#look this isn't great! proceed with cautions
badgyalshii · 6 months
Word count: 4.1k
Paul Atredies x F!Reader (always safe for POCS + PLUSSIZE)
warnings: do NOT read this without reading the past chapters! This is the FINALE. Depression, language, death.
A/n: no words can describe how much this fic lowkey affected me, im greatful for my new followers and thank you for reading this and riding in this journey with me! I love you all, and proceed with caution, and once yr done reading come ttm!
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Although you and chani shared a room,it still felt like something was missing, and it was clearly paul. You were already scared, but now you grew uncomfortable, you knew these people around you, but it was clear as day something changed, and both you and chani spoke about it, the tension in the air thick between the people you knew your whole life, something was up. You still didn't know where he was and you explained this to chani which she held you in her arms and listened to you vent while softly messing with your hair. ¨he will find you, he will come back, paul is strong, y/n, smart¨ she muttered, looking at you. You would cry if you could, but you never did. It was a rule, don't waste water, so it was in your bones not to cry. It was still your first day coming back to the palace, and it was late at night, you barely heard any footsteps outside of the rather big, dark, and quiet room.
¨maybe i should try to find him?¨ you said, looking at up chani and she let out a sigh before letting you go and touching her chin, rubbing it before coming up to your cheek. ¨you deserve rest. This is too much, enough about paul y/n! Just sleep. That's all you need to do, he will find you¨ her tone was demanding to which you didn't understand why, you furrowed your eyebrows and looked at her sadly, and she laughed before standing up. ¨you know what? Do what you want to y/n. 6 years on the road for what! I've spent my years with you, and you aren't appreciative at all, it hurts my feelings,¨ she revealed, putting her hands on her hips and pacing. ¨paul, paul, paul! Go find him! And when you do and hes not the same dont even fucking talk to me¨ she laughed. ¨chani, don't be like this-¨
¨like what? Seriously, what? If thats what you want, go fucking get it. Because I'm done. I've done enough! You can't even live without paul! Have you not learned anything on your own? From stilgars teachings? From me?!¨ She blew up, all the things she wanted to finally say, she said, before she couldn't, because she tried her best to hear you out, but god you are so hard headed. She didn't even want to look at you. ¨why are you treating me like this?¨ you whispered, looking at her hurt. There was a lump in your throat and your lip pouted. ¨stop treating me like this¨ you said, looking at her begging. ¨you're so unbelievable. I hope you find what you want¨ she sighed and exited the door. You watched as she left before standing and trying to push the frog in your throat down with your knuckles.
This was all so sudden, why does she feel this way? Why did she do that to you? What did you do that was so wrong. But you were now awoken, aware that she wasn't wrong at all, and it hurt. It hurt that you were this way, could you live without paul? It wasn't your fault that you felt like this, maybe she was just jealous, but that isn't the right way of thinking. You laid in the cotton sheets and sat in the darkness, thinking, drifting throughout all of your thoughts as your throat clogged up and you tried your hardest to fight the feeling, but you couldn't. You let out a weak sob, trying to fight the tears that were about to escape your eyes. You swallowed, why? How long had she been feeling this way? Did she secretly hate you? Does she hate you? Maybe you're exaggerating. You came to terms with that and hoped when you slept you woke up to paul.
Knock knock knock
You woke up in a panic, how long have you slept? Was it the next morning? The room was horrifyingly black and you'd been in such a trance you forget what happened before you went to sleep. You heard the knocks again and you became nervous, slowly standing and wondering if you should pretend like you just weren't there, and suddenly the door opened, hardened eyes looked at you, you could feel it, but you couldn't see it. You heard the door creek as it continued to open until the door hit the wall with a small bang.
You slowly crouched down, reaching for the dagger that was in your boot, ̈hello?!¨ you called out after you stood in position. What the fuck was going on? So many thoughts coursed through your head as you wondered who was looking at you, would they say anything back? What should-
¨ Empress irulan has called you for dinner¨ the deep dark voice said, before reaching for the light and flickering it on. You let out an oh and your position changed to an awkward one, putting the dagger in your pocket before he turned the light on. You nodded your head, before letting out a chuckle. ¨erm, didn't know there was a light¨ he didn't find it funny, but he didn't look like he found anything funny. He wore a mask that covered his mouth and his eyebrows looked like he was always angry. ¨follow me¨ he said before turning around, and started walking without you.
It didn't take you long to follow him, the halls were long and quiet, only light from the chandeliers supporting your vision, if it wasn't such a gut sickening situation, the place would seem cooler and more lovely. The only thing that could be heard is the guards hard steps against the pavement of the floor. You looked around and tried to take in the area but every time you tried to think about something positive you couldn't help but think maybe this was the night you were gonna die. You had no protection besides your own, considering chani was mad and ran off to wherever. ¨bitch¨ you muttered under your breath thinking about it, and that seemed to take over your mind now. Why would she do that? What an asshole, and you both could have just talked about it! No need to blow up in your face, trash. You seemed to still be angry about it as you arrived to the door.
You finally arrived at the offly secret room, the entire room was black, the only thing that shined was the dinner table and irulan since there was a single chandelier hanging almost close to touch the dinner table, which must've been sturdy. Irulan sipping wine with a dinner plate in front of her and the same thing on the opposite side of her, guessing that space was for you. “Your majesty” the guard says, irulan looks over at the guard and the guard took notice before nodding, leaving the premises.
There you were, all alone, or you'd hope, with Irulan. Truth was, you could take her on your own no problem. You silently walked over and she watched you the entire time, you pulled out your own seat before scooting yourself in. you cleared your throat and looked ahead. Pretty embarrassing, if you will.
Irulan was dressed in silks, diamonds, everything anyone would want, her hair soft, teeth white and the way she stared at you like you were so beneath her was infuriating, but also made you insecure. You knew how you looked. Your hair is messy. Rips in your clothes. Self care isn't really relevant when you're on the road. She sipped her wine slowly, watching your every move before she set down the glass, and when she did, it was an offly loud sound. You awkwardly looked at her, you tried, tried your hardest actually to hide the fact that you were nervous, that you were scared, but the way that Irulan was looking at you, it was as if she could already tell.
Looking at this glorious food and wine made your throat quench, your mouth watering at the sight. It was filled with mashed potatoes, steak and vegetables, clearly from somewhere else because on this planet you don't really get such fantasies. You looked down at the meal and pursed your lips together, it wasn't that serious, but when you've been looking for scraps for years, and there was a plate just looking at you, waiting for it to be eaten, there's only so much you could do.
You didn't trust it, you averted your eyes from the plate and back up to her. ¨you can eat, you know¨ she said, her voice stern and upright as a smirk played on her lips. She couldn't help but laugh, her white teeth showcasing while you sat there, nervous, suspicious, annoyed, but now, embarrassed. Was there no way you could beat her? Was she just better than you? That wasn't even the point, was she aiming to kill you tonight.
You shut out all of the questions, this was a shot to assert your dominance.your eyebrows furrow in a suspicious state and you placed your hands together. ¨why am I here?¨and you broke her laugh, her eyebrows raised as she cleared her throat. This time, you sat tall, your voice strong. Stronger than you thought it would be. She came back to sitting straight and took a sip of her wine once again.
¨why did you come back?¨ she answered your question with another question. You looked at her before wincing your eyes, ¨is this about paul-¨ before you could finish your sentence, she cleared her throat and flashed you a soft smile. ¨We haven't talked since the wedding, won't even have a child for the sake of his bloodline¨ she said, now she has become comfortable. Picking up her glass and moving it to where the liquid forms into a circle. You had nothing to say. ¨you're a very smart girl¨ she says, looking at the glass.
¨I am a woman, thank you¨ you stated, you sat up, she eyed you, her head slowly turning up as she looked at you up and down once again. The room fell quiet. Weirdly quiet. She studied you again and again, as if she was trying to find out about you. ¨do you have secrets?¨ she asked, picking up her fork and taking a bite of her steak. ¨doesn't everyone?¨ you replied. The way she bit the steak, man, you wanted a piece. You could feel your stomach rumble. She chewed and nodded her head. ¨is the reason why you came back a secret?¨ she asked, swallowing her steak.
¨i came back because paul is the one i love-¨ ¨he's changed¨ irulan cut you off. ¨lots of blood on your hands can make you a changed person, you'll see¨ she winked and pointed her fork at you. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, ¨how do you know if you guys haven't talked since the wedding?¨ you argued, but you didn't want to fight it off, you wanted to hear what she had to say. ¨you'll see it, in his eyes-¨ ¨everyone knows his eyes are blue-¨
¨it's not that, y/n. Hes….what is a good way to say this¨ she thought out loud. ¨grumpy¨ she finished, before taking another bite of her steak. ¨and by grumpy you mean what?¨ ¨lazy¨ she replies, now taking a bite of her mashed potatoes before she looks up at you. ¨How could he be lazy if he's been gone for two years trying to find me? You know, I don't understand you. What are you trying to get out of me? Hm? What do you want?¨ you put your hands on the table about to lift yourself so suddenly before irulan stood and told you not to move. ¨I ordered the guards to watch and if you make any sudden movements they will take you out no hesitancy, i recommend you sit¨ she says quickly. You look in her eyes, it showed genuine concern as her hand was on yours.
¨ So you're scared of me?¨ you lowered, she sat along with you before shrugging and drinking the rest of what was in her wine glass. ¨let's be honest, you could have taken me out the first time you saw me . irulan says, you say nothing as you watch her, ̈and the food is poisoned?¨ you asked. She shook her head no, all this time wasted, you could've been with chani, you could've left, to find paul,, but here you sat. ¨so once again. Why am i here?¨ you asked again.
¨I don't want to be weak to others, if Paul comes back, I don't want anyone to know about you guys¨ she answers genuinely, it seems as if she's quite tipsy. You chuckle ¨irulan. Everyone does,¨ this was surprising, and how could irulan possibly want you to hide your love for paul when that's all you've really known, even in public, holding hands, considerably long hugs, small and innocent kisses. ¨ Now if you would excuse me¨ you look up, around before slowly standing, leaving irulan where she was. She looked at you, watched you intently and her eyes sat fierce, almost telling you to watch your back silently. You let out a breath before taking the plate and the wine with you, exiting the door and now having to find your way back to your room.
What a shitshow in one day, you would've thought things went way different, and you thought about it in your head, the scenario you had as you continued to walk through the halls.
You ran to the walls of the palace, and the security guard finally smiled for once in his life, considering the usual role he had to play as the job. You imagined he told you, “Paul's waiting, go to your room” and somehow you just knew where the room was. You'd see paul, paul sleeping, wondering what he dreamed of, since he was sleeping such soft snores, his nose flaring only from time to time. His eyebrows relaxed, his lightly chapped lips parted, taking in the air and softly breathing out. He wasn't tucked into the bed- no only when you were there to touch him and hold him in his sleep. He was shirtless, you touched his arm and softly forwarded it to the side of his cheek and up to his hair. His eyebrows would furrow before he opened his eyes, and when he did he blinked twice. Oh you remembered this like your left and your right, he wouldn't believe it, he would be so desperate in such a good situation, he cried for it. You'd make love to teach others before the night ended how it usually did, with you holding him and running your hands all through his hair and you both fell asleep.
You were so stuck in the dream that you bumped shoulders with someone, you caught a quick smell of this other, they smelled of salt and sand and as they took another step, you heard the crunch from his shoes. “Sorry” you let out a mutter, it came out in a groggy tone, didn't sound like you usually do, you sounded weak, sad and it didn't help that your head was hung low. He let out a hum and continued walking, at this point, you didn't care anymore, your day was already bad. You continued to walk, stepping and not picking up your feet before you decided maybe it was time to try the mashed potatoes that were on the plate, before you heard footsteps running to you, you looked over, did irulan just send one of her guards to you? But as he got closer, you saw his eyes, hazel, just looking at you and staring at you whilst he ran. You dropped the plate but kept the knife that was on the plate and stood in position for the second time today.
As the unknown person ran to you, you tried to breathe faster, heavier to tell when they were close, there he was! Quick! His hands reached out to you and when he pressed his body to yours, there was a squelch sound, of the knife breaking skin. You looked into the eyes that were pouring into your own with fear on your face, had you just made a mistake? The hazel eyes piercing your own were in shock, also covered in fear and you heard his mouth become agape. What the fuck just happened? Who is this?
You reach up with your free hand as he continued to hold you tightly and leaned on you, letting out a mutter, ¨y/n¨ he let out, you took off the mask and, ¨oh my god, no…no no no¨ your eyebrows furrowed as your mouth became agape. You froze and your hands shook, guilt covering your body.
¨paul¨ you said, when he tried to talk, he coughed blood on your face, drops of blood on the side of your lips and on your cheek, you let go of the knife in your hand and his body weight completely leaned on you making you both fall down. ¨paul paul paul, no!¨ you yelled, ¨no!¨ this couldn't be true, you were washed of accidental betrayal. All the blood dropped from your head to your feet. You laid him flat on his back and he choked every time he breathed, ¨talk to me! Please keep breathing, please, paul, please, it was an accident!¨ you let out, you sat in his lap and looked at the wound, you wouldn't be able to take off his thick cover as a shirt without taking out the knife, the handle was too thick. Sniffles came to your nose as you let out a loud fuck. ¨c-calm..do-wn¨ he choked. You looked at him before ripping off your shirt and wrapping it around his both to apply pressure to the wound. You leaned up and put your hand on the side of his cheek, your hand covered in his blood as you pleaded for him to stay alive. When he started to be unresponsive, still breathing and looking at you, trying to speak, you called out for help, yelled out that paul atreides has been stabbed, the emperor has been stabbed!
Guards instantly came and ripped you off of him, they put you in shitty and gritty handcuffs that itched your hands, but you weren't focused on that, tears brimmed your eyes as you watched the blood continue to pour from his mouth, he looked over, his body jittering, his lips moving as he was trying to tell you something, ¨i-i..found..¨ his hand reached up to you. ¨paul! Please!¨ you cried, yelling, the guards pulled you away and you shouted, ¨i love you! Please, hold on! Wait for me!” you yelled, you tried breaking out of the guards firm hands but it was no use, and it was probably better that way, better to get him to safety. You sniffled again and your head hung low as they pulled you to wherever.
You traveled down the stairs, into this place you didn't know, but as you continued to walk, there were cells, prison cells. People in them looked desperate, starved. Tears continued to stroll down your cheek, why? Why out of all days, you are positive you just killed the love of your life, and you didn't even hesitate. They took off the cuffs and threw you in a cell, you fell to the ground and on your knees as the guards looked down at you from the other side of the gate. ¨just, tell me when he is alive…please ̈ you begged, looking up at them. One laughed while the other shook his head at you before they both walked away.
The cell was cold and looking at the marks on the wall, you could tell this isn't the place to be. You sat on the ground, knees up to your chest, you didn't want to eat, you didn't want to sleep, you just wanted to know if Paul was alive, it had been three days, men in the cells were picking at you, but you paid them no mind. Three shitty trays of food sat in front of you, a guard felt bad for you, telling you, you should eat something, but you just couldn't. You sat in the same position they left you in, lips chapped, body shivering, and you were sure you would never return.
Suddenly, you heard something from the intercom, clear as day, you looked up to the speaker in your cell, ¨excuse me¨ you heard them clear their throat, this was the time, to know if he was alive, you stood and paced, waited on them to speak again, anxiety in your stomach and a rock laid in your throat, you tried to push it down with your knuckles. You looked at the speaker, eager and needy. ¨our emperor,¨ they cleared their throat again…you put your hands on your hair, ¨hurry up!¨ you yelled, still pacing.
¨has fallen¨ a shriek left your lips, hurt washed through your body and you fell on your knees again. Prisoners cheered through the cells, hell yeahs, wooo!´s. You grabbed your heart as cries escaped your lips, your throat hurt, you screamed from the top of your lungs. ¨y/n y/l/n has murdered the emperor¨ your mouth only fell more and you covered it with the palm of your hand. ¨holy! Ain't that you?!¨ the prisoner across from you said, while pointing at you. You said nothing, but he laughed. ¨emperor got killed by a girl!¨ he joked, but then, people started cheering you on now.
