#litchi family
farmerstrend · 1 year
Litchi (Lychee) Farming
Litchi (Litchi chinensis) is a delicious juicy fruit of excellent quality. Botanically it belongs to Sapindaceae family. Litchi fruit is famous for its attractive red colour, excellent quality characteristics and pleasant flavor. Specific climatic conditions are required for litchi growing but the tree is not very fussy about soils. It is also little susceptible to viral diseases. Soil and…
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tanuandthetriplets · 2 months
तितली का खौफ। | बगान के लीची पक गए। | Triplets Vlog - 27th April'24
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ryuichirou · 1 day
what fandoms were you in long before twisted wonderland? I mean like over 10 years ago.
Anon, thank you for this question because it made us sit down and actually look through the albums of my old art and write a list LOL We thought it’d take like 30 minutes tops + 10 minutes to write all of this down, but it took 2+ hours yikes… So sorry, no other replies today :(
And made us realise just how much we revisit certain fandoms 🤦‍♂️ I guess we’re loyal!
Some of them were just very brief phases when we watched/rewatched something, I drew like 5 sketches for this thing and we moved on after about a week. But it was still prominent enough for us to feel like “Oh right, Ryu was drawing (this) back then”. Damn, 2013-2016 were insane, we were jumping around so much… When did these people have time to watch and draw so much shit??
Since this blog is very old, you can find some of my very old shitty fanart for a lot of those here. In all honesty, I really want to draw fanart on some of the more obscure and old ones again… if you have questions about any of this, feel free to ask!
2007: W.I.T.C.H., Oban Star Racers, Naruto lol my very young years
2008: Petshop of Horrors, Yami no Matsuei, Gravitation
2009: Hetalia, Vocaloid
2010: Vocaloid, Terra e…, Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Hetalia
2011: Terra e, Kaze to Ki no Uta, Sound Horizon, Hetalia, Magi (mostly Judal), Kuroshitsuji (a little bit)
2012: Homestuck, Prince of Tennis, Sengoku Basara, Sound Horizon, DC (Batman + Robin, mostly Tim Drake), Thor, Danny Phantom, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, ATLA, Adventure time, D. Gray-Man
2013: Ed Edd n Eddy, Sound Horizon, Penumbra Overture, Lucius, Thor, Hetalia, Dan Vs, Hannibal, Shingeki no Kyojin, Death Note, Bakuman, Neon Genesis Evangelion, South Park, Durarara, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Litchi Hikari Club, Hellsing Ultimate, Yami no Matsuei, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Game of Thrones, Hannibal, the Simpsons
2014: Kuroko no Basket, Hadaka Shitsuji, Hoozuki no Reitetsu, Gravitation, Shingeki no Kyojin, Tytania, Panty&Stocking, Soul Eater, Bleach, Kill la Kill, Hellsing Ultimate, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood,  Ace Attorney (trilogy + Apollo Justice), Priapus (by Mentaiko/Itto lol I drew him a lot), Togainu no Chi, Outlast, Daria, Scooby Doo, Haikyuu, DMMD, Katekyō Hitman Reborn, Tokyo Ghoul, Free, Kuroshitsuji, Psycho-Pass, Yowamushi Pedal (HUGE!!!!!), D. Gray-man, One-Punch Man
2015: Metalocalypse, ATLOK, Gravity Falls, Guns n’ Roses (yeah the band), Hannibal, Steven Universe, View Askewniverse, the Addams family, Ace Attorney Dual Destinies, DMMD, Life is Strange, Over the Garden Wall, Rick & Morty, South Park, Miraculous Ladybug, Undertale, Watchmen
2016: Supernatural, Peanuts, Osomatsu-san, Outlast, Until Dawn, BioShock Infinite, Code Geass, LoTR, Game of Thrones, Hetalia, House MD, Zootopia, Shingeki no Kyojin, D. Gray-man, Hellsing Ultimate, LA Noir, Percy Jackson books, South Park
2017: American Horror Story, Danganronpa, Neon Genesis Evangelion, ATLA, Homestuck, Yuri on Ice (super briefly), Outlast 2, D. Gray-man, DMMD, Hetalia, Gravitation, Monster, Dream Daddy, Junji Ito, Boku no Hero Academia, Osomatsu-san, South Park, Hannibal
2018: Voltron, Danganronpa, Devilman (Crybaby and classic), Homestuck, Berserk, Gravitation, Bungo Stray Dogs (briefly), Gintama, Hellsing Ultimate, Hetalia, BTS, Priapus (he came back), LoTR, Togainu no Chi, Sweet Pool, Detroit Become Human
2019: Tanya Grotter books, Hannibal, Homestuck, D.Gray-man, Hunter x Hunter, Danganronpa, Durarara, ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept., Soul Eater, ATLA, Witcher 3, Shingeki no Kyojin
2020: Shingeki no Kyojin, briefly Uncharted 4 and BioShock Infinite
2021: Shingeki no Kyojin, ATLA, Sk8, Jujutsu Kaisen, Squid Game
2022: The Great Ace Attorney, Sadistic Beauty, Hades, Mirai Nikki (suddenly), Akira, Encanto, the Gray House (the House In Which, it’s a book),  Cowboy Beebop, Fight Club, It (2017), Stranger Things, LoTR, Uncharted, Hetalia, Frozen (more like Hans/Anna lol), Kuroshitsuji, Twisted Wonderland
2023-2024: Mostly Twisted Wonderland, but we also posted some Scott Pilgrim stuff at the very beginning of this year.
