#lives of the irish saints
littleflowerfaith · 6 months
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By Eva McKee
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britneyshakespeare · 6 months
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This is just a map of New England (minus Connecticut the fake New England state)
#text post#new england#source: boston 25 news website: believe it or not massachusetts is not the most irish state new study finds#18.9% of mass residents have irish ancestry#really this is not surprising at all. massachusetts is the most population-dense state by far with the most immigrants#and new hampshire? ask anyone where their family lived before they came to new hampshire. it was massachusetts#new hampshire is full of ethnically irish and italian and polish catholics whose families have been here long enough#to assimilate and move to the suburbs and become xenophobic and anti-immigrant.#literally bothers me so much when ppl named molly o'flannigan and patrick sullivan talk shit about dorchester lawrence etc#and other immigrant-dense areas in new england. i'm like baby your grandparents lived there#well or at least that's my experience#new england still does have a shocking amount of wasps whose families have been here since the fuckin mayflower#i dont have a direct link to that in my own family but it's very strange how that is taught to new england children as like#'our' heritage in schools. plymouth plantation and the puritans and all that. you're weirdly made to identify w it#and like as time goes on#just factually that only represents the population of ppl who live and are raised here less and less.#not to mention it does nothing to address DIVERSITY in the area. but i suppose there's like a local mythos#we have to teach a story to children and it has to be a 'we' story and that story has to be pilgrims#bc the story has to start at colonization and not expand after that. thats too complex. happy thanksgiving?#new england white people have a habit of thinking theyre irish catholic anglo-protestant settlers and they built this country#they dont parse out their own identity at all and they certainly don't want to have to consider other ppl's.#wow i didnt mean this to turn into a culture-critical rant im sure most of my followers arent even from here so idk what this means 2 u guy#happy saint patrick's day!
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amnhnyc · 6 months
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We’re celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day in a big way, with one of the largest known deer: the Irish Elk (Megaloceros giganteus)! It was originally discovered in bog deposits in Ireland. This megafauna could weigh up to 1,500 pounds (680 kg) and its antlers could reach an incredible 13-ft- (4-m-) spread. Once ranging from western Europe to China, this animal died out some 10,000 years ago. However, at least one population, living in Russia’s Ural Mountains, managed to survive until about 7,770 years ago, long after the end of the Pleistocene. 
See the Irish Elk up close in the Museum’s Hall of Advanced Mammals! We’re open daily from 10 am-5:30 pm. Plan your visit.
Photo: © AMNH 
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alternativeulster · 1 year
more people need to know about irish mythology. it's just balls to the walls insane. if you thought greek mythology was wild let me introduce you to:
nessa and her 12 gay dads
queen medb cheating on everything and everyone, starting a war over a cow, ruining innumerable lives and then getting killed by cheese
fionn gets raised by 2 random lesbians
fionn kills a guy for stealing his girlfriend, drops the magic healing water several times on purpose
oisín goes to live in the immortal fairy land with his immortal fairy wife, misses ireland, comes back to visit, falls off his horse and fucking dies (may or may not have gotten in a fight with saint patrick before dying)
fuck them kids, they're swans now
guy accidentally gets job of "being the king's dog" at age 5, changes name to dog
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vestaignis · 25 days
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Скала Дан Брист в Ирландии.
Приблизительно в 5 км к северу от деревни Балликасл, в ирландском графстве Мейо, находится удивительный мыс под названием Даунпатрик-Хед. Возвышаясь на 38 метро выше моря, он открывает захватывающие дух виды Атлантики и высокие утесы вдоль берега. Название Даунпатрик возникло со времени, когда сам Св. Патрик основал церковь в этих местах. Вы можете все еще увидеть руины церкви, с каменным крестом наверху. Ежегодно в конце июля здесь собираются верующие, чтобы провести мессу. Во время Второй мировой войны тут был построен пост береговой охраны, который теперь используется, чтобы исследовать птиц, которые гнездятся на высоких утесах.
Отрезанная от материка и лежащая в 80 метрах от берега, находится знаменитая скала Дан Брист. Морской стек отделился от материка в 1393 под воздействием воды, и люди, живущие на утесах, были спасены с помощью веревок. Конечно же, не обошлось и без иной версии отделения скалы, которая увековечилась в древней легенде. Предания гласят, что когда-то на месте Дан Бриста жил непокорный языческий вождь, который отказался обращаться в христианство. В знак протеста самый почитаемый святой Ирландии, Патрик, ударил посохом об землю, отделив скалу вместе с вождем. Как бы то ни было, вертикальный утес является очень интересным местом – его высота составляет около 45 метров, а ширина и длина, соответственно, 63 и 23 метра. Высокие утесы мыса Даунпатрик и скалы Дан Брист, демонстрирующие многослойные разноцветные пласты пород, были сформированы более 350 миллионов лет тому назад. Эти места представляют особый интерес для орнитологов, которые наблюдают здесь за редкими птицами, гнездящимися на скалах, а в весенний период тут буйно расцветает армерия, создавая поистине фантастический пейзаж.
