#like people have done that to me unironically as a 'joke' before
rurninates · 1 year
i talked about this a tiny bit on twitter but the mario kart video on smii7y's main channel had a racist joke that has probably burst the bubble for me.
look, i understand that that group has a dark humour type thing. a lot of the bits are dark and i truly don't mind it most of the time! but this time it just wasn't funny.
the joke went like this (from the top of my head i don't want to watch it again):
tokyo blur being chosen as a map for the race. and then soup saying something like tokyo blur insert joke here and other people in the lobby being like say the joke/what's the joke
and soup elaborating and saying soemthing ti the effect of if my eyes were like that everything would be a tokyo blur
and like i didn't get it at first ? people in the lobby laughed but i didn't get it.
until smii7y says oh you know soup pulled his eyes back for that one
and it clicked tht i really just. i don't know. it wasn't funny. it was just racist. that was just a racist comment.
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runawaymarbles · 2 years
...what is the "sex is just rock climbing" category
It was kind of a joke between me and a friend ("you wouldn't judge someone for having gone rock climbing with a bunch of different people") but honestly the more I thought about it the more I bought into it unironically because:
It is a physical activity done with one or more partners
You should only go rock climbing with people you trust to not let you fall
You should not go rock climbing with someone who is drunk or currently incapable of rational decision-making
Some people get super super super into rock climbing and do not shut up about all the places they have climbed and how many are left on their bucket list and these people are usually men between the ages of 20 and 35 and like it's fine dude I'm glad you're happy but I don't know what most of those mountains even are
While many consider it a fun activity, pressuring someone into climbing when they don't want to (or ignoring their feelings and just dangling them off a cliff,) could cause both psychological and physical trauma
There is no moral value to it whatsoever. Who you have gone rock climbing with (or whether you have rock climbed at all) has no bearing on who you are as a person. Imagine telling someone "it's not that heights make you nauseous, it's just that you haven't found the right person to belay you!" or "you need to save your first time rock climbing for someone special." That would be absurd.
For some people it is a deep and moving personal experience.
historically I have not asked myself "will this aggravate my hip flexor injury" before participating when perhaps I should have 😔
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akiiame-blog · 17 days
Welcome to another edition of:
Common Misconceptions of the Mario Series that are Incredibly Annoying
This time, this post has inspired me to talk about how unfair it really is that Mario, and only Mario, gets regularly accused of being "a cold-hearted psychopath because he stomps on Goombas and Koopas."
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Let's ignore the fact that this has been incredibly dumb to unironically claim and instead focus on this:
Many other characters like Luigi, Peach, Toad, etc have done the exact same actions before.
Yet, I don't see a single person accuse Luigi the same way people constantly accuse Mario.
Strange, isn't it?
I would assume that the average person who knows Mario would have the knowledge that other characters other than Mario have done the same actions that have been deemed as harsh or even evil. There's been numerous games where this is the case.
So why is it that it's cool when Luigi or the other characters do it, but it's suddenly a problem when Mario does it?
It's a contradiction that is so blatantly obvious. And maybe that's part of the "joke," but the "joke" ran itself into the ground way back in 2014.
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iloveyouemanuelmarco · 3 months
I don't understand how Vivziepop still has a fanbase anymore that unironically still supports her after all the scenarios of controversy where she brushes it off as petty internet drama from "petty envious antis" atleast before she runs off into her crowd of chronically online and discourse obsessed problematic adults on any social media platform(Mostly Twitter to be specific but still)who are just a group of yes-men for her to use to attack not even only children on the interwebs who just happen to be uncomfortable with the fandom she's cultivated over her career of a wannabe artist and animator, but other adults too who by the way are somewhat consisting of survivors of abuse, rape, are LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, neurodivergent/disabled and possibly more. It honestly makes me sad as it does angry because the concept of the show isn't that crazily impossible in my opinion atleast and it could of had so much potential to do way better if not only the obvious subject matters were treated with much more care in an attempt to rework the scripts but also if Viv didn't do half of the stuff she did just a bad person in general. Like...is that really the best you can do for your fanbase???You cannot be not-joking atleast a little bit when you're telling me that apparently not only are children not being stopped from engaging with an 18+ rated show(even though the amount of vulgar language is done so poorly that it could pass of as your average failed Newgrounds animation), but that they're literally being encouraged to interact with the fandom???Are you out of your mind???Don't even get me started on the other stuff that you all probably already know about such as the blatant mockery of S.A., abusive relationship dynamics, hypersexuality in victims of said scenarios that happen irl, having other such "jokes" including some sort of rapey scene at all and having someone who actively and openly supports "non-con" fiction???!!!! What is wrong with you people??And apparently I have to share the home of the beautiful planet Earth with these idiots choosing to have the cognitive dissonance and brain function of an almost-empty and dusty old peanut...Along with the fact that the woman herself treats her animators at Spindlehorse Productions(her studio I suppose)like utter dog-dung, she has proven to drag anyone who defies her problematic and dare I say dangerous behavior through the mud and gets away with it all because of her stans/fans making her the "face of independent animation/indie animators". I honestly feel so awful for those who may have genuinely looked up to her at one point, atleast not knowing how much of a horrible person she was behind the scenes of the computer screen but its whatever anyways I guess. If any aspiring makers of cartoons or comics(LGBTQIA+/BIPOC/Disabled preferred) would like to promote the stuff they male down below in my comments section than feel free☆. It's the least anyone can do under the storm that's being made and has happened for such a long time ughh. The project should have been attempted a little more to be prevented from the confines of those echo-chambery and gross parts of fandom-centric social media communities and It's so discouraging how long this has been going on too, but hey. She's the lady that unironically made a literal pedo character that she attempted to present as a villain while just having the original character end up as a sort of "cool af bad-girl aesthetic uwu" character. Oh my fucking God please stop at once I swear to the highest Heavens and the deepest, most darkest depths of Hell(Ironic).
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Bad Batch Modern AU Headcanons Under the Cut
Does not like red wine. It gives him a headache and heartburn (he’s just like me fr).
Plans Friday Fundays with Omega after she gets out of school.
Great at cooking and baking, but absolutely needs to follow the recipe. If he’s tries to improvise or experiment, the food is not edible at all.
Can flawlessly do a shot with no hands.
Has done a keg stand.
Before the loss of his limbs, he used to NEVER get hungover, no matter how much he drank. Even now, his hangovers are pretty mild. He’s just built different.
Was recruited to be one of the room parents for Omega’s class.
The only one who can get through to Crosshair when his mental health gets really bad.
Has their house decorated like the most stereotypical suburban mom. I’m talking Live Laugh Love signs, a beach-themed bathroom, so many throw pillows and blankets that you can barely sit, a rotation on of seasonal decor, the list goes on.
