#looks the same size as a big cheese but then he slowly stretches out and you hear this low creak from his struts and oh god he's massive
chiprewington · 1 year
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11 foot 7 inches and he spends most of his time NOT looking the part
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
I need to see oddduck and Lois girls night 😫 I want all the wine, all the gossip, all the rants, everything
Pls and thank you
Lois hefted a grocery bag onto her hip and unlocked the back door, pausing just inside the kitchen with a snort.
You were DEEP in a rabbit hole. She could tell- if the music didn't give it away, the way you were sitting in the chair would have. Crouched with your arms around your knees in a hoodie 3 sizes too big rocking slightly as you stared intently at what she liked to call "Unabomber boards" of note cards and references you'd hand-written to go back and cobble research together with- you didn't even look up.
Bombs could have been going off and you wouldn't have noticed. A SWAT team could probably have kicked your door in and you would have simply blinked at them and asked "what the fuck?" before going back to it.
Like a cozy Sherlock Holmes, once you'd hit on something you wouldn't stop until you'd learned everything you could find on it. It made you a top-flight researcher. And unmatched at Bar Trivia- at least as long as no one asked you sports questions. (Those you brought Clark along for.)
She considered for a second shaking you out of it but- there was a mostly empty water bottle on the table and an apple core on a plate so at some point, likely between books or articles, you'd eaten and had something to drink. So she left you for while and set about making herself at home. Putting the three bottles of cheap wine in the fridge and taking the cheese cake out of the box to thaw before pulling the shoe box of take out menus off the top of your fridge to see what was on top.
You had a system. A very reliable system. A rotating list of menus that had things you liked highlighted and color coordinated by preference. On top it was pizza today. Lois leaned on the counter and considered for a second. As long as it was food you liked you weren't particular- not really. The rotating menus were just there to keep you from inadvertently giving yourself scurvy or something because you'd eat the same thing every day otherwise.
Wine, cheesecake, and pizza- Martha would be appalled. But- Clark was off-world doing god only knew what. And what better reason to break a diet, right? She could eat a salad tomorrow. "Most meticulous absent-minded genius ever," she snorted to herself watching out of the corner of your eye as you look up. Blinking at the fading light outside and frowning before looking around.
"OH! I was going to call you," you blurt out, unfurling slowly, stretching your shoulders as you put your feet on the floor.
"You did," she reminded, "At like 10-"
"No not about that. I was going to tell you. I'm going to Scotland next week."
"Why?" she asked, pulling you into a one-armed hug as you wobble over to inspect the grocery bags. Grateful that even at your most absent, some things don't need to be explained.
"Known only to the rabbits," she finished, rolling her eyes, "And maybe Bruce Wayne."
"Why would he know-"
"I have no idea but I bet 20 bucks he shows up there," she teased, tickled when you couldn't quite manage to scowl at her convincingly.
"I found so many videos last week," you deflect, pulling down clean glasses.
"Well pull them bitches up- no fake crying audio though. I can't."
"I know," you agree "Like. Listen. If you're gonna try to sell me a story about Reptilians stealing your kidney, at least try to take an acting class. AND MAKE SURE THE GO FUND ME FOR THE SURGERY ISN'T GOOGLEABLE."
"Blue highlights or do you want to live a little?" she called, chuckling to herself as you hopped over a stack of discarded notebooks to hook your lap top to the TV.
"What is it?" you call back, "I don't even know-"
"Pizza," she answered, leaning over the counter to take a peek at your Unabomber board to see if she could make sense of anything.
"Just no olives-"
"Right. Peanut butter and anchovy it is," she joked, scanning your menu for a likely suspect.
"Not even for you."
"But no olives," she teased, turning to put a bottle in the freezer as she dialed. Your blue highlighted ones were actually really good. And as fun as it was to make you try new things- today needed comfort food.
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sizebrained · 1 month
Movie Night of Big Feelings, Part 3
Ben and Hazel talk more after his admission.
CW: Adult themes, language, fluff, angst.
Ben's eyes were closed but he was awake. He took a few deep breaths through his nose and stretched. He could tell from the sensations that he had fallen asleep on the floor leaning against the couch. Ben opened his eyes and saw Hazel asleep and curled up in a tiny ball on the couch arm a few inches from his face. He smiled. Ben never got to be the one who woke up first. He watched her sleeping. He could just make out her little body rising and falling as she breathed. He wanted to touch her again. He wanted to feel her skin against his. He wanted to cradle her against his body. He wanted her to not be so small...so he could do more. But he wondered...Would she be the same person he fell in love with if she was human sized? How different would she be? Would they have even ever met each other?
She would have probably died a long time before he'd even been born if she was born as a human instead of whatever she was...He stopped thinking about that. Ben slowly and carefully stood up as quietly as he possibly could so she'd stay asleep. He made his way over to the kitchen and started cooking. He wanted to surprise her with breakfast.
He decided on making her egg in a hole. He'd learned it from her a while ago and that it was her favorite rather than the heavier, sausage filled version he had first made with her so long ago.
He carefully cut holes out of the center of bread slices and dropped in eggs. He sprinkled some salt and cheese on top and slowly slid a baking sheet of them into the oven. She couldn't finish one but he would need several of them. Plus, he never knew when his sister and Cob would pop in these days. Sam could eat just as much as him when she was hungry. Better safe than sorry. As he waited, he went back over to the couch and gently sat down on the cushion closest to her still sleeping form. Her tail had curled around her body as she slept. It made her look like a cat or dog. She looked peaceful. He brought up a hand level to the arm's edge. His palm flat. Very delicately with his other hand, he lowered it down over her. Then using only the tips of his fingers, he closed them around her body on all sides. Ben picked her up like a prize inside an arcade claw machine and placed her on his hand gently. He was holding his breath the whole time as if that'd keep her from waking. He finally let out his breath after a few seconds of her continued sleep, now in the middle of his palm.
She felt like a warm, fuzzy little rock there. He curled his fingers around her lightly and brought it up to his chest. It was enough and it wasn't enough at the same time. After a few minutes of holding her like this, he felt her start to rustle in his hand. He figured she must be slowly waking up.
Then he felt something against his finger. Ben realized she had kissed one of his fingers. His heart thumped harder a few times. He brought his hand up to his face from his chest. He twisted his forearm at the elbow so his flat, open palm would line up with his face. His fingers opened it just below his chin, revealing Hazel. She was lying there on one side, her face resting against a bent arm. She looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back at her. Hazel's tail swished slowly behind her brushing lightly against the side of his hand as it did. "Hey." Hazel said up to him softly with a face that looked happy. But there was something in her eyes, like she was keeping some kind of secret or inside joke between them. "Hey yourself." Ben said down to her. She was so beautiful and small. Feeling far more reassured than he normally would after last night, he extended a finger with his other hand.
Ben lowered it towards her until it lightly pressed against her head and slid it down the length of her. Tracing her body in a gentle stroke. Hazel pushed up into it with a satisfied sigh and rolled onto her back still looking at him. "Oh please do not do that..." Hazel said but she didn't sound angry or upset. It was a shaky warning. Like she wanted him to do more, but was trying to resist temptation. "Why not?" Ben whispered. "You know why darling. It feels too good..." She answered stretching her arms over her head and unintentionally grinding her backside into his palm. "I...We...need more time before we cross that threshold..." She answered, curling back up onto her side. "God then don't do that..." Ben said biting his bottom lip. That part of her felt squishy against his palm. He definitely wanted her to do that again. She realized her error, but it did feel good to press into him like that just now. She wanted to do it again too. She wanted to touch him and do more, but she had far more willpower.
Hazel had a smirk on her face. "Well I am the one at a disadvantage here. Waking up in the clutches of my giant human captor like this." She teased. Her one arm was crossed over her body, the palm and fingers pressed into the broad expanse of Ben's. She gently pressed down and slid her fingers along it. The lines and grooves of him made her finger bump along as she drew her fingers across his palm. She wondered if Ben could feel it. Ben could feel her, but just barely. When she touched him so lightly he struggled to notice it. He fingers were so, so small. But he liked it too. It made him have to focus only on that making everything else fall away. "But I'm not your captor! I wouldn't..." Ben objected. "I know. I know. You sweet darling...I am just teasing. You are truly a gentleman..." She stroked his palm in big hard strokes to reassure him like he was a skittish horse. Ben felt relieved. He also felt so privileged that she was this comfortable with him. He tried to take in every slight movement and detail of her. It was very much like torture at the same time. A drop of water when he needed a gulp. Ben felt like he was standing on a cliff edge. It felt dangerous to stay there. He knew he needed to either back away or jump into the water below. Staying at the edge was awful. Especially when he could feel a force pulling at him to leap. He wondered if she felt it too. "Are you cooking?" Hazel asked curiously as the smell of it filled his place. "Yeah. I made you egg in a hole." Ben answered smiling so wide his teeth were showing. Hazel laughed in surprise. "You really are the charmer." She added while tracing invisible circles in his palm feeling the grooves. "No...I just know it's your favorite so..." Ben trailed off watching her before pushing a little. "How long do you? We need?" He asked gently. "I know how I feel and what I want..." He insisted. "I know you think you do. But trust me. You could change your mind..." She said without looking up at him.
Her eyes were drilling into his palm to avoid looking at him. Hazel knew she'd have a harder time staying vague if she saw his green eyes while she spoke about this.
"No. I won't. And I do. I just want you Hazel." Ben brought his other hand up and curled a finger in, pressing the back of his knuckle into her back lightly.
"But you may change your mind. You're so much bigger than me it makes things...difficult." She pressed her forehead into his palm as she spoke. "I don't care about that. I just want you." Ben half lied. He wished she was bigger but there was nothing he could do about that fact. He'd take what he could get. "Ok...just...wait...I promise it will not be long...I just need to think." Hazel pleaded feeling her willpower slip. Hazel thought of her one time with Mary. Doing that with Ben did scare her a little. He was so much bigger and stronger, she couldn't help but want it. She should worry, but he was also so gentle. She knew how delicate and mindful he could be with his touch.
Even at his gentlest, she knew he'd be far more overwhelming than Mary ever could have been. She felt the back of his finger cover her whole back as she thought of it. It felt nice. She looked up at him to see his big, bright green eyes waiting for her. She knew it wouldn't be that long. "I think you should check the oven." Hazel said as she smelled something burning. Ben smelled it too and stood up carrying her over with him in his palm. He grabbed a towel and flipped the oven door open pulling out the sheet. A little crispy but still salvageable. He held her over as they both surveyed the sheet of them. "Sorry..." Ben said. Hazel sat up in his palm, her hands resting behind her under straightened arms. She gave him a disapproving look, head tilted one eyebrow raised. "Right..." Ben said realizing he shouldn't have apologized. "It looks lovely. Can you make some tea as well?" She asked. Ben nodded and lowered his hand to the counter to set her down. She rolled off his palm and stood up stretching again. She watched as he turned around to make her some tea. Hazel crossed her arms and bit her lips staring at his ass. She already knew what she wanted. It was easy. At least, it was easy to know that she was in love with him. It was harder to say. Saying it would change everything.
It was crossing a line, opening the door she'd kept shut and never expected to open again. Not with a human. She knew she couldn't keep it shut much longer. Ben was too much. She wanted to be overwhelmed by him in every way.
Giving herself away like that to a human was like diving into the middle of the ocean. It was a choice that she could never recover from completely. Even now she could still feel Mary sometimes.
But after the ending with Mary, she just wanted to have some more time before falling into someone like that again. But she wanted to dive in. Desperately. Despite everything her reasoning mind was telling her, she wanted to swim in him.
But for now, at least they could share a meal. And some tea. *** End Part 3
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Typical Colin
Helen jolted awake. To her growing shock, she was not in her own room, but in an unfamiliar, cold, dark place. Not on a bed, but on a hard concrete surface, coarse and rough. High ceilings, distant walls, all swallowed by shadow. Harsh edges everywhere, coupled with the smell of rust. She could taste the grit and filth of this abandoned hall.
Grime had fogged up windows, through which moonlight shone inside, dimly drawing outlines upon crates and steely shelves cluttered with all manners of junk, encased in bubble wrap and cardboard and seas of packing popcorn.
A warehouse she had never seen before, never been inside of before.
From where she was sitting on the ground, she almost jumped onto her feet when she heard something scraping. Metal against stone. Screeching, grating noises.
Drawing closer.
She backed up into one of the shelves, sending shockwaves through the clutter on them and causing it all to rattle and clink and then something toppled over and—
Glass shattered on the floor, shards, and liquid scattering all over, immediately followed by something like vinegar assaulting her nose.
The scraping sounds stopped. She held her breath, knowing what would follow.
Then the scraping started again. Faster.
Heading her way.
In a growing panic and increasingly nauseating dizziness, Helen scrambled away from the sounds closing in on her, taking a left turn here, pacing just quickly enough to not make noise but not fast enough to be running, then taking a right there, meandering her way through this maze of towering shelves and stacks of cardboard boxes of which no human could reach the tops. She descended deeper into the darker insides of this warehouse.
When she stopped to hide in a nook between objects cloaked by shadows, her heart beat so fast and loudly that she worried her pursuer could perceive it. Holding her breath again only made her heart race faster and fear itself erupted from her pores in a cold sweat.
The scraping passed by her, separated by a wall of shelves standing in between them. It was so dark back there that she could only make out a vague silhouette, further obscured by whatever had been piled onto the shelf beds.
Something the size of a man, walking on all fours like a dog rather than upright, creeping through the valley of warehouse junk with abrupt and stiff movements.
It sounded like four huge knives being dragged across whetstones to sharpen them.
Imagery of arm-sized blades filled her mind, attached to stumps where hands and feet should be. Even though she could not see them, her imagination filled in the blanks with something awful. Dripping with ichor, peering out from hollow sockets instead of eyes. A mouth without teeth, made only of hands and grasping fingers.
All in her mind.
Something else audibly clicked.
Behind her.
Trembling like a dry leaf hanging onto a skeletal autumn branch, she slowly turned to face whatever had just made that sound behind her.
Before having fully turned around, a soft glow flared up. Red, hot, and cold, all at the same time, weaker than a candle, closer to the glimmer of a cigarette.
A very big cigarette.
The toxic smell of smoke filled the air and made her cough, covering her mouth.
Something close to what she had just imagined. An eyeless thing only half her size, with grasping hands for a mouth. No blades, though. Its arms ended in stumps from which embers and ashes trailed off, carried away in a nonexistent breeze, like the ends of burning cigarettes, only grotesquely oversized and feeding from pallid flesh that stretched thin around gaunt limbs.
It raised those glimmering stumps, threatening to burn her, while looking pathetic and desperate at the same time. Like a small child, pleading for something and stretching up to try to grab it from the adult keeping it out of its little reach.
All fear drained from Helen. A scorching anger took its place.
She screamed at this amorphous abomination.
"You never got it, did you! Heroin was where you should have drawn the line, Nadine!"
Helen screamed at her old dead friend. But Nadine had never listened, and would not now, either.
The scraping gained speed and stopped abruptly.
The blade-armed thing was exactly behind her, and she was about to turn around and tell it to fuck off, but understood the futility of it. She just never got through to any of them.
Instead of seeing Kent, when Helen turned around, she jolted awake.
This time, she had awoken in her bed. Sitting up in a tangle of sweat-drenched pajamas and sheets, she stared at the empty spot beside her—the spot that had stayed empty for a full year.
Soft sounds from downstairs.
Sounds from the kitchen.
They made Helen's blood run cold. Her bangs were clinging to her forehead with sweat, sweat born from the nightmare and now painfully felt in the cool air of her bedroom, molting with the knowledge that there should not be any sounds coming from downstairs.
Because Helen lived alone ever since—
Ever since—
Her grip around the baseball bat tightened as she cautiously descended the stairs, creeping around, corner by corner, the hardwood floors burning coldly against her bare soles. A whole slew of unpleasant sensations, all overshadowed by the dread of a home invader, amplified by the horror of having left her phone in the kitchen, her only means of calling for help now separated from her by said invader. And only this baseball bat at her disposal.
Would anybody find her? Or would neighbors eventually notice the smell coming from her house after her inevitable murder, telling police and reporters alike how they would have never expected such a horrible thing to happen in their neck of the woods?
Clink. Swish.
Bottles jingled in the fridge.
Bastard was helping herself to her food, adding insult to injury. Had the lights on in the kitchen and everything—making no secret of the intrusion. Like he owned the place.
How ever had he bypassed the alarm?
His shadow bobbed back and forth, broadcasting his presence as Helen waited in the darkness behind the doorway, baseball bat raised high above her head and ready to crack a skull.
When she turned the corner, she gasped. Some part of her had been ready to scream and swing and strike, but what she saw—or rather, who she saw—robbed her of all ability to act. Her brain broke a little bit in the attempt of making sense of it.
Colin stood in the kitchen, making himself a sandwich. His skin was pallid, his clothing half-decayed and eaten by worms or corpse juices, all of which made sense for a body that had been buried for over half a year.
What did not make sense was him being here, standing in the kitchen, slathering mustard and mayonnaise onto bread and stuffing it with cheese and cold cuts. She had told the doctors to pull the plug half a year after the incident, then he was buried in the local cemetery. Almost twenty people had showed up to mourn his passing.
He turned around with his gross sandwich slapped together, took a bite from it with yellowed, rotten teeth, and started chewing with a terrible grin stretching across his face. More sadistic and malicious than anything he had ever displayed in his lifetime.
Mouth half-full, he said, "Hello, honey. I'm home."
Helen was speechless. Could anybody blame her?
She wondered if she was dreaming, but after waking up from a vivid nightmare just to walk into this unfathomable situation, she very well felt the stark contrast, the difference between reality and the glamours of surreal dreamscapes.
This was very real.
He chewed, swallowed—in a way that looked painful, like he was trying to swallow a cup of gravel—and forced his face to widen his grin. Some of his skin was sloughing off around the edges, drooping from his chin and jaw and turning his face into a grotesque caricature of his former life. But without a doubt, this was him.
This was Colin.
"Surprised to see me? Well, guess what, bitch. I'm here for some payback. I'm here to serve justice from beyond the grave. I—"
"W-what are you talking about?" she asked, cutting in while he rambled on about making her pay and other nonsense that sounded like it came from a bad movie.
Undead Colin guffawed. A raspy, throaty thing, emitting a stinging smell reminiscent of vomit.
"What I'm talking about? Bitch, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You had me killed by those punks. And you thought you could get away with it."
He continued eating the sandwich with a comically oversized bite. Almost to punctuate his accusations. Could he even digest food like this? The way he swallowed continued to look painful, like he was making a point more than enjoying anything from his previous life. Crumbs tumbled from the corners of his drooping lips, slime dripped down right after it.
Helen blinked and shook her head, unsure what of this baffled her more: Colin's return from a coffin buried six feet under, or what he was accusing her of. He took another bite from the sandwich.
"Are you out of your mind? Honey—"
"Don't you 'honey' me, you murderous witch," he grumbled, muffled, mouth full, sputtering out some sloppy chunks in the process.
"Those punks were just some hoodlums, some hooligans tweaked out of their minds on drugs. The cops said they had already put several homeless people in the hospital before they attacked you. You were—they were—you cannot seriously believe that I had anything to do with that. You were on life support for five months. Everybody tried to talk me into pulling the plug way sooner—I am in massive debt over it."
Colin's lips smacked as he chewed, and his face contorted. Dead skin wrinkled and sagged more dramatically than it ever had in his lifetime. Probably because gravity was dragging most of it down.
Confusion marked his visage.
He swallowed again and paused in his almost comical display of pretending to eat like a living human being.
Undead Colin was clueless of how many awful things he was dredging up. A full year since his hospitalization and effective departure from this world—and here he was, bringing it all back in the most unpleasant way possible.
Tears welled up in Helen's eyes. She had struggled so much to come to terms with it all, to get over it all. She was not even sure if she had managed to fully move on, yet.
"When one of those dumb asshole kids confessed, he said you were challenging them, taunting them. He said you said you could take them all on with your hands tied behind your back. They tied your hands behind your back and beat you to death, you big oaf!"
Undead Colin had stopped eating. Things were obviously not playing out as he had envisioned.
"You mean you and your lover-boy didn't hire them to murk me?"
Helen's outburst was violent, shaking the baseball bat without raising it, choked by sobbing and anger.
"What the fuck are you talking about? What lover-boy?"
Small chunks and gobs of food lazily plummeted from Colin's speechless, dead mouth.
"You mean you and Frank—you and Frank weren't—you know—"
"No! What's wrong with you?"
"Y-you and Frank always spent so much time together, you knew each other way longer than—"
"So fucking what? I never cheated on you! You should have just asked! I would have told you. You fucking moron! What are you doing here? How? How even?"
No answer.
His milky eyes darted to the baseball bat in her hand, the head of which now rested on the white tiles of her kitchen floor, hanging uselessly by her side as she wiped tears from her swollen face with the back of her other arm. It was just too much for her to take.
And Undead Colin was slowly beginning to put two and two together.
"So, you, uh, you're livin' alone now? Huh?"
"It's been a year. Well, more like half a year since we buried you, but there was nothing they could do. You were—"
She lost her speech, going hoarse. Wiped more tears from her eyes because they kept welling up and flowing uncontrollably.
Part of Helen wanted to hug Colin. But even standing several steps away, he smelled like someone had vomited into a dumpster that a skunk had sprayed its stink in and on top of which a pack of dogs had taken a crap. The stench filled the entire kitchen. Through all the confusion and sorrow and tears, there was a flash of her wondering how many cans of air freshener it would take to get rid of the awful smell.
"Shit. Uh. I'm sorry, babe. I—I thought you and Frank—you know. So, I was wrong, huh? That's good, right? Good to be wrong for a change!"
"Yes, you were fucking wrong, you fucking asshole. I missed you so much."
