#like journey and meadow i loved those..
hazzzyrider · 8 months
something something being exposed to other trans people when you're nonbinary is magical because you start to see how beautiful and appreciated your masc details are something something validation, appreciation and unconditional love
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missdawnandherdusk · 11 months
All Good Things to Those Who Wait
Draco x Hufflepuff!Reader
There goes the last great American dynasty
Who knows if she never showed up, what could have been
There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen
She had a marvelous time ruinin' everything
Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4
Chapter 5   Chapter 6   Chapter 7   Chapter 8
Chapter 9   Chapter 10   Chapter 11  Chapter 12
The Chapter That Never Happened  Chapter 13
Chapter 14  Chapter 15
Summary: tying up some loose ends :)
A/n: *emerges from the void*
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Everything has an ending. The best stories, and the worst ones. Looking back at my story, there was no better ending I could have asked the stars for. I lost people I loved but I also stood for what I believed in and led an army to victory. No one would forget what had happened in those days. The days of the Great War. 
But what is life without tying up a few loose ends. You’ve come with me this far on this journey, and now as I look back, perhaps there are some things that you’d like to know. Some conversations you’d like to hear. Some people you’d like to meet or see again. So, here are those loose ends, tied together.
I stepped onto the porch of my childhood home. It was in the efforts to try and find my mother, and try to find some peace and meaning after the past years. Draco came with me, at my side. 
“She’s not here,” I sighed, knowing before we even stepped foot in the house that my mother wasn’t waiting for me. “And somehow that hurt’s more,” 
“She’ll come in her own time love,” Draco soothed. Maybe he was right, or maybe I’d always be searching for her in the stars like I looked for my father. 
Draco and I sat on the porch that night, watching the sun set and the fireflies come to life in the meadow that blanketed around us. 
“You cast a patronus,” Draco said as I laid my head on his shoulder, watching the wildflowers dance in the wind. 
“I know,” A smile touched my lips. 
“It was a dragon,”
“Yeah,” I took his hand into mine, thinking back to the first night Draco cast his own patronus with my father’s wand. How things had changed since then. “My mother always told me that one day I’d find my patronus and it would watch over me like my father,” 
He pressed a kiss to the top of my head. 
“I don’t think you need anyones protection,” The humor in his voice gave way to the smile that I couldn’t see. 
“It’s still nice to have someone beside me—to fight alongside me,” 
He was quiet a moment before airing his doubts. “Do you think that maybe…” I knew where he was going with the thought, because it had been chipping at the back of my mind. 
“Because they’re so different we’re not meant to be together?” I mused, finishing his worried thought. 
“Yeah,” He sighed.
“No,” I sat up, facing him. “I think they’re just right for us. I’ve thought about it—more than I should. But in reality… if we think about it, your lion,” 
“Aslan,” Draco’s fingers brushed over my locket. A smile crept to my lips and I nodded. 
“And the first task,” 
“The what?” I had caught him off guard, a beautiful sight to behold. 
“Our fourth year, that first task of the tournament.” Realization struck him. 
“Our patronus’ show the start of us—when we really first started to trust each other.” I took his hand back into mine. “They’re not so different after all,” 
He laughed without fear and kissed me softly, before pulling me closer. “The start of us,” Draco mused, and maybe he could see them like I could: a younger me standing there, skeptically looking at a younger Draco. Before the war, before the long nights, secret kiss, tears, laughter, love and loss. Two kids who took a chance. 
When the sun cleared the horizon and its final rays fading, Draco and I headed inside—to the empty house that still promised to protect me. 
There was a knock on the door. In the week that we had been here, no one had disturbed out haven. No one knew we were here.
Draco looked up from his book. I dislodged myself from the couch and his arms, and went to answer the door, on guard. I stared at the one standing before me, not knowing how to quite process it. 
“Hi, mum,” I whispered. 
Time stilled around us. Everything came rushing to the surface only to be stopped by my unparted lips. One thought escaped. 
“I did it,” my voice was barely audible. 
“I’m so proud of you,” 
Tears stung my eyes. After all was said and done relief flooded through me more than anger did. Perhaps it was the peace that blanketed the Wizarding world that calmed my hurt. 
“Mum,” My voice broke into tears. Amity wrapped around us as—after years—I got a hug from my mother. 
“I’m so sorry, honey,” She whispered, stroking my hair. “I’m so sorry,” 
I nodded into her shoulder, letting all of my bottled-up tears come out. All of the stresses from war and the nightmares that plagued me at night—my mother was still there to hold me tight. It didn’t matter that I was still hurting from wounds she inflicted, to know she was there, willing to hold me tight, and call me hers was enough. 
“Y/n, are you—” Draco came out and paused. I pulled away from my mother and looked at him. He gave me a soft smile and nodded, heading back into the house. 
“Is he upset with me?” My mother asked. I laughed hopelessly. 
“I don’t know,” I said, wiping away my tears. 
“Are you?” She asked. 
“I don’t know,” My voice softened. “There’s so much right now… so much to sort through…” 
“There is.” She didn’t deny it, and maybe it was comforting that someone outside of my peers acknowledged that I had been through a lot, and in turn that had caused a lot of heavy burdens on my heart and soul. 
My gaze drifted back to hers. 
“Do you wanna come in?” I asked. 
She shook her head. “That’s not what you want, nor need,” Reaching our she placed per hand on my arm, soothing me before I could argue. “I’ll be around if you need me, but until then, the house is for you—it always has been. Build a life,” She smiled and looked through the window—probably at where Draco was inevitably spying on us. “You’ve found a good one,” 
A smile touched my lips. 
“Thanks mum,” 
My mother inhaled sharply and nodded. “I’ll be off then,” Turning to go down the porch stairs, she paused. “He would be so proud of you,” 
Tears burned my eyes again, as I wrapped my arms around her, needing her to hold me just once more before I could let her go. Because in her arms was also the love of my father that was taken from me too soon by this war. A war that I saw an end to. And maybe in that moment, the war within me ended too. I wasn’t the daughter of a Death Eater and a member of the Order of the Phoenix. I was the daughter of Walt and Elizabeth. And that was enough
“Goodbye my love,” My mother said softly. “I’ll always be around.” 
“Bye mum,” I smiled as she wiped away my tears. “I love you,” 
“I love you too sweetheart,” 
I waved goodbye, and with a spell, she was gone. I turned to go inside. The door clicked softly behind me. 
“Professor McGonagall?” My brows pulled together. “Not to be rude, but what are you doing here?” 
“This is a summons for you,” She held out a parchment, the usual stern look on her face was replaced with pity. 
I took the parchment and opened it, scanning the delicate print. My heart sank. 
“This is… this—“ I gaped. 
“I’m afraid so,” McGonagall sighed. “There was nothing I could do,” 
“Draco?” I called into the house. He was beside me in a moment. I handed him the parchment. “This is serious?” She nodded again. 
“I’m sorry my dear,” 
“A court summons? They’re putting her in trial!?” Draco demanded. 
“Kingsley is very set on it. And he is the new Minister,” 
“I saved the school! I helped defeat the Dark Lord! I—really!?” Tears pricked my eyes. 
“There’s got to be some mistake,” Draco insisted. “She’s not a Death Eater, she doesn’t even have the mark!” 
“I’m sure that the ministry will see that, but I’m afraid that I cannot do anything about the summons,” 
I scrubbed my face and sighed. “Thank you Professor. Can I invite you in for some tea?” 
“That’s very kind dear, but I’m afraid I must be on my way,” She bowed slightly then disaperated from the porch. 
I stood there a while, lost in my thoughts. Draco gave me a gentle squeeze and kissed the crown of my head before disappearing inside. My feet took me off the wood of the porch and into the softness of the grass. I sank to the ground beside a fence post. The sun began to set. My eyes watched the horizon. Millions of thoughts swirled around my mind with no discernible direction. 
Was there even a case for me to be innocent? Is this what everything I had worked for come to? To be seen as a criminal for holding a crumbling cause together? 
“Where is she?” Abby asked, helping Pansy through the fireplace. 
“Out front, watching the sunset,” Draco sighed, opening the front door. “She’s been out there a while,” 
“Can’t imagine why,” Pansy muttered. “They’re seriously putting her on trial?” 
“Yep,” Draco sighed. “All this time I thought I’d be the one, and yet…” 
“I’ll go talk to her,” Abby kissed Pansy’s cheek. “You guys get to work,” 
“Thank you, both,” Relief flooded Draco’s voice. 
Abby snagged an old afghan off the back of the armchair and went out through the small meadow. She draped the blanket around your shoulders and sat beside you in the grass. You laid your head on her shoulder. She could see the dried tear tracks on your cheeks. 
“How—how could they do this?” Your weak voice held deep betrayal. 
“I don’t know,” Abby answered honestly, taking your hand into hers. “But we’re not going to let them get away with it.” 
“I don’t—I can’t defend myself in court—I,” You dissolved into tears. “Haven’t I done enough?” 
“More than enough,” Abby affirmed. “Don’t worry, we’re gonna work it out—you’ll see,” 
“How?” You asked. 
“Well, you’ve gathered quite a few allies who owe you once or twice,” Abby pointed out. “And others who just love you anyway. Draco and Pansy are working on it now,” 
“We’re gonna build your case,” Abby promised. “And get you acquitted.”  
“They’re…” A sad laugh left your lips. You laid back on the grass. Abby knew you were searching for the first stars in twilight. 
“Don’t worry about a thing,” Abby smiled at you. “Just rest,” 
The days past and my trial date approached like a storm on the horizon—but whether it was just rain or a hurricane, I couldn’t tell. Draco assured me that it would all be okay—he tried to tell me about everything done to build my case, but I wasn’t interested. Grateful, thoroughly, but I knew that if I learned anything about it, I would pick it up myself and try to fix it and my weary heart couldn’t handle that and keep beating like it was supposed to. 
So, I dressed smartly and took Draco’s hand before we took the Floo to the Ministry. I kept my head low, and tears at bay. 
Though Draco, Abby and Pansy accompanied me into the court room, I had to sit alone for the trial. The distance was drowning. I sat in the hard wooden chair, facing malice and prejudices. Kingsley looked almost predatory, as if he could pin the entire war on my shoulders, casting the blame on me. 
I flinched as the charges were read against me. The list of dead was longer than I thought. I didn’t dwell on the days of the Battle of Hogwarts, nor the events that occurred. They haunted me in my dreams, make no mistake, but what was real and what was a nightmare I lost the ability to discern. 
Was that much blood really on my hands? 
My faith in myself began to waver. Maybe I did deserve to be locked up. A few years in Azkaban with dementors sucking my life force might make me forget what I had done. 
Surprise flickered on my face as I saw Remus Lupin stand to my defense as an attorney. It was the first time that I had actually taken note of who was in the room. There had to be at least thirty people all gathered behind Draco and Pansy that I could see—more filed out the door in the back. All faces of those I loved, I had fought beside, I had grown up with. 
The static in my ears tuned in and out of Lupin and Kingsley conversing. It wasn’t until their voices raised to shouting that the static was drowned out. My eyes flickered up from he thread in my hands. 
“She cast unforgivables! She killed! She’s dangerous!”
“Death Eaters who were threatening our lives! The lives of wizard kind everywhere! She stopped a genocide!” Remus shouted back, obviously frustrated. “She showed remarkable strength and courage in a time of great darkness, and you will not diminish that.” 
“They are unforgivables! We have laws for a reason!”
“If I may,” McGonagall stood and the entire room quieted. “That list of names that you read was a long list of Death Eaters who have either escaped from Azkaban, or are known Death Eaters and have killed before. Miss Y/n had very hard decisions to make. The ministry found itself incompetent for lack of a better word. She, along with her friends, engineered an army to face the Dark Lord. Over the years what she went through has turned her into who she is today. She fought along side the other heroes who stand before you. She will be counted among them. You would not punish an Auror for the same thing and you will not punish her.”
“But—” Kingsley was red in the face. 
“If you put her in jail, you put the rest of the rebellion too,” The voice that piped up from the crowd surprised me. It was Harry. He stood and all eyes went to him. “Without her, I never would have been able to defeat Voldemort. Dozens more would be dead. You send her to Azkaban… then you’ll send me too,” A hushed gasp filled the room. A small one escaped my own lips.
“Mr. Potter,” Kingsley tried to regain control of the room. 
“And me,” Abby spoke up. 
“And me,” Neville stood. 
Soon everyone around me was standing on my behalf. Pansy, Luna, Ginny, all of the Weasleys actually, Ernie, Hannah, Emme, Blaise, Draco, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fleur, Tonks, Remus, McGonagall, Moody, Sprout, Flitwick, and others I couldn’t see in the vast room. Kingsley faltered at the large defense behind me. 
“You send her then you send each one of us,” Harry spoke clearly. “I’m your stupid chosen one, even if she did something wrong, don’t I have clearance to pardon her or something?” 
