#logically the one that would go the best is probably bumblebee
transingthoseformers · 4 months
Which bot would you most want to be stuck in a dark closet with?
Megatron Megatron Megatron
I don't care if he kills me, I'm down for anything with him
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May I get headcanons for hotrod, Bee, and Dino having a actor s/o who does lots of romance movies where they are required to get very close to their co-star. How would they react to seeing their s/o on the big screen intimatly with another person?
Hot Rod:
He was quite uncomfortable with it and voiced his concerns early on. However, his S/O reassured him they had no feelings for their costar and that they only loved him. He felt a huge wave of relief after their conversation.
He continued to go to set with them. Just so he could show off his love with his S/O. As soon as his S/O was finished with filming, he would sweep them into his arms and smooch them lovingly, showing everyone in the room that they were an item.
He would also continually send gifts to his S/O's trailer. One because he loves sending gifts and making them happy, but two he was also being a little petty and ensuring that all their costars knew they would always be together.
He still finds it a little hard to watch their movies, just because he doesn't like seeing his S/O being intimate with another. But he just holds his S/O's hand during those scenes. As long as they spent their time with him, he could get over it.
He was very excited about them being an actor. He is happy they got their dream job and he enjoys dating someone famous.
At first, he was very uncomfortable and quite insecure about it. He was often worried that they might get too close and that he would lose them. Sometimes he would grow quiet and not want to talk after they came home because he knew they were probably getting romantic with their costar earlier that day.
It took some coercing, but he eventually confessed how he felt, and how he didn't like it. His S/O kissed him and reassured him, that he was the only one they loved. They had a long and meaningful talk. Afterward, he felt much better and didn't care about it as much.
At the end of the day, his S/O went home to him, they loved him. So he no longer cared about what happened in the film, because he knew it wasn't real. But their love for each other was.
He was banned from the set. He kept disturbing the scene, making it really hard to film. So he was banned from being present during filming.
He's very open about his dislike for it. He is fine with his S/O being an actor/actress, but he wants them to stop being in romance movies. It makes him feel uncomfortable.
Logically, he knows it is fake. But he hates the idea of someone else touching his S/O and getting close to them, so he wants them to stop.
As long as they continue to do it, he will pout about it. But he can't force them to stop. Instead, he just tries to be extra flirty and extra hands-on, wanting to show his S/O that he is the one who loves them the most, and he is the one who will love them the best.
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greentrickster · 2 years
My main impressions and information gleaned from lurking around the Transformers fandom for the past week or two:
Megatron is an ex-gladiator
this tracks
He’s also quite possibly a bigger component of why the Decepticons never win than the Autobots or Starscream, huh, didn’t see that one coming
Soundwave is also an ex-gladiator, wtf
Also generally very quiet and stoic, Not Emotional
Unless his cassettes are involved, then he is Dad, apparently the most parental Decepticon
Starscream is incredibly popular (no I didn’t expect or know this, I had about a week of Bay-verse Transformers fandom exposure back in 2010, my knowledge of these characters is impressively small)
Also he’s apparently much more skilled than I thought he was
And he went to college on Cybertron? In most continuities it seems like?? He was going to be a scientist??? Apparently he’s actually pretty dang smart at science, he just sucks at military coups?!????
The heck, I thought he was just a bumbling henchman with delusions of grandeur??!??!?!? How the heck is he... this (waves hand at all of him) and also legitimately Megatron’s second in command?!??
...of course he’s the one I latch onto. Of course he is. My only consolation is that at least I’m not alone in this...
...he may be canonically immortal? It’s unclear.
Command trine command trine command trine
I found a tiny Skywarp in Target last week, I officially own my first transformer, I had to look up a youtube video on how to get him into jet mode, I love him
So, that backstory, huh?
(holds temples in hands and stares at the table)
(endless screaming)
Bumblebee is unanimously agreed to be a Good Boy
Already sort of guessed that
Nice to know I was right about something
Optomis Prime’s characterization is actually more varied than I expected
Full range from ideal leader/father figure to deeply flawed hero to technically not a himbo but on thin fucking ice about it
(puts on shelf with Superman in the ‘actually it’s perfectly okay to make these characters too good for this world, too pure, because it suits them and while they’re rare you do get people like that in the real world sometimes’)
Why would you put Red Alert in charge of security, it seems logical on the first glance, but putting him in a job where he’s supposed to actively think of all the things that could go wrong is probably super bad for his paranoia
Ratchet throws wrenches but is also sitting on the Best Boy shelf next to Bumblebee
Whoever writes the Transformers wiki has an excellent sense of humour and writing style, someone hire them to make school textbooks actually readable
Though, on that note, get someone to read over their shoulders because none of the entries list what anyone can transform into. Anywhere. I- how? I know the exact details can vary from continuity to continuity, but seriously, how??? The alt forms are half the appeal, how is this not a specific section in each character bio?!??!?
Jazz is awesome but also scary. Psychologically scary. He’s coming for your secrets.
There’s actually some pretty interesting lore involving how you get new transformers!
Pretty much everyone ignores this because this fandom is indescribably thirsty
I do not condemn
I am merely frustrated because anthropology minor and culture culture culture culture-!!!!
There are ten million continuities
Including a canon role-reversed universe where bad guys are good guys and vice versa
You can’t do this to me I have rights-!
The fact that Megatron turns into a handgun doesn’t come up nearly enough
I have been laughing about this since I learned about it from the Toys That Made Us and I refuse to stop
Steve the Eradicon does not deserve any of this, but golly it’s funny to see him go through it anyway sometimes
This fandom is so frickin’ confusing
I see why everyone likes the giant robot-vehicles
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jaykoops · 1 year
Ranking The Live-Action Transformers Movies From Best To Worst
The live-action Transformers movies have become somewhat guilty pleasures to watch, each one varies in quality and entertainment value. The plots may not always be logical or intelligent, but the action sequences, CGI, and SFX will always be top notch and mind blowing. Even when you go back and watch the movies now the CGI still holds up better than some of the CGI we’re getting now in modern movies and TV shows. The following paragraphs will be my personal analysis and opinions about the live-action Transformers movies I’ve seen in order of best to worst. 
Bumblebee was a rather nice way to softly reboot the Transformers franchise and break away from all the Bayhem and illogical plots. This film stands fine on its own as a standalone Transformers movie. Bumblebee captured the charm and feel of older classical sci-fi adventure films like E.T. and The Iron Giant. The opening three minutes of the movie that featured the war for Cybertron single-handedly saved and redeemed the Transformers franchise with one incredible action sequence. The character designs were absolutely perfect! The Autobots and Decepticons were perfectly brought to life by taking the looks of the G1 designs and combining them with the modern CGI look we know from the Michael Bay films. Now viewers can actually differentiate and tell which Transformer is which and what’s going on, because not all the Decepticons are metallic gray. As much as people despised the Transformers movies revolving too much around the humans, Bumblebee actually had human characters who were likable and interacted well with the Transformers in the movie. The villains of the film were brutal and neat, the action scenes were superb as always, and the film even had some nice heart-felt emotional scenes to tug at the audience’s hearts.
Michael Bay’s first Transformers movie that came out in 2007 is the film that started the whole live-action Transformers craze, maybe even the film that started the Hasbro property adaptation craze as well. Without the first Transformers movie, G.I Joe or Battleship probably wouldn’t have had much interest or consideration, I guess Transformers was a testing ground to see if audiences actually want to see live-action adaptations of their favorite Hasbro toys from the 60’s. The first Transformers movie still holds up well today, the storyline is memorable and basically laid out the main plot that the later future Transformers movies would copy and add a semi different spin to the formula. The cliched Transformers plot usually goes along the lines of: human down on their luck finds vehicle that just happens to be a Transformer, Transformer tells human that the world is under threat, human and Transformer(s) must team up to stop impending threat, epic action sequences, the military usually always gets involved, big explosions, crazy action, the good guys win, but we need more allies and there's still a greater threat out there, play catchy end credits song. One of the greatest action sequences from the first Transformers movie has ought to be the Scorponok attack in the desert. The ambush was well set up with Scorponok sneaking up on the platoon, and the slow motion scene of Scorponok bursting out of the sand behind the running soldiers is still one of the most epic frames from the film. Even though this battle involved just one Decepticon, it really showed off how much damage a single Decepticon can do on its own. All the other action scenes are memorable and epic as well, from Blackout attacking the military base in the beginning, Bumblebee versus Barricade, the highway chase, to the battle of Mission City. The first movie really had the most memorable action sequences in the franchise. And the moment where the autobot crashland to Earth has one the greatest cinematic scores in a Transformers movie.
Dark of the Moon was good, but not equally good as the first movie, but it was a nice sequel to wash out the bad taste Revenge of the Fallen left on the franchise. I feel like Dark of the Moon was the last “good” Michael Bay Transformers film before the franchise took a drastic turn with all the character redesigns and a completely different human cast, and this was the last film we saw Shia LaBeouf as Sam. Dark of the Moon felt like the “darker” (no pun intended) and grittier installment out of the rest of the films. It showed Iron Hide and Wheeljack getting killed off, Sentinel Prime betraying Optimus and the Autobots, the Decepticons successfully invading and conquering Chicago until the Autobots come back after a fake out death, and the color scheme and tone of the film just felt gray and depressing. But overall Dark of the Moon was a solid good Transformers movie that took the steps that would eventually lead to the bigger apocalyptic events seen in the upcoming sequels.
Revenge of the Fallen was the infamous black sheep of the Transformers franchise, until the last two Mihael Bay Transformers basically took that title by somehow being more worse and illogical than Revenge of the Fallen. I feel like what dragged down this Transformers movie the most was by doubling down on the obnoxious and immature humor and personalities of both the humans and Transformers. This movie made audiences realize they go to see Transformers movies because they want to see the namesake Transformers in action, not whatever dumb shenanigans the humans are up to. The action sequences and transformation scenes are still awesome, but even those were bogged down by immature humor and illogical plot points. At least we got another great Linkin Park song out of this film, that’s one redeeming quality you can give this film.
This is where the Michael Bay films truly went off the rails and drastically changed from the original “trilogy”. I'd say it’s almost a tie between Age of Extinction and The Last Knight as the worst live-action Transformers movie, but I would say Age of Extinction was slightly better than The Last Knight. Age of Extinction felt like Michael Bay was trying to reboot his own Transformers franchise by just introducing brand new random humans, giving the Transformers brand new redesigns, and the new transformation effect by having the Transformers “dissolve” into cubes, just didn’t cut it. Mark Wahlberg is cool, but Cade just doesn’t hold a candle to Sam Witwicky. One great thing I can say that we got from Age of Extinction was a pretty awesome villain in Lockdown. Even though Lockdown was neither an Autobot or Decepticon, he was still badass and intimidating as a mercenary bounty hunter. He helped hunt down and kill the fugitive Autobots, nearly stood his ground against two Autobots and three humans, and was even able to capture the Dinobots for a while. And the live-action debut of the Dinobots was pretty neat, though it was a bummer we had to wait towards the end of the movie to see them in action, but the moment where Optimus rides Grimlock was totally worth it!
And last, but not least, probably the most forgettable and worst Michael Bay Transformers movie that was fittingly the last Michael Bay directed Transformers movie before Bumblebee softly rebooted and prevented the Transformers movies from flying way too off the rails. Honestly I really don’t have too much to say about this movie because there just weren't that many memorable moments. The beginning of the film was okay I guess, the part where Megatron recruited a crew was sort of memorable, though it was clearly trying to copy what Suicide Squad did with all the freeze frames and name tags that pop up when someone was introduced. Half the crew was killed off in the beginning town fight scene, so that was kind of a waste of build for a bunch of Decepticons you thought were going to stick around and try being memorable. When it comes to the music, at least we got a great X Ambassador song, Torches, that was played during the credits.
 I believe the true “Last Knight” of the Transformers movies was actually director Travis Knight, who single handedly redeemed, saved, and restored faith in the Transformers franchise with Bumblebee. I have yet to see Rise of the Beasts, but I’m sure it looks exciting since it is the live-action debut of the Maximals and Unicron. Regardless of which Transformers movie is your favorite or least favorite, we all can agree we wanted our own vehicles to transform after watching the movies!
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elendiliel · 2 years
Operation: Rescue
(Again, the divisions between fics don't quite match the series; this one is mostly "Persuasion", plus the pre-credits sequence from "Synthesis".)
More than usual, inspiration credits to @justawannabearchaeologist's "TFP Wheeljack in TFA" series, which I highly recommend.
Ratchet was gone.
Not dead, Glitch was pretty sure even before Arcee wrangled that clarification out of a still-not-quite-with-it Bulkhead. Over the comm from Hangar E, the Wrecker sounded dazed and confused, but not sad or angry, or even empty, as people often seemed as they processed a loved one’s death. (During her training, the young field-tech had seen that all too many times.) But the senior medibot was still missing, and almost certainly in Decepticon servos. Having been in that position herself, Glitch didn’t want to think about what Ratchet might be going through, not while she had no way of helping him.
So as the bulk of Team Prime’s Autobots waited for a groundbridge back to base from Antarctica, she did her best to think of something she could do to help, and her fatigue-addled processor latched on to a fact the team’s youngest member had once let slip. Kneeling down, she scooped up a double servoful of snow, compacting it into a neat sphere and adding to it until it was about the right size. The marks of her delicate digits were obvious to her sharp optics, but there was nothing to be done about that. She held it out to her leader with the cryptic explanation, “for Raf.”
Optimus Prime looked at her in confusion for a moment, then took the snowball from her; it fitted neatly into one of his much larger servos. “Ah, yes. I did promise, before an expedition to the Arctic. I did not know he had mentioned that to you.”
“Only in passing. He doesn’t blame you; he knows you had more important things on your processor. But I thought it might cheer him up.” Raf was almost as close to Ratchet as he was to Bumblebee, his partner and best friend; the medic’s capture was sure to hit him hard.
“Good thinking.” Just then, Bulkhead and Smokescreen finally figured out how to operate the groundbridge, quite possibly helped by Raf and/or by Arcee haranguing them over the comm. The Autobot away team were at last able to leave the frozen wastes for the now-damaged hangar they still called home, already preparing to bring their missing comrade back.
As Optimus began his part of the search for clues as to the whereabouts of his oldest friend, he found his path blocked by what appeared to be a bronze statue around a third of his height. Glitch was standing in front of him, arms folded, immovable as the Hall of Records, and probably about as amenable to reason. “With respect, sir, you need to get your skidplate on my repair table. Now.”
Her strange dark blue eyes bored into his – very unusual, for her – and her face was set in an expression peculiar to medics, one that, without being threatening, promised severe consequences if one did not comply. Optimus had seen it on his Amica’s face many times, sometimes – though by no means always – directed at him, and should have known better than to disregard it. But with Ratchet’s life at risk, the difference between should and did was quite substantial. “I have to search…”
“The others can do that. They didn’t take such a pasting from a Predacon.” Her face and voice softened slightly; her resolve, Optimus was sure, had not. “You’ll be of far more use to Ratchet without dents in your armour the size of my head and I don’t know how much internal damage. We all need you in full working order, especially him.”
A very palpable hit, Optimus thought as he gave in and made his way over to the medical bay. (One factor in his decision might have been her logical next move, threatening to take him there herself using her magnets; she not only could but would do so, and being carried around like a bundle of L-beams was hardly consonant with the dignity of a Prime.) He had always had an appreciation for the uses of words in place of weapons. Orion Pax had had no formal combat training, though Megatronus had tried to teach him the basics, and, one way and another, Megatron had taught Optimus Prime far more. He had grown up surrounded by words, and his own words had earned him the title of Prime long before Primus set his seal on the Council’s decision, while Megatron’s had brought so many mecha to his cause, convincing them that it was just. Most of his followers, and even more of Optimus’, had joined with the Allspark as a result. Megatron himself had so nearly done the same, and Optimus knew he would have mourned his former friend. Their planet was dead, and its best hope of resurrection was in the hands of an insane warmonger, all because of their words. But words could also calm, comfort, encourage, inspire, and heal, among much else. They could be deadly weapons, but also powerful tools, like the ones Glitch intended to use on him.
“How did you know that would work?” he asked her as he made himself comfortable on her repair table. (She had a point, he realised; now that he was no longer ignoring his injuries, a habit for which Ratchet had so often scolded him, his whole frame ached from his battle with Predaking.)
