#look once every few months i think fan communities make me want to tear my hair out and so . erm
antebunny · 3 months
pick a character study
After finishing my Barbara-centric fic in March I want to write a one-shot for a Batfam character focusing on something I've not yet seen a fic about. I'm definitely doing Cass (once I think of a plot 😭) so the question now is: Jason or Dick? Here are my ideas:
Dick - acrobatics and language. Okay so I am a lifelong fan of acrobatic sports. I've done, for a range of several years competitively to one single class: gymnastics, springboard diving (1 & 3 meter, plus a few lineups on 5, 7 & 10 meter), flying trapeze, wall tramp/circus trampoline, and aerial silks. Given its relevance I'll specify that I've done one month of flying trapeze, so about 40 hours in the air.
Every single time I see "quadruple somersault" show up in a fic I start to shiver in fear. Almost every single time I end up crying tears of blood. I don't have a concrete plan for the fic yet, but I dream of making y'all so literate in acrobatic sports you'll never look at the word somersault the same.
As for languages, I often see the fanon(?) that Dick rolled up to Gotham at 9 years old not quite fluent in English and half-speaking a dozen languages. I have not searched that hard but I've never seen anyone attempt to write the frustrations of trying to communicate in a language you don't really speak. English is my native language, but I do have experience with that.
Jason - America's epidemic of gun violence. I'm not police. I don't know anyone who is. But I'm an American who did active shooter drills in school. I don't think I've seen anyone–Jason lover or hater–try to write about what Jason using guns looks like in the context of America's relationship with guns. Given that I believe the majority of Jason fans on Ao3 are liberal Americans who would probably agree with the statement "it should be harder to buy a gun in this country," that surprises me. I imagine it's because he feels safe? Yes, he's a big guy with a ton of guns who thinks he has the right to kill people, but we know he's a big softie who loves Jane Austen and cooking.
And police brutality: Jason fucking hates the police. But here's a fun (well, depressing) fact about real life American police: an alarming number of them are fans of the Marvel vigilante the Punisher. Who also hates cops. Here's an article about it. I think it would be fun (well, "fun") to put Jason in that position. He hates them, but they idolize what he represents.
Also song choice for this hypothetical fic: Gold Guns Girls by Metric. Has a ton of banger lines. All the gold and the guns in the world (couldn't get you off).
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Feeling kinda nostaligic looking through some of my art.
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I drew this in 2021 and I was so proud of it. It was a companion piece for a fic that never manifested, and I loved it so much. It was my first real foray into digital art. Sure, I'd definitely drawn before, but nothing with this amount of effort put into it. It wasn't even the first thing I drew for the LU Discord: the place that got me back into art.
Looking at the results, I think it still holds up, and that makes me beyond happy. I would certainly change a lot about it if I drew it again today, but I love it all the same, because it's something I could see on tumblr and go "oh that's cute, I'll reblog" and I'm near tears.
I think it embodies what my favorite pieces are to draw: sad/angsty pieces of my favorite characters with dramatic lighting. I don't draw many of them, because they require so much effort, but they're my favorite.
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I drew these two pieces in October and December of last year. I learned how to utilize glow layers, my anatomy improved, and I shifted to a lineless art style that is so much work but gives beautiful results. You can even see that between the two pieces I decided to properly learn how to draw wings.
I've improved so much in only three years and I genuinely owe it to the LU Discord. Even if I'm not as active there anymore, y'all got me back into art. I have over a hundred pieces of terribly drawn (by my current standards) fan pieces for your weekly prompts that gave me the practice I needed to improve, and I wouldn't have even bothered if I didn't want to participate in that community.
Specifically, I want to thank @ahrva, one of my best friends. She who collabed with me and encouraged me into so many writing projects and community events. Thank you, dearly. I wouldn't have had the courage to join the secret santas or art exchanges if you hadn't been right there, super excited to participate. You always compliment my art, and it means a lot when you go "OOOOOO" in response to one of my pieces /gen
I'd also like to thank @wolfy1298 whose art was a huge inspiration, even if we've never really spoken. Whenever I saw your work I was so impressed that I couldn't help trying to emulate you a little. Your colors are something I still envy to this day, your masterful highlights and lineart an inspiration to work harder and improve. Your curvy shapes are also very cute and may have infected me lmao
@author-main your diverse body types encouraged me to properly learn anatomy. I'm taking medical classes, but it's another thing entirely to try drawing the human body properly. I'm still unfortunately lacking when it comes to larger bodies, but your beautiful work encourages me to try improving, even if it's only in sketchbooks that no one will ever see. Your lines are full of personality, and I never tire of seeing your work.
@w1lmutt your compositions and poses are awe-inspiring. I struggle a lot with composing a shot, especially with foreshortening, so your work is extremely impressive. You manage to insert so much personality through body language alone, and it's definitely something I'll be striving to improve. That's not even mentioning your backgrounds! I'm generally in awe of every piece you make. I think I'd die if I had to draw a proper landscape/cityscape lol. I can barely manage a bedroom! Just another thing to work towards improving lol
There are tons more artists i want to shout out and compliment, but it's nearly 7am and I haven't gone to sleep yet lol.
Thank all of you. Even if I only pop in once every few months for the events nowadays, I'll always cherish my time in this community. I'm going to keep improving, and I'm glad to be doing so alongside such skilled artists!
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nojey · 4 years
dream x streamer!reader
genre: fluff, angst
word count: 2.4k
warning(s): cursing, failed relationship, throwing things out of anger
synopsis: (y/n) and dream met through a mutual friend and their own friendship begins to blossom on its own. they start talking more and more and the feelings they have for one another grows so much more than either of them imagined. but as they stream together, they realize how much hate they’ve started to get and rethink whether or not they should be together or not.
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looking back on it, meeting dream was one of the best days of your life. that day, your friend, sapnap, had introduced you to one of his friends and from that day forward, a beautiful relationship bloomed. not a single one of either of your viewers knew you two had become friends and it was nice; keeping something to yourself from a whole community that knew almost everything about you. you both went from talking every once in a while, to every week, to every other day, to almost all day, everyday. you grew to know pretty much everything about each other, where he grew up, how his childhood was like, everything from his favorite color to what he feared the most. and as you got to know him more, your feelings for him just grew so much more than you had ever imagined. and you hoped he felt the same way about you.
when he asked you if you wanted to facetime, you were shocked. you guys were only ever either in a discord call, regular call, or texting. granted it had been about 7 months since you both became friends, but you didn’t need to know what he looks like. you like him for the person he is, how caring and attentive he is to his friends, how witty his personality is and how cocky and confident he is. you like him for the passion he has in his heart for the people and things he loves. you never had to see his face to know these things about him. but because you knew this was a big step in your friendship, you accepted. him even asking you to facetime meant so much to you. 
he called you with his phone facing the ceiling and you had propped up yours so your upper body was on full display. “clay, you know you don’t have to show me your face? if you’re not ready to, you don’t have to.” you told him. “i’m more than ready to show you what i look like, (y/n). you’re an important person in my life and i want to show you.” he replied. “okay.. if you’re really sure. i just hope you know that whatever you look like, it will not change my opinion of you.” you assured him. “i know, (y/n).” he chuckled. “which is how i know i’m ready to show you.” you smiled. your heart warmed knowing that he trusts you this much. “whenever you’re ready, clay.” you said. “close your eyes,” he said. you did what he asked of you and you heard shuffling. he let out a breath, grabbed his phone and propped it up so you could see his face. 
“you can open your eyes now.” he said. you slowly opened your eyes and your breath got caught in your throat as you fully saw him. “wow..” you whispered, still examining his face. “you’re really pretty, clay.” he started blushing and said, “stop staring, you’re just going to fall in love with me.” laughing a bit. you started blushing too and looked away. both your reasons for blushing may have been different, but you knew you were blushing because what he said was true. 
for the rest of the night you both stayed up until 3am talking about anything and everything, getting to know each other more than you already did.
the day you both streamed together was about 4 months later. the internet went crazy. your viewers and his had absolutely no idea you two had known each other but they saw the way you two talked to each other; they knew you sounded like you were talking to your soulmate. you didn’t have to watch what you said, you laughed out to your hearts content, you both teased each other in such a flirtatious manner that it didn’t take them long to start thinking you guys were in a relationship. 
but with the people who supported you, there were twice as many people who hated the idea of you two together. at first it was bearable, neither of you cared about the hate because you were happy with where you both were with each other. clay was confident that you felt the same way about him that he had for you. he fell in love with you and you knew you had fallen in love with him too. 
a few weeks after your first stream together, he asked you if you wanted to fly to florida to meet him in person and you immediately said yes. you started packing your bags and by next week, you were on your way to meet the guy of your dreams. 
when you landed, he was already there waiting for you and when you got to baggage claim you saw him and immediately recognized him. you ran up to him and gave him the tightest hug ever; you were finally in his arms. the height difference was evident and he had to lean down a bit to hug you but he felt so content with you being there, in his arms. 
“you’re really here..” he whispered. “i’m here, clay. i’m here.” you assured. tears started slowly falling down your face and you buried your face deeper into his chest, taking in the warmth that was filling you. clay started crying too, thinking how lucky he was to be able to hold you close to him.
the day after you flew in was the one year mark of you two becoming friends so you went out to celebrate. throughout the day you guys reminisced back to the nights you both stayed up till the sun rose just talking and created new memories as you adventured through orlando. when it was around 3pm clay drove you to the beach to witness the sunset and you arrived just when the sun was kissing the water. you looked around the beach and saw no one but a beautiful set up with roses on the sand. you looked at clay with a surprised expression, he smiled, took your hand and lead you to where the roses laid. he brought you to stand in the middle of it and took both your hands in his,
“(y/n), when sapnap introduced us i never knew you would be such an important person in my life and i couldn’t be more grateful for you. you have helped me through my darkest times, celebrated with me in my happiest, been patient with me when i was being insufferable, stood by me during the most boring days and acted like you were having a blast when it was only just us talking. you’ve shown me that i can let myself be who i am without caring what any other person had to say about me. there’s so many words that i can’t put together right now because that’s how you make me feel. you make me feel so nervous when i’m around you and all the words in my head just get mixed up and i never know what to say. but i do know that right now, i’m trying to ask you on a date. so (y/n), will you go on a date with me?” by the time he was done with his speech you were close to tears. “of course i’ll go on a date with you clay.”
the night of your date had been the most magical night of your life. in the day you both went to disneyworld and at night he brought you to a hill top to, once again, watch the sunset while you both ate dinner on the hood of the rental car he got. everything was so perfect, it was the best date you’ve ever went on. 
he was an absolute gentleman, not letting you pay for your things, opening the door for you, pulling you closer to him when someone got too close to you, treating you like you were a princess and you couldn’t have asked for a better guy to be with. 
after you both finished your dinner you just laid down on the hood of the car and stared at the stars, talking about a future you wish had come true. that night you shared a kiss that would be remembered through the horrid months to come.
the day you left orlando, you didn’t think it would be the last time you ever saw clay in person. when you got home you talked like normal, already speaking about a second date the next time either you or he visited. you both missed each other like crazy and you believed you would see each other very soon.
you streamed together more often and no one was blind to the smitten words you both shared, to the adoration dripping in your voices. so many people hated it and you never understood why, was it because they thought you weren’t good enough for him? because they were so protective over him? did they just hate you? so many questions filled your mind when your phone ringing brought you out of it. you reached for your phone and saw that clay wanted to facetime. you answered with a smile on your face, “hi clay!” but it soon dropped when you saw the solemn look that fell upon his. “is everything okay?” you asked. he sighed and said, “we need to talk.”
and everything fell apart.
the next words that came out of his mouth broke your heart. “i don’t think we should continue dating, or maybe even being friends.” you could feel the tears pricking your eyes as you looked around your room, trying to understand why this would come up all the sudden. “what do you mean?” you asked, slightly laughing hoping he was playing some sick joke on you. but when you kept looking at his serious face, you understood he wasn’t and your tears finally fell. he looked at you and his eyes glossed over. 
it hurt him knowing he was hurting you; the most important person in his life, the person he believed he would get married to and grow old with, the person he stayed up, losing sleep for just to get to know because you were worth that and a million more. 
“i know you see all the hate we’re getting. and that’s only us streaming together. what happens when they find out we went on a date or if we do start dating, what would the fans say?” he said, no longer looking at you through his screen. “why do you care about what they’ll say about us?” you whispered. “look at me, please.” he slowly looked back at the screen to see your face full of tears and that’s what finally broke him.
“our fans. they hate seeing us together, we can’t disappoint them. we can’t dissatisfy them. i know your fans mean the world to you and mine mean the world to me too.” he said, wiping his tears away, wishing he could just wipe yours, kiss your cheek and tell you everything would be okay. “but we can make it work, we won’t stream together as much or at all anymore. we can be like how we were before they knew we were friends! we can make it work clay..” you said. he started getting frustrated, just wanting this to be over with so he didn’t have to see you so hurt anymore.
“i can’t keep going on with my fans hating the relationship i’m in (y/n)! i can’t keep seeing my fans hate you because of me! i can’t keep making my fans mad at me because i have a stupid little crush on you!” he raised his voice. the last sentence hurting you more than anything. and he saw that in your facial expression, immediately regretting it. 
“no, (y/n). i- i didn’t mean it like tha-” you cut him off. “a stupid little crush? is that all i was to you clay? a stupid little crush? so what, that whole year we spent getting to know each other was you just having a stupid little crush on me? you asking me to fly to forida to meet you, was that you just having a stupid little crush on me? me actually flying all the way to florida to meet you, did you think i just had a stupid little crush on you? did you think me saying yes to going on a date with you was me just having a stupid little crush? what, did that date mean nothing to you? did that kiss mean nothing? did you not mean anything you said to me the night you asked me on that date? because i meant every single thing i said to you clay. you’ve impacted my life so much in such a good way, but i guess you didn’t feel the same way. was i just a joke? just someone to play with while you were bored?” you asked, not wanting to believe what he was saying. 
“no, that’s not what i meant.” he sighed. “then why can’t we work things out!? i don’t understand, clay. if you really did mean everything you told me on that beach then why aren’t you trying harder for us?” you asked, disappointment dripping through your voice. “because i just don’t think we’d work out okay!” he yelled at you. neither of you spoke, just looking at each other. he saw the nasty glare and look of hurt wash over your face. “that’s all you needed to tell me.” you whispered. 
you hung up and as soon as the call was disconnected you sobbed. you cried your eyes out. the guy you were in love with made you believe he wasn’t in love with you. you were absolutely devastated and you didn’t know if you’d ever be as happy as you were with him.
in florida, sat a man with his phone clutched in his hands, tears streaming down his face that didn’t look like they would stop anytime soon. he whispered, “what have i done?” he screamed, he threw things, broke picture frames, punched the wall. but doing all those things would never bring you back to him.
(y/n): hey everyone! i think i’m going to take a break from streaming and all social media for a few months. i don’t really want to go into detail right now but maybe if i come back i’ll explain everything. until then i hope all of you stay healthy and hopefully i come back eventually, i love you all :]
authors note:
you guys!! there will be a part 2, send me an inbox or a message if you want to be on the tag list !!
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astranva · 4 years
Locked Out
Word Count: 1.6k
Warning: Few swear words.
Category: Angst to fluff.
Prompt: “Stop running from me.” 
Summary: Communication is key, but you locked Harry out.
let me know what you think, anon! hope you like this🤍
// masterlist // 
When you ask couples of their best period, they would tell you that it’s the “honeymoon phase” of their relationships.
They’d swear up and down on the cute gestures their partner did, giving you a list of all the fuzzy emotions they felt during that very time, how everything left a lingering sweet taste that they longed for.
Some would say that their honeymoon phase wasn’t just that, a phase, but it was a belief that both partners could practice so it would linger and embed itself into their relationship with no signs of decay from the passing years.
These are the same people who would go on and on about how it was communication that kept all these “sparks alive” and how important confrontation was; how being with someone meant that you unravel yourself to them.
Harry knew that seeking perfection was pointless because nobody would ever reach that, not him, not his closest friend, and not you.
It was why he accepted how you were a closed-off person when you began seeing each other; you weren’t one to open up and spill out your emotions and deepest thoughts that were anything but the happy aura you had around you at all times.
He accepted you.
It was acceptance that built the 10-month relationship.
You were there for Harry whenever he needed you, during the bad and good; the stress of writing a new record, the stress of how the world saw him, the stress of wanting to reach a perfection he knew didn’t exist.
You held him at night as he was naked in more ways than lack of clothing would be. It was when he was vulnerable and felt small that your heart clenched, feeling helpless even though you were the first person he sought after good news or an uneasy day.
It was you who held him as he cried. It was you who assured him when the industry made him feel like he wasn’t good enough. It was you who cursed at the world when it gave him shit for his self-exploration and self-love that you praised him for.
It was you.
But it was never him.
It wasn’t because Harry didn’t care nor didn’t put effort at helping you feel at ease; it was because you had denied him of that privilege.
You fought your demons on your own to a point where you tried convincing everyone around you that you didn’t have any before shifting the conversation so that their needs and state were put before your own.
Besides crying that one time as the both of you watched Marley & Me, Harry had never seen you cry, although he heard you a few times.
It happened one time, 3 months into your relationship. He was surprising you at your office with lunch, smiling and greeting your colleagues whom he had seen a few times before he reached your office, putting a finger to his lips as to hush your assistant with a smile before he quietly opened the door to your office.
Your chair was turned towards the window, and if Harry was any louder, he could’ve missed the quiet sound of your sobs.
And he heard you gasp and saw your arms moving furiously before you turned, avoiding eye contact as you took a gulp of the glass of water on your desk.
“What’s wrong?”
He was gentle, he knew he was. So why did you tell him that you were “just a little tired”?
And then it happened again at a party Jeff was hosting.
He noticed that one minute you were beside him as he talked to his friends, the next you weren’t.
The music wasn’t loud, but it wasn’t quiet enough to make you hear your phone. He had searched for you everywhere before finally trying to check if you were at the restroom.
He knocked, “Y/N?”
His ear was pressed against the door and it was why he heard the sniffle before he heard your voice, “I’ll be out in a minute!” Your voice broke at the end.
“Are you okay, Lovie? Do you want me to come in there?”
