#like sorry but also i am just some guy trying to make it through everyday
tethered-heartstrings · 6 months
dou you ever answer asks?
yeah, I am just forgetful and have responsibilities and a life outside tumblr
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
Flirts IV
Mapi León x Reader x Ingrid Engen
Summary: You have to go
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It's not that you don't want to be there because you do.
It's that you have to go away for a surgery.
There's some rich woman in California who needs you to operate on her cat. She's paying an extortionate amount for your services and sending a private jet to pick you up.
You love those kinds of pet owners, the ones with enough money to fly in the very best if only because of the clear love they have for all of their pets.
But they're also clients you can't deny.
If someone wants to fly you out for enough money to keep a family afloat for a year, someone with enough influence to make or break anybody's career, you can't say no.
Even if your girlfriend is fighting for Euro's qualification.
"Do you have to go?" Mapi asks, sitting inside of your unpacked suitcase like she was Bagheera in a box.
Honey sits on the bed, head in her paws as she waits, tail wagging, for Mapi to throw her tennis ball.
"Yes," You say, trying to choose between your purple or your blue scrubs," It's a lot of money. Enough for that fancy holiday to the Maldives you guys want to take."
"But it takes you away from us," Mapi whines and Ingrid makes an agreeing noise from over by the door.
"I've travelled for work before."
"You're going to miss my match," Ingrid says and a pit forms in your stomach.
Before this job came up, you and Mapi were meant to be travelling to Norway to see Ingrid's last Euro Qualifiers game before going off in a camper van with her parents.
You'd still make it to the last part, depending on what the labs for this cat came back as but you'd have to miss the match.
You reach out for her, drawing her closer by the waist and resting your head on her chest.
"I'm so sorry, baby. I am, really. I can call up and cancel if you really want me to. I know a guy to recommend instead."
Ingrid sighs, her chin sitting on the top of your head. "No," She says," That cat needs the best care possible. We all know you're the best. Go and be a hero."
"I'd hardly be a hero. It's just surgery."
"Surgery for some woman that clearly adores her pet cat. What you do saves lives. I think that makes you a hero."
"You're so sweet, Ingrid."
"And hot!"
You laugh. "Thanks for that, Mapi. I'm sure she knows that seeing as you tell her everyday."
Mapi shrugs with a smirk on her face. "I'm sure it's nice to be reminded."
Honey whines on the bed and you roll your eyes.
"Throw the ball already. She's getting impatient."
Mapi frowns, waving the ball around.
Honey's eyes dart around erratically to follow it.
"She isn't barking, though?"
You laugh, crossing the space to take the ball and lay a soft kiss on Mapi's lips. "Because she's well-behaved, Mapi. She knows not to bark unless it's an emergency."
You throw the ball up and down to make sure Honey's still watching before you launch it out of the room.
She's off like a shot as Ingrid hauls Mapi out of your suitcase.
You still feel guilty though, through the flight, through the labs, through everything.
The cat is cute one, a little tortoiseshell with an amicable nature and a complete lack of awareness of her surroundings.
You've always been an animal person. You've always loved all of them but living with Mapi and Ingrid has just given you an even newer appreciation for cats.
The checkup happens quickly and the labs are already done and completed by the time you arrive.
Money really does move things along because all the charts are perfect and after what should have been a week long wait to begin, you manage to take a day to get over your jetlag and get to work immediately the day after.
Surgery is simple to you. It's easy and soon enough the cat is halfway to recovery.
You don't quite understand how private planes are hired and sent out, if someone has to book a runway days in advance or if they're open indefinitely.
The original plan had been for you to take a week to do this but now it's all done, you don't quite know what to do with yourself apart from stew in guilt.
You had planned to take your mind off Ingrid's game by throwing yourself into work.
You have no work though and can't help but imagine yourself in Norway with your girlfriends, curled up in Mapi's arms while Ingrid whispers to you.
You swipe away a tear as you head down for dinner, your host gracious enough to treat you to a meal for all your good work.
You've gone radio silent to your girlfriends but neither are surprised.
You're always like that when you go out of the country for work, focused only on your patient. You want no distractions.
Mapi sits slumped in her seat next to Ingrid watching Norway play their last qualifier, sighing to herself as she looks at pictures of the three of you together.
"What's with the pout?" Ingrid teases, running her thumb over Mapi's jutted out bottom lip.
"I miss her," Mapi mutters, feeling a bit like a little kid sulking.
"I know but she'll be here soon and then we go out exploring with my parents before heading back home for preseason. It's not that long of a wait."
"I don't want to wait at all."
"I know but-"
A body slumps down on Mapi's other side and both of them turn.
"I'm not really a fan of this hotdog," You say," It's not bad but I guess I'm not that hungry. Do you want some Mapi?"
You don't get an answer from her because she crushes you into a hug. The hotdog that you regrettably bought squishes between your bodies.
You don't complain though, especially when Ingrid moves into the hug as well, tightening her grip around the both of you.
"I thought you couldn't make it?"
"Money talks," You tease," And the owner felt a bit of pity when I told her that I'd have to watch this match on tv. Chartered a jet for me to come straight here."
"And the cat?" Mapi asks.
"The cat's good. Recovering."
"I'm so happy you're here."
"We're both happy," Ingrid says," So, so happy."
You grin at your girls, the smiling splitting your face.
"I'm happy to be here too."
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spooky-bunnys · 5 months
So I'm bad with this thing, but I wanted to request a bonten where their husband is an omega only different from the others, as he is not sensitive and he orders bonten to obey (imagine him ordering him around in a meeting and random leaders are outraged by an omega ruling bonten) sorry for my english, i'm not of the english language
Title: I am Bonten
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Pairing: Bonten x O!Male Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Violence, Weapons, and Sexist Assholes.
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Bonten was tired of this meeting already. The only thing going through most of their heads. They left their gorgeous Omega in their bed, for this meeting? It was all they could think about. It was only a matter of time before two things happen.
Either Mikey gets tired of the meeting and snaps, or (Name) comes in. The excutives didn't care which happened. They were just ready for the meeting to end. All they wanted to do was eat (Name)'s delicious food and finish the multiple piles of paperwork that was waiting on the Omega's desk.
Since their Omega was their assistant after many fails. They had their mate become their assistant and its made Bonten's work easier for them. Which made their lives easier if they were being honest. Since they finally had an assistant that wasn't just trying to sleep their way to the top. But also wasn't afraid to put them in their place.
As the company leader in front of them cleared his throat, probably to get their attention since it looked like almost nobody was paying attention. The door to the meeting room was kicked open. While Bonten didn't jump, knowing who it is and very used to the action. Their guest was not expecting the interruption.
Which lead to (Name) almost getting shot, if he hadn't already started making his way over to Bonten. But from what the excutives could tell, someone messed up. Most we're willing to bet it was one of the three idiots. "OI! Haruchiyo!" Said male perked up only to have the collar of his shirt grabbed. (Name) yanked Sanzu from his seat and glared at him.
The other members quietly laughed at his facial expression. Very quietly so they wouldn't get on their Omega's bad side again. "Why was in when I came into work expecting finished paperwork on my desk, I see the others have finished some paperwork. But nothing from you? As Bonten's second your supposed to set an example. Not FUCKING GOOF OFF!"
As (Name) shook Sanzu violently. The other watched like this was an everyday thing. Which is probably was true with how much Sanzu avoids his paperwork. Before (Name) knew it he was forcibly removed from Sanzu and thrown to the ground. The excutives jumped up to help but Mikey raised his hand.
Mikey of all people knew what happened if someone puts their hands on (Name). As someone who knew (Name) from his childhood, he knew how (Name) was raised. (Name) was an Omega not to be tried with. He'd learned the hard way how different he was from other Omega's.
(Name) glared at the towering figure and slowly got up. "Excuse you. But what the hell do you think you're doing putting your hands on me?" The air in the room immediately grew cold. The company chuckled. "You're excused Omega. Now leave so we can continue this meeting." (Name)'s glare hardened. "No. Get out."
The company leader busted out in laughter. "An Omega like you can't make us leave!" (Name) practically snarled. As he tried stepping closer to the peader only for the same male from earlier to get in his way. Making (Name) snap.
Bonten watched with smirks as (Name) threw the guard to the ground. They loved when (Name) got like this. It reminded them why they loved him so much. (Name) quickly took care of the other guards. After the last guard was down, (Name) stalked towards the leader. The Company leader looked furious as (Name) got into his face.
"I told you to get out. That was me being nice. Now," (Name) pulled out a gun and held it under the leader chin. "Either you leave and take your guys with you, or I blow your brains on the wall and your guys go to the basement." He pressed the gun harder. "You're choice bitch."
Mikey motioned the guys forward. Sanzu carefully wrapped his arms around (Name)'s waist while whispering something into his ear and kissed his neck. While making direct eye contact with the leader. (Name) huffed and pulled the gun away and growled. "Fine. Get this asshole out of my building."
The leader scoffed while ribbing his chin. "Your building?! This building belongs to Bonten!" (Name) with a straight face pulled down the collar of his turtle neck. Showing not only a bite mark, but in the middle of the bite was a tattoo. Bonten's tattoo to be exact. "I AM Bonten. Now leave while I'm still in a good mood."
Sanzu nodded to the others who got the guests to leave. Once they were gone, Sanzu turned (Name) around and gave him a sweet kiss. "Do you know how much we love you?" (Name) stares at him. "A lot. Do you know how much paperwork you need to do?" Sanzu stared. "Is it a lot?" (Name) nodded and Sanzu groaned. Laying his head on (Name)'s shoulder.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
could you do angst -> fluff?
you and peter are long distance. someone sends you a picture of "peter" cheating. but the picture isn't peter.
Long distance relationships sucked. 
You may be biased, but you knew that long term relationships were the worst of them all. You’d put that in the same category as finding out you’ve been catfished for years. 
It could be worse, like Sadie and Dylan. Dylan moved across the country for school and watching your roommate go through the process of trying to set up date facetime calls, and scheduling calls between the hours of the night, made you feel like you didn’t have any say about yours. 
At least you and Peter were in the same time zone, he was only an hour and a half train ride away but it felt like lifetimes when for years you shared a school and zip code. You always had Peter around, and it’s very noticeable when he’s not. 
Imagine not being able to kiss your lover everyday, hold their body, or look in their eyes. 
Sadie smiled empathetically when Peter called, she got up to leave the room empty. Many times you’ve gotten out of bed at three am for a long bathroom break, you know that there are some things you tell Peter you’d never want anyone else to hear. You could extend that to Sadie as well. 
Peter’s voice was warm through the phone. 
“Hiya, baby.” 
You bit your bottom lip, too excited to keep it in. 
“Hi, handsome.” 
“Tell me three things from your day.” 
You paused to think, you knew this question would come up, you made a mental note of what to tell Peter. 
“So, the fat squirrel by park hall attacked this guy for his sandwich, and I know what you’re thinking, but that squirrel is fucking vicious. And, hm…” 
Peter shuffles around on his end. 
“Oh! My English professor is letting us have open notes midterm, and finally… I really, really missed you.” 
Peter gives you a soft chuckle, you wish you could see his face too. 
“I missed you too, also that fat squirrel? Next time I come down I wanna see him in person, pictures don’t do it justice.” 
When he comes down, he hasn’t visited in a month. Not that you can’t go see him, you make sure to take trips but he also has his aunt here, and he tries to do Spidey in the city as much as he can to keep questions to a minimum. 
“Two more, petey.” 
He hums on the line, you miss feeling his chest vibrate when he does it against your back. 
“I ate a salad for lunch,” 
“Bullshit.” You cough on the line. 
“Okay, listen here, stinky.” 
“Shots fired! I’ll hang up right now.” 
Peter whines, “you can’t! I have to tell you my third thing.” 
“Go on, I have a call to finish.” 
He scoffs, “rude, I was going to say that I may have found an out for my robotics midterm so hypothetically-” 
You squeal so loudly on the phone Peter pulls his own away from his ear, it was slightly obnoxious but knowing you were just as excited to see him made his heart melt. 
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!” 
Peter gives you that boyish laugh, the one that makes your heart beat three times fast. 
“Baby, I didn’t even finish.” 
“You don’t have to! I know what you’re saying and I need you here so I can kiss your face and other stuff.” 
Peter’s tone drops seductively,  “oh? Like what other stuff?” 
“You want to see the fat squirrel right?” 
“The one in my pants?” 
“Oh my god.” 
“Okay, okay, so I was thinking I could come up on-” 
His name was called in the background, it made you pause for a second, he stopped talking for a minute. His name was called again, it was tilted, like a song almost, it was a female for sure. 
“Oh, peteyyy?” 
Your stomach dropped, that was your name for him. The name that he only liked you calling him, it was something that was so sacred and this person you don’t know saying it so loosely, like it’s regular. 
“Pete?” You say his name like you’re asking ‘who’s that?’ ‘why is she calling you that?’ ‘where are you, are you in your dorm?’ ‘why is there a girl in your room calling you my name?’ 
He coughs, “sorry, baby. I uh, I need to go but I’ll call you in a few hours, okay?” 
“Oh. Oka-” 
The line went dead. 
Your mind swimmed with dangerous thoughts, each one simmered down with the overwhelming echo that peter would never do anything like what a part of you is insinuating. Not to mention you were sure that he’d explain everything when he called you in a few hours, except when you sat around and waited, and waited, and waited, he never called. 
You fell asleep waiting on his call, you woke up with your morning alarm and checked your phone, no missed calls or texts. It felt weird, he never missed goodnight calls. It wasn’t until ten he tried to call, you had to ignore it because of your class but made a note to call him on your way back to your room.
At lunch everything shifted. 
You and some friends met up in the dining hall and you were in the middle of scarffing down fries when you tried to look up your friends ex’s new girlfriend on instagram, you were confronted with a message request. The picture and text made your hand fall, french fries scattering, you felt like you were about to puke all over the table. 
“I’m pretty sure you’re peter's girlfriend, we shared a class last semester and he talked about you all the time. I was out with some friends last night and I’m pretty sure I saw him at a bar with a girl that doesn’t look like you. If this isn’t him or if you guys aren’t together anymore please ignore this, idk i’d want someone to tell me. I’m sorry :(“ 
Sure enough the picture was grainy, definitely zoomed in from across the bar but it sure did look like him. A plaid button down you’ve seen him a million times in before, curls poked out the sides of his head, it seemed curlier and longer than you remember but it’s been a while since you saw him in person. 
His left arm was looped around the waist of a girl totally opposite of you, it looked like his other hand held her face steady as he kissed her. It made your vision go blurry, you’ve never felt this way before. Curls blocked the side of his face but it looked like him, maybe he looked taller than normal but it was a pic taken from far away, you want to question everything about it but the longer you look at it the sicker you feel. 