 "W-well, uh, I'm sorry for bothering you, then. I promise it all came from a place of, uh, love. I, uh," he stopped mid-sentence. Thoughts that must have trailed off. The words died in his dead mouth.
He gingerly placed the sandwich on the counter, no plate, just spilling crumbs everywhere and allowing some mustard to splotch the surface. Undead Colin stared off into the corner. His typical air of abashed shame lingered about him, just like the last time when he set the barbecue grill on fire and burnt off his eyebrows despite insisting that he knew what he was doing when he squirted bottled accelerant into it.
For Helen, the floodgates were open, all memories bubbling to the surface. The tears were not only born by bitterness and loss, but happy memories, as well. And wondering about all that could have been. Helen now wondered what would happen next.
She started to ask him about it, "Does this mean that—"
He interrupted and said, "I'm sorry. I'm—I'm so sorry I didn't have more faith in you. Sorry for accusing you."
He sighed. A long gasp, like a whole cemetery breathing its last breath. Then he collapsed. Colin crumpled to the floor in a lifeless, stinking heap. He did not even twitch for a split second, all the unlife evaporated from his being at once. His milky-white eyes remained open, his body contorted in an awkward arrangement of limbs that were not supposed to bend that way and had no business being left in such awkward positions.
Helen started to sob again and covered her eyes. Torn away as abruptly as he had inexplicably returned from the dead.
A fly even buzzed about him.
It took minutes until she recovered from a jumble of broken thoughts.
Then she realized that he had left her with the mess of cleaning up after him again.
Of course. Typical Colin.
Did not have the decency to crawl back into the coffin he had clawed his way out of. Some poor groundskeeper probably had to take care of re-burying him all over again. And she had to get his body back there, somehow, too. Her skin began to crawl at the thought of what kind of insects he must have had on and in his corpse.
Minutes later, Helen groaned at the realization while pacing in a circle.
Then the doorbell rang, and the rhythmic, repetitive flashes of red and blue light outside the windows suggested that police were at her front door.
Panic gripped her again, because this was no dream, and now she had to deal with the absurdity of it all. She had to pick up the pieces.
Typical fucking Colin.
—Submitted by Wratts
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revisionaryhistory · 3 years
Three Days ~ 83
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We were about half an hour away from the hotel when Sebastian swore quietly, "Fuck." He looked over, "I've been summoned to the shop for a fitting. They've texted a couple of times. Usually, they just stick me in something before the show. I'll drop you at the hotel first. I'm sorry."
"It's fine. I'm going to get in that big bathtub."
"I'm still massaging your thighs when I get home."
"What if they're not sore anymore?"
There was a nice selection of bath salts in the bathroom. I filled up the tub, turned on some music, and submerged myself in the water. Gravity, Tonight and the Rest of my Life, Unbreak My Heart, Black Velvet, Left in the Dark, and My Immortal were a few on the playlist. I lost track of time as I sang along.
When I opened my eyes, Sebastian was sitting on the vanity between the two sinks. His hands held onto the edge and he leaned forward slightly. Had I not been so relaxed I might have been startled. "You're back."
"I am." He smiled. "Didn't take long."
"How long have you been here?"
"About six songs, you big fibber. Passable singer my ass. Song selection is key. I loved it all."
"Thank you." He's right, song selection is key. I’m also right. I'm a passable singer. That he thinks otherwise, well, he's a man in love, which makes me the luckiest woman alive.
Sebastian held up his phone, "I recorded you. I’ll delete it if you want."
I shook my head, "I don't care."
"Oh, thank god. I didn't want to interrupt you to ask because you would have stopped." He reached over his head to pull off his shirt. "Room for me?"
He jumped off the vanity and finished stripping. "Where do you want me?"
I saw this as a question of if I want to play or be played with. "In front, please."
"I think I'm going to like this." He climbed in and sat between my legs. "I would have liked the other way too."
"You like anything involving naked."
"Naked is one of my favorite things."
"I'm fond of naked too."
"I noticed."
I kissed his shoulder and ran my hands over his wet chest and under the water. "You are a lucky man."
I felt the moan before I heard it. I kissed along his neck, planted a hand on his chest to play with his nipple, and under the water I held his cock in a tight grip.
Sebastian held his hands out in front of us, "I have nothing to do with these. Nothing to touch."
"Lay them on the edge of the tub or tuck them under my thighs."
"There we go!" That kept him occupied for a bit while I continued playing.
"We need to get out of the tub."
"You lack patience tonight." Truthfully, patience has never been a strong suit for my Sebastian.
"I disagree. I sat there silently listening to you sing while naked in the tub. You writhe around a lot while singing in the tub. Naked." He groaned deeply, "I like how this feels."
"I'm glad." I sucked on the side of his neck. "You have to get out first."
He laid his head back on my shoulder, "I'm trying."
Really, he wasn't. "Sit up." He did and I stopped stroking him, needing my hands to stand. I didn't bother with a towel. I scooted onto the vanity where he had been, my legs parted. I crooked my finger, "Come here, baby."
Sebastian used his foot to open the drain before standing, "Yes, ma’am." He moved between my legs, reaching into the drawer. He produced a condom and rolled it on while we kissed. His hands slid up my wet thighs, gripped my ass, and slid to me the edge where he could slide into me.
I held onto his shoulders with his face nuzzled against my neck. He mumbled, "Even better. Any way you're touching me is good."
I'd been playing with him for quite a while in the tub, so he came quickly. He kissed me long and hard before touching and kissing down my body.
His hands led the way for his mouth. Kneeling on the floor, he nuzzled my legs apart, kissing and sucking my inner thighs. True to his word, Sebastian massaged my thighs while licking between them. I rested my hand on his head, feeling the slightest motion of him going down on me. Pleasure built steadily until my orgasm broke with me calling out for him.
Sebastian stayed on his knees with his arms wrapped around my butt and his face against my stomach. I purred happily, "You're so good at that." My fingers drug against his scalp.
"I do my best." He let go of me to stand, grabbing a towel to wrap around me then one for himself. "Are you hungry? I’m hungry?"
"I am hungry. Room service and a movie?"
"Perfect." He brought me against him and kissed me slowly and deeply. When he backed away his eyes squinted, "What?"
I smiled, "Kissing you is almost as good as sex."
"The kissing is very good." To prove the point he kissed me again.
To prove mine I grabbed his ass and moaned.
We slept in after a night of movies and making out. I ordered breakfast and brought it to bed before he awoke.
"You are trying to spoil me."
"Is it working?"
"Fuck, yeah!" He tore off a piece of croissant and popped it in his mouth, smirking. "There is no one else I would rather spend mornings in bed with."
"And nights. What about nights?"
"Those too. And all afternoon." He leaned closer with a playful smile, "And doing anything for all the hours in between."
I crawled over him, straddling his hips and placing my hands on his chest, "As some movie said, I would rather fight with you than make love with anyone else."
"Ooo, I like that." He ran his hands up my arms to my shoulders and bade me lay down on him.
I did as he wanted, "I love you.”
"I love you." He stretched up, asking for a kiss. Again, I did as he wanted. The way his blue eyes held me would have made him impossible to resist had I wanted to.
We made out for a little while before continuing the conversation. "Do you know what you're going to do while I'm at the show?"
I shook my head, "I don't know. Maybe go walk around the Tuileries Gardens, go shopping, or stay here in bed until it's time to get ready." I looked toward the closet then back to him, "I've never been to an event after a fashion show. I'm planning on wearing the black dress with blue flowers. Text me if that's not appropriate, please."
"You'll be the most beautiful one there."
"I appreciate your confidence, but if everyone else is in ballgowns or yoga pants I'll need to adjust."
"I will take care of you."
"Thank you." I took his words as meaning more than my clothing options for the night. His smile and the sparkle in his blue eyes told me he'd meant for me to.
After the show, there would be cocktails and conversation at the venue before people would move on to parties held by design houses. That was where I would join Sebastian. I left the hotel not long after he did. I shopped for gifts for my sisters before heading to the lingerie store. I got diverted into a perfumery where I found something new for me and something I couldn't wait to smell on Sebastian. In Agent Provocateur there were simple bra and panty sets as well as the more risqué lingerie. It didn't take long to find something I felt sexy in and he would more than agree. I don't think what I bought would be his choice. The saleswoman who worked with me was fun. I told her my boyfriend would likely show up. She laughed saying how typical that was and my measurements and sizing would be in their system. Well, that is convenient and will please my lover.
I stopped at a café on my way back to the hotel. I had cheese, bread, and a glass of wine. I sent pictures and texts to friends and family. Olivia responded with a picture of Sebastian from today, arriving at the venue. He looked good dressed in all black except for his pristine white sneakers.
Olivia ~ WTF with his pants? Emma ~ They are a little wide, but he's very handsome. Olivia ~ Where are you? Emma ~ About to go back to the hotel to get ready to join him. Olivia ~ I want to see you with him. You two look good together. Emma ~ Thank you, Livvie Olivia ~ Is he coming to Hawaii? Chicago?
Emma ~ He'll still be filming for Chicago. He will be joining us in Hawaii. We'll be early. Olivia~ OMFG. I'm so excited. Does dad know? Emma ~ Yes, but apparently he didn't tell you. Olivia ~ We're not getting along. The boy I like asked me out and they said not until I am sixteen. Emma ~ That sucks, I’m sorry. Olivia ~ I can't wait to see you in Chicago. Can we go off alone, just us? Emma ~ Absolutely.
 I finished my wine and headed back to the hotel. Sebastian texted that my chosen dress would fit in perfectly. I admit I'm nervous. I can't pinpoint exactly why. This is the first event we've been to together. Between charity functions for my parent's hospital and with Ed and business parties with my lawyer ex I knew what to expect and how to behave. This isn't populated with his friends and it's a situation we've not been in. It's very public with press present. I don't think that I’m important enough to garner attention, but it is still different. Had I arrived with him there would be more attention. I don't feel hidden. He's functionally hired to attend and bringing a date wasn't part of it. All the things we've talked about, the way he's not been good to girlfriends. He's not treated me the same. I don't know that person. I have heard enough about that version of him to wonder if he'll make an appearance at this very public event. Or if my version will be struggling to do something different. I think I'm concerned about both. I don't like the idea of doubting him because it's not doubting him. I recognize he's human and may stumble. He's still trying to find his way. Aren't we all?
I curled my hair before styling it in a messy braid. Up was too formal and down was too casual. This was a nice in-between. Once dressed I was pleased with the overall look. Although I hadn't planned it, my hair matched my dress. My dress was a long black tank dress with abstract blue flowers concentrated at the top and bottom with stray flowers looking like they were falling into the middle. The deconstructed braid in my hair mimicked the lace-up back and the slight messiness of the flowers.
The doorman tucked me into a car and I texted Sebastian I was on my way. The after-party was at a hotel near the venue. Sebastian walked out the front doors before the doorman had closed the car door behind me. I laid my hand in the one he reached out for me, "You're the most beautiful thing I've seen all day." He kissed my hand before leading me inside.
"Thank you. You look very handsome."
"Thank you." We walked through a sleek modern lobby to an elegant room filled with people standing in small groups. There were a couple of couches and love seats dotting the room. A wall of glass doors opened onto a patio with fairy lights decorating the trees. A quick look around the room placed my look in the middle but more to the formal side. Exactly where I wanted to be.
We headed to the bar with him telling me about the clothes. It was a couture show, which I hadn't known. I leaned in, taking my wineglass from him, "Anything wearable?"
"Not a damn thing." He put his hand on my lower back and we laughed heading into the main part of the room. We joined a group of three men, Sebastian announcing us with a jubilant, "I'm back."
A tall, thin man with black hair dropped his mouth open and held a hand out in my direction, "You've ruined our bachelor pod."
"You're married," the gray-haired man behind him scoffed.
"Yes, but I could pretend. I was counting on him to attract the beautiful women."
An Italian accent added, "I believe he has attracted a most beautiful woman."
"Thank you." I smiled, "You're my favorite."
Sebastian squeezed my waist, "Emma this is Jack, Paul, and Gian." Double cheek kisses were shared with each name. "This is my girlfriend Emeliana."
Jon the married smart ass looked like he had an idea, "Hey, maybe if you introduce her to Gwyneth she'll remember you next time as the guy with the beautiful woman in the blue floral dress."
The others laughed and I looked confused, "You're in the same movies."
Sebastian curled his lips in, "Yeah. This is the third time I've introduced myself to her."
I cringed, "I think that says more about her than you."
Our conversation was interrupted by a woman coming up from behind us, "One of you should have called me!"
Sebastian and Gian turned, looking at each other. "One of us is in trouble."
The stunningly beautiful redhead ignored them and came toward me, "Both of you."
I saw them shrug at each other right before she hugged me, "I’m so excited to meet you, Emma."
"You too. He didn't tell me you'd be here."
I heard Gian say, "You're in trouble with both of them."
Sebastian said, "Jessica, this is my girlfriend Emma. Emma this is Jessica, my boss."
Jessica was producing the movie they started filming on Friday. I guess that did make her his boss.
Jon laughed, "Seb's got two bosses tonight."
Jessica let go of me and looked at Jon, "Jealous?"
He raised his eyebrows and nodded, "Very."
"The boss part of me apologizes for screwing up your vacation."
I didn't know what she was talking about, "Not at all, we'd decided to spend the week in Paris before the schedule changes. It's been great. We've been everywhere, plus shopping."
“Paris is good for that. Gian and I met here." She glanced at him then back at me, "Have you been to Agent Provocateur? They design the costumes for a couple of the cabarets. Very risque, but some lovely lingerie too. They'll keep your sizes in case he wants to shop on his own. Which I highly advise. It's fun to see what they come home with."
I smirked and squeezed his hand, "He's all set."
I felt him startle, "I love Paris."
Jessica looped her arm through mine, "I’m going to introduce my new friend. We'll call if we need you." We walked out onto the patio and found a table to stand around. "We'll talk and others will join when they get curious about you."
“Do you always scheme at parties?"
"Only when I want them to be fun. We’ll have some time to talk before they circle. I’m sure you've read the script and know he’s my lover. Any questions you want to ask, go ahead. I want you to be perfectly comfortable."
Wow, she just went right in.  I like her. "I’m told love scenes are very awkward to film."
“It is.  You're trying to make the most awkward thing normal. I’ve been in some films that hire an intimacy coach. They talk you through comfort levels and help basically choreograph anything physical. Focusing on the moves that have been approved takes you away from thinking, so you can just do your job. We didn’t do that for this film. We’ve worked together before. Sebastian has a reputation of being respectful, and a good kisser."
I laughed, "I would agree with both." I pulled my mouth to the side, shook my head, and shrugged. "I don't think I care. It's a character. He's no more your lover than a brainwashed assassin or an astronaut. I've watched love scenes. They didn't bother me."
"Don't be surprised if that changes. Gian has a line between things filmed before us and after us. It's different. Not that he would, but don't let Seb dismiss whatever you feel about watching him kiss or pretend to have sex with someone who's not you. He . . . " She paused and pointed to herself, "we use our emotions. Our inner lives, to portray someone else. You will recognize him. It can be strange. I'm told."
"This has been an amazingly helpful conversation."
"Gian and I had to talk a lot. The way I experience things is different than him." She smiled, "Tell me about you."
I swear, talking to her was like talking to someone I'd known for years. Like an older sister. I don't know how long we talked and laughed before we were joined by Gwyneth Paltrow and two other women. Jessica introduced me as her friend.
I waited for a lull in the conversation, "Gwen, I’ve met your children. At the Global Citizen Festival 2016. Chris and my dad did a couple of songs. I think Apple is the same age as my sister Olivia." I wasn't seeing recognition. "I'm Eddie Vedder's eldest daughter."
"Oh," there it was, "Olivia and Apple still text. Daughters of rock stars support group."
We all laughed.
"Yeah, I think both were more interested in the other's dad than their own."
"Definitely, they can hear them any time. Do you go out on tour with him?"
"Any chance I get." I felt a presence. Ok, I saw Gian in my peripheral vision. I held out my hand, still in the conversation. "And you already know my boyfriend Sebastian."
"Yes, we met earlier tonight."
Sebastian dropped his head to my shoulder and mumbled, "Oh god." He righted himself, "There's dancing on the patio. Can I steal you away?"
Sebastian led me away, "You are incorrigible."
"I do have tendencies."
We blended in on the dance floor. A few songs later a slow song began. We were very familiar with the R-rated version of slow dancing. It would take restraint to keep it at a PG. We settled close with our clasped hands between us.
"I'm glad you're here."
I smiled up at him, "Me too. I might be a little in love with Jessica."
He raised an eyebrow, "She has that effect."
"Everything ok? You ok?"
"I'm great."
I wasn't sure he understood, "I mean..."
He kissed me softly, "I know what you meant. I'm great." He narrowed his eyes with suspicion, "I'm not the one of us struggling."
"What do you mean?" I knew exactly what he meant. I didn't want him to know.
Sebastian looked around, nodding toward an empty table, "Come on." He led me off the dancefloor, turning and pulling out a chair for me before taking the one facing the floor. He always faced out. He scooted closer where his spread legs were encasing me, keeping me from getting away. "This is where I say do you want to talk about it, you say no, I say well, we should. Can we skip that part?"
He seemed annoyed with me. My first instinct was to be annoyed because he has my defense mechanism figure out, except that's really a good thing. Time to be brave and vulnerable. He spent the time playing with my fingers. This felt familiar yet reversed. I locked onto a pair of patient blue eyes. "Sure."
"You haven't posted anything on Instagram since your loser brownie."
I cocked my head with a double blink.
"I have notifications turned on for you. I was bored before the show and it occurred to me you hadn't posted anything. We've been in Paris six days."
"Neither have you." I know I haven't. I know why. Kind of. I haven't figured it all out yet and wasn't devoting much time to thinking. In a little while, I'll be glad my boyfriend can read me. Right now, I'm annoyed.
"Normal for me. Not for you." He squeezed my hands and leaned in a little. "Once upon a time I dated this woman who told me she preferred me clean-shaven." He shrugged, "No big deal. Everyone has preferences. I made sure to shave if we were doing something special, but day to day not always. Shaving is a pain in the ass. I might be a little sensitive since I have so little control over my appearance when I’m working. Wasn't a big deal until one day I was getting ready to head out to see her and realized I hadn't shaved. Instead of going with how I wanted to look I was in my head having an internal conversation about how she wanted me to look. Not in the good way. It hit me that every time I didn't shave her disapproval was clear. A look, a comment, complaints when I kissed her, and completely not allowed to do some things." Sebastian raised his eyebrows and I laughed. I knew just what he wasn't allowed to do. "We broke up that night with the first comment. It wasn't about the beard it was about her disapproval having too much influence on my choice, where I wasn’t sure what was mine.” He reached over to twirl a loose lock of hair. "I think you haven't posted anything because your relatives in Georgia don’t know where you are. If you're choosing not to that's fine." His voice went very soft and his expression very serious. "But if you're not because they've got in your head and you're questioning yourself, baby, that's not ok. It's exactly what you said you weren't going to let them do."
He was right.
Emma’s IG is updated https://www.instagram.com/emma_plays_90/
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you-did-well-moon · 4 years
The Warmth Provided (1)
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Type: fluff, angst, crack, college au, friends to lovers au
Word Count: 7,784
A/N: This was obviously just supposed to be a little imagine not more than 5k words, but it turned out to be three times as big. I really need to control myself as a writer from now on, and if you request anything from me don't expect it to be as big as this lol. This simply happened because I got the inspiration for it. Also im sorry but y/n real booboo the fool with this one. With that please enjoy and don't be afraid to talk to me. 
TW: mentions of mental illness, mentions of infidelity, awkward situations, toxicity from Sungjin, footsie
Part 1| Part 2| Part 3
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You groaned whining at Sungjin and tugging at the very warm looking hoodie he wore. He gave an exasperated sigh not daring to even look at you knowing he would give in to your stupid puppy eyes. He put his face in his hands letting out a grunt that could only mean he was giving in to your temptations. You persisted, now putting both hands on his hoodie clad arm and leaning your head on his shoulder. You really could be evil sometimes.
“Y/n please-”
“Come on Sungjinie i’ll give it back by the end of class”
“You said the same thing last time, and you ran out of class WITH my hoodie peaches”
“It was buy one taco get another one free day at the cafeteria…”
You innocently smiled at him as he whipped his head to look at you with furrowed eyebrows and his facial features scrunched up. “Free tacos are on fridays. It was monday” he scoffed, shaking his head as if not being able to believe the audacity you had asking for his hoodie. You slowly blinked your eyes at him. “Sungjin I don’t even remember what month it is, and you want me to know what day it is! Am i a joke to you? You know what, don’t answer that asshole”
You sucked in air through your teeth and leaned back in your seat not being able to believe you and one of your best friends were arguing right before class was going to start because he wouldn’t give you his dumb hoodie. You had forgotten your own because you had spent around half an hour trying to pick what cereal you wanted to eat, and by the time you put the last darn Cheerio in your mouth you had five minutes to run to the opposite side of campus.
You really didn’t get why the human resources building was on the opposite side of campus from your apartment. It was only a matter of time before you actually woke up in time for the class. It didn’t matter because upon arrival to your seat in one of the middle rows in between Sungjin and Dowoon, you found out the professor was late to his own class. Probably still trying to convince his wife to stay with him. Poor man really couldn’t catch a break with that witch.
Mornings were always cold, and the building was also freezing. That brought you here, begging your best friend to let you borrow his hoodie which had cheese stains around the edges of the sleeves and smelled like ramen.
You were desperate.
You grimaced, turning your head to look at the sleeping Dowoon. There was no way you were waking him up to ask for his hoodie. Last time you did that he swung at you with his backpack -which had at least five books the size of your arm in it. Sungjin banned him from playing games for a month as punishment, but it didn’t stop the pain you felt when doing literally any kind of movement. From that moment onwards, you swore never to even look at Dowoon when he was sleeping. You liked your ribs just how they were.
