too ]
i mean! she's so lucky to have you, and she doesn't take it for granted.
mitsuri's gifts to you are often small tokens [ she's promised to put a cap on some of her affections to not overwhelm you ]
like jewelry, sweets, or things you can bake with like sugar and honey.
you probably won't have time to be angry at your cinnamon rolls tbh. . . she's never had one before and is absolutely burning her tongue trying to eat it.
and she loves your cooking no matter the outcome. she often stuffs her lunch with the sweets or saves them for later regardless.
she likes cooking with you if it's not too much trouble.
plus, she's good at western style cooking. so, she makes the meals, you make dessert? [ it's nice having someone else with her when she cooks, it's a comfort even if you don't feel like talking much ]
she keeps herself busy too, usually stretching or training when you like your time alone to read or just relax. [ it doesn't stop her from occasionally sneaking a peak at your focused face though ]
and she's okay with some bugs [ like butterflies and bees ] but spiders?? if you can't get rid of it either you'll probably both live in fear.
"guess were buring the house down"
lastly, and i think most importantly, she's there whenever you need her. like when your uncomfortable around so many strangers she'll hold your hand and rub circles into your skin.
she gets embarrassed a lot, but she'll always put your first.
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;; p.s. of course you're a decent person anon! you sound wonderful (●´□`)♡ and thank you so much for requesting, i hope you liked your matchups!
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quirofiliac · 1 year
anonymous asked: Whatever my other flaws in life are, I would always be safe from Yoshikage Kira because I have fat stubby fingers and keep my nails cut short so I don't tear them on stuff.
anonymous / unprompted / always accepting.
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"Is that so?"
A slight lilt (tipping his voice up into another octave but not quite. it's a gentle creep.) crams itself into his response, one hand coming up to cup itself besides his mouth. Lips were tugged into a sliver of a smile, a little bit of teeth showing as he spoke-- perhaps, he was caught in good enough spirits.
"You shouldn't speak so poorly about yourself... After all, I wouldn't go that far. I have absolutely nothing to go off of, anyhow, so... heh, it's a bit unfair of you to say, don't you think? It almost feels like you're trying to tease me."
Other hand stashed itself safely away into corresponding pocket of slacks (fingers curl, furling in as tight as he could-- as if tying a knot with his own hand, clenching and clenching until the squeeze of skin sounds like leather.) whilst other remained, hovering close by its neighboring smirk. It's an insidious insistent bugger, displaying a sense of humor from Kira's side that... almost didn't belong.
It shouldn't belong.
Since when was someone telling a joke? Where was its patented punchline?
"But, ah... regardless, allow me to let you in on a little secret--"
He leans in, creasing himself within the waist as his legs pressed together in a two, straight lines. His posture was otherwise unaffected, unscathed by the careful bend. Attention was paid towards the other's space (it was inappropriate to get too close... which was fine. he didn't want to get any closer than what he already was; it might give a poor impression. and he didn't want to deal with crying, not today. not ever. but especially not today.) in that he kept to a "healthy" gap.
Boundaries were important. Any and everyone knew that. However... he'd still like to be heard, and so...?
It's enough of a space to host the illusion of "small talk" but not enough to encourage a comfortable volume. No, no. They'd have to lean in-- maybe crane their head a little bit, if they wanted to hear what Kira had to say.
He'd wait, too. That's what gentlemen did, and that's what they should always do. He was taught well (he was not born with a silver spoon. he did not want the silver spoon.) and, as such, only felt it appropriate to, ah, "flaunt" it about. Even if it were just a smidge.
"--your hands... no matter what you think you could do..."
Finally he removes his other hand, holding it up in plain sight in front of them. He doesn't wait for a further response (who cares? who honestly cares what a faceless nobody has to say? who fucking cares?) as he adjusts, forming it into a fist with its palm facing out. Slowly, carefully -- with a gaze that doesn't break away, staring with glazed over eyes at the space between their eyes -- does he move his thumb, sliding it smoothly betwixt his index and middle fingers.
"... I already found someone that does juuust the trick."
