#like sorta? i just don't care about him because he's boring as shit
navree · 3 months
I've always joked to myself that Luke's biggest offense (aside from the obvious) was that he was boring, but I've never seen anyone else outwardly say it with such conviction. You're a braver person than me! 👍
Oh I've been on the "Luke is boring" train since the show was airing, it's just an objective fact. Luke suffers from something a lot of characters on the show suffer from, which is that the show tried to cram way too much into one ten episode season of television and as such a lot of character writing suffered, especially on the Blacks' side (nearly all Blacks side characters are severely underdeveloped except for Rhaenys and Corlys, who have the distinction of being somewhat schizophrenic). Luke does nothing notable for episode six, nothing notable for episode seven until he maims Luke, nothing notable for episode eight, he's not even in episode nine, and then in episode ten he dies. That's why the scenes he's in during episode ten feel as clunky and bad as they do, they sat down to write the finale, realized that there was no reason for people to care at all when Vhagar munches him, and so we got those random scenes to try and bolster his connection with Rhaenyra and show that he's The Goodest Boy to try and shoehorn in any reason for the audience to care. And be honestly people, did you feel sad when Luke died because Luke as a character is now gone and we'll lose him forever, like we did when Robb and Catelyn died, or are you just sad because he's fourteen and it made Rhaenyra sad and you like Rhaenyra? It's the latter.
(it's also why Lucemond is so popular, because Luke is such a nothing character he's basically a blank slate that a bunch of people can project themselves onto and thus be casted in whatever role they want him to be as a self-insert because Aemond is hot and you can't do that with any other character Aemond interacts with, because they've all got personalities that can't be subsumed the way you can with Luke because he's got no personality)
This is a problem that plagues Jacaerys and Baela and Rhaena as well (seriously, please name me three character traits for Baela and Rhaena separately, I can barely name three for the two of them combined you could literally replace them with lamps and nothing changes it's so bad), but because they're gonna be in the show longer, there's more of a chance to fix it. Luke only being around for four episodes, doing fuck all for most of his appearances, and being defined by "guy who caused grievous bodily harm in a fight he shouldn't have been involved in due to the fact that the opposite side did nothing wrong and then refused to ever even show contrition for it" and then promptly dying means that there's no chance to expand his character the way Jace and Baela and Rhaena can potentially get (and I highly doubt Baela and Rhaena are gonna get much expansion tbf), so we're stuck with the most boring boy. He's a plank of wood, he's nothing, he means nothing to me except that sometimes I think about how difficult the recovery period for literally losing an eye must have been for Aemond on so many levels and I think that Vhagar went too easy on his boring ass.
And it's my blog so I can say what I want and I will bear this cross for you and those like you anon, I will proudly call Lucerys Velaryon a piece of cardboard.
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kitthenameless · 1 month
I made this other post about the Emperor and Ansur once, but I had more things I wanted to say and couldn't quite fit in without muddying my point.
This is perhaps a bit of a reach, but this is not the first time I've found a portrayal of turning into a monster that I relate to as a chronically ill / disabled person who became ill later in life. It has nothing to do with feeling monstrous (I don't feel monstrous) or even body horror, and everything to do with how disabled people are treated by society and even those closest to us.
Obviously disabled people don't go around eating brains. We are not dangerous any more than abled people are. But becoming a mindflayer (or whatever monster) is comparable in the sense that, it can happen suddenly, and then your whole life is different, your body is not what it used to be (maybe visually, maybe the way it works or doesn't work now), and you need certain accommodations in order to thrive or even just survive. But people treat you differently now, you're not really given any help, and truthfully a lot of people would rather you just be dead. You're abandoned by society to figure out your new life and all its difficulties on your own. If you're lucky, you have some people who care enough to help you. If you're not lucky, you do the best you can in your desperation.
And that's why it feels so messed up to me that Ansur just gave up on Balduran/Emperor once he couldn't cure him. He clearly believes this is still Balduran, as shown by how he speaks to him when you meet him. So in his mind, he wasn't even trying to kill some creature that just had Balduran's memories. He was trying to kill Balduran. Who forcibly underwent a change to his body and accepted it and decided he still wanted a chance at living.
Edit to add: I'm pretty sure the Emperor even says it wasn't easy at first, so he didn't immediately embrace being a mindflayer. He came to accept it with some time, and that feels even more significant to me.
Like I said, I know becoming a mindflayer is not exactly the same as becoming disabled because mindflayers are dangerous. But also like I said, in my other post, the game shows us there are options to living ethically as a mindflayer. It's just that no one even helped the Emperor try to find them. And even so, he did his best on his own by eating criminals (which there is proof of, in a transcript).
I don't even blame him for disguising himself to the player at first. Look at how society treats freed mindflayers. Look at how the Emperor's own best friend and lover treated him. It makes perfect sense to assume we would hurt him or refuse to help him too.
Some people are so quick to forgive the companions for all the messed up things they've done because they have trauma. The Emperor has been through shit too though. He wouldn't admit to having trauma, but he was kidnapped, had his body forcibly changed, had his mind enslaved, had his lover try to kill him, had to kill his lover in self-defense, and was enslaved a second time. Sounds pretty traumatic to me.
Anyway. It's probably random to end this by talking about books, but that's what I do (literally, I also have a book blog), so. The other stories I also related to in this way were Dead Collections by Isaac Fellman (vampires) and Bored Gay Werewolf by Tony Santorella (werewolves). Maybe look 'em up, if you like that sorta thing.
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gartenofbanny · 7 months
My friend sent me this pretty funny thread of Hazbin Fans getting mad at Sarcastic Chorus just because he found Chaggie to be boring in his ship ranking video.
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I don't really care about Sarcastic Chorus, but this fandom is probably gonna tear itself apart from the inside of they keep having people that act like this. I'm pretty sure Sarcastic Chorus is a huge Hellaverse fan, but they're really losing it over a fucking ship tier list.
And the OP sorta contradicts herself, saying that he's entitled to his opinion, but he's also pandering to..anti-Chaggies. Whatever the fuck that means
They're just assuming shit about him just because of an opinion even though he's a huge fan of the show overall
Though the "making jokes about incest" and potentially liking incest part of the sentence is understandable, however they seem more so angry that he finds Chaggie boring than the fact that he made incest jokes.
The last comment is especially funny to me as the user says, "Have you seen the fanart?" If you need fan made content to get the satisfaction of a ship, that just means the canon content didn't do a good job.
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shortpplfedup · 10 months
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 3
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Man Jojo, Ninew, Ninepinta and Vivienne know exactly how to build a mess because this was OUTSTANDING. Here's how the pimps and hoes are stacking up this week.
🔺1. Boston (3)
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Damn! Tilly Birds should write a song about you.
THIS NASTY SHITBAG MOTHERFUCKER YAAASSSSSS KWEEEEN! Boston spent the entire episode mansplaining, manipulating and manwhoring and considering that is what this whole show is even about he fucking wins the week! Stringing Nick along, spewing poison into Top's and Ray's ears, fucking Top nasty in a classic automobile...I don't care what any of you say, he's the winner.
🔻2. Ray (1)
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Don’t define it. Just enjoy your life. You said you could differentiate between love and lust.
This dizzy bitch. This messy mess-ass hoe. Playing with everybody's feelings because he can never face up to his own and just fucking deal with his shit. Everybody is correctly fed up of his bullshit, including Sand and Sand LITERALLY JUST MET HIM. Sand telling him to save his money for a shrink was the best advice any character has ever given any other character on any show anywhere.
🔺3. Nick (5)
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Can friends with benefits turn into lovers?
Well the boy is dumb but he's not dumb if you know what I mean. Boston is screwing with his head and he knows it, but he just can't help himself cuz dick2bomb. They say you should never actually get your crush, and this is why. Nick being a sneaky surveillance spy bitch is the main reason Boston should've never messed with him, because now he's gonna go NSA on his ass. He wants that man and he will have him, whatever it takes.
🔹4. Sand (4)
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If you want a boyfriend, get yourself a boyfriend. Don't mess with me.
SAND YOU KNOW BETTER! YOU KNOW THIS MAN IS A MESS! AND YET YOU ARE STILL FALLING FOR HIS CHARM. Sand giggling and twirling his hair with Ray in the car was...it was embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you sir. Sack the fuck up. Like when you threw Top the middle finger, more of that. Also, what the fuck happened between those two TELL ME JOJO!