A smile crossed my face. Intense silence stretched on consuming time and space until it was suffocating me. 
“Very well,” Kingsley sank back into his chair. “Y/n you have been cleared of all charges and sentencing. You are free to go,” 
Relief flooded through me as the room erupted in cheers. I met Draco’s eyes and he was smiling with pride. I collapsed back into that wooden chair in tears. There was a swarm of people around me, all making sure that I was alright, but they all parted for Draco to reach me. 
“Love?” He asked softly, kneeling before me. “I’m here,” He pulled me into his arms and we shared the embrace of lovers. As I exhaled, the weight of the world fell to the floor. 
I was free. 
I was acquitted. 
Now, I just had to find my innocence. 
“Draco?” It was a crisp autumn morning. He looked up from the newspaper. “I’ve been thinking,” 
He smiled and set down the paper, giving me his full attention. I almost wished he didn’t. 
“I… I know it’s been a long road here… and since we’ve met it’s kinda been hell.” A sad laugh left my lips. “There’s a whole world out there Draco,” My eyes flickered to the willow growing outside the kitchen window. 
“Yeah?” He prompted softly. 
“Don’t you want to go see it? Be young and reckless and not have to feel like—like you’re running an entire school?” I gestured. 
“I do,” He confessed softly. “We are still young Y/n, we have a long life ahead of us,” 
“…You still want it with me?” I felt as if the oxygen was being vacuumed from my lungs. “We were just kids when we met Draco. We went through a war together—and now it’s over. The war. You don’t have to stay here,” This house was just as haunted as I was.
“What—where is this coming from?” Draco stood, rounding the small breakfast table. “I want to be with you. I want to share my life with you,” He took my hands into his. “So, let’s go travel the world together—learn who we are outside of the war.” 
Hope sparked in my chest. “Really?” 
He laughed softly. “Oh my darling, you are one of my best friends, I’ll go anywhere with you,” His words lured me to melt into his warm embrace. We sat on the kitchen floor. He stroked my hair softly. 
“Just for a while,” I mumbled. “There’s so much we haven’t seen,” 
“I know,” The smile was evident in his voice. “And it’s going to be incredible—and we’re going to learn how to heal along the way,” I nodded into his shoulder. 
“I was thinking about maybe even living muggle for a little bit,” The confession was a weight from my shoulders. “I need space.” 
“Okay,” His soft agreeable caught me off guard. “I think it would be good for both of us actually. And maybe even fun,” 
I laughed softly as tears formed in my eyes. Leaning against him I watched the morning sun move across the wooden floor. 
“I love you,” I whispered softly. “And if you… if I’m not…”
“Hush,” it was a soft reprimand. “I think you’re right. We need time away from it all. To find who we are away from it all,” 
I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. 
“We’ll come back,” I promised. 
“I know we will,” Draco smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “Knowing you, you’ll want to come back and help build a better system,” 
My cheeks flushed red. I hadn’t told anyone about my ideas to make Hogwarts better—to make the Ministry better, hell to even make Azkaban better. It was time for things to change. I smiled to myself. Maybe I was more rebellious than I thought. 
And yet, Draco knew—he knew all the little plans in my head that were hidden just for me. Being known felt like belonging—and I belonged with him. 
Traveling with Draco would always be saved in my memories until I died, and when it started to slip, it would be saved into a pensieve. I wouldn’t forget. 
We bought a muggle car and drove it until it felt right to stop. It wasn’t the famous places where we found ourselves, rather it was the forgotten places where we felt most at home. Where I could stand on a cliff edge and just scream and laugh and no one was around to hear me. Where Draco and I would sit at the edge of a river and send down leaves that held our biggest regrets, our losses, and our fears, learning to let go. Where we would sit in cafes and draw what we saw around us and enjoy pastries and tea. Where we could dance in the middle of a crowded room with other couples who didn’t know us from Adam. 
But that is a story for another time. 
For now, I’m sure you have a burning question that you’ve been waiting for me to answer. 
And yes. 
Draco did take me to go and see Phantom of the Opera in Paris like he promised. 
Oh, and we got married.
But, again, that is a story for another time. 
There is one last person I want you to meet before I close. 
My heart caught in my throat. 
“Draco?” I squeaked out, leaning against the bathroom counter. “Draco!” 
“What? Are you alright? What’s wrong?” He was frantic, looking for danger. 
“I’m… pregnant,” I whispered, looking at him in wonder. “Draco… I’m—“
“Holy harpies,” 
Realization flickered across his face as it rose into an elated expression of joy. A victorious laugh as he scooped me up and twirled me around our lavish bathroom, in our muggle flat in the suburbs of London. His joy was contagious as I giggled in his arms, holding onto him. He set me down, stroking my face softly. Then he pressed a kiss to my forehead. 
Draco must have seen some fear linger in my stare. Some uncertainty that was well justified. 
“The war is over,” Draco reassured drawing me back into his arms. “They’ll be safe. We’ll make sure of it,” 
I nodded, curling my fingers into his sweater, my smile returning. 
“I’m gonna be a mum,” I laughed. 
“And you’re going to be absolutely brilliant.” He pressed a kiss to my lips. “Absolutely brilliant.” 
“And you’re gonna be a great dad,” Tears pricked my eyes. “God, I don’t know the first thing about being a parent,” A nervous giggle left my lips. 
“We’ll learn and figure it out,” He stroked my cheek softly, stealing another kiss. 
A thousand parenting books, a baby shower, and a few doctors appointments later, Draco and I were curled up on the couch in our flat as the fire crackled in the hearth. 
We had yet to settle on a name—to be fair we narrowed it down a lot, but with every new suggestion came a new round of anxiety that it wouldn’t be just right. It left me up at all hours thinking of it; so much so that Draco had to find a pregnancy safe sleeping potion so I could get proper rest. 
“Elizabeth?” Draco mused, after my mother. I pursed my lips. It had been a suggestion that circled around. 
“I’d like it as a middle name,” I decided, the thought had been mulling over in my mind. 
“Okay done,” He smiled, reaching over to stroke my stomach before resuming his massage of my sore feet. 
“Still need a first name.” I pondered, leaning my head against the back of the couch. “Narcissa?”
Draco snorted. “I’m not calling our daughter by my mothers name,” 
My heart fluttered when he said our daughter. 
“Well we need something,” 
“How about Lucy?” That was a new suggestion: one not voiced by either of us. 
“If that’s some way to get me to name her after your father I swear to Merlin—“
Draco burst out laughing shaking his head. 
“Godric, no. Ugh,” he chuckled. “No, love, Lucy as in the first one to find Narnia. Ya know, that book you read to me all those years ago. The current theme of our nursery?” 
“Oh,” my eyes widened at the thought, my heart softening. “Lucy,” I looked down, caressing my stomach when I felt something odd. Frowning I pressed my palm over the area. Draco caught my confusion and grew very concerned. 
“What? Is she alright? What wrong?” 
“Nothing,” I grinned. “She’s kicking—I think she likes her name,” I reached out for his hand and placed it in the same spot where mine resided as I felt her kick again. 
“Hello little Lucy,” Draco whispered softly. “I can’t wait to meet you,” 
Tears pricked my eyes as I watched him talk to her softly. And like every night, Draco got up and made me my tea that had Sleeping Draught in it—which he brewed specifically for me. It reminded me of our school days when he would spend class time brewing me anti-anxiety potions. It warmed my heart that his habit didn’t wane even with the years past.
That night my eyes fluttered open. I woke in the night, barely awake and ready to fall asleep again when I heard a soft voice. At first I thought Draco was trying to speak to me but I quickly realized that he was talking to someone else. 
“You’re going to be one of the greatest wizards to ever walk the earth,” he murmured softly. “You’ll be kind and smart like your mother. You’re going to love her so much. We already love you so much.” 
I let my eyes drift closed as a smile touched my lips. I resisted the urge to reach out and take Draco’s hand, in fear that he might become bashful about the situation. 
A small bundle of warmth rested on my chest, peacefully sleeping. My hand rose and cradled the small thing, tears pricking my eyes. My other hand was still clinging to Draco’s. 
 Lucy Elizabeth Malfoy. 
There were tears in Draco’s eyes as he reached out and with the softest touch caressed her tiny head. 
“She’s beautiful,” he murmured. “You did so well,” 
Exhausted, I let my eyes close, knowing that all was right with the world. Lucy would grow up in a world free from the threat of Voldemort and Draco would be by my side to protect her. We had already bled and fought and now we would make this new world we fought for, right for her. 
A new legacy. 
A new hope. 
more like this:
two by two
Beautifully Beastly
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scotianostra · 5 months
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Happy Birthday Sam Roland Heughan, born 30th April 1980 in Balmaclellan, Dumfries and Galloway.
Sam got his name from the Lord of the Rings character Samwise Gamgee. his parents were big fans of the Tolkien books. He attended Kells Primary School in New Galloway before the family moved to Edinburgh when he was 12, he went to James Gillespie’s on the edge of the meadows before finishing his school education at the prestigious Rudolph Steiner School.
After leaving School at 18 Sam worked and travelled before returning to Scotland and enrolling in the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, graduating in 2003.
Sam built a solid career in theatre in both Scotland and England starring in productions of Plague Over England, Macbeth, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Amphibians, and King John. He has also been featured in notable indie films, Emulsion, and Heart Of Lightness but of course it is one particular role that has catapulted him into worldwide stardom, that of Jamie Fraser in Outlander.
For those who don’t know Outlander it follows the story of Claire Randall, a married combat nurse from 1945 who finds herself hurled back in time to the 1740’s in and around the time when The Jacobites and Bonnie Prince Charlie made the final ill fated attempt to put the Stuarts back on the throne. Sam plays Claire’s “love interest” she is forced to marry. Further series are set in the US in the 1770’s, their remains a strong Scottish presence in the cast, and the show is filmed in studios in Cumbernauld. Sam has won a number of awards for the series.
In the movie To Olivia he played Hollywood star Paul Newman and in the adaptation of the Andy McNab book, SAS: Red Notice, he played SAS soldier Tom Buckingham. Oor birthdat boy also teamed up with fellow Outlander star Graham McTavish Men in Kilts: A Roadtrip with Sam and Graham. The series follows the pair as they explore their homeland delving into the culture and history of Scotland, in a light-hearted way. The second series of the show aired last year, the reviews were mainly positive. The duo are already looking at a third journey, this time to North America but that will likely involve indulging Heughan's thrill-seeking side - much to his friend's dismay
Sam also appeared in the psychological series The Couple Next Door last year, I am yet to catch this, it has average reviews on IMDB of 5.6 out of ten. Born to be Great the story of Alexander The Great's early life has been completed but is yet to recieve a release date.
According to reports Sam celebrated his birthday in Edinburgh at the weekend while also running his My Peak Challenge which included workouts, outdoor activities and a gala night with dinner and dancing. He posted on Instagram describing the event as a 'unique blend of wellness, camaraderie, celebration and more'. The peakers, as they are known has raised millions for charities including Marie Curie.
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calisources · 8 months
𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐘 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 : here are a list of 55 female names, 55 male names and 55 a song of ice and fire valyrian names and last names. You can do variations to the names and eveything because, you know fantasy, but I chose those that I thought sounded good. If this list is good, I found a generator for more fantasy names centered in ASOIAF for different kingdoms and lands. you don't have to give credit but please like or reblog if you find useful.
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Male Names.
Kallias, meaning beauty.
Dimitri, earth lover.
Teivel, the devil.
Kaiser, Emperor or ruler.
Harvey, Strong warrior.
Lysander, liberator. 
Erel, angel and messenger.
Asael, made by god.
Laurent, the bright one.
Perseus, avenger, destroyer.
Chrysander, golden protector.
Zale, strength of the sea.
Cahir, warrior, battle man.
Magnus, great and powerful.
Nikolai, people of victory.
Kian, king.
Damien, to tame.
Micah, who resembles God.
Kaemon, joyful.
Arsenio, strong, potent.
Lucius, light or genius.
Loan, light.
Calix, very handsome.
Rowan, brilliant red.
Egan, little fire.
Adonis, lord.
Declan, full of goodness.
Arzhel, bear prince.
Thaddeus, courageous heart.
Alastor, vengeance.
Carden, wool carder.
Leone, lion.
Osian, little dear.
Ezekiel, strength of god.
Zion, highest point.
Asher, blessed.
Kratos, strength, might.
Zadkiel, righteousness of god.
Arwan, king of the other world.
Malakai, messenger.
Acheron, river of sorrow.
Elijah, the lord is my god.
Jace, lord of salvation.
Killian, little warrior.
Cyrus, the sun.
Deimos, personification of fear.
Bryson, child of a noble.
Conan, little wolf or little hound.
Maverick, independent one.
Lennone, keen.
Anteros, god of required love and defender of unrequired.
Denarius, silver coin.
