#like this mother fucker has such a hold on me i can't
koalagirl224 · 1 year
I won't let a man change my decisions
*Astarion disapproves*
I will let ONE man change my decisions
*load save*
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majinbangus · 9 days
happy birthday little simon
"You're inviting me to the lad's birthday?"
At this point in time, he kind of expects to get a knock on his door more times in a week than he ever did during the entire duration he's lived in this flat. Most weekdays- when you leave for work and drop off your lad at school- the boy likes to make a quick stop to say good morning. It's become somewhat of a routine. Sometimes it's a sleepy greeting, but little Simon is a cheerful child who has taken an odd liking to him, and vice versa.
"If you can make it."
Then there's you. The sunny child's mother. An easy presence to be in. Refreshing like the ocean breeze during a calm day. Something addictive he can't get enough of.
"When is it?"
This is new. You switched up the routine by coming a second time at midday after he returned from the gym, freshly showered. You faired better when he opened the door compared to that one time. Granted, he was fully dressed, but it was a little disappointing; however, you did have a reason for visiting.
He could tell by the tension surrounding your eyes. Focused like you were on a mission. He supposes you technically are on one. Inviting Simon to your boy's birthday.
He furrows his brows. "This Saturday?"
"That's tomorrow."
"I know it's a bit last minute, but..." You sigh, running a frustrated hand over your face, frowning at the ground. "No one RSVP'd."
"No one?" Simon nearly growls, offended on the lad's behalf. "What about his friends? The little fuckers don't want to come?
You purse your lips, crossing your arms. "We sent out invites to all his classmates, but ever since we moved, Simon's been having trouble making friends."
"He has trouble?"
"It's not his fault!" You snap before grimacing, lowering your voice, "Sorry, it's just... Simon tries to make friends, but kids are mean, you know? They're young, but they already have their established friend groups and exclude him because he's new."
New. Different. Any reason along those lines. It doesn't matter to kids. Or it does, and that's why they're unjustly cruel to their peers. He understands. Simon grew up with many of his schoolmates avoiding him for being 'weird', not knowing his home life. Tommy had 'friends' but they weren't exactly a good crowd.
"So you want me to come?" Simon asks, and he's met with a tired expression he's never seen on you before—not even when you were sick and weak and needed to be looked after. You look as if you hold the weight of the world on your shoulders, about to collapse.
"He tries not to let it get him down, but if no one shows up..." You bite your lip, a flash of pain in your eyes at the thought of your son hurting. "Please? He likes you, and even if you're the only one who shows up, it'll mean a lot to him."
Simon looks at you. Really looks at you and takes in the desperation in your eyes. You look as if you'd do anything to convince him to come. Even fight him. Tie him up. Anything to drag him to your son's party. You'd probably do it, mother bear that you are.
But you don't need to do that. You won't ever have to fight another battle. Not if he can help it. Simon will fight your battles for you from now on.
"I'll come."
You have his devotion. You and your boy.
"Really?" You brighten up, the hopeless look in your eyes washing away.
He nods. "I'll bring a mate with some brats around your lad's age. They're friendly. They'll like him."
"Will they? Are you sure your friend will be okay with it?"
"They will, and the bastard owes me one, anyway."
No, he doesn't, but Johnny will pull through. Him and his seemingly endless amount of nieces and nephews, although he'll only need to bring a few.
A wide smile breaks out on your face, bright like the sun, and oh- that's where your boy got his grin. Without warning, you leap into his arms, forceful enough to make him grunt. You hug him, burying your face into his shoulder with Simon's hands hovering at your waist, fingers twitching.
It's rare to catch him off guard. So many new sensations fill his senses. Your warmth, surrounding him like a blanket; your scent, sweet and calming with a freshness to it that makes him want to bury his face into your neck and inhale. Or maybe he would bite into your soft skin to see if you taste as pleasant as you smell. If he wasn't so controlled, he probably would sate his curiosity right now.
You stiffen, your body tensing as if you're aware of what you've done, and move to back away, but Simon stops you, resting his hands on your hips. You gently melt your body against his again.
"Thank you, Simon," You softly murmur into his shoulder. It's a quiet sound, but he hears it and lets his arms wrap you in a full hug. You melt against his body, sighing. He doesn't think he's ever felt so warm before. "And just so you know... it means a lot to me, too, that you're coming."
Simon: > Johnny
Johnny: > Yeah, lt?
Simon: > You busy tomorrow?
Johnny: > Yes? > I have a date with that bonnie piano teacher I told you about > ... why
Simon: > Cancel it > Have something I need you to do
Johnny: > Work related?
Simon: > No
Johnny: > Then why can't you do it?
Simon: > I'm already on it > Cancel your date
Johnny: > Then why do you need me? > I'm not gonna cancel my date you dobber
"Cannae believe ye made us come all the way to fuckin' Manchester. Do y'know how many fuckin' hours ye made us drive, Ghost? The wee ones didnae like gettin' up so arse fuckin' early, either-"
"Shut up, Johnny. You owed me one."
"I didnae?!"
A giggle from Soap's bonnie piano teacher. "You're accent thickens when you're upset, John."
"Today was supposed to be our date!"
"It's not so bad. I still get to spend time with you."
"... Guess not, but I'll take you out proper tomorrow, promise."
"See, Johnny? Everyone wins."
"Awa’ an bile yer heid, Ghost."
Despite all his complaining, Johnny is a good guest and keeps the children entertained, playing the part of the fun uncle by letting the kids wrestle or play tag with him, not minding the grass stains as they roughhouse in the park. Currently, he's playing an informal football game with them—six vs. one. He's mostly blocking the ball from entering the goal, but it's still fun for all of them.
Little Simon is extra happy with his new friends. He's been smiling nonstop since they all introduced themselves, grin extra proud when he revealed his name.
("Like Uncle Simon's?"
"Yeah, he says it's a fine name!")
You also haven't stopped smiling ever since they arrived. Not quite as big as your boy's grin, but it still hasn't left. You and Soap's date get along swimmingly, too. He can already tell you'll be good friends with the teacher.
"Not gonna join them?"
Simon looks to see you standing next to him under the tree, watching the children as Soap 'misses' a shot from one of his nephews.
"Where's your friend?" He asks instead.
"Went looking for a bathroom." You gesture vaguely in the direction Soap's date disappeared off to. "So, not gonna play?"
He shakes his head. "Johnny's got it."
"Oh?" The suspiciously innocuous tone makes his eyes narrow. "Is it because he's the better footballer between you two?"
Simon slowly turns towards you, glaring with no real heat, but it still doesn't stop your panicked giggle when he takes a half step in your direction, making you back up against the tree. He gets closer and leans into your space, nearly brushing his front against yours. You audibly gulp, and Simon places a palm on the tree, hand right next to your head. He gets close to your face, watching your eyes widen then dart down to look at somewhere on the bottom half of his face before meeting his eyes again. You bite your lip.
"Repeat that for me, sweetheart." Simon growls softly, and you give a sharp, little inhale.
"U-um. I'd rather... not." Your voice comes out breathy, and you place a hand on his chest as if to stabilize yourself.
"I wasn't asking." He doesn't give you a chance to breathe, leaning in closer, and your fingers dig a little into his pec, making his muscles flex under your touch. "I'll say again: repeat that for me."
With nowhere to run, pinned to a tree, you tremble against his body, breathing heavily and barely able to meet his eyes, licking your lips. It takes you a moment to build up the nerve to speak with Simon surrounding your senses.
"I um... I um-"
"Simon, Uncle Johnny said to come play with us!"
Instantly, he backs away from you and turns around to see your boy running over. Behind him, he hears you exhale a quiet, little, "Fuck..."
Fuck, indeed.
He turns his attention to the lad once he comes to a stop in front of him. "Is that what he said?"
"Uh-huh! He said we're giving him trouble, and it'll make it more fair so he's not the only one guarding."
Simon looks over to where Johnny stands with the football held casually to the side between his arm and waist. The man smirks knowingly, glancing between you and Simon before giving a cheeky wave. He glares back. "I'll show him trouble."
"What did you say, Simon?"
He looks back at your boy. "Nothing. I'll come play."
The lad's eyes brighten with a celebratory cheer, grabbing his wrist and leading the way to the field. Simon looks back to see you better composed, if a little disheveled, but smiling nonetheless at the two like they're the only ones who matter.
After cake and presents, the children return to playing football with the new football that Soap gave as a present for little Simon, along with your boy wearing a jersey from the Scot's favorite team. A petty move from Soap, in Simon's opinion, but he'll let him have this one. He'll get your boy cheering for Man United soon enough.
The adults hang back in their own pairs. Soap and his date finally getting a moment to themselves, nibbling on cake and talking about whatever it is they talk about at the picnic table, and you and Simon are back under the tree, keeping a respectable distance between each other.
"Kid seems happy," Simon idly notes, watching your boy laugh and play with the younger MacTavish's. "You did good."
"Me?" You glance at him. "You were the one to bring a tiny tribe to Simon's birthday. Look at him. That smile is because of you."
"That smile is because you're a good mum," Simon states in a way that leaves no room for questions. "You were the one who made today happen. You gave your lad the birthday he deserved. He'll remember this."
Like how Simon remembers his mum doing her best to give him and Tommy the birthdays they deserved, no matter how small the celebration was.
You're looking at him as if you can't quite believe he's real, a cute, astonished look adorning your face. He's tempted to make a comment about it until you give a quiet, amazed laugh, reaching for his hand to give it a grateful squeeze. You don't pull away, and he doesn't let go.
"Even so, Simon had a great seventh birthday, and a lot of it is because of you. You did more than you had to- more than his father ever did! Bastard didn't even send a happy birthday text, son of a bitch." You exhale a heavy, calming breath. "But never mind that... What I'm trying to say is thank you. You didn't have to do what you did, and ever since we met, you've been really good to him."
You shoot him a teasing look. "What's your secret? Have a hidden family out there or something?"
A darker part of Simon is tempted to laugh. You're kind of right, in a messed up way, but he doesn't hold it against you. He hums, contemplating. "I had a nephew."
"Had?" The information takes another second to process. "Oh! I mean..."
"Don't have to say anything." Simon stares out to where the kids are playing. He imagines another boy running among them. Both younger and older than the children out in the field. Taken too young with no opportunity to grow. To live. He squeezes your hand. "He reminds me of him. Joseph. Would have been a couple years older than your lad by now, but I think they would have gotten along."
"Think so?" You send him a soft smile, stepping closer to hug his arm. "Tell me more about him?"
Simon looks at you, the warmth of your body pressed against him, and it suddenly feels like there's no one else in the world. There's just you and him under this tree, with your boy's laughter ringing like bells in the air, and that's when it hits.
Settle down... He's finally starting to get it, Tommy.
soap's piano teacher is something i want to write out, but idk if i'll get to it
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thebibliosphere · 3 months
Wait, is Jason in Gotham Knights body horror? Because it doesn't feel like his body even tho he's controlling it? (He died, he came back, it's not the same and never will be)
Or is it more analogous to puberty and feeling like you don't know anything about your body anymore?
Just having thoughts about that boy again
I think Jason in Gotham Knights is very much connected with his physical body. It's his biggest weapon, possibly more so than his guns, given his lasting connection to the Lazarus Pit and the power it gives him.
His backstory talks about building himself up to peak physical condition into the absolute unit he is now, and you can either see that as someone trying to reconnect with their physical self or someone vowing never to be small or weak again.
I tend to think of it as both. It's a reclamation of his physical form but also a transformation into something bigger and stronger that ensures he's the scariest, meanest-looking mother fucker in the room. Basically someone you can't underestimate as a threat.
(Try not to think too hard about the fact that he now largely resembles Bruce in stature, that he is now the group's heavy hitter, the most menacing and the most likely to strike fear into the heart of his opponents, and that Jason molded himself into the person he needed to be rescued by as a child. Don't do it. Do not. I am normal about this.)
