#lmk if you notice any
greenfiend · 8 months
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Back to school (in the apocalypse)
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birdietrait · 1 year
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✿ The Home Sweet Home Legacy Challenge ✿
Info ✿
view on google docs
Use the tag #HSHLegacy so I can see your posts!!
If there are any rules that you don’t vibe with, just skip over them!
Some of the rules are centered around gameplay and some are more story-based!
You don’t have to complete aspirations or max out careers if you don’t want to, unless it’s otherwise specified in the generation’s rules!
Play with any lifespan you prefer.
Read one generation ahead to get all of the information you need!
Mods are allowed and encouraged; especially ones that make the game more realistic. I’ve linked a couple mods in some generations that can add to the gameplay! 
If you have the more traits in cas mod, pick whatever extra traits you think would fit your sim!
Rules for the generations under the cut ✿
You were raised in the city by strict parents who pushed you to be the best student in school. Despite your ambitious nature you hated the fact that you had no autonomy or free time. When you became a young adult you packed up your belongings, your pet and your limited funds and you moved to the countryside. Your cottage is rundown and outdated…it’s going to take a lot of work (and money) to make it a home. You quickly realize you might not actually be cut out for this life, but you are too stubborn and proud to give up and move back in with your parents.
Traits: Squeamish, Ambitious, High Maintenance
Aspiration: Country Caretaker OR Freelance Botanist
Career: Start with a part time job and/or odd jobs until your sim ages up into an adult, then settle into a full time job of your choice. To make additional money, you can also sell harvestables from your garden or your farm animals (if you want to go down that route!)
Starting Out: Start in Henford-on-Bagley with your pet in a small, rundown cottage with 2-3 bedrooms. You can use money cheats at this point, but remember: small rundown cottage…don’t use those extra funds for nice appliances!! When your house is done, set your funds to 450.
Your lot must have the ‘simple living’ lot trait
Reach level 5 in: Handiness, Cooking and Gardening
Befriend a few locals
Meet and fall in love with an outdoorsy sim with a large tight knit family 
Spend every holiday with your partner’s family, and have a solid relationship with most (if not all) of them
Have 2 kids
Take a vacation for every sim’s birthday (if you can’t afford it, throw a birthday party on a public lot instead)
Renovate the cottage over time (get new appliances, wallpaper/flooring, etc.)
Optional Rules:
Play with the ‘off the grid’ lot trait
Max out Handiness, Cooking and/or Gardening
Make the sim’s parents and make them have a negative relationship 
You grew up in a small, quiet town. After hearing about your parent’s childhood in the city, you were inspired to give it a try. You say goodbye to your loving family and set out for San Myshuno. You find an apartment and a part time job, then you get a few roommates to help with the bills. When you are faced with an accidental pregnancy, your roommates rally in support.
Traits: Loyal, Creative, Slob
Aspiration: City Native OR Painter Extraordinaire
Career: Max out the Retail part time job before quitting and selling paintings full time
Starting Out: Move into an apartment in San Myshuno with 2-3 roommates (you can use the roommate feature but I recommend actually having them in the household!)
Max the painting skill
Have Game Night, or something similar, once a week with your roomies
Have an accidental pregnancy after a one night stand (if your sim can’t become pregnant and the other sim can, move the baby into your household when they’re born!)
Raise your kid as a single parent (with the help of your roomies)
Once your child becomes a teen, move out into your own place (it could be in San Myshuno or another world)
Marry as an elder
Optional Rules: 
As an elder, marry the sim you had a one night stand with (that ultimately resulted in the birth of your child)
Become famous (because of your paintings)
Just as the expression goes, it took a village to raise you. You were a wild, rebellious child with a love for athletics. Even though you were surrounded by love as a kid (not just from your biological family, but from your parent’s roommates) you always wanted to have siblings. You end up marrying one of your childhood best friends and you settle down in a quiet neighborhood.
Traits: Family Oriented, Hot Headed, Athletic
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Career: Athletic 
Starting Out: Move into a house in a world of your choice with your partner.
Max the parenting skill and the athletic skill
Have 4 children
Reach the summit of Mt. Komorebi at some point in your life
Be a hands-on parent: play with your kids, build them a treehouse, throw birthday parties, be as involved as possible in their lives
Go through rough patches with your spouse due to your anger issues
Eventually decide to get a divorce after trying to make it work (or if you have RPO, you can opt for separation instead)
You and your ex-spouse must live on the same lot and continue to raise your kids together
Sleep in your workout shed in the backyard
Optional Rules:
Remarry your ex-spouse
Reach level 5 of the handiness skill
Although you and your siblings were loved by your parents, the living situation after their divorce was not ideal. Because of that, you vowed to never get married. You head off to university immediately after graduation and start on your path toward success.
Traits: Ambitious, Noncommittal, Genius
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy OR Academic
Career: Business OR Politics
Starting Out: Enroll in University and move into a dorm
Max the research and debate skill, and the logic skill
Reach the top of your career
Get the best possible grades throughout your life
Have at least two romantic relationships at all times…you are never faithful to one sim
Have two kids with two different partners
(Hesitantly) become official with one of your flings and move in together
When your partner proposes, reject them and have them move out
Go on a post-breakup trip with your kids to Sulani
Rarely discipline your children. In fact, rarely interact with them
Optional Rules:
Never retire
Move at least three times
Growing up, your parent was pretty distant and you never had a great relationship with them. They were always working, talking about work, or spending time with their significant others. One of your favorite memories of your childhood was your trip to Sulani. You and your sibling decide to move out together and live there permanently. It’s rough living in a new place with limited funds, but the two of you have some creative solutions.
Traits: Loyal, Bro, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Party Animal
Career: Criminal
Starting Out: Move into a small house in Sulani with your sibling. 