“No, H. I’m fine.”
I’m fine.
Two words Harry never believed.
And although he tried to get you to talk that night, assuring you that he would listen to whatever that was on your mind, he reached the same dead-end street – you were “fine.”
The both of you were shopping when it happened.
Holding two bags in one hand, Harry held your hand in his free one as you walked outside the Gucci store he wanted to visit.
You were midway through a laugh at Harry’s reminder of how you looked in one fiery red and brown sweater that you tried and he had taken a picture of when suddenly a shout directed to you sounded from across the street.
“You don’t fucking deserve him, you fucking gold-digger!”
Harry was a royalty when it came to not giving haters the reaction they wanted, but to hear something directed to you so directly and vulgarly, he was seething.
His head instantly snapped towards the source, looking at the girl who insulted you, standing among other fans and paps.
It was you tugging on his hand that had him drift his attention, “Let it go.”
“Let it go?” He questioned, face hard as you somewhat dragged him towards your car, “No, this wasn’t-”
“Harry, please.”
“She just insulted you.”
“Just get in the car, alright?” Your defeated look almost made him soften – keyword: almost.
Harry got inside with a slam of the door and a scowl on his face, running the car before driving.
Once he got out of the street, Harry glanced at you, “Are you not angry?”
You couldn’t be real.
“But you know it’s not true, don’t you?” He asked with concern, glancing from you to the road.
With every passing second that you remained quiet in, Harry’s heart seemed to break.
“Don’t you, Y/N?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You said quietly, moving your legs so that they didn’t face him before you looked out of the window.
“Of course you don’t,” he found himself saying, “You never do.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You frowned, turning back to look at him.
“It means you don’t talk to me, Y/N. Ever.”
“I do talk to you.”
“I mean opening up, Y/N,” he clarified, “I’m always bitching about my problems, crying to you and ranting about everything, but I just don’t get why you don’t do the same. Not even the slightest. And don’t give me the because there’s nothing wrong bullshit, please, because we both know that’s not true.”
“I don’t know what you want me to say.” Your voice was raised a little.
“I just want you to trust that I won’t judge you, that I’ll listen to you,” he frowned, “That you don’t have to do and feel everything on your own.”
You remained quiet for the rest of the ride and Harry hated it.
Reaching your apartment, he followed you up and into it, cautiously watching your every move and how you seemed to keep distance from between the both of you.
“What do you want for dinner?” You asked him, your tone almost fooling him and driving him into denial of how nothing wrong had happened only some minutes ago.
Softly, Harry sighed as he watched you begin to take out a few ingredients from your cupboards, “Are we not going to talk about what happened? You want us to just sleep on it?”
“What’s there to talk about?”
Your reply angered him, his jaw clenching for a second before he squinted his eyes at you, “Will you ever stop doing that?”
Sighing, you turned to face him, “Doing what?”
“This,” he gestured towards you, “Denying any discomfort or feeling just because you want to convince everyone that everything is fine when something isn’t, Y/N.”
“You know that I’m not one to open up. You knew that before we got together.”
“I do and I accept that, but can’t you see that it’s unfair, too? I had to find about Jim stealing your designs from your assistant, Y/N. I had no idea that you were terrified of cats until Sarah told me, yet you let me place Evie on your fucking lap and didn’t utter a word! I can go on for days, Y/N,” Harry said, the frown not leaving his face before his face softened, “It’s like every time I finally catch up with you, you run away.”
“It has always been like that for me, don’t you understand that?!” You shouted, mentally cursing at yourself at how your eyes grew tearful.
“I do understand and I understand that it’s something we can work on together! As a couple, a team,” he gestured at the distance between the both of you, “I just need you to help me out, Y/N!”
“What the fuck do you want me to do?” You threw your arms in the air.
With a soft expression and a pained look, Harry’s shoulders slumped down. “Stop running from me.”
Sensing your uneasiness, Harry approached you, engulfing you in a hug as he tightly wrapped his arms around you, feeling you clutch to his sweatshirt.
And then he heard it.
You let out a sob, crying into his chest as you shook against him.
He said nothing, but Harry held you.
“I’ll try,” you had managed to let out and although it was muffled, he heard it, “I’ll try, I promise.”
Harry moved his head to press a kiss to the top of your head, pulling away slightly to cup your face and have you look up at him, “At your own pace, Lovie. No rush.”
You only nodded, face looking innocent as Harry left a kiss on your nose.
“No rush.” He promised.
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diaphragmjellyfish · 4 years
I’ll Take Care of You
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Ok so this is pre-shift Jacob because he’s the only correct Jacob, also I’m ignoring the whole “imprint on Renesmee” thing bc it’s MY fic and I get to pick the plot lmaooo. 
Requested by @bisexualturtledove
Jacob Black was a charmer, to say the least. He’d only had to ask you out three times before you said yes, which is more than any other guy could say. You respected his tenacity, and ended up going out with him for no other reason than to put him out of his misery, fully expecting it to be awkward and a solid end to your guys’ thing. Safe to say that’s not what happened. 5 months later and you were in a happy relationship planning your lives together. However, there was always a bump in the road with you. Something that had ruined every relationship you’ve had so far, and you hadn’t told Jacob in an effort to keep him around as long as you could. But the truth had to come out sooner or later. You couldn’t keep avoiding his heated kisses, his undressing gaze, his wandering hands. 
The truth was, you were terrified to have sex with Jacob. So many insecurities run through your mind whenever he tries to take things to the next level that you freeze up, and Jacob being the sweetheart he is, stops immediately in an effort to make you comfortable. You knew that this was the only thing keeping your relationship from being perfect. You wanted to, I mean really wanted to have sex with him. But you were insecure about your performance. It wasn’t that you didn’t think you could please him… it was that you knew no guy had ever been able to please you and that made them insecure and resentful, which always ended in a messy breakup. You weren’t sure if it was the antidepressants you had been on, the nerves of being intimate with someone, or if you were broken, but for the life of you, you could not orgasm. 
However, you knew it was time for a change. You had to face this head on. If he didn’t accept you for you, then as painful as it would be, he wasn’t the one for you. So you invited him over, putting away anything in your room that could be a distraction to the serious talk you were about to have with him. Jacob climbed in through your open window, his usual suave entrance, and immediately rushed over to you, out of breath. 
“Is everything okay?” he panicked. You took him in. It looked like he got ready in a hurry, hair messy and… Jeez, was he shaking? 
“I think the better question is, are you ok? You look like you just saw a ghost, babe.” you worried back. 
“Well when my girlfriend just sends me a text saying We need to talk. That doesn’t exactly put a good feeling in my stomach.”
“We do need to talk. Or I guess, I need to tell you something. About.. Me.” God, why were you so nervous? Just spit it out! 
“Okay. Whatever it is, you know you can tell me,” he encouraged. 
You grabbed his hand and moved to sit on the edge of your bed. He sat next to you, waiting intently for your next words. After a long pause, you found the words. “So… I’m sure you’ve noticed that we haven’t had sex yet.” Wow. Nice one. 
“Umm, yeah. I’ve noticed. I mean, I know that.” He seemed even more confused at this. 
“Yeah,” you laughed awkwardly, gaze focusing on the carpet. “There’s a reason for it. I’ve had some past experiences that are making me… hesitant, I guess?” you tried to explain. He only nodded for you to keep going, thumb rubbing over the back of your hand. “Okay, this is going to be awkward. So I have a really hard time,” you sighed deeply, already cringing at your next words, “finishing.” You looked up at him at this. His eyebrows were furrowed, but he had the beginnings of a smile on his face. 
“Finishing,” he repeated. “Like, having an orgasm?” You guys had always had a super open, communicative relationship. You could tell him. 
“Yeah. Because of that, the guys I’ve been with normally end up getting really frustrated and mad at me and, I mean, there’s not really much I can do about it but I guess what I’m saying is that I don’t want you to be disappointed and end up resenting me because I make you feel insecure when I won’t cum and,” you take a deep breath, feeling yourself about to cry. 
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay,” he moved you onto his lap, rubbing your back soothingly. “Y/N, I would never do that to you. I don’t care if we never have sex. I love you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Okay?”
You nod, tears rolling down your face at his kind words. He brings a hand up to your chin, lifting your face so you are looking him in the eye. He smiles softly at you. 
“Thank you for telling me.” 
“I just didn’t want you to think it was your fault or anything,” you replied. 
“Baby, you know it’s not your fault either, right?” 
You didn’t respond, just stared at the wall over his shoulder in deep thought, brows furrowed. Truthfully, you did think it was your fault. If you could only finish like any normal woman could, this wouldn’t be a problem. 
“Babe. Look at me,” you did, hesitantly. “Its. Not. Your. Fault.” he paused between each word to emphasize his point further. 
“Jacob, how can you say that when I’m the one that’s keeping us from having sex? When I’m the one that’s broken.” Something snapped in him at this. He became stern, grabbing the sides of your face to keep your gaze on him. Gently, but firmly. 
“You are not broken. Don’t ever say that. If you need some extra attention, that’s fine. We can figure all that out. But don’t ever say you’re broken or not good enough. Do you hear me?” 
“Yes,” you murmured. He wiped the tears off your face and sat with you while you  fully calmed down before speaking again. 
“Good. We’re gonna have an open, honest conversation about what you need so that I know how to make you happy. So… what gets you off?”
His bluntness made you huff out a laugh. “Okay, umm. Well, the only thing that’s, ya know… done it for me, is,” you made a gesture with your hands while Jacob waited patiently for you to finish. “A… thing.” 
“A thing.” he parroted, still wildly confused. 
“You know!” You continued making nonsensical gestures, so Jacob knew he would have to start guessing. 
“What? A dildo?” you shook your head, blushing. “A vibrator?” At this, you looked at him, smiling quickly before burying your face in your hands in embarrassment. “Babe, lots of girls need that. It’s not a big deal. I really don’t mind using one with you, I just want to make you feel good.” 
“Really?” you were genuinely surprised. Most guys hated the idea of using toys in the bedroom. They always thought they should be enough for you, when they just weren’t no matter what they did. So you always ignored your own needs to fuel their egos. But you hadn’t anticipated that Jacob might actually be willing to use one with you. 
“Of course. Do you have one?” 
“Yeah,” your voice was small once again, eyes peeking through your fingers. 
He paused for a second. Two seconds. “Can I use it on you?” his voice seemed an octave deeper as he asked. 
You sucked in a breath. In your wildest dreams, you thought maybe he’d be okay with you using one on yourself while you guys were intimate. But here he was, asking to use it. On you. Wow. All you could do was nod. 
“Yeah? Where is it?” at this, you pointed to the drawer of your bedside table. He reached over, opening it. His hand rummaged around for a few seconds before he pulled out a small pink bullet vibrator, holding it up to the light, and testing it. He pressed the button, the toy immediately making a low buzzing sound, as he teasingly held it to your upper arm, laughing as you jumped. “This is gonna be fun,” he smiled wolfishly. You were still perched on his lap. He turned the vibrator off, leaning in to kiss you deeply. Jacob had always been an amazing kisser, and today was no different. His lips were so gentle, sucking at your bottom lip before swiping his tongue over yours, occasionally nipping lightly. You guys heatedly made out for a couple of minutes before his hand trailed under your shirt, and his lips travelled down your jaw and to your neck. He suckled at the skin here as you gasped, tilting your head to the side to allow more access. He’d always been a fan of leaving marks on you, but it never stopped feeling good. The next minute happened in such a frenzy of lips and gasps and wandering hands, that you found yourself lying under him with just a bra and underwear on, him lying over you, still kissing at your neck, with just his own underwear to keep him covered. He still held the vibrator in his hand, but you had forgotten about it until he held it to your inner thigh, flicking it on. The sudden sensation had you jumping out of your skin, breath laboring quickly. He was holding it a good 5 inches away from your center, but the feeling had you squirming nonetheless. 
His other hand came up behind your back to unclasp your bra. You sat up for a second to slip it off your shoulders, and came back down only for Jacob’s lips to latch around your right nipple. You gave a soft moan, only encouraging him to swirl his tongue lightly over it. Your hands found purchase in his long, thick hair, tugging whenever something felt especially good. He was teasing you. You could tell, because your hips were grinding on air, trying to get him to move the toy upwards, but he kept it firmly planted on your thigh. 
“Jacob,” you panted. He ignored you. “Jacob, c’mon,” you tried again. 
“Hmm?” he hummed around your other nipple. 
You were becoming frustrated. “I thought you said you wanted to use it on m-oh!” your back arched off the bed as he suddenly moved it up directly over your clit, pressing down firmly. You were moaning openly at this point, hips continuing to writhe on the vibrator. He began moving it in small, tight circles, letting you grind your hips however felt good. He moved to kiss you deeply once more, your moans getting lost in his lips. You two remained like this for God knows how long, your stomach eventually beginning to cramp from clenching and unclenching, your body practically begging for release. But you just could not get there. Jacob seemed as calm and patient as ever, but you wanted to cum so bad it hurt. You thought you might cry. 
“What do you need?” he whispered in your ear, lovingly. 
You blinked away a tear as you replied, “I don’t know.” He could hear the sadness and frustration in your voice, so he pulled the vibrator away, sitting up. 
“Alright. C’mere love.” You knew he would give up. They always did. God, you were so useless. “Take these off for me,” he tugged at the waistband of your underwear as he reached into his pants pocket off the floor and pulled out a silver square. A condom. Of course he still wanted to get off. He’d given you so much time, it was only fair he get his fill. You did as he asked and slipped your underwear off, tossing them to the floor as he stripped himself of his and rolled the condom onto his painfully hard cock. He moved back over to you still on the bed, grabbed your face between his hands, and gave you a loving kiss. 
“I’m gonna take care of you baby. Okay?” 
Again, all you could do was nod. Wait. Was he still at it? He still wanted to get you off? Damn. This boy was determined. And you were thankful for the effort. He grabbed you by the waist, turning you around to kneel on the edge of the bed, back facing his chest as he stood behind you. He wrapped one arm across your chest, hand landing on your throat. Oh god. He applied a small amount of pressure as his other hand lined him up with your entrance, pushing in lightly. You had been so desperate for any sort of friction that there was no resistance from your body. Inch by inch. By inch. By inch. He slid into you, keeping the pressure on your throat. When he was fully seated inside you, he paused to let your body fully adjust to his impressive size. You grinded back on him, and he took this as his cue to start moving. He pulled out slightly, pushing back in. Again and again and again, each time building speed and force. When your breathing once again became labored, he brought the hand that was on your waist down to hold that beautiful pink vibrator right onto your clit. This time, there were no undergarments in the way. This time, he had his hand around your throat, keeping you in place. This time, he was fucking you, and God it made all the difference. You began to moan again, feeling that knot in your stomach tighten more and more. He kept everything consistent for the next several minutes, encouraged by your moans and grinding hips. Your back was flush against his chest, and you could feel the definition of his abs as he fucked you. 
Once again, you felt right on the edge. Right at the point where you felt yourself about to fall, but something kept holding you there. If you weren’t able to come from this, you might die. Jacob seemed to be able to sense you starting to get frustrated once more, so he began pounding into you at a much harder pace than before, desperate to get you there before he finished. Your moans went up in pitch, that soft spot inside of you practically jolting with electricity every time he hit it. Your eyes rolled back in your head, never having experienced any pleasure like this before. It was raw, animalistic, aggressive. And you loved it. Suddenly, Jacob shifted his hand on the vibrator, turning it up to high. You screamed. Your whole body shuddered, the feeling going from your brain to your toes, and you came hard. Your body was shaking, center throbbing and juicier than ever. The sight of you cumming, the feeling of you tightening around him, had Jacob coming just minutes after you. 
When he had come down, he pulled the vibrator off you, switching it off and tossing it onto the floor. Your clit was swollen and sensitive. Jacob brought his other hand off your throat, not noticing that that was the only thing holding you up. You collapsed forward onto the bed, having just enough energy to turn your head to the side before you hit the mattress. Your legs still trembled violently, and Jake was super careful as he got a damp towel from the bathroom and wiped you off. When you were both cleaned, he lay down on the bed, grabbing you under the arms and pulling you up next to him. Your eyes couldn’t even hold themselves open. He soothingly rubbed your back as he teasingly whispered into your ear, “Told you I would take care of you.”
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tarosin · 3 years
the not so great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo and ranboo
this is an extra episode to the great adventures series -
people included: platonic! jack/tubbo/ranboo/tommy
please read what is written in bold
this is an “alternative ending” around 15 years into the future and is heavily inspired by bo burnhams song ‘goodbye’ this doesn’t mean this is actually how the series is going to end im writing it now and including it as part of series as their friendship is already established i can confirm y/n and the group are going to have a happy ending when the series eventually comes to an end this also does not mean the series is anywhere near the end i plan on continuing the series as vlogs come out. i’m sorry HOWEVER i am currently writing how y/n made friends with everyone so you have that to look forward to. i am sorry to the new people who requested to be on the taglist as this is the first thing you’re being tagged in
cw: angst, cursing
it had been around 14 years since ranboo moved to the UK, a year after the day you all met, to be with you tommy and tubbo. you were all thriving; you were living with your best friends, were all some of the most watched creators, you were constantly making new memories with everyone. you even had a wall full of photos of you all from every adventure you had been on with a picture of ranboo poorly edited into the background which made you laugh as you passed the wall every day. almost every evening you would all watch something on the tv, often re watching your favourite tv shows. the past few months had been pretty rough, there were days you didn’t even want to leave the house. you and tommy would fight over the smallest things. for example, a few weeks ago you were both arguing about who was responsible for forgetting something whilst out shopping.
“you were supposed to remind me to get it!”
“i told you to make a fucking list tommy, how is this my fault?”
“because i told you to fucking remind me but you were too focused on playing around!”
“you’re not making any sense tommy!”
“oh fuck off, y/n! i don’t even want to look at you right now!”