In tact, and not broken.
You shivered, hugging yourself and grimacing at the thousands of goosebumps littering the bare skin of your arms. The feeling from the cold metal of the chair through your thin shirt making you all the more uncomfortable.
You inhaled sharply as you shifted and cold air blew against the exposed parts of your body. “Sungjin please, i’ll make it up to you just please give me your hoodie” you pleaded exposing yourself more to the cold by taking your hands from your body and bringing them together in a begging motion.
Sungjin looked at your shaking figure, worry in his eyes upon noticing your lips turning a paler color than the normal rosy tint they usually had. He threw his head back before giving you a sharp look and smacking his lips.
“Last time you wore my hoodie, you almost got me in trouble, peaches. Everyone thought-” he cut off not being able to make eye contact with you. Your head tilted and you pursed your lips blankly staring at your best friend. You repeated the unfinished thought pushing him to continue while he shook his head pinching the bridge of his nose.
He didn’t even look at you, his tone on the borderline of hopelessness and defeat when he asked you “Y/n, do you know what it means when a person wears someone else’s hoodie or jacket?”
You looked around af if you could find the answer in the tired faces of the students surrounding you before looking back at his hunched over figure and slowly blinking before adamantly answering, “They’re cold”
At your answer, the sleeping figure of Dowoon slightly shifted as he snorted muttering something about how dumb you were before moving in search of a more comfortable sleeping position. You were just about to raise your hand to retaliate with a slap to his back, but Sungjin caught your attention by belting out a disbelieving laugh now looking at you with wide eyes and an unamused smile.
“They thought we were dating, as in romantically involved, as in an intimate relationship, as in doing more than ki-” Sungjin was now rambling voice getting higher with each word before you cut him off with a light hit to his arm feeling your body grow hot in embarrassment.
“I-I know what dating is Sungjin” You hissed hands clenching around the arms of your chair and feeling your chest cave in as you gasped laughing it off awkwardly. “Come on Sungjin, let’s act like the adults that we are. We know we aren’t dating, and since when have you cared about what people think?” you searched his face looking for the answer in the hesitant shadows of his face.
“I don't,” he answered bitterly.
“Then what’s your problem?” You leaned in left speechless at the unexpected behavior of your friend. You felt like the whole situation was getting too serious over a stupid hoodie, so you tried easing the tension by joking around. “Would I be that bad to date?”
You immediately shrunk back giggling when Sungjin lifted his head from his hands for a little bit to glare at you nostrils flaring before shoving his face back into his hands.
“That’s not it and you know it,” he gritted out. Sungjin truly didn’t mean to get grumpy with you, he was having an internal conflict. Whether to tell you his friend’s secret, or to keep it to himself and not interfere. You were left to stare at him wondering if you should leave him alone for the rest of class while Sungjin went through a flashback that had put him on edge around you.
-2 days ago-
Sungjin groaned, shoving his face deeper into the soft fabric of his pillow and stretching his arm out to the nightstand next to his bed, hand fumbling around for the blaring alarm clock. He grumbled, lifting his head to groggily glare at the numbers displayed on the clock.
He had 34 minutes to get to his 8 am psychology class. He tiredly exhaled sitting up in his bed and rubbing his bleary eyes. He took a quick shower hoping it would wake him up, but the haziness of sleep still drifted around the corners of his mind. He could barely keep his eyes open as he brushed his teeth.
He threw the first thing he could find from his dresser figuring he could come back to change if he had any change to plans which right now was absolutely nothing. Sometimes he wondered why he had decided to be in a frat, he wasn’t the most social or the most popular, and he didn’t particularly like going to parties- but, he had met some people he could never dream of living without.
Like Dowoon, who he had to push off the bed with a promise that he could sleep in class later. He sighed watching the poor boy stumble as he tugged on a pair of jeans letting out a sigh of relief when he fell back on the bed.
Sungjin couldn’t help but smile. Even with all the people he had met because of the frat, Dowoom and you would be the closest friends he had in this stressful place. You guys were the foundation of everything he had ever found important. The people who guided him when he was lost, and he would be damned if he ever let his friendship with the both of you go.
He mindlessly grabbed his ramen smelling hoodie thinking you could use it if you forgot your own like you did every other day, or Dowoon could use it as a pillow if he was particularly tired like he was...every other day. Sungjin swore that kid had to stop taking the bus to random places late at night. It was a wonder how he hadn’t accidentally ended up in another city with his nightly escapades.
He was thinking about whether he would risk eating or not as he jogged down the stairs to get to the kitchen when he heard your name. He narrowed his eyes stopping right at the last step of the stairs thinking he was mishearing things. Wait- there it was again. Your name. His precious friend’s name.
Sungjin shrugged it off thinking they meant another Y/n, but he was quickly corrected when he heard your last name too.
His jaw ticked and his mouth suddenly felt dry as he wondered what you could have possibly done to have frat boys talking about you. He paused just right outside the kitchen wanting to hear just what they could have been talking about to be bringing you into the conversation.
“How would I know if the girl is single? I didn’t even know she existed before Jae mentioned her”
He heard the person scoff as confusion made Sungjin’s eyebrows tug together. You? In a relationship? You hadn’t had a boyfriend since high school, who he had to stop himself from pummeling into the ground when he cheated on you and had continuously tried getting you back. Sungjin swore you had the worst luck when it came to relationships.
Not only had you had a bad experience with one, but you were too naive when it came to people actually liking you. He had lost count of all the disappointed faces he had seen of people who had asked you out only for you to respond with one of your bright smiles along with something along the lines of “Sure, I would love to be your friend”.
He shivered wincing at the sole memory of some of them. He had never said anything because you had never mentioned liking them, and you told him everything. He really wished he could forget about the fact you sold Dowoon’s game controller in order to buy a Cheeto the shape of a heart which you then proceeded to eat without any regrets.
“Well then what are we supposed to do? Go up to the girl  and say “Hey, you don’t know who the hell we are, but we would like to know about your relationship status because you don’t have a Facebook we can stalk to see whether your love life is existent or not”, Sungjin peeked around the edge of the doorway seeing two figures sitting at the kitchen island having breakfast, and the person talking was animatedly waving his hands around.
“We desperately need to know because our friend Jae is about to be strangled since he won’t stop writing stupid sappy love songs about you” Younghyung do you even know how crazy we seem right now. We are quite possibly the worst wingmen in the history of wingmen” He now recognized the voice as Kim Wonpil’s voice, and at the same time Sungjin felt his heart claw up his throat as he slightly stumbled back in surprise.
Jae Park. One of the other members of the frat. And the boy you had been crushing on for two years. Also one of his closest friends not including you and Dowoon. Sungjin suddenly wished he had just stayed in bed today. Jae was one of the most popular guys on campus. Not because he slept around or anything, but because he was actually a friendly person. He got along with everyone, and he was basically friends with everyone.
Jae had helped Sungjin out of some tough spots before, even invited him out to hang out when you and Dowoon were busy doing who knows what. Jae’s closest friends were Kim Wonpil and Kang Younghyun. Sungjin had talked to those two before, but not enough to go up to them and randomly start up conversations with them.
He still remembered the day you had excitedly come up to him squealing about how the Jae Park was in your sociology class. Eyes shining and giggles erupting out of your mouth every five seconds. He really couldn’t stand you that day. Sungjin felt something stir in his chest, but he couldn't really tell what it was. He shook it off stiffly walking into the kitchen with his heart pounding in his ears.
Sungjin had felt awkward almost all his life, but he was sure nothing could top the sudden tension he felt in his body when the boy’s conversation came to a sudden halt at his appearance. He kept his back to them rolling his shoulders and trying to distract himself from the eyes boring into his back. He grabbed the cereal box turning around to get a bowl catching the two boys wildy gesturing at each other with wide eyes before immediately stopping once they noticed he could see them.
He kept his gaze directly directed at his cereal hoping whoever was listening they wouldn’t talk to him.
“Hey, Sungjin?’
He always thought there’d be a day where he’d drown in his cereal. Maybe today was that day. He paused a bit before grunting in reply looking up to see it had been Younghyun who had spoken and Wonpil who was darting his gaze everywhere but Sungjin’s eyes.
“You know Y/n L/n?” Younghyun again spoke leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.
Sungjin knew he was playing dumb. Everybody knew you and Sungjin were practically glued at the hip. Wherever one of you was, the other could probably be found close by.
He put down the cereal with a sigh, tilting his head at them as he braced himself against the kitchen island with both arms.
“I would hope so. I’ve known her since I was seven years old, and I see her almost everyday” He smiled at them mirthfully feeling an inkling of possessiveness sprout in the confines of his chest. Once again, Sungjin shook it off as protectiveness he felt for you as a little sister.
Younghyun opened and closed his mouth as if not knowing how to respond to Sungjin’s answer. He finally cleared his throat seemingly still finding his voice until Wonpil’s panicked and rushed voice cut him off.
“Are you and Y/n seeing each other?” Wompil immediately clasped his hand to his mouth shaking his head wildy and mumbling warbled apologies while Younghyun slapped the loud mouth upside the head.
Sungjin took a shaky breath in suddenly feeling dizzy as he swayed lightly. His voice was disbelieving when he was able to sputter out his reply.
“W-what makes you think Y/n and I are anything more than friends” his eyes flitted between Wonpil and Younghyun left at a loss for words.
Sure, he and you were inseparable, always going everywhere and anywhere together, but not once had you ever shown signs of being more than friends. Never looking longingly or lovingly at each other, never kissing, never holding hands for more than a minute (in his defense he didn’t want to lose you in the crowd), never proclaiming your love for one another. You guys had never done anything that would suggest anything more than a friendly relationship.
The two boys in front of you looked at each other then at the speechless figure of Sungjin harshly whispering before Wonpil finally made eye contact with Sungjin nervously tapping his finger on the kitchen islan. Pursing his lips he seemed to be choosing his words carefully.
“It’s just that, Jinyoung said he saw Y/n wearing your hoodie. The one you have right now, and you know um people wear each other’s clothes when they’re together, so we just assumed there was something between you guys. We’re sorry Sungjin, we really didn’t mean to jump to conclusions bud”
Sungjin’s eyes drifted down to the hoodie in his hands. The very one he always let you borrow simply because you got cold, and he bought it to class for that exact reason. He was just trying to take care of you, and somehow that had gotten mistaken as anything but friendly intentions. He knew you really liked Jae, but at the same time Sungjin was scared.
He was scared you would leave him behind once you began dating Jae. You almost did when your dumb high school boyfriend told you he didn’t like you being so close to a boy, and he threatened to break up with you if you didn’t distance yourself from Sungjin, your bestfriend. He was terrified of it happening for real this time.
You would have no time for him because you were too busy with Jae, and he would be forgotten by the one person he could always count on. He would lose the smile and laughter of the one person who had always been there for him, but who was he to cling on to you when you could be happier without him. Sungjin felt like he was going to throw up. He was so sure you would leave him behind to rot, you wouldn’t need him anymore.
You wouldn’t need someone to bring a hoodie for you in case you forgot. You wouldn’t need someone to help you fix your bike after you crashed it from getting distracted while riding it. You wouldn’t need someone to patch you up and take away the pain after said bike crash. You wouldn’t need anyone to wipe away your tears when the demons in your head got particularly demanding. You wouldn’t need sungjin anymore because you would have Jae. Sungjin felt like he was getting strangled. He couldn’t breathe past the lump of dread that had formed in his drying throat.
He could not bear to lose the one person that had been by his side through the brightest and cloudiest days. He could not possibly lose the one person that had been by his side through all the ups and downs of life. He could not lose you. Not his peaches with your soft exterior but strong interior.
He felt his body go numb with the immense sadness that tore through his chest, and he began feeling his eyes tear up.
Would he be selfish at the expense of your happiness?
He felt his chest heave as he let out a heavy exhale closing his eyes at the ache beginning to probe at his temples. He shook his head once looking back at the pair who were staring at him with hunched shoulders, both regretting the fact they had even bought it up to him seeing his inner turmoil.
“Does Jae think so too?” his voice was as monotone as he’d ever heard it. Wonpil simply nodded chewing at his lips nervously.
Sungjin shoved the cereal box back into the cupboard not bothering to look at the boys mumbling a low “I need to get to class” as he walked away shaking hands clutching the hoodie to his chest not seeing the worried look the boys gave each other.
-Back to present-
Sungjin groaned feeling like he was about to pass out with all the mixed emotions coursing through his body right now. He decided for now, he would not tell you of Jae’s returned feelings towards you ignoring the guilt clenching around his heart by deciding it was not his place to say what Jae felt.
He quickly slipped his body out the hoodie throwing it at you and grumbling that you better return it to by the end of class. You laughed happily snuggling into the warmth of the hoodie but looking skeptically at Sungjin who had decided to distract himself by scrolling through his phone. You knew when your best friend was hiding something, and right now your best friend was certainly not telling you something.
You felt a bit hurt that even after all these years of building each other up, he couldn’t confide in you when there was something that was bothering him, but you shrugged it off figuring he would tell you when he was ready and you didn’t want to push him. You wondered why he was asking for it by the end of class since he always let you keep it until the end of the day. You once again shook it off figuring he probably got cold too.
You did not give it back by the end of class. You ran out of class. With the hoodie.
By the time Sungjin noticed you were gone with the hoodie still on your body, you were out the human resources building on your way to the student common area where the cafeteria was. Sungjin cursed your black hole of a stomach while Dowoon cackled claiming he deserved it for letting you sell his game controller.
You excitedly ran into the cafeteria stomach growling because let’s be real, cereal was not enough to sustain a growing girl such as yourself. You were instantly met with the smell of different kinds of foods from the variety of restaurants your university cafeteria had. Your eyes hungrily scanned the restaurants lining the room before deciding you could really go for a Subway right now. You were walking out of the little restaurant with the sandwich in your hands when you heard a voice call your name.
You let out a small confused “Huh” in response to the calling of your name spinning around searching the faces of the students peacefully eating and laughing together not being able to find the caller of your name.
Your vision went black as hands suddenly covered your eyes and a chest pressed up against your back. You jumped scared by the sudden greeting gasping in surprise.
“Hey!”, you yelped out.
Your own hands went up to the culprit’s wrists gently moving them down. You tilted your head back being met with a bright smile and a soft laugh that rang in your ears and made your chest fill with warmth. You instantly spun around face to face with your crush of two years.
He was your crush, but he had also become a close friend since the day you had coincidentally sat next to him on the first day of your sociology class not paying attention to who you were sitting next to and just walking to one of the front rows, sure you wouldn’t know anyone in the class.
He whispered your name asking to borrow a pencil and you spent around one minute staring at him like an idiot before fumbling inside your bag for a pencil and giving it to him clumsily. He had chuckled lowly muttering a “cute” under his breath which you were sure you weren’t meant to hear but you had become very attentive to him now knowing he was the one you were sitting next to and stunned by the fact he even knew your name.
You tried ignoring he was sitting next to you, but he moved around so much you wondered if he had to go to the restroom. He eventually noticed your staring simply telling you he had become restless since he had gotten sudden motivation for a song. You were impressed and intrigued by the prospect of him being a songwriter wondering what kind of words he brought to life with different melodies and harmonies.
You sneakily smiled at him, eyes flickering to the professor not far from where you were sitting before sliding your books in front of the notes he had put no effort into and giving him a sly wink giggling.
“I’ll cover for you”, you whispered.
He gave you a look that made a warm tingle run all over your body, eyes softening at you and cheekily winking back.
“I won’t forget your noble sacrifice” he immediately flipped to a new page of his notebook borrowed pencil quickly scribbling across the page.
You had to stop yourself from squealing as you subtly sank in your chair, the corner of your lips twitching as you tried to stop yourself from smiling at seemingly nothing. Sticking your nose into your own notebook and actually writing notes in order to distract yourself from looking at Jae who was now in his own world. Not failing the class was a bonus.
You were so into forcing yourself to pay attention to the monotone professor you didn’t notice Jae’s gaze coming back to your figure every so often taking note of all your features that made his heart beat faster and his head spin.
Ever since that day, you two became close, occasionally getting together outside of class when one of you finally mustered up the courage to plan said get together. It was usually to see a movie where you guys occasionally brushed each other’s hands while trying to get one of the snacks you had bought.
After the movie, it was tradition to go to the noodle place next to the bookstore at the end of the street where you laughed and joked around together. You had never told anyone of these times holding the memories as too precious and personal to share, scared that if you spoke of them they would disappear.  You had even refused to hang out with Sungjin telling him you had to study which you felt a little guilty about, but spending a little less time with him wouldn’t hurt right?
Your eyes widened as you pouted at him. “Jae, you can’t just do that to a person, I almost dropped my lunch and I would have made you pay for another one you ingrate” You were once again met with the same laugh as before, except louder this time. The one that instantly made you smile back at him, heart skipping beats periodically. The laugh that made the colors around you suddenly dance with a vibrancy that beautifully spun and twirled making you so wonderfully dizzy.
“I’m a college student Y/n I can barely afford my own food. Do you want me to starve?”  His eyes crinkled behind the glasses sitting on his narrow nose making your world spin just a bit faster on the axis of what could only be his smile. “Evil, pure evil.” he shook his head scrunching up his nose as if disappointed in you.
You put your hands on your hips  looking offended and tutting. “You’re the one that wants to make me starve. I haven’t eaten in one hour. That’s too long Jae!” he chuckled playfully, narrowing his eyes at you.
“Stop being dramatic and come eat with me loser. I mean uh, if you want to of course. Do you?” he gave you a nervous smile lightly tugging at a strand of your chair before shifting his feet and tugging at his jacket.
You tilted your head as if seriously thinking, looking at his smile slowly falling making your own heart sink being the cause of making something so lovely die. You teasingly reached up to push his glasses back up his nose, finger accidentally gracing the corner of his mouth. Softly laughing you walked by him and gently bumped his shoulder with yours.
“Maybe another day,” you snickered.    He instantly played into your joke once again laughing. He did a lot of that. Laugh. Never ashamed to show how happy he was. You on the other hand, had to hide how happy his own happiness made you.
“Walk away from me young lady and I will never let you eat my Starbursts again nerd” he threatened with a small smile playing on his lips. You couldn’t the light laugh that bubbled up from your chest turning around and putting your hands up in mock surrender. Jae’s chest filled with warm tingles like it did every time he made you laugh.
“You monster. You can’t just deprive me of Starbursts. They get me through the horror movies you always pick! I’ll sit with you, for the Starbursts.” Your determined tone and furrowed eyebrows made Jae breathlessly laugh as he walked closer to you hand reaching out towards your frozen figure.
Your heart palpitated as you tried to calm your breathing, but one of his hands took a hold of your hand running up your arm until it located itself on your shoulder, tugging you into his body and making him able to throw an arm around your shoulder.
Your skin burned wherever his warm touch lingered, and your face felt hot. You once again had to take a deep breath to calm yourself from the wondrous euphoria you felt just by being by Jae. He began walking bringing your flustered self along with him. You were so caught up in trying to make sure you didn’t trip, you didn’t notice Jae’s own cheeks tinting with pink or his shaking hand hanging off your shoulder.
He led you over to a table near the windows where two figures were hunched over and inhaling their food, talking to each other every few seconds. You recognized them as Jae’s two closest friends, Wonpil and Younghyun. You had never met them which caused you to dig your heels into the ground effectively stopping both you and Jae.
“Don’t worry they’re nice. As long as i'm here, they won’t do anything. I won’t let them” he had ducked down too whisper into your ear  warm breath hitting the shell of your ear. You hesitantly nodded continuing to walk while Jae tightened his arm around your shoulders and brought you closer into his left side making the whole right side of your body burn at the wake of his touch.
Different from his earlier tone he cheerfully called out for the two who didn;t look up from their food.
“Jae you’re usually the first one at the table what took you so long. Wait don’t tell me, busy staring at-'' Younghyun had begun speaking taunting Jae and still not looking up until he was cut off by a shove from Wonpil who had raised his gaze to greet Jae only to be surprised with you basically tucked into his friend’s body. You curiously looked up at Jae wondering what so often caught his attention so much his friends teased him who only shrugged mouthing a “he’s crazy” and looking in Younghyun’s direction.
Jae cleared his voice but you poked him purposefully looking at him and muttering, “I can speak for myself” You turned to the pair who were both kindly smiling at you waving awkwardly at them. “Uh hi, my name is Y/n”
Wonpil smiled sweetly at you putting his chin on his hand and glancing at Jae. “We know”. You stared at him, mouth falling open and uttering a confused “Huh?” You were so focused on staring questionly at Wonpil to notice Jae mouthing threatening words at his friends. Younghyun cut him with a stiff laugh “Sungjin talks about you a lot”.
You instantly bought it smiling at the thought of your friend. You had forgotten these boys were a part of the frat he had recently joined. Wonpil seemed to fall out of whatever stupor he had fallen in stupidly smiling in Jae’s direction jumping up to offer you a handshake and introducing himself which you instantly took hoping your palms weren’t sweaty from nervousness. Younghyun followed in Wonpil’s lead, just a little more relaxed and laid back than the jumpy and energetic Wonpil.
Jae’s hands ushered you to sit down while he sat opposite the seat he had pushed you into next to his friends, making Wonpil’s small form get squished between Jae and Younghyun. You smiled softly at the sight getting reminded by your own little trio of you, Sungjin, and Dowoon. You started unwrapping your sandwich as you answered basic questions from Jae’s friends like what your major was and what flavor of ice cream you preferred.
You found yourself being able to fall into a steady rhythm of laughing and talking with the three boys in front of you getting comfortable enough to relax and talk with ease growing confident with the little group. You were answering Wonpil’s question about the tattoo just behind your right ear when you saw his gaze fall to your clothes, his mouth fell open a little as he struggled to focus on your answer too focused on the hoodie enveloping your form.
