#like real not working spending time with my partner walking around and doing fun things vacation
exsqueezememacaroni · 11 months
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jester089 · 7 months
I feel I need to balance this angst out, do this AFTER you’ve done the others and given yourself time to chill…I’ve got my eyes on you…
Anyhow, how’s about the TADC gang all seperate with an s/o who’s just the definition of ‘chill’. They are the best comfort partner (just behind Kinger ofc), they comfort, share and engage in hobbies, show small signs of affection like soft side hugs and gentle butterfly kisses to the cheeks or neck, an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. Will also 100% piggyback/bridal carry their significant other if asked or for fun. Just a pure wholesome fuzzy mess.
Lazy days
This is just going to be what I think their hobbies and all are. As it's a fluffy request I'm going to do softer not cannon versions of everyone. TADC crew x Chill/Relaxed Reader
Caine can be an incredibly busy man/AI so try and make him take breaks. He gets to caught up in work because he's so worried that if he doesn't have fun things to do then people will start abstracting. So when you walk into his office gently pick him up and sit down in his chair with him now sitting on your lap it helps him snap out of it. He isn't going to stop still. But he really appreciates you being there. You being there and every now and again giving him an idea you had makes the work take longer, but makes it much more enjoyable. You'll honestly probably end up falling asleep on him, arms wrapped around him head on his shoulder. Sadly he doesn't have a neck, or any real exposed skin. So kisses will be a little rough but that isn't gonna stop you. It is a little weird kissing a giant set of teeth though. And second he finished up, or at least reaches a point where he can stop you pick him up and take him to your bed. Sometimes he'll tunnel vision to much on something and you'll have to do that anyways. It's like holding an angry cat when that happens, minus the claws.
Gangle loves affection but isn't amazing at giving nor receiving it. Any time you do anything she can and will blush. And if you protect her from Jax. Putty Gangle has arrived. How relaxed you are despite everything happening helps her out a lot. I headcannon that she loves working with clay, like making pottery and all. But sadly with her ribbon hands she can't do it anymore. Or rather couldn't, cause you help her out. You two will sit in front of a potters wheel. You have her place her hands on the outside of yours and you just let her lead. (I have made plenty of pottery in my time and I can safely say it is incredibly hard to do.) Sadly unless your helping her with something she doesn't let you in her pottery station anymore. You tried to make a mug for her without her and it didn't go well. You didn't know the first thing about pottery when she wasn't guiding you so it ended up blowing up in the kiln. You felt really bad. Cuddles with Gangle are a little strange. She doesn't have any real body weight so it really does feel like your cuddling a piece of ribbon (for good reason). So you two came up with something. You got a body pillow that's around her height and when you two are cuddling she'll wrap around it so she has more mass. When she needs some comfort you'll know. Whenever she's in a really bad mood and wants you touch but doesn't really want to say it she'll exist really close to you and start gently wrapping one of her arms around yours. Overall 10/10, she's a giant sweetheart and your lucky you got her. So treat her well yeah?
I recommend bringing some kind of hoodie or blanket with you. Her edges can be a little harsh on the body. Out of everyone Zooble is the highest chance of most cuddles. She never gets involved in adventures and avoids the others when she can. Which basically just means more alone time with her. Zooble has a lot of insecurities concerning her new body and the circus. You're the only one she trust enough with that kind of thing so don't downplay her thoughts and emotions. The main way she shows affection is just spending time with you, she isn't big on touch and she doesn't exactly have the resources for gifts. And that worries her, she knows that she can be rude and unpleasant to be around but she doesn't have anything else to offer you. She's not great at communication so you really just need to keep patient and keep loving her. She has a jagged and rough exterior, but it like everything can be broken. It'll just take time.
You two make a great bunch. The others never would have thought but if someone is having an especially bad day they go to you two. Kinger is amazing at calming and encouraging words, and your amazing at calming acts and setting up an atmosphere. You've saved a lot from abstraction because of that. Hugs are amazing from him. That royal medieval robe he's wearing is really nice to the touch. Sadly he doesn't have a mouth but he'll try and make up for that with head bonks (Head bonk: To gently place your head against someone you care about to show affection. Usually used when that person isn't comfortable with kisses.) One time you two built an actual castle out of pillows. It took you like a day but it had a working drawbridge and everything! Sadly it was broken during an adventure but it was really fun to build with Kinger. He can get a little... Unstable... When that happens a tight hug and a kiss can usually snap him out of it. But if that doesn't work bring him back to your room. The atmosphere you have set up and the fact that it smells like you will help him out a lot.
Once again you two make a good combo. She holds people off from breaking down. But if she can't stop it then she sends em to you. So once again you two help with abstraction a lot. But poor baby is stressed and you help provide some needed relief. I see her as the type of if she was expecting a kiss or a hug she'll hug/kiss back and thank you. If she wasn't she turns into a blushing mess with a big ol dopey smile on her face. Something she appreciates a lot is more childish things. Like if you start up a pillow fight with her she will be ecstatic. But be warned her pillows hit like a truck. Not cause their different just because she's really good at pillow fights. Her fav cuddle type is the honeymoon hug (look it up). She gets to be close to you and give you smooches if she wants. And she gets to feel like she's protecting you. She is the mom friend and you annoy her by saying over the top things like. "Ok MOM" when she asks you to stop doing something. First few times she hated it but now she goes along with it sayng things like "Hey! Don't talk back to me. Give me your phone you're grounded." She never means it though.
I think Jax is the most stable person in the circus. I'm saying he's mentally ok I'm just saying that he is by far at the least risk for abstraction. Whenever Jax plays a joke on someone and you go to help calm them down he gets a little jealous. He knows you love him but he doesn't really like you talking to others. So don't be surprised if you're in the middle of comforting someone and he just picks you up and walks away. He can be a little mean so for your own sake try and not take his words to heart. He just by second nature starts pointing things out that he dislikes, and often he starts pointing out things on/to do with you before he realizes. He also won't apologize so just try and ignore it. He sorta makes up for it with affection though. Cause he's pretty affectionate. Most of it is teasing yes, like he's come out of no where kiss your cheek and use a pet name that flusters you then just leave like he didn't do anything. But he's surprisingly gentle when it comes to that kind of thing. I see him being the type where you two fall asleep in the same bed and you wake up with him having his arms and legs around you probably drooling on your forehead. Or he's one of those that take up the whole bed so you often wake up on the floor. Many say that opposites attract. And you two are very different. But that isn't a bad thing.
You two are opposites in a lot of ways. She is anxious and constantly in a state of panic/worry. And you never are. So you help her a lot. I see her being kind of like a cat towards you. Constantly around you and or begging for attention. I have an idea that I came up with a few years ago. It's a hoodie with a giant pocket inside. Like one of those baby carriers but minus the straps and inside the hoodie so who/whatever you keep in there share warmth. And she loves it. You two can be relaxing in your room and she'll realize something and spring off the bed you two were on. She and will turn the entire place upside down looking for it (https://www.tiktok.com/@louiencoco/video/7214862848042831110) so if you don't wanna have to clean up later just show her where it is. On a more serious note though you two were a match made in heaven and with enough time you could make a genuine improvement in her mental health. The main reason she's so fragile mentally is cause she never gets/got a break. So her favorite activity with you is probably just relaxing in one of your rooms away from the others.
(Tumblr deleted this like 3 times while I was writing it. And it turned out kind of bad because of that. Sorry but don't blame me. Blame tumblr.)
xoxo, Jester
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maddheaven · 1 year
My Interpretation of Yandere Dick Grayson/Nightwing - also a ramble post, kinda.
It’s been awhile since I’ve found time to write something. I was gonna write a short ramble post about my version of Yandere Dick Grayson but I had work to do.
Otherwise here it is:
So most versions of Yandere Dick I’ve read of him being extremely dark and sadistic towards his darling. Personally, I think this portrayal of Yandere Dick is interesting, and a little fun to write, because you don’t have to follow his optimistic values and traits, and just go crazy with it. Over time though - and now that I finally found time to read some comics and stuff, getting my inspiration juices flowing - it kinda got old and overused for me. While I do like the take on it, there are some parts of it that I would do differently or change completely like him having a full-blown freak-out and accusing his darling of cheating, ya know, screaming, shouting, punching things and all. I also like the soft yandere version of Dick, and incorporate some parts of that as well based on the few that I've read.
So with some inspirations from headcanons, and a bit of daydreaming, here is what I came up with:
Even before his parents' death. Grayson felt this deep, subconscious need for normalcy; for some semblance of ordinary.
He grew up moving around a lot, being in a circus act and all, and therefore, never had a real home.
Dick wanted the white picket fence, he wanted the typical suburban house, and he dreamed of being married to the love of his life with a bunch of kids, and maybe, a pet or two running around.
When his parents died, the only affection he ever had was ripped away from him leaving a dark void in his heart.
Despite being adopted by Bruce, and getting acquainted in his new home, that empty spot in his chest never went away.
He went through a couple of partners, Kori and Barbara included, had a few heartbreaks, but that empty feeling stayed.
Something was missing, he wasn’t sure what it was.
He cared for his previous partners, stayed loyal to them the whole way, yet there wasn’t a ‘click.’
There are multiple ways he could’ve come across you.
Either you were a civilian he saved from danger as Nightwing, helping you out as an officer, or maybe you met during a walk out in Bludhaven or Gotham.
However he met you, there was an instant click.
There was something, something about you, that was different.
His obsession comes in waves.
First: He’s interested, and starts watching out for you - not to the point of stalking yet.
He'll try to strike up a conversation, start building some sort of friendship or acquaintance with you, anything to get to know you.
Second: Then that interest becomes intrigue, and now he’s following you wherever you go, wanting to learn more about you.
That need he felt for all of his life grows, and grows.
He can’t get you out of his head, he can’t stop thinking about you.
He could be taking on as many cases as a police officer, he could be fighting criminals in some alley.
Yet, no matter how hard he tries, his mind always wanders back to you.
It's conflicting for him; he knows he shouldn't be this obsessed with you yet.. nothing seems to get you off his mind!
But that all comes to a head, when he either sees you in danger or hanging around someone.
Then something snaps inside him.
He doesn’t like it, he doesn’t like it at all - he hates it.
Dick can’t deny his feelings anymore.
He needs to protect you.
He needs to be there for you.
He needs you.
Then comes the third wave:
He's around you more, he's taking every chance he can to spend time with you.
Sometimes, it can come off as clingy. But if you're the kind who doesn't notice subtle cues very well (like me), then he may just come off as someone who wants to be your friend.
And given his charismatic, and almost up-beat attitude, it wouldn't be surprising if you thought that.
However, there are some things with Dick that seem.. off.
He becomes eerily silent when that one friend, who you haven't seen in months, is talking to you.
Sometimes he'll tug at your wrist, force a smile whilst trying to make some excuse that you guys are in a hurry.
And as you guys get to know each other more, he gets more 'touchy.' More than what would be considered as 'friendly.'
Swinging an arm around you, resting his chin on your head, and one time, he put an arm around your waist while you guys were walking around the park.
But if there ever is a situation where someone is getting handsy with you, friendly or not, he steps in.
Hates when people touch you, but doesn't have any problem when it's only him, of course.
The man is more touch-starved than Jason.
As your relationship grows closer - or rather, he believes you and him are growing closer - then his tolerance would start to go down.
As for meeting him for the first time, Dick comes across as extroverted and friendly!
Very much a people person, so it isn’t hard to warm up to him.
If you aren’t the social type however, then he may come off as abrasive.
If he notices your slight discomfort, then he’ll ease up a bit.
He doesn’t like it if he sees you tense up or show any signs of discomfort around him - leaves a strange ache in his chest.
Though, he’ll admit, sometimes he likes to tease you because he finds some of your reactions adorable.
Dick is also patient to an extent.