“so long tommy i’ll see you when i see you!”
and with that you left to stay with jack until you were ready to go back home, it was around now you lost your love for streaming, however jack encouraged you to stream for a little while so you fans don’t think you’ve left them in the dark. 20 minutes into the stream you felt like you were slowly loosing power even though it hadn’t even been an hour into your stream. A week later you were still with jack, that’s when you got the notification from tubbo.
bo: y/n... we’re sorry we tried our best to make him stay
boo: y/n come home as soon as possible
*tommy has left the chat*
*tommy has blocked tubbo, ranboo, jack and y/n*
bo: he blocked me??
jack: and me
boo: ...yeah
jack offered to drive you back home, which you gladly accepted. the ride was silent, the pair of you still trying to process what just happened, your friend of over 14 years had enough and left you all, until you finally spoke up your voice shaking as you tried not to cry.
“so this is how it ends heh?”
“well at least i’ll save fuel driving taking us all on adventures.”
“youre really joking at a time like this..”
“i was only trying to lighten the mood.. you know you’re being rather selfish not everything is about you. you’ve always been like this.”
“jack, i know you’re upset, i am too, please don’t take this out on me.”
“get out the car.”
“well stop the car then for fuck sake, i’m not getting injured because of you.”
as soon as jack pulled over, you got out and began the walk home, your vision became blurry due to the tears forming as you watched jack drive away. you ended up sitting in a cafe for a while to calm down. none of this felt real you pinched yourself, hoping to find out you were stuck in some nightmare. jack must have returned by the time you made it to the cafe as the community was now spamming questions on twitter asking why jack has now left and unfollowed everyone, followed by your mods telling you to check twitter. your fan base were hurt as their favourite streamers were falling apart and blocking each other. followed by them asking why you’ve not been streaming, you felt like you were going crazy as everyone else was able to stream and enjoyed doing so but you were struggling to stream with no one laughing in the background. you ended up sending a dm to your discord announcements knowing that they’ll share the news.
y/n: so long, goodbye for now. you guys have been extremely supportive over the past 15 years. however there is a lot going on right now (i’ll spare you all the details) i’m going to be taking a break for a while. after all does anybody want to joke when no one’s laughing in the background? i’m sure we’ll meet again, until then my loves!
10 minutes later you decided you should probably go home to the others, after all they’re all you have left.
“i promise to never go outside again.”
as soon as you walked into the house rather than being met with tubbo asking if you were okay, you were met with a notification.
*bo has left the chat*
he stood with his bags near the door
“this is all your fault, i can’t look at you anymore”
“you’re really joking in a time like this...right?”
“you were looking for a reason hide again.”
“trust me buddy i found it.”
ranboo pulled you as close as he could crying into the crook of your neck, you wrapped your arms around his waist as tubbo left the house. it felt like he took the happy memories with him. as soon as ranboo let go, you ran to your room locking the door trying to hide away from the situation, ranboo sat on the other side of the door not wanting to be alone.
“am i going crazy? would i even know? am i right back where i started 14 years ago?”
“y/n let me in.”
you unlocked the door and practically fell into ranboos arms, once you felt strong enough the pair of you sat on your bed, nothing could separate the pair of you right now, you both lost the people you cared about.
“i swear to god all i ever wanted was a little bit of everything all of the time. i’ve finished playing and i’m staying inside.”
“y/n i’m sorry..”
“im sorry too, ranboo, i guess this is the it.”
“at least we have each other.”
“and that fucking photograph wall.”
“that’s a problem for another night..please get some rest.”
it took a while but eventually you fell asleep in his embrace. you may have lost the others but at least one of your best friends stuck around.
taglist (sorry guys)
@dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @c1loudee
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wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
May I please request some angst with Kise being busy with basketball and modelling career neglecting his s/o? Additionally his s/o thinks he's cheating on them and just a big misunderstanding. Thank you very much 😊❤️
A/N: Even though I am quite late, happy Valentine’s Day! This actually got longer than I planned it to be, but I hope you’ll like it nonetheless! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Tags: Kise x reader ✅  angst ✅  fluff ✅
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Misunderstanding - Kise x reader
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If someone had told you that you’d become the Kise Ryouta’s girlfriend some time ago, then you wouldn’t have believed it.
Kise was a young face everyone would’ve recognized if they had seen it somewhere in public. His blond hair was partially at fault for that as well, but the main reason for his immense popularity was his side job as a young model for different fashion and makeup brands. On top of that, he had been a part of the legendary Generation of Miracles, a group of six young and talented basketball players who each had an extraordinary and never-seen-before skill that could turn every game around. He was very fond of this sport and wished to steadily improve himself at every possible opportunity so of course, it was a given that he’d continue his training even after middle school.
Thinking about this handsome man and all of his achievements made you wonder just how lucky you were for being able to call him your boyfriend. You still couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that the two of you went to the same school and were in the same grade, but never mind that, what surprised you the most was the moment he’d asked to meet you and then sheepishly confessed his interest in you and the wish to be by your side as your boyfriend. It was such a surreal situation that you couldn’t help but nod throughout the entirety of it.
The two of you didn’t know each other that well at first so the process of finding out everything possible about the other was quite fun and really made both of you forget about the stressful part of your daily lives. At first, you had expected that Kise was your typical playboy who’d just confess to anyone who met his preferences, but as time went on you actually saw past those prejudices of yours and were pleasantly surprised at how different he was than what you had imagined. He was a very caring, gentle, and nice guy who’d do anything to see you smile and hear you laugh or giggle. He made you feel like you were the only person in the entire world and that there was no one else he’d rather spent his time with than you. The surprises he prepared for you on special days such as Valentine’s Day or your own birthday were mind-blowing as well.
You of course made sure to always return that amount of love you’d received and his adorable reactions were the reason you felt like you’d fallen in love with him yet another time.
Everything was working out perfectly and the two of you were as happy as can be, but life, unfortunately, likes to ruin perfect moments like these...
The two of you were now third-years and Kise was slowly starting to think about his future plans, so he began taking on more modeling gigs during his free days, some of these even overlapped with the days on which you had planned a date. You were pretty understanding at first and even told him that you didn’t mind, but as these date reschedulings began occurring every single time it really made you sad. In fact, you were so sad that as soon as Kise mentioned having an upcoming free day you simply nodded and whispered a silent ‘I see.’
Nevertheless, you kept on visiting him during his basketball club’s training sessions and watched him steadily improve his performance with each passing day. His bright smile after every basket made your heart throb and a couple of weeks ago you would’ve interpreted it as a positive feeling but now? It simply pained you. Negative thoughts flooded your mind and is if that wasn’t enough, a group of his fangirls stormed the field moments after the referee had blown his whistle three times.
“Kise-kun, please look this way!!“
“Kise! Can you please sign my t-shirt?“
“C-Can I have your number please!“
Sights like these weren’t uncommon and you were used to ignoring them, knowing that Kise wouldn’t do anything that might upset you or his fans, but as of late situations such as these annoyed you. You sighed, stood up, and left the gym.
“(Y/N)! Wait up!“
At the sound of the familiar voice of your best friend, you obeyed his plea, turning back to the young man who was running up to you.
“Yukio! What’s wrong?”
He stopped right before you, greeting you with a small smile as he rubbed the back of his neck in slight discomfort.
“Is...Is something bothering you? Or more like...has everything been alright as of late? N-No that’s not it...Do you-”
“There’s no need to beat around the bush Yukio and you know it,” you say with a small smile as you gently bump your fist against his arm, “just tell me what’s been bugging you.”
He sighs in relief and you see how some tension leaves his shoulders as he asks you a rather surprising question: “I’ve noticed the tension between Kise and you, so tell me...what’s up with that? Do I need to step in and help you out with something?”
Yukio was quite perceptive, especially when it came to your and Kise’s relationship, he always made sure to keep up with your well-being since he knew how carried away your blond boyfriend could get. If it were any other occasion, you would’ve told your best friend what had bothered you so much, but now that you reflected on it, it seemed a rather meaningless reason for you to be upset over so you just shook your head lightly and brushed it off. Your counterpart on the other hand just squinted his eyes in suspicion but decided to let it go for now.
“Just make sure to tell him if something is worrying you, ok? Remember, communication is the key to every relationship.”
And with those wise words, he bid you farewell and jogged back to the gym...
“Hey...(Y/N)-cchi? Would you like to go on a date next Saturday?”
“..? Excuse me?”
The two of you looked into each other’s eyes with equally surprised expressions and not short after you both burst out laughing.
“I’m sorry Kise, I just didn’t expect you to invite me on a date, that’s all.“
Your boyfriend sat down next to you and took your hand in his own, gently caressing each of your fingers as he let his eyes roam around your facial features. Looking at him being that deeply lost in thought made you wonder just what was going through his mind. Usually, he’d try and avoid dating you in public or when it was still daytime because of the potential rumors and scandals it might start, so you couldn’t help but wonder just what brought this sudden change. With a rather sad-looking smile, he brought your hands to his lips and gently kissed your knuckles, his action causing your cheeks to redden ever so slightly.
“Hehe, sorry (Y/N)-cchi, it’s just...we haven’t been able to spend much time together and I need to tell you something important as well, so I thought that a date might be the best solution for this...”
Nothing he’d just said sounded good to you. Kise was rarely a person who’d organize something according to things he’d like to tell or discuss with you so the idea alone was a massive red flag for you. And yet, you couldn’t ignore the seriousness with which he’d approached you, so despite the uneasy feeling that was building up within you, you put on your best fake smile and nodded.
“Oh my god did you read today’s news?“
Stop it...
“I just can’t believe it and here I thought that he was a down-to-earth type of guy!“
But he is, I swear!
“You guys are exaggerating! He’s a playboy, you can see that from a mile away!“
N-No, you’re wrong!
“Did you guys actually know that these were actually some long-term fans of his from way back when he first debuted?“
So what...? I’m sure there must be some backstory to this...
“They could’ve at least picked a better and more hidden-away location than a love hotel right at the center of Shinjuku...“
Maybe they had a photo shoot around that area!
“Ugh, he makes me sick...and to think that I shared my book with him once.”
Please don’t say that...
“I feel sorry for his managers and teammates. Who knows what these poor souls have to go through because of this.“
No matter how many corners you turned, stairs you climbed, or rooms you entered, everyone was talking about the same thing: Kise. The moment you had woken up, your phone was full of notifications, questions, and missed calls, but before you could even comprehend what was going on, one particular message had caught your attention.
♡ : I’m sorry (Y/N)-cchi but I won’t be coming to school today. This is all just a big misunderstanding...trust me
It was then that you had noticed the big headline of your phone’s news app:
MODEL KISE RYOUTA CAUGHT RED-HANDED! IS ONE NOT ENOUGH? Steamy adventures in front of Shinjuku’s most famous love hotel!
It had been such a massive slap to the face, that the entire morning was foggy to you, reality hit you the moment you had stepped on school grounds.
Gossip. Rumors. Lies. Disgust. Aggression. Madness. Sadness.
No matter how hard you tried to avoid any ill-meant word from your classmates, you just couldn’t escape. Your belief in the man whom you called your beloved, the one who promised you that you’d always be the one in his eyes, the same one who swore that this endeavor was nothing but a misunderstanding, was starting to waver.
Suddenly everything started to make sense.
His distant behavior towards you, the increasing amount of modeling gigs he took on, your surprise visits during his training that he’d loved so much went unnoticed and that important topic he wanted to discuss with you on your next date. Everything.
You felt how all those negative feelings you had accumulated during these past few months started to come forth. Just as you were on the verge of tears and wanted to do nothing but fall to your knees, scream and cry you came across Moriyama and Yukio.
“(Y/N)! There you are! How long do you think I’ve been looking for you?!”
The tall man alongside your best friend was quick to notice that you were quite distraught and immediately took a hold of his captain’s shoulder and squeezed it slightly. You truly appreciated that these two were looking for you and intended to calm you down or encourage you to think positively and rationally about this, but right now you couldn’t manage to listen to their kind and caring words, so you apologized, thanked them, and headed straight towards the rooftop, the place where Kise had confessed to you.
As if on cue, your phone began vibrating and as you looked at the screen you saw that the incoming call was from no other than the man who’d been on your mind since the early morning.
“(Y/N)-cchi! Thank god, you picked up! I’m sorry for the short and sinister message this morning, but I had to clear some things with my managers first bef-“
“So your image was once again more important, huh?”
Before you could stop yourself from saying something you’d regret later, your mouth was unfortunately quicker.
“Lately I hardly recognize you, Kise, it’s as if you’ve become an entirely different person. First, you confess your love to me all sheepishly, blushing from head to toe, then you treat me like I’m the center of the world and the only reason you live for, but as of late you’ve been prioritizing your work more than our joint time. I tried to be understanding, I really did, but if you asked me out just so that you could fulfill some kind of goal and boast to whoever with it, then I’m really the wrong person for this.”
Nothing but silence came from the other end of the line, so you took this as a sign to continue.
“Listen, Kise, I don’t need nor expect you to adore me as if I’m some kind of deity, but I at least would like to know what the backstory to today’s tabloid news meant...and I sincerely hope that you aren’t going to trot out some lame excuse because I wouldn’t be able to handle it.“
“I’ll see you this Saturday Kise.“ you whispered as you ended the call without waiting for his answer.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, dreading what this date would mean for your future with the blond young man. The entire week-long you had deliberately avoided him in order to keep your thoughts as rational as you could and not let them get influenced by neither your feelings for him nor the supporting words of your friends. It was hard to ignore the guilty and worried stares he sent your way and whenever you saw the vicious glares others gave him, it really tugged at your heartstrings, but somehow you managed to withstand any possible temptation.
During the bus drive to the city center, you once again looked at the screenshot you took of the article that had caused you so much despair over the past few days. The blurry photo showed a tall blond man who was without a doubt Kise, trapping some girl whose face was covered by pixels between himself and the wall of the love hotel while the second one was pulling on his dark blue jacket, the same one which you had given him as his last year’s birthday present. Judging by the image alone it did look like Kise and the two girls were on their way to the rather flashy establishment, but your boyfriend couldn’t quite hold himself back and decided to start on the fun beforehand.
Cheating, huh...?
You bit your lip and thought about it. A famous and perky guy like him already had a stable fangirl club that followed him at each step so him feeling tempted during your time as a couple wouldn’t have surprised you in the slightest and yet it pained you so much that you could’ve started crying right then and there in front of all the other people that were sitting in the bus with you.
The city was brimming with people left and right, exiting and entering shops and restaurants. Today should’ve marked a happy occasion since it was the first public date the two of you had ever planned while the streetlights were still off. You had agreed to meet right in front of a small cafe that was close to the station and wasn’t one of the popular hangout spots so that you could at least have some sense of privacy. Each step you took fueled your anxiety of what was about to come and no matter how many deep breaths you took, you just couldn’t calm your raging heart down.
You finally saw a blond head sticking out among the crowd and just as you were about to raise your hand and wave to him, you halted. Kise was apparently not alone and had come alongside yet another girl who was constantly clinging to his arm, trying to get him to move.
“What did I even expect...?”
The crowd before you started to disappear and the two of them finally came into full view, but so did you. His yellow eyes met with your glassy ones and you could immediately see how regret and sorrow distorted his already distressed face.
“(Y/N)-cchi, wait...i-it’s not what it looks like..!”
You felt something warm fall down your cheeks and without paying it any mind you simply turned around and began walking back where you came from. Kise’s desperate calls for you to wait up were ignored and whenever his voice seemed too close to you, you sped up but he was too persistent. Despite the dense crowd you constantly walked amongst he never lost track of you.
(Y/N)-cchi! Please wait!
It’s all a misunderstanding, I promise you!
Listen to me, please!
You were trying to isolate his desperate pleas to such an extent that you hadn’t noticed the park you had just walked in. There were barely any people who strolled around this small yet beautiful piece of nature. The thought of elderly people walking their pets here, children running around and couples occupying the benches made you imagine just what excellent spot this would’ve been for a proper first date...
The young man behind you had used the time you were lost in thoughts to close the distance between you, but as soon as had returned from your small daydream and noticed how close he was to you, your body involuntarily urged you to run. And you did.
N-No, wait...!
You were fully aware of what you were doing, and you felt terrible for it. Kise’s leg had been injured for quite some time and he was told to not overdo it, which meant that he had to renounce running for most of the time so that he had enough energy and leg power left for his basketball matches.
And yet why..?
Why was he running after you as if his life depended on it? As if it was the last point his team needed for victory? Why?
You stopped sprinting and swiftly turned around. The man who had been an arm’s reach from you didn’t expect your sudden halt and collided with you, but luckily he caught you just before you lost your footing and pulled you towards his heaving chest. His trembling arms wrapped around your body and tightened their grip.
The way he hugged you made all the wonderful and sweet memories of your life with him came up, leaving you with no other option but to return his embrace with the same amount of love.
“Kise...are you crazy? Why did you start running after me with your injured leg?” you asked after a short while and even though your question was intended to sound like a lecture, it ended up having a worrisome tone instead.
“This small amount of pain is nothing compared to the pain I made you feel these past few weeks.”
A small smile adorned your lips, but at the same time, you had to continuously think about all the things that had happened in this week alone, causing your smile to vanish almost immediately. You wanted answers and you needed them now.
“Kise, please...I want you to-“
“Explain. Yes, I know.” he interrupted and slowly backed up, looking you directly into your eyes.
After he’d taken hold of your hands, he began by defusing the situation that had transpired some mere seconds ago. The girl that was tugging on him was apparently a fan of his who’d drunk one too many beers. She’d unintentionally run into him and had almost lost her balance, but as caring as he was he held onto her and that’s when she had found out his true identity. Kise tried to keep her as silent and calm as possible, but that was easier said than done. The moment you had arrived was when she had started pulling his clothes, pleading him to come to her house and sign all of her merch.
“So about that article...on that day we had a photo shooting in Shinjuku and I was asked to take a break so I wandered about and that’s when two girls came from the love hotel. I wasn’t disguised so they immediately recognized me and tried to ask me out and whatnot. They were so persistent that I told them about you...they thought I was lying and then...”
You saw his sudden change in demeanor, his jaw muscles had tensed up and his grip on your hands was harder than earlier. Kise was rarely mad at something or someone, but what you saw before you, that anger and unspoken hatred were a first for the normally cheerful young man.
“They began insulting you, saying how you were together with me just because of my looks and nothing more. How dare they talk you down to their level? Just who do they think they are?!”
