#lion heart dance practice
some-bunniii · 7 months
Lucifer breaks your deal with Alastor
・❥ Your soul is owned by Alastor, and Lucifer is not pleased about it.
x: OVER 20k words!? strap in ya’ll, it’s a roller coaster.
xx: reader is g/n. no use of y/n. if you want to read it in chapter-form, you can read it over on my ao3 here.
warnings: adult themes, abuse, angst
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‘Alright, deep breaths. You’ve got this. You’ve practiced this so much it’s a cakewalk, so just take it easy. You’ll rock it, like always.’
“Oi! Welcome to the show, ya dirty sinners! Didn’t think ya’d see me all the way up here, did’ja?!”
Screams and cheers echoed from the seats below, as the voice of the King of Greed boomed from the loudspeakers. 
"Well, listen up, ya pitiful souls! I've got a craving for some more cash, so I've decided to bring the whole shebang right here to the heart of sin, Pentagram City!"
The cheering erupted once more, the spotlights danced across the sandy pit underneath the large circus tent. On the perimeter were rows and rows of stands, packed with demons nestled against each other.
It was Mammon’s first circus show in the Pride Ring, a very rare sight to see him leave his cozy little ring in general. But, when a good portion of your fans are sinners who can’t leave without being incinerated, then you have to receive them on their home turf.
In the large pit, two lions jumped obediently through hoops, their handlers shouting commands and cracking their whips to further spur the cat’s maneuvers.
Bright green flame danced around the lion’s faces, resembling that of a large mane. Their eyes were soulless, black pits that glimmered in the bright lights as they continued maneuvers through the tight obstacles.
On the edges of the pit, support poles towered above the crowd. Thin wires snaked across them, anchored to large platforms that hung in the air from the pole’s side.
“As ya can see, we’ve got a big show tah’night! Lots of great fuckin’ acts for ya mongrels to eat up. But, before we get to the juicy bits, direct your eyes up to the ceiling to get a look at our first performance!” 
Hundreds of gazes lifted to sky, the spotlights below beaming upward towards a platform at one end of the tent.
Bright, white lights hit your vision, and you squinted your eyes to prevent them from burning to a crisp from the focused beams.
You stood, your bare feet planted firmly against the platform’s white surface. Before you, a tightrope connected your place to another platform in the distance, beckoning you.
A small hoop hung from the ceiling, encircling a small portion of the wire. The trick was that it was too small for you to stand up straight while walking through it, so you’d need to limbo underneath it.
"As you can see, we've got some sorry sap up there that is about to practically walk on thin air! See that hoop over there? They're fixin' to stroll right through it."
Small ooh’s and ahh’s emanated from the crowd, their eyes darting from you to the hoop.
"But hold your horses, folks! That ain't your run-of-the-mill hoop, no sir! That, my friends, is a hoop on fuckin’ fire!!”
Suddenly, the hoop ignited in a burst of green flames, illuminating the area before you. Gulping, you took another deep breath, steadying yourself.
Okay, well, you knew that was gonna happen. You’ve just never actually practiced with the hoop on fire, but it shouldn’t be too hard.. right?
You nodded to yourself, assuring your racing thoughts that everything was gonna be alright.
The skin-tight suit you were wearing sparkled in the spotlight, dazzling the spectators with a red gleam as you hovered right over the edge of the platform, waving to the crowd. 
You had been performing ever since you could remember, and this was just another part of the job. You weren’t a part of Mammon’s original crew though, only being given the opportunity when they arrived at Pentagram City.
You were a Sinner, which meant being confined to the Pride Ring just like the rest. Fortunately, one of Mammon’s acrobats was too sickly to perform, so when you saw the large poster detailing auditions, you jumped at the opportunity to make some extra bucks.
You had arrived at the settled convoy of vehicles and trailers at the outskirts of the city, you were ecstatic. You hadn’t performed in an actual circus in forever, and the make-shift village of performers and equipment was a fresh sight.
Mammon himself was a… colorful character. He was a hard party rocker with a big ego, and most likely had a swear jar at home overflowing with pennies, with how that guy talked.
You hadn’t really met him when you auditioned, but you could definitely hear him. He was loud, practically demanding everyone’s attention even when he wasn’t addressing them. 
You could hear him yelling about an absent performer, annoyance evident in his voice as he berated an assistant.
"What do ya mean he couldn't make it to practice 'cause he lost his voice? He's a bloody mime, mate! What the hell are we payin’ these blokes for!?"
When you had performed for the recruiters—which you were surprised to find wasn’t Mammon, since the guy seemed to stick his nose in everything—you displayed to them your . A few somersaults, a bit of ariel silk action, and the classic, juggling. 
“How good is your balance?” One of them had questioned, their pen tapping softly against the wooden desk, as they considered your skills.
“Good enough, I suppose.” You replied truthfully.
Long story short, you got the gig. Although, when you heard they wanted you to tightrope under a hoop, that was a little surprising. 
Good thing you weren’t afraid of heights, or this would have been a nightmare.
Backing away from the edge, your gaze rested on the hoop aflame in front of you. After Mammon would finish speaking, you’d begin your act.
"But that ain't the only thing heating up tonight, folks."
Wait, what did he mean by that?
“‘Cause the tightrope… is also on fire!!!” 
The crowd went berserk hearing that. They whooped and hollered, as their twisted little fantasies came true before their eyes.
“Oh, god damnit, Mammon!” You muttered.
When you told them you had a pretty good pain tolerance, that did not mean resistance to fire!
You sighed, it was a little too late to back out now. Plus, you needed the money. Bouncing on your toes, you attempted to hype yourself up.
Exhaling a large breath, your foot lifted from the stand, and slowly reached out towards the tightrope. 
‘Fuck, this is going to hurt.’ you groaned internally, your toe just inches from the wire. You could feel the heat of the fire as it hungrily licked at your feet. 
Right as you were about to place yourself onto the wire, you felt something tugging at the back of your collar. 
It was deathly cold, and you tried to pull away from its touch, but whatever was holding you had a strong grip. A thick green fog-like substance pooled at your feet, and you looked down in confusion as it began to circle around your figure.
You felt the force on your collar harshly pull you backwards, and your feet lifted from the ground. The smoke became so thick in front of you, it was only the bright lights from the spotlights below that gave you any visual. Suddenly, large eyes began to dot your vision, staring directly at you, into your hollow being.
“What the fu-”
Darkness suddenly covered your vision, and you felt like you were floating in mid-air. Though, you couldn’t tell where exactly in the air you were, other than the fact the surface below you had completely vanished.
You tried to peel your eyes open, but whatever had thrusted you into this chilling realm would not let you get a glimpse of your surroundings. It wasn’t until you felt your feet hit firm ground, and a much less intense light hit your eyelids. You opened them slowly, your mouth still partially open.
“-ckkkk?” You finished, your eyes darting from one side of the mysterious room to the other. It looked strange.. to say the least. It was old, a little run down. It screamed tacky. 
You observed the room again, trying to find anything familiar that could gauge your location.
Were you in a hotel lobby? But, why? How? You’ve never been here before, nor did you know anyone who stayed at such a dump.
“Ah, there you are, my friend! What a pleasure to see you!”
You pivoted sharply to face behind you, and your eyes widened in shock at the familiar face.
Standing before you, a large toothy-grin plastered across his face, was Alastor. The owner of your soul, your eternal boss, the Radio Demon, and the butt end of most of your unfunny jokes—which you would never dare say in front of him.
Your finger lifted, pointing accusingly at the tall, red demon. He only tilted his head amusingly at you, that smile only growing wider as you frowned.
“Yes, it is I. I’m glad you remember my face, how are you today?” 
“What do you want?” You grumbled, ignoring his question. You crossed your arms before taking a step back. There were others behind him, but it was Alastor you were focused on as you waited for his response.
“Oh, just some charity work. My new friends over here are in need of some more helping hands, so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services!” 
He motioned to the others behind him, and you glanced at the strangers. One of them was a woman with long, platinum-blonde hair, who smiled awkwardly at you with a wave. 
“That’s great!” You replied sarcastically, throwing your hands up in exasperation, “but couldn’t you wait until after my gig? I was about to make some good money!”
Alastor only sidled up to you, before wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you against his cheek as if you two were best friends. You wanted to recoil from his touch, but you knew you’d get nothing good out of that action. 
“Oh, I am terribly sorry about that, my friend. But, we do have an agreement, as I'm sure you are well aware. Which means, for the time being, you’ll be living here at the hotel!”
Of course you were aware of the “agreement”, the guy had your soul! 
“What hotel?”
“The Hazbin Hotel! What do you think about the name, hm? I came up with it myself!” 
“It’s kind of lame.” 
“Oh-ho! You are such a charm, my dear! I can always count on you to liven up the room with your jokes.”
You sighed, uncrossing your arms and lowering them to your sides in defeat. You were stuck here, with Alastor, until he no longer needed your presence. As always.
“I still would have appreciated a call beforehand or something.” 
“Take my arrival back in the city as the call, my friend. My return was no doubt discussed by many. You knew I’d acquire your assistance at some point.”
Yes, that’s right. Alastor had been gone a good, what, seven years? It was strange, how he had just disappeared without a word or any kind of clue to his location. Where had he gone? Why was he being so secretive about it?
You didn’t miss him, of course. His absence was a mini vacation for you, a break from endless favors that he deemed you worthy to complete. What a joke.
“Now, why don’t we go and introduce you to all these fantastic fellows, hm?” He spoke, a command deep in his static-laced tone.
You turned back towards the small group of demons, who stood a few feet away silently as the two of you bickered. Standing slightly away from the rest, was a familiar furry face. Husker. He was here too? 
Nudging you forward with his cane, you walked up to the onlookers, who regarded you with a mixed expression. The shorter gray lady stood glaring at you with suspicion, her eyes darting between you and Alastor.
Beside her, was that pretty pale-faced demon in the red tuxedo. She smiled broadly at you, her eyes practically gleaming in excitement at seeing the multiple new faces.
“Hello! My name is Charlie, and this is my hotel! I'm so glad to have you aboard!” 
“..Hi, it’s good to meet you too.”
“Let me introduce you to our crew! Over there is my girlfriend, Vaggie!”
She motioned towards the shorter gray woman, and you looked at her more carefully. She had an X across her eye, barely visible with the long hair she situated across half her face. She still eyed you with suspicion, but her demeanor had softened as Charlie spoke to you.
“And, over there is Angel Dust, our first resident of the hotel!”
“How ya doing, Sugar?” Angel winked at you, as he leaned against the bar counter. Husk stood behind the counter, a thin line on his lips.
“I’m sure you’re familiar with Husker and Niffty, right?” 
You nodded, your gaze meeting Husk’s. His eyes softened just a teeny bit, before he let out a hmph and turned away towards the shelves of bottles against the wall.
Your attention turned back to Charlie, as she began filling you in with the details about the hotel and her plans.
She seemed like a sweet girl, passionate and imaginative. When she described her dreams to you, for the hotel, for the entirety of Hell, you listened carefully.
Sinners.. being redeemed? Going to Heaven? That seemed too good to be true. Unbelievable, almost. Sure, some of the demons down here weren’t too bad, but surely none of them were good enough to actually climb to the pearly gates. 
Charlie seemed… different from other dreamers, though, like she could actually get it to work. You couldn’t pinpoint exactly what made you think so. Maybe it was because she was the princess of Hell, and was the second highest on the food chain of this damned place.
You were lucky with how down-to-earth she was, or your bluntness would have probably gotten you smited by now.
In comparison to Charlie, you were a nobody. Well, you were nobody in general. You didn’t own anything of value, not even your soul.
Charlie didn’t act like a princess though. Such as how she spoke to you, and her friends. No command in her tone, no true motives behind layers of smiles and sweetly spoken lies. 
If she was the owner of your soul, maybe life wouldn’t be so bad. She treated everyone fairly, without judgment of who they used to be. Only dreaming of who they could be.
Was the King of Hell the same? How much did Charlie mirror her father, anyway? 
“So.. what can you do?” Charlie broke you from your thoughts, she was turned to you, her gaze meeting yours intently as she waited for you to respond.
“Well, I'm a performer! Mostly aerobatics, but I can dance and other tricks. Oh! I’m also a crowd-pleaser, i’m a really smooth talker.”  
“That’s ssooooo cool! You do that kind of stuff, like, in the circus?”
“Mostly, yes. Any odd jobs I can find looking for my skill set, really. I’m not picky when it comes to money.”
Charlie contemplated your words for a moment, her eyes darting. She’s already got a bartender and a cleaning lady, but where to put you…
“I’m also fantastic at pick-pocketing.” You grinned pridefully at her. It was something you were very good at, and that you had continued to perfect during your time in Hell.
It was also what led you to make that wretched deal with Alastor. 
“Oh.. um, let’s stick with your other skills, hm?” Charlie smiled awkwardly, before she turned her head, and her eyes landed on an empty desk situated near the large entrance doors. 
She perked, her eyes widening in glee as she spun around towards you. 
“That’s it! You can be our new receptionist! You’ll answer calls and greet all our newcomers, and you’ll be in charge of making sure all our guests are well taken care of during their stay.”
Your smile faltered, your gaze resting on the desk behind Charlie before meeting her eyes once more. You chuckled like she had just told you a good joke. Except when your eyes met hers again, she only smiled at you in anticipation.
Wait, was she serious?
“I’m sorry,” you started, lifting your hands up and shaking your head, “but that is not something i’m good at nor-“
“Well I think it’s a splendid idea!” Alastor appeared besides you, his hand resting on your shoulder. His claws dug slightly into your suit, and you whipped your head up, eyeing him with animosity. 
His eyes were squinted, a glare behind that wide grin. ‘Stay in line, or else.’ was his silent command. You scrunched up your nose, ready to argue, but the intellectual part of your brain smacked you upside the head. 
Your shoulders drooped, that frown deepening before you turned to Alastor. You pulled your shoulder from his grip, and looked at Charlie. 
And, that’s how it was for a time. 
There wasn’t much to do, in all honesty. As the months ticked by, you sat at that desk drowning in boredom. The people at the hotel were lively, but the job? Not so much.
While Alastor was the face, you were the paperwork. Although, he barely acted like it, which meant you took most of the work. 
There were barely any phone calls, any new visitors, anything new at all really. So, you instead filled your days with walking around the hotel, observing the rooms of any renovations that Alastor could make, or you’d write shopping lists for groceries and other miniscule items for the crew, and going out yourself to shop. 
There was that one demon, the snake inventor, that had become a resident during your time working. You had been there, when he attacked Alastor on the hotel’s doorstep. Your mouth agape as you watched him tear a piece of your boss’s suit, waiting for the snake to meet his death.
He didn’t, surprisingly. Instead, he had arrived not too long after apologizing. Which was shocking, and.. eye opening. 
Could Charlie’s dream come true? Alastor spoke of it as if it would turn into nothing but a failure. You had believed him, but now, that doubt was fading from your mind.
Could.. there be a chance for you too? 
You had mentally slapped yourself for that thought. You, redeemed? With no soul, you were trapped here. Only ever being able to watch from the sidelines as those more worthy ascended. 
Thoughts like that only came when you had drank a little too much. Finger mindlessly circling the rim of your wine glass, brow furrowed as you lamented over your poor decisions, you’d sit at the bar in silence late at night.
Nobody bothered you during those times, not even Alastor. No one saw the way your lip began to quiver, the way your vision blurred with tears.
No one noticed the surface of your drink disturbed with a droplet of salty sadness as it mixed with the bitter alcohol. 
‘You don’t deserve to feel sorry for yourself,’ you’d think bitterly, soaked anger spilling down your cheeks, ‘you damned yourself to eternal suffering the moment you shook that demon’s hand.’
Taking the glass, you’d lift it to your lips and empty the rest of the contents. That salty tang still hanging on your tongue when you set the glass back down.
On the worst nights, you’d simply rest your head against the countertop. The cool surface refreshing to your warm cheek, as you curled into yourself, and drifted into a restless sleep.
When you’d wake a few hours later, your blood-shot, tired eyes would open to the sight of a glass of ice-cold water and a migraine pill sitting a few feet away from your face. 
You never saw who catered to your hungover needs, but you had an inkling of a guess.
Lifting your head, you’d blink away the morning fog before sitting up straight with a groan. Slowly, you’d reach out and grab the small capsule and the water, before swallowing both in one large gulp.
Then, it was back to work as always.
Sometimes, you’d actually that phone on your desk would brnnnggg loudly, and you’d leap out of your chair to have a conversation with a fresh new voice. 
“You guys at least provide free Hash, right?” The masculine voice on the other end questioned.
“Sir, this a hotel meant for redemption. Y’know, to Heaven? We don’t have any paraphernalia here.” You grumbled, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration as you listened to the guy.
“Wait.. so you’re saying Heaven doesn’t have joints?”
“I’ve never been up there, obviously. Though I'm sure drugs are a big no-no up there.” 
“Then what the fuck is the point of wanting to go up there?! No weed? No sex toys? Fuck Heaven! Fuck you and your stupid little hotel!” 
“Choke on dick and die!” You snarled, slamming the phone back into place. You leaned back in the chair, fuming silently. The calls never ended well. 
“Good job, you’re really pulling in all those potential residents.” A sarcastic voice piped up near you.
Your head snapped to the bar across the room, your gaze resting on the black and white feline who was busy cleaning glasses on the counter. 
Standing from your spot, you stroll over to the bar, before nestling into one of the bar stools. Placing a hand under your chin, you rested your elbow against the shiny countertop.
“Pour an old friend a drink, won’t you Husk?” You asked sweetly, batting your eyelashes at him. 
His soul was owned by Alastor too, and even if you didn’t know the guy too well, you felt a kinship with him. You both were hollow beings, now.
“We ain’t friends,” the demon grumbled, “I'm just stuck with you and Niffty until I kick the bucket.”
“Okay, Mr. Grumpy-Pants.” You laughed as he reached for your go-to bottle. Same old, adorably-cross Husker. 
He was getting better, though. Happier, even. The night he disappeared to go retrieve Angel Dust, he came back with a bounce in his step. Seemingly more at peace, with whatever happened between the two away from prying eyes.
Once, you swore you heard him humming some old, happy tune while he organized the liquor bottles on the shelf. Husk.. singing? That was something you thought you’d never see.
He had a very good poker face, and half the time you couldn’t tell if the kitty even liked you. He always regarded you like he was behind a closed, see-through door. Getting close to you just enough to see and speak to you, but never enough you could actually reach out and use him for support. Hopefully, he was getting better with that too.
Maybe, with how things were going, he’d let you scratch his chin one day. You always wanted to try it, see if he purred just like they did back on Earth.
“What do you think about the hotel?”  You asked him, as he popped the cap off the bottle with his claw, and began pouring a glass in front of your seat.
“It ain’t too bad,” Husk replied truthfully, “But, it could be better.”
“I agree, I was having a pretty good time out on my own before this. Guess we’ll just have to get used to it, I’m not sure how long Alastor plans to keep us here.”
“You don’t know?” 
You raised an eyebrow at the feline, as you took a sip of your drink. “No, I don’t. Why would you think I do?” 
“Well, I just assumed the two of you would discuss those kind things.”
“You think I talk to Alastor about his deceitful plans with this place?” 
“Why wouldn’t you? I mean, you two are practically the same, with your silver-tongue and all.”
You leaned back, a mixture of surprise and disgust on your face at his words. Husk thought you and Alastor were like, what, best buddies? The demon that owned your soul?
“That’s a fucking lie,” You growled, glaring at him, “I’m not like that douchebag at all. Just because I’m good at talking my way out of tough shit, doesn’t mean I use them to manipulate people into making magical deals that fuck up their entire existence.” 
Using your feet, you pushed your chair back forcefully. It scraped harshly against the wooden floor, as you stood up from the stool. You didn’t even glance at Husk as you sharply turned away, and stomped across the room.
“Thanks for the drink, Asshole.” You called as you turned the corner into a long hallway, towards your room.
You didn’t speak to Husker for a while after that, or go to the bar. Instead, you worked and kept to yourself in your room. It wasn’t until you walked into the lobby one early morning, did you see the feline.
He was standing with the rest of the crew, concern etched across their faces as they circled around a mumbling, erratic Charlie Morningstar. 
“Why isn’t the hotel working?!” You could hear her fume, as she fussed over a large tack board filled with drawings and pictures. 
It wasn’t until about a half an hour later, when Charlie had hung up the phone with her father, did you realize the day was going to get much stranger.
“Alright, guys! My dad is going to be here in one hour, so we have to make this place perfect!” She said, a nervous smile on her lips as she addressed the small crowd.
Everyone tensed, their eyes darting to each other at her words.
Charlie’s dad was coming? Lucifer Morningstar? The King of Hell?!
Suddenly, the room bursted into action. Sir. Pentious slithered to the kitchen, claiming he needed to bake sweets for Lucifer’s arrival. Charlie was practically hyperventilating as Vaggie rubbed her shoulder soothingly. 
“Aw man, I gotta go put on my new perfume!” Angel Dust yelled from the chaos, as he sped away towards his room. Husk continued wiping down the bar countertop, but a little more feverishly now. 
Alastor was the only one seemingly unchanged by the news of the king’s arrival. He only stood there grinning, as the others rushed around him, before beginning to push back his cuticles.
“I’m just going to go… put on some better clothes.” You called, unsure if anyone was even listening as they scrambled about. 
You quickly left the lobby, running to your room to clean yourself up and look presentable. Your mind raced as you did so, recalling all the rumors and gossip you’ve heard over the years.
Was he a cruel king? He couldn’t be, not with how Charlie turned out. But, with her reaction to asking for his help… that was strange. She had never spoken of him before, so it didn’t seem like they were that close.
What was he going to think of you? You’ve never stood before such an important figure, other than Charlie, but that was wayyy different than speaking to the most powerful man in the realm.
You’d just have to make him like you, to avoid any trouble. You needed to charm the King of Hell, just like you’ve done successfully with so many others.
You adjusted your appearance in the mirror, before nodding your head in self-approval. You crossed your room, pulling open the door, and making your way down the stairs. 
When you returned to the lobby, everyone was making last minute preparations. 
Sir. Pentious was busy tidying the cookies on the cooking sheet in front of him. Angel Dust was finishing hanging up the balloons around the room, while Charlie was hyping herself up in the corner.
A large banner with a handwritten message ‘It’s A Boy!’ hung from the ceiling, and you shook your head in embarrassment with a smile.
When you had made it back to the group, there was barely any time to talk before you heard a knock at the front door.
Everyone froze, and Charlie exhaled a large breath of nerves, before crossing the distance towards the door. She pulled it open, and a white hat poked from over her shoulder.
You heard him before you saw him, and he sounded like a burst of sunshine as you watched Charlie get pulled into his bear hug.
She sputtered against his tight grip, before he finally released her. You could see the wide brim hat poking out of her figure, see that silly apple that stuck out from the top of his cane, as they talked for a few more moments.
It wasn’t until Charlie turned to face you and the rest of the crew, did you see Lucifer Morningstar’s face. Your breath hitched, eyes widening as you drank in his figure.
Fuck. He was gorgeous. 
He definitely presented himself like a king, with how he stood with his back straight and head held high. He rested slightly against his cane, his interest piqued at the new faces.
As his gaze swept across the lobby, it briefly landed on you, and your heart fluttered in your chest. God, his eyes were so pretty. They were a soft, muted yellow, like buttercream. 
They held many emotions too, you could see it. There was deep sadness that never left his gaze, as if it followed him like a shadow. It was something you felt followed you too. What was his story? 
Your eyes traced the rest of his appearance, landing next on the golden strands nestled under his hat.
That platinum-blonde hair practically glowed underneath the chandelier lighting, as it curled delicately around his face. It looked so smooth and silky, like the guy had a 10-step hair care routine. It probably smelled amazing too. 
And, those cute little rosy cheek spots on the sides of his mouth, that stood out from his pale skin. If you tilted your head just right, you’d say he looked just like a cockatiel.
But, it was his smile that enraptured you. Not the fake one, that wide, awkward mess across his lips he did as a way to appeal to Charlie.
No, it was instead that warm, genuine grin that lit up his entire face, crinkling the corners of his eyes in a way that made you feel like you were the only person in the room. The smile that only appeared during tender moments, like when his daughter rubbed her cheek against his affectionately. 
You hoped he would start to smile like that more often. 
Charlie had approached your group, introducing Lucifer slowly through your companions. Your heartbeat quickened as they made their way closer to you. 
Taking a deep breath, you clasped your hands together, smiling warmingly at the duo approaching. Charlie stopped, turning to her father as she began to introduce you.
“And thisss is our receptionist! They’re in charge of handling most of our inbound and outbound affairs, and in helping us capture potential residents too!” 
“And I'm doing a fantastic job at that, by the way.” You declared to the two, that smile of yours widening as you edged closer to them. You lifted your arm, extending a hand towards the fallen angel.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness.” 
God, could this dude get any more perfect? The closer he got, the warmer you felt your body temperature become, like he was practically the sun itself.
He regarded it for a moment, before hesitantly taking your grip. His hands were soft, but firm. The gold band on his pinkie grazed across your finger, it was cool to the touch, giving you much needed relief to the growing intensity of the heat of his grasp.
His eyes traveled up yours once more, to your eyes as they flickered between your batting lashes, and to your pretty smile that only grew wider as you leaned forward.
“The pleasure is all mine.” He spoke softly with a grin, as he looked you over. His voice was like silk, and you wanted to wrap it around yourself like a sheet. 
A stark difference to Alastor’s, who gave you a headache listening to that static overlay every time the guy opened his mouth.
“This is your first time here, right?”
“Yes, I'm just here to give my daughter the support she needs for her little project.” Lucifer nodded, glancing over to Charlie as he spoke.
“Well, I hope your opinion of the hotel has improved now that you’ve seen it in person.” 
“Oh, believe me, it has.” He assured, that nervous grin disappearing from his face, and you could see a playful smirk slowly blooming on his lips.
That was before his eyes landed on the bar at the other end of the room, his hand left yours as he turned to face it. You pulled your arm back, clenching your hand as his warmth faded from your skin.
“What in the unholy Hell is that?”
