#like legit after my whole thing saying how he hurt me and bc i like him so much im letting him go... he told me he really enjoyed my compan
crunchyspicysalmon · 1 year
guys..... i want him back :(
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danmeiconfession · 22 days
My thoughts/rants aren't very coherent so just take it as me rambling instead lol .
 Although sj's treatment of lbh was awful, lbh is still sj's direct disciple and the matter of his discipline rests on sj, so it's awkward for outsiders to interfere. it's not right but hey neither is slavery or child marriage so them's the works.
LBH was free to leave Qing Jing Peak at any time - but perhaps not in his own mind. This is interesting bc imo him and sj never had a relationship where sj was gaslighting lbh into staying. in fact i'd say sj made it plenty clear he found lbh to be an eyesore but maybe in those years sj had some intermittent spots of mercy lbh latched onto and then just never gave up hope.
Unless, Well looking at SV canon and how the system didn't penalize sy for the medicine + carriage ride after sy explained his thought process, it wouldn't surprise me if those types of events happened with sj and lbg. if sj had to bring lbh out on a night hunt he prolly made sure lbh was patched up + looked presentable so he didn't ruin the cohesive aesthetic of his peak haha and well NYY is always a weak point. these things definitely wasn't usual but likely happened often -enough- for lbh to get his hopes up over and over .
As modern people, we of course abhor the way that LBH was treated and SQQ comes off as abusive and a slimy lecher. But by the standards of his own age, everything he's done is perfectly acceptable. In traditional Chinese philosophy, the teacher is like a father, and a father and a teacher can do whatever they want to their child / pupil. Even in modern China, teachers have been known to get away with beating their pupils. In the UK (where I'm from), it wasn't so long ago that teachers could cane their students and no one blinked an eye about parents beating their kids. Slavery, child marriage, selling your wife or daughter into prostitution, all of that was totally legal in ancient China.
I always thought it was strange that OG LBH fixated so much on SQQ that he tortured him so horribly, but there's no mention of him doing the same to everyone else who ever wronged him, no matter how small. I think being pushed into the Abyss the last straw but I also think the reason he so hard-wired to think of his Shizun as this unfeeling man and tortured him limbless is because He got rejected so many women like him but the one man he chased relentlessly for years for his eyes to even graze him he look the other way which is why I think his eye got taken out ?
After the loss of his mother, lbh expected to find a new family in qjp and a new parental figure in sj. The greater the expectation the greater the disappointment. obv jiumei is not in the right condition to play mother hen to anybody. | ಠ ∧ ಠ | but lil bingbing didn't know that and arguably maybe he understood his foster mother was treated bad bc she was a servant but he couldn't understand why sqq, an immortal cultivator, is so hellbent on bullying some unknown kid.
Also, why does it bug Binghe that much? Why was it brought up against SJ during his trial in Proud Immortal Demon Way? Maybe it's just critical research failure on Airplane's part, but in ancient China, visiting prostitutes was completely normal. Men could have multiples wives and concubines and sleep with their servants and go around to the local brothel. Visiting a prostitute was just a leisure activity.Like, t says something about Binghe's obsession with SQQ in PIDW that he's fixated on SQQ's alleged bedroom habits?
Of course we modern people and Luo Binghe have a right to be mad, but justice in ancient xianxia China is... putting it lightly, biased... This is a world that shrugs off almost any crime if your position is high enough.
100% LBH is right to be upset, but the problems run much deeper than SQQ, their whole world is rotten. Him being mad about SQQ yeeting him is kind of confusing, he's legit to be hurt about it but any Cultivator would have killed LBH on sight when he was revealed to be a demon, and a heavenly one at that.
Which is why i'm forgiving with Shen Jiu because why judge him from a lens from the modern viewpoint because on top of the shitty things that happened to his life him being an abusive teacher isn't really so damning when the entire Cultivation worls is corrupt??? In a way the original PIDW was a hypocritical abuse apologism story with the mentality that any abuse against the protag was unjust and wrong and any abuse he committed whether disproportionate or targeted at people who never did anything to him was righteous or deserved was a criticism of the stallion protags and that it was never equal to begin with Shen jiu never deserved such torture they were never on equal footings to begin with. Yeah, he was vicious but it hypocritical. I never took Shen Yuan being with Binghe as a reward but a punishment for being such a troll and idol-obsessed that he ended up with Bingmei dude. Sorry if ending up with a mentally ill man and one who sa him and only cared for his own needs during the act with no regard for their partner and i'm breaking yall illusion with this toxic ship.
Considering what went down with LQG and SJ when they where disciples it does seem like there is a lot of bullying. If PIDW is like other Xianxia novels, or even historical dramas then there is probably a lot of underhanded sabotage by students against one another. Many cultivation novels with sects have kids fight over food and resources and if you can't cut it then you leave or you languish. A peak like SQQs may well have such things as part of their education because it's a strategist and scholarly peak, any student who couldn't figure out how to sabotage rivals, curry favor with the right people, manipulate, info gather, and navigate dangerous political situations on top of doing well in normal studies wouldn't fair well in such a place. - I doubt this to be the case in canon as SQQ is supposed to be a scum villain but its fascinating to speculate.
In a way Binghe is weird he thinks more in terms of a modern person I guess in a meta way? Because... He isn't special .It always strikes me as funny that LBH apparently like, idk, despite also being native to the culture is upset by it? as if he wanted more from specifically from SQQ? bc he wanted SQQ to find him special? meta hand-of-god type stuff where LBH accidentally has a more modern attitude bc of the way he was written?
Hell, his 300 wives scream self-enforced heterosexuality. like some DEEP repression and distraction.Ur telling me this guy fought more powerful sect masters, demon lords, survived assassinations but the mean teacher deserved prolonged torment.
If only Shen jiu played up the role as a mother things wouldn't have escalated lol. Freud should study Binghe though cause damn his mother issues run deep. His father though he doesnt give a damn and is detached from him but when it comes about the jade pendant youre basically finished. feeling the hots for ssq was part of the mommy issues lbh had lmao
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Stranger things young adults reacting...
... to their lover having an eating disorder (Pt. 2)
!!! Minors DNI !!!
Tw: mention of eating disorder, talk about bullying and insecurities, unhealthy habits
Also, nsfw warning for Argyle bc he gonna show ya some sweet loving. Tho I'm not gonna write down all of it.
Characters: Robin Buckley, Billy Hargrove, Chrissy Cunningham, Argyle (he could be read as trans reader tbh)
Pt. 1:
A/n: I'm calling Max mom Mrs Mayfield bc I legit forgot her name so... ignore that
@jolinghkf Robin up first just for you, my friend. I hope you enjoy it.
Robin Buckley
• As we Germans say "Schock schwere Not."
• She's not upset, but boy she's worried
• You're crying? She'll hug you, care gor you, tell you you're beautiful again and again and again and- fifty years later - again and again. Until you get it :<
• Makes sure you eat at least enough to get through the day once she finds out
"Are you excited?", Robin asked as she looked at you with a wide grin. The clip in her hair held the bangs she had out of her face, which showed you all of her face.
The jeans she wore fit perfectly with her white shirt, and it looked wonderful on her. It made you want to kiss her right then and there, but you couldn't. Not yet.
"I am excited." You smiled and walked onwards. You were on the way to a restaurant for a little date "between friends". That was at least what you'd both told your parents.
You were pretty excited for the date, but on the other hand, you had gained a lot of weight lately, which made you anxious. So much so that it made your stomach hurt. But you ignored it, which turned out to be a bad mistake.
The two of you walked into the crowded restaurant and sat down at the table you asked for. Once a waiter came, you two ordered your food.
And then Robin smiled as she leaned forward. "I have to tell you something. I wanted to earlier, but I forgot and kinda just remembered."
You raised a brow before smiling lightly. "Let's hear it, princess."
She was quiet for a moment but ignored the nickname with a slight blush before she leaned back.
"So... Steve talked to me earlier. Kept on talking about how hot he found Eddie and stuff..." She started, explaining the whole story to you.
Near the end, your food had already arrived.
"And Eddie heard all of it, right?", she said after explaining everything Steve had told her. "And so.... Eddie stands at the counter, smirks and.... you won't believe what he said."
You took a sip of your drink. "What did he say?"
She smiled and covered her face. "Why don't you join me for the movies I'm about to get then?"
She looked up at you with a smile. "(Y/n), they're having a date tonight! Eddie and Steve are probably fucking in Eddies trailer right now."
You couldn't help but laugh at this. You knew the two liked eachother, but this was a turn of events that you really hadn't expected. "No way."
She nodded quickly before the two of you finally started eating. "I felt like I was in some kind of movie."
You smiled and sighed softly. You really loved Robin, which made you force yourself to eat the food in front of you so nothing would be wasted.
Once you were done, you'd started feeling dizzy. Not because you had physical problems, really, it was more that you were mentally so drained from eating all this that it made you physically hurt.
"Are you okay?", Robin asked you and reached for your hand, but you stood up before she could take it and smiled. "Yeah! I'll be right back, okay?"
You didn't wait for an answer as you ran to the restaurants bathroom. You got into one of the cabins and locked it just to break down in tears. The twinge in your stomach made you feel like you wanted to throw up.
You tried to fight it. You really did. The urge to force it out. But it was too big. You just jad to get this calorie bomb out of you.
And you did. Once all of it was out, you hung over the toilet, tears staining your face and body trembling like it hadn't in a long time.
You froze when Robins voice sounded through the door after she had knocked on it. "(Y/n)? Are you in there? Is everything okay?"
You cleared your throat before replying as calmly as possible. "Yea! I'm fine. Just feeling a little weird."
Robin hummed softly. "Alright. Think you can come out? We can go home if you want."
You felt your stomach twist with guilt. "O-Oh.... Well.... Yeah go back to out place. I'll.... I'll be there."
"(Y/n)? What's wrong? You sound like you cried.", she now mumbled softly and it made you feel even worse.
"I didn't." You simply said before you stood up, flushed, and got out. You were lying, and you knew she knew when you stepped out and looked at her face.
"Home?" She asked with a soft smile and held out her hand. You took it and nodded. Of course, you paid first, but once that was done, you made your way home.
Robin took you to her place and went to sit you down in her living room. She then crouched in front of you. "What happened?"
For a moment, you hesitated, but then you sighed softly. "I uh... had to throw up."
She gasped softly. "Seriously? Why? Was there something you didn't like or couldn't handle?"
You shook your head softly before chewing on the inside of your cheek. You felt yourself tearing up again, to which Robin basically jumped to hug you tightly.
"It's okay, please just tell me what's going on." She whispered to you, and you basically melted into her arms.
"I... I'm so sorry. I just... I've been gaining so much weight lately and... and it- it hurts me. It hurts me so much.", you cried out softly before sobbing into her shoulder.
Robin was silent and just held you as you told her more and more. When you were done with speaking, she pulled back and gave you a light smile.
"You're beautiful. No matter if you gained weight or not. Actually... I'm proud you got to gain weight. I know you don't like it. But it doesn't change that you're so very gorgeous."
You were quiet as she talked. You wanted to believe her, but... "But what if... I get fat and you'll hate me?"
Robin looked shocked at your question. "Don't you ever think that again. You're so beautiful. I don't only love you because you're hot."
She chuckled. "I mean, you are. But that's not the only reason. You're kind, caring, loving, protective and smart. Do I have to keep going?"
You shook your head as you gave a light smile.
"Good. Because even if you gain weight, I will still love you nonetheless. Got it?"
You nodded softly as you wiped your eyes. "I love you, Robin."
"I love you too, (Y/n)."
Billy Hargrove
• Oh lord he mad
• don't get me wrong, he's not mad at you
• He's mad at the mf always making comments about your weight aHeUgM Neil AAHEM-
You smiled as you stood in front of the door to Billys house, bag around your shoulder. It was packed with things you'd need for the weekend at Billys place.
