#look at what they did with the master and take some fucking notes for FUCKS SAKE it's not that hard
cuckoo-on-a-string · 2 days
Hello, Mr. Monster 8
Summary: Eros and Psyche inspired Soulmate!AU, Morpheus x female OC/reader
Master list
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Chapter Warnings: SMUT A/N: So... I did a sneaky in this chapter. First one to guess correctly gets a 500 word Sandman drabble (you can give me a prompt or let me go wild - your choice). This is the biggest tender!fuck I've ever seen. Like damn. It's an important beat between chapter arcs, and there are some themes/hints ya'll should really take note of. For reasons. All I want for my birthday are comments, my dears! <3 Thank you for your ongoing support.
8. Seal
What happened?
Creeping out of the fog, she swept together the distant pieces of her waking mind, looking for a thought, or a plan, or…
What happened?
She’d had a wonderful dream. Safe. Warm. Happy. If she could fall back asleep and drop back into that place – those arms – she would, but a sleeping mind never followed the same course. She was waking, and it was over.
But she didn’t remember going to bed.
That was all right. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d gotten drunk or collapsed after days without sleep. Not a problem.
But –
She hadn’t set her wards.
Her eyes snapped open, and her hand sprang out, reaching for the bag of black salt she always kept near her bed in the van. Anything could come, anything could already be there. As she jerked to consciousness, full of half-remembered terror – the mirror, the unseelie, her skin, the dress – long fingers caught her flailing hand. They wove seamlessly between her own, pulling her attention down to starry eyes. Soft lips pressed to her knuckles, calling her back from the brink of delirium.
“All is well.” Morpheus’ thumb rubbed along her throbbing pulse, distracting her from her panic with tactile affection. He read the beat as her memory settled, as she recalled where she was and what they’d shared. He must have felt the spiking rhythm, too, judging by his smirk.
He was beautiful. And definitely naked under the grey silk sheets that gathered over his waist.
She licked her lips, at a loss for words as the butterflies she thought she’d banished sprang back to life in her stomach.
Yes. Excellent. Definitely the most romantic greeting after waking up for the first time in a lover’s bed. In her fucking eldritch soulmate’s apparent love nest, actually. So far as she could tell, they weren’t even in a room. She could see him easily, but beyond the place where they were lying, she could only see vague, bushy shapes that could’ve been clouds or trees. Lights flickered in them. Maybe stars. Possibly fireflies.
No visible exits. Not even a floor, in fact.
Though it wasn’t like she was in a rush to leave.
Following his gentle tug, she sank back to rest on her side, facing him.
He was so beautiful. She’d already thought it, but damn if it wasn’t worth thinking twice. With his disheveled raven hair and self-satisfied expression, he looked at least half as debauched as she felt.
Which reminded her.
Oh shit.
She was naked, too.
Her free hand moved towards the sheets that had fallen all the way to her thighs when she sat up, but his disapproving pout made her second guess herself.
Covering bare skin was instinctual. Especially after everything she’d suffered in –
No, no. Not thinking of that. She physically shook her head to banish the flashes of pain and fear trying to manifest.
She was safe. She was happy. Her Dream was real, and she could be vulnerable with him in this world apart. Nothing would hunt her here. Nothing would dare. He would avenge and protect her.
Carefully, consciously, she let her hand drift from the sheets, and Morpheus smiled in the wake of her decision.
“My love,” he purred, looping an arm around her waist, pulling her flush against him, “I want you.”
He nuzzled into her neck, kissing under her ear and finding new places her blood pounded under her skin. She found herself trying to remember language, how to speak in anything but sighs. Prince of Stories. Right. Whatever. Prince of Carnal Brainmelt more like. He made it impossible to think, working little bites over her flesh as he continued his eager assault, leaving her squirming, and desperate, and tongue-tied.
Even though she couldn’t see his eyes, she felt them burning far below her skin. Below flesh and bone. Stars were only cold because of their distance, and she was much too close to see them as anything but suns. She knew it was reckless to look, to stare back and let the heat blind her, but…
She couldn’t pull away now, even if she wanted to. He didn’t need prison bars and pansies to trap her.
Panting, she finally strung together an answer. “I want you, too.”
Her words brought him back to her lips, and he wasted no time licking into her mouth, sharing his heated groans. One hand slipped around to cradle her head. The one he’d used to reel her in crept down, brushing along her waist, squeezing her hip, and settling on her thigh. Strong fingers pulled her leg over his hip, and she groaned back into their kiss as his clear desire brushed her clit.
He didn’t press, only dragging himself through her folds as he explored her mouth. When she stopped for breath, he kissed under her chin, palm flexing just over her knee. She writhed with his slow strokes, enjoying the moment but far from satisfied.
“I need you.” Kissing his brow, his cheek, his lips, she sang her yearning. “I need you, Morpheus.”
Her words found him and burned the way his eyes flamed in her soul. She saw them kindling in his gaze as he pulled away to watch her face, swallowing every flicker of expression as he teased her entrance. And pushed inside.
The world hummed.
It was all beginnings and endings and discoveries. Dream was himself, and she was with him.
He moved so slowly, and she clung tight, shaking as the pleasure built with the inexorable pace of sunrise. Clutching his shoulder, his back, she fought to keep breathing, to keep her head above water as he pushed and pulled inside. Gods. He’d drown her, and she’d gladly find death here in his arms.
“You asked what I want.” He wasn’t as helpless to his physical manifestation as she was to her human body, but his rough voice proved how she affected him, and a sunburst of pride glowed in her breast. “Perhaps I was dishonest with myself. I want the measure of your dreams and your waking hours, too.”
He hunted for her fear, waiting for the golden moment to snap under the weight of his confession. His searching eyes flicked over hers, desperate but guarded. She didn’t know what to say. If she could say anything. But she wasn’t afraid. He wasn’t threatening her – this was an invitation. And she could only invite him back, let him feel the truths she couldn’t name yet.
Her hands settled on his face, trying to soothe the needles of anxiety, his anticipated despair. She offered more kisses, pulling at his lips, welcoming and reciprocating each touch in an effort to reach deeper. Too feel even more.
His grip on her thigh tightened, and he rolled half over her, leaving his sedate, almost drowsy lovemaking behind. Still tender, but openly needy, he picked up speed, using the new angle to his advantage.
She thought she’d been breathless before – fuck.
“I want… a life. A story. You.” He was begging. Commanding. On the cusp of claiming his own dream.
He didn’t take. He shared. They gave and met in true union, tasting elements beyond bodies to melt through time embrace destiny. A snare of their wyrds. A welcome loss wrapped in discovery.
Her heart would burst. There wasn’t enough of her to hold the love for something so vast as her monster, her Morpheus, and as he hiked her leg even higher on his waist, she grabbed him by the hair. She needed him. She needed his kiss, his breath, or she’d fall apart. He obliged, but she knew she’d go to pieces regardless.
As his thrusts grew more erratic, she broke.
The most exquisite destruction.
He pushed as deep as he could reach as she pulled out his own end, but he didn’t give her space to breathe. Rolling again so she was half draped – entirely boneless – over his chest, he kept his defiantly hard length inside. She’d have rest, but no peace.
Stroking her hair, he murmured into the crown of her head, “Stay, my love. I’m not ready to let you go.”
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maraslesbian · 2 years
god i shouldn't have gone on twitter i just ended up seeing a bunch of tweets about the whole "rtd didn't want to put dt in jodie's clothes" thing and now i'm just. mad. it was bad enough that they had jodie regenerate into dt but that they changed the clothes too because they didn't want to put a man into "women's clothes" makes it SO MUCH WORSE
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katz-chow · 5 months
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ghost distribution system in which he sees that your tires are clearly too worn out but can’t muster up the courage to tell you. instead he gets some guy to write you a note with a simple “check your tire pressure” and then have it tucked into your windshield wipers.
when he gets there, he realized that your wipers are crusty and rough, guessing that every time you use them they get stuck and squeak as they struggle across the glass. he can’t find anything to write with nor can he find the person who lent him their handwriting, so he puts the note there anyway.
after work, he sees you walk to your car cautiously, first checking the perimeter, then under your car, and then your hand immediately going to get your pepper spray. fuck. “stupid stupid!” he thinks as it’s clearly suspicious and kind of concerning. but he sees you take the note, glance at it, and then look around. then you quickly drive off. good move.
the next day, at lunch, you approach him and he stares at you as you ask him for a favor, “hey can you check my tires…? i think i need to change them but i don’t want to get overcharged at the shop…because i don’t know anything about cars.”
he agrees and silently rejoices, he can practically see the confetti that sets off in his brain. “drop by my house. i’ll text you the address.”
you thank him happily and he grunts in reply, happy that the mask hides how hot he’s getting in the face. he watches you leave and he drums his fingers on the table top, thinking about what dinner to make since you’re coming over. oh and did he mention it’s a date?
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his brain btw
master list | letter box | main directory
drop by the letter box!
part 2
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diariesofthelover · 5 months
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Wayne Brothers’ Gala Girl
synopsis: Bruce Wayne’s galas are held every once in a blue moon, but when they did occur, every Gotham socialite was sure to attend. The eldest sons of Gotham’s favorite billionaire always wound up in some trouble to entertain themselves, this time the brothers’ idea of fun was a beautiful woman who looked almost as bored as them.
notes: Jason Todd & Dick Grayson x reader, 3rd person pov, little bit 🌶️, inspired by the painting above.
The Eldest Wayne brothers found themselves in the quietest corner of the gala, bored with no idea of what they can get into this time around to beat last gala’s “performance” as they would call it.
“We could set off the fire alarm,” Dick suggests lazily to his younger brother.
“What are we twelve? Most of the people here already think we’re still fifteen.”
“No, they think you’re still fifteen because you were legally dead for like four years.”
“Shut up, dickwad.”
“HER!” Dick exclaimed, “Her, her, her, her!”
“You were Robin not a fucking parrot, her what?”
“That beautiful beautiful woman right there that looks even more miserable than we do with those tuxedo vultures circling her.”
Tuxedo vultures was spot on. These rich pigs had her trapped, all trying to win her attention one at a time, attempting a better pitch than the last guy. Any kind of manners that were instilled in her from an early age couldn’t apply after the third man insisted that he was the perfect man for her, actually, the perfect man for any proper woman, brains or not. All of the men here were the exact same, they believed their money and family were enough to flatter any woman here, that having any form of a likable personality or distanct traits besides snobbery was, “not something women really wanted.”
The woman couldn’t control her eye roll after the second attempted joke was made, averting her gaze where her eyes landed on the two men who already had their bright eyes on her, Bruce Wayne’s oldest sons.
She didn’t have a problem with the Wayne Family of course, she was after all attending their gala, it was just some of the guests that she wasn’t so fond of.
“What about her?” Jason looks over to who Dick was fawning over. Jason wasn’t blind, actually his vision only got better after he was resurrected, he too thought that the woman was beautiful, maybe one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen, which is why he immediately shut Dick down, knowing what he was going to try to do.
“No, Dick. No chance, leave her alone.”
“I don’t think she wants me to,” Dick replies as the woman returns his famous flashy grin with a soft smile.
Dick had been trying to get Jason…well more out there after the whole dying, coming back to life, and then out in the public eye again thing. Jason died young, he barely got a chance to live his teenage years so whenever Jay’s attracted to someone, he starts acting like a teenage boy but at the age of twenty instead of sixteen.
Dick, make every girl swoon over him since his Robin days, Grayson mastered the whole girl thing by now and is trying to be his not so little brother’s tonight’s wingman.
“Follow me,” Dick whispers to Jason, not taking his eyes of the beauty across from him.
Dick and a hesitant Jason make their way over to the group of men that were all secretly jealous of their father, probably jealous of his sons too, interrupting the lifeless conversation and taking all of her focus off the vultures and onto him and Jason.
“Good evening gentlemen, how are we doing tonight?” Jason almost gagged at his at his brother’s fake politeness, he was always the better one at socializing, his charming personality didn’t stop at women.
“Richard Grayson, boy you’ve certainly grown up since I last saw you!” An older man around Bruce’s age greets him stirring up the rest of the men.
“Dick Grayson huh, pleasure to finally meet Gotham’s new prince.”
“I hear you’re very popular with the ladies,” the group erupted into laughter, these men really love any jokes to do with a woman don’t they?
“And you must be Bruce’s other son, Tim is it?” Jason’s takes his eyes off the woman to give the man a slight scowl, he promised Bruce he’d behave tonight.
“No, no, that’s Jason the one that…” one of the men tries to begin to tell the epic tale of Jason Todd.
“Say, we would love to stay and chat but our date has been waiting for us for quite a bit now,” Dick quickly interrupts him before Jason pulls out any kind of weapon on these men and offers his hand to the woman.
She places her hand into his thinking that she’d rather be a damsel in a in distress in need of saving by a knight, or in Gotham’s case a masked vigilante, instead of spending another moment with some men that are old enough to be her father thinking about how’d she make the perfect trophy wife and the younger who simply want to get laid after the gala. As Dick pulls her away from the hungry drunken men, she offers her hand to Jason who gives her a confused and flustered look.
“If I’m not mistaken, Mr. Grayson said our date,” she says to him in the most soothing and charming voice Jason’s ever heard.
Forcing himself to snap out of this teenage haze, Jason takes her hand earning a smile from both her and his brother.
“I hope you don’t mind us whisking you away like that, you just seemed like you weren’t enjoying yourself,” Dick started, never dropping his darling smile.
“I don’t mind at all, I needed an excuse to get away from them,” the woman looks back at the men as they watch the brothers walk away with their “prize” in envy, “god they’re pathetic,” she sighs.
“Tell me about it,” Jason mumbles beside her.
“All night I’ve been surrounded by these people that only talk about their money, their jobs, their mansion and penthouses, it’s a bit exhausting, they really can’t think of anything else to discuss. It’s fascinating that they really think that’s the way to win over a woman.”
“Well I can promise you we’re a lot more interesting than that,” Dick laughs, “We also have access to all parts of the manor, how about Jason and I give you a little tour?” Dick states rather than asks earning a questioning look from Jason about what he’s planning.
“If you insist.”
Jason knew how Dick wanted him to jump into the dating pool. He frequently tried to set him up with either other vigilantes so he wouldn’t have to worry about his partner 24/7, or an ordinary Gotham citizen where Jason could escape from Gotham’s criminals and Red Hood duties to enjoy a semi-normal life. What Jason wasn’t understanding was why Dick had a chosen a woman that he was madly attracted to as well.
As Dick began his small tour of the manor, Jason stood awkwardly alongside the woman who was attentively watching his older brother and the places he showed. Jason didn’t know if he should join in or take over, make some small talk, he was sort of frozen in place and shy. You’d think that the big bad Red Hood who always had a mouth on him since he was Robin and would break Batman’s moral code would be the last person to get nervous around a pretty girl, maybe Red Hood wouldn’t but Jason Todd would.
