#long time no draw!!!!! im so rusty!!!
ournextdoorneighbor · 10 months
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everybody quiet 🤫
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tizzymcwizzy · 6 months
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had a good drawing day today :)
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yuzuuu4 · 7 months
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if: high school
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toastsnaffler · 3 months
anatomy of a fall is so stressful I'm glad I didn't see it in cinema. this poor fucking kid.... this poor fucking DOG
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trophygony · 2 years
Ive gone wild. Ive done it. I made a private playlist of songs that made me think "this could fit a wh character"
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kindasleepywriter · 5 months
An Unexpected Visit (Cal Kestis x Mechanic!Reader)
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Summary: You find a little metal friend in your lonely workshop on Koboh and you have no idea where he came from. The answer to that question brings you more hope than you thought it would.
Warnings: Small blood mention.
Words: 3.8k
Note: Thought I'd post a little something while I work on the next few chapter of BoP! Pretty sure this is gender neutral, but if im wrong don't hesitate to point it out!!
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Koboh was a hot planet to live on even on its coldest days. There was no such thing as frost here, and snow was out of the question. The native population of the planet was used to it, buildings designed to keep out the sweltering air and clothes made of the thinnest materials.
You, however, hated it.
You’d been warned the planet was warm, but no one had quite mentioned how high the temperature really was. You regretted trusting the Ihi Tib that had brought you here more than anything, but you’d used up all your credits on that trip and there was no way in hell to make that money again to leave, not while working here.
You longed for Habo, the little planet you’d decided against in favor of this one. No raiders, no empire soldiers, just nature and its shy inhabitants. No droids either, but there wasn’t any here either, so you didn’t care. Sometimes, you dreamt of reaching its lush forests and mountains and feeling cold drops of rain on your skin.
The metal roofing of your shop did you no good either, heat waves often visible above it. Its only room felt like a furnace even at the best of times, and you weren’t a stranger to the feeling of sweat-soaked clothes sticking to you uncomfortably anymore.
You tinkered with a metal detector that some prospector had brought to you, taking the opportunity of the night’s barely detectable coolness to work on a project. Apparently, it had stopped functioning properly after it’d been dropped into a chasm. By the looks of it, you were surprised it even was in one piece. Well, mostly in one piece. Maybe the revenue you’d make from this might be able to pay for new boot soles, yours having almost completely disintegrated because of the burning sand that covered the entire region.
The only sound in your workshop was the harsh grating of your screwdriver against the detector’s metal, as you tried to pry open its chassis. The thing just wouldn’t budge, and you considered whether the boots were even worth it.
A whistling sound startled you, the old screwdriver slipping and taking a chunk out of your palm. You swore and tugged a rare oil-free cloth from the toolbox beside you, hitting your head on your work lamp in the process and swearing again. You pressed the cloth against the wound to stop the bleeding and looked towards the open room to determine where the whistling had come from. The door to the shop was locked, you’d triple-checked it while closing. Was this one of the raider lackeys trying to draw you outside again? You’d fallen for it exactly once and promptly learned not to investigate strange noises you might hear outside, but this sounded like a mechanical whistle, not a breathing being.
The strange whistling sounded again, this time from behind you. You spun on your heels, tied the cloth around your hand, and reached for the rusty rebar you kept by your workstation. Nothing seemed amiss at first glance. Had you imagined the sound? Maybe the heat was getting to you, you hadn’t refilled your water canister since this morning. Dehydration hallucinations were rare for you, but you’d still had your fair share, especially when you’d just arrived to Koboh. Getting used to this planet had been a challenge.
Suddenly a flash of red and white crossed the room, hiding behind a wooden bin you used to store your own unfinished projects. The whistle came again, followed by a few beeps. A droid, you realized. He’d been speaking binary! You’d hardly recognized it, not having heard it since your arrival. Lots of droids, the Ihi Tib had assured you, the bastard.
“Hey little buddy, can I help you?” you called, slightly lowering the rebar but still holding it tightly with your free hand. A series of beeps followed in response. It was mostly unintelligible, but you could make out the meaning of some of it.
“Yeah, I’m the mechanic here, do you need something fixed?”
A scared whistle. You crouched, putting down the rebar at reaching distance from your hands.
“I’ve let go of the iron, I won’t hurt you as long as you don’t hurt me, deal?”
You received no response, but the droid tentatively stepped out from its hideout. It was a cute one, you thought, a little flat head and cubical body supported by its two lanky legs. You could see his eyes focusing and zooming on you, no doubt examining you for any sign of aggression. You raised your hands as a peace gesture, and he stepped closer. He emitted a green light from his position. You laughed at the sudden scan but didn’t move.
From up close, you could see the damage he carried. The side of his left leg was blackened as if burnt, and its small body had a gaping hole that revealed his inner components. No wonder he’d been scared, one more hit and he’d be fried. He looked mostly intact on the inside, but you’d need him in your hands to determine if that was the case. You went to speak but got cut off by the loud noise of your door slamming shut behind you.
“Beedee, I told you to wait while I left to find a spare-”
You squealed at the man’s voice, grabbing the piece of rebar again, wincing as it rubbed against your clothed palm, and jumped to your feet.
A man stood at the entrance of your shop, only a few feet from you. You shakily held up the rebar between the two of you as a threat, the droid incoherently beeping behind you and hitting you with his little leg. You ignored him, and the intruder raised his hands, showing you that they were empty. You could see a metal baton at his side and a pistol strapped to his thigh, but he wasn’t reaching for them despite the threat of your rebar.
“Whoa, easy,” he exclaimed rapidly, “I’m not here to attack you!”
“What do you want?” you called, “Shop’s closed at this hour.” It was fairly late in the night, and not many people were still up at this time apart from you. No one with good intentions, at least.
He took a less defensive stance, increasingly unimpressed at your choice of weapon, or your unsteady hold of it. “My name’s Cal, I’m just here for beedee.” He gestured to the droid. “Come on buddy, we’ve got to get back to Greez.”
The cantina’s owner?
“How do you know Greez?” you asked with narrowed eyes. You’d never seen this man, and he’d never been around here. News spread fast in a village this small, you would’ve heard about it in less than a day. The cantina sometimes welcomed suspicious or dangerous individuals, and you wondered if this new guy was one of them.
“It’s a… long story. I’m just visiting. Beedee, let’s go.”
You examined the man closer, as he was clearly only interested in the droid. Now that the adrenaline had mostly run its course, your mind pointed out how attractive the man was. Sure, his armor-looking leather garments looked like they had seen better days, but it was hard to ignore his soft-swept hair, scatter of freckles and sharp jawline that his stubble didn’t quite manage to hide, not to mention his lean yet muscled build.
The droid, beedee, didn’t make a move to leave. Instead, he pushed into your leg again and emitted a series of noises you couldn’t understand.
“Is he always this unclear or is my binary just rusty?” you asked the man hesitantly, keeping the rebar in hand and taking a few steps back to put space in between the two of you.
“He got shot in the middle of a fight, his vocabulator got damaged,” he said. Your grip on the metal tightened. A fight? “I was going to fly to a relay point to find him a new one, but this guy,” he shot a reproachful look at the droid, “Won’t stay put long enough for me to go.”
The droid continued his monologue. The only word you could make out was ‘Mechanic’.
“I’m a mechanic, beedee, is that why you came to see me?”
He near-violently nodded his head.
“I’m sorry he disturbed you, like I said, we need the new component to fix it.” Cal said, shrugging.
You crouched and took a closer look. You could view the injured piece now, its main area intact but its outer edge clearly burnt out. You shook your head. “You don’t need a new one, actually.”
Cal looked at you like you’d grown a third head. “Have you seen the chip? That thing is as good as dead.”
“Not if you reroute the circuit towards his internal commlink instead.”
He blinked. “You’ve worked on droids before?” he asked cautiously.
You nodded. “It’s what I trained for as a teen on my home planet, but I had the great luck of finding a dishonest pilot who promised me there were a lot of droids here.” You gestured to your near empty workshop, embarrassed. “As you can see, not quite the reality of the area. The only ones here are those the raiders keep, and I’ve made it quite clear to them on multiple occasions that they could shove it. Being on their bad side isn’t the greatest, but at least I’m not helping them loot and kill people. Used to work on ships too and loved that, but those are also lacking here.”
He looked at you as if evaluating your body language. You weren’t exactly hard to read; you wore your emotions quite visibly. “Why haven’t you left?” he asked.
“A droid mechanic on a droid-less planet doesn’t exactly have the revenue to jump on a hyperspace voyage. Maybe in a couple years, but at this rate the raiders will have found any stash of money I could keep. Anyways! what I’m trying to say is I can fix beedee if you want.” The droid beeped approvingly from where he stood, jumping up and down in triumph.
Cal seemed to weigh the risks. You didn’t blame him, some unknown mechanic on a near empty outer rim planet didn’t exactly inspire confidence, but you knew you could make the repairs easily.
“Alright,” he said defeatedly, “but if a single electrical filament is damaged, I’ll know, and you won’t get a cent.”
You shrugged, his threat not scaring you. The droid already had enough injuries as is, you weren’t planning on adding to them.
Beedee jumped up to the worktable you’d been working at earlier and you pushed aside the metal detector with a wince. The movement pulled on your palm painfully. The droid didn’t miss your reaction and pushed on your injured hand with a foot.
“Just a cut, little guy, nothing to worry about.” You said, perhaps unconvincingly. The screwdriver you’d used was a bit rusty, and you knew you should get a bacta patch to keep an infection from spreading, but you couldn’t afford one. You’d wash it out with water later and hope for the best.