You stood up straight, as he walked closer to the bar. Only for Alastor to appear right behind him, a deadly grin on his lips as he strutted forward.
“Just some renovations we’ve had done, adds a little bit of color! Don’t you think?”
You sighed, your lips twisting into a slight frown as you watched the tension in the room escalate with every word Lucifer and Alastor exchanged. It wasn't until Charlie sidled up beside her father, that the drama got good.
“I guess that’s why they call it the Has-Been Hotel, eh?” Lucifer grinned, nudging Charlie with his elbow.
You snorted, your hand coming up to cusp your mouth at the sudden outburst. His dad joke was just so hilariously stupid—not to mention, it was pointed at Alastor, which was bonus points—you couldn’t contain the noise you made.
All eyes turned to you, and you felt sweat beading at your forehead from all the sudden attention.
Alastor still had that large toothy grin, but his eyes were squinted in a glare as his head snapped uneasily towards you. 
It was Lucifer’s gaze that captured your attention, though. He turned in surprise, as if shocked someone actually laughed at his joke. It wasn’t until he saw that the person that laughed was you, did he seem to slightly puff out his chest, a prideful grin dancing on his lips.
Heat flooded your cheeks as he sent you a mischievous wink, before his attention turned back to Alastor as the demon laughed2.
“Yes, Ha-Ha. It was actually my idea, though.” 
“Ha-Ha, well, it’s not very clever!” 
“A-Ha! Fuck you.”
You had stood to the side, as the two demons bickered and fought for Charlie’s attention. The insecurities of both became increasingly obvious to you as time went on.
Alastor, with his uneasiness that someone of much higher stature and power could take his role in the hotel. And, Lucifer, who’s relationship with his daughter was sour enough that the idea of someone replacing his role as a father caused him to short circuit.
Then, when a short, rotund woman bursted through the front doors, dressed like a flapper and fawning over Alastor, you realized even more how today was looking to be a really strange day.
Mimzy, an old friend of Alastor’s from when they were both swinging through the 20’s and 30’s back on Earth. 
You didn’t know her very well, other than she never stopped talking, and in your opinion, had an ego bigger than Alastor’s. But, you’ve been around long enough to know that whenever she came around, it was only to beg Alastor for help when she fucked up.
Your opinion of her only worsened when the wall a few feet away from you blew open less than ten minutes later. 
The chaos that ensued was even worse, as bullets began ripping through the walls of the hotel. Loan Sharks, snarling Mimzy’s name with venom, threw another explosive towards the building. 
When Alastor had suddenly arrived, shifting into his demonic form, you breathed a sigh of relief as he began to decimate the little army outside.
One of them was falling right above your head, and you tried to scramble away. 
Before it could turn you into a stain on the carpet, it suddenly jerked away, smashing into the closest wall instead. Gold sparks faded from around its wooden frame, and you turned your head to see Lucifer at the other end of the room with Charlie, his eyes trailing your form as you beelined for the opposite wall.
Another explosion rocked the lobby again, and you stumbled on your feet. A table skidded quickly across the floor, heading right for you.
The adrenaline pumping through your veins sent your body into overdrive, and you swiftly lean down, lowering your hands to meet the floor. With a powerful push, you launch yourself into a graceful somersault, your body arching elegantly over the crashing obstacle. Time seems to stretch as you execute the maneuver with precision, feeling the rush of wind against your skin as you spin through the air. Your back barely grazing the table’s surface before you landed into a roll. 
You shoot up from the ground, heart racing, a dumbstruck smile blooming across your lips at the realization you were still in one piece.
You were too preoccupied with Sir. Pentious barreling into your side; that you missed the pale face mirroring your  expression, as he watched you clear the table. 
By the time you untangled yourself from the snake demon, the dust had begun to settle in the room. Alastor had killed—or eaten—most of the Loan Sharks, and was now standing on the front lawn, cleaning bits of meat from underneath his nails.
Husk lifted his head slowly from behind the bar, eyes scanning the perimeter for danger. Mimzy crawled out from under the bar stools, before scurrying outside to speak with Alastor.
“Jesus, is everyone okay?” Angel Dust called, while Charlie was helping dust off stray pieces of rubble from Vaggie’s hair.
“HELPPPP!” Came the loud, mousy squeal from above your head. Eyes lifting to the ceiling, you see Niffty clutching a support beam with her life.
“Niffty? How the fuck did’ya get up there?!” Angel Dust yelled back, arms thrown in the air in exasperation.
It had partially dislodged from the ceiling, hanging loosely by one end. Niffty poked her head out from the side, her large eye darting across the room, as she waited for someone to come to her aid.
Your gaze traveled down from the support beam, your eyes landing on a water pipe, broken and sticking out from a large crack in the wall. It hung just perfectly in between you and Niffty, which would allow you to reach her quickly.
If you could just get a boost… aha! Your gaze lands on the partially torn couch that was scooted a few feet across the room from the explosions. If you leapt off its back, you could swing from the broken water pipe and use it to catapult yourself right next to Niffty. 
Lucifer analyzed the ceiling before turning to his daughter, smirking as he slowly lifted his cane.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got thi-“ 
“Hang on, Niff! I’m coming!” Your voice rang through the room, your footsteps echoing as you ran towards the damaged furniture. 
Taking a large leap, your feet hit the backrest of the couch. The muscles in your legs tense as you lower yourself slightly to vault forward and up, your arms shooting above your head as you close in on the pole.
Your fingers wrap around its chilling, metal surface; and with your palms snug against its frame, you swing forward, arching your body so your feet begin to lift above your head. 
You release the pole, your legs high in the air as you lift yourself up. You feel the wooden beam graze to the back of your knee pit, and you curl your legs around its base, hanging upside down.
Tensing all the muscles in your abdomen, you use the momentum to swing your legs around the beam and your butt hits the top of its base. You blink, your heart pounding in your chest as you exhale a sigh of relief.
Damn, that felt good. This was so much better than rotting at a desk all day, you really missed your old job. 
Niffty shot up next to you, wrapping her little arms around your forearm in glee.
“You came to rescue me, you’re my hero!” 
“Yeah, yeah. Just hang on, little lady.” 
You pulled her close, before getting to your feet. You lean over the edge, the only thing catching your eyes that you could use was that water pipe.
Okay, you’ve done a bit of parkour before. Piece of cake. 
You knelt slightly, before leaping from the beam. You stuck on foot out in front of you, and you felt your sole hit the top of the pipe. It was like taking a large step, as you swung your other leg forward and launched yourself with the other. 
Curling your legs, you practically cannonball into the couch. The large, plush cushions swallowed you for a moment, before spitting you back onto your feet in front of it.  
“Holy shit, ya didn’t die!” Angel Dust exhaled a sigh of relief, walking up to you. Niffty fussed in your hold, and you gently lowered her to the ground.
Niffty ran to Angel, who kneeled down to fuss over her for any injuries. You turned from the duo, before you caught sight of another figure coming forward.
“You’re an acrobat, aren’t you?” Lucifer said, a hint of astonishment in his tone as he strolled up to you, his eyes gleaming with interest.
“Yes, well, mostly. But I can do a lot of other things too.” You nodded, smiling bashfully at his facial expression.
“Wow! I mean, heh—boy, I haven’t seen anyone do that perfect of a maneuver in a long time. You looked like a ballerina up there with how strict your form was when you were swinging.”
Did Lucifer just.. compliment you? He knew about aerobics enough to make that kind of judgment on you? Man, this guy just kept getting better and better.
It should have been obvious, though. His silly red-and-white attire had struck you as familiar when you first saw him, and now you realized it was similar to the getup of a Ringmaster.
“Thank you, I've been practicing since I was young. I’ve even done a few circus acts before, and it’s always such a thrill. I'd do it over and over again without getting tired.”
“I think that’s called being an adrenaline junkie.” Lucifer teased, a playful smile on his lips. “But, really, that was good. Impressive, even.”
“Not as impressive as saving me from getting crushed by the ceiling.” 
Lucifer’s eyes widened just a tad, and he nervously adjusted his long collar, his smile turning bashful now.
“Oh, you.. you saw that?”
You nodded, “Yes, I did. Thank you. Also, your magic is just so pretty, they’re like little golden fireworks!”
Before Lucifer could speak, you leaned in closer to him. Your ear just barely grazing the brim of his hat as you smiled.
“And, I just wanted to let you know, I agree with you about the hotel name,” you inched closer to his face, your voice lowering as you spoke with a honeyed tone, “I have no doubt you would come up with a better name, Your Highness.” 
Lucifer tensed, and you thought you could see those red spots on his cheek darkening just a shade. 
He lowered his head slightly after that, his face mostly obscured by the brim of his hat. You couldn’t see what he was doing, but, was that an edge of a smile on his lips?
After a second, Lucifer cleared his throat, before lifting his head again.
“I’m glad we share the same appreciation for aesthetics. It’s been a pleasure speaking with you.” 
“Hey, Dad? Can I, um, speak to you? About the hotel?” Charlie spoke, approaching. A firm look on her face, as if it was rather important.
“Of course, I’ll be right there,” Lucifer nodded, before turning back to you, “Again, a pleasure to meet you. I hope we get to talk again.” 
Then, he did something you never expected, he curtsied. Your eyes widened, the King, showing you such a gesture of respect? All for what, doing a few tricks in the air?
Heat creeped onto your cheeks after that, and you watched him turn away, following after his daughter. Leaving you to stew about your encounter with Lucifer for the rest of the day.
Well, your thoughts on the King of Hell definitely stayed when you awoke the next morning, and the morning after that. 
Your thoughts were still there in that lobby as you sat at your desk one afternoon, your hands organizing a large stack of papers. They had a picture of the Hazbin Hotel on them, along with words that basically screamed ‘Come check us out!’
The plan was to distribute the posters around the city.  Buildings, poles, doorways, anything that could hold a staple was your target. 
You were fiddling around in your drawer, searching for extra staples when you heard it. A gentle rapping against the front doors, which made you lift your head.
There was no one else in the lobby, not even Husk. Slowly, you walked towards the doors, and the silhouette of a hat stuck out from the bottom of the stained glass.
Is that..?
Reaching to the handle, you pull it open, and met the familiar soft, yellow gaze. His lips curved into a smile at your appearance, and he lifted his hand in greeting.
“Oh! Hello, again!” 
Fuck, he was still gorgeous. Definitely an Angel, no doubt about that. His pearlescent skin practically glittered in the red hues of the afternoon light behind him, and you averted your gaze for a moment, trying not to be blinded by his ethereal beauty.
“Your highness? I’m—ahem, well, sorry. I’m just surprised to see you back so soon. What are you doing here?”
“I'm here to see Charlie, of course!” He exclaimed, strolling right past you into the lobby. His eyes scanned the room, resting for a moment disapprovingly on the bar, before landing on the large desk. 
“Is this where you work?” He motioned towards its wooden frame, you sidled up to him, before nodding.
“Yep. Hardly move from there during the day.”
“You sit there all day? Yeesh, that’s terrible.” 
“Mhm. Pretty boring, actually.”
“Well, if you ever want a better career, I’m sure I could find you a job at LuLu World, I’ve got a circus that runs year round there.”
LuLu World? The theme park he owned? You had never been there before, but it always sounded amazing. And, he thought you’d be a great fit there too. He couldn’t have been that impressed by a few of your maneuvers. Maybe, he just needed to go to an actual circus and see the real performers.
“I’d love to, but I'm kind of stuck here.”
“Why?” Lucifer turned to you, an eyebrow raised. 
“Well, um—” 
‘My soul is owned by the demon you have beef with, and I can’t exactly leave without his permission. I also can’t tell you this because I apparently signed an NDA too.’
“—I just want to help people! So, I made a promise that I wouldn’t leave until I made a difference. Y’know, really make an effort to improve this wonderful community!” You responded with fake cheer, clasping your hands together.
Lucifer regarded you for a moment, his fingers fidgeting against the apple on his cane as he thought.
“Oh.. well, that’s generous of you. But, someone with your skill set doesn’t deserve to rot away in a place like this, I’m sure you’d make a difference somewhere more relevant.”
“Are you trying to get rid of me, Your Highness?” You teased, your nails grazing against the desk as you walked past him, before pivoting to face him.
“What? No! Of course not, just—forget I said anything.”  He chuckled nervously, before fussing with his long collar. He seemed to do that often when
Aw, he got all flustered when he thought you were serious. Who knew the embodiment of Pride had such bad self esteem.
“Charlie went out to run some errands, but she should be on her way back, actually. Can I get you anything to drink while you wait?”
“Chamomile Tea, if you have it?”
You nodded, before walking towards the small counter behind your desk. There was a coffee machine, a toaster, and a large, electric kettle. You placed the kettle underneath the small sink, filling it up, before switching it on and setting it down. 
It would take a little time for the water to heat, so you returned to where your visitor awaited.
Lucifer leaned against your desk slightly, his fingers mindlessly tapping at his cane, his eyes staring at the wall. There he goes again, lost in his thoughts. Which he seemed to do quite often.
Would it be rude to wake him from his stupor? You had only just met him, so maybe, don’t push your luck.
You turned your attention back onto the stack of posters, flicking through each one as you counted. You heard Lucifer shuffle beside you, before clearing his throat. 
“What are you doing?”
“Posters for the hotel. I’m going to put them up around the city later today.” You held one out to him, and he took it from your grasp. His fingers grazed yours, and you could feel the warmth seeping into your skin from just that small touch.
When he pulled his hand away, that warmth left you, and you felt that never-ending chill seep back into your bones again. It was something that followed you since you made that deal with Alastor. As if your soul was the sun, and you just got shoved down a long, dark well. 
You could only claw at the edges for so long, letting the blood from your nails drip into the standing water at your feet, before you gave up trying. You’ve been sitting in that well for a long time, allowing time to pass by.
But, for some reason, since you arrived at the hotel, you’ve begun to start digging at the cracks of that well again. Maybe, if you got your claws in deep enough, you’d find that beam of sunlight.
“Hm, the drawings seems.. a little off. Did you do this?” Lucifer dragged you out of your thoughts, as he looked at you expectantly. 
Shaking your head, you chuckled softly. “No, unfortunately, stick figures are my only language in the arts. I think Charlie drew it.”
“Did I say this drawing was off? I lied! Ha-ha, yeah, this is great work.” Lucifer quickly replied, brushing off his earlier comment.
You were going to open your mouth to respond, before you heard the loud whistling of the kettle. You turned, watching the steam pour out of its lid, and quickly ran to fetch it.
You pulled a small tea cup from its stand on the edge of the counter, before filling it full with the water from the kettle.
Reaching towards a small cupboard, your fingers sorted through the different herbal flavors as you looked for one in particular. When your eyes finally caught the light green packaging, you pulled it out.
“Hey, this might seem like an odd question, but do you like caramel?” Lucifer asked from behind you. You turned your head slightly, taking a glance at him. His nails clicked against his cane, fast and nervous as he waited.
“Yes, I do. It’s not my favorite sweet treat, but I've definitely indulged in it a few times.”
Taking a few moments as you spoke, you ripped open the package. Holding the small string in between your thumb and your index finger, you carefully placed the tea bag into the steaming water. 
“Great! I was wondering, well, I mean—you see, I made some caramel apples for Charlie. Except, she hasn’t had one of mine since she was a girl, so I just wanted someone to take a test bite before I presented it to heel
Slowly, you could see the color begin to change as the herbal goodness was dispersed in the cup. You turned to him slowly, eyebrows raised as you regarded him.
“You want me to.. try one of your apples?”
“Yes! That would be great, just to know I still got the gourmet chef in me.” He smiled, lifting up a finger right above his lips, and swirling it in the air. As if twirling a long mustache.
“Your tea, Your Majesty.” You chuckled, bending your head slightly, placing it down on the desk in front of him. When you lifted your head, you were greeted with the sight of a large, light-brown coated apple. 
“It’s not poisoned I promise.” He teased, a lopsided grin on his face as he held the treat out to you, his fingers clasped around the kabob-like stick poking out of the bottom.
Carefully, you lifted your arm, plucking the caramel apple away from his grip. When you had it between your fingers, Lucifer reached down to take the tea cup from the desk, before swirling the mix around slightly. He blew at its surface, and the liquid rippled as steam still rose from it.
He gingerly lifted it to his lips, his pinky lifting away from the handle as he did so. His eyes softened as the herbal flavoring hit his tongue, and his body seemed to relax as warmth bloomed under his skin and the drink traveled down his throat.
‘He drinks with his pinky out? That’s so cute.’ You gushed silently, never did you think the King of Hell would practice such mannerisms. But, in all honesty, he didn’t seem like he should be in Hell at all. Guess that’s what happens, when the highest powers known to man punish you for being you.
His eyes never left you as he drank, as he waited for you to take a bite. You turned the treat in your grip, inspecting it a final time. Carefully, you lifted it to your face, and took a bite of its side.
Lucifer seemed to grimace as your mouth closed against the large chunk of apple. You chewed for a moment, letting your taste buds do the work. Then, your brain short-circuited at the sensations, and your eyes lit up.
“Woa-hu-ho! This is fantastic!” You beamed, and Lucifer’s eyes widened in a look of surprise.
“Yes! It’s actually really good! I think Charlie is going to love it!” You nodded briskly, taking another bite of delicacy.
“Ha, well. Guess I still got it in me after all this time.” He boasted, chest puffing just slightly at your compliments.
You obliterated that apple in front of him, taking barely a moment to breathe as you scarfed it down. God, his cooking was actually really good. What else could he make?
Lucifer only watched you, a faint smile on his lips as he watched you devour the treat. As if he was fascinated by your sudden primal hunger. 
Your eyes met his and you stopped suddenly, covering your mouth as you continued to chew. Heat flooding your cheeks in embarrassment.
“I’m sorry, Your Majesty, this is pretty rude of me..”
“No! Not at all, if I had more I'd surely give it to you,” he laughed, setting his almost-empty drink back onto the desk, “and please, call me Lucifer. There’s no need to use such titles in a private setting like this.”
Right as he spoke, the front entrance doors burst open, and Charlie and Vaggie strolled in chattering loudly. They held a few shopping bags in their hands, as they entered the lobby.
Right, so much for privacy. Couldn’t you get five more minutes with the #1 bachelor in the realm?
“Oh, Dad!” Charlie exclaimed, surprise etched on her face at seeing Lucifer standing beside you.
“Charlie!” He beamed, strolling over to her. He encompassed her into another of his signature bear hugs, and she sputtered for breath in his hold.
“Wha—gasp—what are you doing here?”
“I just came by to visit, also to take another peek at some renovations that really need to be done. Among other things.”
“Oh, okay! Let me drop this stuff off by Angel Dust, and we can do that.” Charlie smiled at her father, before turning and crossing the room to another hallway.
Lucifer watched her leave, before turning to you, his eyebrows raised as he spoke, “I assume you’ll still be sitting here the next time I stop by?” 
He wanted to see you again? Your brain couldn’t process that thought when the words left his lips.
“As always.” You smiled warmly at him, as you cleaned up the now-empty cup from the desk. You didn’t say ‘Your Majesty’ this time, but you weren’t sure whether calling your king by his real name was appropriate. At least, not yet.
“Good.” He nodded approvingly, before his back faced you and he walked out of the lobby. Your gaze lingered on the corner he had turned out of view from, before you sighed and returned to work. 
You didn’t notice those sickly red eyes watching you intensely from the shaded corner of the room, as you took a seat back at your desk. 
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Days like that continued, where you’d be greeted by the soft knocking against the entrance door. And, when you opened it, you’d meet the handsome, smiling face of Lucifer.
“Good morning, I hope you’re hungry!” He’d state as he strolled past you, always stopping right next to your desk first when he came.
You made sure to save your stomach for the delicacy he always carried with him now. Usually, he’d bring two, one for Charlie, and one for you. 
“I need to make sure she’ll like this one too.” He had explained. You were apparently his official taste tester now, but you never complained.
He’d hold the treat out to you, one eyebrow raised playfully, as he presented the caramel apple like a rose.
“Now with sprinkles!” He’d exclaim as you’d gingerly take it from his grip, your fingers brushing against his. The warmth a welcome feeling to your skin.
You’d sit there, feasting on the apple in your seat as he leaned against the desk. He was very chatty, even when he still held reservations around people in general. It never bothered you, of course. It stopped you from getting so bored while you worked.
“Don’t even get me started on Mammon,” Lucifer groaned, as you told him about your most recent circus acts, “the guy will do anything to put more money in his pocket. Y’know, he thinks we’re best buddies or something, thinks that lets him plagiarize my amusement park.”
“Why don’t you tell him to shut it down?”
“Because it brings in more business,” Lucifer had shrugged, “People go there, expecting a good show, and don’t find one. So, they go to my LuLu World, and bam, they never want to leave!”
You chuckled at the name, ‘LuLu’. Yep, you were definitely speaking to the Sin of Pride, alright.
“What’s so funny?” He had asked, curious at your reaction. You straightened yourself, a lop-sided smile on your lips when you realized he caught your laugh.
“Nothing it’s just.. ‘LuLu World’? There had to be something better you could have called it.”
Lucifer gasped, placing a hand on his heart, feigning hurt. “Woah, woah. First, you say I'm good with names, and now you’re laughing at them? Dirty.” 
“Oh, I'm so sorry. Please, good sir, don’t smite me!” You mocked a pain expression, clasping your hands together in a gesture of begging.
“I will allow you to live for now. Can’t have the hotel going into shambles because you’re not here to keep it running.” Lucifer’s voice deepened as he fixed his posture into a much more royal stance. As if he was speaking to a lowly squire in court.
‘I barely do anything around here, but thanks for the confidence boost.’ you’d answer silently, as you leaned back in your chair, watching his antics with amusement.
You began to anticipate his arrival with excitement. Even pouring his tea beforehand, so when he walked through those doors, you’d place a steaming cup into his palms. You always enjoyed the way his eyes softened when he took his first sip.
Hell, you enjoyed.. everything about him. His smile, his jokes, the care he had for his daughter, even if he had a hard time showing it. He made you smile, which was something you haven’t done willingly in a long time. 
And, his smile? That real, true look of happiness that blossomed on his face? That slowly began to return as well. 
For a few months, everything was dandy. Until, one evening, when Alastor summoned you to his room.
He never did that, and that made you nervous.
You stood at the closed door to his room, your heart pounding in your chest. What did he want? Did you do something wrong? Your thoughts just couldn’t still as you fidgeted nervously.
Slowly, you lifted your knuckles to the door. Before you could even graze the wooden surface, the door swung open. It creaked loudly as it did so, and your breath hitched as you began to glimpse inside.
You poked your head in, your eyes scanning across the room. The decorations were so outdated, it almost made you gag. Skeletons of an alligator hung on the wall, its eyes glowing from the string of lights wrapped around its figure.
A large shelf of books, mostly for cooking, stood out against a small wooden table. A small radio sat snug on the desk, playing a gentle jazz tune. On the opposite side of the room, was where that freaky abyss lay. You had never stepped foot there, the part of the room that simply seemed to dissolve into a dark, swampy land. 
Then, you heard humming. Staticy, soft humming, coming from the left side of the room.
Alastor stood over a bloody cutting board, a large kitchen knife in his hand. He wore an apron that was spattered with blood, his usual overcoat was gone, replaced by a dark red tuxedo underneath and a—surprisingly—clean white dress shirt.
He hummed along in sync with the music wafting from the speaker, as he continued to slice along the large slab of meat on the counter. You couldn’t dare think what the flesh used to be as you slipped through the crack, shutting the door softly behind you.
It didn’t seem like he knew you were standing there awkwardly by the door, but you knew he did. How long was he going to have you wait?
Clearing your throat, you spoke softly, “you wanted to see me, Alastor?”
“Ah, hello there, my friend!” He pivoted sharply, his tone chipper as he smiled at you. The knife was still in his grip, and he swirled it in the air playfully. “How are you doing on this fine, hellish evening?”
“Wonderful! I called you here today because there is something I’ve wanted to discuss with you for some time. You see, I've taken notice that you and our ever-so charming King of Hell have been growing closer these past few months.”
This is what he wanted to talk about? You fought to not roll your eyes at that. 
“Let me guess, you want me to stop talking to him?”
Alastor giggled at that, a maniacal fit of he-he’s as he forcefully stabbed the knife into the slab of flesh. It stuck out like a grim warning, as he brushed his hands against his apron before removing it entirely. 
“On the contrary,” he spoke as he hung the apron against a dining chair, “I want you to get closer to him.”
You blinked, leaning your head back slightly as you processed his words.
“Wait, what?”
Alastor nodded, confirming that you didn’t just hallucinate that. He slowly walked forward, before placing a hand on your shoulder as he moved behind you.
“You see, I believe it’s in both our best interests to forge a deeper connection with our illustrious King. There are certain… opportunities that may arise from such a relationship.”
“Opportunities? What kind of opportunities are we talking about here?”
“Ah, now that would be telling, wouldn’t it? Let’s just say that there are benefits to being in the King’s inner circle. Power, influence, the chance to shape Hell itself… But I’ve said too much already. Just trust me on this one, my dear.”
Trust Alastor? Ha! That was the first joke he’s ever spoken to you that was actually funny. 
Your thoughts raced as he appeared on your other side, his claw grazing across the back of your neck as he rested his hand on your shoulder once more. 
He wanted you to what, fake your attraction to Lucifer? Wanted you to lie and manipulate him so he’d bend to your will, and carry out Alastor’s evil deeds in the guise of caring for you?
“What makes you think he’d even fall for that? He’s an angel, he’s not stupid.”
Alastor chuckled, patting your shoulder as his grin widened. “Haven’t you noticed the change in his demeanor? The little.. pep in his step? Ever since he met you that first day, he’s only grown more attached to you.”
Was that true? Sure, Lucifer seemed to be getting better, slowly. Seemed to smile more genuine as time went on. But, that couldn’t be because of you! He was reconnecting with his daughter, of course he’d be happier at the hotel.
It didn't matter, in the end. You weren’t going to do that to Lucifer. You weren’t going to ruin the one relationship that was built by trust. The question is, could you resist Alastor?
“What if I don’t want to?” You finally ground out, your firsts clenching at your sides.
