#looks pretty but is a villain worthy of the name
weirdmarioenemies · 1 month
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Name: Millennium Star
Debut: Mario Party 3
Look at this guy. That massive mustache is SO Nintendo 64! They gave those to everything, no matter how inorganic. Especially the inorganic things, it feels like! This 56-year-old looking star is allegedly a newborn infant, as a Millennium Star is born every thousand years, and this one just manifested. I'm going to see some ID before I can let this star purchase any beer!
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The Millennium Star does not have ID. Did you expect a newly formed celestial being to have an ID card, you utterly silly goose? No. He has a stamp card, like he's incentivizing museum patrons to visit every exhibit. This stamp card, however, is for proving that you are worthy to be the Superstar! Mario Party stories are all about ego!
And as the player progresses, the Millennium Star is honestly pretty rude. He loves to bump into people on purpose, especially to stop them from celebrating when their goals are not fully met yet. Hey! That must be the guy in every ADHD brain turning off the dopamine receptors! Let's beat him up.
But I know what you're all wondering. Does the Millennium Star find Daisy attractive?
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Yes he does! Just like a very large amount of people on the internet, he goes absolutely hubba hubba gaga for Daisy. Unfortunately, since Daisy is not playable in story mode, we don't get to see a version of this cutscene where the Millennium Star gets heart eyes over Luigi, who replaces the player's character in scenes they would have appeared in. Alas...
Not only is the Millennium Star kind of rude, but as the player proceeds, he starts to get kind of nervous. Is he hiding something? Does he want you to fail? Rather suspicious, if you ask me! Sounds like a real VILLAIN!
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But he's not a villain. He's a LIAR, but not really a villain. And this all just makes it stranger, yet delightfully silly to me! This star was never the Millennium Star. This is just some guy who showed up and stole a newborn celestial being's identity and hosted a competition, hoping nobody would notice. So who the heck is he? He may not be THE Millennium Star, but he is a magical star, so I don't see the point of the impersonation. I guess he just wanted to see how far he could get. A bit of a cheeky guy! And then he leaves. Ok bye.
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And if you are wondering, the real Millennium Star looks like this. But it is not funny and weird and pathetic, so it is not as interesting as the fake one. The moral of the story is there was a weird guy! See you later
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thesakuragarnet · 8 months
Left Behind (Dabi X Fem!Reader Fluff)
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Summary: When Spinner gets sick, you're the designated getaway driver for the LOV's new heist, but your new boyfriend doesn't want you waiting by yourself.
Tags: Dabi X Fem!Reader, flirting, fluff, soft Dabi but he's still Dabi, second person POV, Fem!Reader, villain reader, established relationship, kissing but not making out, swearing, slight suggestive content, drinking and dancing, slight angst at the end but just an itty bitty (I swear it's happy)
Word Count: 1,116 words
Tumblr Original <3
You tried so vehemently to insist that you were fine waiting in the van by yourself, but Dabi proved to be particularly stubborn.
"Look. It's not that I don't think you can take care of yourself. I just-" Dabi sighs as the both of you watch Toga, Twice, and Compress slip inside the abandoned yakuza hideout. "If I came back and anything had happened to you, I'm pretty sure I'd burn the whole goddamn city down."
You roll your eyes and put your head on the steering wheel. If Dabi keeps acting like you need protection, the others might start to think you're weak...though, it'd be funny to see them try to pick you off or accuse you of being so. They'd be reduced to ash within mere seconds.
"While those morons are getting the goods. How do you think we should kill time, hm?" Dabi huffs to himself as he leans back in the passenger seat, putting his arms behind his head. You look up and turn your attention to him, and a Cheshire Cat smirk crawls across his face as he looks you up and down. Your eyes narrow as you feel your cheeks heating up, and Dabi starts chuckling to himself. He clicks his tongue.
"Nuh-uh. Not what you're thinking. Don't think we'll have time for that," Dabi snickers with a cheeky wink, "Once we get back though-"
"You're making it awfully hard to keep watch," You snap, and his playful demeanor washes away in an instant.
"Compress will radio me before shit goes sideways. Take that stick out of your ass," Dabi snaps right back, and an awkward silence hangs between the two of you. Dabi grits his teeth and groans.
"Sorry," He mutters, barely loud enough for you to hear. You nod, silently forgiving the apology, as half-assed as it was. You zone out, staring at the darkened alleyway outside the cargo van before you feel pressure on your shoulder. You look over to see Dabi leaning over to rest his head on your shoulder, looking up at you with his ocean blue eyes.
"You're the most beautiful girl in the world. You know that right?" He murmurs sweetly, reaching up to gently caress your cheek. The cold staples brush against your skin, the softness of the pads of his fingers sharply contrasting with the calloused scars on his palm. Your heart skips in your chest as you meet his soft gaze. He only looks at you this way. He only acts like this when it's just the two of you alone. He lets his walls fall down...and he becomes Touya Todoroki. After all, he trusted you with the name...he'd deemed you worthy of knowing it. He pulls you down toward him gently, wrapping his hand around the back of your neck, and tenderly connects your lips. Dabi's kiss is ethereal, and it throws your head into the clouds. He softly pulls back, breaking the kiss and staring into your eyes, though you swear you could count the stars in his. He sits up straight, still turning to face you as he runs a hand through his hair.
"Once we get back to base...do you...do you wanna go on...like a real date?" He stammers awkwardly, as if he's practiced it over and over in his head but still fails to get the words out.
"We're villains, babe. Can't exactly go out to the movies and a fancy restaurant," You point out dejectedly, fantasizing about the thought of you and Touya actually doing domestic things in public.
"No...I mean. I could have Kurogiri pour us some wine. Order some fancy shit. Maybe we could...go...stargazing on the roof?"
"Stargazing?" You try not to laugh before realizing Dabi is dead serious. "You want a romantic evening with me stargazing on the roof?"
Dabi seems to be biting his stitched tongue, trying to decide whether or not he regrets the offer. Your gaze softens seeing him be so genuine.
"That...that sounds lovely," You smile broadly, and Dabi breathes a sigh of relief before returning your smile.
The heist was successful, and, once you all returned to the hideout, Dabi gave you an hour to get ready before meeting him on the roof. You'd borrowed some makeup from Toga and had managed to find a dress in your belongings that fit well enough. Himiko was ecstatic and practically begged for all the details to be spilled in the morning, which you reluctantly agreed to.
Now, you're hesitantly opening the door to the roof, letting the cold wind whip your face and making you hold your dress down.
Now, you understand why Dabi said he needed an hour. String lights crisscross in a canopy overhead, linking over a table with a seemingly ripped tablecloth spread. Two glasses of cheap wine rest at opposite ends of the small round table, a bottle between them, and, there, pulling the chair back for you, stands none other than Dabi in a suit. It must've been something he borrowed because it doesn't seem to fit quite right, but it makes him look adorable and devilishly handsome. His spiky hair is combed as best as it could be, still looking rather messy, but it's charming to see that he's trying.
He doesn't say a word, just stares at you with pure devotion in his eyes as you step out into the night air. When you sit down, he pushes the chair in for you before awkwardly shuffling to his own seat.
"Any particular reason you wanted to do this?" You raise your eyebrow as you take your glass, risking a sip. You were right. It's cheap, but you like it.
"Figured it'd be nice to act like normal people before the world goes to shit," Dabi says unceremoniously before raising his glass and downing it.
You don't know how long you two spent talking and laughing, but it was enough time for Dabi to get increasingly more wine drunk. He was upset that you two couldn't properly see the stars through the light pollution, so, instead, he took your hand and was leading you in a slow dance. You giggle as he spins you around, surprisingly nimble and coordinated with how intoxicated he is. He brings you back in and dips you, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek before taking you back up again. Finally, you two stop swaying, and he pulls you into a tight embrace.
"I'm never-hic-never gonna leave you behind. Ever," Dabi slurs, though his words sound so solid in his own mind. Recognizing the pain in his voice, you wrap your arms around him and whisper:
"I'm never leaving you behind either, Touya."
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jujutsukgojo · 1 month
I'm a hero now
Chapter one: That's a fact shinsou hitoshi x reader 1/? Summary:
He’s sorry and is a terrible piece of shit. He’ll show you that you’re safe from now on. Not because he has something to prove to the world. Not because he’s a hero now and heroes make things right. No, he’s going to do it because it’s you.
And it is you who matters the most to him. 
tw: bullying, spoilers, quirk misuse and discrimination and stage fright
“Do you want to play with me?” Hitoshi walks up to you with his friends behind him. Your yellow dress is splayed around you with little grass stains. Before, you plucked the offending grass and were tossing the blades. Now you are rubbing them with your hands as you shrink away from your purple haired classmate.
  “You’re not doing anything.” He points. He notices you stiffen with every word he speaks. Before you got all quiet towards him, you talked all the time. Now he has to push you to do it. Lately, it's been bothering him. “You can talk! Say something, will you?” 
   You still look down and shy away from him. “Pretty doll, play with me! We never play anymore. Will you play?” He has always thought you were pretty. The sun always hits your face in the best way. He says under his breath, “Probably the prettiest in the world. Do you know that?”
  You look at him with a frown on your face, still plump with baby fat.  “Rea-” Your eyes go blank for what may be the hundredth time.
He watches your figure practically run down the hallway when he says hello. You narrowly missed the passing students. People come out of the classroom behind him. Unfortunately, he doesn’t move in time and once again, he was pushed and ignored by a group of students who pass through him every day. It's not like they have anything to worry about anyway. He's scrawny and is tired from the lack of sleep. He’s admittedly unkept and dehydrated, filled with way too much coffee and not enough water. He’s not a physical threat at all.
   Yet you, someone who is thought to be a hero among the school, runs from him and doesn’t even try to save him. You who are called worthy of being a hero, something he has even witnessed with his own eyes, leave him to the wolves. He’s seen you stand on tables to yell at all of those who ridiculed a student who had been bullied the entire school year. He saw how passionate you were when you stood up to the main offender. So, why not save him? He grew up with you. The two of you have been in each other’s class for years in every school. There has not been a single class that the two of you haven’t shared. He remembers one time there was a group project and you refused to talk to him. The third member had to be the middleman because of it. 
   Are you really that much of a coward? 
  He goes to the cafeteria and sits down at a far table. He sips on his coffee he bought from the vending machine and munches on his sandwich bought from a gas station. There was no time to prepare a lunch and he owes the lunch people some cash and he doesn’t have that right now. Suki, the head lunch lady with a kind but stern voice is liable to smack him on the head again if he doesn’t have it. 
  Suddenly, right as he is about to take a bite of his awaiting ham sandwich, his chair is kicked from under him. He is violently thrown to the ground, his ass hitting the tile hard. Above him is the evil red headed villain of the school, Subaru. He’s a pest with a fire quirk. The asshole flashes it around like he’s Endeavor when in reality, he has a far inferior quirk that just happens to be offensive rather than defensive. It’s like a candle light.
    People’s laughter echoes off the cafeteria’s walls. The noise grates his ears and makes his cheeks warm. “Aye, Hitoshi, what’cha got there?” One of his goons without a memorable name grabs the sandwich and takes a large bite from it. The missing chunk swishes around his large mouth disgustingly as he tries to talk with his mouth full. Before they can do anything else like they always do, he hears a voice stop their next actions. 
“Stop.” The group of boys turn to look at you. For the first time, he actually has your compassion. Subaru of course flirts with you to get out of your bad side. Instead of falling for his charm (or lack of), you begin to scold him and his cronies for their immaturity. 
   The floor’s tiles are cold under Hitoshi’s hand as he pushes himself up. After the group of assholes’ scolding, you find his purple eyes. He watches the fierce color turn to something close to fear. Hitoshi stands up and watches you run away from him once again. 
  After the incident, he no longer dealt with bullies like that. Everyone asked him to not use his quirk instead. He sits in his seat as a few students come up to him. They never participated in the bullying. He doubts they even knew since they’re always in their own little world. 
  “It’s kind of villainous, Shinso. So, don’t use it on us!” One of his classmates poke his arm. “Don’t worry, I get that a lot.” He rubs the back of his neck. The leaves outside blow into the sky, away from these people. He wishes he were one of them to get away from the judgment and fear.
When he starts at a new school and grade, they all find out about his quirk and this happens. People think he’s a freak or a villain. He never tells and the teachers don’t. Subaru and co. knew about his quirk, they even told him. But now everyone does? 
Subaru must’ve told and decided rejection and isolation is better than a punch in the face.
He’s left middle school and is going to U.A to be in the hero course. Just in case, he also applied for general studies. Brainwashing will only get him so far. He’s untrained and doesn’t have a flashy quirk. The likelihood of succeeding is slim because of the lack of physical prowess. Still, that doesn't mean it's impossible.
  Right as he is about to enter the building, he sees a familiar face: you. He had no idea you were applying. Are you becoming a hero too? It’s in your nature so it’d make sense. You don’t register him staring at you or wanting to talk to you. The last time he’s actually gotten a word out of you was in elementary. You yelled at him and ended that conversation with a harsh kick. The teacher sent you to the principal’s office after that. Hitoshi struggles to even remember why that happened or what you said. Either way, he’s got his whole future ahead of him now. 
Then he gets a clear view of your face, making him slow down. He feels a clench in his chest that has a pressure he recognizes. This terrible feeling is too familiar to him. He feels it when he looks at a hero with an ideal quirk and when he sees you walk away with all the things he doesn't have. Friends, a smile, and a confidence that you carry is so bright compared to his. Hitoshi has felt this way since he can remember. He wants you to notice him. All his life he hasn’t even been a blimp on anyone’s radar, including yours. He wants you to look at him. For a strange reason, he wants you to be proud of him. 
Like he thought, he didn’t get into the hero course. There wasn’t anything he could do against those robots. Everyone else had some kind of quirk that could defend or fight them while he lacked. He wonders how you did or if you even tried out for it. Wouldn’t that be something? For the hero of the schools to become an actual hero that ignored him for the majority of the time. 
Bitterness rears its head. He can see it now. You in a costume to fit whatever your quirk is, face on the screen about how you stopped some villain all while he is still reeling from you and everyone else avoiding him like the Bubonic Plague. For some reason, some stupid ass reason, he sees your back again. Then the image goes to your hand that won't reach out to him. 
   He stops on the sidewalk. People pass him, ignoring his inner crisis. He clenches his fists. “Why do I care?” This has been going on for years now. He doesn’t remember how you first met but it must’ve been from school. Every year he sees you in every class he’s in and he also remembers playing with you when the two of you were little.
  That doesn’t matter. Neither should these feelings. What does it matter that you ignore him? That you don’t have his back like you do others. Well, you did that one time at lunch. He rubs his hand on his face, hoping to get rid of his blush and how he distinctly remembers that and how no one was violent afterwards. Leery? Definitely. But no one hit him or called him names. They were just careful around him. Even then, it stung every time they’d ask for him to not use his quirk on them. Then there is you. You running from him hurt more than others. Especially when he looked forward to seeing you-
Is that what it is? He feels the heat of his cheeks and ears. He looks at the sky and groans and curses as an answer pops in his mind. One that he doesn’t want to say or think of.
“That doesn’t make it right! They have to conform to a law that they might disagree with, right? That’s what you’re saying?”
  His teacher growls and rubs his tired face. Hitoshi can see the smiles covered by his classmates’ hands. “Yes, yes-”
  “Then why do we have to do this? We have different beliefs, obviously. And I don’t want to write about yours.”
  “Excuse me?” 
The teacher was clearly starting to get offended. Hitoshi watches in awe as something as simple as an assignment ended up into an argument because you saw the teacher berate a student. They didn’t understand the question of the assignment and when you saw how the teacher was acting, you stood up like you always do. 
“This,” You shake the paper. “Has nothing to do with this class. This is for the hero course, not general studies. And even if we are supposed to do this, why would we have to write your conviction?”
  “I’ve been way too patient. Detention.” You pout at first then have this gleam in your eyes. “Ha! Detention? Coward. And to think you're a hero. Tsk, tsk."
   “Nezu. Now.” You huff and suck on your bottom lip. You lean back to your friend sitting behind you and whisper, “I’m getting that three day weekend, bet.”
  “ (Y/n) (L/n)!” The teacher shouts. Hitoshi and the class are snickering. The teacher points to the door, demanding you leave. You pack up your things and huff. “Shinso, go with her and make sure she goes to Nezu. She’s acting up today.”
   He sees you tense at the mention of his name. Practically all of the happiness is sucked out of you in short seconds. Hitoshi says nothing as he beats you to the door. The class is continuing like usual, but he can’t help but feel embarrassed as hell. Right before you exit, you look worriedly at your friend. Hitoshi is already in the hall waiting for you. 
  You whip out of the classroom fast. So fast that Hitoshi is having a tough time keeping up with you. Huh, physically and metaphorically, you’re ahead of him. All he can see is your determination and speed. 
The next day, it happens again. Just like the years before, everyone found out about his quirk and have been cautious. 
“Aye, don’t use your quirk on us, okay!” One of his classmates smile. Hitoshi notices a small bead of sweat on their forehead. “It’d be alright anyway. We’re surrounded by heroes! So behave, Shinsou!” 