“And this is the library, Jason’s favorite place in the manor,” Jason was snapped out of his thoughts when Dick mentioned his name, “once he comes in here you won’t see him for hours.”
“Big reader?” It took a moment for Jason to realize that the question was for him and not Dick.
“Yea, um, yes, I love literature.”
“Really, would do you love to read?” She was now fully focused on Jason who was struggling to maintain eye contact as his cheeks and ears were colored red.
He couldn’t keep his cool physically but he could try verbally, “classics,” he responded simply, not adding more to his portion of the conversation to which Dick internally sighed to.
“Dostoevsky, Shakespeare, Austen?” The charming woman tried to get something out of the boy.
“All of them, and more of course,” Jason gave her a shy smile.
She heads towards the leather chair that Jason always sits in, making herself comfortable in his spot.
“This where you sit, get lost in all those stories you read?”
Something about her sitting in his chair made his blood rush. The way that she had made it look twice the size bigger being half the size of Jason, the way she relaxed into his chair, sinking into his molding. The boy was so mesmerized he forgot to answer her question.
Dick noticed and decided to swoop in, “Mhm, right here,” Dick drags now standing over her, “he’s a very smart guy you know with all the books he reads, runs in the family.”
She slowly shifted her gaze from Jason to Dick who was getting closer and closer, “I guess the looks do too, interesting for adopted brothers,” earning a smile from both boys.
“Excuse my brother for his shortness, we usually occupy ourselves with stunts at these galas, not beautiful women,” Dick says switching the attention back onto Jason, “he can get pretty shy.” Normally that statement would earn a punch to the shoulder or at least a nasty remark but Dick was right, Jason was pretty shy around pretty girls.
Dick and the mystery woman were now smiling at Jason who was leaned against the wall, close enough to where he can see the rise and fall of her chest, but far enough from engaging the way Dick was.
Dick gently tilts her head up with his large calloused hands forcing their gala girl to look up at him, “What do you think of my brother?”
Now it was the woman’s turn to be painted red, “I think he’s one of the most handsome and intriguing men I’ve ever seen.”
“And me?” Dick pouts.
“I think you’re one of the most handsome and charming man i’ve ever come across,” she says in a sultry tone that lures the boys in like sailors to a siren.
Both Dick and Jason’s blood is rushing, relishing in the fact that this goddess of a woman found the boys to be worthy of her attraction, that nobody else at the gala was as good as them.
“Tell me something, both of you,” she starts, “why stray from your usual chaos and shenanigans to show me around your manor?”
“You’re much more intriguing than anything we had in mind,” says Jason surprisingly boldly as he moves closer to her.
“You’re the most entertaining here tonight, baby,” adds in Dick who quickly got back his confidence after a brush to his ego.
“I heard I was beautiful too,” she teased, trying to get the higher ground again.
“I bet you get told that a lot, don’t you angel? You think that’s what those pigs were telling her Jay? How much of a pretty girl she is,” It was too late though, once Dick Grayson got wound up, he got complete control, “Now you tell me something doll, did they tell you how sexy you look in that dress of yours?” She shakes her head no, any kind of witty and teasing responses wiped from her pretty head, “Aw, well that’s just wrong, Jason tell her how good she looks in that dress.”
Both eyes are on Jason, waiting for his compliment, “She looks—you look stunning in that dress,” Dick was waiting for more, he knew Jason had the vocabulary he just needed the push, “You suit my color, red’s my favorite,” now they were getting something out of him.
“I’ll be sure to think of you when I wear red again,” god she was good. Dick had to bring the power back to him and Jason again, this all quickly became a game to him, his real entertainment for tonight’s gala.
“And what if we got rid of the red,” Dick slips the strap of her dress off her shoulder causing her to shudder, he’s in control again, “how’s that look?”
“Fuck,” Jason whispered under his breath.
“I think Jason feels the same way about it as I do,” with how quiet it was in the library his whisper was heard easily by the two, “what do you think pretty, you think it’s better?”
She felt like how Jason felt in the beginning, mesmerized and stunned. From Dick talking to her so confidently and his usage of pet names, to the way Jason was losing his fucking mind over her.
“Y’gonna answer me or are you gonna keep looking at Jay with fuck me eyes?” Dick wasn’t jealous, he was trying to tease the two, get them riled up.
Before she gets to respond there’s a knock at the door, “Master Richard and Master Jason, Master Bruce requests your attendance for at least another half hour.”
“We’ll be right out Alfred,” Richard quickly answered before Alfred could barge in on the scene, “shall we?”
Dick heads towards the door as Jason and their gala girl slowly fix themselves up, avoiding any kind of eye contact with each other.
Dick stops Jason before they head back out to the gala, “You’re welcome, Jaybird.”
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esmedelacroix · 5 months
Mr. O'Hara
ta!miguel o'hara can't resist student!reader's charms⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
cw: dom!miguel o'hara, age gap, smut, overstim, unprotected p in v, oral f! and m! receiving, slapping, creampie, pwp kinda
a/n: hey lovies, this is a little something I wrote like a year ago about a different character and it's one of the first things I had ever written so I took and revised it, and made it about Miguel. I hope you all like it, enjoy...
wc: 2k
You were a college senior when you first entered Mr. Choi’s Biology Class. It was a relatively easy class but every now and then you would get entirely distracted by Mr. Choi’s teacher assistant Miguel O'Hara. He graduated from your department the year before and he was now doing his master's. Since Mr. Choi had been out for a month and most likely be gone for more to come, Miguel had been teaching your class.
This meant you were busy staring at his muscular biceps that bulged out of his button-up shirt, his forearms that flexed when he wrote on the board, his hair that was always styled perfectly, and his sharp jawline that looked like it could cut through steel. Instead of taking notes and asking questions, you daydreamed about him.
So it was no surprise when Miguel returned your midterm with a bright red F on the front. He held the test result paper to your face to grab your attention seeing that you were lost in thought once again. He placed the sheet of paper on your desk and motioned toward the exit of the classroom.
“My office, now please,” he said in a stern tone of voice.
Miguel paced back and forth collecting his thoughts before closing the door. You sort of knew Miguel before he graduated the year prior so you had expected him to be chill about you failing one singular test. You couldn’t figure out why he was so disappointed in your grade, and not any other students' because the whole class had failed. He ran a hand through his hair and took off his glasses to look you in the eyes; the tension grew thicker as the two of you stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity.
"What did you want to talk to me about Mr. O’Hara?" you had asked him, trying to sound as clueless as possible.
“Well, believe it or not, you were at the top of this class at the beginning of the semester, and please just call me Miguel,” he said as he leaned against his desk.
“Well, I knew I was good at Biology but I didn't know I was at the top of my class,” you said genuinely dumbfounded.
“So what's going on? I feel like you’re always daydreaming and zoning out in class nowadays. Your grades are slipping and I don’t want this to happen to you, I know your potential as a student.” Miguel said, as his expression softened.
“Well if you are as worried about my grades as you say you are, can’t you just raise them?" you asked with a blank expression.
"Well yes, I could if I wanted to be kicked out of school," he said, sounding sarcastically.
"It's just a few points," you said in a sing-songy tone as if you were teasing him.
"I can’t, it is a violation of school rules and unfairness for other classmates," he said.
"But, if I sleep with you, will you raise my score?" you asked as you sat back in the chair across from him looking up at him with fuck me eyes.
"Um, no?" Miguel said cheeks flushed with the bold proposition you had made.
"Come on, I know you had a little crush on me last year, your buddies on the soccer team told me," you said as the corners of your lips rose at his slightly embarrassed expression that he was trying to mask with confusion.
"Just, leave my office please," he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"You sure you don’t want this?" you asked as you traced your collarbone pulling his eyes to the tight button-up that showed some of your cleavage that you were sporting.
“Can you please leave? A no is a no." Miguel said as he stuffed his hands in the pockets of his gray trousers, and turned away from you as you left the room trying to hide his obvious boner.
"Okay big guy I'll see you this weekend at your place," you left his room leaving the door open a crack.
“Seriously I won’t do it!” he called out. 
. . .
Despite all of that denying Miguel had your legs spread across the armchair in his bedroom. His room had a huge ceiling-to-floor window overlooking the bright city lights. You looked out at the buildings that your teary and hazy eyes perceived as colorful dots. You were already three orgasms into the night, he never got tired of lapping at your folds and fucking you with his tongue alone.
Constantly letting you know that you tasted too sweet to be true. His calloused fingers circled your aching clit as he slipped his index finger into your wet, creamy cunt. He didn’t once let you touch herself; letting him eat you out was the reward that would make him give you that A+. He wasn't eating your pussy and making you squirt to make you feel good, he was doing it for his pleasure. He continued with both his index finger and his middle finger pumping them in and out of your sex. You watched as each muscle on his arm flexed as he fingered you.
Your hands gripped at the arms of the red velvety chair. You felt high on the feeling of him sucking your clit and fingering you. You couldn't help but squeeze around him as he added a third finger and pressed his forearm across your stomach holding you down as your legs began to spasm and your hips jerked up.
The wet, squelching, lewd sounds of Miguel's fingers going in and out of you filled the room, as your moans serenaded him, turning him carrying vibrations from his hardening erection threatening to bust the button of his slacks. Miguel brought his fingers to his mouth making sure he didn’t break eye contact with you. After licking all your juices off his fingers, he shoved them into your mouth, locking eyes with you as you sucked his fingers tasting a mixture of his saliva, your slick, and the whiskey he had beforehand.
His bulge was painfully visible through his trousers. "Take this off," he commanded, tugging at the hem of your pink button-up.
You slowly unbuttoned your shirt and tossed it on the ground along with your skirt, and panties. He smirked to himself, biting the inside of his cheek as he picked you up and took a seat on the armchair setting you on his lap. "Help me take my clothes off," he ordered with a smirk, enjoying how willing you were to do what he asked.
You unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside then you slid his pants and boxers off of him and watched his cock spring up and hit his stomach. You took a moment to take in the sight before you. Miguel sat back in the chair spreading his legs and motioning for you to kneel in between them just like he did to you moments before. "Are you going to stare at me or are you going to get to work?" he asked as he cupped your chin with his hand and slapped you across the face with the other.
You wrapped your hands around his warm veiny shaft. Your thumb and your fingers barely met when you wrapped them around his cock; he was that big. You licked the precum that was leaking from his screaming red tip earning a low groan from him. You slowly rubbed him in an almost teasing manner trying to assess how you were going to fit him in your mouth let alone your vagina.
“Miguel, you’re so big I don’t know how this is gonna fit-” you started.
“But you're going to take it anyway, right?” Miguel asked, trying to swallow his moans with his speech as you slowly stroked his length. 
He grabbed you by the hair and guided your mouth onto his cock. You only had the tip in, but your mouth already felt full. He pushed your head down even further on his cock bobbing your head up and down.
You could feel him getting warmer and feel his length twitching in your mouth against your tongue. He pushed your head further to the base of his cock and you gaged on it. Tears burned your eyes as they fell down your cheeks. Mascara falling with them making a mess of your eye makeup. You slowly lifted your head, his cock leaving your mouth with a pornographic 'pop' sound.
You took a moment to catch your breath before stroking his cock at a speed you knew he'd love. You got up and straddled him with both of your hands on his broad shoulders supporting yourself. You kissed a line from his jaw to his neck. You lined his tip up with your sopping-wet cunt practically dripping on his aching cock with her love juice.
You slowly slid down his cock with a prolonged moan feeling the near-painful stretch. He could feel your tight pussy almost ripping his cock off when you started to move. You slowly moved up and back down again easing yourself into the feeling of his huge cock stretching your walls.
You felt like your body was going to rip in half but after a while, the pleasure completely washed over the pain. Miguel leaned his head back beads of sweat dripping down his neck and chest as you began to ride out your high. He was meanwhile mesmerized by your tits bouncing along with you as he tried not to explode in you right then and there. You frantically rode Miguel feeling your legs shake as a wave of pure pleasure and bliss washed over your body as you experienced the most intense orgasm of the night. Miguel started to pound his hips into you at an ungodly speed riding out his high. With one final thrust, he released his cum deep inside you. Tip kissing your cervix as he filled you up with his babies.
“Miguel,” you moaned breathlessly as you were barely able to think any thoughts but him.
Your body plopped against his, wet, sweaty skin stuck together as the two of you panted
“That was only the beginning, and you call me Mr.O'Hara got it?” he said as he lifted you up with him and brought you to the giant window outlooking the entire city. Your legs were wrapped around his waist as he suddenly put you down and made you face the window. He pressed your naked body against the cold glass. Your nipples hardening at the sudden temperature change. You jumped startled by how chilly the glass was against your hot skin. He turned on the fireplace nearby and whispered in your ear, “ I want the whole world to watch when I fuck you” 
The hairs on the back of your neck jumped after feeling his warm breath hit your ear like dry ice. There was nothing nice about what he was saying it was cruel a cruel promise that he would fuck you so good you'd question if you've ever actually had sex before. Moisture pooled in between your legs at the thought of it.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? You want me to show them how good of a slut you are huh?” He asked as his finger circled your clit and her and kneeled on the beige carpet floors bringing you down with him bending you over doggy style. You pressed your hands against that cold glass and moaned,
"Yes, Mr. O'Hara, show them all how good I am for you,"
. . .
As all the students filed into the class, you couldn't help but notice that your name was number one on the end-of-trimester grades list. So much for all that, 'I'll lose my job' crap. Besides there's nothing Miguel wouldn't do after a fuck like that.
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lucyrose191 · 7 months
Author’s note; fuck off Amy.
Pairing; Sebastian Vettel x shy!girlfriend!reader
Summary; Reader has grown to love the feeling of Sebastian’s eyes on her but not everyone understands.
Warnings; fluff, suggestive towards the end, Amy’s a bitch.
F1 Master List
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Sebastian always had a habit of looking at her, he just couldn't help himself, he found her so beautiful that it was impossible not to admire her. He didn't understand how he was so lucky to have someone so special as his girlfriend.
It had taken a while for Y/N to get used to his gaze, at first it had made her self conscious, she thought there was something about her appearance or her outfit which had caught his attention but every time she asked he always responded the same way.
"I’m just admiring how beautiful my girl is"
She eventually found herself being used to having his eyes on her, in fact she had grown to like it. It made her feel safe and secure knowing he was there and keeping an eye on her. It was like a comfort blanket to her now.
She did feel nervous under his gaze though, the good kind of nervous. Sebastian was always one for eye contact and his gaze was... intense. It was constantly making her flustered, she'd end up forgetting everything, her words, what she was meant to be doing, everything vanished for her when he was around, all she could think about was him.
Sebastian and Y/N were currently out for dinner with some of Y/N's friends, although the pair of them had been official for over 2 years now Seb hadn't really had the chance to meet her friends properly due to him travelling all the time and when he wasn't they were too caught up in making up for lost time to make plans.
Her friends had been shocked when Y/N who was known to be extremely shy and famous for keeping to herself announced that she had a boyfriend, they had already been dating for nearly a year when she had finally told them.