Suddenly, you felt a chill around your neck, and you gasped at the sensation. You lifted one hand up, to try and feel whatever was clenching at your throat.
Your fingers wrapped around a green, metal collar that seemed to tighten as the seconds ticked by. Energy sizzled against your fingertips, like static. Eyes widening, you ripped your hand away, your feet moving on instinct to get away from him.
Your back hit the wall roughly, your heart practically beating out of your chest as you watched Alastor slowly stalk towards you. His eyes began to shift, resembling that of radio dials. Those small antlers on his head began to rapidly branch out, growing longer every step he took.
“What if you don’t want to? My, what a foolish question.”
He was just inches from your face, that toothy smile practically ear to ear as he leaned in. Lifting a hand, his claws grazed your collar bone, before traveling up towards the glowing green clasp.
A single claw hooked underneath the metal surface, pushing roughly against your throat as he tugged you harshly forward by it. 
His breath hit your face, and you scrunch your nose from the foul odor. He reeked of death.
“It seems you have forgotten who owns your soul, my dear.” He whispered in your ear. You squeezed your eyes shut, your lip quivering as he spoke.
“If you try to resist, try to fight against your chains. I’ll make sure my radio broadcast is filled with nothing but your dying screams.”
Tears pricked at your eyes, the collar only becoming colder as you writhed slightly against his touch.
“I-I’m sorr-“
“You sold your soul to me, don’t forget. If there is anyone to blame for your misfortune, it is you alone.” Alastor hissed, thrusting you even closer to him by your collar. You felt his smile crease brush against your skin, and you shivered.
You were becoming increasingly aware how sickly-yellow his teeth were, compared to Lucifer’s. Disgust began to boil in your belly as you opened your mouth.
“I’ll do it!” You whimpered, your heart pounding, “I’ll do it..”
“Wonderful.” He drawled, before leaning away from you. His claw released your collar, and it dissolved in green fog. You coughed, rubbing your neck, as Alastor took your shoulder and roughly nudged you to the door. 
It opened on its own, and you were pushed through the threshold. 
“I’m glad we could have this little chat,” Alastor’s chipper tone returned, as you stared at him with disgust, “Have a hellish rest of your day, my friend!”
The door slammed shut as he disappeared back into his room. Leaving a rush of angry tears to pool at your feet alone.
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Two weeks had passed, since Alastor told you to tug the heartstrings of the King of Hell, to play him right into your fraud-loving palms. Oh, the universe must surely hate you.
You had begun to avoid Lucifer, though. Whenever he was around, catching you at work, you’d continue your silly little chats. You began to memorize the timeframe he’d show up to the hotel, and make some kind of excuse to not be there when he knocked. Either you were out shopping for supplies, or seeing the latest movie. Anything you could think of, you’d leave and force Husker to greet Lucifer.
The guilt of knowing what would happen if Lucifer fell in love with you? It ate you up inside. You hardly slept lately, tossing and turning with terrible nightmares of drowning in that cold, dark, bottomless well. The chains tied to your feet, preventing your escape to the surface.
Would anyone care if you just let yourself sink to the bottom? 
Those thoughts were still on your mind as you did your morning jumping jacks.
You had asked Charlie to use one of her empty storage rooms as a place to practice your acrobatics, which you had started doing every night now. It was any easy escape from your troubles, on the farthest side of the hotel from the lobby, where no one could bother you.
It was a large room, with ceiling-high windows that lit the room with a light red hue. You had convinced Alastor to give you a makeshift gym as a part of your “deal”. If you were going to be forced to be the bad guy, he could at least give you a place to kick ass.
There were multiple gymnastic bars set up at different heights, two balance beams, and a small-scale tightrope. The tightrope was a thick wire connected between two poles across one side of the room, roughly the size of your torso. There was a platform attached to each pole, allowing good foot room on each side of the wire.
Tonight, you were practicing walking on your hands across the balance beam. Sweat dripped from your forehead, and you watched it land onto the leathery cover of the beam beneath you. 
You had made it halfway across, when you heard the door to the room open softly. 
“I didn’t even know there were rooms back here!” An astonished, familiar voice came from the doorway. 
What was Lucifer doing here?!
Your brain short-circuited, and your arms began to wobble beneath you. You lost your balance, and  immediately tumbled off the balance beam with a breathless “Fuck!”
Your side hit the mats below, pain bloomed from your shoulder as you lay there in defeat. You heard a high pitched yelp from behind you, and the sounds of feet pattering against the floor neared.
“You’re not dead, are you?” Lucifer laughed nervously as he kneeled beside you. He reached a hand down to your face, before he hesitated, and instead lifted his cane.
You felt soft poking against your cheek, as he prodded you with the black stick. 
“Stop that.” You grumbled into the mat, stirring slightly from the floor.
“Oh, you’re not dead! What a relief.” He said, exhaling a breath he had been holding. “I’m terribly sorry about that! I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You groaned, before lifting yourself up from the mat. You got to your feet, rubbing your shoulder tenderly.
“It’s fine, I’m fine. What are you doing here, though?” 
Lucifer processed your question for a moment, before he suddenly straightened himself up. Head held high, he strutted over to you, before halting. He glanced at you, before he began fussing with his bow-tie nonchalantly.
“Well, I came to find you.” 
“Because, I wanted to speak with you. And, you’re conveniently always out of the room when I want to do that.”
Shit. Did he notice you were avoiding him? You didn’t think it was that obvious.
Lucifer watched you intensely, analyzing your reaction to his accusatory statement. He had a firm line on his lips, as if your actions didn’t bother him. 
“I’m not avoiding you.” 
“Oh, really?”
“I came here to improve my aerobatics, before you rudely interrupted me.”
“Right, like you need to improve.”
You turned to him, an eyebrow raised. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“You’re already good at it, there’s no reason for you to come here every day.”
He turned his head to face you as he spoke, and your eyes caught sight of something wiggling slightly on the top of his head. Is that apple decoration not fully attached to his hat?
Suddenly, you had an idea. A playful smile began to bloom on your lips, as you slowly made your way towards him. 
“Actually, that’s not true. I’m not that good at tightrope walking, I’ve told you that before.”
Right before he turned his head so he could trace your movements, you shot your arm above his hat, your fingers pinching around the small apple stem.
You sharply pivoted, facing him now as you walked backwards towards the tightrope platform. The apple hung behind your back, as you kept his gaze. 
“Buuut, I think I’m much better at it than you.”
“Excuse me?”
You turned to face the platform, moving your arm fluidly and taking the stem between your teeth, before lifting yourself on the white surface. 
Gripping the apple once more, you turn to him slowly, watching his eyes widen as you swing the apple between your fingers for his viewing pleasure.
“Actually, I think I'm better at this whole circus bizz than you. Look! I’m a magician even, would you like to see another trick, Your Majesty?” 
Lucifer stood there in shock, for a few moments. His red pupils darted from the swiped apple to you, before they dilated slightly. Then, he laughed, an audible ‘Ha ha!’ at your words. 
“You think you’re better at the circus than me?” Lucifer asked slowly, a mixture of disbelief and teasing in his tone.
“Without a doubt!” You called, turning to face the wire. Not giving him a second glance, a smug smile formed on your lips.
Lucifer regarded you a moment, before a mischievous grin played on his face. “Well, let’s prove it then.” 
He lifted his cane, before tapping it against the ground twice. Suddenly, you found the platform vibrating underneath your feet. Then, it began to move. You stumbled, and then fell to your knees, gripping the edges as you squeezed your eyes shut.
What the hell was happening?!
The support pole began to rise up, and up, and up, until it barely grazed against the ceiling. Slowly, you opened one eyelid, and then the other. You were still safe, clutching to the platform. The tightrope was still holding, connected to the pole across the room. 
You exhaled a side of relief, before crawling over to the edge. Your eyebrows flew up in surprise as you judged the distance to the ground, you were roughly three stories in the air!
Did.. Lucifer do that? He took “prove it” to a whole new level with this one. 
You got back onto your feet, the apple still in your palm as you placed your other hand against the support beam. Now, where was Lucifer? Did he stick you up here to starve to death?
You jumped, reeling back from the voice, right towards the edge of the platform.
“Woah—hang on there now!” Lucifer quickly reached out and wrapped his fingers around your wrists, tugging you back to the center of the stand. You blinked, slowing your heart beat, as you stared in surprise.
“Lucifer? How did you get up here?”
“I can fly, remember?” 
That’s right, he did have wings. You just didn’t think he was that fast with them. Lucifer had also completely ditched his hat and overcoat, instead he was in his red and white dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up to partially expose his forearms. 
His hair was slightly disheveled, no doubt from the flight up here. It wasn’t as slicked back as before, small strands of hair sticking out messily. You thought that was adorable.
Lucifer looked down, before smiling sheepishly and withdrawing his hand from your wrist. He brushed his fingers down your hand, his nails gently grazing against your palms.
This time, you didn’t feel the cool sensation from his gold ring against your skin, as his pinky lifted from your hand.
“Now, are you going to walk across that wire, or are you going to just give me back my apple?”
You met his eyes, his gaze playful as he smirked at you. He took a step closer, and you took a step back. Slowly, your heel hit the wire, and you halted. 
Lucifer watched you expectantly, waiting for you to make a move. He probably assumed you’d turn around to cross the wire, and he’d nab the apple from behind your back.
Too bad for the King of Hell, you could walk on a tightrope backwards. You winked at him, as your feet moved fully onto the wire. You pivoted slightly every so often, your body fluidly leaning back and forth as you adjusted for balance.
Lucifer watched you, admiration in his eyes as you maneuvered your way down the tightrope. You pulled the apple from behind you, teasing it in front of his view.
“The big question is, how do you think you’re going to best me in those heels, Your Majesty?” 
Lucifer glanced down at his knee-high boots, before slowly peeling them off his feet. He placed them neatly to the side, before moving a foot to the wire.
He began to put his weight onto the tightrope, wobbling a little as he adjusted for balance. He definitely did not do this often, and you laughed softly at his failing posture.
Lucifer huffed, glancing at you, who was still moving a reasonable distance away from him. Then, a smirk played on his lips, and you saw forms begin to appear against his back. 
The red feathers of his wing’s underbelly began to glimmer in the light from the large windows behind you, as he slowly opened them to full length.
Six ethereal, majestic wings flapped gracefully behind him. They began to pivot slightly, adjusting for Lucifer’s balance much quicker and with ease.
“That is so dirty!” You laughed at him, shaking your head disapprovingly.
“Looks like I'm going to getcha!” He teased, as he began to take much more confident steps across the wire; his wings flapping softly, boosting his speed.
You took bigger, riskier steps as you closed in on the other platform. Your heartbeat racing from the challenge, adrenaline beginning to pump in your veins.
“What happens if I eat this apple?” You asked, holding up the apple to your nose, before taking a deep sniff. Licking your lips playfully, you glanced back up to Lucifer.
“A tummy ache, I'm afraid. But, hey, I'll trade you a caramel apple for that one.”
Your stomach grumbled at that, and you genuinely licked your lips at his words.
“I might consider that proposition, if you can catch up to me that is.”
You spun on your heel, facing the base of the pole, as you began to increase your pace.
It wasn’t until you felt the wire jerk under your feet, did you begin to wobble. With a hitched breath, you try to regain your balance, but to no avail.
Your foot slips, and you feel your body beginning to lean off too far to the side. Gasping in surprise, you flail your arms hoping to catch anything in your grip to stop your fall.
Right as you begin to free fall, you feel strong arms snake around yours and grip you firmly. 
“Hang on, I got you!” Lucifer practically spoke in your ear as he pulled you forward, back up onto the wire. You breathe heavily, clutching his forearms tightly as you lean in closer, catching your breath.
Large wings flapping stronger now, Lucifer held you close as you both balanced along the same small portion of the tightrope. You felt his hot breath on your face, and realized how close the two of you actually were.
Your chest was practically against his cute little bow-tie, your legs brushing against each other as you balanced on the tiny surface. The steady wing beats of the fallen angel sent wind softly grazing past your ears, cooling the heat that was beginning to creep onto your cheeks.
He was so close, and so fucking gorgeous. Forget what Alastor wanted to do, what you wanted to do was kiss this man silly. For months, you both danced at the edge of each other's hearts. Gifts of affection, words of compassion, the whole shebang. 
Yet, you’ve never looked the King in the eye and told him ‘I want you.’
Was it because you were stubbornly fighting against Alastor’s demands, that you even ignored your own true feelings? Just to spite the powerful cannibal?
Couldn’t you just look at a sexy man in peace, without anyone else watching your every move?
“Are you alright?” Lucifer asked after a moment, pulling you from your ogling.
“You saved me..” You finally breathed, eyes wide and you met his soft gaze.
“Of course I did, why wouldn’t I—”
Lucifer’s words caught in his mouth as you pressed your lips to his. He froze at the touch initially, but it only took a moment for his entire body to soften against yours. 
His hands found his way to your waist, and he pulled you flush against his body. Your fingers reached up, and you began to caress the sides of his face, twirling a few pieces of hair between your pinkies as you deepened the kiss.
The warmth that bloomed from his touch was intoxicating, your entire being craving for more as you leaned even farther into his embrace. 
His hands moved from your waist, until they brushed underneath your shirt. His palms coming up to cup the small of your back as he pressed you closer to him, as if worried you might dissipate into the air and leave him forever.
It was a good thing he had six wings to keep the two of you afloat, or else you would have been a splatter on the mats by now.
You felt Lucifer's teeth graze against your lip, and you had to fight to not bite his lip back. After a few more moments, you pulled away from his face, your breath coming out ragged as you gave him some distance. 
Lucifer blinked a few times, his eyebrows beginning to raise slowly as a dopey smile danced onto his lips.
“I really enjoyed that, but we should probably get on solid ground, don't you think?” He laughed breathlessly, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he looked at you adoringly.
You reached up, brushing the few loose strands out of his eyes, before nodding. “That is a good idea.” 
“Well, just hang on.” Lucifer replied with a mischievous grin, and you opened your mouth to question him. Before you could get a word out, you felt him begin to lean backwards, pulling you along with him. 
You yelped and squeezed your eyes shut, as you began to free fall on top of him. Lucifer only hugged you closer, before his wings shot open, slowing your descent. 
Carefully, you peeled your eyelids open to the two of you gliding softly down, as Lucifer circled the pole lazily. Your feet swung in the air, and the wind rushed past your ears. The adrenaline rush causing you to laugh in glee as you felt your feet hit a hard surface.
You both stood there in silence for a few moments, the weight of what just transpired finally settling on top of you. 
Holy shit, you just kissed the King of Hell! From trying to stay as far away from him, to getting as close as physically possible. What a twist.
“Well, now that we’re down here,” Lucifer began slowly, his gaze meeting yours with a playful roll of his eyebrows, “we could continue our previous.. discussion.” 
You almost obliged, until you heard the familiar call of Charlie, as she searched for her father. You tensed in his grip, before pulling away from his hold. A pout formed on Lucifer’s lips at the absence of your touch, before he straightened himself. 
Snapping his fingers, that familiar white overcoat magically materialized onto his figure, along with his wide brim hat. Your eyes landed onto that spot where the missing apple usually was, and then you noticed how empty both your hands were.
“Your apple! I think I dropped it when I almost fell.” You explain apologetically.
“Oh, you mean this apple?”
Lucifer pulled the red, gleaming trophy from beneath his overcoat. He threw it in the air a few times, catching it gracefully. A silent boast as he grinned at you. Your mouth only hung agape, as you scanned the apple for any imperfections.
“There is no way you took that from me! How do I know you didn’t just make that?”
“Woah! Sounds like someone is a sore loser.” Lucifer laughed, before turning towards the door, he kept his gaze on yours as he did so, walking backwards as he talked.
Slowly, you kept pace with him, shaking your head in disbelief at his words. He was just as preoccupied as you, sucking on your face, you couldn’t believe he actually took it from you in the chaos.
“At least we settled the little debate, hm? Seems like i’m better at these kinds of things than you. Just like I said.”
“We’ll definitely come back and test that theory with your wings bound this time.”
“Oh, will we? Is that a challenge?”
Lucifer halted at the doorway, and you stopped a few footsteps away. You batted your eyelashes at him, grinning playfully, “it’s a promise, actually.” 
He grinned at that, before he leaned in closer, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.
“So, you haven’t been avoiding me, then?” 
‘Not this again.’ You groaned internally.
“No, I haven’t. I’m sorry, I’ve just got a lot on my mind lately.” You quickly spoke, an apologetic look on your face. Would he buy your lie?
“And you’ll tell me when something is wrong, right?” 
You cracked him an assuring smile, “of course!” You lied through pearly-white teeth. 
Lucifer nodded approvingly at that, before he glanced out of the room. You both could hear Charlie a hallway or two away, and she seemed frantic to find her father. Lucifer only sighed, before turning to you.
“Looks like I’ll be seeing you real soon, Darling.” He promised, bowing his head slightly to you. You wanted to scold him for that, about lowering his head to someone of lower class, if he did that in public no doubt the citizens of Hell would mock him for it.
But, you weren’t in public. You were alone, with someone you cherished, able to whisper all your secrets, hopes, and dreams to someone you trusted most. If only you could tell him the truth, and not be stuck here drowning in your own lies.
Lucifer gave you one final glance, before he turned away, strolling through the hall away from your room. A happy whistle came from his lips, and you could hear it slowly fading as he moved away.
Backing up, you plopped down on a bench on the side of the room. The recent events hit you like a freight train, and you realized how terribly stupid you were.
How were you supposed to protect Lucifer from whatever plan Alastor had in store for him, if you were going to keep disregarding your brain for your weak little heart? 
Yes, Lucifer was the most powerful being in Hell, far more powerful than that red demon. But, he was also a sad, lonely angel. Who craved affection and attention, which he seemed to want solely from you and Charlie. 
If your life were in danger, would he be stupid and risk his own for you? He wouldn’t, he couldn’t. Your filthy, sinning soulless self wasn’t worth the trouble.
You just wish Lucifer would see that. 
For an hour, you paced the perimeter of the room. Your thoughts clear as you evaluated all the metaphorical cards in your hand. If Husk taught you anything about gambling, it was always to call your opponents bluff before he had a chance to do it to you.
Your feet halted suddenly, your heart beating rapidly in your chest as you stared through the large windows. Your thoughts settling as you watched the waning light.
You weren’t some pushover, some scared little child in need of protection. You weren’t going to let some murderous psychopath take any more control of your life. You were going to call the shots this time, even if that meant being dragged by the throat into that well.
As long as everyone you cared about, even Husker, made it out.
There was only one plan of action you saw ahead. And, it was not going to be the easy route.
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“I’m done.” 
Alastor halted, the wall sconces in the hallway illuminating his sharp grin as he heard the words leave your lips. It had been four days since you decided you were going to stand against him.
“Pardon?” The words left his lips slowly, his head cracking in-humanely to one side, his ears twisting to face you. 
“I said I’m done deceiving for you. I’m not going to lie to Lucifer, or anyone else, for any longer.”
Alastor didn’t say anything, his back still turned to you. His claws tapped against his microphone, rhythmic and loud as he processed your words.
“Is that so?” 
“Yes, and I don’t care what you have to say about it. There’s more to the world than power, Alastor.”
You felt something cold tugging against your neck, that familiar, sickening sensation returning to your body. You sucked in a large breath, calming your rapid heartbeat. 
Green illuminated your face as you felt something heavy begin to weigh on your body. Alastor held one of his hands out, before flicking his wrist with a painful pop sound. 
The chain snapped forward from the collar around your throat, snaking around your figure as it wove to Alastor’s palm, its green glow casting eerie shadows against the walls. You struggled against its hold, feeling the cold, metallic links digging into your skin. Alastor's laughter echoed through the hallway, a chilling sound that sent shivers down your spine.
"You dare defy me?" Alastor's voice was low, dangerous. "You forget your place, little puppet."
Panic surged through you as you fought against the chain, but it only tightened its hold, squeezing the air from your lungs. You gasped for breath, your vision blurring as darkness threatened to consume you.
"Perhaps a reminder is in order," Alastor said, his tone dripping with malice. "A lesson in obedience."
“Don’t you have any more tricks in the book than this fucking chain?” You growled between gasps, the back of your head sliding against the floor as you twisted against its metal grasp. “C’mon Al, this is just embarrassing.”
Immediately, his face contorted into a look into a large, crooked smile. His eyes shifted to resemble radio dials, as he harshly yanked you towards him. Your cheek slid across the carpet, and you felt the sting of rug burn bloom across your face.
‘Don’t let him see you scared, don’t let him win.’ You begged yourself internally, as you held your tears back. 
Alastor’s face began to change, his features sharpening drastically, that crooked smile growing all the more larger. His antlers branched farther from his head, gnarling together in twisting designs above his ears. 
Even his hair began to stand on end, as he stalked closer to you. Shadows enveloped the hall, like a fog rolling in. Obscuring the sight of your eventual corpse, as Alastor wrapped the chain around his arm, keeping it taut as he closed in.
“The only embarrassment,” He started, his voice flickering into pure static at his rage, “will be how fast it takes for your s̴͔̓̌̍ç̵̯̮͍͆̿r̷̼̥̿̒̊̐e̸͙̣̯͛̽̒a̷͈̼͗ͅm̵̮͑͛͆s̴̻͊̽̑ to die on your t̸̝͓̆͌͝ö̷̻͚̩̎͊n̸̨̘̭͍̕g̵̱̝͍̈́͛̍ͅû̶̞̼̲͜é̴̺, when I rip your h̷̟̣͚̅̏̔̚͜ë̵̺͙́́a̶͉͙̤͆͋r̶̼̈́͝t̴͙̯̕ out of your throat.”
Archaic symbols danced your vision as Alastor’s entire body seemed to contort into jagged edges, his arms and legs doubling in length, as his hunched back hit the ceiling of the hallway. His crooked neck lowered, his head itching closer. One claw coming out to hook  underneath you collar, pulling you up by the neck. 
“What will our dear King do then, when he finds your mangled body on his front door?” 
You snarled, trying to tear away from his grip. How dare he still try and bring Lucifer into this, even when the fallen angel could pulverize him in an instant. Couldn’t he face you one to one? 
The Radio Demon’s eyes flickered a darker red, and you feel the collar begin to tighten around your throat, squeezing the breath from your airways. You gasped, tears pricking at your eyes as you clawed at your neck in a poor attempt to stop the sensation.
“Alastor? Is everything alright over there?” 
Suddenly, the squeezing at your throat dispersed like fog, as the collar and chain vanished into thin air. You were left on the floor, sputtering for breath, as Alastor quickly pivoted towards the voice. His body instantly shifted back to normal, with quiet pops and clicks as his joints squeezed back into place.
It was Vaggie, coming down the hall, her eye staring suspiciously at his shaded form. 
Clutching your bruising throat, you stumble onto your feet. Your back hits the wall, and you use it for support to catch your breath.
Alastor straightened his suit, his expression morphing into its usual grin as if nothing had happened. “Oh, everything’s just dandy, Vaggie. Just having a delightful little chat with our friend here.” He gestured casually toward you, his tone dripping with false cheerfulness. “Isn’t that right?” He raised an eyebrow, his eyes glinting with an unknown expression.
“Yeah—cough—sorry, just choked on the water I was drinking.”
“Right. Listen, Alastor, I wanted to talk to you in private. If that’s okay with you.” Vaggie said, gesturing down the hall.
“Of course, it’s always a pleasure speaking with you, my dear!” You didn’t miss the way Alastor’s eye twitched, as if he was not thrilled about having to leave. But, he was deceiving everyone else, too. Which meant he had to play his little part to a T.
“I’m just.. going to go. I’m not feeling so well.” You muttered to the pair, before darting around the corner, out of sight. 
You ran to your room, slamming your door behind you. Your back hit its frame, before slowly sliding down until your bottom hit the carpet. Tears of anger flowed down your cheeks, as you continued to rub your neck.
Fuck. Why were you so powerless?! If only you had even a sliver of magic in you, you could have defied him better. Now, what was Alastor going to do? 
‘What did you expect?’ A part of your mind hissed scoldingly, ‘You just tried to fight the demon that owns your soul, and got your ass handed to you.’
You growled, rising to your feet. Frustration, sadness, pain, everything seeped out of you, and you felt like killing someone in that moment.
“It’s better—”
You picked up a spare shoe from the ground, your nails digging into it as you bared your teeth. Swinging it behind you, you vaulted it towards the opposite wall.
“—than doing nothing at all!” 
You heard glass shattering, and watched shards spill from the mirror above your dresser. You could see your face, partially obscured in its remaining reflection. You could see the slight purple marks around your neck, see the tears spilling from your cheeks.. see that dark look on your features, like you actually would kill somebody.
Reeling back, you placed your knuckles to your lips. Maybe, to stop that lip from quivering so violently. That face in the mirror reminded you of everything you hated about this wretched place.
And, now, you were becoming just like him. You stepped backwards, trying to distance yourself from the reflection, before the back of your legs hit the side of your bed, and you sank into the mattress. You wrapped your arms around your knees, curling into a ball as you sobbed the frustration out of you.
You could still feel the dark magic sizzling against your neck, as if it refused to release you of its hold just yet.
It wasn’t until you heard soft rapping of knuckles against glass did you lift your head. Turning towards the balcony doors, your eyes widen at the sight of the familiar figure standing outside. His silhouette illuminated by the dark red hues of the evening light, as he waved through the frosted glass.
“I see you over there! Can you let me in for a moment?” 
What was Lucifer doing here?! This was terrible timing for him to make an appearance! But, he knows you're there, can see your silhouette through the glass as you sit there on the bed. You sighed, quickly cleaning your face of tears, and taking a few deep breaths.
“Come in.” You called hoarsely, cracking the best smile you could muster.
The glass doors slowly pushed out of them, and Lucifer quietly shimmied through the cracks. He pivoted to face you, a large smile on his lips as he squinted at you through the darkness of your room.
“I’m so glad you’re here, I was just about to leave and then I remembered I never gave you your caramel apple!” 
Lucifer began to stroll forward, your face becoming less obscured in the shadows as he closed in. You tried to shrink away slightly, turning your knees away from him so he couldn’t see them quivering slightly.
