#listen I’m sorry I find this funnier than I should
heyclickadee · 4 months
Quick break from the bad batch brainrot, but:
One of the hilarious side effects of the various attempts to give Scrooge McDuck a backstory in various comics is that the name gets even more ridiculous. He’s called “Scrooge McDuck” because Carl Barks needed an Ebenezer Scrooge stand-in for a Christmas issue of the Donald Duck comics. He needed a ducky antagonist, so he slapped that name on him and made him Donald Duck’s jerk-ass uncle who hates everyone.
Eeexcccceeeept that the comic readers liked the character, and Barks did too, so he kept coming back, got a more solid characterization after a few different iterations, and then eventually got his own comic series. Which ran for decades. They’re all almost one off episode stories, but Barks, Scarpa, and others kept inventing other characters (parents, siblings, various Duck relatives) connected to Scrooge and Donald as needed, later comic writers/artists on both sides of the Atlantic made attempts to tie it all together into different backstories, and so.
What you end up with.
Is this whole extended Duck-McDuck-Coot family full of people who either have perfectly normal-if-old-fashioned people names (Fergus, Matilda, Hortense, Molly, Elvira, Donald, Gladstone, Casey, etc) or bird pun names (Fethry, Downy, Eider, Roast, etc) aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnd Scrooge.
Which isn’t a real name. It’s something Charles Dickens just made up and that Barks ran with. Because he named Scrooge according to his one-off antagonist naming conventions and then unexpectedly went and made him a main character. And, yes, the most sensible option here is to just ignore how silly it is in context, because it’s a collection of Disney comics about ducks.
The funnier option, though? The funnier option is to actually think about Fergus and Downy McDuck living in mid-century Scotland a couple decades after the publication of the only book in which the name “Scrooge” appears, having their first kid, and then deciding to name their kid that. Like it wasn’t tempting fate or asking for trouble. I’m too amused by this.
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luveline · 2 months
i love the kbd universe so so much! could you please do one where sweet little bethie (☹️) has been getting a hard time from other kids at school/nursery for being ‘weird’/‘different’ and how steve and reader would handle it?? sorry if that’s too specific my lovely! hope you’re having a good day!! 🫶
thank you!! kbd au —steve employs your help when your daughter needs a pep talk. 1.5k
“Why’s my girl so sad?” 
“I’m not sad.” 
Steve raises his brows at Beth. She looks especially like you when she’s down. It’s sort of sad, thinking about it, how her lips turn like yours would, how she won’t meet his gaze or hold his hand when he tries to intertwine their fingers. 
“Aw, honey, don’t tell me tall tales,” he says, no actual scolding in his tone. He sees the shimmer of tears aligned on her bottom lashes and can’t abide her fibs anymore, scooping her off of the couch and into his arms. “Bethieeeee,” he whines, “tell me what’s wrong! You know I hate not knowing everything about you.” 
“Dad,” she says, letting her head loll in the curve of his neck, “nothing is wrong.” 
Liar, he thinks. From the kitchen he can hear you and Dove and baby Wren singing. Avery potters around in the downstairs bathroom, humming. Steve knows Beth is sad, because Beth is quiet, but she still has as much energy as the rest of her sisters when she’s home. She isn’t introverted when she’s with him, or her mother, and especially not the best big sister in the world. 
“Okay,” he says. He should poke and prod. Instead, he lifts her up as high as he can, which, not to brag, is quite high. “Hi up there. How’s the weather?” 
She jabs him in the chest with her foot. “It’s windy.” 
Steve laughs like an idiot and brings her down for some adoring kisses. “Super windy. Babe, you get funnier and funnier everyday.”
She wraps her arms behind his head. “Thank you.” 
“Ooh, you’re welcome. Should we go and sing some songs with mommy?” 
Beth shakes her head. “No.” 
“No.” She sounds like a baby. 
Steve sits down with an arm behind her back. He’d quite like a bit of peace and quiet. He doesn’t mind if she needs some too. “Then let’s stay right here, bub, jus’ me and you.” 
Dustin once said that Steve was about as much use as a paper cup in a hurricane when it came to comforting people, but that was nearly a decade ago, and it was before he met you. You rushed into Steve’s life (by accident on both sides) and showed him how it felt to be properly looked after for the first time ever. He can’t forget how that felt. Robin loves him but she couldn’t love him like that, couldn’t kiss a bruise and fix it whole, couldn’t ease a migraine with her fingers in his hair. You touch Steve’s arm and he can lift a ten tonner. 
He’s more equipped than ever to comfort someone now. He had a good teacher. 
“You have a long day today, huh?” he asks. 
“Not much.” 
He smiles. “Not much long?” he asks. 
“Dad,” she grumbles. “You know what I mean.” 
“I do… so you didn’t find it too long?” 
“I guess.” Beth touches under his chin. “You have sharpies.” 
“My stubble? Should I shave tonight?” 
“Yes,” she says emphatically. “Don’t like scratchy kisses.” 
“Oh, so you wanted more kisses?” he asks. “Would that help you feel better? How about we meet in the middle and get mom to kiss you? She’s not so sharp.” 
She sighs, her nose shoved into his collar. “Dad, can you rub my back?” 
Steve rubs her back immediately. She makes no other request, lips firmly shut and secret upset sealed away, feeling at his stubble with gentle fingers. She loves foreign sensations like this. It’s why she likes having her back rubbed, Steve theories; the pressure of his hand on her spine is dragging, and grounding. 
He shifts against the grain of a cushion behind his back. 
“I want to tell you,” Bethie says finally. 
“I always want to listen,” he promises. 
She doesn’t sound teary, more uncomfortable as she finally forces it out, “Nobody at school likes me.” 
“Babe, that’s not true at all.” 
“It is true. They all think I’m weird.” 
“I bet they don’t, babe.” 
“Dad, they all say it.” 
Steve bites his cheek as his mouth snaps shut. “Well,” he says quietly, cupping the side of her face, encouraging her head back to meet her eyes. They’re big in her little face, pupils like pearls, “that’s not very nice.” 
“It’s true.” 
“Not true.” 
“It is true,” she says angrily. 
“It’s not true, Beth, you’re not weird, and if you are weird then I’m weird, and that’s not a bad thing after all. Is it?” 
Internally, it breaks his heart. Beth has been different than the other kids for a long time and in lots of ways. She’s picky, peculiar. She eats things in her own fashion, and has interests outside of her peers. Steve didn’t know she was ‘abnormal’ until people started telling him —she’s his second baby. He didn’t think they were all the same, and so didn’t question her differences, and still doesn’t care to beyond wondering what he can do to make her happy. Who cares if Beth eats two bites of sandwich for every celery stick? 
The other kids. Some parents. 
“I don’t want to be weird,” she says, hanging her head. 
You arrive like a well-timed miracle, shimmying past the half open door with a smile. “Hi, guys. I want you to come and do karaoke, what do you think? I’m making everybody mocktails! We’re having pineapple juice and–” You lean back, hand on your hip, a slip of your stomach peaking out of your tank top, total picture of a cool mom as you cross your naked arms over your stomach. “Oh, no. What’s wrong?” you ask teasingly. 
Steve squeezes Beth to his neck. “Hey, none of your business!” 
“No, tell me,” you say, crossing the room to sit beside them on the couch. 
“You wanna tell her?” Steve asks. 
Beth shakes her head. “Didn’t want to tell you, dad.” 
“You did, lovely,” he says, all sympathy as you cuddle up to Steve’s side and wrap an arm around them both. “You said you wanted to tell me. It’s okay if you don’t want to tell us again, though. Mommy just wants to make you feel better, right?” 
“Right,” you say. When you smile at her, it’s with all the love in the world. 
She’s quicker to cry in her mother’s lap. She wiggles closer to your shoulder, her voice fraught as she confesses, “Everybody at school says I’m weird,” and erupts into breathless sobbing, like she’s terrified of the idea. 
Your eyes wrinkle as you close them tight, frowning into the top of her head. “Oh, my poor girl. My baby. Please don’t cry, because that’s not true. You’re not weird.” 
“Everybody says I am!” 
“I’m sorry,” you say, pushing Steve away accidentally as you wrap her into a proper hug. “Who says that?” 
“Mom, it’s everyone. Even my friends.” 
Kids can be so mean, when they aren’t trying and when they are. You mumble sweet placatives, fingers running up and down the length of Beth’s shuddering back. She cries like she’s hurting. Steve’s reminded of the time she fell down the stairs and hit her face on the baby gate, she was shocked but more urgently in pain, and she couldn’t work out why she’d fallen. 
“That’s not nice, Beth,” you’re saying, “I’m so sorry they’re saying mean things about you, but you’re not weird, I don’t know why they’d say something like that. They’re just not as nice as my girl.” 
“I’m different,“ she says. 
“That’s not a bad thing, Beth. You’re perfect. I wouldn’t want you any other way, and neither would your dad.”
Steve jumps in. “Right! We like you like this, babe. I don’t want you to change, I don’t care what all the meanies at school say, me and mom think you’re awesome. Avery and Dove and Wren all think you’re the best sister and best friend ever. Avery’s your best friend. Has she ever called you weird?” 
The baby talk is sinking in. If you used your bubbly voices on Avery it might not work anymore, but Beth is just about young enough for it to take. “No… You really think I’m not weird?” Beth asks sadly. 
No kid wants to think they’re weird, even if they are, and even if that’s okay. 
You sink down into your seat, taking Beth with you. Steve has to fight to cuddle you both. “I know you’re not,” you say. 
For a good five minutes, you just hug her. Steve ends up laying his cheek against your temple, hand on Beth’s back so she knows he’s there. When the baby starts babbling loudly for you to come back, Steve takes the short straw and leaves you both for cuddling. 
“What’s up, dad?” Avery asks, standing on a chair by the baby’s high chair, feeding her youngest sister cut up strawberries on a spoon. Dove eats her own strawberries with sliced bananas and peanut butter, the evidence of the latter staining her blue t-shirt.
Steve pats the top of Avery’s head. “Nothing much, baby. I’ve come to make you your mocktail.” 
“Oh, yes! With sugar? Bethie loves the sugar.” 
She doesn’t know how glad he is that she’s Beth’s big sister. “With the sugar.” 
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b4tasquad · 1 year
Request this is more of how he is in a relationship rather than the relationship in itself so I’m sorry😭
Authors note: remember this is just for fun, and completely pure fiction! I don’t know how Niko is in a relationship or as a person really. Hope you enjoy, and let me know if I should make some for the others🫶
Getting violated on a daily. You could literally do nothing, just go on about your day and Niko would still violate you to prove some point on how he’s “funnier than you” and it’s totally unprovoked every time.
Helping him brainstorm ideas for videos. You often found yourself in this position. Up in the early hours of the morning, running on no sleep as you sat with your boyfriend. He would shake you awake every time you fell asleep, begging for you to help him find a new idea for YouTube videos. You would get annoyed, and ask him why he couldn’t do it himself and he’d reply “your opinions matter to me” knowing it would eat you alive if you didn’t help him now.
Him teasing you. It didn’t matter where or under what circumstances, Niko was the biggest tease ever. It could be as simple as just sending you flirty and suggestive looks, but also as aggravating as running his hand up and down your exposed thigh during dinner with friends. He knew how you felt for it every time, and his tactics came in handy whenever he wanted you worked up so he could be the one to relieve you.
Immediately becoming best friends with Aj. When you started seeing Niko you had no idea what you were getting into when it came to his best friend. Sure he had briefly mentioned the fact that he shared a home with his friend, but not that his friend was an energetic YouTuber making ever moment of his life a chaotic mess. Instantly, you thought you wouldn’t get along well, but upon meeting you were proven wrong. You formed a great friendship where he remained crazy and all over the place, while you were the calm one always having to clean his mess up.
Reassurance that you were the only one for him. With the work Niko did, you knew he was surrounded by women all day. Women that spent their days doing something he liked and that you could never relate to. You knew Niko loved you, but it was hard to push down the insecurities and look past it. Once learning of your hesitance, Niko immediately sat you down, telling you everything your heart desired to hear. Ever since, he made a mental note to always tell you how much he appreciated you, not like he didn’t do that before tho. Now he was just sure to say it double as much.
Crazy movie nights with the Beta Squad. Being Niko’s girlfriend meant spending a crazy amount of time around the guys, also known as his best friends. You had been subjected to the most craziest things of your life during your time with them, but always finding a smile on your face. Realising you were a more quiet and relaxed person, they were willing to compromise and make sure to have a movie night once in a while. The effort was there, and it was nice to just be there together. That was until Chunkz made it his mission to lift the “dead mood” he went around slapping everyone on the back of their necks which would always start an argument. Ever since, everyone has been wary only keeping on eye on the movie to make sure they wouldn’t get slapped.
Neck kisses. You didn’t know when or why, but sometime in your relationship, Niko became overly obsessed with kissing your neck. It was silly, really. How he was so comfortable with just leaning down, peppering the area with either the smallest of pecks or the most starved kiss, you didn’t understand. It wasn’t a problem until he started doing it everywhere. At home, in public. Whenever you two were together. You told him to stop and behave but he never listened, instead silencing your words with kisses that made your cheeks heat up.
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mintylovesjeongyeon · 11 months
Watching Him Fade Away Quackity x Reader
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Hello everyone! Checked my inbox and someone requested an argument headcanon for Quackity so I hope you y’all like it!
If anyone wants to request, my inbox is still open and I can write for other people as well if you want.
My writing may be bad since I’m getting back into it so please be patient with me :D Sorry for making it sad, I was listening to sad songs so yee! Enough rambling and on to the story! 🌙 🤍🩵
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Arguments usually don’t happen between you and quackity, maybe small arguments about a misplaced item but you guys talk it out to ease out small tension.
Not this time though, this all started when you and Quackity were throw insults as a joke but it got a bit personal when Quackity started to tell you about how you dressed as if you wanted to hook up with everyone that kept staring at you.
This made you very upset because he knows that you were trying new styles to feel confident in yourself but insulting you saying the clothes you wore were giving hooker vibes?
The clothes weren’t even revealing at all! He knows how insecure you are and yet decided to insult you personally.
That’s how the argument started and it’s getting progressively worse now that they are both screaming at each other.
“Why would you say that Alex!? This was supposed to light hearted insults not personal insults! Did I ever say something to personally insult you!? No Alex I never did why? Because I know how insecure you are of yourself and I WOULD NEVER SAY ANYTHING TO BRING YOU DOWN! Are you going to say something or stay quiet!?” You screamed while glaring at him.
