#like woah! what's yer damage!
June of Doom Day 4
4. “Does that hurt?”
| Delirium | Hypothermia | Stabilization |
TW: major character death, freezing to death, not canon compliant
He hated this planet. He hated it like hell!
Just why had Starfleet exiled him to Delta Vega - the end of the whole damn universe?!
Montgomery Scott was supposed to work on a starship. He was supposed to change the world, working on his transwarp beaming theory.
But just one wee mistake and he had been punished for a lifetime. And there was no hope that he'd be relieved anytime soon.
"What the- Aw man!"
The Scotsman groaned in annoyance, when he took a look at the screen. A broken radio tower, not too far from the outpost.
"Oi, wee man! We have a problem!"
Scotty wasn't alone on the planet. There was a little green alien called Keenser. He wasn't the most talkative lad, but he still was good company.
Scotty looked around, but Keenser was nowhere to be seen. He was probably taking a nap. The lad rarely got sleep.
"Fine, I can take a look myself."
He didn't need a companion to check on the tower. And if he needed help, he could still come back and get Keenser.
It was just so cold. Scotty shivered heavily and wrapped his jacket even tighter around him.
This place was hell! And he wanted to get back to Earth where the sun was warm and bright.
But that would have to wait.
"There ye are, ye stupid radio tower," he muttered angrily, when the broken thing came into view.
Just what could have damaged it so badly?
The closer Scott got, the better he saw that something was lying on the ground.
It looked like...
"An escape pod?"
Scotty started to run as soon as he noticed just what had crashed onto the planet's surface.
It really was an escape pod! What was it doing here? And, more importantly, who was in it?
The Scotsman opened the pod and a pale human was revealed to him. Strains of raven-black hair fell into the man's unconcious face. There was a bruise on his forehead.
Scotty gently placed a hand on his shoulder and shook it.
"Hey, laddie. Ye okay there?"
The man groaned, face distorted in pain, and suddenly blue eyes snapped open and he grabbed Scott's wrist, glaring at him. His face was stern.
"Woah, careful now, I'm not yer enemy!"
Scotty winced. How could one man have such a strong grip? Who was this guy?!
"Who are you?"
The dark haired man's voice was deep and it sent a chill down Scott's spine. Still, he chose to answer the question.
"Uhm... the name's Montgomery Scott. I work on an outpost not too far away from here. And... who would ye be?"
The man's eyes narrowed suspiciously.
"An outpost?" he asked and the engineer nodded.
"Aye, I'm a member of Starfleet."
Immediately, the expression on his counterpart's face darkened. His grip around Scotty's wrist tightened to the point where it hurt.
"Do you know a man called Admiral Marcus?"
The Scotsman blinked in confusion. That... was a pretty straightforward question, wasn't it?
"Aye, I do. Man helped me get into the Academy. Grumpy lad, but... a good admiral. Now... who are ye again?"
The piercing blue eyes seemed to stare right through him. Scotty shifted uncomfortably from one foot to another.
And finally he got an answer.
"My name is Khan. And that admiral you admire so much... has kidnapped and betrayed me."
Once again, Scott blinked rapidly. What the heck was this lad talking about? That was just crazy!
"Ye... hit yer head pretty hard, didn't ye? Does that hurt?"
He reached out with his free hand to touch the forehead, however, the man - Khan - reacted instantly. He grabbed Scotty's throat and pulled him close to his face.
"Do not touch me, Mr. Scott. I am far more superior than you."
The Scotsman shivered under the threatening gaze and swallowed. This man wasn't joking.
"A-alright, laddie. No need to get violent."
Scotty raised his hands in a soothing manner. He didn't want to risk his skin by provoking Khan any further.
"Where is that outpost?"
Scott glanced to his left. He really shouldn't tell this guy anything, but he had a feeling that he couldn't lie to him either. So he nodded his head toward where he had come from.
"A few miles in that direction."
Khan eyed him closely, before a smile crossed his face. However, it wasn't a friendly one. It was cold and smug.
"Thank you, Mr. Scott."
And before Scotty knew what was happening to him, he was pushed into the escape pod.
He heard the door being locked from outside and only now did he notice that Khan had taken his communicator from him, too.
"Oi! Let me out!"
But the raven-haired man was already heading off to the outpost. Apparently he had no use for the Scotsman.
"Let me out!"
He banged his fists against the glass again and again, but couldn't break free. He was trapped in this escape pod!
He didn't know how many hours had passed, but eventually hypothermia was winning the fight they fought. When his eyes closed, his only hope was that Keenser had made it out alive. If only they had gone outside together...
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
@dandybarista​ asked: "Woah... J had warned me, but... that's some pretty intense damage. Nothin' I can't help mitigate though. Would you mind tellin' me a few things: what weapon was used, how deep it went, and how far back it happened, and on a scale of 1-10 what's the pain level... I won't mess with their regeneration, especially since yer not the same kind of divinity I am. And is there anything else I should know?"
It really wasn’t hard to tell that Hope was tense, the fact that someone else would be working on her hitting her a little late. Thankfully she also knew Ean a little bit, so she knew he was nothing like Charles or Maria. He wouldn’t hurt her... He was here to help... “I...”
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“I know a lotta things were used... But on my wings in particular; those were about ten weeks ago now. They.... used a chainsaw to sever them completely.” Deep breaths, Hope. “My soul itself is a different story. Been like that long before this healing prompted my aether half to start to integrate with it. I wasn’t conscious for most of that attack... so most of it I heard second hand. Someone different tried to get rid of it completely and replace it, stabbed right through with their tail to shatter it and remove it from my body. My best friend managed to arrange that it was barely held together and returned... But it hasn’t healed much on it’s own, since then.”
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“I’m... off the pain scale there, as much as I hate to admit it. I’m in agony and have tried anything I can to ease the pain.” Some doctor she was. She’d give more details if asked, especially since she was starting to take on traits that angels and reapers had. For now though, she was walking the line of her comfort zone as long as she could. “It’s.... not a huge deal but. I may be just a bit jittery. I haven’t had anyone help me, healing-wise, since I was pretty young.”
Fuck, she was terrified. But there she was, still smiling and trying her best.  “I’m really trusting you and Rubato on this...”
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katiethekwasolover101 · 2 months
Link to Chapter 4:
The Heroes of Aeseganora: Part 2 - The Protection Of The Core
Chapter 5: The Journey To An Old Acquaintance
The search for the Core begun as soon as everybody left the Ocalihallan Citizen’s Salvation Centre.
“Right, everyone,” Ollum declared. “Let’s get to work. First of all, we travel south to the land of the Silverwing Hills, so we can meet with a person who I know can help us with the location of the Core, so we can, at the very least, have some idea of its whereabouts.”
Everyone murmured as if to say Yes, your Majesty.
“The Silverwing Hills?” Kwazii folded his arms. “That’s a kingdom we’ve never been to before.”
“Yes” Ollum answered. “But it’s not a typical kingdom, where lots of creatures inhabit it - the Silverwing Hills is a safe kingdom, guarded by its only resident: Old Ira Halibreather.”
“Well, we don’t know this Ira Halibreather,” Pearl frowned. “Do you really think that he would know something about the Core?”
“Yes, yes,” said Natquik. “This Ira fella sounds like somebody to be careful of, in my opinion.”
“Well, it’s worth a try,” Ollum replied. “And why wouldn’t he? He is the keeper of all Aeseganoran knowledge - he knows all about everything here in Aeseganora, from the names of all of the rulers, right down to the names of all its flowers, plants, and trees.”
Pearl nodded.
“Sir Ollum?” Selva asked. “What do we do once we find this Core?”
“She’s right, yer Majesty,” Ryla said, glancing at her blue iguana girlfriend. “We need a plan of attack.”
“Aye, we need to take down this scurvy Oullen crew for good, before they do some serious damage to our world!” Calico Jack said determinedly, and everyone nodded in agreement with him.
“Yes, we shall come up with something once we find the Core,” Ollum said uncertainly. “But I have to warn all of you that the Silverwing Hills is still an unknown kingdom - we don’t know whether it is actually safe or not, so I recommend that we all stick together while we’re there. Understood?”
“Yes, your Majesty.” everyone said.
“OK,” Ollum said, holding up his Gate as he prepared to squeeze it as tightly as he could. “Then what are we all waiting for? Let’s go.”
They all landed on top of each other after being dragged about like rag dolls, their bodies feeling like jigsaw puzzles which had been ruined before being put back together.
“Everyone,” Ollum began. “Welcome to the Silverwing Hills.”
Once they had all gotten themselves together, they looked around at the environment. There were sunbeams shining every colour of the rainbow through some of the thickest clouds in the sky. An uphill jungle lay before them, dark and foreboding. The trees seemed to ascend above, their branches as twisted and gnarled as grasping fingers, appearing even more so than in anywhere else in Aeseganora.
Shellington remembered the Stawalan Forest - this jungle looked very similar, but the Forest was more like a woodland than a jungle, and the air was a lot cooler than in this place; the Hills were just about as hot and humid as the Amazon rainforest.
But that wasn’t the most astonishing thing about the Silverwing Hills - there were way more plants and flowers in the Hills than in any other forest the Octonauts and Octo-Agents had ever been to. The Silverwing Hills just seemed to be a huge exhibition of greenery; like all of the jungles and rainforests in the world combined into one.
“Woah…” Selva gasped; never, in all her time as a botanist, had she seen a forest like the one in Silverwing Hills.
“Sweet sawdust, that is a real forest,” Bud sniffled, as he blew his nose with a handkerchief. “I think I might cry.”
“It really is,” Ollum agreed with him. “And if you want to cry, go ahead. There’s no judgement there - after all, it has been said that this place is so beautiful that it brings visitors to tears.”
Min pulled out one of her many blank pieces of paper and her paintbrush, and started to write a map of the whole of Aeseganora. Similarly, Selva pulled out a sketchpad and drew all the plants and flowers she could see in the forest. There were almost too many types to count - roses, poppies, lilies, daisies, irises, tulips, daffodils…
“I wonder how all the plants and flowers survive here,” she said. “All this burning sun can’t be good for them.”
“Well, there must be regular rainstorms to ensure a good balance between sun and water.” Paani said.
“Actually, there aren’t,” Ollum explained. “All of the water is supplied by a species known as the Flornacimiento - who quite literally create all the plants and flowers in Aeseganora.”
“Yes - while Aeseganora does have its weather spells, like Planet Earth does, it’s magic that does many of the things which modern science normally explains here - it brings wild snowstorms to all the melting glaciers and icebergs, and it brings hot sunshine to heat up the summers.”
“Uh, speaking of hot and cold,” Tracker begun, as he used his hat to fan his face. “I’m getting kinda hot here.”
“Yes, yes,” Natquik agreed, as he wiped his sweaty forehead. “It isn’t ideal for any of us cold-region creatures.” He gestured to himself, Tracker, Barnacles and Peso.
“Don’t worry,” Barnacles assured him. “I have just the solution for that.”
He created a strong, cold breeze which surrounded the four creatures and kept them cool.
“Come on, we should get going,” he said, after Natquik, Tracker and Peso thanked him. “We’ve got a magical world to save here.”
And so, they pressed on, a few of their hearts beating faster with each step, safe in the knowledge that they had to find out where the Core was before the Oullen did, and fast.
Nobody had any clue as to what would lay ahead of them on this journey - almost certainly a level of danger and risk, but also the breathtaking beauty of the Aeseganoran landscapes that they would all discover.
In the world of Aeseganora, anything was possible - even the impossible.
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vanityloves · 4 years
tell us abt your new crush!! 👀 id like to hear ab him
WAIT I HAVE A NEW CRUSH 😳 im not sure if yall are talkin ab xanxus but i literally went crazy for an hour last night, then passed out. I didnt check the posts i made bc im afraid to ♡ every few months to a year, ill get a Singular Xanxus Thought and look through his tag on tumblr and feel my body go through rewind time.
Xanxus was actually...the reason why i made my original self ship account which must ive been around 2017/18! It was basically centered around my ship w/ him but I never talked about it bc i didnt know that was a thing I could do? Shortly after - the blog was Dante Centric bc DMC Brainrot
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He's a fucking demon (not literally but wouldnt be surprised either). He's cruel, aggressive, and bitter. He reminds me of the 'it dont bite' vine but he immediately gets your ass. Ngl, he kinda reminds me of Slick. Letting out a very loud mental sigh :/ I have a type and it's coming back n biting me in the ass.
Both are crime men mafia boys, scarred, and missing an arm? They're pretty quiet for the most part n rather speak through actions; if they threaten to do something, they have no issues go through w/ it.
I can not get away from the grittiness that these terrible men bring.
Unlike my Current Hyperfix F/O, he's never nice, ever. No soft moments in canon or its REALLY discreet/youll have to squint and draw your own conclusions. He does mellow out in the future which is actually nice! I'm sure he's still resentful and brutal as hell but he's more willing to work with the Vongola and says that they're family so i just OTL mwah. this is growth.
His pre timeskip self techinally? has a 16 year old mentality bc the mf said mannequin challenge for 5+ years after being put in Ice Prison Timeout. And when he came back he said fuck my dad all my homies hate my dad. went to Japan. fought a 15 year old. Lost. and the rest is history. (theres more but its whack bc timeskip shit. its not complicated im just 🥴)
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colormeyondublue · 3 years
Chapter 11: Clear The Air
Chapter 10 Here - Chapter 12 Here
Several days go by, and Yondu doesn’t see much of you. What happened with Trenvik really damaged what confidence you had aboard the Eclector. This really took it’s toll on you both mentally and physically. You feel violated. The event could have been worse, but that Chorak still took something away from you. Although you really can’t pin down what that something is, you just feel helpless and weak. Kraglin has been bringing you meals while you work from your cabin. He stops by three times a day, and a few times in between just to check up on you. The two of you have gotten pretty close over the past few days. There is a soft knocking on your door, and Kraglin pokes his head inside after punching in your key on the number pad.
“Hey, I gotcha some tea. I wasn’t sure if ya’d be hungry yet, but I thought at least somethin’ warm might be nice.” He approaches your desk and sets the cup down, steam gently rising from the top.
“Thanks, Kraglin. Tea does sound nice.” You don’t really move or say much else. The silence begins to get tense, and Kraglin taps his thumbs together.
“So…ya think ya might wanna take a walk with me today? We don’t have to go far, and the guys are all off ship, nobody is around – promise.”
“Off ship? Where are we?” You ask, rather surprised.
“Cap’n wanted to take the boys out for a little break. He brought us to our usual place, Contraxia. We usually do that after a big score. That client paid us real well for them jewels ‘n stuff we took from Johpar. We’ll be sittin’ pretty fer a while.” He smiles.
“Contraxia?! Oh, god.” You roll your eyes and bring your palm to your forehead. You know a little about this planet, your boss used to talk about it when you were slow at the pawn shop. All you know is that there’s hookers, and drugs, and tons of booze.
“Ya know this place?” Kraglin asks with one eyebrow raised.
“I’ve never been here, but I know of it. My old boss used to talk about this planet. I’ve heard all I need to know.” You roll your eyes and play with the tag on the tea bag.
“Oh. Well, we don’t have ta leave the ship if ya don’t wanna. I just think it would be good fer ya ta get outta this room. You’ll go nuts in here!”
“Where’s Yondu?”
“I think he’s at a bar down there with Tullk, Oblo and some of the others.”
You sigh and sip your tea. You really don’t like the idea of Yondu being down there. Trust was something that the two of you hadn’t really had a ton of time to work on, but he did save your life the other day, so why wouldn’t you trust him to be faithful? I guess it’s good for morale. The Captain does need to be out with his men.
“How about this - I finish my tea and get dressed, and you can take me down to that disgusting excuse of a planet and show me around a little? But absolutely no brothels! Deal?”
“Deal! Go ahead and get ready and I’ll meet ya down at the docking bay in 20?”
You laugh lightly at his excitement and playfully nudge him. “Sounds good…” Just before he gets to the door you stop him. “Hey, Kraglin? Thank you…for making sure I was okay and checking up on me these past few days. What happened with Trenvik…it really did something to me, ya know?”
“Don’t mention it. Yer one of us. But more than that, ya make the Cap’n real happy. That makes me real happy. Cap and I go back a long ways, and ya mean a lot to us both y/n.” He smiles gently and nods, and disappears out your door.
You get dressed in a clean set of leathers and throw a coat over top with a black scarf. Unless anything has changed, you remember your boss talking about how it snows on Contraxia year-round. You find your mind wondering back to Kraglin again as you lace up your boots. Ya know, Kraglin is such a great guy. If he wasn’t so damn shy, he wouldn’t be single. Poor guy. You smirk at the thought.
You and Kraglin touch down on Contraxia and you both walk toward the bars and brothels in the snow. The streets are lit with loads of neon lights and signs. You notice there are a few restaurants and tattoo shops too.
“Hey, I think the Cap’n and the guys are at that bar over there.” Kraglin points to a larger metal building with a sign on the side that seems to be in a language you can’t read.
“Uh, Kraglin? Can we just…not go in there?”
“Why? Did ya wanna go somewhere else?” He asks, confused.
“Yeah, that would be great. I just don’t really want to see the Captain yet.”
“Are you two okay?”
“I think so, it’s just…something else happened before you guys went to Knowhere.” You rub your arms from the cold. “Is there somewhere else we can go to talk about it? Somewhere quiet?”
“Uhh, sure. There’s a little coffee place at the end of the road here.”
Kraglin laughs loudly at your reaction. “Yeah, coffee. We do have some Terran things out here, ya know. We don’t have much, but coffee has definitely gained popularity over the years. There’s even some little farms that grow that stuff on Xandar. Just ‘cause ya ain’t seen other races on yer planet, don’t mean we haven’t stopped by ta look around."
“Woah…I had no idea. That’s really cool. A little unnerving, but cool. Remind me to ask you more about that later. I need coffee! Let’s go!” You grab Kraglin’s hand and hurry down the street toward the shop.
The two of you enter the coffee shop, and find a seat near the window. After your drinks arrive, you speak up after taking a few sips.
“Okay, so before you guys left the ship, I kinda said something to the Captain I maybe shouldn’t have...not yet at least.”
“What kinda’ somethin’”?
You hide your face behind your hands and sigh. “I might have accidentally told the Captain that I loved him, among other things. Truthfully, I do – ya know, love him. But he didn’t say much of anything back and I panicked.” You don’t hear a reply for a few seconds. You drop your hands to see what horrific expression Kraglin has on his face. To your surprise, there isn’t any expression, he is just nonchalantly drinking his coffee.