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ruvviks · 2 years
🎃🎵🎬💧📞 for mikhail my beloved mikhail and vincent AND nathan 👀
OHHH THAMK U RENA MWAH it's funny because i actually redrew an old piece for nathan today >:] this guy's just always in my brain idk he moved in here and now he just won't leave
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🎃 what would be their halloween costume?
with his horrible sense of humor mikhail would dress up as a kang tao security guard :/ first time he did that cato nearly killed him but it's kind of a running gag now LMFAO cato goes as arasaka security guard <3 they're matching
🎵 what music do they like?
cheesy pop music, the cheesier the better RGFDGHGHFDJ and he sings along to it as well :( but he's a really good singer so that's nice :) he sings for vincent and vitali sometimes
🎬 what movies/genres do they like?
mikhail likes romcoms a lot for. some fucking reason. but also horror movies but at the same time he's very scared of everything that happens in them all the time so watching a horror movie with him is. an experience <3
💧 what do they do when they're upset?
when mikhail is upset he just turns into a human puddle on the couch and sniffles and whimpers until someone gives him a hug and a kiss LMFAOO he's a pretty emotional man and especially when he's feeling bad there comes a point he will just have to cry for a little bit but honestly. good for him sometimes you just gotta cry it out
📞 do they prefer talking in person, over text, over voice call, or over video call?
mikhail prefers to talk in person :) he hates texting because he knows he's a dry texter and has a hard time doing something about it because he tends to misinterpret social cues through texting very very easily so he prefers to actually speak to someone face to face, because then he can use his voice and also see their facial expressions and he'll have a much easier time understanding their intentions and stuff like that <3
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🎃 what would be their halloween costume?
nathan does not celebrate halloween but sebastian would force him to come over AND dress up at some point anyway LMFAO he would probably wear something very basic like a vampire costume. matches his pale skin. he Would consider dressing up as something from his time in STEM but especially if lily is there he won't actually do that because he doesn't wanna accidentally upset her :( when it's just with the other adults he's dressing up as fuckign. stefano or something tho LMFAO
🎵 what music do they like?
nathan rarely listens to music :/ when he does listen to it, he'll just listen to whatever is on the radio at the time and feel very neutral about it probably. his "favorite" type of music would be anything without vocals, but preferably modern stuff so no classical music because that tends to remind him too much of the STEM environments he's been in
🎬 what movies/genres do they like?
bad movies. so he can talk shit about them during the entire runtime LMFAO he loves complaining about bad movies with friends <3 he also enjoys sad movies from time to time so he can have a good cry about it
💧 what do they do when they're upset?
when nathan is upset he tends to isolate himself from others because he doesn't want to be a bother to them :// he'll probably cry for a bit and then try to go to sleep, because he doesn't wanna stay up anymore and hopefully he'll feel better when he wakes up (but at the same time he's rarely able to fall asleep when he's upset so that's not working out too well for him)
when he's forced to speak while upset, he usually won't say more than a few words at a time and generally just refuses to make full sentences. mood bestie
📞 do they prefer talking in person, over text, over voice call, or over video call?
nathan prefers phone calls! easy, efficient, doesn't require him to make himself look presentable but at the same time he won't have to wait for replies because he's in an active conversation with the other person
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🎃 what would be their halloween costume?
johnny silverhand :( he thought it was hilarious and so did most of the others but vitali needed a moment to accept this reality LMFAOO
🎵 what music do they like?
answered here!
🎬 what movies/genres do they like?
kind of the same as with music, vincent can like generally any movie you put on for him :) he mostly just watches movies to get to hang out with friends and if they really like a movie he will try to like it as well and mention things that jump out for him, and if they wanna talk shit about a movie he will gladly do the same <3
💧 what do they do when they're upset?
when vincent is upset, he tends to just. cry a lot. he's very bad at controlling that when someone hurts his feelings or he's having a bad day and he feels very embarrassed about it, so he also tends to spend as much time alone as possible to kind of hide away (but at the same time he really just craves physical contact so he's just Losing)
📞 do they prefer talking in person, over text, over voice call, or over video call?
vincent prefers talking in person! he likes hanging out with people and while he doesn't mind any of the other options and would also gladly do that instead if other people prefer that, he himself just really likes to be able to see people and to be able to have physical contact with them (if they're okay with that) :) <3
oc asks!