Lorcan, little fierce one.
Ariston, excellent.
Vortigern, high overlord.
Female Names.
Naima, tranquil.
Freya, noble woman.
Alora, beautiful dream.
Danyi, sweet.
Juniper, evergreen.
Arcadia, adventurous.
Cora, virtuous.
Rosela, rose in italian.
Rhea, river.
Kyra, sun.
Solasta, shining, light.
Evangeline, messenger of good news.
Narcissa, flower.
Nyssa, new beginning.
Nyx, night.
Elodie, great fortune.
Gemena, intelligent.
Elis, god’s promise.
Irene, peace.
Samira, wind.
Melantha, dark flower.
Odeliah, praise god.
Aleyah, noble, elevated.
Sariah, princess of the lord.
Ilaria, happy and cheerful.
Odessa, long journey.
Jezebel, pure.
Brielle, heroine of god.
Emersyn, brave, powerful.
Marilla, shining sea.
Braelyn, meadow.
Enora, honor.
Sereia, mermaid.
Seraphina, fiery ones.
Kaena, praise.
Zenaida, of zeus, eternal life.
Isadora, gift of Isis.
Faera, bringer of gifts.
Fayra, gift of god.
Lilibet, pledge to god.
Orlaith, golden princess, sovereign.
Thalassa, sea or ocean.
Visha, deadly poison.
Sora, sky.
Leysa, defender of man.
Cassiel, angel of saturday.
Calia, beautiful person.
Aloisia, famous warrior.
Isleen, vision.
Elowen, elm tree.
Davina, beloved.
Elysia, from the blessed isles.
Gwenna, blessed ring.
Mairween, blessed rebellion.
Esmeray, dark moon.
ASOIAF Valyrian names.
Daenar Tarreos
Baesenyx Barreos
Jaererys Laeraellis
Tyraerion Laenaenor
Jacaegar Laeneneos
Gaedar Aglaeris
Raenor Gonnalys
Rhaegon Maentigar
Vimar Arnalys
Vahaegaron Nargyreon
Laegor Naeltigar
Aeron Taeltheon
Maerya Barnaris
Alyhna Caeneneos
Vysenera Naeltaris
Daessa Baelnaris
Baessa Rahmaereon
Haelera Veltheos
Saerena Arinarys
Alaenna Lenyreos
Elaessa Narnareon
Jaelanya Galgyreon
Vhaenys Dortalor
Saerera Raeldaerys
Visegon Goniar
Jaedor Gaelennis
Malaelor Maentheos
Rahaelon Baeltigar
Maerion Laergaris
Visegon Qargaeron
Vahaeron Arreos
Gaelyx Arlaeris
Garaevon Calnalys
Naelara Dalreos
Eraerla Raenlaeris
Daenenera Maenanyon
Haerys Narnalys
Hera Aergaris
Vysessa Qarareon
Elaerya Aerlaeris
Maeharys Malreos
Tahaenyx Rahiar
Aeganar Gaelralis
Balaevar Lendaerys
Daegar Valanyon
Gaegar Nohaellis
Matagor Vellaeris
Rahaemon Laendaerys
Daelon Aeraeris
Aerena Mallaeron
Daenelys Callaeris
Renaera Raelennis
Daenelys Dortheos
Raevor Daerlaeron
Bamera Caenennis
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fluffle-writes · 2 months
Are the physical changes Yuu experience from the latent magical energy their body absorbs permanent or temporary?
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I feel like the changes wouldn't be completely undone once Yuu has been affected, but there's two different routes I can see them going down if they either decide to stay in the Weirdcore world, or if they return to their own world.
Weirdcore AU Masterlist Here!
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I feel more drawn to the possibility of having the changes be permanent. Since they're changed so intrinsically and significantly by their time in the Weirdcore world, there's a sense of "if Crowley finds a way home will I even be able to go back?" Since Yuu will be an outlier there.
Their journey will have changed them in ways that cannot be undone and they would fear the reactions from those they love back home - will they be recognised as a person? Will they be treated like a monster? Will they, themselves, be more like their new companions - too clumsy and dangerous with beings as weak as humans to be safe to be around.
These anxieties could prevent Yuu from having the confidence to pass through the veil to return. They would much rather carve out a home for themselves in this place, rather than risk the pain of being rejected by or accidentally harming their loved ones. Or maybe they even enjoy being in this place, being stronger and surrounded by their friends with many things they have yet to learn about this strange, yet oddly wonderful world.
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Alternatively, there could be ways for them to become themself again. Maybe passing through the barrier would cast memories of their adventures in another world to the back of their mind - the cost of undoing the changes to their body. Perhaps they can't be completely undone though.
Yuu may have oddly sharp teeth, or their eyes may glow slightly in photos - more reflective than they should be. Maybe they pause to listen to a garden and notice people approaching from behind as if they could see out the back of their head. The influence of the other world and their time there will remain, but not quite as strongly as it could have.
Maybe they could dream of things that are odd, and difficult to explain. They would dream of sitting in a nest of carefully woven wires with the buzzing of static beside them as the beeping and sound effects of a video game ring out in the darkness. They'll dream of being sat at a party, a sweet scent in the air as all the flowers in the garden look at them. They'll dream of a meadow at night - lit up by a gentle green glow as a hand warms their own. Sometimes these dreams feel more like memories...
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 2 months
Rayllum Month 2024! (10/13)
i try to rationalize, “people are people,” but it’s like you’re made of angel dust
July 19th - Magic
This was another earlyyyy work for Rayllum Month! Gotta be one of my faves, regarding both the result and how much I loved writing it, (mostly/ish) slice-of-life Rayllum with just a dash of life-or-death kisses. As we do in the TDP fandom.
Rayla hated water, and she had good reasons, given that every experience with it had nearly resulted in her kicking the bucket. Of course, some of those fears were eased a little now that Callum was an Ocean mage, that he wouldn’t let anything happen to her–and he’d proven it, time and time again–but that kind of trauma never truly went away.
Rain was part of that. Rain had been Callum going to get himself and Zym electrocuted, rain had been the snake’s rattle crushing in Callum's fingers, rain had been dooming her troupe, rain had been that night in the tavern with a big Drakerider, rain had been receiving the news her parents were deserters.
She wrapped her arms around herself, wishing she could control the weather and envious of Storm Dragons. She and Callum had been trekking through the woods for the better part of the day under cover of densely packed treetops, mostly shielded from the downpour. Now, though, the quickest way through this stretch of Xadia was straight through, instead of detouring through the forest and adding at least another day to the journey. Time they didn’t have, something she couldn’t ask Callum to do.
So Rayla rubbed her eyes and drew her hood up over her head, looking out at the open meadow with a wrinkled nose.
Callum set a hand on her shoulder, gazing at her worriedly with care coming from an endless well. “We can go around.”
She sighed. “No, we don’t have time to waste. I’ll be fine.”
He frowned a little, hooking his staff to his back and tracing a quick rune in the air. “Pluviam Praesidium.”
Rayla looked up to find a dome over their heads, shielding them from the whipping winds and likely the rain once they stepped out from under the cover of the trees.
She glanced up at him, at his bright, gorgeous emerald eyes reflecting the rain as he squinted out at the meadow, then back to her. The second they made eye contact, a soft smile stretched across his face, and he hooked their arms together. “Here we are.”
She swallowed. His arm would get tired, he’d get spent from the magic usage when he really should be saving as much energy as possible, but… she’d always been selfish. He’d always been selfless. He wanted to give, and she couldn’t seem to stop taking.
She looked down. “Thanks.”
He nodded, touching his forehead to hers. Almost as if he could read her mind, he assured her, “Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. Sky mages draw power from storms, right? Pretty sure rain counts.”
Especially because he was an Ocean mage now, too, Rayla reasoned, and let herself accept it. Let herself accept something sweet from him. Let herself close her hand over his upper arm and definitely not blush at the lean muscle under her fingertips. “I think it does.”
And for the first time in two years, Rayla wasn’t cold, wet, and miserable after stepping out into the elements. And she wasn’t alone, either.
Read more on AO3!
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wutheringcaterpillar · 8 months
Domesticity Series: Part 2 The Move
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Description: Finding a cottage away far away from town, this story delves into the process of moving and falling for someone unexpectedly fast.
Warnings: This Chapter is from William’s pov, fluff,
The tides were turning in this dreadful town. Winter changed gracefully, the leaves budding slowly on the trees, flowers blooming around every corner.
There she was, immaculate and indescribably beautiful. The wind brushed soundly through the dampened stems of grass, the flowers bending ever so gently as I lay watching her gracefully dancing and making funny faces while she held onto the polaroid camera, attempting to take photos of us together in the meadow.
The war had been over for a year now and after my divorce I stumbled upon a cottage house with a price we couldn’t pass up.
The backyard even had an orchard, filled with orange trees, apple trees, berried bushes scattered along the dirt path while various birdbaths and wheelbarrows were standing near and far. 
When we had gone to retrieve our belongings to move, we stopped at the local nursery, purchasing two flowers. One for her, and for myself, planting them side by side near the front of what would be our garden.
We began painting the house with one another before we moved in our belongings. The living room a golden shade of yellow, white curtains draping the window that peered out into the woods of our backyard. To my surprise, she was quite the animal whisperer, creating small talk with the deer from a distance, teaching me how to obtain the friendship of squirrels by offering them peanuts right from the cusp of my hands. I had never seen anything quite like it.
“Haven’t you ever painted before?” She giggled innocently, brushing her wet paintbrush over the tip of my nose. Her nose snickered as she laughed gleefully, noticing that I had been using the color that was intended for our bedroom upstairs.
“Can’t say I have, y’know I could learn many things from you Y/N. Far more than anyone would believe.” She waved me off playfully, her cheeks turning a rosy shade of red, blushing from my compliment before setting down her paintbrush and tugging on my arm, lifting me away from the discolored white baseboards.
“Come. Surely, the first coat needs to dry and those boxes won’t move themselves.” I followed her out to the car, my eyes scanning every movement she made. I had never felt so at ease, so comfortable with a woman and I found myself falling for her every passing second of every passing day. She was truly an angel, and never pretended to be someone she wasn’t. That was one of the things I loved most about her.
With neither of us owning much, it didn’t take long to bring all the boxes inside. She wouldn’t allow me to carry anything for her, she’d insist that I wouldn’t be doing everything alone and I hadn’t believed her until now. It was an unexplainable feeling really. My heart finally feeling as if the voids had been filled by this unexplainably magnetizing woman.
We had finished moving in the evening. The kitchen hadn’t been fully stocked of course, but we’d build as we carried on with our life together. She’d constantly stress and apologize that she didn’t own more than what she had, and I’d have to stop her from talking such non sense. Reassuring her that this journey was just beginning, that we’d be quite alright as long as we had each other.
She’d crack jokes with me, taught me how to play chinese checkers on the hardwood floor while we’d wait for the walls to dry in the living room. Exchange and discuss our favorite works of literature and journalism until she was dozing off into my arms on the couch that we had placed in the center of the room away from the walls so the piece of furniture wouldn’t get wet.
I stared down, really taking in her natural beauty as she slept peacefully, lightly snoring here and there. I knew if I ever told her she was snoring she’d be embarrassed and in disbelief, so I never told her. Tracing her arm gently, I smiled softly to myself, finally feeling a sense of happiness.
There wasn’t a worry or doubt in my mind that I would propose to this woman. I would provide for her to any extent that I could and ensure happiness in her life. She deserved it more than anyone I had ever met. Always so giving and caring, never in a upset mood.
She hadn’t known it yet but when she was at a dentist appointment last week, I had gone ring shopping. I couldn’t explain to you the feeling of being a stranger in a new town. It was quite a relief to understand that no one would be able to spoil the surprise.
Maybe I was moving a bit fast but who’s to put a time on love? You can’t, not when in your heart, you know it’s right.
It comes when you least expect it, and I had never expected to fall for a woman so hard again after Vera, but she was the past and Y/N was my present and future and I haven’t regretted any of this. Nor would I ever.
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marthawrites · 2 years
The Arbor and the Dragon: Chapter 3, Experience
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Aemond Targaryen x Redwyne fem reader
word count: 4.8k+
about: As promised, Aemond takes you for another ride on Vhagar. This time he shows you a hidden place that he's always loved. New experiences unfold.
includes: gift receiving, some angst, explicit sexual content (mutual masturbation, fingering, mentions of solo masturbation), purity culture, Aemond is possessive, slight religious guilt
note: Hello lovely reader! While this is chapter 3, it CAN be read as a stand alone angst/comfort/smut fic! I'm gross and had this smut planned out almost as soon as I got the original idea for this series. To avoid the use of "Y/N" reader's name is Emeline, implied to have brown eyes (omg eyes, not hair, had to edit this in ugh), and freckles. However, NONE of this is mentioned in this chapter. As always, the rest of her appearance is up to the reader. Thanks for being patient and I hope you enjoy it! ♥
read chapter one here
read chapter two here
Above and below, the sky and sea glimmered the same color. Golden morning sunlight whispered out from gray clouds, and blue sky peeked out from between both. Wind whipped your once neat braid as you flew atop the oldest dragon while the dragon prince held you from behind. Aemond didn't mind the tickle of your hair across his face during the journey, for it gave him plenty of room to nuzzle the point of his nose along the sensitive skin of your neck. Goosebumps, entirely unrelated to the chilled air, rose atop your skin and he relished the sight.
