#literally Five and Victor looking at each other from the cars
thewiglesswonder · 2 years
Conspiracy theory: Christine is basically the Decepticon version of the Bumblebee Movie. She’s actually a Decepticon (her power is self-repair) who got trapped in her alt-mode and lost her memories, and has bonded to this one human in particular and WILL act out on their behalf. AU where the final battle unjams Christine’s T-cog and she transforms, ready to kill.
Okay. Honestly. This fucks severely.
Like, Christine would probably never get her Cybertronian memories back, and honestly, might not even care that much. The way it’s portrayed in the movie, she’s in love with Arnie, and he loves her right back. She has him, she has her radio, and she has the means to make those that hurt her and Arnie pay dearly for it. And sometimes, you know, that’s all a girl needs. Also, her self-healing being her outlier ability? Absolutely galaxy-brained.
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anunvalidcritic · 3 years
Justice League: Snyder Cut
Oh, the time has come my friends! Now, I originally did a review on Batman V.S. Superman and I didn’t care for it, so I deleted it. But before I start, I would like y’all to read this statement made by @verified-villain-fxcker - You can click HERE to read it. As I stated in my repost, I couldn’t have said it better. May Autumn Snyder continue to rest in peace. Let’s get started!
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It’s been so long since I’ve made a post I can’t even remember how I do this LOL.
CLARK is outta there to say the least...
WONDER WOMAN and LOIS look flabbergasted, as they should... BRUCE as well.
Talk about a shock-wave scream 
All jokes aside, the hate that LEX has towards SUPERMAN is just to much energy to be giving to another person..
why are they letting a minority approach the fucking the cube?!?!
*insert travel montage scene here*
                      Part 1 - “Don’t count on it, Batman.”
BRUCE knows damn well he’s talking to AQUAMAN. Let’s move this shit along lol
“Oh Gotham? How’s that shit hole?” - AQUAMAN
Ik these bitchies aren’t singing rofl
I’d sniff anything wore by Jason Momoa too.
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“Maybe a man who broods in a cave isn’t cut out to be a recruiter.” - ALFRED
AMY ADAMS can literally take my heart, step on it, throw it in a river and I still wouldn’t be mad. 
Here comes the lovely WONDER WOMAN!
broooo her hands were moving like Donnie Yen in Ip Man!
Fucked that entire ceiling up
Ofc the one who tried to touch it would make the stupid statement. 
STEPPENWOLF is really wildin’ out
Don’t look back! I hate it when they look back!!
These are some strong as women!
                             PART 2 - “The Age of Heroes”
“It’s toxic, that’s good.” - STEPPENWOLF
I can only imagine that this is how toxic people think. 
this dude really just threw that lil demon fella like it was nothin’ lmao
You know you're working at a job for too long when you say this is the first time in a while that they're going home early smdh
Now that shit was pretty lit....
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SILAS thinkin’ shit I better check on my son. 
“You know a lot about monsters, don’t you? Especially how to make them.” - CYBORG
If that isn’t teen angst, then I don’t know wtf is lmao
Seeing Gal in this tomb makes me want to re-watch Wonder Woman 1 all over again!
DARKSEID ol’ trifflin’ ass
plopped him down like he was dirty laundry
God bless Willem Dafoe, this man is a fuckin’ legend!
“This world is divided. They’re a primitive species. Unevolved and at war with one another. Too separate to be one.” - STEPPENWOLF
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DeSaad kinda looks like Doctor Doom in the Fantasic Four reboot lmao
GREEN LATERNS!!!!!!!!!!!! OH SHIT!!!!!!!!
we really need a Green Lantern Corps moving...
ZEUS + ARES = A Dynamic Duo When They Aren’t Being Dicks To Each Other
You know I feel bad for man because all they did was bury that shit in the ground rofl
                  Part 3 - “Beloved Mother, Beloved Son”
BARRY + IRIS = Love at First Sight 
The burger can’t be that good like damn. 
Bro the detail on his fucking shoes and the glass!!
damn did the car really need to explode...
lol BARRY must really need the job lol
... I would’ve just played dead after he threw me against that rock...
Man of Steel probably has one of the best soundtracks not just for a superhero movie but just in general
Americans love their football!
I have this love-hate relationship with CYBORG being in the JL and not with the TITANS you know since he’s a kid, but he’s a college student in this one. 
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Thank God DIANA spoke with VICTOR instead of BRUCE because I honestly don’t think he would’ve gotten him on board.
Everyone can literally zigzag zoom across this planet at undeniable speed except for BATMAN lol
Come on, VIC, help the lady out.
You know honestly, BARRY has a pretty cool pad for someone who's trying to get by paying for a Criminal Justice Degree. 
“A very attractive Jewish boy. Who drinks milk, I don’t drink milk.” - BARRY
“Fuck the World.” - CYBORG
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dang Ik DIANA has every right to grieve over STEVE, but damn that man has her whipped!
“You’re looking at the hottest thing on Earth. The exact same thing I said to my prom date. She dumped me anyway.” - RYAN CHOI
Why does MERA have an accent in this but not in AQUAMAN?? (ik the answer)
                               PART 4 - “Change Machine”
CYBORG just glided over silently
Seeing BARRY move like that to stop the debris and to ping DIANA’S sword really is amazing..
But he should not be screaming like that LOL
How do you not remember the planet that’s habitants almost killed you?? Because if that was me, I wouldn’t have forgotten that shit at all!
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 Would've held a big ass grudge until I could go back. 
“I know we’re all thinking the same thing right now. Who’s gonna say it? I’m not gonna say it.” - BARRY
WOOOAAHHH J’ONN JONES?! (forgot about that)
 “There are six, not five. There is no us without him.” - BRUCE
Damn, no faith at all 
                         PART 5 - “ALL The King’s Horses”
BARRY - “Wonder Woman. What do you think, man? You think she’d go for a younger guy?”
VICTOR - “She’s 5,000 years old, Barry. Every guy is a younger guy.”
I would’ve kept swippin’ that ID like a cashier at Wal-Mart swippin’ a debit card.
They're movin’ a little too slow for me. Ik they’ve never been on the ship before, but I would’ve been zoomin’ through that entire ship just to hurry and get the job done. 
Damn, they couldn’t have at least picked up the photo??
The foreshadowing was spectacular! It will always amaze me. 
I’m sure Allstate will cover that person’s car...
Just when LOIS was about to move on. 
CLARK grabbed DIANA like miss me with that Rafiki shit.
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I would’ve come back to my senses too after looking at Amy Adams. 
DR. SILAS takin’ one for the team
                              PART 6 - “Something Darker”
As crazy as radiation is, it’s quite an amazing spectacle.
I wish this Justice League movie could’ve held off until we got some other heroes such as the Green Lanterns, Hawkgirl, and many others. 
Our generation was truly blessed to have an incredible actor as SUPERMAN, and we are not putting him to use!
JONATHAN sounds like President Biden lol
Alright, team?! Break!
AQUAMAN is totally enjoying this fight. He rode that Parademon like a surfboard.
I swear every scene that WONDER WOMAN enters into does not fail to include the “Ancient Lamentation Music”. 
VICTOR hurry up and say “one” god damnnit!!
Somebody needs to put this fight on WorldStar
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The Unity  = The Three Bitchies
I bet DARKSEID will remember that shit now
                        EPILOGUE - “A Father Twice Over”
VICTOR = A Final Requiem
LOL VULKO and MERA look stressed tf out!
“Uh, I have too much to live for. And more important things to do.” - LEX
A cocky motherfucker LMAO
Alright, we’re back in this type of dream sequence. 
“Who have you ever loved?” - MERA
Uh, bitch his parents, Robin tf?!
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Thank you, JOKER, for stating the facts for Ms. Fish-stick
 Oh shit, they let LOIS die, goddamn it!
Well, the dream is over once again...
I just don’t see how people can live with all those fuckin’ windows. 
“Oh, and some have called me The Martian Manhunter.” - J’ONN
Yes, the movie was long but what needed to be expressed was. As we already the Snyder Cut wasn’t supposed to be seen because a father simply wanted to grieve the death of his child. I’ll once again reiterate what @verified-villain-fxcker you don't have to like the film but at least give it the benefit of the doubt from its predecessor. For me, I did enjoy watching his version, but let’s be honest what he who shall not be named did was just fucked up. 
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Hypocrite-Tommy Shelby x Reader
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(GIF credit to @oldhollywoodcinema​)
Taglist: @captivatedbycillianmurphy @bloodorangemoonlight
Requested by anonymous: 'Could you write a Thomas Shelby imagine where the reader gets attacked because she was helping a friend get away from a violent husband and Tommy is livid because she should have come to him and not tried to do it herself which the reader finds hypocritical since that’s Tommy’s middle name and Tommy “agrees” to let her in on plans hoping it’ll keep her from doing more dangerous things?'
I wrote a similar plot to this with Isaiah- ‘Let Me Help You!’
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Abuse towards women, swearing, violence, guns, arguing, fluff
(A/N: Anna Hilt is a made up character)
I watched as Tommy was driven away from the house, waiting for the car to disappear before I gathered my things. The servants brought my coat and handbag, bringing around another car. Everything was going smoothly. I had a cover story for Tommy, which he believed, and my confidence was growing by the minute. This had to be planned for weeks, in order to not gain any suspicion. Sitting back in the car, I went over my plan in my head, ensuring that I knew what steps to take. 
“Here we are Mrs Shelby.” My chauffeur announced as we arrived, opening the door for me.
“Thank you. I shall have someone call you when my visit is over.” I said, beginning to walk away. 
After five minutes, I looked over my shoulder, checking he was gone. When everything was clear, I turned on my heel, making the half hour walk to my friend’s house. I couldn’t help that my pace was fast, brushing through the crowds with my head down, as to not bring attention upon myself. 
Anna was a dear friend of mine, someone I had only known for two years, less than other friends, but considered close anyway. And she had been stuck in a terrible marriage. Her husband, a top end business man, had married her when they were young; she didn’t understand what love was, yet she believed she felt that when looking at Victor. Obviously their families were happy, their wealthy children now marrying a wealthy suitor. Over the years Anna realised that she was stuck like most women were, and she wasn’t able to escape by herself.
“Oh, (Y/N), what a surprise!” Anna’s voice called out from across the road.
I halted in my step, trying to hide my shocked face. We weren’t supposed to be meeting like this. I still had a ten minute walk before I reached her home.
I approached her, noticing the two men beside her.“Anna, how are you? I was on my way to surprise you actually, seeing as we haven’t seen each other in such a long time.”
"Oh sorry, I've ruined it! Do join me for a walk though?"
"Yes, of course."
She linked her arm in mine, gripping onto it tightly, and I could feel fear radiating off her. The two men stayed back, allowing us to speak. They were Victor's men, meaning something was wrong and effecting the plan.
"What's wrong? Explain everything." I whispered.
"Victor had unexpected guests, a business partner was angry with a deal. He sent me out of the house, now I've got these two following me."
"Has he hurt you?"
She sighed."Not this week. But the week before was rough, business is caving in."
"We'll think of something."
We continued walking, now talking at a higher volume, though I expected the men weren't really interested in what we were saying. I needed to ensure that they didn't think we were up to something. As we headed further into town, the cafe we usually spent time at came into view, and I suddenly had an idea. Steering Anna in that direction, she didn't question me, making me glad I had her trust. I knew the owner well, another woman that knew all too well the awful side of a man. She got rid of him and was running things all by herself.
"Ah, Mrs Shelby, Mrs Hilt, I haven't had you two visit in a while." Georgia beamed as we walked inside. There was only another small group of women and a young couple sat inside.
"Apologies Georgia, we have been extremely busy." Anna smiled.
"Two separate tables please Georgia, we have some more guests for you." I asked, letting Georgia lead the way.
We kept up the normal act, ordering food and tea, chatting away like we were having a catch up. In the back of my mind, I was trying to think of a way to get these men away from us. There was no way I could get Anna away without them seeing or taking action, not here. She was supposed to have everything packed, ready to go once I got to the house. Victor wasn't supposed to be at home either. Fuck.
"Anna, I'm headed to the powder room and I haven't brought any of my powder with me, do you mind?" I announced, making eye contact with her, hoping she would understand what I was implying.
"Yes, of course. I'll come with you actually." she stood with me. As soon as we were inside the powder room, her relaxed form tensed."What are we going to do?"
"I've got a plan. But no questions, alright? You just got to follow me, literally."
She nodded.
"Can you run in those shoes?"
"Yes, just about."
"Good, cause we might need to do that."
We spent another two minutes standing there, with me explaining what we were going to do. I had no idea if it would work, though I didn't let that catch onto Anna. Peaking my head out of the door, the men had their backs to us, engrossed in their own conversation. Taking Anna's hand, I led her out of the door and quietly scurrying into the kitchens, luckily the door being right next to the powder room. The chefs looked at us, bewildered at our entrance. They were about to pipe up when I quickly pulled my gun out, silencing them. Georgia appeared from crouching on the ground, only rolling her eyes and placing her hand in her hip.
"Mrs Shelby-"
I shushed her."I have to get her out of here." I whispered.
Georgia's sassy tone disappeared, hand falling from her hip."Go out the back, this way. Once you go out of the gate, turn left down the alley way then a sharp left again. It'll take you to the old part of town, near the country lanes. Do you need me to call someone?" she ushered us through the kitchen.
"Yes my chauffeur. Tell him to park outside the post office."
"Same number?"
"Same number. And tell your workers-"
"They never saw anything."
"Thank you Georgia. Whenever you need anything, just call."
Following her instructions, we ran down the alleyways as she had said, arriving in the old town within minutes. My chauffeur wouldn't be here for at least another twenty minutes, but what were we to do till then? Unless we ducked in and out of shops, we were stuck out in the open. I pulled Anna back into the alley, catching my breath.
"(Y/N) what are we going to do?" Anna panicked.
"Just stay calm. Those men are stupid, but they'll know we sneaked out the back. Hopefully they'll get lost in the alleys for a while."
"And until then?"
"Look I..." my words drifted off as I heard a familiar voice, two familiar voices, then three.
Anna called after me as I stepped out of the alley, quickly catching up to my steps. I was relieved when I saw Arthur and John, followed by some Peaky lads. As I made my way towards them, they didn't see me until the last minute, surprised by my presence.
"Oi, what are you doing here?" John's cheeky grin came out, pulling me into a side hug.
"Is Tommy about? Thought he was conducting business today?" Arthur asked.
"He is." I replied."Is there a car near here?"
"Er, yeah. Round the corner."
"Good, mind if we take it?"
"Doesn't matter, we need it."
"(Y/N), does Tommy think you're somewhere else? Don't be getting us into trouble now!"
"Arthur, I wouldn't be asking if I didn't desperately need it."
Him and John looked at each other, before sighing."Alright, lads take the ladies to the car. We don't tell Tommy about this though, yeah?"
"Course not. Lads, we need to run."
I heard Arthur and John shout for us as we began running, the boys trying to keep up. Anna was holding my hand, almost running as fast as me. Of course Tommy would know about this, he knew everything. Just as I thought we were making the escape, that this would be all over for Anna, the two idiots guarding her had somehow circled and caught us.
"Fuck." I pulled my gun out, everyone else having one copying. It's was three to two, though we could still lose."Just let her come with me."
"We let her go, Victor kills us."
"If she goes back, Victor will kill her."
“Can’t let you do that.”
Without hesitating, I pulled the trigger though unfortunately didn’t hit either of them. I dove onto Anna, hitting the ground briefly before our instincts told us to scramble away. I covered Anna, ready to shoot again as our lads starting shooting Victor’s men. We were called over to the car, which one of the boys had somehow got to. With our heads ducked down, we sprinted to the car, Anna screaming as bullets flew everywhere. I shoved her in the back, turning around to shoot one last time before jumping in myself. Anna ducked down whilst I continued shooting out of the window, but it was hard to do so when my driver was swerving so much. As we sped away, I saw Arthur and John with the rest of the lads, running towards the source of the noise.
Shit, they were definitely going to tell Tommy.
The car sprayed up the gravel as our driver hit the brakes too hard in front of my house. Everyone remained frozen, heavy breaths escaping all of us. I opened the door, grabbing Anna's hand and pulling her with me. We (not so gracefully) walked up the driveway, pushing open one of the doors to get inside. I was still clutching onto my gun in my other hand.
"(Y/N), have you been shot?!" Anna screamed, pointing to my hip.
My hand instantly reached for that place, relaxing when it wasn't my blood."No, not me. Come on, I need a fucking drink."
Members of staff looked at me questionably, though no one dared to approach me. Anna delicately sat down on the sofa, whilst I poured us both a strong drink; I knew she didn't like whiskey, but it was what she needed right now. Her disgruntled face wasn't surprising to me. She made me laugh as she tried to sip at it.
"(Y/N), I have nothing with me." Anna sighed.
"Items don't matter."
"He's going to come after me."
"He'll have me to deal with me, a Shelby."
"I'm not sure..."
Our heads snapped to the door as it opened, and I refrained from groaning. Tommy had come in, and although to the untrained eye he looked his usual self, I could see the fire blazing behind his eyes. Swigging back my drink, I slammed down the glass, saying nothing as I walked past him and towards his office.
"Mrs Hilt." I heard Tommy begrudgingly acknowledge her before he came after me.
Crossing my arms over my chest, I sat on top of his desk, something he hated unless we were in a different mood. Once he closed the door behind him, his eyes stayed on the floor until his face was right in front of mine.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing, eh?" his voice was low.
"Her husband was going to kill her." I seethed.
"Her husband is going to kill us now."
"Oh, like he's the only one trying to kill us."
"Do you want to get killed? Is that it?" Tommy raised his voice.
"I want to stop my friends from being killed."
"If you had asked me for help, I would have done just that! You can't put yourself in these situations, you're a huge target!"
"And you're not?"
"That's different."
"Why? Because you're a man? Because you're Tommy Shelby and I'm just the woman who hangs on your arm to make you look more like a normal man?"
"Fucks sake." he turned around, raising his arms before they slapped against his sides.
I hopped off the desk, storming up towards him."It's true though, isn't it? You never tell me anything, always come back hurt yet when I do it, somehow it's wrong."
"It's not the same."
"I know it's not."
"So why are you acting like this?"
"It's not an act. I know we always have targets on our heads, but what I don't know is why. I get dragged from place to place with no explanation, locked in the house for own safety, though from what, I don't know, and if there is a fall out with the family I'm the last to know. Even if I'm told something, it's never the full story."
"It's for-"
"It's for my safety, how many times have I heard that?!"
"Because it's true!" Tommy yelled at me.
"Don't you think I understand that?!" I screamed back."I know you're trying to keep me safe, but... But Tommy," I lowered my voice, slowly walking towards him,"Tommy, I am never told anything. You don't tell me anything, the servants say nothing, even the family don't speak a word. The girls have always hinted but that just blurs the picture even more. If I can understand what's going on around me, I have a better chance of knowing what's going to come next, or what I can do to help."
"You won't be helping in any business."
"That's not what I'm saying. I can help by knowing what steps to take next, where is should go in an emergency-"
"I wanted to keep you away from all that."
"And how's that going for you?"
He groaned, clearing his throat."Right, then what do you want me to do?"
"Just let me in, just enough that I understand what's going on around me."
"I don't think you want that."
"Stop telling me what I want. If you don't start telling me things, I'm just going to keep doing stupid shit like this behind your back."
Our faces were stone cold, eyes staring into each others, until I broke into a smile, giggling like a little girl. Tommy reluctantly smiled, a small chuckle escaping him.
"Fine. But some details will be spared."
"Just enough details for me. Thank you Tommy."
I pulled him down to kiss me by the back of his neck, and he wasted no time wrapping his arms around me. But I had other plans, I wasn't going to forget about this argument too quickly. As I pulled away, I hummed through my smile, his confused face watching me as I walked away.
"Don't look at me like that, we still have a guest in the house Mr Shelby."
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
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Shaw Smut
It’s 11:49 pm and I’m running out of time because Shaw’s birthday ends.
I’ve literally fallen for this lilac bad boy and I’m ready to have his babies
*Smut and NSFW Below Cut*
Just over a month you had been away from your lavender haired, bombshell of a boyfriend as you were away on a scouting location tour. It was torturous, painful and just seemed to last forever. Throwing your bag into the airplane cabin, all you wanted to do was be back in the arms of your chaotic lover.  The plane ride was excruciating, a dullness kicking into your stomach that made you double over slightly in pain.
“Boss? You okay?” A concerned Minor asked, tearing his way away from the in-flight magazine and you gave him a nod. You knew this pain too well. 
“Motherfucker,” You sighed heavily in the bathroom, mother nature decided to bless you with the reassurance of nothing being pregnant, nearly a week earlier than expected. God-damn it, your sexy plans of a reunion with Shaw, went flying out of the window. Seeing him was going to kill you, that eat-shit grin, how his clothes hung perfect to his skin, the scent of him was just another to drive you over aboard. Not only was hugely pent up from a lack of physical activities between the two of you due to your time away, now you would have to prolong it even further whilst your hormones sent you in an impassioned rage. 
You had such wonderful plans for tonight, mind blowing plans, the lace lingerie you picked up whilst you was away was just the start. The plan to wear it under one of his band tops as a little surprise would hopefully be enough for his ravage you on the spot, not that it wouldn’t happen anyway, he literally couldn’t get enough of you and your touch. In-fact he was so desperate to get his fill of you, that you A. never got a wink of sleep the night before you left, B. was late to the airport, C. so sore the following day you almost couldn’t get up from the airplane seat. You didn’t just want him physically, god no, you missed everything about him. He missed you as well, his apartment just seemed empty without you in it, not that he would admit this to you. You groaned through your head against the plush leather in front of you, this was going to be a nightmare.
“Shaw, are you here?” You asked down the phone, leaving the airport, suitcase in hand. 
“No, I’m outside parked up, they wanted to charge stupid amounts and I refuse to pay it,”. You sighed in response.
“Shaw, how far is ‘outside’?”. There's a brief pause.
“Like a mile… or five,”.
“I’m not walking five miles to the car with a suitcase,” You huff, and a small chuckle comes down the phone.
“If you didn’t take half your apartment with you then it wouldn’t be such a struggle,”.
“I’m sure Victor will gladly give me a lift,” A teasing smile on your face as you hear the engine start before you even finish your sentence.
“Be ready, I’m not paying for more than two minutes,” You could tell he was lightly pouting as he said it. 
Shaw wasn’t joking, the second he pulled up he threw your case into the car and sped off before you barely sat in the chair.
“Shaw!” You gasped as he raced out the car park, throwing the change into the machine, giving you a few seconds to do up your belt. 
“Sorry babe, but fuck the corporation for the fees,” He chuckles, his hand glinting over your seatbelt to check it was done up properly before speeding away. You chatted pleasantly on the way back to his, him teasing you relentlessly when you blurted out Anna nearly walking in on the pair of you having phone sex.
“It wasn’t funny!” You playfully bash his arm with a blush.
“Imagine if she walked in and saw you, legs spread with them fingers doing what you described,” He wiggled with his eyebrows a little towards you, “Maybe she might have joined you, now that would have been a good phone call,”. He chuckled as you hit him again, calling him a pervert. He gave you a I missed you smile, even if he wouldn’t admit it you could tell that was how he felt, as he leaned a hand off the steering wheel to place it on your thigh.
“You know, we do have a long trip home,” He smirks mischievously, the feeling of his fingertips sending shivers up your body. Although you did take a few heart warming seconds to melt when he reference his place to ‘home’. You were already a hormonal wreck from your period, the slightest touch from him was about to send your hornieness sky-rocketing. Right now, all you could think of was straddling his lap and riding him until either of you could take no more. But you refused to do anything whilst on your period, it just wasn’t something you were comfortable with. It was a blessing and a curse; the slightest touch or even look made took you to a new level of turn on but you were unable to accept any pleasure from the situation.
