#like the collective stuff is purely for if you're talking about the system as a whole or you don't know who's fronting
thethingything · 2 years
I wanna re-do our Pronouns Page card but our current options are to either just do it for my name and pronouns (previously it was Lucy's stuff on there), do the system's collective names and pronouns, or go wild and list everything
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sergeifyodorov · 8 months
hello i have been into hockey for exactly 1 week and 3 days and in those 10 days it has consumed my entire life i have tickets to an ahl game tomorrow and tickets for the ducks in march
asking people about general hockey stuff eg history/strategy/"who is X and why do people care about him" is 1000% encouraged at all times for ever and ever !!! people here love hockey and want to get people more into hockey
a major part/most of/the entirety of???? the fun of hockey is talking about it to other people actually !!!! we love talking about hockey !!! i have met friends through hockey lets gooooo
when i say "you can and will be here forever" i mean if you survive your first offseason and you're still just as into hockey as you were before. it's over. singularity passed. good luck escaping
again, some of this can get really complicated !! the nhl salary cap for example is a whole System that there are individual guys employed by a lot of teams purely to know. you DON'T have to know everything about the systems of hockey but hell fuckin yeah if you want to
because high level hockey is essentially a socially conservative cult of masculinity/old boys club like no old boys have ever clubbed before, you . Will encounter moral questionability. the amount u want to engage with this is up to you
you have to yell shoot when your team is on the power play
next one's important
EVEN IF YOUR TEAM DOESN'T MAKE THE PLAYOFFS. WATCH THE PLAYOFFS. a good playoff game as a neutral observer is a top 5 feeling. a good playoff game as an invested fan is a top 2 feeling. the playoffs are the most fun time on hockeyblr AND in hockey because the drama is up to 11 and the hockey is up to 12. there is always one game that goes until like 1 in the morning. there is always a player we suddenly realize we RABIDLY care about. there is always tragedy and brutal bloody victory and fistfights and players who are visibly in agony but keep going anyway and sometimes. your team will win the stanley cup
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binary star: a system of two stars that are gravitationally bound to each other, both orbiting around the same point in space. for each of the stars, its companion is the center of the universe.
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It was a beautiful day to be in outer space. The stars twinkled brightly from where they hung surrounded by countless others of their kind, by swirling nebulae and idyllic planets orbiting brilliant stars of their own. In the midst of all this wonder floated a small Waddle Dee, who was perfectly content to just drift, the shine of excitement in their eyes rivaling even that of the stars that they were so fascinated with. Occasionally they would flick their tail, and with a jolt of electricity, would go flying forwards again to explore new areas and to see new sights.
It was here, among the stars, that Starry Dee felt the most at home. Yes, they loved Dreamland, but amidst the marvels of deep space they felt truly connected with everything, abuzz with magic and energy that sent their heart singing with joy.
Without realizing, he had drifted further than usual. But the sky was still bright with stardust, and all worldly things are meaningless when you are such a close part of a galaxy, so he flicked his tail again and let himself float even further from home. And these celestial bodies that he had known all his life, growing familiar with them over long nights spent looking up and countless hours in the skies just like this; speaking to them softly or just staring and taking in their beauty... they were incredible, but he could not deny the thrill of new discoveries, either.
A strange figure in the distance caught his eye when it glinted off the light of a nearby star, almost as if it were metal. Starry Dee squinted at it as it flashed, confused. After only a moment's hesitation, they started to move towards it, and as the object got closer it became increasingly clear that it was not a ship at all. Then what could it.....?
Starry squealed with happiness, too excited to make any other sound for a moment. "Oh my Nova. Oh my literal Nova." He said out loud without fully realizing it, flapping his arms excitedly as he drew closer and the distinctive features of the Galactic Nova became even more clear. In what felt like no time at all, they were right in front of it, their whole being quivering with pure happiness.
"READY. >" It said in a mechanical, toneless voice. Its purple eyes that seemed to hold millions of starts within them stared unblinkingly at the small Dee, glowing brightly.
"Oh my Nova, you're actually real!!! Wait, can I say that to you? Is that weird?" Starry rambled, his tail waving back and forth behind him as he talked. "I mean, I've looked for you my whole life, even though everyone said you were just a legend I always believed you existed!! And now you're really here!! It's such an honor to meet you, really, you're so awesome!!! Does all that stuff on you work right, like the piano or the clock? I have so many questions!! Oh, and of course I have a wish-"
The Nova, which had up until then been listening silently to Starry's rambling, cut him off. "READY. >" It repeated, as emotionlessly as ever.
Staring into the Nova's face made the words of their wish stop just short of coming out. I want to stay here with you, forever. It should have been so easy to say. But there was something about the way that rust collected on the edges of the Nova's otherwise pristine surface, something about the way that light of a different kind flickered deeply within its great galaxies of eyes when they had appeared, something about the terribly lonely idea of being trapped here forever, unable to move or explore, that made them pause.
He imagined- hundreds, maybe thousands of people coming to the Nova to get their wishes granted. The only interaction at all in its life being other people's greed. Living here, anchored and cursed to give everything to everyone but itself until all the stars winked out and it was the sole one left with nobody at all, all alone in the dark for eternity... Or until its machinery succumbed to time's allure at last, failing, never having known anything but what was in its line of sight. And maybe then, such a failure would have been a mercy.
Some people - most people - would have said that machines have no souls. No sense of self, no being. But Starry saw souls in every star and every leaf on every tree. He talked to the morning dew like it was an old friend and told the moon stories when it was full in the sky. He kept his many stickers safe and knew all of their hearts, apologizing to them when they ripped and laughing with them when they shone in the sun and everything was warm. He took a deep breath and faced the Galactic Nova.
"I wish that you could be free."
"... OK. > 3.... 2.... 1.... GO! >"
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a wild nova appears!
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they are always floating, and appear in a puffball form. they are adjusting... slowly to this new life after centuries of stagnancy, and still act very mechanical. as of right now, their existence is being kept a secret from the star allies/etc until they get more used to life on dreamland. side note! since the original nova plot was undefined, i had it set in the far future and was the "end" of starry dee's story. now, however, due to the rewrite it has already happened. as such, nova will be with starry dee for the remainder of the tournament. they can still grant wishes in theory, but would need to enter a long coma afterwards to "recharge". while they are a biological lifeform now thanks to the wish and not a mechanical one, they still have certain strange properties - like how their body shines like metal still.
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
The stars were "wonderful tonight", according to Starry Dee. Nova didn't understand that, though. They looked the same as they always did, and the Dee always said that the stars were "wonderful". According to the knowledge their databases had left them, wonderful was defined as ˈwʌn.də.fl̩, adj: inspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration; extremely good; marvelous. Looking up, they did not feel any of that, as far as they could tell. They had spent many eons looking at the stars, and failed to recognize what Starry loved so much about them. They did not find anything wonderful, not after so long.
They were drawn out of their thoughts by the stirring of the Dee by their side. Nova floated close to the ground where Starry was fast asleep, curled up against part of their side despite his earlier proclamation that "I'm awake for the whole night all the time, it'll be fine!". As they watched, he mumbled something indecipherable in his sleep, though luckily it seemed to be a good dream by the way that his face was scrunched up in what they had come to know as the Waddle Dee version of a smile.
Slowly, they extended a paw. It was the first thing that they had done of their own will without Starry prompting them first ever since they had been freed and come to Dreamland. Somewhat awkwardly, they pet the Dee's head, causing his antenna to twitch. After a brief pause to ensure that wasn't a bad thing, they resumed the motion, which strangely.. became more natural, with time.