You shut out of the app and go back to smiling with your friends, you wonder how you’ll call him out. If you were strong enough you’d just ghost him all together, never speak to him again and make him question his insanity. 
Instead the second he called when you were home you picked it up with shaky hands. 
“Hi ba-” 
“We’re done.” 
You hung up the phone. 
It rang less than three seconds later. 
“I’m sorry, what did you-” 
“I said we’re done. Goodbye.” 
You hung up again. 
It rang even quicker, immediate redial. 
“Is this a joke?” 
“I dunno, peter. Am I?” 
“Save it, it doesn’t matter. We’re broken up, you can stop calling.” 
You don’t know why you thought that would settle things, if anything that made everything worse. 
The fourth time he facetimed, he only did it when he was alone, you assume he either kicked his roommate out or is biting the bullet to get teased by his friend for the rest of his life while he begs to keep his girlfriend. 
You answer, “what.” 
“I need to see your face, what are you telling me?” 
“What did you do last night?” 
Peter’s eyebrows furrow, “I don’t know, what did I do?” 
You take a deep breath, “don’t play dumb. Who was she?” 
He makes a face of realization, “Ohhhh, you mean the girl on the phone?” 
You mock his tone, “yeah, the girl on the phone. You know, the one you were making out with?” 
You hear someone cough, it’s not peter, you can imagine the dead silence that just blanketed the room. 
Peter immediately takes the defense, “I didn’t make out with anyone last night, want to take the offense louder?” 
“Someone literally texted me a picture.” 
“Okay, so let me literally see it.” 
You narrow your eyes, “I don’t have to entertain this, peter. I broke up with you and you cheated, the end.” 
Peter sits up on his end, “no, not the end. You’re throwing damaging accusations out there and not giving me any fucking context.” 
“I. got. a. text.” You paused between each word to prove a point, also a little condescendingly. 
“Show. me.” He mocked your tone. 
You let a groan rip from your throat, “it doesn’t change that you did it.” 
Peter rubs his hand down his face, “okay, fuck this. I was here all night, in my dorm room. If you want you can ask my roommate, he was here, with his girlfriend,” he enunciated the last word, “who called me petey, you know, like you do, maybe, I don’t know, mockingly?”  
His words make you think, if he was truly guilty you don’t think he’d be defending himself so hard. You would think that once he was caught he’d fold his cards, instead he’s insulted you could even assume something like that. 
You take down the threat in your voice, “but… I got a picture. And it looks just like you.” 
Peter takes your side, he may defend his but he can’t make it better by pitting against you. 
“I’m sure it does, baby, but I promise I was here all night.” 
“Peter, it looks just like you.” 
He takes a deep breath to settle his frustration, “I know, but I promise it’s not me. Why would I cheat?” 
It’s a good question, you never would’ve thought he could but the picture was damning evidence. 
“I don’t know. I didn’t think you would, but I mean pete, it looks like you. He’s even wearing your green blue plaid button down.” 
Peter’s eyes bug open, his head spins, you know he’s staring his roommate in the eyes. 
“Evan!” They both exclaim at the same time. 
Your eyebrow scrunches, “who?” 
“Hair a little longer than mine? Maybe a little taller?” 
You pull your head back, “yeah… why?” 
Peter smiles wide, “making out with a blonde? At a bar?” 
“That would be it.” 
Peter shares a high five off screen. 
“That’s our friend Evan, he was on a date. He borrowed my shirt, wasn’t me, promise.” 
You stare at the screen, he seemed authentic and desperate for you to believe him. 
“Fine. We’re still dating for now, but I need to see you and him in the same room. Preferably from the back and in the same shirt.” 
“Done. I’ll print them out and bring them when I see you next week.” 
Peter winks at the screen and you squeal at the thought of seeing him so soon. 
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sofiareidings · 1 year
Coffee Runs
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Summary: The guy who's been coming to the cafe you work at finally asked why you've never called him by his name.
A/N: I'm sorry this story is so late, especially since I missed Monday's post. School has been so busy this week and I've also had a bunch if extracurricular lately. I'll try and be more on time from now on (Don't hold me to that) Also! I got the idea for this one shot from @hanllo-kitty
Word Count: 0.8k
Song Suggestions: Invisible String - Taylor Swift
It was a good job, a great job really. The cafe was in a nicer part of town and people would subconsciously give nice tips so your pay was good. Rarely were customers terrible. Most people that came in were students or really busy people rushing in and going.
There were a few regulars. Like Joe, Joe was an eighty year old man who came in everyday for a coffee and a sandwich. While he waited he would talk about the lotto numbers and how his kids were doing. There was also Lola, she was a journalist who spent most of her day sitting in the corner of the cafe while refilling the same cup until closing.
But there was only one regular you would think about while getting ready for work.
Come on, I don't know his name. Don't shoot the messenger.
He'd been coming in for the past three months almost everyday, right after the cafe opened for a coffee. He always looked a little tired and acted like it too. He barely made conversation and normally shuffled out of the store in the same fashion as the other overworked people; quickly.
You hadn't learned his name yet. He always seemed to forget to say it when you asked, which resulted in you making up something.
"Guy with the sweater vest!"
"Guy in the purple!"
"Guy with the scarf!"
You get the point.
He was your favourite regular because of his looks. God, even when he was incredibly sleep deprived he looked beautiful. He had brown hair that fell just below his sharp jaw. Brown eyes that always happened to be in the light from the cafe window, making the small gold flakes in his eyes shine. He was normally dressed in a sweater vest and neutral pants, he probably worked at some type of office. The one part of him that stood out in his outfits were his converse, odd for the rest of his outfit. You could've sworn a few times you saw brightly coloured mismatched socks.
The sound of the cafe bell echoed through the nearly empty shop, having only opened half an hour ago. Smiling in the direction of the person walking in you quickly noticed it was 'Guy with *whatever he had on*" who came in. Something was different, he had thick glasses on. That was new.
"Hey, just the regular coffee and donut?" You put the order into the computer, looking back up at him. Taking in the new look.
"Yeah, thanks." His lips creased into a line, you called it a tired smile, the same one he made everyday. He handed over his money and poured the change into the tip jar then stepped back to wait for his order.
A couple minutes later you came back to the counter with his order. "Guy with the glasses!"
He did his usual, smiled and grabbed his order saying bye. But just when he reached the threshold of the door he paused and turned. "Why do you do that?"
Having already turned around you paused, this was the first time he'd talked to you in a clear voice. You weren't really sure what he meant. "Do what? Did I get your order wrong?"
He cleared his throat and seemed a little frustrated. "You never say my name, you just call me guy with something. Is it just to annoy me?"
"What? No, you've just never told me your name." Laughing a little, realising the misunderstanding.
"I didn't?" His face changed to confusion, "Oh my gosh, I didn't." He realised his mistake then his face flushed a shade of red.
"Don't worry, it's okay. Guy with the glasses." You laughed, looking around the cafe for a minute, strange it was still pretty empty.
"I am so sorry, I thought I told you and you just wanted to annoy me. I feel like a jerk, you seem so nice." Genuinely sorry he apologised profusely. "Can I make it up to you?"
Deciding to take the chance, you'd been daydreaming about this guy for months. "Well, maybe you could take me on a date." A little shocked by your own boldness, your face went up like twelve degrees.
"Uh, yeah…" He trailed off, clearly flustered. "Yeah, I would really like that."
"Well then, it's a date." You beamed, internally jumping up and down out of excitement. Since when were you so forward? He made that smile he made everyday before turning towards the door again.
That's when you realised.
"Wait!" You shouted, louder than you expected. Causing your coworker to drop a cup. "You still haven't told me your name."
"It's Spencer. I'll make sure to be back tomorrow." He nodded again and chuckled lightly before finally walking through the door.
God could tomorrow morning come any quicker.
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wizzdot · 2 months
The Patron Saint of One Way Trips
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Description: sorry for the long wait guys! Work has been crazyyyy - anyway. Here it is! Lil bit of progress with Simon - I reckon it’ll be 1 step forward, 2 back for a little while. Simon and Laika are both as fucked up as each other!! It’s a long chapter to make up for the wait. Hope you enjoy!!
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*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
I'd been warned during dinner last night that I was going to be 'put through my paces' today. The Captain told me to get a good nights sleep. Kyle and Johnny dropped me off at my room - Kyle said goodnight with a soft kiss to my cheek, and Johnny told me not to let the bed bugs bite. He also kissed me on the cheek, but it was far too close to the corner of my mouth. He must have missed his target. I spent all night trying to brush it off.
*Johnny's POV*
The pizza had been good, Kyle was bold and kissed our little lass on the cheek. I couldn't stop myself, had to one up him.. Her little blush and awkward reaction made it worth the risk. Gaz and I practically ran back to our shared room - we needed to rest up for training tomorrow. We finally get to see what our little Lass is made of.
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Knock Knock Knock
"Lass? Can we come in..? Y'ready for us?"
I'd just stepped out of the shower. "Uhh - two seconds.. I'm just getting changed" I shout back through the door. I rush to pull on some workout shorts and a black sports bra. I glance at myself in the mirror. I swear that I already look healthier - I'd gone sort of gaunt during my time at the facility. My skin looks brighter, I'm cleaner and relaxed... and happier.
"I'm dressed but still need to braid my hair.." As soon as the words have left my mouth, Johnny barrels into the room, followed closely by Kyle. "Mornin', Lass" - "Hi Johnny" I reply, softly. Kyle puts his arm around my shoulders and smiles brightly at me "ready for today? Cap's in charge of what we're doing.. just need to see where we are at with you.. apparently there's shit going down in Mexico so we might need to step in over there... Just before Christmas too.." he sighs sadly.
I furrow my brows - "Christmas? I thought it was October??" - "Ignore him, Lass, he is one of them crazy people who wants to put the tree up straight after Halloween".
I look at Kyle and giggle. "I thought it was winter when you first found me" - "It's always winter in Russia to be fair" Kyle jokes back. "Yeah but you can't go confusing me like that.. I've not been aware of seasons or dates for years, I was just starting to grasp it again.. so no Christmas stuff until December...?" I explain, feeling more and more relaxed around the two younger Alphas everyday. "You promise to be here for Christmas, then?" Johnny bargains. There's that sad flip in my stomach again. "I - I don't know where I'll be, Johnny.. I don't think I am in control of that decision".
"We'll not let you leave.." Kyle jokes "Aye, hide you away from the others" Johnny continues, nudging Kyle. They both laugh but I just shake my head.
We are interrupted by the Captain who stands in the open door, not stepping inside. "Laika, didn't I tell you that those two shouldn't just let themselves into your room like this...?" - "I - I let them in, Cap- Sorry- John" he huffs a laugh "If you say so. Put your trainers on and let's get to the gym before the basics turn up for the day. Ghost's there already". he grumbles, rolling his eyes at the possibility of basic training turning up mid-session.
"You don't have to worry if the rookies turn up, Lass. They're a bunch of prats, think they're all Billy big baws and like to throw their scents around and show off.. if any of them bother you, we'll sort 'em out" I look at Johnny and nod with furrowed brows. I was nervous.
The Lieutenant is loitering menacingly at the sparring mats when we all arrive at the gym. "Took your fuckin' time" he grunts. I try not to react but I can't help the guilt that washes over me. "Laika, on the mat" he jerks his head toward the mat. I obey and step onto the mat, ringing my hands together nervously, chewing the skin inside of my cheek. "Gaz, I want you to go through basic sparring movements, see what she's made of" the Luitennant orders. Kyle looks between the masked Alpha and myself with unsure eyes. "Are you sure..?" I look up at him nodding "I'll be ok.. orders are orders" I reassure myself, trying to slip back behind my own mask. Trying desperately to become the asset again. Unfeeling, cold and calculated.
My eyes start to take in Kyle's movements, analysing when and how he will move. He is the leanest of the pack of Alpha's, meaning he is probably the fastest. But I'm smaller and, hopefully, smarter. He steps, hesitantly onto the mat and raises his arms into a defensive position. "Gaz, for fuck sake, move!" the Lieutenant barks "She ain't going to throw the first punch!" Something inside of me screams 'NOW'.
I leap forward and slide to the ground taking Kyle's legs out from under him before he has the chance to react. He was too busy concentrating on the upper half of his body.
Kyle falls backwards and lands just beside me, so I scramble to get nearer, using my legs to restrain his arms and placing my forearm over his throat firmly so he couldn't move. I meet his eye, and he looks completely shocked. Then a slow smirk starts to form on his face. He reaches up and taps twice on my back. Impressive, lovie" he chuckles. I release him and clamber away from his body, which is still laying flat on the mat, I start apologising over and over again..
"Soap.. your turn. Try not to get distracted like Garrick did, this is all pointless if you go easy on her.." Ghost barks. I look at Johnny with sad eyes. "C'mon, lass.. you heard the man. Lets have a proper tussle" he wiggles his eyebrows. My body betrays me, as it so often does, falling victim to Johnny's flirtatious comments. I blush and look away. This time Johnny is on me as quickly as I look away. I'm the one caught off guard this time. SHIT.
He gets us both to the ground and I can tell he is attempting to use his weight advantage against me. He just wants to get me pinned which will win him the match. I realise that I need to get back to my feet, and fast. I allow him to roll me far too easily which gives me the momentum to push away from him. I knee toward his crotch while we roll and manage to catch him lightly, just enough for him to curl in on himself slightly, giving me a small enough window to climb back to my feet.
He tries to get up quickly but he is on his knees. I grab his neck and use all of my body weight to pull him to the floor, practically wrapped around his torso like some sort of demented koala bear. He chokes slightly and taps twice on my upper arm, which is currently holding his neck in a headlock. I immediately let go, "Sorry.. I'm sorry. I hate this..." I panic, thinking that I'd pissed him off. "Lass, nothin' to be sorry for. You're a feral little madam on the mats.." He brushes his legs off and grabs me around the shoulders, pulling me towards his chest. He presses a quick kiss to my hair and pushes me gently back towards the mat, not before whispering in my ear "Clever little Lass".
"Not bad" Ghost says. "Tell me what you think of knives.." - "the winner of a knife fight is whoever dies second, or finds help quickly enough to survive. No one stays clean in a knife fight.." I murmur. The luitennant tilts his head and narrows his eyes at me. It's difficult to read his thoughts when he has the mask on, but what I'd said obviously struck a nerve with him. "Show me what you mean by that - here.." he hands me a dummy knife and steps toward the mat behind me..
"Wi-with you..?" I ask nervously. "Problem?" he grunts back at me. I shake my head.