Imagine their surprise when their incredibly private friend revealed just who her boyfriend was; an extremely famous, successful and rich formula one racing driver.
Y/N was currently in the middle of a conversation with her 'best-friend' Amy when she felt her boyfriends beautiful eyes tracing over her body.
Sebastian thought she looked so beautiful, she has dressed up tonight into a long dress and heels. Obviously she looked beautiful all the time but that dress was really doing something.
It didn't take long for Y/N to get flustered, her cheeks had turned a blush pink and she looked down at the table as she tried to remember her words.
Sebastian smiled, he loved the effect he had on her, knowing that he could get her all riled up just from a simple glance was a huge ego booster.
"Why do you keep looking at her like that? Can't you see it's making her uncomfortable" The table went silent as everyone turned to look at Amy who had purposely made sure everyone heard her.
Sebastian was speechless when he saw that she was staring him down. Making her uncomfortable? He looked at Y/N who was in just as much disbelief as he was, staring at her friend, wide-eyed because she hadn't been uncomfortable at all and she really didn't appreciate her rude tone towards the man she loved.
"Excuse me?" Sebastian almost laughed at the ridiculousness of her accusation.
"You've been staring her down for the past 10 minutes and it's creepy, can you not see how awkward she feels? She's literally shifting around in her seat"
"Amy-" Y/N tried to protest, she usually wasn't one to speak up, preferring to keep out of drama but the way the girl in front of her was looking at Sebastian like he was a piece of shit wasn't sitting right with her at all, especially because he was quite literally the sweetest human she had ever met.
The table watched in tense silence as Amy continued to run her loud mouth which was making everyone feel uncomfortable.
"...Just because you're some rich bloke that drives around in fancy cars doesn't mean you have the right to stare at a woman like she's a piece of meat" Seb couldn't believe the audacity of the woman, she knew absolutely nothing about him.
It seemed Y/N was thinking the same thing because she slammed her hand down on the table "Shut up! You know absolutely nothing about Seb or me, clearly, so stop acting like you have the right to comment on him, his job or his actions"
She then turned to her boyfriend who's eyes were filled with pride "Can we go? I don't want to stay here with someone who had no respect for others"
Sebastian nodded, immediately standing from his seat,  placing a couple bank notes down on the table to pay for their meal before grabbing his jacket and holding out his hand for her to take.
He ignored Amy's muttering of "Oh so you need to ask his permission to do what you want as well"
He said a polite goodbye to the rest of the table before the pair of them walked out of the restaurant.
Sebastian briefly glanced away from the the road and over to the passenger seat for the fifth time since they had gotten into the car, Y/N hadn't said anything since leaving the restaurant and it was starting to worry him.
She had sort of curled herself up into a ball, her knees pulled up to her chest with her feet resting on the edge of the seat as she stared blankly out of the window.
Sebastian wanted to tell her to sit up straight for her own safety but his worry for what she was thinking was a bigger priority to him at the moment.
"Liebling?" She only hummed in response which increased the worry he initially felt, she always responded properly to show he had her full attention, believing it was rude otherwise.
He hadn't been too bothered about Amy's words in the restaurant but with how quiet his girlfriend was being, he was starting to think that maybe Y/N agreed with her and maybe he did make her feel uncomfortable.
"Are you okay, schatz?" He asked. Y/N heaved out a heavy sigh as she sat up properly before turning to face him.
"I just hate how rude she was to you, she had no reason to speak to you like that and to do it in front of everyone in a public was just wrong, I'm sorry"
"Why are you apologising to me? You didn't do anything wrong, you handled it brilliantly" Sebastian reached over to grab her hand and link their fingers together, his thumb stroking along her hand hoping to provide some comfort.
"I know you went through the trouble to make sure you were free so we could go to dinner with them and now it's just wasted"
Sebastian shook his head "I didn't make sure I was free for the dinner, Y/N. I made sure I was free for you, you're more important to me than any interview or meeting"
Y/N smiled at his words, tightening her hold on his hand, he really was the perfect man.
"Can I ask you a question though?" He asked, seeing Y/N nodding her head out of the corner of his eye "Was she right?"
"What!?" Y/N couldn't believe the absurdity of his question "Not at all"
Sebastian bit his lip, not quite sure if she was just saying that so she wouldn't hurt his feeling "Are you sure? I'd hate to make you feel uncomfortable"
She couldn't help but giggle, nothing he did could ever make her uncomfortable, he was perfect. "You have never made me feel uncomfortable, Seb. I like feeling your eyes on me" she admitted.
Sebastian looked at her with a small smirk "yeah?"
Y/N nodded "Makes me feel sexy" she sheepishly said, turning back to the window to try and hide the blush on her cheeks.
"Oh, really?" She heard to teasing tone in his voice and internally rolled her eyes knowing he wouldn't let her live this down.
His ego had just grown about three times the size from her confession. It felt great knowing that he was able to make her feel so good without really doing anything. "Don't go all shy on me now, come on" he told her, tugging on her hand slightly.
"You're just going to hold it over my head now" she groaned but turned back to him as he wished.
"I promise I won't, I like that I make you feel good by something so simple" he said. The last part was true but he was totally going to hold it over her head.
"You always make me feel good" she whispered, tracing a finger over the veins on the back of his hand.
Sebastian heard her even though she spoke so quietly and felt like he could melt. What man didn't like hearing those words?
"How about I make you feel good when we get back home?" He asked, his tone suggesting anything but innocence.
Y/N's breath hitched knowing exactly what he was talking about. "Absolutely"
Sebastian smirked, turning his attention back to the road but he subtly pressed down on the accelerator.
He couldn't wait to get home.
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kechiwrites · 8 months
gentle touch
könig x massage therapist!reader kinktober countdown day 5 (body worship)
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synopsis: oh, the military boys were your favourite.
wc: 2.8k
cw: massage therapist reader doing bad medical-ish practice, body worship, light sub!konig, mentions of edging, hand jobs, a little oral as a treat, biting, konig being petnamed as he should (honey), size kink, hints at touch starvation, groping, begging, uncut konig, afab!reader, no gendered pronouns or language.
author's note: i know his dick hex code and it's glorious. mdni.
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He’s your last appointment of the day. And what a fucking day it had been, ten hours that should’ve been eight, cinnamon scented candles instead of eucalyptus, a rushed lunch because a client had shown up early, not taking “I’m on break” for an answer.
You knock on the faux bamboo door, waiting for your appointment to allow you entry. When he does, so quietly you almost miss it, you open the door, only for your eyes to land on a broad, strong back, still wrapped in a dark grey long sleeve. He turns slightly, just enough for you to see the thin stubble on his chin, cheek and jaw.
"Hello! I didn't catch you undressing did I?" This time he turns all the way around and you are sure your swallow is audible. Hell, you hope it's audible, you want this dude to know just how impressed you are with what you're seeing.
"No." He shakes his head, rubbing his aquiline nose against the inside of his wrist. It must’ve been broken once before, if the uneven bump on his bridge is anything to go by. Why is that hot? That shouldn’t be hot. You eat up the motion, eyes tracking every twitch or movement of his massive arms.
“Oh…" you're ogling him. You need to stop ogling him. "I actually need you to strip down.” The words burn on your tongue. You must say that a thousand times a work week, but this time, when you say it to him, it sounds…dirty. Like a shitty porn set up. Makes your clean white polo feel vacuum sealed to your skin. He takes a step towards you and you shudder a breath, tensing until you realize he’s getting closer to the lockers to your left.
He’s huge, you think, and when he still doesn’t look up at you, content to let the strands of dark brown hair, nearly black hair, hang in his face, you figure he’s shy too.
“And you can use the towel to maintain modesty, Mr. König.” You get the inflection of his name wrong, you know because you’d googled it prior, held your phone to your ear in the staff washroom and listened to a soft spoken German man lilt it to you. There’s a hard ‘g’ on the end where it shouldn’t be, and you apologize, trying again to master it. “König.”
“Right.” He murmurs, “Just around my waist, yes?”
Or it could go on the floor and I could rub my clit on your abs.
“Yes, sir. Around your waist.”
You exit the room, closing it softly behind you. You figure you’ll use the few minutes you have to get a bottle of water, or a sedative. Something strong enough to bring you back down to your customary professional detachment.
When you return, he’s where you expect him to be. Face down on his stomach, his head in the cushioned hole. “S-sorry.” He speaks, voice muffled by his position. The apology comes immediately upon the sound of the door closing and you worry his large frame has cracked the massage table or something. You peer around him, looking for any chunks of polished wood or loose screws.
When you don’t find anything you realize he’s apologizing for his scars, the pit marks of bullets dug out in haste and healed with spite, lacerations haphazardly stitched, then redone a second time with the careful, practiced hands of a doctor in no rush.
“Oh, please don’t be. We get military boys all the time. Nothing I haven’t seen before.” You murmur, and it’s a lie of course. Not that you’ve seen scars, of course, you’ve seen some really storied skin in your time here, being near a base and all. No, it was the man who was an oddity. Mandy at the front desk told you that he’d had to duck through the front door.
His skin is also ultra pale in a way military men usually aren't. Near transparent, the sprawling blue lines of his veins thread underneath his skin, and you can see yourself getting distracted tracing some of the pathways with your fingers.
He hums, and you hope you’ve put him at ease a little bit. You haven’t even touched him yet and the tension in his back is glaring. Anxious people tended to hold a lot of stress, anxious soldiers? You’re just glad he’d booked a two hour instead of the customary hour and twenty.
The oil is cold straight from the bottle and you warm it between your palms before you make contact. He’s warm to the touch, bridging on hot, and he flinches when your hands meet his skin. “Was that too cold?” He groans, but doesn’t affirm or deny it, so you figure it must just be the contact. Slowly, you begin with his calves, tending to and pushing on knotted muscle and tense areas, working out kink after kink, soothing his compounded aches. The oil smoothes down his leg hair and you must be going insane because even that is hot to you. His thighs are even worse, strong and muscled and dimpled in the sweetest places. He shivers when your palms glide over his inner thighs, and he clenches them together when your fingers brush the hem of the towel shielding his ass from your greedy view. As quickly as it happens, he relaxes, murmuring another apology. You hum your own response, and push your thumb into an adorable cluster of moles you see just under the towel.
By the time you get to his lower back, König is almost purring, his gentle breathing often interrupted by drawn out, guttural moans. Whines and whimpers that make your blood hot. He’s holding the worst of his tension there, and you have to lean almost all your body weight into the motions of the massage. His hips jerk up and then down just as sharply when you crest your palm over her shoulder blades, and you don’t imagine the keening noise he makes as he grips the massage table. You’re used to military clients being a lot more stoic but it seems Mr. König is most assuredly not the sort. You reach his neck, framing his throat with your palms and using your thumbs to rub firm circles into his nape. His breath hitches and you find yourself cooing. “Breathe for me, I got you.” The soldier’s hips snap downward again, this time hard enough to shift the table beneath him. Which is more than enough to make you pause. 
It couldn’t be.
The soft music and sound of the water feature on the wall nearly drown out the curse König whispers, but you catch it, and can’t stop your lips from curling into a pleased little smile. This was just too good. You start to finish up his neck, brushing some of his hair out of the way so you can rub your fingertips into the skin just below his earlobes. You guide him to turn over and when he doesn’t respond, you wonder if he’d fallen asleep.
“Mr. König?”
He makes a wordless groaning noise low in his throat, laying motionless.
“I need you to turn over, honey.” You don’t even realize you’ve pet-named a grown man you don’t know. Which is just as well, because it seems to be what the soldier needs, and he rises from the table, clutching the towel in a tight fist to maintain his scant modesty.
You turn towards the side table, pouring more oil into your palm. When you return to face him, you witness why exactly he was so reluctant to face the ceiling.
He’s at least half-hard, a very noticeable ridge lifting his towel. You can’t stop staring at it, even though you know König is trying his best to ignore it. You circle around him, and begin at the foot of the table, going through the massage cycle again; feet, calves, thighs, arms. You zone out, following through your motions, listening to the man beneath groan and sigh his contentment. You reach his chest, spreading your hands over his pecs. They’re big, just like the rest of him, you think and it’s hard not to fucking drool on him. He’s firm but soft, still pleasantly warm, despite being exposed to slightly below room temperature air. He shifts again when you hit a stubborn knot right below his collarbone, and you pause to check in.
“Still good?”
His breathing is uneven, shuddering and laboured. His hands clench and relax from white knuckled fists.
“Yes.” he hisses through gritted teeth, and you’re worried he’s undoing every bit of relaxation you’ve tried to bring him. It’s painfully clear where the stress is coming from, hidden underneath a paltry white towel, the enticing elephant in the room. You put your hands back on him.
Still got 45 minutes left, after all.
You try your best not to look smug, and you fail miserably.
Every stroke and rub you perform across his chest makes his cock jerk and twitch under the towel. You can practically see the cloudy drops of precum that’d be beading as his tip. Your thumb nail skates across his pectoral and catches his nipple and the whine he makes is so sweet you just have to do it again. Soon, you’re barely massaging him, groping the poor man under the guise of your job. A weak grunt snaps you out of your reverie, and when you glance down his abdomen at that godforsaken towel, you can’t stop the quiet gasp of shock you release at his erection. “Ah, I’m so sorry. Very sorry” His flush spreads from his cheeks all the way down to his chest, a gorgeous stewed cherry colour that overwhelms the pale skin you’d worked into submission. His eyes are screwed shut when you can bear to drag your eyes from his cock to his face. His soft, pink mouth is pulled down at the corners, and the heavy, dark slashes of his eyebrows are furrowed together, creating a wrinkle between them you want to smooth out with a kiss.
“It happens all the time. Are you alright to continue?” Your voice is deceptively calm, serene and soft, when all you really want to do is snatch the towel off the battering ram he’d smuggled in here. Your blood thrums, and you ache at the sight of it, at the mere thought of the ungodly stretch he’d put you through.
You will yourself to keep your hands where they are, force yourself to look literally anywhere else. The faux waterfall ahead of you, the wireless speaker droning pleasant, melodic mood music, fuck, you even try staring at the dimmed light fixtures hanging from the ceiling. But every cry and whine forces your eyes down, tempts you to catalogue every inch of flushed skin and threaded muscle. You gnaw on your own lip, and find your hands drifting down, back around his abdomen. You’ve worked through the area already, there is no excuse to be down there, to slip your finger tips under the towel, to push your digits into the skin around his pelvis. “Is this okay?” You have the gall to ask, when you push your fingers lower still, and basically sign your own severance package. Oh but it’d be worth it, to get what you want, to make this big strong man sob with pleasure, to have his mouth on your throat while you stroked him to completion. The memory of his cock in your hand will keep you warm in the unemployment line.
