worldmusicandcinema · 2 years
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aroaceofthesea · 6 months
hii! idk if you'll want to answer them all, but i'm curious about 1, 6, 10, 13, 15 and 16 from the "i'm not from the us set"
if you don't want to answer some of them no worriess 💜
Hii!! Thanks for the ask!! :) (im just now realizing most questions in that post are like suuper hard for me but shh ill try to answer them as best as possible) (also sorry not sorry if you wanted to know this about spain, im making it about catalonia only😋😋)
1. favourite place in your country?
welp, just starting and already a hard one lol 😅😅 After spending like 10 mins moving around google maps trying to get inspiration, I think I'm going with a beach village called Calella de Palafrugell. It's like super pretty and I love it every time we go there! It's just around 20 minutes away from where I spend the summer, so we go a few times every year, I also have some really cool memories there :)
6. most hated song in your native language?
Ok so this one is probably the only one that isn't hard hahah there are two very close contestants but ill have to go for Supermercat by Lildami it's just such a stupid song and it's just so terrible i hate it and it was pretty popular for a while at least for the kids in my school so i ended up hating it so much more. so thankful lildami isn't going to canet rock 🙏🙏
Second place is Milionaria by Rosalia (i think thats what it was called) I just really don't like her songs and she had to go and make that 💀 everyone was singing that shit for a while but whatever at least it got a lot of ppl listening to a catalan song i guess
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
huhuhuhu i love catalan insults because they are all so ridiculous (once you get past the basic ones which are basically the same as in spanish) Basically you pick two random words and slap them together. Some of my favorites include ensumapixums (pee smeller), bleda assolellada (sunny chard? idk thats what the traductor says but it doesn't feel right) and figaflor (fig flower). These aren't really said in day to day life, but knowing they exist makes my life better.
(i decided to take swear words as insults because while insults in catalan are a gold mine, swear words are basic af. you have merda(shit), puta(bitch but used more like fuck), hostia(idk i only use it as wow or to make puta worse) and you can pretty much stop counting there. we usually use spanish to swear (and to insult too but shh))
13 . does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Tbh i don't really know, but ive been told that putting a caganer (man pooping) in the nativity scene is usually considered weird by non catalan people and so is hitting a log of wood for christmas until it poops your presents (traditionally in only pooped christmas sweets, but now it can poop basically anything lol) (yes there are jokes about us being obsessed with poop)
I'm too tired rn to answer to the last two, but i will try to rb this with those questions at some point :)
not from the us ask set
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florynatarecords · 10 months
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#ANORAKITO sonando esta noche en #ZONAZERO de #RADIO4
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lesfoteses · 2 years
Atrapada al supermercat
19 de gener del 2023
El Lildami podria haver posat banda sonora al que m'ha passat avui si no fos perquè ell s'enamora en un supermercat, en canvi, jo m'hi que quedat tancada. Estava tan tranquil·la agafant el pa de motlle (sempre Bimbo, mai marca blanca) quan de cop i volta he sentit un soroll molt fort que venia de l'entrada. Tipo com si algú s'hagués estampat amb un cotxe contra una reixa, un soroll molt estrident. M'he espantat i m'ha caigut el Bimbo a terra. Drama. He canviat el pa per un de nou, per si de cas se m'havia abonyegat. Que se'l quedi algú altre, no el vull boterut. Total, que "ai què ha estat això", "ai quin susto", típiques coses que es diu la gent de l'entorn, buscant complicitat amb la resta de clients perquè evidentment a tots ens ha fotut un bot el cor quan hem sentit aquest soroll.
I allò que veig corredisses dels treballadors del supermercat, amunt i avall, "Cristina, truca al Santi", indica una dona a la seva companya. Sembla que és la que manega el cotarro. Sempre, en moments de "crisi", algú s'erigeix com a líder. Bueno, potser és perquè és la cap del personal i és la seva feina... La cosa és que la Cristina aquesta ha anat a trucar (m'he imaginat, perquè ha desaparegut) el Santi aquest. I allò que miro cap a l'entrada, perquè tothom mirava cap allà, i veig que ha caigut la reixa i que ens hem quedat tancats dins del supermercat. Hi ha una altra sortida, així que opto per caminar amb el carro i el meu Bimbo intacte cap a l'altra banda del supermercat a veure si allà la porta està accessible i, cap sorpresa, també hi ha la reixa. Clar, és tota la mateixa façana i segurament el sistema deu ser el mateix per ambdues portes, si cau una reixa, cau l'altra. Estem atrapats dins del supermercat.