⭐5. Yo
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Sweet as sugar, hard as ice. Hurt me once, I'll kill you twice. Haven’t you heard?
We have our first sighting of Yo in the rankings! Homegirl clearly has all her shit together: a thriving business, a hot and devoted younger man, and a house full of kids who stay drinking her dranks and eating her food because they can't get their shit together. And she looks like a bag of money THE ENTIRE TIME, just FLAWLESS. More of her please.
🔺6. Top (7)
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♪ I’m a villain, no matter how much I love you, I must die eventually ♪
So he totally planted that guy at the silent disco right? Seemed like a weird play to push Mew along. Because at 3 months, the game's probably gotten a bit boring, especially if Mew's not even giving him the occasional sniff at it to keep him on the hook. Top likes a challenge and he sorta likes Mew, but if Mew really did screw Ray, maybe he's not so interested anymore. To be clear: I absolutely do not think Top is jealous, more like the shine wears off Mew for him if Mew has succumbed before. I still don't trust a thing coming out of this man's mouth, but the way he worked Boston OUT in that car is worth at least a one-rank jump.
🔻7. Mew (2)
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-Are you drunk and taking advantage of me? -Don’t you like it though?
Mew is this week's biggest loser, falling the furthest from last week as his shtick starts wearing thin. Mew's overplayed his hand a bit here: his testing of Top has gone on too long. He doesn't even dispute Top calling him his boyfriend even as he insists they're not dating yet. He was totally about to give it up after the party because I think he realised he had gone from a challenge to a bore, but he waited too late, Boston had a chance to get into everybody's head and now it's all fucked. When he finally sleeps with Top next week it's not a victory for him, it's a capitulation. Also, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED WITH HIM AND RAY I NEED TO KNOW LIKE RIGHT NOW I CAN'T WAIT A WHOLE WEEK!
🔻8. Cheum/April (6)
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Guys, I think I’m gonna throw a pool party.
Poor Cheum, the only person to remember they are in fact trying to run a fucking business and actually working at the pool party rather than causing and/or engaging in drama, and April right by her side just helping her woman out because her so-called friends are a dumpster fire. As usual, the lesbians gotta be the ones getting shit done.
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ystrike1 · 1 year
Divorcing My Tyrant Husband - By Josara (8/10)
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I'm aware that this webtoon has a bad reputation, but I'm giving it a high rating anyway. I love the slow burn. The creeping horror of being trapped. The struggle and the hate too, even if all of those things have a comedic tone. This story does get pretty dark, and then the author throws in a yandere. Then, they make the guy you hate obsessive too. Darn. Guess I have to see what happens next.
Sadly, we all hate the love interest. He sucks super hard in the beginning, and it takes FOREVER for him to get...ok. don't crucify me. The guy is not a nice guy, but he's not boring. The worst thing a romance novel protagonist can be is boring.
He's not. Alexandros Castilla is NOT a boring sexy Emperor character. He is a ruler who only cares about keeping his nation prosperous. His wife, Robellia, loves him but he only married her to ally with her father. He takes in a concubine, who is the legendary holy White Lotus. He eventually replaces Robellia with that concubine. Even though Aisha is lazy compared to Robellia her image is better so he chooses her.
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Wait. Sorry I forgot some stuff. Aisha is lying about being the White Lotus. Alexandros is aware of this. HE is the White Lotus. He lets Aisha lie and pretend to be that holy figure, because her bullshit makes politics easier for him. Being the White Lotus involves alot of pomp and circumstance. If he's the White Lotus he has to deal with constant bargaining. If his WIFE is the White Lotus he can just say he's possessive and hide her, and avoid the annoying church in the process.
Are you starting to understand what kind of guy this is?
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Don't start thinking he's cool. He kills Robellia to do this. He locks her in a room. She doesn't receive any care and she basically dies of depression after being abandoned. This is after taking on alot of duties and bringing glory to the Imperial House, by the way. She wasn't a bad wife. She just wasn't the most convenient choice.
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We're in a romance novel by the way. One of the really toxic ones where cheating on your wife is always a good thing. New Robellia knows she will be killed, so she says fuck it. She demands a divorce day one, and she starts causing havoc. She bullies Aisha, and fuck it she enjoys it. Aisha is a bitch who does no work, and her whole cute persona is a lie. Robellia treats her like mud to force the Emperor to divorce her. Like...he didn't have to kill her off. He could have just accepted the mild inconvenience that is divorcing her. Robellia refuses to stand down. She even calls the Emperor out for his fake flirting. She says everything he says is fake, and she also slaps him.
It's very silly but fun at first.
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Aisha is a problem for many, many reasons. She's annoying and good at manipulating people. She also seems to think she's the main character. She is also a reincarnated Korean woman. She doesn't understand why the Emperor doesn't love her yet. She can also see that his sweet words are entirely fake.
Here's...the twist.
The romance novel was never romantic. Sure, it was sold as a romance but in the actual story is just a lie. Lies on lies. Aisha thinks she will be loved above all else, but the Emperor is just using her, the same way he used Robellia. She goes completely crazy because she can't accept that but yeah...nice plot twist. Too bad the lead of your romance novel was only "performing romance" this whole time.
Nobody actually acts like that lol and obviously a cheater can never be a romantic.
It's kinda sorta a good lesson.
Robellia thinks he's shit and she wants out.
Aisha will never give up, because she wants her ideal romance and unlimited power at the same time.
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Alexandros starts to observe Robellia, and it becomes stalking. I didn't notice for a couple chapters, because in the beginning it's just spying. Soon he realizes that a competent Empress is better than a puppet. Robellia also has a secret sweet side, that she never shows him. It makes him want to earn her trust back...but he is not good at romance. His super fake stuff is hollow as wood, and apparently the way he shows affection is stalking...and expensive gifts. Robellia throws away his gifts, and eventually they duke it out politically. Which just...makes him acknowledge her skill even more...uh oh...
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This is the yandere. His name is Caleb and he's a young slave. He has a lame leg. Robellia buys him with a bunch of other slaves. She is desperately trying to look bad. That's the whole reason why she buys the slaves, but then she gives them jobs in the castle. Which gives her more power, and also Caleb has magic.
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Caleb was supposed to have a crush on Aisha, but Robellia finds him when he's a kid. That completely ruins Aisha's chances of winning. Robellia is happy about that, and she decides to make Caleb her knight. He honestly tells her about his magic, and she does need his support.
Alexandros is actually powerful. Robellia is trapped in the castle unless he lets her go.
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Caleb swears to be her slave forever. He kisses her foot. Robellia knows he was a dark character in the books, but she thinks that future will change. She intends to give him a better life. She tells him to stop the foot kissing and make some friends. Caleb immediately lies and says he doesn't want to go to magic school. He says he's been bullied too much, and he's scared of kids his age.
A total lie.
He just wants to be with Robellia all the time.
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Fortunately for Robellia Caleb is already a killing machine, who was using his weak-disabled-slave boy act to stay unnoticed. He's very useful, but he hides that from her to get closer to her.
Alexandros immediately becomes jealous of Caleb, even though he's a literal child. He wants to be with Robellia all the time, like a Knight. He sends even more spies and from that point on Robellia is wrapped in obsession. Her every move is watched. Caleb is a classic yandere, but I think Alexandros has appeal...for some people. Alexandros isn't an emotionally repressed sad boy. He's a smart and ruthless person who doesn't compromise. His obsession with Robellia disturbs even him, and he has already admitted that he will drag her back if she leaves.
Is he charming?
No, but the layers of lies are great.
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containedconspiracy · 6 months
ough your bps designs are so neat!!! i would def like to hear more about your interpretations for adam and jonah!!
AAAH TYSM !! :D That I can do!
so, for starters, let's just go over the basic stuff of the duo.. I personally think that Adam and Jonah aren't really friends. Or it's really one-sided. Jonah likes Adam a bit, finds him weird and kind of interesting to watch, Adam finds Jonah to be one of the most annoying people on planet earth.
they sort of bounce off of eachother with Adam usually taking everything seriously while Jonah takes a solid nothing seriously, not until he gets involved, at least.. Adam personally hates that fact about Jonah more than anything, but finds him to be tolerable when they're having normal conversations. Or when Jonah's useful.
also, probably the most controversial hc i have ever, Jonah's taller. sorry, Adam.