I guess this is it. Woah…
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nkn0va · 15 days
Ok so what if Litchi had an s/o that was just cool with Arakune? Like she sees them chiling and they're like "yeah that's a pretty fucked up looking dog"
Family pet Arakune is funny to think about lmao
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-Your first interaction with Arakune was quite the experience, to say the least. Something you obviously couldn't have seen coming, either.
-When dating Litchi, she takes you over to visit the Kaka village very so often, quickly earning a positive reputation as "boobie lady's mate." Their words, not yours. They don't really understand human terminology for relationships that well so that was their primitive understanding of it.
-One of the older ones, Tao, warned you of a squiggly, whatever the fuck that was. It apparently snuck up on the kittens and tried to eat them. It didn't sound like good news.
-You were exploring a more isolated part of the village in your tour around to get to know the place when you noticed a strange looking blob pulsating and moving around. Said blob quickly seemed to...stand up(?) and attack you. Naturally you ran as far as you could out of primal instinct.
-You found Litchi who seemed to be looking for you and an odd expression came onto her face as she caught sight of your chaser, but with her Boundary powers was able to fight and scare it away.
-As soon as she makes sure you're not injured, she takes you back to the clinic, having finished her business there with the elder and explains what the hell it was.
-It's a long, weird, explanation you don't fully grasp, but you understand the basics. It's an old coworker of hers that fell into the Boundary, which was apparently another realm where all seithr comes from, came back as that creature somehow, and she's trying to find a way to turn him back to normal.
-It was very clear that this was a goal that was extremely important to her, and from what she said, falling into the Boundary was not a fun experience. You couldn't really do anything to help directly, so the best thing you could do was offer your support.
-If and when you ever meet Arakune, or Roy, again, you do your best to make sure no one hurts him and let Litchi know you spotted him right away. You figured you could at least do that much if nothing else. You wanna meet him too if your girlfriend really cared about him this much. The real him, at least.
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Right!? Considering who she was married to, just the fact that they were together brings up a whole mystery. Like you, I find it extremely hard to believe that it was just a normal relationship- I don't see Relius as someone who just falls in love and marries. Some villains do lend themselves to this image of "they're a crazy villain most of the time but have an exceedingly normal personal life," but that's just... not Relius.
For my own personal theory/read on the situation, I definitely think you're on to something with the idea that it was some kind of strategic 'marriage of convenience.' Looking at who Ada and Carl became, and looking at what Relius values, I imagine Ignis must have had an incredibly 'notable soul.' Whether that meant she had a very strong soul, or just a very interesting one (think Relius' interest in Meifang) that Relius felt would be 'good material' for him to work with Relius Trying To Propose: "I would love to study you" or what, I don't know. Perhaps, as you mentioned, he was already looking for a soul to use as a core for his Detonator project- or perhaps he just found her fascinating, and having her as a research specimen and an available resource was part of what pushed him into creating the Detonator line.
I don't believe Relius was actively looking for a wife to produce offspring. Some 'evil scientist' characters do actively spouse-hunt for the purpose of creating a certain kind of offspring, a little dalliance in eugenics, but I don't interpret Relius as the type to be interested in that. I think his 'scientific curiosity' is a lot more impulsive. He finds something that catches his eye, he obsesses over it, pokes it with a few sticks, and sees what he can make it into.
But back to Ignis. I imagine her as someone with some kind of notable soul to capture Relius' interest, and if I'm allowed to get a little creative given we have nothing to go off of, possibly a personality type that he favored too. We see that he doesn't like the 'bleeding heart' type like Litchi, but he gets very fixated on women with strong convictions, like Makoto. I could see also see her having a high Ars Magus Aptitude that contributed to her children's abilities, alongside Relius' talents with magic.
I'm also inclined to believe that she was from a noble family. Rereading Pupeteers, we see that the Clover family lived in a sizable estate, and there seems to be implication that they may have had at least some level of staffing in their house. That kind of status could easily come from Relius' position in the NOL, but for the sake of Trying To Find Clues About Ignis, I'm inclined to attribute at least some of that to her. Also, if Relius went directly into the NOL upon reaching this time period, it would make be reasonable for the people he meets to be mostly other NOL affiliates- he's already very antisocial, it's not like he's going out to parties to meet people. For anyone to catch Relius' eye, they'd have to come to him first.
(tangent) Though in the same short story, we also get to meet Ignis' sibling and their spouse. Francis notably answers the door himself and Rosanne prepares Carl's room personally, suggesting that if they have any staff, it's a small enough amount that they wouldn't be working at night. Although they are noted to have a big enough house that a whole extra bedroom is present to be given to Carl in the first place despite the couple having no kids of their own, and it's possible they have more than one extra room, as when they try to separate Nirvana from Carl, they tell him she'll sleep in a different room- if there wasn't another extra bedroom to give her, I would expect Carl to argue against her 'sleeping' in the living room or something. I... could very easily go off on another tangent, theorizing the size of the household, positions employed, and where in a social hierarchy that would place the family- but I'll save that for another post maybe. I'm already all over the place.
