#literally turned his head to see me im going to KILL MYSELF
chiistarri · 4 months
he dislikes the fact i asked him out so much that he is consistently one of the first viewers of all my stories 🎀
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sematarygirls · 7 months
Living Dead Girl Pt. II — Patrick Hockstetter.
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part one
pairing : patrick hockstetter x ghost!reader
summary : patrick gave into his urges and finally tested his morbid curiosities on prey much larger than just a cat or dog. little did he know his actions would come back to haunt him... literally.
warnings : patrick being a psychopath , animal cruelty , male masturbation , graphic descriptions of murder and suicide , reader being manipulative , degradation , sexual themes ,
word count : 4.5k words !
a/n : can't believe i'm finally posting this after a year and a half. also this is my first attempt at smut-ish so i'm sorry if it's ass. im not gonna say this is 18+ bc I myself am not 18+ (im turning 18 this year tho) also im not your mom and idgaf what you read.
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"Finally," a voice sounded, causing him to drop both his can and his plate. The sharp sound of glass breaking followed by a loud thud echoed through the room as the plate and soda can collided with the floor.
"No, no, no," Patrick shook his head, shutting his eyes. "This isn't real. I killed you. You're not here. You're not real."
"Sorry, babe," the voice, your voice, whispered into his ear. Your warm breath fanned his ear, and he felt his whole body tense. "I'm very much real."
"That's not possible," he said through gritted teeth. "I watched you die. I buried you!" He opened his eyes, convinced that this was all some terrible drug trip. Maybe the weed he'd just got from Henry was laced, or maybe he was suffering from a temporary psychosis. Either way, there had to be some rational and logical reason that he was seeing you.
However, when he saw you there, sitting there with a smug look on your face, your presence as solid as any living person, he felt his heart skip a beat.
You tilted your head, eyebrows furrowing as you pouted. "What's wrong, Patrick?" You asked condescendingly. "Don't act so scared now." You walked toward him slowly, watching him scramble backward in a panic. A smile spread across your lips as you saw the pure fear in his eyes when he hit the wall behind him, having nowhere else to go. "You weren't scared when you stabbed me. You weren't scared when you watched me bleed out in your arms. You weren't scared when you buried my body like some animal you found on the side of the road." Your voice was seeping with anger as you stepped closer and closer, cornering him. "So you don't get to be scared now."
Patrick Hockstetter was not someone who was frightened easily. In fact, up until this very moment, he didn't think he had the ability to be frightened at all. His unique ability to remain calm and collected in situations that would often stress others out was one he was prideful of. However, at that moment, he felt all composure and level-headedness dissolve. For the first time in his life, he was scared. Not just scared—terrified.
"What- What do you want?" He asked, his voice shaky as he looked into your eyes. You no longer looked at him like he hung the moon. There were no remnants of your innocence and naivety—willing to trust that people have the best intentions. There was nothing behind your cold, lifeless eyes. It was like staring at a corpse.
"Now, what's the fun in that?" You grinned, leaning forward so your face was inches away from his. Your gaze flickered to his lips. The same lips you thought he'd planned to kiss you with, but instead, he'd stabbed you in the stomach and mocked your intelligence. "You should really watch your back, Patrick," you whispered with a devious smirk, your breath fanning over his face. "I heard the search for me is really picking up after they found my blood in the woods."
Your words snapped him back to the reality of the situation at hand. He had killed you. What you were saying was impossible though. Right? He was meticulous in every stage of his plan. There was no way they found any trace of you. "What are you talking about?" He asked, his eyes searching you for any sign of deception, but you were impossible to read like this. He was no longer able to detect everything from a single glance. He only knew what you wanted him to know.
Without another word, you disappeared, leaving the boy spiraling as he went through all the events of that night over and over again. "Come back!" He screamed, his voice echoing through the empty house. "You can't just leave like that you bitch!"
Patrick let out a frustrated yell as he grabbed the nearest thing—which happened to be a porno mag—and threw it across the room in a fit of rage. Who did you think you were to haunt him? To come into his room, make him feel that horrible emotion, and tease him just to leave abruptly?
He sat on the edge of his bed, trying to control his heavy breathing as his anger took over. You had to have been lying, trying to get into his head. He hated to admit that it was working. He was supposed to be the one in your head. This was his world. He controlled everyone and everything. You shouldn't be here. You should be dead and buried like he had intended.
He fell back in his bed and took a deep breath, letting his mind settle as he chased sleep. He told himself you would be gone tomorrow and that would be that. Your appearance to him, like something out of a Charles Dickens novel, was just a fluke. Tomorrow you would be dead and all would be right with the world.
He drifted off to sleep, having convinced himself that he would never see you again. He was able to get a few hours of sleep, but you weren't going to let him be at peace for long
At around 4 am, Patrick had a very vivid dream that he was choking. He was gasping for air, clawing at his neck as he looked around frantically. His surroundings dissolved into a pitch-black room. He felt his lungs burning, his brain growing fuzzy as the oxygen left him. It felt so vivid, so real.
He awoke in a panic, sitting up straight as he gasped for air. His lungs felt like they were on fire. Like he had truly been deprived of air like he'd dreamed about. He panted, catching his breath as he looked around at his room, thankfully finding no signs of you. However, when he finally felt secure, able to draw a breath without feeling like a thirsty man drinking water, he realized the pillow that had been behind his head was now sat on his lap.
The realization dawned on him that he may have been actually suffocating, and you were the culprit. He shook his head, trying to expel the thought as he laid back down, throwing the pillow off into the black depths of his room, so he wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. It was just a dream. Just as you were just a vision.
Patrick wasn't stupid, though many would argue to the contrary. Just because he didn't give a shit about school and didn't try didn't mean he wasn't smart. He just saved his intelligence for things that actually mattered—like planning and executing a murder.
That in mind, his refusal to accept the things he deep down knew to be true was not, as some would think, him being stupid. On the contrary, he believed himself smarter than to believe in silly things like ghosts. Dead things stay dead. He'd learned that at a very young age. He knew when he killed his brother that he would not be coming back. Just as he knew when he killed you that you would not be coming back.
Ghosts don't exist. He wasn't dumb enough to believe that.
As he laid in bed, trying to rationalize himself into a calm enough state to fall asleep again, he found himself more on edge with every creak of the old house around him. He stared up at the ceiling, his eyes conspiring with the moonlight to play tricks on him. His breath hitched at every shadow dancing around the dark.
You were proud of your work, and you had barely done anything yet. You watched from the shadows, pleased as he seemed to run himself in circles trying to cope with everything going on. The mere thought of you was torture enough.
You grinned, biting your lip as a thought washed over you. As a ghost, not bound by the physical realm, you had the ability to do a lot of things. One of those so happened to be raising and lowering the temperature in a room.
You focused hard, raising the temperature several degrees, making Patrick swear at the sudden sweat washing over him. You watched with a satisfied smirk as he pulled his shirt over his head, trying to cool himself off.
He didn't have a six pack or anything, but you didn't expect him to. He had a lean, toned torso with a very sexy v-line peeking out from his jeans. A small tattoo sat on his stomach just above his v-line on the right side. You couldn't make it out in the darkness, but you didn't care much. The sight of it alone was enough.
After all, who said you couldn't mix a little bit of business with pleasure.
He had taken away the rest of your life, all the possibilities of experiencing having your first kiss, losing your virginity, falling in love. It was only fair he made up for that in one way or another before your time together came to an end.
The time passed agonizingly slowly with Patrick staring at the ceiling and you watching him, studying him like he was some foreign thing. It was so interesting to watch someone when they don't know they're being watched. Of course, he felt the hairs on his neck stand on end, his body detecting the unseen eyes on him, but he chalked it up to paranoia—as he did every other unexplainable thing that seemed to be happening to him.
His mind drifted off, the heat making him restless as his brain filled with gruesome images of his previous kills. He sifted through his memory for the most interesting ones—dismembering birds, beheading cats, snapping a squirrel or two's neck—but none of them seemed to get him off anymore.
The image of your face right after he stabbed you made it's way into his mind. Your eyes, so wide and filled with fear. He could practically hear your sweet voice crying out, asking why he would do this to you. The thought made his cock tighten in his jeans.
He reached down, palming himself through his jeans with a groan. Reliving the sounds of you choking and coughing up your own blood had his fingers working quickly to undo his belt. He tossed it to the side, practically ripping the button off his jeans as he pulled them down along with his underwear, allowing his dick to finally be free from the restrictive fabric.
He spat in his hand, gripping his cock and lubricating it. He caught his chapped lower lip between his teeth as swept his thumb over his pink head, smearing his precum across it. He let out a low moan, letting his hand travel up and down his dick at a slow, agonizing pace. He kept his eyes screwed shut, immersing himself in the memory of your murder as he stroked himself.
Patrick was not a moral man by any means but this was a new low. Getting himself off to you, in his mind, was no better than if he was imagining one of his dead animal playthings. You were nothing to him. You were roadkill.
But, for some reason, the fresh sight of you, wearing the clothes he killed you in with that dark blood stain right where he'd stabbed you, your hair all matted, and the cold, lifeless look in your eyes, made it so easy to relive that night in great detail.
It was the greatest night of his life. The biggest release of pressure he'd ever felt since he began getting those homicidal urges—those itches. He didn't think he'd ever get to feel that euphoria again, but fucking himself to the thought of it would get him pretty damn close.
He let out a strangled moan, his hips pushing into his hand as he came, and he was right, it was the second-best feeling he'd ever felt. It didn't compare to killing you, but it was enough to satiate his urges once again.
He laid there, panting for what felt like hours. The time moved by so slowly until finally, the sound of the alarm block beside his bed blaring pulled him from his thoughts.
The red numbers reading 7:30 blinked slowly, reminding him that he had to get up and get ready for school. He leaned over, smacking the top of the clock roughly to silence it before falling back flat on his bed, preparing himself to get up.
He groaned, pushing himself up and grabbing a random pair of jeans and a shirt that smelled clean enough. He quickly got dressed before making his way back downstairs. He knew Belch would be here any second to pick him up—he always woke up later than he was realistically supposed to.
He slipped his boots on, and a few moments later, he heard Belch laying on his car horn. Rolling his eyes, he opened the door, heading outside and letting it slam just behind him.
"Calm your tits," he shouted in annoyance. Patrick always had a short fuse, but after the particularly restless night in which he'd been visited by some fucking ghost of Christmas Past, he found himself particularly irritable.
"Dude what happened yesterday?" Victor asked as Patrick climbed into the blue Trans Am.
"You were totally tripping the fuck out," Belch chimed in, starting the car and peeling out of Patrick's neighborhood.
"Dumb fuck can't handle his liquor," Henry scoffed from his spot in the passenger's seat.
"Shut the fuck up, Bowers," Patrick bit back, gazing out the window. "At least some of us don't piss our pants when we drink."
"It was one fucking time you dickhead!" Henry defended quickly, his cheeks turning red from the embarrassment.
At the feeling of someone's hand on his thigh, Patrick quickly looked over at Vic. "Don't fucking touch me you-" he paused just short of spitting some derogatory remark about Victor being gay and a freak when he saw you sitting between him and Victor, grinning at him darkly.
"What the fuck are you talking about, dude?" Victor asked, bewildered by Patrick's behavior. Patrick was always an odd one, but he never acted this weird.
"He probably smoked himself fucking dumb," Henry grumbled, still annoyed about the pants pissing remark.
You held a finger to your lips as climbed over onto his lap, holding onto his shoulders to steady yourself. You just wanted to rile him up a little, make him feel suffocated by you, like he could never escape. And truly, he couldn't. You were never going anywhere until you believed justice had properly been served, and you would take that in any form.
He glared at you, but you paid him no mind, leaning to whisper into his ear: "How cute," you condescended him. "You thought I would just go away." You dug your nails into his shoulders making him sharply inhale, trying not to tip off his friends to the seemingly unwarranted pain he was feeling. "You will never be rid of me," you whispered menacingly, looking deep into his eyes with a sickening grin that made nausea pool in his stomach.
In any other situation, having someone on his lap, digging their nails into his shoulders would probably have been a pleasurable experience, but this was not any other situation. This was a nightmare he couldn't seem to wake up from.
When Belch finally pulled into the school parking lot, Patrick couldn't get out of the car fast enough. You disappeared as he scrambled to unlock the door and get out, finally feeling like he could breathe. He pulled his shirt collar to the side, looking down at the angry red marks where your nails had been. They served as a disturbing reminder that you were really there, and you could do anything to him.
"You get laid last night, Hockstetter?" Belch asked, grinning as he saw the red marks.
"That why you ran off yesterday?" Henry snickered. "You pussy whipped?"
"At least, I actually get pussy," he sneered, paling as he heard your laugh echoing around him the moment the words slipped from his lips. It was a deafening sound. Like a mix between a cackle and a scream that seemed to permeate his surroundings.
His jaw clenched, eye twitching as he resisted the urge to cover his ears. Apart from not wanting to look insane, he also didn't think it would help much. You weren't around him. You were in him, in his head.
