#like yes mother i understand that yours just wants to play because she was raised around a lot of cats and we just adopted her on THURSDAY
tornadodyke · 11 months
i am entirely aware that my (older) kitten is being a total jackass to my mom's new (younger) kitten. however. that does not stop her from being my baby girl
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marymary-diva17 · 7 months
My son my boy
loak x mom reader + sully family
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Lo'ak sully had always felt like he was the black sheep of his family, or maybe his father less favorite child as she could never do anything the way his father and mother wanted. He was always messing up and will never be like his golden brother neteyam or his wonderful sisters. There were a little few that saw him for himself and one of them is you his mom, you knew your sons struggles and the times he tries to be the perfect son for his father and mom. He had always tried to be the perfect child for the clan and everyone else but it always seem to fail. As he had never did it the way they had wanted he was not up to their standards. This patterns of being called the less perfect child and freak will follow him into his teen years.
Y/n " Jake can we talk for moment"
Jake " yes my love I always will give up time for you"
y/n " thank you I need to talk with you about something important"
Jake " what is that about"
y/n " lo'ak we most talk about him" Jake soon looked and you and sighed heavily, this had gotten you attention.
y/n " look Jake I wish you will just hear hime out for a bit and understand him, verse looking down on him and down playing his actions"
Jake " his actions always lead to trouble or failure"
y/n " Jake he is your son"
Jake " well I'm being honest y/n that boy is nothing but trouble at times and dangerous, always dragging his siblings into dangers or trouble he nearly got neteyam killed twice and his sister kidnapped and hurt"
y/n " he means well you have to see that Jake"
Jake " well we are lucky enough his actions didn't get us and our clan kicked out after he put tsireya, aonung, and rotox lives in endanger for saying that outcast"
y/n " that so called outcast saved our sons life and is his spirt brother, and dear friend as well"
Jake " well if I dear son knew well he would listen to what tonowari and all these other oloeythans told him and saved away, from payakan because of him we nearly lost neteyam and many other lives as well ... because of him we all had to flee our homes and now the reef navi have lost their creatures and some of their homes"
y/n " Jake that our son you are speaking about like that, don't you hear yourself"
Jake " you don't understand we have to stop letting him get away with everything he does he bring shame to the family"
y/n "he bring shame to you but never to me"
Jake " I have no time to fight with you on this I have to meet up with neytiri, because we have more important stuff to do verse causing problems" Jake soon walked away from you and you were standing there mad, it was good that all the other kids were away at the moment.
later that day
tuk " mama mama"
y/n "tuk baby what the matter"
tuk " there trouble on the beach come on" tuk soon dragged you towards the beach where you saw lo'ak standing alone as everyone was looking at him.
y/n " lo'ak what happened" you ran to lo'ak aid and you were now looking at him.
lo'ak " hey mama"
ronal " that boy was caught with payakan once again out on the water"
y/n " yes I knew that he told me he was going to see payakan"
ronal " you knew of this behavior and actions and encourage it"
y/n " yes payakan is friendly and harmless his actions in the past shouldn't reflect him now"
tonowari " your son was seen with payakan and some other tulkun is seems, like he was trying to get payakan accepted again"
y/n " lo'ak"
lo'ak " well mama you said some people should be given a second chance, and I was hoping that will apply for payakan he shouldn't be hated forever"
y/n " oh lo'ak"
navi women " so it the mother fault not raising her son right"
y/n " my son mean no harm just hear him out and let him explain"
tonowari " that boy has done enough damage getting my daughter kidnapped by the demons, along with my sons hunted down as well nearly killed"
y/n " they all went to save payakan lo'ak was not going to let payakan be hunted down and saved him ... in the end payakan saved all the kdis lives"
ronal " that boy cares about no one she but himself he nearly got his brother killed twice I have been told, and he could of gotten more killed as well"
y/n " he a child he mean good"
jaek " enough"
lo'ak " if you all will listen to me for chance you will see payakan is good and fought for a good reason he, didnt mean to get anyone killed or hurt all those years ago"
Jake " I said enough" Jake was soon looking at you and lo'ak and he was mad.
Jake " enough both of you bringing shame upon me and neytiri, disrespecting everyone and their wishes"
y/n " Jake "
Jake " I said enough"
lo'ak " dad please you have to understand I was trying to help be like you a god warrior and leader"
neytiri " you are far from that boy I pray to eywa I don't have the mood to rip out the eyes of my youngest son"
y/n " you will not do that neytiri"
navi male " now I see the issue the boy mother allows him to be like this, because she as well lack discipline"
navi women 2 " the boy is like his mother there no lying their"
y/n " Jake and neytiri are you going to let them speak to our son like that, lo'ak if you son as well"
neytiri " he is your son I have my children neteyam, kiri, and tuk your son keeps on causing trouble nearly got mines killed all because he selfish"
lo'ak " mom I'm sorry I ..."
neytiri " no enough Jake will speak with you" neytiri soon turned around and walked away she was upset and mad.
Jake " I'm sorry everyone for my son behavior I will speak with him, and make sure this doesn't happen again I swear it"
tonowari " we will hold you onto those words Jake sully lets hope your son can see sense soon" soon everyone else had slowly started to leave Jake didn't say anything else he walked away shaking his head.
lo'ak " mama I"m sorry now I brought you into my mess"
y/n " it okay my son I'm proud of you my warrior" lo'ak soon smiled towards you the rest of the kids wish to come near, but were ushered away by kiri and ronal.
The next day
Jake " lo'ak will be extra task given to him by myself and the other olo'eythan to make up for his actions of yesterday and past months"
y/n " Jake that unfair he already has enough on his shoulder"
lo'ak " mama it okay dad spoke to me about it yesterday and I want to do it"
y/n "lo'ak"
neteyam " I will go with you baby bro and we can ask others to help"
Jake " no it will be out on the water and he will be doing it on his own"
y/n " Jake"
lo'ak " it will be okay mama I will be fine"
Jake " come on boy you will be leaving now and come one once it done"
lo'ak " yes sir" you ahd followed Jake and lo'ak outside towards where the others leaders are waiting, they were speaking with Jake and soon looked at lo'ak.
olo'eythan " your father spoke for you on us trusting you with this task and we hope you do all, and just maybe this will make up for what happened"
lo'ak " yes sir I will not let anyone down"
tonowari " I hope not"
Jake " lets get on with it"
y/n " lo'ak"
lo'ak " I will be okay mama no need to worry I will be home, I promise you everything will be okay and I will come home and make everyone proud"
y/n " okay just know you make me proud and if you see payakan tell me I say hello"
lo'ak " yes mama" you soon hugged lo'ak tightly fearing the worst but you soon let him go. Soon the other children had come to say goodbye to lo'ak along with neytiri and ronal.
neteyam " we will be wait to see you later baby brother
lo'ak " I know everything will be fine" soon lo'ak was gone on his IIu as you saw him getting smaller and smaller as, he was getting away from home.
Jake " he will be fine nothing bad will happen this plan will go well" before you could say anything else against your husband Jake was gone. You stood there watching hoping and praying that lo'ak will be okay and come home safe.
Later that day
y/n " the sun starting to set and he not home yet"
aonung " dont worry y/n lo'ak will be home soon it take all day"
y/n " thank you aonung"
neteyam "yes mom he will be home soon there no need to worry"
Jake " you are worrying again"
y/n " yes I'm why are you not he out there all alone"
Jake " he is safe he needs to do this alone he doesn't need his mom treating him like a baby, he safe out there the rda will not find him"
y/n " jake please can we send someone"
Jake " no yet he will be fine when it dark we will send someone to go find him, that finally no more fighting me on this" Jake soon stormed off the children had kept you busy, until night fall had come. You were alone in the house and were wondering where lo'ak was at right now. You soon walked towards the water hoping to see lo'ak, no one else was around gone in the village.
y/n " lo'ak ... lo'ak ... lo'ak" you soon heard a loud splash as it got your attention, you soon walked into the water hear the sound of IIu call but sound bad.
y/n " lo'ak ... lo'ak" you soon saw payakan but what made you panic the most was that there was someone laying on payakan back, it was lo'ak.
y/n " lo'ak" you scream you son name as your swam towards him soon getting towards his body, and it was bad it seem he was in a bad fight but you soon saw the RDA hook on his IIU.
y/n " no please no lo'ak"
lo'ak" m... m ... mama"
y/n " I'm here lo'ak I'm here"
lo'ak " m.. mama"
y/n " help someone help"
???? " mom what the matter ... lo'ak" you soon looked and saw neteyam with rotxo, aonung, and spider and all four boys looked horrified to see lo'ak in this type of state.
y/n " help me take hime to norm and max now and go tell the others"
the boys" ...."
y/n " now" you soon yelled and the boys soon went into action aonung and rotxo raced off while neteyam and spider helped you. You were carrying lo'ak body with neteyam helped toward norm and max while spider ran ahead.
norm " what happened"
y/n " he was caught be the RDA and hurt that what happened now we have to safe him"
max " take him into the tent we can save him" you and neteyam soon placed lo'ak on a mat on the bed, as norm and Max race to get everything they need at the moment.
neteyam " mama"
y/n " stay outside and keep watch okay" neteyam said nothing as him and spider looked scared about everything that was happening lo'ak looked bad he was more hurt then neteyam.
lo'ak " mama... mama"
y/n " hush kiddo it okay I'm her with uncle norm and max we are going to make you feel better" you had placed your hands on lo'ak comforting him while norm and max put IV in him along with other stuff. Neteyam had yelled out in pain as everything hurt so badly, it seems like he had broken bones, cuts and bruised on his body along with some burns as well.
lo'ak " mama is hurts"
y/n " I know baby I know just a few more and then we can see what the matter"
norm " lo'ak kid you are going to feel some pain for a bit"
lo'ak " yes sir" Max had sticked lo'ak with some more thing making the boy scream again.
Lo'ak " they found me mama ... I was with payakan and some other tulkun we tried to escape ... then fight but it didn't work mama I don't know if the others are okay to much happened"
y/n " hush now you need to save all the energy you have"
lo'ak " mama I'm sorry I let everyone down I didn't do well I...."
y/n " don't speak like that I'm prpud of you my son you did well" you had kissed lo'ak forehead, but he still in pain. It hurt you to see your kids in pain but now it hurt more as there was nothing you can do.
???? " lo'ak lo'ak"
neteyam " dad over here he in there with mama" soon Jake came into the room with neytiri behind them, both of them look horrified to see Jake. They were soon followed by the other sully kids and tonowari kids as well.
kiri " lo'ak"
Jake " kids go wait outside"
neteyam " but dad"
y/n " everyone stop please we need clam right"
mo'at " what has happen is my grandson ... look"
y/n " mo'at we are going to need your help" mo'at soon entered the tent and started helping where she could. You soon saw Jake and neytiri still by the entrance looking, you soon went towards them.
Jake " wait can we do to help"
y/n " stay outside and out of the way" you soon closed the tent door on them and went back to your son, who was in need of help right now. Soon enough all four adults had gotten lo'ak stable and placed him on a new bed to sleep on for the night.
mo'at " you should stay with him tonight he will need a parent with him, and attention If anything bad happens"
y/n " thank you"
norm " it will take some time for him to deal but he has broken bones, burns on his legs and arms, with some cuts and bruises as well he had lost blood as well"
y/n " oh lo'ak"
max " he lucky to be alive but we will need to keep an close eye on him"
y/n " thank you all for helping"
max " the others are still waiting outside you can go speak with them, I will watch over the boy until you all come back" you had nodded your head saying nothing else as you soon left the tent with mo'at and norm. That when you saw everyone else waiting outside it seems like they been waiting for a while.
neteyam " mama" neteyam soon saw you and came running with his siblings and his cousins along with their friends.
y/n " hello kids"
kiri " mama how is lo'ak"
y/n " he if stable at the moment and now resting"
mo'at " thanks to the efforts of norm, max, and your mama we were able to get him stable"
tuk " can we see him mama"
spider " yes can we see him please aunt y/n"
norm " kids clam down lo'ak is resting right now and not taking any visitors"
tuk " aww"
y/n " you know lets make a deal tomorrow you all can go see him, if he wake by then"
tsireya " yes ma'am"
y/n " where is everyone else"
aonung " they are holding a meeting"
rotxo " we don't know about what we couldn't hear and we wanted to see how things were going for lo'ak"
y/n " thank you all for staying"
neteyam " can we spend the night here mama we can make a camp here"
kids " yes please for lo'ak"
mo'at " children y/n is overwhelmed with lo'ak right now and we should give them space, you all should be heading home"
the kids " yes ma'am"
y/n " go on home now I will see you'll tomorrow my loves and kids" the children had nodded their heads and soon left, but not before giving a goodbye to you and lo'ak. Your children had hugged you and it was easy to tell none of them are taking this whole situation well.
mo'at " I will let you deal with Jake and my daughter first and then I will deal with them later"
norm " I have some words for them as well... there are some blanks and bed for you y/n that you can use ... Max will be staying in human hut that a fee feet away along with me as well"
y/n " thank you all" soon norm and mo'at had left to go attend to the children and make sure they got home, you were waiting outside when you heard footsteps coming toward you.It was Jake and neytiri along with tonowari and oloeythans.
Jake " how is he can we see him is he talking"
y/n " he is stable for now and resting"
neytiri " then we will go see our son"
y/n " no is resting
Jake " then we will be quite we wish to see him and care for him"
y/n " I said he resting leave him be for now"
neytiri " one of us can stay with you for the night and be there for our son"
y/n " the children at home need you right now I will stay here with lo'ak and you deal with our kids at home"
tonowari " y/n we are greatly sorry for ...."
y/n " your kdis need you at home as well tonowari I will see you all tomorrow" you soon left saying nothing else as you soon looked at lo'ak as he was resting tears falling down your face, there were some words that lo'ak shared with you that you will deal with in the morning. You soon started humming the song that lo'ak and his siblings love, it seem to make matter better. You are praying deep down that lo'ak will get better as he resting in bed healing. There was so much that happened last night that will affect everyone later on, that might break relationships forever and cause damage that can't be healed so easily.
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andypantsx3 · 1 month
Hi hi hi, andy! I also have a question abt wimym. I loved reading it sm!! Shouto was so so so soft with the reader I melted everytime they interacted
I wanted to know how Touya reacted to when they became a couple. Did he ever think of the possibility of them being together?