You expected any random excuse but seeing him get so worked up for your sake made your heart ache and now that you knew the backstory, the pictures made more sense. Your lover explained that he’d lost his temper and had pushed the girl who’d trash-talked you against the wall, warning her to keep her mouth shut before he really lost it. Meanwhile, her friend had tried to get him away from her by pulling on his jacket, and apparently, that’s when one of the passersby shot the photo. He took a short break after telling you that and then out of nowhere he brought his face closer to your own.
“(Y/N)-cchi...that’s not all. Do you remember our phone call when you told me that I’ve changed?“ he asked and waited for your confirmation before continuing, “...well the reason I didn’t call you first and had to deal with my manager is that we considered making my relationship with you public.”
“I’ve had enough of people trying to flirt with me and not believing when I say that I’ve found the perfect partner already. You see...graduation is just a few months away and after that I wanted to concentrate more on our relationship, hoping that maybe you’d like to...to live together with me.“
If you weren’t shocked enough before then his proposal just know had given you the finishing blow. Your heart was beating so fast and so loud that you feared he could’ve heard it.
“Was...was this the reason you took on so many jobs?”
He noded in embarrassment. “I wouldn’t feel confident enough to propose such an idea when it seems so far away and unrealistic, so I wanted to gain some sense of stability and independence before I asked you.”
Kise continued his explanation, but you didn’t catch most of it since you were so lost in your thoughts. The man before you had taken so many overtime shifts, had sacrificed so many of your dates, had gotten himself in a scandal for your sake, and yet here you were doubting him and doing something so childish like running away from him. You bit your lower lip and jumped into his arms, silently apologizing to your lover for your presumptuous behavior. He simply returned your embrace and kissed your temple.
Sometimes, misunderstandings such as these do have their benefits...
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lucysometimeswrites · 4 years
Kiss the Girl
hello again! thanks for the love on Awards Season :) this one is based on the beginning of lockdown where the boys were living together. had the idea and the title will make sense in part 2 (if you want it). enjoy!
Never in a million years would I have thought I’d live to see a pandemic, much less quarantine with four boys, one of them who just happens to be my boyfriend. Tom and I had been dating for about six months when the global pandemic was declared, and in the heat of the moment, he suggested I come live with him and his brother and mates, as he called them. I immediately refused, of course, because I didn’t wanna impose in any way or make things awkward for them, but he insisted that everything would be okay and that he would not be able to stand the fact that I was out there living alone while this big thing was happening. I don’t know how, but he was very convincing so here I am. In the UK. In London. Living with my boyfriend and three other boys. Still asking myself how or why.
Don’t get me wrong! It hasn’t been horrible by any means. Sure, it took a bit of getting used to and some uncomfortable silences to get over with his housemates, but other than that it has been quite a beautiful experience. I’ve been able to bond with Tuwaine, Harrison and Harry in different ways, and Tom and I have never been happier. 
Until yesterday.
It’s no surprise lockdown drives all of us a little bit insane sometimes, what with trying to keep our jobs and not being able to go anywhere but the same amount of square feet; it’s hard! It’s also very hard to keep our cool with the people we literally see every day and prevent ourself from projecting our stress onto them, which exactly what happened yesterday with that dear boyfriend of mine. 
Tom had been very busy with some scripts he’d been learning and working on his project with Harry and simultaneously trying to keep his fans happy. Many terrible things had been going on that just piled up on him and his stress level went from 0 to 100 real quick. He was also trying to keep me happy. While he was here living with people he’s known his whole life and his family a 20 minute drive away, he was aware that I am his relatively new girlfriend, an outsider, who was miles away from her family and was living with boys and struggling with online work. I didn’t realize this right away, though. How his shoulders sagged a bit each morning, or how his smile didn’t reach his eyes. His laugh was less present around the house, and he started disappearing into his office more and more until the only times I saw him were sometimes during breakfast and when going to bed. I didn’t notice, and neither did the boys, which I felt really guilty about. 
It clicked at the worst time. I kept wondering why I felt things were weird between him and I, my mind going to the worst of places, of course. I started thinking if he wanted me there at all, how I told him it was not a good idea, or that maybe he now realized that he doesn’t really like me and wanted to break up. Ridiculous, he would say, but he wasn’t there to actually say it or prove me wrong. So, I decided to be upfront and ask him. Communication and all that I said in my head, and headed to his office. 
Yesterday . . .
“Tom?” I softly knocked on the door. I heard a faint “Come in”, so I opened the door and saw him sitting at the desk. Brows furrowed, pursed lips, his back hunched a little as he was looking at something closely in his laptop. His eyes never moving from the screen.
“What do you need?” he said. Wow, blunt. 
“Uh, I wasss wondering if we could talk?” I answered, absently playing with my fingers out of nervousness. Why am I nervous? It’s Tom.
“Does it have to be now?” 
“I was sort of hoping that, yeah” his eyes finally leaving the screen and looking at me, still standing by the door.
“Okay, but I have to get back to work so if you could make it quick, that would be great” How do I make my insecurity “quick”?!
I struggled to find the words before asking him, “Are things okay between us?” my voice becoming small and my eyes finding my feet very interesting while I waited for a response. Which never came. 
I looked up to find him entranced by his laptop once again. It looked as if he hadn’t heard my question, and that upset me.
“Tom” I called his attention sternly, with a bit of a glare.
“What” he said absently.
“I’m trying to talk about something serious here” 
He sighed, clearly annoyed, rubbing his face and turning to me once more, “What is it?”
Trying to be calm, but my voice becoming a little harsher, “I was asking you if things are okay between us”, which didn’t come out as much of a question anymore.
“Of course they are, why do you ask” Wow, he can’t even pretend to be interested?
“Because I feel like I haven’t seen you and that you’re acting weird. I mean you spend most of the day cooped up in here and you don’t hang out with any of us anymore”, I explained.
“Because I have important work to do, Y/N” his face still held seriousness, like his mind was plagued with problems.
“Well can’t you do it later? I don’t know, take a break and have a snack with us?” I suggested, with hope that we’d get to have a laugh and get over the tension. 
“No, I can’t” he answered shortly. I stood up and made my way behind his chair, my hands going to rub his shoulders trying to convince him, “Oh come onnnn, maybe you’ll work even better after! We haven’t seen you in ages and I miss you” I pouted, even though he couldn’t see me.
Now, as if a bomb had exploded out of nowhere, he abruptly stood up and threw my hands off his body, “I said no Y/N! I told you I’m working on important stuff and that I can’t take ‘a little break’” he yelled, mocking me in the last part, “I’m trying my best to keep my job and work with Harry while keeping all of you safe and providing for you, so no, I don’t have time for a break and if you could just go away it would make me the happiest man a live right now” he finished strongly. He huffed and puffed just like the big bad wolf, pointing to the door while I stood there dumbfounded
I gaped at him with a mix of shock, anger and sadness. Feeling my emotions coming through, I thought like hell he’s gonna see me cry, so I just took a few steps back while making my way to the door and leaving the room quickly, not looking back. As I made my way to our room, I crossed the living room where Harrison, Harry and Tuwaine all quietly looked at me, with pity in their eyes and clearly having heard the argument. I stopped in the middle, looking at each of them but promptly continuing my way to the bedroom, where I closed the door and leaned against it for support. With a few tears slipping down my eyes, I grabbed a towel and locked myself in the bathroom. After turning the shower on, I took off my clothes and got in, letting the warm water fall on me in a comforting matter while I let myself cry freely, thinking once more why am I spending lockdown here with them...with him?
aaaaa part 2? yes? no? 
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91percentpynch · 3 years
jean moreau x pride months
happy pride month kids, here‘s some wholesome jerejean content for your soul!! does this make any sense? no. is it a mess? yes. hope you enjoy this!!
the first pride month
it‘s the beginning of june and jeremy starts acting weird
he smiles more, the real smile normally reserved for winning an exy game or when he‘s alone with jean
he started drawing flags on his face or on his eye lids, jeremy never wore make-up, not more than his usual eyeliner and nail polish
„what does that mean?“, jean asks, pointing at the flags on his cheeks.
„the pink, yellow, blue one means i‘m pan. you know, i like more than one gender, i told you that already. and the grey, purple, white and black one that looks like an arrow? that means i‘m demisexual, you know how i only feel sexual attraction to people i have a bond with? that‘s demisexual. those are pride flags, it‘s pride month. didn‘t you know that?“
of course jean didn‘t know, after all he was locked up in a bassement for 10 years and he didn‘t exactly talk the first time he came over here last year at the end of june.
„what‘s pride month?“, jean asked softly, knowing that jeremy would never judge him, never think he was stupid.
„it‘s a month for lgbtqa+ folks. that stands for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, questioning, asexuals, aromantics and everything inbetween. we celebrate ourselves this month, show how proud we are of ourselves and our community. we celebrate marsh johnson, the black transgender, gay sex worker who started the riots, stonewell, and basically threw a brick at a police officer and started the fight for gay rights“
„how do you know you‘re not straight?“, jean asked quietly. thinking about the way his mind keeps wandering back to jeremy, keeps wandering back to the thought of kissing him, holding his hand, the feeling of his soft, badly dyed ginger hair between his fingers.
„well i always payed more attention to the personality, than the gender. i never really cared what‘s between the legs. and it took me quite a while to figure out that i only feel sexual attraction to people when i have a connection to them“
„have you ever kissed a guy?“, jean asked, curiously now. in the nest it was forbidden, but kevin wanted to try it once, in the dark of the night, the saftey of their room. jean couldn‘t tell if he enjoyed it or not, he never really felt any kind of attraction really. only bone deep fear. burning anger. and whatever the fuck his heart was doing when kevin held him close.
„yeah, i had a boyfriend throughout highschool, sophmore year until the end of summer of our senior year. and then freshman year of college i had this girlfriend who was really controlling and yeah. that‘s it. have you?“, his voice was soft, it reminded jean of the sunlight forming some kind of halo behind jeremy.
„kevin wanted to try it once. riko caught us. that‘s how it began“, jean replied, a shadow crossing over both his and jeremy‘s face. in a moment of weakness, at the beginning, jean told jeremy what they did to him in the nest, after jeremy accidentally touched him from behind.
„do you want to try it again?“, jeremy asked, a small smile on his lips. „with me, that is“, he added, barely audible.
„okay“, jean replied, leaning in.
jean was a couple inches taller than jeremy, and jeremy had to stand on his tiptoes to close the last few inches between them.
it was a soft kiss, a different than the stolen ones from kevin. better. these tasted like sunlight, like warmth, like home.
jean kissed jeremy back. carefully, softly, being scared he would break him, destroy him with his darkness.
„how was it?“, jeremy smiled at him after they were done, exchanging kisses, not stealing them. they were equals, no one would hurt him for wanting this
„i think i‘m only attracted to you“, jean admitted quietly. „but like not sexually. i don‘t like sex. never did. i never thought anyone was sexually attractive, i never wanted this and i still don‘t. i‘m sorry“
„you don‘t have to apologize, jean. that‘s being called asexual, the lack of sexual attraciton that is. and the not wanting sex part? sex repulsed. very valid. i will never be like them, i will never force you to do anyhting you‘re not comfortable with“
„and what if you miss having sex and want it and i can‘t give it to you?“, jean asked, tears burning behind his eyes. „i‘m not worth of your light, your warmth, your love as it is. i‘m broken, i‘m dark, i‘m everything you don‘t deserve. you deserve someone who is fixed and happy and can give you the entire world and go places without a panic attack and and and“
„ssh, jean. it‘s alright. it‘s alright. i want you. no one but you. i really, really like you and i am glad you like me to. you‘re not broken, you‘re not dark. you are wonderful. and no one is fixed, we‘re all a little broken in our own ways. i struggled with an eating disorder. i have adhd. sometimes i feel a little sad without any reason and can‘t get out of bed. sometimes i can‘t sleep and other days i could sleep for days. i don‘t need the entire world, i just need you“
it was this june, about a year after jean arrived in california, that he not only found a person who saw more in him than his scars, but a person who loved him not despite of them but for them
the second pride month
it‘s been a year since jean and jeremy kissed for the first time. a year full of highs and lows, fights and making up, miscommunication and cuddles, sweet kisses and ones tasting of tears. but it was also the year jean figured out that he might not be a boy after all.
„do you ever feel like you‘re not a entirely a boy?“, jean asked softly, threading his fingers through jeremy‘s soft blonde hair.
„dude, i‘m genderfluid, remember? alvarez bursted in our room and threw these in our face so people could refer to me with the right pronouns“
„that‘s why you changed your middle name to sol isn‘t it? because you like the sun and you like your hispanic heritage and it‘s a female name?“
„exactamente mi corazón“
„what are you today?“, jean asked softly, as he did every day.
„they/them, i don‘t feel like a guy or a girl today. just vibing“
„i- i think i‘m not entirely a boy either. like i know i was born as a boy and i‘m okay with that. but i feel like there‘s more to that. i can‘t put it in words but i think i want to try to go by he/ they. what do you call those people who don‘t quite find in the binary? i think i‘m that“
„that‘s nonbinary darling. i‘m proud of you. you‘re doing great“
jean didn‘t know how to repeat to that so he just decided to pull jeremy closer to him.
this pride month jean found a little part of himself, another puzzle piece to the mystery that his own person and it felt like a tiny little step towards a future he never dreamt he would have.
it was also the month he started wearing nail polish, because he loved the look on jeremy‘s face when they did them. occasionally he will wear some eyeliner.
the third pride month
another year passed, this year jean got himself a support dog. to help with the anxiety attacks. to help him heal.
it‘s a dalmatiner, called luna. she was trained to feel when he is uncomfortable and come closer to him, licking his hands, being close, being there
it is also the month he wanted to join jeremy for pride
„what are you today?“
„a girl i think. jeremy or sol are both fine“
„will you draw the flags on my face?“, he asked on the day of the parade.
„are you sure you want to go honey?“, sol asked softy, while she went to the bathroom to get her things.
„would i have asked if it wasn‘t moi amour?“, jean replied. „wait hold on, don‘t answer that“, he laughed looking at jeremy‘s face.
„but i‘m sure. first of all it makes you happy. second of all you missed it the last two years. third of all it will piss kevin off and i love that almost as much as i love. and lastly i have luna, she makes sure i‘m fine and i can always leave when i feel uncomfortable“
„okay, babe. what do you want me to do?“
„i want my flags on my face and maybe you can do my nails“, jean replied, smiling at jeremy as he did ever so often. „cover the tatoo, will you?“, he asked softly, touching the cursed three, counting the days for his cover up appointment in july.
„it‘s soon gone honey. it‘s gonna be alright“, jeremy whispered, feeling the tension in jean‘s shoulders.
„which color do you want your nails? mine are pastel rainbow look! alvarez got me those for my birthday last month! do you want matching nails?“
„whatever you want darling, you can choose“
this year jeremy‘s hair were a soft pink. it was 2 am when he bursted into the room whisper shouting „jean i‘m gay i must do something drastic to my hair. help me?“ and who was jean to question his beautiful date mate.
so jeremy took jean‘s face carefully in his hands, starting to draw jean‘s pride flags (demiromantic, asexual, nonbinary) on his face, hiding his tattoo underneath the black/ white/grey/ purple stripes of the asexual pride flag.
„they have no power over you anymore mi corazón. and if anyone gives you shit i will come for them“, jeremy whisperes against jean‘s lips before softly kissing them. „and now give me your beautiful hands so i can do your nails. i‘m feeling a pastel rainbow“
for the parade jean is wearing one of the shirts jeremy got him. it‘s yellow with a rainbow on it. „so you have a little brightness in your life“, he would tell him when he go it for him. it was before they started dating. it was before jean was able to tell him „but you are the brightest thing in the world and somehow you chose me as your person“, paired with light blue ripped jeans and his yellow fans. they started wearing yellow when they came to california, cutting off black completely, replacing it with colors and brightness.
jeremy on the other hand wore rainbow dungarees with a white shirt and white doc martens. his hair was up in two space buns, little pride flags put into them.
„do you think they get the hint?“, she smiled with a blinding smile.
„you‘re so unbelieveably beautiful sol“, jean replied.
they got luna and went to the parade.
it was scary, yes. but it was also beautiful.
people approaching them, asking for selfies, talking to him.
at first he was a bit anxious, but sol took their hand and luna licked his feet and it was alright. no one was hurting him. no one would punish him. he was surrounded by pride and love and happiness.
at some point he asked a girl with rainbow hair, she reminded him of renee, if she could take a picture of him and jeremy. she said yes, took one of them smiling, one of them kissing, and one of them where jeremy just smiled at his person.
it was the pride month he came out via social media. it was the pride month kevin called at two am, telling him how happy he was for them. that he himself found a boy, fell for him, but is too much a coward to do something about it. it‘s the year where he gets a lot of love, many fans telling him how proud they are of him and at least the same amount of hate. but it was alright. they had jeremy and that was all that truly mattered.
year after year they returned to the pride parade, with flags on their faces, or around their shoulders
sometimes neil and andrew or aaron and kevin would join them, sometimes they would go with laila and alvarez and sometimes jean and jeremy would go on their own
after college jean quit exy, jeremy went pro and gave his money to moriyamas, while jean opened his own tattoo studio, wrote songs, wrote crappy poetry and slightly better novels, tried himself as a part time model and fashion designer
they found happiness and home in each other and celebrated their love not only in pride but also every single day of the year
jean and jeremy got more dogs, an apartment of their own with big windows so they could watch the sunrise and sunset together
they have their ups and downs, like every other couple, but that doesn‘t matter. never did. what truly matters is that they keep finding back to each other. that they keep ending up in the same bed, in each others arms.
jean moreau never believed in love, never believed in soulmates and yet he found their soulmate, found the love of his life. and they are happy they stayed, kept fighting, to find this. to make a difference to the world. to be finally free. to be alive, living instead of only existing.
„jean?“, jermey says, fidgeting with his fingers.
„what is it moi soleil?“, jean relies getting lost in these ocean blue eyes.
„do you remember what happened five years ago?“, jeremy asks, his eyes looking anywhere but jean.
„we kissed for the first time?“, jean answers, panic slowly crawling through his veins.
„exactly so i thought we could celebrate this at the beach. you know, where our first date was?“, jeremy says nervously.
„honey are you alrighgt?“, jean is getting more and more worried, jeremy has never been that nervous.