You heard a chant of your name and it made your head almost dizzy. ¨no! Shut up! Shut up!¨ you yelled, voice hoarse, no one could hear you the way they screamed and cheered, smiles on their faces. You lost so much breath your vision was poor, but then you heard your cell being opened, you laid over, looking at the ground before you felt guards grabbing you from under your armpits and lifting you up, your feet dragged as they were forced to move you. You still heard others shouting your name. What was this? Where were they taking you? You couldn't focus on one thing, and when you closed your eyes, they stayed close.
When you awoke, your neck and wrists were restrained, when you opened your eyes and looked up, there was a crowd, filled with freman, your people, shouting kill her. Your eyebrows furrowed when you looked at your wrists, you were about to be beheaded. You shook and tried to get out of there. Others laughed and you looked up again. They stood chani and paul's mother, chani looked sick, this wasn't true. Irulan stood there also, a black veil on her head as she watched you, no emotion on her face, but then suddenly there was a smirk. ¨silence!¨ a man yelled over the crowd, ¨does anyone object to this death sentence?¨ he yelled over. You looked at chani, then Lady Jessica, your eyes pleaded, but the way they wanted you dead, if they tried to fight for you, it seemed like they would be in your situation also. Stilgar looked at you with a stern, hard and stiff look. All these people, all your people, just turned a blind eye to the love you and Paul shared, you didn't even get a chance to explain yourself, would you go out unheard? Your breath quickened and you tried to calm yourself, tried to make peace, but once you blinked your eyes, they never opened.
This was it, you were dead. At least you would meet him on the other side. Looking back on it, maybe this was meant to be, in a way, it was beautiful. The pair suffered when they were not together, but now they get everlasting peace and happiness. Maybe they would get married, walk along the green grass, dress in all white, have a few kids together. They had each other, through thick and thin, when they hadn't seen each other for years their hearts were still connected and thought about each other everyday. But this is the end. Lovers now turn into soulmates as they fade off in the air together, and never look back.
@huh01011 @heartsforchalamet
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l1ndseyper3z · 7 months
I really don't know wether I like him or hate him
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warnings: Mark being Mark, daddy kink, bondage, age gap (both over 18), praise, degrading, gunplay, public sex, thigh riding, cock-warming, cumming inside, p in v penetrator, eating pussy, sucking cock, petplay, bootlicking, boot grinding, thigh riding, choking, sir kink, master kink, spanking, strong language
you are responsible for your own media consumption. minors dni.
master of PDA and physical touch
he needs everyone to know that you are his and NOBODY is allowed to even glance at you the wrong way.
if anybody even looks at you for slightly too long he perfectly flexes to expose the gun on his hip
if you're younger than him (which chances are, you are cause idk he gives off younger gf vibes) he is so protective
it does get a bit much sometimes but with the knowledge of his sister you can't exactly blame him
he always plays with ur hair
it grounds both you and him
he has to be big spoon
he likes having control and being able to keep you safe
100% teaches you self-defense
with the shit he sees (and does) he wants you to be able to protect yourself when he's not around
worries that jigsaw will test you
even though you've done nothing to deserve that because you're an absolute angel in his eyes
defo that boyf that follows you around stores carrying all ur bags and clothes
always kissing ur neck and hugging ur waist
he took quite a while to get used to you and begin to trust you because of his sister
will watch all ur fav movies and shows with you but complain the whole time (even tho he's secretly enjoying it)
pet names for you 100% consist of baby doll, baby girl, my girl, my girl, darling and sweet girl
he's so sassy for no reason whatsoever (name a saw dude who isn't???)
can be a bit cruel sometimes
and his ego gets in the way of apologising
when he realises he's fucked up he'll buy you flowers or something
he isn't great with his words so prefers to let his actions speak louder
he tries to like the music you like
if you tell him you relate to a song he'll figure out what it means and read through the lyrics to try and understand you better
he so caresses your thighs when he's driving
half the time he dosent even realise he's doing it, it just happens
cooks for you
he so puts his hands in your back pockets
he just does
100% gets bricked when you wear his clothes
makes you beg to cum
uses vibrators on you as punishment
call him daddy in bed
just do it
it awakens something in him
will tie you up and use handcuffs on you
edges you
overstimulates you
has made you suck on his gun
or fucked you with his gun
absolute master of sucking pussy
chokes you when you aren't behaving
icl he is quite selfish when it comes to sex
wants you to suck him off all the time
He just loves looking down at your little pathetic tear and spit coated face as you suck on his big fat cock
King of praise and degradation
"look at my pretty little whore, sucking daddys cock so well"
"spread your legs slut"
so forces you to warm his cock when you've been a bad girl
and makes you ride his thigh when you're being a desperate slut
always cums inside you
he's not very vocal but you can get the occasional groan or curse out of him
lasts scarily long
will have sex anywhere, anytime
he has such a high sex drive
why do I get the vibe he has made you grind on his boot before
he's a kinky bitch and is probs into petplay of some form
"pups don't talk. now, if you lick daddys shoes clean he might just fuck your desperate little pussy"
just wants to see you panting on your knees below him as you obey his every command
will fuck your little pussy like there's no tomorrow
"good puppy, taking it so well for daddy"
will bend you over his knee and spank you as a punishment
and make you count aloud
and thank him
"now, bratty girls have to be punished, count out loud and be sure to thank master for teaching you how to behave"
"pup, I can't quite hear you, should sir up it to 25 spanks?"
his aftercare is okay
cuddles, water and maybe a shower but thats pretty much it
I'm sorry this turned out to be utter filth 😭
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starlightkun · 10 months
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i do not allow reuploads, reposts, or translations of my works. i cross-post to ao3 and wattpad. i do not take requests. i write for fun and for free. feedback is of course welcome and greatly appreciated, please feel free to send me an ask, reblog, or comment!
if you're looking for a fic and can't find it, check my archive masterlist
PLEASE READ/INCLUSIVITY: unless explicitly stated otherwise in the genre tags, all of my reader-inserts use she/her pronouns, and are commonly referred to with gendered language such as girl, woman, etc. i do not make references to the reader's skin tone. i tend to avoid describing how the reader-insert takes up space (height or size) but if i do, the only members that i may explicitly depict as taller than the reader-insert are those that are 180cm or above (johnny, jaehyun, jungwoo, sungchan, jisung, and maybe sicheng if i'm feeling extra nice)
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recent work | recommended work
word count 2024: 244.6k | blog word count: 1.059M
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nets: blankjournal
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f - fluff a - angst m - mature/heavy themes (i do not write smut, but not everything here will be appropriate for all ages, proceed with caution and read all warnings provided at the beginning of fics) h - humor/crack fic ✦ - author favorite
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the starlightkuniverses
➺ series of multiple fics that take place in the same universe. pick your favorite member or read them all
➺ the strawberry sunday anthology (f, m, h, ✦)
modern magical creatures au, modern fantasy au, college au ── fairy!jungwoo, vampire!kun, werewolf!jeno, dragon!jisung, werewolf!sungchan, human!renjun, and basilisk!mark * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
➺ the ayakashi series (f, a, m)
based off the otome game 'ayakashi romance reborn,' modern yokai au ── tengu!jeno, oni!kun, human!jaehyun, and snow spirit!doyoung * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
➺ sleepless cinderella (f, a, m)
based off wayv's dream launch plan videos and the otome game 'sleepless cinderella' ── pilot!kun, surgeon!ten, actor!sicheng, director!dejun, robotics engineer!kunhang, and f1 racer!yangyang * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
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special events
➺ 2023 hallmark movie marathon (f, a)
christmas-themed, new years-themed ── three (and a half) fics with very cheesy hallmark movie-esque premises and tropes for the holiday season, all starring kun * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
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qian kun
➺ frankenstein complex (f, m) ── 67.9k
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➺ sweet girl (f, m, ✦) ── 53.9k
from the ayakashi series, oni!kun, onmyoji!reader ── in which you have to juggle love, friends, school, and a great evil that could destroy your city * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
➺ romance is dead (f, m, h, ✦) ── 19.4k & 10.3k sequel
part of the strawberry sunday universe, vampire!kun, human!reader, "uh-oh one of us drank a love potion" but with a twist, strangers(ish) to lovers ── in which there’s a mix-up with a love potion, and you're suddenly being courted by a several-hundred-year-old vampire. it's not all sonnets and bouquets, though, as you're keenly aware that kun's love could turn to thirst. and maybe you wouldn't mind if it did * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here | sequel
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➺ much mistletoeing about nothing (a, f) ── 7.6k & 1.9k sequel
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➺ hold my red heart (f) ── 3.4k
christmas-themed, fake dating trope, f2l ── in which you need some help getting rid of a very persistent coworker, and what better way than bringing your boyfriend to the office christmas party? only problem, you don't have a boyfriend. enter kun. * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
➺ [WIP...] the bite (f, a, m)
single dad!kun, single mom!reader, e2l, slice(s) of life ── in which kun's son bites yours at preschool, and you want nothing to do with this 'mr. qian'
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kim doyoung
➺ snowflake (f, a, m) ── 75.3k
from the ayakashi series, snow spirit!doyoung, onmyoji!reader ── in which you experience both great love and great loss, and learn how to battle hypothermia * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
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➺ sleepless cinderella (f, a, m) ── 13.8k
from the sleepless cinderella series, surgeon!ten, journalist!reader ── in which you become your own cinderella one night, with six prince charmings to choose from * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
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jeong jaehyun
➺ s.c.s. (f, m) ── 66.2k
from the ayakashi series, human!jaehyun, onmyoji!reader, childhood friends to lovers ── in which jaehyun's just always been a family friend, the son of your dad's friend. so why are you so nervous around him now? why are you thinking about kissing him so much? and oh yeah, what's up with all those evil wraiths? * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
➺ valentine boy (f) ── 5.0k
rich kid!au, childhood friends to lovers ── in which you’re reunited with your childhood friend and refuse to let him go this time * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
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dong sicheng
➺ sleepless cinderella (f) ── 13.5k
from the sleepless cinderella series, actor!sicheng, journalist!reader, fake dating, e2l ── in which you become your own cinderella one night, with six prince charmings to choose from * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
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kim jungwoo
➺ strawberry sunday (f, ✦) ── 28.4k
part of the strawberry sunday universe, fairy!jungwoo, human!reader, f2l, one (1) tease and one (1) idiot to lovers, slow burn ── in which you, all your friends, and your stupid massive crush on jungwoo go stay in one beach house together for spring break. you're determined to make it out with your secret in tact. but... has jungwoo always looked at you like that? touched you this much? like that? he can't be... flirting with you? * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
➺ second first kiss (f) ── 2.0k
new year's-themed, model!jungwoo, childhood f2l, drabble, gn!reader ── in which you spend every new year's with your best friend jungwoo. except the past couple years he's missed the target on his friendly new year's peck on the cheek, and you can't get him out of your head now * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
➺ [WIP...] finders keepers (f, m)
sci-fi, alien!jungwoo, human!reader, soulmate au but make it aliens ── in which you've never been good at keeping your nose out of trouble, and a spaceship crashing a few meters away from you is right up your alley. the alien inside claiming that you're his soulmate might finally put you out of your depth, though
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mark lee
➺ baby fangs (f) ── 26.7k
part of the strawberry sunday universe, basilisk!mark, sphinx!reader, strangers to lovers, age gap (older reader) ── in which a desperate mark knocks on your door one night when he gets locked out of his friends' apartment, and you get way more than you bargained for in return. you hardly expect that the cute infatuation he displays for you immediately would be anything more; nor that you'd ever find yourself falling for the basilisk and his baby fangs too * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
➺ invested (a, f) ── 23.1k
ft. donghyuck, love triangle, matching tattoo soulmate au ── in which you're convinced that you don't have a tattoo, and that you're in love with lee donghyuck * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
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xiao dejun
➺ sleepless cinderella (f) ── 14.4k
from the sleepless cinderella series, director!dejun, journalist!reader, childhood friends to lovers ── in which you become your own cinderella one night, with six prince charmings to choose from * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
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wong kunhang
➺ savior (f, h, ✦) ── 24.3k
royal au, prince!kunhang, princess!reader, "you saved me, so now i'm your problem" ── in which you really should've read up on the customs of your neighboring kingdom before visiting * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
➺ sleepless cinderella (f) ── 11.1k
from the sleepless cinderella series, robotics engineer!kunhang, journalist!reader, e2l ── in which you become your own cinderella one night, with six prince charmings to choose from * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
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huang renjun
➺ dr_magic2303 (f, h, m) ── 18.3k
part of the strawberry sunday universe, human!renjun, siren!reader, academic rivals to lovers ── in which a mysterious user by the pseudonym of dr_magic2303 starts popping up on your university’s online forums. you’re determined to get to the bottom of their identity, so you decide to enlist the help of your academic rival for the past four years, huang renjun * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
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lee jeno
➺ featherbrain (f, m) ── 48.3k
from the ayakashi series, tengu!jeno, onmyoji!reader ── in which you can't believe you've fallen for this stupid, stupid tengu * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
➺ tongue-tied (f) ── 17.4k
strangers to lovers, model!jeno, journalist!reader, reworked version of old sleepless cinderella route ── in which you find yourself getting sucked deeper and deeper into an article in order to ignore the scarily personal part that won't seem to leave you alone * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
➺ pupsick (f, m) ── 11.8k & 8.8k sequel
part of the strawberry sunday universe, werewolf!jeno, human!reader, f2l, bakery au ── in which jeno's sick and insists that you're the only one that can take care of him. but according to your only other werewolf friend, you're also what's making him sick * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here | sequel
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lee donghyuck
➺ invested (f, a) ── 23.1k
ft. mark, love triangle, matching tattoo soulmate au ── in which you're convinced that you don't have a tattoo, and that you're in love with lee donghyuck * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
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na jaemin
➺ the golden fruit duology (f) ── 32.0k
nades au, hades!jaemin, human!reader, persephone allegory ── in which you think you're trading away a third of your life for your dream job but get much, much more * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
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liu yangyang
➺ speedometer (f, ✦) ── 14.1k
street racer!yangyang, college au ── in which you meet someone who sends your heart racing * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
➺ sleepless cinderella (f, a) ── 12.9k
from the sleepless cinderella series, f1 racer!yangyang, journalist!reader ── in which you become your own cinderella one night, with six prince charmings to choose from * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
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jung sungchan
➺ buzzer beater series (f, m, ✦) ── 75.1k, completed
college au (and after), hockey captain!sungchan, chronically ill!reader (migraines) ── in which you swear you’re only going to the joint halloween party being hosted by the hockey team and nu chi tau for a few minutes just to say hi to sungchan, but as can be expected with your life, something goes horribly, horribly wrong * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
➺ the soulmate factory (f, a, ✦) ── 28.9k
science fantasy au, soulmate au (red string), star crossed lovers, mystery ── in which you work at The Soulmate Factory, pressing all the buttons when you’re supposed to, changing strangers’ fates. until one day a red string appears on your finger, and you know something has gone horribly wrong. employees of The Soulmate Factory are explicitly barred from participating in the program. on top of hiding it from your coworkers and bosses, you also have to investigate how this even happened and undo it, before you lose your job and before you meet your soulmate * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
➺ changer (f, a) ── 22.3k & 25.5k sequel
part of the strawberry sunday universe, werewolf!sungchan, human!reader, slowish burn, blind date ── in which you and sungchan are set up on a blind date, and it goes terribly. but a chance second meeting could reignite the spark of... friendship? well shit. * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here | sequel
➺ that hot (f) ── 17.2k
meet-ugly, strangers to lovers, forced proximity (long car trip, vacation, etc.) ── in which you first get introduced to sungchan at a friend's party, but you just don't trust guys who are that hot. scene cut, and he's driving you to a cabin in the mountains that your entire friend group will be staying at for two whole weeks. then you miss your exit. then his car gets a flat tire. * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
➺ filler episodes (f) ── 16.6k & 9.5k sequel
band au, drummer!sungchan, normie!reader, badboy x good girl but make it loserboy x girlfail ── in which your whole life has felt like filler episodes, and you're tired of living like that. enter jung sungchan, part-time bookstore worker, part-time tea shop employee, and part-time drummer for a local underground punk band. he's everything you're not, and as soon as he's wedged himself into your life, you find that you don't want him to go * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here | sequel
➺ tourist trapped (f) ── 2.4k
enemies to lovers (or are they...) ── in which your day out at the fair with your friends somehow ends up with you stuck at the top of the ferris wheel with the one person you'd been avoiding, sungchan. but you're not avoiding him for the reason that all your friends think you are... * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
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park jisung
➺ [NEW] pur autre vie (a, f, m) ── 26.1k
paranormal/supernatural au, ghost!jisung ── in which you inherit your stepdad's house under the condition that you can live there for as long as you take care of your mother. at first, you think her belief that the house is haunted is just her declining mind playing tricks on her. but the longer you're there, the more you start to think something isn't right... * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here | [WIP...] sequel
➺ the dragon's happily ever after (f, h) ── 17.4k
part of the strawberry sunday universe, dragon!jisung, human!reader, f2l, secret relationship/fake not dating trope ── in which you and jisung sort of forgot to tell your nosy friends that you're dating, but realize it's the perfect opportunity to give them a little taste of their own medicine. they're trying to set you two up, while you're trying to see how long it takes them to notice that you're already dating. cue the shenanigans * :✧˚ ·♡. ─── read here
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exactlyyoungchaos · 5 months
till forever falls apart.
bestfriendSimon x F!Reader
Part 2.