Max the charisma skill
Reach the top of your career
Earn money from the criminal career, stealing and pickpocketing 
Always maintain a close relationship with your sibling (who can also follow in your criminal footsteps, or work part time / odd jobs instead)
Throw parties regularly and pickpocket the whole time
Have a rivalry with another criminal that turns into love at some point 
Your sibling eventually moves out…and your partner moves in!
Have one child
Have a super tacky over the top wedding
Optional Rules:
 Max the mischief skill
(If you have this mod, you can pickpocket when your sim is younger! If you have Basemental you can also become a dealer to make money. If you have this mod, I recommend using the enemies to lovers interactions!)
And that’s all for now! I’m breaking this up into two parts, so the next five generations will be coming sometime (fairly) soon!
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beneathsilverstars · 1 month
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Google drive link here
I got tired of switching back and forth between the wonderful dialogue maker and my image editing program, so I made some files that would let me put ISAT dialogue boxes together myself! All of my measurements are approximated and based on the dialogue maker, so I could be off by a couple pixels. But it's close enough for me (<- I say through the gritted teeth of a perfectionist who is trying to be chill).
The left 20% of each portrait gets cut off when it's used in the dialogue maker, so I've uploaded a cropped version of every dialogue portrait in the game. And the dialogue maker shrinks the portraits by 80% as well, so there's also a cropped + shrunk version.
I've included a png of the dialogue box itself, as well as procreate and psd files of the dialogue box plus editable text. You'll need to download the ISAT font if you don't already have it; I got it here. Then all you need to do is align the portrait of your choice with the bottom left corner of the file and you're good to go!
Since I'd rather use crispy full-resolution portraits for my editing, I also included dialogue box files that are sized up to match the high rez cropped portraits. I kept the same border style, which means the border is sliightly skinnier than it should be, compared to the box and portraits. So it's personal preference whether you'd rather use canon border proportions or crispy portraits.
I also uploaded the original of each portrait since I had them downloaded anyway, but they're webp? So maybe saving to my ipad didn't actually give me the original file format. If anyone has them as pngs and wants to add them to the google drive folder, hmu and I'll send you an edit link. Also, the images should all be in the same order as they are on the wiki, but they do not have the original names. So if anyone wants to go through and rename them, again, hmu.
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starflungwaddledee · 4 months
Have you noticed that Red Butterfly is keep following you?
And no, most of the butterflies don't follow anyone but scents of nectar.
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starstruck regained +5 points of emotional health! she remembered this is meant to be an adventure, and looks forward to seeing some exciting things! just not this particular butterfly, it seems.
<< prev || [masterpost] || next >> additional ask by @maybeher0
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two fates in one instant (9/?)
lol, look who's back to fic writing there are some updates regarding this story and my life in the notes on ao3, i suggest reading at least the ones about the future of the fic so that everything makes sense going forward. lots of love 💚 1.4k | ao3
“As we feared, TK developed a severe brain haemorrhage as a result of his injuries,” Doctor Nesset explained. “We got him into surgery to treat it, but not before his condition worsened further. I’m sorry to say, he suffered a massive hemorrhagic stroke.”
Carlos blinked, trembling legs barely keeping him upright. “I’m sorry, did you say stroke? But he’s –” young, he bit back, and the doctor smiled sympathetically at him as if he could read Carlos’s mind.
“There is a perception that strokes only happen to older people,” he acknowledged. “However, one in four actually happen to people below the age of sixty-five, and a history of traumatic brain injuries seriously increases the chances. Given TK’s current and past injuries, the risk was always there. We had hoped the medication he’s on would help to prevent it but we can never be sure, especially when it comes to the brain.”
At his side, Owen sank down into a seat, hands coming up to cover his face. It was all Carlos could do not to join him in despair, all he could do to keep standing like TK needed him to. His mother gripped his arm tightly and Carlos allowed himself to slightly lean into her touch.
“So, what now?”
“We’ve changed his medications to help prevent further strokes and we’re monitoring him closely for any developments,” Doctor Nesset explained. “Initial scans of his brain indicate that there has been some tissue damage, so I advise you to expect issues with movement, speech and memory going forward. Unfortunately we won’t know the true extent of these issues until TK wakes up.”
Carlos opened his mouth to respond, but the doctor ploughed on, as if they hadn’t had enough bad news already.
“I must warn you, however, that the type of stroke TK suffered has a much higher mortality rate than others. He received treatment very quickly, so we remain optimistic, but it would be remiss of me not to alert you to every possibility.” He paused, then smiled regretfully at them, an expression that looked more like a grimace. “I’m sorry to give you so much information at once. I’ll give you some time now to process, but if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me or any of the other nurses on TK’s team.”
Carlos nodded absently, his surroundings blurring around him as the doctor walked away. He hadn’t thought he could feel worse than he did when his mom first told him that TK had deteriorated, but now… It was the blizzard all over again, except this time Carlos knew there was only one person to blame.
“It’s my fault,” he said quietly to himself. Then again, louder. “It’s my fault.”
But Carlos shook off the hands reaching out to comfort him, shoved past them and brought his hands up to tear at his hair.
“It’s my fault,” he repeated, whirling around to face his mother and Owen. “I’m the reason TK is in the hospital in the first place, and I couldn’t even be here for him. My husband was – He was dying, and I still put the stupid investigation over him. He needed me, and I failed.”
His mother reached out again, but Carlos knew her touches and her words would be gentle in a way he didn’t deserve, so he turned away. He couldn’t take any more kindness, and much less sympathy.
Still, he could feel her gathering her breath to speak, so he braced, shoulders hunching to protect him from the barrage.
“Carlos Tomás Reyes,” his mother said, her voice so hard it almost shocked him into turning back around. “Escúchame bien. TK is still alive. He is still back there, fighting, and I will not stand here and listen to you talk like he is dead already.”
Carlos finally faced her, but the anger in her eyes had him lowering his in newfound shame. “Mamá, I–”
“No,” she said, silencing him. Her tone softened slightly as she continued, “You have not failed TK, mijo, and you are not to blame. You have been doing your best to find the people who did this to him, and we both know that TK would understand. You did not fail him, ¿me entiendes?”
