#like most times i think it's my paranoia
nanabanonana · 5 months
user: i can't believe people judge others on their shipping preferences
that same user: imagine shipping [redacted] lol
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maudiemoods · 10 months
Ok not cool why am I hearing voices
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voidscreamns · 1 year
#i dont think i’ve talked my nonverbal!Diluc hc on here yet#but i keep seeing posts abt disability/chronjcally ill/neurodivergent hcs for genshin characters so here’s one from me#idk i feel like after That Night™️ and being on the run from the Fatui/working with a secret organization#diluc not just learns the ‘value’ of keeping secrets and staying quiet but also internalizes his guilt and trauma of saying smth that could#hurt people#it started with him telling Kaeya that he’s not a Ragnvindr anymore and then is exacerbated by his 3-4 Year Fatui Murder Rampage thru Teyvat#and with all ghat trauma and self-deprecation and paranoia he just. stops talking.#he picks up sign language in Fontaine and still writes but at some point he just stops talking and never speaks again#when he comes back to Mondstadt it was hard to adjust to for both him and the people around him#Kaeya initially assumes that Diluc just refuses to talk to him until he later hears gossip abt how no one has ever heard him speak since he#came back. he goes to Adelinde and/or Elzer abt it and they tell him that they neve even hear Diluc so much as hum or grunt#afterwards everyone changes up real fast— Kaeya and Venti drinking at the bar and seemingly just talking at Diluc but they’re always#observing his reactions and body language even when they’re drunk#Jean tries her best to be patient but she has a hard time reading him bc he’s changed so much in the time he’s been gone#Adelinde & Elzer and the winery staff are the most communicative he’s with— Diluc is far more likely to write with them to communicate#at some point Diluc has a business meeting with some rich dude from Fontaine or smth#Kaeya walks in bc he has an actual important mission thinf to discuss and he sees Diluc and this Fontaine dude and the dude’s wife#moving their hands so fast and with all kinds of gestured and stuff#and it’s the first time Kaeya sees Diluc look so EXPRESSIVE— he’s frowning and raising his eyebrows and mouthing words and all this#and Kaeya just goes ‘what’#turns out the Fontainian dude is deaf and both him and his hearing wife know sign; she helps interpret this to kaeya for the dude and Diluc#and Kaeya is like ‘oh okay’ and goes to the kitchen like ‘i’ll just wait here till yall are finished’#and he sees Adelinde and Elzer there with stoic faces and they just. stand there in quiet for so long.#Kaeya finally says ‘…..so. sign language huh’ and Adelinde and Elzer have the most pained looks on their faces#later that week Diluc finds like everyone around suddenly doing basic signs with him#he later learns that the winery has ordered a shitton of signing books from Fontaine and are trying to learn#+ Kaeya and Jean too with help from Lisa bc like dont you know learning several languages is a requirement for graduation from the Akademiya#soon the use of sign starts spreading in Mondstadt— there might be some small communities where they have their own native sign but it’s not#as standardized nor widely known as it is in Fontaine#this is getting really long so I’ll stop here but yeah. nonverbal Diluc who signs fjskdjs
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ganondoodle · 1 year
something thats been driving me crazy is the constant worry that i am somehow using harmful stereotypes for the characters i write
like i am unfortunately white tm and me also being autistic and queer does not erase that obviously, im always trying to educate myself as best as i can, yet i feel like im always doing something wrong
its less of a problem when im working with the normal forms of hylia and demise since they are not really human, and though their humanoid disguises technically are still not human they do represent what they might have looked like if they grew up as one; i didnt want to make demises form too dark since i felt like it would perpetuate that stereotype of dark skin = evil which is already not great about ganondorfs character design, but didnt want to make him too light since i felt it would erase that part of his connection to ganondorf altogether and make it all the worse, but then again my demise isnt actually that evil, hes good at heart, so making him too light then would be even worse bc it would imply that light = good thing again
for hylia im even more anxious about it bc i intentionally gave her very dark skin to kinda subvert that light = good thing with zelda (tho in my AU the gods are not good and hylia isnt actually as loyal to them as it may seem bc she knows that.. which i feel complicates things just further; and also light an dark is just a very good contrast aesthetically?) but then i also like to intentionally make characters rather ?gender? but then i worry her being somewhat masculine would also be sth harmful bc i know black women are often treated as inherently less feminine .. which isnt my intention at all (tho my hylia .. doesnt rly have a gender? idk many characters i like to write/design dont have anything specific, like what more do you need than knwoing the right pronouns to call them?? qnq) her being rather cold and ruthless also feels like im doing something bad somehow
then theres the whole sexualization worry, i dont know if im doing that in a bad way bc honestly i just like .. drawing ...bodies? aesthetically? like yes they are very sexy but also wheres the line, am i somehow overstepping it without knowing?? how can i recognize what is normal 'finding certain things pretty or sexy' and what isnt??