Cannot sing for shit.
The king of dad jokes.
Has absolutely no fashion sense. Negative drip. He’s wearing socks and sandals unironically.
World’s worst cook. Managed to burn and undercook a pancake. Gave Crosshair food poisoning.
Banned from grilling after he set all the food they got for their 4th of July barbecue on fire.
Gets migraines. He gets extremely sensitive to sound and smells.
The only person Crosshair lets look after him when he isn’t feeling well.
Views expiration dates as suggestions. Somehow has never gotten sick.
Constantly going on Tinder dates.
Total chick magnet.
Does not realize this.
Constantly drives over the speed limit (except in school zones) but miraculously has never gotten a speeding ticket.
Best at making cocktails.
The most intense one about making sure they all eat healthy.
His shoulders and neck get really tense, from sitting at a computer and from carrying most of his stress there.
Does not like crispy bacon.
Grill master.
Actually great at cooking and baking. He can improvise and experiment with ease and the food comes out even better.
Always showing off photos of Omega when he’s at work.
Saw the Barbie movie more than once. He cried each time.
LOVES to listen to Kesha.
His music taste is basically just 2000’s-2010’s party girl music.
Used to choreograph dances that he would then perform with Crosshair and Fives for the rest of their family when they were kids.
Gives the best massages.
Wears the New Balance dad sneakers. Crosshair HATES them.
Banned from their local Applebee’s for getting extremely sloppy off their dollaritas.
Gets motion sick sometimes, mostly in cars.
HATES air travel.
Top three artists on Spotify are My Chemical Romance, Taylor Swift, and Lana Del Rey (he’s just like me fr)
Also gets migraines. Unlike Hunter, he isn’t that sound sensitive, but he gets extremely sensitive to light and smells and gets auras with his migraines.
Also saw the Barbie movie more than once (he went with Wrecker). He also cried.
Has a crush on Tony Soprano (don’t ask why the thought came into my head and wouldn’t leave)
Babies and toddlers love him for some reason.
Will not eat or drink something if the expiration date is within two days. Gets extremely grossed out by Hunter not caring for expiration dates.
Secretly a hopeless romantic.
Learned her first curse word from Echo when he let one slip while driving.
Repeated the word in front of Hunter, who nearly had a heart attack.
Looks just like Crosshair when he was a kid.
Likes going out with Crosshair because he almost always gets her a little treat.
Gets annoyed by how many people in her class and some of their parents have a crush on one of her brothers.
Has tried to play matchmaker for her brothers before.
All of her brothers give amazing hugs, but she secretly thinks Echo’s are the best.
She was a rescue dog.
She’s a gray pittie.
Her favorite person is Crosshair and she’s always following him around and is always at his side.
Goes crazy for cold cuts.
Was originally going to be brought to the shelter if they couldn’t find an owner, but Hunter agreed to keep her when he saw how happy she made Omega and Crosshair.
Her tail has a kink because it broke and didn’t heal properly.
Feel free to add more if you’d like! I have included some of these in my Modern AU works.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 18 days
Draco malfoy headcannons
flavor: fluffy and smutish but they're separated so you won't get jump scared
Also I'm returning to my roots with this stinky mf okay I have writers block
Liked you in the hallway crush type of way yk like when there’s that one person in the halls that you're like “god damn, anyways where’s my next class”
Never even tried to speak to you was just like ” I'll gaze from afar”
The only problem is that he has major resting bitch face so you were sat there racking your brain over what you could’ve possibly done to this random daddy’s money kid (like this isn't set in a private school but LOOK OVER THERE)
Confessed by just standing in front of you and 👁👁 before handing you an outdated birthday card with a 100 dollar bill inside with a note inside that was basically just him like “PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLE-“
You did give him a shot and he did actually speak words to you
bitchest bitch ever yall bicker (lovingly of course) 24/7
“did you for real just copy off of me?” “Okay well at least I don’t have daddy issues” “You cannot be talking and you know it”
He gives stick bug vibes yk
does not comprehend normal human life you could be complaining about doing laundry and he is like “Just have one of the elves do it?” and you are like “😶right so-“
just assume you have the answer to everything bc like you’re his partner? tf?
“how far away is Saturn in kilometers?” “They don't measure distance with kilometers, Draco, you dumbass. It’s called lightyears.” ‘right so in lightyears then?” “How tf am I supposed to know?”
he’ll hear a crash and look to you like you know what’s going on and you’ll turn his head back
I'm not one to assume someone’s sexuality but it's very much bisexual for the both of you (he likes guys and you know it)
a hot guy will pass and you both turn to each other like {insert Bratz meme here}
has created mustard gas on accident
laughs at his own jokes unironically (he is the only one laughing)
will try to be relatable and it's just like “yk that moment when your Prada shoes get gourmet chocolate on them”
makes up new names for your stuffed animals bc he thinks all the ones you picked were “lame”
his beauty sleep comes above everything else
Once Theo woke him up (there was a fire they had to evacuate) and the next night you found him hovering a pillow over Theo’s face you tackled him to the ground
Only knows how to play dominoes no card games or anything only dominoes
Bought you guys matching sleep masks
And embroidered PJs
And bunny slippers
PDA hater
He’ll sit next to you at max when you're around lots of people when you're just around his friends he's down with hugs and hand-holding holding maybe a cheek kiss but that's it
Alone is a different story he's attached to you he's actively trying to crawl under your skin as we speak
Terrified of bugs he's standing on a chair and screaming the second he sees one
Pays you in kisses when you take the bug outside (after you wash your hands)
Prefers baths over showers
Hates dogs and growls at them more than they growl at him
Only likes cats in theory bc they leave hair on his clothes
He's a reptile man
has owned a bearded dragon and will own more
Cold mf you wanna look me in the eye and tell me he has good circulation
Presses his cold ass feet against you while you're on the brink of sleep so confused when you swing your hand back to smack him
“I'm just cuddling you?”
