#like yes fun of course he gave it some thought it was the 50s and he was making a Decisions]
pathetic-men · 1 year
i had such an idea the other day. what if paul was transmasc but no one knew and they all thought he was just a Regular Cishet Guy and then alph rolls into town and they get closer bc you know trans people can smell each other from a mile away. except alph because he’s stupid. but paul is getting the vibe (and by that i mean he’s actually also stupid and didn’t really know alph was trans but he’s in gay love) so one day paul is like btw ur a doctor right… can you get rid of my bazoingers… and alpha like WHAG. WHERE DID THOSE COME FROM.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Green— Luke Hughes
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request: “hey bestie ! could i have 23, 46 & 50 with luke hughes please :)”
23: “you’re safe. i’m here.”
46: “can i have a hug?”
50: “i’ll always come when you need me”
warnings: mentions of anxiety, a singular swear word, nightmare, NOT PROOF READ
word count: 1k
a/n: did i check if umich courses transferred to seton hall? no. did i just learn of seton hall’s existence? yes. do i know anything about it? also no, but it was close to the stadium!
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the front door slams shut.
prancing sounds of dogs entering the house are heard.
clock reads 4:13am.
dogs start barking.
a bedroom door opens.
you get up, and lock your bedroom door.
yelling ensues.
banging on doors.
the silence was the worst part.
you shot up in bed screaming. you pulled your legs close to your chest as you heaved and fumbled to find a light. you broke out into sobs when the door to your bedroom at the lake house was thrown open.
luke stood there with a frantic look on his face, along with the other boys residing in house for the next week. “what happened?!”
you were sat up against the headboard of the bed with your legs pulled up and your hand on your heart, trying to apply pressure to calm you down a tad.
“i had- he was- he,” you sputtered out. luke immediately understood, “it was just a dream, bug. he isn’t busting into your house at 4 in the morning, okay?”
you nodded.
“you’re safe. i’m here,” luke said low as he sat on the bed across from you. “quinn, could you go get her some ice water?”
quinn nodded and walked off, the other few boys lingering for a second before walking off after luke nodded to them that you’re okay.
“can i have a hug?” you sniffled.
luke gave you a sympathetic smile and crawled over to you. he gathered you in his arms and your legs straddled his sides. you hugged him tightly, nuzzling yourself into his neck as you cried.
you didn’t hear quinn creep in, but you became aware of his presence when luke rubbed your shoulder in a way to get your attention. you rotated in luke’s lap to look at the front of the room where his oldest brother stood.
“i got you some water, and i thought you might like this,” quinn smiled and handed you a fun sized hershey bar. you thanked up and took the objects from him, handing the glass of water to luke for him to hold so you could open your piece of chocolate. knowing that you needed some one on one time with luke, quinn walked away immediately after his deliveries and ever so gently clicked the door close.
the ice water helped ease the anxiety that still coursed through your body. you closed your eyes and leaned backwards against luke’s shoulder and slowly sipped on the cup of water, making sure to notice everything you felt as you drank the ice cold liquid.
“what are you at right now, bug?” luke asked.
“yellow,” you said.
“what were you at before?”
“orange, okay,” luke nodded. he nudged you to move back to your original position, but you shook your head, “i want you to lay down on me.”
“you want me to lay on top of you?” luke questioned you.
“the pressure feels good and it helps,” you explained. “it’s like a weighted blanket, but instead it’s a weighted boyfriend.”
luke didn’t ask anymore questions. he slid you off of him and waited for you to get into a comfortable position laying down on the bed. luke then wrapped his arms around your middle, laid his head on your chest, and had his upper body pressed against you with his legs entangled with yours. you took a deep breath, immediately feeling some relief from luke’s weight. you had one arm drapped across his back, and your other hand was gently petting his hair in a slow, repetitive, up and down motion. he relaxed against you, which brought a small smile to your face as you kissed the top of his head in response.
“i thought i’m supposed to be the one comforting you,” luke joked.
“i can feel your calmness and it’s making me calm,” you answered.
“ah yes, my girlfriend is “practically an empath” according to her therapist except it actually makes a lot of sense and i think she is really an empath. how could i forget?” luke cracked.
you breathed out a laugh at that, “exactly.”
you took a moment to soak in the serene feeling of you and luke breathing in sync with one another before speaking again, “thank you for checkin on me.”
“well, you were screaming,” luke lightly teased. you rolled your eyes and lightly tapped the back of his head in retaliation. “i’m kidding! i’ll always come when you need me.”
“and when it’s time for you to join the devils?” you asked him, petrified for the answer. luke could feel your heartbeat quickening as you asked it.
“i was hoping you’d like to come with,” luke said simply. he didn’t even lift his head to look at you as he said it.
“luke,”you sighed.
“no, no, no, i’ve got it all figured out! jack’s been looking for a new place to live so that i can live with him. i already checked, and most of the classes you’ve already taken at umich will transfer to seton hall university, which is about twenty minutes from the area we’ll live in. i’m not going to force you but-“
you cut him off by grabbing his face and having him look at you, “i’d love to.”
luke perked up, “really?!”
“yes, really,” you smiled. “sounds like you got it all figured out, too. did you apply for me, as well?”
“jack almost did,” luke answered seriously. you cackled at that, “i’m surprised you were able to stop him.”
“i’m not entirely sure i did,” luke laughed with you.
your laughter died down and luke’s head returned to its position on your chest, and your hands resumed to holding and petting him. your bodies relaxed against each other and your breaths got deeper and more even.
“i love you, y/n,” luke mumbled into you, sleep threatening to take over. you smiled, “i love you, too, lukey.”
you were green when sleep encompassed you, and you could feel that luke was, too. you two were in sync with one another, just as it should be.
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secret-sturniolo · 8 months
my hero - chris sturniolo
summary - when a guy at a party makes y/n uncomfortable, chris comes to her rescue
warnings - creepy men, implied crimes, mentions of alcohol, one kiss
a/n - sorry for not posting for a few days, i have been busy with school and work. im hoping i can write some more this weekend for you guys. i also hit over 50 followers. crazy!!
When my best friends Nick, Matt, and Chris invited me to come to this Halloween party with them in LA, of course I said yes. I went as the Queen of Hearts. My costume was more revealing than the clothes that I normally wear, but since it was Halloween, I decided why not have some fun? The triplets all went as Scream characters because I told them it would be cute if they matched, and of course they listened to me. I was already at the triplets house, so once I was done getting ready in Nick's room, I walked back downstairs to where everyone else was. I was met with wide eyes and surprised looks, as I hadn't told any of them what I was dressing up as.
"Girl, you look amazing!" Nick excitedly told me.
Matt just smiled, and I tried not to blush as I felt Chris's gaze on me, taking in every inch of my body. When he noticed I had caught him looking, he just gave me a small smirk. Once we were all ready, Matt started the car and drove us all to the party. I decided to sit in the back seat, but I was surprised when Chris gave up his normal seat in the front to Nick so he could sit by me in the back. We quietly talked and giggled with each other the whole way there. At one point, Chris leaned over closer to me and whispered in my ear.
"You look really good tonight."
I smiled, my cheeks turning red. "Thanks Chris, you don't look to bad yourself." I replied.
When we got to the party, it was busier and louder than I was expecting for a house that was on the smaller side, but I put my worries to the side and decided I was going to have some fun. Of course there was alcohol being served, but since neither me nor the triplets drink, we all grabbed sodas instead. At some point, we got split up, and because of the loud music and people dancing everywhere, it was hard for us to find each other. I had to use the bathroom, so I started to make my way upstairs. I discovered that there was a short line, so I leaned up against the wall and pulled out my phone to pass the time. I jumped when I felt a hand against my lower back, dangerously close to my ass.
"Hey pretty lady. What are you doing here all alone?"
I looked up to see an older man I had never met before, alcohol on his breath. I moved away to try and get his hand off of me. Instead of taking the hint, he roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me back, closer to him.
"Where do you think you're going? You're coming with me, I can't leave a pretty girl like you all alone."
"Get your hands off me you freak! And I'm not here alone, I'm here with my friends, so I'm good!" I yelled at him. I guess he didn't like that, because he pulled me even rougher towards the nearby bedroom that must have been unlocked.
"Shut up now, if you know what's good for you!" he whisper-yelled in my ear.
I was not about to let this man get what he wanted. That's when I saw Chris out of the corner of my eye. I screamed for him as loud as I could.
"Chris! Help!"
Even through all of the noise, he turned immediately, pushing through the crowd to get to me. When he reaches us, he shoves the man away from me.
"Hey, what are you touching my girl for you fucking creep!" he says.
My girl? I thought, briefly confused but I went with it.
"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend. What a shame!" The creepy guy replied. This got Chris even more mad.
"If I see you touch another woman like that, we are going to have some real problems." He turned to me. "Y/n, let's get out of here."
He grabbed my hand and led me away before the other man even had a chance to respond.
"Chris, thank you so much." I told him sincerely.
"Of course, he had no right to do that to you. He didn't hurt you, did he?"
"I mean, I might have a bruise on my arm from how hard he grabbed me, but otherwise I'm fine. Just shaken up, that's all."
He didn't reply, but squeezed my hand tighter, letting me know he heard me. When we got to the car, Matt and Nick were already waiting for us. Chris must have texted them already.
"Y/n, are you okay? I'm so sorry that guy was such a creep." Nick said to me, pulling me into a hug.
"It's okay, but I think I'd just rather go home now." I told them. Matt nodded, getting into the drivers seat and starting the car. The whole way home, Chris's grip on my hand didn't loosen.
*time skip until they get home*
When we got back to the boy's house, Chris motioned for me to follow him to his room downstairs.
"If it's okay with you, I think you should stay here tonight. I don't want you to be alone."
I nodded. "Thank you, Chris. So much. I don't even want to think about what that man wanted to do to me."
Chris slowly walked over to me.
"Y/n, I want to make sure no man ever touches you like that again." he says looking into my eyes.
"What are you implying?" I asked him, secretly hoping it was what I thought it was.
"I'm saying that if you were my girlfriend I wouldn't let anybody else treat you like that." He smiles mischievously.
"Is this you saying you want to date me?" I retort.
"Well, what would you say?"
"Maybe this will answer your question." I say, cupping his cheek and I kiss him passionately. He immediately kisses me back, wrapping his arms around me.
"Looks like I have my answer."
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billthedrake · 2 years
This story was inspired by A4F Tales' (@talesfromunderthemattress ) story Parental Unit. Consider this an unofficial sequel of sorts.
Kevin was driving. He almost always insisted on driving if it was the both of us. Now as I looked over at my older brother, I was glad he was behind the wheel since it gave me a chance to scope him out. Even now, after 8 years of being married, at least in our minds, I never got sick of looking at him. His hairline was receding but if anything that made his solid coach bod even better looking, kind of the best of both worlds, being a 31 year old dude starting to rock the daddy look a little.
"You think Dad hit the bars tonight?" I asked. Still feeling the glow of date night and the buzz of the extra glass of wine I had because I wasn't driving.
Kevin's normally serious expression turned into a slight laugh of a grin. "Probably bro. You know how he's alwasy going on about not getting enough pussy."
I chuckled and puffed out my chest like Dad as I imitated him. "What you boys have going on is great and all... but I'm 50/50, you know," I said in my best Craig Stansell baritone.
Kevin laughed. "Whatever it takes, babe," he said, looking away from the road quickly to flash me a grin. "Besides, the old man's almost 60. Let him have his pride."
"58 and a very fine 58," I chimed in. "You think we ever push him too much?"
My husband seemed to think that over a second. "Not really, no. If anything, maybe not enough." He patted my thigh. "If he found another woman, you know, settled down again... would you be upset, Kyle?"
I didn't have to think of my answer. "Selfishly, yes. But I want him to be happy bro, you know that."
"I do too, of course," Kevin continued, thinking out loud as he turned into our subdivision, where we'd been shacking up as brothers ever since I moved down to Florida to work under him in the college football program he coached. "I just think, you know, he's kind of what makes our relationship work so well."
I'd thought of that too. Kevin and I had both given up our asses to each other, many times, and would gladly continue to do so. But we both preferred topping and all around loved the rush of fucking a man. "We'd make it work regardless, Kevin," I objected. "But I know what you mean."
He nodded and held up his left hand after he turned toward our street. "It was fun wearing our bands when we go out."
"Fun's an understatement," I growled softly. It had been a nice romantic evening, but my big brother was gonna get me hard, fast. "Wish we could do it more."
"It's risky," Kevin said, lust in his voice. "But we'll have to find a way."
The Florida air was warm and muggy. That's the one thing I'd never get used to, but beyond that this was paradise. Maybe because it's a place Dad could take an early retirement to and not bat an eye, living in an in-law addition behind our place.
"Hey guys," our father said, peeling his eyes off a Ravens-Steelers game on TV. Ever since coaching college ball, Kev and I relished our Sunday days off, and had grown less interested in following the NFL religiously. But Dad was still sports obsessed and maybe missed his own coaching days, more than a little. "How was date night?"
Kevin casually patted Dad's meaty shoulder through the man's T-shirt. It still blew my mind how casually our father had sussed out me and Kevin's sexual relationship, early on and how he not only didn't seem to mind but actually covered for us. Only later did I discover he'd fooled around with our Uncle Rick growing up.
"Great," my older brother said, looking over at me with a wink. "Nice to have some one-on-one time with my special man."
Dad grumbled. "You boys should take your special time any goddamn time you want. Forget I'm here if you have to. You guys are married, and just because you asked me..."
"All right, Dad," Kevin laughed, holding up his hands like he was 17 and being delivered another lecture. "Me and me husband are gonna go to our bedroom and have hot date night sex, OK?"
Dad got a big grin on his gruffly handsome mug. Unlike Kevin he still had his full head of hair though it was almost entirely gray now and maybe not as thick as it once was. "That's more like it."
Kevin patted his shoulder and turned to walk back to our room. I knew he was horny from our conversation, and since yesterday was game day and as usual we didn't usually get around to sex, my brother was undoubtedly feeling as backed up as I was. "Good night, Dad," he said.
"Good night," I said to my father, only leaning in for a quick peck of a kiss. On the lips. "You OK on your own tonight, Dad?" I asked.
"Son... if you don't get back there quick, your brother's gonna have some major blue balls," he joked.
I about asked about his blue balls, but instead just took the hint. "All right, Dad. Have a good one."
Kevin was already naked when I got to the master bedroom. I liked stripping for him as he watched and stroked his fat brother bone. "Jack is doing a great job with you," he said, referring to the strength and conditioning coach for the team. Even if I wasn't a player, I took advantage of the man's expertise and encouragement. While Kevin had a naturally medium-build coach bod, I was getting more jacked, almost like a tight end. The more I did, the more my husband loved it.
"Remind me to thank him," I grinned, stepping forward naked to the bed.
We were both horny but we also loved the physicality of making out before swapping blow jobs.
I took my big brother's dick into my mouth, slowly working him up. "Damn, suck me KS," he urged, using my initials as a pet name ever since we first fooled around, back in the day. "Suck your big brother." Those words never failed to turn me on. I blew him with longer deeper mouth strokes, using my hands to feel his hairy balls and hold his prick. Kevin was in shape, but that coach-bod padding felt real nice and softly furred against my forehead as I managed a deep throat.
"FUCK!" my husband grunted, holding me down playfully on to his hairier crotch. "You're too good to me, man." He let up on his grip and I started bobbing again, trying to work him to a good, heavy cum.
Only as Kev was getting too close, he pulled me off, gently pushing my head back once his thick prick cleared my wet lips. "Let me return the favor, bro."
I nodded and I knelt on the bed, letting my older brother lean forward and start licking me. "God, I love date night," he hissed before he bagan taking me into his mouth."
It was hot, very hot, watching my successful head coach of a brother go down on me, his masculine face getting an intent look as he did his best to blow me. It had taken a few years actually to convince my cocky brother to actually go down on me. Now, he took oral service as a serious job, as much dedicated work as studying game tape. You'd think that approach would be a turn off, but instead it drove me wild to see Kevin treat my pleasure like his biggest mission in life.
I could have let him get me off, but something was on my mind.
"Think we should invite Dad back, bro?"
I thought Kevin might be pissed off or at least bark his usual reminder that it was date night. Instead he pulled off my hard dick and slurped back the excess spit before he nodded, "Go get him."
I leapt up like an excited puppy and strutted into the living room, naked and hard. Dad was still watching the game, and I startled him when I put both hands on his shoulders and gave a gentle squeeze. "Feel like joining us?" I asked simply.
He looked up and his eyes went wide when he realized my nakedness. Kevin wasn't the only one into my new jacked-up body. "Don't want to spoil your date night, Kyle," he said softly.
"When did you ever spoil anything, Dad?" I asked. "But it's up to you. We'd love to have you with us tonight."
