#like terminator😂
maybetomoko · 7 months
A thoughtful Sukuna
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“little” bonus:
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slutforpringles · 27 days
via F1
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I somehow tamed a Wesker, he was playing normally but after that moment in the shack he turned friendly lol
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self-care is reading low-star goodreads reviews of a book you're beefing with
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verfound · 2 years
What do you think of Adrien redemption fics, and would you ever write one?
I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you're not asking this to stir up trouble, but I will admit I am deeply cynical and untrusting and knowing Quick just got this same question on anon has me suspicious. (She also answered it wonderfully, by the way, and I agree with her 100%.)
That being said, I do not like Adrien. I do not like what the show has done with him, he has So Many Red Flags I find lowkey triggering, and while I don't necessarily think that he's beyond redemption I don't see him having the agency for redemption (because of his character and the show's writing/agency in general - what is motivating him to change/grow if he doesn't see a problem with his behavior?), so what's the point? Ultimately, though, I do not like Adrien and therefore don't want to invest the time in writing him.
It has nothing to do with redeeming the character (which isn't my job, the character should speak for itself, Adrien shouldn't need the fanbase to redeem him do you see the problem there) and everything to do with me, personally, and the types of stories I like to tell. I'd rather finish up some of my House Band WIPs than write a fic where Adrien sits through a sexual harassment seminar and learns no means no and that's ok. 🙄 Mellie giving Luka headaches is more fun for me than "redeeming" Adrien.
I'm also a big believer in cultivating your own online experience, so if I don't like something, I'm not going to intentionally seek it out. Life is crazy and distressing enough without intentionally seeking out things that will piss me off. I'm in fandom to have a good time, and in my experience mentioning Adrien (especially when you have admitted to not liking him) is like poking a beehive with a stick (note: I am deathly allergic to bees). I don't follow blogs that stan him and I block his tags. I don't actively seek out Adrien fans to stir up trouble (why do that, what's the point, why). Adrien is rarely if ever a major focus of my fics, and yet attacks from his fans are the main reason I stopped posting on FF.net. I'm not saying all Adrien fans are bad, but the ones that seem to be the most vocal are also the most...aggressive, we'll say. Mean. And I have better things to do than pander to strangers on the internet who never learned basic fandom etiquette, you know?
Anyway. Sorry. 😂
TL;DR: Adrien's not my cup of tea, so no.
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singsweetmelodies · 2 years
there are some thing in this list that are not even funny asking bc I think we all just agree, there’s not even arguments haha so I’ll have your thoughts on 29, 38 and 58 🙃🙃
hiiii friend :DD thank you so much for this ask 💕 and yessss, i completely agree, actually. even just when i was doing a quick read-through of the list before reblogging it this morning, i was like, "oohhh, some of these are just so easy and so perfect for piarles 🫶" so let's get right into them!
29. Who is more likely to jump in an elevator? Who freaks out?
LMAOOOO, oh, i love that question. and i do feel like there's a very obvious answer - charles, clearly. i mean, this is the guy who fully once ran away from a tiny, tiny monkey 😭 but then again... pierre can be such a dumbass babygirl too. i feel like he'd be the one who pretends to have it totally together, "no i'm not scared at all," but in reality, the opposite is true. so put these idiots in a lift together, and they'd BOTH just be completely freaking out - charles probably more externally, and pierre internally. (i also like this idea, because it kiiind of lines up with the canon we know that neither of them are actually entirely comfortable/happy with flying, despite doing it very often for their jobs. let's assume lifts are the same story.) anyways pierre would probably suggest snogging as a distraction. this would, as you can imagine, probably be very effective. 🤭
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla?