Back to my point, that I believe Ignis was a member of the nobility. Considering what we know about the culture of the BlazBlue world at this point in time, the people most likely to be highly skilled or to have talents with Ars Magus/Seithr/Magic/Etc are the nobility, where we see a lot of focused training from a young age and political/eugenics-esque marriages.
This is further supported by the way Carl and Ada act in their youth. We see them dressed well but modest, acting polite, and we see them being educated under a set of standards that match up with high society values- chess, manners, violin, etc. I can't imagine Relius alone was making all the choices about what direction to go in with raising them, or we would see a more hands-off approach and a lot more stress on engineering, combat, and his scientific interests. I find it more believable that Ignis was raised in a similar environment as part of the nobility, and intended to raise her children in line with those ideals.
I don't think Ignis' family would be from the high nobility like the Duodecim, their branch families, or anything in their circle. They have a much more rigid and notably distinct (often Japanese) culture. I would place Ignis' familial status more in line with the Vermillions, though a few rungs higher up the ladder as her family hasn't been disgraced. If anything, marrying Relius, a prominent military figure, would have raised her status a little. The Vermillions also seem to have a similar aesthetic- compare Ada's clothing to what Noel wears as a child. This could further support the idea that Ignis was a low-ranking noble.
I'll wrap this up here because, wow, I did not intend to go on and on that much. Thanks for commenting and inspiring me to write this out in the first place- these are some Ignis Characterization thoughts I've had for a while, but I haven't put them into words until now.
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cloudyspider · 1 year
Maybe it’s just personal interpretation but I think there’s a bit of a theme in the interconnected subplots of Bang, Litchi, Carl, Arakune, and Relius. That theme being the divide between keeping your morals and integrity vs abandoning them for your ambitions and goals.
Bang for starters almost entirely keeps his morals throughout the story with the only exception being his bad ending in CS where he gave in to his desire for revenge.
Litchi by large is a good person who tries to keep her morals but her obsession with trying to save Roy led her down circumstances where she had to take sides with the most unambiguously evil people imaginable. She got a second chance to make things right in CF which she took and moved on to being a happier person for it.
Carl is the troubled youth who treads the lines with his desire to save his sister. Taking the path of a ruthless vigilante he was willing to do what it takes to save Ada while also not becoming like his Father. Litchi’s influence in CS started to shape him to become a better person but the temptation by his father on the knowledge of how to save Ada proved too tempting and puts his lot in with the man who ruined his life. With the events of CF damning him further into becoming more like his father. Not enough to be irredeemable but set down a bad path into becoming what he said he’d never become.
Arakune or Roy is the near total abandonment of his morals and everything else for his ambition. Ambition for the Azure, ambition to surpass Kokonoe, ambition to prove his genius, but at the cost of his soul being stuck in the Boundary while his body becomes a monster. He has his moments particularly in CS where he’ll step back into the light to help Litchi but he’s otherwise lost.
Relius is the total abandonment of whatever morals or integrity he may have had at one point to whatever will help further his research and goals. If there’s a low he wouldn’t stoop to it for his ends it isn’t known. Willing to sacrifice his family, the world, and the current universe itself if it meant he can become the Architect of a new perfect humanity.
There’s probably more characters who also fit into this but this is what popped into my head today. Well that’s my newest TedX talk thanks for reading if you did.
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broken-clover · 2 years
Could you do ♕ ✿ ღ for Litchi and Roy/Arakune?
Tricky, but I like it!
CHILDHOOD- Based on her appearances in-game I think she came from a very traditional family and still takes a lot of pride in the culture of it. She had a large, interconnected family, though she hasn't seen them very much ever since working for (+leaving) the government
HAPPINESS- She's a doctor, so she gets a lot of joy out of helping people! But when off the clock she likes to read and drink
LOVE- She hasn't really thought about her sexuality, honestly. Roy is the only real serious relationship she's ever had, but she supposes that if she met a nice girl that she got along with, she wouldn't be opposed to the idea of dating them
CHILDHOOD- It's kinda interesting bc we finally got some background for him only recently! Roy's an orphan, and apparently he didn't get along very well with other people due to his intelligence, so I feel like his coworkers at Sector Seven were the first real friends he had
HAPPINESS- He loves nothing more than science and solving problems, even on a day off he'll find an excuse to have a learning experience and figure out how something works.
LOVE- Bi! Though he has very little experience in dating, and he's very very awkward. Thankfully, Litchi finds it endearing
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homehealthup08 · 2 years
Lychee: Nutrition Facts, Health Benefits, Side Effects
This article will discuss What Are Lychee is and its Nutrition Facts. Learn about lychee's health benefits and vitamins and minerals. We'll also talk about how to make this fruit at home! After reading this article, you should feel confident about trying lychee! But before we go any further, let's look at what the lychee looks like! Here are some basic facts about the fruit.
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What Is Lychee?
Lychee is an exotic fruit native to Asia and is widely available in markets. It is cultivated in tropical regions and has a deep purple rind. It contains high amounts of fiber per serving and modest quantities of critical nutrients. Lychee has a long history dating back to 2000 B.C. and can be found in Asia, Australia, Brazil, and the United States. Lychee is available year-round.
Learn more about all your favorite fruits at:  https://homehealthup.com/
Lychee fruit is similar to a strawberry, but it isn't. The flesh is translucent and has a sweet, tart flavor. In addition to being an excellent source of vitamin C and other antioxidants, the fruit has an aromatic taste. It pairs well with a variety of flavors, including coconut and lime. Lychee fruit is now widely grown throughout Asia and beyond. When it comes to eating lychees, you'll want to taste the sweet and tart fruit!