“Shaw,” You whined, grabbing his wrist as he tried to trace his fingers up your skirt.
“What’s up baby?” He questioned, still-in his hand at your movement. 
“I got my period,” You pout, turning your head as you hear him chuckle slightly.
“That's fine, we’ve had to wait how long anyway, a few extra days won’t hurt,” He would later live to regret that comment. The night was tortuous when you got home, sweet welcome back kisses turned into a heavy make-out session on his couch, tongues fighting with each other as he lowered himself against the fabric, you coming on to straddle his lap. It was agony, your core was burning, lust and desire pumping through your veins from every kiss. You found yourself mercilessly grinding against his growing bulge under his skin tight jeans, his hands guiding your movements as he thrusted up to you when you moaned into his mouth. He delivered to you every sense of pleasure he could as you dove your hips further and further against him, delivering a slow release to your unholy frustration. Almost ripping your shirt from your body, Shaw’s hands hastily remove the clothes from your top half, cupping your bouncing breasts, tugging at your nipples in a motion that almost made you cry out. He pulls you gently to lean down as your breasts rock freely in front of his mouth, leaning up to embellish them with his lips, sucking before releasing with a wet pop as he moves to the other. The touch of him, sending over stimulated senses through your body was enough to push you to the edge, your fingertips digging into his chest.
“I~I~I~... c-oming!” Was all you cry out, your head thrown back as your hands leaned back to grasp his thighs, riding yourself against him to a release, you clenching relentlessly over nothing. He kept his mouth against your breasts, helping to ride you down before pulling himself away. A few beads of sweat trailed over your brow as you leaned down on his chest with a slight pant. 
“Barely even touched you,” He smirked teasingly, “I hope you're ready to put that pretty mouth to work baby after that delightful teasing,”. He thrusted up so you feel his painful erection press against you. Sitting back up and leaning on his thighs, your hands so slowly snake their way to undo his belt and sipper. 
“How can I say no to you,” You giggle with a light wink.
Just a little over a week later, you lay in bed with Shaw pressed up cuddling you from behind, your eyes opening as the light rays began to poke through the curtains. You needed to get up without disturbing Shaw but every time you moved he let out a little ‘hmph’ in disapproval in his sleep. Your eyes scanned the bedroom floor until you saw ‘Bruce’, the plushie shark Shaw had won at a carnival (And yes he was named after Bruce in finding nemo), he had been lobbed onto the floor at some point in the night. That poor shark had seen some horrific sights between Shaw and you, poor baby, how he still had that sewn on gaping smile you’d never know. 
Shuffling yourself forward slowly, your hand just about grasped his and you pulled him on the bed. After some carefully planned manoeuvring, you were able to climb out of bed and swap your body for Bruce’s, watching as Shaw snuggled the plushie close to him. Everything about him melted your heart, you felt nothing but pure love for the young lilac haired man currently spooning a toy shark. Even though he never he said it, he loved you deeply back, he had done since the day he first saw you on the bus determined to make you his forever. 
Finally getting to wear the cladded set of underwear you brought from your trip, you had kept it a surprise, feeling fresh as a daisy and more than ready to actually get physical with Shaw (It had been the longest and most frustrating few days of your life, no amount of dry humping and blowjobs could relieve either one of your lusts). With a gentle cough as you stood at the end of the bed, Shaw murmured in his sleep before kissing the head of Bruce causing a fit of giggles from you.
“Hmm?” He sleepily asks, his eyes opening slowly before he jolted back, Bruce being launched into the air.
“You two make a cute couple,” You tease, watching the plushie crash back down on the bed as Shaw rested against the headrest admiring the view in-front of him. You crawl on to the bed and over him.
“Happy birthday Shaw,” You breathlessly whisper, straddling him and pressing gentle kisses to his lips.
“You are the best present I could ever wish for,” His lips coming up meet yours. 
Poor Bruce lay on the side of the bed watching for hours as Shaw and you ravished each other's bodies, unable to get enough of each other. That poor plushie had seen enough to make the kamasutra look tame. 
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lovelyvictor · 4 years
this has been bothering me so much. i saw a post by @kateis-cakeis and decided to give this a shot.
so. victor’s apartment can’t exist.
the outside reminds me a bit of a townhome type complex. there are only two stories, it’s right on the street in a neighborhood type area, and the door doesn’t really look like the door to most apartment complexes.
if you look at the outside of his building, there’s literally only one balcony. is victor’s family the only one who gets a balcony? i don’t think they have a balcony though, so does the balcony belong to a neighbor?
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also the roof is slanted. and that cannot work if it has three floors.
and the windows of the first and second floor don’t match, which bothers me.
so, victor lives on the second floor. his apartment number is 201.
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and felix is his upstairs neighbor like he says, even though from the outside, their building is. only two floors.
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and his apartment number is 301, so that checks out on him being victor’s upstairs neighbor.
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but! there’s another set of stairs going up. so that means this building is either four floors, or that’s a roof. a slanted roof. or maybe something for maintenance? like an extra half floor to store supplies in? but that still wouldn’t work with what we’re shown in the outside.
it can’t be an attic apartment because felix has windows that apparently do not exist on the outside.
i also wonder how many rooms felix’s apartment has, but we don’t know.
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another thing- not really important but interesting. there’s a different flooring on the stairs from the first to second floors and then the other two sets of stairs we’re shown.
you can see it matches the carpet, but the other stairs are just wood.
in the hallway, i count three doors. so that means, including the victor/felix unit, there are four per hallway.
it would make sense that it’s fairly small because the outside looks more like townhome/condo type.
however the inside of the building looks like a regular old apartment building. which i think is the vibe they were going for, the outside just doesn’t match.
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going back to the balcony, it might be something like a shared balcony?? that’s just in the hallway?
these double doors look like they would be a balcony door, but why put a balcony in the hallway? also, it still wouldn’t work, as the balcony we’re shown from the outside is on the second floor, but at least the layout makes some sense.
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back to the building. here we have a different angle of the outside.
i was wondering where they parked their cars, since it’s on a street, and there aren’t that many cars parked on the street. i’m assuming this part in the back here is a parking lot, but that’s just my guess.
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that also means that victor and his family enter the building for the first time from what looks like the... side door. which doesn’t make much sense.
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i guess that is the front door, since it has the street number on it, but.
the layout does make sense for the hallways. in this picture here, you can see how the 101 and 201 units are on the left, then you have the weird balcony in the hallway in the middle, and then the 102 and 202 units are on the left. they just forgot about all the other floors.
(sidenote- can we talk about this tiny u-haul? you cannot fit your entire life in a u-haul that’s smaller than an suv, but that’s another post).
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and from the back angle with the parking lot, we can see that there’s probably about four or five units, depending on how many windows each unit has, so that checks out too.
they just completely disregarded the fact that they included three floors. whoever designed the set... you messed up.
i feel like they should have just. chosen a different building for filming the outside. i know they were probably limited, but like. come on.
i have a lot more to say on the apartments of this show (such as: they painted all of walls like as soon as they moved in which ?? did they actually buy the apartment or is that okay for this building if you’re renting), but it’s very late and i hit the image limit.
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ikenbar · 3 years
Mr. Love: Ike’s Choice CH4 PT10
The long over due ACTION SEQUENCE!! If you can’t handle action, go back to the last post for the fluff. Or... like... wait next week for some fluff ;)
Warnings: Action!, blood, guns, guns being fired, pain, slight torture, all the fun stuff!! Including cliffhangers!! :D 
(In all seriousness it really isn’t as bad as it seems. Enjoy the story!! :D)
(Chapter Four (Victor and Gavin) Prologue, and part one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine can be found here!)
Please read the author’s note (and the beginning of the story) on chapter one part one if you’re new here :D
And an additional note in a previous part of chapter four part three here! (I promise these notes are important)
Chapter four:
Part ten:
Adri’s arms returned around my waist just as the light finally turned green. I booked it to the right, the opposite way of my still blinking turn signal. The sedan shuddered slightly, obviously thrown off. It didn't take long until it lurched after me, screeching it’s wheels as it struggled to catch up with me. With the roads empty and my distance advantage, the odds of my escape were in my favor.
I turned down a street and was immediately met with another black SUV. They were driving down the wrong lane and coming right for me. I quickly swerved and avoided hitting them. As I drove past them, I looked into the car’s window. The driver’s window was rolled down and I was able to make out a mask that matched the two I saw in the other cars. 
Montu wasn’t as easily outwitted as I had thought.
There was a fork in the road ahead of me, where a third and forth car sped into view. I glanced behind me as the second car turned to follow and the first car pulled in from the corner. A masked person popped their head out of the second car’s passenger window and pulled a gun on me. I grabbed Adri’s shirt from behind me and quickly pulled her into my lap.
 The man fired, hitting me on the shoulder and causing me to swerve slightly on my bike. I cursed and held Adri close to me as I looked around. There was an alley between one of the buildings. If I could get through there, I could gain enough of a distance to lose them.
 I moved to turn but another bullet hit my shoulder, throwing my arm forward further than I had wanted, sending me and my bike straight into the building instead of beside it. I quickly wrapped my arms around Adri and braced for impact. 
The bike caught onto the edge of the curb and flipped forward,  launching me straight into the window. The glass shattered easily on my impact. I tumbled cumbersomely into the building, tearing up my clothes on the broken shards of glass. The force of the impact sent my mind into a daze, making me release Adri from my arms unintentionally. After a few more rolls, I rocked onto my back.
I groaned and pushed my helmet off my head. A sharp pain pushed through my chest, one I was all too familiar with. I held my side and propped myself up on my elbow, taking this moment to scan my surroundings. The building seemed to be under construction. Tools and various supplies coated the floors of the room and unpainted dry walls surrounded us, giving the empty room a somewhat cluttered feel.
I looked to my side and my eyes landed on Adri. She was on her side, lying motionless on the ground next to me. “Adri!” I quickly sprung to my feet, only to immediately regret it as a twinge of pain protruded from my side. I hissed and stumbled in my steps. My heel caught on an uneven piece of flooring and I felt myself tumble backwards. I reached my arm out as I fell directly onto a pile of tools. A bitter pain spread through my forearm. I hissed and moved to look at the damage. 
Loud shouting came from outside, as well as car doors opening and shutting. With no time to delay, I quickly brought myself back to my feet. Being careful of the flooring, I scooped Adri up from the ground, threw her helmet off, and held her close to me as I ran behind an unfinished piece of wall.
Ignoring my body’s scream for some rest, I waited with baited breath as I heard the men walk into the building. I heard a mechanical voice shout to the men. The same mechanical voice that I heard over the phone. 
“Find her! We will search all night if we have to! We will not let her get away that easily, do I make myself clear?!” The men shouted their affirmatives as they walked around the room. I quickly looked around. The room was a mess from the construction being done there but there was virtually no place to hide. With hope for a way out looking grim, I looked up. The ceiling was open and full of boards and loose paneling. The construction must not have started there yet. And right under it was a large stack of sand. 
That should work. 
I rushed over the bags of sand, clutching Adri tightly as I moved. I shifted Adri to one side and used my other arm to lift myself up and through the roof. I lay Adri underneath me and cradled her as I tucked us further into the tight space, only leaving some room to watch the front door of the room. Adri groaned and shifted slightly underneath me. I shushed her, but I was praying for thanks that she was awake.
“W-what-” She began in a whisper, but quickly shut her mouth as gunned men started filing in the room. One by one they entered until at least twelve of them stood together, watching each other's backs as they used their flashlights to scan the small room. They held their guns up in front of them but, after seeing it was seemingly clear, they lowered their guns. One of the men started barking orders to the others. They nodded and all but three of them left, holding the guns back up in the air as they moved. The one who was seemingly in charge sighed and rubbed the back of his neck as he turned to the door.
“Montu, sir.” He shouted, “We lost her.”
“How could you have lost her?!” The mechanical voice boomed from outside the room. A figure strode into the room. They were dressed in a black suit, the same as the others, and wore a mask. 
But this mask was different. 
Instead of just covering their face, it covered their whole head. In the front was the face of a bull. Longhorns came through the top of it all, making them tower over the others, despite the fact they were already taller then most of them without the horns. A sort of Egyptian headdress draped down the back of it, dressing their aura in a way that made him seem like a god. 
That was Montu. 
It had to be. 
“How could you have lost her?!” Montu repeated with more emphasis as they pushed aggressively against the head of the soldier that called them in, “There is literally no place she could run! This place is open spaced and she is wounded so I don’t see why all of you are DILLY DALLYING WHEN THAT MONSTER IS STILL SOMEWHERE IN THIS BUILDING!!! DYLAN!” Montu grabbed the collar to one of the men and pulled him away from the group and toward the opening to the room. Montu ripped off his mask so he could stare him directly in the eye, “GET TO THE ENTRANCE TO MAKE SURE SHE CAN’T ESCAPE! And you’d better not sCREW THIS UP LIKE YOU DID WITH THE INCINERARY BOMB!!” 
“I knew it!” I spoke as quietly as I could without alarming anyone, “I knew he had something to do with this.”
“Who is he?” Adri asked, just as quietly.
“Dylan. An accountant I fired before this all started.” I sunk closer to Adri, holding her closer as I pondered everything over, “Why though? Why would me firing him cause him to want to hurt me? Or worse, kill me?”
My questions were left unanswered as Montu released Dylan. They shoved his mask back into his chest and turned from him, signaling his dismissal. Dylan glared at the back of their head but needlessly complied as pulled the mask back over his face. Montu signaled to the others to leave as well, which they did without question. 
Montu walked further into the room, arms folded and mumbling incoherently to themself. I looked around for my options. It wouldn’t take long for them to go to the same conclusion that I did with this hiding spot. We had to find some way out of the ceiling and back onto the floor. Then to my bike. If it was still able to run from the crash, that is.
Something fell from my peripherals. I quickly looked down. There, on the sandbags, were droplets of blood that weren’t there before. A slight tickle came from my arm. I quickly looked down at my forearm. A large scrape slid across the bottom of it, taking up most of the skin I had there. Blood was seeping through various open cuts and threatened to fall. 
“You ok?” Adri asked quickly as her eyes followed mine.
“Y-yeah. I’m fine.” I said, slightly dazed, “It’s… it’s just a cut.” I clutched at my arm to my side, stopping the flow of the blood from dripping further. How on earth did that happen?! I am bulletproof! What could have been sharp enough to break my skin?!
Montu growled in frustration, bringing both of our attention back down to them. “What’s taking so long?!” They asked angrily to themself. They stopped in the middle of the room. Not only that,
But right under us.
I held my breath, impulsively clenching my hand into a fist. Something warm trickled down my forearm and to my fist. I looked down just in time to see blood trailing down my arm and to my fist. A particularly large droplet pooled at the tip of my knuckle. I reached out to catch it but it was too late. The droplet fell from my fist, through the roof,
And right on top of Montu’s head. 
They stopped pacing.
Their head slowly turned to look up…
“SIR!” A voice called from further into the building, “COME QUICKLY!!” Montu’s attention snapped to the direction of the voice. They cursed and rushed through the doorway, leaving Adri and me alone in the room. 
Adri and I simultaneously sighed in relief. Unwilling to lose this opportunity, I quickly jumped onto the sandbags. The pain in my chest became more prominent but I didn’t have time to fix it. I grit my teeth and reached up, gesturing Adri to follow suit. She did, jumping into my outstretched arms gently. I set her down and motioned for her to follow my movements. She nodded. I stayed low and I walked to the entrance. Adri followed behind me, tucking close behind me as we stopped at the door. I motioned for her to stay. Adri nodded and mouthed, “Be careful.” I nodded. Slowly and carefully, I looked outside the room.
A clicking noise came from just behind my ear.
I cringed and slowly looked up. A masked man had a gun pointed to my head. “Don’t move.” Dylan demanded.
“Dylan-” I said calmly, stepping out of the room.
“I SAID DON’T MOVE!” He shouted, raising the gun to point between my eyes. I stopped. Dylan may have raised his voice but it was obvious that he was refraining from speaking in full volume, as if he didn’t want anyone except for the people within our vicinity to hear him.
He wanted me for himself. 
I slowly raised my hands. “You know that doesn’t work on me.” I maintained my calm demeanor as I locked eyes with with him through his mask, “Why don’t we just put it down and-”
“Just because your skin is bullet proof, doesn’t mean your bones won’t break any less from the force.” Dylan snapped, shocking me into silence, “You probably broke a rib from how you crashed into the building.”
“I can tell by how carefully you’re holding your arm up.” 
My eyebrow twitched, “This isn’t right, Dylan. I know yo-”
“YOU KNOW NOTHING!!” Dylan’s shouting made me cringe, “If you knew me, you’d never have fired me.”
“Is this what this is really all about?! You getting fired!?” My composure wavered slightly, “You did bad at your job so you were let go. End of story.”
“End of story?! I needed that job!! I have mouths to feed!! I have bills that need to get paid!!”
“You should have thought of that before you took your job for granted! I gave you warnings that you blew off because you thought that your years working there would be enough of a life preserver. I-” I bit my tongue, “... Dylan, all of that aside, I know you are a good person. You shouldn’t be doing this! Do you realize you are putting innocent lives in danger?”
“Montu helped me see the truth.” Dylan’s voice quivered slightly, “He told me all about how everyone handed you all the power you have because you’re some sad sap with no regard for the people who actually work for their keep. Who grovel at the floor to survive. You had everything fed to you with a silver spoon. But now, now is the time to end your reign of power and pity. Once. And. For. All.” Dylan lowered his gun slightly and fired. Pain rushed through my arm as the bullet flew into my open wound. I yelped and hunched over, clutching tightly at my arm. “HERE!” Dylan’s shouts echoed through the building, “SHE’S HERE! I’VE FOU-”
Something shot out from the wall next to us. It grabbed Dylan’s shirt and wrenched him into the wall. With a dull thud, Dylan’s head slammed into the pillar next to him, successfully knocking him unconscious. I watched the scene, mouth agape and mind blank. But my expression straightened as my eyes fell on what was holding Dylan’s shirt. 
A small, pale, hand clutched at his shirt. 
Through the wall I could see the large floppy jacket sleeve down it’s arm but no body connected to it. Before I could fully grasp what was going on, the hand let go of Dylan and shot back behind the wall, leaving no trace of a hole or obstruction that it could have pushed through.
“What in the-” I began but was quickly stopped as a hand grabbed my arm. I looked up and caught Adri’s determined face as she whipped me around and pulled me to the window we crashed through.
“No time to explain!” Adri called back to me as we ran, “We need to get out of here!” I nodded and looked back behind me. Dylan lay motionless on the ground, his gun mere inches from his hand. I stopped.
“Get to the bike.” I instructed, pulling Adri’s hand from me.
“Go!” I rushed over to Dylan, giving no more thought to Adri. I quickly scooped up the gun and turned back around, only to find that I was too late. A line of men had blocked the window as more rushed into the room, guns pointing straight at me. Two men had a hold of Adri, gripping her arms firmly as she struggled in their grasp. Soon I was surrounded by masked men with no way of escape.
The sound of a tongue clicking came from beside me. I looked over in time to see Montu  walked into the room, pushing past their line of men until he stood a few feet in front of me. “Did you really think you could get away?” Their mechanical voice had become somewhat smooth compared to how harsh it had sounded before when they yelled at their men, “After all of this running, did you really think you could get away?” I furrowed my brows and looked over to Adri. She had stopped struggling and was looking at Montu as well. She had a look of annoyance and distaste as she looked them up and down.
“What do you want?” I asked through gritted teeth as I turned back to Montu.
“Don’t tell me you have already forgotten our phone call earlier.” They said, holding their hands behind their back as they leaned forward slightly. I kept quiet, biting the harsh words snaking their way onto my tongue.
“You know,” Adri spoke up from behind Montu, making everyone’s attention latch onto her, “You are a lot taller than I expected. I mean sure, I pictured someone tall and buff but, I mean, you’re body mass doesn’t even match your height. You just seem kinda disproportionate. It’s like you’re compensating for something.” The room went quiet. Montu looked back over to me.
“You dragged a little girl into this?!” They nearly shouted, almost as if they were scolding me.
“Correction.” Adri said, holding up a finger. The man holding her hand looked down in shock, as if he couldn’t believe he wasn’t holding her anymore., “I dragged myself into this. Ike just so happened to be driving me.”
“Would you shut her up?!” Montu boomed, making the men holding Adri snap to attention. The one who had somehow lost his hold of Adri’s wrist, quickly regained his grip and raised the butt of his gun over her, prepared to strike. I quickly whipped the gun in my hand up to him, steadily pointing it at his head as I cocked the bullet into place. The sounds of many other guns being cocked filled the room as the men prepared for a fight. 
“Touch her and I blow your head off.” My voice was steady, showing just how much I really meant what I said. Montu held up a hand, causing the men around me to freeze. Montu inspected me closely. Then, without a word, walked over to Adri. Adri’s once chilled face hardened as they approached her. I snapped my gun to Montu’s head, causing the men’s guns to readjust on me.
“Now, now, Ms. Bikira.” Montu chimed, actions as cool as ever as they faced Adri, “We don’t want any bullet’s flying, would we? You may be able to take the attack, but,” Montu picked up a lock of Adri’s hair and ran it through their palm, “She wouldn’t.” 
I froze, the gun still held at their head. A familiar heat toiled in my stomach. One I wasn’t happy to have back again. I cursed to myself as my hands began shaking slightly. I tightened my grip around my gun.
“Let her go.” I boomed, “She has nothing to do with this.” Montu hummed, making the voice modulator glitch in a way that sent shivers up my spine. 
“Is that so?” They asked, letting Adri’s hair fall back to the side of her head. Adri’s shoulders eased slightly.
In one swift motion, Montu grabbed Adri’s arm, pulled her forward, and wrapped it behind her back. Montu faced her towards me, pressing her arm against her back. Adri fell into his, grunting in pain. I quickly adjusted my gun so it was pointing right between Montu’s eyes. The fire burning in my stomach raged uncomfortably. 
“Now.” Montu continued, pulling Adri closer to their face as they pressed her arm into her back, “Why don’t we drop that gun, huh?” I gritted my teeth as the gun in my hand began to shake even harder. Montu moved Adri’s arm a little farther. A popping noise could be heard. Adri yelped and cursed, writhing against Montu’s hands. 
“Alright!” I dropped the gun and kicked it forward, “You win! Just… just let her go.” Montu watched me silently, obviously indulging in my anxiety.
Eventually they let go of Adri’s arm. She fell onto her knees, clutching her shoulder tightly and breathing unsteadily. I looked at her with worry but stayed put. I didn’t know what Montu would do if I moved in a way he didn’t want me to.
I bragged my eyes back to Montu. My stomach screamed in protest as I watched them adjust themself, as if nothing had just happened. They brushed the wrinkles on their shirt and put their hands around their back as he looked back up at me. “Now, was that so hard?” Montu’s voice hadn’t wavered at all, as if torturing little girls was their favorite pastime. I bore my teeth and balled my hands into tight fists, trying to stop my hands from shaking too much.
“Uh uh uh!” Montu reached out their foot and stepped on Adri’s calf, pressing down on it firmly and causing Adri to yelp in pain once more, “Don’t you go thinking you’re off the hook.”
“What the hell do you want from me?!” I growled through my teeth. 
Montu sighed, “I suppose our conversation over the phone really did go over your head.” Montu shook their head and clicked their tongue again, making my hands shake nearly out of control, “Ikamara Bikira, I want you to come clean about your wrong doings and put an end to the lies you have spread to the world.”