Veig llavors la Cristina parlant per telèfon (intueixo que amb el Santi), i altres caixers comentant amb els clients que just estaven pagant en aquell moment, "No havia passat mai... Ara truquen els mecànics que vinguin a obrir". El primer que penso és que de gana no morirem, ni de set. I que segurament tenen lavabos. Però en situacions així, ens farien pagar el que ens mengéssim, tot i tractar-se d'una situació d'emergència? Amb una ràpida mirada, calculo que devem ser una vintena de persones, comptant caixers i treballadors. A la zona de congelats, una parella no s'ha enterat absolutament de res i agafa gelats de Kit Kat. Es pot tenir més mal gust?
Llavors ens donen dues opcions. Els que no hagin comprat res, poden sortir per la porta d'emergència. Els que vulguin comprar, s'hauran d'esperar que vinguin els mecànics i ens rescatin. Quin dilema. Una mica a contracor, torno a deixar les quatre coses que havia agafat i el Bimbo. L'acaricio amb un darrer gest de carinyo, perquè podria haver acabat a casa meva però el torno a abandonar al costat del Bimbo abonyegat al prestatge del supermercat. I marxo. Però no vaig molt lluny: acabo comprant al súper de més avall.
De tornada a casa, passo pel supermercat a veure si han aconseguit arreglar la reixa. I comprovo que no, que la gent continua allà dins, esperant els mecànics. Somric perquè he decidit bé, encara que hagi renunciat a aquell Bimbo.
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hortoffame · 2 years
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We've posted capgrossos (or cabuts, cabeçuts, nanos... they have many names) before, they're a figure that appears in popular celebrations in different parts of Europe, including in the Catalan Countries.
Most of the capgrossos are traditional figures or funny characters, but if there's a famous person from a city or town, often they'll get a capgròs made for them.
This year, Terrassa (Barcelona Metropolitan Ambit, Catalonia) has made a capgròs for the trap singer Lildami, becoming the youngest person from Terrassa to get one made after them.
I think it looks well done and recognisable. What do you think?
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musictomyremember · 4 years
Escriurem #Joemcorono - Col·lectiva
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La dels Manel
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jujulsbp · 6 years
Some animatic stuff I had in my mind. Song: Damià by Lildami
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aliguesdecatalunya · 2 years
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#Repost @aligadeterrassa • • • • • • Ciutat de Terrasa Benvinguda sigui la nostre estimada Festa Major!🦅 • • • • • #aliga #aligadeterrassa #festamajor #terrassa #lildami #capgros #ball __________________________ #AligaDeTerrassa #AligaDeCatalunya #AliguesDeCatalunya #AliguesDeCat #Aliga #Aguila #Aguiles #Aligues #CulturaCatalana #FestesDeCatalunya #BestiariPopular #FiguresZoomorfiques #ImatgeriaFestiva #CulturaPopular #BestiariFestiu #BallDeLAliga (en Terrassa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgOVFcbtTAk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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myipop · 5 years
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Share Festival 2020 anuncia sus primeros confirmados con Anuel AA, Lola Indigo, Miki Núñez o Alba Reche El Festival celebra su tercera edición el 17, 18 y 19 de julio repitiendo la fórmula de las ediciones anteriores, con una programación festiva, urbana y pop-rock de primer nivel pensada para todos los públicos.
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worldmusicandcinema · 2 years
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losjavis · 2 years
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no porque imaginaos que vais por el pasillo de la fruta haciendo la compra y te los encuentras a mí se me caen las bolsas mínimo
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florynatarecords · 2 years
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cuentistadislexica · 5 years
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No hauries d'haver marxat, mira que tots t'ho vam dir. Però de tossut valent i de valent tossut. I ara ets flotant a una galàxia que encara no ha vist ningú. Lildami. #BCN #Raval #Lildami ##FinestresQueTenenCel https://www.instagram.com/p/BvpMG3jB3le/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zreggn08yutq
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quatregats · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite accs (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Oh god I've gotten like 10 of these on my main but I didn't want to answer them until I made an actual proper post there 😔 my most sincere apologies to everyone who sent me one, I'll get to them once I stop being a lazy bastard
Here are some current favs:
Pony Pisador - Carta de navegar (it's so pretty and then you hear the lyrics and it's just about cannabalism shdfhsdjf)
Lildami - Supermercat (yes I'm late but dare I say...Cançó de l'estiu)
La Gavina (he posat la versió de Marina Rossell però també havia estat escoltant la de Port Bo, cadascuna té els seus mèrits i no volia triar)
Sinead O'Connor & the Chieftains - The Foggy Dew (fun fact! You can swap lyrics/melodies with this and "The Star of the County Down" and it works perfectly and sounds really fucked up)
Auxili - Parèntesi (I am cradling this song gently in my hands. Also this whole album in general)
Thank you for the ask <333333
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