Dun Brist Rock in Ireland.
About 5 km north of the village of Ballycastle, in the Irish county of Mayo, lies a stunning headland called Downpatrick Head. Rising 38 metres above the sea, it offers breathtaking views of the Atlantic and the high cliffs along the coast. The name Downpatrick comes from the time when St Patrick himself founded a church here. You can still see the ruins of the church, with a stone cross on top. Every year at the end of July, the faithful gather here to celebrate mass. During the Second World War, a coastguard post was built here, which is now used to study the birds that nest on the high cliffs.
Cut off from the mainland and lying 80 metres from the shore, lies the famous Dun Brist Rock. The sea stack broke away from the mainland in 1393 under the action of the water, and the people living on the cliffs were saved with the help of ropes. Of course, there is another version of the separation of the rock, which was immortalized in an ancient legend. Legends say that once on the site of Dun Brist lived a rebellious pagan chieftain who refused to convert to Christianity. In protest, the most revered saint of Ireland, Patrick, struck the ground with his staff, separating the rock along with the chieftain.
Be that as it may, the vertical cliff is a very interesting place - its height is about 45 meters, and the width and length, respectively, are 63 and 23 meters. The high cliffs of Cape Downpatrick and the cliffs of Dun Brist, demonstrating multi-layered multi-colored rock layers, were formed more than 350 million years ago. These places are of particular interest to ornithologists, who watch here rare birds nesting on the rocks, and in the spring, thrift blooms here, creating a truly fantastic landscape.
Источник:://t.me/roundtravel,fishki.net/4284556-velikolepnaja-skala-surovoj-irlandii.html,/terra-z.com/archives/66906, /notionsontour .com /delightful-downpatrick-head-on-the-wild-atlantic-way/, /wallpapers.99px.ru/wallpapers/332882/,/pressa.tv/web-puteshestviya/30655-skala-dan-brist-u-beregov-irlandii-7-foto.html, /pikabu.ru/story/skala_danbrist_v_irlandii_7142151,/kulturologia.ru/blogs/110418/38561/, /dzen.ru/a/Y0xHzOMj-kbmAiMe.
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zombiekombi-if · 2 months
Zombie Kombi
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An interactive story by @josru
The cities are barren.
Not a soul has been seen navigating North America's metropolitan landscapes in years.
The undead are considered soulless, anyways.
In the late 2040s, zombies have overtaken the greater part of North America. You live on the outskirts of San Francisco, in an old, beat-up, secondhand Volkswagen Minibus. Also known as a Kombi (not sponsored).
You've been alone for as long as you can remember. Your elderly parent is long gone, and you have yet to meet another person, let alone one you're sure can be your ally.
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Play as male, female or NB/GNC.
Choose your hunting level. Pick between amateur, alright, and advanced.
Romance one of four potential options (or keep them as friends, adversaries, or enemies, depending on your choices)
Choose your path:
Discover what happened to the world, causing it to be filled with the undead, by traversing to the city.
Find out about the first owner of your Kombi. (#??? videos found so far.)
Navigate conspiracies about a local settlement that seems too friendly.
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Howard "How" Ngam
A mid-thirties, quiet, skeptical Thai-American man, How Ngam hates everyone and everything that's happened to him. He's the previous (read: not the first) owner of the Kombi- imagine his surprise when he stumbles upon you, living in a place he was sure he left locked and empty, meant to be his personal solitude.
He isn't the easiest to talk to, but his bristly attitude has it's purpose in this world. He's discovered a lot about the city, and How could take you there, but he's protective of those he cares about, which might include you.
Appearance: Tan-olive skin, deep-set eyes with wrinkles and dark circles, wide nose, prominent lips, shaggy, ear-length black hair, brown eyes, and stubble/mustache going on. About 5'8", fairly lean, some muscle. He's usually wearing a hand-me down, dark green jacket, and a copper-toned beanie. Heavy worker boots. Non-descript pants and shirt.
Dylan Chase
A late twenties, Half-Irish woman, Dylan is always searching for a greater purpose. She's scared, but determined to find herself in the midst of the apocalypse. You could worry that she's read too many self-help books, but she knows herself. Even if she can be a bit harsh about it.
Dylan wants more than anything to be caring, to prove to others that she's not a bad person. She lives in a well furnished settlement, where lack of resources seems to never be an issue. The guilt of being there, when everyone else is suffering, eats at her, but you could soothe her feelings, if you wish.