“What lies?!” I snapped, throwing my hands up in frustration, “I haven’t lied about anything! I’ve worked hard to get to where I-”
Montu’s cool tone snapped like a twig to my words, causing everyone one in the room to jump in response. I watched their chest rise and fall unsteadily as they struggled to catch their breath.
“Geez.” Adri chuckled weakly from under Montu, “For someone who nearly broke my arm, you sure act like a child.”
“Sh-SHUT UP!” Montu shouted through their teeth as their already staggered breaths became more hurried.
“Seriously.” Adri turned and locked eyes with me. A strange emotion swam in her violet eyes, “I feel like I should be telling him that this is all just a phase.” 
Adri winked.
I shook my head slightly, not really catching on...
Then something clicked. 
Something that, admittedly, took a ridiculously long time to realize.
I looked back up at Montu. The fury in my stomach was replaced with something new. 
“She’s right.” I said, folding my arms and arching my eyebrows, “Only a child would see my success and immediately think it was handed to me. Especially one that knows exactly what it’s like to have everything handed to them.” 
“WATCH IT BIKIRA!” Montu screamed. The foot on Adri’s calf buried itself further in her skin. Adri yelped but, from one quick reassuring glance, I knew she was alright and could take a little more. I smirked
“What? Did daddy not give you everything you asked for?” 
Montu paused a moment, clearly taken aback. Then, they let out a loud and painful screech as they raised their foot high in the air. They threw it straight down onto Adri’s calf but, to nearly everyone’s surprise, it went straight through it. Montu’s balance failed them as they staggered forward, heading face first into the ground.  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Focusing on the energy in my stomach, I pushed it through my legs, down to my knees, and through my toes. I opened my eyes and relaxed my body. 
Then leapt forward. 
The ground underneath me gave way as I rocketed into Montu’s stomach, throwing him backwards and into the wall just under the window pane. The men blocking it dove just in the nick of time for me to shove his head into it, breaking one of the horns clean in half from his mask. Montu collapsed underneath me, knocked unconscious.
Guns fired from behind me. I frantically looked around, just in time to see Adri rushing past me and leaping seamlessly out the window. I moved to follow, but froze. I looked down at Montu. There he was. The man who wanted me dead and would stop at nothing to make it happen. 
He was vulnerable. 
His mask was within arms length…
I looked up. Adri was struggling to lift my bike with one hand as the other lay limply by her side. She was looking at me with fever. “What the hell are you doing?!” She asked, gesturing to me uselessly. Angry grunts came from behind me. I turned and saw the men reloading their guns hurriedly. My eyes strayed to the ground. Dylan’s gun still lay on the ground untouched. I whipped my head back around. My eyes landed on the row of black sedans behind Adri.
An idea flashed in my mind.
Before the men could understand what was going on, I scooped up the gun and vaulted myself over Montu and through the window. I landed safely on the ground and pulled the guns in front of my eyes. “Get down!” I shouted to Adri. She quickly obeyed.
With one quick motion, I fired at the front tire of the first car. The bullet hit it directly, causing the tire to flatten almost immediately. I moved the gun smoothly and hit the other cars as well, only shooting the first tire of each one to save time. I heard the men exclaim from behind me as more shots fired from their guns. Some of them whizzed past me while I felt the others hit my back. I pushed the gun into the back of my pants as I ran to my bike. I picked Adri up and twisted her into my chest as I lifted the bike of the ground easily. I surveyed it quickly. Other than a slightly deflated front tire, it was still suitable for driving. I twisted the bike around and, moving Adri so her legs were over my knee, I leapt onto the bike. 
Just before pushing off, I caught sight of Montu in my mirror. They had pushed their way over the window pane to the front of the group. A crack slid down his mask where their eye would be. I couldn’t make out any of their face but I could feel them as they stared at me, breathing heavily, fists tightly clenched at their side. Not willing to find out what they would do if I stayed, I sped off, leaving the men there to rot. 
I felt the breeze tickling the cut in my arm as I drove, cooling it down and easing the pain somewhat. That night had been long but now I had some intel about Montu and why they were after me. Not to mention the fact that Dylan really was behind the bombing. Gavin would be pleased to hear it… but how I was going to tell him about it without letting it slip that I was being targeted would be an issue for a different day. 
Adri shifted in my lap. I quickly looked down at her. “Adri are you-” I began, but I was quickly interrupted by a slap to my chest.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were an evolver!” Adri said behind deep breaths and a large grin.
“I could ask you the same thing!” I said, a smile relaxing on my face, “You knocked Dylan clean out!”
“I know!” Adri laughed, “He didn’t see it coming!”
“No one did!” I hit Adri playfully with my shoulder. Adri laughed giddily.
A buzzing came from inside Adri’s jacket. She pulled out my phone and checked the caller ID. She smirked and held the phone up to me. “It’s for you.” Adri said, her grin curving into a teasing smile. 
It was Victor. 
I sighed and took the phone, being sure to keep my bike steady with the other. "Now, before you say anything," I said immediately after answering the call, "Technically it wasn't the bike that hurt me."
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Sunday Stumped Day 31
It’s another Sunday Stumped Day!
Sometimes we straight out get stumped. So every few months we will pick a Sunday when we’ll post of a list of asks that we need your help on.
If you know the answer to any of these asks please shoot us a message/ ask/  with the Post number and the fic details and we’ll add it and give you a shout out with our thanks. Any links you can provide will also be super helpful.
Post 1 , Post 2 , Post 3, Post 4, Post 5, Post 6, Post 7, Post 8, Post 9, Post 10, Post 11, Post 12, Post 13, Post 14, Post 15, Post 16, Post 17, Post 18, Post 19, Post 20, Post 21, Post 22 , Post 23, Post 24, Post 25, Post 26, Post 27, Post 28, Post 29 , and Post 30 can be found here - and there are still fics we need your help with.
521. bnedd said to everlarkficquestions:
Hi! I’m looking for a fic I read awhile ago. it’s post mockingjay and Peeta still has bad episodes. Gale comes back and the story shows her process of choosing Peeta over gale and one thing I really remember about it is that Peeta has a bad episode in katniss’s room and destroys it and snaps her favorite bow in half.  Thanks in advance!
522. 19fundiesandcounting said to everlarkficquestions: 
Any fics where Katniss fakes an orgasm?
523. thefuckingstory said to everlarkficquestions:   
hi i'm looking for a fic with everlark building up to having sex after the end of the series and working through trauma together.  i think katniss masturbates in the lake at one point.
524. imaginationgirl555555 said to everlarkficquestions:      
Looking for katniss/peeta fanfic. Katniss asked peeta over, believe baby was involved, he found out she is actually goigg on date, try's to persuade her not to go but she leaves. Ends up in her car crying at the restraunt where she was supposed to meet Cato for date. She ends up leaving to go to peeta
525. brithna said to everlarkficquestions:     
Looking for two fics. I remember a lot of it takes place in the tour... Pretty and and heavy. I think there was one part where they were on the train trying to climb to top just to see if they could. It pisses me off that I can't remember more because that's not a lot to go on, I know.   Another one -- the team pretty much helps some woman (I think) to jump off the train and get to D4. That's all I can remember...
526. brithna said to everlarkficquestions:  
Also looking for fic where katniss' mom tears Peeta's mom a new ass because she hit him then he basically moves in with them?
527. mellarkablegirl said to everlarkficquestions:     
Hello! It's me again. Sorry about the tonnes of asks. But I just wanted to know if anyone has everlarked the movie 'No Reservations ' ? The one with Catherine Zeta Jones and Aaron Eckhart.  Cause its practically begging to be . Also all the characters in the movie fit so well into the THG universe.  Once again I'm sorry about the influx of asks🙈
528. mandelion82 said to everlarkficquestions:       
I'm looking for an Age Gap fic where Peeta is Katniss’s teacher and they play piano together. In the end, he asks her father for permission to take her out.
529. waywardangel-wilds said to everlarkficquestions:            
Hi! I read a fic a long time ago that I cannot remember the name of it or anything. I remember that Katniss and Peeta had been arguing, or were just mad at each other for a while. Peeta went to town and was standing outside his house talking to a girl holding a laundry basket (delly I think?) And Katniss was so pissed at both of them that she shot an arrow at the porch column behind them.
530. 19fundiesandcounting said to everlarkficquestions:                                    
Any fics where Katniss dies in the quell?
531. saltyfacedelusion said to everlarkficquestions:                                            
Hi! I remember reading a small FIC, similar to the Final eight by fernwithy. A “five times”story. Gale watches the games and the first and second and comments on some points (actions, words of Peeta, of course kisses:)) angry and jealous. I looked at your jealous Gale sheet, but I didn't see anything like it.  Looking for a week, desperate ((Can you think of something?)
532. wendywobbles said to everlarkficquestions:                                                
Hello! I was hoping you could work your story finding magic for me. I remember reading a story ages ago. Katniss gets hurt, Peeta is a nurse and in her medicated state she sings to him  or  is super vocal about how cute he is. Gale catches it on his phone and it ends up online. It was a very sweet story, I’d love to read it again. Thanks 🙂
533. i-am-batman-chick said to everlarkficquestions:        
Hey,  Thanks for keeping up on this. I was wondering if you could help me find a story I read a while ago. I can't remember much but Katniss and Peeta were both going back into the arena. I remember there being a part where they were on the roof and Joanna was peeking out of the door watching them. I think she didn't believe they were really an item. I'm not too sure but I think when they were in the arena they were also talking about how they broke into Haymitchs and stole his alcohol too. TIA
FOUND! Catching Fire: Rekindling- Jamie Sommers The Johanna roof spying happens in Chapter 18  (Thank you, @icbiwf!)
534. hersheys-oranges said to everlarkficquestions:   
Hello, I’m trying to find this EverLark fanfic where I think they’re both campaign managers. Peeta is from an influential family and Katniss is from a common background. I think the author was gonna rewrite the story from either Katniss or Peeta’s POV because the first version was very well-taken. Thank you. :)
535. suenosyutopias said to everlarkficquestions:   
katniss cheats on peeta with gale and peeta stays with katniss because prim comes to visit (sorry my english)
536. weepingmilkshakesandwich said to everlarkficquestions:                            
Hi! Any fics where Katniss wears Peeta's jacket or shirt and other people notice?
The Bet by amelia_day, Peeta’s sweatshirt (Thank you, @567inpanem​!)
537. ryookineko said to everlarkficquestions:                                                      
Hi Guys, I am looking for a Pride and Prejudice type fanfic where Peeta is a merchant and Gale is like a dark bad Darcy. Katniss and Prim lives with Haymitch and Effie is like their governess trying to get Katniss married. I tried the master lists but couldn’t find it. Thanks!
FOUND Prospects & Propriety - juniebugg                
do you have any 5+1 or 4+1 fics?
539.  the-fire-might-be-shooting-at-us said:                                            
Hi! I'm looking for a fit where Peeta doesn't mention Katniss or his love for her in THG and so after the games he basically gets turned into Finnick 2.0. I think there was an unrequited Katniss/Gale relationship at some point but I'm not sure.
540. bethpeaches123 said:                                            
Hi, you wonderful people! I’m looking for a fic where Peeta is a teacher/prof and Katniss is a student and they run into each other at a coffee shop one night and instead of her taking the bus he drives her home. Anyone know which fic I’m talking about? That’s literally the only thing I remember because I kept picturing the coffee shop i frequent. Thank you for your help!!
FOUND!  The Professor by atetheredmind. (Thank you @mrspeetamellark​ and @sunsetsrmydreams​!)
541. mellarkablegirl said to everlarkficquestions:                                                
the second one where Katniss's mother sells her villa/cottage to Peet and Finnick who open a restaurant or bed and breakfast there. I think Katniss moves back in with her mother when this happens .
542. allonsycaptain said to everlarkficquestions:                                                
hey, could you please help me find a fic? i read it this summer, in the story peeta and katniss were taking pills to treat their depression/ptsd, and then they stopped taking them because they couldn’t have sex because of them, and then they were sick later and felt terrible because they stopped taking them.. thank you for your help:)
FOUND! Cold Embers - lieselmemengers (Thank you, @rosegardeninwinter!)
543. Hey guys thank your for all the hard work! I am searching for a fic that I dont remember its name, is about Katniss and Peeta being a couple and one night at a party Delly kisses Peeta and Katniss decides to return home by herself walking on the street and someone kidnapps her for years, she has a miscarriage from her rapist but she manages to escape. The rest of the fic is of her coping from the trauma and Peeta helping her. — aloe--verga 
544. hungergamesfangirl02 said to everlarkficquestions:                                    
Hii! Do yall know of a fic where Katniss is taken hostage into the Capitol. And either she had intimacy or is pregnant with Peeta. And she gets hijacked to think Peeta is bad and that he raped her. And then Peeta is the Mockingjay. And when Katniss is rescued, and she talks to herself. And when she can tell what happened to her, Gale beats up Peeta.
545. justanotherrandomaccount9999 said to everlarkficquestions:                    
Hi! Do you know any fics where Katniss saw Peeta with another girl after the 74th Games but before the Quarter Quell? Thanks.
546. 19fundiesandcounting said to everlarkficquestions:                                    
Hi, I’m looking for a fix where everyone in district twelve, the victors and everlark were escaping a peace keeper attack through tunnels that led to district 13 but Finnick and katniss got captured. Also I believe that Cato and glimmer were torturing them. Thanks
547. myhopesareanchoredinyou said to everlarkficquestions:                            
hey! i’m looking for a fic (i thiiink it was on fan fiction. com or whatever) where gale gets reaped instead of katniss and peeta and katniss and peeta and gale are friends and gale thinks katniss is in love with her and katniss and peeta have sex in the meadow and katniss gets pregnant and they have to get married? they get married and katniss wears her moms dress?
A Mistake – VMA1998
548. redhoodhungergames said to everlarkficquestions:                                    
Hey! I don’t know too much about the fic but I’ll just list what I remember •Peeta and Katniss have sex in a kitchen, and in order to not make noise she bites onto his neck•peeta and gale are Gaurding some place and gale either sees the mark or peeta mentions it and he’s like “damn, she bit you?” (Gale doesn’t like Katniss here.)That’s...about all I remember, they weren’t sent into the games here if I recall correctly but I believe they exist Anyway I hope this is enough!
549. bethpeaches123 said to everlarkficquestions:                                            
Hi, first of all, thank you so much for the work you do with this, it is so appreciated and impressive how much knowledge you have! The fic I’m looking for is when Katniss and Peeta have won the Games and (I think) are forced to get married, and they get envelopes and have to go to The Capitol and have sex while paying customers watch? And at one point, they’re performing for a couple of men and one of them tries to join them I think? I’ve been doing some digging around but can’t for the life of me find it. TIA!!
550. craftydiva0828 said to everlarkficquestions:                                                
Thanks in advance and maybe I'm losing it but... Is there a fic where Katniss is pregnant during the Quell and they call the baby "Banana nut bread". I think they also communicate in sign language or silently.
FOUND! Catching Fire: Rekindling- Jamie Sommers  (Thank you, @blackberrysweater and @superchocovian!)  
Do any of these fics ring a bell? Please let us know!
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bittersweetmelxdy · 4 years
Hi again! Thank you so much for answering my ask! Can i ask a scenario for victor with a (super hero?) S/o who can control animals and talk to them and use their natural habilities? Like bread under water like fishes, run super fast like a chita etc? Thank you!
You sent this months ago and guess who only now got around to it, me! Jokes aside, thanks for you continued patience dear, hope you enjoy this, it was interesting to imagine MC with another Evol, apart from precognition, so I had fun with this, hope you like it xxx
Title: a hidden side of you Pairing: Victor x MC Words: 1,438
Victor at first did not believe you possessed an Evol, and thereby was fully committed to be your knight in shining armour. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe you couldn’t survive on your own, but he was surprised you had survived this long on your own. He had literally seen your clumsy self knock into the same table twice, in the span of five minutes, and you would have done it a third time if he had not moved it out of your path of movement. So, Victor felt he of all people knew the extent of your abilities, but like always, you never failed to surprise him.
You rocked back and forth on the balls on your feet, tapping the cellphone in your hand as you waited for Victor to answer.
“Hello?” Victor’s deep voice answered.
“Who else would answer my phone, idiot?” Victor deadpanned, chuckling as he heard you huff and he could see in his mind’s eyes your puffed out cheeks, and pout on your lips, “Do you need something?” he asked, his tone more tender.
“Are you free on Wednesday afternoon?” you asked, worrying the nail on your thumb anxiously.
You could hear Victor tapping his pen on either his papers or his desk, and you deflated knowing Victor was keeping you waiting on purpose, checking his schedule slower than necessary just to mess with you.  
“I’m free.” Victor finally replied, and you let out a quiet sound of excitement, and over the phone, Victor felt a smile tug at the corners of the lips, “So, where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise, just pick me up at 2 on Wednesday.” You stated happily.
“Alright, see you then.”
“See you, love you Victor.”
“You going to say it back?”
Victor laughed for a minute, “Dummy, love you too.” and you hung the phone, smiling as you went back to work.
Wednesday rolled around before you knew it, and once work was over you were dusting off your skirt, checking your hair in your pocket mirror, as you felt someone sling their arm over your shoulders.
“Wow Boss, you dressed a little too nice for a simple pre-shooting outing.” Willow teased, wiggling her brows at you teasingly.
You blushed, ducking your head, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Willow whistled, “I see... your using the company as an excuse for a date.” she continued to tease, her volume alerting Kiki and Anna who were close by.
“A date?” Kiki asked, “Wait, is this why you said you were fine going by yourself? You sly girl.” you rolled your eyes, as they continued to poke fun at you, when Anna cut in.
“Alright, I think her ride’s here, so let her breathe.” Anna smiled at your grateful look, and you waved at them as you left.
“Tell the CEO, we said hi!” they called, as the company door swung shut.
Reaching Victor’s car, you opened the passenger side door and climbed in, giving Victor a quick kiss on the cheek as greeting and then sitting down and clicking the seatbelt. He smiled wryly at you, watching as you inputted the address into his car’s GPS system, theatrically trying to hide the screen from him. He played along, pretending to be more confused as the ride went on and the city blended into the countryside, relishing in how proud you were that you had kept this such a secret. Once he had parked the car, and killed the ignition, he turned in his seat to look at you.
“So, why are we at Loveland’s animal research centre?” Victor asked.
“Surprise!” you beamed, shaking jazz-hands at him, “We’re doing a documentary, so they said they’d let me walk around today, before we start shooting.”
Victor nodded, and then the two of you left the car to enter the facility, he actually knew exactly where you were going, as you had mentioned to him excitedly over the phone weeks ago how you had secured the approval for the documentary. But it was more beneficial for him to feign ignorance, especially since he got to see the expressions you made. One of the researchers gave each of you a pass, and since the animals were all in enclosures, you were free to walk around freely, they would only monitor you on the video surveillance.
You and Victor walked around, and you filled him in on the history on the animals as you passed, stopping suddenly in front of an enclosure containing chameleons.
“These were rescued from some rich family that were keeping them as pets as mistreating them. You said softly pressing your hand against the glass, Victor seeing the empathy in your eyes, moved closer to you, wrapping a hand lightly around your waist.
“Do you see them?” he asked, trying to distract you slightly from your sadness.
“They’re a little scared, so they’re hiding.” you said, pointing a little further into the thicket, “Hey, don’t worry, we aren’t here to hurt you, in fact we’re going to make a show about you guys, so please come talk to me.”
Victor furrowed his brows, confused by your choice of words, but watched raptly as you looked to locate the cameras, as once you knew they wouldn’t see you, you stepped closer touching a branch one of the chameleons was on, and he was beyond surprised as he watched your hand changed. Your skin tone shifted before his eyes, changing from its usual tone until it resembled the wood of the branch, in colour and texture, your hand becoming almost an extension of your arm. The chameleon shuffled slowly over to you, before crawling onto your finger, it made a series of noises, and Victor watched, still shell-shocked, as you appeared to understand exactly what the creature was telling you.
“Wait, you understand it?”
“Him. Victor, him.” you corrected, “But yes, I do, he says he happy to meet us and he’s very happy here in the facility,” you turned to the chameleon, stroking it gently with your other hand, “I’m very happy to hear that, I know you’ve suffered.”
You spent more time with the chameleons, introducing yourself to each of them, before moving on to the other enclosures. As there were still other researchers walking around, Victor didn’t question you, afraid someone may overhear you, but he continued to observe as you displayed other abilities normal people wouldn’t be able to do. But once you were back in the car, he didn’t start the car, and the two of you sat in silence for a couple minutes.
“Um Victor, are we going home?” you asked.
“How long?” he asked, “how long have you been able to do all that?”
“I’ve always been able to talk to animals and use their abilities,” you admitted, “It’s my Evol.”
“And you couldn’t tell me?” Victor said, softly, his voice barely audible, hurt clear in his tone.
His stare was becoming a bit too much for you, and you looked down at your hands, fiddling with your fingers nervously, “I’m sure you know that most normal people don’t possess an Evol. So, when I was little, all the other children saw me as a freak and bullied me for it. So, I stopped using my Evol in front of others and pretended I didn’t have one.” You looked up at Victor, self-depreciatingly, “That didn’t stop me getting bullied in high school, but you can’t have everything, right?”
Victor reached across the console, and wrapped his arms around you, bringing you close to his chest, and breathing in the scent of your hair. You wrapped your arms around his neck, reciprocating the hug, and as you could tell Victor was struggling with his next words, you patiently waited.  
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that, but I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere, so you don’t have to hide from me.” Victor smiled into your hair as he felt you nod into the crook of his neck.
Retracting from you, Victor started the car, and you began to feel a little shy having unloaded your past onto Victor and clasped your hands tightly in your lap. Before you could spiral into your thoughts, Victor placed his warm hand atop yours, coaxing your hand to turn over so he could interlace your fingers as he never took his eyes off the road, and continued to drive safely. You squeezed his hand in gratitude, and the two of you made your way home in a comfortable silence, hearts much closer than they had been before.
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alloveroliver · 4 years
Victor x MC “Snowfall”
Rating: Ch 1 is Fluff
Summary:  On a fateful business trip, Victor takes a chance during a snowstorm to pick MC up, when taxies won’t brave the storm any longer, to take her to the airport. They both try to make it back to Loveland before new years, but the weather only gets worse, forcing them to make a stop at his old family cabin in the middle of nowhere. The two, hardly acquaintances, are shoved together under one roof for a long weekend. They slowly get to know one another, and Victor begins to unravel his tightly bound knots and shows her who really is hiding behind his stern mask.
A|N: Slow Burn~  Getting to know each other, mutual pining.
WC: 7,800~
Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice Fanfic
Chapter 1
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Snow fell in thick clumps all around the vehicle as they shot past another blurry exit sign. She adjusted her legs, crossing and recrossing them over the heated leather seat. Her thick stockings slid over the fabric while she positioned herself. They were stylish but proved to have a hard time insulating heat against her chilly skin. After being cooped up in a car for so long with Victor, it was hard to remain still like he asked. She grew antsier as the road stretched on, but Victor seemed to become the opposite.
“I think that sign said ‘Exit 41’” She tapped the cold glass in the direction of the road. Even in the heated car, a hint of fog filled the air from her breath. 
The air outside was relentless as the snow fell in thick sheets. The weather gave no heed to the two traveling though it and continued its assault upon the landscape. Not a house, gas station, or any sign of life was around for miles. The only proof they were still in civilization was the four-lane paved road they carefully traveled upon. They hadn’t even seen another car in hours, assuming the weatherman put out a warning for all that lived in this area to stay home. 