The bell could faintly be heard going off inside the school, making Victor curse under his breath. They had two minutes to get to class or they were late.
"Mrs. Denton's gonna throw a bitch fit if I'm late again," he groaned, watching as Henry lit a cigarette.
"Kiss ass," he remarked, taking a long drag before exhaling the puff of smoke into Belch's face as Victor walked away.
"You asshole," Belch coughed, shoving Henry.
"Oh, shit." Henry's eyes widened as he tossed his cigarette on the ground, quickly stomping it out. "Let's go," he ordered, making his way up the stairs to the front doors of the school, looking behind him frantically.
Patrick's eyebrows furrowed at the sudden shift in Henry's demeanor. He followed the brunette's gaze, his eyes locking with those of Butch Bowers, the sheriff.
"Wonder if they're here for you," your voice taunted him, breath tickling the back of his right ear. He turned, preparing to come face to face with that condescending smile you always seemed to be wearing, but you weren't there.
He looked back, finding Sheriff Bowers still staring at him, seemingly ignoring whatever the deputy was leaning into his ear to say. Patrick wasn't one to back down easily, but your presence, your warnings, had him on edge. He quickly advanced forward, his lengthy legs providing long strides as he followed suit in heading inside Derry Highschool.
The sounds of his heavy boots hitting the linoleum floor echoed through the empty hall as he made his way to his math class. Victor was right; Mrs. Densen was going to throw a bitch fit that he was late, but he didn't care. He wouldn't have cared on a normal day, but on this day, with the police sniffing around and you practically breathing down his neck, he cared even less—which he didn't even know was possible.
He pulled open the door to the classroom, a hush falling over the students as he entered. Most stared at him wide-eyed, some avoided looking at him altogether, and he briefly caught Vic looking at him with sympathy. The teacher, however, was glaring at him, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Mr. Hockstetter, late again I see," she said pointedly. "You've earned yourself a detention after school today." Patrick stifled a laugh as he made his way to his seat at the very back of the classroom. "Is something funny?" She asked, her tone displaying clear annoyance.
"Yeah, that you think I care," he rolled his eyes, slipping into his desk. He tuned out whatever lecture the teacher decided to give him after that. His gaze drifted to the empty desk in the front row— the one you used to sit at.
"Don't go feeling remorseful now," you said into his ear. He felt your arm around his shoulders as you leaned down, your face positioned next to his. He turned to look at you, and you turned to look at him, your faces almost touching.
your breath fanned across his face, the moment oddly intimate until you grinned at him, opening your mouth and emitting an ear piercing scream.
"Ah," he grunted in pain, his eyes screwing shut, and his hands gripping his ears. It felt like his eardrums were seconds away from bursting and causing blood to pour out of his ears. "Shut the fuck up!" He yelled, the room, and you, falling dead silent immediately after the words left him.
He peeled his eyes open, his hands falling as he looked around. "Excuse me, Mr. Hockstetter," the teacher gasped, clearly taken aback by his outburst. "Take yourself to the principal's office right this instant!" She ordered him.
His blood began to boil as he stood up abruptly, storming out of the classroom and slamming the door behind him. He was getting very very sick and tired of your little games. He headed toward the back door of the school, not wanting to cross paths with Henry's dad.
"This doesn't look like the way to the principal's office," you mused, appearing beside him. He stopped, turning to shove you against the locker. He groaned when his arms made contact with the locker instead of your body, and your laugh echoed behind him. "You think you can hurt me, how cute."
He let out a frustrated groan, smashing his fists against the locker. He couldn't stand you. He couldn't stand having someone that he couldn't manipulate or hurt but that could manipulate and hurt him. "What do you want with me?" He asked, refusing to look at you.
"To break you," you grinned. "To have you begging for it to stop."
Yeah, right he thought.
He was Patrick fucking Hockstetter; he didn't beg. He didn't bend to the will of others, especially not some dead bitch. He was determined not to let you win. You would eventually get tired of tormenting him and go back to wherever the fuck you came from. He was sure of it.
Oh, how he underestimated your patience and overestimated his resilience.
He lasted exactly a week. A week of you screaming and poking and scratching and fucking with his head. A week of people staring at him like he was insane with his random outbursts and talking to the air. A week of torment before you finally had him right where you wanted him.
"Just leave me alone!" He begged, standing in the middle of his room with his head in his hands. You had finally drove him to the brink of insanity, and he didn't know how much longer he could live like this. You, being everywhere all the time, taunting and touching and teasing, it was too much for him. He couldn't take it anymore. "Go away!"
You tsked, grinning at him, that condescending grin that filled him with indescribable rage. How could you look at him like that? Like he was stupid? You were the stupid one. You were killed by him not the other way around!
"I'm afraid that's not how this works," you told him, shaking your head slightly. "I get to stay until you give me what I want." You took a step, punctuating the next words you said with a pause between each one and another step forward. "However. Long. It. Takes."
"What the fuck do you want from me?" He yelled, desperate to get you away from him forever.
"Well," you drawled, running your index finger along his chest, making him flinch. You smiled at the effect you had on him. He talked a big game, getting mad when you left—cursing, throwing things, even—having the audacity to fuck himself to the thought of your murder— but when it came to being face to face with you, he cowered away.
Ain't nothing like a little fear to make a paper man crumble as Henry Bowers' father once said.
"I'll be nice and give you a choice," you said darkly. "You can turn yourself in," you almost laughed at the way his demeanor hardened. "Which we both know you're too proud and stubborn to do," you continued. The intrigue behind Patrick's eyes was undeniable as he eagerly awaited his second choice. "Or," you trailed off, grabbing a razor from his dresser and holding it in front of his face. "You can die."
"You're a crazy bitch!" He shouted, though his inability to mask the tremble in his voice made him sound less than threatening.
"Maybe," you shrugged, admiring the sharp piece of metal. "Hmm," you hummed. "I wonder how you'll feel about me in another week," you asked thoughtfully. "I bet you'll be wishing you took the chance while you had it."
His jaw clenched at your words. He'd already lost a considerable amount of sleep because of you, and the thought of you tormenting him any longer was a fate worse than death. "Why don't you just kill me?" He asked defeatedly. You'd backed him into a corner that he was positive he couldn't get out of without doing things your way.
"I'm not you, Patrick," you spat hatefully. "I don't kill people or things."
"What? Like driving me to suicide is any better?" He scoffed, challenging your sense of superiority over him.
"You have an informed choice," you told him, trying to regain your calm. You didn't like losing your temper, especially not to the likes of Patrick Hockstetter, scum of the earth. "That's a luxury you didn't extend to me."
He eyed the blade in your hand warily. He didn't like accepting defeat. He would never admit to killing you. Being confined to a tiny room, unable to satiate that burning itch deep inside him whenever he needed; it would drive him mad.
"Go on," you urged him softly, holding the razor out for him to take. "Put yourself out of your misery. End it all and be free."
He looked between you and the blade hesitantly, a million thoughts running through his mind as he tried to make a decision. Glaring at you, he took the blade. A scowl formed on his face as he observed the triumphant expression that you seemed to wear immediately after he made his choice.
"Two deep cuts, and you'll never have to see me again," you assured him. That all but sealed the deal. Patrick didn't believe in heaven or hell and death didn't scare him. Being caged like one of the many animals he's so cruelly killed scared him more than dying. He walked over to his bed, sitting on the edge.
He sucked in a breath, pressing the blade into his wrist and dragging it upward toward his inner elbow. He clenched his teeth, deeply inhaling through them. A groan of pain fell from his lips as he felt the warm blood begin seeping from his wound, running down his arms and onto his jeans. He continued the action on the other arm, feeling nauseous and lightheaded.
The blade fell from his trembling fingers, clattering to the floor as he fell back onto the bed. His head felt foggy, and the pain began to melt away into numbness. His eyes began to droop, and he faintly saw your outline standing above him.
He just barely felt you lean down, pressing a kiss to his forehead. His ears began to ring as his eyes fell shut. The words you spoke next were the last he would hear before his heart slowed to an eventual stop. He almost couldn't make them out, the sound muffled, as if he was underwater, but his mind used its last bit of energy to process them before giving out.
"Goodbye, Patrick Hockstetter," you said softly. "May you burn in hell."
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tags! : @fatfagsj , @mysticalhills , @simpingforthe80s , @slasherho , @pinkpanther-44 , @slaggylemon , @kyranisnotdead , @ladydragiiss ,
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passionateseadruid · 3 months
Snake king’s bride 9
No sympathy for the Devil
It was a cold day in hell. Sinsmas. The actual day, Christmas for the folks up on earth. And here you were in bed alone.
"Hey! It's Lucifer! Can we talk? I brought Pancakes!" Lucifer knocked outside the door. You got up and opened the door to your room. "Hi… I wanna talk about what happened after your family’s party."
"There’s nothing to talk about. Nothing happened." You denied.
"Come on, you can't just bottle up your emotions like that! I made a huge mistake, I thought all this time if I could just shower you in love and intimacy you'd love me. But you cried that night." You listened to him ramble. You took the plate and motioned him to follow you into the room.
"Close the door." You instructed and he followed. "Why do you love me Lucifer?"
"I don't know."
"You're a bad person." You tell him as you sit on your bed and started to eat the pancakes.
"I know. I'm sorry. By the time I realized that my last ditch effort couldn't make you fall in love with me it was too late."
"Is that why you ran out in the middle of sex and didn't come back the next morning."
"Yeah. Was there something, anything, that I could have done to make it better?" He knelt on one knee in front of you.
"Not doing it at all." 
"Well, unfortunately we're past that point darling."
"You know, you're really sick in the head. You coerced me into sex, took my virginity, and you didn't have the decency to clean me up, or even stay with me. Then you come back days after the fact and try to worm your way into my life.
"That's not a fair representation of what happened that night. I kissed you sure, but you were the one who brought me to the bed."
"As you were groping me, shoving your tongue down my throat, and telling me how much you needed me carnally."
"I never wanted to hurt you. The fact that I have hurts me so much more than you could ever realize."
"No no, don't turn this on me. What could I have said? You had the power in that situation. You threatened to kill my family."
"Your dad shot me! And your mom scarred me with holy water!"
"Firstly the bullet bounced off your skin and shattered, and secondly can you blame my mom? You're literally the Devil."
"That's besides the point. Up until that night when have I ever intentionally done anything to hurt you?"
"Well you literally kidnapped me. You're holding me hostage. You've been trying to force me to marry you since the moment we met. You've made several sexual advances on me since then. You threatened my family at the Halloween party. And on top of all of that you're constantly comparing me to Lilith which just makes me feel so shitty about myself."
"Wow, I've been so shitty to you. Are you okay? It feels like you should have tried to run away by now."
"Some days you really make me want to."
"What can I do to make it up to you?"
"Oo! You can start by eliminating the discrimination against Imps and Hellhounds. Then you can give Styx, Renesmee, Nina, and Pluto Raises, and more paid vacations, more vacation time overall. I get to see my family and friends whenever I want. I also want to see a therapist. And finally I want to go to the other rings and see how the other Sins treat their citizens."
"Wow, that's… a lot."
"After everything you've done to me, this should be the bare minimum." You stood up and walked past him.
"But I never meant to hurt you!" He shot up to follow you. 
"But you did! You try to justify and ignore everything you do! You never take accountability for what you've done! You didn't mean to hurt me! Bit you did! Oh, but I was the one who instigated sex. But you were the one who implied that's what we'd be heading to that night. And I couldn't protest to it because you held the power! You were the one who made the conditions of our deal! I didn't have any room to argue!"
"IM SORRY OKAY?!" He reached out to you but you pulled out of his reach, leaving him to fall onto the floor. He curled into himself on his knees. "IM SORRY! IM SO SORRY!!" He sobbed. "I thought I was doing what you wanted. I was trying to do what you wanted that night! You kissed me back, remember? You grabbed onto me and you led me to my room. I have not been able to sleep in that bed since that night! I have hardly been able to look at you since you started to cry that night. The fear in your eyes, the pain, the utter despair on your face is burned into my brain. I am constantly thinking about how badly I hurt you. And if I have to burn down all of Heaven and Hell to get you to forgive me I will."
"Good. Because I will have no sympathy for the Devil."