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Jonah was accepted into BPS when Sarah made Adam get someone else to do the whole alternate-luring stuff with. Jonah solely exists as a replacement in Adam's mind, and maybe a crutch for when he's feeling lonely. Which is rare.
Anyways, onto individuals! Jonah's up first because I have a little less to say.
Jonah, design wise, was supposed to kind of give off the vibe of a wannabe scene or emo kid. His baggy clothes and accessories as well as dyed hair are just because he thinks it looks cool, he doesn't have many other reasons for it. His hair color and general style is sorta similar to his canon counterpart, keeping the same dark to silver gradient as well as the general spiky/side-swept look of it.
Personality wise, he thinks he's hot shit. He's confident and takes everything about as serious as you'd expect him to. He does find the ghost hunting and paranormal stuff a little interesting, but he's mostly just in it for the stories and the money. His parents are pretty rich, with his dad being a lawyer and all, and he has a good dozen of friends outside of BPS. Nothing's keeping him here besides his own interest in the organization.
That doesn't mean he doesn't care about it at all, though! He likes the people there, he likes getting to hang out and feeling cool because he gets to steal and sneak around empty places. It's the kind of rebellious that he always daydreamed about when he was living his completely ordinary, honestly kind of boring old life.
- he's 6'2".
- aroace, never had romantic interest in anyone, never will.
- Lots of scrapes on skin under clothes from just being generally stupid during investigations.
- adhd win
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If you can't tell by now, Adam's my favorite TMC character. A lot of these headcanons are from way back when vol 2 had just come out, and I'm still somewhat attached to them. Don't mind me being insane.
Design-wise, Adam looks a lot.. softer than Jonah does? He's supposed to have a sort of obviously-fake innocent look, mostly with the wide eyes and rounder shapes used for his hair and face. His hair's dyed in a split style as a reference to the fact that while he's seen as having brown/black hair in the series, he's actually blonde. Same goes for his eyes, which are darker in-series but most people draw him with blue eyes. This isn't the result of contacts or anything, he just naturally has heterochromia. Even before he got taken by Intruder..
Furthering the eye discussion, he may seem like the odd one out when compared to how I draw the other BPS members, and it's mostly to give him a more unsettling appearance in comparison. While the others have simple eyes with flatter eyelids and simpler pupils, his closer resemble how I draw the alternate's eyes, specifically taking inspiration from the eye shape I gave Intruder. Like father, like son, I guess..?
Personality wise, he's far from nice. Or extroverted. He's the opposite of Jonah in every way. He rarely cares for others but still takes everything seriously, even when nobody else around him will, and he's mean by default. He doesn't really process any of his negative emotions in any way besides anger and lashing out. (or isolation, god forbid..) When in a social situation where he's not trying to be a complete asshole, he's just socially awkward. He doesn't have many friends, mostly because he doesn't want any, and he doesn't care enough to try and figure out all of the intricacies of social interaction, often coming off as blunt or uncaring. (Which he usually is, anyways!)
The cross necklace he has isn't there for any religious reasons- In fact, it's just there because he noticed that Alternates tend to be drawn to people who actively practice religion. He wanted to bring them in without devoting any of his time to actually trying to find faith in a god. He's a complete atheist.
..or, is, until Mandela Catalyst..
But we don't need to worry about that!
- 5'10".
- Trans, but not FTM. No, he's just genderless horror to male. It counts to me.
- Also covered in bruises and scratches, mostly from fights or lashing out on inanimate objects.
- Supposedly has/Is Diagnosed with M.A.D.
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daddyy333 · 2 years
Secret Pt.2 | Eddie Munson x y/n
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
Word count: 2.4k
Part 1
summary: Eddie and you have been secretly dating sorta on accident, and the gang finally finds out and are in shock, especially since Dustin knew too and didn't say anything
It had been 6 months since Dustin found out. The gang was really pressuring Eddie to find a girl, not noticing how nervous Dustin looked whenever they talked about Eddie getting a girlfriend.
You were starting to really realize how boring it was at home, especially since you were getting excited to hang out with someone else whenever Dustin came over. Of course you loved Eddie more than your heart could handle, but having other people in your life wouldn't be too bad. Eddie knew this and was trying to figure out how to tell them, but he just couldn't.
Steve eventually pulled him to the side while the gang was hanging out, most out of concern that he wasn't getting laid at all. "Listen, Eddie...you gotta get out there more, see some ladies, you know? You just rejected a total babe the other day for no good reason, I mean come on, dude" he said and Eddie sighed. He started heading back to the group and said "I'll 'get out there' when I feel like it, Harrington. Not everyone needs to get laid every five minutes like you" "yea right! I feel bad for your right hand, buddy" he groaned and followed him.
It made him really nervous, because you're also pregnant now so he really has to tell them because they'll eventually figure it out. Plus, you guys will need some babysitters. It seemed as though today was going to be the day, because Eddie forgot to bring beer with him while they were all hanging out at Steve's place.
"Babe, I need you to bring all that beer I bought to Steve's place, he lives in the Silver Falls community, that super rich neighborhood. 4382, Morrison Street" he said and you damn near choked on your water. "T-Today? R-Right now? I look like shit, no no I'm not ready for this, cause I'm gonna have to meet them and then you're gonna convince me to stay and just- no!" You said and sighed.
"Please, sweetheart? I will give you any kind of massage you want whenever you ask me for the whole pregnancy if you just bring us the beer. Plus, you want friends right?" He said and you scoffed. You sighed and said "yea, but fuck- I'm nauseous as shit and I'm not far along enough for my bump to look cute, I just look fat and I'm slowly running out of clothes to wear and I just don't want to be out of the house...fuck, okay I want unlimited cuddles too, I'll see you in 20 minutes I love you bye" He chuckled and put the phone down, shaking his head.
You got there, it was nighttime, Eddie was going to stay the night along with everyone else and join them at breakfast and a movie tomorrow before coming back home to you. You knew he was gonna convince you to stay, and you knew everyone was going to find out today.
It took a while to actually find the backyard, his house was huge. You were hiding your bump behind one of Eddie's Metallica t-shirts and some stretchy shorts that may be getting a tad bit small in the ass but if it fits around your stomach you can't be bothered to care. Everyone was really confused and thought you were someone who had broken in.
"Hi," Eddie said and immediately got up to kiss you because that's what he always does. You quickly pulled away and everyone stared with wide eyes. You groaned and said "hi, asshole,"
You walked over to a cooler and set the beers in, bending over and leaving Eddie with no choice but to get his hands on your ass. "Ok I'm just gonna say it...this sweet piece of ass," he said and smacked your ass, leaving his hand there and leaning against you like you were a table.
"Edward!" You said and he chuckled. "As I was saying, this sweet piece of ass is my wife" he said and you held your breath, waiting for their reactions. You stood back up, turned around and smiled. Everyone just sorta stared with their jaws to the floor.
"Look man, okay I know I told you that you need to get out there more but that doesn't mean marry the first girl you meet" Steve said and Eddie chuckled. You just looked down, playing with your ring anxiously. He looked over and said "can you guys please say something positive, she's gonna burst into tears any second now"
"Eddie..." you whispered and he sighed, waiting. Dustin came back outside and said "oh, hi y/n!" "Hey Dustin" you said and chuckled, now looking up and seeing everyone's faces. "Wait- wait what? Are you kidding me Henderson? You knew and didn't say anything" Steve said and he shrugged.
"I found out by accident," he said and put his hands up defensively. Mike shook his head and said "sooo...like, rings, last name and everything?" Eddie nodded.
"And how long have you known each other?" Robin asked. Eddie smiled and said "5 and a half years" "what?!" Most of them shouted. Eddie brought you over to sit down and kept you next to him since he knew you were nervous.
He took a deep breath and said "15 year old me saw her at hot topic and blew me away and for some reason blessed me with the knowledge of her phone number and name and we just kinda went on from there. We got married at 18 and we're happy as ever now. I- I didn't say anything because I forgot to mention it to be honest. It's not that I forgot about her, this girl is unforgettable, but I just forgot to actually tell you guys about me being married"
"I don't believe you," Robin said and you sighed softly. He opened his wallet and pulled out a few Polaroids. One from one of your first dates, a school dance you forced him to go to, a few pictures just from over the years and one from the day you got married.