And... looking at Starry Dee now, with their newfound freedom all around them, maybe... Maybe Nova could understand how stars were so wonderful, after all.
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thedigitalwave · 1 year
Inspired by a dear person's request, let's talk about anti-endos.
I want to go back to the basics with this. There likely won't be anything new to talk about, so I want to help the newcomers understand some stuff.
First, what are systems?
Systems are collectives of people/parts, individuals who have different personalities or ways to behave, who coexist inside one body. Though some systems were always systems, most start off as singlets (one person inside one body). Now, an analogy.
Let's consider people to be mirrors. Through something (even as mundane as fate, or as tragic as trauma), a mirror can break. Breaking a mirror causes multiple parts of the mirror to be reflective on their own, or in a way, separate mirrors.
Singlets are one mirror. The mirror is not broken, even though the mirror could have gone through the same stuff a broken mirror went through.
Systems are fully divided mirrors, with distinct pieces who act as their own, though in the same frame.
There are also median systems. You can consider those, mirrors who didn't break fully. The mirror might be shattered, but the parts still connect as one in some ways.
Now that you understand what a system is, let's abandon the analogy, why not.
A system is, simply, a collective of individuals in one body. That's a vague description because there's no right way to be a system, therefore there are infinite ways to be one. What if I said some people didn't agree with that?
What if I said some people believe you have to go through something really traumatic to be a system? What if I said that those people think being a system is purely medical? In this analogy, what if I said that people believe that, to be an actually broken mirror, you have to be broken in a very specific way? Or else, you're just larping the role of a broken mirror.
Those people are anti-endos. Let me explain.
What are system origins?
A system, again, can come to exist through multiple means. Some people believe they were born a system, I'll never discredit them. Some people became one.
Systems can be roughly put into 4 categories of origins.
Traumagenic. Traumagenic systems are systems that came to existence through trauma, often in childhood. They're often disordered systems. Which means they have DID, OSDD or some other disorder that is where their system came from. Those disorders are often trauma-based.
Endogenic. Endogenic systems are systems that came to existence through something other than trauma. There's a vast amount of ways that systems can come to exist like that, and they're often non-disordered, though not a rule. Some of these systems are spiritual, which means their systemhood is inherently linked or caused by spiritual means. Some of these systems are created intentionally, through tulpamancy or some other means, and they're called willogenic.
Mixed origin. Those are systems who don't fit either category above because they're in both, or have a complicated relationship with origin, like for example, having fused and restarted the system multiple times.
Xenoorigin. Those are systems who don't fit either category above because they're neither, often because their experience with origin is completely detached from what is normally considered to be a valid or common system origin.
What are anti-endos?
Anti-endos are people who believe systems should only be traumagenic and disordered. For them, there's no other way to be a system, because systemhood is something completely psychological, medical and specific. There's no nuance to this for most. For them, endogenic systems simply don't exist, or aren't really systems.
This is a post covering just the grounds. If you want to have me debunk some common anti-endo arguments, please leave them below (specify that it isn't a hate comment or I will block you accidentally). I hope this was coherent enough. See ya!
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kayrockerqog · 11 months
i have been enabled and it'll be good prep for ygo OC week sooo
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yes, yes i do /lovingly
Musa Vogel (GX OC) Headcanons!🍃🎻
She is constantly listening to music. Like, yeah, it's 2006, and technology isn't super crazy, but BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES WERE A MID-2000s INVENTION; she continually has an earbud in her left ear. Usually, she's listening to orchestral music and walks around with her own soundtrack, but depending on her mood, she'll switch genres.
She doesn't laugh. Like, she's physically incapable of laughing. It's mainly because of something in her nervous system but also for lore reasons; she just never has had a reason to laugh or really feel humour. She's plenty capable of smiling and comprehending jokes, so when she does find something funny, she usually smirks and rolls her eyes. It's an infrequent occurrence (and it makes Kenzan's day when he succeeds).
She's deathly afraid of and allergic to cats (again, lore) and is very much scared of Pharaoh. The gang has been trying to get them to get along, but it has not been working.
Musa speaks in a monotone, almost robotically formal voice typically. Still, while performing a song or duelling, her voice projects like a theatre actor, and she sounds like a completely different person.
The only reason she's friends with Judai and co. is because she caught Kenzan's attention by doing what she does best: correcting the teacher /hj
TL:DR -- Cronos was trying to teach a music class, he is entirely unqualified to teach music, Musa kept correcting all the stuff he wrote on the blackboard, he got into a fit and went "well if you're so smart, why don't you teach these kids?", she got up and went to the front, pulled a conductor's staff from her pocket, had the class play one line, stopped them, and corrected several small details about how certain people played before managing to have them play the first line successfully. Cronos was dumbfounded.
Kenzan keeps trying to talk to her for a week after that, she ignores him because social interaction who, eventually he and the boys catch her playing her violin by the cliffside, she catches them watching, challenges Kenzan to a duel so they leave her alone, she wins, but she figures "well, you ruined my practice time, so I suppose I could spend my time with you instead for your trouble."
She's been stuck with them since /lh
It takes her a while to become comfortable with people (and their antics) because of how isolated she was as a child. Between her family's interference and her packed schedule, she didn't have time for friends, and no one was ever, well, genuinely nice to her.
So, naturally, when the pure-of-heart emotional dino boy comes and compliments her music and makes her feel welcome, she's gonna get attached-
She has a habit of drumming her fingers on surfaces when she's trying to focus, and also basically plays air piano as a stim.
She likes to collect antique jewelry and porcelain statuettes of birds and fairies, and has a small music box she keeps her collection of rings inside.
She loves birds. Like really loves birds. They are her favourite animal without question, and she is very much a bird charmer. One time, Kenzan caught her playing and having successfully gathered a small crowd of birds around her-- the others didn't believe him.
She has cold hands and frequently moves them to keep them warm.
She has a perfect attendance record (nerd).
She also had a perfect winning streak for her first year and a half at the academy...then the arc happened. I'll elaborate some other time.
While she used a Melodious-based deck (because music fairies epic) primarily, she has a few vanilla monsters in her deck, SPECIFICALLY INCLUDING:
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Despite her hardened exterior, she is a supportive and caring person: her approach to being friendly is linked to her love languages [acts of service and words of affirmation], and she'll try to give practical answers first.
She likes to play music in precarious situations, like by the cliffs, high in the mountains or on a rock in the ocean. Why? The rush, the adrenaline, it's the closest feeling to feeling something she'd known until becoming friends with the gang.
Which, FYI, it is a very mixed bag:
She's closest to Kenzan, obviously; they're stupid close (and in love, but shhh)
But, her other closest friends are Misawa, Fubuki (shockingly) and O'Brien when he comes around
She gets along well with Judai and Sho, to the point where Sho actually kind of sees her as a mentor figure, too
She and Asuka have a...somewhat strained relationship after the Society of Light arc
Ryo and Edo are people she considers rivals and frustrating in their unique ways
Jim and Johan are both fine; they're her friends too, especially since they can talk about her passions with her
She's surprisingly protective of Rei, and Rei admires her quite a bit
She would've killed Amon if she had the chance.
And Manjoume...how do I put this...
They came from stupidly similar backgrounds and started out super tense because of it, but once her entire arc got settled, they developed some sort of socially awkward solidarity.
He was the first to confront her about Kenzan and told her to stop being so obvious about it and get it over with.
She merely blinked at him.