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autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
fic rec friday 47
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
Damnit, Pidge by spirkylurkey
Pidge has some top-secret-classified-don't-tell-Keith-info that she accidentally lets slip to, you guessed it, Keith. Lance is an embarrassed mess. Keith isn't faring much better, to be honest.
this one made me LAUGH the way that this all pidge's fault and she's literally like. well. you shouldn't be so gay then. and she's right!! they're so dumb i love them
2. Operation: Faking It by @writeonclara
“What the hell, guys?” Pidge squawked, wrestling away from Matt. “Why are you pretending to be a couple?” Or: Matt and Lance pretend to be a couple because Shiro and Keith are clueless as hell.
do you guys remember shatt?? i remember shatt. adashi will always have my heart but shatt will literally always be funny bc ofc thats ur fic name. anyways. this fic is mostly klance but the entire concept is just so ridiculously goofy that u have to laugh. do you like lance and matt? do you like fake relationship to real relationship? do you like inverted tropes? do you like pining? do you like comedic jealousy? then this fic is well and truly for you because it has all that and more
3. all's well that ends well to end up with you by @coruscatingcatastrophe
Keith's jacket gets ruined, so Lance decides to be a good Samaritan and give him his. This is the beginning of the end.
megan's fic literally make me want to eat cement i'm so serious. i've read and been obsessed with TONS of her stuff but this one???? this fucking one???? oh god the slowburn kills me. the blossoming realisation that oh god we've been dating this whole time huh. the CHIVALRY...............a romance novel in the truest of senses and i am going to fry
4. as long as it won't separate you from me (i'll be fine) by @coruscatingcatastrophe
A little intrigued—not that she’d ever admit it—Pidge begins to climb the stairs. But before she even reaches halfway, the door—slams shut. All on its own, or so it seems. Pidge pauses, brows creasing in confusion, as she turns to look down at her dog. “Did you see that?” she asks. Peculiarly, she notes that Bae Bae’s fur is bristled, and he growls at the door before barking twice. That’s weird. Bae Bae never growls. Turning back to the door, Pidge feels unsettled, but she tells herself not to jump to ridiculous conclusions. There’s a logical explanation for everything. Maybe there was a gust of wind from the air conditioner, or the doorframe isn’t level. Whatever it is, she’s going to figure it out. - Or, a Beetlejuice au (kind of). Pidge isn't a fan of her new house, Lance and Keith are the ghosts haunting her attic, and together they hatch a plot to convince Shiro and Adam to skedaddle out of the house. There may be demon summoning involved. But seriously, Adam. Getting your hair set on fire really isn't that bad.
HAPPY (late) HALLOWEEN!!! ive been thinking about this fic all october and finally let myself reread it. ive never loved beetlejuice more than when i read this. it's so fun!! so interesting!! pidge gets a chance to shine!! klance are so!!! the way it had the story of beetlejuice but adapted well!! im!!
5. never thought i'd see the day in my life by @coruscatingcatastrophe
But Keith has somehow gone even paler in the short amount of time he’s been at the table, and he shakes his head. “No, something is . . .” His gaze flickers back to Lance, and he’s startled to find that Keith’s eyes are purple. They’ve got to be contacts. Ridiculous. As if the mullet and gloves and personality weren’t enough. Keith pushes away from the table abruptly, looking incredibly put-off now. “I, uh—gotta go,” he mutters, before angrily gathering up the backpack he’d dropped into the chair next to him and storming out of the cafeteria. “Huh,” Hunk says. “Well, that introduction could have gone a bit better. Don’t take it personally though; sometimes Keith’s just like that.” - Or, a Twilight au starring Lance as Bella, Keith as Edward, and the rest of the Voltron gang as themselves. Lance is insufferable, Keith is awkwardly trying to figure out why Lance is the way he is, and along the way they fall in love, or something. It's probably, definitely the best love story since Twilight itself.
now ive never read twilight and i refuse to on principle. but i didn't find this one creepy and instead it was super fun and dweeby and lance is indeed a ray of sunshine, thank you megan for noticing, and it turns out when the story isn't a hetero mormon wet dream it's actually a good time!!
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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bluubanisters · 8 months
levi ackerman nsfw!
levi ackerman hated many things. but at the top of that list was tardiness
warnings! p in v, slightly aggressive, age gap ish, oral fem receiving
“eren hurry up!”
y/n hated being late. she was known for always being early for literally everything, eren however, was the exact opposite.
"im coming, im coming" he yelled
the pair arrived twenty minutes later than they were supposed too. which was very inconvenient concerning today the survey corps were going outside of the walls.
the mission was nothing too serious but they needed their titan and his keeper.
y/n was ordered to take care of eren after the female titan incident. they have been inseparable ever since.
"you're late"
y/n knew the captain would be unhappy with their late-coming but she hoped that he would let it slide considering the girl is usually an hour early.
"my apologies sir, eren was refusing to get up this morning" eren complained about having to take the blame even though it was his fault. "it won't happen again" y/n finished with a smile.
levi however, was not amused. he tutted at you, which was something y/n had never see him do that to her before, and turned his attention to eren. the shorter man spoke with a sour expression
"y/n is your keeper, not your mother jeager. this will not happen again" his voice was stern. levi turned to face you, still talking to eren "if it does, i will come over there and wake you myself"
y/n was confused. why was he looking at her?
"y/n come to my office later. i need to have a word about this."
why does he need to speak with me? she pondered to herself a loud growling sound appeared from behind the daydreaming girl. a seven foot titan that was about to eat y/n for lunch.
y/n quickly snapped out of her dream and turned around. the titan was ready to grab her but it was too late and was already falling to the ground. behind it was levi
"first being late and now this" levi shook his head. "you better come to my office later y/n, or your punishment will be even worse"
todays mission was rather uneventful. they only spotted a handful of titans, most of which were killed rather easily considering they were rather small. but there was still one thing that y/n just couldn't get off her mind.
after changing out of uniform back into some more comfortable clothes. y/n finally gathered the courage to make her way to the captains office.
y/n hoped it would just be the usual run laps around the yard all day or clean the captain office from top till bottom, but  y/n had a feeling it was gonna be different this time.
she took a deep breath and knocked on the door "captain? you wanted to see me?" the door swung open leaving y/n started
"get in"
she nodded and entered the exceptionally clean office. she figured that cleaning levis office couldn't be the punishment considering there wasn't a single spec of dust to be seen.
to be completely honest with you, y/n didn't know what to expect. she was terrified. levi closed the door behind y/n and locked it. y/n audibly gulped. a million thoughts ran through her mind.
is he going to beat me?  y/ns heart began to race. or worse? levi turned to face her. "how are you feeling y/n"
y/n didn't know if she should lie or not. "im good" she replied looking down at her feet. y/n was an awful liar.
levi walked towards the terrified girl. his face was enticing yet terrifying. levi pushed y/n into his leather armchair.
"i said how are you feeling y/n?"
it felt as if levi was staring into her soul. y/n took a moment to answer. giving the captain time to study her face. brushing his rough hands over her rosy cheeks
"im scared"
levi let out a quiet laugh. "don't be scared sweetheart" y/ns chest tightened "if you do as your told and take your punishment like a good girl then you have nothing to be scared of" y/ns shoulders started to tense. she was starting to become less scared and more curious. what was going to happen?
"close your eyes"
y/n did as she was told hesitantly. levi placed his hands onto her chest and slowly began unbuttoning her shirt. y/n finally understood what was happening. y/n was no longer scared. her shirt was not completely off but her eyes were still closed. levi ran his hands over y/ns bare skin. y/n melted into his touch.
levi moved his hands down to the waist of her skirt. y/n bucked her hips letting him remove it. he placed his hands onto y/ns thighs and whispered into her ear "are you ready for your punishment now sweetheart?"
y/n nodded a little faster than intended. levi liked how needy she was starting to become.
he pressed his lips onto hers, gently slipping his tongue into her mouth. the kisses start to become more lustful as his hands move up y/ns thighs to her underwear. levi removed his lips from y/ns. she whined in detest.
he slowly removed her panties and before kneeling on the ground he spoke "don't you dare cum until i tell you to" y/n nodded in reply paying more attention to the thought of him eating her out than what he was saying.
levi got to the floor and spread y/ns legs. she was dripping already and he had barely even touched her. levi loved it. he was throbbing.
he slowly pushed a finger inside of y/n. she gasped but nodded telling him it was okay. he slowly pumped his finger inside of her while placing soft kisses along her inner thighs. y/n let out a few quiet moans but it wasn't enough to satisfy levi.
he slowly added another finger and began to speed up. y/n was definitely louder now but the captain still wasn't content. levi moved his mouth to y/ns clit, still fingering her. y/n was in heaven. moans were spilling from her mouth and a tightening feeling in her stomach began to form.
"levi" she moaned realising all over his hands and mouth.
levi stopped what he was doing and stood up. he looked amused. "you didn't do as you were told" he said. "what?" y/n was confused. levi shook his head "i told you not to cum" y/n looked down. "I'm sorry" levi smirked
"you will be"
levi yanked y/n from the seat and bent her over. he quickly removed his belt and his trousers. without any warning he slammed his cock into y/n as hard as he could.
y/n cried out, she had barely came down from her high and he was already fucking her hard enough to hurt. levi groaned smacking her behind leaving a nice read handprint. he imagined how good she felt but it wasn't nearly as good as the real thing.
y/n was practically crying from the overstimulation and was really to cum again. "levi please" she yelled. levi caved into her please. "its okay sweetheart" he said, slamming into her even faster than before.
"finish for me y/n" they both climaxed at the same time. levi slowly pulled his cock out and turned y/n back around. he kissed her neck gently.
"don't misbehave next time sweetheart."
word count: 1298
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satoverse · 10 months
▪︎Summary: Y/n sure likes to keep a lot of secrets to her friends but to the day has finally come and her secrets are exposed will they abandon her or will they stay.
WARNING: mafia!au, non-jujutsu sorcerers!au, modern day!au, angst, mentions of sexual conversations here and there, smut(at some point), TW!mentions of alcohol, fighting, blood, knives, guns, mentions of violence, brainwashed reader(at some point)
And with those three words all i could think of was the blood gushing out of their bodies, watching them die mercily...
Having to hide such a huge secret is not the easiest thing a human being can achieve to do. Sure, it is easy to hide the fact that you kissed or had sex with your toxic ex to your friends, or hiding the fact that having a massive crush on them is easy again. You see these are all easy secret to hide it from them, but being the boss to one of the most dangerous mafias that has ever existed sure is easy..right?
"Stop sleeping and get up you lazy ass." she says as she flicks my forehead, slowly opening my eyes to look over to my side only to see Nobara looking down at me with her hands crossed. "First of ouch..secondly why should I? I barely got sleep last night." I turn my back at her covering myself from head to toe with the blanke trying to fall back asleep, only to feel the cold air hit my body "Oh shut up it is not my fault you stayed with that damned phone all night plus we promised Shoko and Utahime that we would help them painting their house."
I groan in annoyance as i kick my feet to the mattress "Cant you just go alone and tell 'em that i got sick or something? Noba...I really dont wanna go i feel really tired." and with that guilt washed all over me seeing her looking at me with those disappointed eyes. Turning around to leave my room she stops at the doorstep "You know... oh forget it its not even worth saying you'll always make up excuses again." and with that i watch her leave my room only after a couple of seconds to hear the front door forcefully getting shut. I sigh as i get up from my bed sitting down and looking at the floor 'if only i could tell..if only...'
Truth is I was up all night trying to find the location of Ryomen Sukuna. An infamous mafia leader that has been wanted for years, searching for him is not that easy since...well lets just say he has his own old ways. I get up once again walking towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my little sincare morning routine and apply some light make up. I walk back to my room going towards my closet to grab a plain white crop top, some old sweatpants and a jacket. I grab my hat and sunglasses looking at myself once again in the mirror in my living room and then i head out.
'Meet me at _____ in 20 minutes'
I look down to my watch only to see more than 20 minutes have passed "Where the hell is he? Whats taking him so long?". As im about to pull out the flip phone to call him he appears, only to see him breathing heavily with sweat dripping down his forehead to his neck. "Jesus fucking Christ were the hell where you that you had to run." I watch him sit down on of the empty chairs in the room as he waves at me away with his hand, only for me to chuckle at his action. "You literally called a last minute meeting in the middle of fucking NOWHERE and on top of THAT ITS ON THE 50TH FUCKING FLOOR and MIND YOU the elevator does NOT work." I laugh at his sudden tantrum as at the same time I make myself comfortable on the chair that is on the opposite direction of him "Damn it sure is pleasing to see a quiet person throw a whole tantrum about some stairs." He shot at me a death glare as i simply chuckle it away... "Now let's begin shall we..."
After 'bout an hour or so we both grunt to the feeling of disappointment. "This is just so frustrating I FUCKING HATE HIM!" and within seconds the chair has ended up on the other side of the room. He just looks at me unamused as he slightly rolls his eyes "Calm down." thats the only sentence that comes out of his mouth 'damn he went quiet again..' i thought to myself. I go over where the chair is grabing it and bring it close to the table and sit on it. "You know this is just hell for me we will never going to find him or the last remaining antique."
I place my head on the table as i sigh deeply, only to feel big hands on my shoulders to slowly massage them.He looks down at my exposed neck, leaning down to it close to my ear only to whisper.. "Calm down." ...again. He softly pecks the back of my neck as I lean in on his touch of his softly lips, I sigh once again and lean back up to push him away slowly. "Let's just call it a day its already 2pm I need to get back." He crosses his arms as he looks down at me with a raised eyebrow "something happened?". I turn around to look at him with a slight pouty face "Nobara got mad at me again because i bailed on our plans...again and Shoko and Utahime are also probably mad at me too." He just stares at me for a couple of seconds and just shakes his head, "Go ill take care of everything."