He stands there with confidence. I must look ridiculous. I don't know what to do. The lieutenant suddenly takes a wide swipe with the knife, it narrowly misses my stomach thanks to my quick survival instincts telling my body to jump backwards. I suddenly snap back into the 'asset' mindset. I leap forward and aim for his head. His eyes, to be specific. I see a flash of surprise cross his eyes before he slams the knife from my hand, pain shoots up my entire arm but I ignore it. I react by kicking his outstretched arm so that he is also knife-less. I then leap at him and try to clamber up his back. He grabs me by the shoulder and slams me hard on the ground winding me. I slide backwards, terrified at the behemoth of an Alpha towering over me. I whimper, scared trying to get away, still winded and pain still shooting up my arm.
"Stop. STOP" he bellows. I whimper again, confused and terrified. I can see a storm brewing behind the masked Alpha's eyes. "GAZ - get her up, for fuck sake.." the Lieutenant storms away from the gym, the Captain following closely behind him. My eyes don't leave his form until the gym doors swing shut and Kyle and Johnny are cooing at me, trying to calm me down.
FUCK, she's not a trained soldier by any stretch. But Christ, she goes into a desperate survival mode. Kill or be killed is the only description I can think of. Watching how she sparred with Kyle and Johnny, she was scared. Acting out of fear, and fear alone.
I wanted to see her knife skills - I don't know why I decided I should spar with her. She suddenly switched. That look in her eyes. She was feral. She was genuinely trying to hurt me. She had no differentiation between training and real fighting. It was all real to her. Kill or be killed - and she thought I was trying to kill her... She thinks I'm a monster.
I try to stop her by disarming her, I know my thumping blow to her arm must have hurt. It had to, but she barely even flinched. She was in survival mode. She caught me off guard and disarmed me. Clever girl, leveling the playing field - if this was a real fight that is - but I was trying to halt the fight. She needed to cool off before she went even more feral.
I was NOT expecting her to leap at my back and try to choke me. It left me with only one option - to flip her and get her flat on the ground. It worked for a couple of seconds. She paused, the look in her eye no longer murderous. But within a split second, she stunk of pure fear. Like she was staring at death himself. Me. I try to step forward with a hand out to show that I was no longer armed but she backed away, eyes flashing like a cornered dog.
SHIT. Why'd my stomach do that. I'm trying to help her and she's fuckin' terrified of me. Fuckin' hurt her too.
"Stop" I try. It doesn't work. "STOP" fuck Simon, why can't you be fuckin' gentle for once?! Brute - my brain shouts at me.
"Gaz - get her up, for fuck sake.." I shout. She looks helpless but, fuck, I feel helpless as well. I've never felt like this.
The sharp, sour smell of her fear. It makes my eyes water. Makes me want to fuckin' hurl. I turn and leave, not feeling well all of a sudden.
She has two Alpha's she actually likes to help her. Fuck, I hope she isn't hurt.. I don't deserve nice things. My Pack are probably going to drop me now. The fucking brute that you are Simon Riley.
The anger at my own stupidity boils over. I'd almost made it back to the Pack room but my fist meets the wall before I get there. I roar, angrily - or did it sound more broken than that? FUCK. Then I smell Price. He is fuckin' seething. I can already smell him.
I slam the door to the shared room and slide down the wall, grabbing angrily at my mask. I rip it from my face. "ARGRGHHHHHH" I roar again. I grab fistfuls of my hair. Fuckin' prick.
I hear the door close and then a presence sit beside me. It's Price.
"What the bloody hell happened back there Simon?" he growls. I can tell he is holding back his rage.
"She was feral" I grunt. I didn't know what else to say..
"And why was that..? Why did you let it get to that stage..?" he asks. Fuck sake, he is treating me like a fuckin' child.
"Wasn't just me. The girl doesn't know the difference between practice and survival.. She was fighting for her fuckin' life" I growl, pulling at my hair.
I feel his hands pry mine away from my head. "Simon. C'mon. Look at me.." - "Alpha - I need some time..." I break slightly.
"Time for what, Simon?" - "Time to think. I don't understand what is happening.. I can't stand the girl. I can't be near her"
John stays silent beside me, knowing that I needed to find my own way out from this maze.
"But.. but when she had that look in her eye, I needed to protect her. Protect her from me.. It's either me or her, Cap. I can't be near her. I'll kill her".
A warm hand grips my shoulder and squeezes. "Simon. You are too hard on yourself. You are the glue that often holds this pack together. Laika is finding her place in a new world. You've been in a similar position. I have a feeling you two are more alike than you think. Please, give it time. I'm not throwing you out of the pack, Simon. I'm not even angry at you. Never doubt your place or importance here, Simon - Never. Is that understood?"
My eyes furrow. I grab my mask and pull it back over my face. "Yes, sir. Understood" - "good, now come. The boys will have calmed Laika down by now" - "I hurt her" I interrupt. "You didn't mean to. I know you were trying to stop the fight. I saw it" - "she will need the medic.. I hit her hard. Can't do anything gentle. Fuckin' brute" - "Simon.. you did what you had to... she was going feral. C'mon, no more sparring. We will move onto target practice and finish with a five kilometer run - together. That'll be enough to fill in her file. We can make up the rest. She is on the team, I don't care about all of the tests".
I can feel my head clearing, the pack Alpha had successfully dragged me from a dark spiral. My panic attacks were not pretty. I get back to my feet when he offers me a hand to help hoist me up. "Sorry.." - "No Simon, save your apologies. Small steps, yeah? Let's work on chipping away at that wall you put up around Laika first. The boys adore her already.." - "I know. Johnny reeks of her at night time. Felt like I was wakin' up next to a fuckin' Omega this morning" - "Simon, she hasn't presented. I had her tested - results aren't back till next.." - "John - she is a fuckin' Omega. Stunk of honey and oranges since the first time I saw her tied up against the wall when Johnny found her. Can't you smell her..?"
"Faintly. The doctors said her scent will settle once the drugs leave her system. But her scent - it's barely there, Simon. She smells more like Johnny and Kyle right now" he shakes his head at me as if he doesn't believe me. "That's impossible.." - "I'll talk to the doctors tomorrow, Simon. We've got to get through today. I've got Kate on at me about Mexico - we will need to decide what to do about that - so the sooner she is cleared to work with us, the better, understood?" - "Yes, sir" - "Right, screw your head back on and come with me. I'll take the lead for the rest of the day. You sit back with Johnny and cool yourself off, ok?" -
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Kyle and Johnny saw what happened. They saw me trying to kill their pack mate. "I'm sorry - I don't - I don't know what happened.. I'm.." - "Shhh Love, hey, look at us - you need to look at us. We aren't angry at you. The Captain is with Simon, he will be ok. We need to check your back and your arm. You got hit pretty hard.." Kyle explains, stroking my cheek.
"Aye, Lass, c'mon, let us have a wee look, just want to make sure you're ok.." - "I'm fine.. I'm ok.." - "You sure..?" - "Yeah, promise" I assure them, even though I am feeling the aches from Ghost's hits. I jump slightly when the gym doors crash open. It's them. The Captain and Lieutenant. Ghost stops about 10 yards from the rest of us. I try not to look toward him, still feeling nervous. I see the Captain nod Johnny in Ghost's direction and Johnny immediately walks toward the massive Alpha and comforts him.
The Captain steps closer to me. "You're ok to continue? Not hurt?" - "No, Captain" I pretend. "Ok, we are going to the shooting range.. boys, lead the way" He directs toward Johnny and Ghost. They both turn and lead us to the shooting range. It's a huge open field. Targets and metal human-shaped silhouettes peaking out from behind pretend trenches and sand bag walls.
There are a couple of sergeants already shooting when we arrive. I get handed a set of ear protectors from John. He then walks me to a locked metal shed and explains that this is one of the gun-stores on the base.
"You said you were a sniper?" _ "Yes" - "What'd you use..?" - "Uhm.. A gun..?" - "You don't know what model of rifle?" - "Oh.. sorry.. no - I just used what they gave me, just happened to be quite good" I admit shyly. He huffs a small laugh and then grabs a large case and lays it gently on the ground, opening the top to reveal a huge, dark green rifle.
"This is an Accuracy International rifle.. we've used them for a long while now, best you'll get. We can alter sights and scopes to suit you. They're quite lightweight compared to other manufacturers. In all, it's probably seven kilos - give it a try and see what you think, Love". I stare at the piece of metal as if it would jump out and attack me. "This is the L96 model.. I assume that you used a Russian SV-98 type? They're popular over there. Poor mans sniper they are, if you were good with one of them, you'll be impressive with one of these" the Captain rambles. It's all pretty pointless to be honest because I know nothing about guns. I was just thrown one by a guard and told to shoot it, and punished if I missed. You learn fast that way.
I listen to him talk anyway, enjoying the gruffness of his voice and the fact that he seemed quite interested and excited to talk about guns. I nod along as if I understand what he is saying. "Ok, Let's give it a try then, love" -he hands me the gun and stands closely behind me. "See that target over there" he points "I want you to hit that - take your time". I nod and get comfortable holding the rifle. It feels different. Foreign. I lower myself to the ground and eye up the target in the scope. I breathe in and hold my breath. One, two, click.
"Well done - slightly left but hit the target" the Captain says. I furrow my brows, confused. "Can I try again?" I ask, disappointed. He shrugs and nods. I aim again and concentrate more this time. Breathe in. Hold it. One, Two, Shoot... Fuckin' left again.. what the fuck?
"You're doin' well, Lass. Why are you pissed off. It's not like you're missing.." Johnny pipes up. I scoff at him. "It should be hitting dead center.. I don't miss, Johnny.. I can't miss like this.." I rant. "I'm trying again, I think the guns sight is off.." I get into position the same as the last two tries but this time I aim half a line further to the right of the cross hair. One, two, Click. I huff a laugh. "Got it.. I need to aim off to the right to make a clean hit. I'll get used to it.." I mumble, continuing to eye the scope and point the rifle in different directions, pretending to aim at things. "Whoa, lass. Dinnae point it at us, fuck sake" Johnny jokes as I start turning slowly towards the pack. I was totally in my own little world there.
"We can have the sight adjusted if you like?" John offers "although I doubt it's this one that's been off. I reckon the one you've learnt to shoot with is off - so you naturally drop your rest arm to allow for the difference. Have you noticed that..?" John questions. "Uhm, no.. I've only ever used that sniper rifle.. I don't really know much about guns - was just given a crash course to be honest.."
He smiles and pats the top of my head "Well you ain't half bad for just having had a crash course, love - those hits would have passed you as a sniper here anyway, yet here you are complaining that you're a couple of millimeters left of where you wanted it.." I laugh nervously and look down at my feet.
Kyle walks up beside me and removes the gun from my arms and places it gently back in its case. "Better shot than most of us, anyway.. I reckon with a bit of familiarization with the new scope, you'll out-perform LT" I immediately glance back to the ground and feel nervous, scared to feel the wrath of the Lieutenant again. I subconsciously rub my sore arm before the Captain speaks up. "I wanted to end the day with a quick five kilometer run. It'll give Laika chance to see the perimeter of the base and also good exercise for you three lazy buggers!" he jokes. Johnny clutches his chest in false offence, Kyle just laughs and walks himself over to the Captain, giving him a gentle shove. "Lazy, sir? I'm not sure about that.." I blush - was he flirting with his Alpha? I shouldn't be witnessing this. I'm not one of them.. The Captain chuckles darkly and jokingly grabs Kyle by the scruff of his neck and growls softly at him, causing the younger Alpha to groan and blush. I turn away.
Johnny just laughs along, elbowing Simon who still looks pissed off from this mornings encounter.
The gun case gets placed on the floor of the large cabinet, stood upright. The Captain goes and chats to the supervisor and takes a small paper ticket and signs something. I watch from a distance, assuming he was just signing the gun back into storage. He returns to the group and smiles "Right, get your arses in gear. Take the first km steady as the warm up, then we will see who's the fastest. Finish is back here. Full lap of the base.. no cheating, Simon". I furrow my brows again, god I do that a lot, I'm going to get a frown line if I'm not careful. The Lieutenant didn't strike me as the type to cheat on a simple jog. I shake my head and watch the others limber up and stretch. I don't join them. Just watch, confused. I only ever ran when I was forced or chased. Never for.. leisure?
"Right, Kyle - lead us off for the first few hundred meters, just to get us onto the outside loop" - "Yessir'" Kyle chirps back. He strides off quickly. I try to stay with Johnny. Simon and John jogging gently behind. I stay on Johnny's heels for a few minutes but can feel myself getting tired. He keeps looking round at me as if he is surprised I'm still that close to him. Kyle is away out in front. How does he make it look so easy?! He is barely breaking a sweat, looks like he is just floating. I guess he was the best runner of the team. Johnny runs like a man possessed. I huff a laugh, his run matches his personality. All elbows and fast movements. He looked busy but he was still fast. I glance behind to try and spot the other two Alphas.
"Dinnae' look back when you're running Lassie, you'll trip!" Johnny shouts, while running backwards. What a showoff! I scoff and roll my eyes at him before wiping the sweat from my brow. "The two big'uns are slow, lass! Too heavy to be speedy like me and Kyle.." He jokes, speeding up and slowing down. "Johnny!" I pant, struggling to talk while gasping for air "Stop showing off!" - "No, Lass - I'm impressed, you're doing well! Didn't think you'd keep up with me to be honest - Gaz ran track when he was at school, he coulda been a pro runner, fucken bullshit. He has the record on base - as if I didn't almost bust a fuckin' gut to beat him to still lose" he laughs. I glance up ahead and Kyle is barely even trying. In fact, it looks like he is on his phone.. he has slowed right down as if he is waiting for us.
I just concentrate on forcing my feet to keep hitting the ground one in front of the other. I couldn't say that I was enjoying this, but it was better than being forced or chased.. It was weirdly satisfying. My lungs were on fire but I wasn't in danger.. I was just running for the sake of it - something I never thought I'd ever manage to do again. I felt like a child in a playground. The strange nostalgic feeling helps to push the pain and fatigue away. I actually somehow manage to pick up the pace. I glance back behind me and can no longer see the two larger Alphas. Just Kyle a couple of hundred meters ahead, and Johnny about ten meters in front of me.
I fall into a relaxed state, all I could hear was my own breaths and all I concentrated on was keeping them even. In Out In Out In Out. A few meters we turn a corner and I spot the Captain and Lieutenant ahead of us all. HANG ON A FUCKIN' MINUTE - CHEATS. I speed up, as does Johnny. "Ya see that, Lass, fuckin' Cap dinnae even take his own advice. Let's get them!" He shouts back to me mischievously. I giggle and shake my head fondly, but push myself faster.
Kyle goes past them first and obviously makes a comment because Ghost gestures with his hands and John throws his head back and laughs while still jogging slowly. I don't quite hear as Johnny and I are still about fifty meters behind them. C'mon, lass - you jump Cap, I'll get Ghost.."