He nodded silently, and she smiled briefly, her hands coming up to rest on his upper arms.
“But,” she continued, “if you stand here for one moment longer, if you say another word blaming yourself and giving up on the man who loves you, then you will fail him.” She paused, then pulled him down into a hug, her next words whispered directly into his ear.
“Te necesita, mijo. Ve con él.”
Carlos held on a moment longer, needing his mother’s embrace more than he had since he was small. When he finally pulled back, she smiled and patted his arm, then let go, nudging him firmly in the direction of TK’s room.
“Gracias, mamá.”
She nodded, just like she had on the day of the wedding, her voice steady despite the tears glittering in her eyes. “Always.”
“My mom sends her love. She was here when it happened; you really scared her, you know that, right? But don’t worry, you’re the favourite so she’ll forgive you.” Carlos chuckled and refocused his gaze on TK’s face, which, of course, hadn’t moved. He sighed and carded his fingers through TK’s hair, beyond greasy from the days without washing. It must itch like hell.
“You’re going to have to wake up though,” he said. “I don’t think she’ll be happy if you break my heart again. TK, I…”
He swallowed and shook his head, looking up to the ceiling. The lump in his throat was choking him, trapping every word he wanted, needed, to say behind it. He couldn’t–
He couldn’t, he couldn’t, he couldn’t.
An anguished cry tore its way out of Carlos and he collapsed forward onto the bed, head in TK’s lap and hands pulling desperately at the thin sheets.
“I’m so sorry,” he sobbed. “I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry. TK, TK please. Please. You have to wake up. Please, please, please.”
He didn’t know how long he lay like that, babbling and pleading and soaking the cotton with his spit and tears and snot. The wet patch felt gross against his face but he wasn’t sure if he could stand to sit up, knowing what he would see. Besides, if he just lay here a few seconds long then maybe, maybe TK would wake up. Maybe, if he just waited, he would be rewarded with the feeling of TK’s hands running through his hair, soothing and gentle. Maybe…
Carlos sniffed and forced himself upright. There was no use entertaining the impossible; even if TK did wake up this second, there would be no consolation waiting for Carlos, not that he deserved it. Not after everything he’d done.
He felt sick all of a sudden and so he looked away from TK and wiped his face, trying to get himself back under control before anyone walked in on him. His gaze landed on the side table and the little collection of flowers and cards that had built up since he had been admitted. Several of them, Carlos didn’t recognise – another reminder of how long he wasted away from here, but he pushed that thought down and walked over to grab them.
They were mostly from the 126, and there were a couple in there from Carlos’s sisters and their families. Carlos smiled as he went through them, then frowned as he got to the bottom of the pile. One card remained in his hand, but he couldn’t figure out who might have sent it; everyone they knew was already mostly accounted for.
An uneasy feeling he couldn’t place the origin of bubbled up inside him as he looked at it. The card itself was innocuous, featuring a cartoon of someone in a hospital bed with a bandage wrapped around their head. Perhaps a bit on the nose for TK’s condition, but Carlos could forgive them that. Above the figure were the words ‘Get Well Soon’ in rainbow lettering – it was, in all respects, totally normal.
Taking a deep breath, Carlos opened the card.
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alfreedomm · 17 days
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Day 3: Ownership
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camelspit · 9 months
Keeper Sexyman Portrait Signups 2024
All portraits are due by February 9th (They can be submitted earlier than that)
You can request to draw 1-5 characters (You can go over that, but I don't recommend it as it will be harder to finish in time)
Just Tumblr message me what characters you want!
Please use a square canvas!! It can be however many pixels you want, but the width and height need to be the same! (Last year, there were a few problems with formatting the posts bc some of the submissions were rectangular and some were square lmao)
The list of characters to choose from is below the cut. I will try to keep it updated. Any character with a * next to their name means they have been taken.
If you want a character, please try to tell me sometime in the next week 👍
Alden Vacker*
Alvar Vacker*
Woltzer the Goblin*
Tiergan Alenfar*
Councillor Terik*
Timkin Heks*
Boobrie Dude*
Mr Sweeney*
Fintan Pyren*
Grady Ruewen*
Councillor Bronte*
Durand Redek*
Ethan Benedict Wright II*
William Foster*
Fallon Vacker*
Gethen Ondsinn*
Quinlin Sonden*
Ruy Ignis*
Sandor the Goblin*
Coach Bora*
Councillor Kenric*
Elwin Heslege*
Jurek of the Sanctuary*
Kesler Dizznee*
Prentice Endal*
Cadfael the Ogre*
Cassius Sencen*
Quan Song*
Botros the Ogre*
Councillor Emery*
King Dimitar*
King Enki*
Councillor Noland*
Councillor Darek*
Magnate Leto*
Yuri the Gnome*
Barth the Reaper*
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straight4joekeery · 2 years
Teach Me How To Love In Your Own Lyrics
(Part three)
Prev. Part one
“Come on pick up,” Steve whispered into the phone.
“Wow. Hello to you too.”
“Stevie! Sorry I’m just stressed. Are you coming over later? I need a hug.
“About that, I know you have a 11 o’clock flight so I’ll go to yours if afterwards if you want, but do you think you can come over to mine?”
“Uhhh, yeah. Why?”
“No reason.”
“Uh huh sure. What time can I come over?”
He glances down at his watch it read 3:30. “Um maybe in about two and a half hours. I have some errands to run.”
“Oh okay,” he sounded almost upset, “I’ll be there.”
“Bring the rest of the band. Okay byyeeee.” He slammed the phone down before he could get another word in, “He’s on board.”
“I assumed,” Robin said from on top the counter. While he was on the phone she had stolen a jar of peanut butter and had eaten half of it.