But he obviously struggles with feeling present mentally sometimes.
You'll see him zoning out occasionally, touching the J-shaped scar on his face before violently shaking himself back into the present.
He has panic attacks while playing a dance video game with a coffin in it—a coffin his character becomes trapped in because he's not moving fast enough. (hello, trauma)
He's angry all the time and so relieved when Barbra expresses her own rage at something because, yes, finally, someone else is letting their emotions out instead of bottling it up (Dick).
His emails are littered with orders for self-help books, emails from his therapist moving his sessions around, and concerned messages from his friends (Roy comes to mind) saying if he needs to get out of Gotham, they'll make it happen.
Alfred holding him while he sobs over losing Bruce still breaks me every time. I have to pause the game and walk around my house until I feel normal again.
And then there's the cut scene where Dick asks, "Hey, remember that time we all [insert funny thing here]," and Jason admits, somewhat angrily, that no, he doesn't because Lazarus took entire swaths of memories from him and he hates how he can't connect with people the way he used to and he hates the way they all look at him (the way Dick is looking at him now) when he admits he doesn't remember something they clearly loved about the old him: the version of him who didn't have volatile mood swings or made people flinch when he did something as mundane as handle a kitchen knife -- the undead monster he came back as*.
The fact that Dick then contrives to recreate this memory so Jason can be included in a newer version of it -- while also giving him what is arguably a weapon -- fucks me up every time. Dick just yeets a kitchen knife at him, trusting that Jason will catch it, and then just steamrolls over Jason's rightful 'what the fuck' expression with "Hey, we're making food. Get dicing."
And Jason knows what they're all doing. He's aware of it, and he gets the teeniest, tiniest smile before smothering it out. Except he can't quite. He's still smiling as he chops the vegetables. And yes, they're all hopeless at cooking compared to him, and he knows he's going to end up taking over, but that's okay. Because this is for him. He gets to control it.
And that's how Jason gets to make a new memory, one where he is handed a weapon and gets to turn it into a genuine expression of nurturing and care.
Because he does care about them. He wouldn't conspire with Dick to bake Barbara's favorite childhood cookies if he didn't. He wouldn't try so hard to be gentle with Tim triggering the shit out of him while he's struggling with his grief. He just doesn't always know how to express it because he doesn't always know what he's feeling.
Is his anger valid? Or is this Lazarus Pit Rage? Is he being overly sensitive because of his trauma, or is everyone else underreacting because of their trauma? (Should he sign them all up for therapy, quite probably, yes.)
So, you could perhaps argue that Jason experiences body horror in the sense that he doesn't remember all the pieces of who he used to be. (Speaking as someone with severe memory loss from medical trauma, it's certainly a type of horror.) But I don't think it's because he's detached from it physically or doesn't feel in control of his body. I think it's his mind that worries him.
His body he can control. It's his mind that still sparks green sometimes.
*Re the scene with Tim when Tim calls the Talons monsters. "What about me? Do you think I'm a monster?"
No, they don't.
But Jason does. And it scares him shitless.
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hii i was wondering if you could do logan with reader that owns a cat and the cat acts JUST LIKE HIM and he cant stand it until reader points it out. thank you!!!!
I loved this request! I have my own little cat, so I wanted this to be as well written as possible. I'm sorry it took so long to be posted. I hope you like it! If you do, please like, comment, and reblog! It really helps me with motivation to keep posting on here <3
This is my kitten rocket 🤭
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Logan was never afraid to meet anyone in your life. He had met your friends and family; he met your colleagues and even your old roommate, but for some reason, everyone is telling him he should be afraid to meet your cat.
Logan can remember every warning he got from the people in your life when they found out he hadn't met your cat yet. "Oh, that's her baby" "Oh he has brought a lot of joy into her life since she found him, he really is her number one" "That cat hates anyone that comes over-I swear it's crazy" "Her cat is just very territorial, very protective" "Make sure you wear shoes, he goes for the toes."
He scoffed at these warnings, it's still just a cat. He wanted your cat to like him, of course he did but he also wasn't afraid to meet the damn thing. He knew you loved you cat, that was your baby, and you took care of him more than you took care of yourself something Logan hated, but he didn't think it mattered what a cat thought of him.
You usually would stay at his place after a night out, but for the past few dates, you two went back to your place instead. It wasn't a big deal, but you were worried for how your cat would react to a strange man coming into his territory. "He just doesn't like people Lo', I don't want him to lash out at you." He could hear in your voice how worried you truly were, and he tried his best to reassure you that the cat and him would get along just fine.
He lied to you. Logan can't stand that fucking cat and that cat has it out for him too. The first night the cat didn't even come out of hiding, it completely broke your heart and Logan ended up leaving a bit earlier than planned because you were worried for your cat's wellbeing, as he was leaving he heard you cooing at the cat calling him your baby and your handsome man and though he'd never admit it aloud a twinge of jealous did echo through Logan's chest. The next night the cat did come out of hiding, just so he could attack Logan's legs. When Logan didn't kick him across the room like he wanted to you came and put the cat in your bedroom. "I am so sorry!! Are you okay??" You exclaimed while you closed the door to your room before trying to check on his scratches even though they healed before you could. He grumbled... sort of whined a bit too, and honestly, he was enjoying the attention, so maybe he milked the injury? Sue him.
What really pushed him over the edge was your cat literally pushing him over the edge. It was around 1 in the morning, and you had just fallen asleep. Logan was holding you in his arms and trying his best to fall asleep himself when the door to your bedroom creaked open. Logan, now fully awake, sits up, trying not to disturb you and is greeted with a sharp meow and sharp little claws to the stomach. "Mother fucker" Logan mumbled under his breath as he pushed the cat off of him, "why are you even in here?" he asked quietly so he wouldn't wake you but sharply enough to try and scare the cat away. The cat meowed louder than before as if he was arguing back and went to lay on your chest, purring as he curled himself into a ball. Logan was pissed but he tried to stay cool and just ignore the cat, then around 4 in the morning, Logan was awoken to his body meeting your bedroom floor. When he stood up, he looked at the bed and saw your fucking cat in his spot. "That's it." Logan had enough and grabbed a blanket before going to the couch.
You woke him up hours later, very confused as to why he was on the couch and was replaced by a cat in the middle of the night. "Baby?" You asked softly, handing him his cup of coffee, "don't. Just don't." He grumbles and sips his coffee, sending your cat a glare as he walks around smugged.
Logan refuses to lose against a damn cat!
It's just a stupid cat, not even 4 months old yet. So why was he letting its behavior get to him so much? Because it was your cat, and even if Logan wasn't ready to admit it yet he really did love you and for some reason you loved that asshole cat more than the world so for fuck sake that cat will like him even if it is the last thing he does in his very long life.
Honestly, it was truly ironic if Logan took the time to think about it. Your cat was a grump. He didn't want people around unless he allowed them to be around, and even then, he wanted his distance. But not when it came to you. When you were around, that cat was glued to you and had the loudest purr Logan had ever heard, and your cat really did get protective of you. It was something Logan had never seen before. Usually, cats don't care, but if you came home upset, the cat wouldn't settle down until you did, too. If he took the time to really think about it, maybe he could see the resemblance the cat shared with another grump you have allowed into your life that you loved more than the world.
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itsrainingbubbles · 3 months
Ace drives like a madman and gets the worst road rage during traffic
I can't decide if Sabo would side with ace and be equally pissed at other cars or be holding onto the seatbelt for dear life
Luffy is just hanging out tbh
Face timing the strawhats being like "ace is driving :DD'
And them responding with varying degrees of "dope", "good luck", and "HES BREAKING SO MANY LAWS RN WTH???"
Ace driving is nothing compared to Sabo though, he has a very specific brand of road rage
One car cuts him off once and Sabo Will find every single opening available to cut that car off and inconvenience them for as long as they share the same route
Weeks later he sees that car at a gas station and he stares at them with his big eyes and just goes "you mother fucker you cut me off on my way to work"
The strawhats make a mental note to never let Luffy drive if his brothers are the one teaching him to drive
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leclerc-s · 6 months
snow angel - track six
series masterlist // previous // next
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, maggielindemann and others
maia_bennett and we don't talk shit about you on the internet...
tagged: landonorris, carlossainz55
view all comments
user1 oh my god is she for real?
landonorris pretty girl 🧡
↳ maia_bennett pretty boy 🧡
user2 this has got to be some sort of joke, right?
lilymhe lol.
↳ user3 this is the most threatening lol i've ever see. period and everything.
alex_albon LMFAOOOOOO
↳ user4 most unserious driver on the grid.
↳ user5 we don't talk about alex's chaos enough
francesca.cgomes see this caption would work if we didn't all know what carlos and lando did in the spanish media.
user7 you've got to be fucking kidding me...
user8 oh no. honey this isn't the flex you think it is.
luisinhaoliveira99 oh sweetie...
user9 i pray you're ready for the shit storm that is about to hit you.
alex_albon LMFAOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
user has turned off comments
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liked by luisinhaoliveira99, maxverstappen1, yukitsunoda0511 and others
rheareynolds "but for what it's worth, he's her problem now."
tagged: luisinhaoliveira99, maia_bennett, landonorris
user11 oh, she's so cunty and i love that.
lilymhe everyday i am grateful i live on the same earth as rhea reynolds.
↳ rheareynolds oh lily, you sure know how to make a girl blush.
luisinhaoliveira99 oh girl, i fucking love you.
↳ rheareynolds baby, i fucking love you 😘. no one show this to mick!
↳ mickschumacher this is a public instagram comment section...
↳ rheareynolds LOVE YOU TOO BABE 💙!
maxverstappen1 see, i can't tell if those are lyrics or someone told you that but either way, YOU ATE THAT SHIT UP!!
↳ rheareynolds why thank you maximilian.
↳ maxverstappen1 i'll let it slide, just this once.
georgerussell63 SHE CAME TO SERVE!!
francesca.cgomes ATE AND LEFT NO CRUMBS!
↳ rheareynolds I HAD THE BEST TEACHER!
user12 oh she's so unhinged and i fucking love that shit.
oscarpiastri i just heard the most unholy screech come from the dining hall. target has been reached.
↳ rheareynolds good. he deserves this and much worse.
logansargeant YES QUEEN!! SERVING CUNT!!
↳ rheareynolds LOGIE! THANK YOU! ❤️
yukitsunoda0511 my offer still stands.
↳ rheareynolds no yuki, you are not biting his ankles while pierre holds him down.
↳ pierregasly BOO!! LET US TAKE HIM DOWN!!!
maia_bennett real mature rhea. real mature.
↳ rheareynolds oh honey, we haven't even scratched the surface.
charles_leclerc THAT'S MY BESTIE!!
↳ rheareynolds what an iconic duo, regina george and lightning mcqueen.
↳ rheareynolds albono, i think you gagged him even more with the no wins.
maxfretwell let be known that i had no idea what was going on. i just thought she was your best friend.
↳ rheareynolds no it's okay maxie, i don't blame you for having a shitty best friend.