Nutrition Facts of Lychee
Lychee is a monotypic taxon, the sole member of the genus Litchi, in the family Sapindaceae. The fruit is a nutrient-dense, rich source of vitamin C and fiber. The lychee fruit is a popular food, and its nutritional value is excellent for many health benefits. Nutrition facts of 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of fresh lychee include:
Calories 66
Protein 0.83 g
Fat 0.44 g
Carbohydrates 16.5 g
Fiber 1.3 g
Sugar 15.2 g
Vitamin C 71.5 mg
Vitamins and Minerals
The vitamins and minerals in lychee fruit are essential for your body's health and well-being. The fruit has high levels of antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, and other micronutrients. Lychee contains antioxidants that boost immune health, fight infections, and promote overall health. Vitamin C is water-soluble, making it an excellent food for the immune system. In addition to these benefits, lychee is an excellent source of potassium and manganese and contains small amounts of zinc and iron.
Among its many health benefits, lychee is an excellent source of copper, which supports iron metabolism, energy production, nerve function, immune system, and blood vessel development. Additionally, lychee is rich in B vitamins, including folate, niacin, and potassium, essential for regulating blood pressure. Lychees can help you meet your daily vitamin and mineral requirements and are suitable for your liver, which plays a critical role in detoxification and digestion.
Health Benefits of Lychee
The health benefits of lychee fruit are numerous. Its high fiber content supports healthy digestion and regular bowel movements, which is crucial for preventing gastric issues related to obesity. This fruit also has potent antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation and blood pressure. Further, it contains potassium, which is vital for cardiovascular health. If you want to know more about these benefits, read on!
Lychee fruit contains significant amounts of Vitamin C, which helps in boosting the immune system. Vitamin C is important because it stimulates the production of white blood cells, which function as antioxidants and fight the harmful effects of oxidation. In addition to boosting the immune system, studies have shown that eating litchi can help you fight colds effectively.
The fiber in lychee fruit contributes to digestive health. It adds bulk to the stool, stimulating the small intestine's peristaltic motion. As a result, it helps to ease the passage of food, reducing the risk of gastrointestinal disorders and constipation. In addition, lychee fruit contains vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant and boosts the immune system. It also stimulates white blood cells, essential for maintaining healthy hemoglobin levels.
The polyphenolic compounds and proanthocyanidins in lychees help the body eliminate free radicals. Free radicals are dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism. Lychees help prevent the formation of these harmful compounds, which can lead to heart disease and cancer. Furthermore, the fruit contains vitamin C, which helps reduce oxidative damage. Finally, lychee contains oligonol, an antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties.
Side Effects
Despite the benefits of lychee, it's best to consume it in moderation to avoid unpleasant side effects. Studies have shown that drinking litchi juice may reduce blood sugar. However, it's important to note that it may increase the risk of bleeding, which is why it's best consumed in moderation. In addition, too much Litchi can lower blood sugar, so it's essential to monitor your consumption carefully if you have diabetes. And don't forget to follow the recommended doses if you're on medication.
Among the side effects of lychee are rashes and allergic reactions. Some people may be sensitive to it, which can lead to skin rash and shortness of breath. Also, excessive lychee consumption can lead to diarrhea, dry mouth, yellowing of the tongue, and fever. If you're allergic to lychee, you must consult a doctor before consuming it.
Tips On Including Lychee In Meal
The lychee can be included in salads, desserts, and beverages, whether fresh or canned. In addition to their floral flavor, lychees are also high in fiber and can be used as a garnish for various drinks. Lychees pair exceptionally well with ginger, honey, and cinnamon. Here are some tips to include lychee in your next meal. If you're a lychee fan, share your recipes and tips for using this delicious fruit.
Before preparing a dish that includes lychee, it's helpful to look at the fruit's appearance. Look for a bumpy, white outer skin that comes off easily in a few pieces. The exposed white flesh is the part of the lychee that is edible. Avoid yellow-brown flesh or transparent flesh, as these are signs of fermentation. In addition, the lychee stone should stick to one side when you open it.
When you're cooking with lychee, keep in mind that the fruit has a delicate flavor. It's best to consume it raw, but it can also be added to fruit salads and desserts. You can also add lychee to ice cream or yogurt. Try a lychee smoothie with it! And don't forget to enjoy lychee in your daily life by incorporating it into your meal!
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kalikatze · 1 year
1, 15, 29, 50, and 89
1. What have you eaten today?
It's half past five in the afternoon, I've had breakfast and lunch so far. Breakfast was a bagel, one half with butter and cherry jam, one with chocolate spread. (And medication, but that isn't exactly food)
Lunch was a Brezel with butter and pieces of cheese (six different kinds, but don't ask which, I can only tell you one of them was a brie XD) and some iceberg lettuce with vinaigrette (rice wine vinegar, sunflower oil, mustard, honey and too much herb-salt).
I think I actually didn't snack anything between meals, which is rare, but I made East Friesian tea which is drunk with rock sugar and milk (well, cream traditionally, but I take milk), so I guess my desire/need for calories was satisfied that way.
15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library?
Not the night club for sure.
Otherwise it depends on my mood and physical state (and what kind of museum).
On a bad pain day, definitely the library.