CW: Character death, trauma, angst, inaccurate military stuff, fluff, probable smut, mental health issues. Proceed with Caution!!!!!
(not proofread, it's 4.30 in the morning here)
It's been five months, six days, twelve hours, and counting since you reunited with Simon in that cafe. Life has been great since then.
He has changed a lot, he's quieter, more gruff, and talks through grunts only. he had scars both physically and emotionally, but you didn't care about any of that. He was your Simon, the only boy you ever loved.
he told you a lot about his life after you left, his job, his teammates his scars, but there were still many things to know and love. You told him stuff about your life, and now that you had him again, all you had was time. to live your life and grow old with him.
he promised you that this assignment would be the last one, after that, he was all yours.
you didn't want him to quit something he loved. but all he said was "It's bout' time love. I have you now, I don't need anything else."
The day you sent him off was very emotional for you. you had just met him again and didn't wanna let him go. You wanted to stay with him.
It was lonely after he left, it felt like somebody took oxygen away from you making it hard to breathe again. His letters and short calls were the only things that kept you from spiraling into depression but you pulled through, just for him.
now you were waiting for his return eagerly. This was the last time you'd ever have to. After this, it was just you and him.
You hadn't heard from him in a few days but you knew he would return today. You cleaned the whole apartment, made his favorite meal, and wore his favorite dress of yours to welcome him.
you were still fussing over the food as your doorbell rang. your heart skipped a beat in excitement. why is he ringing the doorbell? you mused as you went to open the door. Maybe he lost his keys or something...
You opened the door. " welcome back, Si...." but confusion slammed into you when you realized it wasn't Simon but his captain John Price, standing in his full glory.
It was easy to recognize him after Simon had shown you so many pictures of him and his teammates.
"Captain? What are you doing here? Where's Simon? he didn't tell me his team was coming too but it's alright..."
"love" he cuts you off in a soft voice, eyes full of emotion.
That's when you see it, the dog chains in his hand. The same chain Simon had around his neck. You look at him and understanding dawns on you.
"I'm so sorry, luv," he starts
but you stop him.
" No. this isn't funny Mr. Price. Where is he? Where Simon?" you asked harshly.
your heart was beating out of your chest, your vision got blurry.
One look at his face and it all came crashing down.
No, no, no, no. This isn't happening. you kept chanting in your head as Simons's words came back rushing to you
"This's the last one lovie, after that, it's you and me."
He wasn't gone. he can't be gone. you just got him back.
You felt the world tilting on its axis and suddenly two strong arms held you up.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" a soft voice whispered above you. You didn't care about any of that.
He was gone. Simon was gone. Just like that.
You felt John sitting you down on the sofa and he knelt in front of you.
you looked at him. looked at the man who came to tell you that your future would not be here anymore.
"How?" is all you managed to get out. Simon wasn't a rookie, he didn't make mistakes. He was The Ghost.
"Took the bullet meant for Soap," he told you softly.
Soap. you knew that name, but none of it was registering.
Simon is dead. He left you. Permanently.
you can't sit on the laptop and stalk every Simon in the world in hopes of finding yours. he was gone. the one person you gave your whole life searching for, is gone, not coming back.
why? why did this always happen to you? you never asked anything from anyone, never meant bad for anyone. never cursed anyone, then why?
Why would the universe do this do you? take the one thing that kept you going all these years. Do you not deserve it? was your destiny cursed like this?
you gave everything up just for him, sacrificed everything, your life, your innocence all to just find him and when you finally did, he was taken away from you.
why was this world so cruel? what have you done to deserve this? Is this a sign? your life was over now. was this the end?
tears kept coming out of your eyes as you sat and stared at the wall. you didn't scream or shout. just sat there and willed that this nightmare would be over. but it didn't.
John sat there, in front of you, looking at your state. Simon told him all about his bird. That he found her again.
"Gonna lock her down Cap'n, the second I get out of here."
But he didn't make it out. John failed him, he failed his team. Now that he stared at your faraway gaze, he realized that he failed you too.
but none of that mattered to you. You couldn't feel anything but everything at the same time.
you were numb but every part of you ached for something that's gone. Claws were ripping your insides out. Your heart ripped out from you. You were bleeding inside, and all of the wounds you had acquired over the years that were not on your skin were open and throbbing.
and no one was to blame.
It was in the lines of your hands and the scroll of your fate to never have something you want. You hoped and prayed that this time it would be different. But it wasn't.
everything you touch becomes sick with sadness or death. you weren't worthy of any grace by the universe.
so it took away the only person you ever called yours. The only one who knew you for who you are. what you are.
He was gone, all that was left of him was the memory of his faint chuckle and the crinkle in the corner of his eye when you said something ridiculous, the rumble in his chest when you hugged him, the feel of his lips on your own, his clothes in the closet that you shared and the house that was in his name. nothing else.
you had nothing else anymore.
I hope you guys liked it. I'm still writing part 3 of Loml. so enjoy this in the meantime.
I'm struggling with where to take this story next. Do you guys have any ideas? if you do, please suggest them in my inbox. And do tell me if you want to be tagged in the next part.
Thank you so much for reading!!!!
Until next time!!!
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Black Light 1
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Warnings: namecalling, violence, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: someone said August.
Part of The Club AU
It's retro night. You're looking bomb, feeling fly, ready to get groovy. In a manner of speaking. Platforms, short skirt, a crop top with a faux fur bolero. You are channeling your inner Cher Horowitz.
It's your nineteenth birthday and you can drink your ass off. At last. It's your time. The best days of your life are ahead of you.
Not only are you vibing, you have your posse, your trio of thots. You're not the queen bee but you're a great sidekick. The Regina George of the group is definitely Amanda and her svelte blond hair, but you'd say Kamlai is more the Gretchen Wieners than you.
You smile at the bouncer, a man with a derisive look on his eye that makes you want to dissolve into sand or dust. Whatever. Maybe a nice eerie fog so you can float away. You only catch half his face as he keeps in the shadows, waving in coeds and a few middle-aged creepers.
You wish you got the nice one with the belly. You wait for the silent man to scowl at your ID. He holds it up beside you before he flicks it back to you.
"Thank you, sir," you catch the plastic card against your chest, his eye glinting towards your cleavage.
"Go," he growls and waves forward the next eager club goer.
"Oop, okay, sorry," you make a gesture like Betty Boop, raising your shoulders as you kick a foot up, "have a great night!"
He grumbles and you quickly run to catch up with Kam and Amanda. The pulsing music embraces you and you feel the energy flow into you. This night is gonna be awesome!
"You guys have to make sure to get pics of me!" Amanda hollers above the beat, "with the cutest guy I can find. Seth can eat his heart out."
You shake your head, shrugging off your disappointment. It's supposed to be your day but somehow Amanda always finds her way into the spotlight. You're not going to worry, you're all about fun!
You get your first round of drinks and find a seat. Amanda drinks her pink martini as she scopes out the room. She blows a nonplussed raspberry.
"Ugh, not finding any hunky fuckboys," she rolls her eyes, "I mean, I need someone super fucking hot."
"Don't we all," Kam giggles as her eyes rove, "how about an older guy?"
"Hm?" Amanda gives a pout and twists around to follow Kamlai's gaze. She tilts her head back and forth.
"Not too bad, I'll take the middle one," she winks, "you two can fight over who doesn't get specs."
You look at Kam then back to the three men along the wall. Amanda must be referring to the one with the spiky hair and glasses. He's cute but you're not really into the leering type.
"It's my birthday," you say as Amanda's already on her feet.
You peek at the third guy, sandy brown hair and bright blue eyes. He's not bad. Besides, you just have to dance, Amanda can do all the wants but you're not that kinda gal. You're too damn weird to be the hookup type.
"Fine," Kam rolls her eyes, "I'll take the nerd."
You grab the stranger's hands and once more drag them off your ass. You put them on your waist and give him a look. Dude, really, take a hint.
Well, he's not a stranger stranger. His name is Cole and he likes flowers. Adorable but still, a bit too old for you.
You turn, an excuse too look around at your friends as you shimmy your hips. Kam isn't as detered as she originally let on and Amanda is gone. Alright…
"How about a drink?" Cole startles you as he leans forward to yell in your ear, "I think I owe the birthday girl at least one."
"Oh, uh, alright," you turn back to him, "sure, I needa sit down anyway."
You follow him to the bar and wait by his arm as he orders. Fuck Amanda, really? Where is she?
"Here," Cole turns back to you, handing over the bright blue cocktail, "birthday special."
You nod and smile. You look at the slice of orange hooked over the edge and sniff the sweet drink. You put your lips to the straw but before you can take a sip, it's torn out of your grasp.
"Hey fucker," the snarl bites through the breakdown of the Cyndi Lauper classic.
A large figure pushes between you and Cole, throwing the drink in his face as he sputters. You gape in surprise and look up as the bouncer stands between you and your erstwhile dance partner. He grabs the smaller man by the collar, knocking his drink to the floor.
"Get the fuck outta here."
The bouncer shoves Cole into a stool and rolls his shoulders. You have no idea what's going on. Cole gulps and looks between you and the large man, himself not by any means small but taking a quick hint. He scrabbles away as you check your feet, a few drops of alcohol on your shoes.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to take drinks from strangers," the bouncer turns with a bark, "fucking bimbo."
You frown at the insult but can't muster a response before he storms away. You peer down at the puddle of the cocktail then spin to see the bouncer disappear through the door. Huh, he must've seen something you didn't. You should've known Cole was a creep. You just hope his friends aren't the same.
331 notes · View notes
lyrenminth · 5 months
Quiet love 4/?
+18 some parts are smut. Proceed with caution.
You must know already. You could notice it underneath the stern frown and the politeness.
Justin was touch-starving.
He would touch you every time he was closer to you. He loved cuddle time and making breakfast together so he could grabbed your waist or touch your butt and pretend it was an accident. He would stand behind you, his warm chest glued to your back, to help you to reach something from the cabinets.
Since his job was so demanding he was trying a better quality time. You went for walk around the neighborhood or things like that. You couldn't wait for the off-season.
Things changed a little bit. For example, the kisses and hugs. His body was free to touch as well as yours. In the house, it was your little paradise.
Outside, he was different more tense and reserved. You still haven't meet his teammates.
You were ok with that. The season was three months away to finish and you didn't want to put pressure.
He was almost never home. You texted more, or make video calls when he was available.
Justin was so kind to explain you his moods during the season and how to handle it. And you were so grateful for that. You already knew things about the NFL, the schedule and administrative stuff so he didn't have to explain everything to you.
"If we lose, just hug me" he said one night when you were cuddling together. Your head was on his chest, and he was touching your arm absentmindedly "If we win, we can have something delicious to eat. Sometimes I just want to be here and pretend I don't have to play a big game on Sunday"
"It's very stressful, isn't?"
He nodded, and you couldn't resist to kiss his pouty mouth.
"I'm proud of you"
"Thank you"
"Really, Justin"
"You make things easier" a shadow crossed his eyes. "What?" you asked him.
"I remember when you told me you were leaving to Michigan" he stated in a low voice "I...felt butthurt for a while. To be honest, I felt I was losing you"
"Yeah? I know we agree to go to Oregon together" you remembered, feeling bad. "Sorry"
"No, no. I understand now"
"Did you miss me?"
"Yes" his voice sounded hoarse.
"I missed you too. But you were so busy"
"When I saw you again, during the dinner..." he left out a shaky breath "Mitch can tell you"
You laughed. "Tell me what?"
"I couldn't stop looking at you, seriously" even in the dark, you blushed. "You were like a beautiful ghost. He scold me later because I was creepy"
"Really? For me you were being your usual self"
He laughed. "Yeah, I don't know"
"To be honest, I change a lot during my time in Michigan" you confessed "But it was for the best"
"I notice you talk more" he pointed out. He put you closer if possible. "You are...more...confident? I don't know how to describe it"
"Yes, I worked a lot on me"
"Do you think I have changed?" he asked, like he didn't want to hear the answer.
"Yes, you have changed. Everyone does" you sighed and touched his pointy nose "Somehow you are still the same in certain aspects like your introversion, your sense of humor, your love for nature"
He nodded in agreement.
"I think you are right"
"I have know you for a looong time babe"
"Dont you get bored of me?" he asked, you kissed him "No, never"
The sex wasn't frequent but pretty passionate. He had a way with his mouth that made you shake and gasp for air. He had a beautiful body he didn't like to show so much even in his house, and his ass? Good God, you wanted to bite him so badly.
That morning you were making a green smoothie when he appeared in a rush only to stop when he saw you standing in the kitchen with a tank top and some shorts.
"Those are new?" he asked, getting closer and touching your ass.
You giggled your butt at him. "No"
"Damn, you legs look great"
"Bend over"
"Justin" you warn him. It was Wednesday, he arrived late yesterday and now he was heading to practice. "You need to arrive early today?"
You bend over the counter, just a little so he could watch your ass better.
"Beautiful" he whispered in awe.
You stood straight again. "Do you want a smoothie?"
"Nah, I'll have breakfast there"
"Oh, okay"
"I can eat something else though" he grabbed you by your waist and put you over the counter.
"I would love it too, but you seriously need to go to practice, the team needs you" you said against his mouth. He groaned, frustrated.
The Chargers got eliminated during the playoffs. And this was the first hard moment in your relationship with Justin. He didn't want to hear anything, he was sore and frustrated but somehow he understood the situation. The injuries and bad calls kill them.
You were trying to comfort him as he said, and since his schedule wasn't clear he still was busy doing interviews and commercials.
It was during an interview that he kinda mention he wasn't single. You weren't expecting it.
"Yeah, you know it's tough but I think you need to surround yourself with people who care about you, in this case my family and partner so the process is easier. I reminds you to stay grounded"
The following questions were about the team and so, but some fans catch up the "partner" and entire forums on internet started creating articles with crazy headlines and speculations. You couldn't resist the temptation and checked on one blog or two. You never exposed Justin on your socials, and you tried to be discreet while out but in the era of the camera nothing was private.
There was a blurry pic of you two outside a restaurant. Justin was talking on his phone and you were looking at yours.
Your stomach dropped.
Your face wasn't clear enough but Justin was recognizable for a mile away.