If he sees that you’re avoiding him or making it obvious you aren’t interested, he’ll either eliminate all competition.
Anyone he thinks is getting in the way of him and your relationship, or would have a hand in getting anyone to avoid you.
Dick will make sure he is all you have.
If it's him, he'll either try to ‘fix’ his behavior around you or talk it out with you.
If neither works then.. well.. he'll be tempted to just take you.
With all the general stuff aside, there is one thing that I want to get into which is his temper.
Most headcanons I read are Dick having full-blown freak-outs - shouting, yelling, punching, throwing things ect.
I don't think he would do that, if anything, I think it would be much worse:
Let's say he kidnaps you and you aren't cooperating at all.
No matter what he does, all he gets is insults, profanity thrown at him, struggling - the whole shabang.
His patience isn't one to be tested, so as soon as you start acting out his demeanor changes in a snap.
His eyebrows would furrow, the usual ‘picture-perfect’ smile drops, and those shining blue eyes go cold.
His voice would drop low, he'll get real close to your face.
If you're struggling, he'll grab your wrist and squeeze it hard.
Every word he says, he not only wants you to hear, but to listen, ingrain it into your head.
The sudden shift in the air is too obvious to ignore, and that low voice is just.. too terrifying to tune out.
There’s a threatening undertone; a warning.
It’s incredibly eerie and tense.
The man is capable of anything - he was raised by Batman for god sakes! - and if he kidnapped you, god knows what the hell he’ll do to you.
To sum it up, Dick can be the most affectionate, loving boyfriend/husband you could ever have or he can be your absolute worst nightmare...
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saintship · 7 months
Ooohh can I request #3 with Ghost please? I’m picturing reader and Ghost have been flirting and dancing around each other for months but Ghost hasn’t really made things “official” so she gets annoyed and decides to go on a date with some one else… Ghost finds out and of course goes all possessive and… well you get the rest. But also, anything you want to right for this prompt I would love and thank you so much!
Prompt #3 - “How was your date?”
My debut back. I missed you, reader
Why bother - Ghost x reader
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You and Simon were an odd pair; A linguist and a revered operator seemed to live in different worlds. But, after Hassan and their allegiance with Las Vaqueros, it was clear that none of the 141 was equipped to deal with foreign communication on their own, the fact exacerbated by how long it took to get any information from a civilian without Alejandro’s help.
You were a special case, individually offered a position working closer to operators like the ones in the 141. Rigorously trained to hold your own, you were assigned to accompany Captain Price and Kate Laswell in analyzing foreign communication, your true profession. Missions centered around gathering intelligence or questioning a suspected threat were the ones that you would tag along for. It wasn’t until late into your first duo mission with Ghost that you saw a glimpse into Simon Riley.
You were walking the bustling streets of Urzikstan. You knew he was sweating under his uniform just like you were, but he had a way of making it look like he was completely unbothered.
“You don’t mind the heat?” You had observed quietly as the two of you walked to the exfil point.
“Never said that.” He didn’t break his focus from where it was trained ahead of him.
“You didn’t have to.”
He glanced at you, and you saw a mixture of disbelief and amusement in his eyes.
“Spend four weeks in Moscow sleeping in a drafty shed and tell me you still prefer the cold.” He offered.
“I could say the same about four weeks here..”
“Do you enjoy bickering?”
“When I have a good partner.” You concede. He’s quiet for a moment, and then he laughs. He really laughs.
Even though it’s barely a second of time, a quick escape of energy, it felt like the dawn breaking. You couldn’t help but want to take on the challenge that was being Ghost’s friend, and you knew he responded to honesty; people who didn’t tread fearfully or treat him like he would violently snap if they asked for his name.
“You would like Soap..”
“I’ve met him.”
What you meant was, you had met Soap, and you did like him, but you found yourself wanting to talk to Ghost more. Soap had his own friends, his own way of having fun, his own way of working. Things you didn’t gather so easily about Ghost. He had a shell you wanted to splinter at slowly until he didn’t even realize he was out of his comfort zone, he was just talking. And you did.
Over time. Over missions, and food, and early morning skies, you broke through. And the part you took the most pride in was the fact that you didn’t force a single minute. It was only until he asked if you’d like to help with his rent, and share his flat, that he began to deeply confuse you.
What began as playful, exaggerated jokes became something that just felt too real to be humor. The way he looked at you, the way he rested an arm on the top of the doorframe as he spoke to you, as he made these jokes. Weeks went by of tossing and turning, bargaining, long conversations with your friends and flip-flopping between emotions regarding Simon. And then there was a night that lit up your heart before it caught, burning even deeper than before.
It was late, a movie he had chosen playing quietly on the TV screen as you and Simon spoke over takeout. At one point, he gestured to something on your face, and didn’t give you ten seconds to locate it yourself before his own thumb was swiping against your skin, his palm warm on your jaw. He kept his hand there, and you were aware that he was suddenly closer than before. But just before you had the courage to break the tension, he busted out laughing, wiping the food residue off his hand with a napkin. The idea of having a tense moment with you, to him, was funny. Ridiculous, outrageous. You had excused yourself to go to bed early, white-hot shame burning your lungs and throat. You cursed him, cursed yourself. It took everything in you to pretend like it was all fine. It took even more to say yes to a date with someone else.
A few days later, you walked into the living room to grab your keys, dressed up and accessorized.
“Got a date?” Simon spoke from the couch, and you could hear that stupid, beautiful, stupid smile in his voice. The question was a joke.
“Yes.” You replied shortly, ignoring his questions as you let the door shut behind you. If he wanted to know, he should have asked sooner. God knows you’ve done enough waiting for the both of you. His muffled 'Hey!' was the last thing you heard before sitting down in the passenger seat of your date's car.
By the time you got back, you were more dissatisfied than before. The guy hadn't bothered to throw away the old food in his car, he tried to order for you, commented that "You'd be so much happier if you hit the gym more", drank four beers in under thirty minutes, and didn't notice when you slipped away with a poor bathroom excuse. You rode a taxi home, surprised to see the living room lights still lit beyond the filmy curtain of your shared flat. He must be working late.
Your key got stuck in the door for a moment, nearly causing you to break the damn thing off its hinges in frustration. You weren't sad; that guy didn't deserve that power. You were just fed up.
You hung your keys and yanked off your shoes, padding into the kitchen with a steadying sigh. Simon was making tea.
"Hey." You greeted shortly before getting the leftovers you wanted and turning to leave again.
"What, no debrief?"
The words were playful, but his voice was cold. Like you'd left a argument unresolved. You paused in the doorway.
"It was bad."
"No shit." He lifted his mug to his lips, the smug look in his eyes making you want to tip the steaming coffee onto his stupidly perfect chest and stomach.
"What are you so smug about?" Your tone was a bit snippy as you set down what you were holding. Simon shrugged.
"You know that you won't find a decent guy on an app, love."
"I'll get back to you when I find a fuck to give."
Any playfulness in his demeanor stilled to a stop.
"Watch your mouth."
"You don't get to tell me when I'm allowed to be angry, Simon. And my dating life is none of your concern. Not that you know much about relationships anyway, all you've ever done is talk in circles and stare when I'm walking away."
His brow knitted in a quiet anger. "What the fuck are you saying?"
"Don't. Don't look at me like I'm insane, you know exactly what I'm talking about." You pointed at him briefly, your voice wavering in its strength. You weren't angry. You were finally just sad.
He set down his mug, scoffing frustratedly.
"You won't find someone if you're only going out to get at me. If that makes you so happy, I'll tell you; it does get at me. You drive me insane when you give shitty people your time while I wait for you." He steps a bit closer.
His hypocrisy made you grasp at the sides of your head, exhaling roughly as your eyes closed.
"What? What now?" Simon gestured weakly to your frustration.
"You don't wait for me. You have never waited for me. You treat the idea of anything happening between us like a joke. Who does what you did the other night and expects the other person to not be confused? I saw how you looked at me, and for a second I actually thought that you might.. what are you doing?"
He had drawn closer while you were talking, taking your hands in his.
"You and me.. it's not a joke. It never has been."
"What?" You breathed, shaking your head gently.
"I'm sorry, alright? But I don't want to watch you go out with.." His jaw twitched. "I just—god, I just want to kiss you.."
You didn't pull away when he took your hands, and now, you weren't pulling away when he brought his lips to yours. Every daydream that had plagued your boring shifts, every glance, every catch in your breath. He kissed all of it away, and replaced it with the real thing. And when he drew back, he looked softer than you'd ever seen him before. His hair was mussed, remnants of his eye black lingering on his cheekbones. Those cobalt eyes. He held your jaw in your palm again, and this time the warmth of his body was all over. He spoke softly enough to let you know his words were only for you.
"I hope that tells you how I feel, because I'm a bit shit with words.."
You just kissed him again. No words was fine by you.
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ezay · 2 years
Summary: you and mikasa have always been a little bit closer than normal. You see how far it can truly go
Pairing: Modern AU | Mikasa Ackerman x Reader Warnings: She/her pronouns used, pet names. Eating out, scissoring, and fluff! 18+ ONLY PLEASE. MINORS DNI! You will be blocked.
Author note: This is my first fic ever posted take is easy on me this is meant to be cute and fun :) idrk what to say except hope you enjoy! this was proofread with half ass effort sorry ahaha
Edit: I’ve been kinda skimming over it corrected a couple misspelled words
Your favorite scene to paint in your head was Mikasa’s long hair let loose with a tiny white tank on, her back to you as you call her name.
She would turn around with a soft smile “hmm?” You took her in, a slight blush to her cheeks and a few stray hairs from your previous nap and other activities “Nothing you just look good baby” you would say giving her a dazed smile back. You wondered if Mikasa thought about having those moments with you too, not as friends but as more like a partner. You know there’s something between you two, “friends” don’t cuddle in such close proximity, especially half naked (sometimes ;)).
“Friends” don’t discourage you from talking to all the fine girls you see simply excusing it with “you can do better” (the only baddie you r getting is her)
And “Friends” definitely don’t make dinner for each other when you go to their house (basically everyday) and pack a lunch when it’s time to go to work (bc that’s the only time you leave each other alone)
You were growing restless of not exactly knowing what you two “were” so you decided you were going to take action later on when Mikasa came over to just hang. She told you she’d be on the way after she helped Eren pack for a trip to visit the family in Germany, you decided to buy her favorite snacks from the store real quick so she had something to come eat. As you set the stuff up in the living room you heard knocking at your door signaling Mikasa was here, you open the door to see her standing there in short shorts and a tiny baby blue tank top due to the scorching weather “hey it’s fucking burning out here” you softly exclaim, as you open the door wider to let her in. She lets out a giggle as she comfortably walks to the living room happy to be in the air conditioning “I know and I had to help Eren load like 5 suitcases you know how his family is” she breathily laughs out. You watch as she uncaps and drinks the beverage you got her, you turn on the TV on your way to sit next to her and hand her the remote so she can choose what to watch.
She ends up choosing Avengers: Infinity War because it’s long and she could spend all that time cuddled up next to you, “We haven’t ruined this movie for ourselves yet surprisingly” you comment as the devastating death of Loki plays on the screen “mhm it’s still entertaining” she hums back as she scoots closer to you, tossing her legs over yours and laying her head on your shoulder.
You shift so you’re both brought closer together, and you can wrap your right arm around her to softly stroke her hair. The movie goes on for a bit more before you think “This is it” you slowly start ghosting your fingers up and down her legs you feel her slightly shiver, so you press down a bit more actually letting your fingertips feel her smooth skin “love when do things like this help me relax so much” she dreamily sighs out “fuck it” you think. You gently grip her upper thigh, softly kneading it while looking at her “can I try something that‘s not what friends do?” you ask looking at her, Mikasa straddles your lap and places a gentle kiss to your lips ``I wanted to make the first official move…” she shyly mumbled you feel your body become light, you hold eye contact with her before looking at her lips putting your right hand under her chin to pull her into a wet kiss, your tongues pushing against each other before you grip her hair with your other hand pulling her head back just a bit.