And Rei, when she smiled at the immediate yes from Shouto for the run when the reader said she'd go for the run. Did Rei know?
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Ahhhh thank you to everyone who sent one of these asks, I am so overwhelmed and so very grateful. I had so much fun writing it and I'm so happy you guys liked it.
And I hope it's okay I grouped you all because you had a similar question!! One that I intend to answer with a drabble: What does the main character of our wimym universe Touya (lol) think of Shouto x Reader? ✨✨
(Fair warning the dabihawks shipper in me is at it again in this one).
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You arrived late, thanks to Shouto.
It had been a monumental effort to even get out the door, with the number of times you'd been dragged back underneath Shouto in bed, pressed into the wall and kissed breathless just as you'd escaped bed range, and then followed into the shower as you'd tried to get presentable for Shouto's family.
It was lucky you'd known the Todorokis your whole life, as this was not the first impression you wanted to make as Shouto's life mate.
"They will understand," Shouto intoned as you knocked on the front door.
His breath ghosted over a mark on the back of your neck he'd diligently sucked there not a half hour before, and you shivered with the accompanying memory of his long fingers dipping into the underwear you'd only just managed to pull on.
Before you could respond, however, the door pulled open and you suddenly found yourself with an armful of Fuyumi.
"Congratulations!" she said, and you could tell by the sound of her voice that she was beaming. The sound instantly put you at ease, and you could feel some of the tension leak out of you. She was a fellow beta, not that much younger than you, and always had a way of calming you.
You'd been concerned that his family wouldn't take it well, your being mated to Shouto. But Fuyumi carried on like nothing was the matter.
"We're all so happy. Mom said it was about time, and Natsuo has been inundated with winnings from all the bets he's taken," she said, laughing, punctuating her words with a squeeze.
You blinked. Bets. Had Shouto's regard for you really been that obvious to everyone else, too, all these years? Your ears heated.
Fuyumi released you only to drag Shouto down into a hug too, reaching up nearly a foot to ruffle his hair and murmuring her congratulations to him as well. Shouto's eyes met yours over her shoulder, and he blinked slow like a cat. You could tell how pleased he was.
"Mom's made lunch, I bet you two are famished after everything," Fuyumi said, once she released Shouto.
Your ears went even hotter with the implication, and almost nuclear when Shouto intoned, "We are."
"Shhh," you hissed at him, as Fuyumi gestured you inside. The foyer smelled like her, a cold spring morning, with the undercurrent of Rei's wildflowers.
"They do know what a life mate is," Shouto told you, even as he took your hand in his. "And they are aware that I've had you locked away for days."
Your stomach lurched even as it fluttered with the memory of what those days locked away had been like. "We were playing checkers," you said to Fuyumi.
A pert white eyebrow being raised was all the reply you got as she led you into the kitchen, and you frowned. Todorokis.
In the kitchen, you barely got a glance at the lunch spread before you were immediately engulfed in a hug from Natsuo. Rei smiled at you and petted your hair fondly the way your own mother did, cupping your cheek and looking at you like she'd always sort of known.
A yank from Shouto, however, pulled you out of the way just as a fabric napkin came whipping at your face. You jerked around to find Touya leaning over the table, glaring between you and Shouto like he didn't know which one of you to be more disgusted with.
"That is my baby brother," he hissed to you before rounding on Shouto. "That is my friend."
Shouto's grip on you tightened immediately, eyes narrowing. His mouth pursed. "Y/N is mine, Touya."
You suppressed an eye roll, even as Touya growled. "You wouldn't even know each other if it wasn't for me, you little pervert—"
Well there it was.
"Wow, lunch looks soooo good," you intoned over both of them, turning to Rei with a deliberate flourish. "You always take such good care of me, I am grateful."
Rei's smile was soft, in contrast to Touya's angry growl. You pretended like you were suddenly deaf to that corner of the room.
"Shouto has been in love for a long time. I am happy to know it is someone we all love dearly too," Rei said.
Your face heated, and Touya made another disgusted sound. "And you, what happened to not wanting some knothead idiot?" he demanded over his mother.
Shouto blinked and leaned back, apparently not as fussed with the accusation of being a knothead idiot as he was with the implication that he had to share you with anyone else.
You had to bite down a smile, knowing that would only enrage Touya further.
"I am hungry," Shouto said, ignoring his brother now entirely. "Next time I will make a larger portion for leftovers."
Your skin prickled guiltily. The two of you had worked up an appetite like you'd never had in your life over the past few days, decimating the leftovers and then all the snacks Shouto had packed away for you in his cabinets.
It was honestly only the promise of more homecooked food that had finally lured the two of you out this afternoon, after which you'd make a stop at your mother's and then grab Shouto's bodyweight in groceries before returning to—well, certain activities.
"Next time?" you prompted Shouto, eyebrows raising.
"My rut," he said, and bolt of heat went through you like lightning. You had not thought of that.
Touya made another noise like he was repulsed.
"I would love to not talk about that in front of your family," you said to Shouto, mortified.
"I would love to not be a part of this family," Touya said darkly from the table.
Fuyumi cast him a stricken glance, but before she could say anything, there was a knock at the door. You watched a strange expression overtake Natsuo's face, the same one that came over Shouto's when he was trying not to look too smug.
When Fuyumi returned, it was with a familiar blonde alpha in tow. Keigo grinned around her, leaning forward and giving you and then Shouto a fist bump.
"Had to be here for the celebration," he drawled, his tone airy, wiggling his eyebrows. He looked as at home in the kitchen as he had a lanky preteen, come out to play for an afternoon. "And Rumi's on her way too. Congrats, lovebirds."
You noted Touya's corner was suddenly a fraction more subdued, and your eyes darted to Natsuo again, a brow raising. He watched you back, tucking his cellphone into his pocket with deliberate focus.
You managed to steer Shouto towards Natsuo's side of the table while Keigo threw himself down eagerly next to Touya. Touya bristled like a cat over a bath, grumbling something, but it was drowned out by Keigo helping himself to Touya's personal space, an arm draping behind Touya's chair. Touya shoved him off, swearing.
But beneath the white mess of his hair, you thought the tip of his ear was a rather telling shade of pink.
"Called in reinforcements?" you asked Natsuo as you settled in next to him.
Shouto glanced over, frowning that your attention was elsewhere. You slipped your hand into his, almost melting with the way his thumb stroked over your skin, barely resisting the urge to pinch him for how cute he was.
For his part, Natsuo smiled, patting his pocket pointedly.
"That," he said, returning his gaze to his older brother as he squawked about Keigo's proximity, all dismay with you and Shouto forgotten. A smile pulled at Natsuo's mouth. "And I might have one more bet to win."
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mvybanks · 3 months
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a/n: i was supposed to post this tomorrow but here we are🫣 hope you guys like this!
warnings: mentions of abandonment
word count: 2.3k
pairing: single dad!jj x babysitter!reader
nav        someone to stay masterlist
someone to stay: the playlist
add yourself to my taglist <3
JJ was fucked. He couldn’t and shouldn’t have had thoughts about his daughter’s babysitter.
Did you really have to show up in those sundresses? Was it really necessary to smile at him every time he looked at you? He wanted to believe that you were doing it on purpose, but he knew that wasn’t the truth. The innocent smiles you plastered on those glossy lips of yours, those big, curious eyes that stared up at him, attempting to understand why he wouldn’t even look at you – so oblivious to his stolen and prohibited glances. 
He didn’t mean to sound like a jerk, although he was sure he was treating you as if you had been nothing, but JJ had changed a lot in the past year. No one remembered the last time he had smiled, unless it was for his daughter, not even his friends, the ones who had always been like family to him. The truth was that JJ felt responsible for Ella’s unhappiness, that she didn’t have a mother anymore, and the problems of the world just dawned on his shoulders, because everything was always JJ’s fault. He was mad, disappointed, just so damn furious that all that he was before had disappeared, as that jackass act took place to what used to be and look like a happy and kind man. He was so focused on raising his daughter with so much endless love, that he had forgotten that he needed it, too. 
So, yes, he had turned into someone who was unrecognizable, and no one was going to save him because no one knew how. 
You had been Ella Maybank’s babysitter for roughly a week and that was all it had taken for you to fall in love with her. She was amazing, so smart and kind that sometimes you forgot she was only five years old – but it was basically impossible not to adore her. And she made you laugh so much it made tears prick at your eyes every time. You even found out that she had a particular love for 2000s movies, a passion that you both shared and the reason why you had been watching all kinds of movies with her. You still didn’t know what had happened to her mother, and you were honestly scared to ask, although curiosity was killing you. As for her father, you couldn’t understand where he stood. Surely if he hated you so much, he wouldn’t have kept you as his daughter’s babysitter, but his cold demeanor hadn’t changed in that past week, always barely acknowledging your presence and reminding himself that you were a human being in front of him only when he had to pay you. It almost felt wrong to accept the money, if you had to be honest, because you were having so much fun it didn’t even feel like a job – but hey, at least it gave you the occasion to ogle at the mysteriously moody, and so unfairly sexy, man that you worked for. 
“So, do you want to play with your dolls or do you want to draw some pictures, sweetheart?” You asked Ella as you both lied on the couch, completely out of ideas about what to do anymore. You had already done everything that day, but the little girl seemed still full of energy. 
“Want to do something fun!” She exclaimed as her little feet hung from the headrest of the couch, her head placed on the cushions for she was sitting upside down. 
You looked around you, hoping that your surroundings would’ve given you an idea – anything. Getting up from your seat, you began walking around the house, letting your gaze fall first on the staircase that led to Ella’s room, wondering if she’d had other games that you could’ve filled your day with, then it focused on the living room again, although you knew there was nothing there, having already spent the whole afternoon in said room, and finally, you thought about the kitchen – how could have you let a five year old have fun in a kitchen? 
“Have you ever baked cookies?” You turned to her, your eyes lighting up at the sudden idea that had come to you. 
She sat up and shook her head, small blond curls falling in her eyes as she did so, which made her look even cuter, just like her dad – not the point. “No.” 
“How about we make them together? What do you say?”
Ella ran to you and excitedly grabbed your hand to lead you to the kitchen. “Can we put chocolate, too?” 
Smiling down at her, you followed her. “Of course, sweetheart. We can add chocolate chips, mh?”
The little girl took a seat at a kitchen stool and nodded happily, “Yes!”
As you searched for all of the ingredients, praying that they were somewhere hidden inside the cupboards, memories of when you used to bake with your mother as a child flooded your mind, which brought a melancholy smile on your lips. 
“You know, I used to bake cookies with my mother all the time when I was your age.” You absently said once you two began working the dough, “We would make them and then we would watch a movie and eat popcorn while we waited for them to finish baking.” 
“I don’t have a mommy.” She simply shrugged, dirtying her hands in cookie dough as if she hadn’t just broken your heart. 
You looked at her for a second, shocked at what she had just confessed and feeling so stupid for having shared your cute story. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I –”
“It’s okay.” She interrupted you, “Daddy says I deserve better, but I don’t know what it means. He says he can love me for two.”
For a second, you understood why JJ Maybank was so closed off, why he wouldn’t give anyone the time of the day – he was too busy trying to make up for what his daughter had lost. Your heart ached for the both of them, as an unsettling feeling took over your stomach. You couldn’t keep lying to this family, they knew nothing about you, they thought you were Charlotte Jones, not her loser best friend who had nothing better to do but wallow in her bed the day she had asked you to take her place. But you looked at Ella, this beautiful, sweet, smart kid who had nothing in her life but her dad, and you knew you couldn’t let her go yet. 
Once you and the blonde girl had placed the cookies in the oven, you told her to go in the living room and wait for you. You began preparing the warm popcorn as you scrolled on your phone to search for the perfect movie that she hadn’t watched yet. You decided on The Princess Diaries and reminded yourself to let her watch the second movie as well, if she ended up liking the first one of course. You walked towards the couch where she was lying on and sat next to her, with a bowl full of popcorn, and quickly picked up the TV remote to pick the movie. 
Ella stared up at you with curious eyes. “This is what you did with your mommy?” She asked you, tilting her head to the side as she noticed the movie you had chosen.
“Yeah. Is it okay with you?” 
The corners of her lips lifted up and she only nodded at your words before silently cuddling into your side. Almost as if it had been a reflex, you put an arm around her and held her close just as the movie started. You got up only for a minute to take the cookies out of the oven once they were ready and let them cool as you and Ella kept watching the TV. She was loving it, laughing and giggling from time to time, which warmed your heart. You had completely lost track of time, therefore when you heard the sound of the door being unlocked, you almost jumped out of your skin from the scare. 
JJ wasn’t expecting to find the absolutely adorable scene in front of him when he entered his home. You were lying on the couch with his daughter attached at your hip, her little arm hugging your waist as yours surrounded her shoulders. His heart inexplicably squeezed for a moment, having been caught off guard, but he tried to shrug it off immediately.
“Mr. Maybank, I apologize, I didn’t realize what time it was.” You quickly clarified before you attempted at getting off your seat, but a small hand stopped you. 
“No, don’t go.” Ella pleaded, giving you the sweetest and most irresistible puppy eyes, “When the movie ends.” She added.
You looked between her and the silent man, “Uhm…I don’t know, sweetheart.”
“Daddy! Tell her she can stay.” Her little feet led her to her dad’s legs, hugging them, and then she showed him those big eyes, her bottom lip jutted out, and you knew he couldn’t resist either. You could tell that Ella Maybank had her father wrapped around her little finger. 
He crouched down to pick her up and sighed. “You can stay, if you want.” He grumbled. 
Way to be enthusiastic about it, you thought. 
“I don’t want to intrude.” You smiled apologetically at him, standing in the middle of the living room as you looked for your purse. You knew you weren’t welcomed by him, and that was okay. 
JJ placed a hand on your shoulder, in order to stop your frantic movements, and god, did he regret touching you. An unexpected warmth licked down both his and your spine — a surge of electricity, right at his fingertips the moment they had met the poorly covered skin of your shoulder. You tried to swallow the lump in your throat as your eyes danced between his hand and his eyes – icy blue eyes staring right into yours. “You can stay,” he rasped, “She wants you to stay. Don’t worry.” 
You couldn’t speak. Words had completely died in your throat, you weren’t even sure you knew what they were anymore. You nodded, which was all that you were capable of doing, and extended your arms to pick Ella in your embrace. JJ let you bring his daughter back on the couch, and you missed the way he smirked at you as he realized the effect he’d had on you. He quickly recovered, standing straighter and adjusting his usual cold demeanor. 