My face lits up and i go over to him on tip toes to give him a big hug "You are the best, this is why you are my right hand man." and with that i quickly get out of the room and make my way towards Shoko's house.
'The number you have called is not available at th-'
'sigh...what have i done'
As im walking down the street i notice a bakery, thinking to myself 'since i made them mad i might as well make it up to them'.I go into the shop and look around only to leave the shop with a bunch of sweets in my hands, "Damn they sure will love this..specially Satoru." i chuckle to myself and make my way again towards the house. Walking in narrow alleys sure its a bit scary when you're alone but its even scarier when someone is following, and by someone meaning an enemy.
I cut out routes passing through old buildings, in order for him not to follow me to my friends house I quickly make my way towards and old looking house getting and setting the bags down. I hide behind a wall waiting for him to get lured by my trap and once they are in i quietly and quickly headlock him placing a hand over their mouth. He grabs me by the hands and rolls me over to the ground taking a knife out he tries to knife me in the heart but i quickly roll over, get up and forcefully kick the knife out of his hand with my leg. I grab it and place it over his neck, slowly walking forward for him only to walk backwards, "Who are you and who sent you?" getting amuzed by his scared face, pale face and cold sweat dripping down his forehead.."P-please s-spare m-" ..i give him a smile and with that i slice his neck.
I watch him fall down, gagging trying to get some air only for him to fail as he stops breathing after a couple of minutes. I crouch down at him and grab his shirt to clean the knife. "This is what happens when you dont answer the correct questions that you are being told..now shall we send your boss a quick message?". I cut his shirt off with the knife and i start carving on his body.
'I'll find you'
I clean the knife once again and place it in my pocket making sure to dispose it later. I grab the bags and making my way towards the house once and for good.
After twenty minutes or so i finally arrive at Shoko's house, anxiety slowly building up on my stomach prepared to be yelled at, well...mostly from Utahime. I knock on the door tree time making a quick pause then knocking again two times. The door opens only to be revealed by-
"Utaa...heyy nice to see you" she gave me a glare that sent shiver down my spine "WHERE THE HELL WHERE YOU Y/N I THOUGHT WE PLANED TO-" "i bought sweets" I tell her as i shove the boxes to her face making her to hold them. I get in the house closing the door behind me as I look around taking a big sniff to smell the freshly painted living room. I take my shoes off as i make myself comfortable around "This is a nice apartment i love it" "Thanks took a while to find a nice place like this" Shoko say and as per usual her cigarette never leaving her mouth. I sit down to the floor as the rest of them follow my lead sitting down making a circle.
Utahime places the opened boxes of sweets in the middle so anyone can take as much as they want. "Never thought you'd drop by, your always so "busy" for us and you never stay even if you do its for a short period of time" Nobara says to me while she its a cookie. I drop my head low smiling knowing that those words dont only hurt me but her and the rest of group. "Well-.." "Well what? You always cancel on us saying your vusy yet you never tell us with what, you're always so "mysterious and all that" you weren't like that" Geto says as he cut me off not letting me say a single word. My heart feels shattered I've been so focused of finding Sukuna that i forgot that i also gad a normal life to live and friends that actually do wanna be in my life.
I bring my head up high and give a soft smile "Im sorry I truly am I've been busy with work so much, that I've forgotten about reality, I've working double shifts and I've also work late night shifts so its-" "Don't even worry about that" Gojo says to me while wrapping a hand around my shoulder, looking down at me while giving me a soft smile "We just want you to be happy and healthy nothing else if you need us we will always be by your side" I smile at his kind words as i shove him away while giving him a slap on the shoulder "You corny bitch dont talk to me all lovely like that you just saying that because i got sweets" they all chuckle and giggle at the remark as they all agree with me.
It is nice being like this with everyone I feel like Im finally free like there is nothing stopping me for being with my loved ones...
Looking down at the the body he laughs hysterical as he takes a picture. "I'll find you huh...adorable." He places his phone back into his pocket and calls out his man telling them to dispose the body. He gets in the backseats of the car telling the drive to drive off. Pulling his phone out he looks at the picture once again chuckling to himself.. "Boss will be entertained with this"
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fakesimp · 1 year
CONGRATS ON 1K 🙉🙉 im here to haunt you again, ur works never fail to amaze me and i always find myself going back to read them (≡^∇^≡)
luca knshr pls 🙏 angst to fluff? whtver is fine w u, i will wait ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
-"I promised I won't let you go, but I did, will you give me one more chance to hold you again?", Falling for you would be the last time I fall in Love-
again, congrats on 1k, may u gain more followers, may the shurnip bless you, amen, mwah
ଘ(੭ ᐛ )━☆゚.*・。゚
Chances, With Luca Kaneshiro
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Warning !
Hurt/Comfort ; Established Relationship
A/n !
Sankyuuu ! I hope you enjoy this !
1k Followers Event Prompts !
"I promise I won't let you go, but I did. will you give me one more chance to hold you again?"
Falling for you would be the last time I fall in Love
"I promise I'll never let you go"
"I Love you babe, so much"
He said, but what happened to that now? Didn't he promise he won't let you go, he promised.
You watched him turning his back towards you, walking away as you stood on the spot, shedding tears. Your hand turned into fist, you turned away and walked away from where you stood, accepting reality.
He is a Mafia after all, he is busy, and his work involves killing, blood bath. Something that is very dangerous for someone like you to be around him, but you loved him for the way he is.
You loved the way he smiled so widely at you, the way his eyes sparkled when he sees you. The way he picked you up with his strong arms as he swings around while holding you in his arms, laughing together with you.
It hurts so bad when you remember the memories you made together with him, only for it to shatter when he said he wanted to break up, you couldn't bring yourself to ask why, you couldn't bring yourself to ask him the reason why he wanted to break up with you when everything was okay.
You could only walk away as you try to relieve the pain.
. . .
that was months ago, and today here you are, doing your daily activities in your apartment, you looked over at the clock, it is 12 am. You sighed, how fast the time moves as you started to live on your own. You were just about to turn off your laptop until you heard a knock on your door, you started to get suspicious about it. Who the hell would come over at your apartment at 12 am?
You hesitantly approached the door, you didn't open it. You just peeked through the peek hole on your door, only for you to see a familiar blonde haired male behind the door.
Your eyes widen, you wanted to open the door but you're growing hesitant the longer you stayed behind the door, your hand slowly reaching out to the door handle but you immediately froze when you heard his voice.
"I know you're there," He said, but he sounded so, tired? You decided to stay quiet, staring down at the door handle. "It's okay if you don't want to open the door, i'll just, talk behind the door." He took a deep breath, you heard a shoe click closer to the door.
You were guessing he's now literally closer than before, "..I'm sorry" the first thing he said, making your breath hitched slightly when you heard how hurt he sounded, "I, ..promised I won't let you go.." he continued, you slowly rest your head on the door, "But I did.." you can hear him stutter out a sigh. "If I may be foolish," there was a long pause, making your heart beats faster each seconds pass
You waited for him to continue, "..If I may.. Will you, give me one more chance.. to, hold you again?" He said. You waited, again, but he didn't say anything else. You then heard a shoe click again, "..Ah, I, shouldn't have been that hopeful huh.." He whispered, "I'm sorry.." he apologized then, the next second you heard his shoes clicking away from your door, fading away, slowly disappearing.
You wanted to run, your guts telling you to run to him. When he' still close, and you did, you abruptly opened your apartment door, you ran out barefoot. Chasing your Beloved Mafia. Beloved Golden retriever.
You ran as fast as you could, you didn't care about your foot hurting by this point. You just have to catch up to him before it's too late, and you almost lost him again. You saw him entering the car,
The way he immediately whips his head around to you, You couldn't miss how hurt he looked a second ago, his eyes sparkled ever so slightly when he sees you. You stopped running, catching your breath.
But before you could register anything, you heard footsteps coming towards you so fast, and the next second you are engulfed into someone's arms, and who else would it be none other than Luca himself.
Familiar warmth, you reciprocated his hug, tight. You can feel his body slightly trembled as he hugged you, "I'm sorry.." He whispered as he nuzzle his face at the crook of your neck. "Will you forgive me?" You immediately nod your head as you put your hand on his head, running your hand through his blonde hair locks.
"Yes, Luca. I forgive you, I'm sorry too" You apologized, he slowly leaned away from you, putting his hand on your cheek, he stared into your eyes lovingly, him trying so hard not to cry on the spot, he leaned his face close to you, before he kissed you, he whispered,
"Falling for you, would be the last time I fall in Love, My heart belongs to you, and to you only.
I Love you, so much.."
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
There we go ! Another one down ! Hope you enjoy this !
( 4/10 )
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frecklystars · 7 days
i still feel absolutely fucking nothing for my f/os and im so depressed and i wanna die and my birthday is friday and i hate my birthday and i just. rahh. i wanna self ship again. thats it!! i just wanna self ship again thats literally all i want to do!! but instead ive been in and out of the hospital every couple of weeks bc i'm having so many panic attacks that make me feel like im going to die
i am so fucked up from all the bullshit i was put through these last 2 years that i cannot fucking function, i am so paranoid all the time that anyone who interacts with me is out to get me because they [redacted reasons i cannot publicly state]. it doesnt matter if ive known someone for 1 day or 10 years, i dont trust anyone online anymore. i dont trust anyone who's nice to me because so many times it was people with malicious intentions. i dont fucking trust any TF blogs, ive been blocking any TF blog who interacts with me On Sight from all the shit that ppl from that fandom put me through.
there's 600 new inbox messages now and i havent opened any of them. people are sending me dms every single day and i havent opened any of them. i hate that my distrust towards irl people has bled into self shipping and now i am just Too Depressed to self ship. it is my anniversary w/ a character who's supposed to be such a comfort to me today and i feel Nothing. driver used to be Everything to me. driver used to make me feel so comfortable and safe. i feel so numb when i look at my f/os, there is just nothing there. it is my birthday soon and i should be so proud of myself for fighting through all the bullshit my abuser has thrown at me but i feel Nothing. self shipping used to help me at least cope with the depression. i just want to have my comfort characters again. thats it. i wouldnt care how many people are trying to kill me or stalk me or attack me if i just had my f/os to help me cope thru all of it
i genuinely think i'd feel better if i tried to be online and make edits and draw more and interact with the sweet people in my inbox. i used to feel so so so much better when people would send me nice asks, F/O reassurance, fics, fanart, etc etc but at the same time i will see a nice ask and immediately believe "oh. this is a trap. this person is going to pretend to be nice to me, try to get closer, but it's a trap" based off of MULTIPLE traumatic events my abuser put me through the last 2 years. this is such an unhealthy mindset to have, to not trust anyone kind to me, and i wish i knew how to turn it off. ive never been paranoid like this, ever, until a series of events happened this entire last 2 years and i just. i cannot fucking trust anyone on this stupid website, my god, someone sends me "hi keri! how is your day?" and my brain is like "oh hey look out, that person is pretending to be nice to you but they're actually trying to harm you!!" i will look at a group of online friends i've had for OVER a DECADE and that paranoid voice in the back of my head who worries from experience "oh cool this person is after me now. this person is out to betray me. this person wants to hurt me. it doesnt matter if we've been best friends since childhood, this person absolutely is out to get me now"
i hate everything i was put through these last 2 years and especially these last few months, one day im gonna spill my guts and tell everyone what has been happening to me bc its so goddamn unfair what ive been put through day after day, and i am sick of letting all of it fester in me without being able to tell anyone whats going on. i dont even know if its still ongoing rn bc every time i think "oh, maybe it's over" it just fires back up again. the stalking, the harassing, dude dont even get me started on the fucking stalking, do you know how fucking Not Normal these people are who have been trying to physically harm me irl and online? do you know how fucking psychotic someone has to be to spend YEARS of their life trying to make me miserable when i dont even know these ppl, im just fucking sitting here? the stupidest goddamn shit possible. i have never met these ppl in my life but they're following the orders of someone else and just. being fucking insane. if you knew what someone was putting me through, what a large group of toxic disgusting people have been putting me through these last 2 years, you wouldn't even fathom how dangerous it's been and how shitty it's been. ive had to call the police on a few of these people. you have no fucking clue what i've been going through and how exhausting it is to feel so unsafe every single second that you're alive. this shit eats at me constantly. i don't get any peace of mind. i think one day this really will kill me but at least i won't have to deal with it anymore if i'm dead. and!! i hate that i have that mindset! i hate that every time i drive to work, i hope beyond hope that a car is going to obliterate me. that isnt normal!! i should not be hoping to die!! but genuinely i dont think im ever going to be safe ever again and im so tired of dealing with this fear every single second every single day for years. years!!!! every second!!! every single second im awake i am fucking stressed out of my goddamn mind!!!!
months ago, i queued so much driver stuff for today, and i almost want to delete all of it bc its so. useless. dude i feel Nothing for my f/os. i feel unsafe with my f/os because i feel so unsafe with 99% of the people i interact with online because of all the horrible things ive been put through all this time. it's all pointless. i dont know if im ever really going to come back to blogging regularly. i just wake up, i go to work, i have panic attacks and i throw up, and then i go to sleep. sometimes i come here to vent and then refill my queue, but what is the point of refilling my queue anymore tbh. i keep trying to go through the motions to see if i can reclaim self shipping one day and then i can just bounce back, but god its been several months and ijust cant do it. i cant wait for this to kill me, ic ant wait for this to finally make me snap bc im so so sick of going through this every day. im tired
whatever ill delete this later and it wont even matter lol what else is new. keri makes another vent post about feeling depressed and unsafe. fork found in kitchen or whatever
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 3 months
Convenience Store Vampire, part 8
Part 1, Part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
“Hush, Dave,” she said, in a most un-Vaceni-like tone. “Don't worry about him. His diplomatic pass will let him get through any situation. I've seen ‘im literally talk down an army with that pass.”