Oh! Most importantly, she and Cronos are surprisingly close, too. To the point, she actively acknowledges him as a mentor, and he's actively involved in checking her well-being post-arc stuff.
Her favourite food is plain rice, but precisely because there's a lot of room for customization. She believes in liking the base version of foods best since they're the canvas for trying new flavours and recipes. It's the same case with things like ice cream and pizza and such.
As per a special request funded by her parents' staff, her room in the Ra dorms is entirely soundproof.
She wears a robe to bed and while relaxing (rare but less so when she starts being more social); it's pastel green with fake feather trimming.
She also LOVES the colour green. Like most of her school supplies and accessories are some soft shade of green.
This turned out so much longer than i planned, whoops-
also i'm super ill about her dw about it :) <3333
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This is primarily a fandom blog, currently focused on BNHA, previously active in BBC Sherlock.
Here you'll find fandom things, headcanons, rambling about fics (and writing in general), occasional meta, as well as other miscellaneous things I find interesting.
AdventureOfTheDancingGirl on AO3. Writing updates are tagged: dancing girl writes. twt: @/dancinggirl221b
@seeyouafter a collection of my thoughts and various ephemera related to my ongoing tdbk epistolary fic "See You After"
@ordinaryoffensivemagic various content related to the manga/anime 葬送のフリーレン (Sousou no Frieren)
Notes and helpful tags:
Asks are open if you want to chat. Give me an excuse to talk about my writing notes or headcanons if you want to make my day. Anon is usually on but be kind. There is a real human on the other side of the screen.
Replies are tagged as dancing girl asks. If you want to say hi but don't know what to say, feel free to check out the ask games tag.
🏷️Tag Index:
I have a comprehensive tag index that I finally updated but these are the tags that I'm using most often these days:
💜Personal Tags:
dancing girl rambles - random thoughts, generally not fandom related
dancing girl writes - tag for my fics and general thoughts on writing (previous tags: my writing - this one has mostly Sherlock stuff, writing updates)
also: see you after fic, sya writing log
dancing girl's reblog themes - sometimes I go down a rabbit hole and reblog a bunch of related posts. It's a fun time.
🩵General writing & fandom stuff
on writing, writing reference, fandom life, AO3 tips, tumblr tips
💚BNHA Content
dancing girl’s bnha thoughts - includes my personal reactions, headcanons, misc. thoughts related to bnha
bnha fanfic - includes my fics and others I recommend
I use the tag bnha for all my hero academia related reblogs. spoilers are tagged bnha manga spoilers
Chapter reactions/thoughts are tagged with the chapter number as bnha xxx,  see also: bnha meta (not all meta is mine)
images: bnha manga, bnha anime, bnha art (for my favorite bnha fanart)
Multi-ship friendly but TDBK is my OTP. (that being said, a lot of my reblogs with "ship" tags are purely for organization purposes and many can be viewed as platonic.)
I just want a happy todofam au so I made a tag for it (other favorite AUs: fantasy au, winter au, childhood friends au)
The ladies of this series don't get enough love so I like to highlight them with the tag bnha girls
Todoroki Shouto tags: shouto loves cats, sleepy shouto, todofam, shouto art, shoutocat, strawberry shouto-cake, shouto birthday
Bakugou Katsuki tags: dynamy, sleepy katsuki, katsuki comfort, bakugou family
Other commonly used character tags: class 1a, origin trio, remedial squad, dadzawa, eri-chan (If you're searching for someone specific I generally just tag the character’s name as it shows up in AO3’s tagging system) 
misc collections: 2023 bnha xmas sketch
💛BBC Sherlock
Main tags: sherlock, johnlock
Sherlock Fic Recs - Mostly BBC Sherlock universe. Most of my own Sherlock fics are under the My Writing tag
BBC Sherlock: sherlock meta, series 4 theories (also: season 4 theories), sherlock parallels, mirrors
Original Canon: acd canon, AStudyInCanonBookClub, acd parallels, sherlock analysis
see tag index for additional tags and other fandoms
🧡Misc. Tags (not fandom)
mental health, reminders, encouragement
otterly adorable, cute animals, beautiful things, reasons to smile
bookish things, reading log, quotes
💭Random Facts:
I share my birthday with Dabi and Burnin'
My username is a play on the Sherlock Holmes story "Adventure of the Dancing Men".
Even though I'm not active in the Sherlock fandom anymore, I decided to keep the same username because dancing is part of my IRL identity and I didn't want to keep track of a separate account. Also, Mina is my dancing (alien) queen so the name still works.
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everygame · 6 months
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Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story
Developed/Published by: Jeff Minter, Digital Eclipse / Digital Eclipse Released: 13/04/2024 Completed: n/a Completion: Played and viewed all of “The Early Years” and part way through "The Hairy Years" and still digging into the rest of it.
I know, I can’t believe it either. Every Game I’ve Finished topical for two weeks and even posting a write up of a game on its day of release (well, for supporters, anyway). It’s like I’m a games journalist again (spit).
I was hugely excited for this after enjoying what I’ve played of Atari 50 (better than those flashback collections!) and The Making of Karateka, and although this is absolutely, 100% not what I would choose to put out if I was attempting to be commercial after The Making of Karateka, I’ve gotta say… fair play to them. Though they’re pretty much nailing their flag in the terrain that says the Gold Master Series is not so much The Criterion Collection of games as it is like… Vinegar Syndrome or something. I mean there’s nothing wrong with that! Someone’s gotta put out deluxe versions of Bruno Mattei films [checks notes] oh hang on, no.
(To be fair, it’s actually a lot more like my buddy Justin’s boutique label Gold Ninja Video, which actually does insane work to put out work by filmmakers who should absolutely be known better.)
Anyway. They say there’s a stonking 42 games on this, but that’s a slight exaggeration because there’s technically on 33 different games with a few offering different versions based on system (Gridrunner, for example, is on VIC-20, C64, Atari 8-bit and as a remastered version) and most of the games are pre-1985 so there’s a lot of stuff here that’s really only going to be of interest if you like diving into some very dusty cupboards. This is something I honestly enjoy very much, so I loved pulling out a VIC-20 game and trying to make sense of it, but for many, I assume, the main draw here is the fact that it’s a proper re-release of his beloved Tempest 2000, a well that Minter has been back to a bunch of times–I loved TxK to pieces. It’s a slight bummer that this doesn’t re-release Minter’s more recent games which have been delisted like the iOS “Minotaur Project” (of which only a couple of games have been re-released as Minotaur Arcade.) However, it seems pretty obvious that would be a ton of fucking work to port, as would, say, getting a Nuon emulator up to spec so people could play Tempest 3000, so that's... fine.
(There’s also no Defender 2000, but that’s rights issues, and as far as I remember people don’t think that’s any great shakes.)
Presentation-wise, you know what to expect with this release, the same wrapper as in Atari 50 and The Making of Karateka with some different colours and music. This is fine! I think I’ve settled into this three releases in. You get a ton of interesting images, details, and box art to look at, though I still have issues with the layout of the documentary/museum (I can't remember which terminology Digital Eclipse would prefer.) I have small quibbles: in “The Early Years” if you go through it in order you play a version of Bomber on ZX Spectrum before they introduce the system into the narrative (admittedly the kind of thing you won't spot unless you're brutally anal on these kind of things like myself.) Then the final video you watch recaps everything you’ve just learned in a way that makes you feel like it should either have come first, or been split up into more videos. 