She resembles that picture you often painted in your head, hair a bit wild already and her cheeks flushed, you closed your eyes and exhaled through your mouth before diving into her neck biting then licking the spot, she was whines a bit while humping your groin “I want you to touch me please” she whimpers rolling her hips particularly harder. You loudly gasp, grabbing her hips continuing her movements “yeah? Touch you where” you raspingly tease out. Despite your teasing Mikasa boldly grabs your hand to cup her wet center “touch me here like I know you’ve been wanting” she smirks back. you are still, a bit surprised before slowly rubbing her. You could feel it was a bit damp, so you start taking her shorts off along with undies - Mikasa lifting her hips a bit in assistance.
Eager to feel her more you take off your bottoms, both getting rid of the rest of your clothes. Her bare tits instantly in front of your face have your brain fuzzy, so you take one in your mouth lick around the nipple before softly starting to suck on it giving the other one some stimulation with your fingers. Mikasa lowly moans continuing the rocking of her hips against you going to fondle your tits, you finally let go and reconnect your lips in a sloppy kiss.
You can’t contain your moan, only the universe knows how long you’ve been wanting this, you’re sucking and licking at her tongue pulling away to lick her neck and leave some dark spots around there. You trail your fingers up and down her thigh before resuming where you left off, her pussy so wet you’re just gliding up and down
“I want to taste you so bad you gonna let me do whatever hmm?” You ask her eager to just please the fuck out of her “go ahead and show me how good you wanna make me feel love” she says in a sickly sweet voice.
instantly, you lay her down peppering kisses all over her collarbone before moving down to her tits softly biting one of her nipples then running your tongue over it, you place loud wet kisses down her stomach until your face is between her thighs. Her glistening pussy looking at you hole slightly clenching from how horny she is “you have the prettiest pussy Mika. so wet baby” you lay your tongue flat starting at her hole licking upward to her clit before swirling around her precious bud sucking on it.
“Just like that” she whimpers resting her hand on the back of your head, you slide one finger into her hole feeling the resistance of her walls then another one creating a steady rhythm you continue to swirl and suck at her clit she pushes your head into her every once in a while “feels so good make me come please “ she whines. You start moving your fingers faster, drunk off the wet noises her pussy is making you feel her legs shaking, so you lap at her clit sideways sucking until you feel a warmth spreading thru your mouth.
“Fuuck!” Mikasa squeals from the sensitivity you keep her legs open cleaning her up, you push your tongue in her hole before gently sucking the remaining left “wanted to do that for so long” you mumble, more to yourself. Mikasa pulls you up by your hair shoving her tongue down your throat you shamefully moan, pushing yourself up to her level you lay her down so you're over her. You move her hair out of her face “you trust me pretty girl?” you ask her ,without hesitation she nods with a positive hum, so you pull her legs up into a V shape rubbing her juices around a bit before lightly placing your pussy on top of hers rocking deliciously.
Mikasa moans at seeing the lewd scene your mouth hangs open a bit at the site of your biggest wet dream come true “wanna be messy” she whines at your precision strokes “fine baby” you smirk down at her rubbing your clits harder against each other, feeling the wetness spread and your clits tingle with pleasure. You push down so your arms are supporting you next to her head you move your head down capturing her lips in a kiss, you take one of your hands to pucker her lips and spit in her mouth “baby” Mikasa chokes out after she obediently swallows.
“You liked that huh” you look down at her slowing down to prolong your orgasm the back of her heels dig into your back “pleasee wanna come again” her shiny eyes look into you. That’s enough for your brain to melt wanting to just rub pussies together until you felt her slick running down your thighs. Mikasa yanks you to her lips “kiss me pretty” she whispers you feel so hot all over instantly invading her mouth with your tongue having the nastiest make out session, spit probably coming out the sides of your mouths.
“Gonna cum gonna cum fuckk” Mikasa's high pitched voice squeaks out “yeah come all over my pussy wanna feel that, yeahh” you exhale the pleasure from your clit spreading throughout your bottom making your hole clench from making her gush for the second time
“Ahh, you’re so good baby” she shakily whispers coming back from her orgasm. You plop next to her wrapping your arm around her waist “you’re so fucking beautiful in every way possible Mika” you whisper she lifts your chin up with her fingers “thank you baby girl I love you” she places a kiss on your nose then your forehead, wrapping her arm around you. Your heart is beating to the point you hear it in your ears “I love you too, soo much” you bury your face in her chest you feel the way her body shakes as she giggles, and you smile happy that you don’t have to keep thinking about what could be.
You both stay laid up confident you can call each other “mine” after today.
Another AN: im like a grandparent when it comes to tumblr so I’m so confused why the italics didn’t transfer from google docs to here.. I will figure it out as I go lolll
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threadsun · 1 year
Anonymous Asks: "Hey you can skip this if you want
What do you think Joseph was like as a tom cat? In the game Jack clearly knows what he's doing sexually, so he has some experience. How do you think he was like as a one night stand/fling and what was it like being his one night stand or fling as a prospective? How many people, do you think he sleeps with in a day? Why does he feel the need to sleep with people? Since we always see this caring and cheerful side of him but never see this cold and emotionless side of him. After all he is ashamed of his past, do you think if this is also a small factor of why he doesn't want to talk about his past in front of his Sunshine?"
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Okay so... I have a lot of very strong headcanons about the sdj characters (including Jean my beloved bastard man) that I'm like... idk reluctant sometimes? To talk about because once the full game comes out they may be proven totally wrong. But hey! They're headcanons, so like why not.
Content: talk about survival sex work both real and fictional, sexual shame, sex repulsion, hypersexuality and general angst
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So in terms of Joseph, he's a runaway. We know that much. He ran away from home, presumably when he was still quite young/possibly a minor.
Runaways need places to stay. They need food. They need money. He was homeless and jobless, young and desperate. I was once a teen in desperate need of food, and I turned to survival sex work, so I find it comforting to imagine that he did too.
And it's really not uncommon for homeless youth. You need food/money/a place to stay the night, and someone's willing to give that to you in exchange for sex? You can't afford to be picky in that situation.
He was young, desperate, and handsome. Especially as he got older, he was like catnip to people who had money to spend on a fun night with him. Or longer, he wouldn't hesitate to become a sugar baby if it meant more stability.
Here's the thing about survival sex work, it's kinda hard to enjoy it. I've done both survival sex work and sex work for a little extra walking around money, and the second one is infinitely more fun than the first. You can be picky, you can make what you want of it, you can refuse shitty clients.
But the first? Sex work because you have to? Knowing your next meal is in the hands of someone you don't know and can't 100% trust to actually pay up after you've done your end of the deal? Having to do anything, including violate your own limits, just for a roof over your head for the night? It sucks. It's traumatic. It's awful.
I think in another life (or another AU, god I'd love to write a sex worker Joseph AU),Joseph could've really enjoyed being a sex worker. I can so easily imagine him with a playful smirk, enjoying bringing pleasure to his clients. But in the situation he was in? No way.
I think really up until he got the role of Sunny Day Jack, he was still having to do survival sex work. Maybe even for a while at the start, before the paycheques started rolling in. And once he was Jack? Once that was his new life? He didn't want to remember the bad times.
Even as Jack now, he doesn't want to think about what he had to do to survive. He doesn't want to admit to his Sunshine the things he had to do to get by. It's hard to talk about, even with those you're closest to. It's hard to tell a partner that you've had sex for food or money or housing. It's really difficult.
And especially while the relationship is so new and Jack is still so afraid of losing his Sunshine, he doesn't want them finding out. Thinking differently of him. Judging him.
But yeah, he's good at sex. And now that he's in love, he absolutely wants it! I think back when he was Joseph, once he was financially stable enough to quit sex work, he kinda became sex repulsed. It's hard not to, when all of your experiences of it have been out of necessity.
Sure, he's a heartthrob and people assume he's a player, but I think he's very particular about sex now that he's out of sex work. I think a mixture of hypersexuality and sexual shame/repulsion is the most likely outcome from his life.
And that hypersexuality/shame combo probably makes him pretty picky about partners. I can absolutely see him visiting other sex workers once he's got money to spare. Sometimes it's just to sit and chat with them, give a little back, treat them how he wished he'd been treated.
But if he finds a sex worker who's up for it? Who he trusts and feels safe with? He'd finally let himself give in to that hypersexuality. Same with friends or partners he finds who he trusts. He isn't fussed about sex being within the confines of a romantic monogamous relationship. As long as he's with someone he can trust...
And when Jack found that in his Sunshine? When he found someone he trusted with his body, even if he wouldn't tell them about his past? Of course he's going to use all the skills he's learned to blow their mind. He may not have enjoyed the sex he had as Joseph, but he certainly was good at it.
But I think the added trauma of becoming Jack makes him different from Joseph as well. He's kept all the skills, but shed a lot of that shame around the concept of sex and his own body. And a lot of the uncomfortable feelings Joseph probably had around the idea of being dominant.
I always imagine Joseph as a sub-leaning switch, because for so long he's been expected to take a dominant role. A strapping young man, naturally people will almost always pay him to top them and dominate them. So when he's with someone he loves and cares about, he craves being submissive.
Partially, I think he'd use sex with someone he loves as a form of therapy. Not that sex is an acceptable replacement to therapy, but it can be therapeutic in its own way. For him, it's about shifting the idea of sex from being a tool of survival to being a bonding experience with someone he cares about.
I also think enjoys the feeling of being taken care of. Of not having to make decisions. Being praised, loved, cherished. Submission makes him feel safe. Domination can be fun for him once he has someone he feels safe processing his trauma with, but submission is easier and more comforting for him.
Jack, though? Jack's not here to process his trauma, he's here to bottle it all up and pretend it doesn't exist. So domination isn't a struggle for him. It's motions that come naturally to him, without all the emotional baggage Joseph carries around it.
Jack prefers to be dominant because then he's in control. He's in control of his thoughts and feelings. There's no risk of those bottled up emotions coming out. Sure, he'd submit to his Sunshine if they really wanted him to, but... domination is his comfort zone.
Anyway idk how to like... end this. But those are my headcanons about them!
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s-nnyjeno · 2 years
Stray Kids’ reaction to your partner breaking up with you «Hyung Line, Stray Kids as your best friend»
warnings ; use of ‘bastard’ on Changbin’s part
requested ; yes!
note ; I do NOT proofread my work so any errors please let me know! second note ; I know this isn’t my best work, it’s a bit on the lazy side 😭 happy reading
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CHAN ; the shoulder to cry on
• The moment you walked into the apartment crying he was instantly all over you
• Once you explained that your partner had broken your heart his own heart broke
• He would listen to everything you had to get it off your chest
• “Y/N, I’m so sorry..”
• He would get anything you would want
• Supportive to the max
• “You just got to take your mind off the whole thing.. maybe go out somewhere. How about the park?” 
• Chan would go to the market for you at any time of the day or night
• Pretty much your personal therapist 
• He would take you to your favourite places to distract you from the breakup
• Would suggest going some place fun like an amusement park
• Chan doesn’t tell you but he contacted the ex lover and still kept his cool, trying to find out the real reason to the sudden breakup
MINHO ; Angered but attempts to make you feel better 
• You barged into his apartment and just as he was about to yell, Minho quietened down
• He would stay quiet the entire time you just cried on his chest
• Minho always held you close to him relationship wise so this hurt him on a different level 
• Would vow to hurt the person that broke you first
• “They deserve what they will be getting”
• After you calmed down, he would begin to speak up and give his opinions on the situation 
• No matter the time, he would take you out to a place he liked to spend time at
• You just sit side by side quietly, staring out at the view
• “This place is healing.”
