#like wow. i failed it. the prof hates me now. that prof just thinks i am not trying and i am going to fail the class
Tokyo Soul 5 I want to die (/j)
parts 1/2/3/4
this time i will attempt to summarize more than one episode. i mean, i could do them back to back but i will try to condense them. so uh, it will probably fail. but who knows?
update: am live reacting with my friend mochi so hopefully this will work
update 2: onion and echo joined!
update 3: theyre all gone :(
This has episodes 5-8 summarized
ep 5:
the episode is called creepy teacher, and for good reason. his classroom is dimmed and he calls his students his subjects. there are also mushrooms growing. what the fuck. THERE ARE ASLO CHAINS HANGING FROM THE CEILING AND THE TEACHER HAS A THRONE
why is he asking them to repeat all of their medical records out loud wtf wtf i do not feel safe. to see if theyre appropriate candidates
Sam's medical record: Blood type B, 5'9', likes crayons, (allegedly) an iq of 250
Taurtis' medical record: "I have had my memory repeatedly lost, I've had amnesia multiple times, I've been stabbed in the abdomen, I've broken my legs by jumping off a building before, i've been shot in the shoulder, and, um, I think that's about it." (okay buckaroo no need to go all out)
The teacher does not think they are appropriate candidates
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i think that speaks for itself
the teacher is now agressively sniffing taurtis, rambling about a certain smell. He then says, ominously to taurtis, "oh..... yeah. you're the one." i am scared for taurtis.
He (the teacher, who's name is Proffessor Geode Rocks,) says that "[he] did it" and "now my plan will finally be a success" and then, to Taurtis, "you will make me proud." AND HE TAKES A SAMPLE OF TAURTIS' DNA
Prof. Geode screams about world domination and then the bell rings. that's the end of their first day of school. i am scared, and awaiting my grain boy
the boys now have to do their makle-up laps LLL LL LL L
nevermind, she lets them off because tehyre new. kay then hot lady- i mean uh u h uh gym teacher helana
in reference to the shcool, everyone agrees that they dislike it, and taurtis says that hes never felt so unsafe in his life. damn. not even during the yakuza shootout? okay damn
nooo hes not here :((((
Sam falls asleep and the episode ends.
Episode 6:
HOT DOM FANART i am okay with this (but seriously wtf)
taurtis fell outside asleep standing outside of sams door. he did this on the high dive too. guess he just has those pro gamer skills
Sam entices Taurtis awake with sushi "because [he] is japanese" and Taurtis awakes saying "That's racist!" we love taurtis in this house
GRIAN LORE he went to the wrong tokyo. the one in canada. how does that even happen. OH MY GOD THEYRE PICKING HIM UP FROM THE TRAIN STATION
dom climbed a water tower. i just think that's neat.
SAm's mom texted. Sam has a mom? Since when?
Grian is suspicious of the old man. good.
A girl named "Yee" approaches the boys outside and calls one of them hottie. refusing to elaborate, all but grian argue over who she thinks.
Grian says "this school is definetly an upgrade" then immediately takes it back as they round a corner and find one of Senor Loro's DECAPITATED GOATS
Grian does not wrestle Senor for his schedule. okay.
Grian is not fooled, but Sam and Taurtis are. They want Grian to talk to "her". Oh my god. Grian is creeped out by the fact the old man said that he has nice legs (he did.) so sam and taurtis go in for him. wow. was not expecting that. NO. GRIAN NO DONT GO OVER THERE WITH THEM
Sam: "Grian, you like girls right?" Grian: *no hesitation* "No i'm into dudes." Me: YO
its revealed ellen was his gay awakening we love that for them
okay so the episode ends with everyone heading into teacher tori's room. i think ill do one more.
ep 7:
Teacher Tori has Grian introduce himself, and Sam and Taurtis peer pressure him into telling the "rooftop story"
no rooftop story :(
bruh sam reminded Tori of their homework bruh cringe
Tori takes them fishing
another goat is found dead in the girl's locker room. bonus: grian does not want to go into the girls locker oom. smart wheat boy.
their fishing rods sound like guns. okay then.
the bell rings and the old man disguised as a girl is stalking them. Sam jokes that he's grians girfriend despite grian literally saying he was gay smh
okay i was testing out my new copic markers with my new sketchook and i missed the fact that sam took like 13 fishing rods wtf
Grian now introduces himself to Dr's class. why is he asking grian to say hes a boyman. what. grian refuses, even when dr threatens him with an F. he finally relinquishes.
dr is now calling grian mr boyman AND OH NO THEYRE TALKING ABOUT THE FOOD PYRAMID OH NOOOOO ;pian; they have to go on a scavenger hunt or smth idk
grian says he kinda sucks as a teacher AND I AGREE POP OFF GIRAN
the prize is a free for life subscription to hunter x hunter on god theyre all anime boys im dead
i removed my description of the scene from 17:54 to 19:40 due to some real DISGUSTING shit going on. it's all potty humor but god... grian throws up twice and please do not subject yourself to that scene i will never recover like i think ive actually been nauseated from this holy shit please do not watch this
grian is now telling the principal that his staff choices are shit and i say pop off grian
Grian failed and got Dr a raise. I am personally on grian's side :( and he got detention :d
Grian drops a SICK ROAST on Dr and gets more detention im very amused
everyone filmed that lmao
apparently grian is triggered by bad teachers. okay then. i stand for this tbh
grian is getting wrassled bc hes a cool kid ig (this is just how senor loro rolls. i am concerned.)
sam is tagged in by grian and wins the fight. that was honestly 10/10 fight scene lmao.
apprently that was the detention. that's nice? maybe?
taurtis breaks the news that another of senor loro's goats was found missing in the girls bathroom, and it is revealed that more are going missing. senor assigns the trio to finding the goats.
senor loro gives them a "crystal of Tenochtitlan," one each, and they are appearntly ancient artefacts of aztec descent. I am scared. OH MY GOD THEY ALLOW PEOPLE TO TALK TO ANIMALS? WHAT? damn those aztecs were crazy. These crystals should help them find the goats and (hopefully) the goat killer
Grian says that outside of "wrassling," senor loro is a nice guy. I have to agree, considering he offered them anything from the vending machine on the out for lunch. 10/10 guy (so far)
the episdoe ends with the trio exiting the wrassling ring. i'm gonna do the next episode because i really want to see grian's medical record lmao
ep 8:
on god more epic fanart. honestly sam is a shit guy but its nice of him to include fanart :/ at least imo
Yee makes a return. The boys commit a scientific experiment to see who she likes. She says "come here bab" and Sam steps forward. he is not the one, she called him ugly. lmao. Dom confidently runs up to her. Not sure if Yee thinks hes ugly all i know is she was probably scared by his rapid approach. Taurtis steps forward. She calls him a tater tot. it is not him. THAT MEANS ITS GRIAN?? ITS GRIAN. LMAO YEE NO HES GAY
she took off her glasses and i gotta say. one hot lady. (yep shes definetly a lizard person)
Grian runs away and i honestly understand. i guess shes gonna be a creepy stalker now. poor grian.
dr offers them ointment for their eyes. if not a great teacher, hes certainly a funny man.
they go to gym AND THE OLD MAN IS THERE I AM UGHH and Sam jokes that he's grian's girlfriend. Grian I am so sorry.
"This girl is kinda like a fourty year old dude if you ask me." LMAO GRIAN IM DEAD
For gym class there is parkour divided into a red "GIRLS" side and a blue "STUPID BOYS" side. I'm starting to think Gym teacher Helena likes girls a bit more than boys /s. also the boy's side seems to be a lot harder than the girls.
DOM IS A PARKOUR PRO (we should know this, considering he climbed a watertower) GO DOM
The girls win (obviously) but the boys made a good effort. The bell rings, and it's off to. It's off to Geode's class. please let grian read his medical record please please please
Taurtis is made to sit in a special cahir by Geode's... throne. I am scared for Taurtis
Sam is given bucket and... has to milk... Dom... uhm... yeah...
Sam cant figure out how to do it so Geode "does it" AND OH MY GOD THERE IS MILK IN THE BUCKET jesus fuck
apparently geode has a "people" and Taurtis will do great thigns for them. what the fuck wtf wtf
Geode notices Grian, cannot understand his accent, thinks england is another planet, and calls Grian strange. I think Geode is an alien.
Geode did some research on Sam. apparently he has an army. geode will join him. what the fuck. NEVRMIND HE THOUGHT SAM WAS GREAT UNCLE SAM IM DEAD BRO THIS IS HILARIOUS creepy af BUT HILARIOUS WTF
The video fades out with them trying to dom out of the test tube with him.. getting... yeah. by Geode. im scarred. for life.
anyway i'm gonna end part 5 here it is very long and there was no grian medical record :(
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ratlivesonblog · 3 months
Guide on how to survive school because wikihow fucking sucks.
For me cause i need it
Happiness cause we're all depressed
I like school- good for you buddy, then you don't need anything in here and can go your merry way.
Find good friends- if you didn't that fine. It's ok. Find good friends online then. If you're more of a loner and all previous options failed, watch youtubers, listen to a podcast. Talk to your family. You need to hear people talk. Or just go down your neighbours and knock doors. Not sure if it works, but it's worth a try ay
Think positive- if you don't, now you do.
Don't think negative- if you think negative or have negative thoughts, stop it.
Think neutral- you know what? That's great keep going.
Don't judge others or yourself- it is simply something that is and happened, it isn't negative or positive, it simply IS as it exists.
Find a good hobby- preferably something you can do while at school to take off stress.
Enjoy your time- what? you wanna stay in a room 6 to 8 hours to fucking cry? It's ok to not listen to the professor for some time. At least make the day bearable and not like a nightmare.
Accept the system- don't accept it. It sucks ass and balls, it's horrible, it's shit and it should be changed, but right now you gotta get through, and to do that you have to swim through the current, not against. It's like accepting your inevitable death but it's slightly worse or better depending on perspective.
Your professors are stupid cunts- they are someone who has nothing better to do but waste their time in teaching, why? Because they want a type of power to abuse. Don't mind them. They suck.
And if you find a passionate one?- That's good! I'm happy for you! I hope they explain well!
You aren't perfect- no one is. It's ok if you don't get all high marks. Just do the bare minimum to go on, it's ok. No one gives a fuck about high school grades.
As long as you try its ok- you aren't perfect, some things are difficult, it's ok as long as you try.
If something is bothering you- tell the professor/ staff. Or suck it up. If the lights are too powerful i can't do anything about it. Maybe you can buy some glasses with a tint. If it's cold? Maybe try on more clothes.
If someone is bothering you- don't give them satysfying answers, don't givr them answers at all or fucking kill them. You don't deserve this. It's in self defense, get in a fight, fucking do it, who cares? The guy who wanted you to fight? The not paid enough profs? You?
I don't like PE- i agree. Do the bare minimum then or break a part of your body to not do it. If you have a lucky prof you can do nothing. But try and move. Moving is important.
I hate the bathroom- yeah don't we all.
I hate going everyday- try and go anyway. The amount of trauma the school gave you are now at their max anyway in high school, try or you'll have too many days missing. And remember one day at a time. Think of it like a guy practicing zen every day in a temple. Take a deep breath and one day at a time.
Im UNABLE to go everyday- im sorry. I can understand as someone with cronic migraines. Try and talk to a doctor about what you can do or just excuse your absences when you do too much.
I hate it but i have to go- then suck it up my man. There's no other choice. Im sorry.
I don't understand a subject- it's ok to ask for help. Or don't, search a video on youtube. Ask your professor for the program of the semester and study following that.
I don't like a subject- don't think about it as something you have to do for school. Understand it and search those fun details that make people want to follow the subject for a whole lifetime. You're not learning this for school but because you wanna say fuck you to your professor. Or maybe because if you search online you'll find people who actually know hoe to explain!
This situation is shit- yeah i know! But if you can't change a situation change your thinking around it. Like "wow i got a 4.5 instead of a 4! This is great man."
I keep getting distracted- eh it happens to be best buddy.
I keep getting distracted and then i don't understand anything- that's a big problem. Have you looked for adhd? Try and take constant pauses THAT YOU DECIDE and then listen in again, constant small ones. Try and instill in some way something you enjoy into the subject to keep your focus. Maybe replace your prof with your favourite character. Maybe you can have an oc named nitrogen.
Grades, marks, eh who cares.
If you get a bad mark- it's ok, you can always get a good one after, and if you don't, after again.
My grades are all bad- ok if you can get a tutor do it asap. If not. Sorry buddy you have two options here. Cheat like if you don't you'll die. Or it's time to go hard on those youtube Indian videos where they explain everything. The third secret option is just fucking don't, go get homeschooled loser.
Homework- you tried, at worst case you can say you didn't understand.
Cheat- cheat if it can bring you peace of mind man. Everyone does. Its fine. Its to survive.
Im homeschooled and don't have friends- again, go and make some online man, it's better than nothing. Or go do a sport and have those.
You can't do it anymore?- Count the days backwards until the end. One day at a time is fine. Then one hour at a time. Take things slow.
I'm tired- sleep more. Try melatonin or camomile before going to sleep. find a prof who let's you sleep in class. Try and talk to a doctor. Get a constant schedule where you go to sleep BEFORE 11 pm.
I'm so tired of school- If it's for depression, I'm sorry, get a therapist or get help. It's hard. It's so fucking hard, try and get friends who understand what you're going through who maybe can take notes for you or help you, or maybe a prof who understands and gives you their notes. Go to the bathtoom more often for a break to catch your breath.
I lost my spark thanks to school- im sorry you think that. The past is past. Do not mourn who you were. Try and think ways to better yourself. Don't try and think ways to reverse time. Try and read books of subjects you like. Or try new genres of music. Get a break if you can. Try NEW things. Or new life changing videogames. (Undertale)
Others are doing better than me- shut the FUCK UP. comparisong is the killer of joy. Don't. You're doing enough. Everyone goes at different speed and is good at something different. You're unique. Don't compare. Is like trying to scale sonic and Mario in a fight when Mario works in cartoon logic and sonic in shonen. YOU CANT. SO STOP IT. THEY'RE BOTH GREAT. END OF THE STORY.