The museum is tempting if it's for something I'm interested in (shiny stones, science, art I like, historical fashion..) and if it has seats at regular intervals bc ugh are many museums unaccessible in that respect!
Forest is often lovely, but there's usually bugs and such, and no seats.. can you tell I struggle with fatigue and pain but can still walk XD
15. What is your style?
Mostly black jeans and t-shirts with prints. Very long hair up in a bun. Is that what this is asking? I'm not really going for a special aesthetic, I wanna be comfy and approachable to nice people but off-putting to bigots XD
29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?
So since I put the pillow in the last one, another highlight was ordering a German Russian course book, bc I'm losing my mind over Duolingo not teaching grammar. I know it makes some amount of sense and a lot of ppl starting from English don't know the concepts, but it's driving me nuts. From what I can tell, Russian shares a lot of grammatical concepts with German and I'm hoping the book will give me some aha moments
50. Favorite fruits?
Yaaaaas fruits! Raspberries are called 'cat berries' in our household bc I love them. I also love apples (braeburn or story), mandarines (though I have.. conditions they need to meet), cherries, peaches, strawberries (but only fresh and ripe), mangoes, granadillas, figs, apricots, litchis, .. I'm sure I'm forgetting some XD
89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week)
Oh dear, money isn't the biggest hurdle, accessibility/my energy levels is, and a few other things play into it as well, but let's see
1. Visit @prettypangolins again. I love them and want to spend time with them
2. Glasgow. Loved it there, want to see what changed, want to visit the Yarn Cake and Purrple Cat Café again
3. Visit @catblog-weatherwax and finally meet them for real, and their family, including cats
And then it gets interesting bc we get to the territory of visiting ppl I'd like to meet who I don't know if they'd want me to visit, and places I'd kinda like to see but don't know if they'd be accessible/safe enough for me, but let's assume both, then I'd go to
4. LA
5. Texas (probably two cities, I'd have to ask XD)
6. Moscow
7. New Zealand
8. Japan (make that at least Tokyo and Kyoto, maybe Osaka)
With the brackets we're at 10-11 then, right? Else I'd add Brussels, I think, and somewhere to see aurora borealis
Thank you for the ask, that was fun!!
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genztrendyy · 11 days
Lychee is a tropical fruit that has a rough pink-red skin and juice white flesh inside. It is small, round or oval shaped fruit that offer many healthy minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. It is highly rich in antioxidants and micronutrients and have antiviral and ant-inflammatory properties. It is a good source of dietary fiber vitamin C and potassium. It belongs to the family of soapberry, native to China and also known by it’s scientific name Litchi chinensis, Read more...
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nkn0va · 2 months
blazblue girls as parents tier list
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Tsubaki would be a very good mom imo. She absolutely wants to make sure her kid would have a better life growing up than she did, being in such an emotionally neglectful family. Patient, understanding, kind, loyal. I'd argue there's a case for her being put at the top with Litchi.
Noel would be in the succeeds category, as long as she has someone else around to cook.
I can understand where you're coming from with Kokonoe, but I think she'd at least try. Albeit for no other reason than out of spite for Jubei.
Izanami would manipulate and gaslight her child into thinking everything needs to die. TECHNIALLY caring well enough for the child but for all the wrong reasons.
Nine would've actually been a pretty good mom, she just never had the chance because of Terumi. She actually expresses her feelings of pride toward Kokonoe the one time she gets to. She's extremely devoted to her family, to the point of trying to build a machine to replace God for their sake.
If Rachel had a child with intentions to have a child, I think she'd be at least decent. She's probably very old fashioned, both for better and for worse. She at least has Valk around to pick up the slack.
Mu's...a funny case. She doesn't completely fucking wanna kill everything when she becomes her own separate entity in CF, she's a lot more similar to Noel. If it's just CS Mu, then yeah she should be there.
Lambda post CF would actually be a pretty good mom, I think. She's pretty much taking care of both Nu and Noel and is the responsible one between them, especially if the Phantom Blue Eyes gag reel is anything to go by.
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les-degustations-ugo · 2 months
🇫🇷Hello les amoureux du tire-bouchon. Et vous, quel est votre dernier Côtes de Provence Blanc ? 🇫🇷
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🍇🍷AOP Côtes de Provence Blanc 2022 cuvée Citius du @chateaugasqui 🍇🍷:
🍇 :
55% Rolle
45% Sémillon
Élevage en cuve inox sur lies pendant 9 mois
14,00€ / bouteille
👁️ :
Une robe de couleur jaune pâle
👃 :
Un nez expressif sur des notes de fleurs blanches, agrumes
💋 :
En bouche, on a un vin avec une belle fraîcheur, sur des arômes de pamplemousses, ananas, mangues, litchis. Une bonne longueur en bouche avec une finale sur des notes citronnées qui fait saliver les papilles de gourmandise.
📜En résumé📜 :
J'ai adoré cette belle cuvée de côtes de Provence en Blanc. Un nez envoûtant et une bouche pleine de peps.
🧆Dégusté sur Morue à la Provençale🧆.
🍷Quelques accords mets et vin possible avec cette cuvée🍷 : Crevettes flambées au Whisky, Dos de cabillaud rôti au four, Aïoli, Lapin à la dijonnaise, Moules marinières au vin blanc,.....
📌N'oubliez pas, boire un canon c'est sauver un vigneron📌.