“You’re more like your counterpart than you let on.” He knew that was high praise. She spoke often of her universe’s Optimus Prime, always with deep respect and sincere affection; Optimus was sure he would like his alternate, should they ever meet. By her account, the other Prime (who was not the leader of all Autobots, merely of a maintenance crew, as a result of a tragic accident and his own sense of honour) was kind and gentle, immensely brave and unswervingly loyal, a master tactician and a powerful warrior when he needed to be. Compassionate enough to give sanctuary to a wounded former Decepticon, despite her semi-arachnid nature and his deep-seated fear of spiders (something of which Optimus had learned on Glitch’s first day in his reality, when Miko had seen a spider in the base and the newcomer had stopped Wheeljack from killing it, instead coaxing the “tiny friend” onto her hand as she apparently did “back home”, laughing as it ran all over her arm before she managed to release it outside). Forgiving enough to cover for a former friend who had done nothing but insult and belittle him for centuries. Still young, still making mistakes, but willing to learn from them and to ask for help doing so. Optimus was sure he would make a fine leader of his Cybertron given the chance. (He noted, too, the shift in her choice of words – “your counterpart”, not “my Optimus”. She was starting to consider his universe and Hangar E another home, and Team Prime another family.) “He’d be tearing his helmet fins off by now if something like this had happened on his watch.” She grimaced. “Perhaps literally. Which would at least distract both him and whichever medic happened to be nearest, with a lecture about irresponsibility.”
“I can imagine.” A little too well; Optimus sought to change the subject slightly. “Was… the other… Ratchet ever captured?”
“Once. In the war. Bounty hunter named Lockdown. Nasty piece of work – former Autobot and cyber-ninja, now mostly works for the Decepticons. Takes his victims’ mods as trophies.” She sighed, her already low mood falling still further. “Ratchet wasn’t even his target. Arcee was; she had intel the Autobots needed and the ‘Cons wanted. Ratchet just happened to be there. And he was the one she asked to wipe her memory to protect the intel. She got her wish – much against his will.” Glitch seemed to shake herself mentally. “Ratchet got them both out of there, though. And while it took him four million stellar-cycles and Sari’s technopathy, he brought her memories back, as well.”
“I am glad to hear that.” Although it reminded him of their current situation. “I can only hope that our Ratchet fares as well.”
“I’m sure he will. Some things are constant across the multiverse; Optimi are kind and brave, Bumblebees are fast and loyal, Starscreams can’t shut up and keep trying and failing to kill their Megatrons, Soundwaves have overly high opinions of themselves… Ratchets are clever and resilient. By the time we find him – and we will – I wouldn’t be surprised if he were partway through his own escape.”
“Nor would I,” Optimus agreed. It would probably help that Ultra Magnus and Glitch had, between them, significantly wounded the Decepticons’ chief scientist Shockwave – in fact, the field-tech still had a few traces of his Energon clinging to her shell, as well as some dents the Prime would have to persuade her to have fixed – which would keep both him and their medic Knock Out busy for a while, and thus delay any interrogation of their prisoner. Optimus hastily put that thought from his mind, focusing on the best way to rescue said prisoner as swiftly as possible.
Once he was fully repaired, of course, although that would not take long. While not yet in Ratchet’s league, Glitch was a competent medic, and more like her senior colleague than Optimus had entirely realised before – Ratchet in reverse, perhaps. Beneath the cynical, pessimistic exterior, Optimus knew his Amica cared at least as deeply as the Prime himself did – for his fellow ‘bots, for their humans, and of course for Cybertron. Their aeons-long war had taught him to keep that potential weakness hidden, bottled up until it could no longer be contained, but showed itself in a single outburst – “like the quietest volcano ever,” Rafael had once said. Glitch, conversely, had one of the most open, compassionate sparks Optimus had ever known. She would reach out even to a Decepticon who had violated her mind, purely because he needed someone to do so. Her skill in combat, both verbal and physical, came as quite a surprise to anyone who crossed her. How had Nurse Darby put it, that time the field-tech was scolding Smokescreen for concealing and exacerbating an injury, even as she repaired him? “It’s like being attacked by a swan. You know it’s possible, but you never really see it coming.” (Optimus’ experience with Earth waterfowl was decidedly limited, so he had taken her word for it.)
That skill would surely be of much use very soon. Once the team had located Ratchet, and thus the warship on which he was presumably being held, they would need every advantage they possessed to rescue their friend and put a stop to Megatron’s latest attempt to cyberform Earth. Optimus did not think anyone could prevent Glitch from taking part in that operation if they tried. Although she hid it well, her face a mask of professional calm and her hands perfectly steady, Optimus saw the same deep, simmering, controlled anger in her that he felt himself (and not just because, on returning to base, she had, carefully and deliberately, put a deep dent in one of the handrails of the stairs to Agent Fowler’s office with a reverse roundhouse kick). Being a field medic, she had trained as a protector as well as a healer, and she had demonstrated a level of resistance to Soundwave’s sonic attacks while the Decepticon was their prisoner. She felt that she should have stayed behind to help guard him; that Ratchet’s capture was her fault. Optimus knew that it was not – that, if anything, it was his fault – but saying as much would only cause her to lash out, then feel even more guilty, so he remained silent and allowed everyone else to do their jobs.
“It would stand to reason that Ratchet must possess something the Decepticons want.” Well, I thought that was obvious, Glitch thought, watching Prime, Arcee, Smokescreen, Bulkhead and Ultra Magnus compare notes on the available data – and lack thereof – on Ratchet’s whereabouts. She was perched on her own repair table, allowing Wheeljack – at Prime’s insistence – to take care of the dents in her armour left by a Predacon attack and subsequent collision with a wall. Her saddle had absorbed most of the latter impact, and her self-repair module was equal to a little circuitry damage, but Prime had been right; they all needed to be on top form to get their friend back.
“Well, whatever the ‘Cons are after, Ratch won’t give it up… right?”
“Not willingly.” Glitch qualified Bulkhead’s statement. “But once Shockwave patches in to his processor… I couldn’t keep Knock Out out of mine altogether, and the patch wasn’t designed for ‘bots like me. And Shockwave invented the flipping thing, remember. Even Ratchet won’t stand a chance.”
“Good point,” Wheeljack agreed. He had as much experience of the cortical psychic patch as she did. “You and Magnus sent ol’ tank-brain off leaking pretty badly, which should buy us some time, but we’d still better move fast. I don’t like the thought of Sunshine in ‘Con hands any more than you do.” Sunshine? The engineer-turned-Wrecker still defied full understanding.
“Synthetic Energon,” Ultra Magnus said, apparently out of nowhere. He must have been considering Arcee’s question about why the Decepticons only took Ratchet. “Only he and Glitch have any detailed knowledge of its composition, and as I understand the matter the Decepticons only associate him with it. And there were boxes that could have contained synthetic Energon in Shockwave’s laboratory, were there not?” That last part was directed at Wheeljack, who had destroyed said lab with Magnus’ approval.
“Sure were. Made for one Pit of an explosion.”
“And Shockwave was very interested in the results,” Glitch recalled. She had returned to the area shortly after the incident, to recover Magnus’ signature weapon and what was left of his dominant servo. “Something that looked a lot like cybermatter. Synth-En must be an ingredient. The Decepticons can’t perfect it themselves, so they kidnapped an expert.” As her universe’s Bulkhead had been kidnapped for his space-bridge expertise. Classic ‘Con move.
“This is all very interesting,” Agent Fowler broke in, “but has nobody else noticed that the Decepticons now know exactly where our base is? Their fleet could be on its way as we speak.”
“A valid point,” Prime acknowledged. “Can you organise aerial surveillance to give us advance warning, should they mount an attack?”
“Already done, as best I can. You know what the higher-ups are like – or maybe you don’t, seeing as how you are a higher-up, in more ways than one.”
Prime’s stature notwithstanding, the joke still went right over his head. As ever, he stayed focused on practical matters. “Your own air squadron, even with my help, could not hold back Starscream’s Seeker Armada without risk to human lives. But perhaps we can safeguard this base another way…”
Misdirection, maybe. Glitch thought suddenly of a Decepticon who had hidden in plain sight in Autobot society for centuries, fooling even her. Of a wrongly convicted mech’s desperate attempt at revenge, changing places with the ‘bot who reported him. Of another Optimus infiltrating a group of Decepticon agents. Of another Bulkhead tricking an unscrupulous businessman into admitting that the cars he had based on Bulk’s alt were “gas-guzzling death traps” – on camera. And, of course, of the general stupidity of ‘Cons, and, frankly, most people in one way or another, herself included. “Do we have any paint lying around?”
A few circuit-shredding hours of waiting later, just as the rest of the team remarked on the general lack of ‘Connery and Ultra Magnus started to plan a more proactive strategy, their precautions proved necessary. Starscream’s fleet was coming in fast. Unit E’s Skystrikers were scrambled in response, but only succeeded in holding them back for a short time before a pair of missiles found their target and blew it to scrap.
“Mess hall sure is a mess,” Smokescreen commented as the Autobots watched the hangar’s remains burn. We could do with Optimus – the other one, Glitch thought. Or Heatwave.
“We are fortunate the Decepticons could be fooled by a simple paint job,” Ultra Magnus remarked.
“Hardly anybody looks beyond the obvious,” Glitch added. A sentiment that applied to people as well as to aircraft hangars. Others frequently judged her on her small stature (by Cybertronian standards), her slender build, her museum-piece alt. Or her academic’s accent, old-fashioned customs and formal speech patterns. They didn’t see her planet-sized spark, her sharp mind or even, too often, her medical mods. Even her bronze plating went against the unwritten rule that medics wore red and white. (If a rule weren’t written down, how the helium was a ‘bot supposed to read it?) And the fact that she looked even younger than she was didn’t help when she needed to be taken seriously. Being used to such treatment didn’t make it any less annoying.
Returning to the still-intact Hangar E, Wheeljack took another look at the fragment of Soundwave’s drone Laserbeak that Smokescreen had managed to sever during the Mini-‘Con’s rescue of its master. It turned out to be a piece of transponder – ideal for analysis by Raf and Glitch. Mostly Raf, really; Glitch was used to Autobot and Decepticon systems from her home universe, and Raf was a natural at picking up anything computer-related, even Bumblebee’s audial code. Ratchet had been teaching him Cybertronian computer code, and the decryption process reminded the human painfully of his mentor and friend. Glitch knew just how he felt. She hadn’t seen her mentor in months.
There wasn’t much time to dwell on the subject before Wheeljack came up with another of his crazy ideas. Giving the chunk of ‘Con wings and letting it fly home. Glitch could have kicked herself for not thinking of that. Maybe that was one reason why the Wrecker and the field-tech got on so well, despite one being an explosives expert and the other a part-time chemist who specialised in preventing explosions; they shared a direct but unorthodox approach to life.
“Now there’s something you don’t see every day,” Smokescreen said, referring to Wheeljack collaborating with Raf and Glitch on their homemade drone. As Bulkhead explained that, “being a Wrecker was all about the team,” Glitch shook her head slightly. Wheeljack had been a scientist before he was a soldier, and scientists didn’t work alone. (Well, Shockwave did, but he had gone past “unhinged” and all the way to “flat on the floor”.) She would, however, have been happier about working with him were he not constantly borrowing her tools without asking. (Or, in fairness, realising.)
“A-ba-ba-ba, what d’you think you’re doing?” she demanded, rescuing her sonic screwdriver before Wheeljack could use the wrong setting to try to uncross a few wires. His reply was drowned out by Raf, doing his best Ratchet impression, telling Miko that, “I needed that!”
“Three of ‘em,” Smokescreen sighed. You didn’t know when you were well off, Glitch thought, though she knew he wouldn’t get the reference.
In spite of Miko’s well-meant attempts to help, the drone (named “Chip” by Raf) came together pretty quickly, although only Glitch’s reflexes and magnets kept it away from Agent Fowler and Jack, who were having a private conversation up on the platform by the agent’s office. The remote still had some bugs in it.
Soon afterwards, though, those last few problems had been solved and Chip was ready for launch. Soundwave would have spotted a GPS beacon a hic away, so the team was using a physical tracker – Prime. With good enough cloud cover – usually easy to find on Earth – he should be able to get close to the Decepticon warship before they knew he was there. (Unless someone became curious about the reappearance of Laserbeak’s signal, of course, but they would jump that bridge if they came to it.) After a round of encouraging farewells to Prime (Glitch’s contribution was, “look after yourself”) and once OP himself had complimented Raf on his work, the budding engineer launched his latest creation and the Autobot flier took off after it. Operation: Rescue had begun in earnest.
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oatchi · 3 years
🏳‍🌈 for tfa. hand me. Give. Require
🏳️‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you? You really want me to fill my dash up, huh. Okay. Fine. Under the cut it goes.
Let me be clear, I accept many things for many characters, especially when it comes to trans headcanons, so I may go back and forth on a lot of these, but you literally asked for it.
