#lore week is my Roman Empire
halfratsalready · 7 months
I can’t help but wonder if the reason that Night Swan failed to corrupt Jack is that she exploited the wrong weakness.
It’s bothered me for a bit now that all of the descriptions we’re given of Jack paint him as pretty self-centered and unwilling to share the spotlight, while everything we actually see of him in the game when he isn’t performing shows him being quite reserved and maybe even timid (think of him at the beginning of Witch, where he doesn’t make a ton of eye contact and just kinda looks down, or the end of Locked out of Heaven). That’s not to say he can’t be arrogant or cocky, but I don’t think it’s as defining of a personality trait as all the descriptions of him make it sound.
In Avery’s new video on Dance With the Swan lore, she revealed the detail that Night Swan targeted the Just Dancer’s weaknesses in order to corrupt them, and the one she targeted in Jack was his “narcissism.” Obviously, Jack is the only one she didn’t succeed in corrupting, so I like to think that she misjudged him and chose to exploit a weakness that wasn’t as big as she thought it was (aka this could definitely still be a weakness of his, but there’s probably bigger ones she could have targeted). Maybe if she had targeted a different weakness, she would have succeeded, but she didn’t know her own son well enough to know the best way to win him over (or maybe that’s just my interpretation but hey).
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jenneferofjengaberg · 4 months
deancas fics that do comically inventive things to sam to get him out of the way are my roman empire. some of my faves:
make sam a baby. not like a guy who just whines a lot, but a literal pants shitting infant. author seems to not understand that babies are the ultimate cockblocker. bonus if child goes unmentioned and unseen for days at a time.
one fic i read inexplicably had him move to india for lore gathering purposes
just always out at the store or getting pie for dean at a diner. he's been gone for weeks but nobody cares
dead, but not in any of the ways you'd expect. he dies of like bunions or something
married to an ofc (the og blurry wife) and they moved as far away from dean as possible. (smart?)
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soaps-mohawk · 4 months
hi!! It’s been sad seeing u have to deal with so much recently :(( both irl and anons being assholes on here so here are some musings that will hopefully cheer u up!!!
I know u said no pregnancy was gonna happen in the doc BUT when I first got into this doc (binged it in like 1 day btw) I also went thru and looked at almost ALLLL of your extra posts, lore, FQA, etc. And one that stuck with me a lot was explaining what would happen if reader was to accidentally get pregnant and who would retire and I. I have not been able to forget this fic is literally my Roman Empire on my mind literally 24/7 let me tell u
I just feel like there are so many good opportunities for it to be sweet but also angsty as hell. I imagine after some time Price actually becomes rather suited to being a father. He never really thought he had much going for him besides the military but now he has this little bundle who looks up to him for everything and it all just sort of clicked for him. I imagine after some time too, Gaz wants a little one of his own……one from the alpha and one from the beta y’know……now u just have another little carbon copy of Gaz running around
also ofc Simon and Johnny are there to visit at any and all times they can. Holidays, week-long breaks between deployment, etc. the pups love them so much and all their attention is stolen by their two uncles where they’re here. I feel like when they come to visit the pack might sort of be how it used to? They’re definitely still very affectionate like they were in the old days and it’s just easy for everyone to slip into the habit of kissing each other or scenting.
But I feel like after some time, Johnny would definitely yearn to have a similar lifestyle to what price and gaz retired to. He sees you as a family so happy (they get PLENTY of pics and videos too ofc) and he kind of wishes he’d retired and got you to have another little MacTavish himself. He doesn’t regret staying with Simon by any means, but he misses his pack the way it used to be, and he’s getting older, after all. It’s only natural.
AAA I DIDNF MEAN FOR JT TO BE THIS LONG KM SK SORRY BUT I HAD TO FET THIS OUT LFMSOO hope ur feeling better soon!!! Don’t listen to stupid anons >:00 drink water eat food and sleep we love u!!!!! 🫶🫶
— 🌘 !
Aww it's okay anon!!! I love seeing people's thoughts and ideas about my fic!! One of my favorite things, actually. So share away!! I don't mind 💚 I am feeling a bit better. Taking it easy and taking care of myself too. Don't forget to take care of yourself too!!
Price definitely has the most potential for picking up fatherhood easily. He might be the most nervous at first, but he said in the fic he had considered settling down with an omega at one point, so his sudden fatherhood wouldn't be that big of a shock for him. He's definitely the most experienced, perhaps not with actual children, but he can lead a squad of soldiers through what are essentially suicide missions. He can handle a baby.
Gaz definitely is the most excited out of everyone for the baby. Reader definitely has to give him looks sometimes because he's reading the parenting books and looking up which furniture is the best and researching milestones. He's the most prepared out of all of them, or at least as prepared as one can be for a baby. And of course as soon as he sees the baby he's going to want one of his own. That's a given lol.
Johnny is definitely the fun uncle. The pups all love when he comes to visit. Gets them riled up and wears them out so they finally sleep 😂 That's definitely the only reason they don't complain about him getting them too excited. He'd definitely yearn for the quiet life after a while. He'd want to be there and be with his pack. He loves Simon, but he'd get tired after a while. He'd be welcomed back with open arms, just as Simon will when he eventually retires too.
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dadrockconfessions · 10 months
Searched for rockfanconfessions on here and got nothing. Spill the tea?
Alright so, some years ago, when I first started this blog back in 2016. There was this other confessions blog named Rockfanconfessions, which had general rock confessions like we kind of have ended up now. Me and my friends used to send the wildest shit there (mainly about Lou Reed) and it made them uncomfortable, which is the reason this blog exists today.
I do not know how true it is, but according to Tumblr lore, because it's all hush-hush, the reason for the disappearance of the blog was that the blog got a lot of confessions of this modern British forgettable band that imitated Queen, it's so forgettable that I don't even remember their name. And so apparently someone on their crew saw the confessions about how they were imitating Queen and then messaged the blog, which later ended up in them suing them or threatening to sue, so the blog was shortly after deleted! Weeks later the creator of the blog disappeared off of Tumblr as well, they were really vague about why the blog was deleted, but their friends spilled, and it was obvious this wasn't just because of the creator being bored of making confessions, cause they were obviously really passionate about their blog. But yeah that's the gist of it, as far as IK, if any other tumblrinas from like 2018, I think, remember more, please add onto this, cause it's my "Roman Empire" if you will! RIP Rockfanconfessions, you are dearly missed!
BTW, if you google "rockfanconfessions tumblr" you'll see some of their old posts!
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dungeonofthedragon · 5 months
Ttrpg Recs: my bookshelf!
I don't have that many games in physical form. But inspired by the lovely Dael Kingsmill's recent video, I want to do a little post about the ones I do own.
Animal Adventures by Steamforged Games
Animal Adventures is a third party setting for 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons. I picked up Secrets of Gullet Cove on clearance, and it's full of fun adventure hooks for a younger audience than usual for 5E. However, a member of my dnd group wants to run this at some stage, so it has a wider appeal among fans of cute critter rpgs too.
It's fairly easy to incorporate ideas from this book into your home games. A guest in my Strixhaven campaign wanted to play a character who had been transformed into a cat. The cat stats from this book fit right in with the other characters, who were all created using official 5E materials.
Fate Accelerated by Evil Hat
The first rpg I ever purchased! It's simple, streamlined, and flexible enough to run in any setting you can imagine. We'd planned to play 'card games in space' at one stage (after watching too much yu-gi-oh), and the system works as well for that as it does for urban fantasy, pirates, or magic schools. You can access the rules of this game for free at the link in the heading.
The main issue I ran into with Fate is that it uses a specialised set of dice called Fudge dice- but as long as you have a device that can download a dice app, you're good to go!
Girl By Moonlight by Evil Hat
I backed this one on Kickstarter. It's not the easiest book to navigate but, gosh, it's just so beautiful and the game is a great time once you get the hang of it! I ended up ordering five copies, because a bunch of my friends wanted the game too and Expensive International Shipping is more manageable if you split it. Tragic magical girls from the creators of Thirsty Sword Lesbians? It is just as excellent as I'd hoped.
Just the other week we played At the Brink of the Abyss using the core book and relevant one-session playkit. Transcendence is a great mechanic- players get to describe their character's unique transformation and feel powerful with the addition of new abilities! Our Midnight Quill was running around invisible for half the game. Raven's mother was knocked out with a well-flung shoe. It was very fun and very silly.
Girl By Moonlight is a Forged in the Dark game. If you're familiar with Blades in the Dark, Brinkwood, Court of Blades, or my own simplified fitd game Voidwalkers, the system is easily picked up.
Lex Arcana by Quality Games
Lex Arcana is an interesting one. It has a fascinating premise: a Roman empire that never fell, in a low-magic setting. I had a lot of fun running this as a short adventure for my classics-buff brother's birthday last year. However, the group agreed that it would be difficult to play this one long term.
This has nothing to do with the rules system, which has an enjoyable amount of crunch for those who like their games that way, but enough abstraction that running it was not a complete nightmare for a more narratively inclined GM such as myself. Rather, it was difficult for us to get past the fact that so many of its adventure modules involve you preventing indigenous populations from breaking away from the empire, often casting their spiritual views in a negative light.
I had an idea for a campaign called 'Enemies of the Empire', which involves the party having to go up against it, but we'll see if it ever comes to fruition.
Tales of Xadia by Fandom Tabletop
I love the Cortex system. I love systems that use dice pools, and my first experience with that was the Tales of Xadia playtest. I couldn't afford the full version when it released, and so I was very excited when I received it for my birthday last year in glorious hardcover!
Tales of Xadia is set in the world of the Dragon Prince (even if you're not into ttrpgs, the book is excellent for additional lore nuggets. For a year or more it was our best resource for what earthblood elves might look like.) It's a world of high magic, mages and assassins and bold warriors, imperious dragons and reclusive elves. And it's totally classless- score one for the fans of classless systems!
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riveriafalll · 2 months
OC introduction
Emmy Campbell (Winchester)
Emmy’s been going around my head lately, so I figured I’d share with you exactly who she is.
Emmy Campbell (born Emily Winchester) is the twin sister of Sam Winchester, raised alongside him by their older brother Dean on the road.
Being female, Emmy received way more shit from John than the boys did, and as such, saw through his platitudes and apologies far earlier than they did. The second Sam had been accepted at Stanford, Emmy put her plan into place to leave, asking Dean to come with her to start a life in a new city away from John. Dean refused, and she hasn’t spoken to him in the four years since she’d left.
The thing that I like most about my lore for Emmy is that she was raised by John as a boy. John, bastard that he was, would hate any reminders of Mary, and as such refuse to raise a daughter. Whenever they were in public, John referred to her as Michael, would only buy boys clothes and keep her hair short to make her as masculine as possible. When speaking to other hunters he always referred to his children as his sons, and when Emmy left, told everyone that his middle son was dead, which is why no one recognises Emmy as a Winchester.
The funny thing about this is that John (who was most certainly homophobic and transphobic) essentially raised his cis child as trans, which is just irony in the purest form. For the first eleven or so years of her life, Emmy wasn’t too bothered about being called a boy, but as she moved into puberty and started to feel more girly, she grew to hate being forced to present that way, wanting to grow out her hair and wear proper clothes. Both Dean and Sam helped her do this in secret, having “girls nights” when John was away, painting nails and teaching themselves how to use extensions. Being able to mess around with femininity actually helped Dean feel more masculine (speed run character development lets go), and made Sam surprisingly popular with the girls at Stanford, seeing as he was able to keep up with a conversation about hair and nails.
Once Emmy left, she moved to New Orleans (I’m ignoring the time it takes to travel anywhere since canon does that as well), with a vague idea of opening up a shop selling things to help hunters.
Four years later, she has one of the most extensive hunter networks in America, owns a shop specialising in the Occult, which does under the table deals for Hunters, selling weapons, IDs and information. Most of her friends think she’s part of the mafia, she thinks this is hilarious and does nothing to dissuade them of the notion. She’s managed to speed run connections in the show, having found the Road House years before Dean ever did, and is the richest of the three Winchester’s.