I'm a fuck up- hey! I'm too! A lot of us are! You're good in other things. Remember the school system sucks balls. It's not made to make a lot of us thrive but suffer. You're not a fuck up. You're just bad at school. Maybe you're good at playing the clarinet, who know? Maybe you're a great skateboarder.
Im a fuck up in everything- ok fuck you. Then i am too. But i still try to do some shit. Get that boomer mentality that you're the only good motherfucker in the whole country. No one can sway you if you ignore the signs like a true fuckin old man refusing to buy a modern cellphone. But instead you're refusing to adhere to modern standards of shit. "Im not gonna listen to them if i don't agree with this ASS system"
Im scared- don't be scared. No one can kill you there. And if they truly do anything suing a teacher is really easy if you wanna try. They're supposed to be there to help you learn. They aren't doing it? They're bad a their job. It's not your fault.
I'm anxious- stop drinking coffee, sleep more, drink more water, find a therapist or good friends, do more walks in nature. If you can't work on it, search online for methods and try and see what works for you. Apply them. If you find yourself being anxious while under test it's normal. You'll get there i promise, just keep going. Use less your phone.
I want to kill myself thanks to school- woah. Buddy, don't. Please. I'd suck. You want those fuckers to win? No you don't, live to spite them all. Talk to someone. You don't have anyone? Fuck it, talk to me. I'm socially anxious. Who cares? Not me. I'll go against my brain to win. Win life buddy. Win by being alive until you fucking LIKE being alive. Until you LOVE being alive. Because guess what? It doesn't have to be a chore. Talk to someone. Please.
If you don't succeed it's ok.
Try again.
Just have a good time.
Relax. You won't die. Relax.
If you can't relax? Fuck it. Go to the bathroom for a while.
Also it's 2 am and im tired and tomorrow ill be a zombie. i should listen to my advice.
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argentavis · 3 years
my least favorite trick that the education system has pulled on me has been making me feel that anything less than a 100% on an assignment is failing.
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starsuh · 4 years
do re mi | myg
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featuring. min yoongi x reader | 3.2k
summary. while teaching you how to play piano, min yoongi realizes that his dumbass might have feelings for you after all.
genre. fluff | f2l | roommate!au | mutual pining
warnings. a quarter-life crisis and a soft make-out scene at the end
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Amongst Min Yoongi's many talents, his sixth sense of knowing when something was bothering you was the one that most oft caught you off guard. Whether it was the intensity in which you slammed a door shut, or the way in which you didn't choose to annoy the fuck out him like you did every other day of the week; he would notice each time. It was only clockwork that he tentatively wrapped his arm around your shoulders when you had collapsed against the couch with perceptible chagrin.
"What's up?" he asked, a simple question that often entailed a more than complicated answer. Peering down at your tightened features, he awkwardly patted your shoulder as if to make known that silence would be just as valid of a reply.
You ran your hands through your face. "I don't know,” you said. If you did, you would've told him, just as you told him everything. Though the pair of you had began as merely two people who happened to be roommates because there were no other affordable options, spending months watching Netflix with another person tends to lead to friendship — even best-friendship, though neither of you had established such a title. It was the kind of friendship that needn't clarification, rather it was just another unequivocal fact amongst many.
After kicking off your shoes (Yoongi would scold you for that in a less emotionally-turbulent time), you pulled your knees up to your chest and wrapped your arms around them in a ball-like manner. "It's really fucking lame but I’m just realizing some things,” he nodded, prompting you to continue. "I'm scared of the future, I think. I mean, everyone is, but when our prof was talking about internships and shit earlier I kind of freaked out then decided that hiding in the bathroom was the best option.”
In his gaze was a reassurance so intent that you had to look away lest you become ensnared in it. He oft had that effect, increasingly so throughout the past few weeks. "What about it?"
Your eyes fluttered closed as you took a deep breath. “I think I know what I want to do, but then I see other people, people like you, who are so passionate about their place on Earth that to not do that thing would be a fate worse than death. Like, I love the path that I’m on but there’s always a voice that’s telling me I’m gonna fuck something up and regret everything.” You played with the loose threads of your top, pulling at the offending stitching. You laughed. “This is so stupid. I guess I’m just realizing that I might not be cut out for it.”
His sudden silence filled the room so heavily that you began to wonder if you shouldn’t have said anything at all. Gears turned behind the messy black mop atop his head that hung over his eyes; a face similar to the one he makes when contemplating a new track he had produced, seeking for each of its flaws and corresponding solutions.
It was so sudden when he reached down to grab your hand that you almost jumped. An inch away from falling onto his chest with the sudden upwards tug, you steeled yourself. "I'll show you something," he said to which you replied with a questioning stare. "It'll just be a sec, c'mon."
You allowed him to drag you to his bedroom, though not without glaring at the back of his head and whining. "Your room smells like Cheetos and day-old boxers."
He rolled his eyes. "I cleaned it this morning, so shut up."
He pushed the door closed with his hip, never once letting go of your hand until he unceremoniously shoved you towards the left end of the keyboard bench. You wiped the accumulated hand sweat against the rough fabric of your jeans, both thankful yet forlorn that he had let go. His was a comfort rarely given and you craved his affection the way one did with a cat that ignored those around it.
He reached down to plug the extension into the socket. "Can I play you something?"
You blinked, unsure if the nervous tone laced in the question was figment or reality. “What?”
He gave you a blank stare though it didn’t distract you from the way his hands fidgeted in his lap. “I said, can I play you something? Something I wrote?”
Impatient, he didn’t give you a second glance or a moment to reply before his hands flew across the board, pulling melodies out of the nooks and crannies of its black and white keys. Through every note, he told you of emotion, of love, of heartbreak and melancholy. You don't think you had ever understood what music was until then. It was more than his expertise, though he was quite the expert; it was the way his eyes closed at certain shrills and the way his shoulders hunched at others, the way he slammed harder into the keys and at other parts softer. He played like a poet. A writer. And you refused to be someone who didn't appreciate it for what it was: a story told to you.
The slight smirk gracing his soft features told you that he found amusing the way your mouth gaped open in shock. You’d only ever heard the distant echoes of his sound from behind closed doors as you walked past.
Yoongi had never played for you before, was even shocked that he was able to now, knowing that your mere presence in close proximity provided quite the distraction.
When he stopped, the air almost rang in its silence, as if you had forgotten what the world sounded like without his music in it. The hush blanket laid across the room felt bare and vulnerable. You understood now more than ever why he locked himself within the confines of his space in all hours of the day. If you could live in his symphonies, you would.
"Wow.” Because what else could be said? "That was... Yoongi, you're amazing."
His smirk remained, though as more of a mask to hide softer feelings behind. "Must've been if you're complimenting me for once.”
"Because you already have a ginormous ego."
He began playing once more. This time, a slow and deceptively simple melody. The chords were arrows tightly strung that flew through the air in wisps of smoke. To you, its warmth was paralleled to the feeling of his own beside you, his arm occasionally brushing yours as he reached to play a few lower keys.
"I think you're taking it too seriously," he said. "The future, I mean."
Your brows furrowed. "I kind of have to, dude."
He rolled his eyes but kept playing, occasionally glancing at you as he did so. "What I mean is," he pressed softly against the keys in the left end of the piano, their tenor notes filling your ears. "You need to calm down. Like this," the already soft melody slowed. "You know what you want, don't you? Why are you hesitating?"
You stilled, the feeling of being both caught and scolded grounding you in time. Your eyes focused on his hands to avoid the feeling of his analyzing gaze on the side of your face. “There are things I want to accomplish but there’s also things I want to have,” you groaned in exasperation. “I don’t know if I should choose the former or the latter but they’re so entangled that I can’t even tell which is which anymore.”
"Some things are only difficult if you think they're difficult." He looked down at the keys. "Like playing the piano, everyone knows that learning it is hard but something like this-" he played three chords in succession. "-sounds simple, right?" He continued to play those same chords until they blended together in a single melodious breeze. "But when I was a kid, learning piano was the bane of my twelve year old existence. I hated it so much because my impatient ass wanted to be good without trying. So, in true dumbass fashion, I quit taking lessons after two weeks."
You tilted your head towards him. “How did you learn then?"
“Well, I realized I was being a huge pussy and went back." Shaking his head before the glaze of the memory could wash over, he nodded towards you. Grabbing your hand, he placed them over the keys. “Can I teach you a chord?”
Your heart spiked in one fell swoop. “What? And embarrass myself in front of the music god himself?"
He laughed and it lit up his eyes brighter than the screen of his laptop that he had forgotten to shut off, still on the League of Legends home screen. “I told you, it's only hard if you think it is."
Too flustered to argue, you could only watch as he directed your fingers towards the correct keys until three were stretched towards their respective positions. C Major. You wondered if he could hear the rapid pace of your heart through the vibrations on your skin from where his larger hand rested atop your own. You could only pray to any god who would listen that he didn’t.
Among the numerous feelings that bubbled beneath your chest, the sudden pinch of ice that struck your nerves as he lifted his palm away from yours was one that you were the most unsure of. Filing that thought away for later, you focused on the most important task at hand: avoiding looking like an idiot in front of Min Yoongi.
Before you could retreat, your hands pressed down.
A sudden burst of sound filled the silence that you hadn't realized had grown so deafening. Your eyes widened as if you hadn't expected the chord to occur despite Yoongi's administrations, like trying to guess a passcode and getting it correct in a miraculous feat of luck. The now fading sound was not like anything you were expecting, though you knew even monkeys could do what you had just done. It was an actual piece of the puzzle that was music rather than the CD case or paper bag that had come with it.
Likened to an excited pup, you looked towards him for praise or assurance that you had done it right only to catch his already grinning countenance at your widened eyes.
For the next half hour he taught you two other basic chords, never failing to correct you in such a patient manner that your heart rose and fell with each glance and soft appraisal.
"But sometimes," he grinned. "Sometimes you need to stop thinking."
Your brows furrowed, though you didn’t need more than a few seconds to understand his cryptic wording before you yelped, almost flying off your seat at the abrupt disruption of the peace.
He began smashing his hands against the piano, creating the worst orchestra your ears had ever had the pleasure to hear. Overcoming the shock, both of yours laughs bubbled out, drowned by the keyboard speakers. Without a second thought, you joined, key smashing against the lower end. Together, you created an ear-grating masterpiece of cacophonous noise and piercing melody, yet it was still one of the most beautiful things you’d ever heard.
Yoongi began cheering your name like the greatest hypeman in existence as you gave the most effortful performance of your life, hands pressing against the first keys you saw to the last. You didn't know what you were doing but it didn't matter, not when he was smiling with his gums on full display as you went with your gut for the first time in years. Yoongi, the boy whose hands crafted magic, whose words changed you, whose music moved you. Yoongi, who looked at you and saw past your forced pretensions and society-enforced perceptions.
You laughed until your lungs ached for air, having not even realized that your whole body leant against his as you tried to catch your breath.
"Oh my god, I think my ears are broken," you covered them, finally dragging your hands away from the keys.
His grin widened. “You're a quick learner."
“Is this the part where I say that it's because you're a good teacher?"
“Only if you're polite, which we know you aren't." He hadn't stopped smiling and you had never felt prouder of any accomplishment in your entire life. “Was I able to distract you?"
You laughed, bringing your hands back to your lap to fiddle with them. He's seen you wear the same ramen-stained hoodie three days in a row with hair just as ratty yet you had never more felt exposed. “I’d say yes but I think I’ve exceeded my Yoongi compliment limit for the day."
"And here I was thinking that that compliment limit was zero."
"Hey," you playfully knocked against his shoulder. "I always say your breakfast is good."
He knocked against you back, his eyes turnt to half-moons. "That's because you want to brainwash me into cooking for you everyday with half-assed compliments."
"Or maybe," you lightly leaned against his hoodie-covered shoulder. "It's because I like eating breakfast with you."
He paused, and a grin that could only be described as shy graced his features. He tapped against the keyboard but didn't press hard enough to allow a sound to be let out.
"I trust you," he said in the silence. "That you can follow your heart. Even if that sounds corny as fuck, I really believe it."
You smiled, something you've been doing more and more often with him around. "I'll try," you said, watching as he contemplated his next words with a bite of his bottom lip. Giving him time, you glanced back at the piano. "Is it really that simple?" You pressed on a key.
He finally looked up. "I think so," he played the key beside the one you had just pressed, the side of it touching yours. "Even if it doesn't sound right to other people, who's to say that random key smashing isn't music? When you think you're supposed to play a certain way, that's when you hesitate. Even when you fuck up a piece," he pressed another key. "Regretting it doesn't stop the echo."
He began to play another soft melody, leaving you just as entranced as you were the first time he did.
“I’m a hypocrite, though,” he closed his eyes, lightly scoffing. “Giving you advice that I can’t even take.”
Your voice came out in a whisper. “Why?”
“Because...” He took a deep breath, hands leaving the keyboard as he fully turned to you. “I like you," he said it like it were a fact you should've already known. “I... I like you. A lot. I can't remember when you stopped being my annoying roommate who'd hog the fridge space and became the annoying roommate who I couldn't stop writing songs about. Before I could even realize and stop myself, today’s me kept looking forward to tomorrow’s you. I’d be a hypocrite to tell you to stop hesitating about the things in your life while I spent every second of every day wondering whether I should tell you my feelings and ruin our friendship.”
For if there was anything Yoongi knew more than most was that love was fucking stupid. It caused people to be irrational, selfless, and weak-hearted, yet why did he want to forget the stupidity that came with it whenever you walked into the kitchen for breakfast, hair messy and shirt tousled?
Love was fucking stupid. But maybe he could be an idiot if it meant that you'd be stupid for him too.
“I know you don't feel the same way but I just needed to tell-" you kissed him before he could finish what was sure to be a sentence so ridiculous that even the most astute of linguists would be left baffled. He was Min Yoongi. The boy who spent all day locked in his room making music and playing games with his friends. The roommate who'd wake up early just to cook you breakfast. The friend who knew you better than you knew yourself. The man who you'd found yourself falling for with every gummy smile. Yoongi. It had always been Yoongi.
And he was kissing you back.