Optimus Prime: Bisexual. I can understand the transmasc headcanon given to him, but I do not like the way people treat him in the fandom in combination with the headcanon (i.e., the soft uwu boy act) so most depictions leave a sour taste in my mouth. Suffers from textbook PTSD. Ratchet: Old old queer man. He's the kind of old man who doesn't label himself because he finds it a bit ridiculous. He likes mechs, he likes femmes, he likes everything outside of that and in between. He doesn't care what he "falls under," he's just living his life. Textbook PTSD, and he is the old gay mentor to Optimus' young gay in need of a parental figure. Bumblebee: Gay Trans man. Easy. Teeeextbook ADHD, and he hates being infantilized for it. Not much else to say on this. Also he's polyam and parent trapped all his partners into also being in love with each other. Except not like, parent trapping them, just like, boyfriend trapping them. Bulkhead: Bisexual cisguy who's doing his best to support his trans friends. He is Autistic, okay? He is. He has a special interest in the show. and Sensory issues. Trust Me. He's cis but he's got the autistic gender swag with it okay. Prowl: He is.... How you say... Pansexual. I will not get into anything about bi/pan stuff but he follows the logic I do of bisexual meaning "attraction to your gender, the opposite, and others" and pansexual meaning "attraction regardless of gender." He's also a he/they because he has the Autism Fucked Up My Concept Of Gender disease. He's autistic btw. He holds hands with Bumblebee and Bulkhead and is open to more. Dinobots: They're all stupid and bi. Not for each other they just are. Omega Supreme: He's so guy ever. I think the inherit concept of being nothing more than a war machine and made to have "low processing power" is kinda neurodivergent-trans. Like inheritly. He chose to be a guy and stuff. Arcee: JUST some girl. She has kind old bi trans lady energy I think. I think her memory issues probably persisted a bit even though they were shown to be "fixed" at the end, but only in minor ways. Wreckgar: HE IS JUST SOME GUY. I think if you asked him his pronouns he would say "I am Wreckgar! I... Use he/him pronouns?" and then think about it and then go "I am Wreckgar! I use any pronouns!" and that would be the interaction. I don't think he has any feelings on anyone really other than friendship <3 Megatron: Old, old gay man. He is not gay for Optimus. Crucial. He is just gay. Also I think he's trans with it. Old gay trans man that will dark seduce you. (If Fruit reads this essay. I'm reclaiming.) Starscream: As Unfortunate As It Is, he has transgender swag. I cannot place what kind, but I'd like to believe it's any pronouns. Also Gay. But No One Wants Him. Starscream clones: I DON'T KNOW MAN. THEYRE JUST KINDA THERE. In my mind I feel like Slipstream stole all the transgender swag making all the other ones normal guys. Well like. As normal as Clones of Starscream could be. Blitzwing: He/they by nature, self referential as "we" occasionally again by nature. OSDD-1b but they all respond to "Blitzwing" because they are a chaotic group that switch on the drop of a hat and they've just learned to. The kind of system that works to make up the concept of one whole "person," so even if they themselves know they're different, they are pooling resources together to make one guy often. One Gay Guy. Smile Lugnut: Do I literally need to say anything. He's gay. He's never even looked at a woman unless it was for work. He's gay and the one guy he wants does not want him at all Blackarachnia: Trans girl. She's a metaphor alright. I like to think she's transhet because they are the strongest type of trans people and Blackarachnia is stronger than all of us. Heavily suffers from the body issues, and suffers from trauma. Because of the Spiders. Soundwave: No gender No sexuality Only Liberate Robots. That is how I think he feels Shockwave: Old Gay Man. He has transgender swag I feel like he's gender fucked up. I don't know how. He's weird with it. Smile. Lockdown: I like to think he is a neutral/pos aroace who just acts like that. He does not fuck he could if he wanted but he doesn't. End post Swindle: He's just a little guy! And it's his birthday, you would try to make a guy pick just one place on the gender spectrum on his birthday? He's got gender swag and I think he is also aroace and hangs out with Lockdown because of this. Wasp(inator): The Bug gave him Transgender Swag. He's also terribly traumatized Constructicons: Fuck these guys. But they're also all bi and no one wants them Angry Archer: I could not give less of a shit about this man. But he's like gay (derogatory) Nanosec: transhet. Good for him. Meltdown: Again, gay (derogatory) Colossus: I literally don't know. Whatever man. Gay old guy Professor Princess: She Is like, idk. 6. I think she cares about my little ponies more than being on my headcanons chart. Henry Masterson: He is so so so so so gaytrans and insane Slo-Mo: transhet. Good for her. Ultra Magnus: Old old gay man. No further commentary. Jazz: Hehehe... Gay ninja. I think he actually could like a woman in theory but he is definitely mlm. I think he is either a hardcore trans ally or a transman. Jetfire/Jetstorm: Putting them together because personally I love to believe that because they are viewed as a unit and are usually never referred to as individuals, they are actually much more accustomed to singular they/them in reference to themselves. I think they accept anything though. Also they're just a little fucked up from the whole dying and coming back thing I think. I think the death and coming back thing gave them a bit of nonbinary swag. they/he's. Blurr: I don't know where this is coming from, but He/They/It nonbinary gay dude. That's all Heh. What. Did you think I'd forget my specialist boy of all time? Never. I just needed to put him at the bottom so you didn't have to scroll through ALL the shit I have to say about him just to see 1-2 sentences on some other guys. Anyways. Let's get into it. Sentinel Prime: Is so so so so so SO much. He can literally be interpreted a million ways, but let me make one thing very clear. He is NOT a cishet man who's an asshole for no reason. Without a doubt, my personal favourite interpretation of him is as a bisexual cis man who, despite the everything, is a very hardcore trans ally. A real "oh you're trans? Okay uhh what name. Okay. Okay. Pronouns? Okay. Gotttt it. Okay. Okay. (Goes back to insulting you but this time reaffirming of your gender)" type guy. Mentally? PTSD. Textbook. Often showing in ways that are the exact opposite of the way Optimus' shows, making him seem "difficult." Also, literally everyone can fuck off, I think he's so autistic. I think he's genuinely so autistic so bad. Touch is only good if he initiates it. He wants touch do NOT fucking touch him if he doesn't make it very clear he wants touch. Do not expect him to understand peoples feelings he does not get it. Do not expect him to understand a social setting, he will NOT get it. He doesn't know how to do any of that. He is hardcore rule follower because of a mix of trauma and autism. And when he does break the rules? Well, it didn't break is Autism Moral Rules, so it's fine. Organic stuff is not only a traumatic trigger, it is often stuff he would consider "bad touch." He does NOT like how soft humans and other organics are, he HATES their liquids, he DOES NOT like hair. And listen to me? Listen to me. Only I'm allowed to say this one as a haver of this disorder. Obsessive compulsive disorder rooted in trauma. Did he only comically have to clean himself once as a gag in the show..? Yes. Would I trust anyone else saying this..? No. But I live deep inside Sentinel Prime's mind and trust me, I know what I'm saying. I believe the compulsive need for status comes from a complex mix of PTSD, OCD, and Autism. With the PTSD, he blocked everyone out, till all that was left was status. OCD would have him with the repeated intrusive thoughts of needing to be the best, or else, well, the general "bad things will happen" type response. Autism is definitely important in this mix, because he has been working towards it for years, and the moment it might be out of reach entirely, complete and total meltdown and confusion ensues. Yes, that could be attributed to both the PTSD and OCD, but trust me. I know him. Several other things about him play into these three, to make the list short, being unable to stop to let the blame hit him for once is crucial to not letting what little of he has left to his name be shattered. The small sense of identity is all effects of PTSD, OCD and autism. The deal with Optimus is so neurodivergent I swear to God. He is just some guy with a handful of mental disorders that doesn't know how to articulate care. I need to stop now and so I shall, smile. Oh and by the way, Sari Sumdac is trans, realizing she was a robot transed her, she is nonbinary she/they/he. Thank you and Good Night
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earthstellar · 3 years
My TFP Humanformers Headcanons: With Pictures This Time
Originally posted here, but that’s all text only.
In my defence, I studied fashion at university level for two years, so this post was inevitable.
Optimus Prime - James Dean Style, aka “Hot Dad” 
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Optimus would probably love doing the research to determine human styles and what he likes best. 
I can picture him doing a 1950s inspired look, more Greaser than stuffy suits, but in a more James Dean way and not John Travolta in Grease kind of way if he needed to go undercover as Jack’s dad or something.
He’d be a bit older than James Dean was in the above photo, definitely in his 30s at the youngest. Would still have silver mixed in with his black hair, to replicate the silver details on his helm. He doesn’t smoke, but might chew on a pen cap every now and then without thinking about it. 
Ultra Magnus - Vittorio de Sica - Classic Italian Suit Chic
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When doing research into human styles, Optimus showed him a Hermes magazine and some European business style guides from GQ and decided he liked the formal suit look. I imagine he’d have a very Italian look to him, as he might be wearing an Italian or Continental style suit. 
For some reason, Magnus as a 40 or 50 year old stern and stylish Italian guy just works really well. He’d be extremely well dressed, well groomed, would still demand authority, and I imagine him looking like Vittorio de Sica, pictured above. 
He would perhaps use his holoform to accompany Fowler in discussions with some military superiors.
Initially, he wanted to pick a military style uniform for his holoform, and Fowler had to explain to him in detail why that wasn’t an acceptable thing to do. So he went for chic lawyer instead.
Ratchet - Old War Vet + What He Thinks is Nevada Style: George Gabby Hayes
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Ratchet would literally just be my dad or any of his old war buddies, possibly with a mobility aid like a cane or walking stick because that seems to be very popular amongst my dad and his friends. (To quote my father: “I can walk with it and I can beat people with it, so it works fine for me, don’t touch me dammit I can get up by myself.”) 
I get the feeling he’d approach designing his holoform from a logical angle, wanting to fit in with the locals to avoid detection. Unfortunately, this meant he found a bunch of old Western movies online when looking up style inspiration, and decided that this was probably the best look to go for since all these movies were filmed in Nevada, so surely this would be familiar to people, right? (Wrong.) 
He’d be tough and wrinkly, but give those precious old man smiles with big twinkling eyes that shine so brightly against his old weathered skin, and that alone would get him get out of trouble with the authorities-- Or helps him get the others out of trouble. He would play the “I’m just an old person, what do you want from me” card and he would succeed. Then he’d turn around and get mad that everyone treats him like he’s old, lmao.
Arcee - Tori Amos: Late 1990s/2000s Casual 
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Arcee would go for 20s-30s in terms of age, motorcyclist, we already see this on screen every now and then. I think they would estimate for approximate human age relative to one another’s Cybertronian age, so this works as Arcee seems to be younger than the rest. 
I picture her outside of her motorcycle gear in a very late 90s/early 2000s style look, casual but stylish. It would throw people off because she’s so much mature than what people might assume, which gives her an edge in conversation.
Her cover story could be that she’s Jack’s cousin, or maybe a friend of his mom’s, depending on what the mission/situation is. Could also possibly say that she’s one of Jack’s co-workers if need be. She’d probably redesign her holoform to have red hair just to troll Jack (the classmate he has a crush on is a redhead). 
Bulkhead - Mark Sagato + 1990s Alt Rock Gear 
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I can easily picture Bulkhead’s holoform looking similar to Mark Sagato, pictured above, who is a former Sumo wrestler and a film actor. 
He’d be rocking a green cargo jacket layered with a plaid flannel shirt over a plain white tee or a band t-shirt and blue jeans with black steel toe boots, possibly with a workman’s tool belt. His cover story could be that he’s Miko’s uncle visiting from Japan! 
I imagine a very casual 90s alternative rock meets almost-lumberjack look for him, to match Miko a bit. He’d probably have some ribbon wristbands from live shows/gigs up his arm, because Miko would absolutely encourage accessorising.
Wheeljack - Billy Idol + Specifically Grunge Punk 
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Wheeljack would be every single old school dude in the grunge punk scene that I’ve ever met. He’d look like an older Billy Idol, but only if you imagine what that would look like, not like, the actually currently old Billy Idol. 
Older guy, skinny but tough, jean jacket covered in patches and buttons and pins, black jeans held together with random string sewn in like embroidery thread, a pair of Converse so old that they might be from the 70s original line. Grey bandana also covered in pins around his head and another around his neck. He would also have ribbon wristbands from shows, courtesy of Miko’s style advice.
Bumblebee - Fred Olande: 1995 Was a Great Year for Skateboarding
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Bumblebee would be a young guy, maybe even late teens/early 20s, massively baggy yellow hoodie with a black jean vest over the top like a lot of young guys wore in the 90s back when I wasn’t a dinosaur myself. Jeans that are pale from being worn/washed too many times, threadbare around the knees, wearing some kind of skateboarding shoe. I imagine him wearing a beanie as well. Every pocket is full of graffiti pens for the skatepark and his phone screen is cracked.
Raf would help him with his holoform details, and I can picture him basing his look off of some of Raf’s family photos, so he’d definitely be Mexican/Latinx. His cover story could be that he’s Raf’s cousin visiting from a border town or Mexico, and his excuse for not speaking would simply be that he doesn’t know that much English, so that would work out perfectly.
Smokescreen - 1970s/1980s Sports Gear Forever 
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Smokescreen would inevitably try to go for a 1970s/80s movie inspired sporty look, and would probably look to be about in his late teens/early 20s.
Think classic white Nikes, very sporty 80s style with a white and blue puffy jacket (or sweat shirt) and red fabric wristbands. If anyone has a mullet or a feathered hair style, it’s gonna be Smokescreen. His tank top is Adidas, and his sweatpants are also Adidas.
Unfortunately, he then discovers that shorts exist, and cycles between the classic Butterick patterns above, depending on the mission/who he is trying to impress that day. 
(I won’t lie, I did the shorts over sweatpants thing well into the 90s. Yes, I was made fun of.) 
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sofijaeger · 4 years
so i took my psats today and lemme tell you...
i sat for four hours reading about bumblebees and ravens, for what? to most likely receive a three-digit number as my score😫
And it didn’t help that I thought about:
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| modern, high school au |
eren. would be completely out of the zone from the start. Waking up early only to sit still for hours, on top of trying to complete questions within restrictions of time gets him so frustrated. How can he answer the questions when he’s forced to read page-long excerpts in less than a minute? He thinks the tests are absolutely ridiculous (and used these reasons to back up his real excuse of never knowing there was a prep course).
jean. To be fair, he did try at the beginning, and understood a good amount of the questions, but his brain couldn’t separate math and calculator, so by the start of the third section he was a goner. Probably watched the PSAT cheats and tricks on tik tok for prep, and by the end he just randomly bubbled answers in hopes the majority of them would be right.
armin. Let’s all think logically here and say that armin prepped before it was even mentioned at school, and he plugged his scores into his early college account from the previous years so it was ✨personalized✨ for his advanced learning capabilities. He still didn’t enjoy sitting in his seat for so long, and became fatigued quickly. Mom and Pap’s were most likely the main source of pressure, and he studied so much the poor baby didn’t see his friends for weeks:( Besides that, it’s safe to say he’s winning a National Merit Scholarship😌🏆
mikasa. I see her being such a great student and making very little mistakes, but those small slip ups can affect a lot and IT BOTHERS HER. Can she answer all the questions? with pin-point accuracy, but she’s completely unaware of time management, and she’ll be bubbling her answer into question 9 out of 36 at the ‘10 minutes left’ mark. Lowkey gets pissed in the last few sections and might even bubble random answers if she must.
Reiner. The poor dude has so much potential, and is a very academically and athletically inclined student, but cannot function in silence no matter how hard he tries. Something about hearing his own thoughts gets the best of his anxiety, and he probably shakes his leg like a motor engine or uses his #2 pencils to become the lead drummer in a rock band to think out each questions. Every, single, one. Everyone continuously tells him to stfu.
Historia. she also prepped for the test, but not as much as armin because she has to keep her social life in check too. Was definitely prepared for the test until she got there, because she wore a light blouse or something and forgot that testing rooms are ALWAYS cold. (idk man it’s the algorithm). bb was shivering the whole time and could barely focus
Ymir. Who the fuck put ymir at the opposite side of the classroom as Historia. Ymir couldn’t really care less about the test, but actually tried until she heard tiny teeth chattering from the other side of the room. She was so pissed the entire time watching her poor girl freeze, and she would’ve gotten up and given her, her jacket if it werent for Levi sitting at the desk right next to her.
Levi. HAH he’s the supervisor. Mainly because he’s the only person who manages to shut the entire class up, yet he seemed very content knowing he could receive a peaceful quietness for a few hours. His eyebrows even unfurrowed for the first time in well, forever. I know y’all would think he did exceptionally well, but this dude didn’t give one shit back when he was in high school. (Still managed to snag a decent score bc he’s god-like🙄🤚🏼)
Sasha. Academic wise she did quite well, and didn’t stress in either subject bc she’s pretty smart, she just won’t admit it. But when this girl realized she couldn’t touch her snacks for 4 freaking hours she threw a fit. Had a whole thanksgiving meal before she got to school, and kept fidgeting in her seat to make her tummy grumbles go away. (they never went away).
connie. he assumed it wasn’t mandatory and didn’t show up to school for his freashman practice. He slept through his sophomore one too. By Junior year though he wanted to take it more seriously and tried asking teachers and friends around for help, but since covid rolled around, it wasn’t mandatory anymore. Babes never signed up and has still yet to take it😩.
I might do a part two, so let me know if you’d like that!!
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Tfp dnd classes imo (by this I'm partially thinking about what classes would fit them best, and what classes they would choose for themselves) for context this is some nebulous "everyone gets along for this and everybody lives because Riot is a character hoarder"
Wheeljack would be a Sorcerer. he WOULD use fireball constantly. He just... would. This is the motherfucker who has every spell in the player's handbook memorized and uses them in very creative ways. He's also the player that would come to session on zoom and laugh so hard his mic bugs out.
Optimus is a paladin who could've guessed. I feel like he would be the best at logic puzzles but ethics problems would be pretty stressful for him. Like in canon we've seen how he handles a trolley problem scenario, please just give him a figurative puzzle. And maybe a literal puzzle, i could see him bringing a quiet fidget toy to session. His player character will die several times, and sometimes he will have to roll up a different character that will ultimately be rather similar, I can just feel the "i am blank, son/apprentice/other of blankety blank". Eventually "The Optimus Curse" will become an inside joke and be written on his player character sheets.
Ratchet would be a cleric but he would argue with the higher entity that gave him this power constantly. He'll be the one who over explains how his healing spells work which imo is wonderful worldbuilding and player engagement. He would bring small cubes of energon to session, and maybe even ask June to bring human treats for the kids when they're there.
Arcee and Bumblebee would be rogues. I think it would be interesting to have two rogues that are Vastly different. Arcee would be more familiar with the dnd rogue archetype, sticking to the shadows, while Bumblebee would be less familiar and wing it, focusing on the disguise aspect. Arcee might miss a session or two, but this will be handwaved with a off session adventure and she'll always come back to session with some wacky story for her player character. Bumblebee will end up stabbing a little too many NPCs but will play the puppy dog eyes and exactly not get away with it.
Bulkhead would be a barbarian and would use this to his advantage constantly. He probably know the most about the game, having listened to Miko describe it, and go full in on the class's stereotype. If any of them are good at trolley problem type scenarios, it's him. I also think he's going to be the one whose the most adopt-y in game, he's going to cry if his dire wolf mount dies because it will.
Smokescreen would be a ranger. He's the guy who asked if he could have guns in first session, and upon being told no decided to have a bow instead (preferably a crossbow). I feel like he'd play the character like those animal planet shows with one guy, a camera, and nature— Bubbly, but all around independent. He's going to try to do a lot of alone adventures, but err close to the party. He's the player who gets loud and moves around the room a lot when he gets excited in session.