"Are we almost there? I can't wait to see this place!" You gripped a little tighter to where you held the saddle, turning your head just enough to catch a glimpse of your betrothed from the corner of your eye.
"Patience, sweetling," he said softly by your ear, taking advantage of the swell in his chest to bravely nip over the smooth skin of your neck. You squeaked, and he felt more than heard that little noise in your throat. Smiling, he kissed the same spot. "It will be worth the wait."
As promised the previous night, Aemond took you for another ride on Vhagar. When you asked how long you two had, he refused to answer and instead replied with a, "hmm... as long as we like." Surely he was teasing! No way could you two have all the hours of the day together?
King's Landing shrunk behind you. Flying above the ocean was a dream. Vhagar's massive wings glided and sliced smoothly through the air; easy and effortless. If it weren't for the solid pressure of Aemond's chest against your back you could have fallen asleep. But, no, the young prince sent your entire aura sparking with desire, need, and want, and sleep was the last thing on your mind. You two had shared many kisses and you hoped this morning would be filled with more of those. Secret, private, finally completely alone to kiss his lips swollen and red.
Blinking out of your lustful daydream, you watched the way Aemond's hands pulled on Vhagar's reins to lead her into a different direction. Her leaning turn sent your thighs flexing around the saddle to keep your balance. "Soon, my Lady. We are almost there. This has always been one of my favorite places to go when I truly need time alone. No one will disturb us here."
You smiled, eyes scanning over the picturesque cliffs you were flying toward.
Vhagar circled once before landing upon a large, wide open space on the cliff's side. Aemond wasn't lying. There was zero chance anyone else would make an appearance. "Here? Gods! This is beautiful! It's like a place straight out of a storybook," you beamed, looking over the area. In the face of the cliff side was a huge flat ledge large enough for the she-dragon to comfortably rest. It was almost like a small meadow. Trees and bushes of various heights littered the area, and even patches of vibrant grass grew among the rocks. The most stunning part? A waterfall streamed down from the top of the cliffs into a pool, and snaked down the ledge into the ocean beneath.
"Since having Vhagar, I've spent many days here," Aemond proclaimed with a wistful smile, lowering from the saddle to help you off too. "This is only the first part of my surprise. Come, princess, let me show you down," he said offering his hand.
You happily took it and slid from the saddle, following as he led you down the rope ladder. Try as you might, your head couldn't help but swivel as you took in the surroundings. Everything about it reminded you of Aemond. His dragon resting was merely (the colossal) cherry on top. "There's nothing like this back home. Islands and cliffs, sure, but none like this," you said, in awe.
"We'll travel back to the Arbor one day. I'd love to see your home and any places you found respite growing up." Up here, away from King's Landing and the simmering tension only war could bring, Aemond's shoulders melted. His features were softer than you'd ever seen them.
For awhile, the only sound was the subtle shift of rocks and debris under your steps as you explored. How a place like this could exist among the cliffs was beyond you, and you became enchanted by the magic of it all. "I'm not sure how this could be topped... but if you wish to surprise me further, please be my guest," you said over your shoulder to him, carefully feeling over the feathery new growth of an unfamiliar sapling.
"It finished just this morning. I intended to keep it until our wedding – to give it to you as a proper wedding gift, but after yesterday I can't wait." Facing each other now, it was his turn to offer a wrapped box to you. He watched as you took it, keen on your reaction as you unveiled the present.
Carefully, you lifted the top and gasped. Inside, on a bed of velvet, was a dagger sheathed in its scabbard of black leather embroidered with golden grape vines. The hilt shone with iridescent mother of pearl, and its pommel was topped with a brilliantly cut sapphire. "Aemond! You didn't!" You exclaimed, looking up at him with dazzled admiration.
He grinned, satisfied at your reaction. "I had it commissioned shortly after your arrival. I want my lady protected when I'm not around. And, keep this secret between us, darling," he paused and leaned close, brushing his lips against your jaw as his hand trailed down the back of your arm. "I'd have paid twice the amount of that dagger to see you drive it into that swine of a peasant yesterday."
You shuddered with his closeness, his words sent fire licking up every single vertebrae of your spine. You thought about the splash of blood across his fist and the reaction it elicited from you – were someone else's blood to be on you, would he have a similar reaction? "Your secret is safe with me," you whispered in reply, blushing.
"Do you know how to use one?" He asked, leaning back to peer down at you with interest.
You gave a half shrug. "I can carve fish and chickens easy enough. So... I don't imagine it's much different?" One of your brows arched, squinting playfully.
"Hmm," he hummed, interest turning mischievous. "I'll see to it you have proper lessons soon. I could even teach you some basics here and now."
For a moment you considered the offer – a very, very small fraction of a moment, that is. "Now? No, I don't think so, my prince. Right now, I want to sit on your lap and thank you properly for that beautiful dagger."
Something changed in the softness of his face. The sharp angles of his features steeled. The small dot of his pupil in the sun widened. Even his shoulders flexed. He took the gift from you and placed it back in one of his coat's deep pockets, throat bobbing as he swallowed. "Do not play with me, princess."
"I'm not playing. I mean it," you breathed in answer, using the flats of your palms to push him in direction of a nearby fallen log; it lay upon a swath of dirt surrounded by soft grass. Your fingers squeezed into his tunic and you urged him to sit down.
He followed your gestures in a state of wonder, half struck with confusion as you seemed to gain more confidence by the second. He gripped your waist, easily pulling you down in the plush grass with him. "You're a needy thing, hm?" He asked as you straddled over his lap. He returned your bright wide smile with a clench of his teeth that sent his jaw feathering.
"We are finally alone and I want to kiss you silly. Is it wrong for a lady to desire the man she is to marry?" You asked, the pink of excitement warming your cheeks.
"It's not," he answered, large hand holding the side of your neck as his fingers curled around your skull, thumb along the curve of your chin. "You're lovely like this. Daring, eager, nervous...," he said lowly, the corner of his mouth twitching up as he tilted his head to press the first of many kisses to your plush lips.
A small moan broke from your throat. You dreamt of this, and more, almost since arriving. The kiss was hurried and slow alike. Soft, and hard. Needful, and reserved. Your tongues explored each other's lips and mouths, hands tentatively beginning to wander and touch.
He was first to break it, both breathing heavily. You looked at each other with half lidded eyes; the glaze of lust a shared mirror.
After a moment you broke the silence. "Aemond...," you said his name in a half question, fingers trembling on the lapels of his coat. Slowly, you moved them up his face, your attention shifting to the long, angry colored scar marring half of his hopelessly handsome visage. You ghosted your fingertips over the exposed scar. "Does it hurt?"
He watched you intently. Frozen in place. "Sometimes," he answered, barely blinking.
You touched along the strap of his eyepatch at his temple and made no move to do anything but graze over it. "Do you always wear it?"
By that point he may have stopped breathing all together, for you could visibly see and feel him use every ounce of willpower to not pull your hand away. "Yes."
"I want to see you without it. We are to marry in a week. I want to see all of you." A plead you hadn't intended warbled your voice.
"I fear you will change your mind. I'm not handsome, my Lady. I'm naught more than a cripple. The way you look at me and treat me? You won't once you see how ugly I am. I can't live with that." A piece of his heart audibly broke as he spoke, eye shining with shielded emotion.
Emotion welled in your own eyes and threatened to spill over. "You're lovely, Aemond. My mind won't change. I'm desperate to see all of you. Please?"
For perhaps the first time, you witnessed the young prince fight a silent inward war. Winning, losing, you hadn't a clue what his tactics were. Nor his chances of victory or defeat – much less what your chances of either were. Your lids fluttered in a series of blinks, lashes clumping together with moisture. A sigh escaped his lungs, and his breath cooled the hot tears rolling down your cheeks.
He kissed each cheek, lips wet with the salt of your tears. "Promise you won't change your mind," his voice cracked ever so slightly. Though it might as well have been a chasm for the way it cleaved you.
You nodded. "I promise," you said sincerely, holding his face between your hands.
Wordlessly he agreed, and his body tensed as your fingers delicately pulled the strap of his patch away to reveal what it hid. The scar was deeper and angrier than you imagined; jagged and red amidst the otherwise ethereal paleness of his complexion. Where his eye should be, sitting in place of his healed empty eye socket, was a sapphire on permanent display with its lidlessness.
You must have made a subconscious noise because Aemond turned his head and nearly threw you off him. "Aemond! What? No!" You said in a voice more shrill than you intended. You gripped his tunic at the center of his chest, thighs tightening around his lap, refusing to be tossed aside so easily. His heart drummed frantically beneath your hands.
"You promised you wouldn't look at me differently," he half hissed, voice low and dangerous, noses almost touching with his intensity. "And you just did. Still are."
You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out.
Next thing you knew Aemond's hand gripped your throat, holding with enough pressure to let you know you were at his mercy. "Do I scare you, princess?" He asked, head tilting.
"No," you lied. He was scaring you. Yet, you'd never felt so alive. "Aemond. I don't care what anyone else has said to you about your eye. I stand by what I said earlier. To me you are lovely. Even missing one eye you are the most handsome man I've ever seen." Your airy voice shook, and your thighs tensed around his lap in a different fashion.
Without saying anything in return, the young prince crashed his mouth to yours with an intensity that burned through your clothes and senses. You moaned into his mouth. Raking your fingers through his hair, you gasped as his free hand dug into the soft flesh of your hip. His body hardened beneath you, fiery passion blazing through both of you as he urged your core to press down on him firmer. You whimpered helplessly when his hand left your throat to grip onto the other side of your hip.
"Have you ever been touched?" He asked, stilling your movements over him.
You shook your head, honest this time, and couldn't stop the rush of blood to your face. "No. I've only kissed others."
"How many others?"
"A few boys and girls," you answered and a new wave of shyness threatened to override your boldness.
That got a reaction out of him. "Girls too? Mmm, my princess, you are full of surprises aren't you?" He leaned forward and trailed his mouth along the line of your jaw, down the plane of your neck, stopping only once he reached the top of your shoulder, smirking. "And you've never touched yourself for pleasure?"
Pressure built behind your ears, making your head woozy with the combination of his affections and question. You knew you should answer him truthfully, but for a moment you considered lying again. Alas, honesty won. "I have," you said in a small voice, shyness wholly taking you over now.
A chuckle sounded from Aemond as he began to coax your hips into grinding down on him once more. "I can't blame you. A wet cunt is sooo much fun to play with, isn't it?"
Despite your unrelenting blush, you found the courage to ask, "you've touched others?"
"Mhm. A few."
Like a stone thrown into water, a nasty pang of jealousy rippled out from your stomach through your whole body. "Have you ever laid with any?"
He shook his head and a part of you felt instant relief. "No. I won't father bastards."
"Then it's a good thing we won't have to worry about that in a week, yes?" Your voice like sugar sweetened fruit dripped through him as if it were honey and it took all he had to not claim you right then and there. His arousal strained beneath you, the clothed length of him warm and solid in a way that made your head fuzzy with anticipation.
A throaty groan broke free from him at your words. "My sweet untouched betrothed... my whole lap is hot from your little cunt. You are driving me wild," he kissed you, rolling his hips up against you until you couldn't bite back your whimpers any longer. "I want to watch you touch yourself to peak."
Did he really just say that? You actually thought you might have heard him wrong, because surely...? "My prince?" You asked, shock evident upon your features. You could have died.
"I want to watch, and listen, as you fuck yourself until those pretty eyes roll back in your head," he explained, voice controlled and soft: the sin of lust given flesh. "If it will help, I'll touch myself along with you too. For... motivation," he actually purred with his last word, temptation branding your brain with scalding desire.
You considered his offer. Giddiness at the risk and thrill of it made your mouth form words before you properly thought them through. "Okay. I've never done it before, but... for you I will."
He could have exploded in his trousers right then. For him you would do something so depraved? So lecherous? "Sȳz hāedar. good girl. Now, go sit over there and I will sit over here. If we are too close, I won't be able to stop myself from defiling our proposal by taking your body as mine. God's be damned."
Your head swam as you followed his order, sitting at one end of the fallen log as he sat at the other. You were thankful for the grass as you leaned back on one elbow for support, tentatively lifting a knee to give yourself better access to where you ached with need. Even if you wanted, words failed to form in your head or on your tongue, eyes wide as you held contact with Aemond; lilac and sapphire utterly bewitching you. His posture mirrored yours.