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pierre gasly added one person
kika gomes i can't believe i'm saying this but what the hell guys? why wasn't i added sooner??
rhea reynolds you're the only sane one.
lily muni he if the loser shows up with her can i fight him??
yuki tsunoda i'll help! daniel ricciardo you two are so violent.
esteban ocon when mick said lando had cheated on you with your childhood best friend, i didn't think he meant maia, who knew you two were together. and constantly hung out together with you two.
mick schumacher i told you guys it was bad!
oscar piastri ...
alex albon WHAT DO YOU KNOW PIASTRI?? oscar piastri she's been to every single race this year... the girl he showed up with in bahrain was a fake girlfriend. he's been dating her for months. oscar piastri and i learned that every time lando said he was hanging out with carlos, he was with her. don't ask how i learned.
rhea reynolds THAT MOTHER FUCKER!!
rhea reynolds oh he's fucking lucky i could go to jail for murder.
rhea reynolds i had a different song planned to be the next single but i changed my fucking mind. fuck lando norris, fuck carlos sainz, and fuck maia bennett. i hope they enjoy their little corner in hell.
lily muni he oh regina george has not come to play.
george russell i think you mean leighton murray did not come to play.
lewis hamilton i have you all muted for a reason but please, make him miserable. it's the least he deserves.
rhea reynolds oh my manager is about to be so pissed at me but what lewis hamilton says goes.
pierre gasly BURN THE BITCH RHEA!
daniel ricciardo GET HIS FUCKING ASS!!
lance stroll to quote yuki, "we ride at dawn fuckers"
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alex albon i am in awe of you rhea reynolds.
lewis hamilton i think you've outdone yourself rhea.
lily muni he marry me. forget alex and mick. marry me.
kika gomes no! marry me! rhea reynolds fuck it, we'll marry each other. throuple all the way.
mick schumacher trust me. it gets worse.
mick schumacher think like dear john by taylor
lily muni he oh shit. it's that bad?
kika gomes that man will never know peace as long as we live
pierre gasly he hasn't known peace since december 2021
kika gomes good, then we're doing our job as her friends.
oscar piastri there is nothing i enjoy more than slowly torturing my teammate
daniel ricciardo chaotic aussies and mclaren. something they can never get away from.
logan sargeant listen, if we host a listening party, at the same time, in different garages. he can't really shit on any of us.
max verstappen so what you mean is, all of us play tummy hurts, on a loop to annoy him?
lance stroll I'M IN! FERNANDO'S IN TOO!!
rhea reynolds i seriously love you guys.
lily muni he rhea, baby, we love you too.
oscar piastri i enjoy chaos. we aren't quite at the love phase rhea.
rhea reynolds oh fuck you swimp.
logan sargeant SWIMP!!
oscar piastri OH FUCK OFF!
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¡leclerc-s speaks! no cause if there was no more drama there this story would end so much sooner and we don't want that yet.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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ottosuricatoblog · 1 year
Link to my masterlist
Author: soooo this is my first request! Thank you sm for asking! I hope this is alright! As you can see, reader is also a Stark but this is not part of my series "Fucked". I hope you enjoy it!!💖
Request: Prompt 13 and 23 would he so cute together! Maybe like an arranged marriage🤭 I would love to see what you could come up with 💕
13. “what are you doing in my room?” “oh, you mean, our room?”
23. “and who are you to tell me who i can and can't be with?” “i'm your future husband, and probably, father of your future children.”
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When your father told you and your little sisters you were moving to Kings Landing with him, you were less than thrilled. Arya could take it. She's a witty girl. Sansa, though, was an innocent bird, and she had been promised to the prince, the little fucker. You knew you needed to be there for her until she could be there for herself.
The days in Kings Landing were exhausting. You were always looking over Sansa, which meant spending time with the hateful prince as well. The only positive thing about it was getting to know the prince's guard, Sandor. He was quite dry with you at first, but you didn't mind, continuing to be the chatty girl you've always been. He pretended not to listen to you, but he always asked something if you didn't talk, which didn't fail to make you smile. You developed an interesting relationship. He took care of Sansa when you couldn't, and you soon realized he cared more for both of you than he would admit.
After your father's execution, Arya was nowhere to be seen. The now King took pleasure in torturing everyone, but specifically your sister. The second time he decided to take her to admire your father's head on a spike, you couldn't take it anymore.
"Do you really enjoy this?" You hiss, holding your sister as she cries. "You're a monster."
"How dare you disrespect your King? You fucking whore!" He shouts. "DOG!" He motions for Sandor. "Take her to the Great Hall. I'll decide what I do with her on my way there."
Sandor looks at you, anger in his eyes.
"C'mon." He grunts, pushing you slightly.
Halfway through, he stops abruptly.
"Are you out of your fucking mind?" He barks. "I can't protect you from the King if you're fucking insulting him in his presence."
"I know!" You groan, still pissed. "I know. Couldn't help it. He's cruel, Sandor. She's just a kid."
"Yes, he's fucking cruel. He's also the fucking King!" The look in Sandor's eyes is a mix of anger and pain.
"When he kills me," You start, and he clenches his jaw. "Take care of Sansa." Your eyes fill with tears.
"He won't kill you." Sandor says and starts walking again.
You arrive at the Great Hall, and ten minutes later, so does the King.
"My King." You try as he's sitting on his throne.
"Shup up!" He says. "You don't get to talk."
You stay still, remaining silent.
"I wanted to execute you, put your head next to your traitorous father's. My mother has advised against it." You sigh, thanking the Gods for Cersei in that very moment. Sandor does the same at his spot.
"Nevertheless, you did insult me, so this cannot remain unpunished." The King continues. "If I recall, you called me 'monster'. You're going to know a real monster." He shows an evil smile. "DOG!" He shouts.
Sandor looks at him confused. "Your Grace?"
You look at Sandor out of the corner of your eye.
"Here!" He says, motioning for you. "Come here."
He does as he is told, standing next to you.
"Lady Y/N, here's your monster." Joffrey says, delighted. "You're to marry the Hound."
You walk back to your chambers, very confused. You thought you were dying today. Instead, you're getting married. You're marrying not other than Sandor Clegane. It could be worse, but you're certainly shocked.
You get to your chambers, going directly to the table and pouring a cup of wine.
The door suddenly opens, and you see Sandor stepping inside and closing it.
"What are you doing in my room?" You ask, still a bit shocked.
"Oh, you mean our room?" He says, irony evident in his voice. "What the fuck was that?"
"The hell I know." Yoy say, sipping your wine.
"It's a bit early to drink, don't you think?" He seems amused.
"Fuck off." You mumble, which makes him smirk.
"Look, I know this is not what you dreamed of when you were a child," He starts. "A beautiful lady marrying an old ugly dog."
"You're not." You interrupts him, but he stops you again. Does he think you're beautiful?
"I don’t need you to lie to me, girl. I know what I look like."
"Will you shut up?" You say, walking towards him. "I was a bit shocked because I thought I was going to die, and the marriage news got me by surprise."
He stands there, looking at you.
"That said, if I have to marry someone in this shithole, it would be you." You continue, to which he frowns. "You're the only person here who was been kind to me, at least in your own way. You've protected me and my sisters. You're a survivor, just like us." Hiz gaze softens at that. "And, even if you may not believe it, you're unconventionally attractive." You smirk.
He shows the shadow of a smile. "It's not like you have a choice." He says softly. "I will protect you. I will take care of you. I promise."
You take his massive hand in yours. "I know you will." He pulls you into his chest, his arms around you.
You stay like that for a few seconds, until he hears you mumble against his chest. "If you fail to protect me, I can always marry Ser Meryn Trant." You tease, knowing how much he hates him.
He grunts. "You're not even talking to that fucker again."
You laugh against him. "And who are you to tell me who I can and can't be with?" You say, smirking.
He grunts again, which makes you laugh. He moves you to the wall so you're pressed against it, your faces dangerously close.
"I'm your future husband," He groans against your mouth. "And probably, father of your future children.”
You feel butterflies in your stomach, fighting the urge to kiss him and deciding to tease him a bit longer.
"That so?" You say, smirking.
You hear him say "Mine." before he presses his mouth against yours.
PD: I'm starting a tag list, if you wanna be in it, let me know🫶🏻
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kpop---scenarios · 4 months
Whiplash (6)
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Pairing: Felix x Reader x Hyunjin
Genre: Street Racing, Gang, Friends to Lovers
Warnings: Sexually Suggestive Things, Language, Jealousy, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 4.2k
Taglist: @sheala--marie @kayleefriedchicken @chartrucewhore @cookiesnmilfx @thicccurls @aznstoner @velvetmoonlght
One | Two | Three | Four | Five |
“You're fucking psycho if you think I'll ever be back in this house again.” You spit. “Who are you? The San I knew would never have done this! Never would have drugged me!” You scream.
Felix and Hyunjin stare at you like they have just seen a ghost.
“I-I never drugged you!” He stuttered. “Are you sure your brain is working?” He laughs.
“There's no way I'd sleep for 12+ hours without you slipping something into my water. I knew it tasted funny!” You yell.
“You mother fucker!” Felix yells, lunging for San. Hyunjin grabs onto him, holding him back. He knows it won't do anyone any good for them to fight, especially you. As angry as he was right now, he knew he needed to do what was best for you and Felix getting into a fight with San would surely not be good for your recovery.
“If I see you out, you better watch your fucking back. I'm sick of you and your shit with Y/N. I swear to god if you touch her again ill fucking kill you.” Felix screams as Hyunjin pulls him outside, with you following closely behind.
Felix pulls himself out of Hyunjin’s grip, walking a little down the short walkway, taking deep breaths to try and calm down.
“I'm sorry.” you whisper. Felix turns around, he looks confused. Hyunjin stares at you in disbelief.
“Sorry for what?” Felix asks, walking closer to you.
“for everything. For believing San over you guys, for coming here, for just everything that I put you through the last little bit.” You cry.
“Listen to me.” Hyunjin starts. “You didn't put us through anything. HE put you and us through hell for his own sick enjoyment.” Hyunjin tells you. You can hear it in his voice how angry and upset he is at the moment.
“Never apologize for this. This wasn't you at all.” Felix chimes in. “So don't feel guilty, don't be upset and don't ever think we're mad at you for any of this.” He finishes.
The three of you walk to the car, Felix opening the passenger door for you before climbing in the back while Hyunjin takes the driver's seat.
“Now.” He starts. “We can go to the house or your apartment, which one do you want?”
“My apartment please.” You breathe. “I begged San to take me there but he wouldn't. I just want to be home.” You say. Hyunjin smiles as he starts to drive in the direction of your place. They were so fucking happy that you had come back to them, but they couldn't help but wonder how long they would have you for before something went wrong, because in their life, something always went wrong.
“Ah, my bed!” You squeal as you lay down gently in your bed, making sure not to hit the still tender wound on the back of your head.
“Are you hungry? Thirsty? Is there anything we can get you? Do you want us to stay? Go?” Felix asks. He really hoped you would ask them to stay.
“Please stay. I don't wanna be without you guys.” You smile. “I know we're really just starting out this relationship and already so many things have happened..” you pause. “So if you want out, tell me now.” You finish, holding your breath.
They both look confused again.
“Out?” Hyunjin asks.
“Why would we want out?” Felix asks.
“Because. Like I said. So much has happened.” You mutter.
“I've waited years for you baby, I'm not going anywhere unless I'm 6 feet in the ground.” Felix says.
“Yeah, you wanna get rid of me love, you're gonna have to kill me.” Hyunjin winks.
How did you end up so fucking lucky? You usually weren't the one to have the happy ending but maybe now things are finally changing for you?
You get under the covers in your bed, patting either side for the boys. They crawl in with you, snuggling up to you. You can't help but fall asleep so quickly, feeling so safe and loved right now. Over the next week you spent almost all your time in bed with Felix and Hyunjin waiting on you hand and foot. By the end of the week you felt back at 10p% and you were so grateful for them. As the three of you went to bed that night, you had a plan for the next day and you hoped they would be on board.
You wake up in the morning, feeling refreshed and sweaty. You have Felix’s arm draped around you with Hyunjin’s leg pinning you down. Your head was kinda sore but not as bad as it had been. You were finally feeling more yourself but you knew you needed to take some advil or something to alleviate the soreness you were in. You felt normal again and you loved it.
“Felix.” you groan, poking up. “Hyunjin. Move. My head is sore. I need something.” You say. Both men shoot up in bed, scrambling out and each running in a different direction to find you something. Minutes later Felix comes back with medicine while Hyunjin appears with some water.
“Perfect.” You smile, taking the pills and water. “Thank you. But you know you really didn't need to rush. It's just a small headache.” You giggle.
