#like y'all need to know this is Costuming. this is Thought.
theajaheira · 10 months
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i have so many feelings about giles's costuming and what it says about him every season -- i thought it only fitting to explore what giles and jenny's outfits would look like in a timeline where she's alive! so i drew one set of calendiles outfits for every season, plus an extra bonus post-series situation with some, uh, accessories.
some much more meta thoughts under the cut!
s3: i was thinking a lot here about giles's canonical stiffness & his retreat into the identity of Watcher to cope with jenny's death, and, well, if jenny's alive, i think his journey would be very much the inverse of that! so we have an outfit for him that, as in canon, is still clearly connected to what he was wearing in the prior seasons -- but rather than going harder on the tweed and the three-piece suits, he's let go of ties and jackets to step more towards a gently business casual kind of look. funny how that look is also much more huggable. makes you think.
jenny, meanwhile, has an outfit that very clearly showcases how giles has similarly influenced her! she's got a bespoke tweed jacket -- NOT a borrowed one, that is HERS -- and she's wearing slacks. still very stylishly jenny, just with a touch of giles's style integrated. she's the one wearing the tweed, though; she's feeling more confident in the relationship and much more willing to put down roots and take things seriously.
s4: not a lot to say here. giles and jenny are unemployed and being adorable about it. this is a timeline where giles's whole Depressed Purposeless Patriarch thing does a hard swerve into slightly manic empty-nester bliss with jenny, who is also a little bit off-balance without a job. this is also a timeline where the scoobies do not ever have to be reminded to knock.
s5: this is a season where giles and jenny are feeling very mutually comfy in their relationship and their clothing reflects that! very business power couple. they've each got signature colors that are reflected in their partner's accessory and the shared design on the skirt/tie. they are in harmony. also, giles has his earring in for this and all other subsequent drawings because after jenny finds out about it in s4 she never lets him take it off.
s6: anyone who's been following me for a little while has seen me talk about the calendiles almost-divorce in season six. this is that. jenny's got rainbow hair that's much shorter than usual because she is going a little manic after her husband jetted off to england. her outfit is very simple and black and miserable. 'nuff said.
s7: the obvious follow-up to the calendiles almost-divorce! giles and jenny are tentative, but they're also wearing each other's colors (that probably is giles's sweater, tbh) and jenny is wearing her little rose quartz necklace (all about healing!!!) so that's a good sign.
post-series is entirely just because i think it would be cute. it is worth mentioning though that 1) giles and jenny would have the world's most terrifying daughters & 2) giles is obviously the one who is wearing the baby.
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insightstaff · 4 months
In a shocking twist of events, my cosplay motivation is back stronger than ever and now I'm in the spot of "just finished the current project and I SHOULD take a long break, but I wanna work on the next one sooooooo bad and I can't" 😔
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retroellie · 4 days
Little black dress
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Summary: After wearing a little black dress that gave nothing to the imagination, Daryl decides to drag you to the bathroom and remind you who you belong too.
A/N: It's been awhile y'all! Omfg, I have been so busy writing a book that started out as a passion project but now I'm like really into it lol. But this is filth, and honestly took me 6 days to write no mf joke. It didn't really read through it so it might be messy lol, anyways miss y'all!! enjoyyy <3 (also it is so fucking long, omfg...I'm used to writing long chapters in my book HKAHKSHFJA)
Warnings: Sexual harassment, public sex, face fucking, unprotected sex, BDSM, mentions of SA (kinda?), just men being gross tbh, dirty talk
Word count: 13.7K
It had been years since you actually had to worry about what you were wearing, even longer since you had to dress presentable. But here you were, caressing every inch of your body trying to decide if your short black dress was "presentable" or plain slutty. You were teetering towards plain slutty, the way it hugged your curves slightly... showed a bit too much of your scared-up legs, you're breast perking to attention as if they were made just for it.
You examined your body, wondering what everyone would say if you showed up to something so classy wearing this. The dress code was nothing special, "Halloween costumes and formal!" the flyer said. You had nothing that would be considered either of those, maybe you're old bloodied shirts from before the commonwealth... you could dress like a walker. However, you had to look approachable... as if you were a reporter of some sorts.
You sigh softly, brushing your hair from your face as you exited the bathroom. You don't even know why you cared so much, it's not like you actually wanted to go to this stupid ball. You were only going because you were helping Connie out with her story. You promised her that you would talk to some people there, and write down their opinions of the commonwealth. You told her you would look presentable and approachable, something you didn't look very often.
"Plain slutty" wasn't a bad thing, before the fall you would dress that way on a night out anyway... But you weren't who you were back then. You didn't want all the male or female attention, especially in a new town like this. They would whisper, they would gossip... no matter how pretty you looked in your cheap dress, you knew they would be merciless.
You walked to yours and Daryl's shared room, grabbing your bag you've had since the fall... it didn't match the outfit at all but you needed something to remind you who you actually were. You placed the bag on your shoulder, turning around only for your attention to be drawn to something shiny on your bed. Your husband's knife...
"At least Daryl will be there." You thought to yourself, biting your lip softly as you stared down at the knife. This new life has been a fairytale almost, almost like the entire apocalypse thing never actually happened... like you and Daryl were just a normal married couple with normal problems. It was so weird worrying about small things again, like what you were going to wear for this stupid masquerade ball.
You two had been "married" since you became a part of the commonwealth. It was strange, especially since everyone called you "Mrs. Dixon". You had been with Daryl for around 7 years, but you weren't married. However, when coming to the commonwealth there was an option for you two to be married "legally". You couldn't help but laugh when they brought it up, there was no government, and there was no "marriage" anymore. They were dead serious though, looking as if you were crazy when you laughed in their face. But you signed the papers basically stating yours and Daryl's "marriage"... so now you guys just are.
Daryl was a security guard at the ball, leaving much earlier than you to go do his job, so he had yet to see the way the dress showed off what was his. Suddenly your mind went another way, remembering the last time you wore a low-cut shirt or too short shorts... It was a decision that had you wobbling for 3 days, kiss bitten down to your calves and completely fucked. You blushed at the thought of it, hoping you could get through the night without Daryl scolding you for the too-short dress. Maybe you wanted that... maybe you wanted to tease him.
Daryl was completely comfortable in the relationship, he had no real problem with you showing your body off sometimes. But if anyone knew how a man could think, it would be Daryl. He knew the disgusting thoughts that would go through a man's mind when they saw a woman's upper leg... He knew just how they could spin that to make it sexually gratifying. It made him sick to his stomach knowing what men think when they see you... he fucks his anger out, hard and fast just like how those men think they can do to you... only he's the one doing it.
You shook the thought away from your head, making your way down the hallway of your dingy apartment. You realized how sad and depressing your apartment was, you made a mental note to get some art or posters to hang up... you needed to make this apartment into a home, or at least something ya'll feel safe coming home to. You passed by Judith and Rj's room, peeking in to make sure everything was in check... "in check" meant there was no one or thing hidden within it. The fall had done that to you, made you cautious, and made you the type of person to make sure each room was clear before leaving. Even though you personally went through every inch of the house trying to find RJ's hat just this morning... you just had to make sure there were no changes.
You finally were able to leave the apartment after making sure the door was locked 4 times. It was a short walk to the ball, about a 7-minute walk, but with heels on it was 15 minutes. You were never much of a heel walker before the fall, you envied women who could... but you never got that walk down. You would have killed to look so classy in heels, but you never got that kind of feminine gene. So you took it slow, walking with caution as you brought down your foot for each step. You looked stupid, maybe even drunk to some of the passersby.
You finally made it though, only 10 minutes late... but you found Connie and Kelly waiting for you at the entrance. You gave them a small smile, wobbling over to them. You were super close with Kelly and Connie, ever since they stepped foot in Alexandria... you guys were insufferable. So it didn't come as a surprise for Connie to come to you first when she needed help gathering "stories", which really meant gathering dirt about Pamela. You were more than happy to do it, it was something to get you out of the house and even landed you getting an invite to the most talked-about party of the year.
As you wobbled to the 2 women, it seemed as if you took them off guard for a second, completely unrecognizable as they didn't know who you were. It wasn't until you got closer that they saw who you were.
"Y/n?" Kelly asked, almost in disbelief that you could get all dolled up like that. "Jesus I could hardly recognize you with all that... boob."
You looked down at your figure, seeing just how different it was from your usual attire. It was strange being this... naked. You started to feel a bit uncomfortable, almost nauseous as you looked down at your heels. You weren't used to attention, you were but you weren't. You are not the ugliest person out there and you know that, people seemed to think quite the opposite which you didn't really agree with. You would catch people looking at your ass while walking past them or catching a feel of your breast while hiding from hoards.
You were no stranger to that attention, hell that's even how you and Daryl became what you were. Daryl couldn't keep his eyes off your hips and your lumps... that's the only attention you wanted though. The rest of them, it didn't matter to you. You could live without it, you were over wanting that attention just to validate yourself... that was in the past for you.
"what? Is it too much?" You asked, pulling your dress up just for it to almost flash your ass to the world, causing you to pull it back down just for your boobs to pop out again. There was no winning in the dress.
You searched both of the women's faces, hoping they would say all they needed to say. Kelly's eyes were focused on your face, probably noticing the cat-eye look you were trying to do... which used to be your specialty, but now you're out of practice. She was probably not used to seeing your lips so red as well, which that part is what you were most proud of simply because you made the mix yourself. You wondered what she was thinking, maybe you should run home and put on some normal clothes. Maybe this was a bad idea and you should have just stayed home. Connie brought a hand to your arm, bringing you back to reality.
"No! You look beautiful." She signed, making you feel a bit better. "Thank you for helping Y/n."
All of your worries slowly melted away just by this gesture, making you relax a bit. As said before, Connie was one of your best friends, you even learned sign language from her. Ever since you met her, she was always so gentle with you. No one really understood your insecurities or your panic attacks or the reason why you were so damn quiet all the time... but Connie did. She read you like a book, you hated it... but it was nice to know that someone could. Especially someone like Connie who would speak up for you if you needed her to. She knew you could never stand up for yourself.
You just gave her a small smile, nodding your head basically telling her that you were okay and you could do this. It was just for a night and you've taken out hordes, you've bashed a man's head in with his own leg bone before... you can take a night in a skimpy dress, you can take the attention it will give you. Plus Daryl was there, he would kill a man for touching you if he needed to and he has before. So you felt more than comfortable walking into that door and forcing stories out of men to get dirt on their leader.
"Yeah, well I'm your girl when you need to get information out of a man." You said, trying to lighten up the mood even if you were the one who needed some lightening up. "All you need is a small waist and huge knockers, Take notes ladies."
Connie and Kelly both let out laughs, boosting your confidence a bit. You smiled softly at their laughs, looking at the doors and seeing how crowded they were getting. Women in big dresses and men with fancy little tuxedos made their way into the double doors, Some were even wearing their own handmade Halloween costumes. They all were trying to get into the door, only to be met with the security who had to pat them down for weapons and whatnot. You once again felt a wave of relief, knowing you weren't the only ridiculous-looking one there. You suddenly were so thankful for it being Halloween. You sighed softly, putting your smile back on as you looked back at Kelly and Connie.
"We should probably get in before the line gets too long." You spoke, signing as you did so.
You all made your way to the double doors, Connie's hand on your arm as a way to make sure that you knew she was there with you. You appreciated it, this was a big crowd of actual people and you weren't used to that... especially with live people. You knew this night was going to suck, you were probably going to be a nervous wreck by the end of it. But at least there will be alcohol.
“But seriously, Y/N…” Kelly’s voice cut through your distraction, drawing you away from the parade of ridiculous-looking rich people. Her eyes were fixed on you, a playful suspicion lacing her tone. “You don’t strike me as the type to pull off this kind of glam… were you some kind of model or something?"
You just let out a soft laugh, walking up the stairs to the soft light illuminating the doors. You couldn't help but let your mind linger on your past. It wasn't something you were proud of that's for sure, you were a mess. You were freshly out of high school, going to college away from home so it was pretty much guaranteed that you would be doing something you would grow to regret. You would do it all... men, women, drugs, alcohol, partying until the crack ass of dawn.
It was a time in your life that was so confusing and being around people who were half your age, you weren't sure what was right and what was wrong. That phase lasted until you found Daryl, suddenly something inside you switched. He was nothing but soft and gentle with you, at least as soft and gentle as he could be. You meant something to him and that's when you realized that you weren't some drunk college girl that men and women could tear down for their own pleasure. You were someone, and that was enough.
There had been countless nights where Daryl had to carve that fact onto your skin, kiss your soft lips until you could say nothing but who you were, fuck it into you. You had lots to work on, Daryl did too... that's what made you two such a power couple. You worked on your shit together, made sure the other knew where they stood in life... who they were and who they weren't even though multiple untrue things have been drilled into your heads. You let the thought wander through your head before coming back to the moment.
"I am full of surprises." You joke back. You knew you could tell her what you really were back then, you're confused and you're hurt... but you left it at that.
The night went too slow for your liking, not even halfway through the night you were at your limit with men and you were ready to go home. As you sat at the bar, sipping on some fruity drink one of many men had bought for you, you pulled out your notepad from your dirty bag. It was almost empty, only 3 stories collected simply because the men were too focused on the way your dress laid against your breast. You swore you talked to almost 20 men tonight and only 3 of them actually had the decency to keep their eyes to themselves and answer your questions.
Most of the men didn't want to hear you talk, they just wanted to undress you with their eyes. You gagged at the thought every single time, even more disgusted by how some of them thought it was their right to put their hands on you. You could still feel a hand on the small of your back or placed softly on your hip. This dress started to feel like not a good idea and you should have caved into your desire to change into something different. You will say, that at least a lot of the men bought you drinks... you could have only gotten through this night with "Sex on the Beach" and "Strawberry Daiquiri". You would much rather have whiskey if you were being honest, you had been hanging out with Daryl too much.
You started to read through the notes you wrote down, jotting down some keywords in their stories so Connie could rearrange them for her story against Pamela. You were almost halfway through the second story and your 3rd Strawberry Daiquiri when you felt a hand on the small of your back once more.
"My, my... ya here all by yourself sweetheart?" You heard a deep voice say, you could almost feel their breath on your neck.
You jumped at the sudden touching, yelping as you turned around in the spinny bar chair. You were ready to swing on the perpetrator, you were too frustrated and grossed out to have another man try to get into your pants tonight. You lifted your hand up, ready to slap the shit out of the man... only for your hand to fall back down as soon as it went up.
It was Daryl. His shit-eating grin spread on his face as he chuckled softly at your sudden burst of violence. Little does he know, he's not the only guy tonight to say those same words and touch the same spot just above your ass. You would probably tell him later, but for now, you kept it to yourself... you knew he'd be furious, probably dragging you to the bathroom and fucking you till you couldn't walk properly anymore. The more you think about it, the more you want that to happen.
You sighed softly, closing your eyes softly and leaning against the bar. You were so glad to see him though, you hadn't seen him all night. You tried looking but you were far too busy trying not to get groped by old men or beat up by their wives. You knew this night would have been 100% better if you found Daryl earlier, he would have really made the night somewhat fun or maybe at least been your bodyguard.
"Not alone... My deadbeat husband is somewhere around here." You joke, turning back around to face your notes.
You could hear Daryl chuckle behind you, he set himself between you and the empty chair next to him. He looked down at your notes and your 3 empty cups, he knew these were not your first and definitely not your last drinks of the night... then his eyes trailed down to your dress. You had told him you would be here and what you were doing here, but he didn't know just how you were going to show up. The dress was going to get you in trouble, especially with the way that it caused Daryl's pants to tighten.
His eyes drifted down your body, the sight of your almost bare breast made him almost choke on his own tongue. Daryl watched as you brought the last bit of drink from one of your cups, watching you slurp it down. He let out a soft cough, clearing his throat as if it would clear the thoughts of what those lips could do.
"Deadbeat, huh?" he started, watching you bring the cup back down to the bar counter. You licked your lips, getting every ounce of the alcohol from it. "Well then, your deadbeat husband should be ashamed of letting you go out in something like that."
He brought his hand up to touch the fabric of it softly, placing his hand on your hip and giving it a soft squeeze. You tried to stay up straight, even if the alcohol was creating a glorious feeling between your legs that made you feel like you could melt into his touch. Even the smallest of gestures from Daryl could have you at his feet, just the tiniest softest touch could create a fire deep within you. You were feeling bold tonight though, maybe it was just the 7 drinks you had but something within you burned with the need to be devoured.
You bit your lip softly, feeling the loose skin that resided there. You looked up to him, eyes full of lust. Daryl couldn't help but feel the same kind of fire erupts in the pits of his stomach. Your glazed-over eyes, the smell of the pure alcohol that he knew was affecting your ability to think, the way the black dress was still on you even though he wanted it off. You leaned in close to him, his hand still wrapped around your hip softly.
"if only he was here to put me in my place." You spoke, words flowing off your tongue like honey.
Daryl let out a soft breath, his clothes suddenly feeling so constricting against his skin. He never knew all he needed to do was get a couple of fruity drinks in your system for you to be so... feral. It made all the blood in his body rush straight to his cock, making the head of it rub up against his jeans so uncomfortably. You were everything but a perfect angel... you knew how to talk dirty, you knew how to get Daryl's cock up and ready to pound into the first hole he could get to. But something about the way your tits looked in your dress and every single man wanting to tear you apart with their bare teeth... and yet you only wanted Daryl to fuck you in the ways only these men can dream.
Daryl looked around, being sure of his surroundings before making any stupid decision he knew he would make with you. No one was paying any attention to him... some of the men you talked to earlier were still trying to catch a peak, hoping that maybe your thighs would spread wide enough so they could see just in between them. So they could store it in their minds and use it for spank material when they need a little push. That made Daryl's breath get heavy, hands shaking slightly on your hip as you leaned closer into him... he could smell a hint of your perfume and it was giving him a slight high.
Daryl looked back down at you, seeing your soft stare... watching your eyes move down his body and then back up to his eyes. Daryl placed a hand on your cheek, rubbing it softly as he debated on dragging you somewhere more private. His lips ached, his cock already leaking with need... if anything could make daryl dixon be reckless, it was you. He almost gave into you, almost engulfed your lips with his, and made you whimper... made you his in front of everyone. However, something caught his eye... his abandoned post.
He was supposed to be guarding the door, making sure no one else came in, and making sure everyone was on their best behavior. Rosita was there, on one side of the door as she too watched the dance floor. He had a job to do, a very important one that would have you both moving up in life if he did it right. He shouldn't even have left in the first place, but something about the way your thighs looked from afar... he found himself stalking towards you just to get a better look at them. He let out a soft smile, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek before he retracted away from you.
"Ya look beautiful sweetheart..." He said simply, giving your body one last glance before stepping away from you completely. He could feel your energy fall slightly as you groaned at the loss of warmth... your dress did nothing to cover you up, so his warmth was appreciated. "I gotta go do my job, I just wanted to see you before I got too busy."
You wanted to pout, you wanted to kick your feet and scream like a child... that's how drunk you were, you would beg for him if he wanted you to. You didn't find that fair that Daryl could get you going, put his hands on you, and warm you up just to pull away like it was nothing. You were too drunk, too cock starved, too horny to let him leave you like this. Your legs were wobbling already, you're cunt throbbed and every time you would move your legs it would create irritating friction that you wish were from his fingers. You sighed softly, not done with this just yet...
"Well that's too bad..." You said, hopping down from the bar stool. Your dress came up a little too high, showing just below your ass. You pulled it down, which once again caused your breasts to pop out... but this time you wanted them too. You watched as his eyes focused on them. "I'm wearing my best panties... I was really hoping someone could help me put them to use."
You sighed dramatically, grabbing your bag and throwing it over your shoulder. Daryl gulped back a comeback because there was nothing good that was going to come out of his mouth. He was torn between two nasty names.... some of the most degrading names he could think of. All he wanted to do was slam you against the bar counter, tell you how fucking slutty and how much of a fucking whore you were... 2 things he knew you loved, he knew it made you weak in your knees just thinking about it. But he had to keep it cool, y'all were in public and he would like to keep those names between the two of you.
You stepped up to him, looking down at his obvious erection... you smirked to yourself knowing just by your words you did that. You looked back up to his eyes, reaching up to adjust the buttons on his shirt and patting his shirt down. You could tell just by his eyes what he was planning on doing to you, you could tell you were in trouble. You leaned up to his ear, standing on your tiptoes just to make sure he was the only one to hear.
"I will be in the men's bathroom if you need me..." You whispered, pecking his cheek with your lips just as he did to you. You swear you could see his eyes twitch, his anger rising within him as you teased him softly. You gave him a soft smile. "I hope to see you soon, Mr. Dixon."
You said, teasing him even further and not giving him any time to even react to your words before you walked away. You could feel some eyes on you as you walked away, except they weren't Daryls... they were the countless men that weren't Daryl, their eyes boring into your skin but you paid no attention... they weren't your target audience right now.
You were able to slip into the men's bathroom without anyone noticing, which was tricky since every man and women's eyes were on you the entirety of the night. You knew you would get some attention but the amount you got was overwhelming... you forget sometimes that a lot of these people have been in the commonwealth since the fall, most never experiencing the horrors just outside of their walls. So when a woman who is covered in scars speaks so confidently to them, it is intriguing. Not to mention the way your body curves, how it dips and stands out so perfectly. Not a lot of women in the commonwealth have that kind of "fighting for your life" kind of body type.
You open the door to the men's bathroom, slipping in before anyone notices you even did. You choose the men's bathroom simply because you knew it would be easier for Daryl to slip into and away from his post for a bit, allowing him some time to fuck the shit out of you. Luckily the bathroom was empty but you didn't spend too much time making sure since you knew someone could walk in at any minute, so you entered one of the stalls and locked it.
The bathroom was one of those nice ones you see in fancy restaurants, the stalls were almost like little rooms that only held a toilet and a trash can. The walls surrounding the toilet were painted a cream color and went all the way to the ceiling down to the floor. These were the types of bathrooms that were perfect for fucking if you're being honest, I mean the privacy... it was almost as if they were made for horny couples who need to let some steam off.
You sat on the toilet, imagining all the possibilities and positions you could find yourself in the small confinement of the 3 walls and door. Your eyes locked themselves on the door which was the only "stall-like" thing in the small area. There was a large gap between the door and the floor, making it so you were able to see the shoes of people who walked by. Luckily you could see none, but the anticipation of seeing those black boots with the mix-match shoe laces... Jesus, you hoped he would come, you didn't even give him time to answer.
In this moment, the anticipation and the hope you don't get caught brought you back to when you and Daryl started seeing each other. while on runs or even around the small time you and the group were on the road... Daryl would get sexually frustrated from watching you, his cock rock hard and eventually he couldn't take it anymore. He would grab your shoulder, bringing his mouth as close to your ear as he could... growling into it that he needed you, ordering you to go to a secluded area and "wait like a good girl" for him. You were so needy for him that you did exactly that, sometimes waiting an hour before he showed up and fucked you into the dirty ground.
That was around the time when your relationship was kept hidden, Daryl's choice. He told you it was because of the 15-year age gap between the two of you, he was worried about the things that would be said about the two of you. It was strange for a 37-year-old man to be romantically involved with a 22-year-old. But deep down you didn't believe his words, you subconsciously knew it was because he didn't want to get close to you. He had this thing with trust, so it came natural for him not to want to trust you at first... he was okay with just fucking you and leaving you limp on the forest floor. However, somehow along the way... he fell so deeply and utterly in love with you, that now he feels ashamed if he has to hide you.
Suddenly, you were pulled from your thoughts when the bathroom door opened. A slight tingle made its way through your body and it wasn't the good kind. You placed your feet on the toilet along with your body, hoping the person didn't see your high heels, and called security to come to escort the woman in the men's bathroom out of the ball... that would be embarrassing. You heard the person's heavy footsteps, not able to see their shoes because of the walls of the small bathroom covering your view. You held your breath, trying to keep yourself quiet as the person made their way to the stalls.
You listened closely to the steps, hearing them walk closer and closer to your stall. Questions filled your mind, did someone see me come in here? Is it one of the men who now thinks this is his chance? Am I completely fucked and was this a bad idea? Fortunately, it didn't take too long for your questions to be answered because when the two heavy-duty work boots with the mix-match shoe laces appeared between the gap of the floor... your body relaxed slightly.
You chuckled softly at your worry, realizing how fucked the fall actually left you. You were expecting Daryl yet your mind went to the worst that could happen... Jesus, hopefully, the commonwealth will ease your paranoia.
Those three knocks were too familiar to you. It was the knock you and Daryl used when hunting or when you holed up in a random cabin for the night... it was just a way for you two to say "Hey it's me. You're safe.". You smiled softly, standing from the toilet and wasting no time in opening the stall door. The stall door opened to reveal your angry-looking husband, he did not look too happy about the fact he had to fuck some sense into you while he had to do actually important things, like make a living for you two. You couldn't help but laugh softly at his face, how angry he looked... you were feeling the buzz of the alcohol throughout your body and it was hitting hard. You leaned yourself against the door frame, making sure your hips stood out as you did so.
"Mr. Dixon!" You exclaimed, almost as if you weren't waiting like a little dog would for its owner... You placed a hand on your hip, head laying against the door frame. "I didn't expect to see..."