Oh, but was it difficult to not let his expression falter when he noticed the way Ella relaxed against you, how much she seemed to feel safe and protected in your hold as you placed her on your lap and smoothed her hair down. You whispered something to her, at which she giggled, warming JJ’s heart at the sweet sight in front of him. 
He shook the feeling off – because that was all JJ could do: shake feelings off until he couldn’t have them anymore. Having thought that perhaps he was just hungry, he stepped into the kitchen, but a strong and delicious smell of chocolate, mixed with butter, filled his senses, and he swore he could’ve almost moaned at the smell. He searched for the origin of baking goods, something he was pretty sure he had never had the pleasure to have smelled inside his house, until his eyes fell on the tray of fresh cookies. Had you made cookies while you were there? In his kitchen? With his daughter?
JJ had to get out of there before you could’ve lured him even further in your inviting arms. 
As you realized that JJ had walked inside the kitchen, you were about to facepalm yourself, scared of what he was going to think once he had found the cookies you had made. “Mr. Maybank – “ You began calling him, but you were interrupted by the sight of him strutting in the living room with a cookie in his hand.
“Did you bake cookies?” He asked, raising one eyebrow at you. 
Was he mad? Impressed? Confused? You had no idea when it came to JJ Maybank. 
“Yeah, Ella and I –”
“It was soooo fun, daddy!” The little girl in your arms exclaimed, “Can we make them again?”
His eyes flickered between you and his daughter, and he knew he wasn’t going to be able to say no. “Of course we can, sweetie.” 
And then the unthinkable happened. JJ went to sit next to you and Ella, willingly sharing the couch with you and watching a movie that you were sure he would’ve never, in one hundred years, watched on his own. The bowl of popcorn was all that separated the two of you as his daughter sat on your lap. You were trying so hard not to gape at him – was someone pointing a gun at his head? The tension almost made you laugh out loud, so you attempted at suffocating your nervous giggles by reaching for a handful of the salty snacks, only to be met with your boss’ hand. It was comical how fast you retracted your fingers, stealing your hand away and placing it on your side – indefinitely. 
“Sorry.” You whispered awkwardly. 
You couldn’t have known that he was playing with you and was loving turning you into a flustered mess. He shouldn’t have, he knew he shouldn’t, but it had caused his lips to slightly lift for a second – impossible to intercept, however, he had realized it and it had scared him. He immediately stood up without saying another word, silently striding upstairs, and leaving you confused, once again. Had you repulsed him? If it hadn’t been for that angel of his daughter, you would’ve ran away from that house in a heartbeat. 
How were you supposed to know that he’d had to run in the bathroom to splash cold water in his face in order to stop his mind from making up the forbidden, illicit images of you that were haunting him?
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griffin-girl-r · 8 months
You're not mine (Part 1)
Created: 08.10.2023
Finished: 08.10.2023
Edited: 08.10.2023
Age: 15
Word count: 1,344
Warnings: Abandonment, Child neglecting, Self harm, Blood, Blade, Arguments, Screaming, Child favoritism
Note: Please proceed with caution if you're triggered by any of the warnings above.
Request: Yes (Wattpad user) (@herospark18)
Pairing: WinterWidow
Summary: Natasha adopted you from the Red Room when you were only a baby, but when she and Bucky had their own child, she started forgetting about you.
Part 2
"I hate you!" You shouted, slamming the door behind you
"Y/N, we're not done!" Natasha, your mother, shouted from downstairs "Get back here!"
This was a daily occurrence by now.
The, once nonexistent, daily arguments between you and Natasha only got worse over the years.
Although Natasha isn't your biological mother, she raised you like her own after she saved you from the Red Room.
You were only 2 months old when she adopted you and everything went well. You both formed a happy little family for a while.
That was until Natasha started dating Bucky a little after your 10th birthday and she slowly started spending less and less time with you.
But not Bucky was the factor that determined your mother-daughter relationship with Natasha to drift apart.
The main reason behind everything was your 5-year-old baby sister, Tanya, who came into the world a few months after Natasha and Bucky started dating, with a little bit of help from Tony and his technology that, nowadays, seems to defy all odds.
Tanya's arrival only strengthened the bond between her parents, who had a romantic history that started years before even you were born, and, at the same time, weakened the bond between you and Natasha.
You knew the drill by now.
'Tanya is perfect.'
'Tanya is ours.'
'Tanya is innocent.'
Their voices echoed in your brain like a broken record.
Tanya knows that she can get away with everything and Tanya does get away with everything.
Since her birth, it was as if Natasha had completely forgotten about your existence.
It began by ignoring you while she focused her attention solely on Tanya.
She wouldn't feed you anymore, wake you up for school, or cuddle you at night.
She didn't even notice that you changed.
But, how could she, when Tanya was everything she noticed?
You stared at yourself in the mirror.
Determination was etched on your pale face as you picked up the blade that was on your sink.
It became a relief for you.
Sliding that blade on your wrist helped you forget about the unbearable pain in your chest.
The crimson blood that was pooling from the cuts held your attention. The pain of being abandoned by two different mothers was momentarily shoved at the back of your mind.
You started harming yourself 2 years ago when you couldn't take Natasha's ignorance any more.
You haven't told anyone and it's not like they would care if they knew anyways. Tanya was the center of their world, not you.
She was the perfect baby, while you were the adopted bastard and a grand mistake that Natasha made.
Natasha never admitted it out loud but you understood the message from the way she was treating you.
The blade fell down from your hand into the sink.
'Is it all because she never gave birth to me?'
And you stared at the trail of blood it left on the white sink.
'Are adopted kids not important, just because they're not blood related?'
You slowly understood.
'Will I ever be treated the same as Tanya?'
The only one left to understand was Natasha.
"Y/N, do you want to play with my dolls later?" Tanya asked you a few hours later, during dinner
You pulled at the sleeves of your hoodie even more, hiding your hands inside of them.
"Sure, Tatu." You gave the small child a shy smile "I think I'd like that."
"Tatiana." Natasha sternly looked at Tanya but the tone of her voice was soft "Remember we have a movie night tonight. You can play with Y/N another time."
"Can Y/N come too?" Tanya's big, innocent eyes sparkled while she asked, as Natasha refilled the girl's glass of orange juice
"I think she has more important things to do." Natasha replied, not even bothering to ask what you want "We're going to have a mother-daughter night. It's going to be just us two, sweetheart. Wouldn't it be fun?"
"Yay!" Tanya cheered, throwing her arms in the air
But as she did, she accidentally knocked over the glass filled with juice.
"Oh oh..." Tanya said, looking at the spilled juice "Sorry, Mama."
"Don't worry, baby girl." Natasha smiled, sitting up to clean the mess "Accidents happen."
"That's not what you said the last time when I accidentally knocked over my glass of water." You bitterly spat out at Natasha
"You have no right to talk, Y/N." Natasha snapped at you "Shut up!"
"Natalia, honey, calm down." Bucky, who was sitting beside Natasha, put his hand on her arm "She didn't do anything wrong. She's just a kid."
"She's not a kid, James." Natasha shouted, turning her head in Bucky's direction "She's a grown-up teenager now."
"Talia, I think you are just overreacting right now." Bucky kept trying to calm his wife, sparing a glance in your direction
He looked down at your plate that was untouched, the effect of your lack of appetite obvious on your skinny and fragile frame.
"I think I'm full." You quickly sat up from the table
"Sit back down, right in this instance, Y/N." Natasha shouted at you "You don't disrespect your mother like that and get away with it."
"Well, lately, you didn't act like a mother at all." You shouted back at Natasha, pain evident in your voice, but Natasha was oblivious to it "All you care about is Tanya."
"Because she's my child!" Natasha screamed offended "It's only normal to care for her."
"I used to be your child as well!" You shouted, tears forming in your eyes "I still am your child."
"You're not mine!" Natasha shouted and you widened your eyes shocked "You're not anything to me! You aren't my child because you don't have my blood. I didn't carry you or feel you grow day by day inside of me. But with Tanya, I did. You are just a mistake, Y/N!"
"You are the mistake here, Mom!" You cried, slightly lifting your sleeves as Bucky's eyebrows shot in his hairline "Look!" You showed your scarred wrists to the woman "This is all because of you! Why can't you love me like any mother should do? Blood shouldn't be important! You raised me, Natasha."
Bucky reached his metal arm slowly towards your extended arms to inspect your wrists but he was pushed aside by Natasha, who blocked out the fact that you were hurting because of her and ignored the truth, her intrusive thoughts winning as she said something she would never be able to take back.
"You were never truly a part of this family, Y/N!" Natasha shouted "Get that in your head. You are not our blood and you will never be. I saved you because I thought that you would change but I see that you didn't. You are the same. But I did change. I am not the same Natasha that I was in the Red Room. I am better."
Shaking your head, you took a few steps backward.
"I can't believe you." You whispered in disbelief
"Y/N..." Bucky breathed out, sitting up from his chair "Don't listen to your mother, she's just tired. She didn't mean what she said."
"She knew damn well what she was saying." You kept shaking your head, a lone tear falling down your cheek
"Then get that in your head once and for all." Natasha shouted once more, stubbornly fixated on her wrong belief that she was right
"I hate you!" You shouted at Natasha "I wish you never rescued me from the Red Room!"
And with that, you stormed out of the house and ran into the veil of darkness provided by the night.
Bucky tried to run after you but it was too late.
He found no sight of you or any clue where you might have run away to.
Bucky walked inside the house and looked at Natasha who was still oblivious to the damage she had done and muttered one question.
"What have you done?!"
Permanent taglist: @lizlil , @lovelyy-moonlight , @theunchosenonee , @ravensinthedaylight , @justarandomreaderxoxo , @youralphawolf72 , @mmmmokdok , @natashasnoodle , @observeowl , @circe143 , @kassies-take , @taliiiaasteria , @sheneonromanoff , @darkstar225
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look-at-the-soul · 2 months
Hola, Mar! ❤️❤️.
I'm here to sending you a request. Tommy telling his kids (it can be both of them, or just Charlie or just Ruby) a story about his mother. We know he didn't have good memories about her especially because what happened, but maybe, he remembered something maybe a bedtime story (or a recipe, music, etc) and he tells them about her. The kids didn't know her, but after that moment maybe they can imagine how their grandma was ❤️.
My dear Flor @justrainandcoffee thank you so much for sending this request!!!! I knew I had to make it extra special since it’s part of my Grandma’s series 👵🏻♥️✨ so I didn’t want to rush it. This made me go back in time to our endless sleepovers, it made me think of her. I hope you enjoy this 💕
Special thanks to @blondie-22 for creating the BEAUTIFUL moodboard, like always you capture the exact essence of the story 🥰
Edit: A/N part of this story is inspired by a song called Toy Soldier by Martika
Word count 1,172
Toy Soldier
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The bedroom door cracked louder than Tommy expected, he cursed himself internally because it was late and the house was quiet, the last thing he needed was to wake up his wife.
But she was already up and leaned against the window, the shadow of her frame only visible under the moonlight. Frowning, he stopped taking off his suit jacket midway when he noticed something was under the blankets of his bed.
“Why are you up?” He whispered.
“Charlie’s having trouble with bedtime.” She replied back. “He thinks there’s a monster under his bed.” She then added but also gave him a warning look so he better wouldn’t laugh it off.
“There’s no such thing.”
“They wanted to sleep here for reassurance.” Y/N placed her hands on his chest to lean in for a quick kiss. “He was so scared last night.”
“Daddy?” Ruby’s small voice broke the silence of the room.
Charlie stirred and his eyes fluttered open.
“Go back to sleep.” Tommy urged them.
“There’s a monster under my bed, I heard noises.” Charlie assured him.
Sitting next to his son, Tommy caressed his blonde hair in a loving way.
“I can assure you there’s no monster under your bed, son.” Tommy explained in a calmed tone.
“But I heard…”
Tommy shook his head gently, knowing it was a good time to share a fond memory that suddenly hit him hard. After being pushed back to the farthest place of his mind for years…
“You’ve nothing to worry about,” Tommy assured his boy, then turning to face Y/N he invited her over the bed, “you want to hear what really is?”
“I do Daddy.” Ruby replied while Charlie nodded.
“It’s the toy soldier.” Tommy assured his kids. Then clearing his throat he continued. “All toys come up to life around three in the morning, when the house is quiet and you and your sister are sleeping, they start playing by themselves. But when you wake up, they stop because you must not see them.”
His voice and the fabulous tale he was narrating had both his children and Y/N captivated.
“But how do you know?” Charlie asked trying to understand.
Tommy raised his eyebrows, taking his time to explain it properly.
“Well, that’s ‘cause when I was about your age, I heard noises in my room too.”
Y/N noticed the emotions shining in his eyes and his voice.
“And you had toys like mine?” Charlie asked but Tommy shook his head.
“No, I had a horse made of wood, uncle Charlie made it for me.”
Ruby was in awe. “Like a real horse?”
“Yes but a small one, I carried it everywhere.” He relaxed against the pillows, Y/N knew his childhood wasn’t easy, he was forced to mature earlier than other kids.
“So one night I was terrified and went to sleep with my Mum and she told me it was my toys playing.”
“And she told you how did she know?”
“No, she didn’t.”
And both kids went on to ask a million more questions about their grandma, a loving figure they never got the chance to meet. To Tommy this meant much more than he could put into words, he went on to describe her features, mannerisms and and few secrets, so his kids could feel her close to them in some way.
He didn’t know, but through them and their curiosity, he was healing a part of his broken heart by remembering the good moments, her legacy.
Y/N could see the way their imagination was running wild trying to put a face for such mysterious woman, trying to think of what was like to be on road forever stuck in a caravan as they said, asking how she could ride bareback a horse without falling.
Tommy rarely talked about his mother, it had always been something that was buried deep inside his heart, a very sensitive topic, Y/N knew how much it had hurt him to lose her at such young age. Not having her when he needed her the most definitely left a permanent scar in his heart. Y/N wondered how different would Tommy be under another circumstances.
And by the way he described his mother, Y/N realized he looked so much like her instead of his father, which given the circumstances, was a blessing. Although, thanks to Polly who took the role as a mother figure for the Shelby siblings, they had managed much better than if Arthur Sr. was in charge.
“Why can’t we play with them?” Asked Ruby with a deep frown.