Felix looks at his phone, then looks back at you. “The guys want to see you.. I guess Chan is really beating himself up about this.” He sighs. You crawl out of bed, looking for some clothes.
“Well let's go then.” You say, grabbing an outfit to change into.
An hour later you're sitting outside the house. “Are you sure you're up for it?” Hyunjin asks.
“Definitely.” You smile. You wanted your normal life back and you needed them to stop treating you like you were a fragile glass doll. You were more resilient than they knew. The three of you walk up to the door. When the door opened, there stood 6 men with smiles on their faces to greet you.
“I'm so glad you're back, Y/N. Once you're up for it I want a beer chugging rematch.” Han laughs, wrapping his arms around you.
“You wanna lose again?” You giggle, moving on to Changbin who squeezes you tightly.
Seungmin and Lee Know both give you a quick hug, murmuring something you didn't quite catch, while Jeongin pulls you in tightly as well. You walk over to Chan, who's standing a little ways back from the group, his head hangs low as you approach him.
“I should have told the cops it was San..Y/N I'm so sorry for this whole thing. It's my fault.. I should have..” he continues to say, but you cut him off.
“Chan, stop it. You couldn't have known how things were going to turn out. I was fine and then I wasn't but I'm okay now. And I hope you know I'm not mad at you and I don't hold any of your decisions against you.” You say. You open your arms, pulling the sad man into you. He wraps his arms around you tightly, sniffling into your shoulder.
“Alright, alright.” Felix says, pulling you away from Chan. “She needs to rest now, go on.” He says, shooing the man away.
“Lix, I'm fine.” You smile. He looks at you like he's going to melt.
“Lix, huh?” He grins. “I like it.”
“Do you?” You say, matching his grin. You lean in closer to him, your lips brushing against his ear. “My Lixxie.” You whisper.
“Oh baby.” He groans, his deep sultry voice coming out to play. “You're just asking for it, aren't you?”
You turn your head, smirking as you look at Hyunjin. “You think I'm asking for it Jin?” You wink. He chuckles as he walks towards the two of you. “Mhmm, Jin? I don't know.” He sighs.
“How about Jinnie?” You whisper.
“I could get used to that.” He grins.
You lean in, your lips so close to touching before Chan pipes up.
“ Sorry to interrupt boys but we've got business to take care of.” He says, looking at Hyunjin and Felix.
“A race?” You question, looking between the two men.
Hyunjin and Felix both glance at each other before Hyunjin sighs. “Yeah there's a race tonight. But we have some things to take care of beforehand.” He says, looking at Felix.
“Stay here. We'll be back as soon as we can, okay?” Felix smiles.
No. You didn't want to stay. You were better, you wanted to go.
“I'm coming.” You say. You flashback to the last time you went and what happened. But you couldn't be afraid forever.
Felix and Hyunjin knew that they couldn't control you and if you said you felt ready then you were ready. They just hated the fact that they couldn't protect you while they raced.
“Fine. But while we race you need to stay with Chan and Changbin, okay? San will likely be there.” Hyunjin sighs.
You nod your head, excited to be able to see them race again. You stayed at the house while they went out and did whatever they needed to do before the rave, when they were done they swung by the house and picked an excited you up and headed out.
The crowd was larger than you remembered. There were more people racing this time and the spot was a lot bigger. You felt sure that with this many people in this big of a place you wouldn't see San.
“Who's racing now?” You ask Felix as the two of you sit on the bed of someone's truck, watching the tires spin and burn while the flag drops and the cars peel off.
“That would be Got7 in the blue car, I think it's Jinyoung driving. And then it's Lucas from NCT in the yellow one.” Felix says, sliding his arm around your shoulder.
Hyunjin walks over to the two of you, hopping up onto the truck beside you, resting his hand on your thigh.
“We're up next. We race against whoever wins this one.” He says. You were nervous, you always felt nervous when they were racing. The chance that there was an accident was really high with how fast they go.
The three of you walked hand in hand towards their group, Got7 had won so they were racing against Jinyoung.
“Be safe.” You sigh, giving both of them a kiss. You link your arm with Chan's as you watch them both walk away. Your eyes scan the crowd, looking at all the people here who were watching, and your eyes landed on someone familiar.
Your body tenses up so much that Chan notices. He looks where you were looking, your eyes locked in with San's.
“It's okay Y/N.” Chan says, rubbing your arm. “We're not going to let anything happen to you.” He smiles. Felix and Hyunjin peel off, the race starts. You knew San was going to be here but it still affected you and you really hadn't thought it would have.
A few minutes later you notice the rest of the guys standing in a half circle, talking to someone. Chan glances over and immediately a grin plastered across his face. “I'll be right back.” He says, pulling his arm from yours and walking over to the others. You stand there alone, peeking over to see a very beautiful girl that they were all talking to. You had no idea who she was but they were all clearly smitten with her. You looked through the crowd again, but didn't see San anymore. You started to calm down a little bit now, feeling like maybe he had left.
Until you feel someone grab your wrist and try to pull you. You look over, seeing San with your wrist in his hand, pulling you towards him.
“Come with me please.” San says, pulling a little harder.
“No. Let go of me.” You say, trying to yank your wrist from his grasp.
“Y/N stop, I just wanna talk.” He says. He starts walking towards the trees, dragging you with him. You turn your head.
“Chan!” You yell. He doesn't hear you. “Chan!” You scream a little louder. He puts up a finger, “just a second, Y/N.” He yells, not even turning around. You didn't have a second.
“I just want to explain!” San grunts. You're getting too close to the trees. Panic sets in. What did you do?
Scream. Scream Y/N.
You let out a loud, ear shattering scream. Chan and the rest of the guys all turn around, looking for you in horror. Chan sees you, San's hand covering your mouth as he drags you into the trees. He, Changbin and Lee Know run towards you, luckily grabbing you before San could get too deep. By the time they reach you, the race is over. Felix and Hyunjin had won, but instead of staying in the car to wait for the next race, they bolted towards the commotion they saw happening with you. They reach you just as Chan pulls you away from San.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!?” Chan yells.
“I just wanted to talk to her!” San yells, defending himself.
“You okay, baby?” Felix asks, giving you a once over.
“How did this happen?” Hyunjin yells. “I thought you were keeping an eye on her!?”
“I was! I was talking to Jennie.. just for a minute.” Chan says.
“I yelled for you! You told me just a second!” You breathe.
Chan hangs his head. “I'm sorry, Y/N. I really didn't think he would try anything.”
“Hyunjin, you go race, I'll stay with Y/N.” Felix says, wrapping his arm around you, taking you away from the group. He had never been more angry at his leader than he was at this moment. The two of you sit there, your head resting on Felix's shoulder. You watched Hyunjin in the car waiting for the race to start. He looks over at you, blowing you a kiss. You grin as you blow one back to him. Felix takes his finger, placing it under your chin, turning your face towards his. He smiles at you before leaning in, placing a tender kiss on your lips. You feel like you're going to melt with the way his lips feel on yours.
He breaks the kiss as he hears the crowd screaming, Hyunjin was racing San. You could feel your anxiety in the pit of your stomach. If San did anything or tried anything, you swore you would kill him.
Hyunjin takes off, you watch as he speeds off leaving San in the dust. You watch intensely where the cars come around the bend for the finish line. You were desperate to see Hyunjin come first. After minutes of waiting, you see him. San closely behind him. Hyunjin switches gears, The car takes off even faster, crossing the finish line well before San. The crowd erupts in cheers. You get off the truck, running towards Hyunjin. You push through the crowd of people and he grabs you, picking you up in a hug, spinning you around. He sets you down, kissing you passionately before the guys come over to celebrate.
“We're going to the club tonight!” Chan yells. “Time to celebrate!” Everyone cheers. You turn around, seeing a defeated San walk towards his group. You almost felt bad for him. Almost.
Later that night, you were dressed and ready to head to the club. You were so excited to go and dance with your boys, drink, let loose and have a great time.
“Ready?” Felix asks as he walks into the room.
“Ready.” You smile, walking towards him. He lets out a whistle as he grabs your hand to twirl you around.
“Wow.” He gasps. “Hyunjin.” He yells. “Come here.”
Hyunjin walks into the room wearing a black dress shirt tucked into his black pants, same as Felix and they both looked so fucking good.
“Jesus.” Hyunjin grins. “So sexy.”
You can feel the blush creep across your face as you giggle at the compliments. “Let's go, you two.” You say, grabbing both their hands to drag them out of the room.
“You sure?” Felix asks as you tug him along. “We could just stay home? There's a few things I can think of to do.” He smirks.
“Yeah, it would be a lot more fun.” Hyunjin agrees.
“We're going to celebrate you two. Shush.” You giggle.
The club is packed. You walk in feeling the bass pound through the floors, the smell of sex and sweat fills the air. The three of you make your way to the bar, ordering a few different shots. This felt nice, being out. It felt normal which you loved. After some shots you three made your way to the dance floor. Hyunjin behind you, Felix in front. You hadn't drank in so long that it didn't take very long for the booze to kick in. You stuck out your ass, grinding it onto Hyunjins crotch while Felix was between your legs, his body pressed up against yours. The whole thing was extremely hot, and it made you even hornier than you were to begin with. the feeling of both their hands roaming your body, Hyunjin's breath on the back of your neck, Felix's breath on your ear. You'd let them fuck you right there.
After an hour of dancing, you excused yourself to the bathroom. You could feel your pussy was dripping wet for them and you couldn't wait to get home tonight. You come out of the bathroom, searching for Felix and Hyunjin. You look around and finally see them standing side by side talking to the same girl that had been at the races. You could see her laughing, throwing her head back as she touched both their arms. That pissed you off. You make your way to the bar, sitting on a stool, ordering a drink. You barely notice the man sitting beside you. The bartender sets a drink and a shot beside you. You grab the shot, turning around in your seat to watch your boyfriends with Jennie. You wondered how long it would take for them to notice you hadn't come back yet or if at all. Maybe they were so immersed in the conversation with Jennie they completely forgot they had a girlfriend. You take your shot, setting it down on the bar before grabbing your drink and turning back around again. You're sipping on your drink. And sipping. And sipping. Until you're done and they still haven't noticed. You turn around, ordering another shot and another drink, turning back again to watch them.
You take your shot and before you can turn to grab your drink, there's a man standing in front of you.
“Hello.” He smiles.
“Hi.” You say back staying straight faced.
“Are you here alone?” He asks.
“No.” You deadpan, looking around him to see Hyunjin and Felix.
“I'm talking to you.” He laughs, moving in front of your view.
“And I'm not interested.” You snap, looking up at him.
“Woah, calm down.” He laughs. “Let me buy you a drink?”
“I have a drink.” You sigh.
“Wanna dance?” He asks.
“No.” You say. “Go away please.”
“Ah, just come dance.” He laughs again, grabbing your wrist.
“Bro.” The guy next to you snaps. “She's not fucking interested. Move along.”
“Okay, bro. Is she your girlfriend?” The man asks.
“Doesn't matter if she is or not. She doesn't want to dance, she doesn't want a drink, move the fuck on.” He says, removing his hand from your wrist. The guy scoffs before leaving you alone finally.
“Thank you.” You say looking over at the man who helped you. You squint your eyes, looking a little closer. “Jinyoung?” You ask.
“Yeah?” He responds, looking at you funny.
“You were at the races.” You say. “You raced against Hyunjin and Felix.”
“Yeah I did. Oh! You're their girlfriend. That's right. I remember you.” He says.
“Thank you again for helping me. I appreciate it.” You smile.
“It's no problem. Where are those two anyways?” He asks.
You nod your head in their direction. They were still talking to Jennie and you were fucking annoyed.
“I've been waiting to see how long it takes for them to notice I haven't come back from the bathroom. And this is embarrassing.” You sigh.
“That sucks. She's such a fucking cunt too.” He laughs. “She puts on a good show of being nice and flirty.”