You couldn't even get your words out before Daryl pushed you into the stall, shutting and locking the door behind him. He pushed you against the stall door, attacking your neck roughly. The warmth spread across your body, your body going limp for only a second before you threw your head back onto the stall door you were pushed against.
"Shut up..." He whispered into your neck, biting and sucking at your soft spots. He wrapped his arm around your waist, keeping you in place as he worked his mouth on your neck.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, trying your best to stay up straight as he basically touched you in all the ways you craved. It was fast, very fast as he basically speed ran trying to make you as wet as he possibly could get you. You knew this was going to happen, you basically begged for it to happen... but that doesn't make you any less surprised by his sudden touch. He licked a strip up your neck, biting your ear lobe softly before going back to leaving down your neck... you knew this was his way of marking you up, making sure the mark would show so pretty on your neck in your black dress, scaring away the men's attention.
His kisses led down to your chest, leaving bite marks here and there as he did so. You could come undone from his abuse on your neck, your body arching into him as you tried so desperately to quiet your soft moans. Daryl pushed you further into the stall door before pulling your dress down, exposing your breast to him as he softly kissed down your body. He stopped his kisses, taking a moment to take in your squirming figure and how red you had gotten from just kissing. He leaned down, taking your breast in both of his hands, and squeezed them together before sucking on your already hardened nipples. It all happened so fast, making you not only drunk but also now high off sudden pleasure. Your hands went to his hair, pulling it softly as his soft sucking on your breast sent small zaps of pleasure straight to your clit.
He went back and forth between the right and the left, squeezing one while he sucked and licked the other. Your world was spinning, not sure if it was the 7 strawberry daiquiri or if it was the way his mouth felt on your tits. You could feel yourself getting so close to the edge, embarrassingly close... he barely even touched you and you were almost coming undone in your panties. You gave his hair a particular rough pull, trying to remove his mouth from your nipple... you were too close to the edge, not wanting to cum now... You didn't want to give Daryl an even bigger head than he already has when it came to making you feel good.
"Jesus... Daryl, I'm too drunk for the foreplay, just fuck me." You whispered out, your words shakey as you shivered from the cold air brushing against your now slobbered-up tits.
Daryl detached himself from you, your hands still in his hair as he did so. He tried to hide the smile from you but trust and believe the way you were begging made his own high come to him. He couldn't tell which one of you was drunk, and he hadn't touched a drop of alcohol this entire night. You leaned against the stall door, the lock from the door digging into your back. You squirm underneath his gaze, feeling his hands make their way back to your waist. Your tits are still standing to attention, red and puffy from his kisses.
You breathed heavily, looking into his lust-filled eyes as he brought his face closer to yours. You could feel his breath fan across your face, the smell of your shared toothpaste bringing memories of the nights you would have together in your small apartment... All the nights spent bent over the sink as he rammed his cock into you, praying Judith and rj were asleep, or even the days where you two just had to be with each other. So you filled the bath, lit some candles, and spent hours making out with each other... no fucking, no dry humping, no cumming onto each other. Just you two, taking in each other's presence and exchanging saliva.
"You beggin' me?" He whispered, lips hovering over yours as he spoke. You debated on reaching up, touching his lips with yours... speeding this entire thing up. But you couldn't deny you loved a long drawn-out fucking session in a fancy bathroom.
"No..." You teased, smiling up at him as you brought your face even closer. Your eyes make their rounds from his lip back to his eyes. "Simply asking for a favor."
You had a way of getting underneath Daryl's skin in the most delicious ways, with your innocent-looking eyes and your silky smooth voice. He knew better though, he knew you were far from innocent. Not only have you done things, murderous things that to this day you will never be able to repent from... but also sexual things that have the angels crying. You have allowed Daryl to fuck you on the dirty floor of an abandoned cabin while your people were only mere inches away from you. You have fucked him while covered in blood, even going as far as to cover yourself with more blood because it turned you on so much. You have asked to be held at gunpoint while you sucked his cock, asked to ride the handle of his knife, asked to be slapped in the face until your nose bleeds.
You liked pain, you loved every ounce of it and it was heartwarming that you trusted Daryl enough to be so open with these things... but it was disgusting how you did these disgusting things with such innocent eyes. However, Daryl was a sucker, because he did everything you asked him to with a smile on his face. He never knew he held such a disgusting pervert deep down inside of him until he came the hardest he ever had while fucking you by a trapped walker. Although, with age and the further you got into the relationship, you both settled down a bit. You two were so fucked for each other, you were basically cumming at the sounds or each other's names.
"Real cute... Just asking for a favor huh?" Daryl mocked, his hand running down to the top of your cunt... stopping so he could watch your squirm. He had other plans than to give you what you wanted, you guys were already fucking in a public restroom while hundreds of people were outside.. might as well go the full mile right? "Well then, you're gonna have to ask a lot better than that sweetheart. Knees."
He didn't have to say anything more than that before you were dropping to your knees. Daryl could cum from just knowing you would do anything for him in a heartbeat, especially sucking his cock when he wanted you to. You were never the type to turn down sucking his cock, you loved watching him come undone on your tongue... you even thought he looked so much more pretty at the angle.
You stared up at him with big eyes, your lips red from you biting them and your tits hanging from your dress. Daryl hummed in contentment, reaching down to wrap a hand through your hair as you looked up at him innocently. He ran a soft hand through at first, making sure you knew you were safe with him... making sure you were okay with what was happening. You nodded softly, a way for you to say "I am okay with this". He shot you a soft smile, running a hand once more through your hair to get it out of your face.
It started off so soft, it always started off so soft because you brought out this softness in Daryl... a softness he had never known he had until he met you. But it always ended up rough, because that is how Daryl loves and that is how you love it. Daryl suddenly gripped your hair, a tight grip that had you gasping and wincing. You groaned softly, chuckling softly at his sudden outburst... you knew you were about to get destroyed and in such a pretty dress.
"Want you to suck my cock..." he said, keeping hold of your hair but reaching down to the top of his pants. He unbuttoned them, almost ripping his belt off as he did so. "Gonna cum all over your pretty little face, then maybe I'll fuck that hole of yours."
You watched up at his hands as he unzipped them, pulling them down slightly so only his cock could come out. The sight of it almost had your mouth watering, not able to think coherent thoughts as you watched it twitch slightly. It was rock hard, the tip already covered in precum and flush red as it desperately craved friction. You knew your teasing left him desperate, and needy for your touch… but it’s as if you hadn’t touched him for days which was not true. You could not keep your hands to yourself around Daryl, so fucking was an everyday thing.
Daryl watched your eyes go wide at the sight of it, his grip on your hair tightened which pulled your attention away from his cock and back to his eyes. He couldn’t help but pump himself a few times, more precum dripping from the tip as he did so. You smirked at him which told him you weren’t done with your teasing.
“Is that any way to speak to your wife?” You asked, your words making his cock twitch even more. "Bet none of those men out there would ever talk to me like that..."
As said before, you had this way of getting under Daryl’s skin… and a little part of you enjoyed the way it affected him. It caused this fire within him that you were able to see from the outside, it was a small change in his demeanor, a small twitch of his eye that was probably only noticed by you. It was that small change that had you slightly terrified but completely and utterly exhilarated. That is the main purpose you teased him the way you do, just to see that small fire build up inside of him until he couldn't take it anymore and he just snapped. You were able to get him into so many dirty positions with that fire, so many nasty things just because of your teasing words.
Daryl's hands shook slightly, a slight hint of jealousy coursing through his blood. He gripped your hair harder, pulling some of it out, as he tried to stop his hand from shaking so much. He pulled you closer to his cock, causing a soft yelp to escape from you. His cock was now laying on your cheek, twitching softly.
"Well, those men don't know you like I do..." He said, pumping his cock one last time before setting his hand on the base of it. "They don't know my wife is a horny sex fiend who can't shut her fucking mouth... open."
You didn't have to be told twice, your mouth opening, and Daryl didn't give you any notice or any warning before he shoved his cock almost completely into your mouth. You held back a gag, feeling the head of his cock in the back of your throat already. Daryl kept your head in place, watching you fight with the urge to gag and recoil back from his cock. He can not deny how much pleasure it gave him to see you in pain, obviously the good kind of pain. The consensual pain that you allowed him to give you and enjoyed every single bit of it.
Daryl stayed still for mere seconds, allowing you to get used to the feeling of a cock in your mouth. You eventually allowed your throat to relax, looking up at him with your watery eyes as you went further down his cock. You wrapped your lips around him, staring him right in the eye as you took his entire cock in your mouth... until your nose was buried into his happy trail. Daryl almost collapsed, seeing the bulge in your throat... he could cum down your throat at this moment.
"good girl... good fucking girl." He said, trying his best to keep you like that for a couple more seconds so he could burn this image in his brain for later use.
He knew that you would be giving him that shit-eating grin that you usually give him when you get a big ego... but you couldn't since his cock was down your throat and you were loving every second of it. Once Daryl stored every single detail of how angelic you looked right now, he pulled your head back with your hair. As he pulled back your head, his slobbered-up cock was revealed... this would be another thing he would store in his mind for later.
Daryl didn't keep your head off his cock for long before he slammed your head back down on his cock, once again forcing his cock down your throat and causing you to want to gag again. You couldn't get used to it this time, you weren't able to stop yourself from gagging before Daryl pulled your head off his cock once more but like he did the last 2 times... he forced your head down on his cock once again. You couldn't help but feel your cunt flutter away as your throat was burning slightly. It was a delicious kind of burn, the taste of his cock making its way down your throat.
before you could even almost gag for a 3rd time, Daryl pulled your head away and then slammed it back down. Now his movements were quick, his cock massaging your throat as you just kept your mouth open and your lips wrapped around his cock. You dug your knees into the bathroom floor, your hand holding onto his thighs as you allowed him to use you like a literal sex toy. You felt so degraded, so disgusting... but you wanted more, you needed more. The feeling of someone walking in excited you even more, knowing that any of those men from earlier can walk in just to relieve themselves and be met with the sounds of gagging... gagging from the woman that they wished would do the same from them.
The thought of that alone, the look on their face as they realized what the gags actually were. The cold sweat that runs through their bodies, the red tint that spreads across their cheeks, the inevitable boner that pops up simply because they imagined how you looked while doing such a disgusting thing. You didn't mind someone walking in and that alone left a sense of shame within your stomach, you begged for it really. You knew it could lead to Daryl losing his job, knowing how they would look down on him because he left the partygoers he was supposed to be protecting so he could get a blowjob from his wife in the bathroom. But you would risk it all. The sudden burst of shame and excitement and complete lust caused you to bob your head along with Daryl's hands. Setting your hands on his ass so you could force him into your throat yourself.
"God... fuck, such a fucking whore huh?" Daryl moaned, keeping his hand entwined with your hair. He looked down at you, watching you work his cock in and out of your throat like it was nothing... your slobber dripping from every crevice of your mouth and onto your already spit-covered tits. "Ya like my cock in your mouth, the only thing you're good for huh?"
The degradation of it only made you speed up your movement, the sounds of your choking and gagging filling the air completely. You kept your eyes on Daryl, watching as he finally pulled his attention away from you and lost himself to the feeling. He threw his head back, eyes fluttering closed as he tried to steady his breathing. You looked up at him like he was some kind of god and in this moment... he was to you. You would have licked the floor he walked on if he asked you, in this moment and in any. Daryl was the closest thing to god you have ever believed in, because how can someone so fucking perfect be real? He must have been made from everything good in the world, like candy or fresh laundry.
You got too ahead of yourself, feeling Daryl pull your head back roughly as your rhythm becomes too sporadic, too messy. Daryl pulled your head completely off his cock, a string of salvia was now the only thing connecting you and him now. Your throat burned, it ached as you coughed softly... trying to catch your breath as you waited for what he was going to do next. When Daryl was in these moods when the fire sparked within him, he was unpredictable and that made your liquids leak from your cunt.
Daryl had a plan to destroy you completely and he was going to go through with it. You weren't going to be able to talk to another man without thinking of what Daryl would do if he saw you... you won't be able to speak for the next few days to come, or walk, or get out of bed. He was going to completely fuck you. Daryl took the base of his cock once again, placing his cock back on your cheek... watching it cover your face in your own saliva. You chuckled softly, closing your eyes as his cock drenched your face with spit. That soft chuckle made Daryl's blood heat up again, he didn't want you to laugh... he wanted you to beg for his mercy, cry so hard that you could barely speak, he wanted you to be a ruined puddle on the floor.
"Sit on your butt, head against the wall." He demanded, pulling your hair back and giving your face a harsh slap as a way to tell you that you would regret it if you didn't.
You did what you were told, sitting flat down on the floor and laying your head back on the stall wall. Daryl moved closer to the wall, so one of his hands was resting on the stall. There was only a small gap between the wall and Daryl, you between the both of them. Daryl's cock slid across your face once again, his hand pumping it softly as he made it so you were between his legs.
"Tap on my thigh if you need me to stop." He said softly, running a hand through your hair comfortingly. He was planning to destroy you, but if you genuinely needed him to stop he would in a heartbeat. "Okay?"
You nodded, repeating back a little "okay" before giving him a soft smile. You adjusted yourself so you were closer to his cock, sitting so you were face to-face with it. You were so ready... your mouth begged for it.
"Alright, sweetheart." He reached down, pulling your mouth closer to his cock as he bent his knees slightly. "All you gotta do is keep your pretty little mouth open for me alright?"
You nodded, opening your mouth once more. Daryl smiles, watching you so eagerly waiting for him. He let you catch your breath for a few more seconds, not wanting to completely overwhelm you all at once. But before you knew it, Daryl's cock was back in your mouth... his thrusts started slow. He allowed you to get adjusted to his cock once more, choking slightly as it hit the very back of your throat.
He didn’t wait too long though, after a few soft thrusts he didn’t go so nice on you. His thrusts became rough and fast, his cock slipping in and out of your throat, making your head almost bang into the stall every single time. As his cock assaulted your throat, hand wrapped in your hair as he used it as a way to keep your head back so he could fuck your throat until it ached, he imagined the way the men looked at you.
He saw you from afar all night long, watching you closely as you collected your stories. You pulled your dress down throughout the night, your tits looked heavenly under the softly yellow light. Then you would pull your dress up, revealing skin inches away from your lace black underwear. It was almost as if you were playing with him, making him a hot mess at his post. Then there were the men, all looking everywhere but your eyes... trailing down to the necklace he had found for you, but not staying there very long before looking directly at your tits. They had no shame, they slowly undressed you with their eyes and you knew it.
His thrust became even faster, your nails digging into his thighs and your eyes watered... Your choking and gagging only egged him on more as he violently banged your head into the wall. You loved every second of his abuse, throat throbbing and raw but so was your cunt. You were clenching around nothing, rubbing your thighs together to get some kind of friction. You would even go as far as to say... you were just as close as Daryl. You could cum from the sight of him alone, that's all you needed for your cunt to feel satisfied.
You could sense his orgasm nearing, his moans started to intertwine with your gagging and choking. He had to keep his hand on the wall to balance himself as his legs started to shake violently, thrust getting messy as you started to lick the vein of his cock so softly with what control you had, his hand gripping your hair roughly. If his cock wasn't in your mouth right now, fucking your throat till it bled... you would be begging him to cum down your throat, wanting to taste his salty seed as he came undone from fucking your face.
"So fucking close baby... so close." He groaned softly, trying to keep his voice below a whisper but the feeling of your velvet throat made him lose control of his own voice. "gonna fucking cum."
You hollow your cheeks, closing your lips around his cock and running your tongue down his shaft. You could feel his cock twitch on your tongue, basically begging to cum. Daryl continued his fast, rough thrust... the knot in his stomach was thrust away from bursting and you did everything in your power to send him over the edge, you craved to see the way his face contorted into pleasure as he came... how his eyes squeezed shut, his mouth opening into a slight O shape, his entire body shaking softly.
Suddenly, just before his breaking point, Daryl pulled his cock out of your mouth. You couldn't help but whine softly at this action, your throat needing to feel his warm cum slide down it. Daryl took his cock in his hand, pumping it at the same pace he was fucking your throat. It only took him a good 3 or 4 pumps before hot strings of cum shot out of his cock, landing directly on you. He milked his cock, watching as it spurted on your cheeks, your nose, almost into your eye but you closed them before it could.
"Fuck..." He let out, huffing as he leaned against the wall... his cock still in his hand as it twitched, almost overstimulated now.
You stayed underneath him, your cunt throbbing in your panties. You were sticky with Daryl's cum, with your own spit, and your sweat. You felt disgusting, you felt so disgusting that not even 10 showers could wash away this feeling... this degrading, embarrassed feeling. But somehow, your cunt still screamed for Daryl's abuse. You looked up at Daryl, his cum now dripping from your face as you did so. He looked so tired, so out of it as his orgasm still sent soft shocks down to his cock. You've noticed as he's gotten older that he has had to take more time to recover from his orgasms, it really takes it out of him.
You remembered when you first started fucking him, Daryl wore you out before he could even think about stopping. After every single nut, he would be hard all over again. It was heaven, but also physically draining. Now in your older age, you would much rather 2 or 3 long drawn-out rounds more than multiple quick fucks. Your and Daryl sexual relationship has come a long way, from quick fucks to long passionate, and kind of perverted sex. It was kind of sweet to you in a way, how you both experimented with each other and picked and chose what you liked and what you didn't. It was something no one in the past would have done for you, it was why you "married" Daryl in the first place.
"So beautiful..." Daryl said, pulling you out of your thoughts. He was caressing your face, wiping away his own cum while he did so.
You blushed softly, leaning into his hand... kissing the palm of it softly. Daryl was always so nice afterward, so gentle and sweet. Nothing like he used to be, so distant and cold... not even helping to clean you up. However, as sweet as this moment was... in a weird and fucked up way, your cunt still throbbed. You still needed your cunt stuffed, still needed it fucked raw to match your sore throat. So you dug deep into your chest, trying to find your voice and force out of your beaten voice box.
"Are you up for round 2 or are you gonna need some time to recover?" You teased, your voice raspy and almost barely there as your throat was quite literally broken.
Daryl couldn't help but chuckle, placing his head on the hand that was keeping him upright. Daryl was never the type of person to leave you all high and dry, even if you truly deserved it. He would always give you what you wanted, only he would give it to you over and over and over again until you begged him to stop. He loved watching you cum as much as you loved to cum, so he couldn't deny you the very thing he held dear to him.
Daryl finally was able to get his legs to stop tingling as much, pushing himself off of the stall wall. He now stood inches away from you, just needing to see you in your entirety. You were drenched in his cum, legs sprawled out and shaking on the dirty bathroom floor, your tits hanging from your dress, your hair matted to your forehead and neck... you already looked so destroyed, but you wanted more? He could never understand the pleasure you got out of being destroyed, he loved it too... but being in such degrading positions? Maybe that's why he was the one giving it to you.
He reached his hand out for you to grab it. You did it in a heartbeat, struggling to stand up but balancing on his arm as you did so. He took you softly into his arms, holding you up with one arm as he wiped more of his cum off your face. He slowly brought his knee up to your cunt, you gasped softly as it made contact with your puffy clit. You wanted to move your cunt up and down it, feeling the delicious friction it would give off... but you knew how much of a dick Daryl could be and how easily he would tease you, denying you of his actual cock.
"Old man huh?" He chuckled, still holding you close to his chest. He could feel your heartbeat in not only your chest but also your cunt that was throbbing against his knee. "I'll show you an old man."
He suddenly turned you around, shoving you into the stall door so your face was flat on it and your ass was pushed out. You yelped as he did so, feeling his hands pull your panties down... he wasn't going to take it slow with you this time, he wasn't going to ease you onto him and let you adjust yourself. No, he was going to continue to teach his lesson... make sure it was carved into your brain that what's his, is his, and if you allow another man to look at you like a hungry bear would to his prey... you'll know what happens.
Daryl pumps himself in his fist a couple of times, getting his cock hard again before lining it up to your cunt. You grabbed onto anything that you could, preparing yourself for the devious stretch that you begged for the entire time he fucked your throat. Daryl collected the slick from your dripping cunt onto his cock, making it nice and wet... as if he needed to, your own spit was still covering it. He teased your hole, putting the tip of his cock inside before dragging it down once again. He was trying to tease you, make you feel an ounce of what he felt the entire night with you prancing around in the slutty dress that was now bunched up around your waist. You subconsciously bucked back on him, trying to fit his cock inside your needy cunt... but he held your hips in place, gripping them so painfully that you could feel it throughout your entire body.
He kept this motion up for only seconds before he got tired of it, he got tired of your whines and your pleas, deciding to give you what you craved. In one swift movement, he slammed his cock inside of your wet folds, bottoming out in one thrust as he did so. This action made you moan loudly, almost screaming when you felt the sudden stretch of your cunt around his cock. Daryl revealed this noise, like it was his favorite song... making you scream from pleasure, making you feel so good you didn't care that hundreds of people were just outside of this door... some of those people being the family you have gathered along the fall.
Daryl didn't waste a second, doing the same thing to your cunt that he did with your throat... he pulled his cock all the way out before slamming it back in. You could feel his cock in your stomach, moving around your organs as if it was meant to be in there. You don't think you will ever get used to the size of his cock, because each time you both fucked you would always have to get used to the shape of him all over again... and each time it took you off guard. His cock was merciless, nails digging into your hips, cock buried so perfectly into your cunt... it was pure light.
You were so lost in pleasure, your moans just dripping from your mouth and Daryl allowed it... he was far too lost in his own pleasure to mind. You hoped that the loud music playing just outside would cover the noise and since no one had come running in to make sure you weren't being murdered yet, you felt it was doing a good job of covering up the noise. Daryl kept up his harsh thrust, one hand coming up to your hair to pull your head back so he could attack your neck. His teeth sunk into your skin, causing your body to go almost limp... balancing on Daryl's cock was the only thing keeping you upright.
He watched your eyes roll back into your head, face flush red as he pushed himself further into you as if there was any room for him to do so. He reached his hand that was placed on your hip, sliding it down to between your thighs... rubbing your bundle of nerves slowly. He knew you were close, he knew you could have gotten off his cock down your throat alone.... so he knew you wouldn't be able to hold on very long from his cock being deep inside you. He touched, licked, fucked every single spot of your that he knew would send you off the edge, he was proving pretty successful with it too.
But suddenly, all his movements stopped and so did the entire world for a second. While you were lost in your pleasure, the bathroom door was slammed open and voices now replaced your moans... engulfing the bathroom with their noise. You were too lost in your own pleasure to notice, your moans still slipping through your mouth and your hips trying to once again buck back into his. Daryl however was now in his "security/guard" mode now, reaching up with his hand to slap it around your mouth... pulling you flush to his chest. You gasped into his hand at the sudden action, eyes widening as you felt his cock dig deeper into you. Even though that was not Daryl's intention, it still caused his cock to twitch inside of you.
"Shhh." He cooed, his mouth hovering over your ear.
But how could you be quiet when Daryl's cock was so deep inside of you, how could you be quiet with how close his body was to yours, how could you be quiet when you could smell his toothpaste and the college he wore. but you obeyed, knowing that if you did then maybe you would get a mind-blowing orgasm out of it. You could hear two sets of footsteps, they sounded heavy... almost like 2 men. IT would make sense, if you were in the men's bathroom... You couldn't hear what they were talking about, you could hear them but you couldn't understand them with Daryl's cock grazing your g-stop.
Daryl peaked through the small gap between the wall and the door, watching the men through it. You could tell by the way his eyes relaxed slightly that the men had no idea you two were in here, that they were lost in their own conversation to pay any attention to the stall you two had been hidden behind. Daryl took a step back, pulling you along with him... his movement caused his cock to almost slip out of you, but him pulling you close to his made it once again thrust inside of you. You squirmed against him, his free hand keeping you still.
"Did you see that girl...uhh she had that black dress on? She was going around interviewing people about how they like the commonwealth?" One of the men said, you could hear him unzip his pants as he did so... soon after the trickling of urine could be heard.
"Dixons girl? yeah, I saw her alright." The other man said, his voice almost laced with lust.
You froze at the mention of you, more specifically how you were labeled "Dixon's girl". You had a name and you even gave it to them, fucking assholes. If it were any other time, you would correct them with a fist through the teeth and a knee to the groin... but right now, you were too occupied getting stuffed by Daryl's cock. Your senses were completely filled with Daryl, your cunt full of him... it made it hard to think any coherent thought, especially with how his cock pulsed inside of you, rubbing you from the inside softly.
"Dixons girl huh?" The other man chuckled, finishing up his business as he did so. You could feel Daryl's ego grow a bit, especially with how his hips started to move softly into yours. He got such a big head when it came to you, knowing you were his. "So what's the deal with them? I mean, she's like 20 years younger than that old fuck. Does she have daddy issues or does she just like me older?"
You would have corrected them once again, telling them that you just liked Daryl. You didn't go after him because he was older or because you lacked a father... They would probably have done the same thing with what Daryl did with his cock, how it turned you into a madwoman every time he pulled it out. You huffed into Daryl's hand, which caused him to chuckle silently. This was entertaining, to say the least, this entire situation was.
"With the way she was dressed tonight, I think maybe she's just a whore." The man said, causing your blood to go cold. "Maybe Dixon was just lucky enough to be the first guy she fucked."