“He told me.”
“What?! He told you?!”
“Yeah, he told me. To be honest, I wasn’t all too surprised. You Terran’s have a thing about love. You’d be surprised how alike Terrans are to us Xandarian’s. We have a thing about love too. That’s something Quill and I always had in common. We understood each other, I guess that’s why we got along so damn well.” He finished with a smile.
“Okaaay, so what else did he say?”
“Look y/n, yer my friend, and I care about ya a lot. That’s why I think you ‘n the Cap’n should talk about it. I will say that he ain’t mad or put off, but he just ain’t used to it. The Cap’n hasn’t had the most fantastic life. Love ain't never really been apart of it neither. Just be patient with him is all.”
After a few minutes of silence pass, Kraglin speaks up again. “Maybe ya should talk to him tonight? Just clear the air and see where things go?”
A light laugh bubbles up to your lips and you look at him, not surprised. “Since when did you get so good at relationship advice?”
Kraglin just shrugs. “Honestly, couldn’t tell ya. Maybe I’m just level headed? Dunno.”
“You really shoudn’t be single, ya know that?” You tease.
“I had a girl a long time ago. But, bein’ a Ravager makes relationships hard. Unless another girl just falls from the stars onto our ship, I don’t see that being in the cards fer me.”
“Yeah, well, if things can turn around for Yondu, I’m sure they can for you too.”
Back at the bar, Yondu couldn’t really get into the celebration spirit. Your frightened expression from the other day in your office wouldn’t leave his mind. The men were beyond happy with their payday, and super drunk. Sex bots were everywhere, and it was all he could do to keep them off of him. He eventually decides to just leave. He gets up from his stool, and Tullk taps his arm.
“Hey, ya alright Cap’n?”
“Yeah, yeah ‘m fine. Just tired, gonna head out.”
“We’ll see ya later then?”
“Yeah, sure.” He replies as he’s walking out the door.
Yondu heads back to the Warbird so he can call Quill. He’s got to know what to do. Quill is Terran, and he’s…younger. Maybe he’ll have some kind of advice on how to handle this.
He sits down and taps a few buttons on the console. The screen beeps for a few moments and then an image pops up. He sees a large grayish green looking man with bright red tattoos.
“Oh, Hello Yondu. Are you looking for Quill?” Before he can answer, Drax turns and yells behind himself. “QUILL! Your father is on the communicator! He needs to speak with you!”
Yondu leans his face onto his fist and rolls his eyes. These “Guardians” are really somethin’…
From the distance, Yondu can hear Peter yell back, “My Father? What the heck are you talkin’ about Drax?” Peter comes into view and see’s Yondu’s unamused expression on screen. “Oh, hey ol’ man, what’s up?”
“I got somethin’ I need ta talk with ya about, but it seems like yer a little busy.”
“Nah, it’s fine. I was just helpin’ Rocket with some plans for a new blaster that launches explosives! We just left Xandar, we were picking up some supplies. What did you need?” Quill asks.
“This ain’t an easy thing ta talk about…do ya think ya could go to another room er somethin’? I don’t need everybody hearin’ all about it.”
Peter’s expression turns a mixture of concerned and awkward. “Uhh…yeah sure. Is everything okay?” he moves Yondu’s transmission onto a handheld communicator and heads to the back of the ship. He enters his quarters and closes the door. “Okay, shoot.”
Yondu takes a deep breath, and exhales slowly to try and calm his nerves. “Long story short, Krags and I hired a new Terran girl to help with record keeping, transmission logs and mission details and stuff. We’ve gotten close over that time and now, well…she’s ma girl.”
“Woah! Yondu! She’s really Terran?! That’s so awesome man! I always knew you had it in you. What’s her name?”
“Her name’s y/n, and she’s really somethin’. I never met anyone like her. She’s really special ta me, but there’s somethin’ else I need to ask ya.”
“The other day we made a stop out at Knowhere to sell some stuff, and she said somethin’ ta me. We both kinda panicked, but I think it might’a been my fault. See, she told me she loved me, but she said it so casually and it came out so natural soundin’. I didn’t expect it at all, and I didn’t exactly say anything back. She freaked out and ran off. Now, I don’t know what ta do! Is that normal fer Terrans?”
“Wow, okay. That’s a lot to unpack. So, let me ask you this. Do you love her?”
“Well, see that’s the other thing I need to ask ya. I don’t exactly know what that is. Boy, I ain’t Terran, and I ain’t no good with this love stuff. I figured, with ya bein’ Terran ‘n all, you might know what it means ta love someone and maybe ya’d know if that’s what y/n and I have.” Yondu’s expression turns sheepish, and he rubs the back of his neck as he waits for Peter’s answer.
“Oh, that’s easy! Love is something that happens between two people, and it’s a feeling that is super strong. You feel like you can do anything – unstoppable almost. Some people say it makes you feel like you’re floating, like you could almost fly. There’re loads of movies about love I remember from being a kid. The point is, you’d do anything to see them smile, you want to always make sure they’re happy and cared for. Gamora is in a similar boat with you, but we work on it.” Peter’s smile grows at the mention of Gamora.
“Well shit…” Yondu stares at something on his control council. “Okay, so yeah…I think that about pins it down.”
“So, you love her?” Peter asks.
“Heh, yeah boy, I guess I do.”
“Alright, well there you go! Look man, love is supposed to be easy. That’s not to say that you won’t have any disagreements or the occasional fight. That’s normal, but let go and just try to fall in.”
“Yeah, that makes sense. So, I guess all that’s left ta do is go tell her. Right?”
“Right.” Peter crosses his arms confidently and glances off screen. “Anything else you need? Rocket sounds like he’s getting pissed. I want to make sure he doesn’t blow something up or break anything.”
“Yeah boy, that’s it. But listen, thanks. I was at ma wits end over here.”
“No problem, Yondu. Now go tell her!” Peter laughs.
“Alright, alright. I’m goin’!” Yondu ends the call, and heads off the Warbird to find you.
Yondu starts to make his way back to the bars when he notices you and Kraglin walking to his smaller M-ship. The captain makes his way toward you in the snow, and you stop short.
Kraglin notices you stop. “Ey, it’s okay. You should talk to ‘em. I’ll see ya back on the Eclector?” He says as he reassuringly pats your shoulder.
“Yeah, okay.”
“Comm me if ya need anythin’.”
Kraglin walks past Yondu and nods, and he boards his small craft. You stuff your hands in your pockets and watch Yondu approach you.
“Hey, uh…” he starts. “I was wonderin’ if we could talk? Things have been a little off since the other day. Can I take ya back to the Warbird?”
“Yeah, I think that would be fine. We do need to talk.”
As the two of you walk to the Warbird, Yondu throws his arm over your shoulder to pull you closer. The warmth and weight of his arm makes your heart flutter. The feeling of security and safety brings a quiet smile to your face. Yondu glances at you from the corner of his eye and smiles too. It’s at this point he remembers what he is about to do. Anxiety strikes him in the chest and he can feel his heart begin to race. He swallows, and closes the door to the M-ship after you step inside with him.
You take a seat in the copilot chair and wait for him to speak first.
“Y/n, there’s somethin’ I been thinkin’ about and I really need to get it off ma chest. The other day, in yer office…well…” he looks down at the floor and begins to pace. “What I’m tryin’ ta say is – shit…this is harder than I thought it was gonna be.”
You get a bad nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach. Yondu can’t seem to find the right words and he’s pacing the ship even further. He’s going to break up with me, oh my god, he is about to break up with me. You can feel tears beginning to form, and he turns to face you. Your thoughts have apparently been written all over your face.
“Oh, no. No darlin’ it ain’t like that. I swear on all the stars, it ain’t nothin’ like that. Look, when ya told me ya loved me the other day, I didn’t know what ta do. No one has ever told me they loved me before. I wadn’t sure what love even meant, let alone how ta love somebody else. Love ain’t exactly somethin’ I’m used to. But now, I think I understand – at least a little.” He takes your hands and pulls you to your feet. With deep pull of breath, he finally gets the courage.
“I love ya too sweetheart. I do. No woman has ever made me so damn crazy before. Ya get inside ma head, make my hands all shaky, and when ya look at me ma heart races out of ma chest. I can’t even begin ta tell ya how outta the norm this is fer me. Heh.” His crooked smile shows how unsure he is. But you can tell that he means every word. You don’t have any words for him in return. His confession was more than you expected, so you pull him toward you for a tender kiss. He wraps you in his strong arms and returns your kiss happily. You both get so lost in each other that you almost forget to breathe. You break away from him and gingerly bite your lip.
“So…now what?” He asks.
“Well, now, we just keep doing what we’re doing. Build and grow, one day at a time. Don’t worry, I’ll show you how.” With a smirk, you head toward the dining area of the ship to get some water.
“Y/n, there’s somethin’ else I been thinkin’ about. What do ya say we make another stop? The crew will be well off for a while, and we have some downtime ahead. I have an idea I’ve been sittin’ on fer a while.”
“Sure, what’s your idea?”
He takes a seat next to you and taps on the table a few times. “I was wantin’ ta take ya back ta Terra fer a visit. Maybe we could find yer family. I know how much ya miss ‘em, and it would bring ‘em some closure. I can imagine they’d be thrilled ta know yer safe…and I wouldn’t mind meetin’ ‘em. If ya think it’d be alright?”
“Back to Earth!? Are you serious?! Yondu! Yes, yes! Oh my god, I can’t believe it!!” You jump into his arms and kiss him excitedly. “It’s been so long. I’d love to show you where I grew up and, well, my family might be a bit shocked – but they’ll get over it.”
“Alright, then. It’s a done deal. I’ll let the crew finish up their…merriment, and we’ll get headed that way.”
In the back of his mind, Yondu knows this is a huge risk. There is chance you’ll find your family, and you might want to stay. If he takes you back to your home, he could lose you forever. However, he understands now, that he’d do anything to make you happy. Even it that happiness takes you away from him.
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“I’m so proud of you.”
The words echoed through Link’s head. Proud? What was there to be proud of? His whole body felt like wildfire, sweat pouring down his sternum.
There was no way he was proud of this…this vomit of a confession that had been spewed from Link’s lips. He was disgusting. He was a disgusting little worm of a man that had crawled out of the most rotten apple that had fallen from the tree.
Link didn’t feel like he deserved it. Rhett shouldn’t be proud of him. Link’s brow furrowed, hiding his eyes further beneath his pronounced brow bone. His drunken mind was not happy with the statement made by his friend, so of course the only way to deal with that, of course, was to start a fight.
Link firmly pushed Rhett square in the chest and spat out a few slurred expletives. “Fuck you, yer not s’posed ta be proud.” His cheeks were burning red hot, and his glasses threatened to slide right off his face from all the sweat. He clumsily pushed them further up his nose, pressing on one of the lenses rather than the bridge.
“Woah, hey man…what’s the deal? I can’t be proud of you? That was a big thing for you to say, I’ll bet it took a lot of courage to say it…”
“Shuddup. S’…s’….s’n’ain’t right…Yer s’posed ta be mad…” he gave Rhett another push in the chest, but Rhett stood his ground.
“I’m not mad.”
A grunt of frustration left Link’s gritted teeth and he pathetically landed a handful of weak punches to Rhett’s midsection. He wasn’t coordinated enough in this state to land them effectively.
“Oof, hey, quit that…” Rhett grabbed on to Link’s fists before he could cause any damage to either of them. “I mean it. I’m proud of you. It takes a lot of guts to admit you love someone. I can’t say I reciprocate the feelin’…not in the way you want me to…but I’m still your best friend…and I’m proud of you for finally saying something about this.”
Finally? Link’s brow seemed to furrow even further, almost completely hiding his icy eyes. Finally? So he knew? He had known already? And was just waiting for Link to say something about it like some…like some fucking idiot?
“Hey. Stop. I know you’re overthinking things.” Rhett pulled Link out of his head and brought his attention back to the present. “Listen to me. We’re still friends, alright?”
Suddenly Link felt very cold. His whole body shivered and he felt the goosebumps rise on his skin. The words really started to settle in and the anger subsided, being replaced by a mix of emotions that Link couldn’t begin to understand. Before he knew it, he had thrown himself against Rhett, pulling the taller man into a hug and burying his face in Rhett’s hoodie. The sobs that escaped him were loud and ugly, and the tears were big and soaked through to Rhett’s chest.
Rhett was proud of him. And that would have to be enough.
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kursed-curtain · 3 years
A Sinking Suspicion
Featuring three tales of dread, a friendship hanging by a wire, and the blades that cut it off.
(Based on the Three Adventurers + LeBrush AU, both belonging to @captmickey)
A quick supply run was the breath of fresh air the trio needed from all the fighting they had done on the road so far. They ran in with the hopes that none of them were seen as some kind of prevalent figure or wanted criminal - just so they could possibly haggle with a few of the merchants without being run over.
Each one of them took off with a separate part of the shopping list. Then, one of the market stands caught Guybrush's eye.
A large, colorful sign decorated with overflowing baskets of pears, as well as assorted fruit and vegetables. The pears were the stand's main attraction, however, and accompanied by a hefty price. Maybe he could knock it down to something reasonable.
"I might not know much about the worth of money here, but isn't that price a bit high for a pear?" Guybrush suggested, in his most convincing voice.
The merchant wasn't amused. "It's for a bag of pears, mister. Plus, it's a deal you won't wanna miss!"
"Oh yeah? What makes them so special?"
"These pears are specially farmed~" The merchant held up the lumpy fruit to their nose and took a big whiff of it. Guy's nose wrinkled at the repulsive sight. "And for the pear haters, you don't have to worry! They taste nothing like pears."
"Isn't that the whole point of the pear-"
"Shut up or buy the fruit!"
The vendor had a glare as if they would eat him if he didn't buy. Cannibalism was illegal here, right?
Guybrush scowled. Eyeing the pear, he snatched it from the merchant's hand and gave the pear the biggest, spiteful bite he could manage.
"Hey!" The pear vendor clawed at him, reaching over the counter. "You damage the product, you pay for it!"
Guy swished it around in his mouth, then grimaced. "You lyin', toothless cockroach, this tastes like a rotting apple!"
"Shut your mouth, you're gonna scare away future customers!" They frantically waved their hands in hopes he would stop. They lowered their voice, "Yeah, they may not actually be pears, and they're probably a little foul, but I'm running a good business here, mister!"
To that, Guybrush hocked up the apple pieces and spat them directly in the merchant's face. "I shouldn't have to pay for this filth when yer face got the same quality as yer fruit!"
That ticked off the pear-apple vendor. Their high-pitched holler rang through the market, calling the town's guards to seize this unruly customer.
Guy found himself encircled by towering swordsmen. "Woah, hey! What did I do to get you guys so riled up?"
The guards remained silent.
"Okay then! If there isn't a reason then I'll just be heading-" as he turned, he was met with the point of a cutlass.
Hearing the commotion, Link halted the shopping spree and the two made their way towards the pear stand. They broke the circle and, seeing the situation, rushed to Guy's side.
The pear-apple vendor stepped forward. "So, are you two friends with mister pear-spitter?"
"Pear-spitter?" The trio said, in unison. Guybrush said, "I don't think I'd ever eat something so overpriced."
"Oh, then what are you holding?"
Guy felt the pear in his hand, a large gooey chunk taken out of it. The swampy, sickeningly sweet feeling resurfaced in his mouth. It made his stomach churn. "Yeah, I'm still not paying for it."
"Do I need to explain common law to you?!" They shrieked.
Graham was quick to refuse, however Guybrush had other plans. With a grin, he nodded to the merchant.
"Alright then, pear-spitting scoundrel and company..."
As the vendor listed off every known law, Guybrush recognized it as a window of opportunity. He silently eyeballed Graham and Link, motioning to a weak gap in the distracted guards.
On the count of three. One… two…
They made a break for it, never looking back.
They had been on the road for quite some time, currently traversing a deep forest. The sun was setting, and they still weren't even close to the next town.
Guybrush took in the view between the trees. "What a lovely sunset," he said to himself. Despite how much he was out of his element, he still felt fond memories during the evenings.
Then he started to fall behind. "Agh, why are these blasted legs so weak now of all places?" He hissed. "The wind be blowin' too hard, I hit me head on a branch, 'n these stupid birds are too damn loud!"
Almost if in retaliation, a single dropping fell from above. He cursed out the bird long after it was gone.
As the rant was quieting down and the pirate was simply grumbling to himself, Graham slowed down till he was close enough to speak. "Hey, Guy, did you get enough sleep last night?"
Guybrush snapped back into reality. "Hm? Oh, let me see..." He racked his brain, counted on his fingers, double checked the math. "...Full eight hours, plus a quick nap. I'm fully rested!"
"Huh, well that doesn't really explain why you've been so cranky."
"Yeah, you usually don't complain this much," Link added, now that he'd made the connections, "Just wanted to know if anything's been going on."
Guy was a little baffled by the observation. "I don't think I've been complaining...?"
Link and Graham shared skeptical glances.
"...But if I knew anything was going on, you know I would tell you two. Let lightning strike me where I stand if I don't. Alright?"
A taunting gust of wind blew in from behind them. The crack of thunder sounded off nearby.
"Okay, I wasn't serious about that lightning part!"
"Let's find shelter!" Link called as he rushed further into the forest.
Graham stayed, staring back at the clouds rolling in, brow furrowed.
"Do you want to get poured on?" Guybrush joked. After a moment of thought, Graham whipped around and, reluctantly, followed the two into the forest for shelter.
Perhaps the memory was triggered by Graham's desperate search for comfort, some sliver of an answer to his burning questions. Nonetheless, he saw the gleaming helmet sewn between streaks of purple. It filled him with a kind of joy that hurt.
It was a miracle, almost, that within the smallest time frame he had built up so much attachment.
Oh, why did he have to get attached?
The deep purple moved behind him, out of sight, which sends the young knight into a panic. The cave starts to fill with a radiating heat, rising from behind. It's tempting to turn around, yet there's a safety in staying unaware.
Soon the heat gets louder, a roar that bounces off the cavern walls. There's the sickening smell of burning leather, and now he wants to turn around. He can't. His voice catches in his throat.
His brain is yelling. He makes futile attempts to roll over, to at least catch a glimpse of how hard he had failed.
He makes one last attempt to scream-
-which startles himself awake.
He wasn’t in a cave, thankfully. He was sitting up in the cramped inn room that the three had stopped by to plan their next expedition. The room was sweltering, or maybe that was just him. Graham hugs himself, as if that would prevent his heart from ripping out of his chest.
