#lili was underwater for everyone but me
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Lili is so powerful she absolutely destroyed Jioxas (@astralarias) skiff All while enjoying her mid air tea
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satureja13 · 6 months
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Saiwa and Jeb brought Kiyoshi over to Vlad, Ji Ho and Jack's apartment and called them down. Saiwa: "Good news everyone!"
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Saiwa: "Kiyoshi is back!" And then he told them about how Arturo found him under the tree in Tomarang the morning after Winter Solstice. Saiwa: "Seems Ji Ho and Vlad's Bond Magic on Winter Solstice did a miracle again. You two are just amazing!"
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Little Goat: 'Tch - what are they even talking about!? It had been me! I managed to cross the barrier between the worlds with Kiri and Kumo's help! And I opened the box and gave him his heart back!'
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Saiwa: "Vlad, it's upon us to watch over Kiyoshi. Arturo said he's trying to go back into the tree. Us vampires don't need that much sleep so let's spare the others." Vlad: "Sure. The first watch is on me. Kiyoshi cared for me when my soul was in hell. I owe him." Saiwa: "Uhm... now that we decided to be honest to each other... It had been Ji Ho who cared for you all the time. That's how he fell in love with Luci. You had been so mad about it and Ji Ho was so afraid of you so Kiyoshi said it was him." Vlad: "..." Saiwa: "Don't be mad, hm? Ji Ho and you already saw anything from each other." Vlad: "One day I'm going to die from embarrassment..."
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Meanwhile Jeb prepared Winterfest Dinner and Jack and Ji Ho decorated.
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Little Goat: 'When can we eat?'
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Jeb: "In a little while." Little Goat: 'Can we eat this?' Saiwa: "No!" Little Goat: 'Can we eat this?' Jack: "No!"
(TMI: It was Jack's Little Goat that wanted to eat anything! ^^')
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And then finally dinner was ready! Poor Jack, he just started to feel better and now Kiyoshi is back...
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But the Boys are finally together again after all these months! (Kiyoshi left them in september and shortly after they'd all been separated...) So Jeb's mission to put the Boys back together again is completed!
Guess who just got back today? Them wild-eyed boys that had been away Haven't changed, had much to say But man, I still think them cats are crazy They were askin' if you were around How you was, where you could be found I told 'em you were livin' downtown Drivin' all the old men crazy
The boys are back in town - Thin Lizzy
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During the day they crafted presents at the Artisan's Yard.
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Vlad painted Little Goat for Ji Ho, Ji Ho made a lily bouquet for Vlad, Saiwa crafted a romantic candle for Jeb, Jeb carved a romantic piece of wood (it seems they are both eager for their first woohoo ^^') Jack hadn't known about Kiyoshi's return so he just went to the archeology work bench and extracted one of the artefacts they found in Selvadorada. And Arturo fizzled romantic soda for them (with Kiyoshi standing next to him ^^')
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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“This is one of my favorite episodes of my entire career span on NCIS. It’s so beautifully done and hits so many emotional levels for many different characters,” says Katrina Law, speaking with us about the twenty-first season finale for NCIS: Case Closed, our weekly aftershow.
It was particularly tough for her character, Special Agent Jessica Knight, who got an angry breakup speech from her boyfriend, Chief Medical Examiner Jimmy Palmer (Brian Dietzen) after he heard she was considering taking a new job in California. Watch the video above for the two actors’ breakdown of the episode.
“It was a wonderfully human reaction that happens, that’s not planned,” Dietzen says. “Jimmy lost one of his best friends and his mentor this year. Losing his wife, even though it’s been a few years [still affects him]. Him saying, ‘I want something on my own terms’ — I can understand why that happened even if it’s not said eloquently or there’s a harsh edge that’s unusual to see from Jimmy Palmer.”
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That side of Jimmy sent Knight reeling. But things got much worse when a murderer locked her and boss Alden Parker (Gary Cole) below deck in a ship set to be blown up. The scenes were shot on a 30-year-old set once used for JAG (the show that launched NCIS) on a sound stage in Southern California.
Parker suffered a life-threatening injury and Law says Cole’s performance was so good she was genuinely concerned for his real-life health. “I remember looking at him and being like, ‘Oh, you don’t look well. This isn’t acting. Are you okay?’”
The character was so badly hurt that he began hallucinating a mysterious childhood memory: playing on a ship with a little girl named Lily.  When Knight asked the hospitalized Parker about it later, he couldn’t (or wouldn’t) go into it. “It’ll be interesting to see if Parker continues to deny his knowledge of who Lily is or if he goes forward and suddenly has a confessional moment,” Law says.
The team’s fearless leader only lived because Knight realized that to save him, she’d have to swim for help. For the underwater sequences, a small tank was built, and Law crowded in with a wetsuit-clad camera operator. “I’m a pretty strong swimmer. I used to surf. I scuba dive. I’m pretty comfortable and happy in the water,” Law says. “That being said, I always have a mask on, or my eyes are closed.” For this scene, she had to deal with myriad technical issues, including the possibility her contact lenses might float away. (Watch the video for details.)
With everyone safely back on land at the episode’s end, Knight agreed to take the California job. Law told us she’s been informed she’s staying on the show: “The writers said that they were going to bring me back, but they lie sometimes, so we’ll see what happens.” So, what could the producers come up with to keep Knight in DC?
“Maybe she goes and takes this job and realizes that she truly loves her NCIS team, or maybe she just wants to be back in a relationship with Jimmy full time. Maybe something happens with the NCIS team that calls her back. I think there’s a whole plethora of reasons that could make her either come back or stay,” Law says.
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heatherleighann · 11 months
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Yes hello I am back from lurking! I was challenged to do a “zodiac stack” challenge on my booksta account but have changed all the rules to fit my current vibes. So a mood board of fictional Aquarius ladies that I feel are also me, and fan fiction to spell out my sign! Wanted to post here because I couldn’t find insta accounts for a lot of the authors and wanted everyone to know how much I love their writing 💕
So the ladies we have are Wanda Maximoff, Lily Evans, Princess Anna, Jessica Day, and Ginny Weasley.
On to the fics!
Almost Chosen by itsgivingcamp (Panville, starts at Hogwarts, goes in after graduation. Really truly great.)