You loved being degraded, you loved being called a whore, you loved being told you are nothing but a hole for a man to cum in... but only when Daryl said it. It was like when it came out of another man's mouth, it sounded so wrong and so degrading but in a not good way. Daryl had a way with his words that made it sound like pure honey, like candy dripped from his lips and you couldn't wait to get a taste. Daryl felt this too as if your genuine degradation actually affected him... like he could feel it flowing through his veins too. Daryl thrust his cock into you, trying to make you forget what they were saying, making you present with him instead of them.
"She seems like the type. " The man replied, the sink running as he said. Daryl once again thrust his cock into you, the knot in your stomach coming back. "Those outsider girls, man, I hear they let you do some weird shit to them."
One more sharp thrust from Daryl, his hand pressing harder on your mouth so they wouldn't hear your moans. He let his free hand roam down to your clit once more, rubbing it in small tight circles. To him, Daryl thought that maybe if you were too focused on your nearing orgasm, you wouldn't let the words of disgusting men get to you... he was slightly right because after that last sentence, their words turned to just background noise. You could feel yourself giving in the pleasure, you threw your head back on his shoulder, your back arching as you pressed your ass more into him so the gaps between your bodies were nonexistent.
"Damn, I might have to pay a visit to Dixons girl huh?" The man chuckled, the sound of zipping pants and water filled the air. "You think she'd take us both at the same time?"
Daryl's thrust started out as a way to comfort you in a way, but now with the venomous words these men were letting out... he was doing it out of anger, and jealousy as they talked so grossly about his wife. His thrusts were deep, and rough as he imagined what he would do to these men when he got done with you. How he'd cut off every single finger of one man's hand as the other watched. How he'd slit the throat of the man who even asked that stupid question in the first place, basking in the way his blood sprayed on him.
You took your hand and reached back to set your hands on Daryl's hips as he dug his cock so violently into your cunt. You couldn't take it anymore, your juices had dripped down your legs, now soaking the floor as you let Daryl abuse your pussy. You gave his hip a soft squeeze, a way to tell him "Keep fucking me, I'm gonna cum." He didn't slow his movement, instead, he sped up. Hacking away at the knot that was about to explode inside of your stomach.
"If she's fucking that old redneck... shit, she should be glad we would even consider fucking her." The man spit out, heavy footsteps leading to the door as he spoke.
And that was it, those words caused Daryl to thrust so harshly into you that it broke the knot inside of you. You almost screamed into Daryl's hand, your body tensing completely, your toes curling, your vision going white as he didn't stop his abuse. He fucked and rubbed you through the earth-shattering, mind-blowing, entire life-changing orgasm. Your cunt spasmed around his cock, liquids puddling up on the floor as you came around his cock. His fingers that were playing with your clit while you came were now covered in your slick.
"I call fucking her tits first." The other man said, another pair of footsteps followed the first ones you heard... both of the men now leaving the bathroom. "You can have him..."
The door shut, silencing the men's words which were now just jumbled as you came on Daryl's cock. You heard the door click shut, suddenly being shoved against the door once again in just seconds. You were still having the aftershocks of your orgasm while Daryl thrust into you, shoving your head further into the stall door. You moaned loudly, you're an overstimulated pussy trying to reject his cock but also craving it, his hand no longer silencing your moans. He shoved his cock inside of you, over and over again until the door was shaking along with his thrust.
You could feel his anger, feel the way that he tensed... the way that those men's words got more to him than they did to you. You could tell with every thrust of his hips that he was furious. He thrust into you only a couple more times before he groaned loudly, almost growling as he felt his own orgasm consume his body.
"Gonna cum in your fucking pussy..." He spit out, his grip on your hip tightening now and you could cum again just by his anger. "Gonna fill you up so fucking good baby... so good baby."
His words filled your brain, your body still so exhausted from the orgasm. You let him use you though, let him use your body so he could fuck his anger out. It was only mere seconds before you could feel his thick, warm cum paint your walls. When he said he was going to fill you up, he fucking meant it. He gave your pussy a few more good thrusts before he drained himself completely, his body allowing his veins to fill with pleasure. There's something about anger that makes orgasms feel so much better, feel so much more intense... and Daryl was a very angry man.
Daryl's cock softened inside of you, throbbing against your walls. He kept himself in you though, allowing you both to recover from the pleasure that filled you both. Daryl leaned down, kissing your back softly as he came down from his high, rubbing your hips to ease the bruises he left on them. This night was not supposed to go like this, you two were not supposed to fuck in the bathroom of this new town you had just been welcomed into. This was behavior that you two would do in your earlier years when you were both reckless, both so horny your hands never left each other. It is comforting, how things never really change.
"You okay?" Daryl asked, brushing your hair from your face... your face still pressed against the door and still very much covered in his cum.
You nodded softly, not able to speak well because Daryl's cock really took a number on your throat. Daryl smiled softly, slipping his cock out of you... watching his cum leak out of you. It was rare for Daryl to cum in you, he was always so adamant about cumming anywhere but inside simply because....he didn't want to knock you up, kids weren't supposed to grow up in this world. But something about tonight, he wasn't worried about you getting pregnant. A part of him actually welcomed it.
Daryl stepped back from you, pulling his pants up and buttoning them back up. You straighten yourself up, legs shaking as you attempt to pull your dress down. You weren't sure if you should bring up what happened, about the men who said those things but the words left a tension between you two. The words did hurt, you did feel massively sexualized by those men and you didn't like the feeling of it. But you thought maybe you could ignore it, it will go away on its own. Daryl noticed your struggle to put your dress back on, feeling a slight twinge of sympathy.
"Let me help..." He said, reaching over to help fix your dress. Covering up your body, his hands grazing your soft skin as he did so. He too was having that debate in his head, if you two should talk about it. "You know, those men. They're dead, you know that?"
It was almost like he heard your thoughts, could read your mind, and laid out what you needed to hear. This entire night you had been sexualized, but you didn't mind it... it was just attention to you. But hearing it while Daryl was there, feeling the way it affected him as well. It made you feel so gross like maybe all you were was actually just a piece of meat to some men. You could never imagine a life without Daryl now, how respectful he was even with his degradation.
Daryl was 2 steps ahead though, he already planned on making their life a living hell. It was one thing to gawk at you in front of your face, imagining what you tasted like or how you would look butt naked on top of them... all the while you just wanted to collect stories. But it was another thing to write you up as some lust-filled woman who would give herself any man who would ask her nicely. You weren't what they made you out to be, but then again they made every woman who liked sex like they did out to be some kind of whore. You liked sex, you liked it rough... but so did they, so why were you any different?
"Don't get yourself in trouble because of that asshole diary." You said although you urged him not to... a part of you really wanted him to. Men like them deserved to be put in their place, they deserved to be made to feel just how they made women feel. Plus you wouldn't mind Daryl coming home all bloody...
"Who said I'll get caught..." He smiled, inching closer to you, and laid a soft kiss on your cheek, wrapping an arm around your waist while he did so. Daryl was good at his craft, he knew how to be careful."So, I want you to go home... Take a nice bath, make some tea or something.... maybe get some rest. And I'll be home before you know it."
He kissed your forehead, brushing your hair from your face. It did sound so nice to just give in to sleep, especially with being a nervous wreck all night and then being fucked so hard in a small bathroom. But the feeling of Daryl going to hunt down these men, staying up till the early ends of the night punishing them for what they said... something inside of you flips, causing a small knot in your stomach to form wants more. You reached up on your tiptoes, bringing Daryl into a passionate, long kiss. This hinted to Daryl what kind of mood his actions had put you in, he pulled away when he realized... he'd already been away from his post for long enough, he couldn't go another round with you.
He chuckled softly, stepping away from you... he slid his jacket off and placed it on your small body. You were completely engulfed by it, it covered your body more than the black dress did, and you couldn't help but feel so safe in it.
"I'll leave the bathroom first, you wait a couple of minutes and sneak out. There should be a backdoor in the kitchen you can slip out of, but then I want you to go straight home okay?" He said, pulling the jacket closer to your body before setting another kiss to your lips. "And clean your face off before leaving, it's already bad enough i fucked you in here... don't need them to see the evidence of it."
You couldn't help but let out a soft laugh, zipping up the jacket as you did so. You did completely forget about the cum that still dripped from your face, you were covered in so many liquids that his cum was completely forgotten by you. You nodded your head, watching him unlock the stall door and slip out of it. You poked your head from it, making sure the coast was clear before you also slipped out of it. You looked in the mirror, jesus... you were a complete mess. You watched as he peeked out of the bathroom door, making sure he could slip out successfully.
"Round three when you get home..." You called out, making him whip his head around to look at you. He scoffed, shaking his head softly. 
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Logan x Reader pt.4
So some of y'all are gonna not like this part but it's necessary 🤌🏻 hope it's okay I wrote it whilst bleaching/dying my hair 🤣🤣
I have also put some very rough sketches of the X-Men I did on holiday so you can get the vibes on the super suit/costume
<< Part 3 Part 5 >> Masterlist
He was gone, you waited for a moment just in case, but no, he was gone. It was okay, you'd had more time with him than you'd thought possible. The hours were a blessing.
“He isn't going to come back.” Cassandra spoke to your right. “You missed your chance.” She matched over to Pyro and slapped him awake.
You shook your head, she was right. Why were you just staring into space? You had to get a move on.
Quickly picking up Laura's discarded backpack - now full to the brim with Deadpool comics - you moved past them. Better to leave when she's distracted, if you hung on any longer she might remember you all came here to bargain with/kill her.
You looked down from the socket, drained. Using your powers was mentally taxing and, without the help of adrenaline, you didn't know if you could even make yourself a disc to descend. Instead you skidded downwards, holding the skull to climb and landed on your feet. The texture was like bricks. Was that really how a skull felt?
You swivelled to see your family. Laura sprinted as soon as her eyes landed on you, crushing you in a hug. “You stayed.”
“Of course I did.” Your arms held her tighter. “I’d have missed you all too much.”
She pulled back from the hug only to gaze into your eyes with her own glassy ones. “We couldn't see who jumped, did they make it? I thought you'd been eaten.”
“No, I'm here.” You assured her with a teary smile. "They did make it. They're gone."
She quickly burrowed back into your neck as you noticed El make her way towards you both and joined the hug. “That was intense.”
Gambit was next picking you all up as he squeezed tight. “Le’s never do tha’ again.”
Blade had hung back but Laura extended her hand to him and gestured until he held it. He wasn't one for ‘lovey dovey’ displays but he did love you all. He never thought it possible, not after he landed in the Void, but here he was. Clutching Laura's hand and thanking any deity that would listen.
“We better go.” Blade instructed. “Let's see if they got any wheels we can borrow.”
They did in fact have some wheels you could borrow. The five of you all sat in a beaten down Ghost Rider vehicle. It was an old fashioned Chevy and the boot space was perfect for the looted goods you all scrambled to swipe under Cassandra’s nose.
The drive back was strange. Obviously you were no longer in the boot with Logan but even if he was here you'd thought it was odd. You all survived.
There were no casualties.
Not that you were complaining, gosh no, but you were feeling a sense of unease. As though it had all been too easy.
Laura sat between you and Gambit, holding one hand from each of you as she dozed. Blade was driving and El sharpened her sais.
This was so ordinary. Well, your version of ordinary. But seeing actual civilization had thrown you. Because no this wasn't ordinary. This was fucking batshit.
You took a breath and tried to calm the fuck down because yes this was crazy and it wasn't what life should be but it was what it was.
You had to make peace with it.
You'd let Logan and Wade leap into a real life.
If they came back good. If they didn't… well, you were fine with it.
A week later, once word had gotten out that Cassandra Nova had left, the Void seemed calmer. There were less riots - still a large amount - and people seemed to go it alone more. There wasn't the threat of ‘join or die’ so people made peace with scavenging and surviving.
Your group had still tried to help if people needed it but you mostly stayed out of sight. Without a ‘big bad’ to fight there was no longer an ultimate goal which was good but at the same time it made life boring.
You were playing a game of Uno, having found it in a rotting classroom, when an orange rectangle opened behind you. The others were quick to draw their weapons and you craned your neck to see a woman step out.
She had an air of authority with a kind face.
“Y/N L/N, Laura Kinney, Remy Lebeau, Eric Brooks, Elektra Natchios, I am B-15.” She informed you with a pleasant smile. The fact that her name was a letter and a number wasn't lost on you but you were still reeling over the fact that you're fairly sure Blade was called Eric. “I oversee the TVA and we are here on business.”
“TVA?” Gambit raised an eyebrow, lowering his powered up deck.
“The Time Variant Authority. We are the overseers of timelines. Our job is to watch them, nurture them, keep them safe.”
Elektra straightened but didn't hide her weapons. “If you 'oversee our timelines', why are we here?” Her tone was accusatory.
B-15 looked a little embarrassed. “One of our managers, Paradox, had accelerated the time frame on your dying timelines. He is the reason you are here. I am sorry for that but I am here to make amends, we have been in discussions with Wade Wilson and Logan Howlett about your recovery.”
Well, fuck me, he was coming back. You'd practically lost hope after the third day.
“Dying timelines?” Elektra's eyes flickered to Gambit. She knew he didn't remember a time before being here like the rest of you did.
“Timelines, like many organic things do, decay and die. Sometimes it is natural, sometimes it is fabricated and sometimes their 'Anchor Being' dies and they slowly rot.”
“But our timelines, our universes, are dead?” Blade questioned.
“Yes. But we can house you in another. We need to go through the proper paperwork and screenings but I do believe you can all be happy there.”
“People we knew-” You started. “Our friends- I've seen multiple versions of the same person. Our friends won't know us?”
“I can safely say in this universe there is no version of each of you. You would be entering as yourself and, yes, you will have to create friendships and relationships again but I'm sure each of you is up to the task.”
The feeling that this was too good to be true crept up your spine again. “What's the catch?”
“There isn't a catch.” She clasped her hands. “You don't have to come, it's an offer but I won't ask twice.”
The room that had previously been full of laughter and frustrated yelling was now dead silent, each of you considering her words.
“Do you want to go?” You asked Laura.
Her face betrayed no emotions. “I will if you want to.”
“It might be very different then this, then what you grew up with. You might not like it.” You didn't want to steer her any way but you wanted her to be sure.
“As long as we're together.” Her eyes flashed around the table.
El nodded. “I'm game.”
“Are there blood suckers in that world?” Blade asked B-15.
“There are Vampires, yes. There are also a few Lycans.”
That baffled you. No fucking way was there Vampires. “Then I'm ready to kick some Vamp ass.”
“I dunno.” Gambit shook his head. “I feel like I wa’ born ‘ere. Wha’ if there no room for me there?”
“Of course there's room.” El placed a hand on his shoulder. “Don't stay here, this place is horrid.”
He gave an uneasy look but did eventually nod.
“Right.” B-15 smiled. “Let's go.”
She gave you five minutes to collect your things and meet her at the rectangle. It was a little sad to realise five years worth of memories could be boiled down to a water bottle, Uno cards, a few knives, some art you and the girls created and your photo of you and your husband.
There was no point taking your clothes, they were tattered and stained, you weren't even sure the super suit you currently had on was clean enough for the 'new universe'.
B-15 walked through the portal when you all agreed it was time and Blade followed. Laura and you were next and finally El led Gambit.
You were struck by nostalgia. Walking through from a hot country to an airconned airport slapped you in the face. Memories of your honeymoon dancing across your mind. Was this wrong?
Was being with him insulting his memory?
You scanned the room. It was a tacky beige corridor with a set of brown doors, each door had a friendly face waiting with a clipboard.
“Right, so this is the boring part.” B-15 tried to joke. “I will need you all to partner up and answer some questions.”
“Wait’re minute.” Gambit ceased Elektra’s movements. “Wha’ if they kill us?”
“We won't kill you.” B-15 made a face.
“You are separating us.” El folded her arms.
B-15 sighed and plastered the professional smile back on. “If we wanted you dead we would've left you in the Void. This is part of the process, unfortunately it involves asking a lot of questions and to save time we thought to free up some extra agents, who are all very busy, mind you.”
Laura was the first to move, she gave a curt nod, pulled her backpack tighter against her spine and strode right to the end of the corridor. The lady she met was small and unassuming but she greeted Laura with a friendly hello.
You were next, always following after her, and found yourself beside a man. He was tall and waved awkwardly.
The man led you into what was clearly an interrogation room. There was a definitely double sided mirror on the wall reflecting the dark oak table and chairs that sat directly in the centre.
“Right,” the man said, taking a seat. “I am here to fill you in on this universe and fill out this questionnaire to determine whether or not you are fit to join it.”
You eyed his clipboard. “How long will this take?”
“Time works differently in the TVA.” He shrugged and began the explanation, which felt as though it lasted three whole days.
This universe was much the same as yours except the X-Men hadn't picked you up. There was a Jean and a Charles and a Rogue, etc however their version of Logan died which was beginning to kill off the timeline. Paradox had offered Wade the opportunity to hop over and he learnt the truth causing everything that had happened to happen. In order to secure all five of your places the TVA had to create some ‘micro-adjustments’ to certain parts of this universe. This was completely new territory so it did take some time to set up events and try to create anchor spots.
The X-Men were formed however they were now operational in the year 2024 and they worked side by side with the Avengers. There were many names and many dates and many places that Y-23 told you and you could barely catch up.
“So there's Avengers and Guardians and X-Men and there's still villains? Isn't it overkill?” You finished your lemonade, placing the plastic cup on the table by your messy notepad. You'd created a mini conspiracy board, trying to piece together all the information he was throwing at you.
“There are more heroes than you could ever imagine but that just brings the threat of violence higher.” He shrugged.
“And B-15 said that there were Vampires and Lycans.”
“In a world full of Mutants are you really surprised?”
“But a mutation is different from a species of Vampire, no?”
Y-23 thought about it but shook his head. “No it isn't. It's simple evolution.”
This was starting to feel like a Charles Xavier lecture.
“This universe isn't a part of what was once called the Sacred Timeline, this is a wild, thriving, new and exciting thing. This has never been done before.” He tried to reassure you.
"Meaning it's an experiment.” You muttered. “I'm game for it, I'm just scared.”
“Well, you have answered all of my questions swimmingly.” He gave you two thumbs up.
“You haven't asked any questions.”
“The questions are more for me than for you.”
This was starting to feel like a really bad idea. “I'm confused.”
“Don't be, the next step is wardrobe. Can't have you going to a new universe in…" He looked you up and down. "..that.”
You stepped out of the tailors with a spring in your step. They had provided actual clothes but being in a brand new suit was bliss. They'd even provided weapons! The suit was beautiful. It was mainly purple, with a purple ‘x’ on your chest on top of black fabric. The black fabric was angular, causing a triangle shape underneath the ‘x’ and then carrying on down from your armpits to your ankles. The purple was on the front and the back connecting from your chest via the ‘x’ to your shoulders. Your spine had a delicately placed holster for two knives.
This was quite possibly the most powerful you had felt, despite being unable to actually conjure your forcefields. Y-23 had told you there was no magic in the TVA and that got you both into a large debate on whether or not you had magic. You were a mutant, you weren't magic! Gambit toed the line between mutant and magic better than anyone so you wondered how he was doing.
El and Blade were in the main room you were being led to. The room consisted of more brown furniture - desks and chairs - but had many old-school TVs on the far wall. Each screen held either a series of lines or a person. You were quick to zero in on Iron-Man, his iconic suit was blasting at several enemies. He was one of the biggest heroes in your world and the most recognised. You literally couldn't imagine Tony in another suit, another mask. He wouldn't look right even in a different colour, say green for example.
“That's Punisher.” El pointed to a gruff man, with a dusty white skull on his chest. He was mean looking but you had the feeling he was probably good as gold when needed.
“Whistler.” Blade nodded to another gruff man. He was older and definitely played by his own rules.
You watched the row of moving heroes. “So we have to just drop in and say hi, we know you in another universe?”
“H-1 told me I would say what I wanted.” El gave you a confused shrug. “that doesn't exactly clarify anything, what if I tell Matt and Frank and they don't- what if that means they don't want anything to do with me?”
“Precisely.” Blade agreed as Gambit walked into the room. “I will need Whistler's help. I can't fuck that up.”
“A’least I can' destroy wha’ weren't there.” Gambit smugly grinned, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “We all look ‘mazing by’t’way.”
Yes. You all did. Blade was wearing all black. A protective vest on top of a long sleeve and leather trousers. His outfit was swallowed by his leather coat. Weapons were under and over the coat, you could see all sorts of knives and daggers and even a crucifix dangled from his belt. He had a new pair of sunglasses, which he seemed very pleased about.
Elektra was wearing a bright red outfit, you assumed her Void outfit started off as this colour but she stained it to be safer. Her chest was now unexposed and she had gloves on. Her trousers were still there but on top she had an overlaying split skirt. The material was softer than the bodysuit, it matched the scarf which covered the lower part of her face.
Gambit looked much the same. His outfit was perfect. The only thing different about this one was there were no knicks and dents. He also wielded a staff.
Laura was yet to show her face. Something that didn't worry you but didn't not worry you.
“So where are we living?” You questioned. “I used to live in the X-Mansion but Y-23 said Charles was around but he now operates in 2024. So in my head he must be very different.”
“It seems like that's true for all our friends.” Blade’s eyes hadn't left the screens.
Gambit strode to the screens and gazed intently at each person. “Surely, they couldn' be too different. If it's the same person an’all.”
“Different circumstances, different upbringings.” El countered.
“That's Magneto.” You pointed to Erik. He was talking to Charles, drinking a cup of tea. It was infuriating because they were this civilised as enemies so you couldn't even tell if they were friends. “He was a concentration camp survivor. If he's about now, did that happen? Is he evil?”
“He looks pretty friendly with Charles.” Elektra cocked her head.
“They always were.” You huffed. “This will be really difficult won't it?”
Blade’s head swivelled in your direction. “Adjusting always is.”
Fuck how was he just effortless cool?
The door reopened, B-15 and Laura came through. She was gorgeous. They had dressed her in a yellow suit, with black trim much like yours. The suit had gloves and shoes which had special slots for her claws. But the icing on the cake was her cowl. She wore the famous Wolverine cowl and she looked glorious.
“Woah!” Gambit cheered. “You look li’ him!”
She did. She really looked like Logan.
“You look amazing, sweetie.” El grinned wide as Laura held one elbow in embarrassment.
“Thank you.” She wore a shy smile.
Blade clapped her back and couldn't help but nod.
“I can't believe it. You really- you look like- you look good.” You stuttered through the sentence.
She, thankfully, waved you off and turned to the screens. “Who are they?”
“Heroes in the 'new universe'.” Blade smirked. “They'll need our help.”
B-15 cleared her throat and you all looked over. She was standing in front of a freshly opened ‘timedoor’. “This is it.” She stepped to the right. “Through here is a collection of Earth's Mightiest Heroes. They will greet and assess you.”
Oh great, more assessment.
Laura, again, was the first of you to make a move. She confidently marched through the door, ready for this to be over with.
El was next, followed by Gambit, Blade and finally you.
You entered a white room. It was grand and outlandishly ‘modern’ - sparse. There were walls that were made entirely by window planes and the sunlight shone warmly. There was a silver, angular table and six beings were seated at it.
These were the ‘illuminati’. Y-23 had explained that a member of each super team created the illuminati, an omnipotent organisation. They controlled the world.
Iron-Man was there, creasing a ridiculously expensive suit, as well as Doctor Strange - the Sorcerer Supreme - Mr Fantastic - the smartest man alive - Namor - the King of Atlantis - Blackbolt - the Ruler of Attilan - and… oh my god. That was Charles!
The negotiation wasn't long. Charles took a look into each of your minds and declared that you and B-15 were all telling the truth. Then they revealed a set of apartments that they had brought for you to settle into normality in. You were allowed to leave them once you had settled and you had to come back every month for therapy "monitoring".
Stark handed you all a bank card and told you there was a limit to them. They also informed you that if you were needed to defend Earth they would call upon you.
Blade was under extra surveillance as he was a Daywalker. Reed had been able to recreate Whistler's serum to suppress the bloodlust but they were still taking precautions.
Doctor Strange placed a spell on each of you to track your whereabouts but other than that they let you go.
“The idiots are outside.” Stark used a thumb to point over his shoulder. Blackbolt smiled, his shoulders shaking in a silent chuckle.
“They haven't stopped pestering.” Namor rolled his eyes. “You must be integral.”
“We are just ourselves. We were cursed to live in that Void for years, for no apparent reason other than a cocky bastard's ego.” Elektra held her head high, watching the men she addressed like a hawk.
Charles adjusted his chair and gave you a sincere grin. “You may venture out, we do hope you find solace here.”