🔞« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »🔞
La plupart des vins ont été dégustés et recrachés. Dégustation non rémunéré.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #wein #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇫🇷🗣️Description du Domaine 🇫🇷🗣️
Bien plus qu'un simple vignoble, Chateau GASQUI est un véritable concentré de Provence et de traditions varoises. Les cèdres bi-centenaires, imposants gardiens de la propriété vous accueillent majestueusement et vous laissent traverser les 30 hectares de vignobles sans sourcilier. Une émotion particulière se dégage en parcourant les caves et les bâtisses du lieu, dont l’année de construction 1898, figure encore sur les hautes poutres.
Le Château GASQUI produit des vins blancs de Provence en Biodynamie depuis plus de 15 ans. Véritable pionnier dans la région, Château GASQUI, domaine familial niché au cœur de la Provence verte, vous propose une large sélection de vins blancs.
🇫🇷Français dans les commentaires🇫🇷🇮🇹Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹
🇺🇸Hello corkscrew lovers. And you, what is your last Côtes de Provence Blanc? 🇺🇸
🍇🍷AOP Côtes de Provence Blanc 2022 vintage Citius from @chateaugasqui 🍇🍷:
55% Rolle
45% Semillon
Aging in stainless steel vats on lees for 9 months
14.00€ / bottle
A pale yellow dress
An expressive nose with notes of white flowers and citrus fruits
On the palate, we have a wine with beautiful freshness, with aromas of grapefruit, pineapple, mango, lychee. A good length in the mouth with a finish of lemony notes that makes the taste buds salivate with delicacy.
📜In summary📜:
I loved this beautiful vintage of Côtes de Provence en Blanc. A captivating nose and a mouth full of pep.
🧆Tasted on Cod à la Provençale🧆.
🍷Some possible food and wine pairings with this cuvée🍷: Shrimp flambéed with Whiskey, Oven-roasted cod fillet, Aïoli, Dijon-style rabbit, Mussels marinières in white wine,.....
📌Don't forget, drinking a barrel is saving a winegrower📌.
🔞“Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation”🔞
Most of the wines have been tasted and spit out. Unpaid tasting.
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🇬🇧🗣️Domain Description 🇬🇧🗣️
Much more than a simple vineyard, Chateau GASQUI is a true concentrate of Provence and Var traditions. The two-hundred-year-old cedars, imposing guardians of the property, welcome you majestically and let you cross the 30 hectares of vineyards without batting an eyelid. A particular emotion emerges while exploring the cellars and buildings of the place, the year of construction of which, 1898, still appears on the high beams.
Château GASQUI has been producing Provence white wines Biodynamically for over 15 years. A true pioneer in the region, Château GASQUI, a family estate nestled in the heart of green Provence, offers you a wide selection of white wines.
🇮🇹Ciao amanti dei cavatappi. E tu, qual è la tua ultima Côtes de Provence Blanc?🇮🇹
🍇🍷AOP Côtes de Provence Blanc 2022 vintage Citius di @chateaugasqui 🍇🍷:
55% Rullo
45% Semillon
Affinamento in vasche di acciaio inox sui lieviti per 9 mesi
Un vestito giallo pallido
Un naso espressivo con note di fiori bianchi e agrumi
Al palato abbiamo un vino di bella freschezza, con aromi di pompelmo, ananas, mango, litchi. Buona la persistenza in bocca con un finale di note di limone che fanno salivare le papille gustative con delicatezza.
📜In sintesi📜:
Ho adorato questa bellissima annata di Côtes de Provence en Blanc. Un naso accattivante e una bocca piena di energia.
🧆Degustato con Baccalà alla Provenzale🧆.
🍷Alcuni possibili abbinamenti enogastronomici con questa cuvée🍷: Gamberi flambé al Whisky, Filetto di merluzzo al forno, Aioli, Coniglio alla Digione, Cozze marinière al vino bianco,.....
📌Non dimenticare, bere una botte salva un viticoltore📌.
🔞“L'abuso di alcol è pericoloso per la salute, consumalo con moderazione”🔞
La maggior parte dei vini sono stati degustati e sputati. Degustazione non retribuita.
🗣️🇮🇹Descrizione i Dominio 🗣️🇮🇹
Molto più di un semplice vigneto, Chateau GASQUI è un vero concentrato di tradizioni della Provenza e del Var. I cedri bicentenari, imponenti guardiani della proprietà, vi accolgono maestosi e vi lasciano attraversare i 30 ettari di vigneti senza battere ciglio. Un'emozione particolare emerge esplorando le cantine e gli edifici del luogo, il cui anno di costruzione, 1898, compare ancora sulle travi abbaglianti.
Château GASQUI produce vini bianchi provenzali in modo biodinamico da oltre 15 anni. Vero pioniere nella regione, Château GASQUI, tenuta di famiglia immersa nel cuore della verde Provenza, vi offre un'ampia selezione di vini bianchi.
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Saree Fabric: Banarasi Silk
Blouse: Running Blouse
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piyush2002 · 6 months
Ice cream shop , with its delightful blend of flavors and textures, has long been a universal symbol of joy and indulgence. In the heart of Bihar, the historic city of Patna is no stranger to the sweet allure of ice cream parlours . These establishments, scattered across the city, not only offer respite from the sweltering heat but also serve as communal hubs where families and friends gather to share moments of sheer delight. In this article, we embark on a delectable journey through the vibrant world of ice cream parlours in Patna, exploring the diverse flavours, unique experiences, and the cultural significance of these sweet havens.