*giggling behind hand* well, well, well. what a question. charles is blushing, i'm sure.
in my headcanon, charles is the slightly more experimental one between the two of them. he strikes me as the sort who would learn about a new thing and want to try it, at least once. (and as long as it's within reason/SSC etc etc.) with that said, though -- i do think they very much bring out the worst (or best, depending how you look at it) in each other. it's that whole thing about the complete trust in each other and feeling of safety when they're with each other. since that trust is there, i feel like they'd both be willing to a) communicate very frankly about what they're interested in and b) try things out together. it'd probably be an awkward conversation the first few times, but eventually it would become a lot more like "i think this would be hot, do you want to--" "YEAH." xD
as for the "who's more vanilla" part of the question... well. i cannot in full honesty answer with either of them, because to me, they're both kinky little fucks. i mean, come on. look at me with a straight face and tell me that pierre likes it more vanilla than charles. please. this is the man who pUbLicLy said his favourite sex position is doggy style. (oh, and what an insane day that was.) ANYWAY. you can't convince me that charles is entirely vanilla either, because oh my god... the way he holds his own hands above his head sometimes (see: his winter training vlog)... he is just begging to be held down. truly.
(so yeah, my answer is: they're BOTH kinky freaks. and, as ever, i love them for it and think they're very sexy for it, actually 😌)
58. Who’s more likely to hold a grudge after an argument?
welllll... there's only one real answer to this one, isn't there? 🤭 pierre, my beloved little bitch. of course it's him. my proof? ESTEBAN. (yes, yes, they have the "french connection" now - suspiciously fruity, that, but anyway - never forget the infamous cannes photo cropping incident. ahhh, the bitchiness. spectacular.) the point is, i think it's pretty clear that pierre can most definitely hold a grudge for a very, very long time, and be petty as all fuck about it. HOWEVER. i do think charles is, as in many other ways, an exception for him. my proof for this? styria 2021. oh, man. i could talk about styria 2021 for such a long time, but the most important part is: charles crashed into pierre. pierre was, understandably, angry. pierre could have held a grudge and let their friendship fall apart because of it (à la pierresteban) but he didn't. he listened to charles, and forgave him afterwards. there are probably not a lot of people he would've done that for, but he did it for charles, and and and --
i'm getting completely distracted, but. STYRIA 2021. god. to try and focus again, though: yes, i do believe that pierre would be the more likely to hold a grudge after an argument. again, though, he would probably forgive charles pretty quickly as soon as charles apologised. also? i don't think arguing is something they do, very often - or, at least, not seriously. playfully, sure. but actual, antagonistic arguments, or full-blown fights? pierre and charles have both said in interviews that they almost never fight, so. cheers to that! 🥂
(obligatory otp asks)
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belle-keys · 1 year
i really have no idea why shiv roy is unironically stanned this hard. what do you mean she "deserved better" like what? are you not embarrassed to believe that ON MAIN???
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
Some fans: Oh Majima canonically had sex with someone other than *insert either Makoto or Kiryu depending on the person's preferred ship*? better hate Mirei for existing!
It's kinda ridiculous.
Honestly I don't have beef if people don't like her because sometimes you just simply don't like a character and that's fine, I'm not here to tell anyone who they should or shouldn't like but yeah we are playing a game about gang members who do immoral shit pretty frequently... let me enjoy a character who was a bit morally grey and a woman... Also you hit the nail on the head tbh, I think if she had been someone else's ex she wouldn't be nearly as divisive but because she was Majima's ex, well... 😬
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lazzarella · 2 months
I’m starting to wonder if I have a warped perception of what is generally seen as a masculine man because people will be like ‘this dude isn’t very traditionally masculine’ and I’m like ‘????? In what way???? Because he’s not a walking Tom of Finland drawing??!!!!’ And I’m genuinely curious if it’s me who is just out of touch with what ~society perceives to be a masculine man or if it’s the other people who are being weird about it all and none of it really matters because it’s all bullshit but it’s still baffling
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simonxriley · 4 months
going back into regular quickplay has made me a lost individual 😂 i forgot how the og mw2 maps played out 😅
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viulus · 1 year
So I haven't been updating anyone on my BotW progress, not really, but I felt like doing that right now.