„sure, come on mi corazón“
so jean slowly gets up and carefully puts on his shoes. something is weird here, something is wrong
jeremy seems off the entire ride to the beach they had their first date at.
when they arrive jean takes jeremy‘s hand, noticing that they are shaking ever so slightly. it is something like a nervous tick of them.
jean and jeremy arrive at the beach in time to watch the sun setting, making place for her lover the moon.
jean looks over to jeremy, when they suddenly get up and start pacing.
„jer, you‘re scaring me. please tell me what‘s going on up there“, jean says touching his head lightly.
„okay. i can do this“, jeremy mumbles as he gets down on his knee. „jean moreau, you are the love of my life. the light of my existence. ever since i saw you for the first time i knew i liked you, more than i was supposed to. i never dared to hope you would ever like me, or love me for that matter, but somehow you did. somehow you didn‘t turn away when i told you i‘m demi or pan or genderfluid. you stayed. you supported me. you love me. and i want to spend the rest of my life with you, so do me the favour and in the name of god, should they exist, do me the favour and marry me“
jean feels tears running his cheeks. „of course i will marry you, you loser“, he laughs, as he pulls jeremy down to him and connects their lips together. and it feels like their first kiss. it always does. and they would do that for the rest of their lives.
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Good evening tma fans I’m back with more ace jonmartin content (that is also posted to AO3). Set during the safehouse because it’s good for Conversations. Have at thee:
Jon loves Martin. He has for so long now that it feels like it’s always been the truth, like if you were to go back to the start of the world, there would lie a stone with two names carved side by side, belonging there even millennia before their existence. It feels like a fact etched into his very bones, so deeply grounding that the force of it alone was enough to tear through the veil of fog and supernatural loneliness and bring him out unscathed, and with his prize. Orpheus reversed. A love stronger than Loneliness. A truth imprinted on his heart. Jon loves Martin.
And Martin knows, too. He saw the way Jon felt about him, the way he knew him with such love, the way he remembered him so thoroughly it was able to bring him back to himself after months of nothingness. He knows the curtain of the Lonely doesn’t part for just anyone. And then, of course, Jon has taken his hand and held it to his chest and wept his affections not a day later, when the tide finally broke and all of his despair and trust came tumbling out at once, and Martin’s still fog-rimmed eyes spilled over with tears and they held each other as confession after confession poured from each of them. Jon had told Martin he loved him so many times his throat had hurt, and Martin had held him so tightly his arms had shaken. Jon loves Martin, and Martin loves him in return, just as fiercely. Being loved is slowly starting to come naturally to Martin again.
The point is, though, that Jon loves Martin. And Martin knows. Which means at some point, they are going to have to talk about It.
Jon has avoided talking about It for years. He talked about it with Georgie, of course. She had been the one to help him gather more words to describe it. Asexual, sex repulsed, uninterested, etc.
It hadn’t always mattered, though. Not everyone was willing to care about something they saw as trivial, something he was still desperately trying to convince himself wasn’t trivial. And there were always the rare few who saw it as a challenge. Some days, the hope that he would be fully respected and loved for who he was seemed like a lost cause.
But he knows better now. He knows himself well enough to be certain, even these days, when grasping onto his very humanity feels like trying to drink from a mirage. He is certain about this, though. This has been long, long something he’s known about himself; a truth that he will acknowledge as nothing but the truth. A part of him. It is something to be proud of. Something he deserves to be loved for. And it is also something he very much so needs to communicate with Martin.
It hasn’t really come up yet, not since their frantic packing and desperate drive all the way to Scotland, Jon clinging onto the passenger assist grip as Martin does his best to get them there quickly, and then their exhausted unpacking in the safehouse, and the emotionally draining last few days they’ve had. It’s overwhelming, being in each other’s constant company, in a way that largely feels utterly mundane.
They gather groceries together at the shop, brush hands over plates at the sink, curl up together to ward off the nightmares in bed, do their best to clean every inch of the house they can reach, and try to acclimatize to each other as the days continue. Martin is still breaking himself into connection; sometimes halting too sharply in his words, sometimes forgetting to speak for hours at a time, shifting invisible when he gets distracted enough, and Jon is still hesitant, not quite sure what to do to make it better, not quite sure if a false step will make it worse. He’d go back into the Lonely for Martin a thousand times if it meant saving him, but he doesn’t want Martin to lose himself again. Most times, Martin is as vibrant as his early days at the institute, but on others Jon still catches whiffs of the sterilized smell of the Lonely in Martin’s wake. Those times, his hands always linger on Martin’s as they brush. Every moment has been full of comfort, of the reassurance that they are both still there, of light topics, and of forgiveness when it is needed.
Jon loves Martin. He wants Martin to know. There just hasn’t been the right chance for it yet.
He’s convinced himself to just let it come up naturally whenever Martin is free enough of the fog to let himself sink into open affection, but, as it turns out, he needn’t have agonized about it.
It’s a good day for Martin, today. He’s been talkative, warm, and his eyes are shining with that look that’s so hopelessly earnest and alive it makes Jon’s heart want to beat entirely out of his chest. They’ve taken the day to trade questions and answers over cooking and cleaning and relaxing, and now, as Martin slides tonight’s meal into the oven, he decides the questions aren’t quite over. 
“So, Jon,” Martin begins from the kitchen, in a tone that’s so genuinely casual it's almost surprising. “What are your thoughts on sex?”
Jon blinks in utter surprise, torn away from his book with a start as the words register in his head. His traitorous stomach drops out of habit. Oh, Christ. Is this it? Are they doing this now? Is he ready for this? His hands hesitate over the page he’s bookmarked with his thumb, not sure if this is just going to be a simple answer, or if Martin means this as a gateway to a full conversation about the topic. “L-Like, in general?”
“I mean, there was gossip at the Institute,” Martin offers apologetically, ducking his head and wiping his hands on a towel. He looks slightly sheepish from where Jon can see him. “Some talk about you and Basira awhile back, for a bit, and later Melanie mentioned something about you just not, but both of those were, y’know, gossip, and I just realized I’ve never actually asked you personally what your feelings were on the matter, so… yeah. In general.” As he rambles, he makes his way over to the couch where Jon is sitting, bending down to rest his arms on the back of it. His face is open and curious, but not oppressively so. Jon has to fight the familiar urge to set all thought and action aside to simply stare at him. 
Jon instead puts his book off to the side and inhales. This is a conversation that deserves his full attention.
“Well,” he fumbles for a place to start. He hasn’t perfected a speech, doesn’t have all the proper sources planned, but he might as well start by giving Martin the honesty he deserves; the kind Jon has been preparing for. “I… suppose generally opposed? I-I mean, not for-“ He bites back the word “normal” as he stutters over his explanation, trying not to feel like he’s pulling his own teeth as he speaks. His own words feel somehow foreign to him, even more so these days, but for Martin, he’s trying. “Not for other people, I mean, but for me? I’m really just not interested. Too much …touching and exposure and- and noises? Not to mention all the expectations it comes with. Honestly, it… sounds kind of dreadful.”
Martin makes a small noise of attentiveness. “Never tried it, then?”
Jon goes sort of cold, all over, a bone deep chill curling deep inside his gut, and he has to manually force himself to unfreeze and choose his words carefully. “I have not. And I can’t quite say I’d have any interest in doing so.” His tone is clipped, defensive, and cold. He tries to keep himself from glaring out of habit.
“Why do you sound so—“ Martin’s tone starts teasing, and then breaks off as he catches a glance of Jon’s terrified expression and his eyes widen. “OH!! Oh, no, I wasn’t- sorry, that came out wrong. I was just curious to sort of… compare experiences, I wasn’t implying any sort of… no.” He waves a hand as if to physically dismiss Jon’s anxiety. “Never having tried it is fine. Good, even! Good on you for knowing your boundaries. I’m happy for that.” He rambles. “That’s wonderful. Sorry.”
Jon flushes slightly in embarrassment that he misread the tone, but his chest loosens a bit. No one has ever told him that before, and it feels… nothing short of radical. Safe. “It’s- it’s alright, Martin.” Jon drums his fingers against the book cover resting against his belly for a moment, his thoughts shifting to wonder what the point to the conversation is if not to… well… he shoos away theories. This is Martin, he can just ask. “What do you mean ‘compare experiences’?” He sits up more, now curious himself. “Martin, do you… what are your thoughts on it? Sex, I mean. In general.” It always comes out sounding much more academic than he intends, and he pursues his lips against his own pronunciation, even though Martin doesn’t seem to notice. 
Martin blinks a bit. “Oh! Hm. Well, it’s— I suppose a bit complicated? I dunno.” He rubs a hand over the back of his head, brushing through the regrowing hair at the nape of his neck. “If it makes the other person happy then, yeah I’m all for it, but it’s more of just… an activity to me, I guess? Never really been quite my favorite one either, to be perfectly honest.” The chuckle he gives sounds just shy of self-depreciating, and Jon finds himself reaching a hand up to catch Martin’s for reassurance. Martin takes it, gives a slight squeeze. “That’s not to say that I’ve had a bad experience, necessarily? I just… I’d rather be closer in other ways.” He shrugs, and his eyes drop. “Feels kind of weird, honestly. Knowing I’ve done it. I mean, I always figured I’m not really the kind of person you’d assume to be having it, and I’m fine with that. I dunno.”
The loosening thing in Jon’s chest unfurls completely, melting into affection. “Oh, Martin.” He hesitates, thinking, before looking up and giving Martin a very curious look. “You’re… like me, aren’t you?”
Martin looks up and meets his eyes dead on, as a small, shy smile pulls at his lips, his eyes going warm and soft before he ducks away, somewhat hiding his face. “Yeah, I think so.”
Jon loves Martin.
“What’s…” Jon’s face flushes, but he’s already spoken the first word aloud, and he doubts his curiosity will allow him to back out, so he clears his throat and continues on. “You said you’d rather be closer to people in o-other ways?” He fidgets with the hem of his shirt. “What might those be?”
Martin squishes his face in that adorable way he does when he’s thinking, lips pressing together in a little motion that Jon can’t help but find hopelessly endearing. “I guess… doing things for people? Something to let them know that you really see them,” his eyes dart to Jon for a half a moment as he says that, before continuing on. “or… I dunno. Activities together? Spending time with someone is always nice. And…hugs, honestly.” He laughs at himself, but Jon is listening intently. “I know that sounds kind of silly, I know, but…”
“It’s not silly,” Jon interrupts, pushing himself up into a standing position, a look of softness coming across his face as he latches onto an idea and softens with everything in him. “In that case, Martin, can I…?” He’s standing up from the couch, and walking around to the back, arms opening in a hesitant invitation. Martin’s eyes widen, and then soften.
“Oh, sure. Yeah, of course.”
Jon loves Martin. He wants to show him in all the ways he can, and so Jon wraps his arms around Martin, one hand reaching up to stroke through his hair, fingers catching on his curls, while the other pulls his chest tight with Jon’s, heartbeats resonating in sync. Martin’s hands come to rest on the small of Jon’s back, and, despite his height, he exhales slowly in relaxation.
He fidgets after a second, signaling the polite time for an embrace to end, but Jon just wraps his arms around him tighter, pressing his nose into Martin’s neck, and running his hand through his hair until Martin finally stops waiting for it to end, and lets himself relax into it. His arms loosen around Jon’s waist, but he drops his head against Jon’s shoulder, and Jon does everything he can to make Martin feel wrapped up in the enormity of his own affection. Martin lets out a sigh into his shoulder, and Jon’s heart swells in its lopsided rib cage. He wishes he could replace the missing ribs with Martin, to keep him closer to his heart, or better yet, to do away with the whole thing altogether, and simply trust Martin to take his chest in his hands.
Safe. He wants to keep Martin safe. And he trusts Martin to keep him safe as well. He drags a hand over his back, trying to fit as much protectiveness he can into the gesture. You are so loved, he wants it to say. Nothing can hurt you. There’s no expectations in the embrace, no pressure or next step. It’s just this moment, just heartbeats, just Jon making space for Martin in his arms. It’s perfect.
“This is nice.” Martin murmurs, nothing more than a soft exhale, and Jon loves him more than he knows how to understand.
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daomaikeng · 3 years
cue emotional post!
uhhhh henloe! making this post has me on the verge of tears so please bear with me.
if you think i’m making this post as my version of “emotional otb admin who confesses their undying love for other admins”, then you’re absolutely right.
can i start by saying, i love you all???? now that you know that fact, let’s go ahead. i have never celebrated pride before. it was joining the 1d fandom that led me to explore different identities, that confirmed that i wasn’t a cishet girl. the fandom gave me the courage to ask myself questions, and find answers to them. it gave me courage to change my name, my labels, my pronouns, as i kept on learning more about myself. it introduced me to the queer community, something i had never been exposed to before. i have to thank louis for this. becoming his fan has changed my life. when OTB released, it felt like my “oh” moment. though it took me months after that to actually come out, the song gave me the push i required. which is why, i was overjoyed when i got the opportunity to work on this project.
we had a shit-ton of setbacks, leading to tears and frustration and angry keysmashes. huge UAs that could have changed the course of the project refused to respond to us. twitter was the absolute worst. they thought we were trying to push the attention away from Project KMM, when in reality KMM had died before it even began. before we even began. many people didn’t even know there was a project for OTB. personally for me, it was the worst month of my life. my life was once again torn apart.
through all of this, though, this project was the thing that kept me alive. it gave me a reason to power through the worst of days. it gave me a reason to ignore everything else going wrong in my life and focus. it gave me a reason to not scream when my mother laughed at homophobic jokes, because i knew i had to stay alive for this project.
the friends i made in this time feel more like my family now, instead of my biological one. so this is a post for all of you.
@dyingstars-x : seven!! they came up with the original idea. i don’t know what queer louie spirit possessed you, but i’m so so so glad you decided to post this. that one post had my mind dancing in circles and bursting with ideas. they have been the best parent to all of us, looking over everything, coming up with concepts in a few hours’ time, keeping us sane. idek how to put it into words but mostly- seven’s contribution has been priceless.
@saintqueer : JORDANNNNNNNN!! while all the admins have been working super hard and being amazing, hear me out- jordan is the backbone of this project. she reached out to seven, and within just a few hours of us confirming the project, they got to work!! their twitter talents are unmatched, trust me. she’s been so good at dealing with the UA drama; i truly could never. they also made tiktoks!! i want to say so much but i can’t formulate my thoughts. but you should all hail jordan. they just make me go dshfdkjfkdjhskfndk
@rainboww-paradise : mimi! despite her busy schedule she took out so much time to brainstorm with us in the first few days. (we literally said hi to each other and started brainstorming for themes it was a Mess). she kept on making time to make amazing graphics, and share gorgeous ideas, as well as being a person you can always rely on for motivation.
@thosefookinavacados : A!! they made all the wonderful playlists you can use, as well as handling the drabble fest with me. we were both diving into it with no idea of what to do, but we figured it out together. they’ve been the most hilarious companion in this.
@herefortommo : emma!! she gave you the streaming updates every day, as well as making those uquizzes???? it was really fucking hard, i don’t know how they managed to come up with so much. they always shared tumblr asks and all the nice comments you left on our uquizzes, and it was so much fun to read them. she also figured out how to use shazam and tiktok and deezer 😭
@1dwoodchuck : nicky!! she handled twitter most of the time, and she was SO good at it. like, seriously. she found out more about the UEFA league and kept coming up with creative ideas for tweets. she kept talking to UAs and roped most of them in to help us ✨✨
@fishandfrog and @secretheartmp3 who both helped us a lot at the start, even though they were busy afterwards 💕
honourable mentions to @staff for including us, UnitedByPop for writing an article about us, promoting it so many times, and including it in their monthly round-up. they did so much for us. also!!!! i was looking forward to this- a huge huge thank you to @dailytomlinson , especially cristal @ltyear for helping us when literally no one would. they’ve boosted our posts so many times and supported us, and it means a lot. you’re now my favourite UA. mwah.
special thanks to @thetriangletattoo , flo, who was basically part of the team without being a part of the team. she was so so so supportive of us, making gorgeous art, and giving us permission to share it on that bird app! they always used their twitter account to use our hashtags and boost our tweets. we always shared those tweets in the server, and every time we confessed our undying love for her. they were even featured in the staff post, and that’s huge! she was literally the sweetest angel ever, and we love them a lot ✨ (ps they also introduced the found family trope to this project, so yes flo, now you are my family)
lastly, a huge thank you to all the content creators of this fandom, whether you made fanart or gifs or graphics or wrote a fic. this was all made for you. sharing love and kindness is what fandom is about, and i hope this month highlighted that. this fandom has become my home, and i’m so happy that i get to share it with you wonderful people. thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for taking part, giving this project your time, and making this happen. thank you to everyone else who participated, whether it was boosting tweets or streaming or simply reblogging posts. your contribution is priceless.
thank you.
love, rae
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seungstarss · 2 years
hello sei!!! i’ve been following you for a few months now but was always kinda scared to talk to u 😭😭😭 but tdy i plucked up the courage and there’s so much i wanna say…sorry for the rambling eep
first off thank u so so much for all the fics you write, every time i see an update it puts a smile on my face. i think i started following u halfway through recall? i was knee-deep in your writing, embarrassing as it is to say. your ideas are always so fresh and exciting and i remember screaming about your smaus to my friends after every chapter upload. your content gives me so much comfort and enjoyment after a long day, and im so so so so thankful to u for being here and coming up with all these wonderful stories and sharing them with us!!! the way you communicate with all your moots and followers says more than enough about how passionate you are, and what a genuine person you are. i wanna let u know that you’re someone i look up to a lot (im a bit younger than u) and the way you carry yourself feels so mature and in control, plus you have a consistent schedule and stick to it while balancing your responsibilities outside of this safe space you created. i really admire you and your talent, and i’ll keep following and supporting you!!! actually i’ve recently been trying to write fics myself, but i’m very new to kpop fandoms. i’ve only had experience with anime/manga fandoms so i’m still reading and learning more about the culture here, and i’m lacking quite a bit of confidence. your fics are really a huge inspiration for me and i want to continue to learn from you, both on how to be a better writer and person! maybe in the future when i’m a little more confident i can interact with you properly as a fellow writer and fan, but for now i’m content being your loyal follower 😊😊 all the best in your life, stay safe and healthy!!!
a thankful anon (u can name me if u want idk eheheh)
Omg first of all thank you for even taking the time to even read the shit I put out 🥺 like it means the world to me that you enjoyed them and that they could've made your day just a bit brighter,,,, but oml screaming to ur friends abt it??? BESTIE STOP I WILL CRY 🤚🏼😭 this is so sweet and to get an ask like this really makes me so happy. Thank you so much for enjoying my random ideas and supporting me. But sycyscsuc oml looking up to me? I WILL CRY. I WILL CRY. I bet youre also a person whos vefy respectable and talented aaaa,,,,you're the sweetest fr and I hope I can continue to bring you fics that you can enjoy 🥺💖
HELPP ABT THE SCHEDULE,,,, I REALLY HATE MAKING PEOPLE WAIT FOR SOME REASON BUT updating constantly does take some effort so tysm for telling me this 🥺😭🤚🏼
Oh and omg???? Yes I cannot wait to see you begin writing? That sounds so exciting!! And dw abt it, it might seem scary but I promise you that you'll meet many writers who will seldom you with open arms!! If you ever need any help NEVER hesitate to ask me :")) also I do also enjoy anime and manga so if u ever need someone to rant to abt that hmu hehe ♡♡♡ but take all the time you need bff and I cannot wait to read your fics in the future ♡
Anyways, thank you so much for taking the time to send me this ask, it means the world to me 🥺 please take care and stay healthy ♡ once again if u ever need anything never hesitate to ask 🥰💖
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sadclearance · 4 years
M!reader and hanta sero! toxic toxic manipulative reunion after breakup
how the #26 hero made headlines with his sex tape
pairing: hanta sero x male manipulative reader
summary: hanta sero and y/n meet again after their sex tape is leaked.
warning: sex tape (sero fucking you), manipulative and toxic behavior, implied/referenced past cheating, suicide attemptish, implied/referenced revenge porn
category: angst(?), fluff(?) idrk 
word count: 4300
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"and then the fucking cashier asked to take a picture!" katsuki bakugo seethed. "i just wanted to get my damn groceries, but everyone's so damn nosy!"