König nods, turns his head towards you but doesn’t open his eyes. His hips cant upwards again, and his towel shifts, parting to reveal his angry, desperate hard-on. He raises a hand from the massage table, letting his mammoth paw land on your hip. He squeezes you, and exhales sharply through his nose when his thumb touches your bare skin, skating over your flesh underneath your work shirt. “Say it.” You mutter and his eyes crack open, just wide enough for you to spot the crystalline blue of his irises between his inky black lashes.
And that’s all you need.
He’s uncut, and the veins blanketing the length of his cock are visible under his foreskin. Pretty in a way you aren’t used to, a denser blush than the rest of his body, but still quite pale. It feels like your hand is moving in slow motion towards it, your fingers twitching in anticipation. The heat of his dick warms your skin before you even make contact, and when you do, wrapping your fingers around the root of it, your fingertips can’t touch. You press your lips together and try not to squeal happily, glee crinkling your eyes.
God is real and he’s an uncircumcised cock on a shy giant.
König’s erection is searingly hot. Soft skin and hard core, jerking in your palm, leaking steadily, nudging at your hand, insistent. Your brain is working full steam and connections necessary to utilize common sense are still not being made. Slowly, you tighten your hold on him, the weight of it is so imposing, you wouldn’t be surprised if imprints of the veiny surface were branded onto your hand once you withdrew. If you ever withdrew. You should fucking withdraw.
You do not withdraw. Instead, you slide your hand up slowly, choking up on the head of his cock before dragging your grip back down. You chance a glance up at his face, watching his Adam’s apple bob with each laboured swallow. The poor man’s jaw clenches and relaxes while you slide your palm over his flesh again and again. Somehow, he hardens further and your eyes widen impossibly larger, the pit of your stomach doing somersaults at the idea of where you want that thing to go, what you want it to do. You get fevered flashes of König bending you over the massage table in your mind, hands on your hips, rutting without sense or logic into you, so hard the surface scrapes against the floor, all while he sobs, his overwhelmed, overstimulated tears splashing against your back while he rearranged your insides. The head of his cock is exposed every time you slide your hand down towards his pelvis. By the third peek, you’re dragging the pointed end of your tongue over the tip of his dick, licking against his head, and coating your mouth with the taste of him. He grips at your side harder, his fingers digging into your hip as he chases the warmth of your mouth. He keens loud, almost mewling when you pull off him, using your spit to ease your hand’s path. By this point, your handiwork is audible, noisy and wet, König’s voice filling the small room. You use your free hand to guide his head to your chest, letting him bend toward you, press his nose into your tits while he begs for you to finish him.
“Are you gonna come, Mr. König?” You thread your fingers in his hair, letting your nails scratch against his scalp, drift down to his nape and up to his crown again.
“Yes, please, please. Fuck.” His voice is reedy and thin, and he wraps his arm around your waist, burying his face deeper in your chest. And then his whole body trembles, and his hips roll towards you, and for a fleeting minute you consider edging the poor bastard, sliding your hand completely off his cock and watching it twitch violently, uselessly in the air.
But he begs so sweetly. And his next session was already pre-booked.
The hand you kept on his head leaves his hair, and you rub the head of his cock with your flat open palm, jerking him off with firm, fast strokes. He bites down on the curve of your breast, and you’re grateful he still managed to retain enough brain cells to not break skin.
“Do it then. Come, honey.” You trill, feeling his tears wet your skin through your shirt. It’s almost instantaneous, so fast it’s kind of impressive. His body goes bowstring-tight, and he squeezes you so hard it almost hurts. Ropes of sticky white seed shoot from his cock, covering your hand and his spasming abdomen. You slide your hand up, milking just the first two inches of him through his orgasm, until he stops your movements himself, covering your hand with his own.
When you finally break contact, you stare at your hand for what feels like ages, thick beads of his cum rolling down your palm, sliding to your wrist. You extricate yourself from his hold, using your clean hand to brush his sweat damp hair from his forehead. You press that kiss you wanted to the space between his brows. Why start restraining yourself now? His body shivers periodically, and you turn to the sink, to wash your hands clean, clenching your own thighs together, his moans and sighs echoing in your mind. You turn to face him, grinning wide and cheery,
“So...I’ll see you next week?”
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hoe, you are getting fired! at least you got a man outta it though.
support city girls who love gummy worms, reblog what you like.
find the rest of the masterlist here.
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iluvmattsbeard · 1 month
older (m.s)
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master list
student! matt sturniolo x professor! reader
warnings: HEAVY smut/oral (female receiving)/fingering/p in v/creampie/swearing
preview: 18 year old student Matt is a freshman in college. you are his professor who is 28 years old. Matt is a phenomenal student. but during lectures, he can’t help but check out his professor, fantasizing about you. you tell him it’s unprofessional for you to pay more attention to him than any other student. you also tells him you're too old for him which, he tries to prove to you you're wrong.
*not proof read*
a/n: i’m doing a collab with @mwahsturns ! go check out her version of Matt being the professor, click here ,this is my version of the reader being professor! i’m so glad I had the opportunity of working with her. she is lovely and absolutely amazing overall. i hope to do this again. if anyone would also like to collab with me in the future, let me know! - L 🤍
even though Matt was pursuing his YouTube career with his brothers, Matt wanted to do something on his own. in videos, he is known to spread light on mental health and anxiety. as he did some research, he found a community college that fit his standards. he wanted to major in psychology and hopefully see where it takes him. his brothers supported his decision and he couldn't be anymore excited. he enrolled himself and got in immediately. today was his first day and he was currently packing his back pack. "are you sure you'll be able to handle all of this?" his brother Nick asks. Matt was in the middle of shoving his books in his bag, "yes Nick. i'll be okay. i'm just going to see if this is right for me. if it's not, then i'll stick to YouTube." he responds while zipping up the bag in front of him.
"okay I was just making sure." Nick says getting up from the bar stool in the kitchen. "alright, i'm all set. i'll see you guys later." Matt says putting on the back pack and picking up his car keys. Chris and Nick both say good bye to him and he walks out, heading to his car. as soon as he put the address in his navigation, he noticed the estimated arrival time and muttered under his breath, "fuck." it was not going to be a good first impression he thought. when he finally got on campus, he headed straight to his class. he got to the door and opened it, walking inside to see all the students turn and look at him. "you're late." he hears a woman say. he turns to look at you. you had your back facing towards the class as you wrote something on the whiteboard.
you turn around and he locks eyes with yours. "what's your name?" you ask walking over to your desk. "Matthew." he says eyeing you. "okay Matthew, you may take a seat. I'll let it slide since it's your first day." you respond looking up from your computer to catch his stare. Matt nods and walks to an empty seat. he didn't expect his professor to look the way you did. he looked at the board to see your name. "miss L/n..." he whispers to himself. Matt kept his eyes on you as you spoke, "Matthew, you can ask the person next to you to copy their notes that I previously had up. go over it and try to catch up okay?" Matt nods and does as you say. as he took notes, he couldn't help but get distracted by the professor. your white button up shirt with your hair both placed in front of your shoulders, your long black pencil skirt, stockings, and black heels. he couldn't keep his eyes off you.
as time went by, Matt was always on top of his work. his focus was always there in lectures. he didn't really find the subject of the class all that interesting but, his professor was all he cared about. he wanted to stand out and to do so, he needed to focus on what you were teaching about so he could stay on top. Matt was never good in school but, this was different. after one of the lectures, he decided to stick around as other students left. "is there something you need Matthew?" you ask looking up at him. he was still sat in his seat as he clears his throat, "i'm having a little trouble accessing some material at home." he says lying. "let me take a look." you suggest to him. he gets up and walks over to you with his laptop. "you can call me Matt by the way." he adds on as he places the laptop in front of you. you smile a bit, "good to know." you respond and looks at his screen.
you began to open up the material that he claimed wasn't working. you look at him, "are you sure it wasn't working at home?" you ask. "it wasn't last night. I guess you have the magic touch." he says causing you to laugh, "I guess so. anything else you need help with?" you ask. he shakes his head, "not that I know of." he says taking his laptop off the desk. he starts to walk away but you call out to him, "wait Matt." he turns around and looks at you, "yes?" he asks. you stand up from your chair and smile, "I just want to tell you i'm highly impressed by your work. every single assignment you turn in, is beyond what I ask for." you complimented him. Matt grins before speaking, "I am being taught well." you laugh, "thank you. that just means i'm doing my job." you say clasping your hands together in front of you.
as more lectures go by, he couldn't help but start to fantasize about you. he started to imagine how he would look impressing you with something else he's good at beyond his assignments. the way you spoke, he could just imagine the way you would whisper in his ear. Matt would eye your buttoned shirt and imagine how he would undo it. his thoughts were soon interrupted by the professor clearing your throat, "Matt?" you call out. he gulps and looks up at your eyes instead of your blouse, "make sure you're paying attention." you say tapping on his desk before walking away. after class, you ask him to stick around. "are you okay?" you question him. he was sat across from you, "yes i'm fine. why?" he asks. you laugh a bit, "I could tell your mind was wondering off somewhere else. I just wanted to know if something was bothering you." you say as he stares at you. "oh yeah, i'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to." he responds.
"that's okay, just let me know what's on your mind next time." she suggests. Matt nods and it stays quiet for a bit. "how'd you get into teaching?" he asks breaking the silence. "it's a long story." you say laughing a bit. he has this blank face as he speaks, "I have time." your smile fades a bit as you let out a little breath, "well, it wasn't my first choice. I wanted to pursue in something more creative but to my parents it was more of a dream than a reality. I decided to get into education and well here I am." you continued to ramble but he catches you off guard with his next question, "what's your name?" you look at him, "that's a sudden question. my name is Y/n but don't get use to that." you say. "how old are you, Y/n?" he asks curiously and boldly. "none of your business." you respond as he grins, "i'm just trying to get to know you." you hesitate but eventually tell him, "i'm 28." you mutter out.
"are you married?" he asks making your eyes widen a bit, "no but, that's a very personal question. this is starting to get inappropriate." you say getting up from your chair. Matt gets up as well, "it's inappropriate to try to get to know you?" he asks. you turn to look at him, "it's inappropriate because i'm your teacher. i'm not somebody you need to know better." you respond. he puts on his back pack and smiles, "only innocent." he says walking out the classroom leaving you standing there alone.
a few days later, you were at your desk grading assignments as you notice Matt's work getting sloppy. you ask him to stay after class and he does so. it was all apart of his plan. "Matt, your recent assignments have been painfully hard to grade. you were doing good not too long ago, why are you being lazy with your work?" you ask in a serious tone. "i'm not quite sure. why don't you want me to get to know you?" he asks catching you off guard. "Matthew, we're talking about your work here." you say wanting to stick to the serious conversation. "are you scared Y/n?" he asks making you fix your posture, "it's miss L/n to you." you remind him. "answer my question. are you scared you might enjoy talking to me?" he says. "it's inappropriate." you say repeating yourself from last time. "is it inappropriate to ask what you like to drink?" he asks tilting his head a bit with a small smile.
"mainly iced coffee." you answer hoping to move on from the conversation, "now can we talk about your work?" you ask hoping he would cooperate but, he gets up and puts on his back pack, "i'll fix it." he says before walking out leaving you once again, in shock. you sat there wondering why he was acting the way he was.
the next day, you had your back facing the class as you wrote a check list on the board. as soon as you turned around, you do a double take of the iced coffee that was placed on your desk. you look up from it, eyeing Matt as he just grins and looks away to unzip his bag. unbelievable you thought. after the lecture, you ask him stick around as everyone else leaves. "Matt, don't start this." you say sternly. "what? I can't get you coffee for being a good teacher?" he says with a sly smile. you sigh, "that's nice of you but I know what you're doing." you say with your arms crossed. "what am I doing?" he asks not taking his eyes off of you. "you're trying to flatter me." you mutter out. he laughs and puts on his back pack. he looks at you up and down and greets you good bye as he walks out. "what are you up to..." you whisper to yourself.
when Matt arrived home, he began to do his assignments. "how has school been?" Chris asks before taking a sip of his Pepsi. Matt's eyes stayed on his computer, "not much to talk about." he says. Chris rolls his eyes a bit, "nice talking to you." he says. "there is this girl." Matt lets out. "who?" Chris asks now very interested. Matt looks at him, "none of your business." he laughs to himself as he remembers you telling him that. "then why bring it up?" Chris says with a blank face. Matt just laughs again and shakes his head.
the next few days, you start to notice Matt's work going back to being astounding. how is that possible? how did he do it so quickly? Matt continued to get you iced coffee every day. other students were starting to notice. as you sat there, you continue to look at Matt's work and you started to put the pieces together. the coffee, the inappropriate behavior, and he was purposely being sloppy before. you shut your computer as you look at him already staring at you. you felt a sort of shiver go down your spine as this look was different. his eyes were captivating in a way that made you feel disappointed in yourself for even thinking that. you look away and begin your lecture. after, you ask Matt to stick around once more.
"were you being sloppy on purpose?" you ask standing in front of his desk. "maybe." he responds with the same sly smile like always. you let out a sigh, "Matt, why are you doing this?" you ask. "doing what?" he asks trying to be innocent. you turn around and pick up the iced coffee on your desk, "the coffee every day, you wanting to get to know me, asking personal questions, and now I realize you were purposely trying to stay after class." you let out making him lean back in his seat. "and the question you asked the other day. if I was scared that i'll enjoy talking to you? seriously?" you add on.
he looks down and shakes his head with a smile. "what is so funny?" you question with your arms crossed. he looks back up at you, "do you really want to know?" he says. "yes I do." you respond waiting for him to explain. he sits up a bit as he places his arms on the desk, "I think about you constantly." he pauses for a bit, "do you think I wanted to fantasize about my professor?" he asks. you uncross your arms and gulp, "no one asked you to." you say. he laughs a bit, "yeah well I do. you make it hard for me to focus." he says making you look away, "then maybe you should transfer into a different class Matt." you suggest.
"are you sure you want that?" he says making you look at him. it stays quiet for bit as you both locked eyes. you look away quickly and turn around, "I can't do this." you say walking up to your desk. Matt gets up and walks behind you. you stop in front of your desk, placing your hands onto it. Matt gets closer behind you as he presses up against you slightly. you look ahead of you as you felt his presence. Matt moves your hair away by tucking it behind your ear as he gets closer to your ear. you gulp as you stand still, "are you sure you want me gone from your class Miss L/n?" he whispers in your ear. you felt a shiver roll down your spine, "i'm too old for you Matt." you whisper still looking ahead of you. "I'm of age you know." he lets out. "i'm still 10 years older than you..." you reply but he just continues, "just because I'm young, doesn't mean I don't know how to handle you." you let out a breath as he starts to run his hands on your waist, down to your hips.