“I don't want to be jealous. But I am. Cunt or not, they haven't even turned their heads to even peek for me. I'd love to make them jealous.” You laugh.
“Do you wanna dance?” Jinyoung asks. “I'm all for helping out.”
You grin at him as you nod your head. Maybe they won't forget about you to flirt with someone else next time. Jinyoung grabs your hand, pulling you towards the dance floor as you quickly chug your drink. He pulls you past Felix and Hyunjin, you turn your drunk head to smile at them, sticking your tongue out as you get to the front of the dance floor with Jinyoung. In their line of vision perfectly. He places his hands on your waist as you dance with him, moving your hips seductively. You can see the instant anger plastered across both their faces. You weren't sure if it was because you were dancing with another man, or because that man was Jinyoung. You continue to dance, giggling as you stick up your middle finger to them both, making them both slightly laugh. They walk away from Jennie, who turns to watch them, looking offended that they just left in the middle of a conversation.
“Y/N.” Felix says, using his deep voice.
“What?” You ask, still dancing.
“What are you doing?” He asks.
“Why are you dancing with another man?” Hyunjin asks.
“Why are you two flirting with Jennie?” You ask, now glaring at them both. “I've been out of the bathroom for 45 minutes, watching you two, neither of you wondered where I was?” You scoff.
“Baby..” Felix starts.
“Don't baby me.” You scoff. “Jinyoung here saved me when some creepy man was trying to force me to dance with him. Where were you two?” You slur.
You turn around facing Jinyoung who had been silent the whole time you'd been talking to them. You keep dancing, only for a second before Hyunjin pulls you away from Jinyoung. You turn to look at him, mouthing a ‘thank you’ as you giggle at the angry men guiding you away. He just laughs.
“I don't need help.” You say, pulling your hands away from them.
“I didn't like that.” Felix says as the three of you get outside. “Seeing you with him.”
“I could have beat the shit out of him.” Hyunjin says.
You say nothing, you just keep walking, both men behind you. You can hear them whispering but you can't hear what they're whispering about. Until you're grabbed, and dragged into an alley. You're pinned against the wall as an angry Hyunjin and Felix stare at you.
“Did you like it?” Hyunjin asks. “the feeling of his hands all over your body.”
“Did you feel his cock on your ass as you grinded with him?” Felix asks.
“Yes and yes.” You say, smirking. You wanted to rile them up. You loved it when they were jealous. You push them out of the way, continuing to stumble your way back to the house. You looked down and then back up, and Felix stood in front of you. He swiftly picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder. He walks the opposite way you were and sets you down inside a car.
You had forgotten they drove here. Felix slides in the backseat with you. You lay on your back, propping yourself up with your elbows as Felix lays semi on top of you. Hyunjin races to the house.
“I don't ever want to see another guy's hands on you ever again.” He whispers in your ear. Hyunjin pulls up to the house in record time, helping you out of the car as Felix gets out on the other side. Hyunjin pins you against the car.
“You're gonna be in big trouble if you ever do that again.” He says, placing kisses down your neck.
“Am I not in trouble now?” You gasp.
“Oh you are.” Felix smirks.
“Well so are you guys.” You say, walking towards the house.
Once you're inside, Felix slams the front door shut. The house is quiet. Everyone else is still out. You slide off your shoes, walking towards the kitchen. Felix grabs you, turning you around, pressing you against the wall. He smashes his lips to yours, kissing you harshly as he pulls up your dress. Hyunjin comes over to the two of you, peppering kisses over your neck as Felix pulls down your panties.
“After tonight, you're not going to want any other man to touch you.” Felix grunts.
This is what you had desperate been waiting for, and you couldn't fucking wait.
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toxictigertonic · 29 days
Three count em THREE whole people said they liked my headcanons and wanted more so I'm back with more, this time for how they sleep bc I think it's funny.
- Like a damn ROCK.
- But also, extremely vigilant at the same time.
- You could pick him up, shake him, scream in his face, he sleeps. Door cracks open a little? Floorboard creaks? He's up and ready for a fight.
- I really hope he'd sleep in boxers but he strikes me as a butt ass naked kinda guy. Enter his room at your own peril he WILL fight naked.
- Sleeps with his arms to his side, stiff as a board. Dead center of the bed though so good luck if you're looking to share with him.
- Sleeps like that partly bc of military and partly bc if he sleeps on his side he drools.
- Snores like a fucking lawn mower. Has woken people up from a sound sleep bc of it. People are holding grudges.
- The sunglasses and hat stay ON.
- No blankets, no sheets. You can guess how awful this is with the whole sleeping naked thing.
- Sleep walker. Again, awful when you remember that he's nakey.
- One pillow. There is a perfectly head shaped dent in it from his bald ass dome.
- How many pillows can you fit on a bed? Okay now double it.
- Her bed has the comfiest blankets and the biggest quilt ever.
- Futterman gets his own pillow, so she sleeps on her back with one arm up on the pillow and the other resting on her stomach.
- This is because if he doesn't have his own pillow he'll complain. Also he'll get lost in the mess of blankets.
- She still does the Futterman voice in her sleep. Futterman talks in his sleep. Futterman does not say nice things in his sleep.
- She also talks in her sleep but she's talking about making sure the children are safe or that her pie needs to come out of the oven while Futterman says things about dental hygiene (and how you'll be taught about it whether you like it or not)
- The ONLY one of the prime assets that brushes her teeth before bed. Doesn't wash her face though.
- If she didn't have Futterman to worry about she'd be a side sleeper, pillow tucked under her head and blanket tucked up under her chin.
- She'd have one stuffed animal me thinks. I'd say it's the duck but that feels too simple. How about a mmm ratty old cat.
- Wakes up with the blankets off of her everytime. She doesn't know how it happens but it does.
- Wears the cutest pajama set ever. Futterman deserves pajamas too.
- Sleepytime tea connoisseur. Chamomile with cinnamon and honey every night.
- Again, God help us where do I begin.
- He is my little skrunkly so I say this all with love. Maybe. Potentially. Maybe a little hate.
- Would absolutely spend the money to get an adult sized crib to sleep in. Maybe Murkoff got him one just to make him a little less of a brat (affectionate).
- Sooooo many stuffed animals. So many. From classic stuffies to weird stuffed animals you never would've thought existed.
- He cuddles with the same one every night though, without fail. According to character ai it's a pink elephant so I'm going with that.
- I feel like he'd have a special pajama set for each weekday. Or he'd wear whatever the hell he was wearing during the day to bed. Not sure which.
- If he doesn't have the binky he'll resort to thumb sucking, he won't sleep if he can't have one or the other.
- Also needs sound to sleep, a silent room makes him antsy. Typically has cartoons going.
- (Sad one for those of you who like angst) Dreams about what life could've been like if he had a happy family. Wakes up in tears every time.
- (Cute one to apologize for that) He's clingy as all hell. If someone were to sleep in the same bed as him they'd become his human teddy bear. Good luck getting up this mother fucker has Grip and is so starved for positive attention.
- He wakes up groggy as hell. Give him 30 minutes after he's gotten up bc before then he barely remembers where he is.
- Kicks in his sleep. And they're not gentle kicks either that little bastard is MEAN.
- Drools, sorry not sorry.
- If you pet his head he'll be out like a light :)
Let me know if there are any specific headcanons you'd like to hear out of my noggin because I promise I have plenty. I can talk about these freaks alllll day.
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tf-boi · 3 months
Game Over
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(Here's a story from one of the polls I made a while back. I hope you enjoy ;) The premise is me and my boyfriend keeps getting cock blocked by his little brother but tonight I get my revenge.)
"Mmmmm mmmmm" moaned Raymond making out with his boyfriend Sean. As they undress eachother their cocks became erect and rubbed against eachother.
Sean pulled off Raymonds underwear and released his musk into the room. With much anticipation he moves in on his meal. Suddenly a scream is heard.
"GODDAMMIT!!" Shouted Tony, Sean's brother, from across the hall. Raymond and Sean paused, kocked back into reality. They grinned and resummed. But as Sean began sucking Raymond off another scream echo'd. "MOTHER FUCKER!!"
Tony has been on a losing streak on his online game and nightly his loud screams would interupt Raymond and Sean's fun. The pair took another look at eachother when suddenly another scream was heard. "You guys suck!"
"Forget it! Moods killed . . ." Sean said tossing his hands in the air.
Raymond rolled his eyes "He's been like this NIGHTLY for a whole month. I'm gonna. . ."
Before Raymond could finish his thought Sean put his finger on his mouth. "Its okay Ray Ray, he'll probably fall asleep soon. . . We'll try again then."
"Uggghhhhh. . . But I'm already turned off by his screams."
"Damn. . . Guess we'll try again tomorrow. . ."
Raymond lied in bed annoyed. He wanted to get back at Tony for cock blocking him these passed few weeks. As Sean got up to go into the shower, Raymond saw that Sean was taking his phone with him. He then hatched a scheme knowing that his boyfriend is gonna be in there for at least an hour, when Sean takes his phone in he spends most of the time watching videos and laughing at memes so he had plenty of time.
As soon as Sean closed the door Raymond quietly got up and walked into the hallway in the nude. He approached Tony's room with a spare key they had incase of emergencies and unlocked his door. Raymobd peeked in and saw Tony shouting at his screen with his noise-canceling headphones on. "Perfect he can't hear me. . .little brat" he thought as he approached his prey. As he got behind Tony he realized he was playing naked, his computer and several screens heating up the room causing him to be too hot and stripped down. Raymond almost drooled as he grabs Tony all of a sudden. Tony's focus on his game was his downfall as Raymond rippes him from his chair and bent him over his bed.
"What the fu-" Tony tried to scream however Raymond covered Tony's mouth with his hands. Raymond pulls out Tony's 'lucky' butt plug from his ass and shoves his cock in. Tony tried to scream put Raymond put his hand over gis throat turning them hollow. Tony was confused as his body began to warm up with a lustful sensation. He stopped struggling as he fell to his bed almost succumbing to his fate, drooling as his mind goes blank. Raymond began focusing on the shape he wanted as Tony's limbs began to shrink and sink into him. His neck expanding as what looked like forskin surrounds his head. His body going from a flat human body to a thick round shaft. Raymond grabbed a pair of Tony's underwear and sniffed it as his victim slowly shrinks. Veins appearing as he throbbed. Soon Tony took his final shape as a thick juicy cock, Raymonds normal pubic hair changing to the light purple color of Tony's hair.
"Thats what you get for cock blocking bitch!" Raymond exclaimed in joy. He rubbed his new cock admiring his work. "Oh looks like you added a whole 6 inches! Thanks a lot bro!" Raymond began to jack off moaning in joy having to hold in his load nightly. Days of having to fuck various coworkers and clients in the office bathroom are now coming to an end. His jerking off was cut short as he heard an annoyed voice. "Ahem . . . What do we have here?" An annoyed Sean came into Tony's room. "B-babe?! You're done fast!" Raymond stuttered.
"I was out of shampoo so I just rinsed my body off" Sean said tapping his foot "I said not to do anything. What the hell man".
"Well. . . I was mad and couldn't think straight. Besides his mind is blanked out for at least another hour. So we can finally fuck in peace."
Sean raised an eyebrow.
Raymond got on Tony's bed and spread his legs, Tony's dick body presented in all its glory. "You know you want us . . ." Raymond said full of lust.
Sean rolled his eyes. "Sure but as punishment I'm gonna do all the work. . . You have to stay still".
"Fine. . ." Raymond sighed. He wasn't opposed to having Sean do all the work but now he can't go all out like he wanted.
"Now lie perfectly still love" Sean said suggestively.