Victor took in a steady breath and drove just as calm as if he were simply driving to the grocery store for some milk. “Two more exits to go then.” His velvety voice soothed her tightening chest. His words, when not being used for scolding, were like warm cashmere smoothing over her skin.
His voice felt even more comforting after the long silence that stretched out between them. She held that warmth close to her heart, tucking away that emotion for later when it was more appropriate to explore. Diagnosing the reason her heart raced and cheeks heated when he was near would inevitably lead to disappointment and, most certainly, embarrassment. 
He was an impenetrable wall made of solid steel. She didn’t have the tools to chip away at that, nor the time or patience with her own life swirling around her as it did. Work was a huge part of her life, and becoming close to Victor, her boss, would undoubtedly complicate her daily ritual. She couldn’t see what he hid underneath his facade, just those small glimpses of kindness and selflessness that he quickly tucked away from the world the second they were exposed. 
Shifting her weight toward the door, she eyed the handle as if to tempt herself to use it as a means of escape. She pictured herself dramatically tossing her body out the car and comically rolling away from Victor’s pristine Rolls Royce. Shoes flying and scarf flapping, she was sure she could get away in time to be lost to the storm. He’d never be able to find her under the inches of snow on the side of the road. She could take what she had with her and find a new town to move to. Change her name, color of her hair, and find a new profession. Surely Victor would never find her then. She’d never have to confess her feelings to him or hold them inside any longer. The emotions swirled in her chest like a category five hurricane on a good day. She could hold her tongue, for now at least, until she found a more reasonable way to rid herself of these complicated feelings.
Her mind swirled with other stories of escape thanks to the silence, one even more absurd than the last. The drive hadn’t been without its own entertainment, though. Piano music that gently carried around the car faded within the first hour after Victor’s phone died. After two more hours, it was her phone’s turn to go out. They had gotten good use out of it in that time, though. They used the device for its GPS to direct them to civilization, even if the weather made it mildly inaccurate at times. 
The blizzard had unintentionally turned them around and gotten them lost along the countryside. They’d lost their way for too long to make it back to the airport in time. Even if they did make it back to the airport, who’s to say the flights weren’t already delayed for days at this point. 
She took in a deep breath and let her chest fall quietly. It seemed hopeless and dangerous they were cut off from the world like this. If the car broke down, their very lives could be at risk. She shook her head to stave off the grim thoughts that easily budded in her bored mind. 
“Why the heavy sigh? We are close to the cabin now.” Victor spoke without looking over at her, though he could have done that very easily. “One more exit.” 
She wondered why he was acting so calm. And, why was his voice not laced with his usual toxicity? Where were Victor’s quips and typical underhanded insult-compliment hybrids?
Earlier, Victor had turned around on the freeway after the GPS died. They were headed to the airport, but the blizzard only got worse the closer they got, making the way to civilization treacherous. He set his course on the familiar cabin stating it would be their only viable option due to the circumstances. When they’d passed it before, he recounted how there would be heat and food for a long weekend if they needed it. Now, they were headed straight to it. The cabin was a beacon of hope, literally becoming their reality for survival. 
She shrugged his question off and looked over at his hands, squeezing the wheel. Victor’s knuckles were pale, and she stared at his hands for far longer than what was socially acceptable to do. “It’s hopeless that we would be able to make it back to Loveland in time for New Years.” 
Victor’s knuckles turned white, gripping the wheel hard as they veered off the highway onto the exit ramp. His face was calm and cool, but the thick veins popping out of the back of his hand as he drove gave her a sense of the anxiety he was feeling. 
“Nothing we can do about it now.” Victor shrugged lackadaisically.
Did he really not care whether they made it back in time to Loveland or not? Why was he so content with the situation they were stuck in? You could have told him the cabin was full of angry bees, and he wouldn’t even change his calm tone of voice. Why wasn’t he freaking out?
“Does this cabin have chargers? People are going to think we died if we don’t contact someone soon.” She rubbed her hands together and blew into her palms fruitlessly. Victor’s suit jacket was in her lap, covering her knees like a blanket. It did little to help keep her warm, but the gesture was kind, and his scent engulfed her, making it impossible for her to turn down his gentlemanly act. 
He bit his lip thoughtfully and slowed down to turn onto a long winding road. She didn’t even realize a street was there in the dense snowfall, making her hands grip the seat to steady herself at the shock of the turn. 
“Truthfully, I haven’t been here since I was a teenager. I don’t know how recently my father has been here, though. We have staff that upkeep our vacation homes. So, the house will be clean and stocked with some non-perishable food, plain clothes, and other items of necessity. Maybe even phone chargers.” 
She hadn’t fully realized it until now, but they would be staying together alone in this cabin for one, maybe even two nights together. They would be stuck in close proximity for far longer than she ever considered. 
“How many rooms are there?” She blurted out, louder and more rapidly than her usual speech pattern, making Victor turn to look at her with a start. 
His right brow perked up. It was the most emotion she had seen him express openly since they got into the car. “How many rooms, specifically, are in the entire house? Is that what you are asking?” His deep voice boomed.
“Like, bedrooms, where will we- I be sleeping? I can sleep on the couch if there is only one room. I don’t mind.” She rambled, twisting a piece of hair into a tight coil around her finger. 
Victor finally cracked a smile sending a wave of what felt like relief over her. However, that didn’t seem to make sense. Had she been tense this whole time while he remained straight-faced? He looked younger, brighter even as a cut-off chuckle escaped his lips. 
“Three bedrooms, two baths. Happy?” His shift in demeanor suddenly reminded her of a cat toying confidently with its prey.
Her shoulders fell, but her face heated with embarrassment from her little outburst. “Ecstatic,” She murmured toward the passenger side window. 
She physically relaxed, knowing there would be a separate space for her to die of embarrassment in peace. Victor’s presence in the car was looming enough to make her feel as if she needed to hunch over. Even when quiet, Victor knew how to command a room with body language alone. The little she knew about him, the more she wanted to build her own wall up. She didn’t know what he was like and wasn’t sure if it would be safe to know. Despite his large and in charge presence, she sat straight as a board. Chin up and gaze high, she felt as if she beat her own nerves in a battle of strength.  
She pondered on how, as one of the most powerful men in the world, Victor could be one of so many things. Some of those things could be highly unpleasant, but he hardly seemed the type to be truly villainous. Victor drove her with him to the airport when all the taxis refused to go due to the blizzard. Why was that? What did the CEO of LFG want with one of its lowly employees? They weren’t even in the same league, hell they weren’t even on the same planet in her mind.  
She had to admit it, though, he piqued her curiosity on a regular basis. What if she just got to know a small bit of what he was about? She could ask questions later when they had nothing to do but sit around waiting for their phones to charge. Maybe she would find out something she hated about him and use that as fuel to end this hold he had on her. 
“How long is this road…” She questioned, exasperated by the unseen bumpiness of the trail. The white powder blanketed the gravel, making the seemingly smooth ride extra jumpy. She tried not to sound like a spoiled child, but the hours in the car had drained her entirely.
“It’s about a mile. The lake is a mile and a half from the main road.” He answered calmly, keeping his alert eyes glued on the road. 
“A lake? So this is a lake house? How cool! I wonder if we can see any fishes!” She clasped her hands together in excitement. The only memory she had of a lake was when she was a child, and her father took her fishing with tiny weenie pieces. It worked, reeling in some massive catfish and a few other varieties. She was too young to remember where this lake was located, but the memory of her dad tossing her fish back after they were caught was burned into her mind. 
“I doubt we would be able to see them this time of year. If I recall correctly, the lake should be frozen over by now. The fish will be deep down, most likely hibernating.” He adjusted his seating and clicked the windshield wipers on full blast. He peered over the dash, looking out the window as they slowly descended the road. “Also, It wouldn’t be smart taking a stroll outside in this weather.” She noticed the quick glance he made in her direction as she rubbed her hands together. The heater blew full blast, but it was fighting an unwinnable battle. The cold air outside was indeed bone-chilling and unbeatable in its frigidness. The heater helped little if any at all. 
“Fair enough.” She sunk back into the chair, dejected. She wanted to add that he would have to bring her here in the summer when the fish were lively, and the weather was more pleasant, but that felt inappropriate to ask that of someone she hardly knew.
This little detour seemed bleak compared to her prior plans. A fun New Year party was to be held at her studio apartment, full of her close friends and plenty of champagne. They even decorated her house before her trip because they were so excited. Instead, she will be cracking open a water bottle with the CEO of being bossy and going to bed early since there was absolutely nothing to do without her laptop. The temperature is most definitely going to drop at night, and being huddled in many blankets seemed more appealing than staying up without one.
She hadn’t noticed the corner of the house come into view due to the thick snowfall. Slivers of red-painted exterior began to peak out from a white curtain once Victor drew the car closer. She couldn’t see how big the place was, or what its orientation was to the lakeside, but knew there was definitely an abode there for them to seek shelter. 
Once parked, the two quickly gathered their things before Victor turned off the vehicle. They donned their scarfs and gloves in order to make the small trek. He directed her towards the front down through the heavy snow with a loud shout. Thanks to the storm, the car was out of view by the time they made it to the porch. Victor used his foot to sweep off the three steps to the door before she made the small journey herself. 
“Thanks,” She mumbled, looking away from him.
“I just don’t want you to fall. The last thing we need is a medical emergency in this weather.” He assured her, flipping open the box the handle and using the number pad on the doorknob to unlock it. “Or you sitting around here with a black eye, wearing the badge of your clumsiness for all to see.” 
“Gee, thanks,” She puffed sarcastically, holding the corners of her lips in place. It was difficult to stave off her emotions, and her face muscles twitched against her will. In the end, a small smile splayed on her face. It didn’t seem as if he were treating her like a child, only that of a women he looked after. Maybe for someone he hated he wouldn’t have wiped the snow away, maybe. 
Both of them poured inside, and Victor quickly shut the door behind them. Sprinkles of snow scattered around them on the navy carpet. They both caught their breath, finally in stagnant air. Somehow the inside of the house felt colder than the outside, and soon she was chilled to the bone.
“I’m uh,” Victor quickly rubbed his gloved hands together and looked around the unfamiliar space. He brushed the snow off his shoulders and thick coat. Taking one glove off, he ran his fingers through his hair and dislodged puffs of ice. “I’m going to turn on the heater and start a fire in the living room. Pick whatever bedroom you want and settle in. It should be getting warmer in here soon.”
He slowly nodded to her, silently asking if she understood. He huffed air as his lungs struggled to process the chilly air into usable oxygen. His cheeks were flushed several shades of pink from the temperature as he continued to suck in deep breaths. 
“Sounds good to me, thank you.” She pulled the handle of her bag and rolled it through the living room. She tried to keep the shivering to a minimum, not wanting to worry Victor. A single crease appeared on his forehead that she’d yet to see before. It seemed to be the first sign of worry, the first one she’d noticed at least. 
The smell of the old cabin began to replace the scent of Victor’s cologne that had permeated the car for the past several hours. She was almost sad to be rid of that unique smell but tried to put that ridiculous thought out of her mind. She was free to put a door between herself and her boss, the barrier she imagined the whole car ride. Willing herself to be happy about that, she pushed her heels to move faster toward the row of bedrooms. 
Victor left his luggage at the front door and bolted to the den. She presumed the heater dial was in that room. He’d been here before many many years ago, but evidently still remembered the basic layout of the place. She also trusted him, whether she admitted it or not, to be able to figure it out on his own. 
She pushed open a door, hearing the hinges squeak as she revealed the space. A large bed fully stocked with tons of decorative pillows, plush blankets, and a sizable frilly canopy came into view. The moment struck her as creepy since the room occupied no one for who knows how long. When was the last time this bed was properly slept in? Months? Years even? She looked around the hallway but decided she would take the first room she saw. Most of the other rooms were sure to feel just as stark as this one despite the furnishings. It wasn’t dusty either, which added to the strange vibe.
Remembering her circumstances, she quickly shut the door behind her. Her heart raced as she put her back against the solid wood. It was true, she was alone with Victor in this small cabin for the night. His proximity in the car had been bearable, but his closeness in this cabin seems far more intimate. 
She took off her boots and exchanged them for an extra pair of fuzzy socks. Her fashion-forward coat was swapped for a more comfortable plush hoodie. She took down her hair and brushed out the curls, letting her soft strands frame her face. 
She sat her luggage on the bed and placed her items around it to find what she needed easily. She lit a large candle that was atop the vanity with a lighter located in the drawer below. The label said it was supposed to be vanilla, but it was so old it didn’t seem to have a fragrance anymore. It was no matter to her. The gentle warm flame gave the room a breath of life. The longer the candle burned, and her stuff filled the room, the less odd the space felt. The vibe became that of a luxury hotel room, one that she wouldn’t be able to afford in a million years. 
Soon, a hum came over the space, and the scent of burning dust began to fill the room from the overhead vents. Victor finally got the heater to work in the cabin. It brought about memories of the first cold snap every year, always after what seemed to be a long grueling summer. Turning on the heater for the first time still induced a harsh smell at first, but soon the heat would encompass the house and make the space more bearable and relaxing.
In the mirror, she touched her finger to her lips and felt how dry they were. The tip of her nose and cheeks were also a deep shade of red. She hurriedly took out her chapstick and lotion from her bag, then smoothed it over her parched skin. She hoped Victor didn’t think anything of it when she saw him. She wasn’t trying to dress up for him, just making sure her dry skin was quenched. Her racing heart distracted her momentarily. It was hard to tell who she was trying to convince with that notion. 
A knock on the door made her jump. She became so comfortable with her new warmer surroundings that she forgot she wasn’t truly alone. 
“Yes?” She called out while she sat at the vanity, holding her plush sweater closed over her chest. 
“The fireplace is lit.” His voice began, muffled from the thick wood. “I’m going to start making food in a bit. It’s almost eight. We can eat and try to get some sleep-” Victor stopped speaking when she opened the door.
She looked up at him as he stood straighter. Clearing his throat, he took a step back from her and continued in a quieter voice. “Once we wake up in the morning, I will check the weather and make sure the roads are cleared, and flights are back on so we can leave.” 
“Sounds like a good plan. Are there any chargers in this place? My phone is as good as a brick.” She pulled the device out of her pocket and clicked the power button. Nothing happened, and she sighed longingly. 
“There are some chargers in the bedside table. Feel free to… make yourself at home.” They exchanged a silent look before he turned around to walk away. “Dinner will be ready soon. Settle in but meet me in the kitchen at eight sharp. All we have are things in cans, so no complaining.” 
Once he was out of view, she rushed back into the room to the bedside table. The drawer was full of different items, an eye mask, earplugs, tissues, old-style headphones, and a small black charger. “Ah, ha!” She exclaimed, pulling the cord out of the drawer. She found a nearby plug and pushed it into the wall. She then pulled the other end to her and stopped dead in her tracks. “Uh oh…” 
The charger was the old model style. Their phones had been upgraded many times over the years, and this charger was obsolete. She dropped the cord and left the bedroom with haste. 
“Victor!” She shouted into the unfamiliar house. Her chest began to tighten as her feet moved through the house without much thought. 
She heard a clunk coming from the kitchen area and rushed into the room. 
“Yes?” His urgent voice was laced with a hint of annoyance as if he didn’t want to sound too invested in whatever she was panicking about. 
“The chargers are duds! They don’t work with our newer phones!” She could feel panic begin to rise in her chest. “Are there any more? Should I check the other rooms?!” Words spilled out past her lips with rapid speed.
“Relax. Everything is going to be fine as long as you don’t freak out unnecessarily.” He set down the bowl he was messing with and walked to her. He took a pointed pause and looked down at her hand, where she held the dead phone. “We will think of something, okay? Once the storm passes, we have a means to get out of here. We’re not stuck.” 
“We’re not stuck.” She repeated, counting her breaths. “We’re not stuck.”
“We are not stuck,” Victor added matter-of-factly in a deeper tone. 
“We are definitely not stuck here.” She stated again, counting to 10 on her next breath. 
“Go sit in front of the fireplace for a while; it feels nice.” Victor gestured toward the den. “Pull a book off the shelf and see if you can distract yourself for a while.” He didn’t come off as rude or commanding, only cool-headed. He sounded like the only sane person for miles. 
“Yeah.” She nodded. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.” 
Books never failed to calm her, no matter the context. If it were a boring book, it would bore her to sleep, and she would have no worries for a time. If it had action, it would keep her glued to the pages to see what happened next, keeping her mind from thinking about her current struggles. Books were always a win. 
Walking to the living room in a daze, she heard Victor opening and closing drawers once more. She planted her feet, one after another toward the living area. It took all her resolve to not take off in a full sprint out the front door. She wanted to get away, get far far away from this crazy scenario. The familiar mild scent of singed dust that accompanied the heater became even more faint as she entered the living room. 
The fire gently crackled and popped, illuminating the space around it with a gentle glow. The scent of cinder hit her nose, and her shoulders immediately relaxed. A smile touched her lips when she saw the massive bookshelf. The sight of the variety alone put her at ease. Fiction, non-fiction, even an arts and craft book poked out among the leather-bound classics.
She tried to think of this as an impromptu vacation and not an emergency stay. They were in no immediate danger, and she could rest easy knowing she had food and a place to sleep tonight. 
Several minutes went by as she sat cross-legged on the couch, a blanket over her legs, and a book in her lap. The light smell of chicken mixed with the charred embers in the room made her stomach let out a tiny cry. The clock on the mantel showed it wasn’t quite eight yet, so she settled back against the couch and engrossed herself once more in the action book. 
Several moments passed as she became invested in her storybook before she heard footsteps. 
“Come to the kitchen.” Victor walked into the room and looked at the state she was in. 
She was slumped against the armrest while pillows surrounded her legs. She felt for a moment as if she were caught red-handed doing something she wasn’t supposed to. However, she chalked the feeling up to being in only professional settings with Victor all this time until now. He’d never seen her properly sprawled out in full-on relax mode. 
“Is the food ready?” She asked, slowly slipping her feet to the plush carpet below. Her socks kept her toes warm outside of the throw blanket. 
“Yes.” Was all he said. Victor looked her over thoughtfully before tearing his eyes away and leaving the room.
She padded after him towards the kitchen and stopped dead in her tracks. Her vision filled with a fully stocked plate in front of her. Many different types of sides arranged meticulously in a circle atop very old glass plates surprised her. Almost none of the items went together, chicken salad, stewed carrots, and cranberry sauce littered the plate with other various creations.
“Are you hungry?” He tapped his fingers on the table, teasing that he was not amused with her just standing there. “Sit,” He gestured to the seat in front of him. “Eat up. The food will get cold.” 
Her eyes stayed on the plate as she circled the kitchen and made her way to the table. 
“I’m curious,” She stared, chair legs scraping the floor. “How did you manage something so delicious looking with only having non-perishables at your disposal?” 
“Does it matter?” His forehead pinched. “It’s a warm meal. Eat up, and don’t complain how it got here.” 
“I wasn’t complaining. I-”
“You haven’t eaten since breakfast. You need the nutrients and fuel. Plus, you can sleep easier tonight with a full stomach.”
This was true. She hadn’t eaten since she left for the airport. She figured once she got to her gate, she would grab a burrito and smoothie from the nearest restaurant and pack it away with her on the plane. However, she never made it to the airport and missed lunch entirely. 
“Well, Thank you.” She spoke before stuffing a fork full of food into her mouth. 
Victor met her eyes and nodded slightly. They ate their meal in silence until the very last bite. The only sounds for minutes were silverware hitting the plate and the wind outside gushing past the window in spurts. He looked amused as she tried to scrape the last little bit of sauce off the plate with her fork. 
“Why don’t you just lick the plate already?” He smiled smugly and took his plate to the sink. 
“I almost want to.” She teased back. “This was the best meal I’ve had in a long time.” 
He looked out the window at the night sky while flurries of snow lazily fell to the ground. “Don’t mention it. Now go to bed.”  
“Already?!” She protested. “I just ate, I need a second to process it before I lay down. I-I could get heartburn!”
He cut his eyes at her as he left the room. He turned his head away the second before She thought she could see a smile. “Have it your way. It’s late, and I have nothing to do. I will tend to the fireplace then I’m going to bed. Goodnight.” 
“Oh… goodnight.” She murmured as he left the threshold. 
The door at the far end of the hall clicked shut, and she sat in silence for a long moment. The heater hummed warm air into the room while she sat with her own thoughts. She didn’t know how late it was since her phone was dead and the clock on the wall’s batteries died long ago. The hands were stuck at 12:06 for who knows how long. She’d have to check the clock in the living room if she cared to know. 
She sighed and took her plate to the sink. She washed both dishes and watched out the kitchen window. It sure was boring without anything to catch up on or watch. A yawn grew on her lips, and she decided that sleep was probably the best option. Once she awoke, it would be a new day, and they could get out of here. 
Switching off the lights in the kitchen and living room, she made her way to the bedroom. Her mind moved to the fabulous meal Victor had made and wondered what else he was good at. He seemed to be the best at anything he tried, and it made her slightly impressed but also mildly annoyed. She thought that no one should have that much power, to be good at all things they put their mind too. 
As she shut the heavy oak door, the pipes in the walls whistled and hissed, indicating the use of running water. The realization he was taking a shower dawned on her. The thought alone caused heat to touch the tips of her cheeks. It was a stark contrast to the cold sensation she’d been feeling all day, almost like a relief from the cold. The awareness only grew as she changed into her nightclothes and realized she ought to shower too. He was probably using up all the hot water, but a bath might actually be just the stuff to help ease her chilled bones to sleep. 
She gathered her soaps and nightclothes and entered the bathroom that was joined to the bedroom. The small room quickly populated with swirly steam as she filled the large garden tub with piping hot water. The lavender bubble bath she found beneath the sink proved to make the most enormous bath bubbles she had ever seen.
Foam rose over the surface of the water while she immersed her body beneath the heat. Her muscles quickly released tension with every inch she slipped beneath the silky smooth water. The ends of her hair dipped in the lavender-scented liquid while fizzing bubbles formed promptly at her feet. 
She used her big toe to turn off the running water when the tub was filled to the brim. She then sat there motionless, listening to the bubbles fizz and pop as they died out one by one. As she closed her eyes, her mind immediately went to Victor’s face. She opened her lids to see a blank wall and to shake her head of his image. 
The last thing she needed was to read into this situation with him and hope for an outcome that would never happen. After all these months of working directly for him, Victor never once dropped a bone for her to pick up. He was a busy man, too busy for anything frivolous like dating. Especially busy for any mindless chatter. Today was the most she’d ever spoken to him about things that didn’t concern work. It was slightly refreshing to hear his words not carry so much weight. However, she did miss the routine of their conversations. 
He would present her with a problem and ask her to take it to her department. She would then hold a meeting to brainstorm the issue and find a solution. After that, her next words to him were in another meeting. She’d stand in front of all the other leaders and recall their solution via PowerPoint or bar graph. Victor would have some questions and always seemed invested in her work, but not too much where she thought he might actually care about her specifically. No, he cared about how the department was flourishing and how it benefited his company. 
She sighed, and the bubbles on her chest went flying with the gust. Foam coated the wall and slid down the edge of the tub to the floor. As she sat silently, she heard the pipes shut off. Victor had turned off the water to his shower. 
Gulping, she looked away from the wall, trying not to think of his current state. While working so hard not to think of it, the curiosity only grew. What did his broad shoulders look like below that tailored suit? Was his black hair somehow darker while soaking wet? Was Victor the kind of guy to dry his body first or his hair? 
Her foot slipped off the edge of the tub and splashed water all over the bathroom floor. Her face was hot, and warm water helped droplets of sweat start to bead along her forehead. This was the first time she’d felt truly warm in weeks thanks to the relentless snow in the forecast. 