His lips were as warm as the hands that carefully wrapped around your hips, gently pulling you closer to him. He kissed the way he played, soft and thoughtful.
Pulling away, he whispered your name slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. Never before had your name ever felt so wonderful a one. His forehead pressed against yours, eyes flickering between yours in disbelief. The hand around your waist tightened as if in fear that at any moment you might say that you hadn't meant to give him what had to be the best moment of his life -- that you had actually accidentally fallen on him and he had simply been mistaken.
"You're an idiot," you laughed. "I've liked you since the first time you've cooked me breakfast if the heart eyes I gave you each time weren't already a dead giveaway."
He shuffled in his seat. "You have low standards then," he said. "Or are in desperate search for a house-husband."
You smiled, your nose brushing against his. "Maybe, a bit of both."
He leaned away from you, eyes lit up in a euphoria that didn't hinder from his nervous cadence. "Actually, that song I played for you? Earlier?” You’d never seen him blush before. “I, maybe, composed it thinking of you.”
"A personal chef, jester, and composer? I think I'm winning."
His nose crinkled. "You know you can still back out, right?"
"You're acting as if I'd even want to."
"Stupid songs like that... I suck at love yet I still want to give you everything," he whispered, voice hoarse. "But my everything will still only amount to that."
"If that's your everything,” your hands interlocked with his. “Then your everything is more than enough."
"I like you," he murmured the confession between your lips as if it were clandestine, the urge to say it a million times more bubbling up from his chest. Though stronger than his urge to say it was his urge to hear you say it back.
Your lips met his completely. Perfectly. "I like you, too."
Pulling away once more you couldn't help but laugh at the reddened color of his cheeks and ears. Cutting away at the awkward and still unsure tension, he inched backwards with a startlingly loud clap of his hands. "Now that that's settled, can we go back to making out? This corny shit is so awkward."
"I can't believe I like you," you groaned but kissed him back anyway.
While there was nothing in your life that you could be sure of, you knew that the man whose smile could light up the entire city of Seoul would be there for you for every step, and you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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ladyaryawolf · 3 years
I hate when people insist that Arya is ugly, I bet Arya is going to be really pretty in the books when she grows up, training with courtesans and all that, and the only ones that called her horseface in ghe past were Sansa and jeyne and it was only because Jeyne was jealous of her being the daughter of a high lord (they were just children being petty)
as for Lyanna (she is not one of my fav characters) she obviously was pretty but I dont think its her beauty what Rhaegar saw in her, he just needed a a woman strong enough to carry his third child and fulfill the prophecy because 'the dragon has three heads', something his wife couldnt do.
I think we need more fics in where authors acknowledge the truth, that Arya is going to be a beautiful queen in the books 😌
Arya is pretty. Like a sweet chid you see running around the park, but would rather be playing with "swords" and with another boys, and getting dirty and messed up in the process than playing with dolls. This is why she is described as wild and always having a messy hair. And as we are talking about a feudalism age, this is the main reason she is mistaken as a boy and not being "a proper lady". We have to remember she is 9 in the beginning, she didn't passed through puberty. She doesn't have a defined body. If any girl at this age dress as a boy and act like a boy is expected to act, no one will blink an eye.
"Arry" is a perfect exemple of this. Catelyn saying someone would mistake her as a boy is also a prof of this.
She didn't fit in this social box of "how a woman/girl/lady should behaeve", and that is the main reason they have the idea Arya is ugly and why Arya herself believes she is ugly too. She was surrounded by a stereotip that expected her to act on a certain way she didn't fit in. We have this even nowadays.
Exemple: I am out of the stereotipe. I am not skinny, my body shape is different from the girls we always see being desired and glamorous on Instagram. Not interested in "girly, feminine" things, tools and blah, blah, blah. I may be beautiful and gorgeous, but I dont feel that way because I am not like these girls. In Arya's case it is her behavior that is "out" Got It? It is a social construct that impacts how we see the world and ourselves. It is very interesting. (Yeah. Yeah. I like sociology and psichology. Process me.)
But yes. I am pretty sure Arya is growing from a young girl to a gorgeous woman in the next two books. There is so many hints of that in her chapters... Unhapilly sometimes in sad and creepy circunstances like we see in Mercy. That chapter was just creepy and disgusting and triggering as hell. But also appears in positive ways like when Ned compares her to Lyanna, Lady Smallwood saying she is beautiful, etc, etc.
And is also really satiafying to see she getting more self steem with her looks while growing up when she suffered with that her whole childhood. The famous *glow up*. Have you ever read/watch the Ugly Duckling? That is the feeling.
Rhaegar and Lyanna? Well. I don't have much strong feelings about it. And my feelings are contraditory the most part of the time. I basically liked this tragic love story D&D created, because I like tragic love stories. Cliche. Don't judge me,please. But yeah. If we get out of the fanfic - where Lyanna was old enough and willing and in a a compleatly selfish way she run away to marry a Prince that was madly in love with her, and she was madly in love with him kinda Romeo and Juliet - and see the reality/canonic content we have untill now, I totally agree with u. I don't think Rhaegar loved her. Actually Canon!Rhaegar is far from my fanon!Rhaegar. He was obcessed with a prophecy, and kidnapped, raped her, (Lyanna was 14-15. She couldn't consent), so he would have the "third dragon head". We can't forget what he did to Elia and her children(not his. He failed as a father. Father is the one who raises and protect, so yeah. So fuck Canon!Rhaegar), that is completly unfair. Elia deserved better than this. Rhaenys and Aegon deserved better than this.
In other words, fuck anyone who says Elia knew and consented with Rhaegar's actions.
(I told you. I have contraditory feelings about this whole thing)
While Arya being Queen... I believe there is a chance of her being crowned at certain point of the saga, but I dont see her ending as Queen. I believe she will end as a princess or a Lady of some castle. Be it Stormsland or Winterfell I dont have any idea. (I want her in Winterfell.) Maybe part of the King/Queen's Council. But yeah. I would really appreciate more fics that explores that part of her story and characteristics.
Arya's ending is tied with so many other arcs. Dany', Jon', Bran's especially. So it is complicated to say by sure. The five Key players's future are tied in some intricated way and as we are entering just now at the climax of the saga, we don't have enough information to take a clear conclusions of neither of their destinies.
Wow. This was hard to write. So much vacabulary i didn't know how to write, or the right way to express myself. I hope it isn't confusing. Anyway
Thanks for the ask, anon.💞💞💞💞
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winryofresembool · 4 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 4
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: Leo makes a deal with Piper and Jason.
A/N:  Time to introduce more characters! I'm currently reading The Burning Maze (yeah, wish me luck) so I'm not gonna lie, I'm feeling for Jason and Piper more than before and that will probably show in this fic too. But worry not, no body is dying in my story (yet). Anyways, I had a lot of fun with this chapter and Leo's pov and I hope it shows! As usual, thanks to the lovely Cris for noticing my silly mistakes! Feedback would be really loved as it's the only way for me to know what you guys think of this (and it really motivates me!)
Characters in this ch: Leo, Piper, Jason
Words: 2100+
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort (in the future chapters)
Warnings: none
previous chapter / next chapter / AO3
“You know, when you told me you’d be moving out of our flat, I didn’t realize you’d be switching our modest mancave to… basically a mansion.” Leo whistled. He was visiting Jason and his girlfriend Piper’s new home for the first time, only to find out that the place was a new two-floor, 5-bedroom house with a big yard and a garage. Leo knew Piper’s dad was a famous movie star but even so, he couldn’t help but be surprised by the size and the fanciness of the place.
“Yeah,” Jason agreed, ruffling his short, spiky hair awkwardly. He knew about Leo’s background, the part about no biological parents and having to live on the streets for weeks between different foster homes until the police finally picked him and made him go to another family. That’s why Jason didn’t like to make a big number of living in such a place and about the fact that both his and Piper’s dads were rich and well known. As a matter of fact, Jason has moved away from his childhood home already at 16, living with his sister Thalia and working after school to pay for his living because he didn’t get along with his father well. Having Piper’s dad fund the new place had not been an easy thing to swallow for him and Jason swore that once he had gotten a job, he would pay him back. “I told Piper’s dad that we’d be perfectly happy with something smaller, but he refused to listen,” he told Leo too.
“Must be pretty great to have a father like that,” Leo mumbled under his breath, and Jason didn’t miss the tone of his voice.
“I know what it sounds like, but believe me, both of us have had our own issues with our parents.” It wasn’t a lie. Jason’s mother had died of a severe illness when he was young, and his father had always expected him to take over his business when he got older. However, Jason had never wanted that, which led to a huge argument and his father telling him he’d disown him entirely if Jason didn’t listen to him. 
Piper’s dad again was almost never home, being busy with his work, and her mother had left her family when she was a young kid. Piper had visited her occasionally until her teenage years, but these days she only saw her about once a year. From what Piper had heard, she was constantly running after new men and busy with her beauty business. All that meant that Piper was basically raised by a nanny, and she was suspecting that her dad had gotten the house mainly out of regret. 
Either way, even though Jason and Piper’s experiences hadn’t been quite as traumatic as Leo’s, perhaps the problematic family backgrounds had been an important uniting factor for the three of them when they learned to know each other. It was also a big reason why Leo wasn’t actually bitter towards his friends about this new luxury. He knew they deserved to have good things in their lives after what they had gone through.
“Yeah, I know,” Leo replied to Jason. “Don’t worry man, I was just surprised, that’s all. Now you have some space to invite Uncle Leo over sometimes too, right?”
“As long as you remember to pull your head from your machine clouds sometimes,” Jason jabbed back. “It’s been a while since I’ve heard anything from you. How are things going?”
“Busy busy,” Leo answered. “You know, the usual: the profs being a huge pain in my ass, people lining up to get me to fix their things that in reality would take them like 3 minutes to fix and… oh, I have a new flatmate.”
“You do?” Jason asked curiously. “What’s he like?”
“First of all, she’s a she and it’s a long story so I’d prefer to tell it when Piper is hearing it too so I don’t have to tell it twice,” Leo said, so that Jason wouldn’t ask more questions. The blonde boy simply nodded and gestured towards the entrance of the house. After that he gave Leo a quick tour on the first floor. 
“You have this much space here and no workshop? Holy Hephaestus, dude, you need to sort out your priorities!” Leo exclaimed once he had seen most of it. 
“Hephaestus? That’s a new one,” Jason said with amusement. 
“Yeah, well… my new flatmate is into Greek mythology… and Hephaestus is the god of blacksmiths… so that’s kinda cool,” Leo explained as nonchalantly as possible. 
 “Yeah, but did you really pay attention to the mythology lessons? I thought you only care about sciences and handicrafts,” Jason pointed out.
“Fine, you got me. Everything I know about Greek mythology is through my childhood nanny.” Jason couldn’t help but snort at that. 
Leo had to admit he was rather impressed by what he had seen even though the house was still lacking a workshop. Besides, Jason had already promised the guest room would be open for him any time he wanted, which was an offer he would definitely be using soon enough.
“Hi, Leo!” a brown haired girl greeted him happily as soon as he reached the living room. 
“Pipes, hi!” Leo greeted back, throwing her a high five as was their usual habit every time they met. “Would your dad be willing to buy me a place too so I could move away from that old, dusty building?”
“He’s a nice guy, Leo, but he has his limits too,” Piper noted, knowing that Leo wasn’t asking seriously. “Trust me, Jason and I don’t like owing him either. But I thought you liked it in your current flat? What’s the issue?”
“I guess it just isn’t quite the same without you guys hanging out there all the time,” Leo shrugged. “And my new flatmate seems to think after 10 PM is not an appropriate time to fix people’s machines. Go figure.”
“Yeah, why would anyone want to sleep at night?” Piper replied sarcastically but then smiled at him. “So, you do have a new flatmate?”
“Yeah,” Leo nodded, not elaborating more.
Jason couldn’t help but tease a bit: “And it’s a girl and he refused to tell me anything about her.”
“Oh,” Piper said, a curious gleaming in her eyes, “Is that so, Leo?”
Leo punched Jason on his bicep, which however only made him laugh. “Your boyfriend here is changing facts. I only told him that I’d like to tell the full story when you’re hearing it too because I don’t care about going through it any more times than necessary.”
“You’re being quite grumpy about it, though,” Jason retorted. “C’mon, we’re curious.”
“Fine.” Leo sighed. “Her name is Calypso and she’s a history student,” he said simply.
“Wow, I feel I basically know her already,” Piper replied sarcastically. “There must be something else too,” she urged with an encouraging tone that usually never failed to make Leo talk. “What about the long story?”
Suddenly Leo blurted the whole story from their meeting to her cold attitude to Festus breaking Calypso’s desk and to him fixing it and finally cracking her shell a bit. Not much, Leo felt, but at least she greeted him now when they were in the common area at the same time and didn’t seem quite as angry at him anymore. She had even smiled at him the other day. Briefly. Leo tried to shake that thought out of his head. Damn it, why did he always have a thing for girls who were way out of his league (and who hated his guts)?
“Tough luck, man,” Jason said when Leo finished his story. “Maybe she will come around, though.”
Piper, who was very good at reading people’s emotions, though, reacted quite differently.
“Try to think about it from her point of view. She has, based on what you just said, just moved to a new town where she knows no one, and then the first person she meets was – don’t take this as an offense - maybe a bit different than what she expected and then he also breaks what little she owns… I’d probably be pissed off too. So instead of firing back – if she’s still angry – you could try a different approach. You know, actually being nice to her and not making jokes at inappropriate moments.”
Leo frowned. “Hey! It wasn’t like I was intentionally trying to be rude or break anything! I did apologize and fix the desk! She just makes it so easy to be snarky sometimes…”
“Have you really tried to get to know her, though?” Piper asked. “She could be happy if you showed some actual interest in her.”
Leo blushed a bit at the word ‘interest’. “I’m really not so sure about that… To me she seems the happiest when I just let her be.”
“But you’re gonna live together for a while, you can’t just avoid her forever,” Piper pointed out.
“I hate it when you’re right, beauty queen,” Leo rolled his eyes at her. Jason decided to change the topic.