She and Sam are in constant contact, Emmy visiting Stanford every few months (she gives the shovel talk to Jessica and then promptly decides they are best friends). Dean calls her every couple of weeks, but after the first few months, when it becomes clear Emmy isn’t going to pick up, he starts leaving voicemails instead. Emmy listens to every one, but refuses to call him back.
Since they are Winchester’s, none of them communicate with each other, and so neither Sam nor Emmy know that neither of them are in contact with Dean. They both think that the other is calling at least every few months, but in reality Dean hasn’t heard from either of them.
Emmy doesn’t want to see Dean at all, and she has no plans to, right up until the day she gets a call from Sam, saying that their dad is missing and Dean wants their help.
Just one last weekend, she promises herself, then she’s done. Spoiler: it’s not just one weekend
(Also lesbian!Emmy is my Roman Empire, she flirts with half the demons and more than half the women they encounter, much more successfully than Dean, might I add)
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kylekozmikdeluxo · 11 months
CW: sexuality, queerphobia
Disclaimer: What's to follow does not apply to all asexuals, this is me speaking from my experiences.
The acephobes, and just about anyone who can't stand any and all letters of the "alphabet mafia", are at it again. Attacking Yasmin Benoit once more. Who is Yasmin Benoit, you may ask? A British asexual model and advocate, often seen wearing lingerie and other such sexy outfits, often looking absolutely hot.
Those who don't understand asexuality and other such things are constantly hammering her, asking aloud how someone can be asexual yet dress and pose like that.
Acephobes are pretty stupid, yes, but... even if they tried, which is asking a lot from them, I'd almost argue that they probably couldn't even begin to comprehend what our brains are like lol. Especially since we're all very different, and I feel our sexuality and our way of navigating this is very... Layered and complex? Are those the words I'm looking for?
Again, this is all from my experience, as someone who held back their weird-ass ways for so many years and am just recently really uncorking all of it.
Like to describe it to someone, I feel like I'm trying to explain - painstakingly - a very dense and esoteric arthouse movie. Or something like that. But when I feel it, I feel it. I comprehend it thoroughly, but I can't spell it out for you so easily.
What am I getting at? Well, some of us asexuals are capable of being aroused, being regularly horny even, and also are capable of having intercourse AND even reproduction... And you may think "Asexual? Doesn't that mean NOT sexual? NO intercourse? NO feelings?"
It's complex. Even I sometimes try to figure it out, even though I know full well that I am not straight. When I'm on the wavelength, I just know it... I can't describe it on command. I'd need to take a week to write an essay on it.
I'll get a little bit specific, if not a bit confusing. I can definitely be aroused, but it's not in the way straight people are.
Either it's a fetish that's part of the picture, or a weird sort of "situational" thing. Like I'm more attracted to the ideas, the personality, the psychological aspect you could say. Circumstances, even. Again, situational. More so than just purely the body, or specific organs. Like, you could throw a total "bombshell" at me. All done up, big knockers, nice ass, what's down there, etc.... And... Well, nothing. Really... I'm kinda sex-repulsed, but could likely get it on in another way, through another route. And this is just the tip of my iceberg. My lore. My Roman Empire, you could say.
I usually put it this way. I'm a bit B, a bit T, a bit Q, a bit A... Maybe even a bit I...
(They write, as they're working on a story that's more or less just them grappling with their own queerness, including the A part.)
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curiouskitchenwitch · 5 years
A Page From My Grimoire
Hello! I’ve been wanting to do more original content on this blog so I thought I’d share a page from my grimoire that I finished today. It’s all the information about lavender from growing, to preserving, to culinary, medicinal, and magical uses.
I’ve put it under the cut since it’s a little long. Let me know if you find this sort of thing helpful/enjoyable! For practical gardening info, I used almanac.com.
Lavender (English Lavender)
Basic Information
Scientific Name: Lavandula angustifolia
Plant Family: Mint
Climate: Hardy to Zone 5
Soil: Poor or moderately fertile. Keep away from wet, moist areas. pH from 6.0 to 7.5
Sun: Prefer full sun, but could manage partial shade with the right variety.
Growing season: Early spring through summer
Edibility/Warnings: Non-Toxic for both pets and humans
Planting: Plants can grow anywhere from 1-3ft tall, so make sure there’s adequate room. Plant lavender 2 to 3 feet apart. Plant in the early spring as the soil is warming up
Caretaking: Water once or twice a week after planting until plants are established. Water mature plants every two to three weeks until buds form, then once or twice weekly until harvest.
Companion Plants: Echinacea, Aster, Sedum, Wild indigo, Baby’s breath, Drought tolerant roses
Harvest and Storage: Harvest in the morning hours when the oils are the most concentrated. Cut the lavender a few inches above the woody growth at the base of the stems. Use twine or twist ties to gather the stalks in bunches and hang the bunches upside down off of hooks or nails. Use a slipknot to tie them since the bundle will shrink while drying. Hang it upside down to dry in a cool, dark spot in your home or dry it outside on screens in the sun. The latter method affects the color of the dried lavender, since time in the sun will lighten it.
Culinary, Medicinal, and Practical Uses
Flowers and leaves can be used fresh and both buds and stems can be used dried. Lavender has a delicate floral flavor that is good for making sweets, flavored sugars, or teas. 
Lavender has multiple medicinal uses. It has been proven effective as an antiseptic, antibiotic, and antifungal so lavender oil can be used topically to treat minor cuts and burns. Lavender is also used to relieve anxiety and treat insomnia. Insomnia and anxiety can be treated both with the consumption of lavender and with aromatherapy using lavender, but more evidence has been found for the efficacy of consuming lavender (in a tea, for example) for these conditions. Some research has shown that consuming lavender tea can help with digestive issues and headaches, possibly because of some anti-inflammatory properties.
Because lavender is used as a soporific, be careful of consuming it when already taking any kind of sedative or medication that has drowsiness as a side effect.
The chemical compounds that cause its strong scent also make lavender an effective insect repellent. Thus, lavender sachets can be used to repel moths.
Correspondances: Mercury, Air, Masculine, love, healing, sleep, purification
Lavender is an herb native to northern Africa and the Mediterranean mountains. Due to its strong, pleasing scent, lavender has historically been used to perfume bathwater and laundry even as far back as the Roman empire. Its name even comes from the latin “lavare" meaning to wash. This tradition follows it into the modern day as lavender continues to be extremely popular for bath products and aromatherapy. Lavender is considered a cleansing herb, so it is a good option to use as an asperging herb. When dried, it can also be burned to cleanse an area. Traditionally, scattering lavender flowers was used to ward off evil spirits and some believe having lavender planted around your yard will do the same.
Lavender has a long history of use, and, accordingly, its correspondences are many and varied. Aside from purification, it is associated with healing due to its natural antiseptic properties, so lavender in spellwork can be used to grant good health. Its calming smell associates it with sleep and peace so lavender spell sachets for sleep and sweet dreams are not uncommon. The scent was also appreciated for more sensual reasons than simply being a soporific, so lavender is also associated with love and used in spellwork to attract love.
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(Not my art, but in public domain. Artist signature in corner)
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duhragonball · 6 years
Dragon Ball Z 011
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Hot damn!   It’s time for Terror on Arlia!   This is probably one of the best filler episodes ever.   It’s like, the driver’s ed episode, the Goku vs. Pikkon fight, and this.    I’m not sure how I’d rank them, but maybe I’ll work on that sometime later.
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First off, some time has passed once again since the last episode.  Now, Gohan is strong enough that the dinosaur that keeps attacking him is no longer a threat.  
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Gohan just calmly runs away from it, then jumps right before he runs into a boulder, and the dinosaur hits it instead.
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Then he hacks off a piece of the dinosaur’s tail while it’s stunned.   Again.   Gohan’s apparently been doing this for a while now, and he warns the dinosaur that it’ll run out of tail at the rate they’re going.   The message is simple: Don’t eat Gohan’s friends.
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Gohan has also figured out how to make his own ki blasts, which is pretty high-level stuff.   His ki may only be powerful enough to start a fire, but it’s way more than most of the other characters could have done at age four.
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Meanwhile, Bulam, Krillin, and Yamcha are looking for Tien and Chiaotzu.   Or maybe they’re just talking about looking for them now that they have Yamcha.   I’m pretty sure the Gohan scenes are taking place over the course of several weeks, while these Z-Warrior scenes are supposed to be playing out over the course of a single day.  Even if it really is taking this long to find Tien, why would Krillin and Yamcha be with her for the whole search?   They’d be better off heading to Kami’s Lookout, so they can start training for the Saiyans.
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Speaking of Tien, Launch is on the run from the cops for stealing a bunch of money for Tien.
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She eludes the police with a grenade launcher.
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So she escapes with the loot.   Most of it anyway, a lot spilled out of the back while she was being chased.
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But never mind that, here comes Vegeta.   He and Nappa are on their way to Earth, and they set their space pods to put them in stasis for the year-long journey, but Vegeta programmed it to wake them up at a certain point along the way, so they could get out and stretch their legs. 
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Seems he found a planet along their course for Earth, and since the Saiyans conquer planets to sell for profit, he sees this as a way to make some nice profit on the side.  This seems a bit out of character for Vegeta, given what we learn about him later on.   I would think that the Planet Trade business is just something he puts up with until he can find a way to get out of it.    So it’s not that he wouldn’t want to take a pit stop on the way to Earth, but I doubt it would be to score some extra cash.
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Anyway, Nappa just wants to get out of the pod and move around a bit, so he’s up for anything.   
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And here’s the lucky planet they’re going to.   It’s called Arlia, and it looks really crappy, even from a distance.  There was an episode of Mythbusters where they tested the futility of polishing a turd, and it ended up with them making piles of dung into spheres.    That’s what Arlia looks like. 
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The planet actually manages to look even worse up close.   I don’t know if the boys meant to set down in a desolate area like this, but I always got the impression that most of the planet looks like this, so they didn’t have much choice.   Vegeta concedes that they probably won’t find a buyer for Arlia after all.   I figure this is the sort of planet a Space Trillionaire would buy, but only because he wants to feel like a Space Quadrillionaire.
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Suddenly these big bug people show up.    I don’t know why they’re so much bigger than Nappa, when the rest of the Arlians we see are not.   There’s a lot we don’t know about the Arlians, and we’ll probably never know.    They threaten to arrest the Saiyans and take them to King Moai.
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Nappa’s eager to fight them, but Vegeta orders him to stand down for the moment, since he wants to see this Moai guy for himself.    I guess he figures the planets’ leader would be in a more advance (read: valuable) location, which would give Vegeta a better idea of what Arlia has to offer. 
Notable, this is the first indication of Saiyans using telepathy.   Goku uses it later on, and we’ve already seen Master Roshi, Crane Hermit, Korin, and Kami use it, but it always seemed to be this mystical thing that only wise old martial artists could do.    Oh yeah, and King Piccolo could telepathically communicate with his offspring.  
I guess what I find interesting about this instance is that Vegeta uses it rather casually, when he could just as easily whisper to Nappa, or maybe use some nonverbal gesture to get his point across.    The point here may be to indicate just how scary-powerful Vegeta is, but the thing about Vegeta is that anything we see him do can be applied to every other Saiyan character.   If Master Roshi can read minds, it sort of stops there.   If Vegeta can communicate telepathically, that means Nappa, Raditz, Goku, and Gohan can too, along with every other Saiyan character that hasn’t been introduced yet.   Vegeta might be the only one who knows how at this point, but that’s just a matter of skill.
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So here’s Moai’s stronghold, and guess what, it’s also a dump.   I’m not complaining about the artwork, mind you.    This scenery is breathtaking.   The twin suns sort of make this look like a face, with the clouds forming a furrowed brow.   It’s like the Arlians’ god is looking down on the castle, and he’s not happy with what he’s seeing.  
Also, while Moai’s fortress looks moderately impessive, it’s surrounded by absolutely nothing.   What happened on this planet?   My guess is that it was ruined by centuries of war, but it’s also possible that the Arlians prefer it like this. 