Part 5
@geeksareunique @lovelyvaderx @melissa-ashe @st1nkabutt @maximumchilddreamland @ravenmedows @vulgarfuckinvirgo77
The sketches, be kind pls
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sleepynoons · 2 months
umemiya x afab!f!reader (characters aged up), nsfw, 18+, not beta read
cw: oral + fingering (receiving), stockings/tights fetish, cosplay, body worship because umemiya is absolutely smitten with you, slight body insecurity (nothing very specific, just mentions of reader needing reassurance), couch sex, praise kink!!!!
cw: this is a few days late, but this was written for bunny day (august 2nd). some context: reader + umemiya are adults and y'all live together, reader is in a slutty bunny costume, tsubakino is the real mvp. not sure how i feel about this one-shot, i wrote it with my clit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
IT WAS supposed to be a simple surprise. you had told tsubakino about wanting to play a prank on umemiya on bunny day, something along the lines of wearing a small get-up to tease your boyfriend. tsubakino loved your idea and promised to help prepare you a costume for the day.
what you didn’t expect was tsubakino to gift you a whole bunny bodysuit with accompanying fishnet stockings, a floppy-eared headband, and a miniskirt.
you’re mortified as you stand in front of the mirror. you feel absolutely awkward in the outfit. umemiya’s waiting for you in the living room, and you should be returning from “the bathroom” any moment now. you could change back, pretend like everything’s normal, but then you’d feel bad for wasting tsubakino’s efforts.
mustering your courage, you sigh and try to fake some semblance of confidence. you tiptoe out of your shared bedroom with umemiya back to the living room, where he’s sitting on the couch, back turned to you.
here goes nothing.
you cover umemiya’s eyes with your palms and chirp, “i have a surprise for you!”
he laughs, bright and easygoing like wind chimes. “for what?” he asks.
“keep your eyes closed,” you say. you shuffle your way around the couch so that you’re standing in front of your boyfriend. you clear your throat, feeling another surge of nervousness. “do you know what day it is today?”
innocently, he shakes his head no.
“well,” you explain, “it’s bunny day, so i thought i’d do a little something for it. you know, just for fun.”
umemiya grins widely and practically vibrates in his seat, like a kid waiting to receive a sweet treat. you tap him gently on the shoulder to indicate that he can look now.
umemiya’s eyes widen as they drink you and your scandalous outfit in. you’re fidgeting underneath his gaze, wringing your clammy hands behind your back. you don’t want to ask for his opinion in fear of his response.
but you shouldn’t have hesitated because your boyfriend dramatically falls onto his knees onto the floor and practically kisses your feet.
“baby, you look so good! it suits you so well!” he exclaims. you laugh as he wraps his arms around your torso and hugs you tightly, pressing his cheek to your stomach. then, he looks up, steely grey eyes meeting yours, and smiles softly. “you look stunning,” he breathes, voice oozing pure adoration.
you fluster at his words. umemiya’s never been afraid to shower you with praise, yet even after years together, you still get shy at his straightforwardness. truly, his love feels like a tight squeeze to your heart, and you’re almost pained by how much you love him back.
“are you sure?” you ask meekly.
he plants a firm, long kiss to the spot right underneath your belly button before suggesting, “i can show you if you want.”
he stands up, still holding you close, and helps you lie down on the couch. it’s a little cramped, but your boyfriend manages to slip a knee in between your parted legs and places his hands on either side of your head. he leans down, capturing your lips with his, and begins to make out with you. he licks into your mouth and swallows all of your moans as he rocks his leg into your core.
in between gasps, as the two of you break apart to breathe before colliding together again, umemiya squeezes in sweet praises and words of affirmation. 
“look so sexy and naughty. i’m so lucky to be the only one who can see you like this.”
“wanna strip you and mark you all over, so everyone knows that you’re mine.”
“angel, you’re so good to me, and i promise i’ll make you feel good, too.”
your back arches at his words, trying to press up into umemiya’s body. he takes it as a signal to give you more.
he starts making his way downward. he sucks bruises and hickeys onto your neck. blows on your exposed cleavage and ghosts his lips over your perked nipples, already visible from underneath the thin fabric of the bodysuit. when he reaches your hips, umemiya slides his head underneath your miniskirt and uses his teeth to pull the bottom of the bodysuit to the side.
you whimper as umemiya mouths at your core. there is no doubt that your pussy is drooling, the crotch of your stockings sticking to your panties, and you can feel every lap of umemiya’s tongue as he uses the tip to trace your folds and lick at your clit. his hands are gripping your thighs, fingers hooking into and tugging at the fishnets.
umemiya’s never told you this before, but he loves it when you wear stockings. the shine of the fabric, how it stretches around your legs, the way the waistband slightly cinches at your waist – everything about you in tights arouses him incredibly. even though you were so nervous at first, you still oozed sex appeal, and he has to hold himself back from completely ravaging you.
he hums as you gush again. your body is twitching, shuddering as he makes love to your pussy, and he can feel your hole fluttering open and close, in need of something to fill it up. it’s a shame, he thinks for a brief moment, before he sits up and rips your fishnets open. you gasp, surprised at the sudden display of strength, but you don’t have the chance to speak up as your boyfriend shifts your panties aside and presses two of his thick fingers into you.
he pumps them quickly, curling his fingers when he presses deep inside and teasing your entrance when he glides out. his other hand is busy playing with your chest, his palm grasping and fondling your breasts with gentle tugs. barely breathing, you’re seeing white flashes in your vision as umemiya works your body, and when he nudges against that spot, you let out an especially loud moan.
your boyfriend perks up at the sound. he needs to hear you make that noise again. “one more time, angel,” he coos.
you can’t refuse even if you wanted to because umemiya adds one more finger and bullies your sweet spot over and over and over again while swiping your clit with the heel of his palm. all you can do is cry out his name and sense your orgasm build up at an accelerating pace, pussy burning and fluttering at the relentless stimulation.
“baby, you’re about to cum, right?” the question is rhetorical, because it’s obvious that you are, and even if it wasn’t, umemiya’s well-aware that you can’t hear him over your moaning. your boyfriends smirks to himself as he watches you lose yourself to the pleasure that he’s giving to you. but if he had to choose, he thoroughly enjoys the sight of you climaxing much, much more.
so he leans over and groans into your ear, “cum for me, pretty girl.”
and you do. your body behaves so obediently, back arching and pussy clamping down on his fingers in response, and whine, feeling wave after wave of your orgasm crash over. umemiya tries his best to work you through your high, curling and prodding with his fingertips as best as he can. 
when you calm down and your mind clears up a bit, you look up, admiring umemiya and his satisfied expression. weakly, you reach up, trying to wrap your arms around his neck. your boyfriend understands, whispering affirmations and placing light pecks against your temple as you hold onto him.
in this position, though, you can feel umemiya’s length pressing firmly against your thigh. after all that umemiya’s given you, you know you can’t finish tonight without pleasuring him.
“hajime…,” you say, voice small and slightly cracking. 
“yes, angel?” he replies.
you wriggle your hips, feeling your core reignite, and mumble shyly, “wanna make you cum.”
something inside umemiya snaps. you’re just too good to him. 
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arinzu · 3 months
My Headcannons for bllk characters💋
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Part 1 l part 2
Shidou, Sae and Kaiser
🪳Ryusei Shidou🪳
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✿His favorite painting he made was sperm cells swimming towards the egg cells.
✿Middle Child vibes, has a older sister and a gen alpha brother.
✿Was once very emo
✿Makes traditional Japanese painting and donates to the art club since he thinks their chill asf
✿Learned how to do makeup from a website that has too much virus.
✿Very chill outside the field
✿Likes traumatizing children, once a kid came to him and ask 'how babies were made', that kid was his brother.
✿Knows almost every gen alpha or gen z slang known to man.
✿I genuinely think (even if this is canon) he has a room dedicated to sae's passes to him at the u20 vs bl11
Boyfriend Headcannons🪳
♡Your display name on his phone is my pookiebear💗, Cockroach junior🪳, My babagrill💕.
♡Paints you and him kissing under the moon om a bridge.
♡Call him my one and only demon and he'll go feral or just wear he's jersey.
♡If anyone is making you uncomfortable he'll buy a bat and swing that bitch like no tomorrow.
♡Writes a cheesy love poem and reads it out loud to the bllk CCTV that is broadcasting live.
♡If you guys cuddle he'll kiss your collarbone or forehead if you're not ready.
♡Once wore a fairy costume with you for Halloween.
♡Doesn't get why you're insecure about your body, in his eyes you're divine, your perfect and he is lucky to have you by his side.
♡You thought he was into sae until he confess his love to you in the weirdest way possible (he said be my egg cell to my sperm BLA BLA BLA...)
♡Always tries to make you feel love even if it's weird, just know that he loves you no matter what happens
Sae itoshi💋
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✿Gives judgemental stares/side eyes to his questionable fans, it's bcuz y'alls Kinda weird...(Some y'all gotta go)
✿He isn't a massive tsundere he's just stoic like that.
✿He got traumatized(prob not)by seeing one of his questionable fans made of him and shidou (hint it was a fanfic)
✿Owns a few Spanish and English dictionary and regularly reads it.
✿Still has a photo of him and Rin somewhere in his place.
✿Has a big ahh tv in one of his rooms to watch horror movies if he had any free time to spare.
✿Almost flip off Luna when they were practicing on more than one occasion.
✿On his childhood he found a stray cat and fell in love with it, sadly he never saw that cat again after he was famous.
✿Wants to file a restraining order against some of his fans, didn't because of his manager.
✿Goes to the internet only for browsing for fights.(he uses a anonymous acc)
Boyfriend Headcannons.
♡Isnt possessive nor protective since your an adult with your own life, and since he knows that everyone knows your his and his yours.
♡Blow him a kiss or any sort of affection to him when he's entering the field, he doesn't want he NEEDS it.
♡If any of his fans are harassing you don't worry since he got bodyguards surrounding you.
♡He loves you deeply and if the media questions that he'll have no problem with clearing up the confusion.
♡Beach dates!
♡Even he might not look like it, he loves your affection, it clings to him like a bug so show him affection.
♡Please do wear his jersey or any of his merch... He wants everyone to know that your his lover.
♡If you cheat on him he'll cut you in half (totally not from who would you choose? Check it btw it's in one of the endings)
♡Cuddle with him, spend some quality time, or just watch his matches he will be so happy.
♡He might not be the best lover you'll have but he'll be the richest one you'll ever have.
Micheal kaiser💠
Half of these are angst and most importantly from his childhood🙂
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✿He isn't actually as cocky as most of his teammates think he is, his just hiding that pathetic boy in him so people wouldn't try to use him.
✿Doesn't want to go to therapy since he'll lose out on training that might end up in him going to jail.
✿Hated those kainess shippers on the bllk tv.
✿At one point, somewhere he actually liked ness not romantically but liked as a human, that quickly change.
✿Loves stray animals he often tries to feed them food.
✿Still keeps the blue rose gifted from his mother, it's sacred something he would never give to someone else.
✿When he's about to sleep he has the sudden urge to piss.
✿Has a notebook to talk shit about people.
✿Gets awfully quiet near a store he had stolen from.
✿Vibes with any music genre unless it's about abuse.
Boyfriend Headcannons.
♡Spoils you rotten and buys you expensive things especially with things he wanted as a child.
♡Gets really mad if you gonna ask him when can you meet his family, it's before he told you his past.
♡Whenever he remembers the past he'll snuggle with you until he falls asleep hugging your waist.
♡I REPEAT THIS AGAIN wear his merch, jersey, and buy his plushies he loves to see you with them.
♡If you give his merchandise too much attention, he'll have no choice but to hide them (time to time destroy it)
♡He thinks your the angel that save him from that horrible nightmate.
♡Is probably using you to stop the nightmares.
♡You and his teammates have a somewhat civil relationship, but with ness he actually adores you.
♡Makes you and him matching bracelets or any type of accessories.
♡If you're a questionable fan, he'll give you the side eye once or twice a day.
That's it y'all I totally didn't upload this by accident on more than one occasion.... BUT FORGET THE ANGST AT KAISER
TYSM for reading!
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talesofesther · 1 year
you're all I want love to be
Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: Tara is still afraid to allow people close, to allow herself to trust again. Until she finds someone who makes it easier.
A/N: The idea for this was also given to me by my dear @iamnicodemus. Hope y'all like it. Tara, I love u. <3
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Tara never meant for it to happen.
It was actually the one thing she wanted the least. Catching feelings for someone only opens up more opportunities for her to get hurt.
And yet it happened so easily, so subtly, that she only realized it when the damage was already done.
She found you on her first day at the university. When she was admittedly very lost; backpack hanging from one shoulder, fifteen minutes late for her class, and walking in the opposite direction of it. You were the only person she'd bumped into when going past Blackmore's cafeteria, and after a bit of an internal pep talk, Tara walked up to you.
And if kindness could be a person, it would be you. Instead of just taking her to class, you gave Tara a simple tour of the university, promising to be around if she ever needed anything else.
Tara started noticing you on every corner of the campus after that. She didn't take you up on your offer though, choosing instead to keep her distance. Still, you always had a smile reserved for her at times you'd catch her staring. That didn't change when the rumors about her and Sam started, if anything, you became more approachable than before.
But it was only after an unfortunate incident, that Tara actually started hanging out with you;
October had started four days ago, and with it, the Halloween season. Parties were already being scheduled every other weekend and sometimes on weekdays as well.
Tara was walking towards her class, her head in the clouds while she thought about what costume she would wear if she were to go to one of those parties.
She was usually one to be early for class now that she had her paths memorized, preferring the calmness of the minutes before everyone started rushing to arrive on time.
So she wasn't exactly expecting what happened next.
As Tara rounded a corner, she was surprised to come face to face with two other students; one of them adorning a black hoodie and a cheap Ghostface mask. The 'boo' that left his lips was as childish as it could be, but the abruptness of the encounter got Tara stumbling on her own feet as she took several steps back, eyes wide and her body momentarily entering fight or flight mode.
"What's wrong, Carpenter?" The guy in the mask said in a mocking tone, his friend joining in on the laughter, "thought I was your sister?"
Tara's voice was tangled up in her throat, she couldn't remember if she packed her inhaler this morning, or was it her taser that she forgot?
If unkind memories weren't flashing behind her eyes, Tara would have recognized the two idiots in front of her; the boys who came here to do anything but study, taking getting on people's nerves as a hobby.
It was only when the back of their heads was hit — quite forcefully — with a book, that they stopped laughing. The cheap mask fell to the ground with the hit, gaining a crack on its edge.
"Don't you guys have anything better to do?" You came from behind them, tucking the book back in your backpack, "fuck off before I tell the director what you've been doing out in the parking lot when you think no one's watching."
With a few complaints under their breath, they eventually walked away, allowing Tara to let out the breath she'd been holding.
"Morons," you huffed, tugging on the straps of your backpack before turning around to Tara, your gaze softening immediately, "you okay?"
Her dark eyes found yours. She simply nodded, feeling her lower lip quivering when she tried to speak. She noticed the way your hand twitched to reach out to her but you stopped yourself midway, instead tucking both hands in your pockets.
"I'm sorry about them," you told her with the usual gentleness you never lacked, "they should know better than to do that."
Tara shook her head softly, managing a smile when her heartbeat started to settle, "thank you for… stepping in."
You just shrugged, your smile coming as a copy of hers, and it got Tara wondering if it could hold the same sentiment too.
"Anytime," you told her then, and Tara hardly left your side after it.
It was easy to fall into the routine of having you near and pretending she was just a normal girl with a crush on her friend. Being with you was so easy that it made Tara forget about all the bad, forget about all the reasons why allowing people close became dangerous.
And today? Today should be a good day, it's a day Tara has been looking forward to, a day that took away her sleep for all the good reasons. And it's not like she never stopped to get coffee with you on the way to campus, but today felt different because you had asked her to, as a date.
And Tara had been counting the seconds for it; until Ghostface came back and nearly killed her and Sam at that grocery store, until Mindy said 'never trust the love interest', until her worst nightmares came back again and suddenly nothing was easy anymore.
"Alright guys, as much as I love discussing possible suspects with you," Chad pushed himself off the bench he'd been sitting on, "we've still got classes to go to, come on Ethan." The two boys gathered their things and walked away, Quinn soon following behind.
Tara slumped back in her seat, her hands coming up to cover her eyes. With her sight momentarily gone, it felt like everything else was louder, heavier; she could perfectly hear the rustling of leaves from the trees around, the cacophony of voices from all the other students hanging out outside, and feel the weight of Sam's gaze on her.
"I think someone's looking for you, lovergirl," Mindy said out of nowhere, kicking Tara's sneaker with her own. When Tara glanced up at her friend with a frown, all Mindy did was tilt her head towards the university, where you had just walked out from and were now making your way to them.
"Don't think I haven't noticed," Mindy teased with a sing-song voice and a grin plastered on her lips.
"Noticed what?" Sam sat up straighter, her gaze shifting from Tara to Mindy.
"Tara's girlfr-"
"Nothing," Tara interrupted quickly, getting up so she could land a gentle punch to Mindy's shoulder, "nothing to notice," she said again, pointedly.
"Alright, let's go, Sam," Mindy extended a hand for the older girl, "we'll meet back at the dorm later."
Sam still had a confused frown on her features but she took the hand offered to her anyway, while Mindy leaned closer to Tara so she could whisper; "always knew you had good taste," before both of them walked again.
Tara's cheeks went aflame as she let out a groan, predicting the onslaught of questions she'd get later today. She slowly turned around to meet you in the middle, her soul naturally filling with incessant butterflies.
Had she really been that unsubtle when regarding you?
"Hey," you greeted her a little breathlessly, letting go of your backpack and leaving it on the floor as you took a small extra step closer to Tara, your eyes frantically looking her over, "I was so worried when I saw what happened last night, are you-"
"I'm okay," it was instinct, but Tara didn't know if the words were true. There was something about you that always made her feel more than she wanted to, she suddenly felt like the last pieces of herself she'd been trying to hold together so hard over the last months started crumbling. Tara took hold of your hands, squeezing tightly. She didn't know who she was trying to comfort, you or herself.
You held her back, glancing down as your fingers intertwined with hers. Tara observed the way your lashes kissed the corner of your cheeks; you were all golden softness and spring warmth, presence rivaling the one of a welcoming sun on a cold day. Tara wanted to memorize that, keep it in her heart as if it was the first and last time she'd be seeing you.
It should be easy to forget and pretend, but it suddenly wasn't, because Mindy's words kept ringing inside Tara's head even if she didn't want them to be true. She felt tears steadily collecting on the bottom lid of her eyes.
"But," she closed her eyes at the unsteadiness of her own voice. More than anything, she wanted this, wanted you. But she was stuck. It felt like quicksand, pulling her further down the more she struggled to get out. "about today…"
It's like you knew her better than she knew herself sometimes, maybe for you, it still felt easy. "It's alright, Tara." Your thumb brushed over the scar on top of her hand, "we don't have to go, I understand."
Tara pursed her lips, blinking away her vulnerability. She let go of your hands only to loop her arm around yours and bring your bodies closer together, "walk me to class, though?"
"Come on, spill it, what's up between you two?" Mindy leaned back on the kitchen counter beside Tara, "I was joking earlier today, but now I actually think there's something there."
The carrot Tara was cutting ended up with a slice too big, she had to turn it around and cut it one more time in the middle, "I've told you, there's nothing going on," Tara told her friend with a sigh, making sure to cut smaller slices so she could keep her hands busy as long as possible; "she's my friend."
Mindy scoffed, she picked up a spoon from the sink and tasted whatever Chad was cooking up on the stove. A grimace came to her face at the lack of seasoning, "I've heard that before."
"It's not like that," Tara dropped the knife then, unsure what she was frustrated about or what she wanted to convince Mindy of, "how can I get… involved with someone after what happened?" Her voice grew quieter by the end.
Mindy softened at that, she turned to face Tara fully — everyone knew the younger Carpenter was still struggling with what she'd been through, even if she didn't want to admit it. "I know it's not easy, T. But you can't close yourself off for everyone, some people are still worth it," Mindy glanced towards the living room, a soft smile on her lips when Anika's silhouette came into view, "people aren't meant to be islands."
There are times when the pain is so big, that it almost doesn't feel like pain anymore. If it comes from a wound, that's usually the time when you'll pass out. If it comes from inside, you start to feel numb.
Sitting at the back of an ambulance as she watches cops walking out with another one of her friends in a dark body bag, Tara thinks she's close to that feeling. Mindy is sitting beside her, she's not moving. Tara doesn't know what to say in moments like these, they feel almost awkward. A morbid kind of awkward.
So when she gets up, cell phone in hand with your number already ringing, she blames it on that; on the pain squeezing her chest almost to the point of unbearable, on the helplessness she feels twirling in her gut.
Tara paced back and forth on the sidewalk, trying to draw out the noise of the sirens as she counted up the seconds until you picked up.
… Two, three, four.
Tara could hear her own heart rate quicken, she closed her eyes, thinking about how her inhaler was still all the way up in the apartment; where there's blood, and-
Please, pick up. Please, pick up.
A long sigh of relief left Tara's lips as soon as she heard your voice through the phone. As if she hadn't cried enough, she could see tears clouding her sight.
"Tara? What happened, is everything okay?"
"No, it's not," Tara forced out, her voice tight with a sudden rawness. She turned her back to Mindy so the girl wouldn't see her crying, "there was another attack… Anika didn't make it."
"Oh god, I can't-" Tara could hear you choking on your own voice, "are you okay? Please tell me you're okay."
"Yeah, I'm-" Tears made a steady path down to Tara's chin, some getting caught under the phone pressed tightly to her cheek, "I'm alright."
"Tell me where you are, I can be there in like ten- five minutes."
"No!" Tara said with urgency, "don't come here, please, I don't want you anywhere near this," she gulped back a lump in her throat, "it's too dangerous."
"But what about you?"
"I'll be okay," Tara closed her eyes, wishing the words really were true, "I just-" she hesitated, a confession lingering on her tongue, "I just wanted to hear your voice, is all." She bit onto her lower lip until it drew blood.
"We- we can talk for as long as you need," it was like Tara could hear your smile, "I'm happy to hear your voice too."
Ambulance lights and police sirens were clouding your senses as you run up to the commotion. It was quite a sight; your oversized shirt, shorts, and sneakers with mismatched high socks. But you couldn't remember to care because your heart had been at your throat ever since Mindy called.
There were several reporters blocking your view but you squeezed your way through them until you reached the police tape. You've always hated this; the white and red colors of the vehicles that only showed up in tragedies, the panic and grief that lay heavy in the air, the clicks of the cameras from people who saw it as an opportunity — you hated it all, but right now the only one on your mind is Tara.
You ducked to go under the police tape, immediately attracting the attention of one of the cops, "Miss, you can't be here, please go back behind-"
"No, you don't understand," you gripped at the fabric of his jacket when he tried to keep you back, trying to push through, "I know them."
And the cop kept speaking, probably about things you weren't allowed to do and places you shouldn't be. You didn't hear any of it, because you found her. Her blue shirt had more red than blue in it, dried blood was all over the fabric, making you feel a mix between relief and nauseousness; her hair was messy, tangled, and damp in some places; her skin still coated with bits of dirt and blood too; her arm was held up by a makeshift bandage. But she was there, talking to a blonde woman on a stretcher; she was alive.
"Tara," you called quietly as your sight blurred over, and then a little louder, "Tara!"
She looked up, any words she'd been saying dying on her lips when she saw you. For a beat, it seemed as if she was assessing if you were real or not, before she was all but running towards you.
Not caring for consequences, you pushed the cop off of you and met her halfway — lucky for you he apparently noticed you really knew them.
"What are you doing here?" Tara's eyes were glinting under the red and blue lights, there were clear tracks on her cheeks where tears had run down.
"I was-" you tried, stumbling over your words as you took her in, all blood stains and bruises. You raised a hand to push back her fringe, the strands of hair were damp to the touch; from sweat or blood, you didn't want to know. "Mindy called, and scared the shit out of me. I came as fast as I could."
With her lower lip stuck between her teeth, Tara leaned into your touch. Her eyes closed tightly when your thumb traced the outline of her eyebrow.
"Are you okay? I mean of course you're not okay, what am I even-"
You were cut off when Tara threw herself at you. She pulled you close with her free hand, nails almost digging into your skin with the force of it as she buried her head on your shoulder.
Quiet sobs shook her body and you held her back the best you could whilst being mindful of her injuries. One of your hands cradled her head, fingers tangled in her dark hair as you breathed in everything that was her. "Shit, I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you."
Tara only pushed herself into you more as you spoke. There was a beat, a moment of hesitance from someone who'd had the bitter taste of betrayal more than anyone should. Trust was a gamble, but when you had a place in her heart no one else could ever have, Tara knew you'd never break it. "I'm okay now," she spoke against you; and she believed it.
You only squeezed her tighter, pulling back just enough to land a kiss on her temple. And you allowed your lips to linger, to feel her skin against you and her heartbeat pressed to your own.
Tara melted in your hold, allowing you to support most of her weight. With her cheek pressed to your collarbone, she spoke; "you still owe me a date."
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keep me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Tara’s taglist: @milkiane @v1ci0us @alexkolax
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timetravellibrarian · 4 months
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Sanji x reader
Some thoughts on Sanji.
Sanji x femreader
What happens when a simp meets another simp.
Sanji's advances toward women were never really taken seriously or even paid attention to.
He mostly cooked and waited tables at the Baratie, occasionally kicking ass if needed to. One thing he wasn't expecting was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen – you– enter through the doors along with a green-haired man and another gorgeous orange-haired woman.
"Hello ladies, what would you like to order?"When he had smoothly delivered a pickup line to both you and Nami– much to Zoro's annoyance at not getting proper service– he expected the usual his advance ignored.