“Cuddle somebody else fucking ice cube bitch ass”
Every single night
He sleeps on his back with his hands on his stomach like he's going to get lowered into his casket it's embarrassing
Thinks he knows how to shake ass and then when he tries (and fails) he considers never speaking to anyone ever again
Has gotten flirted with while he was with you and he just stared at them blankly bc he couldn't tell if it was happening
And then he left the room entirely
Walks in on people butt ass naked bc he has not learned how to knock (only child syndrome)
Stares a lot
He has nothing better to do so he’ll just come join you in your dorm and 👁hi👁
You've learned to block him out so he’ll scare the shit out of you
Sure he doesn't know how to flirt but he has money so he makes up for it
If you look at anything longer than three seconds he's following behind you with his card and the other twelve bags you have
This does have you ending up with things you didn't want so your friends love your random gifts
One of them will walk into potions with a luxury purse and one of the other kids will be like “tf Did you get that?” and your friends are like “🫵” And you're like “I didn't want it” So some of the student body does hate your guts just a little
favorite food is plain white rice
Thinks that acrylic nails go under the skin yk like in those videos with the fake hands pushing the nails up the finger yeah he thinks that actually happens to people
Jaw on the floor when you explain to him that's not what happens
Nsfw kinda
Down to three-way and will NOT let you forget
“I met this cute girl at the-” “I'm down. 😐”
“Oh did you see Harry this morning he was-” “Do you think he'd hook up with us?😐” “Babe. We've talked about this” “just once please”
Has asked you to peg him
unless you have a dick then he's asking for one of those two-way things (you're on my blog you know what I'm talking about dude)
Actively begging sobbing on his knees “Please baby Please being so good please”
Would be a swinger and he'd have a pineapple on his front porch
Has dabbled in the lockerrooms
Will ask you if the boys can watch him hit and you said only if they see him at his lowest begging and pleading for you he is silent as of now (give him two weeks)
Type of bitch to be covered in hickeys and when someone is like “What happened? To your neck?” and he's like “Literally what are you talking about?” will gaslight them into thinking there's nothing on his neck
Prefers cuddling naked but hates not immediately being in the bath after sex so he has to battle himself in his head
Can't dirty talk he's like “You look so nice when you're not in clothes? Do you like my wee wee?” and you're sitting there “bitch your what?”
Have resulted in him not being allowed to talk
Quickies number one hater
Needs his time to get into pussybitchboy mode
Okay bye
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capinejghafa · 2 months
do you think that the show's "inej is incapable of killing" made people idk "soften" inej up? like "making her the mom friend" when in the books she isn't?
Also book rec anon (though i think you had several so i'm one of them) LOVING YOUR RECS THANK YOU!
I will say this because Inej being seen as the "mom friend" is nothing new! Actually, it comes from the book fandom. Having read several fics from before the start of the show, it seems more like an expectation that she is forced into this role because if Kaz is the "dad" of the group, then Inej has to be the "mom". This gives me a lot of pause and makes me feel weird because the fandom collectively assigned a very nuclear family dynamic to the crows that we should play off as a joke... but some people are unironically very serious about it.
I think the show definitely softened Kaz much more than his book counterpart (because he's older and has a bit more of life experience. At least, that's my interpretation of show!Kaz). While show!Inej does have the capacity to be cruel and dismissive. I think it's often overlooked because thinking that Inej is even remotely a little mean is sort of frown down upon. The thing is, nuance plays a big role, and sometimes, we don't want our characters to be messy. Which isn't fair to the crows because they're deserve to be seen a fully dimensional characters who are just trying their best.
I think Inej gets a bit of the short end of the stick because people want her to be the pinnacle of kindness or the most badass characters of all time... and my goodness, there's no in between, no room for flaws or growth. I think Inej is best when she gets to arcs where she questions her faith, where she fails, where she still has so much wisdom to learn.
But this is all imo!
(Also, I enjoy working on the recs so much! There is a list that I will make public when the author fic recs are done!)
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widthofmytongue · 1 year
The other night I had drinks with coworkers. I increasingly dislike all of them. The topic of the Coronation came up, unsurprisingly. One of my colleagues said ‘we should have done what the French did’, and me and one other kinda went ‘haha yeah!’ and I thought for a moment that maybe I wouldn’t be in the political minority, even if these people will never be dedicated to the pursuit of global communism. My boss said, unironically, ‘what did the French do?’
Now I knew this was a bad sign, but me and person who initially referenced the French Revolution tried to sort of extol a few key details of the abolition of monarchy and formation of the First Republic, with probably disproportionate attention on the Terror. But anyway, my boss said something like ‘my knowledge of history isn’t great before the war’, and I asked genuinely ‘which war?’, which was interpreted as a sarcastic joke.
Anyway, this led to talking about WWII. Someone said something like ‘well the Second World War was unique among wars because it was essentially good versus evil’, to which I interjected ‘well kinda more like evil versus evil, right’. The response to this, from all three of my colleagues in the conversation, was ‘oh right, the Soviets’. I think if you follow this blog (or especially my politcal sideblog) you may have encountered my generalised view of the Soviet Union. Keeping in mind that it was Gevurah ShebeHod (since most of my personal posts seem to mark some significant point on the Hebrew calendar), I tried to rein in my response, and just said ‘interesting that when I mention the evil superpowers of the Allies in WWII you say the Soviets but not Britain or America.’ So the following dialogue came out of this:
Colleague (with history degree): Well I don’t know much about Roosevelt’s policy or ideological allignment... Me: Well he kinda committed genocide against the Navajo. C(whd): ...Churchill may have been a shitty guy... Me: Well he kinda committed genocide against India and Palestine. C(whd): ...But Britain essentially had to go to war with the Nazis. Me: To safeguard their material interests though, right, not for the altruism of saving the brutalised people of Europe. C(whd): Well Britain didn’t have any interests in Poland. Me: Well I think upholding a status quo is a very strong material interest for imperial Europe, but I was really talking about North Africa and the Middle East. C(whd): But those regions weren’t threatened by Germany, but by Italy. Me: Do you honestly think Churchill or whoever was thinking in such a two-dimensional way as to see these powers in a vacuum? [I wish I’d said ‘I think they were pretty threatened by Britain too, and remain so.’] Colleague who’d followed silently: Well every government has done horrible things at some point. Me: And yet when I mentioned evil versus evil, you all glanced right past the genocidal empires of Britain and America to look at the Soviets. Boss (unironically): I didn’t think when I mentioned the war that we’d be talking so much about genocide.
Now I wanna leave this on a couple crucial points. One is that I am very overt about being Jewish. I mention observing religious festivals; I use lots of Yiddish and occasionally Hebrew phrases; I have a hamsa and a Star of David badge on my backpack, as well as on the jacket I was wearing that night (I also have a Lenin badge on the jacket). The idea that these three white English men entered this conversation about WWII with a Jew and then were surprised (it was very clear they were all surprised and uncomfortable) at the mention of genocide is baffling to me, but I think all too common. I didn’t even mention the Shoah (although I think I did eventually say something like ‘I don’t think invading other countries is the greatest evil for which Nazi Germany is remembered’).