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Vegeta and Nappa are taken to a dungeon, which looks like something from a Prince Valiant comic.    This is the paradox of Arlia, because it looks like the Arlians are generally familiar with alien visitors, implying that they’ve been exposed to advanced technologies, but their own world is backward and medieval.    They don’t even seem interested in the Saiyans’ ships or their scouters.   And they lock them up behind a wooden gate.    And why do they carry swords when they all seem to have some sort of red mouth laser? 
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While they wait, the Saiyans meet Atla, one of the native Arlians who’s been imprisoned by Moai.   Well, “meet” may not be the right word.   Atla just starts introducing himself and explaining the backstory while they stand silently and face in his general direction.  
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From Atla’s words, it sounds to me like Moai took over the planet fairly recently, perhaps after a long civil war that killed anyone more qualified to rule.  Unconcerned with actually governing his people, Moai just does whatever he pleases, using his unlimited power to enforce his whims.   So there’s a good chance that the planet looks like a dump because of his indifference. 
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I dig this sort of thing, because it reminds me of the decline of the Western Roman Empire, where the emperors eventually became little more than figureheads backed by strong military leaders.   Over time, the Roman armies became supplemented by foreign mercenaries, until eventually the top generals were all foreign mercenaries, and eventually they just dispensed with the figureheads and started ruling Italy outright.    I get the impression that the emperors didn’t particularly care that their domain was being usurped by outsiders, because as long as they were comfortable in their palaces then everything was fine. 
There’s kind of a similar pattern in the Bible, where you see David and Solomon’s descendants slowly letting the Kingdom of Israel decline.    Rehoboam’s arrogance caused the kingdom to split in two, and while there were a few good kings who embraced piety and reform, a lot of wicked kings abandoned the principles that made their reigns possible.   They worshipped idols and did whatever they liked, and then eventually they found themselves surrounded by powerful enemies.   The later kings were reduced to vassals, but they didn’t seem too concerned about that as long they got to sit in their palaces and pretend everything was okay.
Atla laments that now Moai is capturing space aliens on top of oppressing his own people, which suggests that Moai only sees his rule as a right to oppress other people for his own amusement.  
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I wrote about this episode some time back, comparing Arlia to Westeros from Game of Thrones, or A Song of Ice and Fire or whatever the hell it’s supposed to be called.   I’ve never read the books because I need that time to liveblog anime, but everything I’ve heard about it suggests that the whole story is about some backwater planet full of medieval fantasy tropes, and all the leaders are corrupt, venal idiots who only stay in charge because they’re protected by bullshit laws and traditions, or because they’re better at the endless palace intrigue that goes on in the story.   There’s one kingdom that was ruled by a Draco Malfoy clone, and another run by a guy who hunts naked women for sport, and I think some character keeps fetuses in jars for no apparent reason.    I get the impression that a lot of the books is just George R.R. Martin trying to use shock value to pad things out.   That and lore.   If Tom Clancy and Howard Stern co-wrote Lord of the Rings, you might have something pretty similar to Game of Thrones. 
What I’m trying to say here is that Moai seems to just sit around all day watching his subjects fight each other for his own amusment.   He forced Atla’s betrothed, Lemlia, to be his queen (she’s the pink bug lady in the back), and he has soldiers just roaming the wastelands in search of new prisoners to mess with.   His men captured real live space aliens and he’s like “Oh goody!   Bring them before me, because I actually believe they’ll respect the idiotic rules that keep me in power.”    I’m pretty sure this is exactly what King Draco Malfoy Clone would do in this situation.
He looks and talks and acts like a complete buffoon, and he’s just begging for some hero to come along and punch him in the mouthparts.    Except Atla’s in the dungeon, and some other, more competent hero must have gotten killed off three books ago (cf. A Sleet of Testicles).
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And this is what I love about this episode.    Vegeta (along with Nappa, of course) are sort of being put into this role of traveling heroes who enter a tyrant’s domain and set things right.    They’re certainly powerful enough to do it, but we already know that’s not what they’re here for.  
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Vegeta kills all the gladiators and informs Moai that he only let himself be captured just to get this close to the king.    It astonishes me that Moai needs to have this explained to him.    He’s so used to having his own way that it never dawned on him that anyone could use his arrogance against him.
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Nappa strikes his classic pose and kills all the guards.
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Then Moai summons an even bigger bug creature named Yedi.  Nappa asks permission from Vegeta to handle this one, which I think is a nice touch. 
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Nappa rips off Yedi’s finger and licks the monster blood off his face.    Nappa’s awesome.   He’s just havin’ a good old time.
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I forget why now, but rocks start falling, probably because Vegeta’s powers cause the ceiling to break apart.    Moai takes cover behind his throne...
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...but a rock ends up killing him anyway.  I woudn’t think that’s a vital area, but what do I know about Arlian anatomy?    It’s kind of fitting that Moai should die like this, in his own throne room/gladiator arena, cowering behind his throne.   He thought it would protect him like it always had done in the past, but in the end he met a power that didn’t respect anything he had accomplished.   The Saiyans ignored his royal robes and saw only a fool, and so he died a fool.
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Atla shows up and praises the Saiyans or liberating his planet from Moai’s tyranny.   You know, he could have followed them up here and helped out.   They were all in the same cell, and Vegeta and Nappa destroyed the door and killed all the guards, so what took him so long?
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The Saiyans just sort of look at him, and then they get back in their spaceships.
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I’m not sure why they even bother flying across the surface.   Maybe they’re still surveying the planet, but it’s a crappy planet no matter what angle you view it from.    At last, Vegeta gives up and they head back into space.
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But before they leave, he gets out of his ship and decides to leave a going-away present.    How does Vegeta breathe in space?  That’s one way you can tell which ones are filler scenes.   They usually play faster and looser with this sort of thing.   
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On the surface, Atla and Lemlia are reunited at last, and it looks like everything’s going to be okay from now on, thanks to those two heroic aliens who...
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LOL JK, Vegeta blew up the whole planet.  
What’s so great about this is that Arlia kind of deserved to die.   Not in the strictest narrative sense, but from a metanarrative viewpoint, it was just a really dumb planet.   Any world that could fall under Moai’s rule probably didn’t have much longer to live anyway, and it’s almost like Vegeta put it out of it’s misery.    I’m not suggesting any of this rationalizes Vegeta’s actions.    This is a horrible, horrible crime, and Vegeta did it like it was nothing to him.   He’s done far worse things with even less compunction.
Even so, he’s not Arlia’s villain, he’s Dragon Ball’s villain, so it’s just satisfying to watch him squash some crappy filler planet that had no redeeming value to the story.   It’s like watching your favorite bad guy wrestler clobber your least favorite good guy wrestler.  
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And the narrator sums it up very neatly.    This is what’s headed for Earth.    The Saiyans destroyed Arlia like it was nothing, and what can Earth do to avoid a similar fate?    Z stands for The End.  
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But not yet.   Not yet.
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madd-men · 6 years
So, in our world-building, I figured it to be essential to discuss religion. As you may have noticed, in each of my character profilesbI noted the specific religion that they follow, but I also noted that Jax is basically a self-made god, even though he does not have divine lineage other than being the son of an Alpha. This implies that there are gods in this world and it brings up the question of which gods exist and how do they live in conjunction with any other god from any other religion or even gods that I may invent myself.
Personally, I am an agnostic atheist. I don’t personally follow any religion, but I believe that there is Something out there whatever that something may be. The reason I do not follow organized religion is because I hold the belief that gods are made by humans with the idea that if people actually legitimately believe in something strongly enough, we have the power to bring it into existence. So, gods exist when humans believe them and not just in their imagination, either. I’m not saying that the gods are fake or don’t exist, just that they exist differently for different people and different cultures with different belief systems. There is a realm of the gods, where the gods reside and they are borne into when enough people believe in them to give them life and they die when they are forgotten or they do not have enough followers to continue living because they get their strength from those worship, follow, and believe in them. This is the kind of ideal that I want to implement for whatever this world that I’m creating is; that no one is necessarily wrong and no one religion invalidates the other. 
Touching on the gods dying part, Jax follows the Sumero-Akkadian gods. Even though he was not necessarily born during that era, when Sumer and Akkadia existed in their prime, it is what he was taught and what his parents grew up with and what they were taught and so on and so forth. Those gods are long dead, simply because there is not enough left to believe in them and Jax knows this very, very well so why does he still continue to worship them? Why is religion still such a big part of his life, even though he knows that they will never fulfill his desires or listen to his prayers? They are not the gods who will bless his crops with rain or help his dead family and friends pass over into the afterlife easily, nor does he want them to be. One man cannot restore hundreds of gods to their former glory and he knows this. They simply bring him comfort and remind him of who he is.
Even though I casually toss around years that are in the hundreds or thousands: realistically, even two weeks or a month or a year is a really long time consisting of hundreds of experiences and chances and learning opportunities. To put myself in his shoes and imagine 3,000 years is both terrifying and more than I am able to physically comprehend. Jax lived through the Greek empires, the Roman Empire, the Chinese and Japanese dynasties, the Byzantium empire, the Mongols, the Aztecs, the Mayans, the Incas. He lived through Egypt and all of the great African empires; the Silk Road and the Transatlantic Slave Trade and everything that brought us to where we are today. He saw the world grow in 8 different realities, with hundreds of species and dynasties and decisions. He watched his entire family, both biological and chosen die many, many times over and it is my firm belief that if he does not have something to anchor him down in this flood of emotion and happenstance and experience, he will lose sight of who he was and who he used to be and why he is here. 
Thanks for the existential crisis! Tomorrow, we’ll finally get into the lore!
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fireandgloryrpg · 7 years
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Congratulations Kcat and welcome! We’re so happy to accept your application to play Adriana Caninii with the faceclaim of Phoebe Tonkin in Fire & Glory RPG! We can’t wait to begin roleplaying with you so please remember to look over our checklist! 
Name: Kcat Age: 21 – April 04 Timezone: EST
Activity: I am both a senior year undergraduate student and an officer for my university’s ambassadors, so as I’m sure you’ll understand, I’m very busy. However, roleplay is my go-to stress reliever. I can typically manage to get on two to four nights a week and drill through replies. If things get extra crazy in real life, I’ll be sure to let you lovely admins know and request a hiatus if need be. Anything Else?: I HAVE MISSED ALL YOU LOVELY FUCKERS WHAT’S UP GUYS!!! MAN IT FEELS GOOD TO BE BACK ;D
Name: Adriana Caninii Age and Birthday: 24 years, 31 March 1993 Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin, Tay Jardine Heritage: Daughter of Mars, Legacy of Invidia Affiliation: Centurion of the Fourth Cohort, Cult of Romulus
Abilities: (omg pls erase my ramblings if/when you post because I just wanted to be super clear with each of these so that nothing came of as godmoddy because I would NEVER make that the intention :3 just throw your questions and stuff at me. y'all know i’m a real chill pill)
From Mars
telumkinesis: natural mastery of all weapons; ability to curse the weapons of opponents
odikinesis: can enhance or induce rage, hate, fear, and intimidation; can dispel “battle jitters” from others
From Invidia
Invidia is said to be the Roman name for Nemesis. In the PJO canon, Nemesis claims that she is known by the same name by both the Greeks and the Romans because revenge and justice is universal – which isn’t wrong. However, in much of Roman mythology, while Invidia is still associated with Nemesis, she is also seen as an independent goddess, one who differs than the Greek version of Nemesis in that she is primarily the goddess of envy and vengeance, along with the standard Nemesis’ qualities of revenge and justice. Invidia itself was a power that the Romans feared. Literally their term for envy, after winning a great battle, Roman soldiers would use talismans to protect themselves from Invidia, and for good reason. Envy was a sickness that could lead soldiers to craving more battles, more victories, and in their desirable wake, cause great harm in their pursuit of excessive glory. It could also turn the best of men into animals, friends turned enemies in conflict over a lover, a treasure, recognition. Invidia is also a goddess associated with the evil eye – like Nemesis’ ability to speak of one’s fate, only Invidia typically embodies the darker side of fate, bringing about her justice through curses, indirect manipulation, and supposedly even a little bit of “black magic.” (but far less on the magic bit, obviously)
Adriana’s mother is a daughter of Invidia, and as such, some of her powers have transferred down to Adriana, albeit at a lesser strength, variety, and level than in the case of her parent.