so far i dont remeber anyone pointing anythign out as bad which im taking as a sign that i cant be doing that badly .. hopefully, maybe all this is a very stupid thing to worry about and its obvious to everyone else but i am so god damn afraid of doing something even slightly questionable and being hunted down for it (probably bc similar happened to me when i was a teen and it was about an absolut non issue, literally, so even the thought of doing something actually bad is mind boggling to me bc that other thing nearly cost me my life and i literally dont know how i survived and i would 100% not if it happened again..)
this is probably a very chronically online thing too but hoenstly i needed to get it out of my head for once
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unicornsaures · 3 months
ill forever adore going through my old sketchbooks because its like going through memories i never knew i had
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foolishnpd · 5 months
i simply cannot have a normal positive reaction to anything normal happening ever T_T
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he could absolutely break my heart eventually. and i genuinely couldn’t care less
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#god this whole thing drives me so crazy because like#i’m not constantly thinking abt when it’s going to be over and how it’ll end and all that like i usually do#of course i overthink and shit sometimes but most of the time#i’m able to remember the things he’s Actually said and done for me and not the things i’m scared he Could say. and i feel better#maybe i’ve said this before but recently i was trying to recall if there was even a single moment where he’d ever like#hurt my feelings or made me feel bad no matter how intentionally or unintentionally it was#and i literally couldn’t think of a single moment where he’d ever hurt me#so of course because i’m me i have to acknowledge there’s a Chance he could hurt me#and i like him so much that if that did happen it would probably really really upset me#but honestly i’m at a place right now where i don’t Care. and it’s crazy#i don’t care if he Could possibly break my heart eventually#because all i’m able to think of everytime i’m with him or talking to him is just how fucking great it feels#i can’t tell if this is any actual personal growth in me because just like#in general i don’t think i’ve ever felt this way abt anyone. it’s so dire#it’s so DIRE.#okay i’ll be quiet now but i’m just like#i don’t know. i just don’t feel negatively abt our relationship at all it just feels so Nice#not even any lingering paranoia can get in the way of how strongly i feel abt it#even if he’s not interested in me romantically whatsoever#he’s still one of the greatest and most supportive friends i’ve ever had and it’s. it’s really good#okay now i’m done
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Well not exactly a vent but it’s just stuff pertaining to my personal life that only a few mutuals know about sooooooo yeah read the tags first for content warnings
Just talked to a friend from school after a long long time because i wanted to make sure he’s doing okay (he’s Palestinian) and yeah i just talked about how I hope i see him whole and healthy when I come back to school next month, and he said that he hopes I’m better too
And I was like wait what
So yeah idk if you guys know but memory issues are probably my main main problem right now in that they’re actually horrifically bad and I should really see a professional about this as soon as I am financially able to. So I was like okay what if there was something wrong with me last time I was in school
So I asked him what I was like last October and he said that I seemed really stressed/paranoid and that I seemed really on edge (those are his words) and like damn. In that regard yeah I’m doing so so much better now than back then. Which is understandable because England always fucks up my mental health I just didn’t expect it to be that bad in October. What in the world was a stressed about? I had nothing to be stressed about except my medications doing their job. NOW I have about a billion things to be stressed about. And honestly what was I being paranoid about. I have pretty much no memories of last year now which is obviously not ideal because I have exams for fucks sake.