Raymond lied down with Tony fully erect, his partially conscious mind throbbing at the sight of his older brother. Sean opened his mouth and stuffed his face with Raymond's giant cock. "MMmmm MMmmmm" Sean moaned as he envelope's his former brother with his mouth. "God he tastes so good~!" Sean thought. He sensed Raymond's legs trying to wrap around him, but he raised his finger and wagged it side to side, telling him, 'No you are just my sex slave today, no moving'. Sean continued to deep throat the massive rocket before him as he also gave Raymond a hand job. "Slurp slurp, gulp" Sean moaned as he sucked in all of Raymond's precum. "Uhhh uhhhh . . ." Raymond felt his tip being licked so that Sean can taste his new cock, even feeling the tip enter his shaft a bit. Raymond gripped the bed as Sean continued to go down on him. Sean's lips tighten around Raymond's dick as he moved his head back and forth, until he slid Tony's cock body out of his mouth.
Sean enjoyed his boyfriend's new cock in his mouth long enough. He turned around and shoved Raymond's dick into his ass and started riding him reverse cowgirl style. Raymond gripped Tony's bed and curled his toes as his boyfriend pounds his new dick full force with his plump bottom ass. "F-faster faster!" Raymond shouted as Sean tightened his ass cheeks and bounced up and down his former brother like a thick dildo. As Sean kept riding he felt himself fall over all of a sudden as Raymond couldn't hold back any longer. He got up and started fucking his boyfriend like a wild beast. "Uhhh uhhhh .. . no fair!" Sean moaned into the bed "But keep going!!!" He screamed as his ass gets destroyed by his boyfriend's new cock, underestimating how much length and girth his brother's body added to it when Raymond absorbed him. Raymond pounded Sean's ass faster and harder as the pair moaned. In the corner of Raymond's eyes he saw a pile of clothes Tony took off when he striped down. Raymond grabbed a sock and stuffed into Sean's mouth. Sean moaned as his ass gets destroyed with his brother's sock in him. The taste fill his mouth as the salty sweet feeling fills his mouth, with a hot mess filling his ass. Raymond grabbed Tony's underwear and gave it a big whiff as he fucked Sean. Sean cums multiple times, soaking Tony's bed with his seamen, however Raymond didn't care that his boyfriend finished, he kept fucking him until Raymond came 3 more times. After pounding his boyfriend for what felt like an hour, Raymond bent over his boyfriend and grabbed him as he released his load into Sean's ass. Gallons of cum fills his boyfriend's ass and expands his stomach. The pair kept cumming until they fall over and embrace. The two kiss and Sean looks at Raymond's now limp cock, cum still dripping out. "Looks like my little bro made a mess in me~" Sean said rubbing his stomach. The amount of cum in him made him look pregnant. "Yeah, I'm glad he was cock blocking us for so long, that release was amazing!" Raymond said stroking his cock.
All of a sudden Raymond's dick started moving a bit on his own.
"Uh oh, looks like Tony woke up babe!" Raymond snickered.
Sean bent over and gave Tony a little kiss on the tip. "Sorry little bro, your new body is amazing so you are gonna stay like that! At least until you made up for all the times you cock blocked us!"
Sean and Raymond snickered as they prepare for round two.
Tony stayed as Raymond's dick for several weeks where the pair fucked several times a day.
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eruminx · 1 year
Hey, can I get Hisoka nsfw and sfw dating hcs (fem or gender neutral reader)?
Thank you!
hi! thank u for the request and sorry it took a while to respond lol, but here u are! sfw + nsfw
❦ hisoka dating headcanons
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❦ sfw:
- very hot or cold. either super sweet or super petty. no in-between.
- he tries not to take things between you two seriously, but his possessiveness tends to get the better of him
- he's clingy. like reaaaallyyy clingy. attachment issues
- his giving love languages are physical touch and quality time, and his preferred receiving love language is gift giving
- loves stuff and gifts. i read a hc post where they hc'd him as a hoarder and i couldn't agree more. he has way too many decks of cards and a whole list ranking his favorite to his least favorite
- sassy. like. annoyingly sassy. he's so witty too?? he always has a funny comeback even in the most serious situations
- can be romantic if he wants to, but that's usually earlier in the relationship when he's trying to court and impress you. but sometimes he takes you out on a super fancy date.
- flakey but loyal. he'll disappear every now and then, but should always come back
- sometimes its more like you're his parent than his partner LOL he's very immature, lots of scolding
- LOVES PDA. he HAS to be touching you, no matter what. in public and in private. even if it's something simple like handholding, but usually it's a lotttt more than that. he also gives really good hugs and kisses.
- controlling and possessive. cuts people's necks with flying cards if they even glance your way.
- sometimes starts drama in your life, such as a death of a loved one or an intense fight with a friend just so you'll go running to him for comfort. does it for his own amusement and so that you'll build a dependency on him. i think he likes to be needed by u
- his toenails scratch u in bed and he refuses to cut them because he's petty. also learned how to snore loudly and sleep with his eyes open just to freak u the fuck out
❦ nsfw:
- kinky ass mother fucker 😭
- switch, but leans towards dom because he likes to physically dominate you. tbh doesn't really matter to him as long as he's in control
- likes pretty much everything and has done pretty much everything
- butttt some specifics that come to mind when i think of hisoka are brat-taming, marking, and corruption.
- likes to make you THINK you're in control by giving you options, but he's always in charge
- you could hurl any insult at him and snap at him, but he'd still have that sweet smile on his face with sharp words to contrast
- "make me hisoka. you wouldn't."
- "oh but i would, and i will. ♡"
- he LOVES LOVES LOVES marking. part of his pda in a way, like making sure the public knows you two are together just by looking at your neck.
- he likes to bite, and would love it if you did too.
- his long ass nails scratch your back and leave scars, and would love if you did the same to him. he'd pay for your manicures and acrylics just so you could claw the fuck out of his back in return.
- because of this he often goes around (even in public) in small shirts that expose his back and neck, or sometimes even without a shirt just so he can show off. and he encourages you to do the same hehe
- it's very easy to excite him. just small things you do get him all wound up. biting your lip, making faces, sighing, even just slightly adjusting yourself and he's pouncing on you dtf.
- foreplay either takes forever or no time at all depending on how patient he's feeling. if he's been craving you, he won't hold himself back because he knows he can't take it slow. and yet he tries, he tries to savor you, he tries to breathe in every inch of you, he tries to take it slow, but he can't. especially not with you.
- sucker for virgins and people who are inexperienced. of course, he wouldn't mind if you were experienced (and if you were just as experienced as him he'd love it), but just the amount of control he has in corrupting someone turns him on to the max.
- corruption goes hand in hand with his brat-taming kink too.
- aftercare usually goes like this: you two laying in his jizz for a few minutes trying to catch your breaths (unless one or more of u are literally passed out) -> bathing together -> changing sheets and just cleaning up in general -> cuddling, snacking, and talking until you fall asleep. <3
i feel like i've talked abt how he would be in a relationship in other posts such as my what the adulttrio need in a relationship, kinds of gifts, and in an argument so i kept it pretty short. there might be some repeating since i honestly don't have much to say abt hisoka since my interpretation of his character is quite straightforward loll. but i hope you enjoyed! <3 my requests are always open.
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storydays · 6 months
Welcome to Heaven P2
(3rd POV)
*In Heaven Meeting Room*
"Heavenly people, what more do you need to see?" Adam asked, as the court room watch Angel and Cherri take shots. "The porn star chose a night of debauchery. That's not a soul worthy of being in Heaven!" He exclaimed.
"Um, objection! Are you really telling me you've never had a drink with friends at the end of a hard day?" Charlie asked. 
"Uh, we don't have hard days. It's fuckin' Heaven, bitch. You seriously going to sit there and pretend like this behavior is okay? What do you think?" The yellow angel asked Vaggie as Charlie and (Y/N) growled lowly.
"I--I--I have to go to the bathroom." Vaggie stuttered before rushing off. "What, Vaggie, can't you hold it?" Charlie hissed after her.
"Angel will make good decisions! We have to keep watching! Please." (Y/N) pleaded. Sera sighed heavily before turning to Emily. "Yeah, I don't know." "Yeah, let's give him a chance." The younger Seraphim replied. 
"Very well; the court will allow it." "Fuck, yes!" Charlie cheered, fist pumping herself. (Y/N) noticed the looks she was receiving and elbowed Charlie who quickly corrected herself. "I mean, heh, thank you."
*In Consent Club*
Angel tossed his head back as  Cherri approached with more in her hands. "Round 12, mother fuckers! Heels are comin' off!" "Haha! Yeah, keep 'em comin'!" laughed the spider, reaching for another. "Come on, right here, right to Daddy." He giggled. "Oh, it is wonderful to have friends!" Sir Pentious cackled, tossing his head back, enjoying the sting of the alcohol. 
"Everything's spinny, hehe." Niffty giggled, reaching for a little more. "Ha ha! I think you're done, tiny." Angel took the shot from her, giving it to Husk who downed two shots at the same time. "No! Gimmie gimmie gimmie!" Niffty whined, reaching for the glass. 
"Oh, come on, bitch, she can handle a little more!" Cherri scowled. "She's like ten pounds soaking wet, and--" Angel defended before noticing the cyclops maid was gone. 
"Oh, shit. Where'd she go?"
Niffty ignored the angry yells as she cleaned up group of men's table. "Dirty, dirty, make it clean." Niffty said manically. 
"Dammit, Niffty. Sorry fellas, here, next one's on me." Angel threw a wad of cash at the men, rolling his eyes at how they fought over it.
"Niffty? Shit!" Angel cursed, seeing the redhead raiding the cleaning closet. "Chlorine....Bleach...." 
Angel went to stop her, when Cherri stopped him in his path, with her hands on her hip. "Angie, the fuck are you doing? You're supposed to be relaxing, not playing nanny." 
"Look, she ain't used to this scene. I-I just don't want her to end up in the gutter like I used to." Angel protested. 
"Pfft, whatever, nerd. Just catch up when you're done." The pink haired Cyclops walked away and Angel snatched Niffty up. "Stop! You can't take that! God Niff, why are you bein' such a mess?!" He snapped. 
"I-I'm the mess?" Niffty started bawling loudly. "Oh, oh shit! Hey, hey, hey...calm down, ya ain't a mess. It's fine, ssshhhh, hey, you wanna play with the kitty?" Angel panicked, before using his second pair of hands to rub soothing circles on Niffty's back and in her hair. 
"Yeah." whined Niffty. 
"The fuck is this?" Husk demanded as Niffty climbed all over him, and started pulling at his ears and eyebrows. "She's wasted." Angel deadpanned before smiling. "Just go with it." 
"Re-really?! Ugh, get the--" He sighed, accepting his fate as Niffty started pulling on his wings. 
"Ahh, hey, wow!" Pentious, who was clearly drunk, slid over to where Cherri was sitting boredly. "Hey, so, I see the club has a sex room. So I was thinking, maybe you'd want to uhm, do a sex with me?" He asked awkwardly. 
Cherri snorted, suddenly interested. "I'm sorry, why would we have sex?" "Uh, uh, um.. because I'm having sex with everyone here!" He exclaimed loudly, yelping when a group of demons dragged him into a room. "Get in here."
Cherri shook her head, before perking up seeing Angel approach with Husk and Niffty behind him. "You know, we can do this fucking shit every fucking night! You don't have to spend all of your off hours, 'working on yourself,' you little bitch."She grinned, ignoring Angel's raised eyebrow. 
"The hotel isn't a problem in his life, it's--" Husk defended before trailing off. "Valentino." Angel muttered darkly, looking off to the side. 
"Exactly. So why don't you---"
"No. Valentino." Angel's voice wobbled as he pointed at the moth sitting with two other demoness's. "Yeah, I'm here all the time, they know me. You're gorgeous...do you need a job? How many dicks can you suck? Ooh, I could make you a star..." Valentino continued to talk as Angel started shaking in fear. 