fascinare: ability to bewitch a person into an envious state with the express purpose of inducing conflict between that individual and others (this ability would take a bit of a toll on Adriana. Historically, it’s an actual power that the Romans feared, like invidia. It’s the sort of curse that plants a little seed of envy in someone’s heart. The caster, again, has no say over what results from this. They’re just drawing out what envious emotions a person might have deep down in the hopes that coaxing those emotions out will allow them to fester into a full-blown conflict by the affected’s hands. It’s not a quick process, but a slow one, and the results vary widely depending on the person. If they’re truly good at heart and generous, for example, this ability really wouldn’t affect them. It’s just stirring up what’s already there and what happens depends entirely on the individual and their pre-existing personal issues)  
poison tongue: venom can cast fascinare or cause mild nausea and dizziness (rarely unconsciousness) via a kiss (okay literally this amused me so much and I was dying to test it out as an ability. In a lot of lore, Invidia is said to have a tongue that’s actually poisonous – likely due to the fact that her symbolic animal is a snake – but obviously, that’s a little extreme for demigods and especially for legacies so I’ve watered it down to this – for one, Adriana would obviously have to engage in mouth to mouth contact to make this work (how awkward and uncomfortable for her lmao), and thus she realllly isn’t too fond of it. She’d have to use this in order cast any sort of fascinare power, but additionally, it could be used to disorient someone – as if a sudden unexpected kiss from a daughter of Mars isn’t disorienting enough – it’s not likely to cause someone to pass out unless Adri has to commit for some reason because it’s absolutely necessary. We’re basically talking a delirious effect, not so different from the dizziness and disorientation of being significantly drunk, and it doesn’t last very long. Maybe five minutes, ten if she’s lucky. If she can get along without having to use this ability, she will. It’s more of a dire need for escape sort of trick)
The Influence of Luna
Both Adriana and her cousin, Fergus Fitzgerald, share the same traces of blood from the goddess Luna via their great-grandfather, Aulus Caninii, a son of Luna. Of the two of them, it’s Fergus that is most affected if only due to his heritage as a son of Oceanus, as the sea and moon have always been closely aligned in the ebb and flow of the tides. For Adriana, this heritage brings little more than a slight influence of mood and preference for time of day. She is, by nature, more of a night person than a day person. Early mornings are especially miserable, but years in the Legion and the formation of a daily 5AM running habit have helped her to combat this fact. She feels her best and strongest at the apex of the full moon and her crummiest and most fatigued at the apex of the new moon. Unless someone was meticulously attentive to Adriana’s day-to-day patterns or had been told of this heritage by Adriana herself, it is highly unlikely they would recognize this behavior as anything of note. As such, Adriana does not claim outright to be a legacy of Luna because her effect on the daughter of Mars’ blood is so minimal.
Ancient lineage and political powers aside, the Caninii are well-known for their talent of dog training. In the age of the Roman Empire, dogs were common companions beside men in battle. Adriana’s family has continued this tradition with pride. The Legion’s ‘war dogs’ are held at a training kennel near the stables in Camp Jupiter. Renzo, Adriana’s half-brother, is currently responsible for their training and upkeep, but Adriana often steps in to assist. She has only fully trained one dog thus far, and that is Septimus, her German Shepherd and inseparable partner.
Adriana’s most prized possession is her longsword, an heirloom that has been in her family for generations. At its original forging, the sword was named Servatrix, but Adriana has developed her own conventions and opinions that oppose a number of the Caninii’s long-held beliefs, and has subsequently changed its name to Grayclaw. The blade is forged of an imperial gold and silver alloy. The fusion of metals takes away from their overall effects, but provides the advantage of having both lethal elements on hand.
Born to Livia of the family Caninii, Adriana has wealth, respect, and an ancient bloodline that has inevitably determined her future. She was raised in New Rome by her grandfather, who filled her head with tales of the great achievements of her forefathers as soon as she was old enough to understand them. He is a charismatic and brilliant man, but this family patriarch holds his kin to strict expectations.
Gaius made it clear to Adriana that she would be responsible for upholding their family’s glory and reputation. From an early age, the young Roman knew who she was and what she could do. She trained for hours each day in combat, weaponry, war strategy, Roman history – whatever was necessary to educate her as a proper soldier. But while these lessons came naturally to her, Adriana was wary of how her grandfather was crafting her to his ideals. Gaius is a Roman Senator, not a family man. He has political desires and an indomitable ambition. While he holds his advantages close, he is not inclined to treasure them. Adriana, like her family namesake, is a dog. Albeit a well-bred one. Gaius showed her off and trained her to be obedient, to come when called and to strike at his order. But Adriana was, and remains, resilient. Years of observing her grandfather’s tactics led her to develop some skills on her own. His little warrior learned how to play false appearances. Whenever Gaius was confident that his guidance was building toward his desired end, Adriana fed his belief, keeping her conflicting feelings and opinions to herself.
By the time she arrived at Camp Jupiter, Adriana was a hardened fighter. With high commendations from Gaius and several other elite members of New Rome’s society, she was assigned to the First Cohort. The rigorous training of the First not only developed the skills that she already possessed, but also nourished her true personality – something her grandfather had sought to suppress in order to maintain his control. Adriana is loyal yet independent, studious yet audacious, valiant, and though ruthless, fair. She’s not the type of person to judge at first glance and believes strongly in second chances.
But, when the Argo II attacked New Rome, the resulting damage shook the daughter of Mars into believing that her grandfather had been right all along – you can’t trust a graecus. The Battle at Half-Blood Hill had robbed Adriana of friends and allies, leaving her with a deepening malice toward their East Coast counterparts. She viewed the unification as a betrayal to those that she had lost and refused to stand for it.
Adriana’s change in attitude did not go unnoticed. Gaius picked up on the shift in his granddaughter and sought to seize the opportunity it presented. One night, he drew her away from camp and introduced her to the secret society lurking beneath the streets of New Rome. When she emerged early the next morning, Adriana was not only the dedicated soldier she had always been, but also the Cult of Romulus’ newest inductee.
Shortly after her induction, Adriana was appointed Centurion of the Fourth Cohort. The office suited her well. It gave her a chance to improve the skills of some of the Legion’s less popular legionnaires and, with the cohort’s sizable inclusion of Greeks, to keep an eye on the activities of the foreigners. However, as months of leadership turned to years, Adriana came to realize that despite the few upsets between the camps, the transfers from Camp Half-Blood weren’t actually all that different from the demigods of the Legion. They showed no signs of plotting against New Rome and Adriana had even begun to grow fond of them – Imagine that! A member of the Cult getting friendly with the enemy? She was lucky that her Cult companions passed it off as keeping their enemies close. Even so, the Cult tightened their grip on the daughter of Mars. She could hardly take a breath without them taking note. That leash has loosened since then, but Adriana is still walking a perilously thin line.
Adriana was seduced into the Cult of Romulus by their power and promises of reformation at a time when it seemed impossible to hold anything but malice toward the Greeks – a malice that she no longer possesses, a power that she doesn’t need, and a reformation that isn’t necessary. The true battle is not against one another but against the monsters and deific powers that threaten their livelihood. How could the city’s darker powers not see that the Roman demigods and their Greek counterparts are a far more formidable force together than divided? To the war strategist ingrained in in Adriana’s bones, this is common sense.
Adriana’s knowledge of the Cult’s existence coupled with her opposing opinions is a loaded gun. If she could drop out of the Cult she would do so in a heartbeat, but you can’t just leave a cult. Especially not one so prominent and powerful as the Cult of Romulus. They have ways of keeping their wayward members in line, as she already knows, and speaking against them publicly – or worse, revealing them – would be suicide. Adriana is doing her best to remain a neutral party in quiet defiance, but not all the Cult’s demands are so easy to ignore…
Yet while she keeps to the shadows in her disagreement with the Cult, the daughter of Mars has not been as subtle in regards to her kin. The Caninii clan’s esoteric convictions and unjust manipulation for personal gain have built them an empire within New Rome, but the power they wield is abusive and Adriana won’t have it. Wielding her status as the single direct descendant in her family line and the next head as she would a weapon, Adriana is determined to reshape the conventions of her house. If put toward good rather than gain, the wealth and influence of her family could be an avenue for positive change, but Adriana is a warrior, not a politician; and without allies and support, she can’t expect to enforce any alterations to her kin’s ancient dynasty anytime soon.          
For now, Adriana is treading lightly. Balance isn’t easily maintained – anyone with Invidia or Nemesis’ blood in their veins knows that all too well. However, with the right pressures, sharpest moves, and great patience, fate can sometimes be swayed in one’s favor. Adriana does her best to be an honorable leader and a fierce soldier, appearing ever the pure, loyal Roman until she has her chance to tear away from the destiny that has been fashioned for her all her life. And when she finally gets it, she’ll do what she does best. Fight.
Para Sample (idek what this is lmao I tried):  
Adriana’s senses went to the wayside as she stood in the midst of the crowd. The heavy beat of the music that projected from the stage pulsed across the field, stoking the spectators’ energy in the late night hour. At the high volume of the rock band’s set and the surrounding exclamations of enjoyment, hearing anything else beyond the event was nigh impossible. Adriana had gotten swept up in the tide of it all. With a beer in her hand and a friend at her side, she couldn’t imagine a better evening; and she didn’t want to, because as soon as she wished it, her fun was likely to end. The Fates were relentless pranksters in that way.
The concert had been Dani’s idea. The Second Cohort legionnaire had snatched the centurion to the side between training sessions and to lay out their plan for a brief escape. Adriana, always willing to step outside the boundaries of her lifelong home, had eagerly accepted. She could always rely on the legacy of Hades to come up with the most entertaining – and sneakiest – schemes. It didn’t even matter to Adriana that she wasn’t familiar with the band. Between the political stuffiness of New Rome and the responsibilities of Legion leadership, the supposed demigod sanctuary could become a suffocating environment. Adriana would take any opportunity to step aside, let loose, be herself, and just breathe.
So there she was, jumping up and down among a mob of strangers and releasing her pent up stress through a non-violent outlet. As the music tapered down for the band’s transition into the next song, the daughter of Mars took a moment to rest, chuckling through panting breaths at the dark-haired person beside her. “You’re right,” she grinned. “They’re not bad.”
“Not bad?” The legacy of Hades scoffed in mock hurt. “For all the trouble it took to bring you out here, you would claim that these beautiful, Muse-embodied humans are not bad?” Dani clicked their tongue disapprovingly. “Remind me never to invite you to join me on my ventures again.”
Adriana shook her head at the short legionnaire. Despite being the sage, Dani was a good six inches smaller than her, at the least. Not that their height made them any less ferocious. Dani was a wild soul and Adriana admired her temperament greatly. “Hey, don’t look at me,” she shrugged with an indifferent look down at the other. “You’re the one who took me out to see a band I’ve never heard of in my life. It’s not my fault I don’t have a reference to judge their music.”
Dani groaned through an exasperated sigh. “Fiiiiine. You’re excused.” Around them, the fresh beat of a new song began to shake the ground. “You’re lucky I like you, Romaíos.”
Adriana had taken that line as the close to their conversation, ready to sink back into the sounds and the madness, but just as she was teetering on the height of that edge, a pulse beneath her feet caught her off guard. No one else appeared to have felt it even though it was off beat to the rest of the tune, and there was a telltale prickling sensation that ran down the centurion’s spine. She stopped moving, eyes attentive, feeling focused, and again felt the thump resonate across the ground. In an instant, entertainment had turned to vigilance.
“Dani, stop.” Adriana reached out and placed a firm hand on the Greek’s shoulder.
Dani hesitated a brief moment before they complied. They pouted up at the Roman and opened their mouth to object, but then they felt it too, right down to their bones. The lightheartedness faded from their expression and a hand ventured toward the holster strapped to their thigh in preparation. “Where is it? Do you see anything?” they asked as their honey-colored eyes swept around them – which achieved nothing considering their height.