• Both of you would see an ice cream truck stop nearby and especially you would stare at it longingly
• Minho immediately stood up on his feet and bought ice cream for the both of you
• You two would just begin to laugh together, playing around
• Minho would just take the whole thing off your mind whatever you two did together through the week
CHANGBIN ; Also pretty angry but comforts first
• He was in disbelief when you told him what had happened between you and the person you had been seeing 
• At first he listened to what you said, trying not interrupt you and express his anger
• No doubt would try to cheer you up on the spot when you began crying
• “Hey.. don’t cry. Smile!”
• He would try tickling, making puns or jokes to crack even the smallest smile out of you
• Changbin would then begin to express his bitterness towards your ex, starting to curse them out
• “What a bastard… they’ll deserve what they’ll be getting.” “Bin.. please don’t try to do anything drastic.”
• He would take you out like the others, inviting the members if you wanted more company
• The whole day he never left your side more than 5 minutes
• By the end of it he insisted on you sleeping over
• He would reluctantly let you style his hair
• “Seungmin’s right, your hair doesn’t listen..”
• And every time your ex lover sent a message, pathetically apologising, Changbin would be quick to grab the phone out of your hands and message him passive aggressively 
• When he had your permission, he blocked your ex and called it a new start of your life
HYUNJIN ; Making fun of them to cheer you up
• When you messaged him tearfully about what happened, he immediately got dressed and headed out to your apartment
• Once he arrived he saw you cutting your ex out of pictures like in the movies
• He took the scissors out of your hands and pulled you into a warm hug
• When you began to let out the tiniest sobs, he only hugged you tighter
• “They were a jerk, how could they do this to my best friend?”
• Once you calmed down, he began making fun of the way your ex talked and did things which soon started a whole competition on who could imitate them best
• Hyunjin would make sure your ex was out of your mind by distracting you with the little things
• You insisted and pleaded endlessly for him to cook for you to which he only agreed on the terms you would help too
• He would let you do mostly everything yourself, helping with simple things like adding herbs, spices etc or stirring the pan
• By the end of it you both ate the food in comfortable silence until you wanted to say something
• Hyunjin… thank you.” “Thank you?” “Yes. Thank you. You’re just the best.” “Huh. I AM the best aren’t I?”
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marvelandponder · 13 days
hii, ask game :)) - List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you!
Hiii, stranger! (::totally didn't just get off a call with Bevin::) Aww this is so sweet! Okay, yeah, here are my 5 right now, in no order:
My best friend! :3 Bevin makes me extremely happy, I can always relax and be myself around her and vice versa, and we always have the best conversations whether it's about life, or things we're obsessed with, or analyzing media or philosophy, or making cool shit for each other, or talkin about our creative projects and passions, or anything!! Nothing makes me happier than getting my Bevin time on the weekends, or chatting during the day during the week. And making fun stuff for her to react to and getting to talk about it? The. Best. Shit. 10000/10, Bevin's an AMAZING person and best friend
My boyfriend, Nick! He's super sweet and genuine, I feel like I can relax around him too, and we've been getting to know each other better and trying all sorts of fun things together. I love our time together and it's really healing to have such an understanding partner. Dating someone I love and feel supported by!! What the hell!!
My writing projects!!! Omg, I'm SO happy when I work on Haunted, the sequel book to Empathy!! It's so fulfilling and fun!! Listening to good music and just going to town on a project like this, omg. Working on an original story, too, it's been a really cool project!! Writing will always have my whole heart, and if I could do it all day every day, I would. I love my day career too, but writing is my REAL purpose in life ;D
Learning to draw!! I love art and it's been so cool this year learning how to draw digitally! I've drawn every day this year so far and my inner child is so happy since I loved drawing so much as a kid and still do!
My friends and family! My family sure as hell keeps me busy since I've got so many of them but yeah, I love spending time with them!
Riding my bike, going for a swim, good walks, etc. - I love going for a ride, listening to good music, or a podcast!
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lightoftheempath · 1 year
Joaquin Route Endings.
Hi, everyone! As promised, I wanted to share two Joaquin route endings I wrote for, Laws of Attraction. Both endings are based on the continuation of the romance route PB wrote for Joaquin. Each has minor sexual content but contains mostly fluff. 
I used she/her pronouns and the default name suggested at the beginning of the series for MC, Quinn Michaels. In these versions, Quinn is platonic with Gabe and Aislinn.
It’s been a long time since I sat and wrote anything outside of college psychology papers. Lol. I truly hope everyone enjoys it!
Ending 1- Finding Our Match: Quinn stays at the Brass Monkey after Joaquin leaves. He visits her office on Monday after his first day at Ricci & Associates. (2,343 words)
Ending 2- A Bright Future Ahead: Quinn goes after Joaquin when he leaves the Brass Monkey. They decide to spend the rest of the evening together. (2,935 words)
Ending 1- Finding Our Match:
It wasn’t an ordinary Monday at Ricci & Associates. The team had been celebrating their big win against Martin and Calvin Colby all weekend. Little did Quinn and Aislinn know, Gabe was planning a surprise for them. Once everyone arrived, he called the entire staff into the lobby. He announced that he was promoting Quinn and Aislinn to founding partners. Not only that, but Joaquin was also starting his first day at the firm as a corporate law expert. Everyone could feel the change in the air, the excitement was palpable. The firm was getting bigger with each passing day. They were finally going to make a real difference like they had always dreamed of. After toasting to the new firm’s name, everyone went back to work as usual.
At the end of his first workday, Joaquin walks nervously down the corridor to Quinn’s office. He planned to do what he said at the Brass Monkey, ask Quinn out on a date. A real one. He takes a deep breath and knocks on her door, his heart pounding in his chest. He’s surprised at his reaction, knowing this is abnormal for him. He’s usually so confident, but with Quinn, he finds himself second guessing everything. Quinn shouts, “come in” while going over some paperwork at her desk. Talking himself up quietly, he refuses to back down now and prepares to greet her.
“Knock knock…” he smiles, striding in with a self-assured smirk, hoping Quinn won’t catch on to his nerves. “Oh, hey Joaquin. How was your first day?” She gives him an interested look while signing the documents in front of her. Joaquin takes a seat on the chair across from her desk. “Good. Gabe showed me around and got me acclimated to everything. Congratulations on the new promotion. It’s an exciting day for both of us, huh?”. Quinn grins, putting her paperwork into the filing cabinet and sitting back down. “It sure is. I wasn’t expecting Gabe to do that for Aislinn and I. We’ve only tried to do the right thing as lawyers, but I’m not complaining about it either. A pay raise is always nice”. Joaquin laughs, silently fiddling with his thumbs while trying to remain stoic. “You’re a fantastic lawyer, Quinn, and an even better person. You deserve this”.
She smiles at him, enjoying this heartfelt moment over the usual flirtatious, sarcastic banter she’s gotten used to. “I guess now that you got the job you wanted, you don’t have to creep up on me in the parking garage or sneak into my office anymore”. Trying to think three steps ahead, Joaquin looks into Quinn’s eyes, running his hand through his hair. “You mean you didn’t like it? I thought we were having so much fun”. He winks, putting on his classic wicked smile. Quinn shakes her head with a sigh. “I’m just saying, we can be real coworkers now. No need to sneak around or invite me on fake dates”. Joaquin steadies himself, trying to think of something witty, but believable to capture Quinn’s attention. He hopes she’ll say yes to what he’s about to ask. “We don’t have to stop seeing each other if you don’t want to, and we certainly don’t have to stop going on dates either. Unless you like the sneaking around of course…then I’m happy to oblige”. Quinn raises her eyebrow in confusion and slight intrigue. “Are you asking me out on a date, Joaquin?’. He leans forward, not breaking eye contact with her, feeling the most vulnerable that he has in a long time. “I meant what I said the other night at the Brass Monkey. I want to take you on a real date.” Quinn tries to hide her shocked expression. “You’re serious? This isn’t a plot or a plan for something?” Joaquin leans back in his chair, creating a playful, pained expression on his face, placing his hand over his heart. “Quinn, you wound me. I thought I made it clear by now that you can trust me. Have I steered you wrong yet?”. She stares at him for a second, searching his eyes for any sign that this is a joke. There’s nothing there but him looking back at her genuinely. Quinn bites her lip for a second, looking down. Despite her best efforts, she can’t deny the chemistry she shares with Joaquin. The way his energy has pulled her in no matter how hard she’s tried to have a wall up. No matter how many times she’s been suspicious of his motivations, his intel has always checked out. Their relationship started out unconventionally, but his attentiveness and tenacity were hard for her to ignore. Her voice is serious as she answers. “No, you haven’t steered me wrong. I’ve realized that. I guess I never thought your advances were anything but planned and calculated”. Joaquin leans across Quinn’s desk, taking her hands in his, looking deeply into her eyes. “Despite what you may think about me or my past Quinn, our relationship was never just about sex or personal gain for me. I’m not Martin. Things may have started out spicy after our little rendezvous on the yacht, but I was never lying when I said I wanted you or your company. That was very real”. Quinn can’t help but feel stunned by what she’s hearing. Joaquin continues. “I found myself taking every opportunity to see you. I snuck into Martin’s meetings to get information. I even listened through the door sometimes. I did anything I could think of to get things to report. I made sure to plan special things so I could impress you in the meantime. My feelings for you are genuine, they always have been”. Quinn can’t hide her expression as she listens to him confess his feelings. She wanted to avoid looking at Joaquin in any serious light originally, but it was no use. She hasn’t been able to stop thinking about him.   “My feelings have been real for you too. I told myself though that you’d probably want nothing more outside of a fling. You didn’t strike me as a relationship type of person”. “Then you misjudged me. I may be a flirt. I may be extremely charismatic, but I’ve never wanted to impress or prove myself to anyone like I have with you”. Joaquin looks down for a second, overwhelmed, not used to being so straightforward about his feelings. Quinn takes her finger, lifting his chin up to meet her gaze. “You’re enough, Joaquin. You’ve never needed to impress me. There’s no doubting the chemistry between us.”. He holds her gaze as she continues. “I know I wasn’t the most trusting after everything I went through with McGraw Byrne, but that didn’t stop me from being drawn to you and enjoying every experience we’ve shared. My feelings for you are genuine too”. Joaquin takes her in for a moment. No one has stripped him of his confident exterior this way, but he’s happy to be here in this moment. Although this was uncharted territory, he wanted to travel down this road if it meant he got to do it beside Quinn. The energy becomes heavy, and he leans forward to seal their confessions with a kiss, almost to confirm that this is really happening. As Joaquin walks over to her, circling her desk, Quinn wraps her arms around his neck in response, pulling him close. She hums into the kiss, the chemistry between them surging. They let their once hidden feelings run free. After a few blissful minutes, Quinn breaks the kiss, taking Joaquin’s face in her hands. “I still owe you the rest of that thank you for helping me get one over on Martin. I was thinking maybe I could plan the date this time?”.
 “Whatever you want, little rabbit, I’m happy anywhere as long as I’m with you”. 
Quinn smirks at hearing that nickname again, laughing at the memory of seeing Joaquin stroll into the firm with Martin’s rabbit foot. She knows right away where she wants to take him on their date.  
“I want to show you one of my favorite spots in the city”. Joaquin leans in to place a thankful kiss on her lips.
“I’m looking forward to it”.