“Because after playing with you all day, they get to work by playing, the soldier gotta watch out the fort right?” He stared at Charlie. “And your doll has to drink some more tea, ey.”
Then, a gentle smile played on his lips.
“So you gotta go to sleep to let them play, so they can enjoy their own time.”
“That’s why I heard noises.” Charlie seemed to think about it for a second.
“Yeah.” Tommy winked at them.
“But my teddy stays with me all night.” Ruby stated.
“Hmm he’s gotta take care of you.”
“Can we stay here? So they can play?” Charlie’s eyes sparkled.
Y/N nodded feeling touched by the way Tommy managed to help Charlie leave his fears behind. Loving the way his innocent mind was processing everything.
“Of course, now just let’s all squeeze in together.”Tommy proposed. Feeling Y/N’s hand touching his hand, he looked up at her.
Soon both kids were fast asleep. The story about their toys playing and making noises was the explanation they needed to hear, to feel Tommy’s reassurance.
Y/N observed her husband taking off his clothes, hiding the gun in a drawer and coming back to bed. Thinking how of course not everything is as it should be, and the kids would realize of the truth one day…but she was more than happy to enjoy that little moment in their own little bubble while it lasted.
“That was beautiful.”
He nodded in agreement. He rarely allowed himself to have moments like these, but he felt the need to open his heart with his own happy memory with his mother, gone too soon. She had missed a lot of important events in his life that he was determined to try to be there for his children.
And at least, he could honor her memory by sharing some stories like the one where the toys start playing after midnight.
Turning off the lights of their bedside tables, Tommy drifted to sleep right away and saw the image of his mother wrapping her arms around a younger version of himself protectively, answering all the questions he had about how could his horse toy could not move during the day, or how would drink water if the river was so far away… and he saw her in his dreams smiling adoringly at him before kissing the top of his head.
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Grandma series
Tommy Master list
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @onlydeadcells @gretelshelby @garrison-girl-08 @lespendy @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @elk96 @blondie-22 @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @kmc1989 @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @lauren-raines-x @everythingelseisextra @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @lau219 @red-riding-wood @ironpen @holacia3
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illwritethanks · 1 year
Freedom -Part 2
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Pairing- Sully family x niece!reader
WC- 1,194
Genre- FLUFF
Warnings- Jake and Norm co-parenting, Jake being daddy :>, y/n being a brat just like her father, other than that none <3
A/N- this was a little longer than the other chapter, if you’re wonder why this is a little different to how the other chapter was written it’s because I trying think how a five year old would speak :’) also I’m going to write some more chapters like this before the actual story begins because I want people to know what the reader is like and why she’s like that. Again this is not proof read
Quick info: (Y/n)- 5 years old, Neteyam- 3 years old, Kiri- 2 years old and Lo’ak- 2 years old
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Her heart beat was thumping in her ears, her breath coming out slow as her finger nails clawed into the earth. Her tail making sharp flicks as her eyes zoned into her prey, ears twitching as she listened for any sudden movement. The back was facing her, rocking sided to side as they hummed a tune, the preys eyes locked onto a small figure in front of it as they played in the small pond.
Creeping forward she made sure to stay light on her hands and feet as she pushed the leaves away. She placed her hand on a branch causing it to snap underneath her. The preys ear flinched towards her as it turned its head slightly.
Now. She thought.
Running out underneath the bushes, y/n jumped onto the preys back, her arms wrapping around her neck.
Netyiri laughed out, “your getting much better, y/n, but why do you still choose to hunt like a Palulkan?”
Y/n giggled as she looked down into netyiri’s arms, her younger brother and sister, Lo’ak and Kiri, sleeping in her arms while Neteyam played in the pool of water in front of them, she sighed.
“What is it, my child?” Netyiri asked as y/n came to sit next to her.
Y/n huffed out, “when can they play with me?” she picked at the grass next to her.
The older na’vi let out a small sigh, “they are too young to play.” Y/n hummed not paying attention finding the grass much more interesting then what she is saying.
She just didn’t understand it. Yes, Neteyam couldn’t really talk yet but he could walk and run, Kiri not far behind, but not as fast as her though. She felt like they was miss out and because she is five and was learning new things everyday she just wanted to teach them as well so they could play together.
She grunted. Her thoughts clear as day on her face.
Netyiri smiled at the young girl, “don’t worry, you will all be able to play together soon.” All she got as a reply was a small grunt and frown across her face. Netyiri’s smile got wider, this small child in front of her was so much like her father and mother she couldn’t believe it.
Leaves rustling behind them caught their attention, y/n quickly moved in front of Netyiri and her sibling, ears pinned back, hissing at the figure coming closer.
Jake quickly emerged from the foliage, hands raised, “whoa, whoa. Calm down fire cracker.”
He came closer picking up the young girl in his arms, the frown still plastered across her face.
“Is it time?” Netyiri asked, to which Jake nodded in response. Y/n tilted her head, ‘time for what?’.
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Jake emerged from the jungle towards a metal box, while y/n sat on his shoulders, she tilted her head, she could hear something like talking and laughing but she couldn’t understand it.
When Jake got closer he removed her off his shoulders and placed her in front of him. He kneeled down looking her in the eyes, “now listen, kid. When we enter don’t leave my side, and do not touch anything.” She nodded in reply, giving him a salute, “yes, sir.”
He rolled his eyes as he gently grabbed her hand and leaded her into the building. Y/n was instantly hit with a weird smell that she couldn’t describe. She’s never smelt something like this, it felt like her nose was burning.
She looked around, everything was white with the occasional blue here and there. Large glass tubes that was filled with water and Na’vi looking people floating in them. It was unsettling. Seeing grown adult Na’vi’s looking so… weak. She scooted closer to Jake.
And that was when she saw them. Sky people. Her heart was pounding against her rib cage. How could it not? She maybe young but she’s heard tales of the sky people from the elders of her clan and what they did to Pandora.
What they did to her Mother and Father.
She hissed when one of them got closer than she liked, she had to get out of here. She had to protect Jake.
“Jake! We need to go.” She whispered to him, tugging at his hand as her eyes bolted around.
Jake smiled, “it’s fine, they will not hurt us. They are our allies.”
What? He must be joking right? Sky people… as our allies?
Just then a small pink man approached them, his arms wide and a smile spread across his face, his voice loud hurting her ears. Jake returned this, smiling. ‘What is happening? Has he gone mad?’ She thought.
After they finished hugging the pink man turned to her, bending down to her his smile getting wider, his mouth was moving and sound was coming out but she had not a clue what this Tspìng looking man was saying to her. Feeling threatened she moved closer to Jake, bearing her fangs at the unknown man, to which he jolted back in surprise.
“Whoa, calm down, y/n! He’s not a threat.” Jake said, placing his hand on top of her head to sooth her. “What are we doing here, Jake.” Y/n asked.
He smiled at her, trying to realise the tension building up in her small body, “we’re just going to be having some lesson with, Norm. Okay?”
She didn’t like this not one bit.
And she was right. For the last couple of months Jake had been taking her to meet with Norm to have English lessons in the metal box. She had no clue why. Why would she learn the language of demons? The same people who hurt her family and tried to destroy their planet! No matter what Jake and Norm tried to bribe her with she will never speak the foul language. Never.
“Please, y/n. Just learn a little, that’s all I’m asking.” Norm pleaded with her in Na’vi, his head pressed against the table they was sitting at.
“No.” She simply replied, her small arms crossed against her chest as she looked around the room she was being held hostage in.
Jake let out a loud sigh. Kneeling on the floor (due to the fact that he couldn’t fit in a chair anymore) he looked y/n in the eyes, “y/n just learn a little so you can communicate with Norm. That’s all I’m asking. If something happens to you and Netyiri or I are not with you, you will be able to talk to and understand Norm.”
This made her pause, if something had happened to her in which she couldn’t get back to her family and clan then the next best option would be these people. As much as y/n didn’t want to agree with it, it was the truth. She grunted, “okay.” To which the two men sighed out in relief.
But that didn’t last long, because soon Neteyam, Kiri and Lo’ak was walking, running and talking! All her time was spent with her younger siblings. Being the oldest she had to look after them and make sure they wasn’t getting into trouble.
She would do anything for her siblings.
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Taglist: @bubble-blu
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lyrenminth · 8 days
JB9 request
They are divorced and have two children together, and he is jealous that she is leaving the kids at his house so she can go on a date. but the meeting was horrible, because the guy is not like Joe
This was a very specific and I had so much fun writing in. A little bit of angst at the end.
What we used to be
The decision for filing the divorce was consciously taken. It was done three years ago, while you went to a rough patch in your marriage. The decision wasn't easy, because you share two children together, and for them was equally hard to understand why mommy and daddy weren't together anymore.
One of the main reasons was after having children, you marriage went cold and dead. He was busy playing football and you were busy mothering a three years old and a nine months old. You didn't have the time to be a couple anymore.
Currently, you decided to start dating again after your friends prompted you to do so. It was difficult because you had to coordinate with Joe (now that you were co-parenting). And of course, was during the off-season because during his seasons you had the kids most of the time. On weekends you dropped the children with Robin so she would take them to the home game. It was a messy life, because you shared a lot of things as a result of the years together. Trying to get rid of Joe was impossible having children with his face and living in Cincinnati. So you made peace with that fact long ago. You got along for the children, he was kind and always asked for your opinion when included the family. And you were polite with him, but nothing else.
You send him a text. "Hey, I'm dropping the kids early this Friday. That's ok?"
Joey B: Yeah, that's ok. Are you busy on Friday?
You: Yeah, something came up. Your home or your parents'?
Joey B: My house. Everything alright?
You: everything alright
That was the last text. After that you waited earnestly for your date. You met John through friends, he seemed like a good guy. By looks, the completely opposite of Joe. John had one child already, and worked for a big company in New York but was living in Cincinnati two years now.
You thought it would be difficult if men knew who was your ex-husband because it had happened one time and it ruin the mood for everyone. Apparently, you completely fucked up or whatever. Well, John didn't know anything about football, he couldn't care less about the Superbowl and that was a pleasant surprise.
So on Friday, you drive Mackenzie and Julian to their dad's house. They were behaving well during all morning. And since it was off-season they could spent the weekend with Joe.
You parked the car, and for your surprise Joe was waiting for them outside.
"Dad!" yelled Julian, running towards Joe who was wearing pants and a hoodie. "Mom, can you help me with my backpack?" asked Mackenzie trying to open the door. You got out of the car, and help her. She made cookies for her dad, and was so happy to share.
You help her to carry the backpack until you were face to face with Joe, who was looking handsome as always.
"Daddy, I made cookies!"
"Daddy, can we play videogames?"
The children demanded attention equally, but Joe was still staring at you. Hard.
"Have I something on my face?" you asked, almost aggressively. You put some make up on and dressed in a nice dress for the occasion.
"No, you fine" he cleared his throat "Not your usual fit"
"Mommy is going on a date" Julian shout, excited. Joe's eyebrows raised, you laughed nervous.
"Well, kids behave well. Enjoy the cookies" you said trying not to look at your ex-husband. "Is that true?" he asked, he sounded kinda jealous. Maybe you were overthinking.
"Well, yes" not wanting to discuss anything further in front of the kids "Take care, Joey"
"Please, call me if you need something" he said, "Let me know you're safe"
Your heart flipped. Why he did those things before your date? Weird. You nodded, going back to the car.
John was a nice man. You were sure he was nice, just...not to you. After thirty minutes in the date he kept talking about himself and his work that you thought you were watching a TED talk. He was good looking, but soon you realize you didn't have anything in common by what he was saying. Your mind wandered to your first date with Joe, it was in a bowling alley. Things got competitive and you spent a really good time together that you hook up in your car after the date. Would you hook up with John? Nah.
"Do you need another drink?" John's voice brought you back from your wild thoughts.
"No, thank you"
"So, you told me your ex-husband was a football player, right?"
"Yes" you said cautiously "He still plays"
"And how do you get along?"
"We talked only for the kids"
"Ummm, sure" he dismissed your answer. You raised your eyebrows, astonished. "What do you mean?" you wondered.
"Nothing. I didn't tell you about this trip I'm going to make next month..." he started talking again.
Joe bought you drinks too. You loved his smile back then. Julian had the same smile actually. After getting married you had very nice dates too, but you loved to spend time at home watching movies and resolving puzzles.
The date went on, and you have to excuse yourself or would die of boredom. After the date you missed your children so much, but it was Joe's time with them. So you went to your house and waited.
On Sunday evening, you went to pick up the kids. After a couple of minutes, Joe appeared wearing shorts and a compression shirt. He looked really handsome, his sandy hair was messy, he looked younger somehow.
"Hey" you said, nervous.
"The kids are in the pool" he explained "Come in while I prepare them"
"Oh, no. I can wait in the car" you replied, pointing at your car. He looked up-and-down, and pressed his lips. You blushed like a teenager "I bet they want to see you"
"Okay" you whispered, follow him inside the house. "How was your date?" the question made you flinch. You didn't remember John at all. "Umm, it was good"
I was bored as hell, and thinking about you. How pathetic.
Silence. By the way he was looking at you, he didn't believe you either. You reach the kitchen and he offered something to drink and you decline. "Are you going to the OTAs early this year?" you wondered, hearing music and the children screams outside.
"No, I'm going to spend time with the kids" you nodded, pleased. Joe was a great father, you never doubted that.
You locked eyes, and your stomach made weird things. His eyes softened, and he got closer to you.
"Y/N can we talk about us?" he requested.
"What?" you were in panic mode "About what?"
"The divorce. I thought were struggling but I never listen to you" he said, seriously "Until you fill in the papers" Your heart sank. His lips were still pressed, the wrinkles on his forehead let you know he was stressed too. "I feel like we never had the time to stop and think what we're doing" he said softly.
The bump in your throat didn't let you speak properly. You tried anyway. "I try to speak to you, Joey. I tried to do many things to save our marriage. It didn't work, you were focused on football, and I felt utterly alone" you wipe a treacherous tear "We weren't a couple anymore. I didn't have a partner"
"Mommy! Daddy!" Julian got into the house all wet and hugged you. "Do you want to see how I jump into de pool?"
"Julian, mommy is here to pick you up" Joe explained "Go and tell your sister" Julian nodded and went happily to his sister. Joe attention was on you again. "We should speak about this with more time"
"Why? Are you trying to marry me again?" you joked frustrated he wasn't listening again. "Yes, I never wanted a divorce" he replied ardently. The confession hit you. "Then, why did you fill the divorce?"