Wait, what? I turned to her and peered closer. Mrs Vaceni smiled at me innocently, a glint of gold in her eyes, and it dawned on me. “Hash! Oh, you wicked, deceitful, clever girl! Gods above, I didn't even suspect a thing!”
‘Mrs Vaceni' giggled, and her skin melted to become Hash, two heads shorter and half as wide. “Ah know, it's almost like I'm a godsdamn ‘shifter, Davie,” she said, grinning slyly. “Now, let's go check on our ghostie, neh?”
I nodded, and we both turned to the closet. It really was a miracle that nobody had spotted the ever-increasing pool of dark liquid around it. “You know… I could have sworn that ghost ectoplasm was transparent, not… Whatever the hells this thing is,” I said, peering at inky puddle.
Hash shrugged. “Who cares? We rescue the little bugger, we get ‘im on ‘is feet, and we go ‘bout our day,” she said matter-of-factly, and opened the door.
A miniature flood of that black fluid came gushing out of the closet, and I jumped aside to avoid staining my shoes. Hash poked her head inside, uncaring of the filth on her clothes, and hauled the ghostly exorcist out.
He was drenched in that liquid, a giant glob of goo and blackness that only vaguely resembled a man. “Somefin' went wrong,” Hash announced, her brows furrowed. 
“Yeah, I see that,” I muttered. The broom closet seemed fine, apart from a toppled bottle of cleaning fluid. “Say, what happens when chemicals touch a ghost?”
Hash gave me a horrified look. “How the hells should ah know? Dinnae tell me- Ah, shite,” she said, shaking her hand free of the goop. “Get me a tissue, Davie. A lotta tissue.”
“Mrs Vaceni is gonna kill me for this,” I mumbled as I pulled out a roll of kitchen towels. “Speaking of which, what happened to her? The real Mrs Vaceni ought to be here by now.”
“Oh, about that…” Hash made an apologetic face. “I mighta hit her with a sleepin’ spell. No biggie, tho; She'll be fine in six hours or so.”
Hopefully that would give me enough time to clean up this mess. I handed the roll of paper to Hash and extracted the mop from the closet. Much like everything else, it was coated in a layer of liquid, and I wiped it down quickly. “Wait, let me put the ghost in a container, so he does not mess this place up,” I said, hauling out our largest carrier box and placing it behind the counter. Hash placed the ghost in it and continued wiping him with tissue.
“Davie, I think we need some water,” Hash reported, as I finished mopping up the floor. The stains had mostly washed away with the remnants of the cleaning fluid, and I found myself eternally grateful for the fact that hardly anyone visited my store. Hash and the ghost could probably hide behind the counter, but it would be hard to explain the pile of black-stained tissues and the mop-bucket of goo. I supposed I could have claimed it was barbecue sauce.
“Ugh, alright,” I grumbled, emptying the bucket into the sink and refilling it with clean water. Hopefully the goo would not harden and clog up the pipes, or I was going to spend a very uncomfortable afternoon with the plunger. I brought the full bucket to her (without breaking a sweat or struggling, perks of being a vampire,) and poured the whole thing on the ghost.
The effect was instant. Black slime flowed off, and a translucent boy, perhaps ten years of age, was revealed. He opened his eyes and spluttered for air he did not need, batting the bucket aside and gasping. “You! Mo-Monsters!”
Hash and I exchanged an irritated glance. Both of us had dealt with enough speciesist exorcists for the week. “Listen here, exorcist,” Hash said, her voice stern, no trace of an accent. “We've just worked our asses off to rescue you from your own people. So kindly refrain from insulting us. Besides, you're a monster too, now.”
The ghost blinked, and looked down at his hands. The spluttering immediately started back up again. “What the hells?! I'm- this- This can't be happening! I'm alive, I swear! I can't be- Oh, hells no!” He batted at himself as though he could smack the ghostliness away, and burst into tears.
“Hey, kid,” I said, feeling sorry for him, “It's alright. Being dead isn't all that bad. You can dive underwater as long as you want, and nobody ever asks for your ID.”
The ghost glared at me. "Bring me a mirror,” he demanded. Hash pulled out a compact and passed it to him.
He gasped at the face in the mirror. “Why- Oh no, no, no! I'm twenty-seven, not seven! And my hair. Why is Ina punishing me like this?!”
Oh, yes. Did I mention his hair was pink? Not a neon pink, either. It was the colour of little girls' dresses, the shade of pink that peonies so often were. Baby pink, fit for a man who looked like one. 
You know, whenever I feel bad about my miserable existence, I think of him. I might be an ancient vampire working a dead end job, but at least I was not a pink-haired exorcist ghost.
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CSV: @wifeblade, @trippingpossum (Anyone else who wants to get added can tell me in the comments, pm me, or send me an ask about it!)
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wittymanatee · 8 months
Baby your love shot me in the Head (Literally) [Ghoap] Part 1 of ?
Setting- Task force are doctors and nurses, all of them are close and some are pinning,
Ghost- Dermatologist/Surgeon
Price And Laswell-Head Chief's
The rest, they work there but I haven't decided what-
TW-Maybe Main Character Death, Blood, Gun wound, Panic attack
(First writing this long) Don't know how people be writing such amazing story's, so i want to say i envy all you writers out there. <3
"He might not make it from what we were told" Gaz said solemnly by the doors.
The ambulance was getting closer, Ghost and Gaz were already waiting by the sliding doors for the patient, who was a male, late 20s, was shot in the head out at a stoplight, but the man still had a pulse when paramedics came.
"A shot to the head surely should have killed on the spot, but the idiots still breathing." Ghost said mutely, voice straight. Ghost would have felt a little bad if the guy died on the table, but people die every day, so he wasn't going to have his hopes up.
Right when both of the men by the sliding doors heard the ambulance, and got into stance, Price, their Chief came running over with a hand towel.
"Price?" Gaz said, both him and Ghost watching Price catch his breath before straightening up and looking at the both of them with a scared face, brows pinched, face pale.
"This patient that's coming in has to go straight to surgery and by no means does his face get revealed, do I make myself clear." Price said strictly. Ghost and Gaz looked at each other in confusion.
"But if the wound is on his face, how are we going to-" Ghost began but was cut off by the ambulance getting there.
Price started to run out and yelled behind him, "I got that covered, just try your best!" Price ran out right when the back of the ambulance back doors open, hopping in. A second later, medics were wheeling the patient out, a towel on his face but a hole where the wound was. Price helped pushed the man into the building where Gaz and Ghost where waiting.
Once in the teams, Price, Gaz, and Ghost brought the man into OR room 141. A nurse there had the place set up for them to begin as quickly as possible. The man was hooked up with tubes, wires and stickers. Another nurses and doctors came to assist.
(Im sorry but i don't know how to describe a surgery well enough so time skip 4 hours later)
Ghost was tired but he wasn't giving up, the man on the table flat lined 2 times already but they were able to get him back each time, but they knew that if he flat lined one more time, there was a chance he wouldn't come back that time. Ghost finally was able to locate the last bullet piece and oh so slowly started to pull it out.
Everyone in the OR held their breath as they watch Ghost oh so slowly pull the last piece of the bullet out the man's head. Everyone was about to let out a breath of relief before the man's heart stop, making the flat line noise. Ghost got to work but pumping his chest again, while Gaz started to close the head wound.
Pushed down once wait a second, push down again repeat, pushed down once wait a second, push down again repeat, pushed down once wait a second, push down again repeat, Ghost repeated in his head waiting for the flat line to beep. He didn't know how long he was at it before Price layed a hand on Ghost shoulder stopping him.
'Ghost, enough...time it" Price said looking down, eyes covered by his bucket hat.
Ghost sighed, feeling pity for the man, before checking his watch. "6:32 Pm". Gaz walked up to Ghost and patted him on the shoulder, both of them tired.
"We did everything we could, the wound was just to fatal." Gaz said.
"By the way-"Ghost began while everyone started to file out the OR, "who was he? we got to call someone or run a test to see what family he's got?" Ghost said turning to looked at Price but finding Price facing the patient on the bed.
Ghost and Gaz looked at each other in worry wondering if Price knew the man, but before they would say anything, Price's hand slowly went up to the towel and slowly removed it...
!!This was inspired by a scene from a doctor show but i dont remember the name! If anyone knows, PLZ tell me the name of the show to give some credit!!
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enderwoah · 2 years
does the jimmy solidarity side of trafficblr understand how desperately jimmy either needs to win OR come ridiculously close to winning for me (me specifically) to be happy
like if he wins. which he could. that would be amazing. winning after dying first every single series would be incredible and i think i would go absolutely insane. he deserves it and he definitely could if he decided to stop playing up the pathetic wet cat/'bully me itll be funny' bit. which i feel as if i always have to clarify IT'S NOT A BAD BIT!! ITS FUNNY im just saying if he Did. he could do some serious damage to the server. like if jimmy solidarity decided that he was tired of being nice and literally nerfing himself and just sort of went off with a group in the next life series i personally think he could go crazy go stupid
but here's the thing. i will be happy with him winning. but i will be equally as happy (and i'd be a dirty liar if i didn't say possibly even more happy) if he got to like. third place. hell, even fifth place. and then someone stabbed him in the back at the last second. like, someone he had been running with for the entire series just. to win. stabs him in the back.
i feel as if. and correct me if im wrong. jimmy solidarity has never been straight up betrayed before, i dont think. he even did the betraying himself in last life, but i dont think someone has ever actively turned their back on him or stabbed him in the back out of wanting to win before. hes never been seen as enough of a threat to backstab. hes one of those players that gets a group or a partner and sticks with them for the entire series. he had scott in 3rd life, the southlands in last life, and tango in double life, and i fully believe that he only doesnt betray them because he doesnt want to.
imagine it in your head. jimmy solidarity is running with someone and decides that he needs to kill them. its not that weird of a thought. jimmy, in my opinion, has enough bastard energy where you CANT say that it would be out of character for him to betray someone. he could. he just doesnt. like, dude, if you want proof he literally DID betray his group in last life. no regret, broke one of the most sacred southlands rituals and tried to run away with a life. he has enough desperate bastard energy to do it if he really wanted to. he just doesnt enjoy doing it.
so imagine the absolute shock and horror that jimmy would experience when someone does directly betray him. he picks his group, or even his partner for the next life series and that person stabs him in the back suddenly? he would be flabbergasted. jimmy has little to no self-control, but jimmy i dont think would have the gall to betray one single person. he just. i dont think he'd get it. it would be horrible. and deliciously dramatic.
imagine the animatics out of that. jimmy solidarity girlbosses his way through the entire next life series. someone dies first before him, and you see how morbid it is for him to be excited, overjoyed at someone else's death. his circumstances have made it so he is happy when another person dies. he burns things down, forms strong enough alliances that he basically is untouchable, sets traps, embraces his innate bastard energy, and when he can finally see the light of a win, when he can finally see the possibility of him actually coming first...he is ripped away from that high by a sword in the back or a trapped base.
like jesus christ that would be horrible. and amazing. i would eat it up. im a jimmy solidarity enjoyer through and through, and of COURSE i want him to win, but im not gonna lie to myself and say that him getting close and then getting it torn away from him by a friend (and lets not make that sound less than it is; jimmy's enitre life basically circles around other people. getting betrayed by a friend would be horrible for him and him specifically) wouldnt be...wonderful. surely the jimmy solidairty side of trafficblr can agree im not crazy right. right.
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wishi-selfships · 2 months
csm 171 thoughts below.
Thought change— Barem is a total fuvkijg bitch. And a SCAMMER because the head isn't Nayuta's. I would understand if the first time we see her head, it had no mole but it was still Nayuta because Fujimoto could've just forgotten. But two weeks goes by, everyone is talking about it, and the next chapter that drops, she still has no mole under her eye? It's definitely intentional then. It isn't Nayuta, Denji has been deceived, has successfully turned into csm (black), and now has an even bigger target on his back for a death that hasn't truly happened (yet).