Ultra Magnus is the Autobot dungeon master, and second to that he's the ultimate rules lawyer. No, you can't have a pet dragon. Yes, you failed that death saving role just barely but you still failed the role. But, on the flip side, there will be no "well, technically you can do [thing], but as a DM i say no because reasons". No if you can do it according to the 5e rules he will let you do it but every action has a consequence and he writes everything down. He has legitimately everything written down and is fully prepared to dig up things that happened seven sessions ago or a dead player character sheet. Even though he doesn't have a player character, he will play his role as DM in a very lawful neutral way.
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osir-ethria · 3 years
...... I have ideas and all but if anyone finds my head canons interesting enough feel free to ask me about a topic that I can turn into a head canon or scenario/drabble/mini story/one shot. If anyone does do this then fair warning I may not immediately respond or it may take me a bit to think of something or create said something. Or I may not choose to respond to it if I don’t feel comfortable to do so.
For now, Happy B-Day Weiss! (I finally got an idea and it’s probably late to some people but it’s still May 15th for me so here we go.)
How RWBYJNRWWWQEOK+AceOps and maybe Sun and Neptune act today... Maybe Raven and Tai too, I want Raven to join them and Tai to reunite. More so let’s just have the entire found family.
(Setting they are in a building, not a tent. Like maybe a room in Haven or after Salem fight and they survive but making sure the world doesn’t break is becoming stressful on the group because they were main figures in the war. Now hold leading positions that I won’t get into but y’know it be hard for them.)
First is the mutual agreement to LET WEISS SLEEP IN TILL LIKE NOON. They be letting the Ice Queen rest especially with all the bullshit she has to put up with on a daily basis and the fact she hasn’t slept properly in days.
Weiss does try to wake up, thinking it’s a normal day but it isn’t, Ruby pins her to the bed where she is laying on top of Ice Queen. Weiss doesn’t have the strength to resist and just lays there asking Blake and Yang for help but no response. She eventually passes out again and Ruby gives Weiss her cape before sneaking out.
Yang and Blake go out to get ingredients and anything they need to make a meal of the size of the party they are going host for Weiss.
Ruby is making cookies with the current ingredients, Yang’s style based on Summer’s recipe, and Winter is getting some coffee ready.
Whitley, Ren, and Jaune are organizing presents. I’ll list what they got Weiss.
Ruby: A pocketknife she made, girl be way into weapons. (I’m giving you choice here, choose the design.)
Yang: (She be making the cake but y’know) I like the idea she gets Bumblebee back and it would be upgraded. Taking Weiss on a ride with it.
Blake: Simple but gets the new White Fang badge with the Schnee insignia as an acceptance. Would offer to help her with duel wielding after learning that she can and had to do so when they fell.
Jaune & Neptune: They’d go off on how much of assholes they were during Beacon. Jaune for not taking “No” as an answer and Neptune acting the way he did. Weiss would get a good laugh then retaliate with “I was just as much of an asshole as you two but thanks for saying that.”
Ren: Would carve out the flower he associates Weiss with the most out of wood and paint it over perfectly.
Nora: Depending on the timeline either new kitchen ware or take over any manual labor tasks for the next week for her. Maybe both.
Willow: She found a store filled with puzzles of all sorts. Buy Weiss three and a book on puzzle making and concept. Probably get her a lot of information based books but she knows by now that Weiss likes them and isn’t weary on if it’s the right thing to buy.
Whitley (Depending on if CVFY joins then with Coco): New stylized clothing of both grouped “feminine” and “masculine”... Do you hear my sarcasm. They just styled and got tailored Weiss’ new wardrobe. Whitley has the courtesy of a sweater/hoodie with FIGHT on the back representing her response to Jacques’s abuse. Also got Winter one with ‘Flight to Fight’, Willow one with “Froze but Thawed”, and himself “Fawned but Freed”. Just something nice. (Klein got a hoodie with “True Schnee Dad” on it and I don’t take no for an answer).
Winter: Got Myrenaster sharpened, taking over all ‘logically enduring’ tasks of the next week that don’t require Weiss specifically. Going out to dinner the next day but that’s the next day. With the help of Ruby she picked out new jewelry. The one she thought would suit Weiss the most was a custom made necklace with silver, the Schnee emblem, and small rubies.
Klein: Did a stand up comedy act with his many split personalities with a little help from Neo. There, that’s Neo contribution. Acts like his butler self for the day which brings a rather nice nostalgia to a poor past.
Qrow: After years of traveling together, much to Winter’s dismay, he has allowed Weiss to refer to him as Uncle if she wants to. Paid for the material to her new wardrobe by Whitley and Coco.
Tai: Helps her with hand to hand combat. Knitted a sweater for her that has some goofy dad joke on it in reference to her. (Btw, as much as Weiss cringed she loves the damn thing.)
Raven: Goes on the whole apology, she did a big one for everyone but this one was directly for Weiss. She teaches Weiss how she made the dust blades and the whole concept, and to Weiss’s request, will be teaching Ruby the same thing. (I wouldn’t take it as an unknown thing, dust blades, but it’s difficult to craft and you need to master it perfectly.)
Emerald: Probably also put on something funny but this time she’d disguise herself as Jacques for an hour as Weiss goes all out on how much he hates him. Best thing to watch and the entire time Emerald has to keep herself from breaking down by the reminder that this is towards Jacques not her. After the whole ordeal Weiss hugs Emrald thanking her and said she acted him out perfectly.
(You guys got to think of other characters, I can’t think of anything else for presents right now while writing this.)
Weiss wakes up after, after Ruby finished cookies and Winter coffee and Klein a proper breakfast, and she is greeted by both of them along with Whitley and Willow. Ruby is smiling animatedly which always gets Weiss to grin, Winter sits down on the edge of the bed with a calmer smile but she has gotten better with emotion, Willow is at the edge with a motherly look that Weiss starts to cry a bit, and Whitley has climbed onto the bed and is on the other side of his sister, sitting there, smiling.
Ruby places her breakfast down before using her semblance in a quick burst to get directly to Weiss’s right side and lean on her. A few rose petals are there but nothing has been disturbed. (At this point the Schnees have gotten used to Ruby’s and Weiss’ closeness, either as partners or if you ship them like me then maybe more.)
After brunch she is dragged out by Ruby again to just lounge about the town or city. Weiss is saying that she should be doing tasks and Ruby is always responding with “nope” which leads Weiss to give up.
When dinner comes they go back and to Weiss’s surprise their entire group is there with presents, food, and a huge cake. They all scream happy birthday to Weiss and she starts crying. Past birthdays for her weren’t great and she has gotten used to smaller celebrations by her team, but seeing all those she considers family here, she breaks.
Gets all the hugs, Ice Queen deserves them.
Afterwards she just outright says-
“I honestly forgot it was my birthday, just thought everyone was being soft for no reason.”
Everyone is stunned but in the end everyone is laughing.
The rest of the night is a blast, everyone is having fun, Weiss roles her eyes at most of the presents or smiles genuinely. Just Weiss smiling the entire time because of pure joy. They get Sun to use a aura clone to take a picture of their entire group which is huge. That was using Velvet’s camera.
(Weiss treasures that photo like it’s more expensive than any jewel/gem one will find.)
As a last gift given by her team they all do a snuggle pile when they sleep. Yang holding all of them, Blake snuggling into Yang’s left side, Ruby either snuggling into Yang’s right side or Weiss, Weiss’s arms a little under Yang and just wrapping around far enough to just meet Blake, and Blake has her arm, like Weiss, going as far as it can.
It’s loving Weiss day and I wrote this as me showing how much I love her.
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thanksjro · 4 years
Dark Cybertron Chapter 11: The Word “Logic” Doesn’t Even Mean Anything Anymore
Our issue opens up with a flashback to establish some things.

Because despite the six literal issues of prelude, and all the ham-fisted exposition we’ve gotten throughout the “Dark Cybertron” event, we still don’t have all the information we need to understand what the hell’s happening.
I have a feeling this won’t quite cut the mustard, either.
Anyway, back during the events of MTMTE #1, when Rodimus was making his call to action to his fellow Cybertronians (and by “Cybertronians” I, of course, mean “Autobots”, because prejudice is a hard habit to kick, even for the best of us) Brainstorm was doing science on Hardhead. He was doing this science to make sure that the Dead Universe hadn’t killed him without him realizing. This is a very common issue in the world of IDW2005 Transformers, considering that zombies are a part of canon, so it’s just best to be sure. Nova Prime’s lifeless body sits in the corner like the world’s worst coffee table book.
This will take some explaining, because this is Phase One related.
In Spotlight: Sideswipe, Nova Prime beefed it, except he didn’t, because his “essence” returned to the Dead Universe. This is because he was chosen by the Dead Universe to enact its will on the other, much cooler, Not-Dead Universe. In short, he’s a weird robot zombie-ghost with a save point in the Dead Universe.
Brainstorm has his corpse in his lab to make sure this bastard is true and proper dead, or that the body he left behind is at least. That, in combination with Hardhead proving to be very much alive, means that today can be counted as a win for everyone! The “Alive-People-Counter” machine proves it!
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…This is why we can’t have nice things.
Brainstorm being undead does have some precedence within the narrative, given what happened in MTMTE #3.
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Though I can’t help but wonder what the guy’s been doing for the last year and a half, that he didn’t notice being dead, when his soul is a large, glowing orb with physical presence. I dunno, he just seems like the sort of guy to keep up to date on that sort of thing, if only for scientific purposes.
In the present day, in the beautiful city of Iacon, everything’s gone to shit, and Whirl’s gotten hot for some reason, as billions of Ammonites fall out of the sky.
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Who friggin’ drew this-
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I should’ve known.
Up on the Lost Light, Ultra Magnus is breaking out the fancy swears, as a… tornado, I guess, of Ammonites hits the underside of the ship. Bumblebee wants to evacuate the friggin’ planet- which, I don’t know if you know this, would be a little difficult to do, even with a ship the size of NYC. Unfortunately, that’s not gonna fly, however, because all the stars in the sky are blue-shifting.
Wikipedia tells me that this is probably a bad thing, and Perceptor agrees, calling it “the end of everything.”
Over in Shockwave’s Lair of Villainy and Magical Bullshit, everyone’s favorite purple science gremlin has stabbed a “time drive” into his chest. Galvatron is laying dead on the floor in the foreground, but this isn’t about him. Shockwave orders Jhiaxus to activate the time drive, I guess because he doesn’t have long enough arms to do it himself. Jhiaxus warns Shockwave to be mindful, lest he lose himself in time, and then we get a return to a Roberts writing staple that we haven’t seen in quite a while.
Waxing poetic on the nature of time- this time, in a visual medium!
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Awful lot of fixating on your ritualistic amputations there, Shocky-boy. I suppose this is ONE way to try to cope with a lack of control in your life.
Of course, to those on the outside of Shockwave’s brain, this doesn’t look nearly as impressive- it actually just looks like him screaming really loud at the ceiling. Bludgeon isn’t sure that this course of action is a healthy one to take, but Jhiaxus is too busy being sapiosexual to worry about that.
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Sure. I’m not even going to bother trying to understand this anymore.
Jhiaxus orders Monstructor to go keep the Autobots away from Shockwave.
Also, Galvatron isn’t dead. Good for him, I guess.
Over inside Metroplex, Windblade’s face seems to be stuck in the generic “I am a nice, nonthreatening female character who is also pretty” position, as Ultra Magnus tells her that the universe is ending. Chromia watches in the background as this happens, likely wondering if being relevant in modern media again is worth this bullshit.
Hearing that Bumblebee plans to take the fight to Shockwave is enough to get Metroplex back on his feet, which is good, because I don’t think we have a lot of time to convince the guy to do anything- this event ends next issue.
As Metroplex windmills his arms through swarms of Ammonites, the Lost Light lands, and Bumblebee, Megatron, and all their experts disembark. Bumblebee makes an unsolicited comment about Megatron’s body. They go to meet Soundwave, who isn’t terribly thrilled with Megatron having become all buddy-buddy with Bumblebee. Megatron mentions that the Decepticons are going to have to rethink their strategy once this is all over, with the implication being that they’re going to- gasp- work together with the Autobots.
Then Starscream shows up with Metalhawk, Skywarp, Rattrap, Waspinator, and Scoop for some fucking reason, in tow. Skywarp is going to teleport everyone into Shockwave’s Bastardization of the Concept of Science House, even though he pretty clearly isn’t feeling too well. What a guy.
Starscream and Megatron have a bit of banter that won’t set your hair on end with how awful they are to one another, Metalhawk tries to apologize for attempting to kill Bumblebee, and we really don’t have time for this shit right now. The narrative knows this, because it shifts to focus on Prowl and the Constructicons. Things are looking real rough just about everywhere, and it’s coming down to the wire, so they gotta do the thing.
The thing Prowl really doesn’t want to do.
The thing he said that he wouldn’t do again.
So anyway, they form Devastator.
As Monstructor gets ready to get punched in the face by a bunch of construction workers and a cop, everyone down below is firing off laser blasts and gearing up for a teleporting adventure. However, there’s a small problem- there are too many people to teleport! Oh no! The only solution is for Soundwave and his cassettes, Scoop, Getaway and-
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Excuse me, Hook?
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Hook, my dude? What the fuck do you think you’re doing? You’re supposed to be a leg right now, motherfucker, why are you here? GO HOME, HOOK.
Anyway, I’m really glad we wasted the time establishing that Soundwave and his band of merry little men were coming along on this trip, only for them to not come along after all. Love that shit.
I don’t actually love that shit. I’m sorry for lying.
With the load lightened, Skywarp teleports the rest of the gang to where they need to be, and Waspinator is immediately stabbed with a massive raging poisoning sword of doom. Bludgeon’s here to greet everyone, and Metalhawk is gonna try his damnedest to get the guy to come around to their side.
You remember when Metalhawk did things like connive, and scheme, and actually had more depth than a sidewalk puddle? Because I remember. Now he’s just... Beast Wars Silverbolt, but he’s not even attempting to be charming. I bet he wouldn’t even call his evil girlfriend “my soul’s delight.” Lame.
Bumblebee, Megatron, and friends book it for Shockwave, while Magnus and Skids get ready to kick some ass. Brainstorm isn’t feeling so hot, but this isn’t about him.
Starscream is having a minor crisis over the fact that Scoop stayed behind in a literal war zone for Starscream’s sake. I dunno that he did it specifically for Starscream, but Starscream seems pretty convinced that he did, and who am I to argue with the leader of a whole friggin’ planet?
The gang makes it to Jhiaxus’ ship, where they find-
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I swear to god, if there’s not a fucking explanation for what the shit is happening right here I’m going to scream.
…So anyway, Metalhawk and Jhiaxus start beating each other up, Starscream gets bent out of shape by Jhiaxus’ trash talk, and we get an explanation for his new look.
Which, y’know, thank fucking god.
Jhiaxus has new reactive armor, which takes anything thrown at him and adapts it to his own body for personal use, which feels like some Grade-A Kids Playing Pretend bullshit, but WHATEVER.
While this is going on, Megatron and Bumblebee have run into the center of Shockwave’s Laboratory of Morally-Abhorrent Mystical Buffoonery Masquerading as the Scientific Method. Dreadwing tries to make a case for self-defense of his property, but unfortunately he doesn’t understand how property rights work, and gets blasted for his troubles. Galvatron reveals himself to be alive to Megatron, who immediately grabs the dude by the throat.
Galvatron’s feeling pretty down about having inadvertently helped end the universe, and is throwing himself a little pity party. Megatron’s not having it, however, tossing the man into the ground and revving up to fusion-cannon him to death. Bumblebee stops him, for some reason, and then starts rambling, I guess STILL trying to be Optimus Prime 2.0.
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Bumblebee, you put bombs in people’s heads to make them fall into line. You don’t get to talk to Captain Warlord about moral nuance. And weren’t you also berating Metalhawk for trying this same thing not five minutes ago?
Bumblebee’s words reach Megatron, and instead of annihilating Galvatron, he offers the dude a hand up.
Then Bumblebee gets shot and dies, while Shockwave just… stares menacingly, I guess.