“Hey, how about a card game? If Leo wins, we’ll let you withdraw into your tinkering cave for one more week. If you lose, then we are challenging you to talk to her within the next 24 hours.”
“Sounds like a pretty unfair deal,” Leo muttered. “But knowing you guys you won’t be giving me a choice. However, if I win, I demand to get to live here from next Friday to Sunday, free food and foot massages included.”
“I’m not gonna touch your dirty feet!” Jason protested.
“But if I’m gonna have to talk to her either way, I feel it’s a fair deal.” Leo grinned as if he had won already. 
“Alright. You can spend here even a whole week if you want and we will buy your food BUT we are not gonna massage your feet,” Piper tried to compromise.
“Bummer. I was really looking forward to that. But fine, I’ll accept the deal.” Leo shook both Piper and Jason’s hands to seal it. “Now, let me show you what a real card master can do!”
Leo turned out to be an amazing card mixer (his hands always fiddled with something so he had definitely practiced card mixing too) and a good strategist (his main strategy was trying to distract his opponents with bad jokes) but Piper and Jason weren’t bad either. After playing for over 30 minutes, the winner still hadn’t been decided so the trio decided to go all in, the next round would decide the winner.
Piper dealt the cards this time, Leo and Jason taking theirs. A wild grin spreading to Leo’s face when he checked his cards.
“Woah. Sorry, Grace, but I’m afraid I won this game.”
“Is that so, Valdez?�� Jason asked, rather confidently as well. Leo glanced at him with confusion only for a moment before he smashed his cards on the table.
“Quads!” he exclaimed happily as he spread the cards on the table for the others to see. Jason’s mouth twitched.
“Not bad, Repair Boy,” the blonde boy said, using the nickname Piper had come up with. “But I’m afraid that won’t win this.”
He showed his cards, revealing five hearts, numbers 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Leo’s face paled a bit and the grin disappeared.
“Straight flush! That’s impossible!” he yelped.
“It’s not!” Piper said. “But don’t worry, I think this is a win for both of us. We don’t have to buy your food and you get to stop being stubborn a bit faster. C’mon, this could be a good thing. You might have formed your opinion on her too fast.”
“Hmmph. But fine. I’ll talk to her. Tomorrow. Today, my pride has been wounded.”
Jason and Piper both muffled their giggles. Not much later, Leo decided to go home as he supposedly had homework to finish (in reality, he had already finished his physics exercises in class while bored of listening to the professor talk about something that was way too obvious to him) but the other two knew he was simply making excuses. When Leo had decided he didn’t want to do something, it was /really/ hard to get him to do it, because he was that stubborn. And clearly talking with that girl was one of those things.
Once Jason and Piper had waved Leo goodbye and watched him strut farther on the road, Piper asked quietly: “Should we have told him that the dealer may have been a bit partial and she’s also good at card tricks?”
“Nah, let him think it was a fair game. Otherwise we’ll never hear the end of it.”
“Yeah, you’re right there,” Piper admitted and the two burst into laughter.
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jakeinthcbox · 4 years
Was that CHARLIE ROWE I just saw walking down the hallways? Oh wait, no - that was JACOB ORPINGTON. The CISMALE is a TWENTY-ONE year old HUFFLEPUFF who is in TENTH YEAR. I heard the HALF-BLOOD has chosen to STAY NEUTRAL which explains why HE is RESILIENT and FORGIVING, but also DETACHED and RETICENT. But who really knows?
Tumblr media
tw: kidnapping, murder, death, abuse
William Orpington was supposed to be a perfect pureblooded son. And, in many ways, he was - until he declared in his first year out of Hogwarts that he had fallen in love with a muggle girl named Victoria.
Will’s parents, upset by the scandal of it all, told him to pack up his things and leave. They only spoke again when Will and Victoria had their son, Jacob. Even so, however, Jake barely knew his grandparents, and only saw them about once a year to sit through awkward dinners.
For the most part, Jake was a normal kid. He got his Hogwarts letter when he was eleven, played Quidditch for a couple years, and got average grades in school. 
When Jacob was near the end of his sixth year, the Daily Prophet was doing a story on blood purity within the ministry. William made an offhanded comment about getting weird looks when mentioning his wife, a muggle, and shortly after, William and Victoria Orpington were found dead in their home. It was reported as a Death Eater attack. 
With only a few weeks left in classes, Jacob was excused from exams, and was supposed to be picked up by his grandparents on his mother’s side at the train station. However, when they arrived, he was already gone.
Jacob woke up in an unfamiliar room with his wand missing. He could do a bit of wandless magic, but when he tried to get out, it was no use. It was only when his grandparents came in that he realized where he was. 
Isabelle and Walter had heard murmurings that the death eaters were planning on going after Jacob as well, after what happened to his parents. Their solution was to hide him away, without anyone’s knowledge, because they insisted there were spies in the Ministry, and he wouldn’t be safe if anyone else knew where he was.
Jacob was not allowed off the property from then on without taking polyjuice potion, and without serious planning. Walter placed charms around the property to keep him from being able to disapparate, and they kept areas of the house locked so he couldn’t access most of the exits. 
Had to use polyjuice to go to his parents’ funerals. Very sad.
Jacob’s wand was kept locked in one of these areas, and he was only allowed to use it for schooling, which they insisted he continue from their home.
To the world, Jacob was missing, and presumed dead. There was no funeral, but Hogwarts held a vigil for him two weeks after he went missing, as some sort of closure for the other students. It was assumed that the death eaters got to him as well.
Being rather wealthy, the Orpingtons had a large property. Once the ministry had decided that he wasn’t there, Jacob was allowed out in the backyard - with charms having been placed to make it appear as if nobody was ever outside. He spent most of his free time out there, although he always wished there was enough room for him to go flying. 
He tried to escape several times. He failed, and was punished accordingly each time.
Jake hated being trapped, but his grandparents did try to make it as comfortable as possible. Any indoor hobbies he wanted to pick up, they supported, and they did show sympathy for what they were putting him though - but that didn’t make it any easier.
Jacob wrote letters to some of his close friends, to let them know that he was alright, and his grandparents told him they mailed them. They actually burned them.
He’s only been able to keep up with things by what’s been printed in the paper. So he knows some of the things that have happened in the last four years, but not much.
Wow this is long I’m gonna try and wrap it up
In the last year, he’s been devising another escape plan. He figured out where they have been keeping his wand, and has secretly been packing his trunk with things he thinks he will need. Finally, his escape plan worked, and he managed to get off the property long enough for him to disapparate. 
He managed to get himself to Hogwarts, figuring that it would be safer for him to be there rather than on his own in the world. So, he talked to Dumbledore upon arriving, and it was determined that all the training his grandparents had been doing with him was enough, as long as he caught up in his classes in whatever ways his professors deemed necessary, at this point in the year. 
Now, Jake basically has to kick his ass to get caught up, but since he was dead to the world for four years, his profs are fairly lenient with him and mostly are just giving him smaller versions of assignments so he can actually get it all done.
OKAY THAT’S ALL THE BACKSTORY INFO now for the random babble
He used to be very bubbly and friendly and loved to make people laugh. LOVED to make people laugh. Would play little jokes on his friends, all in good fun, and deliberately distract them when he could tell they were stressed. 
^Will still TRY to be that way but like he’s been locked in a house with only his uptight grandparents for four years sO YOU CAN IMAGINE
Was dating Corban in secret from the beginning of his fifth year until he went missing. So there will be a lot of tension there. Just for anyone curious.
Doesn’t really like to talk about what happened?? But will if asked
Very self conscious about people staring at him. But gets why they are.
Highkey trying to pretend like everything’s normal. Lol what a joke
Needs lots of love and hugs
He’s a teaching major and is in the knitting club. That’s kinda all he’s involved in - but I may throw him in as a Reserve for the Hufflepuff quidditch team at some point.
Bisexual af okay he will fuck anyone and has had no action fOR FOUR YEARS PLS GET HIM LAID
Pls love him
A lot of these will be like... connections he had before he went missing?? Because it’s not like he’s had any time with them in the last four years.
Friendships (any of these can have multiples)
Best friends: Jacob was and is really easy to get along with and can for sure have multiple best friends?? Also could be similar in personality to him and be a total jokester or be completely serious and he’d befriend them either way so Dorcas Meadowes;
Bad influence: He could either BE the bad influence or someone could be one on him?? In the past or present idm either
Good influence: someone that tRIES TO HALT THE CHAOS
Family friends: the Orpingtons were very well known and his dad was pretty well liked at Hogwarts, so there’s tons of options for this Anna Higgs; August Higgs; 
Basically siblings: They banter and bicker, or maybe they got along swimmingly - either way, it would have been really hard for both of them when he went missing.  Andrew Davies;
Confidant: Someone who like... knows almost everything that happened. They tell each other their secrets, and they’re there for him when he’s down. 
Distant cousins?? His mom’s family is muggles and his dad was an only child, but he could have a second cousin or really distant cousins?? Probably pureblood or one pureblood parent. 
Friends turned enemies: Maybe they were friends before but now there’s some weird tension or something?? Idk
Someone he just cannot get along with. Maybe they find him annoying?? Idk what to call this.
Romantic (not a ton of past options for these?? Sorry)
Friends with benefits: friends who hook up, I don’t think this needs much of a description. Like I said, he’s horny. 
Crushes?? Idk
Exes: Corban Yaxley; (maybe one more before Corban??)
Tbh I’m up for anything just DM me we can figure something out
Anything else??? I’m unoriginal pls lmk if you have ideas... pls pls pls.
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ferritin4 · 5 years
Titans Together part 2 (Gen Jon Kent/Damian Wayne)
A follow-up to This First Installment of my mildly absurd headcanon about aged-up Damian Wayne and Jon Kent, based off of the recent, and now ongoing, runs of Tomasi’s Super Sons. The first post got more interest than I expected -- the amount I expected was “none” honestly -- so I’m putting this up as well for you few who thought it was fun. It is fun. It’s a fun ship. This is set on the same visit, the next day.
“I have a meeting with my advisor,” Damian said, stepping over Jon to get to his desk. Jon pulled his blankets back onto the air mattress and rubbed his eyes.
“Cool,” Jon said. “Is the cafeteria open on Saturday mornings?”
The cafeteria was open.
Damian had demanded he go to some restaurant in town where Damian knew someone, but that didn’t matter. Jon hadn’t even intended to stay the night, but if he was here, he was here, and he wasn’t Damian. He could eat at a normal cafeteria like a normal person.
It was pretty sparse still, because Damian got up at like four thirty in the morning every day — Damian slept between zero and four hours a night most days, which still freaked Jon out a little bit, but if he was going to have a heart attack or a seizure or something he probably would have had it by now — so Jon was showered and dressed in his jeans and boots and one of Damian’s plain white t-shirts by five thirty. Damian didn’t just wear t-shirts around anymore, of course, and this was supposed to go under a dress shirt, but Jon wasn’t wearing one of Damian’s dress shirts. No way.
It was pretty warm for September, but he still needed something between a t-shirt and his jacket. Damian’s dorm or whatever was like, a whole studio apartment, with a closet that Jon probably could have slept in instead of next to the desk where Damian kicked him in the side by accident every time he wanted to get a new pen or something.
Damian probably would’ve kicked him in the side by accident even if Jon had slept in the closet. Jon had spent more than enough time in the Titans headquarters. He knew how Damian operated.
Damian had a couple of sweaters that didn’t look too fancy, for Damian. Jon had pulled a dark red one over his head and gotten his wallet and headed out.
The breakfast in the dining hall was eggs and bacon and stuff. Jon got like six pancakes at the pancake station; he was hungry.
“Hi,” he told the person at the cash register. “I gotta pay with money, like. I’m not a student. If that’s okay.”
“That’s fine,” the cashier said, and then the person behind Jon said, “I — are you — um, Kent?”
“Uh, yeah,” Jon said to Ms. Braxton, who looked even smaller standing up. Her hair was in a very ineffective headband and she was wearing a hoodie, pajama pants, and house slippers.
“Wow,” she said.
“Good morning,” Jon said.
“I can get your food,” she said suddenly, apparently recovering from whatever she’d been thinking, and shoved forward to give the cashier her ID card.
“Oh, no, don’t worry about it,” Jon said. “I can pay for my breakfast, Miss, uh, Braxton. For real,” he added when she blinked up at him.
“You remember my name?” she said. “And, no, I got it. It’s not even real money. It’s part of my tuition.”
Isn’t your tuition paid for with money? Jon thought, but it wasn’t like he didn’t know Damian. It wasn’t like he didn’t know a whole lot of people who ran billion-dollar companies and bought newspapers and banks and thought things like it’s not real money, if they even thought about it at all.
“Thank you, I appreciate it,” Jon said, following her to the condiments station. “Why wouldn’t I remember your name?”
“Because you were busy getting grilled by the devil himself?” she said. “I think I go into, like, a fugue state most of the time. Like my brain is trying to die while my body’s still alive.” She pumped a giant pool of ketchup onto her plate.
“Oh, yeah,” Jon said. He shrugged as well as he could with a tray in his hands. “It doesn’t bother me anymore. I guess I don’t know if it ever did? But I get it.”
“Other profs don’t bother me,” she said, steering them toward a table. “I’m not, like, a wimp, but he’s like — he’ll fail you as soon as he’ll look at you, did you know that? And he’s, like, I don’t know. He’s so mean. You have no idea.”
“He can be pretty mean,” Jon conceded, tucking into his bacon. He wasn’t going to sit here and try to convince someone that Damian Wayne wasn’t an asshole.
“So,” she said.
“Mgnh?” Jon said. He swallowed. “Yeah? Oh, I didn’t really introduce myself.” He wiped his hand off on his napkin. “I’m Jon.”
“I’m Hafsah,” she said with a weird look on her face. “Mitchell said your name was Jon.”
“Mitchell?” Jon said. He took a sip of his coffee. It tasted okay, but it smelled kind of funny. Whatever, it only cost a dollar.
“Derek Mitchell? He was sitting next to you?” she said, and Jon bit his tongue so he didn’t say, oh, sure, Sweater Vest.
“Yes,” Jon said instead. “He didn’t tell me his name.”
“We don’t talk a lot in that class,” she said, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Usually. You did.”