Wiping the sweat from her brow, she decidedly ignored the inner heat blooming. In another life, so many possibilities could happen here in the cabin alone with Victor. So many things that were beyond the realm of what she knew to be possible in her life. He wasn’t the type to go against his own rules and date someone from work. And he definitely wasn’t the type to go after someone with a low status such as herself. 
She was sure Victor had his pick of any model or actress that strutted the earth. He was on the tip of everyone’s tongue year-round when the tabloids spoke of eligible bachelors. It’s not like she ever read any of them, but they were always there next to the checkout lanes at her local grocery store. Curiosity sometimes got the better of her, and she would take a peek, but only a quick one. 
She twisted in the tub, realizing the water was cooling at an increasingly rapid rate thanks to the dropping temperatures outside. In a flash, she washed up quickly and hopped out to cover her chilled skin with a soft towel. She wiped her face dry and stared at her silhouette in the fogged mirror. What if Victor was staring at his mirror just the same? What if they were looking right at one another from separate rooms? What if a man like that craved a woman like her…? What if…
Annoyed by her crush and ridiculous fantasies, she left for her room. She layered a fresh set of pajamas with an extra sweatshirt and two pairs of thick socks. She lay in the darkroom, staring up at the canopy that covered the bed, and sighed. She was hopelessly into Victor, and she wished with all her heart she wouldn’t be.
They both went on a group business trip to the same city, taking a four-hour plane ride to get here. However, the group that went with them were smart and ended up leaving early before the storm hit. Victor had to stay due to a few extra meetings his secretary set up for him on short notice. She stayed for the meetings pertaining to LFG itself to be up to date on the latest information. Ah, what was she kidding? She remained so she could stare at Victor from the corner of her eye for just a few more hours. She had no idea what the meetings were about even. All her notes were scribbles, making it look like she was paying attention. That plan to watch him just a tad longer had either severely backfired, or went better than she could have ever imagined. 
Unable to sleep, she kept her eyes upward while her mind roamed wildly. Se soon noticed that she could suddenly see her own breath in the room. The old heater couldn’t keep up with the outsides dropping temperature. Thick clothes and two plush comforters still left her shivering, cold to the bone. She wondered if she should lay her head away from the window and try to sleep that way, but then her feet would be the ones freezing. 
She tossed and turned for what felt like hours, unable to sleep due to the intense cold. She shivered until her teeth chattering made her jaw sore. It was a moot point to try to get any kind of sleep like this. It was decided that she would hunt for more blankets, maybe even see if they had any electric blankets stowed away somewhere. 
With her hood up, she marched down the dark hall with a blanket over her shoulders. She padded atop the carpet toward the end of the hall. There was a skinnier door, and she assumed the owners might have stored extra items in there. 
As soon as she opened the door, a pillow leaped off the shelf. “Ah!” She moved to the side and let it fall while ruffling through the shelves. Sheet, sheet, pillowcase… she pushed items aside. The closet was overstuffed with linens of all types. She jumped toward the top shelf and yanked down on the article above. 
Another couple of pillows toppled over and landed on her head. “Oof!” She exclaimed, voice muffled by the dense feather pillow. 
“It’s two am.” She heard a sudden voice boom from the other side of the hall. 
“Oh!” She yelped, losing her balance. She hadn’t even heard his door open in all the commotion. “Ah-ha… I was just looking…” She tried to stuff the half pulled out blanket back into the storage closet and put her hands behind her back. “Sorry if I was loud.” She looked down at her feet briefly.
“What are you doing out here?” He walked toward the mess of bedding littered around her. 
His night outfit made her gawk. She’d never seen Victor wearing such a casual outfit. An over-sized dark blue sweater with black sweatpants and bright white socks. He ruffled his fluffier than usual hair. It looked soft but not as sleek as his conventional hair products made it seem. He almost looked boyish and the adventurous type. Victor resembled the guy next door that would come over to fix your sink when it broke or ask for a cup of milk he’d forgotten he’d needed in a recipe he was making. Almost. Despite his modern casual look, she knew better. She was more familiar with what power he held than most of the public. 
“I was trying to get another blanket. It’s so cold I can’t even fall asleep…” She pushed up on her tippy toes and put her foot flat back on the ground, rocking on her heels. “So uh, the solution was to look in this hall closet.” 
Victor nodded slowly. Soft, weary eyes assessing the situation. “I see.” 
“I didn’t mean to wake you.” She looked at the mess on the floor. “And I’ll clean this up.” 
With pinched lips, Victor walked over to her. Abruptly looming in her space, she held her breath. Victor reached up above her and pulled the blanket she’d already dislodged down with ease. He handed it to her and placed his hand on his hip. 
“You didn’t wake me. I am also having trouble sleeping in the cold. I have the heater going as high as it’ll go.” He looked off toward a nearby window and then back to her. “It seems to be dropping well below the negatives outside.” He scratched his head thoughtfully.
“I did hear the weatherman say that was a possibility.” She balled the blanket up in her arms and stepped out of the mess she made.
They spoke at the same time, then swiftly stopped simultaneously. She chewed her bottom lip with watchful eyes, and Victor knitted his brows and crossed his arms. 
“Go ahead,” 
“No, you, uh, go first…” She took a deep breath of the chilled air around her. The house was quiet despite their audible breathing and the sound of the heater blowing above them in vain.  
“Dummy, ladies first.” He quipped, taking a more dominating stance before her.
Breathing in a sharp inhale, she put her foot down. “I was just going to say, goodnight? Uh, see you tomorrow.” 
“You think adding one more measly blanket is going to keep you warm enough to sleep?” He sounded indignant, giving her a side-eye with a hint attitude. 
“I was hoping it would.” 
He scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous.” 
“Okay,” She pressed on. “Do you have another solution?”
He seemed to be choosing his words carefully, tasting them thoroughly on his tongue before he laced them together into a verbal thought. Victor looked her in the eye for a long consuming moment. She was captivated by his intensity, keeping her lungs from filling completely with each cool gasp. 
His gaze abruptly moved away, almost bashfully she noted, and she was finally able to breathe easy again. She thanked her lucky stars he broke eye contact first. It was like staring down a wild dog, and the first one to move was the weakest link. She had no fear of Victor, only immense curiosity and respect for what he did. 
He clicked his tongue, and his velvety voice broke the silence. “I can stoke the fireplace and get it going again.”
“Okay? And then what? Toss ourselves into it to stay warm?” 
“Don’t try to be funny.” He narrowed his steely eyes. It seemed difficult for him to articulate what he wanted outright. 
“So we warm-up and then try to go back to bed?” She wove the blanket around her arms tighter. She wondered, idly, why she felt so incredibly small at that moment. 
Victor perked up like he had it all planned out suddenly. “Grab as many blankets as you can, and I will do the same. We will take them to the living room and see if that is any warmer.”
She gulped audibly. “Alright, I will grab my pillows too. If this is the only way to get warm, then it’s what we have to do.” 
“It is. Now go get your stuff and hurry to the living room.”
Thank you for reading! This was supposed to be a oneshot but I kept sitting on it and adding to it and... well now its over 10k words long. So I had to split it up into a few chapters. I hope you enjoyed this! 
Rating notice, based on how the story unfolds I may up the rating. Not sure how the story will go entirely yet but I will let it flow naturally and not force anything <3
Masterlist is at the top of my blog~
118 notes · View notes
inkribbon796 · 4 years
Egotober Day 11: Who is the Strongest in the Land?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Prompt: Strong
Summary: There’s a bit of a debate in the Coalition. Who is the strongest? Silver’s superpower? Bob’s shields. Or Robbie’s magically infused muscles?
A/N: So, guess who saw the new Sanders Asides and already wants to make content? Me! Unfortunately for the plot I will have to wait until I can include the new pairing in so heads up on that.
Warnings: none
For years there had been a question between the heroes.
Who was the strongest hero? Unlike with Jackie’s speed, Roman’s imagination-based powers, or the fact that Logan was unbeatable in trivia pursuit games; the “strong” category had no clear first place winner.
If you asked anyone in the city there was only one name they gave: Silver. Mostly because he was able to lift cars and similarly heavy objects throw them an eyebrow-raising distance away.
Ask certain heroes like Joan and Logan or even King who were a bit more literal about the powers around them, and they gave a different answer: Bob.
Logan’s reasoning was simple: the veteran hero had impenetrable barriers. Blunt force objects, explosives, magical attacks, Dark’s aura, even Silver using his strength to rocket him across the fight like a huge pinball wasn’t enough to even crack the barrier. The only thing stopping the barrier was Bob’s stamina in maintaining said barrier.
Of course Marvin was one of the only people with a third opinion: Robbie. Before his zombification, for lack of a better term, Robbie had never really had a superpower. He had only some good sense — something interestingly hard to come by in the group — and he was a touch hardier than the average teenager. But after Marvin had been using more and more spells to reverse the after effects of his slight decomposition, the result was Herculean strength and more human mannerisms.
Today one debate turned into another and once again Bob and Mark were going to settle the age old debate, and before anyone knew it most of the heroes were standing in the garage and Logan was helping to rig several sensors to take measurements of how hard Silver was punching and how hard Bob or his barriers were getting hit.
Henrik was of course naturally fretting around Robbie, fully objecting to Marvin using the young man to settle the debate.
“Nein! You vill do no such zing!” Henrik argued.
“Relax,” Iplier tapped him with the back of his hand, “J.J you’d tell us if anything happened right?”
J.J nodded and signed a quick “yes” but was conspicuously not making his way to the betting pool to place a bet of his own. It kept Iplier from making his own since neither the time traveler nor the seer were making bets, they were sitting on either side of him, watching.
“Do you guys know who to bet on?” Dr. Iplier asked them.
“Of course the Host knows who will win,” the seer grinned between his narrations.
J.J gave a sign that the Host did his best to translate, “No bet on first attempt,” J.J warned him.
“I’ll ask you next time then,” Iplier joked, smiling. “We’ll make bank on it.”
Then the Host pulled a jar out that had two five dollar bills in it, a tapped note in Iplier’s handwriting read on the front: “TIE”. Each of the notes had a rolled up piece of paper that had the name of the person who had placed the bet and how much they placed. There was a huge grin on his face, “The Host suggests Iplier go and place his bet on the table.”
J.J shrugged and slipped a five into Iplier’s hand, his name tag wrapped around it. Thankfully the bulk of the group was too busy arguing to notice what was obviously the Host’s bet going up. But Virgil who was close by saw that Iplier was trying to sneak the jar up. Iplier then snuck back and Virgil carefully slipped his bet from Bob’s jar, which he had only chosen because Logan had placed a bet there, to the Tie jar. Then he went back to sitting a safe distance away. “A safe distance” that would eventually turn into sitting next to Iplier.
“Fuck ‘em up Robbie!” Ethan cheered from where he was standing.
Robbie gave a huge, warm smile.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on my team?” Mark chuckled, giving his former apprentice a fake-offended gasp.
Ethan just laughed, his contagious giggling undercutting any actual vitriol that could have been in the words, “No, hahahah! Fuck you.”
Bob laughed, “Ooooh! He got you good!”
Mark rolled his eyes and lightly pushed him, “Come on, let’s go.”
Roman cleared his throat, he was in a huge puffy tutu that was white and red with glitter dusting it. He was in a tight red and white leotard with golden accents to it that were reminiscent of his usual outfit, along with a pair of white footed pants. “Well let’s begin, my bet won’t win itself.”
“Your wager was placed by bribery with cookies, compounding your already unsound logic,” Logan reminded him.
“Oh hush, nerdy Wolverine,” Roman ordered, and held an arm up. “Okay, Round 1: Silver Shepherd v. Gatling, to the victor go . . . the victory.”
“Smooth, Princey,” Virgil snickered.
Roman stuck out his tongue at Virgil and the anxious Side just snickered and rolled his eyes. “Well we have other rounds.”
The creative Side cleared his throat before announcing, “Ready. Set. Go!”
Roman brought his hand down as he said that last word. Mark shot off at full speed, too fast for most of the heroes to follow with their own eyes.
Bob brought up a barrier in time and the air around the other heroes popped most of their ears. Virgil whimpered in pain a bit and scooted over to get closer to Iplier.
Silver repeatedly flew around to get spread. The barriers never broke and Silver kept up the onslaught for another couple minutes before the wear and strain started to show on Bob’s face.
Usually in an actual fight the other heroes would have picked up the slack so Bob could hunker into his barriers and get a breather to grab his second wind. But this wasn’t a normal fight, it was a duel and the fight started to wear down on him.
The instant Silver saw it, he started taunting his friend. “What’s the matter, getting tired there?”
“How about you shut up, asshole!” Bob shouted and as Silver was racing forward again, he extended out the barrier and Silver wasn’t as braced as he should have been and slammed into it face-first, breaking his nose.
The barrier extended out, taxing more of Bob’s strength than he expected. The shield flickered and Silver noticed it immediately and struck, slamming into the barrier again and Bob’s concentration slipped, the barrier flickered again just long enough for Silver to speed through and knock Bob to the ground, pinning him in place.
Mark had a huge, smug smile on his face, “Hah! I win.”
Bob groaned, “Fuck!”
“Inconclusive,” Logan huffed. “The barriers were never broken.”
“But he was defeated all the same,” Host announced. “The Host doubts that Silver’s current opponent could get back on his feet to fight Silver so soon.”
“You didn’t even make a bet,” Mark shouted at him, catching his breath a little.
But at the Host’s huge smile, Silver looked back at Jackie who was now by the table, “Hey, what was his bet, cause that smile says he made one.”
“I dunno,” Jackie shrugged, “I stepped away to grab a coffee.”
“The Host was secretive about his bet because only five people would have voted against him,” the Host said.
“Of course we wouldn’t have,” Ethan agreed loudly. “You know what’s gonna happen.”
“But where would the Host get his entertainment from?” The Host smiled, trying to sound hurt but it didn’t work at all.
“You asshole,” Bob smiled. “Kay, Silv, you win.”
“Hey! That’s my job!” Roman reminded indignantly.
“Wooooo! Yeah, I’m the best, fucking suck it!” Mark shouted at Bob, talking right over Roman which made the Side even angrier, floating off the ground for a bit.
Bob shoved him a bit, sending him farther than if Mark had been standing like a normal person. “Ugh, you are the worst sometimes.”
Then Bob stepped aside and Robbie came to stand opposite Silver. And here was where Mark made his first mistake. He looked at Robbie, at the former apprentice he had helped train, and tried to figure out how to beat Robbie without hurting him.
Roman announced how, and Silver moved first. He flew towards Robbie but instead of knocking him over, the young man grabbed him by the arm and used Silver’s momentum to toss him to the side and make him slammed into the wall behind the zombie.
Henrik and Marvin dove out of the way, and Mark stared at Robbie with surprise.
“Yeah, get ‘im,” Marvin cheered after a moment’s shock.
“Alright, fine then,” Mark huffed out, deciding that he could afford to be a little rougher with him. Much to Henrik’s mounting horror, Mark began to try with more effort to pin Robbie down, but Mark’s earlier round with Bob and the fact that he’d been wasting time going easy on him for the first half of the fight.
So when Mark came flying towards him, trying to get around the back to pin Robbie down but the ensuing struggle looked more like a wrestling match and ended with Robbie kinda hugging Mark’s arms to his side and the superhero just floating in the air looking like a piece of board.
“Heya,” Bob smiled at Mark, “having fun there, buddy?”
“Shut up,” Silver tried to wiggle free but Robbie just hugged him harder, a smile on his face.
After about a solid minute, he let out a frustrated growl and just floated there in an angry huff. “How? Marvin what have you done to this guy?”
“That sounds like he gave up,” Marvin grinned, looking at Logan who looked thoroughly upset and put out. “Victory right?”
“No!” Silver called, struggling a bit more. “I’m not giving up.”
Then he admitted, “Yeah . . . fine.”
“Robbie win?” Robbie smiled at Marvin.
“Sure did kid,” Marvin cheered.
“Yay!” Robbie let go of Mark and he just floated there for a bit, pouting a little.
He did float out of range so Bob, hopped up on an energy drink and getting a little bit of a rest, could take his place. He smiled as he put out a little bit of a barrier. Bob was bracing for a hard hit like he usually was with Silver but when Roman called “Go” and Robbie slammed his shoulder against the barrier, Bob barely felt it.
Bob was used to faster heroes, and having a tanky type of fighting style, by necessity with his powers, he was unused to defending against that.
But Robbie wasn’t a fast fighter, strong? Absolutely. However he wasn’t even half as fast as Mark and Bob just rested his elbow against the barrier and leaned against it. It had been a hot minute since he’d fought someone he had enough time to rest with.
Mark and Wade were the first ones to realize what was going on.
“Well shit,” Wade said. “He’s not getting through that.”
“He could!” Marvin promised defiantly.
Wade gave Marvin a look, “You know he’s not.”
“Come on, he hits hard enough to do more than that,” Mark defended, if only to salvage his own wounded pride.
“Oh yeah, I feel something,” Bob agreed. “It’s just not fast enough.”
“He was going faster against Silver,” Marvin cut in. “I call a do over.”
“No! No! If I got tired after Gatling,” Mark called out, “that counts.”
“But that means it’s a tie,” Bob spoke up. “We can’t have a tie.”
“But oh yes, the heroes can,” the Host smiled.
“Yah weren’t e’en bettin’!” Marvin shouted at them.
“But yet the Host always wins,” the Host smiled, J.J smiled as well.
“So do we win?” Virgil asked hesitantly.
“Hey,” Logan turned to Virgil, “you placed a bet at the same time has me for Bob.”
“I changed it,” Virgil whispered, already pulling his hoodie up a bit higher.
“You changed your vote because you were aware of a more likely outcome,” Logan realized. “I applaud your insight.”
Virgil smiled a bit and the winnings were distributed amongst the four winners, J.J leaving this timeline as it was. Logan, Bob, Marvin, and Mark continued to debate between each other who would have won in an “actual fight” after the Host used his voice to bring in a bunch of donuts to distract the heroes from the fact that he had basically got away with the bulk of the winnings . . . again.
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shireness-says · 5 years
A Sparking Attraction
Summary: Emma just wanted a nice, relaxing weekend. Who knew her car trouble would be the ticket into her hot's neighbor's pants? Rated E for smut. ~3.7K. Also on AO3.
A/N: Inspired by my recent car trouble. Unfortunately, Emma’s the only one with a hot neighbor to come to her rescue. Thanks as always to @snidgetsafan for her beta-ing!
Tagging the usual suspects: @kmomof4, @teamhook, @profdanglaisstuff, @scientificapricot, @thisonesatellite, @thejollyroger-writer, @optomisticgirl, @snowbellewells, @ohmightydevviepuu, @let-it-raines, @winterbaby89
Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
“Goddamn, motherfucking, piece of fucking shit —”
This was, to say the least, not the morning Emma had hoped to have. It was a rare weekend off from the station, and as much as Emma usually loved her job as a Storybrooke Sheriff’s Deputy, a couple days off were much needed after a week where it seemed like the entire town had been out to irritate her personally. Leroy and his brothers had gotten into yet another screaming match, Ella Cruller wouldn’t lock up her dogs again, Victor Whale had been drunk and belligerent at the Rabbit Hole on a goddamn Tuesday night the list went on and on. Emma needs some ice cream and a grilled cheese and probably a stiff drink, and above all to hermit at her apartment and not re-emerge until she’s back to work Monday afternoon. 
Unfortunately, to achieve those pathetically small dreams, Emma has to go to the store. And unfortunately, since Emma has things to do, her fucking car won’t start. Probably the battery. Of course. 
She shouldn’t be surprised, really; it’s not like the Bug is some pristine new machine that’s in perfect working order. She loves that stupid thing, but it’s old, and old cars have problems. The only minor miracle is that hers is a new enough model to have the battery properly in the rear compartment instead of under her back seat. Of course, she doesn’t have one of those handy cordless battery jumpers David is always on her to buy; no, that would be too simple. She’d meant to buy one for a while, but they’re fucking expensive and what were the chances she’d need it anyways?
Famous last words, obviously. 
“Fucking traitor,” she mutters again, scowling at the exposed engine where she’s propped the back hatch up and kicking lightly at one of her tires. Ok, not so lightly, but the car deserves it, even if her toes don’t.
She’s just about to start up with another string of profanity in order to avoid trying to actually fix the problem when a voice calls from behind her - directly behind her, in fact. “Car trouble, lass?” Even if the soft accent and tone of voice aren’t alarming, the proximity is, and Emma claps a hand over her chest above where her heart is spasming. Apparently, she hadn’t noticed his approach in her focus on cursing at the little car.
“Fuck almighty, you scared the shit out of me,” she accuses, whirling around to meet the eyes of her neighbor. It’s Killian Jones, of course; if the accent wasn’t a dead giveaway, her current streak of luck would dictate it anyways. Because of course her effortlessly hot neighbor who Emma definitely doesn’t have anything resembling a crush on, no sir, no way, would show up now when she’s ratty-looking and irritable. At least she showered this morning; it’s a scant blessing. 
At least he has the decency to look a little sheepish. Serves him right, after the scare he gave her. “Apologies, love. I heard a commotion, looked out my window to see your hood popped open, and thought I’d come offer my assistance.” He pauses for a bare second before picking up again, not even enough time for Emma to start responding. “Though really, is it still called the hood if it’s at the back of the car?”
Emma just stares for a moment. “Seriously?”
“You’re right, doesn’t matter,” he concedes. “Do you need any help? I can’t say I’m good at car repair, but I’m decent at taking directions.”
“It’s fine,” Emma replies. “Not my first rodeo with changing the battery in this car. Call me an old pro or something. Don’t worry about me.”
Not that it stops him, a concerned little wrinkle set stubbornly in his forehead. “Well, you’re going to need a new one, right?”
“I mean, yeah.”
“Can I drive you to the auto parts shop, at least?”
Emma pauses at the offer. Honestly, she’d planned to call David; technically, he’s working, but she thinks with some finagling this could fall under the “public assistance” bit of his job description. Emma is always hesitant to accept help if she doesn’t have to - call it an unfortunate remnant of a shitty childhood - but Killian is here, and he is offering. Even if Emma doesn’t want to accept his help on principle, she knows he won’t judge her for taking it or think she’s weak. She may not know her neighbor that well, but he’s never been anything but polite and chivalrous, if a bit flirtatious at times.
(Maybe one day she’ll take him up on that flirting; for now, at least, she can take him up on that offer of a ride.)
She must have been thinking for longer than she thought, because Killian looks like he’s about to withdraw the offer in embarrassment. He’s a stutterer when he’s nervous, Emma’s noticed; not that she’s had much cause to, but in a town this size, it’s impossible not to catch folks in some kind of embarrassment eventually, and she’s seen him with his brother. 
“You know what? Sure, a ride would be great,” she agrees. The way Killian’s shoulders drop in a small show of relief makes her more confident in her choice, especially when he smiles at her in what she almost might call delight. “Let me get the old battery out first, it goes easier when I can just drop the old one on the counter and ask to swap it. Can you grab my toolbox out of the trunk?”
“Of course, Swan.”
With Killian’s help - ok, more like “supervision” - the car surgery goes quickly. Emma’s only had to do this once before, but muscle memory is a powerful thing, and it’s easy enough to detach the battery once she knows what other pieces need to be carefully extracted and set aside to get at her goal in the limited space of the Volkswagen. It’s easy, too, to get a new battery when the owner of the auto parts store is one of Leroy’s brothers who she’d had to deal with earlier in the week - just one pointed glare on Emma’s part, and the little whiny man had quickly gone to get her replacement without any long lectures about how to reinstall it or how some people just don’t take good care of their vehicles. 