The droid didn’t miss a beat at words and a little vial was suddenly flung up in the air. You didn’t manage to catch it, not having the reaction time you might have with more rest and water in you, but a calloused hand caught it before it could hit the ground. Cal stood next to you, offering the tube in an open hand
“A stim?” you exclaimed, picking it up and examining it, “I haven’t seen one of those in years, they cost a fortune.” You glanced towards Cal.  “I’m not sure the cut warrants using one.” you added.
The man just folded his arms and leaned against the table. “If beedee says you need one, I wouldn’t argue, or else you’ll be arguing with him all night.” he said.
You mumbled a soft thank you as you injected the stim, your hands already feeling much better after only a few seconds. You took off the cloth and despite the dark red that coated your hand, the cut had all but disappeared, leaving only a thin pink line behind. You scrubbed the dry blood off as best you could and turned towards the droid again.
He sat in front of you, presenting his exposed wiring. You picked up your smallest welder and started working, self-conscious of your beat-up tools. You could feel Cal leaning in with each detailed movement you made, unquestionably watching the process to learn how to do it himself. You worked as diligently as you could despite your focus trailing occasionally to the man that held close to your side. The slight reprieve the night air provided seemed gone, his warmth seeping into your skin.
It wasn’t a complicated job, you just needed to reroute the processor to the commlink to translate the droid’s processes into clear binary code to then bypass the burnt translator located on the edge of the vocabulator. It was a trick that was specific to this type of vocabulator though, so it wasn’t a well-known process.
You finished with the rerouting, satisfied by the clear binary beedee could now emit as he properly introduced himself to you. And idea shot through you and you slipped out from Cal’s side to reach for your spare parts bin. You rummaged through it for a moment, the droid sending you a questioning whistle.
“Wait a minute! I know I’ve got it somewhere here…” you grumbled. “Ah-ah! Here it is.”
You held out a grey piece of thin durasteel as you sauntered back to the waiting duo, grabbing your heat gun along the way. “I think I can give you a temporary fix for your casing, let me just… There! It doesn’t match your colors, but it should do the trick.” You slid a newly shaped metal plate over the spot where the casing had melted away, grinning at its sturdiness. “This won’t fix it forever; I’d need a little more time to make an entirely new one and to make it the right color, but this should keep your components safe for a while!”
BD-1, as you now knew him, spun around in circles as he tried to check out his new part. You took out a small mirror from a drawer and held it up to him so he could see. He let out a string of excited beeps and whistles, repeatedly asking Cal to look at his ‘cool looking patch’. You glanced to the man on your side and discovered him watching you intently with a small smile. You felt your cheeks heating under his stare and scuttled back a few steps.
“Uhm, I hope this all works out until you’re able to find new parts, you guys! I could get started on a new custom permanent case too, so beedee doesn’t lose his usual flair.” BD-1 whistled in approval. “Shouldn’t take me more than a few days, maybe 5 at most, if you’re interested.”
Cal nodded, his intense gaze not faltering. “I think that’d be perfect. How much for today’s work?”
“Oh no, consider it as a repayment for that stim and for the opportunity to work on a droid again. Honestly, I had forgotten how much more interesting it is than working on the prospectors’ tools. As for the pickup, if I’m not here when you come back to get it, that means I’ve gone out to trade for parts. I’ll leave the finished casing in this drawer here,” you pointed to the right one, “and you seem to know how to get past the locks. Just close it back up when you leave!”
He laughed at the remark and thanked you for your work on BD-1. The droid gave you a sharp farewell whistle despite its clear disappointment at having to leave already. He climbed onto Cal’s back as the man moved toward your shop’s door.
“Hey,” you called, “if you come around this corner of the galaxy again after picking up beedee’s casing, don’t hesitate to swing by! It’s always nice seeing someone new.”
He turned on his feet, walking backwards for a few steps. “I have a feeling we’ll see each other again, don’t worry.” He winked at you, leaving you at a loss for words, and turned back to walk through the door.
After you calmed your elevated heartbeat, you locked up after him, deciding the two unexpected guests were enough for one night. You leaned back against the door and sighed. Maybe you should’ve accepted the money. Cal seemed like a nice guy, but Koboh was getting harder every day. Habo was still on your mind, but you’d settle for anything other than this damn planet. Kriff, you’d even be willing to join a crew of wandering space pirates if that meant you actually got to do something other than retrieve and fix the same old tools over and over again. Maybe one day luck would favor you, you thought, or maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.
-- 9 days later ---
The walk back from trading was always exhausting. The prospectors that held the best materials were currently residing on a high cliff that hid a cave’s opening. Getting up there was arduous, but if you left early enough it was manageable despite the climbing you had to do. By the time you made the trek back, however, there was no escaping the sun’s rays, and the only thing keeping your hands from the burning rocks as you scaled down the cliff was an almost ruined pair of leather gloves. They wouldn’t last another climb, you thought, and neither would your boots.
You’d have to find something to barter with the one villager who made most of the prospectors’ equipment. You didn’t even have money for food this week, but you’d make do, like you always did. Maybe you’d go back to the cantina tonight to offer maintenance on Greez’s bartender droid. His cantina was apparently bringing in more customers this week, so maybe you could find some other work there too.
You were also looking forward to hearing more of the village gossip. You’d heard rumors of a Jedi taking down raiders all over the region when you’d gone for a drink the night before but given that the source of that information was Turgle, you were far from convinced. A Jedi would be hunted down in a minute by the Empire, especially if they used their famed weapon and left witnesses. The fisherman you sometimes saw hanging around the streams, Skoova, had however confirmed that there was indeed a newcomer hunting down raiders for sport.
He hadn’t been very talkative, only describing him as a short-haired man of average height that fought in a poncho. You didn’t know how you felt about someone wearing a poncho on a desert planet, though you did find humor at the idea of the raiders getting their ass kicked by some new guy in a raincoat. Either way, if there was a chance that this not-a-Jedi-even-though-Turgle-says-he-is guy had arrived here by ship, you wanted to find out more no matter his unusual taste in clothing.
You entered your workshop after the long walk back from the prospectors, bracing for the intolerable heat of your metal cage. You stored what little you’d brought back in its rightful place and dragged your feet to your worktable, ready to start working on another tool a prospector had given you to fix. You remembered distantly that Cal still hadn’t swung by to pick up BD-1’s new case.
You peeked inside the drawer and found it empty of the custom case. There were a few credits in there, thankfully enough to cover the material you’d used for the case, plus a couple more. Despite the much-needed money, you couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Of course, the one day you left your workshop had to be the one when he decided to come here. You sighed and pushed the drawer away, rubbing your eyes with your palms, hoping (and doubting) that he would visit again. You didn’t even know what region of Koboh he was from, you didn’t recognize his accent at all.
A glimpse of white caught your eye before the drawer shut completely. You reached towards the unknown object and found a folded note that you were sure hadn’t been in therebefore you left. You opened it and didn’t immediately recognize the handwriting.
Thank you for the case, BD-1 is practically begging for a couple more designs (to match my ‘rizz’ - I have no idea what that means. He convinced me to wear an old grey poncho I had just so we matched and I fear giving in to the different colored cases will be the start of a slippery slope, but how could I say no to the little guy?)
I’ve gone off-track – What I mean to tell you is that if you still want to leave Koboh, there will be a ship (it’s mine) at the landing pad until 1500 tomorrow. Bring what you need, but I have all the essentials on board. Food and water I mean, and maybe I have a spare toothbrush somewhere too?
Anyway. We’ll figure it out.
I can drop you off somewhere if you want, but I wouldn’t mind a mechanic on board if you’re interested. Can’t guarantee regular hours or absolute safety but hey, still more interesting than metal detectors, right?
This might be my last visit to Koboh in a while.
P.S.: BD-1 wants you to know you’re the only one allowed to fix his leg, and that he ‘requires you on board’. His words, not mine. He shot an electric dart at the last person who tried to repair it (me).
You couldn’t help but let out a loud celebratory shout as you read. He had a ship, and you were finally getting out of here! No more prospectors whining at the time it took to fix their tools, no bedlam raiders trying to kick through your door in the middle of the night, no need to refill your water supply from the well that stood well over a mile away.
You’d happily make BD-1 a thousand little metal outfits to match Cal’s ponchos if he wanted-
Your mind screeched to a stop. Hadn't that been the outfit Skoova mentioned?
You remembered what Turgle said about the second newcomer, the one he had called a Jedi. You didn’t remember ever reading about that order using guns, but… Cal had been carrying another weapon. The metal handle, you now realized, that was hanging at his side.
Oh kriff.
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Had the idea while building the BD-1 Lego set. I meant for this to be just a little 1k meet-cute oneshot, Of course, me being me, i wrote 5k. Edited it a little, and it's as short as I can tolerate lmao
My first time posting for Star Wars! Still not over Survivor despite having played it more than 100 hour in the first two weeks i got it, and having done reruns since. The double-bladed stance has me in a chokehold.
Tell me what you think, and check out my masterlist!
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adalwolfgang · 10 months
Can you write about Sinclair brothers and Rusty nail's S/O is an artist but S/O's sketch book all only draw about them.
Thank you and I really really love your any creation or other thing else!! Really thank you and hope you have a wonderful day like you!!💜
Slashers coming across s/o's sketchbook
A/n: Thank you Nina, I love you too!! And again, Im so sorry for taking so long on your reqeust!
Warnings: Jonesy is the queen bee. Bite me. Not proofread.
Credit to @cafekitsune for the banner(s)
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Beaugard (Bo) Sinclair
Bo didn't mean to stumble upon your many drawings.