"This is the chick"
"I can't see shit"
"Oh my god! All my chances are ruined"
"They are standing like two feet apart I don't think they're dating"
It was true, at the time that pic was taken you were still friends. However...
"She's after the money for sure"
"She is tall like him but she seems basic"
"He deserves better tbh"
"If he starts playing bad we know why"
You stopped reading after that. The rampant misogyny made want to cry.
Justin had the day off. And you were more than happy to have him home. The energy between you was strange though, more for you than him. During the evening while he grilled some meat you spoke about it.
"I saw the interview you did with Henkins" you mention casually "I think you broke a thousand girls' heart with that comment"
He raised his eyebrow, his side grin starting to grow.
"I think it would make you happy"
You blushed. "Yes, but it's scary. I'm not sure if I want people to know me"
"Bet they would love you"
You weren happy with that. The anxiety was creeping in. "I mean I fear my privacy, my job is kinda scrict about that..."
"Don't worry, we can keep our relationship private, I like it that way"
But still wasn't enough. You change your weight between one foot and the other. He sense you uneasiness and asked: "What?"
"I just commit the mistake of reading online" he rolled his eyes and cut you "Ohh, I told you not to do it" he said displeased, your stomach twisted "Those are strangers, don't let their invalid opinion affect you"
You sighed, gulping the tears. "I don't know, I never thought how it would be...don't be mad at me"
He put the tong on the table and gave you a hug, that was enough to make you feel supported. "Sorry it's just that is something silly to do that babe. I'm not mad, just worried"
"Because you are a social media quaterback" you said recalling that critique. He laughed "You cruel, no grilled meat for you then" he slapped you ass and sent you away.
And you had a better mood.
You were standing up between his legs, he was sitting comfortably in the couch. You were talking about...you don't remember, you said something bad and he got mad then you got mad, and you went to your room to vent. In your silence you realize you were wrong, an you were acting bratty so you went down to apologize. He was mad first but then look at your legs, a dark glimpse in his eye.
Ok, he was so hot when he was angry. Hot and scary. Like he could hold you with those strong arms and manhandle you until you were all on fours...Oh, yes, you needed to say sorry first.
"Sorry, Justin. I...yeah"
"Yeah? Thats all?"
"It was wrong to get mad over something like that"
"Baby, we were talking about cats, what the hell happened?"
"I don't know" you bite your lips.
"Ok" he pondered his next move for a few seconds. "Strip" he ordered.
"What?" you said.
He was going to spank you? Like right know? and why you were reluctant to the idea? You knew he was dominat in bed, but never like this. Your heart was beating so fast and you were so wet. His eyes were feral roaming your body like a lion before eating his prey. He put a hand on his bulge, squeezing himself.
With shaky hands you obeyed, piece by piece, your lace panties were the only barrier now. Without hesitation, Justin leaned in and kiss your lower belly sending a wave of heat direct to your core. You almost squirmed.
"Justin" you pleaded.
His hand traveled across your breasts and below, until they stopped in your mount of Venus. You were shaking, horny as fuck.
"You smell so good" he said, inhaling your scent. "Let me see" his voice was low, thick and grovel. With one finger he moved your panties aside, only to see how soaked you were. "Oh, my poor girl. I've leave you unattended, don't I?"
"Yes" you moaned when his fingers touched your clit.
"But you deserved it after acting like that?"
"Please" you sounded so needy that if you weren't so horny you would feel the shame.
His finger started rubbing your clit in the motion that make your knees weak. You started moving your hips to match the touch.
"So damn pretty"
Your uneven breath and the slick sounds were the only thing you could hear. Your legs started shaking your walls clenching around nothing. When you came apart Justin made you sit on his strong legs.
You looked instinctively for his lips, but he held you steady against his legs.
"Justin" you pleaded, touching his bulge. You wanted him in your mouth. You wiggled your ass to move away and kneel in front of him. When he let you, you didn't waste time to pull down his pants. His erection stood up, and you take the shaft with your hand, you gave him a few pumps before looking at him. His eyes were darker but he was fully confident.
"Do you like my cock, don't you?" you never could have guessed Justin was a dirty talker, but he was and excellent at it.
"Let me show you" you tongue made to job.
You licked his shaft up and down. Enjoying the little sounds he made. He was thick and hot in your mouth. He grabbed your hair and guided your mouth so you could take him deeper, until your eyes started getting watery. You loved when he was in control. He released you, and you took a few breaths before going down again. "Oh, yes...oh my god" he groaned. Justin stood up taking you with him and kissed you ferociously. "Show me that pretty ass, don't you?" he demanded. You obeyed, sitting on the couch carefully trying not to lose your balance. He stood up behind you, so he could see everything. You wiggled your ass to tease him, but suddenly stopped when he spank your ass kinda hard. You gasped, feeling hot the spot he hit. "Oh, my..." he started caressing your ass again. "Tell why do you apologize?"
"Because I call you an unreasonable prick" you cried. Another spank that made you flinch. Your walls were clenching around nothing and you couldn't understand why this was turning you on so bad. "And leaving without talking" the soft caresses after the spank were the best.
You felt long finger opening your folds, looking for your clit. "Don't look back" he ordered. You cried helpless. Two fingers were inside you now, pushing gently. It felt so good you almost purred from contentment. "You're so wet" he said again. He was using both hands, one to stimulate your clit while the other finger you. You were growing hotter and hotter by each minute. Whimpering and moaning. Your gaze started getting cloudy when he stopped.
He. Stopped.
"What? No, no, no" you cried "please continue this feel so good"
"I don't think so" he stated, calm.
"What?" you said getting angry. He took his pants down and move behind you, and spank you one last time then you feel his cock in your entrance "I'm an unreasonable prick, remember?"
"I said sorry" you cried.
"And I forgive you" he said sliding in, you felt stretched and full, but you missed his hand touching your clit it was better, more intense. You had to grab the edges of the couch when he started thrusting so hard into you. He was so fierce that you forgot how to talk or think properly. You could only feel the wonderful friction between your bodies.
"Yes, yes, yes" you said, your face against the couch. When his pace slowed down and his hand searched for your clit, rubbing it gently you were in a state of ecstasy. You clenched your walls around him, he hissed and spanked you again. But you were ascending to heaven for the second time to even care. You moaned his name, and he increased the rhythm. "You. Are. Mine" he said between every thrust.
"Yes, yes!" you cried. You felt his cock twitch inside you confirming his climax, and he laid down over you for a second . His heavy breathing was on your neck, and he hugged you from behind.
You stayed like that for a few minutes.
It was too early to say "I love you"? You wondered because that's what you were feeling. Justin slip out and turned you around. Your lazy smile made him laughed. "Do you want water?" he said, standing up in all his naked glory. What a man. He was a Michelangelo sculpture for sure.
"Yes, please"
Justin was into aftercare too. And your heart couldn't handle his attentiveness. He cleaned you and help you to put your clothes on. Brought you water and snacks, and cuddle with you.
When you both were in your little bubble, you felt like nothing could go wrong.
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
hii:D can i request kaeya kaveh and scara with a reader who's appetite fluctuates a lot like sometimes they'll feel like they're never full and sometimes they'll barely eat and they feel bad abt it?
im not sure if you actually write for kaveh and scara so obv nvm that if you don't i also really love you're writing i get excited whenever i see you're work (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
i see scaramouche as. kinda mean/tough love sort of a way so if that doesnt jive w you maybe proceed w caution!!
Kaeya/Kaveh keep a general idea of how many times you've eaten in a day or what you've eaten if you're having a day with a low appetite. If you don't feel like eating a lot then when you do feel like eating he'll try to make the little you do eat nutritious so you don't end up feeling too bad about it. He'll remind you that even though you didn't eat a lot, you did manage to eat something good for you.
If he can't help you eat better he'll tell you that eating something is better than nothing. Anything to help alleviate any of the anxiety you might have if you aren't eating enough.
If you're having a day where you're eating a lot he'll just try to make you slow down in between meals. He's hoping that way you're eating because you feel hungry, not just because you're bored. It's also meant to help prevent some stomachaches you might get from eating too much food.
He tries to help manage any symptoms that may arise from your fluctuating appetite, not wanting to make worse the negative feelings you already have. That way, your body at least manages to feel a little bit better.
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Scaramouche is a little harsher in his means. He doesn't understand why you can't just ignore the urges you have or the lack of appetite. If you aren't hungry then don't eat, and if you are too hungry then eat. If you don't want to eat a lot then don't eat a lot. It's reductionist in a way the way he sees things, but the look on your face makes it obvious to him that that's not exactly what you want to hear.
He ends up just finding you food to eat when you're hungry or just bringing it to you without saying much. When you start to feel funny he just tells you to stop and slow down and that if you are still starving the food will still be there. He's trying to encourage you slowing down if you feel like you need to but in a very roundabout way.
If you're not eating enough then he just keeps bringing you snacks and other things for you to eat. If you don't eat he just looks at you expectantly, waiting for you to at least take a bite. You do it just because him glaring at you isn't great, but it does help your headache so you can't stay mad at him.
It's very tough love, but you've learned that it really is a way of him caring. You like that about him and you know that if you just sift through the surface of his words then you'll quickly find out what he's actually trying to tell you.
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hopefuloverfury · 10 months
could you write something about your first kisses with the bachelor/ettes? I feel like you're the only blog who characterizes them well ugh
Hey, anon. Sorry for disappearing on you, that’s my bad. I hope this is worth the wait. 
Honestly, I try not to look at a lot of other stardew blogs because someone else’s opinion of a character can pretty heavily influence my own interpretations—however—Jo, Beets, Snail and Bom are all great, and I can’t recommend them enough. (Minors do not follow/interact with Jo or Beets, and Bom and Snail don’t want any kiddos interacting with their NSFW stuff, so don’t do that either. Be nice and respect everyone's boundaries.) But besides them, I’ve got nothing. Maybe some good samaritans will drop a few more users in the notes for you? But as always I appreciate the love, anon.
There’s cursing (my fault), a little bit of dialogue, and some suggestive moments (also my fault), but it isn't bad so I’ll settle with a “Minors Proceed With Extreme Caution” warning. I know that some of the bachelors have a proper kiss in their heart events, but I like my ideas more so we’re gonna ignore those lmfao.
Out of all of the bachelors, he’s the most nervous
Which is ironic, given the “jump-head-first-into-things-with-no-care-for-my-personal-safety” vibe he’s got going on, but whatever
He refuses to touch you, at first—but not because he doesn’t want to
Sam is an extremely tactile person, so of course he wants to touch you—but he also knows he can be a bit much sometimes, and he doesn’t want to chase you off with his greed or his enthusiasm
So he goes for soft, gentle, and perfectly pliant under your touch as you pull him in
It’s honestly a little jarring, because he seems the type to get desperate (true) and not be able to control himself (also very true)
But this boy is exercising an immense amount of self control to not jump headfirst into getting heavy and fast and yanking on clothes too hard
He does a good job keeping himself contained atta boy, buddy
He thought that once he’d finally gotten a taste of you, maybe he’d finally be able to think about literally anything else
Unfortunately, he would be incorrect
And now that he has experienced it, he’s overwhelmed and dizzy with his want
He keeps his eyes closed and basks in it for at least five seconds after you pull away
He is absolutely heaving, wrecked just from the tiniest chaste press of your lips against his
He’s been waiting for you to do that for weeks
His eyes flutter open slowly, and then his gaze flicks up to you
Licks his lips as he tracks his eyes down your torso and back up
His palm is warm against the back of your neck as he pulls you down for seconds
And yeah, this is more like how you thought it’d be
Does not stop pulling you against him, even though you physically couldn’t get any closer if you tried
Your shirt gets rucked up to your waist untintentionally, because he keeps gripping you and yanking you closer
But the moment he feels your bare skin against his palms, he’s flinging himself backward
Blinks up at you with bright pink cheeks and his hands twitching against your waist
Swallows hard and clenches his jaw
He knows he should let go but he really doesn’t want to
If you lean back in, he drags his hands up slowly, and traces the line of your spine with his fingertips
I’ll stop there lol
This boy. Jesus.
He’s got next to no experience, let’s just get that out of the way now
Is immediately overwhelmed, even before you kiss him
Just the feeling of your palms warm on his jaw as you angle him just so is enough to have him trembling
Stares at your lips through half-lidded eyes until you finally finish closing the distance
Shivers at the slightest brush of your lips against his
He gasps high and can’t even find it in himself to be embarrassed by it
Grabs onto your hips for dear life
He is immensely glad that you decided to kiss him while he was leaning on his bike, because otherwise he would have collapsed at your feet he might collapse anyway
Lord help him if you try to deepen the kiss though
If you do, he might actually pass out
Similarly to Sam, he’s going to get desperate after a minute, but he’ll hold himself back
He’ll have way less success with it than Sam, though
Sebastian definitely holds you a little too tight, and doesn’t give you enough space or time to breathe between kisses
Even if you don’t touch him beyond holding his face, when you pull away, he looks absolutely debauched
Like you could’ve sworn your hands were never in his hair but somehow it’s still ruffled?
Nevermind his hoodie sitting askew on his shoulders and giving a considerable peak at his collarbones
Honestly you don’t know how he managed to do all that, but don’t bother asking him because he is not able to think straight at all
His eyes are hardly open, blinking slowly and zoned absolutely the fuck out while he tries to catch his breath
Homeboy is straight up panting
“Breathe, Seb.”
Whines out a “no” all petulantly, pulls you flush against his chest, and dives in again
Homeboy spent weeks fantasizing about kissing you before he finally worked up the courage
He wants your first kiss to be special, like something straight off the movie screen
But he’s constantly second guessing himself, convinced that no moment is perfect enough to cut it
He’s hoping that the moment will come when you’re on a date or something, and he’s planning romantic shit left and right with the hopes that something will click and that’ll be it
He’s dropping you off at home after another date, and another failed attempt
He walks down your porch and turns around briefly to make sure you get inside safely
You’re watching him go, a knowing smile on your face as you reach for the handle
“Goodnight, Alex. Get home safe.”
You lick your lips, and turn to go inside
That’s what does it. Because of course it is.
The urge, the determination, the sudden desire thick and pooling in his chest that he’s never felt before—he knows without a doubt that if he doesn’t kiss you right now, he’s going to cry
Fuck perfection, fuck the moment, he just wants to kiss you
Practically stomps up your front steps, breath heaving in his chest as he reaches out and pulls you right against him with a hand on your jaw
Angling you just so, and leaning in to seal your lips together
He breathes a sigh of relief
Something like satisfaction settles in his chest, warm like honey dripping into a mug of tea
His touch is firm on your jaw, keeping you perfectly angled for him to kiss you how he wants
You hold onto his arms for dear life, anchoring yourself to him as he kisses you so eagerly that your back actually hits your front door
It doesn’t hurt, but that makes you gasp into his mouth, and oof that sound is dangerous for his sanity
Isn’t really rough about it, but he is firm
Hisses a curse or two between kisses, licks his lips a lot because he can’t get enough
Bringing your hands up around his shoulders, you tangle your fingertips in the short cropped hair on his nape
You run your fingernails over his skin lightly, and he shivers hard
Practically pins you against the door in his effort to get closer
He accidentally presses too close, and the tiniest noise rumbles against his lips from the back of your throat
He knows what that sound means immediately, and alarm bells go off in his head
Tears himself away from you and pants for breath
Drops his forehead against your shoulder and props himself up against the door instead of holding you
God, your voice is all hoarse from kissing him and it’s putting dangerous thoughts in his head
“I should go home. Before I…”
You agree, but he doesn’t move away
Your eyes flick down to his lips for a split second, and that’s enough
Just one more, he tells himself, and then you’re swapping the air in your lungs again
With one hand spread against the mahogany and the other gripping your hip, he gives you a few more than just the one
Same dilemma as Alex
Wants it to be special, dramatic, memorable, heart-stopping, all the things
And he tries
He tries so hard
And it almost works. 