“Well how can I respond when you are screaming at me and interrupting me while I’m trying to apologize!? But it seems you don’t want to listen to me so you won’t get an apology! Why would I want to apologize to someone when they are flirting knowing that you’re in a relationship and you decide to flirt in FRONT IF ME!? Like don’t you realize how I felt in that moment!? NO BECAUSE YOU WERE TO BUSY LAUGHING AT THEIR JOKES WHILE THEY WERE LOOKING UP AND DOWN ON YOU!” He yelled while pulling his hair in frustration.
“Are you trying to accuse me of cheating!? All because I laughed at their jokes!? Wow that’s how low you think of me trying to cheat on you huh? Well you’re wrong because for once their jokes were actually funny unlike your stupid jokes you make that aren’t even funny!! Maybe you should try to take classes of how to become funnier and make a YouTube video about!? Funny how all this started all because you insulted how I dressed and how you let you’re insecurities get the best of you! Whoops sorry I didn’t mean to personally insult you about your relationship insecurities! Now you know how I felt in that moment right!?” I yelled while holding my head knowing a headache is forming from all the yelling.
“Oh wow now you are personally insulting me by using my insecurities!? You know what I had enough of this! I HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS ON ME ALREADY AND HAVING YOU AROUND HERE IS MAKING IT WORSE! You act like you know how to fix every problem we have and try to be a supportive girlfriend when in reality you don’t fucking know shit and the advice you would are always shitty!” Screamed Alex while looking at you but his heart dropped when he saw the tears forming in your eyes and your hands started shaking from the sadness and anger you held in.
“You know what let’s just end the relationship right here and right now! I was trying to be a supportive girlfriend and tried to help you out with your streams but I guess what I did wasn’t helpful at all and the advices I give were shitty. I guess I don’t know fucking shit like you said, don’t worry I’ll start packing my things so I can try to leave by tomorrow afternoon. I’ll have someone help me out so you don’t have to see me ever again and I hope you find someone better than me, someone that actually gives you good advice and helps you out.” You cried while covering your face to hide the redness.
He just stood there quiet knowing that there’s nothing he can do to try to patch the relationship up and whatever he tries to say won’t work. He just turns around and heads to his office to try to do some homework. He knew the relationship will never get fixed, he knew that if both were still together, things will only get worse. He doesn’t want to hurt you again like he did earlier.
You went to your guys bedroom and started packing up the important things like clothes and documents. You texted your friend to try to help you move the bigger stuff tomorrow. After you were done you went to lay on the bed and started crying knowing that this relationship will never get fixed, the way he insulted you and how you insulted him as well. If you try to stay with him, things will get worse and you don’t want that, you don’t want to hurt him again.
As they both fell asleep, they know it’s going to be hard to move on from each other but this is for the best. Maybe one day they might reconcile or they may find new partners who knows but they wish nothing but the best for each other.
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Thank you for reading! I tried my best and like I said I was listening to sad songs about breakups 😮‍💨 Also my inbox is open for requests! Sooo if you want to send one it will be open! I’ll try to work on them as fast as I can since I’m busy with life ☺️ Thank you my lovely moonstones🌙🤍🩵 See you all next time!
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ryutarotakedown · 3 months
magnus archives! for the ask game
[ask game link] YAYYYYYYYYY THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK this got horrifically long so under the cut!
Favorite character: i’d love to say basira but it’s probably melanie. or martin. oh little moth…
Least Favorite character: uhhhh i love all the characters as *characters* but i love to hate elias of course. what a fucking creep they did such a wonderful job with him. 106 and 117 live in my brain constantly & forever
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): FIVE? THERE AREN’T ENOUGH IN HERE FOR FIVE but it’d be what the girlfriends, jonmartin, daisira, basira/melanie, and. hm. hmmm. gertrudeagnes
— oh crap wait i keep forgetting platonic relationships are ships too, okay okay add jon & basira and jon & melanie and jon & georgie in there. not in any particular order but still
Character I find most attractive: im not even attracted to women but. daisy. i didn’t understand the fan reaction until i listened to her voice for the first time (i consumed this podcast almost entirely through transcripts) and went Oh I Get It Now
Character I would marry: georgie easily
Character I would be best friends with: jon or melanie because i love befriending haters you are all so fun
A random thought: i miss them so much. i kept expecting the transcripts to switch to “archive” for jon at some point but they never did which is probably for the best for accessibility reasons but can you imagine. i miss them so much. basira is funnier than people give her credit for. georgie is less funny than people give her credit for and i appreciate her so much for it (don’t be a Stranger!). i miss them so much
An unpopular opinion: hey did you know basira hussain is in the third most episodes total and actually has the second most scenes with jon (she had The Most, period, before martin dethroned her in s5)? did you know? anyway she should be in more stuff and i love her deeply. i also don’t think she actually had double standards for jon versus daisy per se, i think her problem was thinking that guilty people deserve punishment and therefore that daisy’s victims (criminals) were fine while jon’s victims (random people off the street) were not
— this is also why she stops daisy from killing jon in 091, because she’d met him before, he was a human being who cracked jokes, he *couldn’t* be guilty; rather than because killing people is bad
— i also think she knew deep down she was wrong for this considering how she says in the unknowing: i don’t want to hurt you. i don’t want to hurt anyone. and then in s5: of course i care! …that’s the problem
— she had to force down her compassion in order to function well as a police officer and forced herself to believe that it was the right thing to arrest people who did bad things
— reader she was incorrect
— have i mentioned i love her
My canon OTP: jonmartin and what the girlfriends
Non-canon OTP: you cannot tell me basira and melanie didn’t have something going on while jon was in his coma you simply can’t
— melanie was strong and violent and necessary and basira needed someone strong to rely on after daisy even though she could see how miserable melanie was. basira stuffed down all her emotions and became a stone figure and melanie feeling herself being overtaken by rage both aspired to that and hated her for it. they are anchors for each other but false because their usual anchors (daisy, georgie) aren’t here or wouldn’t get it. do you understand.
Most badass character: the admiral
Pairing I am not a fan of: sorry to jon.elias fans i do understand that exploring the Power Dynamics could be fun but i genuinely cannot see any romance in there whatsoever. can’t jon just hate a man in peace
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): hmmmmmmm. not anyone in particular? i think basira’s s5 arc was kind of rushed but i’m not super mad about it. also obviously the racist stereotypes in there (the haans. i mean the haans) but in terms of main cast i can’t think of anyone
Favourite friendship: tim & sasha because i haven’t mentioned them anywhere in this ask and that is a travesty. they’re fun i hope they are kayaking happily together somewhere
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Le prophète (Karlsruhe, 2015): Reactions, Part I
new (ish) filmed production of le prophète just dropped??? there go any other plans i may have had for this friday night
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no loitering allowed
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this chorus is essentially just “thank fuck that it’s sunny and not storming” which…i get it bc i live in tornado alley, but also as we come out of a VERY hot summer…storms are nice every once in a while
also: no room for sun in a neon capitalist/oligarchist hellscape
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berthe’s got rocker girl vibes!
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the waitress: “eh might as well listen to your story not like i have anything better to do on company time”
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this does not feel very heterosexual on berthe’s part
edit: scratch that apparently that was fidès, in which case…why have her come in before she’s supposed to be there, director
also though: as a friend said, (paraphrased) “if y’all ship filippo and rodrigo i should be able to ship fidès and berthe bc it’s basically the same thing”
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“tomorrow this place is ALL YOURS!!!”
(we love women business (co) owners)
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she got all her papers in order, she’s done everything RIGHT, and yet…
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also: i’m sorry but i find it so fucking funny that they’re dressed up like mormons. idk why that’s so funny to me but i saw a production of the barber of seville once where one of almaviva’s disguises was as a mormon missionary and i lost my shit laughing. anyway back to the opera
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(on the other hand, though: why is everything such a huge problem if fidès and jean live in the same town as berthe??? a big part of it is that berthe is asking to LEAVE oberthal’s domains. i wonder what the modern equivalent is)
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“nah not interested” *slams door in their faces* yes you go fidès 
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the power of community organizing! (unfortunately done by people with…less than great intentions)
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fun activities with friends: doing acrobatics and breakdancing on police cars
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everyone reading each other for filth. it’s fun but they all suck
also, no picture but: LUCIA LUCAS IS IN THIS??? (she plays Mathisen) NICE!!!!!!!!
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two brave women supporting one another we love to see it (also: one of the prettiest duets you ever did hear)
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oberthal you little bitch
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you’re just gonna leave her chained to that? 
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talk about mood whiplash! (also: this chorus BOPS)
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uh oh (also especially with the mormon missionary-esque costumes, their being at more or less a sports bar is hilarious)
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jean is a tenor with no brain cells and he’s able to admit it, unlike most tenors with no brain cells
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his dreams could be prophetic for real, or a fluke…but either way they are GOING to be manipulated 
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“no sports. only our warped version of Jesus”
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“guys. stop kneeling before me. i’m not Jesus or any warped version thereof”
(also i REALLY want them to start singing “hello”)
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“DUDE, we’re not supposed to have beer”
“oh sorry”
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he’s just a guy who really loves his mom and his rocker girl fiancée! 
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so jean. about that marriage tomorrow.
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i’ll try to put the rest in a reblog bc apparently you can now only put in 30 images per post, which is STUPID and DUMB and i HATE it
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wwhatev3r · 2 years
hi!! may i have a ship? A rowboat preferably. No I'm sorry that joke was dumb.
So basically a quick summary of my appearance: my friend calls my eyes sea glass (green&blue mixture), i am 5'9, my hair is super curly & brown mixed with red highlights. I tend to look sad even though I am not?? But also I am pretty smiley???
Personality oh boy here we go!! i love music. I think last year i got around 30k minutes of listening to music on spotify. Is that a flex? You bet it is bestie. Geography and History are like my hyperfixations. I am memorizing continent's countries. Oh and I love baking + cooking. Also I love kids lmao. I am jewish!! Went to ncsy. I wear a magen david necklace and have since my bat mitzvah. I am either quiet or super talkative. I tend to say the most outlandish things in the most casual tone. Which causes people to laugh lmao. I also have photoshopped cowboy hats on all my friends & myself. Yeehaw. My humor is pretty solid imo, like I could be a stand up comedian... i think? Idk im an infp and my love language is acts of service. On the downside; i got some spicy mental health & struggle with confidence!! I am always afraid people don't actually like me. Bc guess who has gotten bullied over her body? This girl!! This was super long im sorry I am in a talkative mood!!
I ship you with...
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George Luz
Note: GIRL-...Let me just say that I love your personality. Let’s be friends, you sound like an incredible person. I love your energy, just by reading the request you hyped me up. Anyway, I hope you like it. P.S: The rowboat joke took be my surprise, I liked it. 
For👏Sure👏It’s👏George👏Motherf*cking👏Luz! But, let me tell you, I think you would be best friends with Malarkey and Skip too. But yeah, there you have:
You both are just CHAOTIC.
Listen, I’m not even joking when I say that the other day, me and a friend were talking about how we imagine the Easy Boys as girls and I said that Georgie would have super curly brown hair. 
Perfect for each other, It’s destiny right there.
I’m taking this ship request as a wedding arrangement, I’m sorry. 
He helps you memorize the country’s continents with cards. 
And if you get them all right, he gives you whatever you like. 
Just imagine this man’s face when you are telling him random history facts and tea about historical figures. 
“...yeah, and he decapitated her.” You told him.
“What? Are you shitting me? (OoO) I knew she should have never married him. I told ya.”
King and Queen of knock knock jokes. 
Actually, you are both better than knock jokes! Way more funnier.
I can see a scene of you both holding your laugh to not awaken anyone at night. 
He thinks you’re the funniest person he knows, because your comedy is natural.
And OMG, this man would kill just to hear you laugh all day. He loves it so much. 
You start singing a song and George is like:
“Shut up, I was just thinking about that song!” 
He loves to dance!!!!!!!!!!
He knows you're an introvert but when the pub is less crowded or is just with your closest friends, he pulls you to dance with him. 
This man can’t cook. Periodt.
He will burn the kitchen to the ground, but if you’re cooking he tries his best to help you out. 
I don’t think George is religious, but he would be pretty supportive of your beliefs.
I truly believe he would learn more about it and support the traditions. 
Imagine, if you were in Easy Company with him at Bastogne; Christmas was really shitty there but he made your whole day, month and year by making you a star of David with sticks and gave you 9 mini candles for you to celebrate hanukkah. 
Also, he finds your necklace so pretty.
In terms of your lack of confidence and mental health issues, George would be as sweet as always. 
In case you’re truly sad, George puts you over the whole world. Write my words. 
He holds tears when seeing you cry, and makes himself look stupid to make you smile.
He makes sure you know you don’t need to please everyone, since that’s impossible, and that you don’t need to be perfect to be loved, and he also says a lot  that both a flower and the ocean are beautiful and are completely different. 
You caught him a ton of times playing with your curls. He just loves your hair so much.
AND YOUR EYES! HOLY SHIT, he loves your eyes. 
“My god, what I would do to swim in those pretty eyes of yours, It’s a shame that they look like they would cut me like a blade.” 
Sometimes you’re just standing there, living your life and he just comes to you like:
-“Hey, honey, are you sad?”
-“No George, It’s just my face.”
-“Your face looks depressed, is she ok?”
Anyway, he makes pretty good impressions of country boys/cowboys. (yee yee)
So, George has a lot of nephews, and I’m pretty sure he likes to take care of them more when you’re present.
It feels more safe for him and the kids love you more, you’re the cool aunt. 
It’s a little bit of a battle to take care of them, on one side there’s you trying to make them eat lunch, and on the other there’s George giving them ice cream. 
But, in the end you both work pretty well as a team; you guys find a good balance.
I hope you like it, I loved your request. I had a lot of fun writing it <3
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#9 The Ghost at Dawn’s House: Chapter 7
It’s a Dawn book but we’re still going to be subjected to a sitting chapter involving Karen telling one of her stupid ghost stories UGH
So Kristy’s babysitting, who else, David Michael, Karen, and Andrew. She blames Dawn for the fact that everyone's got the jibblies over the thunderstorm, though as it becomes apparent, it isn't just the thunderstorm, it's Karen too. Kristy just likes to blame Dawn for shit. Anyway, Sam and Charlie are at a party and Watson the Millionaire and Elizabeth are at some theater in Stamford, probably escaping to get away for at least a couple of hours from Karen. 