As if on their own accord, your hands dragged the hems of your dress higher and higher, stopping only when it was bunched between your bent up thigh and belly. Shyly and lustfully alike, you tugged your small clothes down the length of your legs until they were forgotten around an ankle.
Aemond's nostrils flared, pupil blown wide, as he locked to that barely exposed space between your thighs. "Open your legs."
With shaking breath, you did. Your center glistened with slick. The mere motion sent a gasp trembling from your lips and you thought you might actually pass out.
Long fingers pulled at the laces of his trousers and he lazily opened the front, not yet pulling himself free. The sight was entirely casual and much too sensual – the ivory skin of his pelvis above his restrained cock on display. "Hold yourself open. I want to see all of you."
You did. You were pink and swollen, practically dripping, and the exposed underside of your thigh tensed with restrained fervor. The low sound Aemond made didn't quite reach your ears, but the way his features hardened and flared, you saw his approval. His eye shone dark as the deepest shadow in his sapphire.
With a muffling bite over your bottom lip, the pads of your fingers traced up your slit, then slowly down, and up again, the bud of your clit a single touch away from throbbing. You tipped your head to your shoulder and closed your eyes, allowing yourself to savor the pleasure in spite of the gnawing bashfulness that swelled in your chest. As you circled your clit your hips rolled into your own touch. You gasped softly and whimpered softer still. Your body was so eager. Wanton.
Aemond struggled to pay attention to your features and hand alike, his own head hazy with unfiltered lust. "Gevie. beautiful. Look at you. Gasping for your own touch already." He idly stroked over himself through his trousers, knowing once he gave into himself he wouldn't last long – not with you presenting yourself like this.
"I want to see you too, my prince," you said between a wavering breath, a lovely coil of pleasure beginning to build in your core. You continued to circle and flick that delightfully engorged and sensitive bud, back arching.
"Push a finger inside yourself first. And a second," he replied, voice rasping, the muscles in his low abdomen flexing.
A deep blush crept down your chest and warmed the tips of your ears alike. Yet, you needn't be told twice. Angling your wrist, you immediately pushed your middle and ring finger into your sopping, spongy walls. Your toes curled inside your shoes. Your mouth hung open with lewd moans, and you fought to look at him as your digits twirled.
The wet sounds of your cunt sent a blast of fire along each and every part of Aemond. No longer could he deny himself. He spat into his hand and began fisting his cock. It was nowhere near how your body would feel, no matter how firmly he squeezed, but that didn't stop him from trying. He pumped along his length needily, languidly, thumb swiping over his exposed head in rhythm. "A third."
Through your building bliss you watched him. You'd felt him a couple times before, and even that couldn't prepare you for truly seeing him. He had a beautiful cock. Not that you'd ever seen one like this before. Yet somewhere deep and primal in your brain knew: Aemond was impressive. Between his length and girth even the blushed color of him was alluring. You wondered what it'd feel like inside your own smaller palm, how your smaller fingers would look wrapped around him. How he'd feel squeezed inside you, splitting you in half.
"Won't fit...," you whispered across to him, forcing your eyes to focus on his – his eye, not his sapphire – though you found yourself switching between both.
He exhaled slowly through his nose, jaw relaxing with a silent gasp. "It will. You've the wettest cunt I've heard."
Surely you were in a purgatory of the Seven Heavens and Seven Hells alike. This didn't even feel real. "Aemond...," you whined in dubious protest. Relaxing your core sent your legs opening wider, and your pelvis rolled to give yourself a new angle. You made a tight triangle with the addition of your index finger. Carefully, you pushed into yourself. Immediately the sensation sent your eyes rolling closed, jaw slack, and your hips arched up into your touch. You couldn't help the sounds of pleasure that came from you. Divine; the closest you'd ever become to a goddess.
Aemond groaned. "Fuck... stretched all around your pretty little fingers." He struggled to keep his eye open as his pace increased, his movements deliberate, chasing his high the vision of you granted him. His tip shone with a slow ooze of his seed, thumb quick to swipe over it with agonizing need.
Something in your belly snapped and all the tension of the day, and all the days since arriving at King's Landing, released in an instant. Unrestrained pleasured sounds ripped from your throat and your body quivered in the aftershocks of your bliss. A thin sheen of sweat glowed along your skin. You were a panting mess. Part of you couldn't believe this was truly happening.
Focusing your gaze, it opened to see Aemond's sheened face furrowed in pleasure. The prince's mouth slackened and the softest, most delicious series of moans you'd ever heard escaped him. You wanted to hear that again, and again, and again. Orgasm burst through him with enough pressure to send the first spurt of his seed landing on his clothed abdomen. The final wave of his spend dribbled onto his hand and he made no move to wipe it away.
In two easy motions he stood and tucked himself back into his trousers, not yet bothering to lace them. He quickly closed the distance between you two and pulled you up to your feet. "The seed of a dragon isn't to be wasted. Open," he said much too huskily.
If that's how he always sounded after peak, you'd make sure to give them to him often. You looked up at him with hazy vision, post orgasm made everything seem heavy and magnificent. Your mouth parted and you slowly extended your tongue. You had a hunch to what he intended.
"Sȳz hāedar. good girl." He slid the meat between his thumb and forefinger down your tongue, lazily dragging the side of that same finger in the same path. Simultaneously, he lifted your guilty hand, hot mouth immediately wrapping around your fingers and sucking. The sensation sent another blazing wave of desire bolting right to your core. You swallowed. Mesmerized and abashed. "Pure and perfect and so sweet." He kissed you, then, the subtle salt and tang of both your bodies melding as your tongues collided.
"Let's not ever leave this rock," you said between kisses, smiling like a lovestruck fool; perhaps you were.
"There's time enough for one more thing before leaving...," he said slyly, holding you tight to him as he turned and lowered you to the ground once again. This time, however, he loomed above you. Silvery hair gleamed in the sunlight as it spilled over his shoulders, the ends tickling the exposed swath of your chest. "I won't yet take your maidenhead. But after your little show? I have to feel this cunny around something."
You gulped as he pulled your skirts up around your hips, excitement making them squirm. "I want you to take me though," you panted, needy and amoral.
"I intend to, my Lady," he replied, lolling his tongue to run the length of two fingers down it. The pads of those fingers instantly found your pearl and he wasted little time in circling your bud. Flicking, tracing, tantalizing.
You writhed beneath him, desperate and lascivious. "Please," you whined, half pathetic even to your own ears. You weren't sure what you were begging for, only for more of that sinfully wonderful euphoria. You grabbed the front of his coat and squeezed, rising your hips in an attempt to coax his fingers inside your fluttering core.
Aemond didn't have any fight in him for that, greedy to see you come undone beneath him. He followed your coax and slipped those two long digits inside the warm heat of your cunt and absolutely savored the sensation. He hissed an inward breath as your eyes unfocused and closed, whimpering the sweetest moan at his intrusion. "So wet. All of this for me? My lovely maiden. I will be the first and last man to touch you like this. You belong to me. ñuhon. mine. All mine," he laughed a dark sound as he began to rub and test along your walls. "My perfect virgin to shape how I see fit."
You simpered and melted beneath him. "Yours."
Dipping his head, he buried his face in the crook of your neck where he bit and sucked along the sensitive skin with the intention of leaving marks. Whoops. You might very well have to wear a high collar or your hair down for the next few days. With a flex of his forearm he began, unhurriedly, pumping in and out of you, shivering at the wet slaps his palm made on you.
You'd only ever been touched in such a way by your own exploration. The young dragon, whether intentional or not, seemed to know just how to stroke and slide around in you. His fingers, while not thick and meaty like some men's, were longer, rougher, and thicker than your own. He curled them up and you nearly choked on the absolute elation that radiated out from your core. Pulling his head up he kept the same pace and pressure, looking down at you with adoration and obsession. "Gevie. beautiful. I love the way you look with my fingers inside you." His free hand moved to your throat. He squeezed. Gently.
With a mind of their own your hips pushed and rolled against his hand. That extra little push was the final thing you needed. You cried out with orgasm beneath him, white lightening overtaking your entire nervous system so you only focused on one thing. Aemond Targaryen. Your pulse hammered beneath his delicate choke hold and your quim spasmed in tandem around his fingers. Overcome with the power your pulse granted him, he too came with you. He was going to need new breeches as soon as he returned to his chambers.
"I will have you like this, and many more ways, the night of our wedding."
Overwhelm crashed over you, eyes glassy as you looked up at him. "I look forward to it, my prince."
He laid beside you and pulled you tightly against him, kissing the crown of your head. "My sweet Arbor maiden."
You both laid there in the grass until the rumbling of your bellies demanded food and the sun moved across the sky.
That night, for the first time in a very long time, you found yourself kneeling before white candles and incense in prayer to the Maiden. You prayed for forgiveness for your lechery; prayed she would take pity on you for giving into the man who you would soon wed. A twist of guilt rang in your chest even as heat collected in your underclothes at the memory of earlier.
That night, in the privacy of his chamber, Aemond fucked his fist with your name on his lips. He held his own face throughout, for a trace of your scent still lingered there and he found himself already addicted.
Alone, in both of your beds, sleep overcame you with lovely blackened serenity.
thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please consider a follow and reblog as I have plans to create and share more writings. 
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crystal-verse · 21 days
Day 2 - Horizon
He holds her hand so, so gently. Her hand is so tiny, she is so tiny -- gods, but even at ten summers Lyna is still so very small, and he aches at it, some times. She is no longer so small as to fit in the crook of a single arm, as she had been when she was but a babe, but she is still small enough that he can hold her so easily, if he wished. (Old as he is, in his mid-eighties. . . even now, the Exarch can't help but wonder, still, if he can be trusted with something like this. Something as fragile as a child.)
Lyna tries so hard to be independent, he thinks fondly, as she tugs at his hand and urges him forward. "Grandpa! I wanna see the trees!" At the edges of the Crystarium, she vibrates with the excited glee that only a child can, excited to enter the Forest of the Lost Shephard and view the lilac foilage.
"Alright, alright." He soothes her, stepping forward and letting her think that she's the one leading. Out the Accensor Gate they go, into the forest properly. The guards at the edge of the Gate salute them both as they pass, and the Exarch nods to them in turn. His staff is affixed to his back, Lyna's hand held in his left, Spoken hand -- should a passing Sin Eater attack, the Exarch shall have the time to scoop the Viis into one arm and pull out his staff, and either shield and attack or flee from there, depending on the Eater's strength.
But -- the Exarch hopes, deeply, that this outing shall be a peaceful one. (It is rare that the Crystal Exarch leaves the Crystarium proper, now, unless there is a battle to be fought in. With the loss of Dulna and Vaimet, the Crystarium Guard has taken a heavy blow, and the Exarch supplements the force when he can, when he needs to, but even still -- he wishes it were not like this.)
Still. Still. There is for now at least the promise of a gentle, unbothered afternoon with his ward -- so for the while, the Exarch shall keep those serious thoughts from his mind, and enjoy the whimsy that little Lyna seems so easily to find.
"Grandpa?" She asks, when they are in the woods proper.
"Yes, Lyna?"
He looks down, to see her chewing on her bottom lip. "What do we do if we get lost?" Lyna asks him, her eyes -- the same purple as Lakeland's trees and grasses -- round with the kind of anxiety born from an imagination that only a child can truly hold.
"Ah." He kneels, then, and takes both her hands in his. Her little hands are warm -- he cannot feel it with his crystal hand, but his other is yet made of flesh, and that hand feels the warmth of the little Viis' hands. "May I show you something, little one?"
Lyna nods, silently. She looks at him with such trust, it baffles the mind. (Do all parents go through this, the constant awe of knowing just how much your child loves and respects and trusts you?)
The Exarch lifts her, gently, until she is sitting on his shoulders. Then, he stands, and, with hands 'round her ankles to keep her steady, walks until he comes to a small meadow in the midst of the forest. ('Tis not that long a journey, luckily.) "Do you see the sky?" He asks her, hood pressed further down over his face by the way that Lyna leans against his head. "Do you see the horizon?"
"I do!" Lyna says, proudly.
"Can you see the Crystal Tower?"
The Exarch smiles, and but briefly, he wonders if Lyna can hear it in his voice. "That's good. Now, listen, Lyna -- if you should ever find yourself lost in Lakeland, simply look up to the sky and find the Crystal Tower. So long as you keep moving towards it, you shall find your way home. Do you understand?"
"I understand." Lyna says, solemn in her words but still childish in her tone. (Good. She deserves to keep that childishness, for a while longer.)
"I'm glad." The Exarch says, simply, and sets her back on the ground after a few more moments. Lyna has enjoyed walking on her own two feet of late -- a sharp contrast to how she would beg to be carried when she was but a few summers younger. (He can't find any reason to care, however -- he is simply glad that she is so happy and loved.)