"i'm your professor Matt..." you whisper. he smirks, "I know. but I can also teach you things." he says turning you around. he steps closer as you lean a bit against the desk, "like what?" you ask looking into his eyes. he picks you up by your waist as he places you on the desk. he was now standing in between your legs as he looks down at you, "I can teach you what it's like to feel good." he whispers. you gulp without breaking eye contact, "Matt..." you whisper back. he places his hands on your face as he pulls you in slowly, closer to his face. your lips were nearly touching, "tell me, do you want that?" he asks. you were filled with mixed emotions. the way you two were, if someone walked in, it would've been obvious what's about to happen. Matt rubs your cheek softly, "use your words." he says in a low tone. his words became more demanding as his eyes grew dark. "teach me then..." you whisper out. he immediately presses his hungry lips onto yours as he kept his hands on your face. your hands were placed on the desk as you leaned into the kiss.
you knew this was wrong but, it felt so right. Matt moves his hands down to your thighs as he places a good grip on them. he pulls you closer, making his grown erection touch your core. you moan out quietly from the sudden action as he then starts to unbutton your shirt slowly as he continues to kiss you with the same eagerness. you buck your hips a bit against his clothed cock as he finally got your shirt to come undone. he then pulls it open, moving it behind your shoulders. now you were mostly revealed at top as your blouse was low on your elbows.
he moves his lips to your neck as he places wet kisses, he begins to suck your skin as he finds your sweet spot, causing you to throw your head back a bit as your eyes went shut. Matt then moves away and looks down at your skirt. he pulls it up slowly, revealing your black lace panties. he begins to kneel down as he pulls them down. you look down at him as he makes eye contact with your wetness. "already so wet for me." he says before moving his head closer in between your legs. he spreads your legs apart slightly as he started to work his way to lick your folds.
your breathing started to go uneven as you let out a breath. he began to tongue the inside of your entrance as you kept your eyes on him. you ran your hand through his hair as you moan quietly. you don't remember the last time someone pleased you. he starts to run his tongue up and down your entrance as your eyebrows furrowed, making your mouth open slightly. the mixture of the wetness of his tongue and your natural wetness was driving you crazy. his tongue worked like magic. he then began to flick his tongue onto your clit as he stuck two digits into your core. you moan from the stimulation as your thighs started to close in. Matt looks up at you as he watches your face change from the way he was moving. his fingers started to go in and out of you as he then started to swirl his tongue around your throbbing clit.
you grip his hair even more as you kept eye contact with him. he was loving the view he had. the way your mouth kept letting out beautiful noises, he knew he was living up to his words. you buck your hips, wanting more from him. he removes his fingers from inside of you and pulls away. he stands back up and licks his lips. "you seemed to enjoy that." he says. "you're looking like you don't mind anymore miss L/n." he lets out as he starts to unbutton his pants. you look at his crotch as he pulls down his pants with his boxers. you felt yourself in between your legs ache. you needed him badly. he strokes his cock as he makes you look at him in the eyes, "do you still think you're too old for me?" he asks, "look how hard you made me." he adds on.
he then grabs you under your thighs, pulling you closer to him as he rubs his tip at your entrance. "M-Matt..." you whine out. "if only you could look at yourself right now. not so inappropriate now huh?" he says with a grin. he then pushes himself into you as you throw your head back from the way he began to stretch you out, "fuck." Matt moans out lowly. you moan at the way he started to thrust slowly. you didn't know if you could take all of him but, he made sure you did. he starts to thrust harder into you as he pushes himself deeper into you. you wrap your legs around him as you pull him into a kiss. he kisses back as he now starts to pound into you. this made you moan in between kisses. your one hand rested around his neck as the other gripped behind his hair.
"keep it down." he says while going back to kiss you, muffling your moans. you shut your eyes as you melt under him. he loved the way he was stuffing you right now. he was finally fulfilling his imagination. you started to push against his thrusts as he gripped your thighs. his thrusts were deep, making your eyes fog up. you didn't know it was possible to feel this good. especially, from your student. he pulls away from the kiss, biting your lip softly. he pushes you down onto the desk, causing some stuff to fall off. he puts your legs together as he continues to thrust at a fast pace. you cover your mouth as you moan into your hands. the position he had you in hurt so good. "fuck i'm going to cum." he groans. "m-me too." you moan out. he spreads your legs and places his thumb on your clit as he started to rub in circles. you were a moaning mess as you gripped onto the edge of the desk.
Matt then releases in you after one last hard thrust. you both cum at the same time. he thrusts out his high as he pulls out of you slowly, watching his cum drip out of you. he grins feeling accomplished. you sat up on the desk as you caught up with your breathing. Matt pulls up his boxers and pants, buttoning it back up. he grabs his back pack and puts it on. he looks at you still on the desk as he smiles, "i'll keep this a secret." he says before walking out.
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a/n: turned myself on 💀 LIKES, COMMENTS, REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED! - L 🤍
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@jnkvivi @fuckshitslover @nickgetsmewetter @mwahsturns
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slutforln4 · 2 months
🖇️ charles leclerc x painter reader
🖇️ in which, instagram is the diary for a fairytale love between a racer, a painter and their life in italy.
🖇️authors note: thank you to the lovely anon that submitted this request <3 hope you enjoy!!
࿐ ࿔*:・゚
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liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, landonorris and 376,937 others
yourusername i ❤️ summers in italy and my boy
user2 i need a love like theirs
charles_leclerc why did i come second on the list of things you love 💔
yourusername i've loved you for three summers, my love, out of the twenty five i've lived. and i'll love you for many more.
user3 stop it rn i didn't need to see that today
user4 brb jumping
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, carlossainz55 and 637,928 others
charles_leclerc i'm being held at gunpoint to post myself during summer break
yourusername and i'll do it again 🔫
user5 let's all thank y/n for feeding us with charl content
user6 thank you y/n
user7 thanks y/n!!
user8 thank you mother
yourusername ur welcome, my loves x
landonorris never seen a man so happy to be on break
yourusername shade
landonorris was it that obvious?
charles_leclerc i love my job?
charles_leclerc !*
user9 ferrari has him locked up LMFAO
user10 bro can't even drive a car unless it's ferrari or he's cooked
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, arthur_leclerc and 436,937 others
yourusername lemons, anyone? 🍋
user11 what the fuck is that stance, charles...
charles_leclerc helps me catch fish
user12 i've never seen anyone paint lemons so realistically, how long did it take?
yourusername eight hours! i've mastered the craft of losing sleep and cramping fingers
user13 spare me some talent i beg
user14 i wonder if she's ever painted charles lol
landonorris paint me a papaya next
yourusername on it
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, carlossainz55 and 837,948 others
charles_leclerc she doesn't always paint
user15 red is her colour!
user16 she looks so cute in the helmet lol
user17 who won karting
yourusername me obvs
landonorris i did tho?
yourusername lando nowins suggests otherwise
user18 LMFAO
user19 why is she cooking lando omfg
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liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, landonorris and 736,937 others
yourusername and he doesn't always race
user20 wait the matching captions i'm emotional
user21 my actual parents
landonorris i hope whatever he was painting on the canvas was better than those eels on your back
yourusername it wasn't but it's the thought that counts
charles_leclerc hey :(
yourusername mi dispiace amore mio
user22 they're adorable i'm sobbing
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liked by arthur_leclerc, carlossainz55, landonorris and 836,937 others
yourusername new beginnings
user24 don't tell me they broke up
user25 i'm ending myself if they broke up
user26 no? no. nope nuh uh
user28 we're done for
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liked by yourusername, arthur_leclerc, landonorris and 2,923,782 others
charles_leclerc guess what
user29 OH MY GOD?????????/
user30 no fucking way
yourusername yours for eternity 🤍
charles_leclerc i wouldn't have it any other way
landonorris congratulations to my fav cringe couple
carlossainz55 congrats
georgerussell63 Congratulations from Carmen and I
lewishamilton congratulations 💐🤍
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, carlossainz55 and 1,436,837 others
yourusername opened up a gallery in my fiancés name. come visit in maranello, italy 💌
user31 i'm??? sobbing???
user32 i went there on opening day and half of her work mentions charles in the descriptions 😭 my fav one: "took a picture of the sunset after charles and i first kissed. it's been three years since and kissing him still feels like looking at this sunset."
user33 STOP????
user34 one of the paintings is literally called charles and it's a cluster of her and his birth month flowers.
charles_leclerc you never fail to make me fall even more in love with you. je t'aime chéri ❤️
yourusername ti amo di più tesoro 🤍
the end.
801 notes · View notes
leclerc-hs · 6 months
fille stupide pt. 2 - cl16
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Pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader / max verstappen x fem!reader Summary: in which you now kind of know French and a not so stranger crosses paths with you again Warnings: smuuuuttttt, mean charles, bad French (please correct me!!!), bad Dutch (please correct me!!!), spitting, CHEATING!!!! (i apologize in advance), unprotected sex, 18+!, not proofread!! Word Count: 3294 Author's Note: I have absolutely no words for what I have written other than please enjoy..... ;) let me hear some feedback please!!! feedback is the only thing that keeps me writing for y'all. french edited by @dannyramirezwife!!! dutch edited by @deanlovescassie!!! PART 3
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
THE PASSING MONTHS did little to erase the imprint he left on your memory. After all, it’s not all that often you let a total stranger fuck your brains out like he did. His presence lingered in your thoughts like a haunting melody. As time stretched on, the details of his face may have blurred slightly, but the essence of his touch and the way he made you feel remained vivid. He remained a part of your past, but the world seemed to conspire in mysterious ways, and you couldn’t shake the feeling that the story was far from over.
The sunglasses, once perched on his nose, now gather dust on your bedside table, serving as a tangible reminder of the indelible memory he left behind. 
While the desire to see him again lingered, you weren’t idly waiting. Life continued its course – you met cute men, went on dates, delved into learning some French and Dutch, and became adept at navigating the intricacies of Monaco. You even have a kind-of boyfriend now. It was still new, about five weeks, not yet too serious. Hence, the Dutch.
“Ben je klaar?” Are you ready? He says, smiling at you as he presses gentle kisses to the top of your head before really looking at you. “Prachtig,” Beautiful. He adds on. You can’t help but blush like an enamored schoolgirl when he is around.
You weren’t sure about the question, but the word ‘beautiful’ was unmistakable. “Max, you know I’m not that good at Dutch yet,” you playfully rolled your eyes before smiling up at him. The word ‘yet’ tugged at his heart strings, as if you were implying that you would master Dutch in the future. It felt like a subtle confirmation of a shared future together.
He looked so handsome in his suit. Tonight, you were accompanying him to a gala event related to his job. Although you weren’t an avid watcher of Formula 1, you were aware of his substantial role in the sport based on what he had shared with you.
As you make your way into the ballroom, his hand gently settles on the small of your back, his thumb soothingly rubbing in a comforting gesture that eases the fluttering nerves within you. A vision of elegance, you enter the scene adorned in a breathtaking silk navy gown with a tasteful high slit. The luxurious fabric drapes gracefully, sculpting a silhouette that effortlessly captures attention with its captivating and refined allure. The high slit, starting just above the knee, ascends provocatively with each step you take.
Entering the room alongside Max, you couldn’t help but sense multiple pairs of eyes fixated on the two of you. With a small smile, you playfully dismiss the stares as if they were all directed at Max. Although, the attention is drawn to you, and it’s clear to Max that you are the center of attraction. 
You feel Max bring his lips softly to the shell of your ear as you finally reach your table for the night, “Looks like I might have to fight off some people tonight, schat.” Darling. You instantly blush as a gentle laugh escapes your glossy lips. With a courteous gesture, he pulls out your chair, and you graciously take a seat, appreciating the chivalry. Afterward, he settles into his own chair, pouring you a glass of champagne.
“Mon dieu, looks like we’re at the same table tonight,” a velvety voice remarks, sending a shiver down your spine. The mere sound of it makes your stomach churn. It couldn’t be. As the words were spoken from behind your chair, you still haven’t seen him to confirm. Max looked over the left of his shoulder, a broad smile on his face.
“Charles! This will be a fun night, don’t you think?” 
The sound of the chair being pulled out across from you reaches your ears, yet you resist the urge to look over just yet. Instead, your attention remains fixed on the half-drained champagne glass in your hand, contemplating whether you should down it like a shot.
Looking up, you summoned a smile as expansive as possible, instantly meeting with a pair of green ones. Your felt your stomach do flips. It’s him. The glint in his eyes gave you full notice that he remembered you too.
“Schat, this is Charles. He drives for Ferrari.” Max introduced him with enthusiasm, as if Charles were a long-lost friend from childhood. You noticed the slight clench of his jaw as the pet-name escaped Max’s lips.
“Enchantée,” Nice to meet you. You uttered the words, your smile not faltering as your eyes shifted to the brunette beauty beside him. You saw a light form in his eyes at the words. French. You were challenging him, unbeknownst to both your dates. You were still clueless to the language, but you were less clueless this time.
You eventually learned that his date’s name is Alexandra and was also a student, like you. She was stunning and so sweet, truly. As Max casually extended an arm over your chair, his fingers grazed your bare shoulder absentmindedly. Charles’s eyes tracked his every move, his stare seemingly burned into your skin.
As the event progressed and more people joined the table, you subtly adjusted your position, angling your body more towards Max on the right of you. It wasn’t to be rude to the rest, but with the increasing noise, you desired to engage in conversation with Max.
Max plants tender kisses to your cheek, whispering, “Je bent zo mooi. So pretty.” You’re so pretty. The compliment lingers, and it feels like the blush on your cheeks will be a constant companion throughout the night.
Across the table, Charles sat, his gaze tracking your every movement. He couldn’t help but notice that you skillfully managed to overlook his presence, and a surge of anger began to form in the pit of his stomach. He couldn’t quite justify the anger, considering the two of you barely knew each other. Yet, from the moment he laid eyes on you all those months ago, it felt as if you belonged to him at first sight. Or at least your body did.
“So, how did you two meet?” You resisted the temptation to roll your eyes. Rule number one, you can only roll your eyes when my cock is stretching your tight little pussy. You felt yourself choke on your breath at the memory. Max immediately handed you some water, full concern etched on his face. Despite your thoughts about him, you didn’t want Max to find out, and Charles was pushing the boundaries before you could even set them.
“Ça va. I’m fine.” You patted his thigh, thankful for his concern and care.
A smirk spread across Charles’ face, as if he was privy to your every thought. It was as if he knew that you remembered his number one rule.
“Ran into her at the store a few weeks ago. She bumped right into my shopping cart with her’s.” Max smiled in remembrance. “I thought she was so beautiful and had to ask her out.”
Charles eyebrows raised in interest as he focused back on Max. Bumped into him. His eyes met yours once again for the night, a smirk on his lips as if he was saying: sounds familiar.
“I bumped into someone a few months ago,” Charles began, catching the attention of the table. You could feel the blush carry down, your neck turning red.
“I need to use the restroom,” you stood up quickly, shoving your chair back more than you anticipated. “I’ll be back.”
You eagerly walked towards the nearest restroom, moving as fast as your heels would allow. Slipping through the restroom door, you moved quickly to shut it behind you, but a hand halted the door in place, not allowing you to close it fully. You moved back with a gasp as Charles slipped through the door, closing it behind him and locking it. 