Kristy tries getting the kids to play Chutes and Ladders but the thunder freaks the shit out of everyone; we're told David Michael shrieks, and I'm imagining him shrieking like Ned Flanders.
Well, everyone's scared except Kristy, who's scared of nothing (except the BSC losing clients) and Karen, who calls everyone nitwits when the thunder rumbles.
Kristy decides to read a book instead and rolls her eyes when Karen suggests Ramona and her Father. Bitch, there is nothing eyeroll-worthy about Ramona and her Father! That's a classic! Karen wishes she was as imaginative and funny as Ramona.
Before Kristy can suggest something else, Karen volunteers a story. And we all know what story that is - it’s Karen, it’s either Morbidda Destiny or Ben Brewer. Kristy stops her and asks her if she knows anything not scary. Nope! Dawn says Karen never means to scare anyone...oh please. You seriously think Karen doesn't get a kick out of frightening everyone and being the center of attention? And sorry Kristy, David Michael and Andrew say they want something scary!
Kristy, anticipating what this means, says no scary stories and proceeds to tell the dumbest knock-knock joke instead. You know the one, where you keep saying banana until you say “orange you glad I didn't say banana?” Kristy thinks it's hilarious, the kids aren’t amused. She should have said “Smell mop!” after they said knock knock, that would have least been funnier. 
Kristy leaves to get some graham crackers and milk from the kitchen and comes back to find David Michael and Andrew terrified and listening to Karen. And Karen's in costume! She's wearing a witch's hat and a sparkly black mask and waving a wand around while she tells the story of Ben Brewer for the thousandth time. See? I told you she likes scaring them and being the center of attention!
Oh, and Kristy says “ew” when Karen says the headless ghost was going to transform Ben Brewer into a crazy person. So Kristy finds the mentally ill to be gross. I'm skipping over the story, you all have heard this more times than necessary. Kristy, surprisingly out-of-character here instead of gushing about how smart and funny Karen is, is being awfully snarky. She's even picking out inaccuracies!
“Karen,” said Kristy, “the last time you told ghost stories, you said Boo-Boo won't go on the third floor because it's under the attic and the attic is haunted.” Karen paused. “Oh,” she said. “Well, that's true. But Ben's room is haunted, too. So anyway...”
Louie and Boo-Boo then tear out of the room, and Karen screams that Ben Brewer is there haunting them because animals can sense the supernatural. Kristy tells her there's no ghost, even though she's scared too. Ok, a 7-year-old managed to frighten a 13-year-old? What? Andrew starts crying and they all say they want to sleep in Kristy's room with her, even Karen, who I guess ended up scaring herself.
Dawn says Kristy has this “mammoth new bed” in her bedroom. Mind meet gutter. In the morning, Kristy wakes up and all the kids are still there asleep in bed with her, including Boo-Boo and Louie. Charlie and Sam laugh at her, though they don't really have much room to talk.
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fairytheo · 3 years
enhypen as your boyfriend.
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boyfriend!enhypen x gen!reader. fluff. 1.9k. curse words. mention of bugs, food. not requested.
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🐈 ⸝⸝ HEESEUNG ˙𐃷˙
super-duper caring !!
he’s so whipped for you — he smiles just by thinking about you
also very giggly around you
LOVES lending you his beanies
(aka. you stealing them..)
+ you steal his earrings as well ! not that he minds
absolutely adores singing for you / he loves singing you to sleep :D
hold up, is being heeseung’s s/o just being his personal ramen cook 🤨🤨
he aaalwaays bugs you to play games with him (especially wii and nintendo switch lmao)
either that or you’re playing animal crossing while eating takeout at your dinner table
you’re the only person in the world who he’ll ever do aegyo for. 
he secretly enjoys it, but shhh you didn’t hear that from me
i think he likes calling you names like cutie, cutiepie or just a shorter version of your name <3 (if there is one !)
booping your nose is on his everyday to do list ☝️
lowkey therapist & boyfriend in one ngl
WAIT he loves making playlists for you two,, 
“y/n! i made another playlist, do you wanna listen to it? i made it while thinking of you.” <//3 
the type to write cheesy lyrics about you, then later cringes at his own writing bUT then leaves it like that because you like it !
you have his cover of lauv’s “i’m so tired” either set as your alarm or play it on loop everyday 
(random but for some reason i can picture him giving you a cassette with his cover on it just for the vintage vibes)
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAY ˙𐃷˙
the mom-and-boyfriend in one ;] 
f a s h i o n  c o u p l e 
you are literally fashion icons. no disagreements. 
you have matching clothes or accessories ! even if it’s really subtle, the gesture behind it is super adorable <//3
cooking pt. 2 :D but this time there’s a gorden ramsay in your relationship
i can just SEE how you both two impersonate gorden ramsay while cooking which makes everything 10 times funnier !! checks every 5 seconds if the food is ready tho because he doesn’t wanna risk anything
never cleans up afterwards, either you do or no one does
since you’re both fashion icons your social media followers are going 📈📈📈
literally couple goals.
he loves taking pictures of you,, but also wants you to take pictures of him 
jay gets flustered easily so please make him flustered with sudden compliments, hugs, kisses, etc. !!
he’s also the only member i can really see calling you babe
confident but shy about pda at the same time ??? he’s both LOL 
you always tease him with his RAS moments and randomly quote them when you’re in the middle of a conversation with him lmao
random and idk if this fits here, but he likes making your lunch — leaves you encouraging notes too <3
last but not least: jokingly gets angry at you when he wants something from you, and you do the same thing back ♡
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAKE ˙𐃷˙
sweetest and softest boyfriend to ever exist. i’m so soft for him JSHSHS
definitely calls you sweetie and darling. 100%. fight me if you think otherwise. 
shows you pics of layla everyday (it’s become routine for him >_<)
a tiny bit cliché BUT lends you his jacket whenever you’re cold (even when you’re inside !!)
random thought: jake puts his hands in your hoodie pockets...
it’s his personal goal to peck your cheek and forehead at least twice a day — gets pouty if he wasn’t able to do that ))):::
talks in english a lot because you love his accent !!
if you’re an english speaker, you’ll have conversations in english all. the. time.
if you’re not an english speaker, no worries, he’ll teach you !
+ reads you bedtime stories in english (jake’s australian accent >>>) 
dreams of travelling with you to australia <33  
if there’s a bug in the house you better know that jake will NOT be removing them and runs out of the house
WILL stay over at one of the other member’s houses untill that bug is REMOVED . 
so if you’re afraid of bugs as well,,, i’m sorry bae, but it’ll be your task to remove these little... creatures 😐
ngl you have more photos of layla than of him on your phone lol
(spams you with her pictures and captions them with “y/n!!! look!!! layla with a flower!!!! layla with a butterfly!!!!” it’s just so sweet aaa)
we need some “””drama””” so you make jokes about him being a “🥶💸🔥💪” boy a lot in your relationship LMAO
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNGHOON ˙𐃷˙
ice skating dates.
this has been mentioned in other headcanons a lot already but i just HAD to include it,,
convinces you to eat ice cream after your date LOL even if it IS winter
btw. fashion couple nr. 2 !!! 
ugh the visuals and the power you two hold,,,, i can’t,,,,,
has better clothes than you ngl so you share clothes lmao
it started with him lending you his sweatpants, but then you didn’t want to return them forgot to return them and BOOM 💥 here we are
extremely awkward and shy at first — don’t worry though, he becomes much more chaotic in the later phases of your relationship
he teases you SO MUCH. LIKE. SO MUCH.
always has small smile (smirk?) on his face when he’s about to make a cocky remark (so beware)
you tease him back just twice as hard which 1.) results in him in becoming flustered 2.) fails LOL
off-topic but he’d love a s/o that has a similar style to him ??? a more elegant, classy, dark style perhaps
when he’s away / busy he’ll send you some selcas and captions them with “how r u doing??” “did you eat yet?” “cheer up :P” 
kinda shy about pda but likes showing off too ???
i mean,, men... 🙄🙄 /lh
whenever someone mentions your name near him, he’ll just try to hide his smile while biting his lip (yk what i’m talking about???) and you’ll see his dimples and the affectionate look in his eyes and just AAAAA
the type of boyfriend that calls you love~
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNOO ˙𐃷˙
skin care routines with sunoo 24/7 🤝
he does your hair (if your hair is long enough to do different hairstyles with it ofc !!) 
send you daily weekly skin care products he thinks you two should try out / that’d be good for your skin <3
spa nights every friday at 9pm — he only lets you in if you wear a stylish pyjama LOL
you buy him peach items because they just remind you so much of him (。•́︿•̀。)
SELCA TIME !!! his phone is always ready !!! (apart from his storage maybe?)
loves to go on walks w u
does A LOT of aegyo,, 
and i know that you knew that this point will be in this headcanon.
for eg. instead of saying goodnight or bye he’ll just do aegyo for you not that anyone minds tbh
stages of sunoo flirting (?):
a — tries to compliment you (it sounds more like a flirty remark tbh)
b — realizes then blushes
c — cringes and runs away LMAO
playfully acts jealous, so you know it’s a joke but deep down he’s actually jealous
you two match each others vibes a lot — if one is sad, the other is sad as well
+ tells you your posture is bad when you sit like a banana or tells you to go to sleep early and when you don’t listen to him, he’ll show you an article that proves that (abc) and (xyz) is bad for you and says “i told you so.” 💀
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JUNGWON ˙𐃷˙
impresses you by doing kicks (does the kick cap challenge on tiktok and/or you play kick it by nct 127 for the funzies) 
poking his dimple is a MUST . 😩😩
though gets super shy when you kiss him and also if you buy him gifts !!
cheers you up whenever you feel down or are upset
compliments you a ton ))): will randomly come up to you and tell you that your fit is cute or that you look brighter today,,, little does he know it's because of him ;]
poking his dimple comes first, then hugging
the other members tease you two everytime you’re over LOL it’s like there are two koalas clinging onto each other
our yang garden gained another sheep +1
you two randomly play sheep,,,, like,,, everyday ???? sheep cosplays 👍
idk why ig it’s just fun to imitate sheep and go “mmmeEeEeeEhh” to annoy others
talking of that, even THOUGH he is a responsible leader he will not hesitate to do stupid shit with you
“hey how about we ring on that house there and yell “sheep for sale!” do you think they’ll open the door?”
“i don’t know... let’s find out!” 🤝
let’s just say that this didn’t end well..
also kinda bullies you (in a loving way ofc !!) pand teases you nonstop
either calls you asshole or love aHA
in conclusion: a very unpredictable relationship,, would 10/10 recommend.
very random but i feel like his love language is acts of service
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🐈 ⸝⸝ NI-KI ˙𐃷˙
oh look it’s our tsundere 😼
can’t go a day without dancing so you two have vibing sessions at 2am everyday ft. the others telling you to go to bed
you’re the only one that can make him soft lol
if you’re older than him, you would definitely take care of him like your own baby !! 
if you are the same age as him or younger it’d be awkward for him at first, because he isn’t used to taking care of someone younger, so he’d treat you as if you were his best friend at the beginning
you love to watch him dance !! it’s so satisfying,, LITERAL asmr.
pranks you 24/7. boy has NO mercy. will not care if the others will scold him later. he will do the prank smoothly (?) — doesn’t care about the consequences LMAO
probably sets your alarm to someone screaming or a cringy aegyo song <//3
wants to film dance covers with you !! you don’t have to be the best dancer either !! as long as you have fun ^__^ 
the other members find you really cute but are also vERY TIRED OF YOU,, two energized teens in a relationship was not a good idea ☝️
likes to randomly hold your hand and swing it around 
probably distant at the beginning of the relationship because a.) he doesn’t want to pressure you/make things awkward b.) he doesn’t really know what to do either ???
(if you’re not japanese or don’t know how to speak japanese) he’ll definitely teach you some japanese phrases and words !! introduce you to his culture as well :DD and he really wants to know more about your culture too <3
teaches you phrases like “sunoo is a dumbass” for the funzies LOL
randomly makes micheal jackson impressions,,, it’s hilarious LMFAO
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tacticaldiary · 4 years
Having a relationship w/ Oikawa based on a bet and the gf heard it when the seijoh 4 talked about it making oikawa panicked when he knows his gf heard it.. ahh angst to fluff? Hehe thank youuuu
This was fun to write. :)
Betting on You
Pairing: Reader x Oikawa Tooru
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, a lil fluff
He couldn’t lose her, anyone but her. He shouldn’t have accepted the bet. Needless to say, Oikawa Tooru has a lot of regrets right now. Opening up and being vulnerable to his partner was thankfully not one of them, even if it had ended up with them crying in each others arms. 
Mumbling incoherently, Y/N reaches out next to her in the bed, trying to find the warm body that usually occupied the space next her. Frowning when she feels only the bedsheets, she opens her eyes and squints. There’s no one next to her. 
“Tooru?” she mutters softly, yawning and sitting up. He was always there, clinging to her, holding her close. Strange. She decides to wait for him, wanting his warmth to fall asleep with. The guy was like a living heater, which was useful during cold winter nights like this one. 
Twenty minutes pass and he still doesn’t come back. Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/N sighs and pulls herself to the edge of the bed, slipping on a pair of slippers. She shivers a little when the cold air hits her skin, but continues slowly towards the door to their shared bedroom. Opening it with a quiet creak, she immediately hears voices. A little confused, she quietly keeps walking, stopping at the doorway to the living room. 
She tilts her head in confusion when she sees Tooru laying on the couch, tapping away at his phone. It appears he’s on a voice call on speaker. 
“Almost three months.”
“Honestly, none of us expected you to last this long.”
Her eyes widen as she hears familiar voices. Matsukawa and Hanamaki?
“You’re still keeping him to that?” Iwaizumi? What were they doing this late at night? The clock on the wall tells her it’s 2 in the morning. 
“Obviously. I thought the money was pretty much guaranteed.”
“Can you blame us? He’s never kept someone around for more than a month.”
“Shut up.” Tooru's quiet voice reaches her ears. What money? What was going on?
“You’re not going to win.” comes Iwaizumi’s annoyed voice. “It’s Y/N.”