He nodded, and god I could tell he was horny for it. "If you're sure."
"Sure I'm sure," I said. I gave a reminder. "But it's the master bedroom."
We had a ritual about this. Turns out Dad was on board, as always. "I want that," he said quietly but confidently.
I appeared first, and Kevin was already lubing up his cock, confident Dad would come in too.
"Hey Dad."
It wasn't Kevin who said that but our father, who was stepping out from behind me and peeling off his T-shirt. His 58 year old frame had always been muscular, an ex-jock's build, but since moving to join us in Florida, he'd kept at the weights hard to stay solid. He was very much a silver muscle daddy, tanned and buff, though with the telltale roughness in his skin from a man that age.
"Pop says you guys want me to join you," our father added, getting into the psychodrama we'd honed over the years. One that played out not every night but at least once a week.
"Come on, son," Kevin said, patting the mattress and scooting to make a spare spot. "We love having you in our bed."
Dad never played favorites, but when we did role reversal like this, Kevin was Dad and I was Pop and that just intensified the bond he had with his eldest. I watched as Dad scooted next to my brother-husband, letting Kevin take the lead to claim a kiss as Dad's furry muscle daddy body almost arched like a cat in Kevin's greedy embrace.
I never got sick of watching those two men kiss. It was romantic and sexual at the same time, in equal parts.
It turned me on to see how much our father loved it. His old man had been a legendary football coach, and after a number of threesomes Kevin and I sussed out that Dad had some giant-sized Daddy Issues of his own. A little role play and pushing the envelope and we settled in on this.
Dad was our son only when joining us in the master bedroom, but we embraced it so heavily that for that time it felt real to us. Real to Kevin, real to me, and real to our dad.
For his part, Kevin outright loved playing Dad to our father. As hot as the sex was between me and my brother, this brought out his more assertive side.
Already he was making his way down Dad's silver-furred body, kissing down that mature muscle and nudging our father's legs up and back. Dad complied. "Oh yes, Dad," he hissed. "Eat out my son hole."
He got into it, into that intimate connection between my brother's tongue and his sphincter, gently loosened from Kev's and my regular fucks. "God, Pop, I love you guys," he hissed as I lay next to him. And like that, me and my father were kissing. Deep, tongues battling, sucking the air from one another.
We got lost in that incest kiss. Me being daddy for my father and both of us loving that head-fuck. Either we made out longer than I expected, or Kevin was real impatient that night. Before I knew it, Dad pulled back and turned to look at Kevin who was holding our father's legs and entering him with that heavy brother cock of his.
"God, yeah," Dad said. "Dick me, Dad. I need it so bad, sir."
The S word was like poppers to Kevin. He growled and plowed right in. The first time he'd taken Dad like that I was pissed off and a little worried. But turns out Dad loved it. Even if that ex-NFL-er cock softened at the rough intrusion, Dad was always back to full hardness quickly.
That's how it played out now. I watched excitedly as the dick that made me steadily got its lead hardness again. I slicked my father's prick up with lube and slowly stroked while Kevin pounded him with harder faster stokes.
"Fuck, son," my coach brother hissed, throwing that beefy body into an athletic performance. Even if I preferred to top more than bottom these days, just watching my husband in rut made my vers side rare up and crave Kevin inside me. We'd have to see how long I'd go before making that a reality.
"Fuck me Dad!" our father bellowed, getting real into it, his hips bucking a little to work his cock in my lubed fist and to meet the fantasy patriarch's thrusts. "Use my hole, sir."
Kevin's face scrunched up and I knew immediately he was coming. One of those sudden, no warning orgasm. His normally confident voice became a succession of whimpers as he ejaculated deep and heavy inside our father.
"Hell yes," our dad his, excited to be bred.
I was horny as hell now. Impatiently, I got up and practically pushed Kevin out of the way. "Fuck 'im babe," he growled, placing his meaty paw on my strong shoulder. I looked down and saw his amazing prick wet with fresh cum. The view of Dad's asshole was better. Legs spread wide, our father showed off the now fucked-open hole and the incestuous creampie oozing out.
I'd never done this before, though it had been on my mind. At that moment, horniness overcame any hesitation I had. I leaned down and started licking Dad's pucker.
"Oh SHIT, Bro!" Kevin exclaimed. I didn't have to see to know my brother's softening prick surged right back into a hard watching me felch on his load. It was evident in my brother's voice.
Dad actually chuckled at how nasty I was being. But didn't care. I licked deeper now, rooting for a stronger taste of Kev's cum. I figured if I was gonna have my first felch experience, I'd go all the way.
Dad helped me out, by pushing out a good bit of Kevin's load. That familiar brother-husband flavor filled my mouth, and it drove me wild to realize just how much he'd cum.
"Oh fuck!" I growled as I pulled back, my throat half clogged with that assload. I rushed as I got into the saddle. I hoped to god Kev's fuck was foreplay enough for Dad, because I was coming in. My entry was rougher and more sudden than Kevin's had been.
"Yeah, Pop," Dad hissed. No softening cock this time, my father's meat twitched in its hardness as I boned him.
The dad-son mating was fevered. Dad clenching at my body and me doing my best Kevin Stansell topping imitation. As I fucked Dad and as Dad called me Pop with every other stroke, I imagined doing this to my father over the years, as the man entered his 60s, and even his 70s...
The idea almost tripped my trigger but I held off so Dad could cum. I didn't want to leave the old man high and dry. So I slowed my strokes and tried to work his butt nut. "Yes," he hissed, getting into the new rhythm. It wasn't a Kevin imitation, but a Kyle Stansell fuck.
My brother had actually gone to piss, like he always does after a good fuck. I guess I'd forgotten about him, because I was surprised to feel his hands on my mind and his kiss along my neck. "You're beautiful to watch Babe," he whispered. Instinctively I leaned back into that kiss and embrace, even as I had to slow my fuck down to a slow hump.
It took me a second to register how greasy Kevin's lubed cock was and how adeptly it was rooting in between my tight-end-worthy ass cheeks. "Whaddya say, bro?" he grunted, licking and nibbling at my ear lobe.
I wanted it. God, I wanted. "Yeah," I replied, and all of a sudden I was the center of attention. Dad's eyes on me, hungry but amused at watching me take my brother's cock. Kevin feeling me up to coax me to relax.
My man knew he had to take his time. And it had been a solid four months since he'd fucked me. I was tight as fuck.
But something about that situation was opening me up. Slowly, then more steadily I felt Kevin's thick tool plowing in. Challenging me to accept all of him.
"He's big isn't he, Pop?" Dad asked.
I looked down in my father's brown eyes. "Feels even bigger going in," I answered.
"It's gonna make you feel amazing, Pop," Dad said with sincerity. "Always does."
Kevin loved being talked up like that, and he now thrust more excitedly into me. It was intense but in a good way. Particularly once Dad's ass started clenching down on my own cock, buried deep inside him. My father was stroking his meat once more and sending shock waves to my bone in the process.
I wouldn't saw we had a practiced rhythm doing a fuck sandwich, but we alternated between Kevin driving things and me being the one to move my hips between these two men.
Dad came first. The excitement of watching his two sons fuck combined with the stimulation in his ass.
"Fuck son!" Kevin exclaimed, watching over my shoulder as heavy spurts of semen spurted from our father's reddened cock. "Give it up, stud."
Just hearing those role play words in my ear got me off. I grunted in orgasm, wordlessly but my body tensing and revealing that I'd crossed the line in a major way.
Kevin's hips were now bucking faster, almost frantic in the guy's realization he had a brief window to get off in me before I lost the sex-fueled openness in my ass.
He made it, barely. My brother-husband's strong hands gripped my waist as he powered his second cum of the night inside me. Making up for no-sex Game Day. I accepted his seed, proud that I'd done this, put out for my man.
My brother gave a soft kiss to the back of my neck and slowly pulled out.
This was always the hardest part of the role play. Not going back to our real-life family roles. But we'd learned to keep it going. Wordlessly, we showered off, first me and Dad in the shower, before I stepped out and let Kevin join him.
"You going to sleep with us tonight, Son?" I asked as I toweled off and watched them rinse under the spray.
Dad looked over at Kevin, maybe expectantly but mostly trying to read his reaction. Kev patted Dad's ass. "Up you, son, but your dads would love to have you join us."
It was wild to see the mature man, a pro-ball veteran and a coaching legend in his own right, act like a deferential college kid with us. He smiled and his dick chubbed out a little as he nodded.
I thought I was spent, but my own prick firmed up at the sight. All the way to full erection. Kevin laughed. He'd cum twice and his beautifully thick prick hung soft, water dripping off.
"Gotta warn ya, Son," my brother said. "Us coaches can be real horny bastards sometimes."
Dad chuckled and I watched as he slipped out of Kevin's embrace and dripping wet, stepped onto the bath mat before crouching in front of me in that classic blow job kneeling position.
"Wouldn't have it any other way, Dad.... Pop..." Then looking up at me he took my son-prick into my mouth.
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so-much-for-stardust6 · 10 months
First Date- 50s Cillian Murphy x Reader
kinda rushed it so i can post again but i got 0 energy
lowercase intended
might be spelling mistakes, didn’t re-read it
warning: smut
summary: it’s your first date with cillian but it doesn’t go as plan. what happens for the rest of the date?
i spritzed the perfume onto my body, inhaling the sweet scent. i was ready for my date. i was incredibly nervous as it was with the most gorgeous man i know, cillian murphy. i didn’t believe the rumors of him liking me until he asked me out. i was slipping on my shoes when i heard the doorbell ring, he’s here. i panic and quickly shove my feet inside my mary janes as i hear my mother answer the door.
“oh hello cillian!” her cheery voice rang out.
i finished and ran to my door and swung it open, catching their attentions. cillian’s mouth slightly drops open but he quickly composed himself.
“y/n…you look so beautiful.” his accent sending shivers down my spine.
“thank you, cillian…you look handsome.” i compliment back.
“well, go enjoy yourself kids. don’t stay out too late.” my mother smiles at us.
“thank you, ma. love you.” i go and give her cheek a kiss.
“love you too, sweetie. have fun!” she told us as we began walking out.
“i’ll make sure of it.” cillian smiles, a type of smile that gives me goosebumps.
he opens my door for me, a small thank you leaving my lips. he waits until i was fully situated to close the door and get in himself. i watch his fingers start up the car, practically drooling over them.
“do you like mike’s diner?” he snaps me out of my trance.
“huh? oh yeah, i love that place.” the thought of a milkshake making me thirsty.
“perfect cause that’s where we’re going.” he begins driving to our date destination.
like always, it was crowded inside and out with other couples having date nights. i go to open my car door once he parked but he stopped my arm. i furrowed my eyebrows at his action, watching as he ran out the car and to my side. i chuckle to myself as he opened the door for me, such a gentleman.
“you’re so cute.” i blurted out.
now it’s his turn to chuckle to himself, a blush on his cheeks and probably on mine too.
“you’re cuter.” he flirts back.
he holds out his hand and i happily take it, his warmth making me shiver. this man does things to me. we walk hand in hand inside the crowded diner and to an empty booth.
“what are you gonna get?” he asks, eyeing the menu.
“hmmm, maybe a burger and fries. what about you?” i look up at him, meeting his eyes that were already on me.
i blush a little, hoping he doesn’t see. but his smirk makes me know he does.
“i’ll get a burger too. can i share fries with you? i know i won’t finish my own.”
“of course, i don’t mind.” he smiles at my response.
“you’re the best.”
a waitress then walks up to us, pen and notepad ready.
“what can i get you two lovebirds?” she chews on her bubblegum.
“i’ll get a burger with some fries.” i order.
“okay…and for you?” she turns to look at cillian.
“oh um, i’ll get a burger as well but no fries please.”
“simple order…anything to drink?”
“hey cil, do you like strawberry milkshakes?”
he looked a little surprised at my nickname for him but he nodded yes.
“great, one strawberry shake.”
“alrighty, i’ll go put your guys’ order in.” the waitress clicks her pen before walking away.
“wait, only one shake?” he questions.
“yeah, we’ll share.”
a bright smile quickly formed on his face at my words, his hands reaching over the table to hold mine. we talked and talked about life while waiting for our food. in the midst of our talking, a loud bang caused everyone’s heads to turn towards the door. we all watched as the football team bursted inside the calm diner, laughter and shouting ruining the mood.
“great…” cillian mumbled to himself.
i watch as the waitress began walking to our table, two plates and a milkshake in hand. the quarterback cat called her and watched her as well until his eyes landed on me. he winked at me and gave me a unsettling smirk. i gave him a face of disgust before i focus back on cillian, who’s already munching down on his food.
“is it good?” i joke.
“hm?” he hums, mouthful as he looks up at me.
i laugh at the sight, already feeling myself falling for him.
“delicious. try your burger.” he talked, mouthful.
i didn’t find it disrespectful but actually cute. i take my burger and bite into it, the flavor hitting the right spot.
“how are the fries.” i ask, mouthful as well.
i pick up a fry and put it up to his mouth. he accepted the item and began chewing away. he gave me a thumbs up before stealing more. we played around with our food, feeding fries to one another and sharing the strawberry shake. just as he was gonna feed me a fry, a figure interrupted us. i turn my head to look at the quarterback who’s staring deep into my eyes.
“may we help you?” cillian questioned.
“hey there sweet cheeks, my names thomas, what’s yours?” he smirks, looking me up and down.
i slowly cover myself up, uncomfortable by his eyes.
“none of your business, thomas. now leave us alone.” his name spat out of my mouth like venom.
“excuse me? you have no manners, missy. you can’t talk to me that way.” he leaned closer to me, my reaction being to scoot farther.
“hey man, leave her alone.” cillian butted in, standing up.
he was soon to be back in his seat as another player shoved him.
“hey!” i shout at the guy, unfortunately leaving an opportunity open for thomas.
he went to grab me but i scrambled away and kicked his leg. cillian shot back up, pushing off the other players to go and shove thomas away.
“i said leave her alone!” he kept shoving thomas, something he didn’t like.
that’s when thomas’ fist collided with cillian’s face, forcing him to the ground.
“cillian!” i scream out.
by now we obviously have everyone’s attention, the chefs making their way out the kitchen to help. i get out the booth and kneel down to cillian, his bloody face contorted with pain. i was forced up by my arm and became face to face with thomas. i mimicked the man’s action from earlier and collided my fist with his face. i heard gasping from all around the diner, surprised i punched him.
“what the fuck is wrong with you.” he tried to lunge at me but luckily the chefs held him back.
they began shouting at the team to leave but i wasn’t listening, i was too focused on cillian below me.
“come on, cil. let’s go.” i help him up, groaning coming from his busted lips.
i dug into my sock, pulling out some cash handing it to the waitress. i told her to keep the change. i led cillian to the passenger seat, snatching his keys from the jean pocket while i was at it. i hop into the driver’s seat, turning it on and driving back to my house. i noticed my mom’s car missing, she was probably at her book club.
“where are we?” i heard the beautiful man beside me.
“my house, cil. i’m gonna clean you up.”
i get out the car and went to his side, opening the door and helping him out. i shut it with my foot before leading the two of us inside. i opened the door with a hidden key on the porch, locking it again once we’re inside. getting upstairs was the hardest part but i managed to do it. i sat him down on my bed, his body falling backwards. i watched as he laid there, groaning out in pain. one punch did this to him, telling me he never got into fights. i knew he didn’t, he’s a good guy. i grabbed my first aid kit from my bathroom before returning back to him.
“i need you to sit up for me, okay?” he hummed a “uh-uh” in response.
i sighed, frustrated at his refusal for help. i then moved to sit in his lap, his eyes shooting open at the contact. my brain didn’t think, i just did it.
“i need to fix you. sit up.” he finally listened.
i didn’t hesitate to clean up the blood, the sounds of him wincing in pain filled the silence. he leaned back, hands holding him up as i perfectly sat in his lap. i thought nothing of it, the clueless part of me taking over. i also thought nothing of it when i’d adjust myself to get a better grip or view of his face when placing the bandaids on. but i finally did think once i felt something poking my inner thigh, something hard. he had his eyes shut closed so he didn’t see me look down, his apparent boner catching my gaze. my breathing hitched at the sight of him like this. i knew he couldn’t help it, i mean i was moving around on his lap. a small smirk appeared on my lips when an evil plan popped in my head. i slowly began rolling my hips, his eyes once again shooting open at the movement.
“what are you d-doing?” the poor man stuttered.
“i said i’m going to fix you. i’m doing just that.” my voice dripping like sweet candy.
his hands gripped my bedsheet tightly, like he was holding back.
“i-i-we can’t…”
“why not?”
“because i really like you. and-and i don’t wanna do this on our first date.” he admits.
i stop my movements and smile at him.