"Let us be off to the Crystarium, yes?" He suggests. "You've seen the forest like you wanted."
Lyna turns to look at him and pouts, stomping her foot. "No! You promised you would take me to the woods and you would rest!"
Ah. "I have been resting, have I not?" The Exarch says, softly. "We can stay in the forest for longer if you would like, but I promise you, this is rest." It is, truly. In comparison to the Exarch's busy days inside of the Crystarium, if nothing else.
Lyna gazes at him for several moments, brows furrowed, before nodding. "Okay. We can go back to the city, Grandpa."
He withholds a chuckle -- Lyna would be upset if he laughed at her, though he would mean no harm by it. How cute, still. Ah, it will be a sad day when she is older, and taller than him. . . still. He holds out a hand, and his little granddaughter takes it. And, following the spire gleaming and piercing the very sky, they return back to the Crystarium. To home.
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phenomenal1500 · 1 year
~Save From The Pechenegs~
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A/N: This was requested by DEVILHORNS on wattpad, thank you! ♥️ I merged two requests of yours together since I thought it would make a fun longer one shot.
Summary: Reader is determined to save Harald from the Pechenegs and lets her get taken to them.
Timeline: Season 2
Pairing: Harald Sigurdsson x Fem!Reader
Warning: Angst, blood, violence, torture.
Looking at the shore and the forest behind it as she climbed out of the freezing water, Y/N noticed Harald wasn't with the surviving group. "Where's Harald?!" She yelled after them, watching everyone stare at their feet after they watched her drag her soaked dress over the sand.
"Y/N, Harald has been taken by the Pechenegs. He convinced them we were dead." Mariam gently took her hand into hers to calm her, knowing the news was going to scare and upset her. "He made sure we were safe to travel along without troubles." She continued and pointed in a certain direction before stroking her hair back, knowing it was tough to realise what happened to her lover.
"I'm not leaving without Harald." She hissed, staring at everyone who still tried to avoid her eye contact. "Are you all seriously considering leaving the prince behind without even trying? He's the one who got us this far. Without him we won't survive a day out there and it won't help us get the men we need from Constantinople."
"Y/N, it might already be too late for Harald." One of the other men whispered.
"No." She shook her head, denying the thought completely. The prince was a survivor, he was alive for sure. "He's not in Valhalla yet, the gods will give him more time."
"If we want to rescue him, we should have a plan first." Leif suggested, but once again she shook her head.
She didn't want to waste time on a stupid plan that was doomed to fail.
It always ended up with improvising eventually so why not do it right away?
"I'm not going to wait until we come up with a pathetic plan." She gathered her weapons they had pulled out of the water earlier and started walking the way Mariam had pointed in as she talked about Harald.
In no way was she going to let him die.
She knew she reacted unreasonable to her friends, but she just wanted her lover back, even if it meant her own journey to Valhalla.
She needed him safe as he would have kept her safe in a situation like this as well.
Sprinting through the dark trees, avoiding roots and sticks, she eventually found a meadow with the temporary Pecheneg camp. The colors the banners carried didn't mean much to her as she walked right up to the camp.
Was it stupid? Yes. Did she care? No.
Holding up her hands as she dropped her weapons, the men grabbed her by her hair, dragging her across the dusty floor until a man with black hair yelled after them to stop and bring her inside. 'The leader', she assumed since everyone stopped right away and carried her in, legs still dragging over the gravel.
It caused tears on her knees, but she didn't care anymore when her eyes finally landed on those of her lover's.
"Harald." She whispered, so relieved to see him mostly okay.
"Love? What are you doing here?" He looked confused as he eyed her up and down to see if she was mostly doing okay.
"Came to rescue you on my own." She flinched a bit when they forced her on her bleeding knees next to the prince. "Gods...."
"Yes, they're not very respectful and gentle." He watched her, hating the fact that he couldn't hold her hand or help her soothe the pain in her knees.
"Since the prince here survived his torture for the evening." The Khan began, standing up from his bone-made throne to walk up to the woman. "I want to find out what a female viking can endure." He lifted her chin to force her to look at him as a terrible grin crossed his face.
"You leave her alone." Harald growled, trying to get out of the Pechenegs' grip to break the Khan's hand for laying a finger on her.
Even though he knew she could defend herself, touching her even if it was only her chin was a no go for him.
"Torture...?" Y/N watched Harald and suddenly noticed the deep cuts in his chest. "What did they do to you...?"
"It's okay, sæta." He gave her a warm smile. "It'll heal strong again. They can't tear me down that fast."
"Why don't we start with strikes?" The Khan smirked and his men all laughed, immediately agreeing with their leider.
"Strikes...?" She repeated softly, narrowing her eyes as the men suddenly dragged her by her hair to the middle of the room. "Watch it!" She hissed, but of course they couldn't care less and ripped the top of her dress, exposing her to the whole room when it pooled around her waist and her breasts and stomach were bare.
"I will kill you if you hurt her!" Harald growled louder and groaned when they pressed into his cuts with a small hunters knife to silence him.
It didn't stop him however.
Harald instantly managed to grab the tall slender man behind him by his hair despite the pain and pulled him to the floor, taking over control of the knife and planting it into his neck as Y/N was hit by the first whiplash.
It got him absolutely furious.
She was in this mess because he got taken by the Pechenegs in the first place and now they were hurting and scarring her.
Y/N's entire back was bleeding from that one whiplash, but never did she make a sound and she wouldn't continue to do so for the ones to come either. She was going to be strong like Harald. She had to stay strong or he would lose focus and make mistakes.
Quietly watching the prince fight off whatever man came onto him, she could feel another strike hit her back and noticed the thick red blood drip down her sides and legs. Whoever was hitting her was too strong for Harald to take on by himself, but as long as she could keep him busy he would be okay. They could outrun the lasting men if they were being smart about it.
Harald got his hands on a nearby axe after slicing the rope he was tied with and then chopped another warrior's hand off before hurrying to Y/N and picking her up before the man could respond.
It cost him all of his energy to get her away from him and out of the tent, his chest muscles starting to give up and that's where she had to jump in. Carefully getting out of his arms, she supported him to the horses and cut them loose.
"Get up, Harald!" She yelled and he somehow managed to get onto the horse before she climbed on top too, kicking its side to make the horse run off thankfully in time. She couldn't care less what way the animal was running as well, as long as she and Harald were going to be safe and out of the Pechenegs' sight.
"I love you, sæta. Thank you." Harald panted as he rested his body against the Horse's back and neck, tired and in pain.
"I love you more, my prince. Now let's go find our group. Mariam can help us treat our wounds."
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jokeringcutio · 11 months
"Jessie" Pokémon Jessie x Female Reader Romance. - Part 1? Meeting Jessie
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Fandom: Pokémon Pairing: Jessie x (f) Reader Rating: NC-17 Warnings: One mention of Serious Offenses by Team Rocket (other than stealing Pokémon). Has the potionetial to become a Smut fic with darker themes in it, but will overall be a romance between Jessie and a Female Protagonist.
Summary: You are a pokémon trainer who meets this wonderful young woman named Jessie.
The sun beamed down on you, its warm rays caressing your skin as you strolled through the verdant fields. The sweet scent of wildflowers filled the air, and the gentle hum of insects accompanied the rustle of tall grasses swaying in the breeze. As a Pokémon trainer, you were on a journey to prove your worth, seeking out new companions along the way.
Your path meandered past a small grove of trees, their branches casting dappled shadows on the ground below. A sense of joy filled you. Nature looked marvelous and it felt as if the very earth sang to you of adventure and discovery. You hummed along. ‘To be a master…’ No one would hear, except the Pokémon you carried and those scurrying in the fields.
As you continued along the winding path, your eyes were drawn to a figure reclining beneath one of the trees. A young woman with long magenta hair that cascaded to the ground like a waterfall of silk sat engrossed in a magazine, seemingly unaware of the world around her. She wore a simple sundress that matched her hair and sunhat, and her enigmatic green eyes were hidden behind a pair of fashionable sunglasses.
As you approached, one of the woman’s Poké Balls tumbled from her bag, rolling across the dirt road to stop at your feet. You bent down to pick it up, examining the glossy red-and-white ball in your hand. You wondered what Pokémon would live inside of it.
"Excuse me," you called out gently, not wanting to startle the woman. "I think you dropped this."
She looked up from her magazine, a faint smile playing upon her lips as she met your gaze. Then slowly, she removed her sunglasses, revealing the bright sparkle in her eyes that hinted at equal parts mischief and curiosity. For a moment, you stood entranced, drowning in those blue eyes.
"Thank you," she replied, her voice as smooth and soothing as the breeze that rustled through the leaves above. She accepted the Poké Ball from your outstretched hand, her fingers brushing against yours for a fleeting moment before she tucked the ball securely back into her bag.
"Enjoying the day?" you asked, making small talk as you took note of her magazine filled with fashion trends and glamorous models.
"Very much so," she answered with a nod. "It's not often I get to relax like this."
Then she turned back to you with a bright smile. “Let me introduce myself. Hi, I'm Jessie," she said, extending a hand for you to shake. The warmth of her touch seemed to send a jolt through your arm as you introduced yourself in return.
"Nice to meet you," you replied, feeling an unexpected connection to this stranger. You glanced down at the magazine in her lap, noticing the array of fashionable outfits and accessories sprawled across its pages. "I see you're into fashion."
Jessie's eyes lit up. "Yes, that’s it,” she said, making you frown at the weird answer, but she quickly chuckled and ran a hand through her hair. “I mean, I love it. There's something about the way clothes can transform a person, don't you think?"
You nodded in agreement. “Tell me about it,” you said, and Jessie did. She started about all sorts of outfits and the jobs they belonged to, talked about how clothes made the man – or woman, or even both. You enjoyed her light chatting. The conversation flowed smoothly between the two of you, like a gentle stream finding its way through a lush meadow. With each passing moment, you found yourself drawn to Jessie – her laughter was infectious, her eyes captivating.
Eventually, the topic shifted to your own journey. "I'm actually on my way to becoming a Pokémon master," you shared, feeling a surge of pride as you recounted your dreams and aspirations.
"Really?" Jessie leaned in closer, her interest piqued. "Which Pokémon do you plan on using?"
You thought for a moment, reflecting on the bonds you'd formed with your Pokémon so far. "Well, I've always been partial to water types," you began, recalling your fascination with the sea and its mysterious depths. "My Vaporeon has been with me since the beginning, and together we've overcome countless challenges."
"Vaporeon, huh?" Jessie mused, her eyes shining with admiration. "They're beautiful and powerful creatures, much like the mermaids that grace the ocean's depths."
Your heart fluttered at the comparison, a soft blush coloring your cheeks.
“So you don’t happen to have a Pikachu on you?” Jessie said with a smirk.
You shook your head and laughed. “Nope, not a water-type is it?”
“And if someone used one on yours?” She asked, curiously.
Now it was your turn to return the smirk. “They’ll see when they try it.”
Jessie stared at you for a moment as if you had just told her a riddle, then her smile returned and she laughed. “Good answer!”
You continued discussing your other Pokémon companions, from the graceful Lapras to the steadfast Blastoise. With every word, it became clear that your connection to these creatures ran deeper than mere strategy or battle prowess – they were family, partners in a shared dream.
Jessie listened intently, her gaze never leaving yours as she absorbed your stories and experiences. For that brief moment in time, the world around you seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of you beneath the comforting shade of the tree.
"Your passion is inspiring," Jessie said softly, her eyes reflecting the sincerity of her words. "I can tell you're going to achieve great things."
You couldn't help but smile at her encouragement, feeling as though a newfound strength had been kindled within your heart. You liked this woman, liked this new friend you seemed to have made.
The sun cast a warm, golden glow upon the fields as you continued your conversation with Jessie, completely forgetting the time or the fact that you still had a while to go until you reached the nearest tavern.
Jessie’s laughter was like a melody carried on the breeze, and you couldn't help but be captivated by her vibrant presence. As you shared stories of your adventures, you felt a sense of camaraderie that had been absent in your life for far too long. You could have talked to her for hours, had not a voice called out from somewhere at the end of the meadow. You turned, unable to see who it was, but you had recognized the masculine tone to it. A man, probably.
"Jessie, we need to get going!"
"Ah," she sighed, her magenta hair swaying gently as she turned towards the source of the interruption. "I'm afraid I have to go."
"Will I see you again?" you asked, trying to mask the disappointment creeping into your voice.
"Of course!" Jessie reassured you, flashing a warm smile. "Here, let's exchange numbers." She quickly pulled out her phone, and you did the same, exchanging contact information in a matter of seconds.
"Until next time then," she said, her eyes lingering on yours for just a moment longer before she stood to leave.
"Goodbye, Jessie," you murmured, watching as she walked away, her figure growing smaller in the distance. A pang of sadness struck you at the thought of her having a boyfriend. Wait. Did you really just think that? You’d only just met Jessie. She was nice, you got along.