He looked murderous with rage. How could you be here with Max out of all people? He felt his patience wearing thin as you stood across from him with all flushed cheeks and looking absolutely fucking killer in that dress.
“Où sont tes manières?” Where are your manners? It was as if the smirk on his face would never fade tonight, and you had an urge to smack it right off. The French. 
“Et où sont les tiennes?” And where are yours? You countered right back, your tone laced with frustration and disbelief. “You’re the one following me into the ladies room.”
Gradually, he advanced toward you, trapping you between his presence and the vanity of the sink. The cold touch of granite countertop seeped through the thin fabric of your dress, causing goosebumps to rise on your exposed skin. His hands, warm in stark contrast to the cool surface, found their place, one wrapping around the back of your neck, holding it with a firm grip letting you look nowhere else but at him.
“Dit moi,” Tell me. He began, “does he fuck you like the whore that you are?” You felt your breathing quicken, a red siren going off in your head as you felt your legs press together. You were silent, not wanting to give into this game he wanted to play.
“I guess you remembered my number one rule, hm?” He refers to when you refrained an eye roll that he knows you desperately wanted to do. 
“Oh, va te faire foutre” Go fuck yourself. You bite back but he just smirks more. Most likely because you’re able to slightly argue in French now, you assume. You don’t know why you were even speaking in French. It was as if subconsciously you knew, you wanted to impress him.
“Did you fuck him?” Tilting his chin at you, his tone takes on a vaguely condescending note. His jaw was clenched and the grip on your neck tightens as he watches a smile spread across your lips. Confirming that yes, you fucked Max. 
It wasn’t until now that you truly took a good look at him. He was absolutely devastating in a suit. Simply breathtaking. You felt your stomach tighten with desire.
“Fucking salope.” Slut. He seethes. 
He doesn’t give you the chance to verbally answer before his lips are on yours. Your fingers instinctively tangle in his hair, exploring eagerly on their own accord. As if guided by mutual desire, you tug on the roots of his hair, and he moans hotly into your mouth. His other hand slides down to the back of your thigh, lifting your leg around his waist as he presses you up against the counter.
The other hand, still wrapped around the back of your neck, is gripping you tightly. You’re certain you might be getting a bruise, but before you can make a comment, his hand is releasing its grip.
His lips don’t leave yours. His kiss is urgent and demanding, much different than Max, who is sweet and gentle with you. You feel his lips travel down to your neck, sucking feverishly. The pressure of his lips, sobering you up from the heat of the kiss, you shove him back. He didn’t move far though; he was much stronger than you after all.
“Nous ne pouvons pas,” We can’t. You breathe, the words heavy with both desire and restraint. You were so wet. It honestly pained you to push him away.
“We have to get back before they notice.” You slid off the countertop and turned to look in the mirror. If it wasn’t for your swollen lips and out of place hair, no one would’ve said anything. Charles stood behind you, meeting your eyes in the mirror.
You felt the flutter in your stomach as he muttered the next words, “It’s my cock you’ll be coming around tonight, Cherie.”
“A bientôt.” See you soon. And with that he was out the door. Leaving you alone to fix any imperfections before finding your way back to Max with your stomach in knots of anticipation.
“Welterusten, schnat.” Goodnight, darling. Max’s kiss leaves you feeling intoxicated as you stumble into your apartment. A broad smile graces your lips as you lean against the closed door. 
Before you can even take a step away from the front door, three loud knocks reverberate from the other side, instantly sobering you up. It’s my cock you’ll be coming around tonight, Cherie. The memory of the words has you instantly squeezing your thighs together.
You swing the door open, not even bothering to fix yourself, and a brooding Charles comes rushing through immediately. The first thing he does is pull you towards your bed, which is no longer a mattress in the middle of the floor and pushes you onto it. He notices the changes in your apartment – the new bed frame and additional furniture – but he doesn’t say anything. It’s just a reminder of how long it has been. He simply stares down at you, his eyes darkening as he undoes his cufflinks, taking in the sight of you with flushed cheeks. And that dress. That fucking dress.
He teetered on the brink of insanity as he reflected on the moment you entered the ballroom tonight. In his eyes, you were the most exquisite and beautiful woman he had ever seen. He genuinely forgot about Alexandra’s presence as soon as you stepped foot in the room. It was as if he didn’t even need to see you to feel you. As if his body had a sensor for your presence. The dress you wore intensified his emotions. If you were his, you wouldn’t have even made it to the gala tonight. Thoughts of Max surfaced, fueling his anger. The realization that the dress was likely chosen for Red Bull intensified his feelings, leaving him sick and consumed by rage. You were his, and the fact that Max seemed to have a claim infuriated him. He had you first.
He brings his finger to the neckline of your dress, tracing it slowly, as his breathing grows louder. “This fucking dress.” His voice sounded strained. It happened so fast; one second your dress was securely on your body, and the next, it was split into two, your breasts exposed as the fabric gave way.
“I can’t look at you in navy for one more fucking second, salope.” Slut.
A loud gasp escaped your lips as he stood tall in front of you, your hands absentmindedly fumbling with the buckle of his dress pants. You both were feverish, in a rush, as if it was a race to who could get naked the fastest.
The kiss started out similar to the one shared earlier tonight: urgent and demanding. Charles pulled away, holding you at arm’s length as he looked at your naked body sprawled on the mattress for him. All for him.
“Merde,” Shit. He muttered before reconnecting his lips with yours. For the first time ever, he seemed intent on taking his time with kissing you. His tongue meeting yours in slow languid strokes has you mewling into his mouth. One hand held your jaw in place while the other rolled your nipple in between his two fingers, and his hips rolled into your cotton covered core. It was so much. He was everywhere at once. 
“Be a good girl,” he says, his voice coming out much deeper than normal, “Open your mouth.”
You don’t question it and open wide. His fingers wrap around your neck as he directs a dribble of spit from him directly to you. You keep it open, not closing your mouth unless he tells you to. For a few seconds, he just stares at his saliva sitting on your tongue, his hand around your neck, and the roll of his hips into you. You were his. “Swallow,” he commands, to which you react instantly.
“Thank you,” you utter the words as sweetly as possible. You want to beg for more. More everything. There is no such thing as too much with him.
A wicked smile forms on his face, “such a fucking whore, hm?”
A loud shriek left your lips as Charles scooped one arm under you, flipping you onto your stomach abruptly. His hand found its place on the back of your neck, pushing your face into the pillows, as he slipped both of your underwear off. French phrases spewing from his mouth, to which you could not understand, as he shoved his cock right into your saturated core.
“Tu me mets encolère.” You make me furious.
“Je ne partage pas putain.” I don’t fucking share.
“Ton corps m’appartient.” Your body belongs to me.
Each thrust into you was harder and harder at each proclamation. As if you would disappear into thin air if he didn’t pound into you hard enough.
“Charles,” you groaned into the pillow, but it came out as nothing but a muffled groan. At some point, you turned your head on the pillow for air, no longer face first in it. Your moans continued, now heard more clearly.
You were so close. So fucking close. Teetering over the edge of your orgasm.
The sound of his skin slapping yours and the wet sounds of your pussy echoed throughout the room. Until suddenly, it stopped. He pulled right out, leaving you groaning and empty. You yelped, turning around in frustration at the loss of contact.
Charles was already staring at you, as he rose from the bed, walking around it to sit against the headboard. His stare ignited a fire within you. You swore in that moment, you wanted his eyes on only yourself for forever.
“Beg,” he commanded. “Beg to ride my fucking cock, Cherie.”
You didn’t let more than a second pass before the words ‘please’ were spewing out of your lips. He grabbed your hips, pulling you over his lap, and centering himself in between your legs. You, now on top. 
There was no hesitation as you slid down his cock, bouncing up and down him repeatedly. You felt fucked. His cock had fucked you stupid now.
He’s insatiable; almost feral, as his hands grip your hips and lift you up and down on his cock. “Mine, you’re fucking mine.”
Nothing but choked gasps escape your lips, incapable of forming any words, as your orgasm finally hits you.
“Tu te débrouilles très bien,” You’re doing so good. You catch nothing in that sentence but the word ‘good’. Your pussy fluttering around his cock at the mere idea of him telling you that you’re good.
“Tell me who your body belongs to.” His voice is gruff, as if his own orgasm is right there.
“Je t’appartiens, Charles,” I belong to you.  You gasp the words in French, knowing it would send him undone almost immediately. His cock twitches inside of you, stuffing you full of him. He’s selfish. He wants you completely full of him, covered of him. Him, him, him. Never once does his eyes leave yours, as if you’re both in a trance. 
He carefully pulls your limp body off him, laying you down beside him and making you feel less empty than before, as he stares at the come dripping between your legs. He brings his fingers to you, pushing as much of it back inside you as he can. You didn’t even bother to argue, you were on the pill. You wanted to be full of him after all.
You were fucked stupid. Completely cockdumb and limp against the bed. You felt your eyes drooping as Charles tucked you in under the covers, hovering above you as he places a gentle kiss to your forehead.
The only words that you hear are a soft “A bientôt” and “Repose-toi” before the door of your apartment was clicked shut as you fell into a deep slumber.
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cryptidghostgirl · 4 months
Make You Wish Chapter Four -- Vox
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: I don't think there are any for this chapter? Correct me if I am wrong.
Word Count: 1,225
Previous Part: Chapter Three -- A Reunion
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Make You Wish Master List
A/N I wasn't planning on posting this until tomorrow, but it seems to have some rather excited fans so here is chapter four (and the fourth thing I'm publishing today. We're very done for the day. I am tried and have actual work to do.) Also guys, I'm screaming. I accidentally deleted the whole things right before I was gonna post it. Thankfully I had a draft from when it was almost done save but like, god that sucked.
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On the screen was Vox, seated behind a desk.
"Top of the hour and we're discussing a certain has-been how has been spotted cavorting around town after a seven year absence." Vox was saying, a poorly drawn image of Alastor displayed on the screen to his left.
Y/n saw Alastor's ear twitch with irritation.
"Yeah." she sighed, folding her arms across her chest, "Vox has gone kinda crazy since you left. I told you, things got tough."
"Did anybody miss him? Did anybody notice? More on tonight's program." Vox said through the TV, shuffling a stack of papers.
Alastor changed the channel with another flick of his finger.
"Hun, don't worry yourself with it." Y/n advised, "He's still gonna be there tomorrow."
The new channel showed a talk-show set up, Vox-2-Nite, where Vox was both host and guest.
"So, the old Radio Demon is back in town." host Vox was saying to himself as guest.
"Why is he hanging around?" guest Vox asked, taking a sip from a mug that had 'fuck Alastor' written on the side.
"Al." Y/n warned, sensing her friends irritation growing.
"What does that mean for your family?" Host Vox asked before Alastor changed the channel again.
Vox was on the screen again, before a bright red curtain.
"Well, handily, I've got good news." he was saying theatrically, "He's a loser, a fossil, and I don't mean to sound hostel-"
Alastor changed the channel again. This time to one of Vox's mega church broadcasts. Vox stood in the center of the screen wearing a pope's hat with an inverted cross on it.
"But the demon is a coward!" he announced, his words matching the previous channels sentiments perfectly.
"Jesus, V." Y/n asked, eyes wide, "How many channels are you running this on?"
"You can take that as gospel. Pulling my viewers? Impossible. I'm visual, he's barely audible."
"Y/n." Alastor hummed, his eyes still fixed on the screen.
"You wont mind if I handle this quickly. We can have our little chat after, I promise. It wont take more than a moment."
"I don't know, Al..." Y/n sighed, crossing her arms and tapping her foot slightly, "This isn't good for you, letting him get under your skin like this."
Alastor changed the channel again. A cooking show appeared and Vox was standing before the oven, singing along to the music playing in the background.
"But he should've stayed away! While he hid in radio, we pivoted to video!"
Vox on screen turned to the oven as he sang, opening it and pulling out a deer's head on a plate. Y/n bristled at the site, her horns growing just the tiniest bit longer, her teeth just the smallest bit sharper.
"And now his medium is getting bloody rare!"
"Al?" Y/n asked sharply.
"Yes, darling?"
"I lied." Y/n turned to face him, "He took this shit musical. Rip him a new one."
"Oh!" Millie exclaimed, excitedly grabbing onto Moxxie's arm, "We're gonna get a show!"
Alastor's grin widened at Y/n's words, if that was even possible. He stuck his hand out to the side, his microphone materializing in his grasp.
"Lucky for me, I've got the best voice this side of the divide on my side." he noted, shooting Y/n a look.
Her eyes flashed red.
"You flatter me."
Alastor brought his microphone to his mouth, suddenly exceedingly calm. The imps present in the room watched in shock as his ears flattened along his head.
"Salutations, good to be back on the air!" he announced into the device, "Yes I know it's been a while since someone with style treated hell to a broadcast. Sinners rejoice!"
Vox's brow furrowed on the TV screen as he inched up close to the camera.
"What a dated voice." Vox shot back, clearly listening to Alastor's broadcast on the set of his cooking show.
"Instead of a clout chasing, mediocre, video podcast." Alastor continued, not showing any sign he had noticed the TV demon's insult, "Is Vox insecure, pursuing allure? Flitting between this fad and that, is nothing working?"
"Ignore his chirping!" Vox commanded from the TV.
Y/n laughed and, turning to face Alastor, realized the man held a hand out to her. With a smile, she took it and he spun her into his arms as he spoke. The music echoed through the office as Alastor raised the volume on the TV once again.
"Every day he's got a new format."
Alastor spun Y/n back out again as the pair began dancing.
"You're looking at the future!" Vox yelled back, "He's the shit that comes before that!"
As Alastor spun Y/n back into his arms, she laid one of her hands on top of his holding the microphone and pulled it closer to her face.
"Is Vox as strong as he purports, or is it based on his support?" she sang in a clear voice, Blitzo, Millie, and Moxxie's eyes widening with recognition at the sound, "He'd be powerless without the other Vees."
"That's true!" Alastor noted, pulling the microphone back to himself as Y/n let go of his hand and he spun her back out again.
"It can't be..." Moxxie muttered under his breath.
"Holy shit!" Millie cut him off, excitement creeping into her voice, "There's no way, Y/n is the guest star?"
"The fuck are you two talking about?" Blitzo asked, turning to Millie and Moxxie as they watched the couple continue to dance.
"Well, Sir," Moxxie began, fiddling with the cuffs of his jacket, "back before the Radio Demon went missing, he used to bring guests onto the show on occasion. There was one guest he never named during his broadcasts however. She mostly just sang songs and chatted with him but, she sounded an awful lot like Y/n did just now."
"You don't say." Blitzo hummed, his arms crossed as he turned back to Y/n and Alastor, "So much for little miss 'oh, my life has been so boring. You'd probably just fall asleep if I started talking about it!' She is so gonna get it later."
Alastor let go of Y/n's hand and leaned into the microphone, beginning to sing as well, using the music emanating from the TV as a base.
"And here's the sugar on the cream: he asked me to join his team!"