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Another thought that I've had when reading.— about barem again, yea — the way his head snaps off is a little weird. Not in a bad way, but the artistic way Fujimoto depicted it had me raise an eyebrow at first
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The neck specifically, I mean. What... is that? This isn't me speculating on what this could mean btw I just like legitimately wanna know what's going on. Is that his neck itself? Or is it one of those, like... after-images or whatever artists use to show fast motion in a singular panel. Or does the guy just have a really stretchy neck. Thoughts!
(Obligatory "that should be me" comment that's made to break the tension and stop myself from spiraling because, as much as I like the design for csm (black) the implications aren't forgotten and I'm in distress over this)
Also. On one of the screenshots above but Asa -> Yoru when Denji starts transforming puts a further pit in my stomach. The murder of csm (black) isn't going to separate him from Denji. That's like straight up just going to kill Denji and put Pochita back into the reincarnation cycle. Fairly sure thats what will happen. I'm scared that that's how things will play out. Frowns and crosses my arm.
Is... is this the Justice Devil??
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The way the head is structured reminds me of it. Specifically when it had made a contract with Yuko. Doesn't it? That's literally the Justice Devil. Bro wtf are you doing here.
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Stupid fucking ear bitch I hate you (the design goes hard). Also !!! Person on the left. Silly design!! The frozen expression on her face lowkey pisses me off though. Shit isn't sweet bitch fix your face.
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^^ their design is really cool though. Esp that weird thing on the side of their face? No complaints from me, I love them and their weird growth
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ravenromanova · 1 year
Party time
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Pairings: Bucky x oc, Natasha x oc (platonic)
Warnings: Mentions of killing (i think that’s it)
Bucky’s p.o.v
I stare at the all black suit i’m supposed to wear tonight and sigh. Don’t get me wrong the suit is nice i just would rather not go to this party. The only reason i’m even going is because we got intel that The red room is sending someone to attempt to kill all of us. We still don’t know who exactly is being sent but we’ve all been told to go to the party and act like normal.
Luckily for me that means standing in a corner not interacting with anyone so that should be easy. After i stare at myself for what feels like an eternity i finally decide to walk downstairs. As i walk into the party my senses go into overdrive almost instantly. Between the lights, the music and the crowd of people my body tenses up and i go on high alert.
I quickly make my way to the bar before making sure my ear piece is turn on. The bartender hands me a glass of whiskey and i nod my head before retreating to the furthest corner. ‘We got word that she should be here in like ten minutes’ I hear over the comms.
I keep myself on high alert as i wait to be told that whoever it is has arrived. There’s a weird feeling in forming a pit in my stomach and i can’t figure out why. Why the hell is The red room sending someone to kill us? After all this time? My thoughts are cut off as i hear Tony over comms say she’s here.
Quickly i leave my little corner and walk around the party trying to find the woman. Trying to make my way through the sea of people was a lot harder than expected. I finally make it through the biggest crowd and try to get a birds eye view. It takes me a good ten minutes until i find her.
My breath hitches in my throat when i see her. Lilith The red room sent her. They sent the one person they knew neither me or Natasha could hurt. Before i can even properly think im running to find Natasha.
“Natasha where are you?” I say though comms and she replies with ‘on the balcony’ So i make my way out there and see her talking with Clint. She sees my frantic state and furrows her brows.
“Barnes? Why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?’ Nat half teases and she raises and eyebrow at me.
“Well maybe because i have Natalia” My words come out half broken as i try to catch my breath. “It’s her. The red room sent her” I dont even need to say her name for Natasha to know who i mean.
She walks away from Clint and he just stands there puzzled. “Show me” Natasha says and i take her hand and lead her inside with Clint following behind.
When we get back inside it takes us less than five minutes to find her. Natasha’s eyes go wide and i can see her face slightly fall. And Clint asks us who she is but neither of us respond.
“Wh-What do we do?” She asks as her voice breaks. I let out a deep breath and grip the railing of the staircase.
“We do what we always do. We put her in a cell and Question her” Clint replies and we both whip our heads around and glare at him.
“We are not treating her like a killer” I seethe at the archer and step closer to him. Natasha grabs my arms in attempt to pull me back but it doesn’t work.
“She was literally sent here to kill us Barnes” In that moment i see red. I push him against the wall by his collar and deadpan him.
“I dont care. No one and i mean no one is to hurt her. Let me and Natasha bring her in.” I say sternly as i let him go and he falls on the ground. And with that i walk away and try to go find Lilith.
Lilith’s p.o.v
Once i get to the party the code words have been said, i have the mission details locked and locked, but something feels off. It’s almost like i can feel my programming flipping on and off. I try to get my shit together as i walk through the sea of people by taking deep breaths.
I decided i was going to go for the ones with no aliases first since clearly they aren’t that important. Snaking my way through the crowd i look for a red headed woman in a green dress (that’s what i was told shed be wearing) As i make my way through the crowds it takes me all of three minutes to find my target. I smirk as i approach her as her back is towards me.
Tapping her should to get her attention she turns around and my eyes go wide. When she turns around and i see my old friend my brain glitches and i freeze.
“Natalia?” I gasp and then before she can respond my world goes dark.
When i wake up next in on a cot in a clear cell. I groan as i realize they fucking caught me. I can hear the sounds of heavy footsteps coming into the room and as the person approaches me my heart sinks.
“Soldat?” I whisper as he comes into the light. His bright blue eyes pierce through my soul as he looks at me. He just looks at me for a minute before deciding to speak.
“Lilith” He softly says as he puts his hand on the glass of my cell.
“Help me- please” I beg him as my programming fully wears off and im in my own concuss mine again.
He nods his head and sits down on a chair in front of my cell. “I will we just need you to tell us everything you know about the red room. We can help you little one” Bucky says to me and i smile softly as i nod my head in agreement.
The red room has never been able to fully get rid of who i am. Even with my programming i still am hesitant when i kill, I still remember who i am even with the brainwashing and wiping. And most importantly i always remember him. I dont know why their methods dont work on me like they do everyone else. But ever since i realized that they dont work.. Ive been looking for a way out.
“I’ll tell you everything you need to know” I say putting my hands on the glass like he did before. He stands up and places his hands on the glass over mine and smiles at me as he nods his head.
“I will get you out of this cell as soon as i can i swear milaya devushka (sweet girl) just might take one convincing” His words melt my heart even though i was sent here to kill him and all his friends he was still willing to help me.
“Thank you Soldat” I smile at him and lean my head against the glass as a i let out a sigh of relief.
“Dont thank me doll i know you want out” He puts his forehead against the glass. “And you can call me Bucky now” His voice is soft and i nod my head.
“Thank you bucky” I respond finally having some sense of peace after years of sleeping with one eye open. For once i know that everything is gonna be okay and i cant wait for the journey ahead.
~The end of chapter 4~
Hi lovebugs! i hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as i enjoyed writing it! I have some BIGG things planned for this book that might be coming up soon who knows 👀Let me know what yall think! Dont forget to like and reblog and I’ll see you in the next chapter! 🖤❤️
I do not give permission for my work to be translated or posted on other sites
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echantedtoon · 11 months
Demon Bride Ch23 Problems Solved Problems Made
Warning: Enmu gets slammed to the ground again and Akaza attempts to hit him.
(I ask everyone to be and thank you already for patience. Please remember it akes time to write and many things irl takes up time. Thank you for reading.)
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Usually when one of the Twelve Kizuki is yelling at someone it was a scary sight to see, two would've been very scary to anyone. And they would've most likely attacked Enmu if you hadn't thrown yourself between not just one but four demons that was baring fangs at one another- Or more accurately Akaza, Kyogai, and little Rui was glaring at Enmu with the hare of a thousand hellfires. However like you expected Enmu didn't give two dams about possibly being beaten up. Instead he was behind you with his head leaned against the top of your head and his hands grabbing your shoulders. An amused smile on his face. HOW DID YOU GET YOURSELF INTO THESE THINGS?! You just didn't feel like having four demons brawl in the mansion even if you disliked the one you currently had clinging to you.
Enmu let out a coo before leaning harder on your head. "I'm afraid Y/n-chan is the only one who may put her hands on me.~"
You blatantly saw veins appear on Akaza's body, Kyogai's hand hovered over the drum on his right thigh, and Rui looked...oddly calm but with a frightening expression he had just before he wrapped up Enmu in spider's web and tossed him out the door. You obviously didn't want to get in trouble for Rui physically attacking a demon lord so you went out to make sure he was alright but when you opened the door, you were stunned to find none other than Akaza there pulling the threads apart with his fists to see what was going on while Kyogai was yelling at Enmu for the damage to his wall where Enmu made impact when Rui tossed him out. Akaza had just finished untying the struggling demon when Rui walked up behind you and demanded that you would come back inside away from the pervert that that laid his hands on you. 
You practically had to dive at Enmu and tackle him away from Akaza's fist hitting the floor and leaving a giant hole in the floor. Kyogai had started yelling at Akaza about the damage to his floor but then it sunk in what Rui said and then he directed his anger at Enmu and now you and Enmu were backed into a wall (literally) with three demons wanting to start a fight. However they wouldn't. Not while you stood close enough to be hit if they tried anything.
"NOBODY is doing ANYTHING!!," YOUR voice sternly said calmly faced with these demons. Staring Akaza in the eyes you didn't back down. "Akaza, stand down!"
"He touched you." He didn't even look at you. Instead his eyes stayed right on the smiling lower Moon.
"Yes. And it was for medical practice. The only time it wasn't was when he attempted to kiss me."
Maybe you shouldn't have said that because a GIANT vein popped on his forehead and his eyes nearly broke out bloodshot. " Y/n. Move."
"No. You'll try to kill him."
"I won't kill him. I'm not allowed to." Bones popped as his fists tightened. "But I can sure make him hurt."
''If you hurt him. I'll never forgive ANY of you." Finally his eyes turned to yours which glared right back. "If I want you to attack someone on my behalf then I'll say it, but clearly since Im putting myself in danger right now, I don't want you too. Now. All of you. STAND. DOWN."
Akaza despite your words took a step forward.
Silence. Stone Cold. Dead silence. 
...Akaza stepped aside a bit and you saw himself forcibly relax. "..I will. But not for his sake-" 
"And you're not going to attack him once he leaves. I won't allow more fighting involving me while I'm here. And I'm going to be taking responsibility for my stupid mistakes. That being said...Akaza. I'm sorry I gave you the wrong impression when we first met." He flinched but you kept talking. You HAD to take the chance to fix this. No more misunderstandings! "I didn't know something like me offering a friendship could be taken out of context to you, but I still messed up. Akaza I didn't make any marriage offers to you. I'm sorry."
There. He could hear his whole world shattering into pieces that moment. However a coo also made you growl and look up to the demon that started this mess. 
"And that goes double for you! Don't think I would find you fond now that I've cleared one problem out of the way!" Enmu fell silent for a long moment but if it was possible pulled you gently closer to his beating chest. 
"I-...I w-was already informed about your misunderstandings for us." You were pulled back to Akaza who had reached a shaking hand out to grab your hand and you froze. His hand was shaking so badly that yours was also shivering. "I know you didn't mean to-...And that's alright but I want..too..." You blinked at him in shock. "...I promised to think about it and I did while I was gone. I still want you. And if you'll have me-" His other hand reached out to brush against your cheek." Soft. Warm. She was so pretty...So beautiful.  "I wish to start courting you. Because I love you. I can't explain it...But I do love you."
You were shocked into silence, mouth agape and when nothing came out his hand on your cheek slid along your face to gently close your mouth with a smile. His eyes briefly glancing at your lips. They looked as soft as rose petals.
"You know..." You finally spoke still stunned. "You're the third person who's confessed their love to me since I've been here. And I don't know how to take it right now."
"Who has confessed?"
Well one was the clingy person hugging you, and the other...Your eyes briefly glanced to Kyogai as he just stared at you..before sadly looking away. It would be better to keep that info to yourself. Actually Akaza would be the fourth to confess if you counted Kaigaku giving you his necklace but you'd deal with that headache when he got back. You were just glad you were able to get one problem cleared! Now there was only three others. Hantengu, Kaigaku, and Rui. While you still tried to talk sense into Rui, you could wait for Kaigaku to return and then clear the air from there. Then that would be another problem off your chest.
"It doesn't matter. What matters is that I fix the mistakes I caused starting here on out. And like I said, I don't know how I feel towards any of this."
Akaza nodded and slowly released your hands. "I understand but maybe I could help some how."
You weren't sure what Akaza could do but before you could say anything Kyogai spoke up. "Actually you can!" You both looked at him. He looked at Akaza. "Do you happen to know where Hantengu's sons are located?"
Akaza seemed confused by that part but nodded. "They're all very far from here searching through many children's homes and known orphan populations for a runaway child the Master wants. Why?"
"Hantengu seems to have gotten into his head that Y/n has accepted an arranged marriage between her and one of his sons."