“i like you too, cillian. but this won’t ruin things, it’ll make them better. i promise. we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.” i start to get off, worried i’m crossing a boundary but his clammy hands held onto my hips.
he slowly guided me back to his lap, placing me perfectly on top his erection. my dress exposing my most aching area, aching even more with desire for him.
“i want to.” his voice low.
i then kiss him, a shock of electricity going through my veins. my mind went fuzzy and blank as his kisses contaminated me. i felt like i was getting drunk off of him, off of his taste. my hands travelled to his head, one on his cheek while the other tugged at his hair. he moaned at the feeling of my fingers pulling his dark locks, igniting a feeling deep down inside of me. his fingers snaked their way to the back of my dress, tugging at the zipper.
“can i?” he mumbled against my lips.
“yes.” i breathed out.
he then swiftly pulled the metal down, the sound making my stomach turn more. my dress slowly fell off my shoulders, his hands feeling around for a bra but stopping when he realized i didn’t have one on. he slowly pulled away from me, watching as my boobs slowly came into view. he felt like a teenager again, going absolutely crazy at the sight. his eyes, now dark blue, looked up at me. he was asking for permission. i took one of my hands and grabbed his, leading it up to my boob. he moaned out as i placed his warm hand, his reflex being to squeeze. he continued to do just that, eventually his other hand going to do the same to the other. my head was thrown back, moans escaping my puffy lips.
“god, you’re so beautiful…” he whispered to himself before placing kisses to my chest.
“cil…please….” i gripped his shoulders.
he pulled away to take off his shirt, exposing his beautiful freckled skin. my fingers traced the marks, loving every single one of them.
“stunning…” i whispered, pressing a kiss to his shoulder.
he smiled brightly at me, heart beating fast at my reaction. he stood up, holding my legs around his waist as he flipped us around. my back now laid softly against my warm bedsheet, cillian towering over me.
“can i?” he grabbed a handful of my dress, desperate for more.
he began to push the fabric up, exposing my bare legs and eventually my soaked underwear. if it was possible, his eyes got darker at the sight of the wet spot. his fingers went to touch it but he stopped himself, looking back at me for permission. i got frustrated at his constant stopping.
“yes cillian! fuck, do anything to me. just-please touch me…” i cry out.
he didn’t waste any time at my words, putting pressure on my clit. i bit my lip, trying so hard not to loudly moan at this simple contact. my foggy mind didn’t notice my underwear sliding down my legs until i felt him actually touch me. i arched my back, lifting myself off the bed and he rubbed circles. he watched my every move, my every reaction, going faster when i’d moan out. the small room echoed with my moans as i felt a harsh pit bubbling in my lower stomach. i was aching for him so it was no surprise that i’m already near an orgasm. just as i was about to release he pulled his fingers away, leaving me frustrated at the denial.
“what the fuck?!” i groaned out.
“i want you to cum with me.” he explained while he took off his pants.
a patch in the front of his boxers wet with precum. i watched his fingers pull the hem of the boxers down, slowly revealing his boner. he was aching for me as much as i did for him. his tip was red, begging for some kind of release. he was quick to me towards me, his leaky tip pressing against my wet pussy.
“you ready?” he looks straight into my eyes.
“yes.” i breathed out.
he barely gave me time to prepare since he immediately pushed himself in. he went slow, making sure he wasn’t hurting me but seeing how my face wasn’t full of pain and instead of pleasure, he quickly filled me up. he set a medium pace, my stomach doing flip when he pumps deep instead. the veins in his arms and popping, like he was holding back. his gritted teeth confirming.
“faster…please cil…” i moan, needing more.
he looked surprised at my words, like i wasn’t the type to like rough.
he gradually went faster and harder, crescendoing every second. he kept a harsh grip on my hips, definitely leaving bruises. i reached up, grabbing his arms to pull him down to me. i connected our lips hungrily, wanting to taste him more. his hips stuttered as i bit onto his bottom lip. i hands snaked their way into his hair, tugging it once again. he let out a breathless moan, absolutely going crazy over the action. i kept pulling just to hear those moans again. his sounds inch me closer and closer to my orgasm again. he pulled away from my lips, going down to kiss all over my chest. biting, sucking, kissing, doing anything he can to me. the bed kept creaking, hitting the wall with his thrusts. my hands began roaming his body, scratching and pressing harshly down at his soft skin. all my senses were heightened, i felt on cloud 9. feeling cillian’s lips on me felt…right. it felt perfect. i never want this to end, but a certain feeling indicated that it was going to.
“fuck cil…i’m gonna cum..” i dug my fingernails into his shoulder.
he hissed at the pain but the sound was followed by a quiet moan.
“me too…me too baby.” his words had an effect on me.
i moaned out and clenched around him at his sentence.
“you like what i said?”
“yes..” i breathlessly admit.
“god, you’re doing so good for me. you’re so beautiful, so pretty, so everything. can you cum for me, darlin?” i shivered insanely.
i was at the edge about to tip over. the one thing that tipped me over the edge and into an orgasm was his whimpering my name. i barely heard it but at the same time it was incredibly loud to me. i arched my back, squeezing my eyes shut, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him closer. an uncontrollable amount of moans escaped my parted lips as i came all over him. he watched my every move, my every facial expression, my everything as i came. now THAT sent him over the edge. he impulsively switch positions, not even thinking straight. he sat on his knees, pulling me to sit on his lap as he thrusted upwards. my body ran cold, overstimulation eating away at me. he held my ass, holding me up as he inches closer and closer. then he came. his hips came to a harsh halt, slamming into me abruptly before cumming. he held me close, our chests pressed together. his fingertips pressed into my hips, his head thrown back. his cum spurted into me, making my body relax from the feeling. i looked up to kiss his neck, it vibrating from his moans. his arms snaked around me, hugging me even closer. i knew he was done when i heard him release a loud breath. we stayed like this for a while, so close together. my cheek pressed against his freckled chest as he rested his chin on top my head. our breathing slowly went back to normal, our sweaty bodies becoming sticky. i felt him kiss the top of my head, muttering something i didn’t pick up.
“what was that?” i look up at him.
“nothin hon. let’s get cleaned up.” he smiled at me.
he held onto me as he got off the bed, walking us over to my connected bathroom. he sat me down on my counter, slowly pulling out of me. i hissed at the soreness but secretly got sad at the loss of contact. he ran the water, making sure it’s a perfect temperature. the shower was relaxing. cillian and i washing each others hair and bodies. he helped me get dressed and everything, this man will be the death of me. we ended the night off cuddling, talking about nothing.
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blindrapture · 9 days
SATURDAY JUNE 11TH, 2011 ("Promise you'll never?")
12:01 AM Mistress? "I just happened to be in the neighbourhood, figured I'd drop by." Thank you for the consideration. "Are you going to invite me in for some hot coffee?" ..fuck. "That's the idea." giggles That's.. not what I meant. "It's what I meant." she's pushing her way in. donnie's coming downstairs. sees mistress. backing up, back up the stairs now. to the bathroom. now why can't I.
4:50 PM Donnie and I. Kitchen. “We’re gonna get out of here, right?” Yes. We are. We’ll get out of here, and we’ll go to.. uh.. “We’ll go to a church. And get married.” Are you okay? “Marriage is a perfectly normal thing to suggest!” ..she burst into tears. “I’m just so alone. I feel like you’re falling in love with that.. thing.” Oh god. No. No. “Do.. do you promise?” I do. “Promise you’ll never?” I promise. Donnie, you’ve been treated horribly, and I’m gonna do whatever it takes to make it up to you; I promise that too. hug “You don’t need to. You haven’t done anything wrong.” I feel like I have. “You’re my best friend at the moment. You’ve treated me the best out of everyone so far.” ..then why do I hate myself? ._.
7:58 PM We went to the restaurant again. We made ourselves meals and talked about other future plans. We thought about running to some countryside town nearby, or perhaps all the way to France. But in the end, those aren’t very good plans. I’m starting to realize that Mistress chose the perfect place to lead us to. Blackpool is far from everything. Everything except the ocean, and we can’t run across that. What does she want with us?
9:12 PM I just want to sleep all night tonight. With Donnie. But we can’t. Mistress will visit tonight. There’s no telling what she’d do to us if she found us sleeping. So I guess we’ll listen to some music.
10:39 PM Music is fun. Legitimately fun. It’s making me feel alive.
11:00 PM ..door. Donnie’ll get it this time. She insists.
11:01 PM It’s not Mistress, I know that much. It’s a man. He’s handing Donnie a flyer. And now he’s leaving. I couldn’t see him very well from up here.
11:02 PM Donnie says he was a man in a similar outfit to what I normally wear. Black suit, black pants, sunglasses, (no scarf,) and.. well, she said he was in a fedora. She also says he had dark hair and a thin moustache. He didn’t speak. That sounds a little like.. Bones. But I mean what? I mean.. he was my best friend back when I used to live in America a year ago. So it can't be. Of course not. It's someone else. Oh right, the flyer. It actually wasn’t a flyer; it was a receipt. For a B-4000k Oven. Expensive, according to this thing. In the quintuple-digit range. The hell? Donnie says she’s going to hide the receipt somewhere. Just in case. I’m still trying to figure out what the point to that was.
11:11 PM I wish tonight will be at least a little bit gentler than normal.
11:39 PM Speak of the devil. That’ll be Mistress. I’ll get it.
11:41 PM Hi. "Tonight's session will have to be shorter than usual. I have news for you. But first, I want to have my way with the hottest man around." more giggles. Every time she compliments me, I feel worse about myself. Every time she giggles, I want her to just hurry up and kill me already.
(Attached: “He never complimented the Harlequin. He only asked her to pledge her love to him. He gave her new clothes and told her to go kill the prime minister. She looked at him, afraid but trusting, and asked if he was okay. He punched her and told her, if she didn’t do this, she would never feel again.”)
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
I adore all your ghost writing so much!
Can I ask for Ghost twins groping and teasing their s/o while they are on a video call with a client so they can’t react until the calls over and get fucked in their home office?
👀👀👀Ghost twins?? I love me some Ghost Twins. CW: smut, ghost Emmet and Ingo, afab reader, gender neutral pronouns, slight exhibitionism. - - - 🔞18+🔞
You tapped your fingers on your desk as a familiar ringing rang in your ears. You had an important call with a client today over some reports. Thankfully, it shouldn’t be a long call, and was probably the most you had to deal with work wise today. After this, you would have the whole day to yourself. Well, maybe not yourself. Not entirely, anyway. A while back, you had ended up in a relationship with the twin ghosts who haunted the house you had bought on a desperate whim. You had been the first owner they had liked, dare even say loved. They did things for you around the house, and you eventually caught on you were not as alone living here as you thought. It led you to investigate, and it was the best decision of your life. You learned of the two haunting you, and you got two ghost boyfriends out of it. Both loved you dearly, and you loved them as well. You even had an evening planned, with a movie, and maybe more. But first, work. You shifted in your seat, and smiled when your client answered, their face appearing on your screen. “Hello Mrs. Lynn! How are you today?” You politely greeted, using your customer service voice. The client was a woman in her mid 50′s, who needed help with some paperwork. She greeted you kindly, and you got to work. You hadn’t been in the call for long, you were going over a clause in a document, when you felt the room temperature drop. You shivered, but didn’t really mind. Ingo and Emmet might have been curious to what you were up to, You continued helping your client through the clause, and shuddered when you felt a cold breath down your neck. One of them must be watching the conversation. “Now, could you help me with the paragraph on page 3...” She asked, and right before you could answer, you felt a hand on your ass, before giving a playful squeeze. You jumped in surprise. The woman on the other end of the screen looked up at you. “Are you alright?” You force a smile. “Yes ma’am! I haven’t felt well lately, and thought I heard my pokemon. I think I just heard the wind.” You excused, though you felt yourself grit your teeth behind your smile. The hands on your ass remained, though began to squeeze and grope. Your eye twitched. It was probably Emmet, the fucker. Both twins had expressed interest in touching you in front of others while invisible. The wouldn’t do it without your permission, of course. You also had a discreet safe word in place in case you wanted them to back off. Neither had really done it, but they hadn’t really had an opportunity until now, you supposed. The woman on the screen nodded, and went back to reading the paragraph she needed help with, and you bit your lip. The hands on your ass grabbed your legs, and spread them apart. You could end it here. All it would take is saying one little word. ...But where would the fun be in that? You felt someone breathe against your ear again, and you clenched your fists under the table. “How about a game, my dear?” you heard Ingo whisper. Shivers ran down your spine. “If you can behave for the remainder of the call, we’ll fuck you nice and full as a reward. Deal?” he asked, and you felt another hand rub your shoulder. You swallowed. “Deal.” you whispered. Immediately, you felt the hands on your shoulders run down your arms, and land on your hips. The hands on your thighs gave a happy squeeze as you agree to their game. “-but the paragraph seems to contradict itself to me. What do you think?” The voice of the woman caught your attention. You forced a smile. “Ah, it’s paragraph 3? The information mentioned here is actually kinda tricky...” you began. Once you started talking, you felt one of the twins breath against your cunt, and you stiffened, but continued talking. You briefly went over the document, before you felt Emmet attach his mouth to your clit, and your breath hitched. You didn’t stop talking though, and powered through the jolt of pleasure. The woman on the other end of the call adjusted her glasses, before looking over the pages. You took a moment to shift, and briefly muted your side of the call. Emmet seemed to grin as he sucked, and then dragged his tongue through your folds. Your thighs clenched together around nothing, Emmet must have been part of himself incorporeal. You let out a small moan, and you heard Emmet giggle as he licked and sucked. You made a mental note to get back at him for that, and unmute the call when you heard your client talk once more. “I see... Another thing, on page 4, it mentions something about a deposit....” You attempted to listen, despite the pleasure between your legs. However, you nearly gasped in surprise when you felt Ingo’s hands move from your hips, and grab your chest. His fingers rolled over your nipples, before cheekily giving them a few pinches. You bit the inside of your cheek so hard it nearly bled. “...Would agreeing to that put me in a bad position, financially, you think?” Your client asked. You dug your fingers into your leg, grounding yourself. “I’d recommend having that looked into further, I-” You began, only to let out a choked noise when Emmet slid two fingers into your cunt. You quickly covered yourself by coughing into your shoulder. “Sorry about that. As I was saying...” You trailed off, and felt yourself twitch at the stimulation. You could do this. ...At least you hoped you could. With the way you were clenching on Emmet’s fingers, and how Ingo’s hands made your back want to arch, you had your work cut out for you. The idea of both of your boyfriends fucking you full of cum gave you strength to continue on. Even if it made you incredibly hot at the thought. The woman meanwhile agreed with one of your statements, and started talking about possibly getting her husband involved. You simply hummed in agreement. You could do this. You could do this. You could do this- Emmet removed his mouth, and his fingers, and Ingo let go of your chest. You breathed a sigh of relief. Only to nearly choke when you felt Emmet’s lips on your nipples, and Ingo’s hand’s drift to your folds. Emmet made sure to suck and nip, giving the hardened bud plenty of attention. All while Ingo’s finger’s eagerly dipped in and out of your core, his other hand gently pinching and rubbing your clit. You wanted to moan, and felt yourself beginning to sweat. Your thighs were twitching at the stimulation. The woman looked up at you, concerned. You politely shook your head. “Sorry ma’am. As I mentioned, I have been feeling under the weather.” You excused. You must have looked it, with how wrecked you were feeling. With Ingo’s fingers curling in your cunt, and Emmet’s tongue swirling on the bud of your nipple, you were sure you looked like a flushed mess. You certainly felt like it. The woman gave you a look. “Dear, you shouldn’t be working if you feel bad! How about we finish this up another time? We went through the worst parts of the documents, so I should be alright.” You began to tell her it wasn’t necessary, only for her to cut you off. “Dear, you are unwell. You need rest. I’ll be okay, I promise. Please go get some soup, and some sleep!” She told you, and you nodded. You felt lips on your neck beginning to kiss the skin, and you shuddered. “Okay, thank you ma’am. I’ll do that.” You assured her, and she gave you a smile. “Alright, bye then, dear!” She spoke, and the video cut off. It was silent, and you shakily stared at your reflection on the dark screen. You really did look like a mess.