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Hi! I'd like to request a matchup If it's not too much of a bother? If you are ever busy or tired, please feel free to ignore this request. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this! Have a great day or night.
In terms of looks: I'd say I'm somewhat on the chubbier side, I'm 5ft. I have over-the-shoulder straight black hair, I have dark brown eyes and I also wear glasses.
For personality: I'm quite timid around strangers and in public places such as; malls, which make me nervous when I'm by myself. But once I consider anyone a close friend, I am much more open and expressive. And I also have a tendency to make self-deprecating jokes.
Hobbies/Likes: I love to play puzzle games and VNs (visual novels) mainly otome games. I also love to sing and listen to all kinds of music. I also like to collect things (ex. hairclips, rocks & pins).
Dislikes: I really dislike it when someone doesn't fulfill their promises, I also dislike it when people don't honestly tell me their opinions/thoughts. Raw cabbage, it just tastes so bland and if it stays in my mouth for more than 5 minutes I feel like vomiting. bleugh! 🤢
anyways tysm for reading! 😊
Hello, thank you for the request! Sorry this is so late! But, the twst matchup that I have for you would be...
Look, it's Scarabia!
If you need someone who is understanding of your jokes and interests, Jamil's the one! He's definitely someone that probably makes self-deprecating jokes too, and because of this he's in tune with your sense of humor. He won't joke about you though, since to him you aren't anything that you say you are negatively, but he still gets that those are jokes. If you don't like being in crowded places, I feel like Jamil will agree. Sure he's vice dorm leader of Scarabia and literally next to the energy ball that is Kalim all the time, but he prefers the quiet and small places. The two of you will likely take dates in similar places, perhaps an open park when there isn't a lot of people or a library.
You like music? He does too! He's a natural when it comes to the performing arts, and he's open to all kinds of songs. You should share him a playlist once, he might choose a song as his liking and play it for you one day. Not to mention, he's super good at dancing, so whenever you guys play a song you could convince him to teach you how to dance along to the rhythm. Please sing a song when he's around, I'm sure he'll love it! He really likes board games too, so you guys might hang out solving puzzles together. But something he doesn't know a lot about would be visual novels. He likes books, but you'll have to show him how a visual novel works. Jamil might actually like it in the end haha.
He's someone that always keeps promises, no matter what. You can rely on him for whatever you need, and any secret you have will be kept with him and only him. You're someone he cares deeply about, and because trust is an important part of a relationship, he'll do his best to keep a strong bond of trust and understanding with you. Yes he might have been wearing a mask when dealing with Kalim, but overall he's super honest (perhaps too blatant at times). You'll never have to worry about him lying to you, especially because he cares too much about you. Overall, he wants you to know that you're safe with him.
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gregrulzok · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers Died:
Aka a collection of disjointed thoughts and ramblings about the latest chapters of TR and how they've been... Not... Good...
⚠️SPOILERS AHEAD⚠️ Up to Ch.271. also this is very negative.
I don't even know where to begin with this.
I loved Tokyo Revengers so much. I was entranced. I hailed it as one of the best modern manga I'd read.
The Bloody Halloween Arc in particular was a standout. The emotions, the action, the suspense was all so palpable and it resolved in such a satisfying and yet devastating way. I won't hesitate in saying that Baji was the highlight of the series.
Sure, the anime was weak, but that didn't matter. The manga was g o o d.
And honestly? By the time of Pah-chin's wedding every bone in my body felt and believed that this should be the end of the manga. At that point I'd already known that it wasn't the last arc, and yet I could not help the growing feeling that it absolutely should be. The only unresolved plot-point - the implication of a second time leaper - had been dropped so suddenly and baselessly that it may as well had never happened in my eyes. As far as I was concerned, that was the weakest point in the manga, anyway, so if Pah-chin's wedding had been the last scene, if Mikey had just shown up and all been well, I'd be satisfied leaving that plotline unresolved. Who knows, maybe it'd even be a fun open-door mystery.