You looked forward to it for days now. What you didn't look forward to was Neil's horrible comments about you and your body. They were annoying and disgusting, but you were more than ready to endure them for Billys sake.
You rang the bell, the door opening mere seconds later as Mrs. Mayfield opened the door for you. "Hey, (Y/n)! How are you doing?"
Your smile widened as you stepped inside once she let you. Once you took off your shoes, you finally replied. "I'm doing very good, thank you! How are you?"
She chuckled and closed the door. "I'm also very good, thank you."
You nodded softly and walked up to the living room where Max and Neil sat. You waved at them happily. "Hello!"
Max waved right back with a smile while Neil just eyed you up and down before scoffing. "You gained weight."
Your mood sank almost immediately, but God forbid you'd show them that. "I know, sir. I haven't been able to do my sports lately."
Before the conversation could go downhill, Max spoke up. "Billy is in his room."
You nodded softly and went to go to his room. Music blasted from inside, which made you smile as you knocked on the door loudly.
The music was turned down before Billys voice sounded through the door. "What?" You opened the door and peeked inside before wahing lightly. "Hi."
He visibly relaxed before turning to you fully. "Hello. Come in."
You nodded and got into the room before closing the door and putting your back aside, just to run up to your boyfriend and jump into his arms.
He hugged you tightly and properly pulled you up so he could hold you close. You leaned back lightly to look at his face with a happy face. "Hey, baby. How are you?"
"Good." He mumbled softly. "And you?"
"Amazing! I'm so excited about our weekend together." You leaned your head on his while you spoke. "So absolutely excited."
He nodded softly and sat down with you still in his arms. Without really realizing, you pushed yourself off his lap with your knees, but the moment he noticed that, he pushed you back down.
"The fuck was that?", he asked as he looked at you. You stared back at him with quite the bit of confusion. "What was what?"
"Why the hell did you push yourself up? You wanna get off?"
You immediately shook your head. "No! No. Absolutely not. I just... I don't know." You thought for a moment. "I guess it was because I reel heavy lately?"
"Heavy?" He looked at you before laughing wholeheartedly. "You and heavy? (Y/n), I can lift you with one arm. If you're heavy, then what am I? A Boulder? A skyscraper, perhaps?"
You couldn't help but laugh at his comments, considering that they sounded so illogical. "No?"
"Exactly. So don't say that shit again. Who even told you that?"
You sighed softly and leaned on him a bit. "Dunno. Maybe your dad's comments did get to me more than I thought they would."
You could feel his hands grip onto your hips tightly as if he wanted to push you off and storm out. But he didn't. Instead, he took a deep breath and scoffed. "Of course it's him. It's always fucking him."
You kissed his head softly before moving down to peck his nose and then his lips. "It's okay, really. It'll go away again."
The two of you kept talking, having a few playful wrestle sessions in between (no, seriously, you two were literally wrestling) and even chased each other here and there as a joke.
That was until Mrs. Mayfield called everyone out for dinner.
You happily went to the living room, and Billy followed close behind you. The two of you sat together, and once dinner began, so did the talking.
You ate quietly as plans for the next few days were made. Of course, you also spoke up now and then if you were involved or if you were asked, but you did prefer to stay quiet.
After a while, you finished your food and decided to get yourself some more of it since it really just was so good. Before you could even get anything on your plate, a simple comment made you feel your stomach drop all over again.
"Don't you think you've eaten enough?"
You turned to smile at Neil lightly. "I'm still hungry though."
You could see Billy ready to throw his plate against Neil's head, but before anyone could react another shot came you way.
"So you don't kind becoming fat?"
That was it. Your Damm broke. All the hard work to not let his words affect you, have failed.
And you cried. You cried like a little girl that fell, and all hell broke lose. Billy yelled at his father, and his mom tried to stop them from fighting. Max was in front of you, trying to hold you and make sure you feel okay.
Your sobs grew louder, and within two hours, the police were called in for the constant fighting.
In the end, Billy and his father were stuck at the police station while you had Max and her mother.
The following evening, you were back at your place. No weekend. Not even a full day. And eventually - after a full week - you heard news of Billy being back.
And he came to check on you. You were still damaged, but you gave in. You got closer and closer over time again.
But you wondered what had happened to his father. But you never found out. You never had the chance to get and eventually forgot.
Then, you fully opened up. About how his fathers comments hurt her. How she felt violated all the time.
And he loved you. He loved you like you were perfect. Like he loved you. And that was all you needed right now.
Chrissy Cunningham
• She'll fight a bitch, immediately
• If it's a girl at least
• She gets so savage it's concerning really
• Girl goes soft w you
"Chrissy! Hurry up!", you said as you waited for her to join you for cheerleading practice. She came running to you with a soft laugh. "Relax! We still have time."
She took a quick look around before she pressed a kiss to your lips softly, just to run off towards the gym.
You smiled lightly and followed her happily. You were excited for today. Especially because the cheer team would decide who'd be the one on top of the pyramid today.
You and Chrissy walked in together and stood by the rest of the team as the talking began. In the end, almost everyone was sorted somewhere, but Chrissy spoke up after some time.
"Actually... I think we should put (Y/n) on top of the pyramid today! She's never done it, and I think it'd be time for her to try!"
Your face heated up as you looked at her. "Seriously? You think I can do it?"
Chrissy nodded quickly and put her arm around your shoulder. "Absolutely. You'd do really good."
One of the girls crossed her arms. "Are you insane? None of us can even hold her up with how fat she is."
It was quiet as you looked at the girl. Too quiet. You slowly looked back to Crhissy, who removed her arm from your shoulders as she put them on her hips.
"What did you just say to her?"
You felt shivers go down your spine at the sound of her voice, but the other girl didn't seem all too impressed quite yet.
"I said: She's too fat to be held up."
Chrissy walked up to the girl with a smile, looking down at her. "Listen here, bitch."
You were shocked at her words, but you were not going to stop her at all.
"You have no right to judge her, alright? Your hair looks like you fried it in a pan, and your makeup makes you look like a clown. On top of that your body is the size of a fucking branch, so you look at yourself before judging anyone else. And watch your words before speaking about anyone I'm close with. Do you understand me?"
The girl was quiet before she quickly nodded and stepped back to hold herself at a safe distance from Chrissy as if she were about to pounce on her.
You couldn't help the pride and gratefulness rising in your chest and warming your whole heart and soul.
"Chrissy. I think that's enough.", you said gently to which she turned to you, looking worried. "Are you okay though?", she asked softly.
You nodded to her question and smiled widely. "Perfectly fine, yes."
She walked back to your side just to cross her arms. "Does anyone else have complaints? No? Good."
At the end of practice, you were pretty proud of yourself since you had managed on the pyramid pretty well.
You and Chrissy left together, and on your way home, the two of you talked. Chrissy took your hand once you were far enough from the school. "Are you sure you're okay? What she said was pretty rude..."
You smiled and looked at her. "It was, but you defended me, so I think I'm alright. I mean... I felt hurt at first and a little self-conscious too, but..." You smiled and held her hand tighter. "I don't think it'll affect me as much as it usually would."
She tilted her head softly. "What do you do when stuff like this does get to you?"
The question caught you off guard, and you felt a pit in your stomach, but she did deserve to know. And you wanted to talk to her about it anyway.
"Well... if someone comments on my weight, I... tend to watch what I eat, how much of it and... if it does get too much, I just don't eat..."
Chrissy seemed shocked but nodded softly before replying to what you'd said. "I see... But, you know you're beautiful, right? No matter your body weight."
You nodded softly. "Normally, I do. It's just that... sometimes I tend to forget, you know?"
Chrisdy nodded softly once again. "I get that. I have that feeling at times. But then you come by and make my day better!"
You laughed at her comment and nodded softly. "I love you, Chrissy."
"And I love you, (Y/n)!", she said happily before she looked around just to lean in and giving you another soft kiss, like earlier.
The two of you stood for a while just to be able to share a proper kiss before you pulled away. "Sleepover at mine?", you asked, and Chrissy agreed immediately.
The two of you ended up watching movies, talking, ordering food, and then giving eachother a reward for today's good work.
To you, it felt like no one could ever ruin this between the two of you. If it were legally possible, you'd marry Chrissy right now.
But maybe you don't need that. Maybe all you need is for her to be by your side forever.
(My man<33)
• Soft boy doesn't understand cuz he loves his chubby baby
• Will show you how beautiful you are in a not so harmless way
• Will quote literally kiss every single part of you that you're insecure about
You sighed as you got comfortable on your couch. You were currently waiting for your boyfriend to come by.
The two of you had planned a movie night with some weed, snacks, and drinks. It was his recommendation since he knew it helped you on stressful days, which today had been.
When the doorbell rang, you jumped up to go open the door. You raised your arms happily when you saw Argyle, cheerig happily. "Babe!"
He smiled and walked in just to pick up and hug you tightly. "Hi."
You wrapped around him like a koala before he closed the door and walked inside with you still in his arms.
Only now, you noticed the bags he carried. As he was placing them down, you took a glance inside and saw the plenty of snacks and drinks inside.
It already made you feel excited for the night together with him.
Argyle sat down with you still in his arms, and for a few minutes, all you did was hold each other close and be happy that the other was around.
Once that was done, Argyle pulled back with a happy smile. "I already rolled a lil fella for us so we can get right to the fun part!"
You chuckled and kissed his lips softly before nodding. "Let's prepare the snacks quickly and pick a movie. Then we can start."
You got up and took the bag to put the snacks in fitting bowls and boxes before bringing them back to the living room and placing them down.
Argyle got blankets from your room and put them down on the couch. Once the two of you were ready, you got comfortable on him once more, just to wrap yourself and him up in blankets lightly.
An ashtray was placed on the table as well since you needed to put out the joint somewhere once it was done.
Argyle took the first few hits before handing it over. As you smoked, the two of you picked out a movie to watch and, in the end, decided on dirty dancing.
The two of you talked and laughed as the movie played, loving it. Once the joint was done, you put it out just to lean on Argyle happily.
He gently let his hand caress your hair, you playing with his as well. "Why aren't you eating, love?", he asked you and you sighed softly.
"If I eat more, I'm gonna squish you.", you said somewhat jokingly, but he looked at you and raised a brow. "Squish me? Pardon my wording here, but like... you know I'd be into that, right?"
You laughed softly and shook your head. "I know, babe. But I don't want to be like... yknow... to much?"
"Who the hell told you that shit? You are just perfect, and you will be perfect even with a few pounds more, yknow?" He said while continuously poking your side.
You giggled and squirmed. "No- Stop! Haha! Please." He stopped and held you closer just to kiss your cheek softly. "You're so beautiful."
You looked at him as he lightly dipped you back. "You think so?"
He nodded softly and smiled. "I know so." He then started kissing your cheek again and also went down to kiss your neck.
You chuckled and pat his head softly. "What are you doing?"
He happily kept giving you soft kisses before finally replying. "Showing your body the love it deserves."
You felt your cheeks heat up when he started to kiss up your belly and to your chest after pushing up your shirt.
You squirmed more and more the closer he got to your chest. It just made your heart pound a little harder.
Even your breasts weren't spared from the loving of your boyfriend as he gave them several kisses all over too.
"Should I keep going?", he asked as he sat up slowly again. You looked at him before looking away. "Please do."
He let out a small laugh as he properly laid you down on the couch. "But first you gotta eat a lil." He said before grabbed a random candy just to hold it up to your lips.
You opened your mouth and ate it with a small smile. What you didn't expect was for him to lean down, kiss your cheek, and mumble 'good girl/boy' into your ear.
You felt a full-blown shiver go down your spine as your belly twisted in the best way possible. "Holy shit..."