Appearance: Pale, warm toned, freckly-orange skin, hooked nose, sharply defined, thinner lips, deep red long hair past her shoulders, (basically think of a tomato), green wide eyes. About 5'6", very skinny, long runner legs with muscular calves. Despite the cold of San Francisco, Dylan runs hot and wears jean shorts, cropped shirts, or athleisure like hoodies and leggings.
He's a zombie. Gloor's skin is a pallid green-blue, with splotches of beige that reminds you he was human at one point. There are chunks of skin and flesh missing from his body, but he persists on, in the way the undead always do.
He can barely hold a fully fledged sentence with you, but you can tell he doesn't mean any harm. There's something lifelike in his eyes as he stares with you, a strong purpose held in his pupils, untouched by the typical fog that zombies carry. It's even more obvious in the way he seems to still have fine motor skills: he's capable of writing a few letters for you, if you want him to.
Appearance: Green-blue skin, brownish-grey hair that's mostly all fallen out, brown eyes. No nose, lips receding. 6'2", surprisingly wide in the middle due to his ribcage. He's wearing an old, dilapidated suit, and a wrinkly dress shirt, and torn up pants.
Alia Jacobs
Named after Saint Alia of the Knife, Alia is a mid-thirties, black woman that absolutely adores pop culture and trivia. She's a massive, optimistic nerd, and maybe one that's a bit obsolete in this current time- nobody really cares to get into escapist fantasies the way she does. Either way, she's got a cabin filled with comics, old video games, and DVDs. You wonder where and how she's collected so much paraphernalia, and mainly why-  and she's willing to share that with you if you don't judge her.
Appearance: Deep cool toned skin, natural loose afro to about the end of her neck, brown eyes, slight smile lines, prominent lips, straight nose. 5'3", pear shaped, hourglass body. She wears billowy, silky tops, and well structured cargo pants. She wears a lot of jewelry like rings, bangles, and earrings.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 2 months
Guarding your name from the fae in folklore
The idea of fae stealing names is quite recent (I’m a big fan of new, modern folklore, x, y), but the idea that you have to guard your name so no one could (supernaturally) us it against you, is definitely a widespread folk belief. However, I’ve never encountered an actual folktale that says the fae or fairies in particular could have power over you if they knew your name. I’ve been looking for one for a long time (and if you know one please let me know!) but so far I’ve only come up with one example. So let's take a look:
The power of names
Like I said, the power of names is an old belief that shows up all over the world. Sometimes it’s linked with naming ceremonies like baptism. Sometimes hiding the name from others (witches, djinns, etc.) is what will protect you, sometimes the name itself will protect you (like being named after a saint or in reverence of a deity or spirit). Edward Clodd published a huge essay in 1898 investigating how widespread this name guarding practice is and how it links to folklore. Which, while obvioulsy dated, certainly gives an impression of how deep this belief goes (Tom Tit Tot; an essay on savage philosophy in folk-tale, Clodd, E., 1898).
Not all folk beliefs show up in folktales though and protagonists who refuse to tell their name are not a staple of European folklore, whether it concerns fae or other entities. In “The Soul Cages”, collected by T. Crofton Croker it’s even quite the opposite, as the protagonist and a firendly merrow deliberately call each other by their full names (Jack Dogherty and Coomara). And for ages I wasn't able to find a story that actually incorporated the belief of guarding your name against fae, until I read that huge essay.
Hiding your name from the fairies
In his book, Clodd mentions a single folktale in which it is mentioned that the fae are trying to learn someone’s real name. Sadly he does not tell it in full, but since it is the only real example of this concept I’ve able to find so far, I will give the full quote:
While these sheets are passing through the press, my friend Mr. W. B. Yeats hands me a letter from an Irish correspondent, who tells of a fairyhaunted old woman living in King's County. Her tormentors, whom she calls the "Fairy Band of Shinrone," come from Tipperary. They pelt her with invisible missiles, hurl abuse at her, and rail against her family, both the dead and the living, until she is driven well-nigh mad. And all this spite is manifested because they cannot find out her name, for if they could learn that, she would be in their power. Sometimes sarcasm or chaff is employed, and a nickname is given her to entrap her into telling her real name, — all which she freely talks about, often with fits of laughter. But the fairies trouble her most at night, coming in through the wall over her bed-head, which is no laughing matter; and then, being a good Protestant, she recites chapters and verses from the Bible to charm them away. And although she has been thus plagued for years, she still holds her own against the "band of Shinrone." (Clodd, 1889, p. 83-84).
This story fits the concept of keeping your name away from malicious fairies so you cannot truly fall under their power perfectly. Sadly I haven’t been able to find this story in Yeats’ own folklore collection, but it fulfills my criteria even so.
What I have been able to find many examples of, however, is the reverse trope. Namely that knowing a fairy’s name will give you power over them. I thought this only showed up in Rumplestiltskin-type stories, but it seems a little more widespread than that. Which is very exciting to me, and merits its own post. So stay tuned.