Adriana fiddled with the ring brace that lived on her right middle finger, sharp eyes piercing through and over the people around them. “I don’t know… it’s pretty hard to see around– wait.” Out of the corner of her eye, Adriana caught a flash of movement. Nothing concrete, but when spotting shadows, it was usually best to assume it was something rather than leave it be and get stabbed in the back for it. “Come on,” she stepped in front of Dani, starting to lead them out of the crowd.
Not seconds prior to the two of them stepping onto open ground, a guttural screech cut through the air. Both demigods snapped their heads to the left and were greeted by the misfortunate sight of a scorpion with a van-sized body. “Every fucking time…” Adriana growled under her breath and swept her thumb over the side of her ring, cueing the accessory to spin around her finger and break off. It extended into a hilt and a blade which she twirled in her hand with practiced ease. In a similar fashion, Dani equipped themself with a pair of curved knives. Adriana looked over to them and the pair shared a silent transfer of information. They knew each other well enough by now to coordinate their attacks without the distraction of words.
I take front, you take back?
Yeah, let’s go.
At Dani’s finalizing nod, Adriana turned to the monster and grabbed its attention with a high-pitched whistle. “Hey ugly!” The beast hissed, shuffling around on its spindly legs to lock eyes with the young warrior. “This what you’re looking for?” She stepped forward once with arms spread to taunt it, and sure enough, it lurched forward with another screech.
Adriana reinforced her stance, standing her ground until the scorpion only had a few seconds of distance left to close. At her side, the legacy of Hades slipped into the nearest shadow and a grin split across the centurion’s lips.
Time to go to work.
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Imperatore et Lupum (pt. 1)
aka @asktheboywholived‘s The Empire AU, with a few minor tweaks to make it more of my style. I really hope google translate didn’t fail me on the Latin.
In the age of Ancient Rome, there was a royal family, who’s records were lost to historians, and who’s story was never told. Even if it were to be found, the modern day person might have assumed it to be myth, or folk lore, as the family had ruled over the age of Rome that held the most magic of all. It was also the darkest.
They were known as the Black’s, a family so powerful, they were deemed as Gods to the common people, and were considered untouchable.
All, except the young heir, Sirius Orion Black. 
He would be of age in a year, and would soon take the throne. All of this would be fine and dandy, if the boy had already found a wife.
As the family walked in parade with the elite’s on their way to the grand Colosseum for a gruesome show, he and his passionate mother had a whispered, though aggressive conversation on his bachelorhood.
“You’ve met every girl who’s worthy of the throne, not only in the city, but in the whole region!”
“Perhaps the woman I seek is not apart of the elites.” Sirius responded smugly to his mother’s bereavement.
“I would rather die than see you married to an unworthy, commoner.” The Empress hissed.
Sirius chuckled humorlessly, and thankfully the rest of their walk was held in silence. 
The show they were on their way to see, was mostly a show for those participating in it. In the last week their had been an uprising in a community of creatures known as Beasts. The Beasts look identical to other townsfolk during the daytime, but once a month on the full moon, their true nature was shown in full. They were also known to be particularly aggressive during other time of the month as well, in fact, it took most of the standing Roman army to combat them.
Typically, Beasts were used as slaves, or weapons. In fact, Sirius knew of many Beasts who worked both in the palace, and in the fields that grew the families own personal food - untouchable to the public.
The pack of Beasts had been thriving just under the noses of the the Emperor, and had managed to start a full scale takeover of the city. However it seemed insignificant, as the army had massacred over half of their already small population. The survivors were meant to battle to the death in the arena, overlooked by the elites and the royal family, so that they knew their place even as they were slaughtered.
Sirius had found this a rather cruel fate, as he had been silently cheering the Beasts on. The Gods only knew had badly he wanted to see the end of his parents reign. Sirius saw how cruelly they treated their own people, and while he wanted to help them, he had no interest in becoming Emperor.
He had no interest in watching the bloodshed either. Sirius had spent his entire life in the palace, where on more than one occasion he saw slave being whipped, or simply saw them being dragged away, kicking and screaming, towards the Colosseum, or to some other cruel form of death.
Not to mention, what his own family did to one another when no one was looking.
They entered the grand arena, and were immediately greeted by a man Sirius knew to be Fenrir Greyback. He was a Beast as well, but he had long ago made an alliance with the royal family, and had lead the army against his own kind himself.
“Good morrow, Your Majesties.” He said with a toothy grin that made Sirius shudder in both horror and disgust.  “I’m sure this will be a fine show.”
“How many are there?” His deranged cousin Bellatrix asked with an obvious tone of joy.
“Twelve. All had been close in the pack. Now we watch them fight to the death.” Fenrir said, a taunting laughter was evident in his voice. Bellatrix let out her own bark of twisted laughter, and that was all Sirius really processed before he started zoning out the world around him.
The royal family took their seats in their box, waiting for the show to begin. Sirius wanted to be anywhere but where he was. He hated these public displays of murder a backstabbing. The thought that some of the elite brought their young children to these events made him sick. He knew that for the next few weeks, he would have nightmares of the arena, the tigers and lions that came from who-knows-where, the gladiators and the beasts who mercilessly beat already dead bodies just to make sure they would still get out of there alive. The blood that splattered the floor, the walls, and the warriors themselves.
Before long, Sirius noticed the tall, almost regal looking man who was being lead to the center of the arena, hands tied behind his back, by a guard who wore a uniform that covered their whole body, so that no one would notice their true identity.The heir of Rome knew who this was. The leader of the group, who was going to be made a public example of. Sirius hoped that since the man had some rank, the execution would not be so brutal.
He was sorely mistaken.It was the longest, bloodiest, most painful looking execution Sirius had ever seen in the arena, and that’s saying something. The man was repeatedly stabbed until no inch of his body was left unbloodied except his head, before that too was walloped off with one stroke of the guards sword.
Sirius grimaced, he closed his eyes but that did not block out the sounds, and if he covered his ears it would be too noticeable, and his family would ridicule him for months, and inevitably force him to go watch more of these events.Instead, Sirius thought it best to try and concentrate on other matters.
He turned to look at his mother, who had her eyes locked on the arena, he expression calm as she slowly fanned herself with the ornate, lacy hand fan his cousin Narcissa had gifted her with just hours before.
“Mother,” he started softly so that no one else heard. “I’d like to make a deal with you.”
The Empress turned to face him. “Oh? And what might that be?”
“I’ll let you pick who I marry, so long as I am allowed to have affairs of my own.”
His mother narrowed his eyes. “You want me to turn a blind eye on your disloyalty?
“It wouldn’t be disloyalty if she knows I’m doing it,” Sirius insisted casually. “Besides, I wouldn’t mind if my future wife had her own affairs.”
She seemed to ponder this. “If I let you do this, you must produce an heir and carry on the reign of Black.”
“Of course.”
“Then it’s a deal.”
Just then, gongs rang throughout the stadium, and the gates that lined the arena slowly raised open to reveal the chained Beasts.
 The fight to the death had begun.
Remus was in chains. As one of the few Beasts who survived their failed revolution, he found himself prepared to face his death at the hands of his allies.
The chamber was dark. The only light came from a tiny eye flap, which had been opened so that he could see his leader, the only father he ever remembered, one of the few people he still respected, brutally executed.
Remus had never felt so scared before. He prided himself in being extremely brave, but the prospect of having to fight the vary people who had practically raised him, until they were all but one dead? That terrified him. After Romulus’s death, Remus found himself freed from the chains, but not the chamber. He didn’t remember anyone coming into unfasten the shackles, nor did he remember them even simply falling away. But then, he heard the mighty ring of gongs echo loudly through his small, temporary room, and the gate in front of him began to open. He was pushed by an unseen force into the arena, and the gates slammed shut again. He looked around. He recognized all the remaining survivors. The woman who watched over the little one’s while their parents trained, the man who had taught him how to fight, the man who did the night watch, the woman who had beat him once during training. Out of all of them, he was at the most disadvantage. He was the youngest. but Remus doomed himself to his fate already. One of these people whom he had once loved, would become his murderer. He told himself that he would only fight in defense. He thought all of this in the span of two seconds, because before he knew it, they were charging at each other, and the killing had begun. The rest of his time in the arena was a blur. He defended himself when he needed to, at one point killing one of the men. He vaguely recognized a feeling of disgust welling up in his chest. Remus had hoped that they had all thought like him, that they all were wary of killing each other just for the entertainment of the Roman public. But instead they had fallen for the bait, they were killing each other, scratching each other, ripping each other apart with their own hands. They kicked up so much dirt and dust that he couldn’t see two feet in front of him. They were becoming the animals they had fought to show the world they weren’t all of their time together had fallen to pieces right before Remus’s eyes. Then, when the dirt and haze cleared, he realized that nine out of the twelve were dead. How long did it take? Only thirty minutes? An hour? Two at most, though Remus knew in his heart it didn’t even take that long. He watched the other two fight, tired out, weakly wrestling each other. One of their hands tightly around the other’s throat and then - Blood splattered the arena floor, and Remus’s face. He blinked, wiping away the blood to see that the other two were skewered together with a spear. They fell to the ground dead. Remus turned to see who had thrown the spear. His face hardened. Fenrir Greyback.
Remus felt hot anger well up in his chest. This man was just like the rest of them. He had come into their pack saying he wanted to join their cause, but really only wanted to destroy them all for the Royal family of Rome. Remus had suspected him from the beginning, and yet he had been too late to act -
Greyback turned to face the royal box, bowing before he spoke loudly so the entire Colosseum could hear.
“I’m sparing this one.”
Sirius admired the Beast who did not engage of any of the fighting. He kept his eyes on him, hoping that his inevitable death would be less painless than the ones happening all around him. Sirius liked that the boy still had his dignity.
Although Sirius was hoping he would come out on top, he doubted the young man would make it to the end of the fight. His defensive skills were a sight to be seen, but if he attacked no one, he would never win.
When there were only three Beasts remaining, they sent Fenrir to finish them off. Sirius felt a pang of pity and the boy he’d been watching watched the other two battle it out, his face an expression of shock and horror, which doubled when they were both speared through the middle.
When Fenrir turned to kill the last of the Beasts, he did something that surprised them all thoroughly.
“I’m sparing this one.”
It wasn’t like Fenrir to give up the chance to kill anyone. Though some part of Sirius was happy the boy would live, there was a spark of fear that flared up in him when he caught a glimpse of his mother’s face. She was livid.
She stood, and looked as though she was going to shout back at Fenrir to finish the boy off, but Sirius stopped her.
He didn’t know what compelled him to do it, but he grabbed her by the skirt of her dress and whispered privately to her.
“I choose him.”
She stared at him for a moment, then turned back to Fenrir in the arena.
“Take the survivor to the palace. He’s to become a slave for my son.”