But I’d argue there’s deeper structural issues if you’re really trying to get people excited about video game history, and I again place it at the decision to go pure chronological* (as I did in The Making of Karateka.) If you play each game as you go, you’ll play a series of games so old and so ropey that you have to already be interested in this story to see it out. If you don’t know why you should care about Jeff Minter, I’m sorry, but a video of some talking heads and then immediately playing 3D3D, a baffling and slow first person maze game for ZX81 that has literally no analogue in the entire rest of his career is… not going to help! And I have to again bang on that I feel they just don’t place the games in enough context of the wider games industry at the time.
(*There's a quirk in that it's not exactly chronological, because all the Atari 8-bit ports are later in the documentary, which is a bit weird when you, for example, play two versions of Gridrunner and then the Atari 8-bit version several games later. I'm unclear on the exact reason if it, and if you're going to be even that irreverent, feels like you might want to just wildly reorder the whole thing for the audience anyway.)
I think Digital Eclipse’s counter overall would be that I probably want something more verbose and detailed which wouldn’t be as accessible, which isn't wrong. They might even argue that I'm basing my criticism on a hypothetical consumer who isn't even their intended audience! It's a hard line to ride, but I’d still argue that there’s a sense for storytelling in the curation here that’s missing--and I really don't want them to limit their audience because as critical as I might be, I love this series already and I want it to go on forever.
So yes, this is still the exact kind of thing I want to be released and if it’s opening up people to learning more about Jeff Minter and Llamasoft on their own time then I think it’s brilliant. I just think that anyone who picks this up who isn't already steeped in this era needs to be a bit forgiving and skip past all the ropey old games after looking at them for a couple of minutes tops and just enjoy reading the text and watching the videos until they get to the good stuff, so consider this fair warning before you buy it (because you should buy it.)
I mean if you only want this to play Tempest 2000 (and Llamatron 2112, actually) there’s nowt wrong with that, and that’s already worth the money.
Will I ever play it again? I’m still working through it!
Final Thought: I will, of course, be playing every game on this, and although I won’t be giving every Llamasoft release a full post, I have at least started with a write-up of each of the games in "The Early Years", as an introduction to the kind of things you’d be playing if you pick this up (and which sadly explains why you probably won’t want to play most of them... it gets better by the time you get to The Hairy Years, and significantly). If you want to read it, it's a supporter-only post over at my ko-fi. I suppose saying that makes my usual please subscribe stinger a bit pointless but let's hammer the point home why not. Support Every Game I’ve Finished on ko-fi! You can pick up a digital copy of exp. 2600, a zine featuring all-exclusive writing at my shop, or join as a supporter at just $1 a month and get articles like this a week early.
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dreamland-arcade · 2 years
Welcome to the Dreamland Arcade!
You have officially entered the domain of the Dreamland Arcade! We are a polyfragmented system prone to splitting and have no steady number to count us all.
We are DreamlandArcade on SimplyPlural if you want to know our system member list.
We collectively use They/Them and It/It's pronouns! If you don't know the fronter refer to those ONLY!!
Hosts and Co-Hosts!
Host: 🌙 Karina Chai (#dreamcade karina) - 03/14 - she/they/it - Source(s): Too many. (If you ask, I'll gladly tell you!)
Co-Host: 🎮 Kirby Nanami (#dreamcade kirby) - 03/14 - she/they/poyo - [typing quirk]> kirby - The Pink Puff herself! - System Manager - Source(s): Planet Pop Star
Co-Host: 🧢 Hunter (#dreamcade justice) - 12/03 - Any - TT: Typing quirk. - Ace Attorney Enthusiast - Karina's Best Friend -Source(s): Multiple; Prominent: Homestuck (Dirk Strider), Ace Attorney (Apollo Justice) and The Owl House (Hunter)
Don't Look Dreamland (tag these for us)
- Reblog bait
- Politics / Serious topics (including death and tragedy)
- Any sort of discourse
- Posts with ships in them (that we do not approve of) - Signal boost posts (people requesting money/ donation posts)
Before You Interact
We swear, alot.
We say queer and LGBT+ slurs and don't believe in "reclaiming". Our queer ancestors did not risk their life just for you sheltered kids to argue whether or not someone who's queer can say faggot or dyke.
Queer is NOT a slur, do not tag anything as q slur or we'll block/unfollow
We value system over media.
We are very open about our opinions on specific headcanons and ships.
We do not believe that systems should be held accountable like singlets (like...come on)
We consume content that is not morally pure, because we know what nuance is and can enjoy something while knowing why it's bad
We own ocs that did not belong to us originally. They were "gift" ocs and we are unaware if they still belong to us or not. Still though, we will create content of them. Just know we aren't the original creator nor do we support them and/or connected to them in any way. Thanks.
Some of our introjects come from random media, some we have knowledge on and some we don't. Do NOT treat them as if they automatically like their media. And do NOT assume we support that media unless listed in our likes.
Do NOT interact
Endos, tulpas, and supporters/neutrals
Non-psychotic and singlet kinnies! Fucking NONE. We have bad experiences with them. And especially kinnies who use the term "doubles." Doubles is a delusional and system ONLY term. If you know you don't have a form of psychosis and are a system and use system and DA terms, FUCK OFF. And it goes double if you PRETEND to be your "highest kin".
Fictive and factive disrespecters
Dsmp/MYCT, Attack on Titan, Homestuck, Danganronpa, Mandela Catalogue and/or Walten Files fan Seriously! If you're a Homestuck fan you are on the thinnest of fucking ice. Doubly so for you guys who support shit like D/rk/J/ke, transmasc Roxy and June Egbert.
Fandom people in general/Engage in fandom stuff
Black Doom Slanderists. Good god shut the fuck up every one of you who talks shit about him.
Roleplay accounts of ANY kind. We are NOT roleplayers, we are a SYSTEM
Anyone 14 years old and younger.
NSFW accounts
Discourse accounts
Elio Strider (or anyone who's friends with him/support him)
Special Interests (We don't shut up about these)
- Drawfee (Drawtectives, Drawga)
- AUDT, our massive DuckTales 2017 AU! It has poisoned our brain
- Littlest Pet Shop (2012)
- Ace Attorney
- The Era of Shadow
- My Little Pony (every generation)
- Kirby
- Slime Rancher
- Teas! Like, the drink
- Five Night's at Freddy's and FNaF Highschool
We're Normal About These
- Game Grumps
- Amphibia
- The Owl House
- Pokemon
- Neopets
- Psychonauts
- Undertale and Deltarune
- Legend of Zelda
- Steven Universe
- Adventure Time
- Doki Doki Literature Club
- Gravity Falls
- Mr. Osomatsu-san
- Misao
- Corpse Party
- Omori
- Ib
- Mad Father And etc (there's more, but we cannot remember)
Art account: @dreamscape-popstar
Oc only account: @dreamlandvalley
(Posted 05/01/22) (Edit 08/13/23)
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Want more hatesex? Get more hatesex.
The next time you visited her, the door to her hut was open. No need to knock, nothing - it was as if she already expected you and didn't bother to wait for you to knock. A gesture that basically told you were expected. She knew you'd come back. Was she mocking you again?
You went inside with a sigh, already feeling the heat between your legs rise once more as the familiar smell wafted around you. Leather. Smoke. Baked dough. A hint of lakewater, fish, and the fruity, sweet shampoo she used.
And there she sat, on the couch, yellow eyes cutting to you the moment you were inside fully.
"Knew yeh'd come today."
"Needed to give back your clothes."