The next day, Quinn texts Joaquin to meet her in the park after work. She holds a picnic basket filled with food she made just for him. He shows up right on the dot, walking forward, and greeting her with a kiss. “Where are we off to?”. He asks. “I can’t wait to show you…” she says. Quinn takes his hand in hers, guiding them away from the crowd. They hike into a secluded area behind the trees. No one would think to look back there normally with all the foliage, but the spot Quinn leads him to is perfect. It provides a gorgeous view of the water. Natural plants are sprouting everywhere. It’s clear why she likes this place so much, it’s quite calming. Quinn lays down a couple of soft blankets on the ground, placing the picnic basket on top. After they sit, Joaquin wraps his arms around her waist while they take in the scenery. They enjoy this rare and quiet view of New York. “I can understand why you like it here. Not many places in the city allow you to have an unobstructed view of everything. Normally people are piling on top of you”. Quinn laughs to herself, taking out some food and drinks for them to enjoy. “I found this place after I moved here. Like you, I packed up my whole life to move to New York to be a lawyer for McGraw Byrne. I like to come here when I need time to think, relax, or go over a case. I’ve never brought anybody here before. It’s kind of my secret spot”. Joaquin looks at her meaningfully, feeling honored that she trusts him enough to take him here. “I appreciate you sharing this with me”. She smiles to herself, letting her hand drift over to his and holding it. The gesture is such a small show of intimacy, and yet Joaquin can feel his heart beating faster at the gentleness of her touch. “I made us some food. I brought wine and some water too in case you didn’t want to drink”. “You can cook too? Is there anything you can’t do, Quinn Michaels?”. She laughs, taking out some plates for them both and putting sandwiches, fruit, and her homemade cake on the side. Joaquin thanks her, taking a strawberry and moving it towards her lips. She softly takes a bite, the juices running down her chin. They both giggle while Joaquin wipes it off with a napkin. He gives her a sweet peck on the lips while they laugh again. After finishing off the bite she leans in to kiss him for real. Joaquin wraps his arms around her back. She climbs into his lap, straddling him, while they both deepen the kiss. Quinn runs her hands through his hair as he holds her close. They break the kiss a few minutes later, panting and grinning at each other. Quinn turns around, laying in Joaquin’s lap while they enjoy their food, joking and chatting. Afterward, they cuddle up to watch the sunset, enjoying the feeling of each other’s company. They talk about the near and distant future. They agree that they’ll tell Gabe and Aislinn they’re together, after they enjoy a few more days of sneaking around, just for the thrill of it. After most of the food is finished, Quinn packs up the picnic basket with Joaquin, neither of them wanting the day to end. She looks at him knowingly. “Do you want to come back to my place? It’s not far, and it’s probably safer than you walking home by yourself”. He looks at her mischievously, a wolfish smirk spreading across his face. “Is that what you really mean or are you trying to lure me back into your apartment for a nightcap? Either way, I won’t say no”. Quinn shakes her head, taking his hand in hers while they leisurely stroll back to her place together.
Quinn unlocks the door, telling Joaquin to make himself at home while she takes the basket to the kitchen. Joaquin sits on the couch, not taking his eyes off her. She turns around, feeling his gaze, and her cheeks redden. She’s used to being as confident as he is, but Joaquin has the power to make her weak in the knees with just a look or a touch. She walks back over to him, his arms already outstretched, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. Hardly keeping their hands off each other, Quinn pulls him by the shirt into her room, closing the door. He pushes her up against it, biting down on her lip playfully. Ripping off each other’s clothes they stumble onto the bed half dressed. Joaquin rolls himself on top of her, kissing down Quinn’s neck until he makes her moan out. While he kisses back up her skin, he whispers into her ear. “What do you need Quinn? Tell me, and it’s yours”. She shivers at the soft sound of his voice, his breath on her ear causing goosebumps to crawl up her skin. She caresses his arm, her mind racing with thoughts and possibilities, but all she can get out is that she wants him. Joaquin understands though, and he leans in to kiss her again, wrapping his arms around her back. They grind against each other, kissing fervently. Joaquin pushes the rest of her clothes off her legs, and his right after. He holds her close to him, their chests pressed up against each other while their hands grip the other's body, their passion raging. Quinn feels Joaquin’s strong arms holding her close, almost as if he’s afraid she’ll fly away or disappear. They lose themselves in each other, savoring every moment, knowing that after all this time, they finally found their match.
Ending 2- A Bright Future Ahead:
After their big win against McGraw Byrne and Martin, the Ricci & Associates team is celebrating at the Brass Monkey. Everyone is congratulating Quinn on a job well done taking down Calvin Colby. After all the commotion, Quinn heads to the bar where she finds Joaquin alone. Earlier, Gabe and he were talking seriously. She assumed it was about the job he wanted. Seeing the grin on his face as she approaches him, Quinn can tell the conversation went well. Joaquin happily reports the good news of his job offer to be a corporate law expert for the firm. Quinn responds excitedly for him, happy to have another thing to celebrate tonight. Joaquin finishes off his drink, getting up from the bar. Quinn looks over at him curiously, wondering where he’s going. He tells her that tonight isn’t about him, but he can’t wait to see her on Monday when he can steal all her attention.
She watches his back as he walks out of the door, surprised at the disappointment that overcomes her. She sits down on the bar stool where he was, holding her drink. She starts thinking about all the recent events that have happened between her and Joaquin. He’s had a mysterious yet captivating energy since the day they met. His witty banter always keeps her on her toes. She wanted to be annoyed at his confident charms, but she couldn’t, at least not fully. He slowly but surely gained her trust, proving that he was always on her side from the beginning, despite how oddly their relationship started.
She couldn’t let him leave like this. There was too much left unsaid. Quinn made her rounds saying a quick goodbye to Gabe, Aislinn, Beau, Gigi, and the team. She headed out the door, hoping that Joaquin didn’t get too far yet. She power walked down the New York City streets, looking in every direction for him. Suddenly she sees Joaquin amongst the crowd, a few steps ahead. Yelling out his name she raises her hand hoping he’ll see her, pushing through the people blocking the way. He turns around at the sound of her voice, confusion plastered on his face. “Quinn?!”. After a few moments of dodging people, she steps in front of him. Joaquin looks taken by the sight of her. A part of him is selfishly happy to have her here. Another part feels guilty that she isn’t with her colleagues and friends. “What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at the Brass Monkey?” Huffing and puffing from her quick movements, she looks up at him. “I couldn’t let you leave. You deserve to be there too. Your help was invaluable on that case, Joaquin”. He shakes his head, a slight blush coming onto his cheeks from her praise. “Tonight, it isn’t about me, Quinn. You would have won that case regardless of my help. I want you to enjoy the night”. She takes his hand into hers, holding his gaze with a serious expression. Joaquin gives her a surprised reaction, almost gasping at her touch. “I don’t want to celebrate without you”. Joaquin stands conflicted and yet elated. He wants so badly to take her into his arms and kiss her right then and there, in front of all these people. But he can’t. He refuses to take away the night she deserves after her success. “Look, I didn’t want the attention to be on me or my promotion. You deserve the spotlight tonight. You did amazing, Quinn. You are amazing”. She looks at him earnestly, realizing what he’s saying. That he only left because he didn’t want to dull her shine. The realization hits her like a ton of bricks. Despite his façade, he has a caring side that she’s slowly seeing the more they spend time together. He has a soft spot, and it’s for her. “You got the job you’ve been waiting for, but you were worried about me?”. He nods, placing his hand on her cheek and looking deeply into her eyes. “I’m always on your side, Quinn. Go have fun. I’ll see you on Monday”.
Joaquin starts to walk off again, but Quinn grabs his arm, stopping him. “If it’s my celebration then I should get to choose who I celebrate with. I want that to be you”. He stares at her, stunned momentarily, but shakes it off, hoping she doesn’t notice. He walks over to her again, placing his hands on her shoulders. “You’re sure about that?”. She nods, reassuring him that she’s serious. Joaquin looks down for a second and grins. He’s happy that after everything he’s tried to do to show her how much he cares, how much she can trust him, she’s starting to see it. Even if she just wants him around as a friend, he’s pleased. “Okay, if you say so. I know a great hidden gem we can go to for dinner if you’re interested”. “Are we going back to your favorite sushi restaurant again? I loved it there”. He takes her hand in his, strolling down the sidewalk while swinging their arms together. “No, it’s a great little Italian place just up ahead. Wait until you try the food. It’s exquisite, and thankfully, it’s never packed”. They walk a few more minutes down the sidewalk and get to a small unassuming Italian bistro. The decorations are vintage, clearly dated, but charming. A short older woman who must be in her 70s greets them both with a huge smile. Her Italian accent is thick as she talks. “Joaquin! It’s so good to see you again. And you brought a beautiful young lady with you! I knew you would find someone, you’re such a charmer, and very handsome too!”. She goes in to give Quinn kisses on the cheek and a strong hug, then Joaquin. Her personality is bright and loving like a classic storybook grandmother. She places herself in the middle of them, taking both of their hands and leading them to the tables. “Please, come, take a seat. I’ll go grab Lorenzo to take your orders”. She walks away happily, handing out menus before walking into the kitchen. Italian music starts playing overhead, and a romantic vibe starts to fill the small restaurant. Quinn looks over the top of her menu at Joaquin. “Wow, that was some greeting. Do you eat here often?”. Joaquin laughs to himself. “I’ve only been here a couple of times. Nonna Rossi thinks everyone is a distant relative after she meets them. This is a family-owned business, and they try to make all their patrons feel like they’re an honorary Rossi”. A tall brunette waiter comes out from the kitchen, introducing himself as Lorenzo Rossi. Joaquin offers to order, asking for a bottle of red wine for the table, water, appetizers, and a Tour of Italy platter for them to share. He tells him he wants Quinn to taste a little bit of everything. After thanking Lorenzo, they talk comfortably in an intimate atmosphere. As Nonna Rossi and Lorenzo bring out each item of food, Quinn realizes that everything tastes just as good as Joaquin described. Finally, the main course arrives. It smells amazing. The portion sizes are like a small tower on the plate where there’s pasta with homemade red sauce, chicken parmigiana, and Nonna’s signature meatballs. As they start to dig in Quinn asks what’s been on her mind since they arrived. “How do you find these restaurants tucked away in a big city like this?” she wonders. Joaquin takes a swig of his wine, taking her hand in his. “If you keep your mind open to all possibilities, you’ll always be surprised at what you can find”. Quinn smiles at him, gripping his hand a little tighter in agreement. They finish up their dinner, say goodbye and thank you to the staff, and hold hands as they walk slowly down the sidewalk. Neither of them wants the night to end as they look up at the stars. Almost instinctually Quinn turns to him. “Do you…want to come back to my place? It’s still early. I have a balcony with a great view of the city skyline”. Joaquin grins, his mind trying to think of something witty to say back. He’s thrilled that Quinn doesn’t want the night to be over either. “You don’t have to tempt me, Quinn. I’d go anywhere you asked, but especially your place”. He winks and she shakes her head, slightly blushing. They make it back to her apartment a few minutes later.