At some point later in the conversation I said something like ‘for all the negative views abounding on the Soviet Union, speaking as a queer Jew, I think I’d have preferred to live there than in Britain at the time’, to which my colleague with the history degree replied ‘well I obviously can’t speak to that’. It was very clear that he meant he can’t speak to Jewish and I guess queer identity. Now this is not the first time I’ve encountered this, but I think it’s an important phenomenon to observe. I once said to another colleague ‘well, there are lots of people in this country who want me dead because I’m Jewish or nonbinary’, and she said ‘well I can’t even imagine what that’s like’.
What I want to rhetorically ask is: why can’t you imagine it? Why do you imagine you’re safe from these same people? First they came for the communists, then they came for the Jews, then they came for that guy who wrote the poem! Eventually they’ll come for you too, when they drum up some new group to hate and mobilise against. If you can’t imagine what it’s like for fascists to want you dead, maybe you should try?
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
@steddie-week Day Five: Together/Established Relationship/Hold the Line by Toto
Steve and Eddie being in a relationship might be the worst thing that has ever happened to Dustin.
Demagorgons, evil Russians, Vecna, undead bats and dogs, government conspiracies and his cat being eaten have all been bliss compared to the sickly sweet, ooey-gooey, puppy-love, lovesick, utter grossness bullshit of Steve and Eddie actually being together.
Of course, he is okay with it in terms of them being two dudes. His mother taught him never to judge people like that.
Nope, that isn't the problem.
It's awful and just plain annoying because they are inseparable.
Attached at the hip. Practically living together in Steve's parentless house. Going everywhere together... Making everything about the other all the damn time... Talking on the phone when they can't be in the same vicinity... Eddie being granted a lifetime riding shotgun pass in the Beemer... Steve declaring that Eddie is his best friend...
And it is all impacting Dustin's life a little too much at this point.
He barges into Steve's house, not bothering to wait at the door after his knocking remains unanswered. As were his phone calls hours ago It's 11am on a goddamn Saturday morning and neither of the guys has work.
They were supposed to meet him at the arcade two hours ago.
Inseparable. But also selfish and forgetful.
He walks into the living room to find Steve and Eddie cuddled up on the couch (barf) and tucked under a blanket. Both are still dressed in pyjamas, a disgusting matching set Eddie had bought at the beginning of last Winter as a joke that they now wear unironically all the goddamn time.
Eddie (as usual) has his hands in Steve's hair, petting him like he's an overly furry house cat. And Steve (as usual) is on the precipice of sleep.
"You were supposed to meet me at the arcade!" he blurts out.
He probably should have thought of something better to announce his presence - something that would make them feel oh so very bad for abandoning him. But he is too distracted by the realisation that this relationship has also turned his best friends into senior citizen-homebody-couch potatoes. If only Steve was wearing the dorky old man spectacles he needs for the computer at work...
The pair startle a little but barely move. If anything, they look annoyed that he is even in their presence. They don't even look guilty or caught out! Have some sort of reaction - assholes!
"We're watching TV," Steve mumbles through a yawn, completely blowing over the plans they had made and now missed.
"Yeah," Eddie drawls, eyes glued to the screen, "MTV time, go away."
He punctuates his lame explanation with a hiss that makes Steve (now the chief of egging him on) snicker into his chest.
Dustin groans at the sounds of Toto crooning from the TV, whining when he catches Eddie of all people, mouthing along to the words.
Maybe he should just get it over and done with and call Hellfire for an emergency talk about their (decidedly no longer 'metal') Dungeon Master. They were already talking about it. Even Gareth, Jeff and George were willing to overthrow Eddie and replace him with Will if it meant some consistent campaigns without a fawning Steve lingering around asking silly questions - all an excuse to lamely flirt and grab Eddie's already-waning attention.
Although, it might be more effective at this point to simply disable Steve's cable access...
"What!" he screeches at the sight of Robin shuffling in from the kitchen, slurping away at some cereal.
She stops mid-spoonful, gawking. A Cheerio slops onto her chin before dripping down onto her sweater without her noticing.
"Hey," she mumbles through a mouthful nonchalantly.
She squishes past the lovebirds to sit in the empty spot next to Steve - which is basically three-quarters of the couch considering his proximity to Eddie.
"Why are you here?"
Robin shrugs, "Kid, this is the only way I can spend time with Steve that doesn't involve being at work."
"Are you fucking kidding me!"
Steve grumbles, "I'm not going with you, dude."
"But we made these plans a week ago."
"No, I don't wanna."
"Henderson," Eddie pipes up, overly stern alongside Steve's baby-whining ass, "We just want some peace and quiet."
"Can't we just chill out, Dustin?" Steve begs as if they aren't like this all the time these days.
Before Dustin can express his utter disappointment, Steve retreats into Eddie's chest and pulls their blanket up to cover himself completely. Eddie just continues petting the mass glued to his side as Dustin scrubs a hand over his own face, resigning himself to an arcade session alone.
Robin whines, likely annoyed that their communal blanket is now being hogged by a total traitor of a friend. She reaches forward to deposit her cereal bowl on the coffee table with a pointed thud. Clearly 'spending time with Steve' just means being a rickety third wheel that eventually topples off the proverbial clown car entirely.
"I'll come with you to the arcade," she says, jumping up and rushing towards him.
She rolls her eyes in the direction of the cocooned duo on the couch.
"Really?" he can't help but beam and as Robin nods, a toothy, even guilty smile creeps across her face.
"But I don't have any money," she admits, chewing her bottom lip.
Fuck it, he'll take it.
Dustin grabs her arm and begins leading them to the door, grumbling as Robin's socks slip on Mrs Harrington's shiny floorboards.
He calls over his shoulder, "Don't worry, I'll just find a new older friend. I hate you two."
"Fine," Eddie chimes, matching his mocking singsong tone.
Steve just grunts something Dustin doesn't catch, he's too busy listening to Robin launching into a series of complaints about the prospect of walking back to the town centre from Loch Nora.
Robin stops mid-rant as she tries to spin at the same time she hops into one of her boots, almost falling straight into the coat rack.
She frowns, "Did you just imply we weren't friends, Little Dude?"
Dustin pinches his nose, "Are you coming, or not?"
Eddie watches, craning his neck to peek over to the front door. When he hears it click shut, he flicks the blanket away and begins pulling on Steve's pyjama sleeve.
"Now that Rob is gone, you wanna get back in bed, Stevie-Bear?"
He is practically on his feet before he finishes talking, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Steve leaps up and wraps his arms around his middle, already setting about waddling them as one cozy blob towards the stairs.