To his left is Guybrush, leaning over the bed. "Hey, what happened?"
Graham opened his mouth to speak, but thinking back on the event only brought up tears.
"Another nightmare, huh? C'mere." Guy pulls Graham into a hug. Graham wipes his eye on Guy's shoulder.
Then, Guybrush loosens his grip, glancing at the young archer on his shoulder. "I do pity you, I do," the pirate sneered. "However, you know what you did."
Graham opened his eyes a crack.
Now the pirate’s vision was becoming clear. A cowardly swab, that's who this lad was.
"You know what you could 'ave done."
Something lingered in the back of Graham's mind. Pull away, pull away. Yet curiosity, alongside guilt, kept him strangled in that floating hug. He saw glimpses of a smokey trail of green.
"Conquerin' death be easy. I've nigh-on mastered it!"
Now, this is when Link stirred awake. Yelling this early in the morning may have not been the brightest idea.
Too bad he was too late.
"You failed the simplest task."
Link was standing on the opposite side of the bed, glaring down the demeaning pirate. "What in the hells, Guy…?"
Guybrush blinked, then looked down at Graham, who had backed away the moment Guy had fully released his grasp. Guy turned to Link. Both of their stares begged for an explanation.
Guy reached for Graham again. Graham flinched at the movement, his breathing heightened.
Link pounded Guybrush with questions. "What did you do? What were you saying, why were you-"
“I don’t…” Guy searched the room for some sort of clarification. He didn't find any. "I don't know what I said."
"You don't know." Link was livid. "How could you not know?" He turned to Graham. "Please, do you know?"
He thought he did, but everything felt so off.
Guy held his hand out. Graham turned his face away in defense.
Link stepped forward, guarding Graham with his arm. To Guybrush, he sighed and said, "I think it would be best if you could just… leave. For a while."
"But I-"
"Get OUT!" Link snapped.
For a moment, the room froze itself, underlined by Link's heavy breathing. Nothing felt believable, like they were living in a lie that kept teasing them, because it felt so real.
Then, Guybrush made his decision.
It was the most he could do to help.
The tiny room felt massive that day.
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liibrii · 3 years
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Chapter 3: In the light, your name
Ojiro Aran x fem!reader
Series Masterpost || Ch. 1 || Ch. 2
wc: 4.7k
warnings: time skip spoilers, swearing, internalised guilt and shame, intrusive thoughts, self doubt, drinking.
a/n: this only took forever cause I got carried away (what a surprise). if you wanna be tagged in future chapters lemme know, and as always feedback is greatly appreciated! 
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A step forward, two steps back. Like a dance, just like his mother taught him, dancing and laughing back home, only this dance holds no joy, only cruel turns and twirls and your hand slipping from his as fate whisks you away.
“One Ace special coming up!“ Osamu places a plate of freshly made onigiris in front of Aran. They look amazing, as if taken directly out of one of those fancy cooking books. The practice had been especially gruelling that day and yet Aran has no appetite. All he wants is to go home and sleep. He would have, if Gao hadn't dragged him to the newly opened Tokyo branch of Onigiri Miya.
More out of politeness than really being hungry he takes a bite. It's good, much better than ones he remembers Osamu bringing to practice. “Woah, this is tasty!“
Osamu practically beams at Aran's praise. Even he has changed, notices Aran. Has he grown a little? The grey of his hair is gone, and he smiles so much more. Aran doesn't remember ever seeing him so talkative.
Has everyone changed so much while he wasn't paying attention?
While chewing he pulls phone from his bag, in some silly hope there'd be a message from you. But the screen is empty and seeing his screensaver is almost a mocking to his hopes. What else did he expect? People don't always mean what they say, but a storm doesn't mean to blow away roofs either.
Lost in his thoughts Aran barely takes notice when Gao says his goodbye and other customers slowly start leaving.
Osamu closes the shop then places two more cans of beer on the counter. Without much enthusiasm Aran opens the can and pours the fizzling liquid into a glass. Which drink was it, third? Fourth? For a moment he considers telling Osamu everything. About you, how he feels and how he screwed up. Just to get it out there. But Aran knows Osamu talks to Atsumu, and Atsumu never learned what keeping a secret means. So he blames his sour mood on practice.
 Even if Aran was a good liar Osamu'd see through his little ticks. They've been the same ever since elementary school and so obvious; the nervous scratching of his nails, rubbing of his neck. Ever since he'd grown a beard he added rubbing it to the list.
“I should probably get goin',“ says Aran before downing half the glass in one long gulp.
“What's a few more minutes?“ Osamu doesn't bother pouring his beer. “I'll clean up later. Don't have any other plans anyway.“
A low chuckle leaves Aran's lips. “Life goin' that good, yeah?”
“Could say that. Could be far worse. How about ya?“
Aran massages his temples. He's getting light headed and still he takes another long sip. “Like ya said, could be far worse. Had a rough couple weeks. Women, ya know?“
Osamu hums and nods, wisely. “Women. Got dumped, did ya?“
“In a way...“
“What happened, did ya forget her birthday or somethin'?“
Aran laughs. Oh no, he knows exactly when your birthday is. “Said somethin' stupid.“
“Just somethin'? If she gets upset so fast then maybe she's trouble.“
“Wasn't like that. She trusted me and I... had a bad day and took it out on her.“
Osamu takes an onigiri Aran hasn't touched yet. “Have ya apologised?“ He asks with his mouth full. “Should start with that,“ he continues after Aran shakes his head, “treat her to dinner. I know some good restaurants if ya want. Or better, cook somethin' yerself.“ He opens the browser on his phone. “What's her favorite food?“
Aran tells him. “Whichever recipe ya find I can tell ya right now I can't cook it.“
“I found a few even Tsumu can make,“ laughs Osamu still scrolling through his phone. “What's she like? More into fancy stuff or more homey? Fried rice's easy but not very fancy, more of a safe bet. Maybe with an omelette. I can show ya how to make it to look like a panda. Success guaranteed!“
“How can omelette look like a panda? It's yellow.“ 
“A yellow bear then,“ Osamu shruggs before putting away his phone. “Does she like bears?“
“Does- I ain't sure...“
“Ya don't know?“
“No! Why would I? Is that what ya ask folk ya take on dates?“
“Usually I ask what they think about apple curry.“
“I don't think she likes apple curry... Or maybe she does...“ He gloomily stares at the empty glass in front of him. “Gimme one more.“
Osamu obliges and pours him one more, deciding this is the last one for him. Aran's eyes are getting glassy and he dreamily observes the white foam before downing half the glass.
“We went down to the Kamakura beach,” he says, scratching at his immaculate fingernails. “She looked s' pretty in the sunset... She likes sunsets... I think. Ain't sure 'bout anythin' these days.“
“Everyone likes sunsets,“ nods Osamu. “Never trust people who don't like seein' sunsets. I'm tellin' ya, buy her some udon. Or bring her here, I'll give ya a special discount.“
Aran bursts into laughter. “He'll know then...“ Osamu leans his head to the side, wondering what his old teammate meant by that. “She's ex of a friend.“
“Ow,“ is all Osamu says. That explains everything. You don't date a friends' ex. “Sorry. She sounds great.“
“Yeah, yeah she is... Kinda almost like a whasit's called again, kotatsu? Warm...“ He's just blabbering now, his mind a hazy labyrinth of disconnected thoughts. He misses you, he misses you so bad, and he fucked up, and he doubts cooking you a dinner would repair the damage he's done. Once it would be pretty easy to bribe you with the right snacks but you've changed. You've changed so much he still fears he doesn't know you at all. “Hey Samu? Hav' I changed?“
“Yea? I doubt the old Aran-kun wouldda come to me for advice.“
Corners of Aran's lips perk up. Why is his glass empty? “Yer a good guy ‘Samu. Can ya call me a taxi? I've got practice t'morrow.“
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He has to stop visiting Onigiri Miya on the evenings Aran thinks on another morning after drinking and talking with Osamu till late night hours. The cool breeze of the early morning hours is refreshing but isn't doing anything to ease the hammering in his head. Sky without a cloud promises the day to be sunny and hot. Aran's just glad he found his sunglasses ad that the gym has air conditioning.
There's a distant ringing in his ears. Ringing that doesn't stop and causes other people on the train to send him sideway looks. It's because his phone is ringing but he's too focused on trying not to throw up to notice. He only does so once he's walking the short walk from the train station to the gym. Seeing your name over the 'missed call' almost makes him drop the phone. He calls you back, frantically tapping his fingers on his arm, hoping you'll pick up. You don't.
The sun is too bright. Pouring rain would be more appropriate to his mood. Aran's glad he can hide from the warm rays inside the gym. No matter his mood volleyball always takes his mind off things, and even now he hopes it will help him see things more clearly. The thought of you has become a wind chime, singing at every little thing that makes him think of you. Staying focused on the ball in front of him is harder than expected. But first and foremost he's a professional volleyball player with a new season just around the corner. He can't let his team, his fans down. Since your first year of high school you've been his supporter too. He can't let you down.
When his phone rings again he’s in the middle of receiving drills and this call too goes unanswered. Instead your message waits for him.
           (9. 45) Aran are u free this Sunday? the shrine down the street is holding a festival. wanna come?  
A wide smile spreads over his face. He's more than happy to come he writes back, his smile spreading even wider when only a few moments later you text him place and time.
“Ojiro what are you looking at?“ Gao peers over his shoulder and Aran quickly puts his phone away.
“Nothing, ey? Does the nothing have a name?“
Aran rolls his eyes and heads for the showers, ignoring the teasing laughter of his teammates. Honestly, he's too excited to see you to care.
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Aran glances on his phone to check the time. Five more minutes and he'll be only ten minutes early. He kicks the small stone form the pavement onto the road. Then he straightens his shirt. Maybe this colour wasn't the right choice after all, maybe you would've liked the red one better. Once in passing Akagi said red looked good on him. He sends you a short message, letting you know he's already here.
Minutes later he catches the sight of your figure manoeuvring between visitors flocking towards the many stands. “Sorry, I got worried all the best mochi'd sell out,“ you apologise, pointing to plate full of different kinds of mochi in your hand. “Samu isn't here yet?“
“No.“ His heart clenches. He didn't even think about the possibility of you inviting anyone else. “He's probably just late,“ he quickly adds, “let me call him.“
“Always late,“ you complain, “tell him I got his mochi but if he doesn't appear soon I'll just eat them myself. Want one?“
He declines the sweet and you shrug. While he waits for Osamu to pick up he avoids looking at you. The call goes unanswered. “I'll send him a message.“
“Tell him every minute he's late is a free onigiri,“ you mumble, your mouth full of delicious mochi. “And he's paying for drinks. I saw a stand with soya smoothies up the street. And a stand with takoyaki.“
“Have ya mapped out all the food stands?“ chuckles Aran.
“Well you know Samu, food is his best motivator. You sure you don't want one?“
He gives in and takes the matcha one. He watches with a fond smile as you stuff an entire mochi in your mouth.
“What?“ you mumble when you catch him staring.
“Ya look like a hamster.“
You roll your eyes in an effort to cover the smile creeping on your face. “Very funny. How's life?“
“It's fine,“ he nods, awkwardly.
“Yeah.“ He rubs his chin. The beard is getting a little long. He glances over at you. He should say something. But what? “I'm really sorry about what I said,“ he finally utters. “I do care. About you.“
“We all say things we don't mean, right?“ The soft look in your eyes makes his throat tighten. He hurt you and yet here you are. Reaching out, again. “It's all water under the bridge. Besides, I really missed hanging out with you. So, where do ya wanna go?“
“Shouldn't we wait for Osamu?“
“Nah. It's his fault for being late, he'll find us. And he better buy us those smoothies. Want one more mochi? You should really try the chocolate one, it's amazing.“
Never again. Aran doesn't want to see you hurt ever again.
The festival is crowded, which is to be expected in Tokyo, and he keeps an eye out for you. The last thing he wants is to lose you somewhere in the sea of people. He stays close, quietly delighting in seeing your excitement over different attractions of the festival. A few times your hand brushes against his, sending a shiver down his spine.
Osamu never shows up, messaging about an hour later he got stuck at work, promising you both as many onigiri as you'd like the next time you come around Onigiri Miya. “A shame. I was hoping to hang out with him while he's still in Tokyo.“
“He'll have time in the future,“ says Aran, doing his best to ignore the pang of jealousy in his chest.
“Probably. But will there be fresh soya smoothie for him to treat me to?“
Aran buys you the smoothie you so crave, grinning upon seeing your excitement. You walk around the festival grounds and from time to time he steals sips of your smoothie. You pout and nag he should buy one for himself but don't stop him. 
As night falls you search for a good place to watch the fireworks from. Just after they start Aran puts his hand on the small of your back to gently push you forward so you'd see better. But you don't budge and he bumps into you, his chest to your back. The sounds of festival fade, as if the crowd disappeared and all that remains is you, looking at him, fireworks reflecting in your eyes. The softness of your gaze causes his heart to do somersaults. You snicker and flick his nose.
Tease, he thinks and tickles you. He wishes he could properly put his arms around you and rest his head on your shoulder. He wishes he was here as more than just your friend. He wishes he alone would be enough of a reason for you to always have the same soft look in your eyes.
But if Kita, the perfect Kita Shinsuke, Kita who knew you better than anyone wasn't enough, how could he be?
His hand lingers on your arm for a heartbeat longer. He could try, he could always love you with all he has and hope you'd love him back, hope he could be enough. But if he failed... he'd only hurt you more, wouldn't he? And you've been hurt enough.
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During lunch break his phone rings and his hearts jumps, hoping it's you. But instead Osamu's name is written over the screen. A bit disappointed Aran picks up.
“Aran-kun whatcha doin' this Saturday?“ Not even a'hello'. So many years and still so rude.
“Practice till afternoon, then watchin' a movie.“
“Amazin'! Want some company?“
A boys' night out? Why not? It would be nice to spend some time with someone who wasn't his teammate. “'Course.“
Osamu laughs. “Knew ya would. I happen to know someone interested in a blind date. I'll tell her to meet ya at the cinema.“
“What? Osamu I'm not really one for blind dates-“
“The ex of a friend. She's Kita-san' ex, isn't she?“ Aran's silence is an answer enough. “Ya asked me for advice. This is it, go out, try meetin' someone else. Whatever you want to have with her it won't end well.“
Aran knows. He knows all that. He knows you returning his feelings would be the worst case scenario. Sooner or later he'd have to tell Kita. “I know,“ he says. “I know that.“
Osamu doesn't answer immediately, waiting if Aran will add anything else. “Just go on this one date, see how it goes.“
“I'll think about it.“
He does think about it. The entire day in fact. Meeting someone new would be nice and who knows, she might be the one he's waiting for. A part of him, the guilty part that's been way too loud in the past weeks, stays firmly against the idea. Searching for the right one when you're right here. What if this blind date is just a crazy fan who somehow found her way to meeting him? And what about you, it asks? It would be cruel wouldn't it, leading you on while going on dates behind your back.
But he isn't leading you on, Aran argues with the voice inside his head, you're just a friend anyway. He cares about you yes, but only as a really good friend. Osamu is right, you should never be more than that. You're Kita's ex. And you don't date your friend's ex. So why break his heart further?
           (17.48) I'll go on the date. send me time and place.
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That's the thing about making plans, the moment you make them something else comes up. Just the following day his phone rings, making his heart flutter when he sees your name.
“Hey.“ Your voice alone makes him smile. “I, uhm, I have a request.“
No beating around the bush. It makes Aran wonder if you've been hanging with Osamu so much you picked up his habits. “Oh, do ya?“
“Yeah. It’s is a bit awkward... Listen, I have a very important exam next week but my roommate's gonna have her boyfriend over for the entire weekend. Let's just say earplugs aren't helping and leave it at that, yeah? So, could I maybe crash at your place till then? I just need a quiet place to study. I can sleep on the couch! Or the floor, I really don't care!“
“'Course ya can,“ says Aran without hesitation.
This is how we finds himself sitting with a bunch of your notes in his lap, you leaning on his back explaining one of the questions. There are at least 4 empty mugs on the desk of his living room. He hopes you've left some coffee for breakfast.
He's amazed by how naturally you fit into his life. Almost like the space beside his shoes in the closet was meant for yours and the jacket hanging beside his was always meant to be there. You've even found your favourite mug already. The bedroll on the floor of the living room is the only reminder you're only crashing at his place for a couple of days. If you asked he'd let you stay longer.
The next morning you wake up the same time as him, sipping your first cup of coffee for the day, half asleep and draped in the hoodie he strategically left on the counter last night. You don't even raise a brow when he takes your phone and asks you to unlock it. “I'll send ya a playlist. Just some classical music. It's good for studyin'.“
“Sure,“ you answer in a groggy voice. “Have fun bouncing the ball around,“ you wave him off when he gets ready to leave.
Your sleepy face makes him smile for the rest of the day. Practice runs longer than usual and he returns late, stepping over two stairs at the time. The lights are still on when he enters but there's no answer when he calls out. He finds you behind the desk, so absorbed in your notes you don't notice his approach. When he places his hands on your shoulders you jump and shriek. “Aran!“ You remove your headphones. “Do you want to give me a heart attack?!“ He laughs and you smack his leg before he sits on the floor beside you.
“Is the material so interestin'?“ He looks over your many notes and pushes an empty mug to the edge of the table.
“I was listening to music,“ you rub your eyes. He notices they look a bit reddish. He takes your phone and clicks the play button and music continues. It only takes him a moment to recognise the piece.
“Dmitri Shostakovich, Waltz number 2. My mom's favourite. Used to dance to it with dad every Thursday.“
“That's sweet.“
He stands up and offers you his hand. “Come, ya need a break.“
You take his hand without question, only raising your brow when he places his left hand on your back. “Ya have to put your hand on my shoulder,“ he grins to your more than apparent confusion.
“Oh, right,“ you mumble. “I can't really dance you know. Not waltz at least.“
He gently holds your right hand in his and gives you a reassuring squeeze. “Don't worry, I'll teach ya. I start with my right foot forward, ya step back with yer left, yep, just like that, then my left foot forward,“ you jump in surprise when he turns you around, “and the first turn, now yer right foot forward, then left, and turn. See, it ain't hard.“
“Easy for you to say,“ you disagree, your eyes fixed on his feet and your mind preoccupied with trying not to step on his toes.
“Just follow my lead,“ grins Aran, gently pulling you a little closer.