God dammit, his picnic by the pond next to Marnie’s almost works
The moment is perfect, you’re smiling up at him with the breeze blowing in your hair and the sun in your smile
Until the sun is suddenly gone and the wind picks up into a howl
In almost no time at all a storm cracks the sky open and you two get absolutely drenched
You run to your farmhouse, practically soaked through as you make it to the safety of your porch awning
The picnic is ruined, and he’s super disappointed because he was so close 
Then he looks at you, and he’s never seen such a beautiful sight
Hair glued to your face from the rain, with a wild grin on your face and your laughter chiming like bells in his ears
He drops the picnic blanket heavy with rain water across the top of your porch bench to dry, and sets the basket down
He needs his hands free if he wants to do this right
He’s stepping towards you, shivering from the rain sticking to his skin
And we all know Elliott is a romantic at heart
Wipes the rain off your cheeks as best he can, all while he smiles softly at you
“May I kiss you?”
You nod quickly, immediately hooking your hands on the lapels of his jacket and hanging on
Kisses you gentle and slow
Cradles the back of your head and neck like you’re made of glass
It isn’t a particularly long kiss—maybe a few seconds at most
Breathes quietly against your lips when you part
Looks at you for a few long moments with all the love in his heart, and doesn’t plan on kissing you twice until you’re glancing at his lips again
Elliott brings his hands to your shoulder blades and presses you close to his chest
But he can’t get close enough
Drags his hands down to your waist and grips you tight
You squeak against his mouth when he does, and that’s when he loses his composure
Starts kissing you a little more firmly, tries deepening the kiss a bit
Shivers and gasps when your fingers tangle into his hair, still stringy and wet from the rain
And he doesn’t stop shivering
You pull away, feeling his shoulders shaking uncontrollably, and then you giggle because his teeth have started chattering
You invite him inside to dry off and warm up
He may or may not kiss you again.
You’d think your first kiss would be nervous and awkward—no.
Shane holds himself back for at least a few weeks into your relationship, worried out of his mind that one wrong move is gonna shatter everything for you two
So once he’s confident and knows for certain that he’s what you want,
He’s not holding back for shit
Homeboy physically can’t stand the tension anymore anyway, especially with how often he catches you staring at him—at his lips
Pulls you in by the back of your neck and keeps his hand there to hold you close
Even when he pulls away to let you catch your breath, it’s barely enough because you’re still gasping into each other’s mouths
He literally does not let you go more than an inch or two
Your lips are 100% flushed and tingling from how much he nips at them
His other hand is firm on your waist and he does not let you go unless you ask him to
Struggles to choose between looking into your eyes or staring at your lips any time you part
So he does both
His hair is usually a little scruffy looking, but something about a kiss like that has him looking particularly disheveled
Shiny pink lips, bruised and angry red from how hard he’s pressing into you
Eyebrows pinched together and it almost makes him look angry
His hoodie is probably pulling at his shoulders a bit because somehow you managed to push it down his arms
Presses his thumb against the pulse point beneath your jaw, just to make sure he’s not the only one who’s losing it
And he struggles to keep it together when he feels your heart thumping wildly in your throat
Recognizes which direction you’re both going and starts switching to chaste pecks
Rests his forehead against yours as you both calm back down
Gets a little teary while looking at you, and huffs a wet laugh too
He’s so happy with you, and doesn’t know how he got so lucky
Softest fucking kiss you’ve ever been given in your entire life
Your noses bump together a little before he’s diving in close
Holds you so delicately, because you’re so precious to him
Gives you a few test pecks before he actually goes for it, and breathes in heavily through his nose when he does
It’s the kind of kiss that has you pulling on each other to get as close as possible
He holds the back of your neck like Shane, but he’s much more gentle about it
Will let you pull away however many times you want, but chases after you every time
His eyes are all hazy and he physically cannot stop looking at your mouth
With one hand on your waist, Harvey will dip his thumb under the hem of your shirt and rub back and forth over your skin
You’ve never seen him as focused as he is when he’s kissing you
Doesn’t move to take the kiss deeper, and doesn’t use tongue—but he doesn’t need to
Just the insistent press of lips is enough to get his point across
If his glasses get pushed up or clink against your face, he’ll pull back to take them off and set them down
The tension is kind of overwhelming
Every time he tries to restrain himself or exhibit self control, it only takes one look at your big eyes blinking at him with a flush on your cheeks and he’s getting right back up in your business
You’ve never heard him curse so openly before, but trying to control himself is nearing painful
Dives in, pauses a centimeter away, swears viciously because he’s failing miserably at controlling himself, and then he’s giving up entirely
Couldn’t resist you even if he wanted to
You’ll have to be the one to put an end to it because Harvey cannot
Don’t call his name while he’s like this though because then he won’t give you a moment to speak again
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
week of september 24th, 2023
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: let's just be honest, this is a romantic week for you. don't be afraid to commit if you feel a spark; your impulsive nature actually serves you here. overthinking it isn't likely to help matters. the only problem is where there is no such spark.
taurus: this hyper-venusian week gets a boost from both jupiter and mars. if you're not romantically entangled, romance yourself. actually, that wouldn't hurt even for happily partnered taureans. let it all be fun and easy.
gemini: the equinox heralds airy libra season which gives you some breezy chill oomph that you might have been missing under virgo vibes, which can feel stuffy. a full moon in your 11th house encourages you to be active in your local community; vote or volunteer or walk your neighbor's dog, whatever makes a difference.
cancerians: while it IS a romantic and spicy week, big huge cardinal-sign vibes along the libra-aries axis all throughout the week can make this period a frenzy for you. it may be fun but it's not relaxed, and this can cause such sensitive beings as yourself some emotional distress. take care!
leo: you benefit from the good fortune of others all week. furthermore the fiery aries vibes boost your philosophical and spiritual intelligence, which can help you to be your best self and live your best life.
virgo: things that have been now float away on the breeze like a last breath. it can feel mournful, intangible, and permanent. but nothing is permanent, everything only changes form, and this week is also full of joy for you. watch for it.
libra: the start of your sign's season by solar ingress is accompanied by dazzling activity of your romantic ruling planet venus. it's a beautiful time of year, if not in meteorological terms then at least socially! don't be afraid to be seen.
scorpio: this week is all about your immediate environment. the people, the community, the land you are on, your microbiomes even. be kind to nature and strangers and siblings all alike, and be ready for helpful people to enter your life in seemingly miraculous ways.
sagittarius: the last in the recent cycle of mercury-jupiter trines occurs this week. the energy allows you to profitably tap into areas of your life or the world where you normally feel out of your element. take chances and see how you're divinely supported.
capricorn: the full moon this week is over your public-private axis. most capricorns like to keep these arenas quite separate but this moon might challenge your personal authenticity and integrity; if they start to blend together, do you run to hide things?
aquarius: venus is direct, yes, but a square by her to your ruling planet uranus this week is like your own personal red flag against sudden love moves or aesthetic changes. if you go looking for drama make sure you're ready for it to backfire. soap opera life can be fun, but enough is enough.
pisces: your themes this week are all around money and partnership. this could be separately, but most likely it is all together; a shared bank account, an inheritance from some in-laws, going into business with a friend or lover. it's not off limits but proceed with great caution.
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cosmicstarlatte · 2 years
Avatar of Guilt (Obey Me!)
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It's no secret that Lucifer felt guilt after the fall.
Seeing his brothers deal with their newly acquired sins, well, it was intense and unsettling.
»Tags:⚠️❗Mentioned Dubcon (Asmo), Depression, Heavy Dark Angst, Hurt, One Shot (640 word count)
»Note: Again, proceed with caution!
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Lucifer wasn't sure he had much of a soul anymore, but it felt like whatever was left kept tearing away every time his brothers begged him for help.
Mammon, having a meltdown every other day, begging Lucifer to make it stop. He couldn't control his greed. He was taking, taking and taking. Even from his own brothers. Lucifer knew he felt guilty that he wanted so much. "Lucifer how can I obtain everything? I want everything. I need it. I can't even sleep. It's like...a hole inside me..." Lucifer could only hold him as he sobbed, eventually giving Mammon his card that would rack up years of debt.
He worried about Levi. He's never seen the brother so...low. He use to be so much more full of life and now he was just an empty shell. He would try to visit him in his room but would get kicked out promptly.  Lucifer only knew he was breathing and kicking through the muffled ramblings that came from his room. "Why him first!? It should've been me!" "All of this was a mistake!" "No...no! NO! Get out of my head! Lucifer is great and I'm just...disgusting...no one would ever follow me..."
Satan...who even was he? He somehow had to deal with a new body who lashed out at everyone and every little thing. Could he trust him or would he hurt the others? Lucifer knew that he was a part of him. In some way, he knew he was like a son. He was responsible, he couldn't just let him loose in their new home realm. The Devildom was all they had.
Asmo...poor Asmo. Yes he remembered that uncontrollable lust in the beginning. An angel once so pure, resorted to filthy actions. It angered him and he could only listen as Asmo sobbed and begged for him to help. A way that he would never. "Lucifer...I feel so filthy...this isn't me...why? Why can't I stop? I want to and I don't want to..."
Lucifer could only turn the other way every time Asmo brought someone home. He could only pretend to not hear his sobs after.
Beel was difficult too. His brother sobbed to him from the kitchen floor. "Why isn't it enough? Why isn't it ever enough Lucifer? I'm so hungry it's painful." If it weren't for having to look after the others, Lucifer might have offered himself to satiate him, even if it only meant for a few minutes.
Belphie was the worst. He was corpse-like. Lucifer freaked out and had to check on him multiple times for weeks. Trying to get him up was agony when he looked so very dead. Every time he tried, he was afraid Belphie wouldn't wake up. Whether it was his overworking sin or depression, he couldn't tell. Maybe both? All he knew is he couldn't bear to lose another one. He did his best to be there for him. "Lucifer...it should've been me," Belphie whispered before falling unconscious once more, laying his head on his older brother. He felt so cold.
And then there was himself. Even seeing his brothers in pain...he couldn't ask Diavolo again for help. He just couldn't. It should've been easy but he refused.
He only made that step when, for the briefest moment, his brothers' angel forms seemed to flash before his eyes only to go back to see them in their miserable chaos once again.
He had to remember that they followed him and he owed it to them. He finally went ahead and swallowed his pride. He begrudgingly requested help yet again. Diavolo and Barbatos helped them manage their new feelings and guided them. That was centuries ago.
All was better now.
But sometimes, every once in a while, he catches their angelic reflection. They always look disappointingly at him.
The guilt might never go away.
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⬦You might also like: Always (Lucifer)
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xerith-42 · 6 months
Redesign the Nine Part 2
That's right babey, we're doing a part 2! Because I went outside and sat in the sun but the brain rot still consumed as it does and I had premonitions about more of the Jury members. Before we discussed ones who were completely new, reworking characters from MyStreet into MCD. This time I want to take a closer look at three Jury members who we know were part of the Jury, but lacked on screen appearances, or depth portrayed in the appearances they got.
These are members who's stories are far more shrouded in mystery. Even the elements of it I know feel... incomplete. Because characters like lying to me and refusing to let me tell their damn story.
Let's get into it.
Lilian The Silver Tongue
That's right, she isn't going to be another scythe user, that's boring as hell. Let Ivy slay with that. Instead Lilian is a rather enigmatic member of the Jury because... She didn't go through the same process. Janus, Zachary, and Ivan were all members when Zane inherited the Jury, and everyone else went through the process via the Guard Academy. But Lilian...
Lilian was found by Zane. It was a routine trip to Nahkra, just checking in on the village so close to O'Khasis' borders. A simple trip, so he only took Janus with him. While the two were in the market place, Lilian called out to Zane from her barely functional stall. What mattered was that she had a deck of tarot cards on the table, and a peculiar look about her. [proceeds to pull out my tarot cards and do a divination or two]
She didn't know anything about Zane. Lilian wasn't from Ru'aun, she was a runaway from Gal'ruk. She didn't know about Zane, or O'Khasis, just that she saw a nobleman and his guard and had a distinct feeling about them. The reading she got of him was even more fascinating that her gut feeling. She didn't even know his name and he didn't know hers but she knew there was a great mystery in front of her.
The Seven of Cups, the Five of Cups, and the Reverse Nine of Swords. Over ambition, sorrow of a loss, and the potential for time to heal.
Zane was never superstitious, but he believed in the Divine. In other realms. In the supernatural. Who's to say a deck of cards couldn't be used to predict the future, or read the inner parts of a person? These cards were accurate enough to give him pause at the explanation. Enough to make him stop and listen to the odd hooded woman who was suddenly speaking words the public had yet to hear of. They didn't know Zane's brother was dead yet, or that he had inherited O'Khasis. But her cards knew his loss.
It made Zane pay to get a better reading from her. A deeper look into him, this time with six cards that he pulled himself at her instruction. She didn't know the question Zane asked the cards, but when she read out the result, it was chilling. The question was simple; "Will my father's health get better?" The answer?
Past: The Chariot, Reversed Queen of Cups. A successful, balanced, triumphant man comfortable in his life, and a beautiful but perverse woman, not to be trusted.
Future: Reversed Fool, Knight of Wands. A hasty and impetuous man will offer a key choice, and The Seeker, be that Zane or the subject of his question, will make a foolish and disastrous choice in response to this offer. Tread with caution.
Present Attitudes: Justice, Two of Swords. A well balanced mind, body, and heart will be key to future successes. If one can keep their mind open, emotions calm, and thinking balanced, then great fortune awaits.
Lilian never gave Zane her own analysis of it, just the meanings of the cards. She left it all up to his imagination. And this was before Zane wore a mask. Even if she didn't know what he was thinking, she could see the gears turning in his head. She could see his reactions. She was piecing together who he was through these cards. He left after her reading, in an unsure position.
It was days later, when Lilian was preparing to leave and travel to another city that Zane found her again. He asked her for another reading. A simple yes or no question he wanted answered. And due to her fascination, she didn't even ask for payment. She gladly did it for him. This is a reading he didn't even let Janus witness, asking that his back be turned, and that Lilian not give him any explanation. Let the cards speak for themselves.
The answer Zane got was unsure. But he acted upon it anyway. He asked, and the cards answered. Lilian was to be the newest member of the Jury of Nine.
"What in the name of the Divine makes you think I want that?"
Lilian's retort was the final nail in the coffin. She came from nothing, she was nothing, and came to Ru'aun for nothing. Zane could offer her a proper life, an identity, a purpose. She used those cards to learn about others so she could imitate being human, and her lack of knowledge was an advantage she was keenly aware of. One Zane wanted to understand how to utilize himself. He and Lilian went back and forth for a while, but in the end he convinced her. In the end, Lilian was the first member of the Jury Zane ever assigned, and he didn't even recruit her properly.
And she instantly joined the rank of his most trusted ally at the time.
Janus the Silver Death
Janus was a member of the Jury when Garte held control, yet before that he was always assigned to help Zane. When Janus joined the Jury, he was the youngest member, the first to be freshly out of the guard academy and into the Jury. Garte preferred to bring in already hardened veterans, but he saw a ferocity in the way Janus fought, and a willingness to kill when told to do it. He was loyal and fierce. But he was young, spunky, and in need of discipline.
As was Garte's at the time youngest son, a teenage Zane. So despite attaining the best position a guard in Ru'aun can attain, Janus was given the job of babysitting body guarding the youngest Ro'meave. Awesome. He was so happy about this and it did not piss him off at all. But in spite of a... let's say less than great first impression, Janus still took the job with stride, and put his all into ensuring that Zane would be trained properly in combat.
It uhhh, didn't go that way. Instead Zane was a nerd who learned about magic and relics n shit, and Janus couldn't really stop him, but he still wanted to do his job. He still wanted to help Garte in that goal of making Zane into a potential successor for him. Janus never verbalized any confusion as to why Garroth wouldn't be more fitting of this training. In achieving this goal, Janus just encouraged Zane's interest in well, whatever nerd shit Zane was interested in. He doesn't understand any of it but Zane's clearly passionate and makes a solid case for why this is useful knowledge to have.