"L-Let's get the fuck outta here, ok? Come on.---" He started to walk out when he realized something. Sparing a glance at Val over his shoulder, he quickly took notice of who was missing. "Where's Niffty?" "...Porn star. Okay, yup, bring me another drink or I'll fucking kill you." Val's voice carried over the party noise as Niffty ran over to him, giggling, "Bad boy. Hehehehe."
Angel, despite his fear, ran after her, muttering under his breath as he pushed through the crowd. "Excuse me. Pardon me. Get out of my way."
He quickly caught Niffty, just as she was approaching Valentino. "Holy shit, Angel Dust? What are you doing here, baby?" cooed the moth. "I'm surprised to see you not riding the prince's dick." he mocked, making a dick gesture. 
"Funny." Angel rolled his eyes. "Who's this chiquita? You bringing me fresh meat?" Val asked, leaning closer to eye Niffty. 
Niffty tried to bite him. 
"Oi!" exclaimed Valentino, leaning back in his seat, allowing the two demoness's to lean back against him.
"I just want a taste." Niffty growled with a grin. "Ehh, weird, but there's a kink for that I'm sure." shrugged the pimp. 
"Fuck off, Val." Hissed Angel, standing up, holding Niffty close. "Excuse me?" Val narrowed his eyes. 
"I said, fuck off. I put up with your bullshit for the longest time, and I will never let you get your claws into my friends." 
"You forget who you're talking to, slut?" "No, I know exactly who I'm talking to: An insecure piece of shit, who makes himself feel better beating up and taking advantage of vulnerable people and who is incapable of feeling anything other than greed, you , twisted, heartless son of a bitch." Val growled lowly, making a smoke chain appear, and he went to raise a hand to hit the spider, when suddenly a (f/c) chain pulled him to his knees, to be face to face with a shadow version of the prince. 
" Did you forget our deal, Valentino?" cooed the Shadow Prince, tail lazily swinging behind him. The pimp gulped nervously.
"Ugh, n-no, never." stuttered the moth, as the shadow version of (Y/N) narrowed his red eyes before pulling the moth close to him, effectively gagging him. Angel, Niffty, and Husk watched with wide eyes.
"Hm. So you weren't about to put your hands on Angel? You're saying I'm lying?" 
"No, Príncipe. Angel and I were just having a---" He choked when the shadow pulled harshly, before turning to the crowd. "Who here had seen Valentino raise his hand to Angel?" He called, raising an eyebrow at the many hands that had went up. 
The moth was shaking from where he was kneeling as he realized his mistake.
" Niffty, dear."  The shadow nodded his head, and Niffty snatched some fluff off of Val's neck. "Ow! What the fuck?!" He exclaimed. "For my collection, hehe." 
"I think, Valentino, I let you off too easy last time. Until I return from my meeting, you are going back to the...playroom. And if you think last time was horrifying.." The shadow laughed darkly, watching as the horror spread across Valentino's face. "Just wait, motherfucker. Just wait." And with the both Valentino and the shadow disappeared, with the shadow prince's laughter echoing through the club.
"Fuck, that was kind of hot." Angel sighed, thinking of his fiance. "Good job, kid." Husk smiled, patting Angel on the back as they finally walked back to Cherri. "Uh, Niffty, what's the fluff for?" Husk asked. "For my collection, hehehe." She chuckled.
"Did you just call these cunts your friends? Thought that was my job." She chuckled, looking proud of Angel. "There's room for everyone, and ya know, you could come crash with us too." Angel smiled. 
"Okay, look Angie, I'm glad this hotel shit is workin' for ya. But you know me, bitch. I'm doin' just fine. In fact, I'm gonna fuck the next guy I see, okay?" Cherri chuckled, starting to walk away before turning back to him with a soft smile, "But, if you need me, you know where to find me, yeah?"
She walked away, just as Pentious approached, panting heavily. "Is Cherri still here?" 
Angel and Husk both pointed at Cherri as she walked hand in hand with a random demon into a sex room. "Dammit!" He exclaimed. 
*Back in the Heaven courtroom*
"See! He did everything on your checklist! He was selfless, he stopped Niffty from stealing, and he stuck it to that moth man!" Charlie exclaimed proudly. 
"Uhh, well, uh...then, then why isn't he here then? Hm?" Ace demanded. "Yeah, why isn't he here?" Emily asked Sera who looked away. 
The court room started muttering uneasily. "Wait, none of you know what gets someone into Heaven?" (Y/N) spoke up, glaring as Sera spoke up. 
"This questioning stops now. We know when a soul arrives, we know when they pass divine judgement. It is our job to ensure these souls are safe." Sera said firmly, as Emily looked at Adam;s list, confusion on her face. 
Charlie stared in horror as Vaggie was revealed to be an exorcist angel, while (Y/N) watched the teal angel known as Ash carefully. He'd heard that singing voice from somewhere, but where...?
"I'm sorry, but this court finds that there is no evidence souls in Hell can be redeemed." Sera spoke firmly.
"Oh, fuck yes! I win. Suck it bitches!" 
Vaggie and Charlie backed up, as (Y/N) stood in front of them, sword in his hand, ready to defend, as the angels approached.
"You better save the date, cunts." Adam smirked as Lute and Ash appeared over him, giving him an even more sinister look. Ash took his mask and hood off to reveal.....
(Y/N)'s voice cracked, seeing his ex alive and grinning evilly at him. "Uh, the name is Ash. And we're coming to your hotel, first!" 
With a snap of his fingers, Adam opened a portal that started to suck the three into it. "What? No,no, you can't--" "Oh, you mother--" Vaggie and Charlie both protested as they were sucked in. (Y/N) remained silent as he held eye contact with Arc--Ash who grinned darkly and flicked him off, before the portal closed in the prince's face. "Charlie! Don't give up on this! I'll figure something out, I promise!" Emily called.
"That was uncalled for, Adam." Sera scolded. 
"Yeah, but did you see the looks on their fucking faces? It was... Ahem. Sorry." He cleared his throat before flying over to Lute and Ash, who had a quizzical look on his face. "Hey, what gives, asshat?" He asked the teal angel. 
"The prince. He called me Archer...and I never notice 'til now, but he looks awfully familiar." Ash hummed, missing the looks the other two exorcists shared. 
"Ah, don't worry your pretty little head about it, babe. Probably some demon shit." Adam shrugged, flying off, Lute following. "Yeah, you're probably right." shrugged the fox angel before flying off as well. 
"Extermination, of human souls. Demon or not, there is no reason to be doing this." Emily snapped. 
"They were uprising, Emily." Sera said, eyes glowing slightly in tune with her feelings, "It is my position as the Head Seraphim to protect our people at all costs, and it's your position to keep them happy and joyful. "
"How can I bring joy when I now know we are bringing misery to thousands of innocent people?" Whimpered Emily.
"Heaven needs us, Emily. Everyone looks to us and we can't doubt ourselves or worry about the fates of demons when we have our own souls to protect. Please, if you start to question, you could end up like Lucifer: fallen. I couldn't bear to see you suffer that fate. So please, let me worry about this, okay?" She pressed a kiss to Emily's head, "I'm sorry." 
*Back in Hell*
(Y/N), Vaggie and Charlie collapsed on the hotel's floor, startling the rest of the hotel members from where they were lounging on the couches waiting for their return. 
"Sooo, how'd it go?" Angel asked, going over to hug (Y/N) when he noticed the haunted look in his eyes. "Sweetcheeks?" He asked, kneeling in front of his lover, grunting softly when (Y/N) hugged him tightly, hyperventilating and sobbing. Angel's arms wrapped around him and he stood up, holding him close. 
Without sparing a look to anyone, Angel quickly ran to their shared room and slammed the door, leaning against it, as he rocked (Y/N) back and forth, waiting for him to stop crying. 
Eventually, the harsh sobs quited down to an occasional sniffle, but he continued to cling to Angel.
"Bambino, let's take a quick shower, get in our pjs, and then we can cuddle in bed. We don't have to talk--" 
"No." replied the prince, voice heavy with emotion. 
"Okay, what do you need from me?" 
"Fuck me." 
Angel's eyes widen as he looked down at (Y/N) who refused to look at him. "What?" 
"Fuck me. I want you to fuck me, I don't want to remember anyone's love but yours. Please. We can shower and stuff after, but please...help me forget." He pleaded, wrapping his tail around the spider's waist. 
"Bambino, I won't fuck you." 
The prince started to protest when Angel ran a hand through his hair, "But I will make love to you. I love you too much to hurt you."  "I love you too. I love you so much." (Y/N) whimpered before being pulled into loving arms.
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clownery-and-fuckery · 7 months
Alright buckle up here's my actual genuine reaction....
First episode:
First of all, I regret asking for more Hemlock, this was fantastically awful, I will not be recovering.
Second of all, that shaved clone has done things to me. Horrible, horrid things that made me actually pause it and look away. It made me physically ill, it was the worst. Great, but the worst.
The passage of time really did fucking get to me BUT HER LITTLE PONYTAIL UGH
crosshair..... I need a moment
I literally don't care that she was allowed to keep the doll, btw. I dont give a shit. I hope Emerie dies in a fire.
nala se.... ew............
I think the whole episode was just pure horror, it was so fucking disgusting to watch, idk about you guys but watching the clone who had probably faced the true horror of SCI-FI warfare crying alone in his cell genuinely had me pausing the episode. Really great work there, Jennifer, I will be billing you for my therapy
Crosshair and Omega bonding !!! The little "What's your mission objective" was definitely a tactic he used on his brothers to have them pay attention, I refuse to acknowledge that he's the youngest, he just isn't. That's big brother keeping his little brother(s) on task behaviour.
Everything about Hemlock gave me chills. I love him. I hate him. I hope his guts cover the screen. I am fascinated by him.
I had a sneaking suspicion Emerie was taken under Hemlock's wing, and her undoing will be her endless loyalty to him... they did not have to say it as obviously as that, though. Glad they did.
Crosshair is sick. There is no way you show us all these sick, dying clones then Crosshair and expect us not to figure that out. He's going to die. His shaking is just the first symptom. I am not ready.
I definitely have more smaller notes I will make once I am not sobbing hysterically about it !!!!
Episode two!!:
This is the one that made me cry, actually.
Watching Wrecker and Hunter march in, quiet and covered in countless injuries, made me so sad. I couldnt recognise them. Those aren't my lads.
Wrecker begging hunter not to go because people didn't make it back.... hunter I get you're desperate, but you will NOT survive another brother being killed. I can't bear to watch him tear himself apart and neither can Wrecker.
"99ers???" THERES FUCKING MORE ??????? I want to know the lore behind this line particularly.
Theyre so cute..... they're so CUTE ugh sedate me immediately
anyways that little fucker who was good with tech..... I see you. I love you.
They were so used to letting Tech do his thing.... they immediately moved to cover fire....... for a second they forgot it wasnt him, I'm weak
wrecker playing with the kids..... laughing with them....... ohh i will not cope when he dies.
Hes going to die, btw. In case you didn't know. I know. I am aware. I am unprepared. I dont want to discuss it.
i cannot express my feelings for this episode.
Episode three!!!!!!:
I want that man. Yes, i do mean that masked man we saw for two seconds, I want him.
The Emperor had me actually screaming. I was so hyped. He scares me so bad.
Hemlock!!!!!! Evil !!!!!!!! CUNT !!!!!!!!!!!!
nala se was so obvious about her "Get tf out" speech..... why don't you say it louder, the whole fucking room couldn't hear you
The fucking timer. Chills. CHILLS.
Crosshair and Omega !!!! He was so unserious I love that
....sorry to all the lovers tho, have to say i DIED laughing at his "gUaRdS"
And the SCREAM he scrumpt when the door opened, who allowed that 😭😭 it was so fucking funny whbeisbwiba
They were so messy this entire ep, they're everything to me......
Crosshairs trigger finger shaking so bad he gave his position away....... that's a major fucking problem, isn't it? That's gonna bite him in the ass.