Last time, she'd dissolved yours and left you without anything to wear - but had begrudgingly given you some of her own stuff, even some that more or less fit you. A tank and some pants. You'd told her you'd bring them back, and you hated her for the smirk she'd worn on her face. Of course she'd known that wouldn't be the only reason for your return.
"Aye. Thanks."
"Sure. So, are you gonna fuck me now or should I leave?"
"Gettin' right to the point, eh? Needy, are we?"
"Just want to know if I'm wasting my time."
"Oi, yer the one who jus' wandered in needin it again."
"And you're the one whose door was just about as open as her legs were last week."
"As I said. Knew yeh'd come."
"Make me, then."
With a smirk, you stepped closer, slipping the coat off of your body and dropping it to the floor just before you leaned over Sal and caged her head in with your arms.
"Be a good girl and make me come."
She didn't blush this time. This time, she growled, grabbing both your wrists with tentacles you hadn't seen out so far, slowly letting them slither upward.
"None of tha'. I had a shit day and if yeh wanna come, yer goin to go to the bedroom, lie down on yer back, put yer arms up and spread your legs like the pretty lil slut yeh are."
She pulled you in, until her lips were right at your ear and she could lick over it with her tongue.
"Oh, and put somethin' under yer hips. I wanna get into that tight lil' ass of yours. See how wet it gets yeh when I fuck it and how fast yeh beg me to put somethin' up yer pussy as well."
When she let go, she was smirking, tentacle slapping your ass once. And with as much dignity as you had left while you were already pretty much dripping, you went to her bedroom and undressed, piling your clothes and then lying down just as she'd said. On your back, arms up, legs spread, a pillow lifting your hips up for easier access. The position alone turned you on. Knowing what she'd do, that she'd use you to fuck her frustration out, turned you on. And you hated it and loved it both.
The village was utterly stuck up about sex in general, so something like butt stuff was... Considered utterly dirty. Sal knew that. And Sal made a point fucking your ass whenever she wanted and making it feel so good that you forgot all shame. You'd never come from it alone in particular, but the way her tentacles and possibly strap had pounded you... Alone the thought made you swallow.
Sal entered the room soon after you, naked, five tentacles out behind her back that made your core clench in anticipation.
"Good lil slut."
She said as she saw you, two tentacles immediately tying your wrists to the headboard into the dangling leather cuffs as she crawled onto the bed.
"Safeword's clear?"
"As usual."
You used the headlight system - most simple, and utterly effective. Not that you'd ever used it so far. Sal let her gaze wander over your body as the two tentacles started roaming it, teasing against all your weak spots and making you squirm as her eyes latched onto your aching core, a chuckle vibrating in her throat as she blew cool air onto you and made you squirm.
"So wet already... Needy lil' thing."
Alone those words made it worse. As did the simple view of one tentacle, the tip already wet with its own lubricant, descending between your legs. It slid into your ass without too much resistance, stretching you out and making you whine out. Fuck, what was this woman doing to you? All the talk of anal sex being impure, and here she was, taking it for herself again and only turning you on more.
Your breathing hard as the tentacle spread its lubricant inside you, getting you all nice and prepared for the undoubtedly rough thrusts that would follow, wiggling around already - but it seemed more this time. Much more, in fact. And when you looked at Sal with a hint of confusion among the arousal, you saw her smirk wickedly as a second tentacle touched the entrance to your ass.
As it slid in - with some effort, but you were so well lubricated that it didn't hurt in the slightest - you whined into the pillow next to you, your hips bucking, a hint of angry tears in your eyes as you felt yourself being claimed even more than usual. You hated her. Hated how good she made this feel. How wet you were for her, how the juices of your core were dripping onto the tentacles that were currently nestled inside you.
You tried to glare at Sal... But in that moment, the two appendages wrapped around each other and thrusted into you. And you screamed. Screamed in pleasure as you bucked down onto them, as Sal leaned over you and grabbed your hair, nipping on your earshell and growling a "Such a dirty lil slut. Ya just love havin your pretty ass fucked, dontcha?"
And then, a touch gentler, she added. "Yer look beautiful."
She added a twist to every movement, or a wiggle, but kept it slow, steady. Yet with force behind. And you knew you needed more if you were to come. You knew she'd be waiting for you to beg for it. For the last tentacle to fill your core and rub your clit. And you wanted to refuse it. You bit your lip, glaring up at her... But you didn't see her defiance or smug dominance looking back at you.
Instead, you saw pure need. Pure greed. Pure desire.
"Count yerself lucky. I can't wait today."
She whispered... And then filled you completely, bending over you and biting your neck harshly as she started pounding both your holes, listening to your screams while she marked you, making one thing abundantly clear.
This was only the beginning.
And fuck, how you hated how lucky you felt - how utterly delicious it was to be filled by her. With the slick movements of Sal's appendages working your body in a way that made you wonder who wanted it more. A primal look to her eye that reminded you she could break you in half at any second. The sharp tips of her teeth teasing over your heated skin as she followed the fine lines of your body back up to you ear, leaning in.
"Aren'tcha a pretty lil' slut.. all filled and drippin' fer me."
A firm thrust by all three tentacles at once, forcing a sharp cry from your lips. A dark chuckle across your flesh as she licked over it, sinking her teeth in. The appendage in your core sliding up deliciously from the deepest part of it and over to your clit, again and again while the two in your ass proved relentless inside you. You knew she could smell the warm juices flowing steadily from your core as she teased and fucked it, and you knew how much she hated its effect on her.
"Ne'er seen yah so wet before. Like gettin' yer ass filled, do yeh?"
"Gods.. fuck.. f-fuck you, Sal."
"It's gettin' harder an' harder to believe yeh mean that, sweetheart."
The deep blush that spilled so easily across your cheeks at the change in petname, only fueled how much you hated the effect she had on you. You wanted nothing more than to scream out - to tell her to go fuck herself - but the desire to have her fuck you instead was always so much greater. There was no more intoxicating feeling, nobody on any earth - in any realm - that could fuck a person into next week like Sal.
You yelped as her teeth found you again.. as her pace swiftly picked up.. at the most delicious sounds filled the small home as her tentacles slid mercilessly in and out of you, forcing your desire straight from your core. Breath hitching in your throat at the supreme heat that spilled over you with each indulgent thrust.
"Ah-! Fuck.. but .. you're the one.. fucking me so good right now.. Sal."
You barely got the praise to roll off your tongue before a profound growl resonated deep in her throat.. before her hand was around your neck, forcing you to look at her. A flame of a warning burning deep within the embers of her eyes as they locked intently onto yours.
"Jus' fer that... lil slut.. I'm gonna make yeh come harder than yeh ever have in yer life."
She said the world's plainly, her voice calm and collected yet still sending a prompt shiver down your spine. The sharp smirk across her lips almost rivaling the sharp points of her teeth as they scraped over you. Her growl rolling across your skin like thunder as she drove her tentacles harder and harder into you, ripping countless cries from your lips.
"Beg fer it, slut."
The intense heat that switfly washed over you at the lack of warmth to her command. Her tentacles holding you in place as she watched how badly you wanted it - needed it - smiling down at you smugly as she waited.
"I.. fucking.. hate-.. Ah-!"
She drove her apprendages in your ass roughly into you, pushing the deep heated pressure that inhabited you to an almost frenzied level.
"I said beg fer me."
A sharp cry from your lips as she bit you again, licking crimson droplets from your flushed skin.
"Fuck.. please.. fuck.. fuck you, Sal... please.."
She chucked as you writhed frantically beneath her, utterly desperate for release.
"Heh.. needy are yeh?"