Jon put half a pancake into his mouth and chewed it while he tried to figure out what she was getting at, but it didn’t really help.
“I didn’t mean to,” he said finally. He hadn’t. He had mostly planned to ask Damian about it after class, if he remembered or if Damian hadn’t explained it already by then.
“Do you work with him?” she said, out of nowhere. Jon frowned.
“No?” he said. “He works here?” It was kind of a lie, but like, he didn’t think she was acting weird and confused because she’d figured out the whole Teen Titans thing.
“Liam Kendry, who is a tool and stalks all his professors online like a creep,” she said, “says that he works for some defense contractor sometimes. And that he works for his dad’s company.”
“Well, okay, yeah, but he’s been doing that since he was like si— sssoo long ago,” Jon said. Damian would have had his ass for that. “He works here,” Jon added in an effort to distract her from the world’s lamest half-lie. “He goes to school here. And that’s not how I know him. I’m just here to hang out with him.”
“What?” she said. “You’re here to what?”
“Hang out?” Jon said. She stared at him, eyes nearly as big as Sweater Vest’s — Derek Mitchell’s — had been.
“Is that some kind of weird slang for like, a start-up tech company thing? Or, like, some kind of military exercise?” she asked.
“No,” Jon said a little more sharply than was polite, because he was getting tired of this. “He’s my best friend. We grew up together. We hang out! We watch movies! I made him go mudding on the farm last spring, he hated it,” he added, smiling.
Hafsah’s mouth opened, but she didn’t say anything. It stayed open.
“Are you okay?” Jon asked.
A small piece of potato fell out of her mouth and landed on the table between her plate and her lap.
“Oh my god, that was disgusting, I’m so sorry,” she said, snapping back to life and frantically attacking it with her napkin. “Okay gross, gross, sorry. Ew.”
“It’s okay,” Jon laughed. “Are you okay?”
“Um,” she said. “I don’t know. You seem so nice.”
That was a real non sequitur, but she seemed awfully sincere.
“Thank you,” Jon said, trying not blush. “I, uh. I try to be.”
“Wayne doesn’t,” she said decisively, and Jon didn’t even try to fight his smile.
“No,” he said, “no, he really doesn’t.” He forked the last of his pancakes into his mouth and took a drink of coffee. Something in his coffee still tasted a little off, or smelled weird. It was cafeteria coffee, so he didn’t want to be mean, but it was definitely getting worse.
“Did you really hug him at the end of class?” she asked, her eyes a little wild. Jon grinned.
“He hates that too,” he said. “But he had it com—”
That wasn’t his coffee. Shit.
“I gotta go,” he said, lurching out of his seat. “I’m sorry, I just — remembered something I forgot to do.”
“You what?” she said, but he was already gone, bolting out the doors and onto the quad.
Shit, shit, shit, where was it coming from? Where was his map? Something was burning, something chemical and strange, and Jon didn’t know where anything was, where were the science buildings — he punched CALL on his phone and started running toward the smell. Thank God it was still early. Nobody was out, nobody was there to see him and say, hey, man, are you —
“I am in a meeting,” Damian’s voice said, sharp and annoyed. “Which I know I told you.”
“Where are the labs, the science, like, the lab buildings?” Jon cut in. “Dami, something’s, I don’t know where, something’s on fire and it smells like nitrogen, or metal.”
“Four hundred yards southwest of Waterstone,” Damian said. “This meeting is over,” he said, not to Jon, “I will reschedule at my —” and Jon hung up.
He rounded in the corner, past Waterstone Hall, up a flight of weirdly broad stairs. There were two buildings, pretty much identical, looming up, and where was it — oh. Oh no, he could see the smoke in the windows of the third floor.
Nobody was coming. There was nobody anywhere, no sirens. Smoke was starting to trickle out one of the windows, but no one was helping.
Well, Jon thought as a dark shape landed on the roof. Not no one. Not anymore.
Nobody was out here, though, which meant Jon could fly up and kick in the emergency door on the third floor fire escape without anyone calling the cops or a TV station.
Damian ducked in through the break room window as Jon came down the hall, and oh, whoa. Shit had been the right word. Yikes.
Smoke was pouring out the open door to the lab at the end of the hallway, acrid and sour and foul. Jon’s eyes were burning; his mouth felt like he’d been chewing on pennies.
“Fuck,” Damian said, covering his mouth. “Even I could smell this from the dining hall.”
“Why isn’t the fire alarm going off?” Jon said. “This should be,” he stopped.
“What?” Damian said. He punched the plastic box of the fire alarm until it cracked, then ripped it off the wall. Wires fell out in a tangle. “There's a short in the system. Jon?”
“Somebody is in there,” Jon said in horror.
He could hear their heartbeat.
The fire alarm surged to life, suddenly screaming.
“Okay,” Jon said. “Okay.” He could barely see the door through the smoke, but they were in there and they were alive, and he could find them if he listened hard enough.
“The local fire department’s response time to this location is an average of eight minutes,” Damian said. Jon turned to look at him. “So stop just standing there, Kent.”
Jon smiled.
“Right,” he said. “Don’t go anywhere.”
The lab was a blinding, suffocating wall of smoke, and Jon shut his eyes against the sting and listened.
They were… to his left. Somewhere to his left. He tripped over something, a chair or a stool, but it wasn’t burning. Some of the furniture was on fire, but most of the flames were coming from a fume hood on the far side of the room, nowhere near him, near him or near them.
They were right under him before he was sure of it, but they were breathing. A woman, in jeans and a puffy vest that had half melted in the heat of the room. She was breathing, she wasn’t moving but she was breathing —
Something made a very ominous cracking noise behind him.
He felt it before it happened: a wet splash of liquid on the floor as a bench collapsed and a pipe burst, and then a thunderous shudder of bottles and jars tumbling and rolling toward the side of the room that was mostly flame, and then that awful, familiar inrush of air before an explosion.
He dropped to cover her just in time.
The windows blew out; one of the lab's doors ripped off and went crashing out into the hallway. A piece of a desk hit Jon’s back, hard, and the ceiling on the far side of the room let out a miserable, terrible groan and started to sag.
Jon grabbed her and ran.
Damian wasn’t in the hallway, and Jon spared a terrified thought that maybe the lab's door had hit him, and he was — no, of course not; he was in the break room, halfway down the hall.
“Put her here,” Damian told him. “Is she breathing?”
“Yeah,” Jon said. “Hang on, hang on, I gotta,” he stripped the melted vest off her and threw it on the floor. Damian’s fingers were at her neck. He had a bottle of water from somewhere, and he was opening it as she began to cough.
“Oh, whew,” Jon said. “Wow.”
Damian looked over at him, his eyes sharp chips of green. Jon heard the heavy footsteps of the firefighters start up the stairs on the ground floor.
Damian’s gaze flickered down to Jon’s chest, then back up.
“Oh,” Jon said, looking down. Damian’s sweater was hanging off him in burnt strips, and the whole left shoulder of his t-shirt was missing. His jeans and shoes were okay — he’d kind of laid down next to her and curled up — but there was no way he looked like he should have all his limbs.
“I, uh, I think I need to leave,” Jon said.
“We need to leave,” Damian agreed. “The easiest roof access is just to the east of the window.”
“No, I need to leave,” Jon said. “You need to stay here and explain the fire alarm, and the getting her out of the lab and stuff.”
Damian rolled his eyes. “Nobody asks why they didn’t die in a fire,” he said.
“Somebody was obviously here,” Jon said.
“And when they’re gone, no one will—”
“She didn’t crawl out here and onto a table and not —”
“People do all kinds of things in critical, life-threatening situations,” Damian snapped.
“Not like this,” Jon stalled.
“Jon,” Damian said suspiciously.
“In here!” Jon yelled as the firefighters burst through the hallway doors, and then he lunged for the window.
He caught Damian’s eyes as he scrambled up to the roof, and boy, was he doubly glad he was impervious to fire today.
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14sincere · 5 years
I'm sorry about the call last night,
I was in a weird headspace yesterday and
I thought getting on call with you would make it
🌟 go away 🌟
but it did not
because we were both kinda doing our own things
and it like threw me
and I didn't really have much to talk about.
like i can tell you about how I'm failing my honours class--
because that's a thing that's happening--
and the new prof doesn't even give a shit
and I'm struggling to keep up with my workload and
I'm putting everything off until the last second so that
I get so stressed,
I shut down and
don't want to do anything but
you weren't in a good mood and
I didn't know how you'd react to that and
I don't know how you're gunna react to this now,
just waking up and seeing this massive wall of text.
I also never heard back from CAPS so
i don't know what the deal is with that and
I'm sorry for unloading all of this onto you but
I've already told you about all the good stuff and
this is all I have left, and like
there's even more than just this, too!!
i fucking miss!!!
and Gabe!!!
and Luna!!!
and my parents!!!
and some of my friends just make me feel so shitty that I have people to miss and
I'm so conflicted
because i feel like i shouldn't be missing them
but i do
and i dont know what to do about it
and I'm just sorry in general at this point.
cool so now i feel like I'm gunna cry and
i just still feel a w f u l
but like
i hope you wake up
and are refreshed
and have a great day today because
you're quitting the job you hate and
you're going to see your mom--
who is still there for you and not currently eight very big states away--and
you get to wake up and see your cats today
(please give them some extra love and affection from me)
I want you to succeed and be happy today and
get more hours at the Y and
get them to pay you more
because you love it there and you deserve it.
wow this really is a wall of text
womp womp
you already know what I'm going to say--
I'm SORRY about that!!!!
haha get it because I think everything is my fault
and there's no escape from this endless shitty cycle
and you're going to say "what are you apologizing for?"
and I'm going to say "everything"
and you're going to tell me that's not an answer
and I might stop talking or
I might keep trying to explain my apologies
but there's no guaranteed way this'll go.
and no, I'm not breaking up with you.
because i know that's something you're going to ask and
no, you don't have to read that entire thing.
i only hit send because you always ask me to tell you what's up and that's it.
that's whats up right now.
well I don't even know if I can tell
up from down
left from right anymore
because I'm drowning in this overwhelming sense of
and I don't even really know if I hate it all that much.
but it's fine.
I'll get up off my ass
and hop out of bed to go brush my teeth and change,
just like always,
and head down to the caf to get breakfast with my friends
and go about my day,
pretending nothing is wrong
I won't even bother to tell them when they ask
that something is very very wrong because
I can't put the damn feeling into words.
but I've been up here for over a month already
and I feel like I'm going mad because
there's nothing that happens on weekends to distract me from
an empty dorm and empty arms and the intense lack of YOU in my physical life.
and I don't even know where to end this
rant or
poem or
wall of text or
whatever I'm going to call it
because I don't want to end things
and I can't ever bring myself to
so I might as well just cut myself off here.
-CeK // 10;26 am // i shouldn't have hit send but this is the extended version, if you want it
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Gormless Ch. 4 - Dab on them Pineapples
A well-meaning friend gave me a book series that is hilariously bad. The first book was Souless and my riffs were entitled brainless. This second book is entitled Changless and these riff are then gormless.
I mean to say I have entitled them gormless! Not that my riffs are dumb, and the effort I spend on them stupid since I’m the only one who enjoys them. HAHA!
The story is SUPPOSED TO be about how a badass lady wearing a rad-looking carriage dress hits baddies with her umbrella and bangs her hot werewolf husband.  In reality it’s mostly poor attempts at being witty, flirty, and superior.
For the last book check out the brainless tag.
If you want the TL;DR version but want to read these new riffs anyway?
This story is set in supernatural Victorian steampunk England.  Alexia is our NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS protag.  She is a soulless, which means she’s able to negate the abilities of vampires and werewolves by touching them. She’s recently married a big oaf, named Lord Connel Maccon.  He’s the manchild in charge of the supernatural police with a zillion dollars and he’s totes super hot too ok.  Their relationship is mostly arguments about how Maccon can’t tell her fucking anything.  Alexia has also recently become head of ~Soulless affairs~ in Queen Victoria’s government.  She has a dumb friend named Ivy, a gay vampire friend named Akeldama, a family who’s evil because they do the same shit as her but while being blonde, and most importantly Alexia is better than everyone cause…cause.
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Last time on Gormless:
There’s some mysterious force that’s turning the Vampires and werewolves into humans. Alexia is in charge of figuring out that deal, and she is doing a bad job at it.  Her husband is in charge of the Supernatrual Police (BUR) so he’s going to Scotland about it.
There’s a dude named Channing who wants to punch and have sex with Alexia, and Ivy is getting married to some rich slub, even though she’s in wub with Maccon’s servant Tunstell.
Alexia’s hubby told her to go to a hat store for mysterious plot reasons, she brings her dopey friend Ivy.  The hat store is run by a hot lesbian and as they’re chatting BOOM an explosion! GOLLY WHAT’S NEXT!?
Chapter 4 - Dab on them Pineapples
This chapter starts off totally under described.  Basically the explosion shook the hats on their nice dangling hooks, and turned out the lights.  They don’t even describe it as unbalancing Alexia.  So the whole next bit makes so little sense.  She first reacts by feeling around for Ivy.  She finds Ivy has fainted…cause okay? Ivy is whispering about Tunstell though so she’s like, “YEAH MY FRIEND UNCONCIOUS ON THE FLOOR AFTER AN EXPLOSION IS FINE! BYE LOSER!”
She immediately starts scurrying around for that secret passage she thought she saw earlier. Finds it, goes in, and down an elevator. I just…I was so flummoxed that this was her first response?  All it would take for this to make more sense is to write, “It sounded as if the explosion happened below them, and Alexia would bet you 100 pounds that this secret passage would lead her straight to it. And what if someone was hurt down there?”
When she gets down there she finds a messy workshop, where a small explosion clearly took place.  She finds LeFoux yelling at a child and there’s a ghost lady just chilling there.  The gist of the conversation is that the child threw a rag soaked in ETHER into a huge furnace which caused the explosion.  The boy is just like, “lol it went bang.”  And Alexia thinks that’s hilarious and reintroduces herself. LeFoux has to remark that WOW ISN’T LADY MACCON SMART FOR FINDING OUT THE SECRET PASSAGEWAY? GOSH I KNOW I CONFIRMED IT TO HER MINUTES AGO! BUT SHE’S SO SMART!  The ghost is LeFoux’s aunt Beatrice, and the boy is introduced as LeFoux’s son Quesnel even though the two do not look related.