"Jump... wait Johnny - what do you mean...?" Johnny had already shot off and almost caught up to them. I push myself into a sprint and my face splits into a huge smile. Johnny had leapt onto Simon's Ghost's back and bundled them both to the ground. I don't quite know what came over me in the moment. I laugh and leap at John in the same style that Johnny had with Ghost. John huffs as I hit into his back and stays running for a few strides before eventually loosing his balance and falling to the ground. He rolls so that he is underneath me and takes the brunt of the fall. He grunts as his back hits the grass. I can hear Johnny cackling like a madman and then the Captain speaks from underneath me.
"Johnny's bad behavior is rubbing off on you, love.." I blush and look away, only to meet eyes with Kyle, who is smiling brightly at the scene in front of him. I decide to be very brave. I stop laughing along with Johnny and sit back on his lap and reply back playfully "Bad behavior, Sir? It wasn't us who broke our own rule of not cheating.." I trail off, feeling nervous at how he was going to take my response. He goes silent before growling. I freeze momentarily before I feel his warm arms around me. He stands easily holding my weight and drops me off in Kyle's arms. "Cheeky little thing, you are. I'll need to ask Kyle to teach you some manners, you little minx.." My face heats up and I hide in Kyle's shoulder, giggling. I look over to Johnny who is beaming even though he is pinned by the largest Alpha. Christ, the Lieutenant is massive. Something inside of me makes me whimper, thinking that Johnny is in danger. I wriggle slightly and Kyle turns me away from the scene and whispers into my ear "Simon would never hurt any of us.. trust me on that, yeah?" I whine a reply along the lines of 'mmmhmm'.
*John's POV*
Simon and I decide to treat the final run as a leisurely jog. I already knew that the two young Alphas would shoot off like bloody rockets. They always did the same. What I don't expect is for little Y/N to keep pace with Johnny. Yes, she looks like she is struggling slightly, but the girl has guts. She keeps the pace.
Simon grunts at me around half way through, says that we should meet them at the end so that they 'don't get up to any mischief'. Of course, I agree, and nod in the direction of the best short cut. My knees aren't getting any younger, after all.
Simon and I rejoin the outer perimeter, having cut the top loop out. Kyle jogs by and tells us that our cheating isn't going to go down well with Johnny. Simon tells him to 'do one, Garrick' and something about how we aren't all 'failed athletes' like him which forces a laugh to bellow from my mouth. Such a back handed compliment.
The next thing that I do not predict happening is for Johnny to fell Simon like a fuckin' tree - the boy near on rugby tackles the lad. I watch it all happen from the corner of my eye, laughing as Simon hits the deck and Johnny crawls over him. The boy is like a terrier. Insatiable and endlessly energetic. The next thing I don't reckon on happening is for Y/N to creep around my peripheral vision and leap onto my back.
It's a given, she is much lighter that Johnny, but she also carries herself with much more grace. Her 'rugby tackle' method was rather cat-like. I manage to stay upright for a few strides until her leg taps mine, causing me to trip. It was one of those falls when you know you're going down. It gives me time to spin and take the fall so that I don't land on her, or catapult her, face first, into the grass.
I land on my back and stare back up at her happy face while she is draped across my chest, clung like a Koala. Her walls were down in this moment. She is genuinely happy. I have to move heaven and earth to not grab at her. Her scent is rolling off of her - as strong and sweet as I have smelt it. Control yourself, John!
She blushes like crazy at my comment - about how Johnny is rubbing off on her. She then sasses back at me and Christ, I need to get away from her before I do something that will scare her away. But I'm a greedy man. I stand with her, not quite able to release her yet. I drop her off with sweet Kyle. He wouldn't take advantage of her like I would. I cant help myself. I make an overly sexual remark about Kyle teaching her manners. We all know it wouldn't be Kyle who taught her manners. That job is down to Simon and I. Kyle and Y/N blush, I notice that Kyle nuzzles into her neck when she hides her pretty little blush in his shoulder. Cheeky boy couldn't help himself could he?
Something changes in her expression when she looks up to see Simon pinning Johnny. Then, almost within a split second, her scent changes to a sharper, sour scent. She is scared again. Simon notices the change without even looking. I can tell by his body language. He softens his hold on the younger Alpha and leans down to scent him, Johnny laughs and nuzzles all over Simon's mask. I glance to see how Laika reacts but Kyle had already turned her away. Damn it!
When will she ever see the soft side of Simon Riley?
I take a deep breath, to try and calm myself down from the earlier excitement. As an Alpha, I hadn't had a woman - let alone a possible Omega - sitting on top of me for years now. Of course, my body reacted accordingly. Once I've successfully chilled out, I turn and step back towards a smirking Kyle and a happier Y/N.
I push the loose strands of her hair back behind her ears. "C'mon love".
She giggles and apologises for her earlier behavior. "Don't ever say sorry for having fun, love. I enjoyed seeing you like that. Even Simon chuckled at your little sassy comment.." I wiggle my eyebrows. She blushes again and looks down. She really is unsure of Simon.
I'd - We'd - need to rectify that...
- two days later -
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Darkness, wet, blood, pain, screaming...
Another nightmare. I thought they were getting better. I cannot get myself out of this one, tossing and turning. I can feel the sweat and tears falling from my face. Was that real or just the nightmare?
*Ghost's POV*
A blood curdling scream echoes the hallway at about 1AM. I was sitting in the kitchen with my feet up on the coffee table, reading a book. I stand up immediately and follow my nose to her room. What the fuck am I supposed to do. The others are all asleep, she is fuckin' terrified of me but she is whimpering and crashing about in there. Fuck it. I'm going in. The annoying Alpha voice inside of my brain is screaming to help her. I wish it would shut the fuck up to be honest. It's been louder than ever since the second she turned up.
I bang on the door - no answer. I step into the strange room hesitantly. Stupid girl didn't even lock the door. I know that Alphas shouldn't intrude Omega's nests, but she needed help.
She isn't on the fuckin' bed. She's ran away, heard me fuckin' coming. She is hiding somewhere. Stupid fuckin' bastard - should never have come in here. She probably thinks I'm coming to kill her.
Over the sound of my thoughts, I hear another pained whimper. The cupboard. Don't tell me that she's-
She is in the fuckin' cupboard. In a fuckin' nest. A nest with Johnny and Kyle's clothes and - is that Cap's missing towel? He lost that yesterday..
I find myself staring at the sight inside of the cupboard. Probably for too long, because I'm drawn back to the situation when she starts breathing erratically.
I try to gently tap her arm. She doesn't wake up. I squeeze her arm now, she flinches, but still doesn't wake up.
"Laika.. it's - fuck - it's me.. Ghost... Wake up..." - nothing. Just more thrashing around.
"Fuckin' hell" I grumble. I lower myself so that I am knelt on the floor in the doorway of the open cupboard. I grab her shoulders and shake. It's the only option I have, having tried everything else.
She snaps out of her nightmare with a shriek, slapping and scrabbling at my chest and face. "Fuck girl - it's me.. I'm - I'm tryin to fuckin' help you" - "DON'T TOUCH ME - GET AWAY" she yells at me.
I'd be lying if my heart didn't freeze over when she says that. Such fear in her voice. Fuck it. Only option left. I grab her around the waist and hold her in one arm, flinging her over my shoulder. She is crying and crashing my back with weak, panicked punches. I hardly feel it. Too numb from her words. I march her out of her room and down the hallway. "Pl-please - please don't" she cries. What the fuck did she think I was gonna do to her?!
I reach the door I was looking for and open in, storming in and dumping her on the bed. She clambers quickly away from me, over the limbs of my pack mates. John wakes up abruptly, instantly in defense mode. She flies towards him and clings to his torso as if she fitted there all too perfectly. She is sobbing now. John growls as he blinks away sleep.
"What the fuck, Simon. What've you done..?" He looks between the sobbing mess clung to him, and me. Great, my own fuckin' Alpha thinks I've 'done' something to her.
By now Johnny and Kyle had woken up too. They move to the space between myself and the girl. Were they creating a barrier?! Didn't they trust me..? Of course they don't. You're a monster.
I sigh, feeling broken, and turn to leave the room. Christ knows where to, but I needed to disappear for a while. I'm almost out of the room. I stop when I hear her. "Si-simon..?"
I don't turn. I just face the doorway, still intending to leave.
Then the Captain speaks up "Answer her, Simon.." I sigh again.
"What?" I snap over my shoulder at her. I see her flinch, "I'm - I'm sorry.." she whines "S'fine" I grunt back, still not turning to face her.
"What happened?" Johnny asks. I don't expect to feel his hand in mine, tugging me back toward the bed. "Get off Johnny" I shake his hand away from mine, but ever persistent, he grabs at my hand again. "Si - what happened?" he asks again.
"The girl was havin' a fuckin' nightmare. Heard her screaming from the kitchen. Didn't even wake up when I banged on the door. She was hiding in her fuckin' cupboard. Didn't even lock her door".
"So.. you helped her..?" Kyle asks hesitantly "what else was I 'sposed to do? Fuckin' let her scream the place down all night?" I snap back - ok fair, that was uncalled for. I have my own fair share of nightmares. Those in glass houses 'n all that bullshit....
"S-sorry.. I didn't mean-" - "I said s'fine" I grunt at her. She hides behind John's shoulder now. She's terrified of me.
"Y/N.. what do you want to do..?" Kyle asks her "Don't want to be a-alone again.." she whimpers back at him. He strokes her cheek. Why can't I be gentle like that?
"Alpha.. can - can she stay here for tonight..?" He asks John nervously. I forgot Johnny was still holding my hand, but he squeezes it excitedly when Kyle asks if she can stay.
"Y/N.. would you feel comfortable here..? I give you my word, we will not touch you.. not hurt you..it's your choice.."
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
"Y/N.. would you feel comfortable here..? I give you my word, we will not touch you.. not hurt you..it's your choice.." The captain asks me.. I sniffle into his shoulder. His bare shoulder. "Please.. please, if it's ok - ok with everyone.." I stutter and sniff. "Shhh sweetheart, it's ok.." John reassures me, rubbing my back softly.
He lays me down between him and Kyle. I glance towards Johnny and Ghost. Johnny has finally succeeded in dragging Ghost into the bed. He is as far away from me as he can possibly be on the massive bed. Johnny snuggles up to him and rests his head against Ghost's chest. I can almost see some of the tension leave Ghost's body. I look away and roll to face Kyle. He is already looking at me as I turn around. He smiles softly down at me and whispers "you ok, love?" I nod against the pillow. He motions towards himself and as my eyes meet his motioning hand, I notice that he is also shirtless. Do none of these men wear a shirt to bed?!
I furrow my brows at his gesture "C'mere love, snuggle up to me" he chuckles. "I don't want to be a burden" I sniffle, my face still red and puffy from all of the crying. "Never, now come here" he motions towards himself again. "Gaz.. behave" John warns from his position behind me. "Behaving, sir" - "Better fuckin' be" he grumbles back. His voice was extra gravelly at this time of night. I shuffle towards Kyle and he engulfs me in his arms. He is so warm.. His scent calms me down almost immediately. I push my head so it's resting atop his chest. He slots his chin over the top of my head.
I drift off to sleep, quicker than I had for years. The last thing I feel is a strong, hairy arm wrap around both of us and pull us slightly closer.
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peachyloveswriting · 1 year
I really enjoy how you write Knives and Vash. I enjoyed the one with the sick reader so much.
If by chance could you do something with reader who has bad anxiety and panic attacks?
Maybe for Knives the reader is already feeling down because they are not allowed outside (sorta like seasonal depression I guess) and they feel of no use to him.
For Vash maybe something about how he says he wishes the reader wouldn't follow him and the group to Wolfwood or one of the others and they over hear him. He just wants them safe of course. They feel useless even though they have been able to keep safe so far. Feeling unwanted sends them into a panic.
Lately I have been pretty down and my anxiety about the smallest things have sent me into a panic.
Much love <3
I'm really glad that you've enjoyed my work so far and I hope you feel better soon. For now let me do some comfort and fluff. I'm in the mood right now. Also I've noticed that I sometimes accidentally write in first person so if I switch up on you guys I'm sorry Lmao.
Miscommunication and Self doubt --- Vash & Knives
SUMMARY: It doesn't take a lot to make someone feel worthless, maybe people should pay more attention to what they do.
Millions Knives
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Artificial light, the only light that fills every room I've been in for the past four months. When was the last time I felt the suns on my skin, I had a fresh breath of air? God I have no clue. Ever since Knives took me in I've been stuck inside this tower with no hope of ever seeing the outside again. Just to make matters worse I get to watch everyone else do something useful while I sit and hope for a day that will never come. It fills my heart with dread every time I think about it.
I have no special duty, I don't run errands, I don't do chores. I sit and I act as a wall piece all day everyday. I stand by Knives side, accompanying him wherever he wants me too. Watching him play his piano, I feel particularly let down today.
Between the solemn notes and my aching heart, I don't know which was the straw that broke the Camels back, but I fell to my knees. Tears slid down my face and ragged breaths left my mouth, I sobbed, covering my eyes with my hands. Suddenly the melodious tune stopped making its way into my head and someone grabbed my shoulders.
"Petal?" Knives shook me with worry, he's checking me over for the source of my crying, but no injury is visible. "What's wrong?" He pulls my hands away from my face and cups my cheeks, forcing me to look at him. "Speak to me." His hands are gentle as ever, it's almost hard to believe that he's actually touching me.
"What's my point?" I choke out. "What's the point of me being here when I do nothing for you?" I pull away from his touch, another wretched sob falling from my lips. His face softens as his hands fall back to his sides. "Why haven't you killed me yet?"
Through my teary eyes I can see his blades slithering out from behind him, coming right for me. My heart sinks and I feel sick, he was actually taking my advice. This wasn't really the way I wanted it to happen but it was death, the sweet release. Closing my eyes, I patiently wait to feel him cut through me, to tear me apart and never wake me up again. Instead, I feel the blades carefully wrap around my back, pushing me forward.
Opening my eyes, Knives grabs my shoulders once within reach and pulls me against him in a hug. His blades slip off my back but stay close, I can't tell if he's actually debating on killing me or if he's just trying to keep me in place. Against him, I sob. It's hysterical at this point, I'm so lost. He has no reason to keep me here so why am I still here?
"Why?" I have no special purpose for him. "Why am I here?"
One of his hands rubs my back while the other holds the back on my head close to him, he's holding me so gently. I feel like he's scared of hurting me, but why? I serve no purpose to him. Even still, he lets me cry into his shoulder, and even rubs my back in an attempt to comfort me. It's almost like he really does care.
"You're here because I want you to be. I enjoy your company and... You're very interesting to me." He pulls away. "but I don't understand what makes you think I'd kill you. I clearly have a reason not to."