As it stands, though... Ugh...
In theory the idea of Takemitchy now having to save Mikey rather than Hina isn't ... A bad one. It works.
Mikey at this point was definitely flawed, but highly sympathetic. We were all rooting for him.
And yet, for whatever unknown reason, the moment of Draken's death marks the death of Tokyo Revengers for me.
Like a switch being flipped, Mikey went from a sympathetic, traumatized character in need of sympathy and help, to...
Well, to an abelist stereotype, quite frankly?
And what's worse this isn't a result of the death of his brother as was assumed before no no no !!! He's been like this since he was a child ! He was BORN A KILLER !!!! He's DANGEROUS !!
Ugh. The trope of mentally ill/traumatized characters being evil and having a dark side that will kill and maim everyone in sight is... Not only gross, but also, from a writing standpoint completely completely lacking in nuance. Which is almost insulting considering how /well/ TR seemed to be handling it, previously.
So now that Mikey is this weird warped parody of himself but Now He's Joker™, he's also become entirely unsympathetic.
Far gone is the little boy who was scared and messed up, but did his best to protect the people around him. Far gone is his sense of humor and care and companionship. Which in theory sounds good, but in practice... What reason do we have left to root for him? What reason do we have left to care about this empty husk of death threats and violence, with absolutely no heart or depth of character behind him?
This isn't Mikey. It just isn't.
(and none of this seems to be in response to Draken's death, either - there wasn't even any significant scene reflecting his reaction to Draken's death. In fact I struggle to remember if he even KNOWS he died. He and Draken hadn't been interacting for a while at that point. It's literally implied on some level that this is just how Mikey is now, regardless of Draken.)
And how is Takemitchy meant to "save him" exactly?
The only two ways this story can end is if
A. Takemitchy doesn't manage to save Mikey, which is predictable at this point, and would be wholly unsatisfying because it meant he risked and KILLED MULTIPLE PEOPLE for the sake of someone who he didn't save anyway.
B. Takemitchy pulls some magic of friendship bullshit out of his ass and suddenly Mikey is Good Again except the fact that he lost everyone but It's Fine See He Laughed He's Healed.
Which is... So stupid, and contrived, and not how mental health works.
The manga has written itself into a corner, and there's no way it can conclude that would feel right anymore.
And it almost feels as though it knows that. As though Ken Wakui has realized what a shithole he's gotten himself into and is desperately trying to pull himself back up /somehow/.
What the hell are these predictions Takemitchy gets?
Why does Sanzu carry all this importance?
How does it make any sense for Shinichiro to have been a time leaper, when the only reason we know there was a second time leaper at all was Kisaki, who never even MET Shinichiro?
Why did Shinichiro even become a timeleaper by killing a timeleaper, when nothing like that happened to Kazutora when he killed Shin?
Hell why is Takemitchy a timeleaper when he never killed anyone ?? Why do his timeleaping powers (activated via handshake) seem to work totally differently from Shin's (activated via??? Suicide? Near death situations??? But not when Kazutora kills him????)
None of the new plotlines make any sense and none of them feel even remotely like they were set up in any way.
Don't even get me STARTED on the whole paraplegic Mikey thing. I don't even have words to get into how fucking stupid it is - it makes no sense, comes out of nowhere, goes nowhere, it's literally Just Shock Value in a vain attempt to let us regain some semblance of pity for Mikey.
Hell, let's zoom out for a sec...
Who are all these people?
Half the cast now are characters that showed up out of nowhere, and maybe like 3 of them have any sort of backstory, and 2 any sort of depth.
The characters we've spent time setting up and getting to know have gotten pushed so far into the background they may well not even exist, and they're instead replaced by these generic Gangster Types all with two personality traits a pop if you're lucky?