“If I didn’t say it before, thanks for doing this,” Emma says quietly as Killian drives them both back to their apartment complex in his little SUV. He’s a careful driver, she’s discovered, navigating them smoothly around corners and executing gentle stops. It speaks well of him, she thinks, that he’s gentle in even this most mundane of activities. 
“It’s not a problem, love,” he smiles. “I promise. Truthfully, watching you work on the car is all to my benefit.” The statement sits in the air for a moment before he continues. “Oh, now that sounds sketchy, doesn’t it?”
Emma laughs. “I mean, I think I know what you mean, but yeah, probably not the best choice of words.” It’s been interesting, watching him bounce back and forth in the months they’ve been acquainted between a suave flirt and this more bashful version of himself. 
Honestly, it’s pretty cute too. 
“I just mean…” He tries again, pauses. “It was impressive. Watching a woman perform her own car repair. Attractive.” He groans. “God, just let me put my foot even further into my mouth.”
“No, no it’s okay,” Emma assures him. “I… thanks, I guess.” It’s flattering, really - especially since she’s been ogling him from down the hall for months now. 
“You’re welcome.” They sit in silence. “So, shall we talk about literally anything else now? Let’s do that. Please.”
Knowing what he admitted, though, it’s hard not to put on a little bit of a show when Emma re-installs the new battery. Maybe she lets her shirt ride up, and maybe she leans a little more exaggeratedly over the rear compartment as she works. So what? She’s a woman with needs like any other, and any desire to spend the rest of her weekend alone has melted as she spent her morning with Jones. 
When the repairs are finally done, Emma slams the hatch back shut and turns to face Killian, whose eyes skate up and down her figure as she slides her hands into the back pockets of her jeans. She knows the posture accentuates her breasts and pushes her hips forward into something that almost might be a sway or a swagger; she’s counting on it, in fact. 
“Thanks again for the help,” she tells him, dropping her voice to a more sultry register. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“I don’t know about that,” he replies, before slipping into an attitude to match Emma’s own. “If you feel that way, though… well, who am I to argue. Perhaps a… token of appreciation is in order?” He even taps at his lips, the saucy cheeky bastard.
(She’s so going to fuck that.)
Emma can give as good as she gets, though, both in banter and in other, more private things. “Funnily enough, that’s what the thank you was for.” Even as the words leave her mouth, Emma sways further into Killian’s space, proving them to be just a facade.
“Is that all your precious Bug is worth to you?” Killian is close enough that Emma can feel the warmth of his breath wash across her face. She could just tilt her head up the smallest bit and claim his lips…
So she does. There’s absolutely no reason why she shouldn’t, especially since she’s felt this sizzling something simmering beneath her skin, a scorching heat she’s seen reflected in Killian’s eyes, ever since the moment they first ran into each other in the hallway five months ago. He’s just as good a kisser as she imagined, though the way their lips meet is nearly feral in its intensity. He, too, gives just as good as he gets, each thrust of Emma’s tongue met with a parry of his own, all accentuated by a forceful tug to bring her hips into contact with his own. God, it’s good.
Frankly, Emma would be happy to keep at it right here in the parking lot, let their clothes drop into the backseat of the Bug and figure out the logistics of sex in the world’s most cramped car, but there’s the matter of neighbors and passers-by and public indecency. “Inside,” she manages to gasp just as Killian squeezes her ass. Lord only knows how she manages to keep her train of thought after that. “We gotta go inside. Now.” She even pushes him away and towards the door in emphasis.
“Your place or mine?” Killian trots after her as Emma sets a determined pace, still managing to reach the door in time to hold it open for her. Stupid gentleman, they don’t have time for that. 
Vague memories of dirty laundry on the floor decide for Emma. “Yours,” she tosses back to him. If this is going to be more than a one time thing, she doesn’t want his first impression of her place to be an utter disaster. They live mere doors apart anyways; it’s not like there’s one apartment obviously closer than the other. 
The elevator ride to the third floor seems to take forever, but it’s still better than taking the stairs - even if they have to stay in opposite corners to keep from jumping each other in the little box. It’s funny; normally, the enforced distance would cool the fire raging in her blood and knock Emma to her senses, but it only leaves her imagining all the things she wants to do with Killian, to Killian when they finally make it behind locked doors. She wants him, and there’s no denying it.
At least he has the presence of mind to spend the elevator ride locating his apartment keys; once they reach his door, it’s the work of a moment to slip inside. Killian immediately cages Emma against the wall next to the door, trapping both her hands above her head as he attacks her mouth and neck with his lips.
“Been thinking about this for a long while, Swan,” he murmurs against her neck as he finishes sucking what will be a very impressive hickey into her skin. “Gonna make you feel so good.”
“Oh yeah?” She gasps back. “Me too.” He can take that any way he likes; she means it, regardless.
Abruptly, Killian lets go of her hands only to hoist her into the air. Emma’s legs twine around his hipson instinct, but she’s got other, more important things to worry about - namely, kissing the living daylights out of Killian and the way his toned stomach rubs against her center as he walks them to the bedroom.
She squeals as he tosses her lightly onto the bed, Emma’s body bouncing on impact. Emma scoots up the bed to watch as Killian begins to undress, whipping his t-shirt over his head and starting to reach for his shoes before he notices her staring.
“Are you planning to strip, love?” He asks with an arch of his eyebrow. The hunger is evident in his eyes and in the tenting of his pants, which only makes Emma want to tease him.
“Nah, I think I’m just going to watch.”
“Now, that’s not fair,” Killian whines, halting his own disrobing to crawl over Emma’s body again. “I’ve shown you mine, and here you are, still all wrapped up.”
“I mean, technically, all I’ve seen is your chest. It’s nice, but…” Emma trails her hand down the hair and flesh of his abdomen until she hits denim, twisting her hand to squeeze his erection. “It’s not really what I want to see.”
“You make a good point, love.” His voice catches in his throat in restrained pleasure; Emma kind of loves it. “Now, what do you say that I show you some more of what you’re looking for, and you take care of some of your pesky layers?”
To borrow the kind of words he’d use: she’s amenable to that plan.
He’s got a great dick, really, once she’s down to her bra and underwear and he’s bare in front of her. It’s large without being impractically massive and bobs proudly and eagerly towards his stomach. He obviously knows he’s worth looking at, if his confident stance is any indication. God, Emma can’t wait.
“Let me help you with that, darling,” he purrs, moving back into Emma’s space to reach behind her and unclasp her bra. Thank god her most comfortable bra also happens to be her most flattering, and passably pretty at that. Not that it matters when the garment is already on the floor and Killian’s fingers have ducked beneath the elastic of her underwear to draw them slowly down. 
“Like what you see?” She asks coyly as the cotton hits the ground. She already knows her answer if the way Killian peruses her naked form with wide eyes is any indication.
“Only a fool wouldn’t,” Killian comments, “and darling, I’m no fool. I must say, though, I’m a little less interested in looking than in touching.”
“Then you’d better get over here.”
This time, when Emma falls back on the bed, pulling Killian with her, she intends to stay there. 
Killian grinds his cock against her core, the most glorious sensation after all this banter and buildup. Skin-on-skin feels good, satisfying, though not quite enough to satisfy her craving. There’s only one thing that will do that, she knows, and as much as she wants the slick burn of his body within hers, this friction just feels too good to stop. It’s hard to push away the man who’s rubbing against her clit just right. 
Finally, though, her craving is too strong to deny. “Condom?” She asks, pushing lightly at Killian’s shoulders to capture his attention.
“Aye,” he pants, a little breathless in his arousal. “Side table.” He doesn’t take the direct path, however, doesn’t just roll off her and reach for the drawer; he detours instead to her breasts to graze his teeth along a nipple and make Emma shudder in pleasure.
She allows herself to get distracted by his attentions for a moment; it’s been a long while since a little boob play has felt this good. Maybe it’s his own skill; maybe she’s already so aroused from everything else that it’s heightened the sensations. Truthfully, it doesn’t matter as long as he keeps making her moan. There’s greater pleasure to be found, however, and with that in mind, Emma makes herself pull Killian away from her chest with a tug on his thick, dark hair. Killian pouts at the interruption - god, what an adorable idiot - but she’s insistent. Plus, she’s got something even more pleasurable in mind.
“Seriously, Jones. Condom. Sex. Now.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Killian mutters as he finally shifts off Emma to open the drawer and extract a little foil packet. Before he can move to do anything about it, she plucks the condom out of his hand and pushes at Killian until he lays back on the mattress so she can straddle him. 
“So you want to be on top, hmm?” He asks her breathlessly as Emma rolls the latex down his length. As she pumps him with her hand, making sure everything’s snug, he moans. “I suppose it’s a good thing I like a woman in charge.”
“I suppose it is,” Emma replies, rising up to situate his cock at her entrance, “because you’re about to get one.” And with that, she gradually sinks down on him, feeling the burn as he stretches her inner walls.
For all her talk, this part always takes a moment to adjust to, with little rocking motions and shallow thrusts of Emma’s hips until she settles into that perfect angle of penetration. Beneath her, Killian’s eyes are blown wide and dark with lust, and his hands grip at her hipbones.
“You’ve got to move,” he gasps. “For the love of God, you’ve got to move.”
Emma clenches around him, eliciting another moan, before heeding his plea. There’s no reason a woman in charge can’t be a little bit merciful - for both their sakes. The angle is so damn good, especially when she adds a little twist of her hips on each downward thrust. Maybe it’s just because this unspoken thing has been sitting between them for months, but Emma can already feel her pleasure building.
“Want to help a girl out?” She pants as she increases the pace, chasing for the orgasm she can sense just out of reach. When Killian doesn’t immediately move - by the looks of things, too distracted in watching where her body envelops his own - Emma forcibly grabs his hand from where it had been stroking the flesh of her hip and drags it just above where they meet. He can figure it out from there, if he’s half as clever as he acts. 
Sure enough, when he gets with the program, tendrils of sensation start chasing down Emma’s legs all the way to her toes. “You like that, love?” He asks breathlessly.
“Fuck yeah. Just like that,” she gasps out. “Fuck.”
“You’re so gorgeous like this,” Killian prattles on beneath her. Emma truthfully doesn’t pay much attention; the way the curl of his accent sets her blood pounding is more important than anything he has to say. Still, he continues. Maybe he knows she’s not listening, maybe he doesn’t; in the end, does it matter? “Come for me, love, I know you want to.”
And with his thumb on her clit and his cock throbbing within her, she does, flying into a flurry of sensation and bliss.
She’s barely come down from her high before Killian flips their positions, sliding out of her heat for the barest of moments before he thrusts back inside. He’s still hard within her, obviously not having found the same release she has. Emma moans as his cock strokes along her inner walls. “You feel so good around me, so tight, darling,” he croons as he sets a steady pace with the snap of his hips. “Do you think you’ve got another one in you? Do you think you can come for me again?”
Emma doesn’t know for certain, but she’s certainly willing to find out.
It turns out, Killian’s a talker in bed when he’s the one holding the reins - little endearments and dirty talk Emma wonders if he’s even aware of saying. She can tell his orgasm is close when the words stop altogether, replaced by little grunts as he works above her, arms braced by her sides and head bowed over her chest. 
He comes with a deep groan just as the tingle of her own release starts to build again; Emma could almost curse in frustration, even if she did already climax earlier. Killian must sense that frustration as he hurriedly drops his hand back between her legs as soon as he’s finished, rubbing furiously at her clit. He pulls out as his cock begins to soften, only to plunge two fingers within her fluttering core instead to thrust and stroke instead. It’s not the same, but it’s enough, and Emma soars over that peak one more time with a mighty exhale of what might almost be Killian’s name. 
“God, that was good,” Emma gasps as she comes back to herself again. Faintly, she’s aware of Killian taking care of the used condom, though she can’t bring herself to care about the details. “Good job team, or… something.”
Killian chuckles as he shifts back to curl around her. “You know, you might even say I gave you a jolt,” he teases.
“Oh, that was awful,” Emma groans, even as she wiggles deeper into his embrace. “Promise me you’ll never say that again, please.”
“I make no promises,” Killian laughs back. “This wit won’t be contained.”
Emma can work with that. After all, she’s she’s currently making several plans that involve him this weekend - and they'll be sure to make sparks fly for as long as their batteries hold out. 
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evengayerpanic · 4 years
The Nomon Trap [1 of 9]
In celebration of finishing my first fic, combined with the start of season seven of The 100, I’ve decided to branch out and write a little fic for one of my other truest loves, Clexa and their little family of Madi and Aden. This fic is going to be extremely AU, a little crack!fic-y and based off the movie, The Parent Trap.
I’ll repeat, this is NOT supposed to be a good or accurate representation of either The 100, Clarke and Lexa, Madi and Aden, or the movie The Parent Trap. It literally was written to give me a little break from heavier and more intense fanfiction ideas, so please take it with a grain of salt. It’s all AU and just for fun.
The sun arose on the mountain-side Camp Weather. Dozens of young nightbloods ran around the camp grounds, packs of clothing and weapons were slung over shoulders, as the children ran group to group, trying to find their bunk assignments, their friends and anything that would make them feel at home.
As the camp counsellor father-son duo of Thelonious and Wells Jaha went into their opening speech, followed by Wells calling out bunk assignments, a young girl watched as her bright yellow pack was brought from the camp buses to a pile of other packs.
“Good, found my pack!” She exclaimed, pushing dark brown hair out of her eyes, reaching in to grab it before suddenly six other packs were dumped on top. “Great, now the only question is how to get it.”
A small laugh was heard beside her, the young girl turning to find a similarly aged boy standing beside her. “You must be new here.” He fixed her a smirk.
“How could you tell?” The girl groaned.
“You didn’t know enough to grab your pack before it joined the pile. I’m Jordan Jasper Green, it’s my third year at Camp Weather... and I think, you might need help getting that pack out.” He explained with a grin.
“Madi Griffin, and yes please.” Madi smiled, as the two of them grabbed a hold of her pack, and pulled.
It did not budge an inch.
As the two watched, confused on how to pull out the bag, they saw from across the pile as a girl with her hair in pigtails and a jeweled wire headband was able to grab her own pack with one hand effortlessly.
“Now that’s my kind of Nightblood.” Madi remarked.
Jordan nodded his head, cupping his hand to his mouth. “Diyoza! Can we get a little help over here!”
The girl looked up, smile on her face. “Sure!” She moved over to them with a smile. “I’m Hope.” 
“Madi. That yellow pack is mine.” She responded, watching in awe as the slightly older girl pulled it out quickly, handing it to her quickly. “Thanks!”
“Woah, you’re from the Ark?” Hope’s eyes went big, Jordan following suit as they hounded with questions.
“Did you guys really live in the sky?”
“Do you know A.L.I.E.?”
“Woah, woah, guys! I’ve never even met A.L.I.E. before! I live in Arkadia, it’s the camp that was made when the Ark fell? I never lived in the sky.” Madi smiled, throwing her arms up to stop more questions.
“That’s still so cool.” Hope murmured, Jordan nodding his head in agreement, before the sound of Wells Jaha calling Madi’s name had her ears perk up.
“Griffin. Madi?”
“Right here!”
“You’re in Skaikru!” He announced.
Jordan and Hope high-fived Madi with an excited shout of “That’s what we’re in too!” Before the three kids, cheered, and began marching off to their cabin.
As the three children clambered on, an expensive looking car pulled up to the main cabins, opening the door to reveal a well-dressed man in strong looking armour helping a young boy get out of the car.
The boy was also quite well-dressed, his own armour on prominent display as he turned to face the man.
“Well, here we are, Camp Weather... Are you sure about this Aden?” The man questioned, narrowing his eyes at the sight of the cabins and children around him. “We traveled all the way from Polis for this?”
Aden could only laugh, fixing the older man with a bright smile. “Lincoln, Camp Weather is supposed to be one of the best for training Nightbloods.”
Lincoln frowned as he glanced around at the accommodations around them. “Doesn’t look like it.”
“Besides...” Aden piped up, interrupting him. “Nomon went to Camp Weather when she was a bit younger.”
Lincoln bowed his head at his statement. “Speaking of your Nomon. She gave us a very specific list to check off once we got here.” He pulled out some paper, glancing it over quickly with a short grimace.
“Swords and Shields.”
“Check, check.”
Lincoln stared at Aden with a quirk of his eyebrow.
“Check for Swords, check for Shields, go on.”
“Breast plate, medium helm, sketchbook drawings of your Nomon, Fleimkepa, War Chief and of course, your trusty Scout... me.” Lincoln read the rest.
“I think I’ve got just about all of it.” Aden smiled, looking back at the man who served as beloved scout, body guard and strong male influence to him.
Lincoln put his arm out, the young boy immediately dashing into it as the guard crushed him to his chest for a tight and emotional (to Lincoln) hug.
“I will miss you hainofa.” 
“Not as much as I’ll miss you, yontsleya.” 
Aden grabbed his bags from Lincoln, and then grabbed the older man’s forearm, the man immediately grabbing his in return, their heads bowing together to just a touch before Lincoln pulled back. “Alright, Aden... Go on. Just remember, if you want to come home, I can be back to get you quickly.”
Aden smiled. “I’ll be fine, I promise, maybe I can find someone here who also plays Karnöffel besides me?”
Lincoln let out a laugh, opening the door to the car and responding as he got in. “Maybe you can find someone who will kick your ass at it, hm?”
“I wouldn’t go that far!”
That night at dinner, Madi was in line for dinner with Jordan and Hope. The three were piling on the different pasta salads, and chicken skewers, and grilled vegetables when Thelonious Jaha got beside Madi to help himself to the tuna salad bowl.
“Oh, sorry there kiddo. Just had to get some tuna salad. Try some!” The camp owner exclaimed.
“No thank you, I’m allergic to tuna.” Madi replied, flashing him a smile before running off to her table.
With that, Thelonious turned to his other side. “How about you, would you like to try some tuna salad?”
Aden looked up from where he was piling hot dogs and some macaroni onto his plate, his friends Adria and Tris seemingly having disappeared to their table. “Oh, sorry, I can’t... I’m allergic, but thank you!”
Thelonious narrowed his eyes, staring for a second. “Weren’t you just... I’m sorry, you look very similar to a little girl that was just here.” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as he turned to check behind him as well. “Do you have a sister or something?”
“I’m an only child, sir! Aden Woods, from Trikru!” The boy immediately stood in a salute, before grabbing his plate to go join his friends. “Good day, Sir!”
Thelonious shook his head for a moment before returning to the tuna salad, scooping another spoonful onto his plate before he murmured to himself. “Maybe I’m getting too old for this?”
“Pardon me, sir?” A voice broke out from his left, the older man turning to see the first girl with him again.
“Now wait a second, weren’t you just a boy from Trikru?” Thelonious’ mouth dropped open in disbelief.
Madi’s eyes widened. “A boy?! You’ve lost it, Mr. Jaha.”
Thelonious turned once more, away from the girl to check behind him for the boy and when he couldn’t see him, he turned back to Madi mid-sentence to say “Yes, I suppose I ha-” only to find that she had also left him as well and he was alone.
“Thelonious, you are losing it.” He murmured before scooping one last spoonful of tuna salad on his plate.
It wasn’t until the next morning that Madi Griffin and Aden Woods came face to face with each other.
It had been a rather uneventful morning; Madi, Jordan and Hope had been in swordplay all day with Madi kicking every challenger’s butt, being declared the victor over and over again to her delight.
Aden, Tris and Adria had decided to go for a canoe ride before their way back to the mess hall saw Wells Jaha declaring Madi Griffin the winner again, and asking if there were any more challengers for her.
“You should do it Aden!” Tris exclaimed, nudging him.
“Oh Aden, you’d totally kick her butt!” Adria agreed.
He shook his head with a laugh, turning down their offering. “Nomon taught me that the blade was only for killing, not playing.” He repeated solemnly.
“It’s like training, come on Aden!”
Throwing his hands up, the eleven year old boy lamented. “Okay! I’ll do it, I mean, Nomon never has a problem with training. It builds character!”
Moments later he was suited up properly, a full helm and chainmail on his frame as he was handed a blade.
The fight was a lengthy one; Adria, Hope, Jordan and Tris all cheering on their respective friends as the two danced across the battle ground, both showing a large amount of skill and strategy in their swings.
Every lunge that Madi made was effortlessly sidestepped by Aden, and every swing that Aden made was easily dodged by Madi. As Aden caught Madi’s blade with his, the girl quickly spun and he fell into a haystack, his blade getting caught for a moment as she quickly tried to land a thwack onto his armour only to fall short as he diverted backward. 
Catching his blade and pulling it free of it’s hold, Aden jumped to an upper deck of the battle ground, Madi leaping seconds later. The two played cat and mouse, twisting and turning to switch who was on the offensive and the defensive until Aden was backed into a corner. Madi lunged forward with an “Got you!” Aden dropped to the ground as Madi sent herself flying overtop the bannister and into a water trough.
“I am so sorry!” Aden immediately shouted, leaping forward to help Madi out of the trough, only for the girl to grab his forearm and drag him in after her.
As the cheers of the crowd died down, Wells Jaha pulled the two children out of the trough, holding Aden’s arm as the victor to the screams of his friends.
“Okay, you two, that was a great match. Shake hands!”
The two grumbled, pulling of their helms and dropping them with a gasp as steely eyes met steely eyes. The crowd of children around them went silent, watching as the two stared at each other in shock.
“Hayon!” Aden murmured, as Madi glared at him.
“What’s everyone looking at?” She said coldly.
Aden raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you see it?” At her blank look, he continued on, his heart racing in his chest. “We look just like each other! Same eyes, same jawline, same freckling and complexion.” 
Madi laughed, taking a step forward, her arms crossed over her chest. “You think that I look like you?”
The boy nodded, shrugging his shoulders, as his two friends joined in standing behind him supporting.
“You wish.” Madi practically growled. “My eyes are most crystal than yours, and my jaw... definitely more defined. You have far too many freckles, and as for your complexion?” She paused, as Jordan and Hope stood behind her as well, glaring at Adria and Tris. “You look like you’ve been in the sun too long, you’re blotchy.” She finally smirked.
Tris let out a hiss. “Want me to rearrange her face?”
Aden held out his hand, stopping her immediately. “I’ve got it... you’re right Madi, we could never be like each other. I mean the real difference, is that I know how to swordfight better than you... or maybe it’s the fact that I have honour and you don’t.”
With tension so thick you couldn’t cut it with a chainsaw, the two preteens glared daggers at each other as Wells held his hands out to stop their fight. “Come on guys let’s break it up... Aden, Madi... Madi, Aden... Woah, you do look really alike.”
14 notes · View notes
darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
Winx Club Season 2 Thoughts (4kids) Part 1
I already posted some thoughts on season 2 last year when I legit just clicked through he episodes rather than actually rewatching them so I am back to give a more in-depth look on this season! (And, hopefully, it won’t end with disappointment for me.)
- Eww, why voiceover? It just seems so unnatural since we’ve never had it before. Not to mention that Bloom told us what each of the other girls has done during the summer but she didn’t tell us anything about herself. Like, she set out to find out more about her origins back in the first half of season 1, and I know that she did learn about being the princess of Domino but she still has no fucking idea who her parents are as individuals apart from them being the rulers of Domino. Considering how big of a plot that is later on, it just doesn’t sit right with me that she doesn’t seem remotely interested in it currently and didn’t mention anything about it. It’s like that plotline is closed for her which we all know is not true. So I am having some issues here, not gonna lie (not with Bloom but with her inconsistent writing).
- Aww, am I the only one who thinks that Stella buried herself in fashion rules all summer because she didn’t want to think about her parents’ divorce? Poor baby has been going so hard with no rest to keep herself from grieving over it. But at least she did something! (Proving she’s not lazy and spoiled; she practically had a job. Her dream job. You go get it, girl! (but also take care of your mental state, please.))