"Because I was scared..." the footsteps didn't let him finish "I'll send you a message, please"
You left Joe's house confused and heartbroken. Even though, you couldn't avoid the hope growing in your chest.
Let me know if you want a second part. I think it would be cool.
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imaginesheaven · 8 months
GN!Reader x Valeria Garza – sibling’s love
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Synopsis: Valeria has her Las Almas Cartel. You are one of the Los Vaqueros. Unfortunately, the two of you are twins. So, one day when TF 141 comes to arrest El Sin Nombre, you are confronted with your own family. It will be a hell of a ride to tell your mother, when both of you visit her for dinner together.
Here, something quick I wrote because I couldn't get it out of my head *haha* Please, let me know if you enjoyed it :)
Callsign: Doberman
Warnings: Swearing; violence
Length: ~1.5k
It wasn’t really a pleasant situation how you found out that Valeria – your own fucking twin – is the leader of the Las Almas cartel. Alejandro and Rudy had a long conversation who is actually going to tell you in person, because they knew you would be mad. In the end they just flipped a coin. Alejandro lost unfortunately. It’s an understatement that you were fuming with anger.
“VALERIA!”, you burst into the conversation between Graves and your sister. “You two know each other?”, Phillip looks at you with dislike since you interrupted him. “Ah, we are even closer than that. Same bloodline, eh?”, Valeria winks at you.
Alejandro and Rudy have a hard time to hold you back as you curse a whole lexicon of Spanish swear words over her. “That’s how you greet your long-lost twin, (Y/N)?”, she still knows how to push your buttons. Such a sibling thing of her.
“You disgrace our family. Father would turn around in shame in his grave because of you, pendejo”, you reply playing the same game she does. Valeria leans forward now the one who swears in Spanish; ready to pounce any second.
Graves puts his hand on her shoulder to keep her in the chair. “Get your fucking hand of her, gringo!”, you yell at Graves hating him from the second you first saw him. Valeria leans back in her seat. Something like proud shines in her eyes, “See? Don’t fuck with my little Doberman. I’m well protected.”
For a second your hand curls around the handgun by your side, then you raise your hands in a defensive gesture, “Tell them what you know, Valeria.” With that you turn around to leave before your short fuse will blow up finally.
“Fine, I will. We see each other Thursday for dinner at Mother’s place~”, she yells so you still can hear her words. You don’t turn around or stop. This is going to be the worst week of your whole damn life.
Valeria called you her little Doberman for most of your life, since you were always there to protect her. She is actually the older one for about a minute, but you took your task of keeping your twin safe very seriously. Both of you are very dangerous soldiers. Back when you served together side by side, you were a dream team. Until the day she betrayed you and the army.
Valeria would never admit it out loud that she actually missed having you by her side. She is also a bit jealous how Alejandro and Rudy held you back. It’s like they are your family now. Well, she can understand it after what she has done.
After Graves’ betrayal you didn’t want to be on the team with Alejandro and Gaz to secure Valeria. But what can you say? She is still family. You hate how proud and confident she looks as you put her into the car to bring her to the next prison. “I will be free in 24 hours”, Valeria smiles at you innocently. Both of you know that she tells the truth.
Thursday arrived. You hoped with all you have that Valeria would not be at the dinner with your mother, but no one heard your silent prayers. Your mother opens the door more than happy to see you alive and in one piece, “Come in!”
There she is; sitting at her old place at the dinning table with a glass of wine in her hand. Valeria opens her mouth to greet you, but you raise your hand to stop her right away, “Don’t talk to me, pendejo.”
“What are those manners, (Y/N)?!”, your mother puts her hand onto her chest. “Yes, my little Doberman. Why did you arrest me?”, Valeria smirks knowing exactly how to turn a little flame into a breaching fire. Family is the highest priority for your mother.
“You are fucking El Sin Nombre! I’m militaria! I can’t let you go because we are family!”, you sit down opposite of Valeria. Your mother watches the two of you with furrowed eyebrows, “You arrested Valeria? And you are the cartel leader? Dios mio!”
Your sister leans forward to emphasize her statement, “I just do what it needs to protect you two!” For a second you can see the old Valeria sitting there. “You almost shot me last week”, a slight smirk appears on your lips.
Your mother gasps loudly, “VALERIA! THIS IS YOUR FAMILY!” Your twin rolls her eyes annoyed, “I did miss, right? If I wanted to shoot you, I would have done it.” Laughing you grab the wine bottle from the table, “You were never as good at shooting as me, Val. A few things will never change apparently.”
In the same moment both of you put your handguns onto the table, showing each other no mercy. Just like the fucking old times. Neither of you would hesitate for a second to pull the trigger. It has always been like that.
“NO HANDGUNS ON THE TABLE!!”, your mother yells through the entire room. Both of you flinch with the intensity she still rules the house. “Sorry, mother”, you mumble under your breath and holster your gun quickly. Valeria does the same without any apology just like always. There only two or three things she is actually sorry about.
“If you are going to kill each other, at least after eating! I cooked all day long for you”, your mother shuffles into the kitchen.
Valeria and you keep shooting each other death glares over your plates. When your mother doesn’t look you kick each other underneath the table. Neither of you is going to back down like a true Doberman.
The rest of the dinner actually runs way smoother than thought. Of course, both of you help your mother with the dishes. Your mother puts on her favorite record as she swells in the happiness to have you both back safely.
“You missed a spot”, Valeria exclaims and points her finger at the plate in your hand. “Shut up, it’s clean!”, you still try to suppress your anger at her, but she keeps pushing you. Probably hoping to find your breaking point.
“I will tell Mom that it’s not clean”, she grins at you. Without a word you slap her hand hard so she lets go of the plate. It shatters on the floor into thousand pieces. “MOM! VALERIA BROKE ONE OF THE PLATES!”, you return the winning smile at her.
“No! I didn’t! You did that!”, Valeria tries to explain as your mother comes into the kitchen to find the mess on the floor. “Dios mio! Those are the good plates, Valeria”, she leans down to pick up the shards. Smirking you flip Valeria off with your soapy hands. Of course, behind the back of your mother. She would get a heart attack for sure.
Your twin rolls her eyes annoyed and throws the wet rag into your direction. “No fighting in the house, you two! You can beat each other outside. Do what you have to do to get out your anger”, your mother shushes both of you out of the kitchen. Valeria takes her chance to trip you on the way towards the front door.
“FUCKING HELL! You make me go haywire!”, you raise your hand to smack her square in the face. Suddenly your mother grabs your ear and Valeria’s to bring you down onto her level. She will always have enough strength left to lecture you two.
“I want you to get things right. Like I said: fight, shoot or whatever. I don’t care, but no killing each other. I will see both of you next Thursday to dinner again, comprende?”, she releases both of you with a slight smile on her lips, “Great! Have a nice evening. Love you!”
Without a further word you stumble outside with Valeria right behind you. For a moment you stare at each other, ready to blame the other one for this mess. Valeria starts first to laugh and you can’t help but join her.
“Well, that was fun. See you next Thursday, my little Doberman!”, she makes her way towards the black car that waits already for her. You don’t want to admit it, but you kind of look forward to it.
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The Babysitter (6)
Catching A Liar
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Wanda Maximoff X Reader
Summary: In need of money and a way to escape the problems at home, you get a job babysitting two lovely boys named Billy and Tommy Maximoff. What happens when you start to feel things you shouldn't for their mother? Will it bloom into love or leave you heartbroken?
A/N- I would just like to say that there will be some sensitive issues in this story such as alcoholism, homophobia, anxiety as well as more mature content such as smut so, if you continue to read this, please consider this warning.
The Babysitter Master list | General Master List
Chapter 6- W/c 2.3k
Catching A Liar
Knocking on the door of the Maximoff residences, your eyes widened when the door revealed mesmerising green eyes instead of the impatient blue, Wanda smiling at you softly as you stood awkwardly on her doorstep. She motions you to follow her inside, following behind her until you're guided into the kitchen, her sitting back at her seat while her hands pick up her coffee mug, taking a small sip while you sit near her, eyes scanning around for the twins.
"I am supposed to be babysitting tonight, aren't I?" Confusion is evident in your voice making the older woman chuckle, her laugh making your heart flutter as she softly gazes at you.
"Yes dear," she places her drink down, crossing her legs over in her seat. "Vision just couldn't pick up the boys today so I did," she explains, nodding your head in understanding before she continues, "I'm also working from home today so I was wondering if you could maybe take the twins out for me? Just to the park?"
"Yeah, that's no problem," you sigh out, leaning back in the seat and letting your fingers play with the end of your jumper, "Can I ask Natasha to come?" Wanda's eyebrows raise at your question, "She can bring Fanny over as well for the boys to play with." Natasha had asked you earlier if you wanted to join her and Yelena walking Fanny at the park this evening, but you had to deny due to babysitting the twins.
"Yeah, I don't see why not," she says, an indecipherable expression on her face. "Vis mentioned that she dropped you off the other day," she murmurs before taking another sip of her drink innocently, you flushing at the sight of her peering over the rim of her mug at you, "Mentioned that you two seemed rather close." You grow nervous as she speaks, scared she'll judge you or not agree with the way you are.
"We're just friends," you say, a smile gracing her lips at the news before she catches onto your nervous state.
"There would be nothing wrong if you were more than friends," she states, the almost jealous tone to her voice oblivious to you, furrowing your brows as Vision had clearly stated otherwise.
"But Vision said..." you trail off, looking away from the captivating green and glancing down at your fingers, "He wouldn't be comfortable with anyone... like that."
"Vision is very traditional in his beliefs," she grits out, clenching her jaw a little, danger flashing behind her eyes. "Sometimes I don't even know why I married him," she mutters quietly, you unable to hear the comment as anger builds in her, knowing her husband was mean and homophobic to you made her see red. "But I am perfectly fine with you looking after the boys no matter what," you smile shyly at her, the angelic smile on her face and comforting look in her eyes helping you relax a little, still a bit hesitant though. "I promise you sweetheart, I won't judge you if you're gay," she assures before hesitating herself on her next words, "Are...are you gay? If you don't mind me asking."
You tense momentarily in your seat, not liking the question. You never understood why everything had to have labels, so what if you liked girls? Why should people be able to judge or discriminate against you because you liked a certain type of person, you were still you.
"I'm..." you trail off, rubbing your palms against your jeans to rid the nervous sweat that's built on your hands, "I'm just me." You don't look back up at Wanda, missing the way her features soften or the way she gently looks at you at your words. Her hand moves to yours, interlocking your fingers together to stop you fiddling with them.
"Thank you," she whispers. Wanda knew that, although you didn't say much, it clearly meant something deeper to you and the fact you felt comfortable enough to talk to her about it made her feel warm inside. "I'll have a little chat with Vision about what he said, ok? If he's ever rude to you again, just tell me sweetheart," you kept your gaze on your hands after nodding briefly, missing the venom in her words at her husband's name due the feeling of her fingers intertwined with yours, her thumb brushing over the back of your hand allowing you to completely calm down.
"I'm going to ask Nat if she wants to come," you murmur after a few minutes of comfortable silence, Wanda smiling at you as you walk away to call your best friend.
Around half an hour later, you're at the park with the twins, both of them wrapped up in warm coats as it was starting to get rather chilly outside. Your eyes flickered between the boys in front of you and your surroundings looking for either red hair, a grumpy blonde or a crazed fluffball.
"Fluffy!" The boys cheered when the dog came into sight, a chuckle leaving your lips at the look Yelena gave her sister when the boys called her dog a different name. Walking up to them as the twins busied themselves with Fanny, you were unable to hide the smile on your face when you heard Yelena grumbling in Russian at her sister.
"My dog is named Fluffy now?" she says, directed to you while her finger points at you.
"That wasn't me Belova, blame your sister," Natasha glares at you, Yelena's hand going to hit the back of her head, but the redhead swiftly moves behind your body, using you as a shield knowing Yelena secretly had a soft spot for you. You see the boys running over to you, Fanny close behind as the air fogs at their hot breath.
"Mini Maximoffs," you say, making the twins giggle, "This is Yelena, Natasha's sister." The twins greet Natasha again, already taking a liking to her after the last park visit before turning to Yelena with big grins.
"Hi Yelena," Billy says quietly, a little intimidated by the blonde and her stoic face. Tommy on the other hand doesn't seem bothered, wrapping an arm around Fanny and looking at Yelena with a toothy grin.
"Fluffy is so cute!" he exclaims, making Yelena's hard exposure crumble, you and Natasha sharing a look as you see the younger woman start to interact with the twins, showing them the cool tricks she can get Fanny to do.
"Fan-" the glare you and Natasha sent her way cut her off, the blonde mumbling cyka (bitch) under her breath before turning back to the boys, "Fluffy," she looks at you two with an annoyed look, contrasting the amused glint in yours, "Speak." The dog barks on command, the boys giving her the treat Yelena handed them before getting the fluffball to spin in a circle for another.
The five of you play with Fanny while you try to tire out the boys by getting them to try and race the dog while she fetches the tennis ball you kept throwing for them. About half an hour passes and you decide you want to get something to drink from the cafe nearby, so you ask around what everyone else wants. The boys politely ask for hot chocolates (with extra marshmallows and whipped cream because that's the only acceptable way to drink it according to them), and the two coffees for the other women.
"I'm trusting you to take care of them," you point your fingers at the sisters, Yelena giving you a sly smirk while Natasha gives you a reassuring smile.
"We've got this," her tone comforting while her glaze flickers to the blonde, "Well, I at least, have got this." You pray to the heavens that everything goes smoothly while you leave them on their own, starting your brisk walk to the cafe.
Walking down the streets of Westview, you pass by a few restaurants and shops, glancing inside at all the people living their lives. A familiar set of blonde hair in one of the restaurants makes you look back inside, your face paling at the sight.
Vision had his arm dangerously low around another woman's waist, his mouth muttering something in her ear as she moved her hand to settle on the arm wrapped around her. A sultry smile took over her lips at what he said, her peering up at him and biting her lip before they were interrupted by another couple trying to walk past them. You see Vision starting to look around and swiftly make your way past the restaurant, rushing into the cafe to get the drinks.
"Are you alright?" the barista asks, seeing your pale face as you wait nervously for the drinks to be made, your thoughts running a million miles an hour.