"at least they asked?" mina ashido said, her voice pitched at the end, making it sound more like a question than a statement.
"don't even get me started on the fucking stalkers that don't ask," bakugo growled.
"i don't know how you can live like that," hanta sero laughed at bakugo's misery. "sounds terrible."
is this karma for being amused by bakugo's misfortunes?
the day immediately after, sero is scanning his items after getting everything he needs from the grocery store when the cashier stares at him with wide eyes, glancing between him and the phone in their hand.
"are you cellophane?"
is this what having fans feels like? it's kind of flattering but also annoying that he's being called his hero name during his off time.
"oh, yeah," sero responds with a light laugh, trying to stay polite.
he expects them to ask for a picture or maybe an autograph. what he doesn't expect is snickering.
he vaguely remembers how denki kaminari described being recognized in public for the first time. he was met with taunts from a group of students because a video of him short circuiting had just gone viral.
sero's quirk doesn't even have any drawbacks similar to short circuiting, so he can't think of a possible reason why his cashier would be laughing at him.
he ignores it and finishes checking out because he doesn't want to ask what's wrong with the other person.
when he gets back to his apartment complex, he checks his mail. there's a few bills and postcards from old friends.
the guy next to him bursts out laughing.
he closes his mailbox and gives him a questioning look. that just made it two people that have laughed at him in the past thirty minutes. what's going on?
"you're cellophane, right?"
"uh, yeah?" sero says, completely confused.
"just don't be too loud in this building," the guy says, apparently cracking himself up.
sero is still puzzled. he's been the perfect tenant. the loudest noise that's ever come from his apartment was the merciless explosions from bakugo directed toward kaminari after a particularly bad joke, but that happened two years ago. ever since then, the most that could be heard was maybe kaminari's laughter, but sero doubts that that was even that loud.
when he reaches his floor and opens the door of his apartment, he's greeted with his friends on the couch.
"oh, hey," sero says, shutting the front door with his foot and going toward the kitchen to start organizing his groceries. "i told you guys to start warning me before you come. do i have to start hiding my spare key?"
"we know what you're doing, sero," ashido frowns.
okay, something's up. the pink hero isn't using her normal teasing or upbeat tone, and the television isn't even on.
"what?" sero looks at her with the same expression he wore toward the guy who told him not to be too loud.
"you did this last time, bro," eijiro kirishima gives a disapproving look. "i thought we made it clear back then that we're here for you."
what is kirishima going on about? "last time"? well, sero knows what he's talking about because of the whole "here for you" part. of course he remembers. it was a prominent part of his life because it only happened once, during a time in his life he remembers too well.
see, sero is an easy-going guy. out of everybody in the group, he's probably the most stable.
i mean, ashido is a party animal that drags the group out to upbeat bars at least once a month even when she would do a hundred things she'd regret the next morning. it's not like they didn't like doing it, but she definitely needed supervision.
then, there's kaminari. he's an emotional mess, getting caught up in too many confusing flirty situations. each week, he would have a breakdown in the group chat. "so do you guys think me and x are really flirting? or is this like joke flirting?"
can't forget about kirishima. he's probably the second most stable, but he still has a lot of times where he needs reassurance and comfort.
last but definitely not least, bakugo--the emotionally constipated man who is only the tiniest bit better at communicating his emotions than he was in their first year together.
too long, didn't read: four out of five of the group needed someone to depend on at least once a month.
sero is the one person in their group that didn't necessarily need anybody. this isn't because he keeps shit to himself. he's just fortunate enough to not have any problems that aren't surface level. the most he has to deal with are minor inconveniences like running out of toilet paper, running into a villain on his off day, or getting puked on by ashido on a particularly wild night--nothing that emotionally tears him apart.
well, there was this one time about three years ago when he felt the worst that he ever had before. it was a terrible experience of heartbreak and self-hatred which is why he unfortunately remembers it so well. he kept it all to himself until his friends managed to eventually force it out of him, hence the "we're here for you".
but there is absolutely no reason for them to say "last time" as if it's happening again.
"what are you guys talking about? everyone's being so weird today."
"oh my god," kaminari's jaw falls. "do you seriously not know, or are you pretending like you're okay again?"
"not know what?" today is a day of questions, and he doesn't like it one bit.
"do you not check your fucking phone or something?" bakugo growls with annoyance and the slightest hint of shock. the slight gentleness of his volume gets sero incredibly worried.
"i haven't had time to. why? what's going on?"
the four look at each other, considering if they should enlighten sero on whatever it is.
when sero determines they're taking too long to decide, he takes out his phone from his pocket.
at first, he sees a bunch of text notifications from almost all of his old classmates and coworkers, all asking in various ways if he's okay.
he moves past them and searches up his hero name. what could be so bad that his friends expect him to go back to being as much of a concerning mess as he was the last time they spoke to him like this? he doubts that anything could make him as bad as he was after his breakup with his high school sweetheart.
oh... well, he can admit that seeing his name with a link from an adult video website being the top result and under "trending" doesn't make him feel that great, but he doesn't think that it's that bad.
"there's a video on pornhub with my name on it. is it like a really messed up cosplay of me or something?" sero asks, partially joking. "because if it is, i don't really care, guys. you don't have to worry about stuff like that. i know what it means to be known by the world, and that there are creeps out there that get off to--"
"shut the fuck up and watch the damn video," bakugo scowls.
"you want me to watch porn in front of you?" sero raises an eyebrow, slightly amused--a feeling that clearly isn't being reciprocated by any of the four that are staring at him.
"just watch it," kirishima sighs.
he clicks on it, even if he thinks it's a little weird that his friends want to watch him watch porn. maybe it's so bad that it's funny. he's expecting some weirdo to be wearing a poor version of his hero costume getting bukkaked or something weird like that.
all amusement leaves his body, and his confused smile drops.
it's not some weirdo wearing a knock off cellophane costume. he's greeted with a screen covered by him. wearing nothing.
it's not even the fact that his nude body is exposed on the internet to be shown to anybody and everybody that causes the pit in his stomach. it's because he recognizes the video. he knows what happens in it. he knows who's in it.
he doesn't stop watching as giggling from his phone fills the awkwardly silent room. soon enough, the nineteen year old sero in the video has a cock in his mouth, and his fingers are up the ass of the owner of said cock.
that's not even the worst part. the worst part is the next part, which is where sero from three years ago takes the camera, uses his quirk to tie his ex-love's wrists together, and fucks him while getting everything on camera, including a clear shot of his face.
he watches the entire thing, too frozen to do anything else.
in any other situation, his friends would be teasing the shit out of him. ashido would poke fun at how sero of all people made a sex tape, kaminari would make some stupid pun about how he made a sex tape, kirishima would try to be holding himself back from laughing at how sero used his quirk for such a purpose as tying his partner up for sex, and bakugo would probably call him something along the lines of "plain face cock-sucking bottom bitch", even though the next few scenes that follow show that he's clearly not the last part.
this isn't any other situation, though. this is a sex tape with the one person he fucked over so badly that he still stays up every night thinking about it--regretting it. sero thinks that the universe must think he's one big joke.
"sero?" kaminari asks when sero doesn't speak even after the video ends. it's an awkward situation, really, because as mentioned earlier, his friends just watched him watch himself suck a dick and then proceed to pound into the ass of their former classmate.
he's not nearly as mortified by that as he should be.
he's more mortified that this is trending on every single social platform, not even because he's a pro hero with the world currently looking at his naked body, but because he somehow managed to fuck up y/n's life more than he already had three years ago.
"i'm tired" is the excuse he decides on using as he walks toward his bedroom. "i'll talk to you guys later."
hesitantly, his friends show themselves out, which he's glad for because he really needs some time to process--and wallow--by himself.
sero lies in bed for a while, not sure what to do, before he finally pulls out his phone again and does something that only makes the pit of guilt in his stomach worsen.
DailyHero: Taping Hero: Cellophane and the Video That Everyone's Talking about
HeroWeekly: Cellophane--26th Ranking Hero, Everything We Know About His Video
HeroTribune: Cellophane's Shocking Video
it isn't just hero media networks that are talking about it, though.
CelebrityGossip: Plain Hero Plain No More
since when is he a celebrity? he would find that funny if he wasn't so abashed by today's events.
RecreationalChronicle: How the Tape Hero is Making HeadLines
it makes him slightly amused to think of how that's another one of the stupid puns kaminari would make if the situation wasn't so sensitive.
he clicks on the hero weekly one, which just so happens to be the number one news outlet for hero news. sero's kind of surprised that they said anything about it. they were known for keeping things profession based, and the title of the article frankly sounds like any other drama website. he might be flattered by hero weekly deeming his amateur sex tape important enough to dedicate a whole article to it if he wasn't so plagued with guilt still.
Cellophane--26th Ranking Hero, Everything We Know About His Video
Cellophane, real name Hanta Sero, is the 26th ranking hero in Japan today. This morning, an explicit video featuring him and another man was leaked onto the internet via an adult video website. The original source is unknown, but we can only assume that neither Cellophane or his featured partner was behind revealing this to the public eye.
From what we gather, this video was filmed roughly around or before the first assignment that brought Cellophane lots of recognition. By this time, he was nineteen years old and had graduated the prestigious U.A. Academy a year prior.
The identities in the video are very clear, as there are many clear shots of both participants' faces.
While the video itself is shocking to many, Cellophane's partner is what surprises us the most. Y/n L/n was a hero that graduated alongside Cellophane from U.A. Academy. He was famous for being so fresh out of high school, but after just one year of unbelievable success--around the same time the infamous video was recorded--he went completely off the grid. To this day, nobody has seen him since.
sero stops reading because he feels more shitty the more he reads. he knows what the article is talking about. y/n cut off almost everybody from u.a. after their breakup. his friends tried to assure him that it wasn't his fault, but it was an awful big coincidence that his abrupt disappearance happened the exact day of their breakup.
he wonders what y/n's up to nowadays. is he still in japan? is he still pursuing a heroic lifestyle? perhaps he's been doing what aizawa did. maybe he continues to fight crime, just minus the recognition and media time.
if y/n really is living a peaceful life right now, did sero just shatter that? the world had sort of forgotten he existed at all after a few months of his disappearance, so he probably would've gotten away with roaming the streets freely without being recognized. did sero just ruin that for him?
he needs to know. he needs to try to fix things, even if he knows he can't. he needs to... he needs to talk to him, even after all these years.
when sero asks kaminari to meet him alone, the electric hero's kind of nervous. last time, he was happy with the entirety of their friend group comforting him. why did he want some one-on-one time all of a sudden?
apparently, he was right to be nervous because what sero is asking of him is hard for him to do.
"hey," kaminari says with the best smile he can muster in his anxious state.
"hey," sero greets back, taking a sip of his hot coffee.
"thanks for buying," kaminari says, twirling the straw in his cup with his hand, the ice of the iced coffee moving and crashing together.
"no problem," sero nods.
"what's up?" kaminari asks, putting the tip of the straw that lays in between his fingers into his mouth to take a nice long taste of the sweet treat.
"i need to talk to y/n," sero says, looking down at the coffee between his two hands instead of up into kaminari's eyes.
"i--what?" kaminari asks, almost spitting out his drink.
"i know you still talk to him, and i know why you can't tell me how to find him, but--"
"sero," kaminari frowns at the frantic desperation in his friends voice. "it's not that i can't. i mean, i probably shouldn't, but... that's not why."
"then why?" sero's voice is pleading, but his eyes hold angry frustration.
"look, the thing is, i don't even talk to him that often," kaminari sighs. "we've talked maybe twice since you guys broke up. we're not the friends that we used to be before."
"i understand that there's boundaries that shouldn't be crossed, okay? believe me, i really do, but i really need a chance to talk to him again. if he tells me to go away, i swear i'll drop it. i'll leave him alone. please."
"i know, i know. i know you aren't a stalker ex. just..."
kaminari's lips tighten into a line, a habit he's picked up over the years whenever he's faced with any kind of decision--whether it be deciding what flavor of ice cream he should get, or, apparently, if he should let his best friend see the guy he broke the heart of.
"okay," kaminari hesitates.
"thank you! thank you thank you--"
"don't thank me yet," kaminari says with a weak shake of his head. "before you talk to him, i need you to know that he's not the same person you knew."
"i understand," sero nods. he doesn't expects his meeting with him to go well anyway. sure, he hopes it will, but he's mentally prepared himself for the worst outcome, which his brain has decided is for y/n to yell and start throwing things at him.
"i... i don't know how to put it, really, but the few times that we talked, he's sounded... weird. like creepy. i don't know, man," kaminari shudders at the thought, but sero's too caught up in his anxious excitement to really care.
"it's okay. i understand," sero repeats.
"if you're sure," kaminari pauses. "truth is, y/n wants to see you, too."
"really?" sero feels all too hopeful, and he can see the worry paint kaminari's face.
"i don't know if it's in a good way or not," kaminari says carefully. he doesn't want to hurt his friend, but he doesn't want to set him up for disappointment either.
"i'm not expecting anything," sero says, but his words aren't very convincing when there's a clear smile growing on his face.
"just be careful, bro." kaminari writes an address on a piece of paper.
"you don't have to worry about me," sero reassures with a smile.
as he wanders through the streets, he's shaky and nervous and scared and ecstatic and--just everything.
y/n wants to meet with him. the possibilities are endless, but at least he now knows he won't be turned away--at least not immediately.
he goes between riding in cabs to treading amongst the shadows on the street, changing whenever someone recognizes him from the trending news.
he endures long hours of stares and whispers, encouraging himself with the thought of being able to see y/n again soon, whether that be a good thing or not.
"fiftieth floor of paragon hotel..." sero mutters to himself as he presses on the cold metal button. lots of questions come to mind, like where will y/n be? he didn't get a room number with the address. how will y/n react? will he stay civil? will he give him a chance to explain himself? did he only want sero to come so he could vent out his anger and frustrations?
when the elevator doors open, he sees a single door.
he hesitantly turns the knob until he's hit with a cold breeze from the night air.
it's the roof.
his brain's new worst conclusion is that y/n's going to push him off, but he's more okay with that than he should be. he has a quirk that can save him even if that happens, and if anything, he thinks it'll help him feel a little less guilty about everything he's done to make y/n's life more shitty.
"y/n," he calls out softly when he sees y/n just standing there, looking up at the big white moon in the sky.
nothing's really changed. his appearance isn't much different from the last time they saw each other, and sero's still enamored by how the stars above could never compare to the bright light that is y/n.
but that's not something he should be thinking about right now. his head shouldn't be filled with hopeful thoughts.
the object of his love to this day turns around upon hearing his name.
"sero," he greets with a smile. "you made it."
"yeah. i did," sero hesitantly steps closer to y/n. "listen, y/n, i'm..."
fuck. why is that the only thing he can get out of his mouth? he has so much to say--he's been thinking about it every night for the past three years--every hour for the past few days. so why is his mind blank now of all times?
"how're things with... i can't even remember her name," y/n laughs a little, and sero frowns. he doesn't know why he's laughing about the mistake that's been haunting him forever, but he swallows down those feelings. people grieve differently, and if anybody had a right to how they react to that night, it's y/n.
"i'm sorry," sero finally manages out. "she... i haven't talked to her since then. she's not a part of my life."
a casual "weird" is y/n's only comment before he turns back to look at the moon.
"you know... you know she never meant anything, right? we were--"
"'we were drunk, and i was lonely, but that's not an excuse, but she meant nothing, and you're the only one i want'," y/n finishes for him.
sero's heart sinks. has he been playing that night over and over in his head, too? has it been hurting him all this time as well?
"i remember." y/n's smile is still there, albeit more grim, and it unsettles sero.
"yeah..." and sero doesn't know what else to say because apparently, after years of mulling it over in his head, he hasn't come up with anything better than his initial rambles of regret. though, he still has something else to apologize for-- "i'm sorry. i swear it wasn't me who leaked it. i deleted--or at least i thought i deleted my copy years ago. maybe i didn't do it right. i don't know. i can't imagine how hard this must be for you. god, i'm so sorry. i managed to ruin everything all over again a whole three--"
"sero," y/n interrupts, sitting on the low ledge, eyes still on the sky.