"No way..." Max said and you blushed, playing with Eddie's hand. He smiled and said "yup. This gorgeous girl is all mine" He grabbed your jaw and turned your face up to him, kissing you softly. You chuckled, your cheeks squished together as the cold of his metal rings cooling your warm skin.
You hid yourself, burying yourself in his side whilst they asked Eddie a million questions. He knew you were nervous, but it still made him sad that you were struggling to be around them. He should've known it would be a little too overwhelming for you.
You hadn't actually said a single word to them yet, which Eddie realized was because you were a little intimidated by them, just the fact that he had so many friends and you wanted all of them to like you. You didn't want one of them to hate you or think you weren't good enough for Eddie, and you also didn't want them to be made because he just graduated highschool finally and you're pregnant and about to turn his whole world upside down.
"Ok, I got hotdogs!" Jonathan said and you instantly cringed at the smell. Eddie noticed you pull away from him and sit up more, breathing heavily as you tried to stop the bile swirling in your throat from coming up.
But eventually you couldn't and ran behind a nearby tree, throwing up for the third time since you got home from work. You'd thought you had gotten away from the morning sickness today, but obviously you were wrong. You'd eaten breakfast, lunch, and a snack today and it had all started coming up when you got to the trailer.
Everyone jumped up in concern, Eddie ran to you and held your hair, rubbing your back. "She's fine, everyone relax" Eddie said and you groaned, grabbing onto him so you didn't fall to your feet. "Ugh, god. They probably think I'm some kind of freak whore and the only reason you married me is cause I make sure you're constantly pussy drunk" you said, wiping your mouth.
He sighed and said "no they don't. You just get a little nervous around people, that's all. You were stuck in your house all your life, I can't expect you to be a social butterfly. And if anyones a freak here, it's me." "Whatever, I need to get this taste out of my mouth before I throw up again" you said and he chuckled.
You thankfully found a pack of toothbrushes in the bathroom and brushed your teeth, Eddie stuck by your side the whole time. "Are you sure you don't wanna go home?" He said and you groaned.
"Eddie, I'm pregnant, not dying. Relax, alright? I'll be fine" you and winced your way through a hug, making him chuckle. Your boobs were super sore from just being pregnant and your stomach felt sore and achy from your muscles literally separating and tearing apart as your belly got bigger.
You came back outside, they'd scarfed down their food fast assuming it had something to with the food that made you throw up. "S-Sorry. I'm fine..." you said and Eddie pulled you onto his lap, sighing softly.
"Want a beer?" Robin offered and you took a deep breath. You cleared your throat and said "I..I can't. I have- I'm- I can't" "come on, everybody's drinking. Relax, have a good time" Steve said and you looked at Eddie.
He kissed your head and said "she's uh...she's pregnant. The throwing up was morning sickness which surprisingly happens literally all hours of the day, by the way" "holy shit" Nancy said, shaking her head.
You played with your hands nervously, you were practically shaking. Dustin chuckled and said "can I be an uncle?" "Yes, you can be an uncle, Dustin. Once my poor girl gets over her initial nerves you'll all be aunts and uncles and you'll realize exactly why I fell in love with her" he said and you looked down, embarrassed.
"I still can't believe you managed to get a girl that hot to marry you" Robin said and Eddie raised an eyebrow. You chucked and said "h-he's not that bad of a husband," "yea yea yea...how long till you pop the kid out?" Steve asked and you sighed.
"A while...I just finished my first trimester, which means I'm 14 weeks...which is 4 months. So I have 5 to 5 and a half months left depending on when the baby actually makes their appearance. I'll probably be huge by the end of it though, the doctor did say I was a bit big for a first pregnancy" you said and Eddie scoffed. He sipped his beer and said "that doctor is an asshole, you look hot with our little man in there"
"It's a boy?" Dustin asked and you shook your head. You sighed and said "Eddie thinks it's gonna be a boy but we won't know till I'm 5 months pregnant" "well I'm not gonna be the only one babysitting that thing by myself, the rest of you are helping" Steve said and they all chuckled.
"See...they like you," Eddie said and you smiled a little. El came out with a bowl of fruit for you. "Nancy said to get you fruit. You're not allergic to any of this stuff right?" She said and you shook your head, thanking her. You happily ate the fruit, not really joining in much on the conversation and mostly just cuddling with Eddie and playing with his hands and rings.
By the time your due date came, you hadn't been left alone for a single second the entire 5 months you'd been hanging out with them. They were always hanging out with you guys, taking care of you when Eddie was at work, massaging your feet for you (not without a 5 dollar bill put in their pocket beforehand), and constantly poking at your bump to see her kick. (Yup, you two were having a girl. Eddie could not stop crying that day, he was the hormonal one even though you were pregnant)
Your favorite thing was when everyone would say hi to you they would also say hi to the baby like she really was another person in the room. Robin quickly became your best friend, you guys were inseparable. You and Eddie were not the only ones annoyed by your daughter's delayed arrival, the whole gang had been excitedly waiting to meet the mini munson just as you two had been.
When Eddie finally got to call his uncle whilst holding his daughter in his arms and tell him that he was a dad, he felt like he had finally made it. Eddie obviously wanted to name her Ozzy but instead you two settled for Scarlett, or 'Scar' for short since he thought that was pretty badass.
You waited a few weeks to let everyone meet her since you know it was gonna be really overwhelming for her. You just wanted to wait a while until she was used to you guys' room and trailer and she was well adjusted to just existence in general.
"Oh my god, oh my god!" Robin said and gasped, practically jumping up and down with excitement. Everyone was excited, but Robin was over the moon. You chuckled and brought her over to Auntie Robin first. "Ohh look at you. Holy shit, you look like your dad" she said and chuckled.
Steve smacked her arm and said "little ears" "it's fine, really. The first thing Eddie said when I finally pushed her out was "holy fucking shit" so...her first word may or may not be a curse word" you said and everyone snickered.
She got passed around quite a bit, everyone thoroughly washed their hands first and was really careful with her. "I still can't believe you made a whole ass human being and actually squeezed it out of you. How bad was the pain on a scale of one to ten?" Robin said, sitting on the couch with you as Scarlett rested on her legs, squirming around and playing with Robin's hands.
"You okay, my love?" Eddie said and you nodded. He kissed your head and said "you're such a good wife, you know that? An even better mom. I love you so much" "I love you too" you said and chuckled, happy to be with your chosen family.
I cant remember who or on what platform but someone wanted her pregnant pregnant so yea
Eventually I’ll be writing for
Eddie Munson
Joseph Quinn
Jamie Bower
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
So just comment or dm me the taglist you want to be added to and I’ll add you :)
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Chaotic La squadra Headcanons because I can
So, I know im not as active on here as I used to be but that's just cause I kinda just. have moments where I forget this site exists hfvgkjsdfgvjksdfgkvsd. Anyways I know I dont really post about JoJo that much but take these chaotic LS headcanons because LS is the main reason I love golden wind so much.
Prosciutto is a fucking plant dad. His room has shelves that are just full of old-ass books and plants. He even has names for them.
Melone, Illuso, Risotto and Formaggio all have an Onlyfans. Formaggio has it ironically while Risotto just has it for the money. If the gang has a flight to somewhere, Prosciutto will be the one to wake everyone up at 5AM even if they have to leave at 1PM. this has resulted in Formaggio and Ghiaccio beating his ass. Illuso says shit like "Yass queen", "Slay", and "material gworl" unironically. he also uses "babe" and "sweetie" as platonic nicknames. also he dresses in drag. His drag queen name is Refa Lection yk how I said Pros is a plant dad? well Formaggio is absolutely a cat dad and yes this HAS resulted in fights since Formaggios cats often knock over Prosciutto's plants. P: "IF YOU DON'T GET THOSE BASTARDS UNDER CONTROL I WILL!!" F: "YOU WON'T LAY A *HAND* ON MY SWEET BABIES!!!! AND HOW DARE YOU CALL THEM BASTARDS!!" Three days grace, Fall out Boy and MCR can almost always be heard from Risottos room. even in the dead of night. Everyone either just puts up with it, listens along, or drowns it out with their own music. Out of all of them, Risotto has the highest spice tolerance. Ghiacco always insists that he can handle the spicy food that Riz eats. He cannot. Both Formaggio and Melone like to metaphorically fuck with everyone in la squadra whenever they're bored, with the exception of Risotto because 1, he doesn't give a shit, and 2, Melone is too intimidated by him. His favorite member to piss off is Ghiaccio. Make no mistake though, they fuck with each other all the time too. They are NOT partners in crime. Formaggio will often dare Ghia to do stupid shit and then film it. He has a whole chest filled with tapes of Ghiaccio failing or suffering during his dares. Melone is a HUGE fucking astrology and tarot card bitch. He legit knows everyone's birth chart by heart and is always offering readings. He also cleanses with incense and Ghiaccio finds it insufferable. Melone also just somehow knows everyones secrets no matter what and no one knows how. The rest of the members all sorta fear him to a certain extent because of this. Yes Melone has used his uncanny ability to his advantage.