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system-of-a-feather · 9 months
Honestly, the thing about DID that I've come to find as a part that did an absurd amount of work during the "survival era" - literally playing caretaker, soother, primary protector, makeshift-gatekeeper, relationship mediator, and academic protector when our polyfragmented system was more or less shut down to a system of 2 with wild intrusions - and having carried us to keep a good grade during all the crisises that happened in our undergrad as we started DID-centered therapy - is that the difficulty of life with DID is honestly just very very front loaded but in turn relatively "easy" if / when you manage to survive that front loaded opening.
This isn't to say "DID makes your life easier when you get past the sheer survival phase and get to a place of stability" but more so that the sheer amount of skill and difficulty you've had to survive and grow accustomed to in order to GET to stability makes almost everything look like a bit of a joke.
It is very hard to get through that period, it is extremely painful and honestly, the unfortunate thing is that it is fatal to some - but by the time you come out on the other end.... it's almost honestly boring before it becomes peaceful with just how pathetically simple "huge stressors" are in comparison.
I've carried 500 roles all on once while trying to keep intruding parts' messes limited back when we really had to go into our denial phase of DID in late high school. I kept our grades up during active multi-level abuse and codependent friendships and so many massive crisises. I got us academically through our bachelors degree and the first 5+ years of therapy AND Covid. I've gotten up the next morning after a flight and two or three breakdowns and took an organic chemistry final and did plenty of well.
Am I genuinely supposed to be worried about a simple GRE test with only a few days notice? Of course that should be stressful, of course that should bother me, most people it should - but honestly? Compared to the absurd feats I've done in the name of survival both for myself and the system, and the absurd feats I've done in the name of flourishing - its honestly a cake walk.
At this point, as a part, very little compares to the hardest periods of our life and honestly, it both kind of leaves me under fulfilled as a part that really likes projects and working on things. It's a large reason why I've taken a lot more fun and fulfillment in watching the "kids" grow and learn things on their own and serving as an advisor / mentor when they really find themselves stuck.
My confidence and security in handling these sorts of things used to actually depress me as we got into a better life, but honestly, it's a lot more fun sitting back and being the parent to the hosts and "new generation" of parts because its both more interesting and it's honestly just really fulfilling to be able to be that safe and secure base for ourselves that we never had. And I am not meaning in the sense of a protector and caregiver - that is too over bearing and obligatory. I more so just mean like a genuine parent to fledgling birds.
The diligence and long run game of watching them flail around a bit sillily as they figure out how to fly on their own. Keeping them safe but not so much that they never learn to fend for their own. I don't know, call me old, I'm retired in this brain for the most part, but its something I really enjoy honestly.
Any how, I apologize some for the amount of times I say "honestly" and the overall formal speech, I used to joke about it being my "speech impediment" because I can't help it - but Riku and co recently found out that is ACTUALLY a speech impediment common with autism called "stilted speech" so I guess.... it unironically is my speech impediment. (/half serious /lh)
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herotome · 4 months
Hello Wudge!!! I know working on such a beautiful and ambitious project must be incredibly tiring. I also know how encouraging it can be to know that people enjoy what you put out there, so I'm here to express my appreciation for Herotome and all the work you have put into it already!
I've been into visual novels for a couple of years now, and while I enjoy my occassional short and sweet dose of cheesy romance, most visual novels could never really satisfy my desire for a good narrative and a lot of time to get to know the love interests (As someone who really needs to know a person in order to get romantically involved with them, I've always found some love stories kind of rushed. That's just my preference tho). I know it's hard to develop a fully-fledged game, especially when you're an independent developer and mostly work for free, so I'm definitely not trying to undermine anyone's work!!!
However, this is why I was so stunned by how much Herotome's DEMO captivated me. Not even just the extended demo!!! The first time I came across this game was before the extended demo got released, and even then, I was so enamoured with the universe, the artstyle, the characters, the writing. EVERYTHING. I'm a bit ashamed to say I can be quite picky with my taste in visual novels, but Herotome literally ticked every single box for me. Visually appealing designs (both with the characters and with the UI!), a great mix of humour and sobriety, clear and skilled writing and awesome world building. All of this in A DEMO??? GOD DAMN, DUDE!
A literal demo unironically managed to put this visual novel among my absolute favourites simply because of how much work and care was put into it. I really hope it gains more attention even before it gets fully released, because you truly deserve the same level of support that games like Our Life (my #1 fav VN, can't wait for OL2) have. I know it'll probably be a while before Herotome gets released, but I'll try my best to wait patiently because I can't wait to see more of everyone! (especially Dart and Jade, I love them.)
I'm really sorry for the whole essay over here, but I just wanted to make my support clear!!! Unfortunately I don't have the possibility of financially supporting (yet) but I'm over here awaiting every update of this game with so much excitement you have no idea (⁠ᗒ⩊ᗕ ྀི) Good luck and stay healthy!
ksbfjsdb how did you know.. 😭😭😭 Thank you, sweet anon! No apology necessary, I love essays!!
Worldbuilding is a area where I've felt particularly lacking -- like, I make a point avoid thinking about it most of the time, so in the rare instances I actually do put in effort it feels like it's coming up short? Maybe not so much in the demos, but nowadays I'll be standing around thinking about how things work in the society of Rhineway and trying to plan out ideas of what's gonna come up in the routes and my brain will inevitably feels like television static by the end.
SO to be praised for worldbuilding gives me a bizarre yet flattered feeling (sort of like "I'm not sure I deserve this but I guess I've done something right"), thank you, and I'm continually touched that people enjoy the humor! I really try to put in a lot of throwaway jokes where it's like -- if you don't laugh, it's totally fine cuz it goes by pretty quick -- but it is nice to know I've made people laugh. Or at least have an sensible inward chuckle :')
It sounds like you're demisexual btw which - lol me too. 🤝 Eyyyy!
I'm not sure how to end this post so I'll just put in some preview of what I've been working on -
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Lots of eyebrow dances.
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Why Tori Meadows is a sith lord
You know... I was thinking about doing some shitpost “proving” that Tori is unironically a god tier duelist that was paid to hold back for the entirety of Zexal and could actually obliterate any duellist foolish enough to stand in her way.
But the thing is... that’s not really a joke to me. I honestly truly believe Tori would be capable of great viciousness as a duellist if just given the chance. Just look at Duel Links:
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That is a girl who is out for blood, a war machine in the making, a kid who decided to get serious about duelling to the point of being able to “beat everyone in a snap” (the game’s exact words) just out of rage and spite alone. That is iconic and legitimately deserves more attention in the fandom.
So now for my real arguement: I think Tori Meadows is a sith lord.
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Yes, Samuel L. Jackson. This seemingly innocent 13 year old girl is a sith lord, one more powerful than either Darth Sidious or Darth Vader could have ever hoped to be.