The other classmate, a girl, nudges him. Hitoshi smiles and rubs the back of his neck. “Don’t worry, I won’t.” The clouds are out today, covering the sun that he wanted to shine.
Finally, the sports festival arrived. Hitoshi has been training his quirk and even some fighting. He doesn’t have a trainer or anything, but he has been watching movies and boxing to mimic. His quirk is controversial so he can’t use it at his discretion. He can’t even find volunteers other than his parents who did it reluctantly. He had to swear not to make them do anything crazy. Surprisingly, he’s now able to brainwash multiple people at once.
  And yet despite him being behind everyone else, he’s confident. Him and several general studies students go up to the hero course to check on them. He’s the only one to actually go face to face with them and declare that he’ll win and take their spot in the class. 
   When doing so, he can’t help but think of you. To see the look on your face when he wins and gets ahead of you. He can see it now. Your shocked expression and maybe admiration in your eyes. To be able to actually see him.
  He turns to leave and the first thing he sees are your eyes. He has half a mind to go up to you and tell you what he’s going to do. He doesn’t like when your eyes are like this, which is all the time when he’s around. He wants them to turn to something different. 
  You move out of his way and enter deeper into the classroom. He didn’t think that you’d get into the sports festival but he wouldn't put it past you to stir the pot as well.
Due to the chatter, he couldn’t hear what you were saying to Bakugou. All he knows is that he didn’t like how you talked to that jack ass while he’s known you for years and you avoid him. 
  You don’t breathe when you run into him in the hallway of the sports festival arena. Hitoshi stares down at you, just as surprised. He didn’t think that you’d even attend it. He discovered you weren’t participating and was disappointed. You’re the opposite of him. He was bullied and wimpy. He avoided confrontation whenever he could, yet you thrived whenever it was necessary.
  He has watched you all these years and the same feeling has remained all this time. Now, he has a chance to prove himself, to show you and the world that he isn’t a villain and that he can be a hero. Here you are about to witness him give it his all. All the times he has watched you be a hero; you are finally going to see him be capable of being one too.
  As he studies your face, his palms begin to sweat. He ignores it and says, “I’m going to win, (Y/n). And I want you to watch me.”
You say nothing and nod slowly.
He walks up to different people. Each falling for a trap they didn’t see coming. He doesn’t know what to expect but having them around may help. Suddenly, ice shoots their way. He gives the command he needs, “Dodge the ice and do not drop me.”
  Since they were aspiring heroes with grade A training, they managed to evade it. They’re from class b, he assumes. He can’t help what his quirk is and how little he knows. Once he wins, he’ll train harder to do things on his own so he won’t have to do this as much.
  Finally, they got caught in some trap and he had to abandon them. Of course, he let them loose. They were genuinely confused as to what happened and when the race started. He would’ve felt bad but he’s not here to make friends. 
  He comes across the extreme tight ropes and sees how the one freaky girl glides past. The frog is too far ahead but the floating one is complaining. The pink one goes past her. She’s a lot more flexible than he thought she’d be. That’s the hero course for you. He doesn’t doubt that she’ll do well. 
  “Hello?” He asks the round cheeked girl. She turns to look and says, “Huh?” That’s all it takes for her to float and guide him across, hand in hand. He can’t remember the last time he held hands with a girl. They’re littler than his and the pads are plushier. The tips of her hands remind him of a cat. Once he’s across, he feels the eyes of heroes on him. As shady as it may seem, he hopes they’re impressed by the usage of students.
  Truly, he means no harm to these people. It’s just business. He uses the floaty girl to get him a good chunk through the course. Finally, he lets her go so he wouldn’t get too used to her. She woke up in a daze then sped off.
After an intense race, he makes it in the top forty. He looks up to see his classmates who are clapping, except you. You look horrified, terrified. His smile of victory quickly vanishes. 
When the cavalry battle starts, he goes up to just a few people who all fall for the same ‘hello’ trick he used on the pink cheeked girl. He doesn’t want to make it seem that he’s watching you so he just looks through the corner of his eye. From what he can see, you cover your mouth with your hand, already figuring out what's going on. 
He was shocked to see the tail drop out. His pride was too great for him to continue. Hitoshi hears how admirable yet disappointing it is. Hitoshi is the reason for it. His chest feels a heaviness in his stomach from guilt. It disappears when he thinks about this opportunity that the tail was given and how he disregards it. Hitoshi replaces that guilt with disgust. He can't help but glare at the nervous looking heteromorph as he walks to a green haired guy.
Now it’s time for the one on one fights. All he has to do is get the plain looking one to talk. Midoriya or something?
  He can feel your eyes on him. So badly he wants to prove to you that he can win. He wants everyone to know that he can be a hero. He talks to the freckled kid, egging him on. The one thing he knows will get to him to talk is that boy with the tail. The Tail dropped out of the festival due to shame and pride. No one understood why he did it, but he was eager to talk to Midoriya. Hitoshi isn’t dumb. He knows that the tail told Midoriya about his quirk even though it’s common knowledge among general studies. 
Finally, he got him. Midoriya was just an inch away from stepping out of the line. Eraserhead had informed everyone of Hitoshi’s quirk, so everyone was leaning in their seats to see it in action. The heroes in the back talk about him and why he isn’t in the hero course. Of course, there are the nervous ones and call his quirk villainous like they always have. 
  He is so sick of it. 
Unfortunately, Midoriya somehow broke through Brainwashing and charged at him. His strength and speed are hard to keep up with but Hitoshi got a few good punches in. Hitoshi knows you heard everything he says to Midoriya and watch as he is flipped out of bounds along with his dream. It crushes him. It feels like his dream just went walked away from him like you have done for so long. 
   Midoriya’s words stick with him. Hitoshi got to vent and say what has been in his heart. It's what he needed to do and to hear a few words of encouragement. To see eyes that didn't fear him. A person that didn't judge him or consider him a villain. Meeting the freckled kid is a blessing. This encouragement is what he needs  to know in order to let your approval go, he knows this. Everything else has left him except for you. There’s something about your approval, something about you that makes him hang on. 
    When he turns around, he’s met with cheers from his classmates. He’s in shock by the words and excitement. He looks at your face to see if you do the same. You look at him with disgust and leave your seat. It hurts for a minute or two. Then he hears his classmates call him the hero of general studies, the star. Words that were always your title. He hopes you hear it, wherever you went. He may not have won the sports festival, but he did win your title. 
The next day, he’s greeted with claps and whistles. He receives high fives and pats on the back. Even the teachers tip their hats and congratulate him. In front of everyone in his home room Snipe says that he got an internship. 
   “ Yes!” The guy next to him shouts. The class hangs onto him and even rubs his head. “Hey,” Hitoshi swats them away from his head.
 “You act like I’m messing it up.”
  A boy with a clown face, Aoi, continues to ruffle his hair. Hitoshi stares at him unamused. “So fluffy and soft…”
  And here he thought it was greasy. A girl with blue skin pipes up. She sits on the edge of someone’s desk casually. “It’s nice having someone go against the hero course. They’re pretty strong, huh?”
“They were formidable.” Is all he says about it. He doesn't want to admit that it was hard yet. He wants to bask in this for a minute.  “Yeah. Honestly Hitoshi,” She licks her plump lips. “I didn’t think you’d make it that far. I’m impressed. I never thought anyone here could hold a candle to them. Except (Y/n), of course. She could take them.”
“Definitely.” Chikuchi walks over and flicks his hair as well. Aoi gives a light chuckle. “They’d be good together.” 
“A duo!”
Hitoshi raises a brow. “What?”
“Love!” A girl clasps her hands together and coos with hearts in her eyes. Hitoshi sees people with knowing smiles and a flush to their cheeks. “Hitoshi and (Y/n), sitting in a tree-” He chokes on spit.
  “Huh?” He sees you enter the room and everyone goes silent. Your eyebrows furrow for a moment then finally release. “Mmhmm.” You hum suspiciously. You don’t acknowledge him like always. Even with all of these people around him singing with praise, you remain across the room like he doesn’t exist.
  Still, with what was said about the two of you and how far off that is, he can’t help but feel tingly. The admiration he has for you turned into a different kind of feeling over time. He’s kept it a secret that he’s denied constantly. Now hearing how his peers are reacting to the thought of it, he’s warm inside. 
  He smiles a little as people go on about the internship. His mind moves away from you and onto his new opportunity. Little did anyone know, Eraserhead has taken it upon himself to train him. Hitoshi already knew of the internship since the hero told him right after the festival.
"How am I supposed to learn this? Can I really learn something that took you six years?" He doesn't know how, but he's completely tangled in binding cloth. "I wouldn't waste my time on something pointless." 
  Hitoshi wiggles in the binds as his mentor just watches him struggle. As he turns and squirms, Hitoshi hears a familiar laugh. In the corner of his eye, he sees you skip along with your friends. A large, spike headed boy pushes this one shorter boy to the ground and yells. Since Hitoshi has realized that it's possible for him to be a hero, his protective instincts have risen. In his fight with the binds, he spots you beating him to it. You stand firm and your voice is stern. 
"Leave him alone. Act like you have some sense." The big guy moves towards you. Hitoshi's eyes widen with each step he takes towards you. Your friends tug on your hand to get away. Finally, the bully leans down to you, saying something that isn't reaching Hitoshi's pounding ears. Suddenly, the scene stops when your mouth moves for the final time. The spike headed one backs off with his head hung low. 
  Hitoshi pauses as everything unfolds and you walk away. He's stuck in binds while you go passed him once again. 
"Do you know her?"
"Yeah, we kind of grew up together. We went to the same school our whole life." This is embarrassing. "It's no big deal."
"Keep focus at the task at hand. You being tied up like that is giving me second hand embarrassment."
You're not aiming to be a hero yet each time you run right past him. He can't keep up with you or the hero course. How is he going to be able to do this? If you saw him now, he'd die even more than he wants to on the regular. 
"I said get out of it I'm flushed."
  After all the drama that took place with class 1-a, everyone had to move into the dorms. Hitoshi understands that it’s not their fault. Most of general studies do. That doesn’t change the irritation, frustration, and discomfort though. Some of the students don’t have the money to move into dorms so they have to get scholarships. The pressure of maintaining those Hitoshi hears is hard. 
  You are one of them. When the teachers sent letters to people’s homes, Hitoshi knew his parents, if not Eraserhead, would let him go. You on the other hand is a different story. He has no idea if you are able to do it.  His future in the hero course is set as long as he trains hard. All of those in the hero classes are fine. It’s general studies, business courses, and support that are up in the air. He knows that it’s none of his business. But this is you. Someone he’s grown up with. 
  The front door to the dorms is open. He sees the red couch set in the commons and a large kitchen in the back. The counter has a coffee set that will be well loved here. There are elevators at each side of the commons with a stair sign not too far from them. It reminds him of a hotel or apartment lobby.  It’s all plain and simple. 
His things have already been moved to his room on the third floor. He unlocks his door and right as his foot enters it, he sees you struggling with your door. He’d be a liar if he said he didn’t care that you were here or not. That he’s done with your approval and recognition. Yet he feels lighter at the sight of you and his chest feels like butterflies. He’s happy you are here even if the feeling isn’t mutual. 
   You finally get your door open. Hitoshi goes into his own room to rest. Laying on his back, it hits him: you’re practically living together. 
  He pops up on his bed in shock. Taking a deep breath, he smacks his cheeks to get rid of that thought. This is simply a school dormitory. 
The planning for the school festival is buzzing. Everyone in his class had some kind of idea for it. A maid cafe, food stands, a haunted house, all of it. Everyone’s excited to plan and experience a happy moment in this eventful year. He volunteered to be the scare at the haunted house. Whereas you had a choice: to enter the beauty pageant or work in that maid cafe.
“This is so embarrassing you guys.” You hit the table. “Come on! You lost the bet fair and square.” Tsutsutaka leans on the desk and wiggles his brows. Your nose shrivels. “Ew.”
  “You have to help, (Y/n).” The students start to cause a fuss. You sigh. “It’s not like that, okay? I…I’ll lose the pageant-”
  Hitoshi turns his head to look at you. You continue. “And a maid cafe? Seriously?” 
“ You lost the bet!” You groan at their shout. “Can’t I run a food stand or something?”
“ No!” 
“You won’t be alone. There’s going to be others working with you. Don’t be so self conscious.” A student hangs onto you, rubbing your shoulder soothingly.  “It’s either the maid cafe or the pageant. Either one you’ll be a doll in!” Chikuchi says with sincerity. You frown and look down. “I’ll do the maid cafe…”
  The rest of class went to planning. His mind drifted off and thought of you dressed as a maid, making his cheeks red.
 After scaring the future heroes, he went to the food vendors and got some candied apples. He slurped on a slushie and talked to a few people in the hero course. He went to the play and was totally confused. Not to mention suffered from secondhand embarrassment. The concert was alright, but he lost interest and had to go back to the haunted house anyway. 
  As he walks to the haunted house, he sees the cute themed maid cafe. Unable to help himself, he brushes past a crowd to go in. A few of his classmates hang onto his shoulders. “They can’t turn you down, our star!”
The first person he sees is you. Your back is turned to him. He’d recognize that back of yours anywhere. Following your directions, you welcome him ‘home’. 
  “Besides, it’s her.” One of the goons hum the tune to K-I-S-S-I-N-G. If he wasn’t dead set on being a hero, he’d smack the clown. Alas, he can’t put his hands on him. Eraserhead would choke him again. 
  You turn around and give a closed smile. A vein is bulging out of your forehead and your eye is twitching. “Come with me, masters.” 
  Hitoshi feels a pulse in an embarrassing place. He wants to slap himself for it.
The clown faced goon squeals and follows you too closely. Hitoshi can’t help but trip him in a way that makes the clown look clumsy. You look back at the boy who shrieked on his way down. You still don’t see Hitoshi standing there, with your eyes to the floor in an attempt to avoid the shame. 
  You ask what the ‘masters’ want to eat and drink. You put on a cutesy act while they order. Hitoshi looks you over, noticing how the uniform hugs you. It’s his turn to order. He goes for a coffee when you look at him and freeze. Your breath is heavy. 
  “Aye, the star of general studies and (Y/n)-” Tsutsutaka elbows clown face’s stomach. Groaning, clown face finishes, “Sitting in a tree-”
  Chikuchi comes out of nowhere and steals you away with a mischievous grin. “Let’s go, let’s go!” 
  “What’s going on?” Hitoshi gets up with them and follows them to the pageant. He sees you, horrified, on the stage. You suck on your lips nervously and your knees shake a little. A few people whistle or even coo at your maid uniform. 
  He wants to shield you. To pick you up and take you off the stage. You hate this and hate the way they’re looking at you. Honestly, he doesn’t like it either. The presenter goes to you with a microphone and completely ignores your terrified face. Some people in the crowd comment how you look like a scared bunny or even a kitten. 
  He’s had enough. Tsutsutaka stands next to him, curious of Hitoshi’s reaction of clenched fists and flared nostrils. “She does look scared…” Tsutsutaka takes a step but Hitoshi beats him to it. Hitoshi goes up to the stage and picks you up bridal style. Some of them clap and others complain. You burrow your head in his chest.
  Back stage, he puts you down. Your knees buckle from under you. Hitoshi immediately catches you before you land too hard on the ground. Your hands cover your eyes. The covering doesn’t hide you sucking on your lips to stop them from wobbling. You're breathing heavy, chest rising and falling harder and harder. Tsutsutaka rushes backstage and finds the two of you.
"Are you okay?” Should you be with the nurse? You're breathing way too hard and look sickly. He goes to pick you up again. You gasp and stare up at him in horror. Immediately, you run from him and don’t look back. 
 He bounces on his heels in his room. Today he'll be fighting both classes of the hero course. He's trained with Eraserhead for months now and has gained a lot more definition in his body. Not only is he stronger but he's faster and more tactical too. However, he isn't blind. He knows that he's majorly behind. The classes had months of legitimate training and experience with villains while he's remained indoors and wrapped in a binding cloth.
  That alone is worth more than what he's done. Through this time with Eraser, he has also paid less attention to you. Not that you've noticed or anything. During this time, he's slowly letting you go and focusing on himself in a more positive light. It's more than he imagined. 
  The clock strikes and he heads to the grounds. He passes some students who encourage him to do his best since they're aware that he's training. He gives them a thumbs up and says goodbye. Once again, you're missing. It's okay though. Hitoshi can't afford to think of you anyway. The joint training is his exam of his potential even if Eraser didn't tell him that. 
 The second the beastly student appears and throws Tsu and Kirishima, he reacts and uses his voice changer. Right when Jurota freezes, Hitoshi pictures you for some reason. It's your eyes that are scared whenever he's around. He pushes that away and launches his binding cloth only to be met with an air prison. Kaminari throws himself at Jurota, electrifying him. Tsu then captures Kosei and runs. Hitoshi can only watch as she runs as fast as she can injured. 
  The next match is crazy. Midoriya goes out of control and his team are fighting valiantly. Monoma's crazed antics before weren't unfounded. Class B is equal to class A. Unfortunately, Hitoshi is a dead weight. He knows this, especially when he's tackled by Midoriya. He was so close to capturing his rival. So, so close. Hitoshi feels so heavy. He's disappointed in his performance and how obvious his weakness is. He admits that he only saved Midoriya for their rematch, he's choked by his mentor. In that moment, he wonders if Eraser is actually scolding him for what he said or because of what he was thinking of: you. In the first round he hesitated because of you. It threw him off.