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thisphantomlife · 8 months
Songs Hozier has covered
Bowie - Changes, Young Americans (see also Trinity Orchestra section)
Prince - I Wanna Be Your Lover, Raspberry Beret, Jungle Love
James Carr - The Dark End Of The Street
The Beatles - Blackbird
John Lennon (Donny Hathaway version) - Jealous Guy (at the goldenplec block party with Zaska)
Ariana Grande - Problem
Warren G - Regulate (mashup with Problem)
James Blake - Retrograde
Tom Waits - Strange Weather
Florence and the Machine - Cosmic Love
Stevie Wonder - Living for the City, As
Sting - 7 Days
The BeeGees - To Love Somebody
Lauryn Hill - Doo Wop (that thing)
Amerie - One Thing
Skip James - Illinois Blues
Muddy Waters - Catfish Blues
Van Morrison - Caravan, Sweet Thing, Domino, Brown Eyed Girl, Saint Dominic’s Preview
Bill Withers - Ain’t No Sunshine
Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know
Demi Lovato - Sorry Not Sorry
Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
Fun - We Are Young
Paul Simon - Bridge Over Troubled Water
Sam Smith - Lay Me Down
Destiny’s Child - Say My Name
Britney Spears - Toxic (snippet)
The Band - The Weight
Otis Rush version of Willie Dixon and the Big Three Trio - My Love Will Never Die
The Talking Heads - Burning Down the House (Instagram live messing around with friends)
The Staple Singers - Let’s Do it Again
The Weather Forecast 🤪
Ed Lewis - I Be So Glad When the Sun Goes Down (Instagram snippet)
Mavis Staples - Eyes on the Prize
Jackie Wilson - (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher
The Meters - Just Kissed My Baby
Traffic (song originally by Traffic, Andrew covered the Joe Cocker version) - Feeling Alright
Christmas Songs - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, Winter Wonderland, Santa Claus is Coming to Town (with others at the Xmas Eve Ball 2015)
Traditional Irish songs - My Lagan Love, The Humours of Whiskey, I Am Stretched On Your Grave, The Rolling Wave (on the low whistle), The Parting Glass, The Lonely Jig (on the low whistle)
(Live) Collabs - that are not Andrew’s own songs
Alvin Youngblood Hart - Illinois Blues
Maren Morris - The Bones, My Church, Girl, The Tree
Annie Lennox - I Put a Spell on You (Screamin Jay Hawkins cover)
Tom Odell - Another Love
Noah Kahan - Northern Attitude
Allison Russell - Requiem, Stop Dragging My Heart Around (Stevie Nicks & Tom Petty cover)
Brandi Carlile - The Joke, Walk On (U2 cover), The Weight (The Band cover)
Jamala - Walk On (U2 cover)
Mavis Staples - The Weight (The Band cover), Keep Your Eyes on the Prize (with Our Native Daughters, Jason Isbell and Phil Cook)
Boygenius - Salt in the Wound
Alana Henderson - Ae Fond Kiss (poem by Robert Burns)
U2 - When Love Comes to Town
Tori Kelly - Blackbird (the Beatles cover)
Mumford and Sons - Guiding Light, Awake My Soul, With a Little Help From My Friends (Beatles cover, with other artists)
Lake Street Dive - Everyday People (Sly and the Family Stone cover)
Rachael Price - Rental Love
Victoria Canal - Swan Song
Elwood (his dog) - Don’t Go Breaking My Heart (Elton John and Kiki Dee cover, Insta snippet)
All the artists at Love Rocks NYC 2022 - Like A Rolling Stone (Bob Dylan cover), Feeling Alright (Traffic cover)
Brian Kennedy (and others) - I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free (Nina Simone cover)
His Dad - The Weight (The Band cover at MSG)
Zaska, Wyvern Lingo, Loah - Sir Duke (Stevie Wonder cover)
Eabha McMahon - Bright Blue Rose (Jimmy McCarthy cover)
Brittany Howard - Feeling Alright (Joe Cocker version cover)
Joan Baez - We Shall Overcome, The Weight (The Band cover)
Christmas Eve Busk 2015
Bono, Glen Hansard - When Love Comes to Town, Every Breaking Wave
Glen Hansard, Imelda May - The Dark End of the Street (James Carr cover)
Christmas Eve Busk 2017
Glen Hansard, Coronas, Imelda May, Liam O Maonlaoi - So This is Christmas (John Lennon cover), The Aul Triangle
Music Groups
Nova Collective - (original songs) Tuile, Closer, Quick Bossa
Zaska - (original songs) In Your Own Sweet Time, Different Light, She Gunk Gunk Dunk A Funk, Oh Yeah
Anuna - with Andrew on lead vocals: The Raid, La Chanson de Mardi Gras. With Andrew in the choir: Jingle Bells, An Uaithne
The Wiggles - Cherry Tree Carol with Anuna
Trinity Orchestra - songs covered with Andrew on lead vocals
~ Queen - Somebody To Love, Don’t Stop Me Now
~ Arcade Fire - My Body is a Cage
~ Pink Floyd - Time, Breathe, Comfortably Numb, Shine on You Crazy Diamond, Money
~ Michael Jackson - Earth Song, Black or White, Smooth Criminal
~ David Bowie - Heroes
*This list may not be complete. It only contains songs that can be found online.