I also find it odd that LeFoux, the owner of this establishment, with a shop full of customers, just slips into the passage and doesn’t give a token, “DO NOT PANIC CUSTOMERS I’M GOING TO FIGURE OUT THE ISSUE, PLEASE STAY WHERE YOU ARE!”
Alexia praises the child for the explosion.  I can’t help but feel a bit exasperated by the book’s tone for this.  This child could have not only killed himself on a flight of fancy but perhaps a block worth of buildings full of humans in a crowded city, and the story treats it like he stole a pudding out of the fridge he wasn’t supposed to have.  But I mean, my job is to worry for the well-being of children and I have a habit of overthinking this shit so take that paragraph with as much or as little care as you see fit.
LeFoux punishes Quesnel and tells her aunt to take him away so she can have sexual tension with Alexia.  Alexia, you do not deserve the sexual attention of anybody except your dipshit husband. Leave the MacDougalls and LeFouxs for the more-deserving slutty, bisexual hate-readers okay.
Faps you realize you will never be able to have sex with a fictional character right?
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Faps why would you want to bang a fictional character in a story you don’t even like?
During some mild flirtation where Alexia first realizes women are hot, LeFoux explains that Maccon commissioned a gift that is ready for her.
It’s a huge ugly umbrella that takes a page to describe just its physical appearance, which was hard to follow.  My favorite detail is,
“The handle looked like something that might top an ancient Egyptian column, carved with lotus flowers---or a very enthusiastic pineapple.”
I don’t know what the fuck that’s supposed to mean but with that line I have decided that the handle of her umbrella looks like this:
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(Picture of a pineapple dabbing, while wearing bright red shoes.)
And you cannot convince me otherwise.
We spend a few more pages explaining what her James Bond styled umbrella can do. Which includes:
Shoots poison darts.
Can switch between a silver and wooden tip depending on if you’re stabbing vampires or werewolves.
Can emit a magnetic field which can disrupt steam engines temporarily.
Can spray different kinds of toxic mists which can kill humans, and severely injure werewolves and vampires.  
Okay sure, she gets a proper weapon with a lot of weird uses. Sure good!
So now it’s time for me to complain about some writing choices!
Much to my annoyance, every time LeFoux smiles at all (which is a fucking lot) instead of using multiple verbs and descriptors such as, “She smiles, grins, smirks, beams, looks amused/smug/delighted/etc.” She says LeFoux ~dimples~ 100% of the time. And I’m like nobody verbs dimples that way you fucking weirdo who writes like they’re 12.
There’s also this really clumsy pointless exchange where it’s revealed that LeFoux has made special equipment for Prof. Lyall, and she remarks that he’s a curious man. Alexia says he’s not a man at all (cause he’s a werewolf) and LeFoux remarks, “I, too, am not a man. I simply enjoy dressing like one.”
….This is like super clumsy and not how humans talk at all. And there’s no reason why you need to bring that up AGAIN at all? We can tell she enjoys masculine dress because…she’s described as dressing masculine. Like….why? 
Like I know this isn’t meant to be a complex novel, but like I feel condescended to how often unimportant shit needs to be brought up again and again. UGH!
So they head back upstairs, Tunstell shows up so he and Ivy can stare longingly at each other, and OH YEAH tell Alexia Lyall wants to speak with her.
You gotta do more for me to ship Tunstell/Ivy then like show them cozy with one another and shouting in my ear about how they pine for one another.  Like maybe some dialog besides, “How are you?” “Oh I’m fine”?
So Alexia goes to see Lyall. She struts in swinging her new umbrella like HEY! HEY! ASK ABOUT MY NEW TOY!  Lyall does not.  Lyall has his issues don’t get me wrong.  But I find it so refreshing that he refuses to feed Maccon and Alexia’s shitty little egos.
Lyall says the humanization phenomenon has been ~spotted~ again and it’s moving toward Scotland, a bit ahead of Maccon, who is also heading that way.  Maccon doesn’t know he’ll be meeting the mysterious soul-sucking power soon, which could be a problem since he’s only useful in the sense that he has powers.
Alexia takes note of this, and decides she wants to have Lord Akeldama and LeFoux meet cause that would be cool I guess.  That’s where we leave off.  I’m not sure if the two are going to get along immediately upon meeting or hate each other’s guts. I hope they hate the other’s guts cause I think that would be more entertaining.
Say something nice Faps:
These chapters don’t always end and start on similar notes. So it doesn’t feel repetitive.
Lyall, while not totally free from this writing’s bullshit, helps ground this material by being a voice of sanity. A lot of authors can get caught up in HOW FUCKING COOL THEIR PERFECT FUN CHARACTERS ARE and it’s just kinda refreshing that this author has enough self-awareness to realize how exhausting and irritating their antics/personalities can sometimes be. Or in the very least enough awareness of writing to know when to slow it done and take a breather.
 LeFoux is hot.
Since I have identified her new murder parasol as having a dabbing pineapple handle, all mentions of it conjure hilarious mental images for me.  She was described as cradling it like a baby, and swinging it wildly in order for it to fail to catch Lyall’s attention.
 I also kinda like how despite getting a badass weapon crafted for her, it’s hideous.  Like perhaps it’s for the humor sake, but I appreciate we’re not just going to steamroll how cool and great Alexia is. Even though she got this super rad weapon with all these functions without having to earn it. The item does have the downside of being tacky and heavy. You know?
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dearlinong · 6 years
college student!ziyi
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[hi! can I request a ziyi college/university au ?? thank you so much + ily ❣️❣️]
(A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON FOR REQUESTING THIS OOF. i had so much fun writing this au uGH my heart is fluttering. and this was longer and better that what i expected so i’m so happy. i hope you guys enjoy!)
genre: flaf
requested: yEAH BOI
you are the top student in your english class
and the final exams are nearing
actually it’s two weeks from now
so after your english class ended your prof asked you to stay for a while
‘y/n since you’re already the top student in my class you don’t need to take the final exam in english’
you internally screamed because it was your first time being exempted in something
‘but i have to ask you a favor’
he mentions that there is some guy named ziyi in the batch and that he’s really behind the subject, so you have to tutor him so that he wouldn’t have to fail and redo the subject
oh and you’ll get extra credit if he passes the exam
you didn’t know who this ziyi dude was, or how to contact him excactly
so you ask your friends if they knew who he was
and apparently he’s in a group who calls themselves nine percent????
and that they’re so popular around the campus
they also gave you a tip that they always hang out behind the school, near the old tree after school
so after school, you went there
when you saw them you were like
wOW, all of them look so cool and handsome
‘h-hello excuse me may i speak with w-wang ziyi’
all of them just stared at you
then this SUPER FUCKING HANDSOME DUDE stood up and said that he was ziyi
‘come lets talk in private’
he lead you away from the others so you two can have a little more privacy
‘whatchu want baby girl?’
you almost gaged at the name he said
‘im y/n, and i hope mr. chou informed you that i will be your english tutor for the finals’
‘well i hate to break it to you babe but, i don’t do english nor do i study for any exam’ he scoffed
you were currently in a ‘BOI IF YOU DON’T PASS THIS EXAM, MY FIST WILL FLY TO YOUR FACE’ kind of mood
‘but if you fail, wont you repeat the whole subject again?’
‘i don’t care, im-not-stu-dying, period’ then he went back with his friends
you went home so damn sad
bc you weren’t gonna get the extra credit
but you weren’t giving up just yet
all the free time you had you tried to persuade him into you tutoring him
but he would always ay no
so you followed him until he was going home after school
‘y/n aren’t you tired already?’ he asked
‘nope, i’m not gonna give up until you allow me to tutor you.’
‘fine, let’s make a deal, if i study with you and pass the exams, you wont bother me or be near me ever again.’
‘uhuh, and what’s in if for me?’
‘if i don’t pass then i’ll study with you everyday’
‘PSSHHHH DEAL’ then you held out your hand to shake his to seal the deal
you two then go to his house to start the tutoring
the first day went okay i guess
i mean he did fall asleep while you were teaching him all about verbals and shit
and he did waste 30 mins of the time just to get some food for you two
but all in all he did know a bit of what you were saying so thats good
day 6 ( oof stan day6 guys ), he has already learned so much and you personally think that he can pass the exam and even get a high score
but there was one problem
not only did ziyi’s english skills developed
but also your feelings for him
since every break time and even when you go home you’re with him
you saw his good side
he’s different from what people say he is
he would always look out for you
and put you first
at first you denied your feelings for him and saying that it was only temporary
but eventually you realized that you have a fat crush on ziyi
on the day of the exams you told him to do his best and that he should remember everything you taught him
while you were in the library waiting for the bell you literally prayed to every god and saint you know just to tell them to guide ziyi on his exams
when the bell rung you dashed through the hallways to find ziyi and ask him how did it go
eventually you did find him and he told you that he thinks he did great
and out of sheer joy you hugged him
not realizing that you were just making you feelings for him go crazy
‘are you available later?’ you ask
‘nope, why?’
‘well i just wanna treat you something because you did well during the study sessions.’
‘really? wow sure! i’ll pick you up in front of your room okay.’
after the last period ended, you saw ziyi leaning on the ledge in front of your room
you heart started racing uncontrollably
‘you ready to go y/n?’
you nod and then you two went off
you went to the nearby coffee shop which served almost every type of desert you can name
you ordered for yourself and ziyi ordered with you
you were about to hand the cashier the payment but ziyi was faster and handed his card instead
‘what are you doing? i thought i was the one treating you?’ you whispered
the smile killed you internally oops
you two then sat down and chatted of a little while and talked about yourselves
since you two didn’t have time to actually catch up and to know each other well because the two of you were studying for the exams
he also talked about how there was one question that he really didn’t know, so he just guessed lol
until the topic of the bet came forward
‘remember the bet i told you?’
‘you mean the ‘if you pass the exams i wont be in a 10 mile radius near you’ thing? then yes’
‘can we call it off? because i really wanna know more about you’
you can’t help but blush in this moment wtFFF
and you just played it off cooly by saying ‘yeah, we can be friends, i don’t see why not :)’
after that day you two still study together
and still go to that coffee shop together
and now you two hold hands?? anD KISS???
you two are definitely together now ;-;
the english test ziyi took
HE GOT 99%
yeAH, he didn’t get that one question
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mediocrethoughts · 4 years
Recalling the Past and Reading Someone’s Memories
Journal for November 12, 2020 (7:55 PM) to November 13, 2020 (5:02 PM)
I woke up at around 7:55 PM because of my alarm yesterday, November 12, 2020. I wanted to sleep some more because I felt really tired, but I needed to attend my class. When I looked in the mirror, I looked so dead with dark circles around my eyes. I was too tired to even wash my face so I just took a long sleeved shirt from the wardrobe and put it over the white shirt I was wearing yesterday before I slept. When I got accepted into the Google Meeting and when we proceeded with the class without Sir Hans asking us to open our cameras, I heaved a sigh of relief. At least I’d spare myself the embarrassment of looking so bad compared to when I was made up when we presented our reports last time.
Anyways, we continued to discuss about the Magna Carta and related it to the movie Dead Poets Society still. Along the way, it kind of still surprised me how some students weren’t able to watch it completely yet. It’s a good movie! The trick is to really try to enjoy yourself while watching the movie and just not think of it as something that you’re required to watch. That way, if you really enjoyed the movie (without the heavy feeling that you’re only watching it out of responsibility), you’d be able to easily recall scenes that you can relate to anything. Of course, going back and opening the file to properly recall the scenes you’re trying to recall helps as well.
We ended class early again! We finished Article V this time. There was actually a point in the discussion where we talked about inappropriate or immoral acts of teachers and stuff, and I wanted to input a gossip I heard from a schoolmate during my time in UP, but it seems that a lot of the other students had lots to share, so I didn’t volunteer to share (also because I’m not even sure now if it’s true or not).
I’ll just write it here! Actually, I had this professor for a law subject of mine during my first year days. He had broad forehead, which he also admits to having, but his body was lean, like you can clearly see that he has a flat tummy and probably some muscles hiding underneath the sophisticated clothes he wears. He was actually a lawyer as well as a professor there in UP before. Lots of us had crushes on him actually! He has two kids,but he seems to be separated from his wife, and what comes out from his mouth really seemed intelligent and pretty much, he was a really cool teacher.There was even one point when I thought he might’ve had his eyes on me because of an interaction once:
My friends and I were on the way out of the AS buildings when he was also on the way to the parking lot (we had to pass by the parking lot before we’re able to get out of the AS premises). As usual, I was ahead of my friends because I usually had my own world. He sort of asked us in general (if I remember correctly) where we were from. My friends answered first, and then I said I was from Yati. I think he said something along the lines of, “Oh wow! I’m from Yati as well. If you need a ride on the way home just let me know.” It was most likely a joke of course, but it got stuck in my head and my innocent (and presumptuous) mind thought of it too much.
 Anyways, when I turned second year, I heard a gossip about him dating a senior of ours in the BA Psychology course. I never really knew if there was any truth to gossip, but since there’s gossip like this, there should be a little basis, right? 
That story aside, after my class, I was so intent on doing something productive. I told myself, “Okay, I’ll be finishing one of my school requirements today.” However, I ended up telling myself again, “Fine! I’ll just do my school stuff after I finish this video of mine for YouTube. It only requires like 5% work left anyways.” Well, I failed because I got attached to my game again. I swear I hate myself and my addiction to games.
Around 11:30 PM, I started to get hungry. Because I was intermittent fasting, my proper feast time was supposed to be around 12:00 AM, however, since there was only a few minutes left, I decided I’d eat. Me, Nivan, and Amber went to the kitchen to look for food, and also wait for his order. Amber has been sleeping at dawn lately. I don’t know why but her yaya lets her sleep at around 5 PM in the afternoon so she wakes up at around 7 or 8 PM which means that she wouldn’t be sleepy around 10 or 11 PM which was supposed to be her sleeping time last week. I made a note to myself that I should tell the yaya to not her sleep in the afternoon tomorrow to make sure that she’ll sleep again in accordance to the Philippines’ timezone.