  Either way, he feels like shit. The bright side is that in his second year, he gets in the class. 
 The war has begun, and the heroes lost the first round. His teacher, Eraserhead, is severely injured and down for the count. All he can do is hold onto Erasure for a short while. He’s lost an eye and his leg valiantly, earning mass respect, including from Hitoshi. He has always respected his teacher but seeing the lengths Eraser would go to protect everyone inspired Hitoshi to do his absolute best. 
He put his uniform on and wishes general studies well. “Promise you’ll be okay, star!”
He’s grateful for his mask that hides a part of his face. “I will. I don’t have my license yet, so I won’t be in the front lines or anything.”
“Do your best, Shinsou!” He gets cheers from the general studies in all the grades that gather around to wish him goodbye. He spots you on the couch hugging your blue skinned friend. He doesn’t know what to say to you. But in case something does happen, he wants to at least talk to you even though he is sure you won’t say a thing back to him.
  He’s in front of you. He wants to squat to get to your level on the couch but doesn’t. There are so many things to say yet none at all. There is nothing to be paid and then there is so much owed. Hitoshi wants to yell at you and declare that he’s a hero. Then he also wants to say nothing and leave with mystery. 
  It’s you. The one he’s known for years and has always chased in a way. The one who protected h im as he done for you at the festival. He hated how scared you were and hated how people looked at you. He hated how because you weren’t in the official running, you were disqualified and it made people think you weren’t as pretty as they thought. 
“Be safe.” Is all he can muster. You look stunned.
  Kaminari repeated what Midnight told him: to picture the person who matters the most. Is it strange that he thought of you? So, that is all he will say.
After he did his duty and brainwashed Aoyama and his parents, Eraserhead tells him, “It won’t be in April now due to this mess. But you’ll be in my class. You’re prepared enough to enter. Let’s hope you can keep up.”
He nodded, excited to his core. The only bad thing about it is losing you even though he never had you. Waking up in the morning for a cup of your coffee that you made in the pot, how you cooked pancakes for everyone one day and a traditional dish the next. He’ll lose seeing you every day and waiting for your replies. He takes a deep breath. He can’t think of that, and he shouldn’t. For the first and only time, he has the opportunity to become a hero. 
Eraserhead leads him to the hero course of 1-A. The veteran explains what is happening and the plan for everything. Finally, Hitoshi appears and waves.
“I’ll be joining the hero course soon. I thought it’d be in April but this all happened.” 
Hitoshi looks at the class who will not shut up. “Join class A!” The red head leans on him and shakes him. Eraserhead clarifies why Hitoshi is there in the first place.  Prior to him coming in the class A commons, he worked on Aoyama. The blond was scared and rightfully so. His story is frightening. Hitoshi could only imagine being thrusted into the very thing you're against because your parents pushed you into it and some killer is stalking you. 
  He hopes Aoyama will be okay. He hopes the same for you.
He rides on Machia who is brainwashed, then is flung around. Hitoshi thinks of Midoriya, his friends in general studies and the ones he is coming to know in the hero course. Most of all, he thinks of you. The last time he saw you, you were clinging onto your friend. 
Picture the person who matters the most. 
Despite everything, it’s you. The way he protected you during the festival and now this. He needs to. He wants to. If he were to say it out loud, no one would understand. He doesn't even get it but it's true.  Hitoshi continues to control Machia then it is thwarted. The beast cries out about betrayal and fights. Hitoshi tries to gain control back by using different voices but is stopped each time. 
   This is not going well. 
Picture the person who matters the most. 
He sees you playing with him when the two of you were kids. It was years ago and he barely remembers that time. He thinks of how you saved him back in middle school and stopped the bullying. He sees your fearful eyes and the urge to stop them. You've always thought of him as a threat. As a villain. Now there is a giant one that could crush you like a leaf. He hates being a villain in your eyes. 
  He'll take that assumption over your death any day. 
He’s officially in the hero course now. Because of his efforts, he got his license without a hassle. At first, he didn’t think he deserved it. Machia was able to break out of his Brainwashing several times then it all went to hell after that. The only thing Hitoshi managed to do was prevent another massacre. Still, the damage that was done was great, making Hitoshi feel like shit. After talking with a few people, including his parents, he's come to realize that he did good for a first timer. 
The world is still picking up the pieces after Shigaraki a year later. So many things have changed since then. One of the things that haven't are the friendships he made in general studies. Although they don't spend every day together, they still treat him as a friend. 
He comes back from the third year general studies hall. He didn’t see you and hasn’t for a bit. Everyone verified that you were still in school. It’s a little embarrassing that they literally keep track of everything and are still rooting for the two of you. 
  Suddenly, there is a familiar figure facing away from him. He hasn’t seen you in a while. It's not like he has totally forgotten about you, not at all. The reason is that life has drifted him away. Now, here you are bouncing and trying to reach something another student is holding over your head. You're so playful with him. If it were Hitoshi, you'd scream and run. Even though he thought of you when he was fighting. 
  You jump in the air again. His breath hitches.
After school, he walks to his dorm. The day has a crisp breeze that fights the heat of the sun. Days like this are cherished after the hell that the League brought. Once again, he finds you smiling and talking animatedly to your friends. The sun hits your face just right, making you look like a painting. Kaminari, of course, comes up to him and leans on him. “Is that the maid girl?”
“Her name’s (Y/n).” 
“She’s pretty.” Hitoshi side eyes his friend. “The prettiest.” Hitoshi’s eyes get wide. Was that from a movie? There is something memorable about that. Kaminari’s his friend. Has been for a bit, too. So, it’s okay to say what Hitoshi has been thinking, right? “I think she hates me.”
“What? Why?” Hitoshi can’t keep his eyes off of you. “I don’t know. Probably my quirk if anything.”
“Well first of all, that’s stupid so let’s get that out the way. Second, I thought you were well liked in general studies?” He blows a bubble with his gum. Hitoshi holds out his hand for the blond to hand a stick over.
  “Yeah, after the sports festival. Even then she doesn’t look at me. She runs instead.”
  “Huh…you want me to go ask her?” Hitoshi elbows him in the ribs, thinking murderous thoughts. "Absolutely the fuck not.”
“W-why not? It’ll solve it.” Kaminari groans as he rubs his ribs. “I’m just saying it could be something different, you know? Maybe she actually likes you and is nervous.”
  Hitoshi scoffs. You? Like him? His old classmates still joke about it but he knows better. “Nah, she’s been doing this since we were kids.”
  Kaminari decides to listen instead of replying. Hitoshi sighs as he leans on a pillar. “We’ve gone to school together since I can remember. It has always been like this.” He scratches his head. “I’m used to it by now.”
  Kaminari leans on the other side of the pillar. “Like, I get that you’re used to these kinds of things. Still, it doesn’t make it right. I say just go up to her.”
  Hitoshi crosses his arms. Just how shy does he think he is? “I’ve talked to her before, Kaminari. I’m not totally hopeless.”
 Without looking at him, Hitoshi knows Kaminari took that and ran. “Pfft, when?” Hitoshi shouldn’t take the bait. He should turn around and leave or something. “Throughout the years. We’ve never held a conversation I think. The last time we talked was during the wars.”
  Kaminari comes closer to Hitoshi’s side of the pillar. “You, uh, said goodbye?”
“In a way.” Hitoshi glares. “What?” 
His friend shrugs his shoulders. “I said my goodbyes, too. We all did.” The wars are a sensitive topic among society. With a breath, the human charger sheds the sadness away. He gets in front of Hitoshi. “Go get your girl then, Hitoshi.”
Hitoshi’s ears are warm. “She’s not my girl, Denki.” A mischievous gleam grows in Kaminari’s eyes. “So… I can get her then?” Hitoshi freezes. “ No!”
“Tsk, tsk. She’s fair game, my man.” Kaminari turns away from Hitoshi and heads your way. Hitoshi grabs him by the back of his collar and drags him from you without you noticing their conversation. In all honesty, he wants you to know. To hear him say what’s been on his mind for years. 
Denki never made a move on you or told anyone how Hitoshi felt about you. Now it’s graduation day. The support course has already grabbed everything and walked. Now it’s your turn. He sits on the edge of his seat in case you need him again. You go up and grab your diploma. You turn to the crowd and shout, waving it around. He’s proud of you. Not only did you graduate, but you also managed to go up on the stage. Your cheesy smile lights up the whole place. He knows there is no way he’s the only one in awe. 
You are still the prettiest. 
  Finally, it’s his turn after his classmates in the hero course. Everyone has been through so much and has grown immensely. This includes him and you. He goes up to get his diploma. The hero course and general studies shout. He’ll miss them all. His eyes find yours immediately, it’s natural now. He’s been looking for years. 
   You don’t notice at first until you hit his dead on. The last time he’s looked into them was when he was sent off to the second war. He went up to you for the last time and told you to be safe. Midnight told Denki to imagine he’s protecting something dear to him and Hitoshi went by that. You don’t look away. He wonders if this is your way of saying goodbye.
You kiss your friends goodbye and twirl around on the sidewalk. It’s dark out and starry. Maybe if he says one more thing to you, maybe if he says how he feels, then he can let you go? Does he want to? Need to?
  “Hey,” You stop twirling and look behind at him. He’s face to face with you, alone, for the first time. The light from the party is still going strong, illuminating your features. You’ve grown and are even prettier somehow. He takes a deep breath. This might be the last he talks to you or even sees you. 
   “Thanks for being safe.” Your eyes are wide and you’re speechless once again. “You don’t have to say anything, you never do,” He rubs the back of his neck. “I…I wanted you to know that I’m happy you’re alright.”
He now notices how much bigger he is than you. Taller and stronger, his voice is deeper, too. He’s grown a lot now. 
  When he looks up all he sees is your back, running from him down the street. He’s grown up a lot now so it doesn’t hurt so bad. It still stings, but at least it won’t keep him up at night he hopes.
Once again, he’s lying. He has come to terms with his adoration for you. After an incident in the bathroom that will never be talked about again, the beating of his heart pounded. No longer did he try to muffle it after he talked to Denki.
 One day. One day he’ll tell you he’s always liked you. Then maybe he can move on somehow. First loves usually don't last, right?
  It’s been a few years since he’s been a pro hero. It’s a rare day he has off and has reluctantly decided to go with his friends for breakfast. What he really wants is to be able to sleep in for once but they won’t leave him the hell alone. The bell above the restaurant door dings when he opens it. The diner is kind of on the small side and has old tiles. The place looks well-loved and the customers are clearly familiar. 
  “I’ll wait.” The young worker behind the counter groans. “Please order something. You’ve been hogging the counter for hours.”
“It’s been an hour. I’m waiting for my wife. I don’t trust your cooking.” The worker gasps. “I am excellent at my job!”
  The man at the counter takes a sip out of the small ceramic mug. “This is awful. I’ll wait.”
  “Look, I did it exactly how it’s supposed to be done. You guys are just picky!”
A middle-aged woman comes up to Hitoshi and his friends from school. Everyone’s in civilian clothing but that doesn’t stop everyone from recognizing them. “Coffee anyone?”
“Doe, don’t give them that shit, rude as hell.” The one behind the counter stomps her foot. “ You’re rude as hell!” 
  Hitoshi and the rest grin. “I’ll take a cup.” A few of the customers send him prayers. The worker behind the counter stomps away. Hitoshi would feel bad for her if the coffee hadn’t been so bad. The taste makes him choke and put the mug down. The middle aged waitress, Doe, laughs and pats Hitoshi on the back. She calls the busboy over to collect everyone’s mugs. 
  “Really, it’s not that bad…” Midoriya, despite saying that, puts his cup with the busboy. Suddenly, the door opens up. The customers sigh in relief. The man and the counter asks loudly, “And where in the hell have you been?”
Hitoshi turns to look at who he’s talking to. There you are, putting your jacket on the rack and waving at everyone. “Sorry I’m late, sorry, sorry.”
“Look at what she was serving!” It’s like they’re telling on the poor girl. “And look at this-” The others move to look at the man’s sad plate but Hitoshi can't stop staring at you. “What kind of fish is this?”
  “Oh, you poor things.” You fully enter and go behind the counter. You lean in to look at the customer’s plate. “Oof.”
  “It’s not that bad! I’ve been doing this for years.” Doe huffs and walks away and stops at your side. “You might want to make some coffee, baby.”
 “I followed the directions!”
 You pour yourself a small cup and drink. You take a drink and make a disgusted face. “You knew better, Rieka.” 
  Before Rieka can retort, you put your apron on and make a new pot of coffee first. Watching you in your element is so relaxing? Entertaining? You are just naturally flowing and are so fast with it all. 
   “The usuals?” The man at the counter clicks his tongue. Izuku chuckles at the patrons' interactions with each other. Doe comes by with the fresh pot that was quick to brew. “Round two?”  With a little cream, he drinks. It’s better and familiar. It is exactly like the pot of coffee you’d always made at the dorms.
  The table orders their meals and waits. Hitoshi still can’t believe it. You work here, he actually saw you. He hasn’t seen you since graduation day. You look more mature than you did then. He hopes he does too. 
 Quickly, the orders fly out of the kitchen with customers happily taking their plates right out of the waitress's hands. “How’d you find this place, Sero?” 
  The meals are on the table in no time. Each hot with mouth watering food. Sero takes the first bite. “Mm, it’s a usual hang out for heroes.”
“Seriously?” Ashido bites into her eggs then puts ketchup on them. “Yep. It’s because it’s lowkey and has good food. Apparently, Doe's dad used to be a hero so she makes an effort to keep it normal for heroes. The people who eat here don’t say anything or act up. Then again, most of the time we just order and take out real quick.”
 Denki nudges Hitoshi. The latter already knows of the feelings he had towards you. “We know her, don’t we?”
  Izuku’s already half done with his plate. “She looks familiar.” 
Hitoshi nods. “We went to school together in general studies. Her name’s (Y/n) (L/n).”  Izuku taps his chin. “The maid cafe!”
“And the pageant. Oh my God, everyone talked about the pretty maid on the stage. Apparently, she looked terrified.” Mina bites into her buttered toast. 
“Why did she enter then?” Izuku asks after he takes another drink of his coffee. “She didn’t.” 
The table looks at Hitoshi. “She had to choose between the cafe or the pageant and she chose the cafe. But some of the class dragged her up on stage without officially entering her.”
  Ashido shakes her head. “She probably has stage fright or something. A few people were laughing about it, but I never thought it was funny.” 
Uraraka shakes her head as well. “It wasn’t. I didn’t get to see it but by the sounds of it she was ready to faint, poor thing.” She chews on her food. “Thankfully Hitoshi here saved her.”
  The tips of his ears are warm. “What? I didn’t hear about that!”
He looks at Ashido. “I carried her off the stage.” There is a gleam in her eyes that gives him a heavy and dreading feeling. Doe comes back with a smile on her face. She sports the same shine as Ashido.  “Everything okay here? Need anything?”
“More coffee, please.” Hitoshi holds up his empty cup. Doe smiles. “I’ll get the chef to get right on it, handsome.”
  He side eyes Ashido who loudly sips on her beverage. “I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you.”
"Her hero."
Why is he nice to these people.
Hitoshi is almost done for the night when he hears a short scream. He jumps from building to building with grace. Because of the years of doing this, he has become used to the dark, so he can see what’s going on with ease. 
  He gasps as he sees you held up by some thug in an alley. The villain is covering your mouth. You try to fight him off of you. Hitoshi swings over and kicks the criminal. Of course, they’re a common sort and easy to take down. All it takes is for him to ask a simple question, “Who?!”
“Wha-” Their eyes go blank. Hitoshi takes the time to cuff them and call them in. He turns to you. You’re crying, your hand is to your chest. “(Y/n), it’s me, Hitoshi.” His hands are up as he walks to you slowly. 
“It’s just me, okay? I need you to breathe.” You are pressed against the brick wall of the building. Your breath is erratic. Those eyes of yours dart around. “Take a breath, (Y/n). Please.”
You run away and out of the alley. The villain is out cold with a simple word from Hitoshi. He takes off after you. Surprisingly, you’re fast. He never thought you’d be running from him this long. You slightly trip as you turn the corner. 
  Thankfully, he has training. He swings his bind up at a streetlight and lifts himself up on top of a building. He hops on the buildings’ roofs and follows you that way. With one move, he is able to wrap his bind around you and lift you up to his arms. You scream from the lift and look shocked when you land in his arms. 
  “Please breathe, (Y/n).” You mouth, ‘put me down’. He follows your direction and sets you down gently. Quickly, you push him away from you. Finally, for the first time, he tells you what he thinks. He doesn't know why it happens. 
Hitoshi takes his mask off roughly. “That’s it, that’s it! I don’t know what the hell I did to you but damn it, I don’t deserve it. I’m a hero now, (Y/n). A hero! My quirk isn’t judged and shouldn’t have been in the first place,” He lowers himself to your line of sight. “I am a hero. There’s nothing wrong with my quirk. Yet despite all those years you ignored me, hurt me, I’ll still save you.”