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The death of his very best friend in the whole wide world sends Megatron into a rage, and he punches Shockwave in the face. This doesn’t really faze him much though, as he bats Megatron across the fucking room like he’s made of papier-mâché and dreams, going on about how the universe will save Cybertron by being its power source “in an endless forever.”
Shockwave, you’re a man of science. You ought to know that “forever” as a concept, doesn’t fucking WORK scientifically. It’s nonsense. You’re nonsense, and I hate you.
Back with the Bludgeon Ass-Kicking Squad, Brainstorm’s having a bad time, while everyone else sort of awkwardly poses. Skids gets stabbed. Skids falls down. Brainstorm falls down. Ultra Magnus is concerned, but he’s too busy not being stabbed to help anyone.
Brainstorm’s in a lot of pain, and then a hand bursts out of his chest and-
Fucking- Team -Imus burst out of the Dead Universe from Brainstorm, who I will remind you, is undead thanks to Dead Universe lightning bullshit, making him a link between it and the much cooler Not-Dead Universe. Everyone is posing, even Cyclonus, who absolutely should think that sort of thing is beneath him, but whatever.
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That’s the end of the issue. Go home.
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hopeintheashes · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
@ashavahishta tagged "anyone who wants to play," so here we are!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
27 (several of which are collections of shorter fics that could stand alone, but it made sense to group them instead)
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
132,178 so far!
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
AO3 says seven: 9-1-1, Supernatural, Criminal Minds, White Collar/Suits (that one's a crossover), MCU, and Teen Wolf. Elsewhere, I've written for another... *counts* at least six or seven? So let's round up to fifteen. :-)
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
#1: Warmth #2: Hazards #3: not like it hurts much anyway #4: They Don't Love You Like I Love You #5: Home (Show Me Where the Light Is)
That's not the list I was expecting! Clearly I never look at my statistics page, lol.
5) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
not like it hurts much anyway and Enough have similarly angsty endings but Enough has less of a path forward so I think it wins.
Second Hand is up there, too, actually, but that's because it's set at a super angsty point in canon, so I don't know how that fits in.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Show Me Where the Light Is will probably win in the end (oh god, is it dangerous to say that before I finish writing it?) in terms of big picture happiness. The "kissing the other’s brow" touch prompt fill (tumblr//AO3) is the only thing I can think of that is all fluff and zero angst. (I think of Sea Otters and Bumblebees as having a little bit of angst just because the source material is SO angsty it's impossible not to, but that's extremely fluffy, too.)
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
So far, only one: Stay (White Collar/Suits). Same network, same city, same timeframe; seemed logical to me! (Also the primary pairings for both of those shows are not things I would write, so I had to get creative!)
8) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Not very often. The most explicit stuff I've ever written is in Stay. There's a little bit at the end of shook the best when your love was home, too. So far, I've never set out to write it, but if it fits the story, I'm not opposed.
9) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
On LJ I always did. When I made the leap to AO3 I couldn't figure out what the culture/expectations around that was, so I didn't. When I started writing for 9-1-1, I replied to everything. When that started getting stressful, I gave myself permission to pick and choose. Comments that mention something the person liked/related to/has thoughts about will almost certainly get a reply; the short and sweet ones where the only possible answer is "thanks!" are sometimes replied to and sometimes not, especially if the same person is going through and commenting on a lot of chapters/fics in a row (which I LOVE and appreciate very much, but I don't feel like either of us is missing out if that person gets one thank you rather than a full dozen). There's also a category of comments where I'm like... how were you hoping I would respond to this? And so I don't.
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not as such, no, but people have expressed their feelings about my fics, especially the ones that that have tragic or unresolved endings, in very strong terms and I'm... not sure how they mean it, sometimes? Like, are the yelling at me in a hyperbolic internet way, or are they actually yelling at me? I don't really know how to deal with that. Also, there's a constant tension between my desire for people to experience my writing like they would a book, which means not spoiling plot points, and the ever-changing conventions about what is expected to get tagged. I'm trying to figure it all out while also accepting that there is absolutely no way to make everyone happy.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge?
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but if/when I finally write that "Buck with stress fevers" series, @renecdote is absolutely getting credit for co-creating the ideas. :-)
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don't think I have one! It just depends on what I'm into at the moment. With a small number of exceptions, shipping really isn't what draws me to a show, or what keeps me in the fandom once I'm there.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
So far, everything is still officially in progress!
16) What are your writing strengths?
Um... let's go with emotions and imagery.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't usually feel the need to research or rewatch before writing, so my writing is often handwavey in a way that I'm sure drives some people up the wall. I also have no patience once I have a full draft of something, so there are always typos to be fixed after I post. Also, I just keep writing variations of the same thing, but so far people don't seem to mind.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
*glances at the discourse tag* *nopes the fuck out of this question*
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
And showed that writing to anyone else? Supernatural.
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I know I always say Maps but I'll switch it up this time... Can I say the entirety of Home? (Warmth-Hazards-Show Me Where the Light Is.) It just makes me really happy. :-) Also, I genuinely like the complexity (in the "no easy answers" sense) of not like it hurts much anyway. I tend to talk myself out of writing that kind of stuff because of the whole getting yelled at thing but maybe I shouldn't? I don't know.
these are fun but also super time-intensive; god, I hope people actually read them...
Tagging: @buckupbuttercup, @renecdote, @fleurdebeton, @dancer-me (look, I'm actually going out on a limb and tagging new people! hi!), and @ anyone who wants to; no, seriously, I mean YOU!
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bot-imagines · 4 years
Do you think you could do the prompt about an S/O who's a diamond from Steven Universe just with all the tfp autobots?
TFP Autobots Discovering Their S/O Is A Diamond
(A/N: I’m going to assume the rest of the team finds out as well)
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Optimus Prime
Optimus is cautious but willing to listen. He’s had occasional run-ins with Gems, and has had a few tense interactions with the other Diamonds. He’s never spoken to White and he really doesn’t want to. He’ll try to have an open mind, but the memories of how the Diamond Authority treats their subjects is always in the back of his mind.
The more he talks to his S/O, the less he can see them as a tyrannical ruler. As his S/O explains exactly why they left and went into hiding, his worries (mind the pun) shatter away. 
He can sympathize with wanting to break free from who you were in the past. He’ll do his best to help his S/O move on and find happiness in their new life.
Ratchet is definitely far more skeptical and absolutely furious. He’s seen what the Diamond Authority does to the planets they colonize. More than one cyberformed world has been drained of its resources thanks to them - a handful of wish could have been possible sanctuaries for Cybertronians.
He’s rather short with his S/O, and it takes some coaxing to get him to listen to their explanation. At first, as they explain what they went through, he only scoffs and rolls his eyes. But when they start to get to the really hard parts, including the reason they faked their own shattering and went into hiding, he becomes more sympathetic.
He’ll start having more talks with his S/O about gemkind and other races. There’s so much more to talk about now that he knows they’re not from Earth.
Bee has only heard of the Diamonds. He’s never actually seen one, much less interacted with one. He’s seen the records of their colonies though. He’s seen gems shattered before and knows that the Diamonds do that. He looks at his S/O and wonders how many of their own subjects they’ve shattered.
He wants to understand why his S/O gave up their position, because they have to have a reason. Right? He pays attention through the entire explanation, and at some point, he starts holding their hand. His spark hurts to know that his beloved S/O went through something like that, but he wants to do everything he can to make their life now much better.
He definitely wants to see them using their powers. Shape-shifting is a favorite of his. He also really likes the fact that when his S/O is in their true Diamond form, he can hug them without fear of crushing them. He even starts working with his S/O to get them to shape-shift into a functioning car so they can go for a drive together.
She’s not completely convinced that they’re not like the rest of the Diamonds. She’s born witness to the Diamond Authority’s devastation, and she will die before she lets the same fate befall Earth. Her S/O thought that with everything they’d shared, Arcee would be more trusting, but no. She’s second-guessing everything they’ve shared together, wondering if it was all a ruse.
It hurts, but S/O does their best to explain everything. Arcee, to her credit, does listen. But still, she has a hard time trusting them. And honestly, she’s more than a little hurt that they kept this from her. She thought they were close.
It takes time, but after some more talking and some time to think, Arcee comes around. She doesn’t pry about her S/O’s past, partially because she knows how much it hurts them, but also because she isn’t sure she really wants to know.
He’s actually... pretty angry. Yeah, that’s a side of Bulk his S/O hasn’t ever seen before, but now they’re sure as hell gonna. He’s had to go toe-to-toe with more than one gem, and now he’s finding out that one of the gem leaders has been here, masquerading as his S/O this entire time? He’s pissed. He feels really stupid, like his S/O was laughing behind his back while he was freaking falling in love with them. His S/O is tripping over themself trying to reassure bulkhead that ‘no, no, absolutely not!’ but it doesn’t really do much. Not when they’re staring at him with literal diamonds in their eyes. 
He needs time to cool off before he’s willing to hear his S/O out. He’ll probably have to go out for a drive and break something. This entire thing is a huge blow to his pride, in all honesty. But once he works it out of his system, he comes back to the base, solemn and ready to listen. After his S/O finishes explaining, he quietly asks if what they had was real. He’s more than relieved to find that yes, it was.
He kind of tiptoes around the subject after that, only talking about it when his S/O brings it up, which isn’t often. He’s definitely impressed with their powers though. He gets a thing for challenging them to arm wrestling matches.
He’s got his weapons activated the moment his S/O reveals their true form. At first, he’s certain it’s a Decepticon trick, but once he realizes it’s not, he starts shouting out accusations and questions. Much like Bee, Smokescreen hasn’t actually seen a Diamond. Unlike Bee, he’s also never seen firsthand the devastation of gem colonization. He’s really only ever seen images and read reports. It makes his S/O seem out to be this alien boogeyman. 
He would never have gotten together with them if he’d known they were secretly a tyrant, and he tells them as much when they try to explain. It actually really hurts his S/O’s feelings, and the others have to step in and separate them for a bit to get them both cool down. Once they do, Smokescreen kind of slinks back and apologizes for his words, and he agrees to hear them out.
He doesn’t understand a lot about gems, but his S/O does their best to teach him. He definitely comes around when he learns about some of the battles his S/O has been a part of. He’s completely onboard when he sees them use their powers. His S/O is so cool!
At first, he isn’t sure what to think. He doesn’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to authority figures, so finding out his S/O is actually one of the Diamonds? Yeah, there’s a rift there. Same as Bulkhead, he’s had to deal with gems on more than one occasion when he was with the Wreckers, and once or twice after he struck out on his own. He wants to believe his S/O wouldn’t do something so horrible, but he’s just... he’s not sure.
He hears them out, but after they finish, he just looks at them and drives off. he needs to think. It might be a few hours or a few days before he comes back. He spends a lot of time thinking back on all the times he’s had to tussle with gems and seen kindergartens and what they do to a planet. After he comes back, he’ll take his S/O and have a long, serious talk with them. It’s not like him to do so, but this isn’t the sort of thing he can afford to slack off about. When it’s all said and done, he’s accepting of the choices his S/O has made.
He actually starts to brag about his S/O after a while. He’ll keep it to just the few people who know, but he still loves to talk about how strong his S/O is. he’s also overjoyed that he’s got a new lobbing partner.
Ultra Magnus
He’s completely convinced that his S/O was simply trying to infiltrate the Autobot command for information. He asks Optimus for orders. He doesn’t want to take his S/O into custody, but if Prime tells him to, he will, albeit reluctantly. The Diamond Authority has been a concern of his for a while now. He was reluctant enough when he learns his S/O was a gem, and the implications of their presence on Earth, but after he learns they’re a Diamond? He’s borderline paranoid.
He only listens to his S/O if they explain to everyone why they chose this form. He keeps a very stoic expression the entire time, After they get thorough the explanation, he’s going to try to keep thing professional as he fills out paperwork and tries to ask follow-up questions. His S/O has to get them alone before he’ll dare show his own feelings on the matter. He’s confused, and worried for his team, and just a tad upset that his S/O kept this from him. But he can’t argue with the logic of their situation.
Ultra Magnus actually starts talking to his S/O about gem/Cybertronian political relations. He’s knows that his S/O doesn’t have any real say in this sort of thing, but he values their input. He’s hoping that with their help, he can find a way to secure an alliance with the Diamonds His S/O doesn’t have the heart to tell him it’s never gonna happen
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pastelpaperplanes · 4 years
Calling in a favour - Part 3 - Cops and Mob AU
Bumblebee glanced around the club, a wave of confusion he refused to let fully surface as he tried to focus on his job of preparing drinks.
Something was up, but he couldn’t place it.
The air felt wrong, there was a tense charge to it, it made his plating crawl in a way that had him fighting a fidget. 
He’d brushed it off when Orion hadn’t been in the kitchen making something to eat for them both, he had just assumed that he’d been called in early to take the spot of a burlesque who’d called in sick, it had happened before and meant Orion wasn’t there when he woke up for his shift. 
But now that he was behind the bar, he realised he should have been more… what? World aware?
He wasn’t a dictionary, sue him for not being able to finish a sentence in his own head…
He paused, and stared at the glass he’d been cleaning for the last minute, thank Primus no one had come up for a drink at that time…
He glanced around the club from where he stood, trying to spot the familiar blue face and protoform tight playbot outfit said bot wore.
Nothing, no big blue lips in a pert smile, and no sauntering hips that drew every bots optics. 
Maybe he really had been just called in for an earlier show and was just entertaining some high paying bots in one of the private booths?
No… he could see from his spot they were all currently unoccupied…
Maybe he was backstage preparing for another round of dancing? Knockout was probably fussing over his make up if that was the case.
As logical an explanation as that was… something… something heavy in his tanks was telling him that wasn’t the case…
Orion wasn’t in the back getting a touch up from Knockout…
He couldn’t even hear Knockout over the unnatural quiet of the club…
Wait… it was quiet…
The band was playing, but none of the normal chatter persisted…
No one was drinking…
They were all just… sitting… exchanging glances between their table mates…
Something in him twisted suddenly and painfully, much like what he imagined getting shanked with a knife felt like.
Something was wrong…
It had to do with Orion, his apartment mate, and close friend…
Megatron seemed to have the best and worst timing in the world, because it was as Bumblebee made that realisation did Megatron walk in the front doors from outside, a briefcase in servo, with Lugnut and Shockwave flanking him…
Bumblebee’s optics weren’t deceiving him though… Megatron was… walking funny, a slightly wider gait than usual…
He wasn’t the only odd sight out of the three, Shockwave looked… furious… as much as a mech with only a single red optic for a face could emote… but he also seemed to be cowing away from Megatron a bit as they continued to walk in further into the club.
The only one acting remotely normal was Lugnut… but even then, the normally very loud mech was… eerily quiet… just looking ahead and walking…
Bumblebee realised lubricant was starting to well in his optics, he ducked down behind the counter before anyone could spot it and wiped away every bit of evidence he could, and tried, oh he very much tried, to get himself together. 
The more he tried, the more he thought about it…
Orion was dead… nothing else could explain the somber mood…
Megatron was walking funny… Orion must of gotten a good hit in before Megatron killed him… that’s why Shockwave’s mad… he didn’t get the killing blow…
No, no, he shook his helm, Orion was alive, he was just dandy, probably in the back doing his own makeup, and it was Knockout who had called out sick, that’s why he couldn’t hear the red mech.
Yeah, that was it, he’d see Orion later when it was his time to perform again.
The somber mood had nothing to do with Orion, something else he wasn’t in the loop to know had probably happened and everyone was being quiet to pay respect, a bot they all respected probably kicked it. It had happened before.
Bumblebee was interrupted from his musings when a familiar face sat down on the opposite side of the bar from him, more accurately, a set of familiar faces.
“The usual Blitzy?” Bumblebee enquired, already setting down the glass he’d been cleaning to get one of the proper shape to fit Blitzwings prefered order.
The currently red-faced mech growled an affirmation and went back to glaring death at the bar between them. Bumblebee had been around here enough to know this wasn’t Blitzwing’s first drink of the night, if it was, it would have been the icy blue face that was glaring at him, and not red at the counter. 
At least Blitzwing was in his normal irritable state.
Bumblebee finished prepping the drink and slid it across the counter to him, adding the drink to the mechs tab. 
The whole thing was gone in one big gulp.
Bumblebee wanted to whistle, that drink had the kick to floor some mechs.