His shoulders slightly slumped as he nudged Younghyun muttering to him that you had the hoodie on. You were completely enraptured in the conversation Jae had pulled you into, so Younghyun had to clear his throat to catch your attention. His mouth was tugged into a calm smile, but his gaze was sharp making your stomach quiver with a sudden bundle of nerves.
“The hoodie is nice” he gestured cooly to the hoodie keeping you warm “Where did you get it from” the question seemed to carry double meaning. You saw Jae eyes widen, filling with an emotion you couldn’t quite place, body stiffening in his seat. You suddenly remembered what the one rule Sungjin had given you when throwing the clothing at you, and you had run right out of class breaking the one damn rule he had given you.
You groaned burying your head in your arms while tugging at the fabric that was Sungjin’s hoodie as if it would magically disappear from your body into Sungjin’s hands. You chewed at your lip looking at the boys in front of you, bitten lips now formed into a pout.
“I’m not even supposed to have this. I should have given it to him by the end of class, but it was so cold and Sungjin always gives me his hoodie when I forget mine.” You ran your hands through your hair already practicing what you’d say to him, but you knew the outcome was all the same. He was probably going to give you the scolding of your life. You really didn’t understand why he cared if other people thought you were dating. He had never cared about it before.
People had even confused you as a couple before, and he had always shrugged it off forgetting about it as soon as it happened. “Ugh, he’s going to kill me. If you don’t see me tomorrow Sungjin did it” i said sadly.
Jae wasn’t saying anything finding more interest in the table than the conversation you were currently having with his friends. You wondered what was up with him since he was always more than eager to join in on the conversation, but you coined it off as him being lost in thought.
The sharp look in Younghyun’s eyes remained and he didn’t laugh like most people would at the relationship between you and the other male. Wonpil simply sank in his seat leaning a little closer to Jae. You were beginning to feel anxious left foot tapping across the floor getting ready to bolt any second. Your mouth felt dry and it hurt to swallow the bite of sandwich you had just put in your mouth.
Younghyun finally looked away from you staring out the window next to the table and fiddling with the spoon on his table. “You and Sungjin seem close” his jaw was tight and tone uninterested but you felt like your answer held the weight of the world in it. You chose to stay calm ignoring the voices in your head telling you to run away as fast as you could. The food in your stomach felt heavy and you fought the urge to throw up.
You smiled softly at them. “Of course we are, he’s one of the most important people in my life'' You saw Jae close his eyes as if he had just been punched in the gut, and you saw Younghyun’s hand clenched into a fist knuckles turning white but you kept going, keeping your voice light and soft. “He’s been my best friend since I can remember” you added on taking the hoodie off and instantly wincing and getting attacked by the cold air circulating the cafeteria.
You shivered really hating yourself for forgetting your jacket. Everybody seemed to ease up, so you figured your answer had been the right one. What exactly deemed it as right you still weren’t sure. Younghyun leaned back in his seat, his sharp gaze gone, and the humorous glint in his eyes back. Wonpil put his elbows on the table leaning closer to you and once again asking you another question while Jae seemed to spring back to life also joining in on the conversation with the bright smile back on his face and his eyes getting their shine back.
You couldn’t help but feel a light tingle prick at the back of your neck at seeing Jae happy and himself again. Your lips tugged into a small satisfied smile, and while talking with them you would continuously look at Jae who you caught staring every time then bashfully look back at Wonpil not being able to bear the thought of Jae looking at you and only you.
Jae never looked away from you. Not even when you caught him in the act simply chuckling when you smiled nervously and looked at his friend. You were both so caught up in each other you didn’t see Wonpil wiggling his eyebrows at Younghyun who rolled his eyes but smiled happily nonetheless.
A little tension left your body because the air around the four of you had immensely calmed down, but the cold was now once again seeping into your skin, chilling you to the bones.You gave the boys an uncomfortable smile as you began to shiver. Wonpil and Younghyun smiled at you sympathetically while Jae got an unsure look on his face, lips pursing and eyebrows furrowing. He looked worriedly at you, a silent question in his eyes.
“You okay?”  You beamed at him assuring him, but your body was still shaking. He set his shoulders back keeping eye contact with you while getting up and pulling his jacket off his body. He shook his head “Tsk tsk Y/n, what would you possibly do without me?” You felt your face grow hot trying your hardest to ignore the sliver of skin exposed by his shirt riding up when he took off the article of clothing.
His hair was ruffled and his glasses were askew and barely held up by the bridge of his nose, but the only thing you could focus on was the arm extended towards you holding the blue jean jacket being offered to you. Your breath was caught in your throat, and you stood there frozen staring at the jean jacket. You couldn’t even feel the chilly air of the cafeteria anymore. Not when the warmth caused by Jae’s offer was enough to sink into the deepest confines of your chest, settling there giving you an odd sense of comfort making your heart hum happily.
Both you and Jae did not see Wonpil and Younghyun looking at each other with goofy grins before leaving both of you heading towards their next classes.
The hand holding the sweater shook once. “We don’t have all day here loser. My noodle arm really can’t hold this jacket forever. I skipped arm day last week” you held your hand out placing it on the jacket, but you still didn’t take the jacket swallowing harshly and clearing your throat. You looked at Jae beneath your eyelashes blinking slowly at him ,heart pounding against your rib cage. At that moment, nobody but you and Jae existed.
“Are you sure?” your unsure question made Jae roll his eyes, his next actions happening so fast you had no time to properly react. He grasped your wrist from the hand placed on his jacket still in his hand drawing your body towards his with so much force your hips briefly bumped against his. He let go of your wrist instead grabbing his jacket with both hands, and you were forced to put your hand on his shoulder to stop yourself from actually crashing into him.
His arms went around you putting his jacket around your head in order to hang the jacket on your shoulders making sure it covered you enough so the cold wouldn’t bother you anymore. You were pretty sure the whole cafeteria could hear how loud and fast your heart was beating. You couldn’t think straight. The only thing you could even process was Jae’s hands still on the lapel of the jacket, barely brushing the part of your stomach above your belly button.
You seemed to get a control of your body as you looked up at him with wide eyes getting met with his face closer than it had ever been, the lightest flush on his cheek bones and lips slightly parted. You could see your hand trembling with pure adrenaline as the hand that wasn’t on his shoulder reached up to fix his tilted glasses and messy hair. The hand on his shoulder was close enough to his chest to feel the slight drum of his heart unusually fast for someone who was basically standing still.
You really weren’t sure why you were surprised. Jae had always gone out of his for you. Always done little things to take care of you in his own little way. Holding your hand when the professor handed back assignments rubbing your knuckles with his thumb reassuringly, playing his guitar when you were in a sad mood at the park you sometimes visited after coming back from the noodle place, gently brushing your hair away from your face when it fell on your face while writing notes, or crushing you in a hug when you didn’t get the grade you wanted hand gently holding you against him.
He always joined in on your childish behavior by pushing you on the swing or going down the slide with you at the park, always bringing you your favorite snacks from the convenience store he walked by on the way to class knowing fully well you sometimes forgot to eat, or even letting you spill your tears to him on days you just didn’t feel good.
He had always stuck by your side. During both good days and bad days even managing to make the bad days good days just by being there with you making it his mission to make you smile. All this made you come to a realization. Sure, maybe what you had for him before was nothing but a silly crush, but now as you got to know him more and become someone he confided in, the feelings you got around him were crystal clear.
You were in love with Jaehyung Park, and now that you knew what you were feeling, you wanted to scream it to the whole world. What you were feeling was something so beautiful and precious that people only dreamed to experience. You weren’t sure if the vile world would ever allow you to feel this ethereal emotion ever again, and as you looked up at the man your heart had so harshly and deeply fallen for, you were terrified. You didn’t want to ruin what you had.
You wanted to stay like this, blissfully unaware of each other's true feelings for one another. Even if your body and heart longed to be close to him, to touch him, feel him, and know every crevice and inch of him, you counted yourself lucky to be able to be close to him like this, where your probably unreturned feelings didn’t make anything awkward or burdensome for anyone.
You felt a little prick at your eye cursing yourself for wanting to cry, but you managed a small smile in Jae’s direction taking a step away from him and suggesting you sit back down since you both still had time before you had to go to class. He sat on the opposite side of the table as you, gaze not straying away from you.
You took a deep breath feeling tingles running along your spine since the air between you both had become tense filled with something you couldn’t identify. You both remained silent sitting there. You became fidgety, stretching your legs in front of you only for your right leg to gently bump against what you assumed to be the pole supporting and holding the table up. You were staring outside watching all the students pass by happily ignorant to the slight change in relationship between the two friends sitting across each other sitting in silence.
You absentmindedly started running your leg up and down the pole under the table when you heard a weird sputtering sound much alike to choking from a foot away from you. You turned away from the window looking at the man across from you only to flinch back in surprise with the sight you were met with.
Jae was staring at you with wide panicked eyes, and his shaking arm held up to his face, but even with the arm you could see the red tinting his chest, neck, face, and ears. His chest was heaving and you could see his whole body trembling. You instantly grew worried all focus going to Jae assuming there was something seriously wrong with him. The table wasn’t that wide which allowed you to lean closer to his body holding your palm to his forehead feeling it was abnormally hot. You anxiously tapped your foot against the pole supporting the table. “Jae are you okay?” you heard him gasp out an answer not being able to understand at all when you felt the pole under the table slightly move against your leg.
Wait, poles can’t move.
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bodyswapmischief · 5 years
Fit For February
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I looked around me. I looked at the empty buck of fried chicken. I checked the empty containers of mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and coleslaw. I grunted as I picked up the two empty 2-liter bottles of soda. The only thing left was half of the cake that came with the party combo meal.
I looked at my bloated stomach. I fell back onto the couch. All 320 pounds of me felt even more tired and heavy from the meal. I started rubbing the pain from my stomach. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought to myself. A few weeks into January and I already broke my New Year's resolutions. And, in a big way. I made a complete pig out of myself.
But, how could anybody not expect me to binge after the kind of day I had. I started the day as usual, since the new year began. I ate a bowel of plain cereal. I went to work. I ate a salad, for lunch. The only thing different was today was gym day.
I was still very self conscious about my body and only planned on going to the gym once a week, to start off. Being January the month of New Year's Resolutions, the gym was pack with a lot of people. It helped to see other out of shape people. But, I still saw that I was the fattest person there.
Being in my 40's and fat my whole life. I didn't really have a game plan. I was just winging it. First, I went on the treadmill. I knew I wasn't in shape to run for a prolong period of time so, I started at a walking speed. That's when I saw him walk in. He wore a tight muscle shirt that showed the curves of his abs. His strong arms were out on full display. "Fuckin Shit! I hate January. All the fucking fatass come in thinking they're gonna lose weight this year." He said to his friends not being subtle at all. They all laugh.
A few more minutes past, I'm was still on the treadmill. Then I feel a strong force push my arm. It almost sent me off balance. But, I caught myself. I looked to see who pushed me. "Hey dude, I need to use it," said the guy from earlier. He was clearly annoyed by me being there. "Um ... I'm still using it." I sheepishly replied. He looks at me with full on hate. "Oh yeah. Your using it? Are you sure about that fatass?," he says aggressively. "Um... yeah." I said starting to get scared. "Let me fucking guess. You ate a salad today, too. And, you're feeling proud about yourself'" he said mockingly. "Now, your deciciding to waste everyone's time by WALKING on a treadmill. Take your fatass and walk somewhere else. Better yet, stop lying to yourself. We both know this is some silly New Year's resolution. It's not going to last. You're gonna stop trying to lose weight by the end of this month, especially a fat ass like you. I mean look what you've done to your body. There's no reversing that damage. I don't go into your kitchen and eat your food so, stay the fuck out of my gym."
I stood there motionless for a few seconds. I couldn't believe the hate and words coming out of his mouth. I looked around and saw a majority of people didn't hear him. They were either to in the zone or had their earphones in. However, a hand full of people did hear him. They looked at me with pity, but didn't say anything. My face grew red. I could feel tears wanting to form. Without saying anything I just left. I walked quickly to the locker room and got changed. I looked back over at the treadmill. And, there he was. Not even bothered by what he said.
I left and started crying. I felt like a complete loser. I was fat and weak. I couldn't even stand up for myself. My stomach started growling in sympathy. I was hungry. I was beyond hungry. I could feel my stomach turn into a black hole. So, instead of going home to my premade chicken breast, brown rice, and steamed vegetables, I got the party Combo meal at my local fried chicken restaurant.
After thinking about everything that happened, I sat on the couch eating the rest of the cake and distracting myself from my pain by watching tv. Slowly, I drifted of to sleep.
The next morning, I slowly woke up. And was surprised to feel that I was on a bed. I must have woke up and put myself to bed, I thought. I opened my eyes to see, I was in a bed room. But, my vision was still hazy with sleepiness. So, I closed them, out of habit, and began stretching. It was weird. I actually felt good. Usually I'm sore and still tired. But, I woke up feeling light and energized. I removed the blankets from my body and I could tell something felt off. But, I was to comfortable to care. The morning air was colder than usual.
I went to pat my stomach. For a breif millisecond, my mind panicked. My hand should have touched my stomach already, I thought. Then a millisecond later I touch some something hard. My eyes immediately opened. I'm not in my room, I immediately realized. I looked down and saw why I felt different. I wasn't staring at my pale white obese body.
Instead, my skin was now a beautiful tanned brown. I rubbed my hands along the ridges of my abs. I felt up the new pecs on my chest. I flexed and watched my biceps bounce around. My penis was growing from the excitment. Reaching a size I could only dream about. I can't, I thought to myself. It's not my body. But, the urges were just too strong. As, I masturbated I moaned in complete ecstasy.
After enjoying my new body, I finally got of the bed and started exploring my surroundings. Everything felt easier. I felt so much lighter and stronger at the same time. I made my way to the bathroom and jumped. I saw the guy from the gym staring at me. He looked scared, too. I quickly realized I was looking at a reflection. I was looking at the body I was in. I smiled.
I left the bathroom and saw a phone sitting on the nightstand. Memories started flooding my mind. Instinctively, I used my finger print to open my ... his phone. More memories started filling my mind. I was Javiar Ramirez. But, even with these new memories, I knew this body was not really mine. Memories of my daily routine flooded my mind. I had to get ready for work.
I sighed, but looked at my reflection through my phones camera and smiled. I didn't know what to do about my old life. I was in this body now. So, I had to play the role of Javier, until I could find a way back. I looked at my body again. But, do I really want to go back, I thought to myself.
So, using his knowledge I went about my day. I made my protein shake. I made my breakfast. I had fun trying on different clothes combinations and talking pictures of myself. Finally I got dressed for work. I had my lunch. I met up with some of Javier's friends. Then I went to the gym.
As soon as I walked in, I looked around. Hoping to see my old body. And there it was. Struggling to run on the treadmill. I never realized how fat I really looked. But, now I was ready to give Javier a peace of my mind. Words filled my mind, as I was thinking what to say. Maybe something along the line of who is the fatass now, I thought.
I forcibly tapped him on the shoulder and he almost tripped. I chuckled to myself, as he turned to face me. He look at me scared, "I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd be back here today... I'll get off." He lowered his head and started getting his belongings. I was thrown back a little. Before he could leave the treadmill, I held him by the shoulder. "Look, I'm sorry. I don't want any trouble ... I'll stop coming to the gym, just let me go," he started to plea.
I just looked him in the eyes. Was he in there, I thought to myself. Does he think he's me? Is he trapped and forced to act as me? No matter his fate, I saw the deep pain that I used to have in his eyes. My anger vanished and I could only feel pity. "No, it not like that," I sighed. "I just wanna apologize for everything I said yesterday. I was just having a bad day but, that still didn't give me the right to act like an asshole." He smiled at me and nodded. I continue, "I'm actually proud for you. That your trying to make a change in your life. Keep it up. But, I did see you struggling." His face started to turn red. "I know what I said yesterday. But, for a big guy like you walking is actually going to be a better and safer exercise. Just keep at it and if you need any tips, I can help." I said as knowledge about working flashed through my mind. His face still red, he thanked me and continued his work out. I finished mine and headed back home.
I don't know who did this or why but, I'm glad it happened. I can gladly say that becoming fit is marked off my New Year's resolutions. However, I do hope Javier's or should I say Mark continues his weight loss journey. The next time I see him, I should offer to be his personal trainer.
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justin-hammers · 4 years
Just a First Person Female Feeder Story:
This story contains woman feeding man loads of food and gets fat. Some NSFW stuff is involved, but it's not too much. Just sex stuff really. Enjoy! 🖤 P.S. I tried my best at this story.
I was hanging out with him in my apartment one day. I sat next to him and snuggled up. He looked kinda soft and he had a bit of a stuble along with his messy brown hair. He wanted to hang out with me for a few days. I have been secretly planning on making him fat since I have been wanting to see how he would look if he got fat. I asked if he was hungry. He nodded his head and said yeah. 
I gave him a huge piece of lasagna. He giggled about the thought of me fattening him up. I laughed from what he said even though it is true. I wanted him to be big as a teddy bear. He ate the huge slice and got another slice. He ended up eating almost all the slices. He rubbed his small, but growing belly. He wanted some more food. 
I gave him Grilled Cheese Burgers. He ate at least six of them and he was slowly getting chubbier. I was glad that he sat in those arm rest chairs. I patted his growing belly and asked if he wanted more food. He smiles and nods. 
I made him Spaghetti and Meatballs. He ate all of it. He was growing more with the food. His gut was sticking out more and became visible. He was getting love handles, his arms soften, his thighs were fattening up, and his face was getting a bit chubby. I wanted to see if his booty fatten up. Luckily, he stood up to stretch and his butt was getting meaty and thick. I hugged him right behind him. He puts his arm behind me. He asked me if I love him fat. I admittedly said yes to him. I told him I wanted him big enough to tighten his clothes and get stuck in chairs and doors. He was surprised when I confessed to him, but nevertheless, he hugged me tightly enough to feel his softness. 
I served him greasy fried chicken, greasy fries, and buttered rolls as another big meal. He was munching on the food and kept chugging on the big bottle of Coke Coca I gave him. He was porking up more and more. His bloated belly was filling up more and was getting wobbly. His black vest looked very tight and the buttons were threatening to pop. His stomach was almost touching the table too. I kept patting his belly and he was smiling. He jokes about himself being a big fat whale and tries to get himself comfortable. His arms were chubby and his fingers looked bloated. His love handles were getting more noticeable. His thighs were fatter which means he is becoming bottom heavy. His face looks sort of the same except for a hint of a double chin growing. I was fascinated by his progress in becoming my dream daddy. He slowly tries to stand up. His butt was almost stuck, but managed to get up. He burps and rubs his belly. He moans about getting so big. He then waddles to me and carries me around. He smiles at me and nuzzles on my neck. He said to me that he wants to be big until he gets stuck. I said I will try my best to make him huge. While waddling back to the table, he showed me his black belt that is holding on well with his black dress pants. He told me that I should stop feeding him if either his dress shirt (not his vest) pops a button or if his belt explodes out. I said okay and hugged him before I cooked him more food. 
I cooked him a huge stack of pancakes, waffles, French toast, and omelets with lots of bacon, donuts, and hash browns. Plus, I gave him two milkshakes that contained some weight gain powder which I also snuck in the foods he is eating which is why he is gaining weight easily. I watch as he devours the food and rubs his own stomach. He stops for breathers since it was the biggest course I gave him. He was blowing up really good. I heard something pop, but he said that it was just his vest button. I just nodded. I wanted to get on top of his belly to ride on so badly, but I was holding myself together to watch my ever expanding secret admirer eating a lot of my food, and oddly enjoying it. He then starts to joke that he isn't sure if he will have room to adjust his seat. He was jiggling constantly now and I could see that his manboobs were getting big too from the stretch of the poor vest. Another button from the vest pops. He was getting finished eating the big course. I could not wait to hear what he'll say next. He finishes it, and burps loudly. He looks at me and gives me a thumbs up. He giggled and said he loved the food so much. He was disappointed that he has not popped anything else yet. I sat on his huge soft stomach that is literally almost on the table. His face was chubby yet recognizable and he had a double chin with a third one about to grow. His arms were big and soft. His sides were finally starting to squish the arm rests of the chair. I wished I could see how fat his rear end is, but at least I saw his thighs are big enough to squish a watermelon. I told him if he can get up. He tried and he almost gotten up, but his sides and thighs were making it impossible. 
He then requested me to do as many desserts as possible. I said yes sir, and patted his poor belt that sandwiches between his big bloated gut and some of his gut inside his pants. I also gave him a big kiss on the lips. He knows that he is not going to disappoint me and wants to be a loving behemoth man to me. 
I made him extra buttery cakes and cupcakes. Plus, I made a lot of cookies of each flavor, lots of ice cream, and brownies. He began eating his last feast of the day. He was steadily growing fatter, but it started to gradually increase. He moans loudly and massages his big belly. The last button on his vest bursts and we were both getting horny. His black button dress shirt was tight and his belt look tighter than before. His face looked messy and he kept moaning. He kept eating and eating. He was growing big enough to be squishing the chair. Finally, after eating his last cookie, his belt bursts and a button of his very tight shirt pops and it shows off his belly button sticking out adorably. 
He was heavily breathing, massaging his enormous stomach, and burping. He moaned and purred so sexually that my pussy was throbbing. He tries to get up and groans how fucking exhausting it is to get up. He finally got up after a few tries, but the chair was stuck on his behemoth sized rear end. He was not surprised about the chair getting stuck on his behind, and felt he had grown in height from his enormous weight gain. I went to where he is at and he grabbed me to hold onto his stomach. We did some sexy roleplaying games which involved him being a parade balloon and him flying like one which is just him waddling around with the chair stuck in his butt and pretending to have puffy cheeks which looked adorable with his fuller cheeks. We finally gotten the chair out of his butt thanks to stuffing him with some candies until the chair breaks. He apologies, but I brush it off since I could buy another chair later on.