The tension is thick between them as Quinn makes her way to the closet, taking out blankets and placing them outside on her balcony’s loveseat. She grabs some drinks while Joaquin goes outside to sit, his gaze never leaving her. She walks outside and sits next to him, pouring them a drink as they clink their glasses together. After a generous sip, Joaquin wraps his arm around Quinn, grabbing a blanket with his other hand and covering them both up. There’s a slight chill in the air, but the weather is perfect for being outdoors. Quinn rests her head on Joaquin’s shoulder while he rubs her arm, placing a kiss on her forehead. The atmosphere is so calm that he knows this is the perfect time to say what’s been on his mind. He doesn’t know how Quinn will react to his feelings, so he tries to lead with his usual flirty tone. “Now that we’re going to be coworkers, we’ll get to see each other much more often. We can get into all kinds of trouble”. Quinn laughs, lifting her head from his sweater and looking at him, taking in his chiseled features. “You have the job now, Joaquin, you don’t have to try and butter me up anymore”. He laughs in response.“Is that what you thought that was? Buttering you up so I’d get the job? I told you, Quinn, I didn’t want to buy my way into Ricci & Associates. I had every intention of showing you that I was qualified for the role, but most importantly, that you could trust me inside and outside of the courtroom”. “Was gaining my trust that important to you?”.   Joaquin silently sighs to himself, feeling vulnerable and put on the spot. It’s been a long time since he’s had to speak without his confident and smooth façade doing most of the talking for him. “Of course, it was. I’ve had to woo a lot of people for work, but it’s been a while since I truly cared about what they thought of me as a person, and not just as a lawyer”. Quinn is taken aback by his confession, realizing her doubts were wrong all along. All his efforts, his attentiveness, it did mean more than just trying to get a job offer. She had hoped it did, but she never wanted to get too attached to the idea that he might have true feelings for her. Joaquin continues to speak, barring his heart to her and bringing her out of her trance. “I have nothing to gain right now and yet here I am. I got the job. That insufferable ass Martin is going to get what’s been coming to him. So is Calvin Colby. I care about you, Quinn Michaels. I’ve been intrigued by you since I started seeing that yes, you’re an intelligent knockout who can take anyone down. But you’re an incredible person too. Once I realized how I felt, I made sure I went out of my way to get information for you. Any excuse to see you, I took”. Quinn searches his eyes, seeing that there is no deception, no ulterior motives that she can detect. He looks back at her seriously, his hand wiping a stray piece of hair from her face as it blows in the wind. He leans in closer, placing a kiss on her cheek, his voice almost a whisper. “This is so much more than a fling to me, Quinn. If that’s all you want it to be, I understand. If you want us to be nothing but coworkers, I’ll respect that too. Just know I want so much more and I’m willing to give it to you. Just say the word and it’s yours. I’m yours”. The energy becomes intense as they stare at each other. No matter the walls that Quinn had from the beginning, she knows that Joaquin has been the only one on her mind. Every time he’d pop up, her heart would skip a beat. She looked forward to every moment they shared, despite searching for every reason to push him away. She truly tried, but she never found a reason to. Joaquin’s been supporting her from the beginning. She takes his hands in hers, rubbing her thumb against his skin while trying to find the right words to say. “I want you too, Joaquin. In every way. I may have doubted you, but I was wrong. You’ve had my back in secret for so long. When I look at you, all I can think is that I’ve finally met my match. The one that can keep up with me. The one that can keep me on my toes. It’s you. It’s always going to be you”. Joaquin breaks out in a grin, wrapping his arms around Quinn and knocking them both over onto the loveseat. He looks down at her, examining every inch of her underneath his body. The reality that she feels the same way about him almost feels too good to be true. He descends, capturing her lips in his. Quinn wraps her arms around his neck, their lips meeting in a desperate, passionate kiss, trying to convey to each other how hard they’ve fallen for one another.
Quinn breaks the kiss, inviting him in so the neighbors don’t catch them making out on the balcony. Joaquin makes a snarky joke about giving everyone a show. She grabs his arm and drags him inside. She places her hands on the top of his sweater after locking the balcony door, pulling him close as they stumble into the bedroom. Joaquin wraps his arms around her waist, kissing her deeply. Quinn breaks the kiss for a moment as she shuts the bedroom door, Joaquin heading to sit on the bed. She walks over and they wrap their arms around each other again, their hands roaming each other’s bodies like they can’t believe the other is real. Joaquin breaks the heavy kiss, both gasping for breath. He places his hand on her cheek, gazing at her like she’s the only person in the world. He whispers softly into her ear. “I want to do whatever it takes to make you feel good tonight, Quinn. We have a lot to celebrate”. She grins back, caressing his hair as she remembers her earlier promise to him after he helped her play a trick on Martin.
“And I have a thank you I still need to make good on”. He laughs, kissing her affectionately before responding. “That you do. I guess we’ll need to compromise. Though knowing I brought you any sort of pleasure and comfort is enough to make me happy”. Quinn places her hands on his chest, pushing him down onto the bed and kissing from his ear to his neck. She lifts his sweater off of his body while kissing across his chest. Joaquin lets out a soft moan, his hands tangling in her hair. “The only thing I want tonight is you, Joaquin. The rest is just a bonus”. He sits up, smiling lovingly at her. “You have me. I’m not going anywhere”. She pushes him down onto the covers, his head hitting the pillows while she sarcastically says, “You’ve proven that”. Joaquin laughs back, grabbing Quinn, turning her over, and kissing her intensely. They slowly finish undressing. The heat in the room blazing as they explore each other’s bodies. Joaquin holds onto Quinn tightly, making sure he never misses an inch of her as he plants teasing kisses all over her skin. The feeling in the room is more intimate now that they’ve finally admitted the truth about their feelings. The night winds down and they hold each other close, Joaquin kissing Quinn’s forehead and then speaking softly. 
“What do we tell the others at work?” Quinn runs her hand down his chest. Joaquin softly shivers, taking her hand in his, and kissing her knuckles.
“I want them to know the truth, at least eventually”. “Eventually, huh? Are you going to keep me as your lusty work secret? My ego might hurt a little, but I can’t say the thrill isn’t intriguing”. “For one thing, your ego will be fine. For another, I’d never want to hide you. I’m just down for a couple more rendezvous dates before the big reveal”. He grins, his mind already thinking of places to run off to. Quinn puts her head on his chest, hugging him close, the feeling of his heartbeat calming her. “I’m ready to tell the world you’re mine if you’re ready too, Joaquin”. He lifts her chin up to meet his gaze. “Nothing would make me happier”. Quinn answers him with a kiss, smiling against his lips. They spend the rest of the night in each other’s arms, Joaquin promising to make them pancakes before work in the morning. Quinn closes her eyes, comforted by his presence as they both fall asleep. They know that the future is bright now that they have each other.  
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barefootbaltimore · 13 days
I live in a sitcom.
Today partner and I took our kitten to the er because he's had a goopy eye and it started in the other eye today so we decided we couldn't wait for his upcoming appointment.
So we get there.
And in walks a woman holding just a loose bird. A loose wild bird.
And she's like "I found him on the side of the road can you help her?"
Then she drops the bird.
This poor creature is definitely injured and is having a BAD TIME there are feathers everywhere.
She drops it again.
The lady at the desk says "Uh. We don't take wildlife here."
The woman with the bird says "But I have to go to work can't you just take her?"
"No. Ma'am we aren't equipped to take wildlife here."
Feathers are flying. This bird is freaking out.
Woman repeats that she has to go to work.
Almost drops the bird again.
Finally I'm more afraid that she's hurting the bird worse than whatever was initially wrong with it so I say
"I'll take it to a wildlife center"
Now I have the bird.
The loose wild bird.
I drop the bird.
This thing flops all around the entire waiting area of the vet. Employees are laughing.
I'm just trying to get my kitten signed in.
Catch the bird. Vet staff offer to get us a box.
One of the staff finds us a rescue that is open.
I call the rescue and get an automated message telling me their hours and also that they do not accept adult deer. Noted.
Finally get there and this old lady comes out, grabs this little bird with no hesitation and starts pocking him.
"A little cat bird. Looks like he's got a dislocated rotary disk."
Then she pokes fun at us for spending the money getting our cat treatment for a goopy eye.
Then she says the real black gangs are the corvids.
Now I'm home, the animals are all safe, and I'm taking a fucking nap.
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⊹ ⋆゚꒰ఎ MBTI - INTP and signs combination ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹ 𓂅
⤷ Reuploaders, please read this!!!
TIKTOK - tag @juliafranciscco
Instagram - do a collab with @juliafranciscco, to do a collab follow this: when posting the your post, go to tag people - invite collaborator and tag my account! Your post will show in yours and my feed (no, I don't care about the aesthetics, just collab with me!!)
You are sincere and do not consider the effects of your words. Speaking frankly about your opinions, no matter how unpopular they may be
You can also be a little grumpy and worried.
You are a critical thinker who always seeks out new information to learn.
You cannot remain still for an extended period of time.
You are a hobbyist intellectual who pursues your interests.
You are a physically active INTP who might take pleasure in sports like weightlifting and wrestling.
You typically trust yourself more and take more initiative than other INTPs.
You may be an INTP who spends a lot of time sitting in a chair and is predisposed to a sedentary lifestyle since you live intensely in your own mind.
You have strong opinions and don't often modify them. It will be even more challenging to modify your stubborn attitude if someone tries.
Given that the brain needs foods high in sugar and carbohydrates to function, you may have a weakness for them.
To get moving and flowing, you might need more inspiration.
You focus on your mind and ignore the real world
You are more determined to achieve your goals than most INTPs are, and you deal with money issues more easily.
You enjoy learning new things, but you take in everything you come across as useful information.
Reads everything for hours, including novels, articles, IG posts, medication leaflets...
Tuned with the newest films and television shows that have just debuted.
Being more like a 1001 walking curiosities than an encyclopedia,being difficult to be specialized in something (no problem, only if you are a surgeon...)
Easily gets bored with a topic, craves constant and varied mental stimulation, and is prone to boredom.
You are a true NERD when compared to other INTPs and struggle with persistence.
You are quiet and guarded, finding it difficult to be vulnerable around your pals, but can be lovely with your friends.
You place more value on information in your recollections than in more recent literature because of your attachment to the past and traditions.
You enjoy working according to a plan.
By holding to what you already know and not allowing ideas in your life, this can make it difficult for you to acquire a new methodology and ideals quickly.
Your trie to be helpful to others yet thinks they aren't as smart as you
You are more patient in your aiding of others than other INTPS.
You are especially creative.
Your intellectual pride is very high.
Despite being an introvert, you have charisma and command attention because you know how to conduct yourself in public.
You are very loyal and giving, but you might get angry with people when you feel that they don't value you.
Because you’re faithful while other people aren't, it's probable that you occasionally gets passed around.
Compared to other INTPS, you tend to care a lot more about how you appear and whether you have more friends.
You are a shy person who can be extremely wary of other people.
You don't tend to socialize much and find it difficult to establish friends.
You enjoy interacting with data and different types of information, and you prefer to read instructions-heavy materials like recipes or programming.
You have the potential to write for fun.
You are very good at organizing data into categories and building mental and physical systems.
You approach your work methodically, working tirelessly and persistently.
You are less socially adept than other INTPS, and you typically find partners later than others.
You have an interest in topics related to history, music, and art.
Likes art and museums.
You're not the type to freely share your ideas.
When you want to be social, you can do so while maintaining your distance from other people.
You are able to employ a social mask and adjust your ideas to other contexts.
You have trouble making judgments and could become stuck on an idea that you already have.
This INTP might have an Extraverted Feeling (Fe) that is a little stronger than the others.
You spend a lot of time by yourself researching different topics.
You have a keen interest in occultism, criminality, and psychology.
You have a sharp memory and a propensity for resentment.
You are a strategic thinker who can see multiple paths to success.
You tend to keep your thoughts to yourself and be enigmatic.
You have a strong urge to remain silent, acquire influence behind the scenes, and control affairs covertly.
You’re more vengeful and experiences less indecisiveness than other INTPs.
May be interested in philosophy, hermeticism, and esotericism.
You have trouble taking on responsibility and will not stand for having your freedom of thought and behavior restricted.
You are sardonic and very serious, making everything from crude jokes to ones with undertones of dark humor.
When you need to or want to be, you are charming and affable.
You have a tendency to absorb a lot of irrelevant information before focusing on one or two of them; this specialization typically results from being fixated on the subject for months.
You are more flirty, provocative, and adventurous than most INTPS.
You are a stoic person who rarely expresses your feelings, senses, or ideas.
You can be very deliberate and carefully consider each decision you make, looking for achievements or failures.
You are silent, appearing to be distracted, and looks like you have left your body behind.
You might get paralyzed by fear of your own ideas and creations.
Even though you generally come across as amusing and ironic, it's difficult to get close to you because of your distant and distant appearance. It also takes you a while to enter a relationship.
You are more ambitious than other INTPs and find it simpler to make ideas and carry them through, so you accomplish more things as a result.
You are basically rebellious and angry that others don't make their own decisions.
You cherish liberty and detest censorship and discrimination.