Quick-Fire by @jiilys (Hinny one shot. Cute little fic about when they find out they’re going to be parents)
Unfinished by @turanga4 (Fat Friar talks Harry through some tough emotions post Final Battle. This was really beautiful)
Australia by @tenpointstohufflepuff (Romione searches for the Grangers. This on is one I recommend a lot because I think she just does so great with both characters and all the complicated feelings and trauma they have.)
Remain Nameless by @heyjude19-writing (Dramione required reading honestly. This story is so good and I like the softer Dramione vibes when a lot of the fics out there are much darker)
I Awaken With Your Name by @decemberistafic (Tedromeda My all time FAVORITE fic. I had it bound because I love it so much. I’ve posted about it on here before and will never stop talking about how perfect this story is.)
Underwater @maraudersftw and petalstofish (Jily muggle au. Little honeymoon fic that is just HAPPY)
Secrets and Masks by emerald_Slytherin (Dramione, another one I’ve talked about before. It made me FERAL)
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maraudersmary · 5 months
Some excerpts from the fic i’m writing:)
chapter one:
‘Thank fuck for you girls, honestly, this is just what I need.’ She exclaimed whilst flopping onto the sofa tightly between Mary and Lily, her best friends who had been there for her for everything.
‘Love you too Marls, bad day?’ Mary asked with a subtle undertone of worry. She knew it had only been six months and her friends had reason to be concerned, but Marlene didn’t need to be coddled. She pushed back the slight feelings of anger, knowing that her friends were being just that, her friends, and after everything she was the luckiest girl in the world to have people who still cared.
She dramatically sighed before saying, ‘Don’t worry, I'm okay, just casually met the love of my life and almost definitely made a very bad first impression.’
‘Spill!’ Lily exclaimed, always one for gossip despite being the kindest of them all.
chapter two:
Dinner at the Potter residence was a weekly event. The potter residence being James, Lily, and Sirius’s flat. They had been doing this for years, since they all came to uni, everyone would come together and chat and drink and cook and laugh. It was the highlight of all of their weeks, there were no expectations, no plans, just the chance to all be together and forget being adults for a night. Marlene used this night as an anchor, to remind herself of all that she still had and what she would lose if she fucked everything up again. Little had changed about these dinners in the six years since they started, they still joked and gossiped and made fun of each other, Peter and Mary still cooked the most delicious meals. Additions to the group had been made, Mary’s girlfriend Emmeline now came most weeks, Remus started coming as Marlene’s friend but now also as Sirius’s boyfriend. People had stopped coming, Gid and Fab had moved back to Spain, Benjy and Sirius had broken up and he was now firmly barred, yet for most the invite was always there should then want to attend. Just be at the Potter residence at 6:30 on Friday night.
chapter three:
tw for some depressive thoughts/metaphors
Marlene was under water, struggling desperately to resurface and not allow the tide she’d grown to know so well greet her like an old friend and carry her out of her depth. She had fought against the sea for so long at this point she had forgotten it’s power, forgotten how once she gave in, the comfort it provided. Sometimes being under water felt safest, like at least she knew she was overpowered and could surrender without guilt. Marlene knew that when she was underwater for long enough she could grow comfortable, because after all there was no happiness in death, and therefore no disappointment when joy was swept from under her and despair greeted her with a grin.
i have literally never written before and i’m aware this isn’t great but i’m hoping as i get further into it i improve:) no one ever told me that remembering the stuff you’ve written before is very difficult and therefore continuity is very difficult :’)
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duckapus · 7 months
In Deep: part 1
As the airship drifts above the waters of Lily's Zone, Eggman stands near the helm checking something on his tablet, "...Alright, if the Wonder Detector I rigged up is working properly, we should be approaching the drop point soon."
"Roight sir, Oy'll get us ready then." Bomberto then raises his voice, "All hands, prepare ta switch ta aquatic mode!"
As the minions and Badniks get to work and the ship slowly descends, Kamek addresses the main group (or at least the ones that are there. Tari's understandably still belowdecks and Toadsworth was taking a nap last anyone knew), "Alright, I can only use so many waterbreathing spells before running low on magic, and for some reason I never got around to learning the version you can cast on yourself, so not everyone can be on the away team this time."
Predictably, Toad decides to do a peace-out fade-out immediately.
"...Right. Who else?" he looks over at the kids, where Lil Coding is already glaring in defiance, "Definitely you two, I may not know much about all this code nonsense but I have seen what happens if you two get wet."
"Seriously? You can make people breathe underwater and turn an entire kingdom into a disco dance party but you can't make two kids waterproof for a few hours?"
"Even Boopkins can make people breathe underwater, sonny, and the disco spell took a lot of preparation and an external power source, plus it was technically a meme. To make you waterproof even temporarily I would have to bypass a fundamental flaw in the foundation of your code, and in case you hadn't noticed, I'm not a computer programmer!"
Coding looks like he's about to argue further, but SMG4 puts a hand on his shoulder and kneels down to look him in the eyes, "Hey, I know your worried about Lily and your Papa. So am I. But I'd really prefer you not get hurt if we can avoid it, and getting mad at Kamek won't change the fact that staying on the ship is the only way to avoid it right now."
He huffs in frustration, then relaxes and hugs his dad, "Just make sure you come back, alright? Don't die or get turned into a fish on me."
"It's a promise."
They pull back apart after a few moments, then Root grabs a still-upset Lil Coding's hand and starts leading him away, "come on, let's go see if Tari's up for playing Mario Kart or something."
Juliano pats 4's shoulder, "I'll keep an eye on them."
As the ship lands in the water, Kamek looks over the group again, which now consists of SMG4, Mario, Meggy, the Bobowskis, Cubot (who's coming because he doesn't actually need to breathe at all), and Sig, "That's everyone then?"
There's scattered affirmations, and he nods, "Alright then, Cubot's running the Wonder Detector program Eggman made using the Seed we got from Bowser, so he'll be guiding you. This is the Zone we have the least information on, so stay together if you can and keep your wits about you."
After he casts the spell, Meggy looks over the side, "So, do you just throw us overboard, or what?"
A nearby Hammer Bro shakes his head, "Oh, we don't have to do that!" He gestures over to a raised gap in the railing where an Eggpawn pulls a lever that deploys what seems to be a retractable wooden diving board. "We've got a plank!"