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backroadblues · 7 years
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June 4th, 2017 - Heidelberg, Germany Elisa and I both slept well tonight. We didn't have anything specific on the agenda today other than making sure we got into Heidelberg by around 12:00 noon so we could meet with one of Elisa's long lost High School friends - Terri Rooney and her husband Gary Fowler. Elisa and Terri had lost touch with one another in about 1979 or 1980. Both she and Terri were moving to different locations and they simply fell out of touch. When we began planning on our trip to Europe, for some reason her friend Terri popped into her head and although she had searched for her many times on the internet, Facebook, etc. all her searches came up empty. This is largely due to the facts that Rooney is such a common name and all of her searches would be overwhelming. Nevertheless, something was urging her to do another search. This time she searched while adding another piece of information that she remembered about Terri and that is that she was in the Navy at one point in her life. This time the search produced some new results - Elisa was led to a webpage on Bank of America's website. The page was celebrating its employees who were U.S. Military Veterans. Lo and behold, up pops a faded photo of her friend Terri, from when she was in the Navy. The page indicated that Terri was now a Sr. Vice President with BofA and working in......wait for it.....Germany of all places. It is so strange, that Elisa got the premonition to do another search prior to our taking a vacation to Italy and Germany. (Cue eerie music). How wierd. So now we at least knew that in 2014, when the webpage was created her friend Terri was working for BofA in Germany, managing banking operations for US military bases. Now the problem was to figure out how to get connected. It just so happens that our daughter Krista's fiancé's mother Connie also works for BofA. So Elisa gets in touch with her, and Connie explains that there are strict rules at BofA that prohibit her from distributing personal information about other employees - totally understandable. However, Connie is able to use the information to find a LinkedIn page for Terri. Bingo, Elisa is able to use that to message Terri. Our only concern is that if Terri is like us, we don't look at our Linkedin messages that often. We are in luck and within a week or two, Terri responds and the two are reconnected - after some 37 years. The two catch up via email on each other's life story and plans are made to meet when we are near the Frankfurt area. How exciting. So, today is that day, when the two will finally see one another again and Elisa is filled with anticipation. We get up around 6:30 am, we take our time getting ready and eating some breakfast. I'm busy reading the news and at 8:30 she says let's get going. We aren't scheduled to meet with Terri and Gary until 12:00 in Heidelberg. So, we decide that we will go early so we can visit the Heidelberg castle before we get together with them at noon. We leave the house by a little before 9:00 and we are headed up the hill to find parking near the castle by around 10:00. Most people park down in the Altstadt and take the funicular train up the hill to the castle. We opted to search for parking up near the castle entrance since it is near opening time. We are in luck, we find a great parking space (thank you Minerva) right near the entrance - and it is a free parking spot. The castle sits about 300' above the city of Heidelberg, and as we make our way into the grounds we are taking photos along the way. We pay for our admission and pick up an audio guided tour of the grounds. The castle is really amazing. They are largely in ruins, but great efforts have been made starting back in the late 1700's to preserve the ruins as opposed to reconstructing them. Some items, such as some of the statuary are remade to create an accurate historical record of the castle. Construction of the castle was commenced around around the late 1100's. It was periodically destroyed by fire and war but rebuilt. By the 1600's the then Kings made very elaborate additions to the castle. However by the early 1700's the castle would again be destroyed by the French who had taken it in the "Nine Days War". Which came after the Thirty Years War. I'm going to have to study up on the history...all these wars seem to have to do with the feudal system that emerged in Germany where you had a bunch of rich guys holding rule over people in an area and a political struggle that emerged between the Holy Roman Empire and the Palatine rulers - oh and then throw in hostilities from neighboring countries from time to time. Anyhow, this time the French really did a number on the castle, they exploded the powder magazine which blew one of the huge stone towers completely in half. They then set a number of fires. There are stories though that suggest that one of the French general that was leaving told the villiage towns people to light fires so the smoke from their fireplaces would make it appear that the castle fires were larger then they really were. Supposedly, the General wanted to leave enough to the beautiful and might castle behind for the sake of history. This time, the castle would never be rebuilt, however by the later 1700's efforts were made to preserve the ruins and it would become a visiting ground for philosophers and writers of the day - including Johan Von Goethe the famous German statesman and writer/philosopher. Our tour of the castle was really interesting. We got to see the mighty giant wine barrel. One was original and it was the "tithe barrel", where growers and wine makers that served the lord of the castle would have to bring 1/10th of their harvest to be turned into wine and poured into the great barrel. This thing is huge and lore indicates that it was only filled 3 times in its existence - by the way the wine wasn't very good. In the 1800's an even larger barrel was built to celebrate the church. That barrel was never filled with wine - its a good thing because it is the size of a small house. There was also a "traveling exhibit" at the castle that detailed the history of the "Apoteke" or pharmacy. This too was very interesting. It provided educational details on the history of medicine making. There were recipes using different types of plants to cure various maladies that date back to 120BC. The ancient Greeks began accumulating these recipes from faraway lands in Africa and Arabia. The Romans would enslave Greeks to be the modern day equivalent of doctors for the Roman Empire. Marcus Aurelius would endeavor to create the first collective library of medicin making and the collection of the plants and other natural materials that would go not these locations. The science would continue - there would be setback in the early ages - when religious fervor would look down on man made cures. However, by the 1500's the pharmaceutical business was back in business. The museum included private collections of entire "drug stores" of different time periods starting in about the 1500's. It was very interesting and a real highlight. Based on my web research, this exhibit has been here for some time. By the time we were done, we notice it is going on 11:30 and we needed to find our way down the hill to get to the restaurant where we would be meeting Terri and Gary. Unfortunately, our internet connection is down on our phone and we can't get the map coordinates for GPS plugged in. After heading blindly down the hill we make several wrong turns but finally we have a good enough connection to get the GPS working again - and none too soon because we were already attracting a toot of a couple of horns based on my meandering the streets of Heidelberg. We make our way over the Rhein River and find the meeting point, but there is no parking. We find a spot a few blocks away (thank you Minerva) and we head over there. The two spot one another while we are still about 100 yards away. We all rush together and hugs are exchanges and tears are falling - the two are so happy. Gary and I shake hands and get to know one another as well. The plan is for us to take a short hike on the Philosophers Way in Heidelberg. This paved walking trail was a favorite hangout for the famous philosophers and writers of the day - back in the 1800's. We can understand why, after you make the steep up-hill hike, the views are wonderful. At the summit we have a commanding view of the Rhein River, "Old" Heidelberg, the cathedral and of course the castle. It really is breathtaking. The forecast included rain, and it was cool and rainy when we left the house, but by the time we are making our way up the hill the clouds parted - a little bit - and the rain stopped. (Thank you Minerva). This is the Germany I remember from when I lived here - the days of blue skies and warm weather were far and few between. The hike is about 2-1/2 miles and it take us up a steep hill for about 3/4 of a mile, the next 3/4 of a mile is a flat to gentle uphill slope and next 1/4 mile is pretty steep downhill and the last 3/4 is flat and takes you along the riverside and leads us back to our restaurant - River Cafe. By now, it is around 1:45 and we are ready for lunch. Gary and Terri had held their annual Cinco-de-Mayo party the night before - it was delayed due to Gary being back in the States in May. Their German neighbors love and look forward to it every year. Apparently the Germans love Mexican food. Who would of thunk it. So, we are glad that they could make the trip down to Heidelberg to meet us. The restaurant is small and cozy and has a menu that leans a little Italian and little French. Elisa decides to go light and orders a shrimp and avocado salad - (we have been missing avocados). Terri and Gary also get a salad - Gary has Caesar with Chicken and Terri one with goat cheese. I opt for some sautéed veal steams with fingerling potatoes wrapped in crispy bacon. I have to say that the Germans do potatos very well, there potatos have a unique, almost sweet tast to them. I also order some grilled vegetables for Elisa and I to share. I wash mine down with a great .5 liter of blond pilsner beer - delicious. The food is great and we all enjoy it. We dine at a leisurely pace, and the restaurant does not mind. After eating we stay another couple hours catching up and filling each other in on our lives, kids, likes, dislikes, etc. Before you know it, it is going on 5:30 - talk about a leisurely lunch. We loved it and had a great time. Before parting, Terri and Gary give us a great suggestion to catch one of the Rhein River boats in Mainz and to make our way slowly up the Rhein to Koblenz. We can hop on and off the boats that run regularly up the river. We'll spend about 5 hours doing that tomorrow and hopefully make our way to a castle here and there along the way up. Then we will stop by Terri and Gary's place on the way back from Mainz and have dinner and some Karaoke at their place. It turns out they met each other and fell in love singing karaoke 25 years ago. Elisa's eyes light up - she has found kindered spirits because she too loves karaoke. Unfortunately, my talents in this area are non-existent but I make a great and enthusiastic audience. I'm looking forward to it as well. So that is all for today. our step count was at about 12000 steps or 6 miles. Not a bad day. Aufwiedersehen for now!
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sortiarius65-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://worldofamulets.com/product/silver-pendant-seal-of-the-archangels-and-olympian-spirits/
Silver Pendant Seal of the Archangels and Olympian Spirits
The Silver Pendant Seal of the Archangels and Olympian Spirits is used to invoke any of the archangels or spirits and asking for their favors. In this incredible amulet not only the arcangels can be invoked but allso the 7 Olympian Spirits. This amulet will help you communicate with all of them when needed.
To invoke any of them just say it’s name 3 times followed by: I, (your name) invoke (name of the archangel or spirit) to serve my goal. After this you clearly and precisely state your goal to him and finish with: “Please go out there and make my wish come true. My payment is the gratitude i feel when you bring success.”
The Archangels
Michael Hebrew = Who is like God? Michael is one of the Angels of God’s presence. He is depicted as a warrior-prince leading the celestial armies against wicked forces and in Christian tradition he is the Angel with the sword. He appears as a tall young man, blonde hair and has yellow/golden coloured eyes. He is usually dressed in a golden cloak and tunic. He carries a large sword in his right hand. One of the Angels of the Apocalypse together with; Orifel, Anel, Zachariel, Raphael, Samael, Gabriel. One of the Angels of Creation with Orifel, Anael, Zachariel, Samael, Raphael, Gabriel. The first Angel created by God, Michael is the leader of all the Archangels and is in charge of protection, courage, strength, truth and integrity. The Ruling Princes of the Nine Celestial Orders: Seraphim: Michael, Seraphiel, Jehoel, Uriel, Kemuel. Ruler of the Fourth Heaven. reputedly contains the heavenly Jerusalem, the Temple and the Altar.
Magical Intentions:
Worldly ambition,, new jobs, peace, to acquire money and favors from people in power, regain youth, recovery of lost property and to obtain luck. It is an excellent time to work efforts involving business partnerships, work promotions, business ventures, and professional success. Spells where friendships, mental or physical health, or bringing joy back into life are an issue work well on this day, too. Growth, Advancements, Enlightment, Rational Thought, Exorcism, Healing, Prosperity, Hope, Exorcism, Money
Gabriel comes from the Hebrew meaning “Man of God.” It has alternately been translated “God is mighty” or “the strength/power of God.” The Prologue from Ohrid explains his name this way: “Man-God. Gabriel, has also been interpreted to mean ‘God is my strength.’
Christian tradition makes Gabriel the Archangel trumpeter of the Last Judgment (1 Thes. 4.16). In Islam, Gabriel revealed the Qur’an to Muhammad, becoming the Angel of truth. In art and literature Gabriel is mainly treated as the Angel of the Annunciation. In the Annunciation he often carries a lily, properly the symbol of the Virgin. He is often represented on churches with trumpet raised and facing east, ready to proclaim the second coming of Christ. The Archangel Gabriel appears as a mature male with long silver hair. Muscular in form and clothed in white/silver robe which shines in the light. Some say he also has a silver crescent ornament on his brow.
St. Gabriel the Archangel -“Fortitudo Dei”, one of the three archangels mentioned in the Bible. Only four appearances of Gabriel are recorded: In Daniel 8, he explains the vision of the horned ram as portending the destruction of the Persian Empire by the Macedonian Alexander the Great, after whose death the kingdom will be divided up among his generals, from one of whom will spring Antiochus Epiphanes. In chapter 9, after Daniel had prayed for Israel, we read that “the man Gabriel . . . . flying swiftly touched me” and he communicated to him the mysterious prophecy of the “seventy weeks” of years which should elapse before the coming of Christ. In chapter 10, it is not clear whether the angel is Gabriel or not, but at any rate we may apply to him the marvellous description in verses 5 and 6. In the New Testament he foretells to Zachary the birth of the Precursor, and to Mary that of the Saviour. (Hugh T. Pope. Transcribed by Sean Hyland. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VI. Published 1909. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Nihil Obstat, September 1, 1909. Remy Lafort, Censor. Imprimatur. +John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York)
The Jews venerated Gabriel as the angel of judgment, and in both Jewish and Christian tradition he is one of the seven archangels. Gabriel is also known to Moslems, who believe him to be the angel who served as the mouthpiece of God in dictating the Koran to Mohammed. Angel of the Apocalypse with Orifel, Anel, Zachariel, Raphael, Samael, and Michael. Angel of Joy with Raphael. Watcher of the South. Ruler of the First Heaven. This heaven is the closest heavenly realm to the Earth. Many believe it is the abode of Adam and Eve ( who were also angels ) Angel of Mercy with Rahmiel, Rachmiel, Michael, Zehanpuryu, and Zadkiel.