Past me I am sorry for always throwing shade at you, I’m trying to remember that I don’t remember the past and I can’t possibly judge you for things if I don’t remember what you were going through. But I keep forgetting about my memory issues. I’m very sorry and please know I still love you and I know you’ve been doing your best since you turned 15. I’m sorry that I keep doubting you and hating you. I’ll try to remind myself that I have issues.
Future me here is a promise. I promise that I’ll try to be kind to myself, ALL versions of myself. I’ll try to be kind to myself when I feel lazy and hopeless, and I’ll try to be kind to myself when my thoughts are getting the better of me. I’ll try to be kind to myself as I work on myself and I’ll try to see the progress I’ve made in the past few years. I’ll try to be kind when im struggling and I’ll try to be kind when I’m doing better. I’ll try to remember to not throw shade at any past version of me, because I’ll try to remind myself that I don’t remember most things anymore. I know I keep feeling like I DO remember but I need to accept that I don’t, not just the times when I get proof that I don’t. I need to remember that I do not remember things and to not judge past me anymore. Im sorry past me. And I promise future me. See you both
#okay yeah it’s a vent sorta#vent#rant#tw vent#tw rant#it’s not that long tho#cw paranoia#cw England mention#cw mental health#cw memory issues#cw current events#meep meeeeeeeeeeeep#as a side note I know that a lot of the time I’m grateful for my memory issues because then I can also forget bad things#and stressful problems and whatnot. but there seem to be a lot of downsides too.#i forget important things. i still haven’t sorted out my voter id which I was supposed to do in the past couple of months#i forget to drink water? but I think everyone has that#idk I can’t remember what I forget right now#yeah one of the worst things about the memory issues is the paradox of not knowing what I forget because I’ve obviously forgotten it#and a lot of the time I get the feeling that I’m forgetting something but the problem with that now is#maybe I have that feeling almost constantly these days because I’ve started just ignoring it#before this recent downgrade of my memory those feelings that im forgetting something were my greatest superpower#I’d be like okay. my brain is telling me im forgetting something. and then I’d sit and think for a while until I remembered.#but now I just straight up ignore the feeling because I have it all the damn time.#which is not good? i think?#like yeah the issues keep me stressfree most of the time but it’s still so horribly inconvenient#what if im travelling on a plane and I forget where I put my passport and boarding pass#that would be disastrous#it’s scary sometimes#the knowledge that I have memory issues but no knowledge of what I can do about it to make sure I stay safe#it’s a weird and paradoxical existence with having memory issues if im honest
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
After seeing your Xina post I am reminded that Spider-Man 2099 (especially the 90's run) is a case study on how a strong side cast is often a underestimate aspect of a strong comic run. Miguel's entourage is more memorable than his rogue gallery and gave him tons of stand out moments when he was out of the spider-man suit.
Spider-Man 2099 (1992) may be set 100 years after the modern* day, but, at the crux of it, all the people in the book still act and talk like people. Even characters like Xina, who didn’t show up until about ~20 issues in, feel just as distinct and memorable as characters who were around from the start.
Hell, George O’Hara is dead before the book even starts, and yet his character still influences Miguel to a certain level just for having raised him-- the Young Miguel O’Hara side-stories aside, we see this guy in like... maybe one or two scenes in the whole main run. But. Those two scenes were all it took to establish everything we needed to know about him and who he was.
Everyone plays off each other so well that you could imagine any and all of these characters interacting with that fluid, tongue-in-cheek easy-breeziness. Not every person in the side cast is a home run, but a lot of them--enough of them--are that, even having reread the ‘90s run as many times as I have over the years, I still find it an honestly just entertaining comic book to sit down and read if you like its style.