"...Sweet." She runs over to it and calls out to 4, Mario and Bob, "Hey guys, rate my dive!"
As she uses the plank as a springboard to fucking leap ten feet in the air and do a bunch of twists and flips while the boys obediently prepare scorecards, Marcy's eye twitches, "Oh goddesses, I'm the Sane One on a Zero Braincell Squad Adventure."
Sig just shrugs, "Eh, can't be worse than a Tuesday back home."
Soon enough, the whole group is in the water and swimming towards their destination, passing by all sorts of marine life, sunken ruins (some of which are very obviously transformed versions of familiar locations), and the occasional Ocean-related Meme along the way. After they go past versions of Spongebob and Patrick dancing to that one weird lousy cover of Under the Sea, Marcy notices a dark shape out the corner of her eye and turns with sword raised...but nothing's there.
"You alright sis?"
"..." she huffs and goes back to swimming, "Fine. It's just been too quiet around here."
"Yeah, weird that we haven't seen anyone converted yet. Things never go this smoothly for us."
In the back of the group, oblivious to this conversation, Mario dumbly stares at a school of small Cheep-cheeps, "Hey, I'm-a hungry." He swims up behind the fish, mouth open wide, and-
"Mario!" he looks away to see Meggy waving him forward, the group further ahead than before, "Come on, we can't get separated, remember? We'll get something to eat back on the ship."
"Mmm!" he pouts and crosses his arms, then rolls his eyes and swims after her, camera staying focused on the cheep-cheeps "Fine!"
...And then of course he quickly slides back over all sneaky-like and reaches out a hand, "Maybe just one for the road..."
Before he can get his fishy snack or Meggy can notice what he's doing, something long and thin shoots past behind him, and he spins around to see, "Wha?"
Another passes behind him, this time in the foreground, and skewers the fish he'd been trying to grab. He turns again, and now that it's stuck in the fish he can see that it's a silver harpoon-like spear. He grabs it and turns to face the others.
"Uh, guys!?"
The rest of the group looks at his find curiously, then more harpoons come and they quickly dodge. Meggy and the Bobowskis get ready to fight, 4 and Cubot start freaking out, and Sig...well, he looks slightly more focused than usual.
There's a few tense moments as they try to figure out where the attacks are coming from, then Meggy sees something heading towards them, "Over there!"
She fires at the approaching figure, who deflects it with their weapon and reveals themself to be Heavy Squid with green-tinged arms, some vaguely roman-looking armor hastily plastered onto his model, and harpoons sticking out the barrels of his Heavy Splatling, "Oh no..."
He's just the first of several similarly armored, aquatically redesigned characters to appear, and soon the group's being swarmed. They do their best, with Meggy and the twins displaying their usual skill, Mario being Mario, Sig alternating between throwing out spells and smacking people with his demon arm, and SMG4 and Cubot...flailing around pathetically (it's the thought that counts), but they're quickly overwhelmed and captured due to their superior numbers and adaptation to the terrain.
"Hey! What's-a going on here!?"
Heavy Squid calls back over his shoulder, "Admiral! Intruders captured!"
A familiar voice answers, causing the group (besides Sig and Cubot) to gasp in shock, but none louder than 4, "Good work, Captain Heavy. I'll be sure to inform her Majesty of your squad's stellar performance."
The Admiral swims up to meet them...and it's just as they feared.
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He points his trident at 4's face, "Quiet, surface dweller! I don't know how you know my name, but as the Admiral of the Undersea Kingdom Royal Guard I am not to be addressed so casually, especially by a mere prisoner. Especially a pathetic scrub like you seem to be."
4 just nervously nods his head and keeps quiet, because how the hell is he supposed to RESPOND to this situation!?
"Now, come. Our queen has ordered us to bring you before her."
And with that, Admiral 3 and his men swim off, roughly dragging the group with along with them.
Cubot chuckles nervously, "Well, at least we're still going the right way..."
Everyone else just groans.
After a few minutes, they come to a city inhabited by more converted characters. They group can't help but notice that certain parts of it look eerily similar to the abandoned fair equipment in the Showgrounds, which honestly makes sense considering what little they do know about this Zone. Between that and the apparent memory issues of the Undersea Kingdom's inhabitants, 4 has a terrible sinking feeling that's getting worse the closer they get to 3's "queen."
Eventually they get to the castle, which looks almost but not quite recognizable thanks to how much larger it's become and the new Roman-and-Zora-Inspired Open-Air (or water) design, though amusingly the hat-shaped roof is still intact. They're led to what's supposed to be 4's room and is now an open-air throne room with his desk chair converted into an empty throne too large for any human, let alone the child they're expecting by now, and the group is forced to kneel in the center of the room by their captors (apart from Cubot since he doesn't have any legs, so he's just forced to stop floating) while 3 takes a position to the right of the throne.
"The queen will decide your fate when she arrives, surface dwellers. Pray to whatever gods you have that she is merciful."
A few moments later, a green goomba with a fancy hat enters the room and blows into a conch shell, which ends up sounding like a trumpet, "Presenting her royal Majesty, Sovreign Ruler of the Undersea Kingdom, Queen Sonata!"
A massive, but still rather young-looking, green-and-blue mermaid swims in from behind her throne and sits down.
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Mario leans over to 4 and whispers, "Well, we wanted to know if she was okay. Can't get much better than 'Literally Royalty'."
4's too shocked by everything that's happening to even glare in response.