He was up at the house, trying to tidy up a little (shocker I know) and happened to knock over a stack of books. One of them being your sketchbook. He kneels down, picking up the books but pauses once reaching for yours. After a few seconds of glancing around the room, he grabs it and starts skimming over the many pages.
As he flipped through its pages, he was taken aback by what he saw. Each page was filled with intricate and lifelike drawings of only him. His heart swelled with a mixture of surprise, and a touch of vulnerability. He had never imagined that anyone apart from his brother could make something so beautiful.
Bo's fingers gently traced the lines of his own face in awe, realizing just how deeply you had been observing him. His mind began to race before quickly being interrupted by the sound of the front door being opened. He smirked to himself, keeping his back turned from the door as he kept flipping the pages.
Jonesy came trotting into the room with the wag of her tail, tongue carelessly hanging out. You weren't far behind as she walked up to Bo, giving his leg a short sniff before carrying on toward the basement.
"What'cha doin'?" you quirked a brow as you quickly caught on to him seeming to be hyper focused on whatever it was he was reading. When he turned his body, your book coming into view, your pupils dilate at the realization and embarrassment.
"Ya've really captured my good looks darlin! I never took ya for an' arti-" before he could finish his next sentence, you ran up and tackled his ass to the ground in desperation to get the book back and out of his eyesight. This caused him to laugh as he kept holding the book farther away from the both of you on the ground. After a couple minutes of teasing, he hands your book back, adding one last cherry on top.
"I also seen that ya've been studyin' anatomy~" He immediately got an elbow to the ribs in response.
Lester Sinclair
Had to take a double take.
He was digging under his trucks seat, looking for a toy Jonesy had dropped. He grabs ahold of something, thinking it's the squeaky toy, he yanks his arm out only to raise a brow in confusion when seeing it's only a book. The kind of book people use to draw with. He looks over to Jonesy who was sitting in the passenger seat, waiting patiently for her toy to be returned to her.
"I'll git yer toy in a second, alrigh'? Let me jus' look at this real quick," he sits down in the truck, carefully opening the book. His eyes growing wide when he spots your initials signed into the first page. He looks up at the front door to the house, seeing as the coast was clear, he looks back down at the book, peeling back another page. The first page was just little doodles of Him, Jonesy, and you. He flips another page, this time met with much more detailed sketches. Them being of only him. His eyes stayed glue to the pages as he skims each page with great precision.
"What'cha reading?"
He jumps in his seat when you pop up beside his truck window. The book again falling to the floor. He clears his throat, trying to calm his breathing.
"Erm...Would'ja believe me if I said nothin'?"
You quirked a brow before leaning inside the window and looking at the book on the floor of the truck. A look of embarrassment washes over your face.
"You were looking at my drawings...Weren't you?"
After that, he apologizes profusely, ending with you quickly forgiving him but taking the book back inside with you, deciding it best to keep it somewhere else and not in his truck anymore. As he watched you walk but up the steps into the house, his thoughts were interrupted again. This time by Jonesy barking at him. He turns around to see her still pawing at the seat, wanting her toy.
"Oh shoot! Sorry girl!" he quickly goes back to the task he was doing before, reaching under the seat for the dog toy.
Vincent Sinclair
His face gets so hot from the discovery, he almost thought his body heat melted his mask.
You both were in the basement. He was at his desk, working on another mask mold he had recently got from Bo. You were sat on his bed with Jonesy laying her head on your lap asleep. Currently you were drawing another sketch of Vincent, this time sitting at his desk working on the mask mold. After a few hours, you were almost finished with your drawing. Jonesy had already woken up a few minutes' prior. You were putting on the finally details when she trotted back into the basement, carrying her dog bowl in her mouth. She placed it Infront of the bed, nuzzling it with her snout closer before sitting down and looking up at you. You stare between her and your almost completed sketch before letting out a small chuckle. You set down your book on the bed, picking up the bowl and walking toward the stairs.
"Ima go feed Jonesy, be right back Vinny"
He let out a Mmhh in acknowledgement. When you leave with the dog, he continues working. That doesn't last long though when his focus goes to the open book on his bed. He looks over to the stairs then back to the book. He sits there for a moment before deciding to stand up and walk over to the bed. He pulls the book toward him, looking over the page you were recently drawing on. He's beyond surprised. The talent and detail is admiring to say the least.
By the time you return to the basement with Jonesy, he had already seen every single drawing you had in that book. He had already gone back to his wax mold, trying to keep his focus on something else besides all the thoughts and images in his head from his discovery. His face was almost as warm as the boiler that was a few feet away. You didn't seem to notice though as you went back to your spot on the bed and get right back to sketching.
He ratted himself out later on.
Rusty Nail
Flattered and impressed as hell.
After not getting to see each other for what seemed like a month but was only a week, Rusty finally pulled up to yall's shared home. The only thing on his mind was finally getting to sleep in his own bed with his only and favorite person. Upon walking through the door, he was immediately tackled by your affections.
"Welcome home old man!"
He lets of a rumble of laughter, giving your head a quick peck while wrapping his arms around you to also return the affection.
"Someone missed me eh?"
As you both go to your shared room, Rusty plops down onto his side of the bed as you walked over to your side, grabbing a book off the nightstand.
"I know you're probably exhausted but I want to show you something since I don't have the patience anymore."
You walk back over to his side, taking a seat beside him as you open up the book for him to see. Inside it was sketches you've drawing over the past week of his absence. Even though he was tired, his eyes grew a little surprised as he skimmed over the drawings. It was like looking in a mirror. He traced his hand over some of them, a soft smile spreading gracing his lips.
"These look beautiful sweetheart" he looks up at you with a smile before leaning forward a pressing another kiss to your cheek.
Now every time he leaves for a long drive, he takes a drawing with him and keeps it on his person at all times.
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arcade-writing · 2 years
Pairing: (Transformers) Bumblebee x AFAB! GN! reader
Warning: robot sex, size kink, Bee has both genital, cum play, cum inflation, belly bulge, marking, Bee is a vibrator, reader is AFAB but no specified gender, omegaverse vibes, knotting, interspecies relationship, reader is human, praise kink, song lyrics used for dirty talk, Bee speaks through a radio
Bumblebee will be based off my own Au Of Transformers, Im rusty at drawing robots and mechs. So idk if I'll be able to draw him anytime soon but I kept him vague enough you can imagine different versions of him or even your own!. (Probably not Knightverse base)
Reader and Bee are both 20 (well him in human years)
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"Has anyone seen Bee?"
You weren't met with an answer only knowing chuckles from the Autobots. You raised a brow as you looked up at them.
"What did you guys do this time?"
You put your hands on your hips as you send them a scolding look. Ready to hear what new prank they decided to do on the youngest bot. But they didn't spill - none of them held the same excitement or glee they usually did. You looked over to Optimus for help and he kneeled down, placing a hand out for you. You happily climbed on and he raised you to be eye level. He looked nervous as if he was caught doing something he shouldn't. As much as he was serious and calculating he was also a terrible liar when the fate of his kind wasn't at stake. Lying to the enemy? Easy. Lying to friends or family? God awful.
"Optimus…? What happened to Bee?"
Said bot cleared his throat as he looked at the others in hopes they'll chime in but they all dismissed him. Giving him a 'you can do it boss' as they all sat back and watched. He let out a sigh as he finally began to speak.
"He's experiencing what alot of our kind does at his age - when an autobot becomes an adult they are given- uh- cycles."
Your brow only raised further. Confused on what he meant. This only made him slump as he continued talking.
"Where ones spark seeks out another to bind with them, we call them sparkmates and until you find one the cycle will continue, it can cause the Autobot to become aggressive to possible threats to their spark bond and also— Ratchet shouldn't you explain this?"
Ratchet was already tired of his leader's unwillingness and awkward struggling. He rolled his eyes as he leaned down to more of your level. "Oh Primus." He muttered to himself as he moved.
"Bumblebee is experiencing what you humans would understand as a heat cycle, all Autobots experience this though how it may manifest varies, they are commonalities but some use combot as a way of bonding as an example - we are described as an asexual species but that doesn't mean we all unwilling to become intimate with ones sparkmates in a way humans often do."
"So- Bee is…..oh-" you couldn't even muster out the words. A hot flush reaching up to your cheeks down to the rest of your body. You didn't want to them to know what came to your mind. Pretending innocence as you gave him a questioning look.
"Is that why he's hiding away? Because he could start fighting people?"
"Oh sweet naive thing, Bee is not that kind of Bot, you should know that, he's hiding away because he is aroused." Ratchet patted you with one finger, standing back up to full height.
You flushed even harder. "He needs a Sparkmate, right? How long do these cycles last?"
"A month in your time." Ratchet confirmed. The bots were on earth so it made sense their bodies adjusted to different time zones.
"Ok yeah he definitely needs one - uh - do we just find another bot? Like- what do we do?"
You couldn't even believe it. Constantly horny for a whole month? Just the idea made you cringe. It was already frustrating enough but with no way to keep it at bay or have relief? Sounded horrible.
"I think you should visit him, see how he's feeling, this can be a very stressful time for bots, especially for the first time."
Optimus said, lowering you back down to the floor. A knowing tone lingering in his voice.
You looked unsure; what if he didn't want you there? He needed a mate. What if…he didn't want you to be his and that's why he's hiding. Not just from embarrassment but also because none of you were the one he wanted. You couldn't bond with him at all, you had no spark. You were probably the last person he wanted to be near him right now even if you are friends.
There was a sliver of hope in you. That he'd pick you and want you the way you wanted him. You loved Bee more than anything. But if he was in a heat cycle like that then what if he wasn't himself? Did something he'll regret - you didn't want to put him in that position.
"But- what if he-?"
"He will not do anything you won't want, we don't become mindless - just altered."