He counts the steps and beats in his head and step after another you relax and follow his lead. All those Thursdays when dad wasn't home and mom pulled him into taking his place are finally paying off.
“I didn't know you could dance so well.“
Aran laughs at your words and gently pushes you into a twirl under his arm. “I guess there's a lot ya don't know,“ he says when he pulls you closer again. 
You follow his steps and soon begin catch on the slightest of his moves. Music changes but you don't let go so you dance on through his living room, off beat and saying quiet 'Sorry's,' every time you step on his toes. The way your brows furrow when you mess up is adorable but Aran doesn't give you the time to ponder over the mistake, pulling you into the next turn with ease and certainty of someone who has danced these steps countless times.
When the last song ends Aran leaves his hand on your back. You're so close, your hand in his. Looking and smiling at him. His eyes linger on your lips. It would take so little to close the space between you. So little that would change so much.
He pulls away.“ Do ya want tea?“
“Don't I always?“ you muse and head to put the water on, then open the cupboard but the last cups stand on the highest shelf and even on your tiptoes you can't reach them. Aran gently pushes you to the side and reaches for them. “Here.“
He pours himself a glass of water then pulls his phone out to check the time. Shit. The blind date. That's today! He glances over at you, making your tea, humming the melody of the last song you danced too. His heart drops.
What is he doing? He can't... This is getting out of control. He clenches the glass tighter. You're so close, he wouldn't even have to fully extend his arm to tap your shoulder. If, right here and now, he told you how he feels, how would you react? He lifts the glass to his lips. Probably not in the way he wants you to. A leap of faith, one that could take him anywhere. To the love of his life, he thinks watching you stir, or to the stone to shatter the friendship you both tried so hard to rebuild. A risk he doesn't have the courage to take.
The half empty glass he leaves in the sink draws your attention. You watch Aran head for the bedroom and you don't think much of it. It's his apartment, he can do what he wants. It's only when almost ten minutes pass that you decide to poke your head through the door to see what he's up to. The clothes he's wearing certainly aren't what one would wear for staying at home. “Going somewhere?“ you ask, curious as to why he's wearing a pretty alright polka dotted shirt.
“I have a date.“ He awkwardly fixes his collar. He doesn't want to meet your eyes.
There's a short silence before you answer. “A date? In this shirt?“
Your judgemental tone makes him turn. “What's wrong with this shirt?”
You scrunch up your nose. “It gives you that,“ you wiggle your fingers, “successful businessman in his forties looking for a wife vibes.“
“What's wrong with that?“
“What's wrong with-?! Aran! You're a professional athlete!“ You enter his bedroom and start looking through the closet. “Don't you get invited to fashion shows and stuff? One would expect you'd get some fashion sense purely through osmosis. Ouch!“ you yelp when he playfully smacks your shoulder. “Here, this one.“ You hand him a shirt of dark violet colour.
He takes it from your hands and inspects it. Then he hands it back. “I like this one better. And I'm runnin' late already anyway.“
You shrug and hang it back. “As you wish Mr. CEO. Wait, are you bringing your date back here?! Shit, I need to clean up my stuff.“
“Relax. I'm not bringin' anyone back. It's a blind date anyway. Ya keep studyin' alright? I'll be very disappointed if ya don't get the highest mark.“
“What do you mean a blind date? Damn, I didn't expect that from you player boy,“ you tease and it's a distraction enough for Aran to miss the forced smile.
“Osamu's idea.“
A small “Ah,“ is all you reply at first. “Get going then, being late is the worst you can be on the first date!“ You push him out of the room. “Have fun, don't say anything stupid, and don't only talk about volleyball.“
“It's not my first date y/n, gosh, stop bein' such a mom. Why are ya so excited anyway?“
“Probably too much caffeine.“
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When he returns you're still up. You have two cups of tea ready before he even takes his shoes off.
“So, how was it?“ You push the cup across the table. “Come on, come on, no need to be shy,“ you grin, “tell me!“
Aran rolls his eyes at your sudden excitement. “It was nice, but nothin’ special,“ he tells you.
“Just nice?“ You tap your fingers on the table. Aran recognises the rhythm, it's one of your favourite songs. You sent it to him a few days ago. “Dating must be harder now that you're famous,“ you say, absent-mindedly. “Or is it easier?“
Before answering he takes a cracker from the bowl on the table. “Harder,“ is the answer he settles on. “Ya never know if they're attracted to ya or yer status. What about ya?“ He focuses on chewing crackers and taking small sips of tea, anything to keep from glancing at you.
“Ah you know,“ you sigh, “have enough other problems at the moment. College is messing with my head enough already. Why put another person in the mix?“ This time Aran doesn't miss how your voice trembles, and how you rub your forehead. Maybe you just have a light headache. You do look exhausted.
He changes the subject, feeling the talk of dating is quickly approaching dangerous territory. “How are ya feelin'? With studyin' and all?“
You lean on your hand. “Could be much worse. It's just a lot. Probably should have started with studying earlier.“
“But with work ya didn't even have enough time, right? Don't be too hard on yerself.“
“Actually, I quit. I thought it would help me focus on studying,“ you say upon seeing his questioning gaze.
“Ya know what will help ya study better? Some good night's sleep.“ He takes your empty cup. “I'll do the dishes, ya go ready for bed. No talkin' back,“ he points his finger to your face, “ my house, my rules. No stayin' up past midnight.“
“It's one in the morning.“
“Past time for ya to go to bed then young lady.“
After that you don't protest and before he even finishes doing the dishes you're snuggled on your bedroll and half asleep. Seeing you fills him with warmth. He could get used to this, coming home to you every night. He turns the lights off.
When he lays in his bed he wonders what's with the sinking feeling in his chest. There's anger. Why were you so excited for his date in the first place? Why did you look almost disappointed when he said it was nothing special? He hugs his pillow, thinking he'd much rather it was you in his arms. You must be soft. If only you'd be here, his nose filled with the scent of your shampoo. Teeth of shame sink in his heart. Why does he have to feel like this?
He wants you to be jealous. It's so damn childish, he knows that. It's something his teenager self felt when you hugged Kita after a game but only gave him a high five and a head pat.
How long is he going to keep lying to himself? He's in love with you. Not the you he remembers. You here and now. You sipping your fourth cup of coffee, you frantically flipping through notes wearing one of his old hoodies. That at least hasn't changed; you still steal any hoodie you can get your grabby little hands on. Not steal, he corrects himself, borrow. You borrow them. For an undetermined period of time.
He buries his face in the pillow. You're not the always cheerful manager he remembers anymore. But you are still you.
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Tag list: @aonenthusiast @rosecaffelatte @kara-grayson04
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infinite-hearts-333 · 4 years
Broken pack, Broken wolf
Sander sides, Analogical (Eventually), Logan Angst, Werewolf AU
WARNING: really bad writing, angsty, lack of sleep and starvation, swearing I'll add to this
Part 2- Purpose, and... family?
Logan never left his room. Well, that's what the sides believed. Truthfully, every second night, he snuck out of his room in the middle of the night to steal snacks from the kitchen- well, once he found it. It was hard to sleep without the comforting weight of his pack around him, so Logan read and fingered out what his purpose was here until he passed out from exhaustion. Which... wasn't healthy... but he couldn't help it.
Moving on, his purpose. Apparently, he was inside a human's head- in the form of a figment of the male's imagination also known as one of his 'sides'. Logan, was the male's- also known as Thomas- Logical side. There are other sides as well, Morality and Creativity, the ones he met when he first manifested, and others as well, known as Deceit and Paranoia.
Logan, once informed on where the hell he was, began to work. How he knew what to do- he had no clue whatsoever. He just sat, and suddenly, he was typing and writing and planning, it helped to pass the time, distracting him from the hole in his heart that craved touch from his pack.
Logan stayed in his room, never coming out to interact with any of the sides. Even when Creativity lost stability and split in two, Logan remained seated in his room, the only change in routine was that he stayed in the den, curled up to hide from the scream as a side split in two.
Days turned to weeks, then to months, then years. Life became a sick pattern, wake up (sometimes he was already awake), eat any leftovers, work until he was exhausted and crawl back into his den. Some nights, Logan would cry himself to sleep, unable to remove the last image before his death- Jackson's horrified face, maw opened in a shout. 'LOGAN!'
The bags under his eyes became darker and darker, for Logan couldn't sleep without his pack, and the couple of hours of sleep he got from collapsing from exhaustion were cut short from Logan awakening, screaming and crying from night terrors.
Eventually, Logan came to the facts that crying was going to do nothing. His pack would move on, not knowing he was alive. .....could this even be counted as being alive? So he got rid of it all. All of his emotions, he repressed them, ignored them, hid them, and focused on his work instead.
And soon enough, Logan could hold a straight face from dawn till dusk. Only then, did he go outside in the day. He walked to the cupboard that he had never touched, swinging the door open and studied the clothes inside.
He got unchanged, dressed, and brushed his hair carefully, folding his ears down until they vanished against his will. Two flicks of his tail, and his tail vanished as well. A unicorn onesie sat in his cupboard, and he stared at it for a few minutes and then tossed it into the den. Removing his glasses, Logan smeared foundation under his eyes to hide the bags, before placing his glasses back on.
He inhaled, clutching the key hanging around his neck, and then unlocked the door for the first time, and stepped outside into the hallway.
Logan hadn't expected a welcome, more of a... threat for near-attacking Morality when they first met. But, instead when he walked into the kitchen he got a happy, cheerful: "Oh, hi!! You came out of your room!"
Was this guy serious? Or did he have some form of brain damage or memory issue? "Um... yes?" Logan said slowly, unsure. Morality giggled softly, beaming up at him. "Sorry if i scared you when we first met, i'm a little too affectionate sometimes. I moved a little too quickly for your liking right?" Logan blinked, once, twice before mentally screaming at himself to talk. "Oh.. um, yer. I'm also sorry." he shuffled a little on the spot.
"It's okay, you were scared!" The bubbly side chirped, turning back to cooking pancakes. Logan blinked again. He just dropped it? Just like that? Wasn't he mad? "Your.... Your not mad?" He asked quietly. Morality quickly turned, a horrified look on his face. "God no! Why would I? You were scared, and I got too close. And you didn't harm me, only knocked me over."
Logan frowned slightly, filing the info away for later. Empero and Jackson warned the other pack mates of the dangers of being near and interacting with humans, how they are selfish, self absorbed beings that only care about themselves. Empero's birth pack had been genetically changed, forced through artificial selection so the humans could take the strongest pups and use them to hunt and as weapons. Jackson was born domestic, and submission was beaten into him, causing the loss of his front left leg.
Logan expected to at least be yelled at. Well, he did look human, maybe they were kinder to their own species. Who knows, maybe humans have packs of their own. A bolt of hope rocketed through logan. Maybe... just maybe... he would be able to be part of a pack again. The idea of being rid of the horrid pain in his heart made Logan want to curl up on the floor and cry from relief.
"HELLO PADRE AND SMALL NERD~!" someone yelled from behind Logan, spooking him. Logan whipped around, and without thinking decked the man in the face. Morality yelped, and the man- who looked absolutely ridiculous in a pristine white prince outfit- stubbled back, blinking rapidly. Logan froze, eyes wide. Shit.
Prince-boy as Logan decided to dub him, stared right at Logan, before a massive grin broke out on his face as he stood upright and rubbed his jaw. "Nice to know i'm not the only one who knows how to throw a punch! Chill nerd, i ain't gonna attack you." Logan was in a near crouch position, prepared to bolt or attack, but semi-relaxed after prince-boy's words. Humans were truly strange.... "It's: i'm not going to attack you." Logan corrected, narrowing his eyes slightly as he lowered his guard.
Prince-boy scoffed, and rolled his eyes. "Whatever, name's Roman, what's yours?" Prince-bo- no, Roman, asked holding a hand out to shake. Logan flinched at the sudden movement, and slowly took the hand with a firm grip, shaking it before releasing. "Logan..." Logan said in a soft voice. "And i'm patton, but you can call me dad!" Chirped Morali- Patton, beaming as he flipped a pancake.
Roman snickered, and Logan raised an eyebrow studying over both of the sides that he would be living with for the rest of Thomas's lives. Roman bounded over to patton, leaning against the other affectionately as he peeked over Patton's shoulders to look at the pancakes. "Looks good patty-cake!" Roman said with a smile. Logan watched, heart throbbing with the want to be apart of that, to be held and hugged and be back with his pack-
No. That life, it was over. He couldn't have that any more. Instead, Logan trotted around and sat at the bench, lifting one hand and flicked his wrist to summon a book he had been reading. He ran his tongue over his teeth as he opened to the book-marked page, and began reading. He read in peace for a while, until the smell of pancakes and freshly melted butter increased causing his stomach to growl in demand of food for being so neglected.
"Here you are kiddo!!! I hope you like pancakes, I was in a bit of a baking mood!" Patton giggled, beaming that unnaturally bright smile and it took all of Logan's willpower not to shy away. Logan's gaze dropped, down to the neat stack of pancakes with butter, jam and syrup, causing him to salivate. "This.... This is mine?" He asked softly, tilting his head. "Of course!" Patton said, pushing a plate to roman who had seated next to him. "I wouldn't give it to you if it wasn't!!" Logan paused, swallowing, and then carefully reached out and pulled the plate closer.
He watched Patton and Roman carefully, and he cut off a piece, quickly sniffing it before sticking it in his mouth. Roman wasn't paying any attention to the werewolf, shoving the pancakes into his mouth happily, relishing the sweet taste. Patton was half watching, not enough to pick up on Logan's cautious behaviour, but enough to know they were eating.
Logan slightly melted. It was delicious, the light and fluffy pancakes seeming to melt in his mouth, and the jam proved the perfect amount of sweetness. Logan was starving from his bad diet and couldn't help but shove more food into his mouth, stuffing himself silly. The back of his mind warned him that if he continued he was most likely going to be horrible sick, and have the worst of stomachaches, but he was too hungry to care.
"Woah! Easy there kiddo, you'll give yourself a stomach ache! The food isn't going anywhere!" Patton joked. Logan forced himself to go slower, out of the want for the others not to know about his... lack of self care, but also out of a primal fear that they may take it away if he didn't slow down. He slowly chewed his food, focusing on the texture and taste to distract himself.
Soon enough all of Logan's food had vanished, and he already felt a little sick. He scooped up his plate, wandering into the kitchen, washed it, put it away and went to turn to leave before twisting his head over his shoulder to look at the others. Roman was chattering on about something, and Patton had just turned his attention to Logan. "Were you going kiddo?" He asked, tilting his head. "Back to my room, I have a lot of work I need to attend to." Logan answered simply.
"Oh... okay then! We'll see you again right? Maybe tonight or tomorrow?" Patton asked, sounding a little disappointed that the new side didn't want to stay longer. "Maybe." Logan said, and turned disappearing down the halls. When Logan got back to his room, he definitely regretted eating so much, for his gag reflex kicked in and Logan rushed to the bin near his desk and threw up half of his breakfast. Acid and bile mixed together horribly in his mouth, leaving him gagging even more as tears formed in his eyes. He whined softly, causing more pain to form in his throat as his ears and tail appeared, ears flat and tail tucked in between his legs.
'Eat less next time.' he thought bitterly to himself, summoning a glass of water, chugging the whole thing and then crawled into the den, curling up into a tight ball leaving Logan to wander in and out of light uneasy sleep for the rest of the day. So much for 'work he had to attend to.'
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Part of your world - Harry Hook x reader - Part 15 - talk
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a rewrite of the harry hook x reader that @bluediamondsevie wrote for me
summary: a who doesn’t love the Disney World, well, (y/n) especially loves descendants, and one day, as she dances in her kitchen getting ready to head out. 17-year-old (y/n) becomes part of that world, now a certain blue-eyed pirate meets the girl from a world where he is a fictional character and he has an actor named Thomas Doherty.
 h/c- hair color
 e/c- eye color
 h/l- hair length
 s/c- skin color
 y/n- your name
 your stuff
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You were glad to get that off your shoulders, the relief of knowing you no longer had to ignore Harry was exhilarating. Now you sat at one of the tables, waiting for Harry to return, Uma stalked around the shop, taking and dropping off orders.
You sighed and dug through your bag, withdrawing your sketchpad and pencil, opening to a blank page.  You sat for a moment, not knowing what to draw before inspiration hit you, and you began to draw.
10 minutes later, a pretty goddamn good looking sketch of Harry was on your page, from his diamond cut jawline to his soft fluffy hair, it was Harry.
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Specifically, it was Harry from a week ago, when you, Uma, Gil, and Harry were chilling on the deck of the revenge, and Harry had laughed at one of Gils jokes, and you had locked the memory of his face in your brain (as you have done many times) and now you had sketched it out. It was one of the few times you saw the true harry, not harry hook, son of captain. Without the eyeliner and hook, he was just a 17-year-old boy who was kind and loving to the people he cared about. But to others, he was a psychopathic, bloodthirsty, and uncaring.
But he wasn’t like that, not really.
He was the boy you loved, you would never leave his side, not if you could do anything about it.
--- Mal pov---
“okay! Okay, so what are we gonna do?” Jay asked, silencing Evie and Carlos, all three looked at me, and I rolled my eyes.
“we!” I spoke, stalking over to them and grabbing my bag “are not doing anything, this is between Uma and me, and shes a punk and guess what?! Now I have to go and get him!!”
Carlos quickly tried to stop me, holding his hands in front of him “woah woah woah, you’re still going to have to go through harry hook and his wharf rats”
“Yeah,” jay jumped in “besides, in the short time we've been here, I've heard Umas got a new crew member that took down Hook, you’re gonna need us”
I rolled my eyes, Hook wasn’t that hard to take down,…I hoped, he was one of the few Villains that scared me.
“Uma said to come alone”
“Mal come on.” Evie pleaded, I just made a face and shrugged, Carlos sighed and made his final statement
“Uma said to come alone. I know one thing, I’m not going anywhere” Carlos flopped onto the couch, looking up at the three of us. Jay sighed and said; “we’ll be here when you get back.”
I just nodded and started to walk out.
I arrived at the chip shop and slammed open the doors, seeing shrimpy tossing orders to her patrons, not caring if they were correct or not.
I smirked when she looked up and locked eyes with her, I sang out; “im back~” shrimpy scoffed, and gestures to an empty table
“loser party of one, right this way, please” as I walk forward Shrimpy shoves a chair at me, I fumbled to catch it and she laughed cruelly.
I sit and look around, it still stunk like old fish and shit.
“place still stinks”
Shrimpy made a face of innocence “oh im sorry, we were down a butler today…princess” I glared, hating the name.