The Evolution of Ice Cream Culture in Patna:
The concept of ice cream has undergone a remarkable transformation in Patna over the years. From the traditional street vendors selling simple kulfi to the emergence of sophisticated the igloo ice parlor in boring road shop, the city has embraced a diverse range of frozen delights. The evolution reflects not only changing consumer preferences but also the city's cosmopolitan character.
1.Diversification of Flavors:
Ice cream has evolved beyond traditional flavors to include a wide range of innovative and exotic options. Local ice cream shops in Patna might have experimented with unique flavors that reflect the local culture and preferences.
2.Influence of Global Trends:
The influence of global food trends may have reached Patna, leading to the adoption of international ice cream varieties and styles. This could include the introduction of gelato, frozen yogurt, or other trendy frozen desserts.
3.Artisanal and Craft Ice Cream:
The trend towards artisanal and craft products has impacted the ice cream industry worldwide. Local ice cream makers in Patna may have started focusing on using high-quality, locally sourced ingredients to create unique and premium ice cream offerings.
4.Café and Dessert Culture:
The rise of café culture often includes a diverse dessert menu, with ice cream playing a significant role. Patna may have witnessed the growth of dessert-centric cafes offering a variety of ice cream-based treats.
5.Social Media Influence:
The influence of social media on food trends is significant. Instagrammable desserts and visually appealing ice cream creations might have gained popularity, prompting local businesses to create aesthetically pleasing ice cream dishes.
6.Seasonal Variations:
In a place like Patna with distinct seasons, ice cream preferences may vary. For instance, there might be a higher demand for traditional ice creams during the hot summer months and a shift towards warmer flavors or combinations in the winter.
7.Collaborations and Limited Editions:
Collaborations between local businesses and ice cream makers, as well as the introduction of limited edition flavors, can create buzz and excitement in the ice cream culture. This marketing strategy might have been adopted by ice cream establishments in Patna.
8.Health-Conscious Options:
As people become more health-conscious, there may be a demand for healthier ice cream near here options, such as low-sugar, dairy-free, or vegan alternatives. Ice cream shops in Patna may have responded to this trend by offering a variety of options to cater to different dietary preferences.
Popular Ice Cream Parlours in Patna:
Nestled in the heart of the city, Creamy Bliss has become a go-to destination for ice cream enthusiasts. Known for its creamy and rich textures, this parlour boasts a menu that includes classic flavours and inventive combinations. With a cozy interior and
friendly staff, Creamy Bliss offers a delightful escape for those seeking a moment of indulgence.
Dedicated to celebrating the local flavours of Bihar, this unique ice cream parlour takes inspiration from the state's culinary heritage. From litchi-flavoured ice cream, paying homage to Muzaffarpur's famous litchi orchards, to the sattu-flavoured treat, Flavors of Bihar encapsulates the essence of the region in every scoop.
Situated along the banks of the Ganges, Frosty Delights provides not only a delightful ice cream experience but also a breathtaking view. The outdoor seating allows patrons to enjoy their frozen treats while soaking in the scenic beauty of the river. The menu ranges from classic cones to indulgent sundaes, ensuring there's something for everyone.
IGLOO PARLOUR is one of the best ice cream parlours in patna serving since 2012 situated in east boring canal road near panchmukhi hanuman mandir this parlour has friendly staffs and good eye catching ambience perfect for going with friends and family members it provides wide range of flavours and has a unique creamy texture it also provides wide range of sweet snacks such as cake, pastries, cold drinks ,chocolates ,dairy products and breads . The best part of visiting there is that they serve the best quality and quantity plus they also take care of proper hygiene ,staff there always wear gloves and cover their head with plastic caps so, it's also good for your little childrens .
The Social Aspect of Ice Cream Parlours:
Beyond the delectable ice flavors offerings, these parlours have become social hubs in Patna. Families gather for weekend outings, friends meet to catch up over a cone, and couples share sweet moments amidst the cozy ambiance. The communal aspect of enjoying ice cream has turned these parlours into more than just food establishments – they are integral to the social fabric of the city.
1. Event Spaces:
Some ice cream parlours in Patna have evolved to offer event spaces for celebrations. Birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions are now celebrated with scoops of ice cream, creating lasting memories in an environment that resonates with joy and sweetness.
2. Community Engagement:
Ice cream parlours often engage with the local community through various initiatives. From sponsoring local events to collaborating with nearby businesses, these establishments contribute to the overall vibrancy and sense of community in Patna.
The igloo ice cream parlours of Patna have transcended their conventional role of mere dessert providers. They are emblematic of the city's evolving tastes, cultural diversity, and the integration of modernity with tradition. Beyond serving frozen delights, these establishments create spaces where people can come together to celebrate life's simple pleasures. As Patna continues to grow and embrace a cosmopolitan lifestyle, its
ice cream parlours stand as delightful symbols of this dynamic transformation. So, the next time you find yourself in Patna, be sure to indulge in the sweet symphony of flavors offered by its charming ice cream parlours – a treat for the senses and a celebration of life in every scoop.