He moves his thumb to swipe away my tears. "I'm sorry it's just... I've been stuck in here for so long I feel like I'm losing my mind. I can't... I don't want to be stuck here for the rest of my life. I don't even do anything, I want to do something. I don't want to feel useless."
He leans closer. "I can assure you that you are not useless, you offer me entertainment, company, knowledge, and more. My want is for you to be comfortable, if you are not, I have failed. If you wish to leave I will escort you out?" His offer is kind, I'm taken aback by it. Seeing the way he usually treats things, this was not at all what I expected.
I shake my head. "I do want to leave but not like that! I just want to go outside..." I lift my hand to wipe the wetness from my eyes. "I don't wish to burden you, Knives."
He sighs. "Yet again, you're not a burden." Letting me go completely, his blades retract and he stands. "Come with me." He extends a hand to me. "I shall take you outside."
Taking a deep breath I grab his hand and pull myself up. "Thank you." He doesn't say anything in return, quietly leading me towards his room. Walking through the door I'm greeted by a large bed, I was sure he had never used it. It was untouched, sheets laid without a single wrinkle at all. It was like he'd never even touched it. He pulled me forward towards the large sheath of curtains, brushing them to the side. Bright sunlight fills the room and he pulls open a sliding door, turning to the side he gently tugs me forward. I can already feel the breeze hitting my skin before I ever step out. It feels reliving to feel the wind blowing in my face again.
Stepping out onto the small balcony, I press my hands against the rail and close my eyes. Behind me I can hear the door shut and Knives approaching. The air smells clean and the sun is purifying. I could relish in this moment forever, it makes it even harder to believe I'll have to go back in, I don't want too. I'd rather stay out here where I can feel myself at peace with the world, where the wind blows all my worries away.
"Feel better?" I open my eyes to see Knives leaned on the balcony rail beside me, resting his face in his hand. The corners of his lipa twitch up into a ghostly smile, almost non-existent.
"Much." I adjust my gaze to the city below. "Good. I'll be sure to accommodate you more often. I had never thought to ask how you were doing or what you might have needed."
I take a deep breath. "Thank you, Knives."
He stands up straight. "It's good to see you smile again." At the mention I could suddenly feel the smile on my lips, I hadn't noticed it before. "That's what you'll do for me..."
I look at him confused. "If you want to feel of use to me, smile more. It looks good on you."
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"I'm going to sleep. Good night." You waved everyone goodbye before you claimed into your tent. The outside was illuminated by the flickering fire, Meryl and Roberto had already gone to sleep. It was only Vash and Wolfwood left after you. For a long time it was quiet, sleep was beginning to creep in and you were comfortable. That's when you Heard it.
"Why did they have to stick around?" Vash pokes at the fire with a stick. Wolfwood looks up at him in wonder "Huh? You mean Y/n?"
"Yeah... I just wish they wouldn't stick around." You don't get to hear him finish the sentence, you cover your ears and dig your face into the pillow. Something in your chest aches deeply, the thought of leaving the group after becoming so close to everyone hurts. To think the best out of all of them wanted you gone hurt the most, you didn't do anything to make him hate you. Was it that you didn't contribute? Everyone played their part but you... You were just there.
You don't do anything but cook and help set up camp for the night, it's not much at all compared to what everyone else does. Meryl's got a job with Roberto, Wolfwood is trying to keep you all from dying, and Vash.... He was looking for his brother, trying to save the world. That's more than you could ever do for the group, you bring them down. You get in the way of everyone's objectives, you don't contribute, what's worse than dead weight?
When you uncovered your ears, it was eerily quiet outside, the fire wasn't crackling anymore and Vash and Wolfwood had grown quiet. Heart heavy in your chest, you moved your blanket off of you and climbed to the entrance of your tent. Peeling it back you stick your head outside, the fire is almost out, Vash and the others are nowhere to be seen. You assume they've gone to sleep. Crawling out, you wrap your blanket around your shoulders and walk over to the truck.
The wind nips at your exposed skin as you reach up and grab your bag from the top, it slips from your hands and falls heavily on your foot. Your mouth shoots open to call out in pain but you hiss through clenched teeth instead. After hopping about, you pick the bag up and sling it over your shoulder, stopping to look and back sure you haven't woken anyone up. The silence gives you an answer, you pad back to your tent, quickly undoing it to pack it away in your bag. It fits snugly with all your other items as you tie it back. With everything ready, you tie the blanket securely around you as a coat and begin to walk away from the camp site.
The air is cold and lonely as you venture into the desolate night, from afar strange creatures call out, sending chills through your body. While running with the group, you fared well, managing to keep out of trouble. Alone, you weren't sure you were going to make it. Looking back at the tents, you realize they're much smaller than before. It would be pointless to turn back now, it hurts to leave like this but if Vash didn't want you there you were willing to leave. Albeit bringing you to tears in the process.
For the next day into the night, you traveled alone, not a soul in sight. The heat from the suns has just worn off and the cool nights air breezes past. You haven't stopped since you started, your legs burn with intensity, and your eyes threaten to close. It would be unwise to camp in the middle of the dunes, you searched for a rock face to settle down against but there were none in sight. You realize now that your choice to leave so suddenly without thinking it through wasn't a good idea, you couldn't go back now, they'd certainly have moved on by now. You'd just have to get by until the next town.
Suddenly, from behind you begin to hear shouting. It sounds like your name from somewhere out in the distance, certainly you had to be going crazy. Then it came again, closer this time. You turn to see what's calling out for you, running up on a Thomas, Is Vash.
"Vash?" Your eyes widen in surprise as he jumps off the Thomas, throwing you into the sand, hugging you.
"I was so worried. You scared me. I followed your footsteps for two days!" He pulled back with a smile on his face. Just before he was saying he didn't want you around, now he's acting like he misses you.
"You wanted me to stop following you." His smile falls. "So I left."
His heart falls to his stomach. "What do you mean?"
You blink at him. "You said you didn't want me to follow you around anymore. I overheard when you told Wolfwood."
Vash sits up, pulling you with. "I could see why you wouldn't want me around anymore, I don't do a whole lot..." He frowns, keeping your hand in his. "That's not why I said it." He tips your head up to look at him. "I said it because I'm dangerous. If you stay around me long enough you'll get killed."
I stare at him in silence for a moment. "What bout the others?"
He nods. "Them too. But Wolfwood and Roberto know how to keep themselves alive. You and Meryl... She only has a chance because of Robertoz but you." Vash sighs. Tears start to burn your eyes as you look at him. "Me... I'm worthless." It comes out as a broken sob, one that you can't stop from escaping.
Slumping forward, your head collides with Vash's shoulder. Shaking and sputtering, you sob against him, his hands rushing to soothe your shaking body. He engulfs you in a hug, hands rubbing your back and brushing your head. "Don't say that. You do an amazing job of staying out of trouble and you're an even better addition to the team. But I'm scared you might get hurt one day." His hot breath tickles your skin as he talks. "I want to keep you safe."
White hot anger rushes over you, you raise your head. "Then do that! Don't just send me away and expect that to be even better, it's worse! If you want me to be safe then show me how to use a gun."
His eyes are wide with surprise. You've never yelled at Vash like that, it hurt seeing you so angry. "If that's what you want, I'll do it."
You nod your head. "Yes. Anything to help, please."
"Of course. Let's get back to the others though, you need to eat and get water before you pass out. Sit in front of me so you can rest for a bit too." He takes your hand and pulls you to your feet. "I'm really sorry I made you feel this way." He adverts his gaze as he leads you to the Thomas. "I had no idea you could hear me, it was nothing but the best intentions, I swear."
Vash helps you climb onto the Thomas first before grabbing reigns and hoisting himself up behind you. "I know. It still hurts though."
His face softens. "It won't happen again. I swear. Just stick by my side and you'll be safe."
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chit2luvu · 1 month
Lovers' Entanglement
Pairings: Dom!Rayne Ames X Reader
A/N: This is my first smut fic, im not sure what Im doing but my brain produced and here I present. I also published this in ao3 but i didnt rlly get any interactions hence why im here pls dont flop :< Tags: mentions of cunnilingus, nipple play, p in v, afab reader, hickeys
It’s an ordinary day for Rayne and Y/N.
Well, not so much since Y/N has been practically bawling her eyes out because he was going to graduate.
In the morning, during the ceremony, and after the ceremony.
She clung onto him at every chance. More so than ever. Her tears staining on the taller boy’s graduation gown. It was quite a sight to see.
“Y/N…” He mumbled, patting her back as she hugged him tight. Rayne did indeed love her, he was sad to part with her but it’s not like their love would disappear with the lower frequency of their visits.
The most embarrassing part was when Principal Wahlberg came over to tease the two.
“My, my if it isn’t the power couple of our school. Congratulations on becoming a full fledged Divine Visionary at the Magic Bureau, Rayne. As for your devastated girlfriend…” He trailed off, cheekily looking at the two.
“I-I’m sorry I can’t greet you properly, it’s just that I’m not ready to not see him everyday anymore Principal Wahlberg…” the younger girl said through tears.
“It’s quite alright… Hahaha, the sweetness of first love in the air... Oh to feel it again at my age. Take care of each other, you two. And congratulations on graduating Max Land, I hope to see your achievements in the future here on out.”
Rayne nodded in approvement.
“Thank you, Principal Wahlberg, I am honored.” Max politely replied, with a small bow.
“This is it. I probably won’t see them again until summer break or whatever.” Y/N sadly thought, her tears still uncontrollably flowing down.
As the principal left, the first years joined the trio to congratulate them. Finn was the first one to suggest a commemorative group photo.
Rayne pulled away from her and pinched her cheeks to try and get some sense into her .“Y/n, we’re going to take pictures now so stop crying okay? For me?” He pleaded, wiping her tears away with his sleeve.
“Eep… Not fair… you… you’re gonna make me cry more,” she sobbed trying her best to keep her emotions in check as she looked up at Rayne pitifully.
Suddenly, he kissed her wet lips to hopefully stop her from crying. And it worked like a charm. Even after the kiss, y/n continued to stare at Rayne with flushed cheeks and swollen lips, the aftertaste of their sweet kiss lingering on her lips. The group went silent after witnessing their blatant display of affection.
“Nooooo! Why?! Why do all the good looking guys snag all the girls?!?!” Dot cried out as usual with murderous intent.
“Please refrain from making love in the eyes of an innocent child,” Lance commented as he clutched his necklace.
“Omg!! Y/n!! Ahhhh~~ Mash, did you see that? That could be us!!” Lemon fangirled while aggressively hitting Mash’s back to make her point.
“Uhm…” the muscle head said with disbelief.
“N-Nii–chan?!” Finn screeched as he hid his eyes behind his hands. He had most definitely never seen such a side of his older brother.
“Rayne you daring man!!” Max exclaimed, going in between the couple and hitting their backs to dissipate the tension, finally putting some distance between the two. “Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s take a picture!”
The students huddled together, performing various poses as they took many pictures.
One heart in the middle formed by Rayne and Y/N while Lemon, Mash and Lance formed one on the left and Dot, Finn and Max formed another on the right.
Then, freestyle poses.
They all put up a thumbs up for one.
And a peace sign for another.
And a heart sign for the last.
“Wow! These came out good!” the brunette said, scanning the photos happily. “Can’t forget to take a trio one too!”
So Rayne, Max and Y/N took another photo.
Then another photo with just Rayne and Max.
“And now, to commemorate the cringiest but slayest power couple of our school, Rayne and Y/N!” Lemon cheered happily for the two, holding out her wand. “3…2…1… Smile!”
Another utter shock.
The photo captured Rayne kissing Y/N on the cheek
“Oi! She said smile, not kiss!” Dot complained, about to jump out into action to stop them from further PDA but Lance kept him in check with his graviole.
“Well, you probably don’t know the feeling of having the love of your life desperately cling onto you just because you guys won’t be seeing each other everyday since you don’t have a girlfriend huh?” Rayne retorted the first year with a fierce look, as he held a blushing Y/N by her waist.
There were just one too many surprises from him. The first years were in absolute disbelief at their senior’s soft attitude towards his girlfriend. The ones who found it hardest to take this in were Finn and Dot.
After the ceremony, the group disbanded, each going back their own way. By tomorrow, most of the graduates would be gone, including Rayne which the Y/N couldn’t handle.
She returned to Rayne’s dorm, helping him pack up. The once minimalist room becomes an empty Adler room. Even his rabbit bedsheet was cleared with the rest of his rabbit related merch.
“Rayne…” Y/N started, her thoughts unclear of this whole situation. Only her fervent emotions screamed, telling her not to let go of her boyfriend at all costs.
“Yes?” He calmly replied, sitting down beside her on the bed.
“I will really really really miss you a lot.”
“I know dear,” he said, sliding his hand on top of hers as he sincerely looked at her with soft eyes.
“Ray-ayneeee” she said, plunging her body on top of Rayne’s onto the bed. “I might start crying again… sorry,” she mumbled as she lifted her head up from his chest.
“Bad girl,” he whispered into her ear while he brushed back the strand of hair. Those two words make her whole body feel all tingly in a weird way. “I don’t want our last memory in a long while to be you waving at me with tears during our send off, like as if you’re sending your husband off to war.” he honestly said, still keeping his hand on her head.
Y/N’s cheeks flushed red from his comment. Rayne had always been the type of boyfriend that cared for his girlfriend by actions, not words. When she had her period, he would always bring chocolates and a heat pack to her dorm and throughout the day, he would check on her wellbeing multiple times. Even on normal days, when they talked during recess and lunch or after school hours, he was thoughtful to bring her something that reminded him of her from time to time. He did what he felt was suitable and even let out his true self. True self as in saying whatever he wanted. Even if it meant the lines he was saying sounded like some confession from a third rate romance novel.
“I guess I won’t cry anymore…” she pouted, her gaze averting away from his as she went back to nuzzling his chest.
There it was again.
That warm fluttery feeling that arises in their hearts at times like these.
But other than wanting to hold each other tight and never letting go, Rayne found himself having a new profound desire. If he were to possibly switch their positions, holding Y/N down on his bed while he whispered sweet nothings into her ears, would she like it? If he were to maybe pull down her collar and mark her neck for everyone to see would it be unfair of him? If only he could say for sure to continue to act on his instincts. After all, it was hard to stay calm with his lover’s breasts pressed up against his chest, her whole body looking as if she was being served on a golden platter ready to be ravished him. He really wanted to devour her right there and then.
“Rayne?” Y/N shyly questioned. She had long noticed his body’s reaction, unsure of what would be the best next course of action for the two.
“Sorry, I’ll- I’ll go to the bathroom for a bit.” Rayne enunciated, gently pushing Y/N off to the side and getting up so as not to worsen the awkwardness of the conversation.