Shaking off your feelings, you continued on your journey. You needed to find a place to spend the night. The dwindling warmth of the setting sun and the gentle rustling of the grass beneath your feet served as reminders that life was full of beauty and wonder. Yet, the beauty of your surroundings could not fully distract your mind. Your thoughts kept drifting back to Jessie, her laughter echoing in your ears like echoes of a siren's song. What was it about her that had captured your heart so completely?
As you lost yourself in your musings, your phone vibrated in your pocket, jolting you back to reality. You got it out, skeptical about who might be sending you a message, when you saw it was Jessie’s. She texted you? Your heart skipped a beat.
"Hey! I really enjoyed our chat today. Would you like to meet up again sometime soon? 😊"
A smile spread across your face as you read the words, warmth flooding your chest at the thought of seeing her again. You quickly typed a response, your fingers dancing across the screen with eager anticipation.
"Definitely! I had a great time talking with you too. Let's plan something soon!"
With a sense of hope and excitement fluttering in your heart, you resumed your walk, the promise of another encounter with Jessie lighting your path like a beacon in the night.
The moment you stepped into the sushi bar, the scent of fresh seafood and soy sauce enveloped you like a warm embrace. The dim lighting created an intimate atmosphere, casting shadows that danced across the walls as laughter and conversation filled the air. You spotted Jessie sitting at a corner booth, her magenta hair shimmering like a mermaid's tail beneath the soft glow of a hanging lantern.
"Hey! Over here!" she called out, waving you over with a smile that could rival the sun itself.
As you slid into the seat across from her, your heart swelled with anticipation. You looked at her with a smile and shook you head laughingly. “It’s fashionable,” you said, gesturing at the rather exotic costume she wore.
Jessie’s cheeks colored and she huffed defensively. “It is! Latest!” And then she laughed along, because you both knew that Jessie looked rather ridiculous. She stood out in the crowd, her heavily adorned silken clothes shimmered in the lights of the lamps. You nearly wanted to ask her if she’d been to a costume party, but decided against it. Instead, the two of you starting chatting about everything and nothing.
Throughout your meal, Jessie regaled you with stories of her adventures, each one more enchanting than the last. Every so often, she would lean in close, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she shared a particularly juicy tale. You couldn't help but notice how her hand brushed against yours on the table, the warmth of her skin sending shivers down your spine like waves crashing against the shore.
"…and then I told him, 'You know what they say about curiosity and the Meowth!' We laughed so hard we nearly fell out of our seats!" Jessie exclaimed, punctuating the story with a peal of laughter that rang like a melody in your ears.
Her laughter was contagious, and soon you found yourself joining in, the two of you laughing together as if you'd known each other for years. Time seemed to lose all meaning as the evening wore on, the world outside fading away until it felt as though you and Jessie were the only souls there.
Eventually, the laughter subsided, replaced by a comfortable silence as you both savored the last bites of your meal. Jessie's eyes met yours, a hint of something deeper lurking beneath the surface like a secret treasure waiting to be discovered.
"Thanks for meeting me tonight," she said softly, her voice barely audible above the gentle hum of conversation that surrounded you. "I had a really great time."
"Me too," you replied, your heart swelling with a mixture of joy and longing. "Let's do this again soon."
"Definitely," Jessie agreed, her smile warm and alluring. As you stood to leave, she reached out to touch your arm, her fingers lingering just long enough to send one last wave of heat coursing through your veins.
"By the way," she added, her voice low and sultry, "you look absolutely stunning tonight."
Your cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, the compliment taking you by surprise. You stammered out a thank you, your words tumbling over themselves in a clumsy attempt to express your gratitude.
You parted ways, the promise of another date hung in the air like a beacon of hope. Tonight had been a success, your heart felt warm and alive. You had found a new friend, perhaps someone potentially more than that.
As you stepped outside the sushi bar, the cool night air caressed your cheeks. The streetlights cast a warm glow on the cobblestone path beneath your feet, their light reflecting off the puddles left behind by an earlier rainstorm, creating shimmering pools of liquid gold.
Your heart felt as light as a feather, the memory of Jessie's laughter and the electric thrill of her touch resurfaced in your mind. You couldn't help but smile, the corners of your mouth curving upwards like the crescent moon that hung in the sky above, its silvery light casting a spell over the world below as you started walking. Arms drawn around yourself, you tried to avoid the pools.
You pulled out your phone to look at the time, but saw a notification at the top of your screen. An alert. Your smile began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of unease.
"Team Rocket spotted in the area," the text read, followed by a series of warnings advising trainers to keep their Poké Balls secure and to report any suspicious activity. The words seemed to loom in front of you like dark clouds on the horizon. Team Rocket was a famous criminal organization. Anyone unfortunate enough to encounter one of their members usually didn’t get out in one piece. At the very least, they were missing their Pokémon and any personal belongings that held any value.
You shivered and didn’t want to think of it. This was how your sister had lost her virginity. And her life.
Criminals. Thieves. Murderers.
"Jessie should know about this," you thought, concern for her well-being tightening its grip around your heart. Your fingers danced across the screen, tapping out a message as quickly as they could manage. "Hey, just got a warning about Team Rocket being around here. Be careful and guard your Poké Balls!"
A moment passed, and then another. It took way too long. You hurried your way back to the hostel which you stayed at, but you kept checking your screen nearly each step of the way. Finally, a reply appeared on your screen, bringing with it a sense of relief that washed over you like a cool breeze on a sweltering summer day.
"Thanks for the heads up! Don't worry 😊" Jessie's message read, accompanied by an emoticon that seemed to sparkle with good-natured mischief.
You couldn't help but smile, reassured by her words. Jessie was amazing and a confident woman. She was warned. She could handle any of this herself. But most of all, she’d be safe. That was the thought you clung onto. And as you tucked your phone away and continued down the cobblestone path, you wondered when the next time would be that you’d meet again.
AN: Quick Drabble. Should there be more?
I have an entire outline ready for a multi-chapter fic.
Liked my work? :) ♡ Support me on Ko-Fi ♡ Love you all
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atomicarbiterglitter · 9 months
The poetry which emerges when the void summons
I stare at the ceiling and lay on my bed,
With persistent ruminations in my head,
I appear still, almost resembling dead,
With no vigour inside me, yall dread.
Isn't it the most intriguing, my partial existence?
The exuberant gigglemug, the pretense,
Cause that's what is shown, rest of it in the shadows,
My face concealing my head in meadows.
Indolent by the looks of it,yes, I admit,
Those little droplets, the radiance they emit,
Mere salt and water, as defined by science,
But they're fragments of you, says my defiance.
I know you never pray or ruminate like me,
About the consequences of your actions on me,
About those nights when I can't fall asleep soundly,
Imagining you by my side and wishing you profoundly.
Oh dear, even Satan tries to pity me, astonishingly,
When he watched you sacrifice all my potence willingly,
I just wanted to see you smile, without fabricating it,
But your bonafide pleasure was to throw me out in a pit.
I was ready to fend with my life for you,
Fight the viscous of battles , just for you,
Be vindictive against the whole universe,
Cause nothing mattered to me more than your love, in any multiverse.
I gave up my boyhood to be the man for you,
Never rummaged through the necessities in lieu,
For the little boy I had assassinated for you,
Only ever yearned just for you.
Flashforward, my eyes are still fixated on the ceiling,
It was 10 am , now it's 4pm, haven't moved a single inch of this mortal being,
For I don't find the objective to thrive, my heart is gone,
I'm just immobilised, cause my brain can't digest that you weren't the one.
Deliberately ostracised myself from my interests,
Pushed all my opportunities away, again in your best interest,
All because I wanted to sit down by the garden and talk to you, 
While the descending sun reminded me of you.
Now all I'm perceived as is an outcaste,
Cause they think I've never erased you,
They're not wrong, I did make my entire purpose to live, around you,
Always breathed the air you breathed, and isolated, whenever it was feasible.
And now,I am just left alone in these thoughts,
Without any clue of what is awaiting me,
Everyone ascending on their own pace,
While they accomplish everything they've ever wanted and spit on my face.
Is that what you wanted? Congratulations your purpose is served, 
But not for long, as I am building an armour and my empire ,
And when it's finished you'll see, that I can reincarnate and be better,
So maybe you didn't actually devastate me.
Sudden poetry from when I was almost asleep a few weeks ago, It has no specific title, it's just what it claims to be, my unfiltered thoughts.
I know this will be a direct blow to some of yall reading this, and I know I'll receive heart and gut wrenching, devastating, degenerate comments, but when I'm finally on my healing journey, which means I cope with poetry, I'll be infuriated on this platform.
I will show my frustrations, share my feelings and I'll scream till all the hurt is eviscerated from my heart in the form of words.
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melissalencioni · 7 months
She fell like the petals of the lilac crown she was making. I caught her. Holding her impossibly light form, I was stricken with how fragile she was. Her long hair thinned between my gloved fingers and her body went limp in my arms. The flush in her face and the panting of her breaths quickened my heart. I carried her drooping and succumbed-to-fever form to the elder's tent.
Gods, Caera, you cannot die.
"There is only one cure for this disease of spirit," said our pelt-dressed elder. "A flower which blooms on the other side of the canyon. It is shaped like a thornless rose, six petals to a flower, and gold."
I've never exited a tent faster. I would save her. I would cross the canyon as she heaved her breaths, returning with the salve of golden nectar.
While I travelled, a rival tribe attacked my camp, bringing with them dogs and knives. I fell back on my warrior's training, attempting to dispatch them, but they were too many. I had to pick them off one by one from the brush, sparse and spare as it was, the thickets impeding their advances as I weilded my trusty ax. By the time I was done with one, another had taken their place, and it was a whirl of forms and counters before I found relief, relishing the rush of battle that reminded me of all our primal natures. There is something pure about combat, but not as pure as saving. Victorious, I watched them flee and cleaned my bloodstained ax.
The next trial was a beast, a wild boar of considerable size, but I taunted it with crimson swishes of my tunic to enrage it into rushing me. There was an outcropping nearby, a cliff that framed the valley, and dodging boulders I lured in the beast. It charged and I swooped to the side, coming down on it with my ax, momentum forcing it into the rocky wall. It banged its head and shook, trying to will off the shock. But I had slowed it, and its neck was open. I cut right through its hide. It made my meal that night.
While gazing at the fire, a specter made itself known. It wailed then took my shape, remarking that I didn't know love.
"You're wrong," I said. "If not for love, I wouldn't be on this quest. I seek a flower of healing for a woman who fell ill."
"You only want the credit of having saved someone," said the phantom. "Your heart is selfish and impure."
I sought the truth and found this being of shade half-right, but what good would it do to deny those wants if the woman I'd grown to love could survive despite me? I left my ax on the ground and willed the ghost away. Its resistance came in the form of headaches and harrowing noise, but in the end my mind was stronger. I fought for Caera. That's the reason I won. I vanquished it.
Finding the flower in a meadow beyond the canyon, I gingerly harvested it with a small traveller's shovel. It nearly wilted in my hands and I spent the journey back pleading with the gods to keep it fresh. If I lost her, I'd lose a piece of myself that no one else could fill.
The elder made the brew.
With no one stepping up, I volunteered to administer it, taking Caera's head in my gentle grip and tilting her neck so her throat opened. Bringing my lips full of soup to hers, I kissed her to coax her mouth open. Moaning, she rose to meet my lips with an eagerness that surprised and delighted me, and I tongued the healing brew into her, holding her firm. She swallowed and collapsed back in my arms, and I feared the gods had taken her.
"Caera," I said. "Please! Please be alright!"
Then she whispered, "I love you, Drake. I will be."
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foxymoxynoona · 10 months
I won’t lie foxy. I’ve expressed before how much i LOVEEEE your stories. The JK ones are always rereads bc they aren’t just some teenage netflix boo-boo story (not putting them down. some of these stories are great even if they are cheesy and immature sometimes) but the depth, and etc yours have give me so much serotonin ….
ANYWAYSSSS I have to admit, I love that you fulfill my guilty pleasure of adding pregnancy in a good amount of your stories, some being the main plot of it (sugar fairy and meadow(even tho that one stressed me out and bc of that i haven’t been able to reread it yet😝).
I think pregnancy is such a real thing. I’m also at the age and part of my life that talking about pregnancy and having kids although scary. it’s not completely off putting, since i’m not an immature unstable teenager anymore😭 lololol. and it’s a super important factor in all relationships, so for you to bring it into the storyline (especially when we’re talking about REAL mature adults over the age of like 22) and they all have different plot lines which i think it’s also a huge misconception in the fanfic world. so many put down on “found family” or “accidental pregnancy” and i’m unfortunately a who’re for them and not many write about that AU.