  Your eyes tear up. Shit, he shouldn't have done that. You've just been through something terrible and he's yelling at you. Why did he anyway?  “Are you going to apologize?” 
His brows furrow and jaw drops. “Excuse me?” You shut your mouth. You’re being careful with answering his questions. “You can stop being scared, you know. I just want to know how the hell you get off.”
“Do you remember me?”
“Yes. We grew up together. We went to school together all our lives.” You start to glare at him. “Do you remember me?”
He’s confused and starts to think back when you interrupt. “I have lost so many memories of my childhood because of you and your disgusting quirk.”
  You step closer. “In kindergarten, you got your quirk first and tested it out on me, repeatedly. Then the next year was the same and the same after that year. Finally, I became scared of you and when you came up to me, I wet myself from fright. You and everyone around laughed.”
  You start to struggle. “Here I am terrified of the boy who I used to play with and you think it’s funny,” You chuckle with no humor. “I decided then and there that if no one was going to save me, that doesn’t mean I couldn’t save them. They may not care about me, but I care about them. Hitoshi Shinsou,” 
You point. “I hate you. Years went by and I had to protect them from what you did to me. Because of your quirk use, I barely remember vital moments. My birthdays, teachers, friends from then and it’s not because of age!”
  “Oh my God…” He whispers. He forgot all about that. Kindergarten was so long ago he doesn’t really remember it. He remembers you being there and playing with you. Now that he’s in front of you, watching as tears stream down your face and your lips wobble, he is plagued with the past that he forgot.
   At first, he used you to show everyone his quirk. Then it developed into something fun. After that, it was to keep playing with him once he noticed you distancing yourself. Come to think of it, it was about third grade when he had become an outcast.
“In high school you did it to all of those people! And in the same breath say you want to be a hero!” 
“I can’t help if that’s my quirk, (Y/n)...”
“No, but the way you use it and disregard their feelings is what makes you a villain! And you haven’t apologized yet! You’re a poser, a villain in white. Fuck you, at least Tomura was honest.”
  You back away and turn around to the roof's door. “I’m sorry…”
You stop. “Are you sorry or is it your status now? Like Endeavor, only sorry after he got what he wanted?”
  “I don't recall any of that. Not until now.” And it's barely registering. He knows his words aren’t empty but to your ears they must be so hollow they feel like air. You clench your fists and walk away. For the first time in years, his eyes water. 
“What do I do?” Hitoshi thought about going to his friends, either ones he met in general studies or the hero course. He already went to his parents to see if they remembered you and surprisingly, they did. They just didn’t know what he had done to you. So, he went to his mentor. 
  “You’ve acknowledged the problem and feel remorse. That’s step one. Step two is atonement. It’s not a real apology if there is no action.”
He rubs his face. “What should I do, Eraser?” Hitoshi has gone over this several times in his head. He still is struggling to believe it. 
“It’s up to you. You’re the one that knows her.”
No, he doesn't. 
 He walks home with his hands in his pockets. Everything is running through his head all at once. All this time he thought proving himself to be a hero was gaining his hero license and saving those who couldn’t save themselves. He judged Endeavor for his stupidity and villainy yet didn’t think of his own. Being a hero goes beyond a license and personal accomplishments. It goes past acknowledgment. 
  He’s wanted these things for a long time. As an underground hero, he is content, happy even. He achieved what he’s wanted all his life and does it his way. He’s a fool to think that he is a good person at heart who is just misunderstood. That's what he's always said about himself. That and how unfair the world is to judge and punish someone with a villainous quirk who is a good person overall. 
  Why the fuck couldn’t he remember what he did to you? How could he miss the signs? All this time he claimed he was the victim when in reality, he's a bully. How could he not see that he is not a true hero? How scared were you every time he came up to you? 
He stops walking and looks up to the sky. It’s clearing up and the sun is coming out, shining brightly on him. His revelation stings and hurts his heart. Fuck acknowledgment, fuck accomplishments. He’s sorry and is a terrible piece of shit. He’ll show you that you’re safe from now on. Not because he has something to prove to the world. Not because he’s a hero now and heroes make things right. No, he’s going to do it because it’s you. 
And it is you who matters the most to him. 
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slickfordain · 2 years
I saw Sagau Genshin Impact and now I’m drowning in endless thoughts about “What if I was there? Wait no, what if the reader had my fucking unhealthy personality?”
And let me tell you. Chaos. Just, pure chaos.
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It was just a normal day in every nation, with you maining as Lumine. (Sorry to the darlings who main Aether,,, I just think homeboy deserves to be a villain for once for always helping people so I chose Lumine.) Lumine was ever so grateful to have you in her presence - even though you controlled her, she didn’t care. She was devoted to you, only you, obsessed with you that she just wants to smother your face with kis—
“I wonder if I should make a character of myself if I was in Teyvat…”
As you accidentally said that out loud (since you’re unaware that they’re aware), people in Teyvat stopped moving. Their bodies froze, but their hearts continued to slowly beat in a little… Joy. You? Wanting to wonder how it’s like to be in Teyvat and trying to see how it goes? Oh Irene, you’re going to make one hell of a harem that’ll chase after you. However, that’s… One misunderstanding. What you now said was something horrifying that struck down their imaginations. (Wenk wonk)
“I will name her/him (Insert character name), and give them all of my trauma.”
Zhongli spat out his drink and almost choked on it, Ei almost destroyed her town— causing electrocution when she heard, Venti was having a mental crisis and whined as he tried to catch your attention. The NPCs were mortified and immediately took action to make their city more decorative- more “cozy” styled because they knew that;; if you had dumped all your trauma to your “Genshin character”, they knew fairy lights would make you calm and soothe yourself.
Characters like Razor and Bennet would cry, absolutely shatter and will prepare themselves to comfort your character insert. I think it’s all safe to say, the characters would go over the moon even to endlessly help your character.
Lumine and Paimon were even more terrified than they should be, along with the ones in the party. Lumine will throw a boulder at anyone who DARED to give you and your character such trauma. Nobody will escape her grasp and she will make sure of it.
Kaeya and Dainsleif, will seize those who dares to give your character any more trauma. They will kill for your character, and you, they would die for you.
The Fatuis even, aren’t any saner than them. Pantalone will pay off the best room service and best comfort zone for you— Arlecchino will have a whole setup of guards practicing to kill the person who traumatized you, and basically— everyone else will go to war. It’s you we’re talking about.
It doesn’t fucking matter what you looked like.
Average, ugly, pretty, short, tall, chubby, weak— They will fucking kill all of those bitches who dared to lay a hand on you. And Tsaritsa will make sure they will be beheaded.
But then…
“If I was in Teyvat, I probably would be this ditzy dumb background NPC character who just happens to be there and tries to help Lumine. I suck, maybe even a lazy lovey dovey person who craves for attention and affection—”
That did it.
That sent everyone’s hearts to ablaze and their hormones to the top of their lungs. They were riled up to win you the damn over. You want a lover? They will kill each other to prove themselves one of them is worthy for you. Even the NPCs. They will win the hell to get you to themselves.
As for the kids, they will argue and set off bombs to one another - arguing who will be your adopted child. It doesn’t matter which one gets injured, they want to win. For you,
for their divine God. Their creator. (Y/N) (L/N).
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ms-fade · 25 days
Filthy Obsession
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★ Adult!Yan!Katsuki Bakugo x Mean!Dom!Fem!reader.
☪︎ short dabble/thoughts.
☪︎ Warnings: dom/sub, rough and mean reader, bakugo being just a person who wants to be the readers everything, hair pulling, unsafe choking, name calling, toxic relationships, yandere who wants any attention, yandere behavior, uncanny bakugo, reader using Bakugo. THIS IS REALLY KINKY AND MEAN.
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There was nothing he wouldn’t do for you, and he tried so hard to be the one to get your attention. In his eyes the only person that was worthy of his love and attention was you. So he made sure to be around while fighting villains when he knew that you would see.
But it was more then that. He followed you around everywhere, to the bar, to the grocery store, to your work and anywhere to make sure you are safe.
‘Such a idiot,’ you constantly think to yourself while accidentally leaving your curtains open and touching your pussy so openly. as if he didn’t know he was so easily noticed by the public, you noticed the patterns in the media, the news. he was following you.
So each night when you knew he was there, you’d give him a show. Moaning like a pornstar for his attention and fucking yourself with your fingers, pressing a vibrator to your clit. The mission was to make him so hard and have him cumming to the thought of you, acting innocent. and sometimes you just sleep with little clothing to still get something out of him. and you got it, he’d touch himself from the widow and sometimes you find drops of white cum on the porch.
you knew when he’d come into your apartment to steal your clothes, panties mostly, and he was always on schedule. and that’s exactly when you set a trap for him, come home early to surprise him and tell him just what you thought of him.
“The top two hero gonna cry?”
you tug his hair as hard you could, pulling him up slightly from his knees. his hands stay on your legs as you stood above him. A mini skirt just right in front of him and the only thing in the way from your unclothed cunt.
Smirking down at the blonde and his begging eyes, his throat a big scratched from all the screaming he had been doing. it was so pleasurable to watch that you couldn’t feel that bad about it.
“A filthy little man who sneaks around to steal my panties,” you glare down at him, “who said you were worthy enough for them? Huh!”
“Fuck- please, I’ll do anything to make it up to you. Buy whatever you want, anything at all,” his glossy eyes and red cheeks looked so pretty from your view.
“Don’t even deserve my attention. Say it.” You demanded and moved his head around by his hair again.
he groaned. you were right, he was disgusting. if anyone knew he was a bitch to be dominated then he wouldn’t strike as much fear. if this got out he would have a new reputation, but he didn’t care. you were worthy.
“n-not worth your attention. no one deserves you. so generous to put up with me.” it was powerful to know you had him like this. so weak and unable to fight back.
a giggle came from your lips when you jumped forward to place as hand on his neck and squeezed, not caring if it hurt or caused damage. He chocked back on air and his cheeks went fuzzy, his head grew lighter and lighter until his eyes began to close. he didn’t try to pull away, only tapping your things slightly to beg for mercy.
“Oh? I knew i could do anything to you but this is way more then I thought, so you’d let me do anything…” a cocky smirk stained your lips as you let go of his neck and he gasps for air. you even released his hair and let him go limp back down to the floor.
backing up onto the wall of your apartment you spread your legs just a bit. “I am feeling very generous, I’ll let even someone as worthless as you eat me out? then, you’ll become my toy.” he was coming back to life with your words that he lunged and began to say his thanks, kissing your sweet and soft thighs.
“number two hero has money, so you’ll be spending it all on me. Fuck you when I please, when and how.”
nodding his head eagerly he couldn’t take his eyes off your dripping pussy, pushing up the skirt with his hands and holding them there. “thank you, spoil you fuckin’ rotten for the taste of your sweet cunt.” his tongue lapped over your clit like he was starving dog, he sucked and licked on every inch.
Bakugo was willing to be your toy bank, because he knew that you’d never be able to get away from him even if you tried.
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@ Don’t steal my works. I don’t give permission to repost on any platform, don’t translate it and repost, don’t steal my work!!
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wlwitchofwhitestone · 2 months
I think what's frustrating me the most about what's going on in campaign 3 right now is that the main idea being talked about and given way too much emphasis runs counter to the theme of the m9. If the Nein were about the idea that you can become better no matter what you did or who you were before, the argument set forth and being entertained as a legitimate conflict right now is very "these guys did bad shit a thousand years ago and they should die. Somehow this is good for everyone despite the centuries of good they've done since." Ashton's point was extremely astute that if that's the case, cleanse the entire world motherfucker because we're no better, but the hypocrisy of that was neatly sidestepped (which is at least consistent with Ludinus and fascists of his ilk in general). It's not a real argument, guys. We're not meant to take him seriously.
The gods are the stewards of the only world anyone living has ever known. The fact that they made bad choices that hurt Ludinus and people he knew is a legitimate grievance. The gods are in fact flawed, capable of selfishness, but when confronted with the enormity of the damage they were causing this world, they removed themselves and a whole chunk of their power to seal themselves behind the divine gate. They didn't abandon the world. They didn't withdraw their power and sulk, leaving everyone without their gifts until they begged for a return. They simply care for mortals on the terms of those mortals and ask for nothing not freely given. The people who follow the gods find them worthy of that patronage and Ludinus does not get to erase the choice of everyone else who doesn't agree with him because he's hurt, even if he did have a point (he doesn't).
He thinks, for some reason, that his actions won't result in the same kind of harm on a global scale and completely ignores the damage he has already wrought in the name of a higher purpose because that's what the gods did and they're no better than him. But they are, dipshit. They are better than you. There are people in the world they may not be better than, salient point, but you're not one of them.
And after the light and love that was the core of the Nein - the very thing that shaped Essek into the campaign 3 NPC that he is - it feels extremely disingenuous for "do the gods deserve their power now that you've seen them at their worst" to be perceived as an actual, legitimate conflict in the endgame and a talking point in the Fandom. Especially when the Hells have already been pretty clear that they're not looking to be judge, jury, and executioner of the gods. This is not the central conflict of campaign 3, it's one dumbass's weird motivation to be a villain that needs to be stopped and the fact that it keeps coming up as anything approaching credible is a condemnation of the purity culture mindset in online spaces today.
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raineandsky · 11 days
Imagine a hero x villain where the villain is kind of inept, and he basically has one last attempt to convince supervillain he's worthy of his job (and possibly life tbh), and he comes across a badly injured hero. This starts a long con where he ingratiates himself with her, slowly learning details to her powers (think Black Canary's scream), only to sell her out to supervillain. But it turns out he ... might have grown a little fond of her.
Probably a really basic idea. 😅
there's no basic ideas in this house - we like what we like!! thank you for the request as always :)
His whole plan was leading up to this moment. Why is he stalling?
The villain stands outside the supervillain’s door. He should be in there, should be explaining his master plan the he knows the supervillain will love, but no—here he is, lingering outside like a wimp.
He knows why he’s lingering. Of course he does, it’s been pretty hard to avoid.
He found a hero. Injured, weak, vulnerable. He took her in and helped her recover, all under the guise of some concerned civilian who just so happened to know emergency first aid. She was unsure at first; closed off, speaking only to thank him for the food he brought her and the bandages he wound around her injuries.
Then she got comfortable. Talked about her work, the other heroes, how her power worked—her sonic blast, to give it a name. She demonstrated on his poor mug, his favourite, and beamed when the villain showered her in praise and amazement. As heroes do.
She got better, returned to the agency, but not without the stab of affection the villain had managed to plant in her.
The hero returned, of course. Talks of heroism turned into talks of life—her cat was probably eating all her food, heroism made her awful lonely, his sofa was cosy with a blanket over her lap and the fireplace crackling in front of her, could he draw her, please? The villain had tried to play his pad of notes—notes on her—off as a sketchbook before, and was suddenly deeply regretting it.
The drawing’s still in there. He’s been looking at it, with all its wonky lines and uneven pen marks, as he pieced together his plan. Maybe too much. It’s clearly had an effect.
Dammit, now he’s thinking about it again—thinking about her. All he should be thinking about is how he can manipulate the information out of her for the supervillain’s gain. All he can think about is the movie night they’ve planned for this evening.
The supervillain appears at the end of the corridor. He eyes the villain for an awkward moment before he says, “Everything alright, [Villain]?”
Come on, do it. No, don’t. The villain shuffles on his feet. “Yeah. Could I grab you for a meeting quickly?”
The supervillan’s expression only gets more quizzical but he doesn’t say no. He opens his office door and ushers the villain inside with a sigh.
He flops down in his chair, gesturing idly for the villain to start. The villain flips his notepad open, his speech laid out in his mind. I’ve integrated myself into [Hero]’s life. With a little pushing, think of what we could find out! He glances down at the page for inspiration.
The notepad has been open on this page too much recently. It flips itself, irritatingly, to that godawful 30 second drawing, and any words the villain was gearing up to say die on his tongue.
He showed it to the hero with a grimace and she laughed. Loud, unabashed. Like someone who isn’t afraid of who she is. “Looks just like me!” she cried. “It’s no Picasso, sure, but it was by you, so that must count for something!”
The lines are even more crooked than he remembered. Jesus, why did he keep this? It doesn’t do her justice.
The villain looks back up like he just remembered where he is. He did, honestly. He was more than a little lost in his own thoughts. Thinking about her like some irritating fly that just won’t take the hint away no matter how much you swat it.
“Yeah, I, uh, yeah.” Flawless start. The villain clears his throat and flips the pad closed. “I just, uh, thought I’d say that whatever you’ve done with the light bulbs is good. It’s, uh, brighter. In here. In all the rooms.”
The supervillain stares at him blankly. “Is that… what this was about?”
No! “Yeah.”
The supervillain has never had less emotion on his face than right now. “Okay.”
“Okay,” the villain echoes, and with a quick nod he turns on his heel and gets the hell out of there.
The halls are quiet, thankfully. The villain lobs the notepad in the first bin he finds, and after taking three steps he grumbles to himself and pulls it back out and tears the drawing out and replaces the pad in the bin.
He might as well just go home. He has a movie night to set up anyway, and he needs to rob the corner store of all the popcorn they have.