"yeah?" sero swallows thickly at how desperate he sounds. he hates how messy his words are--hates how they pour out sounding so slow and stupid.
"do you love me?" y/n asks.
"what?" sero completely blanks. did he hear him right?
"do you love me?" y/n repeats, fully turning his body to him.
"yes." he doesn't hesitate for even a second, even though he wonders why he's asking that question at such an inappropriate time, because he has no doubt in his mind that he loves y/n and has since the moment they met.
"i don't believe you," y/n smiles as he stands up on the platform.
"what are you doing?" sero asks obliviously.
"what i should have done all those years ago," y/n smiles big, and it scares sero a little. "if you really love me... then you would catch me."
sero barely has time to process what he said before y/n lets himself freefall backwards.
sero's brain hadn't even considered that this would be one of the possible outcomes.
"y/n!" sero screams as he runs toward the ledge. he panics as he watches y/n's body get smaller and smaller the more he falls. he rips off his civilian long sleeve, shoots out his tape to stick onto the floor, before throwing himself off to go after him.
he uses his free elbow to launch his tape at y/n, knowing his own body wouldn't be able to get to him fast enough.
he wants to let out a sigh of relief when he sees that y/n's dangling by the white line rather than falling, but he knows from past experience with hero work that they're not completely safe just yet.
pulling himself up with the clear film he had luckily had the brains to think of placing first, he makes it back onto the roof of the building, slowly pulling his other elbow to haul y/n's body up as well.
"are you fucking crazy?!" he raises his voice for the first time in a long time. he doesn't think he's ever felt this angry and frustrated and mortified in his entire life.
y/n doesn't bother unwrapping himself from the tape as he uses a hand to pull sero's face close, kissing him softly.
and sero can't help but melt, which is the opposite of what he should probably be doing. a simple kiss shouldn't be able to pacify him with a situation like this at hand, but it does.
"you love me," y/n smiles when he pulls away just enough to feel the harsh pants coming from sero--the result of both the terrifying moment he just had to experience and his reaction to kissing y/n again.
"i do," sero nods eagerly, and shit, those aren't the words that are supposed to leave his mouth right now. he's supposed to ask what the hell is wrong with y/n. he's supposed to ask why he would do that. he's supposed to curse and swear and--anything but act like it's all okay.
"you love me," y/n says again before pulling him in for another kiss.
when sero puts his arms around y/n's waist and pulls his body as close as possible to his, he feels the buzz of y/n's phone.
"do you--do you need to get that?" sero asks as he reluctantly pulls away, sounding like a whiny child.
"i'm sure it's nothing important," y/n says before throwing his phone off of the roof, and sero pulls him back hungrily, because as strange as that action was, sero can't bring himself to care when the love of his life is back in his arms after three long years.
[12:39am] reporter to y/n: i got myself a promotion! been an honor working with you. again, thank you so much for selling it to me.
i wrote part of this in may last year because i thought the title was funny then i didn't know how to end it but then i got this sero request so
not proofread but when is it ever
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dewipersikkk · 3 years
Pursuit of Happiness : Chapter 3 Ackerman's Tea Shop
Rating : General Audiences
Words count : 1367 words
Notes: A few bit of spoiler but safe to read, not much. We're all been depressed lately because of the ending BUT I hope fanfics might cure/heal me or any RM shippers here. So this is just a gift for my fellow Rivamika shippers here and I would like to thank you for the awesome journey with you guys! I'm grateful that I've been in the RM community for years and yes the fandom is worth it. Hands down.
I hope you like it!
Available in AO3
Levi is left alone with his 3 months old daughter, who keeps smacking her wet hand to his cheek. The baby went to put her fist into her small mouth and wetting it with the drools.
"Oi keeps your hand away from your mouth, brat," He lightly scolds as he puts her hand away, but only earns a coo from his daughter.
Levi is a person who prioritizes hygiene above all especially to his family. He didn't want them to get dirty or even unhygienic. It reminds him of his past when he was a young boy, who kept unclean and filthy. Luckily, Kenny was there to 'help' him. He didn't want his children to be like him in the past. They deserve better and this is the time to make the changes.
Mikasa went out to somewhere for a moment, leaving her husband and child in the house.
"Probably shopping with Annie? Or...tch I rather don't want to know,"
He didn't want to bother where she will be going. It's not that he didn't want to care but the thought of his wife wandering somewhere to that place, only hurts his brain.
Then, Levi could hear the wet sound his daughter makes that disgusts him.
"Oi, don't put your hand again to your mouth!"
The baby let out a genuine laugh, showing her toothless grin. Levi smiles looking at his daughter's behaviour and kisses her temple.
Levi suddenly remembers his tea shop. Probably visiting his tea shop might be a good idea to spend time alone with his beloved daughter.
"Hey, let's go visit our tea shop, later on, the tea shop will be yours, Kuchel,"
At the Ackerman's Tea
The tea shop recently operates its business and surprisingly, there are a lot of customers from every part of the cities, even the neighbouring countries are willing to travels across the shore just to visits Levi's tea shop. Most of the customers are from the East Sea, which Levi is not a fan of them.
Levi remembers when those people arrive at his tea shop, asking for more discounts and some of them offering him a good amount of cash for investment. Of course, Levi instantly refuses. He didn't want them to interfere with his family's business. The tea shop will be passed to his children and another generation.
Some of the customers are infuriating and he has the urge to kick out the customers. He recalls the time that causes his blood to boil when a customer asked Mikasa about her relationship with Eren.
"Mrs Ackerman! How are you?" The boisterous man suddenly approached Mikasa. The man frequently went to the tea shop in the late afternoon for black tea.
"I'm fine," Mikasa replied and showed the man a soft smile to please her customer.
"I'm quite surprised you married with that shorty! I thought you will end up with that Yeager kid,"
Shocked with what the man has said, Mikasa's smile turns into a frown, her face not showing any contentment that she often
showed after finding her happiness with Levi and tears started to build up in her eyes.
The man sensed the sudden change of Mrs Ackerman and tried to apologize to her.
"I-I'm sorry,"
"It's okay, sir and I'm sorry I have to go to the bathroom," Mikasa walked away with her hands on her cheeks, trying to remove the tears that slipped out from her eyes.
Levi who was standing behind the counter heard the whole interaction between the man and his wife. He felt his muscle tense, his blood boiled that he could felt to explode and his hands were shaking. He couldn't help but break one of the teacups.
"YOU!" Levi pointed at the scared man. He looked at the man with a furious face that he once gave to Zeke Yeager.
Levi paced toward the man and grabbed a hold of his collar. Even though Levi is short, but he managed to lift the shitty man and felt as if he was the taller one.
"Who the fuck are you to say something like THAT to my wife!?" He barked as he tightened the hold on the man's collar, "A fool like you is stupid enough to fucking mention that name TO MY WIFE!"
"I'm-I'm sorry Mr-," The man pleaded.
"You don't know how many years I have to make her happy like she is right now, you don't know how many years she's been depressed, you don't know the shits we've all gone through and YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE TO SUFFER TO MAKE HER COME BACK FROM THE DEAD!" Levi threw away the man to the floor.
"P-p-please I'm sorry, Mr Ackerman," The man cried as he crawled toward Levi for forgiveness.
"Just get the fuck out of here,"
"Mr Ackerman-,"
"I said get out, don't ever show your face here again,"
The man ran out of the place and never came back.
Levi feels Kuchel's wet hand slaps on his temple. Again. The baby stares at her father with curiosity as if she understands what her father has been thinking for a while when they arrive at the tea shop.
"You don't want your father to remembering something?" He asks and the baby only stares at him with wide eyes, "And stop putting your hand inside your mouth,"
The baby laughs and it's warm Levi's heart seeing his daughter. He puts Kuchel on the counter and tickles her sides which causes her to let out a belly laugh.
Abruptly, there are knocking on the door that force Levi to stop his action. He just wants to share some moment with his daughter alone but the stupid person who knocks on the door deserves a kick.
"Who the fuck dare to knock on my door when the business is close? Did they even read the operating hours?"
He stomps toward the door and opens it just to see the two kids who always accompanies him wherever he goes. The kids who he sees as his own children. The kids who also a part of his happiness.
"H-Hi Paps," Falco said as he smiles nervously. The same goes for the girl behind him, Gabi, who waves her hand.
"What are you doing here? How did you know I was here?" Levi said with annoyance. Actually, he didn't mind the kids visiting.
Gabi moves forward as she shows a confident smile.
"We miss you so much, Paps and of course not only you but Kuchel too!"
"Tch...Just come in and Kuchel is here," He shoves the kids inside and closes the door, "Wash your hands before touching her,"
"Aye aye, Captain,"
Levi smiles.
Throughout the day, they had a very good time bonding between a father and his three lovely brats. Levi teaches and demonstrates the 'art' of making a perfect tea to Falco and Gabi. Both of them did their best but the taste of the teas aren't that nice.
"Tch...You make the worst tea that I'd ever drink!" Levi snorts.
Falco and Gabi laugh and surprisingly, Baby Kuchel also let out an enormous belly laugh.
"You love to laugh at your father right, Kuchel?"
Then, Gabi and Falco play with Baby Kuchel until Baby Kuchel falls asleep due to the exhaustion of playing with her brother and sister. The two of them also falls asleep, Falco's head on Gabi's shoulder as he snores while Gabi sleeping soundly.
Levi stares at them with a smile forms on his face. He didn't know he has the urge to cry just to look at his children sleeping together. Gabi and Falco are not his own biological children but he sees them like his own.
He didn't expect he's still alive after they have gone through a lot. Every morning, he thanks his mother, his uncle, his old squad, Erwin, Hange for being with him and watching him. He also thanks Mikasa, for giving him a chance to love, to form a beautiful family and bearing him a gorgeous baby girl.
Levi is grateful for what he has now and he's finally a happy family man.
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herewithmeharry · 4 years
Can’t Do This Anymore
Request: hii if u don’t mind could u please write about Y/N ending things with harry because she can’t handle his lifestyle/distance anymore and he tries her to convince her to stay?
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Note: I lowkey love the idea of fighting with Harry whoopsy. Also, I wrote this during one of my classes and did not proof read, so sorry if it sucks. 
Warning: mild language
“I don’t think I can do this anymore.” She spoke softly, eyes glued to the wall across the room and fingers fiddling with the engagement ring on her left hand. She felt the couch shift next to her, yet she stayed still.
“Please don’t say that.” Harry’s voice was hoarse and quiet as he begged. He stood from the sofa, hands rubbing over his face before pushing the hair off of his forehead as she made no effort to move. It was well past midnight and they had been arguing for the past two hours which had now become a regular occurrence for them. The beginning of their relationship had been marked by lots of travelling back and forth to see one other, most nights and early mornings spent naked under the bedsheets. When they weren’t physically together, they would always make an effort to set aside an hour to talk and catch each other up on the day’s events. She had always considered herself to be someone that could handle a long-distance relationship if she were to meet someone who made it worthwhile. She prided herself on her independence and her ability to find happiness outside of her relationships. When she had met Harry during her summer in Malibu, she quickly realized that she would be willing to do anything to keep him in her life. And she really tried to do just that. But over the years, she had begun to feel like the only one making a real effort to keep the relationship alive. It had started a few months prior with Harry responding less and less to her text messages and phone calls. She would send him a message in the morning when she woke up and would only receive an answer later that evening when she was ready to go to bed. She never blew up his phone or demanded to know where he was at all times and she had justified his behavior by convincing herself that he was just too busy promoting his new album to be on his phone, but she knew that their relationship wasn’t much without communication.
“Well, at least say something.” Harry stopped pacing, starring at her as he awaited her response.
“So now you wanna communicate?” She questioned sarcastically, her gaze finally shifting to meet his. His eyes were red and his hair disheveled.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Harry’s expression shifted from concern to confusion. His eyebrows creased, thumb and index finger playing with his bottom lip.
“What do you think we’ve been arguing about for the past hour, Harry?!” She exclaimed incredulously. Harry jumped slightly at her change of demeanor and tone. She had chosen to take a few days off of work to surprise him at his hotel in New York earlier that evening, only to be met by an irritated Harry who was quickly getting ready for a dinner out with friends. He had uttered a brief ‘what are you doing here?’ as he pecked her lips and informed her of his plans. She didn’t have a chance to explain her reason for visiting before he had rushed out the door.  
“Do you even realize that we don’t talk anymore? All we do is send each other good morning and good night texts and try to plan time to see each other without ever actually following through.” She stood up from her seat, irritated with how oblivious he seemed to be. Before he could answer, she spoke up again.
“I have no idea what’s going on in your life and you sure as hell don’t bother asking about what’s going on in mine. I don’t feel like I have a partner anymore. And even when I do come to see you, you’re rushing off to meet up with your buds.” “I didn’t ask you to come here.” Harry’s pointed remark caused her to throw her hands up in disbelief, a faint ‘oh my god’ leaving her lips. “I’m sorry for being the only one trying to save our relationship.” “Stop acting like I’m the only one to blame in this.” Harry’s previous despair was now replaced by pure anger. He knew he would most likely end up regretting his choice of words, but he was too stubborn and resentful to let up. “You’re just choosing to ignore the fact that every time I call you, you go on and on about Chris? I’m sorry that I don’t want to listen to my fiancée constantly talk about another man.”
She froze, eyes widening at his remark.
“Are you being serious right now? You’re mad that I’m hanging out with my best friend who actually wants to spend time with me?”
“‘cause he wants to fuck you.” His mumbling caused her to roll her eyes as she tried to keep herself somewhat composed.
“I never say anything about you having literally a million girls fawning over you.” “You know that’s part of my job.” Harry said sharply and she knew that she had touched on a sore subject. “Do you want me to just stay at home and wait around for you to decide that you want to spend time with me?” She decided to drop the subject of his fans, knowing what she had signed up for when they first got together. She had been willing to sacrifice quite a bit of her privacy to go along with his lifestyle and had never accused him of being unfaithful. In fact, the thought had never crossed her mind, even when they began to drift apart. She had trusted him more than anyone she had ever been with.
Harry stayed quiet, becoming aware of his unreasonable attitude. His features softened as he took a step towards her, reaching for her hands and flinching when she pulled them away.
“Y/N.” He sighed, taking his seat back on the couch. She remained standing, her arms crossing in front of her chest as she looked away like she had always done when she felt herself about to cry. Harry knew that she was fighting back tears and felt his heart ache at the realization of the hurt he had caused her.
“I really can’t do this anymore.” She repeated her earlier words with more certainty, pulling the diamond ring off of her finger and setting it on the coffee table in front of Harry.
“Y/N, please don’t do this.” His voice cracked, eyes glossy and red once more. She quickly turned around, hoping he wouldn’t see the fresh tears streaming down her face. She heard him beg her not to leave as she shuffled towards the door of his suite, duffle bag in hand. She spun on her heels when she registered that he had followed closely behind her in an effort to get her to stay. She looked him in the eyes, inhaling deeply before speaking.
“You are not the man I fell in love with.” And with that, she pulled on the door and walked out into the hall, leaving Harry chocking back a sob as he watched her leave.
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walkerwords · 4 years
“The Savior Sessions” Part 26 of 33 - Negan x GN!Reader
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Summary: Sickness is spreading in Alexandria, the reader searches for their lost love, and Negan meets the silent enemy.
Word Count: 4433
Warning: Swearing, Mentions of Blood
Song I Wrote To: “In This Shirt” by The Irrepressibles
Note: I am getting really excited about the final few parts of this! However, we have a bit to go! All official dialog is property of AMC and Skybound. 
Negan really hated Beta and he hadn’t said more than three words since they crossed paths. 
After crossing into the Whisperer’s territory, Beta had fallen upon Negan quickly, disarming and blindfolding him. Negan wasn’t sure if the giant man was going to kill him, so he kept talking in hopes that the Beta would take him to the Alpha to decide his fate.
“Look, man, I have spent the last eight fuckin’ years locked up by your enemy,” Negan said. “I want them dead as much as you do, hell, probably even more. Their old leader fucked me up good once upon a time ago and I haven’t been in a very forgiving mindset since. You take me to your Alpha and I will spill every goddamn secret I know about those fuckers and beyond.”
“Too much noise,” Beta snarled at him.
“Right, you people are all about the whole vow of silence thing,” Negan said in a mock whisper. “I get it, it’s freaky as shit, but I get it.”
“I should just slit your throat and be done with it,” said Beta.
“Been there, done that,” Negan said. “It didn’t stick.” Even behind the blindfold Negan figured Beta was reaching for the knives on his belt. He wouldn’t blame him if he did want to kill him.
Negan had only been back in “I am Negan” mode for all of twelve hours and he had already started to hate himself for it. However, he had a job to do and this was the first step in doing so.
“The Alpha will decide your fate,” Beta said as the Whisperers who had hold of Negan pushed him forward. 
“Fan-fucking-tastic,” Negan said. Beta whirled on him, ripping down the blindfold and Negan cringed at the sight of the man in the mask. Beta then shoved the cloth into Negan’s mouth tightly.
“Stop talking,” Beta ordered. Negan glared back at him and it was then that he could see what you must have seen as Beta stood above you with his hand on your throat. The thought of that, the thought of that monster’s hand on the person he loved, kept Negan on his feet and walking forward. He knew that you wanted to kill Beta, but Negan was starting to think that if you didn’t do it soon, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself. 
Beta dragged him through the woods and when they came across the main camp, Negan relaxed further, slipped on a cocky smile, and started to plan. 
You and Carol were walking through the woods, both of you scanning for your respective targets.
You knew that she was looking for the horde and you didn’t care. All you wanted was to find Negan and if walking aimlessly around offered you some sort of clue, then you were going to do it. Daryl had tried to accompany her that morning, but you had stepped in and offered to go instead. Daryl was clearly worried about her, but you knew that she didn’t want comfort, she just wanted to work and find Alpha. 
You were more than willing to give that to her. 
That morning as you were getting ready to head out, you had stumbled across one of your emergency packs. You had begun to stash them around the house in case you had to leave suddenly with Negan. All three were accounted for which told you that he hadn’t even bothered to find one before he left. This only proved your theory that something was wrong and that he didn’t just leave.
On top of everything else, Aaron was now in contact with one of Alpha’s people. They called her Gamma and you didn’t like that he was speaking to her. If you had it your way, Gamma would be bleeding at your feet and not playing “frenemy”. 