Last night I finally made my way up to my first Devine Beast (Vah Medoh), and with that I also got to see the first flashback with Revali, and... I think he deserved to die in the Calamity, actually
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askshivanulegacy · 2 years
Omg, Ad Astra is the worst movie I've seen in FOREVER ahahahaha wtf. This is an MST3K winner. Tried waaay too hard. Good grief it was terrible. The utter pointlessness of almost every scene. You all should watch it. 😂😂😂
#they asked the question 'how can we get rid of the pilot' and they really answered:#'face eating baboons in space'#😂😂😂😂👍👍👍#lolok#the only justification for face eating space baboons was to replace the pilot#wild#what did they do with the rest of the research station????#no body knows#then they really asked 'how do we get a guy inside a rocket about to lift off in 5'#and they really honest to God answered:#'through the trap door in the GD ENGINE COMPARTMENT OFC'#because that won't fry anybody or like rip all the air out or anything#because one dude and his scrawny arms can totally definitely still hang on AND open a door while the rocket reaches terminal without gettin#even a LITTLE crispy#dude whose heartrate nEVeR goes above 80 lolok#'i am not a threat to your mission' says the guy breaking into a f*ing rocket surprised that people are shooting at him#'golly gee how did i accidentally murder THE ENTIRE CREW'#'i still promise to complete the mission tho in ur honor'#dude the mission had literal NET ZERO GAIN FROM YOUR PRESENCE in fact the gain is at least NEGATIVE 3 LIVES#but ok#now we're stuck listening to your boring ass monologuing for the rest of the movie#also apparently you can just LEAN THROUGH SPACE and just go where you want#catapult yourself through SPACE ROCKS TRAVELING AT HUNDREDS OF MILES PER HOUR and NOT GET JAMMED AT FIRST CONTACT#let ALONE hang onto your flimsy metal shield#yes we'll just eyeball that THOUSAND MILE GAP I GUESS#like i do hanging pictures on the wall guess that qualifies me for spaceflight 8)#also why is this dude's father still flying in space in his 70s HE DOESN'T LOOK WELL#what an incredibly drab show#commentary#movies
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paymechildsupport · 6 months
Milked for Every Last Drop ~ // 🥛🐄
Francis Mosses x M!Reader // 😋🙏
Holy smokes the THINGS I WANNA DO to THIS MAN--
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(That glass is NOT stopping me 😂🙏🥛🤤) 
  ‘Thinkin’ about how this man’s the biggest fucking cum slut in the whole mf complex. He’s the milkman, but most people don’t know Francis doesn’t mind being milked himself. 
After a long day of dropping off cartons of milk he’ll drag himself to your office at the lobby. As a doorman, you often don’t get home until very late at night— if you ever even make it home. Resigned, Francis has to come to you if he wants his thirst satiated. 
      He’s such a goddamn slut, whoring himself out, whimpering and fucking SQUELING as you pump his swole cock for every last drop. He whines an ungodly amount. All it takes is your strong hand wrapped around his pretty dick for Francis to be reduced to a simpering, sobbing mess. A huge crybaby too. 
Like puddy in your hands, he’d make such a mess,— you’d need to lay towels down everywhere. 
In your office, shutters down after a long winded day at work,— fingers expertly rubbing up and down your husband’s twitching cock, cum flowing as you physically have to hold him up lest he fall off the couch,— which has happened in the past,— the pathetic mutt shaking so much has done the small, old couch in your office in. 
One time you were going down, sucking sloppily at his hard-on on the office couch when all of a sudden it broke— fucking gave out like Francis’ weak legs. While you were rather amused your husband was quite mortified, intent on controlling his spasming body. 
You disliked how tense his body became during intimacy,- so much so you made sure the next time you fucked his brains out and pounded his pretty ass into the bed you made him come so hard he tore his vocal cords and felt tremors ripple throughout his entire body for the rest of the week. He never tried to deny you of his pleasurable reactions again. 