“Yeah, but before her it was also Mika-Chan and Yui-Chan and Hina-Chan and Aiko-Chan and-”
“Alright, I get it. Iwa-Chan’s the only one who’s on my side.” he pouts, cutting off Hanamaki’s annoying high-pitched imitation of him. 
“We still don’t know why. You’re obviously going to lose the bet. It’s inevitable.” Matsukawa claim confidently
“I’ll win in a few days, if you haven’t noticed. Nothing’s gonna happen in a few days.” Tooru rolls his eyes.
“And then you’ll dump her?”
Y/N suddenly feels cold, and it has nothing to do with the weather. Dump her? Bet? WHat was going on? Her mind was racing. Tooru hadn’t indicated that he was unhappy, or wanted to break up. He was always telling her how much he loved her. Was he lying? She felt a little sick at the thought.
“Yeah, the bet was to keep someone around for more than three months. You’ll be done in a few days. What’re you gonna do then?”
“A bet?” she says aloud, her voice hollow with shock.
Tooru jumps and drops his phone, quickly turning around to see his girlfriend looking at him in horror. 
“Y-Y/N-Chan...” he scrambles to his feet and ends the call, wondering how much she had heard. “I thought you were asleep?” he quickly moves towards her, reaching out to touch her shoulder. He freezes when she backs away, shaking her head in disbelief. 
“A bet, Tooru? A bet?” 
“What-? Wait, Y/N...it’s not what you think-”
“Keep me around? You were dating me for a...bet?” her voice starts shaking a little, as she remembers how mere hours ago, he was holding her, assuring her how much he loved her.
“No! I-”
“Am I a game to you? A bet? Are you fucking kidding me?” She nearly laughs, because of course he would only date her for a bet. Of course. 
He frantically shakes his head, reaching out for her again, but thinking better of it when he glares at him with eyes full of unshed tears. His eyes widened. This wasn't supposed to happen. It wasn’t supposed to go like this. “Y/N-Chan, listen to me, please, let me explain.” he sounds panicked. 
She clenches her jaw. “I should have seen this coming. Of course the Oikawa Tooru wouldn’t go out with someone like me.” She lets out a bitter chuckle at his stunned expression. Before he can interrupt, she pushes on. “Why would you, when you have girls, so much more perfect than me, throwing themselves at your feet all the time?”
“Y/N-” he’s trying desperately to get a word in, wincing when she raises her voice to overpower his. 
“Mika-Chan and Yui-Chan and Hina-Chan.” she imitates, recalling the phone call. Tears she’s tried to keep at bay finally start trickling down and Oikawa’s heart twists painfully, knowing that he was the one who caused it. “Obviously, the only reason you’d consider me was because of a bet, a fucking bet, Tooru.” she cries out angrily. 
“Y/N-Chan, listen to me.” he says seriously, grabbing her shoulder and looking her in the eyes. “I love you. I’ve loved you since the beginning. The bet means nothing to me.”
Her next word feel like a punch to the gut. 
“Bullshit.” she whispers, before repeating herself louder. “Utter bullshit. You never loved me.”
“I did, I do!” he insists. 
“If you did, it wouldn’t have taken a bet for you to ask me out!” she roughly shoves his hands off her. Taking a deep breath, forcing herself to ignore his hurt look. “It’s my fault too, isn’t it? I should’ve known better than to accept dating the Oikawa Tooru, the school heartthrob, notorious for playing around.” her words are laced with venom and self-pity. “There’s always gonna be someone better. Someone prettier, skinner, funnier. I was stupid for thinking you would ever fall for me.” All her insecurities come spilling out, accumulated from months of dating him, enduring the comments whispered under the breath by jealous students, girls openly flirting with her boyfriend. She was stupid to think she would ever be enough.
Pushing past him, wiping her sleeves across her eyes, she storms back into the bedroom, Oikawa at her heels behind her. She grabs her pillow and a blanket, turning back around and moving to the couch in the living room. She does her best to ignore her boyfriend's desperate attempts to gain her attention, begging her to give him a chance to explain. She sets up the items and lays on the couch, pulling the blanket to her chin and turning to face the back of the couch.
She refused to sleep anywhere near him. When he doesn’t stop talking she says coldly:
“Leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you.”
She pauses. “No?”
“Not until you hear me out.” He crosses his arms.
“I’ve heard enough.”
“It’s a misunderstanding. If you’d just let me explain-”
“I’ll be out of your hair tomorrow.”
He was dreading that. He really does love her, so fucking much. He doesn't want to lose her.
“I’m going to sleep.” She had never spoken to him in that tone before.
She hears a sigh after a few moments of silence, in which he realises that she was going to be stubborn till the end. Y/N hears him walk away and she buries her face in the blanket, silently crying to herself. She freezes when she hears the bedroom door close with a ‘click’ and footsteps approaching her. She turns around a little, to see Oikawa sitting at the foot of the couch with his own blanket and pillow. He doesn’t look at her, focusing on fluffing his pillow and pulling his thicker, warmer quilt over himself. He was equally as stubborn and wasn’t going to leave her alone like this.
She scoffs and settles back down again, still crying. If he notices, he doesn’t comment on it. The two lay in silence for a good thirty minutes. Y/N had stopped crying, but was still awake because how the hell was she supposed to fall asleep after what she had learnt? 
She’s startled when she suddenly hears Oikawa’s soft voice. “I love you, you know? I really do. Ever since I saw you in Chemistry last year. You caught my eye so quickly, and I flirted with you for weeks before you got the hint.” he laughs breathily. “You didn’t want my attention like everyone else, and I was curious. It felt different to be the one trying to get someone else’s attention.” he takes a deep breath, and she realises with a start that she’s never heard him this vulnerable. He probably thinks she’s asleep. 
“I was planning to ask you out before and I told the others and they laughed at me.” he frowns at the memory. “The assholes thought I was kidding, that I wasn’t serious. Iwa-Chan was the only one who took it seriously. I don’t blame them, cause I’d only ever dated for fun before.” He breathes in deeply again, steadying his voice and Y/N’s eyes widen when she realizes he’s holding back tears. 
“So when they bet that I couldn't last more than 3 months with you, I agreed, but only because I was going to ask you out anyway, and I intended on staying as long as I could. As long as you’d let me stay by your side.” He lets out a sad, watery chuckle, and Y/N feels her stomach drop. She never wanted to hear that sound from him again.
“I...shit, I don’t want to lose you. I can’t. You’re the only one for me. I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving you.” A strangled, muffled sob, reaches her ears, and it takes all of her willpower to remain still. 
“I’m serious about you...about us. You’re not a game, you never were. I just wanted to be with you. I want to be able to hold you again.” another muffled cry, as he buries his face in his hands. He’d never willingly let anyone see himself like this, not even Y/N. He was glad she was asleep. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, princess.” he stays where he is, sitting up leaning back on the couch, calming himself down, letting out soft hiccups every now and then. 
Y/N is wide awake, thinking over his words. They had to be genuine, right? He had no idea she was awake. He had sounded so...real and vulnerable, nothing like the strong façade he usually put up in front of others. Taking her chances, she discreetly moves, eyes widening when she sees the state he’s in. 
One of his hands is over his mouth, muffling his small sobs, Y/N wants to cry as she realises it’s probably so he doesn’t wake her up. His other hand is clenched tightly in his brown hair, his knees drawn to his chest. His face was blotchy and red and wet with tears. She’s never seen him like this. She moves and he doesn’t notice. 
Sitting directly behind him, she gently grabs the hand in his hair, to which he nearly jumps out of his skin. Y/N would usually laugh at the reaction, if not for the way he was looking up at her. She eases his hand out of his hair and holds it, tugging him up to the couch. He hesitates, before climbing up, sitting on the cushion next to her. 
“You-” his voice wavers, and he tries again. “You were awake?”
She nods, glancing at their connected hands, before staring at the ground. She hears his sharply take in a breath. 
“Y/N...love, I meant it. I meant every word, I swear.” 
“We’ll talk tomorrow.” she mumbles, tugging on his hand again, until they're both laying on the couch. She reaches over and grabs Oikawa’s quilt and pulls it on the two of them. She relaxes against him when his arms automatically wind around her waist and he buries his face in her hair, pressing small kisses on her. Each was an unspoken apology. 
She knows he’s crying when she feels the tears hit her skin. 
He knows she’s crying when he can feel her shaky, irregular breaths.
They lay there, eventually falling asleep clutching each other tightly, both of them hurting on the inside. They would have to have a serious talk tomorrow, but both had a blooming hope that they would pull through. 
Requests are open and Welcome. Thanks for reading!
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broadstbroskis · 3 years
no better company than you | nathan mackinnon
a/n: alright, i’m rolling in late for @antoineroussel oussel summer exchange (thank you love, for running such a lovely exchange again, it was wonderful and i’m glad i was able to particiapte) and i’m very sorry for the lateness! i had the pleasure of writing for the lovely @ghstandpucks​ 💜 again, i am SO sorry about the wait but i hope you enjoy this! 
word count: 3.2k
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry I’m late!” You slide into the booth and throw your bag down next to you, hoping to god you don’t look as frazzled as you feel; this restaurant is far too nice.
Nate just smiles at your words, too familiar with your family by now to know that you’re always running 5-10 minutes behind. He’s ordered a bottle of wine- a nice rosé, fitting for the beautiful end of summer day- and had already started pouring a matching glass for you the second you started sitting down. “How’d the interview go?”
You bite your lip. “Eh.” 
“I’m sure it went better than you think.” Nate says encouragingly. “You’re too hard on yourself. All three of you are.”
And well, that’s not a lie. Your siblings were just as critical of themselves as you were. Sid was famously known for it and Taylor, your twin, was as bad as you. But…
“Listen to you!” You laugh at him. Nate’s just as bad as the three of you. A mini-Sid in many ways, to many people in your hometown.
But that was in Canada. This was Denver. And here, Nate was cool. Laid-back. Lowkey. Everything a professional athlete should be. Nobody knew about what a dork he really was, except his teammates.
And now, maybe you too, if all went well with this job interview.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Nate says, looking at his menu to feign ignorance.
You giggle, pulling your own up toward your face. “Sure, buddy.”
It’s not often that you and Nate spend time one on one like this, even if you see him all the time over the summer. He’s usually with your brother when you see him, politely trying to decline your mom’s invites to dinner or already hanging at Sid’s house when you invite yourself over to your brother’s house for pool or lake time. Usually time one on one with Nate like this is brief, usually like in passing while he’s waiting for Sid in the kitchen while you’re eating.
It’s nice. Nate’s funnier than people give him credit for and it’s easy to relax into dinner and conversation, to forget about the anxiety from your interview as you chat about what’s new for both of you and gossip about people you both know.
By the time he drops you off at your hotel, it’s late and you’re too tired (and maybe just on the right side of tipsy) to even worry about the interview. You just barely change into pajamas, run through your nightly routine, and climb into bed, before shutting the lights off. It feels like you’re asleep before your head even hits the pillow. 
In the morning, you’re awoken by the sound of your phone ringing, and it takes a second for you to place the sound, but when you do you pounce on it, recognizing the local area code immediately. “Good morning.” You say, trying your hardest not to sound like you woke up literally thirty seconds ago.
It’s human resources, from the job you interviewed for yesterday.
You got it.
“Ew, no!” Your dad holds his hands up innocently, when you rush over to stop him from unpacking a box. “Why would you put that there?”
“Hey, sweetie, maybe it’s time for a break.” Your mom says gently, exchanging a look with your dad, who nods his agreement enthusiastically.
Which is fair. You’d just about almost taken his fingers off just because you didn’t like where he was unpacking colanders. 
“Dinner!’” Your dad latches onto immediately. “Nate offered to take us all out tonight, I’ll let him know we’re ready.”
“Ready?” You frown, looking down at your workout shorts and baggy t-shirt.
“We’ll be ready in an hour.” He amends, already texting Nate.
Nate knocks on the door to the new condo you’re renting an hour and fifteen minutes later, sheepishly grinning when your dad tells him that you and your mom still need a few minutes. “Thought I had my timing perfect.”
Your dad snorts. “Oh buddy. Keep dreaming.”
He’s not too off on his timing, but unfortunately for Nate, you don’t have too much else going for you in your condo yet. Your dad had gotten your TV all set up, but in addition to the TV and living room furniture, you haven’t gotten much else, and that includes food and beverages. So the two of them sit in mostly silence while they wait another few minutes for you and your mom to finish getting ready. 
“I told you that you should have just met us there.” You tell Nate, as he trips on a box on his way out the door.
“Oh, so this wasn’t deliberate sabotage?” He deadpans.
“You caught me. Just trying to keep you around the city full time until I have time to make better friends.”
Nate laughs, as the two of you follow your parents out the door. “Be nicer to me or I won’t introduce you to my friends.”
“Who said I want to be friends with your friends?”
“Children.” Your mom turns to look back at you and Nate smiles at her innocently, but it’s been a while since that’s fooled her. “Do we need to stay home?”
It serves to get the two of you moving, even as you laugh at her joke. Nate drives you to another one of his favorite restaurants, and dinner flies by, with Nate insisting on picking up the tab, even when your dad tries to fight him on it. 
It’s started to cool down a little by the time you’re walking back toward the car, Nate and your dad still fake-fighting about paying for dinner, and you find yourself not realizing you’re smiling at the two of them as you walk behind them until your mom bumps your shoulder. “A few hours off for dinner with some good company was just what you needed.” She says.
And even though the smile on her face seems too knowing, you’re too tired to ask about it right now, so you just nod in agreement. “Yeah, this was nice.” You smile back at her.
Mel Landeskog pokes her head around the corner and you wave at her, trying to catch her attention. “Jesus Christ.” She shakes her head. “I didn’t think he was serious.”
“I mean.” You bite your lip. “I did have to work today.”
“I would have picked you up!” She shakes her head, muttering under her breath, and you know Nate’s going to get an earful from her later. “But no, no. That dumbass just let you come all the way over here by yourself. Sends me a text to come meet you by the door. All casual.”
“I mean.” You send her a look. “Did you expect anything different from Nate?”
It’s the way she looks at you and sets her face that almost has you nervous for Nate. You’ve known Mel for a long time now, but really, you don’t know her from more than just years of NHL events. “I do now.” She says.
You hope Nate knew what he was getting himself into sending Mel a text to come find you earlier.  
Once she leads you up into the box with some of the wives and kids, she’s back to smiling and laughing, making introductions all around. The mood all around is light and easy, everyone excited for the home opener of the season, and happy to be back with everyone again. 