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judgementdaysunshine · 9 months
Trauma reaction
Pairing: Lily Houghton x Fem reader
Description: Lily listens to the story of why you are afraid of water after passing out while underwater to help her and Frank
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That feeling of uncontrollable terror and constriction was in your chest and it wouldn't go away no matter how hard you tried to calm your erratic heart that pounds in your chest and ears. As you turn to look at Frank below as you give Lily air by mouth to mouth intake, you feel everything grow darker and darker until you see nothing but black having passed out sinking had it not been for lily tightly holding your wrists forcing herself to stay awake gasping for air when the water started to drain just enough for the two to get themselves and you back on the boat slowly coming to wrapped in towels and a blanket seeing lily beside you as you cough up water before taking slow breaths "Can you not swim?" you look at her a bit confused as you carefully lean up "No I can...it's just I usually stay away from water that goes past my lower waist" you look down with a mix of shame and embarrassment. "When...when I was a child I was with my mother exploring and we found a waterfall so she took pictures while i was just laying down looking at the water below, then a man came out of nowhere and shoved me off the cliff....it all happened so fast from being shoved off then hitting edges and branches until I hit the water...I tried to get to the surface and I felt this burning feeling like I was suffocating... it felt like forever until my mom dived in and got me out" she feels so much all at once after hearing the story seeing how despite the tears that poured down your face at the unforgiving event that has haunted you for many years after "You don't have to be ashamed by what happened, it wasn't your fault" the next thing you knew was that your head was nestled in her shoulder with one hand on the back of your head and the other slowly running up and down your back feeling a warm sense of trust, vulnerability, and safety along with an emotional honesty and open ness that made you feel like a human for once in your life, that you weren't an object, something for a man to use for pleasure, nor an animal afraid of life from being kicked too many times but a human that went through something that changed you in a permanent way that would follow you the rest of your life and just needed someone to truly listen about what happened to you. "Thank you..." she moves your messy hair away before placing her hands on either side of her face "You don't ever need to thank me for something that everyone in this world deserves, and that is to truly trust someone enough to tell them what they hide deep inside themselves" you smile before sharing a longer hug feeling yourself slowly calm down walking out where frank was who smiled in relief seeing you okay.
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justalileepguy · 5 months
Happy Birthday! Wow, you're only two years younger than me! I'm turning 24 this year. Hi, by the way! My name is Amalia! I love giving everyone on Rotomblr birthday gifts, so... here!
Pelipper Mail!
A special type of water gun. Made for underwater, it can shoot different colored streams of bubbly water. It has several color packets for using, with multiple shades. 22 in total!
I hope that you enjoy it, and have a wonderful birthday!
~ Amalia <3
Thank you very much Amalia!
You have no idea what you have just unleashed upon the Dilys >:)
[Video: A pov video taken from Lily's perspective. Nearly a dozen Dilys can be seen chillin, not really doin much. Then, a cascade of red bubbles engulf them, leaving the Dilys mildly annoyed.]
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https-furina · 9 months
just my personal rambles about how much i love fontaine utc ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
i’ve literally been bottling up my sheer adoration for this country since we started getting hints at it and teasers; i share a mild connection with france itself as french is my second language and i spent majority of my childhood between marseille and london so i was so excited for a sense of familiarity in fontaine and i was also incredibly excited for the lowkey steampunk aesthetic they gave fontaine )):
so like first things first; the archon quest??? has left me gasping, shaking, bawling, on my knees choking on tears!!! and like the best part about it is that it’s only just begun <3 my favourite thing is that with past countries, we could get a feel where the archon quest plot was going. in inazuma you recognise that ultimately you’re going against the raiden shogun and you’ll fight her before you can ask her about your sibling and in sumeru it becomes obvious that the government is the problem and you need to free the dendro archon but in fontaine? where are we going with this?
what is the prophecy truly? is it from a curse from celestia? what about furina’s status? is she just another helpless archon drowning her sorrows in trials because if she doesn’t live in that moment she’ll remember the prophecy she undoubtedly believes in, knowing her people’s sins will never be washed clean? what about arlecchino? is there actually a good motive behind her or is there going to be a hidden twist when you least expect it? how the hell are we supposed to help fontaine from submerging? and what about childe’s loss of control for his vision? i’m SO EXCITED because i have so many questions and very little answers! (who knows i might update this with more questions after doing 4.1’s archon quest)
then there’s the soundtrack!! i don’t know about yall but i’ve been going idle in absolutely every place possible just listening to the music and the ambience. i’m absolutely in love with the underwater music, i have my favourite underwater song playing in my teapot and i sit in my teapot in awe every time <3 i’m so excited for future regions’ music and how these new locations may differ from what we have now (not to mention the range of orchestra instruments hoyo included in making fontaine’s ost!)
not to mention all the species! i love the clockwork concepts (especially the dogs pfft) but also just the animals in general??? the OTTERS?! the blubberbeasts and even the seahorses, the dogs that wear silly little outfits and birds that look like they came out of pokemon aaaa <3
the flowers !! pluie lotuses that i pick every time i see them because i would kill just to have a vase full in my kitchen window <33 and the rainbow roses that look more like tulips or the lumidouce bells that are like the lovechild of bluebells and lily of the valley ): i can’t wait to see more as an ex-florist who still clings to her relationship with flowers
melusines <33 need i say more? their quest regarding elynas had me sobbing and screaming honestly, i long for more lore about them - not to mention they are such funky little genderless creatures, i aspire to be them hehe - and more quests regarding them; like i physically need melusine content or i’ll be perishing ):
character outfit designs!! everyone just looks so good i’m sorry but there isn’t a single outfit i’ve even remotely disliked yet. everyone looks amazing, hot, baking some damn goods - like we got geo taylor swift and electro lana del ray, an archon with heterochromia, some elf looking ass man who could be a dragon - or an otter, i like otter more - the wolf looking mf who wardens a prison??? magicians in thigh highs, stockings, garters and boots?! with matching bows?! AND FREMINET’S WHOLE DIVER’S HELMET ORDEAL AND COLOUR PALETTE?? i can’t i’m too in love with everyone (and all their english voice actors are fantastic too!!)
the airships being the most fun thing i have ever seen in my whole life, i routinely go on the airship at the west slopes of mont automnequi because you can see almost all of our past locations there! you can see deshret’s masoleum, the divine tree, the jade chamber and (i think) dragonspine. not to mention you get a good ass look at fontaine and some things in areas we haven’t got yet - also you can see how close celestia is to fontaine… i still remember all the theories about celestia and mondstadt (╥ ω ╥)
being able to dive out of water with fontaine characters & hydro traveler (please please please let us dive with wriothesley and neuvillette, just because they’re the first two tall characters we’ve got i’m so curious if we can)
building a relationship with berrypuff ♡(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭ proceeding to cry when we release berrypuffier and then cry again when you run into them in the wild <3 i’ve also grown attached to the dog in the ship graveyard, i go there daily to feed them chicken and i cook dishes while i’m there hehe
the dishes in fontaine!! i still cackle daily about fonta ૮₍ ´ ꒳ `₎ა oh and salsa! she’s so annoying but at the same time i love that kid hehe
i could go on for too long aaaa.. i love fontaine guys. i thought i was sad seeing sumeru finally go but i think i may cry when it’s time to leave fontaine. i’ve never been so excited for a genshin region and plot since inazuma and inazuma has always been my favourite up until now. i think the only things i’ll be excited for after fontaine is meeting the tsaritsa and khaenri’ah <3
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charmixpower · 2 years
I just think the designers seriously struggled to make a water themed design. I think fusing harmonix and sirenix would solve a few thkngs
Oh yeah definitely, they had no clue what they were doing
As for the fusion....