Your face was flushed, and you apparently had been panting. You knew you were beginning to sweat, and you looked uncomfortably tense. No wonder she had believed you were sick. Before you could think about it any further, Emmet made himself visible in front of you. He was grinning ear to ear, leaning over you with his hands on each side of your chair. “For a first time, you did verrry good, darling!” He cooed, and you huffed. “You two didn’t make it easy, that’s for sure...” You mumbled. You felt the lips on your neck bite down, before letting up. You let out a shaky moan. “Sorry about that, dear. Perhaps we were a bit... eager to get our day with you started.” Ingo murmured against your neck, peppering it with kisses. “However, Emmet is right! You did excellent today, bravo!” You praised you. You nearly blushed from the praise, though let out a gasp. You had forgotten Ingo’s fingers were still very much deep in your cunt, and he was curling them oh so nicely. Emmet nuzzled his cheek against your own, practically vibrating with excitement. “You deserve a reward. What do you think, Ingo?” Emmet teased. You heard Ingo hum from behind you, and you began to pant. “I think you are right.” In an instant, Emmet was straddling your hips, his hard cock rubbing against your folds. “You’re so good for us, I can’t wait to be inside you again!” He said, and he teased the head of his cock against your entrance. You let out a strangled whine, and thrusted your hips forward. Ingo tutted, and you whined again. “Don’t be such a tease to them. They earned their reward, fair and square.” He said, though the teasing in his tone was evident. Emmet giggled at the face you were making, before relenting. “Sorry, sorry, I couldn’t resist.” You had a feeling he wasn’t sorry, but the thought quickly left your mind when the head of his cock pushed into you. Slowly, he slid his cock in, allowing you to feel every inch as he sank deeper. By the time he was fully sheathed, you had your tongue hanging out of your mouth, and your arms wrapped around his shoulders. He always felt so good, and made you feel so full! His cock always stretched you so nicely, kissing your cervix. You moaned, adjusting your hips. You needed more. Emmet giggled in response to your shifting. “So eager...” He purred, and began to move. You nearly cried out at the feeling, the friction of his cock against your walls, before he slammed back in. 
Both of your groaned at the feeling. He loved the way your cunt tightly gripped his cock. It was enough to drive him crazy. Emmet didn’t hesitate to start a fast pace. You felt so amazing around him, and he loved the cock drunk look on your face. He knew teasing you would only wind you up for later, and he was glad he convinced Ingo to help him. You looked so cute with that look on your face, and you let out a sigh when Ingo’s hands wrapped around your chest again, fondling your chest and nipples. You leaned back into Ingo’s embrace. Emmet thrusted harder into you, and you let out a gasp. He needed to hear more. Going faster and harder, Emmet pounded into you with renewed vigor, loving the sounds coming from your mouth. The sounds of his dick pounding into your pussy were just as intoxicating. You were beginning to thrash a bit, you were close. All the teasing from earlier had put you on the edge. Ingo’s hands easily held you down, and he happily began sucking against your neck. When he bit down, you cried out, your orgasm washing over you in a wave of pleasure. Your cunt tightens around his cock so tightly! Emmet’s eyes roll into the back of his head as he cums, your cunt practically sucking him in with how you clenched around him when you came. He sat there for a while, filling you to the brim, just like he promised. He breathes into your neck as he comes down from his high, and you practically melt against the chair. Emmet then pulls out. Ingo had been waiting patiently, after all, and they had all day to be with you. You mewl a little at the feeling of Emmet’s dick leaving your body, hating the empty feeling. However, you let out a small gasp when you felt Ingo’s cock slide against your folds from behind, phasing through the chair. He continued to nip and suck at your neck, enjoying the small noises that would leave your mouth. 
He slid his dick against your folds for a little bit longer, before growing impatient. With one hard thrust with his hips, he slides in with ease and a moan. You were so warm and tight for him... It nearly drove him crazy every time he was intimate with you. He stayed still inside you for a few moments, your noises still heaven to his ears. However, you soon began to squirm. His cock felt so nice in you too! You needed him to move. Ingo laughed at your impatience. You were too cute, even when he was balls deep inside you. “I love you so much, my dear...” Ingo groaned, and began to move. He didn’t move as fast as Emmet had, but his thrusts went harder and deeper. Ingo enjoyed slower sex, the feeling of pounding into you, and taking his time. He wrapped his arms around your middle, and pressed his head further into your neck. He loved you so much. He loved the feeling of being in you. You were his everything. He’d happily stay inside you forever if you asked. Meanwhile, you are crying out in ecstasy, arms still wrapped around Emmet’s neck like a life line. You were so sensitive. You had been before Emmet even fucked you, and now? You felt so overwhelmed, but in a good way. Your nerves felt on fire, each thrust so close to making you cum. Your brain was foggy, and you couldn’t even think straight. “Mm! Ingo, please! More!” You begged, hips twitching. You needed him. Needed him to cum inside. Anything. You needed anything he could give you. The feeling pooling in your gut began to intensify, and your toes curled. When Ingo’s cock rubbed up against the perfect spot in your cunt, and you cried out, cumming once more. Ingo cried out himself when you came around his cock, your own orgasm pulling him over the edge. He pumps into your cunt with each load, mumbling sweet nothings into your ears as his hips slow to a stop. You feel so out of it by the time Ingo slows, and try to catch your breath. You felt amazing, and so full. Intimacy with them never failed to make you feel good, and knock the breath out of you. Ingo gently kissed the back of your neck, while Emmet gently kissed you on the lips. “We love you so much.” Ingo whispered, and you felt his cock twitch inside of you. You groaned, and Emmet laughed into your kiss. “We have all day! Let’s make the most of it.” He told you, leaning away from the kiss, mischief in his eyes. You smiled. You loved both your boys so much. You couldn’t wait to spend the day with them.
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alpaca-clouds · 7 months
NaNoWriMo Day 8
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Yay, managed to write four more chapters today - and finally got to the actual smut scene. 🙈 Which was rather fun to write. Funnily enough the first time I wrote a sex scene with a trans male character (who is not a shapechanger, that is). Due to writing a lot of smut for Striga/Morana in Castlevania, where I headcanon Striga as trans female, I wrote quite a bit with a trans female character in there. But never trans male. xD So, yeah. That was sure something.
The hard scene today was mostly the "escaping a sinking ship" scene. Because that was something I have not written before. Also might wanna note that I had a lot of fun today with Astarion being dramatic and everyone else going: "Dude, I get it, but this is literally the worst time for this."
Wordcount: 47 270 / 50 000 (+8894)
Chapters: 21/24
Favorite Bits:
Still, he focused on the lock, getting it open within a couple more seconds and swinging the brick door open like that. “Now please tell me they tied you up with rope?” “Them? Yes. They kinda took precautions with me,” Tav replied. He managed to get up to show the handcuffs that they had bound him with. The kind of things, that suppressed magic, Astarion assumed. But still, handcuffs usually posed little problem when it came to lockpicking them. As such it did not take him long, to open them as well. Tav smiled, massaging his wrists. “That’s better.” Then he turned to Astarion. “Thank you.” “Thank me, once we are out of here,” he muttered. “Can I kiss you?” There was a groan from the drow. “Could we please wait with all of that until we…”
The woman gave a sigh. “Don’t give an old woman a heartattack, coming in here with so many people in the middle of the night. I already thought the devil’s hordes were here to fetch me.” She shook her head disapprovingly. “But y’all look rather miserable. Do you youngsters want some hot cocoa?” Astarion could not help a chuckle. Youngster, ha. He was fairly certain he was older than this woman. “Who was that?” Karlach asked, once the woman left. “That is Marigot,” Alfira said. “My patron. She… Well, she owns the house. And since she is alone now, she allowed me to open my music school here.” “She is actually super sweet,” Tav said. “You should have told us she was here, Alfira,” Shadowheart added. “We would have tried to be quiet.”
“The thing is that… I am by now fairly certain I love you, my sweet, dumb bard. I actually do love you, can you imagine that?” Tav made a strange noise, but he smiled. “I can in fact imagine that,” he whispered. “And… And I do love you, too.” His thumbs were softly caressing Astarion’s skin. “And I kinda want to kiss you right now.” “You are an idiot,” Astarion whispered, instead just kissing him. He kissed him, and it just felt so incredibly good. More than that, it felt right. Something, though, Astarion had not quite noticed, was that they had an audience by now. “Wait, have you never said that before?” Karlach asked, leaning in the doorframe. “Of course they have not,” Shadowheart muttered. “They are both horrible idiots after all.” “You are just a bit mean,” Lakrissa muttered. “She likes being mean,” Wyll added.
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reclusivedouche · 1 year
Riverdale 7x10 Thoughts
This episode is so gay holy shit!!
Okay, please understand Archie and Reggie are boyfriends god
And honestly Betty and Veronica, like come on that would work too
Basically that's how it ended up, how it should've been
Reggie and Archie must kiss
This episode was great because no Alice or Hal
Too much Frank
Fuck tho when Reggie came home all late and Archie did the dad talk fuck
The fanfiction I am currently writing in my head
I also love that they're not just glossing over the Betty and Reggie potential over the cars.
Really looking forward to the kissing next week lmao
Also a great no Julian episode. He sucks, like I get it but like he's only good to get punched
Love some Cheryl and Toni (and even Clay) even if it means we have to deal with Kevin, also
Seven seasons and I have never once, not once, liked Kevin
It's fine, his stories are always fodder for better storylines
I do love how delicately they're doing Cheryl and Toni this season. Everyone's one true OTP hahaha
Love to learn Brad Rayburry had a black wife down south.
I love that she showed up and gave good evidence of not suicide
She was so cute
Jughead and Tabitha are so cute
Idk why tf y'all are so mad this is still in the 50's like??
This season is peak, so so good
And fun??? Sorry but the last few season, tho good have been kind of a slog
whatever tho that's just me
I am concerned Tabitha is leaving again because we need a Jabitha kiss asap???
Lest we forget:
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My absolute favorite moment omg I'm still thinking about how great it was
Like yes it was sad, of course, but like it's great for the story
Why does no one like this show for the story like when are you ever given something this bonkers
This is literally written by people from the Glee writer's room like
You all loved that shit but?
I am annoyed we did not get to actually see Fang's concert. Even just a few screens like we just get him singing tuttie fruttie or whatever while he walks to Midge bc ofc he is famous now
Or gonna be
Look tho, Fangs is great this season. He is looking fine af
And like
He and new Midge have great chemistry
I'm sure this plan for him being famous is definitely going to smooth over the pregnancy for Midge's parents like
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I'm here for it tho, I cannot forget the frogs pregnancy test, which is real
I'm also again glad Alice was not in this episode as she is literally my mother (this season specifically) so I cannot
Hear me out, tho - if the next episode is Halloween, I mean Julian has to dress up as like the doll?? Like he has to??
I bring this up bc Halloween is my mother's birthday so it applies
It is almost 4am and I should go to bed but like
Archie and Reggie wrestling in the ROAD
Just kiss
I get that's the straight man's "kiss" but like
Also out here Pops is just giving these kids everything always?
lmao a car to Reggie
Either way, they just need to take one of the cars up to lovers lane so things can get steamy bc
We cannot do anything with Uncle Frank around??
Again, I must ask, what were he and Hal doing that they both showed up in Betty and Archie's rooms during the peep show AT THE SAME TIME
Gay shit
Or KKK things maybe? Yikes. Idk what older white men of this season are doing but
it is gross and I hate it
The full on lack of adults in this episode was perfect also more of that please
Again, I cannot overstate this, but this 50's thing should last most of the season because it is fun and enjoyable and the story is gonna end how it ends so why be stressed
It's so good, I will not get off this soapbox ever sorry
Don't @ me either
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therandomavenger · 6 months
Congratulations I'm Sorry
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As the year ends, I find myself in a time of transition.
Some things are good. Great, even. On December 5th, which was the first anniversary of our first date, my boyfriend, Jimmy, and I had brunch at the same place we’d first met a year ago. He’d invited my mom and dad to join us. And after we’d eaten, he asked me to marry him. I said yes, of course. He was crying. I was crying. My mom was crying. It was a whole thing. So, now we’re planning a wedding, which we are thinking will be next fall.
It's been a long road to get here. Before a couple of years ago, I had never pictured myself in an actual relationship with a man, much less marrying one. It’s a complicated issue. I’ve been gay my entire life, but that was just physical, I thought. Also, I didn’t have a lot of examples either in media or my own life of happy gay couples. It never even occurred to me that it was possible. Over the course of the last couple of years, and especially since my previous marriage ended, I did imagine it. Dreamed of it, even. I spent four years on the dating apps, and let me tell you that was rough. I got ghosted so many times you wouldn’t even believe it. If not outright rejected. Also catfished, which was fun.
But I don’t regret any of that because it was how I ultimately found Jimmy. From the beginning, I knew that he was different. He texted back, for one thing. We took our relationship slow (although I did introduce him to my family after two weeks, which I have to admit was not slow). We got to know each other over time, neither of us pushing the other into anything we weren’t ready for. On March 3rd, I realized that I’d fallen in love with him. I didn’t tell him that for another couple of months because it was, frankly, none of his business. In April he moved in with me and we made plans to buy my house together. He gave me a promise ring in June. And we’ve been low-key planning our ‘hypothetical’ wedding ever since. So, when he asked me to marry him, I had only one response. ‘It would be the greatest honor of my life.’ And I mean that. I love him and I’m thrilled to be his, and that he is mine. I never thought I could have this. The fact that it’s happening at 50 is another surprise, but I’ll take it.
My parents and my kids love him, as do my grandkids, so that makes things easier. We’re not young, by any means, but we have a lot of good years in front of us, and it makes me happy knowing that I’m going to be spending them with him. I’m excited to get married, yes, but I’m more excited about the person I get to marry. I think that’s a good sign.
Also this month, I decided to go back to school. Our local community college offers a digital art and design certificate that can be completed in two semesters. It entails a great many things, including graphic design, and I would like to be able to do my own formatting and design work, as well as design my own book covers. If I get good at it, maybe I can even do it for other people. We’ll see how far my talents take me. So, next semester I will be taking between 11 and 14 units, depending on how some things shake out. This led me to a realization about some other things.
I have worked at the Cottonwood Community Library as a volunteer since 2009. It gave me a safe place to put myself black together after my former career fell apart, and I will always be grateful for that. Now, volunteering at the library is not like volunteering at other organizations. Volunteers are the staff. The only one who gets paid is the director. I’m not really certain that’s a good business model, but it is a community library, receiving no state or county money. So, really, it’s the only way they can run.
But I’ve long started to feel like my time at the library was coming to a close. I’m not interested in the same type of books our patrons are interested in, which is fine, but it made me feel like I just really wasn’t in sync with the people I was serving. Also, the library isn’t used by very many people. We would consider ourselves very busy if we had 12 people in a three-hour shift. So, I l had the sense I wasn’t really providing a vital community service. And while it is true that I will not be in school on Saturdays, and could conceivably still work my weekly shift, I feel that I’m going to need Saturday as a writing day. So, I told the director I needed a leave of absence while I was in school.
This was not well received. It got ugly. So, I quit effective immediately. They even called the police to make sure I returned my keys. It would have been nice if the people I had been working with would have thanked me for my fourteen years of service and wished me well in my new endeavor, but I guess that was too much to ask for.
I’m a little sad about the way things ended, but I am not sad that they ended. I was ready to do something else. I put a lot of time and energy into that place over the years. I thought it was appreciated, but I guess it really wasn’t, which is a little hard to deal with. But that’s just how things are sometimes. I’m not sure how much longer the library will keep going. Fundraising has been a problem as has recruiting and retaining volunteers. I wonder why. I think the community could be doing a lot more to support it if they really value it, but it is no longer any of my concern. I do wish them well, however. They’ll have to find someone else to call when the network goes down.
So, as 2023 winds down and I get ready for 2024, I’m looking forward to new challenges. I still plan on writing 30,000 words a month and I have my schedule set to do this. I don’t want to fall behind on my books. But another friend has cautioned me that I shouldn’t be too hard on myself if I find my transition back into being a full-time student a more difficult one than I am imagining. We’ll see. I should be done with the program next December if all goes well. I’m really looking forward to learning a new set of skills.
So right now, I’m happy about the future and a little sad about the way some things have ended. I think that adequately describes life. Congratulations I’m sorry. It’s better than a lot of the alternatives.
0 notes
Connecting the Dots: The Jailbird Backstory, and Pre/Early-SMP c!Quackity Analysis and Theories
Previously on the c!Quackity canon backstory analysis, we laid the conclusion that he technically has two canon backstories, which may or may not be contradictory or overlapping, depending on interpretation. [AO3] [Tumblr]
Last time, I went into the MCM backstory more, since it had a greater impact on the lore and is generally considered "hard canon" [Video summary here]. This time, however, I'll be looking specifically into the 'Jailbird' backstory, as I call it, AKA the "juvenile detention" one, which is more "soft canon" but has a surprisingly large amount of detail to it—even more than I initially thought when I made my previous post, since I started to dig through more early c!Q VODs to get more information on that initial backstory. 
This post primarily serves as a summary for the information I found regarding the 'Jailbird' backstory, VOD by VOD.
So, everyone, sit back and relax, because I already did the hard work for you over the course of months. Oh, and this post refers to the characters, not content creators (unless specified otherwise).