"Huh?" you say, blinking up at him lost. "Oh yeah I'm fine," you read his name tag while he hands you the drinks in a bag, "Thank you, Peter." You leave the cafe still in a daze, annoyed and confused at how he could do such a thing, especially when he had Wanda as his wife.
Once you return to the park, Natasha and Yelena instantly know something is up, the twins too oblivious to realise as they sit on the bench, talking amongst themselves. Yelena takes the bag from you, planning on keeping the twins distracted while Natasha speaks to you.
"What's happened?" her voice laced with worry as your nervous state. She guides you to a nearby bench, you letting out a sigh and putting your head in your hands.
"I just saw Vision," you mutter, moving to lean back against the metal bench, Natasha's brows furrowing as you told her earlier he was at a meeting and that's why Wanda was home and letting you take the boys out. "In a restaurant, with another woman."
"Oh fuck," she sighs out, your handles moving to fiddle with one another as you don't know what to do. "Were they just talking? Like friends would?" she asks, seemingly knowing the answer already. You shake your head, her looking over to the twins who were gushing over the amount of whipped cream they had on their drinks. "What are you going to do?"
"I don't know," you whisper. You could tell Wanda, but you didn't want to be the one to break her heart, tell her that her husband, the father of her children, is most likely cheating on her. No matter how much you liked the woman, you didn't want to hurt her. Part of you though knew you had to tell her, make sure she knew the prick her husband was and how she deserves more than him, how she deserves the world. "I have to tell her, but I don't know how," you follow Natasha's gaze, looking at the boys and how happy they were, "I don't want to ruin their family."
"Hey, you didn't ruin anything, he did," she tells you, wrapping her arm around your shoulder and pulling you close, "It's not your fault in the slightest so don't think that, ok?"
"Ok," you murmur, nodding and letting out a deep breath before standing to approach Yelena and the boys. You all finish your hot drinks quickly, the cold weather making them taste even better as they warm you up before you say goodbye to the sisters. Natasha hugs you, whispering comforting words to you before parting ways, a reassuring smile on her lips.
On the short walk to the Maximoff residence, you notice how tired the boys are, clearly playing with Fanny exhausting them, making you smile as they drag their feet along the sidewalk. They just about make it to their house, Wanda opening the door with a bright smile at the sight of two very tired boys. She does notice your apprehensive look though and invites you in for a drink.
Groans escape the twins as they flop on the sofa, burying their faces in the pillows and resting after their trip out. Wanda walks with you to the kitchen, grabbing you a glass of water while she makes herself a cup of tea.
"Is everything alright dear?" she softly asks, turning to lean on the countertop while the kettle boils.
"Uh I don't really know how to say this," you mutter, still anxious about how the whole ordeal could go down. "Where is Vision?" you ask, making Wanda's face switch to confusion at your question.
"He said he had a business event to attend to," she says, sceptical of where this conversation was going. "Why?"
"I saw him in a restaurant earlier," you look away from her, not being able to handle the emotions swirling in her eyes, "He was with another woman there." Her jaw clenches as an indecipherable look washes over her face, shoulder slumping.
"What were they doing?" Her tone contains hints of anger and annoyance.
"He had his arm around her hip and was talking in her ear," your voice is quiet as you speak, feeling small under her intense gaze, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to cause any problems, I just wanted you to know-"
"It's ok dear," she cuts you off, her words a little harsh but her face softening at the guilty and apologetic look on your face. "Thank you for telling me," she turns her back to you, making her drink while you finish your water off, fingers tracing the rim of the glass. "It's getting late now dear, why don't you head off home, I wouldn't want your parents worrying," her tone trying to stay light and caring but not succeeding as you can see the anger building behind her eyes. You just nod your head at her, taking your empty glass to the sink before starting to make your way out. You pause at the door frame of the kitchen, opening your mouth and closing it as you look at the saddened and irritated expression on her face.
"I'm sorry Wanda, I really am," you whisper before leaving, heart clenching at what you just had to do.
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hypnoticsphere · 29 days
zuko healer au dump
In one of my alternate au’s, Zuko learns fire healing at a young age rather than later in life. In my head, Zuko would often hide in the palace library (evading Azula, missing his bending lessons because he hates the instructors his father assigns. He knows he’ll be punished, he always was, but he was just so tired, he was never going to be able to catch up to Azula no matter how hard he tried)
The first time he does it, it was an accident. He hadn’t meant to go to the library, but Azula was chasing him and demanding he come play with Mai and Ty Lee. Zuko was not having it because girls are gross, so he bolted into the first room he knew was out of Azula’s sight.
He didn’t like the way his mom would smile warmly at him and gently push him towards them with a promise of sitting by the turtleducks later, just the two of them. He never could quite disobey her, though not out of fear like with father.
So, when a small, exasperated, soon-to-be fire prince throws himself into the library, the little old woman who runs it is more amused than anything. Even when Zuko flys face first into a cart full of scrolls.
Zuko would get up immediately, shutting the massive doors and glare at the woman, who he knew worked there since Uncle Iroh and father were children (and didn’t that make him queasy.)
He looks at the knocked over cart, scrolls carelessly unrolled on the carpet, and scowls. “Why would you put that in the middle of an entrance? You’re lucky I didn’t get hurt.” Zuko would say, pointedly ignoring the throbbing bruise forming on his forehead.
The woman would scoff, “Typically when people come into my library, they knock first. Shouldn’t the grandson of Fire Lord Azulon have some manners, hm?”
Zuko sputters, an embarrassed flush on his cheeks and ears, “Your library? What are you—“ He’s abruptly cut off when he sees the way the woman’s eyebrow raise challengingly, staring down at him.
“Pick up those scrolls you knocked down, I was just about to put those away before a rude little boy stormed in,” She grins, and shows off her cane, “you wouldn’t make me bend down right? My back is just so stiff these days.”
Zuko would huff, ready to protest until he remembered what his mom told him: a fire lords duty is to help and protect his people. Zuko wanted nothing more than to be the very best fire lord. So, he scowled again, muttering, “Miserable old woman,” before sinking to his knees and begrudgingly rolling up the scrolls and stacking them neatly on the cart.
As he goes to grab the last one, the title catches his eye “The Lost Art of Fire Healing.” Written in small letters with the authors name singed out. Zuko furrows his eyebrows together, since when can firebenders heal? He’d only ever heard of waterbenders being able to do such a thing through stories his mother would tell him.
“What’s taking you so long, kid? Not gonna live forever, you know.” The librarian walks back over, tapping Zuko on the knee with her cane. He looks up, glaring at her once more. “I am not a kid.”
She can’t help but laugh, “Sure, sure. Whatever you say.”
Zuko goes to argue again but stops. He glances down at the scroll delicately held between his hands and back up at the librarian.
“Miss… uh..” Zuko blanks a bit, embarrassed that he doesn’t know her name but shakes his head, “…Could firebenders really heal?”
She blinks in surprise, clearly not expecting Zuko’s question. She looks a little hesitant, “Just call me Haya, kid.” and before Zuko can complain, Haya nods. “Yes, they could.”
“I don’t understand, why have I never met a firebenders who can heal?” Zuko was in awe of the scroll in front of him, carefully reading over the text and tracing his finger over the examples etched at the bottom.
Haya saw the way Zuko’s golden eyes sparked in interest, looking up at her, eagerly waiting for an answer. Haya let herself smile at the way the soon-to-be prince’s face softened, making him look his age.
“They went extinct, Zuko.” Haya explained, “No one has been able to replicate their abilities in over one hundred years. Fire benders are not meant to heal.”
Zuko’s nose scrunched up, “That’s dumb.” He decides and stands up, taking the scroll with him. “Are there anymore of these?” he asks, watching as a Haya just stares at him a little dazed. “I’m afraid not, kid.”
Zuko just nods and stomps over to a small seating area to read the scroll over and over again until he can hardly keep his eyes open. He was going to be the best Firelord in the entire world.
By the time Haya checks on him, there are multiple medical scrolls surrounding a sleeping Zuko in the middle. This becomes a common occurrence. Haya grows used to Zuko coming into her library, taking his scrolls and reading through them for the thousandth time. Haya will eye the small trap door behind her desk, hidden beneath a rug. She’ll retrieve waterbending scrolls, not meant to see the light of Agni, and tuck them into places where Zuko will surely find them.
She watches as he gets older, how he starts working with the palace healer to learn how different medicine works, she knows he practices his control outside of his lessons, hidden in his room where no one can set off his temper. He’s so determined. Even when his mom disappears.
Haya see’s him become the crowned prince, and then, as if he was never there in the first place, Zuko is gone. At thirteen years old, Prince Zuko disappears from the palace, leaving the library and Haya’s heart silent. She learns from other palace staff of what occurred and Haya feels sick. She can only send a silent prayer to Agni that he watches over Zuko
Uncle Iroh too prays to Agni as he watches his nephew crumble apart, lost in his own destruction, only able to hope that Zuko can rebuild himself up again.
Fire is that of life, it can destroy, cause anguish if unable to be controlled, and Zuko had lost control.
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mikaelsonharem7 · 2 months
Why it would’ve made more sense and played out better
So as we all know, Klaus and Haley had a magical baby that produced Hope. now I have always said that Haley being Hope’s mother never made sense logically and also by the standards of the TVD it never makes sense why Hope would be this powerful being when only her father is the most powerful being. it would have made more sense for them to create Klonnie, enemies to lovers and have Bonnie be her mother because you have the most powerful hybrid plus the most powerful, witch from the most powerful bloodline, that would give you your “death to all witches”.
Plus was talking about it and my moots made valid points:
“The problem with Klaus and Hayley is that they were both to extreme with their methods of parenting.
Hayley: Hope should hide her magic and identity and just be a wolf and play outside
Klaus: No one will ever understand Hope so she needs to be powerful enough to protect herself
Both have points, but either extreme would leave Hope unhappy. Hayley’s actually played out in canon an we saw how high spirited that baby was lol.
Bonnie would know the perfect balance and tone Klaus down. She had a fairly normal childhood *and* knows what it’s like to have power at a young age. She’d be able to teach Hope magic *while* allowing her keep her innocence.
And ~~no~~ full shade to Hayley, but Klaus has proven that he’s more willing to take Hopes criticisms parenting wise and adapt than she is lol.
The problem is everyone views Klaus ideas rooted in world domination and yes he was being extreme here. But forgets nobody protected him at his age and he couldn’t do anything about it bc he had no magic? No wolf powers
Plus Klaus was literally going through severe PTSD in s4. He was jumpy and uncomfortable from being in that dungeon for so long, you can’t expect him to be a perfect parent right away 😭
s4 spanned no more than what? 3 months? Hayley had the benefit of spending enough time with Hope to know her and what she wanted. Calling a 1000 year old man who was a victim of abuse “out of touch” for not knowing how to raise a toddler is kinda ridiculous.”
Like if Julie wasn’t Julie and was an actual good writer and person legacies would’ve been so great and the last two seasons of TO wouldn’t been trash. Yes Haley was an active parent but I also think she didn’t give Klaus the grace she gave herself. Why is it that Haley got Grace because of her upbringing but Klaus was condemned for his upbringing and how it played in his parenting roles? Just my opinion tho
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rubysunnday · 2 years
did she have a cookie?
requested by anon: I would like to request a Bridgerton!sis imagine in which the reader drinks the tea that Benedict had mixed the powder thinking of it as ordinary tea. And Colin and Benedict try to keep her out of trouble. And she gets emotional at the end. A fluffy ending. Thank you
a/n: just like editing, i cannot make a just happy fic
summary: Don't drink the tea unless you want to have a trip of a lifetime
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Summer at Aubery Hall was always enjoyable. The late nights spent outdoors, playing games until the sun had long gone - being able to gallop across the fields without stopping.
It all brought Y/N so much joy and excitement. But, naturally, her mother had to ruin it with the mention of suitors and marriage and all the grown-up things Y/N didn't want to think about.
Since she'd woken up that morning, she had been avoiding her mother. Y/N had skipped breakfast, hidden in the library, and was now up near the nursery, searching for anyone to free her from her bordem.
She could hear Colin and Benedict in the nursery and approached the door, wanting to know what they were on about.
"What are you two doing?"
Colin turned in his chair to face the nursery door. "Talking, why, what are you doing?"
"Avoiding our mother," Y/N grumbled, walking further into the nursery. "She will not stop talking about suitors and marriage and it is driving me insane."
Colin pulled out the chair to his left and Y/N sat down in it with a huff, crossing her ankles. "You look like Eloise when you do that."
"Of course I do, she is my twin," Y/N snapped. Coline raised his eyebrows and Y/N groaned. "Sorry."
"Is she truly that awful?" Benedict asked, pouring Y/N a cup of tea before leaning back in his chair.
Yes. "No. Well, yes, but I know she means well. I just want to enjoy our time here before we return to London and society and -"
"All the joys that come with it?" Colin suggested.
Y/N nodded. She sat up in her chair, leaning forward. "She does not pester you two."
"Probably because we are men," Benedict replied. "Besides, Colin is not here enough for her to pester him."
Colin smirked, bringing his tea to his lips. "That was my plan all along, dear brother."
Y/N sighed, reaching for her tea. "I understand that this is my entire future but," she sipped the tea, "would it truly be so awful if I became a spinster? I hate society anyway."
Benedict looked thoughtful for a moment. "It would be lonely, I think. Always on the outskirts of events. From what I have seen - and been told - there is not really any place for an unmarried woman in society."
"That seems like society's problem," Y/N muttered. She blew on her tea and took another sip. "Not mine." Y/N hesitated, holding her cup close. "Marriage scares me."
Colin and Benedict shared a look.
"Not like that you idiots," Y/N hissed, catching their look. "I know enough about that. I meant in the way that I have to spend the rest of my life with this one person - unless they die of course... we can always hope."
"Where are you going with this, Y/N?" Benedict asked wairly.
"What if the person I marry starts off lovely but then turns into a horrible human being?" She asked.
Colin sighed softly. "Then, we would sort something out. There is always a solution, one way or another."
Y/N drained her tea, grimacing at the aftertaste. "Urgh, Benedict, you need to work on your tea-making skills, this is disgusting."
"What are you own about?" Benedict asked, frowning. "You love my tea."
"Well, not this one. It was disgusting," Y/N said, setting the cup down and pushing it away.
Benedict looked at the cup. His eyes slowly widened as he realised that there was another cup directly next to it, still full of steaming tea. "That was my tea."
"Oh. Sorry."