“Gross,” he scoffed, “anyways two hours in enough time right?” He said in a very obviously nervous tone.
“If we hurry it should be more than enough,” Vickie reassured.
“Okay then let’s go!” Steve said.
They arrived at the store in less than 5 minutes, Robin deciding to take full control, “okay party people, let’s split up.” She gave everybody their designated roles and they went on their ways. Steve was freaking out thinking they wouldn’t make it back to the house in time. They ended up being back at the car in less than an hour. “Good work team,” Robin exclaimed as they were driving again, “Ohh my god Steeevveee!” She gasped
“For old times sake?” She said while pointing at family video.
“No Robs, we only have like a hour and a half and we still have to make some phone calls and set up. Speaking of we should have made the calls first. Great”
“Steve everything will be fine, your Prince Charming will arrive,” he decided to ignore that comment, “and everything will be straight out of the movies okay? But please Steve. You can pick the movie. We will all watch it tonight as a big, happy, and stable family. Pleeeeaassee,” she begged and nudged Vickie.
“Oh uh yeah, please Steve.” Vickie said. Robin grinned, it was honestly kind of off putting.
“Fine but let’s make it quick.” They pulled in the packing lot and hopped out of the car.
“Family Video my names Keith-,” he glanced up, “Oh god-“
“Keeiiittthhhh!” Robin walked over and gave him a little side hug, “how much I didn’t miss you!”
“Same to you Robin,” he sighed, “now what can I help you with?”
“Oh y’a know. Looking for a movie.” Then she skipped away into the comedy aisle. Steve nodded at Keith and then followed Robin. “Okay so whatcha thinking?”
“I don’t know, you pick.”
“Really? Thank you so so much!! This is a honor. Hmmm,” she walked down the row of movies with a mocking finger on her chin, “Oooh! Rocky horror!”
“We watched that yesterday.”
“Really? How about grease?” She said while raising her eyebrows
“Eddie literally hates that movie,” he said like it was obvious. It makes him kind of sad that he’s now banned from his own favorite movie.
“Fine! You pick.”
“Uh,” he glanced around, “Heathers?”
“Never seen it.”
“Me neither, but wow that girl look exactly like Joyce?”
“Ew she does.”
“Are you insulting my mother?” Ever since he moved out of his parents house, he exclusively refers to Joyce as mom.
“No it’s just weird. Anyways it’s settled! Heathers it is!”
Once they got back to Steve’s house they immediately scrambled to get ready. Vickie decorated, Steve made calls, Robin ‘supervised’. Once he finished making the final call they checked the time. 20 minutes to spare. Oh time to hope and pray everyone hurries. “Steve,” Robin rests a hand on his shoulder, “you’re panicking. It’s going to be fine,” she says as the doorbell rings, “see someone is already here.” He stands up and walks to open the door to see people he definitely didn’t invite.
“Lucas? Max?” He says while letting them in. He gave them both a hug, “what are you guys doing here?”
“we were in town… what is going on?” Lucas said while looking around.
“Well, you know how Eddie’s going on tour?” They both hummed in agreement, “we are going to through him and the band a little going away party. Do you think you guys would be able to stay?”
“Yeah, of course. Plus we haven’t seen Eddie in a while.”
“Great! I’ve really missed you guys.”
“We’ve missed you too.”
“It’s kinda sad without my favorite babysitter,” max nudged Steve’s arm.
“Don’t make his ego bigger then it needs to be!” Robin called out from the door. As they were talking about 10 of the 30 people that they invited walked through the doors. He let out a huge sigh of relief. He walked towards the guests and thanked them all for showing up.
As it hit 6 he told everyone to “get ready but also take your time because Eddie is almost always ‘fashionably’ late”. They decided against the whole turning off the lights and hiding thing. Plus Steve’s sure Eddie knows what’s going on. He hears the doorbell ring and everyone immediately goes silent he has everyone in a position so when he opens the door they won’t get caught too quick. He walks to the door and slowly opens it. “Hey guys!” He exclaims trying to hide his fear. The band all says they’re version of hi’s and steps in.
Everyone perfectly chorus’s a loud “surprise”. And to Steve’s amazement they all actually looked surprised. Eddie turned around to face Steve.
“Stevie, you did all this… for me? For us?” He says while gesturing in the vague direction of the band.
“Of course I did. You guys deserve it.” He says but was cut off by Eddie giving him the tightest hug he’s ever gotten. He smiles to himself and hugs him back.
“Thank you Steve.”
“You’re welcome.” They break the hug and Eddie goes to see and thank everyone who came he watched his face light up when he notices Lucas and Max. He doesn’t even notice Gareth is right next to him. “Hey.”
“Thank you. It honestly means a lot. This is awesome. I’m sorry if I ever acted like I hated you. I mean… I kinda did but that’s not the point. You’re a really good dude Steve.”
“Thank you,” you could tell he genuinely meant it, “and I mean you guys are going on tour for 3 whole months. You deserve a crappy party at least.”
“Trust me this party is not crappy,” he smiled (which trust him is weird for Gareth) while walking back to the rest of the party. And he was actually right.
“Well,” Robin smiled, “the party was a hit.”
“It really was,” Eddie chimed in, “thank you again guys.”
“Yes yes we’re so cool and nice, now let’s start the movie,” Robin said while grabbing their arms and skipping to the couch. They all sat down Eddie, Steve, Robin, and Vickie on the couch and the band on the floor in-front of them. Steve had never noticed how small his couch was. Throughout the whole movie all he could think about was how Eddie was practically on top of him. And Eddie could tell something was up.
“You okay? You’re very,” he waves his hand at him, “tense.”
Steve laughs to play it off, “yeah I’m fine.” After this comment he tries to relax a bit. So much so that he allows him self to slowly slide his arm off of the back of the couch and onto Eddie’s shoulder. He swears he sees Eddie blush but it’s a little dark and he doesn’t want to jump to conclusions. He thinks to himself how weird this is. Why is he so nervous it’s not like he likes Eddie. That’s his best friend. Right?