CW: Child neglect, imprisonment, mental health/PTSD, self-neglect, substance abuse (including by a minor).
[Click here to read this analysis/theory post on AO3]
Quackity claims to have been stuck in juvenile detention, allegedly called "SMP Juvie" [B, 10:50], for a contradictory amount of time: 10 years [A, 1:35:20], 41 years [A, 1:36:40], or 43 years [A, 1:46:25], all claims in the same livestream. 
However, the "41 years" one was claimed just after Tubbo said he lost ~41 levels of XP during Tommy's 'test-mugging' for the Cartel about 6 minutes previously, so I don't know if that claim is to be taken seriously or not; besides, tapping into the Duck theory, 41-43 'duck years' is about 10 'human years' anyway, so we're sticking with the "10 years" claim for this analysis. 
Since we know c!Quackity is similar in age to cc!Quackity through various livestreams in Season 1, it's safe to assume that he's ~19 as of Season 1, and ~9 when he got sentenced.
The reasons behind his imprisonment have never been explicitly stated. When asking Dream to whitelist Q onto the SMP, Tommy claims this reason was because Q got into "fun juvie" for "having too much fun" [C, 0:43], but it's not confirmed whether this is a cover story for a more serious crime, a metaphorically true reason, or a complete lie in that Tommy doesn't know the 'crime' either. Some of the theories for how Q ended up there have varied, but are not confirmed in any way to be canon:
Drug-related offenses: Posited by @lasnevadaslaborunion. In one livestream, Q claimed to have "got off that shit years ago" in response to Karl giving him 'heroin' without him knowing. [E, 4:25] This "years ago" is non-specific, so it might go back a decade… and fair enough, in some countries, possession of hard drugs like heroin can land some pretty hefty prison sentences. Whatever way it goes, it still implies exposure to hard drugs as a child… yikes. (Note: This is not my personal theory on how the heroin thing happened. See below for that.)
Misadventures in other video games (e.g. Roblox, Club Penguin Island, etc.): This one is a little meta, but before his MC-related content, including the DSMP, cc!Quackity was quite infamous for raiding various video games, to the point he's part of the Trope Pantheon as an ambiguous-ranking 'deity' of the Internet Counterattack trope (yes, really). It's possible that his character counterpart did something similar at a young age… and ended up behind bars. It probably helps justify and give context to the 'imprisoned for "having too much fun"' excuse Tommy gave, as stated above. And Toontown-affiliated backstories would fit right into this category, regardless of what he did — the game's villains are fun-haters, after all.
A Disclaimer on Realism
Now, here's a little question before we dive deeper: can 9-year-olds be sentenced to juvenile detention in the first place?
The answer depends on where you live. Some countries have a minimum age for children being prosecuted. The US apparently does not, but that's an argument for another day, and one that is unrelated to Minecraft roleplay. My point here is that the aforementioned minimum age is 14 or older in several countries, and even in the US, most convicted juvenile offenders tend to be in their older teenage years. [Source] 
Also, according to many articles I had to look up for this post, many juvenile offenders aren't even sent to jail, they usually have other, less severe sentences, like probation or home confinement or fostering, so the odds of a 9-year-old child ending up in juvie is actually pretty unlikely, realistically speaking, if legal at all.
…And for a sentence of 10 years or more? As stated above, the reason little!Q ended up there at all was never mentioned.
However, since that did happen in soft DSMP canon, I'd have to say… the poor lad would have basically spent most of his childhood incarcerated. I wonder if he still remembers anything about his life before that point canonically.
Environment and Trauma
Even though nothing is actually shown, there's a surprisingly large amount of descriptions of the environment in the juvenile detention centre, for lack of a better term, in the early livestreams.
When Q first joined the SMP, his first remark was on the fresh air, probably because Spawn is still a distance away from the warzone, and that he felt "alive again". [C, 3:13] 
There's also this line: "I didn't have the smile in juvie", likely referring to his now-iconic :] smile. [C, 4:00] Oh, and canonically confirmed PTSD. [D, 16:40]
The interior of the prison itself is unstated, but is implied to be made of grey stone-adjacent blocks, if Q's reaction to setting his spawn in the Courthouse in the Sky is any indication. [D, 22:10] So… I'm speculating its interior either looks like the Cops and Robbers map or… this map cc!Q did in 2019 (minus the escaping), or something like that.
For whatever reason, Q seemed to have claustrophobia, and may or may not have been triggered into a panic attack and a mental breakdown and a half. [C, 11:30]
He claimed to have a lot of allergic reactions, but to what exactly, it was never mentioned. [C, 15:15]
Q might have also tried to escape on at least one occasion. At one point, he offers to show Tommy the "blueprints" for his Cartel plan [A, 1:16:40], but doesn't want others to know about them because they were "a secret where [he comes] from". And then there's this line: "If someone leaks a blueprint… things– all I'm gonna say is things don't go well for those who leak the blueprints, Tommy." Tommy did actually leak the 'blueprint' for a few seconds [A, 1:17:53], but in the context of juvenile detention, as we'll discuss in more detail later on… I'd suppose things wouldn't go well for people who leak prison blueprints, if you choose to interpret the line this way. In the same livestream, he might have tried to break out with a screwdriver, but clearly that didn't work. [A, 1:38:30]
Q recalls apparently breaking his legs like "the second night of juvie" [C, 23:04], most likely from falling, but honestly most of us are concerned how this even happened, and which incompetent nincompoop was running the place to allow children to get injured so easily. So… either the structure of the detention centre violates health and safety regulations, or the 'guards' (for lack of a better word) are shit at their jobs, or both.
In the middle of planning out their heist and preparing to 'test-mug' Tubbo, Q claimed to have been clean from 'drugs' for "30 minutes" at one point. [A, 1:25:40] If this is true, this implies somehow he managed to have access to whatever 'drugs' he was using at that point. This also possibly lines up with the 'heroin' incident mentioned above… which I theorize would be correlated to some other information I found — heroin is "used in the palliative management of bone fractures and other trauma, especially in children" [Wikipedia]. In layman's terms, it basically means heroin is sometimes used as pain relief. I think you might be able to connect the dots from here, but that's just my theory. 
A final note in regards to Q in the early days — he appears to have a tendency of neglecting his personal health, which goes from him joining the DSMP all the way into the Manburg era. He walks around on low health and hunger fairly often, usually as a result of taking damage and never healing up, and even when he doesn't have food on him, he doesn't ask others to give him some so he can regen. [e.g. D, 28:50] Heck, this is how Niki got arrested just after Schlatt's election — she 'hit' Q to snap him out of a breakdown and a half and ended up killing him (non-canonically) because he was on half a heart and insufficient hunger to regen at the time. This tendency is recurring to the point one might even call it a bad habit. I don't know if his past has anything to do with this, but one might argue it is a manifestation of "reckless or self-destructive behavior" under the symptoms of PTSD.
Shared Past with TommyInnit?
Q and Tommy seemed to at least know each other and be friends even before Q's official first appearance, but how exactly is unstated.
In Q's first appearances, Tommy has claimed to only know of him as the best in the Cartel business and teamed up with him, but considering their already amicable relationship even in their 'first' canon conversation, as well as the fact that Tommy gets RL Given Name Privileges with Q [A, 1:32:15], this seems unlikely.
The two had a 'conversation' about having "met in high school". Since it was more likely than not a cover story for the Cartel, its legitimacy is doubted. [A, 1:30:00]
Tommy was apparently the one to get him out of juvenile detention, somehow. [C, 16:05]
Relationship with MCM Backstory
As cited in the previous analysis post, I raised some suspicions that the M!necraft Mondays backstory may have been retconned from the 'Jailbird' backstory as the timelines for the two don't appear to line up. However, I would like to go back and disprove this suspicion, as upon closer examination, the VODs themselves suggest that the two backstories coexist.
On his first livestream on the DSMP, Quackity mentions having met Technoblade before during MCM and claimed that Techno was scared of him (Jack didn't believe that) [D, 48:20]. 
Knowing what actually happened in MCM (links above), it's suggested that Q was highkey projecting his feelings in the moment, which would line up with his later behaviour. 
Also in the previous analysis post, I also raised suspicions that the 'Jailbird' backstory is no longer considered canonical as a result of retcons. However, once again, I would go back and correct that this backstory is soft canon: the 'Jailbird' backstory is closely associated with the concept of the Cartel. The Phantom Membrane Cartel (PMC) was established during Q's second voice-only appearance on the server [B, 7:40], but the plans of the Cartel idea were first laid out the day prior, i.e. during Q's first voice-only appearance, and the PMC was simply a continuation of the initial Cartel plan [B, 3:35]. The PMC itself was later canonized officially as hard canon in Season 3 [F, 44:05]. As a result, the canonicity of the 'Jailbird' backstory is implied to be confirmed by association. 
There are also possible hints towards the canonicity of this backstory in the first Las Nevadas stream. While passing by the minimum/moderate security holding cells on the way to visit Dream, Q makes a joke with Sam, asking if he might ever be put in one of the cells, and then saying "you know how I am" when Sam wasn't amused. [G, 1:00:50] Of course, this can just as easily be referring to Q's jokester nature, but one would wonder.
Oh, and as a bonus, Tiger the cat is implied to be canon too via association, if you interpret it that way. [B, 5:45]
Livestreams/Clips used as sources and references
A. "TommyInnit & Quackity do crimes on Dream's Minecraft Server..." (TommyVODS, 5 August 2020)
B. "TommyInnit & Quackity DO A HEIST on the Dream SMP" (TommyVODS, 6 August 2020)
C. "Quackity joins Dream SMP w/ TommyInnit" (TommyVODS, 11 August 2020)
D. "Quackity Joins The Dream SMP" (QuackityVODS, 17 August 2020)
E. "Karl And Quackity Having Love PROBLEMS! DREAM SMP" (Angry Thomas, 12/13 November 2020) — clipped from a Karl VOD from 12 November 2020
F: "Tommy Leaves Prison with Dream." (TommyVODS, 12 March 2021)
G: "Quackity Visits Dream In Prison" (QuackityVODS, 16 March 2021)
Related posts for reference
This post by @lasnevadaslaborunion, which reminded me to look into Q's backstory even more, and provides the talking point for Source G
This post by @stillnotfivefoot with additions from @marmalade-mir, which kick-started this backstory investigation in the first place
This Legal Beagle article ("What Happens at a Juvenile Detention Center?" by Hilary Ferrand, 5 February 2020) which is really helping me with a fanfic involving this backstory, and as a result, this analysis post.
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atticuswritesstuff · 3 years
Chrollo with a smarty pants/genius darling who acts out or tries to escape just because they’re bored/understimulated?
Author's note: I actually really fucking love this prompt so I am SUPER excited for this one. I too get very bored/understimulated often. Sorry, I got to it late cuz I just got back from a Montana trip!
Yandere!Chrollo x Bored!Reader
Summary: Chrollo's darling becomes bored being locked up all the time, decides to take yet another unsupervised trip out of the mansion.
Warnings: Anal/Assplay, overstimulation, punishment, spanking, mentions of blood, mentions of murder, yandere themes, BDSM themes, degradation
Character Description: afab, she/her use that's it
Word count: 4.5k
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Attempt number seven. Seven times you had slipped through his fingers since the beginning of the year alone, each time becoming more and more elaborate.
Chrollo scoffed, storming through the woods, scanner in hand. It was beeping softly, indicating you weren't far.
It wasn't like you made any attempt to escape discreetly, jamming a fork into the neck of one of Chrollo's guards, puncturing his jugular before you made your way through the garden to the edge of the forest. As Chrollo watched a recording of it from the cameras, he was shocked at how nonchalantly you stabbed him before calmly walking off. If you had intended to run far, you weren't moving very fast.
The tracker started beeping a little faster now. He was getting closer.
The early April air was nipping at his cheeks, he couldn't fathom how you were out here in your pajamas, barefoot at that. Chrollo was more worried about you than just finding you. While your previous attempts had been clever, methodical, and downright genius, this time was very different to him. As far as he knew, you'd never killed anyone, and now you had decided to not only kill someone but patiently wait for him to be unfocused before sneaking upon him. You planned this.
Chrollo walked a couple more meters, finding the tracker was leading him to the nearby lake. When he came to the forest's edge, he could see you sitting at the edge of the dock, staring up at the moon.
You heard him approaching as soon as he broke through the treeline, it took him a bit longer to retrieve you than expected, although you attributed that to him thinking you were going to try and run far. A couple miles from the house wasn't necessarily far for a commoner, but this was farther than you'd ever been allowed.
Chrollo's heavy footsteps walked the length of the dock, stopping right behind you. He knew you would come quietly, after the first few times, you'd stopped escaping to try and get away, instead, you found the chase to be much more thrilling.
"Time to go, darling," He hummed nonchalantly.
"Five more minutes," You replied, swishing your feet through the near-freezing water, "The moon is so pretty tonight, wouldn't you agree?"
Chrollo gazed down at you, you were surprisingly clean considering you'd just stabbed someone. Not a single drop of blood on you anywhere. The only thing shielding you from the cold being a thin cami and a shamefully short pair of shorts.
Chrollo always admired your body, but the pajamas were a nice touch. They were a recent purchase, baby blue fabric with white lace trim, god how he wanted to tear the set off you.
"I didn't think you'd have it in you to take a man's life, darling," Chrollo stated.
"I didn't either," You chuckled, "But it's done now."
"Why not just sneak away?" He replied, sitting on the dock next to you, "He was unfocused, you could've done it easily if this was where you intended to go all along."
"You're right, I didn't have to kill him," You sighed, bringing one of your feet onto the dock, "I just wanted to see if I could. You left an anatomy book on your desk, I found the major arteries of the body to be very interesting."
"Now that I think about it," You continued, "Maybe I should've run farther, seeing you so desperately trying to find me is rather amusing."
“You enjoy being chased like a rabbit?” Chrollo mused.
“Believe it or not the thrill is more exciting than anything you’ve ever gifted to me,” You scoffed, “At least running gave me something to do that required thought. Something you seem to forget to provide.”
Poking at Chrollo’s care tactics wasn’t smart, but you didn’t know how else to get through to him that your current environment was extremely understimulating, and that you needed more. You could tell he was growing upset, but he wouldn’t dare show it outside of the house.
You pulled your knee to your chest, resting your cheek against it, "Do I have to go back?"
"Of course you do, darling," Chrollo replied, a warm hand rubbing up and down your back, "Why wouldn't you?"
You scoffed, "Probably because being a prisoner of marble and glass is dreadfully boring."
Chrollo's hand stopped, "You think the life I've worked so hard to build is boring?"
"Yup," You replied flatly, "Honestly I thought you kidnapping me would be a lot more fun, but it's even more boring than my old life."
Chrollo was becoming angrier with each word that came out of your mouth.
"Don't get me wrong, I know how hard you try, but my god I don't know how you stand it. You're sweet and all, but you're gonna bore me to death sooner or later, escaping actually gives me something to do," You hummed, pulling your other foot out of the water, "Anyways, we can go back now, this chase was more boring than I expected."
You rose from your place, turning to walk back to your cage. It took Chrollo a minute to get up and follow you, partially from the shock of your completely arrogant and nonchalant demeanor. The person you had become over the past two years almost reminded him of a certain magician he once knew.
Chrollo eyed you as your hips swayed, every muscle in your leg flexing and relaxing as you walked. It was something he adored about you, before he took you, you were one of your tribe's best, strongest dancers. The way you swayed and glided while you did the most basic of tasks was alluring to him. Now, he just watched you sit around and observe everything.
The view from walking behind you wasn't necessarily bad, though. Your pajama shorts gave him a nice view of your ass as you walked.
Sauntering through the woods, you could no longer hide how cold you were, the incessant shivering and blue tint to your skin proved that fact. Your feet even more so from being in the water.
You knew Chrollo was upset with what you'd said, you could tell immediately, but keeping the truth from him wasn't an option anymore. You had started to care for him some time ago. You really appreciated him, but god if he didn't allow you to do something you were going to lose your mind.
When you could just barely make out the edges of the garden approaching, you stopped mid-path, "Chrollo?"
He caught up to you in an instant, "Yes, darling?"
"I don't want to go back if I have to live like this," You felt tears well up in your eyes, "Please."
His hands found your hips, "Live like what? Talk to me darling, how can I make it better?"
"I don't want to just sit around and wait for you to come back. I'm tired of you being at my beck and call. O-Or just fucking sitting around waiting for you to come back," You felt a solemn tear roll down your cheek, "It's so fucking boring. Please just take me with you or give me something I can do for you or-"
"Darling," He cut you off with a firm hand over your mouth, the other still settled on your hip. He shushed you softly, lessening the pressure on your mouth, "Don't panic, I'm listening. I promise I'm hearing you, just speak slowly alright?"