“I put a layer of chocolate on it too, and so—wait, why are you crying?” His gaze intensified, as your face finally illuminated in the light.
“I-it’s nothing! I just had something in my eye!” You lied, cracking a wider smile.
“What are those marks on your neck?” Lucifer ignored your excuse, as he stalked closer to you. His eyes constantly scanning your figure looking for any more oddities. 
“Please, Lucifer.. I’m just tired and-”
“What is this?”
Lucifer had asked, his pupils dilated, trained on something against your throat. Something more than the small purple marks.
You began to rub your thumbs together in a soothing motion as you watched him move closer to you. Gulping, you parted your lips to speak.
You didn’t get a chance to say anything, before his hand gingerly lifted towards you. His nail grazed against your collarbone, and heat blossomed underneath your skin from his touch. 
‘Please, just stop here,’ you silently begged, eyes squeezing shut as his finger rested against your figure, ‘don’t ruin this moment by digging any farther.’
Your reaction only spurred him, however. Lucifer’s eyes narrowed, his pupils thin slits now as he watched you.
Slowly, his finger trailed upward, skin brushing softly against yours as he traced the invisible force only a powerful demon could see. Your heart beat rapidly in your chest, every movement of his only quickening its pace. 
Until his hand stopped, right in the middle of your neck, and you felt a sizzling against your skin. The heat was becoming too much, and you wanted to pull away from his touch. You didn’t, instead, you tensed, deathly still before him.
A soft golden light illuminated from Lucifer’s palm, as his fingers wrapped around an invisible object. A shadow formed in his grip, and he tugged at it, that glow in his palm growing stronger.
Backing away, he yanked a long, thin chain from your figure, as if trying to free you of a parasite that found a home deep in your bones. As he stepped backwards, it only dragged across the floor, still connected to your neck as it lengthened.
A thick, metal collar snuggly encompassed your throat. The chain locked tightly against it, a vivid reminder of your poor decisions.
Lucifer’s palm slid across the cold, metal links. Eldritch magic seeped from its form in the shroud of thick fog. Archaic symbols danced at the edge of your vision as its glow illuminated Lucifer’s unreadable expression.
The chain was a sickly green, its harsh glow an annoyance to his eyes. It was embedded with a dark, chilling magic. Whispers of untold horrors and ancient curses coiling around you, promises of a fate worse than death. 
Lucifer could practically smell it, that red demon's aura as it encircled around your frame. A twisted signature, practically scrawled across your forehead like a stamp of ownership.
Oh, the audacity of a person to take such a kind soul and rip it away from its owner. 
You weren’t some dog to be beckoned at the flick of a wrist. You were so much more than that, you deserved so much more than that. 
Yet here you were, the clasp around your neck like a shadowed hand, softly squeezing the life out of your eyes. He could see it, clear as day.
Small, white horns protruded from his head as he clenched the chain tighter. He tugged it once, twice, as if testing its durability. You leaned back slightly, the chain becoming taught between the two of you.
That collar around your throat kept you locked in place, as you watched him turn the chain in his hands. For a moment, Lucifer’s figure melded into the horrid shadow of your owner, and your eyes widened in fear at your delusion.
You could see it, feel it. Your stomach brushing the stained carpet beneath you with that haunting figure bent in a sickly, twisted angle in front you. That chain wrapped around the radio demon’s hand as he threatened you with terrible acts if you failed to stay in line.
Seeing your face contort into pained anguish only caused him to bare his teeth slightly, the sharp edges glinting in the light.
Seeing it so deeply entwined with your very being only further spurred the king’s anger. It seeped quietly from him, his grip tight against the chains as if trying to snap them with his bare hands.
“Who did this?” He hissed, his gaze boring into yours. He wanted to hear you say that demon’s name, wanted to hear you confirm the truth that was so obvious in front of him. 
You knew he wasn’t angry at you, but still you bowed your head slightly. Averting your gaze from his pleading eyes, shame slowly clawing at your stomach. For a moment, you felt like throwing up. Wanting to rid yourself of the terrible feeling that was seeping into your skin.
You felt like crying, or throwing yourself into his arms. Wanting to melt into his hold, and be told again and again that everything would be alright. That the most powerful man in hell would come to your rescue.
But, deals that bartered in souls are a much more difficult magic to conquer.
Fighting the urge to collapse into his embrace, you steeled yourself. Hands planted against your knees, back straight in a pathetic attempt to have some kind of power in this moment. 
Your eyes sullenly traced across the harsh links of the chain, its form all too familiar by now. Yet, it still caused such grief in your bones no matter how many times you looked upon it over the years.
Slowly, your eyes shifted to meet his gaze. Your lips curved into a frown at his expression, and your predicament.
How were you supposed to tell the love of your life your soul didn’t belong to you? That you were trapped in a deal of your own making? 
Curse that little fine line in your deal that kept your mouth sealed shut, that prevented you from uttering his name.
“I-I..” You desperately tried to speak, to tell him the truth, but that invisible hand that pulled at your tongue forced your silence. Tears pricked at your eyes, the desperation in them evident as your attempts to explain only died behind those pretty lips of yours.
As your mouth shut in frustration, Lucifer’s anger only heightened. His eyes flared into a blood-red glow, a harsh change from that soft yellow radiance you often found yourself lost in.
He pivoted harshly away, his voice contorting into a snarl as he stalked out of the room. His overcoat appeared atop his shoulders, and it swished behind him as he moved. 
Lucifer’s thoughts were too tangled with the images of his claws wrapping around the deal-makers throat to sit there and console you.
The tears that had threatened to spill finally rolled down your cheeks, your lip quivering as your eyes lingered on the doorway he had just exited. His thoughts too mangled with the image of his claws wrapping around the deal-makers throat to sit there and console you.
Placing your face into your hands, you sobbed quietly. 
Oh, how that regret had begun to consume you as you continued to wallow in your self-pity. 
Regret, for thinking that giving away your soul was a simple feat. That somehow, you’d still be happy after the fact. 
Regret, for falling in love when you knew the deal that kept you to that deer demon’s side would never allow you to enjoy such a fleeting emotion. No matter how hard you clawed to Lucifer’s soft embrace, that chain would always be there to drag you back. 
Those soft whispers of affections, of promises you couldn’t keep. Knowing, one day, that constant-smiling demon could play his little games and tear you away from your lover’s hold forever.
Oh, what a lovestruck idiot you are. 
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Lucifer’s feet carried him back to the lobby, his eyes glowing as he noticed the cat-demon, Husk, cleaning glasses behind the bar. He sharply turned in his direction, surely, this other being 
“You, bartender.” Lucifer hissed, as he lifted himself up onto the barstool, crossing one leg over the other. Acting as if only wanting to have a friendly chat with the demon. His claws extended slightly, as they tapped impatiently against the countertop. 
Husker looked up from the glass in his hands, his eyes bored and his mouth a thin line as he worked. It wasn’t until he saw Lucifer’s deadly expression did he drop the glass immediately, ears slightly pinned to his head, before straightening his back to address the king.
“I-uh, how can I help you, Your Majesty?” 
Lucifer’s lips upturned into a lopsided grin, those sharp teeth on full display. That’s right, some people have to remember exactly who they are dealing with.
“Where is your master?”
Husk paused, regarding Lucifer for a moment with an eyebrow raised. He was very aware of the tension between the two powerful demons, but he didn’t expect the King of Hell would go looking for Alastor.
“I’m not sure, sir. You could bring it up with Charlie when she gets back, I’m sure she knows more than little ol’ me.” 
Lucifer grimaced slightly at that. Of all the people in the hotel, his daughter was the last one he’d want to bring into this whole debacle.
“There’s got to be something you must know, bartender. He owns your soul too, does he not?”
“What, you think I keep track of the guy or something?” 
“No, but you should,” Lucifer snarled, leaning over the counter, causing Husk to reel back slightly, “it’s clear no one here keeps eyes on that filth, enough to stop him from hurting people in this very hotel.”
Husk seemed to deflate at that. Those long, feathery eyebrows of his lowering slightly as an unreadable expression crossed his face. He set the glass down, before sharply turning away from Lucifer.
“He’s usually in his room, by now,” Husk spoke quietly after a moment, “down the left hall, last door on the right. Ya can’t miss it.”
Lucifer didn’t give thanks, instead he tapped his cane at his side, and golden waves circled around him. In an instant, the King was gone, a few pieces of gold dust landing softly against the barstool. 
“Asshole.” Husk muttered, before popping open a bottle of liquor and lifting it to his lips.
Lucifer opened his eyes to see a large door in front of his face, green symbols glittered against its frame, etched into the wood with practiced precision.
Only Lucifer could see them, though. Only powerful wielders of such a force could see these runes. Magical spells, cast upon the room. Protection, defense, muffling, everything an evil guy could dream of.
Although, the demon’s magic was strange. Unfamiler, even. Seems like he’s been dabbling in a new form of sorcery.
Lucifer stood there, for a few moments. He didn’t knock at the door, or jiggle the handle. The Radio Demon was not the one in control here, so he simply waited impatiently for an answer.
“I know you’re in there, you rat.” Lucifer hissed, the horns poking from his head continuing to rise. “I know you can hear me. Why don’t you do us both a favor and show yourself, or are you too much of a coward now?” 
Slowly, the door to Alastor’s room creaked open. The interior obscured by thick shadows, with soft lights flickering from the edges of the room as Lucifer continued to stand there.
“Your Majesty!” A cheerful voice called from the shadows of the room, and Lucifer bared his teeth at the tone. “What an honor to have someone like you gracing my presence. Please, come in!”
Lifting his head high again, Lucifer took a confident step into the room. He had every right to be, even in the demon’s own abode, the King’s powers were unmatched. 
Lucifer’s lips curled into a sneer at the saccharine greeting. “Save the pleasantries, rat. We both know why I’m here.”
As Lucifer stepped further into the room, the door behind him remained wide open, the light from the hallway illuminating the King’s figure. Alastor’s silhouette still danced within the shadows, the glow of his red eyes illuminating the space as he carefully followed the King’s movements.
“Ah, but do we really, Your Majesty? Enlighten me.”
Lucifer’s eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. “You have an uncanny knack to create suffering with everything you touch. Now, you pull the strings of innocent lives. Do you thirst for power that fucking badly, to make a deal for someone’s soul?”
“They made a deal on their own whim,” Alastor retorted, waving his hands in a sweeping motion, brushing off the accusation, “How could I say no to such an offer? I’m a demon, if you can recall.”
The lights in the room began to flicker with renewed life, and Alastor’s sharp grin only made the fallen angel want to tear it from his face.
“Demons like you deserve to be ground into dust.” Lucifer snarled, closing the distance between the two. He lifted his head, meeting Alastor’s piercing gaze. His claws wrapped around the Radio Demon’s black bow tie, and he harshly tugged him down to his eye level.
Alastor stared at the grip with a deathly silence, his face contorting into sharper features, his pupils taking the dialed form once more. 
Energy crackled in the room, a mix of both demon’s powers as the tension only continued to escalate. Alastor didn’t move from the hold, he knew better than to test that fate. 
The lines above Lucifer’s lips scrunching as he stared at the demon with disgust. “You steal the souls of those weaker than you to fill that emptiness in your own, it’s pathetic.”
“Maybe.” Alastor shrugged nonchalantly, before a green spark sizzled against his bow-tie, and it limply fell from his clothing in Lucifer grip. He turned away, stalking towards the cutting board on the counter.
“Don’t walk away from me, you freak. Lest I do everyone in this hotel a favor and remove you from existence right here.”
A dark chuckle bounced against the walls, filling the room as Alastor kept his back to Lucifer. “Ah, but if you kill me, they die too. Souls entwined with each other, you see. Such a dilemma, wouldn’t you say?”
Lucifer gritted his teeth, cursing his oversight. “Shit,” he muttered under his breath.
Alastor’s voice took on a sly tone. “But fear not, Your Majesty. I’m not without mercy. I understand the affection you hold for such a.. charming demon.”
Lucifer’s gaze hardened, suspicion clouding his features. “What do you want?”
“Why don’t we.. make a d̴̻͉̺̆è̴̛͎̟̖̻͐a̵̭̫͆͆̽l̸͓͍̽̆̀̕?” Alastor’s tone crackled with static, as he spun to face the fallen angel. His head tilting curiously to one side, watching Lucifer’s expression.
Lucifer laughed, an audible ha-ha as the words left Alastor’s lips. He twisted his cane between his fingers, his claws leaving small etched lines trailing behind his movements.
“A deal with you? Do you actually expect me to give you my soul?”
Alastor’s grin widened, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “Oh, not your soul, silly! It’s nothing too extravagant. Just a little exchange of power. After all, what’s a deal between demons?”
“And, what exactly does this deal entail?”
Alastor paused for a moment, his intense gaze never leaving. “I have.. a few affairs I never got to settle when I died. I’d like to be able to return to that filthy place, whenever and wherever I want.”
“That’s it?” Lucifer asked in disbelief, his head leaning back slightly as he processed the demon’s words. “You want access to the human realm? You’re standing before the King of Hell! Why not simply ask for my title?”
Damnit, Lucifer, is it really the time to get your pride twisted?
“Oh, I couldn’t be bothered to bare such responsibilities of a king. I’d take your strength in a heartbeat though, but we both know you aren’t powerful enough to bless me with such a gift.”
The mockery in Alastor’s tone of the fallen angels' lack of heavenly abilities, spurred Lucifer. Who’s horns were fully out for view now, that small fire licking hungrily between them.
“Well? What is it going to be, Your Majesty?” Alastor hummed, his nails clicking against the countertop. “Do you want their soul or not?”
A demon like Alastor, being granted the ability to leap from the realms? It was much different than giving Amsodueus’ little spawns access via that orange crystal, who didn’t hold the kind of magic the demon before him did. 
What would he do when he was up there? Steal more souls? Go on a slaughter spree? There was no telling with the twisted man before him.
But… it was Heaven’s problem. Wasn’t it? It was them who cast Lucifer away from the place he helped create, and now it was their job to clean up the messes.
“Why would you give me something of such value for something like that?” Lucifer asked after a  moment.
“Because your little lover is a deep pain in my side, always disrespecting and challenging my words. If it wasn’t for that silver tongue of theirs, I’d have killed them ages ago.”
Lucifer growled, golden flames dancing on his fingertips at Alastor’s words. 
“They also don’t have any value. No power, no status, just a beggar on the street when I found them all those years ago. You could say I only made such a deal because I pitied their pathetic existence.”
‘If this guy keeps talking, I might just have to kill him.’
Time stood still in that room for a moment, the ending of the song playing from the radio the only indicator that the realm was still moving around them.
“I’m waiting~” Alastor sung, both demons locking eyes with each other across the room instensly.
As Lucifer weighed the consequences, a firm line set on his lips as he nodded. "Very well, Alastor," he said, extending a hand towards the demon. "We have a deal."
Their hands met in a firm shake, and as their fingers intertwined, a surge of dark energy crackled between them. Wisps of shadow and flame danced around their clasped hands, swirling around the duo.
Alastor was lost in a maniacal fit of laughter, as large eyes and symbols danced around him. That smile on his lips changed, as lines of thread locking his teeth together, as if someone had forcefully stitched that grin in place.
The air itself seemed to tremble with the force of their agreement, and the room pulsed with an otherworldly energy. The very fabric of reality seemed to warp and bend around them as the terms of their pact solidified.
Suddenly, you burst into the room, your eyes widening in fear as you saw the two demon’s hands entwined. You placed a hand to your mouth in shock, as you realized exactly what they were doing.
“Oh, no no no NO!” You cried hoarsely against the loud rushing wind, pushing you against the wall. What kind of deal was Lucifer making?! 
With a final burst of darkness, the pact was sealed, and both demons drew back. Alastor’s eyes gleamed with newfound power. His aura crackled with renewed strength, and the demon’s grin widened with satisfaction.
His eyes landed on you, a twisted smirk on his lips as he vanished in a plume of smoke. The intensity of it causing your eyes to water, and to fall into a fit of coughs.
The echoes of their agreement lingered in the air in a mixture of green and gold sparks of energy. Lucifer stood alone in the room, before he took a step backwards, stumbling slightly as you reached him. 
Taking his arm, you yank him out of the room, into the hallway. You scan over his figure, your heartbeat quickening as you search for any kind of injuries.
“What did you do? You didn’t make a deal for your soul, did you?!” You cried in panic, your hands on both sides of Lucifer’s face as he blinked away the fog from behind his eyes.
“Of course, I didn’t.” Lucifer muttered between your palms, “I simply gave him some power that he can go fuck off with for the rest of eternity.”
“But.. he c-could—oh, why would you do that?! That was so stupi—”
Lucifer quickly wrapped his fingers around your forearms, shaking you gently to get you to look at him. The slits of his pupils trained intently on your look of distraught.
“For you!” He growled, and you slammed your mouth shut. His breath was ragged, his lips downturned into a painful frown as he watched your lip begin to quiver.
“I made a deal to exchange your soul for a little power, because I cannot bare seeing you suffer any longer. Do you get that? I walked into your bedroom, to find you bruised and in tears. Over what, spilled milk?!”
“I can take it, I've been taking it.” You cried, arms shaking as you fidgeted in his hold. Shame clawing at your throat. Why did you have to be so fucking useless when it came to things like this?
“No! Stop that. Stop lying to me! That ‘everything is fine and dandy’, when it’s not. I’m the goddamn King of Hell, and I can’t even protect you because you refuse to let anyone prove that you matter.”
Lucifer squeezed his eyes shut, head leaning into your shoulder as he took a deep breath. Your scent easing his anger slowly as he sunk into your embrace.
“You matter so much to me, you and Charlie. If I have to make a deal with a douchebag like him, to save your soul, then so be it. I don’t care what he takes from me.” 
Tears spilled from your cheeks, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You both fell to your knees, and it was your turn to lean into his embrace. Your shoulders shook as you sobbed into his chest.
You were finally free from that monster. He couldn’t hurt you anymore, couldn’t lay a finger on you without consequence. Yet, your tears were also of sadness. You had tried so hard to prevent this, to prevent Lucifer from being selfless and allowing Alastor to win. 
You felt hands gently rubbing at your back, a soothing motion that quelled your quivering figure slightly. It was so warm, like laying in front of a lively fireplace. You wanted to stay there forever.
You were so tired. The mental exhaustion that had been plaguing your mind all these months finally slamming into you, and you lay there limp against his embrace.
“Please.. please don’t cry. I love you, I love you.” Lucifer whispered softly, his voice cracking as he pulled you deeper into his hold. He kept repeating those words, ‘I love you’, as he placed soft kisses against your forehead.
You felt the soft touch of feathers graze against your ears, and cracked open an eye to see Lucifer’s wings engulfing the both of you. They nestled into you, rubbing against your cheek softly, lulling you into a sleepy daze.
“I’ve got you, I promise.” Lucifer whispered into your ear. “You’re safe, you’re loved, I'm so sorry.” 
You placed a soft kiss to his collarbone, and snuggled deeper into his chest. Thankfully, no one was around to bother the two of you as you sat on the floor in the hall.
Just five minutes. That’s all you needed, five minutes basking in his warmth, in his soft words of affection. Five minutes to promise yourself you’d never let him do something like this again.
And maybe, everything would be alright. 
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you guys 😭 i made sure this fic was cooked, damnit!! A little more fast-paced than usual, but I hope you can forgive me for that. i also could not settle on what kind of deal alastor wanted to make, so i blind drew out of a hat. i just wanted to bring in a little drama, and it’s hard when one of them is can be easily bodied haha
i honestly have to stop telling yall how long I think my fics will be bc i said “oh i want this to be as long as artist!reader pt. 4”, yet it’s roughly 6-7k over it someone kill me
let me know what you think 🫶
[Lucifer] taglist: @ohnoivefallen @doodlebob2726 @coleisyn @loslox @sukxma @undertale-is-sansational @nehy019 @mixplara @chewbrry @yellowsubiesdance @airwolf92 @laurenlaurie @lxkeee @jellybellyrulez @catnoirsleftnut @mbruben-stein @mint129106 @froggybich @moonlovers34 @just-trash-yeah-thats-it @lil-bexie @lowkeyhottho @wings-of-sapphire @the-tortured-poet @enigmatic-blues @bethleeham @blue122 @cherry-4200 @azullynx @luzzbuzz @for-hearthand-home
2K notes · View notes
lifeonmarz-blog · 3 months
The 12 houses explained: short word format
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1st: Aries, Mars, Yang, Dragon, Bee, Face, Eyes, Eyebrows, Voice, Accent, First Glance, Passion, Drive, Self Esteem, 3rd Eye, Intuition, Hard on yourself, Mutable, Patience, Leader, Stoic, Muscles, Neck/Head tension, Animals, Intensity, Head scarf, Tender headed, Attracting energy vampires, Hard headed, Red, Purple, Sexual energy, Humor, Introvert/extrovert, Fear of child baring because loss of freedom, Judgement, Lymph nodes, Guitar, Fast talker, Sharp talker, Forward thinking, Warrior, Personality, Spine...
2nd: Taurus, Venus, Yin, Panda, Neck/Throat, Throat chakra, Mouth, Thyroid, Heart, Pink, Blue, Fluid, Security, Resources, Musician, Silent, Introvert, Nose, Scent, Taste, Parent, Singing, Arms, Dancing, Food, Breeze, Partnership, Sharing, Values, Luxury, Pleasure, Easy going, Soft spoken, Naivety, Split decisions, Indecisive, Moon, Father, Sturdy, Poker face, Children, Trustworthy, Grit, Victory, Horses, Trials...
3rd: Gemini, Mercury, Yin/Yang, Jack Rabbit, Hands, Feet, Speech, Tongue, Lungs, Fast pace, Exercise, excitement, Bounce back, Joy, Vigor, Youth, Fidget, Anxiety, Habits, Expressive, Musician, Storyteller, School, Journalist, Moral system, Networking, Group, Siblings, Questioning, Stocks/trading, Choices, Dedication, Picky, Options, Dare Devil, Flirt, Long lasting, Hopes, Trees/Forest, Art, Comedian, Chances, Materials, Time, Loyal, Boundaries, ...
4th: Cancer, Moon, Yin, Owl, Family, Mother, Compassion, Creation, Birth, Life, Regret, Sleep, Nipple, Breast, Anus, Stomach, Womb, Bellybutton, Heart, Sacral, Blue, White, Yellow, Ocean, Cold, Night, Cycle, Fly on the wall, Unspoken secrets, Pores, Suicide, Whispers, Distracted, Outsider, Alchemy, Caregiver, Chef, Guidance, Critical, Teeth, Passage/Gateway, Humming, Drums, Weight on your back, Pressures, Gratefulness, Gratitude, Obedience, Horse, Animals, Words that cut...
5th: Leo, Sun, Yang, Lion, Spine, Heart, Pets, Fun, Youthful, Children, Love affairs, Expression, Dance, Gymnastics, Loud, Bright colors, Short trips, Friends, Aunts/Uncles, Get togethers, Cars, Innovative, Actor, Protection, Magician, Gardening, Gossip, Alchemy, Adulthood, Relaxing, Bonding, Self destruction, Slick words, Hard work, Spotlight, Sharing, Rebuilding, Clothing, Renewed vision, Drawing board, Companionship, Grounding...
6th: Virgo, Mercury, Yin, Ant, Crane, Praying Mantis, Work environment, Routine, Structure, Time, Patience, Health issues, Hygiene, Nervous system, digestive system, Pancreas, Gallbladder, Notebooks, Writing, Movies, Home, Relaxing, Forgiving, Generous, Social Life, Bonding, Practice, Foresight, Letting go, Stable, Helpful, Tense, Pressure, Negative thoughts, Reminisce, Addiction, Sorrow, Indecision, Indigestion, Saving Finances, Strong will, Codependency, Maturing, Realizing, Criticism, Self Honoring...
7th: Libra, Venus, Yin, Dragon Fly, Peacock, Marraige, Partnership, Contracts, Joint endeavors, Kidneys, Bladder, Blood, Caring what others think, Voice, Accent, Culture, Rebuilding, Learning new ways to do, Home decor, Learning gratitude, Giving, Reseveing, Welcome home, Comfort, Jot, Warmth, Spring, Flowers, New thought processes, Building Legacy, Defending yourself, Possessions, Slower living, Connecting to nature, Center of attention...
8th: Scorpio, Pluto, Mars, Yin/Yang, Vulture, Jaguar, Phoenix Death/Rebirth, Fears, Dark, Dreams, Escaping, Running, Hoarding, Lack, Homelessness, Strength, Stamina, Restart, Hard work paying off, Legacy, Against all odds, Elimination system, Pelvis, All the holes in the body, Burgundy, Purple, Black, Sex organs, Releasing worries, Manipulation, Smothering, Misunderstood, Coffee, Over giving, Partnership, Friendship, Sensuality, Secretion, Body odor, Roses, Fruit trees, Chapel, Railroad, Balancing, Power, Unseen forces, Intimidation, Relaxation...
9th: Sagittarius,Jupiter, Yang, Donkey, Whale, Shark, Liver, Legs, Posture, Religion, Long distance, Foreign travel, New ideas, Creative thoughts, Energy, Witty, Nomad, Idealistic, Larger than life, Focused on success, Friendship, Gatherings, Social Life, Relaxing, Luxury, Boundaries, Tired, Mental Illness, Restrictions, Insecurities, Grandparents, Quiet time, Relationships, Sharing, Attention, Harmony, Rebirth, Hard work, Getting over, Time, Late night thoughts, Male role model, Weight on your back, Responsibilities, Greedy, Guarded, Proud, Protection, Unique, Lavender...
10th: Capricorn, Saturn, Yang, Sheep, Alligator Honey Badger, Cactus, Sterile, Marble, White, Grey, Cold, Winter, Snow, Reputation, Social status, Farming, Popularity, Bones, Skin, Nails, Hair, Sharp, Leather, Goat, Structure, Skin conditions, Over explaining, Hard on others/yourself, Violin, Holding onto the past, Hard choices, Seeing others happen, Collecting, Finding purpose, Unique interest, Creative ways to make money, Standing up for yourself, Tunnel vision, Sharing, Networking, Group efforts, Working on love...