If they turned the Harmonix trails into mermaid tails (or flipper feet) with the Sirenix tight patterns and fins, keep more of the harmonix hair styles with the Sirenix ABOVE WATER highlights, make the Harmonix skirts the size of the Sirenix skirts, throw ALL the ribbons into a pit of hell, stop what ever the fuck their doing with both of the samey tops and just commit to a bathing suit aesthetic and having them all look DIFFERENT, and give Aisha all the royal looking Harmonix stuff and everyone else gets the more interesting Sirenix accessories of coral and star fishes ect
And much to my chagrin, it would probably be smart to keep the Harmonix pastel color palette (bright saturated colors, I'm sorry I betrayed you like this), and it would also be smart to make the new tops match the fluffy look that Harmonix has
I do think they should really commit to the Sirenix fish and ocean accessories aesthetic it has going on, because they really half-assed it in Sirenix and actually committing would be cool
Like, like, here's some examples of pushing the Sirenix aesthetic and accessories harder
Stella can go in to very different directions. Either deep sea fish or lightest layer tropical fish. Deep sea fish bc make Stella bioluminescent, and tropical fish just match her vibe
(the best part is I think Stella would be freaked the fuck out by deep sea fish and think their the most ugliest and disgusting thing she's ever seen, like me ^^, which would be very funny)
Flora with a underwater plant aesthetic, dope, esp bc q lot of under ""plants"" are actually animals (ie coral and anemones). You know floating plants/fixed plants that grow underwater but stay above water for the sun?? I think something like that would be perfect for her. Something with Lily pads
Tecna with like a jelly fish or eel tail, so she can keep her weird girl enegry while still being a mermaid. If jelly fish, Tecna also is bioluminescent like Stella
Musa with a whale dolphin thing going on because they communicate with songs and such
Aisha and Bloom would keep the more classical mermaid look, but while Bloom is more Ariel, Aisha is rocking full Andros mermaid. Which look different. Bloom could have like a underwater animal thing going on with the coral, and Aisha gets full underwater queen
I'd also steal everyone's crown but Aisha's to emphasize this point. Maybe they can keep the really low detail circuits like Musa's Harmonix, but Aisha should be the only one with a full crown. It would be so cool, she is the queen of the ocean
This would influence the style of Harmonix top they'd have, any changes to the tail patterns (bc Bloom's and Tecna's leggings patterns are the only ones that really really match them), and accessories. So they'd each have their own individual ocean thing, influencing their designs
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petrichormeraki · 2 years
i had a wonderful dream last night that i was invited on the Hermitcraft server. we all spawned in a 100x100ish world border and all had a square of land to build on and i got to help some hermits get materials to build their stuff while getting to know them. scar asked my opinion on oyster ice cream (????) and acted pretend-miffed with me at my answer. i saved doc from a creeper by yelling at the top of my lungs "DOC, BEHIND YOU" and scared the shit out of him and everyone else around us. i killed a spider with etho and we idly talked about game mechanics on top of the lily pad he was building in the air. bdubs pretend-didn't like me until he saw a pillager patrol chasing me and he helped me parkour into the trees and gave me some melon to heal up, after which i jumped back down to fight them and he called me a guard dog. i went mangrove hunting with grian and hid under a block underwater to scare him but almost drowned so i had to bail and he laughed at me. more happened but it's kinda fuzzy and then my alarm woke me up but god that was a good time
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bioshock au pls 🤲
got sick today so couldn't answer this one earlier but I'm feelin better so here's a little more of the bioshock au!
Ava looks up to see a shotgun barrel pointed directly at her. So today won’t be better than yesterday, noted. The woman holding the shotgun is dressed simply, white shirt and pants as well as suspenders. She doesn’t look like the splicer’s Ava’s dealt with, nor is she dressed as ostentatiously as the high class snobs who’s bodies Ava keeps seeing.
“I don’t know a ton about science,” Ava begins, slowly backing up and discretely pressing the button that opens up her connection to Beatrice, “but I think a shotgun is dangerous choice of weapon in an underwater city.”
The woman smiles, a wide thing that takes over her whole face. “Holy shit Lily wasn’t fuckin’ with me, there’s someone new down here.”
“I told you.” Another voice, from the rafters, speaks up. Ava looks around, trying to locate it. She spots them near the ceiling, the scuba spider-man who saved her ass before. Their appearance is no less terrifying the second time around.
The other woman barely looks up, evidently familiar with the other voice and this way of communication. “Well excuse me for wanting to verify the information first.”
Ava raises her hand slowly. “Can I ask a question?”
The woman looks down to her. “Yeah?”
Ava points to a poster on the far wall, slightly tattered with age. MARY FONTAINE: HOPE FOR TOMORROW it reads in bold font on top of a picture of the woman striding forward, arm in arm with a crowd of other people. “Is that you?”
The woman looks over at the poster and nods. “Yup, but everyone around here just calls me Shotgun Mary. You’re the stranger the Ryan kid picked up right?”
Beatrice’s voice finally fills Ava’s ear again, “Do not listen to everything she says.” She says, somewhat frantically.
Ava just nods, “Why?”
Mary hums. “Lilith, cut the signal.”
The comforting static of her open connection to Beatrice suddenly cuts out and behind her she hears the clunk of someone hitting the ground. Ava tries to back up from Mary but she runs into solid legs. Looking up she can see the person Mary called Lilith. They don’t have the heavy metal scuba mask on this time and it reveals a pretty face. Lilith smiles and her amber eyes narrow into cat-eye slits.
Oh she’s fucked.
Mary crouches down in front of her. “Hey kid? I don’t want to hurt you. I just don’t exactly appreciate the Ryan’s and their habit of eavesdropping. You’ll get ‘em back in just a minute.”
Ava nods slowly. “Then what do you want?”