You cursed again under your breath, screaming out as she forced all three tentacles at once. Compelling an unhinged pleasure to shoot straight across your body, to engulfed you in a way that you had never felt before. White hot - unyielding - igniting ley lines across your body like a unhindered wild fire. Juices gushing from your core as her relentless thrusts pushed one orgasm on you after another. And fuck, how she was right.. how she'd kept her promise .. assuring that you had never came so hard in your life. Sufficiently soaking the bedsheets beneath you as she kept you filled until the very last shudder fell from your breathless body.
"Still hate me now, do yeh?"
Sal chuckle a tad softer, slowly pulling her tentacles free from your flushed body.
"More.. than.. ever."
You answered between labored breaths, between the inherent trembles of a body just wrecked.
"Heh.. good. Need aftercare?"
"Nah.. I'm good.."
She nodded and threw your clothes from their spot on the floor in your direction, making her way to the door.
"Ah.. sorry, ma'am .. but I sure the fuck ain't leaving without making sure that you hate me just as much."
Sal raised a single eyebrow, dropping her fingers from the doorknob as she turned to face you.
"That right?"
She smirked in a way that made you want to rip it straight off her mouth... to make her lips curl into the most delicious of moans. And as you began to close the distance the between you, you vowed you wouldn't stop until you did that very thing.
Gods.. fuck... fuck.. djdjksskksksjsjs..I'm. ... So fucking gay... fuck... 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 THANK YOU FOR THAT, DEAR
And not to worry all the non Sal simp fans, I'll be doing some Alcina soon 😘
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The Treatment of Captain Syverson- Chapter 7: Non-Productive Time
Pairing: Captain “Sy” Syverson x OFC (Shane Benton)
Summary: On a slow afternoon, Shane remembers a couple of fun evenings with Sy, and can’t help but start texting him…he turns out to be a bad influence.
Don’t want spoilers? Click me first to catch up!
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings:  Language, mature themes, a steamy scene that bumps up against the line of smut/not smut…it looks like smuttish is, in fact, a thing, (see what I did there? Toss a high five to your fic writer for the paraphrased Witcher quote in these here notes! lol! Sorry, i’m tired...and in a weird mood tonight...) so, anyway, using that. I love it. 
Author’s Note: This chapter was about half done before I even started SI1 and SI2! So that’s why it’s come along so quickly in the wake of them. It could also mean that there are some continuity issues…I found a couple during the re-write of the first part, and more when I was proofing, so it should be good, but…fair warning, one or more could have escaped me! Also, let me know if the text convo is hard to follow. I’ll try to reconfigure it to be more clear. It seemed to me like context was enough, and they’d had text convos before, and no one said anything…this one’s longer by about 300%, though, so…feedback and constructive criticism is always welcome and appreciated!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism.
Hope I’m not forgetting anyone! If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter or work, I’ll be happy to add you to my tag list! Stricken blogs are getting personal messages from me when a new chapter is uploaded because Tumblr’s faulty tagging system will not stand in the way of me delivering what the people want!(?) lol! (Although…their lackadaisical notification system might…sorry for that. I have no control. lol!)
Time seemed to pass slowly when Shane wasn’t with Sy. When they weren’t having dinner together, or doing their typical date thing. She thought about their second date. One of the bars in town, chosen for its above average bar food but mostly, it’s pool tables. The warning he’d given her via text had made her laugh:
We’re goin’ to Cade’s for apps and pool, if that's okay. As gorgeous as you looked in that blue dress you wore last night, I recommend jeans and a T-shirt for tonight, okay?
She took his suggestion. A simple black tee, because she was a food klutz from hell, layered over a red camisole, and her favorite jeans. It showed off her dainty arrow necklace well.
While they played, they drank beer and talked about life, getting deeper into things than they could at therapy sessions.
“Dad split when I was about ten, I guess. Mom did her best with her only son, but she sent me to my grandpa’s a lot when she was working or just…needing her own time. He’d been an army man. Fought in Korea. His dad was in World War II. It felt like…I don’t know, this pull, like I was meant to join up.”
“Destiny?” She asked. A dreamy tone overtook him when he talked about his family and his now former career.
“I guess. Never though too much of all that before.”
They smiled at one another. Knowing.
“What was he like? Your grandpa?”
“Oh, Pap was the best. He was a mechanic in the service and so he could get anything hummin, ya know? We fixed up and built motors for all kinds a’ shit. My first car was a ‘67 Shelby Mustang with the fast back all because when I was about 14, he found most of one at a salvage yard and basically rescued it from the crusher. Got it for about nothin’. For two years we collected parts and did body work on that thing. And by the time I turned sixteen, it was the most beautiful, show-ready Kerry green machine you ever seen.”
“One of my favorite cars! I’d love to see pictures!”
“I’ve still got ‘er.” He grinned. “When Pap died, it got…hard for me to drive her, ya know? So…special occasions only now. And he left me his truck, which he’d just bought brand new while I was on my first tour. That F150 crew cab we came here in, with all the bells 'n whistles. I couldn’t let such a fine automobile go to waste.” He grinned.
“You’re such a gear head.” She chuckled.
“Hey, you may be glad about that when you need somebody to get your own motor humming.” He teased back at her, bending over the table to take his shot and sinking it deftly. He said they would only play for fun, but he was still winning this round…which she didn’t think was that fun.
“Okay, I deserved that.”
“The shot, or the innuendo?” He asked to clarify.
“Yes.” They laughed. He eventually did miss, making it her turn.
"Ya know, I'm disappointed in this date, Shane." He baited.
"How come?" she asked, a bit hurt.
"A guy only asks a girl to play pool with him so he can show her how to shoot…and you already know."
It was true. She'd played a lot growing up and even a bit as she got older. She and her siblings loved billiards. Her whole family, really. And although she was no professional, she wasn't half bad for an amateur.
"What do you mean?" she asked innocently, sizing up the table for her next shot, but knowing with a fair amount of certainty what he was implying.
"You know. I wanted to get all close to ya. Show ya how to grip that cue in your hand. How to stand, bent at the hip, where to eyeball your shot from." he smiled. "All that shit ya see in movies that makes the girl all nervous and excited that the guy's touchin' on her. Pressed up against her."
Shane grinned, picked up the small, blue cube of chalk and rolled the concave side over the tip of her cue…she had no need to do so, most people didn't, really…but she made herself look really sexy doing it and asked Sy, "Is that right? Well, I guess you'll have to find another way to get your cheap thrills, because this girl has been known to run a table." She bent over the green felt seductively, the angle at which she did so displaying her décolletage in his direction just enough to tantalize him into licking his lips. She took her shot at the 10 ball, but sunk the 8 instead, losing her the game…damn. She shouldn't have gotten cocky.
"Run it where, sunshine? Into the ground? Off a cliff?" he laughed as she stomped over and began to poke him mercilessly in the ribs.
"Come on, Minnesota Fats. Let's pay the tab and find something a little cozier to do."
"Oka--wait, did you just call me fat?" he was incredulous. She laughed.
"Oh my God, you thought YOU were gonna teach ME about billiards…Minnesota Fats is like the most famous pool player of ever. I am not calling you fat."
"You messin' with me?" he squinted.
"Sy, google it. I promise. I would never call you fat. You're… my sexy man bear."
"Technically a bear is a fat animal." he sulked.
"Why don't you tell that to one when it's chasing you down to make a meal of ya!" Shane laughed. "Come on. Remember? I think I mentioned something about… finding another way for you to get cheap thrills. Lets explore that, shall we?" she whispered into his ear. He dropped some bills on their table nearby to more than cover their food and beer, and they hauled ass into the night.