Pesci likes to paint his nails. it's usually really messy whenever he does it though, so he'll sometimes get Prosciutto to do it for him. He doesn't really do anything fancy with them; usually just paints them a bright green like his hair or blue to represent the ocean. :) He also watches shit like troom troom and 5 minute crafts and genuinely believes practically every word that they say. He has tried more than once to recreate some craft he saw on one of those channels, and gets really sad when it doesn't work. Pros usually has to console him out of it. Ghiaccio "secretly" listens to BTS and knows all the words to the songs. Formaggio once caught him singing Fake Love at the top of his lungs. Yes Forms has this recorded. The reason Ghia attempts to keep his love for the band a secret (even though everyone knows about it) is cause he thinks that people will make fun of him for listening to it, which Formaggio does do, but mainly just because of Ghia being so insistent on denying it. He really couldn't care less. Both Riz and Melone each have a secret stash of Monster energy in their rooms and both have accidentally stayed up all night more than once. Risotto because he is overworked as shit (poor boi) and Melone because he gets sucked into internet rabbit holes. Between the two of them Risotto is WAY worse though. This man has stayed up for DAYS on end. His record is two weeks without sleep. Sometimes other members of la squadra will deadass find risotto passed the fuck out at his desk. Whenever this happens, it's just a mutual agreement to leave him there (unless it's super important) and Prosciutto will take charge until he wakes up.
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flattenedcat · 10 months
Oh man. It's ass o crack in the morning and I can't sleep because of stupid brain dead fans and insane misinformation.
Incoming rant from a renheng shipper who frequents tiktok that enjoys ships that aren't just green flags or whatever.
Lowkey hate myself for getting obsessed with hkr and renheng. The amount of people who misunderstand lore or that the characters in question have an insane amount of MEMORY LOSS. Also, why are hoyo fans so obsessed with hating on queer ships and spreading bs about them, like bro chill it's just a game and we're all gay fuckers who like to see other gay fuckers in love. It's fiction, seriously who the fuck cares lmao.
Some of yall are just homophobes in disguise who hate any sort of gayness even when it's implied or just theorized. Meanwhile hoyo is trying desperately to get past the censorship and hide the gay while also shoving it down our throats lol. (Aka that typo stuff or whatever. Idk what happened there but why's that your first thought...?)
Ughhh I really need to delete tiktok, I can feel my brain losing cells at a rapid speed. I type renheng and 7/10 videos are just hate. Like bruh don't use the fucking tag you absolute bitches.
Ohhh they're so toxic or whatever. Danheng is traumatized because Blade keeps trying to kill him (...points at canon...lol). First of all, baby that's true love. Joking but like renheng is also very much classic danmei. Lovers to enemies to exes to lovers but slightly deranged. Also very very j*ongdok coded. Oh and now people hating on enemies to lovers trope just cuz they can't stand renheng for whatever reason. Saying stuff like what chemistry or how could they ever like each other, they are trying to kill one another. Like pause. Focus. ENEMIES. TO. LOVERS. ENEMIES ENEMIES ENEMIES. It's not going to be a walk in the park fucking dumbasses.
It's basically friends to lovers to enemies to strangers to enemies to scorned semi-amnesiac exes to lovers again if that helps ^-^. We in the divorce arc now but no one knows lmao, not even the two fuckers in question themselves.
I genuinely don't understand why people are so fixated on hating ships that are 'toxic'. Sure happy good queer ship representation is important. But like, to be brutally honest, I prefer angst and complex, complicated dynamics. Just let us have both, no need to insist that everyone be the pinnacle of morality. That's boring lol. Sure h*artstopper is amazing, but also fucking love h*nnibal too. Imo these the same bitches that want to censor ao3. Let the gays have their toxic shit too, not everyone wants straight fluff.
Also. Hsr is pretty dark when you think about it. At least, from the perspective of someone who only has general knowledge of g*nshin i*pact and just reads funeral man x foxy dude ao3 fics, I was not expecting the deaths of actual people. Like the xianzhou arc had probably the highest body count, with scenes of people literally taking their last breath and not just in the actual gaming part. It's gonna be a bit dark babes.
This goes for jingyuan too. Like i saw someone comment that they're upset he was sorta manipulative during the dragon arc thing. And um sure, but also bros an old ass general who also looks into the future with the divine something. But main point. GENERAL. Sorta his job babes. Mans not going to be some 1D soft uwuu boy. But he's also impartial where he can and perhaps shouldn't be. Tbh hoyo fans should be happy at how complex these characters are.
Sidenote. I find that I cannot stand watching people play games anymore. Like wdym you're talking over the damn cut scene that's significant and/or looking away. Bruh, this isn't a pure battle game, it's heavy on the story so where the fuck is your goddamn attention. Talking bs like oh idk what's going on but they don't read the dialogue, check out the databank/bookshelf, watch the short videos hoyo puts out, or even, just even FUCKING EXPLORE. Some ass I watched just walked straight past vital info, running their goddamn mouth and was then like, broo I'm so confused what's going on?!? Genuinely, if not for the story, then why are you playing? The combat is fun, sure, but it's not like the most riveting thing ever, so why do people not pay attention????
I feel faint oof.
I don't even care if renheng isn't canon and we're all fucking delusional. I'm just annoyed for a varied number of reasons that are triggered everytime I open the devil app that is tiktok...also I feel sorta sad for spoiling 1.3 for myself but also half of it was already spoiled because of tumblr+tiktok having spoilers like the fucking devil himself and also also i feel better/insane that i know like 75% of what's going on.
(Do i need to censor the other names/fandoms? No idea, but might as well ig)
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
It's the underdog/victim complex. They think they're being oppressed/harassed/attacked by everyone else for liking their fave when no one really cares. Plus purity culture sorta screwed the fandom perceptions where now you apparently can't like a character or be a fan of them if they do bad/problematic things. This isn't just a FE thing either, there was an article that basically said that people can enjoy villains for being villains and requested everyone to not woobify or justify their actions. Guess what happened? People got salty over it and started attacking the article. And yeah it's not just a bunch of teenagers sadly, there are people in their 30s doing this kind of nonsense behavior and it's really sad and pathetic. And fwiw I'm not implying nor intending that people 30 or above can't be in fandoms or anything like that, it's just..you expect them to know or be better than to act like they're half their age with this nonsense.
Yeah, that's so wild to me when they do exactly that - attack others for their faves (especially Dimitri). Like yeah, I hate their fave but I don't go out of my way to attack them for liking her.
Purity culture really, REALLY pisses me off. Not only do people who like EdeIgard erase her wrongdoings, but they only like the version of her they created and not her canon self (i.e. the self that did wrong, but they can't handle the concept of that and their waifu has to be perfect and have her hands clean). Following that, they get aggressive toward Dimitri and his fans for liking him because uwu he did so many bad things. Like, yes, we are aware of that and he actively addresses that fact on a regular basis. He doesn't hide behind "uwu I did it for Fodlan", he doesn't make excuses, and his fans accept his faults for what they are. For some reason the stans seem to think we're just like them and that we erase any faults of our fave and pretend he's a perfect, clean handed individual.
I remember hearing or seeing once in this old Tumblr RP group that they banned Miklan from even being selected as a written character. Like bruh, if you're gonna write roleplays, don't you... want conflict? When I write I find it boring when there's no conflict whatsoever. Even in my dmcl writing, there's still a sort of internal conflict, like Dimitri having doubts about himself and thinking he's not worth being with someone he loves. No matter what I write, I prefer to have some sort of conflict because it helps to strengthen the positive result.
It's funny, too, because these are always the same people who like Hopes Claude more but yet don't think doing anything wrong is okay. They defend his actions instead like with their waifu because it's okay to invade a country and murder its people!