You enjoy doing study on topics that aren't frequently discussed in social settings.
Given that thinking outside the box is one of your talents, you might occasionally reach a novel and unusual solution to solve a problem.
You may have a particular way of clothing and acting.
When you don't make an effort to communicate, you come across as cold and emotionally detached and can even come out as utterly unapproachable, although you have the ability to express yourself.
You have acquired some exceptional social abilities compared to other INTPs since you need friends just as much as you need siblings.
You often have a very creative imagination that allows you to see things that no one else can, which leads to brilliance.
Because you are constantly daydreaming, you also have a tendency to be more forgetful and distracted.
A linear mental process is impossible.
You hold your own beliefs and perspectives regarding spirituality and religion.
You are a dreamer who has many different plans.
You enjoy the performing and visual arts.
You don't comb your hair and have a more messy look.
You find it more difficult to express yourself orally than other INTPs do, so you turn to other alternatives like art or even numbers.
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Hi everyone, happy disability pride month. I just wanted to share my experiences without the Karens and relatives of Facebook. I was diagnosed with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy at 10.
Growing up I didn't think it was a disability because I was doing everything everyone else did in school. I didn't need a wheelchair, and usually as long as I don't have any of the sodas I like or don't play the games other kids play, I was ok. But last year, as I walked around the job fair looking for one more means of steady independence for my adult self, the embarrassed looks on nearly everyone's faces told me otherwise.
I went with my partner to a Job Fair in the city we hope to move to, in hopes of supporting him (now he's a guard, but still) and finding opportunities of my own. We split up and explored the booths, and I went to go look for desk jobs, because it's what my brain works best with. Legally, due to my seizures, I cannot drive nor will I ever be able to for the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, I went up, smiled, put on my networking voice, maintained good eye contact and introduced myself, just like we were all taught. This seemed to work with a lot of the potential employers! But when I explained my situation, everything changed. Eye contact stopped. The free flowing conversation and hopes turned to "I'm sorry, we've got nothing for you, miss." and they'd all wish me a nice day and good luck.
For context, the disabled community has made cases for and have been denied telework. As of 2019, 70% of disabled workers who have gone to court for this accommodation lost. Not only this, but for ages we have begged for remote learning and medical care, and repeatedly we were told it's impossible. Impossible.
Suddenly it's 2020 and a pandemic shuts down schools, businesses, and everyone has been ordered to stay home. It didn't take long for everybody to feel the pinching and the pressure of not being able to go out and provide. Suddenly, remote working becomes a household phrase. People, abled and disabled, log into their jobs and to making their honest livings. It seems like this could become a real thing, right?
Now the world is bouncing back from the chaos of last year, and businesses open back up again. Which brings this back full circle. Now that the world is normalizing, the accomodations made within mere weeks of abled people not being able to commute, have for the most part gone backsies "with less of a need for it".
Thank you for reading this chapter of my story. Writing this, I have decided I will share one more part of my life just to show another truth of life. I'm constantly meading out what I drink, because I love caffeine, it helps me wake up from the nights often sleepless because of meds. Or getting tipsy feels like the uncertainty of a seizure, so you just don't. And cutting everything out and not having any real appetite because the brain signals that are supposed by meds so you don't go down, also tell you you're hungry, so when I'm out with my large chubby hubby-looking partner and just stick to my soup and water while he gets a burger and coke, he gets dirty looks because not having had any will to eat since 2009 sucks and I'm a thin mint with a big boi. But he is a food pusher who reminds me to eat. People don't care.
Getting adult diapers and getting picked on by old ladies because I obviously haven't just given birth, or I'm too young for them, sucks. I can't even vent to my family about having an invisible disability because my sister has it far worse with arthritis and digestive issues, and she's younger too. I don't even really spend time with them doing fun stuff because they don't understand overstimulation, and their answer is just to cut it out. So I've been becoming more and more isolated in my own home. My partner is my only true safety.
And that's the shit in between the seizures media use as comedic relief.
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pugsbone · 2 years
Chad Fuck,Marry,Kiss The Bleach girls
Chad blinks down at the ask before looking up at you, “That’s a long list, but alright, I think I can do that.”
Orihime: Fuck “Usually, I would have said kiss, but there have been a few times where I joined her and Ichigo for some fun, good times. Plus, Orihime has never been one for modesty, would be nice to finally work out those feelings.”
Rukia: Fuck “She has always been a lovely woman, wouldn’t mind doing it with her.” A slight blush on his face as he scratched the back of his head. “It’s no wonder we all tried so hard to rescue her back in the day.”
Karin: Marry “Karin is a fiery girl, reminds me of Ichigo in that regard, and we’ve been close ever since I saved her back when I first got my powers. Wouldn’t be too bad tying the knot with her.” And she had certainly grown into quite the woman.
Yuzu: Fuck “She’s a cutie, but I don’t think I’d go that far with her. Not the same connection I have with her sister.”
Tatsuki: Marry “She’s a strong woman who always fights to protect those she cares about, Tatsuki is a woman I greatly admire, and I’ve learned a few things from our sparring together. And uh,” the slight blush returned as he scratched the back of his head. “Just because she’s not as “gifted” as Orihime, doesn’t mean she isn’t pretty curvy.” He had to clear his throat real quick, his blush slowly fading.
Mizuho: Fuck “Keigo’s big sis has always been very attractive, but I don’t think we’d go much further than that, I’m not her type.” He brushed his hand through his hair, not short enough for her liking.
Chizuru: Fuck: “Cute girl, and she was the talk of the locker room with how often she groped Orihime. There are some rumors that you can actually find her in the there on certain days, same days that the glory hole is open actually.”
Mahana: Fuck “Mahana has always been a fun girl, great gym partner, though she did ask me out of the blue about how large I am. We meet up every now and then.”
Michiru: Kiss “I’d do more, but she’s always so skittish. Orihime says it’s because I intimidate her.” A soft sigh escaped the gentle giant at that fact.
Ryo: Marry: “Last few years of school, I spent a good amount of time studying with Ryo, nice girl when you get to know her. Actually ran into her a lot during my morning runs, spent some good quality time with her.”
Ururu: Kiss “Cute kid, but can be a little creepy at times. Would just feel off.”
Ikumi: Fuck “Hot lady, Ichigo told me that she can be rather doting at times. That and her tits are extremely soft.”
Yoruichi: Fuck “Ms. Yoruichi constantly walks around in basically nothing, any man would love to spend the night with her.” That woman never stopped teasing people.
Kukaku: Marry “It was a crazy time when we were training for the cannonball, and she wanted to see just how powerful I was. One of the best parts of the trip, if I’m being honest.”
Soifon: Fuck “I used to think it would be dangerous to try and even touch her, but with how she’s been acting around Renji and Mr. Urahara, I’m beginning to think that it wouldn’t be that bad.”
Unohana: Fuck “She scares me, but some part of me would love to be held by her. Wonder why that is.”
Isane: Marry “It’s rare for me to find a woman almost as tall as me, and her body is very nice as well. Both are just bonuses when it comes to her kind personality, and her soul is as beautiful as the rest of her.”
Momo: Kiss “Something about her makes me feel like anything besides a kiss would be wrong, at least, not until I get to know her better.”
Nanao: Kiss “Same as with Momo, also she did want to kill me when we were saving Rukia, but I’ve mostly moved past that.”
Rangiku: Marry “I’m not blind, she’s one of the most sought after woman in Soul Society for a reason.”
Nemu: Fuck “Uryu has told me a lot about her, and she did not disappoint. I can see why he keeps meeting with her in secret.”
Kiyone: Kiss “She’s a cutie, kiss for now, not sure how it might change moving forward.”
Kirio: Fuck “When I met her, she kept feeding me food as she fucked me. We ended up going for about three whole days before I had to leave.”
Senjumaru: Fuck “That woman does not take no for an answer, and the way she can use her hands is eye opening.”
The Sword Five: Fuck “They are a varied bunch, and I had a great time with all of them.”
Neliel: Fuck “Those rags do not cover much, and she can be insatiable”
Harribel: Fuck “Returning to Hueco Mundo was eye opening, and she does not hide her bust at all. I ended up staying there longer than I thought I would thanks to her and her sidekicks”
Apacci, Sung-Sung, Mila Rose: Fuck “Those three were very much invested in my time with their leader. Though they did lack their Queen’s stamina, they were fun while they lasted.”
Loly and Menoly: Fuck “Both were very needy, seems that without Aizen to lust over, they needed someone to worship. I was just closest when they realized this.”
Riruka: Marry “We had good times together in Xcution, and she always loved it when I pulled on her pigtails. Wouldn’t mind spending more time with her.”
Jackie: Fuck “She really likes getting down and dirty, claiming that it’s the best way to train.
Hiyori: Kiss “That girl is a nightmare, and she really wanted to kill me. Not the best first impression.”
Mashiro: Fuck “That bodysuit does not hide much, and it did not disappoint when she unzipped.”
Lisa: Fuck “She was very forward, hard to say no when she just put her hand down my pants.”
Bambietta: Fuck “That woman is dangerous, but very hard to resist. Thankfully, I was durable enough that her explosive finish didn’t hurt me that much.”
Liltotto: Kiss “Though even that might be a bad idea.”
Meninas: Marry “She’s a very beautiful woman who was very happy to find someone as strong as her. She’s even followed me home a few times, and is always there at my matches. My number 1 groupie, is what she calls herself. I am not complaining, though she is a little baby crazy.”
Candice: Marry “Underneath her hot exterior is a very determined woman, one who really just wanted to find the right man. She actually accompanies Meninas to a lot of my matches, and joins her for the after parties. The two don’t seem to mind sharing, even if she doesn’t like the fact that she’s the number 2 groupie. Still, she’s just as baby crazy as her friend, wanting to make our relationship much more solid. I don’t mind, but I do need to be careful. She once tried to lock us up in my room after she had downed a lot of fertility tea, and was doing everything she could to get me as virile as possible, she does not know when to quit.”
Giselle: Pass “She horrifies me, and I’ve been warned that she tends to zombify her lovers, so I am staying far away from that.”
“And that’s everyone, I think.” Chad said, scratching his chin as he thought of all the women he’s had the pleasure of meeting. 
(These are all the girls I can remember, though this does not include anyone that is anime/LN/Movie/Video Game exclusive or Zanpakuto spirits. If you want those, send in another ask, this one is way too long. Also has the most tags, so kudos on that. God, Bleach has so many characters.)
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daysofourlivesrecaps · 11 months
Tuesday, 25 July 2023
Wendy and Tripp are making out on the couch again, so naturally Li walks in and puts the brakes on that. Yet again.
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And not for the first time it occurs to me that:
• Li was a top executive at a large company. He was probably bringing in six figures, and surely he has a little stuck away in savings.
• Wendy is an IT professional at that same company. Surely she makes decent money at that job.
• Tripp is a fucking doctor.
• the property values in Salem are ridiculously low. Like “the way your boomer relatives remember it being easy to buy a house” low.
So how the fuck is this living situation still happening?
(Whenever one of my viewing companions tries to apply real-world logic to this show, I threaten her with the spray bottle like she’s a cat poking around where she doesn’t belong. And I believe I may deserve a spritz for this one.)
Li then spends the rest of the episode reminding us about his disastrous date with District Attorney Melinda Trask.
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But he continues to have all the screen presence of… when your screen goes dark because you don’t have a screen saver installed. Also I was here for that. It only happened last Thursday.
Trask, for her part, has doubled down on getting dolled up and is waiting for a new date.
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But she’s early, and she runs into Sloan, so the two of them chat for awhile.
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And while very little new information is exchanged in these scenes either (Sloan is pregnant; Trask tried to bug Li), they are at least interesting because these two performers are great and honestly I just want them to date. Or at the very least continue to be friends.