"It's a long story but don't worry. If they've all been on the other side of the Master's provinces then they wouldn't know yet. But could you perhaps locate Hantengu and explain it to him that Y/n didn't agree BEFORE his sons find out? You do know where he lives right?"
"Then you'll do it?"
"Absolutely." If it means less competition for Y/n's heart then he would gladly take on that responsibility. "He lives three days to the south from here. I have nothing important needing my attention so I can spare the time to make sure they're aware of the situation before it gets out of hand. Thank you for making me aware of this. I assure you that he'll understand the situation once I'm finished with him."
You sighed in relief. This was perfect! With Akaza helping you, you wouldn't have to worry about actually trying to track down this Hantengu and explaining everything to him. That was two problems solved, now that only left two others. But you'd worry about that later when Kaigaku eventually came back. 
"Ah. If you also need someone to take the boy off your hands, I can speak to the Master himself.~'' 
All of you paused before looking at Enmu, and you had to really wriggle yourself out of his grasp in order to look at him. And he still smiled through all of this. "What?"
"I don't have the equipment to examine blood myself so the Master was gracious enough to let me use his!~ And your blood is so beautiful might I add.~" You frowned. "The Master would know the perfect person to care for the child! After all he's the one who assigns all the tutors for his daughter.~"
"... Actually...That might actually work," Kyogai mused with a hum before nodding. "Alright." A claw pointed right at Enmu's face. "You ask the Master what he wishes to do with the boy and we'll do that. In the meantime I'll try to get him to un-imprint on Y/n." 
"Can you actually do that?"
"It's not unheard of but it'll take a while. Right Akaza?"... Kyogai turned. "Akaza, what are you doing?"
Akaza had magically disappeared from sight while the three of you were talking and had gone about calming Rui. By the time you three looked over, Akaza was already holding the small boy I'm his arms, cradling him and Rui was munching on something he pulled from a small bag. 
"Mother look!" He held up the small bag now calmer. "Mr. Akaza gave me candy!" He innocently fumbled with the bag. "I like him now."
"He's running a small fever," Akaza spoke a hand pressing to Rui's forehead. "Kyogai, have your healer look over him once I leave." Rui blinked as he was handed over to Kyogai.
"Oh are you leaving now?"
Akaza nodded. "If this needs to be resolved then I better get to Hantengu before his sons do, which means I'll need the head start." He paused before looking at you. "Y/n...I k-know it's selfish of me t-to ask this but.. could you at least think about what I said?"
...you nodded. "I will but I don't promise anything to o anyone."
"That is fair enough.'
You smiled at them all beautifully, lovely. "Thank you."
Hearts skipped a full beat for the three watching. Faces full of red. A thick floral scent making them woozy. However it was only one that spoke.
"Ah! There's that smell again!" Enmu smiled. "Begonias! Such a pretty scent for a pretty human.~"
"... Begonias? Are you dense?" Kyogai frowned at Enmu. "The only flower I smell is rose."
"Then you both need to have your  noses checked." Akaza rose a brow. "I smell neither begonia or rose. Amaryllis blooms is what's here."
You looked between them all confused. "What are you three talking about? I don't smell anything."
The three demons stared silently....before Enmu reached into his overcoat collar and pulled out a notepad and paper before opening it and proceeded to write in it.
"What are you doing you lunatic?"
"Taking notes on the human's strange condition. It seems the strange effect her blood has on us doesn't affect her at all, and even if it does it doesn't seem to be harmful to her and she can't detect whenever it's happening." He explained with a confused hum. "Although the effects are ... strange. It doesn't seem to be harmful to us either but it effects our sense of smell. Perhaps some kind of camouflage tactic? Maybe a calming tool?... Whatever it is, it seems to affect everyone differently. For example I smell nothing but begonias. Kyogai has roses and Akaza had amaryllis blooms. How strange?' He looked up at you. "Has anyone else experienced any strange floral scents from you?"
You blinked. "Uh... Kaigaku mentioned once that he thought my blood smelt like peach blossoms."
Enmu's brows shot up. "Really? He mentioned your blood specifically?" You nodded and he proceeded to write that down. "So it's not just me who connected the smells to your blood. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this."
"I have!" Rui's little hand went up gripping some more candy gaining everyone's attention. "But you're all wrong. Roses and peaches are dumb guesses. Mother smells like beautiful carnations." He then shoved the fistful of candy into his mouth chewing noisily.
"Carnations? That's an interesting take actually as carnations are widely accepted to symbolize motherhood." More scribbling as you stared stunned at Rui. "Before I leave Id like to ask a few of your servants of they also smelt anything strange like us. It might just be the key to what is going on in her body."
"Huh? Oh. Yes. You may ask Eri. She used to be the human's personal aid and I must summon her anyways to look over the boy." As if on cue he hit the drum on his stomach twice each letting out a BUM sound each time. "You can also ask Nagi who's currently serving her. But be sure that's the only thing you do!"
"You called me, my Lord." Immediately a servant appeared and bowed to him. 
"Yes. Tell Eri I want her to come here immediately."...He then eyed the cracks in the wall from Rui throwing Enmu and the hole Akaza had punched in the floor and sighed. "And tell Mayla to get some builders over here to repair all the damage. My home is not a fighting ring!" He shot Akaza a look.
"Oh...I apologize for the damage."
The servant bowed. "Of course. Will there be anything else?"
"Mother, I'm hungry. I want lunch."
"*Sigh* And bring food for the child and human from the kitchen."
The servant bowed and left leaving you all there. Akaza again apologized to Kyogai for the hole in the floor before also leaving, but not before coming back to give your hands one last squeeze before leaving. The next to leave was Enmu after you saw him speak to Eri and a few other servants writing all of it down into that notepad of his before he returned to you smiling.
"Well it seems like quite a mystery. Besides myself and four other specific demons, everyone else doesn't smell a specific flower."
"So ..they don't smell anything?"
"Oh no. They do. But it's totally different. You see everyone I spoke to agreed that you smell like flowers..But they can't tell me one specific TYPE of flower. To them it's just an indescribable floral scent that doesn't have any one specific flower where as myself and four others ONLY smell one kind of flower and for each of us it's different."
"So...I smell like flowers to all demons, but it's more of a field of flowers that they can't make out? Except for a few like you and Akaza that smells just one specific flower?"
"Now you're getting it! And for each of us it's different, but I haven't figured out how or why yet." 
You watched as he slipped the notepad back in his coat and lean over to grab his suitcase. "Then what will you do now?"
"Well..First I'm going to contact the families of the demon that Kyogai killed when they chased you in here. Perhaps something in their bodies are affecting you, but since their corpses were burnt, I can't take any direct samples from them. So I'll need the next best thing." He smiled wider. "I'll need to take blood samples from their closest family members and compare it to yours to see if there's any similarities. If there's nothing connecting you to them then we can rule out blood contamination by demon DNA. But first I need Kyogai to pull up their records to locate any family. "
"That sounds like a lot of work and just for me of all people. I'm not that important."
"Oh how wrong you are.~," he cooed and tilted his head, "And.." Teal eyes became half lidded with knowing. "I do want to genuinely help you, Y/n.~" He slightly bowed to you. "I shall do my very..."
He paused mouth open in a smile as two arms wrapped around his middle and pulled him against a warm body. Her body leaned against him in an embrace- THUD!! The suitcase dropped from his hand as his body froze. 
"I know this is asking a lot of work from you, and you can be... difficult, but I do appreciate the help you're giving me and I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you and everyone else. I promise to fix everything as soon as I can. Please don't stress yourself out on my part." You slowly let him go and stepped back watching his shocked face. And smiled. "But maybe just tone down the perverted nature a bit from now on."
"....No one had ever t-t-thanked me genuinely before." The shock melted away as he shivered and smiled genuinely. You blinked as a hand tucked under your chin to raise you head just a bit higher. Huh...when did his teal eyes suddenly get closer? "Do you know I also have a strange medical condition?~" He mumbled closer. "You make my heart beat faster.~" purple eyes widened as his face was five inches awa-
.....You blinked......And looked at your feet.
The touch was gone. And so was Enmu- No. Enmu was still there but now he was laying at your feet laying face down on the floor as flat as a pancake. Behind him, one of his legs was slightly suspended in thin air, and wrapped around his ankle was a spider thread. You slowly followed the thread to where Rui was standing next to Kyogai and firmly held the thread in his hands.
"Do your business with the drum man and leave." Rui then held up the thread to Kyogai. "Here you go. I get extra food now right?"
Kyogai chuckled before gladly accepting the string just as Enmu looked over his shoulder. "I think I'll miss having this child around. Come along, Enmu. I'll get you the documents." He then turned and walked away dragging the other demon behind him
Enmu was quick to grab the suitcase as he was dragged away before smiling and waving at you. "Good bye, Y/n-chan.~ Parting is such sweet sorrow.~"
You stood there for a long moment before blinking and reaching a hand to slowly rub your face. Yep. You had too much to think about right now. Small footsteps ran up to you before someone small threw their arms around your legs. 
"I don't like him! Mother you best stay away! Come read me more stories instead."
You sighed and reached out to pat the top of his head. Whelp...At least most of your problems would be fixed now. Hopefully Akaza would be able to talk sense into Hantengu. Only time could tell.
Loud footsteps approached a familiar but annoying door and a large fist knocked loudly on the wooden surface demanding an answer. A moment later footsteps approached and the door opened to a sniffling face.
"Akaza. What do you want here?"
A firm push was enough to get inside and walk his way inside without a fight. Of course a whimpering mess was there to greet him by the fireplace. 
"Oh calm down. I didn't come here to drag you back to work. I came to just talk." A few more sobs and whimpers. Sigh. Ok. He'll be nice for her sake. "First of all, I want to congratulate you on your retirement and your sons for getting such a high positions."
"*Sniffle* Thank you."
"Secondly, I apologize for dropping I'm unannounced like this. But we need to talk."
"*Sob* It's alright."
A stern look. "Lastly, I need to let you know something serious. A few weeks ago, you had a girl agree to marry one of your four older sons. But you should know that the human woman didn't really agree to that. She didn't agree to any engagement and she didn't understand what you meant. So any engagement you thought about presenting to your sons is off limits. There will be none. Am I being clear enough to you?"
.....A sniffle. "Too late, too late. There's no going b-back now."
"What are you talking about?"
"*Sob* They a-already want to be married. *Sniff* It's not M-My fault young men yearn for a married life."
"Well when they get here tell them it's off!"
"N-No. You don't u-u-understand. *Hic* Th-They are on their way to get her now."
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
this has been in my mind lately, can i request izumi and madara (seperated please!) having a late night drive with their bike with their s/o <33 im having a bikerboy izumi brainrot rn i don't think im okay.
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You’re curled up on the couch in the dorm, feet tucked beneath you as you leaf through the proposals submitted for the next Fes. It’s nearing 11PM, but you’re not tired and you want to try to be productive for a bit, to try and take some pressure off of poor Producer-chan.
Seriously, those guys take her for granted!? It’s no wonder you’re her favourite, what with the way the others treat her…
The sound of something hitting the windowpane makes your head shoot up from where you were poring over Valkyrie’s requirements for their next Live. Huh? You dismiss it. It was probably just a falling branch or something.
Your eye twitches. It’s fine. It’s fine.
Chk! Chk! Chk!
Oh my fucking God. You stand up, scowling fiercely. I’m going to kill you, you think viciously. Like, who the fuck throws shit at someone’s window at fucking 11:19 in the night? If your poor dormmates had the tragic luck of seeing you right now, they’d probably be cowering in terror at the intense amount of bloodlust emanating from your body.
You slam open the window frame, ready to give whoever it is a piece of your mind, and just narrowly miss getting headshotted by a rock. Only your quick reflexes prevent any lasting damage, and you feel a vein throb in your forehead.
Why, you little…
Wh. What. You think you may be hallucinating
No way…
You lean over the edge, and standing just below you, so close you could literally reach out and touch him, is none other than Mikejima Madara, in the flesh and definitely not a hallucination.
“Madara-kun…? What are you doing?”
“I wanted to see you!” You flush. Jeez, he’s so honest about these things. He grins when he sees the way you duck to hide your blushing face. And, oh wow. That’s way too bright for 11:27 at night. “Come down!”
You blink. You can’t deny, his face is a welcome sight after 2 or so hours of reading reports in various handwriting, ranging from neat and pretty (Shu-kun) to downright horrible–what you’re certain is a bastardised version of English and Kanji (Chiaki-kun). But you hesitate, because whatever work you leave now means more work for Producer-chan tomorrow.
Still, you’ve found yourself missing him lately. With all his Double Face work, and how you’ve been busy chasing after everyone, you’ve barely been able to spend any time together in the past few weeks. 
Your resolve practically collapses after you take a look at his smiling face. I can’t say no to that face, you lament piteously.