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lunarriviera · 2 months
the huo daofu round-up post i have been threatening for a really long time now
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Thinking about this man, I was just admitting to chat "honestly cannot believe how much life energy i have invested in such a minor character" but the truth of the matter is, I was mildly obsessed with Huo Daofu from Reboot alone; his odd unresolved backstory in Sha Hai just cemented my mental formation. Because let's be real, in a world of overly earnest tomb raiders, this man is a goddamn catty delight. The dainty bitterness! The barely concealed eye-rolling! So many impeccable That Bitch vibes. And his unimpressed snark is honestly such a refreshing antidote to Wu Xie's whole everyone-loves-him Marty Sue thing that even when you discover Huo Daofu secretly ALSO loves him, you don't mind, because by that point Dr. Youtiao is a savage queen who can do no wrong.
And He Longlong clearly made this guy up. In the novels he's just sort of a vaguely beardy guy who drives a truck, that's literally all I remember him ever doing. But someone cast this man, and they gave him some rubber bands and pizza coupons and chewed gum of a script to work with, and he promptly decided: I will make him extremely gay. And staggeringly bitchy. AND IT WORKS. He devours every frame he's in, he steals every scene. It's a performance worthy of Alan Rickman and yes I will die upon this hill.
We all know the bitchy-ex-boyfriend scenes in Reboot—"oh my god I literally can't wait for you to perish from lungs" and then Huo Daofu spends like every moment trying to keep Wu Xie alive, sheltering him uselessly from the rain with his hand, rubbing his back when he coughs, looking (when no one's watching but the camera) like he's maybe going to stop breathing himself, when Wu Xie does.
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Apparently Huo Daofu's name sounds very silly in Chinese which I think is appropriate for someone who apparently (?) grew up in Germany (?) and went to the University of Heidelberg (?) (honestly don't waste time trying to figure out DMBJ canon, NPSS has thoughtfully ensured that will only be exhausting and futile). Spurious medical qualifications aside, he's super handy in fanfic, too, when you need a sketchy doctor, as all tomb-raiding mob families invariably do.
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[someone once pointed out to me that this combination of degree topics basically translates into "how to dispose of bodies"]
I could also hold forth on him and Yang Hao—like, Su Wan alone makes it REAL clear that Huo Daofu's interest in the kid isn't just avuncular or entrepreneurial:
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"Are you working for him, or are you working for him?" And Su Wan should be protective, because Yang Hao is honestly kind of an idiot, and probably doesn't realize he's being assiduously groomed not just as a mob boss but as a potential boy toy. (NB by the way that there are 44 fics in the Huo Daofu/Yang Hao tag, and disappointingly, not a single one of them is in English. Western fandom needs Jesus.)
But the thing is, Huo Daofu SAVES his ass in Gutongjing. Everyone forgets that. There's easily half a dozen times where he grabs Yang Hao's shoulder and hauls him back from danger. And Huo Daofu is the one Jiumen member smart enough to get out ahead of disaster, and to take Yang Hao with him. Here he is looking fabulous in a completely unnecessary but dramatic scarf.
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And, at the end, he lets Yang Hao go. Because he's secretly decent.
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Sure, he has some vaguely sketchy take-over-the-Huos plans, plans that clearly go awry at some point no matter how dramatically and villainously he makes tea. Sure, he exudes a scurrilous sort of evil. But he's COMPELLING and that's all I care about. Look at his pretty little face here, sourly plotting things, in a windowpane-checked suit which should be ridiculous but just winds up looking snazzy as fuck compared to the rest of the Jiumen. This is a man who understands the value of a pocket square. Thank you so much, He Longlong, we didn't deserve you putting your entire snatch into this very minor performance but some of us are extremely grateful.
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So here are seven ficrecs, with a podfic and a meta from AO3. Please let me know if I should add anything (Tumblr meta?)—this post WILL be updated, because I have too much time on my hands and care unreasonably about the mean-spirited little bastard.
Remember how this used to be (3569 words) by achray Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Huo Daofu/Wu Xie (DMBJ Series) Characters: Huo Daofu (DMBJ Series), Wu Xie (DMBJ Series), Wang Pangzi Additional Tags: Missing Scene, Angst, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Background Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling, Wu Xie being a gremlin, Canon-typical references to illness Summary:
“That wasn’t a no,” Wu Xie said, his smile widening. “I thought you still wanted me.”
Notes: How is this both hot and sad? I don't know, that's the magic of fanfiction. This was the first Wu Xie/Huo Daofu fic I ever read and frankly the genre needs more entries, but this is a good one.
the rime dictionary of Wu Xie (7433 words) by scherzanda Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling, Wang Pangzi/Ye Piaopiao, Wang Pangzi & Wu Xie & Zhang Qiling Characters: Wu Xie (DMBJ Series), Wang Pangzi, Zhang Qiling, Ye Piaopiao, Huo Daofu (DMBJ Series), Xiao Mei, Wu Erbai, Li Jiale (DMBJ Series) Additional Tags: Piaopiao lives, Post-Canon, Canon Flashbacks, canonical illness, fun with the common cold, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Handwaved SI Recovery, Canon-typical Ershu Infodump, Quasi-History-Compliant, Yuletide Treat Summary:
This is why (even now) Wu Xie shouldn’t be let out alone—one trip out to the provinces, and he comes home with a bad cold and an unsolved mystery.
Notes: this is one of my very favorite Huo Daofu writers and here's why—read this little excerpt. The angst. The PAIN. Wu Xie absolutely broke this man's heart at some point and honestly Huo Daofu is really only himself if he's suffering, love that for him:
“Easy,” he said, when Wu Xie couldn’t seem to stop coughing. “Here—” and reached for the rest of the tea, except that it wasn’t on the table any longer.
Zhang Qiling was holding the mug; he had somehow gone around to the other side of the bed, moving in that flowing now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t way that never seemed quite human, to sit down cross-legged on the bed by Wu Xie so that their shoulders touched. Huo Daofu snatched his hand away from Wu Xie’s back as if an electrical current might flow through the double contact.
“Wu Xie,” Zhang Qiling said, and then something else so quiet it was inaudible, holding the tea so Wu Xie could drink.
Looking at the open tenderness on that remote, beautiful face, utterly focused on Wu Xie, made Huo Daofu feel as if his flesh was trying to part ways with his bones. It was a pain his medical texts didn’t have a word for, deeper and more primitive than jealousy or resentment.
Wu Xie, getting his breath back, looked sideways at him with one of those sudden grins. “Sorry, Xiao Huo. You’re still out of luck when it comes to watching me die. Maybe next time.”
Huo Daofu’s voice would not quite leave his throat. Instead, Xiao Mei said crossly “Tianzhen-shu, that’s dumb.” Most of her attention was still on her phone screen. “Why would Dr. Huo want to watch you die.”
Wu Xie looked at him, still smiling.
“It’s a long story,” said Huo Daofu, “and it doesn’t matter now.”
even through hesitation (10407 words) by naiwong_bao Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV), 沙海 | Tomb of the Sea (TV), 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Huo Daofu & Huo Xiuxiu, Hei Xia Zi/Huo Xiuxiu/Xie Yuchen Characters: Huo Daofu (DMBJ Series), Huo Xiuxiu, Yang Hao (DMBJ Series), Hei Xia Zi (DMBJ Series), Xie Yuchen, Wu Xie (DMBJ Series), Wang Pangzi Additional Tags: Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Character Study, Alternate Universe - Fantasy Series: Part 3 of this is where we live Summary:
He’s a boy so Huo Daofu knows from the beginning that there are no expectations for him, he can do as he likes. So he plays, he cries, he does what children do.
Then his parents die.
No one wants him, no one has time for him, so his family sends him to Germany for school. It’ll be a good opportunity, his family says. He can do whatever he wants, be free of the family business, they’ll take care of him over there. He doesn’t want to go, he doesn't know who they are, but he doesn’t get a say.
So he goes to Germany where the language is strange, the food is strange, the people are strange, and he wants to go home so badly that his teeth ache.
Huo Daofu builds a life for himself, but at the first sign of trouble, years and years and years later, he rents out his apartment to an acquaintance, and flies home.
The language is strange, he doesn’t know the slang, the food is strange, the people are strange.
His family is cold and he still doesn’t get a say. --- Huo Daofu between the end of Tomb of the Sea and when he reappears in Reboot. AKA Huo Daofu learns to care a little.
The Mark of a Man (2279 words) by JhanaMay Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 沙海 | Tomb of the Sea (TV), 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Huo Daofu & Yang Hao (DMBJ Series) Characters: Huo Daofu (DMBJ Series), Yang Hao (DMBJ Series) Additional Tags: Loneliness, Found Family even when it makes you want to scream, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Huo Daofu is a mediocre role model Series: Part 8 of The Art of Conversation, Part 7 of The Art of Conversation Side Stories Summary:
When Huo Daofu inducted Yang Hao into the Huo family business, he wasn't expecting to become the boy's de facto babysitter.
Notes: a poignant little vignette in which Huo Daofu has a heart.
[META] Huo Daofu's Youtiao Stand (739 words) by Thimblerig Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei, 沙海 | Tomb of the Sea (TV), 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Huo Daofu & Huo Xiuxiu, Huo Daofu & Wu Xie (DMBJ Series) Characters: Huo Daofu (DMBJ Series) Additional Tags: Meta, Worldbuilding, Huo Daofu's Delicious Fried Snacks Series: Part 2 of DMBJ Meta Summary:
Huo Daofu is a supporting character in Sand Sea. Ambitious, wily, hungry, he’s far from one of the main villains of the story but he’s not nice, either. By the end of Sand Sea Huo Daofu has exploited the chaos caused by the ill-founded expedition to Gutongjing to take over various of the Huo Family operations.
When he appears in Reboot: Sound of Providence, he is a purveyor of delicious fried bread snacks. He’s clearly not hurting for money, so why…?
Notes: this is one of my favorite little HDF explorations, theorizing that Huo Xiuxiu busted him down a rank, and I think that's beautiful.
starting in darkness, like a pure line of light (10167 words) by scherzanda Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Huo Daofu/Bai Haotian, Bai Haotian & Wu Xie, Liu Sang & Wu Xie (DMBJ Series), Bai Haotian & Liu Sang Characters: Wu Xie (DMBJ Series), Huo Daofu (DMBJ Series), Bai Haotian, Liu Sang (DMBJ Series), Wang Pangzi, Zhang Qiling Additional Tags: background pingxie, background Iron Triangle, past Wu Xie/Huo Daofu, Post-Canon, hurt/sarcasm, Fade to Black, Dialogue Heavy, meta-adjacent, Self-Indulgent Use of Chinese, Emotional Hurt/Comfort Summary:
Some emotional loose ends are never going to be tied up, but at least they can be recognized and shared. Or, a selection of the worst best only ways to comfort one another in the aftermath.
Notes: absolutely nothing makes me, a Huo Daofu stan, happier than scherzanda's fics featuring him. You would think this is an odd pairing, but it's really not—the two people who love Wu Xie most and are left behind by him? They have so much in common. Also, this fic has a podfic!
[PODFIC] starting in darkness, like a pure line of light, by scherzanda (701 words) by Thimblerig Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV), 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Huo Daofu/Bai Haotian, Bai Haotian & Wu Xie, Liu Sang & Wu Xie (DMBJ Series), Bai Haotian & Liu Sang Characters: Wu Xie (DMBJ Series), Huò Dàofū, Bai Haotian, Liu Sang (DMBJ Series), Wang Pangzi, Zhang Qiling Additional Tags: background pingxie, background Iron Triangle, past Wu Xie/Huo Daofu, Post-Canon, hurt/sarcasm, Fade to Black, Dialogue Heavy, Meta Adjacent, Self-Indulgent Use of Chinese, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Podfic, podficcer not a native chinese-speaker but is doing her best, Podfic Length: 1-1.5 Hours
do the work, love the work (1616 words) by scherzanda Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Huo Daofu (DMBJ Series), Wu Xie (DMBJ Series), Wang Pangzi, Zhang Qiling, Liu Sang (DMBJ Series), Bai Haotian, Wu Erbai Additional Tags: Mid-Canon, Missing Scene, Character Study, Post-Canon, Yuletide Treat Summary:
It doesn't always look that way, but Huo Daofu is doing his best.
Notes: once again I just have to excerpt, so you'll GET IT:
The train had nearly reached Hangzhou by the time Wu Xie spoke to him beyond the commonplace. He was still sitting in the corridor, staring dreamily at the growing suburbs, while Zhang Qiling gave Wang Pangzi a hand in the cabin. He looked up as Huo Daofu came back from the hot water dispenser. “Xiao Huo, xinkule. Sorry you never got that chance to watch me die, eh?”
Huo Daofu closed his eyes and looked away from Wu Xie’s smile, unshadowed now with death, brilliant and painful. “I’m sorry too,” he said, eyes still closed, and did not say any of the things he was sorry for.
not only the sugar, but the days (3000 words) by A Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV), 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bai Haotian/Huo Daofu Characters: Huo Daofu (DMBJ Series), Bai Haotian Additional Tags: Mentions of Death, Healing, Getting Together, Youtiao as a Metaphor, Also Actual Youtiao Summary:
His gaze meets Bai Haotian's, who's trying so hard to keep it together, and he knows that Wu Xie will break her heart when he dies, and it won't even be his fault. He never fucking means to.
Notes: another recent entry in the HDF/Bai Haotian post-canon and I love it unreasonably. They both love Wu Xie SO MUCH and it's just taking them OUT. Their subsequent connection is natural and it's funny as hell, the author loves them both and it shows:
"Are you really sure?" Bai Haotian says softly, and Huo Daofu looks up.
"About the week."
"At best," he says, then winces. Fuck it. "It'll be three days," he says, loud enough to carry through the bedroom door, "if he keeps pulling these stunts!" There's a muffled noise and some very clear profanity from Pangzi, which Huo Daofu ignores. "See if I care!" he adds, but it's just not the same without Wu Xie there to grin at him, unrepentant.
He can feel Bai Haotian's hand covering his own, just loosely, where it's half curled into a fist against his thigh. He turns his head. The look she gives him is so full of unquestioning kindness, of understanding, he almost has to close his eyes against it.
"I'm sure," he says quietly, not really looking at her. "But he's proven me wrong before."
He can see her nod as she takes that in, and then they just sit there in silence, her hand over his, not moving.
In conclusion, just because I can, from some of my favorite posts:
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Please also do not fail to check out the magnificent Dr Mal Practice post, as well as "it's not his fucking birthday" and "I'll fucking do it but christ alive." These users truly understand the essence of Huo Daofu.
PS also don't sleep on Huo Daofu and Liu Sang having a fabulous bitch-off in Hua Mei, a Sha Hai side story ft. haunted Wushanju. Another side story, Ran Gu, also has a swooning Kan Jian. Quality entertainment!
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shywhumpauthor · 2 years
<<Please read before requesting>>
I accept requests for drabbles, snippets, prompt lists, asks regarding my series, pretty much anything—given that the topic of the request is within my comfort zone
Art sideblog: @charcoalsketches
Spam sideblog: @coal-commits-arson
(I will try to keep this updated to current)
Writing Challenges
The Merry Whump of May 2022
Summer of Whump 2022
Whumptober 2022
Whumpuary 2023
The Merry Whump of May 2023
Two Weeks of Whump 2023
— — — — — — — — — — — — —
Plushie Whump // Defiant Lab Whump // Desert Whump // Mute Whumpers~Caretakers // Shivering // Doctor Whumpers // Comfort Plushies // Healing Powers // Betrayed by Team // Humane Whumpers // Bath Time With Trauma // Short Betrayal Thing // Mean Caretaker // Lab Rat Whumpee = Lonely // Some Dialogue // Whumpers Who Get Carried Away // Rating Whump Locations // Experiment Prompt List // How Whumpee Meets Caretaker Prompt List // Mock Executions // Captured Prince Prompt List // Teammate Caretaker x Leader Whumpee // Belts as Restraints // Recovery Center List // Doghouse // Feral Whumpee Recovery // Torture Idea // Both Caretaker and Whumpee are Captives // Ribbons (Short Snippet) // Safety in Restraints // Two Beds // Caretaker is New Master // Brutal Whump Idea // Bleeding Ungrateful // Old Wounds // Tally // Injured Back // Tied to a Table // Driver // Redeemed Villain Captured With Team // Gentle Pet Whump // Ear Pains // Hero Being Manipulated Snippet // Signs of Whump // Morgue Prompt // Cold in Captivity // Sharp Teeth Supernatural Whumpee // Broken Whumpees and Regret // Possessive Whumpers // Tucked in // Auction Prep // Emergency Contact // Marbles // Familiar Whumpee and Whumper // Sunburn +Whipping // Overworked // Branded Handprints //
Other Prompts
1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 // 26 // 27 //
— — — — — — — — — — — — —
Drabble Masterpost
— — — — — — — — — — — — —
The Prince of a Bloodstained Game (completed)
My first ever series, made a while ago. Royal Whumper Leonidas, spy Whumpee who was sent to kill him Harlow. My advice, just don't. Don't go there. I haven't looked back. Who knows what horrors await in my old writing
A Drop Of Honey
Probably my most consistent series tbh, ongoing for months. I only work on it when requested. Bitch Whumpee called Bee, no other characters are worthy of names. We've got Friend and Whumper, that's it
Red Stained Riches
(Whumptober 2022) Kaden shouldn't have gone to the party. Rich creepy whumper named Mathias. Ongoing.