You covered your face as you looked away, not realizing what you did by doing that. The next thing you felt was an arm wrapping around your waist and raising it off the couch.
You let out a little yelp and looked down at him while he unbuttoned the pants you were before smiling at you. "May I?"
You smiled and let your head fall back as you nodded. "Please, just do it." You heard him chuckle as he removed your pants slowly, leaning down to kiss up and down your thighs.
You wanted to close your legs but couldn't, since his head was in the way and his hands holding your thighs didn't quite help either.
You couldn't help squirming as his lips pressed onto that one spot on your thighs that usually had you wailing when he bit into it.
And that's just what he did. You could've cum right then and there when his teeth dug into the soft flesh of your thigh and you let hin hear that from how lewd the moan was that left you.
The night only got more fun from that point on. And every time you questioned your beauty, he made sure to remind you just how damn beautiful you are.
A/n: I feel like this took me way too long, I'm so sorry 😭😭
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starz4valen · 6 months
queers im fucking lost come save me
ok but in all seriousness,
despite labeling myself as aroace for a hot minute and finding comfort in that label and the community for a time—shit doesnt feel quite right anymore.
i have had ONE EX. one.
i genuinely think i was in love with him. i only felt what i felt with him,,,WITH HIM. nobody else. I felt the butterflies/giddiness, i loved his laugh, his smile, hearing him, his jokes, all the names he would call me, how much he said he loved me, our late night discord calls, having him around, just. him. when he rarely spoke abt shit that was bothering him it hurt me so bad, like i would hurt with him. and the mere THOUGHT of ME hurting him made me wanna sob.
as you can probably guess by the fact we’re exes, we’re not together anymore. it hurts. hell, my stomach tangled a bit as i typed that out. (could be cause recently someone who used to be a friend went and dated him and then got upset at me for getting upset at them but this ain't abt them.)
we broke up in like june last year, and i felt so fucking horrible about it bc it basically ended w him yelling at me over text at how horrible i am at listening and how i treated him more like a therapist—which i will admit i did. i sucked for that. it makes sense why tho, i was working through a lot of shit at the time, doesn’t justify it at all though. i should’ve treated him better. im desperately trying to fix it in my current relationships so that never happens again.
then again, he also treated me badly. he said things that really fucked with my sense of trust in people and just made me scared to get close with anyone like that ever again, or in general bc i was convinced everyone had some ulterior motive w me or secretly didnt give a shit abt me—but also i felt *I* was the problem. like every relationship im in is gonna end horribly bc im just that bad. its taken a lot to say that i feel loved by and trust my current friends, as well as trying to recognize that I deserve love, and im glad i can say that im getting better ^^
but,,,idk anymore
i concluded i was aroace almost a year after we broke up. there were a couple reasons. for one, i only really got that close w him. i dont really know if ive had a crush or what that feels like—in fact i think i faked one in elementary, the whole reason i got w my ex was bc he was flirting w me and it made me feel nice. (also bc i was worried he would be my only shot at love but i digress) i feel off when people talk about heading to poundtown or anything like that, the same with crushes—just crushes tho relationships i totally get—and i still struggle to wrap my head around attraction and how people just can look at someone without even knowing them at ALL and go “you. i want you.”
i wrote off how i felt when i was with him as simply some non-romantic form of attraction and called it a day.
but recently ive been reflecting on that, and i think i was wrong. the way that even now i get all these emotions by merely talking abt my ex says something. how upset seeing that "friend" going ahead and dating him after barely knowing him and just how angry i was says something. the way i cried seeing my best friend get a whole small crate of presents from their partner for their bday bc i was THAT JEALOUS says something. the way i yearn for affection and to be loved again says something. the way im starting to miss being in love again says something. the way i would always want some sort of relationship—even when i identified as aroace—but just never thought it would happen bc i didn't feel pretty enough, or mentally well enough, deserving of one, or like id ever be lucky enough to find someone who makes me feel that way again and how scared and sad that makes me,,,says something.
now in terms of poundtown—legit dunno. closest to that I've done w anyone was neck kisses from my ex, which i did really enjoy—but also i legit identified as ace like the whole time we were together and the few times he made jokes like that i felt uncomfy. plus the only way i feel i could be ok w going further w something like that is if its either excessively gentle or the most unserious thing ever. so tbh if i had to take a guess on how i feel abt that—not too keen on it.
I'm debating a couple labels, bi, aroace, bi and ace, demirose, and demirose and bi, but tbh i feel bi kinda fits the most? (maybe???) but also it doesn't. idk if its the fear of opening my mind to me being in a relationship despite my fear of intimacy and commitment or just that I'm aroace and this is my brain telling me to stop overthinking shit—but i know i wanna figure this shit out
if anyone has like legit any words of advice PLEASE send it my way. i will take even the tiniest crumb of guidance cause i am more lost than a child in ikea.
thanks to anyone who read all this <3
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
【 book 6 pt. 2 thoughts ! (4) 】
woagh a whole post for JUST 6-66 ?? more likely than you think !! (also this is legit just 6-66 until the 14th node / sector 6 for each group bc. it was getting so long)
[ spoilers for 6-66 under the cut ! ]
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[ about : pome tower, START ! ]
ok i'm starting off with pomefam after playing eenie meenie miney moe bc ya boi indecisive. it's quite interesting that the door to the elevator didn't open, considering ortho said he would "play" with all of them. ok omg nvm the door opened.
the fact that ortho's quantifying everyone's resistance against their plan as a part of a game, as a part of "NRC quest", despite the fact that they will SURELY die first if the phantoms are released into the world... it's kinda morbid, bc it shows that ortho can't think that far into the future, and sees the world in an undeniable black and white. (also...what the hell is idia thinking ? trying to free og ortho ???)
o man, not star rogue again :'))) the way i died SO FAST from the bullets ough. but i think we're supposed to Not Beat It. and vil being like "the insufferable way you're speaking reminds me of idia..." and ortho's like all sunshine and rainbows because "i take after my brother, hehe~" like guys. help.
....ME WHEN I'M STRUGGLING WITH STAR ROGUE AGAIN. i swear to god i'm just bad at dodging when the boss is there T^T update: after playing this shit a fourth time, I WON !!
[ about : pomefam's heart to heart (?) ]
ok ppl might think that vil is being harsh, but literally everyone else kinda had their vice housewarden / second in command put in charge in their absence (jade, trey, kalim, ruggie...) but pome's only got rook. and even then, rook left someone else in charge in the middle of all the chaos. as a vice housewarden, rook's responsibility was towards making sure that the pomefiore students were okay + running the dorm in vil's stead until he returns.
and the way he scolds epel n yuu too, obviously he's not saying it because he wants to berate them. it's mostly because had something went wrong (and there was a HIGH chance of something going wrong) then it probably would've been epel or yuu who got hurt...
he makes a distinction between what he says as housewarden and as vil schoenheit and sniff. he was HAPPY. oughhh he was so happy to see them wtf and people say that vil hates epel and rook ?? guys where is your proof, look at how happy he is to see them !!
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guys. i'm not saying anything. but i'm also saying everything. bc A HUG AND KISS FROM VIL SCHOENHEITTTT OUGH UGH AUGH *minecraft damage noises* guyssss the hearts the hearttttttsssss the way he kissed yuuuu aaaaaa
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this line has me passing aaawwwwayyyyyyy aaaaaaaaa
(also i've noticed, vil stopped correcting epel's accent !! he swaps between the formal speech and his accent a bunch of times and vil's just chilling. probably because they don't have their deal anymore from back when sdc was a thing.)
[ about : epel's UM talk ]
i love just how proud rook and vil are of epel's achievements in STYX ^^ like, they very obviously manifested their own UMs earlier than epel, but they don't judge, and instead they're just very elated for him >:DD rook being disappointed that his eyes weren't cameras bc he wanted to show vil epel's UM awakening is such a mood jskfjkdsf
[ about : phantoms ]
lowkey, the first phantoms are tiny ? are these how normal phantoms are supposed to look ? bc all the ob gang's phantoms are HUGE and they have real bodies too, not just the blot head or whatever the glass vial part is called. (also i think the bottom phantom might be based off king midas ? crown and gold bars n all. idk about the first guy)
[ about : the underworld ]
"it's easy to get into the underworld, but once you're in, there's no getting out." does that mean that somehow og ortho got through the door of the underworld ? and bc they can't open the door, they couldn't get him out ever ? i think it's true bc og ortho says "everyone's gonna be so surprised when i make my return." meaning he's probably been waiting for a chance to escape this whole time.
[ about : grim sniff ]
I MISS GRIM....WHERE IS SON.... the way they're talking about him,,,they're all so endeared and they hope he's okay. rook reassuring yuu that grim wasn't conscious when he attacked them bc he knows grim would never attack yuu. and grim being picky about getting his nails trimmed,,,,just like a cat frrrr
[ about : rookvil first meeting lore...? ]
[ about : second trial ]
ok wait let's think calmly. how the hell did underworld ortho manage to grab someone...? all researchers are either at HQ or fleeing to the edge of the city, so how did he conveniently get someone AND manage to lock them in a phantom cage..... the charon's could've helped ig but they're all set to terminate so this is sus indeed....
I FUCKENKNEW IT !! SHE WAS A PHANTOM WHO'S ACTING ALL ALONG !! as we progress further down, we're gonna meet bigger and more dangerous phantoms, so it makes sense that some phantoms are able to mimic a human's cries for help in order to trick them. and they're growing more sentient too, she could voice her thoughts.
[ about : earth titan ]
wowowowow talk about scary looking !! tbh its interesting that there's three elements for earth, water, and fire, but no null phantom (e.g. a light or dark phantom).
[ about : thunderspear !! ]
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tbh it looks so fucken sick like i would want to have one of these irl. also i love how the code is titanomachia,,,,all the mythology parallels are NOT escaping me. titanomachia was the series of wars between the titans and the olympians, so it's fitting that they're fighting the earth titan with "jupiter's spear".
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[ about : pomefam celebration !! ]
LET'S GAURRRR THEY DID ITTT !! also not epel's stomach grumbling skull emoji,,,,,it HAS been hours since they've had food but it's so funny :')))) i hope they have a good and restful picnic after all that hard work they went through <333
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[ about : azurid tower, START ! ]
ooo it's interesting to hear that blot can interfere with using magic,,,,azul mentions that they can't use flight magic due to blot density... also i absolutely love how the beginning is legit azul just having a monologue jKSJDFKSJS my boy i love you <333 and riddle just. not listening. and going ahead....i wonder if this team is gonna be okay. they seem to be the type to disagree a lot so what would happen...?
azul: hmm, why would ortho make the elevator turn on ? what an obvious trap that even an idiot will avoid....
riddle, not an idiot: so the enemy is offering us a way into their stronghold....alright, i accept their challenge
azul: NO WAIT—
god not riddle. getting riled up enough to try and blast through the doors as if they aren't about to encounter monsters left and right after they clear the elevators :'))))) riddle i love you and all, but your foresight needs work.
[ about : will they ever stop arguing ? ]
help me please someone stop them from arguing for one second before they get blasted into pieces or something sniff :')))) bc this exchange was about to make me throw my phone sjkfjskdf like guys. there's merit in what both of you are saying, but i'm the type to be more cautious so i agree with azul on this one, riddle TT^TT
at this point both their prides are gonna get in the way of making sound judgements, riddle might run himself dry on magic, and azul's gonna have to help him out or else they both d word. they're both leaders, so obviously none of them prefer to take orders from others.
[ about : riddle got hurt ]
arghhh what kind of fanfiction trope kdrama arc are they having rn !! the arguing, and then riddle getting injured but still insisting that he did it bc he has to protect azul, and then azul getting angry bc he doesn't want to be seen as dead weight, and wants to be seen as equals....give these guys an oscar already :')))
[ about : AZUL.... ]
[ about : researcher ]
omg there's a legit researcher in here this time, and ortho used one of the armored dudes to get her down there.....interesting indeed, he's already willing to hurt innocent people who AREN'T standing in his way just to play his game.