Now for people who aren’t familiar with the beloved wonderful six film Star Wars saga, the villains, aka the sith lords, gain power from anger. Fear and anger and hate are a surefire path to fall to the dark side. It’s what did Anakin in and turned him into Darth Vader. Tori in Duel Links fought and destroyed the fools that got in her way with her anger and hate, Astral even confirms this is what gives her power:
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Tori duels with anger, she duels with hatred of Yuma’s sheer stupidity, she uses them all to her advantage but unlike every other sith lord in the series, she isn’t destroyed by them. Only one other has managed to accomplish this feat, the most powerful force user in the galaxy: Luke Skywalker. See, he’s the most powerful force user because as of the final chronological film in the saga, Return of the Jedi, he’s the only one left, so he’s the most powerful by default.
Also, more relevantly, he also defeated Darth Vader in a duel with his anger yet didn’t fall to the dark side, throwing his lightsaber aside and refusing to turn to the dark side even after feeling its power firsthand. Tori has managed to do the same within Duel Links, harnessing her anger to give her strength, to give her focus, so she could hunt down Yuma and once she accomplished her goal, was able to let go of her anger, rather than letting it be her undoing like other foolish siths. Tori has done something no other sith before her has managed to do: went down the exact fear, anger, hate pathway without ending up at the final step: suffering.
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“But wait!” You cry. “How could Tori possibly be a sith lord if she can’t even use the force?!”
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Foolish padawan. A wise sith lord doesn’t reveal their force abilities to the masses, they keep it under wraps until the perfect moment. Palpatine for example. He didn’t use his force abilities to save himself from the Zillo beast in Clone Wars, he kept it secret until perfect moment: the chance to murder four jedi, gain a new apprentice, and take over the entire galaxy.
Tori never had to reveal her abilities because no one was a true threat to her power. Besides, what need would she have to display such abilities in a world where card games seemingly reign supreme? I say seemingly because they do not. The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. It is more powerful than your card games could ever hope to be.
Still not convinced? Take a look at Tori’s eyes compared to Anakin’s dark side eyes:
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I think I’ve said enough to convince you :)
I end this obvious shitpost with a warning: the moment Palpatine decided to reveal his sith abilities was the day he committed genocide and took over the galaxy. The day Tori chooses to reveal herself will likely be an even more universe shattering event...
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Chortle headlines, anyone?
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This is hilarious to me, because I remember that episode of Question Team. I think it was filmed during Acaster's sort of lost years, between Cold Lasagne and Heckler's Welcome, when he quit social media and almost quit stand-up. He did this round on Question Team that, to be really honest, I didn't even find all that funny (I did enjoy a lot of Question Team, but it could be hit or miss as it changed every round, and I thought James' was a bit of a miss). But James got so excited during it, he kept repeating that he'd stopped enjoying comedy but this was great, it was the most fun he'd had doing comedy in ages. I kept thinking that the obvious assumption is he's saying that for a joke, doing a bit on a panel show, but it he was so committed to it, and it was so accurate to other stuff that Acaster was saying around that time (talking in interviews about being disillusioned with stand-up), that I wondered if he maybe he did actually mean it.
...Apparently he meant it. Enough to base a whole new show on it. Good for him, I guess. I don't intend to watch but I hope everyone involved has a good time.
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Two pieces of great news, I look forward to the release of both these things. If anyone has not yet watched Cunk on Britain/Earth, go fix that immediately.
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The sight of this picture (plus names beside it, since Fern Brady isn't in the picture) is the first thing that has ever, in my entire life, made me even slightly interested in watching a food-based TV show. Not interested enough so I actually will watch it, but still. Someone let me know if Adam Hills starts yelling at DO'D to take a cow apart at any point, and then I'll tune in.
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Frankie mentioned in his latest newsletter that he'd be starting a podcast soon. I got excited about that, because I think The Promethiad is the best thing Frankie Boyle's ever done; I think he works best just on his own, talking into a recording device. So I did experience a very brief split second of disappointment when I saw the promised podcast is not that, it's a chat-based thing. Then I remembered that Susie McCabe is the best, and it can never be bad news if Frankie Boyle and Susie McCabe are going to talk to each other about anything at all and record that conversation. I also like that, as stated in the body of that article, it won't have any format points or anything. Just talking.
I like Christopher MacArthur-Boyd too. I recently watched his special and was slightly disappointed by the first half as I'd read a lot about how funny he was and thought it didn't quite meet expectations, but then the second half was better, and I think if I'd gone in with normal expectations I'd have thought it was great. Also, I think he might be one of those people whom I liked better than his comedy. As in, I didn't absolutely love his stand-up special, but I did really like him, just his general approach to things, so I'd be happy to listen to him talk some more about stuff.
I have already subscribed the podcast, first episode's supposed to be out next week.
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You won't get me this time, Chortle, I will not be fooled again. It happened like four times in 2022-2023 that I'd see something about Jonathan Pie, think "Oh this looks interesting, someone known for being a creative and angry political comedian but I'd never heard of it before, I must look this guy up", then I do and remember it's Andrew Doyle from GB News, and then I forget about it and get interested again the next time I see it. Not this time! Go away!
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I so often hear jokes making fun of "comedian wins major award for show in which said comedian complains about getting canceled". I hear those jokes so often than I should be sick of them by now, I should consider them trite and overdone. But I don't think they can get overdone when the absurdly over-the-top thing they're making fun of keeps unironically happening. Guess we'll have to keep the jokes going for a while longer.
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Hello Edinburgh I am an artist may I have cheap accommodation?
Genuinely, though, this seems like a very good thing. Good for them. Also, I booked my Edinburgh accommodation in November and got pretty lucky to find a place at a fairly reasonable price, compared to the stuff I've read about how overpriced accomodation during the Edinburgh Festival is (not as cheap as the prices quoted in that article, but still, not bad).
There were also a bunch of headlines about Elis James and John Robins doing some new thing that I don't understand, I wish they would go the way of Frankie Boyle and just record themselves talking with no plan.
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demonfox38 · 7 months
Completed: Quest: Brian's Journey
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Question: have you ever unironically loved something a majority of people consider awful?
Like, I don't mean a shitty person. I’m talking crappy media. LIke, is there at least one movie that was featured on "Mystery Science Theater 3000" or "Rifftrax" that you would watch without jokes? Do you have any cheap sci-fi novels or trashy paperback novels that are falling apart from how often you've re-read them? Have you ever seen a kid's show that was clearly just a ploy for marketing toys and loved it regardless?
I'm bringing this up because, in order to talk about "Quest: Brian's Journey," I'm going to have to talk about "Quest 64." Like, what I find genuinely special about that game, and why I consider this game's existence a miracle.