Whumpuary 2022. Ignore how the first 12 parts are nameless, I’m slowly going back to fix it. Noah is a spy, and hell is he in over his head
Coriander took a turn a bit too fast during a storm, and they ended up on the wrong person’s doorstep.
To the Victor the Spoils
A choose-your-own-adventure, interactive whump series
— — — — — — — — — — — — —
My Old Writing Masterlist
In my most professional opinion, just stay away.
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unecoccinellenoire · 5 months
i wish you would write a fic where … hesperia is flirting with our nathalie. she’s cool with it.
It happens in a matter of seconds. One moment she’s talking to a despondent Adrien on the sofa trying to coax out how exactly he got back to Paris from the train while the television drones on about Monarch and the next an explosion shatters the window.
Bomb, her mind screams at her.
Nathalie throws herself over Adrien instinctively, but her prostheses weigh her down and throw her off balance and when she lands it’s against the sofa without her charge in sight. And then a body lands against hers and panic that Adrien would try to protect her shoots down her spine before she belatedly registers she’s being shielded by someone larger than her not smaller.
As her saviour gently lifts her she relaxes against his purple suit, and lets her eyes rest for a second against the bright light as she inhales that soothing masculine scent of his. She might despise Gabriel right now, she might know that any safety he appears to offer is an illusion, but that doesn’t mean that illusion isn’t working for her right now.
“It’s alright madame,” he promises in a soft baritone that-
-that isn’t Monarch’s booming tones.
She opens her eyes. This isn’t Gabriel. He’d never wear just the Butterfly Miraculous when he has the rest of them, and even if he did this isn’t Hawk Moth. The mask only covers part of his place and his fair hair hangs freely over it.
Her brain buzzes in confusion. Or maybe that’s her ears ringing from the explosion. Either way she’s too out of it to come up with anything more sensible than, “safe?”
His eyes are kind but something sparks in them as he smiles. It looks familiar. It looks like how Gabriel had used to smile at Emilie before unleashing some phrase he thought was exceedingly charming.
“A place like this isn’t a good place for a pretty lady like you,” he says, “much as it’d be a pleasure to keep rescuing you I wouldn’t be much of a hero if I left you in danger like that.”
An embarrassing warmth spreads below her stomach. Flirtation isn’t wholly unfamiliar to Nathalie, for all that she’s buried in an industry where beauty is the currency and she hardly draws attention. But usually the flirtation comes loaded with ulterior motives from people who know who she is.
Then again. This man has apparently stolen the Butterfly Miraculous from Gabriel. No doubt he does know who she is and he does have ulterior motives.
She needs to get it together.
“A pleasure, Isn’t that a bit forward? I don’t even know your name.”
“Hesperia, my lady.” He looks like he’d tip a hat to her if he had one, “and yours? Is it worthy of you?”
“I don’t know about worthy. I’m Nathalie.”
“That’s a beautiful name. Like you. But I really should get you somewhere safe- I don’t like the sound of this Monarch character.”
“Monarch?” She traces the Miraculous on his chest, “didn’t you take this from him?”
“I’m sorry to dash your hopes. This isn’t my universe my dear.”
“Oh.” She studies his face, that tanned skin, those eyes, those cheekbones. “And you’re- a hero?”
She tries to imagine it. Gabriel, a hero and not a villain. Flirting with her rather than eternally loyal to Emilie. She can’t hold the image in her mind. It seems too impossible. And yet the man in front of her clearly exists, clear is a possibility.
“I try my best.” He says, still smiling.
She raises an eyebrow. “When you’re not flirting with random woman?”
Though maybe being easily distracted is a trait it’s easier to reconcile with her Gabriel. The real Gabriel. Because this man is probably someone completely different in his universe.
“Or am I not random? Do you know me back home?” She interrupts. If Gabriel could be a hero, could have moved on from Emilie then maybe-
“I’m afraid not. A loss I assure you. Now, I found you in Gabriel Agreste’s home. Does he have a panic room? A bomb shelter? Somewhere I can stow you safely.”
Her heart fell into her stomach. Of course he didn’t know her. Of course she was just a random distraction to him. How could she be so stupid that Gabriel still had this grip on her even as he cared more about defeating a teenager than he did about her life?
“If he did it wouldn’t be for me,” her tone was as sour as the bile in her throat. It wasn’t quite true. Gabriel had never changed the code to where Emilie lay. She could hide down there. Only she didn’t care not, “Gabriel wouldn’t care if I died.”
He’d as good as told her that. Told her that it wasn’t about Emilie anymore either.
“Nathalie, I’m sure-“
But she can’t bear to hear such reassurances from him. Screw it, she decides, and drags him down by his lapels and stops him with her mouth on his.
He’ll probably drop her and leave her here, or stop her and lecture her about the morality of kissing people without asking first. She doesn’t care right now. She needs him to stop. And she needs to indulge in the pretence offered by his flirtation. That someone could want her, love her.
She wants to kiss someone before she dies.
And she’s dying sooner rather than later.
Hesperia gasps against her. He doesn’t do any of those things she’s expected. He lets her tongue into his mouth, and he’s warm and wet and perfect and he tastes a little like Gabriel’s favourite coffee.
Nathalie is the one to stop, as another crash shakes the roof they’re on.
“You should go.” She says, “put me down somewhere on the streets. I’ll be fine. We’re used to akuma attacks here. And- sorry.”
Those infuriating eyes are all pity, “I think you needed that. I am sorry Nathalie. That you have to live through these, akuma did you call it? Attacks. For whatever this Gabriel Agreste has done to you. And that I can’t see you again. But I have-“
“Your own universe to get back to. I get it. And you wouldn’t like me if you knew me anyway.” He’s a hero after all. Nathalie is the opposite of that. “And I’ll probably already be dead by any time you might come back to this universe.”
His eyebrows drew together, the corners of his mouth drooped down, “I don’t know you Nathalie. But I can tell you that you deserved better.”
“I don’t.” She has no illusions about that. She brought this on herself when Emilie had asked them to let her go. She hadn’t even managed to succeed in saving her. And she’d failed completely to care for Adrien, and perhaps even Gabriel like she’d asked her to. “You should go.”
“Alright,” he jumped down to street level with her still cradled in his arms and then gently deposited her down on the ground, “but Nathalie, do something for me?”
“What?” What could she possibly do for him?
“Don’t lose hope.”
She’d lost that already, had lost it the moment Gabriel had admitted to not just giving his past self the USB she’d meticulously prepared.
The one she’d given him knowing it would save her and Emilie at the cost of the friendship between them because had Emilie never fallen sick they would have continued that relationship of just messages on birthdays and at Christmas that they’d had after Tibet.
Only to discover Gabriel wasn’t even willing to sacrifice his pride.
But looking at Hesperia she finds she didn’t have the cruelty to crush him with that reality. Maybe that means he isn’t Gabriel.
She sighs, “I’ll try.”
And as she watches him leap away she thinks that maybe that wasn’t entirely a lie. That maybe she has no hope for her but herself but she can hope for the Nathalie of that world, that she’s happy and will be loved back. Can hope that the heroes here will beat Gabriel and somehow Adrien can be protected through all of it. Can hope she can do enough to ensure he’s safe.
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bookshelf-in-progress · 8 months
What the hey. I'll ask for some feedback right here on the blog.
I haven't touched my "Twelve Dancing Princesses" retelling in a while because I'm unsure about the style. When I was brainstorming a list of retelling possibilities, the first line of this one jumped out at me and made me start writing in a non-traditional point-of-view. I like the intimacy of it, but the story started expanding into more detail than I initially intended, so I'm not sure if it serves the story or just makes it more confusing. If you stumbled on a story written like this unawares, would it still make sense, etc.?
So I'm posting the first couple of scenes (2,400 words) to give you a taste of what it would be. It's still pretty rough, so there are some things about character and plot that don't make complete sense, but I could use some general feedback about readability. Is it worth continuing in this way or should I overhaul it to something more traditional? Is the story worth continuing at all? And so on.
(FYI: This is a retelling of the French version of the fairy tale, popularized by Andrew Lang, so all unique details come from that version).
Unseen: A Retelling of The Twelve Dancing Princesses
We go to the same garden every day, but you never see me. Why should you? You are the Princess Sonatina, youngest daughter of the greatest king on five continents, while I am only a gardener's assistant, with not even a surname of my own, except one that was given to me half as a taunt for my daydreaming ways. If you were ever to ask, I would tell you I answer to Michael Stargazer--but you never will think to ask, and I will never presume to speak.
Instead, I work silently in the gardens, while you wander past with your sisters--eleven of them, all unsurpassed in beauty of face and form and voice--laughing and chatting and singing snatches of songs. You are, all of you, more beautiful and vibrant than any of the flowers I tend, and I feel more alive just being near you.
Then the day comes when your morning songs are silent. You drag weary feet through the gardens, look blankly at the beauties of the world, lounge wearily along the edges of fountains and atop retaining walls. The rumor comes that every night, you are--all of you--wearing through your shoes.
Were I a prince, I would think no quest too perilous to save you from such sickness. I would climb a million trees in search of golden apples, cross storm-filled oceans in search of the Water of Life, work a dozen years at impossible tasks to find the key to ending your curse.
But I'm only a gardener, and nobody's son, so it falls to those with name and fortune to try their hands at saving you. The king has vowed that the man who finds the secret of where you go at night will win your hand in marriage, and there are many who are willing and worthy to try.
They are wonderful men--strong and handsome, noble and brave, with royal titles, vast holdings, great fortunes, and skills and talents that a simple gardener could never match. Any one of them would make a fine husband for a princess. Yet all of them, to a man, disappear within a day of taking up their task.
The rumors turn darker then, casting you not as victims but villains, luring men to their deaths with some dark magic of your own. Those who say such things did not see you in the gardens, or that would know that not one of you is capable of anything near what they accuse you of. Unfortunately, no one will ask a garden lad's thoughts, and I cannot speak unbidden unless I have proof.
So I go to the gardens and find two tiny rose trees. The head gardener tried to tear them out, in my first days at the palace, and I convinced him to let them live. I have watered them, fed them, saved them from disease and decay, told them stories of the princesses they serve. You have never seen them, I'm sure--you have never seen me--but though they are small, they are fine little plants, with dark, glossy green leaves, and little buds that seem always to be waiting for just the right time to bloom. An old woman told me once that they were wishing trees, planted in the earliest days of the kingdom's existence, and my service to them meant I had only to speak to them, and they would give me whatever I asked.
For myself, I want nothing--wishes too easily become the ruin of those who have them granted--but for you, I would dare all. I ask my two rose trees to make me not only unseen, but unseeable, able to follow wherever you go without detection.
The rose tree sprouts a single bloom, its petals so white and delicate they are almost transparent. When I pluck it from the bush, I disappear from sight. I place it in my buttonhole and move about the gardens, unseen by all who cross my path, even in the brightest sun.
That night, I follow you into the bedroom you share with your sisters, and I hide beneath the largest bed while the room above fills with the sounds of rustling dresses, clinking jewels, and girlish whispers. At last, your eldest sister Aria declares you dressed to perfection and calls for silence.
I creep out from under the bed and find you and your sisters dressed in ballroom finery--silks and satins and twelve pairs of perfectly-mended dancing shoes. I take my place just behind you, and find you more beautiful than ever in this moonlit room.
Aria pulls aside a tapestry, and the blank stone wall suddenly becomes an open doorway leading to a torchlit staircase. You all rush through in single file. I keep close at your heels, afraid that I'll be left behind unseen if I give the door a chance to close.
Aria stands back to hold open the tapestry. I rush past where she stands, afraid she'll follow too close and crash into my unseen form. In doing so, I trod too close to your skirt, and the fabric tears beneath my foot as you take your first steps down the stairs.
You shriek and grab hold of Lyra, standing just before you on the stairs. "Someone stood on my skirt!" you scream.
I hold myself flat against the damp stone wall, heart pounding so fast that I'm certain you hear me.
Aria breezes down the staircase, head held high, the crown princess rolling her eyes at her foolish juniors. "Don't be silly, Tina," Aria says. "I was nowhere near you on the stairs."
You protest that you felt someone on your skirt, but your cries for belief are drowned out by eleven dissenting voices, and they all continue down the staircase. You go only reluctantly, looking back at me--right through me--a thousand times as you go forth. Were it not for the weight of my mission, I would cast off the rose in the hope of a single moment when our eyes could truly meet.
After what seems like a million stairs, we emerge into an open clearing that would look like the outdoors if there was any sight of sky above. Trees tower over us with drops of silver on their branches, like rain upon the leaves. Further down the path is a gold-spattered orchard, each precious drop catching the soft white light that comes from I know not where. Even further beyond is a forest full of diamonds, every stone flashing rainbows that remind me of the fire in your eyes.
The forests are strange, but also strangely unsurprising--as though they've always been here, but simply unseen. Your sisters whisper of the night that this place was wished into existence--a place where they might revel in pure beauty and joy, away from the weighty eyes of the watchful world. But the forest, it seems, is only a prelude--the true marvel is far ahead. We emerge onto the shores of a shimmering lake--so vast, so deep, and so darkly blue that I can see neither the bottom nor the opposite shore. On an island in its center stands a castle so magnificent that it makes your father's palace seem like a paper toy. Its white, sculpted spires glitter with gems in a thousand colors, every brick spangled with precious stones. Its windows hold wonders caught in flawless stained glass. Music sweeter than any I've ever heard pours out its open doors, and the light from within forms a shining path across the lake--upon which float twelve sleek obsidian-colored boats.
Each boat has a boatman who rows swiftly toward the shore, and as they approach, I find that I know all the faces. Every one of these men is a prince who failed at finding your secret--or rather, they found it, and did not return. They are dressed in silks and velvets unlike any I've seen in the outer world, too rich for comprehension. As they slide up to the shore and each offer a place to one of you girls, they wear smiles that shine as bright as your own--but there is also something empty in their eyes.
You, as the youngest, take your place in the very last boat of all, piloted by a king's younger son whose sires have ruled half a continent for centuries. He smiles and bows as he takes you by the hand. The way your eyes light up make me wonder if I've seen what you look like in love.
The prince rows with arms strengthened by a warrior's skill--I doubt he's ever held a shovel in his life--but the other boats still outpace us by far.
"Why are you so slow tonight?" you ask him, half teasing, but with a trace of true annoyance.
"The boat is heavy," he says, "and I know not why."
You glance backward, toward where I sit in the stern, and again, I half-wish you could see me. But I let out a sigh of relief when you turn your eyes back toward the castle and give no further thought to unknowable truths.
We disembark on a dock just beneath the castle entrance, and in moments we are inside the palace of enchantment itself. This is a ballroom beyond what I could imagine--floors of marble streaked with gold and silver, towering windows displaying fantastical birds and beasts, spidery silver chandeliers holding thousands of brightly-lit candles, and at the far end of the room, tables tottering beneath food enough to feed an army, and half a nation besides.
But this splendor is nothing compared to the beauty of the music. It is like a living thing--vibrant, rapturous, all-consuming, pulling all into it like a roaring, flowing river, so the moment one steps through the door, there is nothing one can do but dance. Your prince pulls you into his arms, and your sisters' princes do the same, and soon you are swirling through that wondrous room, beauty and motion and life all brought to their fullness and put into perfect order.
All along the edges of that room are other faces--other princes who've failed at your father's quest--and they all take their turn in the dance. If I thought you alive in the gardens, you are a thousand times more vibrant now, laughing and dancing  so you glow with pure joy. These princes are your perfect partners, matching you with every step, reflecting the glow that you bring to the room. If I ever thought that I could take a place beside them, maybe win your father's wager and claim a princess for my bride, that spark is snuffed by the brightness of your blaze. You are ethereal, almost angelic, and could never be happy with one whose hands are stained from working with the common, solid Earth.
While the princes take their turns, you and your sisters dance without ceasing, and I no longer wonder how you could wear through your shoes in a single night. Those shoes are little more than tatters by the time the last note of the last dance plays, and the twelve of you trudge toward the boats to reach bed. Your princes are silent as they row the boats to the forested shore, and you, Sonantina, do not say a word about his slowness.
When you reach the banks, the prince bids you farewell, then all twelve of them row back to the palace, choosing to stay in the splendor rather than return to the pressures of their ordinary lives. After what I have seen, I cannot blame them for their choice.
But you and your sisters choose to return to your father. You trudge through the diamond, then gold, then silver-speckled forests, and as your sisters file one-by-one up the staircase, I realize that none of this fantastic tale will have a ring of truth unless I have something to bring as proof. I reach toward the nearest tree and snap off a slender branch. It disappears from sight as soon as I touch it to my clothes, but the sound of its breaking rings through that silent wood like a gunshot.
You jump at the sound, and are suddenly wide, wide awake.
"What was that?" you ask your sister.
Aria once again rolls her eyes. "Only an owl," she says. "You know it roosts in the castle at night."
The explanation does not please you, I can tell, but having no other, you fall silent and leave the silver woods behind.