[ about : magma titan ]
them working together to spear down the magma titan...about damn fucking time :')))))) riddle aiming while azul keeps it steady bc he's stronger !!! finallyyy !!!! teamwork !!!
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[ about : !! their celebration !! ]
THEY'RE SO HAPPY WAHHH !! riddle screaming for joy and azul joining him omg please this is the teamwork i was looking for >:DD they highfived ?? or hugged or something ?? friendship is actually friendshipping frrrr and then instantly being reminded of their image and springing apart,,,,typical of them two T^T
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[ about : leojami ]
and finally, team leojami is last. first of all, NOT LEONA YEETING ONE OF JAMIL'S HAIR ACCESSORIES DOWN TARTARUS ???? HELP MEEEE ????? JAMIL'S FACE. HE LOOKS SO NOT PLEASED. also i love how fake jamil's comeback was and how leona's outright "i don't buy that shady ass smile for a SECOND—"
and oh ?? the doors to their elevators was open ?? these two are the smart-asf duo, so the fact that they knew ortho was waiting for them doesn't surprise me. (also even with no obligation, jamil keeps trying to protect leona. like leona's more than capable but ig his past tutelege is popping out rn)
NAH. tell me why leona just threatened to rip out the shrouds' hair and ortho went "we're really REALLY looking forward to this, after all." WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN RRRAHH (and the emo music ?? hellooo ??)
[ about : video game mentality ]
yea like...this whole time, ortho's been treating this like a game. as if the world isn't actually real life. he talks about "resetting" the world by letting all the phantoms out and overrunning it with blot. but he did not ONCE talk about the amount of chaos and destruction that it would cause.
it's like...the best way i can explain is it's like playing gta and stealing cars. obviously you wouldn't do it in real life, but bc it's a game and the game is fiction, you do it anyway. and sometimes you'd make a save point, try something silly, get killed, and then respawn again at your save point. but that's obviously NOT possible in real life.
he didn't even stop once to think that these people he's calling "friends" are probably going to get killed by the phantoms if they do escape OR the fact that when they're getting injured fighting these phantoms, that they're actually getting injured. or even the fact that he himself might get killed, or that idia might get killed.
in reality, this isn't a "game" to anyone other than underworld ortho.
[ about : jamil's uneeded considerations ]
yk at this point i was expecting leona to get mad at jamil for trying to coddle him ? but he hasn't. which is interesting. bc jamil keep saying things like "get behind me" or "i'll protect you" but leona doesn't really...need it. royalty as he is, leona's probably got far better training that jamil has, so he'd be just as if not more competent in battle than jamil is. so i was expecting him to throw his weight a little bit, but he's been pretty calm and giving logical reasons as to why he shouldn't do that.
(e.g. jamil offering his jacket bc they're both weak to cold, and leona saying it'd be more troubling if jamil came down with a cold and couldn't move, rather than just leaving it at no.)
obviously jamil's trying to avoid anything happening to leona (e.g. injury) bc he would be "blamed" for it if it DID happen (i.e. it'd be his failure to protect leona) since he's the second prince and all....but holy hell man, this guy's your senior, and you read the report about him, he's hella strong, so dw abt him bestie
[ about : worried about school ]
jamil being worried because kalim and mal are the only housewardens left behind....vs leona "they can take care of themselves" kingscholar. need i remind you guys this is the guy who before he was taken away said "ruggie, savanaclaw's in your hands until i get back. don't let it fall into ruin." like. pfft. who is he trying to fool ?? (obviously jamil, he has to keep up his "idgaf" facade but it's still funny to me)
[ about : cross ?? wind ?? ]
wtf are these guys, they're analyzing WIND patterns while walking and having conversations ?? the fuck ??? and then them noticing the tiny ass crack from far away ???? ok if i had to be stuck with anyone other than pome ig my safest bet would be these guys,,,,,
[ about : leona about jamil's one-man act ]
ok here we go, they're "arguing" though it really does pale in comparison to azul and riddle's arguements... (azurid are like the loud screaming at each other type of arguers and leojami are the quiet and logical type of arguers)
leona acknowledges that jamil is strong, but he also cautions against being reckless,,,,especially because they've both overblotted before, it'd be a nightmare if they get contaminated again. and obviously, they're a team. if jamil goes down then leona's left to fight on his own, which would be a sure loss.
[ about : containment facility 1 ]
shit fuck shit shit they were so smart that they made ortho make their FIRST containment facility harder than it had to be. (also not leona...calling the shroud family dour....i'm not laughing. i'm not !!) they're legit the only group that had the whole password thing,,,i'm crying on their behalf :')))
[ about : do ur best !! ]
THAT'S SO FUCKING FUNNY. but also oh my gooooddd ortho knows JUST how to annoy each person and each group huh. making leojami go through all of that for their password to basically just be "do ur best tee hee" is just. evil.
[ about : jamil WHEEZE ]
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NOW WHY WOULD HE SAY IT LIKE THAT I LOVE THEM SO MUCH SJFKJSDKF i never knew i needed jamil and leona to interact this bad but now that i have it i'm having the time of my life. two of my faves who are just. similar in some ways but a lot different. this is giving me so much serotonin.
but jamil is right, the earlier ortho had only the purest of intentions with his every action. even when he was indirectly making fun of leona, he just meant that he thought leona would enjoy the game more bc he's a lion beastman, not bc he's a cat.
obviously us as the reader know that this isn't "just ortho" and that it's underworld ortho, who used to be a human, i'm assuming. thus why he got angry at leona calling him a robot. meanwhile, normal ortho would probably start boasting abt how he's the most advanced and capable robot bc he knows and doesn't care that he's a robot.
thus furthering my "underworld ortho is actually idia's real brother who died a bunch of years ago and got stuck in the underworld and current ortho is just an android modeled after him made by idia, but now underworld ortho somehow took control of current ortho" theory.
[ about : arguing :00 ]
ok i keep commenting about their arguing. but man it took a LOT for leona actually to get mad at jamil for something. he only really started getting mad when jamil got in the way of his "plan". which, to be very fair, he should've said something. bc jamil doesn't have beastman senses, how was HE supposed to know that leona sensed one and that he had a plan to combat it ?
also not jamil hiding his injury.....sir...... and not him NOT getting leona's words and continuing the "i will protect you" act pLEASE— tbh from leona's words it's not very clear, but he's trying to work together here. like he's trying to increase their chances of a winning fight, and yea communication is key, but jamil keeps ignoring his words in favor of "protecting" him.
[ about : containment facility 2 ]
oh god, here we go, why do we have another trial :'))) how did this get worse ?? first, using a phantom that can mimic human voices. and then putting a REAL researcher into a cage (no phantom, but with a charon armor). and now ?? tying a guy to a cage and making him almost drown in coolant ??? with the CABLE that controls the openings and closings of the facility ????
they...they really pissed ortho off huh.
[ about : stand up. ]
are you. telling me this guy was sitting the whole time or something. instead of just standing up in the water ? shakes him 1000 times....head in hands.
[ about : king's roar appreciation ]
nah are we all gonna ignore how leona was able to precisely turn ALL the ice in the air and around them into sand ??? the amount of control that would take oml, how much did he train to be able to do that ??
[ about : thunder spear timeee ]
jamil making the call not to register his handprints because he KNOWS he can't handle the magical energy rolling off the spear and choosing to rely on leona,,,,helloooo we have some developmentttt ^^ jamil's not sacrificing uselessly in this case !!
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jamil realizing that he made the right call, bc if he registered himself he'd probably need leona's help to aim/hold it up. meanwhile leona saying he can "barely hold it up" vs the others who had like. 2-3 people helping them prop it up and aim,,,,sir i think you're plenty powerful enough.
also comparing the pictures to the ones above is making me throw up, bc the others are like. holding it a meter-ish above the ground. meanwhile leona has it hoisted up high above his head with PERFECT AIM mind you.
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whew made it to recharging all the spears ^^ (technically the others minus leojami have been done for days but shhhh) see you again later ig sjkfdjskf
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bisluthq · 2 months
But I cannot for the LIFE of me understand WHAT THE FUCK was Matty's reasoning throughout all of this????//
Urgh anon I feel you, I really do😭 as maddenning as the whole thing is though I do think that the simple answer is that Matty is a drug addict (per his own words, he has straight up said it) and drug addicts tend to impulsively search for temporary highs in different forms, often without being aware that that's what they're doing. Tbf Matty has also said that he's now clean from the heroin and stuff but Taylor does sing about him buying pills and being stoned so🤷🏻‍♀️ And anyways, even if a drug addict is in recovery they're still bound to have erratic behaviours and/or withdrawal symptoms and I legit think that's a big part of why this man is the mess he is. Like he would be messy anyways but with the drugs he just stands no chance and so he ends up hurting the people around him a lot without meaning to.
I did have a phase there in 2022 where I was very into the 1975 and Matty specifically as in, I wanted to fuck him and yes that is so deeply embarrassing for my life and for my soul I know ☠️☠️ but besties we'd just come out of a global pandemic that'd nearly done me in literally like I really almost ended it all so I wasn't exactly ok and I did a bunch of messy questionable stuff that year and yes had a crush on Matty bc I was fresh out the slammer (as in the pandemic lol). When it was confirmed in May that Taylor was in fact hooking up with him I joked with Nat that she went ahead and fucked him for me💀😭 but that was all before the man outed himself as an avid enjoyer of deranged misogynistic racist porn and before he said the racist ass shit about Ice Spice. No crush of mine has ever been so quickly and effectively extinguished as that one was, the moment I knew about that he was suddenly the most disgusting and unappealing human ever to me🤷🏻‍♀️ ngl kinda wish my irl crush that I've been pining after for years would do something repulsive like that and kill the crush once and for all lol. But yeah when Nat put 2 and 2 together about Question...? there was no question (pun intended lol) between us that the song was about Matty, I'd been listening a lot to 75 songs and yeah he is the certified Sad Boi and she was the certified Good Girl back in Tatty 1.0. I think the ootw sample at the begginning of the song is making a nod to the time period when this happened, not to our boy Harold. Crazy how she was wanting explanations from Matty back then and once again does now 10 years later💀I was listening to the album again while walking home yesterday and Nat you're right I had too much faith in her lol it really does feel like she wrote this album instead of going to therapy 💀😭 it's like if she'd managed to write her way out of 2016. I do think that's ultimately a good thing though bc she carried around the wounds and trauma of 2016 for years but with this it seems like she effectively sucked the poison out of the wounds and is very determined to close the chapter and heal. I still really wish she would just go to therapy though😩 girlie can pay for the best therapist in all of the US if she wants and make them sign the most solid NDA for privacy. I legit wonder if that has been a hold up for her going to therapy, maybe she's terrified of things leaking and feels like she could never truly trust a therapist/inhibit herself enough to be able to say everything she needs to say, and so she ends up thinking that it's not worth it and instead talks to her friends and makes unhinged songs lol
”Crazy how she was wanting explanations from Matty back then and once again does now 10 years later💀” literally tho.
Also ngl I’m very grateful for your (brief but intense) crush on Matty because without it I’d never have figured out Question and then I wouldn’t be out here feeling as vindicated as I am in a post TTPD world.
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oh-my-may · 3 months
I finally got around to play Cosmo Canyon! Took me a while to get there bc family stuff and i was feeling a bit under the weather some days, but today I'll finish the protorelic quest and then do the side quests and that was it for Cosmo Canyon...