It’s fun to be back in this atmosphere. Hockey’s been a part of your life for so long and there’s truly nothing like the energy of the first game of the season. You feed off the energy, catching up with some familiar faces and chatting with all the other girls, probably too excited when they invite you to a girl’s night later in the week, but it feels good to have plans that don’t involve trying to invite yourself to Nate’s when you’re bored.
“Hey, good job tonight.” You nudge him afterwards, catching up with him in the family room.
He laughs, pulling you in for a hug. “A little different than what you were used to?”
“It lived up to the hype, I guess.”
“I’ll turn you from a Pens fan.” Nate promises. 
It’s your turn to laugh. “Feel Sid’s wrath.”
“What’s he going to do? Check me into the boards? Bring it.”
Nate’s been hanging out with your brother and your family for years now, so he should really know better by now. “Okay, buddy.” You pat his shoulder patronizingly. “Sure.”
“I could take him.” Nate insists. 
“Throw hands. Next game. I dare you.” 
He side-eyes you, because you both know that’s not going to happen and it’s only a minute before you’re both laughing. 
“I better see you on Friday!” Ashley Kadri shouts out to you as she’s walking past with Naz and Naylah, interrupting your laughter. “No excuses!”
“I’ll be there!” You call back. “Promise!”
When you look back, Nate’s pouting-exaggerated, albeit, but pouting. “Are you ditching me this Friday?”
“Yup. Found better company.”
“How dare you?” He cries. “There is no better company.”
“Well.” You shrug. “I’ll know for sure after happy hour on Friday.”
“Find your own ride home.” Nate says and then he starts speed walking away from you at an absurd speed.
“Nate!” You protest, jogging to catch up and he finally slows down enough for you to catch up when you round the corner, bumping your shoulder right back when you purposely bump into him in retaliation.
No one lets loose like a group of moms when they’ve got a night without their kids.
Someone has mentioned this to you before, at a bachelorette party or a wedding or something, but you don’t think you’ve ever seen it really in action before until this happy hour. 
“If the waitress comes back, order me another drink!” Kerry calls, before running off to the bathroom.
The waitress nods at her, before addressing the rest of you. “Another round?”
“Oh, please!” Mel nods quickly and repeatedly.
“Can we get a few more orders of mozzarella sticks too, please?” You look down at the empty plates in front of you. “And maybe some nachos too?”
“Yes!” Jackie lights up across from you. “Great call!”
It pretty much only goes downhill from there and by the end of the night, both Mel and Ashley are crying for reasons no one is sure of entirely and you’re pretty grateful to see Nate among the group of husbands and boyfriends to come to pick up all their girlfriends.
So grateful you scream his name the second you see him. “Nate!”
He winces, trying to pull his ear away from you, but he’s laughing. “Guess you had a good time, huh?”
“Uh huh!” You nod enthusiastically, not realizing how loud you are until he winces again.
Nate laughs. “Alright, I think it’s time to go home.”
You gasp loudly. “I can’t leave my new friends!”
“Your new friends are all leaving you!”
You frown, but look around and realize he’s right. Naz has already sneakily pulled Ashley out of the bar and Gabe and Erik were collecting Mel and Jackie’s things. “Oh.”
“Oh?” Nate parrots. “Come on, get your stuff, crazy girl.”
“Hey!” You protest, grabbing your purse. “I am the least crazy person in my family.”
“I hate to break it to you.” Nate says, as he guides you into standing. “But that’s not saying much.”
He’s right, but you bump him with your shoulder anyway as you walk past. That’s about sibling honor and shit.
Nate parked too far away and by the time you reach his car, you’re leaning on him, the adrenaline from hanging out with friends wearing off quickly. Nate’s nice about it, guiding you to his car and then helping you into his front seat before heading around to the driver’s side. 
“You guys had a fun time then?” Nate says, once he’s started driving and you’re half asleep leaning against the window. “Looks like it at least.”
“Yeah.” You nod sleepily. “But you were right.”
He chuckles. “About what?”
“There’s no better company than you.”
Nate becomes pretty clingy after that night, texting and facetiming whenever he’s out of town, and stopping by pretty much anytime he’s got a free minute. It quickly becomes something you look forward to, missing his visits when he’s out of town and looking forward to his calls, smiling when his texts come in and breaking up your work day. And it isn’t long before you realize that you’re being just the same. Sending him messages before and after games. Inviting yourself over for dinner and making Nate cheat on his diet.
In a blessed move from the NHL scheduling department, Sid and the rest of the Pens are scheduled to arrive in town on a Friday morning and aren’t leaving until the end of the weekend. 
They have a practice scheduled for early afternoon, which is perfect for you to wrap up your work day before heading over to watch the end.
Geno lights up when he sees you watching from the glass, the first person to acknowledge you, and skating over in the middle of the drill, leaving behind two shocked linemates. “Mini!” He shouts cheerfully, even as you roll your eyes at your least favorite nickname. All because you happen to be the shortest of your siblings. “Great to see you.”
“You too, Geno.” You smile warmly at him, a little annoyed that you can’t get a giant bear hug from your favorite pseudo-older brother right away. “But I don’t think a few other people feel the same right now.” You jerk your chin back over his shoulder. 
He turns his head quickly but then looks back. “Psh. They’ll get over it.”
You bust out laughing, which is right about when your brother comes over, and in classic Sid fashion, is all about hockey. “Stop being a distraction.”
“I was minding my own business until Geno came over here!” You protest, even as Geno starts laughing and Sid eyes you skeptically. 
“Why don’t I believe that one?” Sid says dryly and sure, maybe you were making faces at some of the guys you knew well as they were passing you, but you weren’t actively being a distraction.
“That’s your prerogative.” You tell Sid, who shakes his head and pulls Geno back for the remainder of practice. 
Practice doesn’t last for too much longer and you spend a few minutes chatting with the coaching staff while you wait for Sid to change. But he and Geno finally come out of the locker room and you stop mid-sentence to throw yourself at your brother.
Sid’s laughing and so are you, but both of you start laughing even harder when Geno pulls you both into his arms. “Two of my favorite people!”
“Taylor’s going to be so offended.” Kris grins, watching the three of you amused.
“Taylor?” You grin back at him, going for a hug once Geno releases you. “How about his wife and kid?”
“Those are my other favorite people.” Geno reasons.
“Now I’m offended.” Kappy deadpans.
“You’re not even close.” Geno grins, roughing his hair.
Kappy tries to get him right back, but Geno just swats his hand away and then Sid’s shaking his head, like this is just the same shit, different day. “Look what you did.”
You grin, leaning against him. “Not sorry. I’ve missed this entertainment.”
Sid shakes his head. “Then you can round them up for dinner.”
You do. Easily.
Nate had suggested one of the team’s favorite restaurants and you’re happy to see that he’d accepted your invitation to join everyone, even if he rolls in a little late. You’re deep into Kris’ camera roll, looking at pictures of his kids and catching up on stories that you haven’t heard about them recently, so you don’t even notice he’s arrived and said hello already until he blows on the back of your neck.
You jump. “What the hell?”
Nate’s grinning. “Hey.”
You shake your head at him and bump your shoulders against him. “Hey.” You mimic and then turn right back to Kris.
But your shoulder stays leaning on Nate, and it remains there comfortably all night.
Sid’s a little cranky when you first meet him for breakfast the morning after the game and you’re sure it has everything to do with the last minute turnover that cost them the game (and bragging rights over Nate this summer, which is really what he’s probably cranky about).
He gets over it pretty quickly though, and soon the two of you are laughing and talking, catching up about your family and your lives.
“-and I even love my office, the vibes are just great!”
Sid shakes his head. “Vibes.”
You grin. You know he hates that word. “Good vibes.” You confirm.
“So you’re liking Denver?”
“Love it.” You confirm, smiling.
“Meeting good people?”
You eye him skeptically. “Yes dad. I already said my coworkers are great and I’ve been hanging out with Nate and his friends a lot too. It’s good”
“Geno thinks there’s something going on between you and Nate.” Sid says casually.
The jump of your heart is far from casual. “Oh yeah?”
Sid eyes you but his response to that is surprising. “You know if there was something going on between you and Nate that would be okay?” He pauses, watching you again, but your face is completely neutral, purposely not moving. “Right?”
“You know if there was something going on between me and Nate that your opinion wouldn’t matter at all, right?”
He grins, laughing as he nods, but after he takes a bite of pancakes he says, “To you, yeah. To him, it does.”
“Why?” You blurt out, giving yourself away before you can stop yourself.
But Sid doesn’t say anything to that. He grins again and then changes the subject entirely.
You only make it about a day before you’re knocking on Nate’s door, pretty forcefully.
“What’s up?” He swings the door open, with a frown. “You okay?”
“Does what my brother thinks really matter to you that much?” You blurt out. It’s been bothering you ever since Sid mentioned it at breakfast. That you lasted this long was probably a miracle.
Nate blushes and your jaw drops. “It-”
“Oh my god.” You grin delightedly. “Come on, really?”
“That’s not-” He blows out a frustrated sigh. “You’re really going to make me say it?”
You nod, but you’re pretty sure he’s not going to get far into what he’s going to say.
He sighs again. “It’s not about, like, his approval, or shit. It’s just- he’s important to you. So obviously he’s important to me-”
You kiss him. 
“You know that you don’t even have to worry about that, right?” At some point, you’d slid one hand to his hip and the other arm around his neck, and the hand there plays with the hair at the nape of his neck. 
“I’ll argue about that with you later.” Nate says impatiently and so you’re laughing when he kisses you again.
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thatsarcasticgemini · 3 years
Alone time
Ash Lynx x reader
A/n: Banana fish broke me, but writing is my coping mechanism, so...This is an AU where Ash and the reader are married and live in Japan, Ash being a model. Also, Shorter is alive cause I said do ( i would die for him to live tbh). I am so sorry for any mistakes.
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     Babysitting is a very challenging task, especially when the kid is a carbon copy of the most intelligent, cheeky and bratty man Eiji had ever met. Isaac Callenreese was giving the man a headache and pills were not fixing it. Sure, he knew what he was getting into and knew how much Ash and Y/N needed a break from parenting, but why on earth did he agree? At least Shorter was there to help him right?
     Wrong! Shorter was like a second kid. Yelling, running, coloring, making a mess and getting little Isaac even more agitated. Just how much energy did the 5 year old have? 
“Shorter, please! You are 30! Your playing days are over. You’re gonna break something and I will yell. I almost had Isaac under control, but then you came along to ruin the peace we had. Isaac come here right now or I’ll call Ash!”
“Jeez, Eiji...you almost sound like a grandpa! I haven’t seen Isaac in about a year. I missed him a lot, you know? Little gremlin did a lot of growing up!” said Shorter, with the same goofy smile he had all those years ago. Isaac was seated on the his lap, looking up at his favourite uncle with a wide grin. Based off the resemblance between him and Ash, Eiji could already sense some sort of comment coming.
“Nuh-uh. I wanna stay right here. Call dad “dad” please. And I love uncle Shorter, he’s taller, funnier and smarter than you, uncle Ji. He was telling me how dad knows how to ride a motocycle! It doesn’t get better than this!”
“Yes it does. If you stay quiet for five more minutes, I can get the rice done and I can tell you how Ash and Y/N..”
“Mom and dad, uncle Ji!”
“How mom and dad met while we eat. Does that sound nice?”
“Dunno, let me ask uncle Shorter too.” The two began whispering to each other while Eiji rolled his eyes. Just one more hour and Ash would be here to pick his spawn up. After a minute, both Shorter and Isaac nodded their heads and went to sit down at the kitche table.
     Once the table was set and the rice was done cooking, Eiji put it is bowls are brought it to the table. They all dug in, but Isaac seemed to be watching Eiji with great intrest, expecting the story he was promised.
“So Ash and Y/N...”
“Mom and dad. Continue uncle Ji.”
“Mom and dad met around 9 years ago. They met here, in Tokyo, and I am proud to announce that I am the one who got them to meet up, since Y/N went to the same highschool as me. We were both on the drama club in my third year. She was about 2 years younger than me, but she was so mature. Anyway, they started dating around three months after they met. The had a really pretty relationship. You dad was so hooked he embarrassed himself in front of her on multiple ocations. They got married two years later, lived together for two more years and then you came along. You were a very loved little boy. I wish I took a picture of the face your dad made when he held you for the first time.”
“Yeah! He teared up, but don’t tell him you know. You had this little puff of blond hair on your head, it was as fluffy as the little kitty we saw this morning, if not fluffier.” Isaac had look in his eyes that Eiji had only seen once before and that was when Ash told him about Dino and his childhood. The tiny blond seemed to be so vulnarable almost like a porcelain figure. 
“What about mom? Was she happy to see me?” There it was. The love Isaac, much like his father, held for her. It was like they would both die if it wasn’t for her love.
“Well of course she was. She really loves you, you know? Your mom loved you even before she had the pleasure of holding you. You have been one of her favourite people ever since she found out you were in her belly. They both love you a lot.”
“Then why am I here? Why wouldn’t they take me with them? Why do they want alone time?” Eiji couldn’t find an answer. He looked at Shorter, who still had that dumb grin.
“Well, Isaac, mom and dad need to rest every once in a while. Since mom got pregnant with your brother or sister, she hasn’t really been able to rest properly, so dad wanted alone time with her to help her rest, but I am sure they will both be so very happy to see you.”
     Just like magic, there was a knock at the door, Eiji went to open it, while Isaac trailed behind him, with his little backpack in hand. The door opened to reveal Ash and the boy jumped in his arms at the speed of light. 
“Wow! Hi bub! I missed you so much. How was today hmm? Did you have fun with uncle Ji and uncle Shorter? Were they nice to you?”
“Mhm, they told me how you and mama met. I miss mama, is she in the car?”
“No bub, she’s at home. She missed you too. Told me we should race all of the cars and get home in under ten minutes. We have cake.” And with that, Isaac was set back on the ground and the little boy dashed to the car. 
“Damn gremlin didn’t even say bye. Here i was thinking we have something special.”
“Hi Shorter! Hi Eiji! I can’t thank you enough for tonight. She really needed it.” 
“It’s ok Ash. He is a little loud and Shorter here is never truly helpful, but it’s our pleasure. Are Y/N and the baby ok?”