The movie ended soon and it was surprisingly good. Eddie loved it saying that’s it was his new favorite (go Steve!). Every one agreed on two things from the movie.
1. Christian Slater is a capital H Hot man. (even Robin agreed.)
2. And again wow Veronica really looks like Joyce.
The band left thanking them over and over again. The 4 of them remaining cleaned a little and then all decided it’s really late and they should get going. They said their goodbyes. Once Steve arrived at Eddie’s he hugged him again this time impossibly tighter and for a lot longer. “Thank you again Stevie.”
“You are so so very welcome,” Steve sighed, “3 months. Wow.”
“I know,” they pulled away both of them were about to cry but neither of them brought it up, “try not to miss me too much.
“Impossible,” they hugged one last time and went to bed before either of them actually cried.
Wow. Part 3. I actually am starting to really like how this is turning out. I really think you guys will LOVE the next two parts. End of part 4-beginning of part 5 is kinda sad ngl. You’re in for a treat 😉. As always, comment or reblog if you want to be added to the tag list. I love all of the support I am getting. It truly means a lot you guys are the best 💚. I hope you enjoyed and thank you so so much for reading!
ALSO the current part count is 9! But I’ll probably push it to be 10 because it’s prettier. Sorry if 5 is a little short btw. I have a bad habit of trying to write a piece of one part and then it kind of just spills. Idk why but I don’t really like to make them super long.
Tag list!: @asbealthgn @queerbeansworld @bird-with-pencils @vecnuthy @artiststarme @swagaliciousmarie @piningapple @steve-themom-harrington @lfaewrites @azreadytodie @thequeenrainacorn @pastel-dreamscape @jehneeg (sorry it wouldn’t let me tag you in part 1!) @mightbeasleep (also sorry to the people it wouldn’t let me tag :( )
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weewoow-2060307 · 2 years
They've fought before, all friends do. Will can remember their first spat, it was over a campaign, Mike made it too hard, the party kept getting injured, it was stupid, really. It was resolved pretty quick, like most childish fights.
Their next big fight hurt, it had a lot more built up anger behind it, it being just the two of them certainly didn't help, but that was also resolved, Mike and Lucas had biked out to apologise, and after Will had calmed down he could understand why the other boy was so mad.
Their fight at Rink-O-Mania was very similar, there was just a lot of bottled up emotions that exploded.
However, this fight felt different. Both boys were stressed- for good reason- and tired, and on top of it all Will had blatantly lied to Mike's face, something he had never done before, hid things, sure. Never outright lied. Will knew what he was doing when he lied about the painting, deep down he knew it would be a Trainwreck when Mike found out El did not commission the painting, but he was not expecting the reaction he got 'What is wrong with you?!' Will sucks in a sharp breath through gritted teeth, shooting into a sitting position on El's bed. He bites the inside of his cheek as his knees draw up to his chin. He should be sleeping.
A knock from the door yanks him from his spiral, he shifts to face the opening door. El gives Will a soft look, the latter responds with a strained smile.
"Can I sit?" She gestures to the bed, Will nods.
"You don't have to ask. It is your room after all." El just shrugs, flopping down next to Will.
"Ours." A comfortable silence settled between them, El gazing blankly at the ceiling. Will feels his dark thoughts come crawling to the forefront of his mind, festering, growing, spreading, he is unsure which ones are really even his, "Why would I commission a painting without me in it?" El doesn't pull her eyes from the ceiling, Will cringes.
"I- I'm sorry."
"No. Don't be. I'm not mad, just curious." El immediately cuts in, rolling to her side to look at Will, propping herself up on her elbow.
"Mike was scared you were going to end things. and I thought that what I told him was how you felt, I guess I was wrong." El smiles.
"I was going to end things, at surfer boy's, but after- Everything. I felt like I needed him, I didn't wanna risk our whole relationship until things felt more..." El trails off.
"Stable. I get it." Will finishes, El nods.
"I would never want to lose my friendship with Mike, he was there for me, I do love him. Just not like- that." Will nods.
"How did you find out about the painting?" Will asks, looking away, El hums.
"It was only a matter of time, but Mike made a joke about it. I forget what it was but I remember saying that I have never seen that painting before. Then he asked me questions about how I felt about him while in California. I was very confused but I answered honestly. No point in lying. Then he said he had to go." Will glues his eyes to the floor, remembering exactly where he had gone.
"We argued." Will starts, still not looking at his sister, "bad. Worse than any of our other fights, and that's saying something- I don't know. I don't want to hurt him, but I also don't want to be hurt by him. I just-" he clears his throat, blinking rapidly, "I don't want our friendship to end, it can't. But it's like, I can't- I can't fix it." Will feels himself cracking, he knows he should shut his mouth but it is almost cathartic to say it aloud and El wasn't making any attempts to stop him, "I don't- It's just. We have been friends for ten years. Ten. So why can we not just work through this like we did with everything else?" He takes a shaky breath, suddenly finding himself lost for words despite the avalanche of thoughts rushing through his mind "Why?" He swallows, ripping his eyes from the floor to gage his sister's opinion. El sits up quietly.
"I know Mike wouldn't want your friendship to end either." She speaks, tilting her head so they can be eye to eye. Will purses his lips, he knows that, "I think you should speak to him. By now he is probably moping about his basement, whining about how much of an idiot he is." El giggles, quickly stopping when she catches the look in Wills face.
"Yeah. I will. First thing tomorrow."
"After breakfast?"
"No. First thing."
"Well you better sleep then. If you want to get up early enough to leave before mum starts shoving a plate of food in your face." El's joke lands well this time.
"I should. Do you want to sleep in here?"
"Nah, I'm all good on the couch. Stop trying to get me to sleep in here."
"I'm just offering." Will shrugs.
"Yeah, but you promised you'd sleep in a real bed tonight, no couches, no floors. And no tables."