Magical Intentions:
The ebb and Flow of magical power, all things domestic or about marriage, women in particular .Monday’s energy best aligns itself with efforts that deal with women, home and hearth, the family, the garden, travel, and medicine. It also boosts rituals involving psychic development and prophetic dreaming. Psychic Sensitivity, Women’s Mysteries, Tides, Waters, Emotional Issues, Agriculture, Animals, Female Fertility, Messages, Theft, Reconsolidations, Voyages, Dreams and Merchandise
Sachiel or Tzadkiel is an archangel of the order of Cherubim. The meaning of his name is variously given as “the covering of God” He appears in a urple robe with a cloak, in the image of an older man with gray hair. He also hold a scepter. Ruler of the Sixth Heaven.
Magical Intention:
The achievement of general ambitions, health and wealth. Generates friendships and social prestige. Governs Lawyers, legal affairs and justice. Thursday, the vibrations of this day attune well to all matters involving material gain. Use them for working rituals that entail general success, accomplishment, honors and awards, or legal issues. These energies are also helpful in matters of luck, gambling, and prosperity.
Anael Hebrew: “Joy of God” or “Grace of God”, also known as Aniel.He is an Angel in Jewish lore and Angelology, and is often included in lists as being one of the seven archangels. The name Haniel probably derives from Hebrew hana’ah, “joy”, “pleasure” His family seal is a crescent moon with a small dove beneath it. From Hebrew hana’ah means”delight,” “enjoyment” plus el “God.” Haniel (Anael) means “the Grace of God” . He is listed in as one of the 7 Archangels. From a Kabbalistic perspective it is thought that this Angel escorted Enoch (Angel Metatron).
There is conflicting descriptions of the Archangel Anael some believe that the Archangel is Anael is 5’2″ tall with straight light blond hair and one pair of large cream wings., others an androgynous figure long black hair and with large gray wings approximately 6′ 0″ tall. Some also say that the angel appears as Dressed in emerald green tunic and carrying a lantern. He holds a wand tipped with a pine cone and decorated with multi-coloured ribbons. Archangel Anael is reputed to be the daughter of the Archangel Michael. As hshe is also one of the Angels of creation, this is unlikely as God made all the cration Angels. One of the Angels of Creation, which includes: Anael, Orifel, Zachariel, Samael, Raphael, Gabriel & Michael. Chief of the Order of Principalities and Virtues.
Ruler of the Second Heaven and in charge of prayers ascending from the 1st Heaven. The Second Heaven serves as the home of the Garden of Eden. It is also believed that both Paradise and Hell are contained in the second heaven on the “Northern Side” Prince of the Archangels and ruler of the Friday Angels.
Venus, the jewel of the sky, was once know by ancient astronomers as the morning star and evening star. Early astronomers once thought Venus to be two separate bodies. Venus, which is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, is veiled by thick swirling cloud cover.
Astronomers refer to Venus as Earth’s sister planet. Both are similar in size, mass, density and volume. Both formed about the same time and condensed out of the same nebula. The astronomical symbol for Venus isa Circle above an equal armed cross. The Venus symbol has therefore been adopted to represents femininity, and in Western alchemy stood for the metal copper. Polished copper was used by the ancients to make mirrors, and thus the symbol for Venus has been interpretted to stand for the mirror of the goddess. The Patron Angel of Students, Teachers & Learning.
Magical Intentions: Love affairs, friendships and marriage. All artistic matters, drama, the arts and beauty. Venus’s energies are warm, sensuous, and fulfilling. Efforts that involve any type of pleasure, comfort, and luxury, as well as the arts and music work well on his day. As Venus lends its sensuous influences to the energies of this day (Friday), use it for any magical work that deals with matters of the Heart. Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship, Strangers and Partnerships.
Raphael, Archangel. Standard Hebrew, “God has healed”, “God Heals”, “God, Please Heal”, and many other combinations of the two words. An Archangel of Judaism and Christianity, who performs all manner of healing. The Hebrew word for a doctor of medicine is Rophe connected to the same root word as Raphael. Raphael is sometimes shown (usually on medallions) as standing atop a large fish or holding a caught fish at the end of a line on a fishing rod. Appears as a young man dressed in a flowing yellow cloak and bodice. Also, as with the Greek God Hermes, wears winged hat and sandals. He carry’s a caduceus. According to the occultist Johannes Trithemius (1462–1516), Raphael is one of the 7 angels of the Apocalypse (this opinion is derived from Enoch 20) and numbered among the 10 holy Sephiroth. Raphael is also denoted as one of the 7 Archangels who stand in the presence of God, as well as a ruler of the Cherubim and Archangel classes in the heavenly hierarchy. The Archangel, alongside Zarachiel, also holds dominion over Raquia, the Second Heaven. Angel of Compassion – Raphael. The Ruler of the Third Heaven. whem Oses visitedParadise it was the third heaven. It is also believed that the “Fallen Angels” are imprisoned in Raquia. From the Hebrew word rapha which means “doctor” or “healer”. Raphael is a powerful healer and assists with all forms of healing – humans and animals. He helps to rapidly heal body, mind and spirit if called upon. One of the Angels of Creation together with; Orifel, Anael, Zachariel, Samael, Gabriel, Michael. Raphael: is the Watcher of the North.
Magical Intention:
Business success and the will to succeed. Influencing people, theatre, mental ability and gifted speaking. Wednesday’s vibration adds power to rituals involving inspiration, communications, writers, poets, the written and spoken word, and all matters of study, learning, and teaching. This day also provides a good time to begin efforts involving self-improvement or understanding.
Archangel Samael: Appears as a strong muscular young man wearing a tunic on the style of the Romans with a flowing cloak. He has long red hair tied into a pony-tail. In his right hand he hold a short sword, again in the Roman style. Some say on his breast is a bronze plate engraved with a pentagram. Reputed to be the Angel of death & destruction who is often equated with Samael incorrectly, in the Book of Revelation this Angel is as Apollyon. One of the Angels of the Apocalypse together with; Orifel, Anel, Zachariel, Raphael, Michael and Gabriel. Ruler of the Fifth Heaven. One of the Angels of Creation together with; Orifel, Anael, Zachariel, Raphael, Gabriel and Michael.
Magical Intentions:
Physical courage and overcoming enemies. Projects related to war – success, prevention and cause. Disrupts friendships and causes discord. The energies of this day best harmonize with efforts of masculine vibration, such as conflict, physical endurance and strength, lust, hunting, sports, and all types of competition. Use them, too, for rituals involving surgical procedures or political ventures. Courage, Physical Strength, Revenge, Military Honors, Surgery and the Breaking of Negative Spells, Matrimony, War, Enemies, Prison, Vitality and Assertiveness
The Olympian Spirits
ARATRON governs those things which are ascribed astrologically to Saturn. He can convert any living organism, plant or animal into stone, and that in a moment of time; he can also change coals into treasure and treasure into coals; he gives familiars and reconciles subterranean spirits to men; he teaches Alchemy, Magic and Medicine, imparts the secret of invisibility, makes the barren fruitful and, lastly, confers long life.
The affairs of Jupiter are administered by BETHOR, who responds quickly when called. The person dignified by his character may be exalted to illustrious positions and may obtain large treasures. He reconciles the Spirits of the Air to man, so that they will give true answers, transport precious stones and compose medicines having miraculous effects. BETHOR also grants familiars of the firmament, and can prolong life to seven hundred years, subject to the will of God, which qualification imparts an air of caution.
Lunary concerns are under the government of PHUL, who truly transmutes all metals into silver, heals dropsy and provides Spirits of the Water, who serve men in a corporal [sic] and visible form; he also prolongs life to three hundred years.
The government of Venereal concerns is entrusted to HAGITH, and the person possessing his character is adorned with all beauty. He converts copper into gold in a moment and gold instantaneously into copper; he also gives faithful serving spirits.
OPHIEL is the ruler of those things which are attributed to Mercury; he gives familiar spirits, teaches all arts, and enables the possessor of his character to change quicksilver immediately into the Philosopher’s Stone. Phaleg
PHALEG governs the things that are attributed to Mars. The person who possesses his character is raised by him to great honour in military affairs.
Solar interests are administered by OCH, who prolongs life to six hundred years, with perfect health therein. He imparts great wisdom, gives excellent (familiar) spirits, composes perfect medicines, converts any substance into the purest of metals, or into precious stones; he also bestows gold and a purse, quaintly described by the English translator of the Arbatel as “springing with gold.” He causes the possessor of his character to be worshipped as a god by the kings of the whole world.
When ordering spells or seals, our spellcasters or seal creators will contact you in 24 hours to get the details for your order. Some state the requirements in the description or the note you get after ordering.The spellcaster will stay in touch with you and keep you updated on the progress and expected results before, during and after the job. All seals are different as they are made only for 1 person. The delivery is is digital form. JPEG or PNG at 300 dpi so you get a high quality impresion. The delivery time and price of the seal depends on the person and the type of seal. Some seals can only be made 2 or 3 times a week, month or even year. The has a big impact on the price. Seals for crops or affairs of the heart are more difficult to make than seals for protection against negative energies.
All seals must be personalised. Only personalised keys and seals produce the desired effects. Don’t use them as the effect they produce in you might be nothing, or the seals can harm your health. You are warned !!!
@media screen and (min-width: 1201px) .kdaov5beebbf55dd1b display: block; @media screen and (min-width: 993px) and (max-width: 1200px) .kdaov5beebbf55dd1b display: block; @media screen and (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 992px) .kdaov5beebbf55dd1b display: block; @media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 768px) .kdaov5beebbf55dd1b display: block; @media screen and (max-width: 767px) .kdaov5beebbf55dd1b display: block;
#AngelAmulet, #AngelAmuletMeaning, #AngelProtectionAmulet, #AngelRazielAmulet, #AngelWingsAmulet, #Angels, #AratronOlympianSpirit, #Arcangels, #ArchangelAmulet, #ArchangelArielPendant, #ArchangelAzraelPendant, #ArchangelCassielPendant, #ArchangelChamuelPendant, #ArchangelGabrielPendant, #ArchangelGabrielPendantNecklace, #ArchangelMetatronPendant, #ArchangelMichaelCrystalPendant, #ArchangelMichaelPendantAmulet, #ArchangelMichaelPendantAustralia, #ArchangelMichaelPendantEbay, #ArchangelMichaelPendantGold, #ArchangelMichaelPendantSilver, #ArchangelMichaelPendantUk, #ArchangelMichaelSigilPendant, #ArchangelMichaelSwordPendant, #ArchangelMichaelTitaniumPendant, #ArchangelPendant, #ArchangelRaphaelPendant, #ArchangelRaphaelSigilPendant, #ArchangelUrielPendant, #Demons, #OlympianSpirit, #OlympianSpiritOch, #OphielOlympianSpirit, #Spellcaster, #Spells, #StMichaelTheArchangelPendantUk
1 note · View note
minrcrafter · 7 years
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Total War: Earth [PVP] {Factions} {Movecraft} {Massive battles} {1.10}
Server Trailer:"Old-Server-Trailer!"
FORUMS: "Forums"
RULES: "Rules"
=====================Server Lore Start======================
The year is 1750, you are busy tending your field in central Europe. As you are busy plowing, a great sound of engines rolls across the sky and fields like that of roaring thunder. You look up, and see just what you expected. A mighty German airship slowly moves through the air, its massive turrets and armor gleaming in the bright summer sun. As it passes over your field, the noise not only frightens away the pesky crows, but i also seems to have upset your milk cow and other farm animals. To much in awe to be angered, you watch the airship sail away into the distance, closely followed by its escort of small airskiffs...