So when i see yours, ones i haven’t read yet. part of me lowkey be sitting there like “oh shit she gon get knocked up and then we will see character growth and the relationship build” NO. YOY DONT MAKE THE PREGNANCY THE ARC OF THE STORY AND YES THAT IS SO HEALTHY AND BEAUTIFUL BIT IM TOXICCFFF
like i lowkey was wanting an accidental pregnancy in Amended. I know that would of definitely thrown off the entire arc of the story and character development (for isabella specifically). I like to think that would of been so fun and cute to see. like i know she would of been miserable and gotten in her head bc “history repeats itself” but it would of been cool to see her “repeat history” but change it. JK wasn’t like the last two BDs and etc. Although Izzy got on my nerves 90% of the story, i can’t judge her for trauma she couldn’t control and her forced responses to it and who knows, maybe adding the accidental pregnancy would of probably been so bad there would of been no happy ending but like i said. I’m a whore for an accidental or ex-lovers (parents aus).
I also think bc you write pregnancy/growing families stories so well that I would love to see a good toxic “got knocked up first then fell in love” story from you… maybe a college au make it spicy.
.. I will not ask you to write my deepest guilty pleasure but i def know you would kill it either way. I hate that i’m so anti older woman bc i wanna read the Over the Falls but as a girl who is barely 24 and still thinks she’s 19. the idea of being way older than Jungkook makes me want to throw up
Have a good day and don’t mind me, I might go reread Meadows now bc i lowkey miss the smut and bronny is so sexy once she leaves Korea (spoiler)
This was a wild read from start to finish! I find it a little strange you came to a writer who is older than Jungkook to insult women who are older than Jungkook --we don't condone any age-related hate around here, but especially not about women in their 30s living and loving! -- but you also insult teenagers so I take it you only like poeple you're own age? 😅 I definitely encourage you to broaden your mindset here though. You will continue to age, and you will also be older than people around you, and you too will understand in the not so distant future that 30s is not old at all, and that you still deserve all the happiness and romance and to be the protagonist of stories 🥰
Other than that though, I'm very glad you've enjoyed my stories! I just wrote what I wanted to read and didn't expect it would resonate with others and have been delighted to find there are those who it does! There are SO many aspects of life, and pregnancy and motherhood are not the journey for all women, but it's a space I've also found oddly lacking in honesty and variety in many of the stories I've read so it's been fun to connect with others or even just present new ideas around what those aspects of life can look like.
And look I'm all for messiness in stories 😈 I think people make mistakes and behave badly and can be their worst selves in certain situations and it's good to represent that honestly! And sometimes I just want a guilty pleasure messy story without apology😎You're totally right, Amended would have been a very different story. Personally, I do not think it would have gone well, but maybe they would have figured things out eventually and still ended up somewhere happy! You bet your buns I've written accidental pregnancy stories (other than Meadow)... one I may share some day, the other ones I"m not so sure, they were a little too guilty-pleasure to post I think 😂
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paperlovesadness · 1 year
I'm sitting outside in the sun in wet jeans - following advice on how to stretch denim to better fit you - making breathing room for myself and my thighs who are hated by jean sizing everywhere - and I'm getting sappy about Tumblr and fangirling and this community of lovely, unapologetically excited people I've met here.
This is something not many will probably read (long posts can be tough, I get it) - it just kind of all spilled I guess? Incoherently but with passion. So why not set it free when it's already here.
You see - I can't help but credit Tumblr as this huge part of my inner child healing journey. And particularly the girlhood part of it all.
Subconsciously & even consciously I've felt so so ashamed of these "girly" sides of me all my life. Especially in their "prime time" of my tween and teen years. I'd love things secretly - or at most - talk about them only after loudly labelling them as "guilty pleasures" (quite a terrible concept) or acting like it's all done with a tinge of self-aware irony.
But being a hopeless romantic; loving your favorite characters with your whole being; squealing over your favorite music and the musicians who make it; talking about your favorite songs and lyrics and photos; drawing, editing, making fanart of things that make your heart sore; sharing your fantasies and dreams; crying about quotes and big ideas; writing stories - those are all such beautiful things.
I've immersed myself back in the worlds of blogging and fanfiction and musical fangirling and... In many ways I haven't felt this good since I was a kid - still untouched by society and it's shaming of the endless supply of passion I had in me towards the things I loved.
And fangirls are a force. Fangirls are what made the music industry what it is. They're who discovered the Beatles and Leonard Cohen and Frank Sinatra and David Bowie - amongst so many others - and when they did the hard work - only then was it all taken over and appropriated by men who claimed only they can "truly and objectively" appreciate it.
It's girls - bright, unapologetically excited, passionate girls who care for pretty things and things with a soul and things with a story, with romantic connotations - girls who love to curate aesthetically pleasing landscapes and spaces around themselves - it's those girls who contributed hugely to an actual analogue photography and vinyl pressing revival & re-popularization.
I'm in my late twenties. I've only recently let myself pierce my ears and start wearing makeup sometimes. And care openly about my appearance and fashion choices. It's very much still all queer coded and slightly gender-mixed. Because that's me. But caring about these things has always been categorized as a "girl thing" = therefore = shameful, shallow, not something to be proud of.
I'm continuously curing my incredibly hurtful and internally misogynistic complex of "not being like other girls". There are still biases and automatic-judgements I'm fighting on the daily. But it's become so much clearer and easier to do so.
Im more ways than one I want to be exactly like other girls. I want to grab the hands of all the fangirls around this site and dance with them in a circle and tell them they look great whatever they choose to look like and I want to sit down in a meadow and make flower crowns together and squeal over our favorite things.
And to be clear I'm not saying be girly. I'm saying embrace you inner girlhood.
And that could be so many things. Just... Never be ashamed of the parts of it that society deems shallow and embarrassing or worthless.
And just... Thank you for being girlies with me 💗
(girlies & girls as usual used as more of a state of my mind and being; not a strictly gendered term. This applies in all, most or many ways to queer people & of course non-binary and trans experiences).
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flash-the-readies · 1 year
Pink Floyd Songs I recommend that are not “Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2″, “Money”, “Wish You Were Here”, and so on
So I was inspired by @afemalesebastian​ ‘s post about the Kinks and decided to do the same with a band that I have spent extensive time with and feel confident saying that I know their catalogue fairly well. Anyways, go check out all the Kink’s bangers they mentioned.
This is my personal list and isn’t based on anything other than “I really love this song”. I tried to stay away from the big four concept albums of “Dark Side”, “Wish You Were Here”, “Animals”, “The Wall”... the only advice that can be given for those is: listen to the whole album. One last thing, all songs are best experienced through headphones.
The Entire “Hour With Pink Floyd” KQED radio set
Setlist: Atom Heart Mother Suite; Cymbaline; Grantchester Meadows; Green is the Colour; Careful With that Axe, Eugene; Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
I Attached a link to the Youtube playlist because I don’t think Spotify has these versions, and also it’s great fun to watch. This setlist includes a. lot of early 70s Pink Floyd concert staples. Early 70s live Floyd was unmatched, the studio versions do not compare. You never realise how beautiful a song Green is the Colour is until you listen to it live. I have so many words for this set nghhhh. Also, Grantchester Meadows is one of my favourite songs. It’s straight up pastoral poetry and is steeped in nostalgia. I like this version best, and I love when Roger and David share vocals
If - Atom Heart Mother
Here’s a theme for you: I’m a whore for Roger’s folksy songs, whoops. The three “solo” songs on the album are so worth it (If, Summer ‘68, Fat Old Sun), but I personally have to pick this one. It’s so fucking tragic and simplistically beautiful. Got some of that introspection and isolation, good tea. Inspired by Rudyard Kipling’s poem by the same name. Also the slide electric guitar is a real treat... also, Roger’s voice is so soft ;-;
Point Me at the Sky - Single
I like it, okay. It’s like a little novelty song, okay, back when Pink Floyd was still trying to write singles. Also holds some themes on the passage of time and blah blah which is seen extensively in Pink Floyd’s catalogue
Biding My Time - Relics
Okay.. It’s kitschy, I know. It’s got that jazzy feel (curtesy of Rick and his trombone) and that blues feel. Once again with that wacky jam session in the middle that defines early Pink Floyd. Also go off Nick with the drums!
Pow R. Toc H. - Piper at the Gates of Dawn
I’m a whore for weird mouth noises, and this has an abundance of them. Once again with the quintessential Floyd jam session. I’d say mono is best here since stereo is a bit mind-fucky (y’know early stereo is a struggle.. although I wouldn’t say it was too horrible with Pink Floyd), anyways, if you’re in the mood for weird sensory stuff, then stereo is great... this song is just a sensory nightmare, so tread carefully.
“The Pink Jungle” from their “Man and the Journey” suite, 17. September 1969 Amsterdam show, is EXTRA demonic and chaotic. Warning tho, there’s some slurping noises at the end. Nick carrying the band fr
Pillow of Winds - Meddle
although to be honest, the entirety of Meddle is where it’s at. Considering I listen to this song every night I had to include it. A love song :D, and it’s really pretty and drowsy. Again with the pastoral poetry, a very ambient piece (that’s just Pink Floyd in general) and the ever present themes of anxiety
Here’s some definitions since I’ve been asked a couple of times:
eiderdown: a quilt filled with down (originally from the eider) or some other soft material.
eider: small, soft feathers from the breast of the female eider duck
Wot’s...Uh the Deal - Obscured by Clouds
Another fan favourite. It’s just so beautiful. The whole album is really pleasant listen and has so many hidden gems. Again with the passage of time, steeped in a deep sense of melancholia with a sprinkle of wistfulness. The steel guitar solo is also a real treat. I also like Burning Bridges, Stay, Childhood’s End, Free Four a great deal and,... I’m giving Free Four it’s own spot on this list. 
Free Four - Obscured by Clouds
this is the cheery song about death an the passage of time. The Hand-clapping just gets me, y’know. And the EMS VCS 3 synth is so crunchy, It’s great. If you you’re one of those people tired of Roger “whining” about his dad, then here’s an alternate take on that. Me? I’ll take any number of songs about Roger’s dad and trauma though
Nobody Home - The Wall
Okay okay, I chose a Wall song, BUT I would call this one a Wall Deep Cut, and It’s one of the most beautiful songs in their catalogue. There’s just this overwhelming sadness to it. You’ve got your nods to Syd, you’ve got your empty comforts, isolation, a non-ending, just a beautiful string of words
What Shall We Do Now - The Wall
THIS song. Yep, the one most people prefer to Empty spaces and... It rocks SO HARD. Added a link to the audio on Youtube since it’s not on spotify. Roger has a version of it from his Wall tour, but I prefer the one from the original Pink Floyd shows. The drums are phenomenal, the aggressiveness (not often associated with Pink Floyd), the flow of the lyrics, the deep growl of the guitar and the vocals (particularly in “shall we drive a more powerful car”). The animation that accompanies it in the film is one of my favourites. Talk about coping in unhealthy ways 
The Gunner’s Dream - The Final Cut
Yes yes yes it’s that infamous album...I get it.. love it or hate it, I personally adore it. If there’s one song on the album I think you should listen to, it’s this one right here... I’d also say it’s one of THE SADDEST songs in their catalogue. This bloody song has made me cry multiple times. Again with the dissolution of the post war dream and an anti-war anthem. Makes reference to the famous lines:
That there’s some corner of a foreign field That is for ever England
 from Rupert Brooke’s poem, “The Soldier”. 
I’ll say, Roger’s vocals really go with this one, they’re so raw and oozing of emotion. Also that sax solo??? mmm yum
Not Now John - The Final Cut
Another uncharacteristically aggressive song. But oh man, the field noises in this are SO GOOD it makes me cry (in a happy way this time). You have to have to have to listen to this with headphones. Whoops I included two Final Cut songs, but I love that album
Poles Apart - Division Bell  
I’ll say, this is my favourite song on the album. Also David talking to Syd and Roger, so hey. I love his voice on this album, and the wistfulness in this song speaks to my heart. There’s also this chaotic instrumental ambiance bit in the middle that’s giving haunted merry-go-round lost childhood kind of vibes, and I love that.
Take it Back - Division Bell
Big fan. It’s like a tragic, wistful environmentalist love song. Note the nurse rhyme “Ring a Ring O’Roses at 3:02).
specifically the 30. September 1971 BBC Radio session. But “Picnic” is also a classic version, and shorter. The jam session goes so hard!  And then you feel like you’re just chilling, floating in embryonic fluids. I can’t stress enough how much I love this song, I have been working on learning it on bass. This other version includes children laughing and such as well as the same feedback on Echoes (16. July 1970) ... wow, turns out I just like creepy haunted children field sounds.
Okay, this was a lot longer than I was expecting and it took ... way too long to complete. But that’s my list! ... I have concluded that I just like sad songs, whoops. Here’s a spotify playlist. Not all of the versions I mentioned here are available, so I put alternate picks.
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