"That was one time."
"One time too many." Will laughs as El shuts the door, turning off the light on her way out. The former laying down and throwing a blanket over himself.
Will thinks he might explode
It feels as though has been lying here for hours. He got lost in his thoughts, but he was always led down the worst possible paths, so he would think of a random thing he liked, a therapist recommended something like that to him after he came back from the upside down, although it didn't really help against the supernatural, so he never used it, he figured this time it might help. After a while of failing at that strategy he started making noise to quell the raging thoughts, but that stopped working around three hours ago. He tried laying dead still, but he started to feel phantom vines encircling his lungs, so that was a no go. No matter what he thought of, one singular person always managed to come up, Mike. Will swallows, sitting up and throwing the blanket off his legs. '1:58 ' Will sighs, walking out of the room. He grabs his jacket off the side of the couch, giving it a quick smell test before giving a half hearted shrug and putting it on. He grabs his shoes from the side of the door and sits on the top step of the cabin to throw them on, before begining his journey to the Wheelers.
The forest feels different at night, his brain is screaming that he needs to turn around. He can't, 'You can't really be that much of an idiot! ' he needs to apologise. He vaguely thinks he should have taken Argyles van, considering Argyle was willing to drive his friend, his friends little brother and a random stranger across the country Will assumes he wouldn't have much issue driving to the Wheelers. Then again, he would also have to wake up Jonathan who get very suspicious, but that would have been an inevitability, considering the side eye he has been giving Will since the fight. He was so deep in his thoughts he almost missed the figure standing further down the path.
(Edit: This is part 1. I will put any parts I add in the Edit tag)
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jaynuu · 7 months
thought I should mention here that I'm generally more active over on instagram 🫡 been posting daily traditional sketches over there, mostly consisting of FrUK/UKFr, hws-philippines, occasionally SEA/EA-talia and whatever and whoever is on my mind, come check it out if you're interested :^)
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OK SO THE SWEATSHIRT IS BACK AND … there was an attempt…
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The references for the green dash things I found on Arcane’s Instagram 👇🏾
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It’s not perfect and the “Arcane Font” is not really the “Arcane Font”, but the colours are generally there so it’s fine.
The process kinda explained + next steps…⏬️
So I always start off painting white because I don’t believe the colours will come through as brightly if I don’t, then go over it with my desired colours.
The smell of fabric softener is now actually engrained into my mind. I’ve noticed that it makes the paint kinda clumpier but still soft and spreads? It really doesn’t thin out the paint if you don’t add too much and it genuinely doesn’t effect it that much so decent method to use. You can’t still obvi feel the texture of the paint but definitely not as much and it goes on smoothly too.
It is VERY ROUGH STILL! The first dashy thing I did at the top has way too many sparkles around it, so I’ll black it out again once I’m done. Same for the song titles. PLUS they are like super clunky, especially the one at the bottom cuz I was doing too much with it, so I’ll fix that too. And the white part on that one isn’t as bright on smooth as the other I kinda rushed it so with most likely fix soon.
What’s next… um maybe some Hextech sparkles?
I still have zero idea what I’m doing to the front and I’m honestly a little nervous that I’ll overload it with too much stuff so maybe I’ll just add the Hextech vibe to the back too (+ maybe even some Jinx bombs), then the smaller designs on the arms.
Maybe a quote from the show across the chest or a couple of quotes on the front ? Idk writing wouldn’t look very good imo.
My tags from my other post with all my ideas 🔽
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thisismeracing · 11 months
I need to reread king of my heart to catch up to now but I’m sure part 18 is amazing
Thank you, sammy!!! 🥺🥹💗💗💗 ily!
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ten-cent-sleuth · 2 years
Hi!! Nice to meet another Zibell fan and fic writer! I have to admit that my time on Tumblr is a bit sporadic (real life is way too busy), but I'm always glad to talk about Zibell and writing fic for them. I've written a lot of romantic fic for them, but I definitely enjoy the platonic friendship on screen, so I could really go either way with them. Do you ship them romantically at all or just platonically? Any favorite moments?
[Disclaimer: I am only on S3 of the show, so some of my comments might not be (as) applicable anymore. Also, there might be some prime Zibell moments from S4 and S5 that I don’t mention when talking about my favourites because I haven’t seen them yet. Sorry!]
I could go either way with them too! I read (and write…maybe… 👀) romantic fanfic for them, and I’m definitely on the lookout for budding feelings between them when I watch the show. However, when it comes to their canon relationship atm, I only ship them in the sense of “I’m rooting for them”, not in the sense of “I want them to be together”. It’s like you said on another post: I’d like their professional dynamic and platonic intimacy to develop some more before they drop any romantic ILYs (I’d be down for some platonic ones though; tv needs more of those!) or passionate embraces. I think there are some things they can discover about each other more meaningfully (to me) if they aren’t in an exclusive, committed relationship when they learn them.
(I answer the rest of your question below the cut, but it’s looong so be warned lol.)
Like, some things are kind of expected to be shared when you’re dating someone, and the idea of Maggie and OA sharing those things with each other just because they want to instead—just because they feel comfortable turning to each other before any friend or family member or even side character love interest, even though on paper they’re simply colleagues!—is really quite special to me. For example, when OA shows up at Maggie’s place and confides in her: his seeking her out means more in my eyes because, traditionally, he’d be expected to disclose what’s troubling him about his past if Maggie were a romantic partner, but not when she is merely a professional one—at least, not the details, not in such a personal setting, not when their job is already done. Plus, the fact that they don’t always share these kinds of things with each other (e.g., Maggie doesn’t tell OA that she suspects Erin has relapsed and that she is making the big decision to help her move back to a rehab centre) suggests that they aren’t yet at a place to let each other in so completely. That being said, I don’t want to suffer through another Bensler torture method! There is a difference between a tasteful slow burn and a fourth-degree scorch, Dick Wolf! And it’s not just the length of it, either, but the pacing! I could last twenty-four seasons of romantic tension between Zibell as long as it’s not a dragged-along, low-key out-of-character romantic tension, y’know?!