Reminds me of the stan that showed up in my inbox once trying to defend Claude, saying "what innocents did Claude even kill, he only killed soldiers" as if to say soldiers automatically lose all their innocence and rights as human beings for signing up to defend their country. That anon should probably stop and think about what they said and how that applies to real life, because they basically told me my sister deserves to die because she used to serve in the military. Oh no, how dare she be a soldier! She's no longer innocent and it's okay if she dies! Forget the fact that she has three children at home who are very young and need their mother! Forget that her parents and sisters are still alive and would grieve for her! She's a soldier, so it's fine if she dies!
That anon needs a real good look in the mirror and a smack in the face by reality. These people say a whole lot of shit to defend their fictional pixelated waifu without considering how that reflects on them in real life and the fact that what they say does have a reflection on their real life values. Anyone who tells me it would've been okay if my sister died simply because she was in the military is trash and I wish on them what they would wish on her.
I heard about that article! It's pathetic. There is literally nothing wrong with enjoying media and concepts. I have a section I decided to put at the end of this ask explaining how I feel about particular antagonists (Ashnard, Zelgius, Sephiran and Miklan), but since it's a biiiit off course here I wanted to avoid it splitting up my more direct reply to this ask.
Yeah, I know it's not only teenagers and that's also pathetic. While I wouldn't say I just forgive teenagers for being like that (they're old enough and there's no excuse imo, as I mentioned before), it's a lot more understandable that they might be like that and just eventually grow out of it. The fact there are people my age or older acting like angry babies who had their binky taken away is honestly so ridiculous that the term "pathetic" is not even strong enough to explain how ridiculous it is. They act like they're a little kid who had their favorite sticker stolen by some random kid in their class. These are people who should be looking for or having a job, being at least somewhat damn mature online and being a reasonable, mature person.
I was hoping "karens" would die out with the older generations (let's face it, a good chunk of today's karens are bored, angry old/older people with nothing to do and are just miserable people), but evidently we're never getting rid of that lot! It's okay to invade a country and murder its people, just like it's okay to harass and bully people off of social media, didn't you know?! 🙄🙄🙄 Really, how did some of these people get like this? And no, I'm not asking for their uwu backstories to redeem them LOL.
Some of these people are so insufferable that it's disgusting.
Regarding the villain discussion:
It's like I always say and you're about to hear it again: I love Ashnard as a villain because he's a villain, and he's a villain who fully embraces his actions and behavior. He doesn't think he's morally just. He's fighting for the world he believes in. He believes the strong should be on top and should rule the weak. However, he's extremely fair about that viewpoint and if he's defeated by someone because they were stronger than him, that is fair to him and he accepts his defeat. Since he believes the strong should be on top, he believes he should be on top... until someone comes along who can slay him, in which he believes they do deserve to be on top. If he's bested, he no longer deserves to be on top. He's a fantastic villain who never makes excuses and doesn't go back on what he says he believes. There's no "the strong should be on top but only as long as I'm the strongest and will be ruling". Plain and simple, the strongest should be on top whether it's him or not, and he's not, I guess you could say, "fake" about it.
Then you have Hopes Miklan who turns out to be a better person than people gave him credit for. He's someone I always had headcanons about based on Dimitri's take on him being disowned. I felt that he could've been a better person if pointed in the right direction and being told and shown that he was capable as a person even without a crest and that having a crest doesn't dictate whether he's useful or not. Dimitri put him in charge of a massively important, and arguably the most important, area of defense in the entire country. He proved he believed that Miklan had the strength to handle that and proved that he believed if Miklan had a better life and situation in front of him that he wouldn't resort to banditry. The thing is, he was right. Miklan not only started becoming a better person, but he even gets a line where he basically says he liked helping the people in a place that got destroyed in the war. He liked helping them rebuild.
Both of those are fantastic stories and characters. One of them had a redemption arc while nobody ever let any bullshit slide. He wasn't allowed to slip up or get away with any tiny "mistakes". It was literally do or die, but being forced into that situation did genuinely make him a better person. Even if he had to be forced to help them, it's not like he didn't come out on the other side and be better for it. Being forced to do those things didn't mean it just stayed that way and that he was hateful and angry that entire time.
Then one of them is just... a villain. A perfectly written villain who lived and died as a villain. Nobody made excuses for him and he didn't make excuses for himself. There's a reason I don't like Zelgius, and it's not that I think his character itself is terribly written, but it's the forced redemption that he didn't earn that makes me not enjoy his final arc. In contrast, what does Sephiran get? No redemption allowed from Ike until he gets up and proves he's willing to redeem himself. Zelgius could've easily been a character made to earn his redemption, such as being a playable character and having supports to flesh out his new arc, or even just being a story only character who protects and saves the main characters (besides Just Micaiah tee em) and maybe even guides them safely to the Tower of Guidance (no pun intended). Instead he just gets to say he admired his teacher and had a sad backstory so suddenly... nobody is mad anymore. Certainly not Tibarn, who had like 50+ percent of his nation wiped out, that being any able bodied man who could fight besides the ones who were lucky enough to be with Tibarn's fighting force at the time all that happened. 🙄
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short-horse · 11 months
I watched Wolf(2021) and it was FUCKING BORING! Like holy shit it took me three different sittings to get through and the last I though I had more than 2 minutes left but the remainder of the timer on the progress bar is all credits. The main character, Jacob, is a wolf who constantly has no shirt on like did they write this during the Twilight craze and it only got green-lit years later? Spoilers below, this movie has an R rating so read at your own risk it has lots of triggering stuff in it like abuse, there's nudity, ect...
It just… ends. There's like no real conclusion either satisfying, bittersweet, or downer ending. :[ Jacob just… escapes with the help of the cat girl. And the evil institution where all the animal kids are being held is just left there? Like the production ran out of money and they had to literally stop filming right at the big escape scene. The abusive guy who runs the place never even gets into a fight with our main wolf character even though he's supposed to be "vicious" at this point in the film. Jacob pounced on and growled at a staff member once. Which ALSO is a stupid as fuck scene. Jacob didn't even bite him, slap him, claw at him, or anything. Just growled. And he did this because the youngest of the animal kids, a little duck boy who was like?? maybe 10, was being pushed around by said staff member. Either decide if our "hero" is going to "attack" staff and defend a kid or if he want's to eat the other animal people. Because both happened in that scene. Jacob attacks the staff member and THEN stares at the duck kid like he's lunch? Pick a tone. On the subject of tone this whole film reeks "I wanted to write a kinky film but I only heard of petplay once online and never researched it." vibes. But they couldn't get their sexy film funded so they had to write a half-assed story so a studio would pick it up. -_- But lets talk about the side characters. The other animal kids are kinda great. Rufus was pretty good. Macaw girl whose name I don't remember? Her only shtick is mimicking what the staff members say to her but it's so bitchy and I like it. The "zookeeper" villain's actor does make you hate him with his performance so yay? Also, whoever is doing the whinnying for horse girl is pretty great at it. xD If it's the actress I hope they hired her because she can whinny as well as act. If Jacob was just supposed to be a reactive blank slate and we're supposed to learn about the others through him that would have been better but we don't spend a lot of time getting to know them. The sad thing is there are elements in this movie that seem okay and may have been great if someone took the time to expand on it. They were going somewhere with the secondary character, the cat girI's back story and then the film ends. We learn zip about her. It started off okay and then just had this downward spiral into MEH. I really didn't care about what happened to Jacob because he wasn't a character, he was barely a trope. DX And just exactly how old is the character supposed to be? They sorta treat him like he's a teen but his actor is really not convincing even as a someone in their early20's. *checks actor's age* and it's because he's thirty. My friend made a joke about the 30-year-old actors playing kids when I showed her the trailer but I didn't expect her to be right. There's also this scene early on in the film where Jacob sneaks out of his room at night and starts wandering around the place. He winds up in the kitchen with Cat Girl. At some point they have to hide because of the noise they are making and they choose to hunker down behind this stainless steel counter with part of the kitchen visible. Someone photoshop a Jurassic Park raptor in a screenshot because that's all I could think of. Overall if you've got time to kill I guess this movie would be fun to watch as something to make fun of in a group but watching it by myself was not something I want to do again.