They had definitely been exploring. In the two weeks since they'd been given the green light to see each other outside of therapy--the day Sy basically handed Shane's boss her own ass--they'd spent most evenings with each other, unless Shane had a particularly late evening at work or an early day the next day. A few nights, they had been together so late, that just staying over seemed the most reasonable option. But they had both agreed to take things slowly with the physical stuff. It had been a long time since either of them had been in a relationship, and given their patient/therapist situation, waiting a while for the sex had seemed like a good idea…on paper. On the sofa had been a different story.
One day last week, she'd had to make an early night of things, and stood up from his couch, but was pulled back down to straddle his lap.
"Hold on a minute, sunshine. Why don't you gimme a proper goodbye before ya go, hmm?" he held her so close to him at every curve of their bodies, like the pieces of a puzzle snapping flush together. His kisses were deep and agonizing, his beard gently brushing her mouth, teasing her with its uncommon softness. She returned the ardor, squeezing him in every way she could.
She couldn't contain the desire pooling at her center, especially when he clearly couldn't contain his, either, straining against his shorts, pressing against her so deliciously, right where she needed him. She didn't hold back. And he was nothing if not encouraging to her endeavor.
"That feels so good, baby. You're so warm. Mmm." he whispered as he nipped at her ear and bit at her neck. She hadn't intended to, but she felt herself slipping over the edge, into pure euphoria and gripped at his hair, still rather short, though growing out from the mandated buzz. The length made him even more sensitive and when she ran her hands up his neck and over the back of his head, the result was like an electric current straight to his manhood. His body tensed as his release followed hers seconds later.
"Fuck." he said. "I'm sorry."
"What for?" she was truly confused.
"For losin' it like a teenager." he sighed and laid his head against the back of his couch in surrender…an unfamiliar sight, Shane was certain.
"Don't worry about it. I mean…it's not quite how I pictured our first time, but--"
"Oh, hell no. This doesn't count as a TIME, sunshine. This is batting practice. A warm up.”
"Ooh, you and your baseball references again. I told you, I need to leave, Sy. You can't get me worked up with that kinda dirty talk." she kissed his cheek, and stood. "Walk me out?"
He did. And they stood holding one another in the dark, leaned up against her Explorer, Sy's back against the door, Shane's cheek on his bare, hairy chest, and the turning of the earth all but forgotten.
She had to stop thinking about him. About their dates and the time they'd spent together. But her schedule had fallen apart for the day due to a nasty storm that had blown in, she had no more education to work on for now, and she could only clean and organize her treatment room and desk so thoroughly.
She guessed…the secretaries knew she was available if need be…and she was salaried…what was the harm in texting Sy? She'd stayed late and came in early and overworked herself in general so much for this clinic. She could justify a bit of downtime.
Hey! Whatcha doin?
Just did some exercises that my super hot PT gave me! *winky face emoji*
Uh-Oh, should I be jealous?
Mmm, hard to say, sunshine. I guess it'll depend on which one of you sleeps with me first. *devil emoji*
Smart money is on the one who’s already let you get to second base…and basically third, even though…does it count if it’s basically because of a dare. Induced by Jack Daniels?
I think it counts if you came…*smirk emoji*
Damn those skilled fingers and Tennessee whiskey.
What can I say. I told ya I knew how to get a motor humming. *cool guy emoji*
You certainly do. No doubt about that.
So how's your day goin', sunshine?
Eh, everyone's cancelled on me. I have no one until 4:00, and I have nothing to do until then. I've decided to see it as a blessing and text my favorite fella.
And when he didn't respond, you resorted to me? *smirk emoji*
Hey you know that you have no competition for my affection other than like, my dad…and Chris Evans. Lol
Your dad, I'm sure I couldn't compete with if I tried, from what you've told me. Chris…well, I'm a REAL captain, not some guy jumpin' around in tights.
Mmmm, shame. I bet you'd look good in a getup like that. *heart eyes emoji*
You think so?
Yup! *American flag emoji*
You wanna be my Black Widow?
I mean…I've already basically got a costume…*embarrassed monkey emoji*
*several lines of big eye emojis*
Yeah, a few Halloweens ago…I was Romanoff. Now you know. I'm a total nerd.
I'm a nerd, too, sunshine. Serious nerd.
How am I just finding out about this? There's next to no merch at your place, and you never wear typical nerd shirts…*skeptical face emoji*
You haven't seen my whole place…*wink emoji*
What, are you telling me you have Batman bedsheets? *lol emoji*
Oh, it's much…much worse than that. The bedroom is pretty neutral, but…I have a…kind of rec room in the basement that is basically nerd central.
Oh. Em. Gee. I can't WAIT to see that, Sy!!! And how dare you hold out on me!!!
Well, I mean, I didn't wanna lay out all my cards right off the bat. I'm playing the long game.
Ah, so, when do I get to see this nerd trap?
Come on over, sunshine. *smiley face*
I said, I've got a patient at 4:00.
Everyone's cancelled on you. Can't you cancel on them for once?
Not unless I'm violently ill do I ever have any patients cancelled on my behalf.
So…say you're violently ill and come see me. *shrugging man emoji*
I dunno, Sy…
I got stuff to make that soup you like…
She had made it clear to him how much she loved soup, especially a good creamy potato soup, and on one of their dates, he'd had her over and there was a big pot of the stuff on his stove, made from scratch. She'd never had better, and he almost got lucky that night…and I mean…he still got a little lucky. He cooked for her AND cleaned up, AND let her pick the movie that night. She still picked an action movie, because she wasn't really a romance movie type, overall. Even so. Could she leave him hanging?
She opened her thread with Heather in her messenger app on her laptop.
Heather, is there anyone who could take my last patient, Mr. Lopez?
Looks like Cheri has a cancel around that time. Need me to move him?
If you could. I'm not feeling well.
Are you pregnant?
Omg, every fucking time. Why when anything is amiss in a woman's life must it be pregnancy?! And why is it okay to ask that question?! Ugh! She loved Heather like a sister, and it probably was just a joke, but uuuuuugh!
Yes…yes I am. *eye roll emoji* I've got a killer headache that's making me queasy. I'll email Susan. Thanks.
You bet. Tell Sy I said hi. *wink emoji*
Shut up.
After a quick and concise email to her boss, she picked her phone back up. One unread message.
You there, sunshine?
She simply replied,
Get that soup ready, Captain, I'm on my way.
Up Next: Chapter Eight: Heat/Ice
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jooheongif · 6 years
it's theory anon,hi!!how are YOU?i'm really good rn thanks:)) thank you for your kindness again,i'm really happy i could somehow help to help you feel even a tiny bit better and hope you're doing well now,too(and it's ok to not rest on your day off but it's also ok to do so if that's what you feel is right for you atm!).about the mf(ilm), i thought the same thing, it felt like a parallel universe type of story!i also really love plotlines about friendship, (again cont.i'll try to be briefer!)
(i’m so sorry i wrote a rly long reply so i’m gonna put this under read more !!)