You nodded, he took his hand off your mouth slowly, "Keep going, what can I do to help you?"
You thought about it, more tears spilling down your cheeks, "Take me with you. Don't leave me by myself anymore. I just want to be useful."
Scooping you up bridal style as he headed towards the garden, "I understand. Even in your old life, you were always helping others, weren't you?"
You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck and tucking your head into him. Closing your eyes, you breathed in his scent, trying to commit it to memory.
Chrollo's feet hit the marble floors of the hallway that led into the house, you could feel his warmth returning as he carried you inside.
"While I understand your frustrations, you did try to escape my love," He started, bringing you into your shared bedroom, "And that requires a punishment."
You winced, shaking your head against him, "Please, not again! I'm really sorry Sir I can do better-"
"No," He shushed you, setting you on the foot of the bed, "I have the solution to your problem, but only if you take your punishment, alright?"
You nodded slightly, your tear-stained cheeks slightly puffy and red from the cold.
"Alright," He purred, his hands rubbing up and down your shoulders, "I'll try to make this at least somewhat pleasant for you, ok?"
You nodded once again, finding comfort in the fact that he was at least going to please you.
"Lay back for me," He stated, pushing you back by your shoulders, "I'll be right back."
You stared up at the ceiling in anticipation, the last punishment was hard enough, but you couldn't pass up the opportunity to finally get out of the house. Chrollo had returned from the closet, setting something on the bench at the foot of the bed. He took off his shirt before crawling over you.
"You know what your punishment is, right?" He asked, a face cupping your cheek.
You nodded, "Yes, Sir."
"Good girl," He whispered, leaning down to give you the softest of kisses, just barely ghosting over your lips as he pulled the knife out of his back pocket.
Pressing it to your throat, you froze, knowing it had already begun.
"Just focus on me, darling," Chrollo whispered against your lips, "I won't cut you."
He kissed you once more, harder this time as he slowly dragged the knife down your neck. It was a 50/50 chance he would intentionally cut you, even if he said he wouldn't. It was the only thing he'd ever lied to you about, knowing that made your heart race.
His tongue invaded your mouth as he slid the knife down your chest, coming back up to cut your bralette off in between your breasts. You didn't even register the pain from him grazing you with the knife until it started throbbing.
You looked down, seeing a thin line of blood-forming directly in between your breasts.
"Whoops," he chuckled, gazing down at the same mark you were. He sat up, straddling your hips and now pinning you to the bed by your throat. Your bare chest tempted him to carve his name into your breasts, then you'd really know who you belonged to. Chrollo briefly cut the straps of your bralette, allowing the flimsy fabric to fall away, revealing your breasts to him.
Setting the knife aside, Chrollo dragged his nails down your chest, briefly squeezing your waist before leaning down to press open-mouthed kisses all over your neck. He trailed downwards, backing off the bed as he kissed your waist, your breasts, swirling his tongue around each of your nipples lightly before backing off entirely.
"Turn over," Chrollo demanded.
"No." You said timidly, propping yourself up on your elbows.
"I'm sorry?" Chrollo replied smugly, "Wanna repeat that, darling?"
"I said n-no," You said, now even quieter than before.
"No? You don't want to be punished?" He asked, his hands rubbing up and down your thighs teasingly.
You shook your head to confirm that you indeed did not want to be punished in the way he was thinking.
"Even after killing my guard and escaping? You sure you don't want to be punished?" He asked again, his condescending tone making you whimper as you shook your head again.
Chrollo sighed, "Very well."
What? He's serious?
Untying the bandana from his forehead, he was quick to grab your hands and tie them together, placing them above your head, "I'll please you since I know that's what you really want."
Your heart jumped in your chest, somehow excited at the fact that you had gotten out of it.
Chrollo wasted no time cutting your shorts off, leaving you completely naked and exposed to him. He brought your legs up to the edge of the bed, bending them close to your chest, "Stay like this for a moment, ok?"
You gave him brief 'mhm' before he left, crossing the room to his chest of drawers. You heard him open it, the soft sound of things being moved around before he quickly came back. Craning your neck up to see what had been retrieved, you were quickly thwarted by Chrollo who pushed your head back down.
"Patience," He sighed, "Be a good girl now, hm?"
You grumbled, but let him hold you down. You knew this routine all too well, reminiscing about the fond memories of your legs pulling against the rope he was now starting to tie around your ankles. He took the time to tie up each leg, making sure they would not be able to come out of the bent position he'd placed them in.
"So pretty," Chrollo cooed, rubbing his hands up and down your waist, "Alright darling, eyes closed."
You shut your eyes as he brought a blindfold to your eyes, the soft silk being tied around the back of your head.
"There, now that you can't fight me," He started, using brute force to flip you over so you were bent over the edge of the bed, knees on the bench, "We can begin your punishment."
"That's not fair Si-"
A sharp smack was delivered to your ass, "Hush."
You went quiet, whimpering into the plush comforter.
Each word was punctuated by a harsh spanking to one of your ass cheeks. You were only four in and it already stung.
"I'm sorry!" You cried, trying to wriggle away from Chrollo, "Please Sir!"
"Mm, please what darling? Please punish you?" He hummed, rubbing your bottom with smooth circles.
"Nuh!" You whined, your voice becoming whinier under the threat of fully submitting.
"I told you I would please you, but only if you took your punishment like a good girl," Chrollo hummed, leaving a kiss on each cheek, "Do you really expect me to please you when you're not going to comply darling?"
You whined, wiggling a bit more.
"What do good girls say, darling?" Chrollo asked, softly rubbing your arched back.
"P-please," You huffed.
"Please what, love?" He replied, quietly undoing the bottle of lube he had brought to the bed.
"Please punish me," You whispered, "Sir."
"That's my good girl," He hummed.
Chrollo squirted a bit of lube onto his first two fingers, letting it warm a bit before bringing them to your ass. Mewling as Chrollo started rubbing your puckered hole, he wasted no time plunging a digit into your ass.
"Fuck!" You cried out, feeling him slipping in and out up to his first knuckle. You shook against the rope.
"Aww, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were starting to enjoy this." He teased, pushing his finger up to his second knuckle, "You're taking me so well, I can only imagine how well you're going to do later."
You gave him a long, drawn-out moan in response. He wanted you to beg, either for more or for him to stop, either way, he wanted you to be a mess.
The discomfort started to fade as he pushed his two fingers fully into you. Now, you could feel your arousal dripping as he steadily finger-fucked your ass, trying to stretch you out best he could with just two fingers.
"Already taking my fingers so well," Chrollo cooed, picking up the pace, "I think you're ready to be punished, don't you?"
You shook your head, knowing what would come next.
"Oh come now, don't be like that darling." He replied, slowly pulling his fingers from your tight hole.
You whined at the loss of contact, while it wasn't quite the pleasure you wanted, it was starting to feel good. You waited patiently as Chrollo left the bed, finding the necessary tools needed in his bedside drawer before coming back to the bench.
In one hand, he held a set of purple anal beads that gradually got bigger, in the other, a vibrating wand he fully intended on using on you. While the vibrator wasn't ever used during a punishment, Chrollo saw it to be a mercy for your honesty, therefore, he would keep his word, making his punishment at least somewhat pleasurable for you.
"Tonight's going to be a bit different, love," Chrollo started, setting the vibrator on the bench, he began covering the anal beads in a generous amount of lube, "I need you to trust me, ok?"
You didn't know what he meant by different, you assumed more painful, but knew that there would be no pleasure without pain, "I trust you."
"Good," He hummed, rubbing the first ball against your lubed hole, "You ready?"
Your faint 'mhm' had Chrollo pushing the first ball in, earning a whimper from you. It wasn't much bigger than Chrollo's finger, but you could still feel it. Mere seconds later, he was pushing the second ball in, the equivalent to a little more than two of his fingers.
You were quietly whimpering and mewling into the comforter, hoping he wouldn't hear how much you were enjoying the slow stretch.
"I need your hands," Chrollo announced, pulling you firmly upward by your shoulders, "Put them here."
He shoved your arms down toward your pussy before pushing you back down on your chest. Before, your hands had been resting on the comforter above your head. Now, they were firmly squished between your thighs. You felt Chrollo press something round into your hands before tying your wrists up. Mid-tie, he readjusted the foreign object to rest against your clit.
The vibrator.
You began to squirm a little bit, knowing that this is what he meant by tonight being a little different. You waited patiently as he tied the ropes tight, making sure you wouldn't be able to move it away, then he turned it on.
"Ah...oh fuck," You moaned, the vibrator already working to make you come undone, "Sir.."
Your moans were becoming more sultry, needier, you began panting as your legs worked up to a steady shake, he knew he would break you tonight at this rate.
"See? I told you I would please you," Chrollo hummed, pushing the next ball in, you cried out even louder, "You have permission to cum whenever you'd like."
Knowing this was going to make it a lot harder, he wanted you to submit, to break, "D..Da-Ah!"
You were stuttering as the next ball was pushed in, your asshole stretching around it.
"What was that? I don't think I heard you, princess," Chrollo teased.
"Daddy!" You wailed, giving into the submission he so desperately wanted. Your pussy began fluttering around nothing as the vibrator sent deep shock waves through your pussy, "Please!"
"Please what, princess?" He smiled, palming your ass cheeks.
"Please punish me!" You moaned, needing more stimulation, "I'm sorry I tried to escape! I've been a bad girl!"
The sight of you writhing under him was pathetic, you were truly becoming a mess and he hadn't even really touched you. Seeing how hard you were trembling, Chrollo took pity on you. Watching your pretty pussy clench and release, needing some form of stimulation, he decided to at least grant you this mercy.
Plunging two fingers into your dripping hole, he crooked his fingers, quickly finding your g-spot, "Is this what my darling needs?"
"Yes! Oh, fu-fuck please daddy!" You moaned, fucking yourself on his fingers, "Gonna cum!"
"You have permission princess, it's ok," Chrollo reaffirmed, working his fingers inside you.
It only took seconds, the knot that had been building inside you finally burst, causing you to clench around his fingers. The vibrator held firm against your clit after, the pleasure becoming painful. You started to cry through the blindfold.
Chrollo licked the mess off his fingers before slowly starting to pull the anal beads out one by one. You whined and whimpered as he did so, the action only causing you to clench to avoid feeling empty. It did nothing, Chrollo continued to pull the remaining few beads out, your asshole gaping slightly
"Mm, you're doing so well baby," Chrollo sighed, pulling his own pants down. Pumping his cock a few times before rubbing the crown of it up and down your slick.
"Daddy! D-Don't do that!" You whined, trying to pull away from his ministrations.
"What? This?" Chrollo asked innocently, repeating the action.
You lost it, cumming on the spot as the tip ghosted over your pussy, your shame covered your face in a heavy blush. It barely took anything for you to cum with the stupid vibrator continuing to buzz against your clit at the highest setting.
"S-Sorry daddy.." you slurred, still trembling as you felt your mind go blank.
"Aww, is my baby that much of a cock drunk little slut?" Chrollo teased, pressing the tip of his painfully erect cock into your ass, "I know you are, my pretty little darling wanted to be punished this whole time, huh?"
You heard him, but could barely form enough of a sentence to answer.
Chrollo pushed into you slowly, relishing in the tightness of your ass, your gummy walls fluttering around him as you were overstimulated. The feeling of being full had your tongue lolling out of your mouth.
Once fully seated inside you, Chrollo slowly dragged his nails along your back before palming your ass. Pulling your ass cheeks apart with his thumbs, he gave a few long, slow thrusts, watching the way you clenched around his cock.
"Fuck," Chrollo moaned, "I almost don't even want to punish you with the way this tight little ass wraps around my cock."
You could only moan in response, trembling as he continued his tortuously slow pace.
"How many spankings do you think you'll receive from tonight's actions, princess?" Chrollo halted, only halfway inside as his hands trailed upwards along your outer thighs, "I think forty is a good number? What say you, love?"
"Nuh-uh!" You cried, wiggling against his touch as one of his hands left your skin, "Thirty!"
Chrollo chuckled at your offer, "I was originally going to settle for twenty-five, but thirty works for me, darling."
With a crushing force, Chrollo's hand came down.
"Count, or I'll start over," Chrollo demanded.
"O-One," You whispered.
His other hand rose while the other soothed the spot he had just spanked.
"Three," Chrollo's hands were relentless, switching cheeks each time he smacked you in order to give your poor skin a break. He was merciful enough to rub the spot he had spanked before doing it again.
It took minutes to work your way up to the end, you came twice throughout the process as the vibrator held firm against your clit.
"Th-Thirty!" You were sobbing, shaking uncontrollably under the weight of Chrollo's punishment.
"There we go, all done," Chrollo cooed, softly rubbing your cherry-red ass as he set another slow pace, "You did so well for me, darling."
A warmth grew in your chest, you really did enjoy being praised by Chrollo, even if it was after a punishment with his dick in your ass. He enjoyed it too, loving the way you clenched around his cock each time he spanked you, it took a lot of focus to not cum mid punishment.
You were writhing the pressure in your core already starting to build again, your trembling never stopped, even throughout your punishment. Chrollo kept up his word to please you, but god at what cost?
"I want you to cum for me again, angel," Chrollo hummed, his hands finding your waist as he began picking up the pace, "I want to absolutely ruin you."
"No no no! Daddy, I can't!" You sobbed, knowing you would be doing more than just cumming if this kept up.
"Oh? Is my princess trying to hide the pretty mess I know she can make?" Chrollo asked, knowing what you were implying.
Grabbing the knife, he cut the ropes from your legs. He rolled your limp form over onto your back, yanking the blindfold off so he could watch as you helped overstimulate yourself. With one arm by your head to support himself, he guided his cock back into your ass, resuming the brutal pace he set.
You held Chrollo's gaze as he went absolutely feral, drilling your ass while holding one of your legs up over his shoulder. You could barely conceal your tears at this point, broken moans showing him just how bad you needed a break, but he was intent on making you squirt before he stopped.
"I know you need this," Chrollo purred, pressing his forehead to yours, "Just give in to my love, your body wants this."
You started to shake harder, legs trembling even more aggressively, he was pushing you to the edge.
"Fuck! Da...Daddy," You groaned, knowing you were only seconds away, "Kiss me, p-please."
Pulling you into his lips as you came, your screams and cries muffled against Chrollo's lips as you drenched his cock and thighs with your cum. You barely registered the feeling of his cock throbbing as he filled your ass with cum. It took several seconds for your orgasm to stop before you were finally able to collapse back onto the bed.
Chrollo was quick to shut the vibrator off as he pulled out, knowing your body had enough. He admired the way his cum began slowly trickling out of your ass while he untied your hands.
"You did so well, darling," Chrollo praised, leaving soft kisses on the inside of your calf, "So so good."
His kisses trailed upwards, his lips softly tickling your thighs as he caressed them. He continued upward with his continued praise and love, making sure each part of you had received some form of physical attention before kissing you passionately.
You were still panting, your heart thrumming in your ears as he brushed your hair away from your face. At least he held true to his word.
With your hands now free, you pulled him in for another kiss, wanting to stay enveloped in his warmth forever.
"So, my little brat," He started, interlacing his fingers with yours, "Was this enough of a cure for your boredom?"
You giggled, giving him a weak smile, "It was, but as I recall, you mentioned what sounded like a more long-term solution to this problem."
"Ah, that," Chrollo sighed, rolling over next to you. You turned on your side the best you could as he gazed up at the ceiling, "I was thinking you could officially become a spider."
Your breath hitched in your throat, "You mean like part of the phantom-troupe?"
"Yes," He replied curtly, "You'd be with me all day every day, same rules apply, but it would give you a chance to use that intelligence of yours."
You grinned, thinking it over, "Sure, why not?"
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burger-boy-jones · 2 years
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My Own Grave
Feral Raph x Reader
Warnings: Reader dies and swearing.
Song: My Own Grave by As I Lay Dying
Notes: Not sure if the song fits with Raph, but my friend at work recommended the song to me. Gave it a shot and thought what would this go well with, and immediately I thought of the episode where Raph got left alone in the sewers too long and he went feral lol. This is my interpretation of feral Raph, so enjoy. I also never wrote for Raph before, so go easy on me lol. As I stated before, listening to the song while reading gives it more emotion and feels.
Text Received at 3:50
Raph❤: Hey your still joining us for some sewer fun right?
Y/N smiles at the reminder text from her sweet boyfriend. He always did like reminding her even though he always knew she would reply back, unlike his brothers.
Unfortunately, this time the text never went through, as Raph would have responded. So she fishes for her phone, checking it as her eyes widen.
Text not sent.
Y/N: Sure am big red, you know I'm always down for some fun.
Her phone didn't send the message! What the hell! She curses inwardly at herself for not noticing sooner, and Raph texted her that over an hour ago...poor guy must be worried!