“where is he?” shrimpy only laughed and tossed her apron onto the floor, grinning at me.
“you know I've dreamed of this? You wanting something from me, and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook~”
“im so flattered that you dream of me, I haven’t given you thought since I left”
Shrimpy growled and slammed her hands on the table, but I wasn’t paying attention anymore, my sights had locked onto a girl.
A girl with (h/c) (short/long) hair, and (s/c) skin, she turned slightly to look at shrimpy, and I recognized her as the girl I saw on the rooftops earlier today.
‘Oh, so shes apart of shrimpy’s crew’ Mal thought, turning back to shrimpy, hiking her hand on the table, prepared to not lose ben to the sea bitch ‘that makes it easier’
Fuck! Shrimpy wanted the wand in exchange for Ben, shit.
“there's no way we can give Uma the wand, we can't just let her destroy Auradon!!” Evie forced out, panicking over the situation.
“if we don’t give her the wand bens toast” Carlos ground out, Evie just waved her hands around still panicking “great! So we're just gonna give Uma of all people the wand!” a thought came to my head, Carlos’ printer!!
“wait, you guys!! Your 3D printer!”
Carlos’ eyes brightened and he smiled “ a phony wand” “yeah!” “im my sleep!” Evie stopped us with logic “but the second Uma tests it, she’ll know it’s a fake”
“then we’ll just get Ben out really fast we’ll need some kind of diversion” the four of us Sat for a second before Jay jumped in “smoke bombs” I grinned and pointed at him, Evie jumps at the idea “that’s perfect! I’ll get the chemicals we need at lady Tremaine’s place, that could work!”
Evie walked over to me and complimented my hair, I gushed that Dizzy did it and Evie squealed, but the boys brought us back down to earth.
“Oh, one more thing!!” Evie, Carlos, and Jay stopped, looking at me in confusion.
“remember the girl the FG wanted us to find?” they all nodded, clearly remembering the picture of the (h/c), (e/c) girl.
“shes apart of Uma’s crew, when the smoke bombs go off, who ever’s closest to her, grabs her.”
They nodded.
“we’re sending her back home, no matter the cost”
--- back to you---
You were finishing another sketch of Harry, though this time Uma and Gil were apart of the sketch. It was a sketch from a week ago, just like your last sketch, but this was when you were sitting across from the trio and the sight of them being normal teenagers instead of vk striving to escape their hell hole had burned into your memory.
As you finished the details of Harry's hair, you felt a presence behind you. Glancing behind, it was one of Gils brothers…the one you first encountered on your arrival to the isle.
He smirked cruelly and tore the sketchbook away from you, you growled and tried to grab it but he held it above you, laughing.
“come on girly~ don’t you want your book back?!” you snarled, jumping trying to snatch it, when the oaf grabbed your waist and pressed you against his chest, making him smirk at the squish of your chest.
“let me go you fuckin cunt”
“oh such a dirty mouth, don’t worry, I know how to clean it~” you paled at his remark, as he glanced down at his crotch, and then at your mouth. Disgusting.
“tell ya what, if you do a little something for me, I’ll give you back your book, if you know what I mean”
You quickly tried to wriggle away, but his grip held tight, and he cackled but stopped when a hook was pressed against his neck.
You sighed in relief, Harry was here.
“I suggest ye put the lass down ye Gypit Hoor” Gaston jr gulped and released you, but he still had your sketchbook and Harry noticed, he gripped the wrist holding the book and twisted it, Gaston gasped and released the book, it fell to the floor. You rushed to grab it and shuffled behind Harry.
Harry growled in Gaston jr’s ear and whispered something. He paled and nodded, Harry huffed and released him, Gaston took the opportunity and bolted.
You sighed and flipped open the book, checking for damage. Luckily only a corner of the cover was scuffed.
Looking up you saw Harry gently gazing at you, you could see the question in his soft ocean blue eyes.
‘are you okay?’
You smiled and nodded. He smiled back and tilted his head, raising his eyebrow.
“Now lass, ye said ye wanted to talk?” you nodded, but reached out and tugged at his jacket nodding towards the door.
“yes, but in private, its important that this is only for your ears”
Harry's eyes widened and he nodded, following you out the door and to the ship, as you walked side by side, you didn’t notice Harry glance at your free hand, he bit his lip, wondering how you would react.
Fuck it.
Shyly reaching out, he brushed his fingers with yours, you jumped slightly, and with that he retracted, his face pink.
You glanced at his face, seeing his embarrassment, he-he wanted to hold your hand?
…fuck why is he so cute!...
Knowing he lost his nerve to do it again, you reached out and curled your pinkie around his.
Harry turned red, only thinking ‘holy shit holy shit holy shit, im holding (y/n)s hand holy shit’
Soon you arrived at the ship, but even when you entered your room, Harry didn’t release your hand. Continuing to lock his fingers with yours.
“sooo” Harry mumbled, curious on what you wanted to tell him “what did ye want to tell meh?”
You froze, oh right…tell him who you really were.
You sighed, releasing his hand and taking a deep breath.
You looked up at Harry, who was staring at you in confusion and concern.
“what I am about to tell you is not to leave this room, understood, this is a secret between you and me.” Harry nodded, and his eyes turned serious.
You internally smiled, glad to have his support back. Now, to tell him. Just let it out in one go.
“I’m not from the Isle” Harry made a face, what?
“im, not an Auradon runaway either” Harry swallowed harshly. What was going on? Did-did you lie to him the entire time he knew you?!
“im from a different dimension where you are a character from a movie called Descendants 2”
Harry only stared at you, you lied to him? Pain started to seep from his chest “wha’- wha’ about yer ma? The one ye told meh ye escaped from?”
“im sorry but I lied to you about that, I didn’t know how you react to suddenly meeting a girl from a different dimension?! Tell me to harry what would you have done if I immediately told you who I really was?”
Harry's pain decreased, dear god what would he have done? Meeting a girl who knew the ins and outs of this world?
“i-I would have takin’ ye hostage and forced the information out’ve ye”
You nodded hurt by knowing that Harry would have hurt you just to get information about his world, to rule over it.
“s-s, but how do I know ye are telling the truth, for I know ye are just pulling me leg?” you were prepared for this, fishing your phone from your pocket, you unlocked it and opened the page from earlier. “Thomas Doherty”
You handed the phone to harry and his eyes widened at the identical boy on the screen, he saw beneath the picture was a description.
“Harry Hook played by Thomas Doherty”
He quickly pressed the images tab, seeing multiple pictures of the actor who looked exactly like him, before stopping at a picture, one of Him Uma and Gil, all standing on the stage, Uma and Gil grinning at each other, he himself was glaring at Gil.
“wh-where are ye?” you sighed, shoulders slumping, “im not there because im not supposed to be, im technically supposed to standing in front of you right now actually”
Harry nodded slowly, glancing back down at your phone. He sighed walking forward and bumping his forehead on yours, making you slump in relief and you fell into his side.
“I understand lass, but” you drew back slightly looking up at his face, confusion, and pain set on it.
“why did ye ignore me?”
Releasing a shaky breath you slowly revealed what happened, though some reasoning was changed.
“I told Uma bout me being from another world, and” “wait Uma knows?” “yes, I told her yesterday.” “alright continue”
“anyway, and I realized something, you and I had become really close, and I thought that if I left this world, you would be hurt by it, and so to spare you the pain of that, I started to ignore you. But Uma kinda cornered me and told me something that changed my mind, and now…here we are.”
Harry nodded, before seeming to think something over.
“(y/n)?” you hummed, looking into his eyes “what do ye mean ‘if ye leave this world’ ?” you sighed and hugged yourself, “there's a chance that Im forced back into my world”
Harry growled, like hell that would happen, he just got you back!!
“but” Harry stopped, what? “I won't leave your side, not if there's anything I can do about it.”
Harry nodded and seemed to ponder over something for a minute. Before holding out a fist, his pinkie finger extended. And he spoke in a slightly broken voice
“ye promise?” you didn’t hesitate, threading your pikie with his, smiling at him, determination in your eyes
“I promise”
As you both stood there, you saw Harry's eyes flash towards your lips, your eyes widened slightly, what?
Harry began to lean in slightly, you ignored the condescending voice in your head, leaning in as well, but before anything really happened, the door slammed open, and there stood Uma, a proud grin on her face.
“come on you two, we gotta go over the specifics of the plan for tomorrow with the crew”
She turned and made her way back to the deck. You and Harry stood there for a moment, faces red, before Harry broke away from you, walking to the door, you stared sadly at his back, thinking you had gone back after the awkward moment just then, before he stopped and looked back at you, extending his hand, and smiling softly.
“Shall I escort ye me lady~” you giggled and grasped his hand letting him lead.
“you shall~”
Dear god, you hope you never had to leave this handsome pirates side~
 ---end of part 15---
Comment or message me for part 16
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archmage--khadgar · 5 years
(To explain some things! I’ve gotten a few messages of love in response to the most recent shenanigans. And also, of course, past messages of you guys throwing kindness at me and I internally 404 like woah. I rarely say nice things about myself. Partially because even though I’m heckin’ chatty once I get going. I feel really guilty and vain or like I’m oversharing or something, I dunno.  The reasons why have kind of been danced around and ffwwuhhhh I might delete this post later or something who knows. A lot of this is stuff I haven’t shared at all or with most people. But I also don’t really like repeating myself too much with certain things so I’m just. Gonna do this. It’s 2:30 in the morning and I just woke up and can’t get back to sleep SO. Yeah. More under the cut.  About why the “I love yous” and other nice things pretty much send me running. And make me really uncomfortable.)
I’m not looking for a pity party, just augh. I feel like it isn’t fair to keep hiding under blankets while calling myself trash and stuff without y’all knowing WHY. A lot of things are still going to be left out, either cause they’re hella buried or I still can’t talk about them yet. But uh. YEAH. Where to begin? The easiest thing to explain, I suppose, is to touch upon how I grew up in a single-parent household. Mom never said “I love you”, but she did yell, screech, and throw things at me and didn’t hold back on telling me how much I pissed her off, whenever she was home. I remember being locked and left alone in a hot car during the middle of summer when I was about 5, thankfully someone saw me crying and TO THIS DAY she’s still angry that I had cried. I’m 31. If I bring it up she immediately gets angry as if it had just happened and starts yelling how terrible I was for crying. As for my Dad, my earliest memory of him is of him telling me goodbye before walking out the door. He eventually came back Uhhhh...Sometime around 2nd grade. Did he and my mom get along at all? Nope! There’s a lot to unpack with that stuff that I won’t touch here. But I will say that it was the first case of me learning that people will say “I love you!�� in hopes of swaying you to their side.  My Grandparents loved me! And they showed it - shame my mom moved me away from them and OOPH I’m not going to get into that cause I’ll just start crying. :x Trying to talk while fighting off PTSD is a CHALLENGE but I am HERE FOR IT. Anywhoot. That ties heavily into the basis of why hearing someone say “I love you!” Sends me running. It sets off every red flag.  “What do they want? Why are they saying that? They’re trying to get something from me. What are they trying to get from me?” I can think of how despite all the BS, I still tried to be nice even though I was really fucking weird and the poor kid at school in a time where living with a single parent meant something was wrong with you and all that shit. (Fuuuuuck the 90′s!) GOSH there really is a lot, it’s hard to pick and choose the right things to say. (For amusement: as a kid, I had a teacher who said that I was “cool as cucumber” and if that isn’t some fucking foreshadowing I don’t know what is.  I also liked to collect rocks. And I read The Raven when I was like. 6 or 7 and memorized the fucking thing.  Coincidence? I think NOT- yeah prolly just a coincidence.) It’s really hard to describe the bullying because it wasn’t all pulled hair and getting gum in it and I never got shoved into a locker.  Others would lie, however, in order to get me in trouble.  My clothes also would get pulled off.  Belongings got stolen.  Mom tried to spread a rumor that I fooling around with a new guy every week. Her excuse was.....”Well, you never tell me who you have a crush on or if you’re dating anyone at school, so what else am I supposed to think?”   You know that scene in middle school/high school shows where the main kid gets tricked into thinking their crush was interested in them, and the crush was in on the joke? Yeah. Yeah. That fucking happened.  I guess one of the best examples of “shit that happened that really fucked me up for life” Is.... Had a couple of, what I thought, were really good friends. Despite everything else that was bad I at least had them. We were a trio. It was amazing.  I.... Was wrong. I got a message, on AIM one day from one of them. She said that the other one, my best friend, had committed suicide. And that her family didn’t want to talk to me. Don’t call them, never speak to them again, don’t go to the funeral..... I was crying. And called another friend of mine because I 100% didn’t know what to do. Was it real? Was it a joke that I somehow was misinterpreting?  She told me to keep her updated; and that if I wanted to join her and her family at the mall I was more than welcome to. Mom comes home, sees that I’m crying. I tell her very quickly to keep her from getting angry. She thought I was lying at first for attention or some stupid shit until I showed her the chat log. She calls up the mom of my best friend and not only was it not true..... They were hanging out with each other at the other girl’s house. To this day, I have NO fucking clue if my best friend (at the time) was in on it or if it was done without her knowing. Either way, ANGRY MOM’S ALL AROUND, and my mom still questioned why I thought it was real cause hurr hurr I’m supposed to be smart. But also, I had already attempted suicide twice so OF. FUCKING. COURSE. I didn’t question the possibility.  Anyways. I learned a big lesson about my worth that day, from people whom I was closest with. The people who would shout “WE LOVE YOU~!” From the bus window. They remained friends with each other. But not with me. The girl never spoke to me again and my BF quickly made it apparent that I was, and always had been an annoyance in her life. I was weird, stupid, whiney, 14-year-old acting like a 10-year-old, the list goes on.  Could I have been a better friend? In some ways, yeah, maybe? Who knows. I don’t know.  And then Highschool massively tanked after that.  I failed assignments more than I passed them if it wasn’t for the creative projects and extra credit I would have completely flunked out.  POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING for the next few lines paragraphs, I’m not going into too much detail but I just want to give a fair warning. Three male friends: Two online and one I knew in person cause he was a friend of a friend.  All three of them were older, I was a minor and theeey...were not. One had just turned 18, one was 20, and I honestly don’t know how old the other guy was. O_o which is weird because I ended up being friends with him for years and I uh. Somehow never got his age. PROBABLY FOR THE BEST. :T The two online guys roped me into erp, knowing my age. Their reasoning? One of them told me I needed to learn to grow up, and how to be an adult. And that, also, as an artist, I needed to start drawing porn because otherwise, I’d never be good. He’d frequently send me NSFW art and shit and try to get me to find out what I liked, and yeah we all know what else he was doing. The other one? I don’t remember much but what I can remember strikes me as more subtle grooming than just rolling in with “WELL YER IN HIGH SCHOOL TIME TO GROW UP EVERYONE’S DOING THIS.” I HAD to deliver otherwise I was a shitty person, a disappointment.  And then the guy I knew in person would frequently make sexual comments about me, either to my face or to our mutual friend (Which pissed her off cause she had a crush on him, she was only a year older than me). All of this was done under the guise of... We’re friends! We love and care about you! We’re doing/saying this because we want you to be happy! You’re such a nice person! You’re so pretty when you smile! “I’m just trying to get you out of your shell.” “It’s better to find out what you like now with a friend who cares.” So on, and so forth.  Trigger warning over...ish?” There’s obviously a lot, and I mean a LOT of stuff I’m not saying. And before you yell THERAPY. Yeah, I’ve been. Yeeeeaaaah therapists never wanted to talk about any of this. I’d bring it up and they’d shut it down as “Unimportant” They’d open up trauma I’d forgotten about, realized they didn’t get paid enough to deal with my bullshit, and focus on other really random shit. BUT WHAT. I’m getting at is. Despite all this, I never got into drugs, or drinking, didn’t become a teenage parent, haven’t been arrested. It’s something I’m still processing and accepting. But like.  Looking back on everything as a whole, for the most part, I just. Everything that I went through SHOULD have turned me into an awful person, I mean. A lot of people would say that I am and I wouldn’t argue it BUT. Like. The damage is there, the damage is done. Some of this might never heal or might take several more years to heal I honestly don’t know.  I don’t understand how I am not. An awful person. Self-deprecating trash jokes aside.  I was only good when I kept quiet. I was only good when I followed their directions. I was only loved when they needed something.  I was only a good person with their approval, and I’d do anything to get it.  I’d sacrifice my belongings, my food, my time, my energy, I’d run to the defense of shitty friends and to the people who’d physically and emotionally hurt me. I feel guilty for outing them even though they’re not here, will never see this, and I didn’t even name names or give details that would give me away.  This stuff isn’t resigned to highschool, I’ve been through a LOT of shit since then but that’s a post for a different day.  There was a time where I had started to feel proud that despite everything I didn’t fall into a hole of drug and alcohol addiction and who knows what else. And I got shot down. I got shot down SO HARD.  I was a bully for being proud of that. I was a terrible person for recognizing my own strength. I was told I was actually weak, a coward, that I don’t know what true suffering is.  And I am still frequently told that I need to start doing MJ or other drugs to “Finally loosen up and be cool.” hnngph. THERE’S STILL A lot more to unpack but I don’t really feel like it right now. But I can’t process being a good person. I can’t hear “I love you!” and not get scared that everything is going to happen again and that I won’t be strong enough, that I’ll prove to all my classmates and family once and for all that I’m the horrible, shitty monster they’re all waiting and expecting me to be.   People say I’m a good person, and then I also frequently get lectured on how I need to toughen up and stop whining or get over myself or whatever.  So I’m not...good..I can’t be good? I’m too selfish, weak and vain to be a good person.  I should have known better, I should have been stronger, and I shouldn’t have given in to wanting to be validated, and loved.  AND SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE IT worse than me I have no business thinking I’m a good person or strong or whatever. Absolutely none. I feel so manipulative for even saying any of this. Hnnpgh.
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Monster Family Ch 1
Ch 1 My Dad is King
Within the state of New York just off the island of Manhattan the HEAT team was just laying around their base with no mutations that were currently threatening anything, so HEAT was on an unofficial vacation. That was until the base was flashed with redlights and the sound of sirens screeched throughout the dilapidated building, soon the team began to race to their boat.
“What’s happening?!?” Elsie yelled out as she began to sprint towards the HEAT Seeker.
“Apparently the G-Man is making a beeline somewhere, and he’s booking it majorly.” Randy explained as he ran towards the service elevator, it took ten minutes for the team to get ready to follow Godzilla but during that time the mutant king had gained an enormous head-start. As the team followed the massive mutant’s path they began to feel a sense of familiarity as the boat sped forwards.