When you are all safely asleep in bed, I slip unseen through the door and make my way invisibly to my small cot in the servants' quarters. When I lay on my bunk, I take off the rose, and my face reappears in the reflection off the washing bowl. I look as I did before I left, though infinitely wearier, and perhaps--though it might only be fancy--I carry something in my eyes of the enchantment of the night.
In my hands sits the branch I broke, its leaves as green, its silver dewdrops as solid, as they were in that fantastical land. I imagine myself taking it to the king at dawn, having triumphed where the sons of kings and emperors have failed.
Then I imagine the you and your sisters standing by. In a horrible flash, the daydream shatters, and I see myself for what I am--a sneak and a spook, who crept uninvited into a strange woman's room to steal evidence that would cut her off completely from the place she loves most in the world. If I have a role in this tale, it is as the villain, not the hero. I have triumphed in discovering the secret, but if I have any love in my heart for you, I cannot think of speaking.
After a short hour's sleep, I awake with the dawn, but I do not go to the king with what I've found.
Instead, I go to the head gardener and get myself assigned the task of bringing the twelve princesses their morning bouquets. I gather careful handfuls of daisies and larkspur and bind them together with handfuls of greenery. I hand them to your sisters one by one as they come bleary-eyed to your bedroom door. When you come to me, last of all, I make sure that your bouquet contains a single silver-spangled branch.
Then, at last, you see me.
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90s-belladonna · 1 year
Okay so walk with me I need KiriXReader part 2 for the Sero fic where it's reversed unrequited and Jiro tells him reader used to like him before he chose Mina. I need that fluffangst
The Fantasy I Dreamed Of: Kirishima x Fem!Reader
My first fic back!!! it's inspired by Light by Ateez bc that song is simply too swoon worthy
part 1 (you don't really need to read it tbh)
word count: 4630
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“You probably think I’m a weakling. I promise I’ll be fine soon. I’m so sorry.” I let out in between sobs. Today’s work-study mission has been particularly debilitating. It wasn’t the broken ribs or the bruises covering my body, it wasn’t even the busted lip, those were all things recovery girl had fixed quite easily. The one thing a forehead kiss from the old woman couldn’t fix was my mind. Thankfully Mirko and I had been able to rescue everyone, however, the victims had been women and children, something about seeing children hurt like that had taken a toll on me. I knew I’d be fine, I just needed to let it out. The rabbit hero had noticed my distraught state after the mission as well, only saying I needed to toughen up if I ever expected to make it as a hero. An observation that had only rubbed salt on the metaphorical wound.
“I wasn’t thinking anything of the sort. All I was thinking was that pretty girls should never cry.” His words sounded sincere, and I was sure that if I were to look up I’d be met with his warm gaze. “Maybe she was right, I’m not cut out for this.” was all I could answer with, my mentor’s words still running through my mind. “HEY!” the redhead’s angry voice boomed through the open space. I couldn’t hold myself back and instinctively looked up to see what had caused the sudden shift in his energy. Sure enough, his soft gaze met my teary face.
“Cry as much as you want, in fact, I encourage it, you’re only human after all, but please never talk down on yourself like that again. (name)… you’re amazing. You’re everything.” His voice was breaking, a complete one-eighty compared to his previous brawny voice. I felt the need to defend my own self-loathing, to explain how I was right to believe I was a failure as a hero. “Kirishima I-“ “You’re the best of us. If someone as kind-hearted as you isn’t cut out to be a hero then who the hell is? So cry. Do what you feel you need to do to deal with your feelings but don’t look down on yourself. You’ll be an amazing hero someday, you’ll see. I believe in you.” His voice was still shaky, but his message was clear. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for making you worry.” I cried out, my eyes filling with tears once more. The glossy look in his eyes made my chest ache. Why do I always make everyone worry? Kirishima is upset because of me…
The boy in front of me instantly became a nervous mess, he searched for something to help wipe my tears with only to find nothing. So he did the only thing he could think of at the moment and took his shirt off and handed it to me. “Here. I just put it on after dinner so it’s clean I promise!” His sweet attempt at comfort made me smile against my will. “I’ll get it dirty… Kiri, I couldn’t.” I explained only for the redhead to shake his head. “Bakubro taught the other guys and me how to do laundry properly so I can wash it. Don’t worry, you need it so use it.” He spoke and flashed a toothy grin my way. 
“You really are the sun huh?” I absentmindedly let out. Kirishima always lit up my days, He was always there to pick me up when I felt defeated, and was always there to share moments of joy with me, how could I not see him as the sun? A bright and powerful light. Maybe Killua was on to something when he said Gon shines so bright that sometimes he had to look away, I understand what he meant perfectly now. “I’ll be whatever you need me to be (name), for as long as you need me to be.” he let out as he took a seat next to me on the large rock I was sitting on. Perhaps I hit my head too hard during today’s fight with the villains, but that sounded like a confession of sorts.
When I skipped dinner and snuck out of the dorms to have some alone time to cry out my feelings I never expected Kirishima to come find me, but then again I should’ve known better. Kirishima was always there to rescue me from myself, like a true hero, my hero. “Did you eat?” I questioned the boy, who seemed surprisingly fine despite his lack of a shirt. “Why? You’re offering to take me out?” He joked causing me to laugh. “Sure Red. But let’s go Saturday, our curfew is soon so we should get back to the dorms so you can eat something.” I reasoned. Yet the way he looked at me with those wide bright eyes could’ve convinced me to stay out with him all night, basking in the moonlight. “Saturday! It’s a date then!” He confirmed with a nervous smile as he stood up and offered me his hand to help me stand up. 
“Fatgum is going to be so mad at you when you show up sniffling to your work-study tomorrow.” I giggled as we walked back to the dorms. “Nah, he adores me! Also, I’m crazy strong I won’t catch a cold you’ll see!” The redhead joked back. “Kiri… you literally have goosebumps on your arms, you dork.” I instinctively ran my hand over one of his arms, hoping the friction from my skin would help warm him a bit. The unexpected action caused him to blush, I figured it was due to the proximity and how out of the blue it was for me to touch him like this. “I’ll be fine. Getting sick isn’t manly.” He defended with a smile. “Sure it isn’t Red.” I whispered back. The whole point of caressing his arm with my hand was so that my body would warm him up, yet why was it my body that felt as if it was on fire?
Minutes went by and we were finally out of the clearing and closer to the dorms. “Those assholes who hurt you better hope they never get out of prison or they’ll have to deal with me.” Kirishima suddenly spoke, his gruff tone distracting me from my thoughts. “Honestly don’t worry about it, it wasn’t that bad, you should see how some of the other heroes and their interns ended up.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at his concern, he was always so sweet. “(name).” He earnestly spoke as he made a sudden stop and turned to look my way. “I’ll always worry about you. I know you’re amazing and can handle yourself, I just hate seeing you hurt. And I hate that someone would lay a hand on you.” his voice was soft and his gaze was piercing as if he could see right through me. 
“It’s part of the job Kiri. I’m going to get hurt sometimes, and so are you, we all will.” I reminded him only for him to shake his head. “Then I’ll work hard as a hero. I’ll work so hard so that villains like those you fought disappear and you never have to get hurt again.” That was all he said, his voice was determined, not a single doubt behind his intentions so all I did was nod. Everyone knew that when Eijiro Kirishima set his mind to something there was no stopping him. I had to get my emotions under control because why the hell was my heart racing because of the way he looked at me? 
Sure enough the following day the redhead was sniffling, although not fully sick it was obvious that it could develop into a cold if he didn’t take care of himself properly. “Wow, you’re really going all out here. Do you think you’ll finish and still make it in time to your work-study?” Jiro asked as she watched me toss some corn in a pot, the last touch for the chicken soup I was making for Kirishima. “Yeah, I’ll be fine Mirko’s agency is nearby anyway.” I spoke as I transferred the tea I had made for him into a thermo. “Wow (name)… what’s all this?” Sero asked as he walked into the kitchen. “Kirishima walked her back to the dorms last night and now she feels guilty that he’s sick so she’s trying to take care of him.” Jiro explained, she was still annoyed at the boy for having broken my heart earlier that year, not that he was aware of my old crush anyway. Thankfully I was over it now and could act normal around him and Mina, I was glad they never found out, their friendship meant the world to me.
Sero gulped, surprised by my attentiveness toward the redhead. Of course, I didn’t know it at the time, I wasn’t aware that he was shocked I could care so much for someone other than him, in the same capacity that I once worried for him. Unbeknownst to me he had recently begun wondering if maybe he and Mina were better off as friends, his mind kept circling back to me and the way I would look at him as if he hung the stars, a look he realized was no longer reserved for him. He was well aware of how toxic it was to want someone else while being in a relationship, especially when the girl he was pinning for was a good friend of his girlfriend. Yet he was selfish, all he needed was a push, a confirmation of my feelings, to fully pursue the relationship his heart suddenly longed for.
“Are you sure Kirishima will be into that?” The ravenette questioned, no real concern in his tone but jealousy filled his heart with every passing minute. “Why wouldn’t he?” Jiro scoffed in defense. “Yeah, why wouldn’t he? He loves food.” I spoke as I turned back to face my two friends. “Well.. you know what he’s like, maybe he’ll think it isn’t manly to be taken care of by a girl. I don’t know.” Sero defended awkwardly causing Jiro to roll her eyes. “Damn. You really know how to hit where it hurts huh Sero.” I replied as I began to second guess my actions and turn the stove off as the soup was now ready. All I wanted was to keep him healthy. “Anyone would love to have (name) take care of them, she’s the loveliest!” Jiro defended, a scowl taking over her usual indifferent demeanor. “Hey no that’s not what I mean I was just… you know bringing up how Kirishima might not be into that!” The sable-eyed boy argued as he placed his hands up in defense.
“Be into what?” The redhead asked as he walked into the kitchen area, his blonde best friend standing next to him. “(name) made you tea and soup so that you won’t get sicker. Sero here thinks you won’t think it’s manly to be taken care of by a girl.” Jiro explained as she gave the ravenette a death glare. “That’s ridiculous. Shitty hair loves food, and (name) is the one who sucks the least at cooking out of all you extras!” Bakugo defended causing me to smile. “Katsuki you like my cooking?” I asked out loud, excited at the compliment from the grumpy boy. “SHUT UP!” the blonde yelled back, but I could see the blush on his cheeks. “(name), thank you. You didn’t have to but I appreciate it, I’ll make sure to finish everything!” the beaming redhead assured, only to correct himself when the blonde next to him cleared his throat. “We’ll finish everything I promise!” With his toothy smile in full display, Kirishima sure was lovely these days, or maybe he always was.
“Why would you worry her, that’s not cool.” Jiro asked Sero, truly appalled by his weird behavior, usually he was the most laid back and understanding out of their friend group. He and I had always been the best of friends who constantly encouraged one another so she couldn’t understand why he was being so negative with this situation, and honestly neither could I. “I was just looking out for (name)’s feelings, but I’m glad it all worked out.” He clarified, only to be met with a sadistic chuckle from Bakugo and a scoff from Jiro. “You don’t have to worry about (name)’s feelings. That’s what you’ve got Mina for. I’ll take care of (name) and whatever she’s feeling.” Kirishima spoke as he gave Sero a stern look, the tension was so thick it could be cut with a knife. “It smells amazing! Is (name) cooking?” Denki asked as he too entered the kitchen. “Not for you dunce face!” Bakugo growled causing me to laugh. 
An hour later I was dashing out of the dorms in my hero costume, eager to get to Mirko’s agency, only to be stopped by someone grabbing my wrist and turning me to face them. I was instantly met with none other than the loveliest ruby eyes. “Let me walk you?” Kirishima pleaded. However, I couldn’t help but be distracted by the knitted sweater and scarf he was wearing on top of his hero costume. “You covered up?” I wondered as I took in the complete difference in appearance. “Yeah, our date is tomorrow so I didn’t want to risk getting sick and having to miss it. I’ll have to take off the sweater for patrol but I wanted to try and be in my best health for you.” He admitted. I couldn’t fight the smile back that was caused by his confession. I wasn’t sure what we were yet but I was certain of one thing. Kirishima… he likes me… and I like him.
“I- umm” I shook my head, unsure of how to respond, my body felt as if it were on fire, but it was a surprisingly comforting feeling. “Fatgum’s agency is on the complete opposite side of Mirko’s.” I stated, my eyes never leaving his. I noticed his smile drop a bit, and realized he must’ve thought I was rejecting him. “But… we should walk together as much as we can, and maybe once our patrols end we could… I don’t know text each other and meet up to walk back to the dorms… together?” My suggestion seemed to do the trick as his eyes went wide again as he nodded in agreement and interlocked our fingers. Once again my body was on fire, a feeling I was beginning to enjoy. It was warm, just like the moments we shared.
unbeknownst to me someone else had overheard our conversation and was left wondering how things could have shifted so much and when this development began. Sero had been convinced I held feelings for him so he couldn’t for the life of him understand why I now looked at Kirishima, not like he hung the stars but as if he were the center of the universe, my own personal sun. He felt betrayed by his jealousy, we were his friends so he should be happy for us right? and yet he couldn’t stop thinking about what would’ve happened had he realized his feelings earlier. 
When Saturday finally rolled around the onyx-eyed boy watched in jealousy as Kirishima and I left for our date, he couldn’t help but grow even more spiteful as all our friends complimented us for finally getting together, he couldn’t help but wonder how different everything would be if that was him holding my hand instead of the redhead. Sero hated himself, for being a shitty friend, for being a shitty boyfriend, for being jealous instead of happy for us, and most of all for being too late in figuring out his feelings. He had concluded that the way I looked at him was just because he was my one of best friends not because I held any romantic feelings for him. He felt like an idiot for assuming I ever liked him, especially after seeing the way I looked at Kirishima, it truly did not compare to any of the ways I ever looked at him, that’s what finally made it click for him. He was filling his mind with nothing but fantasies.
“What the hell is your problem? You can’t at least act like you’re happy for our friends?” Jiro questioned the ravenette moments after Kirishima and I left and everyone else had dispersed. “Kirishima has been in love with her for so long, and she looks so happy. Sero you’re normally so cheery what’s going on?” Momo asked as she tried to diffuse the tension, it was obvious to her that Jiro was close to snapping. She and Momo had been the only two I made aware of my crush on Sero earlier that year, however, Kirishima and Bakugo had figured it out on their own as well at some point. Jiro had held a grudge towards Sero ever since he started dating Mina, she wanted to be happy for her friend but she saw that the boy’s feelings were purely superficial and that he was confusing a friendship connection with a romantic one. She also hated the way he had made me cry, even if he wasn’t aware that he had broken my heart. 
“You’ll hate me if I tell you.” was all the boy managed to say as he walked out the front door. Clearly, the answer wasn’t good enough for Jiro as she chased after him. “ I promise you nothing could make me hate you more than I do right now.” She said as she grabbed him by the shoulder, effectively stopping him from walking away. “I like her okay! I tried to fight it off. I did. But it’s impossible not to fall in love with (name)… she’s amazing.” he finally admitted. Jiro was well aware of his feelings as she had always been great at reading people, she just wanted to hear him finally admit it to himself out loud. “and what about Mina?” she questioned, still concerned for her other friend’s feelings. “I love her, she’s gorgeous and she makes me laugh and she makes me so happy. I just… I think I love her like a friend after all. There was always something that (name) possessed that lured me in but I ignored whatever it was because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, and Mina she was just like me and insanely beautiful so I thought maybe I liked her and was just confused by (name) because I’d never been such good friends with a girl before her. Ever since Mina and I started dating I’ve realized it was the other way around. Now I’m more confused than when this whole thing started. I just… I don’t want to hurt either of them but I can’t help being selfish.” He finally admitted through teary eyes.
Jiro couldn’t help but sigh, she knew this was coming. “Don’t expect me to feel sorry for you.  Mina and (name) are both too good for you, you’re an idiot for playing with their feelings like that. But you’re still my friend so I’ll give you some friendly advice. (name) used to like you, yet she still helped you with Mina because she valued your feelings and friendship above her own, she was never selfish with you so you need to be a good friend and be happy for her. She finally found someone who loves her for who she is, she deserves to have one of her best friends in the entire world be supportive, that’s you, idiot. Stop being selfish and tell Mina what you’re feeling too, maybe you can work on it as a couple or just break up and find people better suited for you two. Either way, stop treating other people’s feelings like toys.” Her revelation had caused Sero’s eyes to widen. He’d finally realized that all along what he wanted was within reach yet he pushed that possibility away all on his own. “I’ll be a good friend from now on.” Was all he said as his mind began to race about all the wasted possibilities of a future with me, a future where he could’ve been the one to go on dates with me, the one to hold my hand, and the one I looked at with absolute adoration. 
“I invited you out, I should’ve paid.” I argued as we walked back to the dorms. We had been out since noon and now it was nearing our curfew. Time seemed to fly by when I was with Kirishima, life felt lighter and brighter when I found myself in the company of the beaming boy. “nonsense, a lady should never pay on a date. My moms would kill me if I let you spend a single cent on me.” The boy answered with a chuckle. “Smart ladies.” I quipped back. “Yeah, they’re the best!” The smile never left his face, he truly was the sweetest boy ever. His thumb caressed my knuckles as we held hands once again. The sign of affection had quickly become something we did instinctually as if our bodies longed to be together. 