Optimuses words made you feel better but worry and insecurity still gnawed at you. Well, regardless of anything, your best friend is currently under a lot of stress right now and giving him your support is the least you can do. Even if he tells you to go away, you'll make sure he knows you are on his side and willing to help him find a mate or just listen to any issues be had. If it was anything similar to periods then he could really use that support.
You took in a breath and nodded your head. Marching off to Bee's room as Bulkhead let out a long whistle. You tried to dismiss the flames that licked at your cheeks but it was futile. Your heart was pounding hard against your ribs you were sure it would break.
Once you arrived you scanned your hand. Knocking on the wall as the door slid open. A voice announced your arrival and Bee let out a distressed whirr. The door slammed shut as you ventured further in. The whole room looked as it usually did, organised chaos everywhere but what surprised you were the low hanging cables surrounding what looked like a nest. All his cushions and blankets all tucked together to make a giant bed. Usually he would use his charging pod to sleep but it remained untouched.
The room was illuminated by the pod's blue glow, it mixed in the other lights that gleamed through the long vine like cable's. It seemed he put on all the night lights you gifted him. It made it feel like a peaceful disco. You wanted to laugh at the idea but then you heard another whirr. Reminding you of the situation.
"Bee? Are you feeling okay?" You called out, just stopping outside the nest.
"Ratchet and Optimus told me everything and I know it may be embarrassing but it's natural and I want you to know I'm here to support you - I know I'm no sparkmate but if you need me, I'm here."
Bee let out an annoyed buzz once the last sentence left your mouth. You hesitated, looking back at the door. You didn't want to deal with an aggressive Bumblebee. He may be the smallest but he was one of the best fighters in the team. Besides, you were a human. Just one flick could send you flying.
"Can I see you?" You asked, cringing at yourself knowing what you're doing is very stupid but Optimus said he wouldn't do anything you won't want. You can only hope that also includes violence.
As much as your brain wanted to focus on the fact he was horny and you were too - your gut tried to suppress it by focusing on fear instead. Hoping it would keep you on your toes instead of distracted and leading your actions with getting dick in mind.
There was a pause before he let out a defeated whirr. "come…in."
You inhaled a shaky breath before walking forward. Moving the cables out of your way as you got closer and closer. Stopping as you could finally peak through, eyes falling on Bumblebee's form. His antennae were drooping back as he looked at you with hooded eyes. His mask still covers the lower half of his face. Pillows were hugged close to his form to give him some decency as his fans hummed to life. You worried they were going to break from how intense they sounded.
"Hey, Bee, you holding up okay?"
He nodded. Lowering down so he was on all fours, still keeping himself flushed to a pillow which only made him squirm. You reached out and he leaned forward, letting you cup his face as his fans went even faster. He remained glue to your touch. Letting you smooth your palms over his head, his antennae twitching as his big eyes watched you.
"I'm sorry you have to deal with this, Can I try and help you find a mate-"
He let out a growl. The sound made your heart jump. It was deep and sounded strained, static lingering beneath. Okay, don't talk about mates, noted. You weren't sure how to handle this. It was all so confusing.
"You….my mate…."
You didn't know it was even possible to get any more flustered. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears as his words sunk in.
"How? I don't have a spark."
He nuzzled his face into your small palm as he reached for you. Pulling you closer with ease as your wobbly legs stumbled forward. "Mine."
The robot paused in his actions, still watching you as he let out a timid buzz. "Will you….be mine..?"
You nodded your head. Words Failing you as you stepped closer. Bee didn't say anything, suddenly pouncing towards you. Your back landed with a small 'thump' against his palm as he hovered over you. His mask retracted into his helmet as his face was finally visible to you. You loved his face, when he had his mask on he loved more robotic. You loved it just as much but his real face? It was smooth, dark grey in colour. Scars extending from his lips towards his ears, all left over from the incident where he lost his voice. Broken and ripped at by Decepticons. His eyes were also so wide with wonder and joy even after all he's been through. Shining a beautiful cyan. You loved seeing his real face the most.
"I trust you, Bee."
That gave him the reassurance he needed. His optics lowering down to the baggy shorts you were wearing, you squirmed under his gaze. Realising how you fit so perfectly in his hand. You leaned against two of his fingers; keeping you semi propped up. His thumb brushed against your thigh as it found its way between them. Scanning you up and down as your breath hitched. He found exactly what he was looking for as his thumb pressed down over your clothed core, the tip of his thumb on your clit. Rubbing slow tight circles as it vibrated in light waves.
Your back arched as you grabbed at his hand. Bucking your hips against him, needing more. Too many layers were in your way. Bee tilted his head as he watched you shift away from him, tugging on your shorts. He stopped his movements, worried he did something wrong but he was quickly proven wrong. Kicking your shorts and underwear as far as you could as you laid before him. Legs trembling as he could the shining slick coating your sex. He whirred as a smirk made its way on his face.
Bumblebee was a two sided coin. A warrior and a peacemaker. Shy but confident. He didn't know everything but he was just as good of a leader as Optimus. And as sweet as he was, he also had a cocky attitude. His ego easily stroked, just as easily as it was bruised.
And you knew that look in his optics. Pride swelling in his chest as he saw what he's done to you. You've barely started and yet you feel like a mess. Desperate for more.
"Keep going." You ordered, voice weaker than you wanted as you looked at his digit. It was still vibrating.
You knew he wanted to say something but he didn't. Just moving his thumb back and you let out a cry. Finally able to feel it properly, even now it still felt overwhelming. Able to feel it all over your sex as he tried to keep the focus on your bud.
If there was something Bee was talented for it was patience and watching. Due to being a scout he had a photographic memory and was able to wait days for a target. Even more so, he was built to not blink as much as the other bots. Needing to be able to see every detail and event which made his stare quite intense. It seemed even in this setting; he didn't plan on missing a single thing.
"Can you- Can you use your mouth?" He looked at his thumb and then back at your face. He understood what you meant and smiled. Letting out an excited buzz as he removed his thumb. Raising his hand enough to be comfortable as he rested his chin against the ball of his palm.
Nudging your legs open with his head with ease. You whined at how far you had to widen them, moving them to wrap against the curves of his helmet to get more comfortable. He pressed his lips against you, humming a song you recognized. Moments silence by Hozier, it wasn't Bee's normal taste in music but he enjoyed the song. You remember when you had to explain what it meant to him and he only buzzed. Adding it to his playlist.
It started off slow. Catching your breath as you grinded against his mouth. Sinking into his palm as your legs twitched. Humming along as the vibrations traveled from his throat to his tongue. Lapping at your juices as it engulfed your sex. Sucking on your clit as the chorus played, the intensity going from 0 to 100 too fast making you scream. You couldn't stop panting as the song went back to a slow melody. The peak of your orgasm just hanging by the thread as it slowly went away.
You were just about to catch what he was doing, grinding against the pillow he had pressed against him. His antennae twitching as he let out a low whirr. Trying to move his hips as discreetly as he could.
"Feels good, doesn't it, honey? Keep doing that, I want you to cum with me."
Bee let out a loud buzz. Obviously flustered from your words as he adjusted his hips. You looked down, straining your vision to see a faint blue glow. The head of his spike poked out from the plump pillow.
You whined. Bucking your hips against him, feeling the curve of his 'nose' nudge your clit as his tongue delved into your hole. "Bee- please - need to cum."
He buzzed as he pressed his face as flush as he could against you. Working you back up until the chorus struck you again. A loud string of whimpers escaped your trembling lips as you felt the peak flood back. Crashing against you as your back arched. Desperately grabbing at something to hold, finding his antenna the perfect thing. White flashed before your eyes as you came.
"Good boy, good- good Bee." You lazily patted against his helmet, he whirred at your praise. You felt like your soul was sucked out of you. Eyes fluttering as he moved you back to the nest.
Watching as you wiggled into the blanket's with a hum. He let out a noise of concern but you just cupped his face. Bringing him closer to you as you smiled. "I'm okay, I'm just a little tired."
He nodded but let out a strained whine as he accidentally brushed against the pillow. You were able to see it better now, its size made your heart slam against your chest. Stomach fluttering as you watched the way it twitched under your gaze. Girthy too, thicker than your entire thigh.
As if by magic you felt your energy sprung back inside you.
"You didn't get to cum, did you, Bee? Come here." You cooed, noticing the way he tried to keep moving his hips.
You ushered him closer, he let out an embarrassed buzz as his spike pressed against your clothed stomach. It reached your collarbone. You tried to bite back the moan that threatened to escape you.
You patted his chest plate as you tried to figure out how you were going to do this. Smiling to yourself as he shivered at your touch. His chest was always sensitive due to that's where his spark hid but this was new.
"Roll over Bee."
There was no hesitance. He immediately rolled over onto his back. Watching as you crawled between his legs and got yourself comfortable. Moving a pillow against you to prop you up better. At this angle you could finally see him in all his glory. His spike stood proud but what caught your attention was the plump folds underneath it. Glowing a gorgeous cyan like his eyes. You couldn't stop the drool forming in your mouth. Watching his hole clench under your gaze, completely in awe.
"Oh, Honey, what's this?" You teased, trailing your fingers along his folds. He let out a static filled noise, lips trembling tight together as he tilted his hips into your touch.
You plunged two fingers in, amazed by how soft it was inside. Spongy like rubber but didn't feel like it. Your fingertips felt like they were electric, a tingling sensation coating your fingers. You looked up at Bee who was covered in a dark blue-ish grey blush. Wrapping your arm around his spike as your hands couldn't even wrap around it. Jerking him off as you hugged it closed to your chest. Lowering your head to suck on the head of his spike making him jolt.