I was amazed with the results of his gain. His stomach was enormous and so soft like a cushion, his arms were big, fingers were puffy, big cackles, huge thighs, fuller cheeks with triple chins (3 chins), and a behemoth size of a booty to die for. He was like an alternative version of a teddy bear. I hugged him and he hugged me back. I told him let’s hang out in my room. He said sure while wiping his face. I let him go first since I wanted to see him move and avoid getting stuck (even though it would be sexy to see him struggle). He gets out of the kitchen with his enormous stomach stick and jiggling constantly. He was getting squished and tried to jiggle his body to get out of the kitchen. He successfully did and waddles to my room. I felt so horny looking at him doing it. I wished I could climb up to his butt and feel the pure softness. I ended up asking him, and he smiled, and insisted. He decided to go back after leaving the kitchen, and I climbed behind his behemoth booty. His butt kept swaying and jiggling constantly and I was getting more and more horny. I am so in love with this handsome and sweet behemoth sized man. I wanted to fuck him and ride him like a rodeo. We finally got to my room and he insists that I should go first. I was disappointed, but I said sure. I climbed out of his, and secretly smacked to see if his butt sways for real which did to my surprise. I walked to my room, and he asked me if I smacked his booty. I admitted to him for sexual reasons. He laughed, and bumped his belly behind me. It was his turn, and he tried to squeeze himself out of the door, but couldn't. He decided to go sideways which oddly enough works because of him jiggling despite his body touching the sides of the door. 
He patted his belly and sighs happily. He asked me about how much I love big men. I told him I love big men a lot, and I am not tired of admitting it to close people. He giggled and then suddenly went close to my lips and kissed me. I kissed him back and tried to put my arms around him. He took off my little black dress along with my lingerie. He then takes off his tight clothes and undergarments too which reveals his bare huge body. I couldn’t stop staring at him since he looks so marvelous. He had some stretch marks, but it was not too bad. Plus, he wasn’t too hairy. Just had little hair in his chest, but had hairy legs and arms. He climbs in the bed, and puts his warm lips on my lips. His lips went down to my neck to my small breasts. He sucked my small breasts while his enormous stomach was squishing my body. His big meaty arms wrapped around my waist, and he lies back on the bed with me on top of his gigantic belly. He wobbles his belly to make me even more horny. I rode on that belly like if I was at a rodeo. I wanted him to squish me softly. He smiles and puts me back on the bed. He then slowly goes on top of me and I could feel his heavy body on me. He then got off and put me on the bedsheets. He put his fingers where my throbbing pussy crave for touches, and he circles around my cilt. I moaned as he massaged my wet cilt. He knew that I was loving it. Looking at him while he fingers my pussy made me more turned on. I whispered to him that I was ready to cum. He scooted his big belly close to me and I was holding onto him while he kept going. I moaned and finally came. Trying to calm myself down, I looked at him and he smiled at me. He knows how much I wanted him and knows how to do good masturbation for me. He kissed me again, snuggled up with me, and went to sleep.
Later on, at night, I woke up and find myself in his arms. He still looks big and fat from yesterday. He looked like a real life big teddy bear. He still feels so soft. Yesterday was such a good day for us. I wish I could do it again next time if he visits again and loses the weight since we had so much fun! Right now I just want to use all my time having loads of fun with the sweet behemoth before he leaves back home soon. 
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Like Rabbits - Chapter 14
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Like Rabbits:  A Black Widow/WinterHawk Fanfic
Masterlist // PREVIOUS
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Rating: E Square: @winterhawkbingo​ - Cum Play
Word Count:  1599
Warnings:  Pregnancy stuff, smut (MM, oral sex, anal sex, cum play)
Synopsis:  While you and Natasha are contemplating starting a family together, Bucky and Clint are doing the exact same thing.  So two couples go take the same path to parenthood together.
A/N: This is a Clint/Bucky chapter.
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Chapter 14
As the due date for the twins drew nearer, things had started to come together nicely.  The house still needed some work, but it had been split into two living areas, with a shared foyer, and doors connecting the kitchens and one shared hall upstairs for the kids to pass through when they got older and so that both sets of parents could check on them at night.
With all the work that Clint, in particular, had been putting in and the fact that everything they were doing was about the babies or the house, Bucky felt they needed to grab one last chance at having some alone time, just the two of them before it all became about nighttime feedings and diaper changes.
You were scheduled in for induction at 39 weeks but because it was twins they could come at any time.  Because of that, Bucky decided to stay close by so they could get back in plenty of time to be there for their birth.
He booked a bed and breakfast in the Hampton’s by the beach and left you and Natasha in charge of the pets.  The drive had been nice.  Clint had chattered away constantly in that unselfconscious way he always did.  It was a trait that Bucky had always found annoying when they first met, but now he loved it about him.  It was almost like it took the pressure off him.  Clint would find a way to communicate so he felt part of it too.
The B&B was an old manor style house and the owned enjoyed showing the two men around.  Telling them about the history of the building.  How it was haunted.  Letting them know when and where breakfast was served and taking them to their room.  When the door closed behind them Clint dropped his bag and flopped down on the queen-sized bed.  “This house is older than you.  That’s a rare treat.”  He teased.
Bucky smirked, holding back laughter as he shook his head.  He went to the bedside table and put his phone on charge as he tried not to break down into laughter.  “How creepy was  that room full of dolls?”
Clint sat up and grinned. “So creepy. Did the listing warn against a haunted doll room?”
“No!  You think I’d have booked the one place with a haunted doll room if it was listed?”  Bucky said and Clint fell back on the bed laughing.
“Oh man, this weekend is gonna be great,” he wheezed.  “But at least it’s close to the beach and has complimentary cookies and cheese platter.”
“I brought Champagne too,”  Bucky said.
Clint smiled.  “Did you bring glasses?”
“Uh, no.”
“Gonna have to just pour it straight into my mouth then.”  Clint joked.
“I was thinking we could take it out with us to dinner,” Bucky teased.  “But I’ve got something right here if you need to have your mouth occupied.”
Clint smirked and patted his thighs.  “Oh yeah?  Get it out for me then.”
Bucky began to unfasten his jeans and Clint reached over and hooked his hand into Bucky’s pockets and pulled him forward.  Bucky pushed his jeans and boxers down enough to free his cock and Clint immediately started nuzzling at it. He kitten licked up and down Bucky’s flaccid shaft and nipped at his foreskin, playfully teasing him to hardness.
As the blood rushed to Bucky’s cock and it hardened, Clint began to suck on the head and pumped his fist up and down Bucky’s length, shifting the foreskin up and down.  Bucky tangled his fingers in Clint’s hair and tugged lightly as he watched on.
Clint pulled Bucky’s jeans down a little more and gripped Bucky’s ass, kneading the soft fleshing in his fingers and he pulled Bucky’s erection into his mouth.  He sucked hard, bobbing his head up and down on Bucky’s dick as his fingers slipped between Bucky’s asscheeks and teased over his asshole.
Bucky groaned and his a heavy heat pressed down in his groin making his cock twitched and throb in Clint’s mouth, leaking precum over the archer’s tongue.  Clint kept making pleased little humming sounds as he gazed up into Bucky’s eyes.  Bucky groaned and began to thrust.  To begin with it was just gently, adding a little more to the way Clint was working his cock.  As Clint submitted, relaxing his jaw and curling his tongue around Bucky’s shaft, Bucky picked up his speed.
He fucked Clint’s throat hard and deep, making the blond choke a little as he tried to adjust to Bucky’s size.  The smile never left Clint’s face though.  Something that was almost as big of a turn-on as having the man’s pretty lips wrapped around his cock.  He loved that Clint enjoyed himself so openly.  It was something Bucky had such trouble doing.
Bucky’s balls began to tighten with his impending orgasm and he grunted and picked up his pace.  “Gonna come.”  He warned, so as not to take Clint completely by surprise.
Clint sucked eagerly, trying to speed up the process and with a groan, Bucky pulled back a little and released.  As his cock throbbed, releasing in hot ropes, in Clint’s mouth he pulled all the way out and painted Clint’s face with the thick white mess.
Clint hummed happily and opened his mouth showing Bucky what it held inside before swallowing it down.  He ran a finger through the mess on his face and closed his eyes and hummed as he sucked it clean.  Bucky went to the bathroom and returned with a warm washcloth, finding Clint stripping off his clothes hastily.  Clint sat down as soon as he saw Bucky and looked up excitedly.  “You look like you’re waiting to open your Christmas present.”  Bucky said as he wiped Clint’s face clean.”
“That was fun.  I just wanna see what else you have planned,” Clint replied.
“I don’t really have anything planned,” Bucky said as he removed his shirt.
Cint hummed and resumed stripping off.  “Guess we’ll have to play it by ear.”
Clint was naked first and he grabbed his bag and took out the lube as Bucky kicked his pants away and climbed into bed.  Clint crawled over the gaudy floral quilt and wrapped himself around Bucky, so they were a tangle of limbs as they started to kiss.  It was deep and tender, their lips caressing each other’s and their tongues dancing together.
Clint’s erection ground against Bucky’s skin leaving a trail of precum over his hip and thigh.  His own cock began to twitch again and he silently thanked the super serum for his almost non-existent refractory period.
He pulled Clint on top of him and the archer moved between his legs and began to grind down on him.  They groaned into the kiss, Bucky’s skin tingled and his scalp prickled as Clint’s fingers dragged over his scalp.
Clint grabbed the lube and slicked his cock, before lining it up to Bucky’s ass.  Bucky moaned softly at the slight, teasing pressure against his hole.  The moan turned into a groan as Clint pushed forward and Bucky’s ring muscle first stretched and then gave as Clint filled him.
Bucky lifted his knees up to his chest and dug his fingers into Clint’s back as they kissed and Clint fucked him slow and deep.  Bucky’s cock dragged along Clint’s abs, leaving a sticky trail of precum each time Clint rolled his hips.
It wasn’t just fucking.  It was making love and it had been so long since they’d had the time to connect like this and Bucky relished it, thankful they’d taken this time to do it before the twins were born.
Clint picked up his pace and Bucky reached between them and started to jerk off in time with the snap of Bucky’s hips into him.  Bucky broke the kiss and arched his back, angling his hips so that Clint was hitting his prostate just right.  It made his body shudder and his muscles tense.  With a low groan, Bucky bucked his hips and came, spilling onto his stomach.
Clint continued to thrust into him, looking down into Bucky’s eyes, his usual blue blown out in lust.  His breath became shallow and he pulled out quickly, jerking his cock until he came too, releasing in waves onto Bucky, their thick fluids mixing together.
Bucky smirked up at Clint and pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.  He let it go slowly and quirked an eyebrow.  “I’m such a mess now, Clint.”
Clint sucked in air through his teeth and trembled slightly.  He ran his fingers through the thick pools of semen on Bucky’s stomach.  “Yeah, you are.”
“You gonna help me out?”  Bucky asked.
Clint groaned still swirling his fingers around in the mess.  He licked his lips and leaned down, slowly and deliberately licking stripes up Bucky’s stomach.  The rough pull of Clint’s tongue over Bucky’s skin made it break out in goosebumps and straight away his cock began to twitch again.  His libido seemed determined to keep the two men locked in the bedroom for the remainder of the day.
Bucky’s phone began to vibrate on the bedside table and he reached up and grabbed it, seeing Natasha’s name lit up on the screen.
He hit answer and pressed the phone to his ear.  “Tasha?  Is something wrong?”  Clint froze mid lick.  His tongue stayed pressed to Bucky’s skin as he looked up at him.
“James,”  Natasha answered, her voice tight and slightly panicked.  “I realize you probably only just arrived.  But you need to come back.  She’s in labor.”
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datninjalyfe · 4 years
Stay, Part 1: Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Training Time
Tap…. tap…. tap.  Katsuki hit the back of his pen against the desk.  He was mostly done with the exam Ectoplasm gave at the beginning of class, but decided to take a bit of a break and breathe for a moment.  He wasn’t too worried.  The exam was mostly like the class work they had done for the past couple of weeks, so he reviewed over his notes to study for the past few days.  He was also number 2 in the class, only barely behind Momo Yaoyorozu.  Nothing was worse than chasing after someone, but if he had to be behind someone, he definitely wanted it to be behind the girl with the nice ass so he at least had something to look at.  He laughed a little at that, but was suddenly startled by the squeaking pencil of someone nearby.  
Izuku was next to him, pressing his pencil hard against his paper, furiously writing on the exam.  It felt as if someone was grating Katsuki’s ears like they were made of cheese.  He glared over at Izuku, whose head buried in his exam, muttering to himself something that was inaudible.  Katsuki went back to his exam, trying to ignore the sounds coming from next to him.  Katsuki finished his last question and walked to the front to turn in his paper.  He walked past other students, who were diligently working against the clock.  
“You two finished?” Ectoplasm asked.  Katsuki turned to see Izuku next to him, also holding onto his test.  They both nodded.  “Good, pass them here.”  His voice was so deep it gave Katsuki the chills.  Katsuki handed over his paper.  At least when he sat down, he wouldn’t have to listen to Izuku’s pencil.
Katsuki started to turn around when he heard Izuku say, “Sir—?” Ectoplasm shifted his gaze over to him.  “Could I go to a training room?  There’s something I still need to work on and I want to get it right before the practical this afternoon.”  
“Yes.” Ectoplasm said, a man a few words.  “You should go too, Bakugou.”  
Katsuki glared at him and growled, “I don’t need to train.  I’m ready for this afternoon.”
“You two are the first ones done and I don’t want you distracting the other students.  You can practice together.”
Katsuki thought about it for a few seconds.  He wanted to train, just not with this nerd. “Fine.” He eventually said through his teeth.  Izuku nodded his head with a slight Mhm sound. Katsuki grunted, but started walking out to the training room.  It wasn’t too far from the building they were in now, but it was definitely a few minutes away.  “That’s the problem.” This walk.
“Huh?” Izuku said.  
God, could he never get a moment of peace away from him?  They lived together in same dorms, went to school together, in the same classes together. Christ, they fucking grew up together. He could never just get Izuku to leave him alone.  “Shut the fuck up, nerd, I didn’t say anything.”
“What’s the problem, Kacchan?” he asked, ignoring him. He had clearly heard what Katsuki said a few moments ago.  It made Katsuki’s blood start to boil.  
Katsuki stopped and tried to push it out of his mind, but it spilled out of his mouth, “You are, nerd.  I can never get rid of you.”
“Do…do you want me to go, Kacchan?  I can wait for someone else to be available—,”
“You started this.  Besides, you heard what ‘Ultra-plasmic’ or whatever-his-name-is said.  You need the practice and I need a human target.”
Izuku smiled a little. “Yeah, well, I didn’t plan for him to put us toge—a human target?”
“Shut up, Deku.” Katsuki growled.
They were quiet for a moment and just as Katsuki thought Izuku had actually listened to him, Izuku said, “How do you think you did on the test?”
“Jesus, you never stop talking.” Katsuki glanced at him.  His freckles became increasingly darker when his cheeks were pink.  Katsuki rolled his eyes.  “But I think I did fine.  Just reviewed my notes to study.”
“It was certainly easier than I thought. Ectoplasm’s exams aren’t normally that easy, so I thought maybe it was a trick, but I think that the answer to question 3—,”
He’s rambling now. Katsuki tried to tune him out as he continued to talk about one of the questions.  Katsuki was not going to tell him he found that question a little challenging as well, but there was a little trick that Ectoplasm had taught them and Katsuki was sure to write it down.  
“I used the technique he taught us earlier in the week where you have to—,”
“I REMEMBER!” Katsuki snapped, turning towards him.  He felt his shoulders at his ears.  He tried so hard to relax, especially when Izuku was around, but he made it so hard.
They had reached the building and Katsuki thought about blasting the door forward before Izuku jumped forward, grabbing the door. “Tch,” Katsuki snapped and stomped his way past Deku, trying not to look at him, but caught a glimpse.  The bastard was smiling.  Fucking smiling.  Why is he so fuckin’ happy all the fucking time?
They walked to the locker room to change out of their formal uniform into their blue, P.E. uniforms, but Izuku just said, uneasily, “I’m going to go to the bathroom to change.”  Katsuki watched him nervously laugh and walk away slowly.  He took off his school uniform, pulling the tie off first and unbuttoning his shirt.  He thought for a moment if he should be completely shirtless for the fight, but thought against it.  He wanted to be as sweaty as possible for his fight against Izuku.  He took his pants off and the door to the locker room burst back open, startling Katsuki for a moment.  It was just Izuku, who was already done changing.  Fuck, he’s fast.  The clothes were tight against Izuku’s body and didn’t leave much to the imagination.  Katsuki made a sort of grunting sound and finished putting on his clothes as well, which loosely hung from his body.  
“Good, you’re ready!” Izuku said and jumped up, walking directly next to Katsuki.
“Walk behind me, you idiot!” Katsuki said and Izuku chuckled and took a good step back.  The fuck is he laughing at?  
They walked into a training room and unsurprisingly, it was being used, but not by students.  Mr. Aizawa, their former homeroom teacher and Eri were practicing using Eri’s quirk.  Her horn was slightly bigger than usual and she was concentrating incredibly hard on a large apple tree with Aizawa watching her closely.  She was more proficient at using it as the apples upon the tree shrunk in size.  
“Eri!” Izuku said.  She turned her gaze, noticing the boys in the doorway.  She was shocked to see them both, but Aizawa’s hair went up, his gazed fixed on Eri and her quirk suddenly stopped.  The apples were no longer apples, but instead had been shrunk and flowers took the place of them.  It almost looked like a totally different tree.  The apples were in a new, but old stage of life—their blossoming stage.  
“Deku?” she said, squinting over at the doorway, making sure it was him.  “Deku!”
“Wow!  Looks like you’re really getting a handle on your quirk, huh?” Deku asked, running over to her.  Katsuki didn’t run the way Deku did, but instead just walked over to the tree and pulled off a small apple that hadn’t quite been rewound all the way.  Eri nodded, her horn starting to shrink thanks to Aizawa.  
“We reserved this room until 2 today—,” Mr. Aizawa started to say, but Eri interrupted.
“Excuse me, Mr. Eraser?” she bowed her head in respect. “I would like to take a break and maybe watch Deku?”  She was so sweet, even Katsuki couldn’t deny it.  She didn’t make eye contact with the teacher, but Mr. Aizawa closed his eyes for a moment, his hair falling on against shoulders. and reached into his pocket for his eye drops.
“I’ll give you a break.  You watch the boys.” Mr. Aizawa used the eye drops and blinked a few times.  He then held his hand out and Eri took it.  He then turned his gaze to the boys.  “Do you need any input?”
“Actually, yeah, that’d be—,” Izuku started, but Katsuki glared at him.  If he could slice Izuku in two with his eyes, he would’ve, but Izuku must’ve seen him because he shifted to, “No, we should be fine.”  
“Sure thing.” He knelt down to Eri, who finally looked up at him.  He pulled his hair back into a bun and told her, “Sit over there, I’ll be right back.” Aizawa pointed to chairs behind some glass.  “You can watch them through there, Eri.  Maybe you can learn something from these two.  Though probably not.” He turned and looked directly at Katsuki.  “Be careful.”
“Tch.” Katsuki didn’t need anything from Aizawa. He had left them to Ectoplasm to help train Eri.  And while that was admirable, Katsuki couldn’t help but think that Aizawa was a better teacher than Ectoplasm.  He learned so much in his first year, but now in his second, he was stuck with someone who didn’t have the first clue how he learned.  Katsuki wasn’t like the others.  He’d grown up since Eri’s age of people telling him that his quirk was so special and that he was special.  Aizawa had a way of always letting Katsuki train how he wanted and that’s how he learned.  By doing, not by listening.  And Ectoplasm was too busy helping the mediocre students try to catch up to him.
Catch up to him and fucking Deku.  
He watched Izuku take off his jacket to reveal a perfectly carved abdomen—a skinny six pack, but Katsuki quickly looked away as Izuku pulled his pants up, but not before he caught a glimpse of Izuku’s lower abs that cut into a prominent v-shape.  He shook his head.  That was a sight.  He tried to shake it out of his head, but then Izuku turned around and threw his jacket to the side of the room.  His shoulders were getting bigger and more muscular, but not as big as Katsuki’s, who took off his jacket as well, but he wasn’t completely shirtless. The tank top was tight against his chest, but he didn’t mind that.  He’d never admit it, but it was like getting a constant hug.
Izuku stretched for the fight.  For this afternoon, students would be pinned against each other to learn how to better use their quirks. It was like the sports festival, but each student had worked on one special move and that was the only thing they could use against each other. They already had their pairings—Izuku being paired against Sero and him being paired against Mina Ashido.  He had a solid plan to beat her.  In truth, he didn’t think she was going to be all that difficult to beat, but he had to watch it against her acid.  She could throw it at a distance or use it as a hose between her fingers.  His special move was one he perfected, especially if he could use his equipment. This match was pointless because Izuku is not the same opponent.  Izuku and Mina’s fighting styles were completely different, but it would at least let Katsuki blow off some steam.  
Izuku got in a ready stance.  His fists up and close to his chin, his legs shoulder width apart, one foot behind.  Izuku had figured him out, that’s for sure.  Katsuki could almost see Izuku thinking, but before he could come up with a stupid plan, Katsuki lunged forward.  He felt the heat run down his arms from his chest into his hands.  He had his hands in his pockets on the walk over to build sweat and in combination with the heat powering through his arms, he felt the sweat in his hands spark for a moment and he immediately blew a large explosion in Izuku’s face.  
“Die!” Katsuki yelled.  Smoke filled the room, but cleared quickly and Katsuki noticed Deku wasn’t standing where he’d thrown the explosion.  What?  Where’d he go?  