Please let me know if any songs are missing so I can add them 🫶
I’ve not included the songs he sang snippets of on that Song Association interview
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meara-eldestofthemall · 5 months
On Monday, a little over two weeks after a traumatic brain injury that caused catastrophic damage, my beloved husband of over 45 years passed away. While I held his hand and gave him one last kiss on the cheek, his breathing slowed than stopped. He was the great love of my life and my best friend.
After a Mass of Christian burial on Tuesday, we'll sing him to his rest. There's a song that's traditional in my family. We sing it at the graveside and those who have gone before us sing in heaven as we do so, uniting the living and dead in love. It was originally in Irish Gaelic but was translated into English about two generations ago.
Into the keeping of God I place you.
May the gate of heaven open to you willingly.
May God come to claim you.
and carry your soul to the City of Saints.
Don't fall in love with this life.
It passes like blossoms on the branch.
Follow the path of those who journey
from this life to the land of the saints.
I'll be back after that because the world doesn't stop for anyone's sorrow or heartbreak. Life goes on and somehow so must I. Mike expects that of me and I'll honor that final wish.
Cherish the time you have with those you love. You never know when it will end.
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What do ikeprince suitors smell like? Pt.2
Hi my beautiful Belles, it's such an honor to present you with part 2 of "What do ikeprince suitors smell like? I absolutely loved and had so much fun doing the first part. So here is the promised second part, where we will discover the perfumes that the princes from Rhodolite are most likely to wear. This is not entirely accurate - it's only based on their routes information and the vibe each boy gives me.
Jin Grandet
The big bro, seductive womanizer and alcohol lover definitely smells like seduction and playfulness with a mature vibe. I'm sensing some kind of citrusy freshness along with some spices on top of a woody warm bed.
Notes: bergamot, galbanum, tangerine, liqueur, pink pepper, ho leaf, amber, rosewood and oakmoss.
Perfumes he might like:
Sauvage - Dior (Basic, but it still works)
Cuirs - Carner Barcelona
Grand Soir - Maison Francis Kurkdjian (sometimes he takes this one from Nokto's perfume collection).
CH Men Prive - Carolina Herrera - His favourite, probably layered with "Grand Soir" for special occasions.
Stronger With You Intensely - Giorgio Armani
Chevalier Michel
King Highness, my man, your man, nation's man, world's man. It is said in his route that he showers a lot. It is also said by Belle that Chev smells like vetiver and winter. So I'm getting fresh clean boy vibes from our pookie man. He may also be a huge Byredo boy.
Notes: vetiver, green apple, wintergreen, sweet orange, white rose, white lily, jasmine, gardenia, ylang-ylang, sage and soap.
Perfumes he might like:
Sycomore - Chanel
Grey Vetiver - Tom Ford
Philosykos - Diptyque
Aqua Universalis - Maison Francis Kurkdjian - His favourite
Blanche - Byredo - His second favourite
Bal d'Afrique - Byredo
Mister Marvelous - Byredo
Clavis Lelouch
The Hellcat Troublemaker charming gentleman probably smells like sweat, chaos, trouble, chemicals and gunpowder, but let's pretend he doesn't. This mf brings joy and happiness to everyone's lives. He's the life of the party. We've all been charmed by him at any point in the series, don't you dare denying it. Yes, he is traumatized, but so are we. He is dazzling and fresh like a summer breeze, sweet and funny like an ice cream.
Notes: mandarin, lemon, sea salt, jasmine, rose, muguet, heliotrope, musk, vanilla, coconut and aromatic herbs.
Perfumes he might like:
Bleu de Chanel - Chanel (courtesy of Keith)
Aqua Allegoria Bergamote Calabria - Guerlain - His favourite (layered with "Pulp" to add playfulness).
Blu Mediterraneo: Fico di Amalfi - Acqua di Parma
Pulp - Byredo - His other favourite, he loves this one because he stole it from Chevalier's Byredo collection.
Allure Homme Sport - Chanel (this one is the one he uses while pranking people, just because the word "sport" in the perfume's name.)
Leon Dompteur
The gold digger girl dinner love of my life. He is a true gentleman, he treats you right, it's the princess treatment for me girl. He is classy, sweet, thoughtful, a liar friendly, masculine (in the best way possible) and sensitive. Roses seem to bloom whenever he smiles. A provider. Husband material. He gifts you PLUSHIES, how cute is that? Love him.