You were able to add two more fingers, fastening your pace as his fans turned up to the max. His legs twitching but trying not to move in fear he might accidentally kick you. His back arched as he thrusted upward. Loving how tight your arm was holding him.
Still sucking along what you could. Dragging your tongue along the blue lines that went around his spike like rings. He let out another loud static sound, fingers digging into the blanket's, surely ripping a few in the process.
"Making me……feel..so good!"
He didn't get time to say anything as you pulled the tip into your mouth. Watching the way you could just barely fit it in already- the warmth from your mouth. Feeling your tongue press against him. Curling your fingers inside as you did. It was too much-! His thick load shot down your throat, your eyes widening as you jumped. You gulped down what you could but there was just too much. Pulling yourself off with a wet pop as more cum squirted out. Your chest and face got splattered.
He let out a high pitched buzz as he scrambled up. Grabbing a thin blanket to wipe away his mess. You grabbed his finger and he immediately froze.
You battered your eyelashes at him, making him tilt his head. Opening your mouth as you roll out your tongue. Letting him see just how much he cummed in your mouth. It was all still there on your tongue. It felt like pop rocks.
"You… look good like this.."
There was your Bee. You could sense a shift in him. His anxious state melted away as you made a show of it. Grabbing the thick mess on your chest with a few fingers and sucking on them. Humming as you did.
"Dirty little..human."
He picked you up with ease. Ripping at your chest as you let out a yelp. Placing you on his stomach as you could just about straddle him. Your face was still covered in his cum but he had an idea. Smearing off what he could and began rubbing it down your chest. The pads of his thumbs rolling your nipples as the electric feeling coated them. Making you squirm at the small sparks that now covered your body.
"Why can’t I keep my fingers off you, baby?I want you."
if you weren't Unbearably horny you would have laughed at him playing Beyonce.
His finger moved around, down to your ass. Giving it a small light tap that made you clench. Another small demonstration of how much more powerful he is than you. To him that was nothing but you could feel the light sting. It made you tremble in delight knowing despite this it wasn't too long ago he was whimpering under your touch.
The pressure of his hand made you lean forward. Adjusting yourself so his chest plate didn't dig into your stomach. His finger running against your sex. Covering it in as much cum as he could. The drag of his digit made you gasp as it brushed on your sensitive bud. The very tip of his finger prodding into your hole.
"Open up on the inside, gonna fill you up, gonna make you cry."
The song lyrics caught you by surprise. Flushing as he kept a slow pace. Working you open as you clutched at his chest plate. Rolling your hips back to get more of him. Even just a finger was too much.
He was so big.
He didn't even get down to his knuckle and you felt utterly full. Crying out as he thrusted his finger in faster. Hearing how wet you were with each sloppy squelch.
"Excited?" He teased, already knowing the answer. You hid your face into his chest plate, tears sparkling in your eyes as he kept fucking you as deep as he could.
"Dont- don't tease! You know I want you."
He let out a purr in content. Happy to hear you say it. You only felt your head spin as you peered back. Watching the way his finger sinked into you. Your eyes drifting to his spike.
How would you even be able to take his spike? Would it even fit? Could it even fit?! But yet, the idea of it all only turned you on more. You were just barely able to process the movement of his chest, revealing his spark just enough for you to see it. You sat up making him hit right into your g-spot. Jolting in surprise and pleasure as you let out a moan.
"Your spark-"
You couldn't even speak without becoming breathless. Whining as he removed his finger and scrunched himself up as he semi sat up. You sex pressed along his spike as you were forced to move back making you both moan.
He positioned it to your entrance, guiding your body up so he could put it in properly. Watching you squirm as you rubbed your soaked folds along the tip. What was left of his cum was still dribbling down his spike making it lubricated enough for you to move.
His thumb came back to your clit, sending a low vibration to it all over again. Holding your hip with the rest of his hand as you sank down. The fat head of his spike just pushed in with a small grunt. It felt like centuries. Slowly moving lower and lower as you feel yourself get completely stretched out. Trying not to clench down and keep your breathing steady as he kept playing with your clit.
You let out a strained gasp as you felt yourself completely sink down to the base. Both of you stilled as you got adjusted to the sensation. Bee was whimpering as he used all his will power to not jerk his hips. If you kept clenching around him like that he was sure he was going to cum again.
He held your hips with one hand, keeping one finger under your ass and the rest on your hips and his thumb remained on your clit. You did your best to move on your own, keeping a steady pace up and down. Each hit hitting your pleasure spot as you arched your back. Clawing at his chest plate as his spark reached out for you. Sparks of electricity running up your arms as you mewled. It was warm, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. It caresses your skin as it seeps into your very being.
Your pleasure doubled as if you could feel his own. With heavy eyelids you looked at him. Your mouth parted as a light trail of drool dripped from your tongue. The tears that beaded in your eyes became fat drops as you slammed your hips down. Unable to reach the base due to him supporting your ass. You slapped at the finger as you couldn't stop strings of moans flying out.
He got the message and moved his finger. Letting you bounce to the base. His fingers dug into your flesh as you grew closer to your peak. For sure leaving large bruises but at this point you couldn't care. You were happy to show off any mark he left you.
"Good Bee, so good- going to make me cum."
He whimpered at your words. You latched onto his antennae, which he bent towards you, completely stretching out your body as he ducked his head. You were able to pull yourself up until the tip was the only thing left before slamming your back down. The sudden fullness made the tightening cord in your gut snap.
Throwing your head back as your fingers brushed against his helmet. Grabbing at his thighs as he held you up. Your orgasm left your head dizzy. Falling back as he thrusted up. Chasing his own release, as he whirred.
"Mine." He growled out as he pushed down. Snapping his hips into you. His orgasm is just as strong as the one before. Completely coating your walls. Whispering as he fucked it into you.
What made your head snap down was the feeling of his spike bulging inside you. Right at the bottom, locking you in place. His thumb brushed along your stomach making you follow his movements. Whining as you saw your stomach bulge out. Pressing your own hand to your belly to feel the head of his spike. The bump growing ever so slightly as more of his cum pumped into you.
"Is this normal?" You gestured to the bump peaking out of your sex. Lifting yourself not to much avail as you were completely locked to him.
He nodded his head. Looking bashful as he kept caressing your stomach. You smiled at him as you pressed your face to his chest plate. His sparks energy still threading into your veins keeping you in a constant glow. Absolutely hazy from the pleasure.
"Thank you for choosing me to be your Sparkmate."
He shook his head. "Perfect…for me…" thanking his flexibility as he completely towered over you. Tilting your head back, pressing his lips to yours. Or atleast, due to his size, his top lip whilst the rest was pressed against your chin.
You giggled into the kiss as you grabbed his helmet. Scratching under his antennae making him purr. His tongue poked your lip and you happily let it in, choking around it as he put only half of it in. It was able to touch every inch of your mouth, feeling the tip in your throat.
Your lips hungrily moving against his, clawing at his helmet as you breathed through your nose. You felt the knot grow tighter as he muffled your moans. When you finally parted you were left panting. Shakily gulping up air. Flopping down against his chest where you traced your fingers along the plating around his spark.
"So….um- how long are we going to be connected like this." You bashfully asked, fumbling with your words as you noticed a flicker in his optics.
"Not that I don't enjoy it-! I'm just wondering!"
"I don't know…" He paused, hugging you close to his chest as he suddenly moved on all fours. Pushing pillows underneath you so you're fully supported and propped up.
"But maybe… another round..could… loosen it up."
You let out a small noise as you trembled. A familiar throb coming back as you grabbed at his chest. "O-okay-!"
Ratchet leaned away from the door. Just missing the sound you made as Bumblebee started moving.
He coughed into his hand and looked at the other bots. "They seem to be doing just fine, I think it's best we leave them for the next….few hours."
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voidcat · 2 years
a follow up to roommate!kunikuzushi bc i can and i will and i need this. Dk how long this is (not very long im sure), gn!Reader as always, enjoy, I still don’t like storms or rainy days
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when kunikuzushi returns back to your shared place from a night out with childe, he does not expect to find you back, sprawled on the couch and deep in slumber.
whenever it is holiday season, you always go and stay until the last minute, savoring your precious time at home.
so why are you here now?
for now, kuni lets you rest, it is far late into the night and he knows he needs the time and energy to recover from another night spent out with childe.
he does poke around and bother you the next morning but not pressing into it too much, just a jab here and there, some complaints about how his time alone is now cut short because of you– the last day to yourselves, you settle for a movie day, back into your routine so easily. too easy at that your head falls onto his shoulder and he does his best to protect his position.
the topic of your life back home goes over kuni until you need to go back home and retrive few items one weekend, looking for someone to accompany you, preferably with a car and all.
sitting down at the dinner table with your parents, kunikuzushi finally has a grasp of the why. your mindless nods and sounds indicating you are listening– when he knows for a fact that you are not, he has spent far too much with you to know the signs.
loading the items and furniture to the trunk, with kuni grunting every five seconds that this is not merely 'few items', that you are back on the road.
it has been an idea floating around for some time to keep up the whole roommates deal now, just thrown around here and there, even by childe and few mutual friends.
it is ideal, the two of you have grown used to one another's way of living, tricks and antics, ticks and kicks. it is only logical to keep this up, graduation or not.
"so tell me again how you got ajax agreeing to lend you his car?" your voice draws him out of nowhere, a glass of cold water thrown at his face.
taking a deep breath in and out, making that right turn and keeping his eyes on the road, kunikuzushi tries his best to sound neutral.
"this is my car."
instead of your quick replies, all he gets from you is silence. casting a quick glance at you to make sure you are not dead or asleep or anything– only to be met with your curious face eyeing him, he is taken back.