When the food arrived, we ate and then went back in again after. We’ve been giving Amber her YouTube videos lately (something we’re really guilty of doing), so she’s just stuck in bed with me, nursing and watching her YouTube. I started to get really sleepy, so... I fell asleep around 1:30 AM and left Amber awake watching her YouTube with Nivan. I kind of remember telling Nivan in a half asleep state to get her YouTube away from her at 2 AM even if she cries so that she’ll sleep. 
I woke up at around almost 6 AM in the morning and saw that my baby was sleeping on the bed where her head was near my back. I was facing the other way, so if I didn’t wake up and move around, I probably would’ve pressed on her head. Sigh, I don’t get why Nivan still doesn’t move Amber when she’s asleep. 
Anyways, I woke up wanting to work on my school stuff again, but then I saw that my Filmora app was still open. My video was still waiting for me to finish it, and so I decided I’d do it. I was recording my voice overs when when Nivan tapped my shoulders and told me that I promised him that I’d help with a video that he needed for his work. Agh! He also asked if I wanted anything to eat, which I said yes to since I have only eaten once during my eating window. So while he was away making food (or mandating ate Amy on what food to make, I’m not sure), I was editing the video he needed for his work.
By the time I finished working on his video, it was also time for an event in my game. Sigh. I got stuck playing the game again. The food that Nivan went out for earlier only arrived at around almost 9 AM (my eating window was supposed to end before 8 AM). I made a mental note to adjust my eating window again. A few minutes later, the choco chip cookies he ordered the other day arrived, so I thought I’d try some and just readjust my sleeping schedule again.
After eating, well... I sort of proceeded with finishing my video. I finally got to like 1% worth of work left, and then Amber woke up. I was also playing my game while editing the video (mostly playing the game, really), so when she woke up, I brought the iPad to the bed and played there while also talking to Amber. I was having a really bad migraine that time and I can’t seem to find my pain-killers. I was searching for it and playing (mostly playing, again) for an hour or so, until I finally found it right in front of my face... but hiding. It was underneath the laptop I was sitting in front of! When I finally took the painkiller, the pain subsided. 
I swear, I hate my migraines. Whenever it’s not there, I take every moment for granted. Whenever it’s present and pounding the right side of my eyes though, I definitely can’t wait for it to be over.
Well, around 1 PM, Amber blurted out that she misses her wowo and uncle (my dad and my brother), so I decided to video call with them. It’s been a long time since we went home to my place, and we really miss them. I’ll make sure to go there with Amber next week.
It was supposed to be my sleeping time already around 2 PM, however, since I slept at 2 until almost 6 AM, I wasn’t feeling sleepy. I also didn’t have anything to do in the game, and so I decided to download the book ‘The Diary of a Young Girl’ by Anne Frank. It’s actually a book that we’re required to read for our Prof Ed 2 class, but boy when I opened it, I got really interested! Reading this book might be something I’d really enjoy, after all. It wasn’t the lengthy type every ‘chapter’, instead it was really like how diaries are supposed to be.
While reading her diary, it made me want to write on this again. So while reading her entry for July 10, 1942, I decided to spring out of bed and start writing this journal before I lose my will to get out of bed and write anything. 
So far, I am not yet on the brutal or sad parts of her diary and it made me realize that this historical girl was just a normal girl before everything that happened to her happened. On her first entries, she sounds like a presumptuous teenager to me. (I can say this because I never called anybody an ‘admirer’ of mine if they were just staring at me all day, especially when I was still 13 years old. They had to tell me straight to the face that they admire me before I brand them as my admirer in my head... although I was already assuming that they were indeed admirers, I knew that I was too shy to admit it, even in my own writing. So having read that she boldly thinks they were her admirers, and also putting her really honest thoughts like disliking someone, and even describing their flaws as a person in her own diary, she was a really honest-to-oneself person. I envy her.)
I’ll continue reading the book now! I don’t think I’m gonna sleep anytime soon since I still have class at 6:00 PM so I’ll just wait for it and finish it then sleep.
I’ll write here tomorrow again!
Yours, Angel
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yoshimickster · 7 years
RWBY Volume 5 Ep 1 Recap(plus shorts)-HERE WE GO(spoilers)!
Shorts will be recapped in a few sentences cos...well they short.
Weiss flashes back to her sister Winter foreshadowing that the’s next to die while sitting on a train. SORRY WINTER QROW SHIPPERS-her time is nigh.
Blake flashes back to her friend explaining why she fights for civil rights when she passes for whit-I MEAN-human! Yup, human, ALL while failing at an attempt to stop Adam “I love teenagers” Taurus’ plans.
And Yang flashes back to the time her and her sister were almost killed by a bear because Ruby couldn’t do dick without a weapon at the time-RIGHT BEFORE-ironically saying she’ll always be by her side...ALL while riding a motorcycle aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelf!
Basically three sad flashbacks-THERE YA GO!
The episode starts out SWINGING with team RNJR criticizing the show’s logic of having them walk all the way to Mistral, and joking about how Qrow almost died. HAHA death.
1:04 We are then treated to what only looks like rejected character and background designs to Legend of Korra and/or Avatar the last Airbender! Don’t get me wrong, nice drawings, but don’t they have the budget to freaking animate crowds anymore?
1:33 Qrow gives brief Mistral backstory right before-SURPRISE AIRPLANE MOTHER FUCKERS! You are shocked, do not lie.
1:44 Weiss has WITTY banter with the airship pilot of cargo ship three-THE FIGHTIN’ TRES-where Weiss hears a cry for peril which the pilot ignores...kinda...kinda dark.
3:07 We are then treated to the city, where...no-one is anywhere...throughout the whole town...you know you can only use Grimm attacks to not animate crowds in large spaces for SO long Rooster Teeth.
Nora: Maybe try...LOUDER?!
Damn Nora, when you get sassy?
Thankfully Qrow points out how it makes no sense that there are no CGI models running around-AND SPRING INTO ACTION!  
4:31 They close in on a door and find-SOME OLD MAN THEY MAKE FAINT...FAKE OUT! Next thing you’ll tell me is that his name is Spencer Pokensensen and that he’s a servant of the courts.
4:50 As for what HORRIFYING event caused him to not greet them at the gate it turns out...HE FORGOT...are all headmasters incompetent? Ozpin didn’t see team MEAN until they struck, and this guy is forgetting meetings, what the hell?
5:05 Team RNJR introduces themselves all saying there names as if fans forgot-OR-for those weirdos who start a show in its fifth season. Yeah I know you exist-AND YOU’RE SCUM!
5:12 The new Headmaster’s name is....Leonardo Lionheart...I don’t have a joke for that, that just sounds AWESOME!
5:36 Qrow reveals he told the team about the ancient mystical glow orbs of destiny, and Nora does her perfect impression of every fandom ever:
“...SO-is this not going how anyone thought it would?”
But enough about that-
...my god...THEY AGREE ON SOMETHING! FUTURE FATHER-IN LAW AND SON IN LAW BONDING! Er...POTENTIAL future father in law, heh heh(Bumblebee fans don’t hate me please).
Kali: Well at least you two can finally agree on something.
This is why I love you Kali, you are absolute purity in this magical Harry Potter meets X-men meets M.A.S.K. world.
Blake: Guys, everything’s gonna be okay.
...Blake...being positive...I am scared.
6:20 Blake is revealed to have an unnamed body-gaurd whom the fandom will attach a personality to WHILE ILIA DROPS IN...okay they HAVE technology in this world, she should’ve tripped off some damn motion sensors-SPEND SOME MONEY GHIRA!
Ilia then reveals that she took the fall for those creepy fox...brothers? Or are they married? I’m cool with either, I just want some background on who were originally supposed to be the main villains of volume 1(seriously, look it up).
8:00 SILENT PRINCIPAL’S ROOM-get ready for dramatic exposition babies!
Leo reveals the reason for a lack of teachers and students is OF COURSE-because of the Grimm...ironically from the Vale attack, DAMN this show is good at long lasting consequences.
9:13 OH WOW-Atlas is being a problem? Know what else, WATER IS WET!
9:42 OBLIGATORY RENORA SITTING TOGETHER MOMENT-there ya go you ship-hounds!
We are THEN told that each Maiden can open a specific door with their own abilities...I keep making Avatar parables, but that sounds RATHER Avatar, you know like in Volume 1 with the fire temple?
“She was determined at first, but the weight of responsibility proved too much for the child”.
AND THEN THERE’S THAT-that is AANG mother fucker!
11:30 Typical Avatar, runs away from home, gets picked up by bird bandits-WON’T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!
Leo: DAMMIT QROW, you don’t have a search warrant!
Qrow: SCREW YOUR WARRANT-lives are at stake!
14:06 OOOH-poor Johnny boy, he REALLY wants him some revenge on Cinder.
15:06 But thankfully they make a logical compromise and-HOLY SHIT-he was lying because of Watts! I thought he was tricking him or some shit, this is WAY more interesting!
15:30 HEY-its that end scene from volume four! HOORAY FOR CYCLICITY! 
16:31 WELCOME TO JUST RITE-for all your Seven Elleven gas station allegorical needs!
...wait that place has a BAR?! Its a gas station...where people go to feul their vehicles...and serves alcohol...thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat is a messy combination.
17:30 Yang gets hit on by a drunk guy, then hits him SO HARD he bounces like four time! What is his semblance having a body made of rubber?
18:01 AH-Yang does the Archer drink finger-AWESOME!
18:18 WELP-we got our answer, she went after Raven-COMMENCE ALT-U FAN STORIES NOW!
18:56 Hey girly, I heard your looking for someone!
Damn, literally the ONLY TIME in history when getting hit on by a drunk creepy guy pays off!
19:00 OH DAMN-spooky music, WHO COULD IT B-oh its just Oz...didn’t we know that all ready in the trailer? And did we need a second pointless fake-out? A TAD superfluous.
I would also like to point out this is the ONLY time a man getting drunk and taking an underage boy home with him is okay, the ONLY time!
We then close out the ep with Oscar introducing his Bishie ass to the group as Oscar Pine(mother-fucker’s name was a play on the Prof’s name, twas DESTINY), reveals he’s mother-fucking OZPIN, all while the drunken old man on the couch REJOICES! HOORAY FOR ACCIDENTAL SUCCESS!
We’re also treated to the NEW theme song, lots of action, lots of fighgint, bitter sweet messages yadda yadda, you know how it goes. 
WELCOME TO VOLUME FIVE BABIES-this has been MicksteRecap with Yoshimickster, hope we can be pals this season!
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thatnerdyblondegirl · 7 years
92 questions tag!!
Thank you @youngjaesloudlaugh for tagging me in this extremely long questions tag. It’s been a few months since I answered this but I’m gonna be honest here and say that I was too lazy to redo everything so... I copied my last post and changed a couple of answers. Hope you enjoy!!
LAST… [1] drink: water [2] phone call: my parents, cause I always call them on sundays [3] text message: to a new friend I made [4] song you listened to: Mercy- Shawn Mendes (we went bowling and they played it there) [5] time you cried: idk it’s been a while... like a day HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: nope [7] been cheated on: that would require me to be in an actual relationship so… no [8] kissed someone and regretted it: oh yeah [9] lost someone special: yeah.. [10] been depressed: every single day of my life [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: drunk: yes, thrown up: never (very proud of my body for not getting hungover or such things) LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLORS: [12] blue [13] purple [14] black
[15] made new friends: yep (internet and irl... wow i have irl friends) [16] fallen out of love: you can’t fall out of love if you’ve never been in love [17] laughed until you cried: everytime I watch Shane Dawson or Buzzfeed Unsolved [18] found out someone was talking about you: i don’t think so and if so i blocked it out [19] met someone who changed you: oh yeah [20] found out who your true friends are: still trying to figure that out (update: still don’t really know) [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: that would be awkward for multiple reasons so no
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: like 95% of them [23] do you have any pets: i had a dog but he died last summer [24] do you want to change your name: nah i like my name [25] what did you do for your last birthday: well i was sadly sick in bed so not much [26] what time did you wake up: I woke up at like 6 (it’s so early and I hated it) [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: ummm.... probably watching YouTube [28] name something you cannot wait for: my bachelor’s degree [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: on her birthday in April [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i could handle my life better [31] what are you listening to right now: All I Wanna Do- Jay Park feat Hoody and Loco [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah! he’s my best friend’s boyfriend (I set them up together :)) [33] something that is getting on your nerves: just life in general (and profs trying to fail me) [34] most visited website: i think it’s a tie between Tumblr and YouTube [35] elementary: been there, done that [36] high school: those were the days [37] college: barely surviving it [38] hair color: blonde (hence the name ;)) [39] long or short hair: long [40] do you have a crush on someone: only on kpop idols [41] what do you like about yourself: *silence*… i guess my fashion sense is alright [42] piercings: nope [43] blood type: it’s something negative [44] nickname: well… a reserved few get to call me Dani [45] relationship status: forever alone and to lazy to do something about it [46] zodiac sign: virgo [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: does anime count? if so: Inuyasha. if not: The Originals [49] tattoos: don’t have any but i want one [50] right or left hand: right
FIRST… [51] surgery: i had to get my polyps taken out when i was three [52] piercing: none [53] best friend: i think her name was Maddie [54] sport: soccer (but i wasn’t very good) [55] vacation: i dunno, my parents went on a lot of vacations with me as a baby, but the first one i remember was in Disney World [56] pair of trainers: no idea
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: my feelings. jk nothing [58] drinking: water [59] i’m about to: maybe go grocery shopping but .. it’s so HOT!! [60] listening to: Dilemma- Infinite [61] waiting for: life to get easier [62] want: to get my life together [63] get married: let me find someone first! (i mean geez who are you, my mom?) [64] career: i need that degree first ;) [65] hugs or kisses: how bout a high five? [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: taller (i wanna know what it’s like to be tall) [68] older or younger: i don’t really care [70] nice arms or nice stomach: can’t i have both?! (but if I had to choose: arms) [71] sensitive or loud: sensitive [72] hook up or relationship: relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? define stranger… did i know his name when i kissed him? no. Did i know afterwards when we went on a date? yes [75] drank hard liquor? of course! [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? no!! that would be tragic because i would be blind as a bat [77] turned someone down: yeah [78] sex on first date? god no! [79] broken someone’s heart? yeah… [80] had your own heart broken? more times than i can count [81] been arrested? nope [82] cried when someone died? oh yeah [83] fallen for a friend? yeah… it was that awkward teeny phase
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? haha yeah right [85] miracles? sure, why not? [86] love at first sight? you can’t fall in love with just a face. You fall in love with their soul [87] Santa Claus? i stopped believing since i was like six [88] kiss on the first date? i mean if there’s chemistry… [89] angels? absolutely!