“Monique where are we heading?” Nick asked the French agent at the helm, she quickly looked at the navigation equipment and realized something.
“We are heading to Scotland.”  She answered though she sounded more confused than assured, but Nick had a theory on why Godzilla was traveling to the land of lakes. As they entered the River Ness they saw the damage from Godzilla’s travel, fishing boats strewn aside or beached, docks destroyed and deep gouges in the soil and dirt. HEAT just looked at this destruction in shock and in Monique’s case her views were strengthened by looking at the damage, as they maneuvered through the damages they could hear a voice.
“Ey, could ya elp me out ere!” A gruff, deep voice called out the owner of the voice being an Scottish man with wet silver and copper hair clinging to a piece of driftwood. Nick signaled his team to move port side and to throw the rope ladder to the stranded man, in a few short seconds the soaked man climbed onto the the boat as he began to rub his shoulders trying to get warm.
“Thank ya kindly, the water was gettien nippy.” The Scottish man graciously told the team of heat as continued to try and get warm. “Can you tell us why Godzilla caused this much damage?” Nick asked the Scotsman as Elsie gave the man a blanket to stop the shivers, the Scotsman gratefully took the thick piece of cloth. “I dun know laddie, I even let ta fish go but dat beastie was focused on something. Names Hammish by de way seems rude if I didn’t intaduce meself.” The Scotsman introduced himself to the mutant hunters, Hammish’s response confused the team even more so. “Thank you Hammish, would you like us to drop you off somewhere?” Nick asked the man wanting a way to repay the man for the troubles that happened. “Nah, I want te come wit ya. Always wanted ta see te beasties since I saw dem on te news.” Hammish told the team with a wishful smile on the olds Scott’s face, though the team had a few reservations about this but there were almost no docks to drop off the man. So the team went ahead to the lake and as they did they came across a rather odd site, it was the juvenile Nessie was splashing around seemingly happy.
“Ummmm, shouldn’t a big angry momma somewhere.”  Craven whimpered out as he began to scan the water for the larger mother’s skin, tail or whirlpool caused by the large creature. Oddly enough besides the adolescence Nessie there didn’t seemed to be any other sign of giant reptiles, which someone quickly took notice of.
“Where are ze creatures?” Monique questioned the group as she began to critically scan the area in case of any traps, but nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. Until the young Nessie began to act odd as it began jump in the water, splash around like a happy child; and soon the little reptile began swim towards a certain area of the loch.
“Woah, what's got Nessie Jr in such a rush?” Randy asked the group as they watched the young monster rushed towards to the east side of the lake, and carefully the Heat team began to follow the young monster. Once the young Nessie stopped the team began to notice an odd site, it was Godzilla hiding among the trees. The younger monster let out something that sounded like a mix between a human chuckle and a sea lion bellow with her head aimed at the larger monster. Soon the massive dinosaur like monster rose up and showed the the passengers on the Heat Seeker a rather odd or amazing sight, the king of mutations leaned down to the young monster and nuzzled it like cat would do with a kitten.
“Did he just?” Elsie turned to look at Nick who looked just as confused as the rest of them. Hearing waves splash against the side of the boat, everyone braced themselves as mother Nessie rose her head out of the water nearby, giving a gentle rumble before spraying both Godzilla and Nessie Jr with a broad blast of water from their maw.
“Are they...playing?” Craven asked in disbelief as Nessie swam over to nuzzle her child and Godzilla, the larger Kaiju letting out an answering rumble, making a weird sort of tune that echoed across the water.
“It seems like they are.” Nick answered just as surprised, Randy already pulling out a hand camera to get the sight before them as Nessie, Nessie Jr and Godzilla all seemed to talk to each other and were more relaxed than any of them had seen, outside of being asleep. “When do think this happened?” Nick said, seeming to put the question to all of them,
“I don’t think this is a recent thing. I mean they were okay with each other when they met the first time” Craven mused aloud. As they thought they hadn’t noticed the boat drifting on the current closer to Nessie Jr. As they were all talking amongst themselves the young kaiju took notice of them and made their way over, poking their head over the edge to listen.
“Mutation distance at maximum.” Nigel beeped out as he began to drive away from the young creature and to the otherside of the boat, as well as into the loch.
“AAahhhh.” The robot screeched as it sank to the bottom. Hearing the scream the entire crew turned to see Nessie Jr watching them and a few of them yelled in panic. The sudden noise made the mutant jerk back and make a small, upset sounding noise, Godzilla and Mama Nessie’s heads immediately swung around to look at them.
“Ooooh crap” Craven hissed,Nick quickly put his hands out and put himself in between the HEAT crew and the kaiju,
“It’s okay. You’re okay” he said softly, Nessie Jr cocking their head to the side, as if trying to understand and was curious about Nick. Godzilla nudged the young monster to the scientist as if to tell her it’s true, but that moment was ruined when an angry voice called out over the sound of an approaching outboard motor.
“Oi, ya bloody gits leave those two alone!!” All heads turned to the voice to see a small metal dingy carrying a barrel-chested, middle aged man with shocking red hair and beard streaked with grey, dressed in a heavy, black trench coat, and a kilt.
“Bless me bagpipes! That’s Bearnard Allanach, wot is e doing ere!?!” Hammish exclaimed in shock as Bernard’s boat pulled up alongside them. Nessie Jr looked confused and slid back into the water, moving behind Bearnard’s boat. Nick moved to the edge of the Heatseaker and looked down,
“Um, hello there. Can we help y-?” he asked before the man cut him off,
“Yes you bloody can!” Bearnard barked, “Ye can leave Nessie and Nelly alone fer one. And fer two ye can get the hell off the loch” Nessie Jr gave a soft sound and nudged Bearnard’s shoulder, making the man pause his tirade, turning to pet her nose, “You doin’ alright wee Nelly? I didne mean to scare ya, ye know that righ?” he cooed and Nessie Jr gave a happy, chirping noise. Nick watched on amazed, even more so that momma Nessie was seemingly talking with Godzilla to calm the larger kaiju.
“Wait. They like you?” Nick said and Bearnard shot him a glare,
“A’ course they do. The Allanach Clan have looked after the Ladies of the Loch fer generations, e’er since we settled here” he said bluntly, still stroking Nessie Jr’s nose. Nick smiled,
“If that’s the case can we invite you on board? I think we have a bit in common” Bearnard looked a bit wary but Nessie Jr gave him a nudge,
“A’right. Toss a ladder and I’ll be right wid ya” In a few short moments Nick and Randy tossed down the rope ladder for the rather cross Scotsman, and soon enough he was on board the Heatseeker.
“Alright, I’m here now get off the Loch.” Bernard demanded and Nick held up his hands defensively,
“Hang on a second Mr Allanch. If I could direct your attention that way” he said as he pointed over to where Nessie and Godzilla were ‘talking’ to each other, Nessie Jr swimming over to the two larger kaiju to nuzzle at them both.
“Wot’s the big lizard with Ness and Nell?” he asked and Nick smiled,
“That’s Godzilla. From America. And I think he sees me how Nessie and Nessie Jr-”
“Nelly” Bearnard huffed and Nick nodded,
“Right, Nelly” he amended, “how they see you” he explained and Bearnard raised a brow,
“So, Godzillah there listens to ya?” he asked.
“It depends if Junior is in a mood or not.” Elsie joked but was shot a glare from Nick to act like an adult for this moment.
“Yes he does, he sees me as an adoptive father.” Nick seriously informed the scotsman who looked unconvinced but seeming to understand,
“From what I hear yer Godzilla’s been a menace” he huffed, “Maybe cause ya still treat ‘im like a wild animal”
“How else are ve supposed to treat him?” Monique asked Bernard,
“How about like family?” he said, moving over to the edge of the Heatseeker and his demeanour seemed to flip, “Nelly~! Come here ya wee troglodyte~! Uncle wants a cuddle~!” Nessie Jr’s head shot up and, getting an affirmative from Mama Nessie, sped through the water towards the boat. Stopping short she bowed her head down to nuzzle at the scot, making a sound akin to a happy purr, Bearnard cooing all the time. The Heat team and Hammish just looked in shock at what just happened, the mutation just allowed a human to pet it like it was an animal at a petting zoo. Meanwhile Bernard just gave the team a cocky smile as he continued to pet the young monster. “Y’see. This is what happens when ya act like family” he looked over to Nick, “Care to try it with your beastie?” he asked, motioning to the dingy.
Nick seemed hesitant at first but he then walked toward the dingy and  boated to the two monsters, the two looked down at the lone scientist especially Godzilla. Soon he outstretched a hand,
“Hey Junior. It’s me” he said softly, kinda feeling a bit awkward and unsure. Soon the giant lizard mutation leaned down to the scientist and closed his eyes, and Nick began to pet him like a dog. The scientist just let out a small chuckle as this happened. “That’s it son.” Nick said softly, Godzilla making a soft, rumbling noise, seeming to enjoy the attention, “is this all you wanted? A little bit of love?” he asked and Godzilla gave a louder rumble, as if in affirmation.  
Back on the boat, Randy had the camera out. Elise, Monique and Hammish were looking stunned, Craven was thinking about what this all meant and Bearnard was just smiling, still with a hand on Nelly’s neck.
“See what I mean. A little bit a’ trust ‘nd affection can do wonders” Bearnard said proudly. Soon enough Nick came back to the boat, an expression of true wonder on his face and Bearnard moved over to clap him on the shoulder, “C’mon lad, let’s get back to mine fer some tea and a chinwag” he said and Nick nodded,
“Lead the way” he said. Bearnard jumping back into his dingy and leading them to a rather large four story house with a dock on the south end of the Loch by the river. All of them piling out over the dock and up into the home that felt like it had been lived in and fixed up over generations. “C’mon, let’s get comfy” Bearnard said, leading them into a sitting room filled with soft couches, chairs and low coffee tables, “Settle yerselves, I’ll make tea” he said before leaving them all to talk.
“ I gotta say jefe what you did took some guts.” Randy complimented as he began to make himself comfortable on one of the couches, taking up most of the space as he laid on it.
“How did you know he wouldn’t kill you?” Monique asked as she leaned against the wall, looking at the area to see if they needed an escape route. Soon though Bearnard came back with a large silver platter with refreshments ranging from simple tea to ale, with a few sandwiches as well.
“Aight laddies and lassies, how long ave ye known the black beasty?” Bearnard asked the Heat Team as he sat down in a rather large ornate chair with what seemed to be fangs on top of the it , his eyes hard and unmoving as he judged the group.
“Well, since Godzilla was a baby. I found him in the sewers just after he hatched” Nick said, grabbing a cup of tea, “He seemed to have bonded to me, like a baby chick to its mother” Bearnard smiled
“It’s more than that laddie” he said, picking up a glass of ale, “You showed that today. That there beastie has picked ya ta be their spokesman, so ta speak” he said and the entire crew looked at Nick then at Bearnard,
“What do you mean? Godzilla bonded with Nick because he was the first living creature he saw out of the egg” Elise said and Bearnard shook his head,
“They’re smarter than ya give them credit fer lass” he said, “All these big beasties could be smarter then all’a us. They feel like we do, as you could see with Nessie, Nelly and your Godzilla” he said with a smile, “And as I said, me family’s been lookin’ after the Ladies of the Loch fer generations. They know who are good folk and who ain’t” he added proudly, though there was still an air of confusion in the room.
“Wait so Jefe is going to start signing the Big G for contract deals?” Randy asked as he picked up a sandwich from the tray, of course the more adult members just rolled their eyes at the terrible joke.
“  Tha's not wha' 'm gettin' at ya numpty. I mean yer the one they go ta fer talkin' ta people!” Brandon exclaimed to the young the young hacker a glare which caused him to slightly falter under the gaze of the scotsman.
“Wha’ I mean is ‘aht the beasties ‘re protectors and they need someone ta speak to and fer ‘em.”  Bernard further explained as he took a sip from his cup to soothe his throat from all this group of tourists were giving him. Nick currently had his hand stroking his chin in thought, but soon a thought  came into his mind.
“Bernard if us and our respective monsters have this type of bond who else does?” Nick asked the Scotsman who quickly tried to answer but no answers came out and began to think about what the mutant scientist just said. As he did all around the world odd occurrences, an earthquake in the desert, a volcanic island began to smoke, all over Australia sandstorms were blowing across the continent, just off the coast of Africa the ocean began to froth and bubble, lastly inside a secret lab a new life and a new sport was born.
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scramblingminds · 6 years
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@syrabylene you know I will always try to write anything you ask for! Maybe not very quickly these days but I try!
I hope you like this one, I was writing when I noticed it was working with the prompts for the #PaulRoviaDeservesBetter2k18 challenge and I kinda tweaked it to work with it too. So, even if it deviated a tad from your prompt I hope you can still like it, since your fill is now also a chanllenge submission :D @desussquad
Warnings: nothing much, some fluff and a sprinkle of angst. Rated M.
“So, pookie, have you thought about it enough?” Carol nudged Daryl drawing his eyes to her.
He almost had to shake himself, he hadn’t realized just how zoned out he had been. It wasn’t often that everyone from the old group got to be together anymore. It had been Michonne that suggested they all make a trip to the Kingdom, to all be in the same ten-mile radius for the first time in months.
It wasn’t a party, those were a very distant thing from the past, it was more like a reunion. Rick, Michonne, Judith, Tara, Rosita, Eugene, Aaron and Gabriel coming from Alexandria. While Daryl, Enid, Jesus and Maggie with little Hershel trekking from Hilltop. Carol and Jerry had been beaming when they met everyone at the gate.
It was nice, peaceful and almost like how it used to be. Talk and banter came easy, as well as plans for new crops and finally getting a windmill up at the Sanctuary. It would be so easy to get comfortable if it weren’t for the ghosts that though unseen seemed to linger.
Daryl could almost see Glenn’s arm wrapped around Maggie’s waist as she bounced Hershel. Sasha and Abraham could have easily been standing between Rosita and Eugene as Tara cracked a joke. Worst of all, it was like at any moment Carl would appear at his father's side and take Judith up onto his hip. Hell, if he tried he could fit Beth and Hershel in at Maggie’s side. Andrea and Tyresse would definitely be deep into whatever conversation Aaron and Gabe were having.
That was part of their lives now, they were all just drifting through the holes left by those they lost. Daryl figured that was why the last time Carol had visited Hilltop she invited Daryl to come stay at the Kingdom. Daryl knew part of the reason Carol was so comfortable there, beside that damn theatrical king, was because nobody there knew all she had lost. It had been like a fresh start for her.
When people saw her they just saw Carol, for the true badass she was. Daryl couldn’t help but think he caught glimpses of wheat blonde hair and freckles whenever he saw her. Just like he knew she saw a high and tight haircut and could almost hear Merle’s guttural laugh.
He had thought about it, rolled it over in his head when he laid down on the couch in Jesus trailer that night after she left. It would be nice, maybe, to live at the Kingdom. It was very different from all the places he had live since the world went to shit. Those few days he had asylum there showed the Kingdom to not be too bad, plus Carol was there.
Then Jesus had come back, sweeping into the trailer with happy conversation and a swing of bun-freed hair. Daryl hadn’t thought about leaving again after that. It was by Carol asking him to move, for him to try to find some peace that Daryl realized he had already found it. It was the Hilltop, helping with the crops or going hunting. It was afternoons watching Hershel as Maggie strategized, rocking Glenn’s son for hours. It was night spent talking with Jesus, talks that before he knew it had somehow turned to flirting.
Flirting that the back woods part of his mind almost wanted to refuse, if it didn’t make the starved for positive attention side of him so freaking content. Jesus who was all warmth and kindness, actually seemed to be interested in someone as damaged as him. Daryl knew nothing at the Kingdom would make him feel as at ease as he did at Hilltop, as the colonies scout did.
Hell, before she had snapped his attention to her Daryl had been full out staring at the damn man. Jesus had been with Jerry and Ezekiel when Dianne had approached him. Daryl wasn’t eavesdropping but heard her ask the man if he minded sparring with her, she was trying to improve her hand-to-hand skills. Jesus, being who he was, had agreed. So, Daryl had spent the last who knew how long watching them spar.
Daryl could tell Jesus was going easy on her, pulling his punches and being deliberately slow. He was still outmatching her by a lot though. She even rolled her eyes when Jesus would give her suggestions, like how to properly be in stance or which strikes to use. Daryl was impressed by how fast Jesus dodged another punch when Carol had him tearing his eyes away.
“Yeah,” Daryl stretched the back of his neck, catching the edge of his lip between his teeth for a moment, “Thanks fer the offer but I’m good.”
“You’re good sleeping on a couch?” Carol questioned but Daryl could tell by the gleam in her eye she already knew the answer.
Daryl shrugged, nudging her back, “It’s a pretty good couch.”
Carol nodded with a hum, pressing her lips together to hide a smile, “Is it now?”
Daryl just chewed his lips as his throat flushed and Carol leaned against his side, “Do you know why I decided to stay here?”
“Ya really like Shakespeare?” Daryl chuckled when she pinched his arm.
“Haha but no,” She tilted her head up to scrunch her nose at him, “Well, maybe but it was more like I felt like I had been saved here. Not just from my wounds but like I could be myself again. I know you hate cheesy stuff but I think Ezekiel saved me.”
Daryl could see how much she meant every word, how much love she had for the king and all he could do was nod, “Ya saved his ass a time or two, too.”
She smiled at that, “Isn’t that the truth.”
Daryl let her loop her arm through his, resting his head on her. He really did miss her, missed having her and all her wisdom close by. She almost didn’t seem to mean to say it out loud as she breathed, “Jesus saved you, too.”
Daryl could feel his neck going warmer, but almost jumped at a loud thud a few yards away. He and Carol turned back to see Jesus standing over Dianne, who was flat on her back and trying to sit up.
“I am so, so sorry,” Jesus had meant to just tap her leg but she had tried to lunge toward him, putting her too close and he had accidently swept her feet out from under her, “Let me help you up.”
Dianne was red face when she finally got sat up, slapping his hand away as she awkwardly got to her feet. She tried to brush the dirt off the back of her pants as she grumbled, “Think you’re so great, wow, you can knock women around, so impressive.”
“Woah,” Jesus blinked and shook his head in disbelief, “You asked me to spar, not the other way around. What did you think was going to happen?”
“I don’t know,” Dianne threw her hands up with a scowl, “To not get my ass kicked, or maybe you would go easy since it was supposed to be just for fun.”