The glass came back down on the counter and Bumblebee took that as orders to refill it. 
He did, again, and again, four more times until the red face switched out with random. “Hiya Bellow Yot!” The random face paused, then laughed at his own butchering of words, evidently overcharged. 
Bumblebee spotted one or two bots looking over to Blitzwing with put off looks, before electing to ignore the random faces antics, so long as he only really bothered the bartender, it was none of their problems. 
Random tapped the counter and held up two digits. “Vun more…” 
Bumblebee frowned, he didn’t like serving to Random, one, he did a weird thing with that really long glossa to the glass and it was always a bit unnerving having to wash it after, two, Random was… well… random when drunk, and he really, really didn’t want to get on Megatron’s bad side because he let Random get drunk enough to start a fight in the club.
Decision made, he spoke. “No can do Blitzy, you’ve already had enough, I doubt you wanna pay off anymore of a tab than you already got.”
It was always a smaller reaction when he didn’t make the alcohol intake the problem. 
Random pouted, crossed his arms and fumed for a moment, before perking up and leaning over the counter. “Vut I’m in moaning!”
Bumblebee felt his optic ridges try to vacate his helm; they were going so high. “You’re… what?”
Random frowned, leaned in. “Vhy aren’t zu in moaning too? I vought he lived with you!”
Oh… oh that was not something Bumblebee wanted to hear, all the worries he’d been trying very hard to shove down so he could work came rushing back to the forefront of his mind.
Random seemed to somehow be coherent enough to notice. “Ou… ou zou didn’ know! Megatron… zust got vack… from takin’ Orion… to tha docks.”
Bumblebee swore someone tore the floor out from under him at the moment. 
He dropped down behind the counter, crawled into one of the cubby holes that was empty, and just curled up and rocked on his aft, not caring if the seat of his suit was ditied by whatever had built up under there.
The docks…
Megatron had taken Orion to the docks.
Orion was dead…
Orion was probably floating face down and dead on the surface, if not weighed down with cement shoes at the bottom… probably beaten to the point of not being recogniseable… or riddle with bullet holes he’s practically falling apart...
He wanted to be sick…
His tanks churned and heaved but nothing came out.
He hadn’t had any energon since that morning… he hadn’t refueled when he woke up for his evening shift… because Orion hadn’t reminded him.
He hadn’t reminded him because he was being taken to the docks to be… be murdered…
At somepoint Random had gotten behind the bar, and was now crouching next to his not so secret cubby hole, frown on the normal jagged face.
The much larger goon hiccuped once, then reached out and coaxed Bumblebee’s curled up form out, and into a somewhat tight hug as the larger mech shifted his legs about to sit properly with the much smaller bartender in his lap.
From there, he just carefully patted the helm of the yellow and black mech, much like one would a youngling or a turbo hound pup spooked by a crack of lightning during an acid storm.
No one was really coming to the bar for drinks that night… so no one cared the bartender for the shift was now out of commision.
Everyone just, stayed in silence and tried to ignore the anguished sobbing now trickling out from behind the bar counter.
The Polaris - Primary Med Bay, floor seventeen
Optimus groaned as his optics opened to the low light of the room he was in.
He wasn’t sure exactly what caused him to rouse, but he had a suspicion it had to do with whatever it was that was poking him in the cheek repeatedly.
“Hey Ma! He’s wakin’ up!”
“Ma! Get yah aft in gear!”
“Ay ay, ah hear yah yah heathens, Frenzy! Stop poking tha mech!”
A weight was suddenly lifted off his shoulder and the poking stopped, he looked over and barely had his optics focused enough to realise there were three bots with him.
Two younglings no taller than Bumblebee’s hips, and a much larger rather banged up and scuffed up purple femme in tattered attire he’d seen on bots fresh out of the energon mines.
The femme was holding the purple youngling, while a black and red one, identical twins he noted, continued to stare him down with a lopsided pout from where he was kneeling juist to his side on the berth he was laying flat on.
The femmed seemed to notice, as she promptly plucked the black and red mech up by the scruff, moving him to perch on her wide hip like the other one, Frenzy already was.
That was when he spotted the extra limbs.
Two arms, made of gears, pulleys and other such mechanisms seemed to be riveted into her sides, coming out of a second pair of sleeves just over the tattered dungarees she wore, both arms were being used to keep the two younglings where they were as she looked him over, her helm tilted from left to right as unnervingly focused optics looked him over.
Optimus noted that her frame, on top of being covered in grime and soot, also had a number of cracks on it, stapled shut along the jagged edges to keep them shut. 
Had a medic even tried to weld them shut?
“Ummm…” He mumbled.
The femme’s optics widened a bit as her helm jerked back slightly, surprised he’d actually said something. “Ai, sorry, guess yah were expectin’ ah medic tah be waitin’ for yah tah wake up, huh?” Optimus tried to keep up with what she was saying, but the accent and fast pace she spoke in was a little hard to follow with his processor still getting back into gear.
He pushed himself up to sit and looked around, confusion really starting to take over. “Where… where am I?”
The femme tilted her helm to the side, the black and red one looked up to her. “Neb didn’ say nothin’ abou’ bangin’ his helm? Right?”
The femmed hummed and shrugged to the youngling before turning back to Optimus. “Nah she didn’ Rumble… Yah in tha main med-bay ah tha Polaris, yah collapsed from shock and Dust, our chief medic, told me an’ mah youngun’s tah keep an optic on yah while she’s operatin’ on a patient.” She gestured with one of her actual arms to a door not far down the ward with ‘surgery’ labelled above. 
That… made some sense… memories were coming back now… the small blue femme who’d taken him onto the ship and told him he worked for her now… after kicking Megatron between the legs…
Something told him that image was going to be forever burned into his memory banks, and he had to let himself have a small chuckle at the thought.
A servo with some rather intimidating claws tipping the digits was offered to him. “Ah’m Shrike, Chief Engineer, sorry if me an mah young’uns are a bit… filthy, Dust asked if we could keep an optic on yah righ’ afta we got done with fixing an issue on one of tha main fuel lines, slagger was clogged… gonna be sendin’ ah rather vocal condemnation of the docks feul supply when ah get tha time.”
He took the servo, and carefully shook it. “Um… I’m Ori-” 
He was cut off by an unholy screeching sound coming from the surgery room.
His helm snapped around to stare at the door in shock. 
Shrike just chuckled, Optimus swore he heard some mania in it. “Ah don’ min’ tha, Dust’s just found her punchin’ bag fah tha day. KICK IT’S AFT DUST!”
“YEAH! SNAP IT’S NECK!” The one called Frenzy shouted after, making a gesture that was obviously him acting out just such a motion. 
Optimus felt his optics go wide as the sounds of what had to be a double barrel shotgun going off came from the surgery room, his jaw dropping in horror.
What kind of medic brought a shotgun to active surgery?!
Shrike glanced at him and noticed his distress. “Ah… maybe we should start with that tour yah gonna need.” She offered her free servo. “Think yah can walk on yah own power?” She remarked.
He glanced between the offered servo and the surgery doors where the unholy screeching and more gun fire was coming from.
He re-took the servo and let her help him get his pedes under him.
Just in time for him to look back to the door and watch as a massvie white and red femme, the aforementioned Medic Dust, to come flying backwards through the door, crashing into the opposite wall, leaving a sizeable crater in the wall, some of which clattered to the ground around her, one bouncing off the side of the red painted plate on the side of her helm. 
Shrike laughed, showing no concern at all for the fact the chief medic had apparently just been bodily thrown into a wall. “Slagger putting up a good fight Dust?”
The femme didn’t even answer, wiping a trail of energon from her mouth as she glared from behind a medical visor at the now burst open surgery doors, she pushed herself up, dropped the shotgun, and pulled out two machettes from inside her green gunk stained white doctors coat, she was charged back at the door with a Primus be damned war cry, just as a massive organic tentacle with a mouth full of jagged teeth at the end burst out of the surgery to meet her, still screeching. One of the machetes met the green thrashing thing and more of the green stuff sprayed out like a severed hose pipe.
Shrike’s servo wrapped around his wrist and tugged him back. “C’mon, Dust’s ain’ free tah chat right now.” 
How… how was this femme, with younglings still on her hips, so unaffected by.... that monster, that was in the other room?!
“What… what was that?!” He exclaimed as the medical ward doors slid shut behind them, silencing the cacophony that was coming from inside. 
Shrike just chuckled. “Ah just ah liiiiittle parasite, Dust’s been trackin’ down everyone infected along with her medical crew and killing tha slaggers before they can replicate anymore than they already have… you don’ recharge with yah mouth open do yah?”
Optimus felt his lower lip quiver a bit. “I… I wanna go home now… please?”
Shrike gave him a pitying smile and patted his broad shoulder. “Ah know this is all very new, an’ ah know yah got no tolerance fah tha bull slag tha’ happens on this ship, bu’ wha’ ah can say, is we’re gonna take good care of yah, okay?” One of her servos moved to pat the black and red youngling, Rumble’s helm. “Don’t worry, time flies on this ship, we’ll be back on Cybertron again before yah know it.”
He felt his spark sink. “Will… will I be able to call my friends? I didn’t have time to tell them anything… didn’t know what was going on either…”
Shrike’s optics widened in alarm. “Wait.. really? Bucket helm didn’t give yah any time tah prep for tha transfer?!”
He shook his helm and she snarled, before he knew what was happening her un-occupied arms were thrown over his shoulders and he was pulled into a surprisingly tight hug. 
“Next time we’re on Cybertron, I’m gonna give that slagger a piece of mah processor, but tha’s for another cycle, right now, we gotta see if we can get you in contact with yah buds okay?” 
He nodded, not sure what to do when the purple one, Frenzy, clambered up his carrier and perched himself on her shoulder to be at optic height with them both.
“Ma, yah think tha Captain recorded herself kicking him in tha spike?”
Shrike chuckled into Optimus shoulder. “Knowin’ her, probably, but lets focus on givin’ this young lad here a tour first ai?”
Both younglings nodded, and she released him from the hug, giving him a reassuring smile and another pat on the shoulder. 
Optimus couldn’t help but smile, and offered his servo. “Pax, Orion Pax.” 
Shrike chuckled and retook his servo. “Mah pleasure, c’mon, let’s get this tour on the road!”
He let her pull him along, her sons glancing back at him every so often and acting as the announcers of everything they passed, as well as telling many a, what he hoped, tall tale about something or other that had happened in that specific corridor, corner, door way… ceiling vent? 
They passed a couple bots as they went, all of them pausing to salute at Shrike, and then give him curious looks as they spotted him too.��
“Don’ mind them, yah tha first fresh face we’ve had in ah while, yall get tah no them eventually!” Frenzy chirped up, grinning and showing off his bucked denta. 
‘Cute.’ Optimus mused. 
Things certainly never got any less interesting in his life it seemed.
Maybe he’d actually enjoy this…
Sentinel certainly wasn’t gonna be able to hound him here…
He froze in his pace, Shrike jerked to a sudden stop in front of him, and looked back to him in alarm. “Orion? Yah all righ’?”
“Uh… yeah… just realised that… some bots back on Cybertron can’t get at me no more.”
Shrike seemed to light up at that. “Wonderful! Yah clicking why yah here! Ha! Alrigh’, let’s get movin’ again! Next stop, tha main entertainment hall! That’s where yah’ll be workin’ once we’ve got yah up tah speed ah course!”
He let her pull him along again, and sent a smile to Rumble and Frenzy whenever they looked back at him to provide more titbits of information.
Yup, things were definitely gonna be interesting.
He just hoped he’d be able to get a hold of his friends soon so that he could let them know he’s fine. 
They probably hadn’t even realised he was gone…
Frenzy babbling excitedly about something that sounded rather scandalous, something a youngling really shouldn’t know about, brought his attention back to the present.
“I’m sorry, someone was found with a what in their where in that closet?! And were only found out because two other bots wanted to use that closet?!”
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lordmegadumb · 5 years
TFP Decepticons as Parents
Well.... I was really dumb and accidentally deleted to request! But hey! I’ll try again (hence the reason it took so long to come out.). Eh... probably won’t be as good as it was the first time but here we go! They didn’t specify what gender they wanted so I’ll try to keep it gender neutral. Hope you enjoy!
A protective Sire. Guards are with you at all times outside of the Nemesis.
Soundwave is sometimes one of those guards.
You will know how to fight. No question about it. You’ll learn from Megatron and Soundwave on how to fight like a gladiator. This skill comes in handy when you come into contact with the Autobots (which is very rare), and you’ll easily overwhelm them. Back up always arrives, so you never truly fight alone.
Someone disrespected you? They will pay! No one disrespects Megatron’s sparkling!
Probably won’t even happen since everyone likes you. (Excluding the SIC.)
All though he loves you dearly, he will be strict with you in front of others.
Alone together, “How was your day, (Y/n)?”
“It was great, Sire! Did you hear?...”
Likes telling you stories about your carrier. They are no secret so he’s willing to share, but you can tell his mood dampens a little when he does. He’ll also tell you how it was before the war.
You only go out on patrols. Missions are too risky for you.
Stay away from the Autobots.
The Autobots avoid you at all cost.
Starscream also avoids you whenever he can. Megatron would have his helm if he every laid a finger on you!
And obviously, you are the heir of the Decepticons.
You two have a close bond, even though it doesn’t seem that way.
He’s such a worry wart sometimes when it comes to your safety.
Makes sure you have good morals, unlike how he does.
You admire his strength and ability to keep pushing forward.
A protective sire like Megatron, but not as much.
You have more free reign, however, Starscream does want to keep tabs on you so you’re not getting into any trouble.
Expect lots of bickering between the two of you.
“That was pretty stupid of you to try attacking Lord Megatron like that.”
“Who are you calling stupid?!”
“You, stupid.”
You actually respect and look up to him for his brilliant mind. You’ve come to learn that while most of his plans fail, they weren’t bad ideas, they just didn’t work.
Long flights together.
Megatron learns you work together better. You will get to join your sire on missions.
Starscream tries to keep you out of danger. The Autobots show up a lot when the Seeker is involved.
Autobots are sketchy of you.
While Starscream lies a lot, he’ll teach you the lying is not the way to get around things. You are his sparkling, and he wants what’s best for you.
He’ll never, and I mean NEVER, bring you into one of his schemes to take down Megatron.
Although Seekers are practically none existent except you two, Starscream will teach you the ways of the Seeker such as, language, fighting style, culture (traditional and modern).
If he sees/hears you using what he has taught you, expect fluttering wings and praises from him.
A silently but deadly sire. Watching from afar, but close by if you need him.
It won’t be surprising if you become a tech expert like he is.
You’ll rarely go on mission, you’re better working beside your sire where you excel greatly.
Fighting is a necessity for you, your sire isn’t always going to be able to protect. Luckily, Lord Megatron is old friends with Soundwave, so he’ll only send you on mission if you are absolutely needed.
Flying together is when you bond together. No talking, just you and him flying together.
“Smiles at Sire”
You don’t talk a lot, like Soundwave. Lord Megatron finds it amusing for some reason.
Laserbeak sometimes hangs around you, not that you mind that much. You know that she’s there to keep a watchful optic on you when Soundwave can’t.
Starscream one time tried convincing you to join one of his endeavors on taking down Megatron; it ended with Soundwave and Megatron kicking his aft.
Autobots avoid you as well.
Soundwave (when he actually talks) would talk about the Golden Age, and how corrupt the system was. How he met Megatron and Orion Pax and your carrier, how the revolt started, to when Cybertron went dead. You always listened intently, intrigued about the world you barely remember.
You have many friends among the Decepticons, such as Dreadwing, Predaking, and ST3V3 (Steve).
You’ll become the strong silent type, just like Soundwave.
You’re much like your sire. Strong and brave!
You are Predaking’s light in the darkness! When his creator, Shockwave, made him, he was alone, but when you came into the picture, he finally doesn’t feel as lonely as he had before.
You give him hope that the Predacons will have a future.
Lord Megatron will send you both out to give his soldiers back up when the Autobots start overwhelming them. The Warlord makes a few exceptions for you due to the fact that you’re a sparkling, unlike Predaking.
The King is very grateful for that! And does well to thank the leader of the Decepticons for excluding you from doing frequent missions.