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: Cindy [91] eye color: blue with a hint of green [92] favorite movie: A Million Ways To Die In The West (Seth MacFarlane is just too funny)
I know you’re supposed to tag like 20 people but... that’s not gonna happen: @emotwatt @penguin-neckpillow @literally-just-yoongi-trash @glazedbangtan @sahubert @sophiaiskindasad ... you guys are tagged but I can also understand if you don’t want to do this cause it’s a LOT! Also if any of my other followers want to do this, be my guest
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whitefall · 7 years
#...........................................................................................................................................#wow i am so upset#one of the things i really hate is when someone tells me one thing#so i plan something based on what they said#and then suddenly they completely changed their mind#it's happened to me so many times before#egh#like my friend told me that we were done with our project on mon#and i was like okay cool! are you sure? we could still work on it to make sure it's really good#(since we don't know the criteria for grading) (and our prof said actually a lot of ppl fail)#and she was like yeah#and we ended our lil meeting early because she didn't think there was anything more to look at#and so i planned to go home!!#and usually i use my credit card and buy the ticket like 1 hour before i know i'm going home#just to be sure#but today my dad was like#let me by it for you since i need to use this specific credit card to get airline mileage points#and then he was like are u sure u can come!! me: yeah!! him: sure? me: yeah!!#and so he bought it#and now we can't get a refund!!!#idk what to do#also i'm upset because i was being so nice to the friend because she never did projects with anyone#and i was the one who asked him and i'm pretty sure she just said yes because she felt pressured#and my intention was we would work together for all the projects this semester#so i always worked around her schedule and stuff so she wouldn't regret doing the proj with me#and now this d:#like i told her the truth#and now she's going to be like wow tanya's such an irresponsible idiot#tanya has no responsibility and i could prob fail the project bc of tanya cuz she has no commitment or sense of completion#d::::
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thegeminisage · 7 years
hella spoilery zeldablogging from earlier tonight
feel kind of bad cause i had to look up the gerudo maze desert thing but i was SOOO close on my own
oh my god there's a lady over here by this shrine failing at cooking and all the recipes she teaches me give me dubious food
there are PILES of rotting garbage that have flies around them and the thing in the pot is sending up this black cloud of smoke lmao
wow the blood moon came in the middle of me clearing out an enemy camp :/
good god there's a stable out here in all this deep snow? how?? would the horses not, like, die?
aww beedle's here but he's cold ):
WOW you can upgrade the boy gerudo clothes but not the GIRL ones? that is SEXIST
oh noooo shield surfing DOES damage your shield i hate this i love my current shield what if i can't find another!!!!!
lol the ridge tower si surrounded by water and electric enemies. Great
omg i found the royal lab ruins ):
ok, i gotta begin prioritizing here
while i'd LIKE to complete all 120 shrines before i beat the game just for the armor, i don't think that's going to be possible - i haven't even unlocked some of them yet bc i don't have the snowballs or the quest takes so long
but the most important thing to me is memories
so after i check out all the ridge shrines on this map i'm gonna get the hyrule field map as well and get those memories
and i'll just save a lot and if i fuck something up and trigger endgame stuff i'll reload
god idk how to do this trial on the thunderplanes so like...im gonna let it be
see? i could never do all 120 before tmrw night
PLEASE this memory i just got was so cute zelda was being a nerd over plants and caught a frog she wanted link to eat :')
i love this zelda like i'm super not crazy about her voice actress sounding much older than i think of her as, and the fantasy british accent, but she has so much more personality than many of the others
ah, and i see now why she loved the silent proncess so...can't be grown domestically, only thrives in the wild
much like herself if you watch some of the other memories haha she feels trapped by her own destiny that's easy to see
i think it's super clever how even with a map you still have to look around for shrines bc they are hidden semi-underground
and i wish i had more time to stop and enjoy the little things like that, but i CAN come back and explore later, i can't unlearn a plot point
this spoiler fear might be a little baseless...tbh i also want to finish the main story tho bc like
i want it to be something i play in my free time, not something i obsess over 24/7 and HAVE to play and think about all the time
it's been a beautiful fun and absolutely life-changing experience but also it's been two weeks and i gotta get back to my actual life, i can't be Like This indefinitely
i'm kinda stunned that it took me this ling tbh? like, even skyyward sword was like a week and a half the first time iirc and i did that at like, a pace where i could stop and explore, i remember thinking how huge skyward sword was
omg im so glad i decided to ride epona down to where i need to go next rather than fast travel + walk bc 1. faster maybe? and 2. THE MAIN THEME PLAYS WHEN YOU'RE ON EPONA OVER THE NORMAL HORSE THEME i could weep
i solved the puzzle! this time im talking to him BEFORE i go in
he told me it was stupendous ;_; thanks pal
aw dude another memeory and it played the trailer music but
is zelda really only SIXTEEN about to turn seventeen? how old is link?? i guess under 21/18 if they wouldn't let him drink...
jesus, they're just babies ;_;
also, she quoted link's horse advice so like
this + the dialogue options gives the feeling that he does actually speak, you know? so as much as i love mute link i also like these glimpses into his personality as well, bc he's always been such a blank slate
he's empathetic, playful, sometimes downright goofy, and very tenacious - confident, but not in a cocky way, and obviously always a bit shaken when he gets a memory back
it's nice getting to know him a bit, even if you have to patch most of it together - kinda like narrachara lol
;w; it's so nice to have epona gallop over when i call her again
omg i think i found kass's house! i see his journal :3
haha i got this song "when the blood moon rises stand naked on that platform" ok nintendo
i wonder if you get all the puzzles do you get to tell him who you are ):
im tempted to unlock this one now lol
like, it takes a long time to get here and it's almost the blood moon
SIGH this is gonna take awhile but it'll save me time later
oh lmao it was JUST the blood moon so i'd actually have to wait a SUPER long time nvm tbh
well. welp. welly well well
i guess.......its time for hyrule field tower
Im Scared
wow. holy shit. i can see the great plateau from here...and it looks so small. i can see the temple of time, i can see the tower from which i first saw hyrule castle. i can even see the little path i nearly followed, when catching sight of my first moblin and becoming curious, before i got myself back on track. damn. Damn. i have come FULL CIRCLE, holy shit
and like, it's just the way i played it. hyrule castle for last. but you know? i love that shit. journeys ending the way they began. gets me in the feels every time
i'll be honest, THIS i could really stop and explore. forget those awful snowy mountains. this is where the #history is
oh god. i see a guardian down near that tower. please god don't let it be a mobile one
i saw two still ones and relaxed and a mobile one snuck up RIGHT FUCKING BEHIND ME
i don't wanna stop and grind but i worry i might HAVE to get some guardian armor before i can do this, even just one piece...!
i have a diamond circlet so all i'd need from the prof is the chest and/or legs........oh god. jesus fuck
motherFUCKER the range on those still ones, i wish i had been able to take them out...!
oh jesus i made it
this is it. final tower. thank fuck
there'll be more guardians, way more. i gotta at least check and see if i can afford some arrows without setting myself back further for the armor
i think i had all the mats i needed actually i just needed cash...maybe i can cook to earn some since i sold my monster parts
k, i only have enough gears for the chest OR legs, and i don't have enough rupees for either... :/
i COULD buy some arrows and still have enough mats for the armor but then i'd be setting myself back HUGELY re: rupees
ok, i FINALLY got the chest, jesus, now i can go back to hyrule field
altho it doesnt have any def and without even going to the fountain i know i cant upgrade it so rly is it worth it at all, but w/e
also, i read online that if you can learn the timing of parrying their lasers they go down REALLY easily but i suck so much at combat
i guess i'll just wear my anti-guardian stuff, i have daruk and mipha's abilities and fairies AND FAST TRAVEL if anything goes wrong
YES i did it holy FUCK
oh my god! three-shotted!
i just climbed a small hill and got my first look at the rolling green plains...i missed you
no, no, i gotta go get epona to make this perfect, there's a stable i can warp us both to
omg it's the very first people i ever encountered outside the great plateau again
NOOO i hit epona when i was aiming for a monster baby i'm sorry!!!
i gave her an apple and some pats to say sorry ;w;
"legend says that an ancient voice resonates inside that sword...can you hear it yet, hero?"
frankly i'm glad they finally got their timeline shit together bc even tho the games are SO far apart im LOVING these continuity nods
yeesh, only two memories left but they're both RIGHT at the castle...im scared LOL
): i wouldn't feel right taking epona any further
reasons i never have money: cannot physically stop myself from buying arrows
oh, hyrule field is just beautiful ;___;
ohh god im scared
its fine its fine they wouldnt put a memory that close to the castle and then make you go back to impa if hat wasnt POSSIBLE its gonna be ok
awww no zelda sees link as a living reminder of her own failures?? whyyy
ha i love fighting guardians for the first time in ages im like COME TO ME LET US BATTLE
im uh. still working on the timing, but
my mouth fell open in horror i climbed over a wall to get to the outsideish of the castle (castle town ruins, so says my map) and
the music was already creepy but jesus CHRIST
there's no color except for that blight evil goop stuff...no life...it's awful
poor hyrule, oh god
it's a lot like finding hyrule castle town devastated in oot when you first wake up, except of course this time we've nothing to compare it to visually, only emotionally...
i see a fuckton of guardians too so its a good thing i learned not to be scared of them
ok, god, i can do it, just one memory, i know RIGHT where it is
apparently the hylian shield is in here too and i am sooo sorely tempted
i mean if i have to get that fucking close anyway...
lord i googled it and apparently this memory is super hard to get you gotta Activate some shit but they did it this way they made it so you have to go back out i know i'll be able to come back out i WILL
ah, apparently you need to fight a stalnox for the hylian shield.ok. ok. good, great, Nice, Perfect
haha im soooo scared ;_;
ok, apparently the two paths are COMPLETELY different, so One Thing At A Time
we'll start with the memory, it's more important
tbh, i can't even bring myself to go in. i gotta go around anyway to get to the starting point of this path so i will
lmao i am almost PHYSICALLY ILL with dread this is SO stressful
the music went all scary and the map is in 3D like a beast!! which i knew but it's so Much
and i got a cutscene of the calamity screaming with the Classic ganondorf theme i'm Dying how the fuck does anyone just get this memory and LEAVE holy shit
oh my god the main theme comes in!!! jesus
even ballad of the windfish a little?!?!
oh FUCK and ofc with the lightning
haha aww there's a "leave area" button on the map i can bail whenever i guess tat's reassuring
not yet!! i'm gonna have Courage
ohhh i dipped into a doorway just to wait for revali's thing to recharge and the music changed!! so i got scared and went back outside lol
oh god the higher you go the oranger the sky turns it looks like the blood moon jesus fuck
oh god, zelda's STUDY, the rooms all have names bc ofc they do
holder of the triforce of wisdom of COURSE she had a study she's such a nerd im crying i bet she loved it here and it's totally decimated
a silent princess sprouted in her study too ;_;
oh good there's the memory!!
ohhh this picture of how it used to be is hurting my heart it was BEAUTIFUL
holy FUCK dude
ok old man is struck from my heart forever he was such a DICK to zelda no wonder he called himself a fool
link knelt right away but god damn i would have interjected on her behalf
you can't expect a person to pray 24/7!!!!
and deny her her passions, which are obviously machines and learning!
omg she has a journal in here and i almost missed it jesus
omg this is her finding the sheikah slate!!!
jesus, and she found the shrine of ressurection too and hoped she'd never have to use it, and Yet...
oh GOD i hit leave area and it plucked me down in the middle of castle town nope nope nope fast travel outta there
ok to impa and then last memory i can do it and then do stream
and for once not play again afterwards bc to be quite frank i could never stress myself out this bad right before bed again, FUCK
hylian shield and all the rest of it tomorrow
h o ly fuck
he DIED protecting her, or he was going to, but she stood in front of him for once and finally unlocked the power, that's how she unlocked it, for HIM
i'm WEEPING and the sword made the fi noise from SS
even the sheikah warriors ran like sheik in smash bros
im gonna cry that was so much!!! there's so much continuity
fi is in TWO GAMES like...that was such direct referencing!!!!
ok, im gonna watch all the memories in order and then quit for the night
i just realized the ceremony scene is where she mentions embers of twilight and adrift in time - putting us on the mm/tp timeline
aaaah im sad
god and i LOVE her princess dress i wanna see it in her classic pink why is everyone in this game blue??
so like, despite me not being crazy about zelda's voice ACTRESSS and the VOICE she's using, she actually does the best ACTING out of the entire cast
high key loving this zelda who is smart but has trouble with feelings, also
holy SHIT
ok so one of the first memories i got was of zelda coming down mt lanayru
amd it was badass and i enjoyed it
but there's SO much in there once you know more context
mipha was highkey about to spill to zelda that she was in love with link
revali's distain for link
urbosa seems less stern and more caring now that i know her better
now i know what zelda was trying so hard to do
"we have to keep trying until we find the thing that unlocks your sealing power [long shot of link]"
and "i'm not a child anymore" ofc it's bc she just turned 17! like link in oot!
oh man oh man
i love so much link's expressions in these serious moments especially that very last look into zelda's eyes before he "died"
it feels a bit like, with the other stuff i was talking about, i'm getting just a hint of character
and it's kinda close to My Headcanon but even if it wasn't i just like getting to know him
warped back to the temple of time & i'm leaving it there for the night
tomorrow: The End
(and my shield)
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