[deep breath] Sorry. Where was I? Right, I ship them platonically and would like them to get a happy ending together romantically at some point, but that should be a decent way off imo. On the show, at least. I’m an impatient, lovesick twat and will absolutely peddle and plead for romantic art, fic, and edits on Tumblr, YouTube, and AO3. :)
As for favourite moments… If you mean scenes that won points for their relationship in my book, I would say any where there was a Thing they had to talk about but were resisting until the crucial instant where they chose to let down their walls to the other. So when a case directly hits close to home, when something personal is bothering them and affecting their job, when the two of them are disagreeing and need to get on the same page… Those moments. Those conversations. I live for those small, subtle relationship development milestones! Also, anytime they back each other up. I’ve said this before, but when one of them gets snarky and the other smirks to themself, or when one of them successfully captures a person of interest and the other smiles in gratitude/pride, or when one of them seconds the other’s hunch against the rest of the JOC… I also live for those small, subtle signs of a healthy, stable foundation, ’cause that’s what any future romance—if there will be any—will be laid upon, y’know?
Now, if you’d prefer my list of scenes that I obsessively re-watch for the Drama and Feels, I can definitely be more precise. ;P
1x01 (their banter about OA’s arachnophobia and drawing; Maggie struggles with Emmett’s death and OA reassures her that her evac order was the right move; when OA goes to take down Bernardo and Maggie runs after him, their conversation was hilarious; their side whispering like the person they’re discussing isn’t right there; OA brings up Maggie’s husband and she shuts him out but also thanks him! OA and Maggie smiling at each other after the case; “All you need is a ride?” “For now”)
1x03 (the “Is it true? One in four women…?” conversation; the fight in the stairwell; “I always got your back, Mags”)
1x04 (Maggie tries to talk down the sniper and OA gives her Concerned Looks in the background)
1x07 (OA talks about his experiences in Iraq and Maggie gives him Concerned Looks in the background; Maggie tells him he can talk to her, and he takes her up on his offer!!)
1x14 (Maggie trusts OA with her suspicion, and OA trusts her instincts—and cares about her concerns—enough to look into it; OA accompanies and comforts Maggie at the hospital; “Wherever this goes, I’m with you”)
1x16 (OA gets shot, and Maggie is like “Don’t do that to me again” but also acknowledges he did a Good Thing)
1x19 (OA insists on hearing Maggie’s opinion about his friend; Maggie gives him Concerned Looks in the background whenever he gets worked up, and she mediates between him and Jubal)
2x01 (OA goes to Maggie for comfort; later, he apologises for not taking her advice but she apologises for offering it)
2x03 (at the end, when OA tells an embarrassing story to cheer Maggie up despite his having warned her about Caldwell, and it works <3)
2x05 (protective!OA when Maggie and Kristen briefly go UC)
2x06 (Maggie meets Mona ahaha, plus OA admits his insecurities about their relationship to Maggie and she reassures the heck out of him)
2x08 (Maggie sympathises with the widow and OA gives her Concerned Looks in the background; Maggie wrestles with one of the Russian spies and OA is worried until he finds her the victor and is subsequently all proud smiles; Maggie tries to persuade Isobel that the widow should know her husband was murdered and OA gives her Concerned Looks in the background)
2x09 (“Don’t touch her” … “Then do your job without putting hands on my partner” … need I say more?)
2x11 (basically all of their scenes this episode; protective!OA is always a win, and Maggie being scared to see Kristen but being supported by OA 100% was just <3)
2x16 (OA immediately knows something is up and wants to know what; OA doesn’t want Maggie to leave, and she knew that he would have been able to dissuade her from taking the UC case so she already accepted it before telling him hwkrhfjs)
3x01 (Maggie returns! HUG!! Maggie is standoffish but eventually confides in OA about what went down on her UC case; OA is impressed with and proud of his partner’s success…as well as her sharp clothes at the end of the ep hehe, though also maybe a little hmmmm when he first meets Nestor; also, Maggie backs OA up against Nestor!)
3x04 (judgemental was not a good look for OA lol, but he made up for it; also, the “I’m gonna be a little overprotective and make sure the guy you’re seeing is a good guy” speech was 10/10, was surprised a tv show had a man actually use the word “overprotective” about himself lol)
3x08 (Maggie backs OA up to outsiders but is upfront with him one-on-one)
3x11 (OA meets Erin; Maggie talks about Erin’s addiction and OA gives her Concerned Looks in the background, plus Maggie touching his arm to signal she’ll take the lead for the interrogation and him understanding; Maggie talks the bomber down and OA cuffs him, the touches and “Good job”s afterwards)
4x09 (Maggie gets shot and OA reacts; “I thought I almost lost you for a second”; Maggie offers herself up as a hostage and OA is…not thrilled)
4x12 (OA repeatedly checks in on Maggie’s state of mind; Maggie drives off with the bomb with OA begging her not to; OA helps her up after the car explodes; the two talk after the paramedics clear her)
4x18 (the hdqkrhcnekfhj breakfast they were having together) (…and ofc the whole sarin gas thing—“I can’t really breathe anymore”, OA’s desperation and continual “It’s going to be okay”s, OA carrying her—and OA’s speech and Maggie’s nod)
5x07 (Maggie returns! HUG!! OA being worried, Maggie confiding in him, the “Count them” confrontation, hooo boy I love me some angst)
Note that I’m only on S3, yet I know about some S4/S5 scenes and have jumped ahead to watch those lmao. I did say I was an impatient, lovesick twat!