Notes: lavender, linalool, bergamot, roses, cinnamon, anise, clove, thyme, jasmine and cedarwood.
Perfumes he might like:
Fahrenheit - Dior - His favourite for high events
Y Eau de Parfum - Yves Saint Laurent
Rive Gauche pour Homme - Yves Saint Laurent - His favourite
Black Saffron - Byredo
L'Homme Ideal Sport - Guerlain
Blenheim Bouquet - Penhaligon's
Green Irish Tweed - Creed - His second favourite (layered "Black Saffron").
Yves Kloss
The Barbie Haughty Kitty. He definitely smells like flowers, especially roses, and something really sweet, gourmand with a soft clean base.
Notes: apple, peony, rose, apricot, jasmine, iris, musk, vanilla, praline, sugar, strawberry and peach.
Perfumes he might like:
Peony & Blush Suede - Jo Malone London
White Suede - Tom Ford
Eau Rose - Diptyque
Chanel Chance Eau Tendre
Love in White - Creed
The Favourite - Penhaligon's - His favourite
Bianco Latte - Giardini Di Toscana (layered with "Eau Rose") - His favourite combination (he uses this one to go see you Belle).
Licht Klein
The lone wolf, our cutie pie, Yves's baby. I feel like he smells like fresh rain on top of a sweet and clean base with some spices added.
Notes: orange, wintergreen, rain, mint, green apple, white lily, sweet pea, orchid, vanilla and sandalwood.
Perfumes he might like:
Silver Mountain Water - Creed
Acqua di Giò Profumo - Giorgio Armani
Royal Water - Creed - His favourite
Celeste - Giardini Di Toscana
Millésime Impérial - Creed (Silvio's gift).
Nokto Klein
Our frivolous womanizer, the slay and cunning fox, my baby. Chev's personal clown. He LOVES perfumes - Silvio and he are in some kind of competition about who has more perfumes. He is the layering king, not just because his perfume gets mixed with other girls' scents, but because he knows what he is doing. In literally everyone's routes, it's said that our silly boy who just wants to be loved and understood smells like a red flag "late night trysts", but what exactly that smells like?
Notes: Freesia, white rose, ylang-ylang, orange blossom, cinnamon, musk, sandalwood, heliotrope, queen of the night, vanilla and jasmine.
Perfumes he might like:
L'Homme Ideal - Guerlain
Noir - Tom Ford
Black Orchid - Tom Ford
Do Son - Diptyque
Flowerhead - Byredo
Luna - Penhaligon's
Grand Soir - Maison Francis Kurkdjian
Roses Musk - Montale
Intense Café - Montale
Reflection Man - Amouage (matching with Azel)
Royal Mayfair - Creed
Borabora - Giardini Di Toscana - His favourite
Blu Mare - Giardini Di Toscana (Silvio's gift)
Luke Randolph
Our own big (enormous) Winnie the Pooh. The Honey Lover. The Nap Lover. He is sweet, lovable and caring, the perfect brother you will never have. He will do anything to help you and to make you happy. He doesn't really care that much about his appearance, so the majority of his perfumes are gifted.
Notes: Honey, vanilla, herbs, honeysuckle, violet leaf, white musk and amber.
Perfumes he might like:
Mojave Ghost - Byredo (Clavis's gift, stolen fom Chev's perfume collection)
Oajan - Parfums de Marly (Jin's gift)
Chergui - Serge Lutens (Sariel's gift)
Honey Aoud - Montale - His favourite
And this is the end. Hope you enjoyed this silly little simulation, because I did. I had so much fun, especially with ma' boy Clavis.
This may not be the end of this series, next I'm planning to do the same dynamics (scents and perfumes) with our evil boys from Ikemen Villains. But if you have any suggestions let me know!!!
Kisses my beautiful little bunnies. xoxo.
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portraitsofsaints · 5 days
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Happy Feast Day
Saint Brogan of Ross Tuirc
Broccán (Broghan) Clóen
7th century
Abbot of Ross Tuirc, Ossory, Ireland
Feast day: September 17
Saint Brogan (Broccán Clóen) was an Irish cleric who lived in the sixth or seventh century. He was the abbot of Ross Tuirc in Ossory and was credited with the poem, ‘Ní car Brigit búadach bíth’, on the miracles of St. Brigid.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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tiredangrydyke · 2 months
It makes me really sad when people living in the free state don’t make an effort to celebrate our culture.