“Which Ryan are you in contact with?”
“What?” Ava doesn’t know exactly who this Ryan is but she has a pretty good guess.
“What voice is in your ear?”
“Why do you want to know?” If Ava’s guess is right, she might wanna bluff her way out of this situation.
Mary sighs. “You ask a lot of questions for someone between the business end of a shotgun and the most dangerous person in Rapture but I’ll bite. The Ryan’s are the family that built Rapture. Millicent and Andrew Ryan and their daughter Beatrice. I want to know: which one is in your ear?”
Ava tries to scoot back a little further but can’t move with Lilith standing guard behind her.
Mary nods. “Have you heard any other voices? Anyone giving her directions?”
Ava shakes her head no and Mary’s face breaks into a wide smile “That’s just what I wanted to hear. Let’s get her back then, little Bea and I are long overdue a conversation.”
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cebwrites · 1 year
//lays on the floor
thinking about an AU where Kirin stayed with Baroque up until the Strawhats defeated them
The reason why Kirin was ever associated with Baroque in the first place was because of Bon-chan
They were they one who brought him in thinking it'd be a good way to keep an eye on their new friend and also stay close because this was after Kirin left his grandmother's place for trying to kill his brother (after finding out that Takashi became a marine) and essentially he had all his support systems and connections reduced to null
What they didn't expect was for Kirin to rise so quickly within the ranks, to a named position (Mr. New Years) as their partner, because of his efficiency (and cruelty when applicable) that caught Crocodile's eye - this gave him something to do, yes, but it ultimately made him worse emotionally/mentally
I like to imagine that Daz very much sees himself as an extension of Crocodile's right hand, even though Robin was his partner in the organization, Daz was the level directly underneath that and took his position seriously (during ID and post-Marineford he does take that position as Croc's right hand)
Kirin is similar in that regard, but because he didn't have as strong of a grasp of himself or wherewithal as Daz did at the time, it was more like he was a tool to Croc's orders rather than a faithful subordinate; and it was killing him - to throw away his personhood, to numb himself to the actions asked of him (in canon Bon-chan noticed this and regretted not having the foresight to predict something like this, and managed to get Kirin out of there with a bit of Robin's help before it was too late, but in this AU Kirin would stay for 3 more years until Baroque's defeat; Smoker was the one to take him down because none of the Strawhats would’ve been able to at this point)
After Baroque's dissolution they were all sent to a prison that the majority of them broke out of but Croc and Daz refused to come with for whatever reason like the cover story implied, then Impel Down once security regained their bearings
Kirin didn't really care where he went so long as it was with Bon-chan (assuming the two of them missed the bus to escape with the rest of them and didn't just sit and sulk like Croc and Daz)
But then the Impel Down arc happens
And then Marineford where Doflamingo still uses Kirin and Daz to taunt Crocodile and the former gets his leg severed as an outcome of two divorcees' hatred for each other
Miraculously (me, I'm god and I say so) he gets picked up by the Heart Pirates because when they were surveying the edges of the battlefield Bepo spotted and recognized Kirin from an interaction some time ago (Pen and Shach were ordered to get him and the leg, Kirin thought he was dying when he was suddenly grabbed and dragged underwater but it’s fiiiine it turned out fiiiiine)
Law was very hesitant since it'd mean more resources spent on a stranger, but then again taking Strawhat and Jinbe were also on a whim (I do like the theory that Law helped Luffy because then he'd owe a favor to them though, given his time under Doffy and also old man Wolf from the Law novel) and when was Law ever immune to Bepo's wishes
While Luffy was tearing through Amazon Lily's forests and destroying trees Kirin was offered a position on the ship like much in the way that Jean Bart was - devastated at the supposed death of Bon-chan, taking more psychic damage at being called a monster by his brother at Marineford, and nowhere else to go (believing that all his found family would reject him after word of the Baroque stuff came out - he also never formed his crew in this AU so Rio, Izzy, Coco, everyone would still be scattered across the world), Kirin agreed
Over the course of the timeskip he'd slowly start to recover with the introduction to actual (relatively) normal and cheerful people who gave him space but were ultimately kind and welcoming and appreciated his presence - that 'tool' programming very much remained though, but instead of a weapon at Crocodile's disposal, he was now a Heart Pirate willing to do anything for his captain
This Kirin, unlike canon, followed orders and didn't complain, he'd keep to himself until others entered his personal space and he'd leave when he had enough of it
This Kirin confounded Law because he was nothing like the snarky man he met in the North Blue years ago that bested him almost immediately in combat (due to Law's own underestimation and Kirin's experience/intuition/craftiness, but still) and it drove them up the wall trying to figure out why
Law wanted to study him under a microscope and that's what lead then being in avertedly in each other's spaces a lot
Plus, he likes his new captain and Kirin is observing Law just as much as they are to him (very slow-burny shy touchy touchies but the relationship isn’t really allowed to fully blossom because both of these assholes’ hangups - Law with their inability to open up and Kirin putting his “captain” on a pedestal and thinking of his life as second to theirs and the crew’s very much a la Sanji’s entire WCI arc and learning self worth)
Being around the other Hearts was still a huge help for his mental health though, it brought his smile back and maybe even coaxed a few more out of Law to see their “””test subject””” very heavy quotation marks enjoying himself too
No one questions it when the two Hearts go missing after dinner, and even though Zoro’s grumpy about leaving his gym in the crow’s nest early every evening he lets them have their privacy for the nights they’re there
Fast-forward to Punk Hazard where things progress as usual until Kirin reveals himself when Law cuts the giants down and Law has to contend with a stray crew member (they panic internally given the stakes, immediately asking if anyone else followed him but Kirin reassures them that he’s the only one that left, plus if they all did it would be too suspicious and it was a hard-won victory against the crew that he’d be the one to go, plus there’d be shockwaves if Law’s plan went as intended and Zou needed as many reinforcements as they could get)
When they’re all in the cave recouping Law gives Kirin a proper chewing-out to one side even though they can all feel everyone eavesdropping, particularly Robin’s eye on Kirin, but Kirin looks up afterwards with this determined look says that he’s never asked for much when he joined their crew but if he could be selfish just this once then it’d be to ask that his cap- no, that *Law* not do anything reckless on his own with a certain glint in his eyes that tell Law all Kirin isn’t saying, ”I don’t want you to die”
Law’s definitely not keen on having this conversation, least of all in front of the Strawhats, but they’d sigh and pinch the bridge of their nose, pull their hat down too - and say that there’s not much else to do now that Kirin’s *here*, so he might as well pitch in with the plan
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theofficersacademy · 1 year
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                                Julius   Sophia   Julia   Tharja                           Marianne   Nino   Phina   Felix  Flayn                                Sara   Eliwood   Ephidel   Hilda
WEEK THREE: The storm is at hand.