"Well, I'd order you but you aren't on the menu." You threw back. It wasn't intentional. You weren't that much of a flirt, only used to doing or saying something to challenge or fluster others occasionally.
When the waiter in front of you seemed to have frozen on the spot and then smirked you were left with two words on your mind 'oh shit'.
Fast forward to the same man being in your crew, serving you guys the most delectable meals and kicking ass you were ready to give up on having a peaceful life.
Though he sent all his simpery to Robin and Nami he left you out of the loop. At first you didn't mind but overtime you questioned his actions. Wondering if he didn't try to flirt with you because of the first time you met or maybe he didn't think you were beautiful. Then you looked in the mirror and realised it must have been some other reason cause you knew you were drop dead gorgeous.
You weren't being vain, you knew you were pretty because you were told so by Apis when the crew helped her with Grandpa Ryu. Kids never lie about such matters.
Unbeknownst to you, Sanji didn't treat you the same because he knew that he wouldn't be able to save himself from loving you and confessing.
Your eyes, your voice, the grace in which you would do things. Even when you were being a menace to society. All of those he loved. You'd think he couldn't simp enough till he saw you not look glamorous and just chose to where baggy clothes. Not gonna lie he'd think you were gorgeous in a chicken costume, you never know with this man
As much as he was too shy to approach you he wasn't afraid yelling at Zoro to stop being so close to you.
You were close friends with Zoro. It couldn't be helped if you were the weapons expert, always checking if cannons were clear, swords were sharp and helping with new inventions with Franky.
So instead of noodle dancing around you he did the little things. Checking everything that he cooks didn't have anything you were allergic to. Always making sure you had a little lunch bag whenever everyone left to explore the island. Giving you extra cupcakes or other baked goods of you ever want more.
If you're a picky eater, he'd make sure to make your food according to your taste. Leaving multiple options on the dinner table for your palate.
He also made sure not to be away from your side too long. Wherever you turn you'd find a swirly-browed cook casually wrapping an arm round you to stave off any threats.
When you get sick he'd be calling in Chopper for any problem you would even slightly complain about. He'd be beside you 24/7 like you were dying or something. Which is kinda sweet but he was needed in the kitchen.
Overtime it just became normal for all this to happen. You got used to it. In fact I think y'all would be the kinda couple that just happened but then later confessed your undying love for each other.
To top it off, you were his number one supporter. Everytime you caught a glimpse of him fighting you'd cheer like you saw a celebrity. Some would swear that his behaviour rubbed off on you because you were also cheering and doing a noodle dance whenever he wore a different suit or set of clothes.
But sometimes there were some downs in the relationship, for example his smoking.
You'd worry over him whenever he pulled out a cigarette one after the other in a day. Which led to you talking to him about it.
"If you don't atleast limit your smoking, you might as well be Black-lung Sanji."
He was a bit flabbergasted with the statement but he got what you meant.
Or if you had terrible coughs in reaction to his smoking he would try to smoke at a distance so he wouldn't and I quote, "Damage your gorgeous lungs"
As we all know Sanji, he didn't like women fighting too much or getting hurt but you immediately shut him down on that one, saying that as much as some of his morals were so gentlemanly and some old fashioned he had to accept that you wanted to fight. You wanted to help Luffy become king of the pirates. You wanted to be able reach your dream. So that needed you to be strong. That needed you to fight.
Since then he just aimed to be able to support you in any event that you needed help but he wouldn't be overbearing.
Would allow only you near the kitchen if you wanted to cook or bake something and you would allow only him near your forge/ workspace if he wanted to be near you.
Unfortunately for him you had connections wherever you went so you found out about his life in Peachy Island and never let him rest about it for a while.
And before anyone says anything about Fishman Island Sanji. Let's just say you were besties with Zoro there. Much to the cook's dismay.
"Stop being around that mosshead, Love."
"Stop losing blood around mermaids, Sweetheart."
Long story short, y'all were a confusing couple around that time. In fact, once he saw you were hanging out with the swordsman he would butt heads with the man. Leading you to pull him away before anything crazy happened.
Most times you told him to sit down and let you cook for the crew, especially if he was injured. He wouldn't allow it on account of Luffy's stomach being a literal black hole but you'd convince him otherwise.
When y'all fought together it was sure to leave the enemy in broken bones, hopes and dreams.
With Sanji kicking them away with his special moves and you pulling out a large cannon from the bag you carry around ( which was comically small but it was your magical inventory), nothing could stop you two. Sometime you'd trade opponents if he found himself fighting a woman.
Sometimes you helped him clean up after meals. Making sure that he didn't get all the work.
Most times he'd sit with you beneath the blanket of stars, his head on you chest/belly and you'd both share secrets about yourselves.
All in all, Sanji would love you to infinity and you'd love him just as much.
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jazzthatonewriterchick · 11 months
Lost in the Woods (Werewolf!BakuKiri x Black!Plus-Sized!Fem!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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"You scared now, baby?"
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Kirishima Ejirou x Black!Plus-sized!Fem!Reader
Synopsis: In which you get lost on your way home one night while coming back from a party and end up straight in the jaws of two strange yet sexy men who you get the feeling aren't quite human.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); Reader is Black, Fem & Plus-Sized; Reader is Drunk; Monster Fucking; Coercion; Dubcon; Rape (to be safe); Foreplay; Biting; Mild Degradation; Mutual Oral; Double Blowjob; Double Cunnilingus/Analingus; Big Dicks/Knots; Knotting; Unprotected PIV Sex; Doggystyle; Cowgirl; Unprotected Creampies; Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer's Note: Happy Halloween, y'all!! 🎃🎃 Enjoy!! -Jazz
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It has gotten darker outside. Way darker than it usually is around this time in the fall.
You walk along the trail in your fake cat ears leading to your co-worker's rented cabin deep in the woods, clutching your leather jacket closer to your plump frame and tasting your third drink on your tongue. You're still not sure what's in it, but you can taste the vodka and the fruity juice flavors with every sip you've taken since you've gotten to the party.
You originally were supposed to stay at the party for only an hour, but that turned into four. Four hours of watching your bestie shake her ass in her ladybug costume and dealing with your coworker and the host of the party flirt with you. Though Denki Kaminari is cute and loaded from his rich parents, he also is a huge slut.
He has what you call "community dick". The guy gets around to almost every girl in your office, minus you, of course. He's been trying which is why he invited you to his Halloween party, but you aren't interested. You thought the man was going to cry earlier when he saw you put on your jacket and head to the door.
Aww, you're leavin'?" he asked in his makeshift toga and leaf headpiece. He was supposed to be a Greek God. "But I'm about to start the competition and announce the winners!"
"I know, but I'm really tired and it's really dark out there," you sighed, trying to seem like you're apologetic.
"You sure you wanna drive?" he asked, sounding concerned. "Didn't you drink tonight?" You shook your head, your hand moving to grasp the doorknob behind you. "I didn't drive here. I took an Uber."
"You don't need to take no Uber, sweetheart," he tutted. "Not when you've got a personal chauffeur right here! Lemme drive you home. I promise that my ride is faster." He smiled big, confident, seductive smile at you that you're sure gets all the ladies' pussies wet, but you weren't swayed.
You gave him a small smile, desperate to leave. The music was too loud and your social battery was running way low. "That's very sweet of you, Denki, but I'm good. I'm gonna wait in the driveway."
Denki's eyes ticked outside the window where the woods lay in wait for you. "Well, my house is surrounded by woods. You sure you wanna walk alone out there? Wouldn't want all the creepy-crawlies and freaks to get you." He smirked down at you, cocking his head to the side."Lemme walk you," he whispered. "It would at least make me feel better. Plus, I'm great company."
He gave you that same seductive smirk as he leaned in, no doubt attempting to corner you against the door. You began to twist the knob, opening it in preparation to run out and escape his tricks."Thank you, but–"
"Heeey, girl," Mina, your coworker and bestie, sing-songed. She inserted herself right between you and Denki, drunk and a major cockblock (and your savior). "You havin' fun?" She side-eyed Denki who gave her a sharp glare before slinking off to attend to two of his guests who were about to fight over the last mini-pumpkin cupcake at the snack table.
"Yeah, but it's getting dark out there," you pointed out, relieved that Denki left. "Shouldn't we be heading home soon?"
"Go home?" Mina scoffed. "Denki said we're all welcome here! He cleaned out his five guest rooms upstairs just for us...or rather, for you." She giggled as you rolled your eyes. "You know, he's hoping you'll stay the night."
"Yeah, I know," you muttered. "But it ain't gonna happen. Denki gets around too much."
"So?" Mina scoffed. "I've heard he's good! Plus, it's not like you're looking for a forever. It's just a one-night thing you clear your head and get you some dick."
Mina is so convinced that you need to start dating if not having meaningless sex with coworkers if not men at bars, clubs, or online (which is hella dangerous). To her, you could use the release to ease your stress from your job and life, but in your eyes, you're more than happy using your fingers and toys to get that release. However, you would be lying if you said that you didn't want someone to break you off, but so far, you haven't found a man who could do so for you.
"I'm fine, Mina, really," you chuckled. "I know you think that I need some dick to ease my stress at work, but I can handle myself just fine." Mina didn't look too happy with that but didn't push it. "Whatever," she sighed. "But at least stay for the costume competition. You'll get to see me win for my super-cute costume!"
"Sorry, hon," you giggled, playing with her fake antenna, "but the dark isn't gonna wait for that. You know how I feel about traveling in the dark anyway. I'm just gonna bounce and call you when I get home."
At this, Mina grew worried. "You sure you don't want me to walk you?" But you shook your head, not wanting to interrupt her fun. "I'll be fine, Mina," you reassured her. "I'm just gonna wait in the driveway for my ride. You stay and have fun."
You wish you had just stayed in Denki's driveway like you said you would. You wish you never decided to venture along the trail to find the road. It's too dark, and you're too tipsy. You're not at all dressed for a walk, such as this one either–a mini dress that hugs your plump, chunky body, a leather jacket, fake cat ears, and black pumps that you try to walk slowly in to avoid breaking your ankle.
Plus, and this is the main reason, the forest is starting to creep you out. It is quiet. Too quiet, as if something is causing this eery silence. The woods trail is rather bumpy, and the trees seem taller than before when you came here four hours ago. They are bare of any leaves and their branches stretch towards the sky like long, crooked fingers. Speaking of the sky, there isn't a single star in it–just the large, white moon that looks almost ominous behind the clouds floating among the inky, black canvas.
You thought that making it to the road would make it easier for the Uber driver to find you when you ordered, but you can't even find the road. You ordered the ride before leaving Denki's party, hoping to make it there before the driver could call.
But now you're realizing that you should've just called before. 'You stupid bitch,' you think. So you call your driver now as you keep a hand out to grab onto trees for balance as you hike down the trail. The driver answers after three rings, but they sound grainy and broken.
"Hello?" you say into the phone.
"Hi, is this Y/N?" the Uber driver asks. "I was just going to call you. I'm here."
"Shit, you are?" you reply, your stomach leaping in fear. You only have five minutes to reach them and you still don't know where you're going! "H-Hang on, I'm comin' now. I can't find the road."
"I'm sorry, I'm having trouble hearing you," the driver says. "I can't seem to find a way through these trees."
"It's through the woods!" you call. "There's a trail that leads to the address. If you follow it, you'll find me there." Silence follows and you panic, thinking they hung up. "Hello, you there?" you call.
"Hello?" the driver asks. "Y/N, are you still there?"
"Yes!" you call. "Hang on, I'll come to you!" You waddle and stumble along the trail, pushing a long branch out of your face. "Can you still hear me?" Silence. "Hello?" you call into the phone. "Helloooo?"
Still nothing. You look at your phone to find that the call has dropped. "Goddammit!" you groan. Of course, this happens to you. Realizing that you're out of luck and have no clue where you are, you dial Mina's number and turn back around where you came.
Four rings go by before she picks up and you're hit by a barrage of sounds–music, yelling, and laughter. "Hello?" she shouts into your ear. "Mina, I'm coming back," you sigh. "My Uber driver can't find me and–"
"Y/N, you're breaking up!" she shouts. "I can't hear you!" Her voice begins to sound grainy and chopped, her words cutting off. "Mina?" you ask. "Mina, can you hear me?" Nothing but silence follows.
You look at the four bars on your screen, finding them to be completely gone. No reception. "Fuck!" you groan. Tonight is now a complete shit show. The beginning of a horror film. However, if keep on the trail to Denki's cabin, knowing you have a better chance of calling another ride there.
But then you get lost. Very, very lost. "What the fuck?" you whisper to yourself. "Where's the cabin?"
What looks like the trail to Denki's cabin turns out not to be...or is it? You can't quite decipher the trail anymore. Or where you are. Everything looks the same–the same leafless trees and brush stretching around you, making you feel suffocated; the same dark shadows; the same dirt trail that leads to nowhere.
Even worse is the darkness. It has gotten increasingly worse since you've been out here, stumbling about. You can barely make out the trees now, bumping into a few as you walk. The quietness only makes you feel more paranoid. All that you hear is the lone hooting of an owl and your heavy breathing in your ears. It's uncomfortable. Unsettling. Like something is lurking among the woods, ready to pounce at the perfect opportunity.
You go for your phone to switch on the flashlight only to find your phone on 20%. You growl in frustration, stomping your heel. How did you forget to charge it before you left Denki's party? "God, can this get any worse for me?" you sigh to the heavens.
And as if answering you, a droplet falls from the cloudy night sky onto your forehead. You gasp at the sudden feeling, pressing your hand to your forehead to feel the wetness. And then another one falls. And another. Soon, you are caught in a downpour. "Shit!" you squeal and take off your heels before immediately start running to avoid the rain.
You don't know where you're going but you run anyway, desperate to find the road or someone who may be out here to help you. Maybe one of Denki's guests from the party or a hiker. Maybe a camper. As you peel back tree branches and try to avoid pits of mud that have begun to churn from the rain, you finally find your light in the darkness.
Through the trees protrudes a cozy-looking house in a clearing, surrounded by a stack of logs for firewood and smelling of something spicy and warm. The windows are aglow which means someone is inside. Someone who can help you! "Oh, thank you, God," you sigh.
But as you go to run towards the house, you hit your foot on an overgrown tree root and go tumbling. With a shriek, you fall to your hands and knees, luckily not scraping them but staining them with dirt. Your heart lurches into your throat and you try to calm yourself. "Relax," you whisper. "You're okay. There's no one out there to hurt you."
"Well, look who stumbled along the trail," a teasing voice says. "Literally." Immediately, you look up and scurry away from the two figures standing above you. They are big. Huge, even. All lean muscle, broad arms, and thick, toned thighs and calves that could crush watermelons under their clothes.
They're not too bad looking either. The one on the right has a platinum blonde undercut, a sharp jaw any model would be jealous of, an eyebrow piercing, and a lip ring that glints in the moonlight in his plump, pink bottom lip. His vermillion eyes feel like hot rays on you as he glares down at you. "Who the fuck are you?" he growls. "Why are you here?"
You try to find the words to speak, but you're still too in shock from what has happened to you and the two strangers standing before you. "I-I..."
"Chill out, Katsuki," the one on the left chuckles. He is bigger than the blonde with long, red locks of hair, tattoos, and a toothy smile that unnerves you slightly. "You alright, miss? Sorry about him. He's territorial of our home is all."
He offers his hand to you, and though you hesitate at first, you take it and let him pick you up off the ground. "That's your house?" you ask, nodding at the cozy home. Katsuki glares suspiciously at you. "Why? You lookin' to break in or something?"
"N-No," you stutter, intimidated by his roughness. "I came from a party up the way and I couldn't find the road to catch my Uber."
Both men look at each other, realizing your story. "Oh," the redhead says, that grin still on his face. "You're lost. Gone too deep down the rabbit hole?" You don't answer, unnerved by his teasing and their presence.
"So that explains why a pretty thing like you is out here alone," the redhead comments, crossing his buff arms over his broad chest. "So no one walked you out here?"
You shake your head, hugging your jacket to your soaked body. "I told them not to," you admit, feeling guilty. "I thought this wasn't going to happen."
"Well, no one expects to get lost in the woods," the redhead chuckles. "But don't fret. You've got us and we know these woods like the back of our hands. It's not safe to be out here alone on such a dark night though. It could be...dangerous."
Something in the way he says this and the glint in his eyes makes you uncomfortable. There is something off about these two, you realize. Something ferocious. Predatory, like an animal. "I-I just need wifi," you stutter. "Or a phone to call my friend and tell her I'm here."
"You need more than that, sweetness," the redhead chuckles. "You're soaked to the bone! Guess you got caught in the rain." He nods over to their home. "Come on in and we'll help you out. We'll get you a towel and a phone."
"Really?" you ask, shocked by their kindness...and also wary. "Of course!" he laughs, his crimson eyes kind. "It wouldn't be many of us to have a beautiful lady out here alone and lost. Ain't that right, Katsuki?"
The blonde says nothing but keeps his eyes pinned on you. "Oh, I never introduced us!" the redhead tuts. "That's so rude of me. I'm Kirishima, but just call me Kiri. This is Katsuki. Say hi, 'Suki." Once again, Katsuki doesn't speak. "And you are?"
"Y/N," you softly answer. "Thanks for helping me out, but I just need a phone or a wifi password."
"What, you scared to come in or something?" Katsuki snarls. "You have no problem walking around out there in that." He nods at your mini dress and cat ears, making you flush.
"Leave her alone, Katsuki," Kiri growls. "I happen to think she looks amazing." He gives you a wink that makes your stomach flip. "I know it's weird since we're strangers and all, but we'd really feel bad if you just waited out here. We've got spicy ramen cookin' in there too, if you want any."
You should say no. You should firmly stand your ground and tell them to just give you a phone. But against your better judgment and taken by their strange attractiveness, you give in. "Okay," you sigh.
They guide you to their home and get you inside just as the rain becomes a thick sheet. Their home is cozy, warm, and has a roaring, brick fireplace. The walls are made of thick logs packed tight together and the furniture is covered in throw pillows and comfy blankets. Kiri leads you over to the couch and hands you a blanket to wrap yourself in while Katsuki heads to the kitchen. "Take a seat and we'll get you set up," he says. "And get comfortable. That's what the couch is here for." 
He smiles at you before heading off to gather some things for you. You sit there, shivering under the blanket after taking off your coat, doing your best to relax. But you can’t. Not when you’re in two strangers’ home with your phone halfway to death and in the pouring rain. There has to be a phone you can get to. You begin to look around for a phone, but are interrupted the Kiri returns with a towel and a tray holding a steaming bowl for you. "Here's a towel for you," he coos. "And a pipin' hot bowl of ramen if you're hungry. I'm sure you worked up an appetite at that party and walking through the woods." 
He hands you the towel and carefully places the tray down next to you. ”Thanks," you mutter. Kiri gives you your space and sits in a chair across the room, but he doesn’t take his eyes off of you. He watches you very carefully as you slowly slurp down the ramen, clearing your throat from the spiciness. He chuckles under his breath whenever you do. 
Katsuki then returns to the living room, his shoes off and clad in a V-neck and jeans that sit low on his hips. "Landline's down," he passively says. "The rain must've fucked it up." Kiri sighs while your stomach flips in panic. "Aw, man," he sighs. "Any luck with your phone, Y/N?" Something about the way he says his name in that raspy voice sends shivers down your spine. 
You ignore them and check your phone, finding it to be on 10% and the bars still low. You shake your head, ready to scream in frustration. "Guess you're stuck with us for a minute then,” Kiri says, sounding apologetic. Katsuki doesn’t say anything at all, still standing in the middle of the living room, adding to the tension you feel. “Does…this happen often?" you carefully question. 
Kiri shrugs, leaning back in his chair. ”Sometimes, if the rain is real bad. It's just one of the things about living away from the city in the middle of the forest." He gives you a humored grin, a twinkle in his crimson eyes. "You're probably wondering why we're out here, hm? Well, city life just got to be too much. Sometimes you just wanna be wild and free. Feral, if you will." 
His smile turns sharper and almost just as feral as he describes. You don’t even look at Katsuki. You’re too afraid too. Instead, you look down at your feet and squeeze the blanket closer to your form. "So what about you?" Kiri asks. "What's your life like outside of these woods?" 
‘Lie!’ your brain tells you. ‘Don’t tell them anything about you!’ But you also don’t know if they’ll know you’re lying. So you tell the truth, but keep things as tame and vague as possible. ”Well, I live in the city and I work in an office. I just came from a work costume party that my coworker was throwing." Kiri nods, his eyes scaling over your fake cat ears and legs poking out of the blanket. ”Well, you've dressed the part for it." 
"And decided to come in here to show us," Bakugou growls, speaking for the first time in minutes. His hot gaze runs over you as if he can see right through the thick blanket. "Ignore him," Kiri says, rolling his eyes. "He thinks you look fantastic, as do I. I'm sure all your coworkers of the opposite sex were re all over you tonight." 
You’re not sure if he says this to comfort or relax you, but it doesn’t do either. Your body is wound up like a drum and you feel hot with discomfort. ”T-Thank you," you whisper. "No, I...I didn't want that. I don't date my coworkers...or hook up with them." 
"That's a good idea," Kiri replies, nodding in approval. "It often makes your job complicated. But it relieves the tension, don't you think?" He pauses, letting the pitter-patter of the rain fill the silence. ”Eases the stress?" he suggests, smirking at you. 
Katsuki’s eyes find you. They are sharp and intense, glaring at your very soul. You find it hard to breathe and have to push away the ramen because your stomach is flipping too much. You need to get out of here now. So you stand, letting the blanket fall, and grab your jacket. 
"You okay, cutie?" Kiri questions, sounding worried. 
"The rain eased up," you huff. And it has––you can’t hear the harshness of it anymore. It is softer which means it’s easier to travel through now. ”And it's getting late. I-I think I should leave." 
Kiri’s brows knit in confusion. ”Didn't you wanna call someone first?" he asks. "And why leave if you got lost before?"
"Don't feed into that bullshit she's spouting," Bakugou scoffs. "It's just a cover to hide how scared she is of us." You stand rigidly near the couch, your eyes flicking to the door across the way. Maybe you can run. 
”Is that true, sweetie?" Kiri asks almost sweetly. "Are you afraid of us?" They both stare at you, waiting for your answer. Your heart thunders wildly in your chest, your blood pumping in your ears. You don’t know how to get out of this or what to say. "I…I…” Your brain is moving slow like it’s moving through sludge, your thoughts jumbled. 
"'Cause you should," Kiri finishes, his tone dark and low. "You should be very afraid. But we won't hurt you...unless you want us to." 
He stands up from his chair, making your fight or flight kick in. Both men stand before you now, not touching you but also giving you the feeling that they could stop you at any point from leaving. You can’t escape now. Their predatory gazes stop you from moving entirely. 
"Why leave when you know you're curious?" Katsuki asks, raising his pierced eyebrow. "Or should I say horny?" You blink at him, confused and taken aback. ”W-What?” you squeak. 
"Don't play the fuckin' fool, girl," he growls. "Why else did you come up in our home when you don't even know us? And don't say it was because of our hospitality or for our wifi." 
Now, you begin creeping towards the door. Their eyes follow you, but then don’t stop you. ”I don't know what you mean," you whimper fearfully. "Please, I just wanna leave." You slam your back against the door and try the knob, but it doesn’t budge. Locked. You’re completely trapped. 
Katsuki and Kiri stand side by side now, watching you, eating you up with their eyes. ”We don't want you to leave," Kiri softly growls, but his voice doesn't sound human. It is deep and growly as if he is an animal. He blinks and his eyes turn from a sharp red to an eery, golden iris. Katsuki’s eyes do the same, shifting from human to not at all. 
You try the knob again, now panicking. Even though you know it’s locked, you try again and again, pathetically so. But you don't take your eyes off of the two men in front of you…and you wish you did. You really wish you never witnessed what you are right now.
Instantly, the two men grow taller and bigger, their muscles widening and growing thicker. Their teeth grow sharp like pointed fangs and their nails turn into claws that protrude from fine-haired, paw-like fingers and toes. The hair on their heads grows wild and untamed, just as their eyes do as they rake them over your body. Fluffy ears and tails protrude from their heads and backsides, indicating that they are, indeed, not human. 
As their bodies grow and their muscles swell, their clothes rip to shreds and fall from their bodies, leaving them completely naked. Your eyes instantly fall to their shafts swinging between their thighs, your mouth falling open. They are huge. Thick. Long. You know they would reach your stomach if they got inside you. You can already feel the lockjaw. you’ve never been so scared of dick before. 
Katsuki smirks down at you. ”You scared now, baby?" he asks in a low growl. 
You press yourself against the door, your heart hammering and breath coming out in panicked huffs. "What the fuck are you two?” you whisper. 
"Two men who are gonna give you what you really want," Katsuki replies. "And you're gonna give us what we want too." They then crouch down and begin to creep toward you on all fours, their eyes still on you. Tears begin to prick at your eyes as you grapple with the doorknob, begging someone, anyone, to save you. ”Please,” you whisper. 
That is all you can say as they creep closer and closer to you. Katsuki takes one side while Kiri takes the other, both standing up and towering of you. "You’re too deep in the forest now, baby," Kiri whispers, a smirk on his face. "Wouldn’t be wise to wander around in the dark by yourself at this hour anyway. Too many predators.” 