Wow, okay, I talk a lot! Thank you so much for the ask—feel free to come back anytime, if you dare risk another rambling answer haha. :) Take care! <3
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wathanism · 1 year
Hi! I am also an ex Muslim I have been struggling a little bit with religion but I would like to learn more about paganism especially in mena regions. I can't find a lot of sources so I was wondering if you could tell me or offer me some sources. Also, I was wondering, if you still live in a Muslim majority country, do you find it harder to practice? One of my biggest concerns is I don't think I will be able to be fully committed because of family restrictions since I live with my parents. So will that affect my connection with the Gods? Thank you 💞💞
i have a lot to say so TLDR: the #1 source that i recommend is this paper in the journal of religious history. it's always good to do more research and seek out multiple perspectives, but this paper imo makes a very intentional effort to be kinder and more respectful of the pre-islamic arabs than most other sources bother trying to be. it's very accessible even if you don't study history or theology, so it's a great starting point). more under the cut!
firstly i wanna give the disclaimer that i don't know much about any other pagan religions in the swana region, as i've only started looking into wathanism which was practiced in the arabian peninsula and the levant. there are other folks that practice the ancient egyptian religion (kemetism) and probably other maghrebi religions, but i haven't had a chance to learn about those yet.
i wanted to answer this ask sooner than later, but unfortunately my answer might not be the most satisfying, since there really aren't many sources out there to begin with, especially not reliable ones. ancient arabs relied a lot on oral systems of knowledge, and a lot of the written records of their worship were destroyed during the coming & spread of islam. as far as i know, we actually don't have a clue about any of the mythology of the arabian gods or anything like that, though we know what was associated with some of them (ex: manat was a goddess of fate, allat was a goddess of combat and prosperity). soooo the way i see it, there's a couple ways you can go about practicing wathanism:
the first is that you can view it in a very academic sense and literally become an amateur historian lol. google scholar and scihub are your friends!
the second is to take a more intuitive approach and really let your feelings guide you. that can look different for everyone, but generally it's good to try out a few different approaches drawing from other practices and to decide with trial and error what makes you feel good/what your gods respond to.
these two approaches are not mutually exclusive and i personally try to apply both in my own practice. if you want, i can get into all the details of what being a wathanist means to me and how i practice it, but i wanna try to keep this answer at least reasonably short for now lol. but to give an example: christopher moreman's 2016 paper, rehabilitating the spirituality of pre-islamic arabia, talks about how stones were used to mark graves and how historic records do show that stones and statues were important in the pre-islamic religion, and he interprets this to mean that the religion had a strong emphasis on ancestor worship and that the stones may have been thought to house the spirits of the dead. based on that and if you connect to the idea, you can try to find ways to apply ancestor worship in your own life. this is where looking at other similar religions for inspiration can help, and with time you can find what you like.
on the flip side, there's another interpretation of the same facts about the relevance of stones and statues to the arab pagans, which is more animist in nature (i.e. all things on earth have a spirit and to live in harmony with your environment means to respect all of them). a lot of indigenous american religions have this view and are worth studying if this idea connects with you. and of course, the animist interpretation and the ancestor worship interpretation are not mutually exclusive, and you can apply both in your life.
i actually don't do a lot of deity work, so i can't speak much on that. i actually have been meaning to change my bio abt that since i wrote it when i just started this blog lol.
as for how to practice safely in your home... that's a really complicated question, but i'll do my best to give some advice. keep in mind i'm not currently living in a muslim country, and even when i visit, my family gives me enough privacy that i'm relatively safe.
the main thing i think you should keep in mind is plausible deniability. a lot of pagans online have these big fancy altars with lots of explicit pagan symbolism and spell jars and all the works, and you want to avoid something like that that would catch people's attention. you can set up an altar in your room, but organize it in a way that it might just seem like a cute decor item rather than something religious. for example, just having a vase with flowers and candles is enough, and it won't draw any attention. lots of people like candles and flowers and even crystals without any witchy or pagan connotations.
the important thing is to know what your family will consider suspicious. for example, my parents wouldn't be able to identify tarot cards, so its no problem if i have them, because they just think i have pretty playing cards. be aware of what the safe boundaries are, and if you're ever unsure, you're better off being cautious.
also, not everything in your practice has to be external. for me, the act of cooking a traditional dish or reading a poem are acts of worship because they connect me to my culture. caring for others around me and learning about the world are acts of worship. sunbathing and smelling flowers and petting a cat are acts of worship. to me, my religion is a lot more than just having a designated time and place to perform a set of rituals that are sacred. it's a shift in perspective, and anything that makes me feel more grounded and connected with the world around me IS the practice of my religion, ykwim?
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genshinmp3 · 1 year
by production credits
by composer/arranger
Arcangelo Chen Dimeng Yuan Jiade He June Lunan Peijia You Qian Ding Xin Zhao Yang Lee Yijun Jiang Yu-Peng Chen* Yuxi Wang Ziyu Che
* NOTE: Yu-Peng Chen left HOYO-MiX in 2023 (before Fontaine) but will still likely show up on production credits due to the fact that he composed many of Genshin's main themes.
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starsfic · 1 year
Hama has sisters!
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Ma is the eldest sister, the first clay monkey to "wake up." She is a doting caretaker of both her siblings and the creatures that come alive in her grandmother's pottery studio, where she lives.
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Liu is the second Zodiac monkey, given to her foster mother, the Long-Armed Gibbon, at a young age. Due to her resemblance and her relation to Sun Wukong, Liu acts like the perfect soldier in public. In private, with the rest of the second Zodiac, she's silly and mischievous.
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Either Ba or Beng, one of the twins. Her twin is Yin and Jin's accountant, using them to test Qi Xiaotian. This one does other stuff in the criminal underworld (aka Crime Queen), using what power she has to help her twin. It also involves a lot of arrests which drives Liu up the wall.
All five sisters were born of stone and Sun Wukong's magic, like Qi Xiaotian. However, unlike their brother, none of them can pick up the staff. The working theory is that this is due to the fact that Qi Xiaotian was born of a different stone.
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