Thoughts on story: RED (or should I say Nanaki?) IS SO CUTE LEGIT A TEENAGE BOY TRYING TO PASS AS AN ADULT MAN the way I was hollering. The city is beautiful and very huge... Felt very overwhelmed when I first got there. Generally loved the focus on Red, had lots of questions about him originally. Now I wonder how old his kind can get if he's like 15 in human years but actually 48... huh. The story with his parents is pretty basic i guess? Didn't really blow me away, i could see the turning point coming from a mile away but it was very sweet nonetheless. Really enjoyed the gameplay during the trial, the Gi enemies WERE SO COOL. Also loved that we could scale walls with Red, I wish we could do that in the open world... The final boss almost kicked my ass because I'm not used to playing Barrett and Red actively, BUT THEY SLAYED. Shoutout to Titan, homeboy always comes through for me. Also couldn't help but be reminded of Genshin's Misty Dungeon event during the trial. And the mines of Moria. My weird interests meet in the most unusual of circumstances sometimes. My brain does that occasionally.
Also, the Gi Nantaak first scared the shit out of me. Then he kinda reminded me of Vision (you know, from Marvel) but that also wore off. The random sequence with Zack almost made me cry again. Whenever I see him on screen something just urges me to. Him and Biggs also looked so damn good during that entire scene I took so many screenshots 😭 I'm still so confused tho... Biggs ended up in Zack's timeline because of the Whispers/ the Wind for whatever reason? Really have no clue where they're going to take this part of the story, I just know it's going to hurt me so bad in the end.
I also let out an audible ' Hear me out' when they showed Seto... I'm not sorry.
On the exploration side of things... The flying chocobos are so confusing to me, I started the chocobo quest right as I landed in Cosmo Canyon and I immediately failed the first part because the controls as you fly are just??? Therefore everything that was placed so that you could only reach it through flying was a bit of a pain at first. I figured it out eventually, but i still haven't continued that quest... Also saw a bunch of people complain about this so at least I'm not the only one struggling lol.
Everything Else was very enjoyable tho. Go to explore team was Cloud, Aerith and Cait Sith this time and I gotta say Cait's Moogle Magic skill is busted I was so surprised when a full ass Ifrit suddenly stood on the field 😭 Bahamut Arisen was a surprisingly quick clear after I got all the Intel, Tifa just died in like the last minute. A worthy sacrifice tho. Immediately tried Bahamut while beating the Jabberwock, huge Dragon Battle was crazy insane to watch. He's busted. Put him on Cait for now.
I haven't finished the protorelic quest yet, but I didn't expect it to have this much lore right from the get go... So you're telling me Wedge is dead in Cloud's timeline???? Just like that?? The whispers killed him? MY BOY. Also Yuffie's friends (?) - the NPC's for that quest - immediately reminded me of Bella's High School friends in Twilight 😭💀 They just look like they belong in these movies idk
Now I wonder if the last two parts of the protorelic quest are gonna be as much a pain in the ass as Fort Condor was... I managed to clear the first two stages quite quickly so I hope it's gonna be okay with the AI helping me for the configuration part...
So that's that! Will definitely finish Cosmo Canyon tonight and then maybe start Chapter 11... Just a few more steps until meeting Vincent. Heard Chapter 11 was quite long so it'll probably take me the whole weekend to finish next to work and all. My goal of finising this game before easter is probably gonna be left unfulfilled... But I'd rather take my time.
Will add screenshots to this post after I get home from work!
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alwaysmicado · 4 months
so uhm, I only just now read the last part of you wanted this and what in the fucking fuck Joel.
Like, what the actual fuck??? I hate to say it but he has every right to go on a date (ugh….) but telling reader right after what they just did??? That’s so fucked up and I hope he knows he’s a huge asshole for that. He should’ve said something before so that reader could’ve decided if that’s something she still wants to do with him? Also, having sex with someone else hours before you go on a date with another person is such fuckboy behaviour lmao.
I hope his heart falls out of his ass once he sees reader again and realises she hurt herself and didn’t bother calling or telling him bc he’s an idiot!
I need to reread everything again (there’s so many fics to read and sometimes I mix things up in my head hahaha!) but also, how is this supposed to make reader feel secure with him ya know? Like we know Joel likes her a lot and probably, hopefully lmao, wants to be with her. But how is she gonna really believe that his feelings for her are legit when he fucks her and then goes on a date with someone else?
They both definitely need to have a good long think and then talk to clear things up so they both know if they want to actually work towards an actual relationship or if it’s time to move on.
Also, that scene with the bathroom mirror and Tommy kinda broke my heart :( I can relate to feeling like a fucked up burden so much, it makes me so sad for reader! I’m so glad he was there for her in that moment and that she was brave enough to ask him to stay on the phone.
Anyway! Sorry for the rant but chapter 6 was a wild ride. Hope Joel feels bad and makes things up to reader properly, with some nice grovelling hahah! I’m excited to read the next chapter!
I've kept this ask in my inbox for some time now and every time I read it it makes me soooo incredibly happy 🥹🫶 Thank you so much for reading my series and for taking the time to write all of your thoughts down and wanting to share them!! Your support means the absolute world to me and was a huge factor in me finally finishing pt. 7! 🤍🤍🤍 I can't wait to hear your thoughts about that one, I'll post it in a few minutes...👀
My thoughts on pt. 6:
what in the fucking fuck Joel
lmao this sums everything up so perfectly! 😂 what in the fucking fuck, indeed
Like, what the actual fuck??? I hate to say it but he has every right to go on a date (ugh….) but telling reader right after what they just did??? That’s so fucked up and I hope he knows he’s a huge asshole for that. He should’ve said something before so that reader could’ve decided if that’s something she still wants to do with him? Also, having sex with someone else hours before you go on a date with another person is such fuckboy behaviour lmao.
YES TO ALL OF THIS 👆👆👆 Reader's been banging randos up until a few weeks ago, so he's more than allowed to go on a date lol. BUT why didn't he just say it before 😩. He's trying to be honest and didn't wanna lie to reader when she invited him over, but still... Sir, what the fuck? And yeah, do you think his date saw his scratched up arms? 🫠
I hope his heart falls out of his ass once he sees reader again and realises she hurt herself and didn’t bother calling or telling him bc he’s an idiot! I need to reread everything again (there’s so many fics to read and sometimes I mix things up in my head hahaha!) but also, how is this supposed to make reader feel secure with him ya know? Like we know Joel likes her a lot and probably, hopefully lmao, wants to be with her. But how is she gonna really believe that his feelings for her are legit when he fucks her and then goes on a date with someone else? They both definitely need to have a good long think and then talk to clear things up so they both know if they want to actually work towards an actual relationship or if it’s time to move on.
Oh yeah. We're starting the whole "hmm maybe it's time to acknowledge that what we've been doing for the past few months isn't just fucking and we both obviously (sorry, reader, it's obvious) have feelings, so maybe we should talk about it" phase in pt. 7 👀
Also, that scene with the bathroom mirror and Tommy kinda broke my heart :( I can relate to feeling like a fucked up burden so much, it makes me so sad for reader! I’m so glad he was there for her in that moment and that she was brave enough to ask him to stay on the phone.
It hurt me, too, believe me 😭😭 but as you point out, she's very brave for asking for help and accepting it (even if it's hard)!! She and Tommy are besties and we'll learn more about why and how they met as time goes on 😊
Anyway! Sorry for the rant but chapter 6 was a wild ride. Hope Joel feels bad and makes things up to reader properly, with some nice grovelling hahah! I’m excited to read the next chapter!
🫣 (please don't hate me)
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sungbeam · 9 months
hi friend as your biggest fan u already know im always gonna hype u up so have my lengthy answers to the ask game:
1. My fav fic of yours - flight risk......im pretty sure its the first fic of yours ive ever read but oh god its SO good erics character and everything abt it ??? Had me feeling butterflies so many times i screamed and yelled into my pillow. Also inspired me a lot in my writing slump and like... i dont wanna be cheesy but helped me mentally bc i read it when i was having a rough time 😭👍 but also PARTY PEOPLE !!!!! so good. SO so good. oh and also the sunwoo hoodie drabble owns my ass i reread it like 5 times already
2. My fav chapter in my fav fic of yours - not my fav fic but the kiss scene in the practice room in off the record ??? slaps
3. The best character youve written for - swing my way eric honestly. so authentic to him imo TT i just adore his character in that fic a whole lot.
6. Something i remember vividly - that scene from flight risk when eric asked sunwoo if he wants to go skate w them and sunwoo goes "no, im down" and eric is like wtf and so sunwoo goes "no, im down. laying down in my bed" or something (the memory is not 100% vivid as u can see) but I legit slapped my knee that was PEAK COMEDY for me
7. Something that made me emotional after reading - that one chapter of somewhere only we know when intak describes how he wishes he could hear his brothers voice sometimes because if he missed him in that way maybe it would hurt less. That whole series is...very personal to me in sense of grief :,)
8. What i like the most about your writing - THE UNIVERSES U CREATE and like. The friendships and the characterization of each character and how theyre all their own person and not just a tool for plot. Also your comedy in fics it always has me giggling
9. A fic im excited for you to post - sangyeons love in unity fic bc i need to know whats up w that secret gf
12. A fic of yours ive reread - hoodie talk LMAO
13. Have i talked to anyone else abt your fics - yes i fangirled to my friend abt u multiple times also we talked abt rhapsody anonymous after it came out 😭👍
YOU. i will actually ksbfkenfkndkfnf 😭 i love u, bar !!! ur support of me has literally been the saving grace to my writing motivation; every time i write something, i always have u in the back of my mind and i wonder what you'd say/react and if you'll like it 🤧
makes me really happy to hear that my writing helped you through a rough time in your life 😔 i wrote party people and flight risk and even hoodie talk during a ,,, emotionally stiff part of my life where i felt super isolated and emotionally constipated, so it's good to know that the feelings i wanted translated *were* translated correctly, if that makes sense
HELLO I LOVE THE PRACTICE ROOM KISS TOO SKFNDKFNJFNF sorry coughs uhm haha def not like biased or anything *looks away*
OMG THAT LINE FROM FLIGHT RISK 💀 i actually thought i was so clever for that one, thank u for mentioning it and sknfkd YAY thank god u found it funny 😭😭 IN GENERAL, the fact that u find me funny at ALL is like ,,, im punching the sky rn im actually celebrating 🤧
ik i prob said this in the reblog of that one chapter of the intak fic, but that series also holds a really tender place in my heart :') grief is one of the things i feel like isn't written abt very much here, and i always seem to leave traces of it wherever i go, so it's nice to know someone can connect to the grief theme </3
thank you thank you thank you for all you've done for me (more than you even know), and for just being so flippin cool :'))) 💖
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bullagit · 2 years
my friend you are so refined. nice to see posts appreciating stede every once in awhile lol love to clown on the dude but i also feel like the fandom has pushed me into full apologist mode too. like yes he’s wack he has problems but i am also so bored of reading the same takes over and over about why he needs to castigate himself for absolution or be responsible for the actions of other adult human beings lol. ik this is kinda spicy lol but just wanted to let u know ur appreciated
its always rad to know you're not alone in these takes!! i dont consider it spicy at all i think it's completely valid tbh. this got way longer than i planned hold on if u want the tldr its that you are right
anyway at this point im gonna stop even doing the like, "i know stede [xyz about flaw or mistake he made]" preface when i type up meta, unless i'm posting specifically about his flaws or mistakes. 🤷
especially if what i'm writing is about ways stede has been legit wronged, or how parts of fandom only seem to invoke historical accuracy/paying attention to very specific minutiae when it's done in a way that makes stede come across as way more self-aware and self-important than he is in any canon capacity lol. i get tired of meta and interpretations where everything bad that happens in stede's relationships is solely on him, and reconciling is solely on him, and maintaining is solely on him!
these characters are all flawed human beings who bring their baggage to relationships. all of them. and those relationships are two-way streets, from the issues to the repairs. and it's unfair to see it whittled down to like... thoughtful fleshed-out considerations of ed and mary and their circumstances/points of view and how that contributes to their actions, occasionally to the point where even THEIR missteps are suddenly recontextualized to be technically stede's fault. while stede gets surface-level bad faith takes that ignore the context of his actions and the history he has that contributes to his issues. they've all done things that were hurtful, they've all done things they need to work through.
like. just because mary says stede left his family on a whim doesn't mean that's literally what he did! we know full well it wasn't some idle whim he had. the thing is, demonstrably, she and stede do not really know or understand each other. to HER understanding, it was a whim. to stede it was fumbling for hold of a lifeline after a lifetime of slowly drowning. and it doesn't make it less of a terrible thing that he left his family without a word in the night. and it doesn't make it less of a terrible thing that she literally tried to murder him without a word in the night. in the same way that just because they were able to come to an understanding at the very end of the season, it doesn't mean that they could have magically had a satisfying life together If Stede Had Only Been More Open Sooner.
and just because stede did something that broke ed's heart doesn't mean it's stede's fault that ed, a 40+ year old man, attempted the murder of people he knows stede cares about. in the same way that while izzy pushed ed’s buttons and was generally fucking awful to ed in the aftermath, it was ultimately still a choice that ed made to maroon the crew and literally throw lucius overboard!