“Hm, not really. I mean the baby seems to be fine, but she isn’t. Throws up everything she eats. The doctor said it is because her body is getting used to the pregnancy, but this didn’t happen when we had Isaac. I’m just worried for her.”
“She’s strong. She can take it I’m sure.” Shorter nodded, agreeing with Eiji’s statement. 
“I know Eiji, I’m not worried about that. Truth is she seems happy to be pregnant. She’s beaming all the time, even after she got everything she ate out, and I feel bad. I feel like she’s in pain. Her smile makes me feel even worse.” Shorter laid a hand on his best friend’s shoulder, taking his sunglasses off. 
“Ash...listen to me. Y/N is someone who’s never lied to you about anything. She’s been genuine about everything. She would never fake a smile and she would tell you if she wanted to abort the baby. The fact that she’s smiling and being her bubbly self only means that the pregnacy isn’t that hard on her. Trust me Ash. I see the look in her eyes when the baby is brought up in any conversation. She’ll be fine. You’ll be a bigger family. Loosen up a little.” 
“Thank you Shorter. I owe both of you a drink. I’ll call you. Thank you for babysitting again.” And with that, all three of tehm smiled at each other while Ash picked the tiny shark backpack and went back to the car.
     Once inside, the older blond turned towards the younger one, smiling.
“Ready to see mom, bub?”
“Mhm! Is she feeling better?”
     The car ride was one of the happy moments Ash wanted to hold onto. The sang together and talked about how Shorter told Isaac about the motorcycle.
“It’s true, you know? I do know how to ride one. When you’re older, I can teach you too.”
“I wanna ride one now. I’ve seen my friends with theirs, I want one too!”
“Those are lame. I’m talking about the real ones. That’s the true fun.”
     Once at home, Ash dropped everything on the floor and went to help his son hung his coat on the wall. The little boy jumped out of his red sneakers and ran down the hall yelling for his mom. 
“In the kitchen baby. I was cutting you a slice of cake.It’s vanilla, since I know you like the chocolate one’s less. Where’s daddy?”
“Right behind you.” said Ash, placing his hands on her hips and swaying her a little. She turned around to give him a kiss on the cheek, but her 5 month bump got in the way, making her pull a frustred face and Ash smile even more. Isaac pushed his dad to the side a little, making grabby hands at his mom. No matter how old he acted, his real age was always given away by his gestures around his mom. 
     Getting his slice of cake, Isaac turned back towards the living room. Eating on the couch was never truly forbidden.
“Mama, tomorrow is Yuri’s birthday. He celebrating it at home, I have the invitation in my drawing notebook. Can I go?”
“Sure you can. we just have to go buy a gift in the morning.”
“A birthday huh? That means a little more alone time for us two.” Y/N hid her face in her husband’s neck, smiling a little. Ash’s finger went to the back of her neck, getting her to look up at him to give her a kiss, but then...
“Gross! He likes cars mama, go brainstorm on that insted of smooching dad in the kitchen!”
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Clone Wars Character on TikTok
Anakin- Poor Anakin, man does not have a that many creative ideas, but his life and ideas are strange enough that he gets a lot of followers easily. He’s also almost constantly videoing things too, so he’s able to get real time. There are so so many videos showing the reactions that Obi-Wan has because of his dumbass plans.
Everyone, literally everyone, thought he was an f-boy until he made a post, super confused, saying that he has a wife?? That he loves so much? So, coincidentally, the next videos he posts are him and his wife, who doesn’t show her face but there’s a poll going on about who it is. Most people have figured it, though, because some of his videos are him just listening to Mrs. Skywalker rant about people in the Senate when she comes home to him.
He also tries to convince everyone that he’s the best husband in the world by videoing himself cooking her dinner, which he always burns. In those videos, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, staples on Anakin’s account, are heard in the background giving him absolutely terrible advice on how to fix it. They usually end up with burnt pans and a whole bunch of frantic clips of Obi-Wan trying to turn off the oven, “My dear, your time is up.” And Anakin in the background “Force, that’s not going to kriffing work, Master. I’m coming in with the water gun.” (No one questions why there’s a water gun.) Ahsoka is just….chilling in the background. She’s just as clueless as the rest of them, but it’s funnier to watch them almost burn down Padame’s kitchen before she tries to step in and make things worse.
Ahsoka-Her feed is a more controlled chaos than Anakin’s, but chaos nonetheless. She does a lot of dance challenges with Fives, and is sometimes able to rope in Anakin, who tries really hard but is terrible at it, and Rex, who doesn’t actually dance and just stands there staring at the camera. There was one time she got Obi-Wan to do it with her, and he absolutely crushed it. All that grace has to help him somewhere else, right? Because she does dance videos, though, sometimes she get inappropriate comments or duets, which Rex, Obi-Wan, Plo, Fives, and Anakin all duet or make a video about explaining that she’s a minor and how unacceptable this is. Well, that’s what every but Rex does. Rex won’t let anyone, anyone, talk to his little sister like that, so he makes a super menacing video of him cleaning his guns.
Needless to say, she does a lot of videos with Rex. They do a lot of random videos of their conversations and pointless arguments. They also do so a lot of competitions with each other, rather it’s staring contests or sparring matches. Their sparring match videos are actually super popular, and they get more and more intense and complicated as they go on. There are never any weapons involved, but they get to show off combat skills and have huge fights across the ship or compound. Their usually filmed by a hysterical Anakin or Fives. Obi-Wan has made his disapproval clear, but there’s a video on Ahsoka’s account of him betting on the outcome.
Obi-Wan- Mostly on Cottagecore TikTok and posts aesthetic videos of him meditating, making fancy, pretty tea drinks, or any other mundane thing he does. He also posts self-defense videos to teach people how to protect themselves, and gives tips of how to use the force and how to help meditate. I think he posts once a week, but posts a bunch at one time because he’ll have one day of silence where he can get stuff for himself done. Basically, his account is to comfort people, to help people, in perfect Obi-Wan fashion.
He also posts encouraging videos to cheer people up when they need it. Cute messages like “Today’s going to be a good day” with that award winning Negotiator smile that get galaxy wide comments and duets. Sometimes the messages border on him illegally sharing decisions that the Senate’s made, like when he announced on his feed that a certain Planet should get ready to party because a certain vote had gone a certain way.
Sometimes, though, he posts videos of Ahsoka, Anakin, or Cody doing incredibly stupid things. It’s become a series, he shows the person do or say the stupidest things, and then he zooms in on someone else’s face. The most common duo is Anakin and Rex, but sometimes there’s Waxer and Cody, once or twice, Obi-Wan and Cody.
Rex- He doesn’t post a lot, and when he does he’s usually not really in them. People only know him specifically because he’s in so many of Ahsoka’s videos. His are mostly “the stuff I have to deal with videos” showing petty fights between some of the 501st or some animal that a soldier decided they wanted to sneak into the ship. That, of course, lead to a blowup on his account, so he started posting lots of content with his brothers. Ahsoka has the notion that he’s doing it to help the way people see Clones, but he does seem to enjoy it a lot.
He, like Obi-Wan, posts hand to hand combat training video to help people in the galaxy, put his training to more use. He makes sure to show how to hold your first in a punch, how to safely clean a blaster, how to take a punch. Some of his posts are to teach people about clones and mando’a traditions. But he’s not all serious. He likes making videos of him and his brothers when they go out to do things for fun or they go out to 79’s.
This one might be a bit far fetched, but I think he would also post videos of him and Ahsoka doing mundane things together, repainting their armour, making bracelets or some stuff on the floors of the bunks during hyperspace. It’s calmer than what Ahsoka posts, and purposely so.
Fives-Oh man. Fives’ account is a wreck. Half of the videos are him running away from something he’s done and the other half are him running into things that he shouldn’t about to be doing. Shakily filmed, someone (usually himself) screaming in the background, you can hear him panting and out of breath. A lot of the times Anakin is with him or chasing after him, and as you can almost always hear Rex cursing and yelling at them to stop, especially if they haven’t done the thing yet because that means they have a plan. When Fives has a plan it ends up being worse than when he makes it up on the spot. 
He also posts videos of him giving people in the streets compliments, because he’s sweet like that. He usually gets pretty funny reactions most of the time, and the few times they’re bad reactions he simply flips the camera and grimaces, then, of course, starts laughing because he’s not going to let one person put him down.
He also has a series of him painting the Bi flag all over the ship and waiting to see people’s reactions. The cutest was that one time Ahsoka walked past and ran her fingers along it softly and smiling. Also notable was the time Obi-Wan caught him midway through and just pretended he didn’t see him. All of those are posted with the persons permission, of course.
Aayla and Bly- They share an account where they do ALL of the couple-y stuff. Any couples challenge that they’re asked to do, they do. It’s hard to do the challenges like “You could’ve been nicer to me today” because they’re both on it all the time and have definitely heard of it, but they make do with all kinds of others. Aayla and Bly are definitely one of those couples that adopts all the kids that follow their account, and they’re ready to fight anyone who says anything bad the Clones or the Jedi.
There’s also a large amount of videos that some of the 327th takes of them cuddling together, training together, polishing weapons together. Basically, their account is them being cute and the rest of the 327th either being incredibly supportive of them or gagging at all the PDA. They start a trend where they go up in front of random people around the ship and start making out to get the reaction. Some examples of the best reactions are franticly running outside of the room, slapping Bly across the back of the head, and wild cheering.
Cody: You’re kidding, right? He does not have time to do the TikTok, nor does he understand TikTok at all. He is in most of Obi-Wan’s videos, and he’s sometimes in Rex’s too. Most of the time he’s telling all of them not to do whatever they’re about to do, or he’s sitting on the floor and crying with Rex.
Anakin actually started making videos called “When you see your dad and your other dad be romantic.” Where it’s just him finding Obi-Wan and Cody doing cute things in random places, followed by Anakin or Ahsoka making faces at the camera.
Plo- Parent side of TikTok for sure. His account features so many, so many, videos of him doing fun things with the 104th. He may seem like an extremely serious man, but put him with all of his kids and has almost no impulse control. They ask to stop at that restaurant they saw on the way to their mission, and he makes it happen. Everyone pretends not to notice because they wouldn’t dare go against him.
This account is also mostly run by everyone in the 104th because A. Plo doesn’t have a password and B. That’s how they get a bunch of footage. The phone is passed around throughout the day, but all of the content focuses on the Plo’s Bros relationships. Anything that he does, from giving a shiny a thumbs up when he comes up with a new plan, to teaching some of the older clones who are a little overworked how to take deep breaths. All the followers also a learn the Plo is absolutely terrible at any kind of card games, which is shown when they post video after video of the bets he looses.
Next for Star Wars I’ll be doing Bad Batch, then, because this got so long, I’ll do one with some more characters! Sorry it’s so long, this ran away from me a bit.
Some clone wars beautiful mutuals @radbatch (Who is the absolute best person to talk to about Ahsoka ever period end of story) of course and @maiseey (Who is now my my mutual? How?)
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v-hope · 3 years
Puzzle Pieces
Pairings: Artist!Kim Taehyung x Heiress!Reader, OC x Heiress!Reader
Genre: Roommates AU, Enemies to Lovers AU, Arranged Marriage AU (OC x Reader)
Word Count: 4.7k
Summary: Two things you knew for sure. One, although you and Taehyung were roommates, you were still complete strangers to one another. And, two, he did not like you one bit. It was funny, however, how you didn’t need to tell him you would appreciate his company that particular night for him to see right through you. And it was even funnier how you didn’t need to ask him to stay for him to do so.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol and drinking.
A/N: Helloo, this is from part 7 of my Social Media AU “Belong”, but since it turned out to be so long I decided to post it in one shot format lol. I hope you guys enjoy!
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Taking things back to your place —more like, Tae’s place— had truly seemed like a good idea earlier that day. After all, it was either that or have the paps follow you and Sungjin around for what was left of the day, which would later be followed by romantic headlines regarding the two of you that would not precisely be far from the truth, if you looked at it from the plans your families had for the both of you.
Of course, there was always the option of ending your hang out right then and going your separate ways, but after having homesickness hit you like a truck that week after hanging out with your brother a few days ago, and knowing well enough Taehyung would not even acknowledge your presence once you made it home, you found yourself relying on Sungjin more than you had wished to, that being the third time in the span of a week you were hanging out with him, as you really wanted to have someone with you. And if that someone just happened to be the heir your marriage was being arranged with against your will, then so be it.
However, now, when you were straddling his lap as he leaned back on the sofa, with your fingers entangled on his hair and his hands on your back as he pulled you closer against his chest, heavy breathings and lips needingly pressing together, you were not sure of how good of an idea this had been.
You had not expected him to kiss you that evening. And, most importantly, you had not expected to kiss him back once he did. But you were lonely, and craving affection. And so one thing had led to another, and now here you were, making out with the one guy you were not supposed to fall for. Or was he the one guy you were supposed to fall for?
It all depended on the point of view you looked at it from. If you wanted to prove to your parents you could manage to live on your own and that way call off the wedding, then going to the guy your marriage was being arranged with and whom you had no feelings for was most definitely not the way to go. On the other hand, if you wanted things to go back to normal and be able to go back home, wouldn’t falling for said guy be the perfect way out? That way, your marriage would still be an arranged one, sure, but it wouldn’t matter anymore because you would still get to marry the man you loved.
Nevertheless, although the second choice did sound very, very appealing, you found yourself removing your hands from his hair and pressing them on his chest instead as you pulled away from the kiss. For although you were craving intimacy and had discovered right then Sungjin was one hell of a kisser, you felt nothing. And it was unfair on both of you to keep this going and pretend like you did feel something.
“No, no” your voice came out muffled as his lips pressed once more on yours. “This is wrong”.
Sungjin knitted his eyebrows together, finally opening his eyes as he pulled slightly away from you. “We’re engaged, how could it be wrong?”
“We’re not—” you sighed heavily, carefully looking at your hand pressing on his chest, which was missing the engagement ring you had taken off before moving in here to start your new —and hopefully permanent— life. “We’re not engaged…”
“You taking the ring off doesn’t change anything, Y/N” he tried to say it as sweetly as possible, yet his words could do no other than make your chest feel heavy. “We are engaged and we will get married so far, unless you stay here once your time is up”.
Lowering your head, you removed your hands from off his chest as you got off his lap and sat next to him on the sofa, not being able to hide how much this whole topic affected you. “That’s not the way I see it” you murmured.