“Smash!” the sound came from behind Katsuki, echoed in his ears but he reacted too late.  Izuku’s shoes kicked him square in the jaw and sent Katsuki flying.  The kick hurt, but it wasn’t the initial attack that Katsuki had to prepare for.  It was the gust of powerful wind that came after.  The force was like a storm.  Katsuki used his quirk to propel himself forward, toward the wind with minimal effort to keep himself from flying through the wall.  Izuku was lifted slightly off the ground, but struggled to keep his balance.  He still hasn’t learned to float yet?  All Might had told Izuku to try and learn his master’s quirk.  It seemed Izuku was trying not to fall forward.  
“Still struggling, Deku?  Can’t say I won’t like taking advantage of that!” Katsuki asked, walking towards him, the heat running from his chest to his arms in waves.  His hands were suddenly engulfed and sent shocks of sparks into Katsuki’s hand. “Funny.  I thought this was going to be difficult.  Or at least harder than Ashido.”  Katsuki propelled himself forward with his quirk and just before landing pushed another explosion at Izuku.  “I won’t miss this time!”  He was right and Izuku was flown across the room, his body hitting the glass.  Eri flinched, but it didn’t break.  There wasn’t even so much as a crack.  
“Come on, Deku!” Eri shouted.  Deku looked up at her and smiled.  
Why?  Why was he so happy all. the. time?  Katsuki’s anger built when he saw that smile.  Deku was good in close quarters combat.  All Katsuki had to do was keep his distance, but all the sudden, a black, jet like stream flowed from Deku’s body.  It curled around Katsuki’s arms and held them by his torso.  The more he struggled, the tighter it got.  Dammit!  All Might wasn’t kidding.  Fuck, black whip is strong!  Deku pulled Katsuki towards him and yelled a loud, “SMASH!” before his foot kicked Katsuki in the stomach.  Katsuki heard a crunch from his ribs before his back hit the wall and then he was on the floor.  Fuck! Deku was coming at him faster than before, his feet touching the wall before stomping Katsuki into the ground. He laid his body flat and used another explosion to push Deku into the ceiling.  Katsuki grabbed him and pulled him up over his head.  His back slapped into the ground.  Katsuki was standing above Deku, but felt Deku’s legs sweep out from underneath of him, sending him to the ground and their situation quickly reversed: Deku now stood above Katsuki, but Katsuki grabbed the back of Deku’s neck.  If Deku was going to send him flying, he was flying too.  They were so close, Katsuki could feel Deku’s hot breath against his face. He looked into Deku’s emerald green eyes and for a moment, Katsuki was stopped.  They held the gaze for only a moment and Deku leaned forward slightly, their foreheads together.  Katsuki, thankful for the moment’s peace, held up his right hand.  One more blast outta do it.  He yelled out one last battle cry, but as quickly as the heat ran down his arm, it left.  
“Enough.” It was Mr. Aizawa.  His eyes were bright red and his hair stood stiff.  He was holding the binding cloth that wrapped around his neck. “You two are done.”
“What?!” Katsuki said.  “That wasn’t even five minutes!”  
“You’re right.  It was two hours.” Aizawa said.  
The boys exchanged looks.  The smoke started to clear the room and on the other side of the glass sat not just Eri, but almost the entire class of 2-A.  
“Mr. Eraserhead.” The soft voice of Eri almost instantly calmed Katsuki.  “I can heal them. I’ve been practicing really hard!”
In truth, Katsuki was surprised to see Mr. Aizawa shake his head.  “Not this time.  Their injuries aren’t that bad that they need a full rewind.  They are mostly tired.”
“I broke a rib!” Katsuki yelled at Aizawa and Eri looked up at the teacher with hopeful eyes, but again, the teacher shook his head.  
“Nothing the nurse can’t fix.  Head there now boys.” Aizawa said.  “Without fighting.”
Katsuki watched the teacher’s hair fall and the heat of his quirk return to his body.  It felt so unnatural, to not have a quirk.  Probably how this loser felt all growing up.  They both nodded and the class watched them in shock as they headed out.  Had they really fought for two whole hours?  Katsuki could swear it only felt like maybe a few minutes at most. He looked at Deku.  He was bleeding pretty badly and was panting hard. His curly green hair was wet and sticking to the side of his head as sweat dripped down his forehead and the side of his cheeks.  
“That was fun, Kacchan—ow!” Izuku said, putting on his jacket, but flinched slightly.  “I think I dislocated my shoulder.”  He started to mutter.  Katsuki looked over at him once more.  “We should do that again!”  
“Whatever, nerd.” Katsuki smirked and they headed over to the infirmary.
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a-sweet-pea · 5 years
Soup or Stew
A lil borrower one-shot starring Elle and James. Been meaning to dust this off for a while but I never wrote the intro. She’s borrowing for snacks in the cupboard when the bean shows up unexpectedly (don’t they always?). Hope this can tide folk over until I get some fresh stuff going!
- x -
“A wee mouse, is it?” The giant took the bag of sugar off the shelf below her, and leaned forward to peer into the dark back corners of the cabinet. She took advantage of the fact that his attention was elsewhere to tiptoe from behind the honey jar to the tall rectangular package of biscuits. I wanted one of those, she thought sadly. Oh well, another day. Though he was out of sight, Elle could tell by the sound of it that the giant was taking jars and packets of things off the bottom shelf; at this rate, she would be through the hole and back down the ladder before he even started on top one. “Wee sleekit cowrin, timrous beastie, whit a panic’s in thy breastie.” His voice vibrated the wood shelf beneath her; it sounded even deeper and larger echoing off the walls of the cabinet. “Thou need nae start awa sae hasty, wi’ bickering brattle! Ah would be loathe tae run an chase ye, wi’ murd’ring prattle.”
Her heart was racing in her chest. Good, then don’t. Keep on reciting poetry and stop rummaging around. She slowly edged around the back of the biscuits, past an unopened jar of peanut butter, toward the hole in the back of the cabinet. Freedom. She went the last stretch of it crouching low to the ground. So low that her knapsack tipped, and two thumbtacks fell out with a clatter that could probably be heard three rooms over. Dammit. She turned her head, just in time to see the giant’s face eclipse the light in the cabinet opening.
“Whit the…” His eyebrows shot up, his eyes widened. She watched another silhouette come across the light; a hand open and reaching. No, no, no, she thought, racing to the shadows at the back of the cabinet. You idiot, how could you be so loud, you are the worst at sneaking. The hand thudded down onto the shelf and swept back and forth on the spot where she had just been. Which meant that it was between her and the hole, she couldn’t even make a run for it. But, maybe I can sneak past it. Slowly, the hand moved across the shelf away from her, the fingertips brushing against the peanut butter jar and a few loose grains of rice. Good, she thought, taking silent trembling steps toward the hole. You just stay over there for a bit. It did not. Something large and soft and warm prodded her leg, almost knocking her over.
“Ah, there you are.” 
Her stomach dropped; she hardly had time to turn around before she felt massive fingers curl around the back of her and lift her up and out into the light of the kitchen. 
I’m dead.
James couldn’t believe it.
But he had to, because there it was, tumbling off of his palm into a little trembling heap on the counter. Not a mouse at all. A tiny human figure, no more than five inches tall.
“How are ye so small?” She stood up and fixed him with a deer-in-the-headlights type stare. “And whit were ye daein’ in ma cupboard?” She straightened the hem of clumsily-sewn purple dress and opened her mouth as if to speak, but nothing came out. After a silent moment, she crouched down, tucking her head down against her knees and covering her head. 
“No questions.” A muffled high-pitched voice came from the shaking ball. “Just get on with it.”
“Get on wi what?” He leaned down a little further, taking in the small details of her appearance. She had mouse brown hair tied in a low ponytail with a scrap of red cloth. There was a patchwork bag at her side, in which James could just barely make out a few recognizable shapes; a few thumbtacks, a paper clip, a torn off bit of a yellow post-it note.
“Squishing. Poison. Eating me. Whatever you’re going to do.” 
“Is that what you’re afraid of?” 
The little voice was stronger, almost pouty. “I’m not afraid!” James chuckled, and the little ball shuddered.
“Naw, of course you’re no afraid. Ye’ve got nu’hin tae be afraid of.”
“Is that so.” The ball didn’t move. She was such a tense wee marble; he just wanted to scoop her up and give her a cuddle, but he resisted the urge.
“Naw, of course no. There’s nothing scary about me.”
“So, you’re not going to boil me into a soup.”
“Ah dinnae like soup.”
“A stew then.”
“Soup and stew are the same ‘hing.”
Her head popped up, and there was something of an edge to her tone when she spoke. “They are not!”
“Aye, they are.” James tried not to let the excitement show in his voice. Her eyes were bright and her expression delightfully contrarian. “Soup is meat and vegetables in water. Stew is meat and vegetables in water.”
“That doesn’t make them the same thing!” She uncurled and sat upright, cross-legged. “You might as well say sandwiches and pizza are the same thing, just cause they both have meat and cheese on bread.”
“I would agree with that.”
“No, you’re not supposed to agree with that.” She rolled her eyes. “You’re supposed to say, ‘That’s ridiculous, no one would say that.’ Because it is, and no one would.” 
James laughed. “Well, ah said it, and I’m no hearing a counterargument.”
“That’s because I’m thinking of one.” She stood up and paced back and forth, scratching the back of her head thoughtfully. Outwardly, James remained passive. Inside, his mind was racing, trying to catch up with the events unfolding on the counter. Such a tiny thing. Why was she in the cabinet? Does she live here? Was that why his guitar picks had been disappearing; had she been squirreling them away in her tiny bag to use as plates or shingle a miniature house? He’d been a bit peeved at the time, but he supposed if they were being put to use, that wasn’t as bad as them sliding between a crack in floor boards, never to be of use to anyone ever again.
“Ahm waiting.”
“Well, you can keep waiting!” She drew her mouth into a thin line, and James laughed.
“Aye, I can. I’ve got nu’hin�� better to do this evening.” He sat back and watched her pace back and forth across about 8 inches of counter space like she was the Great Mouse Detective, until suddenly she stopped and turned to face him with a triumphant expression.. 
“There’s two pieces!”
“Two pieces of what?”
“Bread! A sandwich has two pieces of bread with stuff in the middle. And it’s just for one person. A pizza is a big round bread with stuff on top of it. Also, it’s for multiple people to eat.”
“Speak for yoursel, wee yin. Ah can eat a whole pizza, easy.”
“Well you shouldn’t.”
“Besides,” James crossed his arms and leaned over, resting them on the counter in front of her. He was close enough to see freckles on her face now, like grains of sand. “I thought the argument was about soup and stew.”
“It’s about establishing..a…precedent…” The girl froze statue still. Her gaze travelled up along his arm to his face. Her’s was a bit pale.
“Hey, dinnae go shy on me now.” He spoke as softly as he could, and watched as his breath blow a strand of hair away from her face. “I just wanted tae get a better look at ye.”
“W-why?” She clutched at the strap of her bag where it reached across her shoulder, like it was a safety harness.
“Have you ever seen oanybody my size before?”
“Yes, all the time. You guys are all over the place.” She gestured widely with her hands, avoiding eye contact. 
“Well, I’ve never seen oanybody like you.”
“That’s because we’re very good at hiding.”
“No that good.” James said it with a smile, but immediately regretted it. 
“I guess not.” The girl shook her head and looked away from him; raising a miniscule hand to wipe her eye. 
“Hey, dinnae dae that!” Without thinking, reached out and curled his fingers gently around her. She gasped and her eyes were like saucers as he lifted her into the palm of his other hand. “It was a joke, that’s aw; ah didnae mean it. I’m sure you’re great at hidin’.” Her eyes were wet, and pink around the edges, but she wasn’t crying anymore. She appeared to have short circuited.
“You…you p-picked me up. I’m…in your hand.” Her little hands prodded his palm. 
“Oh, aye. Sorry. I jist, I wanted tae gie you a cuddle, you know?” James was nearly as sorry as he probably should have been, if he was being perfectly honest with himself. He’d wanted to pick her up again since he put him down. She was such a fascinating little creature. Holding her felt not unlike holding somebodies pet rat; if pet rats could talk and nick office supplies.
“You…you weren’t just lulling me into a false sense of security so you could scoop me up and Science me?”
“Science you?”
“Y-you know,” she stammered. She hadn’t stopped rubbing his palm. “P-put me in a jar and poke me with a thermometer or something like that.”
“No. I am not going to science you. Or eat you. Or squash you. Or oany of that.”
“Aye. Promise.” 
“Not…not even if I say something that makes you mad?”
“Wee yin,” he spoke as soft and gentle as he could. “There’s nu’hin ye could say to me that would make me want tae hurt ye.”
“Soup is a thin watery broth o-or a cream base with chopped meat of vegetables or noodles or fish or whatever suspended in it, and the proportions are lots of liquid to a little bit of solid stuff. Stew is always beef, and it’s cooked for a long time with vegetables, but never noodles or fish, and the liquid is more meat sauce than anything else, and it pretty much only barely covers the solid bits. So while I concede that they are in the same category of foods, they are absolutely different.”
James tilted his head and fixed her with a stony glare. “I am going to boil you in a soup.”
“Really?” The high, anxious tone of her voice took all the fun out of the joke.
“No, no of course not! Whit kind ae monster do ye take me for?” Her shoulders relaxed immediately. “Ah am hungry tho. If I made a pot ae mac ‘n cheese, wid ye have some?”
Her eyes just about rolled back into her head. “I love mac and cheese. But by the time I get to it, the scraps are stone cold, and cold mac and cheese is basically worse than no mac and cheese at all.”
“And its no soup, right?”
“No.” Her laugh was like a little bell ringing with a tiny goose honk in the middle. “It’s not soup.”
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An after Christmas Snack
fandom: Stony (Steve x Tony), MCU
summary: Christmas season had ended, but Steve is still finding some things to remind him of the past celebration and, oh boy, he intends to celebrate. 
length: 1 449
a/n: HEY, LOOK AT THAT, FIRST FIC IN 2020! And I think it is a very me kind of fic, buuut I am not gonna tell you what I mean exactly, I am sure you can figure it out while reading *wink wink*. you will get one hint though, this fic is inspired by this lovely post.  also, I still have a Christmas tree at my house so this fic is totally valid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . as always, feedback, reblogs and likes are appreciated and needed!
An after Christmas Snack
"Tony, I brought you a snack - what the - ?!"
Steve stopped, catching a shining object with the corner of his eyes and staring at it. Silver branches, blue and red ornaments. A Christmas tree. A Captain America themed Christmas tree Tony had proudly decorated and put on display in his workshop and he and Steve had a good laugh about it, while Steve had been secretly flattered.
Back in December. It was the end of January.
"Huh?" Tony turned around from his workbench, stopping the spinning hologram of his suits. Always upgrading, adding something to make his armor better and more efficient. "Oh, hi, baby. Is that for me?" Tony smiled, eyes lingering on a cheese grilled sandwich Steve was holding on a plate.
"Uh, yeah, but - why you didn't put the Christmas tree away yet?" Steve asked while Tony walked to him, taking the steaming hot sandwich in his hand and then tossing it to his other hand, just to blow on his fingers as the hot bread stung his fingertips. There was a reason people used plates.
"Duhno," Tony shrugged, biting into the sandwich, cheese strands stretching from his mouth. "Tho shoon."
"Too soon?" Steve laughed, watching his boyfriend getting his mouth dirty with ketchup. Tony shrugged again, grinning adorably. There was something really sweet about Tony's love for Christmas trees. Each December every corner of the Tower had a Christmas tree, no matter if it was a conference room, one of the gyms or private floors of the Avengers team. While on the main floors, they tried to limit the number of Christmas trees and keep them in the main rooms, Tony didn't have the same composure on his and Steve's floor. They had a full-size Christmas tree in the living room, bedroom, Tony's study, smaller one in the kitchen standing on the window sill, and even in the bathroom - the smallest one of them all, decorated with figures made out of soap. It was a very unusual place to put a Christmas tree in, but soon became Steve's favorite one and it was a pleasure to catch one of the apple-cinnamon scented soaps and use for his showers or baths shared with Tony. Gradually, Christmas trees were slowly disappearing from the Tower after 6th January, safely stored for another year, but somehow Tony managed to keep the one in his workshop.
"Do you plan to keep it till Valentine's Day?" Steve teased.
"Easter if it goes well," Tony answered and Steve wasn't sure if it was a joke or not, but he just shook his head fondly. There was a crash coming somewhere from the workshop and Tony whipped around with an irritated look on his face. "Dummy! I told you to watch out!"
Steve blinked, noticing another thing when Tony turned around and away from him. Something that he didn't notice earlier, hidden under layers of shirts and suit jackets or baggy Christmas sweaters, but becoming perfectly noticeable when Tony wore his undersuit compression shirt.
Seemed that Christmas trees were not the only thing that was left after the Christmas season. Steve remembered the moments that led to this one very vividly - the way Tony enthusiastically piled more mashed potatoes and roast beef on his plate, second helpings of sticky toffee pudding cake, and that their evening kisses tasted of hot chocolate and sugar cookies. Denying anyone food wasn't in Steve's nature and he had happily cooked with the rest of the team and they all spend many good days, eating and laughing and relaxing, and it was a pleasure to watch them all and especially Tony, his Tony who loved food, but had days when he was neglecting eating in favor of working. Steve had been just happy to see his boyfriend slow down and enjoy the season.
Steve couldn't turn his gaze away. He always had some sort of weakness for Tony's softer shape, not as angular and sharp as his own body, but rounder and more delicate with a round, bubble butt, curved hips and a belly that formed a soft slope and wasn't rock hard and didn't have to be. The compression shirt fitted snugly around Tony's shape, pronouncing the belly that became a bit rounder in the past weeks and little more sticking out and that coupled with the way how low Tony liked to wear his pants and how it left his whole tummy on display was making Steve's breath quicker. Yet, the worst (or best) was to come. When Tony turned away completely from him, scolding Dummy about something Steve didn't register, he saw Tony's silhouette and while the sight of his boyfriend's ass was gorgeous, as always, something new appeared. Little rolls above the belt on both sides of Tony's waist. Love handles.
That made Steve's mouth water. He wanted to haul Tony over his shoulder and carry him out to kiss and touch and admire.
And what exactly was stopping him?
Despite, Tony still going off on the increasingly sorry looking Dummy, Steve sneaked to his boyfriend and wrapped arms around him, pressing Tony's back into him.
"Stop being so tough on Dummy," Steve whispered into his boyfriend's ear, and Tony huffed, still irritated.
"Dummy, clean it!" Tony ended his rant, pointing his finger in the direction where his creation made a mess. They both observed as Dummy used his claw to grab a broom and swiped the floor from broken bits of something and Tony couldn't stay mad for long seeing his special bot's honest effort. "Good boy, Dummy," he praised and the bot perked up and resumed cleaning, looking a lot less sorry.
Steve ran his nose over Tony's ear delicately and inhaled. God, Tony didn't only look delicious but smelled delicious too.
"Whatcha doing?" Tony asked in a singing voice, twitching his head away from the tingling feeling on his ear. Encouraged by the playful tone, Steve brushed his fingers along Tony's sides, gently and light, testing the new curves.
"Steheve," Tony giggled, still open and enjoying the closeness, just twisting his hips a bit, causing the nicest friction between their bodies. Steve made some approving sound in his throat, liking what he was feeling, just a soft and warm and wonderful body. The material of the compression shirt was very thin and clung to Tony's torso like a second skin, and was smooth and allowed his fingers to glide down easily and feel every curve. Speaking of curves -
"HEY!" Tony jumped, a startled laugh escaping his throat when not knowing when the sweet contouring of his sides changed into firm burying of fingertips, right into his belly, just in the very center. "Dohahan't," Tony laughed, batting on the hands that tried to come back, this time deliberately teasing and tickling around his belly button. The shirt hugged his rounder tummy snugly and there was a small dent in the material, just where his belly button was, something Steve had noticed right away, making it a very easy target. "No no nohoho, come ohohn," Tony continued to laugh, successfully knocking Steve's stubborn hands away and managing to turn around. Still wrapped in an embrace of strong arms, Tony looked at his boyfriend with a playful smile, hoping that, despite the short distraction, it all was going in the direction he thought. It felt very nice, when Steve's hands firmly slid down his back, smoothly gliding on the slippery material, stopping above his butt, thumbs resting on the small pockets.
"You can go lower if you like," Tony encouraged in a low murmur.
Steve smiled hungrily, wondering if his hands were big enough to still cup each cheek. Tony's breath stopped when it turned out that yep, they still were. Nice and firm and round globes, sitting perfectly on each palm, carrying a nice weight. There was no other feeling like digging his fingers into the glorious thing that Tony's ass was, and Tony shivered, pressing closer into him. Steve made some very needy whimper that escaped without his consent, when Tony's softer belly pressed into his hard one, the contrast driving him crazy.
Tony was warm and eager and Steve wanted to make his boyfriend melt like he had melt butter for Christmas cookies Tony had so enthusiastically devoured.
The very dark, promising look in Steve's eyes was a good enough reason for Tony to put his all projects on hold.
"Dummy! You're on workshop duty!" Tony called, pushing his hips into Steve's and hooking one leg around his soldier's thigh. With a more predatory smile, Steve slid his arms below Tony's butt and carried him out of the workshop, having his own snack to enjoy.
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yaachtynoboat711 · 5 years
The Plus One
A/N: Allow me to break once more from Fonder to give you all this Oscar fic mini-series (literally two, maybe three chapters). Here’s all the fluff your hearts can handle before I resume with Chapter 7 and 8.1 I know it’s late, but this is for @sonofnjobu ’s WIP FF. I had wisdom teeth taken out last week so I was out of action. This fic is very descriptive and interactive, so please, enjoy!