And when Zane becomes High Priest while Garroth is off at the Guard Academy, he selects Janus to be his top advisor. Zane hasn't even inherited the Jury yet, but he and Janus have just been doing shit together for long enough now that it just makes sense. When Zane does inherit the Jury, when Garroth fakes his death and Zane is officially named successor, Janus becomes his most trusted ally. But why does Zane trust Janus so much?
Because he doesn't ask questions. Janus was taught to be devoted to a fault, to not question his superior, and to take what he is given. When Zane asks him to go pick up the order from the butcher, he does it. When Zane asks him to help him run scenarios of taking over villages through subterfuge, he does it. When Zane asks him to slaughter an entire village while holding a probably cursed amulet so it can absorb their remaining life force or power, he does it. Unlike Zachary or Ivan, Janus wasn't loyal to Garte for very long. He is loyal to Zane.
That's why he and Lilian share the title Silver. It's a sign of loyalty to Zane, as it's his favorite color. The two members of the Jury that Zane trusts to know him on any personal level are given this title in common, even before he fully trusts either of them. He makes it mean that. I firmly believe that Zane saw almost every other member of the Jury as a pawn, or outright disposable. But Janus and Lilian? Those aren't just Jury members. Those are Zane's friends. Zane's fucked up and evil friends. Zane's friends who would help him commit war crimes.
Truly the ride or die friends of all time.
And uhh, then there's this fucking guy
Ivan the... bitch
I don't actually have a funny clever name for Ivan, I just think he's a little bitch. A little warlock bitch. I think Ivan's sick warlock powers let him get into the Jury easier, but his bitchy cocky attitude did not exactly work well with others. He was a respected fighter, but didn't often play nice with other members of the Jury, particularly Zachary who he got into a lot of fights with, and later Ivy when she joined. He was infuriating to be around, partially because he's just a massive jackass, and partially because he's so good at what he does that he gets away with being a massive jackass.
I don't have a lot to say about Ivan, I will admit. I don't have some dramatic backstory, no deeper connection with anyone, no family that's being blackmailed. Just an entitled bitch of a man. However, I did have a really interesting take about his relationship with Lucinda.
Hear me out on this; Zane finds out that he's potentially going to have to marry the heir to Pikoro. Wanting to avoid the disaster that happened when they tried to ask Garroth to marry someone he'd never met, he sends Ivan undercover into Pikoro to learn more about Lucinda and report back to Zane about his findings. His job was to just observe Lucinda, maybe talk to her once or twice, figure out what kind of person she is and whether she's actually compatible with Zane, or if this marriage is really going to be a sham.
Ivan ends up seducing her and telling Zane that she's a disloyal harlot of a witch. Because Ivan sucks. But y'know, Lucinda doesn't know about any of this, and when Ivan disappears, he lies to her. He leaves Pikoro saying that he's going back to the Academy to be a teacher there, and promises to see her again. In reality he just goes back to Zane, back to normal life, only occasionally sparing a thought for the beautiful witch he met.
And when Zane disappears with Lilian, and the Jury starts to slowly disband itself, Ivan thinks of where to go. What does he want to do with his life? Lucinda.
Good choice honestly. Prick.
That's all for today. See you losers next time when the brainrot really takes over and we tackle my favorite Jury members, who don't necessarily need redesign, but do need some fleshing out. Especially Ivy. See you then ;)
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waterfallofspace · 9 months
What A Way To Start A Year
T/im learns a little something about karma, friends, and care. Seems even J/on isn't quite as cold as he seems.
A M/agnus A/rchives fic, set somewhere pre-season 1. Shouldn't have any spoilers, but proceed with caution just incase~ (nothing late game, just character dynamic things)
Welcome to "I meant for this to be a little drabble and I wrote 3k words"~ Having a bit of hyperfixation and burn out as I started this new year, soooo I decided to make T/im suffer <3 Not promising quality seeing as I wrote this all in the span of tonight, but consider it a lil 'too long' drabble, and happy new years!
Best way to start off the new year, giving one of your lil guys a lil snz <3
Characters: T/im, M/artin, S/asha, and J/on. Word Count: 3.9k
(CW: There is some swearing, and light descriptions of high fevers)
Christmas had been good this year, maybe the best it had in a long time. Life of the party as always, Tim had enjoyed getting to spend it with his old, and new, colleagues. On top of that, Jon had been laid up with a pretty awful cold for a couple days leading up to it, so he wasn’t around to crush any brilliant ideas Tim came up with. 
This led to the budget receiving a fairly substantial hit, though many researchers donated to the cause when they learned this borrowing wasn’t exactly approved. Hell, even Elias had pitched in, claiming something or other about ‘archivists fit for the job not exactly growing on trees’, and wanting to ‘save some of Jon’s sanity’. 
“Tim? Are you even listening to me?”  
Pulled back to the conversation at hand, Tim lifts his gaze to the taller man fidgeting nervously in front of him. Martin was never one for confrontations, and usually the first ‘no’ would have been more than enough to lead to a string of apologies for even asking. Today however, he seems to have grown a spine. At the worst possible moment. 
“Oh come on,” Martin continues, missing the groan slipping from Tim’s throat. “Even Jon agreed to it!” 
“I’m not really in the party mood,” Tim retorts, leaning back in his chair. “Besides, Jon didn’t agree to celebrate, he agreed not to stop the celebration. Not the same thing.” 
From across her desk, Sasha gives a low chuckle. “He’s got you there, Martin.”
“Can you at least give it a little thought before turning it down?” Martin insists, completely out of character for someone usually so eager to please. 
What the hell has gotten into him today? He didn’t even seem to enjoy himself that much at the Christmas party. Sure, he had a few drinks and mingled with the staff, but he’d left as soon as it was over, not waiting around for chatting like Tim and Sasha.
Clearing his throat with a grimace, Tim casts Sasha a dark look as she chuckles again. Knowing far too much, as usual. Especially when it came to him. If it was anyone else, Tim would hate it with all his being, but given that it’s Sasha… well it’s a welcome invasion. 
Still, it would be nice if she didn’t rat him out. And to Martin of all people, well let’s just say he saw what happened when Jon was sick. Yeah, passing on that one. Attention is great, Tim lives for it, but the coddling? Not really his style. 
“hiEH– guh…”
Damn, that had been a close one. Thankfully Martin seems oblivious, though Sasha sits up in her chair, reaching down into a drawer to fish something out. 
Turning his focus back to Martin, Tim provides an offer, desperate to just have the interaction come to an end. 
“Fine, I’ll show up, but I don’t want any part in planning it.” 
“Oh of course, I’ll handle all the details, I mean it’s just a new years party, how much can there really be to do? I mean food, timing, gotta make sure we have keys to the building– oh but if Jon’s there, that shouldn’t be a problem…” Martin says, rambling beginning to fade into the background as Tim finds himself unable to- 
“hH– ek’CHhiew!” 
“-Oh, bless you!” Martin says, his own thoughts long forgotten. 
Unable to get a word out, Tim merely waves a hand, ducking into his shoulder for another, “eTChhew!” 
And another, “iTSChh’ew!” 
“Oh ble-” 
And another, “ehh– kTChh’iew!” 
Silently Sasha stands, handing Tim a pack of tissues. Must have been what she was looking for in the desk. Once again, knowing more than she should, of course she picked up on his patterns. 
Accepting them gratefully, Tim pulls a few out and roughly rubs at his nose, pointedly avoiding Martin’s worried gaze. Gripping his still trembling nose through the tissue, Tim sucks in a tight breath through his teeth, holding for a beat, before finally spinning around in his chair for a final- 
“hH’ETCSHh-ieuw! Whew, bless me.” 
Martin’s hands are fidgeting again, seemingly unsure of what to do with himself as Tim gives his nose a light massage through the tissue. He’s aware enough not to point it out, but is nearly shaking with the effort of suppressing his concerns. 
With a sigh, Tim meets his eyes. “I’m fine, Martin. I always sneeze like that.” He leaves out ‘when I’m sick’. It also happens if he’s suffering allergies, though he doubts that would be a point in his defense given it’s the middle of winter. 
“Yeah he’s not kidding,” Sasha pipes up, throwing Tim a wink as he glares. “You should hear him in spring, once it starts he can be going for hours.” 
“I wouldn’t say hours, Sash-” 
“Remember the cherry blossom incident?” Sasha interrupts, sending a sugary smile over to Martin. “He was wrecked for the rest of the day, I was almost certain he was never gonna stop. Even considered giving a statement here, that reaction was almost supernatural.” 
Tim winces, an audible moan slipping from his lips. “We swore to never speak of it again.” 
Sasha laughs, Tim giving her another playful glare from behind his tissues. “You swore that, I did no such thing.” 
Thankfully Martin doesn’t pry, having enough common sense to offer a polite chuckle, and offer some excuse about ‘planning’. Still, he can’t help himself from shooting a meek “I hope you feel better soon” over his shoulder, Tim giving him finger guns in return. 
“This is karma, you know,” Sasha calls after Martin’s outside earshot. “You took pleasure in Jon’s suffering, so now it’s your turn to suffer the same fate.” 
“No, thi- eTChhew! Scuse me,” Tim says, rubbing his nose with the tissue one last time before depositing it in his nearly overflowing trash can. Another tissue is plucked as his eyes begin to water, nostrils flaring with reckless abandon. Never just one. 
“kTChh’uew! hh’iTChh –uew! Tihhckles… eTCHh! etchh’uh! hiehh–” 
The last one toys with him, tracing the rims of his nostrils, back up his sinuses, a gentle itch that seems to burn against every inch of his nose. Finally, with a desperate gasp, Tim ducks into his wrist for the last, “heh’ATChhh –iew!” 
“Many blessings. Sounds like you need them,” Sasha offers with a wince, tossing another pack of tissues over, which Tim catches with a single hand, the other still gripping his nose. 
After taking a moment to clean himself up, Tim shoots her his signature smile, ignoring the eye roll she shoots back. “Where was I?” 
“Admitting this is karma?” 
“It’s not karma, it’s lack of common sense. Going to a party where a coworker is sick, and still drinking and eating the same meals” Tim says, aiming a rough cough into his sleeve. 
Sasha winces once more at the quality of the cough, hands rummaging through her drawers once more as she tosses a reply back. “And yet you’re the only one who caught it. Seems like karma to me.” 
Closing the distance between them in a single stride, Sasha places a hand on Tim’s shoulder, voice softening. “It’s two days till new years, why don’t you go home and try to get some rest? I doubt Martin will object, and I’ll cover for you with Jon.” 
Before Tim can form his rebuttal, Sasha places a box of paracetamol and a jar of vapor rub in front of him. Nodding his thanks, Tim lets out another harsh cough into his arm, leaning as far away from Sasha as he can manage. 
With a light rub to his shoulder, Sasha walks to the door, holding it open with a pointed look. “Go home, you sound awful.” 
“Alright, alright. I got the message. hH’ETchhiew!” Tim says, gathering his care package and beginning his walk down the hallway. 
“If I hear the rest of that fit happening in this building, I’m telling Martin how ill you really are,” Sasha calls after him, a smile flashing over her face as Tim holds up his hands in mock surrender, before ducking back into his arm with another muffled burst. 
“You look horrible.” 
Tim manages a weary smile from behind the tightly wound scarf. “Thagk you.” 
Martin winces, standing in the doorframe, seemingly oblivious to the winter chill soaking into Tim’s bones. Even just the walk from the train station was hell on earth, standing out here is doing him no favours. 
Turning away with a throat scraping cough, Tim manages to clear the congestion enough to finish the sentence somewhat understandably. A great feat, given how fast his voice is retreating. “May I remind you that I’m only here because you insisted.” 
“Right, well I… I didn’t know how bad-” Martin begins, realizing spreading across his face like a wildfire as a chill leaves Tim breathless. “Oh god, I’m making you freeze to death while you’re already this sick, I’m so sorry, come in, I’ll go make you a tea.” 
Tim nods his thanks as he piles inside the warm institute, cursing his aching lungs as each breath of warm air seems to burn them from the inside out. Martin rushes away, nearly crashing into a few researchers as he makes his frantic dash for the kitchen. 
The scarf is reluctantly removed, a shudder running through Tim’s back as the warm air does nothing to soothe what he’s now certain is a growing fever. A few researchers wave to him, offering some idle chit-chat as he makes his way inside.
For the most part, people give him a wide berth, apparently he looks as bad as he feels. Tissues in hand, gripping them like a lifeline, Tim finds his way to a couch and lets himself sink into it. The party buzzes around him, fading into background noise. 
Martin returns soon after, the mug vibrating slightly as he attempts to steady his hand. “I wasn’t sure what kind you’d want, we have a pretty limited amount, but I have a few extras in my desk– oh I could have probably found one for colds and flus, I’m not sure which this is, I thought cold before but you look-” 
“Martin,” Tim interrupts, voice cutting uncomfortably through his raw throat. “Can I have the cup?” 
“Oh, right, sorry!” Martin says, a sheepish grin crossing his face, nerves more than anything else, as he hands Tim the mug. Tim gives another appreciative nod, taking a cautious sip. 
The warm liquid feels like heaven against his throat, and he barely manages to choke back a whimper. The flavour is still a mystery, Martin never actually got to that part. Given how little he can taste at the moment, seems it’s gonna remain that way. Still, the heat beginning to warm his chest is a welcome relief, and Tim has to fight to keep his eyes from drifting shut…
“Watch out!” 
The voice rouses him, his eyes snapping open just in time to witness Jon dropping to his knees in front of the couch. The realization doesn’t sink in for another minute, Tim blinking the tired from his eyes and trying to figure out why people are staring… and why there’s a hand on his finge– 
Oh, the tea. Thankfully Jon’s reflexes seemed to kick in just in time, his hands guiding Tim’s cup to the table next to him. Judgement clouds the boss's eyes as he turns back, fully ready to chastise Tim, no doubt. Jon opens his mouth, one hand beginning to point, but as his eyes scan Tim’s form, his demeanor changes instantly. 
“You don’t seem well.” Jon’s voice is still firm, but with a hint of something Tim can’t quite place. On anyone else, he’d call it concern. On Jon… perhaps concern isn’t far off, though the underlying criticism of the statement irritates him. 
“I wonder why that could be? It’s almost as if someone came to the Christmas party sick enough to fall asleep standing. Twice.” Tim says, sarcasm lining his words, alongside the congestion he can’t seem to fully shake. 
“Well in that case,” Sasha chimes in, cheerful voice a natural antithesis to the misery coursing through Tim’s system. “Seems you’re halfway there!” 
“Hey, I was lying down, that’s hardly the sahh… same thing– hH’ETchh!” 
“Here we go,” Sasha says, already turning on her heel to find a tissue box as Tim’s hitches increase in desperation. 
“aHTChh’ew! gn’tchhew!” 
“Bless,” Jon offers, a brief confusion crossing his face as Sasha laughs, shaking her head. 
“He’s not done,” She says, handing over the tissue box. 
Tim grabs for it blindly, too caught up in the fit to even attempt dignity. Still, the eyes on him do leave him with a hint of embarrassment, and the onslaught is muffled as best he can manage. “hH’MMpshhew! eMPFShh’ieh! hh’MFSHhueh!” 
Blessings sound out from the room, Tim managing to wave a hand towards the ones offering them, eyes still watering. As the fit seems to stall, he lowers his tissues, red nose now visibly twitching. 
“Are you alright?” Jon asks, the hint of concern from before now plainly evident. That’s frankly more alarming than it should be, and Tim finds himself wanting to… reassure the boss. 
“I’m okay, it’s juhh… j-just… huhh–” But it seems his nose has other plans, a tissue being raised once more as Tim paws at the appendage. “‘Scuhhse me, I still have… hahhve to… to… hiHh– eTCHh’ew! hk’ASCHh–oo!” 
This time the tickle fades with the final pitchy sneeze, Tim letting out a low groan as he mashes his nose into the ever growing collection of tissues he’s clutching. A few people call out final blessings, Sasha laughing out hers as Tim’s face goes red once more. 