She knows how bad it can get when Raph is left alone for too long.
With this she hastily makes her way to the lair, finding it empty.
"Guys!" She yells out, recieving no answer in return.
Y/N fishes our her phone again, sending a message to Donnie.
Y/N: Hey where are you guys? I'm at the lair right now.
"Good enough."
Text sent at 4:58
Not a second later, she gets a text back.
He's always on his phone so that's no suprise he would text back.
Text recieved at 4:59
BrainsMcgee: Kinda busy trying to find Raph, Leo forgot to text him that we were gonna be late and Raph went feral. So were currently on our way back, and will see you in the next few minutes.
Y/N's eyes widen at this.
Raph went feral...this is not good...
"Way to go Leo..." She whispers to herself.
Sure enough, she hears footsteps coming from the other tunnel as she rushes over to the guys.
"What happened to you guys?! Was...was this all Raph's doing?" Y/N asks as Leo stumbles to the floor, groaning in pain.
"Yes it was your boyfriends doing, no thanks to Leon whatsoever." Donnie says bitterly as shoots Leo a glare. "D don't blame him, it was an accident right Leo?" Mikey asks as Leo only grunts in response.
Y/N watches as Donnie and Mikey help pick Leo up off the floor, her eyes widening at all the cuts and bruises Leo obtained. "I can't believe Raph did this to you...is there anyway I can help?" She asks as they all look at her crazily. "Unless you wanna look like a mess hermano I suggest staying here and let us handle Raph." Leo says as he holds his side, as his eye squints from being in pain.
"Like hell I'm gonna stay behind!" She yells out, startling the others as they look at her with wide eyes.
"Woah...no wonder Raph took a liking towards you!" Mikey says as Y/N's cheeks flush red at the compliment. "Alright Y/N can help, but to a certain degree. Deal?" Donnie says as she nods.
"So what's the plan?" Y/N asks as Mikey and Donnie think.
Leo puts a hand to his chin, thinking, as his eyes light up. "What if we use Y/N as a way to bring Raph back to normal?" Leo says as both turtles look at him as if he's crazy.
"No way-I'll do it." Everyone turns to stare at Y/N surprised.
"You will?" Leo asks dumbfounded by Y/N's enthusiasm to help Raph.
"Of course I would, I love Raph and nothing will change that. Feral or not I love who he is and all that he is. He's been there for me, so I need to be there for him." Y/N says as everyone looks at her with tear filled eyes.
"Let's bring Raph home!" Everyone shouts as they begin to start there plan.
What they didn't know was that someone or a certain somebody was watching them from the tunnel.
-With Raph-
He stares at them with blank eyes, frowning.
How dare they touch his mate.
(The lies, the weight)
(Deceit, decay)
(The lies, the weight)
(It's clear I lost my way)
He turns around and makes his way back to his home.
His mind is vaccant with endless empty thoughts as he tries to think.
Who is Raph?
Raph growls as a rat scurries by him, but the rat wasn't fast enough as Raph pounces on him, killing the rat as he picks it up.
Blood is smeared on the floor as Raph tears the head from the body.
He pulls and chews at the body as tosses the head away.
Tasty meat.
(I thought I was an architect, but I was just moving dirt)
What was he doing again? Right. Heading back to his makeshift home.
(Stacking mud over malice covered up, forming nothing but a pile of hurt)
He wanders the tunnels, killing any meat that crosses his path as he finally makes his way back.
He shuffles around, stopping, as he hears the pitter patter of tiny feet scuttling around him.
More meat.
(Boring the barriers that kept others away (away)
(The deeper the walls, the less anyone could hear me (hear me fall)
(So now I know there is no one else to blame)
(Buried alive inside my own grave)
Eventually the sound of tiny footsteps passes as there replaced by heavier ones.
Can it be?
(And there's no one else to blame)
(Buried alive inside my own grave)
(Inside of my own grave)
(Beneath my lies)
He turns around and comes face to face with his mate.
He growls lowly at her as she backs away but not in fear, more so in observation. He sniffs the air as he smells another scent on her that isn't his, he growls at this.
He bares his teeth at her, his snaggletooth gleaming in the dim light as she holds up her hands in defence.
"Raph..." She calls out sweetly.
Why can't he remember her name?
He watches, teeth still bared as she slowly takes a step towards him.
"Raph it's me...do you know who I am?"
"Maaate..." He growls out, her eyes widening at his answer.
She takes another step forward and another, and another, until she's within touching distance of him.
(Delusional enough to think I'd designed something great)
(Like a giant headstone inscribed to describe my shameful fate)
Why does she seem familiar?
Why is she not afraid?
(An ugly truth from which there was no way to escape (escape)
(Nowwhere left to hide and then finally forced to face what I'd become)
(Buried alive inside of my own grave (my grave)
He watches as she reaches a hand out to pet his snout, bad move on her part.
(What I'd become)
"Remember me Raph...I love you." She closes her eyes as he raises a hand up.
(Buried alive inside of my own grave (my grave)
(Beneath my pride, crushing me)
Bloodlust blurs his vision as he full on hits her, the force of his swing slams her against the wall as you can hear bones breaking by the second.
He knows alone the sheer impact of his punch could hurt if not kill anyone let alone a simple human.
(Beneath my lies, collapsing)
(But we are still alive (we are still alive)
A bloodcurdling scream can be heard coming from her, but it doesn't last long as she eventually grows quiet.
(Buried alive inside of my own grave)
(And there's no one else to blame)
"Y/N!" Familiar voices shout as he slowly comes back too.
(The lies and the weight, I know I lost my way (my way)
As he slowly comes back to, Raph blinks a few times as he looks at his surroundings, this isnt the sewer he told them to meet at?
(What I'd become)
"Guys?" He calls out frantically, only to hear sobbing come from Mikey and Leo. Donnie doing his best not to cry as he checks her over before he too starts to tear up.
Where's Y/N?
(And there's no one else to blame)
(Buried alive, buried alive)
He slowly walks over to them, his eyes growing wide as tears blur his vision.
(Finally forced to face what I'd become)
(What I'd become in my own grave)
There she lays in a puddle of blood. His girl Y/N. He killed his beloved Y/N. He crys loudly as he sinks to his knees, cradling Y/N in his arms as he continues to cry.
(Buried in my own grave alive)
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misora-msby · 4 years
embarrassing moments with inarizaki
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inarizaki always looks so cool but you know they’re actually dorks and i am here to provide you the content to show theyre clowns. enjoy the headcanons :)
Kita Shinsuke
firstly. kita shinsuke being embarrased? making a mistake? unheard of.
he’s a perfect man and we all know it.
you two were having a nice dinner out together. 
it was a pretty fancy place so you decided to dress in a different style today
but you were beginning to wonder if kita liked it or not because he seemed to keep looking past your shoulder instead of at you
he was an observant guy so you were wondering if something had happened behind you
but you couldn’t hear anything weird so you assumed not
you decided to just stay quiet about it at first but now it was beginning to become annoying! 
why wasn’t he looking you in the eye to speak?
midway through your dinner, kita finally spoke up tho
“y/n, your shirt is slipping... yer bra’s showing.”
right. you were wearing your off-shoulder top.
“o-oh. shin, it’s that kind of shirt, you know?” you had to explain your outfit to ur bf with a pink face.
“oh... that so... well it’s cold these days so if yer feelin’ cold lemme know. i’ll give ya my jacket.”
Ojiro Aran
another man with next to no flaws.
but nature says everyone has to make some mistake.
so it was a regular school day, our aran has just come to class from morning practice and there’s still some time left until class starts.
all the girls in class are gathered around a table
he’s not sure why, it’s probably watching an idol video
but ur man wants to be a little romantic!!
plus he just showered so he smells Great uwu
he goes over and hugs you from behind, placing his chin on ur head.
“hey, bb whatcha ya doin”
all the girls gasp.
he doesn’t get whats wrong, it’s not like it’s a secret y’all are dating
pda to this level aint bad either
especially compared to his teammate miya atsumu
“ojiro aran.”
why is your voice behind him
he looks down and nearly faints when he sees he hugged the wrong girl.
to be fair she looked a lot like you from behind, just maybe 1cm shorter.
“i’m so sorry!” he keeps apologising to literally everyone and all the class is giggling bc they never seen their school’s ace so red before.
“didn’t think i’d come back from the toilet and see my bf cheatin”
hes so funny i swear
the volleyball team hears of it and it gets even better 
Miya Atsumu
it’s not a secret that miya atsumu, setter of the inarizaki volleyball team and invited to national youth training camp, had a gf
he was very much in love with u 
the whole class knew it because he’d show it off whenever he could too
so here comes valentines day
last year he received like... 50 different gifts from girls and guys aiming to win his love.
you didnt even give him one lmAOOOOO 
but this year, he had been not so subtly trying to hint that “i better not receive any chocolates this year when i’ve got a gf!”
he reaches school and plops into his seat.
there’s an anonymous box of chocolates with “please accept my love, miya-kun! <3″ on it
“the hell’s this?!”
“oh? chocolates?” - osamu who just popped his head into the class to shove into his twin’s face how much chocolate he got.
especially since the blond was off limits, the grey-haired twin had a bigger following now.
“do they not know i have a girlfriend...”
“well, ya might as well eat it. ya dont know who to return it to.”
“that’s like receivin’ their love!”
“no it ain’t. it’s just food.”
atsumu couldn’t argue with that and popped a piece in.
it was very delicious. the chocolate practically melted on his tongue and was the perfect sweetness and was filled with a delicious ganache too.
it was perfect
but he couldn’t accept this!
“it ain’t even good. too sweet and the filling’s sticky.”
“ah. really? is that what you think, tsumu?” you ask from the door where you had been watching the exchange take place.
“y/n! look at this! some weirdo gave me some choco and like... samu said to test it but i’ll toss it out, promise.”
“tsumu, i made that... i wrote it anonymously because i thought you’d know it was me and i wanted to tease you a little.”
osamu: “yeah actually i went over to her place to teach her how to make it.”
atsumu: “you said you went to suna’s place?!”
osamu: “i went there later but i first went to help her.”
you: “anyways if it’s not good i don’t mind if you toss it out...”
you: “you just said-”
“you’re always so honest though... are you sure?” you were having your fun teasing him now.
he still cringes at the memory 4 years into ur marriage
Miya Osamu
osamu would DEFINITELY make home made dinner dates a regular thing.
this alone shows he’s the better twin - miya atsumu stan
he loves cooking and eating with you so sometimes when he’s got a day off you guys’ll set aside the afternoon to make a real nice dinner
imagine candlelit dinner with miya dorito body osamu in a suit
of course some fun stuff happens after too ;)))
and today’s your third anniversary!!
so osamu adds lots of ‘natural aphrodisiacs’ to the meal
i’m talkin
garlic bread and soup for an appetiser, a nice juicy steak with garlic and red wine sauce for the main, and chocolate coated strawberries for dessert
mm yummy
you two cleaned your plates completely (it was very delicious) and as you were washing the dishes, osamu comes up behind and wraps his arms around your waist
“yes, ‘samu?” 
“i’ve already prepared us a nice bath with yer favourite scents.” he’s got his head resting on ur chin
“really? thank you~ i’ll be there in a bit”
but he doesn’t let go of you while you’re still scrubbing at the baking sheets.
“osamu, you can let go for now.”
“don’t feel like it.”
“i gotta wash the dishes since you did most of the cooking.”
“mmm, i’ll do it if ya gimme a kiss.”
you roll ur eyes bc what a cutie 
u turn ur head to give him a kiss but suddenly he 
he burps
that garlicy wine smell is just kinda there
“ew! ‘samu!!”
his face is real red but he’s also trying not to laugh because he’s still a dude and this is absolutely hilarious to him
“want another?” he starts teasing
“i’m not getting in the bath with you.”
“wait wait wait i’m sorry, i’ll go brush my teeth and give you a proper kiss”
Suna Rintarou
you two were taking the train home today
it was quite late due to practice going a little longer than usual, so he insisted he walked you back home today.
sunarin can be a good boyf sometimes ok
it was getting a little crowded on the train tho, since people were heading home or going out for dinner
luckily you had already grabbed seats so you were quite comfortable sitting side by side. 
you and suna have the type of relationship were you dont have to talk all the time
silence is v comfy.
he’s just scrolling through twitter on his phone while you’re looking around the car, lost in ur thoughts
suddenly you notice an old lady standing a little bit away from you and you stand up
“baa-san, please take my seat.” you whisper in the crowded carriage
“oh how kind of you. thank you, dearie.” she smiles and takes your seat while you stand in front of her and suna instead.
suna doesn’t realise this exchange has happened tho
(he’s on his phone as usual)
probably starting some fights on twitter
he decides to try to be a little romantic and pretends to stretch his arm around (who he thought was) you.
why is your voice right in front of him?
“young man, i appreciate it but i’m married.”
suna jumps as he sees someone he did not recognise next to him.
he looks up and notices you had moved.
you’re giggling
the granny’s giggling
atsumu and osamu sitting opposite on the carriage look like they’re going to cry because they’re trying not to laugh
“i was just stretching. really.” he mumbles and crosses his arms, face red as a tomato
he’s so embarrassed.
Ginjima Hitoshi
sometimes the inarizaki vbc would go for an after practice snack at the nearby family mart
they were really hungry after an intense preparation for nationals which was in two weeks so kita insisted they all get something to fill them up on the way home
but lucky lucky ginjima hhehe
you (his classmate who he had a crush on) were working at the cash register today.
“welcome!” you greet everyone as they enter
he cant help but stiffen up a bit 
why are u so cute and cheery today
the 2nd years already know what to do.
“heyy, i think last week i bought ya that ramen right? ya owe me my konbini snacks today!” - atsumu
“yeah. you lost a bet to me last week so u gotta pay up. a pack of jelly fruit sticks please.” - suna
“forgot my money today, mind payin’ for my snacks too?” - osamu
“like hell i’m paying for all of you. especially you, osamu. you eat too much all the time.” 
aran’s noticed what’s going on,
“hey, if it’s just for today you can do it right? if ‘samu don’t pay ya back tomorrow i’ll nag him ‘til he does.” 
“fine...” his basket is full when he goes to the counter.
he’s trying his best not to have a red face while watching u scan the items, ur hair swaying slightly as u look back and forth between the objects and the screen.
“alright. 4,890 yen please!” GOD he hated how expensive it was, that’s almost all his weekly allowance but bc it’s u and ur voice saying it it’s kinda ok
“mm, ok.” he still has his eyes on you while he takes out his wallet and puts it on the counter.
his wallet, not the money
“...” “...”
“excuse me, sir. this is...”
he almost slaps his face wtf he’s so embarrassed.
“s-sorry. just a little absent minded after practice.” he starts pulling out his cash.
“it’s fine! i know how hard you guys practice!” you smile while performing the rest of the transaction and pass him his big bag of goods. “good luck for nationals, ginjima-kun!”
he almost runs out of the store and is about to fight the rest of the 2nd years for watching and (suna) recording
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promenadewithme · 3 years
hello darling! I'm so happy you have reached that milestone so quickly! but not surprised because everyone can see your writing is amazing ❤️
Can you write something for your 50 follower challenge with the song 'Can't help falling in love' by Elvis Presley and Anthony Bridgerton? My pronouns are she/her.
you have absolute creative freedom!
Keep being amazing darling 🌼
Thank you so much, Lalla!! You are so sweet💙   I had so much fun writing this and I hope you like it!
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x fem! reader
Song: Can’t Help Falling In Love - Elvis Presley
Warnings: fluff and Cressida being a b-word
Word Count: 1,3k
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Can’t Help Falling In Love
Dearest Readers, 
it has come this this author’s attention that the Viscount Bridgerton has begun courting Lady (y/n) (y/l/n) earlier this week. The pair have been seen promenading on several occasions and Mr. Bridgerton has sent flowers every day. Are we to expect a new Viscountess in the ton? Rest assured, if they are to wed, this author will find out.
Yours Truly,
Lady Whistledown. 
“Do you truly think he will propose, mama?” your asked your mother. She had woken you up with the latest society papers in hand.
“Of course he will! I would not be surprised if he dances with you four times at tonight’s ball!” your mother replied, a proud smile on her face.
“Don’t be absurd, mama! That would be extremely improper!” you exclaimed, but a crimson blush still appeared across your cheeks at the mere possibility of being close to Anthony for that long. It was no secret that the eldest bridgerton had your affections, but you were not sure if you had his. Despite his actions, the Viscount was known for being a rake of the worst kind and didn’t tend to show his emotions aside from the occasional smile or brooding demeanor.
“My daughter! A Viscountess! Who would have thought?” your mother hugged you tightly, grinning like a cheshire cat.