One of his huge, clawed hands brushes a hair out of your face. You flinch away from him.
"It’s better to just stay with us. You can kill two birds with one stone: stay here for our protection and take responsibility for your slutty little actions.” He says it so sweetly that you almost miss the last part. 
“What?” you squeak. ”I-I’m not a–" 
"The fuck you aren't," Katsuki snarls. He pokes at your cat ears, nearly knocking them off of your head. He then moves closer to you, moving so close that you can feel the heat radiating off of his big body. “Comin’ in here dressed like that...smelling so fuckin' good...you're practically handing yourself over to us on a silver platter." 
"Mmm, I like that," Kiri hums, tweaking your cat ears as he presses into you from behind. "I like my toys eager. Vulnerable. And so, so easy to please." You are now sandwiched between the two werewolves, trapped. You can feel yourself shivering and trembling between them, your purse still in your hands.
Katsuki presses his nose into your hair and inhales deeply, a deep growl vibrating through his chest. ”God, I just wanna rip off her clothes and pound her right here," he growls. You nearly gasp at his vulgar words. ”Patience, ‘Suki,” Kiri says. “We have to ease her into it." His hand comes across your neck to turn your head towards him. ”Your lips are trembling, baby," he coos. "I know how to ease those nerves." 
Then his lips are on yours, giving you a slow yet hungry kiss that takes the air right out of your lungs. He played with you during, pulling away to lick and lightly nibble at your bottom lip with his pointed canines, relishing the tiny gasps you let out with every new sensation. He then pulls away, lightly pulling at your bottom lip until it pops back into place. ”How was that?” he asks, his voice husky and lustful. “Exactly what you needed?" 
You don’t want to admit it, but it is. That kiss was hot, passionate, and lustful. It gave you butterflies and made your pussy wet. You can feel yourself gushing now despite your situation and you feel like a disgusting, nasty little whore for even feeling like this. Katsuki lets out a deep, rumbling growl from in front of you, his hands sliding up your thick hips. "Fuck, I can’t take this waiting game anymore," he impatiently growls. "Keep teasing her while I get these clothes off of her. I need to see her without this fuckin’ thing.”  
Kiri chuckles as he begins to kiss and suckle on your neck, leaving hickeys in his wake. "Doesn’t look like you need to do much, Kats. Just tear off that dress and we’ll get right to the main course." His eyes rake over your body and your little black dress, his hands sneaking under to toy with your thick thighs. ”Mmm, such a naughty outfit. She definitely came here for a reason.” He smirks at you, his gaze hooded and devious. "Let us give it to you then." 
"No, wait!" you protest. 
But it’s too late. Katsuki is already tearing the little black piece of fabric off of your body, revealing all of you to him and Kiri––your pudgy stomach; your jiggly thighs and thick ass ridden in stretch marks and cellulite; your juicy breasts held up by your laced push-up bra. Both werewolves stare at you like you’re a full course meal, practically salivating at the mouth at the sight of you. "Aww, that little yelp was so cute!” Kiri giggles, his hands still wandering among your thighs and backside. “Was that your favorite dress, sweetheart?" 
Katsuki could give less of a shit as he kneels before you. ”She shouldn’t have worn it then. I hope you hate these stockings you’re wearing ‘cause they’re goin’ too." He then shreds your nylon stockings to pieces while Kiri’s fingers curl below between your thighs. “And these little panties. Doesn’t look like you’ll need ‘em anymore." 
Before you can take a breath, one clawed finger cut at both straps of your panties. Katsuki does the same to your bra, cutting the straps off your shoulders so they fall off of your breasts. Each piece of undergarments fall off of you, leaving your breasts and pussy exposed. You whimper in protest, moving to cover yourself, but Katsuki slaps your hands away. “No,” he sternly says. “Don’t you dare hide yourself from us.” 
“You’re absolutely gorgeous, baby,” Kiri sighs, nuzzling his nose into your neck. “So fuckin’ sexy.” Katsuki’s mouth attaches to your nipples, sucking hungrily on the hardened peaks as his hands grope and mold your breasts. You instinctively your head back, your eyes fluttering closed at the sensations. Here you are, standing naked in your heels in front of two total strangers who may or may not eat you or let you leave. 
‘How the fuck did this happen?’ you think. 
This is all you can think when the wolves stop their ministrations and push you down on the couch. They stand over you, each muscle and vein of their thick cocks glinting in the moonlight that has appeared through the window. The rain has stopped. "Bend over the couch," Katsuki demands. "We wanna taste how wet you are, and don't try to play like you're not." 
Though you’re trembling, you do as he says and bend over the couch, presenting your ass to the strange men. You hear them growl and groan in arousal at the sight of you. "Oooh, you're right, 'Suki," Kiri cackles. "She is wet for us." You then feel his fangs drag across your asscheeks, emitting squeaks and moans of pleasure from your mouth. "And so responsive from these ass bites," he giggles. "Don't fret, cutie. We'll take good care of this poor pussy." 
He bends down with Katsuki following suit, hypnotized by your sobbing, wet, brown cunt. He takes a finger and lightly glides it against your labia that hangs. You twitch pathetically at his touch, your toes curling. "Wanna share this kitty with me?" Kiri teasingly asks. 
”As long as I get to taste her, I could give less of a fuck,” Katsuki huffs. 
Then their mouths, tongues, and soft lips are on your pussy, slurping and sucking up everything you give them. As soon as their mouths touch you, your mouth falls open into an O and your eyes flutter shut. Their tongues slide through your walls to slurp at your pussy and their lips suckle gentle on your clit, sending shivers and shocks of pleasure throughout your body. 
“Shit,” you moan, gripping the back of the couch for dear life. You’ve never had someone eat your pussy so well before. Let alone two men! …Or two not-entirely-human men. They don’t just stay in one place either. They switch places, alternating between your pussy and your asshole. When Katsuki is busy tongue fucking your pussy and sucking on your clit, Kiri places his tongue all over your asshole, nipping and biting at your cheeks before dipping his tongue back between them. "You taste so good, kitty," he sighs. "We could eat you up." 
Katsuki growls in agreement, placing his hands on your hips as he devours your cunt. You can hardly speak. All that exits your mouth are moans, whines, and cries of pleasure that seem to explode out of you. The more their mouths move and their moans vibrate against your clit, the farther you’re taken to your orgasm. Soon, that knot in your core is tightening, threatening to snap, and your moans grow louder and more shrill. "Fuck!" you scream. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum! I'm about to cum!” 
Kiri repeatedly moans “uh-huh” into your pussy now, taking Katsuki’s spot while his blonde partner devours your ass. ”Fuckin’ do it," Katsuki growls. "Cum all over us, you little slut." Then you feel two fingers flicking at your clit and this is all it takes for you to finally explode all over the men devouring your pussy. 
When you cum, you cum hard. Actually, you damn well squirt all over the wolves’ faces as a chorus of moans and whimpers leave your mouth. You’re seeing stars and your head is clouded as you cum, your hands gripping the couch. Katsuki and Kiri excitedly and delightedly take what you give them, hungrily growling as they slurp up all of your squirt that drips down your asscrack and pussy. They clean you up until you’re twitching and sensitive, whimpering at the feeling of physical contact against your clit. 
Finally, they stop and let you breathe. You are sweaty, tired, and drained. And yet so, so satisfied. You’ve never cum so hard before. You tiredly turn your head up to the two men standing behind you, noticing them licking your juices off of their lips and fingers as if they can’t get enough of you. Katsuki then turns to you, his hand wrapped around his thick cock dripping pre for you. "You're not done yet, little slut," he huskily says. "Open your mouth for us. Wide.” 
Kiri stands beside him, also lazily fisting his cock with its angry-red tip dripping pre-cum for you. You don’t move from the couch and they don’t force you to. You’re too weak from your intense orgasm to do much except shift onto your knees on the couch and open your mouth as Katsuki demands. Kiri goes first, first tapping his head lightly on your tongue before sliding balls deep into your mouth. You try to accommodate to his size by stretching your jaw and breathing through your nose, but it’s hard at first. He’s just so big and thick! 
The redhead is less than quiet or subtle about how good your mouth feels as he begins to slowly fuck your throat. Lewd gagging and squelching noises escape your mouth as he does so, drool beginning to drip from your mouth. As he does, Katsuki fucks one of your hands, tiny grunts and groans leaving his lips as he watches you swallow Kiri’s cock. “That’s it, little kitty,” Kiri groans. “Open that throat for us. You’re such a good girl takin’ two big cocks at once.” 
A hand falls onto your scalp, stroking your hair. 
Then it’s Katsuki’s turn. He isn’t as nice or slow as Kiri. He is rough; hard; downright feral. He fucks your face like it’s his own personal fuck toy, making you gag and choke all over his dick. You do so to the best of your ability, your makeup running and cat ears askew. You stare up at him as he does as he pleases, getting an eyeful of his pelvis and toned stomach. “Don’t use no teeth either, slut,” he grunts. “If you do, you can make sure you’ll be punished for it.” 
Kiri chuckles as he fucks your free hand, holding onto your neck to give you support as Katsuki fucks your throat. “Have confidence in her, Kats. She’s been doin’ such a good job so far, fuuuuck…” His words turn into a moan and his eyes roll back as he continues to thrust into your hand like it’s your pussy. 
And they switch. And switch again. And again. They use your throat and hands like you’re nothing more than a cock sleeve to them. They’re own little toy. They fondle your breasts and lean down to smack your ass. They touch, squeeze, and stroke every part of you as they fuck your throat until it’s raw and your eyes are watery. Mascara drips down your face and your lipstick smudges until it is practically gone, instead all over Katsuki and Kiri’s cocks. 
Just as you feel like you can’t take much more, you feel a hand come behind your neck to grip your hair, pulling your head back to look into two golden irises. “You like this, don’t you?” Katsuki growls. “You like being used by us?” You slowly nod, still choking on cock. “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, kitty cat. And stop suckin’ ‘cause I don’t want to cum down your throat.” 
He slides out of your mouth with a groan, his cock now sobbing wet with your spit. “Mmm, same here,” Kiri moans, sliding his dick out of your fist. “Her throat feels so damn good, but I wanna feel how tight her other hole is.” 
You gape at them, shook. They don’t seriously believe…but they can’t! You’re still too sensitive! And they’re just too big! You could barely fit them in your mouth! “W-Wait,” you stutter. “I don’t think–“ 
“Don’t be scared, cutie,” Kiri shushes you, pressing a finger to your lips. “We’ll prep you real good before we fuck you into the couch and you take our knots. Gotta make sure you’re soaked for us.” 
And they do. You have to hand it to them: they know how to treat a pussy. They once again spread your legs wide and eat your pussy until you cum again all over them, their tongues slurping up everything you give them. They take turns, Kiri holding your legs open by your ankles while Katsuki tongue fucks you, and vice versa. When your pussy is finally nice and slick, and twitching for your second orgasm, the moment of truth has finally come. 
Kiri goes first. He sits back on the couch, legs spread, and cock at attention for you. “Alright, baby girl,” he coos. He pats his lap, giving you a sexy, fanged smirk. “Come and sit right here. I’ll hold you up.” Though you’re nervous, you do as he says and position yourself above him. You place your hands securely on his shoulders and hover above his cock, biting your lip. 
Slowly, you begin to come down, Kiri’s hands on your hips to give you all the support you need. “That’s it,” he encourages, his body trembling with need. “Come down slowly on this dick. No need to rush.” Behind you, Katsuki growls impatiently, wet sounds filling your ears from him stroking his cock for you. “Ignore him,” Kiri whispers. “He’ll just have to wait.” 
You listen to him, not wanting to rush and hurt yourself. You take things as slowly as you can and breathe as you come down onto Kiri’s knotted cock. You both react immediately, him to the pleasure and you to the stretch. And fuck, is it a stretch! Kiri sounds the inches you take, face red and eyes clouded from the pleasure. “One,” he softly grunts. “Two…t-three…four…” 
He grips your hips tight as you slowly come down, your body shaking and gasps leaving your lips. “Almost there, cutie,” he coos. “Don't give up now. You’re being such a good slut for me and Katsuki.” He reaches down and rubs your clit for you, helping you become wetter to take his cock all the way. Though it helps, he still feels too big; too thick; too much. You’ve never felt so full. “F-Fuck!” you whine. “Too much! It’s too…much!” 
Even when you finally sit down onto his cock, it still feels like it’s too much. Before you realize it, you’ve taken the full twelve inches of his dick. “I told you you could do it,” he breathlessly chuckles. His hand comes down onto your asscheek, smacking it. “Now fuck this cock for me. Give Katsuki something to look at.” 
You start off slow, grinding your hips into him and rocking your clit against his pelvis. Then you begin to bounce once you’ve found your rhythm, causing your titties to bounce in his face and your ass to jiggle against his lap. The only coherent words that leave your lips are swears and of Kiri’s name as you bounce on his cock. You’ve never felt anything like this before. This feeling only becomes more intense when Kiri lifts you up by your ass and lifts his pelvis to fuck you from underneath you. 
His thrusts are slow but deliberate and intense, nailing your G-spot again and again. You wrap your arms around him tight and moan into his ear, unable to hold onto your sanity anymore. You then feel Katsuki push and grind his cock up against your ass for some relief, slowly becoming crazy with the thought of feeling you wrapped around him too. “C’mon, shitty hair,” he groans impatiently. “Fuck her faster. I’m tired of waiting to fill that hole too.” 
Kiri chuckles at his partner as he continues to fuck you jackhammer style. “Patience–fuck–, man,” he huffs. “She’s really–fuck, baby–loving this. Aren’t you, kitty?” He turns to you and presses an openmouthed kiss to your lips, his tongue swirling with yours. When he pulls away, a string of saliva connects to your bottom lips, making you even wetter. 
Eventually, he does begin to fuck you harder, holding your wrists together behind your back with one hand while his other palms at your ass. Wet sounds of his cock plunging in and out of your sobbing, wet pussy fill the air along with the sound of skin slapping against skin and your moans, huffs, and whines of pleasure. Before you can even realize it, your third orgasm of the night is arriving like a train in the night, headed all full speed. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you scream. “Oh, my God, I’m gonna fuckin’ cum!” 
“Do it then,” Kiri grunts, still pounding into you like it’s the last time he’ll be able to do so. “Do it and take all of my cum, kitty cat. Deep, deep, inside you…” And then he finally does so, spraying your insides with his cum while you cream all over his cock, dripping down his balls. He cums with a mixture of growls and moans while you let out a loud, high whine that rips from your chest. He holds you down onto him, making you take his knot and all of his cum until he is finally drained of every ounce of it. “So much,” he sighs. “And you took all of it. Such a good girl.” 
He presses a kiss to your lips before lifting you off of him. His knotted cock is shining with your juices while your pussy leaks with his cum, so much so that it drips down your thighs. You are exhausted and winded, your body heaving and twitching from the roughness of his fucking. 
“My turn,” Katsuki grunts, already grabbing you and positioning you into all fours. You squeak, looking back at him in a panic. He rolls his eyes at you. “Relax, I’ll go slow first. I’m a werewolf, not a barbarian.” 
Before you can say anything more, he is sliding balls deep into your sensitive, sore, cum-filled pussy with all of the intention of making it even more sore and filling you up again. He begins to fuck you then, one hand dripping your breast while the other rests on your hip. Your mouth falls open as his pelvis bounces against your ass, his balls swinging against your clit. “Oh, my God,” you whine tearfully. “P-Please…t-too much! I’m s-so…so…” 
“Sensitive?” Katsuki cackles, licking his lips at how cute you are. Such an adorable, plump little slut getting fucked silly on his cock. “I know. That will make this even better. I can’t wait to make this pussy cum again.” He then goes a little faster, building up speed and enjoying the way your plump ass bounces and jiggles against his pelvis. “Can’t wait to feel you cream all over this knot, just the way a slut like you should.” 
And then he goes even faster. Harder. The man is practically railing you as he fucks you into the couch in front of Kiri. You lose the last bit of self control and sanity you have at this point, succumbing to the life of a cum slut for the werewolves. You’ve never been fucked so hard in your life. “Oh, my God!” you scream. “Oh, my God!” And at some point, you think you really see him. 
Kiri stands on his knees in front of you now, his semi-hard knot in your face. “You’re so loud, baby,” he chuckles. “Guess we need to plug up this hole too.” As your wobbly lips open, he plunges his cock into your mouth and begins to slide it against your tongue. “That’s it, take these cocks, kitty cat,” he grunts in time with Katsuki’s thrusts. “You’re doing such a good job being our little cum sleeve. Our little cockslut.” 
“That’s so fucking hot,” Katsuki growls, gripping your hips so hard that he may leave bruises along your skin. “If you’re gonna say shit like that then you’d better such that mouth for something else too.” Kiri smirks over at the blonde, lust in his eyes. “Well, since you’re suggesting…” 
Their moans silence for a moment, muffled by their wet-sounding, passionate kissing as they fuck your holes from both sides. This only makes you wetter and brings you closer to your fourth orgasm of the night. You know that after this, you can’t do another round. Tears of desperation prick your eyes as you begin to bounce yourself back onto Katsuki’s cock, needing to cum. “I’m gonna cum!” you whine around Kiri’s cock. “I’m gonna cum again! Please, please make me cum!” 
“Then admit it,” Katsuki growls. 
You look back at him and blink wildly, confused. “What?” 
“Admit that you love being yours. That you love being a cum slut for us.” His hand comes around your throat to squeeze, his eyes flashing. “Say it!” he demands, his voice coming out in a low growl. 
“I love it!” you desperately shout. “I love being a cum slut for you! Please, please, please make me cum and fill me up! I need you, daddies!” 
Katsuki and Kiri each share a look. A look that is possessive and wanton. A look that says, “Yeah…she’s definitely ours now.” “Those were the magic words, kitty cat,” Kiri coos, lifting your chin to peck your lips. “Now cum for us.” 
Katsuki begins to pound your pussy into the couch, ramming you so hard that your orgasm slams into you before your brain can process it. “Gonna cum, little kitty,” he growls. “Gonna fill you up! Fucking take it!” And you do. You have no choice. His orgasm is explosive and he cums with a growl-like roar, his cum filling you up as you cream all over his knot. Your eyes roll into the back of your head and a sob leaves your lips, all energy pulled from your body instantly. 
“Goood giiiirl,” Kiri coos, stroking your hair. “You took another load of cum just like that! Such a good fucking kitty!” He is so proud of you watching you shiver and shake all over Katsuki’s cock. Katsuki slowly pulls out, giving them both a look at the mixture of his and Kiri’s cum dripping out of your twitching pussy lips that they have fucked red. “Look at all of that,” Katsuki huffs, rolling his eyes. “Now we’ll have to clean the couch off.” 
Once he pulls out, you feel empty. And so, so tired. You can’t stop yourself from falling face first into the couch between them, feeling like you just ran a marathon around the world. 
“We’ll do that later,” Kiri sternly replies. His voice sounds muffled like he’s speaking underwater. “First we have to worry about our little kitty here.” You feel his breath fan your face and his hand gently caressing your cheek. “Y/N?” he whispers. “Can you hear us, baby?” 
You don’t know. You don’t know anything anymore. They fucked all logic out of you. All you want now is sleep. You want your bed. “Home,” you mumble. “Sleepy…Wanna…go home…” Kiri shushes you gently, stroking your hair away from your sweaty brow. “We’ll take you home, sugar,” he hushes you. “But let’s get you cleaned up first.” 
You then feel Katsuki scooping you up off of the couch, cradling you against his broad, toned chest. Some time later, you then feel warm water surrounding you from above and the wolves pressed against you as they wash your body. The scent of warm vanilla fills your nose and your fingers touch muscles as you lean against the wolves’ big bodies. 
Next, you feel Kiri’s arms around you this time as he carries you out of the shower and then soft bedsheets. You open your eyes slightly, barely slits, to see the men standing at the foot of the bed. Then suddenly, they change. Now they are full on furry, four-legged wolves, glowing eyes blinking at you in the dark bedroom. You don’t react at first, but when they start to surround the bed, you begin to whimper in fear. 
Kiri shushes you as he climbs into the bed next to you, gently licking your hand. His tongue is rough and long. He then lays on his side beside you, his furry tale curling around your foot while Katsuki takes a seat at your feet, laying on his stomach and staring at you. Kiri presses his nose to your ear, his hot breath fanning in your face as sleep comes closer and closer to eating away at the darkness behind your lids. “Rest, baby,” he whispers. “It’s okay, Y/N.” 
You startle awake at the sound of your name being yelled. You have no idea where you are at first as you look around the room. Though it looks familiar, you can’t place it. Your mind is too muddled to do so. 
What you realize first is that you’re in your bed. You can tell by how soft the duvet is. When your eyes finally register, you look around the bedroom and realize that you’re in your room. Your apartment. But…how? You look down at yourself, finding yourself in your costume from last night, your shoes off. “What the fuck?” you whisper. How did you get here? When did you get here? 
Several loud knocks come from outside your door, making your heart leap. “Y/N, open the door!” Mina yells like a madwoman from outside. You scramble to get out of bed, hissing slightly at the soreness of your muscles. “H-Hang on,” you call out. “I’m coming!” 
You hurry to your front door without first checking out your appearance, examining the living room as you do. Nothing is out of place. The windows aren’t open nor shattered like someone broke in. It is as you left it last night before heading to Denki’s party. 
Ignoring the roiling in your gut, yu fling open the door to find Mina looking very worried. “God, there you are!” she gasps. She throws herself at you, wrapping her arms around you. “I’ve been calling you since last night! You never got in your Uber last night, so I called the front desk to your apartment and the clerk said he never saw you come in!” 
You blink dumbly at her, letting the information process in your foggy mind. So you never came home last night. So last night did happen! ‘Did it?’ you find yourself thinking. Even now, you can’t quite remember. “How did you…get here?” you ask Mina, your brain still sluggish and confused. 
Mina stares at you, dumbfounded. “What?” she scoffs. “I drove here. I spent the night at Denki’s and sobered up after he convinced me to stay and wait for you to call. We were all freaking out, looking for you! Where the hell have you been?” 
“I…” You want to tell her you don’t know. You also want to tell her that you think you saw something last night. Or rather, somethings. Creatures. But you just can’t get to that part. You remember getting lost in the woods and getting caught in the rain, but…then what? What happened after that? Did you ever find the road? Did you walk home? No, impossible. You would’ve never done that. 
You know something happened, but you can’t remember what. It’s like an inch you can’t scratch. A puzzle piece you can’t find the space for. When you close your eyes, you see flashes of fangs and glowing eyes, startling you.
You decide to keep it to yourself and hug Mina. “I guess I just crashed last night,” you nimbly reply. “I’m so sorry, Mina. I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
Mina hugs you back tightly, giving you a sense of reality. “Just as long as you’re safe,” she sighs. 
You close your eyes again and see two smiles with glinting, sharpened teeth. “Yeah,” you say, not truly believing it. “I’m safe now.” 