Daryl didn’t even remember standing up and untangling himself from Carol, much less closing the scant feet until he was nearly next to Jesus. It wasn’t until he noticed everyone was looking at Dianne and Jesus, seeming to equally edge into the tiff, that Daryl was aware of his own placement. Jesus wasn’t someone who needed protection but Daryl’s instincts always had him moving to do so.
“If ya don’t wanna get beat, don’t ask a damn ninja to spar.” Daryl spoke when it seemed Jesus was at a loss for words.
“He could have tried to be a little easy at least.” She glared at Jesus, the man still seeming gobsmacked by her words.
“Ya really think he wasn’t?” Daryl had to suppress a snort, “And not many folks will pull their punches out there beyond these walls. Yer lucky Paul was, so stop belly aching and try to do better next time.”
She seemed to deflate at the words, mutter an apology as Jerry suggested they go get some food and steered her away. Jesus turned to Daryl, a hint of a smirk on his face, “Thanks for the backup there, Dar.”
Daryl rolled his eyes at the rhyme before it was like a bomb went off everyone was speaking at once.
“Hold up, since when is it Paul?” Tara grinned.
“Paul, huh?” Rick teased as Michonne crossed her arms and cocked an eyebrow.
“Is there something you need to share, Dar?” Rosita smirked.
“I’m really happy for you guys.” Aaron beamed.
“You two are too cute.” Carol winked.
“C’mon, it’s his fuckin’ name.” Daryl tried to protest but no one was buying it. If anything his defense, along with his flushing face, just made it worst.
“Didn’t you all know?” Jesus raised his voice to make everyone quiet down, Daryl raising an eyebrow as he watched the man’s smirk grow, “Daryl, has been madly in love with me since the first day we met.”
Daryl could just throttle him; his face was on fire as his family erupted in laughter around them. Daryl knew that they all knew better than to believe that, even if it was maybe the very smallest, tiny bit true. Jesus didn’t know that though, or Daryl didn’t think he did, the ninja was always just a dramatic little shit.
Daryl watched as Paul’s smirked slipped into a smile, the one that made his eyes crinkle and cheeks dimple even under his beard. Even as everyone was joking and cracking on him and going on about happy endings and shit. He could feel the love in it, it was all good-natured. They were all family, that meant some teasing but it also meant they would always be there for each other. That might be why it was so easy to reach out and grab Paul’s hand and pull the smaller man to him.
“See, told you guys.” Paul lifted their joined hands like it was a trophy but Daryl was close enough to see the red filling his high cheek bones and feel the gentle tremble of his fingers.
“Shut up, Paul.” Daryl leaned in to press his lips to Paul’s, to make him do just that. Maybe Daryl might also have just a little flair for the dramatic too.
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spn-ficfanatic · 7 years
The One That Got Away
Words : 3894... oops Genre: Angst Prompt: “There’s no way I’m going in there, not alive” (bolded in the story) Pairings: Not written with a pairing in mind, however if you squint really hard you could potentially see this as Dean x Reader Warnings: Some swearing, character death (permanent or temporary? Read on to find out!)
A/N/: written for @cass-trash ’​s 1000 followers challenge... congratulations and thank you for all the wonderful fics!! “Mistakes Are Made” is one of my favorite series’ at the moment and highly recommended to all my followers. Here’s her binge worthy Masterlist! xx
A/N the 2nd at the bottom of the story ;)
The guys are going to kill me for this, you thought glumly as you drove down the highway. It wasn't your style to sneak out of the bunker in the middle of the night, but the last thing you wanted was Sam and Dean joining you on this hunt... your hunt. You'd been trying to find this demon half your life and finally, FINALLY you had a lead and you weren't giving it up. This wasn't a run-in-guns-blazing deal, it was one-on-one and you knew if either of the guys knew what killing this thing entailed there was no way they'd let you do it. You tightened your grip on the steering wheel and turned up the radio, desperate to ignore the guilt niggling at the base of your skull.
You groaned as someone knocked at the door. You were positive you’d turned off your phone’s GPS so had no idea how the guys had tracked you down, and sure enough when you opened the door you were greeted with their angry faces. You crossed your arms and leaned against the doorframe, trying to act casual to lighten the mood.
“Well hey grumpy bums, what’s crack-a-lacking?” you asked, and immediately cringed. “God, sorry, that was terrible. Never saying that again.”
“What the hell Y/N?” growled Dean. You stepped back as he pushed himself into the room, glaring at you as he counted off his fingers. “You don’t just run off without telling us! You don’t turn off your GPS! You DON’T just leave a note for us saying “sorry guys, back soon”! And you absolutely 100% do not ignore our calls!”
While Dean was losing his cool Sam had taken a seat at the dining table, and was currently sifting through your papers and notes.
“Sam, can you not-” You started before he cut you off.
“No deal,” he snapped angrily as he put his head back down and continued reading, while Dean continued standing in the same spot as before, hands on hips and face bright red. You rolled your eyes and tilted your head toward him.
“OK, deep breaths Dean. Count to three, I hear that works,” you told him sarcastically.
“Shaddap” he exclaimed, before joining Sam at the table and your notes.
“Look guys I’m sorry, I really am. But this hunt? It’s mine. I don’t want your help on this.”
“Why not?” Sam asked a bit calmer, looking up at you, with genuine hurt in his voice. Before they could read any further, to parts you didn’t want them seeing, you pulled your notes out from under their noses. You were grateful they let you, and as you put them on your bed you sighed.
“Because this is the thing that killed my sister,” you said quietly. Dean and Sam fell silent, allowing you the chance to explain.
“I saw a news report in the paper yesterday. Family’s infant daughter and toddler killed in the same way as Y/S/N. It could have been anything but I had to investigate. So once I was settled I went straight to the coroner’s and what I saw confirmed it. It’s the same demon.”
“You never told us how she died,” Sam commented quietly. “I just saw the report from the coroner, the pictures. You didn’t tell us what happened, how you found her. That must have been… Jesus.” He ran his hand through his hair at the thought. He wasn’t wrong, the things this demon did to the children before he killed them was beyond brutal. You’d been hunting as soon as you turned 16 and in all that time you’d never come across anything as close to horrific as what you saw the night your sister died.
“So how do we gank this thing?” Dean asked, considerably more together than he was before and as anxious to finish this as you.
“WE don’t do anything. You go back to the bunker and let me finish this,” you told them firmly. They both scoffed.
“And how exactly do you plan to stop us tagging along?” Sam asked with a smirk and raised eyebrow.
“You may both be freakishly tall and intimidating but…” you started, stopping though once you realised you didn’t know how to finish that sentence. You stood there, staring at them like a fricking goldfish.
“Yes?” Dean asked.
“Yer, I got nothing,” you relented, flopping down on the bed and covering your eyes with your arm.
“S’what I thought,” he replied, grabbing your jacket and handing it out to you.
The drive to the house was mostly spent in silence, with you refusing to give up much more than the basics of how to kill it… a simple incantation. You hadn’t yet checked out the house; a little recon was the next step in your hunt so it made sense to bring them along. This would be the best time to explain everything, you’d decided. Stepping out of the Impala you all admired the house, and as you started moving up the front steps with the guys close behind there was a sudden loud shriek, making you jump. Sam shouted and you felt strong arms grab your shoulders and pull you back just as a nearby flowerpot flew past your head, while all the shutters violently slammed shut. You all stood silently for a moment, before you cleared your throat.
“Well, I guess this is definitely the house,” you said nervously.
“No kidding, that damn tulip nearly took your head off,” Dean barked angrily.
“Can’t wait to get this over with,” you replied quietly.
“Uh … no. Change of plan, you are NOT going in there,” he growled in response.
 “You’re right,” you replied calmly, looking up at the house and refusing to meet his gaze. Now or never, you thought. “There’s no way I’m going in there, not alive anyway”.
“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” Sam replied, with a growl to challenge his brother’s. You sighed, and finally turned to face them.
“Look, it’s obvious from your scary growls and death glares that you guys won’t like this, but there’s more to the incantation than I told you. The demon is strong and fast; the chant will kill it but…. it has to be said from the Astral plane. And the only way to GET to the Astral plane is-”
“No,” Sam and Dean simultaneously cut you off.
“Guys, I appreciate the concern. But now that you’re here one of us has to do this and it can’t be either of you. You know what Billie said, she is itching to get her claws into you and the second your heart stops beating she’ll make sure it doesn’t restart. I’m not in her bad books, you have a shot to bring me back.”
“OK, let’s for a second pretend you’re right and this is the only way,” said Dean, his arms crossed. “You want us to kill you, so you can go inside as essentially a ghost and do your mumbo-jumbo crap? And then it’s up to us to revive you? Will that even work?” He tilted his head to Sam on the latter question, not entirely sure he’d believe any answer you’d give him at that stage. Sam sighed and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, the other on his hip.
“In theory yes, but you’d only have 4 minutes before we’d have to start CPR. After that you’re looking at brain damage and the high probability that we can’t get you back.”
“That’s great, I’d only need 2.”
“And we won’t know whether you killed it. The second that timer hits 4 minutes we start and when, WHEN, you’re back you don’t do this again. We find another way.”
“Fair enough,” you replied, unable to hide your grin as you saw Sam slowly give into the idea. Dean was always more stubborn than his brother though…
“Woah ok, I gave you a second of pretending this is the only way. Now we go back to “this is stupid and insane and you’re not doing it”” Dean yelled, pointing his finger at you.
“The hell I’m not Dean! We can’t let this thing kill any more kids. And besides, this is my demon, not yours! I’ll kill this bastard with or without your help.”
“Yer about that,” Sam interjected. “How were you planning to do this alone?”
You shrugged, looking at your feet. “I found a serum that stops my heart. Was going to call an ambulance before I drank it, pretending I’m a bystander, get an ETA and time it right for when they got here.”
“And you really think your mom would want to see this demon dead even if it meant killing yourself to do it?” Dean jumped in.
“Then I guess you’d better not let me die then!” you snapped back, and turned on your heels back to the Impala effectively ending the conversation.
With a sigh Sam patted Dean on the back and followed you back to Baby, while Dean kicked a nearby rock in frustration.
2 hours later you were nervously exiting the Impala again, trying to keep a straight face. If the guys knew you were this scared there was no way they’d agree to this, and you needed this to be over if you were ever going to move on. As you looked around you were grateful the house was tucked away from the rest of the town, it was going to make the process a whole lot less complicated. You watched as Sam pulled a red bag from out of the boot, raising a questioning eyebrow. He saw you and shifted nervously.
“It’s an AED. Just in case...” he trailed off, obviously not wishing to consider that outcome, and started walking down the path with Dean by his side.
“Thanks. Um, good to be prepared I guess,” you replied, skipping to catch up with them. “And um, guys? Thanks for this. I know it’s not going to be easy for you either.”
“Yer well, kill this thing and we’ll call it even,” Dean grumbled, stopping Sam and you at a flat grassy area by the front window. Even he couldn’t ignore the threat that loomed over this house, and after several unsuccessful attempts to stop the family coming back here the following day this really did turn out to be the only option.
You stopped at their side and watched Sam pull a vial from his pocket.
“That’s it then?” you asked, you voice quivering slightly. If they noticed, they had the decency not to say anything.
Dean rolled his eyes. “No, we thought a shot of tequila would calm our nerves,” he replied sarcastically.
“While you’re not wrong,” Sam said, glaring pointedly at Dean, “yes, this is the serum. Your heart will stop pretty much instantly.”
You reached out with a shaky hand, nodding and mouthing thank you.
“I can’t stress enough how much you don’t have to do this,” Sam said, lifting the vial slightly out of your reach.
“I know. But I need to,” you replied, holding out your hand. “I’m fricking dying, there’s no way I’m not nervous or scared about that. But I can’t let this thing kill another kid, I just can’t.” Your voice broke on the last word, and the guys knew your thoughts had drifted to your baby sister. Her death alone had destroyed your mom, and your dad’s suicide only 2 weeks after sent her spiralling into insanity. You hadn’t let on to anyone that she had gone mad, so you spent your childhood caring for her while trying to get an education. She died when you were 16 from a stroke, and as sad as that was it freed you up to do what you want to do… kill the thing that took away your life.
With a shuddering breath you took the vial and held it to your chin. You took one final look at the guys, eyes tearing up before offering them an encouraging smile. “See you on the other side,” you commented, before swigging the liquid.
“Did that even work?” you asked, looking down at your hands. You had expected it to hurt a little, or to at least to get a bit dizzy. But here you were, standing tall and healthy like nothing was wrong. You raised your head and were surprised to see Sam and Dean on the ground, hovering over something. You swallowed hard and leaned over to get a better look, and while it shouldn’t have been surprising you couldn’t help but gasp as you stared at your own lifeless body.
As soon as you swallowed the vial you dropped like a stone, and Sam quickly caught you and lowered you gently to the ground. Dean felt for a pulse just to be sure, and shook his head slightly to Sam as confirmation. He hit the stopwatch he’d brought along, and kneeled by your body alongside Sam. Neither spoke… what was there to say? All they could do was wait.
“Right, so, that worked” you said to yourself. You heard a shriek and turned back to the house, suddenly remembering you were on the clock, and raced up the stairs. Another heavy flowerpot flew past your head and you laughed as it went straight through. “Damn straight asshole. Try what you like, you are MINE.”
You glided through the door with ease, hoping to see some sign of the demon right away. Was it too much to ask for it to just be sitting on the stairs waiting for you? “Why is it never easy?” you asked yourself glumly. Going on instinct, you headed up the stairs to where the children’s nursery was. Photo frames on the walls shattered as you passed, and flying glass aimed itself at your face, but you paid no mind as it passed through you as you ran toward your destination. You were so focused you didn’t hear the loud thumps coming from outside.
Another flower pot flew across the front steps, smashing on the sidewalk on the other side.
“Guess we know where Y/N is,” Dean commented glumly.
He looked back down at your still body, not liking how pale your skin had already become. He held onto the stopwatch like a lifeline… the second that thing hit 2 minutes he was starting, he didn’t care what Sam said. YOU said 2 minutes was all you needed so he was going to hold you to that. He glanced at Sam, who was holding your hand in his and staring intently at it rather than your face. He reached over and patted his back comfortingly, to which Sam looked up and smiled slightly. Neither wanted to be in this situation, but they were both glad you weren’t doing it alone like you originally planned.
It all happened too fast to avoid. They heard a low chuckle, and before either could comment they suddenly found themselves being flung back from your body. Sam watched in alarm as Dean hit the side of the house, slumping into an unmoving heap in the flowerbed. Sam himself rolled back and managed to narrowly avoid hitting a nearby tree.
“Dean!” he cried out, hoping to stir his brother awake. He jumped up and ran for your lifeless body, hoping to grab you and get you to the car. He had no idea if the demon was tied to the property line but he didn’t have a chance to find out before he was once again flung into the air, this time into the side of the house also. He too slumped to the ground, unconscious next to his brother. The stopwatch lay on the ground beside you; cracked, broken and useless.
Activity from the demon had strangely stopped as you entered the nursery. It was an eerie feeling, knowing that only a couple of days ago an infant and her 3 year old brother had been torn apart in this room. The walls were still covered in spatters of blood and you knew if you’d been in your body you would have thrown up. “Benefits of being a ghost” you commented, cautiously looking around.
You nearly fell back when the demon appeared in front of you, shrieking so loud you’d have certainly gone deaf if your ears were attached to you at that moment. You stood still, watching it with curiosity, before it stopped to also stare at you. It seemed confused, and angry. It threw its hand out but it only went through your stomach, causing you to laugh.
“Sorry buddy, can’t catch me this time,” you said with a wry smile.
The demon’s face twisted in anger and the windows of the room imploded, glass flying in all directions. The demon was a blur as it to-ed and fro-ed around the room, trying to make contact with you to no avail; if you had been in your body you would have been flung around like a ragdoll and dead in seconds. You decided that it was time to start the incantation, before it realised what was happening and disappeared. You started and it cried out in pain, and as you spoke louder and with more force your confidence grew. As you spoke the final words the demon began to break, red light shining through each crack in its form before it shattered, the pieces dissipating into dust as they hit the ground.
Silence fell again and you smiled broadly, relief washing over you. You practically bounded down the stairs and jumped through the front door, only to be met with the alarming image of Sam and Dean slumped motionless in the flowerbed.
“Well shit,” you said deadpan, before running up to them. “Sam! Dean! Wake the hell up!”
You glanced around and if your heart was pounding it would have stopped at the sight of the broken stopwatch laying on the ground.
“Fucking demon!” you screamed, turning back to Sam and trying to slap his face. Useless of course, as your hand went straight through, and you cried in frustration before levelling your face with his.
“Sam! Wake up! Help me!”
Sam swore he heard your voice, and groaned as he tried to sit up. He held his hand to his head, trying to remember the events the lead to this before it all came crashing down on him like a tonne of bricks. Y/N. Dead. On the ground 5 feet in front of him.
“Fuck! Dean!” he cried, punching his brother’s shoulder to try and rouse him. Dean groaned, and Sam was confident enough he was waking to leave his side and run to yours. He took the stopwatch from the ground by your feet, and threw it across the yard when he noticed it was broken. He wondered to himself how long they’d been out, panicked at the thought.
Wasting no time he leaned over you and put his hands on your chest, starting compressions. He didn’t know if the demon was dead, and he didn’t give a rats ass at that moment. All that mattered was getting you back. You could bitch slap him all you wanted if he was too early, he was ok with that. He was too busy counting his compressions to hear Dean come up behind him, and only noticed his presence when he leaned over your head to lift your chin.
“How long?” Dean asked.
Sam didn’t respond at first, too focused on keeping his rhythm. But when he did Dean’s blood ran cold. “Don’t know, knocked us both out. Damn demon smashed the stopwatch.”
His eyes widened in panic and he poised himself, ready to give a breath. Sam reached 30 and Dean sealed his lips with yours and breathed into your mouth twice, grateful to see the rise and fall of your chest as he did so. When you didn’t take a breath of your own Sam continued compressions, much to his annoyance.
“Cummon Y/N, take a damn breath,” Sam muttered. Dean held your chin up with one hand and held his other over your pulse, feeling a flutter only as Sam animated your heart on your behalf. 30 again and Dean gave you another 2 breaths, praying that this time you’d start on your own. Nothing.
“Christ sake Y/N, do some of the work would ya?” Dean growled as Sam continued to press down hard on your chest, your stomach rising with each compression he made. He felt a crack and winced, knowing he’d broken rib or two. Dean wasted no more time in grabbing the AED from the ground next to Sam’s feet, and began preparing it.