“Yeah, okay…” You concede. You swing one leg over the bottom edge of the window frame, and begin the arduous task of squeezing yourself through the gap. As you teeter precariously on the razor’s edge between safety and–well, maybe not death, but certainly injury–you pause. “Madara-kun, if I fell, would you catch me?”
“Of course.” The answer comes immediately.
You smile at him, softly. “Okay. Hey, Madara-kun. Catch.”
You push yourself fully off of the window, fully trusting the man below you to catch you in his arms. It’s stupid, sure, but maybe he makes you stupid. And your implicit trust is rewarded as you collapse straight into strong arms, like the perfect bridal carry.
“Y/N-saaaan!” Madara cries out. “Why did you do that? What if I didn’t catch you?”
“I knew you would,” You say. “I trust you.”
That makes him pause, just a bit, before he takes it in stride. Still, you can see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows. He seems to shake himself, then does an abrupt turn and starts marching towards the dorm entrance. You squawk.
“Ah, Madara-kun, put me down?”
“No way!” He chirps. “What happens if Y/N-san gets cold? I’ll never forgive myself.”
You smack him, affronted. You are not a delicate maiden, or whatever! Despite the fact that you get cold easily, it’s nothing you can’t handle… Still, you find yourself just a tiny bit grateful for the fact that he exudes warmth like a furnace. You resist the urge to snuggle closer. It would be, frankly, embarrassing.
He comes to a stop in front and you squirm out of his arms, wincing when the wet grass squelches unpleasantly under your slippers.
You freeze, caught in the aura of an absolutely gorgeous being, and you feel your soul cleanse itself just by standing in the vicinity of this beautiful lady. You rush forwards to run your hands over the smooth curves and ridges.
“Oh, Baby-chan…” You sigh. “You’re looking lovely…”
Madara-kun laughs behind you. “Sometimes, I think Y/N-san only puts up with me for Baby-chan…but she is very beautiful, isn’t she?”
“You’ve found me out.” You deadpan. “Baby-chan and I are having an illicit affair.”
“I knew it!” Madara-kun makes a mock-affronted noise, but you can see the faint undercurrent of hurt running through it. Maybe someone else might not have noticed, but you’ve spent enough time with him to be able to tell.
You laugh. “Don’t worry, though. You’re still my favourite.”
He smiles as he mounts Baby-chan. “That’s how it should be~ Anyways, climb on!”
You do so, with necessary wariness as he wears his helmet. As much as you love Baby-chan (and Madara-kun, you suppose…), high speeds are not for you, especially in a vehicle without seatbelts. He revvs the engine, and Baby-chan purrs in a way that sends shivers down your spine. “Ready?” He calls over his shoulder. You tighten your arms around his waist. “Hold on tight!”
And you’re off. The streetlights flare yellow as they catch in puddles of water dripping along the roadside. The scenery blurs as you ride past, a flurry of monochrome–black and grey, the moonlight washing everything out. It’s scary.
It’s beautiful.
Baby-chan growls once again, and you flinch. The way he swerves into hairpin turns makes you feel like your heart is going to beat straight out of your chest and onto the road. Of course Madara-kun would be the adrenaline-junkie sort of driver…
“Having fun?”
“Hng. I think we left my stomach behind a few turns back.” You bury your face into his back, grateful that it’s late enough that no one is out and about to see you being such a baby. So undignified! You feel his chest rumble with laughter. “What are you laughing at?”
“Nothing, nothing! Ah, just…Y/N-san is soooo cute, I want to kiss you right now…”
A beat of silence, while he waits for his words to register in your dizzy brain.
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Gorgeous ♡
come to the dorm entrance i have something to show you
babe what???
Read at 03:31 AM
ok then
omw ig
Read at 03:34 AM
You shove your fingers into your pockets to stave off the cold as you hover nervously near the gates. It’s late, and you’re really lucky ES is pretty lax with curfew. You suppose you have UNDEAD to thank for that, what with all the nighttime Lives they do. You make a note to thank them later.
You perk up. “Babe, hi! What’s up–oh my God.” Stowing your phone in your pocket as you turn around to catch sight of…
Your boyfriend, dressed impeccably as usual in jeans and a button-up shirt, a leather jacket tossed carelessly over his shoulder (you’re kind of jealous? He looks good in anything. He could probably make a potato sack look good, if you’re being honest?), a silver helmet tucked under one arm. But that’s unimportant. The part you really care about is:
The absolutely gorgeous bike leaning next to him. Silver, with black and chrome tints. A cruiser by the looks of it, with a larger bulky shape, unlike the smooth, streamlined body of Mikejima’s beloved ‘Baby-chan’.
Izumi smirks at you. “Like what you see?”
You laugh giddily. “Yes! It’s beautiful.”
“I know.” He scowls briefly as your words register. “I’m not an ‘it’.”
You blink, disconcerted. “I know? I was talking about the bike?”
You clasp your hands together pleadingly. That bike is the most gorgeous motherfucking thing you’ve ever laid eyes on–second only to Izumi who is literally the single most beautiful thing ever created, so that doesn’t count–and you’ll be damned if you don’t get to ride it at least once.
“Can I drive it? Please? Pretty please?”
Izumi scoffs and turns his head away, but you think you can see the faintest colouring of pink rising in his cheeks. “Sure, whatever.”
He tosses you the keys, and you suppress a squeal. “Best boyfriend ever! Did I ever tell you how I am literally, like, sooooo in love with you?”
“Ew, stop being gross!?”
You roll your eyes lovingly, because if you look up tsundere in the dictionary Izumi’s face is probably the first picture you’ll see. You hop on the bike, and motion for Izumi to follow after. He does so hesitantly, a sour look forming on his face, but you’re too busy running your hands reverently over the sleek metal fastenings to notice.
“Hime~chan,” You murmur, slow and sensual, trying to channel your inner Izumi, the one who’s a part of Knights, who has fans thirsting over him on Tweeter. “Let me give you the best night of your life~”
“Are you…are you dirty-talking a motorbike right now?”
Izumi’s voice is full of derision and barely-concealed annoyance. You turn to look at him. “Who else would I dirty-talk to?”
The subsequent affronted look that appears on his face makes you want to burst out laughing. You force yourself to think of sad, depressing things so you don’t. Sad puppies, sad Mikejima’s, Hakaze when he tries so Goddamn hard to get a date… Yup, that’ll do it.
You revv up the engine, revelling in the roar that vibrates through your fucking bones. “Izumi, are you holding on?”
He places his hands lightly upon your shoulders, and you giggle before reaching behind you to tug his arms tightly around your waist because that’s not going to save him from being thrown off. He makes an aborted sound before he goes silent. “Ready?”
He taps a single finger against your hip, agreement, and you don’t waste a second before you’re tearing across the asphalt like this is Tokyo Drift and you’re the main character (does this make Izumi your love interest?).
The wind tears through your hair, and you know it’s going to be Hell to detangle later, but hey. What’s the use of having a sexy, sexy supermodel boyfriend if he doesn’t pamper you sometimes?
You speed up, just a bit. Just for the thrill. Head thrown back, you laugh as you swerve a perfect U for the next turn, loud and wild and free.
You can feel Izumi’s heart beating a panicked staccato against your chest, so you make an effort to slow down. His grip is tight, nails digging into the curve of your hips, face buried into the curve of your neck. His breathing gradually lessens from the terrified high it had been earlier and by the time you stop in front of the Starmony Dorms, it’s evened out entirely.
You pat the tail-end of the bike lovingly as you flick the kickstand out with the toe of your sneakers. “Oh, Hime~chan, you were wonderful tonight~ I had so much fun!”
Izumi reaches for you at the same time you turn to face him and you find yourself pinned against the wall, his hands framing either side of your head. “I… Izumi?”
“You’re sooo annoying, did you know that?” He huffs. “This whole time, you haven’t looked at me once. What’s up with that? Do you think your bike,”–“Hime-chan,” you correct, much to his annoyance–“is better than me?”
“N-no, of course not.”
“Then what does ‘Hime-chan’ have that I don’t!” Izumi’s brows are furrowed. You soften.
“Aw, babe, if you were jealous you could’ve just told me…” You say, ignoring his mutter of ‘I’m not jealous’. That’s adorable…! “You’re always number one in my heart!”
You lean forward to knock your forehead against his. He wrinkles his nose cutely but doesn’t pull away or complain about the close proximity, just entangles his fingers with yours. “I love you more than anything, okay?”
A mumbled ‘okay’ is your only response, and you smile.
The night sky smiles down on your lover, and you. What more could you possibly need at this moment?
“When you said ‘Hime-chan’ is gorgeous, did you mean more gorgeous than me?”
“Oh, my God.”
WC: 2k words
HOLY SHIT wtf i wrote. 2k words. for THIS??? huh??? ty anonnie for fuelling my brainworms, now i have fuckin leather jacket bikerboys on the brain sobs. ik my subtle mama bias is showing but ur honour i love him. also i hc babychan as a naked bike since she’s pretty sleek as far as i can tell? + her handlebars are thinner and i don’t think she has a front windshield so yeah… anyways i saw this as my chance to ramble abt bikes (bcuz bikes are my guilty pleasure!!) so im sorry if u learnt shit abt bikes u didn’t need to know. also tokyo drift is a fast&furious movie jsyk!! not me subtly dragging kaoru LMFAO i swear i love him. i hope u enjoyed this anonnie <3!! bcuz i rlly had fun writing this (which is why it’s so long incase u couldn’t tell sobs)
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dashrgpx · 2 months
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Chan and I know eachother because of our bandmates see we are both in bands and it just so happens to be that his bandmates Changbin and Han are dating my bandmates Gen and Ash the differences in us is that we are latinas and they are Asians . With that me and Chan have seen and meet eachother a lot because both bands get invited and go out together It wasn’t until recently that Chan asked me out on a date and im not gonna lie he has caught my eye certain times it still caught me off guard since he never showed interest in me until he asked me out .
Day of the date
Chans Pov:
I was now spraying on my perfume and fixing my bracelets to head out and Hyunjin walks in my room “man how does it feel you are the man you got the baddest to say yes to a date with you?” Hyunjin said laughing “man I’m so nervous right now like I can’t I’m going to embarrass myself in front of a gorgeous girl “ I replied and Felix butted in “just be yourself she is really pretty but she’s also very sweet and nice just remember that behind those gorgeous looks there is a simple sweet girl who doesn’t even know how pretty she is to you “ I just sighed in response “plus Chan what’s there not to love about you your literally the type of guy every girls searches for” and then Hyunjin says “try to get laid you need some trust me it’s been a long time for you buddy and we are all aware of it plus you’ll enjoy yourself I mean that body she has is the type and man kills for “ and me and Felix just look at him in disgust
Adriana’s POV:
“I can’t wear that Gen ” I say to Gen holding up a two piece set “Adriana cmon give the man something to look at bless his eyes this once” she says and I look over to Arleen to see what she has to say about this “she’s right Adriana if I had what you had for a body trust me the whole world would know there is nothing wrong with flaunting it every once in a while give him a show” Arleen replied and I grabbed the two piece and put it one “Adriana I’ma be so real with you right now I’m only looking at your titties right now” Arleen replied “god your boobs look amazing in that top how do they sit so perfectly” Gen says “I don’t know guys it feels and looks like they are about ready to spill out at any moment” I said turning to look at them only to find them bluntly staring at my chest “guys” I say “ I am no better than a man” Arleen says “you have to wear it . It fits you way to good for no one else besides us three not see it on you” Gen let’s out “fine but I’m wearing the small cardigan” I said and my phone rang it was Chan “hey hello” I said to him “Hey hi I’m outside “ he said smiling “yea of course I’ll head out “ I replied and grabbed my bag .
At his car :
He was standing outside his car waiting at the passenger seats door I look at him a flash him a pretty smile “Hola” I said to him “hello there wow Adriana you look …wow…just wow breathtaking” chan said to her “really now thank you. you should wear shirts like this one more often I like it a lot on you” Adriana replied smiling up at him not acknowledging how she drove him straight nuts “thank you gorgeous Here sit down “ he says as he opens the car door for her putting his hand on the top of the entrance so she doesn’t hit her head and then reaches down to grab her ankles and place her legs in for her and head over to his side
At the restaurant:
“So technically speaking this gorgeous women sitting in front of me is a licensed Veterinarian” Chan said to Adriana amazed by the news “yea legally on paper im a veterinarian went to school studied got my degree and doctorates” Adrian giggled telling him “here I thought you couldn’t get more attractive” Chan says to her “mor ustede es hermoso nene solo con so voz me escapa a matar”she tells him in Spanish (English translation is “luv you are beautiful baby boy you can kill with just your voice alone”) “lord girl are you trying to kill me “ he says laughing getting all flustered “I’ve always said it Spanish has always been such a romantic language to me “ he said to her “yea it is I agree so as well seems words are powerful in Spanish “ she replied “what did you say right now” he asked “i like you Chan I’m very attracted to you “ Chan felt swept off his feet “really because I like you a lot like a lot “ he replies and she rest her hand on his cheek and pulls him in to give him a passionate kiss
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