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bruh-changbin · 8 months
love and leather
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pairing: bad boy changbin! x afab reader
genre: smut
warnings: use of handcuffs, piv, exhibitionism, fingering (f receiving), some smoochin', alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, an icky man being kinda icky, i think that's all
word count: 3.4K
a/n: before y’all say anything i knowwww this is short but y'all i'm busy and fuck in my last semester of uni and i kinda need to prioritize that a bit more 😭 buuuuut on the flip side i am slowly but surely making progress on some longer fun things so keep your eyes peeled 🫶 this fic is basically a love letter to bad boy eyeliner bin *sigh* when will he return from war..... also lowkey a continuation of under the bleachers but also not really.... no real plot just smutty bc i've been super horknee lately lawl enjoy
seo changbin likes a lot of things.
he likes eyeliner and smoking cigarettes and hard sex. he likes going fast on his motorcycle and he likes his tattered leather jacket. he likes getting piercings with silver jewelry and he likes pretending that the taste of tequila doesn’t affect him.
but above all, he likes you.
he likes your pretty teeth and the curve of your neck. he likes the leather platform boots you bought to try to impress him. he likes the smell of your shampoo that’s now permanently interwoven into the fabric of his pillow.
he likes it when you cry when you cum and when you dig your teeth into his shoulder as he fucks you. he likes the way your speech becomes slurred after he’s given you countless mind-blowing orgasms.
he likes to be in control. but not in a weird, lowkey misogynistic way. more in a ‘i’m gonna fuck you so hard and act cold so we both feel good and then kiss away your tears because i love you more than anything else’ kind of way, you know? that’s why handcuffs are such a staple in your relationship.
you remember the first time he used those cold, metal cuffs on you.
it was after a halloween party and changbin was dressed up as, you guessed it, a police officer. the party was fun at first but soon grew to be quite boring. when changbin started to get a little too handsy was when you decided to call it a night. the cab ride back to your apartment was excruciatingly long and when you arrived you unlocked your door with trembling, sweaty hands.
no words needed to be exchanged for you to know to get onto your mattress on your stomach, hands behind your back where changbin cuffed them in place with a satisfying metallic click! 
his movements were painstakingly slow, removing and discarding your bottoms and costume at a torturous pace to tease you (for what you have no idea - your costume wasn’t even that revealing). you could feel the tip of his nose tracing the skin in between your shoulder blades before he fucked you from behind, his blunt nails digging into your hips and he gripped you like he was never gonna let go. all you could do was cry and drool into your bedding as your boyfriend brought you to orgasm so many times your legs felt like tv static.  
every time you tried to move, tried to find solace and stability by gripping the duvet underneath you, you were reminded of the cuffs that were binding your wrists together. changbin would chuckle every time he heard them clink and jingle, knowing he had complete and utter control over you. if anything it added fuel to his fire, resulting in him thrusting his cock into you in such a way that made it feel as if he was so deep inside of you that the two of you would forever be connected.
when he finally relented and unlocked you, your wrists were bruised and throbbing - it felt amazing. 
the stinging of your wrists coupled with the pulsing of your abused cunt had you passing out on changbin’s broad chest in minutes and falling into one of the deepest sleeps you had ever experienced. 
but of course, come morning time, he treated you as if you were royalty and kissed the marks that his handcuffs left on you with so much delicacy you thought you were going to turn into a puddle. 
unbeknownst to the outside world, seo changbin has a soft side; which you discovered the first time he brought you into his room and had forgotten to hide his munchlax plushie beforehand. watching him scramble to hide it under his bed made the situation 10 times worse, and all he could do was scratch the back of his neck sheepishly as you attempted to stifle your laugh.
once the two of you became, you know, official, he let this side of him shine through more often. 
at times he treats you as if you’re made of porcelain, as if you’ll crack and break at even the slightest touches - hence the way he traces the back of your hand with his thumb when you’re holding hands, his strokes akin to that of a feather.
you’ve lost track of the amount of times he’s almost burnt your kitchen down while attempting to make you breakfast after making love to you for hours on end the night before. it always ends the same, with changbin holding a plate of toast so burnt it's turned into bedrock and scrambled eggs you could bounce off the wall because of how rubbery they are. the result is always changbin dragging you to your favourite cafe for brunch in defeat, claiming that ‘it’s the thought that counts, y/n’. 
but only you have the privilege of seeing him like this. these small, tender moments reserved only for the two of you in private, away from the curious eyes of onlookers in public. 
on the days where both of you are lucky enough to not have to pull yourself out of bed early for the sake of attending a lecture or getting work done, you get to revel in the warmth provided by each other’s sleeping bodies. if you wake before changbin, you’re greeted with a view of his broad shoulders, his skin dotted with small imperfections and the bumps of his individual vertebrae visible. small, soft snores can be heard escaping his parted lips. if changbin wakes before you do… he never does.
sometimes you’re able to spend the whole entire day together without having to tend to other duties. these days usually entail slow, lazy starts to the day followed by changbin dragging you to the gym to watch him do lat pulldowns and cable rows followed by a shared shower where you help massage shampoo into his scalp. or, it could involve the two of you screaming at the tv as you battle over the top spot in mario kart 8 - changbin mains bowser, of course, whereas you opt to play as king boo. it takes almost all of your strength to avoid whipping your remote at the wall when he absolutely clobbers you during grumble volcano. 
“don’t be upset y/n,” he coos without fail, “i’ll make it up to you later tonight!”
and he always does.
in public, he’s brooding, mysterious, sexy. it’s rare to see him without a cocky smirk painted across his face, his puffed lips quirked upwards as if to say ‘i’m better than you’ to anyone who crosses his path. and it’s true, he is.
he’s also the type to get jealous very easily.
case in point: 
it’s friday night, and the two of you are perusing the city streets looking for some fun. earlier in the day, jisung had informed you that a small group of friends was planning on paying a visit to a well loved bar to get sloshed later that night. with nothing better to do, you and changbin accepted the invitation.
at first it was fun, with everyone reconnecting and catching eachother up on the current drama in their lives. but after an hour or two the vibe changed and the atmosphere became almost… cliquey. everyone had chosen their respective person or group for the night, choosing to only converse within their little bubble and never straying from it. this resulted in you and changbin fleeing the scene, opting to enjoy yourselves elsewhere where you can get lost in the music and each other… and alcohol. 
soon after you’re at the front of a line for some club you’ve never been to with changbin’s arm wrapped around your waist as the bouncer checks your i.d. you’re let in with a nonchalant wave of a hand, and changbin follows shortly after.
once inside you make your way up the stairs to where the crowd is, choosing to forgo coat check and instead tossing your jackets on top of a pile that has formed on one of the few tables lining the walls near the entrance. then, you make a beeline to the bar where you order yourself a vodka cran and changbin a heineken. 
with alcohol in hand you shove your way to the middle of the dance floor, getting lost in the club music while bumping and grinding on your boyfriend who’s posted up behind you. you’re not sure how much time you spend on the dancefloor with warm cheeks and limbs that have gone fuzzy, but it feels as if time itself has come to a momentary halt, allowing you to enjoy yourself in this moment while the world continues on outside without you. 
so, when changbin taps your shoulder and motions to the bar to wordlessly say ‘i’m going to get more drinks’ you only nod and continue to dance on your own while you wait for his return. 
this decision proves to be fatal however, for only moments after changbin’s departure you feel a clammy hand wrap around your bicep. you whip around only to find yourself face to face with some random man wearing a nike tracksuit ogling at you like you’re the last piece of his favourite candy at the candy store. gross. 
“sorry, are you trying to get past me?”
“nah i’m trying to get with you, ma,” he practically yells into your ear in order to be heard over the music.
“oh! no thanks, my boyfriend’s at the bar getting drinks,” you say and attempt to shuffle away, an action that proves to be harder than you thought due to the mass of people surrounding you.
much to your dismay, the man persists, “boyfriend? why’d he leave you here all alone?”
“... to get us drinks.”
“well, if i was your man i’d never leave you alone, princess.”
princess? gross. only changbin gets to call you that… when he’s fucking you.
“is everything okay, y/n?” you feel an arm nudge yours and turn around to see changbin, your knight in shining armour, who’s come to save you from this god awkward conversation. in each hold he hands a drink, one for you and one for himself, and you fear what he may do with them in the next few moments.
“yea, all good, this guy was just being… weird,” 
the skepticism that was previously evident on changbin’s face quickly morphs into annoyance (and jealousy at the prospect of someone other than himself making moves on you). without speaking he shoves the recently acquired drinks into your hands - making you scramble to stop yourself from dropping them and creating a sticky, syrupy mess all over the dance floor - before moving to size up the ‘bro’ that was just hitting on you with his chest puffed and chin held high. 
not wanting to get into any sort of trouble tonight, you practically throw yourself in front of the freight train that is your boyfriend.
“no! it’s fine, changbin, let’s just forget him and have a good time, ‘kay?” you attempt to reason with him to no avail. all changbin does is shift his gaze between you and the guy who was making moves on you several times before wordlessly grasping your arm and pulling you towards the exit; you’re forced to abandon the dripping drinks in your hands on the edge of the bar (not before you manage to spill about half of one all over your lower arm).
soon you’re out of the crowded space, and are making your way towards the exit of the building and the city streets that are surely still teeming with nightlife.
“we’re going home,” he asserts, “i don’t want anyone talking to you like that.”
all you can do is allow yourself to be dragged behind your boyfriend like a ragdoll, his grip on your wrist so tight your fingertips start to lose their sensation. you know that any words of dissatisfaction you voice will be falling on deaf ears, so you opt to keep quiet and let changbin take the lead.
the bite of the cold night air of the winter jolts you awake once you step outside. a dull ring settles in your ears as the loud club music dissipates and changbin drags you further and further away from the establishment, almost dislocating your shoulder when he suddenly yanks you down a small, secluded alleyway. 
“bin i’m fine, really,” you attest, your eyes never leaving the troubled face of your boyfriend, who pulls a pack of marlboros and a lighter out of his pocket. you watch as he places a cigarette between his lips before lighting it, using his hand to shelter the flame from the wind. in that moment you become envious of a measly little cigarette, for you so desperately wish that it was you and your mouth that changbin was putting his lips on and inhaling deeply, sucking you in like you’re his lifeline. 
a haze of smoke soon surrounds you as changbin takes several drags from his dart, his eyes dark and refusing to meet yours. the scent burns your nostrils and you have to fight back the urge to cough; smoking only appeals to you when you’re drunk, and the alcohol you consumed earlier in the night has mostly exited your system.
with a sigh that manifests in a grey cloud changbin tosses his half-smoked cigarette to the ground, squashing the spark with the heel of his boot before catching your eye. his leather jacket rustles as he raises his hands to cup your face, the pads of his thumbs caressing your cheeks.
“you’re mine, and nobody else’s,” his gaze is so piercing it feels as if he’s going to burn a hole through you, “right?”
you nod enthusiastically, head bobbing up and down as you whisper a quiet ‘right’ through squished cheeks and puckered lips - lips that are then being pressed against your boyfriends. 
changbin tastes like the nicotine he just inhaled and smells like the cologne he saturated himself with earlier this evening, and you find yourself getting drunk all over again on something other than alcohol this time - him. 
with your back pressed up against a brick wall you allow yourself to get lost in the feeling of your lover’s mouth on yours, enraptured by the way changbin moves his lips in tandem with your own. the warmth radiating from the palms of his hands that have yet to leave your face makes your cheeks flush, and you tangle your fingers in the wavy strands of his hair that he’s choosing to let grow out, much to your delight. 
the skin of your cheek stings when it’s exposed to the cold as changbin retracts his hand from your face, the tips of his fingers tracing the skin of your neck and sternum before reaching the waistband of your bottoms. his curious hand only hovers there for a moment before slipping underneath, not allowing a mere piece of fabric to be an obstacle in the way of your pleasure. a feeble moan escapes you when changbin gropes your cunt over your panties, the fabric already sticky and wet with your arousal. 
“here, bin?” you question while scanning your surroundings, making sure there isn't anyone spying on the two of you being exhibitionists, “are you sure this is a good idea?’
“the best one i’ve ever had,” as he speaks his lips graze your neck, his breath hot and heavy before he starts to nip and suck at the supple skin; your pulse skyrockets and you clamp your thighs shut, ultimately trapping changbin’s hand in between them. 
he manages to pry your legs apart just enough in order to move his hand, sliding your panties to the side and running two deft fingers through the folds of your dripping, needy pussy. it’s funny in the sense that changbin’s actions are so simple yet they already have you whining in pleasure, head rolling forward as you hide yourself in the crook of his neck. 
“shhh baby, try to keep it down,” he coos, yet continues on nonetheless - easy for him to say, he’s not the one taking your fingers in an alleyway where a bunch of drunk people are parading by only metres away. 
changbin continues to play with your cunt nonchalantly, much to your chagrin. every now and then he lets the tip of his middle finger dip into your dripping hole, causing you to go weak in the knees as the calloused heel of his palm kisses and bumps your aching clit.
“binnie,” you heave out rather embarrassingly, “i need it.”
“my girl needs my fingers in her pretty pussy, huh?” he teases, you nod pathetically with glassy eyes.
and at long last changbin finally relents and slips his middle and ring fingers fully inside of you, your cunt immediately clenching around his digits. the way he drags his fingers in and out of you so slowly before fucking them back into you feels so euphoric that you can’t help the goofy, drunken smile that makes its way onto your face as you drool onto the shoulder of his leather jacket. 
with his broad shoulders shielding you from the outside world, changbin begins to curl and scissor his fingers inside of your warm, wet walls, making you moan and plead against his neck.
“god binnie you’re so good, feels so fucking good,” you cry through cracked lips while blinking away the eyeliner that stings your shiny, tearfilled eyes. 
changbin then uses his thumb to massage your clit while his fingers continue to reach deep inside of you, making your lower abdomen twist and churn and your heart go thump thump thump from behind your chest. your fingers only tighten their grip on changbin’s jacket as you subtly rock your hips against his hand in an attempt to bring your orgasm on sooner.
you find yourself tuning out the sounds of traffic and people and nightlife to instead hone in on the beating of changbin’s heart that you can hear beating in his chest, your moans that only continue to increase in pitch, the rustle of bin’s jacket as he fingers you. 
“so close honey, can you cum for me?” changbin groans into your ear in response to your pussy clenching around his fingers, a telltale sign that you’re on the brink of finishing all over his hand. at this point your back is aching from being pressed against brick for so long and you have a headache from how intensely you’ve been furrowing your brows, but the fire you feel in your aching pelvis makes it all worth it.
it only takes changbin several more thrusts before you’re creaming all over his fingers, whining his name is a nasally, needy tone as you all but collapse against his built frame as your orgasm explodes inside of you like fireworks. after a few moments you begin to come down, immediately noticing how dry your open mouth is and how sore your fingers are from gripping changbin’s jacket with everything you got.
when you pull away from changbin to stand up straight, a string of spit from your mouth to his jacket follows you - you wipe it away and pray he didn’t notice. it takes you a second to fully regain your balance and when you do, changbin finally lets go of your hips only to move his soiled fingers to his mouth where he sucks them clean of your essence. then he places his mouth on yours, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue before he swallows you down his throat. 
words needn’t be exchanged for you to know what comes next, you simply follow changbins lead as he drags you all the way home and makes a mess of you on the sheets of his bed.
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phantom-playdough · 1 year
Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk) x GN!Reader: “I choose you, Hobie.”
I made this because I love me some hurt/comfort fics and there are basically none for Hobie. So, if no one else will do it, I will damn it lmao Hope y'all enjoy some sweet and adorable hurt/comfort.
TW's: Angst with a happy ending, Reader has hardcore insecurities, depression (No suicidal ideations, just sadness) and self-deprecating thoughts.
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Tissues littered the floor of Y/n's bedroom, thrown anywhere but the actual trashcan. Not that Y/n could really bring themself to care; they'd clean it up later. They stopped crying what feels like hours ago. Now, Y/n was just sitting down on the floor in front of their bed and sat there, lost in thought.
However, they were brought out of that state when they heard their window open. Y/n didn't even need to look up to know who it was. Afterall, most humans could not climb 15 stories to reach their apartment.
"'Ey, Y/n. You havin' a tissue party?" Hobie said, taking off his mask and looking around the bedroom.
Y/n didn't have it in them to croak out a response. So, they didn't try. But that was all it took to clue Hobie in to know that something was wrong.
Without a word, Hobie sat down beside Y/n on the floor and wrapped an arm around their shoulders. Even though Y/n felt so empty, they couldn't help but take in Hobie's cologne. Somehow it suited him.
"You alright there, (Nickname)?" Hobie asked, despite knowing the answer. Of course, he knew. The two of them had known each other for so long now that this type of thing was as obvious as a person's nose.
He and Y/n knew each other after he saved them from a mugger. Hobie still remembers how after he knocked the mugger out, Y/n just said, "I like the spikes on your costume." It was definitely a strange response to have after getting save from a mugging, but it was good to know that this person had taste. At least, that was what Hobie thought in the moment.
"Thank you, cutie." Hobie said with a wink. He then swung off and may or may not have followed Y/n home to make sure they made it safely. At least, that was his defense whenever that was brought up.
The two of them became super close after that night. Which meant that Hobie was around whenever Y/n got a boyfriend. Hobie really tried to be supportive. Like, really tried. But as time went on, Hobie felt his concerns grow for Y/n as time had passed.
At first, the guy sounded pretty cool to Hobie when Y/n talked about him. He and Y/n were very close friends, similar to Hobie (Albeit for longer). Y/n gushed about the nice things they did with him. Clubbing, going to concerts occasionally, shopping dates, even just staying at home and chilling. Hobie didn’t seem to have many concerns at the beginning. (Even if he was jealous…)
But as time went forwards, Y/n’s boyfriend really seemed stubborn in hanging around other people instead of Y/n. He seemed really stubborn about going out clubbing when Y/n just wanted to stay at home. He seemed very stubborn about getting handsy. That one probably wouldn't have been that big of a deal. But what made it hard to handle was when Hobie met Y/n's boyfriend. The guy seemed very inclined on sucking Y/n's teeth in front of Hobie.
However, Y/n tried to cut their boyfriend slack whenever Hobie voiced his concerns to them. They knew him for a long time. Hobie knew that. But he gently pointed these problems out to his best friend. Y/n was well aware that they did not feel comfortable with what was going on in their relationship. So, they knew they had to voice their concerns.
That didn't go so well.
"Y/n. You're doing it again." Hobie said, a finger grazing his best friend's cheek.
"You're spacing out on me. C'mon, what is it?" Hobie tried to keep his tone both firm but sweet.
Y/n sighed. "I went over to his apartment. To try and talk about how he has been acting lately. Try and tell him I think we needed to set up some ground rules, or something like that."
"But he... had someone else over. She answered the door. Said that her boyfriend was in the shower."
Hobie's eyes went as wide as moons. The level of fury he felt at hearing this could NOT be understated. To think that someone who was lucky enough to have Y/n as their partner and go and ruin both that perfect and amazing chance as well as break Y/n's heart in the process.
Who could even come close to competing with Y/n? No one, in Hobie's mind.
"Maybe it's for the best." Y/n grumbled out, tearing Hobie out of his fury. "I mean, I was just stupid for thinking he thought more highly of me. But why would he?"
Hobie felt his self-control slipping, but at this point, it gone. "Y/n," He began, grabbing Y/n's chin to make them look at him and make sure they wouldn't turn away. "Listen to me, will ya? That moron was stupid for not seeing you as a gem. ‘Cause that's what you are. You don't have a Scooby-doo about how amazing you are. How captivating you are. He is fucking stupid for trying to replace you when he can’t. You deserve so much better than that crock of shit."
“I really don’t, Hobie.” Hobie was just about to object, but Y/n yanked their head away. Effectively cutting his comeback off and speaking lies to Hobie’s sensitive ears. “Let me asking you something, Hobie. Did I turn him into a jerk or am I just plain dumb? Or better yet, both?”
“Knock it off, Y/n. These fuckin’ planks (idiots) lie. And they’re good at it, too. They are good at pretending like they care and that they love you. Guys like that twit also manipulate others. He knew you both were friends for a long time. He took you places, gave you things. Please don’t hate me for saying this babe, but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he said something fucking stupid like how he did all of this for you and you couldn’t do those creepy things for him.”
“I feel dumb I didn’t see it.”
“Love, almost no one sees the signs when you fall for someone you’ve known for years. Plus, he gave you so much. Good laughs, good moments, good memories…I didn’t have a Scooby-doo, for fucks sake! So, if you wanna be gutted (upset) at yourself you should be with me too.”
Y/n tried to ignore the way the nicknames like babe or love caused a flush to flood their face. The way their heart jumped just a little too much when they heard that. Y/n made the mistake of looking back at Hobie’s gorgeous face. The way his eyes held a serious look. Y/n gathered that he wasn’t angry at them. It was more their ex.
They looked away to avoid looking at Hobie’s pierced and sexy lips, as well as avoid letting him see the tears in their eyes. “Maybe it’s karma.” Hobie was barely a beat away from interrupting. But Y/n put a finger up. “No, shut up. Let me explain.” Hobie literally bit his tongue to do so.
Y/n took a breath. “I knew at the time that I liked him. I did. But I…liked someone else more. I just knew it wouldn’t work with him because he probably wouldn’t want to be held down and backwards. He would probably want to swing free. So, I thought that my ex would be enough. Again, I did like him. He literally confessed to me when I brought up that I that I thought wasn’t good enough for…someone else. He said I was more than enough for him. So, I just decided that I could make it work. Especially because he was great in the beginning. But maybe it’s karma for replacing my true feelings with something I wasn’t a hundred percent invested in.”
Hobie felt his heart break for what felt like the millionth time. “Do I know this other mate of yours?” He asked after a beat of silence.
“Like the back of your web-throwing hand.” Y/n said. They inhaled for a moment or two. “He’s you.”
“Wait, what?”
“He’s you, Hobart Brown. I literally hinted it just a second ago.”
“How? When?”
“When I said that you would rather swing free.”
“Well, how was I supposed to pick up on that?! That’s super subtle, (Nickname).” Hobie defended, making Y/n laugh. “You seriously thought I wouldn’t want to be with you? I hinted at it too, just now by the way!!”
“What are you talking about?”
“I just said you’re captivating and amazing. That the fucking dumbass who kissed you with more teeth than lips when I was around was stupid for thinking someone else could compete with you. Unlike you, I wasn’t subtle.”
“Literally everyone who cares about someone else would say that.” Y/n deadpanned. “But…thanks.” They said softly. They leaned on Hobie’s shoulder, curling their legs up close to their chest and snuggling into Hobie’s side. Hobie responded by putting a hand on their shoulder, squeezing it just a tad. Y/n then took it a step further, wrapping their arms around Hobie’s built waist.
“What now, punk?” Y/n asked quietly.
“What now? Do you want to progress or not? I mean, you don’t believe in consistency. So, I kinda just assumed you didn’t have interest in anything related to romance.”
“Modern romance is a marketing scheme full of corruption from the people making chocolates and growing roses, plus the cunning bastards who look to find it.” Hobie took in a deep breath. “But…that doesn’t mean I don’t have interest in you.” Y/n heart was racing so fast it felt like they were about to travel through time. There was no way Hobie didn’t notice this. But luckily he didn’t comment on it. “If you want to try this, Y/n…I will. But if you don’t feel ready or comfortable, I won’t mind. You can be with any bloke you want. If you chose me, I’d be happy. But I’d say the same if you didn’t. So long as we don’t drift apart.”
Y/n took a while to respond, making Hobie worry. But once Y/n was ready to answer, they decided to answer without a word. They pulled their head off Hobie’s shoulder and kiss him on the smooth skinned cheek.
“I choose you, Hobie.”
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plussizefantasia · 11 months
Shaggy and Velma
Flufftober Day 25: Costume Party
Peter Parker x f!reader
Word Count 1.0k
AN: I have officially finished writing all of my prompts for Flufftober, I'll be proofreading the last few before I post them. The problem is, I've really enjoyed all the writing I've been doing and how much everyone has liked my stories. So I want to ask for some requests that I can write after my short break! If you could send a request that would be amazing. As always, Reblogs and Feedback are really appreciated, and I'll see y'all tomorrow!
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divider credit @royallaesthetics
“I am not wearing that.” You deadpanned at Peter who was smiling toothily at you. In his hands, he held one of those awful foam costumes, a matching set. “I am not wearing a piece of foam that makes me look like jelly on toast, not to a party.” You didn’t think that gaveling a couple's costume was a bad idea you thought it might be fun but you drew the line at food.
“C’mon Babe, match with me.” He encoded his strongest pair of puppy dog eyes and aimed them right at you.
“I will match with you, just not as PB and J” you laughed. “What about Shaggy and Velma.”
“Who would be who?” He asked.
“We’ll you’re the smart one so you’ll probably be Velma and I look good in green so I’ll be shaggy.” You shrugged.
“Do they even make male Velma costumes?” Peter began scanning the store for a gender-bent version of the character. 
“Probably not but we could always go to the thrift store.” You suggested
And so you did, two hours and the thrift shops later you had your costumes for the costume party on the NYC campus that your roommate had invited you to.
Parties weren’t your thing but when you had told Peter about it, he had gotten excited. “I’ve never been to a college party, or a Halloween party, or any kind of party that wasn’t a birthday party.” So you cast aside your desire for a cozy night in with your boyfriend, watching movies in spooky pajamas and eating candy that you go from the gas station. You went costume shopping with your dork and basked in the joy that radiated from him all day.
Now, the two of you were about a block away from the party, you’d decided to walk, partially because you didn’t have a car and partially because you wanted to be able to check out other people’s costumes on the way. “Do you think people will know who we are?” Peter asked you. You looked down at yourself, wearing a short corduroy mini skirt and a green top tucked into the waistband, along with a pair of old brown dress shoes you usually saved for special and formal occasions. Then your gaze landed on Peter, you were surprised that you had found the orange turtleneck right away but it fit him well. He also wore a pair of red jeans that you had to force him into a pair of glasses that you popped the lenses out of.
“I’m sure baby, we’re killing it right now.”
“We are, aren’t we?” Peters's voice got soft and he looked at you. He placed a kiss on your temple and kept walking. 
When you arrived at the warehouse the party was at, it was obvious that most of the people there were not in college. Party crashes weren’t rare, but it did mean that Peter would need to keep a close eye on you. This many strangers in one place was bound to be trouble. You had made him promise that he wouldn’t be Spider-Man tonight, that was your condition for going to the party at all.
“I’m not going if you’re going to have to race out of there right away and leave me there.” He agreed it was fair after all, you hadn’t wanted to go, so leaving you alone wasn’t the nicest thing he could do.
So instead, he danced with you, he held you close and he laughed with you when you saw funny costumes. Multiple people complimented you on the outfits you were wearing and every time it happened you watched Peter perk up just a little bit.
As the night wore on, you got a little sloppier, not drunk. You wouldn’t get wasted when you were so keenly aware of how many people you didn’t know and how far from home you were. But you were loose and Peter wasn’t. It’s not like he didn’t have anything to drink, he just metabolized it way too fast.
By three a.m. the party still hadn’t wound down, but as Peter watched you yawn and lean on him a little more than usual he decided that it was time to go.
“Wanna go home, babe? Put in our PJs and watch a movie?” You eagerly nodded and grabbed onto his hand. 
It wasn’t easy getting you home, you seemed to trip on every little thing and had a serious case of the giggles but eventually the two of you made it back to his apartment. Peter helped you up the stairs and in past his door. When your eyes landed on his couch you groaned pleasantly and flopped down onto it. Burying your head in the throw pillows you had bought.