11th: Aquarius, Uranus, Yin/Yang, Moose, Mongoose, Snake, Friends, Parties, Organizations, Goals, Hopes, School, Science, mutable, unique style, Different friend groups, Water, Lakes, Rivers, Driving, Circulatory System, Pituitary glands, Changing course, Fear of change, Social media, Learning to stand alone, Trusting intuition, Defending loved ones, nonchalant, Increasing expectations, Std, Dead tree, Sticking it out, Elders, Community, Taking a stand, Protest, Elections, Politics, Numbers, Releasing restrictions...
12th: Pisces, Neptune, Yin, Fish, Birds, Friends, More to go around, Letting go, Releasing Past, Decor, Eye for style, Luxury, Opinionated, Energy field, Subconscious, Mountains, Fog, Spa, Skincare, Hygiene, Safety, Frienemies, Luck, Protection, Unprovided jealously, Foreign, Secret, Being watched, Self expression, Confidence, Talents, Anxiety, Depression, Breath, Dreams, Sleeping, Ufc/boxing, Always wanting more, Magician, Plants, Sunshine, Exotic, Target, Maturity, Completion...
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1K notes · View notes
bluejutdae · 3 months
NeedyNerd!Seungmin (part 2) | Seungmin x you
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Part 2 of THIS but can be read as a stand alone.
Notes: I'm back with NeedyNerd!Seungmin because him and Biker!Changbin have taken residence in my brain and heart. Enjoy!!
Warnings: 18+, nsfw.
Needynerd!Seungmin lets himself be dragged by you to a party some older student is throwing. He rolls his eyes behind his shiny glasses after having watched you search in his wardrobe for something that isn’t khakis and sad plain shirts.
Needynerd!Seungmin who whines and complains so much you have to basically dress him up, button up his shirt and fasten his belt. It’s all a scene and it’d be clear if only you stopped fussing for a second and looked at the smile on his lips. Your boyfriend is completely capable of acting like a baby just to be pampered a little. And let’s be honest, just to have your hands on him.
Needynerd!Seungmin who looks down on every screaming person the moment he enters the stuffy and crowded house. There’s people everywhere, couples making out on every corner and half naked guys playing dumb games. His ears already ache due to the loud music. What pisses him off the most, though, it’s the number of men coming up to you to say hi, I’m happy you could make it. 
Needynerd!Seungmin who answers with a grunt every time someone asks you who he is. After the fifth person he simply circles your waist with his arms and doesn’t let you go. The problem presents itself when you insist on dancing. Is he going to leave you alone in the lion pit or is he going to come with you and make himself ridiculous? He’s not a dancer, and he’s stiff as a board. 
Needynerd!Seungmin making a decision the moment he realizes you dancing means he could just stand there and have you grind against his body. He loves seeing you dance, and the chance to keep his hands on your hips it’s enough to convince him. Not before he grabs a bottle of clean liquor and a plastic cup, pours himself a generous amount and downs it immediately.
Needynerd!Seungmin lasts 5 minutes, then he just pushes your back against his chest and starts to let his hands roam over your body. One on your hip and belly, the other slowly inching toward your chest. His voice is sultry when he asks “is this what you want from me?” and his half hard cock presses along the cleft of your ass, skirt bunching up an inch thanks to his movements. Part of you does want this, having him so horny for you, he can’t help but grind against your ass, breathing deep on your neck.
Needynerd!Seungmin trying to hide his smirk when you grab his hands and guide him upstairs, hoping to find an empty room, a bathroom, a closet, anything. Because while it’s completely true that your boyfriend is a needy nerd, it's just as much true that you’re desperate for his touch, and seeing him wanting you is the biggest turn on. You’re lucky enough to find an empty broom closet and it’s not even a second after that Seungmin is pushing you inside and pressing your back against the door, effectively closing it and hiding you both from prying eyes. He can do nothing for the cry you make when he kneels in front of you and presses his face against your clothed cunt.
Needynerd!Seungmin teases you for just a few seconds, but he doesn’t have the patience for it and doesn’t waste time to take your underwear off and eat you out messily, skirt covering his head. One hand grabs your leg and moves it so it’s over his shoulder and it gives him easier access; the other hand is grabbing anything that it finds in its aimless wandering. Since that first time, Seungmin has mastered the art of eating you out, he studied it like he would a book for an exam. He spent hours with his face between your legs, asking pointed questions and practicing for hours. 
Needynerd!Seungmin who seems to come up for air just to kiss you, chin wet and messy hair, and it’s one of the hottest things ever. He kisses you, fondling with his belt, but he’s too horny to focus on two things. The belt has, temporarily, the priority. He’s quick to take his cock out and gives it just a couple of strokes, too dry and too fast. You love him like that: messy, desperate, horny and a bit tipsy.
Needynerd!Seungmin doesn’t talk in moments like this one, too focused on kissing and trying not to be too loud. His hold is tight on his cock, a tell tale sign that he’s closer than he lets on. You’re so wet, and he takes advantage of that, dragging the tip of his cock through your folds to prepare himself and then he’s inside you, the stretch a perfect sensation. You’re both too close, toeing the fine line that will push you both over the edge. 
Needynerd!Seungmin who’s needy, yes, and a nerd, too. But he’s also your loving boyfriend, always making you’re you’re safe and happy and sated before he’s too far gone to take care of you. His fingers don’t seem to respond to his commands perfectly, but it’s good enough to have you clenching down on him and moaning so loud anyone could hear, saved maybe just by the loud music downstairs. He’s right behind you in his pleasure, fucking you as deep as he can so he can come inside you, knowing you’ll berate him for it but loving how you shiver from pleasure anytime he does it. 
Needynerd!Seungmin fixes your hair, kisses you sweetly and picks up your underwear from where he left it but, instead of offering it to you or helping you wear it, he puts it in his pocket with a smirk. “A little souvenir for when I’m alone?”
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sundaycentric · 11 months
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(I too am down horrendous for them)
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(seperate) neuvillette & jing yuan x reader
content ★ headcanons, NOT PROOF READ!!, sfw, fluff
note ★ SO REAL!! i love them both sm its unreal.. anyways im just going to do some basic headcanons and drabbles bc im abt to go to a dance and i need something quick to post.. other requesters i am working on your stuff!!
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He has no idea what it's like to be in a relationship. He has no experience whatsoever, besides for the in occasional movies Lady Furina will force him to watch with her.
Neuvillette isn't that dumb to take the movies as reality, though. So, he ends up just being a mess.
Before you start dating, Neuvillette will try to his best to hide his feelings. He often times pushes you away, but the sky darkens not soon after. He feels torn.
Neuvillette doesn't even understand his own emotions. He can barely process what he feels, let alone name it. He's confused and worried. He thinks it's love, but what if he isn't? He's never felt love to know what it's like.
It'd take some time for him to start working through his feelings. However, he still keeps his distance. He tries not to make it obvious he is avoiding you, but someone sees through him easily.
It doesn't take long for Lady Furina to find out what's happening, especially considering how observant she is to drama. She'll pester Neuvillette about it a bit, laughing at his reactions. Neuvillette tries to appear indifferent, but the sky's definitely different from what it was before.
For all her teasing, Lady Furina does genuinely care about Neuvillette (and you). She will offer some advice to Neuvillette, even though her experience in romance is just as limited as his. At least Lady Furina can work out her emotions, though.
Gradually, Neuvillette accepts your presence and allows him to take pleasure in it. A month ago, he was doing everything to stay out of your way, but now is he practically near you every time he can be.
He tries not to talk to you too much, though. He gets flustered. Although you might not be able to see it on his face, you might notice the sky becoming brighter—way brighter than normal when you talk to him.
He will never confess first. Well, unless he felt like he had to to avoid loosing you. Other that that scenario, though, he will keep quiet until you say something
Once you do say something and confess your feelings to him, Neuvillette will be so happy. His face might be a little smile, but there is no rain for entire week and lot's of people are getting sunburnt..
He will try his best to keep you happy. Neuvillette is very big on communication since he doesn't always understand what you feel. He does try though.
Neuvillette still doesn't talk much about himself. Instead, he prefers to listen to you. Even the small, mundane things you did during your day put a smile on his face.
Overall, he is very kind and considerate. Maybe even too much. He's scared of hurting you or pushing you away because of how he is. That hasn't happened yet, though. :)
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He definitely knows what he is doing. He's had some experience in the past, both watching and doing. Although, it is different when it comes to you.
Jing Yuan took interest in you. He was curious. Why? He doesn't know himself. He just likes you presence. You remind him of his finches, maybe even lion sometimes.
He learns as much as he can about you without being seen as creepy. He'll pay attention attention to you at events or when he is in public. When he catches you staring at him, he feels warm.
Eventually, he begins to come up to you. Jing Yuan prefers to take things slow, and really wants to come up with some sort of strategy to win your heart. It's a bit hard, though. He doesn't want to manipulate you, you aren't his enemy.
Jing Yuan tries to keep things in his control, both so he can spend as much time with you possible and just because he likes it. He will pay for your lunches, buy you things you like, pay for your trips. Jing Yuan has enough money, and he is willing to spend it all if you ask for it.
He'll slowly try to become closer with you. He doesn't want to push you away. After all, Jing Yuan has all the time in the world to wait for you. He only hopes you'll actually go to him.
Jing Yuan seems more unfocused at work now. He is usually not paying attention anyways (as he is sleeping), but it's becoming a bit worse now. Lady Fu catches on quick and reprimands him.
Jing Yuan, in his tired state, tries to excuse himself before Lady Fu gets angrier. He ends up slipping and saying your name. The two of them stare at each other before Fu Xuan starts scolding him again.
Fu Xuan is mad at Jing Yuan, yes, but she cannot deny that she cares about Jing Yuan. So, she might peek into the future to see if the two of you are together. She refuses to tell Jing Yuan what she sees, but she smiles as soon as he leaves.
Jing Yuan may be first to confess. He is fine with either. In the case that he confesses, he'll laugh at the way your face lights up. If you confess first, he'll find it funny how you seem a bit unsure of yourself.
He will reassure you with a kiss on the cheek before telling you that he loves you. Jing Yuan will hug you tightly while he sleeps and take care of anything you need.
He is like a teddy bear. :)
He is attentive, and he always knows what you're feeling. He might tease you sometimes, but he is ultimately very sweet and protective over you.
Yanqing definitely looks up to you as another parental figure. Good luck with that.
Overall, very nice to sleep on. He'll take care of everything he can for you and treat you like a precious gem.
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pepsiconcoction · 1 year
oh remembwr when changbin said when he angry all it takes is physical touch or any act of affection for him to turn into putty and how he said hannie instead of being th wfirat to apologise or something just waits with open arms and breaks down when the other person comes to him first WELL IMAGINE A FIC THAT INCORPORATES EITHER OF THESE WITH A LITTLE ANGST WITH HAPPY ENDING WITH READER🫢
thank u anon, i will also do the jisung one, so keep an eye out!
Lion Tamer | Seo Changbin x Reader
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pairing: seo changbin x fem!reader
tags: angst, miscommunication? a little suggestive at the end, like one swear word, good ending dw, other member makes an appearance
requested: yes!
wc: 1,130
Changbin is known for his short temper, that’s just a fact. He’s easily antagonised, resulting in some hilarious, unexpected, or very occasionally scary outbursts. He is quick to jump up or shout, and hard to calm down. Not many people have mastered the art of lion taming, but you? You’ve somehow perfected it. It wasn’t a conscious thing you did, but it seems you have some unseen power over him.
Your power was discovered by chance in the JYP dance studio. You had been invited along by your wonderful boyfriend who clearly just wanted to show off, knowing this you agreed anyway. You’d be a hypocrite not to indulge him a little bit, right?
During a 5-minute water break, a conversation had started up about shoes. Particularly, platforms. Now, everyone knows that Stray Kids aren’t exactly the tallest, your boyfriend being the shortest of them all, so you could already feel him become tense from his place next to you on the leather sofa. 
“I don’t like them, they make me feel like my proportions are wrong,” Minho says from his place on the floor, flat on his back, limbs spread.
“I like them, our team needs them.” Felix contributes, resulting in a few laughs.
“Changbin maybe, I’d say the rest of us are fine.” Minho raises his head, smirking at Changbin.
“Hey! You’re not that much taller!”
“Yeah? Stand up.” Minho doesn’t move. Changbin takes the challenge, sputtering, and stands up. He goes to walk towards Minho who is still starfished, but you grab his hand.
“Sit down, Bin.” You chuckle. He stops in his tracks and plops down next to you immediately, holding your hand properly.
“Did you see that?” Hyunjin says, throwing his head back laughing.
“Yeah,” Jeongin speaks up. “Y/n has some serious powers.”
This results in some laughter around the room while Changbin looks at you, eyes creased with an open grin.
“How am I supposed to say no?” He chuckles, and takes your hand in both of his, squeezing it gently.
Your powers also work in more serious instances. Like the time Changbin thought you were cheating on him, accosting you the moment he got home from the studio.
“Y/n, you have some explaining to do,” he said, entering your shared living room where you had been sitting, peacefully reading.
“What?” you blinked up at him.
“Don’t play with me, I’m not stupid.”
“Bin, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Sure you don’t, of course, you don’t.” He rolls his eyes, crossing his arms. If you weren’t so confused, you’d be ogling his arms in the tight black t-shirt he’s wearing.
“I really don’t. Can you tell me what I’ve apparently done?” You put your phone down next to you on the sofa.
“You know, if you wanted to break up with me, you should’ve just said something.” That shocked you into closing your mouth. 
“If you wanted to see other people, I wouldn’t stop you. Well, I would, I’d definitely try but if you really wanted to break up I couldn’t stop you. I’d be pissed though because I love you so much and I thought our relationship was practically perfect. And we’re usually so good at communicating so I’m upset that you couldn’t just tell me what’s wrong, or what happened for you to have a change of heart. But seriously, a fucking soft launch on your insta? That’s just shitty.”
Soft launch? Insta? Oh.
You stand up, keeping a relaxed posture and facial expression.
“So are you going to leave? Because if you are, I want my hoodies back, especially the navy one, it’s my favourite one.” He’s slowly getting louder.
Honestly, he’s kind of cute when he’s ranting. You stifle a laugh, taking a step into his space.
“Oh, so you’re laughing at me now? Oh, yes! Let’s laugh at Changbin! Ha! Ha! Ha! So fun-” 
You cut him off by grabbing the sides of his face and pulling him in for a kiss. His mouth doesn’t really react but his hands do instinctively come to your sides. 
“Sorry, I had to get you to shut up.” You pull back, meeting a very emotionally conflicted Changbin.
“Bin. First of all, I’m not leaving you. Second of all, I didn’t soft launch. That was my cousin. He joined me and my aunt for lunch because he is in town at the minute. And lastly, you are so cute when you’re jealous.”
You get a front-row seat to the cogs turning in his head. You watch as his eyes widen and his face flushes a bright shade of red. You throw your head back laughing, still holding the sides of his head. The hands holding you have tightened their grip now, and he’s ducking his head down to hide in your neck.
“I am so sorry. I should be ashamed. Actually.” He cuts himself off and falls to his knees in front of you, arms unwrapping from around you to clasp them together as if he were praying.
“Please forgive me, I’m so sorry. A thousand times over. Hey, stop laughing, I’m trying to apologise. I should never have assumed anything,” he says. You catch your breath and look down at him, instantly bringing a hand to run through his hair. His hands return to you, pulling you into him, and he buries his face in your stomach, mumbling more apologies.
“Changbin, please, look at me.” You use your leverage on his hair to force him to look up. He looks up at you with big eyes.
“Get up.” You giggle. He immediately stands. 
“It’s okay, I can understand why you thought that, but you are also super dumb for even thinking that I’d do that in the first place. Why would I ever leave you?”
“I don’t know,” he mumbles, shrugging.
“Exactly, I have no intention to ever leave my wonderful, adorable, handsome-”
“Uh-huh, sexy, smart, kind, and sometimes jealous boyfriend.” You smile up at him, putting your hands on his shoulders. He ducks his head into your neck once more.
“I really am sorry, you know.” 
“I know you are.” 
You feel his arms tighten around you in a strong hug and the two of you stay there for a few seconds as he sways the two of you gently.
“Okay, grovelling over,” he says suddenly standing up straight, dazing you slightly. He suddenly grabs you, easily throwing you over his shoulder.
“What are you doing?” You nearly shout as he begins to move.
“Making it up to my wonderful, understanding, sexy girlfriend! Unless she has any complaints with the proposition?” he replies, and that’s when you realise you’re headed in the direction of the bedroom, and you throw your head back laughing again.
“No complaints here!”
taglist (lmk if u wanna be added!) : @lethallyprotected
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emilykaldwen · 6 months
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Title: Moonshadow Ship: Jacaerys x Helaena WC: 859 Rating: Gen Summary: Jace and Helaena tell stories beneath the light of the moon. Written for the @hotd-bigbang prompt: Moon Notes: Many many thanks to @acrossthesestars for her beta powers and helping me find the jace and helaena pictures and to @selfproclaimedunicorn reassuring me it wasn't terrible to begin with. this story isn't specifically related to any of my other projects, but you are welcome to consider it part of Maiden canon, or for last year's entry, The Lighting of the Blaze
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The pair of them sat atop Visenya’s tower - the tallest in the Holdfast. Jace’s heart jumped into his throat when Helaena had clambered upon the red ledge, the wind catching at her silver hair, her laughter dancing on the breeze.
“You’ll fall,” he told her, but followed, as he always did, to perch beside her. The height was dizzying in a way that flying did not quite catch. He thought it was, perhaps, because there was no safety of his dragon beneath him. Just stone, warm from the day’s sun and his own practiced balance to be safe.
He tangled his fingers through Helaena’s, not for a moment thinking that he’d be able to pull her back should she fall. No, instead he would fall with her. She had woken up, frantic and tearful, and found her way to his rooms a night not so long ago, gasping as she crawled into bed with him. 
“I fell I fell I lost my wings I lost them they were taken I fell I fell.” 
Helaena had babbled those words over and over until his neck and nightshirt were soaked with her tears and he had to keep her sobs muffled lest one of the guards hear and discover them.
Her fingers were delicate, deceptively fragile when he knew how strong her grip was; how those very fingers could turn to claws just as they could stroke gently down the line of his spine.
“The Red Priest in the market told a story,” she whispered now, months later, far less frightened than before. The night was bright; the moon hung heavy and round in the sky, the blanket of twinkling stars so beautiful and wondrous, streaked with distant clouds that caught the light.He felt so small beneath the expanse. “He said that Azor Ahai thrust his sword into the breast of his wife, Nissa Nissa, and her cry of anguish and ecstasy left a crack across the moon.”
“I don’t see a crack,” Jace mused, his gaze searching across the bright shine of it. Dark blotches, certainly, but no tell-tale crack of an egg. “That’s a cruel way to treat the woman he loved the most in the world.”
“Are you saying you would not use my soul and blood to forge a great blade that would save the world?” Helaena laughed, her breath warm against his ear as the stone was warm beneath him. Jace squeezed her hand and her fingers tightened around his, reassuring. “There’s another story. There were two moons, my maid told me. One wandered too close to the sun and cracked open, birthing the dragons.”
“One of my grandfather’s crewmen told me a tale from Volantis.” It was Jace’s turn now. “That a shepherd approached the only dragon, to tame it by feeding him sheep. They would meet beneath the light of the moon.”
“In the night?” Helaena asked, a curious furrow to her brow that he brushed a kiss against to smooth. “But why is the shepherd visiting a dragon at night?”
“Because she was watching the flock to protect them from wolves,” he told her, tracking along the pictures in the sky, seeking out the fish, the lion, the hunter. “A dragon, she thought, would surely be the finest protector of her flock, for what wolf or thief would dare rouse the anger of the dragon.” She hummed softly but did not interrupt, her fingers playing with his. “Each night she came, feeding him one of the sheep to sate his hunger, so he might trust her, and eventually the shepherd lay with the dragon. The moons turned and the shepherd gave birth to more dragons.”
Helaena’s teeth scraped against her lower lip. “So the shepherd lay with the dragon and the dragon… fit?”
He snorted. “She was a very special woman.”
She shivered, giggling. “So the shepherd lay with the dragon. There were no other dragons?”
“I guess not. That’s what the story says: it was the only dragon. And that’s how the other dragons came to be, I suppose.”
“They do say that Old Valyria was founded by sheep herders,” Helaena mused. He felt her carefully shift to rest her chin upon his shoulder, and Jace turned his head slightly to brush his nose against hers. She smelled of citrus, of lemon balm and mint. “Kivio biantys,” she murmured. 
His cheeks turned red, his heart stuttering at the whisper. Promised shepherd, caretaker of the soul. Soulmates, as the Westerosi called it. His mouth went dry, his throat bobbing as he swallowed.
“Did you dream this?” he asked, the Valyrian he’d learned from the cradle rolling off his tongue, the accent of his mother, of Laenor, of his grandmother coating the words. It was warm, different from the elegant polish of Helaena’s maester taught tongue. Sometimes he felt they should exchange how they sounded, to match their insides.
“Daor.” She blinked, soft and slow, matching lavender gaze reflecting the shine of stars, the pierce of moonglow that caught on her hair and Jace thought she was otherworldly with it - the woman of the tale he’d spun for her. “I just know it.”
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seattlesellie · 1 year
im having…. thoughts… about guitarist!ellie and lead singer!reader in a fleetwood mac type band.
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so imagine you and ellie are fucking famous. like super fucking famous rockstars. she’s the rough, eclectic, groupie magnet guitarist, and you are the desirable, beautiful lead singer and lyricist of the band. the world is practically yours. touring all over, days filled with music, recording studios, top notch producers, assistants, all the clothes you could ever wish for. and the nights - always fucking blurry, chaotically beautiful messes. drugs youve never even heard of, alcohol, chasing the darkness and partying till you and the band are black out drunk in a fucking billionaires’s apartment in downtown nyc.
you have everything you want in the palms of your delicate, yet masterful hands. the thing is…
the fucking lead guitarist. shes a fucking menace. all you do is argue, throw shit at each other when she doesn’t understand what chord you wanted her to play, or when she thinks one of your new songs are stupid, “user your brain” she throws. it always gets heated when you two are around each other. its like when you two start arguing all the other band members completely shut off. they used to get involved, pin you back when you grabbed one of the drummer’s sticks ready to shove it inside of ellie’s eyeball, or when she got so pissed at you for telling her she “needs to practice one more time” she almost broke her guitar in half on your very own head. but now - they just leave the studio, or the apartment, or the middle of your giant loft, and let you two go at it, scream until your voice cracks, leaving you two red faced and panting until one of them decides to throw a bottle of whiskey directly into ellie’s hands so she could take a shot and chill the fuck out before she destroys everything near her.
you dont know what it is. you have no idea why you keep clashing with her like two fucking war enemies, two hungry lions in a cage.
but when you get on that stage - to everyone’s disbelief, thats where the magic happens. your chemistry is off the charts. the sound of your voice, the movement of your body in contrast to her rough stance and loud guitar create something that is so beautiful it almost hurts. chaos turns into an absolute electric masterpiece. when you’re standing there, almost going deaf over the screaming sounds of your adoring crowd, you and ellie collide. all the fights turn into harmony. a rough, harsh, rock&roll harmony. you two are mixed into one, leaving everybody yearning for more.
i keep imagining this scene where you two had a huge fight before a show. one that left you trembling and crying and seeking for help. ellie’s been bringing a new imbecile, empty eyed groupie to rehearsals every day. its like she does it on purpose. she takes ownership of your songs and dedicates them to those girls. “this ones for you, beautiful” she says in her husky voice, the one she uses with them, since it always fucking works, before glaring at you, knowing you were already twitching your hand, enraged.
you go up on stage after a screaming fest with ellie (dare i say your band is playing the chain by fleetwood mac… if u know u know) and you sing your fucking heart out, sweating, dancing around like no ones watching, bewitching the crowd. and then the sound of her guitar gets louder. its louder than your voice, making you sound like youre miles away. and youre on the stage ground - because you were giving the crowd what they were asking for. hair sticking to your forehead, throat burning like fire. and ellie comes over, walks toward you slowly, with a look on her face you could only describe as raging and… hungry. her hands playing the guitar so harshly you swear you can see small dots of blood forming on her calloused, guitarist fingertips. the sounds of the electric guitar are deafening but oh so beautiful, electric. youre on the ground, in your flowy white skirt, and as soon as almost you manage to get up, she steps on the fabric, and youre on your knees. you cant move, and her gaze is so sharp you think she see’s through you. the crowd is going fucking wild, screaming and begging for more - and you cant move.
i couldnt stop thinking about this omfg guys. i wanna do a full on fic.
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You crash into me hard and soft 18+ MDI
Pippa Fitz Amobi x Fem reader
Summary: pip pulled you off, eyes dark as they scanned you. “ Behave yourself sweet girl" she chided, then quietly, "aren't you my good girl?" Then a calm saccharine voice that filled your head with cotton, you knew that voice. It was the same familiar cadence that would whisper into your ear in bed. The same voice that would often cause you to lose your mind. In the most wonderful ways. Good girls have patience, and I know your so good at having patience aren't you my love?" Pip began, her lips delving into that soft smirk that made your skin prinkle. You nodded, all lust filled eyes. Your heart racing itching to feel pip all around you. Consuming you. Leave you shaking and crying for more. She had done it before. And you wanted her to do it now. God did you want too. Pippa smiled at that, like her mind knew just what you wanted. ‘
Authors note: This is indeed some of the most smuttiest writing I have ever written and while I admit I am no expert on this matter, I don’t write it very often I had fun writing it. I especially enjoyed wirting a grumpy pip who can’t help but be jealous of Connor (undertones) 🤣 I don’t show it at the end but reader makes pip apologize to Connor for rushing out of the party. Again I am no expert on smut and do not claim to write it well. However I do hope you enjoy this piece! I had a bit of trouble writing pip but I can only get better with time. This is for all my lovely anons who asked for pip fic! 🫶🫶 for those of you who do not enjoy this type of work I have some more pip ideas for future ficts.