0 notes
topasa-anand · 6 months
Patna, the capital city of Bihar, is not only known for its rich history and cultural heritage but also for its growing modernity and vibrant lifestyle. Amidst the hustle and bustle of this dynamic city, there is a sweet escape that delights the taste buds and offers a momentary respite from the daily grind – the Ice Cream Parlours of Patna. These delightful establishments have become more than just places to satisfy a sweet tooth; they are hubs of joy, social gatherings, and, most importantly, a celebration of life's simple pleasures. 
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The Evolution of Ice Cream Culture in Patna: 
The journey of ice cream in Patna mirrors the evolution of the city itself. From modest beginnings, with local vendors selling traditional "kulfi" on street corners, to the emergence of sophisticated ice cream parlors, the city's love affair with frozen desserts has grown exponentially. Today, Patna boasts a diverse range of ice cream parlors that cater to a wide spectrum of tastes, offering a blend of traditional and contemporary flavors. 
Local Flavors Take Center Stage: 
One of the unique aspects of ice cream parlors in Patna is the incorporation of local flavors that reflect the rich culinary heritage of Bihar. Parlors here have perfected the art of infusing regional ingredients like "makhana" (fox nuts), "thandai" (a traditional cooling drink), and "litti chokha" (a local delicacy) into their ice cream creations. These innovative flavors not only pay homage to the city's cultural roots but also provide a delightful twist to the conventional ice cream experience. 
The Social Hub: 
Ice cream parlors in Patna are not merely places to satisfy one's sweet tooth; they have become social hubs where people gather to celebrate milestones, create memories, and engage in conversations. Families, friends, and even solo patrons find solace in the welcoming ambiance of these parlors. The vibrant and cozy settings of these establishments make them ideal places for everything from casual hangouts to romantic dates.
Popular Ice Cream Parlours in Patna: 
Nestled in the heart of the city, Creamy Bliss has become a go-to destination for ice cream enthusiasts. Known for its creamy and rich textures, this parlor boasts a menu that includes classic flavors and inventive combinations. With a cozy interior and friendly staff, Creamy Bliss offers a delightful escape for those seeking a moment of indulgence. 
Dedicated to celebrating the local flavors of Bihar, this unique ice cream parlor takes inspiration from the state's culinary heritage. From litchi-flavored ice cream, paying homage to Muzaffarpur's famous litchi orchards, to the sattu-flavored treat, Flavors of Bihar encapsulates the essence of the region in every scoop. 
Situated along the banks of the Ganges, Frosty Delights provides not only a delightful ice cream experience but also a breathtaking view. The outdoor seating allows patrons to enjoy their frozen treats while soaking in the scenic beauty of the river. The menu ranges from classic cones to indulgent sundaes, ensuring there's something for everyone. 
IGLOO PARLOUR is one of the best ice cream parlors in patna serving since 2012 situated in east boring canal road near panchmukhi hanuman mandir this parlor has friendly staffs and good eye catching ambience perfect for going with friends and family members it provides wide range of flavors and has a unique creamy texture it also provides wide range of sweet snacks such as cake, pastries, cold drinks, chocolates,dairy products and breads .
Innovations in Presentation: 
Beyond flavor, ice cream parlors in Patna have also embraced innovation in presentation. Intricately crafted sundaes, Instagram-worthy milkshakes, and nitrogen-infused ice creams are just a few examples of the creativity that has taken hold in these establishments. The emphasis on aesthetics adds an extra layer of excitement to the overall ice cream experience, making it not just a treat for the palate but also for the eyes. 
Entrepreneurial Ventures and Local Economy: 
The rise of ice cream parlors in Patna has also been a catalyst for entrepreneurial ventures. Many young entrepreneurs have recognized the potential of this thriving market and have ventured into the world of frozen desserts. This influx of local businesses not only contributes to the city's economy but also fosters a sense of community pride as patrons rally behind homegrown establishments. 
Challenges and Triumphs: 
While the ice cream culture in Patna has flourished, it has not been without its challenges. Seasonal variations in demand, logistical hurdles in sourcing quality ingredients, and the need to balance tradition with innovation are some of the obstacles parlors face. However, the resilience of local entrepreneurs, coupled with the unwavering support of the community, has allowed these establishments to overcome challenges and thrive in a competitive market. 
The Role of Technology: 
Ice cream parlors in Patna have also embraced technology to enhance the customer experience. From online ordering and delivery services to interactive digital menus, these establishments leverage technology to stay connected with their patrons. Social media platforms serve as virtual billboards, allowing parlors to showcase their latest creations, announce promotions, and engage with their audience in real-time. 
The Future of Ice Cream in Patna: 
As Patna continues to evolve, so does its ice cream culture. The future holds exciting possibilities, with the potential for more collaborations between ice cream parlors and local artisans, the introduction of sustainable and health-conscious options, and the exploration of international flavors to cater to a diverse and cosmopolitan audience. 
The ice cream parlors of Patna have evolved into more than just purveyors of frozen delights; they are cultural landmarks that bring people together, celebrate local flavors, and contribute to the city's economic growth. As the sun sets over the Ganges, residents and visitors alike find solace and joy in the enchanting world of ice cream parlors, savoring not only the sweet treats but also the warmth of community and the richness of tradition that these establishments embody. Patna's ice cream parlors are a testament to the city's ability to blend the old and the new, creating a unique and delightful experience for all who indulge in the sweetness they offer.
FOR MORE DETAILS VISIT @iglooparlour.com
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