Just as quickly as they’d grown agitated, the spirits of the underwater graveyard below calm, either pacified or subdued by your efforts... all, save for one, that is.
As the skies grow darker, one wisp burns all the brighter. They must not be ready to move on quite yet, Blank theorizes, and then promptly goes about their own business of tending their garden of water lilies, clearly unbothered by the presence of yet another unexpected guest. They’ll leave when they’re ready, after all.
Everyone always does.
It begins to rain, it begins to pour. It’s windy. Your shelter threatens to take off into the night.
Food consumed over the past two weeks: all of your fish and birds and 10x herbs, oh no!
Places & Things of Interest
your Camp - It’s windy and cold. Your make-shift shelter was coming along, pretty colourful cloths and wood slapped together painting something of a quaint picture, but now it threatens to take off into the night! Hope you like huddling close together for warmth. 
the “Chapel” & Graveyard - The shadows and wisps have wreaked much havoc over the area during their scuffle last night. There isn’t much to look at here anymore.
the Study - “Reading is for nerds,” Blank had offered oh so helpfully last week. This week, however, a new book in your collection catches their attention. “... I had been wondering where that old thing went!”
The journal is not as ‘blank’ as was advertised in the vending machine, it turns out. They offer to translate.
        Evening: Another fight with ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊. She told me that I will kill her brother the same way I did their mother. I am a coward, it’s true. She says that I have no right to be her mother. That, I won’t accept. She will always be family to me, regardless of what she says.
It seems to be but a partial entry... Though a few pages later, there is another:
     Our souls are blighted, our spirits broken.      We are but seven now.
Myself (75)
▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ (17)
▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ (22) though she yearns for death after ▊▊▊▊ was lost
and ▊▊▊▊▊▊
Half of us perished to the Flood and the journey. Their names, so that I may never forget them:
▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ (29)
        We must go on, but not like this. Our pain is too great, we lack the strength and willpower needed to survive the winter here. ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ had this idea…          A  ██████████████ sounds ludicrous on paper, but I believe her idea is sound. By ██████████████ with magic and ██████████████, we can ██████████████. When spring comes and we’re ██████████████, it will be bitter, but by then we will remember why we came all this way…          As the oldest, our magic stores will be ██████████████ and ██████████████. I dare not even think of what would happen ██████████████ should the magic falter. ▊▊▊▊and I will likely ██████████████, but it will all be worth it. I want my future self to know that whatever happiness ██████████████ is my reason for doing this.
Did Blank write this, you ask? Pffftt, of course not! They simply copied it into the journal at some point, since they were bored and a little bit lonely. It’s an interesting entry to spin stories out of, no? Ah, to have family...
the Teleporter - It seems this can be used to send objects somewhere, and also to receive them... but where are they going? Who is it on the receiving end? ... Of note, every time the strange machine is used, its light appears to dim just a little bit more...
the Abyss - Pitch black as ever, but then, so is everything else. If only you had some light…? Something nice and solidly bright, that might work underwater. . . Blank remembers there used to be something like that, back in the day. Some strange round device you could point and click and behold! Light! ... Too bad there aren’t any of those around here. (Also, they’ve heard tell some of you were thinking of using the blooms, and while they commend your creativity and more than encourage you to go ahead with it if you’d like-- they suspect you might attract the attention of the shadows with those...) Ah well! No risk, no reward, yes?
NPCs of Note
Blank - They still kind of want to race sculls, but it’s gotten a bit dark for it, unfortunately. (Show them your Jackie Seagull pins. Do it. They will be absolutely delighted, promise.) It’s gotten dark out in the midst of the storm, but they don’t seem to pay it much mind in their comings and goings.
Wisp - A mournful, shapeless creature that does not yet wish to leave this plane. It regrets, regrets, regrets so much... For now, it is content to bask in your general company. It does not speak, but it transmits emotion well enough. Lingering regrets mix with the faintest sliver of hope... hope that it will one day be allowed to cross over. But not yet. Not yet.
Setting up base camp - every 1 post = up to 7% of progress, capping at 100% - requires up to equivalent of 7 planks, sheets of cloth, or combination thereof per post - Rumour has it reaching 100% may yield something beneficial... But as things are, you may wish to strive for adequate over perfection, before the storm undoes all of your hard work!
Scavenging / Foraging / Diving / Fishing / Hunting - see week one tasks - visibility is much poorer now, but where there’s a will there’s a way, yes?
All above tasks (minus setting up camp) now require 2x Blooms in order to have light enough to manage. Except you guys bought a lantern, so ayy!
Crafting: One of the books in the study denotes the makings of a vulnerary (oh so helpfully translated by your good friend Blank). Five of the Herbs you’ve been gathering ought to do the trick! Along with one two Blooms!
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lilylovesundertale · 2 years
Chapter 6 underwater sanctuary
Delto: here we are
Lily: can you guys please hurry it's hard for me to keep an entire ocean up
Nora: don't worry babe I'm pretty sure I can copy your ability I can help
Lily: no I got it it just takes a lot of energy
Zap: can we hurry up darkos having trouble taking care of storm
Aquo: you two had a kid together?
Zap: well more like adopt since we're both boys but yeah
Drago: can we hurry up the wolf is annoying me
*lily managed to get some of the water to splash drago*
Drago: okay I deserve that
Aziz: yeah I do you took him away from me
Delto: here we go again
Lily: luckily star is taking care of delta
Echo: we better get move on
Lily:*ears went down* h-how long until we get there
Leo: don't worry Miss lily we're almost there just a little more
Zap: I don't think sis can hold on for that long
Lily: n-no I got it I just need to-*passes out and zap took her place*
Nora: BABE*run over and pick her up*
Zap: we got to move unlike lily I cannot keep the ocean up for long
A soul piece went up*
Nora: what the heck is that thing
Drago: a soul piece one of the things we need for piecing back crystals soul
*Nora is now holding lily like a bribe*
I apologize if I got that incorrectly
Nora: how we supposed to defeat it
Leo: it's pretty simple actually we just attack it
Zap:*his ears went down* guys I-i can't keep this up forever
*One battle later
Zap collapses once they went on to the surface*
Nora: lily passed out when she was trying to hold up the ocean so zap took her place
Zap: I feel so weak*falls asleep*
Star: whoa whoa whoa he held up an entire ocean both of them did!?