2. friendship is beautiful and i feel oftentimes underappreciated(but not mx!there they go again being amazing) so i love the concept. personally i like not knowing what exactly the producers were thinking because having my own interpretation of something and seeing other ppl have their own fills me with wonder,like,that's art!so many people think so many different things and no one's wrong i love it!!your thoughts about them appreciating everything they've done so far,you're absolutely right(cont) 3. i hope they are able to bc everything's so hectic for the.i get lost just looking at their official schedule,i don't know how they do it but i also hope they are aware of all these things bc those are all mindblowingly huge accomplishments in my opinion and i just want them to feel like their hard work is worth it,yknow?(is this comprehensible?)and i know they feel pressure because as you said the business is nasty but yea i hope at the end of the day they can feel like (cont.???again 4. everything they've put so much of themselves into is worth it,i love their energy and fierce determination and i just don't want them to lose it but maybe as you said feel less pressured..but then the only way would realistically be to make sure they get awarded in the Real World so we're all doing our best in the system&hating it as you said:/ they just mean so much to so many people i want them to feel that too!i try to contain myself but here i go again! sorry it's so long AND i have more(con 5. also!thank you for your big reply and sharing your thoughts i mostly just agreed with (but you're right so what else can i do),i don't have mbb friends to vent to and fanperson(is there a gender neutral term for fanboy/fangirl?) over mx with and this is really nice and fulfilling(again,if i'm boring you,you can just delete the messages and not reply!) so THANKS!it's great to strive to be a better person but i feel like one(you) should also acknowledge the good things they're already doing(cont?) 6. you showed such pure kindness and really melted someone's(my) heart and that's a Big Deal!djkghddgwe can agree that we both inspired each other :') also please i feel like you're such a wonderful soul and you really deserve every bit of gratitude and appreciation i managed to express(i feel a lot moreprobably) so!yeah!reminder that you're lovely and deserve to be appreciated and i'm also very,very happy you're here!you made my day brighter for the 2nd time now wow!thanks! i hope you and(cont.:() 7. your gorgeous heart are taking good care and enjoying your day/night! and this cb!i really like it i haven't had time to listen to the entire album but jealousy!is a bop honestly it's my type of jam and the choreo is stunning and so are their voices!iwas so skeptical about the lyrics(they could've been like hero or stuck and those made me a bit >:/ honestly) but i really should've known they wouldn't fail me in any way ever!i can't wait to hear the rest of the songs i hope you enjoy them too!bye
hi theory anon, it's nice to hear from u again ! firstly, i am so sorry for the slow reply to this ! but im rly glad to know that u are doing good :-) i'm doing ok too thank u !! how are u ? kfjjfdsjfdf sorry that u had to read my tags but thank u for saying that !! i just feel so guilty when i do nothing bc im absolutely terrified of time passing too quickly ? just the thought of letting a few minutes go to waste is overwhelming ? even though i know it's not rational to think like this but ??? theres just this constant feeling that im running out of time so i try to get rid of it by always doing smth ?? and feel bad when i dont ? idk ?? but anyway im working on it and ill be ok ! sorry..not to be dramatic and tmi and all that kjdfdj istg this blog gives me too much freedom to say...too much :( (hope the internet folks that collect metadata never read the garbage i write bc..yikes they aren't gonna hav the best time) anyway..yea. what a paragraph to start off this reply :( sorry for the honesty and saying so much all the time btw :( not that being honest is necessarily a bad thing but ! idk every time i write smth i suddenly feel extra self conscious and feel like deleting it bc im rly embarrassed and always end up having big regret later when i reread anything ive typed up !! but i just keep writing them anyway bc...idk ?? i'd rly hate it if someone got discouraged from sharing their thoughts/worries/feelings which i think is a rly important human thing :( so  yea im rly embarrassed w anything i write but i'll keep doing it anyway bc i'm all for that kind of stuff and sometimes i know its not easy and it takes someone a lot to share that and its a good thing and i dont ever want anyone to feel discouraged from doing that ! anyway i just felt like i rly needed to say all of this..but pls dont feel obliged to reply to this mess !! anyway back to mx ! you are right :( i also hope mx feel like what they've done is worth smth w/e their definition or standard of that is :( like.. all of the hard work they've put into being mx it certainly means so much to fans but i hope all the hard work they've put into being mx also means smth to them at the end of the day and they are happy w what they're doing and what they've achieved so far :( and yes we'd love mx to always be rewarded in the real world :( though we love them and we want to get them a win, i know that everyone has their commitments, means and different circumstances and we can only do so much :( but even if u think its just a small contribution, everything adds up and counts and i know that all mbb hav contributed in some way in helping them get another win for this cb ! there are some mbb who can't buy albums or streaming passes and things and i hope they don't feel bad for this :( even if all you can do is watch the mv once or twice, even if you could only vote, i hope you know that it all counts and matters !! abt mx's schedule, i get tired just by looking at their weekly one idk how they can even put up w it all ?? after this they'll hav their japanese album and things and then they'll have their concerts and on top of all that apparently [some of them are also studying] ????? they are so hardworking :( HOW do they do it !! just..thinking abt their schedule is overwhelming !!! also pls dont think that you're boring me or anything like that :( im so thankful for any msg i receive and the fact that u actually took the time to type out smth to send to me ?? im so grateful ?? u are never boring !! honestly even if u sent me a stainless steel dishwasher manual w the page length of like..23 bibles, i'd still love u for it and i'd prob read all of it :( btw thank u sm for saying all those kind things !!! receiving kindness for the 3rd time is rly !!!!!!! and once again i've done nothing to deserve it :( i dont even know what i can say to you that will ever be enough to thank u again or to top what u hav already said ! if there was like a...maslows hierarchy of kindness of smth, ur at the very top of that triangle and anything i say will never be as kind as what you have said !! for you, i can agree that we both inspired each other :-) but really thank u so much from the bottom of my heart :( i hope you know how kind and lovely u are too ! if nobody told u this today, i wanted to say that im rly grateful to know u and i'm happy that you're here !! thank u again for being so kind and thoughtful and for making me smile !! :( same, i havent properly listened to the whole album either bc ive just been letting it stream in the background (but i dont count that as a proper listen unless i listen w headphones tbh) ill give it a good listen one day ! also im a repeat 1 kind of garbage person until i feel the need to listen to a new song ?? and rn jealousy to me is a song that gets better w every listen ??? shes too powerful atm :( one day ill listen to another song but today is not that day ! Actually.....I think jealousy is my fav mx song ???? before this cb i didnt hav a fav bc i couldnt pick the song i liked most out of blue moon/blind/fighter/incomparable. i was just gonna base it off the one w the most play count out of those 4 but now i know its jealousy ! what are ur fav mx songs ?? btw i know im always saying that anything mx releases is always a masterpiece no matter what, but in all seriousness its ok if u didn't like smth they released. i don't think it makes u any less of a mbb if u didn't enjoy a certain release or if u only liked one aspect of a thing but not so much the rest of the thing. anyway not to sound so...stale and commonplace but for lack of a better word/sentence, at the end of the day your own reactions and feelings to a piece of art like music...it's all just subjective isnt it ?? not liking that thing doesnt mean that its not a masterpiece or its any less of a masterpiece to someone else either so !! it's ok !! anyway this is rly....ive written a lot and its all over the place and incoherent probably :( i'm sorry !! feel free to reply whenever u feel like it, or no pressure on never replying at all btw ! also feel free to disagree w anything i say ! thank u sm for talking to me abt mx bc ive also got no mbb friends so !!! thank you :( theres so many times where i rly want to start a conversation w someone but im too scared and also i've got no clue abt how to initiate conversation ! and the times when i do manage to...i get stuck on how to keep the conversation going ? but when i figure smth out then im coming for u @ friendship !! i hope u had a good weekend and that you got some rest and that ur doing ok wherever u are !! until next time, take care ❤️❤️❤️
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