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Word Count: 2.7k
Warning(s): FLUFF, possibly some errors/typos
Sunday mornings— the days of rest and recreation for you and your fiancée Winston. Lately, the two of you would spend half the day planning the wedding with you all’s planner. Sometimes, you and Winston would maybe get up before 10, no later than 11 to lounge around. Yet, this Sunday morning wasn’t like any other Sunday. No ma’am: this Sunday was filled with the preparation and the attendance of the 91st Academy Awards in Los Angeles! You’d been in LA since the week of your Jimmy Kimmel interview for further wedding planning, final Oscar-related consultations, and just a well-needed breather.
Within the past few months, you’d been working on Maryland’s suit lawsuit against the Trump administration. While in California, you’d met with the lawyers responsible for the state’s lawsuit. You and your partners hit the ground running after Christmas break and basically moved into the firm during the government shutdown and the weeks following. Around this time last year, you were face-first in your cases. You’d be damned if you would once again miss the opportunity to be Winston’s plus one for the awards ceremony due to work.
Your phone’s alarm began sounding off at 9:45 a.m. You decided to turn in the night before while Winston attended Common’s pre-Oscar party. It must’ve been Opposite Day. It would be you going out and Winston stayed in. Usually, you’d be snuggled up in your man’s arms sleeping. Instead, you were on your stomach, head to the side and resting on top of your hands. Dead to the world. You did,however, match Wins’ fly and slept in a new gold megabonnet to match his velvet durag (you’d bought him 10-15 new durags for Valentine’s Day). By the time your eyes reluctantly opened, you noticed that he was gone. Before you could curl your lip and whimper, you picked up your phone to find Wins’ text to start you off for the day.
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You sat up on your elbows and smiled at the sight of the two white waffle bathrobes staring at you. The longer robe read “Duke” in crimson stitching, while the other read “Abdullah-Duke” in blue stitching. When you got out of bed, you caressed and carefully observed your robe. Baby boy ain’t skimpin’ on the quality of these robes. Ol’ extra ass. You quickly went into the shower, waterproof speaker in hand. From City Girls to Megan Thee Stallion to Kurt Carr and to Broadway soundtracks, your 25-minute shower performance was one for the books. Once you’d finished showering and doing your Oscars skincare routine, you went back into the bedroom to find Winston stretched out on the bed, his gapped grin stretching from ear to ear.
“Well, good morning, Mama Bear. That was one helluva performance you put on in there.” He looked you up and down like you were the last oxtail, slowly licking his top lip. “I see somebody likes their new robe.”, Winston complimented as he watched you walk towards him. He re-adjusted his stance so you could straddle his lap.
“Good morning to you,too, Daddy Bear. I don’t like it at all—I love it.”, you said in the crook of his neck as you kissed it repeatedly.
“You ready for today?”
You paused, going through the day’s mental Rolodex of events. “Of course—we’ll be together. You’ve been on an Oscars red carpet, I haven’t. Guide me. Show me your ways, Master Duke.”, you said dramatically. Winston’s deep, almost maniacal laughter sounded in your ear. He stared into your light brown eyes and smiled. Kissing your fivehead, he said, “You’re so dramatic. Of course. I’m excited for tonight...like very excited.” He kissed your ring and then your lips. You cheesed like the spoiled princess you knew you were. The two of you continued to cuddle, which eventually led to your lips finding their way onto his. Just as his curious hand ventured underneath your robe, there was a knock on the hotel suite door. Your head fell back in frustration and you reluctantly got out of Winston’s lap and smoothed your robe out as you walked to the door.
Winston whistled. “I hate to see you go, but I love watching you leave.” He tucked his lip under his top row of teeth.
“Shut yo corny ass up...Gabe.” Your face twisted and you placed an emphatic but playful tone on “Gabe” before sticking your tongue out. You looked through the peephole and opened the door for your assistant Jacqui, your wig stylist Maya Elise, and your makeup artist Alicia (your usual glam artist Justin was out of the country. It was time.
Not long after your glam squad arrived, Winston’s team came trickling in. The last-minute decision to get a two-bedroom suite instead of one was paying off. You and Winston broke off into different rooms and began your transformations.
Two hours and a whole Gillette advertisement later, you were reunited with your big head for lunch. When you emerged from the room, you were taken aback to see your fiance sporting an immaculate low fade. His beard was trimmed just right, enough to know it’d been flourishing in its growth. Ahh, my favorite seat looks like a meal for real. He stood feet from you in his white robe, giving you one of those looks.
As if on cue, your twin sister Farrah knocked on the door.
“Li, I’m so sorry. The one time I try to work on something last-minute, I’m almost an hour late. Where’s your room?”, Farrah said as she tried to catch her breath. She was holding your dress in her signature purple garment bag across her arms.
“ Rah! It’s okay, Boop. First off, slow down. Secondly, I’m over here.”, you pointed your fan behind you indicating where to put the dress. You excused yourself and returned to your room.
Farrah was an up and coming size-inclusive fashion designer and most importantly, your fraternal twin sister. You and Farrah were on completely different ends of the same spectrum. Growing up, you were often fighting her bullies on her behalf because she was a pacifist to the core; a terribly sensitive and somewhat reserved Cancer. She graduated from the same high school as you at 16, two years after you did. She graduated with her BFA in Fashion from North Carolina A&T, where she’d met her would-be husband and star Defensive Lineman for the Philadelphia Eagles, Braxton King. Professionally, She went by Issa Jenae, her two middle names. Though she and her family had just moved to Philadelphia from Boston, she spent most of her time in LA and New York. Nearly 85% of your dresses were designed by your sister. So, naturally, she was elated to design your Oscars dress.
Your sister was hanging the garment bag up on the closet door when you got back in. You were anxious to see the dress, as you had no idea what it was going to look like. When she asked you what you had in mind, you replied that you wanted something that was “subtly Wakandan”. With the help of Black Panther’s costume designer and Oscar nominee Ruth E. Carter, Farrah was able to make your wish shake. One of the advantages of having your twin sister design your dresses was that she’d knew you better than any other designer could. Your off-shoulder gown was fittingly inspired by the Jabari tribe with the purple and gold-threaded triangular pattern on the exterior and the gorgeous interior satin royal purple lining. The slit on the right side showed just enough of your thigh tat. Like the other dresses she’d made for you, it was customary for Farrah to hand-sew an insult of some sorts somewhere into the dress. Today’s insult: whore, sewn into the left side of the slit’s opening.
Being that it was one of the many inside jokes you two shared, you searched tirelessly for the insult. When you finally discovered it, you let out the ugliest sound as began laughing. “Bitch, you play too fuckin’ much. Whore? Really?”, you commented as you began unzipping the dress.
“Why not? I wasn’t the one sleepin’ with half of Black Hollywood, now was I?” You stared at her in pure disbelief. That raggedy bitch just airing your dirty laundry out there, but if the roles were reversed, she’d call your umi with the quickness. She was the true Cancer. “Exactly. I rest my case. Now go change, whore.”
You muttered some dirty words and passive aggressive wishes under your breath as you carefully slipped into your dress. Farrah zipped you up and spun you around to get a better look at her masterpiece of a dress. With your wig on and your shoes and accessories still needing to be put on, your transformation was almost complete.
You toyed with the idea of what kind of accessories you’d wear for tonight’s activities. Simplicity won you over for your picks. You wore three necklaces: a choker-like gold bar with “Khalida” written in Arabic, your everyday rose gold “K”, and your gold zodiac pendant. In addition to your 2nd engagement ring, a local Black jeweler allowed you to wear their oversized black fleur-de-lis cocktail ring (it was Mardi Gras season, after all) for the awards ceremony. In an unusual twist, you decided to wear a bracelet. This bracelet wasn’t just any other bracelet—it was a gold bracelet shaped as scissors (a shameless Us plug for your fiancé).To finish the look, you wore your cowrie shell and gold link anklets. You were ready to fuck that carpet up.
Once Maya-Elise finally laid the baby hairs on your half-up half-down Yaki blowout wig, you walked out of the pits of hair hell one last time. For the first time in history, you were ready before Winston. This never happened. Like...ever. Instead of seeing Winston, you were, however, greeted by your bonus family sitting in the living area of the suite.
“My daughter! Has Winston seen you yet?!”, Mama Cora remarked as you twirled for her.
“No, Coco, because for the first time ever, I’m the first one ready. You know this never happens. Wait—he didn’t dip, did he?”, you asked as you tried to peak at his door.
“Of course not! He wouldn’t ditch the most beautiful woman in Hollywood—not in his right mind,at least. I’d actually have to rough him up.”, Cindy joked.
You and Jacqui walked out to the suite’s main balcony take pictures for the ‘Gram. Six Vogue-worthy pictures later, Jacqui uploaded the photo set with “Dark-haired YAAncé” as the caption. You walked back into the suite to see a handsome thick figure with his back towards you. Winston was so wrapped up in his conversation with his barber Red that he didn’t realize that you’d been outside, yet alone beat him getting ready.
“I wonder what Yaa’s wearing tonight. She mentioned something about there being purple somewhere in the equation? I don’t know...I never know with that gyal of mine.”, he chuckled as he shrugged.
Red’s shoulders bounced in laughter. “I mean...why don’t you ask her? She’s right there.” Red looked around his solid physique to acknowledge your presence.
“How am I going to ask her if she’s not rea—”. Winston turned his head in the direction Red had pointed to. Noticing something different, he whipped around once more, this time, turning his whole body around towards you. The two of you stood maybe two feet apart, taking in each other’s ensembles and beauty.
You were in love with his low fade, especially after the Sisqo phase for the New Years Trip (there could be only one platinum blonde in this relationship). Red got him right for tonight. Then there was the tux. THAT. FUCKING. TUX. It didn’t help that he was already thicker than three-day-old oatmeal. His suit was just fitted enough. In true Winston C. Duke fashion, he couldn’t just wear a basic tux. Nope. Hell nawl. The jacket had white piping on the lapel and the pockets, along with two white bands on either arm. The pants had the white stripe going down either side. Surely, the ancestors wanted to see you cut up over your man and how delicious he was looking. As you undressed him with your eyes, you’d caught his little intentional lip bite and lick. It was subtle enough for only you to catch it.
You fanned yourself harder the closer you got up to him. Shit, that nigga was looking delicious. Winston and everyone else laughed at your speechlessness. Your mouth was totally agape and your head shook. You finally pointed your white coffin-shaped nail at Winston and looked around the room to make sure everyone else was seeing the same meal you were looking at.
“Are you gonna say something, K.D.?”, Winston asked as he closed your mouth and lifted your chin in one smooth motion with one finger.
“Baby...sweetheart...honey bunches...Chris baby…answer me this one question...”, you stammered.
“Who the fuck told you...TO LOOK THIS FUCKIN’ GOOD?! LIKE, WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT AND THE PRIVILEGE?! THE NERVE OF YOU! THE ABSOLUTE UNMITIGATED GALL, THE NEGROSITY OF YOU, ON THIS 24TH DAY OF BLACK HISTORY MONTH AND 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF MY NATIONAL ANTHEM!”,you gassed, punching your hand and pointing your acrylic nails and clacking them against each other every which way for dramatic emphasis.
Winston doubled over in hysterical laughter, to the point of tears, at your response. “Wow, I must say, it does feel good to be on the receiving end of your gassing. I knew I had to come with it if I was going to be your date tonight. If I haven’t learned anything else about you in all these years of knowing you, it’s that no matter where you’re going, you’re gonna bring it. You’ve kinda forced me to step out of my usual tux zone and further into the world of high fashion...all without knowing what your dress looked like. I think I did pretty good, dontcha think?” He finally closed the gap between the two of you and held your small hands into his big hands.You rolled your eyes to keep from laughing. You weren’t going to give into that Gabe Wilson-level corniness.
“Ehhh...you did aight. Ion know who you tryna dress up for, but you cute or whateva.”, you said nonchalantly.
He lowered his voice to where only you could hear, “I must say that you, my dearest Khalida, the love of my life, are looking sublime right now. I don’t even care what you have in store for the after party look, I just know that in this very moment, I’d have you on this table if everyone weren't here.” You smirked.
“You know, I had the same thought about you when were eating lunch. I’m happy our freakiness is in tandem.”, you paused to look around the room, “Now let’s go and flex for the ‘gram, shall we?”
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Everyone crowded both elevators to the lobby to get a full glimpse at the soon-to-be Duke’s. The lighting in the hotel’s courtyard was perfect—a studio could never.
“Alrighty...the lighting’s good here, love birds.”, Jacqui reported as she searched for the perfect late afternoon light. The two of you walked to the exact spot Jacqui deemed appropriate. He insisted that you walk before him, just so he could check you out from the back. He gazed in amazement as he noticed the highlight on your shoulders when the sun kissed them. The purple and gold in your dress both complemented your caramel skin. Winston bit his lip as all the thoughts of sin and lust bombarded his mind. God, you outdid yourself when you created her. He finally caught up to you and promptly rested his arm around your full waist, pulling you into him. The two of you stared into each other’s eyes, cameras or people be damned. As Jacqui caught the candid shots, the two of you whispered nasty sweet nothings into each other’s ear. After spending 20 minutes in the courtyard, Jacqui escorted you and Winston to the hotel’s service entrance, where their SUV was waited patiently for you all. As the two of you looked at the SUV, Winston squeezed your hand. “You ready, Dr. Abdullah?”, he asked as he looked down to you.
“When you are, Mr. Duke.”
The two of you shared three deep breaths before loading into the car, eager to show up and out for the Oscars.
I GOT THE TAGLIST IN THE BACK! @muse-of-mbaku @kumkaniudaku @eriknutinthispoosy-deactivated2 @whoramilaje @mbakusthrone @mbakuwife @crushed-pink-petals @supersizemeplz @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @jackburtonsays @randomwordprompts @bartierbakarimobisson @wakandan-flowerz @blackpantherreblogs @babygirlofwakanda @eerythingisshaka @washyourlinens @turn-thy-paige @doublesidedscoobysnacks @wakandas-vibranium @oceanscorazon @oshasimone @destinio1 @sonofnjobu @teheeboo @sarahboseman @iamrheaspeaks @chaneajoyyy @lovelynervouschaos @cay-cah @coonflix @katasstrophey @mareethequeen @jozigrrl @great-neckpectations @jellybean531 @yofavcocoa @storibambino @maya-leche @blackgirloneshots @royallyprincesslilly @texasbama @ljstraightnochaser @certifiednatural @abeautifulmindexposed
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breaniebree · 5 years
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Flashback Sequence:
Chapter 192 -- Sirius meets Fee and Monty
I fancast Jake Gyllenhall as Fleamont Potter and his wife as Anne Hathaway from Becoming Jane.  I was playing around with the aging app on my phone and had fun.  But I just feel like they embody Fee and Monty to me.
“That’s Clevedon Court, like I said before it’s been the home of the Potters for over seven hundred years.”
Harry nodded, eyes wide as he saw the young boy step off the Knight Bus in front of the house.  He recognized the cocky step and the dark locks as Sirius before he even saw his face.  
Sirius shoved his hands into the pockets of the black jeans he wore.  They had holes in the knees and he was wearing black army boots with the laces untied and a white tee shirt under his open leather jacket with a Gryffindor scarf around his neck.  He had a small knapsack over his shoulder as he stood there in the snow, staring up at the house as if he was unsure.
The Knight Bus left and Sirius stood there a moment longer before he carefully trudged up the long drive and knocked on the front door.  It was only a moment before the small slim woman with dark brown hair hair streaked in silver that Harry recognized as Euphemia Potter, pulled it open.  Her hair was pulled back in a braided bun, but her fringe covered the side of her forehead in tight curls.  She smiled warmly at the sight of him. 
“Hello, dear, Happy Christmas.  Can we help you with something?”
Sirius swallowed slowly.  “Er, is this James Potter’s house?”
The woman’s smile widened.  “It most certainly is and you would be?”
“Um, Sirius Black?  We’re friends at school.”
“Oh!  Sirius, lovely to finally meet you, do come in!”  She tugged him inside the large entranceway.  The big medieval style hall full of old art and tapestries.  “You can put your boots and jacket there.  Rosa!”
A tiny elf appeared and Euphemia smiled warmly.
“Rosa, dear, set him up in Jamie’s room, we have a guest.”
The elf nodded, taking Sirius’ bag as Euphemia smiled warmly at him.
“I’m Euphemia Potter, but everyone calls me Fee.  Come on in, love, Jamie’s in the living room.”
Sirius followed her through the large hall into a large living room with a massive Christmas tree that stood close to twenty feet tall and dancing in fairy lights.  James was  sprawled out across the sofa tossing a Quaffle up into the air and then catching it.
“Jamie, love, your friend Sirius has come by.  You should have told me that he was coming, I would have set a spot for him for dinner,” she scolded.
“Didn’t know,” James said, jumping to his feet.  “Hey mate.”
Euphemia beamed at the two of them.   “Well, I’ll go let Darby know that we have another for dinner.”
Sirius shoved his hands into his pockets, rocking on the balls of his feet.  “Um, sorry for just showing up.”
“Nah, it’s cool,” James told him, his eyes on his friend.  “Are you staying the rest of the holiday?”
Sirius shook his head.  “No… I don’t want to impose.  I just… I had to get out of that house for a bit.”
James nodded.  “You won’t be imposing.  Mum will be thrilled if you stay the whole holiday.  She loves guests.”
He shrugged.  “Wicked house.”
“Thanks.  Come on and sit.  Mum will bring snacks in a moment.”
Sirius raised an eyebrow.  “But we didn’t ask for anything.”
James chuckled.  “Trust me.”
They settled on the sofa and James urged Sirius to stretch out with him so that their legs were both side by side across from each other the same way that they had first sat on the school train, just as Euphemia came into the living room with a tea tray full of tea and biscuits.
“I brought you boys a little snack,” she said as James smirked at his friend.
“Told you.  Hey, Mum, Sirius is going to stay for the whole holiday, okay?”
“Oh, wonderful!  I love having guests,” she exclaimed brightly.  “You boys eat up and then you can head outside.  The snow looks just perfect for building a large fort.”
James grinned as his mum left the room and he turned to his friend.  “See, it’s fine.”  He reached for a biscuit, eyeing his friend carefully for a moment.  “So, want to talk about it?”
Sirius shook his head as he shoved a biscuit in his mouth.  “Not really.”
“What did your folks say when you told them that you were coming here?”
“Didn’t,” he said simply, lifting the cup of tea to his lips and drinking deeply.  “I told Reg and then I snuck out at dawn this morning.”
James’ eyebrow rose.  “That might have made it worse.”
He shrugged as he helped himself to a second biscuit.  “I couldn’t stay there a moment longer.”
James only nodded.  “Okay.  You’re welcome here as long as you want, Siri.”
Sirius’ eyes met his and he nodded slowly as Euphemia came back into the room with Fleamont, who was polishing his glasses on his sleeve as he walked.
“Sirius, this is Monty, Monty, Sirius Black.  Sirius will be staying the rest of the holiday with us, isn’t that wonderful?” 
Fleamont smiled warmly at his wife.  “Wonderful.  James, why don’t you boys head upstairs and get some warm clothes on.  I think that it’s high time we build a massive snow fort, what do you say?”
James grinned and jumped to his feet.  “I’m in.”
He gestured for Sirius to follow him, raising an eyebrow when Sirius stole another biscuit before he did so.  
“Mum will have lunch ready in about two hours if you’re hungry.”
Sirius nodded as he followed James up the staircase and down the hall to the door that said James F. Potter on a gold plaque.  “What does the F stand for?”
“Er, Franklin.”
“Really?  Then how did your father get the nickname Monty?”
James blushed.  “Okay, fine, it’s Fleamont — and if you tell anyone I will kill you in your sleep.”
Sirius busted into laughter as he followed James into his room and grinned at the sight of it.  His walls were covered in Quidditch posters and statistics, posters of The Beatles, of Elvis Presley, and of guitars along with posters of broom ads.  He was surprised to see photos of himself, Remus, and Peter tacked up as well.  There was a large queen-sized bed in the middle of the room with a desk, two tall dressers, a toy chest, three bookshelves as well as a large closet.  His broom was hanging on the wall over his bed.  A large cot had already been set up next to the bed.
“You can sleep in the bed if you prefer,” James told him.  “It’s big enough for the two of us to share or if you want your own room, we have lots of guest rooms, but knowing Mum she put the cot in here assuming that you’d be more comfortable with me.”  He plopped onto his bed and sighed.  “So, I lied, tell me what happened.”
Sirius let out a slow sigh.  “My parents were just… Mum is furious that I’m still hanging around with you and Rem.  She claims Pete is tolerable, but still not worthy.  She says that Gryffindor has dulled my senses and made me forget right from wrong.  They’ve been praising Reg left and right, which is good, he deserves the praise, but they do it in a way that belittles me and it was just grating my cheese, James.  Like oh, Sirius, Regulus received an Outstanding on his Potions homework, I don’t know how you achieved an Outstanding when your work is clearly inferior.”
“What the bloody hell does that mean?”  James exclaimed, his eyes flashing in anger.  “Obviously it’s outstanding if that’s the grade you achieved!”
Sirius shrugged.  “Also they somehow learned that I’ve spent the last month snogging Em, who is not a pureblood and therefore completely beneath me, and how I’m slumming it.”
“Siri, mate, I’m sorry.”
“Whatever, I just… I couldn’t listen to it anymore and I blew up on my mum last night.  I was so angry that my magic reacted and I blew out all the windows in the upstairs and then I got a letter from the Ministry warning me about using magic outside of school…”
James goggled at him.  “Wow!”
He nodded.  “And well, all hell broke loose after that.”
Sirius moved to close James’ bedroom door before he lifted up his shirt.  His ribs were littered in fist sized purple bruises.
James’ eyes darkened.  “They hit you?”