Like you don’t have to worry about the levels of violence we have in the north against Irish speakers, gaelige is taught since primary, you can soeka it in public no matter where you are. So speak it! It’s a beautiful language and people died for you to speak it! You can dance! Don’t make fun of it! Learn about our old gods or the saints! Dance, play bodhran, fiddle whatever, just please dear god celebrate our culture. Stop trying to modernise it into this copy paste of England. Ireland is beautiful as is, please, put some effort in
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workingclasshistory · 2 years
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On this day, 17 March 1846, Saint Patrick's Day, one of the first shipments of famine refugees left Dublin for New York. During the next five years more than a million people followed, driven by hunger to Canada or the United States. Élisée Reclus, the great French geographer, anarchist, vegetarian, and naturist, who arrived in Ireland at the end of the famine, noted that “Within a few miles of the wealthiest island in the world there live the most wretched human beings in Europe” and observed that “In no other country has famine committed such ravages as on the fertile soil of Ireland.” Known as the Great Famine, the Great Hunger, or an Drochshaol in Irish, like most famines the human cost was largely man-made. It killed a million people and forced a similar number to emigrate, while vast quantities of food produced in Ireland was exported to Britain for profit. In the decades preceding the famine, agricultural labourers and tenant farmers had staged numerous violent revolts. They had suffered successive famines throughout the 19th-century, and in 1841 almost half the homes in Ireland were single-room mud cabins. They fought these miserable conditions through secret societies known to history as “Whiteboy” groups. Members of these secret organisations were bound by elaborate oaths and rituals. They demanded lower rents and tithes, increased wages, and fairer land distribution, and they pressed their claims with property destruction, animal mutilation, assault, and even murder. More information and sources: https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/8902/first-famine-refugees-depart-dublin-on-st-patrick%E2%80%99s-day-1846 Pictured: a famine memorial in Dublin https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/2232084273643377/?type=3
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irishmammonagenda · 10 months
Catholic MC Gets Sent Into Hell?! Not Clickbait! (part one)
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introduction, part one, part two, part three warnings: light swearing, religious theme(s), GN (though implied AFAB mc, they/them pronouns used.) It's implied that MC knows prayers in irish,idk how to word that but😭😭 (i'm new to writing so i dont think i'm too good at characterisation yet)
A strangled scream rips itself from their throat as they lurch downwards into what can only be described as an abyss, the plastic river rock bottle and their phone almost rip themselves from their blazer, MC grips onto them for dear life, the only familiar things in this vacuum of darkness.
The fear almost paralyzes them, and through their years of catholic conditioning, MC does the only thing they can think to do, they pray. Muttering out a prayer to the Patron Saint of Protection, Archangel Michael, MC finds theirself falling onto cold, tiled ground in some bastardisation of wonderland.
They almost sigh in relief, if not for the group of people they catch in their peripherals, on their knees MC looks around, pulling their school skirt further down, it unrolls slightly from where it was rolled at the waist. MC lends wide eyes to the 8 men around the....court room...? They're met with a range of reactions. A man with hair red as blood stands, his arms extended out at his sides in some sort of attempt to be welcoming, to his right is a stoic, though calmly smiling man with green ombre-esque hair. Arguably the most unsettling of the two.
Nevertheless, MC looks to the 6 others in the room, their instincts going haywire, a blond with eyes so green they could be neon, a beautiful man-not that the rest weren't-with hair that reminded MC of the rose coloured shloer they'd get to drink at Christmas.
A man with...indigo? hair...MC was never good with colours, but it didn't matter as he was more focused on his gameboy and glaring at the tan white haired man who looked like the epitome of chaos than them. MC could live with that. They could also live with not having seen the ginger inhale a cake whole, but that was by far the least strange thing that had happened. Then they set their eyes upon the last man of the group, standing to the left hand side of the red-haired brown skinned man, a brunet, or would it be more fitting to say noirette? MC didn't know, either way his hair was black as night, with the slightest hint of silver....or was it grey? Either way, he meets their gaze with his crimson eyes. MC's breath hitches. Falling, only to land in an emo pinterest board looking courtroom with a bunch of men, all of which with strange hair and eyes? They needed to leave.
The man with scarlet hair begins to talk, "Hello MC and welcome to the Devil-"
"Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy na-" MC begins to mutter, their eyes shut tight. The tension in the room grows thicker, they can no longer hear the game on the indigo haired man's gameboy, he must've shut it off.
"Lucifer....What's the human doing?" Scarlethead man asks hesitantly, the name spurs MC on, their prayer ups an octave, "By kingdom come, thy will be done-"
"-Praying. It looks like, Diavolo." A sadistic sounding voice responds, offence dripping in this 'Lucifer's' tone.
"-on earth as it is in heaven-"
MC drowns out the squabble that begins between these...demons. They pray over and over again, the fighting only continues as they get started into the ten Hail Marys.
"Sé do bheatha a Mhuire, atá-"
A new voice joins in. "Ohh?~ What's with the strange words? That doesn't sound like latin."
A sigh can be heard afterwards, "Neither was the praying in English, Asmo. Besides, humans pray in all of their languages now."