If you can't understand loving garbage, you're not going to get anything else out of this evaluation.
"Quest: Brian's Journey" is a 2000 Gameboy Color RPG that takes the root function and plot of the Nintendo 64 game "Quest 64" and "demakes" it for the lower-powered hardware. In some fashion, it could be considered a sibling to titles like the GameBoy version of "Metal Gear Solid," "Resident Evil Gaiden," and "Perfect Dark." Those titles were at least associated with games from the PlayStation and Nintendo 64 era that people generally considered good. The predecessor for "Quest: Brian's Journey," on the other hand…
Look. I know why "Quest 64" is bagged on. In an era bursting at the seams with FMV cutscenes, nascent voice acting, and long, complex storylines, "Quest 64" is downright rudimentary. Would it have done okay, had it been released at the beginning of the Nintendo 64's life? Maybe. But, in 1998? In the era of Squaresoft's indominable reign in the west? It was—and to some extent remains—a joke. Doubly so after more successful Nintendo 64 releases (particularly the big gun "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time", released only a handful of months later.)
Would it have been nice to have some level of cutscenes and puppetry in "Quest 64"? Absolutely. Maybe something more than a text crawl for an ending? Duh! "Quest 64" is a game released in a beta state, desperately needing at least six months of polish before it should have been dropped on the planet. But, for all its perceived flaws, I don't hate "Quest 64." In fact, I very much enjoy it! The game is lively, colorful, pleasantly varied in character and enemy design, and relaxing to play. For me, it scratches the same itch as archery or pool. It's a game that values positioning, accuracy, and exploration. All good stuff! Drop on top of that a leveling system that augments stats based on your actions and enemy reactions, and grinding suddenly becomes both rewarding and addicting. Like, no matter how you screw up, at least you'll be making progress.
Despite liking "Quest 64," it took me a long time to hear of its follow up games. (Yes, that's right, games. But one is just a "Dig Dug" kind of clone, so don't get too excited.) Like, I only heard about "Quest: Brian's Journey" a few years ago when it was featured in an RPG Limit Break race. I'm still baffled it took me almost 20 years to hear about it. Like, hell. Am I really that much out of the loop, or was there just nothing in terms of marketing for this game? I mean, I'd believe that, but I still feel weird for being so clueless as to its existence. Talk about totally missing your audience.
I suppose when your audience is one of out a million people, someone's going to slip through the cracks.
Despite being a rudimentary port, "Quest: Brian's Journey"'s plot ends up being more complex than its predecessor. The beats are mostly the same, with the hero leaving his monastery home to pursue his father across his Celtic-inspired homeland, acquiring magical stones and driving off monsters and demons in the process. However, more effort has been put into illustrating each plot point, clearly and precisely spelling out or expanding each beat of the story like…I don't know. A real video game! Additional boss fights are also present, giving a little bit of an extra surprise to players of the first game. Granted, it's not the most complex adventure in the world, but it gives way more personality and explanation to characters than before. Like, I can better understand Colleen's hatred for the pirate Kiliac, and Leonardo's whole deal makes way more sense.
Also, the fate of Brian's father is 100% not missable this time! So, hooray for clarity! Could have done without the bit where a 14-year-old princess is being forced into matchmaking, though. That's just weird and creepy.
Most of the environments from the previous game are here, minus Glencoe Forest. (Like, I can see where it roughly was, but it's just tiles instead of its own area.) While not a one-to-one map recreation from the previous game, it's parsable enough to know what is what. Most of the difficulty navigating them is due to the maze-like structure of most environments. Granted, missing treasures is not that big of a deal. The game is very generous with item drops in battles, and you'll easily max out your spirit statistics before you find them all in game.
It's wild how easy it is to overclock Brian in this game. Like, it's mostly the same leveling system as before, taking into account a player's actions and suffered damage to augment health, MP, evasion, defense, and the aforementioned spirit pool. In "Quest 64", it would take days to fully max out your statistics, with players often finishing their game at 40-43 spirits per element out of the max of 50. Here? It all accumulates way faster. Like, I easily hit the 50 max spirits per element before reaching Brannoch Castle (the penultimate dungeon), and I was able to max out HP just casually goofing around after beating the game. The only stat that was a pain in the ass (literally) to level up was defense, and even that is easy to push up to at least 70.
The battle system is intuitive, especially for people who have played the previous game. It's just A to whack with a stick, B to line up spells, and Start to use items. About the only curveball here is the way you learn spells. Previously, "Quest 64" only cared about a single element's level before granting you spells. "Quest: Brian's Journey" wants the player to be more balanced with their element spread, requiring certain levels in each element to grant the player a spell. For example, the first healing spell used to be granted at a Water level of 6. Now, it requires a split between two or three levels between Water and Earth. Not exactly the worst trick, considering how a skilled "Quest" aficionado is already dumping stats into those elements first, but it's good to know about.
Honestly, all of the elements are balanced much better in this game. Like, I watched a Wind Cutter 3 easily dump 200+ damage into a boss, killing it off in two turns. Absolute improvement!
In terms of enemy design and placement, it's mostly as previously experienced. Like, there are some augments, like how fast Merrows can be. But, again, if you know the first game, you've got this one. The only real bastard here is King Beigus, who can easily drop 150-180 HP if he wants. Otherwise, it's very manageable. Possibly, abusable, if you know how to play around spell area limitations!
Something's not quite right with the top-down perspective. Like, I appreciate a column-based spell hitting as high as it does, but it wouldn't look right in 3D. Imagine a geyser of water shooting 6 feet to the right instead of 6 feet vertically, and you'll get what I mean.
The translation for this game is off as well. Some enemy names and spells are mistranslated (most notable "Vanpire's Touch," which was correctly translated as "Vampire's Touch" previously.) I suppose having different companies publishing this series will have details like that slip through the cracks. THQ, Konami, Sunsoft—what a weird mix! Any port in a storm, huh, Imagineer?
I'm honestly surprised that this series' developing company is still around, as of 2023. "Medabot" money is strong, I guess!
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Aesthetically, the game looks and sounds like what a competent Nintendo 64 to GameBoy Color port would be. Even acknowledging the limitations there, I do think it is a little visually disappointing. A lot of the spritework is small, so some character and monster details are lost to the compression. It's also limited palette-wise, leaving the previously vibrant environment and characters mostly some shade of cream or brown. I've got no complaints for the musical composition, though. Like, yeah, there's still a natural limit being hit. But, it went from a mid-tier midi arrangement to a competent square-wave arrangement with every tune still being recognizable, so I can't bitch about that! Very pleasant.