"no shit." "what's so unbelievable about this?!"
he can hear you mutter under your breath, avoiding his question, "i didn't know you were rich."
despite knowing how one another works, the two of you really lack when it comes to your family backgrounds, turns out.
so when the two of you are back home– home, it has a nice ring to it, though odd at first, when you think too long about it– you mumble something about how it is exhausting to exist at your house.
he can tell that much, especially with the way you acted over the weekend compared to how you normally act under the same room as he does.
There is a sliver of moment when you are still you, the you he knows and a truer image of yourself. Parents away for the time being, you invite yourself into his temporary room and open the lid of tye instrument by the wall– only sitting down do you offer a sheepish smile, as if coming to realize his presence by your side only now.
Yet you still sit there and play, chuckle inbetween and say you’ve gone rusty but kunikuzushi does not care. He watches his breath held, fascinated, yet careful to remain that passiveness of his face, do not show anything, do not reveal how your insides feel.
So in turn, he offers a view of his life back home– or when he was still there, about his mother and her wife, his sister that he only mentions out of technical details if anything.
He sounds bitter almost, hurt, lonely– until a smile forms on his lips, one he is yet to he aware of, that he says your cooking reminds him of ‘auntie buer’
the two of you drop the topic of families as quick as it began then. Now the talks of keeping this housing arrangement up gaining a sense of possibility, taking a more solid view in your minds.
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Whenever you attend a night out youre invited, kuni begins to accompany you– you are almost certain it first began with ajax’s invitations but you know he would rather die than to ever admit that.
It does has its perks though when game nights turn into nights out without a notice and strangers come up. All it takes is a look from kuni to scare them off, granting you invincibility.
there are downsides to this little agreement however; just because kuni and you have gotten used to throwing silly nicknames and terms of endearment– be it for an act or not, does not mean your friends have.
ajax almost spits his own drink, lumine just stares at you as if you have gone crazy, perhaps you have, some however see this as an invitation to chaos and make the matters worse for you two, teasing you at every chance they get, calling you doves and all that, even kissy faces on the nights you leave earlier than the rest.
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kunikuzushi finds himself unreasonable for such petty feelings but with each passing day, the presence of that stray cat you let in gets on his nerves more.
you insist again and again that the cat has all her vaccines done, going for regular check-ups, no parasites internal or outside, a well mannered cat that does not even enter the kitchen area– all your pleas and debates come empty handed because none of these are the real cause.
he simply finds himself more and more agitated whenever he sees you cuddle with that cat– on the couch after a long day, at night when you leave your door open, keeping the cat close to your chest, her head on your arm, your lips almost touching the top of her head, how you gently massage her scalp and give her pets–
he needs to get himself together.
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when kunikuzushi is called back home for a meeting, he finds himself dragging his feet.
not exactly dying to see his mother or that vixen, or that robot for a sister he has, not dying to be looked down once more for expressing humane emotions, displaying human behavior and overall... existing.
who will make sure you do not starve yourself when he is away? the finals season is close and he knows you were not prepared for it, once again. with how it has been going with you lately, he wouldn't be surprised if you forgot to use the bathroom altogether.
all that food you've been consuming is not healthy for you either, a little change of cultures once in a while would not hurt. he knows your digestive system would appreciate it, as would you, even though you always roll your eyes when he tells you to 'just shut it and do the dishes at least, will you?' whenever he cooks for you.
the list goes on, he can go for hours counting every negative thing that can happen during his absence– a weekend is too long a time to be away, too long to be dealing with them, staying would be the logical optio– "stop with the excuses and grow a spine already!" you exclaim, half joking, half serious, "how bad can it be?"
kunikuzushi has an answer for that too but he decides to keep that one to himself. though he did not care much about his home life before, spending the holidays on campus alone with himself, or accepting childe's never ending invitations to join his family certainly spoiled him to an extent.
One foot out of the door, then another, one by one descending and hearing the familiar beep of the car, only when he is about to shut the door and start the engine does your hand hold the door still and grant him a gentle smile.
“Hey, if things go sour with your family and all, you can always join mine, yeah?”
Closing the door, you wave as he stares at you, at a loss for words. What is it you mean exactly, were you not dreading the recent time spent with your family, what does that make you– the two of you, have you been noticing the recent changes within your dynamic too?
With a smile you send him off, splashing a glass of water after him just as he has put a decent distance between you both.
He supposed it’s another weird cultural thing you’ll have to explain him and receive his eye rolls in return.
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When Kuni wakes up groggy and checks his phone, every cell in his brain yells in unison to return to the warm embrace of his bed, his throat however begging for a sense of relief itself.
On the way to the kitchen in the absolute silence and eminent darkness of the hour, he hears a sound— trying to make itself small with his signaling footsteps.
The street lights coming from the window and illuminating the room answers his questions before they can bloom– you sit there in nothingness with a plate in front of you, wrapped tight in your favorite blanket, your face worse than he has ever seen.
The thunder thickens, the drops of the rain begin to hit against the windows like iron nails and he notices the state of the weather then.
Without a word, he walks past you, ignoring your half assed attempts of watching him from the corner of your eye, opens the fridge and closes, getting himself a cold glass of water and downing the liquid in one go.
placing the glass away, he retraces the path he took, or so you think until his footsteps grow louder, closer and coming to a halt right by your side. Without a word uttered, he plops down next to you.
"Stop being a selfish hag and share that blanket."
Harsh words but no poison to his tone, when you finally raise one arm holding the edge of the blanket, he gets under your wing right away, settling in.
You should not be awake at this hour when you have a long day ahead in a measly two hours. Not when you have been neglecting sleep and proper meals for the past days, probably a side effect of not studying ahead, as always the case with you– and now the stress catching up to you, sinking its claws with dread.
By the time the sun is up, you have calmed down somewhat and fell back into sleep, that much he can tell from your breathing and the faint up and downs of your chest.
It is a technical detail maybe that your positions have shifted over the dawn, your head falling to his chest and Kuni holding you to himself with an arm wrapped around.
He supposes the distate and discomfort for storms is another thing the two of you have in common, another thing to get through and handle, together.
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hotpinkboots · 9 months
But if I could request again!!!! Once more, I'd like a FT.Foxy x Sleepy darling whom is sleepy all the time!!! They could just......lay on the ground on the floor and pass out. Right when he's preforming aswell!- *Just like me, I could sleep anywhere everywhere and im tired 24/7....*
All my love and adoration *And thank you's for not looking!!!*
Sleepytime anon!!! (Who could use a nap....)
~𝓕𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓕𝓸𝔁𝔂 x Sleepy!Reader Headcanons~
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HELLOOO!! This is one of many requests I had a few months back before I took a break, so my apologies for getting these done so late LOL. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER I ALWAYS SAY!!
𝓕𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓕𝓸𝔁𝔂
~Funtime Foxy wants you to be awake to see him perform!
~If you don't make it to his show, he'll bring the show to you.
~Will walk up to you and treat you like a child who fell asleep after a long day of eating pizza and playing at a birthday party, tapping on you to wake you up when it's closing time.
~Sometimes, while he's making his rounds, he'll just greet you loudly to playfully spook you stay awake
~He doesn't want any kids to see the sleeping adult and think "hey let's draw on that person over there" or something. You know how kids are.
~So not only is it bad for kids to decide it's funny to make fun of you while you're asleep, but it definitely effects your job. You can't be sleeping on the job all the time.
~He would have an absolute meltdown if you were fired.
~So he takes things into his own hands by purposely engaging you in activities!! Even trying to make you do things that aren't your job to do, or isn't your job to help with.
~Your job definitely becomes way more fun when you become a regular who the kids see having silly interactions with Funtime Foxy. The kids love you, and Funtime Foxy loves you. Win win!
THANK YOU FOR READING, LOVE!! I haven't written in quite a few months now, so my apologies for being juuuust a little bit rusty on writing for these characters!
Request Guidelines!
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~Love, PinkBoots
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crushedgraham · 8 months
Fic where Widowmaker’s girlfriend secretly learns a love song in French for her because she’s shy and bad at expressing her feelings 🫶?
Suns and Stars
FICS ARE COMINGGG ive been busy with projects and tests BUT IM GONNA LOCK IN FOR KINKTOBER REQUESTS but enjoy this fluff :)
It's been 6 months. 6 damn months in you and Amélie's relationship and you still hadn't said the three big words: I love you. You've tried. But every time you get even remotely close, the words die on your tongue. God, you can't even kiss her without your body temperature skyrocketing - so how the hell were you supposed to express how much you loved her?
Everyday at exactly 8 AM, Amélie does her morning stretches, yoga and cardio sessions. You've been using this to your advantage - sneaking out of bed a few minutes after her to practice your French in an abandoned music room on the far side of the castle, then slipping back in before she comes back to take a shower. This morning followed the routine.
Soft padding from your fluffy slippers shuffling against the tile floor echoes against the stone walls, the sounds barely registering in your groggy mind. Your eye lids still felt heavy from sleep - a soft huff of a yawn escaping from your lips. The room is spacious yet empty, forgotten pieces of furniture scattered amongst the dust but a grand piano remaining in the middle. Faintly you can just barely make out on the body of the piano, a neatly carved heart with the cheesy "A+G" initials in the center - a testament of the history now long gone.
The squeak from the rusty hinges of the fallboard causes you to cringe while lowering yourself to the cold leather bench. From your pocket, you unfold the sheet music to "Je l'aime à mourir", small notes and lines scribbled across the paper. By now you know the song by heart but every time you hear even the slightest noise you lose concentration and forget the notes.