"Colin, she drank the tea," Benedict said, slowly, looking at his brother.
Y/N frowned. "It is the same tea. Is it... not?"
Colin opened his mouth and then promptly closed it again. He turned to his sister. "How do you feel?"
"Fine. Brother, you are scaring me slightly."
"No, no, it is nothing to worry about," Colin replied quickly. "I think," he added quietly. "It is just that I gave Benedict this new tea I brought back from my travels and it has a certain... effect on an individual."
Y/N blinked. "Colin Bridgerton, did you just drug me?"
"No, no, no, I drugged Benedict."
"And inadvertently drugged me!" Y/N exclaimed. "Oh, my god, we have dinner with the Sharma's and Lady Danbury tonight. Colin, is there a way to reverse it?"
"Well, I assume throwing up would work, but I fear it might be too late," Colin replied, trying not to laugh.
"Colin, don't you dare laugh," Y/N snapped. "This is not funny!"
"Alright, both of you calm down," Benedict said, holding his hands out. "Y/N, you will be fine. Will keep an eye on you and stop you from making a fool of yourself."
"That does not reassure me in any way," she grumbled. "Fine. But do not tell Anthony or mama, I am embarrassed enough as it is."
"If they find out we shall simply blame Colin," Benedict told her, patting her hand sympathetically. "I blame Colin a lot, it makes my life easier."
"I am still in the room!" Colin exclaimed.
"Fine," Y/N grumbled. "But if I start going mad, please just knock me out or something."
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High Y/N was not something Benedict nor Colin had been prepared for.
It had taken about twenty minutes for the drug to actually start working. At first, it had just been like she was a little tipsy. A stumble here, a giggle there. But then the tipsy turned to drunk and soon it became clear that Y/N was high as... well, a high person.
"Mother is going to kill us," Colin muttered, holding Y/N's arm tightly.
Benedict nodded. "As is Anthony," he added. "Why does this house have so many stairs?"
Y/N missed a step and both brothers lurched forward, catching her before she lost her balance entirely. Their younger sister just giggled, swaying happily between them.
"Benny, you have such pretty eyes," Y/N said, her voice unusually high-pitched. "Oh, look, that's gorgeous."
Y/N freed herself from her brothers and dashed down the final few steps, rushing over to a bronze statue. Benedict winced, fully expecting her to fall flat on her face as she jumped the last step, but Y/N kept her balance.
"Y/N, do not," Colin swooped over and took the statue from her, "touch the statue."
Y/N crossed her arms and looked grumpily at her brother. "You have gotten meaner since you came back."
Colin gaped at his sister. "Excuse you!"
"What, it's true! You are incredibly annoying!"
Y/N turned on her heel and flounced down the corridor, heading towards the dining room. Benedict took one look at his brother - who still looked incredibly offended - and snorted.
"Don't take it personally, brother," he said, clapping him on the shoulder.
"Does she actually mean that?"
"Everyone means it."
Colin shot his brother a withering look. "Come on, before she breaks something."
Somehow, Benedict and Colin managed to arrange the seating so that Y/N was sat in between them, opposite Eloise and Miss Sharma - but far away from Anthony and Miss Edwina. They were both hoping it would minimise the chaos caused and mean that Anthony was none the wiser.
"Peas make me sad."
"What?" Colin asked, turning his head sharply to look at his sister. "Peas?"
Y/N nodded, gently prodding a pea with her fork. "They are such a sad vegetable. It must be quite lonely to be a pea."
Eloise stared at her twin across the table, utterly confunded. She looked at Benedict and Colin, reading their shared glance in an instant. "What did you two idiots do to her?" She whispered.
"We didn't do anything," Benedict whispered back. "She drank the wrong tea."
"Please explain," Eloise said, raising her eyebrows.
Benedict sighed. "Colin had this tea -"
"That makes you feel like you're floating on a piece of grass?" Kate cut in, keeping her voice quiet.
Colin blinked at her. "You know it?"
"I tried it once. I ended up floating on my back in a river because I thought I was flying."
Eloise turned from Kate. "You drugged my sister?"
"Our sister."
"At this moment in time she's mine," Eloise told him. "You two drugged her."
"We did not -"
"Miss Sharma, you look very beautiful tonight," Y/N said dreamily, resting her chin on her hand as she stared at Kate.
Kate pressed her lips together tightly, trying not to laugh. "Why thank you, Miss Y/N."
"I wish my brother would just admit he lo-"
Benedict leant over and clamped a hand over Y/N's mouth, drowning out the rest of her sentence. He knocked his knife off his plate and onto the floor, the noise temporarily silencing the dining room.
"Everything alright, Benedict?" Violet asked warily, glancing over at him.
"Fine, mother," Benedict replied, quickly letting go of Y/N. "I knocked my knife."
After a few more wary glances their way, everyone eventually went back to their conversations.
"Our dear sister evidently does not have a filter," Colin muttered, picking up Benedict's knife and handing it to him.
"I only hope dinner ends before she talks to Miss Edwina," Benedict replied, slapping Y/N's hand gently as she went for his potatoes. "Otherwise Anthony may murder us."
Luckily for both brothers, Y/N's dream-like state was beginning to wear off. Instead, they were faced with an overly-emotional Y/N whose body was trying to detox from a drug she'd never had before.
The rest of dinner passed uneventfully. Anthony made a speech which Y/N didn't so much as acknowledge - she was too busy staring mournfully into a candle - and then everyone excused themselves, almost all deciding to retire for the night.
"She looks so sad," Y/N said softly.
Benedict turned, seeing that his sister had stopped halfway up the stairs. "Who does?"
Y/N pointed up at a painting high up on the wall. "She looks so very sad."
Benedict looked up at Colin, who just shrugged. With a sigh, Benedict pivoted and jogged back down the stairs, standing next to his sister.
He looked up at the painting, one he hadn't necessarily realised was there before and squinted slightly. "I suppose so, yes."
"I always see her when I leave my room," Y/N continued, her voice small, "yet I never asked who she is." She looked up at her brother. "Is that what will happen to me?"
"What will?"
"I'll just be... forgotten about? No one will ask who I am when they look at my portrait?"
Benedict stumbled over his words for a moment. "I... Y/N, I don't think -"
"If you think about it, I suppose that's all we are," Y/N said quietly, her voice catching occasionally. She sat down on the steps and pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her hands around her ankles. "All that is left of our father is a painting in the study."
And suddenly, the amusement of the night vanished. Benedict felt like the air had been sucked right out of him. He looked up at Colin and cursed quietly when he saw his brother had vanished.
"Y/N..." Benedict sighed, sitting down beside her. He clasped his hands together, glancing at the signet ring on his little finger. "Father is not just a painting. He is in this house, he's in all of us... he's in Anthony's infuriating pocket watch -"
"But the image of him is gone. All we have is an artist's impression that probably is not even that accurate," Y/N countered. "I know he is still here but I do not remember what he looks like. Because the painting is just that - a painting. Someone's depiction of him as Viscount Bridgerton. Not my dad."
Benedict closed his eyes. He had nothing to say to his sister because she was right - as always. Memories are fleeting and the mind can warp things in many different ways. How his sister remembered their father was possibly entirely different to how Benedict remembered him - how Anthony remembered him.
"I would like to go to bed now," Y/N said softly, lifting her head up and looking at Benedict.
"Of course."
Benedict stood up and held out a hand to Y/N, pulling her to her feet. They walked up the rest of the stairs, side by side, in silent company. Y/N only spoke once - and that was to utter a small night to Benedict as she headed to her bedroom.
Utterly stumped, Benedict exhaled slowly, putting his hands on his waist. He dropped his head, looking down at the floor.
"Where is she?"
"Well she was - oh."
"Well, she was here!"
"Colin Bridgerton, I swear -"
Benedict leant over the bannisters. "What are you two doing?"
Anthony and Colin both looked up at him. Colin had evidently found Anthony in his study for his older brother was wearing nothing but his dress shirt and trousers, looking utterly exhausted with a slight hint of concern. Benedict stared at them expectantly.
"Where's Y/N?" Anthony asked, taking the stairs two at a time.
Benedict glanced at Colin. "Did you tell him -"
"Of course, he told me!" Anthony exclaimed, raising his voice only slightly, not wanting to wake the rest of the household up. "Y/N is his soft spot - of course, he buckled and told me. Where is she?"
Benedict nodded at the door behind him. "She went to bed. Anthony, I didn't say anything to bring it on -"
"No, it's fine. I've been expecting someone to have a moment about father whilst we're here - grief is unpredictable." Anthony wanted to add I would know but decided against it. "I had mine this morning."
"The grave?" Colin asked softly.
Anthony nodded tightly. "I am still incredibly pissed that you two drugged her."
"We didn't -"
"You were going to drug him," Anthony snapped, pointing at Colin and then at Benedict. "You, shush." He softened slightly, adding, "but thank you for looking after her."
Benedict gave him a tiny smile. "She's not asleep," he said, pointing at the door.
"I know, she's not."
Anthony brushed past his brother and knocked quietly on Y/N's door. He waited a few seconds before he opened it, stepping inside with gentle footsteps.
"They told you?"
His sister's voice was quiet. She was curled up on the top corner of her bed, hugging a pillow and looking out the window. Her dress was still on and she'd had a half-hearted attempt at taking her hair down. Anthony slowly walked over to her, perching himself on the edge of her bed.
"Colin has a soft spot for you."
Y/N smiled half-heartedly. She picked at the tassels on the corner of her pillow, looking out at the grounds. "I knew coming back here would be hard," she said quietly, "because it always is. I just did not expect this year to be so difficult. I suppose being high does not help."
Anthony nodded. He crossed his ankles, exhaling softly. "When we first returned here after... after the incident, it was incredibly difficult. His presence is still here - I can almost feel him watching me, sometimes."
"I went into your study earlier, looking for you," Y/N said quietly. "That's when I saw the portrait. I have seen it before - there's one back in London as well. But it just occurred to me that... it is simply a depiction of him. Of him as a viscount, not him as a father."
"I see." Anthony sighed. "That portrait looks down on me every single day of my life and I have studied it until my eyes went blurry. I sometimes look to it for advice - asking what would you do? But I know that it is not our father. It is simply Viscount Bridgerton. Our father smiled, for one."
Y/N ducked her head, smiling at that. Anthony pushed himself further back onto the bed and laid down next to her. Y/N rolled into his side, still hugging the pillow.
"I remember when Daphne first began to learn the pianoforte," Anthony continued, his hand absently tracing circles on Y/N's arm, "he used to dance around the room with you. He would lift you up and let you put your feet on top of his shoes and then you would do a waltz around the room together."
Y/N closed her eyes, a few tears escaping down onto her cheeks. "I wish I had something, so I knew what he looked like in those moments."
Anthony reached down to his waistcoat and pulled his father's watch out. He grabbed Y/N's hand and gently placed the object in her palm, folding her fingers over it.
"I carry this with me everywhere I go. It reminds me of him and it reminds me that he is still here - in the little things we all do. He had this on him every day of his life, up until he died. So, whilst it is not a painting, it is still something of him when he was our father."
Y/N rubbed her thumb along the back of it where EB was engraved. She sniffed softly, carefully dabbing under eyes. "Thank you. For this and for not getting mad at me for being high."
Anthony let out a breath of laughter, resting his chin on top of his sister's head. "Technically, you were not to blame for that."
"I thought the tea tasted weird."
He laughed, pressing a kiss to her hair. "You should get some sleep," he said, preparing to move.
Y/N grabbed his wrist. "Can you stay? If you are busy, you do not -"
"Of course, I will stay," Anthony said firmly, lying back down. Y/N smiled tiredly at him and his heart ached as he caught a glimpse of eleven-year-old Y/N, clinging on to him when he returned back after being away.
"You are the best brother," Y/N told him, reaching down and pulling her duvet up and over them both.
"Well, I am the only one who did not get you high."
"Gregory had no involvement but I am sure if he had been old enough, he would have been the instigator."
"Oh, of course, he would. You know, Greg actually shares father's love of pranks."
Y/N lifted her head, looking at Anthony. "Really?"
"Mmhm. He once put glue, in Benedict's shoes. Benedict was furious, naturally..."
Anthony proceed to tell Y/N all the stories he could of their father until her eyes could stay open no more and his voice was hoarse. He knew he was never going to be his father - but he hoped that he was close enough.
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writing-house-of-m · 9 months
Connect... 4?
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: You spend a fun day in, with Wanda, Billy and Tommy
A/N: I found this request really difficult to find inspiration for, lucky for me @nameforthemain came to my rescue (thank you mate!) The request can be found here. Comments, reblogs and likes are much appreciated!
Prompt: “I can’t believe you said that, you take that back.”
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It is summer break for Billy and Tommy so you and Wanda booked time off from avenging to spend it with your kids.
Petting zoos, amusement parks, museums, you have done it all. Because it has been an action packed few weeks it was decided you would spend a few relaxing days at home.
If you could call it that.
For a while all of you played with different toys then various board games together, four player games which then switched to two vs two games, changing partners every so often.
That was until you and Wanda got to the game you were currently playing. The children have been long forgotten as you concentrate on the puzzle sitting between the two of you.
You have spent long minutes staring at the different combinations in front of you while your fingers play with a red counter piece.
"It's not rocket science honey, just put in your piece and get ready to lose," Wanda lets out a cocky remark.
You look up at her with an unimpressed look.
Wanda, the mother of your children, your wife, the light of your life, is going down. There is no way you are going to lose this.
Looking back at the rows before you, you go back to your planning. Finally you drop a piece into an empty column.
Wanda chuckles and immediately plays her turn blocking your planned potential four-in-a-row.
You squint your eyes and raise a brow at her. A smirk is playing on her lips which you don't understand because she has never been good at this game, where is this confidence coming from?
Something is definitely not right.
The game continues and the board slowly fills up, it isn't looking good for you. If Wanda doesn't make a mistake then she will win when you inevitably have to play a piece into a column that will give her the win.
And that is exactly what happens.
You sigh, a sour look on your face when you slide in that final counter, then turn away like that will stop your loss.
Before the red plastic you drop in even hits the empty frame below it Wanda is already placing her yellow piece in the same line. "I win!" She cheers with her arms in the air, hands stretched out.
"There's no way, you definitely cheated," you accuse.
"I can’t believe you said that, you take that back!" Wanda exclaims.
"No," you mock in a murmur crossing your arms over your chest side eying her..