If you found "Quest 64" to be an enjoyable experience, "Quest: Brian's Journey" is a natural and easy recommendation to make. Granted, that's like saying, "If you enjoy making taxidermy arrangements using the corpses of squirrels, you'll find doing the same with mice to be equally enjoyable!" At least, to some people. I suspect there is an overlap between players who liked this game and would like the NES games "The Magic of Scheherazade" or "Faria: A World of Mystery and Danger," but again, I may be speaking in tongues.
Do you want an old fantasy game with an easy and quirky battle system that lasts about 10 hours? If so, here you go! Enjoy getting into mouse taxidermy.
I mean, there are worse ways to develop your skills.
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crazysnor1ax · 1 year
I had to do a TON of thinking about this but here we go:
5. Hollow Knight
I actually almost put The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker here, but I remembered this game existed and I slapped it on instead. Genuinely the most pretty and emotional game I’ve ever played, I can’t not have it in my top five LMAO. I have so many thoughts and feelings on this game and it’s the reason I love indie games so much now-I owe it a lot!
4. Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Moon
Similar deal here, these are my favorite Pokémon games and I can’t decide between them. I LOVE the pokemon, the story, and the aesthetic of Moon, but I have a LOT of memories attached to Omega Ruby (and I also love its story LOL). I also use Moon for 90% of my shiny hunting and it’s the game that got me into it, so I have an attachment to it in that way.
3. Don’t Starve Together
I mean. Yeah. What did you expect LMAO
Jokes aside this game has done SO MUCH for me unironically aside from it being a game I have almost 400 hours in. I’ve met so many fantastic people through this game (like you Quinn!) and drawing the characters has done WONDERS for my art skills (aka my human anatomy skills have improved a TON). Not to mention this game is just plain fun as hell and even with the amount of time I have on it there’s still so much I haven’t done in it. Love this fucking game so much.
2. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
This was the first 3Ds game I ever got and it practically raised me back in the 2010s. I have gone through SO MUCH with this game it is unbelievable. Had my first file for YEARS before my cartridge stopped working inexplicably. Got another one that I started a new file on, got SO attached to it and had it when the amiibo update came out and fell in love with the new amiibo villagers. Funnily enough. I actually just reset that town yesterday and one of my starting villagers was one I’ve been looking for for actual YEARS on New Horizons.
The amount of memories I have attached to this game is more than any other game (besides Splatoon) and the charm this game has is irreplaceable. I love New Horizons a lot, I really do, but New Leaf will forever be my favorite AC and 3Ds game.
1. Splatoon (all of them)
I feel like the amount of reblogging and posting I do here could NEVER express how much this game means to me. You might think from my blog that DST is my favorite, but nope-Splatoon has been my favorite game(s) for nearly the past decade. When I say this game was love at first sight, I mean it LOL-I lost every match I played the first time I played Splatoon 1, but I LOVED it. I had never had so much fun losing before lol. This game unironically changed my life and has been there for me through my hardest moments and is genuinely, unironically the reason I’m an artist now. The connections I have for the characters and the love I’ve put into my own OCs and whatnot is unmatched compared to any other game/fandom I’ve been in. Not to mention all the memories I have with this game-from nearly crying when Splatoon 2 was announced, to ACTUALLY crying when Splatoon 3 was announced, getting heated over certain Splatfests in the Splatoon 2 days and freaking the fuck out over the Squid Sisters, it’s INSANE. And even all this doesn’t even accurately describe it.
I’ve been here since the exact day the first game came out and I’m so fucking excited to see where this series goes <3
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loverboypercy · 2 years
Starline for the acrostic game? ~sunlight-ships
thank uuu @sunlight-ships <33
S - Story - if you and them were in a fairytale, which story would you be and who would play which character?
tbh i already have an idea of sa/tbk red being morgan le fay - granted as much more of a "arthur/sonics silly wizard sibling that lives in the mountains" than their more traditional kind of personality.
i think it would be funny if we got to see eggs in that universe as some kinda evil king, w starline as his like advisor, trusted guard or smthin. then he gets seduced by a funny weirdo.
T - Teach - what skills of theirs would they teach you? what would you teach them?
uh, i mean. they had to start learning more hand-to-hand combat bcs thats what starline kinda does-
but in their like. actual relationship he'd try to get red into hacking and some of the more advanced robotic stuff but they either are Bad at it or just don't really care all that much.
however, i hc that he actually loves cooking/baking so thats something they get to do together and bond over ! he's also one of those Fancy mfers that have their tea like done in a specific way. buddy learns how to do that for him bcs sometimes he needs a lil pick-me-up
A - Art - do they draw or paint? what about any other kind of art? what’s their favorite style/subject/another artist who inspires them?
he admits to having a mild soft spot for aesthetics. he did design and paint his logo himself after all ! if he did end up making art it would probably be more the abstract kind. its a little pretentious but like. red thinks its cute.
he is not allowed to talk about his inspiration and why he wont stop drawing stylised cityscapes and theme parks.
R - Rainbow - what colors do you associate with them and why?
tbh that really nice magenta on his outfit and his eyes make me a lil <3 u kno. its a v pretty colour !
L - Language - what’s their love language? what’s yours?
being annoying /j
i think its pretty solidly set up from his canon appearances that he's an acts of service/gifts kinda guy ! red is also gifts but also quality time.
I - Image - show us a picture of them that gives you a lot of feelings. if they aren’t a visual character, describe your mental image of them!
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i love everyones take on him but evans got a special little place in my heart. also his gay little earrings,, never forget what they took from us..
(i also really REALLY love his more monsterous/frankenstein-y concept art where he is Tall. but this post is already really LONG-)
N - Nostalgia - what’s your f/o’s favorite memory?
considering uh. how He Is and comments made off-handedly on ians podcast - i imagine his family wasnt. the best. there was always a disconnect there, and he never really felt like he fit in with them.
but theres one time. he built a little robot for his mother - a very simple and crude thing, something he'd be ashamed of now. but it made her smile and she ruffled his hair. its his most treasured memory, and he hates it.
a second is the first time red called him starlight unironically (it was a bit of a joke before they became actual friends/partners, red called it him once by accident and he got So Mad that they kept doing it). they were still just, very loosely, friends at that point. he was still figuring out what to do with himself, so red took him out to the chao garden with them that morning and had him help out a little. at one point they remarked:
"i don't know if you'll get it right, starlight. but i hope you do."
E - Emotion - is your f/o open with their feelings or do they keep them close to their chest?
starline is one of those people that just bottle and bottle and bottle until they explode - usually by having a breakdown and crying. sometimes he lets stuff slip but he tries so hard to desperately hold onto his cool and calculated persona that it just makes him slip more.
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