"Hold on!" Vox yelled.
"I said no and now he's pissy, that's the tea!" Alastor finished, ignoring the demon once again.
"You old timey prick!" Vox exclaimed, his face glitching slightly as Y/n wandered back over to Alastor.
She leaned an elbow on his shoulder, tilting her head to the side in amusement as they watched Vox struggle.
"I'll show you suffering!"
"Aww, the TV is buffering." Y/n said, leaning into the microphone, her voice dripping with sickly sweet pity.
"I'll destroy yoo-o-u-u" Vox exclaimed as his technical difficulties seemed to grow worse.
Alastor and Y/n exchanged a wicked pair of smiles as the TV flickered out. Shadows crept from the edges of the room, encircling their feet. Alastor held an arm out to Y/n once again which she took with a smile. In a flash of darkness, they were gone.
"What the fuck was that?" Loona asked, stalking into the room.
Next Part -> Chapter Five -- The Conversation
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allywthsr · 6 months
CHRISTENING | (l.norris)
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summary: Lando wants to christen the Christmas tree
wordcount: 1.5k words
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: smut!
notes: the only smut this advent calendar.. what are we thinking?
advent calendar
”It looks beautiful, doesn’t it?“
”It does.“
”We should christen it.“
”The Christmas tree?“
”Lando, what are you thinking?“
”I want you to lay down under the tree and open your legs, then I‘ll rail you until you’re screaming and begging for me to let you cum.“
You whispered a low ’fuck‘ and got on your knees, tugging on his waistband of his sweatpants. You pulled his pants and underwear down and licked your lips when you saw his cock springing towards you, he wasn’t fully hard yet, but that was something that could be changed in a few minutes. With your fingertips, you touched his dick lightly and teased him with it, tickling his tip and grazing all the way down to his balls.
”If you’re not touching it properly right now, I won’t let you cum today.“
With that threat in mind, you grabbed his cock, and licked from top to bottom, wetting it, so you had it easier when you were giving him a handjob. He started to make little noises, indicating he was enjoying what you were doing. The movements got faster and he grew harder in your hand, with every stroke you did, you were still teasing him by grazing his balls every now and then, you knew he was sensitive to touches down there. When you felt him twitch in your touch, you let him go and lay down on the floor, due to the underfloor heating, you wouldn’t get cold.
Lando was fast to sit on his knees between your legs, after removing his T-shirt, and pulling your pants down, just like you did to him. Your panty was thrown somewhere in the living room, and Lando took a second to admire your pussy. He often did this, taking his time and just looking at you, he couldn’t believe you were his. He laid down on his chest and his face was directly in front of your pussy, he grabbed your inner thighs and pushed them outwards, so he had better access to your core, brushing soft kisses on your legs and around your pussy.
”Fuck baby, you’re glistening“, with that he used his thumb and placed it on your clit, opening your pussy lips a bit more and letting his thumb swipe through it, collecting the juices.
You shivered at the contact, it already felt amazing.
”Look at how wet you are“, he held his finger to your face and you could see your fluids almost dripping off his thumb. You moaned quietly and he sucked his thumb in his mouth, licking off the juices. He wanted to tease you, so he blew on your pussy, the cold air made you shiver even more, and the sensation felt phenomenal.
Just after a whiny ’Lando‘, he finally got to work and licked across your slit, you let out tiny noises, he was a master at this. He opened up your pussy again and took a deep lick out of it.
”Are you enjoying this, babygirl?“
You could only moan and grip his hair, so he would start working on your pussy again.
He started off with kitten licks, teasing you to the fullest. With every lick he got deeper and at some point he even entered you with his tongue, breathy moans escaped your mouth, and started pulling on his strands, you needed to hold onto something. He drew little eights on your slit and when he finally arrived at your clit, that boy wasn’t stopping, he was licking all sorts of shapes on your bud, and you couldn’t hold it any longer. But before you could cum, he pulled his tongue off of you and let his pointer finger circle your clit, slipping it with the middle finger inside of you, slowly pumping them in and out while his tongue found its way back to your clit, toying with it.
”Are you close?“
”Do you want to come?“
”Lando… please…“
”Beg more for it.“
”Lando, please let me cum, I can’t contain it any longer, you make me feel so good.“
”Cum, babygirl.“
His words tipped you over the edge and you were left panting on the floor, while he sat up and looked down at you, seeing what he did to you, but you could also see what you did to him, his chin was glistening with your fluids. You were a mess and he barely touched you yet, again, he licked his fingers, so none of your juices would go to waste.
”Are you ready for my cock?“
”Yes Lando, I need it.“
With that he grabbed his dick in his hands and gave it a few pumps, getting ready for the sweet sensation he was going to feel in a second. He put his tip on your clit, and started moving it in circles, you were still sensitive because of your orgasm, and this brought you closer to your second orgasm of the night. He let go of your clit and focused on moving his tip through your lips, wetting his dick, so he had no trouble pushing into you.
You both were moaning when he slowly entered you, he stretched you out perfectly. With every centimeter he entered you deeper, you whined for more, he was so big, it surprised you every time how he fitted into you with no problem. When he was fully inside of you, he started kissing you with force, wet kisses were placed everywhere, on your face, along your jaw, on your neck, and after he pulled your T-shirt off, he clung his mouth to your nipple and sucked on it. While he focused on your right boob, he grabbed your left one with his hand and massaged it, pinching your nipple between his fingers.
”Move, Lando, I can’t hold it anymore.“
”Are you my needy baby?“
”Yes, I am. I need your big cock.“
”I‘m all yours.“
With that, he started snapping his core against yours, and you moaned at the force, he was not playing any games today, Lando was horny and you could feel it by the speed his hips met yours. The room was filled with the sound of your and Lando’s panting, as well as the sound of skin slapping against skin.
The little sounds Lando’s mouth escaped sounded beautiful and turned you on even more, Lando wasn’t that big of a moaner, only when he orgasmed, but short breaths always came out of him.
You lifted your legs and crossed them behind Lando’s back, forcing him to go even faster and harder. ”You need it fast and hard today?“
You could only nod, your mind was clouded in the post and pre-orgasm haze. You needed to hold onto something, you aimlessly reached around you, trying to find something. Without thinking about it, you grabbed a branch of the Christmas tree and with the other hand you found Lando’s back, pressing your nails into his skin, creating little crescents.
Lando was kissing your neck again, sucking slightly on it, but he was careful to not leave any marks.
You could feel yourself getting closer, just as Lando was, his movements became sloppier and his thumb found its way back to your clit, rubbing slight circles on it, stimulating you even more.
”Lando, you make me feel so good.“
”Ugh baby, you take me so well, your walls are clenching around me, I can feel it.“
You slightly pulled on the branch out of reflex and you could hear the baubles clashing against each other. That made Lando look up, ”Look at you, having to grip the Christmas tree because I‘m fucking you so good. But don’t pull on it too hard, or it‘ll fall over“, in your orgasm brain you didn’t really register what he said, just hearing him say to stop gripping the tree and you did, pulling on his hair instead.
With his last energy, Lando sped up his movements and thrusted even harder in you. Your walls clenched around him, your breath started to hitch with his every thrust, and he made you see stars.
”I‘m so close.“
”Cum for me, Y/N.“
Your eyes rolled in the back of your head, your back was arched and the orgasm wave washed over you, your panting became harder, and moans escaped your mouth.
A few moments later, Lando also came with moans and he painted your insides white, now he collapsed on top of you, barely holding himself up. With heavy breaths he pressed kisses all over your face, stopping on your mouth, where he lingered.
His lips were puffy and red after a while, you probably looked the same, but you both had a satisfied grin on your face, while you went to the shower to ’clean up‘, but it really just was an excuse for round two.
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dex0s · 27 days
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💋MY DEAD HEART • ZOMBIESukuna X Gn reader WARNING: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT , NON-con/rape, main character death, cannibalism, humiliation, bad ending, public?, gore, animals, DARK CONTENT, age-gap, small plot/smut, violence mention, lazy ending, not proof read, MDNI 18+
A/N—hello.. how have u been.. that’s good. Bye! *disappears for 4 months*
You had studying subject 01 King of Zombies or what he calls himself Sukuna with some other scientists and as you can imagine it not a pretty sight to see. Like the normal things you would think of a zombie is he will human or animal flesh but yet he can be picky with it or he can do something disturbing to the flesh.
You were walk to subject 01/ Sukuna test area. It was a huge metal door about 8ft tall with electrified bar along side with talismans all over.
“Good morning Mx.name” one of the security welcoming you, “you doing a check up on subject 01 today?” Finished the guard.
“Yes you are right. I have to check out what that 01 did with our experiment…” walking towards the door, one of the guards scanned his badge unlocking the door to the lab room. Yet before you could take your first step the other guard turned to you a said, “ I would be care in there even if there’s another door… the night guards told me that they heard some freaky shit coming inside.”
“Well thanks for the warning” you finished, walking in the lab the door closed behind you. Looking at the window in front of you the fake forest seems empty but you know better. Getting closer you can see a deer and when examining closer you can finally see what that disgusting creature did… it fucked the deer to death.
Cum spilling out of it hole, the poor hole was stretched on the unimaginable size, you can also see bites taken revealing the flesh underneath. Writing down this information not knowing the something so sneaking up on you.
Quick turning to the sound you can see subject 01 smiling at you and what you assume to be deer blood on his face and hands.
“Do you like my master piece doc?” Sukuna asked. Going back to you notes you continue writing. After a few seconds Sukuna started to get annoyed that you were responding, “you think you can just ignore me doc!? I know you can hear me! Don’t go thinking your better then me, I’m the king and you are the peasant—just wait until I get out of here, you are going to be my first victim!?”
End of Flashback
You still remember the way he spoke to you—hate and disgust. Yet that didn’t stop you from coming back to work. The pay was good and you can live your happy ever after.
Parking in your spot. You walk up to the building, once you give in the doors you see no one at the front desk. Looking a around seeing if you can find someone. You captures something you wouldn’t want to see in a million years.
Over the counter of the desk, there lay a woman with bite marks and a chuck of her head bitten off. “I- what the hell happened here?” You asked yourself. Going around the desk you check the body, yet before that the body started to shake violently. Moving away and hiding you behind the desk. Trying to stay quiet you can hear movement then sudden silence.
Hearing Growling on top of you, quick looking up you can see the “woman” looking down at you with a hungry look. Quickly getting up u run towards a door that requires your key card. Looking back the “woman” is running at you full force.
Scrimmaging through your lab coat you found it. Briskly you open the door and just how quickly it opened it quickly closed. Hearing the bangs behind you. U decided to move away before that thing breaks in. With red lights going off and on you can somewhat see that all the subjects doors are open. Due to that u started to walk quietly. Once you get to subjects 01 door their are body’s littering the floor.
Before u can get away you get slam to the ground. “Look who we have hear” you know that voice… that’s the same voice that said that you would be their first victim. Feeling your clothes getting ripped off u try to break out but you know that wouldn’t happen.
Before you can even start to think Sukuna slam his two cocks in your ass/pussy. Hollering and screaming you kick your feet. Grabbing your feet he saids “I told you that u would be the first and then I will move on to the next women/male/person. Enjoy this time while you can because after this your time will be over”. Moaning in pain you can feel Sukuna bit down on your neck.
Feeling that harsh bite you scream due to the agonizing pain. Not thinking straight you see him eating something. Skin. Your skin. With Sukuna still thrusting in you and the pain from your wound you can feel yourself about the black out.
Around you hearing of feet pattering u see subjects looking at you. Laughing at your pain, laughing at your tears, “look at that you have a little crowd laughing at you” Sukuna mocks you. Not able to hold your bladder is piss on his cock/stomach. “Ew did you just piss on me?!” Making sure the people around you can hear. The laughter starts to get louder and louder.
Crying is all you can do, you can’t yell for help because nobody cares, you can’t get out of Sukuna hold because your weak, feeling your end approaching. you called out forgiveness for your sins hoping that when you see the golden gate that you will be forgiven. Closing your eyes for the last time your ears pick up something…
“see you in hell bitch” was the last words Sukuna said before cumming his load in you.
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lucyrose191 · 7 months
Pairing; Toto Wolff x Ex!wife!reader
Summary; Toto now has to face the consequences of his actions that tore your family apart.
Warnings; angst, heartbreak
F1 Master List
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You loved him more than anything, supported him through everything and sacrificed way more than you should have.
You had given him your all but it hadn’t been enough.
Your family hadn’t been enough for him.
He had made you feel like a queen the entire time you were married; you couldn’t deny that there were hardships when he was travelling the world and you were left to deal with your own heavily demanding job whilst also raising your son, but even through that you had never expected the heartbreak he had caused you.
You had never in your life thought that Toto could break you the way he did but it was really just a lesson learnt that you don’t really know someone as well as you think you do.
That night when he came home you could immediately tell that something was wrong, that something had happened and so you had put Jack to bed early before going back downstairs to ask him what the problem was.
You would never forget the words he muttered that night, they still replayed in your head over and over again, tormenting you sleep and acting like a rain cloud hovering over your head as you tried to go about your day.
"I slept with Lara."
Your heart had dropped as he spoke those words, it was as though the entire world had came crashing down onto your body.
You knew Lara.
Lara, his assistant that had looked you straight in the eye each time they spoke and treated you with nothing but kindness.
She had been very kind. Kind enough to fuck your husband.
You didn’t speak, simply stared at him as you processed the situation. Strangely, you didn’t feel anger, you felt many things; sadness, disappointment, loads and loads of betrayal but no anger because you were never one to get angry. Seemingly even when the man in front of you had torn your family apart.
The remorse was clear as day on his face but it made you feel nothing, you had no forgiveness for him.
That night, Toto had crawled into your cold bed, his chest heavy when you didn’t subconsciously turn over and cuddle into him, instead you remained facing away for him, body rigid and uncomfortable.
The next morning, Toto had woken to an empty bed and an empty house. You had risen at some point during the night and quietly packed your bags and left, taking Jack with you.
On his nightstand, you had left him a note.
The divorce papers are on the dining table, I don’t want anything so all you need to do is sign. I’ll be in touch about co-parenting schedules.
I hope she was worth breaking our family apart
It had taken four lines for him to realise the severity of what he had done.
It has taken four words for you.
Travelling around the world with your ex husband wasn’t ideal but since your job was flexible, only needing to make the occasional trip back to England to go into the office, it made sense to do it.
It was painful in the beginning, more than painful but it allowed Toto to remain with Jack and you weren’t the type of person to stop your son seeing his father just because of the pain he caused you.
Toto may have committed the ultimate sense of betrayal but that didn’t change the fact that he was the best father in the world to your son.
So here you were, a year later walking into the Mercedes garage, now the ex wife of Toto Wolff; no longer did the team call you Mrs Boss or Mrs Mercedes out of respect to you, it really wasn’t hard for them to understand what had happened since shortly after Toto fired his assistant the news of your divorce became public.