I want more of Hemlock having a damn tantrum, that was fantastic. Him this season has me in a chokehold. I can't wait to write more of him.
This entire season so far is amazing. I can't wait to watch more, there are so many more points I wanna make, I'm freaked. I'm so happy, I'm still crying, I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Making more coherent thoughts about them soon <3
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hellbubu · 4 months
If you don’t like what I post, filter tags and block me. I’m not gonna argue with anyone.
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Can the others hear him or are they just roleplaying? Knowing the kids who go to this school, this conversation would fly over their heads rn.
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The SebaCiels are always winning. As they should.
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Did they all just stand there and watch them??? Like, por lo menos disimulen.
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I just noticed that they all wear glasses (except Ciel). Is it like a requirement to enter the blue house?
Also, imagine if Bluewer just walked in while they're talking. Like hearing "Master Michaelis" call Ciel "young master" or Ciel acting in a way Bluewer wasn't used to him acting.
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Damn, that mother fucker really is Undertaker. I can only imagine how much his head must hurt. Maybe it's just me, but if I needed to hide my hair in a top hat or smth, the bun would have to be tight as fuck and I have way less hair than Undertaker. Maybe he has thin hair and he doesn't need to make the bun all that tight.
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No one knows the way to Ciel's heart like Sebastian
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He's a tiny, little, cute baby
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Blue House supposed to be the smart one?? What makes him think no one will notice it's a new uniform? How will he even explain this? Were there sugar daddies back in the Victorian Era? I think Sebastian might be the first sugar daddy in the world.
Did they make Ciel the cox so he wouldn't have to row? Did they think "this baby is the only reason we won, he probably doesn't have the strength to do much rn"
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Why does one of the Charles have a hen?? Is this something from another season that I forgot about? Is this from the manga? Like, does this have an explanation in the manga but it wasn't in the anime? Is he just guarding the chicken that the Queen will eat tomorrow?
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I hope they know how to swim. If I tried to stand on a boat I'd fall into the water.
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I can't stop laughing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fucking idiots🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Are you serious??? In front of the fucking Queen????
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One, Soma is so sweet. Two, like, I'm not a manga reader, but Ciel is a twin correct? And he has asthma while his twin doesn't, right? Like that might be wrong, but judging by the sad tiktok edits I've seen, O! Ciel was at the very least a sickly child. So, wouldn't him falling get him sick, therefore the Midfords thinking "hey, he didn't get sick this easily back before that day" or did Ciel/Madame Red tell them that because of the conditions of where he was kept, he is likelier to get sick a lot more easy? I don't think it's that, because even Sebastian wasn't aware of Ciel's asthma back in the Circus arc.
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Violet, my beloved <3
Also, how come Bluewer's glasses didn't fall off when he fell?
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One, didn't Lau and his girls get kicked out? Did he bribe his way in again or did he get them to wear long skirts/pants? Two, Ciel is being dragged around by all his friends <3 Three, get fucking Druitt out of my fucking screen
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Do manga readers know what's up with the hen??? I need answers
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Are they holding the tea party in a fucking cathedral?? Where's the tea? Where's the food? This is lame as fuck.
I'm on edge. The like vice headmaster or whatever hasn't fallen yet, This feels wrong.
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I might be wrong, but I doubt it's a tradition to fall off your boat in front of the Queen.
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Damn, Ciel learned the rules like he was about to take the bar exam.
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Talk about Bluewer, Redmond, or Greenhill, but leave Violet alone. I support Violet's wrongs. He's allowed to do anything. I gave him permission.
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Ciel really is a master manipulator. He is trying to get them to do what he wants because the families told him they are worried and that made him worry about these boys he doesn't know.
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I love how the P4 are not even trying to act normal. What are they thinking? "No way they're here. I made sure they were extra extra dead!!"
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Shouldn't he be wearing the purple tie? Like he got transferred to the purple house.
Also, kudos to Undertaker for managing to Improve his bizarre dolls in such a short time. I mean, this dude got killed before Easter, right? Like, the Queen tells Ciel she worries because he didn't come home for easter. That means he died before April 21st, 1889. That's like 44 days (if we start counting on April 21st) where the body was preserved so well it could be passes as still living. Very Impressive.
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Slashers seeing their s/o kill for the first time
So @crawling-fingers talked about murder dates with the slashers and I just kinda had to go along with it because I've been processing a lot of trauma lately and god damn it I deserve a little (fictional) murder, as a treat.
Includes: Brahms Heelshire, Michael Myers, Vincent Sinclair, Baby Firefly
Warnings: Murder, violence, strong language, reader kinda has a break down in this, mentions of attempted sexual assault and sexual harassment
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms is shocked to say the least. Your abusive ex had showed up uninvited and like before, started to manipulate and try to get you to leave with him.
But when he hit you and told you that you're still the same dumb bitch you were before, that's when you broke. You smashed a vase on his head and took a shard of the broken porcelain and began to stab him with it over and over.
Brahms quickly rushed out of the walls and saw you crying and screaming as blood sprayed onto you.
"Who's the dumb bitch now huh?" You screamed dropping the shard of porcelain, "Try hitting me now you stupid shit! Come on hit me now mother fucker! I dare you bitch!"
You looked like a mess. You had blood all over you, your hair was messy and dishevled, your pupils were dialated and your chest was rising and falling quickly.
Brahms knew this was bad but god damn you looked so good like this. He wouldn't waste time either. He takes off his mask and quickly picks you up, pressing his lips against yours.
He knew you just killed a man. But you looked too damn good not to kiss in that moment.
Michael Myers
Michael was returning from a night of killing when he saw your kitchen light was still on. Odd for this time of night. He enters in the back door and hears your heavy breathing and can see blood leaking from the kitchen.
When he walks in he finds you on top of a man with a kitchen knife in his chest. You look to Michael, covered in blood and your mouth wide open, "He tried to hurt me," You say, " He broke in and kept talking about how I was helping you kill people. He tried to stab me but I got him first."
Michael had to admit. You looked stunning in the low light of the kitchen covered in blood. He watched on as you pulled the knife from the body and took it over to the sink. You started to wash it off as Michael came up behind you, ignoring the body.
He watches as you wash off your face and hands, red water running down the sink. He starts to pet your hair. It's matted with blood and very messy but he continues to run a hand over your hair, petting you.
"Michael, I'm gonna need you to take the knife and get rid of the body while I clean this up ok?" You ask. Michael stops petting your hair and turns his attention to the body.
He picks it up along with the knife and carry's it back outside. But he can't stop thinking about you. And how much he loved seeing you like that. He's going to try and get you to kill again. He knows that for sure.
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent heard you scream and then a gunshot go off at the house. A victim had escaped so he thought the worst as he rushed to get to the house. But when he opened the door he found you holding a gun and the victim on the ground.
Some blood had sprayed onto you but you're just standing there, almost catatonic. He could see tears falling on your cheeks. He quickly walks over to you and pulls you into a hug, facing away from the body.
You begin to sob into his sweater as he strokes your back, "She tried to kill me," You say muffled, "I thought I was gonna die. Please don't let go Vincent."
He nods as he looks down at the body. You shot her in the neck. She died quickly and quietly. He knows you're in distress and that you're scared. But he's glad you got your first kill out of the way.
He knew that at some point you were going to have to help with killing people and you finally might just do that.
But first, he needs to comfort you and get you out of shock. He can deal with the body later, now he needs to make sure you're ok.
Baby Firefly
You're out in town with Baby and RJ at a bar. Baby is dancing and RJ is somewhere else. Baby heard you yelling at someone and she made her way back to the bar where she saw a man trying to touch you.
"Back off! I have a girlfriend asshole!"
"Maybe she'd like to join us." He remarks. Baby makes quick work out of getting him in RJ's truck. You knew about the hand gun in his glove compartment and you were just waiting to get far enough from town to shoot him.
The man made dirty remarks the entire time. Talking about how how you two are all the the disgusting things he'd do to you two. Once he got out of the truck you made quick work of shooting him in both of his legs.
Baby was stunned but then she just started to laugh. She cheered you on as you dragged the man inside, yelling at him about how you were gonna have fun with him this time.
Baby laughed and cheered as you beat in the mans head with a hammer. "You're just asking for me to do this you know!" You shout, using his words against him, "You look so hot like this honey! Maybe you should loosen up and smile more!"
Even after he died you kept beating in his head until he was unrecognizable. By now Otis was downstairs and he had seen a good portion of you beating on the pervert.
As you got up, covered in blood Baby wrapped you into a hug and jumped up and down. "That was so badass Y/N! I wanna see you do it again sometime! How about I help you too!"
Baby felt ecstatic about you killing for the first time. She wanted to see you do it over and over again. She really loved seeing the smile on your face after you gave the creep what was coming to him.
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
Incorrect Quotes Tag #2
Thanks for the tag, @the-golden-comet (here)! I'll go with the cast of Supernova Initiative for this one!
Generator Here
Jack (looking in the mirror): Everything will be ok. You can not stop it. Jack: Everything will be fine. You have no choice. Cassie: What the fuck kind of pep talk is that? Jack: Ominous positivity.
(*after crash landing in that frozen moon*) Kye: Shut it Artemis, I only shook your hand because I had to. We will NEVER be friends. Artemis: Lets survive this together! Kye: I HOPE YOU DIE. (helps him anyways)
Lyorna: Now, Jack, all of us are doing this because we care about you, okay? Jasper: Except for me. I just wanted to see the look on your face.
Aleks: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter A. Noctus: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory. Aleks: ... Fuck you.
Cassie: Can I go to the pool? Deimos: Sure, we’ll go as soon as I’m free. Cassie: No, can I go by myself? Deimos: You don’t want to go with me? Cassie: I would if you didn't just go around challenging random people to cannonball contests! Deimos: (defensive) It’s the only way to establish dominance!
Kye: Sometimes I wonder if I’m hearing voices. Also Kye: Then I remember that’s the last bit of sanity I have trying to get me to fall asleep at a reasonable time.
Cassie: HELP! I TOLD MY BROTHER I'D COOK DINNER TONIGHT BUT I CAN'T COOK! Meridian, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?!
Pax: I wish I could control wasps and bees to sting my enemies. Ethean (seriously concerned with his little brother): Kid, you’re too young to have enemies. Pax: Oh you sweet summer child, you don’t even know.
Elysia: When I said bring me something back from the beach I meant like a conch shell! Gabi: *Struggling to hold a seagull* Well, fucking say that next time!
Lyorna: In your opinion, what is the height of stupidity? Noctus, turning to Aleks: How tall are you?
The Director: What is wrong with you? Jack: Many, many things... Jack: And most of them are your fucking fault.
Kye: Wait- Your arresting me because I'm a homo?! A random Khosmonian Officer: ... Attemped Homicide. You tried to kill your own mother. Kye: THAT FUCKER AIN'T MY MOTHER - SHE WAS BARELY A DNA DONOR - (gets dragged away screaming)
Jack: I’m telling you, my team is competent. Deimos, rushing in: Jack! Meridian tried to make pasta in the coffee pot and now it's broken! Jack: I withdraw my statement.
Lyorna: Where are your parents? Elysia: What are parents? Lyorna: Well...That’s just about the saddest thing I've ever heard.
Pax: Ow! Ethean: What’s wrong? Pax: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow. Ethean: Oh. It’s called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was four.
Vesper: BEHOLD, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!
Tarah: How has life been treating you lately? Eos: Horribly.
Tagging (gently): @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin,
@oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab, @winterandwords, @eccaiia,
@the-letterbox-archives, @illarian-rambling @agirlandherquill, @anoelleart,
@ray-writes-n-shit @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @topazadine
@forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@cauliflowermaterial @thepeculiarbird,
@clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, and OPEN TAG
Taglist for Supernova Initiative below the cut! 🌠
Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3,
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri,
@lyutenw @finickyfelix
@elshells, @thecomfywriter
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