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abc-felixx · 6 months
I caught my stove on fire that wasn’t a joke, I imagined my house burning and melting before my eyes as I began to realize what was happening. I said “Marissa hey Marissa” and and then a little more frantic “Marissa urgent come here it’s urgent” and then as they made their way I said “the stove is one fire”. We started to stumble around, Marissa said I’m calling my dad. I looked up what to do and in effect poured baking soda on it, but it didn’t go away. I then remembered my oven was on too, and 2 other burners, I turn everything off. The house begins to get smokey, I turn on all the fans and call 911. Then the fire was gone, but I was still scared to open up the oven or move forward. We open the windows, I grab a cigarette, and Marissa goes to the car for warmth as we wait outside for the firetruck. It was nothing super crazy. Pulling up in massive suits and grabbing like 3 heavy duty extinguishers, they see that stove is no longer on fire as I told the operator, and loosen up. One sighs, and heads back to the truck to take care of the equipment. They took my name and birthday, told me I need to clean the grease n shit from under my burners so that doesn’t happen. I’m like smokey the bear, except for not forest fires but o specifically oven fires and I actually only know one thing from what a firefighter told me once. Clean your burners and underneath them, especially if they’re old or pre-used. We talked a bit, then they left in their big car machine and flew away. They somehow managed to break our screen door with their industrialized suits of great volume as well. I then took the burnt pot upon a different burner plate and finished dinner. Overdone, I ate in disappointment and exhaustion, and returned back to my horrid predisposition. Everything is as though it’s in flames now, that’s all I can see now. I see it in everything now. I imagined much worse than what happened.
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orcelito · 7 months
I am so #LoserCore with how little I can handle horror (I don't think I've ever even seen an actual horror movie in full, even clips are Enough For Me)
Honestly tho I don't care if it makes me a "loser" for refusing to watch any kind of horror movie at all. I'm just trying to take care of myself :p
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stockholmgf · 2 years
what i would give to get my brain to shut up for just an hour straight
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julystruck · 9 months
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computerpeople · 1 year
whats worse, the roleplay side of tumblr or kinblr
the rpc by far. at least kinblr was filled with other fat delusional autistics that were mean, like if someone was insulting me i at least knew they were doing it bc they were jealous of my kinlist or something. the rpc has to be one of the most racist, ableist groups on tumblr ive seen. heavy on the racism.
#to put it into context i was never told on kinblr that people were demonizing me because i was ugly#i was however told that people hated my oc and thought he was annoying and demonized him bc he was fat and 'not conventionally attractive'#multiple times. despite him being nicer then 40% of the characters in the rpc#i had people sending me constant stuff about how i was faking my disabilities for attention or money or sympathy. i was getting anon hate#constantly. someone tried to frame me for proshipping because they were upset my character hooked up with my friends characteer before#theirs did. and that followed me for months and months after despite the three of our characters being IN a polycule#the thing is i think people think iots free game to make potshots at your characters weird traits for fun but i was very open about most of#my characters being heavily based off myself. ie: fat. autistic. strange. goth. brain damage. schizophrenic. etc#which hurt when they'd go after those parts of the characters.#id have people target specific triggers of mine and try to trigger my paranoia etc etc#and ontop of all that. im white#i have friends who have gone through so much worse in the rpc because they aren't. the racism is so fucking bad#im rambling#kinblr sucked ass but in a very like#'the special ed kids are fighting' kind of way. like 90% of the bad shit in kinblr was like#i got 'called out' for fakjing being jewish with no proof in the slightest bc they were a double and wanted me off the platform LOL#txt
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justashadetalkative · 2 years
Details: Clemcy
Every time I ponder Clemcy and physical contact I get some uh. Strange vibes off of him.
If he is the one initiating and in control, or if it’s adversarial and he knows it’s adversarial, or if it’s practical (eg. shaking hands or getting help), or if it’s from his other bodies or Oranask or one of his thralls… that all seems to be normal?
But he is anywhere from mildly uncertain to incredibly twitchy about it otherwise, and I’m just... *squints*
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pumpkin-n-mc · 15 days
thinking about jack who likes to play dress up when he’s little, getting a necklace from his cg that’s just a subtle reminder. it’s very comforting to wear when he regresses alone, because if he gets scared or spirals he can hold the pendant and know he’s not alone, that his cg will help hhim.
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