“I can see your wheels turning,” Carol said as you walked beside her. Your sword was swinging on your hip as her bow was level in her hand. 
“I don’t think they’ve stopped since the world ended,” you said with a sigh.  Carol nodded in agreement. “Can we be honest with each other, Peletier?” you asked. 
“Always,” Carol said, snorting as you used her last name, something you always did when you first met her. 
“I think we both know that we’re out here for different reasons,” you said. 
“You always were the smart one,” Carol said. She then stopped walking and turned to you. “Are you going to tell me to back down?”
“I won’t tell you to stop hunting Alpha as long as you don’t stop me from taking out Beta.”
“He’s in your crosshairs, huh?” she said, continuing to walk. 
“I don’t know why he’s gotten under my skin, Carol. I do know that that motherfucker is going to die by my hand even if I have to bite his damn jugular out.” 
“Okay, Rick,” Carol said with a knowing look. 
“Michonne told you that story too?”
“I think everyone’s heard it,” Carol said. 
“I miss him so much,” you sighed as you climbed over a fallen tree. 
“What do you think he’d do if he was here?” Carol asked. 
“I think he would have shot Alpha the second she showed up at Hilltop.”
“I agree,” Carol said. “I feel like we’re running around with our heads cut off without him in this war.” 
“Maybe we can learn something from the past. We won the last war, I don’t know why this one would be any different.”
“Negan wasn't evil,” Carol said. This stunned you for a moment and Carol caught onto it. “Surprised to hear me defend him?” 
“A bit,” you admitted. 
“You remember my husband?” 
“Ed?” you asked. “How could I forget?” Carol’s dead husband was an abusive asshole that deserved what he got. You remembered how Shane was ready to throttle him and you were willing to help. Lori was the one to calm the both of you down before you murdered him. However, you knew that Shane had always been right about him. 
“My husband didn’t care about me or our daughter. Ed was a horrible human being who preyed on the weak. Alpha is the same way. She doesn’t care who she hurts and she is willing to kill women, children, and anyone to get what she wants. Negan...he had a code. I don’t know if that makes up for all the things he did, but in my book, he’s a better person than Ed or Alpha.”
“I wish more people shared those thoughts,” you said. 
“I can tell that you love him,” she said. “I can see it on your face and in your eyes. He’s...I guess he’s your sanctuary.”
“Is it wrong that I feel guilty for that?”
“For loving him?” she asked and you nodded. “No, (Y/N), it’s not wrong. I also want you to know that it's okay, no matter who it is.” 
“Ezekiel said the same thing,” you said. Carol smiled at that. You didn’t know exactly what had happened between her and the King, but you knew they weren’t speaking as much and you figured they weren’t even together at all.
It wasn’t odd when parents broke up after the death of a child. You had seen it enough when you were a teacher. Carol was strong, but you did worry about Ezekiel. 
“What’s your opinion on him, Carol?” you asked after a moment. 
“On Negan?” she asked and you nodded. “Well, I am never going to forgive him for Glenn or Abraham, but I see that he’s changed. I know that he cared about Carl, and in his own way, respected Rick. I also know that he would never lay his hand on a child or a woman and if it came down to it, he would die for Judith. I think that regardless of what he’s done, at least we know he knows how to be a good man even if he hasn’t always been one.” 
Nodding, you tried to keep your emotions in check, but the tears came quickly. You hunched over, feeling a loss and Carol grabbed you into her arms. 
“I have no doubt he will come home to you,” she whispered. “Do not lose faith, my friend.” 
“I need him,” you choked out. 
“I know, honey,” Carol said. “I know.” 
You broke off from Carol not that long after her words of comfort. 
Needing to be alone, you began the trek towards Hilltop. You weren’t exactly sure what you were looking for, but perhaps if you saw it you would know. Carol had mentioned that she wasn’t just looking for Alpha, but the horde as well. Daryl had seen it when Alpha had taken him to the cliff edge. The Whisperers had the largest weapon you could ever imagine and if they decided to use it, you weren’t sure many would survive. 
However, you had your own weapon. That is if you could find him. Thinking back to the first day that you had spoken to Negan in his cell, Michonne had said that Alexandria could use him. Not just for a mental punching bag, but because he had run a community unchallenged for years. The Sanctuary, while it was a symbol of hate for Alexandria and the others, it was still proof that some people were born to be in power. Negan was the best shot you had at getting into Beta’s head. The only problem was that Negan may not want to help, not when he had come so far to become a better man.
“And now I’m the one wanting to make him relive that past life,” you muttered as you moved through the trees. 
“Talking to yourself? Never a good sign,” a voice said. You recognized it immediately, turning towards the young woman who stepped around a tree. Enid leaned against the trunk, her knife on her hip and a large button-up around her shoulders. You recognized it as one of Alden’s shirts. 
“I think a little insanity is healthy,” you offered, causing Enid to smile a bit. “How are you?” you asked. 
“I’m getting there,” she admitted. You hadn’t spoken to her much since the fair. Here and there you would check-in, but you had been caught in Negan for months. That guilty feeling returned. “What are you doing out here?” she asked. 
“I could ask you the same thing,” you said. 
“I needed to get out before Alden wrapped me in plastic wrap.”
“He’s become a helicopter boyfriend?” you guessed, continuing to walk. Enid fell into step next to you. 
“That’s a nice way of putting it,” she grumbled. 
“Alden is just worried about you,” you said. “Rosita and Gabriel are doing the same with Siddiq.”
“Is he doing okay?”
“He’s been distracted with his daughter and I think that’s helping. Rosita says that he isn’t sleeping though,” you said. 
“Neither am I,” Enid said. “I can’t get the look of Tara’s face out of my head. Seeing her die and then what they did with her body…” You reached out and took her hand in yours.
“I am so sorry you had to see that,” you said. 
“I’ve seen people die before, but that… that wasn’t human, (Y/N),” Enid said. “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep without the nightmares.” 
“I wish I could do something to help you,” you said. 
“You are, you’re talking to me and you’re still looking for the Whisperers,” she said. “That’s why you’re out here, right?” You paused, trying not to fully lie. 
“Right,” you said, but Enid could see right through it. 
“Or are you looking for Negan?”
“Can’t I do both?” you asked. Enid shrugged. Negan was a rough subject with Enid. He had killed Glenn who had become like a father to Enid in some ways. He had taken care of her when she didn’t think anyone wanted her around. When he was taken away from her, Enid had taken over as caretaker for Maggie and you knew that Negan wasn’t winning any popularity contests with the young woman. 
“How do you know he’s actually changed?” Enid asked, surprising you. 
“Everyone keeps asking me that,” you said with a sigh. “I don’t think it’s something I can just explain. It’s something you have to see.” 
“Why do you think he’s changed?” Enid asked. 
“Because he had to and because he wanted to,” you said without a second of hesitation. “Negan wasn’t always who we met all those years ago.”
“I wonder what changed.”
“His wife died and the world ended,” you said. “Some people are built for this kind of world, others have to adapt and change with it in order to survive.” 
“So, you’re saying that the end of the world turned him into a killer?” 
“It’s turned us all into killers, Enid,” you reminded her. Enid was quiet for a moment before she continued. 
“Alden once told me a story about him,” she began. “Alden wasn’t always with Negan, he usually just stayed at the outposts, but one day Negan went to visit. They all went out in search of people or supplies and they found a small family. It was a husband, his wife, and their two teenagers. Twins, I think. Alden thought that Negan was going to recruit the man to be a Savior and take care of the teens and the wife.”
“Did he?” you asked. Enid shook her head. 
“Alden said that Negan...switched when he noticed something. It wasn’t until he got closer that he saw what Negan did. The wife was covered in bruises, the kids too. These weren’t the normal ones you would get from running from Walkers either.”
“He was beating them,” you concluded. 
“Negan gave the man one chance to admit what he had done. I guess the husband drew a gun on his family, threatening to kill them. Negan ordered Alden and some other Saviors to grab the kids and keep them safe as he dealt with the parents. The wife began to beg Negan for help and that’s when Negan tackled the husband, knocking him out cold.” 
“Did he kill him?” 
“He didn’t have to,” Enid said. “The son of a bitch had gotten bit and was going to turn and then turn his family. Some sort of sick ‘together forever’ type thing. Negan got the family into the Sanctuary and kept them safe. The mom died about a year later from a respiratory infection.”
“And the twins?”
“Alden doesn’t know. They were around fifteen or so. Maybe they left, maybe Negan got them set up somewhere else, I don’t know. I just know their names: Adam and Olivia. I like to think they made it and they’re out there somewhere.”
“Why did Alden tell you this?”
“I think he was trying to convince me that not everything the Saviors did was bad,” she said. “I think he’s still worried that I see him as an enemy, but I never did. At least not since he helped us win the war.” 
“I wish I could say the same about my own Savior,” you sighed. 
“Can’t you?” she asked. 
“Enid, we both know that Negan and Alden are two very different people with very different situations,” you said. 
“True, but that doesn’t mean Negan hasn’t done his fair share of good. Daryl told me about Judith, all the times he’s saved her. Maybe he’s not lost after all.”
“You sound like Carl,” you complimented. Enid gave you a small smile at that. 
“I know that he would be completely on board with you and Negan,” she said. “I also know that he would be by your side right now looking for him.” 
“Negan wouldn’t have left if Carl was still here,” you said. 
“Why are you so sure that he left?” 
“Are you suggesting somebody kidnapped my boyfriend?” you asked, raising your brows. 
“Stranger things have happened,” she offered. 
“Your wisdom is very… Greene,” you said. 
“Well, Maggie did help me see this world differently. I think we could all use a little Rhee/Greene wisdom right now.”
“If you find some,” you said. “Pass it along alright?”
“You got it,” Enid said. Bumping her shoulder with your own, you took a deep breath. 
“I can’t imagine what she would think about me right now, En,” you said. “I can’t imagine the betrayal she would feel.” 
“(Y/N), listen to me,” Enid said. “We spend too much time thinking about what others would think instead of just being in the moment with the people around us. I lost my best friends to Alpha and I lost a piece of myself, but I still have Alden. I still have that person who loves me unconditionally. I think that is more important right now.” 
“I can’t stop the guilt,” you whispered. 
“(Y/N), you’ve lost too much to feel guilty for loving someone,” she said. Enid then continued on, letting you absorb her words. The sheer fact that Enid was saying these things to you made you even more confused. It began to make you wonder if your friends were actually coming around to the idea of Negan being a part of the community or if they were just worried for your sanity. 
If you were being honest with yourself, you didn’t know which was worse. 
When you returned to Alexandria, you found that Siddiq and Dante were being overwhelmed. 
“What’s going on?” you asked as you walked into Rosita’s house. 
“I don’t know,” Siddiq said, “it looks like some kind of bug is going around.”
“Are you feelin’ okay, Doc?” you asked, reaching to feel his forehead, but he swatted your hand away. 
“I’m fine, but Ro is on bed rest for the time being. I’ve been trying to get her to sleep, but Coco is keepin’ her up as usual.”
“I will talk to her,” you said. “Go check on the rest of your patients before Dante passes out from exhaustion.” 
“Will do,” he said. 
“Hey, where’s Daryl? I didn’t see him when I came in,” you said. 
“I think he went out after Carol,” Siddiq said. With a roll of your eyes, you nodded. Of course, he did. 
As Siddiq went to go check on the others, you headed into Rosita’s room. “Alright, Ma’am, gimme the kid, I need baby time,” you said, reaching for the little girl. Rosita handed her to you without a question, sinking back into her pillows. 
She did look pale and tired and you knew that she knew she should be resting. However, she was trying to be supermom. You respected that, but you also needed your friend to sleep. Sitting down in the armchair by the bed, you held Coco close to your chest, gently rubbing her back. 
“Find him?” Rosita asked. 
“Not yet,” you whispered, resting your eyes. “I did run into Enid, though.”
“Is she doing any better than Siddiq?” she asked. 
“Not really,” you said. “She’s having nightmares.”
“So is he,” Rosita sighed. “I’m worried about him.”
“I know, I am too,” you said. Siddiq was always the voice of reason. He reminded you a lot of Herschel. It was no wonder that Carl saw the kindness in him as soon as he met him. 
“(Y/N), about Negan,” Rosita began, but you shook your head. 
“I can’t right now,” you said. “People have been giving their opinion on him since we got home from the fair and even more so now that he’s gone. I just need to sit here and hold your girl so you can get better. Please.”
“Okay,” Rosita whispered, curling into her side so she always had eyes on Coco.
“Rest, mama,” you said. “You need it and I got her.”
“Thanks,” Rosita whispered as her eyes fell closed.
“Any time, Ro,” you said as he pressed a kiss to Coco’s forehead and settled into the chair, propping your feet up on the bed. It didn’t take long for you to relax and for the little Espinosa to fall asleep. As you set there, you focused on the small breaths of the baby and wished for a miracle. 
From gravedigger to pig hunter, Negan was not having a good day. 
He was especially missing you and following the skins around all day was starting to give him a headache. The only thing that was keeping him going was a trinket that was tucked into his pocket. It was something he had taken from your house the last time he had been there. It was a small marble that you kept on the mantle of your fireplace. You had told him that you had found it the first time you visited the Kingdom. It was black and white which reminded him of you and him. 
He wondered if you had even noticed it was missing. Though, he figured that you were beyond pissed right now and a missing marble wouldn’t exactly mean much. Rubbing his thumb over the smooth token, he continued to follow the asshole in front of him. 
He and Beta were butting heads at every chance they got. He knew that the bastard didn’t like him, but he didn’t really give a shit. He wasn’t there to make friends with him. He just wanted the damn Alpha. However, that was proving to be a bit of a problem. 
Beta was testing him and he hated every second of it. Beta, however, seemed to be enjoying himself as he tortured, tested, and talked down to Negan. The latter had been around assholes his entire life and while Beta was a dick, when it came to being scary, he didn’t even touch Rick Grimes. Although, at least Rick would actually talk to him. 
“I just don’t see the point in all of this,” Negan said as Beta led him through the dark woods. Beta just continued to ignore him. Negan had been playing Whisperer custodian all day and he was tired of it. Now, Beta had him wandering through the dark for some reason and Negan was already annoyed. 
“Clearly,” Negan continued, “we are not jivin'. And, you know, to be honest with you, I totally understand the position you're in. You gotta be, like, the tough guy and keep everybody in line. I mean, hell, you know, I had guys just like you to keep my shit tight. Alright, maybe not just like you.” 
Beta’s jaw clenched, but Negan went on. “Uh, hell, if I had some monster your size, things would've turned out different. For one, I wouldn’t be lacking as much Vitamin D.” Beta didn’t get the joke. “Look, whether you like me or not, I will be joinin' this team, so maybe we should find a way to get along, you know, and stop pissin' on each other's boots.”
“You will never be one of us,” Beta sneered, getting into Negan’s face. “You’re too loud, too weak, too full of ego.”
“Some people like my damn ego,” Negan offered. 
“You are a waste, and Alpha will see it.”
“So, cards on the table, then? Cool. I dig that. See, I'm not here for you. I am here for Alpha. So, you go ahead, and you throw your little tests at me and you scowl and throw me on the ground like a five-and-dime Frankenstein. I don't give a shit,” Negan shot back. “See, big man, I ain't goin' anywhere.” Beta stopped walking and properly faced his antagonizer.
“Finally, something we can both agree on. You won't be going anywhere,” Beta said as the growls of Walkers echoed around them. The Dead stumbled towards them and Negan, who was weaponless, only got more pissed.
“Wait a minute. Did you just make a Goddamn joke? I would be impressed if I wasn't so pissed off right now,” he said. Beta then shoved him back towards the Walkers as he faded into the shadows, leaving Negan to the Dead. With a grunt, Negan turned to face his rotting enemies. “Oh, you have got to be shittin' me.”
Negan was covered in blood and the smell of rotting flesh, but he was alive. 
And he was pissed. 
Negan had fought for years. He knew how to kill in all sorts of ways and he knew how to kill Walkers. However, being thrown into that small herd with nothing but his bare fists had nearly killed him. The only thing that kept him going was you. 
He thought back to the training sessions, you, Lydia, and he had done in the living room of your home. The hand-to-hand and weapons training was important, but then there was what Lydia had brought to the table. The number one thing that her mother had taught her was how to improvise in a dire situation. Anything could be a weapon and only you were the one capable of getting yourself away from death. 
Negan had ducked and pushed his way through the Walkers, dodging their teeth and hands the best he could. When he spotted the fallen branch on the ground, he had laughed and picked it up. It wasn’t Lucille, but it would do. As he faced down the Walkers in front of him, he grinned. 
“Lydia, give me strength,” he whispered as he swung. 
Now, as every Walker was in pieces and he was drenched in blood, he strutted back into camp. Just as Beta was explaining to Alpha that Negan was dead, he made his appearance. 
“I'm ready for my Goddamn skin suit!” he announced as he walked between Whisperers, the branch on his shoulder. “You best bring that extra-long tape measure on account of my humongous balls.” He spotted Alpha immediately. She was looking at him with curiosity and as much as he hated to admit it, Lydia had had that same look when she first met him. 
Approaching the Alpha, he dropped the makeshift weapon and dropped to his knee in front of her. Alpha looked at him as if he was prey, but he didn’t back down. 
“Hi, I'm Negan,” he said with a cocky grin. “We haven't formally met, but I sure as hell know who you are. And whether my reputation precedes me or not, I'm all in.” Alpha reached out and pulled a piece of flesh off his shoulder. “Whatever you want, whatever I got, it's yours.”
Alpha leaned forward then and placed a finger on her lips. “Shh,” she said and Negan just grinned back, knowing he had cast the line, all she had to do was bite.
TAGS: @lucillethings​ @cameronsails​ @stark-dreams​ @amaroho​ @thanossexual​ @yes-sir-hotchner​ @boom-bunny​ @delusionalteenagewhispers​ @scootankle​ @ritajammer21​ @writteriguess​ @tea-atfive​ @jennydehavilland​ @waspyyy​ @yespleasejayhalstead​ @hoemadegrace​ @writingdeadangel​ @huffledor-able541​ @pulplorrd​ @felicisimor​ 
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