Billy hears the commotion and moves away from his lego to ask, "What are you two arguing about?"
"Just about how your mom is a cheater," you say.
Wanda lets out a gasp, "No I am not!" She exasperates and throws a counter at you which you catch.
"Are you allowed to use your powers, mom? Because I saw your eyes turn red when you were waiting for your turn," he says easily.
With wide eyes you turn to Wanda, "I knew it!"
Wanda sighs and tries not to smile at getting caught out.
"Thank you son!" You exclaim, standing from sitting on the floor. Billy goggles when you lift him in the air excitedly, "A witness to corroborate my suspicions!"
When Tommy sees this he runs over with his arms up saying he wants a turn at being thrown in the air.
"Billy, I can't believe you. I thought we were friends," Wanda pouts.
"But mom you're the one who tells us to do the right thing," Billy says while you and Tommy, who is resting on your hip in your arm, nod your heads agreeing.
With no leg to stand on Wanda shakes her head in shame and confirms he is right. She can't go against that logic.
"Because mom cheated and therefore lost," you say smugly, putting Tommy down onto the ground. "I think she should bake us some cookies. Right, boys?"
"Yes!" "Alright!" They agree in unison.
"I have a better idea, how about we make them together," Wanda suggests.
"You're right, that is a better idea. This is why you're the boss," you agree and place a chaste kiss to Wanda's lips. "First one down gets to eat the chocolate chips!" You shout and immediately run to the kitchen leaving the rest of your family in the dust.
Bill and Tommy run off shortly after claiming you always do this and it is unfair while Wanda is left, laughing at your escapades.
With Wanda alone in the room, she rubs at her stomach and speaks down to it, "I think it's time to tell them this family is going to get a little bigger, don't you?" There is a little flutter in her stomach which she takes as a response to her question when really it is probably her own excitement.
She smiles as she strolls to the noise she can hear in the kitchen, most likely disagreements over the chocolate chips you are probably holding out of the boys' reach.
Wanda thinks it is time for her to step in and ban anyone else from eating any more chocolate then make some 'cheat free' cookies for her family.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 4 months
In My Head
Pairing: Thor x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: angst, fake dating but real feelings
Summary: In order for Thor to be King, he must be in a relationship with someone. He saw you. He chose you. You want him. He doesn't want you.
Squares Filled: fake dating (2023) for @thorbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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“What looks better? Pearls or Diamonds?” you ask and hold up two pairs of earrings.
“Diamonds. It matches the sparkles on your dress.”
Arendella watches you slip on the subtle sparkly dress for tonight’s dinner with the royal family. You slip on the earrings and fix your hair to give it more volume. Thor better melt when he sees you because you look hot.
“Do you think going to this dinner is a good idea?”
“I have to go. It’s for his parents. They’re getting on his ass about being in a steady relationship before he gets to be crowned King.”
“You’re okay with this arrangement still?”
Your mistake is hesitating before answering her. She raises one eyebrow and you turn away from her so you don’t see the judgement in her eyes.
“Have you told him how you felt about him?”
“It doesn’t matter, Del,” you sigh. “It’s all fake anyway.”
Arendella gets up and walks in front of you. She pushes some of your hair back behind your shoulders and makes you look better.
“Trust me, it does matter.”
“Not when it comes to him. He’s only doing this for one reason and one reason only: his parents. He wants to be King. That’s it.”
“One of these days this whole thing will blow up in your face.”
“It won’t be tonight.” Your doorbell rings and you look out the window to see the car Thor’s parents sent for you. “That’s the car. I gotta go.”
“Have fun. Tell me everything tomorrow.”
Arendella is right. You wish you could tell Thor just how much he means to you. In the beginning, this was purely a business relationship. Date Thor to get his parents off his back while he continues to do what he does best. His mother told him that in order to be King, he must be in a relationship with someone who is wife material. He saw you walking by the castle and decided you were going to play the part.
It was nice to be treated like royalty with riches beyond compare, eating out in fancy restaurants, wearing nice clothes, and meeting all sorts of people from different Worlds across the Nine Realms. It was a good thing because you got to play the doting girlfriend every so often when his parents were back on Asgard.
However, the time more you two spent together, the more you saw Thor for the man he is. You allowed yourself to fall for him even though you promised yourself you weren't going to do that. You’ve been playing the part for so long that you want to be in the role permanently. Maybe Arendella has a point. Maybe tonight is the night you come clean to Thor about your feelings for him.
His parents are hosting an important dinner with the other royal families of the Nine Realms excluding Midgard (Earth). There are so many rulers on Earth that it would be a hassle to get them all. Thor thinks that he is going to be announced as King tonight which is why you’re going.
You meet Thor outside with a smile. He pulls you into a hug and rubs your back in comfort. You’re not used to this kind of behavior from him since he’s usually at a distance from you. You hear the camera clicks from onlookers nearby and you understand why he’s being so affectionate toward you.
He opens the car door for you and allows you to go inside first, and he quickly follows. As soon as the doors are closed, he’s back to being cold Thor. He only cares about one thing and that’s to be King. He’ll do anything for it… and you though Loki was bad.
“Is your whole family going to be there?” you ask.
He takes out his phone and smiles as he texts someone. Earth has had such a huge impact on Asgard. Since returning from it, Thor has brough over cell phones, WiFi, cars, and other modern things.
“Is what I’m wearing okay?”
“You look fine,” he says without looking at you.
The hint he’s giving you is received. You decide to look out the window because you’re afraid if you stare at him, you’ll start to cry. The car gets to the castle, and you and thor walk hand-in-hand through the big golden gates. Frigga and Odin wait in the foyer eagerly for their son’s return.
“Lady Y/N! It’s so good to see you again,” Frigga smiles and brings you into a hug.
Odin stands next to her as stoic as ever and Loki is only there because he has to be.
“Frigga. It’s good to see you, too,” you smile.
“Come, the others are waiting.”
Thor, Odin, and Frigga walk off together, leaving you and Loki behind. Loki knows something is up between you and his brother but he’s not entirely sure. Though, when he sees him not even pay attention to you, he’s closer to his theory.
“My brother is an idiot if he doesn’t realize who he has on his arm.”
“Just saying. You’re worth more than that oaf.”
The dining room is filled with royal people and their bodyguards. The dinner starts off without a hitch, and you find yourself actually enjoying the presence of everyone. You look over at Thor to see him with a huge smile on his face as he tells his stories from battle. Sif is next to him with a big smile on her face as she adds in her own feats.
Thor is in a good mood. You decide that you’ll tell himhow you feel when the dinner is over with. Toward the end, Odin stands up and grabs everyone attention.
“As you all may know by now, I am nearing the end of my reign as King of Asgard. In my place shall be my first born, Thor. I have no doubt that he will make an excellent King. Please treat him as such.” Odin turns to Thor who smiles at him. “My dear boy, there will be many things you will need to do once you become King, but that may not start until you have become successful in your relationship.”
“We want you two to get married here tomorrow,” Frigga interrupts happily.
“What?” you say and look at Thor.
“You need a Queen to rule by your side,” Frigga says. “What better way than to have the wedding here with everyone in attendance?”
You have to keep up the facade while you’re in a room full of royals, so you place your hand on Thor’s muscular shoulder.
“We would be honored.”
“A toast, then.” Odin raises his glass and everyone follows suit. “To Thor and Y/N.”
“To Thor and Y/N!” everyone repeats.
You’re too busy thinking about the thought of marrying Thor to enjoy the rest of the dinner. Arendella would have a field day if she knew this is happening. At the end of dinner, Thor is trying to escort you out of the castle so he can talk to his parent privately but Frigga interrupts his plans.
“You must sleep over here tonight. You and Thor can have the big bedroom.”
“No, Mother, she needs to go home.”
“Nonesense! Please? It’ll be better for all of us if she stays here tonight.”
Thor and Frigga look at you with two very different looks. Thor looks like he doesn't want you here but Frigga lokos hopeful. You smile tightly and nod in agreement.
“One night won’t kill us.”
“I’m glad. Follow me.”
Thor hangs back slightly so he can talk to you as you follow his mother to the room you’ll be staying in.
“I thought you wanted to go home.”
“It’s one night, Thor. Plus, you need to talk to them. They think we’re getting married. I think we should talk.”
“Please, if you need something, don’t be a stranger. Odin and I are right down the hall and Loki is across the way.”
“Thank you, Mother, but I think we’ll be fine. I’ll see you and Father in the morning.” Thor kisses his mom on the head and she leaves you two alone. When the door closes, Thor becomes a different person again. He grabs one of the pillows and a blanket from the bed. “You can have the bed.”
“Where are you going to sleep?”
“The couch.”
“Thor, I think you’re being a bit dramatic. It’s just a bed, and we’re only going to be sleeping. Is being next to me so bad?”
Thor takes a moment too long to think about this.
“I guess not.”
Thor takes the right side of the bed while you take the left, and you get into bed next to him. It’s a nice California King bed with a lot of space, and he’s taking advantage of the fact that he doesn’t have to be near you.
“Thor, can we talk, please?” you whisper.
“Y/N, please go to bed. It’s late.”
The silence between you two is deafening. This should be your answer. He doesn’t want to talk to you. He doesn’t want to be with you. Maybe you’re doing yourself a favor by not saying anything. Or maybe he’ll realize what an amazing woman you are once you two are married. Regardless, you stare at his back until you fall asleep.
When you wake up, Thor isn’t besides you in bed. You sigh and grab your phone to see what time it is.
Tell Thor how you feel or else you’ll regret it.
You ignore the message from Arendella and fet up for the day. You get dressed in the clothes Frigga had laid out for you and walk aimlessly around the castle. She is inside the kitchen with a chef who is cooking her breakfast.
“Ah, Y/N, good morning.”
“Good morning. Where is Thor?”
“He’s out with Odin. They should be back soon. Are you excited?”
“For what?”
“Your wedding day, of course! I have a bunch of things planned for us to do. First, I want you to have breakfast and rest.”
“You’re too kind to me,” you smile and sit at the table.
“I’ve always wanted a daughter,” she winks at you.
Her knowing the secret between you two is going to break her heart. She has been nothing but kind to you since you first started dating Thor, and you don’t know if you have the heart to tell her the truth.
Thor and Odin return within the hour but neither of them look happy. Odin goes straight to Frigga without so much as a look at you so he can talk to her privately.
“Thor, I really need to talk to you.” Thor gestures for you to follow him so you do, but you frown when he keeps walking instead of stopping to face you. “Listen, I don’t even know how to say this, but--”
“This isn’t working out,” he cuts you off.
“I came clean to my father about us. He knows the relationship is fake.”
“Why would you do that? Don’t you want to be King?”
“I found someone else,” your heart cracks with every word he says, “someone who I love. Thank you for what you did but you’re no longer needed.”
And now your heart is on the floor in pieces.
“You’re done with me? Just like that?”
“I’m sorry for how this is ending.”
Thor doesn’t see any use in stickin around so he retreats to a different part of the castle. You’re standing in the middle of the hallway almost in tears because the man you love has tossed you on your ass. He decided you aren’t worth anything anymore, that he’s done using you, and is now not interested.
Things started off as fake but your feelings for him are very real. Would it make a difference if he knew you how in love with him? Doesn’t matter now. You’re sure that he maybe started to feel something for you, or maybe was all in your head. Either way, you’re all alone now.
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euphoniumpets · 1 year
I can't help falling in love with you slowly | Aleksander Morozova x reader
Summary: Ever since Aleksander had existed, he never thought of marrying or having the kind of love where the other one would sacrifice their love for each other, but with his duties of being the General, the council suggest of him finding a marriage and that's where you came in. You have dreamt of finding the kind of love that your parents had but it was all changed when they decided you to marry off with the General.
Requested? Yes by @nyctophilic0vitnir: Hello there 🙋🏻‍♀️! If requests are still open, I was thinking of an Aleksander Morozova x f!reader where they're in an arranged marriage; she's unyielding and cold, he's trying to make it work? Perhaps a you ger version of him? Feel free to play around with the idea as you see fit 😊.
A/N: thank you for requesting love, hope you enjoy this fic that i came up with, xo. Decided to put the reader's point of view in this one and yes, i did have some inspiration from HOTD.
Warnings: arranged marriage? Aleksander might be ooc in this one lol.
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Your parents decided to marry you off to the general. It brought grief and distraught because all you ever wanted the kind of love where they would sacrifice for each other. The kind of love where you had seen once in your life, but you knew that you were never going to experience that.
Not since when you were a first born in your heir as a Targaryen. Your parents expected great things for you since you were the only first female heir named to the next line.
You have heard of him - the general. Most people saw him as a handsome, powerful grisha for the second army, but some feared him for being a shadow summoner. You didn't blame them, knowing the unknown and powerful men.
During the marriage, you didn't spoke to him even when the two of you were alone. That all changed when your mother decided to host a ball to celebrate your marriage for the people.
You didn't like parties, you would often find yourself somewhere in the castle alone since you enjoyed your own company than rather anyone else.
So, when Aleksander saw you walking away while he was having conversations with the people he didn't enjoy, a slight concern creeped up to him. He cared for you, he would admit that since he had seen the look in your eyes for something.
The longing in your eyes and the disappointed look in your eyes when your mother had decided to marry you off to him. He followed after you where you had walked off to the balcony where he saw you staring off in the distance.
''Are you enjoying the party?'' Aleksander spoke and saw you turning around slowly. He looked at you and gave you a small smile before standing next to you.
''Technically?'' You replied with a hesitant voice as a smile formed on your lips before you shook your head. ''I'm not fond of parties,'' Aleksander heard you speak and letting out a chuckle.
''Wanna hear a secret?'' Aleksander replied and nudged your elbow slightly. You looked at him and raised an eyebrow. ''Me neither,'' He admitted, making you chuckle at his teasing demanor. It was the first time the two of you that had ever spoken with each other.
''I know, that this isn't what you want,'' Aleksander began to say and looked at you. ''Our marriage,'' He replied.
''It isn't just that,'' You spoke and faced your body to him. ''It's just... I didn't knew that I was going to marry so soon,''
''I apologize that if I have upset you with my behaviour for the last couple of days,'' You began to say before he cut you off. ''No, I understand, believe me, I would do it too, but I want it to work, between me and you,''
''Are you sure?'' You asked him with a hesitant voice. Aleksander looked at you and smiled softly. For the first time in your life, maybe you could get the love you always wanted for once and for all.
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