Welcome to the world of total war, a world set on an alternate timeline, a timeline in which religious persecutions, and the great 30 years war never happened. A timeline in which the Roman empire was able to hold back the barbarian invaders from sacking Rome. Because of this, Europe was never plunged into the dark ages, it remained in a seemingly never ending age of discovery. On top of this, a magical rock, christened 'redstone' by its Roman discoverers was never hunted down and destroyed for being 'witch craft'. Instead, religious leaders left it alone, and in the late 1500s it was discovered to do more than make a pretty glow, it could power things. the worlds top scientists set to work immediately, learning how to better harness its power, and, eventually, making lighter-than-air ships with massive cannons that now grace the heavens above. Due to this, colonies grew quickly, trans Atlantic travel quickened from months to mere days, and even though the rest of technology was still in the 1600's where Flintlock pistols, muskets, blunderbuss, and hand to hand all still dominate the battlefield, this gave the world a new glow in itself, a glow of WAR.
The age of discovery seems to be ending though, scientists struggle to find anything revolutionary. As the world stops finding new and exciting things, nations are growing in an ever shrinking world. It is only a matter of time until war breaks out, and when it does, whos side will you take? What will you fight for? Will you stand your ground against impossible odds or break at the first sign of adversity?
Welcome to a world of endless possibilities, a world where you decide what happens, a world that is merely a powder keg waiting for a spark....
welcome, to total war.
=====================Server Lore End======================+
=====================Connection Information Start===================
Server Version: 1.19 (but 1.11 and 1.12 can join too)
=====================Connection Information End===================
=====================Server Features Start===================
Special Features:
MOVECRAFT (working Boats/planes/tanks/torpedos)
No Bull-Shit Owner
Enchants are Disabled
Potions are Disabled
minecraft boat crafting disabled to promote movecraft usage
Cannot use water walls or lava walls for bases!
Capture Cargo route city's/Regions with /siege function
=====================Server Features End===================
=====================Server Computer Features Start===================
Computer Specs:
CPU: Intel i3 7350K 4.2ghz (5th best CPU for Single thread performance)
Mother-Board:MSI H110M Gaming LGA 1151 Intel H110 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.1 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard
Ram: x1 8GB DDR4 RipJaw Gskill @2400hz Link: http://ift.tt/2mv5NAy
Video Graphics: Integrated in mother board (it's a server computer LOL)
Power supply: a 500W Power supply, nothing to write home about but gets the job done.
Case: It's a micro-atx case, nothing special, Black with Blue and some internal LEDS.
Hard Drive: 500GB Sata III 6mb/s Hard Drive (seagate)
Operating System: Windows 10
Internet: 100MB/s connection ( My wired computer has like a 29-35MB/s upload speed with a 85-100 MB/s download speed)
**Wired Cat 6 from Router. Router and Cable modem are aftermarket to
allow much higher rate of transfer then stock ISP equipment. **
=====================Server Computer Features End===================
=====================Description of Unique Server Features Start ===================
Build your castles, train your troops, and vanquish your foes on the field of battle!
With our plugin ** movecraft:** you can now Make any craft from our list block by block, pilot them, and use them! AKA, Move around, load them onto a fleet of mighty ships to rule the waves! Make AA ground turrets to shoot down enemy planes attacking you, make your own fleets of airships, and submersible crafts, do what YOU want! and Yes, those boats and planes MOVE!
Need troops? you will be able to Raise an army by growing a minecraft villager village, the more villagers your faction or nation has, the more 1-life troops you get per week (We have a staff member who only does this, max atm is 40villagers=8 1-Life npcs soldiers a week)
Want to be a farmer? Trader? shipwright? you can make GOOD money in each profession.
Crack shot with guns added!! (flintlock pistols, Muskets, Blunderbuss's) (Throwing spears too!)
RACE Plugin! We have 10 custom ancestry races that give you certain bonus's depending on where you're character was from! (North/South American, Asian, Mediterranean, and more!)
Trade routes multiple player controllable cities,Server cities are setup so that players have to travel to them for best prices on essential items, making the economy Player driven, and dynamic.
Players will be able to fight over entire cities and.... if your faction was big enough you
can literally claim around the Trading port and blockade that city to only allies and you!
The server is currently in alpha, so things will change, and bugs will be found and dealt with. we are heavily based off of the Real total war game franchise, working daily with players to recreate a first person version of Total war! You can build you're empire Block by Block, or tear another faction down in the same manner. This server is not for the weak of heart, you're builds will be damaged if you start things with other players (you can only take damage to faction lands while you are online). Server towns are opening up to promote trade, and need to travel, we are growing fast, join us!
=====================Description of Unique Server Features End ===================
=====================List of Movecraft Crafts Start ===================
Server Craft list includes:
Drill (can drill through all stones and ores, to collect ores or to be used to drill an attack tunnel into enemy lands)
Carrier (a boat that can carry a lot of other blocks, like fighter jets or bomber planes or tanks)
Ram (can go through walls of enemys, or be used to collect stones and woods)
Plow (can harvest crops into chests while you drive over them)
Hand cannon (just what is sounds like, a portable craft, with cannons allowed on it)
PlaneFactory (a factory craft to allow mass production of crafts)
sailboat (small boat)
smallship (mid sized boat)
bigship (biggest boat)
Tank (a tank craft)
Elevator (an elevator to move people or crafts up and down)
Airship (flyable air ship, used as a destroyer in the sky, or bomber)
Airskiff (small plane type craft, yes you can equip it with torpedos, bombs and firecharges)
BigAirskiff (medium plane type craft)
citygate.craft (for making custom gates and LARGE doors)
LaunchASM.craft (Air to Surface Missile Craft)
LaunchSAM.craft (Surface to Air missile Craft)
Torpedo.craft ( torpedos)
TorpTurret.craft (turrets for torpedos)
Turret.craft (for AA guns and land crafts for defense)
=====================List of Movecraft Crafts End ===================
Come check us out!
The entire goal is to let the players create their own
world without any un-needed intervention of the owner or administrators.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
Tumblr media
Total war: Earthmap 1.9 [PVP] [Chaos]
Server Trailer:"Old-Server-Trailer!"
=====================Server Lore Start======================
The year is 1750, you are busy tending your field in central Europe. As you are busy plowing, a great sound of engines rolls across the sky and fields like that of roaring thunder. You look up, and see just what you expected. A mighty German airship slowly moves through the air, its massive turrets and armor gleaming in the bright summer sun. As it passes over your field, the noise not only frightens away the pesky crows, but i also seems to have upset your milk cow and other farm animals. To much in awe to be angered, you watch the airship sail away into the distance, closely followed by its escort of small airskiffs...
Welcome to the world of total war, a world set on an alternate timeline, a timeline in which religious persecutions, and the great 30 years war never happened. A timeline in which the Roman empire was able to hold back the barbarian invaders from sacking Rome. Because of this, Europe was never plunged into the dark ages, it remained in a seemingly never ending age of discovery. On top of this, a magical rock, christened 'redstone' by its Roman discoverers was never hunted down and destroyed for being 'witch craft'. Instead, religious leaders left it alone, and in the late 1500s it was discovered to do more than make a pretty glow, it could power things. the worlds top scientists set to work immediately, learning how to better harness its power, and, eventually, making lighter-than-air ships with massive cannons that now grace the heavens above. Due to this, colonies grew quickly, trans Atlantic travel quickened from months to mere days, and even though the rest of technology was still in the 1600's where Flintlock pistols, muskets, blunderbuss, and hand to hand all still dominate the battlefield, this gave the world a new glow in itself, a glow of WAR.
The age of discovery seems to be ending though, scientists struggle to find anything revolutionary. As the world stops finding new and exciting things, nations are growing in an ever shrinking world. It is only a matter of time until war breaks out, and when it does, whos side will you take? What will you fight for? Will you stand your ground against impossible odds or break at the first sign of adversity?
Welcome to a world of endless possibilities, a world where you decide what happens, a world that is merely a powder keg waiting for a spark....
welcome, to total war.
=====================Server Lore End======================+
=====================Connection Information Start===================
Server Version: 1.9 (but 1.10 and 1.11 can join too)
=====================Connection Information End===================
=====================Server Features Start===================
Special Features:
MOVECRAFT (working Boats/planes/tanks/torpedos)
No Bull-Shit Owner
Enchants are Disabled
Potions are Disabled
minecraft boat crafting disabled to promote movecraft usage
Cannot use water walls or lava walls for bases!
Capture Cargo route city's/Regions with /siege function
=====================Server Features End===================
=====================Server Computer Features Start===================
Computer Specs:
CPU: Intel i3 7350K 4.2ghz (5th best CPU for Single thread performance)
Mother-Board:MSI H110M Gaming LGA 1151 Intel H110 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.1 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard
Ram: x2 8GB DDR4 RipJaw Gskill @2400hz Link: http://ift.tt/2mv5NAy
Video Graphics: Integrated in mother board (it's a server computer LOL)
Power supply: a 500W Power supply, nothing to write home about but gets the job done.
Case: It's a micro-atx case, nothing special, Black with Blue and some internal LEDS.
Hard Drive: 500GB Sata III 6mb/s Hard Drive (seagate)
Operating System: Windows 10
Internet: 100MB/s connection ( My wired computer has like a 29-35MB/s upload speed with a 85-100 MB/s download speed)
**Wired Cat 6 from Router. Router and Cable modem are aftermarket to
allow much higher rate of transfer then stock ISP equipment. **
=====================Server Computer Features End===================
=====================Description of Unique Server Features Start ===================
Build your castles, train your troops, and vanquish your foes on the field of battle!
With our plugin ** movecraft:** you can now Make any craft from our list block by block, pilot them, and use them! AKA, Move around, load them onto a fleet of mighty ships to rule the waves! Make AA ground turrets to shoot down enemy planes attacking you, make your own fleets of airships, and submersible crafts, do what YOU want! and Yes, those boats and planes MOVE!
Need troops? you will be able to Raise an army by growing a minecraft villager village, the more villagers your faction or nation has, the more 1-life troops you get per week (We have a staff member who only does this, max atm is 40villagers=8 1-Life npcs soldiers a week)
Want to be a farmer? Trader? shipwright? you can make GOOD money in each profession.
Crack shot with guns added!! (flintlock pistols, Muskets, Blunderbuss's) (Throwing spears too!)
RACE Plugin! We have 10 custom ancestry races that give you certain bonus's depending on where you're character was from! (North/South American, Asian, Mediterranean, and more!)
Trade routes multiple player controllable cities,Server cities are setup so that players have to travel to them for best prices on essential items, making the economy Player driven, and dynamic.
Players will be able to fight over entire cities and.... if your faction was big enough you
can literally claim around the Trading port and blockade that city to only allies and you!
The server is currently in alpha, so things will change, and bugs will be found and dealt with. we are heavily based off of the Real total war game franchise, working daily with players to recreate a first person version of Total war! You can build you're empire Block by Block, or tear another faction down in the same manner. This server is not for the weak of heart, you're builds will be damaged if you start things with other players (you can only take damage to faction lands while you are online). Server towns are opening up to promote trade, and need to travel, we are growing fast, join us!
=====================Description of Unique Server Features End ===================
=====================List of Movecraft Crafts Start ===================
Server Craft list includes:
Drill (can drill through all stones and ores, to collect ores or to be used to drill an attack tunnel into enemy lands)
Carrier (a boat that can carry a lot of other blocks, like fighter jets or bomber planes or tanks)
Ram (can go through walls of enemys, or be used to collect stones and woods)
Plow (can harvest crops into chests while you drive over them)
Hand cannon (just what is sounds like, a portable craft, with cannons allowed on it)
PlaneFactory (a factory craft to allow mass production of crafts)
sailboat (small boat)
smallship (mid sized boat)
bigship (biggest boat)
Tank (a tank craft)
Elevator (an elevator to move people or crafts up and down)
Airship (flyable air ship, used as a destroyer in the sky, or bomber)
Airskiff (small plane type craft, yes you can equip it with torpedos, bombs and firecharges)
BigAirskiff (medium plane type craft)
citygate.craft (for making custom gates and LARGE doors)
LaunchASM.craft (Air to Surface Missile Craft)
LaunchSAM.craft (Surface to Air missile Craft)
Torpedo.craft ( torpedos)
TorpTurret.craft (turrets for torpedos)
Turret.craft (for AA guns and land crafts for defense)
=====================List of Movecraft Crafts End ===================
Come check us out!
The entire goal is to let the players create their own
world without any un-needed intervention of the owner or administrators.
0 notes