“C’mon babe, we gotta brush our teeth and change into PJs”
“Don’t wanna, comfortable”
“I know babe, but you’ll be mad at me tomorrow for not making you do some sort of routine.”
Even tipsy you knew that you would want to take off your makeup before you went to bed, so even though you groaned and whined the whole time, you let Peter help you take your makeup off, and brush your teeth and hair. 
Peter gently guided you into the bedroom where he pulled out the Halloween PJs you had bought for the two of you before you knew that you were going to the party. He helped you into them, his eyes never starting from your face as he did.
When all your routines were done and you were ready for bed, Peter pulled you to his side and kissed your head like he always did before you fell asleep.
“Thank you for coming with me Shaggy,” you laughed.
“You’re welcome, Velma” was your deeply sleepy response, as soon as the words left your mouth, your eyes shut and you fell asleep immediately.
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qqueenofhades · 4 months
*Puts on old man costume*
"Back in my day, we used to cheat and procrastinate like real people! With copious amounts of bullshitting and pulling things out of our asses at the last minute! Secretly sneaking in little things written on our hands or in our phones fer tests and shit! Heck, maybe we didn't even NEED to cheat because it turns out we actually knew stuff, we just didn't know we knew stuff until our last minute papers got a good grade anyways because our shit actually had some analytical relevance borne from deep in our psyche, but we just didn't realize it because we had massive cases of imposter syndrome where we thought everyone else was smarter than us, while overlooking our own abilities!
Now these newfangled ChatGPTs are just taking the easy way out of the easy way out! What's up with that!? These new procrastinators and cheaters make us look even worse than we already do, cuz they ain't even doing the work of not doing the work! And y'all can't even say that you can learn from it in the art of bullshittin', cuz that's not even YOUR bullshitting, it's someone else's bullshitting mangled up with hundreds of other peoples' bullshittin'!
Feh, kids these days!"
*Takes off old man costume*
Addendum: old man anon griping about cheating with ChatGPT does not endorse cheating or procrastinating. I'm just being silly.
I mean... at least with regular old-fashioned cheating, also an academic tradition since time immemorial, at least you're engaging with the material somehow. You are putting your own two god-given eyeballs on that and using your own ickle brainikins to do SOMETHING with it, even if that something is morally questionable. We've all seen the elaborate cheat devices where someone managed to engrave all the exam answers onto a pen or a pair of socks or whatever -- at least that person went in and used their initiative to remember information SOMEHOW, and to do it under their own power. Now, yes, it will get you into trouble, and yes, there are plenty of conversations to be had about accessibility and the fact that not everyone learns by sitting in a room and being lectured at and then having to regurgitate it all from memory with no notes in a final exam, which is why there is a whole thriving field of educational pedagogy and best practices and how to accommodate students with different learning styles and etc. etc. I sometimes see AI framed as "uwu accessibility issue :(" and like... cmon. There are educational professionals who spend their whole lives and careers working out how to shake up the traditional learning format and present material in an engaging way and teach students how to think and write and otherwise be academic and rigorous. And like, if you're voluntarily in this space, then we presume you WANT that instruction! Not to just sit around and whine about how we aren't catering enough to you personally and this means you should get to use the Bullshit Plagiarism Nonsense Machine to never ever think at all!
Now, I will say that the naivete around AI is not only limited to students. I was in a department meeting yesterday where the literal associate dean of the college seemed startled to discover that AI might not be a) totally reliable b) able to totally replace lesson planning and evaluation/grading by an actual human professor (after several faculty members pushed back, shall we say, briskly on the idea that it could). Plenty of people still think it can just magically solve Academia (or /insert field here), and those are not just limited to clueless undergraduates. And yes, undergraduates are clueless in different ways and for different reasons in every era of the world; it is likewise an academic rite of passage. But I still cannot for the life of me understand why you, in ye olde benighted 21st century, would pay tens of thousands of dollars and/or accrue it in debt to go to college, to learn nothing, to whine and blame your professors for "not designing assignments well" (when again, every remotely decent educational professional agonizes for eons about how to do a good job of this for all kinds of students), to insist it is your entitled right to use the Bullshit Plagiarism Nonsense Machine, and then presumably be /shocked pikachu face/ when you don't learn anything and spend your time posting idiot takes on the internet. I mean. The state of critical thinking is /waves hand/ Already So Bad, and the AI craze plays directly into that by fulfilling the insidious fantasy that the hard things in life aren't actually hard and don't have to be learned by patient and careful practice. And that is just. Yeah. C'mon.
(I realize this was a funny/lighthearted ask, but yeah, we can consider this one old man turning to another old man on the park bench and making a joke, and the other old man bellowing YOUTH THESE DAYS!!! and scaring all the pigeons and/or passersby. Ahem.)
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m00nlight-ramblings · 11 months
BG3 Companion Modern AU Headcanons
These random thoughts popped into my mind and I had to write them down. I love these little weirdos, and some of them probably don't make sense but OH WELL.
Should I do a Part 2 with more companions?? Let me know - my inbox and requests are open!
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This dude's got iPad kid energy - he loves to scroll Tiktok for hours.
He gets bi-weekly pedicures. And not the basic kind - the full on 1.5 hour long with the massage and the mask and the exfoliation.
His favorite holiday is Halloween. He plans his costume starting in August.
He'd be the type of person to be walking through a mall, see a Claire's, and spontaneously decide to get his ears pierced idk.
Is really into metal. Like, you'll come home and Metallica will be blasting and you walk into the bedroom and he's folding laundry and just like, "Oh, HELLO, Darling!" but will have to scream it over the volume in which he's listening to music
Will truly take an hour picking out the perfect wine to pair with your dinner...he's definitely a wine snob.
The cheapest article of clothing Astarion owns is from Banana Republic and it's an undershirt...everything else is ~*very fancy*~
Loves watching all types of vampire movies/TV shows. He can often be heard saying, "Oh no, they got that all wrong" under his breath.
He definitely reads like 1-2 books a week. He's recently really gotten in spicy smut books (he definitely got recommendations from BookTok).
For sure falls asleep to ASMR videos.
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This man loves HGTV *queue Home Depot commercial music*
Has the most absolutely beautiful, clean home you've ever seen with about 30 bookcases CRAMMED with books. The books are the only disorganized thing in his home because he constantly is reading them, so alphabetizing them is useless.
Pinterest is his most used phone app. His boards are carefully curated. That man has a recipe/inspiration pic/quote for EVERYTHING.
Definitely volunteers at the animal shelter once a month. Often times has to talk himself out of bringing a cat home.
LUSH is his favorite store at the mall. He loves them bath bombs.
He THROWS DOWN at holiday parties...Christmas? Thanksgiving? The table is SET. The decorations are UP. He's wearing an APRON because he's been cooking ALL day. The playlist is PERFECT.
Speaking of holidays, he has matching pajama sets for everyone in the household. For every. Holiday.
Fall is absolutely his favorite season. "Sweetheart...have you ever watched 'When Harry Met Sally'? Perfect autumn movie...also I bought a new scarf today to go with my new peacoat. And mittens. And a new hat...it's getting cold outside."
He definitely has a Live. Laugh. Love. adjacent sign somewhere in his home
He definitely needs glasses to read. And he for sure has those librarian chains so that he can just take them off and they hang, instead of losing them.
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Absolutely loves to eat meals watching Youtube videos.
Imagine her in Times Square? She tears the M&M's store UP.
Is obsessed with documentaries. She often says things like "I can't believe there's so much stuff to LEARN out there!"
Definitely has a Squishmallow collection. And she rotates which one she sleeps with every night so they all get a chance.
Is absolutely the worst cook of all time but tries really really hard...however, she can make a mean boxed mac n' cheese.
Has an obsession with sugary cereal. There's always Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Fruity Pebbles in her cabinets.
Certified Switie for SURE.
Is really into astrology. Definitely has said, "Oh, you're just saying that because you're a SCORPIO" or the like many, many times.
Absolute Starbucks addiction (venti iced caramel macchiato, extra caramel).
Has monthly "girl's nights" (but everyone is invited) at her place. The rules are: pajamas only, junk food, romcoms, and a playlist of the best pop songs in the past 20 years.
How'd y'all like it...should I make a part two with other companions?! Remember my inbox is open and I'm accepting requests!! I'd love to write some stuff so send it in!
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bvtbxtch · 1 year
Jealous Guy | Eddie Munson
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Day Nine of Kinktober
Summary: Steve Harrington is persistent with his advances towards you during the Hideout's Halloween party. Your co-bartender, Eddie, doesn't like the fact that you don't shoot him down right away.
wc: ~2.7k
Pairings: Bartender!Eddie Munson x Bartender!Fem!Reader, A Steve Harrington Cameo
Warnings: some more porn with a plot y'all so 18+ MDNI!!! Public sex, choking, slapping, oral (f receiving), fingering, hickeys, hate fucking (if you squint), unprotected p in v (wrap it up), cum eating (very briefly), Jealous meanie Eddie, PDA
In collaboration with my darling @darknesseddiem. Please make sure to tune in to their half of Kinktober later in October!!
a/n: hey y'all I have finally caught up to all of my work that I did in advance so this baby was written in the span of two hours and has not been proof read so if there are any mistakes, no they're isn't!
Eddie Munson wasn’t the jealous type. Far from it. His jaw wasn’t clenched because Steve Harrington was flirting with you. And it definitely wasn’t because you weren’t turning him down like most regulars. Maybe you needed the tips? Fuck, Eddie thought he would give you a hundred dollars to stop talking to the retired King of Hawkins high, especially because the Hair’s eyes were like magnets, drawn to your cleavage in your black lace corset. He hated to admit, but the madonna costume you sported for the Hideout’s Halloween Howler suited you. Your tits were pushed up to the gods, your hair big and curly with a bow on the side, and your tulle skirt barely covered your ass. Your legs were lengthened by fishnets and slouchy boots. Your signature smoked out liner and plum lipstick matched your costume perfectly. Steve was dressed up like a werewolf. Eddie rolled his eyes when he saw the jock walking in with Robin and Nancy behind him. But, maybe you were into guys that did costumes. He looked down at his sliced up Hideout shirt and he scoffed thinking about his own pale face. You had laughed at him when Eddie chastised you for not knowing he was a vampire, but now he felt self conscious. He continued to pour tequila for the group of screaming girls in front of his section of the bar while you chatted up the werewolf on your side. Eddie heard you purr “this one’s on the house” and touch Steve’s arm, and the metalhead just about short circuited. Eddie could admit that you were attractive, and that he was thankful that the two of you had gotten closer over the past few weeks. He eyed the blondes in front of him that had been eyeing him the whole night. He hastily poured shots, three for the girls in front of him and one for himself. He pushed the shots in front of them and downed the tequila down his throat. He screwed his eyes shut and the only thing he could see in the darkness was the interaction that the two of you had when closing the bar last week. 
Your face was screwed into a frown as you wiped up the last inch of your side of the bar. You leaned against the bar with a sigh. The night had been long and busy, but Eddie’s eyes always found you, whether you were clearing and wiping tables throughout the bar, fixing broken pool tables with a hip check, or serving your regulars at the bar. He also noticed how your eyes raked over him when you thought he wasn’t looking. 
“Rough night?” Eddie asked.
“Ah, well, if you consider getting your ass grabbed by that fucking Creel guy over there” you gestured your thumb behind you “then yeah, pretty rough. The prick hasn’t left me alone since. Sincerely thinking he’s gonna be waiting at my car when I leave.” You laughed and shook your head. You didn’t notice Eddie’s face hardened and his cheeks flush red while you recapped your night. He breezed past you, eyes glued on the offender, your eyes followed him and panic made your chest heave when Eddie slipped past you and out from behind the bar.
“Where are you going?” you questioned. Eddie’s eyes met yours but they didn’t soften. 
“I’m going to take care of it.” Eddie didn’t give you a chance to stop him. He grabbed the older man by the collars and pulled him out the front door. Within minutes, the mop headed man walked back in the bar shaking his fists which were bruised and covered in blood. You yelled out to Eddie and ran to him, cupping his hands.
“What did you do?” you gulped.
“I fixed the problem.”
You spent the last half an hour of the now empty bar being open with Eddie sitting on a stool with you in between his legs. You smelt like floral perfume and Jack Daniels. Eddie felt his heart fall to his knees as you made purchase in his space. You couldn’t help but steal glances at the boy in front of you. You had always thought he was cute and mysterious, but now that it was just the two of you, he looked soft, almost innocent (which was ironic seeing the situation you were in). His pearly complexion was littered with soft brown freckles. His hair frizzed around his head like a halo. As you cleaned up his hands you noticed the subtle muscle the boy had. His biceps flexed slightly under his black tee and his tattoos flexed as he pulled away in pain. You would squeeze out small apologies.
“You don’t have to worry about anyone touching you again, as long as I’m here.” Eddie murmured, too shy to say anything too loud and scare you away.
“Thank you, Eddie. You didn’t have to do that.” Your eyes flickered to his lips and you pulled yourself in closer to him. He tilted his head down to meet your lips. As they dusted against yours, you pulled away, unfortunately remembering where you were. Eddie cleared his throat and hopped up from the stool and thus ended your encounter and conversation for the end of the night. He didn’t even walk with you through the parking lot like normal - he hopped in his van as soon as the clock struck 3am and screeched onto the highway.  Did you do something wrong? Were you making up signals that he was sending you? He wanted to kiss you and you wanted to kiss him - but after work where you could tell him how you felt. 
Eddie’s eyes flickered open and he shook his head, erasing the thought from his mind and the alcohol from his tongue. He turned to see you eyeing him. When your eyes met, you rolled yours and turned back to the customers in front of you, Steve not too far down the bar. Maybe it was the alcohol in his system, or maybe it was the fact that Eddie was jealous, but he strutted up right beside you and puffed his chest out at Steve, who was, very obviously, making heart eyes at you. 
“Hey man, are you finished ordering? Because we got a crowd and you’re taking up bar space.” Eddie grumbled at the perfectly manicured quaff of hair standing before him. He wasn’t lying per se, there were quite a few patrons that night, but they weren’t all waiting for their drinks. 
Steve scoffed at him and made eyes at you; you scoffed and rolled your eyes at Eddie and turned back to the older woman dressed up like a devil. You couldn’t stand being close to Eddie since your interaction last week, you thought you might not be able to handle the rejection, or any advancements that he would make towards you. It didn’t however stop you from shutting him out completely and trying to move on. You spoke to Eddie without turning to face him.
“Steve is my guest, he’s allowed to sit at the bar if he wants, Eddie. Take the stick out of your ass.” You chuckled as you heard the man behind you gasp. Eddie looked to Rick, working tables and signaled him to take over the bar. You suddenly felt a bruising grip on your arm as you were dragged towards the back entrance of the bar and to the break room and out the back door. 
“What the fuck Eddie!” you spat. 
“Tell him to fucking leave.” Eddie demanded. His voice was low and calm, but there was a fire in his eyes. 
“Are you kidding me?” You laughed in his face. “Don’t tell me Eddie Munson is Jeal-” Your words were lost in your throat as Eddie slammed his hands against the wall beside your head and caged you within his arms. 
“Did I stutter?” Eddie's eyes were dark and you couldn’t read his expression. You searched and waited for him to leave, or to say something to you, but he stilled; his face mere inches away from your face. You had to resist the urge to pull him into a kiss, but your heart thumped and you felt like you were going to suffocate. You needed him to move, to do something. Without warning his lips were on yours. It wasn’t sweet. It wasn’t longing like your other kiss was supposed to be. This was primal - territorial. He was letting you know who you belonged to. 
It was a gnashing of teeth and tongues, but you couldn’t help but moan into him. The release that you had been longing for, that thread between the two of you had gotten so tense, you were happy it finally snapped. Eddie’s mouth trailed down your neck. You whined while he sucked a hard hickey by your pulse point. You hoped Eddie would soothe the pain radiating from the spot, but there was none. This was not about being sweet or gentle. He wasn’t trying to win you over. He knew he had won - he was just taking what was his and making sure you and everyone else knew it. 
“E-Eddie” you moaned. “We can’t do this now…” Eddie detached his mouth from your throat and replaced it with his hand. He added light pressure to stop your words in their tracks.
“You don’t tell me what to do. Now you’re going to be quiet and you’re going to listen. Or you’re going to push me off and never fucking talk to me again.” He bored into your eyes, waiting for you to move against him and trot back through the door to the blaring music on the other side. But to his surprise, you grabbed his wrist that was choking you and pushed down harder. Eddie’s expression flickered from domination to surprise to complete arousal. He pressed into your neck, eliciting a moan from your lips as you felt dizzy.
Eddie trailed his hands down your body as he sank to his knees. He hastily pulled your thigh up on his shoulder and pulled your fishnets apart by your core. To his amusement, he could tell there was a wet patch on your panties, even in the dim light. He slapped his ring finger across your clothed pussy, sending shocks up your body and leaving you yelping in pleasure. 
“Did I get you all worked up, doll?” Eddie slapped again, making your legs heave. “Or did Harrington get you all hot and bothered?” Eddie’s eyes looked up at you expectantly. “Answer me!” He barked. 
“It’s for you, Eddie… All for you” you moaned. 
“Good answer,” he smirked. Without hesitation, your panties were pulled to the side and his mouth was on you - and he sucked down hard. You cried out and the man looked back up at you pointedly. You bit your lip as you watched him probe your pussy with his tongue. You looked around hastily, desperate for more contact, but petrified someone was going to drive around to the back of the parking lot and see you - or worse, your boss would come out for his smoke break.
“Eddie” you gasped. “We’re gonna get caught!” Your body language didn’t match the panic in your voice. You bucked against Eddie’s face, making the boy moan. He took one of his big hands and pressed against your abdomen, pinning you to the wall.
“Then be a good girl and cum for me,” Your world went fuzzy when you felt Eddie’s tongue press into your throbbing hole. Your mouth formed a wide o as you gasped for air. Eddie felt like he was going to bust in his pants at the way you clenched around his muscle. He needed to see you fall apart for him and then he needed to mark you as his. He replaced his tongue with his fingers and migrated his mouth up to your sensitive clit. You bit down on your lip as your orgasm barrelled towards you. Eddie reached up and put his free hand in your mouth. You moaned into his dextrous fingers and sucked down hard. Eddie’s pornographic moan sent vibrations through you and threw you over the edge. Eddie lapped at you like you were the last thing he was ever going to taste. He stared up at you, watching how you came undone. When he felt the shaking of your thighs subside, he dropped your leg and flipped you over so your cheek was pressed against the cool brick wall. Eddie’s large hands pressed into your hips, assuring you would have fingerprints to remember him by in the morning. 
With a couple of pumps at his angry cock, and he pressed into your spent pussy, giving you minimal time to adjust to his stretch. You didn’t see it, but you could feel that Eddie was exceptionally well endowed. His cock filled you deliciously and your breath hitched against the wall. Eddie gave you a brief pause to breathe when he was fully sheathed inside you. You both paused with heaving chests as headlights passed the side of the building, but turned away from the two of you. Eddie pulled out completely, making you whine at the emptiness; but you didn’t have to wait for long to be filled again, because Eddie slammed fully into you, eliciting a yelp. His veiny hand snaked around to your neck and pressed down again. 
“I told you to be quiet,” Eddie chided. “Let me fill you up and you can go back to your fucking boyfriend” Eddie’s words felt like venom in your ear. You felt like you could barely speak, Eddie didn’t let up his pace.
“Hmph… not my… boyfriend” you managed to rasp out. Eddie let out a dark chuckle. 
“No, huh? Would you let Steve touch you like this? Would you let Steve taste you? Would you let him choke you, doll? Do you think he could make you cum like I can?” Eddie pounded into you harder and tears threatened to spill out of your screwed shut eyes.
“No, Eddie. Fuck!” You cried.
“You gonna cry over him, doll?” Eddie sneered. He wanted you to feel bad, but more importantly, he needed to know that you chose him - and that this isn’t a one time thing, you will continue to choose him.
“Eddie!” He could feel you fluttering around him again, you were close. He could feel the knot in his own abdomen tightening. He thrusted into you harder, hitting your g-spot and making your hands fly to the wall in a weak attempt to ground yourself.
Eddie thrust with every word he spoke: “You’re. Not. His. You’re. Mine.” You nodded and Eddie put more pressure on your neck. You both groaned as your climaxes hit. Eddie’s hot ropes of cum painted your insides - his dick twitching sending you past pleasure into overstimulation. The hand that was still on your hip helped hold your shaky legs up.
You felt Eddie’s soft hair rest on your exposed back. You both were too fucked out for words. Begrudgingly, Eddie pulled out and flipped you over to face him. You were flushed and your eye makeup looked more smudged than it did before. Eddie traced his thumb over your cheek to wipe a dark blot of watered down mascara off your cheek. You shifted underneath his gaze, his cum spilling out of your spent pussy.
“You’re gonna go inside and finish the night and I’m gonna drive you home so we can talk, okay?” You shook your head quietly at him. He peered down to your lower half. He pressed his fingers back into you to push both of your essences back into you then pushed your underwear back into place. He looked at you once he removed his fingers and popped them into his mouth. You stared aghast, with your jaw slacked. 
“And I’m going to serve Harrington for the rest of the night. Got it?”
“Got it” You peeped. You straightened your skirt and rolled your shoulders back as you swung the door to the bar open. The Time Warp bled out into the October air. You turned back to Eddie and flashed him a small smile, then you were gone. 
Eddie smirked as he pulled a cigarette out from behind his ear. Yeah… Harrington was going to have a pretty shit rest of his night.
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taglist: @sadbitchfangirl @filth-fiction-archive @joantje @brinleighsstuff @dark-angel-is-back @emxxblog @sluggzillaa @vintagehellfire @anxiousobserver @hideoutside @mmunson86 @aol19 @eddies-acousticguitar @kirstinjayjay @catcrown21 @keikoraven @poofyloofy @adrenalineeerevolver @ali-r3n If you would like to join my taglist, please fill out this form and follow me!
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carppediem · 11 months
I just came across this interview Käärijä gave for an Estonian magazine before the Tallinn gig and thought I'd share it with y'all! He talks about saving money to buy a house, why he quit drinking etc. Also, there are some new interesting things he said about Tommy 👀
Since the article is behind a paywall (and in Estonian) I've put a rough, heavily Google-assisted translation under the cut 👇
There are a few minutes left until the concert. How do you feel?
I feel great, but I'm a little tired because I didn't sleep well.
Did you have a party yesterday?
No party, I'm focused on the European tour. Yesterday was a live in Sweden, from there I flew to Finland at five o'clock in the morning and from there to here. But I'm one hundred percent ready for a show. It doesn't matter how tired I am, I give my best on stage.
You recently released the single 'It's Crazy, It's Party' with Tommy Cash. When Tommy met the members of the band Little Big, they drank a lot of vodka. What did you and Tommy drink?
Haha, I haven't had a drink with Tommy yet.
Not even a Pina Colada?
No. Maybe someday Tommy and I will have a drink, although I don't think he drinks much. And you know, I don't drink anymore either. I stopped drinking a month ago. I need to keep my energy up. When you give as many concerts as I do now, you have to take care of yourself. Drinking and performing hand in hand is extremely difficult both physically and mentally, not to mention how bad it affects the vocal cords. I had the biggest hangover of my life this summer, which put the brakes on my drinking. I went to a music festival with a friend where we drank too much. The next day I had to perform at the same festival. The hangover was so bad that I really didn't know how to get myself on stage with the terrible feeling and the summer heat. But I pulled myself together and did the show. This experience is also one of the reasons why I don't drink anymore.
What kind of person is Tommy?
He is a visionary and very witty - a lot of fun with him. And of course he's cute. I think we have something in common, like we both have our own style. Tommy surprises with crazy outfits: extraordinary hairstyles, extravagant clothing, which are complemented by boleros. In short, insane costumes.
After Eurovision, you started a real concert rally - you gave 51 concerts in the summer alone. Do you want to become a millionaire?
Of course I do! One day I will definitely be a millionaire. I don't keep track of how much money I have in the bank and how much I'm short of six figures. But yes, I'm trying to collect a million euros.
Will the goal be met this year?
No, not yet. It will still take a few years. I've had an insane amount of performances after Eurovision, because I was like a kid in a candy store who wants everything at once, but by now I've drawn the line because I can't perform everywhere. I also set myself a price tag, below which I will not allow myself to go anywhere. If you do 300 shows a year, you're screwed.
What do you spend your money on?
I don't just spend it on pretty things. I have a definite goal in mind - I want to buy a house in Finland. Maybe in the future also real estate in Thailand, we'll see. I don't need a Rolex or any luxury, I don't care about that.
What has been the most difficult thing for you since Eurovision?
Everyone in Finland now knows who I am. It's hard and tiring because I no longer have my own private space at all. I can't just go to the store, to a concert, or to a hockey game, people will immediately come up to me and start taking pictures. I hate when they don't politely ask for permission to do this, but immediately start clicking.
What has been the best?
It's great to see people hear 'Cha Cha Cha' and be happy. Or when they hear the name Käärijä and their face breaks into laughter - it's a powerful feeling. And of course to see how happy my family is about this achievement. And me too!
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