- Why is Bloom so eager to learn her fortune? Has she not read Greek Mythology? Bad idea, hon. Bad idea. (The thing with the magical reality mirrors was cool, though!)
- (Is that a new secret library or is it the regular library? I’m confused. Does anybody have a handy layout of Alfea for me?)
- She just fucking told her everything! I’m not a fan of knowing your future tbh. It really messes with your head and you start thinking “Will my actions have a negative impact on it? Will I somehow change my own destiny for the worse?” and then you go and do exactly that. Not to mention that it would be so weird to stare at Layla and just feel the pressure of being told that you’ll be best friends. Like, what if it doesn’t work? And what if it is just the fact that you were told so that pushes you to seek the friendship of that person? I don’t know. It’s just not my thing.
- Layla is awesome, though! Climbing those rocks with no equipment, not to mention with so little power left. She probably couldn’t even transform and fly if she fell. That was dangerous but did she care? Nope. She was there to save the pixies! Brave little soldier. Too good, too pure for this world.
- Ugh, Darkar managed to annoy me with his very first sentence ever. Nice job. You are a loser, loser. So deal with it! God, how will I take all that narcissism for 25 more episodes? Oh god, oh no, please, no! Whyyyyyyyy?
- Ugh, Bloom, that diadem is doing the opposite of wonders for your hair, please! At least Stella had the common sense to remove it.
- Speaking of Stella, that moment with the multiplying beauty was so cute! I love how she complimented the others while complimenting herself! But guys (Stella & Bloom), you’re not discreet with the groping. Seriously.
- Oh, hey! Riven won! And Sky only came in third! Nice! But lbr here, Timmy is the real victor! The others came in on hoverbikes while he had an entire ship that he modified himself. I mean, idk about anyone else, but I would definitely go for the ship.
- Of course there’s Diaspro drama. God, can they not for literally five seconds? And also, “we’re just friends”? Wtf? Did you fall on your head this summer, Bloom? You were calling him your boyfriend last time I checked. And you were fawning over the romance in your future. Can you just drop the pretense already?
- Ooh, Layla is so smart! She managed to outsmart all the monsters and win even when she barely had any magic left! You go, you absolute badass!
- Did they even make any changes on that new wing at Alfea? I mean, besides the name.
- How did Tecna know that Layla was the princess of Andros? Did she hack the interdimensional FBI system? Wtf.
- They could’ve showed some other things we hadn’t seen that Layla had to go through but, of course, why would they do that when they could just use the same footage and draw less animation, bruh?
- And we’re getting to the opposites. Right on schedule when the Shadow Phoenix has shown up. You gotta love how convenient those school lessons are (not to mention that Bloom suddenly started feeling her opposite out of nowhere. Nice!) At least we got a cool magical lesson. Though, idk how to feel about the ying-yang symbol. I mean, it is a perfect representation of what they’re talking about but kind of weird to see something so earthly in Alfea. Though, Earth did have magic so... Hmm. Okay, anyway. Moving on.
- Um, question, why do Stella and Layla not know each other? And in the first season Stella and Musa and Sky didn’t know each other even though they were all royalty (I am still unclear on whether Musa is a princess or not btw but anyway). Don’t they, like, have royal meetings with other kingdoms? (which they even did in season 5 when Domino was back. What, is Domino the center of the universe and they can’t function without it? I mean, come on!)
- The talk about love is getting on my nerves and I literally have “love” in my url and it is my fave word. So what is wrong with that? I do love that guard there. Heck, yeah, it’s a prison (it’s worse than that tbh). And the fact that they’re trying to make it out not to be is extremely fucked up and sickening if you ask me. Not to mention “You can force people to be happy. It just takes time.” I really hope whoever had the idea of that place (in-verse) is going to hell.
- They legit just kept recapping season 1 for a solid minute? Aaaaaaaand... SKIP.
- Can I say that a 30-page report is an actual living nightmare. Thanks.
- The girls are all friendly with Layla (well, outside of a slip-up or two). That’s cute. But where the hell is Tecna? Can the animators only animate five Winx girls at a time? What the hell, you guys?
- So the Pixie village is on Andros (if Layla found it accidentally. I don’t imagine she realm-hopped at will)? Why don’t I remember any of that? But hey, finally some flashbacks that we haven’t seen before!
- Oh, look! My guy Kerborg is here! (the only good part of this whole Darkar thing tbh)
- The Trix finally thought of trying to pretend to be happy in order to get out of there. Well, better late than never. Though, watching how it’s going I can understand why they didn’t try before that. It is, in fact, hopeless. (But at least Darcy is handling it! She always was a bit more controlled.)
- I am so majorly creeped out by Darkar. He just met them and he’s like “You belong to me! Mwahahahaha.” Ummmm? Can you calm down? But I loved Icy’s response. Though, it didn’t stick. And he’s at it again. Seriously, this is really giving me some major off vibes. He said they were going to be the queens of Shadowhaunt which, considering he’s the king, would imply they were his wives. Now there’s a mental image that I am not even going to let inside my head, thanks. Although, having in mind that he just kept buttering them up, I would say it was just him stroking their egos to get them to join him. Not to mention that his later treatment of them supports that theory. And of course, he had to test them first and see how they’d do.
- Please, tell me that they’ll tell someone about the Pixies and won’t just go to Shadowhaunt on their own initiative.
- O!M!G! They actually told Faragonda! I can’t believe this! Finally doing something smart, I can’t! And of course she wasn’t going to just let them go. Though, did she really think they weren’t going to want to take the test?
- Shouldn’t Stella be weakened by the darkness of Shadowhaunt? I kinda wish she’d stayed at Alfea if that would’ve spared us from the arc that is coming. (Why?)
- Okay, but it was kind of rude of Layla to just overtake Riven’s hoverbike like that. I wouldn’t appreciate it if I had to give someone a ride and they shoved me out of the driver’s seat and occupied my car, thank you. I’m surprised Riven agreed to let her drive.
- I don’t really have much to say about this episode tbh.
- It was cute that Stella jumped off the cliff for Brandon but it was not the smartest course of action. It probably would’ve been easier for him to save himself if he was alone and they may not have ended up being brought to Amentia. God, I hate this. I don’t want to be bitching about this every other sentence so just know that I absolutely despise this arc from the very bottom of my heart and that will never change.
- They have no powers and Darkar knows they’re there. Sounds like a great situation, doesn’t it?
- That amazing moment when you either have to marry a person you’ve just met or watch the one you love die and then be forced to get married anyway. You gotta love that! I hate this so much! (And this is different from my previous point. Or at least has a different angle.)
- Wow, Riven is absolutely handling being a boyfriend. Somebody get him a manual, the man is failing spectacularly.
- I am not quite a fan of Flora’s “Must be nice to have a shoulder to cry on”. Like, you have your friends???? No, I get that she wants a boyfriend, nothing wrong with that, but it came out like she has nobody. Which is absolutely not true.
- What a lucky save that Stella just arrived when they were about to become toast. Can anyone tell me why she didn’t just teleport them where the Pixies are? Or anywhere closer to them if she could do that all along?
- Am I distracted or is there nothing to talk about in these episodes? (Both. It is both.)
- Seriously, why didn’t they at least mention the option to teleport using that gadget from the beginning?
- Aww, Brandon was trying to be noble and get out of the marriage but it backfired. Poor him.
- Why are the Pixies bickering like that? Is it Shadowhaunt’s influence or just the fact that they’d been imprisoned together for so long?
- Wait, did they just... kill a pixie? (Off screen of course, but still. Damn!)
- So Bloom and Stella did... interestingly with the boarding.
- Why is Stella afraid of heights? Also, that’s never been mentioned before. Especially not when she jumped off a fucking cliff! Wtf. They just keep throwing in new stuff without setting it up properly and I am getting annoyed.
- What happened to Tecna’s computer?
- Oh, look! Chatta lied to Darkar to protect Pixie Village.
- It’s the Trix! Finally some action! And they are harder to defeat now that they’re stronger! Nice!
- Damn! Layla was really determined to get the Pixies out of there. (Which wouldn’t have helped if Darkar hadn’t let her but she still gets points for trying.)
- Oh come on! Do I really have to deal with fake Avalon so early in the season?!?!?! Dammit! Also, wtf is up with Bloom and Stella? Like, you both have boyfriends. At least Layla’s not affected.
- “Stella returned a compliment. What is that about?” XDDD One of the funniest lines ever! And look at Amore! She is so cute!
- But yeah, seriously, just go get Brandon, please! (Also, good that they noticed something’s fishy.)
- Aww, Stella is absolutely furious and determined to get her boyfriend back. She should’ve gone for a plan tbh since it could’ve helped them get to the palace faster.
- I love how Stella’s known Layla for a week (half of which Layla was unconscious) tops and is already making her her bridesmaid. Am I the only one who finds this weird? Like, this friendship train is moving way too fast for my trust issues.
- Poor Brandon. She’s going to stretch him, wtf? These episodes are a horror show.
- How bad can a guard worm be? Hm, gee, I don’t know, Layla. Enough to stop you perhaps since it is a “guard”, y’know.
- And Brandon is talking to a parrot now. I am losing it just like he is. How much longer will this torture go on? Please, tell me this arc is coming to an end.
- Okay, so the plotline with Amore’s magic is less problematic than I remember it. I thought she was going to make Amentia fall in love with the flower pollen but it only leads you to your soulmate. That isn’t problematic, actually. Nice!
- Wtf do you mean they’re going to eat Brandon if he’s not a good husband?!?!?! I am getting nightmares over here. Just feeling them forming in my head. Thanks.
- It must be horrible for Stella to be standing there and watching her boyfriend being forced to marry another woman. How are these people not psychologically scarred anyway?
- Aww, they’re back together! I love how Amore is just sitting in Stella’s lap! It’s cute.
- I was not ready for the Kiko angst even though I knew it was coming.
- Faragonda really thought she could just dodge that question without them noticing, huh? Yeah, well, no.
- Oh, look! The Shadow Fire is sentient. This reminds me of LotR tbh but anyway, moving on. So Darkar is a man who is possessed by the Shadow Fire? I so did not remember that.
- Oh, no! Is it really time for Avalon already? Dammit! I was just getting thrilled there was no Darkar in these last two episodes and now I get Avalon. Uggggh.
- I get Bloom’s annoyance with this but why does she keep blasting it when that obviously doesn’t give results?!?!?! This reminds me of that quote by Einstein that madness is doing the same thing and expecting different results. “I feel tired.” You think? You’ve been out there blasting that thing for hours. Get inside and get warmed up, oh my god! Seriously, how are they even alive? They don’t take care of themselves at all.
- This might be my more advanced knowledge of what the future holds for them speaking but I absolutely do not get what is Avalon’s appeal.
- Oh, how convenient. He’s teaching magic connected to their origins. Amazing.
- “I don’t want to seem obsessive” *proceeds to spy on girlfriend* At least the show is framing it well.
- Ugh, I really hate these Bloom and Avalon scenes. They just leave a bad taste in my mouth.
- Ugh, I’m gagging at Bloom’s obsession with Avalon. I get he promised to help her learn about her origins but she’s downright lovesick. I am so with Sky on this and I understand his frustration.
- Aww, Brandon immediately revealed his own nickname to help Stella calm down. That was so cute! I love them!
- I love how the fairies are always invited, of course, but the witches are only invited because they helped. I mean, yeah, they do cause trouble, but like, they’re witches? I think the show should have done a better job at specifying what exactly being a witch is because currently it’s like “hey, they’re evil but they can legally learn how to be evil in the legitimate school for witches!” How does that make any sense?
- Ewww, seriously? On the one front I have Bloom and Avalon and on the other Icy and Darkar. What is wrong with this season?
- Oh, hey! It’s Helia! Now only if we didn’t have to wait half a season for Flora to confess her feelings, that would be great! I love how she got mad at Stella for introducing herself to Helia. Don’t just glare there, Flora. Do something about it! (About Helia, I mean.)
- So Saladin is also a dramatic bitch. Good to know. XD But hey, the new Red Fountain looks so much better. Before I started the rewatch, I didn’t even remember the initial vision. I only remembered the one from season 2 onwards.
- Poor Timmy! But what was Tecna’s problem? Like, you dreamed of him. That’s cool. I mean, you like him. What’s the problem? I guess she’s just not used to emotions like that, though.
- “I think it was Darcy” Jeez, really? Why is the fact that she ran away not enough proof that it was Darcy? Why would she run away if she was just a random girl? But I guess it’s a good thing Musa recognized her voice because people can actually do that unlike what movies would have you believe.
- It’s Kerborg time. Nice!
- Oh, yeah, “let’s leave Bloom and Sky in charge here”. Now you trust her. Last time she was there he blamed everything on her but hey, whatever.
- I loved Sky being supportive of Brandon and then the team up with all the rest. And Riven showing a better side of himself. That was really awesome.
- Oh, I think Helia’s got his eye on a certain fairy too! ;)
- But seriously. Literally an entire army of Specialists can’t hold the monster down while Helia did it on his own. With his glove. Wtf?!?!?!?! Though really, why am I expecting anything to make sense at this point.
- Okay, but as annoying as Darkar is, he at least knows how to steer the witches to do exactly what he wants.
- Really, Tecna, I think your facts are wrong. You aren’t completely grown up at 16, wtf.
- Who else is completely creeped out by Avalon? He really just gave all of his very female and very young students flowers. And he’s teaching them all individual things (which is just a cover so that his interest in Bloom doesn’t stand out, of course, but still). He knows they are all crushing on him and he’s exploiting that and doing his best to lead them on and reinforce those emotions. That is absolutely disgusting, thank you.
- Seriously, even Faragonda is falling victim to his “charm” (not)? I can’t with this episode anymore and it has just started. And here I thought Darkar would be the problem of this season. How was I so wrong????????
- Oh, he wants them to trust him as much as they trust themselves? How about they throw you off a cliff instead? Oh, wait, that won’t work because he has wings. Crush him with a boulder then? (This is getting very anti Avalon and I am so sorry for all the negativity but I don’t think I can stress enough how much this is upsetting and angering me.)
- Why do I feel like Avalon is the one who planted the book there so that Tecna could do all of that and embarrass herself so that she wouldn’t try it again and he could proceed with his real plans?
- Well, we finally got Bloom’s parents’ names and a very unclear peek at them. Though, props for having their designs figured out from the beginning, though I guess that is just thanks to the comics.
- Oh, hey! Palladium is back. (Why is no one crushing on him? He is so much better and more handsome than Avalon tbh.) Glow up time, bitches. XD
- Amaryl is being Amaryl, of course. But Palladium is having none of it anymore. And he saved Stella. Nice!
- The others trust Tecna, that’s great!
- (Honestly, Griffin is the only thing saving me from losing my mind in this episode tbh, Also the fact that she believes Tecna and that Tecna was suspicious enough to dig in the first place. At least someone hasn’t lost their common sense.)
- Oh, hey, how did Bloom get that medallion? Did she pull it out of the past? Pls, tell me that’s not what happened. It can legit mess the entire timeline.
- Wait, didn’t they start chasing him before midnight? Why is it suddenly morning? Wtf? You can’t tell me they chased him all night. Why is everything so wrong?
- Poor Wizgiz! Another invention is destroyed. I feel his pain.
- At least all parts of the episode came together nicely. The writing was actually good but I absolutely hate this episode, thanks! I still appreciate the effort with the script, though.
- Seriously, why did Bloom instantly decide that Diaspro was involved in this? Ugh. Both she and Sky need to calm down with the jealousy.
- Omg, Griselda is so savage, I can’t! Her magic is so awesome. (Since when is Stella up for cooking? Or was it just because she wanted to see the cute guy that would teach them cooking? Ah, and she’s tired of take out.) I really loved how she used different methods to deal with the different powers of the fairies. Finally we’re getting all the magical lessons and it is absolutely glorious.
- (Btw, seeing Stella openly critique classes schedule makes it clear to me why she’s always been my favorite. That is such a me thing to do. I still can’t understand how teachers liked me since I was always arguing with them.)
- Of course. Sky wants to talk and Bloom immediately decided he wanted to break up with her. Why don’t you hear him out first maybe? (Sidenote: Stella and Brandon went on a date with unicorns? That is really cute!)
- Brandon is in his role of the wingman again. Considering he’s the only one having a steady girlfriend (and they’ve said “I love you” already), the rest should just listen to him.
- Mayhem globe? That’s really cool actually.
- Helia is here. Nice!
- Poor Stormy. She looked really hurt. I thought Darcy was the one with the illusions and riddles. Why did she get it wrong and why was Icy the one to solve it (through a detail that not only has never been shown but has been pretty much disproven by what we’ve seen)?
- Yeah. Tecna and Timmy were also knocked out, Bloom. Just in case you care about that.
- Kindness spell? And non-agression spell? That’s kinda cool actually. But problematic... again.
- I am not quite sure what Bloom did but I am actually glad to see they went with a hug there (and it was cute). But how many times are they going to become a boyfriend and a girlfriend? I thought we were over this.
- Brandon is at it again. A true specialist... in dating tips. XD
- Wow, Flora. Nice Helia spell you got there. (Btw I am so loving that we get to see them in different classes and learning things! Yes, this is what I’m here for!) But Layla was so ready to help! And I also love that Flora went to Layla instead of anyone else. It’s really cute that they got so close so fast. (”He’s crazy if he doesn’t like you.” Perhaps Layla is the one who likes Flora. XD)
- Shoulda listened to Brandon, Timmy. (But Tecna so boldly went for the “us”. You go, girl!)
- Idk but to me “The Archaic Spells of Spheria” doesn’t sound any good tbh.
- Of course Stella is all about the romantic movies. But poor pixies. They had to imprison them to save them.
- Why did all of the boys know about the Codex in the previous ep but the girls have no clue about it? Why is Faragonda keeping it from them if everyone at Red Fountain knows about it?
- What was Faragonda doing? And why did she make Bloom look for the spell? Couldn’t she do that herself? (Also, she just threw the book like that on the floor. I get why it prompted her derision but damn, really?)
- Flora and Helia are such romantic dorks. And they’re bringing their A game there. Poems and flowers... A beautiful romance blooms. (I’ll stop now.)
- This convergence talk is giving me all the friendship feels. Not just for Winx but also for Faragonda and Griffin since they have been spotted doing convergence too. Ugh, my heart!
- Wow, Riven sure has a lot of pictures of Musa, considering the way he’s acting.
- “Kind of involved”? Mhm, sure.
- So I understand Musa’s frustration with Stella’s meddling but on the other hand I can see Stella’s point. I love Musa x Riven but Riven doesn’t seem exactly present and Musa herself stated that she’s not really sure what the status of their relationship is so...
- Okay, but there is no way in hell that it is Darcy’s birthday. It is fall currently and Darcy’s birthday is May 5 according to Wiki. So yeah, no.
- I am getting a bit sidetracked again but can we talk about the fact that Bloom and Stella couldn’t do convergence after a simple disagreement even though they’re together like 24/7 while Griffin and Faragonda managed to do it seamlessly at the end of season 1 after not speaking to each other for years and kind of getting into a fight the last time they spoke at the Day of the Royals. Friendship goals (well, besides the silent treatment.)
- Okay but I think it wasn’t right to blame Stella. She didn’t say anything that was inherently offensive. She suggested that they try to get closer. That isn’t bad even if it upsets someone indirectly. There was no need to blame her. They should’ve just focused on making Layla feel better.
- Why do I feel like none of them really had friends before they found each other? But hey, they are this big found family now and that is awesome! (I am getting all the feels again.)
- And Darcy is messing up the magical reality chamber again. Didn’t we do that already? Also, why didn’t they try to... idk, take precautions and put better security on it considering how dangerous it can be? Like, those are simple things. Please, be responsible.
- Better not play Truth or Dare with Stella. Unless you wanna be kissing ogres. XD
- That was a good save Layla pulled off there. Also, I love how the girls are mad at the “technical” issues. Tbh they are right to. How many times are they gonna get stuck in the wrong world when sent into the magical reality chamber? Like, get your shit together teachers. Also, why don’t they simply do a test run before they get anyone inside it? You’d think they’d learn their lesson.
- Damn, they can be deleted if the program is turned off? Why didn’t Darcy just have Jarred unplug it then? Winx are erased forever. Boom, problem solved. For the Trix, I mean.
- Aww, the pixies were ready to go in. That was cute.
- I LOVED that convergence! It was such a cool idea to have them make a figure. Also, they just created life. Damn! I am impressed.
- Poor Layla. She has all those nightmares. But at least Piff helps! That’s really cute.
- I see Flora still hasn’t solved the Helia problem yet.
- They just ditched school to go to a club. What chaotic dumbass energy, I can’t.
- Aww, Layla is sharing about her harsh childhood. At least she has friends she can talk to now. But damn the difference between Andros and Solaria is very striking in scenes like that.
- Layla totally nailed that improv. Nice, you go, girl!
- I love the difference between Griselda and Faragonda! XD
- I loved that convo between Bloom and Vanessa! Yes, thank you for that. I am a little confused as to when Bloom learned Daphne was her sister. Did I miss something or did the writers miss something? But aww, Vanessa can’t see Locket. That’s making me sad. :(
- They did go to the club, though, huh? Nice one, you guys.
- How will Faragonda learn if they use magic on humans but not otherwise? That doesn’t sound very logical to me. (Speaking of logic, where is Tecna? They didn’t show her in this ep.)
- Oh, no! Poor Layla. But damn, she’s powerful. And the others are there to help her. (The pixies can cause so much trouble considering how small they are.)
- I love how Faragonda and Griselda just showed up to get them. It was cute. Though, now they’re being punished. Well, technically, Bloom didn’t break any rules because she had permission to leave but I guess she’s also in this because she shouldn’t have taken the others with her. (Cheeky to welcome Faragonda and Griselda to Earth.) At least Faragonda managed to get them the permission for music back from Griselda. XD
- Aww, babies! They are so tired from cleaning the whole school, they fell asleep. And the pixies helped, too.
- I’m not sure how Flora got that Helia is “the one” from talking to him for half a minute, but damn, wanna share those powers with the rest of us so that we can know immediately when we’ve met the one as well? (It was so cute to see Flora lean on Layla to sleep with her. And Piff, too. If she weren’t just talking about Helia, they would’ve been like a picture perfect family.)
This got very long so I decided to split the post for this season in parts. Part 2.
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katierosefun · 4 years
ok but please tell us about the hunger games/the clone wars au and also the dr sleep/the clone wars au i needs it
aaaahHHH thank you for asking!!!!! my heart always bursts at these asks about these au’s uhhh, lemme get myself organized: 
so the thg/tcw au...i have many ideas/am still in the outlining process of this fic, but um, i have some ideas: 
- obi-wan’s the adopted son of one of the old hunger games victors, so he’s got some more advantages, even though. you know. still sucks that he’s about to enter an arena where he has to fight to the death. he’s in his last year of viability for the hunger games, too. 
- anakin, like his tcw self, only has his mom. he’s wicked good with machinery (so idk what district that would put him in? 3, i think, if i remember correctly?), and he helps his mom run shop. since he’s an only child, he doesn’t really have to put his name in as much as the other kids, but the past year has been really difficult, so he puts his name in a few more times than he usually would. and of course he gets chosen. 
- this is ahsoka’s first year of entering her names for the hunger games, and of course she gets chosen, too. little girl puts on a brave face, though, even though it pains the entire district to see this little child sent off already. 