Warnings: Aged up Pippa Fitz Amobi, set up after AGAD. Protective pip if you squint, possessive pip, dark pip, curse words, swearing, fingering, cunnilingus, soft pippa fitz Amobi, Connor Reynolds’s being the gem he is and putting up with a grumpy pip. Calamity chaos. Reader being a lightweight. Dom pippa fitz Amobi.
Word count: LONG
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Pip could feel the way her nails burned under the wood from the way she was gripping the wood hard. Her fingers clenched enough that she thought her knuckles would lose circulation. Her jaw was tense, and blue-grey eyes zeroed in on you as you spoke with Connor from across the dance floor. The flashing lights of the calamity party making pip’s eyes itch.
Pippa’s distain for calamity parties had been apparent, even years before the Andie Bell case you knew you’d never see Pippa Fitz Amobi grace the halls of the random pupil’s house. Which was why now as you peered across the dance floor to where your girlfriend sat you couldn’t help but think it such an odd welcoming sight and apparently Connor thought it too.
You had gone to get some drinks with Connor, you had to practically command pip to sit down, even through her pleading eyes, even through her instructions on how to check for certain hidden items in your drinks. Connor had been the first to grab pip by the hands, his calming soft eyes sending waves of peace through Pip. She was often anxious these days, always on alert. Her nervous system jumping at even the most mundane things. Car alarms, ball point pens and rubbish bins clacking.
Pip had been your personal bodyguard the minute you had gotten out of the Car accompanied by Cara and Connor, your eyes wide upon seeing your girlfriend at the entrance of Edmund Pain’s house. “I figured if my girlfriend was going into the lion's den I might as well accompany you. You know, personal bodyguard and all” Pippa had joked, but you could see from her wild slightly glazed eyes that she hadn’t been sleeping. You had considered calling it an early night taking your girlfriend’s hand and walking back to yours. Considered a nice warm shower, Pippa holding you close under the warming sheen of the shower, the cool heat flowing over both of you. A nice calm night in. Comfy sheets and soft hands trailing down your back as Pip would hold you. You had been so close to changing your mind when Cara had taken your hand and dragged you inside, pip close at your heels.
“It seems you have a shadow” Connor had commented, handing you your drink, eyes peering at the girl who sat across from you. Eyes like a hawk, jaw clenched. You felt a smile fill your lips, the alcohol already filling your tongue, leaving a slightly bubbly feeling and burn on the tip of your lips. You were not going to lie, your girlfriend looked hot. With her blue steel eyes that were on yours, even far enough from the room. Studying you, eying your surroundings like the good dedicated girlfriend she was. It was a comforting feeling to know that no matter where you were, your girlfriend had your back. She always did, and was keen on keeping a close eye on you. You had half a mind to race over and drag her to the nearest bathroom. A flush rose across your cheeks as you imagined pulling a confused Pip into the wasted most likely minging bathroom. Could imagine pushing her against the door and kissing down her neck, feeling her pulse point behind her skin. Could imagine her heavy breathing, hands woven through your curls, pulling just enough to make you whimper against her skin.
“Hey y/n you alright? You look like a proper mess! Sure you don’t want to switch to water now? I know Pip won’t want you too wasted” Connor’s voice brought you out of your lust filled brain. Your eyes turned to him, Connor, and his now bleary face. You were conscious enough to know when to stop, and you knew after a full cup you would surely get a headache. You could just imagine Pip giving you her ‘I told you so’ signature concerned face. It was enough for your lips to move up.
Your movements were sluggish as you tried to speak, and it was only then that your fingers slipped from the brim of the cup and it went smashing over into Connor’s jumper. You gasped, holding a hand to your mouth and apologizing, moving to wipe the remains from the poor boys shirt. Your movements sluggish but your voice strong.
Connor only held up his hands, calm as always. “It’s alright y/n!” He comforted. But maybe it was because of your drunk state that made him laugh, you were cute when you were wasted. Like a little bunny almost, innocent and shy. He could see just why Pip was so protective over you because in a way he was too. You had been a great source of comfort to him during Jamie’s case. Had stood by his side, “a great big pillar of strength” Connor had quoted on the podcast, you had blushed and buried your cheeks into Pip’s neck as she held you. Connor had chuckled at the sight. The same Pip that had told him off multiple times for speaking or simply breathing during audio interviews had been laying loosely on the chair, mic in hand you draped over her lap, fingers playing with her pendant necklace as you had recorded an episode. It was almost uncanny. Connor would tease you relentlessly about it. So it was safe to say Connor and you were as thick as thieves. You trusted him immensely and in turn, he trusted you.
Connor moved to grab your sluggish hands, his fingers calmly wrapped around your wrist, his hands moving to catch your trembling legs. His arms wrapped around you protectively, “I think you’ve had quite enough for today why don’t we go grab a nice cup of water?” Connor spoke, his voice nervous. He had never seen you as drunk as you were.
Your head was spinning. And not in the pleasant way. Your limbs were tired, your throat dry and you could feel the alcohol pushing in your veins. You felt sick. Thought you were going to be sick all over the floor. It was an embarrassing thought and you cursed yourself for not taking the nice day in cuddled with your girlfriend. Instead you had been selfish, dragging her out to some godforsaken party that she wasn’t the faintest bit interested in. But Pip had showed up, even with all her emotional baggage of why she disliked calamity parties. She still had showed up. For you.
If your knees weren’t weak already you were sure they would be now.
“Connor I need to find Pip” you spoke, body still dizzy and lightheaded. Connor understood your words, slurry but cognitive. His arms were a thankful blessing as he held your already dead weight. Maybe it was the alcohol in your system but you spoke, making Connor freeze. “Have I ever told you how strong you are Con? I bet you could lift me up and throw me over your bed couldn’t you?” You giggled, your hazy mind picturing Connor throwing you. It was actually quite funny as Connor used to be a bag of bones. Cara would tease him endlessly in primary school for his weak girl arms.
But Connor had frozen, in fear because somehow during your little adventure, your girlfriend had managed to go unnoticed and had snuck up behind you two. Connor would feel her disapproving stare right behind him. Imaginary daggers being thrown at his head like a target he imagined. It was obvious she had heard what you said. Because her back had straightened. Her jaw clenched, her normally anxious eyes had become wide and Connor couldn’t lie terrified. Pip had become slightly terrifying after her brush with the cases. Let’s be honest at her brush with death and it certainly didn't help that you were draped all over him, giggling and far too close for comfort.
Connor gulped, turning to find Pippa eying him with analyzing eyes, almost as if she was trying to find something. Anything. “Thanks for helping my girlfriend Connor” she spoke, a saccharine smile etched onto her lips. But the smile was too fake to be real, too empty. And maybe the forceful way she had to spit out her girlfriend had been telling enough that she had heard. Also the emphasis on My before girlfriend. Almost like she was staking her claim. A protective stance in the way she eyed you.
At her voice you immediately caught your girlfriend’s eye, too drunk to notice the way her eyes were downcast, hurt by the comment you had made. But it was quickly mended by the sly smile that filled your features as you caught her eyes. “Hi” you spoke, cheeks a mess. Pippa couldn’t help but chuckle, finding you too cute. Hell you were adorable.
“Isn’t my girlfriend the most hottest girl ever?” You spoke sluggishly, “I like how she bends me over and fu-“ Connor cupped his hands over your mouth, ears red, face red, “right! I think you can take your girlfriend home now Pip” he chided practically throwing you to to your girlfriend's arms.
Pippa, with her cheeks red from the comment though somewhat prideful as she pulled you into her body, arms wrapping protectively around you. Your smile wide as Pip brushed her nose against yours. “Your wasted” Pip assessed, lips close enough for you to chase, close enough for you to taste. Your eyes were dark as they eyed Pip’s dark blues. You loved moments like these. Small moments where all you could focus on was Pippa. You were drunk at a Calamity party with neon lights and music so loud it burst your eardrum yet all you could hear, and see was your Pippa. And her soft fingers which now were feeling more comfortable than Connor’s. You felt warm, at home within her arms. secure.
“I just need some water.” You spoke, hiccuping.
Pippa’s eyes were soft as the pad of her fingers came up to caress your cheek, sending goosebumps through you. Her eyes so caring and soft. “Let’s get you home love” she cooed. Connor had thankfully volunteered to find some water. Pip had sat you down next to her, arms woven through yours but in your drunk haze state you had simply climbed on top of her and dug your nose into her neck, needing that sweet relief only Pip brought. Smelling her unique scent that often lulled you to sleep.
“You're a cuddly one today ” Pippa observed practically glowing as you sat on her lap, eyes ablaze with a playful glint. You giggled, moving to hesitantly brush your nose against Pip’s feeling the cool cold contact meet your skin. Pippa’s eyes fluttered as she leaned forward, her lips meeting yours in a soft single peck. But you weren’t in the mood for that, so you snaked your hand to cup the back of her neck, playing with some baby hairs, and pulled her lips back to you.
The rush of energy that flowed through you as you kissed pip was never dull, it was overpowering and seemed to pull you deeper down into the depths of its soul. Pippa was cautious even as you began taking control of the kiss, it was all you to be certain. Pip kissed back, at she was doing that right. But there was no fire in her kisses, you could tell she was busy looking around, assessing the strangers around them to truly lose herself in you. You could also feel how rigid her posture felt. You pulled away, eying Pip’s red lips which looked chapped in the neon light of the room.
You whined, your fingers clinging to Pippa’s red jumper, toying with the metal clasps. Pippa noticed your less than cheery attitude, how your lips were turned ownward like a toddler who didn’t get its promised toy after a shop to the market. It was cute, you were rather like a child when you were a drunk. Reverting back to your three year old self. Which was why pip had seemed to grow a rapid respect for your mother.
“What’s with that face now love? Your lips are far to pretty to be in a scowl” Pip spoke, fingers cupping your jaw softly. You leaned into the touch, your weight shifting as you leaned closer, pulling yourself up into pip’s lap “I need kisses” you uttered. “Kisses? I gave you plenty just now? Why don’t you drink some water and we can talk about kisses when we get home and your not giving anyone a free show?” Pippa spoke, laying a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Where is Connor with that water?” Pip muttered, craning her head round to look.
You saw the opportunity and launched. You were far too horny and aroused to care letting your heart make the choices rather than your mind. You launched your assault on her neck, lips dancing over her skin, your eyes closed as you felt her racing pulse beneath your lips. Your lips cautious, testing the waters. It was only when you began Rolling the skin beneath and soothing the ache with your tongue that you could hear Pip suck in a breathe, possibly from the rough way your teeth glided over her skin. Pippa didn’t at all seem surprised, but you could feel skin beneath your lips, could feel the warmth radiating from her. could see she was feeling the warmth just the same. Could see the way she fought to control her seemingly calm demeanor. Her eyes fluttered as she gave in to your assault, but it never lasted long as her hands skimmed to hold you by the waist.
They were strong and seemed to command you to stop, you whine pitifully as pip pulled you off, eyes dark as they scanned you. “Behave yourself sweet girl” she chided, then quietly, “aren’t you my good girl?”. Then a calm saccharine voice that filled your head with cotton, you knew that voice. It was the same familiar cadence that would whisper into your ear in bed. The same voice that would often cause you to lose your mind. In the most wonderful ways. “Good girls have patience, and I know your so good at having patience aren’t you my love?” Pip began, her lips delving into that soft smirk that made your skin prinkle. You nodded, all lust filled eyes. Your heart racing itching to feel pip all around you. Consuming you. Leave you shaking and crying for more. She had done it before. And you wanted her to do it now.
Pippa smiled at that like her mind knew just what you wanted. “I’ll take care of you pretty girl” she crooned, “don’t you worry”. But you did. Your senses were hyper-aware, aware of the girl's shape jaw line and deep blue eyes, aware of her hands at the base of your hips, strong and confident. Aware that if you just moved an inch you could feel the way Pip’s jeans would brush against you in just the right place.
You held back a whine, too far gone to care. Too consumed by the girl in front of you.
“Pip…please take me to the bathroom” you whined. Pulling at her jeans. At her jumper. Pippa only shook her head, “you deserve more than just a bathroom fuck my love. Now I promise the minute we get home and you are properly sober you’ll be begging me to stop having my way with you. Because I promise I won’t stop till you’ve cum so hard your legs will shake. better yet, how exactly do I make you feel? Do I send chills down your spine? Make you get butterflies in your stomach? Make your heart pound inside your chest? Do I make that pretty little spot between your legs drip with anticipation? Just enough to make a wet spot on those tight little leggings of yours?”
You gulped, becoming flustered at her words. Because every answer had been yes. And she knew that, hiding behind her soft words and all-knowing smile. her voice a hot whisper against your ear.
“So what's it gonna be, princess? I need an answer” pip speaks, her smile replaced by a scowl, like she’s waiting for your answer. You nod, vigorously, almost whining when her hot fingers come up to melt over the hot skin of your stomach, pip smiles, feeling your skin underneath her palms. Watching as your eyes close as she skims her finger down your stomach, reaching your pubic bone. You sigh, open your eyes to peer into hers. Your far gone, just managing to keep your breathing calm. Pip toys with you, dipping just low enough to tease the edge of your panties which have gone soaked. If you were sober enough to care you would have felt embarrassed you were sure, but not now. Not with Pip's gentle commanding eyes, not when they were eying you like you were the important girl in the room.
Your hips jump, and you only lean into Pip, digging yourself into her neck as you try to grind. But Pip pulls away, fingers gone and now are well on to pulling you up as she takes the water from the just-appearing Connor. Thanking him before pulling you into her, water in one hand as she guides you out of the party. A new purpose as she walks, you can tell from the way she opens your door and helps you in. Her hands are soft as they put the water in your hands, even teasing you with a small kiss when she buckles you.
“You drink all that. Every bit of it. I want you sober and well hydrated.” She pinches your cheeks, closing your door before sauntering in on the drivers seat. The drive home was quiet, Pip’s hand that wasn’t on the steering wheel was placed not so discreetly across your lap, and you laughed when pip eyed you with puppy dog eyes, “Not going to hold my hand are you? That’s quite alright, I’ll hold your hand plenty when I’m watching you squirm under me”.
The words caused blush to fill your cheeks, images of pip above you, hair a sweaty mess over her shoulders, eyes a sweet blue yet not sweet. Instinctively your hand collided with hers, palms meeting Palms, pip kept her eyes on the road, Little Kilton seeming quiet and still as she held your fingers in her own, her fingers caressing your skin, the indents of your lines on your palm. It enamored you how beautiful she looked.
Pip with her large jumper, crimson red being her favorite of late. Her shoulder length almost russet hair was wild in the wind. A pen lay lodged in her pocket, a bulge-like pen with teeth marks lying across the plastic edges. Pip’s analysis pen she kept everywhere like a professional investigative journalist. Ever since the Andie Bell case pip had made sure that pen was within her reach, she was always on the lookout for things. You didn’t know what exactly, a new case maybe. All you knew was it changed her. Made her hyper-aware, quick to move, and quick to be near you at all times. Like some sort of bodyguard. You couldn’t go on a walk alone, and you couldn’t walk to the market alone, not that you minded, because pip would hold your hand during the walk and talk about her new podcast episodes. Or Pip would carry your groceries to the boot, cheeks turning red when you would point out that she was just as tiny as you, well she had a few inches on you. Enough that you would have to angle your eyes just enough to eye those blue watercolored eyes.
“What’s on your mind?? You look like your undressing me with your eyes. You imagining me in my knickers are you?” Pippa playfully retorted.
You only leaned in a bit more, till your body was flush with the cold console separating you two. Pippa was all sly smiles and playful retorts. But she wouldn’t be. You needed this. Needed her like a breathe of fresh air after a midnight swim. You were sick of waiting, sick of acting like the sweet well tempered girl. You wanted to act reckless, to truly do something so out of character.
You settle for when you and Pip are safe within your own walls. You watch Pip as she makes a beeline for the cups pulling one and filling it before giving it you. Her fingers brushing past yours as she takes off your sweater. “I’ll put these away. Why don’t you get comfortable in your nighties and I’ll meet you in our room? Make sure to drink plenty of water. How is that head of yours? Giving you any trouble?”
You answered telling her your head was just fine now. The water had done its job and the cool car ride had been enough to have the dull feeling of alcohol leave your system. Although from the way you eyed Pip with dark hungry eyes she would have thought you were still pumped with the vile toxins.
You did as told. Getting ready for bed and meeting your girlfriend in your shared bedroom. Pip smiled at you, her eyes glinting as she watched you in the bed. Your hair falling softly above your shoulders, Comforter pulled up to your chin and eyes innocent. An act purely for her sake. You were anything but innocent. “You look so cute” she spoke crawling across the mattress and moving to press her forehead against yours, arms moving around you pulling you flush into her body, heat radiating from you both.
You snuggled close, causing pip to giggle when you nuzzled her nose with your own, being sly and leaning in for a kiss. Pip relented letting you have a few kisses, but it was the way you held her head, your fingers moving to cradle the underside of her neck that had pip smiling against your eager lips.
“Now what can my sweet girl want at this hour of the night?”
You sigh as pip’s clever lips make their way across your cheeks, pressing softly and delicately, her lips mapping across your skin to leave a few hot kisses on your jaw.
“I want you pip” you whine into her skin, you don't care how selfish or pathetic it sounds because it's true.
Pip smiles at that, her grin wide and her teeth glinting in the lamplight. She eyes you with soft eyes, yet you can see the way her chest rises as she takes you in, blue half-mooned eyes taking in the way your chest rises and falls in the oversized jumper you’ve worn.
Pippa gulps, her cheeks red and her hands tightening their hold on your hips. She’s thinking. Pondering what her next move should be. Analyzing like only Pip does. You catch her eyes as they drift down to your jumper again, recognition flashes in her eyes.
“Is that my jumper?” She manages to say, you follow the way her tongue flicks across her lips hungrily and you imagine that same soft delving tongue gliding across your neck and it takes all your might and strength to not drag her down.
You nod.
Pip always loved seeing you in her clothes. The way they smelled like your sweet soft scent after you had worn it, the almost territorial feeling of knowing you were hers. Pip didn't like being possessive, in fact, she often tried to curb that feeling. It had gotten stronger with the events of Jason Bell and the aftermath of what had happened. So she always tried to maintain a healthy relationship, letting you have freedom and making sure to not be overbearing. But now as you lay beneath her, eyes dark and open for her like a gift, Pippa Fitz Amobi can't wait to unwrap you.
Pippa leans down her head against your bare chest, ear to your heart. She closes her eyes and feels you against her skin. Feels your heart against your chest, feels the intake of breaths. It’s almost too serene. It’s something she’s taken to doing whenever the voices in her head are loud, and they were now. Begging Pip to have her way with you, imagining all the filthy ways she'd take you and the screams that would come out of your pretty lips. So rich, so sweet, and all for her. Pip heaved in a breath, feeling your fingers trail the ends of her hair, softly, waiting for her to make the next move. Trusting her.
“I want to eat you out. If you’ll let me” Pip breathes out, accent slightly muffled.
The words take you by surprise, but you don’t object. Your legs are trembling as you nod, pippa smiles and leans in to press a long kiss as a thank you. Your body has been on high alert since the party, and you know it won't take much to make you see stars.
Pip takes her time working you up, kisses you everywhere on your skin. Working her way down from your neck to the incline of your shoulders, down the slope of your neck. Relishes the taste of your colllarbone. Moans when she reaches your chest. Pip immediately slides the zipper down, mouth watering when she realizes you aren’t wearing anything underneath. It almost short circuits her brain, and you reach out to move a few strands from her face, "Whose shy now Amobi?" you tease.
Pip’s fingers slide over to tease the last bit of the jumper and the article goes cascading off your shoulder.
“Oh I could spend all day and night loving these gorgeous breasts. The way they perk up at my touch.”
You want to whine and beg for pip to do something. Anything to quell the burn in your stomach but you don’t have to because soon pip is leaning down and taking a nipple in her mouth. You immediately gasp, feeling your cheeks flush and your core ache as pip’s clever tongue traces your nipple, sucking cleverly and hard. It makes your stomach jolt and pleasure come in high doses.
Pip is attentive as her fingers come up to ghost your other breast, playful as she carefully flicks the pink flesh, watching as you whine under her fingers. After a few minutes of pip's teasing you begin to get restless. "Stop teasing pip, please....please".
You cant help but find the smug look on her face attractive, especially when her mouth is as clever as her mind is.
"You and your lack of patience, always have to get what you want don't you pretty girl? Well, not tonight. I want you to work for it. your a hard worker aren't your my love? Ill make it easy for you. You see, all i want you to do is beg. Simple. Think you can do that for me love?".
Pip's words make your pussy ache in the best way, your stomach jolting and your head nodding fast. You're so far gone you don't even feel the way Pip's fingers slide against your thighs, holding softly and sliding you closer to her, and you can only think how strong your girlfriends are.
your chest is heaving as Pip trails teasing kisses against your thighs, your skin flushing against her touch. It's almost too much when she ghosts over your panties, her lips teasing up into a smile, teasing in purpose, to get a rise out of you.
"Where do you want me pretty girl? hmm? just say it, I just want to hear you say it" Pip speaks, kissing your cheek one last time and eying you with her gray eyes.
It's at that moment that you realize your too far in her clutches. Maybe it's the fact that Pip's hands are rising up to interlock with your fingers, holding tightly. Maybe it's the fact that she looks so earnest, waiting, like a good girl. It almost makes you cum right on the spot, the pleading way she asks.
you give in, begging so much you hope your flatmates can't hear you through the paper walls of your neighboring flat. It would be embarrassing and an utter nightmare after after Cara walked in one night and refused to look into you or Pip's eyes for a solid week.
"Please please please please please-" you sound despeate and you don't get very far with your begging because Pip is sliding down your knickers with soft shaky hands and is immediately sliding her tongue down into your folds. She works expertly, just as Pip always has, shes known you for years, since primary school, and spent years analyzing what made you tick, and what your body responded to. She's an expert at getting you off.
You whine and lock your fingers in her hair, pulling softly, knowing how it drives Pip wild. Pip's tongue is wild and untamed as she sucks you, taking you in like sweets from a candy shop. "Good girl. good darling" Her voice is muffled, but it urges you on, getting any type of praise from her.
She removes her mouth to replace it with her fingers instead, easily pushing in two due to the sheer amount of wetness spilling out. Warm walls push down on her fingers, urging them to sink in further as a breathless moan sounds out from bellow her. Her fingers thrust in and out a few times before curling at just the right angle to brush against your G-spot. “Shit, please, more.”
“Anything you want y/n” Pippa whispers. she places a sweet kiss on your thigh before moving up to kiss the hood of your clit, your thighs squeezing her head harder in return. Pip lets the tip of her tongue dart out to lick under the hood, brushing against your quickly reddening clit. Her fingers continue their movements as she swirls her tongue around it, coaxing it out of its hood and leaving it at the mercy of her mouth. At first, her movements are slow and gentle, not wanting to overstimulate you before it’s time. But when you reach hand down to clutch at the hair on the back of her head and push her down forcefully, she knows there’s no need to wait; her tongue sets forth at a bruising pace. She circles around the swollen clit, and nudges it with the tip of her tongue before licking it harshly until it stands to attention. your hips jerk up in response, and so Pippa maneuvers her free arm around to splay her hand across your stomach, holding you still. Still, this does nothing to stop the pressure coming from the thighs around her head, and she can barely even hear what your is saying. “Finger me harder Pippa please don’t stop.” 
Pip has no choice-less to obey, and so she speeds up the movements of her fingers and presses more harshly against your g-spot, all the while licking at your clit with vigor. Her own clit throbs with need turned on from the musky taste on her tongue and the loud moans she’s pulling out from you. Even though her tongue is burning from the friction, her fingers are tiring from moving so quickly, and her head is under an almost painful amount of pressure, Pippa is in heaven. She’s the one who has you so breathless, so wantonly moaning and arching her back in response to every lick and thrust. It strokes the egoistic side of her to know that she turns you on so much that your fingernails scratch against Pippa’s scalp to push her closer; she knows you aren’t aware of this, lost as you are in your own pleasure. The only regret Pippa has in that moment is not being able to see the look of ecstasy on your face. The scrunching of your eyes, the way you bite your lip.
pippa can tell that you are close by the way your hips try to thrust upwards harder, barely being held back by Pippa's hand. The muscles of your thighs clench as your walls squeeze down on her fingers, a continuous flood of wetness pooling out of her and dripping down the base of Pippa's hand. There is nothing but the delicious taste coating Pip's tongue and the musky odor filling her senses; nothing but the broken screams of her name and the torturous pulling of hair from her scalp. It spurs her on as she abandons licking your clit for directly pulling the swollen red nub into her mouth instead, sucking on it softly and then more harshly when you let out a scream. “Don’t stop, oh bloody hell, don’t stop!”
She halts the movements of her fingers, sucks on your aching clit, and lightly grazes it with her teeth before she hears you scream her name, walls clamping down harshly on her fingers and hips thrusting erratically. As you fall apart in bliss, Pippa can't help but fall deeper in love with you, thinking back to that shy adolescent crush she had harbored for you in primary school. oh if younger Pip could see her now. She continues to lick gently as you cum, bringing you down from your high until the hand that was previously pulling her head closer begins to push her away instead. 
Your breathing is erratic but that doesn't stop pip from leaning down to eye you, her eyes taking in your soft smile. "You did so good for me sweetheart positively wonderful, do you feel alright? I wasn't too rough was I?" Pippa is saying and you giggle, pulling her to your chest. You love how soft and caring she is, how sweet she looks at you. you shake your head, "Pip stop overanalysing. I'm fine, positively wonderful, although I do want one thing" Your fingers dance along the blue-eyed girl's arms, stopping just above her t-shirt. “I want you to beg for me now. Can the infamous Pippa Fitz Amobi take what she dishes out?" Before Pip has a word in you are already on top of her, kissing her with eager lips and nearly ripping off her nighties. “You thought you teased me? Well love let’s see how long you can last” you chime into her ear, your lips ghosting her earlobes, "I'll be gentle".
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swdm360 · 1 year
ORV—Not Supposed to Happen
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➡ 〔Kim Dokja x AMAB! KPOP! Reader〕
➡ Letter Content: Where a kpop idol loves to read webtoon after practice. His group's holiday turns into a nightmare fest and now he struggles to accept his reality.