[Additional HC’s <3] 
He’d give you sloppy toppy under your desk while you work (just pray you can focus enough to not terminate the wrong person 😞) 
Loves it when you swallow his cum and kiss him immediately afterwards; like pouncing and sloppily slamming your lips to his, swirling your tongue all around, watching him come undone at the taste of himself on his tongue🙏😋
He’s lactose intolerant 
Certain men can struggle getting aroused, especially if they have a medical condition, are on certain meds, or have depression / anxiety. 1950’s and mental health being nonexistent poor darling can’t properly talk to a professional about his inner turmoils, and sometimes he struggles getting erect. No matter how much you both try, he just physically can’t. Really self conscious of it too, he feels utterly pathetic (and not in that good way). You reassure him you don’t mind, and you love him for him, as your charmingly sleep deprived milkman <3 
           *A/N: Dunno what it is but there’s something so attractive in pleasuring a man who can’t get erect— I read a Geto fanfiction on here about it and it awoke something deep within me. Really need to find that one again, it’s a gorgeous piece. 
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quariian · 2 years
I love watching movies with my mom cuz I'll pick one and then 10mins in she'll start falling asleep and then when its at the end she always goes "that was a really good movie wasn't it?". It literally kills me every time 😂.
Anyways, Lou was a good movie. Would recommend for like a movie night or somethin.
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thebibliosphere · 7 months
I think I’ve been playing too much Garden Life/reading too many Nightwing comics.
The two merged last night into an absolutely surreal dream where I’d been kidnapped by Deathstroke the Terminator to work in a flower shop as some nefarious plan to lure Nightwing into rescuing me. All the while he’s monologuing about how there’s no escaping so don’t even try.
And I remember looking at the beautiful garden outside the window and the rose cuttings scattered across the workbench in front of me like and being like, “Oh deary me, what a conundrum. How will I ever survive this hellscape? Hey, Mister The Terminator, sir? Do you want me to make these roses into a bouquet for the twink you’re trying too hard to get the attention of, or nah?”
(I did not get a response. I made them into a bouquet anyway.)
And then at some point Nightwing showed up while I was planting black and orange roses in the garden (subtle), and he was all like, “I’m here to rescue you!” and I once again looked around my surroundings, looked down at the cat sleeping in the pouch of my garden apron, and replied, “No thanks. I’m good...”
Assigned NPC/hostage in the Sladick Flower Shop Au by my own brain. Fucksake 😂
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hrllo miss raven. in the topic of the new set (Jamil looks adorable btw), I'm just. DYING TO SEE LEONA AUUGHHHH JULY 2025 COMR HERE ALREADY
in one of the mangas (I don't remember which one) we see him sleeping SHIRTLESS........ I can't help but wonder if they'll be going with that or if they'll just force some pijamas on him but either way I know I will just. Die instantly. looking forward to seeing everyone else too!
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[Referencing this post!]
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I've been watching the nuclear fallout of the Jamil Relaxing in Room drop on my Jamil stan friends from the safety of my bunker... 🤡 Hair undone AND lookin' at you like that... Shit's wild out there. Jamil stans are truly going through it, they are in the TRENCHES Fans of other characters are going pretty crazy too, I've noticed. I think it's because Jamil came out serving so strong, it started to make everyone else nervous for what their own faves would look like when it's their turns to suffer. I can see, for example, that the terminal L*ona brain rot got to you too, Anon... Long time til July, so you can mentally prepare yourself for it.
YEAh SO I WASnmY THE ONLY ONE WhO THOUGHT QbOUT THAT 😭 In the Episode of Octavinelle manga, Leona is depicted as sleeping shirtless and with loose pants… LIKE SO:
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S-Surely they’re not going to go with THAT for his Relaxing in Room Wear card, right??? I’d imagine the dev team would want to standardize the pajamas for everyone, with just some minor changes between them. This was the case for previous birthday cards, so they’ll probably do the same here.
… It’s okay, I’m sure the pose and expression will do the same amount of psychic damage to us all anyway. For example, groggy fairy tale princess Silver will probably put all of our sleeping faces to shame 😂
P.S. Note related to Leona, Jamil, or Silver at all but I want to see Sebek with his hair down cuddling his squirshie (squirrel plushie) from the Harveston Sledathon 🥺
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