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yanderetrash · 2 years
I swear ill shut up about it but
It may be that im just white knighting for Kim. I completely understand and acknowledge the possibility because otherwise it would be hypocritical
But. I feel like that one post is simply unfair, purely based on information we get in canon. Now, two things. Game is mostly what *you* make of it and one single playthru may not give you sufficient information which means you will substitute stuff based on your own personal bias
First off, based on my absolutely limited and flawed understanding of the world and with the caveat that at my best i can only half pay attention, revachol is an occupied state. Previously it was a monarchy and briefly a communist state but now its basically no national government or any other state branches but rather controlled by the coalition. In text this occupation is seen as "temporary" but also as, most likely if the status quo is not (heavily) hinted to change absolutely permanent. There are foreign military forces stationed in their airspace ready to strike at any moment should they try their whole independence thing again.
So yes ok this is a state under military occupation.
The RCM answers to the coalition such as it is because unfortunately that's the boss of this country now, they have been defeated and conquered. But like, RCM literally is the "citizen's militia" (in the name), and as Kim explains it its been set in place by the citizens (yknow) to take care (hey, let's say police) their own people. The coalition is not happy with this because the RCM is a house brand, not part of their structures. Shivers tells you that there is no need for the RCM in the rich parts of (the city? Its a city state, right?) so really they are only there to help the poor. Wouldn't the rich have better protection, coalition appointed? Bro i dont know either
The RCM does pretty much anything from cleaning up the streets of garbage to performing field autopsies, and it's underfunded and understaffed, with adherence to their ranks being voluntary. Sorta like the union appointed guys only tolerated by the occupational forces
Would also like to say that maybe as an american these very strong feelings don't translate as well but im east european so brother i feel so so so much. I understand their hope and hopelessness and probably have a more mellow, affectionate view of the whole situation. Of course that's part of my personal bias the window thru which i see the whole thing but i cant help but feel im closer to the shape because of it
Now the disaster of a main character youre playing as. I have to say first and foremost that this avengers good guys vs bad guys black and white mentality is sooooo boring and seriously detrimental to everything from worldview to personal growth. Blame whatever you want to blame for it (twitter, pop media, capitalism, idk). People don't necessarily have to fit into one of these two neat boxes labeled good guy and bad guy because by god people don't. Its not a storyteller's fault that their characters are not one or the other, bro thats good writing actually.
Hes a mentally unstable drunk who carries a heavy sadness and a strong air of failure and defeat. He's an overly sensitive little man who can barely face life one day after the other medicating this sadness with alcohol and drugs in a spiral of self destruction. And he really can't let go. The case, the love of his life. It's eating him away from the inside. Like, sometimes mental illness is not cute and its not pretty.
Bit sad that if you wouldn't wanna fuck a guy or whatever then hes tossed into the bad character pile. Wonder if he was good looking how much of this shit would have been overlooked, something to think abt.
So yea, he beat the shit out of that one guy. And he wasn't fired for it. Consider this however, the issue was ongoing for years, no one could find any solution, this wreck of a man was also drunk out of his mind, the only reason he wasn't reprimanded is because tallying things up his outburst solved the case and people (not the cops i mean the people complaining abt the drunks) were happy with the result.
But two things: i dont think that him being a cop made a difference here, harry would have done the same thing had he not been a cop but in the same mental state
And two, Kim would have never ever done this. I mean, no one else did all these years. It wasn't a strategy, it was a drunk's outburst
And three, harry felt very guilty afterwards (i know this doesnt excuse anything but does say something about him, no?), so much so he drunk himself into a mini mind wiping stupor. "Those two cases weighed heavily on you"
Lets be serious here, we've all met this person. Or could imagine this person. It makes me incredibly sad. Imagine to have to wake up being that person every day, i couldnt do it
Now onto the other guy. Completely agreed that Kim would walk around with any tolerate harrys whims if he wasnt a cop. I mean, why would he? I dont think they would even interact at all. The game wouldn't have happened. Null point.
His apprehension to interact with children is completely explained in game, and its not because hes an asshole but i think it would be better to just play the game and find out.
Besides, its not just harry hes patient and understanding with, its everyone. He plays second fiddle to your whims because you would play as Kim if that wasnt the case, but he never appears as anything but compassionate and understanding. He offers a prayer to the dead man. He treats the murderer with compassion. He agrees that letting Ruby go was the right choice and is heavily impacted by the loss of life after the tribunal. Maybe the choices made in game may affect the way he reacts (and honestly ive only done two playthrus so i dont know if hes secretly a bitch if you become fascist or something)
Sure hes a tiny little guy sometimes too rational for his own good, a cynic and a skeptic. Bit of a killjoy. But he's not an irredeemable asshole, and he's not a flawless saint either. He's a funny little weirdo and of course you want to please him since he's likeable and has an opinion on what you do (then again when games give me a little guy with opinions i always want to please them so maybe im not the best person to answer this one)
I think its very easy for strong feelings to swing from one side to the other (from love to hate) but i still don't believe this game is in any shape or form an allegory for modern day america or a commentary on the police institution in the US. Maybe its a bit of cultural dissonance at play. I dont know the remedy sad as it is because im not affected by it
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tojikai · 2 years
And here we go again....Gojo really taking the Yandere thing a little too serious? He's like a kid that's bored with a toy so he gives it away then gets pissed when he sees another kid playing with it. That's the only reason he wants y/n. I mean he was perfectly fine fucking Rie for the past two months and cheating and all that shit, but seeing Sugaru touching y/n makes him lose his shit. Jesus fucking Christ. Honestly, I don't feel one ounce of pity or sadness for Rie. Why is she always crying? Stop fucking crying! Fuck off, Rie, but don't come at our girl, y/n, when you had a hand in all this too. (Also, please please please don't break Sugaru's heart, he's too precious for this world)
My emotions are all over the fucking place right now. What the fucking fuck, Gohoe?! Did you honestly think sex would fix anything? And quite honestly, I'm disgusted with him because he basically forced y/n into bed, knowing it was a last resort for him to work his way into her heart and life (like a goddamned tapeworm that furby looking asshole is). I don't believe for one Goddamned second that he broke up with Rie. I won't apologize for feeling that way, but I don't believe him. Why didn't you feel that way about y/n before you cheated? Why did you cheat? Why did you fuck Rie for over two months before you finally decided that you wanted y/n back? You don't want her back but you don't want anyone else to have her. That's not love, that's abuse. Plain and fucking simple. And Y/n deserves so much better than you.
Also, y/n (who is me, she is we, I know) I'm sorta proud of you girl! You stood your ground and at first, didn't let emotions dictate you but don't fall into bed with a man who broke you!!! Come on!! (I was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you!!!) If you want dick, I bet Sugaru's is better, I'm just saying. But I am proud that she didn't take him back and rejected all his half assed ways of apologizing. Dude needs to buy the Hope diamond, solve world hunger, and cure all diseases before we even think of getting back together with him!
Another bravo to you, you amazing, immensely talented author. This series is better than anything I've read or watched and I know I'm not the only one who thinks this! Take a well deserved, much needed break, and seriously, can I buy you a coffee?!
I'm terrified but excited to read the next one...I'm excitified?!
Also...my reaction to the sex scene:
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idk why but comparing gojo to a furby always make me laugh 😂 suguru and shoko are the only sane people atp SSKDJKSDS jk they just handle things really well. but i definitely see your point regarding how satoru dont want yn back but just dont want anyone else to have her, that'd be truly sad if that was really the reason :(( and LMAOO cure all diseases took me out 😭 anywayyy thank you so much for that !! im grateful for the support <33 please take care and have a great day/night!!
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I love Arkham Nightwing so much.
The Gotham Knights account on Twitter has released a cinematic clip between Dick and Barbara recently, and the dialogue is so cringey and bad, with the same dynamic of exes that still flirt with each other crap that is so overused for this characters at this point, even when they are mourning Bruce. I can't stand it.
Don't know for sure if they're going to push that ship at the end of the game, but at this point that thing is infecting everything Nightwing related, so why wouldn't they. That scene was not subtle.
I don't know, the more I see about this game, the most I miss the Arkhamverse. Besides of the criticism regarding the graphics and gameplay when comparing GK to Arkham Knight, to this day I consider Arkham Nightwing to be the superior Nightwing ever adapted, period. He was just Dick Grayson! No ship wars bullshit!
I know many people have problems with TimBabs being a thing in that universe, but it allowed us to have just Nightwing being himself without the DickBabs ship. I can rewatch the Penguin mission in-game and the GCPD Nightwing DLC a hundred times and not get bored. It's so fun.