The way you saw it, you were not engaged anymore, and only would be if you decided to go back home once the year went by.
No one out of your social circle knew what was going on with you and your family. No one knew there was a chance you would be marrying Lee Sungjin in a good couple of months. However, he was right. The ring had been there before you fought hard enough for your parents to give you this chance to prove yourself and break free from this arrangement, but you had taken it off on your own terms. You had asked them not to tell the media about it, so you could truly try and carry a life as ordinary as you could. And honestly? You were terrified you would wake up one day and find first thing as you opened Twitter that the cat was out of the bag and everyone knew about your —arranged— engagement.
“You should tell that to your parents then,” he shrugged. “So they can put on hold the whole wedding planning”.
Your head snapped up at the sound of that. “They’re planning it already?”
Sungjin’s eyes opened wide. “You didn’t know?”
A scoff abandoned your mouth, shaking your head in disbelief as you felt tears well up in your eyes — ones that you would neither let roll down your cheeks nor let your so-called fiancé see. Of course your parents were planning as much as they could of it already. Should’ve seen it coming. It was like they already knew you would fail and this was nothing but a mere formality. And although a part of you was fuming and could not wait to prove them wrong now more than ever, another one could not help but wonder if maybe they were right.
“I don’t want to talk about this,” you spoke in what came out like more of a whisper, almost begging him to drop the topic. “I can’t do this right now. Please, leave”.
Sungjin shook his head. “You’re always avoiding the topic,” he pointed out. “We’ll have to properly talk about it and what you plan to do at some point”.
“Well, I don’t want to talk about it yet” you moved further away from him on the sofa. “This was a mistake. Please, leave”.
He sighed. “Y/N…”
“Sungjin, leave”.
“Um…” Taehyung’s deep voice coming from the front door had both your heads snapping in his direction. “I don’t know who you are,” his eyes were fixed on Sungjin next to you. “But she shouldn’t have to repeat herself when asking for you to leave”.
You awkwardly gazed over to Sungjin, whose body had tensed up at both Taehyung’s presence and words.
“And you are?” he asked, his previous soft tone whilst talking to you having now turned into a lower, stronger one.
“Her roommate,” Taehyung replied, taking a step inside yet keeping the door open — and although you were used to always seeing his serious side, you had never seen him this serious before. “The owner of this place”.
Sungjin’s eyes were now fixed on you, a frown taking over his very displeased expression. “So you’ve been living with his guy this whole time?”
“She has” Taehyung answered before you could, catching your —on hold— fiancé’s attention once more. “And I’m sure she had just asked you to leave, so…”
Moving aside, he opened the door wider for the man next to you to see his way out. So, sending you one last glance, which was filled with both confusion and disbelief, Sungjin reluctantly stood up, not saying another word before making his way over to the door Taehyung was holding open for him — not taking a step out of it without before having glared at your roommate, who did not hesitate to do the same right back.
Now, why were they glaring at each other? Sungjin knew his reason very well, for, one, Taehyung was forcing him to leave against his will, and, two, he was living with you. That alone, as someone who had feelings for you, was reason enough not to like Kim Taehyung from the beginning. Taehyung, on the other hand? He had no idea. He had just met the guy and decided right away he did not like him one bit.
Once that one second they had been holding glares as they passed by was gone and Sungjin had finally made his way out of the apartment, Taehyung wasted no time in closing the door, in what was far from the gentlest of ways. And although he had gone home to get the instant popcorn bags he had told his friends he would bring over to movie night, he didn’t head to the kitchen right away, but stood there by the door staring at you instead.
“You okay?” he wondered at the sight of your visibly upset expression.
You nodded your head more eagerly than intended, not sure if trying to convince him or yourself. “Yes. Uh, thank you…”
He let you know it was nothing with a small nod. With that out of the way, he turned to his side so he could resume to do what he had come here to do.
“How much of it did you hear?” you couldn’t help but weakly ask before he could take another step.
He stayed quiet for a second. Was there something he wasn’t supposed to listen to? “Just the part when you asked him to leave”.
You nodded quietly, hating the fact that you had no certain way to confirm he was actually telling the truth, and having nothing left to do but hope he hadn’t heard a thing regarding your dreadful marriage.
“Sorry if I made things awkward with your boyfriend,” he apologized after seeing the conflicted look on your face. “I just saw you were upset and—”
“He’s not my boyfriend” you corrected him before he could even finish his sentence.
Taehyung smiled cynically. “The smudged lipstick on your face says otherwise”.
You bit down on your bottom lip, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment as you lowered your head — forcefully running your thumb over and around your lips to try and remove as much of your lipstick as you could.
“He’s really not, though” you repeated what was technically not a lie. “It’s just… complicated”.
“Same as what Jimin said” he shrugged.
With your eyebrows knitting together, your eyes followed his figure as he went inside the kitchen. He and Jimin had been talking about you?
As much as you wanted to know the details about that, you knew asking Taehyung wasn’t an option, for he was never willing to actually talk to you, let alone tell you about the conversations he had with his friends — even though you had been the main topic of it. So, deciding to just let it go, you stood up and went to grab the coat of yours you had hung by the door when you and Sungjin had arrived earlier that evening, putting it on and grabbing your purse as well right as Taehyung came back into the living room holding a bag in one of his hands.
“Where are you going?” he asked with furrowed eyebrows.
You couldn’t help but stare at him quite dumbfounded. He had never really minded you going out, and you wondered if you looked that vulnerable right then for him to actually be concerned about you doing so.
“I don’t really drink, but…” you shrugged, not needing to finish your sentence for him to take a hint.
“A bar?” his voice came out louder than expected.
Although taken aback at his reaction, you nodded. “I won’t make a mess if I come back drunk, you don’t have to worry”.
Taehyung snorted. As if that was what worried him about you going out drinking alone at night.
Not telling you that, of course, he shook his head instead as the corners of his lips curved up in amusement — your breath hitching when his hand firmly yet somehow still gently grabbed your wrist and dragged you back over the sofa you had been sitting down on before. Letting go of you, he left his bag on the small table in front of the couch and gestured for you to take a seat, having you do as told while your attentive eyes followed his every move, watching him once again disappear into the kitchen, only for him to reappear seconds later with a bottle of wine in one hand and a glass along with a corkscrew in another.
Leaving everything on the table in front of you, he took the bag he had left on it before and stood up straight, making you have to tilt your head slightly back so you could look up to him.
“If you’re drinking your feelings away, do it here” he stated, later rolling his eyes at the way you were silently staring at him, almost as if you had just seen a ghost. “Don’t look at me like that. Jimin would kill me if he found out I let you go out alone like that”.
You smiled weakly. “He wouldn’t have to know”.
“Have you forgotten who you are, princess?” he reminded you, causing you to roll your eyes at the annoying nickname he had chosen for you and you were apparently never getting rid of. “Get drunk in a bar and, next thing you know, a hundred headlines are written about you. Especially if you’re not used to drinking”.
“Right,” you sighed in defeat. “Thank you. Again”.
Taehyung nodded like it was no problem, later pointing at the bottle he had placed in front of you. “You know how to open it?”
You did not. But you were not telling him that. You could not afford to not know how to do yet another mundane thing, for you were already useless enough in his eyes. You could always just look it up later and pray it would work out once you tried to do it, just like you had done with pretty much every other thing you had learned to do on your own after moving out.
“Okay” he mumbled, turning around and making his way to the front door so he could leave and get to his friends for once and for all.
“Taehyung?” you called him before he could reach for the doorknob, and before you could stop yourself.
“Yes?” he mindlessly turned his head in your direction.
You bit your tongue not to say what you wanted to, regretting already having called his name out without thinking before.
You wanted him to stay. You didn’t want to be alone. You hated being alone. And you were tired of this bad blood going on between the two of you. You wanted to talk. Actually talk. Not to spill your deepest secrets or become best friends, and most definitely not to tell him about your possible marriage and all about your family drama, but maybe just talk enough to get to know each other a little more. Nevertheless, it had only been a few days since you had asked him to keep you company and he had turned you down, making it very clear he had no intentions of spending his time with you. You couldn’t bother him again, let alone when you already knew what the answer would be.
“Have fun” you settled for saying instead, sending him a close-mouth smile that you truly believed was convincing enough.
And, you see, although you were smiling right then and couldn’t see how vulnerable you actually looked, being oblivious to it even, Taehyung could see right through you. And although he did not like you, not one bit, he was not heartless. So, letting out a sigh, he stopped trying to reach for the doorknob altogether and went back into the kitchen instead.
You just sat there puzzled as ever, believing he might have forgotten something else he needed to get before leaving, until you saw him come into the living room, no longer holding a bag in his hand, but another glass instead. And if that itself hadn’t been surprising enough, when he sat by your side and placed the glass next to yours, silently proceeding to open the bottle of wine —with such ease that couldn’t help but make you feel dumb over how it would’ve taken you a good couple of minutes to do what to him took less than one— so he could pour a good amount of it into them, you felt like you were hallucinating.
Your astonished eyes followed his hand as he held one of the glasses up for you to take, silently nodding as a way of saying ‘thank you’ once you held it in your hand. Not saying anything else, he grabbed his glass and took a sip of wine, having you follow his actions right after.
Words weren’t needed right then. And quite honestly, neither of you knew how to initiate the conversation anyway to begin with.
It was all untold. He didn’t need to give you a reason as to why he had decided to stay, and you didn’t need to thank him out loud for him to know you were thankful. You just knew.
“I’m sorry about the other day…” he was the first one to speak — partially to put an end to the uncomfortable silence filling the room, partially to actually apologize, for he had wanted to say that ever since he had spoken his mind about you when you texted him from another room the other day.
“Don’t” you shook your head. “I’m sorry I was pestering you. It was on me”.
Taehyung stared at you in astonishment, never having expected you to apologize right back when, in his eyes, he had been in the wrong. “You weren’t—”
“Taehyung,” you cut him off. “I get it” a weak smile formed on your mouth. “We’re not friends. You don’t like me. I know those things, yet I still went and tried to get you to spend time with me. I won’t ask again, I promise” your eyes fixed on his, not being able to know what the look in them meant at all. “And honestly, I know you’re only here right now because you feel guilty about it, so please, just... go do whatever you had planned to do tonight instead. I’ll be fine”.
He smirked, leaning against the sofa and taking another sip from his glass. “Well, good thing that, unlike that friend of yours, I do live here and can stay if I want”.
You rolled your eyes in annoyance at his smug ways, making yourself more comfortable as well on the sofa and bringing your cup up to your lips to take a small sip of alcohol. Of course telling him to leave would only increase his will to stay here with you. How could you not see that coming.
“I’m really sorry, though” he repeated, his previous smirk no longer there as his sincere words left his mouth. “Shouldn’t have brought your family up”.
You shrugged. “Like you said, I left home, and I have to own up to it. You’re not supposed to be there for me whenever I want. I know I’m spoiled and entitled, so don’t… feel bad for putting me in my place”.
He said nothing, trying to collect the conflicted thoughts of his that were running through his mind. How could you be so self-aware yet still not let go of that mask you had on when it came to showing parts of your life to everyone else? Why did you still pretend to be living your perfect life when you had just said you had to own up to the fact that you had left home? It made no sense to him. It was like there were missing puzzle pieces to you and no matter what angle he looked at it from, he could just not quite figure you out.
“Is there a reason why you left home, though?” he found himself asking before he could even process his words.
Maybe the answer to that was the only missing puzzle piece he needed to understand the whole picture. Maybe then he would see you like something other than a spoiled girl who had thrown a tantrum and ran away from home, yet was not willing to entirely let go of her privileged lifestyle and perfect public image.
A bittersweet smile curved up your lips, eyes intently staring at the dark liquid in your glass. “You really think I would’ve left my oh-so-perfect life without one?”
“Almost sounds as if it wasn’t that perfect”.
You shrugged, eyes travelling from his to anywhere else. In comparison to other families, to other lives as a whole, you knew you were privileged as hell. Perfect, however? It was way far from being so.
“Will you ever tell me said reason?” he wondered, not even trying to hide his interest anymore. “You know, so I can actually try and understand your situation?”
Locking your eyes with his chocolate ones for a second, you furrowed your eyebrows, genuinely considering to just drop all your problems on him so you could both get it off your chest and try to make him understand why you had done it. However, it was only that, a second — breaking the eye contact before you shook your head no, as if you had suddenly come back to your senses. “We’re not friends…”
He chuckled. “Is that your way of getting me to want to be your friend?”
You shook your head no again, a weak smile barely curving up your lips. “That is my way of telling you it’s personal”.
He nodded softly, understandingly. You were not friends, he knew that better than anyone, for it was him the one who had pushed you away ever since the beginning. It would be hypocritical of him to expect you to open up to him just like that. And although you wanted to trust him, although he was Jimin’s best friend and that alone made you feel like it would be alright to trust him, you did not.
You didn’t know if it was comical or tragic, how you had been living together and seeing each other daily for a month now, yet were complete strangers to each other.
“You don’t have to become my friend to know, though. So don’t worry about that” you tried to lighten up the mood. “Everyone will know in a little less than a year. Just be patient”.
“That big of a deal?” he raised one of his eyebrows.
You nodded quietly, for although you wished it wasn’t, it was indeed that big of a deal. If you failed, everyone would know you were getting married to Lee Sungjin. If you managed to prove you could fend for yourself, on the other hand, everyone would know your family was disowning you. Either way, no matter what happened, the media would make a big deal out of it. And honestly, you didn’t know which scenario was worse.
“Can we talk about something else that isn’t family related?” you pleaded.
“Fine by me” he sighed, raising his glass before he brought it up to his lips. “Any ideas?”
You shrugged, looking around in search for something that would make you come up with a new topic, anything that would take the attention away from your life yet keep him interested, until your eyes fixed on a few used brushes of his that remained inside a cup on one of the shelves at the other end of the living room.
“Your art?” you proposed, eyes going back to his already attentive ones and bringing your glass up to your mouth.
The simple mention of his work brought a smile to his face. “What about it?”
“Are you preparing for an exhibition or something like that?” you wondered. “You know, since ever since I got here you’ve spent most of your time locked up inside your studio…”
Taehyung nodded. “Yeah, I’m having an exhibition that’s kind of a big deal in a few weeks, and it’s driving me crazy”.
“Oh, really?” you tilted your head, genuine interest clear in your voice. “That’s great, though. What is it going to be about?”