“Are you free tomorrow?” He wondered out loud. “mmm… I’m going shopping with the girls early in the morning but I should be back a little after two. Why?” I answered as I turned to face him. Even in the moonlight, he shines so brightly.  “I thought maybe we could take a walk by the zen gardens. The plum blossoms are in full bloom so I wanted to take some pictures of you with them. I know it sounds kinda cheesy bu-“ “It’s a date!” I eagerly interrupted him, just glad he wasn’t sick of me yet. He looked at me once more with ecstatic wide eyes and raised brows, the excitement evident on his face. There was a certain comfort and warmth in knowing someone you liked also liked you. 
As we entered campus my heart couldn’t help but ache at the thought of having to say goodnight, Kirishima’s presence was addicting, I wished to bask in it forever. “I don’t want today to end. It feels like a dream.” The boy suddenly said, almost as if he could read my mind. My (color) eyes once again found themselves meeting his ruby ones. The intensity caused me to take a deep breath, he was perfect. His shimmering gaze was suffocating in the best possible way. He was simply captivating. “Eijiro Kirishima. You’re the fantasy I dreamed of for so long. Be my boyfriend.” I absentmindedly let out. I think he also realized I didn’t mean to say that out loud due to the shock on my face when I realized what I had just asked and the way he had let go of my hand and stopped walking altogether.
“Of course. I’ve always been yours (name), you’ve been my starlight for so long. No one else even exists to me.” The sincerity behind his eyes couldn’t be feigned, the way his voice carried so much weight I knew there was no doubt in his mind that this is what he wanted, that I was what he wanted. “I’m sorry for asking you out I’m sure it wasn’t very manly to be asked out by a girl.” I couldn’t help but let my insecurities get in the way I handled the situation shine through, it was a flaw I was working on. However, Ejiro just shook his head. “Nah. What’s unmanly is waiting around and taking forever to ask you out simply because I was too nervous that you might say no. What you did was very manly. I’m happy, next time I’ll be the one to take action so that you won’t have to I promise!” The boy beamed once again before wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing my forehead. He had a way of making the smallest bits of affection feel as if they were part of a fairytale. 
As we made it back to the dorms we still couldn’t find ourselves parting so he decided to walk me to my room despite his being on a different floor. Neither of us wanted our time together to end. It was like in Cinderella as if once the clock struck midnight everything would disappear. I knew better though, and so did he but we’d been apart for so long that now that everything was out on the table we couldn’t help but want to be together as much as possible. However, we both powered through it and he walked me to my room and kissed my hand before hugging me goodnight. 
About half an hour had gone by when I heard a knock on my door. I figured it was one of the other girls needing to borrow a product they might’ve run out of, only to be met with none other than  Kirishima on the other side of the door. “Kiri? Did you forget something in my purse?” I asked the redhead as I looked back inside my dorm to see if I could spot the purse I had used earlier that day. “uh no I just…” He nervously started, his hand reaching for my face, caressing my cheek causing me to meet his ruby eyes once more. “I love you (name). I don’t think I could sleep well tonight if I didn’t tell you.” he explained. His confession had been sudden but still filled me with joy, love was a powerful word but I knew that he meant it and all the weight it held from the way he looked at me.
“Kirishima…” I started, only to be interrupted by him. “You don’t have to say it back. I know it’s soon so you might not still feel that way about me but I needed to tell you. I want to be honest with you about where I stand.” He explained, although I could tell he did want something. “I acknowledge your feelings. I’m not sure If I’m there just yet, but I think I could be in the future.” I thought perhaps my honesty would defeat him but instead, he flashed his bright smile my way. “Whenever you’re ready, I’ll wait as long as it takes. No pressure really!” He explained once more. 
“Kiri, that’s not it right? What else is it you needed?” I wondered as I could sense something else was making him nervous. “You know me too well. I was wondering if maybe… May I kiss you?” pink began to dust his cheeks, as if he also wasn’t expecting to ask me such a daunting questing. However, I didn’t have to give it a second thought so I just nodded in consent. Almost instantly I felt the hand that had been caressing my cheek travel towards my hair and his free hand pull me by the waist as his lips crashed against mine. Strangely enough, the kiss made me feel protected as if nothing could ever hurt me. His lips were surprisingly soft and the kiss was sweet, reminiscent of the taste of vanilla. Time seemed to freeze. Yet I knew if our kiss went on any longer it would border on a make-out session. Although his intensity had me tempted. “Goodnight starlight.” He whispered as soon as he pulled away, giving me a final kiss on the forehead before walking away. My heart was beating out of my chest knowing no one would ever compare to Eijiro Kirishima, not a single fairytale could have prepared me for him.
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☆ Master List
☆ Oneshots
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the-chosen-none · 7 months
I have no real interest in mods aside from somewhat following the Frontier mess, but when I found out that the fairly popular old New Vegas Bounties mods included incredibly blatant references to Judge Holden and Glanton from Blood Meridian, plus a character named "Javier Sugar" who speaks several lines lifted straight from No Country for Old Men, I wanted to find out how many references to other things pop up throughout the three mods. Turns out, a LOT.
I identified some of them myself, but eventually when I realized how much time it would take for me to watch a whole playthrough or try it out myself, I decided to look up the rest on TV Tropes and put them all together in a list.
The aforementioned Judge Holden knock-off is also said to be seven-feet tall and is a child predator (though only technically implied to be in Holden's case)
The character literally named Glanton runs a group who goes around killing "tribals"
There's a character named Cormac, as in Cormac McCarthy
During the scene with "Javier Sugar", in addition to all the NCFOM quotes there's also a random quote from the movie The Outlaw Josey Wales thrown in there... to spice things up? IDK, the quote is something like "Dyin' ain't no way of livin', boy"
A character called "Harmonica" references one of the main characters of Once Upon a Time in the West
The ghoul Doc Friday references the historical figure Doc Holiday, and his revolver the Huckleberry references the famous quote from his depiction in the movie Tombstone, "I could be your huckleberry"
Marko's outfit seems to reference the character Loco from the movie The Great Silence.
The Frosthill segment of III is also lifted from The Great Silence, what with its Utah setting during the winter, the main character getting shot through the hand, and bounty hunters pretty much kill the whole town.
Aaron Flagg the cult leader seems to be inspired by Randall Flagg the Stephen King villain
The sniper Charlie Halfcocked references the U.S. Marine sniper during Vietnam, Carlos Hathcock, the previous record holder for the most kills
Tom Quigley references the movie Quigley Down Under, the titular character being played by Tom Sellick.
Enclave members Quantrill and Onoda, who keep fighting despite the Enclave's repeated defeats, are named after Confederate guerilla William Quantrill and WWII Japanese soldier Hiroo Onoda, who did the same for their sides (okay, I thought that reference was pretty good)
Eileen the Fiend = serial killer Aileen Wuornos
Tony Idaho = Tony Montana from Scarface
Tommy the former Omerta enforcer who killed a made man references Tommy DeVito from Goodfellas
Alex and his gang in Freeside reference Alex DeLarge and his droogs from A Clockwork Orange
Freddie the ghoul = Freddy Krueger
Jack, former muscle for Heck Gunderson, references the villain Jack Wilson from Shane, his revolver is called "Shane's Bane"
Albert Quisling = Vidkun Quisling
Mario Barksdale = character from The Wire
Prometheus is named after the subtitle for Frankenstein: "The modern Prometheus", his Deathclaws are Mary and Shelley
Pancho Cortina = Pancho Villa
"Squirrelly" Bill Blasius references outlaw "Curly" Bill Brocius
Angel Lee is a combination of Angel Eyes from The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, and the actor Lee Van Cleef
Godwin, who mails out bombs, probably references Unabomber
Joe Frost = Edward Snowden
Guys fighting over treasure named Clint and Tuco
Fiend chem lab has characters Walter and Pinkman, references Breaking Bad
John Ramsey's body is put on display with a quote referencing the movie Unforgiven, "This is what happens to assassins/rangers around here".
Those are the ones that I either caught myself or saw other people list, if there's more, go ahead and add on.
Some of the historical references are kinda funny, though others are either tasteless (Aileen Wuornos) or eye-roll worthy (Carlos Hathcock = Charlie Halfcocked, GEDDIT IT'S A GUN JOKE), and the majority of the pop culture references are so blatant and so numerous that it gets annoying.
If I made my own mod or anything else, of course I too would love to stick in a bunch of references to the things I love, though I would try to be less obvious about them, put different spins on them, you know? You can't really judge mods to the same standard as the source, and I would be more forgiving if the rest of the mods didn't look like such an edgy slog.
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demonologue · 2 years
Can we talk about the dragons some more?
I will be. Forever.
Many have already noted the care and detail that went into the design of each dragon, and I love watching the fall of Emon over and over to see new details each time.
But we also see so much of their personalities in this scene, and I love it so much?
Thordak is there to establish dominance, show his power, and accept worshipers, like a true red. He focuses on property damage (yes, people die, too, but that will happen when you nuke a mountain!) and showing off, because he wants lots of the ants in the city to survive. He needs their terrified adoration. We stan all of his "Is this your king?" speeches as he claims his throne.
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Umbrasyl is doing what they've been told to do. As the least powerful of the remaining Conclave members, they are raining death from above but not overdoing it. Thordak has no domain and subjects if they melt it all. Bonus content fight between Umbrasyl and KimAllura. (P.S. they're not dead, guys!) I have a big soft spot for Umbrasyl, and I'm curious how much we will get to see the dynamic between the dragons as the story moves forward. They barely get along, and I hope we get to see them interacting with each other more. Something went down between them after Umbrasyl took over Gatshadow, and I want to know what it is that left the black dragon alone and stranded out there with busted palantiri.
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Vorugal, it's been mentioned, we don't see a lot of in the fall of Emon. But that's exactly as it should be. Think about it: Vorugal is an elite hunter. They live a solitary life, always seeking more challenging prey to indulge in their favourite pastime. What is the point of destroying a city of helpless ants to Vorugal? So they go for the most challenging targets first, i.e. Allura. I'm disappointed that we didn't get the iconic shot of Vorugal perched on the side of her tower before they destroy it, but at least Vorugal still destroyed it in this version. Then it's almost like they're searching the city for worthy prey, doing the bare minimum to satisfy Thordak's orders. Of course Vorugal tracks them to Greyskull Keep. VM are worthy targets for the white dragon. I'm sad we didn't get to see Vorugal wrestle Thordak for dominance there. That was such a fantastic scene in campaign. Hopefully we'll get to see the two of them butting heads in a different way later on.
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And Raishan, clever little pixie. She's just having fun with it. You see her casually flying around the city, blowing smoke here and there before she eats Scanlan's biggest fan. But she knows what she's doing. She killed Uriel with her first attack, and after that she's pretty much like a cat. What can I do that will satisfy Thordak's command but is the most amusing to me? Playing with VM, for one. She makes sure they know who she is, and that she knows who they are. After that, she's going to do what a green dragon does: be sneaky and infiltrate their keep even before they flee to Whitestone. She was a lot more subtle about it in campaign than she is about it here, but we want new viewers to feel like they've spotted something hidden, too (LARKIN WATCH!). Good job. Raishan was the first to give her name during the attack in the campaign, and of course she gave it to us here in the fall of Emon as well. We stan a queen. You'd better put some respect on her name.
Really looking forward to seeing more of her--and all the dragons--this season. Even if they just do cut-aways to their territory or Pike has dream sequences to show what's going on with them, I'll take it. We deserve more than just their death scenes. They are legendary villains and deserve as much love as the Briarwoods.
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gerhearde · 2 years
Your First Impression of Hawks
You first saw him when he still associated himself with the name Takami Keigo, back when he was a sweet and innocent child like you.
However, that is not to say that you knew of him personally or that you were his childhood friend.
In fact, you would only see him once by that name in the most uninteresting of places—the convenience store.
Most of your childhood days were spent there, browsing through the catalog of magazines ranging from heroes to villains to your favorite, the Weekly Shonen Jump.
At first, you find your excursions to the convenience store all too magical because it allows you to read the magazines without even paying for them.
However, all those joyful experiences were cut short one day, when the owner decided to put plastic coverings in all of the magazines.
You didn't know at that time that you were the reason behind the owner's precautions.
For you, it just seemed like the gods wanted you to make better use of your time.
Perhaps, cleaning your room or studying is the most preferred choice the gods would have wanted for you to do.
However, you were not one to care about the gods, so you did what you think would annoy them—and that is to dawdle.
You stayed longer than you had before inside the convenience store, doing nothing except staring at the people going in and going out, and studying their every move.
Sometimes your eyes would catch some shoplifters that you did not dare report to the owner, because you think it would anger the gods more.
You didn't know back then, but you served a pretty sweet revenge to the owner that did you wrong.
So far, all the people you've seen inside the store were ordinary people with not the least bit of features in them that piqued your interest.
Well, that is until you saw a mother and son walk into the entrance of the convenience store.
The mother was typical. Nothing about her features is worthy of praise but the kid, who is about your age was something else.
You have seen quite a lot of people with amazing quirks like wind, and ice, but not one that resembled an animal, let alone someone with amazing red wings.
Hence, the only right thing for you to do is to let him be the subject of your eyes.
The red-winged kid, together with his mom, went to the plushie section of the store.
You saw him standing in front of the store's most expensive plushie that resembled the No. 1 Hero All Might.
To you, it looked like he wanted that plushie.
However, his mom decided to settle for the cheaper Endeavor plushie.
You felt bad for the kid, as you see him exit the store, holding the Fire Hero's plushie.
You reached into your pockets to see whether you have enough money for an All Might plushie.
You didn't.
In fact, you knew that you wouldn't have because you were just a kid after all with no means to earn money.
You just tried, hoping that maybe the gods would make a miracle happen.
However, you knew that would be impossible since you just angered them.
You let out a huge breath.
That day, you swore to yourself to be a model citizen so as not to anger the gods, who were the miracle makers.
You also promised yourself to give that kid an All Might plushie when you meet him again.
You pretty much have forgotten about the promise you made, now that you are older.
However, one thing still remained in your memory—that red-winged kid inspired you to be a better person.
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capcavan · 10 months
I actually want to congratulate you on your work because what I don't think a lot of people in this fandom understand is that Riko is a character that is FUCKING HARD to get right. Not just to understand, but to WRITE. You can't make him too unhinged or he's just a cartoon villain and you can't make his actions too light (If you're writing within canon) or he looks like a pathetic clown instead of the actual threat he is on canon and if you aim for the middle he can end up just bland (AND I WILL SAY the greatest offenders in this are Riko haters and not his stans). And even in your most redemptionest AUs you manage to write him in a way that is consistent with the existing characterisation. I have yet to come across from a post by you that didn't make me think "yeah, if things went different, he could have turned out like this"
I feel pretty honoured I feel like I just won fandom and riko is shipped to me in the post . I would like to thank my parents for making me fucked up enough to get him.
There is few things that contribute to it all pretty much. And I will use this as excuse to talk about them all its 7 am and I slept 4 hours let's goooo
I actually see riko as very pathetic and non threat myself and I'm pretty sure Neil and most foxes do as well because even on my first reading of the books something stuck out to me pręty severly
Characters who actually killed people in those books
Andrew Aaron Renee Neil ? The foxes are pretty hands on with murder
Riko? Riki never actually got his hands dirty it does separate him already in cannon as all bark no bite whose only way to be intimidating is to use family name and people who follow him menawhile Riko himself is scary only to Kevin.
Riko's buildup in narrative as threat is very good but I really wouldn't confuse it as fear of him himself.
Riko's roast perfectly sums it up
Riko is pathetic used and delusional
I'm sorry if this is spitting onto what you said I am happy you like my things but I truly believe that riko is pathetic and I say this fully loving his character and issues his character puts light on.
He is scary only if you give him power as abuser (wchih is what this fandom does a lot in their need to have black and white villian ) but as a person he is pathetic.
But seeing riko as pathetic is seen by people as " he is poor and sad and I don't want to feel this way about him BC he is bad person "
He is not pathetic little kitty
He is pathetic eaten by anger and frustrations and unable to cry from all the pain he is in I can see how killing him could be seen as mercy actually.
Another thing I think people don't get right
Is that riko is not 100% delusional about his value
He has skills and he knows he is worth something he is fighting to have his father acknowledge it not because he does not feel worthy but because he knows he has a lot to offer and wants a chance to show it
He does not feel worthles he is just frustrated that others see him as such
Also growing pains are important thing to show
I think saddest and my favourite thing about riko is that the better person you let him be the more unhappy he will be.being good person won't erase things he did in the past and hurt he caused and the further you go the heavier it will be on his conscience and this is balance in act and I have way too many versions of the story where I let him snap
So yeah riko is pathetic clown and he is scary only when you don't understand this I'm sorry to blow his cover like that !
Maybe my reading of character is different in the end we all base things we create on things we know and while I never did such horrible things I know how it feels to grow into being a better person than I used to be and I know how it feels to still not believe you did got better even when I have friends to prove. There is a lot of comfort in seeing someone so horrible get nice things not because I did those horrible things but because I know how it feels to not deserve anything nice and hate myself enough to self sabotage.
I could go on also to talk about difference between gloryfying physical abuse in fandom and ignoring psychological abuse but maybe that's a talk for another time.
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