➡ Messenger Note: If I wrote a fanfic lol, TW: Mentions of death, murder, blood. I mean, it's the first scenario cmon.
How could the protagonist of ORV adapt so easily? How could he have thought so fast in the matter of a few minutes? How could he be so lucky?
Well, you weren't him.
You didn't have fourth wall like every fanfiction out there may suggest... Why not? You're just as well aware of this fictional world as Kim Dokja is, so why not you?
You asked these questions because unlike him, you had to follow the rules in the first scenario. You had blood on your hands.
The blood of a friend turned traitor. Now, you're desperate to have a peace of mind. Where else other than by the actual protagonist, Kim Dokja's side?
This wasn't how the holiday was supposed to go.
This wasn't a dream, you've tested it. The pain is real, the squeeze in your heart felt real, the blood trickling down from your cheek to the floor felt and so did the multiple wounds on your arms felt real.
【The constellations applaud your tenacity.】
This... Was supposed to be fictional, a fun little webtoon to read after practice.
So why were your friend... Your family sitting in a sea of their own blood? Why did you hold the knife and why was it lodged into your mates' head?
Why are your hands red?
Why are you trembling, crying?
【Congratulations! You're the only survivor in this room!】
【300 coins gifted for completion. 】
A scream echoed in the hotel room.
Was that screaming you?
Was that why your throat is parched?
You let out a sob, your hands smudging the large window panes overlooking Seoul with red. Your body felt weak as if you were contracting the worst of covid-19's symptoms kind of weak. The 'running a 5 lap, 1000m marathon' kind of weak, the 'danced everyday, without sleep, without rests and without food for hours on end' kind of weak.
I mean, how could you not feel exhausted? You were roomed with the main dancer in your group who regularly exercised—in addition to that, one of the former gymnast champions in all of Japan.
It's a surprise you survived instead of him.
A weakling, only ever locking yourself in your room despite being the lead dancer just to get a chance of reading the ever-so-popular omniscient reader's viewpoint.
ORV in short.
You were close to the main dancer, someone who you won't name as a friend anymore; He who jumped at the butter knife and launched at you to survive. He who screamed for you to give in because he would make sure to avenge you.
Avenge you?
You weren't even dead.
Of course you'd fight for your life.
How could he attack you in your most vulnerable state? You thought you could trust him. He was your friend after all. He was supposed to protect you. How could he try and kill you?Ha. You didn't even know you had it in you to break his wrist, to pick up the knife and stab it through his head whilst he was strangling you.
You didn't know you had the guts in you to kill.
To kill your own.
You stumbled into the wall, your breathe barely catching the needed oxygen for you to survive as the sobs successfully slipped out through your lips.
Staggering, you approached the doorway. Dismissive that you would regret not collecting the items you needed for survival going forward as all there was in your mind was your other group members.
What about the leader and the youngest? What about the staff members and the assistant trainees? Are they alive? Are they dead? Did they kill to survive too?
Your hand twisted the doorknob, but you didn't open it.
"(Name)...? Y-you're alive?"
It's your leader. Your eyes were getting heavy, either way you willed yourself to look into theirs.
He must've been expecting him...
【The Constellation 'Blind Hunter with Lion Skin' is interested on how you will take care of this one. 】 【The Prophet whose prophecies were not believed bets that you will spare him. 】
Your knees buckled below you. A headache forming in your head from the messages.
Luckily, your leader catches you, his hands trembling as well but his face steeled at your state.
"I... I killed him." You stuttered out, body flinching as his hands gripped your shoulders.
"Shh... It's okay now." His voice spoke ever so softly, as if you would break if handled roughly. He placed your head onto his shoulders as he rubbed your back in a comforting manner.
"He tried to—he went for me."
"I know. I know."
"I'm scared."
"I'll protect you. Your sunbae will take care of you." Liar.
His voice hitched.
He's as scared as you were.
His hands... They're red too.
Flashback? Idk yet, these two constellations are my fav.
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bunji-enthusiast · 2 months
Tristan and Lancelot with a gf like Mitsuri Kanroji?
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So Just Dance With Me!
Genuinely one of my favorite hashiras for sure, girl did not deserve all that pain that happened to her throughout the story.
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Tristan Liones
When the prince of Liones is your #1 supporter of all time, you can guarantee that you will never hear malicious words or comments about you at all. Tristan knows you may albeit a little self-conscious about your eating habits, so he does his best to ensure your privacy for the matter. your happiness is most important to him, and he prefers that you are happy and full then depressed because of spurred on thoughts uttered by others.
Tristan likes PDA, when appropriate of course. He really likes when you are affectionate, and returns the gestures whenever he can, Tristan appreciates you and will make sure you know that. The prince wants you to know you are loved, and just sincerely wonders who made you have such a view on love, he is sort of pissed about it.
Seeing you in action is honestly something jaw-dropping for Tristan to see, your flexibility and strength to hold your own is amazing (and reassures that he doesn't need to worry about you) for him to see as well. The nephilim wonders just how good you really are, when you aren't held back by outside forces in combat.
Tristan thinks you can only suit the hair color you bestow alone, when he wasn't given context at first though, he wondered how you pertained to gain such a color. Though when he knew about how you ate a constant amount of sakura mochi, it did make sense. The mochi are terribly yummy.
Though, he internally winces sometimes. Just how can you not hurt yourself with that sort of flexibility? Practice, lots of it he's come to learn. Tristan admired your motivation on your self-improvement, even if it was in the past before you two had officially met. You were mobile, fast and agile to ensure good health even in the midst of battle. He really admires that.
Once he had seen your weapon, though it was a sharp-sword; a katana -- Tristan was extremely confused as to why your weapon seemed to appear more whip-like. Yet it was the moment he saw it in action, wielded by your experienced hands that he had understood why.
Following the strengthening of your relationship, though not physically, there is one dominant similarity between you and Tristan. That was being gentle and kind towards your opponents (at the start, god forgive), and asking them to stand down. Though when there wasn't room for that anymore, it was too resort too more unforgiving measures.
To maintain your physique and body, you had eaten quite a lot. Which Tristan would never judge you for, but it was rather impressive how much you could eat in just under a minute, or four for that matter. Despite that however, he was never low on food expenses, being a prince meant that wealth came easy for him: so it was never trouble for him to buy you all the food.
Praise was easy for you, as you had always admired Tristan's strength, even if he was borne from two bloodlines mixed into one. You always thought he was exceptionally strong, which was perfect in your case, and he was considerate as well! You had gotten truly lucky to find such a gentleman, even if you weren't technically royalty like Tristan was.
Yet it was in admiring Tristan's will and strength to move forward, that had inspired you to keep getting even better. Though you didn't mind being saved by him in certain circumstances, you still needed to be able to keep up with your boyfriend.
Even with all that you endured, Tristan genuinely admires your silent and willful ideal to continue being kind towards those that you meet, even if the other had been rude to you. Like an out of this world goddess with so much patience left in her heart.
He generally has a tendency to like his partner even further when he knows that they can hold themselves in battle, which was a huge relief when Lancelot had seen for himself just how strong you are physically. Though he will never understand why people would say bad about you just for being a girl who happens to be strong, Lancelot personally thinks it's meant to be an attribute of great appreciation.
Though you have quite a bit of a bubbly personality, you tend to be quiet at times. Lancelot gets incredibly concerned when you do, not that he appreciates the lack of thoughts from flooding his mind, he still wonders why you have these moments. But it wasn't his place to pry, and decidedly narrows it down to reflection of the past, which he understands.
Lancelot is genuinely impressed when you hold your own in battle, whether it's one against one or even all out. Seeing you in action just somehow turns his perspective of battle differently, the way you grace the battefield with your flexibility -- invertedly different, but so strong for beauty.
There are times he envies your vulnerability to feel so strongly about others, Lancelot admires your steadfast character to be so kind to others, but serious when needed. There aren't many he finds to be like that, and considers you one of the few rare ones he found himself lucky for.
Your appetite to eat impassable amounts of food will always impress Lancelot, quite literally the one thing that somehow catches him off guard. But given the knowledge of your ability to remain flexible, and your overall physique, he better understands why you need to maintain that amount of food to eat.
Lancelot always has a smug-ass smirk whenever your the one to win in arm-wrestling contests, he loves it. Given your inhumane strength for a girl, it helps you overcome many challenges and obstacles, and to help others. But he mostly just really loves when you win arm-wrestling contests.
He wasn't very concerned about the shape and appearance of your weapon, Lancelot was already otherwise informed various types of weapons that may be used in combat. Though when he sees you wielding it in true fashion, he is amiable to praise, he thinks its pretty neat how well you can wield your passioned craft.
Though you were spurred on only to find a second half to your heart to be as strong as you, which you were very happy to see how strong Lancelot really can be -- you also fell for his charming aspects; vulnerability, and his discreet kindness. Even if he threw off the accusations of his acts of kindness, you could tell.
Reasonably so, one can have insecurities. Yet when he found out about the last time you attempted to have a relationship, and the things the guy said he devised a murder plan real quick he thought he was reasonably pissed. Cause who the hell says that about someone? Your strength was perfect, and the way you use it to help others is even more so.
Lancelot knew he was flexible to a degree, but compared to you? No way, you were far more agile and flexible than he was. Dodging blows seemingly impossible to dodge before, and performing techinques special to you that no one else could replicate. Though he really does think how your limbs don't get sore in certain spots from the constant moving, Lancelot is really impressed in that aspect, and commends you for your improved talent.
When in training, there had been rounds where you had been the one to win against Lancelot. You two were often evenly matched, which made for longer training and more rounds. Though, it was also a lot of fun as well.
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hey-august · 6 months
Could prompt number 4: Matching be paired with "You're Annoying" and "You're gonna make me cry", Said by either Buggy or Reader?
Phew, finally finished this one! I hope you like it!
Prompts: Matching, "You're annoying." "You're gonna make me cry." Teaser: "It was sweet. Misguided, but sweet. And that’s what you liked about Buggy." Warnings: SFW. Established relationship, some profanity. Word count: ~1.6k
Check out my 250 Follower Prompt Event and see fulfilled prompts here.
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It started small. So small that you didn’t even notice. Buggy started with buttons. It didn’t take long to replace one. Then another. And another. He kept going until he ran out of notions to swap.
That wasn’t enough, so your pockets were the next target. Cutting out the fabric and sewing new pouches in place was pretty simple for the pirate. His stitches were clumsy, especially since he did this craft in the dead of night, but they were strong enough. 
The most important part of this project was remembering to put all your crap back into the right pockets. You carried a lot of junk - pens and pencils, a small toy mouse, bandages, candy, and other shit that he didn’t recognize. You caught him one morning, mouth full of a reward he sneaked from your stash and hand in the pocket he finished not long ago. Assuming that he was after the candy, you rolled your eyes. He barely heard the words, “you’re annoying,” as you turned away, shaking your head. The stray hair escaping your nest of bedhead danced and beckoned the pirate to move on from his secret crafting and pull you back to bed.
Then came the gifts. New boots which were perfect for stomping around the ship. Jewelry with gemstones that shined even in the dark. Silk scarves, reminiscent of the captain’s own striped bandanas. Buggy even got you gloves to protect your hands from blisters and splinters. You felt his ocean eyes linger whenever you wore one of his gifts. The heat from his gaze dragged along your body as it traversed each part of your body decorated with his adoration. Even though the jewelry was a little flashier than you’d prefer and the gloves made your hands sweaty, you made sure to wear all of the gifts periodically.
Buggy’s plan began to fall apart at the seams when the accidents started.
One afternoon, Richie’s claws got caught on one of your pants. The elongated tear that ran from your ass cheek to the hem of your pants didn’t look like the lion’s usual clumsy grab for attention, but a commanded swipe that luckily didn’t break skin.
Another time you were assisting the captain with his knife throwing.  Apparently he needed the practice based on how many times he nicked your top. Buggy claimed he just needed to warm up and flashed the bashful smile that always tugged at your heart.
It soon became a daily event for a piece of your clothing to meet its untimely demise. Three items were blown off deck while hung out to dry. Four were burned through by the iron. Two were stained with paint. And an indeterminate amount was confused with scraps that were ripped up and used for rags.
While Buggy shouted his head off at whoever caused the damage (excluding himself, of course), the anger would quickly dissipate when he attempted to fix the problem. Sharp words and screeching volumes were replaced with soothing remarks. Substitutes and replacements came from his own closet, or were picked up at the next town. The solutions were suspicious, though. The captain almost always had the right item of clothing ready to hand over. 
You sat on the edge of the shared bed with yet another ruined bit of fabric in your hands. The vest had just barely survived an iron burn last week, but sometime this morning small claws shredded the clothing beyond repair. The bedroom door creaked open and you nearly cracked your neck turning to see if the four-legged culprit returned to the scene of the crime. Instead, a clown sauntered in. 
Buggy’s peppy steps fell as his gaze landed on the newest victim clutched in your hands, then flicked back up to your steely face.
“A-another accident?” he stammered.
“Yeah, sure. Accident,” you said, tossing the vest onto the floor. The tightness in your chest was eased slightly with a deep breath. A heavy sigh.
“Here, I have a spare,” Buggy offered, as a floating hand carried over a terracotta-colored linen vest. 
The only common thread the replacement had with your loss was the lack of sleeves. Still, it was nice. And familiar.
Your eyes flickered between the clothing hanging in front of you and Buggy’s outfit. The thoughts in your head started linking arms and grouping together as you stared at the linen vest he wore. And his striped bandana. The black top with reversed seams. His brown baggy pants. Boots, perfect for stomping. Feeling your crowded thoughts getting ready to surge, you looked once more at his vest and the buttons on it.
Snatching the second vest he was offering, you also yanked open one of your dresser drawers to grab a handful of clothing before sprinting into his closet. You weren’t fast enough to evade the pirate entirely, but you were quick enough to close the door on his arm, leaving you with a hand and forearm and the rest of him outside the closet. The surprise maneuver gave you just enough time to snatch corroborating evidence.
The door flew open, exposing Buggy’s contorted face. Before he could throw himself into the tirade ready to splash over, you stopped him with a single word.
Buggy stayed silent. His mouth hung open from words that were unsaid and words that he wasn’t ready to speak. You were upset, he could see it in your face. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go.
You shook the matching shirts before dropping them and grabbing another pair of clothes from the pile draped on your arm. Another moment of silence fell and so did those clothes. You pulled out a button-up shirt and studied it before letting it fall to the floor. The cardigan you found next had what you were looking for. You pinched a colorful button between your fingers and pointed between it and the button on Buggy’s vest. They matched.
“I don’t understand,” you said, desperate to avoid another quiet moment. 
“I-it wasn’t supposed to happen like this, I didn’t mean it,” Buggy finally blurted out. 
“So you ruined my things on purpose?” The soft quiver in your voice was sharp enough to stab the pirate in the chest.
“No, no, no…” Buggy stumbled over the words and over his feet as he lurched towards you. “Not that, I didn’t do that. I did the buttons and the pockets, I swear!” 
He grabbed some of the clothes you held and started pointing out his handiwork. Your buttons had been replaced with ones that were more detailed and brighter.
“I only did a few at a time so you wouldn’t notice,” he explained hastily, before moving on to the pockets. 
Shoving his hands into any clothing that he worked on previously, Buggy pulled out the new pouches that were made of flashy colors and patterns. Then he exposed his own flashy pockets.
You reached out to touch the fabric in his pocket. There was a bit of stray thread poking out of the hand sewn seam. The seams of your pockets were the same - a clear sign depicting a lack of skill and an abundance of dedication.
“I wanted to match with you sometimes. Just little things, you know? ‘cause we’re a pair. And when your stuff kicked the can, I figured we could match more,” Buggy said quietly, his face turning the same shade of red as his nose. “I didn’t ruin anything on purpose though…those were really accidents.”
“Maybe not Richie… I didn’t think he was going to fuck you up like that. I just wanted him to tear a little hole so I could replace the pockets in those pants next.”
You sighed at the trickle of truth. “And the other things were accidents too?”
Buggy scowled at the scorn in your question, clearly offended that you didn’t believe him. “Yeah, that’s what I said. You think I would yell at my crew for things I told them to do?” 
“Well, not this time,” he continued, flustered. “I had them switch laundry duty when it was clear that using irons and paint required training. And I can’t control the weather, we all lose shit when it’s windy out.”
“And my vest today?”
“...I also can’t control the cat. She doesn’t listen to me, you know that.”
“You’re her best friend.”
“And she doesn’t listen to me. Just like you’re not listening to me now!” the frustration in Buggy’s body finally spilled out. Fed up with the argument and his failed plan, the pirate clown left the stuffy closet.
“Wait,” you called out, to no avail. “Buggy, wait!”
When he didn’t listen, you threw what clothes you still held at him. They hit his back with a sad fwump and he stopped walking.
“You really wanted to match with me?” you asked his back.
He nodded.
You wrapped your arms around his figure. “That's it?”
Another nod. 
You pressed your face against his back so your next words were muffled. “You’re gonna make me cry.”
It was sweet. Misguided, but sweet. And that’s what you liked about Buggy. Sometimes his intentions were overshadowed by bad luck, but underneath it all is someone who cares. The more you thought it over, he really wouldn’t have ruined your clothes on purpose. A pirate at heart, he wouldn’t want to spend money if he didn’t have to. He’d rather take things in his own hands, even if that meant poking himself with a needle.
You asked Buggy to stay there while you went back to the closet. After a few moments, you came out and bounced past him. Striking a pose, you gestured towards your new outfit, which matched his exactly. His expression brightened, finally matching the painted smile on his face. 
Buggy walked over and tugged at the hem of the vest. “Nice outfit. It looks good on you.”
You bit back a smile, wondering what he’d say next - that it looks better on him, or that it would look better on the floor. Either of which would be true.
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sunshinemunchkin · 4 months
Hey Mary 👋❤️🫂🥺
I missed you the most 🫶🫂
I have this idea since yesterday, living in my head and now I can’t get over it.
Benedict Bridgerton and Cinderella au (yes, cinderella is my favourite disney movie) 😳 actually I can just imagine him like he is so sweet, poetic and a gentle man. He would do everything for the reader.
I'm getting carried away now, sorry for rambling 🙈
ramble all you want jacky!! i’ve missed you too 🙈🥰 i put my own twist on it, and took it literally! hope you like it. just something to dust off the old writing skills. :))
benedict bridgerton is anything if not poetic. he’s complimented his way into a dance. your entire personality, appearance, and attitude captivated him the second you walked through the doors.
problem is… he has no clue who you are.
lady danbury throws the best balls of the season, if he says so himself, but god forbid the mamas hear him. however, she has imagination, he will credit her that. this ball in particular, is a masquerade ball. one complete with shiny masks, all of which gave him an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach.
that is until you walked in.
your mask matched your dress in perfection. a dark pink to accentuate your lighter dress of the same shade. a blush, is that correct? perhaps madame delacroix would be proud of his remembrance of the various shades of pink and blue and how they were not all just pink and blue.
your eyes stared through him and he felt his heart drop as soon as you looked away. you didn’t titter or smile seductively at him. no, you, instead, lifted your chin higher, walking into the ballroom and looking around the room. like a predator, waiting for her prey. to which, he was more than happy to grant you with the satisfaction. lifting his own green mask to his face once more, he followed you inwards. into the lions den.
swarmed immediately by anxious mothers and their overeager daughters, he politely excused himself from them all, eyes locked in on you. you were in his sights, and when he was close enough, he let his hand graze your gloves wrist. you, of course, flinch backwards. “my apologies, miss. however, you caught my attention since you entered. would you be so kind as to share a dance with me?”
you in all your glory, grinned, taking the hand outstretched to you. “it would be my pleasure, my lord.” he grins, the song (some waltz benedict notes in his head for later so he can ask francessca the title as he should like to remember this moment forever) begins, the dance floor fills up quickly, you and benedict at the center of it all.
throughout the night, you dance with the man until your feet hurt. spinning until you’re seeing stars, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. that is, upon sharing a lemonade outside with the man, you hear the twelve chimes.
benedict is mid laughter at something you’ve said, he’s taken his mask off, you not being able to bring yourself to do so. however, you do leave your shoes on the sill. unethical and you can practically feel the mothers commenting on such a blatant disregard for societal standards. but the man beside you doesn’t seem to mind. you get the sense that he has been in your shoes, not literally of course. but in the way that he doesn’t care what society thinks of him or what he does.
“you really are too much, where did you say you resided?” you smile around your glass, sipping gently and leaning on the railing. “i didn’t.” he hums, hip jutting out as he examines you. you feel warm under his gaze. about to answer, the clock’s bell rings loud in your head from inside the house, your blood rushing cold.
benedict catches onto the unsettling contortion of your face. “is something wrong?” you look back at him in horror, and a tint of sadness. “i’m- i’m so sorry. i must be going. i did not- i did not notice the time, it is late for me. a thousand apologies.” youre stammering over your words, rushing out of the house, calling back once more. “i did enjoy my time tonight, ben!” he smiles confusedly, but smiling nonetheless.
a heavy sighs casts over his chest, leaning his arm on the railing, his fingers knocking into your shoes that you’ve left behind. he takes them gingerly in his hands, turning them over to examine where the soles of your feet pressed into them and wore them black inside. how the heel was chipped on the outside, and how a couple gems were missing.
they were we loved. something he didn’t think was possible by members of the ton. he couldn’t think of any time where the girls he knew and grew up with wore a pair of shoes to the brink of their decay. not even his own sisters. but you? you either loved these shoes the most, or they were one of your very few pairs.
“i do relish a good puzzle.” he mumbles to himself, the pink gems grazing over his fingers as he awaits the end of the night, so he can begin his search for you tomorrow.
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xoxonxo · 3 months
im in progress of writing a fic that’s basically the halfblood prince but through hermione’s perspective (mostly managing her realization that she likes ron). i’ve never seen any fics like this, and as a sucker for ANYTHING romione related, i seriously wished the books/movies indulged on her feelings more. i thought that id post a small piece of what i have written just to see if anyone would actually read it. im hoping for this to be a multi-chapter (?) or a really long oneshot. PLEASE give me feedback, im in DIRE need of it. thanks!! 💕
Hermione knew she was smart— everyone knew it too. She was the brightest witch of her age, a fact that she carried with pride since her first year at Hogwarts. She was also a prefect, and hoped that in her 7th year she would be Head Girl. Hermione thought she wasn’t bad looking either. She learned the hard way that her hair had to be properly kept, and not just brushed until it had grown the volume that of a lion, which was something she wasn’t aware of until she was 12. She was fit— although she had to give most of the credit to Harry due to their near-death experiences they went through on a yearly basis. Hermione was remarkably resourceful, and was great help to anyone who asked for it. By her third year, she had nearly read the entire library at Hogwarts and begged the librarian to bring her in a new collection. The best quality Hermione had was that from a young age, she knew what she wanted in life. The day she had gotten her letter from Hogwarts she practically ransacked every bookshop in Diagon Alley for any book that explained the phenomenon that was magic. In her fourth year, she created S.P.E.W after witnessing Dobby and Winky undergo horrific treatment from wizards like herself. Hermione even managed to get Outstanding in all OWLs but one, a feat very few had ever accomplished. She had reached every step in achieving all her aspirations, yet there was one thing that remained unclear, and that was the feelings she had developed for Ron.
She figured there was always a spark there. She thought it had started in her second year when she saw Ron’s face light up after she returned from being petrified, or when she secretly wished to had been dancing with Ron at the Yule Ball, rather than with Viktor Krum, or even when the only memory that casted her Patronus was centered around him. After spending the entirety of the summer at the Burrow, she felt her concealed and hidden emotions to spiral out of control. There were times Hermione thought she felt her heart explode after sharing small moments with Ron. Those of which were put on a hold once Harry arrived. She began to read into exchanged glances and soft smiles like never before. Hermione’s logic was always telling her that she was being ridiculous, but her heart squealed in defiance when he merely called her name. She nearly felt like she had lost grip of the girl who once strategically planned each day, to a ridiculous school girl, who was fawning over her latest crush.
There she was, sitting in the prefects compartment next to Ron with a silly smile plastered on her face. She had a book propped up on her lap, flipped open to the first page, yet every time she finished reading a sentence her mind trailed off to only re-read it again.
“Blimey, ‘Mione. I haven’t seen you this happy since we got our OWLs back. What are you reading about?” Hermione slightly froze, before closing the book to the front cover, which read: Visions Beyond; Explaining the Mysteries of Divination. Ron shrugged, glancing up at Hermione who was blinking rapidly, as if finding something to say. “I thought you hated divination,” Hermione toyed with the thin, gold chain delicately drooped on her collarbones. “I do,” she hummed out, uncrossing her legs to now face him. “So why are you reading it? You’re not taking a N.E.W.T for it, are you?” She quickly shook her head, her bottom lip curling up, displeased at the thought of having to take another year in Divination, “I think I’d rather die.”
He let out a small laugh before returning to his thoughts. Hermione’s eyes met the window of the compartment, staring at the scenery that was quickly passing by and the only thought that crossed her mind was how she was going to get out of this situation.
again, please let me know!
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digitaldoeslmk · 1 year
more ideas for the martial/theater kid MK hc!!
MK's academy buddies and teachers giving him preferential treatment now that he's the Monkie Kid, and him eventually blowing up on a rant on them about it cus, he's still just MK! quit that!!
small B plot of his fellow students trying to sneak in attempts to lifting the staff when MK isn't looking, there's a running poll over who might make it budge or anything. MK eventually catches them and has a laugh about it.
during the preparations for the play, the director introduces MK to several master actors who wanted to meet him and help him prepare for the role. after a lot of mutual adoration cus "omg that's the successor of the guy we've dedicated our lives to portraying on stage/the guys i've looked up to my entire life for their skills and dedication!!" cue a small arc of MK having to pick a teacher, but he ends up just accepting them all cus they all got smth to offer. unorthodox but hey, so is having the Monkie Kid as their pupil lmao
MK running himself ragged practicing skills he never even tried before for the play, until he just reverts to a full monkey form. he's supremely embarrassed about it and trying to hide it from everyone using increasingly silly excuses. Mei catches him first though, and gets in on the plot by being in her jiao form. it culminates on a chase scene with Mo until they get cornered by Sandy and MK gets obligatory rest day.