“Don’t be hasty, mama. You forget he has not yet proposed, he might not at all.” you answered. 
“Don’t be absurd my dear! Tonight you shall wear the family diamonds!” she declared and stepped out humming joyfully. 
You didn’t want to rush into this, but your thoughts circled back to him during the day and you realised I can’t help falling in love with you, Anthony Bridgerton.
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“Do you think she will be here tonight?” asked Eloise to her eldest brother.
“She guaranteed she would.” Anthony replied, the same brooding look as always on his face as he looked at the entry expectantly. 
“My son, why don’t you dance with one of the other ladies? I’m sure they are just as fine dancers as Miss (y/l/n)!” the Dowager Viscountess said, already looking around for someone appropriate for her son.
“I do not wish to dance with anyone else, mother.” he responded, still looking at the door.
“My son, bear in mind that you are choosing the future Viscountess Bridgerton, this is not just one more of your affairs. You have only been courting her for a week, it’s still the beginning of the season. Only fools rush in.” Lady Violet muttered so only her son could hear, a smile on her face to keep away the prying eyes and ears of the ton.
Anthony finally looked back at his mother and said “This is not just another affair. (y/n) is different. I -” he looked around then back at his mother. “I’m falling in love with her.”
Violet’s eyes softened, a small smile appearing on her face. This is all she had ever wanted for her children, to find love and live a happy life.
“Well then, I think you would like to know that your dearest has arrived.”
Anthony’s gaze went straight to you and, smiling softly, he thought you looked like an angel. You were wearing a white gown with gold details, long gloves, diamonds and a small tiara. He immediately made his way to you and bowed.
“If I may be so bold, Lady (y/n), you look absolutely stunning. May I have your first dance?” he said with a shy smile. You blushed at his comment.
“Of course, Lord Bridgerton. It would be my honour.” with that, he took your gloved hand, ever so softly, and guided you to the dance floor. 
The scenery was truly breathtaking. It was an outdoors ball, so light of the moon and the stars shone upon you. There were also a few lamps scattered, but just enough so the ambience was filled with romance. Taking your place in the midst of the other couples, you looked at each other as you waited for the music to start. 
“I meant what I said earlier, you look breathtakingly beautiful tonight.” your heart was beating much faster that normal as he held one of your hands and placed the other on your waist. 
“Just tonight?” you remarked in a humorous tone, trying to distract yourself from the feeling his compliment brought you. Only Anthony didn’t catch on, his eyes widened and he stuttered.
“N-no! Of course not! Not just tonight! I-” you felt pity for the poor Viscount and replied “I’m only joking, my Lord.” he relaxed his tense shoulders, chuckling.
“Of course you are.” he mumbled with a smile before spinning you and pulling you back in his arms. This was not part of the dance, so you gasped and started laughing, throwing your head back. Anthony looked at you in awe and thought like a river flows surely to the sea, darling so it goes, some things are meant to be.
“You always take my breath away.” he mumbled tenderly. The song ended and you parted, you looked back and he was still looking at you with a silly smile, making you giggle. You turned your gaze forward right before bumping into someone.
“Cressida! How lovely to see you!” it wasn’t.
“I know what you are doing, (y/n).” she said with the fakest smile you have ever seen.
“And what would that be?” you asked, truly curious as to what she was talking about.
“Don’t be daft, darling. It’s not very attractive. Everyone knows you are trying to seduce the Viscount.” she stepped closer to you and continued “This will never work. He would never marry someone like you. A Viscountess should be elegant, beautiful, sociable and everything else you are not. So, do yourself a favour and bow down while you have time. Wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself when he chooses me over you.” she was grinning when she stepped away and you were holding back your tears. 
Not wanting anyone to see you cry, you went to a more secluded part of the garden. What you didn’t know was that Anthony saw the expression on your face as you left and ran after you.
Sitting on a bench you found far away from the party, you cried, hands on your face. The scene broke Anthony’s heart. He stalked to you and said angrily “What did she say to you?” you were startled at first, but when you saw that it was Anthony, you relaxed a bit. 
“It was nothing, just Cressida being Cressida.” you tried smiling, but failed miserably.
“It was something if you are here alone and crying.” then he realised. You were alone, unchaperoned. But you were also crying and obviously sad. Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? he thought. Anthony looked back one more time to make sure no one was coming and hugged you, wiping away your tears. 
“I can’t stand to see you this way, can’t stand that she hurt you.” he muttered. You looked him in the eyes and asked “Why?” he didn’t know where the sudden confidence came from, but still he said “Because I can’t help falling in love with you.” 
You were shocked, but still answered smiling. “I’m falling in love with you too.” The Viscount grinned at that, holding you tighter in his arms.
“I know it is still early in the season and I have only just started courting you, but I can no longer wait.” he knelt to the ground and continued “(y/n), take my hand, take my whole life too. Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”
“Yes!” you exclaimed. He stood up laughing, spun you around and gave you a soft kiss on the lips.
“Are you going to tell me what Cressida said to you, future wife?” he asked with a satisfied grin. You laughed and looked at him sheepishly.
“She said you would never marry me, that you’d choose her and that I was not fit to be a Viscountess.” 
“Well then” he linked his arm with yours, walking back to the party “I think she will be very surprised with our wedding invitation.” you laughed at that and he resumed. “As for the last part, to me you are perfect and that’s all that matters.”
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General tag list: @power-of-words23
Anthony Bridgerton tag list: @multifandomfix
Tell me if you want to be added to any of my tag lists!!
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - Timestuck AU: The Power of Mabel ch.2
While fighting over a time machine so one twin can win a pig or the other can win the heart of a girl, Mabel is left stranded in a snowy forest with no time machine and no brother. Oops.
The BEAUTIFUL art pieces were done by @clownwry and @elishevart ! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 😭❤️💋
ch.1 - ch.3
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Ford was way more nervous than he was letting on.
She had long, pretty brown hair, braces over her teeth, sneakers, a skirt, and a sweater that allowed the cold air to pass through it. Her cheeks were slightly chubby with youth and nosy, as well as her nose, due to the freezing weather. Her eyes matched her hair perfectly, and though they were clouded with fear and confusion, Ford swore he could see sparkling behind the clouds, sparkling that made itself well-known when she asked if she could make him a sweater or when she saw his hands.
She had long, pretty brown hair, braces over her teeth, sneakers, a skirt, and a sweater that allowed the cold air to pass through it. Her cheeks were slightly chubby with youth and nosy, as well as her nose, due to the freezing weather. Her eyes matched her hair perfectly, and though they were clouded with fear and confusion, Ford swore he could see sparkling behind the clouds, sparkling that made itself well-known when she asked if she could make him a sweater or when she saw his hands.
Ford would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy Mabel’s company, but she was practically a stranger, and keeping a random girl in his house that was located in the middle of the woods was fishy and Ford couldn’t help but feel like it was illegal. But he couldn’t leave her out in the snow and send her on her way to find her home and family, so he decided to keep her warm or healthy, simply because it was the right thing to do.
But then she said she had no parents to call. Only a brother, who was lost, too. Ford can remember the old rule: If you’re lost, stay where you are until you are found. So he then decided that she could stay here until her brother found her, which should be by morning at the latest.
Still, he felt uneasy, so once Mabel was settled in front of the TV, Ford excused himself and went into the kitchen to make a phone call. There was only one man who would have better judgement in this situation than him.
The phone rang a few times. Ford checked his watch to make sure it was a reasonable time to call. It wasn’t Sunday, was it? But then the ringing stopped. “Howdy! This here Fiddleford McGucket.”
“Hey there, buddy.” Ford smiled to himself at hearing that cheerful voice. “How have you been?”
“Stanford Pines! Good t’hear from ya!” Fiddleford cheered. “M’just fine, just fine! How are ya?! Ya haven’t gotten eaten by monsters yet, have ya?��� He laughed, making his old friend chuckle along.
“No no, I’m alright.” Ford almost brought up the reason he called, but then he remembered something very important to Fiddleford. “How are Emma-May and Tater?”
“OH! They’re doin’ great! We’re all very happy n’ doin’ well! Ya won’t believe how big Tate’s gotten since ya last saw him! He’s already crawlin’!”
“Wow, that's great to hear.” Ford sat in a chair at the kitchen table. “Has he said his first words yet?”
“No, not quite. Actually, he’s extremely quiet. Not a lot of baby-babble.” Fiddleford chuckled. “The doctor says that’s perfectly normal. Tate’s so smart, he’s reachin’ for specific colors n’ such, n’ ya can tell he’s thinkin’ a lot n’ knows what’s goin’ on, he just got nothin’ t’say.”
“I was very shy when I was young.” Ford commented casually. He didn't feel like mentioning why. “If Tate is anything like either of his parents he’s very intelligent.”
“Oh, he’s so much like both of us it’s scary. Ya know Emma-May, so clever n’ quiet n’ such. Tate’s got all that. But he already looks so much like me! But he’s got his mama’s hair! N’ Santy Claus brought ‘im this fun little fishin’ game where ya fish for plastic fish with a pole with a magnet on it, n’ he loves it! I can’t wait to take ‘im fishin’ when he’s big enough! Ya really outta give yourself a break n’ come down for a visit, he’d move to see his Uncle Ford again.”
Ford’s face felt hot. “Perhaps. Spring is when a lot of anomalies are active and breeding, so i would prefer not to miss that, but maybe I could visit for a weekend before that…”
“Well, no pressure, I won’t assume anythang until ya tell me to, just know there’s always a bed for ya here.”
“Thank you, Fiddleford. The same for you and your family. The clean air will do everyone some good.”
“Oh, I’m sure.” Fiddleford sighed happily and perked up. “So! Whatcha callin’ for? Not that I’m not happy just t’chat, but ya never call.”
Ford laughed and shrugged to himself. “I suppose I don’t. I’m sorry.”
“No need t’be sorry, Stanford, just wanna know what’s up.”
“Well, I was hoping to get your advice on something.”
“Um… well…” Ford rubbed the back of his neck, unsure how to tell him this. “I heard some unusual sounds outside today…”
“What kind of unusual sounds?”
“Cracks, like lightning. And some faint yelling.” Ford answered. “I thought it might be a tree branch or a new anomaly to catalogue, but when I opened the door a young girl was standing there in the snow with no coat.”
“Heavens! Is she alright?!”
“She’s okay, no frostbite. She was cold, but after sitting by the fire, drinking some hot chocolate, and changing into some dry clothes, she’s okay now.”
“Well, good.”
“So of course I brought her in. I tried to call her parents, she probably got lost playing…”
“... but she says she doesn’t have any parents.”
“Oh.” Fiddleford sighed. “Oh. Now, wait, are ya sure she didn’t just say that so ya wouldn’t call?”
Ford chuckled and said, “I first thought that too, but she looked too sad to be lying.”
“Okay, I see. Does she got somebody ya can call?”
“She says she has a brother, but he was out there, too. So he is probably out there looking for her and therefore nowhere near a phone.”
“Fair enough, okay. So, I reckon y’all are waitin’ for him t’come ‘round.”
“Well sounds to me like you’ve handled this all pretty well.” Fiddleford said confidently.
“You think so?” Ford asked. “I can’t help but feel like I’m doing something wrong. Like I’m missing something. Am I doing something wrong?”
“Nonsense, buddy, you’re doin’ great.” Fiddleford assured. “Look here, ya can’t just leave a young gurl out in the snow t’try t’find her way home...”
“I agree.”
“... so ya really got one option n’ that’s t’keep an eye on her n’ let her in as a guest. N’ ya tried t’call, but nothin’. The best thang ya can do right now is be there for this lil’lady n’ just be kind t’her. N’ if nobody comes for her by mornin’, why don’t ya go into town n’ see if anybody knows her, then they can help y’all out.”
Ford nodded, then remembered that his best friend couldn’t see it, so he said, “Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Thank you, Fiddleford.”
“You’re welcome. N’ hey, are ya okay?” He asked seriously.
“Yes, yes I’m okay. I just want to make sure I do this right.”
“O’course. I understand. Ya want me t’come down there n’ give a hand?”
“No, that’s not necessary. I’m sure Mabel will find her brother in the morning.”
“Mabel, huh? Well, if y’all don’t, please call me. N’ even if ya do find her brother, call me. Keep me updated.”
“I will. Thank you, Fiddleford.”
“Anytime, Stanford.”
When Mr. Ford gave Mabel the remote for the old TV and went into the kitchen, she decided to use her awesome detective skills to figure out what year it was. If it was before Grunkle Stan lived here and opened the Mystery Shack, she must be pretty far back in time. But she had no way of knowing if it was 1999 or 2005 or the 50s.
The TV was old, but so was Grunkle Stan’s in her time. So Mr. Ford could have had this TV for a long time and didn’t want to replace it. 
Okay, so when was the TV made? Mabel didn’t know. Dipper would have known.
Okay, Grunkle Stan mentioned watching TV when he was a kid once or twice. So at least Mabel was when Stan was a kid, okay. 
Mabel turned the TV on and it was in color. Okay, so she wasn’t too far back in time. But the TV was playing a commercial for clear skin. The picture was gritty and all the people in it had puffy hair and long socks and oh my god was that woman wearing legwarmers?! Mabel grinned at seeing her favorite fashion on TV, but then her face dropped. When was she?
She tapped her chin and tried to think of how to know the date without being suspicious. She could ask Mr. Ford, but that might be suspicious. Mabel decided to start flicking through channels to try to guess what year she was in based on what was airing. A lot of shows were about cowboys, space, or game shows. Huh. Okay.
All the TV shows were definitely older. Nothing her dad would watch from when he was a kid, so if Mabel had to guess by everyone’s crazy air, the cheesy TV shows, and the music occasionally playing, she was in the 70s.
Huh. Okay. But she needed an exact year. So Mabel turned off the TV, saw an old radio on a desk, and turned it on to listen.
“... cuz it’s cold doesn’t mean you can't boogie, folks! So grab someone you wanna get warm with, turn up the music, and get your bodies warm in the coolest way possible! Here’s Night Fever, by the Bee Gees!”
Mabel grinned at the disco music. Her personal favorite song from these guys was More Than a Woman, but Night Fever would do. For a moment Mabel forgot her mission, jumped off the couch and left the blanket behind, and in the over-sized gray t-shirt Mr. Ford gave her while her clothes were drying, she danced along to the music, singing the chorus since those were the only words she knew.
“When you reach out for me. Yeah, and the feelin' is right,
Then I get night fever, night fever. We know how to do it! Gimme that night fever, night fever. We know how to show it!”
Mabel laughed at herself as she spun around in her socks and tried to do the point-and-hype dance she didn’t know the name to, but everyone did it when a disco song played.
Little did she know that Ford had returned to check on her, and was smiling at her as she shook her hips and waved her hair around and had fun. He leaned against the doorway and planned to let her dance in peace, but when she did a spin and saw him, she grinned and took his hand. “C’mon, Mr. Ford, come dance with me!”
Ford chuckled and shook his head. “No, no! I can’t dance!”
“You got two legs that aren’t broken?”
“Then you can dance! C’mon!” Mabel encouraged, let him go when they were both in the middle of the room, and she started to dance again. “Don’t make me dance alone!” She even pulled an evil move and gave him puppy eyes. Rude.
Ford smiled slyly at her and hesitantly copied her boogie moves. It was true that Ford never liked to dance, but there was no one around but Mabel, and though he had only known her for an hour or more, he was sure she would never make fun of him.
And he was right.
“Wow! Look at you, Mr. I-Can’t-Dance! Yeah!” Mabel hopped on the couch, standing, and took Ford’s hand. “Here, I’ll spin you!”
Ford laughed and allowed it, doing a single spin, but then scooping her in his arms to dip her and then let her down, making her laugh as they continued to dance. 
“Alright alright, you crazy cats, that was Night Fever by the Bee Gees! It's a snowy day here in the heart of Oregon, with snow flurries coming in harder all night, but it should clear up by morning and be a fun day to go out and play! The date is January 26th, 1978 in case you gotta write a check or mail a thank you note to a friend or family member. I’m still writing letters for Christmas! We’ll be right back with some of your favorites after a word or two from our sponsors, so don’t go anywhere!”
Mabel stared at the radio. “Wow, 1978.” She breathed. Her parents were only kids right now, maybe only six or seven-years-old. Wow.
Ford chuckled. “I know, I’m still in the bad habit of writing ‘77.”
Mabel realized her mistake, but was grateful her host misunderstood her. “Me too.”
“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for dinner. How about some ramen noodles?”
“Yes, please! Can we play a game after we eat?”
“Sure. I don’t have many board games, but I do have a deck of cards.”
“Do you know any card tricks?!”
“A few.” Ford admitted, wiggling his fingers. “There are some advantages to having more fingers than average.”
Mabel grinned up at him and followed him to the kitchen for dinner.
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