I simp for Arkham Nightwing. In fact I'm one of those people who wanted a sequel for Arkham Knight starring the Batfam, instead of some other AU when the DickBabs shit is canon again agh. Will we ever get an adaptation like that again? With Nightwing being single? :(
Yeah, I saw the video and once again we have Babs talking down to Dick knowing that he is in a rough place. Like the dumbass comment was not necessary. Neither was that dig about him crying over their breakup. I feel like her dialogue wasn't necessary, nor was it helpful to Dick's cause. This interaction not only felt forced but also ungenuine and caring. In a way, they acted more like siblings than they did two people who previously dated. The Fanon concepts also were pretty bad, like when will the idea that Dick loves cereal die? I don't think they are gonna push Dick Babs; I think they just wanted points from fans of the couple and to synergize with the comics. I think they think Dick Babs is bigger than it actually is. The creators said the point of the game was to have the Batfamily together as a unit again. In the end, they all come together as a family. Plus, just because Dick Babs was together in the past, doesn't mean they will be in the future. We don't know why they broke up? The game could also hint at Jason Babs, too. Or give Babs and Dick a love interest who isn't seen in the game. It's too soon to tell, but from that clip I didn't get a vibe that they even wanted to be together romantically. It actually felt like they sorta disliked each other. For all we know, Babs could end up with Jason too or something. Tim Babs didn't bother me about the Arkham Games. I agree that it gave us Nightwing solo, and that was super fun. Dick Babs also dated in the past in that unvierse (hence the cradle robber comment lmao Dick did NOT like Babs in Arkham Games). I LOVE the way Dick is characterized in the games. He was charming, flirty, quippy, serious, and brooding. I hated how badly he lost to Harley and the fact that he wasn't a competent, but he was enjoyable for the most part and we can definitely fix that competence issue. I simp for Arkham Nightwing too. Dick is just better as a character when he is single and not tied down to anyone or anyplace. With the way things are at WB currently, I don't think we will be getting any new Nightwing content period. Ill be surprised if WB ever gave him the push he deserves. I think the only way it'll happen is if you get a big enough name to push him the same way Marv Wolfman did in the 80s or the way that The Rock is inflating Black Adam. Otherwise, he will most likely stay a Batfam jobber.
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jforde3232 · 2 years
So...Sony is pretty shit at building a cinematic universe and fans have been trying to help them by giving them idea after idea but Sony just doesn't seem to want to listen and the got me to look at concepts made by fans for movies like spiderman 2099 and spidergwen and while those are great ideas I came up with my own and it's a scarlet spider movie with kaine as the lead it would be nice but hard to sell seeing as all the history behind the character but it could be something they reveal at either at the beginning of the movie sorta like how they did it for into the spiderverse or show it through flash backs or if they really want to try building a connected universe (wich I hope they don't because they rush everything but they still haven't learned anything)they could introduce him in the new madam web movie that's coming out or they could have him be the second villain for tasm3 with the first being the jackal but that doesn't seem like it would work seeing how they have gone through the work to show tasm peter is clearly grown up and is way past high school and is more of an adult not saying that you being in college doesn't make you an adult but what I mean is he feel like he is way past the college Era in his life and sure they could have the movie take place in the past but if your going to make tasm3 it should take place after nwh because that's the time period the audience cares about or most of the audience but as I said I hope they don't try to connect it all and they just have it be a stand alone movie as for inspiration they can just use the 2013 run and for the villain I think it should be the jackal but it could also work if it was kraven or it could be both with jackal coming up with the plan to psychologically hurt Kaine and leave him weakened and have kraven there just to fight Kaine but this is how I think it would go.
I think it should be jackal as the main villain with him hiring kraven to bring Kaine to him because he wants to use Kaine's DNA to recreate the mutation that gave Kaine 2x the strength of spiderman and kraven accepts because he got bored hunting animals and feels like Kaine will brove to be a worthy challenge or rival and so jackal starts making weapons and traps that kraven can use and while this is going on you have Kaine slowly figuring out how to be a superhero because the problem isn't that he can't use his powers it's about how he uses it compared to spiderman and the town wants him either arrested or dead but overtime he goes from brutally beating people to death to just breaking peoples bones and by the middle of the movie the people love him and he enjoys being the Scarlet spider but he gets taken by kraven after kraven figures out Kaine's "secret identity" and just as the jackal is about to get what he wants he stabed by kraven who wants to prove how much better he is than Kaine by killing him with his bare hands this leads to a fight between the two while the jackal who is still alive is making the clones but they over mutate and become these beastspider hybrid that join in the fight and start attacking both kraven and Kaine who both stop there fight to fight the beastspiders,Kaine tries to team up with kraven refuses saying that "it doesn't matter how many of the damn things there maybe he will kill them all and then Kaine"but as the fight goes on its clear both are losing badly and Kaine eventually gets overwhelmed and dies with the beastspidets now turning there full attention to kraven. We get the scene from the 2013 comic where Kaine and the other join together,with the other Kaine transformers into a even bigger spider hybrid and easily kills the beastspiders before reverting back to his human form and fighting kraven with kraven pulling out everything he has to fight Kaine but Kaine outclassed and ending kraven by punching him in the heart so hart it stops beating killing kraven but just as Kaine is about go after the jackal the jackal activities a self destruction process and his hideout is about to explode and it does with kaine escaping just in the nick of time and the movie ends with kain and his sorta family safe and with kaine In bracing the mantel of Scarlet spider and being a hero.
(I'm sooo sorry I made it this long and sorry it's not all that detailed I kinda thought of this off the top of my head 😅 but I'm going to to do a part 2 that's going to go over who I think should play the hero,the villain,and the supporting roles and the end credit scene because I have so many ideas but most importantly if there is anything that I should improve on in my idea then please let me know I like my idea but think it could be better and i want others who know and love the character to give me constructive criticism thanks and bye.)
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literally just remembered i have an oc who would probably fit well-ish into the cod universe, as well as just. in the real world in general, cuz hes basically a background/filler character for when i just need. A Guy whos a jack of all trades. whenever something happened, he was there. "i know a guy" sorta guy, yk?
his name's sylvester and i dont even have a design for him besides beach blonde hair thats at *least* shoulder length, as well as short and lanky body. originally thinking of him as being in his mid 20s but like. no. so im bumping it up to lets say.. 42. ish.
originally he was actually a security guard type of guy, who then turned into a comms/IT specialist guy, but i see him being a radio host sometime further down the line in time.
now that im actually thinking about him, im enjoying the idea of him like actually being hired by the military because hes desperate and job-hunting was going awfully.
massive hermit though, i dont think he would care that hes on a literal military base surrounded by a buncha buff (and hot) people. bro's lowkey bi but hasnt dated since like highschool
hes there for a job, and then hes out. whats overtime? doesnt exist. something breaks at 5.02pm? tough luck. hes already in his car on the way home. adios suckers
and because of that i can see him appearing *very* standoffish and quite frankly like a massive dick and the type of guy whos there to do his job, not make friends
i do imagine him going around base like once a month and playing fix-it-felix with how often shit gets damaged. a lifesaver for those who wanna just crash in the "common area" and watch a random game, but couldnt cuz the cables were damaged.
i do think hes also the sorta guy that, when you finally befriend him and get past that "oh my god dont talk to me im busy" attitude, hed do literally anything for you. acts of service KING. type of guy to ask "hey im at the store, you need anything" and actually go trough with it. climbing in trough your window with a sopping wet carton of milk (it got punctured and half of it spilled on the way up. hes still delivering it though)
idiot loser white guy. hes got those pathetic little meow meow eyes. like nothing has happened to him, he just looks like that. i want to give him nerd glasses and hear him say "ermh, akhtsualleigh (<- actually)"
i think its funny how im plopping him in the cod universe where the most interaction hes probably had with the cod boys are when like. someones doing work and their computer bluescreens. thats it. absolutely no overlap. the venn diagram circles are 7 kilometers away from each other, actually.
idk hes like. a very boring guy and i love my stupidly everyday little guys. hes literally just some guy and thats all he needs to be
~ rusty
Stone, the king of overworking himself, @ Sylvester: What do you mean you don't do overtime?
Sylvester, probably: Overtime's for bitches.
Anyways, I think besides the overtime shit, Stone and Sylvester would get along. Because they're both reclusive.
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