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Because while I absolutely did not want Trask hooking up with Li, I do want her to move out of the periphery and into some stories where she isn’t just the last-minute antagonist. This very thing happened to Sloan not one year ago, and I loved watching it happen. It was like watching Chief O’Brien go from nameless guy driving the ship to chief engineer of Deep Space Nine.
Meanwhile, Eric and Brady compare notes on their respective storylines: Eric with his “Sloan and I are having a baby” and Brady with his “I threatened Kristen with a gun so now this is gonna be a whole thing.”
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And that whole thing has led to Belle paying a visit to Kristen to see if she’ll maybe drop the charges.
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Which is a ballsy move. Even ballsier: Kristen demanding that they re-revisit that custody agreement that Brady ripped up.
The custody agreement that she used as a negotiating tactic while she was hiding Rachel from everyone in her house. The one that Marlena inexplicably said everyone should just go along with to make this situation go away.
Now we’re just acting like this is an entirely reasonable thing for her to demand! Which is absolutely insane to me. But not in a fun soap way. Just in a “this feels a bit lazy” way. Kristen is a DiMera, for god’s sake. They’re supposed to be these amazingly devious strategists. But Kristen’s only moves seem to be “kidnap Rachel” and “make insane demands until everyone just starts treating them like they’re sane demands.”
Speaking of non-evil DiMeras, EJ continues to be a supportive partner, despite his nearly universal reputation to the contrary. This time he’s not tied up in the secret room so he can accompany Nicole on her visit to that expensive fertility doctor.
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And OH NO, the doctor wants a sample of EJ’s DNA (just a cheek swab, you pervert) so she can rule out potential genetic defects in the child.
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Which means someone might finally discover that Sloan falsified that paternity test. More importantly, it means maybe this storyline will finally start going somewhere because seriously, I thought we learned our lesson about running in place with the whole Wendy/Johnny/Tripp fiasco.
Back at the bar, Trask is getting impatient and calls the matchmaker (yes, these people are using a MATCHMAKER. In 20-the-hell-23) to find out when her date is due to arrive.
She is informed that the gentleman in question should be there any time now. And that he’ll be wearing a blue blazer.
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And if any moment demanded a GOB Bluth-style “COME ON!!”, it’s this one.
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umberandmochaagate · 2 years
2, 19, 32, 34, 48 for the ask game!! :)))) or just any you wanna answer
Whew! Thank you @capadipdap and I hope you're prepping for the essays! 😩
2) What are you obsessed with right now? Chemistry. That one post about NileRed has launched me into his YouTube channels just watching so many videos. Brought me back to why I originally wanted a chem degree in undergrad. Psychology who? It's prompted me to practice balancing equations and doing organic nomenclature since it's been a while but just for the hell of it. I've been using the fact that I have to take psychopharmacology next semester as part of my cover but also totally living in my nerdiness openly. It's fun. I forgot how much chem used to be an interest/hobby. He's "made" gloves into hot sauce and broke down how I will not know peace.
19) If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to? Imma say it like... I wouldn't because I like my name, but I would if I wanted to. But I probably won't ever change it. Fun fact, my parents smashed their names together and added a y to get Casey the day I was born. So the meaning was always like a ship name before we found out it's Irish and I think that's special cuz they didn't know. But! I'd add a middle name and it'd be Celeste.
32) If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick? Gimme a Harvest Moon world omg. I was out there farming, gardening, making some shit. Building my house up. Spending time with neighbors and folks. Yeah yeah quests but I can just spend my day walking around if I wanted. Chillin bro. Animal Crossing for the same reason. Just add my friends in we're gonna go lay down at the beach no 9-5 no 6 streams of income thx
34) What's your coffee order? I don't get coffee super frequently so we gotta go by place, but the general rule of thumb is mocha and espress 😂 aight so we got:
Cafe ak lèt/ Cafe con leche (not that much leche) made with the Cafe Bustelo espresso one that I didn't even know was the espresso one or with Haitian coffee. Four tbsp of sugar if made at home, whatever amount the ppl give me at the place. The standard
Cafe Cubano from colada to cafecito. I will drink it straight. No I do not think the espresso has affected me severely over the course of my life. Matter of fact I'll fall asleep.
Dunkin: Mocha iced latte. The standard gay drink but mocha > vanilla, no hate to my girl vanilla though. Kept me up for 7 hr drives across the state. A real g for that
Starbucks: Double chocolate chip frappacinno with the chocolate syrup and whip cream and chocolate shavings etc etc etc. Love that. Don't get it often cuz Starbucks makes it too icy sometimes
Panera: That mocha espresso drink. I used to add extra shots of espresso cuz their regular coffee sucks and I worked open shift. I was sleepy in minutes.
48) Describe your ideal partner. Ahhh, this one. Look, I'm a simple man. All I ask is that they find me with their intentions pure, hearts full, and willing to put in the work to make a romantic relationship healthy 😔
jk of course I ask more than that (but those are also required). Fr Imma want someone who's been working on themselves, and communicate effectively, trusts, is honest, all that fun stuff to and fro. So basically: an open-minded person who is compatible with me and is a genuinely kind person with strong values, humor, and the independence and understanding for what it takes to be a partner in more than just the superficial and physiological levels.
Imma need someone who can handle me personality wise, career wise (directed at all those who falter at hearing that I'm studying to be a psychologist 😂). Plus I am spoiled, I am a spoiled brat. This is framed a warning because for some reason it's not believed when I say I'm the type to expect to have things paid for, planned, provided, gifted, etc. I do reciprocate because I was raised right, but the whole "50/50" thing that's been getting thrown around in the social media world doesn't with how I was raised either. I'm just not gonna be the one carrying everything just because I have a career and still get expected to do more with no actual division/balanced of roles. like it's not happening. We're grown ppl c'mon now (yes I can go deeper in that specifically but I don't play). Approach deities with offerings, thank you. I do prefer someone who falls within my cultures or related, like the African diaspora/Latino/Caribbean/Hispanic cuz of intercultural connection but I really don't mind. Have (verifiable) ambitions/career/goals. Gotta leave it all here cuz I can't put the whole play out on here; said a lot and nothing Oh height at 5'11" up 🧍🏿‍♀️ I'm a big girl okay. Out here 5'7" looking like a slightly smaller Stallion sooooooo it's almost a requirement but not but you get hella extra points
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astrojoy · 3 years
Asteroid Friederike (538)
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Asteroid Meaning
Peaceful Ruler
Meaning In The Chart
Where we tend to give off peace, be more relaxed and chill at. I noticed others might see you as peaceful in whatever area this asteroid is in
(I literally looked at my clock and typed in that number for a random asteroid to do research on 🤣🤣)
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1st House
Giving the impression of easygoing - Giving off a peaceful vibe - Approachable - People can become comfortable around you easier - Some might appear orderly, kept. I've seen someone with this not afraid to speak their mind however it was in a easier manor - Body should be treated like a temple, with care and consideration
2nd House
People get the impression that you aren't greedy - Sharing energy - Eating is relaxing - If you sing you could have a smooth undertone - "Gentle gardener" vibes - Spending money reasonably and responsibly - Your values come off as wise and sincere - If you do gardening or take care of plants this is an amazing aspect to have - Cooking could come naturally over time for you - This placement reminds me of smelling good food while walking in a plaza and wanting to find where it's coming from
3rd House
Tone of voice stands out to people as smooth - Your communication style isn't too harsh unless other aspects get in the way - People seem to respect you subconsciously - Can indicate a sibling who gives off this asteroids qualities in some prominent way - No drama between you and neighbors or you tend to stick to the middle ground - Can lead a group project if need be - In school you come off as someone who doesn't delve into fights or childlike activities, could indicate a teachers favorite (My little brother has this and even if someone's being hateful towards him/badmouthing, him he doesn't care. He's not timid he just shrugs it off and gives off uncaring energy towards harsh words people say at him)
4th House
If you're a parent/when you become one, you appear as a savior in the kids eyes, favorite parent energy - Orderly at home, not too strict but also not too laid back - The one you puts things back in line from time to time - Family could be drawn to you to get their emotions off their chest - Kids/Mother/Younger siblings can respect you secretly - Intelligent in the emotional spectrum, you know how to handle others and yours at times - When you get a home it can have a comfortable vibe - Could be in charge of household stuff
5th House
To strangers or aquaintances you might not come off as the "wild" type when it comes to partying - You look very relaxed when doing things you love - If you have a child they will resemble this asteroid in some particular way - In small relationships you give off a wise/chill impression - Teenagers going to the movies together then home to have a chill sleepover vibes - Future child could have a close spirit guide with this asteroids qualities
6th House
When people are sick they love being taken care of by you since you seem to not get irritated quickly or you feel like a home - If you ever work in the medical field this is a beautiful placement - You can calm people's worries if they are a hypochondriac - Animals love you or get comfortable with you easier - Not too harsh with animals when it comes to punishment or rules - Getting along with most coworkers at a job - Subordinates respect you or are easier to handle - Might have a coworker or subordinate that gives of "idc about this job or my boss" vibes
7th House
If you are working with people you could come off as kinda lighthearted and easier to work with - Business partners are humble and respectable - In a relationship you tend to give off these qualities in the way you show love - The relationships you make aren't forced - Might find peace while making aesthetics - Peace when you're with your lover - If you have a crush you aren't the one to "bully/tease" them (bully tease is something I use to describe people who will make fun or act like they don't like their crush in front of others when they really do- kinda like a tsundere in anime)
8th House
Warning//+18 stuff
Sex is savory not quick - Might be seen as submissive/doesn't mean you are - If you go to the bank or do something revolving loans/taxes/inheritences, you aren't hard to get along with compared to others out there that might argue - Not the type of people suspect people of lieing 24/7 because they don't need to, they have an easier time picking up on fraud and etc - If you conjoin assets you will be responsible with the money
9th House
Honestly this aspect reminds me of a pope in religion and churches - Very calm, practical and respectable presence - When you speak about religion or beliefs you seem to not come off as forceful but rather informational - The way you teach can be down-to-earth in a way and honestly this is a beautiful placement if you ever want to be a teacher or professor - Students won't give you as much of a harsh time because they might like you more than other teachers - When it comes to travel, if you are a foreigner you won't be seen as troublesome or disrespectful, a peaceful outsider vibe! - Actually some people here possibly find comfort from traveling, discovering new things about the world and etc
10th House
If you become famous or have a mass presence in the public eye, you will literally give off some form of vibe this asteroid gives off - "Peaceful Ruler" If you become a boss/manager, you could be the "chill boss" type that people tend to like, some of your subordinates may even crack jokes with you - If you become a father, chances are that your kid will take a liking to you and you have a good chance at being the favorite parent 😂 - this placement seems to not look suspicious in public but rather the opposite and easy to approach (unless other aspects crunch that up)
11th House
Might be drawn to actual easygoing and moreover chill people - Friends could view you as someone who seems to get a long well with a lot of people - Might be the middle ground of the group, if 2 friends get in a fight and the group of friends split up taking teams, then you can confront both and calm everyone down - Online you might not like to waste your time on drama - Could appear wise or mature no matter the age online - If you network with people it's a small gift that really comes in handy, it makes the process filled with ease - If you ever have a following or mass of people who like your content/business/etc then you won't appear to be conflicting or rude unless other aspects prove otherwise
12th House
Having an angel guide who has this vibe - Gracious healing energy towards others - Others might speculate you are calm and relaxed when alone, if they think about it - Finding peace in meditation, reiki, astral travel, paranormal, sleep, occult stuff! - Others might think you are somewhat of a daydreamer or imaginative/kinda like when you see someone in public in a daze as if they're thinking or disconnected - Might not snore in sleep - If you connect with ghosts/guides then you come off as kindhearted and easy to get along with - Possibility of having a guide with a lot of patience 🤣 (legit you mess up for the 700th time on something and they're like "👁👁💢 again?"
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