(and like, i think there's a lot to be said about the fact that if stede had straight-up been intercepted more permanently in some way, if he'd not shown up bc he was hurt/killed/captured/etc, ed's assumptions-- the fact that he at no point seemed to consider that something could have gone wrong with their little plan-- and ultimate awful reactions would have played out the same way. i think there's a lot to be said about the fact that he historically seems to have trouble picking up on stede's issues; being so in love with the whole forest that he tends not to pick up on the state of the individual trees that form it, etc.
but god that's a whole thing i don't even have energy for that rn)
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
The double standards in this fandom are INSANE. People are praising Taehyung left and right for being “iconic” at that after party while they were disrespecting Jimin and calling him every name in the book for going to a party in Paris and Jungkook as well for hanging out with his female tattoo artist and army have the guts to say “it was in 2019 now we have a much more positive voice”. Positive voice where ? This fandom has become even more unhinged since the pandemic started.
- The double standards of this fandom. Like I’m happy armys are chill about tae being at a club but I’m salty and upset bc when jimin did armys turned their back on him. I legit saw someone say the reason they hate jimin is bc of that moment? I wasn’t here when it happened but I heard it was hell. But why tf did jimin get so much hate for having fun just like tae was? They always say tae gets the most hate but nah this fandom sided with him more
I guess people had a thought or two about double standards these past weeks 😅
It's a bit hard for me to try and think about how I felt in 2019, which is why it's taken me so long to answer this. It was really stressful and frustrating but it's been a while since I've just given up and accepted that's how it'll be. I don't get riled up about these things like I used to.
First, the easiest statement to deny: Taehyung never was, never is and probably never will be the one who gets the most hate. He doesn't get hate at all. Period. His fans think me saying he likes pussy is hate. Just go figure.
Even jikookers turned against Jimin during the three days (THREE DAYS 😭) he was in Paris because they thought he wouldn't be with JK for Jungkook's birthday. There was some Korean Jikooker (one who posted a photo of Jimin at the airport when coming from or going to Russia) who later said Jungkook was hanging out with mijoo because Jimin had been travelling. Did she think they were together and Jungkook couldn't keep his dick in his pants for a week or what? Make it make sense.
I want to point out a slight difference. We had almost real time "news" of Jimin. Let's say he arrived in Paris on a Tuesday, pictures of him were tweeted on Wednesday. And so on. This happened when he was in Vladivostok too, pictures and videos were posted almost inmediately after being taken. The only place where he actually wasn't seen a lot was Hawaii. Meanwhile with JK, it was all past events. The CCTV photo, the tattoos, we all found out about that a couple of weeks after they had actually happened.
I can't explain why but yes, there is a difference in reacting to real-time developments vs. reacting to "old" news. Personally, because it was real time and I actually saw the situation escalating from one minute to another, the way people reacted to Jimin in Paris was worse for me. It felt like a snowball getting bigger and bigger for absolutely no reason.
Now that I think about it, I think I literally blocked out of my mind what people were saying about Jungkook those days 😭😭😭😭 #darktimes it feels quite close to a literal trauma ngl. I remember thinking about him and everything, so much.. so so much my head hurt. My friends and I would talk on the phone trying to put together a timeline and connect the dots and try to discover if we were being lied to or what actually happened. I'm also pretty sure another reason I don't remember much is because I stalked a lot of japanese and Korean Twitter accounts, because they were posting lots of photos and tidbits of "info", some of it made sense and some were a stretch. But of course I didn't exactly understood what they were saying, so maybe that's why I don't remember much of what people said about Jungkook. It just wasn't in my language. People from my region were sooooo incredibly okay with the whole thing btw, they kept making jokes about it, they really took it so well. I don't remember seeing a lot of negativity in my language. So yeah, the backlash I saw was mostly from Japanese/Korean speaking antis because those were the accounts I was checking. I honestly didn't look or see tweets in english talking about it.
In hindsight, I wonder if there was so much mess because it was BTS first "break". So people were curious about where were they, who were they with, what were they doing. It still doesn't justify the way they tried to control Jimin.
Jikookers tho, masters at deflection, just stayed quiet and acted like nothing had happened.
And I guess that was another element to the whole thing: shippers. Why would Jimin go travel across the world without his partner. Why would Jimin hang out with random girls at a bar if he has a boyfriend. Why would Jungkook hug a woman if he's in a relationship with a different person. Why, why, why. Even if Namjoon had the same amount of fans Jimin and Jungkook have, the fact that he's not in any ship like that would've "protected" him from having his every move so scrutinized.
For Jungkook, the way I experienced the whole thing, it was a clash between the idea people had of Jungkook, and the real life Jungkook. Think of 2018 - early 2019 up until even June, the personification of baby star candy and the contrast with September 2019 Jungkook. The tattoos, the people he hung out with, the "type" of girl (!!!!!!!) he was hugging and rumoured to be dating. It was a lot. It's not surprising that he got the most backlash from Japanese and Korean people, even his own fans. I have two friends, both are Jungkook biased jikookers, we weren't surprised about the tattoos, we knew he was to get them one day; but I remember both of them saying stuff like "I would've never imagined he would date someone like her what happened to IU?!?!?" but I promise none of it was said or thought in a bad way, we were all just seeing a "new side" of him.
And then, probably (in my opinion) the most damaging misconception, the thing that really backfired against him, was that he was so casual about skinship with a woman when, according to the fandom, he was always terrified and disgusted of girls!!!!!!!!
As for Jimin, I think the fandom (international, at least) has this weird idea of him being a manwhore or whatever the word is, so that was also a factor in the whole thing. They thought he possibly couldn't be in a different country unless he was looking for people to have sex with or up to something shady. I know, he's irresistible. It was almost as if people were actively looking for reasons to "cancel" Jimin. Again; if people had this misconceptions of Namjoon, he probably also would've been scrutinized and people would've tried to prove he's a certain way like, "see what he's doing, i knew there was something shady about him."
Now with Taehyung, first of all, yes, the fandom is extremely different. Many of the people who were here in 2019 have left the fandom and the rest, we already know better. Secondly, I don't see many preconceived ideas of Taehyung that would make the fandom react in any of those two ways they reacted with Jimin and Jungkook.
They think he's queer, he was at a "queer" party ☑️
We all knew he's interested in fashion, he went to a fashion event ☑️
His friendship with Bogum was of public knowledge ☑️
Even him not waving or smiling to the fans was celebrated because the fandom already associates this "savage" and idgaf personality with him. ☑️
So pretty much all the boxes were ticked. It all checked out and that's why nobody had anything bad to say about him and why nobody cared.
If it had been Jimin, of course he was at a party with naked women. He probably went back to the hotel with all of them and they had sex while drugged.
If it had been Jungkook, no, you probably confused him with someone else, he wouldn't be at a party with girls, much less naked ones. Boobs are gross to him.
Once again, it also goes to show who's running the narratives in the fandom. Jimin went to a bar almost four years ago and the story has been so twisted and changed, it turned into him picking up minors, paying escorts, doing cocaine, who knows what else. I can't believe they're still lying about it to this day.
Anyways, I'm really tired of Taehyung stans. They don't have a moment of peace in their hearts. The way they just act as if Taehyung doesn't chain smoke even while being on schedules, but God forbid Jimin ever gets drunk in his free time. Let's not even get into how nicotine IS a drug, so by their own rules I should be allowed to call Taehyung a drug addict. He most likely smokes weed, too. Reality checks are already all lined up and up and coming for them, I'm afraid.
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thebestorworstofit · 1 year
:// disney really tried to keep me 3 different times tonight
• first I get stuck on a ride to literally no one ever gets stuck on - like how are you going to keep people stuck 10 feet before a stop just bc yallllll forgot to water up the train that literally runs off STEAM.
• then the cast member assigning people rows on runaway was supercalfragalosticly ignorant and kept trying to put me with bigger groups (like yes it seats 5, but there’s no reason to squeeze that many in / it’s usually grouped in no more than 4) and when i tried to explain that i’m autistic and get uncomfortable that confined and asked to sit with a smaller party she legit looked me in the eyes and said “it’s okay you can do it i believe in you” when i’ve NEVER had a CM have any problem with helping me out when i’m by myself or with a friend (i’m very nice it’s not like i’m demanding or loud about it) and because she made me so uncomfortable and unsettled, it like ruined the experience for me, so i asked another cast member to help me exit - he showed me where to go AND YET I LITERALLY GOT LOST TRYING TO FIND MY WAY OUT OF A CARTOON HALLWAY. ended up in a place not for me and had to wait like 15 minutes for someone to walk me out while i’m already visibly upset (shout out to paul who walked me out and over to roger rabbit where he sent me to the front of the line to make up for the experience i had / bc obviously i told him everything like a freaking baby)
• AND THEN I go to leave. I’ve done my shopping. I have my coffee. I have my treats. I did my thing I am a happy camper again. So I get this wild idea to throw away any trash in my car before i leave - but to my surprise when I got to my car my keys weren’t in my disney bag… my keys were not anywhere on my person. So naturally, I had a full-blown freaking meltdown, because by that point, the park was closed.  which made going back through security, onto the tram and back to the front of the park super fun.  and then because I couldn’t go back into the park. I got to explain my whole situation to a security guard i can’t remember the name of, and like god bless that man he had no idea what to do with me but thankfully, I am very loud and one of the leads by the gate. Heard me freaking out, pulled me aside and had me list the stores and places i went into where I remember having my keys and she walkied every single one of those places, after about 10 minutes, we get worried that someone found my keys, but they had just sent someone with them to lost and found which led to an absolute angel named Melissa tracking this person down, getting my keys and bringing them up to the front of the park while poor sweet sharon just listened to me like cry for almost an hour while we waited for a resolution.
I definitely wouldn’t say it was a bad disney evening but man it was a time…
now, you would think with all of that one of those might be my low points for the evening, but no… I am shocked to say the worst part of my evening was when a large woman who was arguing with her husband and her children came and sat on me. Technically next to me, but next to me by not enough because her silent it on the outside of my thigh, and her arm was touching me. When I looked at her and I said oh, excuse me - yaknow the universal signal for hey I’m fucking existing here you cow please get out of my personal space. I may not need 3 feet anymore but 3 inches wouldn’t fucking hurt…. She just looked at me and turned back to her conversation.
As someone who is only vertically 5 feet and a lil change, I am used to being bumped into, passed over, and stepped on, it happens. It’s okay… what’s not okay is that this is the second time in a month that someone has sat on me. I do not understand this selectively invisible super power, and I will tell you right now I do not like it.