Martin picks this time to enter the room with drinks, Tim letting his eyes flutter shut as the focus shifts off his misery. A gentle touch keeps him from drifting off to sleep, prying open an eye to find Sasha settling onto his left. 
“Careful, don’t want to catch this,” Tim manages, leaning against his right shoulder to muffle another stream of chesty coughs. Sasha winces as it goes on past the realm of comfort, her hand finding his back. 
“Don’t worry about me, I haven’t earned this cold, I didn’t make use of Jon’s or your suffering,” She says, the playful tone not masking the growing worry in her posture. 
While she can read him like a book, she’s no mystery to him either. The tension in her fingers, absentmindedly stroking patterns on his back. The way she subconsciously tries to support his body weight, despite them both sitting. The look in her eyes when he manages to stall the coughing long enough to meet them. 
With this brief respite from the attack, Sasha takes the chance to bring Tim’s tea back, his fingers wrapping around the warm mug. The first few sips burn, his lungs protesting, begging to return to their efforts to expel all the irritation. By the third, however, the warmth is spreading once more, easing the spasms. 
“Alright?” Sasha asks, beginning to stand from the couch. Tim nods his reply, taking another slow sip. “Think you’ll make it till midnight? We’ve still got a few hours to go.” 
He nods his approval again, not yet trusting his voice enough to make an attempt. Sasha simply smiles, easing back into the party that– Tim had almost forgotten existed. That fever must be worse than he thought, given how loud it is. A fact that’s now pounding against his head in harmony with his heartbeat. 
The party continues on, Sasha and Martin taking turns checking in on Tim as he slips rapidly in and out of consciousness. Seconds turn to hours, and before he knows it, it’s two minutes to midnight. 
As Tim blinks against the harsh fluorescent lighting, it’s Jon that stands before him, hand hovering near his side. Tim begins to speak, breaking off into a cough as his voice comes out rough with sleep and congestion. 
“What’s up boss?” He manages with the second attempt, not missing Jon’s wince at the nasal quality. 
“You simply look… well, the festivities are nearly over, I was just inquiring as to…” Jon seems to get stuck, eyes wandering down to the couch as he finishes. “I know you took the train here, I was seeing if you needed an escort home.” 
“How kind, I’d be delighted to have your accompaniment,” Tim responds, the wit clouding the fact he… hadn’t actually considered needing to go home. Jon seems to take this answer as satisfactory, ignoring all the sarcasm as he gives a tight nod and an out of practice smile. 
From across the room Martin calls out, something about a countdown. Tim attempts to pull himself to a stand, finding Sasha’s arm around his waist, guiding him to the wall. Leaning against it, he lets his rough voice join the chorus as they count into the new year. 
Despite how the lights and noise had pounded into his skull, everyone chanting in unison helps Tim realize that… there actually aren’t that many people here. Aside from his coworkers, there’s only a few researchers, and Elias is not in attendance.
Honestly, thank whatever cosmic being may exist for that one, he had been none too fond of Jon’s arriving sick. Tim shudders to think what he would have said about this state. He shouldn’t have come, but… something about how insistent Martin was… well he just couldn’t disappoint that loveable idiot. 
Somehow Tim finds he’s managed to keep up with the counting, despite being worlds away in his thoughts. As they approach the final numbers, a feathery sensation begins to spread through his nostrils- no. 
Absolutely not, this is not the time. It’s never just one, there’s not enough people here, someone’s gonna notice. And I mean, it’s not like he’s hiding the fact he feels like death, but… drawing that much attention is also not the goal. 
“Five! Four!”
“hiehh- h’ngTchh!” He manages to stifle the first, the congestion pounding in his head as the tickle seems to only get worse. 
“Three! Two!” 
“I cad’t– nNDtch! nGTCh’uh!” 
As the cheers begin to erupt, Tim ducks into the tissues with a scraping, “ehg’TCHhiew!” 
“Happy new years!” 
“yiEShh’iew! etchh’uh! hH’AESHH –oo!” Tim dips into his hands again, managing to sink down against the wall as he lets out a congested blow, ending the fit.
“What a way to ring in the new year,” Comes Sasha’s voice, her form blocking the light from Tim’s eyes as he looks up, fever blurring his vision.
“Shud ub.” 
“Christ Tim, you sound awful,” Jon adds, his form appearing behind Sasha’s. 
“Thagks boss,” Tim retorts, groaning as he notices a third form, Martin’s nervous fidgeting easy to spot even from this angle. Martin remains silent, though his eyes seem to hold more concern than any of them, and… guilt? Or maybe that’s just the delirium. 
Glancing up to meet Sasha’s gaze, Tim offers a weary, “Tibe to go hobe?” 
She nods softly, kneeling to help him to his feet, Martin wordlessly taking his other arm. Jon stands off to the side, hesitating. What for, who knows. All Tim can focus on is one step after the other, just gotta make it home, then he can sleep. For the rest of forever, at this rate. 
As they get to the door, Martin helps wrap the scarf around Tim’s neck, forcing him to lift it from its perch against Sasha’s shoulder. Sasha, for her part, supports his weight with ease, she was always stronger than she looked. 
Martin keeps casting glances towards Tim, obviously fretting over something. Too tired to manage his usual charm, Tim gives Martin the softest look he can manage. “Jusd say id, please. You’re makigg me nervous.”
“I’m so sorry I asked you to come, you’re obviously so unwell, and I know I didn’t really know that at the time, but I should have, or at least texted and checked in, I just… I wanted us all to get along so bad and I thought if you came it would mean more fun because you’re always so lively and good at talking to people and-” 
Tim holds up a hand, eyes glazing over as Martin stops short, breath coming almost as rapidly as Tim’s. After a minute goes by, Martin starts to open his mouth, seeming confused by the interruption, before nearly jumping out of his skin as Tim ducks into his fist. 
“eTCHh’ew! hH’YEAShh –iew! Sorry, I feld those cobigg… waid– hih’ETCHhew! heAYSHh’oo!” Tim ducks down again, Sasha grabbing him tighter to support the harsh shudders as he attempts to keep his balance. 
“Oh bless you,” Martin offers, voice coming out timid. Tim gives him, what he hopes is, a warm smile despite the fever taking hold of the last corners of his mind.
“If I didn’t wanna cobe, I would have stayed hobe. I dod’t blame you.” 
Martin nods silently, a relief seeming to flood his face. Taking his place once more supporting Tim, they move towards the exit. Opening the door, the first wave of cold floods the entryway, and a chill so violent runs through Tim that both Martin and Sasha take a step back to brace him. 
It’s now that Jon speaks up, voice strained with a type of worry Tim hadn’t heard before. “No, we’re absolutely not doing this, I refuse.” 
The trio turn towards him. Though perhaps a more accurate description is that Martin and Sasha turn, Tim simply goes along for the ride. Martin mumbles something about ‘no other choice’, but Sasha asks what Jon’s on about. 
“It’s too cold out there, it’s the middle of the damn night, there’s no way I’m letting him go home like this.” 
“And what do you suggest we do as an alternative? He can’t stay here-” Sasha begins, pausing as Jon turns towards her. 
“Why not? I’m the archivist, this is my archive,” Jon begins, pausing for a moment, before adding, “Well, Elias’s, but I hardly think he’d suggest we send an employee home in this weather while they’re this sick. That’s just bad management, he’ll freeze to death before even reaching the train.” 
As if to confirm this assumption, Tim shudders violently, ducking into his chest with a tired, “hh’eshhew! eTCHh’iew!” followed by a heavy sigh. Martin mumbles something about covering, but quickly silences himself as Tim begins to tremble again. 
Sasha gives Jon a look, seeming to read him for any hints of doubt, perhaps searching for an ulterior motive. After a brief pause, their eyes meeting, she gives a tight nod, approval of some kind. 
“Come on Martin, let’s get him back to that couch, he can sleep there for the night,” Sasha directs, Martin nodding his acceptance. 
Tim manages to catch snippets of the conversation as they get him settled. Jon fetching him a blanket he keeps in his office. Martin providing some more tea. Sasha grabbing tissues and medication for when he wakes up. Something about Jon sleeping in his office so he’s not alone, and Sasha coming in early to help him home. 
With his final bout of consciousness, Tim holds up a hand, the conversation immediately pausing. “Thagk you guys. And… esSHhh’ew! And, I’b sorry.” 
All three stare at him for a minute, before Sasha breaks first. Her laughter fills the silence, Martin joining in soon after, and even Jon letting a few chuckles slip out. When they’ve finally collected themselves, Sasha gives Tim a warm smile. 
“Sleep well, Tim. I’ll come fetch you in the morning.” 
With a content sigh, Tim lets his eyes drift shut again, his consciousness fading to the soft hum of his friends in the background. 
Alright, so maybe coddling isn’t quite so bad after all.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM HITMAN 2 *  assorted dialogue from the video game, adjust as necessary
at the location. no hostile presence.
tell me about the targets.
you know what we want.
i had such big plans for you.
you had a chance to walk away. why didn't you?
it comes back in flashes. fear. anger. but... like it happened to someone else.
i'm... i'm sorry for your loss.
you made this our fight. now let's even the playing field.
i'm breaking more rules than i care to count.
i remember everything.
that's the catch. the report is redacted. no names, no location.
so what am i missing?
i'll explain when i'm back.
it's a dangerous thing... having a conscience.
i spent a long time feeling guilty about that.
everyone hates power until you offer them some.
only one way to find out, i'm afraid.
i'm sorry you had to endure all that free champagne and cello music.
looks deserted.
is that a sense of humor, [name]? whatever next? crying at the movies?
oh, hell no. how did this end up here?!
think about what that means.
i swear to god, when i find out, you're dead!
we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
we need to know who we're up against.
this is our best lead in twenty years.
i say it's time we break a few rules.
no one's untouchable.
no more. i'm done.
so it's a dead end. i can't track them.
the breadcrumbs were almost too easy to follow. it could be a trap.
why are you doing this?
okay, i'm ready. let's get this thing fixed.
probably just some pitiful cry for help or some shit like that.
a great moment. i cherish the memory to this day.
plenty of spies went dark.
i have just the tool for the job.
i know what it's like to have everything taken from you.
i suggest you get rid of them, [name].
good aim.
what are we looking at?
like i said... it's a long shot.
how does he know about us?
we got what we came for. move out.
maybe next time, then?
it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.
this is exactly what the enemy wants.
you've seen the pictures, yes?
you should be able to jimmy open the garage door with the proper tool.
i'll call you after the presentation.
the house is just up the beach.
getting caught on tape is the last thing we need.
our intel indicates that she and her team are laying low.
for now, it's information we seek.
infiltrate the house and get us a lead on the shadow client.
up for some b&e?
oh my god! it's really you! it's such an honor to meet you!
on my way.
oh, could you fix me a cup of tea?
we got all we're going to get.
i thought this night would never end. what a snob fest.
according to the local home security provider, the house is equipped with multiple cameras placed around the perimeter.
why don't you search the pool area?
they could be out. could be lying low.
i see them. poor bastards.
i'm not a fool, [name].
she was never shy about collateral damage.
this feels more like identity theft.
what can i say? you really took one for the team.
nothing we can do for these people now.
don't worry. i've got this under control.
imagine what he would do to me if i messed up.
let me just grab a quick selfie with you.
improving on stuff that looks like crap probably isn't too hard.
there might be a concealed space behind the wall.
hurry. i'm detecting movement up the road.
they're back. multiple hostiles.
it won't make a difference. they're too powerful.
good. i will tell you exactly what to do.
take a deep breath and try again.
well done. now get off the property.
they're on high alert, combing the beach for intruders. proceed with caution.
someone will need to stop them. might as well be us.
no, i don't give a rat's ass about it.
i'll head up when i feel like it.
your so called "friend" is working for them now.
he's coming for us. and unlike you, he won't hesitate.
just get me inside.
we can't focus here, all right?
well done, [name]. this should be good.
i'm not as strong as you.
they have to pay for what they did.
it needs to stop. you... need to stop.
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🧛🏽‍♀️🧟‍♀️👹Horror Movies for Beginners🦇💀👻
Disclaimer: This is something I'm doing for fun and because I've had people in the past ask me for suggestions for people who are interested in horror but are too scared to get into it. I'll be adding more to this list as I think of more.
Tips: For one thing, I would suggest checking doesthedogdie.com before watching any horror movie. It's a great source for triggers ahead of time. The people who contribute to it can be very helpful too, as they sometimes provide timestamps as to where in the movie the triggers take place so you can skip over them.
I would also suggest horror comedies, as they provide humor to lessen the blow of the scary stuff.
But Wait!!!
Before you continue reading about scary movies, please consider taking a look at some charities benefitting families in Gaza. I'm going to try to update it regularly!
Spooky Movies for Beginners
Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters II, Ghostbusters (2016)
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Yes, I am including 2016. No, I am not ashamed to like that version. No, I will not be taking criticism. I did not include Afterlife because I have not seen it yet. That aside, I do recommend the Ghostbusters movies listed. The movies contain a balance of horror and comedy and cool science-fiction tech. They're fun, but not too scary for beginners.
Haunted Mansion (2003)
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Most of the "scares" in this movie aren't really scary. If you've been to Disneyland and can ride through the attraction with no problems, you can probably get through this movie. It's geared more towards families, so if you have kids, they'll probably enjoy watching it with you. However, there is an anti-Romani slur used repeatedly throughout the movie. Also, proceed with caution if you have a fear of spiders.
Coraline (2009)
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This movie is animated but contains a lot of creepy imagery. Some kids might get creeped out by it. If you like "rabbit hole" type movies that involve stumbling upon hidden and treacherous worlds, you'll probably like it. Henry Selick, the dude who made Nightmare Before Christmas, is responsible for this film adaptation.
Wendell and Wild (2022)
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Another animated movie from Henry Selick with Jordan Peele. Two mischievous demons cause havoc. Peele and Kegan-Michael Key play the demons. Oh, and it's a middle finger to private prisons and the school-to-prison pipeline, so there's that. If you're too afraid to watch Get Out, Us, or Nope, but want to experience the horror magic Peele, you will probably enjoy this one.
The Sixth Sense (1999)
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I'm hesitant to put this one on the list because this one does contain disturbing imagery that can be too much for a beginner. But this is a really solid movie even if the ending has already been spoiled for you. How scary the ghosts are really isn't what this movie is all about--the themes of grief and healing are really what it's about.
Gremlins (1984) and Gremlins II: A New Batch (1990)
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When I was a kid, my parents thought they could scare me into behaving by saying the gremlins from these movies were going to get me. But I loved the gremlins because they were fun and I wanted to be their friends lol. If you like practical effects, you'll probably like this movie. I don't think these movies would be scary for most adults, but kids might be a little iffy with the gremlins--but Gizmo is adorable and might be able to balance out the scariness. However, there is some...questionable Asian representation typical of 80's movies. Proceed with caution.
Warm Bodies (2013)
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This movie was released when the Twilight craze was at its height and I remember being shit-talk about that, but this movie is worth watching. Yes, it is about a zombie falling in love with a living human, but it really is adorable (in my opinion) and the movie is overall clever and fun. I will say that there are some parts that might be a little too much for beginners. The "bonies" might be a little too scary. However, the "scary" parts are very brief and they are not the center of the story.
Dracula (1931)
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One of Universal's classics. This was probably a very terrifying movie for the time it was released, but by today's standards, I cannot describe it as scary. You'll probably laugh at the bat puppets used throughout the film. However, Bela Lugosi's timeless portrayal of Dracula is nothing short of creepy. There's a reason it's still iconic even to this day. The film, though, is not for everyone. It's just under an hour and a half but can feel very slow to those with short attention spans. Regardless, I think this is a must-watch if you're into vampires of any sort, and it is worth appreciation.
To be continued...
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Carpe Noctem 13
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, gaslighting, manipulation, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (short!reader)
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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You finally manage to get yourself across the room. You're not going to make it to work. You know that. You know your body can't handle it. But you're getting to the bottom of this.