In a practiced motion, your fingers draw towards the correct keys. Time seems to stop with everything in your mind fading with it except for one name: Amélie.
The lyrics begin as a soft hum, gradually increasing with the piano in crescendo. Melodies flutter throughout the room, carrying the harmonies deep into the rest of the castle - unbeknownst to you.
A pair of golden eyes stare at the back of your head, a far off look present in the irises. The overwhelming rush of emotions is almost painful, her heart defying the countless hours spent to repress any and all traces of soul left in the shell of the French woman. Distantly Amélie can feel the mourning, the grief, the utter anguish squeezing at her heart. Memories of her past life - the life that she could never have - glimmers like twinkling stars; Thousands of miles away yet shining ever so brightly.
But bittersweetly, the only happy ending she can envision is a life with you. Gerard may have been her stars but you are her sun. The warmth and light of her life - the very reason for her existence.
"Je l'aime à mourir" (I love her to death)
The French rolls off your tongue perfectly and raw, unadulterated love floods through her veins. Amélie believes that no experiment or torture can take this feeling away.
As the final note fades out, you nearly jump out of your skin as cool air brushes against your ear.
"You play beautifully Chérie, such a talented girl," Amélie's voice lacks the usual teasing undertone, sounding unusually vulnerable. You move to turn your body but her strength outmatches yours. Her forehead rests against your shoulder, a worrying dampness sinking into the fabric down to your skin. Instinctively your hands reach behind you to stroke her purple tresses, a small attempt at comforting your lover.
"Do you mean it?" Amélie's voice is hushed and muffled against your body, quivering ever so slightly.
The question makes you hesitate but not because of your love for her. No, you knew with every atom in your body that you loved Amélie - but saying it out loud had your body tensing. Though your silence sends the wrong message. Amélie begins pulling away from you, off put and disappointed by the lack of a response.
"Je t'aime! I- I love you so much." The words stumble out clumsily in one breath - desperately trying to make up for your silence.
Amélie pauses and you swing your legs over the bench to face her. She leans closer, her eyebrows pushed together - traces of fear and vulnerability lingering in her orbs.
"Truly?" Right now, she was just Amélie, not Widowmaker, not the emotionless assassin - right now she's just your Amélie.
"Yes! God - I'm so stupid. I should've told you sooner but I just couldn't get it out! I...I really do love you though, Amé"
In a flash, her lips surge to capture yours. The force slams your back into the keys creating an ugly shrill, piercing sound, akin to a noise in a horror movie. But you pay no attention to it, hell, you don't even notice it when Amélie's lips are devouring yours. The kiss is bruising and your chest burns from the lack of air but it didn't matter, no only Amélie mattered right now.
Sharp, black nails dig into your soft robe, pulling your body impossibly closer. Her lips trail up to your ear, a fanged canine catching the lobe as she whispers:
"You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that Mon Amour, je t'aime aussi"
Je l'aime à mourir - I love her to death
Chérie - Darling
Mon Amour - My love
Je t'aime - I love you
Je t'aime aussi - I love you too
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lemons-bittersweet · 5 months
PONYBOY CURTIS- AGE 14- I have light brown almost red hair and greenish-gray eyes I wish they were grayer because I hate most guys that have green eyes but I have to be content with what I have my hair is longer than a lot of boys wear theirs squared off in the back and long in the front and other sides but I'm a greaser most of my neighborhood rather bothers to get a haircut size I look better with long hair I like to watch movies alone so I can get into them and live them with the actors when I see a movie with someone it's kind of uncomfortable it's like having someone read your book over your shoulder I'm different that way I mean my second oldest brother soda who's 16 going around 17 never cracks a book at all and my oldest brother Darrel we call darry works to long and hard to be interested in a story or drawing a picture so I'm not like them and nobody in our gang digs moves and books the way I do for a while there I thought I was the only person in the world that did so I loned it soda tries to understand at least which is more than darry does but then so does different from anybody he understands everything almost like he's never hollering at me at the time of day or he is or treating me as if I was 6 instead of 14 I love soda more than that I have ever loved anyone even mom and dad he's always happy go lucky and grilling while there Dairy's hard and firm and rarely grins at all but then darrys gone through a lot his this 20 years growing up too fast soda will never grow up at all I don't know which way is the best i'll find out one of these days Sodapop Curtis-AGE 16/17- more handsome than Ponyboy knows he's slim but has a friendly draw sensitive face that manages to be reckless and thoughtful at the same time dark gold hair that he comes back long and silky and straight and in summer the sun bleaches into a shining wheat gold eyes are dark brown lively dancing reckless laughing eyes that can be gentle sympathetic one moment and blazing with anger the next he's got his dad's eyes but his is one of a kind. Darrel JR Curtis-AGE 20- 6 feet two inches tall broad shoulders and muscular has dark brown hair that kicks out in front and slight cow lick in the back it's like his dad's but Darry's eyes are his own he's got eyes like two pieces of pale blue-green ice They've got a determined set to him like the rest of him he looks older than 20 tough cool and smart he would be real handsome with his eyes weren't so cold he doesn't understand anything that's not playing hard fact but he uses his head Steve Randle-AGE 17- Tall and lean with sick greasy hair he kept combed in complicated Swirls he was cocky smart and Soda's best buddy since grade school Steve's specialty was cars he could lift a hubcap quicker and more quietly than anyone in the neighborhood but he also knew cars upside down and backward he could drive anything on wheels he and soda worked at the same gas station steve part-time soda full time and the gas station got more customers than any in town whether that was because Steve was so good with cars or because so would attract girls like honey jaws flies
Two-bit (Keith) Mathews- AGE ???- Keith was the oldest of the gang and the wisecracker of the bunch he was about six feet tall stocky built and very proud of his long rusty colored sideburns he had gray eyes and a wide grin and he couldn't stop making funny remarks to save his life you couldn't shut that guy up he always had to get his two bits worth in hence his name even his teachers forgot his real name was Keith we hardly remembered he had one life was one big joke to tube it he was famous for shopping with his black switchblade and he always was smart enough to the cops he really couldn't help it everything he said was so irresistibly funny that he just had to let the police in on it to brighten up their dough lives he liked fighting blondes and from some unfathomable reason school he's still a junior at 18 1/2 he never learned anything he just went for kicks I liked him real well because he kept his laughing at ourselves as well as other things he reminded me of Will Rogers maybe because of the grin Dallas Winston- AGE ???- He had an elfish face with high cheekbones and pointed chin and small sharp animal teeth and ears like a lynx his hair was almost white it was so blonde and he didn't like haircuts or hair oil either so it fell over his forehead and wisps and kicked out in the back and tufts and curled back behind his ears and along the Naples neck his eyes were blue blazing ice cold with hatred of the whole world dally had spent 3 years on the wild side of New York and had been arrested at age 10 he was tougher than the rest of us tougher colder meaner the shade of difference that separates the greases from a hood was a present valley he was wild as the boys downtown outfits like Tim Shepherd's gang in New York dally blew off steam and gang fights but here organized gangs are rarities they're just small bunches of friends who stick together in the welfare is between the social classes of rumble when it's called it's usually born of a grudge fight and the opposite just happened to bring the friends along oh there are few gangs around here like the river kings and the Tiber Street Tigers but in the southwest there's no gang rivalry so Dally even though he could get into a good fight sometimes had no specific thing to hate no rival game only Socials and you can't win against them no matter how hard you try because they've got all the brakes and even wipping them isn't going to change the fact maybe that's why Dallas was so bitter he had quite the reputation in the file and down at the police station he had been arrested he got drunk he rode and rodeo's lied cheated stole rolled drunk jumped small kids he did everything I didn't like it but he was smart and you had to respect him Johnny Cade- AGE 16- If you could picture a little dark puppy that has been kicked too many times and it's lost in a crowd of strangers you'll have Johnny he was the youngest next to me smaller than the rest with a slight build he had big black eyes and a dark tan face his hair was jet black and heavily greased and combed to the side but it was so long that it fell into shaggy bangs across his forehead he had a nervous suspicious look in his eyes and that beating he got from the socialist didn't help matters he was the gang's pet everyone's kid brother his father was always beating him up and his mother ignored him except when she was hacking off his something and then you could hear yelling at him clear down at our house I think he hated that the worst getting whipped he would have run a million times if we hadn't been there and if he hadn't been gang Johnny would have never known love and affection are.