“One more chance,” Sam puffed. “Give her one more chance.”
Dean nodded, as reluctant to shock you as Sam was, and took his place once again by your head.
“Breathe” he was instructed, and he leaned over to do so. Both men stopped to watch your chest fall, praying for it to rise on its own.
You gasped, taking in a deep breath which hurt more than anything you think you’d ever experienced. You coughed hard, and felt your body being turned to its side which graciously seemed to help. You faintly heard talking in the background, but only made out a few swear words and comments about “Jesus Christ” for some reason.
“What-” you tried to start, but you couldn’t get a word in edgewise before another cough wracked your body.
“Don’t talk sweetheart, just breathe,” Dean told you with a shaky voice, running his hand through your hair.
You listened to what he said, and paid attention to your breathing to try and get it under control. In, out, in, out. All the while Sam and Dean remained silent, obviously trying to calm themselves down as well. Eventually you felt like you’d gotten yourself under control, and moved your arm to try and sit up.
“Whoa, hang on, take it easy,” Sam told you, taking your arm and gently lifting you to a sitting position. Dean sat behind you and you rested against his chest, holding his hand which sat in your lap.
“You doing ok?” Dean asked.
“Yer I think so,” you replied, your voice gravelly. “I killed it.”
Both men sighed and hung their head in relief. You rubbed your tender chest, which didn’t escape Sam’s attention.
“We’d better get your ribs seen to,” he commented quietly, voice thick with guilt which you definitely picked up on.
“Dude, you saved my life. Don’t feel bad about a few broken bones. And you,” you continued, pointing to Dean. “When was the last time you picked up a toothbrush? Seriously, I think I can taste the burrito you had two days ago!” You laughed gently and they smiled in response, the weight that had been on their shoulders noticeably less than before.
“Let’s get the hell out of here,” Dean replied, and you nodded in agreement.
The guys helped to gently lift you up and into the backseat of the Impala, and you watched the house slowly disappear as you began to drive away.
“So Y/N. How does it feel? Knowing it’s all over,” Dean asked you. You continued to stare out the window, and from the rear view mirror he watched as a faint smile crept over your face.
A/N the 2nd: I hope you enjoyed! So I struggled for ages debating if this Monster of the Week was a demon or spirit or something else entirely. I went with demon because that’s just how I wrote it before I even considered it; please don’t look too deeply into the finer mechanics of this (like I have for the last 2 hours) :)
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bettsplendens · 7 years
Alzu and Almul inspect a corpse, Almul takes out some frustration on said corpse. Warning: messy. Descriptions of a corpse being messily taken apart and inspected. Also- it’s not technically cannibalism because they aren’t the same species, but Alzu is an opportunistic carnivore faced with a body made of meat. His response is unsurprising. 
“What- you wanna know why that works?”
Alzu kicked lightly at the corpse of someone who had formerly been a rather nasty rapist, turning the body over to look down at the severely burned face. “Yeah, actually- not a bad question. See- clearly dead, but you only burned ‘is face. Got all choke-y, though. Bet he couldn’t breathe, but- yeah, might as well, let’s figure ‘er out. Gonn’ make a mess o’ the guy anyway, may as well learn.”
Hefting the corpse, Alzu tossed it over one shoulder and set off, tail wagging slightly as he watched Almul following. Almul got an energy boost from being near something that was dying, so they were now trotting happily, almost seeming to whistle as thin lines of smoke wafted up from their frame. If Alzu were to open Almul’s chest, their life-flame would be visible and burning bright.
Once they were well away from the road, Alzu dropped the corpse and pulled a large hunting knife from its spot alongside his pack, crouching to inspect it. “A’ight- let’s see if I can open this wi’out makin’ a mess.”
 Almul sat down nearby and rested both hands on the ground, watching intently as fragile human hide parted under the knife, and didn’t bother trying to hide their satisfaction at the noise it made. Ugh- smooth skin. They had nothing against humans, really, but the squishy things still had such an awful texture. And, after so long feeling that inside them, unable to see properly or focus on anything else, there was something viscerally satisfying about watching-
Wait, now… it didn’t have to just be watching. Rumbling softly, Almul reached out with one hand and slowly dragged it down the man’s leg, watching the cloth part, then repeated the motion- this time tearing through skin. And he was right- it was satisfying. So very, very satisfying. Enough that he repeated the motion, then again- with both hands this time, clawtips sharp as possible, ripping pale skin to shreds. Then further through skin, into and through muscle, shredding in further until the still blood started to cake their hands-
 “Woah, hey- Almul, you wanna mess ‘im up, I got no complaints, bu’ you might be gettin’ kinda- hey now, easy, shh. Catharsis is all well an’ good, jus’ no good makin’ yerself more upset while ya do it. Easy- shift t’ th’ other leg now, gonn’ get blood all up in yer hands. Yeah? There we go.” Alzu purred, pausing in his careful parting of the skin and muscle to watch Almul for a moment. “Tha’s better.”
He had to crack the ribcage rather carefully to get to the lungs intact, but it worked, though he had to pull a few large chunks of rib out. And, of course, pop them into his mouth to chew on. “Now-“ *crunch* “-what we have here arrrre- lookit, tha’s a heart, you know ‘bout them. Now, these’re lungs. You also know ‘bout them, yeah? We got heart here- pushes blood ‘round. Lungs, they get air in ‘em. People really need air in ‘em or they die, you figured tha’ out. This, here- diaphragm. Real strong hunk o’ muscle. This- pretty sure it pulls down an’ helps open th’ lungs. Ain’t no good for eatin’, not bad fer jus’ chewin’ on. Anyway- lungs. They got air in ‘em. All th’  way up- that’s th’ windpipe. Gonn’ cut that through, an’-“
A few deft cuts and nicks with his claws, and he lifted the lungs out of the human’s chest, splaying them grotesquely across the relatively intact stomach. The hunting knife, next- slicing down the windpipe, then into and across one of the lungs. When he spread them open, thick burns were revealed all down the windpipe and into the lungs, scorching them almost beyond recognition. “Well. There’s yer problem.”
Pausing to point out the issue, Alzu aimed a tongue-lolling grin at Almul, prodding at a particularly bad spot. “Lookit this mess, Almul- that ain’t good! Okay, look- I dunno how lungs really work, but I doubt they can do it when they’re all burnt up. Tha’s why ‘e’s dead. You gotta have lungs t’ be a workin’ human, an’ they gotta work, an’ you made ‘is lungs not work. Nasty. But- mmph-“
Clearly he had to see what those tasted like. And they fit in his mouth in two nice bites.
“-like a lotta nasty things, tasty.”
 Almul had mostly been ignoring Alzu’s work in favor of clawing up the corpse’s other leg, stripping long ribbons of skin free and hissing in satisfaction with every long stroke, but they stopped to look the organ over before Alzu, once again, ate their anatomy lesson. Chirping quietly, they shook their head and flicked both hands, peeling loose the bits of gore, and leaned over to look down at the exposed organs. Humans were complicated. What did all this do, again? They only knew about the bits that could make someone dead if you damaged them right. So, making the noise that they’d established with Alzu as meaning “please explain”, they indicated something that was in the “this will eventually kill someone but not right away” section, wanting to know what some of those things did.
 “Wha? Ah- let’s see. Okay. That, there, tha’s a liver. Real tasty, lotsa meaty flavor. Not certain wha’ it does, bu’ I know people who drink a lot got real messed-up ones, an’ there’s some diseases that’ll do it. Makes people ge’ yellow eyes, an’ they get real sick when they got messed-up livers, so I think it does somethin’ like blood-cleanin’? Now- this, in here, dunno. Uh- tha’ thing? Tha’s a kidney. Lookit- you follow th’ string down, goes t’ the bladder. Tha’s where piss stays. I figure kidneys’re wha’ make it. Dunno why, sorry, y’d need a doctor. Uh- you punch someone in their back, o’r th’ kidneys, they start screamin’. Don’ taste good, either. Now- I am gonn’ eat this liver.”
Alzu then proceeded to eat the liver, tail wagging vigorously, before just driving both hands into the corpse’s innards and ripping. Standard contract deal- make a horrific mess of someone’s innards, hang them up as a warning, write whatever they did on something nearby.
In this case, a cliff.
 Almul sat back and watched, fascinated as always by the way flesh tore under proper force, and kneaded their claws in the leaf litter to clean the worst of the blood away. As Alzu continued to work, they edged over and grabbed the pack, pulling out a length of rope, and fastened it around the corpse’s ankles. The knot was not neat, they were still learning how all that worked, but it held well enough, and they had the end of the rope in their hands as Alzu stood up.
 “Yeah- there we go, yer learnin’ how ta make knots.” Alzu declared, tail waving a bit harder, and hoisted the corpse in both hands so that the end of the rope could be tossed over the branch. A quick pull and another knot later, and the corpse was suspended from the tree by both ankles and one arm- thoroughly undignified, plus it showed off all the damage. Alzu padded over to the cliff nearby for just long enough to paint “RAPIST” in messy letters across it, using the blood all over his hands, then shook himself and scooped the pack up as he padded away. “Startin’ ta leak gut contents everywhere. C’mon- let’s get a river.”
 Churring in agreement, Almul followed Alzu and snagged a cloth from the pack to clean their hands off, quiet and satisfied. Okay. That… that had felt nice.
Maybe they could do this with the next target. It wasn’t as if the average rapist deserved any respect, after all- might as well use them for something helpful.
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razzmatash · 8 years
Day Seven: Recovery
Pairing: McCree x OC
Word Count: 1879
Juno belongs to @artsybizaar
             Staring at the ceiling, Evan tried to breathe evenly. It was hard to do with her nightmare lingering at the edge of her thoughts. She didn’t know what to do. She didn’t really want to stay in bed but where was she going to go? Where would she even want to go? She was still staying at Juno’s, not just because it was doctor’s orders but also the Strike-Commander’s. Until they were completely sure whoever had tampered with her lab had been fully dealt with, they didn’t want her being alone.
           She didn’t really want that either but even being around other people wasn’t helping with her nightmares.
           Her hands were shaking a little as she pushed herself up, shifting to swing her legs over the side of the bed. She didn’t want to lay here anymore. Maybe she’d make a cup of tea, cuddle with her cats, do something that wasn’t just sit here and try not to think about her nightmares or what happened.
           Moving as quietly as she could, she left the room and crept down the hallway. She heard the quiet footfalls of her cats as they followed her but other than that the apartment was silent around her. She tried to stay quiet as she turned the kettle on, setting up what she would need for her tea. It was easy enough to do since Juno hadn’t moved anything since she’d lived here.
           A small smile touched Evan’s face as she thought about that. She hadn’t actually lived with Juno for long in the grand scope of things, but it had been so good while she had. She’d had so much fun, grown to love the woman so much, and she wished she’d come back here for a different reason.
           Her hands shook again as she grabbed her cup and nearly dropped it. Why had that happened? Of all the people in Overwatch, why had that happened to her? Was it because of her connections inside the organization? Was it because of what she had made or was trying to make? Why?
           She nearly jumped out of her skin when hands cupped her own, helping her keep her hold on her cup.
           “Woah, there, Bambi. Jus’ me,” a sleepy voice murmured.
           Evan stared at Jesse in the low light of the kitchen, no words coming.
           “’Nother nightmare?” he asked gently.
           She nodded.
           “Wanna talk ‘bout it?”
           Evan shrugged. What was there to talk about? It was the same as the others; being trapped in the lab, in the fire, not being able to get out, not able to get away.
           He sighed and moved one hand to cup her cheek. “How’s yer head?”
           She shrugged again. It hurt but that was what happened when you had a concussion.
           “Ev, darlin’, talk to me,” he urged gently.
           “I don’t know what to say,” she said honestly.
           He took the cup from her and set it on the counter. “I ain’t sayin’ we gotta talk ‘bout what happened. I ain’t no therapist but you can always talk to me. You know that.”
           She did know that but she really didn’t know what to say. From everything she’d been told, her lab had been tampered with by someone within Overwatch and they’d tried to both destroy her work and kill her. If they had a suspect in mind, they hadn’t told her and she wasn’t sure if it was because they didn’t know or didn’t want her worrying about it.
           Jesse’s thumb rubbed against her cheek. “Want to watch a movie?” he suggested.
           “We’ll wake Juno,” she said, shaking her head.
           He hummed lowly. “Alright, get your coat.”
           Evan blinked at him. “What?”
           “We’re gonna take a walk. Get you some fresh air.”
           “Ah,” she said, hesitating. She hadn’t really left Juno’s place since she’d been released from the medical wing. She’d gone on the balcony but she didn’t think that counted in his mind.
           “Hey, trust me?” he said softly. “I ain’t gonna let anythin’ happen to you.”
           She knew that. He wasn’t the problem.
           “Ev, you can’t stay in here forever,” he reminded her. “If you do…they win.”
           Her eyes squeezed tightly shut and she took a deep breath. She nodded quickly. “Okay,” she said.
           He kissed her forehead. “C’mon, Ev. Get your coat and shoes on.”
           She stayed near him for a second longer before shuffling away. It wasn’t until she was putting on her shoes that she realised she was still in her nightgown. “Uhm….”
           “You’re fine, darlin’,” he told her, slinging his coat on as well. “It’s warm out.”
           She wasn’t so sure about that but she finished getting her things on without further comment. Her gaze moved across the apartment when she heard a noise and saw Juno standing in the hallway. So much for not waking anyone. She’d woken everyone in the house.
           Jesse followed her gaze and made a noise under his breath. “We’re just goin’ for a walk, Juno,” he told her. “We’ll be right back.”
           The older woman glanced between the two of them. “You have your phone and your gun?” she asked bluntly.
           “Yes, ma’am.”
           Wait, he did? Had he grabbed the gun before he’d come to her in the kitchen? He must have because he hadn’t left her. Had he been worried about something?
           “I’ll wait until you get back,” she said, moving toward the couch. “Don’t be too long. It’s late.”
           Jesse nodded before gently pushing Evan toward the door. She didn’t even get to grab her keys as he scooped them up, practically herding her out of the apartment. She stayed quiet as they went downstairs, grabbing his hand as soon as they were outside.
           It was a warm night but she still got a chill as they walked. She was sure it was just her imagination playing tricks on her and kept her mouth shut about it. No need to babble at him about something that wasn’t real.
           They quietly wandered away from the living complexes and Evan wasn’t sure what to think about that. Was he quiet because he didn’t know what to say either? Was he quiet because he was tired of dealing with her nightmares? She shook her head at herself, wincing at little as her head throbbed.
           “Easy,” he said softly as she stepped into him. “Ain’t nothin’ gonna come at you here, Ev.”
           “Except they did,” she said, her voice just as soft. “They came into my lab, tampered with my equipment and tried to kill me in the one place I should have been safe.”
           His grip on her hand tightened and he tugged her around a corner.
           “How am I supposed to go back to work when I know that someone got that deep into Overwatch to get to me?” Evan continued. “What am I supposed to do? Close off my lab so no one can ever go into it? Not work on anything with the black matter tech? Not work on anything?”
           She saw him throw her a look as they passed under a lamp but he still didn’t say anything.
           “I’m used to people not liking me, not thinking that I belonged here because I wasn’t supposed to talk about my tech or I was too young but none of them ever tried to kill me. They just gave me the cold shoulder.” Which hurt in a different way but nothing like this.
           Jesse made a quiet noise and kept leading her.
           Her heels suddenly dug into the sidewalk when she realised where they were going.
           “Ev, c’mon,” Jesse said, tugging on her gently. “You need to see it.”
           She’d seen photos of it. She didn’t want to actually see it.
           “Hey,” he said lowly, “we ain’t gonna go in. We’re gonna stay outside but you need to see it.”
           She was definitely dragging her feet as he coaxed her to keep going, her fingers squeezing his tighter with every step. When he finally stopped, it took her a long minute before she looked up.
           It wasn’t easy to see the damage in the dark but the lights on the side of the building showed her enough. Scorch marks above and below a set of blown out windows. Twisted metal inside. Fire damage on everything. Her imagination could fill in the rest.
           “Breathe for me, Ev,” he said quietly. “Keep breathing.”
           It was hard but she managed to after a moment. “I don’t like this,” she whispered.
           His face tightened and he nodded. “Alright, let’s go back.”
           “No, Jesse, I mean….” What did she mean? She was scared, she knew that and she knew she had every reason to be. But…. “I don’t know how to stop feeling like this.”
           “You can’t just stop being scared, Ev. Don’t work like that.”
           “I know but…inventing has always made me happy. I love doing it and now because of this I….”
           He sighed. “Bambi, it’s little steps,” he said patiently. “You were hurt pretty damn bad but you need to think ‘bout the other things. They did try to kill you. Try. It didn’t work. You were smart enough to keep that from happening.”
           “It was luck I had the shield grenade,” she muttered.
           “Maybe, but you were still smart enough to use it, to use it in a way that saved your life,” Jesse stressed. “Most people woulda panicked with all the shit goin’ wrong ‘round them like that but you didn’t.”
           She made a face.
           “Don’t do that, Ev. Don’t play down what you did. You saved your own life doing that.”
           She…supposed that was technically right.
           He let go of her hand to cup her face. “You are the smartest person I know,” he said quietly. “And I ain’t sayin’ that cause I love you. You are crazy fuckin’ smart, Ev, and I know you’re scared right now, but I want you to remember that.”
           So smart that someone had tried to kill her. Her eyes squeezed shut at that thought and she took a deep breath. “I don’t think I can go in the lab yet,” she admitted slowly, “but…I want to work again.”
           He was smiling faintly as she looked at him again. “Doc said your head is still gonna hurt for a little while so you’re really gonna have to work less,” he told her. “None of this bullshit you usually pull when you’re working.”
           A small laugh left her at the annoyed tone in his voice. “I’ve gotten better.”
           “Yeah, cause me and Juno are on your ass to eat every now and then.” He paused and kissed her forehead again after rolling his eyes. “But I’ll talk to Juno about gettin’ you a computer to work on.”
           She smiled up at him. “Jesse?”
           “Do you really have your gun?”
           He laughed and gave her a lopsided smile. “You bet yer ass I do.”
           Somehow that actually made her feel better.
           “C’mon, Bambi,” he said softly, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “Let’s get you back home before your ma sends someone lookin’ for you.”
           Evan threw one last look at the lab and, even though it still chilled her to think about what happened…she was going to start working again. She needed to start working again.
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