MK and Mei are practicing their lion dance routine, and find out Yin and Jin are trying to hog the academy space for themselves. that just won't do, so they challenge them to a lion-off contest. antics ensue, with Yin and Jin using several artifacts to enhance their acrobatics and stunts, while Mei and MK are well, Mei and MK. can't beat the reckless duo xD
turns out, having several master actors reviewing your every move and gesture during practice is, A Lot. MK is starting to really feel the pressure, and it's making things get.... whacky. props going missing or floating about, taunting him, his costume keeps malfunctioning, even his reflection on the practice room mirrors is starting to talk to him. when one of the peach props goes "you can't even pretend to be him, some successor you are!" and he has a crying fit, his teachers give him a little heart-to-heart about this.
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knightprincess · 4 months
We Are One (A Star Wars Oneshot)
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Words: 1.5k Warnings: Only if you count terrible singing! Summary: The boys of Clone Force 99 have a little fun at Pabu's Life Day festival. Set Post TBB Season 3 Note: Tech's alive in this! Mox, Deke, and Stak were adopted by the Bad Batch. Also Lion King Parady (I think)
Pabu had been its ever-peaceful self since Hemlock’s demise and the fall of the Advance Science Division. Since all knowledge of Omega had been explosively wiped from the Empire’s databanks. The members of Clone Force 99 had retired and worked to build a life outside of running, outside of being soldiers. Now, they worked to help Pabu thrive and focused on being the family they’d always been at heart.
The days had been quiet outside the odd bouts of mischief from Omega, Mox, Deke, and Stak. Sometimes, Lyana would be involved, too, although most of the time, the mayor’s daughter sat back and watched the chaos unfold.
On the odd occasion, things would take a different turn. Omega would remain in the little family domicile and spend time with her brothers. Sometimes, it would be random games with Wrecker that would soon involve the others or asking Tech questions about the most unusual things; mimicking Hunter and Crosshair were her favorites, as were the experiments in the kitchen and getting to hug Echo when he finally decided to drop by for a visit.
Movie nights were also a weekly occurrence. Sometimes, they went by without much hassle, but most times, they ended in a popcorn fight. Phee would join in when she was there. Stories of the past were an everyday occurrence. Tech would matter-of-factly tell his own, always ready to answer any questions. Hunter always ensured he was child-friendly, even when telling them to Stak, Deke, and Mox. Echo told the stories of his own cadet days and the endless chaos he caused with Fives, Jesse, and Kix. Whereas Crosshair would spare no one’s feelings and tell each story in all its glorious detail. While often throwing his brothers under the metaphorical bus.
Unknown to most, though, the constant questions about the past and begging for stories to be told had all been a distraction for the most part. Omega, Mox, Stak, and Deke had mischief in the works and had once again roped Lyana into helping. The mayor’s daughter had also taken the time to distract Phee, asking for stories on her adventures across the galaxy, both in famous treasure hunts and for the priceless artifacts she so often brought back.
“So how are we going to get them to sing the intended song?” asked Stak, suspecting it would be no easy task to get Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, or Crosshair to sing anything, especially the snarky sniper. Echo wouldn’t be easy to convince either if he happened to stop by in another unannounced visit again after all previous attempts had failed for the most part. Only Wrecker had played along, as had Phee on a few occasions.
“Leave that to me,” announced Phee as she walked past. Her destination was clear: the atrium, likely to place another priceless artifact inside. “Either that or use your powers of being adorable kids to your advantage,” she added with that knowing smile. After all she knew, Omega practically had Hunter and Crosshair wrapped around her little finger.
~* Weeks Later *~
The plan was in motion; with the help of Phee, everything had been set up. The small Life Day festival was already in full swing, with stalls in the large square at the top of the island, lights strung in the streets, hanging in trees, and carefully fixed to the large sea walls. Music was played live via instruments and random pieces over the holonet, and transceivers set up.
Omega and Lyana danced together and laughed amidst their fun; the boys were roped into joining them, too. Echo had stopped by for a visit, bringing Rex, Howzer, Gregor, Cody, and Wolffe with him. Each seemingly found a sense of peace during the visit, even if it was about to be disturbed by the attempt the five mischievous ones had in mind to commit.
At the request of Phee, a specific song was played by those playing instruments at the festival. A smile painted on her lips to see Tech had recognized the tune; after all, she’d spent time getting each member of the Bad Batch prepared for the event. All to surprise Omega, Mox, Stak, and Deke. For once, putting the four in the center of the mischief and potential embarrassment.
“As you go through life, you’ll see there is so much that we don’t understand,” began Tech, unsure of his own talents when it came to singing but going with the flow nonetheless. Mox stood between Phee, and Tech went wide-eyed. “And the only thing we know is things don’t always go the way we planned.”
“But you’ll see every day that we’ll never turn away when your dreams come undone,” continued Crosshair, creeping upon Deke, ensuring the former cadet knew he couldn’t escape this. Like Mox, his eyes went bold, and his cheeks began to redden, even more so when the attention of those attending the festival turned to Crosshair and those singing. “We will stand by your side, filled with hope and filled with pride. We are more than we are. We are one.”
“This is so embarrassing,” commented Deke.
“Did we miss something?” asked Howzer as Gregor all but whistled and cheered from his side.
“Family, family, we are one,” began Shev and Phee, either side of Lyana, who tried her hardest to hide behind the scarf she’d chosen to wear that day. “Family, family, we are one,” they repeated; this time, Phee casually walked away, stopping at Echo’s side as if indicating he, too, had some part in it.
“Something you want to tell us, Echo?” voiced Rex, recalling all the mischief the Arc Trooper had caused during the war.
“For once, I’m innocent in this,” replied Echo, attempting to plead his case, although he quickly understood it was unlikely to work.
“You are anything but innocent, especially when Fives was around,” called Cody. A grin appeared across his lips now, even more so to see Wolffe’s utter confusion, although the battle-worn commander was starting to sway to the music.
“If there’s so much I must be, can I still just be me the way I am?” sang Omega, throwing caution to the wind and joining in before Hunter had the chance to catch her as Tech and Crosshair had thrown Mox and Deke into the spotlight.
“Can I trust in my own heart, or am I just one part of some big plan?” added Lyana before dancing off with Omega, spotting Stak trying to hide now, likely having worked out he too wouldn’t be able to escape the off-key singing or the spotlight destined to find him at Wrecker’s hand.
“Even those who are gone are with us as we go on. Your journey has only begun,” sang Hunter, appearing next to Echo, deciding to throw the Arc Trooper in the limelight instead. “Tears of pain, tears of joy. One thing nothing can destroy is our pride. Deep inside, we are one.”
“I’m starting to like these boys more and more,” commented Wolffe, his smirk slowly morphing into something that resembled a natural smile as he slurped his coconut drink. Gregor was at his side, offering a chuckle filled with mischief, almost like he was taking ideas from the display happening before him.
“Family, family, we are one,” sang the entirety of Clone Force 99, Crosshair, with his arm thrown over Hunter’s shoulder. “Family, family, we are one,” they repeated—this time with Gregor joining in and Howzer humming along to the catchy tune.
“And I thought your boys had lost their marbles,” said Cody, looking to Rex, who had since been cast into silence. However, it remained unknown what had caused it. The members of Clone Force 99 are off-key singing or just the unlikely scene in general.
“Just be glad this didn’t take place during the war,” commented Echo, suspecting the boys of the Bad Batch weren’t above doing something like this during their frat boy days.
“That would have been legendary,” replied Howzer, once again hearing Gregor chuckle, this time at Wolffe’s expression, the former commander silently asking if the captain had gone crazy.
“We are one, you and I. We are like the earth and sky. One family under the sun,” started Wrecker, a wide smile stretching over his lips as he threw an arm over Stak, preventing the former cadet from hiding longer or escaping. “All the wisdom to lead,” he added as he pointed to Hunter, “All the courage that you need,” sang Wrecker, pointing to Crosshair. “You will find when you see we are one.”
“Family, family, we are one,” sang Gregor, louder than anyone else but with the largest grin. “Come on, old Wolffy. Family, family, we are one,” added Gregor.
“Eh, what the hell,” spoke Echo before throwing his scompt arm over Rex’s shoulder, “Family, family, we are one.”
“That’s the spirit,” called Phee from her spot across the square, holding a brightly colored drink of her own.
“Family, family, we are one,” sang Omega, Stak, Deke, and Mox around her and Lyana. Now that the embarrassment had faded, they seemed to find the funny side of everything, although they swore revenge for the cleverly planned-out display.
“Family, family, we are one.”
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themotherofblood · 2 years
Feel a little More
Tywin Lannister x Reader
Tears of Gold AU
A/N: Imagine Dany’s dress when she was presented to Drogo but in red, and instead of metal dragon pins they are golden lions.
tw: hands tied, manhandling, breeding kink, slight condescending Tywin but in a sexy way. overstim!!! cockwarming.
Ps. Aftercare scenes are a must for me!!
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The hour of the owl held a certain anticipation, warmth and content in your heart. It brought you hours of unfiltered and honest moments of your marriage, whether it be a conversation, an argument or the pleasures of the flesh. These four walls were sacred to you, they protected you. That was the complexity of your union, to be in a loveless or unaffectionate marriage was one thing, being in marriage of intertwined souls was another. But the relentless mirage making that came with what you and your husband had was tiresome at best. To the rest of the world, your marriage was respected, Tywin protected you and you bore him heirs; that was it.
In the shadow of these walls however, your fear and yearning for one another ran wild, though Tywin was better at managing it, yours was in the testament of your duties as a wife. Here you sat in a yet another dress, sheer to the skin that clung to your body. A soft material against your goosebumped skin, and the cool metal of the lion pins against your shoulders. The sheer red material, exposed parts of you. Just enough to make a man want the rest of you but not quite give him the full gist of it. It was different than a trousseau, or perhaps a laced corset. More Essoi, in the fashion of seduction but you’d been rather open minded to most things that occurred in the bedroom.
You’d laid with your husband more times than you had fingers to count on, you’d birthed his children and he watched the blood flow from your core as his heir graced the world. Though every time his eyes raked down your body, a certain nervousness filled your senses. Like a lion anointing it’s prey before making the kill, it was silent and masterful. Just the way your husband loves you, a respectful and practical way. While you had been the nick of a dramatic lover beforehand, demanding of stars and dragons, his love towards you taught you to love better. To love within reason, and that love is stronger. It reminds you, each passing day that it could all wash away within a blink of an eye. Which made you desperate to love him harder, and to not mask any of your hearts wanton desires.
The handmaidens that dressed you took their leave, they were quite quick with it, changing you and getting your hair undone. Preparing you for your husband. You had moved around the room thrice, first you had picked the seating by the hearth, the second time- your bed and the third was the varenda. Long before circling back to the bedroom, you waited as your senses were shot to shit. You’d heard him coming before you saw him, his crafted boots crooned at the corridor of the tower before the door to your room creaked open. Your eyes met the green of your husband’s. Who still sported that same irked frown from earlier but one corner of his lip curled from seeing the ensemble you were in
You stood in the middle of the room, picking on your cuticles and fighting the urge to look at the floor. You weren’t sure where to put your hands, and nearly cursed your handmaiden for not talking about how stupid one might feel trying to be seductive. You stalked over to your husband, reaching your hand out to curl on the collar of the coat, pulling him further into the room. You knew he was still a bit bothered about you dancing with the lords that offered their hands, and you were only wondering what surprises awaited the sack.
His rough hands trailed down your body, feeling the sheer soft material against your skin, his hands coming to stop at the round of your bosom as his thumb ran over the now hardening nipple, his eyes fixated on how the cloth accentuated your figure, a soft hum left his body as his eyes trailed back up to yours. His eyes darted between yours, an emotion filled them that you couldn’t decipher but you knew your dress had an effect on him. He scoffed moving away from you and walking to the serving cart, picking up a cup and filling it with wine, bringing it to his lips as he turned to you. His chest rose and fell as his breath heightened, he scoffed again before closing his eyes and shaking his head. It made you a little nervous, not being able to understand what he was thinking about.
“You should go to bed.” Tywin finally spoke up, making your heart drop, did he not like your dress. Your brows furrowed as the gentle excitement in your face dimmed. Tywin still looked at you ravenous
“You should come with me then.” You threw back, he wasn’t just going to forfeit from this battle, he dragged this out for so long, only to deny you? You felt a little angry, you were frustrated and you were frustrated with lust. Your fingers reached to the gold pins on your shoulder, letting the dress come loose. Your thumb went under the straps to let the dress fall, in one swift push the dress pooled around your feet; leaving you naked in front of Tywin.
You body glistened in the light of the candles, the oils from earlier leaving your skin plump. You weren’t as talented in the art of pleasures and you were no whore, but your stood there naked, hands rested flat on your thighs. Your breathing a little heavier from the adrenaline rushing through you body. Tywin stood tall, leaning against the table, his hand clutching the edge and the other held the wine cup. His eyes shamelessly gave your body a once over as they slowly went down your body and back up to you eyes. He slammed the cup down on the table.
“Why do you find amusement in disobeying me?” He said as he closed the gap between the two of you in three long strides.
“You wanted a bride with more than half a brain.” You shrugged nervously smirking at him.
His pushed forward as your feet stood its ground, his hand came up to hold your jaw harshly, his nostril flared as his eyes raged on silently. You were a thorn to his side, and the more days the two of you remained married, your claws only seemed to have gotten sharper. Your husband however was well versed in how to tame you, how to make you obey. Though he quite enjoyed this rebellious and confident side of you, he preferred you on your knees for him.
“You truly want to toy with me, tonight. Hmm?” His head gently tilled to its side, his feet taking him forwards as your followed backwards. The grip on your jaw hardening. “Have your words lost you Lady Lannister?”
“Put my head on a spike, because yes husband.” You whispered back fluttering your eyelashes at him “I quite enjoy toying with you.” You gave him a smirk as best your could with your cheeks squished between his fingers. Were you poking a lion with a stick? You absolutely were, but there is just a sinful thrill to the things your husband does to you. It’s more like a prayer than a taunt, it’s begging for pleasure at his mercy.
“All those lords tonight, my wife.” He whispered as his lips grazed down your neck, his cool finger tips tracing down your spine making your flinch just a little. “Those pious, young and boneheaded boys.” He tutted slapping your hands away from his chest, the back of your thighs felt the edge of your bed. “Everyone one of them wanted you, I should know, I was their age at one point.” He let go of you jaw, reaching to undo his cuffs. You weren’t done toying with him though.
“Does that mean that your were boneheaded once, lord husband.” You bit your inner cheek to stop yourself from smiling, the thrill of teasing your husband made your stomach flip.
Tywin eyes menacingly raised to yours, his fingers still work on undoing his clothes, one brow quirked up as the green in his eyes appeared darker. “Do you think I’d be in my position if I was bone headed?” The look in his eyes made your confidence shrink, you gulped as your eyes stayed on him.
He pushed your body down to sit on the bed, you obliged and lowered down, the soft furs tickled against your bare legs. His hands reached to unbuckle the belt that held his coat together, letting it come loose and bending it in his hands. His other hand came right under your chin, his demeanour completely shifting as he gently tilted your head back to make you look at him.
“The second you feel discomfort, please tell me to stop. Is that understood?” Tywin’s voice ordered you in a softer tone as his thumb stroked your cheek. You nodded but that made him hold onto your face harder “Words, wife.”
“I understand.” You nodded again with your reply.
He held your hands up, looping the cool leather around your wrists, tightening them enough for you to not break free, his fingers lingered a moment as they held your tied fists in them his fingers caressing your hands as if to assure you that you were perfectly safe.
“Kneel for me, Y/N” His voice laced with lust as he ordered you.
You pushed yourself of the bed and onto your knees, the rug under you protecting your knees from being hurt. You looked up at him on your knees waiting his next command as your tied hands rested on your lap. He took a moment to appreciate the beauty knelt before him, your hair, your glistening skin and that pretty face with the sweetest eyes looking up at him. Your chest rising and falling as your breath quickened, your husband caressing your face as he looked down upon you, his fingers trailing from your cheek to your hair before flattening his hand you head to stroke it.
His other hand undid his pants and breeches, your hands instinctively coming up to tug them down his long legs, his cock sprung free of its clothed restrains, Tywin’s thumb grazed your bottom lip before tapping it, indicating you to open your mouth. As a good lady wife, you did as he said. Keeping your tongue flat and opening you mouth for him; all the while your gaze was fixated on him. His placed the tip of his cock on your tongue, on cue your lips wrapped around the red tip, suckling it in your mouth. The gentle weight of his length against your tongue as your mouth worked on him, he pushed his hips forward slowly until he felt himself touch the back of your mouth.
Not wanting to overwhelm you, he retreated out before pushing back in again. A hum rumbled through his chest in pleasure as the warmth of your mouth caressed his cock. His hips rolling into you mouth and back out, even in pleasure Tywin’s eyes watched you for any discomfort or hesitation while you sat there with you hands in your lap, letting your husband fuck you mouth. He gently picked his pace up, making you gag on his cock. The corners of your eyes tearing up from the strain of it before gagging again, making Tywin groan in ecstasy. He held you head there for moment as you focused your breathing through your nose, gagging shouldn’t feel good but with each thrust, your pussy pooled. You coughed as your head was pulled back, Tywin giving you just a second to breathe properly before going on to fuck your mouth again.
You mouth was covered in saliva as your husband’s assault to your mouth persisted, his hands had tightened their grip on your hair as he guided your head to meet him halfway through his trusts, gagging and choking on his cock.
“That’s it my girl, choke for me.” His breath hitched as he once more he held your head as his cock found itself deep in your throat. Your eyes watered even more as you gagged on his cock, you dug your fingernails into your palm to calm the panic coursing through your body while focusing on breathing through your nose. You were oddly enjoying your husband using you like this.
His pulled himself back, a trail of saliva from your mouth to his length connected as he gave you a moment to breathe and collect yourself. He watched you for any indication of discomfort but your eyes were flared in lust just like him. Once you cleared your throat and could breathe properly again, you looked up at him a smiled. With that he yanked you by your arms, your bobbly legs stood it ground but the speed of it all making your squeal as he turned your around and pushed your body onto the bed. Your marriage bed was tall enough for you to bend over and still have your feet on the ground. Tywin’s hand smacked the flesh on your back before groping it with both hands.
You could feel him lower down to his knees as he pressed a kiss to your ass, your pretty wet pussy presented to him like a meal on a platter, he used his finger to spread your outer lips open, hoisting one leg on the bed to give him more ground to work on. His fingertips grazed the sides of your cunt, teasing you and denying you from touching your most needy spot. Your hands laid under you, useless as your writhed in anticipation. You felt the tip of his nose nudge your clit before his tongue flattened on your folds, licking a stripe from your clit to your hole and repeating that few times. His tongue worked its magic on you as moans and whimpers began to slip past your lips.
“All mine.” He boasted as he ate your cunt, making your head fall in shame.
His thumbs pushed your lips further apart, making your clit grace the world bare. His tongue gently flicked the bare bud making your squirm and yelp out. Earning you a sharp slap on your ass by your husband. “Move any longer and you will go to bed right now.” He warned you before diving back into his assault. He loved paying attention to your sensitive nub, how it reddened and peaked through the hood in excitement making your sing the sweetest songs for him, it pushed your highs, brazen and crazed with pleasure. He took the flesh in his mouth to suckle on it, making you cry out. You were getting pushed to the edge the more he played with that part of you, his beard leaving the sweetest burns on your inner thighs as he devoured you.
You could feel yourself push right over the edge, and your wanton moans made Tywin aware too.
“Let go for me, my love.” He sat back on his knees to admire the mess between your legs, his finger rubbing circles on your cunt. His lips found your sensitive bud again, his tongue flicking the little bud until you felt the coil of pressure in your belly explode, making you scream out as your gushed on your husband’s face. He ate through your orgasm as you cried into the sheets, your nails digging into your palms.
Tywin’s beard glistened in your juices as he shamelessly licked his lips. Your cheeks heated in embarrassment as you tried to catch your breath, he gave you only a moment of respite before pushing both your legs onto the bed and holding your body weight up to turn you. You knelt on the edge of the bed facing him, he held your face to make you look at him. His fingers trailing down to cup your cunt.
“Would you consider this attention enough?” He whispered next to your ear as he dipped a finger in you, slowly thrusting it as he used his other hand to hold your face tighter. Your mind still disorganized from earlier, however his finger stirring your insides again made you pathetically whimper and nodded to his question before muttering out a quiet “Yes.”
Another finger slid into your cunt, his pointer and his middle finger filled your cunt as he slowly began to pick up the pace, his finger curling to stimulate the already sensitive nerves from the inside, your hands wriggled against it’s bonds. You wanted to touch him, you always touched him. Tywin looked intoxicated from the scene in front of him, your head fell forward to rest on his shoulder as he pumped his fingers fast, making you moan out. You felt hot and clammy and so sensitive but his fingers persisted as he began to urge you peak
“No, please, please.” You whimpered against his shoulder
“Please what, hmm?” Tywin’s voice held a amused tone to it, watching his wife break apart on his fingers.
You couldn’t reply but only grunt and then scream out as his fingers kept hitting the right spot inside you, your pussy clenching around his fingers, ready to blow through another orgasm that hurtled toward you. You took deep huffs of breath as your husband held you to stop your from falling forward, fucking his fingers purposefully into your pussy. Unlike the one before where pressure built up, your second orgasm bursted through like a dam. Your body weight held up by Tywin as you shut your eyes closed, tears of pleasure falling from them as a squeak and then a silent cry fell from you lips. A jolt of numbness shot through you body, the only thing you could feel was the constant throbbing between your legs and your husband whispering praises in your ears to coax you through the orgasm.
“You’re alright, so good sweet girl.” He whispered against your ear as your body shook from it’s post orgasmic state. Though your husband was not done with your yet. He gave you only a moment before pushing you back into the bed, climbing in after you, with absolute ease turning you to lay on your stomach. You were too engrossed by the sensations running through your body to protest. He lifted your hips up as your upper body laid flat against the sheets, your hands tied and yet again useless.
His tip was leaking with pre-cum and slick, and his body about ready to mount his wife into unconsciousness. He positioned his tip between your slick folds, rubbing his cock through them before circling his tip at your oversensitive clit making you flinch and cry out. Wriggling your body away from him, he told you this would stop whenever you told him to but you wanted this, you wanted his cock deep within you no matter how sensitive from pleasure you felt. He pushed himself in with ease making him groan, he took a tight hold of your hips for leverage before slamming his hips in completey. Making you grunt out into the sheets, Tywin’s body erupted in ecastsy as he thrusted into you hard, the sound of skin slapping filled the room with your incoherent moans.
“Perfect little wife.” He groaned between bresths as he fucked into you. “Made just for my cock, isn’t that right?” He slapped your ass to coax a reply out of you,
A mumbled “yes, made for your cock.” Slipped past your lips but sounded more like you crying for more cock. Tywin hands reached forward, pulling you up as his arm curled around your throat, the other went to greet your throbbing clit yet again. As his finger rubbed your nerves you cried out, tears covered your face from how oversensitive you were and Tywin relished in the pretty cries that left your lips. You felt yourself nearing again.
“Please, please I can’t.” You begged for mercy
“Yes you can, you will. Just relax.” Tywin grunted as he felt his peak reach him too.
He held your clit between his point and thumb and rolled it in between his fingers, it only took a few more thrusts before you came undone. Gushing yet again, wetting your husband’s cock. Your cunt fluttering around him, pushed him right to the edge.
“Take all my seed, nice and full.” He roared as his cock spurted it’s warm seed into your cunt. Your body falling forward into the sheets as he let you go, his hand slammed next to your head as he held himself up through his orgasm.
Your body felt like the apple pudding the kitchens make, any control of your limbs were lost to you as you felt as if your were floating through the seven heavens. In reality you weren’t but you sure were out of it, in an odd limbo of consciousness and unconsciousness. Once Tywin could move himself he gently pulled out, a rather full cunt this time considering he hadn’t laid with you in two moons. You whimpered as you felt yourself empty, clenching instinctively to keep his cum within you. Though even that turned to be a hard task. He gently turned you over to untie your hands, a gentle red mark had looped around your wrists which he lifted to inspect, rubbing them in his hands.
The sheets on your bed were absolutely destroyed, Tywin had walked over to the basin were the water was still rather warm, he dipped a cloth in to clean you up. When he reached to hold your legs open, you whined while lazily pulling yourself away
“No more, I can’t.” You whimpered
“No more my love, you did so well.” He cooed at you as he ran the cloth through your in thighs before wringing it and running it through your body. He wiped the stray tears that left your eyes as you blinked them open, sniffling before focusing your gaze on your husband. Who had a soft and comforting look to his face.
“Are you alright, Y/N” He inquired as his hand pushed your hair back, you nodded in reply; making him tap your lips for an answer
He lifted you up effortlessly, taking you to the lady’s chambers. You lazily watched him with a post orgasmic bliss spread through your face. He put you down on the bed, you sat naked on the edge as you watched your husband walk around to your dressing table and retrieving your hair brush. You would have protested that he needn’t do that, you could have called your maids but when his fingers rubbed into your hair. You melted further. He took his time in comfortable silence, as he untangled your hair, one he was done he pushed you further onto the bed, maneuvering you under the covers before climbing in on the other end. You immediately curled up to him, he looked down onto your face. A small satisfied smile spread through his face as he took in the effect he had on you.
You however were fighting an internal battle, you were exhausted. Your husband nearly attempted to fuck you dead, but you needed his seed to catch. You tried your best to hold it in but youwere so tired, so you whined annoyed making your husband look down at you.
“Can’t hold it.” You pouted and your husband as usual had a solution for this too, he turned you the other way, his larger body spooning you. You felt him move around until you felt his softening cock enter your sore hole, you whimpered against his hold but he shushed you while gently pushing in. He stayed there still as his body cuddled into yours as every night before. He felt you flutter around, unsure of what to do until he spoke up.
“Sleep my love.” He whispered and so you did, your body grew heavier as your slipped into the world of slumber, content, warm and safe.
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