It took almost 3 extra hours to get home with all of these banana pants obstacles and now it’s 4 am - and ofc i am wide awake when i have work 2-10 and a cannaevent from 4-11.
if anyone’s down to come punch me in the face just to knock me out, lemme know - i’ll drop a pin. 
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globodamorte · 1 year
fuuuuuck I'm actually legit upset at how the author treated sukyun god fucking damn (rape mention)
like you get this guy who's been pressured his whole life to be perfect and that affected him in such a way that he gets anxious if he doesn't have his clock beeping at Every moment for him to go do something. he needs praise or hell think he's absolutely worthless. everyone thinks he's simply perfect specially his boyfriend who at one point explicitly says that, which ends up pressuring him even more and when they break up bc he was "too perfect" he fucking breaks down and can't fucjing take care of himself and his place is a trash dump but outside his house he still needs to keep the perfect facade and his ex boyfriend meets him again and sees how messed up and not put together he actually is and instead of being disappointed bc that's sukyuns greatest fear hes just finds it endearing and like they eventually get back together and he slowly starts to not control his life so much he stops using his watch and meets his boyfriend for longer and tries new food and gets to be spontaneous and just actually do whatever and do things he wanted to but couldn't and we'd get to see this man heal and maybe start getting along with his step brother bc both of them have been treated badly by their father in different ways and each hold a lot of grudges against the other bc of that but they're not kids anymore and they both grow from this and realize they have more in common than they think. and then maybe his work gets hectic and we have Jun come into scene and he's nervous bc hey who's this guy he's really close to my bf and like it's ok to be a little jealous and stuff but I feel like what the author couldve done was not focusing on his jealousy and possessiveness but instead on his insecurities of not being good enough for woo in and maybe yeah we get some intrusive thoughts which only reinforce to us the fact that he needs help and who knows after woo in tells him about how him and Jun are just family for him and his own tragic backstory he'll open up about his own and hey maybe he'll get some help and woo in will be by his side
and instead of a fucking rape scene we could get him snapping or relapsing and lashing out at wooin without hurting him. like fr I'm so mad that they showed his intrusive thoughts and he was clearly uncomfortable and scared and hated that he thought those things and then he just goes and acts on them. like come ON. there are so many different ways to have handled that scene without the rape. and I'm not saying they should talk in ooc ways like no, I mean he can lash out and scream and be mad all he wants!!! the thing is: his possessiveness and jealousy aren't healthy and the story should've shown us that in a less violent way (bc again, he's not a bad guy to be doing atrocious things like this the only other sexual assaulter was kwoni and the assault scene was very explicitly negative) . if he doesn't want to hurt woo in then he shouldn't have!!! lock him out of the house kick him out don't let him in throw him out!!! don't fucking rape the man you supposedly love!!! what I seriously don't understand is if that rape scene was NOT romanticized, then what the fuck is going on??? is woo in gonna end up with the man who raped him??? so there's no way it WASN'T romanticized. the whole "he couldn't control himself" bs we see all the time in shitty stories. the important point here is that he's not supposed to be a bad person. but how am I supposed to believe that now???? fr his whole character is ruined after this there's no turning back this was literally one of the worst writing decisions I have ever seen (I say this bc this webtoon is fr one of my favorites and I wasn't expecting something like this when yoonseol and jungsoos arcs exist within the same media!!!!!! aaaaaaasgrghegehdg)
he actually reminds me a little of seo-an from the golden palace although their circumstances are a little different (and seo-an isn't a rapist) like idk sukyun could take a leave off work and try to heal from all this fr that man needs professional help. I really thought the main point of his arc would be "he needs professional help" but instead hes just so flat. he's so fucking flat it's ridiculous.
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gumilac · 3 years
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a/n: came up with this idea on a whim... im sorry •_• yeah, i know i know hand me your therapy bill (is it inspired by taylor? yes, yes it is. that scene just made me wanna 👊🤡) oh, also first time writing for oikawa hopefully i did him justice :p
genre: angst, hurt/no comfort
warnings: set in manga timeskip, not proofread (legit just wrote it down and posted it immediately after MDMSM)
characters: kuroo tetsuro, tsukishima kei, oikawa toruu
kuroo tetsuro
▪︎ first of all, this guy's smart and a little cocky let's admit it so, it wouldn't be a surprise if he gaslights you
▪︎what's even worse is he KNOWS what he's doing, and he KNOWS he's wrong (i guess being the head of the JVA kinda got to him)
he frustratingly rubs on his temples as he watches you pace around his office of your shared apartment.
"i just don't get it, tetsuro," you turn to face him, eyes now filled with tears threatening to fall. "you didn't introduce me as your partner tonight during the party, all you said was that i was a close friend!!"
turning your back on him, kuroo rolls his eyes at you. "i don't know what you're talking about."
he does.
"i think it was pretty obvious that you were my partner tonight," he pauses, voice sounding so pissed off. "especially with how you latched on to me the whole time."
he prolongs the word "whole" giving emphasis to it making you turn around to face him again. "that's because i didn't know anyone!! you expect me to mingle with people i don't know? you know how hard that is for me!!"
kuroo rubs his face with both his hands, dropping the pen he was holding rather harshly. you glare at him, tears now streaming down your face.
"and, one more thing," he looks up and gives you a look mixed with disinterest and tiredness. "it was not obvious that i was your partner, people assumed Ayaka-san was your wife!!"
"so now you're accusing me of cheating?" he shoots a glare at you, slowly standing up.
covering your face and clenching your fists, you scream at him feeling so frustrated. "I'M NOT ACCUSING YOU OF CHEATING!! THAT ISN'T WHAT I SAID AT ALL!!"
"THAT'S WHAT YOU MEANT, NO?" he puts a hand on his waist looking away from you. "i can't believe you don't trust me, and instantly accused me of cheating."
"you're making me feel like i'm an idiot, kuroo!!! you know that's not what i said at all!" walking towards him, you slam your hand on his table making him glare at you.
"kuroo, you introduced me as a close friend and i'm just saying people assumed Ayaka-san was your wife!! i'm not accusing you of cheating, what the fuck!!"
"oh my god, i didn't have to introduce you as my partner with the way you latched on to me the whole fucking time!!!"
falling to your knees you sobbed hard, feeling so frustrated with your husband at the moment. he looks at you pathetically and rolls his eyes. he walks around the table before grabbing his coat.
"fix yourself," he stops just as he was about to step out of the room. "i can't stand being in the same room as you. jesus fucking christ, accusing me of something i never did."
with that he walks out, slamming your apartment door.
tsukishima kei
▪︎ another snarky jerk and he's really prideful
▪︎ he's already sarcastic and mean normally but he exploits that when he gaslights you bc he can't be wrong
"you're overreacting," he deadpans making you shake your fist in frustration.
"i'm not kei!! i have every right to feel this way, especially when i saw you at a cafe when you told me that you're at home! you lied to me!"
"exactly!!! i'm just at a cafe what's so wrong with that?!"
"you were with a girl!!" you scream at him. "and, before you say it's yachi, it's not!! she's in fucking korea right now for a vacation!!"
closing your eyes, you took a deep breath, "you told me you were at home."
"i never said that, idiot."
your face turns into confusion and anger as your furrow your brows at him. he really knows how to make you doubt yourself. slowly walking towards him, you point at kei.
"you fucking said that you were home when i called you."
he scoffs and rubs his temples, "holy shit, i said i was at a cafe, you're being an idiot right now."
"don't fuck with me, kei!!! you said you were at home!!"
"i don't know what you're talking about!! pretty sure i said i was at a cafe!"
"you never did!" you scream at him, throwing the towel you were holding. "you never told me that!! you're driving me crazy, kei!"
"well, if you're so sure that i said i was at home then why are you going on a hysteria?? you're the one driving me crazy here!"
he made you unable to look at him and stand in the same room. glaring at him, you walk past him and made your way to the genkan grabbing your shoes. he rolls his eyes and calls your name.
"don't go, hey," he says voice flat but you didn't listen, slamming the door and leaving him in the apartment.
oikawa toruu
▪︎ he's cocky too no doubt, especially since he's famous and he has fangirls
▪︎ yeah, so he basically uses your insecurities to gaslight you bc he knows he has pretty fans
"you were flirting with her," you explain calmly. oikawa drys his hair with the towel and stops when he sees you in front of him, arms crossed.
"jesus christ, give me a break," he says pissed off, making his way to your shared bedroom and you followed him. "i come back from a hard game and i get scolded, for what?"
he brings up his fingers to do air quotation marks, "flirting." he sits on the bed and throws the towel on the floor. you glare at him and he rolls his eyes at you, taking a deep breath he starts.
"babe, i already told you i was just talking to her. besides, she's just a fan"
you scoff, "yeah, right. talking to her while she touched you everywhere. totally not flirting." you mimicked his action of putting up air quotation marks and he leans his head back.
"you barely even let me hold you in public because, and i quote, you're famous."
he whips his head back to look at you, confusion written on his face, "i never said that!! what do you mean?"
your eyes widen at his audacity and making you clench your fists. "you said that when you came back from argentina!"
"since when did i ever?" he laughs, brows furrowed and arms now open wide.
"when i fetched you from the airport? when we came home and laid on the bed?! you told me that!! and i respected that because you didn't want paparazzis to make you feel uncomfortable and i understood that!!"
"you're joking, i would never say such thing."
you scoffed and walked over to grab his towel, his eyes follow you like a hawk and he rubs his face.
"you told me that toruu, and i'm fucking mad that you're denying it." you turn to look at him, pointing the towel towards him. "what's worse is that i'm not allowed to touch you in public, while your fans can... unbelievable."
"first, i never said anything like that," he uses his arms for emphasis, waving it around the room. "and second, you don't hold me in public because you're uncomfortable with the paparazzis, not me!! you don't want them taking pictures of you, and going viral."
"excuse me?" you glare at him and he lays on the bed, getting his phone out.
"you know i'm right, you don't like taking photos because..." he shrugs and looks at you up and down. "you know? i can't even post pictures online because of it. my fans don't even mind posting pictures with me, but you? holy shit it takes me some bargaining for me to post it, sometimes it doesn't even work."
"you're unbelievable, oikawa. i hate you." throwing the towel at him he flinches and looks at you surprised. he sees you walking out and he sits up calling your name.
"hey, c'mon don't leave. you know i'm right! it's not my fault my fans aren't camera shy."
"shut the fuck up, oikawa. i can't stand you anymore."
he scoffs and shakes his head when he hears the apartment door close, but he just returns to what he was doing earlier.
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g4rous · 3 years
Hi there! I did see a post about your requests being open but since you are busy please do take your time with all the requests you get sent, please take care of yourself !!