Sometimes members of the team still couldn’t look at him without wanting to punch him in the face or question what the fuck was wrong with his brain to cause him to lose the kindest woman in the world.
It had been shocking to them when they heard the news of the two of you parting ways, after seeing you interact as a couple over the years, they witnessed nothing but unconditional love and happiness but it just shows that you never really know what’s happening behind closed doors.
You were greeted by a series of smiles and hellos, the team loved you to pieces as you always treated them with the utmost respect and politeness, even offering to help with what you had the skill set for.
You glanced around the garage, easily setting your eyes on Toto’s 6ft 5 frame, immediately walking in his direction, Jack resting on your hip with his head on your shoulder.
It still hurt to see him after all of the time spent apart and getting over him, you were aware that you would always love him but even still the heartbreak would possibly never leave and you knew it was time for you to move on from what you thought was a great love, it was time for you to start over and put yourself first.
Bono noticed you walking over and quickly excused himself from his boss to give you privacy.
Toto turned and saw you walking over to him, still as beautiful as ever, even more so with your handsome little boy by your side, his bag on your shoulder.
"Hey," he greeted, reaching his arms out for Jack who leaned forward into him.
Everytime Toto looked at you he was slapped in the face with guilt, knowing he deserved to feel more than that for the pain he caused you.
"Hi, are you positive you’re able to have him here? I know how busy you can get around here." You asked for the hundredth time in the past couple of days.
"Don’t worry, everyone loves him here and I’m not too busy today so we’ll be fine. What are you doing anyways?" You barely asked him to have Jack during her scheduled hours, you always had him when you were meant to have him, unlike Toto who was always rearranging times.
"I’m going on a date and didn’t want to leave him with just anyone, I was going to cancel if you couldn’t so I’m glad you can, I really appreciate it." You smiled, a tad excited for the date, not noticing the way Toto had stiffened because of your words.
I’m going on a date.
I’m going on a date.
I’m going on a date.
"I should really get going, the last thing I want is to be late. I’ll pick him back up straight after, thanks again." He zoned back as he heard your goodbye but was still riddled with shock to say anything and by the time he had registered everything you had already started walking away so all he could do was simply stare until you were out of sight.
He should’ve expected it really, he hadn’t, but he should have.
It had been a year now and no man would turn down the opportunity to be in the company of a woman so rare.
"Who’s shit in your coffee?" Toto jumped, his grip momentarily tightened on Jack as he turned around, coming face to face with Lewis.
"What?" Toto mumbled, way too distracted to listen to his driver’s question.
Lewis tilted his head at his boss. "What’s wrong with you? Was that Y/N I seen earlier?"
Toto nodded.
"Right…" Lewis eyed him weirdly. "Well I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone pull a face like yours after a conversation with her."
"She’s going on a date," there was a bite to his words that wasn’t heard very often but the idea of you with another man made him sick.
"Wow! Good for her!" Toto glared at him. "What? You aren’t jealous, are you?" Lewis laughed.
"I’m not jealous." Toto muttered like a petulant child.
Lewis shook his head in disbelief. "You have no right to be jealous, Toto. Look, you’re a good man and a great friend but what you did to her was unforgivable. She carried your child for nine months, then had to adjust to be a parent by herself in those first five months because you’re always working and you payed her back by sleeping with your assistant. You lost one hell of a woman, she’s one of a kind, you really cannot be surprised that she’s been asked out on a date, any man would want a woman like her."
Lewis was right, Toto knew he was. You were a one of a kind woman and he had no right to be jealous or annoyed by the fact that you were moving on. Especially when it was his fault that you were now divorced.
It was his fault you were seeing another person, he should be happy that you were no longer consumed by the hurt of his actions but all he could think about was the fact that he had officially lost you now and there was most definitely no way back.
You were no longer his to love because loving him had brought you a pain like no other.
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xtrashmammalstefx · 2 months
Chaos Monster & Her English Gent (A Callum Turner x Reader Smut)
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Warnings: Smut, language, kiddos under 18 do not interact!
Notes: When I said I've become a total slut for this man and his bf Austin I wasn't fucking around. Lemme know if y'all want an Austin smut/sequel because I totes have some ideas I think you'll like.
Looking back I don’t think any of us expected this to happened. I certainly didn’t and I was the one who had the most to lose if things had gone sour rather than go the way they did.
I’m getting ahead of myself though so I’ll just start where this whole mess began: the first time I visited Austin on the Masters of the Air set. I’d sneaked up behind Austin, my best friend for life and possibly longer, as he was talking to a rather handsome man with the most unimaginably contagious smile. I put my finger to my lips once he’d seen me and jumped onto Austin’s back. “’Sup Elvis!”
“PRISCILLA?! FUCK!” Austin turned and scooped me up. “YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME BABE!”
I laughed and squeezed him back. “Well that’s what you get for taking for fucking ever to return my texts you ass!”
“Sorry ‘bout that sweetheart but duty called a hell lot more than I thought it would,” he said once I was back on the ground. “Oh,” he turned back to the smiling man. “By the way, Callum this is my best girl, Y/N, Y/N this is my new best friend Callum.”
“Nice to meet you my handsome replacement,” I said.
Callum smiled nearly bringing out a giggle from deep inside me. Fuck, he is good. “Pleasure’s all mine love, and I am definitely not replacing you. You’re more beautiful than I will ever be.”
Struck dumb by his buttery smooth British accent and killer icebreaker I turned to Austin. “He is a hell of a keeper.”
“Yeah I think so too,” Austin laughed. “So how long are you staying?”
“I’ve taken a week off work so I’m gonna be yours until about Sunday,” I said.
“Oh sweet. Can’t wait to show you off to the rest of the boys, they’re gonna love you,” Austin said as we started towards a couple other guys in period attire.
“Only until they get to know me,” I said. “Let’s see how they react once they see the true chaos monster you know and love.”
“Well, this is gonna be a right interesting week,” Callum said walking on the other side of me.
Of course he wasn’t wrong about that. The next few days were filled with me and Austin being a chaotic duo in front of his cast mates who were also quite chaotic themselves. I’m not sure how or when it started happening but whenever Austin was away either in costume or make-up, Callum and I started to talk. Barry would sometimes be there but most of the time it was just us.
“I’m really gonna miss having you around,” Callum said two days before I was due to leave. We were in his trailer. Austin was busy talking with his manager so I figured I’d bug Callum for a bit. He was changing out of his costume and into civilian wear while I hung out in his make up chair.
“You act as if you don’t have my number and social medias,” I said. “I’m heading home, not dying.”
“Well, talking with you on a phone or in DM’s isn’t exactly the same as having you here,” Callum continued.
“What can you possibly say that can’t be said over the phone?”
“It’s not what I wish to say but rather what I wish to do that can’t be done over a phone call,” he said starting towards me wearing nothing but his boxer briefs which left little to nothing to the imagination.
“And what exactly is it that you wish to do good sir?”
He smirked and started leaning down. “This,” his lips connected with mine. His plump lips were soft and warm as he kissed me. It wasn’t enough to send me off the edge and before I knew it I had my arms around him letting him carry me to the small couch. Once there he pulled back and brought his lips down to my neck. As he left what I was sure was gonna be a massive hickey I reached down and started palming him through his underwear. He groaned at the feeling, his body trembling on top of mine.
“I’m a bit overdressed don’t you think?” I breathed. He smiled and sat up. I reached down and lifted my shirt over my head. He took it from me and tossed it to the side before reaching for the zipper and button on my pants. Not even a minute later I was fully bare in front of him.
“God you’re so beautiful,” he whispered pecking me on the mouth. “So. Fucking. Beautiful.” As he started to kiss me again I nudged at his briefs, doing my best to get them off. Callum got the hint though and pulled them off tossing them with my clothes. I think he could see how big my eyes got at the sight of him for he chuckled softly and said, “Like what you see, darling?”
I had no idea how to answer. If I’d though he was big when flaccid it was nothing compared to how endowed he was when he was hard.
I looked from his crotch up to his face as he continued to look at me quizzically with that smile that didn’t seem to go away. “C’mere,” I said moving from the couch to the floor beside it. He laid himself on top of me sending a shiver through me as his dick brushed my folds, ghosting my entrance. He reached down, gave himself a tug and placed himself there.
“Okay, love?” he asked. I nodded and just like that he was inside me. I clung to him as my body got use to the stretch. Callum cussed a rainbow of curse words in my ear as I enveloped him. His thrusting began soon after.
Turns out Callum is a gentleman in every sense of the word. He kept his movements slow at first, not daring to go faster or harder without my say so. Once the stinging subsided I brought my mouth to his, kissing him harder before telling him, “Harder… I need you to go harder.” With that he picked up the pace, almost slamming completely into me. “FUCK!”
“You’re taking me so well darling, fuck!!” He took me into his arms and slowly lifted me up, still thrusting into me. I held onto him moving up and down as he sat back. I rode him like that for a while until he lied completely back, putting me in charge for a bit.
As I moved my body conscious of the fact that I could see a small bump pulsating in my lower stomach, Callum reached down and started rubbing me with his long fingers. I bit back a scream at the feeling but let him keep playing with clit. It made me feel alive in a way I couldn’t put into words and before I knew it I was riding him like my life depended on it.
We continued like that until I began to feel the pressure build up inside me. “Oh fuck I’m gonna cum!”
“It’s alright, darling, just...just let go on my cock,” he said grabbing my ass and slamming me harder on his length. The pressure continued to grow more intense, until finally I was screaming and tightening around him. As I remained clamped down on his length Callum wrapped his arms around me and flipped us back over so that he was on top.
He continued to thrust as I came down from the most mind boggling orgasm of my life. I was still seeing stars when Callum’s thrusts became sloppy. Suddenly the gentle boy I’d been falling for became beastly, almost roaring as he twitched inside me, filling me up until there wasn’t a single drop left in him.
My body was still shaking, my cunt throbbing, as he pulled out and collapsed beside me.
“That was… incredible...magical even…”
“It was the best damn shag of my life,” Callum said breathless making me giggle. I turned my body to face him and cringed at the soreness between my legs. “You alright love?”
“Mentally and emotionally speaking I’m fucking great,” I said. “Physically speaking...fuck… Callum, I love you with every fiber of my being and will gladly do this again and again with you but god damn I think you just about broke me in half.”
He laughed at that and kissed my now swollen lips. “So, you agree then? To be my girlfriend I mean.”
I looked up at him and smiled. “I’m pretty sure I’m more than that. I mean, I did just say I love you, and lord knows those are words I don’t say to just anybody.”
“Just to the lad who shags your brains out?” I slapped him playfully on his chest. “Only joking darling. I love you too, and I don’t say those words to just anybody either.”
“Just to the girl that rode you and milked you for every last drop of cum in your body?”
“Actually, I believe I just said them to the girl I want to marry.”
“Quite the fast one aren’t you?”
“Only when I know deep down in my bloody heart and bones that I don’t want to do this with anyone else,” he said.
“Alright, but there’s something we gotta do first… Something pretty damn risky.” He looked at me questioningly.
“And that is?”
I looked up and smiled nervously. “We gotta tell Austin.”
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nxuvillette · 16 days
hi celeste bby! how do we feel about professor! welt yang? bc i think he would be such a hot— i mean, good teacher! imagine you enroll in college a few years after graduating so you're a little older than most college students, a little more mature. it sets you apart from your younger classmates and he can't help but notice, yk?
❥- note : hi eliza !! forgive me if this sucks, this is my first time writing welt </3. i hope you enjoy and thank you for sending this :> !
content warnings : nsfw [17+], fem!reader, ageless + blank blogs dni, professor!welt, age gap (reader is 24 and welt is 28), semi public sex, classroom sex, creampie, use of pet names (good girl + darling), rough(ish) sex.
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professor welt yang was one of the more chill professors on campus. he wasn’t very stingy about grades, and he was very close with the students who took his course.
especially, you.
welt first noticed you on the first day of class. you seemed a little older than most of the students in the lecture hall, and it turned out you were actually trying to obtain your master’s degree and had to take his course as an elective to move forward. he was used to dealing with typically eighteen or nineteen year olds who didn’t really know what they were doing, so you were kind of a perfect change to his class. you did your assignments, did very well on tests, participated regularly, and always showed up on time. he admired that a lot.
soon enough, you started sticking after class to try and prepare for his exams which were usually pretty tough. he didn’t mind giving you some tutoring. you were one of the few students who actually seemed interested in his class. it was also nice to have your company. you were much more mature than the rest of your peers, and welt really liked that.
then again, he was just your professor and you were his student. he couldn’t do such a thing.
but, you were so attractive. some days you would come to class in a skirt and it would ride up just a little to where he could see the fat of your thighs and a brief glimpse of your ass. welt would have to stop himself sometimes from taking a look at your cleavage whenever you had a tank top on. he didn’t want to cross boundaries by any means. you were somewhat near his age, but still someone who was above you. he could get in trouble!
though, today was the day that all of his self restraint went out the window.
you had stopped by at the end of the day to talk to welt about a question you had about something he taught during his lecture. somehow, the conversation had shifted to a more personal one, and you ended up sprawled out on welt’s desk with his fat cock splitting your pussy to almost its limit.
he knew he shouldn’t have been doing such a lewd act at school of all places, and with his student, but he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. not when you flashed your cunt that was hidden under your skirt with no panties on. he wanted to try and forget what he saw, but you just kept drawing him in. welt knew what you were trying to do. he wasn’t about to let the opportunity slip by either. not when the chance was absolutely perfect.
you were underneath him babbling sentences while he fucked your brains out. the papers he was grading were now discarded and some were even on the floor. the desk creaked from the sudden ruts of his hips into yours. oh, how cute. “m-mr.yang! more, more!” you whined, sounding desperate for his touch.
welt’s thumb toyed with your clit, sending bolts of electricity dancing around your stomach. he had fantasized about this moment more times than he could count. his pretty student taking his dick that was much better than the shitty college boys who didn’t know how to use their own. “you’re such a good girl, fuck..” he groaned with gritted teeth. “you like when i give you extra credit, hm?”
you responded with several nods. this was turning you on so much. you were already so close to cumming, and he could feel it. your pussy squeezed his cock like a vice and he was becoming enthralled with how amazing you felt.
“mm..! i’m close! ah.. please cum inside me, mr.yang! pump my pussy full!” you cried, rolling your nipples between your fingers.
welt practically lost his damn mind when he heard you moan such a slutty thing to him. his fingers dug into your hips, setting up a very quick speed that knocked the air out of your lungs. he was lost within you and the orgasm he had been desperately chasing for the last few minutes. “anything for you, darling..” he grunted, sweat casually trickling down his face from the heat of the room.
the two of you let out completely different noises the moment your orgasms had finally crashed onto you. thick cum spurted inside of your walls, covering them with white, and your pussy gripped welt’s cock so tightly he found himself not wanting to pull out of you.
“make sure you come by again. i have many other lessons i’d like to teach you..” he whispered.
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© NXUVILLETTE ┆ all rights reserved, do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
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