But when her soft hand stopped him in his tracks, something inside of him just snapped.
“Y/N, there’s no saying what could happen if you don’t let go of your hand right now.” Rayne spoke as he turned around, his manner of speech getting a little shaky.
“I-I-I know! Well ummm I just thought that since we won’t be seeing each other in a long while… I… I want to help you since you're always by my side…”
He turned, his amber eyes meeting her e/c ones. He hugged her, bringing her face to his chest as he wrapped his arms around her neck.
“Y/N, you know how much I love you right? I promise nothing will change between us. You don’t owe me anything, love. I can wait until you’re ready.”
His words were always so reassuring, always laced with layers of honey, always warm and gentle. But she’s not doing it just to make Rayne happy, if it was with him, Y/N would gladly give her everything, in this case was her body.
“Rayne… I love you too, which is why I want to do it with you, if it’s with you I-”
Before Y/N could even finish her sentence, Rayne was already pinning her down on his bed. He impatiently pushed his lips against hers, their tongues entwining, leaving each other breathless as he pulled away.
“Sorry, I guess I got carried away there.”
He panted, their breaths shaky from the intense kiss. Still, his lips came close to her ear, letting out a husky voice.
“Hey, if you feel uncomfortable at any time, just say my full name. Otherwise, you best believe I’m not stopping until I leave tomorrow. I’m going to make it known to the whole world that you are my woman, no one can take you away from me. You’re mine, only mine. Got that? ”
Her whole face immediately turned into a tomato without any spell. He really was serious about her. He sat up on the bed, unbuttoning his shirt and loosening up his tie to reveal his toned body. Sure, Rayne was a magic user but he still kept fit to increase his stamina, which explained his six pack.
“You like it that much? C’mon, feel it– the only one stopping you is yourself.”
He smirked, enjoying that flustered look on his partner who was inevitably his to be taken. He leaned into Y/N, looking up to meet her longing eyes, that anticipation and excitement. It made Rayne so unbelievably happy that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He unbuttoned Y/N’s blouse, pulling her bra up in one swift motion as his large hands got to work; cupping her delicate mounds, licking and sucking on her perky nipples, even twisting and pulling, doing whatever he pleased as an Y/N suffered under his control, her moans spilling throughout the empty room.
“Rayne, that's… that’s embarrassing, why are you o-only focusing there…?”
“Hmm I can’t? It’s just that they look so beautiful, baby”
“Nghh that’s not fair”
“Sounds like you’re asking me to pay attention to some other parts too, huh?”
His hand slowly glided down her bare stomach, making his touch even more tingly on her body. Rayne undid her skirt and tossed it aside. Without sparing any time, he touched her wet clit that was practically soaking through her underwear.
“Amazing, you’re already this soaking wet for me when all I did was play with your nipples” He commented, pulling her panties aside and sliding his hand up and down on her swollen pussy.
Unbeknownst to Y/N, he pressed his lips up against her opening, licking her juices, even sucking her clit from time to time before inserting his tongue inside.
“Rayne why–! That place… It’s dirty…” Y/N could only say, before her voice was quickly transformed into pleasure again, the heat of both teens rising. “Hnngh.. Rayne I-I feel weird! A-ah! I think… I think I’m coming…! Mhmmm!” She said, pressing her mouth against her hand to hide her humiliating noises.
The older male pulled back, licking the liquid on his lips clean when he suddenly inserted his two fingers, pressing up against here and there until-
Y/n moaned loudly, unable to hide the fact that he had found her soft spot.
“So that’s where you’re weak? Duly noted.” He said, pressing his fingers up against it even more, receiving another moan from y/n. “I want to put it in so bad… y/n please I-” He huffed, his hot breath landing right on the crook of her neck.
“W-wait what about protection?!”
None of them had anticipated this moment so they had nothing on them.
“I think Max has some... ” he paused, "I'll be back in a jiffy, love" he muttered, leaving behind a small kiss on her cheek. Before he left, covered Y/N with a blanket and took his robe and left.
Y/n stayed huddled up in the blanket, trying to process what was actually happening. Was it too fast? I mean, they've been dating for like a year and a half so it should be fine right? Plus, it's Rayne. Yes, Rayne Ames. Sudden images of Rayne smiling ever so slightly whenever he met her appeared. That's right, he's the man she fell in love with. They both wanted this, it felt just right with him.
A few minutes later, Rayne had returned with the item in hand. He took off his robe once more and looked at her hungrily. "Are you ready darling?" he smirked, lifting the covers, trailing his rough hands along her leg up to her thighs as he got on top.
It’s not fair how he looks at Y/N with those eyes. How could she possibly push him away in this heat of the moment? She bit her lips in both fear and excitement, her eyes carefully following his every move.
He unbuckled his belt, pulling down his zip to reveal a huge bulge under his boxers. Scary. What was even scarier was when he took off all his undergarments, revealing a monster- no, a huge veiny cock. Y/N immediately yelped in shock, in awe of seeing something so… sinful. Yet, the excitement and pleasure that came along with it was as anticipated.
“Will it even fit…” she nervously questioned, finding it hard to believe that it’s her beloved boyfriend’s dick.
“We’ll make it work. I swear to be gentle, my love. I want us to enjoy this together.”
As soon as he slid on the condom, without any sense of hesitation, all Y/N felt was the warmth lining up her entrance before going all the way inside. That sense of fulfilment shared between the two was unfathomable. Like finally being one complete being, Rayne’s hot member filled her up.
“Your insides are wrapping around me so tightly bunny, how am I supposed to move like this huh? You tell me”
Unable to handle the dirty talk and sudden pet name, she averted her gaze from his in embarrassment. But that wasn’t going to stop him from teasing her further. He cupped her cheeks and made her face his way.
“Tell me how much you want it bunny, because no way we’re going to stop now. Not when I’ve got you right under my thumb.”
“P-please, Rayne, I need you, I need you t-thrusting inside of me… You… Only you can make me feel so incredibly happy and-”
“Well said dear, obedient bunnies get their reward don’t they? Now take it like a good girl for me, Y/N.”
Oh boy, she was in for a ride. The moment Rayne held her hands tenderly while leaning in, she should’ve braced herself. The moment he started moving– those shallow thrusts quickly turned into deep ones.
“Rayne…! Rayne…! Rayne…!”
“Say how good I feel inside you. How am I supposed to know if my baby girl likes it otherwise?”
“Yes…! Mmm! I love it! I love you! R-Rayne… ahhh… kiss please…”
“So needy for daddy hmm~ Don’t worry I’ll spoil you lots”
Those intense thrusts followed by breathless kisses.
Y/N was definitely not going to last until tomorrow.
Night has definitely fallen, but what time was it exactly? Who knows? All the two love birds know is that they’ve fulfilled their wildest desires; and that they’re right where they want to be in life. That feeling of content, reinforced by the way Rayne continues to wrap his arm around Y/N’s bare waist under the bed sheets.
“Was I… too rough?” the concerned male inquired.
“Kind of, my back is sore! Hmph!” she pouted, turning her head away for dramatic effect.
Rayne rubbed her cheeks playfully, trying to console the girl as he entertained her childish behaviour.
“C’mon bunny, don’t be like that~”
“Well, do you want to get washed up together? I think we’re both feeling pretty sticky after that endeavour, hmm?”
“Yeah, that does sound like a plan”
Without any warning, Rayne got up and picked Y/N up in one fell swoop, putting her over his shoulder.
“W-wait whaaa?! Put me down!” she demanded, hitting his back with her fists while her legs kicked the air.
“I’m taking responsibility for my actions so stay still my love”
He had forcefully picked her up to the bathroom and turned on the shower.
“We already went all the way, there’s no need to be shy showering-”
“It’s not that, it’s just that I still can’t wrap my head around what had just happened.”
“Well, we made love. It’s as simple as that, my beloved y/n,” he said in a matter of fact tone, leaning down to kiss her forehead gently.
Although they were done for the most part, Rayne couldn’t help but stare in awe at his lover. He had the love of his life, y/n, wrapped around his finger. She was right in front of him, ever so vulnerable as the marks he had left on her were clear as day. Her red, puffy nipples were so adorable, he just wanted to do it all over again.
Like as if Y/N read his mind, she panickedly declared, “You can’t anymore, I forbid!”
“Hmph fine fine” he gave in, not wanting to push her too hard.
The warmth of the water seemed to reflect the content of the two. It was as if they were already living together, in their own little humble abode, where the two did as they wished. Y/N drew soap bubble art on his chest, silly, cute doodles. Rayne, as promised, helped clean her up and they both had a nice, long, much needed shower.
“All done,” Rayne said, as he finally finished drying her hair with the towel.
“Thanks, babe,” she smiled cheerily, feeling very satisfied with the extra amount of attention she was getting.
“I’m merely giving you all the love you deserve, bunny” he simply said, taking the ends of her soft hair, kissing it tenderly, receiving another blush from Y/N.
“It’s illegal to be this smooth,” she mumbled, turning her head away from Rayne.
Her comment resulted in Rayne's soft laughter. That's right, this was the special dynamic they had. They were right where they wanted to be.
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spiderfunkz · 1 year
city of stars , blurbs — [ chore ] sender does a chore they know receiver hates doing + tasm!peter because he’s such an acts of service guy <3 me personally I hate cleaning the bathroom so I’d literally propose on the spot if he did that for me <3
[ chore ] sender does a chore they know reciever hates doing + tasm!peter
warnings : all fluff, established relationship, mentions of food, gn!reader, this was so rushed i'm sorry ml.
peter is 100% an acts of service guy!!!! he's so sweet i am so☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ also sorry this took a bit i've been really busy with tests and didn't have time to write this
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apple cinnamon, strawberry glaze, and chocolate sprinkles. you repeat in your head, making sure you bought the same donuts as the ones you wrote in your journal.
the walk was nice, you finally had some free time after a while and chose to treat yourself with some alone time, and donuts.
the wind blows through your hair as you spot an orange leaf by a tree. fall was coming very soon, you can basically feel it.
the weather was perfect, it was cold. cold to the point you can finally wear sweaters again and buy overpriced hot chocolate almost everyday. but not cold to the point you have to hibernate in your apartment for days because the air outside will freeze your lungs.
speaking of apartments, peter was staying over for a bit. after noticing that you've been busy with work all week, staying over and checking up on your was the least he could do.
the keys jingle as you open your apartment door. "pete! i got the donuts i've been craving, do you wanna try some?" you yell out, eyes still focused on the door you're trying to lock. you were met with silence.
"peter?" you yell again.
"in here!" he replies, the voice was coming from the - bathroom?
you put the donuts on the kitchen counter as you walk towards your bathroom.
you haven't had time to clean it yet, poor peter was probably frightened by the sight of the wilting flowers near the sink, or the used candles by the tub, or even the old empty perfume bottles by the mirror.
but as you reach the door frame, it looks clean, it smells clean.
peter was smiling like an idiot with a lemon air freshener in his hands.
"you cleaned my bathroom?" you question, cleaning the bathroom is something you've always avoided or waited til' last, since like, forever. you weren't gross or lazy, you just hated every bit of it.
"yeah. you were busy, and i remembered that you said you hated doing it so i figured, why not do it you know? plus this air freshener was on sale and it smelled great." he explains.
"and the flowers by your sink were wilting, so i got you new ones." he added, you look towards the vase as it was already replaced with new ones.
"they're fake though, sorry." he pouts. "i just think you deserve flowers that'll last forever. or if you want i can buy real ones and i'll take care of it from time to time." peter awkwardly smiles.
you rush towards peter for a hug.
"you're the best peter, really." you squeeze him. "anything for my, ladybug."
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underratedmurder · 1 year
Richie Jerimovich/Reader "I Would Like a Blanket Please" (Part 1/2)
Reader works at The Beef and is having some housing/financial troubles, Richie offers his apartment as a place to stay! <3
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Stuff in this: Soft Richie, Reader is kind of awkward, Soooo many hands on shoulders, They are so sweet and tender with each other, They both know how much the other one is hurting, They are each others comfort person!!! They have some sexual tension, Carmy is totally onto them
Stuff that will be in part two (if you don't want spoilers then just skip past this): Chicken nuggets (hell yeah), Richie when he was in college <3, Reader sleeps on his sofa which is much nicer than his twin bed?, Sharing blankets, Intense cuddling, The softest kisses
I know its been more than a week since my last update I am sorry dear friends, but trust I will deliver !!! Second part should be up tomorrow night or Monday.
Please enjoy, and leave a comment or like if you want to see more/have any requests !
You were sitting on the ground of the walk-in, fingers getting colder, digging into the sleeves of your thick knit sweater. The one Richie called you crazy for wearing in the kitchen, but also one of the last pieces of physical comfort you had left.
Life was… rough, and you were currently struggling to find housing. You just spent your last bit of money on last night's stay in a motel room downtown. You were hoping you could pull through and figure something out by the end of the day… but that time was now, and you had nothing. 
You tried to collect your thoughts, breathing hard and freaking out a little bit. Your nerves were getting the better of you, and you had been nothing but filled with tension the whole day. 
You breathed in and out, slowly letting your body relax, and your fingers loosen their grip. You looked at the ground intensely, almost studying it, to remind yourself where you were. And to remember that the world wasn’t actually ending, it was just your life! Just yours! 
Don’t worry! At least the restaurant is okay!
Even that was an overstatement.
You felt yourself finally come back to the moment.
“Alright well just don’t put it on the stove again Fak! It’s not fuckin rocket science- Oh,” Richie's voice was booming even before he opened the door.
He had snapped you out of your tranquil state immediately, and you could already feel yourself tensing up again. Being around people and trying to act like everything was normal and okay all day was very hard. Especially around Rich. The guy you almost desperately wished to be close to. 
The fear was pungent though, you didn’t want to be a burden on anyone, especially on him. You feared getting tangled up with him in any way would only make life more painfully complicated.
These thoughts and feelings did not cross your mind though when you were actually around him in the kitchen, and you got to talk to him and watch him ‘work’, as you fought back the carnal urge to violently makeout with him.
It was far too easy to be comfortable around him, it was only after your shift everyday that you reminded yourself you were not in the position for a relationship.
If he even liked you-
“Hey, uh, what are ya doin' on the floor?” you were back to reality again, and Richie was looking down at you, one arm on the door and the other at his side. 
You looked up at him with the most honest and unintended look of pure dread on your face, eyes sad and fearful. His own expression dropped.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” he lowered his voice and knelt down to look you in the eyes, face to face.
You furrowed your brows and smiled in adoration. His words were somehow instantly comforting.
You shook your head, “It’s nothing. I’m just tired,”
He didn’t look convinced, instead he went to place a hand on your shoulder, his palm was warm in the chill.
“You sure you're ‘aright? You can tell me, ya know? Promise I won’t tell Mr. Crazy Chef,” he joked, referring to Carmy, and you let out a huff. 