You lean heavy on the wall and angle open the door. You nearly stumble through and nearly take down the console table against the wall. Holy fuck, it can't actually be possible that he did this to you. Just with sex?
You steady your legs and sigh. You don't even know which way to go. This oversized house is a maze to you.
You are not okay. You need to sit down. You slide onto your ass and collapse against the edge of the door. Well, this is how far you got and you're not getting any further.
"Miss?" A voice frightens you as a door clicks. Oh fuck, does he have a wife? WTF?! "Are you alright?"
"Um, hi," you turn to her, "I um, I'm…" you introduce yourself, "um, Lloyd…"
"He's asleep, I believe. He mentioned he had company," she smiles, "can I help you up?"
"Uh, yeah, thanks," you reach up and she grabs your hand, "I pulled a muscle, I think."
"Of course, miss," she takes you back to your room and helps you sit on the side of the bed, "can I get you coffee? Or something to eat?"
"No, I'm okay," you avoid her gaze as you search the wall instead, guilt gnawing at your insides.
"I'm Chrissy, the maid, I come twice a week for Mr. Hansen," she supplies, "and you're his guests so if you need anything, I'm here till noon."
"Wonderful, thanks," you shrink out of embarrassment, "that's great. Um, I don't need anything," you shimmy across the bed and groan, "think I just need to lay down."
"Of course, miss," she backs out and gently closes the door. You appreciate her discretion even if it reminds you of your shame.
You fall back and sigh. You can't just lay here and do nothing but you physically can't do much else. You wriggle and drag yourself up the mattress and reach for your phone again. You have to get to the bottom of this.
You hit the last call and let it dial. Sandy answers the phone with her typical flat answer. You hesitate and she says hello again, huffing into the speaker. You clear your throat and tell her who it is. She cuts you off.
"Johnny left a message. Part-timer's already coming in to cover," she chirps, "see ya tomorrow."
"Oh, okay--"
She hangs up. You drop your phone. She can be a bit curt, she mostly does the check-ins, she doesn't really cover lunch or play time.
Johnny? You know that's not possible. Lloyd. He must've called. You have all the evidence you need. But why? He's not really the courteous type.
You don't have the energy to wonder. You just want to sleep. Maybe when you wake up, this will all just turn out to be a weird, freaky dream.
You wake up to a thunk. You roll over and rub your eyes as you stare at the silhouette by the door. You take in your surroundings slowly; this isn't your apartment. It's all just the same as it was.
Lloyd keeps a hand on the handle of the basket as he stands proudly in the doorway. He has a hand on his hip, shameless in nothing more than a pair of briefs.
"Huh?" Is all you can muster.
"Special delivery, you forgot your funzies," he winks, "pity we didn't get to test em out last night."
He slips his hand off the handle and grabs a large jelly dildo in a particularly bright shade of pink, "but I think..." he lows it in front of his crotch, "I did the job just fine."
He thrusts his hips as he compares himself to the toy. You grumble and sit up, arms shaky and body stiff and tangled. You grip one side of your head and grimace.
"What... what time is it?"
"I'd say it's time for round two," he chortles, "but you look in rough shape... so I'll give you ten minutes to get your shit together. Go rinse your face, splash some water on the cooch-"
"Please, just... give me a minute to think."
"Babe, I said ten."
Your lips part. Babe. The word reminds you of Johnny, for just an instant. You traded a solid relationship for this. To be just as good as a piece of silicon in that basket.
No. There wasn't a relationship. He hit you. You couldn't go back. The tenderness in your cheek confirms that.
"You called my work?"
"Someone had to be responsible. Fuck you for making me be the one," he scoffs as he tosses the toy back in the basket.
"I'm sorry..." your voice trails off. You don't know why you're apologising.
You shove yourself to the edge of the bed and brace yourself. You can't let yourself stumble in front of him. You take a breath and swing yourself up. For a second, you stand up steady and straight, but your first steps sees you tumbling to your knees.
He snickers and comes close as you hold yourself up on trembling arms. You refuse to look up at him, embarrassed. You try to stand but can barely make your legs move.
"Still got it," he taunts as he looms over, "you know what, better idea, we'll take a nice hot bath to soothe your achy muscles, sweet cheeks," he bends and pushes you onto your ass before scooping you up, "let daddy do all the work… you'll get your turn."
You don't fight him. You couldn't couldn't if you tried. You're too drained; mentally, emotionally, physically. Besides, the hot water sounds like a fair trade as your flesh screams for it.
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foxiejun · 11 months
1. Daisy
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🎵- choking on flowers: fox academy
warning- urm..do proceed with caution ig
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𝑺oobin choi liked a girl. To be more specific. You. The one who captured the stars in his eyes.He loved you religiously to the point that he was tailing behind you. Keeping an eye on each and every single thing you did. Noting them down.
1. She decided to dye her hair. She's allergic to dye.
2. Loves mint chocolate.
3. Favourite flower: Daisy.
Isn't it obvious that he wanted to know about the personal life of someone he liked? Someone he adored oh so much? Nothing to be embarrassed about. Soobin just wanted to be around his little Daisy. But he doesn't want you to know. Because soobin was sure he'll be labelled as a stalker. He wanted you so bad. He wanted you all to himself. He only want to devour you. Soobin was infatuated. Even surpassing that level even.
And he did take an initiative to achieve that. To achieve you.
Samcheong-dong was a pleasant place to be to say the least. It was a charming little village. A quiet one. You decided to move here to have some taste of peace in your life after.. certain situations. And you definitely had that taste. The people residing in the neighborhood was sweet as ever. It all went so great until..
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Ding dong
"Who's ringing my doorbell at the ass crack of dawn.." you complained to yourself as you went to open the door. Feeling ticked off about getting your sleep disrupted at time of midnight. Your eyes glanced around the surrounding, the street filled with thick fog but not a single soul around.
"Did I just get my ding dong ditched?" Your expression turned sour until you looked around to see the box.
"Mr. Delivery boy...again." picking up the box and closing the door. You were skeptical about all this. Your gaze caught the attention of a small note sticked onto a small blue velvet box. Putting the box aside and unfolding the note. Inside the words were curved into cursive written off with red ink.
"Reminded me of you
'c.sb' it's the same initials you've seen for days count now. It was haunting you. Scratching at your skin to know who this was.
You've been recieving these little notes and gifts at the dead of night or at the break of dawn. Even recieving a large bar of chocolate, mint flavoured to be specific. But instead of feeling special or anything giddy of sort, you felt..fear. Like there's an eye attached to you, watching your every moment.
But pushing all those thoughts away into a corner. The clicks of the box were opened and inside was a dainty chain looped around the hook. The necklace had a silver chaining which glimmered under the lines of moonlight and in the middle of it was a small Daisy pendant. The edges were outlined with black. You ran your fingertips along the cold metal feeling the curves of it.
"Fucking weirdo" Giving a sound of a tiny 'tch' leaving you as you threw the jewelry to the table.
Choi soobin was watching all these through the gap of your window. It was funny on how you didn't even see the silhouette of him outside because you were just too busy to go back to bed. Sleep welcoming you back in. He watched you throw the necklace away and he gazed upon how your vein on your neck looked like it was about to pop out by the way you were cursing at him. Soobin could only imagine how your skin would feel. Would it feel as soft as cotton? Or smooth as silk? He wanted to know how your hands would look on his body.
The male almost tripped over a rock being sucked in his deep thoughts of you. Finally getting in his Jeep, soobin's hair shadowed his eyes and he thought back to the word you mentioned to him.
"Weirdo" the male whispered to himself and a kind of crazed laugh was made by him. There was something in the way that you insulted him in every way possible that made his dick twitch. Even his initials rolling off your pretty tongue was enough for him to get high.
His hand slid down already feeling the tightness in his pants. Soobin's fingers were impatient at unzipping his pants. His boxers already wet from his precum. Soobin gave his cock a steady stroke and he whimpered softly trying to hide away his moans in the dead silence of the night. He was so frustrated. The want to feel you was filling his body. Your ass looked so good when you stretched your body in the morning and oh god- soobin had his own album filled with the pictures of them. Arching your back like a slut. All he had in his mind was to pound you, keeping you in a headlock within his arms.
Would you scream his name? Would you let him fill you up? Fuck, y/n, would you let him take you? For everyone to look? For everyone to know that you're his?
It wall too much for soobin. Fisting himself like a whore. He was growing obsessed with you.
"G-god..y/n. Why can't you just be m-mine? Ugh!~" one hand gripping the stirring wheel while his other hand was busy pumping his cock. Sweat glistened his face and his lips were slightly parted escaping moans and grunts of your name, his head throws back into the seat. 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒚. Moaning your name, he felt himself getting embarrassingly close to his high. Soobin hated it all. He wanted to be right by your side rather than taking pictures of you and jerking off to it and observing you on your neighbour's house rooftop- the neighbour. God was really on his side today. Soobin with a final groan and a slight jerk of his hips, released into his palm. He could hear the ringing in his ears, coming down from his moment.
Reaching into the backseat and wiping his hand clean with some tissues. There was a stiffness in his chest, eventually he thought it would go away but it only worsened till he soobin was gasping for breathe and clutching onto his chest in an attempt to get some oxygen. It hurts. His eyes stinged, there was something rising up his throat and-
"FUCK" the man gagged out and out came blood.. mixed with flower petals? Daisy petals. The metallic taste still fresh in his mouth and his eyes hadn't moved away from the bloody flowery mess. Was this really happening? Was this that they all call as hanahaki disease? Was his unrequited love for you turned out to be like this? You were the death that gave him hell and the angel that gave him heaven.
Soobin was in utter panic, it all hurts. It was as if he was drowning in a hopelessly devoted love that was killing him from deep inside. He had to do something.
And he did.
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The clouds were a shade of grey painting the sky with them. Your mind was still disturbed by the thought of being stalked. For all you know, he could've broken into your house. He did. Or keep a collection of photos of you. He does. Or even worse, jerk off to you. Of course, many times he did. But they were all just a suspicion to you not even knowing about all the worst things.
Soobin knows every itsy bitsy bit of you. He knew you had  rough relationships, he knew that you once used to work as a maid, he knew you owned exactly three pairs of lace innerwears. Counting them all when he sneaked into your house when you weren't around. He used to daydream how you would look in them.
"Of course I should report this to the police. But I doubt so...I mean they're just small presents.. nothing more right?"
You held the kitten in your arms like it was Simba which only gave a small 'meow' as a response to your rants. Sitting on the sides of the streets outside your house. You felt much more safer being out in the open than at your house. From preying eyes. The day was surprisingly.. going well for you which is an odd thing considering that you haven't been receiving any letters or sort till morning. You felt at peace. For now.
Being in your thoughts, hence loosening the grip on the cat. The fur creature slipped out of your hold making you to yell after it.
"HEY- get back here! CROOKSHANKS DON'T YOU DARE!-"
You grumbled in annoyance already making your blood pressure rise, your legs followed after the kitten breaking into your neighbouring house. Oh no, you stood still and looked back at the house. You were never really the one for neighbours and it came to your mind..that the door was unlocked. Maybe they just went out nearby?
Without any choice left, you stepped inside. The house sent a chill down your spine. Well not the house- the feeling of it. It was dead as a graveyard. You just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.
"Shanks... let's go home"
With your hands cupped around your mouth, walking deeper into the house just wanting to leave this place already. Something was dreading on you. Taking a presence inside the bedroom, you felt at wrong for this.
You were startled from the sudden sound that echoed through the silent house. Your head pivoted towards the source of it. Inside the closet? You should've just left. Ignoring. But you did the exact opposite.
Slowly sliding the door to the closet and took a glance inside. Well it looked like a normal closet at first look, filled with labelled boxes and clothes which were reserved for selling but a certain thing earned your attention. A door. On the damn floor. It looked like some kind of way to the basement. An unusual place for a basement to be. The lock already had the key inserted in it and curiosity got the best of you. Definitely.
The basement door creaked in and your head peaked in only to be met by silence. A thick gulp went down your throat and you slowly trudged down the stairs. The place was dusty, the musty smell filling your nose. A mechanic box laid aside.
"Holy shit...this place is darker than my l-"
"Huh?" You looked down.
𝘮𝘮𝘧! 𝘮𝘮𝘩!
You looked down to see your neighbour. Who was tied up brutally making her ankles swell purple. Her body left bare and marks of abuse was visible on her skin. Her hair crusty mixed with her own blood and her sight blocked by sunglasses.
"W-what the hell?!"
Why was she tied up in her own house like this? Your mind was blanker than a plain sheet of paper right now falling down straight to your back in shock. Your eyes blown wide and your senses numb. Your entire being was terrified and horrified by what you just discovered.
"H-hey are you okay?!"
A trembling hand of yours reached out to peel off the tape which was concealed around the female's mouth. As soon as you did that, the shrieking voice emptied your ears. You didn't understand. What was going on.
The abused female was screaming in your ears. Stream of horror ran down her cheeks.
you retorted back, your voice sounding more pitched than usual trying to comprehend the situation in your fucking brain.
"...um..let me untie you first.."
"N-no. I just want to help you out, m-miss. Calm down"
You were trying your best not to give out. You sweatdropped as it only seemed to the female outburst even more.
Your heart dropped. You sensed a presence. Besides the both of you. And it was haunting you as she screamed in horror making you freeze.
A seering pain spread across your cheek. A choked cry left you tumbling to the ground. Your hand held your face looking up at the figure who just hit you. It was a man. He looked about six feet or so and his hand clutched onto a baseball bat which he recently used to attack you. Your eyes still couldn't catch on his facial features through your blurry eyes. All you could make out was his lean figure and erratic breathing of his. Even though you couldn't see him, you could feel his stare dig deep within your skin.
The door to the basement was still open, you just had to pass through the stairs and out the house. Nails digging into the concrete ground as you tried to crawl your way out but he dragged you back down by the hood of your sweater making a tiny whimper of beg leave you.
"P-please. I won't tell anyone about this. I promise. L-leave me be."
The man just swinged the bat to your legs again making you to roll down the stairs. You couldn't breathe. No, this wasn't how this was supposed to go. Your legs were wobbly not being able to feel them. The man crouched before you and you could finally see him.
Sharp eyes and those chocolate brown orbs. Blonde hair with a black underdye. His face looked innocent of that as a bunny's, pink plump lips and rosy cheeks. You felt a hand cup your cheek. The large warm palm engulfed you in a warmth.
'im going to die, isn't it? I'm gonna die in a dusty ass basement by a creep. How wonderful"
The man gave a gentle rub to your cheek, wiping away your tears away. With a smile. A smile that will patch in your mind your entire life. A smile that will haunt your dreams.
His voice was deep as a well and soft as a blanket. It gave you an uncomfortably comfortable to you but there was also intention behind those eyes. They looked like they'll eat upon you anyday now.
"Stop whining or you want me to shut that bitch mouth of yours, sweetheart. God... you look so freaking ravishing up close, y/n."
Your breathe hitched in your throat. How did he..
"You know what I just realised? How about we get you up? I don't want your pretty little ass lying around here"
Why does this feel uncanny. Was he really letting you go? Your mind was working on its own as the man held your arms and started to guide you up the stairs. Your figure was still shaking and choked hiccups still released from you.
"Are you really letting me go? I p-promise! My mouth is zipped!"
You felt ridiculous.
The man turned around, his grip leaving your arms and his hooded eyes staring down at you.
"Not with your legs with the way they are.."
And before you even had a moment to question his words, his hands pushed you down hard back into the basement. You screamed in pain hearing the crack coming from your leg and your left cheek scratching along the rough ground of the place.
You shouldn't have come here. Stupid fucking kitten. The last thing you remembered was him looking down at you with an expression of achievement before black spots started to fill in your vision...
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a/n: urm so a shitty chapter. I've been busy with my school work 😔 but I have a lot of ideas for the next chapter. It'll be more spicy 👽👽 sooo feedbacks and reblogs are much appreciated and do like it if you liked this yes 😅😅. And of course requests are open, as well as my inbox
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