“You sure you’ve got time for that?” he playfully squinted his eyes at you, that being the first time he had dropped his serious act in front of you. Good thing was, he could always blame it on the alcohol. “I could talk about art for days”.
You chuckled, taking another sip of wine and then shaking your head in amusement as a melancholic smile curved up the corners of your lips. So could you when you were younger, although you had really no one to talk to about it back then. It was nice, though, seeing someone be just as —if not more— eager about it as you used to be, and the fact that he could actually be able to express his excitement and love for it only made it better.
“Well, we’re not going anywhere tonight, so…”
Taehyung shook his head in amusement at your statement. You got a point, though — your respective bedrooms being as far as you would go that night, and considering getting there wouldn’t take you any more than ten seconds, it was fair to say you had the whole night ahead of you, or at least until you ran out of wine.
“You like popcorn?” he asked out of the blue, earning a giggle from you that for some reason had him biting down on his bottom lip not to smile as well.
“Weren’t you just about to start talking nonstop about your art?”
He rolled his eyes at the call-out. “Yes, but I’m hungry and have got lots of popcorn in the kitchen,” his eyes glanced over there for a second before they were back on you. “Plus, I need to text the guys to let them know I won’t be coming over anymore, so…”
You smiled, tilting your head over to the kitchen. “Off you go then, I’ll just wait here”.
“Is that a yes to the popcorn, though? Or...”
Another light laugh escaped your mouth at how uncertain he had sounded. “Totally a yes to the popcorn” you agreed, watching his tall figure as he stood up. “Never had it with wine before, though”.
“What?!” his eyebrows furrowed in utter disbelief. “That is like, my go-to friday night combo”.
“Nutritive” you teased him.
“Says the salad girl” he bit back, causing you to raise your free hand as a sign of truce, which had him once again rolling his eyes at you. “So what is it for the upper class? Good wine and fine cheese?”
“I mean...” you shrugged, sipping on your glass.
“You think you’ll be alright trying out such a lower class snack?” he teased, earning an amused smile from you as you shook your head and looked away, biting on your bottom lip to try and erase it.
“I’m sure I will make it” you let him know rather dramatically.
Letting out a low chuckle, he decided to say nothing more in return. Instead, he dug his hand in his pocket and took his phone out, starting to type on it —to let his friends know he was staying here, you guessed— as he a made his way over to the kitchen for what felt like the tenth time that night.
Taking your phone out of your purse as well, you leaned against the sofa as you scrolled through your social media while you waited for your roommate to come back, feeling a little bit more at ease now that you had managed to take your mind off things and the tension between you two had seemed to be gone.
Yes, you were not friends, and maybe you never would be. Maybe roommates was all there would ever be between the two of you, yet as long as you were able to hold a proper conversation every now and then, you knew you would be able to make it through this year in the end.
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k3lynn · 3 years
already won — kenma kozume
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kenma kozume x f!reader oneshot
- cw: jealous kenma, insecure kenma, like one or two cuss words, reassurence. barely angsty but very fluffy- more comedic than anything. shows more of the angry-kitty kenma than the shy-kitty kenma
- summary: 1.3k | kenma gets jealous after someone confesses their feelings for you
- this is my first oneshot ahh- please tell me what you think! also check out my masterlist (will frequently add more stuff) thank you for reading! this is a female reader but I will gladly do gender neutral or male!
back to haikyuu masterlist
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Kenma walked down Nekoma High’s hallways, only passing a couple of students as most chose to stay in class during their break. In one hand, he held a bag with two apple pie flavored umaibo bars, and in the other, his phone.
Normally, he would be confident enough in his reflexes to never look up from his device and also not bump into someone, but he stared so intensely at his phone that he barely had time to react before he crashed into Yamamoto, sending himself flying to the ground.
“Pudding Head-“ the other second year loudly announced. “what’s got you so distracted man?”
In between getting up and muttering curses at gravity for letting him fall, Kenma softly spoke “Im heading off to Y/n’s class, she needs to speak with me.”
“In person? Must be prettyyyyy serious-“ he turned to see Kenma’s worried face “I mean it’s probably nothing!”
But Kenma just stared at him with a deadpanned expression.
“Wanna share an umaibo bar?”
Despite knowing Tora meant no real harm, Kenma couldn’t help but almost (Almost, he swears) let his words get to him. The two of you have been dating for nearly a year, and your relationship seems perfectly okay to him. One or two dumb arguments, but nothing you both didn’t get through together. He knows you still love him.
What if it’s me-
And Kenma stopped his negative train of thought right there. No point getting nervous over something that hasn’t happened yet. He reasoned with himself.
As if the gods were playing some cruel joke on the poor boy, two girls came gossiping from around the corner, oblivious to the fact he was there. If it weren’t for the sound of your name, Kenma would have never listened into the conversation.
“Did you hear about what was on Y/n’s desk this morning?”
“That first years love letter right, I’m pretty sure she has a boyfriend though- do you think she’ll replace him?”
“That quiet setter on the volleyball team? I would barely consider him a boyfr-“
Interrupted by a soft thud and a crinkle, the girls turned around and squeeled in fright to see nothing but a plastic bag. Kenma didn’t let himself hear anymore before he started sprinting to your classroom. Darting across hallways, racing around corners, and even scurrying around a very confused Kuroo, who has never seen Kenma run outside of Volleyball.
He barely let himself breathe before sliding open the door to your classroom and barging in, pausing only when he realized the amount of startled faces looking straight at him. Not one to fancy all the attention, his eyes danced around the students until he finally made eye contact with you.
He quickly motioned for you to go outside before slowly closing the door. Kenma leaned his back againts the wall and took a deep breath. It wasn’t until you emerged from outside the classroom that he looked up.
Your typically-stoic boyfriend just came running into your classroom as if he witnessed a murder, so it’s safe to say you were a bit concerned at what he was about to say. Although once Kenma explained what he had overheard, you couldn’t help and giggle at the realization.
“So you’re jealous of the first year huh.”
“Don’t tease...”
With a sigh, you took his hand in one of yours, and used the other to tilt his chin up and look at you. If you couldn’t see the blush on his cheeks before, then you could definitely see it now.
“Want to talk about it babe?”
He wouldn’t be able to play his way out of this, Kenma had no choice but to be direct with how he felt.
“I know you love me, and you do everything you can to show me that-“
You nodded.
“but I’m terrified at the idea that one day you’ll find someone that’s better in expressing their feelings than me. Like with a love letter.”
He quietly finished. There was silence for only a moment before your arms found their place around his small shoulders, pulling him into a warm hug which he happily returned. He was so comfortable in your embrace that he had almost forgotten what he came for.
“Can I just start off by saying I’m really proud of you?” Your voice cut straight through the hushed air. “It takes a lot out of anyone to be able to say what they feel. I know it can be a bit more difficult for you.”
And yet you still try and do it when necessary. Kenma I know you love me too. You have nothing to worry about.”
Kenma wasn’t one to cry in public, but, this did make him come close.
It wouldn’t help his current situation, but curiousity got the best of him-
“Can I read the letter?”
You grinned a bit before handing it over to him, holding in a laugh from seeing his distasteful face and hearing the small curses he swore under his breath.
With how hard he gripped the paper, you were sure it would easily tear.
“He wants to meet you in the front courtyard after school to hear your answer.”
“I know, I’m planning on going.”
“Good idea, go break his heart.”
“No Kenma, I’m going to let him down slowly. Feelings are delicate and deserve to be respected.”
“His feelings don’t deserve jack shit.”
“Kenma!” You loudly chuckled. His monotoned voice making his choice of language even funnier-
“Whatever” his hands came down to grip your waist before giving you a shy kiss on the shoulder.
“I’ll beat the competition.” He muttered into your neck.
“Am I one of your games now?” You teased.
“Beep boop beep boop” he poked at your back.
You pull him back a bit to place a small kiss on the tip of his nose “You’ve already won.”
Kenma should have known Kuroo’s “disguises”, if you could even call them that, wouldn’t work. The trench coat and large hat the both of them wore did them no mercy in the hot Tokyo sun, and instead brought them more attention to ongoing passer-biers who probably thought they were up to some illegal activities.
Out of nowhere, Tora came aggressively crashing into the bushes that hid Kuroo and Kenma, adorned with his own form of camouflage that consisted of a simple fake mustache and sunglasses, holding a familiar looking plastic bag.
“I came as soon as I got your message Kuroo-san, care for an umaibo bar?”
“Hey that’s-“
“Shush Pudding boy it’s starting.”
The three of them pull out a pair of binoculars, aiming it towards you, sitting on the bench but standing up once you see a sheepish boy, who you assumed sent the letter, walk towards you.
You gave him a sorry looking smile before speaking with him. From this distance, Kenma could just make out the words “flattered but... boyfriend and... great guy...” satisfied at the view of you handing him his letter back.
The first year looked a bit deflated but nevertheless seemed happy to be talking with his crush. Kuroo and Tora backed up a bit at the image of Kenma’s frustration. They could have sworn they saw flames-
“Hey Kenma,” Kuroo spoke between munches “didn’t YN just make it clear she was in love with you or something”
“yeah” Kenma sighed.
“Why are we here then?”
“To make sure this creep doesn’t try anything with my girlfriend.”
“Oi Kenma,” Kuroo gave him a good slap on the back, and from behind the binoculars, Kenma glared. The three boys turned back to the scene, just in time to see you giving him a handshake.
“He’s practically holding her hand.”
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© 2021 k3lynn, do not modify or repost without permission
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NCT as High School Teachers
So I saw a thibg on instagam that said nct as teachers so lets go
We’re going by age so I know I get all of them but I also don’t know all of them too well. I’m literally so upset I cant do xiaojun because I love him but I also don't know him well enough I’m sorry honey. also some of these I really pulled out of nowhere so they might be way the frick off
I think he’s like one of those teachers who loves his job and wants his students to love his class but like he teaches selectively at the end of the day and they just want to go home
Teaches like language arts or some sort of literature
Is so happy to teach everyday
Everyone's best friend
Knows every bit of gossip going on in school
Nobody knows what his job is
Meanders around campus all day
Knows your name somehow
Teaches something to help improve life skills like speech or something. Teaches Home Ec.
Loves his students and wants to be involved in their lives
Pretends like he’s not listening to all the student’s gossip so he hears it all
Gets bombarded in the teacher’s lounge on what’s happening (needs to be cajoled)
Surprised by all the scandalous things his students get themselves into
We all knew this was coming
The hot substitute teacher
Works like once a semester
When he comes to work the whole school is rocked and he knows it
Walks around the classroom all day like sir why are you strutting
Sits with his feet up on the desk
Probably wants to be a really good and strict teacher
But the kids know they can walk all over him
Senior teacher
So when the seniors are informal with him so are the rest of the students
Extremely silent classroom you could hear a pin drop on the carpet
But like then he’s seen around the other teachers and he's so smiley
Either lectures and notes or busy work
Will not. Under any circumstances. Allow friends to sit next to each other.
“Do whatever you want, I don’t care”
Art teacher
So he can do whatever he wants, pass kids, and gets paid to use the school’s art supplies
Scolds kids who insult other kids’ artwork
Randomly subs for PE one day and makes the students learn dance
Honestly idk probably an elective
His class is pretty average just like any other
But wow sir hello
Everyone is in love with him
Is besties with Taeyong and like wow what a pair Probably has a movie day like at least once a month
Likes select students who will then learn that he likes stuff like ballet and singing
Students only learn about him through Yuta
People take his class cuz they know Yuta will visit him even when he doesn’t work
Well and ya know because its Sicheng
Is a pretty chill teacher
Girls literally coo at him instead of doing their work
Wonders why he has to fail students when he doesn’t teach anything
Speaks in tiny and loses control of his class sometimes
Shares a room with another teacher like idk Jaehyun.. Idk why but he does
(I have just been informed that he does in fact share a room with Jaeyun so there you have it)
Teaches like P.E.
It’s something he can do and be loud about
Loves shouting orders but he never sounds angry like a normal coach lol
Actually scratch that he can sound angry sometimes
PRETENDS to be angry and yells then laughs like lol you should see your faces
ALWAYS plays with the students he never stays on the sidelines
Allows you to wear normals clothes not just the ugly gym uniform
Yes he teaches english
But half the class is just him laughing
Lots of the other teachers visit him
Like Yuta and Haechan
You can hear him from down the hall
I feel like he’s that teacher that has mistakes in his notes or tests or something, like small little spelling errors idk I can just see it
Firmly believes that you learn best by immersion and therefore you watch TV in class ALL THE TIME
Drama teacher drama teacher drama teacher
All around good vibes
Finds things funnier than other students do
Truly anything goes in his class
Has never written up a student
Does stuff. Like you’re not the only one up there embarrassing yourself he does it first so y’all aren’t shy
No shyness allowed he will shell you like a pistachio
It’s not even that he wants his students to do well or any dumb excuses like that he’s just strict
He gets teased all the time by the other teachers and his students cower at them
They honestly think it’s his twin brothers talking with the other teachers who is this man
Teaches a language class
So its like you either speak in that language or you don’t speak at all
Really cuts the stupid out of his class
And his class is really difficult for no reason everyone is like “But sir this is 101”
Good wholesome teacher everyone can like
I can see him in like home ec
Kids come and talk to him all the time
His tests are so easy you are guaranteed to pass his class with flying colors as long as you know how to spell your name
Study hall
Wants to have no responsibility Leaves the classroom all of the time, like he’s never in the classroom
Visits Mark so much
And Johnny so many visits to Mark and Johnny
He probably dabbles a little bit into phys ed
Also enjoys teaching so much
Has a big smile in class all the time
Learned everyone’s names down after the first day of class
Wants everyone to have a good ol’ time
Probably gets along with the younger boys 
Teaches something but people only learn german from him
No learning goes on in his vicinity
I love him but I feel like some people would find him a lil annoying
The jokes never stop
Teaches freshmen math
He’s really hit or miss with his students
Sometimes they like him sometimes they don’t get him
I feel like he’s the teacher that always has like a group of students that eat lunch in his room
Always looks so fine like he dresses really well and all
Probably makes you do a lot of group projects I feel
The youngest teacher
No one’s sure he’s actually allowed to be a teacher because he’s very discreet with his timeline like nobody knows his age but he has a mysterious amount of degrees
Like no one knows the details of his life he’s just there
Was mistaken as a student on multiple occasions
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