Because Predaking hasn’t lived long enough to learn proper fighting techniques like Megatron and Soundwave, you simply observe how he handles himself. You eventually learn to fight the way a Predacon does, along with a twist of fighting like Knock Out and Breakdown. You easily overpower the Autobots this way.
Predaking is very proud you can handle yourself.
You are the logic to his brute-ness. After Megatron had betrayed Predaking, and Bumblebee offered an alliance, you had convinced him to join forces with the Autobots.
“The Autobots do not deserve our help! They are no better than the Decepticons!”
“Sire, they are better. They have morals and honor. Please, consider working with them. You’re not becoming an Autobot; you’re simply becoming temporary allies. Besides, we can’t restore the Predacon race by ourselves.”
“Hmm... I will... I will think about my sparkling. Thank you for giving me your thoughts.”
The Autobots eventually start liking you once they learn you’re actually pretty nice!
After meeting Skylynx and Darksteel, you three become the best of friends! Pranking the Autobots will become the norm! (Predaking worries they’ll steal you away though! XD)
Long flights in your beast modes will become a weekly routine for you and your Sire. He calls it your bonding time.
Predaking will tell you everything he’s learn so far from the Decepticons, as well as what knowledge he’s gaining from the Autobots.
You’ll obviously become the next ruler of the Predacons. By the time you succeed the title, the Predacon population would’ve increased tremendously with the help of the Well of Sparks.
Will talk about his departed twin brother and how he’ll get revenge on the Autobots a lot. It can get kinda annoying, but you still love him.
You’ll be his assistant when it comes to making tough decisions. You actually suggested going against Lord Megatron’s order, which ended up saving his life.
“Good morning, little one. Did you rest well?”
“I did, thank you. Do you have to go on patrol today?”
“I will this afternoon, but we will be able to spend time together tonight. How does a story sound?”
Very stubborn about certain things.
After Dreadwing gets murdered by Megatron, the Autobots allow you to join them since Dreadwing had asked them to when giving them the hammer.
Flying together on patrol is a common thing between you two.
Dreadwing would teach you how to fire guns and hand to hand combat. He knows very well that he won’t always be able to protect you from danger.
Will make sure you stay away from Starscream, especially when he learns that he brought his brother’s body from its resting place. You were very angry about that as well.
Skyquake and Dreadwing co-parented whenever your carrier died. They both loved you dearly, and you considered them both as your sires (hence the reason why you got angry with Starscream as well.).
Dreadwing will tell you to never lose yourself in anger for only bad things will happen.
Allowed you a lot of freedom, but always made sure you were safe. You are the only thing he has left and he will not lose you too.
He is very proud is you when he learns you started studying medicine with Knock Out. Later, you’ll become Ratchet’s star pupil.
He will ‘pledge his sword’ to you so you’ll have a bright future.
Like your sire, you’re not one for emotion. You learned this from Shockwave since he’s always used logic for everything. Not that you don’t have any, you’re just more reactant unlike the others.
You are his prodigy! Anything he knows, you’ll most likely know it too.
He has a datapads specifically made for you that has all of the notes and experiments he’s done in the past. Any great scientific discovery made in history will be written down as well.
You have no clue how to fight. You’ve spent pretty much 3/4 of your life inside of a lab. Besides, you can get work done faster if there’s always someone working in the lab while the war goes on.
“Shockwave, shouldn’t you teach your sparkling how to fight?
“No, it’s simply logically for them to stay inside of the lab instead of fighting the Autobots. Their skills will go to waste on the battlefield, Lord Megatron.”
“I see, then, (Y/n) will not be participating in any mission that includes fighting the Autobots.”
Starscream hates you. No question about it. You’ve offered to have him join you many times, but he’s always rejected your offer, adding an insult too.
Knock Out helps though! He finds your wide range of knowledge and experience endearing and impressive.
Shockwave let you help create the Predacons. Yay! Brothers!
The Predacons will be ordered to protect you. They won’t complain because they’ll form a close bond to you.
Like him before the war, you’ll have a fascination for beautiful things. You actually come to find the way the humans dress to be beautiful, in your opinion. The other Decepticons think they’re weird and that you’re weird as well.
After Lord Megatron surrenders, you’ll join the Autobots and help them start rebuilding Cybertron. Shockwave will join as well, seeing it is illogical not to.
Knock Out
You will be squeaky clean! No exceptions!
“Is that a scratch on your window?”
“Oh slag! Is there? Can you fix it, Sire?”
“Yup! Let me grab the buffer first!”
Racing will be a hobby you two do together. Who wins varies.
Breakdown sometimes watches over you when Knock Out is out on patrol.
Knock Out will teach you how to be a medic, with the help of Breakdown of course! You easily catch on and you’re onto helping them repair Decepticons.
You’ll help fix the Vehicons. A lot. At least they like you!
You won’t be that good at fighting since Knock Out isn’t either. You’ll be able to use an electrical no staff like what he uses.
Lots of teasing from Knock Out.
Will make sure you aren’t alone with Autobots. He knows what they can do and doesn’t want anything happen to you.
Missions will be a frequent thing. Lord Megatron had learned that you’re able to keep Knock Out focused. He tends to run off to join human races.
You two are considered the best looking Decepticons.
You both avoid mud like your life depends on it.
Breakdown obviously has a soft spot for you about anything.
You wanna leave the Nemesis? Sure! Just let him know if anything happens. Wanna race Knock Out? Cool! Make sure not to hurt anyone.
You both love to rough house!
Knock Out sometimes has to yell at you two to stop wrestling in the medbay.
You also use a hammer to fight against the Decepticons.
Whenever Airachnid offlines your sire, you are set on revenge! Revenge is also directed towards M.E.C.H.
You join Knock Out on experimenting on Silas.
Breakdown will teach you everything he knows about medicine, and Knock Out will sometimes substitute him when he’s off doing a mission or patrol. When he’s no longer around, Knock out will become your full term mentor until Ratchet takes over.
You both enjoy peaceful drives together. They don’t happen often because of the war but you’ll take any chance you have to do so.
“Hey Sire! Are you busy ‘cause if you aren’t, you wanna go on a drive?”
“A drive does sound nice. Let’s hurry and leave before anyone stops us.”
“Yay! Let’s go!”
Breakdown would always tell you stories about how he fought Bulkhead and his past, involving your carrier. Supposedly, they were related to Knock Out, so he’s your uncle.
You use to have a grudge on Bulkhead since Breakdown had one, but after you join the Autobots, you become great friends!
You become a wrecker with Wheeljack, Bulkhead, and Ultra Magnus! Breakdown would be proud of you being strong like them!
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psyga315 · 4 years
With Volume 7 just beyond the horizon, I figured to look back at my thoughts for Volume 5 and, through more cooled down eyes, boil down why I consider it to be the worst volume of RWBY. When I wrote my review of Volume 5, it was literally the night the episode premiered, so I was boiling. But now? I’m going to look through the review with fresher eyes and clarify what sort of problems I had with RWBY.
First, a bit of backstory. There was an interview made during the summer in between Volumes 4 & 5 that had the cast say what sort of themes one could expect for Volume 5. Among these were stuff like “building yourself back up again”, “shouting ‘we’re not done here!’”, “solving problems on your own”, and lastly, from Barbara herself, “Strength” and “Growth”. For someone who was just starting to realize why people were turned off by the darkness of Volume 3, this was uplifting to say the least…
The Character Shorts kinda hyped the Volume, though they sunk in their own way. Weiss’s Character Short effectively foreshadowed her loss to Vernal. This tough and talented girl gets her ass stomped rather quickly and needed to be bailed out. Winter’s line about how she “won’t be around to save her” was foreshadowing to her not actually being in the season, but when I first heard it, I thought she meant “Hey, I’m going to die this volume, lol!” and that’s without bringing up how the trailer fails to hype Weiss up like the other trailers did.
Blake’s Trailer was alright, especially in taking steps to address a problem regarding Menagerie, but it felt more like Ilia given the backstory dump we got that feels all the more like mandatory reading. The problem is that, and it’s perhaps the very first problem I’ve heard about RWBY, is that the trailers (and by extension, anything that’s a spin off of RWBY like World of Remnant) feel more like you need to watch this rather than you can watch this. It’s confusing, but let’s use Blake’s Short as an example.
Ilia talks about her backstory as it is contrasted with a chase between Blake and a random dude we never see again. Assuming you’ve never watched the trailer, you’d just get the truncated version of “MUH PARENTS ARE DEEEAAAD!” and not the bits where she was forced to resent her own race because it was easier to blend in to her surroundings, like a chameleon. It’s ironic, since RWBY would do the reverse problem with Adam, where his trailer isn’t mandatory but we barely get a backstory for him beyond “I got branded, but everyone will speculate that it’s because I did something bad and not that it drove me to do bad things”.
Lastly, there’s Yang’s short, which had the minor hiccup of contrasting what an interview said about running out of Aura means you can’t use your Semblance. The Aura thing is something that can be discussed for another day, but the basics you should take away from this is that, for some time, people didn’t know how running out of Aura is symbolized. Most people take the flickering as the signal as the next hit on those guys are usually the one that does them in. As such, you had this huge debate on what kind of flickering means Aura broken and what just meant Aura is low, which, personally, could have been avoided if the writers and/or animators just utilized that Aura dust thing (seen prominently in the Bumblebee vs Adam fight) as their definitive “aura broken” animation instead of just using it some of the time.
First Episode
The first episode proper promised a lot. In fact, a good chunk of the first half promised a lot. However, it became much clear in a second viewing that a lot of it was just padding at worst and showing us where the characters are at best. But what I think was done dirty the most in this episode was introducing Mistral. We were hyped in Volume 4 (thanks to World of Remnant) that Mistral was this dichotomy of rich, cultural people and the seedy underbelly of criminals and that, at least one of the elements would be utilized in Volume 5. Unfortunately, all we got were a few mat paintings that contrast what Lionheart was saying in regards to Mistral being in chaos.
And so, the most we get out of Mistral are those mat paintings and a perpetually raining downtown that we don’t see much of, even when it gets briefly revisited in Volume 6. We’re supposed to be invested in the city and yet all we get are empty rooms and 2D art. They took great steps to improve this in Volume 6 with Argus, though, so if there’s any consolation, it’s that they learned from their mistakes here.
But we now get into the biggest problem of why Volume 5 is disliked. Because of the situation, the group are left to basically wait until Lionheart convinces the council to get them some Huntsmen. The heroes. Wait. In a volume where the writers were talking about the themes of improving yourself and pulling through with your own strength.
Do you guys see the problem here? I know people have bitched about Volume 5 to hell and back and you’ve probably heard the complaints to high noon, but this entire issue is what rots Volume 5 to the core the most. Not the piss poor fight scenes, not the inconsistent characterizations, it’s that the plotting decides to take a back seat when the volume was meant to be about taking action.
As the episode goes on, you see the problem unfold. Ruby and friends hit a dead end until Oscar appears and has Ozpin exposit things to them, Weiss is denied a chance to save people and fight the Grimm until the Grimm come to her, Blake is hit with the dead end of the Albains deflecting blame, and Yang had the chance encounter with Bakugou where he knows the hideout of her mom.
The closest person who is taking action here is Yang, who established that she is actively looking for Ruby (technically Raven, but as we see later on, moot point). Blake’s situation is being handled by her dad, Weiss is sitting in the plane until the Grimm come for her, and Ruby is sitting on the couch that I’m pretty sure has her grooves molded into the cushion with how many times she’s sat there.
Episode 2
A minor complaint before we go to Episode 2, we had the Stinger repeat itself because the crew thought that people wouldn’t see the stingers. This is the show, mind you, that makes a point to include scenes at the end of every volume, regardless of how long they are or what point they serve in hyping the next Volume. Hell, one of the major complaints about Volume 2 was about the stinger not mattering. So why did they suddenly decide that the viewers might not see the stinger in a culture where the MCU exists?
Alright, cooling things down, we have three major scenes in Episode 2. Salem’s chat with Lionheart was meh at best and wtf at worst. I get the idea of Salem using different approaches to get people to do what she wants, but the cool aspect of Salem was that her approach was not what a villain would normally be. Instead of berating or choking her minions should they fail or talk back, Salem instead talks people down like she’s a mother to them. Even when Tyrian fails, she doesn’t hurt him, but rather tell him that he disappointed her. So, having her choke Lionheart, even when in hindsight it made some sense, is kinda an odd thing to do.
But not as odd as Salem’s whole “Not you, Arthur” bit. A lot of people drew points to that and the best I can explain is that it’s either a typo (she’s meant to say not yet or not now) or Arthur and Watts are some sort of Jekyll & Hyde thing. Unfortunately, it seems Watts is more a parallel to Watson rather than Jekyll, so that brings me to believe that it’s a typo and so, rather than have an easy explanation for a problem, we just have a compounded problem. One of many.
And there’s something funny to be said about Salem warning Cinder about Silver Eyes when Ruby barely learns about it this Volume. And also that she wants to speak with Tyrian but we never see what comes of it. At all.
I only have one new thing about Weiss vs. the Bees. Originally, the pilot was supposed to be gay, but held off on it because they’d be killing off their first revealed gay character, something that wouldn’t look good to the fanbase. Now, while I understand the reason behind it, I have to question the logic behind why they think it isn’t okay for their first LGBT character to be offed, but instead be someone who seemed okay with murdering her crush’s parents while sending said crush to her abuser.
But more on that later, we have Sienna to discuss. Now, there’s a lot to dissect. For one, RT has obviously realized that they’ve messed up and brought Sienna back for a bit (while taking the heat for “if she’s so badass, why did she go out like a chump”). However, in hindsight, what purpose did she actually serve outside of some cute nod to Shere Khan?
All she did was tell Adam that he’s going too far and that’s it. And really, it just seems hypocritical for the leader of the White Fang to effectively restructure the organization into a terrorist group, murder tons of people, and then suddenly back away and say “woah, too much” when Adam proceeded to help torch Beacon. It’s to the point where one question most people want to ask at cons is “did Sienna order the hit out on the SDC”, since we don’t actually know and that it could be a radical leader of that quadrant like Adam.
It felt more like Sienna should have been just the leader of Mistral’s White Fang faction instead of ruling over all the White Fang, which would make more sense as Adam would need permission to attack a kingdom that isn’t his stomping ground. Then there’s the introduction of Hazel, who at first is presented to be a pretty decent character, not wanting to kill people if he had no choice, but as time goes on, is basically your stock “big soft guy with a secret hulk side” character.
Unfortunately, this episode didn’t help enforce the theme of taking action when it’s the villains who are doing it and seeming to be two if not twenty steps ahead of the heroes.
Episode 3
Episode 3 has that whole speech thing I overlooked. Barring Ghira’s speech that the crew said is based off Obama’s “we killed Osama” speech (which, if it is, paints the whole situation of Sienna’s death in a rather dark light) before Ilia interferes. Now, I actually liked that Menagerie is hesitant to stand up for Haven. After all, humans hated their guts so much that the island was originally planned to be a place where people could dump Faunus on. There were lynchings and enslavements that are still going on to this day, just in subtler forms, Of course the Faunus wouldn’t want to fight.
Then Ilia swoops in and robs Blake of any agency she has with the scene. If RT wanted to not let Blake convince the people until three quarters to the end, they should have cut the subtlety and have some annoying kid go “IT’S TOO EARLY IN THE PLOT TO DO YOUR SPEECH!”. Hell, let Blake tell her story about her team, but the audience balks at the fact that she’s not only friends with a Schnee, but also a human who crippled a guy on live television. Remember that plot point?
We then cut to Oscar and this is perhaps the reason I decided to do this revisit of Volume 5. The way Ozpin talks of action and resolve, it felt like we’re going to the root of the themes of taking action. No more being subject to the events of the plot like in previous Volumes. Now? Now is the time to fight back! And that built up to… what? One training scene and Ruby learning headbutt?
Granted, we see later on that there was a bit more to the plan, but for the most part, it seemed like an excuse for “character growth” as opposed to actual character growth. A training arc isn’t just some short scenes of a person lifting weights and jogging up stairs. Its meant to be a sort of means of growth for the character. There’s a reason most training montages have the character suck at first, but then get better by the time the montage ends. It’s because it’s the quickest way to show growth. But even without that, you could get some serious mileage for a pulled off training arc.