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skarloeyspa · 10 months
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dunky and rust! took me forever but details below
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*clutches fists at overalls costing $1.29 in the 50s
ANYWAY uhm Rusty came to the SR in 1957 so I took some inspiration from both 50s and 60s clothing but mostly 50s
But yeah like all the other freethinkers🤖 in this community i subscribe to Rusty being nonbiney (altho they're mostly masc presenting)
I want to say that Rusty's jumpsuit is based off women's workwear but like. women's workwear in the 50's was based off men's workwear so what difference does it make😭
Ripped their boots straight from the bottom right of the catalog here so hehe
Their nameplate is specifically very simple and non-glossy to designate them as a maintenance worker as opposed to for passenger service
I don't. um. intend for Rusty to be that much taller than overhaul 2 loey. they're probably around the same height at best and Rusty is def a bit shorter than overhaul 3 loey
also they're wearing a flat cap. i don't like drawing them but it made the most sense so,
i don't know if they had binders in the 50s? If they didn't then um. I'm sure there was some kind of equivalent shapewear-
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this guy was such a damn pain to design for oml
i really need to find a way to save my ref pics when i make my pencil sketches so i can add them to these posts when im done djfdjbfk
i gave duncan beeeaaauuuttifull lushious long blonde locks💅because he's got a long ass funnel HAHAHAH
he's tall. but he's also lanky. he's like a very tall twink sorta. like i get that he's strong cuz he worked at a factory but bro cannot retain muscle like. he's sticks.
oh and also blue eyes because of douglas. yyyyeah
anyway you might be wondering. capy what the hell is that ugly ass band of pattern across his chest
well that was my BIG BRAIN moment.
starting around like the 19th century people would take the fabric used to make sacks for shipping dried goods like animal feed and flour, and turn that fabric into clothing
this originated in more rural communities but became more widespread during world war I and especially world war II with rationing and whatnot. basically when companies noticed people wearing their sacks they began printing patterns onto their sacks for this explicit purpose (cuz you know. marketing)
before arriving to Sodor, duncan worked in a factory. you know who else produces dried goods?? factories!!!
around the time he arrived to sodor was also when American rock and roll was really influencing British youth, particularly with the rise of teddy boys and then the rockers (which is from my understanding, greasers but British). So around the time Duncan was heading to Sodor there was already an air of rebellion among the UK's youth
I took particular inspiration from Rockabilly based on its noted influence on British popular culture, which from what I've seen, adopts some more flashy elements to their clothing in contrast to the traditional suit and dress. I was this close to making duncan wear a bowling shirt
the kerchief is also because of this hehe
so in a moment of genius/delusion, i thought. what if while working at the factory, duncan saw the trends of people using their feed sacks as clothing fabric, and stole a bag or two for himself so he could sew on a strip of the fabric onto his work shirts because he's, ya know, mr. rock n roll
yes i did all that just for a stripe of fabric on his chest i am VERY happy with this choice
btw here's the exact pattern i used (i just ripped it off the internet)
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ok that's it thank you for reading through my rambling once again!! lowkey i want to post lil western next but also. i talked abt making rws/formal uniforms for the SR crew so. we'll see what happens next lol
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arthotsglasses · 1 year
Heyow again my beloved artist 🥺💞. I want to req arthur art again if you have time xD about arthur pout bc of jealousy hehehehe.
Thankyou so much before 🥺💞.
ohhh boy idk what I'd do if he looked at me at night in his room like that.....
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un edited cuz now that I see it, idk colour seems better unedited
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(lsfadjklfsj im so rusty of drawing Otome stuff... it's been so long since I got to draw some hot anime. boys out >.<)
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please i beg of you to do a period comfort fic please please your comfort/fluff stuff is so amazing
maybe something where lovies in a lot of pain and is just super reliant on harry bc of the pain and he’s super sweet and gentle with her and comforting
FIRST LIL WRITING AFTER A LONG WHILE!!! bear w me pls, im rusty :D
she doesn’t want to do this.
it could have been a worse time, she supposes— it’s not as if they were at one of harry’s a-list events where her smile would most obviously quiver from the pain and bring her abdomen to her feet, where his eyes would snap to hers with worry at the first strained sigh in her throat. but, what she does know is that she didn’t want this to happen, not now.
ever since she stopped flooding her body with birth control in a preliminary effort to try for a child, her periods have hit her like tidal waves. pain is not the word, but torture, even, and she is not one for melodrama but it all just feels so suffocating and burning and red and just god— OW.
the cramps are like knives to the skin and she’s even started to get lightheaded now between the pendulum of her moods and it all just feels so dramatic but she also knows that she’s not intending to be. and it’s exactly what she’s feeling now, because as she stands up from the oven she winces, flinches, as if electrocuted in her abdomen, and it’s a miracle that the pan had made it to the stovetop without scorching her feet as it hits the floor. and the heat from the cookies just laying there innocently is too much, all at once, and she lets out a hiss when another stab comes to her pelvis.
“fuck,” she mutters, throwing the oven mit next to the tray, her other arm coming to wrap around herself. she fumbles, clumsy feet moving to the bar stool closest to her, and just as she sits another hits, less harsh but enough to make the air in her lungs to run for cover outside of her heating body.
and of course, of fucking course, she has barely anytime to think—as if she could even attempt with the onset of a swirling vision and a pounding headache drumming at her temples—before harry waltzes in on light feet and a boyish smile decorating his face.
“ready t’go, bird?” by the time he finishes the question, his eyebrows are starting to pinch as he drinks in his wife’s expression: eyes closed, shallow breathing, her own brow furrowed in something of pain and anguish. her arms are glued to her stomach, too, which he recognizes immediately, and he clicks his tongue once. “you okay, love?” he moves to stand in front of where she sits, leaning down to meet his eyes to her closed ones. he brushes a strand of hair from her forehead, starting to dampen from the heat from her forehead.
“yeah, yeah.” she says softly, her eyes opening to meet his, glassy and pained against the green that looks at her with concern.
“y’feel dizzy? let’s get you upstairs and i’ll run you a bath?” he says it quietly, his hand coming to the top of her head in a gentle rub of her hair, and he watches her melt into the touch slightly.
“no.” she breathes, “no, no, we… we should be going soon.” her eyes open fully now, and start to pace themselves across his face and the kitchen.
“love, you are white as a ghost and as hot as the sun.” he says softly, “let me draw you a bath, kay? or would you rather lay down, hm?”
his voice melts her shoulders like butter, but it doesn’t distract from the pain threatening to shatter her to pieces.
“no, i-i, let’s go. i’ll take some midol in the car, and—”
“it’s okay, sweet. we’re staying here.”
“no!” she musters enough to say it stubbornly, and she watches his brow droop deeper and his frown widen into his cheeks. “i’m not missing your mum’s party. it’s— it’s just a stupid period, a-and it’ll pass—”. her argument weakens the more she speaks and the more waves of heat crash into her, breaking her syllables into sad attempts of words. he shakes his head at her, swallowing an endeared smile at his wife’s notorious stubbornness.
“c’mon, baby love. let’s get you comfy.”
he learned a long time ago that there isn’t a compromise when it comes to his wife’s periods. he’s never seen anything like it— the 4 full days of pain and whimpering and sleeping and bouts of eating everything or nothing at all— but he knows now what she needs. one faint in the too-hot shower a couple months back was all he needed to learn this time like memorizing a textbook. he feels saddened for her, too, as it strips her away from the world for a bit, and god does he wish he could soak that pain into his own pelvis and head just to give her a break. harry hates to see his own little love like this, crippled by discomfort.
“i’m so tired of this,” she sighs, eyes welling in an all-too-familiar hormonal emotion.
“i know,” he says, his hand coming to hold her cheek, pressing his cool skin into her blotchy face. “’s okay, though. mum will understand, i promise.”
and he’s successful in his knowledge, too, because she opens her fluttering eyes to gaze up at him sadly, a pout forming across her cheeks.
“but what about my cookies?”
he looks over his shoulder to see the pan resting on the stovetop, still steaming with heat and chocolate oozing out the sides.
“they’re her recipe. was so excited to show her.” her voice is defeated, and harry snorts.
“i am sure they will find a happy home in m’own stomach, bug. will make sure to send a yelp review her way.”
and at this she chuckles for a moment, before wincing, and it’s then that he scoops her up into his arms like a child, ignoring her soft protests. he kisses her on the forehead with a wet pucker as he moves to ascend their staircase, and by the time they reach the top she’s still attempting to convince him— can we please just go? i’ll be fine, i swear. i— ow, i-i, c’mon h… i really don’t want to miss it!
but his curls flop between his eyes and he smiles at her, softly shushing her panicked suggestions. she knows she has lost, though, because another stab comes through her stomach and she jolts, eyes watering. she sighs, letting her weight fall completely in his hold.
“bed or bath, little love?”
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dtupdates-archive · 11 months
♡—DREAM was active on Dream__Fanart! He liked:
emotions ✧⁠*⁠。
So high like I'm on Everest I ain't ever coming down I ain't ever coming down 🎶
my honest reaction
Everest!! ✨dreamteam forever!!🩵
1hr doodle art for EVEREST🏔️ I ain't ever coming down, I ain't ever coming down!
Remember what you came from (dream doodle)
Dear Dream, It's easy to love you🩷
and I did it . This lil fairy wants nothing to do with pirates or fighting, he's only interested in taking naps, long naps..
Three angels
doodles since i got rusty 😩
There's nothing else but right here, right now 💚🧡🩵
Game night!! 🎮
Howdy 🤠🤯
For the discord summer icon competition thingy! I just wanted to enter once, vote me if you like :))
“To who ever wants to hear”
Afternoon chess with the dream team
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYLVEE !! 🎉🤍 it’s sylvee day everyone :DD
Dream and his...buddies🤭
to whoever wants to hear;
Baby grge is tired‼️
dream team FOREVER !!
warmup sketch ⛅️
some musicians chillin :P
they're pocket sized
I’m sorry for the person I’ll become when drEP releases 👍
just wanted to draw dream in these hats again cus he’s so cute
am ready for drep
together... to the end... biblethump
just totally normal shower bonding time between bros, nothing to see here 👍
trying to doodle in train is definitely something
Howdy, partner! 🤠
Tiny dream! What will he do?
strawberry boba 🍓
doodle :^)
does anybody know where is he looking at
some dre doodles
POV you find your roommate very casually chilling on the couch on his phone while also wearing ur shorts
Dream and patches vs sapnap ♟
pookie loves pizza 🍕
biblically accurate height 🤏
when @Dream_Fanart is active when ur at school (i promise ill make actual fanart when im at home)
friends + their adventures!
the mask returns...
I had to do it, okay
baby pink and baby blue:D✨
To whoever wants to hear... "So high like I'm on Everest"
dreams been cooking in the studio again
EVEREST !!! 🏔️(i'm so excited )
He stays winning
necesitaba dibujarlo AWHWHWHWH <3<3
they're at the beach
dream has another announcement guys???
hes confused...
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