Where's Hina? Where's Naoto? Where are Akkun and the gang? Where's Peh-yan? Where's Kazutora? What happened to Hakkai, Chifuyu, the Kawata twins, the Haitani twins, hell even Taiju showed up just to do absolutely fuck all?
The only ones who we know and love and got any sort of attention lately are:
- Pah-chin, who got two seconds of glory.
- Mitsuya, who got a fairly touching moment (and was much more affected by Draken's death by his literal best friend and MAIN CHARACTER Mikey was), and has now been shafted to the background again
- Koko and Inui, who actually got a nice storyline, thank god.
Look I'm sorry, I know people like Sanzu and Wakasa, but besides that does anyone actually care about anyone else here? Shion? South? Takeomi? Their characters are so lackluster I struggle to put a face to any of their names, and frankly I literally can't remember a single new character introduced because they're just that fucking boring.
I don't even wanna talk about Senju.
There was so much potential there but now SHE'S just gone as well and what development we did get from her was so lackluster it failed to leave any impression on me.
And through all of this Takemitchy's devotion to this, to Mikey, has grown from concern for his friend to downright an unhealthy obsession. He's fucking insane, it's like he doesn't give a shit who lives or dies as long as he can accomplish his goal.
He doesn't give a shit about Hina, Chifuyu, Pah-chin, Toman, Naoto, himself, Draken or anything else, and frankly it no longer seems like he actually cares about Mikey either. This isn't even about him anymore is about doing
As discussed, there's nothing he can actually do to accomplish his goal, anyway.
It's just. Futile.
And this entire manga, very much so, feels futile right now.
Which, considering just the sheer amount of potential this manga had, the heights it did reach, is just so... goddamn disappointing.
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wortsandall · 3 months
the lies we tell ourselves au-moon knight and the avengers
marc -> sam
i think marc and sam would get along the best. i dont know if thats news to anyone though. both marc and sam have military experience and a chronic need to help people. i dont know what marc would do with himself if he actually couldn't help people. and we all saw how quickly sam dropped out of retirement to help steve in the winter soldier movie.
i think they are both very loyal which would be good. sam has a calming nature to him while also not taking anybody's bullshit. i think that's perfect for someone like marc who can be quick to anger and lash out. i think maybe they'd start with a type of relationship that is more transactional. with them helping each other. i think marc would instill an IOU policy to feel like he wasn't taking advantage of sam's kindness. and sam understands this without him saying so and goes along with it. but i think the deeply empathetic side of sam would kick in pretty quick.
as seen by how he was working with veterans and how quick he was to invite steve in. i dont think sam could see marc and his struggles and not try his best to help. i dont actually know if sam is licensed or trained in any way with psychology but i think that type of work is perfect for him. i can imagine marc getting sick of him and pushing back but honestly not having many other choices to go to.
i feel like marc would push back at first just because its hard for him to be vulnerable but its so easy to trust sam wilson. he's just a good guy. even better- just a normal guy like marc was who got pulled into superhero bullshit. i think they'd get along great trading military stories. i think a friendship with sam would allow marc to finally relax.
sam would find great pleasure in having someone who's just a guy. a break from the superhero nonsense as i said before. even if marc pushes back against his helping, i think he'd value marc in grounding him back to what its like to be a civilian. someone who he can better relate to as well. i think they'd find comfort in the mundane activities. simple things like cooking in the avengers kitchen.
they are both sarcastic so i think they'd have a lot of banter. the type where you have to ask if they're arguing or not. i think they'd both be respectful of each other's boundaries due to understanding what being in the military was like. i feel like sam is the type to defend a buddy even if they say its fine. i think marc's the same way and that loyalty is another thing that binds them together.
i think they'd stick by each other unless what the other was doing was genuinely wrong. i think it'd be easy for them, just a clicking that results in a casual mutually beneficial friendship. i think it'd be great for marc to learn how to just be, especially in a friendship, with no other strings attached. no contracts or obligations to each other just choosing each other because you like the others company. i think marc would have to start it as something transactional (the IOU's) but sam would get him to drop that shit eventually.