- qui-gon is the one who mentors obi-wan/padme is the one who mentors anakin (also anakin lowkey has a crush on her but uhhh anakin please focus you’re literally going to die if you don’t)/rex is the one who mentors ahsoka (and double the pain because rex is quickly impressed and also sad because this little kid is so full of heart) 
- obi-wan and anakin and ahsoka all wind up meeting each other because all of their mentors weirdly know each other? (there will be an explanation for this later but ssshh spoilers) 
- um obi-wan’s just like “don’t get attached don’t get attached don’t--” and then anakin and ahsoka rope him into whatever they’re doing and he’s just like “dammit” 
- when the games start, things get really bad really fast. anakin and obi-wan and ahsoka are all briefly separated, and then they reunite. mostly through a series of “oops i accidentally on purpose saved your life i probably shouldn’t have done that because we’re going to have to kill each other eventually but uhhh for now can we just stick together” 
- lots of trying to survive/briefly having these weird happy moments (anakin pushes obi-wan into a stream. ahsoka teaches anakin how to hang upside down from a tree branch. obi-wan always insists taking first watch and he just quietly stays up the whole night despite the fact that anakin and ahsoka both tell him to wake them for their own shifts.) 
- i won’t go any further at this point because uhhh spoilers + also i haven’t figured out the ending yet but expect a lot of bittersweet found family things 
as for the doctor sleep au: 
- obi-wan and anakin are both traumatized from the events of their past so :((( lots of nightmares and not knowing quite how to cope but still trying to cope. they’re trying their best. 
- there’s a day when anakin and obi-wan are both Not Having a Good Day, and ahsoka, sensing it from miles and miles away, takes the opportunity to write on their wall Every Five Minutes Until They Feel Better. (“obi-wan the kid’s doing it again” “oh for heaven’s sake--”) 
- i picture obi-wan to basically look like danny torrance thank u ewan mcgregor pls i just want him to wear sweaters and jeans and also that really nice jacket 
- the time ahsoka gets kidnapped by creep palpatine’s goons is not fun, not good, very scary 
- anakin and obi-wan basically take turns doing the ThingTM where like?? anakin + obi-wan + ahsoka are all in ahsoka’s body?? (very much like that scene with dan and abra in crow daddy’s car.) basically, they scare the living shit out of palpatine’s goon because ahsoka’s eyes just keep changing shades of blue (anakin’s deep blue, obi-wan’s blue-grey, ahsoka’s own bright blue), and even though ahsoka’s still speaking in her own voice, the tone changes like every few seconds as anakin and obi-wan and ahsoka take turns speaking. (“this car is such a mess, very much like your room, anakin” “hey, it’s not that bad” “can you two please stop for like, two seconds? we’re still in the car!!!” meanwhile, palpatine’s goon is just going holy shit holy shit holy shit--) 
- anyways they get their shit together enough to just spin the car out of control (and then anakin + obi-wan are both basically screaming in ahsoka’s head like “are you okay please are you okay are you okay” and ahsoka just groans and is like “yes i’m fine pls can you lower the volume”) 
- i’m still in the process of outlining the exact details/plot of this fic too, but that’s like the one scene i have in perfect clarity so uhhh i hope you enjoyed???
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nyaheum · 5 years
My Eurovision 2019 Ranking
Info: I grouped some lower places together, simply because I really dislike some songs and have no strong opinion on some others. This is basically five groups of songs I didn’t like or don’t care about too much and then a top sixteen ranking.
41 to 34) Songs I really, really don’t like at all.
Germany [S!sters - Sister] - This song actually isn’t that bad. It’s alright. I’m just mad that it won the national contest, because we had two much better songs competing - or at least I thought they were much better. I also think it’s a bit weird that they call themselves ‘Sisters’ even though they’ve only known each other for a few months (if I remember correctly)
Czech Republic [Lake Malawi - Friend Of A Friend] - I’m sure there’s a lot of people who really like this song, because they usually like the music that’s on the radio and such. I really dislike this song. It annoys me so much. I also dislike his talking-part a lot...also the high pitched voice in the chorus? I just really dislike everything about this, honestly. (Especially considering I loved Mikolas’ song last year.) The video is kinda cool, but that doesn’t matter live.
Slovenia [Zala Kralj & Gasper Santl - Sebi] - This will sound weird, but the music video looks like those russian meme-y ones. Apart from that, there’s not enough happening here for me. It’s straight up boring. Usually, I’m into songs sung in the native language, but...I guess this song has a message, but I don’t get it because I don’t speak Slovene, and therefore I’m left with a pretty boring song where I can’t even concentrate on the lyrics.
Denmark [Leonora - Love Is Forever] - First of all: why is she partly singing in French? (Language of love, and she’s also saying some stuff in other languages, I know - but still). Second of all: the way she’s looking at the camera for the first thirty seconds is making me incredibly uncomfortable. Third of all: It’s a pretty boring love song. Meh. The only thing I like is the fact that she’s sitting there next to a guy AND a girl, but I might just be interpreting a bit too much into that.
Moldova [Anna Odobescu - Stay] - This is the kind of song I’d turn off the radio for. The music video also has this very weird slow motion thing going on which is very distracting and very ridiculous. It makes no sense too - I’m speaking about the guy who leaves his turned on car here. What’s up with him. Oh, and the song is a break-up song, oh no. Her vocals are pretty nice, although there’s some parts near the end where she sounds very weird and I really dislike that.
Lithuania [Jurij Veklenko - Run With The Lions] - On the one hand, the song it pretty interesting. In theory. On the other hand, I really don’t like his voice? It sounds pretty strained on the high parts. And, after the chorus is over for the first time, I feel like the song loses it’s appeal. The first time, the pitch changes are interesting, but the second time, they just seem a bit...meh. I also don’t want to run with lions, as they tend to be kinda dangerous, but thank you anyway, Jurij.
North Macedonia [Tamara Todevska - Proud] - Listen, the message of the song is definitely something good. Doesn’t change the fact that I dislike the song though. There’s not a lot happening and I feel compared to the ‘epicness’ of the music, her voice is a bit...uninteresting. Don’t get me wrong, she has a good, strong voice, but I feel like it doesn’t really fit with the instrumental. I like the music video, because there’s definitely a lot of different women shown, but I’m unsure how she wants to show this live on stage. (The wind blowing is also a bit much for me.).
Montenegro [D mol - Heaven] - Nothing Montenegro does will ever be as good as Slavko in 2017 - other than that, it’s a love song. Yay. It’s pretty boring. I don’t really hate it, which is why it’s right at the bottom of this category, but I also can’t get myself to like it. Usually, I really love string instruments in modern songs, but the cello in this...sounds off to me. (I’m no musician, so I wouldn’t know for sure, but I personally just dislike it here).
33 and 32) Songs I dislike, but not passionately.
San Marino [Serhat - Say Na Na Na] - I’m always here for San Marino doing weird shit, but this is weird in all the wrong ways. Serhat and his accent are creeping me out, honestly. I also feel like he’s twenty years older than any woman in this video. I also feel like this song had potential, but it just straight up vanished sometime during the creative process. The lyrics are weird too, but I don’t hate it. I can listen to it...once.
Norway [KEiiNO - Spirit In The Sky] - Usually, this would be the kind of song I’d at least put in my Top 20, but there’s something about it I dislike. I can’t even pinpoint exactly what it is, I’m just not here for it.
31 to 26) Songs I don’t care about, in a negative way.
United Kingdom [Michael Rice - Bigger Than Us] - Oh, UK. Back with the generic songs I cannot like because I’m not a big fan of generic songs. It’s alright - his voice is nice, even though it feels like it’s lacking a bit during the chorus? It just sounds like the Instrumental is overpowering him a bit live. At this point, I have also seen the “#ScotlandIsNow”-Ad ten times and am fed up with the UK.
Serbia [Nevena Bozovic - Kruna] - It’s a ballad. Yay. Ballads are boring, I feel like everyone who isn’t the Jury can agree on that. She has a nice voice, which is why I don’t really mind the song - but I wouldn’t add it to my Spotify-Playlist.
Estonia [Victor Crone - Storm] - It’s a guy with medium length hair and a guitar! Hide your sons and daugthers! But in all seriousness, I don’t care about this song either. It’s something I’d hear in the radio and wouldn’t skip, but I would think “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind it to be over now, thanks.”. 
Latvia [Carousel - That Night] - She sounds like a german actress whose name I can’t remember right now, that’s all I can think about. Well, apart from the fact that the songs feels pretty generic. To be honest, it sounds a bit like Eurovision 2014 (except for France, Armenia, Iceland (y’all, Pollapönk was so good) and Poland). Yeah.
Sweden [John Kundvik - Too Late For Love] - I like the Gospel-thing he has going on, but I don’t like the song itself. I’m just not a fan of songs where the pre-chorus is slower than the rest of the song when they immediately continue singing in the chorus? It’s weird to describe, but a lot of songs do this and I basically dislike all of them.
Croatia [Roko - The Dream] - I actually don’t like this song at all. But I love his goddamn wings, so I tolerate it. I’m a huge supporter of weird Eurovision and this is definitely what I needed this year. We always need someone in a weird costume. (Like vampire-opera-man from Romania in 2013.)
25 to 21) Songs I don’t care about, period.
Finland [Darude feat. Sebastian Rejman - Look Away] - I’m all here for the meme, but nothing more. The stage performance looks really cool, but I couldn’t care less about the song. There’s not much happening, and the drop is...lacking, at best.
Belgium [Eliot - Wake Up] - Catch me scroll through my phone during the whole duration of this song. It’s a good background noise, but I don’t particularly like it. I’m also still bitter Belgium didn’t win in 2015; they haven’t made it up to me yet when it comes to songs, and this one definitely doesn’t help either.
Austria [PAENDA - Limits] - There’s literally only one things I can say about this whole song: meh. (No, really, I have no feelings towards this song.)
Netherlands [Duncan Laurence - Arcade] - I like the floating-naked-underwater-aesthetic, but I don’t think he can do this live on stage... Song wise, I don’t really care - it’s somewhat nice - I like the start of the chorus, the short ‘boom’-moment, but that’s pretty much it.
Israel [Kobi Marimi - Home] - Okay, I’ll admit it’s hard to follow chicken dances and an absolute party on stage. But I don’t think a very slow song is the right choice. I definitely like his voice and he reminds me of someone so much, but I can’t think of the name. Generally, it’s pretty nice, but I wouldn’t vote for it.
20 to 17) Songs that are alright, but nothing more.
Belarus [ZENA - Like It] - It’s modern with a very very slight traditional touch, which I like, but the song doesn’t really go further for me. I feel like it should qualify for the final, but shouldn’t place high. At least it’s something modern...
Poland [Tulia - Fire of Love (Pali sie)] - It’s a bit weird, but I like it, I guess. I’m not sure if I like it, to be honest. I need to hear this one live. Depending on the live performance, this one could go up a few places or down a lot. It’s borderline annoying me, so it’s pretty hard actually judging this. I like the general sound of the song though. (There’s something about this music video that makes me feel a bit uncomfortable, but I don’t know what it is. Might just me being me.)
Georgia [Oto Nemsadze - Sul tsin iare] - He looks so grim, oh my god. I really like his voice, which is why he’s in this category, because I don’t really like the song all that much. It’s alright, definitely, and it might warm up to me - this type of song usually does - but currently I’m undecided.
Ireland [Sarah McTernan - 22] - It’s definitely alright. I mean, it’s still a love song, but most songs are, and at least this one has some things happening. The chorus is pretty catchy, although I was waiting for a bit more after the build-up.
16) Romania [Ester Peony - On A Sunday] - That music video is so confusing - when I first saw snippets from it, I thought it was a stage performance. The song itself is confusing me too - it’s weird, so I like it (like most songs from Romania, tbh) but it’s nearly a bit too much for me? I need to see this live, but so far, I’m optimistic about this one. 
15) Greece [Katerine Duska - Better Love] - I’m so here for the aesthetic. I really like her voice, it has this slight twang to it that I really like. I like that it’s very obvious outside of the chorus, but absent during the chorus. It gives the song in itself a nice contrast. Generally, it’s not exciting enough for my Top 10, but I definitely like it.
14) Albania [Jonida Maliqi - Ktheju tokes] - She’s singing in her native language, which is always a big plus for me. The song is a bit creepy and it has something I always call “ancient”, because I can’t describe it better. It sounds like they might’ve sung it a while back, only with a modern twist. Which means I automatically like it. (It’s also giving me strong 1944 (the song) vibes, just putting this out there.)
13) Azerbaijan [Chingiz - Truth] - And here we have our second guy floating through the water. I’m noticing a theme here. Both video and song are really weird for me here, and I cannot quite place why I like this, but I do. I’m pretty sure this will drop a bit once I hear it live though - I feel like it will be hard to not be overpowered by the music with the high voice he’s singing in during the chorus. He might surprise me though, so I’m placing the song here.
12) Hungary [Joci Pápai - Az én apám] - I was really happy when I heard he’d return, and although I actually prefer his first Eurovision song to this one, this is by no means bad. It’s actually pretty good, I definitely enjoy it. Bonus points for native language yet again; also, his voice is amazing, but I knew that already. I really like the whistling part in this.
11) Cyprus [Tamta - Replay] - Cyprus realized that they did something right last year and are sending another fun party song. I liked Fuego more than this one, although they sound pretty similar. The beat in this is pretty great though. (I feel like the thing I really liked about Fuego was Eleni’s hair, a department in which Tamta can’t compete, but...oh well. She looks so good for 38 btw.) 
TOP 10
10) Spain [Miki - La Venda] - Another fun song! You might notice I prefer these over the ballads a lot. This song really feels like summer - it basically sounds like Spain. I really like this for no deep reason - it’s just fun to listen to. Spain also deserves some love in Eurovision.
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9) Switzerland [Luca Hänni - She Got Me] - Okay, so, as a German, I know who Luca Hänni is. He’s the only singer I’ve heard something about before the competition. And I wasn’t expecting anything. But hey, our boy grew up, didn’t he? I like this song quite a bit, for some reason. I feel like it’s been on the radio over here before and I’ve been conditioned to like it, but I can live with that. I also like his suit. I want it. (I’m also a sucker for dance sequences, so if they put that into the live performance, I might even move this up a bit. I’m sold.).
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8) Portugal [Conan Osiris - Telemóveis] - Portugal thought: "Okay, we had a very heartfelt, serious song with minimal stage performance. We don’t want that anymore.” So they glued some spoons on a guys face, put him and his platonic male friend into feather suits and made them dance. As I said, I’m fully here for weird Eurovision, and I love traditional-ish songs, so I’m very into this. I actually really like the song, all jokes aside. This might actually be one of my Top Three stage performances. I just hope they qualify so I can see them in all their glory in the final. (Them and all their silverware.)
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7) Australia [Kate Miller-Heidke - Zero Gravity] - I have complicated feelings towards this song. It’s very clearly inspired by Estonias song last year - only that they made it more modern. I actually really enjoy the first two minutes of the song. If it was just that, I would’ve been inclined to put it in my Top Three. But then there’s the last minute. It’s way too many different voices and different music at once. I feel like it doesn’t quite fit. I’m still hoping they’ll fix that part for the semi-finals, because I really can’t stand it. 
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6) Armenia [Srbuk - Walking Out] - This song is the kind of music I usually listen to in my free time, so I obviously like it. I’m also really into the aesthetic. I just feel like the chorus could’ve used a bit more drama. Especially a different “drop” - they already did the pause before it, they might as well commit to it fully. Otherwise, I really like this. (And damn, those trumpets(?) were made for me.)
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5) Malta [Michela - Chameleon] - I really have a soft spot for Malta. I’m just really glad to have a real party song among ballads and sad songs. I might be influenced by the music video here because I really like lyrics on screen by default, but we’ll see how this song sounds live. Depending on that, it might move down. (I feel like this will either do really well or really bad though.)
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4) Russia  [Sergey Lazarev - Scream] - Okay, I loved his song back in 2016, so I am, again, biased, but I like it. It’s not quite as catchy as some of his other songs, but his voice sounds really good in this. I also really hope they will incorporate the imagery from the music video into the live performance, because it’s really nice.
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3)  France [Bilal Hassani - Roi] - At first, I didn’t like this song at all, but it really warmed up to me. He has a nice voice - I only hope he can fully show it live, because I already felt that the music video version sounded a lot better than the live version I saw. But the chorus of this song is stuck in my head. I also love the mixture of English and French - especially because it’s full sentences in both languages, and not only single words. (I can’t stand that.). I’m probably biased here because I speak French, so I understand everything (as opposed to the Slovene song for example) but...damn, I really like this song. (It took me really long to realize that his hair was a wig, by the way. I just thought he naturally had Jeffree Star hair.)  
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2) Iceland [Hatari - Hatrið mun sigra] - I can’t really explain myself here. This song is absolute madness and I’d be surprised if it survived through the semi-final. But they might surprise us and do what Lordi did before them. Honestly, it’s really refreshing Eurovision-wise and I’m so here for the Icelandic-metal-screaming. And yes, it’s another aesthetic-thing here. I just can’t help myself. (I’m also hearing “Aufstehen” in the end and I’m just wondering if that means “Stand up” in Icelandic...)
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1) Italy [Mahmood - Soldi] - Honestly, Mahmood has no contest for me. This song is everything I ever wanted and more. It’s way too good for Eurovision, if that makes sense. There’s just nothing that bothers me about this song. The chorus sounds so incredibly good and the live vocals I heard from him sound so stable? I really hope they won’t do Italy dirty like they did with Occidentali’s Karma. This song is just way too good to go to waste on lower places. Did I mention I absolutely love this song? Oh, and native language bonus, of course! As if I could love this song any more.
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fandomqueen74 · 5 years
Didn’t Want to See You
Requested by @creedslove for a sequel to Never See You again. Hope you enjoy!
Another day without his frail. Victor’s mood had yet to improve within the five months since his (y/n) had left him, and honestly, he didn’t know what else he could do. The house felt empty, the kitchen felt useless, his bed was- Without (y/n) he didn’t think he’d stay here much longer. 
That’s when Victor smelled it. It was her perfume, he was sure of it. (y/n) wore the exact same perfume for the past five years, he’d recognize it anywhere. Victory ran to the door, throwing it open, but (y/n) wasn’t there. A car was speeding down the road, but there was an envelope on his door step.
Victor groaned, he had hoped it was her, a foolish and dumb thought, but still. Victor didn’t bother reading the front of the envelope, he knew who it was from and the slanted curvy letters on the inside, only confirmed it.
Dear Victor,
I’m sorry for not contacting you sooner, but I was afraid. I need your help. I’ve gotten in over my head and you’re the only person who can get me out of this situation. I’m at the address on the envelope if you haven’t already torn that to shreds. Please come as quickly as possible
“Charles I don’t know about this” (Y/n) paced back and forth in front of Charles’ desk. She had been at Charles’ school for just over four months.
“Please (y/n), we need his assistance and he’ll only come for you” Charles sat behind his desk, intently watching (y/n), his eyes flickered to Logan standing in the corner for just a moment.
“I came here for protection from him” (Y/n) stopped studying the professor closely.
“I know, and you know I wouldn’t ask this if you unless it was absolutely necessary” Charles watched as the gears moved in (y/n)’s head, as she slowly started to nod.
“Fine. Just when he gets her, keep him away from me” (Y/n) looked at Logan, a small conversation passing between them in seconds before she left.
“Are you really sure this is wise professor?” Logan stepped forward, closing the door behind (y/n). She didn’t know about his upcoming mission yet.
“Unfortunately no, but you can’t do this on your own Logan” Charles sighed, rolling out from behind his desk.
“If he hurts (y/n)-“ Logan started, his mind flying to the different things that could happen, his brother was unpredictable at best.
“You have my full permission to hurt him back Logan, I assure you.” Charles moved, opening the door for Logan, watching as he left his office and looked to a student who seemed to have been waiting for a little bit. “(Y/n) has been a blessing on this school, you know I don’t play with my teachers lives”
“Of course professor”
Victor saw the building and growled, why of all places was his love her. Was she being torched? Was his brother holding her hostage. He ran through the front door, children screamed running away from him. He stood in the center of it all. 
“(Y/n)?” Victor yelled. Two boys came running at him, but he knocked them down easily, only becoming angrier. 
“Get out of my way, where’s my wife” Victor looked around, wondering where were the big guns. He could tell his brother was here, but he could also smell (y/n).
“Victor” (Y/n) stood at the top of the stairs, her eyes wide. In all her years with Victor she had seem him do a bar fight or two, but these, these were children.
“(Y/n)” Victor nearly fell at the sight of her. She was angelic, truly beautiful.
“Hello brother” Logan stood behind (y/n), immediately causing Victor’s mood to sour.
“Logan” Victor growled stalking forward slightly, when (y/n) couldn’t look at him he stopped. He suddenly felt trapped, but he couldn’t escape.
“Victor, so nice of you to join us, please step into my office” Charles rolled out of his office, an easy smile on his face.
“I’m just here for-“ Victor’s eyes didn’t leave (y/n), though Logan was picking out different was to probably skin him.
“I know exactly why you’re here. Are you sure you do?” Charles gestured to his office looking at Victor expectantly. “Please, come into my office”
Victor walked around the mansion, trying to find (y/n), it didn’t take him long to find (y/n) in the kitchen, unfortunately with Logan, who was kissing her. “(Y/n)” 
“Victor” (Y/n) jumped back from Logan, her eyes wide.
“Logan” Victor growled as the two men locked eyes. (Y/n) stepped between them before they quite literally ripped each other apart.
“Did you’re meeting with the professor go alright?” Logan smirked, his tone cheeky as he enjoyed watching Victor for once gold himself back.
“May I speak with you alone (y/n)?” Victors eyes were locked with Logan even as he talked to (y/n) he didn’t want Logan touching his wife.
“Do you promise to keep your claws away?” (Y/n) crossed her arms, glaring at Victor. Just being in the same room as him made her skin crawl.
“I’d never hurt you” Victor’s voice softened slightly as his eyes landed on (y/n).
“I’m more worried about the cupboards than my own life” Victor felt hurt, he was use to (y/n) being mad, he had seen that plenty of times, but he had never seen her cold. “I’ll come to bed soon Logan” 
“You sure?” Logan’s Hans rested lightly on (y/n)’s back, his focus only on her.
“Yes” (y/n) nodded, her eyes never leaving Victor. They both waited until Logan was gone. Victor was the first to speak.
“So, you and Logan now?” Victor moved forward, slowly circling (y/n).
“Yes” (Y/n) stood strong. She knew Victor could smell everything so she kept her self calm. 
“(Y/n), I love you” Victor’s armed wrapper around (y/n) waist pulling her close.
“No, you don’t” (Y/n)’s face pulled into a sneer her skin on fire everywhere Victor was touching her.
“How can you-“ Victor studied (y/n), he’d never seen her like this.
“You like possessing me. You don’t know what real love is” (Y/n) pulled Victor’s arm off of her as she backed away.
“Oh and you think Logan does. I can assure sweetheart, everything I’ve done, he’s done.” Victor’s anger grew we moved after (y/n), every step back she took, he matched. “Only worse”
“He didn’t hide it from me” (Y/n)’s back hit the counter and for the first time in a long time (y/n) felt fear.
“Did you ever love me (y/n)” Victor brushed back a bit of (y/n)’s hair, holding her cheek.
“...yes” (Y/n) bite her lip, she had promised Victor long ago never to lie to each other, even if he broke the role, she wasn’t going to. Victor smiled, pulling (y/n) in for a kiss. (Y/n) pushed Victor away, nearly spitting.
“Do you still love me?” Victor paused, looking down at the ground. He needed to know.
“No” Victor growled, but made no other move towards (y/n), instead moving quickly out of the kitchen. “Victor wait”
“Don’t worry (y/n), I’ll help your adored professor, and I’ll stay out of your hair too”
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