“Did you spill a giant jar of pickles or somethin?” 
“Ha ha,” you said sarcastically, a half smile escaping your somber expression. Though, it didn’t last long.
Richie dropped to your level on the floor, sitting next to you.
You shook your head again, looking down.
“Its just been a long day,” you hesitated, but Richie just waited.
“Things have been… hard,” you let your words out with an exhale, your arms and legs becoming a bit less stiff.
“Home troubles?”
“Yeah,” you half whispered, fiddling with your fingers as that last bit of tension escaped you.
“Yeah… I get it,” he said with a sigh, and he let his head lean on the wall.
You sat there in silence for a second, the humming of the freezer accompanying your barely audible breaths.
“I take it you don’t wanna go back huh?” he asked you, turning his head to look at you.
You furrowed your brows and looked at him puzzled.
“Back home, I mean,” he clarified.
You put it together he assumed your home life wasn’t very good. Which technically it wasn’t, just not in the way he expected.
Obviously, you hadn’t alluded to anything else.
You nodded, barely mumbling another yeah, as to not embarrass yourself, though you could feel yourself getting there.
You leaned back against the metal shelf, tilting your head back and running your fingers by your scalp. 
You half smiled at him, afraid to look into his eyes for too long or you might get lost in them.
“You know you can stay with me if you want?”
“What?” you blurted.
“If yur really not feelin like… goin back tonight, you can crash at mine. I got plenty o’ room,” 
“Are you serious?”
“Course I am, I’m not an asshole,”
“Well…” you grinned and looked at him cheekily.
“Shush, I aint no fuckin asshole aright? I can be nice,” he expressed with his hands, signature of a pointed Richie opinion. 
“Yeah like now?” you joked, your arms hooked around your knees as you leaned forward again.
“You don’t have to come over if you don't wanna-”
“I do,”
Richie stopped and looked at you, surprised and… relieved by your answer?
“I do, want to,”
He opened his mouth to say something, but the longer he looked at you it seemed he couldn’t come up with anything. He smiled a little bit instead, a pleasant sight. His cheeks just a bit pink.
“Well, then we better get goin’, it’s ‘bouta be closing and I don’t recommend staying overtime,”
He popped up from the floor, lending his hand for you to grab and propel you up. 
“I already work overtime, Richie,” you reminded him as he brought you to your feet.
“Right uh, I really should get Carm to pay you more for that,”
“You should,” you said, nodding a bit and just barely smiling, it seemed to be something neither of you could stop doing.
“Consider it out of my paycheck. A little catch up in your check for this week. I’ll get Carm to fix it tomorrow, promise,”
You nodded, then looked down, grateful but also a bit guilty. Anything out of Richie's pocket could basically be considered right out of the restaurant. Richie seemed to catch your worried look.
“You ‘aright?” he let a hand rest on your shoulder, leaning over to get a look at you. 
You nodded, sheepishly, but Richie just held onto your other shoulder.
“You sure?” you made eye contact, and willed yourself to reassure him.
“Yeah,” you nodded, and he let go.
“Kay, let’s get outta here,” he sighed, opening the door to the giant fridge.
“I promise you won’t regret this. I've got a nice 50 inch flatscreen, the most shining bathroom you’ve ever seen, and a pretty damn good bed,” He said, his eyes bright still but his face smug, until he caught your expression and dropped his own.
“That’s not what I uh…,”
“What’s goin on here cuz?” Carmy rounded the corner,
“Nothin, we’re just headin out,”
“We?” He looked at Richie, incredulous.
“Y/n was uh-”
“I’m staying at Richie's tonight. Just a temporary thing, my parents are having some friends and relatives over right now and I’m not really into opening the can o’ worms that is my life and career at the family function,” you chuckled nervously. You thought of the lie quicker than you were proud of, but knew it might resonate with Carm.
“Yeah no, that's… fine. Yeah, I uh, I understand,” he paused, ”I get it,”
He looked you both up and down, and it was only then that you noticed you were standing so close together your arms were touching. In the time the conversation started, neither of you made an effort to move away from the other. 
His brows raised, “Have fun you two,” he smirked and turned to leave.
“Very funny, Carm. Fuck you too!” Richie called after him, 
“Hope your playdate goes well!” he called back, just barely audible.
“What a dick,” Richie mumbled.
Remove the word ‘play’ from that sentence and the prospect of your staying over completely changed. Though you wondered, if the word 'play' really insinuated anything else, if not… other activities that could happen at a potential hangout. Was the word ‘play’ in ‘playdate’ in the context of two adults being around one another really any more appropriate than just simply saying date?
“Don’t listen to him,” Richie assured you, blue eyes wide and totally in your face.
You snapped out of zoning out, eyes flitting from the spot on Richie's neck where they rested.
“Sure,” you said half mindlessly, nodding your head and scrunching your nose.
“We are just two coworkers, who are going to one person's apartment, where we will do regular coworker things,” Richie stressed, as you two made your way to the back door, expressing it all with his hands and arms.
“Mhm mhm,” you nodded your head again, walking quickly, but not forgetting to swipe your bag of stuff from off the floor by the lockers.
“Like… sleeping,” he exclaimed a little too loudly, and you both paused in the doorway as soon as he said it.
“That keeps coming out wrong, doesn’t it?” he looked down, and then up at you, smiling a little bit.
He needed to stop doing that, it was starting to become addicting to watch.
“Yeah, it does,” you said with a sympathetic look of worry and also amusement.
“Yeah,” he flattened his mouth, his hands landing on his hips.
“I think maybe you should just stop talking about it for a bit,” you suggested.
“Yeah you're right, you're right. It’s a little weird huh?” he looked side to side, then down at the ground again, scratching his neck.
“I mean, not weird. Just a little, odd,”
“Just a little?” he looked up, smile growing on his face and cheeks still very pink.
“Just a little!” you chimed, and it looked like his eyes were smiling before his lips could.
“Yeah… good on ya babe. I should keep my mouth shut more often”
“Maybe not, completely shut?”
“But just… mostly, shut,” you let your mouth curl into a smile.
“Right. Like a ventriloquist,” he offered, smiling back, a bit bashful.
“Yes, like a ventriloquist. Exactly,” you grinned and rubbed the space between your brows, he laughed a little.
You laughed as well, just barely, air escaping your nose and mouth. You exhaled, and let your smile fade with his. You both paused, eyes meeting in the comforting silence. Richie's mouth parted, before he clicked his tongue.
“My uh, my car is just at the end of the lot,” he grinned, 
“Right yes, lets go to that,”
“As you wish,” he swayed his hand out in front of him.
You simply smiled, and walked past him down the step to outside. He stopped before he could even walk forward.
“Wait, hold up. I gotta get my jacket… I’ll be right back,”
“Yeah, sure,”
He turned towards the lockers but promptly turned right back around.
“Do you need anything? You got all your stuff?”
“Yep! It’s just my bag,”
“Okay, alright, cool,”
He disappeared down the hall, and you turned to face the cold, all too familiar with the chill on your skin. You watched your breath in the air, as you exhaled, trying to slow the rising tempo of your heart. You hoped Richie's place was warm. You hoped he was warm.
“Alright!” you jumped a bit, but met him with kind eyes.
“Let's get this show on the road,”
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pet-pet-peet · 1 year
I don’t know if my request got through, I’m sorry in advance if it and I’m wasting your time reading this. I asked for some platonic headcanons for azul, floyd, and malleus where they visit readers school in their world for the event. (Malleus uses magic to hide his horns)
Omg wait this is super cute! The Malleus part gives me vibes to My Inner Demons (Aphmau)
I am trying to go through my drafts and post the ones I had done, this will not be inspired by canon!
Story: They visit your school in your world with you for a week
Tw: cafeteria food slander from personal experience; lmk!
Pairing(s): Azul, Floyd, Malleus x gn reader going to their school (separate) (platonic)
He stands out a bit because of his hair, but otherwise everyone sees him normally
For the most part- he does have moments where he’s caught being confused over a piece of history everyone in your world has learned-
Very interested in seeing how different schools in your world function, even if the differences are slight
He’s a little bit thrown off when he learns there’s no magic at all, makes him overly aware of his magic and when he uses it
He likes to talk to your other friends to get dirt on you, just in case he ever needs it
Probably becomes really popular through the time he attends your school
Also picks up the academics really easily, which makes the teachers like him
You have to tell him not to set up his deals in your world- he probably does so anyway, though
Hates your cafeteria’s food, it doesn’t taste how he likes and feels unhealthy, so he convinces you to either bring him food from home or buy him more (but he does it in an Azul way that’ll end up with him not being in your debt, probably makes deals with you to help you with something)
Probably has a lot of fun, learns some things he’s definitely gonna find a way to incorporate into his business practices
He’s very clingy to you, so even if teachers want him to go somewhere else he’ll stay with you or force you to go with him
On the chance he’s not feeling the classes, he’ll ditch them and just wander around and explore the school grounds
He doesn’t usually feel like learning things from your world, doesn’t really see the point in it, so he probably just distracts you while you’re in class together
Stands out immediately, probably one of the tallest guys in your school so everyone notices him immediately in the halls. That on top of his hair and eyes, he becomes very popular very quickly
Drags you around in between periods to show you places he thought were cool hiding spots from teacher (he confirms he used them when you ask)
Even though he’s only there for a week, he gets random love letters everyday and makes you read them to him because he can’t be bothered to focus long enough to do so himself
Doesn’t mind the school food, but probably doesn’t eat much of it anyway cause it’s still not the best
Doodles on all the paperwork he’s given instead of actually filling them out; that said, art is his best subject in your world (Unless you’re also in a music class, then that’s his favorite and best subject)
Probably antagonizes some of the staff because he thinks it's funny, doesn't end too well for you though
Mixed bag, finds it incredibly boring some days, finds it interesting for others
He makes sure to stick by the strict rule: he isn't allowed to use magic except to hide his horns and ears
He towers over everyone and quickly becomes notorious for it, if he didn't actively seek you out you'd probably never be able to get through the crowds that always surround him
His high class vibe gets a lot of people's attention, so he gets invited to quite a bit of parties for a change. He's pretty prideful of it, but usually forgets or just doesn't go cause you aren't going
He absorbs your history relatively easily, but will still ask you for more details on the different subjects you learn
Definitely almost forgot to hide his horns one day and you had to panic remind him before he left the apartment
Gets lost when walking around your school sometimes since he's trying to find any sign of gargoyles that may have been removed
Sometimes he just wants to ditch with you, the history of your world is fascinating and all but he wants to see it more instead of just hearing about it
Pretty sensitive when people try to tease his eyes and fangs, but hides it behind snarky remarks and sarcasm
Absolutely refuses to eat food from the cafeteria, also refuses to call it food. You have to bring him lunch or buy it from somewhere better if you want him to eat
Remembers quite a few of the stories he learned, both real and fake, and made sure to recite them to the rest of Diasomnia (he never clarified which were real or not. Have fun explaining to the gang that the Wizard of Oz doesn't exist)
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prettyrainsstuff · 4 months
i hope im not really bothering you right now but can i request a ———
yandere reader x ranpo
knowing ranpo will figure it out that someone is stalking him but pretended to be dumb yet the reader or y/n really doesn't care about it knowing he was pretending to be stupid yet they still stalk him
But ranpo still gets weirded out someone stalks him but doesn't care
( he prob know where the reader live or he knows every info bout them)
(you can continue the rest sorry for the bad explanation)
HEYY!! I am SO sorry for taking SO long to write/answer this ask!! I’ve been currently stressing out with school and my up coming tests this week! So here you have it! Also again sorry that this might not have a lot of what you asked the fanfic to be..😓
Ranpo x Yandere! Male reader
(Female aligned DNI)
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Context: Reader(you), develops an obsession with Ranpo even though he is aware.
Warnings: Stalking, murder, blood, slight gore, possible grammar mistakes, NOT proofread.
A/N: Please know that I am not trying to romanticize stalking, this is COMPLETELY fiction.
A couple years ago you had recently found out about this detective around your area, Yokohama. They called themselves “The Armed Detective Agency”.
you just thought it was some dumb Agency that just does regular old detective crap but as soon as you laid eyes on the photo of a particular person that went by “Ranpo Edogawa”,
You had immediately changed your mind about it.
Over time you started to get obsessed with this detective. Looking up more information about him, looking through news papers looking at recent crimes that he himself had solved.
And oh god..He. Was. Perfect.
You would sometimes see him when you went out to run some errands and would see him in the candy aisle looking for some sweets.
So he liked sweets, huh..? Add that to your notes!
You would find yourself making baskets of his favorite candies and then setting them outside of his apartment door.
Everyday you would search up more and more information about Ranpo.
You would try and track down Ranpo and where he would be. You would immediately get on the news and check for crimes that had happened during the day and would try and see if you could see him there.
Sometimes when you would see him out in the ordinary you would take a quick photo of him when he wasn’t looking.
And when he would spit out the gum he was chewing you would secretly take it and put it in your little shrine you had of him.
One day when he was talking to one of his co-workers, inside of this cafe.
The person that looked like who he was talking to had, medium dark hair and had a tie on. She looked like a doctor but you were only focused with your precious Ranpo.
Your thoughts were cut off by a man who had got up from his seat and decided to approach Ranpo.
“Hey—Uh-Your that Ranpo guy—From the Armed Detective Agency, right..?” The man stuttered nervously.
“Yup! Thats me!”. Ranpo said with that beautiful smile of his.
“I-I know this might sound weird but—Can I..Have your number..?” The man blushed.
“Uh oh, Ranpo…! Looks like you have a fan..!” Yosano said smiling teasingly at Ranpo.
“Uh..No thanks..Im actually quite busy with all my important detective work, If ya know what I mean.” Ranpo said as he looked to the side slightly.
“Oh—Uh..Thats okay..! Of—Of course.” The pathetic man walked out of the cafe awkwardly.
That made tour blood boil.
It was your breaking point. You just COULDN’T let this disgusting rat get away with this.
You followed him out and after walking for about 5 minutes you finally saw him.
It had looked like he had just gotten of the phone with someone, probably telling them about how he met with Yokohama’s greatest detective.
You pulled him into an alleyway and got out your knife and stabbed him in the back first and then stabbed him in the chest in which made him start to cough up blood.
You stabbed him one more time to put him out of his misery.
You looked at his corpse. Taking care of the body wouldn’t be that much of a problem since you could see the sun setting.
After that mess you turned around to see the one and only Ranpo Edogawa, looking at you dead in the eye.
The color from your face drained almost immediately and you could feel and hear your heart pounding in your chest.
How long..Has he been standing there..
“H-how..How long have—Have you been standing there…?” You manage to blurt out.