“Oh, no,” Sirius said.  “Simply hitting me is too Muggle.  Mum added a weight charm to Father’s fists first.”  He winced as he put his arms down.  “I think I broke a rib.”
James jumped to his feet.  “My Mum will fix you right up.”
Sirius blanched.  “No!  Fuck!  You can’t tell her!”
James’ eyebrow rose.  “Siri, you need medical attention.”
“No, can’t you just… I mean, isn’t there something that you could do?”
James hesitated a moment before he nodded just as a knock sounded on the bedroom door.
“You boys coming or what?”  Fleamont called out.
“Dad, can we build the fort after lunch?  Sirius is feeling a bit tired,” James called out.
Fleamont pushed the bedroom door open and eyed the two boys for a moment.  “Everything okay in here?”
“Fine,” James said, grinning widely.  “Siri’s just tired.  After lunch we’ll build the fort, Dad.”
Fleamont nodded.  “Sure, whenever you’d like, Jamie.  If you boys need anything, just ask.”
James grinned at him as he closed the door and then he called for Rosa.  The elf appeared in his bedroom a moment later, eyes wide.
“How can I help you, Master James?”
“Hi, Rosa, listen, I need you to get some healing stuff and help me heal my friend Sirius, but you can’t tell Mum or Dad.”
Rosa stared at him.  “Master James, I is not comfortable lying to the Marquess and Marchioness, Sir.”
“Don’t lie, just… don’t tell them is all.”
Rosa hesitated, but she nodded and disappeared with a loud crack.
Sirius stared at him.  “Do you really think that she won’t tell them?”
James nodded.  “We’re fine.”
Rosa came back a few moments later with the first aid kit and Sirius carefully tugged his shirt off.  The elf stared at him for a long moment before she moved forward to help give him some healing salve for the bruises.  James looked in the kit and mixed the potions for Sirius’ ribs, pouring the appropriate dose into a cup and passing it over.
Sirius winced as he drank the potion and James stared at the fresh welts on his friend’s back.
“Siri… how the bloody hell did this…?”
Sirius shrugged.  “It’s fine.  Just pass me some of that salve.”
James’ bedroom door flew open and Euphemia stepped in with a tray of sandwiches and her eyes widened.  James moved to block Sirius from view, but it had been too late.  Euphemia put the tray down on the desk and moved carefully towards Sirius.  She placed her fingers on his chin and tilted his head to look up at her.
“Who hurt you, darling?”
“I’m fine,” Sirius told her, reaching for his shirt.
James took the shirt from his friend’s hand so that Rosa could continue to apply the salve.  “His parents, Mum.”
Euphemia’s eyes darkened in anger for a moment before she masked it.  She took the salve from Rosa and immediately set about taking over the task.  She ordered James which potions to give him and covered the welts in fresh bandages.  Sirius’ cheeks were flushed in embarrassment as he pulled his shirt over his head and murmured a thanks under his breath.
Euphemia reached out and gently brushed his hair behind his ear.  “Your parents are Orion and Walburga, dear?”
Sirius nodded.  “I’m fine, Mrs Potter, honest.”  His eyes widened in surprise when she leaned in and kissed his cheek tenderly. 
“You are always welcome here, Sirius.  I don’t care for how long you stay or what time you show up.  Our home will always be your home.”  She kissed his forehead and tugged James to her to hug him tightly and kiss his cheeks.  “You make Sirius rest and eat those sandwiches I brought up.  I’ll have Monty whip up another healing potion for him to take after dinner.”
Then she was gone and Sirius was staring at James, his eyes wide.
“What just happened?”
James grinned.  “I think Mum just adopted you.  Here, have a bacon sandwich,” he said, tossing one at Sirius.
Sirius caught it, staring at James in wonder.  “Your parents are brilliant.”
James grinned back at him.  “I know.”
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snifflesclifford · 5 years
Waiting for the Right Girl - Chris Evans
A/N: (this is for the anon who wanted friends to lovers) Hi this is the first fic i have wrote in over 3 years so be nice. Please let me know if you want a part 2! 
It was raining cats and dogs outside and there were no signs of stopping. The weather channel played softly in the background as you made your way to the kitchen to get another bottle of wine. You decided what was the harm since there was no way you would be driving home anytime soon in this weather. Chris had invited a bunch of friends over to his new house for a house warming party. You think it was more of an excuse to get help putting together the massive shelf he bought the day before but any excuse for free booze and you were there. The others luckily left before the storm hit, but you didn't mind. Chris’ house was more than accommodating for the two of you and it was a great opportunity for you two to catch up since he had been out of town on a shoot. 
You opened the door to the wine closet and stepped inside.  White or red? Chris would want white but the red paired better with the box of cheese-its you had been devouring. Red. You reached for the least expensive looking bottle and read the label, just as you thought, still expensive. Did he not have Boone’s Farm? 
“Hey, did you find one?” Chris practically yelled right behind you. You let out a yelp and dropped the probably more money than your car payment bottle and it shattered, splattering red everywhere . 
“What the fuck, how are you so big but so stealthy?” You ask clutching your chest. Chris bursts out laughing and you follow suit. 
“I’m sorry, its not my fault that you are literally the jumpiest person ever” He bends down to pick up the large pieces of glass and you try to help but he stops you. “Nah ah, I think you’ve done enough clutz,” he teases “why don't you go take a shower? You look like you’ve murdered at least four people. Help yourself to anything in the dresser.” 
You wanted to protest but a hot shower sounded pretty nice with the rainy weather so you agreed and tip-toed around the wine and headed upstairs to find the bathroom. It took longer than you would like to admit to get the shower to work but were you glad you did. It was literally the best shower you had ever stepped foot into. The second the hot water hit you all the tension you didn't even know you had went away. It was like taking a shower in the rainforest. You sighed as you smelled the body wash he had. Of course it would be perfect, everything about Chris is perfect. You took your time, not wanting the warmth to end. 
Eventually the water went cold, so you made your way out of the shower and looked around for what you could only assume was a fluffy warm cloud of a towel, only to find nothing. No towels. Shit. You popped your head out of the bathroom and looked around Chris’ monster sized bedroom. Once you saw the coast was clear, you darted out of the room and went to the dresser in search of something to cover your soaking body. But it was too late because just as you picked out an oversized shirt, Chris came barreling into the room holding a towel. You were frozen. You had nothing to shield you from this horror and Chris looked as though he had seen a ghost. 
“Um, can i have that?” You asked pointing to the gray towel in his hand. 
“Oh fuck, yeah, um. i realized I didn’t have any in the- here” His face turned a deep shade of scarlet as he held it out to you. 
His eyes dart down to your naked frame and you blush internally. You wrap the towel around yourself and stand there waiting for anything to happen. Literally anything. Chris was still beet red but you can see a noticeable bulge formed in his pants. He follows your eyes and immediately starts sputtering out what he thinks are words. 
“I- I mean, we. Um, you. I made some cookies. if you, they're chocolate chip. i’ll be, um downstairs. You can get dressed, shit. Sorry.” and with that he closes the door and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. What the fuck was that? You thought to yourself as you sat at the foot of his king sized bed. 
You had known Chris for two years, you were an intern at Fox while they filmed Gifted and you always had to fetch coffee and get him from his trailer. He asked you to help him run lines and you confessed that you always wanted to be an actor. The next day he brought you a coffee and said he dropped your name at a local theatre and that you had an audition on Tuesday. The rest was history. You had hung out almost every week for awhile helping each other rehearse or playing matchmaker to each others sad love lives. Then it turned into a few times a month when your schedules started to get more busy. It had been two months since the last time you had seen each other and here you were naked on his bed. 
You would be lying if you hadn’t thought about being naked on his bed, but that was just a fantasy. You were never single at the same time and you never really thought he saw you in that way. Did he see you that way? His body seemed to think of you in that way. You tossed those thoughts to the back of your mind as you got dressed and slowly made your way downstairs. 
You heard dishes clattering and a small curse come from the kitchen. Chris was still whispering to himself when you rounded the corner and saw him hovering over a plate full of cookies one in his hand and other hanging out of his mouth. 
“This would have never happened if you just put a new fucking towel in the bathroom, Evans. It’s a simple thing to do.” you could make out from his cookie filled mouth. 
“Hey” you make your presence known and his head shoots up. 
“Hey! Did you find everything okay?” 
“Uh, yeah! I mean apart from the whole towel thing.” you smile and take a seat at the island. 
“Yeah sorry again about that. Did i say sorry already? I’m sorry. Like really sorry.” He scratches the back of his neck and you can't help but notice the way the fabric of his crew neck stretches over his bicep. 
“Its really fine. It’s funny actually. I think it was funny.” You assure him and snag the cookie from his grip and he looks at you hurt. 
“That one was mine!”
“Yeah but it looks like the best one.” you take a big bite and he cracks smile. 
“You're something else.” he murmurs under his breath. “I’ll be right back.”
He walks into the living room and returns with a bottle of scotch and two glasses. You cock your eyebrow at him and he shrugs. 
“ I don't know about you but i need a drink.” he says as he pours two generous glasses and slides one your way. You down it in one swing and hiss at the burn. Scotch wasn't something you usually drank but it was a welcome change to all the wine you drank before. Chris adds a little more to your glass and takes a seat on the counter next to you. 
“So, what's new?” he casually asks and takes a sip, his eyes peering at you over his glass. You sighed at the question. Small talk wasnt really your thing. 
“Well, work has been slow. Not a lot of theatre companies looking for someone like this” you gesture to yourself and he scoffs. 
“What are you talking about? Have you seen yourself? Its their loss.” he doesn't meet your eyes and you're glad because he would see your blushing red cheeks. 
“Well either way auditions don’t pay bills. How was France?” You change the subject. 
“Good. Good. Long but good. You need to come with me next time. It’s gorgeous over there and the amount of bread they eat would make you feel right at home.��� He nudges your ribs and you bust out laughing. 
“Hey, a girl eats an entire loaf of sourdough bread at 3am ONE TIME and she's the ‘bread girl.’” 
“it was really good bread.” He adds.
Your giggles die down and an awkward silence falls between you two and you take a drink. There was this looming cloud of weird between you and you hated it. Things were never weird between you. Things were always easy with Chris. 
“So whats the deal with Matt?” he snaps you out of your thoughts. “His brother said you guys broke up. I thought you really liked him.” you down the rest of your drink and shrug.
“Matt’s great! Just a little dull. It got boring that the rest of them. His thought of  a fun friday night was playing Catan at his cousins apartment and that isn't bad per se, but not for me. You know? Besides, I'm not the only one failing in the love department. Don't think i don't know you broke things off with Jess. She called me sobbing because you “couldn't do the distance” which I know is bullshit because you told me you were “weighing your options” two weeks before you went to Paris.” 
“You know me too well, it isn't fair.” he shakes his head “ I don't know. She was really nice and smoking hot.” You roll your eyes. “But she just was kind of... crazy? Is that mean?” 
“I mean...she was a little... off?” you try to find a better word but that's all you could come up with. She was insane. 
“i guess i’m just waiting for the right girl.” He said and places his glass on the counter. “I’m beat. I think i’m going to go to bed.” He hops off the counter and runs a hand over his face. 
“Oh, yeah me too. Where should i sleep?” you ask, not knowing where to go in the five bedroom house. 
“I’ll show you.” 
He took your hand and lead you up the stairs and showed you to a room not much smaller than his. It had beautiful four poster bed and forrest green sheets. It smells like him in there. 
“Wow.” is all you can say. 
“Is this good? You can take my bed. I dont know how this mattress is no one has slept on it.”
“No this is perfect.” 
You say your goodnights not before Chris asks you a thousand times if you need anything. Once he was satisfied that you were good he left for his room. You plop down on the bed and stare at the ceiling. Today was weird and you really didn't know why. It has you thinking about the way Chris would feel pressing against your back as you slept. and how he would wake you up with as soft kiss in the morning. You had never dared to entertain those thoughts before but now they're all you could think about. 
A/n: Hi this was getting kind of long so i thought I would split it up into two parts. Is that something you guys would want? Let me know! 
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replicant1955 · 5 years
There is a land that lies on no map. Neither is it recorded in any history. But it is a land which everyone knows. It is the land that you see in the shadows of a summer afternoon as it slowly slips, first into evening, then into night. It is the land of a winter storm, the land of a sudden snowfall, the land of unexplained noises in an empty house. It is the land of scribbled notebooks forgotten in a trunk. It is the land of empty wardrobes and wide eyed wonder. It is the land of memory. It is the Everland. And this is Charlotte’s.
It was a lovely summer’s day.
Charlotte was not happy. The mobile signal at her Grandma’s was terrible. It was like trying to talk on a motorway.  In fact the lack of any mobile signal required her to walk out of her bedroom, out of  the house, go down the hill and stand by the gate into the bottom field (the one with all the cows) before she could talk to her friends.
And she couldn’t e-mail, text, instagram or facebook them, unless she had an afternoon to spare for one photo.
She gazed with dismay at all the electronics spread over her bed. What was she going to do all summer without broadband and a decent mobile signal? She looked around her bedroom, hoping for a miracle. But everything remained the same. The floor remained wooden and old, and bumpy. The window remained small and tilted with wobbly panes of glass. The wardrobe remained large, dark stained and mysterious. The rug remained the rug and the quilt remained the quilt. And the single plug socket looked as lonely as ever, especially as it was already coping with her television and her clock.
What had her mother been thinking of when she said, “You can go to your grandma’s as usual this summer”.  Every summer holiday for as long as she could remember she had spent a month at her grandma’s house deep in the country. And she had enjoyed it. The freedom to go wherever she wished: the chance to wander through fields and woods for as long as she wanted. The many mysteries of an old house with so many corners it felt that it had been built backwards and upside down. And the comfort of her own bedroom (not shared with an annoying younger brother) with its wide bed and little window that admitted early morning sunlight with a capacity that belied its size. And the garden with its twisting paths that disappeared into tiny glades and streams; the fields that stretched out forever, empty except for distant clouds; the river that ambled its way through the tiny village, covered in squabbling ducks and stately swans. She had loved it all. But most of all she had loved having her grandma and granddad to herself.
But this year was different. This year she had her phone, her tablet, her school friends, the many plans that they had made texting in classrooms when lessons had become too boring to even pretend to pay attention. And now, now she was in the electronic equivalent to Siberia, exiled from everything and everyone who was vitally important to her continued existence.
Her mother had been sympathetic but uncomprehending, her mind fixed more on free time with her new boyfriend than with a knowing daughter commenting on anything and everything. And her kid brother thought the lack of an older sister for a few weeks was the opportunity of a lifetime. She shuddered at the possibilities for mayhem he would find without her to warn him.
Her grandma had been so welcoming that she felt that she couldn’t raise the subject with her. And Granddad, well he had just smiled and nodded and turned back to the chair he was fixing with a slight shake of his head at the inadequacies of modern carpentry.
So she was stuck, and annoyed and grumpy. And as her mother often said: nobody did grumpy like Charlotte.
Finally rousing herself from her bed of misery she took her phone, wandered downstairs to the kitchen, smiled at her Grandma who was deep in some major cooking effort intended for the village fete and announced that she was going to walk to the corner of the lane to phone her friends. Her grandma smiled and nodded and turned back to the ongoing battle with her pastry.
The path from the kitchen door wandered round the corner of the house, round the front door which no one used (for good reason as it opened under the stairs) and then down the overgrown front garden that led to the lane. The front garden was largely grass and twisted trees which bent in odd shapes beneath their indeterminate ages. Here and there small flowers broke through the green; daisies and cowslips and others which she could not name. The garden was home to mole hills and busy bees and numerous birds that nested in its high hedges.
In its shadows there were reputedly five wells, each used and then capped and forgotten. Many times she had looked for them all but she had never found the  tops of more than four, each with its grey concrete hat and a small grating down which you could throw stones and listen for the distant splash.
The house seemed to nestle comfortably into the garden. Charlotte was not really sure where one ended and the other began. The lawns that stretched up to its old brick and stone walls and white painted windows; to its unused doors and empty flower pots. It was a house comfortable in its old age, happy in its many years. When she had asked her Grandma how old the house was she had simply smiled and replied, “As old as you want it to be” and carried on with what she was doing. So Charlotte had had to make up her own mind.
There was a small stream that ran through the garden, close to the house, so Charlotte sometimes liked to imagine it as a mill with its big water wheel and the dark stones grinding newly harvested corn in the warm dusty shadows.
Or perhaps it was once a tiny castle? The walls were a mixture of stone and brick, as if someone had used whatever was to hand to build it and some of the stones had time worn carvings so it could once have been a castle.
Or perhaps a farmhouse with its dark low oak beams and its red tile roof, bent beneath its weight of moss. She looked back at its tiny windows, ivy climbed walls and idly smoking chimney and wondered. The house looked old, very old. It looked like it had always been there, like somehow it belonged there and nowhere else. It looked right.
She paused for a moment in a circle of sunlight. She thought about her grandparents. In a way they were stranger than the house. If she pictured her grandmother she always thought about her as being silver. She always wore a silver necklace with a single dark bluestone stone. Sometimes she almost shimmered.  Somehow she reminded her of forests, of moonlight, of fairies. She was tall, slim, unbent despite her age (something else she wouldn’t discuss). She moved with a casual grace and had an innate calm about everything, up to and including a nosy talkative granddaughter. Charlotte had never heard her raise her voice. Her face was thin and angular but she had a generous smile and Charlotte never doubted her love.
And she had a bow, with REAL arrows. When Charlotte had first seen the bow, hanging unstringed high up on the wall of the living room she had ached to take it down and hold it. It was never talked about so finally she had asked her granddad whose bow it was. He had smiled and said, “Your grandmother’s”. He was silent for a while after he said that but then he had added, “But she has not used it for a very long time.” On learning this Charlotte had immediately rushed away to ask her grandmother about the bow and could she have it but she would only say: “When you are older and taller I will teach you to use it”, and despite constant badgering over the whole of that holiday would not be drawn further on its’ history, when she could shoot it or even why she had a bow in the first place. After all, as Charlotte had said constantly, her mother didn’t have one.
And her grandfather:  he was as different from her grandmother as chalk and cheese (a meaningless saying of her mother’s: of course they were different). Where her grandmother was tall and slim her grandfather was small and round. Where her grandmother seemed to be almost a creature of the forest more at home in woods and fields her grandfather seemed to be a creature of the earth, happiest buried in his workshop, with his many tools and machines and fires and files. He always looked as if he would happily burrow into the earth to dig up metals and make things.
But he clearly loved her grandmother and he loved Charlotte as well so she didn’t mind. She didn’t even mind his pipe which he smoked in the evenings – always out of the house because her grandmother objected to the smell. He would sit there and blow smoke rings to amuse her and tell her stories of wizards and dragons that lived in the earth and collected hoards of treasure.
Strange but nice she concluded and satisfied that she now understood them both she moved on to consider other things.
Slowly she wandered out the gate, always open and now hanging down on its hinges, into the lane and then down to the field, partly skipping from sunlight to sunlight, gazing at the shape of the clouds and listening to the birds rustling and chatting in the hedges.
At the bottom of the lane she stopped by the wide metal gate and gazed at the wide field with its distant herd of quietly munching cows. The day was surprisingly warm and she settled on the old stump in the shade of an oak tree to read her texts.
Reception was as bad as always and her messages took ages to load, especially as they were full of pictures of the exciting things her friends were doing and from which she was currently excluded. Bored with waiting she walked to the gate to look into the field. It was then that she saw the owl. It was gliding slowly and silently across the field, looking down, its head moving slowly from side to side. She supposed it was hunting. She watched as it criss-crossed the field several times in long slow transits. It was almost hypnotic, the way in which it flew, low and silent across the sunlit field. Gradually she became more and more interested in the owl, ignoring her phone and its’ insistent bleeping.
Finally it glided to a perfect landing on a nearby post and, to Charlotte’s surprise turned in her direction. For a moment it looked at her steadily and Charlotte realised with a sense of shock that something was different. It was wearing goggles! From the middle of its’ flat white feathered face there extended two polished brass cylinders, each fitted with a lens at the end. As she watched, the lenses extended and retracted, each of the owls eyes growing larger and then smaller in turn. For a moment girl and owl stared at each other in seeming mutual amazement and then, with an irritated chattering of its beak, the owl launched itself back into the blue sky and slowly flew off in the direction of the distant wood.
Charlotte sat there, puzzled, amazed and wondering if she had really seen what her eyes had shown her. An owl wearing binoculars! What in heaven’s name: (another saying of her mother’s) was going on. Then, as if the day hadn’t had enough of impossible things she heard a sharp whistle at her feet and looked down.
What she saw in front of her was even more bizarre. Sitting in a small four wheeled vehicle with a tiny steam engine at its’ back was a small grey field mouse. It looked strangely at home in its’ tiny red leather seat and with its claws gripped tightly on the steering tiller. There a small stream of white smoke coming from the chimney at the rear of the vehicle and she could hear the boiler bubbling away.  The mouse looked up at her with its bright black eyes, lent its’ head to one side and and very reasonably said, “Well that was a close escape if I say so myself. Thought he had got me at one point.“
Charlotte looked down in amazement. Talking mice driving steam cars. Whatever next! Then,as if there was nothing strange in its talking or in her obvious staring the mouse continued, “You don’t mind moving your feet do you? I’m not very good at steering yet. “Not daring to think too much of the strangeness of conversing with field mice Charlotte realised that her feet were blocking its path. “Sorry, “She said and moved them back.”Thank you” it replied and then, with a cheery, “Goodbye” .it trundled off along the lane followed by its plume of white smoke, finally turning beneath the hedge.
For a long time Charlotte sat on the stump, phone and friends forgotten. Finally she got up and walking slowly along the lane shaking her head, went back home to tell her grandmother what she had seen.
Somehow summer no longer seemed so boring.
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