jake -> bucky
jake and bucky i think would circle each other before actually interacting. i can imagine jake going into the kitchen after a sleepless night and finding bucky there too. jake, being a man of few words in my head, would probably say nothing and it becomes an unspoken routine. can't sleep? go to the kitchen and sit. maybe have a cup of coffee or smoke (or both).
maybe they find the other one grounding in the wake of whatever is keeping them up. i think these little moments would add up resulting in more interactions like a nod of acknowledgment in the hall. i can imagine jake watching bucky train and that becoming a new hobby as well. somehow, without speaking a word, they are drawn to each other.
i think watching each other train would evolve into training together. and thats when they actually start speaking to each other. bucky may have a sense of humor, but he doesn't really talk much unless steve is around. most people would find that unsettling, but that works for jake. in this au, i think jake has had rare opportunities to actually speak when fronting. he's used to fronting when there's a physical danger. and you don't need words to be a gatekeeper.
obviously he knows english and spanish but doesn't get a chance to use either. these moments of quiet training would be where he starts to actually be himself. he's used to pretending to be marc if he's ever in the front for anything non-violent. i think one of the things he'd have to grapple with is learning how to be a person and not a weapon.
something that bucky can relate to for obvious reasons. i think a real friendship would form after tentatively sharing stories while they train. of their scars or past fights. these little training sessions being the foundation of them seeing themselves in each other. eventually its not just the late night kitchen talks or training sessions but actively seeking each other out.
jake would seek him out for because bucky is further along in his journey of how to be a person. bucky going to jake for times he needs quiet companionship instead of steve who means well but treats him like hes fragile sometimes. or looks at him like he's seeing bucky from his past and not who he is today.
i think their friendship would be something they both hold on to but wouldn't outwardly show. they are both people who hold their cards close to their chests. but the avengers aren't stupid. they'd notice where they sit in meetings or partners picked for missions.
thats another thing-because of their training sessions they can fight extremely well together. i think they'd both break each others walls down brick by brick. where jake feels comfortable talking more, telling more jokes. i think it'd be an unshakeable bond founded on shared experiences and struggles.
steven -> bruce
this one was a struggle to come up with. but i think it works. both intellectual, even if in different subjects. as a scientist, i think bruce would be interested in the similarities with his own struggles with the hulk and the moon knight systems d.i.d. its not a one to one comparison but i think as moon knight starts interacting with the avengers, bruce would pull steven aside and ask how they get along so well.
i think steven would be surprised, like wouldn't you want to talk to marc? he's used to being looked over as marc is the "real" one. but steven has more in common with bruce and he'd see that. i can see bruce making a comment comparing them. same as how steven is often overlooked for marc, bruce is overlooked for the hulk.
the issue being that steven can't give bruce advice on how to work with the hulk as its not the same. he tries his best but ultimately he can't give anything that can be applied to bruce's situation. but i think he'd find it cathartic to talk to someone who isn't marc or jake for once.
steven's world was so small for so long, i think he'd relish in the opportunity to talk to someone. and not have that person think him annoying or stupid but actually need him for something. i think they'd both go on long tangents on the things they're both interested, getting off track constantly from what they're meant to he discussing.
i feel like steven would find bruce's lab very cool to be in and look at as well as the science behind everything that bruce is doing. i think they just find each other as nice company. they'd both be able to actually be themselves without worry of judgement or ridicule.
i think steven would start looking into d.i.d and coping mechanisms as a way to help bruce communicate with the hulk better. i can imagine them going over studies in the lab and trading information to each other back and forth. they both aren't fighters so i can imagine them spending most of their time on mental pursuits. in the way that they'd be almost teaching other. i think it'd be cool for bruce to help steven design some stuff for the moon knight suit.
i feel like some of the avengers might roll their eyes at them as they talked, but also be happy. it always seemed that bruce was further apart from the avengers, except for tony, so having someone he's closer to would be nice. i don't know much about bruce other than what i've seen in the avengers movies (which i haven't seen in years), but i think of steven and bruce's friendship as the yapper vs the happily listening one. or explainer vs confused but trying their best. and they both switch between which one is which depending on the day.
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