Rocky IV and Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back have some good examples of it. Rocky IV had the titular hero train and work out in the middle of a cold, mountainous range, while his opponent is simply given steroids. It shows the dichotomy between the two and how they view their eventual fight. Empire, on the other hand, had that masterful scene with Luke in the cave, where he has a huge moment of both foreshadowing and character growth.
Here? We just have Ruby learn headbutt like she’s nothing more than a Pokemon. There could have been a lot more done with it, like having Ruby put a lot more force in her punches, causing others to realize she’s extremely angry about what happened to Pyrrha and Penny, or, if the need to exposit about Semblances is needed, bring something new to the table that isn’t going to confuse the fuck out of people… Something like:
“Your Semblance might not reveal itself until you need it most” or something like that. Not “A semblance is someone’s personality, but not. Wow! Exposition!” or “Hey, remember how we said Aura was passive? Welp, not anymore!”
Not to mention that Jaune is seemingly cool with Ozpin suddenly coming back from the dead. Here’s the thing, last Volume had him upset with Ozpin about what happened to Pyrrha, something that didn’t seemed to resolve itself. Keep in mind that, for all rights and merits, Jaune believed Ozpin to have died. In fact, it was that confirmation that Ozpin had lost against Cinder that convinced Pyrrha to kill herself. Now here he is, seemingly stuck in the body of another kid and he just outright said this is a normal thing for him.
You’d expect him to have something more than “golly!”. The fact that he didn’t seem to have any aggression towards Ozpin until after he ran to his hidey hole in Volume 6 seems rather odd given that his entire character is that he’s angsting about Pyrrha and angry at Cinder for what she did. The group seem rather content to just sit back and let the plot happen, which is the opposite of what the crew was trying to convey with their themes.
Episode 4 and Episode 5
I still stand by what I said regarding how Episode 4 was a good episode, finally having a reunion between two members of Team RWBY, but it’s perhaps one of the last good things about RWBY we’ll ever see in Volume 5. Because Raven’s promise to tell Yang “the whole truth” turns out to just be regurgitated exposition at worst.
But first, we need to have Blake, the woman who doesn’t want her race to be labeled, turn out to have labels for her friends. Okay, granted, it’s not that dumb but it is kinda patronizing that we need to have a character tell us what another character is. While the rest of her speech is pretty effective in defining Blake’s character, making her perhaps the only character these themes of growth and strength actually apply to, it still is annoying that the most we take away out of this is her boiling down every character to a single word, then bringing up how Adam is going to ruin everything for the Faunus. You’ll see why this is a problem later. I liked the setting of Menagerie’s Shallow Sea marketplace thing and felt like Menagerie is wasted potential.
Ruby’s whole speech still feels like damage control, but with the added complaint of Ruby deciding to blame Salem for something Cinder did. Now, I heard the common excuse a lot: “Salem told Cinder to do it so it’s all her fault”, but that problem with that? Cinder told Emerald to kill Penny. So… Yeah. It is her fault. Hell, I wouldn’t have minded this if Ruby didn’t word it like Salem personally killed Penny and Pyrrha. Like as in, she just up and appeared out of nowhere and shot both Penny and Pyrrha in the head.
It still doesn’t fix the fact that Ruby is basically “hey, remember how I’m supposed to be upset?”
Lastly for Episode 5, we have the White Fang do the brilliant plant of murdering the chieftain who just spoke out against them. It’s dumb. Extremely dumb. What the hell do they think will happen after they murder the chieftain in cold blood? Menagerie is just gonna magically bend over and obey the White Fang? But perhaps the biggest waste is the White Fang in general.
You have these two sneaky fox brothers who seemingly oversee everything and even state that they’re only letting Adam do what he wants until he’s no longer of use to them, a buff bat dude, and a spider-lady… And they’re never seen again after this Volume. I get the idea, because RT is trying to wrap up the Faunus subplot as quickly as possible, but the problem that you can’t exactly introduce new characters or hidden depths if you’re just gonna throw them out with the bath water.
If they wanted to end the subplot, why did they put all the effort in some random characters that are just gonna be defeated off screen with a tea tray? Then again, this is a problem endemic to RWBY. Introduce this character, then quickly shoo them away before you’re committed to writing a plot for them. If you know you were going to half-ass the White Fang conclusion, why bother with stuff like more White Fang members or the SDC brand? In fact, why bother with the White Fang to begin with if you’re going to do so little with them?
Episode 6
Moving on before I lose my cool, we have Qrow aimlessly walking around downtown Mistral. Now, the crew said that Maria was supposed to be here… But… Why? What purpose would she serve? If she’s just gonna be a “hey, look, cameo to foreshadow Volume 6”, then that’s a horrible purpose. You know how most Cinematic Universes tanked because they spent more time hyping the next twenty movies when they should focus on their pilot? That’s what she would have been like.
Not to mention that she would have been caught in the crossfire of why Volume 5 was bad. “So here we have this random old lady who doesn’t matter at all to the plot so why is she even there” and then “Oh wow, she’s a SEW. They’re doing damage control to justify her unneeded presence in Volume 5”. And, don’t get me wrong, Maria is a fun lady and all that, but there needs to be a reason she was there beyond “hype for next Volume”.
What makes the problem worse was that they’re planning to include Maria so as to have a sort of Yoda to teach Ruby. This makes the complaint of “why didn’t Ruby ask about the Silver Eyes” even more of a complaint because now it seems like they decided “hey, we’re going to address it next volume, so let’s not bother bringing it up here”. Which is even worse than “hey, people noticed we didn’t address this so let’s completely invent this character for the sole purpose of addressing it!”
And then there’s Raven who is all “lol, I know more than you realize but I’m not actually gonna answer anything trolololololol” AARHG!
Okay. Okay. Before I completely lose my marbles, there’s one thing about the scene with Raven that’s stupid.
It’s the “there’s no such thing as magic” thing.
Okay. I get it. Turning into a bird is something that, in the world of RWBY, seems impossible. But there’s a ton of problems with this:
What makes summoning dead Grimm to fight for you so much more different than magic?
You’re willing to believe in magic rocks that augment your fighting style and are in fact part of a company that profits off magic rocks, yet turning into a bird is the messed up thing?
The guy who gave her this ability is currently inhabiting the body of a young boy and has said to basically devour his soul in due time, as well as create the magic that’s responsible for torching your school and your friend… And the BIRD is the most messed up thing!?
“But Raven made it sound like she was forced into it”. She didn’t seem to have any fucking problem with it though. Not only that, but it didn’t seem like a big dark secret that Ozpin wouldn’t want uncovered. In fact, he even said he gave Qrow and Raven the ability to turn into birds in an amused way.
Even more so when everyone but Yang seemed to respond to it with disbelief rather than outright anger. There’s a reason this whole bird issue was made fun of in Jello’s “So This is Basically RWBY” video.
Also, before we move onto Episode 7, I wanna bring up that the scene where Qrow visits the Shields is perhaps the reason why I hold Ozpin’s censorship of Lionheart’s role in the Battle of Haven to be one of the most scumbag moves he could have made. “Your mom’s dead, but don’t worry, the guy who sold her out is a hero!”
Episodes 7-10
Right, back to Episode 7. Okay, I’ll admit, it was a nice reunion scene all things considered, albeit with some rather unnerving things like Yang asking Weiss if she let the Boarbatusk skewer the trophy wife or even the dumb, patronizing “we haven’t made character arcs for us to go through so I’ll just say we had some”, since they had the great idea to use Ren, who is voiced by Monty’s brother, as the mouthpiece for that.
Unfortunately, this is the episode I always think back to when I think of Volume 5. The perfect epitome of a slow, monotonous Volume. The problem I have is that, yeah, it’s meant to be this breather episode, a calm before the storm, but this just feels like a long lull that’s made even more insulting with the cliffhanger. All it has is people dumping exposition that viewers have either figured out or weren’t even burning questions and I think the awkward silence that followed Ozpin saying how he was the wizard that gave the Maidens his power is the perfect epitome for just how boring the volume is. The dude just revealed a massive plot twist and it’s treated as nothing more than a “did you know” factoid.
While I liked how they addressed that Blake leaving Yang would have had some serious negative emotions in Yang, it felt rather half-assed that they basically resolved it with “hey, my mom’s drunk, so shut up and accept Blake the moment she comes back”, especially since it comes from Weiss, who told Blake at the end of Volume 1 that if she ever runs away again, she best let RWBY know. If they wanted to ship Bumblebee so badly, this would have been a great hurdle for them to come across instead of just “hey, let me resolve this plot for you”.
Now, the whole thing with Ilia… Let’s get the elephant out of the way. The way they revealed her sexuality, I feel, could have been done better. “You wanna know why I’m gonna kill your parents and bring you to your abuser? Because I wanted you to look at me like a lover!” There’s a reason why some fans label her as a “psycho lesbian”.
However, I want to bring up that Rooster Teeth did an excellent job at building tension during the climax of the Menagerie Arc. Sure, the cliffhangers were tiresome, but you couldn’t help but admit you were at the edge of your seat and it even did a good job at subversion. Even if they allegedly didn’t even intend for it to happen.
The constant dryness of exposition and dialogue exchanges is what made Episode 10 so much better than the other episodes. Not just because it’s action-orientated, but because it finally tries to get back to the themes that it was originally supposed to tell. Throughout the entirety of the middle portion of Volume 5, the group basically took a backseat and allowed characters and plots to happen to them rather than advocate for themselves. The closest thing we got to the theme of “building yourself back up” is Weiss talking to Yang about Blake.
In fact, the only actual characters taking action are the villains. Constantly roadblocking the cast, setting them in for a trap, and even aiming to screw each other over. These guys have more advocacy and agency than the main characters. The most any of them did was…
Burn down their own house and blamed everyone else for it, all while saying that the house is the message Adam wants to send.
Use a girl’s unrequited feelings towards them to their advantage, straddle them, and guilt tripped her enough for her to consider switching sides.
Cry about how things are not going their way until their hands start magically glowing.
Yelling at someone until they cry bitch tears and then have them run away without even bothering to close the door leading to the dangerous artifact everyone had been working so hard to keep out of enemy hands.
In the volume where the theme is “solving problems on our own”. Just because Yang drops the word strength a few times when bitching out at Raven doesn’t mean that the theme had been accomplished. In fact, they do nothing of their own accord and just follow a script. Even Ozpin, the supposed smartest guy in all of Remnant, doesn’t even bother to figure out a way to counter the trap. Just instead walk in. Hell, if Yang didn’t spot Raven, they’d be mulched.
But, back on track. Episode 9 was an entire waste that failed to pay off the expectations of what we had with the cliffhanger set up in Episode 7. “But it subverted your ex-” NO. There’s a good way to subvert expectations and being promised a fight after episodes of bland exposition only to have it be “lol, no, it’s just gonna be more talking” is not a good subversion.
No. Here’s a better way. Set up the cliffhanger like normal, but don’t show Cinder’s dragged out negotiation with Raven. Instead, have her “allying” with Cinder be a twist. That way, people’s expectations for what happened are actually, you know, subverted?
The Battle of Haven
But, you know where this is leading to… The Battle of Haven. Really, I don’t think I can say anything that hasn’t been covered by someone else. We all know it makes all the Vytal fights look like masterpieces by comparison, we all know the jokes about useless Weiss or Lionheart hogging the staircase, or even the plot holes of Raven knowing Cinder’s arm being Grimm but doing nothing about it or Blake, despite spending the past volume saying how Adam must be stopped, suddenly doesn’t care about him…
So let me cut it simply:
The reason this battle sucks might have to do with the crunch.
We don’t know how long this issue with Rooster Teeth had been going on for, but if it is indeed what people say it is and that animators don’t get paid for the last quarter or third of their work, then that might explain all the cut corners animators and writers made. Why the fights are broken up into one on ones or why fights are cut out entirely. Maybe they weren’t getting paid enough and thus, the quality of RWBY suffered as a result of it.
And that’s perhaps the shittiest thing about the Battle of Haven. It could have been this epic fight that would have made up for all the boring, drawn out scenes of exposition and chatting, but because Rooster Teeth got too greedy or even because of our own impatience (which, again, isn’t helped by the aforementioned long, drawn out scenes), we are treated to a final battle so broken and tiresome that the Battle of Winterfell manages to be a better final battle, with the only thing holding it back being that Haven had a better identity twist.
And if, for whatever reason, it isn’t due to crunch issues, then we have another problem. This was meant to be this hyped up rematch between the heroes and villains, who haven’t seen each other since the latter ruined the lives of the former. This would have been excellent to see how the killers of Jaune and Ruby’s friends would interact with them, how Yang would react to the person who framed her, even how the group had grown since their last battle…
But… if crunch wasn’t to blame for the quality dip and the writers intended for the fight to go the way it went… I have to say… What the fuck were they thinking!? So many moments could have been brought up here and yet they decided that they weren’t important enough to focus on! And now, with this battle over and done with, those moments lost their luster. If they decide to bring them up, it’d be too little, too late at best and “why the fuck are you bringing this up now” at worst.
I’ll deal with one commonly used example to get what I mean. Adam was established in Volume 3 to be a threat only made strong because he uses Blake’s emotions against her and has a Semblance that lets him dish out aura-breaking damage. Blake easily defeats Adam and has him on the ropes, only to let him run with a few excuses that some people have debated to death and back, when it would have been much easier for Blake to have to choose between apprehending Adam and helping Yang. Then, when he inevitably returns to haunt Blake next volume, suddenly he’s a threat that Blake is afraid of again despite Blake having “grown” to oppose him.
They wanted that “triumph” over him, but realize that by doing so, they’ve burned that opportunity to have the triumph be meaningful. Same goes with Emerald and Mercury. They had a good opportunity for Ruby to effectively call them out for their crimes like how Jaune did to Cinder, but instead she just headbutts Mercury. Yang had at least some closure on her arc with Mercury, but it was meh.
The Point in All of This
Hell, speaking of wasted opportunities, the reunion of Team RWBY, something that the opening had hyped and one that the fans had been waiting for since Volume 3 ended, is nothing more than an afterthought. They couldn’t even be assed to show Blake’s first fight back with Ruby and Weiss. That’s how little they cared. It’s like everyone was just wanting to get that paycheck but they needed to rush that final episode out the door and also need to make room for Gen:Lock and Nomad trailers. They didn’t even care about the stinger, as they basically ignored any sort of information relating to the stinger.
Perhaps the biggest reason why Volume 5 sucked so hard was that it was running off the heels of Volume 3. Everyone basically accepted that Volume 4 was meant to be a breather Volume, with lower stakes and lower drama (with the exception of possible death flags for Ren and Nora), but the moment they made Volume 5 the grudge match everyone wanted, then the stakes got raised back to the heights of the third Volume, only for it to fail to live up to the expectations. Sorry, I think I mean to say “subvert the expectations” in this day and age.
Though, I think the huge problem with all of this, and perhaps the biggest bottom line I can say, is that it might be due to Volume 3 going too over the edge. By killing important characters and even dividing the team, the villains had raised stakes up so high, that people began to take the show more seriously. When characters were vaguely hinted to die, be it through threats from the villains or even flashbacks, people fretted that they would die. When the villains go back to striking distance with the heroes, people desired a grand battle. When the show tried to deal with the ramifications that happened with RWBY separating, people wanted to know what was going through the characters’ heads.
And when Volume 5 failed to deliver/“subverted their expectations”, people considered it a bad volume.
But worst of all, it failed to live up to its own themes. Jaune was the only person to build himself back up again through deus ex hands, and we saw next Volume that it needed a statue for him to feel better. No one was in a position of giving up only to be defiant and shout “we’re not done here”, but instead cry “it wasn’t supposed to be like this!”. The big problem of Volume 5, make sure the relic is secure, is only solved because two characters had a catfight in the basement and the survivor didn’t bother to lock up because their daughter was too busy bitching at her. No one really grew or strengthened their resolve. The triumph… wasn’t theirs to have.
Although, it seems Rooster Teeth had learned from their mistakes, with Volume 6 being leaps and bounds better than Volume 5, regardless of what you thought of the latter half. Best of all, the themes promised in Volume 5 were shown prominently in Volume 6, albeit some of the scenes capitalizing on those themes feeling more like a child is having a tantrum because they couldn’t have the airplane.
To close out this rather long winded discussion, and to give people a tl;dr on the whole matter, Volume 5 failed to address the themes it had presented and instead just padded itself out, expecting people to accept it because it’s RWBY.
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