Stitches: how the heck did they manage to hold it up for that long poor lily probably couldn't walk if she didn't pass out
Echo: you shouldn't underestimate foxes they're pretty strong
Star: wait a second will thay be okay
Nora: they'll be fine they just need some sleep they'll be up tomorrow
Lily: zzz
Sunny: luckily the next one is not in the middle of the ocean but instead in the middle of town
Aquo: will you two stop!
Everyone stopped and stared at him seeing drago and Aziz fight*
Aquo: please for the love of Jesus stop fighting!
Echo: I got it*walks over to them and stops them from fighting*
To be continued
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
Shes underwater again - Send me a situation along with a character and i’ll write a lil blurb (e.g sirius black x shy! fem! reader on their first date)
sirius black seeing fem!reader in a sundress for the first time and getting flustered/losing his mind?
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Sirius Black x fem! reader 
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Summary: Sirius sees his girlfriend in a sundress
Warnings: mentions of sex, food and eating, Sirius admiring his girls assests
A/n: 0.9k words, aww i like this, i also added in James and Remus teasing him for it, thank you and thanks for the request, enjoy 💛
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Navigation | Sirius Black Masterlist 
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You hadn’t really thought about your choice of clothing, Lily and Dorcas had told you they were wearing sundresses so you wore one to match. When you showed up your girl friends told you how gorgeous you looked, pulling you over into the sunny garden to catch up. 
On your way by you spotted Sirius “Hi Siri” you wave at him as you walk by smiling away
He glances at you, eyes lighting up “Darling” he pulls you from Lily’s grasp and in for a quick kiss
He cups your face pulling you in “Missed you” he mumbles into your lips as he breaks away
“Missed you too” you smile up at him starting to walk backwards as Lily calls you
“I’ll see you in a bit Marlene and Dorca have something important to ask me” you say, giving his hand a quick squeeze before heading over to the girls
What you didn’t see as you walked away, your dress gently swaying with your hips, was how Sirius’ eyes were fixated on you. He hadn’t noticed until you pulled back what you were wearing, usually no matter your clothing Sirius would watch you walk away…okay he watched one part of you walk away, but on this occasion, he couldn’t bring himself to stop looking
His breath quickened as he watched you smile as you spoke with your friends, his eyes lingering on how the dress hugged you. It wasn’t like he’s never seen you in flattering clothes, although in his eyes anything you wore was immediately such, but he had never seen you in a sundress before. He was used to you in your uniform or jeans and one of the many shirts you had stolen from him, so this dress was making him more than a little flustered
“Pads?” James says by Sirius doesn’t hear it, too busy staring at you as you jump up and down happily and something Marlene says, the dress lifting to reveal your upper thigh’s although his eyes were looking around 8 inches below your face, mouth parted with a fond smile on his face
Remus and James follow their friends’ eyes “You’d think he’d just seen her for the first time” Remus chuckles
“I know right” James sniggers as he pokes Sirius’ cheek “Mate”
“What” Sirius snaps huffing at his friends before his face softens “Sorry what?” he looks at them before sneaking a quick glance at you before he looks back at his grinning friends
“Got a bit of drool there” Remus teases gesturing to his lips 
Sirius half smacks his face to check, it wouldn’t have been the first time that had happened, you should have seen him when he saw you in a bikini the first time, he had Padfoot to thank for that trait “Aww shut up” he says rubbing his chin
“You alright? Have you not seen each other in a week or something, can’t be that bad can it?” James asks chuckling
Sirius flushes a little surprising his friends “No I saw this mornin before I left…it’s just…just she just looks so…so…” he makes the mistake of looking over at you, looking like a goddess standing there, losing his words as his mouth drops open
Remus and James just shake their heads “I think we should see how it’ll take him to notice we abandoned him” James whispers
“Good plan, beer?” Remus suggests 
James nods “Beer”
Sirius stood there for around 20 minutes before you waved your hand in his face “Siri you okay?” you ask looking up at him with those puppy eyes
He shakes his head looking around “Sorry darling…wait where’d Moony and Prongs go?” he asks baffled which makes you giggle
“Everyone went over to sit at table around 5 minutes ago” you inform him pointing to your friends
Sirius looks over seeing most of them smirking as well as James and Marlene giving money to Remus and Dorca, while Lily just tucks into one of the cupcakes she made with a smile
“You okay Siri, you look hot…” you pout placing your hand on his forehead “…the heat getting to you?”
His eyes return to you then trail down, up close the dress looked even better, growing hotter by the second “Umm…” he tries to speak but nothing comes out, even after chucking he still had nothing 
Your head drops as you look down wondering if you had something on your chest “Siri what are you looking at?” you say slyly, realising the cut off the dress enhances two particular assets 
His head lifts up but his eyes remain fixed to them “What?” he breathes out before smirking as you cross your arms 
“Siri” you shove him lightly “Stop staring” you whine quietly starting to feel a little flustered at your boyfriends attention
He finally tears his eyes away and back to your face “Sorry darlin” he chuckles “You look really…really good in that” he says almost breathless nodding
You smile feeling good about yourself “Thank you, but all the goodies are going to be gone if you keep staring at my tits” 
He nods realising his glances down at your chest every so often weren’t subtle at all “Yeah sure but here” he unbuttons his white shirt, taking it off and leaving him in just a white tank top “Darling as much as I love you in that and will take pride in ripping off you later please put this on or I’ll just goggle the rest of the night” he chuckles
You giggle nodding “Fine” you say taking it and putting it on “You want it like this?” you tease him buy scrunching it up and tying it
“You’re gonna kill me one day, you know that right?”
“At lease you’ll die happy” you shrug as you wrap the shirt around you before taking his hand 
He lets out a soft laugh “That I will darling”
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Thank you for reading 💛
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