Now that gets MC to stop praying and to look up in surprise at the sound of the voice, "Of course demons can be Irish. Of fucking course." They mutter before meeting several pairs of eyes and immediately lowering their head and muttering once more.
"Satan! You visited humans way more t-than us! D-do something!" MC doesn't hear the chain of responses, only picking up, 'worthless otaku like me!' and 'i'm not a human whisperer!'
The name Satan though....
"Saint Michael the Archangel! Defend us in battle!-"
"-Michael?" The strict tone says aloud. Tension was growing thicker.
"-Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil!-"
"-now thats just mean!"
"-Yeah! Human who do ye think yer messin' with?-"
"-May God rebuke him we humbly pray!-"
"My Lord, would you like me to fetch Simeon?"
"That would be a good idea!" The scarlet haired demon, the 'Lord' says, there's laughter? in his voice though.
"-And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host!-"
Silence takes over the room. Until it doesn't.
"Hmm?~ Wasn't that Lucifer's role?"
"W-whaa?! Don't bring that up! He l-looks like he's about to rage quit during a campaign!"
"Diavolo. How long will Barbatos be in fetching Simeon." That annoyed, stern voice asks, although it's less of a question and more of an order. That must be Lucifer.
"-bY the Power of GOd, cast into hell SataN! And all-"
Snickering can be heard.
"L plus Ratio plus ROFL!"
"Shut up Levi." A voice hisses.
"-other eVIL Spirits who pROwl around the wORLD seeking the ruin of souls!"
"Uhhh...*munch* why's the human glowing?"
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15-lizards · 7 months
✨ riverlands using weaving as a form of prayer do you see where im headinf with this. riverlands folk catholicism of the faith you know ….. do you have any other thoughts about what practices would be like in the home vs the septs . Does that question make sense i worry it doesn’t
No wait I’m seeing the vision…weaving and needlepoint while they pray to imbue whatever they’re making with a protective energy from the gods so that the blanket or dress or whatever keeps someone safe or brings in good fortune. And this seems a little pagan to the septs but ppl still do it anyway in their homes and outside of the Faith as an institution.
Veneration of saints that are not technically recognized by the faith but are still prominent figures within the religion so it’s tolerated. Basically folk heroes they might pray to for intercession
Also veneration of the dead/ancestor worship bc the riverlands are stuck in time and ghosts are almost as tangible as the living! Holy days where they give offerings to their deceased and pray for their spirits to come and give them guidance
A lot of Irish folk practices are really fitting too. The cross of st Brigid, the idea of holy wells, the blessing of a ribbon by a saint to that they will be protected throughout the year, etc etc. lots of leftovers from the time of the old gods mixed in with the doctrine of the new
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itsbansheebitch · 7 months
You see, whenever I see someone (whether earnestly or in bad faith) ask, "Why do you not support Israel?" I have to think about this from an outside perspective. How do I explain that Hamas HAS done bad things, but that Palestine has a LEGAL right to defend themselves? That Israel is a group of colonizers and Jewish people world wide protest against them?
How do you tell someone that this has been going on since before Hamas existed? How do you tell someone that Palestinians keep the old keys to their houses in hope that they will return one day? How do you tell someone that Native Americans, South Africans, and Irish people are all saying, "Free Palestine"?
How do you tell someone that although there is nuance and it's a long running issue, how do you tell them that it's actually a really simple example of Colonization and Apartheid?
How do you tell someone that when every peaceful protestor is gunned down, you have to look for other options?
How do you tell someone that you feel like you're waking up from over a decade of brainwashing, and although you do not support the Israeli govt, you've been alive too long to think that govts represent their people?
How do you tell someone that you wish Israelis well, but believe that Palestinians should get their land back? How do you tell someone that they have a legal right to do so?
How do you tell someone that you think that Aaron Bushnell was one of the few people in this country's military to have a conscious? That we should encourage people who believe in the freedom of Palestinians to stay alive so that they can continue the fight for freedom? That being alive leaves you more time to learn and grow and fight for the cause? That Aaron wasn't a saint, but he was certainly better than the other people giving orders?
How do you tell someone that this isn't the first time someone has set themselves on fire for Palestine, but it was covered up? How do you tell someone that your country cares so little for human lives that they would cover up deaths, kill their citizens in cold blood, and practically encourage school shootings?
How do you tell someone that this should be EVERYONE'S wake up call? That a person who is educated on the subject knows damn well that this is genocide?
How do you tell someone that you grew up with lies and gaslighting shoved down your throat by the people you were supposed to trust?
How are you supposed to tell someone that? It's so much easier to just meme about The Horrors like your country encouraging genocide is just the monster of the week? Like, how are you supposed to tell someone that your leader is a serial killer and a genocidal maniac???
How do you tell someone this calmly? How can you just say it?
And what do you do when they say, "Oh, but what about Hamas, though?"
How are you supposed to look people in the eye after that?
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