“Oh I don’t know..~ For as long as you’ve started to clean up this mess you’ve made.” He says, taking out his lollipop.
“Oh yeah and these..?” He takes out the photos you had taken of him.
You had probably dropped them on your way out from your bag..
“How—“ you were cut off by Ranpo leaning his face towards yours making you blush madly.
“Im a detective, idiot. Of course I know when someone like YOU is stalking me.” He says sounding slightly irritable but not fully.
You wanted to slap yourself.
Of course he knows..
“Do you know that I love you..?” You say back.
“Of course I do..” He smiled. “Killing someone for a detective..Is quite bold of you, Mr [Name]..” He whispers before kissing your cheek softly.
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archer-fb · 1 year
I promise to be there through thick and thin
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Bakugou hurt/comfort fic
A/N - sorry guys if this is bad I haven't written in a while, but in a bad headspace so here we are
tw - please read the warnings <3 - suicidal thoughts, self-conscious, self-harm, negative thoughts, tons of crying, depression, self-hatred, body issues, self-doubt, the feeling of never being good enough/useless/hopeless, I think that's it? but please proceed with some caution. also established relationship with Bakugou
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You don't know if this day can get any worse, you missed your alarm, you were late to class, you did horrible in training, and your grades were dropping.
"Y/n", Aizawa said, "your grades are slipping. I know you can do better, is there something happening with your home life? You know you can talk to me. Whatever is going on, try and get it together."
"Yes, sensei," you said. You bowed and left to head back to the dorms. It's been like this for the past month, no one really notices. It hurts. You don't know what to do anymore. You just feel so hopeless and useless, like you're doing enough for the people around you.
Once you reach the dorms Mina greets, "Hey Y/n! You want some of the soba the Todoroki made? I can warm you up-" You cut her off and say, "No thanks, I'm feeling really tired. I think I'm just gonna head to my room. You dashed to the elevator before you could say anything.
Bakugou saw you running to the elevator nearly in tears, he could tell you were breaking during your conversation with Pinky. He makes a mental note to check on you before he goes to bed.
By the time you get to your room you're already in tears and on the verge of breaking down. "Why can't I just be good enough!" you say to yourself. "Why am I so useless, I'm not doing nearly enough anymore. My grades are slipping, I'm on the verge of relapsing, and you can't do anything right!"
You stare at yourself in the mirror feeling disgusted with yourself, you say your thighs are too fat, you have a muffin top, you're fully of ugly acne, and think you'll never be as pretty as the other girls in your class. The more you look at yourself, the bigger the urge you're starting to get to cut yourself. You swore you would never go back to this, but you can't do it anymore.
You sit on the floor leaning against your bed crying so much, you found your old razor. It still has some dried blood on it from long ago. You look at your thighs seeing your old scars. You somehow start to cry even more as you start to make light cuts on your inner thighs, not enough to cause severe harm, but enough to bleed quite a bit.
Just as you're about to make another cut you hear Katsuki knocking on your door. "Sparks? You on there? You didn't eat dinner and came back late. Are you okay?" You stay silent, you then realize you forgot to lock your door, before you have the time to panic you hear Katsuki shout, "Y/n! I'm coming in there, I'm worried about you, Sparks."
He barges in seeing you on the floor crying as you cut your thighs, you break down even more as you start to see Katsuki tear up. "Y/n... Little Spark, what happened? Are you okay? Please talk to me," he says.
"I- I-it's so hard Katsuki, I can barely make it out of bed in the morning. My grades are slipping, I'm getting worse in a training, I look so ugly, and I'm not a good enough partner," you say through tears and hiccups.
He dashes over to you and holds you saying, "Little Spark, you're more than enough in my eyes, you're prettiest person I have ever laid eyes on. You are better than any partner I could hope for, you're so strong and smart, you are such a kind person always helping when you can. It's another reason I fell in love you, Y/n. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." As he says this he starts crying and petting your head and rocking you.
"Suki, I don't know if I can do this anymore, it's so hard and beginning to be too much. Everyday I'm hurting and dreading the next day, I feel like everyone would be better off if I was never hear," you say through broken sobs.
"Little Spark," he starts to say, "I know I speak for everyone in our class when I say we'd be miserable without you. You're always there for me and everyone else. I'm always here for you always, all of class 1a is."
"You mean that?" I say as I finally stop crying. "Of course I mean that, with my whole heart. And you already know I don't say things I don't mean," he says staring into my eyes like we're we're the only two people to exist.
"I'm sorry I'm like this, and I'm sorry I'm broken..." You saying staring at the floor. "Spark," he says grabbing your chin so you are looking at him, "You don't need to apologize for any of that, no matter what you're like I will always love you and be here for you. Now why don't we bandage you up and snuggle together.
You sigh and say, "Okay, I'd like that, I love you so much suki." I know you do Little Spark, I love you more though," with a big smirk plastered on his face.
after Katsuki helps you clean up and bandages up your thighs
While cuddling Katsuki starts saying, "I promise to be there through thick and thin for you, Little Spark. Forever and always." "You really mean that?" I say looking up at it. "Of course I mean I promise with my whole heart, he says staring back at you.
"Pinky promise?" you ask him.
"I pinky promise. Now sleep, Little Spark, I'll stay with you all night. You asleep in his arms with a smile on your face feeling so much better.
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I hope you guys liked this! and if not I'm sorry <3 But thanks for reading everyone!
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funfetticandle · 1 year
babe wake up new hyperfixation just dropped 👹
i saw this man ONE TIME on my fyp, and he wasn’t even in the tiktok, it was in a COMMENT, but anyway i searched him up and now Welcome Home is pretty much my whole life rn (aside from rottmnt, i will never forget them, YES IM STILL WRITING FOR THE BOYS)
but like anyway since wally’s hair looks so poofy and i wanna touch it so bad have some hcs of him with a reader who loves styling hair
(also i am one of those ppl who do headcanon that wally must put like 4 litres of hairspray in his hair every morning for it to be THAT PERFECT and it probably crunches when you touch it but for the sake of these hcs it will be fluffy okay? ok-)
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🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦
ever since you moved here, your eyes were always drawn to him.
his calm and collected smile on his face 24/7, his relaxed but proper posture, and his hair.
it seemed so poofy. you had wanted nothing more than to simply touch it, to ask him how he managed to make it look so perfect everyday
you didn’t want to come off as creepy, though, so you simply kept your mouth shut.
every time you looked at him, you had to clench your hands to prevent them from softly patting the fluff on his head
until that day
you were all on a picnic together, with you sitting down and wally lying on the blanket
you stared down at the cobalt blue if his hair, and you just couldn’t resist
you slowly stuck your arm out and weaved your fingers throughout the strands, a satisfied smile on your face as it was just as soft as you imagined
meanwhile, wally was frozen, feeling your warm hands touch his hair with such gentleness, with every passing second him melting further and further into your touch
you suddenly remembered that wally could feel all of this, so you pulled back in embarrassment, about to say sorry and run away when you felt his gaze suddenly dart up to yours
he had gently grabbed your wrist, your hand going limp in his grip
his eyes represented those of a puppy’s, half lidded and relaxed as he mumbled, “i like that. do it again for me?”
you hesitated, eyes widening in surprise, before a smile crept onto your face, your hand continuing the slow stroking motion throughout his hair
ever since then, you took every chance you could to touch wally’s floof
he didn’t mind if course, he actually quite enjoyed it whenever you reached out to pat his head
you often styled it, experimenting on the texture and seeing what hairstyles can work with the strands
you also sometimes gushed to him about how lucky he is to have his hair naturally feel that way, and he could only laugh in amusement
“It just looks so perfect! and it’s as if you don’t even try! show me your ways-”
“darling, calm down.”
also, you guys 100% play with each others hair when you cuddle
like, youre playing with his hair, so he just immediately returns the favour because he knows how nice it feels
he likes to twirl yours in his fingers, and to feel it bounce back when he lets go
You snuggled closer towards him, basking in his warm embrace as you quietly curled your fingers through his hair lovingly, the silence being oddly comforting as he hummed in content.
You felt your eyelids become heavy as you drifted off to sleep in his arms. He laughed quietly as you slumped, your hand falling down, grazing his neck. He shivered, closing his eyes aswell.
“Goodnight, darling,” he whispered.
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for the songs
New Person, Same Old Mistakes by Tame Impala
Killer Queen by Mad Tsai
Villain by Stella Jang
(ack sorry if these aren’t the best— they were the first songs from the top of my head 😔)
Ooooh okay
Maybe biana about her crushes? Like first she liked Keefe and then maybe her liking Tam or smth but feeling like it's unrequited
"Feeling it overtake/ All that I used to hate" she hated not having someone care for her like that other than surface level
"Wonder what if we trade" like she doesn't want to like someone who doesn't like her back
"All the signs I don't read" they're not interested right (although Tam kinda is in canon but maybe it's dex who is also kinda interested in canon??? Yk what. It's Keefe biana and insert person biana could have a Keefe situation with)
"Going with what I always longed for" she wants love
"Feel like a brand new person/ (But you make the same old mistakes)" she's changed sm but like same situation
"I don’t care I’m in love/ (Stop before it’s too late)" poor bbg
"I'm thinking it's worth the fight" she's trying tho
"Man, I know that it's hard to digest/ But baby this story ain’t so different from the rest/ And I know it seems wrong to accept" this sums up like biana having to go through that again
Gisela omg
"There was this girl/ The most beautiful in the world" leaving this here
"She would walk the halls/ And everyone would whisper and talk/ 'Cause all the girls in town wanted to be her" maybe kid Gisela??
"She's a devil in disguise/ The prom queen has blood on her hands" Gisela is so sweet idk what yall are talking about (lying)
"Every boy and girl she dates" very few believe in straight Gisela
"Disappears without a trace" she's just silly like that
"So be careful when she asks you to dance" if Gisela asked me to dance I would wake up to vesperas ghost torturing me
"She's a motherfucking killer queen/ A psychopath at seventeen/ A beauty in a blood-stained dress" she's so lovely wdym
"She'll fill your heart with kerosene/ And light you up 'til you can't breathe" soooo this is what she does to keefe
"If you cross her path you just might end up dead" *cough* vespera *cough*
"There was this girl/ Who was broken by the world/ 'Cause everyday at school they'd push and shove her/ But she had a plan/ One day she would get her revenge/ And those cheerleaders and jocks would be six feet under" this kinda sums up my theory for how she went batshi
"But behind those angel eyes/ Lies a devilish surprise/ The prom queen has killed for her crown" VESPERA
"Every boy and girl she seeks/ Never comes back in one piece" Cassius is fucked in the head and vespera is fucked in the existence
"She's dancing by herself" bro just left the neverseen
Omg this is Alvar to biana hear me out
"We all pretend to be the heroes on the good side/ Some things are black/ Some things are white/ You shouldn't look through colored lenses/ You're the good guy/ He's the bad guy/ Your boring world is in black and white" just the whole vacker legacy thing and how he's against the black swan
"So many shades of gray" He's trying to manipulate her
"Think twice before you like me" the reveal
"Because/ I'm a villain/ What makes you think otherwise?/ You don't know what a wicked little devil I am" basically the reveal
"You're a villain/ What makes you think otherwise?/ The villain you failed to notice breathes within you" this is so smth he would say to her
"I'm killing someone maybe/ You're killing someone maybe/ I'm killing you maybe/ You're killing me maybe" its so him!!
"We all pretend to be the heroes/ On the good side/ But what if we're the villains/ On the other" vacker legacyyyy
"The person you hate the most/ Is somebody's beloved child" he would!!!
"You don't know what wicked little devils we are/ We're all villains/ What makes you think otherwise?/ Look at us, the devils we failed to notice" eeekkk
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lxcalmenace · 1 year
I Was Wrong, If Only I Knew.
When the usually so cold and reserved Rin Itoshi agreed to go out for dinner with you, you couldn't help getting excited but also a part in you was awfully suspicious of his sudden change in his behavior. You finally learnt the despondent truth when it was time to meet for the dinner.
A Rin Itoshi series (on-going)
Highschool AU
Chapter 2 Masterlist Chapter 4
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Chapter 3: Always By Your Side
Gn! Y/n
Tw: Swearing
Taglist (open)
@hellothere9597 @ririgards @legoome @dtaliah
You needed answers, no you DESERVED answers. Rin was sitting here, kissing some random girl instead of meeting up with you. Blood now boiling, you made your way towards the group when suddenly, your vision was blacked out. Shidou had refrained your vision by putting his hands over your eyes. Although you couldn't see anything you could clearly hear Shidou cursing them as the room falls quiet slowly.
"Y/n....? I can exp-" You could hear Rin mumble but was quickly interrupted by the Blonde by your side.
You could sense the anger boiling in Shidou as he dragged you out of the party. Not remembering anything much after that, you found yourself sitting in your balcony, sipping on your favourite drink while rain was pouring outside with the occasional thundering. You were completely calm tho. No tears and no sadness. You were just...you? Just your normal self. To be honest, you lowkey saw this coming; after all, he was the 'one and only Rin' You weren't affected much because you had already prepared for the worse; and it definitely helped right now.
The soft sunrays pouring in through your window woke you up. 9:03 A.M. Getting up, you made your way to your bathroom and freshened up. You grabbed your phone and sat down on the sofa, turning on your everyday playlist and turned on your phone. As expected, you had some comforting texts from your best friend but what you didn't expect was Rin texting you.
36 messages from Rin <3
You ignored them and simply blocked his number. You do not need his apologies. Absolutely not when you're trying to forget him. The damage has already been done and you don't want to waste your weekend crying over a random boy who you already knew would break your heart some day. You turned off your phone, got up and made your way towards the kitchen to make breakfast. Shidou came over for lunch and he brought you your favourite chocolates and a cute dragon plushie. You had to reassure him from time to time that you were alright and finally at the end of the day he was relieved and believed you. He stayed the night at your apartment and you both fell asleep at 2 am after playing 'Just Dance' and ordering pizza. Honestly, Shidou's company made you feel a lot better. He was like your other half; always by your side no matter if it's the sun or the rain.
Saturday rolled up. Beginning your day with some upbeat music while Shidou was preparing the breakfast. He might not seem to be a type of guy who cooks but he surprisingly makes really good food. You both were having breakfast when someone rang your doorbell. Getting up from your chair, you made way towards the door and opened it. The happiness on your face was now replaced with something representing bitterness. Eyes now wide, your body froze in its place. You never expected this, not once.
Why? Why now out of all times? Can't he just leave me alone? I've seen enough already. Don't want to see his face, hear his voice. Just be gone already! I hate him- I hate you Rin Itoshi
A/n : So sorry that I had been gone for so long. I was really really busy with school work (and I definitely didn't forget that I had a tumblr acc) Well here's part 3. Hope you have a great day. ^^
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