I was wondering if I could put in a request for headcanons about Garou with a girlfriend that is an extremely powerful psychic? Like she’s quite intelligent and she can use pyrokinesis and telekinesis extremely well in combat and is even strong enough to rival a dragon level threat monster? (Bonus points for the reader only shows her fun side around him after a while bc ✨trust issues✨)
I hope this isn’t too much
Thank you and have a good one <3
[P.S: I love your work sm your Garou headcanons always make my day 😭💖]
Ok firstly thank you sm for all the nice words here you’re so sweet 🥺🥺💞💓💗 Getting this message in my inbox made me smile ee I hope you’re taking care of yourself as well! ❤️
Second, duuuude if I got a penny for every time I thought of esper!reader scenarios- 😂💕
Idk what else to say except this is just perfect!! I had to write this right away sjkjhddfjkf
Tysm for the request (and kindness) ahh I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoy too 🤧💕
Garou x Psychic! Reader (headcanons)
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-I’ll leave the “how did he and the reader meet and how did he find out about her powers (if she isn’t a hero)” part to the reader’s imagination so let’s start with the relationship in general
-Even in his childhood he lowkey wondered what is it like for psychics in the world
-Oftentimes it almost seemed like taking a glance at a different dimension. Controlling matter with mind, receiving psychic signals, levitating, flying… the list could go on forever
-And after taking a look at you and your mind-boggling talent one can only be left in awe
-You’re well familiar with the contrasting reactions of people. Not always will they be cheering you on, looking at you in all your glory that you deserve. Countless petrified expressions and nasty motives have left their fair share in making you the person you are today too
-After some things happened, how can you trust anyone truly? Sometimes it burdens you more than it should
-However, if anyone understands that part it’s him. To be misunderstood your whole life, living in your own world
-Never pressured you with opening up, especially not at the beginning. Getting him to open up would be even more difficult, so he digs that type of thing
-When it comes to that the two of you are pretty much the same and just started showing your true colors after realizing one wouldn’t hurt the other
-After getting comfortable with one another you turned into a couple of goofballs
-Is this a match made in heaven? Sure seems like it
-Not only do you mess around and talk about the most random things in general but often you goof around with your powers as well
-If it’s you two combined then the city better hope it’s further away because when I tell you y’all are having a blast I mean it
-The fact you’re skilled with pyrokinesis definitely helps
-What your average citizen might shit his pants for, you guys are just there vibing
-A simple game of softball would legit look like a scene from Street Fighter
-Also occasional friendly sparring is a thing! (if you both feel like it of course)
-With both of you being quite sharp-witted, nothing is ever boring, be it talk or messing around, and to top it off you also learn a lot from each other
-More than once you explained some things about esp to an attentive Garou, who on the other hand wouldn’t hesitate to try and explain anything you were interested in as well (that he has knowledge and experience in of course)
-Wouldn’t ask you things about esp just because he thinks it’s cool. I mean, it is hella cool but he genuinely wants to understand you better just as you try to understand him
-Time and time again he’d just sit there listening carefully to you, trying not to smile too much because he feels so at ease
-It may not be every second, but he never hesitates to give you an honest compliment or two (bonus points if you get a bit flustered)
-And whenever he sees you fighting or helping someone out he can’t help but feel so proud of you
-Even if he doesn’t say it that softie “that’s my girl” look on his face gives it all away
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i-need-air · 3 years
Hybrid!AU Wolf!Bakugou Katsuki HCs Part 2.
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Summary: Part 2 is here! While in part 1 it was mostly adoption and how he'd behave with you as a roommate, part two is him ✨ realizing things ✨ followed by how he'd be in a romantic relationship.
Word Count: 2k words [ oops, I did it again ]
Notes: So I said it'll be out in a few days but three [3] people asked me for part 2 and I'm a sucker soooooooo!! I could've just written a long ass fic but whatever, I thought I'd make it shorter in headcanons... hah lol right. Enjoy!
Part 1 here!
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× he's a wild wolf so he's very active; like you need to understand he needs to go outside if not he'd get impatient, more aggressive, snappy, so once you took him on an easy hiking trail near your house and he loved it so once or twice a month you both go together to different places [ he demands it ]
× it's hard to keep up with him bc he's literally genetically engineered to be better than any very fit human being but he slows down for you
× morning runs at 5 a.m. bc he's insane
× is also a grandpa
× watched all documentaries on any streaming platform you could provide to him, also loves reading
× as months pass and you start to have your routine in order, word comes to you that an acquaintance is looking for a security guard at his mechanical shop two streets away from your house
× you casually mentioned it to Bakugou because he was starting to act anxious whenever you'd leave the house, so you assumed he was extra bored
× seriously, the house was spotlessly cleaned, he cooked amazingly and was occupied with your old laptop and going around the city to explore, but you guessed he wanted more independence?
× little did you know you were right but so wrong lol
× so Bakugou stared at you intensely and asked "Where?"
× it was as easy as telling him the location, him nodding and you thought he'd consider it; you didn't put any pressure on him because he already did so much to help around anyway
× well guess what bitch, next day he comes up to you saying you gotta co-sign his contract [cuz fuck society] meaning he got the job
× he was perfect for it because tall, intimidating, muscular wolf guy? who'd even mess with him? do they have a death wish?
× well, even before this he started to be... soft
× but once you really did show him you support whatever he wants to do, you give him his freedom and liberty of choice, he just reaaally changes, man
× he gets touchy, like his hands stay one second longer on your skin, he uses any excuse to have them on you, even his eyes follow you everywhere
× like c'mon, it's obvious but you didn't wanna put too much thought into it because we're respectful here
× not like you had a big fat crush on him and slowly started to realize it too
× sike bitch he knows
× you think his super-hearing didn't catch the way your heartbeat spikes up every single time he touches you? *please*
× i think he knows before you know
× meanwhile he is working to discover his feelings too
× so your relationship slowly turns into a couple's like relationship but without anything official and of course no kissing or such [ sadly ]
× would get jealous easily
× basically because nothing is talked between you two and deep down is insecure
× why the hell do you smell like other people? was it just a hug or something else? hell, why would you even hug people when he's right there??? just ask and don't touch some extras????
× another thing he does is getting very close to you while you talk to somebody else; scoffs and glares at them too
× ok so!! gifts! he really appreciates any gift you give him but scolds you if you do because you genuinely don't need to do that
× of course he just scolds you and calls you an idiot so I do hope you already learned his language
× it basically means that you shouldn't have done it, he's really grateful but seriously you shouldn't have
× like that one time you saved up money to get him a good computer and he forgot how to speak for like an hour
× the softest thank you ever afterwards
× still sounded rough but he was shocked as fuck
× one thing that remained in your brain were his friends, as sometimes he'd mention them
× so you took it upon yourself to find them, of course with his permission
× gets genuinely overwhelmed and plays it off saying he wouldn't mind knowing where those idiots ended but you didn't miss the way his voice trembled
× for you to find them you needed names and any information he could provide so that's when he, after a long silence and a mesmerized look on his face, started really talking about his life
× which was fucked; won't get much into detail but he was indeed in a fighting ring, people came and bet on whoever was stronger, he even had to fight his friends, everything was filled with abuse and their conditions were subhuman...
× just overall awful
× you couldn't help but hug him tight, feeling him shake in your arms
× with a hesitant voice he asked if you really did think there was a chance to find them
× just couldn't believe how amazing he felt in your arms
× or how your determination that night made his heart clench and took a big weight off his shoulders
× anywho;;;; after his first paycheck he takes you out on cute dates
× never calls them that, just demands you dress up [helps you out cuz boy got style] and takes you to a nice coffee shop or something
× AND on your fifth not date cuz you're not official but there's this weird tension between you date he finally kinda s n a p s
× you honestly didn't expect the waiter to flirt with you, he came out as very pushy and even if you were a lil uncomfortable you smiled and brushed it off
× when the waiter suggested giving you his number the sandy blond hybrid growled
× which i shit you not made the whole coffee shop freeze
× and you froze too
× but neither of you could say anything because the oblivious fuck kept talking
× basically joking about how you should keep your pet in a leash, to which you got up, threw some money on the table, grabbed Bakugou by the hand and leave before he'd rip someone's head off
× it only took you to touch Bakugou's arm to calm him down as he followed behind you wordlessly
× so you stood outside, angry, deep red eyes on your figure
× and silence
× his hand still in yours
× it was warm and amazing and you felt angry but your heart was beating loudly; angry at the waiter that you wanted to go full Karen on and get fired but excited because that growl shook you to the core, as if you could tell it was territorial and it was because of that pig flirting with you and did Bakugou Katsuki just lace his fingers with you?!
× "Oi." he interrupted your thoughts
× he turned your frame towards him and pulled you [kinda harshly] into him
× you'd make a comment about it but brain empty, just Bakugou Katsuki blushing
× "You're mine, you get it?"
× skdjflglykshs
× it sounded like he asked but it was a demand so oops you're his now ok bye
× like I said, boy isn't dumb so he lowkey knew you felt something too
× legit from there on he's just soft as fuck
× has a hard time opening up but visibly tries for you
× still continues to be a pain in the ass, Bakugou Style, but with a loving teasing attitude behind it
× his eyes give him away all the time
× they shine whenever you're in his field of view so congrats because, and this is the best part:
× oh yeah, he's yours, no takebacks
× he isn't one to half-ass the relationship; you're his now and he'll do anything for you
× big time touch starved it hurts
× because he is shy
× so whenever you introduce him to hand holding and cuddles, he can't get enough
× not big on PDA [ and not recommended since human-hybrid relationships are kiiiinda frowned upon but it's getting better ]
× although at home it's another deal
× seriously cuddle him; he's big into the protector vibe so he's a big spoon almost exclusively unless it's to sleep on top of you
× speaking of! accept that even if your relationship isn't that intimate, he'd still hint about sleeping together in the same bed
× so you better catch on when he does because he'll just click his tongue and call you needy
× while dragging you to bed
× sleeps holding you, his nose in your hair or in the crook of your neck
× unless it's summer then stay on your side 💅
× you know those kisses that just scream "I can't get enough of you"? that's his whole kissing vibe in a sentence
× hell, even the gentlest kiss gives that vibe away and it'll 100% leave you breathless
× doesn't have experience but is a very fast learner
× pays very close attention to your body language
× really into biting your skin enough to leave marks
× wear his hoodies
× no, I'm fucking serious, wear them now
× his chest puffs and he turns into a blushing mess when you do it the first times because his scent is on you
× scenting is a big thing for him so of course he's gonna love it
× 10x more territorial because now he has a mate to protect
× jealous but trusts you
× still very jealous though
× let's all pretend he is definitely not scenting you before you go out because it's in his nature and it is embarrassing
× the first time he tells you he loves you it's when he's feeling vulnerable
× the search for his friends is still on-going, he feels less than adequate as a providing mate, is pissed at the world for treating him like an inferior animal when they created him, everything is piled on his shoulders and whenever than happens he closes off
× you notice immediately
× will not tell you at first
× it's only when you go to bed and he turns his back to you when you really know it's bad
× even if you fought before, he'd angrily snuggle you at night-time
× now it's so different
× hug him, whisper sweet nothings in his ear, pull a blanket all over you both and big spoon him, he'd start shaking and talking in no time
× will hide his tears from you but you'd know
× "You're the best fucking thing that happened to me, [Y/N]... I—... Shit... I love you so much."
× neither of you slept that night
× excuse you? drink some water and pray to jesus;;; you talked about feelings, ok? communication is key in a relationship, puh-lease
× [ i have this whole nsfw hcs post already cookin in my brain so maybe I'll make it happen cuz y'all know he has a mating season and all that comes with it 👀 ]
× back to being children of jesus here
× thanks the moon, the heavens and all the gods for putting you in his life; boy didn't believe in destiny but deep down he thinks you were meant to be
× you still better wash the dishes or you'll get your ass kicked.
× you did find some of his friends, little by little, and even if he acted nonchalant, like k das cool, it was obvious he was extremely happy
× so they did get adopted too
× you got in contact with them on social media and they were all very excited about meeting
× so it was a chaotic meeting with a dog hybrid called Kirishima and a mouse like vibrat yellow guy called Kaminari
× they all were looking for Bakugou too since they were very worried about where he ended
× Kirishima shed manly tears when seeing Bakugou
× as they instantly welcomed you in their small group, they informed you both that the majority of the squad was adopted and they're in contact, while they're still actively looking for the others
× cue to the softest expression you've seen on Bakugou in public followed by "That's good"
× silence
× shock and silence
× Kaminari turning to you and whispering "You did this" with a hand on his heart, lips trembling as he wiped an imaginary tear
× insert instantly snappy Bakugou
× when everyone laughed and continued to make plans to meet up with the others, he just looked at you conversing with them, soft expression again on his features and his chest warming
× "Oh! Look, he's doing it again! Quick, take a pictur—"
× "SHINE!"
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